one-hour wader repair
one-hour wader repair
F I S H I N GT A C T I C SB Y M A R K H I C K S ONE-HOUR WADERREPAIR ffi -l GETTHE EYES L You must have polarizedsunglasseswith optical-qualitylensesin amber or green.A full-brimhat preventslightfrom reflectingoff the insideof the lenses. FII'ID SPAWNINGCOVER Look in these olaces:the backs of sheltered creeks,coves,and boat canalsthat receive ample sun; pea gravelin creek arms and coves on the deeperends of reservoirs; sandy,open spots in vegetation;at the base of stumps and the roots of lily pads; in flooded cover wherethe bottom is hard. sPoT THE F|SH ? ..t Zip aroundspawningareaswith your electricmotor on high speed while lookingfor beds and fish. Any bass that darts off its bed as you approachwill be hard to catch. One that glidesaway but returnsshortlywill be more receptive.The easiestmark is a bass that stays on its bed as you zoom past. Note the oositionof catchablefish and sneak back within castingrange 10 minuteslater. CAST BLIND When you return,stay out of sight and cast blind to the unsuspectingfish. A 3%-inch Texas-riggedtube with a %-ouncesinker fished on spinningtackle and 8-pound-test often draws a strike on the first toss. ( srGHr-cAsT r/ lf you don't get resultswithinfive minutes, move just close enoughto see the bass. This confirmsthat it's still there and lets you see how it's reactingto your lures.Sometimes you've got to show a fish severaltypes to find 42 FIELD&STREAM I APRIL 2OO7 the one that trips its trigger.Come armed with soft-plastictubes, worms, lizards,and craws in varioussizesand colors. ] PATCH KIT MATERIALS bagfOrstorage. Smallpouchorzip-seal I Aqui$j$al kil.{,}lilrnq ili0 Uat0h. h $por)ii dryingtime" fiot{rl'?40 thearea. Alcohol fOrrieaninq svJabs r f TWITCH |o Cast beyond the bed, ctragyour lure into it, and twitch it without pulling it out. A1/q-io thounce bulletsinkerabovea swivelor bead allowsfor more aggressivetwitching,which is maddeningto a bass. ry TWrrcH AND JUMp I Oraga plasticbait with a%a- to l/a-ounce sinkerto the far edge of the spawningspot and twitch it untilthe bass stads moving its tail and pectoralfins, a sure sign that it's irritated. Then suddenlyhop the bait into the middle of the bed to spark a reflexstrike. O| BAIT AND SWITCH O Wh"n bass pay littleheed to regularbaits, twitchinga bulky 1O-inchsoft-plasticswimbait can rousethem. Once the swimbaitexcites the bass, cast a smallerlureto the fish. BE PATIENT O J lf a bass won't stay on the bed with your boat in sight, drop your lure into its centerand back away downwindwhile peelingoff line. When you're far enoughaway that the fish can't see you, anchorand wait. Yourtarget will eventuallymove off with your lure. {A LETTHEMGO lt | _. .. ILf Fishingfor bass on beds is a strictly situation.Playthem catch-and-release quickly,handlethem carefully,and get them back into the water unharmed.You want to do this everyspring,don't you? $liff0j11 [t]$iLr{}fid th0Aquil{il1fil. [$f{$NJ pakrh. Woman's nylons for^ .fldxible Klli{olo cutlho{lr{ir$, \/Oilrhandfroiiltheglil0 ilrtflX$kr\iet0pr0hrcl Athlelic tapet0 hoklthepatchin place. DON,T LET A LEAKY bOot bE thE ENd of your day. Canvas, rubber, or breathable waders usually r6quire 24 hours to repair, but toss this emergency patch kit in your vest and you'll be back on the water after lunch. Note. this fix won't allow moisture to escape, but will a square inch of nonbreathable *rou KEER material kill you? '$ Clean the area around the hole with an alcoholswab. I Close the tear with a strip of tape on the insldeof your waders. Q Cut a patch from a woman's nylon stocking to cover the hole. Q tr,lixt part Cotol-240 accelerator with 3 to 4 parts Aquasealusing a colfee stirrer or brush. Q Spread the mixture around the tear, extending the glue % inch beyond the oatch size. I Place the patch in the mixture and lay it flat over the tear. @ epp[ a light additionalcoat of glue on top, and lay the waders flat to dry for one hour,