The Rotunda - Poughkeepsie Public Library District


The Rotunda - Poughkeepsie Public Library District
PERMIT #2290
Winter 2016
Poughkeepsie Public Library District
Page 3
La Plaza de
Page 8
Changing America
Exhibit and Series
Adriance Memorial Library is currently hosting a
major national exhibit titled Changing America:The
Emancipation Proclamation, 1863 and the March on
Washington, 1963. The exhibit is designed to help
the public understand and discuss the relationship
between two great peoples’ movements.
The exhibit will be on display in the Mary Wojtecki Rotunda Gallery at
Adriance Memorial Library until January 29. The Library District is also offering
a series of programs related to the exhibit. The final programs in the series are:
The Impact Of Slavery And The
Emancipation Proclamation in New York
Sunday, January 10, 2:30 pm, The Auditorium
Dr. Sherrill D. Wilson is the author of New York City’s African Slave Owners: A
Social and Material Culture History. Dr. Wilson lectures and writes on the subjects
of the African presence in colonial and early New York, and the enslaved African
presence in the north.
The March on Washington
Wednesday, January 13, 7 pm
Boardman Road Branch Library, Greene
This BBC documentary recounts the events in late
August, 1963, when 250,000 people came together
to form the largest demonstration the United States
had ever seen. The March on Washington for Jobs
and Freedom in 1963 was to become one of the
most important moments in contemporary history.
It was when one of the world’s greatest leaders
spoke, carrying the hopes and dreams of millions of
disenfranchised American people.
The Social Movements
for Economic Security
behind the Emancipation
Proclamation and the
March on Washington
Sunday, January 17, 2:30 pm
The Auditorium
Our guest speaker, Dr. Quincy T. Mills, is
an Associate Professor of History at Vassar
College. He teaches classes on Martin Luther
King, Jr., race and segregation, and the civil
rights and black power movements. Professor Mills’ research focuses on African
American social movements and financial security. Particularly, he is interested in
how African Americans’ wages, wealth, and overall financial well-being helped
shape black public spaces, political engagement, and activism.
Changing America is presented by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History
and Culture and the National Museum of American History in collaboration with the American
Library Association Public Programs Office. The tour of the exhibition is made possible by the
National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the Human Endeavor.
3D Printing Comes
to the Library District!
Poughkeepsie residents will soon have access to 3D printers
and to instructors who will be able to assist in printing projects.
3D printing is a process of making three dimensional solid
objects from a digital file. The three-dimensional printed object
is created by laying down successive layers of material until the entire object is created.
Each of these layers can be seen as a thin horizontal cross-section of the eventual object.
The Library District will purchase six printers, three for Adriance and three for
Boardman Road. Further details on their use and availability will be released in February
2016 following a period of staff training.
Vol. 16, Issue 2
Explore • Discover • Connect
Early Learning
Insert, page 2
College Prep
for Teens
Insert, page 4
Story Time Draws a Crowd
As parents become increasingly aware of
the benefits of early literacy, story time
at the public library is more popular
than ever. In an article in the New York
Times on November 1, columnist Winnie
Hu wrote that, “Story time is drawing
capacity crowds at public libraries across
New York and across the country at a
time when, more than ever, educators
are emphasizing the importance of early
literacy in preparing children for school
and for developing critical thinking
Describing the situation at libraries in
New York City, Wu wrote that “Among
parents of the under-5 set, spots for story
time have become as coveted as seats for
a hot Broadway show like Hamilton. Lines
stretch down the block at some branches,
with tickets given out on a first-comefirst-served basis because there is not
enough room to accommodate all of the
children who show up.”
Sari Feldman, president of the American
Library Association, explained that
this phenomenon is part of a larger
transformation libraries are undergoing to
become active learning centers for their
communities by offering services like
classes in English as a second language,
computer skills and career counseling.
Here in Poughkeepsie, in recognition of
this growing demand, the Library District
is constantly expanding the number
and range of its programs. In 2015, the
Library District offered 631 free programs
for toddlers and young children. Parents
frequently express their appreciation for
these invaluable opportunities for their
children to develop their literacy skills in
readiness for school.
Friends Bookstore
Is Open!
Tuesdays and Saturdays 10 am to 4 pm
Thursdays 10 am to 6 pm
141 Boardman Road, Poughkeepsie
Hissing Cousins: The
Untold Story of Eleanor
Roosevelt and Alice
Roosevelt Longworth
“Hissing Cousins unravels the Machiavellian question that would haunt both women in their path to power: is it better to be clever, or is it better to be good?” The Guardian
Authors Timothy Dwyer and Marc Peyser
discuss their book on this fascinating
relationship on Sunday, February 28, at
2:30 pm at the Boardman Road Branch
When Theodore Roosevelt became
president in 1901, his beautiful and
flamboyant daughter was transformed
into “Princess Alice,” arguably the
century’s first global celebrity. Thirtytwo years later, her first cousin Eleanor
moved into the White House as First
Lady. Eleanor and Alice spent a large part
of their childhoods together but their
politics and temperaments couldn’t have
been more distinct. Do-gooder Eleanor
was committed to social justice but
hated the limelight. Acid-tongued Alice,
who became the wife of philandering
Republican congressman Nicholas
Longworth, was an opponent of big
government who gained notoriety for her
cutting remarks (she famously quipped
that dour President Coolidge “looked like
he was weaned on a pickle”).
While Eleanor
the role of
First Lady with
her outspoken
passion for
human rights, Alice made the most of her
insider connections to influence politics,
including doing as much to defeat the
League of Nations as anyone in elective
office. The cousins themselves liked to
play up their oil-and-water relationship.
“When I think of Frank and Eleanor in
the White House I could grind my teeth
to powder and blow them out my nose,”
Alice once said. In the 1930s they even
wrote opposing syndicated newspaper
columns and embarked on competing
nationwide speaking tours.
Your Library Today
Board of
Margaret Prescott
Vice President
Mary E. Moore
Tom McGlinchey
Joan Nicholls
City of
Lila Lynch
Edna Lyons
Fred Timm
Town of
Grace Calella
Sondra Farganis
Anne Constantinople
Miriam Zimet-Aaron
Library Director
Tom Lawrence
The Poughkeepsie
Public Library District
will have vibrant
libraries where people
want to be. It will
meet the needs of a
diverse and growing
constituency by
providing services
and partnering with
other community
organizations. The
Board of Trustees and
the staff will work
together to serve the
public and to respond
to the changing nature
of library services.
Memorial Library
93 Market Street
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
(845) 485-3445
Free parking and easy
access off Noxon Street
Mon-Thurs: 9 am-9 pm
Fri & Sat: 9 am-5 pm
Sun: 2-5 pm
Boardman Road
Branch Library
141 Boardman Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
(845) 485-3445
Mon-Thurs: 9 am-9 pm
Fri & Sat: 9 am-5 pm
Sun: Closed
ADR - Adriance
BRD - Boardman
The Auditorium
105 Market Street
the Web
x p l o r e
Word from
the Director
We have had another fantastic year. We
celebrated best-selling authors, opened a
new branch, and expanded programming! And we will
do more in 2016 but I need to first thank everyone who
made 2015 another banner year for us.
First, the Board of Trustees is a group of dedicated
volunteers who provide me with policy and financial
guidance that makes us a strong organization.They attend
monthly meetings, serve on committees, and attend
local functions to represent the Library District. They
are eleven unsung heroes and deserve everyone’s thanks.
Their names are listed to the left of this column.
Second, the
staff. I receive
an unending
stream of
regarding the
staff (listed, as
of December
15, on page
6). They work very hard to balance the individual needs
of the patrons and the overall interests of the Library
District. They enforce the policies and do it with a
steady, consistent, and sure hand. Counting checkouts,
returns, and holds, the staff handles nearly one million
transactions annually and does it with ease. Thank you
for making us look good!
The Friends are third on the list, but the list has no
order. From their book sales, their new book store, their
advocacy for this Library District and all public libraries
in New York State, our Friends of the PPLD are a force
to be reckoned with. In December, they fulfilled year 4
of their five-year pledge of $250,000 in support of the
Boardman Road Branch Library construction project.
Please support them in their many endeavors and
volunteer to help them! Call them at 485-3445 x 3423.
We did lose one cog in the administrative machine this
year. Assistant Director Lauren Muffs has decided to
retire from the fast lane and enjoy family and friends,
both here and in Florida. She has been a rock of support
to me for nearly twenty years and I will miss her! We all
wish her well and look forward to greeting her from the
“other side of the desk” in the near future.
We turn the page to a new year and new challenges.
Tom Lawrence
BOCES Salt Point
Culinary Arts
Students Shine
On December 9, Library District patrons and
Friends were treated to the sweet delights and
professional care of seven BOCES Culinary Arts
Students under the direction of Chef Darcy Sala.
The students prepared a beautiful cut fruit display
and a wide array of baked desserts for attendees
at the Friends’ Annual Meeting with guest
speaker Sara Moulton. Students in the Culinary
Arts program come from high schools across the
region to begin their career training.
i s c o v e r
o n n e c t
Services for the
The Library District is now a member
of the New York State Talking Book and
Braille Library (TBBL), which lends audio and braille books and magazines to
residents of upstate New York who have a qualifying disability. This means that
the Library District is able to significantly expand its services to the seeingimpaired.
The Library District has two Digital Talking Book Machines that play digital
books downloaded from the National Library Service for the Blind and
Physically Handicapped. There are over 28,000 books and 50 magazines
available for downloading.
The Boardman Road Branch Library and Adriance Memorial Library will
each have one of the machines available so that families and individuals can
experiment with them and decide whether to acquire their own. The Library
District can certify the eligibility of those who wish to request a machine.
The playback machines are sent and returned via the US Postal Service without
cost, as Free Matter for the Blind or Handicapped. Books and magazines may
also be sent that way, although TBBL recommends taking advantage of the
Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) service to download TBBL
books directly. Currently, over 14,700 individual New Yorkers of all ages are
registered for and receive Talking Book services.
To learn more about this service, call Chris Morgan at (845) 485-3445 x 3357,
or visit the New York State Talking Book and Braille Library website
aughter is a virus that infects
you with humanity. Luis Alberto Urrea,
Author of Into the Beautiful North, our 2016 READ book.
Poughkeepsie Read
Our 9th annual community read program
came to a close on November 22 with an event
that included the Raspberry Fiddle Group of
Stringendo, poetry readings, songs, reflections,
Edible book by Linda Cronk
a fabulous collection of edible books, and
the announcement of next year’s book selection! A hearty ‘Thank You’ to our stellar
participating partners, our generous sponsors, our tireless volunteers, our dedicated
teachers, and our enthusiastic community.
Prior to the six-week run of literary events the
Library District purchased and distributed 2,650
books: The Grapes of Wrath (1300), Of Mice and Men
(850), De Ratones y Hombres (40) and Out of the
Dust (460). 1840 copies went to local schools for
classroom and summer reading, and books were
distributed to 10 local libraries for circulation and
book clubs. Copies also went to diverse groups
such as the Green Haven Correctional Facility, the
Rural & Migrant Ministry Summer Camp, RidleyLowell Business & Technical Institute and the Mill
Street Loft Girls’ Lit group.
Raspberry Fiddle Group
Current estimates of participation include 2,322 high school and middle school students,
and 4,587 adults at events and book clubs for a total participation of 6,909. The impact of
Steinbeck’s literature combined with fabulous speakers, documentaries and vintage black
and white photographs, compelling stories, and inspiring concerts to make for an amazing
six-week community journey. Thank you for joining us!
Gareth Davies
Assistant Editor
Jewel Ratzlaff
Julie Hering
In 2016, we take on a very different book with hopes of connecting with our community
in new ways. Join us as we examine Luis Alberto Urrea’s 2009 novel Into the Beautiful
North. This funny, compelling story of life on both sides of the Mexican-United States
border will open doors for discussion and artistic expression on many topics including
immigration policy, border issues, Mexican heritage and culture, the immigrant
experience throughout American history, and more! Watch for more news about the
READ in mid-October.
Public Computer Center Classes
x p l o r e
i s c o v e r
o n n e c t
Register at or (845)485-3445 x 3380 or 3702. Email required for all but PC Basics, Internet 101 & 102. Classes are at Adriance Charwat unless noted.
Computer Basics
Computer Lab
Mondays-Fridays, 11 am-1 pm, Adriance Teen
Tuesdays, 6-8 pm, Adriance Charwat
Thursdays 1-3 pm, Boardman Teen
Receive individualized help with: basic
computer skills, email accounts, job searches,
job applications, formatting resumes, filing for
unemployment, creating and editing Microsoft
Office documents, and more.
Teen Geeks
Saturdays, 10 am-2 pm, Adriance and Boardman
Students available to help with technology questions.
Microsoft Office
PC Basics
Tuesday, January 12, 3:30 pm
OR Wednesday, February
3, 1:30 pm OR Tuesday,
February 23, 3:30 pm
Learn how to start up
and shut down a PC, how
to open, close, and resize
windows; use the taskbar to
move between windows. Includes practice time.
Internet 101
Tuesday, January 19, 3:30 pm OR Wednesday, February
10, 1:30 pm OR Tuesday, March 1, 3:30 pm
Basics of internet surfing: opening Internet Explorer,
resizing windows, and using the address bar. Learn how
to be safe online. Prerequisite: basic computer skills.
Internet 102
Tuesday, January 26, 3:30 pm OR Wednesday, February
17, 1:30 pm OR Tuesday, March 8, 3:30 pm
Explore the World Wide Web. Discover great sites for
practicing new skills! Prerequisite: Internet 101 or equivalent.
Windows 10 - New!
Wednesday, January 27, 1:30 pm OR
Wednesday, March 23, 1:30 pm
Perform basic work-related tasks, learn the new features
and how it can work with Cortana and the Microsoft
Edge web browser. Prerequisite: Internet 101 or equivalent.
Google It
Tuesday, March 22, 3:30 pm
Learn to use the Google Search Engine to search the
internet more efficiently. Prerequisite: Internet 101 or
equivalent experience.
Word 101
Monday, January 4, 1:30 pm OR Wednesday, January 6,
5:30 pm OR Monday, March 21, 1:30 pm
Create, edit and format simple documents. Prerequisite:
basic computer skills.
Excel 101
Monday, January 11, 1:30 pm OR Wednesday, January 13,
5:30 pm OR Wednesday, March 23, 5:30 pm
Set up and manipulate a basic spreadsheet. Prerequisite:
basic computer skills.
PowerPoint 101
Monday, January 25, 1:30 pm OR Wednesday, January 27,
5:30 pm OR Monday, March 28, 1:30 pm
Design beginner level presentations. Prerequisite: basic
computer skills.
Access 101
Monday, February 1, 1:30 pm OR Wednesday,
February 3, 5:30 pm
Create a data entry form, run a query and create a
report. Prerequisite: basic computer skills.
Word 102
Monday, February 8,
1:30 pm OR Wednesday,
February 10, 5:30 pm
Page setup, tabs, tables,
styles, spelling tools and
more. Prerequisite:Word 101
or equivalent experience.
Workshops for Job Seekers
Using the Library
in Your Job Search
Wednesday, January 20, 5:30 pm
Job listing sites, online resume-building tools,
resources for interviewing.
The following programs are presented by Dutchess
County One Stop Career Center:
Resume Critique
Tuesdays, Jan 5 & 19, Feb 2 & 16,
March 1 & 15 & 29, 6-8 pm
Drop in for professional feedback to strengthen your
resume. Bring a printed copy of your resume.
Computer & Tablet Buying Tips
Wednesday, January 6, 1:30 pm
Information to help you decide what device is right for
you. Note: we will not be covering Apple computers.
Using a
Wednesday, February 17, 5:30 pm
Use Excel for data and customize letters in Word. Create
mailing labels. Prerequisite:Word 101 & 102 or equivalent.
Excel 102
Intro to iPad
Monday, February 22, 1:30 pm OR
Wednesday, February 24, 5:30 pm
Formulas, functions, creating a chart and filtering.
Prerequisite: Excel 101 or equivalent experience.
PowerPoint 102
Monday, February 29, 1:30 pm
Customize existing presentations; work with speaker
notes and printing presentations. Prerequisite: PowerPoint
101 or equivalent experience.
Access 102
Wednesday, March 2, 5:30 pm
Database creation, designing and modifying tables and
forms, running an action query. Prerequisite: Access 101
or equivalent experience.
Excel Tips & Tricks
Monday, March 7, 1:30 pm OR
Wednesday, March 9, 5:30 pm
In this class we will show you tips for accomplishing tasks
faster as well as how to use some of the time-saving tools
available within Excel. Prerequisite: Excel 101 and Excel 102
or equivalent experience.
Do It Yourself with Publisher
Wednesday, March 16, 1:30 pm
Create basic publications such as flyers and brochures.
Prerequisite:Word 101 or equivalent experience.
Thursdays, Jan 7, Feb 4
OR March 3, 10 am
Learn about setting goals
and creating an action
plan to get the career you really want.
Set Your Goals
to Live Your Dreams
Thursdays, Jan 21 OR Feb 18 OR March 17, 10 am
Learn how to use “smart” goals to be successful in
your job search, your career and everyday life!
Technology You Can Use
Wed, January 13, 1:30 pm
OR Tuesday, February 9,
3:30 pm OR Tuesday,
March 29, 3:30 pm
Unlock the unlimited potential of your smartphone.
Covers basic navigation features and functions.
Mail Merge in Word & Excel
Goals, Action!
Wednesday, January 20, 1:30 pm
Learn how to set up your email for easy access, use
apps, and more. Please bring your iPad. Prerequisite: basic
computer skills.
Digital Magazines & eBooks
Tuesday, February 2, 3:30 pm
Learn how to browse the library's selection of full-color,
interactive digital magazines with no holds, no checkout
periods, and no limit to the number you can download.
Class also covers free eBooks and audiobooks for use
with a wide variety of eReaders, portable devices, PCs
and Macs. Prerequisite: basic computer skills.
Intro to Blogging
Tuesday, February 16, 3:30 pm
Discover what a blog is, see examples of popular and
local blogs, and learn how to follow bloggers. Start your
own blog using Word Press. Prerequisite: Internet 101 or
equivalent experience.
Intro to Facebook
Wednesday, February 24, 1:30 pm
Create and use your own account, search and connect
with friends, and more! Prerequisite: Internet 101 or
Intro to
Thursday, February 25, 9:30 am
Learn what this popular database has to offer when doing
genealogical research. Prerequisite: Internet 101 or equivalent
Intro to Twitter
Wednesday, March 2, 1:30 pm
Learn about hashtags and best practices, “tweets” and
how to “follow”. Prerequisite: Internet 101 or equivalent.
Intro to Instagram
Wednesday, March 9, 1:30 pm
Instagram is the most popular photo-sharing application. Learn how to interact on the app with hashtags, @’s, etc. Bring your smart phone. Prerequisite: Mobile phone, Internet
101 or equivalent experience.
Working With Your Digital Photos
Monday, March 14, 1:30 pm
Learn how to move your pictures from your digital
camera to a computer, view them and save them to a
USB/Flash drive (must bring your own drive). NOTE:
This class is for digital cameras only, not mobile devices (iPhone,
iPad, cell phones, etc.).
Intro to Pinterest
Wednesday, March 30, 1:30 pm
Learn the basics of Pinterest, a fun, image-based social
network which is the fastest growing social media site.
Prerequisite: Internet 101 or equivalent experience.
Intro to Google Drive & Docs
Wednesday, March 30, 5:30 pm
Learn the basics of sharing and collaborating using free
Google Docs in Google Drive, which includes Docs
(word processing), Sheets (spreadsheets) and Slides
(presentations). Prerequisite: Internet 101 or equivalent.
Navigating the Medicare Website
Wednesdays, January 27, February 24, March 23, 9:30 am
Hands-on training at the web site to find information
about Prescription Drug Plans and Advantage Plans. Led
by staff from the Dutchess County Division of Aging Services.
Adult Programs
x p l o r e
i s c o v e r
o n n e c t
Register at or (845) 485-3445 x 3702 unless otherwise noted. Free parking and easy access to Adriance off Noxon Street.
Key: ADR - Adriance BRD - Boardman
Honoring our
92 Street Y Series
Select Thursdays, 7 pm, BRD Greene
January 21
The Future of Faith
This new series on issues of faith is moderated by
Rabbi Peter J. Rubinstein. Today, Rabbi Rubinstein
speaks with former NBC newsman David Gregory and religious scholar Erica
Brown about faith in one’s personal and professional life.
February 18
Not in God’s Name—Confronting
Religious Violence
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks speaks to the troubling issue of
violent religious extremism from the podium, in his book,
Not in God’s Name, and his Wall Street Journal editorial, "How
to Defeat Religious Violence."
March 17
50 Years After Nostra
Aetate: Catholic, Jewish
and Latino Relations in the
Age of a Latino Pope
2015 marked the 50th anniversary since
Vatican II Council and Nostra Aetate
transformed Catholic-Jewish relations. This panel discussion is presented by
the Archdiocese of New York and the Anti-Defamation League, moderated by
Rabbi David Sandmel.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Adriance
Friday, March 4, 1 pm, ADR Charwat
The family of John P. Adriance and his wife Mary J. R.
(Platt) Adriance generously donated the funds to build
our beloved library at 93 Market Street as a memorial
to their parents. The building opened on October 18,
1898. John P. Adriance was a prominent local business
man who was born on March 4, 1824 and lived in
Poughkeepsie until his death in 1891. Learn more
about our benefactor and enjoy some birthday snacks at this program which will include
historic memorabilia, vintage photographs, and stories.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Boardman
Saturday, March 12, BRD
Andrew Boardman was a prominent New York City lawyer who purchased hundreds of
acres of farmland in Dutchess County for his country retreat. He was born on March
12, 1812. Boardman’s name was attached to the road that now runs between Spackenkill
Road and 376, and therefore his name is also attached to the new branch library on that
road. Stop by, enjoy some birthday snacks, and pick up a little ‘town’ history.
Registration not required.
Mah Jongg Mondays
Mondays, 1-5 pm, BRD Greene
A collaboration between the Library District and The Jewish Federation of Dutchess
County, made possible by the Norman and Jeannie Greene Fund.
Color Your Winter
The Color of Calm
Second Wednesdays, January 13, February 10, March 9
9:30-10:30 am, BRD Greene
Adults are invited to join the latest national craze – adult
coloring! Fabulously intricate and creative books have now
been published for adults to engage in this calming, color-filled
activity that we loved as children. The library will provide a
gathering place, the creative pages, and some watercolor pencils
and markers.
Boardman Branch
Community Mural Project
Saturday, January 16, 9:30-11:30 pm, BRD Greene
Here is a unique opportunity for your artistic flair! This
winter, a series of hands-on art programs will be led by
local graphic designer/artist Yvonne Laube. The murals will
reflect themes such as technology, people, and nature and
will utilize collage and mixed mediums. Works created at
these programs will be curated, digitized and arranged to
create a series of new permanent murals that will decorate
the Boardman library branch. Please note that artwork created during the workshops will be digitized and, per the discretion of
the Library, may or may not be used in the permanent mural. By attending the workshop, you
acknowledge consent/permission to use your artwork and/or photographic images taken during the
event for Library purposes. Please register for this art event. Seating and materials are limited.
Learn to Earn
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9 am-1 pm, ADR Teen Study
Monday, Wednesdays & Fridays, 9 am-12 pm, BRD Greene
Earning your High School Equivalency certificate opens doors to
career and job opportunities. Register at (845) 483-3640 x 6108.
Group Knits
Caps for Babies
Brain Games with Dutchess
County Office for the Aging
Wednesdays, 1:30-3 pm, BRD Greene
Knitting Groups
Knitting and Crocheting Club
Wednesdays, 10 am
ADR Small Periodicals
Stitch Your Heart Out
Fridays, 10 am, BRD Greene
Pick Up Stitches
Saturdays, 10 am, BRD Greene
Stitch Your Heart Out, the library
district’s Friday knitting and
crocheting group, has been busy
making caps and blankets for the
NICU at St. Luke’s Cornwall
Hospital. All of the hats pictured
were made in one week! This open
group meets from 10 am to noon on
Fridays at Boardman Road Branch
Library. Bring your latest project to
work on or come learn how to knit
or crochet.
Tax Forms available at Boardman and
Adriance starting January 31
AARP Tax Prep
Tuesdays at BRD Greene
Fridays at ADR Charwat
The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program
provides free, reliable tax preparation service for
low- to middle-income families, individuals and
seniors. There is no age limit and you do not
have to be a member of AARP. Tax Preparation
assistance is available by appointment only.
Call 211 or (800) 899-1479 to schedule an appointment.
• Boardman: Tuesdays, February 2-April 12, except March 22, 9 am-4:30 pm
• Adriance: Fridays, February 5-April 15, 9 am-4:30 pm
Adult Programs
x p l o r e
i s c o v e r
o n n e c t
Register at or (845) 485-3445 x 3702 unless otherwise noted. Free parking and easy access to Adriance off Noxon Street.
Key: ADR - Adriance BRD - Boardman
Celebrating Jewish Music
Torah to Go: Music in the Bible
Sunday, March 6, 2:30 pm
The Auditorium
Join Rabbi Leah Berkowitz of Vassar
Temple as we explore the theme of
music in the Hebrew Bible. See the
Torah scroll unrolled, hear (and sing!)
musical renditions of biblical passages,
and learn how music played a role in
the stories of the Bible.
Discover Information for Life
Photo Voltaics
and Solar Energy
Saturday, January 9, 1 pm
BRD Greene
What is Jewish Music?
Sunday, March 20, 2:30 pm, The Auditorium
A frequent pre-concert speaker with the New York Philharmonic, Dr. Arbie
Orenstein will lead us in a conversation about Jewish music. Dr. Orenstein is a
Professor of Music at the Aaron Copland School of Music at Queens College in
New York and author of Ravel: Man and Musician.
Music in the Holocaust:
The Notes Rose Up in Flames
April, ADR Wojtecki Gallery
A traveling exhibit exploring music in the Holocaust through documents,
concert programs, photos, and stories.
Surviving the Holocaust:
Jewish Music Endures
Sunday, April 3, 2:30 pm
The Auditorium
Dr. Racelle Weiman leads a
conversation and concert highlighting
forbidden Jewish music of the Nazi
Germany era, including music
composed and performed in
concentration camps.
Hudson Valley Philharmonic
and Bernstein’s Kaddish
Saturday, April 16, 8 pm, Bardavon
Renewal is the theme of this program featuring a Hudson Valley premiere,
Bloch’s Hebraic Rhapsody, performed by a cello virtuoso. The program
also includes a rare chance to experience Leonard Bernstein’s Kaddish, a
monumental work for large orchestra, choir, and soprano; narration by Oscarwinning actress and 5-time Tony nominee Estelle Parsons. Tickets can be
purchased through the Bardavon Box Office at 845-473-2072.
This Jewish Music Series made possible through the Norman and Jeannie Greene Fund.
Afternoon at the Movies
Thursdays, 1:30 pm, ADR Charwat, no need to register
The Movies of Preston Sturges
January 7: Christmas in July (1940)
January 14: The Great McGinty (1940)
January 21: The Lady Eve (1941)
January 28: Sullivan’s Travels (1941)
February 4: The Palm Beach Story (1942)
February 11: The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek (1944)
February 18: Hail the Conquering Hero (1944)
The Movies of Gordon MacRae
February 25: Look for the Silver Lining (1949)
March 3: The West Point Story (1950)
March 10: The Daughter of Rosie O’Grady (1950)
March 17: On Moonlight Bay (1951)
March 24: By the Light of the Silvery Moon (1953)
March 31: Three Sailors and a Girl (1953)
Wednesdays, January 27, February 3, and
February 10, 6 pm, BRD Greene
Instructor Stephan Brown leads a three
session series on the curse of computer
viruses. Plan to attend all three sessions!
Meet the Author: Pastor
Robert W. Robinson
The Meaning of Our Melodies
Sunday, March 13, 2:30 pm, The Auditorium
With engaging stories and many musical examples, Rabbi Jeffrey Summit
(Neubauer Executive Director of Tufts Hillel at Tufts University, Research
Professor in the Department of Music) examines the question: “Why do we feel
so strongly about the music in our Jewish lives?”
Computer Viruses: Cause,
Cure, and Prevention
Looking at solar energy options? This
class will take the prospective buyer
through the real steps of purchasing or
leasing a system. Guest presenter is Stephan
The Stories of Tevye:
More than a Milkman
Tuesday, January 12, 7 pm
BRD Greene
Fiddler on the Roof is back on Broadway!
But how much do we really know about
Tevye and his daughters? In an exciting
collaboration between Vassar Temple
and the Library District, Rabbi Leah
Berkowitz will lead a discussion on Tevye
the Dairyman and the stories of Sholem
Aleichem, on which the musical is based.
Hypnosis for Stress
Management and More
Saturday, January 23, 1:30 pm
ADR Charwat
This presentation will give those
in attendance a better understanding of
hypnosis, how and why it works, and how
it can benefit them. Attendees will also
have the opportunity to experience
a stress relief hypnosis exercise. Guest
instructor is Mike Salerno.
Thursday, January 28, 7 pm
ADR Charwat
Join local author Pastor Robert W.
Robinson in a conversation about his
book Genesis:The Creation and that of his
wife, Denise’s Journey: My Cancer Survival
RemodelSmart Seminar
Saturday, February 13, 10 am
ADR Charwat
Discussion topics include a well-written
contract, interviewing a remodeler,
and the benefits of a pre-construction
meeting. Presented by DBS Remodel.
Beer 101 with Douglass Miller
Saturday, February 20, 1 pm
BRD Greene
Join noted beer and spirits expert and
CIA faculty member Douglass Miller
for beer basics. Samples of local brews
available to those 21 and older (ID
Explore Writing, Reading & Poetry
Registration not required.
Writing Works!
Sundays, January 3, February 7, March 6, 2 pm, ADR Charwat
Bring copies of your work and receive feedback from your peers.
Write, Write, and Re-Write
Saturdays, January 2, 16 & February 6, 20 & March 5, 19
10 am, ADR Greenspan
Bring works in progress and receive feedback from peers. All genres.
Young adults also welcome.
Not Your Mama’s Book Group
Monthly, on select Thursdays, 6:30-7:30 pm, BRD Greene
Contact Tammy Myers at (845) 485-3445 x 3409 with
January 28: The Art Forger by Barbara Shapiro
February 25: The Ocean at the End of the Lane
by Neil Gaiman
March 31: Country Matters by Michael Korda
An Evening of Poetry
Third Thursdays at 7 pm, ADR Small Periodicals
A relaxed evening of poetry hosted by Gordon Riggs.
Featured poet followed by open mic.
January 21: Mark Oppenheimer
February 18: To be announced
March 17: Larry Sansone
Library News
x p l o r e
i s c o v e r
o n n e c t
Federal Support
of School
Libraries is
Signed into Law
On December 10, President Obama
signed the Every Student Succeeds Act.
According to the School Library Journal, this
is the first piece of federal education legislation in over 50 years to provide revenue
for school libraries to enhance services and resources.
No Inky Fingers
In one of the most significant developments, the definition of “specialized instructional
support personnel” is now updated to include “school librarians.” That all-important
language gives lead agencies direction to spend funds on school library media
programs—which can’t exist without school librarians.
An exciting addition to the list of free online resources is
The Library District subscribes to the New York edition, which includes:
• The Poughkeepsie Eagle News (1865-1922)
• Some holdings of the Kingston Daily Freeman (1873-1977)
• Several Middletown newspapers (1894-1947)
Another provision is the Supporting Effective School Library Programs, an authorization
for developing and enhancing effective school library programs, including professional
development for school librarians and support for up-to-date books and materials.
Many other historical community papers beyond the
Hudson Valley Region
One of the best features of this database is that you can search for keywords
anywhere in the entire article. You will retrieve the page image (in pdf format)
as it appeared within the actual newspaper, and your search terms will be
highlighted in yellow.
“The importance of libraries, particularly school libraries, is finally being recognized in
the educational system,” noted Misty N. Jones, California Library Association president,
in an interview with School Library Journal. Over the years, the United States has seen
huge budget cuts to school libraries, resulting in many being understaffed, lacking in
resources, or in some cases, being forced to close. “The passing of this bill increases the
chances that there will be a library with a certified librarian in every school, ensuring
that students are given every opportunity to succeed,” said Jones.
This database can be searched offsite by those with a PPLD library card. The
database is available to everyone from inside either library building (Adriance
or Boardman Road). For further assistance, contact our Reference Librarians at
(845) 485-3445 x 3702.
The Five Best
Nonfiction Books of 2015
The following books were selected by the editors of The New York
Times Book Review. The comments are taken from the newspaper’s
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Structured as a letter to his teenage son, this slender, urgent volume
— a searching exploration of what it is to grow up black in a country
built on slave labor and “the destruction of black bodies” — rejects fanciful abstractions
in favor of the irreducible and particular.
Empire of Cotton: A Global History by Sven Beckert
In this sweeping, ambitious and disturbing survey, Beckert takes us through every phase
of a global industry that has relied on millions of miserably treated slaves, sharecroppers
and millworkers to turn out its product.
H Is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald
Macdonald, a poet, historian and falconer, renders an indelible
impression of a raptor’s fierce essence — and her own — in this
breathtaking memoir. Unmoored after the death of her father, she
retreats from the world, deciding to raise and train a young goshawk, a
brutal predator, in solitude. The hawk accompanies her into the wildest
reaches of grief and her own nature, a place of darkness and surprising
light, evoked in prose that mingles poetry and science, conjuring and evidence.
The Invention of Nature:
Alexander von Humboldt’s New World by Andrea Wulf
Alexander von Humboldt may have been the pre-eminent scientist of his era, second
in fame only to Napoleon, but outside his native Germany his reputation has faded.
Wulf does much to revive our appreciation of this ecological visionary through her
lively, impressively researched account of his travels and exploits, reminding us of
the lasting influence of his primary insight: that the Earth is a single, interconnected
organism, one that can be catastrophically damaged by our own destructive actions.
One of Us: The Story of Anders Breivik and the
Massacre in Norway by Asne Seierstad, translated by Sarah Death
In this masterpiece of reportage, Seierstad, a Norwegian journalist, explores the dark
side of Scandinavia through the life and crimes of Anders Behring Breivik, who, on
July 22, 2011, killed 77 people, most of them teenagers, as a protest against women’s
rights, cultural diversity and the growing influence of Islam.
Staff Roster
Library Director
Tom A. Lawrence*
Assistant Directors
Janet Huen*
Lauren Muffs*
Bonny Algozzine
Wendy Berger
Gareth Davies,
Development Officer
Grace Haack,
Secretary to the Director
Julie Hering
Barbara Lynch,
Business Manager
Caroline Moore
Jewel Ratzlaff
Borrower &
Technical Services
William Ahlbach
Kanthi Angara
Deborah Bein
Diane Daversa
Blake Davids
Catherine Davies
Sharief Dean-Holmes
James Gibbons
Fatime Jaafar
Shyhiem James
Margaret Kimma
Patricia Lackaye
Elizabeth Lahl
Dawn Lopez
Sumita Marella
As of December 15, 2015
Katherine Merry
Lisa Monaco
Andrew Morgan
Gail Murphy
Tamara Myers
Adia Overbey
Sandra Priore
Areeb Qureshi
James Ryan
Jinay Senecal
Paul Senecal
Steven Stefanchik
Susan Wood
IT Services
Gary Killmer
David Rudin
Enda Ryan
Bruce Sullivan, Head
Reference &
Adult Services
Jonayed Ahmed**
Adriana Cardoza***
Betty Cooper
Sahomi Cuba***
Devin Gibbs**
Myung Kang*
Nathan Liang**
Jessica Lopez***
Lynn Lucas*
Dan Matranga*
Gregory Meekins**
Debbie Minnerly
Chris Morgan*
Bridget O’Donnell*
Beverly Santero*
Debora Shon*
Peggy Sisselman*
Kira Thompson*
Stacy Vele***
Deborah Weltsch*,
Head of Reference
Youth Services
MaryEllen Byrne
Jolie Hamer-Conroy*
Martha Farrell*
Alison Francis*
Nicole Guenkel, Head*
Catherine Lamoree
Rose Lovell*
Karen Mills-Heron*
Mary Namerow
Angela Panzer*
Allison Pilat
Laura Pilkington*
Michael Porter
Building Services
Jac-quan Douglas
Anthony Esposito
Tony Formby, Head
Jeffrey Giancarlo
Daniel Ho-Sang
Carmine Mastrangelo
Daniel Minunni
Joe VanWassenhove
Carol Wohlmuth
Tonka Zampko
Staff with a Master of
Library Science (MLS)
** Teen Geeks
*** Grant-funded student positions
Friends Thrilled with
Holiday Book Sale
Book Store Now Open!
A long line of shoppers gathered near
the door of the Book Store operated
by the Friends an hour before its
grand opening on October 20, 2015.
They were eager to see the new
store layout and begin making their
selections from the more than 20,000
gently-used books and media lining
the shelves.
The store’s grand opening was
highlighted by a Dutchess County
Regional Chamber of Commerce
ribbon cutting ceremony. Friends’
Book Sale Committee Chairperson
Gail Brittain and volunteer Frank Van
Zanten were in charge of the giant
scissors, with Friends’ Board President
George Mann and Chamber
President and CEO Frank Castella, Jr.
lending support.
Poughkeepsie Public Library Director
Tom Lawrence welcomed everyone
and thanked the Friends for their
support of the library district. George
Mann presented a bouquet of flowers
and gift tribute to Gail Brittain for
her leadership and many hours of
hard work getting the store up and
running. Also on hand to celebrate
the opening were a large group
of Friends’ volunteers, Chamber
members, and government and
community figures. The Friends
appreciate everyone who came out to
celebrate the Grand Opening.
The Book Store is located behind the
Boardman Road Branch Library at
141 Boardman Road, Poughkeepsie,
and is open Tuesdays and Saturdays
from 10 am to 4 pm and Thursdays
from 10 am to 6 pm. The store is
staffed by Friends’ volunteers.
The available books are sorted
into multiple categories including
hard-cover and paperback fiction,
mysteries, biographies, romance,
children’s and young adults, etc. The
shelves are continuously restocked
Winter 2016
The Friends’ November Holiday Book Sale
demonstrated once again how much the community
loves this annual event! Grown-ups, young adults
and children all flocked to the sale, and there were
many happy faces appearing over armfuls of books.
The Friends are grateful to the community for donating the many gift-quality books
that make it possible to keep book prices low and tables fully stocked. Successful
Holiday Book sales enable the Friends to support the Poughkeepsie Public Library
District’s exciting programming. Save the date for the next Holiday Book Sale at Locust
Grove, scheduled for the weekend of November 18, 19 and 20, 2016.
We are
Turning 40!
from the adjacent warehouse where
donated books are stored, inspected
and sorted. Most books are priced
at $2 each or less, and a selection of
special books are individually priced.
Payment can be made by cash, checks
(with driver’s license ID) and VISA,
Mastercard and Discover credit cards.
The Friends hope that many
Poughkeepsie area residents will
soon pay a visit to the Book Store.
We think you will be impressed with
the selections and pleased with this
economical opportunity to indulge
your love of books and reading.
2016 will be our
fortieth year
supporting the
Library District
Be a Friend - Join us
Mystery Mondays:
Medical Mysteries
This quarter we will discuss a series of medical mysteries.
This open group meets monthly on Mondays, 11 amnoon, at the Boardman Road Branch Library. Led by
Eleanor Charwat and Suzanne Christensen.
January 25
Plum Island
From the President
As I look back upon my first year as President of The Friends, I am awestruck at what
a group of focused community members can accomplish. Being on the board was
a privilege I didn’t take lightly from the outset, but as I have watched the members
perform over the years there is an inner pride in being a part of this. And of course none
of it would matter except for the reception we get from the reading public. Speaking of
the reading public, keep in mind that as an added benefit of being a “Friend” you will
receive a free book from our giant selection at the Book Store on Boardman Road.
Our first Fall Hudson River Cruise was a smashing
success as it caught lots of color among the trees on
a bright sunshine day. The Friend’s Annual Holiday
Book Sale at Locust Grove just before Thanksgiving
was another success, which will enable us to continue
supporting programs for young readers. Adriance Library
programs for our elementary students have gained more
importance this year with the elimination of librarians in
Poughkeepsie City Schools, but please note they are not
a substitute for those librarians. Reading is fundamental to learning, and librarians are a
vital part of the learning process.
As we look ahead into 2016, we will acknowledge 40 years of support for programs this
year by the Friends of Poughkeepsie Public Library District. That’s quite a legacy! While
we always ask you to support the programs and events of The Friends, please know our
efforts also warrant your participation and involvement. As was said before, we encourage
you to vol_nteer, the only thing missing is U!
In closing let me wish you all a joyous and pleasant New Year. Please visit us at 141
Boardman Road. When you come to the Branch Library, take a short walk “around
back” to the Book Store and say hello to the volunteers on the floor and at the cashier’s
desk. We’d love to have you see our wares!
Sincerely, George W. Mann
by Nelson DeMille
New York detective John Corey
assists the local Long Island police
chief at a crime scene of a married
couple dead from gunshot wounds.
A question arises whether the pair,
researchers at a medical research
laboratory on Plum Island, might have been smuggling a
viral antidote.
February 29
The Sinner
by Tess Gerritsen
Medical Examiner Maura Iles and
Detective Jane Rizzoli are called
to a Boston abbey where two nuns
are found, one badly beaten and the
other dead. Dr. Iles discovers the
murdered nun has recently given
birth. Across town, another body is found, an unidentified
derelict with strange lesions on her body and missing
body parts.
March 28
Shroud for a Nightingale
by P. D. James
Nightingale House is a boarding
house for student nurses. One of
the students, Heather Pearce, is fed a
disinfectant during a demonstration
and dies. A few days later, another
student nurse is found dead in her
bed. Chief Superintendent Adam Dagliesh is called in to
solve the murders.
George Mann, President
Elizabeth Murphy,
First Vice-President
Patricia Breen,
Second Vice-President
Patricia Jackson, Secretary
Christine Cuttler, Treasurer
Peter Bergamo
Gail Brittain
Margaret Britton
Rochelle DeWitt
John Gavin
Larry Hughes
C. Ryan Kinlaw
Jackie Klein
Marsha Kramer
Yvonne Laube
Phillip Lynch
Terrence Novicki
Philip Peters
Leola Ruffin-McPhee
Cathy Temple
Peter Van Aken
The purposes of the
organization shall be to
provide an association for
persons interested in the
Poughkeepsie Public Library
District; to promote the
importance of the library as
an informational and cultural
force in the communty;
to develop a thorough
understanding of the library’s
responsibilities, limitations,
and difficulties; to make
the public aware of the
facilities of the library and to
stimulate use of the library’s
services and resources; and
to encourage support of the
library through gifts and
volunteer services.
Path to Discovery
x p l o r e
i s c o v e r
o n n e c t
La Plaza del Aprendizaje
Mary Wojtecki Rotunda Gallery
The Poughkeepsie Public Library District invites the public to enjoy fine art on
display at Adriance Memorial Library. Accomplished local artists interested in
the gallery should email for exhibit policy and information.
January 1-29
Traveling Exhibit - Changing America:
The Emancipation Proclamation, 1863
and the March on Washington, 1963
January 31-February 28
Howard Miller: Inner Visions
Acrylic paintings
Reception: Sunday,
January 31, 2:30-4 pm
March 2-31
Jordanna Kalman - Invisible
Clases de InglÉs
Lunes, 6-8 pm, Sala Adriance-Greenspan
Literacy Connections le ayudara a
aprender y practicar Inglés. Puede venir
e inscribirse en la Biblioteca o llamar al
(845) 452-8670.
Además algunos lunes incluirán un
conferencista con información especial y de interés para nuestra Comunidad
Hispana. 6-7 pm.
Enero 11: Preparing Tax Returns –
Mauricio Martinez
Por favor acompañenos y aprenda
acerca de los beneficios de llenar
sus impuestos. Tambien vamos a
explicar sobre los beneficios que
tienen cuando aplican por el Numéro
de Indentificación Personal del
Contribuyente (ITIN).
Artist's Talk and Reception: Saturday, March 5, 2:30-4 pm
Clases de Computación
Jueves, 6-8 pm, Sala Adriance-Cavallaro
¡Venga y aprenda computación
con nosotros! Le enseñaremos los
fundamentos básicos para trabajar en una
computadora. Inscríbase con anticipación
a las clases que le interesan, únicamente
los laboratorios no necesitan inscripción
previa. Comuníquese con Sandra Priore al
(845) 485-3445 x 3321 o envíe un mensaje
Enero 7 – Correo Electrónico
Enero 14 – Laboratorio
Enero 21 - Facebook
Enero 28 – Laboratorio
Supporting Childhood
Literacy in Poughkeepsie
Feb 4 – Aprenda inglés con iPad
Feb 11 – Laboratorio
Feb 18 – Windows
In November, the Friends of the Library
District launched their annual appeal with
a particular emphasis on a new effort to
introduce young children to the joy of
reading. Starting in the spring of 2016,
elementary schools in the Library District
will be offered the chance to bus their
second and third grade students, free of
charge, to their local library for a onehour introductory program.
of the opportunity but many more do
not. This is why the Library District is
launching this new initiative.
According to research from the Annie E.
Casey Foundation, third grade reading
achievement is the most important
predictor of high school graduation and
career success.* Students who don’t read
proficiently by third grade are four times
more likely to leave school without a
diploma than proficient readers.Yet twothirds of U.S. third-graders lack
competent reading skills.
If you would like to support this initiative,
please complete the coupon at the
bottom of the page and send your gift to
the library today.
The program will include a tour of
the children’s area and a story time.
Each child will be given a packet of
information to take home, including
details on upcoming programs and how
to sign up for a library card.
The Library District does all it
can to provide local children
with access to books and
computers and all manner of
creative, educational programs
that introduce the joy of reading.
Many families take advantage
Febrero 8: Personal Finance –
Hudson Valley Credit Union
Aprenda cómo abrir una cuenta
de ahorro, obtener crédito, pedir
prestamos y como manejar su dinero
segun su presupuesto.
Feb 25 – Laboratorio
Marzo 14: Financial Independence –
GET Hudson Valley
Aprenda las distintas formas de
incrementar sus ingresos y alcanzar la
independencia económica.
Mar 31 – ESL usando su Computadora
Mar 3 – Word Básico
Mar 10 – Laboratorio
Mar 17 – Excel Básico
Mar 24 – Laboratorio
Las clases de Windows and Internet requieren
conocimientos básicos de computación.
An Afternoon
with Frank Bruni
National Library Week
Sunday, April 10, 2:30 pm, BRD Greene
Join us for an afternoon with Frank Bruni, Op-Ed columnist for the New York
Times, and author of the newly released Where You Go Is Not Who You’ll Be: An
Antidote to the College Admissions Mania. Bruni also wrote the memoir, Born Round:
The Secret History of a Full-Time Eater, and Ambling into History, which chronicles
the 2000 campaign of George W. Bush.
Next Issue
Yes, I/we want to support our public libraries.
Enclosed is my/our gift
$2,000 +
$1,000 - $1,999 $500 - $999
$250 - $499
$100 - $249
$50 - $99
$25 - $49
$10 - $24
Other ____
Payment Options*
Check or Money Order (payable to Friends of PPLD)
Credit Card:
Visa Mastercard
Credit Card Number: _______________________ Exp Date: _________
Printed Name as it appears on card: _________________________________
Authorized Signature: _________________________________________
Name: _________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
I/we pledge a monthly gift of $__________.
Enclosed is a matching gift form from my employer.
City: ___________________________________________________
I/we also want to be a member of the Friends of PPLD.
(as you wish to be listed)
State: ________________ Zip: _____________________________
Email: __________________________________________________
I/we wish to be anonymous in the library’s next report.
* You can also donate using PayPal at (click on Giving).
April Visit from
Splat the Cat
Enclosed are my/our dues of $10 per person.
Contribution: $__________ Friends’ Dues: $ _________
Total Enclosed: $_____________
Make checks payable to: Friends of PPLD. Send to: Friends of PPLD,
Attn: Advancement Dept., 93 Market St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601.
Latino Voices Exhibit
P oughkeepsie P ublic L ibrary D istrict
W inter 2016
Kids & Teen Programs
E xplore • D iscover • C onnect
Special Events
For families with children Pre-K and up. No registration required unless otherwise noted.
Free parking and easy access to Adriance off Noxon Street.
The SpongeBob Movie:
Sponge Out of Water
Tuesday, December 29, 2:30-4 pm, ADR JLP PreSchooler
When a diabolical pirate above the sea steals the secret
Krabby Patty formula, SpongeBob and his nemesis
Plankton must team up in order to get it back.
World of Animals
Wednesday, December 30, 3-3:45 pm
ADR JLP Preschooler Explore wildlife with guest animal expert, Bill Robinson.
Get up close and personal with reptiles, birds, and more!
Soul Traveling
with Gha'il Rhodes Benjamin
Wednesday, February 3, 4-4:45 pm
ADR JLP Preschooler
This interactive, intergenerational afternoon of song,
poetry and storytelling is for every member of the family.
Participants will glimpse some of the most prominent
moments in African-American history via dance,
spoken-word and song. Come celebrate the remembered
and forgotten heroes and sheroes who paved the
way for all of us to achieve greatness!
Percussion from Around
the World with Jeff Haynes
Wednesday, January 6
4-5:15 pm
ADR JLP Preschooler
See, hear and play percussion
instruments from all corners
of the world with a Grammy
Award-winning percussionist.
Registration required.
Spring Break Movie:
Inside Out
Wednesday, March 23, 2:30 pm, ADR JLP PreSchooler When 11-year-old Riley moves to a new city, her
emotions team up to
help her through the
transition. Joy, Fear, Anger,
Disgust and Sadness work
together, but when Joy
and Sadness get lost, they
must journey through
unfamiliar places to
get back home.
Silhouette of Me
Wednesday, January 27, 4-6 pm, ADR Cavallaro
Let your silhouette tell your story. We will be tracing our
bodies and filling them up with our identities, aspirations,
and experiences though words and pictures. Then we
will combine our silhouettes to make a mural for the
Children’s Room wall. Parents/caregivers, teens, tweens,
elementary students, and little ones welcome.
Children under 5 must be accompanied by an adult.
Special Events
Create Artwork for a Mural
Saturday, January 9, 9:30-11:30 am, BRD Joba
Here is a unique opportunity for your artistic flair!
This winter, a series of hands-on art programs will
be led by local graphic designer/artist Yvonne
Laube. Works created at these programs will be
curated and arranged to create permanent murals
that will decorate the Boardman library branch.
Please register. Seating and materials
are limited. For ages 5-11.
Please note that artwork created during the workshop
will be digitized and, per the discretion of the Library,
may or may not be
used in the permanent
mural. By attending
the workshop, you
acknowledge consent/
permission to use
your artwork and/or
photographic images
taken during the event
for Library purposes.
Online Options
Parents, wouldn’t it be great to have a trusted
source for excellent online kids’ sites? Two spots
you can trust to tell you the straight scoop are:
Celebrate Dr. Seuss Day
Wednesday, March 2, 4-4:45 pm, BRD Joba
Let’s celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday,
with some fun, stories and activities.
Birds of Prey
Tuesday, March 22
3-3:45 pm, BRD Greene Wildlife educator Bill
Robinson comes to
Boardman! Here’s your
chance to see some
amazing and majestic birds
of prey such as hawks, owls, vultures, and falcons.
These are also fun and educational:
Tell Me
A Story! Storytelling figures prominently in every
culture as a form of entertainment, education,
and cultural preservation. In our fast-paced,
media-driven world, storytelling can be a
nurturing way to remind children that spoken
words are powerful, that listening is important,
and that clear communication between
people is an art. Listening to stories develops
imagination, connects us to humanity, and links
us to our past while providing glimpses into
our future. It contributes to academic success
as well as emotional well-being.
Storytelling has been used for years to pass on
traditions and to teach moral lessons. Stories
teach us to love, to forgive others, to be just,
and to strive to be better. In
keeping with the tradition
of storytelling we host the
multi-talented Gha’il Rhodes
Benjamin on February 3
to bring to life AfricanAmerican history through
song, poetry, and stories.
en E spañol
La sala Infantil de la Biblioteca Adriance tiene una
hermosa colección de libros en español que incluye
poesía, biografía, ciencia, geografía, historia, cuentos de
hadas, libros de capítulos y libros ilustrados. También
hay una pequeña colección de música en español, así
como audio-kits (libros que también tienen un CD para
escuchar). Leer con su hijo es una excelente manera de
aumentar el amor de su niño por la lectura y refuerza
los lazos entre niño y adulto. También es posible que se
sorprenda al saber que investigaciones han comprobado
que los niños que
leen a temprana
edad y a menudo
en su primer
idioma le es más
fácil aprender a
leer en su segunda
(o tercera)
lengua porque
el niño entiende
el proceso de
Carey Myles, autor de ‘’Criando niños bilingües’’, hace
una observación “En un idioma o dos, la mejor manera
de fomentar la alfabetización de su hijo es proveer un
ambiente rico en lenguaje y lectura, así como también
asegurarse de que sus niños tengan experiencias positivas
en relación con los libros. El efecto del entorno familiar
en experiencias tempranas en la vida de los niños con
la alfabetización se ha investigado extensamente, y es
evidente que estos primeros años son muy importantes”.
Children's Corner
x p l o r e
i s c o v e r
o n n e c t
No registration required unless otherwise noted.
Free parking and easy access to Adriance off Noxon Street.
Weekly Story Times
Children must be accompanied by an adult caregiver.
Story times are weekly series.
Baby Rhyme & Play Time Wednesdays, January 6-March 9, 10-10:50 am, ADR Cavallaro
A language enrichment program for birth to 23 months that
features songs, rhymes, finger plays and books and is followed
by 30 minutes of play and socialization.
Toddler Time Bilingual Story Time /
La Hora del Cuento
Familia Bilingue
Friday, January 15, 10-10:45 am, ADR Cavallaro
Come listen to stories, sing songs, dance, and do a simple
craft. Program will be in both English and Spanish.
For families with young children.
Viernes, enero 15, 10-10:45 am, ADR Cavallaro
Escucha cuentos, canta canciones, baila, y elabora simples manualidades. Presentado
en Inglés y Español.Vengan y participen las familias con niños pequeños.
Tuesdays, January 5-March 8, 10-10:30 am, ADR Cavallaro
A story time for two-year-olds featuring books, rhymes, flannel board stories and music.
Toot & Scoot
Tuesdays, January 5-March 8, 10:30-10:50 am, ADR Children’s
Movement and music program featuring songs, instruments,
rhymes, and interactive play for children ages 1-5.
Active participation of adult caregiver is required. Sensory Lab
Early Learning Support
Early Childhood Developmental Check-up
Mondays, January 4, February 1 or March 7, 10 am-3 pm, ADR Cavallaro
Complete a brief questionnaire and have five areas of your child’s
development evaluated by an Astor Early Childhood Educator. Available
in English and Spanish. 45 minutes per child, ages 2 months-5 years.
Call 211 to make your appointment.
Thursdays, January 7-March 10, 10-10:30 am, ADR Cavallaro
Sensory and fine motor skills exploration through unique
art processes for children ages 18 months to 5 years old.
Dress for the mess!
Rhythm & Rhyme:
A Sensory Story Time
Saturday, February 20, 10-11 am, ADR Cavallaro
Join us for a sensory story time designed for children with
special needs, including those with Autism, Down syndrome,
sensory integration issues, speech/language delays, ADHD and
other challenges. Enjoy a half-hour story time that incorporates
a schedule board and sensory opportunities for participants
followed by a half-hour of socialization and play. Preschool
and elementary age children with special needs are welcome.
Children must be accompanied by an adult caregiver.
TLC - Toddler Learning Center
Fridays, January 8-March 11, 10-11 am, ADR JLP PreSchooler
A program focused on the importance of play featuring toys, books and
activities for children ages 18-36 months, accompanied by an adult caregiver.
PLC - PreSchooler
Learning Center Story Time
Mondays, January 4-March 7, 10-11:30 am
Wednesdays, January 6-March 9, 10-11:30 am
Thursdays, January 7-March 10, 1:30-3 pm
ADR JLP PreSchooler Books, flannel board stories and music for children ages 3-5,
followed by an hour of guided Discovery Stations play.
At Boardman Weekly Kids’& Tween Programs
Kids & Tween Gaming
Mondays, January 4-March 7, 4-4:45 pm, ADR Cavallaro
Come play Wii or Xbox video games on a
huge projection screen. Grades 1-8.
Baby Rhyme Time Lego Club
Wednesdays, January 6-March 9, 10-10:20 am, BRD Joba
A language enrichment program for birth to 23 months
that features songs, rhymes, finger plays and books.
Tuesdays, January 5-March 8, 4-4:45 pm, ADR Cavallaro
LEGO blocks and games. Parents welcome!
Toddler Time Thursdays, January 7-March 10, 10-10:30 am, BRD Greene
A story time for two-year-olds featuring books, rhymes,
flannel board stories and music.
Toot & Scoot
Mondays, January 4-March 7, 10:40-11 am, BDR Joba
Thursdays, January 7-March 10, 10:40-11 am, BRD Greene
Movement and music program featuring songs, instruments, rhymes, and
interactive play for children ages 1-5. Active participation of caregiver required. Preschool Story Time
Mondays, January 4-March 7
10-10:30 am, BDR Joba
Help your preschooler (3-5 years) develop
some independence with this ‘on my own’
30-minute story time. Includes stories,
songs, action rhymes, and a small craft.
At Boardman
Lego Club
Tuesdays, January 5-March 8, 4-4:45 pm, BDR Joba
LEGO blocks and games. Parents welcome!
Disney Infinity Game Design
Club with IBM
Thursdays, January 7-February 25, 4-5 pm
BRD Children’s Computers
Our friends at IBM are teaming up with the Library to
teach computer programming through video game design
using Disney Infinity, an action-adventure sandbox video game
platform. Consistent attendance strongly recommended.
Registration required. Grades 3-8.
Chess Club
Mondays, January 4-February 29, 4-5 pm, BDR Joba
Children in grades 3-6 learn chess strategies under the guidance of
David Whalen. Registration recommended, but walk-ins welcome.
Adriance Memorial Library
Boardman Road Branch Library
The Auditorium
93 Market St, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Mon-Thurs: 9 am-9 pm
Fri & Sat: 9 am-5 pm Sun: 2-5 pm
141 Boardman Rd, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
Mon-Thurs: 9 am-9 pm
Fri & Sat: 9 am-5 pm Sun: Closed
105 Market Street, Poughkeepsie
Register • (845) 485-3445 x 3320
ADR - Adriance
BRD - Boardman
Children's Corner
x p l o r e
i s c o v e r
o n n e c t
Designed for children in grades K-8. Check descriptions for age appropriateness.
Registration required unless otherwise noted. Free parking and easy access to Adriance off Noxon Street.
Do Plants Hibernate?
Tuesdays, February 2, 9, 16, & 23, 4-5 pm
ADR JLP Preschooler
Learn or improve your hip-hop dance moves
in this four-week workshop with dance educator
Julian from M*POWER - Center for
Cultural Fitness, Inc. Grades 1-5.
Talking Back to History
Tuesdays, January 12, 19, & 26, 4-4:45 pm
ADR JLP Preschooler
A three-week series of writing workshops for students
based on the themes of the NEH exhibit Changing
America:The Emancipation Proclamation, 1863 and
The March on Washington, 1963. Activities will include
viewing the exhibition, short readings,
and writing exercises. Grades 3-8.
Thursdays, January 21, February 25, & March 10
4-4:45 pm, ADR Cavallaro
Learn about art and artists while learning new
techniques. Each session we will examine a specific
style of art and artists associated with it, and create
a painting or project in that style. Grades 3-8.
Ice Skaters
Wednesday, January 6
4-4:45 pm, BRD Joba
Create your own moveable winter
scene with magnets. Grades K-5.
African Thumb Piano
Thursday, February 4, 4-4:45 pm, ADR Cavallaro
Listen to some African music and make an
African thumb piano to continue making your
own music at home. Grades K-5.
Marist Music Mania!
Wednesday, February 10, 4-5:30 pm, ADR Children’s,
Teen Study, Cavallaro, & JLP Preschooler
Spend the afternoon with Tau Beta Sigma,
Marist’s honorary band sorority. Explore instruments
in an instrument petting zoo, learn music
fundamentals, craft musical instruments to take
home, and practice the Red Fox Rumble! No registration required! Grades K-5.
Wednesday, February 24, 4-4:45 pm, BRD Joba
Let’s use recycled water bottles to make our
very own bottle buddy. Grades K-5.
Simple Electric
Motor Maker
Wednesday, March 9, 4-4:45 pm, BRD Joba
What is inside an electric motor?
Try making your own simple electric motor
with wire and magnets. Grades 4-8.
Wednesday, January 13, 4-4:45 pm, BRD Joba
It would be so sweet if you would come to Pooh’s
birthday party deep in the 100 Acre Wood. Come
with a rumbly in your tumbly, and we’ll make sure
you leave stuffed with fluff! Grades K-5.
Wednesday, February 10, 4-4:45 pm, BRD Joba
Make hand-crafted paper Valentines embedded
with flower seeds that can be planted in the spring.
Grades K-5.
Paper Quilt Art
Wednesday, February 17, 4-4:45 pm, BRD Joba
Come make a paper quilt based on the designs inspired
by Lesa Cline-Ransome’s book Quilt Counting.
Grades K-5.
Recycled Bottle Buddies!
Happy Birthday,
Pooh Bear!
Seed Paper Valentines
Hip-Hop Dance Series
Thursday, January 7, 4-4:45 pm, ADR Cavallaro
Learn about what happens to plants and trees in the
winter and create a winter basket with evergreens,
twigs, berries and pinecones. Grades K-5.
Art Action
The Night Before
St. Patrick’s Day
Thursday, March 10
4-4:45 pm, BRD Joba
It’s hard to trick a
leprechaun, but if you
catch one he has to
give you his pot of
gold! Listen to
Natasha Wing’s
story and Irish
music, enjoy snacks
and fun craft!
Grades K-5.
Discover New Worlds
Have you seen the amazing audiobook collection at the library?
Audiobooks open the door for both experienced and struggling
readers to access literature beyond their reading levels. Audiobooks
help readers explore new genres, stretch vocabulary, and read books
with difficult proper names or locales with ease. Recorded books
entertain while demonstrating fluent reading and provide appropriate
phrasing, intonation, and articulation. They teach critical listening,
support emergent or struggling readers and can be useful learning
tools for children learning English as another language.
Marble Run
Thursday, February 11, 4-4:45 pm, ADR Children’s
Use recycled materials to build your own marble run,
which can be attached to a wall at home. Grades 4-8.
Dance & Jam
Wednesday, February 17, 4-4:45 pm
ADR JLP Preschooler
Shake off those winter blues! Show off your moves
or just pick up an instrument and rock out with us!
We will be providing music and instruments but
feel free to bring your own! Grades K-5.
Show Me the Money!
Thursday, February 18, 4-4:45 pm
ADR Children’s
Learn how to save and spend money by playing
store. Take home a piggy bank! Grades K-5.
& Older
DIY Painted Feathers
Wednesday, January 20
4-4:45 pm, BRD Joba
Use your creative talents to decorate
some eye-catching imitation feathers.
Design them with a beautiful array of
acrylic colors. Dress for a mess! Grades 5-8.
Circuits & LEDs
Tuesday, January 26, 3-4:30 pm, BRD Teen
Create simple circuits to light up the
darkest night. We will have the LED
bulbs and supplies. Grades 5-12.
Manga Drawing
Tuesday, February 16, 3-4:30 pm, BRD Teen
Draw a favorite anime character or
invent your own. Grades 5-12.
Zen Drawing
Tuesday, February 23, 3-4:30 pm, BRD Teen
Relax, draw, and experience your inner peace
as you design unique artistic creations.
Beginners welcome. Grades 5-12.
Color Me
Thursday, March 3
4-4:45 pm
ADR Cavallaro
Join the new coloring
craze to exercise fine motor skills, train the
brain to focus, and relieve stress! Grades 5-8.
Audiobooks can be found at both branches as well as online through Overdrive, our digital eBook and
audiobook service provider. Stop by the library for help downloading one from Overdrive!
Teen Scene
x p l o r e
i s c o v e r
o n n e c t
Teen programs for ages 12-18 require registration unless otherwise noted. Register at
or call (845)485-3445 x 3320. Free parking and easy access to Adriance off Noxon Street.
College Prep Workshops
Special Events
Register at or call (845) 485-3445 x 3320.
Teens Honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
with Documentary Screening
Monday, January 11, 3-4 pm, ADR Strba Teen
Watch the video short of our teens sharing their thoughts on Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. Enjoy hot apple cider and corn bread while adding
your “hand” to our “I Have a Dream Poster”. No need to register.
Create Artwork for a Mural
Wednesday, January 20, 3-5 pm, BRD Joba
Here is a unique opportunity for your artistic flair!
A series of hands-on art programs will be led by local artist
Yvonne Laube. Works created at this program will be curated
and arranged to create a series of permanent murals to
decorate the Boardman library branch. Please register.
Please note that artwork created during the workshops will be digitized
and, per the discretion of the Library, may or may not be used in the
permanent mural. By attending the workshop, you acknowledge consent/
permission to use your artwork and/or photographic images taken during
the event for Library purposes.
Winter Teen Gathering & Snow “Ball” Thursday, February 11, 6:30-8:30 pm, ADR Strba Teen
Beat the winter cold by dancing to your favorite music and enjoy
snacks while hanging out with friends. No need to register.
Spring Break Specials
Monday-Friday, 2-4 pm, ADR Strba Teen
March 21: Digital Detox – Draw, Color, Collage
March 22: DIY Jewelry – Beads or Charms
March 23: Unplugged Challenge – The Tallest Tower
March 24: Shrinky Dink Designs
March 25: Friendship Bracelets
Warm-up Workshops
Thaw out from the cold and enjoy some warm creations.
Tuesdays, 3-4:30 pm, ADR Strba Teen unless otherwise noted.
January 12
February 9
the Night
Crocheting 101
Make a candle with
ice and melting wax.
Make beautiful soaps
in different colors and scents.
February 2, ADR Kitchen
Make Your Own Pizza
Stretch your own personal pizza dough
and add yummy toppings.
March 1
Landscape Painting
January 19
Sudsy Soap Creations
Learn to make a simple scarf or hat.
We supply the yarn and needle.
Bring spring inside by painting a Hudson
Valley view. We supply paint and canvas.
March 8
Yummy Snacks
Learn how to make
easy snacks and drinks
for your busy schedule.
SAT Test Prep: Math
SAT Test Prep: English
Tuesdays, 3-4:30 pm
(3 Sessions)
Wednesdays, Jan 20, Feb 17, & March 16
6-7:30 pm, ADR JLP PreSchooler
English teacher Fiona McKenna leads this series to assist
teenagers interested in scoring higher on the English
section of the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test).
Register for all three sessions or just one.
How to Pay for College
without Going Broke
Thursday, January 21, 6:30-7:30 pm, ADR Cavallaro
Learn the difference between the FAFSA and CSS Profile financial aid forms
and how they affect your cost of college. Stephanie Mauro, College Planner
Advisor, reviews parental and student assets that impact aid offers and
explains how the financial aid system works. For teens and their parents.
Understanding Financial Aid
Thursday, February 11, 6-7 pm, ADR Cavallaro
Teens and parents can get acquainted with the financial aid process.
Dutchess Community College Financial Aid Director, Susan Mead, provides
advice on all kinds of aid for college and explains the FASFA application.
What it takes to get into College Today
Thursday, March 3, 6:30-7:30 pm, ADR Cavallaro
What do selective colleges want to see on your college application? Stephanie
Mauro, College Planner Advisor, discusses how to maximize your potential to
receive scholarships, grants, and other forms of merit-aid. For teens and parents.
Teen Media Lab
Wednesdays & Thursdays, January 13-March 10
3-4:45 pm, ADR Strba Teen
Work on a project or just experiment. No registration needed.
Wednesday Projects
3-4:45 pm, ADR Strba Teen
January 13
February 10
Moving Snowy Photo
After Effects
Valentine Card
Create a cinemagraph (moving
photograph) of you in a blizzard!
January 20
Stop Motion Animation
Use your imagination and our iPads
to film your own mini animation.
January 27
Memes & more Memes
Using Photoshop, create your
own unique Meme poster.
February 3
Workshops at Boardman
(3 Sessions)
Tuesdays, Jan 12, Feb 9, & March 8
6-7:30 pm, ADR JLP PreSchooler
Math teacher Jennifer Parker leads this series to assist
teenagers interested in scoring higher on the Math
section of the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test).
Register for all three sessions or just one.
Creatures of the
Winter Night
Invent your own creature using
our art tablet and Photoshop.
Put some words in motion and create
a valentine for someone special.
February 17
Green Screen
Walk on Mars or fly
among the clouds.
Actors needed.
February 24
Green Screen Special
Effects Editing
Learn to edit a green screen film
and add your own background.
March 2 & 9
Finish Your Projects
January 26
Circuits & LEDs
Create simple circuits. We will have
the LED bulbs and supplies.
February 16
Manga Drawing
Draw a favorite anime character
or invent your own.
February 23
Zen Drawing
Relax and draw as you design artistic
creations. Beginners welcome.
Adriance Strba
Teen Room Hours
Monday-Thursday: 2-8 pm
Friday-Sunday: 2-5 pm
Gaming Afternoons
Monday-Friday, January 4-March 11
3-4:30 pm, ADR Strba Teen
Challenge friends with our video
games for Xbox and Wii.