The Most Beautiful Attributes of Divinity
The Most Beautiful Attributes of Divinity
ABBA L-J 9 ER AR IN G E A A E A A A A ER N A SS H A R TO C US O ER R A A ER E G IN R ER N AL 82 ER ER A AL - -AFW AL NTA 81 AV E N G N ED OD GO ER D AL - A F A OR N A N E TO R A AD E U ST AZ E AL T R A T CE N A A R E E T A FU L E N AL LL H R A A A ER D A R RE U ER V A G A AL A ER AL T ES A R SE A A TY R TO ER W A ER R A ST D E E SS E AL AL R ER A ER A UL F A ER R A D A NG TI ER N A ER AL E NG R A A T G AL - ER T AL ER BL O SI T Y A A N R TO TI FU L AL MA DHUL J M O D T AL R R E A AL AS IN G IV Y N A AL A AL US O A A G N YE R AL A IN R MU E PA R D O E 99 PAT I E N 80 TH 92 AT O R O AWW T-T TH A N-N FI RE 79 E GOO IM 91 P U NISH H Q DHAR H- ABUR S-S T T E C C TA'A 78 E X AL ' OTE TH PR TH E THE RIC H MU E G O VER AB 77 R EN N A L-W AL E E HID D MA A N L- 90 AATI 76 I AL L-B TH A 68 ETER I H M A N IFE TH TH O UL F AL ONY M R ER IN D A R O A ER A G A C TI A 51 E TR UT AMA S-S E ON N 75 I' ED E ZHAH T 89 H- NI T M EE 31 D 67 TH A HAB I ALL A W A L-H Q H E D ER 50 W IT N -AHA AL HE U NIQ IR TH AL SHAH H- E T URRE TH ES T TH MU G H L- E E H TH RIG E E S TH TH I' A E LA IY E G UID R L E L-K RESTO ID TH A L D E ID ID A L-B RR SUBT Q H 49 EE TH TH E TH 98 IN 74 E RIC H RASHE R- T AK -A HI TH 88 E N O BL GHAN L- H AA -W RI E E FIR S I' T T E E E JUST D I' TH T E N 30 R ATEE L -L TH 29 TH T H E W ISE B A L-B 'IT THE TH I TH T -'ADL F AL M 28 T 40 TH D ED TH 59 AA -W H 66 R E E M 65 HAKA L- H E M U 'E E L- E BEGINN MAAJ L- 27 L SE RECK O R G L O RI U L-M BD ASEE L-B TH TH E A P P R AI 48 10 HASEE L- E I M AJ E L- E 58 E ZH TH TH N ET R L O VI TH THE D 47 E 39 A I N TA UTAKA G R E AT KNOW AL LL HEA UQE -M M R H TH THE ESE WADU L- E Q LL Z 38 PR TH TH TH TH R HI M DI 73 AA L-J M 97 57 WWA L-A H H E RIT AF -H E E A ME 26 M E E 19 E OPEN S-S A U L-M HS O URC G AT H E IN AB AR ES STP O 87 TH E 64 THE THE E S TH M PO ERLA ED TH TH Y 96 72 H E W IS WAAJ L- U'AKHK A AQ L-B EV E TH A P R AIS R L F E X IS E Q U I TA TH T T IGIN 63 56 E A L-H KI 46 18 E P R O VI MP -ALIM AL ATTA L -F HONO G R E AT T S VA HAME L- E F RIE N UQS -M I 86 45 HE 25 IS 37 17 E UZ H I L-M KABEE L- I' E 95 ' L-BADI E OF GE ESTY & OR A L-W LI M OMO TH A I 94 85 AJ IKRA A M H AA D L- E G UID AAL W AL LORD E KIN G AL K KIN TH H OF PR E 84 UL F K AL M LI G QA D 71 T Y TH PO W ER U -M EB 70 TH UQTA -M E HIG HE WAAS L- AY -Q YU SE E L IN IV 36 16 BESTO ONOU L L-'A IY E SWE 55 24 THE TH 62 TH R -HAYY UR T H TH TH T AL DESTRO TH 93 E L IG H 61 44 E RAZ Z A R- CO ST 8 AL MIG E -AZIZ A AL E I AL - HAY 7 GUARD AH -W H U L-M 'IZ H G R AT E E E FIR M UME -M R DI R 83 -N AN UR EN E A R -R ' U CLEME H STRO 54 15 SUBDUE T M UJ E L- AN MATE L- ET E TH TH I L TH TH TH AB E 35 E FORG VI GIL A Y EL V AA -Q DI HE A L-Q WI 34 LL EX AL SHAK H- AQE 43 E G ENER 53 A T L-R EB TH F E GI 69 TH 60 LI T T TRUS U L-M HY M L 52 E T E WAKE L- 42 E HAFF -G THE TH M AJES MIGH D EM M 41 E E R -KA EE 23 E ABAS U 33 H RBEA ALEE L-J E F O R GIV -RAFI AR ' TH E E TH TH FO 22 E AZHE L -' HAF I AHH -Q E N ARA AS AL MU AL - AS A AL A 6 GU FLA WL TH US U'MI -M R 5 E Y 14 TH T 21 L-K H OL HAFO -G E SH APE EX AN P HALEE L- 32 13 E A R OF H -BASI AL H STRA USAW -M TH A TH THE M 20 RE KE HE IR 12 QABID L- G E KI N OR -BARI' AL Q 11 C R E AT TH M E R CI W HA L-K LI E H E TH G R A CIO T TH E IR BB LA -SA A IN 4 M UDD -Q M 3 N A L-M LI US 2 K RAHEE R- M 1 TH R A HM R- AN A The Most Beautiful Attributes of Divinity ASMAA UL HUSNA The most beautiful names (of Allah) “Say (O Muhammad): Call upon Allah or call upon the Merciful, whichever you call upon, He has the best names…..” Suratu Bani Israil 17:110 The word Allah in the Qur’an is the name of an essence of His 99 beautiful names and qualities like Merciful, Kind, Knowing…... Whatever little information the human being can get about Allah can only be acquired through His names. Otherwise, we have no access. Allah's attributes are utterly separate from ours and cannot be examined through a comparison with our attributes. For example, when we boast of our knowledge, we are not one and identical with our knowledge. During infancy there was no trace of learning or knowledge in our beings, but later we gradually acquired a certain amount of knowledge by learning. The attribute of knowledge is an accident and our essence is a substance; each is independent of the other. But the case of the divine attributes is fundamentally WWW.QFATIMA.COM 1 different. When we say that Allah is all-knowing, what we mean is that He is the source of knowledge: the attribute is not something other than the entity it describes although it is conceptually distinct. In reality, His attributes are identical with His essence; for His essence does not constitute a substance to which accidents might adhere. He is absolute being, identical with knowledge, power, life, stability and realization; He is not subject to any mental or external limit or restriction. Our whole word in essence is a name of Allah because nothing which exists can come into existence automatically. These qualities and Names are therefore an infra-structure for human akhlaq because in Islam, the human being is the representative of Allah. The Prophet (pbuh) has said: “Adopt the akhlaq of Allah” In the same way, in order to arrive at the ideal society of the Qur’an, we must build our society with the Divine Qualities. The human being in social life needs peace in his life and As-Salaam – Peace is one of the Names of 2 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Allah. A person also needs kindness and forgiveness for wellbeing in individual life as well as in society and Ar-Rahmaan and Ar-Raheem are two of His names. Society likewise in order to attain solidarity, power and confidence needs eiman -faith. AlMu’min -The believer is one of the qualities of Allah. In order to attain control over our affairs and independence we must develop strength within ourselves. Al-Qawiyyu -The Powerful and AlGhaniyyu -The Independent (rich) are two more of His Qualities. The human being and human society is distinguished by having creative ability, and inventiveness. Al-Khaliqu - The Creator, Al-Baariu –The Originator, Al-Musawwiru –The Fashioner are among Allah’s other Names and Qualities. If you were to play tennis, you would not go onto the court with bedroom slippers. Similarly, we have to learn and apply the right name and thus the right akhlaq in the appropriate situation. All the Asmaaul Husna - qualities can be reflected in our souls individually and our society be filled WWW.QFATIMA.COM 3 with peace, purity, kindness, faith, confidence, honesty, trust, knowledge, awareness, dignity and might. Each name of Allah is a Dua in itself. When reciting any one of His beautiful Names, ponder over them and try to apply them to your life. 4 WWW.QFATIMA.COM ALLAH The name ‘Allah’ solely belongs to the One and Only God. It combines all His names – attributes and needs no introduction from others, whilst the other names are recognised when added to the name Allah. ‘Allah’ is not given to anyone other Him, nor should it be ever used for anyone besides Him. It means ‘One Who deserves to be loved’ and ‘into whom everyone seeks refuge’. Unlike the word God which can be made into Gods and Goddess, there is no feminine of the word Allah and neither is there a plural. Suratul Ikhlas sums up the concept of Allah in a nutshell. (I begin) in the name of Allah, the Kind, the Merciful. 1. Say ! He Allah is One. 2. Allah is He on Whom all depend. 3. He does not give birth and neither was He given birth to. 4. And none is like Him. WWW.QFATIMA.COM 5 This sura was revealed to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in Makka when the Jews were continuously asking him to describe the identity of Allah. As an answer to their queries this sura was revealed. It is said that one third of the Qur’an is an explanation of this very principle. Perhaps that is why the Prophet (pbuh) has said that the recitation of this sura once carries the thawaab of reciting one third of the Qur’an. In this sura Allah uses the word ahad as opposed to wahid to depict his oneness. Wahid is the numerical digit ‘one’ in Arabic which is divisible and can also be preceded and followed by other numbers. Ahad depicts one in the sense of the absolute one which can neither be divided, multiplied, preceded or followed. In the beginning of the sura Allah denies the view of the mushrikeen who believe in more than one God or associate partners to God. He then denies the views of the Kuffar who view that God is in need. Finally the view of the Christians and the Jews is denied in their thinking that God has a son or progeny. 6 WWW.QFATIMA.COM In Suratush Shu’ara, Prophet Ibraheem (pbuh) introduces Allah as: “..Who created me, and it is He who guides me, And Who feeds me and provides me with drink, And when I am ill, He heals me, And Who causes me to die and then gives me life (Again), And Who, I hope, will forgive me my faults on the day of judgement.” Suratush Shuara 26:78-82 WWW.QFATIMA.COM 7 Name Meaning ALLAH اهلل Ar-Rahman 1 The Merciful Ar-Rahim 2 The Compassionate Al-Malik 3 The King/ Sovereign ٰح من ٰ ْ اَل َر ٰاَل َر ِحيْم ٰا َ ْْلَلِك 8 Benefits of recitation Recite it as many times as possible for fulfilment of hajat. Repeat Ya Rahman 100x after wajib salaa to develop a good memory, keen awareness and be freed of a heavy heart. Repeat Ya Rahim 100x after Salatul Fajr for friendship. Recite 100x after every salaa for safety from calamities. Recite Ya Malik frequently and you may be treated with respect by others. Read after noon for abundant wealth. Prophet Khidr taught dua “Allahumma atal Malikul Haqq. Allazhiy laa ilaaha illaa anta. Ya Allahu, Ya Salaamu, Ya Shaafiy” followed by Ya Shaafiyal Quloob” 3x WWW.QFATIMA.COM Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Quddoos 4 The Holy Recite Ya Quddoos at sunset for expansion of the heart. Also recite to free heart from thoughts that cause trouble, worry and pain. Recite Ya Salaam 100x to regain health. Recite 160x and blow on sick person for shifa. ٰاَلْقد ْوس As-Salaam 5 ٰلس ََلم َ َا The Flawless Al-Mu’min 6 The Giver of Faith AlMuhaymin 7 The Guardian ٰا َ ْْل ْؤ ِمن ٰا َ ْْلهَي ْ ِمن Recite Ya Mu’min to be freed from the harm of the ego. Recite 36x when faced with danger and hostility. Write on paper and keep for safety. Recite Ya Muhaymin after wudhoo 115x for inner illumination. Recite 5000x for 7 days for success. WWW.QFATIMA.COM 9 Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Azeez 8 The Incomparable Al-Jabbar 9 The Compeller AlMutakabbir 10 The Proud Recite ya ‘Azeez for forty days between wajib salaa, for independence. Recite 115x for acquaintance with the unseen. Recite Ya Jabbar 21x each time and you should not be compelled to do anything. Recite for safety against tyrant. If engraved on a ring it will enhance presence in front of others. Begin every act with Ya Mutakkabir for successful completion. Recite 10x before intimacy for a righteous child. Al-Khaliq 11 The Creator ٰاَلْعَزِيْز ٰا َ ْْلبَار ٰا َ ْْلت َ َك ِب اَْلَْال ِ ٰق 10 Recite ya Khaliq at night to act for His sake. If recited at night angels will pray till the end of the night. WWW.QFATIMA.COM Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Baari’ 12 The Maker of Perfect Harmony AlMusawwir 13 The Shaper of Unique Beauty Recite ya Baari’ frequently and hard work should become easy. For conceiving fast for 7 days and break fast with ‘Ya Khaaliq, Ya Baari’, Ya Musawwiru’ 21 times Recite Ya Musawwir frequently and hard work should become easy. Al-Ghaffar 14 The Forgiver Recite to subdue anger. Recite 100x after Salatul Jumua’ for forgiveness of previous week’s faults. Al-Qahhar 15 The Subduer Recite Ya Qahhar 100x after fajr salaa to overcome your enemy. Repeat Ya Qahhar frequently, to gain inner peace and be freed from being wronged by another. ٰاَلْبَا ِرئ ٰا َ ْْل َص ِور ٰاَلْغ َ َفار ٰاَلْقَهَار WWW.QFATIMA.COM 11 Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Wahhab 16 Bestower Ar-Razzaq 17 Provider Repeat Ya Wahhab 7x at midnight for dua to be answered. If you have a desire, or cannot earn enough, repeat Ya Wahhab for three or seven nights 100x after a two rakat midnight salaa. For hajat, do 3 sajdas in the courtyard of a masjid or your home and repeat Ya Wahhab 100x. Repeat Ya Razzaq 10x facing qiblah and then 10x in other 3 directions to remove poverty. Repeat 545x for increased sustenance. Go into seclusion and repeat 1000x to meet Prophet Khidr. Write and hang in workplace to be successful. Recite 100x after Salatul Jumua’ if stressed and depressed. ٰاَل َْوهَاب ٰاَل َر َزاق 12 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Fattah 18 Opener With hands on your chest, repeat ya Fattah 70x after Salatul Fajr for the heart to be free of rust and be opened, given victory over the ego and be purified. Recite ya ‘Aleem 100 times after every wajib salaa for intuition. For hidden knowledge, do sijda on Friday night and say ya ‘Aleem 100 times. Recite ya ‘Aleem for the heart to be illuminated. For haajat, go outside, pray 2 rakat salaa and then recite ya ‘Aleem 1000 times. For 4 days write Ya Qabidh on a piece of bread with your finger and eat it to be safe from hunger, thirst, pain and the punishment of the grave. Recite 903x for safety from tyranny. ٰاَل ْ َفتَاح Al-‘Aleem 19 Knower Al-Qabidh 20 Constrictor ٰاَلْعَلِيْم ٰاَلْقَابِض WWW.QFATIMA.COM 13 Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Basit 21 Expander Recite frequently for peace of mind, freedom from stress, and to gain love and respect. Recite ya Basitu 10x after Salatul Fajr with open hands, and pass over face for self sufficency. Ism of the angel Israfeel. Fast for three days and on the fourth day, recite Ya Khafidh 70,000 times in a gathering and you should be free from harm. Recite 10x every day for honour. Recite Ya Rafi’ 100x on Thursday and Sunday night to attain a higher sense of honour, richness and merit. ٰاسط ْ َ اَلْب Al-Khafidh 22 Abaser Ar-Rafi’ 23 Exalter Al-Mu’izz 24 Honourer ٰاَْلَْافِض اَل َرافِ ٰع ا َ ْْلعِ ٰز 14 Repeat Ya Mu’izz 140 x after Maghrib salaa on Sunday and Thursday to develop dignity in eyes of others and fear no one but God. WWW.QFATIMA.COM Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Muzhill 25 The Dishonourer As-Sami’ 26 The All Hearing Recite Ya Muzhill 75 times when you sense harm from a jealous person. If you go to sijda and say, “Oh God save me from the oppression of so and so…” and you should be safe. Recite Ya Sami’ 500x after Zhuhr salaa for hajat. Recite so that one’s words have a greater effect Al-Baseer 27 The All Seeing Al-Hakam 28 The Arbiter ٰا َ ْْل ِذل لس ِمي ْ ٰع َ َا ٰ ْ اَلْب َ ِص ي ٰا َ ْْل َ َكم Al-‘Adl 29 ٰاَلْعَ ْدل The Just Recite 100x Ya Allahu, Ya Baseer before Salatul Jumua’ for success in any task. Recite Ya Baseer 100x after Salatul Jumua’ to raise esteem, strength in eyesight and illumination of heart Recite Ya Hakam on Thursday night in the middle of the night frequently to know the hidden meanings in things. Write ya ‘Adl on a piece of bread on Thursday night for obedience. WWW.QFATIMA.COM 15 Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Lateef 30 The Subtle Al-Khabir 31 The Aware Recite Ya Lateef 129x when stressed or depressed. Recite “Allahu Lateefun bi ‘ibaadihi yarzuku manyashaau wa huwal Qawiyyul ‘Azeez” (12:100) 9x daily for ease. Recite 133x for abundance in sustenance. After 2 rakaats salaa recite it 11x for deliverance from poverty, illness, sickness, loneliness and misery. Recite Ya Khabir frequently to be freed of bad habits. Recite it for 7 days to perceive hidden secrets. Al-Haleem 32 The Forbearer ٰاَلل َ ِطيْف ٰاَْلَْبِ ْي ٰا َ ْْلَلِيْم 16 Recite 88x for subsidence of anger. Write ya Haleem on a piece of paper and place where you plant something to preserve it from harm. Recite on an apple and give to spouse who has fallen out of love to restore affection. Recite on water for plants for better growth. WWW.QFATIMA.COM Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-‘Azheem 33 The Magnificent Al-Ghafur 34 The Concealer of Faults Ash-Shakur 35 The Rewarder of Thankfulness Al-‘Ali 36 The Highest Recite ya ‘Azheem frequently to develop respect among people. Recite 100x for success and protection from harm of enemies. Recite Ya Ghafur frequently for headaches, fever or temporary despair and despondency. Recite 100x after Salatul Jumua’ for relief from a heavy heart due to sins and forgiveness of the sins. Repeat Ya Shakur 41x on water and wash your face to lighten a heavy heart and maintain composure. Recite 41x for any difficulty. Constant recitation improves conditions – poor becomes richer, troubled becomes at peace….. If faith is low repeat Ya ‘Ali frequently. 41x for relief from difficulty. ٰاَلْعَ ِظيْم ٰاَلْغَف ْور َ َا ٰلشك ْور ٰٰا َلْعَلِي WWW.QFATIMA.COM 17 Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Kabeer 37 The Greatest Al-Hafeezh 38 The Preserver If someone has lost his job or been demoted unjustly or has debts which cannot be paid – fast for 7 days and recite – Yaa Kabeeru antallazhee laa tahdil ‘uqulu liy wasfi ‘azhamatihi 1000x. Recite 232x over food and give to couple having marital problems Recite ya Hafeezh 16x a day for protection from calamities. Al-Muqeet 39 The Maintainer ٰاَل ْ َكبِ ْي ٰا َ ْْل َ ِفيْظ ٰا َ ْْلقِيْت 18 Recite and write 7x over water –drink from the water during a journey for strength to bear the difficulties of travel. If someone is ill-mannered, repeat Ya Muqeet several times into a glass of water and give it to the person to drink. Recite 7x on water for fulfilment of hajat. WWW.QFATIMA.COM Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Haseeb 40 The Reckoner Al-Jaleel 41 The Majestic Repeat ya Haseeb 70x on Thursday for seven days and nights and the 71st time say, “Allah al-Haseeb,” “God is my Reckoner,” and you should be freed from fear of being robbed, or the jealousy of another or being harmed. Write on bottle of colicky child. Write Ya Jaleel on a piece of paper with saffron and musk ink. Wash the paper and drink self steem. Al-Kareem 42 The Generous Ar-Raqeeb 43 The Vigilant ٰا َ ْْل َ ِسيْب ٰا َ ْْل َٰلِيْل ٰاَل ْ َك ِريْم ٰاَل َرقِيْب Recite 270x for freedom from debt. If recited until one falls asleep then appreciation and help from others. Recite for forgiveness. Repeat Ya Raqeeb 7x for yourself, family and property to be under Allah’s protection. Recite to find lost thing. Recite 312x to render bad vibes ineffective. WWW.QFATIMA.COM 19 Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Mujeeb 44 The Responder to prayer Al-Waasi’ 45 The Vast Al-Hakim 46 The Wise Recite Ya Mujeeb to continue to have faith. Recite 55x at sunrise after salaa for hajat. Reciting also helps stop gossip and slander. Recite Ya Waasi’ frequently if you have difficulty earning a living. Recite 137x to cure depression Recite Ya Hakim continuously to overcome difficulties in work and for knowledge and wisdom. Al-Wadud 47 The Loving Al-Majeed 48 The Glorious ٰا َ ْْل ِجيْب اَل َْوا ِس ٰع ٰا َ ْْل َ ِكيْم ٰاَل َْود ْود ٰا َ ْْل َ ِجيْد 20 If there has been a quarrel between two people and one of the two repeats Ya Wadud 1000x over food and gives the food to the other to eat, the disagreement may be resolved. Recite ya Majeed 100x at iftar on the 13th, 14th & 15th of the Lunar month to cure sickness especially psoriasis, heart disease and depression. WWW.QFATIMA.COM Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Ba’ith 49 The Resurrector AshShaheed 50 The Witness Recite Ya Bai’th 100x and to gain taqwa and wisdom. Recite frequently with hand on chest at bedtime. Recite 7070x to clear name if wrongly accused. Repeat Ya Shaheed 21x with your hand on the forehead of a rebellious child to calm him down. Assists in controlling one’s own disobedience. Al-Haqq 51 The Truth Al-Wakeel 52 The Trustee If you are afraid of drowning, being burned in a fire, repeat Ya Wakeel for protection. Al-Qawiy 53 The Strong Recite Ya Qawiy for safety from an enemy. Recite 116x for strength to do ibada. ٰاَلْبَا ِعث َ َا ٰلش ِهيْد ٰا َ ْْلَق ٰاَل َْو ِكيْل ٰاَلْقَ ِوي Recite to find lost thing. For sustenance recite 100x La Ilaha Malikul Haqqul Mubeen every day. WWW.QFATIMA.COM 21 Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Mateen 54 The Firm Al-Waliy 55 The Friend Recite Ya Mateen for your troubles to disappear. To increase breast milk write on a cup and drink water from it. Recite 500x to eliminate tyranny and negativity from oneself. Recite Ya Waliy frequently to become a Friend of God. Recite in the presence of a spouse who is ill of character. Al-Hameed 56 The Praised Repeat Ya Hameed be loved and praised. Write on a cup and drink from it for refined speech. Al-Muhsi 57 The Appraiser Recite Ya Muhsi 100x for ease on the Day of Judgement. Recite 148x to assist in understanding and memorisation. Also gives courage for selfcriticism. ٰ ْ ِا َ ْْلَت ي ٰاَل َْو ِل ٰا َ ْْل َ ِميْد ٰا َ ْْل ْح ِص 22 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Mubdi’ 58 The Beginner Al-Mu’eed 59 The Restorer Repeat Ya Mubdi’ and breathe towards someone who is about to lose something and that person should become free of danger. Recite to make decisions when undecisive. If a pregnant woman fears a miscarriage then place right hand on the stomach and recite Ya Mubdi’ 99x. Repeat Ya Mu’eed 70x for the safe return of a family member who is away. Al-Muhyi 60 The Life Giver If you are weighed down with a heavy burden repeat Ya Muhyi 7x daily. Recite 68x after every salaa to cure a chronic illness. The Life Taker Recite Ya Mumeet frequently with your hands on your chest on falling asleep to control your passions and destroy your enemy. ٰا َ ْْلب ْ ِدئ ٰا َ ْْلعِيْد ي ٰ ْ ا َ ْْل ْح Al-Mumeet 61 ٰا َ ْْل ِميْت WWW.QFATIMA.COM 23 Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Hayy 62 The Living Al-Qayyum 63 The Self Existing Al-Waajid 64 The Resourceful Recite Ya Hayy frequently for a long life and to cure sickness. Recite 500x before sunrise for peace. Write with musk and rose water on a bowl; wash and drink for shifa from any illness. Recite Ya Qayyum at the time of Fajr salaa for friendship. Recite 16x daily for memorisation help. Recite it in seclusion for affluence. To remove lethargy and laziness recite Al Hayyu and Al Qayyum after Fajr salaa. Repeat Ya Waajid with every morsel of food to become resourceful. Al-Maajid 65 The Noble ٰا َ ْْلَى ٰاَلْقَي ْوم ٰاَل َْوا ِجد ٰا َ ْْلَا ِجد 24 Recite Ya Maajid 465x morning and night to be understood by others. Recite also to understand the language of other creation e.g. animals etc…. WWW.QFATIMA.COM Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Waahid 66 The Unique Repeat Ya Waahid 1000x when you are alone and in a dark place to be free of fear and delusions. Al-Ahad 67 The One 1000x for unification of nafs. Recite regularly for pious children. The Eternal Repeat Ya Samad 1000x to know the hidden meanings of things. Recite Ya Samad 115x at dawn or at midnight while in sajda, to be safe from oppression. Recite to improve character. Recite Ya Qaadir while washing each limb during the wudhoo and no enemy should harm you. If you face a difficulty recite Ya Qadir 41x to be free from difficulty. Recite 305x when love not responded to. ٰاَل َْوا ِحد ٰا َْْل َ َحد As-Samad 68 ٰا َ َلص َمد Al-Qaadir 69 ٰاَلْقَا ِدر The Able WWW.QFATIMA.COM 25 Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Muqtadir 70 The Powerful AlMuqaddim 71 The Promoter AlMu’akhkhir 72 The Postponer Al-Awwal 73 The First Repeat Ya Muqtadir frequently to become aware of the truth. Recite 744x to sharpen the memory. Repeat Ya Muqaddim on the battlefield or when you are afraid of being alone in a frightening place. Recite to present things in their right places. Recite Ya Mu’akhkhir 100 times for tawba to be accepted. Recite 1446x before sunrise for 7 days to prevent tyrant from gaining power. Recite Ya Awwal 40 times on Thursday night for fulfilment of needs. Recite 1000 times for 40 Fridays for an overwhelming problem and for safe return from journey. ٰا َ ْْلقْت َ ِدر ٰا َ ْْلقَ ِدم ا َ ْْل َؤ ِخ ٰر ٰا َْْل َ َول 26 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Aakhir 74 The Last Azh-Zhahir 75 The Manifest Those who recite Ya Aakhir frequently should lead a good life and have a good end at the time of death. Recite 1000 times on Friday for increased sustenance. Recite frequently as a kaffara for sins. Recite Ya Zhaahir 500x for divine light to enter your heart. Al-Baatin 76 The Hidden Al-Waali 77 The Governor ٰا َْْل م ِخر ٰا َ َلظا ِهر ٰاَلْبَا ِطن ٰ ِ اَل َْو ْال Recite Ya Baatin 22x to see the truth in things. Recite 33x for enlightenment. For hajat pray 2 rakats salaa after which recite “Huwal Awwalu wal Aakhiru wazh Zhaahiru wal Baatin; wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shayin Qadeer” Repeat Ya Waali in your home to be free from danger. Recite 11x to subdue another’s anger. WWW.QFATIMA.COM 27 Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Muta’aali 78 The Exalted Al-Barr 79 The Source of Goodness Repeat Ya Muta’ali to ease difficulties. Recommend for women tor recite during menstruation to relieve ailments. If demoted recite 540x to be restored to honour. Also effective for interviews. Repeat Ya Barr frequently to be blessed and be free from misfortune. Recite 7x daily to create aversion to bad habits. If recite 7x on an newborn baby it will give the child protection from calamities. Repeat Ya Tawwab many times for acceptance of tawba. Recite frequently for accomplishment of a task. Recite 10x in front of a tyrant to be free from oppression. Repeat Ya Muntaqim to be victorious against your enemy. To remove a tyrant from power, recite Ya Muntaqimu and Ya Qahhaar 1000x. ٰ ِ َا َ ْْلتَع ْ ال ٰاَل ْ َب At-Tawwab 80 The Acceptor of Tawba AlMuntaqim 81 The Avenger ٰاَلت ََواب ٰا َ ْْل نْتَقِم 28 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Name Meaning Al-Afw 82 The Pardoner Repeat Ya ‘Afw frequently for forgiveness. Ar-Ra’uf 83 The Clement Repeat Ya Ra’uf frequently to be blessed. Recite also to gain affection of creation. Malik al Mulk 84 The King of the Kingdom Recite Ya Malik al Mulk to gain esteem and change doubts into reassurance. Recite 212x daily to gain sustenance from unexpected means. Dhul Jalaal wal Ikraam 85 The Lord of Majesty & Generosity ٰاَلْعَفو ٰاَل َرؤف ٰك َ ِ َمال ٰ ِ ْ ا ْْلل ك ذوا ا ْْل َ ََل ِل َو اْلِكٰ َرا ِٰم ْٰ Benefits of recitation Repeat Ya Dhul jalaal wal ikraam to develop self esteem. WWW.QFATIMA.COM 29 Name Meaning Benefits of recitation A-Muqsit 86 The Equitable Al-Jaami’ 87 The Gatherer Al-Ghaniy 88 The Rich Repeat Ya Muqsit 100x to be free from the harm of your idol/ego and you should attain your purpose. Recite 700x for hajat. If the mind wanders in salaa recite 239x before salaa. Also recite for anger and depression. Repeat Ya Jaami’ to find lost things or be reconciled with someone who has separated. Do ghusl at Zhuhr and lifting gaze towards heavens recite Ya Jaami’ 10x closing each finger as you do so to reconcile dispersed family. Repeat Ya Ghani frequently for contentment. Recite 70x daily for abundance in rizq. Recite and blow over body for shifaa from illness. ٰا َ ْْلقْ ِسط ا َ ْْلَا ِم ٰع ٰاَلْغ َ ِن 30 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Mughni 89 The Enricher Al-Maani’ 90 The Protector Adh-Dharr 91 The Punisher Recite Ya Mughni 1000 x every Friday to become selfsufficient. Recite 1121x every Friday for 10 Fridays to eliminate nervous tension. Recite on hands and pass over afflicted part of body to recover. For spiritual and material wealth, recite 11x Salawat, followed by 1111x Ya Mughni and end with 11x Salawat and Suratul Muzzammil. Repeat Ya Maani’ to have a good family life. Recite 20x to subside anger. Recite 161x to help relieve pain and fear. Recite for safety during journeys. Recite silently to rekindle affection between spouses. Repeat Ya Dharr 100x on Thursday nights to grow closer to Allah. Recite for safety from tyranny. ٰا َ ْْلغ ْ ِن ا َ ْْلَانِ ٰع ٰا َ َلضار WWW.QFATIMA.COM 31 Name Meaning Benefits of recitation An-Nafi’ 92 The Beneficial An-Nur 93 The Light Al-Haadi 94 The Guide Recite Ya Nafi’ for 4 days to avoid harm. Recite 41x for completion of task. Provides safety on a journey. Recite before intimacy for pious children. Recite Ya Nur 700 times on Thursday night for receive inner light. Recite Surah Nur 7 times and ya Nur 1000 times to gain light in your heart. Repeat Ya Haadi frequently to gain spiritual knowledge. اَلنَافِ ٰع ٰاَلن ْور ٰٰا َ ْْلَا ِد ْى 32 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Al-Badi’ 95 The Originator Al-Baaqi 96 The Everlasting Al-Waarith 97 The Inheritor Repeat Ya Badi’ 1000 x by saying, “Ya Badi’ assamawati’ wa ‘l-ardh,” for troubles. Relieves depression and stress. Recite before sleeping for guidance on feasibility of task. For accomplishment of a task recite 1200x Ya Badi’ al ajaaib bil khayr. Ya Badi’ for 12 days. Recite Ya Baaqi on Thursday night to be free of difficulties. Recite frequently for acceptance of duas. Recite Ya Waarith 100x at sunrise to be free of difficulties. Recite it often to fulfil a task. To remove worries recite 1000x between Maghrib and Eisha salaa. اَلْب َ ِدي ْ ٰع ٰ ِ َ اَلْب ْ اق ٰاَل َْوا ِرث WWW.QFATIMA.COM 33 Name Meaning Benefits of recitation Ar-Rasheed 98 The Right in Guidance As-Sabur 99 The Patient Repeat Ya Rasheed, 1000x between Maghrib and Eisha Salaa to remove troubles, and for financial progress. Recite also to make words effective. Repeat Ya Sabur 33x for relief from troubles, difficulties and sorrow. Recite 100x before sunrise for safety from calamities and ‘tying’ the enemy’s tongue. Repeat 298x for physical pain. Repeat frequently if unjustly accused. In difficulty recite 1020x. ٰاَل َر ِشيْد ٰا َ َلصب ْور 34 WWW.QFATIMA.COM ABBA L-J 9 ER AR IN G E A A E A A A A ER N A SS H A R TO C US O ER R A A ER E G IN R ER N AL 82 ER ER A AL - -AFW AL NTA 81 AV E N G N ED OD GO ER D AL - A F A OR N A N E TO R A AD E U ST AZ E AL T R A T CE N A A R E E T A FU L E N AL LL H R A A A ER D A R RE U ER V A G A AL A ER AL T ES A R SE A A TY R TO ER W A ER R A ST D E E SS E AL AL R ER A ER A UL F A ER R A D A NG TI ER N A ER AL E NG R A A T G AL - ER T AL ER BL O SI T Y A A N R TO TI FU L AL MA DHUL J M O D T AL R R E A AL AS IN G IV Y N A AL A AL US O A A G N YE R AL A IN R MU E PA R D O E 99 PAT I E N 80 TH 92 AT O R O AWW T-T TH A N-N FI RE 79 E GOO IM 91 P U NISH H Q DHAR H- ABUR S-S T T E C C TA'A 78 E X AL ' OTE TH PR TH E THE RIC H MU E G O VER AB 77 R EN N A L-W AL E E HID D MA A N L- 90 AATI 76 I AL L-B TH A 68 ETER I H M A N IFE TH TH O UL F AL ONY M R ER IN D A R O A ER A G A C TI A 51 E TR UT AMA S-S E ON N 75 I' ED E ZHAH T 89 H- NI T M EE 31 D 67 TH A HAB I ALL A W A L-H Q H E D ER 50 W IT N -AHA AL HE U NIQ IR TH AL SHAH H- E T URRE TH ES T TH MU G H L- E E H TH RIG E E S TH TH I' A E LA IY E G UID R L E L-K RESTO ID TH A L D E ID ID A L-B RR SUBT Q H 49 EE TH TH E TH 98 IN 74 E RIC H RASHE R- T AK -A HI TH 88 E N O BL GHAN L- H AA -W RI E E FIR S I' T T E E E JUST D I' TH T E N 30 R ATEE L -L TH 29 TH T H E W ISE B A L-B 'IT THE TH I TH T -'ADL F AL M 28 T 40 TH D ED TH 59 AA -W H 66 R E E M 65 HAKA L- H E M U 'E E L- E BEGINN MAAJ L- 27 L SE RECK O R G L O RI U L-M BD ASEE L-B TH TH E A P P R AI 48 10 HASEE L- E I M AJ E L- E 58 E ZH TH TH N ET R L O VI TH THE D 47 E 39 A I N TA UTAKA G R E AT KNOW AL LL HEA UQE -M M R H TH THE ESE WADU L- E Q LL Z 38 PR TH TH TH TH R HI M DI 73 AA L-J M 97 57 WWA L-A H H E RIT AF -H E E A ME 26 M E E 19 E OPEN S-S A U L-M HS O URC G AT H E IN AB AR ES STP O 87 TH E 64 THE THE E S TH M PO ERLA ED TH TH Y 96 72 H E W IS WAAJ L- U'AKHK A AQ L-B EV E TH A P R AIS R L F E X IS E Q U I TA TH T T IGIN 63 56 E A L-H KI 46 18 E P R O VI MP -ALIM AL ATTA L -F HONO G R E AT T S VA HAME L- E F RIE N UQS -M I 86 45 HE 25 IS 37 17 E UZ H I L-M KABEE L- I' E 95 ' L-BADI E OF GE ESTY & OR A L-W LI M OMO TH A I 94 85 AJ IKRA A M H AA D L- E G UID AAL W AL LORD E KIN G AL K KIN TH H OF PR E 84 UL F K AL M LI G QA D 71 T Y TH PO W ER U -M EB 70 TH UQTA -M E HIG HE WAAS L- AY -Q YU SE E L IN IV 36 16 BESTO ONOU L L-'A IY E SWE 55 24 THE TH 62 TH R -HAYY UR T H TH TH T AL DESTRO TH 93 E L IG H 61 44 E RAZ Z A R- CO ST 8 AL MIG E -AZIZ A AL E I AL - HAY 7 GUARD AH -W H U L-M 'IZ H G R AT E E E FIR M UME -M R DI R 83 -N AN UR EN E A R -R ' U CLEME H STRO 54 15 SUBDUE T M UJ E L- AN MATE L- ET E TH TH I L TH TH TH AB E 35 E FORG VI GIL A Y EL V AA -Q DI HE A L-Q WI 34 LL EX AL SHAK H- AQE 43 E G ENER 53 A T L-R EB TH F E GI 69 TH 60 LI T T TRUS U L-M HY M L 52 E T E WAKE L- 42 E HAFF -G THE TH M AJES MIGH D EM M 41 E E R -KA EE 23 E ABAS U 33 H RBEA ALEE L-J E F O R GIV -RAFI AR ' TH E E TH TH FO 22 E AZHE L -' HAF I AHH -Q E N ARA AS AL MU AL - AS A AL A 6 GU FLA WL TH US U'MI -M R 5 E Y 14 TH T 21 L-K H OL HAFO -G E SH APE EX AN P HALEE L- 32 13 E A R OF H -BASI AL H STRA USAW -M TH A TH THE M 20 RE KE HE IR 12 QABID L- G E KI N OR -BARI' AL Q 11 C R E AT TH M E R CI W HA L-K LI E H E TH G R A CIO T TH E IR BB LA -SA A IN 4 M UDD -Q M 3 N A L-M LI US 2 K RAHEE R- M 1 TH R A HM R- AN A The Most Beautiful Attributes of Divinity
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