January - Just For Openers
January - Just For Openers
Just For Openers 25th Year Issue #97 Copyright 2003 John Stanley PO Box 64 Chapel Hill NC 27514-0064 (919) 419-1546 Web Site www.just-for-openers.org Past Editors: Don Bull (1979-83) Ed Kaye (1984-88) Art Santen (1989-1993) Membership Renewals / Annual Dues $20.00 Please Renew if your date is 03/31/03 Opener and Corkscrew Books (please check Selling Ads for details) 2003 Handbook of United States Beer Advertising Openers & Corkscrews by Bull, Kaye & Stanley "Just For Openers" "A Guide to Beer, Soda, & Other Openers" by Donald A. Bull & John R. Stanley "Soda Advertising Openers" by Donald A. Bull & John R. Stanley "Beer Advertising: Knives, Letter Openers, Ice Picks, Cigar Cutters and More" by Donald A. Bull "The Ultimate Corkscrew Book" by Donald A. Bull "Bull's Pocket Guide to Corkscrews" by Donald A. Bull “Boxes Full of Corkscrews” by Donald A. Bull "ANRI Woodcarvings: Bottle Stoppers, Corkscrews, Nutcrackers, Toothpick Holders, Smoking Accessories and More" by Philly Rains and Donald A. Bull January 2003 2003 St Louis Missouri JFO Convention The 25th Anniversary Convention is 3 months away. Registration is in the back of this issue. If you are thinking about coming please go ahead and register with hotel. Cutoff date is March 9th (they will have rooms after this date but maybe not at the $49 room rate for JFO). Just call 1-800-2-RAMADA or call the Hotel direct at 1314-291-5100 (location is the Ramada Inn St Louis Airport). Let them know you are with Just For Openers to obtain the $49 room rate. For members who plan on flying you are down to one option and that is mailing your openers and corkscrews to either Art Santen or your editor as Pat and I will be driving. If you are mailing them try to do so by the March 31st and ship them by insured priority mail. Effective January 1 airlines require that all bags being checked in are unlocked. You could still check them in and have them in the airplane cargo area but you would be taking a big chance. Absolutely no openers or corkscrews can be carried on. So please plan in advance. P-30-2 Anheuser-Busch Most JFO members on eBay saw me purchase this A-B Barmount. Sure it was the most I have ever paid for opener or corkscrew ($843). But I had to have it. Looks nice in my showcase. There is one pictured in an Anheuser-Busch book and a corkscrew collector has just the plate. A rare bird and a great looking corkscrew. As I always tell Pat, it is only money. ———————————Member’s Update————————— This is short and sweet. As far as I know everyone is doing well except for longtime member Russ Harding who has not been doing well health wise the last few months. Russ is the brother of Judy Jay and we hope he improves so he can make the St Louis convention. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Russ. ——————Art Santen Opener Museum Tour at His House——— For anyone attending the JFO Convention, Art Santen is offering a two hour tour of his vast opener collection (close to 30,000 and counting with a lot of nice displays). He can allow up to 12-15 for each tour and the registration form has check-offs for the available time slots. It is one tour you don’t want to miss. Please mark either Thursday or Friday and we will work out travel (maps) to his house at the convention. 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 “Starr X Collection Being in the Right Place at the Right Time” The first of November I had the pleasure of meeting a local soda collector, who shall remain anonymous for the article. The month before he had the good fortune of buying the Starr X collection which was mounted on an old wooden board and shown in the three pictures to the right. Casey as I will call this collector had known that a dealer at a local flea market had some Starr X openers for sale but he always seemed to forget to bring them to the flea market. Casey said that finally at one flea market this past fall he sees the dealer and asks where are the openers? They were not on his table but the dealer said they are leaning against a tree behind me. Sure enough there was “The Board”. Casey said he was amazed at what was on the board. The dealer came out and said he wanted a $1000 for the collection. He even told Casey that he had the collection at the big Hillsville flea market the first of September and someone had offered him $800 but he turned it down. Let your editor interject that as I heard this story I was like, “this is not real”. Who would be dumb enough to walk away from this board for a $1000 if they knew anything about openers. The sad part was I was at Hillsville and I didn’t see this board. A once in a lifetime opportunity missed. Oh well. Casey continues by saying he told the dealer that was more than he wanted to pay (talk about being greedy). He gets the dealer’s card and tells him that he wants to think about and call him. Again someone walks away from this collection. That night Casey calls and tells the dealer he wants to pay $700. Now usually in this situation, my luck PAGE 2 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 PAGE 3 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 “Starr X Collection Being in the Right Place at the Right Time (Continued)” is the dealer tells me to get lost. He says the dealer hesitated and then they negotiated some more before settling on a price of $750 for the board. Casey is excited and says he will come to the flea market and pay the dealer. The dealer says that would be fine and he left the board at his table in the field with a towel over it. Just hearing this part gave me a heart attack, but the next day Casey became the lucky owner of this awesome collection. The dealer had collected them for many years and decided it was time to sell. A reasonable estimate of the board is $2500-$3000. Casey sold the Side Mount “Icy-O” on eBay for $820 (to cover his expenses). Most of the rest of the openers went into his collection. Three other very tough Starr openers were on the board, a Long Neck “Big Boy”, a Long Neck “Big Bill” (first I have ever actually seen) and a Long Neck White Rock with a corkscrew. Anyway you figure it this was one great collection. Even in 2002 great openers turn up and despite all of the books, eBay and general information available, you can still get some great deals. January New Members, Renewals, Address Changes & Corrections Just For Openers Current Members: 275 (New Member Numbers 1016-1022) Mem # Last Name First Name Spouse Street City Stat Zip e Phone E-Mail Specialties/ (Sponsor) 920 Sharon Rd Beatrice NE 68310-3026 402-223-4535 W402-2235139 joebud1@ch arter.net US Beer Openers (Alex Redl) Hadley MA 01035-0094 413-584-2840 aemdragon3 @msn.co m US Beer (New England & New York), Steinie Bottles, Bottle caps 1019 Billesbach Joe 1018 Dragon Adam Eliza PO Box 94 113 Bay Rd 763 Ellison Dana Caye 1493 East Hill Rd Ludlow (Address Change) VT 05149-9623 802-228-3196 ellisd@tds. net Older Corkscrews & All Advertising Openers 865 Fisher John PO Box 953 (Address Change) Mechanicsville MD 20659-0953 301-290-1753 burntoak@ear thlink.net Pennsylvania Openers & Micros 1022 Kreul Royce Karen 152 S Burr Oak Ave Oregon WI 53575-1367 608-835-7325 C608-4382693 kreulr@a ol.com General, Cast Iron Figurals (Longtime FBOC Member), Wall Mounts, Anri Bottle Stoppers 1016 Lauver Gary Linda 713 Athens Cv Belton TX 76513-4874 254-780-2349 lglauver@spri ntmail.co m US Beer & Can Openers from Small Breweries, Texas, Oklahoma 1021 Osterndorff Carl 1480 County Road 21 Craig NE 68019-5034 402-377-2782 US Beer, Soda, Can Openers (Internet) 1017 Rump Bill 362 Hexie Rd Markleton PA 15551-8616 814-926-3009 cobaltUS Beer, Soda blue14@h (Mostly PA) otmail.co (Ben Hoffman) m 1020 Solari Chris 3116 Stuart Ave Apt 7 Richmond VA 23221-2450 804-353-0360 Can Openers (Larry Moter) 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 4 Spouse’s Corner By Pat Stanley, the Editor’s Spouse December 2002 Christmas Eve and what am I doing, starting my Spouse's Corner, so I won't be in a corner myself!! The first thing I always do before I can write is make copies of the newsletters from the year under review, this time 1992. John only has one original of the back issues and I need to mark up the articles as I read. While making copies I especially enjoy looking at the pictures and reminiscing. There are so many JFO stories behind each face, memories of conventions past and visits with JFO friends. In the January issue, Ollie Hibbeler shared a true story. Seventy-five miles from home he found a P42-1 in a junk shop the previous November. It wasn't priced and the person in charge would not sell it without the owner, her sister, first pricing the item. Ollie pleaded for her to have her sister call him, but was told that they don't have a phone. Then have her write and "please don't forget". Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years passed and no word from the junk shop. Another 150 miles in January to find the shop closed, same thing in March. In May it was open and the un-priced piece was in the same place, but still the same lady and the same story. In July the shop was closed again!! This time Ollie decided to recruit the help of the man who ran an upholstery shop next door. He was a collector himself, his love was old bread toasters. His new friend had the opener in hand within a few days and called Ollie collect. And so Ollie had the piece and the man got a finders fee. $10 for the opener and gas to drive 1200 miles for all the return trips in pursuit of one little opener. Opener Trivia had some valuable tips for Coor's openers. You might determine the age of a Coor's opener by the name. From 1934-1945 it was known as Coors Golden Beer. After the war, their slogan changed to "Fine Light Beer", then in the late 1940's, it became "America's Fine Light Beer". Also make note that on the earlier Coors openers, the "s" on Coors does not have a tail, while on later Coors openers it does. During the war years, wooden openers came out with only a nail head to serve as the opener. We didn't give up beer, but were willing to find an alternative to the metal openers used to open it! Coors saved materials during the war by coming out with a Hostess bottle that served 1-5 people. So only one bottle cap was needed, rather than three. That cap could be removed with a wire opener carefully so you could replace the cap tightly for later servings. Lyle Feisel was the featured collector. He tucked away about a half-dozen church keys so they could someday tell their grandchildren about the "olden times". Years later, after selling/giving away a lot of things and moving cross-country, they started frequenting garage sales and flea markets to pick up some necessities. It wasn't long before they realized that his "little sampling of beer openers wouldn't tell a very big part of the story!"...the stories of the breweries and the stories behind the each openers itself (like Ollie's P-42-1). The April Trivia had a notation that is even more interesting today than in 1992. I quickly scanned the sketches to see just which one was described as "the mother of all bartender's tools", as it was designed by Saddam Hussein for his troops during the War in the Gulf. It has a 3 1/2" blade for hand to hand combat and a corkscrew to open the bottles during the post war celebration over the "capitalist scum". 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 5 Spouse’s Corner (continued) Ben Hoffman was the Collector of the Month in April. He was another one of those guys who started collecting beer cans and had to switch to something smaller as space became an issue. He started collecting openers in 1977 and didn't find out about our great JFO club until 1981. He's been to all but one convention since his first show in 1987. His license plate is known to many "Openers". When we were out in St. Jo for the 2001 Convention, there was an announcement that some keys had been found. There must have been one of those miniature license plates on the key ring for they asked if someone with the plate "Openers" had lost their keys. Ben quickly replied, "no" since they weren't lost now!!! The CCCC offered a Cookbook for Corkscrew Collectors in the April issue. Just asked John if he had one. He doesn't. Any copies available, Joe Paradi? Tom Zruno was the collector for July. In addition to discussing his collection that started in 1973, he added that he was looking for a good woman!! Now Gary Deachman has wanted me to let the same be known about him for some time when we talk to him. Didn't know quite how to slip that into the newsletter, but this gave me the perfect opportunity! He would like to share his time with someone who understands the love of collecting openers and would enjoy beautiful autumns in New Hampshire. Anyone who attends the JFO Conventions has heard Ollie Hibbeler say that the only rule is that there are no rules!! In the July issue I learned the "rest of the story" from a cartoon in the issue. Ollie is a little worm and Art Santen is a little bird. Ollie has just joined JFO and wants to know what they do in this club. Art tells him that we meet, drink and eat. Ollie responds, "You mean you have no constitution, no charter, no rules or moral conduct, no exalted purpose?". Art responds, "those went down the toilet when we voted you in". 40 members and their guests attended the 1992 convention at Oldenberg. Art Johnson wore ten different tee-shirts!!! Janice Jarrell and I were all excited about exploring Cincinnati. We had rented a big car so the four of us could come to JFO together. Much to my surprise Janice wanted to be the map reader, not drive that monster vehicle. Since she had driven pick up trucks, I thought I could count on her to drive. The map reader, nor the driver had paid any attention to how we got into the Oldenberg Complex. We were probably still thinking about our assignment to handle the speeding ticket John got just outside of Cincinnati. But we took off, winding through the endless parking lot, stopping to greet other JFO members who were arriving as we were beginning our shopping adventure. Then reality set in that we really didn't know how to get out of the parking lot!!! We ended up on a side street, pulled over until the driver could stop laughing and compose herself enough to drive!! This was the year Pat was already into decorative stamping and Janice soon joined that addiction. Can't remember how many trips we made to the stamp store, but it was at least once a day!! We would check in to see how much the guys were spending and felt we could match that without any trouble. You would probably like to hear about the speeding ticket. Roger was in the front seat, Janice sleeping in the back. When John saw a cop coming up in the rear mirror, he said, "Wonder who he's after". Roger simply said, "Do you see anyone ahead of you?". When Janice woke up, she asked. "where's John?"....back with the cop. John was going to explain that we all had small cars and he wasn't use to this rental car, etc., but the ticket was already under way by the time he walked back. Maybe if he had explained that he was going to a "beer" opener convention the cop would have understood!! 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 6 Spouse’s Corner (continued) Ed Kaye asked if anyone wanted to take over the additions listing in the July issue. In the October issue, who else, but John Stanley had volunteered! He does grumble some when he has lots of "plastic" openers to add each year!! The United States Brewers Association held its first annual meeting on November 12, 1862. Their annual meetings were held even in the midst of the Civil War, even more oddly held two annual meetings in 1863. Their 1913 Yearbook featured an article on the death of Adolphus Busch. The people of St. Louis dearly loved this man and it's obvious why when you read this article in the October issue. Here are some summations and quotes from the article. He settled in St. Louis in 1857 at the age of twenty and within two years had established himself in the malting business. In 1862 he married Miss Lily Anheuser whose father was interested in the beerbrewing plant known as the Bavarian Brewery. Mr. Busch acquired a controlling interest and incorporated it with himself as Secretary and Anheuser as President. Mr. Busch invented a process of bottling beer that enabled it to withstand the temperature of all climates. This enabled beer to be taken into the home and promoted temperance by leading away from temptation to excess often found in saloons. This goes along with his purpose to promote sobriety by supplanting the heavier, harder liquors with a lighter, milder beverage, as did Thomas Jefferson before him. In 1911 he celebrated his Golden Anniversary. Among those who sent gifts were William H. Taft, then President, Col. Roosevelt and the German Emperor. The people of St. Louis loved him more for what he was than what he had. "He was never eclipsed by his business. The machine never got hold of his heart and soul. He was a spacious, open-minded, warm-hearted, cheerful, helpful human being." More of his kindnesses were hidden than known. He never had a lawsuit against him solely; he paid the highest wages and the best prices for the best goods. In the end, he showed that he was as brave as he was kindly for he suffered for seven years. During those years he cheered those who called him and his words to the world were merry words of hope. "No wonder St. Louisians loved him". The October issue included information on the various products that Anheuser-Busch added to their line to diversify.....another sign of the genius of this great man. As I head to St. Louis in April 2003 the Anheuser-Busch name has new meaning to me, a special name indeed. And so I end this Spouse's Corner. I hope there are not any spelling errors for I have kept my Large Print Dictionary close at my side. My eyes have not been trained to study the small detail on openers for hours on end like John!! We Wish You a Happy 2003. Hope Your Journeys Include St. Louis in April!! 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 M-142 OPENER/MINI-MUDDLER (SEE M-19 & M-120) MADE BY CYMBA INC. 3 1/8" MARC BENJAMIN More New Discoveries to the 2002 Handbook F-35 CAP LIFTER/ICE PICK WOOD HANDLE (P-7 BODY BUT WITH ICE PICK INSTEAD OF CORKSCREW) MARKED “A. W. STEPHENS MFG. CO. WALTHAM, MASS. PAT. APR. 30, 1901” 10 1/2" JOHN CARTWRIGHT 1. PAGE 7 1. 2. 3. HAMM’S BEER OLYMPIA “IT’S THE WATER” PABST BLUE RIBBON BEER (IN LOGO) DRINK AMERICAN BEER PHONE 6122. M-143 LEATHERMAN SUPER TOOL CAN OR BOTTLE OPENER/NEEDLENOSE PLIERS/ REGULAR PLIERS/WIRE CUTTERS/HARD-WIRE CUTTERS/ CLIP-POINT KNIFE/SERRATED KNIFE/WOOD SAW/ METAL OR WOOD FILE/9 INCH RULER/ SCREWDRIVERS: EXTRA-SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, PHILLIPS/ ELECTRICAL CRIMPER/WIRE STRIPPER/AWL OR PUNCH MARKED “LEATHERMAN SUPER TOOL PAT. PEND. PORTLAND ORE. LEATHERMAN USA” 7" MARC BENJAMIN 1. G-69 CAP LIFTER 6" MIKE KREJCI 1. MILLER LITE (IN LOGO) CANTINA ORIGINAL COORS 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 N-114 ICE BREAKER/CAP LIFTER (SEE N-71) BOX MARKED “BURNCO ‘THE ICE BREAKER’” 6 1/8" JOHN STANLEY 1. COMPLIMENTS OF ROYALTON BEVERAGE CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF GRAIN BELT BEER N-115 CAP LIFTER/GOLF DIVOT REPAIR/GOLD SHOE CLEAT WRENCH MADE BY CYMBA INC. 2 3/4" MARC BENJAMIN 1. 2. HAMM’S BEER OLYMPIA “IT’S THE WATER” P-166 THREE BLADE KNIFE/CORKSCREW WIRE BREAKER-FOIL CUTTER BLADE/ MASTER BLADE/PEN BLADE BLADES MARKED “N. C. CO. CANTON O.” JOHN STANLEY 1. 1. BUD LIGHT FROM V. A. OSWALD, ALTOONA, PA. XMAS 1901 TO J. MCGINNIS, ALTOONA, PA. P-167 CORKSCREW IN 10 BLADE SWISS ARMY KNIFE TWO CAP LIFTER BLADES/SCISSORS BLADE/PUNCH BLADE/ TWO SAW BLADES/FILE BLADE/PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER BLADE/ MASTER KNIFE BLADE/PEN KNIFE BLADE/ TOOTHPICK IN HANDLE 14 FUNCTION SWISS ARMY KNIFE MADE IN CHINA JOHN STANLEY 1. N-116 CAP LIFTER/WATCH MARKED “JAPAN MOVT.” 5 1/2" MARC BENJAMIN/ART SANTEN PAGE 8 COORS ORIGINAL 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 P-168 CORKSCREW IN 10 BLADE SWISS ARMY KNIFE TWO CAP LIFTER BLADES/SCISSORS BLADE/PUNCH BLADE/ SAW BLADE/FILE BLADE/PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER BLADE/ FISH SCALER BLADE/ MASTER KNIFE BLADE/PEN KNIFE BLADE/ MARC BENJAMIN 1. (LOGO) BREWERY OMMEGANG WWW.OMMEGANG.COM (COOPERTOWN NY) PAGE 9 R-42 SURFBOARD CURVED METAL CAP LIFTER (SAME AS X-10) MADE BY CYMBA INC. 5" BEN HOFFMAN 1. COORS LIGHT Q-72 TWIST OFF CAP LIFTER IN BACK/ TAB POPPER/CAP LIFTER ALL METAL (SEE Q-12 & Q-44) MARKED “CHINA” 2 1/8" BOB BROWN 1. CAPTAIN MORGAN GOLD I always wondered what a “K” bar would be shipped in. A recent eBay had a mint K-1 Pabst and it was shipped in the above box. Another Vaughan opener from their Chicago plant. Opener and box sold for $41. Just a simple E-1 Griesedieck Bros wire opener. I do not remember seeing one with St Louis at the end of the opener? Same writing on the reverse side. Do you E-1 collectors know if this is really a common opener? 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 10 “Opener and eBay Trivia” Todd Milano did contact Tom Lothridge about his two I7-37 Schaefers but they turned out to just be the common I-7 Schaefer. No one else has the rare Schaefer so we will assume it was listed in error. This quarter sees the highest number of results I have reported so far on eBay. Several outstanding openers as usual and just a lot of good solid openers. My best purchase by far after the P-30-2 shown on the front page was finally obtaining a Harley Davidson Motorcycle spinner opener (shown on the last page of the October issue) for $135. Twice before on eBay I had bid $366 and $466 and lost both times. Fortunately this time it was listed in a strange category and many thanks to John Patton for telling me about it. quarter had a K-1-UL Rainier offered (it had a nice decal on it). John Weatherhead continued selling off his L-4 wooden bottle collection. The Manru, Manhattan and tall Southern Select all bringing $200-$300. John had originally bought the collection from Bob Kay about 5-6 years ago. He got over 50 different L-4s for $2000. Sliders were readily available for more common ones and it seems for the most part, collectors are concentrating more on condition when these openers come on the market. Two M-73s brought nice prices with Art Johnson getting the 13th of 14 known beer M-73s. He only needs an M-73 Kessler Hotel Placer (Green) to complete his collection of M-73s. I wish someone would tell me why all of the Coca-Cola collectors keep paying big money for the “Fake” M-19s. The same seller has quit fooling Special note for the eBay listings and the current JFO around listing one every couple of months and has been auctions. I will start using –CAN, -MEX and –FOR for listing them every 10 days. He wants $9 and change and Canadian, Mexican and Foreign listings. Also DNMR usually gets three figures for most of them. The N-29 means “Did Not Meet Reserve”. Lots and “A”s and “B”s Storck pencil was a hot commodity for Wisconsin collecwere sold this past quarter with the best being an A-37-1 tors. Jim Osborn figured out my bid routine as he beat Hand and an A-59-1 Providence. A B-10-1 Congress was me by a penny on the N-52-1 Emmerling. a little surprising bringing only $81.80 but beer openers types do not always bring good prices if the local collec- Starr openers continued their good sales record with sevtors all have the opener. A B-19 Browning Bros (noneral of the tougher ones being offered. Even when one beverage I believe ???) brought a lot of interest from Utah appears 2 or 3 times a month such as the Frigidaire, it collectors. There have been a few B-23 spinners with brings a good price the third time. (See Starr story page Coca-Cola ads on eBay but one from Hutchinson, Kansas 2). The steal was a Starr “Flight Malted Milk” at brought a high price of $177.55. $236.49. The last one brought in the $600 range and is very rare. Wood handle corkscrews with the right beer One of the more interesting wires was an E-14-364 Fritz name can bring the big bucks as the P-8 Strohs and P-8 from Freeport, Ill bringing $51.01. It was bought by a Miller did. Most usually bring $20-$40. The P-26 Dick local Freeport collector with several JFO members losing knife in near mint condition brought an astounding out. Some seller was dreaming if they did not sell the F-2 $771.06. It is a fairly common knife in average condiCoca-Cola from Dyersburg, Tenn for $129.27. It Did Not tion, but obviously in high demand when in great shape. Meet Reserve but that was a very generous price. As for The P-509 White Rock was a little plastic sleeve corkFigural Cast Iron openers, two Dodo birds sold within a screw but had not been seen except by serious White couple of days of each other. Lately there have been sev- Rock collectors. eral “Seahorses” being sold but the first brought $177.45. There is always a Black Boy Being Bitten by an Alligator Corkscrews continue to see lower end ($1000 and under) for sell (almost always fakes), but one marked John bring mixed results while good stuff continues to bring Wright on the bottom was bought for a good price at good prices. Several good corkscrews DNMR but as $76.00. usual rare American patents were very much in demand. Members should note that some American patents such as A very nice G-9 Potosi was a very hot item before ending the Strait and Woodman were bringing $1500-$3000 two at $123.71. This has to be a record for a G-9. I have al- to three years ago are usually sold for $600-$1000 in toways wanted a H-5-17 Senate and had never had a chance day’s market. More have turned up than the market can to buy one before getting one this quarter on eBay for bear. As I say now about eBay, you either love it or hate $37.01. “K”s continue to see large numbers sold and this it but it is where the action is. 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 11 “Opener and eBay Trivia” A-001-025 Lembeck & Betz $23.50 A-001-035 Fitger Non-Alco $25.35 A-001-035 Fitger Non-Alco $36.00 A-001-042 Anchor (w/ 5 Misc) $46.99 A-001-059 Columbia Products $11.50 A-001-062 Manhattan $20.00 A-003-022 Best Ever Malt $14.99 A-003-UL $43.53 Stone Malt (w/ A-5 -33) A-015-999 Coca-Cola / Goldelle $60.00 A-015-999 Penn-Cola $32.05 A-015-999 Pepsi-Cola Newberry SC $75.00 A-016-001 Blakeslee Bros $24.00 A-016-999 Charles City $31.50 A-017-023 Luxus $31.00 A-017-023 Luxus $30.00 A-017-037 Uhls (A) (Fair) $18.33 A-017-999 Cascade $27.75 A-052-999 Berkshire Soda $53.35 A-052-UL Manuel Wold Malt $63.00 A-059-001 Providence A-059-999 Chero-Cola (EX) $40.99 A-999-999 Goodyear Airplane $51.00 A-999-999 Harley-Davidson Spinner B-001-006 Wagner B-001-034 Peter (with C-20 Peter) $227.50 $135.50 $78.00 $102.55 A-004-017 Alpen Brau (A) $20.00 A-020-009 Wehle $42.14 B-002-034 Rainier $57.50 A-004-031 South Fork $37.05 A-020-022 Kochs $20.50 B-002-047 Hanley $76.00 A-004-051 Havre $37.00 A-020-023 Kochs $23.50 B-002-047 Hanley (Good) $43.00 A-004-999 Coca-Cola Indianapolis $79.99 A-021-022 Coors $55.85 B-002-999 $56.09 A-004CAN Copland $21.55 A-021-045 Piels $19.49 Coca-Cola (Brass) (EX) $32.00 B-003-001 Doelger (A) $48.77 A-004-UL Furniture City $31.50 A-021-096 Schlitz (w/ Prima Token) B-003-004 Edelweiss $29.50 $60.09 B-006-008 Scheidt (BIN) B-010-001 Congress $81.80 B-013-024 Bohemian Club $22.16 B-013-126 Edelweiss $28.00 B-014-151 Haberle $26.00 B-014-155 Anaconda $39.11 B-014-155 Anaconda $32.99 B-014-999 Pepsi=Cola Genoa $62.61 B-014-999 Pepsi=Cola Genoa $33.00 B-018-046 Metz Bros $25.00 B-018-332 Hoster (EX) $31.00 B-018-380 Stoll $22.40 B-018-441 Waverly $28.50 B-019-068 Moerschel (EX) $26.00 B-019-102 Salem $19.49 $10.49 A-005-008 Urica-Club $82.00 A-021-999 Coca-Cola In Bottles (Real) A-005-024 Collins Malt (w/ A21-2) $31.00 A-021-999 De-Lux Cola $16.05 A-005-062 Milwaukee $46.00 A-021-999 Dunns Beverages $27.60 A-005-107 Terminal Malt $12.50 A-023-002 Pearl $27.78 A-009-004 Leisy (Good) $17.50 A-026-001 Empire $68.00 A-009-019 Eastside $66.01 A-028-003 Deppen $36.00 A-009-022 Fresno (Good) $38.25 A-028-011 Franklin $24.49 A-009-999 Fan Taz $31.75 A-028-033 Eilert (w/ 2 Misc) $46.00 A-009-999 Milkolate $27.66 A-028-043 Quakertown $36.00 A-009-999 Tulsa Palace Clothiers $41.51 A-029-015 Schneider (EX) $22.39 A-029-024 Schlitz Red Lodge MT $18.00 A-029-999 Dr Pepper Spinner $78.02 A-029-UL $36.00 A-009-999 Ward Orange Crush (DNMR) $109.19 $3.99 A-009-999 Warwick Artic RI $61.01 A-012-999 Coca-Cola (Fake) $78.77 A-013-007 Tannhaeuser $47.25 A-032-001 Wooden Shoe (EX) $20.17 A-013-999 Newport Livery & Garage (EX) $79.00 A-035-014 Miller $36.00 B-019-188 Eastside A-015-026 South Bend Tiger $28.99 A-037-001 Hand $230.29 B-019-999 Browning Bros Ogden Utah A-015-059 Home $36.50 B-021-043 Jones (EX) $32.00 B-021-123 Oshkosh (w/ B23-23) $26.50 A-015-999 Coca-Cola $111.00 Grove Malt A-038-007 Independent $53.01 A-041-001 Medford $42.00 A-043-999 Higginsvilles Bot MO $16.50 $109.16 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 12 “Opener and eBay Trivia” B-021-142 American $23.50 C-005-005 Wagner $19.52 E-009-040 Paducah $13.00 B-021-250 Hack & Simon $20.01 C-009-037 Wyoming $8.00 E-009-999 Moxie $15.50 B-021-371 Fort Schuyler $20.50 C-012-129 Riverview $10.50 E-014-061 DuBois $28.00 B-021-518 Erin Ehren $9.99 C-012-138 Grossvater (BIN) $10.00 E-014-364 Fritz $51.01 B-021-999 Coca-Cola $24.99 C-012-164 Brockert 1936 $14.49 E-014-467 Bismarck $12.01 B-022-003 Centlivre $20.50 C-013-069 Magnolia $17.28 E-014-484 Crete $22.05 B-022-012 Leisen & Henes $29.99 C-013-168 Chester $32.99 E-014-522 Missoula $7.50 B-022-042 Diehl $21.51 C-013-194 Star $28.53 E-014-524 Metzgar $19.26 $15.55 C-013-278 Billings $21.50 E-014-644 Syracuse $20.52 $32.15 C-018-007 Metz $21.08 C-023-001 Jax $25.52 E-014-667 San Diego $12.00 D-001-026 Old Style $47.00 E-014-691 Goenner & Co $13.50 D-003-010 Berghoff $22.44 E-025-012 Fitzgerald $24.49 D-003-021 Reisch $14.29 F-002-017 Walter $15.00 D-012-011 Weibel $27.00 F-002-027 Royal Bohemian $14.29 D-012-013 Excelsior $20.51 F-002-999 $129.27 E-002-013 Old Ranger $33.11 Coca-Cola Tenn (DNMR) E-003-066 Stutz $47.66 F-005-044 Eberle $22.50 E-004-030 Doelger (A) $13.49 F-005-999 Coca-Cola Phone 289 $51.56 E-004-133 Rainier $28.04 F-006-057 Wetterer $49.89 $79.89 B-022-057 DuBois B-023-070 Hornell Spinner B-023-120 Mitchell $47.56 B-023-183 Joyce $10.00 B-023-999 Coca-Cola Hutchinson Kansas Spinner $177.55 B-024-034 Walter $15.87 B-024-035 Walter $16.00 B-024-050 Cassville $32.50 B-024-063 Dicks $16.04 B-024-073 Wausau $18.60 B-024-077 Fitgers $58.00 E-004-200 Wagner $4.25 F-006-070 Fauerbach B-024-092 Mineral Spring $31.01 E-004-279 Jackson $9.95 F-006-999 B-024-999 Coca-Cola $51.01 E-004-283 Schneider $8.39 Coca-Cola Ft Collins B-024-999 Dr Pepper $78.01 E-004-283 Schneider (EX) $10.50 F-006-UL Jackson NO (EX) $26.00 B-027-001 Miller (Brass) $31.00 E-004-314 Knapstein $39.03 F-009-008 Gutsch $22.72 B-027-001 Miller (Brass) $20.55 E-004-325 Nevin-Frank $27.00 F-013-999 Ohio-Toledo Ice Cream $49.99 B-027-001 Miller (Brass) $24.50 E-004-334 High Test Malt $8.00 F-032-001 Gunther $61.01 B-030-001 Capitol $12.50 E-005-060 Potosi $21.50 F-032-002 Gunther $20.45 B-033-002 Heileman $45.00 E-005-999 $27.62 FBOC-122 DoDo Bird $728.75 B-035-008 Sunset $24.18 Cheep-Up Winkler Pepsi=Cola West Mifflin $46.00 DoDo Bird $435.00 $20.50 E-005-999 FBOC-122 B-035-018 Butte Bottlers FBOC-134 B-052-003 Fox Lake $34.99 E-006-175 Pointer $12.16 Black Boy & Alligator (Marked John Wright) B-060-002 Eagle (Brass) $30.00 E-006-223 Binzel $27.79 FBOC-140 Seahorse B-063-002 Fauerbach (B) $72.00 E-007-081 Bartels $19.49 G-001-006 Dr Miller (BIN) $15.00 C-001CAN $43.11 E-008-002 Goebel (EX) $13.48 G-001-013 $26.78 E-008-999 Hires $12.52 Grand Prize South E-008-UL Broadway Buffalo $27.78 G-001-048 4-X $39.00 Drewry Maltum C-002-002 Tech (Bottle) (Mint) (BIN) $40.00 $106.00 $76.00 $177.45 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 PAGE 13 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 “Opener and eBay Trivia” G-001-062 Kessler $10.04 L-004-028 Yankee (EX) G-001-999 Pepsi=Cola 5c $30.50 L-004-038 Falls City (EX) $123.50 G-001-999 Pepsi=Cola Greenhorn $55.00 L-004-039 Gettelman (EX) $82.01 G-003-008 Schneider $22.54 L-004-041 Schlitz 1939 (EX) $153.95 L-004-043 Blatz (EX) $119.50 G-004-020 Walter $15.53 L-004-053 Becks (EX) $32.00 G-005-036 Lykens $63.99 L-004-054 Hamms (EX) $68.00 G-009-048 Frontier $6.45 L-004-064 Manru (EX) L-004-069 Canadian Ace (EX) $95.00 L-004-069 Canadian Ace (EX) $56.99 G-009-055 Potosi (EX) G-009CAN Soo Falls Special $123.71 $37.50 $41.99 M-019-999 Coca-Cola (Fake) $86.00 M-019-999 Coca-Cola (Fake) $158.05 M-019-999 Coca-Cola (Fake) $103.51 M-019-999 Coca-Cola (Fake) $97.20 M-019-999 Coca-Cola (Fake) $76.50 M-027-001 Lone Star $40.09 M-027-001 Lone Star $37.00 M-027-001 Lone Star $68.95 $282.99 G-010-017 Lithia $12.50 G-025-001 Graf $14.99 L-004-070 Canadian (EX) $181.45 M-063-001 Hamms $46.00 $8.87 L-004-073 Manhattan (EX) $239.01 M-063-002 $60.00 L-004-075 Southern Select (EX) $205.00 Sebewaing (MIB) $21.50 H-002-999 Coca-Cola Wichita M-065-005 $25.29 L-007-002 Ballantines $79.00 Falstaff & Old Style $29.99 H-003-039 Eckerts H-005-016 Hazelton $13.09 M-001-024 Kent (EX) $92.00 M-072-999 $128.50 H-005-017 Senate $37.01 M-002-003 Goebel (EX) $69.99 Royal Crown (MIB) Crown $32.00 Kessler $178.49 $20.55 M-002-017 M-073-005 H-008-008 Iroquois (EX) M-073-012 Kessler $240.49 H-008-019 Tavern Pale (Good) $31.05 M-002-017 Crown $43.55 M-073-999 Bismarck (EX) $31.00 1934 Chicago WF (EX) $82.52 M-003-002 M-003-005 Edelweiss (Blue) $59.99 M-083-UL Colonial Beer $11.02 M-003-011 Cumberland (EX) $61.99 M-086-001 Schlitz (MIB) $29.99 M-003-020 Liberty $62.01 N-001-002 Walters (Red) $60.00 N-006-001 Lembeck & Betz $116.49 N-024-002 Haffenreffer (MIB) $86.00 N-024-002 Pickwick (MIB) $36.55 N-027-003 Potosi $59.99 N-029-006 Storck $101.63 N-039-009 Pearl $26.00 H-002-002 American H-011-009 Calumet $8.00 I-007-063 Diamond State $38.27 I-011-298 Hedrick $15.21 I-021-002 Highlander (EX) $22.85 M-003-021 Croft (Reg) (EX) $49.99 K-001-UL Rainier (Decal) $99.99 M-003-023 F & S (EX) $41.00 K-002-008 Pearl $71.01 M-003-029 Victor $36.01 L-002-002 A-B Malt (EX) $67.00 M-003-035 Duquesne (EX) L-002-015 Molter (DNMR) $150.51 M-003-999 Dr Pepper $57.00 L-002-999 Pepper Whiskey $153.50 M-003-999 Dr Pepper (OTT) $40.00 L-004-001 Atlas (EX) $38.77 Shea (Good) $25.05 L-004-004 Blatz (EX) $29.99 M-003CAN L-004-014 Koppitz (EX) $87.50 M-005-003 A-B $10.50 N-040-005 Olympia $26.00 L-004-015 Miller $21.37 M-006-001 Gibbons $39.00 N-046-001 Hamms $59.00 L-004-018 Knickerbocker (EX) $68.99 M-006-001 Gibbons (Hole In Handle) $37.75 N-052-001 Emmerling $134.00 $61.00 $39.99 $88.77 Dr Miller Utica Club Champagne Velvet (EX) M-006-007 N-085-001 L-004-023 M-019-999 $69.68 N-085-001 Utica Club $37.00 Schmidt $58.67 Coca-Cola (Fake) N-506-999 Coca-Cola 50th $77.00 L-004-027 $122.49 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 PAGE 14 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 “Opener and eBay Trivia” O-002-003 Flecks (EX) $34.25 O-515-999 Coca-Cola (MIB) O-002-999 7 Up $24.38 O-515-999 White Rock O-002-999 7 Up $39.99 O-523-999 O-002-999 Coca-Cola (EX) $36.81 O-999-999 O-002-999 Dr Nut (Good) $99.99 O-002-999 Squeeze $20.50 O-004-999 Pepsi=Cola $89.00 O-004-999 Pepsi=Cola (Rusty) $29.00 $77.21 $2,851.00 $573.99 Z-Corkscrew 1795 Henshall SOHO (DNMR) Coca-Cola $76.56 Z-Corkscrew 1867 Twigg $1,075.00 Star Flight Malted Milk $236.49 P-002-002 Minneapolis $39.99 P-003-001 Pabst $51.01 P-003-001 Pabst (Fair) $38.70 P-003-001 Pabst (Good) $36.99 O-005-008 Pearl $102.50 P-005-001 A-B (Large) $103.50 O-005-008 Pearl $27.51 P-005-007 A-B (Small) $113.61 O-005-015 Stegmaier $34.50 P-008-038 Strohs (EX) $163.50 O-005-015 Stegmaier $33.25 P-008-072 Leisy (EX) $52.00 O-005-015 Stegmaier (MIB) $102.50 P-008-076 Miller $203.77 O-005-023 Regal Pale (MIB) $78.75 P-008-109 Gerst $28.50 O-005-999 Canning $71.00 P-009-001 Heim $49.00 O-005-999 Crosley $124.47 P-009-015 Lutz $32.50 O-005-999 Crosley $125.95 P-013-001 Schlitz (EX) $106.50 O-005-999 Frigidiare $435.00 P-013-001 Schlitz (EX) $113.50 O-005-999 Frigidiare $300.00 P-014-003 Metz $41.00 P-014-022 Griesedieck Bros $53.00 P-018-UL Millstadt P-019-999 Famous Dripping $163.50 Springs Whiskey El Paso O-005-999 Frigidiare (DNMR) $330.00 O-005-999 Nehi $177.63 $169.49 Z-Corkscrew 1883 Strait $800.00 Z-Corkscrew 1883 Strait (Rough) $209.50 Z-Corkscrew 1903 Lowenstein $133.49 Z-Corkscrew 1905 Sullivan Patent $2,100.00 Z-Corkscrew 1907 Rees Kitchen Tool $1,126.99 Z-Corkscrew 1910 Chippendale $788.00 Z-Corkscrew 1933 Miss America $142.49 Z-Corkscrew Clough Power Cone $999.99 Z-Corkscrew Dog's Head Walking Cane $1,025.00 Z-Corkscrew French "The Butler" $1,999.00 Z-Corkscrew French Vaney & Co w/ BB Nut & Lever (DNMR) $3,150.00 Z-Corkscrew Lund Queen Patent (DNMR) $5,183.00 O-005-999 Regal Pale $56.88 O-005-999 The Liquid $48.25 O-006-999 Pepsi=Cola $150.00 P-020-001 Blatz $79.99 P-025-999 A-B Knife 2001 Edition (MIB) $125.00 Z-Corkscrew Napier Sterling Hollweg $356.13 P-026-007 Dick Bros $249.99 $790.00 P-026-007 Dick Bros (NM) $771.06 Z-Corkscrew Swedish Mickey Mouse Z-Corkscrew Swedish Popeye $370.00 Z-Corkscrew Syroco Knight (EX) $2,826.51 Z-Corkscrew Walker Automatic (DNMR) $6,870.79 Z-Corkscrew Wier's Compound $1,745.99 O-018-999 Coca-Cola (Good) $33.00 O-502-999 Icy-O (EX) $820.00 O-502-999 The Liquid (DNMR) $39.00 O-505-999 Coca-Cola (Mint) $26.00 P-030-002 Anheuser-Busch $843.00 O-505-999 Mavis $96.05 P-067-001 Krueger (Good) $140.29 O-505-999 Mavis $113.61 P-106-999 Maytag $105.00 O-505-999 Nehi $215.02 P-509-999 White Rock $255.00 O-505-999 Orange Crush $56.00 R-003-003 Iroquois (Painted) $25.00 O-505-999 Orange Crush $66.50 Z-001-001 Cremo (Red) $36.01 O-511-999 Coca-Cola (Hoof) (EX) $76.50 Z-001-001 Cremo (Red) $20.51 O-511-999 Coca-Cola (Hoof) (Good) $51.00 Z-Corkscrew Woodman $705.99 Z-Hagenaur $245.00 Wiener Dog 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 15 2003 Additions to the 2002 Handbook 24. 102. 50. 51. 52. 53. 65. 66. 114. 115. 116. 91. 40. 41. 42. 43. 69. 19. 27. 138. 139. 140. 57. 58. 19. 97. 98. JANUARY 2003 ADDITIONS TO 2002 HANDBOOK (COPYRIGHT JANUARY 2003 JOHN STANLEY) 99. JANUARY 2003 CORRECTIONS TO 2002 HANDBOOK (COPYRIGHT JANUARY 2003 JOHN STANLEY) 100. A-1 CORRECTIONS GRAFS DRINK LEMON-LIFE BEER (2 VAR (A) CLOTHED (B) NUDE) SPOKANE BOTTLE SUPPLY 408 SPRAGUE PHONE MAIN 3580 SPOKANE (03,822) A-3 ROCKFORD MALT EXTRACT CO. 1030 SO MAIN ST. USE ENERGY MALT ROCKFORD MALT EXTRACT CO 1030 SO MAIN STREET ROCKFORD ILL THE STONE MALT CO COLUMBUS OHIO TAYLOR’S BBB MALT THE BEST YET, 912 GENESEE ST. BUFFALO, N. Y. A-4 DREWRY & SONS BOTTLERS ST. PAUL FURNITURE CITY BRG. CO. GOLDEN SEAL AMBER BREW A-5 CARPENTER’S MALT & HOPS FREUNDSCHAFT MALT EXTRACT HOOVER MALT SUPPLY 4280 SO. HOOVER A-5 CORRECTIONS GILLUM'S MALT HOME BOTTLER'S SUPPLIES LAWRENCEBURG, IND. PHONE-116X (03,822) A-7 BUTTE BOTTLERS SUPPLY 112 SO. MAIN ST. PHONE 2522 GIN MALT PRODUCTS CO. 159 SO. 3RD ST. EASTON, PA. PHONE 6383 GIN MALT PRODUCTS COMPANY OF EASTON, PA. A-9 GOOD LUCK MALT PROD. CO. 1327 VLIET ST.MILWAUKEE A-15 “LIMETTA” THE DRINK OF DRINKS (BOTTLED BY DREWRY & SONS OF ST. PAUL MN) A-15 CORRECTIONS FREMONT BREWING CO. DRINK PILSENER BEER (2 VAR (A) BLOCK LETTERS (B) SCRIPT LETTERS) A-18 YORK HOPS & MALT CO. PURITY BRAND MALT EXTRACT 536 — 3RD AVE. N. Y. C. A-21 BARBAROSSA PREMIUM RED TOP BEER AND ALE RAINBOW INN SCHMIDTS & HAMMS TAP BEER ARLINGTON, MINN. SPRINGFIELD BEER DIST. CO. 409 W. COMMERCIAL SPRINGFIELD, MO. A-28 BOTTLER OF JOHN F. BETZ & SON, BEER, ALE & PORTER, EXCLUSIVELY WHEAT ROAD INN SAMUEL REITER PROP. DRINK PIEDMONT BEER, THERE’S NONE BETTER HOME BREWING CO. PETERSBURG BRANCH A-28 CORRECTIONS THOMAS RYAN'S CONSUMERS BREWING CO. SYRACUSE, N.Y. / PURE BEERS (03,852) A-29 GREEN RIVER MALT CO. 288 MOODY ST. WALTHAM BEER & WINE GROVE MALT PRODUCTS MALT – HOPS AND BOTTLING SUPPLIES 340 GROVE ST. MILWAUKEE, WIS. / RETAIL DISTRIBUTORS OF KOLSTER AND ERLA SETS WE REPAIR ANY MAKE RADIO 25. 8. 5. 6. 7. 6. 3. 48. 44. 45. 46. 10. 130. 189. 190. 191. 14. 661. 662. 663. 664. 665. 332. 259. 260. 261. DAVID HOFFMAN MALT & BOTTLING SUPPLIES 617619 E. WOODRUFF BRANCH NO. 3 1308 FOREST AVE. PHONE ADAMS 0151 TOLEDO, OHIO ASK FOR SILVER FOX BRAND MALT AND HOPS JULIUS SHREBNICK MALT-HOPS-SUPPLIES PHONE LAFAYETTE 1995 1415 FULTON ST. BROOKLYN, N.Y. A-42 CHATTANOOGA BREWING CO'S. PURE LIQUID FOOD, CLAUDE KING AGT. LYNCHBURG, VA. A-43 CALL S. PRIEBE FOR MASTERBRU TEL. PONTIAC 2743 J A-52 CHAS. AUFRECHT HOPS & MALT 2742 KENSINGTON AVE. BASEMENT STORE UNDER DOYLE FLORIST MALT AND HOPS A. T. HEGARTY 317 WATCHUNG AVE. PLAINFIELD, N. J. PHONE 3774 MANUEL WOLD MALT CO. 9207 PETOSKY PURE MALT GAR. 7291 DETROIT MICH. A-65 ANHEUSER (EAGLE IN A) BUSCH, INC. “DOC’S” HARD LEMON A-70 LIBERTY BREWING CORP. PITTSTON, PA. B-2 DRINK GOLD TOP “THAT’S THE BEER” B-5 KEY TO CAPITOL BREWERY CO’S BOTTLE BEER JEFFERSON CITY, MO / SAME HAAS BEER KEY TO NATIONAL BREWING CO. BEER STEELTON, PA. B-8 CLEVELAND & SANDUSKY BRWG. CO. YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO. CRYSTAL ROCK BEER BELL 1697 NEW 1189 / NO. 536 FINDER REWARDED IF KEYS ARE RETURNED TO (SEE OTHER SIDE) B-13 AD (IN DIAMOND LOGO) PRINCE OF ALES (ABNERDRURY OF WASHINGTON DC) B-14 EDWARDS MALT SHOP 202 1/2 3RD ST. PORTLAND ORE PHONE AF 4434 DRINK EXCELSIOR BREWS COMPLIMENTS OF K & M MALT EXTRACT HERMAN KRAUSS TOLDEO, OHIO B-17 WM. SCHELLHAS BRG. CO. WINONA, MINN. B-18 THE BERKSHIRE — — BREWING ASSOCIATION KEY TO MANNHEIMER BEER EXCELSIOR BREWERY STERLING, ILL. FRED RAUTERT & SON PROPS. KEY TO FORT CUMBERLAND BREW JACKSON ST. BOTTLERS HOPS-MALT-SYRUPS / JACKSON ST. BOTTLERS PHONE BEACON 0431 1017 JACKSON ST. SEATTLE, WASH. KENTUCKY ALE (PIC OF HORSE HEAD) (ALLTECH MICRO LEXINGTON KY) (BLACK ON SILVER) (CYMBA) B-18 CORRECTIONS THE L. HOSTER BREWING CO. COLUMBUS, OHIO BOTTLERS OF FINE BEERS (03,339) B-19 PETER HAND BREWERY CO. CHICAGO. / DRINK MEISTER BRAU CALL FOR PRESTON BEER PRESTON, MINN. YOUGH INDIAN HEAD BEER 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 16 2003 Additions to the 2002 Handbook 594. 595. 596. 597. 598. 599. 600. 601. 602. 43. 137. 138. 184. 185. 186. 187. 120. 108. 25. 26. 27. 32. 33. 10. 11. 1. 43. 316. 317. 244. 104. B-21 DRINK BANGOR BOTTLING CO’S. BOTTLED BEER. THE CUMBERLAND BREWING CO. CUMBERLAND, MD. IDAHO BEER IDAHO BRG. & MALT’G CO. BOISE CALL FOR JETTER’S GOLD TOP BOTTLE BEER / WILLIAM JETTER BELL PHONE AND F.-186C 2502 N. STR. SO. OMAHA, NEBR. LION BREWERY OF N. Y. CITY PILSENER BEER MEADVILLE BREWING CO. MEADVILLE, PA. PARK BREWING CO. WINONA, MINN. / CALL FOR PARK MALT TONIC MAKES YOU EAT ASK FOR WESTMOERLAND (MISPELLED) BRG. CO. GOLD TOP O. WISSLER & CO. HILLSIDE BREW. CHILLICOTHE, O. B-21 CORRECTIONS CALL FOR FRANK JONES (IN SHIELD) PORTSMOUTH ALES (2 VAR (A) LARGE SHIELD 1” (B) SMALL SHIELD 3/4”) (03,158) B-22 BUCKEYE BREWING CO. TOLEDO, OHIO GREEN SEAL BEER KEY TO PILSENER’S EXTRA PILSENER BOTTLED BEER B-23 BAY CITY BEVERAGE CO. BAY CITY, MICH. BLUE RIBBON PRODUCTS CO. MALT — — HOPS ALLENTOWN, PA. BREUNIG’S LAGER (SPINNER) KANT-B-BEAT BARLEY MALT SYRUP / LEVY & GLOSKING 108-110 MARKET ST. WILMINGTON, DEL. B-23 CORRECTIONS HARRY MITCHELL'S PALE LAGER BEER YOU PAY (SPINNER) (03,822) B-24 WAGNER BEER / SAME B-35 A-1 MALT EXTRACT CO. 3070 KENSINGTON AVE. PHILADELPHIA MALT, HOPS & SUPPLIES SHORE HOME PRODUCTS CO. HOPS MALT 1644 SHEEPSHEAD BAY ROAD, BKLYN. / PHONE SHEEPSHEAD 4874 ORDERS DELIVERED FREE SPOKANE BOTTLE SUPPLY CO. DAY PHONE MAIN 3580 NIGHT PHONE RIV. 4434 408 SPRAGUE AVE. SPOKANE, WASH. B-58 GENESEE LIGHT BEER TOMMYKNOCKER IDAHO SPRINGS CO. PHOENIX, AZ. (PIC OF MINER WITH BEER MUG) B-73 BUDWEISER SINCE 1876 SCHLITZ MALT LIQUOR (PIC OF BULL) B-76 CAP LIFTER/PLASTIC INSERT 2" BEN HOFFMAN MILLER GENUINE DRAFT C-11 MILWAUKEE-TAVERN THE MELLOWED MALT / HOME SUPPLY CO. PACKERS OF QUALITY-PLUS EVERETT, WASH. C-13 DUBOIS BUDWEISER BEER (BOTTLE) / J. FINGERET AND SON DISTRIBUTORS—AMBRIDGE, PA. STROH’S BEER BOHEMIAN STYLE DETROIT, MICH USA (BOTTLE) / JFO CONVENTION #24 APRIL 24-28, 2002 FREDERICKSBURG, VIRGINIA (CYMBA) C-13 CORRECTIONS SIMON PURE SIMON PURE BEER (03,406) SIMON PURE ALE AND BEER (DELETE USE #244) (03,406) 5. 9. 34. 35. 36. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 2. 1. 12. 8. 9. 369. 370. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 90. 124. 125. 126. C-28 OPEN A BOTTLE OF COMALT / GREEN HILL BEVERAGES C-36 A-1 HOP & MALT CO. FIVE STORES TO SERVE YOU WE DELIVER, PHONE AX. 7302 / 4754 CENTRAL AVE. 3708 WHITTIER BLVD. 347 NO. HAWTHORN BLVD. 4439 E. SLAUSON AVE. 2114 COLORADO BLVD. EAGLE ROCK C-45 ESTABLISHED 1854 MCSORLEY’S ALE THE OLDER THE FIDDLE THE SWEETER THE TUNE “BREWED WITH IRISH SPIRIT” MILLER (IN LOGO) 1991 NATIONAL SALES MEETING / WALT DISNEY WORLD DOLPHIN ORLANDO, FLORIDA MILLER BREWING COMPANY REMINDS YOU TO PLEASE THINK WHEN YOU DRINK / MEISTER BRAU C-49 BRECKENRIDGE BREWERY COLORADO ALES BUDWEISER FORT COLLINS BREWERY EXPANSION 2001 -2002 COORS ORIGINAL HAMMER & NAIL (HAMMER & NAIL LOGO) WATERTOWN, CT. (SPINNER) NEW BELGIUM BREWING (GLASS OF BEER) BEER RANGER (GLASS OF BEER) C-52 CELEBRATING 125 YEARS HONESTLY FRESH STRAUB BEER & LIGHT SINCE 1872 ST. MARY’S, PA / METALDYNE C-55 CAP LIFTER 3" MIKE KREJCI/HAROLD QUEEN BUDWEISER WORLD’S NUMBER 1 SELLING BEER / WHASSUP! D-3 CORRECTIONS LEISY'S / SAME (DELETE USE D-4-6) OLD KING / SAME (DELETE USE D-4-4) (03,339) ZOLLER'S BEER / SAME (DELETE USE D-5-15) (03,339) E-4 BUCKEYE PRODUCT CO. 820 MARKET ST. PHONE 36349 / LIQUID MALT WYANDOTTE MALT PRODUCTS WYANDOTTE, MICH. / MADE FROM RICE & GRAIN 100% PURE E-5 BLATZ (IN CIRCLE) EAST END TAVERN AL GERACK, PROP. BEER — WINE — LIQUOR SANDWICHES ALBERS, ILLINOIS BUDWEISER AND MICHELOB BEER HYDROX PURE SOFT DRINKS HOME DELIVERY, INC. FOR HOMES, PARTIES AND ENTERTAINMENTS 4348 W. NORTH AVE. CHICAGO 39, ILL. SPAULDING 5200 BUDWEISER – RHEINGOLD HOLIHANS NEW HAMPSHIRE DISTRIBUTORS, INC. CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE HAMM’S FOUR CORNERS FRANK T. REED, PROP. GROCERIES-GAS-OILS REFRESHMENTS CANBY, MINN. HYDE PARK PURE LAGER BEER TED KIRBY KENNETTCARUTHERSVILLE SIKESTON, MO. E-7 FITGERALD’S GINGER ALE (PROHIBITION DRINK) E-8 VAL. BLATZ BRG. CO. MILWAUKEE, WIS. / BLATZ PRIVATE STOCK LEADS THEM ALL DRINK GOLD BOND ALWAYS” / SAME KRUEGER’S BEER HIGH GRADE / SAME 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 17 2003 Additions to the 2002 Handbook 127. 142. 860. 861. 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. 553. 4. 31. 32. 62. 63. 18. 43. 46. 47. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 70. 11. 23. 2. 1. ROYAL MALT EX. CO. 1125 VINE ST. CIN. O. E-9 SMITH BROS. INC. BELMONT LAGER / SMITH BROS. INC. STOCK ALE E-14 BEVERWYCK BEER ALBANY, N. Y. / SAME DRINK IRONBREW BLAKESLEE BROS. LAFAYETTE BREWERY INC. YE TAVERN BEER VILLARET & SONS LONE STAR BEER / VILLARET & SONS SAN ANGELO, TEXAS QUEEN CITY BREWING CUMBERLAND, MD. / THE ORIGINAL OLD GERMAN BEER R & H BEER — ALE / SAME SUPREME DISTRIBUTORS INC. PHOENIX, ARIZ. E-14 CORRECTIONS “SAY SMITH’S” FOR AN HONEST ALE / SAY “SMITH’S” FOR AN HONEST ALE (03,339) E-15 C—V BEER R. T. BICKERS & SON / SAME E-23 CALL FOR SCHELL’S BEER U. S. BREW. CO. NEW LIFE MALT / U. S. BREW. CO. SAVOY F-2 TROMMERS (IN BOWL) FAMOUS WHITE LABEL BREW / KNOWN FOR GOOD FOOD WEBER’S HOF BRAU F-3 AN OPENER FOR FRIENDSHIP PABST BLUE RIBBON DISTRIBUTOR SPENCER, IOWA F-4 COMPLIMENTS OF “BOB” AND “JAP” IRON CITY DISTRIBUTING CO. AMBRIDGE, PENNA. F-5 THE ORIGINAL BROCKTON MALT PRODUCTS CO. / 24 EAST ELM ST., PHONE 5765 STONE MALT CO. 205 S. MAIN — 397 S. MAIN / OUR VERY BEST HOME RULE — RED SUN — SAMBO SANDOW — “39” MALT F-6 BUFFALO BREWING CO. / BUFFALO AND GILT EDGE DRINK BARTEL’S BEVERAGES / SAME THE CONSUMERS BREWING CO. / NEWARK, OHIO FAVORITE MALT PRODUCTS CO. 877 AMSTERDAM AVE. COR, 103RD ST. N.Y.C. TELEPHONE ACADEMY 6866 / IF IT’S IN OUR LINE, WE HAVE IT. “ASK BEN OR JACK, THEY KNOW” JACKSON BREWING CO. JAX (ON ICE PICK) / NEW ORLEANS. JAX (ON ICE PICK) F-6 CORRECTIONS FAUERBACH BREWING CO. / F.B.C. LAGER BEER (03,339) F-7 FALSTAFF (IN SHIELD) BILL LYON F-9 SILVER CITY BEER & ICE CO. / HAY & GRAIN / COAL - SODA WATER / PHONE 10 (SEE #16) F-26 PEERLESS EXTRACT CO. 1422 MYRTLE AVE, BROOKLYN NY PHONE FOXCROFT 9-6451 / USE SALZBURGER DOMENICANET MALT EXTRACT F-33 CAP LIFTER/SLIDING CAN OPENER 7 1/2" ART JOHNSON QUINCY MALT PRODUCTS COMPANY 1510 HANCOCK ST. QUINCY, MASS. F-34 CAP LIFTER/4 PRONG ICE CHIPPER 9 1/2" JOHN STANLEY 1. SUNSET MERCANTILE CO. PHONE 15 WALLACE, IDAHO / MANUFACTURERS OF SOFT DRINKS OF ALL KINDS — ICE — (PROHIBITION COMPANY OF SUNSET BREWING CO) F-35 CAP LIFTER/ICE PICK WOOD HANDLE (P-7 BODY BUT WITH ICE PICK INSTEAD OF CORKSCREW) MARKED “A. W. STEPHENS MFG. CO. WALTHAM, MASS. PAT. APR. 30, 1901” 10 1/2" JOHN CARTWRIGHT 1. 49. 50. 55. 99. 20. 62. 63. 158 572 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. DRINK AMERICAN BEER PHONE 6122. G-5 DRINK AMERICAN PERFECT BOTTLE BEER WEST SIDE BREWERY CO LTD MUNDUS BEER TEL. W. 1053 G-9 POTOSI PURE MALT BEER GOOD BEER AT ITS' BEST (BLACK ON RED) (ADD COLOR 03,EBAY) STEGMAIER BREWING CO. WILKES BARRE, PA. / STEGMAIER (NOTE NO ‘S) GOLD MEDAL BEER (BLACK ON RED) G-14 BUSCH BEER G-28 ATLANTIC BREWING COMPANY BAR HARBOR, MAINE BRIDGEPORT (WHITE ON GREEN) G-35 YUENGLING (RED ON WHITE) (ADD COLOR VARIATION) YUENGLING (WHITE ON RED) (ADD COLOR VARIATION) G-48 FORDHAM BREWING COMPANY (BLACK ON WHITE) GOOSE ISLAND (BLUE ON SILVER) GORDON BIERSCH (WHITE ON BLACK) SHINER BOCK (BLACK AND RED ON YELLOW) WACHUSETT ALES (WHITE ON GREEN) WIDMER (RED ON SILVER) YUENGLING (WHITE ON RED) G-68 CAP LIFTER/POP TOPPER CALLED BULLET LINE BOX MARKED MADE IN CHINA 2 1/2" BEN HOFFMAN 1. DRAGONMEAD MICROBREWERY 1-586-776-9428 G-69 CAP LIFTER 6" MIKE KREJCI 1. MILLER LITE (IN LOGO) CANTINA H-2 HENNESSEY MALT SUPPLY CO. 36 HAWLEY ST. BINGHAMTON, N. Y. “STOECKLE” WILMINGTON, DEL. 207. 208. 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 18 2003 Additions to the 2002 Handbook H-13 OVER THE TOP (OTT) CAP LIFTER GAS KEY (PRE-PROHIBITION OPENER) SEE H-9 3 3/4" JOHN MLADY/TIM PAYNE/JOHN STANLEY 1. 63. 381. 7. 8. 9. 78. 79. 80. 7. 5. 2. 26. 2. 28. 29. 30. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 139. FREMONT BREWING CO. / PILSENER BEER I-4 CROFT CREAM ALE I-11 GENESEE PATTON BEVERAGE K-1 HUDEPOHL GOLD BEER (DECAL) RAINIER BEER AND ALE AGE DATES (IN BOTTLE CAP SHAPED DECAL) (DECAL) SCHAEFER (DECAL) L-4 LANGS BOHEMIAN TYPE BEER (GERHARD LANG BREWERY BUFFALO, NY) LANGS BOHEMIAN TYPE BEER (GERHARD LANG BREWERY BUFFALO, NY) (STUBBY BOTTLE) YANKEE PREMIUM PILSNER (LONGER SLOGAN THAN #28) (CHAMP BREWING CO PITTSTON, PA) (STUBBY BOTTLE) L-9 GOLDEN DRAFT MICHELOB GOLDEN DRAFT COLD FILTERED FOR PURITY (EAGLE IN A) L-14 MICHELOB ULTRA LOW CARBOHYDRATE L-15 WIDMER BROTHERS FILTERED WHEAT BEER HEFEWEIZEN WHEST BEER WIDMER BROTHERS M-1 VOIGT’S RHEINGOLD (PIC OF MR VOIGT) E. W. VOIGHT DRINKS IT. HE HAS BEEN DRINKING SINCE 185X AND ENJOYS CONTINUED GOOD HEALTH M-15 MILLER FEDERAL DIE CAST / HIGH LIFE BERTEAULOWELL PLATER (CHROME PLATED) M-19 BOHEMIA / SAME HAMMER & NAIL (HAMMER & NAIL LOGO) WATERTOWN, CT. HAMM’S BEER M-29 CHAS. HERDICH & SON WHOLESALERS OF BLATZ BEER IMPORTED BEERS WHITE-ROCK BEVERAGES WAUKESHAWATER MCHENRY, ILL. PH. EV. 5-0016 DISTRIBUTOR DUQUESNE—SILVER TOP & PABST BLUE RIBBON BEERS CALL US FOR YOUR PARTY KEGS UNITED BEVERAGE COMPANY 101 WELCH ST. CHARLESTON, W.VA. PH. DI 2-7115 & DI 2-7116 WE FEATURE “GREAT LAKES” BEER JACOBS’ LIQUOR BEER 24 HOUR ICE VENDING SERVICE CRUSHED OR BLOCK HWY. 60 AT MO.-OKLA. STATE LINE PHONE PR6-4521 SENECA, MO. HAMM’S—FALSTAFF RAY V. MITCHELL PEPSI-COLA COMPANY SIOUX CITY, IOWA (PIC OF FISHERMAN & FISH) JAX BEST BEER IN TOWN (IN LOGO) ALWAYS DRINK! “REFRESHING-SATISFYING-MELLOW” JAX BEER AUSTIN BEVERAGE CO. PH. GREENWOOD 8-5731 AUSTIN, TEXAS OCONTO BREWING COMPANY M-30 BUD ON TAP DOTTIE’S LOUNGE 3445 SO. GRAND BLVD. 773-9426 (PIC OF FISHERMAN) 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 89. 14. 3. 34. 19. 6. 8. 4. 32. 33. 34. 5. 6. 7. 2. BURGER-FALLS CITY-SCHLITZ CITY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY BERNARD GILCHRIST, OWNER PARKERSBURG, W. VA. PHONE GA-2-2731 HEILEMAN’S OLD STYLE (IN SHIELD LOGO) SCHLITZ (IN BOX LOGO) GENO MCKENNA & SONS DIST. PH. 623-4787 ANTIGO, WI. 54409 DISTRIBUTOR OF KAIER’S BEER-ALE-PORTER COMPLIMENTS OF LARRY AND MARGE KACZMARCZYK PHONE 773-2950 MAHANOY CITY, PA. LONE STAR—FALSTAFF SCHROEDER DISTRIBUTING COMPANY INC. 216 WEST BIKUMBERG STREET SEGUIN, TEXAS 78155 SCHLITZ BEER ON TAP JOHN’S SILVER DOLLAR INC. LIQUOR OFF & ON SALE 302 N. MAIN AURORA, MINNESOTA SIMON PURE BEER O’KEEFE BEER ALE (LOGO) IMPORTED FROM CANADA JOHN W. CAPAN AKRON, N. Y. – 542-2553 DISTRIBUTOR OF STROH’S AND FORT PITT BEER SHARPSVILLE DISTRIBUTING 506 MAIN ST. PH. 962 -2820 M-30 CORRECTIONS PABST BLUE RIBBON, BLATZ, CHAMPAGNE VELVET JIM'S DISTRIBUTING CO. PH. LU.3-2623 UNION, MO. (03,158) M-39 ATLAS PRAGER BOHEMIAN LIGHT LAGER / SAME M-41 WHAT’LL YOU HAVE! PABST BLUE RIBBON DENMARK DISTRIBUTING CO. USE THIS CAN & BOTTLE OPENER M-43 BUSCH BORN OF NATURAL INGREDIENTS SMOOTH, REFRESHING BEER 9EAGLE IN A) (PIC OF MOUNTAINS) / SAME M-54 COORS M-69 HAMM’S BEER GORODN HAGEN DISTR. COMPANY WORTHINGTON, MINN. M-70 MILLER HIGH LIFE (IN LOGO) M-72 GRIESEDIECK BROS. PREMIUM LIGHT LAGER BEER (IN LOGO) BALANCED FLAVOR NOT BITTER NOT SWEET / DISTRIBUTED BY CAIRO COCA-COLA (BLOCK) BOTTLING CO. M-83 COLONIAL BEER CORVETTE BEVERAGES INC. (PIC OF CORVETTE) PHONE 865-5858 GENESEE BEER (IN LOGO) ADAMS COUNTY HOME BEVERAGE CORP. U. S. ROUTE 30 CASHTOWN, PA 17310 PHONE 334-5400 LITE BEER SULLIVAN BEER CO. 719 CHESTNUT “THE BEST PLACE TO BUY A CASE” ERIE, PA. 454-8811 M-89 HANDY BOTTLE OPENER FOR BUDWEISER BREWERS DISTRIBUTING CO. PEORIA, ILL. HANDY BOTTLE OPENER FOR BUDWEISER CONCORDIA ICE COMPANY, INC. CONCORDIA - JUNCTION CITY KANSAS HANDY BOTTLE OPENER FOR BUDWEISER THE SERVICE CO. DISTRIBUTOR FORT DODGE, IOWA M-94 GRANT’S FARM ST. LOUIS, MO. (PIC OF HORSE) (OWNED BY A-B) 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 19 2003 Additions to the 2002 Handbook M-135 CAP LIFTER STAINLESS STEEL TABLEWARE (SILVER PLATE HANDLE) 6 1/4" JOHN STANLEY 1. 1. (BALLANTINE) 3 RING LOGO M-136 DOUBLE CAP LIFTER STEEL CURVED HANDLE MADE IN CHINA (CALL 852-2505-0633) 5" JOHN STANLEY BUDWEISER M-137 FOLDING MAGNETIZED CAP LIFTER POT METAL HANDLE 2 5/16" CLOSED 4 3/8" OPENED JOHN STANLEY 1. BUDWEISER / BUDWEISER M-138 CAP LIFTER PLASTIC HANDLE 4 7/8" JOHN STANLEY 1. BUDWEISER (IN BOWTIE) M-139 CAP LIFTER PLASTIC INSERT ON METAL MARKED “MADE IN CANADA” 3 7/16" JOHN STANLEY 1. BUDWEISER KING OF BEERS (ON BEER LABEL) / (CANADA MAPLE LEAF) M-140 RETRACTABLE OR SLIDE-OUT OPENER (SEE M-3 & M-73) OPENER IS STEEL MARKED “NEW ART SPECIALTIES, INC. CHICAGO, U.S.A.” 2 5/8" CLOSED 3 5/8" OPENED MIKE KREJCI 1. 1. 1. 2. 3. SCHLITZ THE BEER THAT MADE MILWAUKEE FAMOUS M-141 LUGGAGE TAG STYLE CAP LIFTER SEE (M-43,81,82,90,91,92,93,113,114) 3 7/8” MARC BENJAMIN ORIGINAL COORS CHUTE OUT (PIC OF BUCKING HORSE) / SAME M-142 OPENER/MINI-MUDDLER (SEE M-19 & M-120) MADE BY CYMBA INC. 3 1/8" MARC BENJAMIN HAMM’S BEER OLYMPIA “IT’S THE WATER” PABST BLUE RIBBON BEER (IN LOGO) M-143 LEATHERMAN SUPER TOOL CAN OR BOTTLE OPENER/NEEDLENOSE PLIERS/ REGULAR PLIERS/WIRE CUTTERS/HARD-WIRE CUTTERS/ CLIP-POINT KNIFE/SERRATED KNIFE/WOOD SAW/ METAL OR WOOD FILE/9 INCH RULER/ SCREWDRIVERS: EXTRA-SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, PHILLIPS/ ELECTRICAL CRIMPER/WIRE STRIPPER/AWL OR PUNCH MARKED “LEATHERMAN SUPER TOOL PAT. PEND. PORTLAND ORE. LEATHERMAN USA” 7" MARC BENJAMIN 1. ORIGINAL COORS N-9 HAMMS-ROYAL BOHEMIAN BUDWEISER RAINY LAKE BEVERAGE CO. DAN MCCARTHY 44. RICHTER’S FAMILY LIQUOR STORE PHONE 2-4628 701 BROADWAY FRESNO N-22 13. PIELS LIGHT BEER “HAVE A FROSTY PIEL, BERT” “IT’S REFRESHINGLY SMOOTH, HARRY” (PIC OF BERT & ERNIE) FOR BIG, BIG PLEASURE ALWAYS ASK FOR ... N-27 15. JAX BEER CO. CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS “ANOTHER LITTLE THING MAKES JAX GREAT” N-37 7. WILLIAMS DISTRIBUTING BUDWEISER & MICHELOB N-40 34. SCHMIDT BEER N-42 6. BUDWEISER KING OF BEERS (EAGLE IN A) / HERRING DISTRIBUTING CO. ROSWELL, N. M. N-56 21. WILLIAMS DIST. CO. BUDWEISER & MICHELOB 3432490 RAPID CITY, S. D. 22. HAMM’S BEER BILL NICHOLS BEVERAGE CO 23. SCHROEDER DIST. CO. LONE STAR-FALSTAFF-PABST 24. RAMS HEAD ALE / VALLEY FORGE BEER 25. CONCORD BEVERAGE DISTR. SCHMIDT BEER CARL SCHWARTZ N-67 3. SCHLITZ—FALSTAFF RAASCH DISTRIBUTING CO. N-105 3. YOUR SCHMIDT BEER DISTRIBUTOR GEORGE BELL — JOHN BARGER FRAMINGTON, MINN. N-111 FLOATING FISH KNIFE/CAP LIFTER ROUNDED WOOD HANDLE MARKED “FLOATING FISH KNIFE / STAINLESS STEEL JAPAN” 8" JOHN STANLEY 43. 1. COMPLIMENTS OF YOUR HAMM’S BEER DISTRIBUTOR N-112 DOUBLE BLADE KNIFE/CAP LIFTER BLADE/MASTER BLADE PLASTIC HANDLES MARKED “AMBASSADOR U.S.A.” 3 1/2" JOHN STANLEY 1. DRINK STAG BEER– GRAHAM LAYNE - DISTRIBUTOR / YOU ARE SO RIGHT TO N-113 SINGLE BLADE KNIFE/CAP LIFTER SCREWDRIVER BLADE BOTTLE SHAPED STEEL HANDLES 2 3/16" JOHN STANLEY 1. BUDWEISER (EAGLE IN A) / SAME 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 20 2003 Additions to the 2002 Handbook 100. N-114 ICE BREAKER/CAP LIFTER (SEE N-71) BOX MARKED “BURNCO ‘THE ICE BREAKER’” 6 1/8" JOHN STANLEY COMPLIMENTS OF ROYALTON BEVERAGE CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF GRAIN BELT BEER N-115 CAP LIFTER/GOLF DIVOT REPAIR/GOLD SHOE CLEAT WRENCH MADE BY CYMBA INC. 2 3/4" MARC BENJAMIN 101. 102. 1. 1. 2. HAMM’S BEER OLYMPIA “IT’S THE WATER” N-116 CAP LIFTER/WATCH MARKED “JAPAN MOVT.” 5 1/2" MARC BENJAMIN/ART SANTEN 103. 104. 105. 5. 7. 12. 1. 21. 43. 44. 42. 43. 44. 45. 2. 3. 2. 12. 11. 56. 219. 220. 221. 38. 76. 8. 9. BUD LIGHT O-2 BUB’S BEER PETER BUB BREWERY, INC. WINONA, MINN. O-4 GOEBEL PURE FOOD BEER SOUTH BEND BEVERAGE & ICE ASSN. HOOSIER BEER O-5 BUDWEISER KING OF BEERS (PAINTED NOT RAISED LETTERS) COORS LIGHT (PAINTED NOT RAISED LETTERS) DOGWOOD BREWING CO. (PIC OF TREE) (ATLANTA GA) (PAINTED NOT RAISED LETTERS) YUENGLING (PAINTED NOT RAISED LETTERS) O-18 FLOCK’S WILLIAMSPORT, PA. O-19 ASK FOR KRUEGER’S SPECIAL O-22 “HENNEPIN BEERS” P-5 C. CONRAD & CO. ORIGINAL BUDWEISER & MOSS ROSE BOURBON. P-6 FRESNO BREWING CO. FRESNO, CALIF. P-7 “TOPAZ BOTTLE BEER” “GOOD TO THE LAST DROP” MAURICE & WALLIS AGENTS PHONE 235-239 KENOSHA P-8 THE LOUIS HOSTER BREWING CO. COLUMBUS, OHIO U.S.A. / SAME “MINNEHAHA” / RICHARD ENDRISS — BOTTLER — 223 W. NORTH AVE. TRITSCHLER & TIESSE MALTING CO. CLINTON, IOWA / SAME P-8 CORRECTIONS STROH'S BEER DETROIT / SAME (03,339) P-10 ANDERTON BREWING CO. BEAVER FALLS, PA. / SAME P-18 THE MILWAUKEE BLATZ BEER GEORGE KNERR 110 EAST 12TH STREET, KANSAS CITY, MO. MILLSTADT BREWERY CO. P-19 7. 4. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 45. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 28. 29. 4. 10. MOERLEIN’S BEER, FROM R. L. PREACHER & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUORS, 103 SOUTH SECOND ST., PADUCAH, KY. PHONES 486 MOERLEIN’S SPECIAL BEER J. G. COMBES OPP. SIBLEY HOUSE WINES LIQUORS & CIGARS SIBLEY, IOWA MUEHLEBACH BEER ON DRAUGHT THE OWL SALOON AND LUNCH ROOM LISIECKI BROS., PROPRIETORS, BOTTLED GOODS FOR FAMILY TRADE THE SPECIALTY 1410 GRANT AVE. KANSAS CITY, MO. OLD SAXON BOTTLED IN BOND MILWAUKEE BEER CO. DISTRIBUTORS JOPLIN, MO. PABST BEER A SPECIALTY COMPLIMENTS OF F. O. SMITH, 708 1ST AVE. SOUTH FORT DOODGE, IOWA. STAND PAT FOR SPRINGFIELD! DEMAND SPRINGFIELD BEER! MAKE SPRINGFIELD FAMOUS! S. H. HORINE, SOLE DISTRIBUTOR. P-20 BALLANTINE BEER ALE / SAME P-26 CORRECTIONS QUINCY BREW. CO. DICK & BROS / COMPLIMENTS OF DB (IN LOGO) (03,339) P-31 SCHLITZ’S LAGER A SPECIALTY ARTHUR RIST & CO., DEALERS IN FINE ALES, WINES & LIQUORS, 125 MAIN STREET, GREENFIELD, MASS. P-33 DU BOIS BREWING CO. DUBOIS, PA. BUFFALO, N. Y. NEWARK, N. J. TAKE YOUR PICK OF DUBOIS WURZBURGER DUBOIS BUDWEISER P-34 SCHLITZ PALM GARDEN / PLEISS & HECK MILW. P-51 BIRK BROTHERS BREWING CO. CHICAGO / “MALT VIGOR” ENTERPRISE BREWING CO. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. / SAME COLUMBIA BREWERY SUMPTER, OREGON / NUGGET BRAND BOTTLE BEER DALLAS BREWERY DALLAS, TEXAS / SAME MATHIE’S BEER / COST NO MORE, TASTES LIKE MORE P-51 CORRECTIONS ATLANTA BREWING AND ICE CO. ATLANTA, GA. / ASTORIA (ADD BACK IN) (03,158) P-54 ANHEUSER-BUSCH BEER PROMPT SERVICE DAKOTA MERCANTILE CO. JEFFERSON, S. D. WHOLESALE MAIL ORDER LIQUOR HOUSE DIRECT TO CONSUMER ARNOLD & CO. BREWERS, BOTTLERS AND MALSTERS. OGDENSBURG, N.Y. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS OF MOERLEIN’S CINCY BEERS L. E. DIXON LIQUOR CO., ZANESVILLE, OHIO. BELL 1205 IND. 265 K. AGENT FOR O. K. BEER, COMPLIMENTS OF CHARLES THOMASY, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, 123 MARKET ST. KITTANNING, - PA. DRINK OLD STYLE BREW, MADE BY SCHULTZ & HILGERS JORDAN, MINN. DISTRIBUTORS OF LEWIS 66 WHISKEY AND PABST BLUE RIBBON BEER CHARLES BLUM COMPANY WHOLESALE WHISKEY DEALERS JACKSONVILLE, FLA. P-57 JUNG BREWING CO. MILWAUKEE, WIS. / SAME WAINWRIGHT BREWING CO. PITTSBURGH, PA. / SAME P-74 FRESNO BREWING CO. FRESNO, CAL. P-85 LOS ANGELES BREWING CO. SELECT STOCK. MALTO BEER. PUREST AND BEST BREWED. 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 21 2003 Additions to the 2002 Handbook 11. ROCHESTER BREWERY KANSAS CITY, MO. P-94 2. J. F. HERMANN & SONS TONIC BEER. P-102 2. INDIANAPOLIS BREWING CO. / DUESSELDORFER (ON BLADE) INDIANAPOLIS BREW’G CO. GERMANY 3. INDIANAPOLIS BREWING CO. / LIEBER’S HOOSIER BEER (ON BLADE) INDIANAPOLIS BREW’G CO. GERMANY P-114 2. VAL. BLATZ KANSAS CITY P-120 3. BUFFALO BREWING CO. 4. LOS ANGELES BREWING CO. P-163 ONE PIECE CORKSCREW CAP LIFTER/ICE PICK CORKSCREW IN WOODEN HANDLE (SEE P-33, P-133, P-138) BEN HOFFMAN 1. FINK BREWING COMPANY PRIZE BEERS HARRISBURG, U.S.A. P-164 TWO BLADE KNIFE/CORKSCREW CAP LIFTER BLADE/MASTER BLADE CIGAR CUTTER STEEL HANDLES DON BULL/DAVE LENDY 12. 25. 26. 69. 70. 71. 72. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 1. LEMBECK & BETZ EAGLE BREWING CO. JERSEY CITY, N. J. / DRINK AMERICAN CLUB BEER P-165 SINGLE BLADE KNIFE/CORKSCREW/CAP LIFTER IN HANDLE/ MASTER BLADE (SEE P-16) NORM JAY 733 192. 193. 194. 733 1. SEBEWAING OLD STYLE BEER P-166 THREE BLADE KNIFE/CORKSCREW WIRE BREAKER-FOIL CUTTER BLADE/ MASTER BLADE/PEN BLADE BLADES MARKED “N. C. CO. CANTON O.” JOHN STANLEY 10. 3. 8. 1. FROM V. A. OSWALD, ALTOONA, PA. XMAS 1901 TO J. MCGINNIS, ALTOONA, PA. P-167 CORKSCREW IN 10 BLADE SWISS ARMY KNIFE TWO CAP LIFTER BLADES/SCISSORS BLADE/PUNCH BLADE/ TWO SAW BLADES/FILE BLADE/PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER BLADE/ MASTER KNIFE BLADE/PEN KNIFE BLADE/ TOOTHPICK IN HANDLE 14 FUNCTION SWISS ARMY KNIFE MADE IN CHINA JOHN STANLEY 1. COORS ORIGINAL P-168 CORKSCREW IN 10 BLADE SWISS ARMY KNIFE TWO CAP LIFTER BLADES/SCISSORS BLADE/PUNCH BLADE/ SAW BLADE/FILE BLADE/PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER BLADE/ FISH SCALER BLADE/ MASTER KNIFE BLADE/PEN KNIFE BLADE/ MARC BENJAMIN 1. 46. 11. (LOGO) BREWERY OMMEGANG WWW.OMMEGANG.COM (COOPERTOWN NY) Q-8 PABST BLUE RIBBON BEER (IN BLUE LOGO) Q-9 LONE STAR BEER MAKES THE MOST OF NATURE’S 20. 21. 9. 10. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 158 120. BEST PABST BLUE RIBBON BEER (IN LOGO) Q-11 SALT LAKE CITY BREWING CO. SQUATTERS PUB BREWERY EST. 1989 SQUATTERS (LOGO) PUB BREWERY EST. 1989 SALT LAKE BREWERY (GREEN ON WHITE) Q-12 BUD BUD BUD BUD BUD (BLUE & WHITE ON RED) BUD LIGHT BEER BUD LIGHT BEER (BLUE & RED ON GREY) BUDWEISER KING OF BEERS (EAGLE IN A) (GOLD, RED & WHITE ON BLACK) GRAY’S BREWING COMPANY JANESVILLE, WI BREWERS OF HANDCRAFTED FINE ALES, STOUTS AND SOFT DRINKS (BLACK & PURPLE ON SILVER) Q-18 THE BREWER’S ART (4 LINE LOGO) (BREWPUB IN BALTIMORE MD) (BLACK ON WHITE) BUD DRY BEER (WHITE ON BLUE) BUSCH NA NON-ALCOHOL BREW (BLUE ON WHITE) COOPERSTOWN BREWING CO. (PIC OF BASEBALL) (RED ON WHITE) EASY STREET (ODELL BREWERY) (BLACK ON YELLOW) WWW.FLYINGDOGALES.COM I LIKE IT DOGGIE STYLE (BLACK ON RED) HEREFORD & HOPS WWW.HEREFORDANDHOPS.COM (WHITE ON DARK GREEN) MARKET STREET BEER (WHITE ON RED) (ADD COLOR VARIATION) OTTER CREEK BREWING FINE ALES (BLUE ON BLACK) RED BELL BLONDE ALE (GREEN ON YELLOW) ROCKYARD BREWING COMPANY CASTLE ROCK, COLORADO (SILVER ON RED) WOODSTOCK BREWING CO. HUDSON LAGER (WHITE ON PURPLE) (ADD COLOR VARIATION) Q-19 PABST BLUE RIBBON BEER (IN LOGO) Q-23 SCHLITZ (IN LOGO) THE BEER THAT MADE MILWAUKEE FAMOUS Q-24 MILLSTREAM (PIC OF MILL) BREWING CO. AMNANA, IOWA Q-27 COORS LIGHT (WHITE ON BLACK) (ADD COLOR VARIATION) MILLER MGD GENUINE DRAFT (WHITE ON BLACK) Q-28 JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING CO. (LOGO) OLD MILWUAKEE STROH’S (IN LOGO) BEER AMERICA’S ONLY FIRE BREWED BEER Q-31 BARE BONES GRILL & BREWERY 410-461-0770 WWW.BAREBONESGRILL.COM (BLACK ON WHITE) BLUE RIDGE BMNT (TRIANGLE LOGO) (YELLOW ON BLUE) BREW WORKS COVINGTON, KY (PIC OF MAN HOLDING A BOTTLE LOGO) (BLUE ON WHITE) BUD LIGHT (BLUE ON WHITE) BUDWEISER (ON BLIMP) (RED ON WHITE) COORS LIGHT (PIC OF FOOTBALL) / DRINK SAFELY (PIC OF HAND HOLDING A GLASS OF BEER) (BLACK ON BROWN) MICHELOB PREMIUM BEER (GOLD ON BLACK) (ADD COLOR VARIATION) YUENGLING SINCE 1829 (Y IN CROSSED GOLD CLUBS LOGO) (WHITE ON BLUE) 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 22 2003 Additions to the 2002 Handbook MADE BY CYMBA INC. 5" BEN HOFFMAN Q-32 T. W. FISHER’S IT’S GOOD FOR WHAT ALES YOU (LOGO) (GREY ON BLUE) 82. MILLER BREWING COMPANY REMINDS YOU TO PLEASE: THINK WHEN YOU DRINK / MILLER GENUINE DRAFT LIGHT (PIC OF BASEBALL & BAT) (BLACK ON WHITE) 83. TABERNASH BREWING COMPANY LONGMONT COLORADO (PIC OF HAND HOLDING GLASS OF BEER) (BLACK & GOLD ON WHITE) 84. WILD GOOSE BEER (2 GEESE IN SUN LOGO) (RED ON WHITE) Q-36 75. WHASSUP! BUDWEISER (BLUE & RED ON WHITE) (ADD COLOR VARIATION) 76. BUSCH BEER (BLUE ON WHITE) 77. ORIGINAL HARD ICE TEA ENERGIZE BISON (PIC OF BISON) (GREY ON BLACK) 78. KARL STRAUSS BREWERIES (SAN DIEGO MICRO) (BROWN & RED ON WHITE) Q-44 11. BUDWEISER (IN BOWTIE) ATLANTA 1996 (PIC OF OLYMPIC TORCH) (BLUE & RED ON WHITE) Q-62 2. MILLER LITE (IN LOGO) Q-63 2. MIDDLE AGES BREWING COMPANY SYRACUSE, N. Y. (GOLD ON BLACK) Q-70 GRADUATED TWIST OFF CAP LIFTER/METAL CAP LIFTER PLASTIC HANDLE/MAGNET MARKED “TAIWAN’ 3 3/4” DAVE LENDY 81. 1. DELAFIELD BREWHAUS (PIC OF BOATS ON LAKE) 414 -646-PUB1 DELAFIELD, WISCONSIN Q-71 SHAPED ALUMINUM CAN/TAB LIFTER WITH KEY RING HOLE 2 1/2” OLLIE HIBBELER 1. COLD FILTERED ICE DRAFT FROM BUDWEISER (ICE BREW CHILLED BELOW FREEZING UNTIL ICE CRYSTALS FORM, THEN COLD FILTERED. OUR EXCLUSIVE PROCESS PRODUCES A RICH SMOOTH DRAFT TASTE THAT IS REMARKABLY EASY TO DRINK. : BOTTOM 3 LINES) Q-72 TWIST OFF CAP LIFTER IN BACK/ TAB POPPER/CAP LIFTER ALL METAL (SEE Q-12 & Q-44) MARKED “CHINA” 2 1/8" BOB BROWN 1. 3. 2. 3. CAPTAIN MORGAN GOLD R-24 RED HOOK A WELL-BUILT BEER R-37 HAMM’S BEER OLYMPIA “IT’S THE WATER” R-42 SURFBOARD CURVED METAL CAP LIFTER (SAME AS X-10) 1. COORS LIGHT ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— A SINCERE THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING DEVOTED COLLECTORS WHO TOOK THE TIME TO SEND THEIR NEW ADDITIONS (UL'S) TO ME TO MAKE THIS LIST POSSIBLE. IT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED BY ALL OF US. MEMBER NAME & NUMBER (# LISTED) RICHARD ALONZO 818 (1) BILL ARBER 751 (1) MARK BARREN 406 (3) MARC BENJAMIN 389 (1) DON BULL 1 (3) JOHN BURRUSS III 822 (13) JOHN CARTWRIGHT 587 (14) DICK CLARK 733 (3) ALBERT DOUGHTY 965 (1) ADAM DRAGON 1018 (1) EBAY 0 (25) OLLIE HIBBELER 149 (10) KENNY HOESCH 725 (1) BEN HOFFMAN 261 (24) NORMAN JAY 181 (6) JIM KAISER 893 (1) CHUCK KING 727 (1) MIKE KREJCI 909 (7) DAVE LENDY 804 (5) H JAMES MAXWELL 677 (1) BOB MCNARY 712 (1) LARRY MOTER 450 (13) JIM OSBORNE 126 (3) JOHN PATTON 776 (4) TIM PAYNE 943 (1) DAVE PINNEY 811 (2) HAROLD QUEEN 572 (12) ART SANTEN 158 (52) BOB STAHLY 176 (1) PAT STAMBAUGH 930 (9) JOHN STANLEY 339 (55) STAN SUMMERS 375 (1) ERNIE THOMS 852 (11) VERNE VOLLRATH 162 (4) HARRIET WALDO 228 (2) JACK WESTALL 728 (1) DON WHELAN 583 (4) GEORGE ZURAVA 996 (2) —————————————————————————— ——————————————— ———————————– Ollie Hibbeler wants to know if anyone knows what this “twisted wire” piece is used for. He figures it was made by either Clough or Williamson. It is all there, nothing broken. It does not open a bottle. What is it? It is driving him nuts trying to figure it out. Hopefully some of you corkscrew col- 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 23 JFO and OTHER CLUBS (Newsletter Name in Italics All Clubs Offer an Annual Convention) —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– American Breweriana Association (ABA): American Breweriana Journal (bi-monthly) on breweriana collecting. Dues $25.00/ year. Chris Galloway, Recording Secretary, P.O. Box 11157, Pueblo CO 81001 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Canadian Brewerianist: The Canadian Brewerianist (bi-monthly) on Canadian Breweriana collecting. Dues $21.00/year (US Funds). Loren Newman, 2978 Lakeview Trail, Bright's Grove, Ontario, CANADA, N0N 1C0 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Canadian Corkscrew Collectors Club (CCCC): The Quarterly Worme (quarterly) on corkscrew collecting. Dues $30.00/year. Milt Becker, PO Box 9863, Englewood NJ 07631 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– East Coast Breweriana Association (ECBA): The Keg (quarterly) on breweriana collecting. Dues $25.00/year. ECBA, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Figural Bottle Opener Club (FBOC): The Opener (quarterly) on cast iron openers. Color guide book: $27.95/Non Members or $17.00/Members. Dues $20.00/year. Linda Fitzsimmons, 9697 Gwynn Park Dr, Ellicott City, MD, 21042 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Just For Openers (JFO): Just For Openers (quarterly) on all areas of opener collecting (with auction each issue). Dues $20.00/ year. John Stanley, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514-0064 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– National Association Breweriana Advertising (NABA): The Breweriana Collector (quarterly) on breweriana collecting. Dues $25.00/year. NABA, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514-0064 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– SHOWS & CONVENTIONS (Sources For Openers and Corkscrews) —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2003 Feb 13-16 – 24th Annual Blue & Gray Breweriana Show – Ramada Inn Holidrome-Fredricksburg VA – All JFO Members Welcomed. Contact: John Fisher, PO Box 153, Benedict MD 20612-0153, (301) 274-3340 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2003 Apr 9-13 – 25th Annual Just For Openers Convention –Ramada Inn St Louis Airport-St Louis MO– All Opener / Corkscrew / Breweriana Collectors Welcomed. Contact: John Stanley, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514-0064 E-Mail jfo@mindspring.com —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2003 Jun 11-15 – 22nd Annual ABA Convention – Stevens Point WI – ABA Members Only Only (Saturday Public Show). Contact Stan Galloway, Executive Director, P.O. Box 11157, Pueblo CO 81001 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2003 Jul 10-14 – 31st Annual ECBA Convention –Eden Resort Lancaster PA– ECBA Members Only (Saturday Public Show). Contact John Stanley, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514-0064, (919) 419-1546 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2002 July 31-Aug 4– 32nd Annual NABA Convention –Holiday Inn West Minneapolis MN – NABA Members Only (Saturday Public Show). Contact John Stanley, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514-0064, (919) 419-1546 —————————–———————————————————————————————————————————————— 2003 Sep 20 – 8th Annual K.C. Antique Bottle & Breweriana Show, (American Legion Hall, 499 SW Highway 7, Blue Springs MO). Saturday Show 9AM to 3PM. Contact H. James Maxwell, 1050 W Blue Ridge Blvd, Kansas City MO 64145, (816) 942-0291 hjmesq@aol.com —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2003 Sep 26-28 – 20th Annual Midwest Breweriana Show – Holiday Inn Central-Omaha NE– JFO Members welcomed. Contact Heather Hain, 15447 Allan Dr, Omaha NE 68137, (402) 896-9917 E-Mail randhhain@aol.com —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– I know Bob Post is having a heart attack over this F-6-UL Jax beer opener from New Orleans. I had a heart attack when I got it for $26.00 recently on eBay. Besides being in great shape it is the first F-6 I have ever seen with part of the ad stamped at the ice pick end (JAX on both sides). Has anyone else seen an F-6 with something other than the patent date stamped at the ice pick end? Next issue I will have an F-6-UL to show from Mt Clemens, Mi. That should get Jim Kaiser’s heart ticking a little faster. 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 WANTED (Please remember there is no charge for Ads) ———————————————————————————— Members to Swap Openers for Openers, Trade List for Trade List. People who want to hear from other members in different parts of the country. Scott Sherman, W5268 Quarry Rd Appleton WI 54913, (920) 954-1168 ———————————————————————————— Golden Glow Openers: A-1-9, B-23-149, E-14-787, O-4-22 & A-12-12 Grace Bros. Also any Breweriana from Rainier Brewing Co (Seattle WA,LA CA,SF CA), Golden West Brewing Co of Oakland CA & Port Townsend Brewing Co. of Port Townsend WA. Buy/Trade. John Cartwright, 1548 Via Arroyo, Paso Robles CA 93446, (805) 226-9270 ———————————————————————————— For my 80th Birthday this year (Nov 16), ANY of these 5 (at a reasonable price), A-9s #21 Amber, #8 Eureka, #26 Penn, #42 Puritan, #29 Waldorf. Ed Kaye, 7077 Cedarhurst Dr, Fort Myers FL 33919, (941) 590-3068 or erkeea9@msn.com ———————————————————————————— A-22-1 Ballantine. Great Trades Available. Jack Ford, 5351 Boyd Ave, Oakland CA 94618, (510) 655-5393 ———————————————————————————— Any:A-34 (Beer or Non-Beer), Beer:A-42,B-6,B-7,B-22,B-294,B-31,G-5. Soda Openers (Esp Dr Pepper, Coca-Cola, Nehi, Pepsi-Cola). B-9-2 Salinas, B-9-10 Ambrosia. C-21-3 Old Timers, C-21-6 Grand Rapids, E-17s:#1 American,#7 I.S.D.,#9 Everett,#12 Lion. H-1s #8,12,21,24,26,27,31,34,35,39, 42,44. O-1-2 Leidigers. O-4 Orange Crush. Write for latest trade list or buy. John Stanley, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514 ———————————————————————————— A-17 "Wilber Brewery" & P-8 Corkscrew "Omaha Brewing Association" (Excellent Condition Only). Will purchase outright. John Mlady, 1506 S 25th St, Omaha NE 68105-2611, (402) 345-7909 ———————————————————————————— A-43-Dixie & N-15 Bud Knife. (Buying). Marc Benjamin, 167 Nixon Beach Rd, Edenton NC 27932, (919) 482-2099 ———————————————————————————— Will Trade A-64-2 Miller High Life for Opener of Equal Value. Send list of what you will trade? Ralph W. Pitsch, 2814 Wedemeyer St, Sheboygan WI 53081 ———————————————————————————— B-45, B-66, I-7, P-72, P-100, R-14 types with a Corkscrew (Beer/Non-Beer) & Silver Top Beer Openers. Herb Danziger, 550 Cherry Ct, Birmingham MI 48009-1459, (810) 646-9470 ———————————————————————————— Beverwyck-B-18-499,B-21-147,C-10-48,E-9-87,F-6-87,I-2-2,I14-1,J-5-5a, Dobler-I-11-232,I-18-6, Fitzgerald-C-20-12,I-1223,I-18-9, Hedrick-E-9-55, Hinckel-P-30-1, Quandt-P-8-118,P35-2, Stanton-A-20-13,C-12-103,C-18-24, Isengart-E-8-59, Stoll-B-18-380,E-8-107, Misc-A-28-40. Buying. Bill Laraway, 627 Kenwood Ave, Delmar NY 12054 ———————————————————————————— “E”s! Have Trade List (Various Types) or Will Buy. Top 10 List: E-6-208 Old Lancaster, E-14-832 Uneeda, E-7-77 Lima, E-4-207 Yosemite, E-14-626 Modesto, E-16-11 Ganser, E-184 American, E-8 #24 & #25 New Braunfels, E-23-11 Evansville. Larry Moter, 10149 Michaels Rd, Woodford VA 22580, (804) 448-3928 E-Mail accneca@aol.com ———————————————————————————— Bond and Lillard Openers (would like to buy). Have A-29, would like any others. Lillard is a family name. George Love, 4301 Forest Plaza Dr, Hixson TN 37343, (423) 877-6006 PAGE 24 ————————————————————————————E-2-19 Yuengling Por-Tor (HELP!!!!!) Harold Queen, 1001 Centre Ave, Jim Thorpe PA 18229, (717) 325-2612 —————————————————————–——————– “E” Type Openers Wanted. Will Trade my “C”, “E” and “I” Types. Please send list of what you have and I'll send my list. Ralph Tewksbury, 84 Wildwood Dr, Parkersburg WV 26101 (304) 863-3627 ———————————————————————————— Wanted I-2s # 1 Atlas, 2 Beverwyck, 3 Drewrys, 7 Mitchell, J8s #13 Ballantine, 14 DuBois. Cash or Trade. Ben Hoffman, 213 Simmons Rd, Perkiomenville PA 18704, (610) 287-8243 or benbey@netcarrier.com ———————————————————————————— B-2-22 Haenle, B-22-94 Haenhle, G-3-14 Silver Foam, also “I-5"s, “E-14”s, “B-24”s, “G-1”s. Send for Want List. John Patton, 9224 Sugarloaf Dr, Redding CA 96001 ———————————————————————————— Will Buy or Trade from My Collection for these Openers: I-745 Anheuser-Busch Dry Malt, I-7-46 Berghoff, I-7-37 Schaefer, E-11-18 Arrow, H-6-1 Blatz, H-6-3 Olympia, H-6-4 Pabst, H-6-9 Pabst. Tom Gormally, 22555 Cardiff Dr, Santa Clarita CA 91350, 661-291-1392 ———————————————————————————— I-7 Roger Williams to complete I-7 Collection. Extensive trade list or cash. Hale Milano, 506 Springhouse Road, Camp Hill PA 17011-1454, (717) 737-5067 ———————————————————————————— M-3s #20 Liberty, 40 Deer Park, 23 F&S, 25 Harrison, 41 Harrison, 26 Senate, 39 Hialeah, 33 Moose, 44 Osterstyock, 36 Piel Bros, 34 Ruppert, 42 Seitz, 37 Sheridan, 6 Standard Erin Brew, 27 Trommers. Don Virostek, 3746 Margate Rd, Pittsburgh PA 15221-3914, (412) 241-5894 ———————————————————————————— O-5 Beer & Soda. Have several mint M-18 Budweiser to Trade or Pay Cash if Price is Right. C J Coursey, 2865 Fleetwood Cove, Greenville MS 38701-8015, (662) 332-4060 ———————————————————————————–Atlas Prager Openers: A-21-46, A-21-69, B-14-73, B-14-74, B22-101, B-24-58, B-24-103, B-28-2, E-5-70, E-7-1, E-8-32, E-14 -755, E-14-657, E-14-719, F-4-36, H-2-166, M-23-8, N-10-6, O8-3, P-66-4. Will Buy or Trade. Dave Lendy, 1927 Allen Dr, Geneva IL 60134, (630) 208-6950 ————————————————————————————Bottle Shaped and/or Openers with Bottle on them. Gary Deachman, PO Box 438, North Woodstock NH 03262 ————————————————————————————Chester PA Openers: B-18-192 Peerless, B-21-557 Haser, C12-71 Chester, P-7-46 Stoeckle, and A-17-14 & A-43-3 Soda Openers with ad for “Penn Brand”. Joseph Knapp, 211-A Berbro Ave, Upper Darby PA 19082, (610) 352-5055 ————————————————————————————CIGAR BOX OPENERS. Will Buy or Trade. Will trade for about anything. Glen Enloe, 805 Tepee Dr, Independence MO 64056, (816) 796-9965 Email enloes@juno.com ————————————————————————————Cigar Box Openers: HT-5---SHM-2,6,13---DHM-13,15---RBO-1 ---HKH-7,9---HOR-3---RND-13---SQR-4---NL-6---BB13,16,17,18---PKT-1,2,5,6,8,9,10---SEP-9---MIS-5,8. Ken Hoesch, PO Box 299, Zeeland MI 49464-0299 ———————————————————————————— Hartford, Connecticutt Openers Wanted esp. E-8-61 Fischer & P-17-4 Columbia. Edward Johnson, 1290 Poquonock Ave, Windsor CT 06095, (860) 688-6795 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 WANTED (Please remember there is no charge for Ads) ———————————————————————————–Corkscrews-Cork Pullers-Syroco (especially Golden Knight and Clown)-Early US Patents-Anything Unusual. Have many corkscrews to trade or Pay a Compettive Price. Please send description, sketch, photocopy, etc to Paul Luchsinger, 1126 Wishart Place, Hermitage PA 16148 (Tel/Fax 724-346-2331) ———————————————————————————–Corkscrews & Tin Can Openers: Beer Openers for Trade. Joe Young, 36 S. Weston Ave., Elgin IL (847) 695-0108 ———————————————————————————–Corkscrews, Beer Advertising Letter Openers, Beer Advertising Knives, & Postcards depicting Corkscrews. Please send description, photo, sketch, photocopy, or tracing of what you have and advise price wanted. Don Bull, PO Box 596, Wirtz VA 24184, (540) 721-1128, E-Mail corkscrew@bullworks.net ———————————————————————————–Corkscrews: Esp. Walker's “Waiters & Hallboys” and old Williamson wire shafted “T”s with attachments to wood handle (such as brushes/wire cutters). John Vlossak, 1044 East Eldorado St., Appleton WI 54911, (414) 739-2789 ———————————————————————————–Dixie Beer Openers, N-2 and N-88: Bill Moser, 10200 Spunn Rd, Jackson CA 95642, (209) 223-2916 ———————————————————————————–Figural Corkscrews and any WASHINGTON D.C. Openers and/or Corkscrews. Sandra Emme, PO Box 1454, Upper Marlboro MD 20773, (301) 627-8207 ———————————————————————————–Openers from Jamestown Brewing Co, Kuhn's Beer, Chautauqua Brew, Monessen, PA, Independent Brewing Co, Schaefer, & all Cleveland Beers. Ed Schaefer, 6612 Tannin Ln Apt B, Naples FL 34109, (941) 254-8828 ———————————————————————————— Joliet IL Openers: Citizens: B-14-97, C-17-69, E-1-32, E-3-12, E-4-175, K-5-6, O-10-1, P-121-1, Porter: A-17-24, B-18-618, B21-198, B-21-199, B-21-561, F-6-9, F-6-73, Sehrings: B-18587, G-9-39. John Bitterman, E-Mail jebitter@aol.com ———————————————————————————–Lexington Brewery (Dixie Beer) & Coca-Cola Openers. Want to buy any figurals or unusual older examples of these. Also looking for old manufacturer's brochures or catalogs (originals or copies of). Thom Thompson, 123 Shaw Ave., Versailles KY 40383, (606) 873-8787 ———————————————————————————–Minnesota Openers: A-4-19,40, A-5-18, A-14-2, A-21-77,128, A-29-26, B-2-37, B-6-15, B-7-3,21, B-13-12, B-18 177,390,409, 328,330,237,440, 75, B-19-49,70,83,114,174, B-21-375, B-2268,99, B-23-171, H-2-113,126,136,175,195, M-39-6, N-36-1, N71-1, N-74-1, O-1-1, O-2-8,14, O-6-4, P-7-13, P-22-5, P-146-1. Pat Stambaugh, 718 S Lakeshore Dr, Lake City MN 55401 ———————————————————————————–“M-1 & M-2” Lithographed Openers (Excellent Condition Only). Openers/Related Items to any Jung Breweries. Paul Jung, PO Box 425, Bechtelsville PA 19505, (610) 367-0239 ———————————————————————————–Montana & Idaho Beer/Brewery Openers & other Breweriana. Also looking for H-8 & L-1 Openers to complete collection. Steve Armstrong, PO Box 741, Kamiah ID 83536, E-Mail sunset@cybrquest.com ———————————————————————————–Montana Openers-Corkscrews: I need 39 of the 211 in the JFO Handbook. A-21-84,A-43-5,A-45-1,A-45-2---B-5-29,B-18370,B-18-479,B-18-481,B-18-331,B-18-538,B-21-471,B-21- PAGE 25 142,B-21-488,B-21-522,B-22-112,B-52-5---E-1-52,E-2-29,E-4325,E-9-29,E-13-29---F-8-9---M-29-63---N-38-4---P-7-41,P-8160,P-8-56,P-17-11,P-18-3,P-18-6,P-62-2,P-66-6,P-83-1. Will trade or purchase. Also interested in any Montana advertising openers (non-Beer). Bill Pattie, PO Box 1126, Big Timber MT 59011, (406) 932-5422 ———————————————————————————–New York State Openers: E-4-345 Koch, G-1-67 Hupfel. Will Buy or Trade. Mark Barren, 6141 Tachi Dr., Newfane NY 14108-9517, (716) 778-9724 ———————————————————————————— Orange Crush Openers Wanted: Will Buy or Trade if I have anything you may need. Thanks. Paul Gauvin, 24 Strawberry Ln, Manchester CT 06040, (860) 646-9722, E-Mail mtkneo@aol.com ———————————————————————————–J-6s: 2-4-8-15-16-17-18-19-21-22-23-25-27-28-29-33-35-36-3739-40-42-43-45-46-47, Will Pay $4 Each plus Postage. Ollie Hibbeler, 298 Highline Road, Lake Ozark MO 65049 ———————————————————————————–Pinney Beverage Items Wanted: Pens & Pencils, Bottle & Can Openers, Any item imprinted with Pinney Beverage Company, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dave Pinney, 1766 Red Barn Road, Encinitas CA 92024. Email: davecent@tmisnet.com or phone (760) 753-8151 Pacific Time Zone. ———————————————————————————–Rahr Malting Company: Looking for openers or any items. John Seidl, 4324 Granby Way, Marietta GA 30062, (404) 6312334, E-Mail jseidl@dc.com ———————————————————————————–Schlitz Openers: A-4-59, A-7-22, A-20-52,42,35,51, A-21-58,8, 115,79,81,96, A-23-7, A-29-58, A-35-30,45, A-53-6, plus A-1560 Oshkosh, A-29-46 Oshkosh, and A-17-27 Rahr. Will buy or possibly trade. Mike Krejci, W19103 Lake St, Aniwa WI 54408, (715) 449-3523, E-Mail pigpen1952@yahoo.com ———————————————————————————–Help!!! need 9 of 45 known Spokane, Washington Openers to complete collection: B-13-61 Bohemian Club, B-14-109 Spokane, E-3-58 Bohemian Club, E-6-137 Golden Age, E-7-6 Gilt Top, E-14-475 Bohemian Club, N-44-1 Inland & P-19-16 New York. Will trade heavy or pay your price. Nick Johnson, 4708 Spiser Ln, Wichita Falls TX 76302, (940) 322-1696 ———————————————————————————–Anyone interested in Trading U.S. for British/European Openers. Mostly types: A, B, C, D, E, I and J (one piece ferrous metal—any kind of advertising), Lists and Photos available, Dave Joyner dj@broomstick10.demon.co.uk ———————————————————————————— A very unusual CBO that sold on eBay this past quarter for $96.00. I believe it was purchased by JFO member, Kenny Hoesch from Zeeland, Mi. 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 PAGE 26 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 SELLING (Please remember there is no charge for Ads) —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Large Sale List, Also Trade List of “A”s and “B”s. Bob Stahly, 1508 E Bridge St, Streator IL 61364, (815) 672-4323 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Large Can-Jar-Bottle Opener Collection. Tom Johnson, 922 Bailey St, Jackson MN 56143, (507) 847-2828 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Beer and Soda Openers For Sale. Send SASE for List. John Fisher, PO Box 153, Benedict MD 20612-0153 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– JFO Back Issues: 1978-2001 $100 or 1994-2001 ($60) (US Shipping Only) John Stanley, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– “American Breweries II”: by Dale Van Wieren. Over 18,000 entries for nearly 8,000 brewing firms, tracing names, addresses, and dates of operation. ($19 Priority Mail). John Stanley, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2002 Handbook of United States Beer Advertising Openers and Corkscrews (contains 13,000 Listings & pictures 1000 Types (Black & White Copies)) . $20 sent priority mail. John Stanley, PO Box 64, Chapel Hill NC 27514 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– "Just For Openers" "A Guide to Beer, Soda, & Other Openers" by Donald A. Bull & John R. Stanley, 160 Pages, 380 Color Pictures, $26.95 plus $3.95 shipping (US Only). Bullworks, PO Box 596, Wirtz VA 24184 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– "Soda Advertising Openers" by Donald A. Bull & John R. Stanley, 160 Pages, Over 275 Color Pictures & 2500 Listings, $26.95 plus $3.95 shipping (US Only). Bullworks, PO Box 596, Wirtz VA 24184 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– "Beer Advertising: Knives, Letter Openers, Ice Picks, Cigar Cutters and More" by Donald A. Bull, 180 Pages, Over 500 Color Pictures, $26.95 plus $3.95 shipping (US Only). Bullworks, PO Box 596, Wirtz VA 24184 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– "The Ultimate Corkscrew Book" by Donald A. Bull, Hardcover Book Weighs 5 Lbs, 744 Color Photographs, 3746 Corkscrews with Values, $75.00 plus $8.80 shipping (US Only). Bullworks, PO Box 596, Wirtz VA 24184 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– "Bull's Pocket Guide to Corkscrews" by Donald A. Bull, 190 Pages, Over 200 Color Photographs, 942 Corkscrews with Values, $18.00 plus $3.95 shipping (US Only). Bullworks, PO Box 596, Wirtz VA 24184 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– "Boxes Full of Corkscrews" by Donald A. Bull, 236 Pages, Over 836 Color Photographs, 95% New Information with Values, $47.95 plus $7.70 shipping (US Only). Bullworks, PO Box 596, Wirtz VA 24184 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– "ANRI Woodcarvings: Bottle Stoppers, Corkscrews, Nutcrackers, Toothpick Holders, Smoking Accessories and More" by Philly Rains and Donald A. Bull, 272 Pages, Over 800 Color Photographs picturing more than 2500 ANRI Carvings with detailed information, $62.95 plus $7.70 shipping (US Only). Bullworks, PO Box 596, Wirtz VA 24184 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– "Hometown Beer - A History of Kansas City's Breweries" by H James Maxwell & Bob Sullivan Jr, Hardcover Book with 300 Pages, 585 Pictures (352 in Color) and Illustrations, $39.95 (New Reduced Price) Postpaid in US. H. James Maxwell, 1050 West Blue Ridge Blvd, Kansas City MO 64145-1216 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– I wish I had a before picture, but Jeb Burruss did a super job of cleaning up this B-2-47 Hanley. He used a white pencil eraser to work on the front side and remove a lot of tarnish. What was at best a grade 4, is now a grade 8. Cleaning takes time and effort but you are almost always rewarded with a much better looking opener. E-Mail New/Change Addresses (Will be in the April Directory Issue) Newsletter Content and Deadlines for Sending in Articles and Receiving Newsletter January Issue April Issue July Issue October Issue Newsletter Content New Additions to Handbook Membership Directory Convention Highlights New Discoveries Articles December 1st March 1st June 1st September 1st To Members By January 31st April 30th July 31st October 31st 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 27 Results of October 2002 JFO Auction Closing November 20, 2002 Thanks to all 45 Bidders 1 A-001-023 Grafs WI 6 13.51 28 A-054-999 Schork & 8 Schaffer Amusement Center / Branches Broadway & 52nd St 216 & 228 W 42nd St 1145 & 1173 6th Ave. NY 30.50 54 B-021-005 Bartholomay NY 4 15.50 2 A-001-999 Ale Copland's Lager CAN 4 7.01 55 B-021-052 Moerlein OH 4 3 A-002-999 Customer's Advertment Here 6 6.15 56 B-021-065 Pfaffs MA 4 12.51 57 B-021-076 Schlitz WI 8 4 A-002-999 For Cold Beer Call 69 We Deliver 4 58 B-021-113 Jung WI 2 15.68 29 B-002-003 Edelweiss (Steel) IL Min $40 4 45.51 59 B-021-161 Gambrinus Stock OH 4 12.01 5 A-004-009 Leisy IL 4 7.51 6 A-004-010 Four Roses Malt OH 6 17.70 60 B-021-183 Mutual Union PA 4 15.50 30 B-002-025 Luxus NE 6 37.51 7 A-005-002 Grafs w/ Bottle Charm WI 6 20.01 31 B-002-033 Old Style WI 6 61 B-021-252 Hagerstown MD 4 15.50 41.50 8 A-005-999 Bob Anderson 8 Beverages at Wholesale 333 W. King St. York, PA 10.51 32 B-005-024 Heileman WI (Worn) 1 25.00 62 B-021-368 Elgin IL 2 20.00 63 B-021-388 Seitz PA 2 20.00 33 B-008-999 United States Bank & Trust Santa Fe New Mexico NM 6 35.00 64 B-021-406 Robinson PA 8 25.00 65 B-021-582 Victor PA 6 20.05 9 A-006-001 West End NY 6 16.75 34 B-012-999 O. K. Store Always Sells For Less 24 E. Part Street Butte, Montana MT 6 66 B-021-999 The Presto Bottle Opener and Tank Key 4 4.15 10 A-008-001 Ruppert NY 8 11.77 11 A-015-008 Fortune Bros IL Min $40 8 45.00 4 9.01 35 B-013-016 Ambrosia IL 8 5.01 67 B-021-999 Tip-Top Bottling -WorksThe Key To Blytheville, Ark. 12 A-015-011 Leisy IL 4 25.50 13 A-017-009 Ritter Brau NE (Very Worn) 1 6.87 36 B-013-018 Grafs WI 4 4.01 14 A-023-001 Blackhawk Var A IA 1 0 10.50 37 B-014-019 Goetz MO 1 0 3.01 15 A-025-009 Schoenhofen IL Min $60 8 153.0 3 38 B-014-051 Grafs WI 1 0 12.50 16 A-028-047 Deppen PA 4 20.00 39 B-014-085 Gluek MN 9.00 17 A-028-999 International Jewelry Co. Watches & Jewelry on Credit Hartman Bldg. 4 5.51 1 0 40 B-014-119 Zollers IA 1 0 12.50 41 B-014-171 Krueger NJ 8 15.00 1 0 7.51 42 B-014-999 Triangle Beverages Snohomish Wn. WA 6 18 A-029-003 K-B IL 19 A-029-007 Rainier CA 8 15.00 43 B-015-001 Old German CA 8 20 A-029-009 Schlitz WI 8 20.00 44 B-018-008 Brownsville PA 2 21 A-029-999 Orange Crush 4 (Large Letters) 15.50 45 B-018-010 Bushkill PA 10.00 22 A-030-004 Schotts IL 4 17.79 23 A-034-999 Compliments of John Kellenberger 8 26.01 24 A-035-020 Burkhardts OH 2 20.00 25 A-041-001 Medford (Min Bid $80) 8 88.00 26 A-044-999 Compliments of Son's Café Holly CO 8 15.00 27 A-045-001 Blank 6 20.00 15.80 7.51 8.11 68 B-021-999 W. W. Boyn4 10.51 ton Soda Water and Tonics North Ampton, Mass. MA 69 B-022-004 Falstaff MO 4 6.01 70 B-022-045 Indianapolis IN 4 8.01 71 B-022-048 Michel WI 6 41.50 4 10.01 10.00 72 B-022-999 A. J. Greenkorn Carbonated Drinks Oshkosh, Wis. WI 21.01 73 B-023-012 Harding IL 4 7.51 74 B-023-018 Miller WI 8 10.11 1 0 25.00 75 B-023-020 Miller WI 4 46 B-018-115 Schlitz WI 4 4.15 76 B-023-023 Oshkosh WI 8 12.55 47 B-018-152 Aurora IL 8 20.00 77 B-023-045 Blue Ribbon TX 6 14.85 48 B-018-215 Radeke IL 4 15.50 78 B-023-046 Premier MO 6 20.05 49 B-018-999 Try Ballaravale Spring Water 4 7.01 79 B-023-152 Labor Temple WI 6 13.55 50 B-019-055 Moerlein OH 8 25.00 8 51 B-019-090 Hoster OH 6 22.50 80 B-024-017 Griesedieck Bros MO 52 B-019-123 Gund WI 8 15.50 81 B-024-018 Homestead PA 8 15.00 53 B-019-999 Key To Red Rock Hagan & Dodd Co. Atlanta, GA 4 10.50 82 B-024-032 Schmidt MN 4 4.00 83 B-024-049 Yuengling PA 4 8.00 7.01 4.65 4.01 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 28 Results of October 2002 JFO Auction Closing November 20, 2002 Thanks to all 45 Bidders 84 B-024-056 Salem OR 8 18.50 115 C-017-004 Ehrets NY 8 8.00 153 E-004-065 Neuweilers PA 8 5.00 85 B-033-001 Schoenhofen 6 IL 36.51 116 C-017-005 Fox Deluxe IL 4 0.00 154 E-004-067 Potosi WI 4 5.50 117 C-017-006 Gretz PA 8 4.00 155 E-004-068 Prima IL 6 3.00 118 C-017-007 Haberle NY 6 5.00 8 9.00 119 C-017-008 Hanleys RI 6 3.95 120 C-017-010 Hudepohl OH 6 3.95 156 E-004-069 Rubsam & Horrmann (Round Head) NY 121 C-017-011 Iroquois NY 6 0.00 6 4.50 122 C-017-013 Lebanon Valley PA 8 3.00 157 E-004-069 Rubsam & Horrmann (Square Head) NY 123 C-017-016 Monarch IL 6 7.00 158 E-004-070 Rainier CA 6 3.00 124 C-017-020 Pabst WI 6 1.01 159 E-004-071 Rainier CA 8 5.00 125 C-017-066 Atlas IL 6 0.00 160 E-004-072 Regal Amber Var A CA 6 4.50 86 B-035-004 Storz NE 6 3.51 87 B-044-999 Gordon Gin 6 20.02 88 B-049-999 Peppy Gas Peppy Service at Bridegam's / Super Service Tuckerton, Pa. Pottsville Pike (with CBO) PA 6 10.00 89 B-055LOT 6 Different 8 12.11 90 B-058LOT 7 Different 8 14.11 126 C-018-004 Independent WI 4 0.00 5.55 4 5.56 161 E-004-072 Regal Amber Var B CA 8 20.00 127 C-019-002 Fort Pitt Var B PA 8 7.12 162 E-004-074 Regal Pale Var 8 A CA 5.55 42.77 128 C-020-005 Lebanon Valley PA 163 E-004-075 Rochester NY 6 4.00 129 C-025-001 Kings NY 8 35.00 130 C-028-001 Mound City IL 8 12.00 164 E-004-105 California CA 8 6.00 165 E-004-117 Goetz MO 6 0.00 91 B-063-009 Indianapolis IN 6 92 C-001-003 Schoenhofen 8 IL Min $40 93 C-004-001 Pabst WI 6 1.15 94 C-005-002 Pabst WI 4 0.00 131 C-032-001 Rainier CA 8 15.00 95 C-006-003 Iroquois NY 6 4.00 132 D-001-001 ABBAssn Var A 4 0.00 166 E-004-118 Hauenstein MN 6 5.50 96 C-009-004 Bruckman OH 4 1.33 133 D-002-010 Perfection 4 0.00 167 E-004-121 Humboldt CA 6 6.15 134 D-004-006 Leisy Var B IL 4 6.50 97 C-010-024 A B C CA 8 2.65 168 E-004-123 Kingsbury WI 6 6.78 135 D-005-002 Blatz WI 6 0.00 98 C-010-028 Miller WI 6 8.30 6.00 6 3.66 169 E-004-126 Lucky Lager CA 8 136 D-006-001 Brucks OH 99 C-011-006 Falstaff MO 6 5.00 36.00 170 E-004-127 Muessel IN 8 6.00 100 C-012-018 National MD 6 1.33 137 D-007-002 Schoenhofen IL 6 Min $30 171 E-004-129 Pabst WI 8 5.55 101 C-012-046 Fort Pitt PA 1 0 6.00 102 C-013-009 Brucks OH 6 6.01 103 C-013-018 Cream City WI 8 7.50 104 C-013-032 Falls City KY 8 6.00 105 C-013-048 German MD 4 0.00 106 C-013-074 National MD 6 1.15 107 C-013-110 Stering IN 6 1.15 108 C-013-250 Carlings 8 20.00 109 C-014-011 Rheingold Var B NY 4 0.00 110 C-015-002 Fort Pitt PA 4 0.00 111 C-016-008 Rubsam & 1 Horrmann NY 0 3.66 112 C-016-009 Schaefer NY 6 0.00 113 C-017-001 Arrow MD 6 3.00 114 C-017-003 Dawsons MA 6 1.33 138 D-009-008 Oshkosh WI 4 0.00 172 E-004-132 Prima Var A IL 6 3.00 139 D-009-011 Zollers IA 6 1.65 173 E-004-132 Prima Var B IL 6 3.00 140 D-012-999 Crown Cork / Opener 4 0.00 174 E-004-133 Rainier CA 8 6.00 5.55 6 13.15 175 E-004-136 Regal Amber CA 8 141 E-001-032 Joliet Citizens IL 176 E-004-137 Renner OH 6 3.00 142 E-002-007 Hornung PA 6 3.00 8 15.00 144 E-002-016 Primo HA 6 3.00 177 E-004-144 Schorr4 Kolkschneider MO 0.00 143 E-002-010 Scheidt PA 145 E-002-017 Progress OK 6 13.15 178 E-004-164 Dick Bros IL 8 1.33 146 E-002-018 Valley Forge PA 6 14.78 179 E-004-167 Fisher UT 6 10.50 180 E-004-172 Hoffman NJ 6 147 E-003-004 Effinger WI 4 1.33 181 E-004-176 Koerber OH 6 15.50 148 E-003-068 Birk Bros IL 8 14.78 6 3.00 149 E-004-018 Bushkill PA 6 3.00 182 E-004-192 Robin-Hood NE 150 E-004-047 Hudepohl OH 6 3.00 183 E-004-197 Sunrise OH 6 3.00 151 E-004-061 Miller Var A WI 6 1.33 184 E-004-199 Trommers NY 6 3.00 9.10 6 1.33 185 E-004-206 Weinhard Var A OR 6 152 E-004-062 Miller WI 3.00 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 29 Results of October 2002 JFO Auction Closing November 20, 2002 Thanks to all 45 Bidders 186 E-004-239 Prima IL 6 8.00 187 E-004-247 Zoller IA 6 10.00 188 E-004-254 Golden Glow CA 6 9.10 189 E-004-277 Eichler NY 6 6.00 190 E-004-282 Schmidt MN 6 1.33 191 E-004-296 Wielands CA 6 3.00 192 E-004-303 Metz NE 8 8.50 193 E-004-310 Schlitz WI 6 9.87 194 E-004-332 Eichler NY 8 6.00 195 E-004-999 Dr Brown's 6 Celery Tonic / Schultz Sparkling Beverages (Round Top) 6.00 196 E-004-999 Dr Brown's 6 Celery Tonic / Schultz Sparkling Beverages (Square Top) 6.00 197 E-004-999 Lake Region Beverage Co. / Same 6 5.00 198 E-004-999 Lambert Distributing Co. / Seven Up - - Moxie 6 7.50 199 E-005-051 Fort Pitt PA 6 3.66 200 E-006-023 Fesenmeier WV 1 0 7.00 201 E-006-067 Burkhardts OH 6 3.66 202 E-006-082 Peerless WI 6 12.00 203 E-006-101 Feigenspan NJ 6 20.00 204 E-006-117 Moose PA 1 0 205 E-006-118 Old King Cole PA 1 0 6 10.00 212 E-007-007 Goetz MO 6 0.00 213 E-008-012 AnheuserBusch MO 6 1.33 214 E-008-013 Berlin WI 6 4.00 215 E-008-040 Red Top Malt OH 8 12.00 216 E-009-001 Anheuser-Bush MO 6 2.00 217 E-009-028 Eastside CA 6 218 E-009-043 Ruhstallers CA 246 E-014-145 Hensler NJ 6 8.50 247 E-014-147 Highlander MT 6 3.00 248 E-014-149 Hoffman NJ 6 7.05 249 E-014-165 King Cole IL 6 12.05 250 E-014-176 Lone Star TX 4 1.15 251 E-014-177 Lucky Lager CA 6 3.00 252 E-014-178 Lucky Lager CA 6 2.11 253 E-014-179 Maier CA 6 5.00 254 E-014-180 Mankato MN 8 20.20 3.00 255 E-014-181 Mankato MN 8 4.00 256 E-014-182 Mankato MN 6 8.50 257 E-014-184 Metz NE 6 0.00 258 E-014-185 Metz NE 8 5.55 259 E-014-186 Metz NE 8 6.95 260 E-014-188 Miller WI 6 2.11 261 E-014-194 Narragansett RI 8 4.00 262 E-014-195 National MD 8 5.00 263 E-014-196 National MD 6 4.00 8 6.00 219 E-009-045 San Antonio TX 2 1.33 220 E-009-999 The S C Palmer Co Washington DC / Palmer Brand Hogn Grade Soda DC 4 5.00 221 E-013-021 Warsaw WI 6 6.50 222 E-014-020 Best IL 8 9.00 223 E-014-056 Dallas-Fort Worth TX 1 0 5.00 224 E-014-077 Erlanger 6 3.00 264 E-014-197 Northern WI 8 5.05 225 E-014-079 Esquire PA 8 0.00 265 E-014-253 Scheidt PA 8 0.00 226 E-014-080 F & S PA 6 3.00 266 E-014-256 Schlitz WI 5.05 227 E-014-082 Fauerbach WI 6 2.11 1 0 228 E-014-083 Fehr KY 6 5.50 267 E-014-258 Schlitz WI 6 1.15 229 E-014-084 Fehr KY 8 4.00 268 E-014-260 Schmidts MN 6 3.00 230 E-014-086 Fesenmeier WV 6 0.00 269 E-014-261 Schmidts MN 6 3.00 231 E-014-088 Fitger MN 8 6.00 270 E-014-264 Schmidts PA 8 0.00 232 E-014-089 Fitgers MN 6 4.00 271 E-014-266 Sheridan WY 6 9.00 233 E-014-090 Fitgers MN 6 4.00 272 E-014-267 Southern Select TX 8 5.00 15.00 234 E-014-091 Fleckenstein MN 6 4.00 273 E-014-268 Spoetzl TX 8 4.00 15.00 235 E-014-092 Fort Pitt PA 1 0 1.15 274 E-014-270 Sioux City IA 6 6.08 275 E-014-272 Standard NY 8 4.00 22.00 236 E-014-097 Free State MD 8 1.05 276 E-014-273 Standard NY 8 5.00 237 E-014-100 G B CA 6 3.00 6.00 6 3.00 277 E-014-274 Star-Peerless IL 8 238 E-014-130 Haberle NY 239 E-014-131 Haberle NY 6 3.00 278 E-014-275 Stegmaier PA 8 7.00 240 E-014-133 Hamms MN 8 2.25 279 E-014-347 Diehl OH 6 3.00 241 E-014-135 Hamm MN 8 2.25 280 E-014-363 Free State MD 8 10.00 242 E-014-138 Hand IL 4 0.00 281 E-014-373 Grauoners PA 8 7.00 243 E-014-139 Hanleys RI 8 6.00 282 E-014-375 Great Falls MT 6 2.11 244 E-014-141 Hauenstein MN 8 3.00 283 E-014-376 Greenway NY 245 E-014-143 Heileman WI 8 0.00 206 E-006-149 Rock Island IL 6 207 E-006-151 Star WA 6 3.00 208 E-006-153 Tru-Blu PA 1 0 10.00 209 E-006-999 Dr Nutt World Bottling Co LA 4 5.00 210 E-006-999 Olands Brew- 6 ery Ltd. Saint John, N. S. / Red Ball Ale & Stout CAN 211 E-006-999 Red Ball Brewery Ltd. Saint John, N. S. / Red Ball Ale & Stout CAN 10.00 6 10.01 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 PAGE 30 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 Results of October 2002 JFO Auction Closing November 20, 2002 Thanks to all 45 Bidders 284 E-014-377 Hamms MN 8 2.11 316 G-024-002 Coors CO 6 5.10 285 E-014-378 Hampden MA 6 7.25 317 G-031-001 Budweiser IL 1 0 10.11 318 H-002-021 Goetz MO 4 1.33 319 H-002-UL 4 10.00 286 E-014-379 Heurich DC 8 20.00 287 E-014-382 Hohenadel PA 6 3.00 HENNESSEY MALT SUPPLY CO. 36 HAWLEY ST. BINGHAMTON, N. Y. 288 E-014-385 Hudepohl OH 6 3.66 289 E-014-388 Karlsbrau MN 6 5.25 290 E-014-391 Kiewel MN 6 6.15 320 H-003-006 Edelweiss IL 4 2.15 291 E-014-392 Koehlers OH 8 9.00 321 H-005-003 Columbia PA 6 13.50 292 E-014-393 Krantz OH 6 7.08 322 H-006-012 Pabst WI 6 0.00 323 H-007-010 Grafs WI 6 3.15 324 H-011-002 Blatz WI 4 6.00 325 I-009-001 Waldorf OH 4 2.01 326 I-009-002 Fox Deluxe IL 6 11.77 293 E-014-394 Krueger NJ 6 3.00 294 E-014-395 Kuebler PA 6 10.00 295 E-014-396 Lancers AZ 1 0 10.25 296 E-014-419 Pearl TX 8 0.00 327 I-010-002 Red Top OH 4 10.71 297 E-014-645 Tampa FL 8 10.00 328 I-019-009 Pabst WI 4 1.33 298 E-014-726 Pickwick MA 6 9.00 329 I-019-LOT 6 22.50 299 E-014-808 Pickwick MA 1 0 15.00 300 E-014-999 Silver Spring Ginger Ale / Same 8 7.00 #5 Goetz #7 Miller #12 Genesee #14 Pabst #18 Goetz #20 Hamms #24 Neuweiler 301 E-015-002 Hand IL 8 8.00 330 I-020-017 Hamms MN 4 0.00 302 E-018-006 Roessle MA (Min Bid $30) 6 35.50 331 I-020-LOT 6 16.51 303 G-001-023 Quandt NY 4 1.33 304 G-002-010 Hudepohl OH 6 21.00 #1 Adler Brau #2 Blatz #6 Hamms #10 Goetz #17 Hamms #19 Pearl #28 Schaefer 332 I-022-009 Fisher UT 6 5.50 333 I-022-LOT #27 Canadian 4 #4 Duquesne #24 Tavern Pale 12.50 334 I-023-001 Fehr KY 6 1.33 335 I-026-001 Hampden MA (Min $10) 6 15.50 336 J-007-002 Coors CO 4 1.33 337 J-008-003 Fox Head WI 4 1.33 338 J-009-001 Coors CO 6 0.00 339 K-003-001 Rheingold NY 8 30.00 340 L-001-007 Schlitz WI 8 7.75 305 G-003-005 Engelking IL 4 2.65 306 G-003-017 Grafs WI 6 10.50 307 G-004-010 Jung WI 4 2.65 308 G-008-021 Independent WI 8 4.00 309 G-009-024 Stegmaier PA 4 2.15 2 #86 Globe 2 6 #11 Ortlieb 1 #25 Stegmaier (5 Total) 4.65 310 G-009LOT 311 G-011-001 Muessel IN (Min Bid $30) 2 35.00 312 G-013-004 Buck IL 4 2.15 341 L-002-001 A-B MO 4 5.11 313 G-013-009 Grafs WI 6 3.15 342 L-002-002 A-B Malt MO 6 10.01 314 G-014-001 Eagle In A MO 6 5.15 343 L-002-005 Eldridge NH 6 72.02 344 L-003-004 Michelob MO 8 10.00 315 G-021-999 Compliments 4 of J. O. Johnson Braham, Minn MN 5.00 345 L-004-009 Fehrs Var A KY 1 0 12.01 1 0 12.01 346 L-004-053 Becks NY 347 L-004-063 Schlitz WI 1 12.01 0 348 L-004-071 Champagne Velvet IN 6 43.01 349 M-001006 Hudepohl OH 8 63.03 350 M-001025 Haffenreffer MA 8 35.00 351 M-002007 Crown OH 6 35.00 352 M-003011 Cumberland MD 8 30.00 353 M-004002 Blatz WI 6 354 M-010001 Ballantine NJ 6 12.85 355 M-011002 Ballantine NJ 6 10.00 356 M-015001 Miller WI 6 1.65 357 M-018001 Budweiser MO 8 0.00 358 M-019022 Schlitz WI 8 1.65 359 M-023003 Huber WI 6 10.78 360 M-024001 Coors CO 1 0 8.00 361 M-029003 Falstaff MO 6 1.15 362 M-029007 Sterling IN 8 1.15 363 M-029-UL DISTRIBUTOR 4 20.00 DUQUESNE— SILVER TOP & PABST BLUE RIBBON BEERS CALL US FOR YOUR PARTY KEGS UNITED BEVERAGE COMPANY 101 WELCH ST. CHARLESTON, W.VA. PH. DI 2-7115 & DI 2-7116 364 M-030037 Budweiser MO 6 365 M-030081 Storz NE 8 20.00 366 M-031001 Sterling IN 8 5.00 367 M-033001 Drewerys IN 6 1.15 368 M-034003 Miller WI 6 1.15 0.00 5.10 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 31 Results of October 2002 JFO Auction Closing November 20, 2002 Thanks to all 45 Bidders 369 M-036001 Phoenix NY 6 13.77 389 R-009-001 Rheingold NY (Min $100) 1 0 113.77 370 M-039999 Brewers As- 6 sociation of America 1957 Convention / Compliments of Vaughan Mfg. Co. Chicago IL 10.00 390 R-011-001 Harvard MA (Min $100) 8 253.03 391 R-012-002 Budweiser MO 4 21.77 392 R-016-001 Bud Dry MO 8 21.10 393 R-016-002 Bud Light MO 8 21.10 394 R-016-003 Budweiser MO 8 17.77 371 M-054003 Geyer Bros 1 0 4.00 372 M-083008 Millstream IA 1 0 1.15 373 M-083-UL GENESEE BEER (IN LOGO) ADAMS COUNTY HOME BEVERAGE CORP. U. S. ROUTE 30 CASHTOWN, PA 17310 PHONE 3345400 8 20.00 12 Different Luggage Tags (M-43 & M-82) Min $10 8 14.77 375 N-002-001 Dixie LA 8 22.09 376 N-009-008 Vienna OH 6 1.15 377 N-016-001 Valley Forge PA 6 10.77 378 O-005-005 Grand Prize TX 1 0 1.25 379 P-001-011 AnheuserBush Pat 76 MO (Min $60) 2 80.00 380 P-005-001 AnheuserBusch MO (Min $50) 4 0.00 381 P-020-003 Blatz WI 6 1.15 382 P-057-018 Obert MO 4 4.01 383 Q-008LOT 12 Different Min $10 8 15.77 384 Q-010LOT 20 Different Min $10 8 17.77 385 Q-012LOT 15 Different Min $10 8 15.77 386 Q-053LOT 7 (4 Different) 8 4.65 374 MLuggage Please not lots #159, 184, 238, 239 and 351 were TIE bids Just For Openers “Auction Guidelines” Please Note: Fee of 15% Will Be Charged on Consignments 387 R-001-002 International NY 6 3.65 388 R-003-004 Iroquois NY 8 30.00 This auction is a service to members of JFO. Submit consignments by sending a graded inventory list. Reasonable minimum bids can be established for good items. Any openers submitted for the auction should have a minimum value of $3.00. Money realized will be sent 4 to 5 weeks after closing date. Please Write First Before Sending Consignment Material. When Bidding Please! give the Lot Number and a Short Description with each bid. Please remember to at least sign your name on each auction page and keep a copy. Please, Please, Please SEND IN YOUR BID SHEETS EARLY & NOT AT THE LAST MINUTE Send Bids To: John Stanley, PO Box 64 Chapel Hill NC 27514 Auction Rules (Note: No Phone Bidding) 1) $1.00 Minimum Bid on Each Lot, Only 1 Bid per Lot Allowed 2) Openers Sold to Highest Bidder (Identical Bids: Earliest Postmarked Bid Wins) 3) 7 Days to Return Openers if Not Satisfied, Shipping and Handling Extra 4) Openers Shipped Upon Payment (Please Pay within 7 Days of receiving Invoice) (Please make checks payable to: John Stanley) 5) Results Shown Next JFO Issue (Winning Bidders receive Results with Invoice) Grading (G): 1-Poor 2-Fair 4-Good 6-Very Good 8-Excellent 10-Near Mint to Mint (UL-Unlisted in 2002 Handbook (Full Wording Will Be Given), 999-Non USA Beer) JFO # & Key Words (Brewery or Beer Name from Full Description) from 2002 Handbook of United States Beer Advertising Openers and Corkscrews 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 PAGE 32 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 Closing February 19, 2003 Name & Member #: _____________________________________ 1 A-001-021 El Capitan CA 8 27 A-029-003 K-B IL 8 2 A-001-023 Grafs WI 6 28 A-029-009 Schlitz WI 6 3 A-002-999 For Cold Beer Call 69 We Deliver 6 29 A-029-023 Potosi WI 8 30 A-029-031 Butte MT 8 4 A-003-016 Homa MN 6 2 5 A-004-002 Buck IL 6 6 A-004-015 Leisy IL 4 31 A-030-999 Whistle Bott. Co. New Bedford, Mass. Tel. 5480 7 A-005-015 Ideal IA 6 8 8 A-005-065 Stone OH 6 9 A-005-079 Western OH 8 32 A-035-999 Welsh & Eisenhuth Wholesale Malt Liquor Dealers, Sacamore, Pa. / Same 33 A-070-001 Cooks IN 4 34 B-005-028 Storz NE 6 35 B-013-009 Iron City PA 6 36 B-013-011 Storz NE 8 37 B-013-018 Grafs WI 1 0 38 B-013-999 Chas. Twele & Son Park Ave, & Biddle St. Baltimore MD. 4 39 B-013-999 Dan Perkins Company Seasoning Manufacturers Memphis, Tenn. 6 10 A-005-090 Concord 6 11 A-005MEX 6 Tome Cerveza Ciudad Bolivar 12 A-006-001 West End NY 6 13 A-007-999 When Thirsty 6 Drink White Eagle Pale Dry Ginger Ale 14 A-007CAN Frontenac Export Ale 6 15 A-007CAN Frontenac Olde Brew 6 16 A-009-017 Schell MN MIN 6 $50 17 A-012-001 Burgermeister CA 6 18 A-012-999 1877 Syria Temple 1952 Ray Manning Potentate 8 19 A-013-007 Tannhaeuser PA 4 20 A-021-002 Blatz WI 6 21 A-021-005 Duquesne PA 6 22 A-021-016 Hoffman 8 23 A-021-028 Old Dutch (Second Key Chain Hole Drilled In) 4 24 A-021-054 Rahr WI MIN $25 8 25 A-021-999 Spin Around to Breck Beer Depot Swan Breckenridge Beer By The Case All Brands 8 26 A-023-005 Heidel-Brau IA 1 0 40 B-013-999 Goodard4 GroomeDrayron Co. 1216 Walnut Street Phila. PA 53 B-017-004 Centennial MT MIN $60 1 0 54 B-018-023 Dubuque IA 6 55 B-018-209 Pittsburgh PA 1 0 56 B-018-210 Pittsburgh PA 4 57 B-018-270 Flock PA 6 58 B-019-017 Hamms MN 2 59 B-019-062 Dicks IL 2 60 B-019-127 Hennepin MN 6 61 B-019-170 Minneapolis MN 8 62 B-019-999 Ford The Van Motor Co. Automobiles Newburgh, N.Y. 8 63 B-021-005 Bartholomay NY 6 64 B-021-066 Glennons OH 4 65 B-021-076 Schlitz WI 6 66 B-021-129 Pilseners OH 4 67 B-021-161 Gambrinus OH 2 68 B-021-205 Rose Bud SD 4 69 B-021-268 Krantz OH 2 70 B-021-371 Fort Schuyler NY 6 71 B-021-381 Metz NE 4 72 B-021-385 Old Reading PA 6 73 B-021-999 Key To Croce Automobile Co. Asbury Park, N. J. 8 41 B-014-025 Grand Prize TX 4 42 B-014-037 Pittsburgh PA 4 43 B-014-041 Schmidt MN 6 44 B-014-046 Yuengling PA 4 45 B-014-047 Alpen Brau MO 6 46 B-014-054 Kingsbury WI 4 47 B-014-075 Berghoff IN 6 48 B-014-118 Sand Springs MA 4 49 B-014-127 Burgemeister IL 6 75 B-021CAN 50 B-014-131 Old Anchor PA 4 76 B-022-004 Falstaff MO 6 51 B-014-139 Golden Glow CA 2 77 B-022-019 Schlitz WI 6 78 B-022-072 P O C OH 6 52 B-014CAN 6 79 B-023-006 Dub-Lin-Stout MO 8 80 B-023-016 King of Clubs 6 Drink Shea's Beer / McDonagh & Shea 74 B-021-999 Lewis L. Tracy 6 Co. 492 to 490 Atlantic Ave. Boston / Power Transmission Mill Supplies & Belting Saskatoon Beer 4 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 PAGE 33 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 Closing February 19, 2003 Name & Member #: _____________________________________ 81 B-023-042 Minnehaha MN 4 99 C-012-034 Alen Brau MO 6 115 E-001-010 Kuebler PA 6 82 B-023-055 Griesedieck Bros MO 2 1 0 116 E-001-011 Mount Carbon PA 6 83 B-024-005 Burgermeister CA 1 0 Compliments of 8 Newfoundland Brewery LTD. 117 E-001-012 Stegmaier PA 6 118 E-001-013 Tivoli CO 8 84 B-024-015 Gluek MN 6 102 C-013-038 Fitzgerald NY 6 119 E-001-014 Trommer NY 6 85 B-024-017 Griesedieck Bros MO 1 0 103 C-013-049 Geyer MI 6 120 E-001-015 Trommer NY 6 86 B-024-026 Narragansett (B) RI 6 #121 Alpen 4 Brau #208 Coors Light #134 Goebel #71 Miller #80 Pabst (05) 121 E-001-016 Belmont OH 6 122 E-001-024 Koehler PA 6 87 B-024-049 Yuengling PA 6 123 E-001-032 Joliet Citizens IL 6 124 E-001-037 Star WA 6 125 E-004-005 Arrow MD 6 126 E-004-008 Atlas IL 6 127 E-004-009 Atlas IL 6 128 E-004-010 Atlas IL 6 129 E-004-011 Berghoff IN 6 130 E-004-014 Blatz WI 6 131 E-004-016 Buffalo CA 6 132 E-004-017 Burgermeister CA 6 133 E-004-020 Centlivre IN 6 134 E-004-021 Centlivre IN 6 135 E-004-025 Coors CO 6 136 E-004-029 Diehl OH 6 137 E-004-030 Doelger NY (End Filed) 4 138 E-004-031 Doelger NY 6 139 E-004-033 Falls City KY 6 140 E-004-034 Falls City KY 6 141 E-004-035 Falstaff MO 6 142 E-004-037 General CA 6 143 E-004-038 Globe MD 6 144 E-004-213 Blatz WI 8 145 E-004-277 Eichler NY 8 146 E-005-011 Marathon WI 8 147 E-005-077 Marathon Of WI 8 148 E-008CAN Carling Breweries Montreal / The Key To A Good Drink 4 149 E-008CAN Frontenac Breweries Limited 4 100 C-012-046 Fort Pitt PA 88 B-024-052 Mathie-Ruder 6 WI 89 B-024-055 Pointer IA 8 90 B-024-095 Flecks MN 6 91 B-024-999 Herman's Servicentre 506 S. Ponca St. WO. 10020 RI. 0723-W 4 92 B-024-999 Oriole Cab Service Towson 12152615 J. T. Riggin, Jr. Prop. MD 6 93 B-031-006 Old Fashion MT MIN $50 6 94 B-035-999 Nymph Room Stacy Trent, Hotel 6 95 B-042-999 S. Mechalovitz Co. 657 B'Way Clev. O. 2160 Superior 2161 / Make Us Your Headquarters We Will Save You Money 4 96 C-005-001 Pabst Pablo WI 8 101 C-012CAN 104 C-013LOT 105 C-013LOT 106 C-013LOT 107 C-013LOT 108 C-013LOT 97 C-006LOT #2 Falls City 4 #3 Iroquois #9 Back Bass (09) 98 C-009LOT #3 Blatz #6 Edelweiss #22 Edelweiss #7 Storz #7 Storz #31 Valley Forge (10) 4 #121 Alpen Brau #29 Eldridge #80 Pabst #110 Sterling (02) 4 #121 Alpen 4 Brau #37 Fitzgerald #71 Miller #80 Pabst (01) #206 Cooks #71 4 Miller #79 Ortlieb #110 Sterling #112 Terre Haute (04) #208 Coors Light #66 Krueger #71 Miller #109 Stanton (03) 4 109 C-015LOT #2 Fort Pitt #5 Iron #16 Rheingold (06) 6 110 C-016LOT #19 Killians #19 6 Killians #9 Schaefer (07) 111 C-017LOT #66 Atlas #66 Atlas #34 Dawson #11 Iroquois #20 Pabst #30 Valley Forge (08) 4 C-4-1 Pabst C-5 -2 Pabst C-1020 Rochester C -14-12 Rheingold C-18-17 Troomers C-195 Hudepohl C19-12 Rochester C-22-2 Ruppert C-24-1 Hoffman (11) 4 112 C-999LOT 113 E-001-003 Daeufer PA 6 114 E-001-008 Hull CT 6 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 34 Closing February 19, 2003 Name & Member #: _____________________________________ 150 E-014-001 A B C CA 6 185 E-014-063 Duquesne PA 8 224 E-014-219 Phoenix NY 8 151 E-014-002 A-1 AZ 6 186 E-014-068 Eastside CA 8 225 E-014-222 Piels NY 6 152 E-014-004 Acme CA 6 187 E-014-069 Eastside CA 6 226 E-014-223 Pilsen IL 6 153 E-014-005 Acme CA 6 188 E-014-071 Edelweiss IL 6 227 E-014-225 Potosi WI 8 154 E-014-006 Acme CA 6 228 E-014-226 Queen City MD 6 229 E-014-227 R & H NY 6 230 E-014-228 Rainier CA 6 189 E-014-072 Effinger WI 8 155 E-014-009 American MD 6 190 E-014-073 El Dorado CA 8 156 E-014-011 Atlas IL 6 191 E-014-074 Engesser MN 6 157 E-014-014 Bavarian KY 1 0 192 E-014-101 Genesee NY 6 193 E-014-102 Gettleman WI 6 231 E-014-230 Rams Head PA 8 194 E-014-104 Gibbons PA 6 232 E-014-232 Red Top OH 6 195 E-014-105 Gibbons PA 8 233 E-014-235 Regal CA 6 196 E-014-106 Gipps IL 6 234 E-014-237 Regal CA 6 197 E-014-107 Gluek MN 8 235 E-014-239 Renner OH 6 198 E-014-108 Gluek MN 8 8 199 E-014-113 Golden Glow CA 8 236 E-014-241 Rhinelander WI 237 E-014-242 Rochester NY 8 200 E-014-115 Grace Bros CA 8 238 E-014-245 Royal MN 6 201 E-014-117 Grain Belt MN 8 239 E-014-246 Ruppert NY 6 202 E-014-118 Grain Belt MN 1 0 240 E-014-249 San Antonio TX 6 203 E-014-119 Grand Prize TX 8 241 E-014-266 Sheridan WY 6 204 E-014-120 Grand Prize TX 8 242 E-014-279 Straub PA 6 205 E-014-122 Graupner PA 6 243 E-014-280 Sunshine PA 8 206 E-014-123 Graupner PA 6 244 E-014-281 Sunshine PA 1 0 158 E-014-015 Bavarian KY 6 159 E-014-016 Becker UT 6 160 E-014-018 Becker UT 6 161 E-014-019 Becker UT 8 162 E-014-020 Hapsburg IL 6 163 E-014-021 Beverwyck NY 6 164 E-014-022 Billings MT 6 165 E-014-026 Blatz WI 8 166 E-014-028 Bobbie WI 6 167 E-014-030 Breckenridge 6 PA 168 E-014-032 Brucks OH 1 0 169 E-014-033 Bub MN 1 0 170 E-014-036 Burgermeister CA 1 0 207 E-014-124 Great Falls MT 8 171 E-014-039 Butte MT 6 208 E-014-125 Great Falls MT 1 0 245 E-014-284 Tivoli CO 1 0 172 E-014-040 Butte MT 6 209 E-014-135 Hamm MN 8 246 E-014-285 Topper NY 173 E-014-043 Hillcrest CA 6 1 0 210 E-014-158 Jones NH 6 174 E-014-045 Cold Spring MA 8 247 E-014-286 Trommer NY 8 211 E-014-159 Jung WI 8 1 0 212 E-014-160 Kaier PA 8 248 E-014-289 United States IL 8 175 E-014-047 Cooks IN 213 E-014-162 Keeley IL 6 249 E-014-291 Utica Club NY 8 176 E-014-048 Cooks IN 6 214 E-014-163 Kessler MT 6 250 E-014-292 Vernon CA 6 177 E-014-050 Coors CO 8 215 E-014-166 Kingsbury WI 251 E-014-293 Wagner IL 8 178 E-014-051 Coors CO 8 1 0 252 E-014-294 Wagner OH 6 216 E-014-170 Krueger NJ 6 253 E-014-295 Walter WI 217 E-014-174 Leinenkugel WI 8 1 0 218 E-014-201 Old Dutch PA 6 254 E-014-298 West Bend WI 8 255 E-014-299 Wiedemann KY 6 179 E-014-052 Coors CO 8 180 E-014-056 Dallas-Fort Worth 6 181 E-014-057 Dawson MA 6 219 E-014-206 Old Reading PA 8 182 E-014-058 Delmarva DE 6 220 E-014-208 Olympia WA 8 6 221 E-014-214 Peerless WI 6 256 E-014-300 Wiedemann KY 8 183 E-014-059 Dick Bros IL 184 E-014-060 DuBois PA 8 222 E-014-216 Peoples MN 6 257 E-014-301 Wieland OR 6 223 E-014-218 Philadelphia PA 8 258 E-014-302 Wieland OR 8 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 PAGE 35 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 Closing February 19, 2003 Name & Member #: _____________________________________ 259 E-014-303 Wiessner MD 4 293 E-014-465 Billings MT 8 260 E-014-305 Wooden Shoe OH 6 294 E-014-466 Birk Bros IL 6 295 E-014-470 Blatz WI 6 261 E-014-307 Yuengling PA 6 296 E-014-473 Blitz-Weinhard OR 8 262 E-014-309 Acme CA 6 263 E-014-314 Apache AZ 6 298 E-014-483 Coopers PA 6 264 E-014-315 Balboa CA 6 299 E-014-488 Du Bois PA 8 265 E-014-317 Becker UT 6 300 E-014-489 Eastside CA 8 266 E-014-318 Becker UT 8 267 E-014-319 Becker UT 6 268 E-014-325 Bobbie WI 6 269 E-014-330 Brew 102 CA 8 270 E-014-339 Chester PA 6 271 E-014-343 Coopers PA 8 272 E-014-347 Diehl OH 6 297 E-014-481 Cold Spring MA 6 301 E-014-495 Fesenmeier WV 6 302 E-014-497 Fitgers MN 8 303 E-014-498 Fox Deluxe IL 6 304 E-014-500 German MD 6 305 E-014-508 Hauenstein MN 8 306 E-014-515 Kamm IN 6 307 E-014-519 Lucky CA 1 0 308 E-014-529 Ortlieb PA 1 0 309 E-014-530 Oshkosh WI 8 310 E-014-536 Rainier CA 6 330 E-014-698 Schoenhofen IL 6 331 E-014-701 Stegmaier PA 8 332 E-014-703 Enterprise MA 6 333 E-014-705 Oertel KY 1 0 334 E-014-725 Kuebler PA 6 335 E-014-726 Pickwick MA 6 336 E-014-739 Fesenmeier WV 8 337 E-014-770 Cold Spring MA 1 0 338 E-014-788 Grain Belt MN 8 339 E-014-793 Highlander MT 8 340 E-014-794 Holihan MA 8 341 E-014-808 Pickwick MA 1 0 342 E-014-822 Duquesne PA 8 343 E-014-999 Anderson Beverages Famous for Quality 6 344 F-002-999 Flynn's White - Soda 6 345 F-009-008 Gutsch WI MIN $35 6 346 G-001LOT #28 Alpen 4 Brau #8 Ebling #21 Pabst (19) 347 G-002LOT #4 Hampden #5 Harvard #8 Harvard #9 Hudepohl #7 Point (24) 273 E-014-351 Drewry IN 6 274 E-014-352 Eastside CA 8 275 E-014-359 Fisher UT 6 276 E-014-360 Fitgers MN 6 311 E-014-538 Regal CA 8 277 E-014-364 Fox Deluxe IL 6 312 E-014-539 Renner OH 8 313 E-014-547 Schell MN 8 278 E-014-408 Mineral Spring WI 6 314 E-014-559 Sterling IN 6 279 E-014-409 Minneapolis MN 6 315 E-014-579 American MD 6 316 E-014-580 American HA 6 280 E-014-418 Oshkosh WI 6 317 E-014-583 Anaconda MT 6 281 E-014-419 Pearl TX 6 318 E-014-584 Becker WY 8 348 G-003-005 Engelking IL 4 282 E-014-420 Peoples MN 6 319 E-014-612 Gunther MD 6 283 E-014-422 Potosi WI 6 8 #2 Blatz #9 EMS #7 Miller (20) 6 320 E-014-614 Hornell NY 349 G-004LOT 284 E-014-423 Potosi WI 6 321 E-014-622 Metz NE 1 0 350 G-006LOT 6 285 E-014-427 Progress OK 6 322 E-014-623 Metz NE 6 286 E-014-428 Red Top OH 8 323 E-014-642 Star IL 6 287 E-014-429 Regal Pale CA 6 324 E-014-648 Tube City PA 1 0 288 E-014-437 Schell MN 6 325 E-014-653 Warsaw IL 6 289 E-014-445 Stegmaier PA 6 326 E-014-681 Ruppert NY 8 #1 Bartels #2 Enterprise #3 Flocks #5 Fort Pitt #6 Gluek #7 Gretz #8 Gunther #17 National #11 Pickwick #12 Schell #14 Walters #18 White Seal (27) MIN $20 327 E-014-689 Gipps IL 6 6 351 G-007LOT 329 E-014-697 Schmidt MN 6 #3 Fort Pitt #5 Gunther #6 Harvard #7 Holihan #9 Pickwick #11 Sunshine (26) 6 328 E-014-696 Royal Bohemian MN 290 E-014-450 United States 6 IL 291 E-014-455 Walter WI 6 292 E-014-456 Wausau WI 6 6 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 PAGE 36 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 Closing February 19, 2003 Name & Member #: _____________________________________ 352 G-008LOT #1 Becks #3 6 Columbia #24 Esslingers #5 Gibbons #14 Manru #9 Ruppert #10 Standard #11 Sunshine (22) 353 G-009-004 Downs NY 4 354 G-009-011 Ortlieb PA 6 355 G-009-021 Star MA 4 356 G-009-022 Stegmaier PA 4 357 G-009-023 Stegmaier PA 6 358 G-009-038 Schreiber NY 8 359 G-013-003 Perfection PA 8 360 G-013-004 Buck IL 4 361 H-002LOT #4 Berghoff #16 Duquesne #21 Goetz #21 Goetz #37 Schmidt #42 Tru-Blu (16) 4 #7 Burger #21 Goetz #24 Hornung #27 Monarch #37 Schmidt #42 Tru-Blu (15) 6 #2 Beverwyck #4 Duquesne #6 Edelweiss #22 Schlitz #22 Schlitz (18) 4 #4 Duquesne #6 Edelweiss #17 Koehler #22 Schlitz #23 Simon (17) 4 362 H-002LOT 363 H-003LOT 364 H-003LOT 365 H-005LOT #16 Hazelton #7 Jolly Scot #9 Neuweiler (13) 6 366 H-006-011 Olympia WA 8 367 H-006-012 Pabst WI 6 368 H-006LOT 4 #1 Blatz #11 Olympia #5 Pabst #9 Pabst (14) 369 H-007-005 Kingsbury WI 4 388 J-001LOT #2 Gluek #3 Gluek #8 Schmidt #9 Schmidt (Steel) #9 Schmidt (Copper) (25) 6 389 J-006LOT #2 Arrow #3 Atlas #5 Ballantine #6 Blatz #8 Diamond State #25 Esslingers #11 Krueger #16 Rheingold #34 Tavern Pale 4 390 J-011-003 Schlitz WI 6 391 L-001-001 Blatz WI 8 392 M-002020 Bola OH 4 393 M-003005 Edelweiss Green IL 6 394 M-009001 Ballantine NJ 8 6 395 M-029007 Sterling IN 6 #4 A-B #6 Ballantine #24 Krueger #25 Liebmann #32 Pabst A #36 Ruppert (23) 6 396 M-029015 Sterling 63 IN 6 397 M-030061 Carlings MD 6 377 I-022-001 A-1 AZ 1 0 398 M-999LOT Ballantine M-11- 4 1 M-11-1 M-13-1 M-13-1 (12) 378 I-022-004 Duquesne PA 8 379 I-022-005 E & B MI 8 380 I-022-006 Erin Brew OH 6 381 I-022-009 Fisher UT 8 382 I-022-016 Silver Bar FL 6 383 I-022-017 Standard Pale IL 8 384 I-022-018 Tavern Pale IL 8 385 I-022-027 Canadian Ace IL 6 386 I-022-LOT #1 A-1 #27 Canadian Ace #4 Duquesne #6 Erin Brew #13 Rahr #17 Standard #19 Topper Beer 4 387 I-999-LOT Over 70 Different, Mainly I-11, I-12, I-17 MIN $20 4 370 H-007-010 Grafs WI 6 371 H-008-019 Atlantic IL MIN $40 8 372 H-011-001 Adler Brau WI 6 373 H-011-002 Blatz WI 8 374 I-004-LOT #3 Ballantine Ale Beer#6 Canadian Ace #8 Drewrys #10 Esslinger #13 Genesee #15 Harvard #17 Hornung #18 Hyde Park #36 Hamms #41 Meister Brau #51 Narragansett #21 Pabst #22 R & H #24 Rheingold #52 Piels #26 Scheidt #44 Schaefer (Opener Broke Off) MIN $20 4 375 I-007-029 Northampton PA 376 I-007-LOT 399 N-018-001 Chief Oshkosh WI 400 O-005LOT 8 Barqs, Dr Pep6 per, Pepsi-Cola, 7Up (4 Openers) 401 P-007-012 Smith PA 4 402 Q-999LOT Over 75 Differ8 ent, All Kinds of Beer Qs, You Wont De Disappointed MIN $25 403 Z-999LOT F-2-3 Esslingers 6 G-3-5 Engelking G-35-5 Miller I23-1 Fehrs J-9-1 Coors M-4-2 Blatz M-4-2 Blatz M-4-2 Blatz M-24-1 Coors M-24-1 Coors M-54-1 Strohs (21) 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 37 JUST FOR OPENERS 25th ANNUAL CONVENTION REGISTRATION APRIL 9-13, 2003 RAMADA INN AIRPORT (St. Louis, Mo.) 3551 Pennridge Dr Bridgeton MO 63044 (Intersection of I-70 and I-270) 1-800-272-6232 (1-800-2-RAMADA) (Rate is $49.00 for a Single, Double or Quad) (Hotel Cutoff Date is March 9th 2003) (Tell them you are with the Just For Openers Group) MAKE St Louis YOUR NEXT STOP ON THE JFO CONVENTION TRAIL MEMBER REGISTRATION FEE - $40.00 (MEMBER INCLUDES HOSPITALITY ROOM, CONVENTION OPENER & 1 SHOW TABLE) SPOUSE/PARTNER - $10.00 (Total Member & Spouse/Partner $50) (SPOUSE/PARTNER INCLUDES USE OF HOSPITALITY ROOM) (NOTE:CHILDREN ARE FREE) NAME ______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________ CITY______________________STATE(PROVINCE)_________________ZIP _____________ EVENING PHONE NUMBER ____________________________________________________ DATE YOU WILL ARRIVE___________________ APPROXIMATE TIME ________________ DATE & TIME YOU WILL LEAVE___________________ (NEED FOR PLANNING PURPOSES) HOW WILL YOU ARRIVE? CAR____ PLANE____ TRAIN____ OTHER _________ IF PLANE? AIRLINE________________ FLIGHT #___________ ETA __________________ NAME(S) FOR CONVENTION BADGE(S): _________________________________________ ART SANTEN OPENER MUSEUM TOUR AT HIS HOUSE (THURSDAY 2-4): _____________ ART SANTEN OPENER MUSEUM TOUR AT HIS HOUSE (FRIDAY 10-12):_______________ HOSPITALITY TYPES OF DRINKS: Beer: ______________ Soda: _______________ Bottled Water:___ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO John Stanley, Send Checks to: JFO 25 PO Box 64 Chapel Hill NC 27514 Phone (919) 419-1546 ************ BRING A DISPLAY !!! BRING A DISPLAY !!!********** 25TH YEAR ISSUE #97 JUST FOR OPENERS JANUARY 2003 PAGE 38 “25th Just For Openers Convention Registration (Page 2)” Special Notes About the Hotel: Hotel provides complimentary Airport Shuttle (Hotel is about 4 miles from the Airport), Hotel has a nice Restaurant (Martins) and several more are within walking distance, Hotel has an Indoor Pool, Parking is Free Convention Wish List List up to 10 Openers/Corkscrews, Send in with Registration Form, Your Editor will make a master list 01) ______________ 06) ____________ 02) ______________ 07) ____________ 03) ______________ 08) ____________ 04) ______________ 09) ____________ 05) ______________ 10) ____________ JFO Convention is Very Near Come Celebrate the 25th Year Spend Some Fun Time with Your Peers Trade Openers and Drink a Few Beers (But Don't Show Your Rears) This is Where You Can Add to Your Collection This is Where There's a Nice Selection The Convention Opener this Year is Really Neat Don't Think This Souvenir Can be Beat Don't Sit There, Scratching Your Brow Make Your Plans Now—Wow!!! What Do You Say Bring a Display