Fast, efficient and safe market communication
Fast, efficient and safe market communication
Fast, efficient and safe market communication Market communication Large as well as small companies gains from informing professionally About us NG News is one of the largest distributors of financial information in Sweden with clients listed on Nordic Growth Market, Nasdaq OMX and unlisted companies. We have the resources as well as the competence and the experience to guarantee a secure and direct communication with the market. For listed companies there are several other requirements needing to be met when disclosing information to the market. By letting NG News update your web site´s press release archive and by using the automated filing of your financial information to the Swedish FSA, you can relax knowing that you’re meeting the requirements and stipulations regarding disclosing price-sensitive information to the market. We make your day-to-day administration easier Our system has a web based interface where you yourself can create, edit, preview and publish information to your own e-mail recipient lists. The interface includes tools for creating tables, uploading pictures and the possibility to send commercial information such as newsletters. NG News has also simplified the sharing through current social media, such as Twitter and Facebook – all to increase the overall value for you as a client. A company’s web site is an important channel for communicating with the market, media and existing as well as potential shareholders. The web site sets the standard and reflects the company’s ambitions and identity. To support your company´s communication to the market even more, NG News offers professional IR-tools in addition to our distribution services. We know distribution Take your market communication to the next level When publishing your company’s financial information with the help of NG News, you can be sure that the information reaches all the important parties at the same time. We also makes sure that our partners (news agencies, newspapers, information vendors, investment web sites etc) receives the information in the standardized way they prefer, which ensures safer, faster and more efficient distribution. To learn more about how NG News can help you to take your company´s market communication to the next level, please send an email to, call +46 8 566 390 40 or visit Contact: Nordic Growth Market • • • +46-8-566 390 40 NG News is part of Nordic Growth Market (NGM), an Exchange authorized by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. NGM is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Börse Stuttgart, the leading retail exchange in Germany. For more information about NGM, please visit Distribution Fast, efficient and safe market communication Information vendors Media Brokers/Banks Social media Bloomberg Thomson Reuters Six Financial Information Dow Jones News Wires* Factset Infront Bonnier Digital Millistream Avanza Bank Nordnet Netfonds!/ng_news News agencies Nyhetsbyrån Direkt Nyhetsbyrån SIX Other Globe News Wire* (For companies listed on Nasdaq OMX or First North) Nordic Growth Market (For companies listed on NGM Equity or Nordic MTF) Swedish FSA* (For companies listed on regulated market) E-mail NG News standard list Company specific lists Media lists* (see next page) * Add on service not part of basic distribution Contact: Nordic Growth Market • • • +46-8-566 390 40 NG News is part of Nordic Growth Market (NGM), an Exchange authorized by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. NGM is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Börse Stuttgart, the leading retail exchange in Germany. For more information about NGM, please visit Media lists National media Newspapers Affärsvärlden Aftonbladet Börsveckan Dagens Industri Dagens Nyheter Expressen Metro Nyheter24 Privata Affärer Realtid Resumé Svenska Dagbladet Veckans Affärer Webfinanser Dagspress Newsmill TV/Radio Kanal 5 SVT Rapport SVT 24 SVT Aktuellt/A-ekonomi SVT Europa SVT Gomorron Sverige SVT Kunskapskanalen SVT Text/ TV3 TV4 Nyheterna TV4 Nyhetsmorgon TV4 Text Sveriges Radio Ekot News agencies Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå Nyhetsbyrån Direkt Sveriges Nyheter Götaland Newspapers Alingsås tidning Alingsås-Kuriren Barometern/Oskarshamns Tidning Blekinge Läns Tidning Blekinge-Posten Bohusläningen Borås Tidning Dalslänningen Falköpings Tidning Folkbladet Norrköping Gotlands Allehanda Gotlands Tidningar GT (Expressen) Göteborgsposten Hallands nyheter Hallandsposten Helsingborgs dagblad Hjo tidning Härryda-Posten Jönköpings-Posten Kalmar Läns Tidning Kristianstadsbladet Kungsbacka Tidning Kungsbacka-Posten Only 350:-/month Kungälvs-Posten Kvällsposten (Expressen) Laholms Tidning Landskrona Posten Lerums tidning Linköpings Tidning Lokaltidningen Stenungsund Lysekilsposten Länstidningen Östergötland Mariestads-Tidningen Metro Göteborg Metro Skåne Motala & Vadstena Tidning Mölndalsposten Norra Halland Norra Skåne Norrköpings Tidningar Nya Lidköpings-tidningen Provinstidningen Dalsland Skaraborgs Allehanda Skaraborgs Läns Tidning Skaraborgsbygden Skånska Dagblabdet Smålandsbygdens Tidning Smålandsposten Smålands-Tidningen Smålänningen Stenungsunds-Posten/Orust-Tjörn Strömstads Tidning/Norra bohuslän Syd Östran Sydsvenska Dagbladet Tranås-Posten Tranås Tidning Trelleborgs Allehanda Trollhättans Tidning/Elfsborgs Läns Allehanda Uddevalla-Posten Ulricehamns Tidning Vetlanda-Posten Vimmerby Tidning/Kinda-Posten Värnamo nyheter Västerbygden Västerviks Tidningen Västgöta-Bladet Växjöbladet/Kronobergaren Ystads Allehanda Ölandsbladet Östgöta Correspondenten Östran TV/Radio SVT Blekingenytt SVT Hallandsnytt SVT Jönköpingsnytt SVT Smålandsnytt SVT Sydnytt SVT Västnytt TV4 Borås TV4 Göteborg TV4 Halland TV4 Helsingborg TV4 Jönköping TV4 Kalmar TV4 Karlskrona TV4 Malmö TV4 Norrköping TV4 Skaraborg TV4 Väst TV4 Växsjö SR P4 Blekinge SR P4 Gotland SR P4 Göteborg SR P4 Halland SR P4 Jönköping SR P4 Kalmar SR P4 Kristianstad SR P4 Malmöhus SR P4 Sjuhärad SR P4 Skaraborg SR P4 Väst News agencies TT Göteborg TT Malmö Svealand Newspapers Arbetaren Arvika Nyheter Avesta Tidning Borlänge Tidning Bärgslagsbladet/Arboga tidning Dalabygden Dala-Demokraten Enköpingsposten Eskilstuna Kuriren Fagersta Posten Falu Kuriren Filipstads Tidning Flamman Folket Fryksdalsbygden Karlskoga Tidning Karlskoga-Kuriren Karlstads-Tidningen Katrineholms-Kuriren Läns-Posten Länstidningen Södertälje Metro Stockholm Mora Tidning Nerikes Allehanda Norrtälje Tidning Nya Kristinehamns-Posten Nya Ludvika Tidning Nya Wermlands-Tidningen Nynäshamns-Posten Sala Allehanda Östra Länstidningen Strängnäs Tidning Säffle-Tidningen Västra Värmland Södermanlands Nyheter Södertäljeposten Södra Dalarnes Tidning Sörmlandsbygden Uppsala Nya Tidning Vestmanlands Läns Tidning Värmlands folkblad Västmanlands Nyheter Östhammars Nyheter TV/Radio SVT Sörmland/Östnytt SVT Tvärsnytt SVT Uppland/Abc SVT Värmlandsnytt SVT Västmanlandsnytt TV4 Dalarna TV4 Linköping TV4 Stockholm TV4 Uppsala TV4 Värmland TV4 Västerås TV4 Örebro SR P4 Dalarna SR P4 Kronoberg SR P4 Stockholm SR P4 Sörmland SR P4 Uppland SR P4 Värmland SR P4 Västmanland SR P4 Örebro SR P4 Östergötland Norrland Newspapers Arbetarbladet Dagbladet i Sundsvall Gefle Dagblad Gästriklands Tidning Haparandabladet Hela Hälsingland Hudiksvallstidningen Härjedalen Ljusdals-Posten Ljusnan Länstidningen Östersund Norran (Norra Västerbotten) Norrbottens-kuriren Norrländska Socialdemokraten Piteå-Tidningen Sundsvalls Tidning Söderhamns-Kuriren Tidningen Ångermanland Västerbottens-Folkblad Västerbottens-Kuriren Örnsköldsviks Allehanda Östersundsposten TV/Radio SVT Gävleborg/Gävledala SVT Jämtlandsnytt SVT Mittnytt SVT Nordnytt SVT Västerbottennytt TV4 Gävle TV4 Luleå TV4 Skellefteå TV4 Sundsvall TV4 Umeå TV4 Östersund SR P4 Gävleborg SR P4 Jämtland SR P4 Norrbotten SR P4 Västerbotten SR P4 Västernorrland News agencies TT Sundsvall TT Umeå TT Luleå Contact: Nordic Growth Market • • • +46-8-566 390 40 NG News is part of Nordic Growth Market (NGM), an Exchange authorized by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. NGM is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Börse Stuttgart, the leading retail exchange in Germany. For more information about NGM, please visit Distribution and IR services Basic information distribution Filing with Nasdaq OMX* NG News distributes your information to news agencies, newspapers, information vendors and investment web sites, for example Direkt, Six Financial Information, Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters, Avanza, Nordnet och The information is also sent by e-mail and will be posted on NG News Facebook and Twitter pages. 1 rmation Please contact us for price info Filing with the Swedish FSA* 3 2 Is your company listed on Nasdaq OMX or First North? NG News reports your information to Nasdaq OMX, which makes it searchable on Nasdaq OMX’s and First North’s web sites, available in your weekly reports and for the market surveillance. Free of charge * Only available for companies listed on Nasdaq OMX or First North Distribution via Dow Jones Newswire Is your company listed on a regulated market? If so, all your price-sensitive information must be filed with the Swedish FSA at the same time as the information is published to the market. Through NG News you are guaranteed that your price-sensitive information are filed in time and categorized correctly. 4 Does your company have interested parties outside of Sweden? NG News offers distribution through Dow Jones Newswire, whom in turn delivers financial news to over 60 000 users in Europe through own systems and co-operations with focus on brokers, analysts, economists and fund managers. Only 500:-/ea. Only 350:-/month * Only available for companies listed on regulated market such as NGM Equity or Nasdaq OMX Media lists 5 Update of your web site Do you want to be able to reach out to Swedish paper-, TV and radio editorial offices in an easy way? With the help of NG News’s comprehensive and updated e-mail media lists, you can be sure that your information reaches out to the right recipients. 1 Only 350:-/month Service to your shareholders 2 Are you tired of the added workload of updating your web site as you publish information? With a web archive (Market News API HTML module), operated by NG News, your information will automatically appear on your web site as soon as it is published. Only 350:-/month Share price information on your web site* Do you want to improve your communication towards your shareholders and other interested parties? With a web form (Market News Sign up Form), operated by NG News, your shareholders can easily sign up to get your published information directly to they’re e-mail. Only 350:-/month 3 Do you want to make it easier for your shareholders to stay informed about your share price? With a share price ticker (Market Data API HTML Module), operated by NG News, your share price and additional price information will be shown in real time on your web site. Only 350:-/month * Only available for companies listed on Nordic MTF or NGM Equity. All prices in SEK excluding VAT Distribution services IR services Contact: Nordic Growth Market • • • +46-8-566 390 40 NG News is part of Nordic Growth Market (NGM), an Exchange authorized by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. NGM is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Börse Stuttgart, the leading retail exchange in Germany. For more information about NGM, please visit Subscription Function Premium Publishing Users in publishing system (1-5) Personal assistance (Fixed monthly fee) All information types Text links in message Logotype in message Tables in message Images in message Attach documents and images Publish english versions Distribution NG News standard e-mail list Unlimited number of e-mail lists Media channels (For example, Avanza, Nordnet and Direkt) Information vendors (For example Thomson-Reuters, Six Financial Information and Bloomberg) Publish on NG News Facebook and Twitter Media lists (national and local media in Sweden) (350 sek/month) Distribute via Dow Jones Newswire (500 sek/ea.) File with Nasdaq OMX (Globe News Wire) * File with the Swedish FSA (350 sek/month**) Newsroom Logotype and contact information Social media sharing function Message archive RSS feed Links to your company Twitter and Facebook IR modules for your companys web page Unlimited number of message archives with different messages types and languages (Market News API) (350 sek/month) Unlimited number of atom feeds with different messages types and languages (Market News API) (350 sek/month) Subscription module (Market News Sign up Form) (350 sek/month) Support and education Phone support Education Manual Press release template *** Only available for companies listed on Nasdaq OMX or First North *** Only available for companies listed on regulated market such as NGM Equity or Nasdaq OMX rmation Please contact us for price info Contact: Nordic Growth Market • • • +46-8-566 390 40 NG News is part of Nordic Growth Market (NGM), an Exchange authorized by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. NGM is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Börse Stuttgart, the leading retail exchange in Germany. For more information about NGM, please visit
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