Spotlight Fall 2011 - The Arc of San Diego


Spotlight Fall 2011 - The Arc of San Diego
A Quarterly Publication of The Arc of San Diego
Fall 2011
A Sense of Purpose. A Sense of Belonging.
Join The Arc Today - Every ONE Counts!
You can make a difference in the lives of more than 2,500 children and adults with disabilities in San Diego
County when you become a member of The Arc of San Diego.
As a member, you add your voice to the thousands of others advocating for people with disabilities and
their families. Your membership also provides critical financial support to keep our programs operating
despite cuts in funding from the State of California.
Your membership is important
because it means you believe in
us and support our service to the
Join Now and make a significant contribution to creating opportunities for children and adults with
disabilities to succeed in school, at work, and in their community. Your support is vital. Help us achieve
Membership Levels
Choose the membership level that best suits your needs. Our basic membership, Circle of Friendship starts
at $25. Upgraded levels include:
Circle of Hope ($100-$499)
Circle of Love ($500-$999)
Circle of Light ($1,000 and above)
Key Benefits
The most important benefit of Arc membership is promoting and protecting the rights of people with
disabilities. Members also have instant access to timely information and online resources. The table below
illustrates benefits associated with each level of membership.
The Arc of Local/
Honor Roll
San Diego Voting
Newsletter Special Event with The Arc
Membership Rights
Subscription Invitations
of California
with The Arc
of the U.S. &
San Diego
$1,000 plus
Mean a Lot!
tickets to the
Arc San Diego Commemorative
Choose your membership level
and mail the enclosed envelope
to The Arc of San Diego. Or
simply complete an online
click Support Us, or talk with
Jennifer Bates Navarra at
(619) 685-1175, ext. 291.
If you are already a member...
…renew your membership
…give the gift of membership
in honor of a friend or family
…upgrade your level of
You make it possible for The
Arc of San Diego to carry out
its mission.
The Arc of San Diego
supports and empowers
people with disabilities to
achieve their life goals.
Dear Friends,
When The Arc of San Diego
first began in 1951, our
organization consisted of a
small group of parents and their children with
disabilities. Sixty years later, we serve more than
2,500 people with disabilities each year, have
more than 1,000 members, and work with
countless supporters and volunteers. Our growth
has been tremendous! But with growth comes a
greater need for resources.
Our members are one of our best resources.
Through membership we are able to improve
programs and facilities, but the benefits are
beyond financial. More members mean an
A Gift That
Changes Lives
The Arc of San Diego
is pleased to announce
we recently received
a $2 million gift from
Michael and Marie Hornik.
Mr. & Mrs. Hornik are
longtime supporters of
The Arc of San Diego.
Their daughter, Dana, who
passed away last year,
attended Arc’s programs
in North County for more
than 25 years.
“This gift is an excellent testament to the
incredible work done each day by our Direct
Support Professionals. The Horniks were grateful
for the services The Arc provided to their family
and welcomed the opportunity to help assist our
organization,” said David W. Schneider, President
& CEO of The Arc of San Diego. “We greatly
appreciate this support which comes at a time
when it is most needed and will have an incredible
impact on our programs and services for many
years to come.”
increased awareness about our organization
and our cause. It also means more strength
in legislating and advocating for people with
disabilities. And in the long-term, it means a
stronger base of support for future campaigns –
ensuring longevity and a successful future. Our
members are a very important asset.
As the Membership Campaign, “Every ONE
Counts”, kicks off this fall (see page one), please
consider becoming part of The Arc family by
joining at any level and encouraging others to do
so. Your support will benefit thousands of people
with disabilities in San Diego and will help us
send the message that Every ONE Counts.
David W. Schneider
President & CEO
We’ve Moved Stop By Our
Open House!
Arc North County Training Center relocated its
Vista programs in mid-July to 1336 Rancheros
Drive, San Marcos, home of The Arc’s North
County Vocational Programs. We are officially all
moved in and ready to invite you over!
We are having an Open House to celebrate
coming together under one roof. Please
join us as we welcome friends, colleagues,
customers, neighbors, and surrounding business
associates...learn about our work and upcoming
projects. We couldn’t have done it without
your support - we hope to see you there!
Refreshments will be served.
Friday October 14th, noon – 6 p.m.
RSVP, Lori Brown, (760) 740-6800 or
Board of
The Arc of San Diego
Dwight Stratton, Board Chair
Anne Harrison, 1st Vice Chair
Maria Riveroll, 2nd Vice Chair
Gerald Hansen, Secretary/Treasurer
Doug Hoehn, Past Board Chair
Nancy Eakin
Kylie Fletcher, Esq.
Bob Guthrie
Tom Harmon
Jerry Wechsler
Marlene Whiteside
Chapter Representatives
Clarence Branch, City Chapter
Mary Bartholomew, East County Chapter
Vicki Smith, North County Chapter
Diane Hanson, North Shores Chapter
Yrma Nixon, South Bay Chapter
Arc San Diego Foundation
James O. Reynolds, Chairperson
Paul La Bounty, CEBS
Vice Chairperson
Mike Lichtenberger, CPA
Secretary / Treasurer
Edward C. Walton, Esq.
Past Chairperson
Ronald Blair
Glenn Chapin
Norma Hidalgo-del Rio, RPh
Andrew J. Kessler, Esq.
Jon Kurtin
Dwight Stratton
Robert L. Beckett
Clair Burgener (deceased)
Jerry Coleman
Darla Davis
Honorable John S. Einhorn
Willis J. Fletcher (deceased)
Arthur Neumann, CPA
George Saadeh
Sidney Schuman
Mr. & Mrs. Hornik made the gift to assist where
most needed. Their generous donation is the largest
cash gift ever received by The Arc of San Diego
and will be used to continue providing services for
people with disabilities in San Diego County.
Thank you to Michael and Marie Hornik for their
support that will improve the lives of people
with disabilities in our community. We greatly
appreciate this gift and its meaningful investment
in our organization.
Our Donors
Hope and Health
viva Las Vegas!!
Your support provides
opportunities for people
with disabilities to fulfill
personal goals, reach their
maximum potential, and live
as independently as possible.
Thank you for your belief in
The Arc of San Diego.
The Chula Vista Charitable Foundation, in its first year of grantmaking,
awarded two grants, one to The Arc of San Diego - $12,500 to Starlight
Center for Hope and Health for Individuals with Disabilities.
Casino Night at North Shores
Vocational Center on September
10th was an exceptional event!
The event helped raise nearly
$6,000 as guests participated
in classic Las Vegas style games
including Texas Hold ‘Em, Black
Jack, Craps, and Roulette. Guests
received $200 Arc bucks and the
opportunity to beat the house with
their skill and luck!
Gifts listed are from July
9 through September 13,
2011. While every effort has
been made to accurately
acknowledge all gifts, please
accept our sincere apologies
if we omitted your donation –
your support and generosity is
sincerely appreciated.
Hope and Health aims to lower the risk of chronic preventable health
problems of which adults with developmental disabilities are at
significant risk - heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. The program
encourages making healthful behaviors, such as getting more exercise
and eating healthier foods, part of the daily routine. To make fitness
and nutrition a true lifestyle change, Starlight will engage family
members, caregivers, staff, and mentors for support.
Consumers will also receive information, tools, and practical strategies
to help them adopt healthy lifestyle choices. Success will be measured
by weight loss, increased fitness, and stamina over 12 months.
Hope and Health for Individuals with Disabilities will serve 180
individuals with disabilities.
“This was a fun event. Everyone
had a great time,” said Area
Director, John McKee. “We are
grateful for their support and hope
to see more of you next year!”
Chula Vista Rotary Foundation
$550, Starlight Center, iPad2
assistive augmentative
communication device
Escondido East Rotary Club
$500, North County
Training Center
Star Larcs
$1,000, Arc’s Parent/Infant
$10,500, Starlight Center
Art Pratt Foundation of Old
Mission Rotary
$12,500, North Shores
Vocational Center,
wheelchair accessible van
Sundt Foundation
$1,500, North County
Capital Campaign
The Oak Tree Philanthropic
$1,000, Arc San Diego
Tribute Gifts
In Honor of Bernard Blotner
Morgan Stanley
In Memory of Richard Lopez
Dolores C. Gangitano &
Alfreda Martinez
Dolores Higdon
George & Delores Lopez
In Memory of Jorge Hidalgo
Dr. Michael & Brenda
Virginia Hatt
Richard & Judith White
Besides casino games, the more
than 75 guests enjoyed heavy hors
d’oeuvres along with beverages
while bidding on silent auction
items. The evening included
live entertainment featuring a
5-piece jazz band, The Moonlight
Serenade Jazz Combo.
Tom Clavell, Chula Vista Charitable Foundation Board; Anne Harrison, 1st Vice
Chair, Board of Directors; Sue Fuller, South Bay Chapter Advisory Board member;
Maria Elizabeth Garcia, volunteer; Terri Thorn, Starlight Center Area Director;
Charles M. Gilbert, South Bay Chapter Advisory Board; Mr. and Mrs. Rosas,
Starlight Parents’ Group; Raquel Arce-Vasquez, Community Outreach/Parent
Group Facilitator; and Dave Schneider, The Arc of San Diego, President & CEO.
Speak Out Loud
The Arc of San Diego thanks the Chula Vista Rotary Foundation for its
recent grants of $550 and $1,000 to Starlight Center for the purchase
of an iPad2 and special alternative augmentative communication (AAC)
Our staff is excited about using the iPad2 as a learning tool to teach
communication and social skills to individuals with severe speech and
language problems.
Consumers press pictures, words, and phrases on the iPad2 and the
tablet “speaks out loud” their message...e.g., I want a drink of orange
juice pops up when pictures of a glass and an orange are tapped.
Proloque2Go, our AAC app of choice,
turns the iPad into a communication
device that converts text-to-speech.
We look forward to opening up a
world of possibilities for consumers
to communicate in ways they never
could before. Programs can be
customized to individual need, and,
the touch sensitive screen makes
it easier for those with dexterity
problems to use. This pilot project
will debut in the Activity and Adult
Development programs.
We Acknowledge and
Thank our Sponsors
North Shores Vocational Center thanks
all those who partnered with us to
make Casino Night a success!
Event Sponsor
Craps Table Sponsors
The Fanning Family
Gerald, Ingrid, & Mark Hansen
Texas Hold ‘Em Sponsor
Anthony DeSalis, Esq. & Gaynell
Laptosky, Ph.D.
Roulette Sponsor
Quarry Falls, LLC
Black Jack Table Sponsor
Col. & Mrs. Edwin Horneij
Doug Kollus & Playa Grill &
Margarita Bar
David & Janet Schneider
Carol Ulak & OneSource Distributors
Robert & Norma Cameron
Al & Marlene Coburn
Evelyn Fella
F.R. Bean Manufacturing
Rhonda Renee Handy
Norma Hidalgo-Del Rio, RPh
Walter Jackson
John Deere Water, Inc.
K-Co Construction, Inc.
Celia Makris
Teresita Reyes
Martin & Olivia Winkler
Investing in Wo
October, National Disabi
he Arc of San Diego provides
employment, training, and job placement
services to approximately 900 individuals with
disabilities through two major programs, Arc
Community Employment Services (ACES) and
Arc Enterprises.
ACES currently has nearly 500 consumers
employed in the community in part- and fulltime jobs, individually and in small groups,
all of whom are supported by a dedicated
staff who help with job placement, ongoing
coaching, and retention services.
Arc Enterprises provides employment to
340 individuals in light assembly, contract
packaging and lays a good working
foundation for future employment options
as consumers gain practical training and
strengthen vocational skills.
Additionally, 217 consumers in The Arc’s
Day Programs also participate in paid work
and volunteer opportunities, widening their
knowledge, experiences, and quality of life.
What’s in it for Employers?
Give Us A High FIVE!
499 individuals receive job services through ACES
203 consumers employed through ACES group programs
126 businesses in San Diego County employ consumers from The Arc
70 individuals in Arc Day Programs worked part-time
97% consumers reported that enrollment in ACES resulted in “Overall
Improvement in Quality of Life”
Conscientious and committed employees ■ Carefully screening to m
Reduced advertising costs ■ On-site job training at no expense ■
Workers with Disabilities
Employment Awareness Month
Different Approaches
to Employment.
At The Arc, we offer a wide range
of employment opportunities in
varied settings.
October as
Supported Employment,
Individual. Hired and paid by
employer, jobs found for prospective
employees match abilities and
preferences. Training and support is
provided to ensure success.
Supported Employment,
Group. A group of workers
(3-4) travel together to job sites
and work as a team for a fixed
number of hours each week.
Ongoing supervision, coaching, and
transportation is provided.
On-site Employment, Arc
Enterprises. Sub-contract work
at four production centers create
employment as individuals work
on assembling, labeling, and
packaging. Ongoing supervision and
socializing with peers.
Supervised Employment,
Those with limited work experience
gain vocational skills when they
work part-time in the community
under close supervision.
Jobs secured for 121 people with disabilities in the past fiscal year (46 direct placement, 38 supported
employment, group, 37 supported employment, individual.)
Renewal of Aliso Creek Rest Area contract by CalTrans for two years.
Consumers, employed through ACES, now clean the interiors of all public transit buses in San Diego County.
(NDEAM) to
increase public
of the
and skills of
workers with
This effort
began in 1945
with a week
of activities,
in 1988 to a
Over 150,000
people with
Awarded 2010 NISH Certificate of Achievement for high standards of performance in providing products for
the federal government.
MCRD (Marine Corps Recruit Depot) Mess Hall 620, operated by Sodexo Government Services in partnership
with ACES, was a finalist in the annual competition for the Maj. Gen. W.P.T. Hill Memorial Award, recognizing
food service excellence at Marine Corps installations around the globe.
have gone
to work, but
the national
rate for
people with
disabilities still
ning to match employees and jobs ■ Less turnover and absenteeism
ense ■ Good corporate citizenship ■ Possible tax incentives ■ Workplace Diversity
ranges from
This Month In History
Oct 23, 1951
On this Tuesday night, 120 interested families and friends turned up at a
meeting organized by the Ocean Beach Junior Women's Club. The Club,
“determined to do something” for children with developmental disabilities,
extended an invitation for people with an interest, to meet at the Electric
Building in Downtown.
Oct 31, 1951
The San Diego Society for Exceptional Children was voted into existence, and
The Arc of San Diego, as we know it, was founded. No group ever started with
less - they had no money, no meeting place, no guidelines, no knowledge!
October 23, 2011
Today, on our 60th anniversary, we celebrate our humble beginnings and are
proud of our service to people with disabilities in San Diego County.
A Place to Call Home
The Arc’s Community Living Services (CLS) operates 12 beautiful, fully-furnished
single-family homes located in pleasant and safe neighborhoods around
the County. Interior and exterior living areas are spacious, comfortable, and
welcoming. Each home accommodates six residents and caters to a wide range
of age and abilities.
Our homes provide more than just a place to live - residents receive the
care needed to stay healthy, active, and independent. Staff assist with daily
living skills, including grooming, personal hygiene, cooking, cleaning, leisure
activities. and community participation.
Currently, we have vacancies in several homes with immediate
availability. Call Kristine Marvel, Program Manager, Residential Services, at
(619) 685-1175 ext. 244. Prospective residents must be affiliated with San
Diego Regional Center and have Medi-Cal or the ability to pay privately.
Big step forward
It’s been awhile since Byron Branch smiled so broadly or
walked so fast! 2011 has been a very exciting year filled
with many notable firsts and significant achievements for
this Arc consumer.
For the first time in his life, 62-year old Byron is living in
his own one-bedroom apartment! He has always lived
with family, but a year ago, at his annual review, Byron
set a goal to move out and be independent. His family
remains very involved and supportive.
Byron launched his campaign for Mayor of North Shores
Vocational Center, edging out two other candidates for a
win and a one-year term.
On Fridays, Byron volunteers at the Linda Vista Library for
an hour, dusting shelves and movie cases.
The highlight of summer...a fantastic vacation in Jamaica
with family.
Byron has been with The Arc of San Diego for more than
30 years, first at Sulpizio Family Center and, since 1993,
North Shores Vocational Center. Today, he attends the Senior
Program and his week is filled with activities. Every day, he is
out with friends, walking, shopping, and eating out.
At the Center, he learns about healthy choices and exercises
to help maintain his weight and strengthen his joints - Byron
has two new knees and hips! At the weekly Gavel Club
meetings, he hones his public speaking skills, advancing
from a timid speaker to a confident, compelling orator.
At The Arc, we are proud of Byron’s achievements and
pleased to play an integral role in his success.
summertime Celebration
Staff and family joined in some old-fashioned fun during
The Arc of San Diego’s annual Staff Picnic on Saturday,
August 6th at De Anza Cove on Mission Bay.
Approximately 360 people lined up to feast on a barbecue
lunch of hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, baked beans, pasta
salad, watermelon, beverages, and ice cream. Everyone
received a T-shirt with Arc Core Values on the back.
aCCePtinG residents
Kearny Mesa. Helmer Home. Male or female resident, non-ambulatory.
Lemon Grove. Mt. Vernon Home. Two vacancies. Male or female resident.
Pacific Beach. Turley Home. Female resident, non-ambulatory, Prader Willi Syndrome.
Santee. Leticia Home. Female resident, non-ambulatory.
Contact: Kristine Marvel, (619) 685-1175 ext. 244.
They all enjoyed the planned activities and participated in
spirited lawn games such as volleyball, bean-bag toss, bocce
ball, horseshoes, and LadderBar Golf. A special highlight,
this year, was the watermelon and pie-eating contests!
The Arc Staff Picnic was a great success on this casual,
relaxing summer day, with delicious food, traditional fair-style
amusement booths, and lots of prizes. Fun was had by all!
What A Summer!
Summer was a special time for 88 campers who, because of
generous contributions from our donors, were able to spend
a week in the Cuyamaca Mountains experiencing the great
outdoors and building wonderful memories!
Our campers had the time of their lives singing “The Bear Song”
at the All Camp Campfire, taking daily dips in the pool, hiking
trails, enjoying picnics under the branches of cedar trees, and
showing off at the Camp Talent Show!
A special thank you to all who gave our campers this opportunity
- more than half the campers attending Camp this year required
a scholarship.
We Thank our Faithful Donors
Anonymous Donors
Mary K. Bartholomew
Ollie & Christine Beene
Stephanie Blankenship
Anne Blumenfeld
Amy R. Bresnahan
Joan Briscoe
Edwin M. Camacho
Esperanza Castillo
Laurie J. Catron, Esq.
Frances E. Clark
James & Robin Clements
Stoney & Gloria De Ment
Ronald & Susan DeMars
Jewell M. Dick
Lawrence Emerson
Graham & Evelyn Fleming
Susan J. Fuller
Paul & Janice Gilbert
Ronald M. Gruen
Rhonda Renee Handy
Charla L. Hannon
Jewell D. Hooper
C. Michael Hoyt
Teresa Huang
Shirley S. Jennings
Elliott N. Kantor
Bytes of Knowledge
Maeceola Kilpatrick
Kurt L. Lembach
Lorna Lee Lenk
Anita Lopez
Shirley McKim
Lola M. McNeil
Margarita Merino
Dorothy Miller
Yvonne Munoz
James & Denise Reynolds
Carmen A. Rivera
Lynda Robson
John I. Saboura
Vivian L. Searcy
David & Suzanne Shore
Abelardo Viray
John A. Wolske
The Arc of San Diego enjoys an exceptional relationship with the
San Diego Community College District (SDCCD).
For more than 30 years, through its Continuing Education
Disability Support Programs and Services, SDCCD has sent
instructors off-site to teach computer classes at The Arc’s North
Shores Vocational and Sulpizio Family Center. SDCCD has also
furnished software, specialized hardware, and computers for the
Computer Labs.
SDCCD instructors along with Arc staff bring an excellent level
of expertise as they use assistive technologies to get students
comfortable and gain confidence. Computers are equipped
with functional features including specialized hardware such as
alternative keyboards, touch screens, mouse-replacing switches,
all activated by head, nose, chin, or finger and software that
magnifies, reads aloud text, and writes with pictures or voice.
Students move at their own pace, learning independently, in
small groups, or one-on-one. Classes are held in the morning
and afternoon, Monday through Friday for three hours, and
include both lecture and lab components. Enrollment is limited
to 20 students.
High Performance
Every morning, wearing dark polo shirts, slacks, and UCSD ID
badges, Yvonne Sheldon, Calvin Gibson, and Roovelta McGee
accompanied by Direct Support Professional, Xavier Garcia, take
the bus from Sulpizio Family Center to their job at Cafe Arbor,
UCSD Medical Center’s Cafeteria in Hillcrest.
From 11:30 to 1:30 p.m., during the hectic lunch period, they
navigate between tables and chairs, painstakingly cleaning the
cafeteria's indoor and patio dining areas when diners are done
eating. The pace is very busy with the continual ebb and flow of
Yvonne, Calvin, and Roovelta are quick, careful, and extremely
courteous. The primary duty is wiping, cleaning, disinfecting, and
drying off table surfaces and chair seats, backs, and arms. They
also keep the constantly-used microwaves spotlessly clean. Every
morning, they mix cleansers and disinfectants in two buckets and,
at the end of their shift, discard, rinse, and put away supplies.
Good Sports. Scott Minion, Luis Ibarra, Joey Hitt Arc staff, Johanna
Carrillo, Peter Joanning, and Robert Sheehy rooting for the Chargers at
their last pre-season game. Adding to the excitement, Johanna, Peter, and
Robert were down on the field playing in a half-time exhibition soccer game
for Special Olympics.
In October, the trio celebrates their first year on the job!
Saturday, October 15
9:30–11:30 a.m.
Speaker: Nancy Spector –
Attorney, Certified Specialist in
Estate Planning, Trust, & Probate Law
The Arc of San Diego
Providing services for people with disabilities and their families since 1951
3030 Market Street, San Diego, CA 92102-3230
Tel (619) 685-1175 • Fax (619) 234-3759
Non-Profit Org.
San Diego,CA
Permit No.115
Saturday, October 22
Speaker: Dennis McRoberts,
Social Security Administration
North Shores Vocational Center
9575 Aero Drive
San Diego, CA 92123
(for each seminar)
$8 per person*
$10 per family
*Free for people with disabilities
(619) 201-2672
FOUNDATION (SNTF) is a joint effort
of Access to Independence, The Arc
of San Diego, Community Catalysts,
Community Options, Developmental
Services Continuum, Friends of Vista
Hill, Home of Guiding Hands, NAMI
San Diego, Sharp Healthcare
Foundation, St. Madeleine Sophie’s
Center, United Cerebral Palsy
Association of San Diego, and Unyeway.
This newsletter is produced and distributed by The Arc of San Diego. Board Chair Dwight Stratton, President & CEO David W. Schneider
The Arc of San Diego is now on Facebook and Twitter:
Leave Your Mark for
Future Generations To See
North County Training Center invites you to make a contribution to our
Building for Community Capital Campaign by ordering commemorative
tiles with your family name. Consider purchasing tiles for birthdays,
anniversaries, memorials, or honorariums.
Your gift will help renovate our San Marcos location, which now serves
60 additional consumers who were bereft when extensive flooding left
the Vista facility uninhabitable. The improved facility gives consumers
additional program and socialization choices with more classrooms, a
computer lab, and outdoor patio to relax, garden, and do fun activities.
To purchase a tile, log on to If you
have questions, please contact Jennifer Bates Navarra, Vice President of
Marketing & Development at (619) 685-1175 ext. 291 or
Your tile purchase will remain, in perpetuity, as a reminder of your
generosity. Deadline for purchasing tiles is December 31, 2011.
Register me/us for:
Oct 15, Special Needs T
____ Attendees
Oct 22, Understanding Social
Security & SSI Benefits
_____ Attendees
Registration due one week prior to
TILE ORDER FORM. Reserve a Tile. Leave a Legacy.
Please complete the following information and return to: The Arc of San Diego, 3030 Market Street, San Diego,
CA 92102. Thank you for your support.
State, Zip
Home/Cell Phone
Checks payable:
Special Needs Trust Foundation
Enclosed is my payment for
Mail Registration & Payment:
Special Needs Trust Foundation
Post Office Box 1890
Lakeside, CA 92040
ChECK US OUT! All new website
I would like to purchase a tile to benefit
North County’s Capital Campaign
Wall of Honor Plaque, $1,000
Gold Community Partner Tile, $500
Silver Community Partner Tile, $250
Bronze Community Partner Tile, $100
Name on Tile ______________________________________________________________________________________
I would like to support the campaign. Please find my enclosed tax-deductible donation of ____________
Address _____________________________________City ____________________State _______Zip _______________
Phone (home)__________________(work) ____________________E-mail ____________________________________
Method of Payment (please check one)
Check enclosed in amount of $ ______________ (payable to The Arc of San Diego)
Charge my support of $ _____________ to my:
o MasterCard o VISA o American Express o Discover
Account Number _____________________________Expiration ___________Signature _________________________