No. 74 Hydrol Catalog - Hydrol Funeral Supply Company
No. 74 Hydrol Catalog - Hydrol Funeral Supply Company
FUNERAL SUPPLY CATALOG S I N C E 1 No. 74 9 2 9 H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L HYDROL CATALOG 74 C O M P A N Y We take pleasure in presenting our No. 74 Hydrol catalog. We have endeavored to make it concise, compact, and complete. You will note that we have published a separate price list for all catalog items. This allows us to send you periodic updates in pricing so that your catalog remains current. Prices are subject to change without notice. When an item is ordered which has changed in price, we will ship the item at the current price to avoid delay in filling the order. You will have the privilege of returning the item within five days if it does not meet with your approval at the correct price. Speed in Filling Your Order 98% of all orders received are shipped within 48 hours. Rush orders are shipped the same day when requested. Our extensive warehouse facilities permit us to carry large stocks, and efficient methods of handling the order insure quick delivery of the goods. Highest Quality All Hydrol Fluids are made to the highest possible standards. Only the finest of raw materials are used. While the embalming cost is the smallest part of the funeral, it is also the most important part for building up goodwill for the funeral home. Transportation Allowances See separate price list for current transportation allowances. Always attempt to combine chemicals and sundries to obtain lowest prices and maximum freight allowances. Ordering To insure efficient order processing, please use catalog numbers for all items. Our customer service representatives are ready to help with any problem or order you have. Just call, fax or email us for immediate service: Phone: Fax: Email: Web: (800) 345-8200 (610) 284-4448 Special Items If the item you need is not shown in our catalog, please call, fax or email us and we will either obtain it for you or assist you in locating its source. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 TABLE OF CONTENTS H Y D R O L Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 3 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #35 #36 #37 #38 Co/Preinjection Fluids Arterial Fluids Cavity Fluids Speciality Fluids Embalming Fluid Dyes Tissue Builder and Needles Compounds, Powders and Sealers Cosmetics Adhesives and Bonding Agents Soaps and Disinfectants Tables and Lifts Embalming Equipment Injecting Equipment Aspirating Equipment Instruments, Scalpels and Blades Thread, Suture & Injector Needles Brushes Embalming Aids Sundry Supplies Plastic Goods Burial and Pick-up Pouches Grooming Aids Embalmers’ Apparel Sanapron Paper Products Personal Protection Equipment Chapel Equipment Pick-up and Removal Equipment Showroom and Church Trucks Hearse Accessories Traffic Controls Grave Markers Undergarments and Handkerchiefs Urns Printed Material Chapel Furniture Funeral Accessories Index Salient Facts Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y #4-6 #7-14 #15-18 #19-21 #22 #23-25 #26-29 #30-34 #35 #36-38 #39-41 #42-43 #44-48 #49-51 #52-55 #56-59 #60-61 #62-65 #66-68 #69-70 #71 #72 #73-75 #76 #77-79 #80-95 #96-99 #100-102 #103 #104 #105 #106 #107 #108-111 #112-115 #116 #117-119 #120 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L CO/PREINJECTION FLUIDS C O M P A N Y B-4 INDEX: 8 Body Conditioner and Neutralizer B-4 Body Conditioner and Neutralizer prepares the body chemically to insure uniform embalming results on all cases, regardless of the pH of the body. By adjusting each body to the same chemical state before arterial embalming, B-4 enables the embalmer to achieve the same results on each and every case. To do this, B-4 has to be versatile. It is just that! It is a neutralizer, a capillary wash, and a water softener, it is a blood solvent; it contains wetting agents; it is a preservative; it aids in controlling dehydration by permitting use of lower index fluid, or milder solutions of higher index fluid. B-4 Body Conditioner and Neutralizer is a combination product which is used before (B-4) the arterial fluid, or in certain cases, with the arterial fluid as a modifier. It chemically produces a pH condition in the body which is slightly alkaline. By doing this, it neutralizes any abnormal body conditions which might have been caused by refrigeration, sudden death, antibiotics, etc. In addition, B-4 is compounded as an isotonic solution. This means that it cannot swell or shrink tissue, and will prevent thrombosis by eliminating active calcium ions from the blood. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, B-4 contains a revolutionary delayed action formaldehyde combination. By combining formaldehyde with another complex, we can now control the release of formaldehyde, and also eliminate completely its objectionable odor. By delaying the preserving action of formaldehyde, we can give B-4 an index of 8, but completely prevent the astringent nature of formaldehyde from interfering with B-4's action as a neutralizer, body conditioner, and drainage aid. AFTER these actions are complete, and arterial embalming has begun, this amazing product begins to preserve with its own formaldehyde. IT PROVIDES ITS OWN INSURANCE FOR COMPLETE PRESERVATION. B-4 Body Conditioner and Neutralizer is mild enough to use on babies and toddlers. When used with babies B-4 can be used as an immersion solution, 1 btl. to (1) gallon of water, or as packs, wet wrap with diluted B-4 solution. Toddlers can be injected with a solution of 1-1/2 btls. of B-4 to a gallon of water. 2-4 ounces of Tiss-U-Tone mixed with B-4 to be injected will soften the action of fluid and produce an excellent embalming. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT B-4 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. P-2100 UNIT 8 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 4 CO/PREINJECTION FLUIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y PRIMOL First Injection Chemical INDEX: 4 Primol increases the effectiveness of arterial fluids because it restrains bacterial growth even better than formaldehyde. Primol has no effect on the tissue cells except to lubricate them and keep them open. It further aids in the distribution of arterial fluids. Primol when diluted according to directions is in equilibrium with body fluids. By this we mean it does not change the water content in the body fluids. Arterial fluid, for instance, takes some of the moisture from the body fluid, hence when using mild solutions of arterial fluid for first injection; tissues and capillary walls are shrunk. Primol having no effect on the body fluids, is thus more desirable. Primol when properly used does not swell or shrink tissues. This makes two first injections possible, using a total of one gallon of diluted Primol. In using Primol, never more than 8 ounces per half gallon should be used. Stronger solutions shrink tissue. Weaker solutions swell the blood corpuscles. Always use Primol with lukewarm water. Primol drainage at first seems slow and difficult, but this is due to the washing out of a large amount of heavy blood particles which are not usually removed. As drainage progresses, the rate of flow increases. HYDROSOL-1 Hydrosol-1 has been completely reformulated as a glutaraldehyde based product. It can be used as either a first injection or a co-injection chemical. Hydrosol-1 continues to be an excellent body conditioner and drainage aid, but now features greater sanitation from glutaraldehyde, which is many times more effective in killing bacteria than formaldehyde. INDEX: 0 A Positive Preinjection Hydrosol-1 enhances the performance of any arterial fluid by improving diffusion of the solution and producing a natural lifelike appearance from the cosmetic oils. As a first injection fluid, dilute eight ounces of Hydrosol-1 per gallon of water at room temperature. As a co-injection fluid, use two to four ounces with a glutaraldehyde base fluid, like Landrol Arterial Fluid, per gallon of water. Otherwise, use four to six ounces with formaldehyde concentrates per gallon of water. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Primol Hydrosol-1 5 CAT. NO. P-2101 P-2102 UNIT 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 24 btl. case TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L CO/PREINJECTION FLUIDS C O M P A N Y hypHe INDEX: 0 pH Enhancer hypHe is a body conditioner and pH enhancer that is particularly useful in conjunction with arterial fluids containing glutaraldehyde. hypHe raises the body pH to a level of 8.0 to 8.5 which dramatically increases the effectiveness of glutaraldehyde as a preservative and sanitizer, and assures widespread diffusion of the arterial fluid. hypHe also contains surfactants to soften and condition water, thereby increasing drainage, providing a more uniform firming action, and yielding an even staining action of the cosmetic oils. While hypHe is compatible with all Hydrol arterial fluids, it is most effective when used with our glutaraldehyde/formaldehyde based fluids. HYDROTONE Drainage and Water Conditioner Hydrotone adjusts all bodies to an alkaline state and a uniform appearance is obtained. One to two ounces of Hydrotone may be added to the arterial fluid. Hydrotone should not be used with Ultra-Glo. Never use Hydrotone with cavity fluid or on posted cases. INDEX: 0 Hydrotone generally should be used on acid bodies. Before rigor mortis a body is usually acidic. After rigor mortis a body is usually alkaline. Some bodies may be found to be extremely alkaline. Hydrotone should not be used in such cases. If injected in such cases, firming action will be extremely low. This can be corrected by injecting 8 to 16 ounces Ultra-Glo in a half-gallon solution. If Ultra-Glo is not available add 6 to 12 ounces Nitrol or other strong cavity fluid to the arterial fluid used on last injection. By using alkaline injections a vast improvement in cosmetic effect and appearance will result. Not only will a definite improvement in preservation and distribution be obtained, but every case will have the improved appearance so desired. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT hypHe Hydrotone TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. S-6107 S-6105 UNIT 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 24 btl. case 6 ARTERIAL FLUIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Hyflo Arterial Fluid is a unique formulation of formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, surfactants, lanolin and Natural Complexion Dye. The combined index rating is 20%. The surfactants, other essential oils and lanolin prevent gravitation and enhance preservation by retaining more fluid in the outer surface of the body tissues. Our Natural Complexion Dye completes the desired effect of a lifelike appearance and texture. The addition of a few ounces of Hydrosol-1, per gallon, aids in the distribution of the fluid and sanitization of the body. INDEX: 20 HYFLO ARTEX INDEX: 30 Artex Arterial Fluid is a 30 index fluid formulated with a complex blend of buffering agents that aid in controlling the surface tension of the body. With Natural Complexion Dye added to this solution, a body with superior lifelike texture and cosmetic appearance results. Artex can be added to the last 1/2 gallon of the Hyflo solution for added firmness. PENETROL INDEX: 36 Penetrol Arterial Fluid like Artex blends formaldehyde, buffers, surfactants, other essential ingredients and Natural Complexion Dye to create a unique 36 index arterial solution. This formulation enhances biocide activity and provides a naturally balanced fluid that limits the effects of tissue dehydration. Penetrol can be aded to all other arterial solutions to increase tissue firmness. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Hyflo Artex Penetrol 7 CAT. NO. A-3122 A-3120 A-3124 UNIT 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 24 btl. case 24 btl. case TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 ARTERIAL FLUIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Rx-4 INDEX: 18 High Viscosity Rx-4 Arterial Fluid is a low formaldehyde index 18. It gives ample preservation without any of the objectionable features of high formaldehyde index fluids. These objectionable features of high index fluids are poor drainage, poor distribution, dehydration and impaired cosmetic effect. Usually such fluids are very acid which tends to cause a grayish color. Rx-4 gives maximum drainage and incorporates a viscous chemical to force distribution to all extremities. The viscous action which involves the use of large molecules to increase capillary pressure prevents gravitation and dehydration. Rx-4 can be used separately, but it is designed to be used in conjunction with B-4 Body Conditioner and Neutralizer. The combination of these two chemicals gives an effect heretofore impossible--firmness with alkalinity. A new cosmetic color is incorporated in Rx-4 called Hy-Dye Radiant Peach Cosmetic Color. This is a flesh colored staining dye. The combination of high viscosity and low formaldehyde index actually results in greater preserving power. More fluid is retained in the upper surfaces of the body where it is needed most. Increased capillary pressure due to the large molecules in the viscous chemicals causes a greater penetration of all the tissues. HY-VIS INDEX: 22 High Viscosity Arterial Fluid Hy-Vis and the wonderful results obtained are due to what we term MOLECULE MANAGEMENT. Hy-Vis is the answer to the age-old problem of preservation without dehydration. Normally, dehydration results from gravitation of fluid to the lower parts of the body. The formaldehyde in the fluid absorbs moisture from the tissue of the upper body as it gravitates. The only way to solve this problem is to remove the effects of gravitation, and Hydrol chemists have done just that!! Hy-Vis has been compounded with a special ingredient containing large locking molecules. These molecules pass freely through the arteries, but because of their size, resist passing freely through the fine network of capillaries. The resistance given by these large molecules in the capillaries tends to counteract the gravitational pull on the fluid. The result is that by means of MOLECULE MANAGEMENT, we have locked the fluid in the arteries with no chance of dehydration by gravitation. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Rx-4 Hy-Vis TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. A-3101 A-3106 UNIT 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 24 btl. case 8 ARTERIAL FLUIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y VELVA-GLO Semi-Hardening Flexible -- Lifelike Velva-Glo’s slow action permits full distribution of the fluid before the tissues are set, insuring thorough saturation. Velva-Glo is absolutely non-coagulating. An interesting feature of this fluid is its action on the blood. Harsh, quick-acting fluids lose their potency or power after contact with the blood for several hours. This is because the formaldehyde is consumed. With Velva-Glo, tests which we have made show the formaldehyde maintains its full power after days of contact with blood, while such tests made with harsh, quick-acting fluids show the formaldehyde entirely disappears. INDEX: 24 Velva-Glo offers the maximum of perfection in cosmetic and preserving results. It is formulated to give a flexible body with minimum rigidity. Velva-Glo is not a non-hardening fluid, but so designed that minimum firmness and maximum preservation is obtained. Velva-Glo is a non-desiccating, non-burning fluid which offers the utmost in perfect embalming. While Velva-Glo is desirable for all cases, it produces exceptional results when used for women and children. HYCO HYCO, like HY-VIS, has been compounded with a special ingredient containing large locking molecules. These molecules pass freely through the arteries, but because of their size, resist passing freely through the fine network of capillaries. The resistance given by these large molecules in the capillaries tends to counteract the gravitational pull on the fluid. The result is that by means of MOLECULE MANAGEMENT, we have locked the fluid in the arteries with no chance of dehydration by gravitation The only difference between these two arterial fluids is the cosmetic effect. HYCO is formulated with a Natural Cosmetic Dye leaving a red/rose appearance. INDEX: 24 High Viscosity ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Velva-Glo Hyco 9 CAT. NO. A-3102 A-3112 UNIT 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 24 btl. case TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 ARTERIAL FLUIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y LANDROL INDEX: 24 With Glutaraldehyde Landrol arterial Fluid is a unique blend of preservatives featuring Glutaraldehyde and Formaldehyde with pure lanolin, surfactants and emulsifiers. The Glutaraldehyde in the formula provides unmatched effectiveness in sanitizing the tissue. Its reputation as a germacide and disinfectant is well known. Formaldehyde is included because of its time-tested performance as a fixative and preservative. The blend of these aldehydes, plus humectants and Hydrol cosmetic dyes, add up to an arterial fluid that yields the results in preservation, tissue texture, and natural coloring. Landrol’s performance is enhanced by properly adjusting the body pH by adding two ounces per gallon of Hydrosol-1 and four ounces of hypHe pH enhancer. LANDROL II With Glutaraldehyde INDEX: 24 Landrol II arterial fluid is the same unique blend of preservatives (Glutaraldehyde and Formaldehyde), pure lanolin, surfactants and emulsifiers as Landrol. A special opaque ingredient aids in the disribution of color. This opaque ingredient combined with our Natural Complexion Dye (rose/red) gives an outstanding lifelike cosmetic effect. Landrol II also contains a chemical that increases the action of the preservatives. Landrol II sets up quicker and penetrates deeper with the skin texture and appearance retaining the cosmetic appearance desired. Landrol II when used with Hydrosol-1 or hypHe gives you maximum drainage, as its action does not congeal drainage like many arterial fluids do. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Landrol Landrol II TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. A-3115 A-3116 UNIT 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 24 btl. case 10 ARTERIAL FLUIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y HYDROLAN-A Arterial Fluid (with Lanolin) Once in the tissue, the lanolin goes to work providing a moisture shield that prevents the possibility of dehydration and insures a lifelike freshness to the skin. The preservatives, through water vapor pressure and osmosis, rapidly diffuse evenly and completely to insure positive and lasting protection against all forms of bacteria. INDEX: 24 Hydrolan-A is a unique combination of Hydrol preservative chemicals and water soluble pure lanolin. Our research department has spent much time and effort in developing a product that fully utilizes lanolin's unusual capacity for softening and "moisturizing" tissue, but prevents the emollient from interfering with the penetration and distribution of the preserving chemicals. In fact, by controlling the molecular size of the chemical, we have been able to obtain perfect diffusion of both lanolin and the preservatives though the capillary wall. BIOSOL Arterial Fluid (Non-Astringent) Biosol is a carefully blended and balanced group of chemicals formulating an arterial fluid that diffuses rapidly, deeply and evenly, without the ill effects of dehydration. Biosol when used with B-4 gives you maximum drainage because being non-astringent in its action it does not congeal drainage like many arterial fluids do. Secondly, when you obtain even distribution you not only obtain the best cosmetic results, but you insure perfect preservation. The ordinary arterial fluid stops at the capillaries and its congealing action prevents further penetration and their same congealing action prevents adequate drainage. INDEX: 26 This unique solution helps to yield a medium firm but moist tissue fixation which produces a likelike feel to the touch while insuring maximum embalming results. Biosol is also characterized by Hydrol’s Flesh Tint that can be adjusted by using compatible dyes. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Hydrolan-A Biosol 11 CAT. NO. A-3107 A-3105 UNIT 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 24 btl. case TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 ARTERIAL FLUIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y NATURE-GLO INDEX: 30 All Purpose Arterial Fluid Nature-Glo cosmetic arterial fluid needs no introduction to the funeral profession. Used by thousands of leading embalmers, Nature-Glo has long been considered the finest quality, arterial chemical. Its economy, measured preservative power, uniformity and superb cosmetic appeal are well known factors of merit. Nature-Glo is non-congealing in order to insure maximum drainage and penetration. It has a neutralizing effect on body acids. The remarkable cosmetic effect obtained with Nature-Glo is due to the fact that the coloring chemical distributes uniformly to every part of the body. Formaldehyde index is 30, with control chemicals to give maximum preservation and cosmetic effect. Nature-Glo is a fool-proof fluid, perfectly balanced. Our test embalmers have abused Nature-Glo by injecting in extreme proportions, but in each case embalmed, the results have exceeded even our expectations. Nature-Glo is a proven product, as our many thousands of users will testify. From the Atlantic to the Pacific, Hydrol users have found in Nature-Glo the medium of improved embalming. Proper control of preservatives insures medium slow action. The body will not be exceedingly firm, yet perfect preservation will be found in every part of the body. The color chemicals cannot pile up because ordinary arterial dyes are not used. Here is a fluid which will stand the test of light. In daylight or artificial light you will find no variation. The light rays themselves are a factor in producing the glow which Nature-Glo gives to each case. Nature-Glo is readily identified by its golden tint. With the addition of Edem-x, an accessory chemical, Nature-Glo can be used to extract edematous body fluids, or strengthened with Saturol for use on problem cases such as frozen bodies or trauma cases. This is a fluid that no prep room should be without. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Nature-Glo TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. A-3108 UNIT 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 12 ARTERIAL FLUIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y HYDROLITE Hydrolite is the strongest fluid on the market today. Used in normal solution, it makes a hard body. Its chemical composition, however, is such that a wide degree of dilution is possible. Hydrolite's great strength makes this an ideal fluid for dropsical cases, for bodies which are to be shipped long distances, and for bodies which are to be retained in receiving vaults for long periods. Hydrolite has a medium quick action and many embalmers prefer a fluid that "sets" the body quickly. INDEX: 36 High Index and High Firming Some embalmers using milder fluids for earlier injections find the use of Hydrolite on the last half-gallon gives them a desired degree of firmness soon after the injection is made. Many embalmers prefer Hydrolite because one bottle of Hydrolite equals two bottles of many lesser quality fluids in preserving strength. DYNAMOL Arterial Fluid Dynamol is formulated with three different preservatives to enhance its performance, particularly when the body has been treated with drugs and/or antibiotics. Dynamol contains Hydrol’s exclusive Hyrose Dye, which produces a pink blush shade in the body for a lifelike complexion. INDEX: 36 Dynamol is a highly effective, quick acting arterial fluid designed for the difficult as well as the normal case. It is a multibase chemical that penetrates, promotes drainage and prevents dehydration. Dynamol is designed for use on tissue gas, frozen or refrigerated bodies, floaters, burned cases, cases of uremia, or cases where decomposition is well advanced. Use four to six ounces of Dynamol per gallon of water for first injection. For subsequent injections, use eight to twelve ounces per gallon depending on the type of case, elapsed time, cause of death and individual requirements of firmness. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Hydrolite Dynamol 13 CAT. NO. A-3109 A-3111 UNIT 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 24 btl. case TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 ARTERIAL FLUIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y ULTRA-GLO Astrigent INDEX: 26 Ultra-Glo Arterial fluid is the fluid for emergencies, for the difficult case, for cases which do not readily firm and for dropsical bodies. While use of Biosol Non-Astringent Arterial Fluid insures the maximum embalming results, there are occasions where greater firmness and quicker action is desired. For instance, in dropsical cases and other difficult embalmings, body chemicals destroy formaldehyde. In such cases Ultra-Glo should be used. The capillaries and arteries in frozen bodies are very porous, and ordinary fluids pass quickly into the tissues and swell such cases. Because of its highly astringent action, Ultra-Glo Arterial Fluid is the safest fluid to use on all frozen bodies and trauma cases. Ultra-Glo Arterial Fluid is especially designed for cases where rigor morits has definitely passed off, and will provide a cosmetic effect far superior to cavity fluid which some embalmers use arterially in difficult cases. Since Ultra-Glo Arterial Fluid gives a low formaldehyde fixation, it will be found to be the best fluid for reducing swelling and for posted cases. Ultra-Glo arterial fluid has proven to work well with waterless embalming techniques. SATUROL INDEX: 20 Tissue Gas Chemical and Arterial Fluid Saturol solves a problem confronting embalmers today, that of successfully embalming cases where tissue gas is present. A considerable number of bodies are found to have this condition. Tissue gas results in more embalming failures than any other condition. Tissue gas is found in many cases of drowning, especially where the body has been in the water several days; cases with gangrenous tissue; and in sudden death and suicide cases where embalming is often delayed. Tissue gas is caused by the welchii bacteria. The pressure of the gas prevents adequate penetration of regular arterial fluids. To successfully embalm these cases in the past, extreme measures have been necessary, and in the vast majority of such cases the caskets were closed. Most embalmers resort to hypodermic injection of such cases, but other chemicals used have not been designed for the job. Saturol does just what its name implies. It saturates the tissue with a highly diffusing chemical, containing powerful preservatives, and containing a proven sanitizer against the welchii bacteria. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Ultra-Glo Saturol TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. A-3117 S-6101 UNIT 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 24 btl. case 14 CAVITY FLUIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y HYPOST Cavity Fluid Hypost is a triple-base cavity chemical that is odor-free, yet packs more preservative power than the usual formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde solutions offered by other chemical manufacturers. Hypost is particularly effective against viruses, fungi, and infective pathogens. It deodorizes and preserves the trunk cavities instantly, and firms visceral tissue without extreme rigidity. Hypost also inhibits the formation of gas in the body. INDEX: 23 Lab tests and embalming tests have confirmed the effectiveness of Hypost as a deep penetrating preservative, out-performing current competitive cavity fluids. And best of all, Hypost is almost totally free of chemical odor, making it easy and comfortable to work with even in the hottest weather. Hypost truly represents a giant step forward in embalming technique. CAVAMINE Cavity Fluid We are able to accomplish this by complexing formaldehyde with a secondary ammine called Diethanolamine. After the fluid is injected, the formaldehyde is released to give you optimum penetration and preservation. Cavamine is perfect for the normal as well as the difficult case. As with any fluid, it is suggested that you do not spill or splash the solution when embalming to further reduce any small amount of vapor present. INDEX: 28 Cavamine is a Hydrol Chemical Company revolutionary 28 Index cavity fluid. Approved Tests have shown that Cavamine has 50% less formaldehyde fumes than a standard 28 index cavity fluid. What this means is you can have the assurance of good preservation from a formaldehyde based product, and at the same time, reduce your embalmer's exposure to formaldehyde vapor. Cavamine is made under a process that has been exclusively developed by Hydrol research. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Hypost Cavamine 15 CAT. NO. C-5107 C-3108 UNIT 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 24 btl. case TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAVITY FLUIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y NITROL INDEX: 32 Post Mortem and Cavity Chemical Nitrol post mortem and cavity chemical should be used when the case appears hopeless with tissue gas, or gangrene legs or dropsical liquids, the only one fluid which can be counted on to absolutely give preservation. It has won its reputation because of the thousands of difficult cases it has successfully preserved We often hear from embalmers who have preserved floaters and other extremely difficult cases, and they invariably praise the high strength of Nitrol. Here is a chemical which is economical to use, and on most normal cases it can be diluted with water. The high formaldehyde index of 32 indicates its great strength, and in addition, there are added potent, powerful vaporizing chemicals to aid in penetration and spreading. On posted cases, place the viscera in a container and pour a bottle of Nitrol over the organs. You will quickly see its powerful action. No matter what the difficulty is, you have a super-tool in Nitrol. Nitrol is excellent for the normal case although designed with the difficult case in mind. No matter what the cause of death, most embalming troubles arise from the abdominal and thoracic cavities. We recommend the use of Nitrol on all cases to insure absolute preservation. We are unable to mask Nitrol's strength with deodorizing chemicals. Reasonable care to avoid spilling the chemical and the use of water with Nitrol on posted cases will retard the formaldehyde fumes. Nitrol post mortem and cavity chemical, as with all other Hydrol fluids, is made of the finest U.S.P. and C.P. grade chemicals. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Nitrol TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. C-5102 UNIT 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 16 CAVITY FLUIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y SUPER-50 The Most Powerful Cavity Fluid Made This new method of manufacturing formaldehyde passes the formaldehyde gas directly into alcohol where formerly water was used. By the elimination of the water, we are able to formulate a much higher index cavity fluid than ever before possible. Super-50, in addition to the new type of formaldehyde, contains disinfecting and penetrating chemicals designed to give maximum preservation of the cavities. Thus, Super-50 is formulated with 100% active chemical ingredients. INDEX: 50 Super-50 is a new, double strength cavity chemical formulated from an entirely new type of formaldehyde, absolutely anhydrous, which means it contains no water. Most embalmers' difficulties in preservation occur in the cavities. On the difficult case it can be readily seen that by injecting pure chemical, without water, the maximum efficiency can be obtained. 90% of the tissues are water and only pure chemical should be injected when a preservation problem is encountered. Super-50 when diluted with water can be used on most ordinary cases. A bottle of ordinary 22 index cavity fluid contains 5.4 ounces of water in the concentrated bottle. This is more than onethird of the bottle. CAVICEL Cavicel, developed by Hydrol Research, is a highly effective, yet fumeless cavity fluid for the professional embalmer. Cavicel is a triple-based cavity fluid that is quietly powerful. It gives you excellent penetration from the point of the trocar, and reliable preservation. Its three active preservatives give you greater effectiveness against the broad spectrum of antibiotics and drugs that are known to occasionally debilitate formaldehyde. INDEX: 23 Fumeless Cavity Fluid The unusual characteristic of Cavicel is that it does not have the annoying odor and fumes that frequently are present in other cavity fluids. Cavicel is the perfect answer for a posted case. It gives you the preservation without the problems usually caused by having a substantial amount of cavity fluid exposed to the atmosphere. Further, Cavicel is an effective bleach when used in a surface pack. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Super50 Cavicel 17 CAT. NO. C-5103 C-5104 UNIT 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 24 btl. case TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAVITY FLUIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y HYTEK A Special All Purpose Low Fume Cavity Fluid HYTEK IS A SPECIAL ALL PURPOSE LOW FUME, CAVITY FLUID THAT IS ESPECIALLY PLEASANT TO WORK WITH. INDEX: 23 Hytek is composed of a special formulation of formaldehyde which reduces irritating fumes by over 90%. Slow Release But Quick Action. Hytek is a result of research to control the partial pressure of formaldehyde in its solutions. Although the release of formaldehyde gas has been scientifically retarded, it has not been prevented. Hytek assures a positive, quick and total penetrating action to guarantee full control of any gas producing bacteria. Hytek LOW FUME formaldehyde solution should be used full strength in the cavities with at least one bottle per case. Since HYTEK odor is less irritating it is especially ideal for use with packs. THOROL INDEX: 32 Mild Scented Cavity Fluid Thorol is a mild scented 32 index cavity fluid with a reliable formaldehyde base. Its pleasant faint oil-of-wintergreen odor is achieved by combining formaldehyde with another chemical in loose formation. When the fluid is exposed to tissue in the body, the formaldehyde is freed for preserving action. Historically, formaldehyde-based cavity fluids out-perform other types because the vapor pressure of formaldehyde assures maximum penetration. Thorol should be used full strength without diluting for cases where excessive putrefactive gases have already formed in cavities. In cool climates for normal deaths, and where no unusual amount of gas is present, 16 ounces of water may be added to each concentrated bottle of Thorol. One bottle of Thorol is usually sufficient to preserve the cavities of bodies up to 150 pounds. Where abnormal conditions exist, sufficient Thorol should be used to insure thorough distribution and saturation. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Hytek Thorol TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. C-5105 C-5106 UNIT 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 24 btl. case 18 SPECIALITY FLUIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y JAUNDROL Jaundrol is a special compound for the embalming of all jaundice, sulpha-drugs, penicillin and streptomycin cases. It has a formaldehyde index of 20 containing many preservatives which are effective in the presence of organic matter. It is a chemical which causes green biliverdin to turn back to its original color. With today’s newer and stronger drugs it is possible to produce a green body. When Jaundrol is used correctly a GREEN BODY WILL OCCUR LESS OFTEN. INDEX: 20 Jaundice Fluid BLEACHING POWDER The bleaching powers of Jaundrol are something to appreciate. It will bleach most bodies already turned green. It bleaches green biliverdin back to bilirubin. It will bleach most dyes. In fact, the bleaching powers of this chemical are so great that a dye cannot be incorporated in its formula. For this reason, Jaundrol is furnished clear. However, we do not claim that Jaundrol will emphatically and definitely remove every trace of the yellow color. We do definitely claim that Jaundrol will reduce the yellow color to such a faint shade that the application of cosmetics is the same as in any normal normal case you might handle. EDEM-X Accessory Chemical Edem-X dries tissues out and reduces swelling but does not prune tissue. Edem-X contains no hazardous materials. INDEX: 0 Edem-X is an accessory chemical added to the arterial mix for the reduction of tissue swelling caused by fluid retention. It works best when used with arterial fluids that do not contain lanolin. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Jaundrol Edem-X 19 CAT. NO. S-6100 S-6108 UNIT 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 24 btl. case TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 SPECIALITY FLUIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y PHENOX Embalmers Carbolic Solution Phenox is a utility embalming preparation of many uses. It coagulates proteins, sanitizes, dries and preserves. Recently, certain changes were made in the formula which greatly increased its already high sanitizing properties. New wetting agents have also been included in Phenox formula to combat the problem of surface tension. INDEX: 0 SOME USES FOR PHENOX: CAVITY CHEMICAL: Phenox is used as a non-formaldehyde cavity chemical. One bottle of Phenox should be mixed with 1/2-gallon water. TO REDUCE SWELLING: Used hypodermically and with compresses. BLEACH FOR DISCOLORATIONS: Hypodermic and surface packs. BURNED AREAS: To permit deeper penetration remove any encrustations. Apply packs. Follow with application of Hydrol Derma-Seal. TREATING BEDSORES, ULCERS, CANCERS: Surface packs. SOFT SPOTS: Inject hypodermically. DROPSICAL CASES: To prevent blisters or where blisters have already formed, apply external packs. EMBALMING INCISIONS: To sear or cauterize incisions to prevent leakage. ORABALM INDEX: 5 Deodorized Orifice Chemical Here is a new formulation by Hydrol specifically compounded for the embalming treatment of all body orifices. Orabalm is designed so it will thoroughly sanitize and preserve, yet it will not burn, mark or sear the skin. Orabalm is always used full strength. Saturate cotton and thoroughly swab eyes, ears, mouth, nose and lower body openings. Cotton soaked in Orabalm should be used on every case to pack all orifices for added protection. Orabalm contains sanitizing and preserving chemicals and in addition contains a highly penetrating chemical to insure positive results. Even though used full strength, Orabalm will not leave any marks on the skin. Orabalm treats bacteria. Acts as a fly repellent. Treats maggots. Destroys odors. Sanitizes. Deodorizes. Orabalm is excellent for use as a facial pack or on areas where regular fluids might leave a mark. Orabalm leaves no mark. Orabalm can be used as an immersion embalming solution for infants. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Phenox Orabalm TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. S-6102 S-6103 UNIT 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 24 btl. case 20 SPECIALITY FLUIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y LANOLIN OIL Lanolin Moisture Conditioner is an excellent additive to arterial fluid to produce a smooth, moist, complexion. It eliminates post embalming distortion normally associated with tissue desiccation and dehydration. Lanolin Oil relies on the magic of lanolin, plus a combination of other moisture holding chemicals to provide the moisture reserve so vitally needed for cosmetic embalming. However, Lanolin Oil will not waterlog the tissues. It releases the moisture only as it is needed. INDEX: 0 Lanolin Moisture Conditioner Two ounces of Lanolin Oil added to a half gallon of arterial solution is all that is needed for the average case. Lanolin Oil is especially effective in emaciated cases, aged, and dry bodies. It will be effective on cases where the body is to hold for a long time and all cases embalmed in hot, dry weather. TISS-U-TONE Humectant Tiss-U-Tone humectant is an accessory embalming chemical which modifies or softens the action of embalming fluid, acts as an internal tissue filler in emaciated cases and, when used externally as a massage, prevents excessive dehydration of the skin. In extremely dry climates, Tiss-U-Tone, applied externally to the skin serves to prevent excessive dehydration as the product by coating the skin, prevents passage of moisture from the body, leaving the skin moist and flexible. Tiss-U-Tone prevents razor burns and burns caused by fluid which might seep through minor cuts. In embalming babies, 2-4 ounces of Tiss-U-Tone mixed with last fluid bottle to be injected will soften the action of fluid and produce an excellent embalming. INDEX: 0 As an internal filler and humectant chemical, Tiss-U-Tone is always used with the last half gallon bottle of fluid injected. Mix one bottle of Tiss-U-Tone with the arterial fluid for this purpose. Tiss-U-Tone will build up the average body but where sunken spots appear around eyes and temples, HYDROL TISSUE BUILDER, injected hypodermically, should be used after embalming is completed. Tiss-U-Tone contains no formaldehyde. Tiss-U-Tone, because of its wide external use, has been made with a delightful odor which imparts a pleasing scent to the embalming room. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Lanolin Oil Tiss-U-Tone 21 CAT. NO. D-4100 D-4101 UNIT 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. PACKAGING 24 btl. case 24 btl. case TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L EMBALMING FLUID DYES C O M P A N Y EMBALMING FLUID DYES The embalmers who strive for the utmost in cosmetic effect will find these Hydrol Dye Solutions an excellent medium for adjusting the staining color of arterial fluid to the maximum. *Concentrated dyes include the "Hy-Dye" shades of Radiant Pink, Peach, Natural Complexion and SunTan/TanTone. These dyes (a few drops) can be used separately or mixed together for any desired shade. The standard Flesh Tint and Rose Tint Dyes offer a yellowish pink, flesh shade or a deeper pink shade. The Flesh Tint Dye is also available in a 14 gram powder Dye Pak. Natural Complexion Dye offers a red/rose appearance. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT *Hy-Dye Radiant Peach *Hy-Dye Radiant Pink *Natural Complexion *SunTan/TanTone Flesh Tint Flesh Tint Pak Rose Tint TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. 7009 7010 7115 7114 7007 7035 7008 UNIT 8 oz. btl. 8 oz. btl. 8 & 16 oz. btl. 8 & 16 oz. btl. 8 oz. btl. 14 gr. pak. 8 & 16 oz. btl. 22 TISSUE BUILDER & NEEDLES H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y TISSUE-BUILDER Chemical Magic for Body Appearance We take pride in the fact that Hydrol Tissue Builder was originally developed and patented by our research laboratory. Through the years, Tissue Builder has become an everyday term in almost every preparation room in the country. It has been one of the most significant contributions to the embalming profession in this century. Hydrol Tissue Builder enables any embalmer to quickly perform a miracle in restoring a body to natural appearance. Just a few ounces of Tissue Builder injected hypodermically can return the features to the fullness of life. Most of the chemical companies have endeavored to copy Hydrol Tissue Builder, but no one has succeeded in matching its results. Our manufacturing techniques and specially prepared raw materials keep Hydrol Tissue Builder unique. It will outperform any other imitation on the market today. There is only one genuine Hydrol Tissue Builder. Famous Hydrol Tissue Builder is a liquid that quickly forms a gel when injected hypodermically filling out sunken, emaciated tissue. It restores natural features and contours, and is especially effective in building the delicate tissues of the eyes, lips, and temples. Tissue Builder does not spot the skin and seals needle punctures. There are two important points where Hydrol Tissue Builder should be used on every case. These points are the face and the hands. Some embalmers have found that the hands deserve as much care as the face, and Hydrol Tissue Builder will do much to improve their appearance. The fingers should be individually injected, while the back of the hand should be injected at several points to give life-like fullness. Hydrol Tissue Builder is furnished in two types. REGULAR Tissue Builder is formulated for the normal tissue building uses. FAST-SET Tissue Builder is formulated for acute cases. It preserves and firms as it fills the tissue. Tissue Builder Solvent is a chemical formulated for cleaning syringes and needles. It is available in many Hydrol replacement kits or can be purchased separately. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Tissue Builder Tissue Builder Tissue Builder Tissue Builder Tissue Builder Tissue Builder Tissue Builder Tissue Builder Tissue Builder 23 Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Fast Fast Fast Fast Solvent CAT. NO. 7015 7030 7016 7036 7017 7032 7018 7037 7019 UNIT 8 oz. btl. Qt. btl. Gal. btl. W/M 16 oz. btl. 8 oz. btl. Qt. btl. Gal. btl. W/M 16 oz. btl. 8 oz. btl. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L TISSUE BUILDER & NEEDLES C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Replacement Packages without Solvent CAT. NO. 7170 7171 7172 7173 DESCRIPTION 3 - 8 oz. bottles (Total 1-1/2 pints). 6 - 8 oz. bottles (Total 3 pints). 12 - 8 oz. bottles (Total 3 quarts). 24 - 8 oz. bottles (Total 1-1/2 gallons). Replacement Packages with Solvent CAT. NO. 7105 SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM 7106 7153 7175 DESCRIPTION 2 - 8 oz. bottles (Total 1 pint). 1 - 8 oz. bottle Solvent. 4 - 8 oz. bottles (Total 1 quart). 2 - 8 oz. bottles Solvent (Total 1 pint). 16 - 8 oz. bottles (Total 1 gallon). 8 - 8 oz. bottles Solvent (Total 1-1/2 gallons). 12 - 8 oz. bottles (Total 3 quarts). 6 - 8 oz. bottles Solvent (Total 3 pints). Tissue Builder Kits without Solvent with 30cc All Plastic Syringes CAT. NO. 7131 7133 7135 DESCRIPTION 3 - Bottles Tissue Builder. 2 - 30cc syringes with disposable needles. 6 - 8 oz. bottles Tissue Builder. 4 - 30cc all plastic disposable syringes. 6 - Disposable syringe needles (Assorted). 24 - 8 oz. bottles Tissue Builder. 6 - 30cc all plastic disposable syringes. 8 - Disposable syringe needles (Assorted). Tissue Builder Kits with Solvent with 30cc All Plastic Syringes CAT. NO. 7132 7134 7136 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 DESCRIPTION 2 - Bottles Tissue Builder. 1 - Bottle Solvent. 2 - 30cc syringes with needles. 5 - Bottles Tissue Builder. 1 - Bottle Solvent. 4 - 30cc all plastic disposable syringes. 6 - Disposable syringe needles (Assorted). 22 - Bottles Tissue Builder. 2 - Bottles Solvent. 6 - 30cc all plastic disposable syringes. 8 - Disposable syringe needles (Assorted). 24 TISSUE BUILDER & NEEDLES H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y GLASS SYRINGE DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION DISPOSABLE NEEDLES All Glass Syringe All glass syringes CAT. NO. 10YL 30YL 50YL have calibrated barrel and luer-lok adapter. CAPACITY 10cc 30cc 50cc 20G 20G Disposable Plastic Syringes Disposable syringes have calibrated barrel, and luer-lok adapter. CAT. NO. CAPACITY 0010 10cc 0030 30cc 20G 17G 17G Stainless Steel Luer-Lok Needles (luer-lok needles can be used on disposable syringes). CAT. NO. GUAGE/LENGTH LL 40 22g x 2" LL 20 20g x 2" LL 18 18g x 2" LL 43 22g x 2-1/2" LL 42 20g x 2-1/2" LL 41 18g x 2-1/2" LL 22 22g x 3" LL 45 20g x 3" LL 19 19g x 3" LL 44 18g x 3" LL 46 18g x 3-1/2" LL 17 17g x 3-1/2" LL 15 15g x 3-1/2" LL 06 17g x 6" 22G 20G 18G 18G 20G 22G 22G 20G Disposable Needles with Luer-Lok Hubs 19G CAT. NO. 0020-N 0019-N 0152-N 0153-N 18G GUAGE/LENGTH 20g x 1-1/2" 21g x 2" 20g x 3-1/2" 17g x 3" 18G STAINLESS NEEDLES 17G 15G 17G PLASTIC SYRINGE 25 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 COMPOUNDS, POWDERS & SEALERS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y HYDROL HARDENING COMPOUNDS Regular Or Special, Absorbs 5 Times Its Own Weight In Water Hydrol Hardening Compounds are widely used chemicals giving maximum absorption and fixation in the cavities of posted cases. Both types help to control dust and the vapors of paraformaldehyde floating through the air. Regular Hardening Compound is the dry type that we have made for many years. The connotation "regular" does not mean that it is just a normal type. In the 30 lb. container are thousands of sawdust particles mixed in with the paraforrmaldehyde giving it the strength of a super absorbent product. Special Hardening Compound contains paraformaldehyde and larger grit sized pieces of sawdust ready to absorb excessive water and body fluids. HY-ROCK Positive Cavity Work Hy-Rock completely seals the entire area. Moisture causes the product to harden; the chemical preservatives are sealed in so there is no after-odor of formaldehyde. Since the organs are also sealed with Hy-Rock, the preservatives continue to work. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Hy-Rock preserves with high paraformaldehyde content. Hy-Rock hardens all viscera, walls and contents of organs. Hy-Rock has a quick petrifying action. Hy-Rock sets without a lingering formaldehyde odor. Hy-Rock contains a deodorant. Hy-Rock is excellent for use on brain posts. Hy-Rock is an excellent material for use with cloth or paper bandages, cancers, dropsical limbs and gangrenous areas. 8. Hy-Rock does not form a dust, like wood flour hardening compounds. 9. Hy-Rock contains special chemicals to increase moisture absorption. 10. Hy-Rock is a fine-screened white powder. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Hardening Compound Reg. Hardening Compound Special Hy-Rock Positive Compound TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. 7141 7142 7143 UNIT 30 lb. pail 25 lb. pail 35 lb. pail 26 COMPOUNDS, POWDERS & SEALERS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y GUARD Guard is a powerful, penetrating and sanitizing chemical that gives off a vapor in which bacteria cannot live, preventing decomposition and destroying all foul odors. Bodies can be kept without embalming for long periods if placed in a zipper pouch with one or two bottles of Guard. USES FOR GUARD: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. To protect shipping cases. Autopsied bodies - for use in cavities and over viscera. For mutilated bodies. Protecting coroner cases before embalming. To stop odors on badly decomposed bodies. For use on bodies where embalming is impossible. For use in sealers to prevent decomposition and to stop mold. For use inside rubber garments to preserve tissues. To preserve stillborn cases. For use in mausoleums and receiving vaults. SAN-O-DOR Sanitizing and Deodorizing Powder San-O-Dor is a scientific sanitizing and deodorizing powder, especially made for use in burnt cases, mutilated bodies, cancer, bedsores, gangrene, Bright’s Disease, Carbuncle and Uremic Acid cases. Some of the clinging odors, such as are found in handling the above cases, present a difficult problem for the embalmer to overcome. Perfumes may temporarily deodorize the atmosphere, but they do not reach the source of the odor. San-O-Dor, applied before dressing the body, will effectively treat the offensive odors. CHEMICALLY ABSORBS FUMES Frequently the embalmer must hurry through shipping cases in order to make transportation connections. When there is a formaldehyde odor present after embalming, San-O-Dor, sprinkled over the body, will readily absorb these fumes and leave the body pleasingly deodorized. Incorporated in San-O-Dor is a pleasant perfume oil to impart a delightful scent to the room in which it is used. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Guard Guard San-O-Dor San-O-Dor San-O-Dor 27 CAT. NO. 7001 7002 7004 7005 7006 UNIT 14 oz. btl. 25 lb. pail 14 oz. btl. 10 lb. box 25 lb. pail TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 COMPOUNDS, POWDERS & SEALERS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y HYDRO-SEAL Incision Sealing Compound Hydro-Seal is an incision sealing chemical perfected by Hydrol chemists to positively seal any body leakages. You can use this magic chemical for sealing axillary and other arterial incisions, for brain posts, for abdominal and thoracic posts, to prevent leakage from dropsical limbs, burned flesh, leakage from amputations and other operations, and any accident cases where the tissue is mutilated. For treating dropsical limbs after application of embalming fluid, dust all blistered areas with Hydro-Seal, then bandage in the customary way. Body orifices should be treated first; packing with cotton soaked in Hydrol Cavity Fluid. Then sift a small quantity of HydroSeal and opening will be cemented closed. VIS-COTE AUTOPSY CHEMICAL Vis-Cote is designed to give you complete preservation with surface applications, particularly on posted cases. The thick consistency of Vis-Cote makes it adhere to all surfaces, quickly penetrating and preserving. Vis-Cote Gel is made for the embalmer who prefers an even thicker, more viscous chemical. HOW VIS-COTE IS USED: Cranial Post - Paint Vis-Cote on all interior and exterior surfaces. Newborn - Coat entire body and remove with moist sponge in approximately six hours. Vis-Cote will not burn tissues. Skin Areas - For burns, lesions, and lacerations, or when arterial embalming is impossible, apply a liberal coat and cover with plastic film for several hours. Accident Cases - When parts of bodies in accident cases cannot be arterially embalmed, paint such parts with Vis-Cote and wrap in plastic sheeting. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Hydro-Seal Hydro-Seal Vis-Cote Vis-Cote Gel TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. 7011 7012 S-6104 S-6106 UNIT 14 oz. btl. 10 lb. box 16 oz. btl. 1/2 gal. jar 28 COMPOUNDS, POWDERS & SEALERS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DERMA-SEAL Wound-Sealing Compound Derma-Seal compound is designed for use in sealing postmortem seams, wounds, and leaks; makes a base cover for cancers and will effectively seal the lips and eyelids. Derma-Seal is in itself a waterproofing compound, but its astringent action on the pores and tissues seals all wounds and stops leakage. Derma-Seal is recommended for use on post mortem seams, cancers, dropsical limbs, surgical incisions, torn skin, and as an adhesive agent in replacing hair on the scalp or eyebrows. SKIN-COTE The Waterproof Synthetic Skin Skin-Cote forms a protective waterproof coating where the skin has been blistered, burnt or peeled. Skin-Cote is absolutely necessary for all bodies which sweat or have blisters. Moisture forms on the surface of such bodies and prevents the derma surgery paints or creams from adhering. When a coating of Skin-Cote is applied, the surface becomes coated with a quick-drying film, absolutely waterproof. The embalmer can then proceed with the derma surgery work. FORMEX Penetrating Preservative Cream Formex Penetrating Preservative Cream is designed to take care of areas not properly preserved due to faulty circulation. Its highly penetrating action is designed to quickly preserve such areas without marking the skin as can happen with fluid packs. Formex Cream is ideal for every surface application embalming. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Derma-Seal Derma-Cote Cleaner Skin-Cote Formex Cream 29 CAT. NO. 7020 7022 7021 7219 UNIT 8 oz. btl. 8 oz. btl. 8 oz. btl. 1 lb. jar TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 COSMETICS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y B&G LYF-LYK COMPLEXION TINTS Lyf-Lyk Tint is easily applied with a brush. It spreads evenly and dries quickly, leaving a natural, porous, velvety appearance. Seven specially developed shades enable you to provide the proper complexion for each individual case. Lyf-Lyk Tint leaves a permanent finish that is an ideal base for powder or rouge. It is not affected by weather and will not streak or fade. It may be applied over wax or face covering. The tint is resistant to handling, but may be removed if necessary with a soft damp cloth. HYDROL LIQUID FACE TINTS Natural Shades Light & Dark Hydrol Liquid Face Tint is offered in 2 shades: light and dark. The two shades of face tint are amber in color which, when sprayed on the face, leave a delicate pink color blending perfectly into the skin. The tint is applied with an atomizer and the distance the atomizer is held from the body can control the exact degree of color. Hydrol Face Tint can be removed with water. In applying Hydrol Liquid Face Tint, hold atomizer several inches from face. Spray slowly to insure even distribution of color. If desired to bring out high spots on cheeks, hold atomizer close to face. Hydrol Liquid Face Tint will not rub off unless water or alcohol is used to dissolve the coloring chemical. The skin should be dry and free of grease to insure best results. HYDROL LIQUID LIP TINTS Hydrol Liquid Lip Tint is also furnished in two shades: light and dark. Both shades resemble a brick color with the darker shade having a more reddish cast. The Lip Tint is applied with a small camel’s hair brush furnished with each bottle of Lip Tint. To apply, first remove all grease, massage cream or powder. Apply a light coat of either dark or light Lip Tint depending on the complexion of the body. Allow two or three minutes for coat to dry. If a deeper shade of color is desired additional coats may be applied the same way. Hydrol Liquid Lip Tint may be used to tint fingernails. Hydrol Liquid Lip Tint is a concentrated coloring chemical containing ten times as much color as Face Tint. Care should be exercised in applying to avoid too deep color. Color may be removed or lightened with a small piece of cotton dipped in water or alcohol. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT CAT. NO. PRODUCT CAT. NO. Flesh BG26 16 oz. btl. Light BG27 16 oz. btl. Brunette BG28 16 oz. btl. Sun-Tan BG29 16 oz. btl. Dark BG30 16 oz. btl. Dark Sun-Tan BG31 16 oz. btl. Outdoor Tan BG32 16 oz. btl. ______________________________________________________________ PRODUCT Face - Light or Dark Face - Light or Dark Lip - Light or Dark Atomizer Only TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. 0080-L or D 0081-L or D 0084-L or D 0089 UNIT 8 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. 1 oz. btl. each 30 COSMETICS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y RESTOR SKIN This unique spray cosmetic completely, quickly and easily covers all discolorations: hypodermic needle marks, intravenous feeding bruises, petechial hemorrhage, jaundice stains, and many other blemishes. Just spray it on for an even, smooth, matte finish that will not rub off, crack or smear. It is an excellent base for your favorite cosmetic, and conventional cosmetics blend well with it. Restor Skin Spray is available in 2 colors: neutral flesh and soft beige. Packaged in 5 ounce spray cans. HYDROL HYDEX FACE POWDERS Hydex Powders are made similar to regular face powders with special adhesive materials to improve covering qualities and also contain drying powder. Hydrol Hydex Face Powders are furnished in 4 shades and are most easily applied with a powder blower. Individual shades can be purchased separately or in the Hydex Kit. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Restor Skin, Flesh Restor Skin, Soft Beige Powder Blower Hydex Powder Shade: Evening Brunette Natural Rose 31 CAT. NO. 7410 7411 0095 UNIT 5 oz. can 5 oz. can each 7195 7196 7197 7198 4 4 4 4 oz. oz. oz. oz. btl. btl. btl. btl. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 COSMETICS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y HY-GLO MORTUARY COSMETICS Here is a line of mortuary cosmetics unsurpassed for their NATURAL LOOK. With Hy-Glo Cosmetics, there is no need for powders, paints, special lighting or last minute touch-ups. Hy-Glo Cosmetics dry instantly, do not rub off on white shirts, dresses or casket-liners yet are water soluble and easily removed. They do not distort skin texture, but do give it the full color of life. This dramatically effective cosmetic result is achieved by first using Hy-Glo Sealer Cream. When lightly applied, the cream leaves a flexible microfilm on the skin which positively prevents the passage of air through the skin tissue, and maintains skin texture in a natural permanent state without dehydration. One of the Hy-Glo base colors is then selected and if necessary blended with the #4 Hy-Glo tints to achieve a perfect color match. The cosmetic is applied evenly and sparingly with a short bristle brush and dries instantly. The result is a clear microscopic film which is permanent and undetectable. A small amount of #5 Hy-Glo Hilite brushed on the chin, cheeks, ears, nose and eyelids completes the job. No powders are necessary because the amazing Hy-Glo Cosmetics leave a true NATURAL LOOK. The Hy-Glo Kit also contains shaving cream which utilizes the same microfilm principle to allow the razor to glide over the skin, eliminating razor burn entirely. CRÈME VELVET COVERING CREAMS Covering Compound Crème Velvet Creams are designed for all types of difficult cases where discolorations, bruises or other blemishes are present. These creams have tremendous hiding power and can be easily blended into surrounding skin after covering the discoloration. Black eyes, bruises, discolorations or blemish are quickly and completely hidden. The fine wax base of these creams enables the embalmer to obtain a smooth, even texture that is impossible with paints. Crème Velvet Creams are available in 1-1/2 oz. jars in these shades: #1701 (Ivory), #1705 (Beige), #1709 (Tan), #1717 (Lt. Olive) and #1720 (Ebony). ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Hy-Glo Base Cream - Blush Hy-Glo Base Cream - Peach Hy-Glo Base Cream - Olive Hy-Glo Base Cream - Suntan Hy-Glo Base Cream - Hilite Hy-Glo Base Cream - Blush Hy-Glo Base Cream - Peach Hy-Glo Base Cream - Olive Hy-Glo Base Cream - Suntan Hy-Glo Base Cream - Hilite Hy-Glo Sealer Cream Hy-Glo Shave Cream Complete Cosmetic kit TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. 8201 8202 8203 8204 8205 8206 8207 8208 8209 8210 8211 8213 8214 UNIT 2 oz. jar 2 oz. jar 2 oz. jar 2 oz. jar 2 oz. jar 2 oz. jar 4 oz. jar 4 oz. jar 4 oz. jar 4 oz. jar 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. Kit 32 COSMETICS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y TISS-U-CREAM Eliminates Dehydration, Fluid Burns and Wrinkling Tiss-U-Cream is unique in post-mortem massage creams because it contains absolutely no vegetable matter. We all know that vegetable matter readily decays and forms mold. Hydrol’s research department has developed a cream made entirely of mineral ingredients. Tiss-U-Cream is a penetrating cream which is helpful in preventing fluid burns, discoloration of the lips and leaves the skin soft and pliable, and eliminates razor burns. GIVES A LIFELIKE APPEARANCE: After death, the oils present in the pores become dry and cause an unnatural appearance on the skin. Tiss-U-Cream keeps the pores and skin pliable and smooth. When massaging is competed, wipe off surplus cream and apply Hydex Complexion Powder. PLASTO WAX A compound for blending and covering defects, discolorations and wounds, and for perfect restoration and molding of destroyed features. Remains firm and is unaffected by high temperatures, moisture or chemicals. Plasto Wax has been a standard in the industry for over 30 years. Flesh color. NATURE-GLO CREAM The Miracle Cosmetic Tinting Cream Nature-Glo Cream for the particular embalmer assures him of the most lifelike natural cosmetic results without the use of a paintbrush. Particularly when confronted with local areas where a blockage impairs circulation and cosmetic effect, Nature-Glo Cream will supply a true, natural cosmetic color. Made with the same cosmetic coloring used in our Nature-Glo Cream and other cosmetic fluids, it is a simple matter to match any areas which are poorly colored. For instance, areas which are shaved often appear light in the casket. These areas can quickly be blended with Nature-Glo Cream. Nature-Glo Cream is unexcelled in providing a perfect powder base. It is a vanishing type of cream. It does not leave a sticky, greasy surface. As a result, powder can be easily and evenly applied. Furthermore, the inclusion of a germicide and fungicide in its formula provides additional surface protection. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Tiss-U-Cream Tiss-U-Cream Plasto Wax Nature-Glo Cream 33 CAT. NO. 7013 7014 7518 7034 UNIT 2 oz. jar 1 lb. jar 8 oz. can 1 lb. jar TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 COSMETICS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y HYDROL NATURAL MOULDING WAX Natural Moulding Wax is a straw-colored wax used in moulding. It hardens when exposed to air and will not crack or draw. Natural Moulding Wax is excellent for moulding destroyed parts of the face. Roll between fingers to obtain proper consistency. NATURAL LIP WAX & LIP FILLER Here is the new Natural Lip Wax & Filler, an outstanding product that has long been needed for the important work of filling in openings in the lips. Often, despite careful embalming, a slight aperture appears between the lips. By using Natural Lip Wax & Filler, the opening is readily sealed. The color of Natural Lip Wax & Filler is a neutral color so it blends with any shade lip. Lip Wax & Filler may be smoothed down to a razor edge by dipping the palette knife in alcohol. DRI-CLEAN SPOT REMOVER Dri-Clean is a spot remover, a hair cleaner, or a make-up and cream remover. It will remove items such as grease, caked blood, tar and massage cream. Dri-Clean is non-flammable and quick drying. It does not contain carbon tetrachlorine. It is the kind of product that has dozens of uses around the prep room. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Natural Moulding Wax Natural Moulding Wax Natural Lip Filler Dri-Clean TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. 0192 0193 0079 0185 UNIT 2 oz. jar 1 lb. jar 3 oz. tin 8 oz. btl. 34 ADHESIVES & BONDING AGENTS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y FAS-TIK LIP AND EYE SEAL Fas-Tik, the new adhesive seal, is easy to use. Simply apply to both skin surfaces. When slightly tacky, press both surfaces together and they will remain permanently sealed. Fas-Tik is a liquid, packaged in a one-ounce bottle with applicator brush in cap. ARON ALPHA Aron Alpha is a high strength rapid bonding adhesive. It cements tissue, bone and many other materials in seconds. The adhesive can be used to close eyes and lips, seal incisions, attach calvarium sections, and to reconstruct lacerated tissue. It is a versatile product for the prep room. HI-TAK Hi-Tak is an adhesive emollient with a wide variety of embalming applications. It is primarily used for posing facial expressions, and positioning and smoothing lips, eyelids, and wrinkled skin. It firmly holds while not distorting delicate tissue. SUPER 77 Super 77 is a clear spray sealer. It sprays on and dries in minutes. It is useful for sealing incisions, trocar and needle punctures, abraded areas, and lacerations. Super 77 is appropriate for blocking the pharynx, closing the mouth, and for restoration work. Super 77 is available in 17 oz. aerosol cans. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Fas-Tik Lip and Eye Seal Aron Alpha Aron Alpha Aron Alpha Debonder Hi-Tak Lip and Eye Seal Hi-Tak Lip and Eye Seal Super 77 35 CAT. NO. 0046 7215 7216 7217 7220 7221 7301 UNIT 1 oz. btl. 1 pkg. (5) 2 gr. vials 50 gr. btl. 1/3 oz. tube 2 oz. jar 1 lb. jar 17 oz. can TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L SOAPS & DISINFECTANTS C O M P A N Y EXTERNAL SPRAY External Spray is specifically designed for body surface application to control maggots, lice, vermin, etc. It contains a safe, effective and odorless approved pesticide. External Spray acts instantly and keeps on working for long periods. It is packaged in easy-to-use, economical 16 oz. bottles with free pump sprayer. AEROSOL DISINFECTANTS FIX FOAM Fix Foam clings to surfaces providing longer and more thorough disinfection and cleaning. It effectively kills most viruses, including HIV-1, fungus, mold and staph. Fix Foam works well in cleaning dried blood and body fluid from removal and prep room equipment. KLEENASEPTIC® KleenAseptic is an aerosol cleanser and disinfectant that dispenses as foam. It is tubercuocidal, bactericidal and fungicidal. KleenAseptic is compatible with non-porous medical equipment and environmental surfaces. Its foaming action allows for better penetration. HY-PHEN DISINFECTANT EPA Approved Since 1940 Hy-Phen Disinfectant has been the choice of embalmers for preventing infection. Hy-Phen is the perfect product for disinfecting, cleaning and deodorizing floors, and tables. A few ounces of Hy-Phen used as directed will do the trick! It is a detergent, deodorizer, germicide and bactericide and is registered with the Environmental Protection Agency. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT External Spray Fix Foam KleenAseptic Hy-Phen Disin. Hy-Phen Disin. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. 7304 2225 13-1016 0020 0021 UNIT 16 oz. btl. 18 oz. can 16 oz. btl. 16 oz. btl. 1 gal. jug 36 SOAPS & DISINFECTANTS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y CAVICIDE DISINFECTANT Cavicide is a general-purpose concentrated disinfectant with a broad range of killing power and cleansing. Cavicide is a safe EPA registered, nontoxic, non-caustic formula. METRIGUARD Metriguard is a powerful, dependable, general-purpose disinfectant cleaner, and deodorizer that is ready to use (not a concentrate.) It is federally registered with the Environmental Protection Agency as a “Hospital-Type” disinfectant and is effective against a broad range of bacteria. In addition, Metriguard is biodegradable, something that cannot be said for phenol-based products. METRICIDE 28 Sterilant/Disinfectant Metricide-28, a trademark product of Metrex, is a registered sterilant/disinfectant with a history of solid performance in the medical profession. It disinfects in 10 minutes at 20 degrees C and sterilizes in 10 hours. Metricide-28 kills HIV-1 on pre-cleaned equipment or instruments previously soiled with blood or body fluids. Metricide-28 also contains a rust inhibitor. It is easy to use, reliable and safe. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Cavicide MetriGuard MetriCide 28 MetriCide 28 37 CAT. NO. 0024 0022 0023QT 0023 UNIT 1 gal. jug 22 oz. jug 1 qt. jug 1 gal. jug TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L SOAPS & DISINFECTANTS C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Hydrol Liquid Soap Hydrol Liquid Soap, a professional soap, is made from pure cochin coconut oil, combined with a powerful and effective antiseptic. It is pleasingly perfumed with fine essential oils. Recommended uses for Liquid Soap are as a body wash and hair cleaner. Hydrol Liquid Soap contains no waste fat, only the finest of soap ingredients. PRODUCT CAT. NO. UNIT Hydrol Liquid Soap Hydrol Liquid Soap Hydrol Liquid Soap 0094 0090 0097 8 oz. btl. 1 gal. jug 5 gal. pail Glo-Wash Protect Your Car While You Wash Here is a unique car care compound, a detergent and sealant combined. The remarkable feature of Glo-Wash is that the beading agent/sealer clings to metal, but does NOT adhere to glass. In one operation you can wash your car and protect the finish. You will be surprised how clean and polished your automotive equipment will be if you use Glo-Wash. PRODUCT CAT. NO. UNIT Glo-Wash Glo-Wash Glo-Wash 7222 7223 7223P 16 oz. btl. 1 gal. jug 5 gal. pail Vionex Surgical Scrub and Gel Vionex represents a new technology in a surgical scrub. It exhibits outstanding antimicrobial efficacy without dermal irritation. It eliminates gram negative and gram positive bacteria at 99.99% in a thirty second contact. Vionex is exceptionally mild and gentle on your skin. It produces a smooth, creamy lather and is non-toxic. If you are interested in maximum protection against a broad spectrum of bacteria, Vionex is your answer. Vionex Gel is also available in a 4 oz. bottle that has a long-term shelf life and is often kept in the glove compartment of removal vehicles. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 PRODUCT CAT. NO. UNIT Vionex Soap Vionex Soap Vionex Gel 2222 2221 7400 1 gal. jug 18 oz. pump 4 oz. flip top 38 TABLES & LIFTS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Hydraulic Table Model 101-H Model 101-H provides all the power of hydraulics for you. Tilting and height adjustments are accomplished with a hydraulic foot pedal. The Model 101-H gives you quick adjustments and individual settings with the option of lowering or raising either end 28-1/2 x 40-1/2 inches above the floor for easy preparation from a standing or sitting position. But hydraulic power is not the only outstanding feature of this operating table. The tabletop is in a convex shape to drain fluids away from the body. An extra-deep trough runs the perimeter of the table, eliminating the need for Splash Guards. The drain, located in the center of the foot end, quickly eliminates fluids from the table All four eight-inch swivel wheels lock instantly with a single foot pedal. Solid surface base eliminates crevices for liquids to coagulate. Length ………...........… Width ……………......… Maximum height …..... Minimum height ......… Wheelbase ……........… Weight ……………...… Maximum load …....… 80" 30" 40-1/2" 28-1/2" 24-1/2" x 48-1/2" 150 lbs. 600 lbs. MODEL 101-H (205 cm) (77 cm) (103 cm) (72 cm) (62 x 123 cm) (68 kg) (272 kg) Extra deep troughs eliminate need for Splash Guards. New Type 304 stainless steel convex top is standard on Models 101-H, 102, and 103. Model 102 Model 102 folding Table features an exclusive one-hand release that easily adjusts either end of table to any height from 32-1/2 to 381/2 inches. Each end can be adjusted independently. Model 102 also folds for easier carrying and storage. A true combination table, it is ideal for embalming, dressing, layout or transfer. Complete with tubular aluminum frame and chrome-plated, 6-inch ball bearing wheels. Swivel locks on wheels keep table stationary when in use. Top made of Type 304 stainless steel for the ultimate in strength and rigidity. Length ……...............… 80" Width ………….........… 30" Maximum Height .....… 38-1/2" Minimum Height …….. 22-1/2" Weight Capacity…….… 600 lbs. Folded Thickness …...… 5-1/2" MODEL 102 (205 cm)) (77 cm) (99 cm) (83 cm) (272 kg) (13 cm) ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Model 101-H Model 102 39 CAT. NO. 9101-H 9102 UNIT each each TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 TABLES & LIFTS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Model 103 Model 103 Ideal for replacing outmodeled, inefficient equipment or for use as a second embalming table. The Model 103 offers many of the benefits found in the 101-H, including the ability to tilt from either end, convex table for optimum drainage, deep troughs to eliminate need for Splash Guards and ball bearing wheels for easy mobility, each with swivel lock. MODEL 103 Length……….......….... 80" Width…........................30" Maximum Height …....38" Minimum Height ........32" Wheel Base…...............27" x 53" Weight …………..........75 lbs Weight Capacity …..…600 lbs (205 cm) (77 cm) (97 cm) (82 cm) (69 cm x 136 cm) (34 kg) (272 kg) Aluminum Base Table Model F8900 MODEL F8900 BODY BRIDGE Model F8900 Table features a large 79 x 30 inch wide top of new, tough, highly chemical and stain resistant fiberglass with provision for headrest and drain connection. Frame is of a sturdy, highly polished aluminum. Adjusts from 29 to 35 inches with each end adjusting independently of the other for perfect height and drainage. Large, heavy-duty rubber tire wheels with chrome hubs lock individually for extra sturdiness. Body Bridge and Positioners The Ferno Body Bridge elevates the body above the table allowing waste to drain. These bridges sit outside the table, are 25" wide, and made of aluminum that provides for easy cleaning. BODY POSITIONERS This set of five Body Positioners elevates the body 2" above the table. They aid the circulation over the back areas, while allowing wastes to drain without obstruction. The body can remain on the positioners during dressing. The set is made of a chemically resistant plastic. The set of five is normally used at the shoulders, buttocks and heels and under a head block. Two sizes available; small and large. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Model 103 Model F8900 Ferno Bridge Body Positioners Small Body Positioners Large TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. 9103 F8900 9038 9039S 9039L UNIT each each each set of five set of three 40 TABLES & LIFTS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Dressing Table Model 34 Model 34 table folds into compact package. Features 2-piece laminated plastic top in choice of gray or wood grain. Top resists stains and scratches and can be cleaned in seconds. Equipped with 4 swivel locks. Length ……................… open 76" folded 13" Width ………..............… 24-1/2" Height …....................… open 34" folded 60-1/2” Weight …………...…..… 77 lbs Maximum Load .............500 lbs MODEL 34 (195 mm) (33 mm) (62 mm) (87 mm) (155 mm) (35 kg) (227 kg) Dressing Table Model 36 Model 36 dressing table features exclusive one-hand release that quickly adjusts table from 32 to 38 inches. Comes with laminated plastic top in gray or wood grain. Equipped with 4 swivel-type 6" rubbertired wheels with swivel locks. Shipped ready to assemble to reduce freight charges. Length …................…… 75" Width …………..……..... 24" Height ……….............… 32" to 38" Weight ………….........…77 lbs Maximum Load .............500 lbs (192 mm) (62 mm) (82 mm) (97 mm) (35 kg) (227 kg) Williams Body Lift Hydraulic Lift with 400 pounds capacity. Arm extends from 20" to 27" for maximum height of 6’3". Four 1-1/2" web straps with "D" ends that hook on four 10" adjustable metal cross straps. Easily dismantled for storage. MODEL 36 Heavy Duty Body Lift Extra Heavy-Duty Hydraulic Lift with 600 pounds capacity. Arm extends from 25" to 33" for a maximum height of 6’8". The base will clear a 32 inch table base and narrow to 24 inches. It is equipped with four 5 inch hard rubber ball bearing casters to easily move boxed or empty caskets. Same adjustable straps as the Model W499. Gray finish. Ferno Ultra Care Lift This lift is a 24-volt battery operated electric lift requiring only one man to operate. The Ferno Lift is easy to maneuver and carries both bodies and caskets. It disassembles for convenient transportation and storage. Please call for a picture and specifications. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Model 34 Model 36 Williams Body Lift Heavy Duty Body Lift Ferno Ultra Care Lift 41 CAT. NO. 9034 9036 W499 W600 F500 WILLIAMS LIFT FERNO LIFT UNIT each each each each each TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 EMBALMING EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L MARK V C O M P A N Y Embalming Machines & Comparison Features System Duotronic I Duotronic III Duotronic IV MARK V Mark IV Pulsator NO (but avail.) NO NO YES NO Pressure Range 0-30 psi 0-15 psi 0-100 psi 0-80 psi 0-60 psi Belt Direct Direct Direct Belt 110v/60hz 110v/50-60hz 110v/60hz 110v/60hz 110v/60hz 1/2 HP 2 speed 1/8 HP 1 speed 1/4 HP 1 speed 1/5 HP 1 speed 1/6 HP 1 speed 3 gal Plastic Glass Available 3 gal Plastic Glass Available 3 gal Plastic Glass Available 3-1/4 gal Glass 2-1/2 gal Glass All Stainless Steel All Stainless Steel All Stainless Steel Nylon over casting Nylon over casting Height 21" 21" 21" 24-1/2" 22-1/2" Depth 15" 15" 15" 15" 12-3/4" Width 17" 17" 17" 15" 12-3/4" Automatic Shut-off No No Yes Yes Yes Pump Drive Voltage Motor Tank Size Cabinet Finish MARK IV DUOTRONIC ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Duotronic I Embalming Machine Duotronic III Embalming Machine Duotronic IV Embalming Machine Mark V Embalming Machine Mark IV TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. E600 E630 E640 0010-A 0001-A UNIT each each each each each 42 EMBALMING EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Water Control Unit, Trocar Well and Table Receptor The Water Control Unit 2000 is a space saving, wall mounted system. The system comes complete with hydro aspirator and back flush valve, a gooseneck machine fill with hot and cold water supply, as well as a water supply to the table that also has individual hot and cold water control. Both the aspirator and water supply come complete with quick disconnect fittings and 10-foot-long hose kits. The elegant streamlined design is easy to operate and clean while freeing up countertop and under counter space for other uses. The unit is supplied pre-assembled and pre-plumbed. The gooseneck fill spout only needs to be attached. Easy installation requires only 4 fasteners (supplied), 3 standard flex hose connections, a simple waste line connection and one small hole in the countertop, which is pre-drilled in DST, Ltd. supplied cabinets. The unit is fully code compliant when installed according to manufacturer’s directions. The WCU 2000 has an all stainless steel mounting plate and all chrome fillings. It comes complete with stainless steel mounting hardware and installation template. WCU 2000 WCU 2000R The Trocar Well unit houses 3 trocars in vertical position for disinfecting that lifts out of the holder for easy change of fluid and clean up. The Trocar Well is recessed into the counter top and has a flush cover for easy access. WELL Morgue Table Receptor 2000 The Morgue Table Receptor 2000 is a prime solution for waste removal at the foot end of the table. Economical, lightweight, compact in design and practically indestructible, the MTR 2000 fits easily into both new and retrofit projects. MTR 206 The MTR 2000 functions efficiently by maintaining an incoming water supply that flows constantly during the embalming process. This movement of water swirling throughout the reservoir keeps the drain line clear, thereby greatly reducing build-up and making cleanup easy. The table drain is inserted into the MTR 2000’s 3" diameter removable strainer, which aids in capturing cotton waste. The removable strainer features an easy lift handle for ease of operation. The unit mounts on most any cabinet face with no additional support required. Cabinet mounting makes floor maintenance an easy task. The China Morgue Table Receptor is an option for waste removal at the foot of the table. The receptor can be flushed with remote flush button. An OSHA compliant clear cover with 3” tubing drain hole is included. MTR 209 ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT New Construction Remodel Construction Trocar Well Morgue Table Receptor China Table Receptor 43 CAT. NO. WCU 2000 WCU 2000R DST 204 MTR 206 MTR 209 UNIT each each each each each TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 INJECTING EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y SLAUGHTER ARTERIAL TUBES SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM Curved Tubes CURVED #1901C Slip Hub With Tie Ring CAT. NO. DIAMETER 1901C 3/16" 1902C 1/8" 1903C 3/32" CURVED #1905C Threaded Hub With Tie Ring CAT. NO. DIAMETER 1905C 3/16" 1906C 1/8" 1907C 3/32" Straight Tubes STRAIGHT #1901 STRAIGHT #1905 INFANT #1923 Slip Hub With Tie Ring CAT. NO. DIAMETER 1901 3/16" 1902 1/8" 1903 3/32" Threaded Hub With Tie Ring CAT. NO. DIAMETER 1905 3/16" 1906 1/8" 1907 3/32" Infant Tubes INFANT #1924 Slip Hub With Probe Point CAT. NO. DIAMETER 1923 .065" Slip Hub With Open End CAT. NO. DIAMETER 1925 .065" RADIAL #1928 RADIAL #1927 Threaded Hub With Probe Point CAT. NO. DIAMETER 1924 .065" Threaded Hub With Open Point CAT. NO. DIAMETER 1926 .065" Radial Tubes TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 Slip Hub CAT. NO. 1928 DIAMETER .065" Threaded Hub CAT. NO. 1927 DIAMETER .065" 44 INJECTING EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L SLAUGHTER ARTERIAL TUBES C O M P A N Y SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM Luer-Lok Arterial Tubes CAT. NO. 1960 1961 1962 1963 DIAMETER 1/4" 3/16" 1/8" 3/32" LUER-LOK #1960 STUB #1933 Stub Type Arterial Tubes Slip Hub With Tie Ring CAT. NO. DIAMETER 1933 3/16" 1934 1/8" 1935 3/32" THREAD #1933T Threaded Hub With Tie Ring CAT. NO. DIAMETER 1933T 3/16" 1934T 1/8" 1935T 3/32" STANDARD SLIP #1101 Standard Carotid Tubes Slip Hub With Tie Ring CAT. NO. DIAMETER 1101 5/16" 1102 1/4" STANDARD THREAD #1103 Threaded Hub With Tie Ring CAT. NO. DIAMETER 1103 1/4" 1104 5/16" CAROTID SLIP #1930 Stub Type Carotid Tubes CAROTID THREAD #1930T Slip Hub With Tie Ring CAT. NO. DIAMETER 1930 1/4" 1931 5/16" Threaded Hub With Tie Ring CAT. NO. DIAMETER 1930T 1/4" 1931T 5/16" HAIRPIN #1945-1948 "Hairpin" Injectors Long (L) 5 3/4" CAT. NO. 1945(L) 1946(L) 1947(L) 1948(L) 45 DIAMETER 5/16" 1/4" 3/16" 1/8" TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 INJECTING EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION GOOSENECK SLAUGHTER Universal Threaded Gooseneck TABLE CLEANER Fits all standard gallon jugs for injecting and aspirating. Ends messy leakage and blow-outs. Ends the cost of special jars. All parts are interchangeable affording easy cleaning. Full brass construction, with heavy chrome plate. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION 1220 Injecting Gooseneck. 1221 Aspirating Gooseneck. 1222 Combination Gooseneck. (Includes No. 1220 Injecting and No. 1221 Aspirating tubes with one body only). SLAUGHTER Table Cleanser FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO USE THE RUBBER HEAD BLOCKS IT’S THE SLAUGHTER TABLE CLEANSER! Adjustable to fit all sides. Cannot become displaced. Full table flushing at all times. Easily kept clean. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION 1020WC Model has water diverting valve to separate hose mount providing water service at head of table. 1020 Slaughter Table Cleanser. #113P #114P PLASTIC TUBING SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM Plastic Tubing: RUBBER TUBING SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM #115P #117P #114R #116P #115R #118P #572R #119P #573R NOTE: Bore and Wall sizes are within 1/64” tolerance. SHOWN TO SCALE. Hydrol distributes "Tygon" transparent plastic tubing. This clear tubing is impervious to all embalming chemicals and does not dry out or deteriorate. It is tough and flexible. CAT. NO. BORE WALL 113P 3/16" 3/32" 114P 1/4" 3/32" 115P 5/16" 3/32" 117P 3/8" 3/32" Extra thick wall plastic tubing. CAT. NO. BORE 116P 5/16" 118P 3/8" WALL 1/8" 1/8" Plastic splash tubing. CAT. NO. BORE 119P 3/4" WALL 1/8" Rubber Tubing (Latex): SHOWN TO SCALE. Rubber latex tubing is available in four sizes. The bore and wall have been carefully selected to insure safety in the embalming process. CAT. NO. BORE WALL 114R 1/4" 1/8" 115R 5/16" 1/8" 572R 3/8" 1/8" Extra thick wall rubber latex tubing. CAT. NO. BORE WALL 573R 3/8" 3/16’ TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 46 INJECTING EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y SLAUGHTER Trocars Slaughter Trocars have a straight-line flow with no internal recesses to clog the trocar. The handle is an integral part of the barrel eliminating jointed construction. Handles are milled from solid brass, barrels are hard temper seamless brass tube and complete trocar is hard chrome plated except for milled steel point. Add letter "C" to catalog number for curved barrel. TROCAR #0816 INFANT #0819 Infant, Autopsy and Parietal Trocars NOTE: On all 1/8 inch diameter trocars we cannot guarantee the point against breakage because of the extremely small thread section. Furnished without cleaning rod. HYPO #0825 Hypo Valve Trocars DYNAMIC #0829 Dynamic Trocars Removable elongated, slotted two-piece point eliminates need for irrigated barrel with sight glass. Collapsible Trocars Also known as the trade embalmer’s trocar as it is designed for ease of storage and transportation. The barrel has a 13" WL with an OD of 3/8" and a handle (all units are detachable). ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Slaughter Trocar Slaughter Trocar Slaughter Trocar Slaughter Trocar Slaughter Trocar Slaughter Trocar Slaughter Trocar Slaughter Trocar Slaughter Trocar Slaughter Trocar Infant... Trocar Infant... Trocar Infant... Trocar Infant... Trocar Infant... Trocar Infant... Trocar Hypo Valve Trocar Hypo Valve Trocar Hypo Valve Trocar Hypo Valve Trocar Hypo Valve Trocar Hypo Valve Trocar Hypo Valve Trocar Dynamic Trocar Dynamic Trocar Dynamic Trocar Dynamic Trocar Collapsible 47 CAT. NO. LENGTH 0816 14" 0816 16" 0816 18" 0816 20" 0816 22" 0817 14" 0817 16" 0817 18" 0817 20" 0817 22" 0819 7" 0819 12" 0819 16" 0819 18" 0820 18" 0820 16" 0825 16" 0825 18" 0826 16" 0826 18" 0827-16: Trocar complete with barrels in 16" working length. 0828-18: Trocar complete with barrels in 18" working length. 0871: Control Valve Only. 0829 16" 0830 19" 0834 16" 0835 19" 0812 20” DIAMETER 3/8” 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8” 5/16” 5/16" 5/16" 5/16" 5/16” 3/16" 3/16" 3/16" 3/16" 1/8" 1/8" 3/16" 3/16" 1/8" 1/8" both diameter COLLAPSIBLE #0812 both diameter 3/8" 3/8" 5/16" 5/16" 3/8” TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 INJECTING EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L TROCAR POINTS C O M P A N Y INJECTOR SLAUGHTER Trocar Points ORDERING INFORMATION A B C D E SHUT-OFF PRODUCT Slaughter Trocar Points Slaughter Trocar Points CAT. NO. 0831-A 0832-B Slaughter Trocar Points Slaughter Trocar Points 0836-A 0837-B Slaughter Slaughter Slaughter Slaughter Slaughter 0800-C 0801-C 0805-D 0803-E 0804-E Trocar Trocar Trocar Trocar Trocar Points Points Points Points Points DIAMETER - OD 3/8": Point complete. Pack of 6 Piercing points for 0831. 5/16": Point complete. Pack of 6 Piercing points for 0836. 3/8": Fits Trocars 0816 5/16": Fits Trocars 0817 1/8": Fits Trocars 0820-0826 3/16": Fits Trocars 0819-0825 3/16": Fits Trocars 0819-0825 SLAUGHTER Tubing Shut-Off Plain tubing shut-off for 5/16” tubing. PRESSURE EMBALMER SLAUGHTER Cavity Fluid Injector Fits all standard Fluid Bottles. Injecting is obtained by simply inverting bottle upside down. The flow of the fluid can be stopped or started at will, as the Injector is provided with a thumb air vent release. The removal of the thumb from this release admits air to the bottle and thus starts the flow. No need to return bottle to upright position to stop flow. Three sizes. Portable Pressure Embalmer Aspirates and Injects. 1-30 pounds pressure and vacuum. 1/6 HP motor. 115 volts AC. Weight 19 lbs. SLAUGHTER Nasal Tube NASAL TUBE A nasal tube further improved with its spherical tip and providing both end and side vent for better fluid dispersion. Chrome. Available in adult size only. ORDERING INFORMATION TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 PRODUCT Portable Pressure Emb. Cavity Fluid Injector Cavity Fluid Injector Cavity Fluid Injector Tubing Shut-Off CAT. NO. 1540 0855-3 0855-5 0855-7 1312L Slaughter Nasal Tube 0408 UNIT each Cavity Injector 3" Cavity Injector 5" Cavity Injector 7" Plain Tubing Shut-Off for 5/16" Tubing. each 48 ASPIRATING EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L SLAUGHTER Stopcocks and Accessories C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y MODEL 070S MODEL 871A A. A square body stock chrome-plated brass T handled standard female thread with slip-hub line apertures stopcock. Cat. No. 070S Stopcock. B. A Luer-Lok chrome-plated brass with T handled stopcock. Luer-Lok aperture fits hypo needles, arterial tubes and trocars. Cat. No. 070L Luer-Lok Stopcock. C. PE-10-L Stopcock. Designed to fit PE-10. Cat. No. PE10L. D. Black hard rubber stopcock. Cat. No. 070B. (Not Shown) E. Join adapters C & E to convert #825 & #826 Trocars to a #871 Thumb Control Valve Cat. No. 871A. Stop Cock Adapter. F. Converts female threaded stopcock to slip-hub. Cat. No. 0701 Adapter. G. Converts female threaded stopcock to Luer-Lok. Cat. No. 0070 TLA. H. Adapter, double male threaded adapter. Cat. No. 0702 Adapter. I. Adapter, converts male threaded stopcock to Luer-Lok fittings. Cat. No. 0704. (Not Shown) MODEL 070L MODEL PE10L MODEL 0701 MODEL 0070 SLAUGHTER Y’s An improved Y that offers the trade a more substantial and longer life instrument. When equipped with a square body stopcock it provides a quality Y. SLAUGHTER Y ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Slaughter Y Slaughter Y Slaughter Y Slaughter Y Slaughter Y 49 CAT. NO. 1609 1610 1611 1607 1608 DESCRIPTION Y with stopcock #070S. Y four way only, threaded hubs. Y four way only, slip hubs. Y with slip hubs only. Y with threaded mounts only. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 ASPIRATING EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y SLAUGHTER DRAIN TUBES #0306 Axillary Drain Tubes SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM #0299 Chrome plated seamless brass tubing, irrigated shaft. CAT. NO. LENGTH DIAMETER 0299 8-1/2" 3/8" 0300 8-1/2" 5/16" 0301 8-1/2" 1/4" 0302 8-1/2" 3/16" 0303 Set of any three. 0304 Set of any four. Jugular Super Drain Tubes Chrome plated seamless brass tubing, and fittings and irrigated shaft. CAT. NO. LENGTH DIAMETER 0306 7" 3/8" 0305 6" 5/16" 0307 6" 1/4" 0308 5" 3/16" 0309 Set of any three. 0310 Set of any four. Three Wire Drain Tube Three Wire Drain Tube keeps the veins open and allows the branching vessels to drain freely. CAT. NO. LENGTH 0399 9-1/2” Supreme Jugular Drain Tubes Eccentric probe points, elongated shaft. CAT. NO. LENGTH DIAMETER 0312A 6-1/2" 7/16" 0312B 6-1/2" 3/8" 0312C 6-1/2" 5/16" 0312D 6-1/2" 1/4" 0311 Set of any three. 0312 Set of any four. #0399 #0312A Conical Drain Tubes Chrome plated seamless brass tubing and irrigated barrels. CAT. NO. LENGTH DIAMETER 0355 8" 1/4" 0356 8" 3/16" #0355 #5006 Iliac Tubes Chrome plated seamless brass curved tube with irrigated barrels. CAT. NO. LENGTH DIAMETER 5006 20" 5/16" 5007 20" 3/8" 5008 14" 5/16" 5009 14" 3/8" TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 50 ASPIRATING EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y SLAUGHTER Hydro Aspirator The No. 1001 Slaughter Hydro Aspirator has automatic vacuum breaker and meets the approval of most health authorities. Can be easily taken apart to clean, and can furnish both vacuum and pressure. HYDRO ASPIRATOR EXTENSION Hydro Aspirator Extension Required by many states as a further precaution against pollution. Five inches long, just screw into top of Model 1001 Hydro Aspirator for instant service. Hydro Aspirator Clear View Sight Glass The No. 1005 Slaughter Hydro Aspirator Clear-View Sight Glass shows aspirated material before it passes into the HydroAspirator. SLAUGHTER’S Non-clogging Post Mortem Aspirator POST MORTEM ASPIRATOR SIGHT GLASS A perfect companion piece to the No. 1001 Hydro Aspirator. Both upper and lower evacuating surface provide non-clogging construction. Full chrome plate and brass construction. Champion Electro-Aspirator Lightweight, high vacuum pump with non-clogging Neoprene impeller. Self-priming. 1/6 HP. Water attachment (shown at right) provides a safe contamination free water supply. Built-in breather holes guarantee no flow reversal. The water supply from the attachment helps dilute and liquefy aspirated material for more rapid discharge and efficient operation. WATER ATTACHMENT Edwards Electro-Aspirator CHAMPION ASPIRATOR Portable, primeless, lightweight 1/3 HP. Pre-set 15" vacuum with bleeder valve. Requires no extensive plumbing. Shipped with tubing and adapter. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Hydro Aspirator Hydro Aspirator Extension Clear View Sight Glass Non-clogging Aspirator Champion Electro-Aspirator Water Attachment Edwards Electro-Aspirator Sink Strainer: 3-1/2” Sink Strainer: 1” 51 CAT. NO. 1001 S-1002 1005 850S 4011 4117 0555E 1050 1051 UNIT each each each each each each each each each EDWARDS ASPIRATOR SINK STRAINER TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 INSTRUMENTS, SCALPALS & BLADES H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION #800S Instruments #840S #851S #845S CAT. NO. 800S DESCRIPTION Aneurism Hook, Sharp/Pointed, Smooth Handle CAT. NO. 840S 840G 840F DESCRIPTION Aneurism Needle, with eye, Smooth Handle Aneurism Needle, with eye, Grooved Handle Aneurism Needle, with eye, Fluted Handle CAT. NO. 851S 852S DESCRIPTION Aneurism Needle, with eye, 2"Working Length Aneurism Needle, with eye, 7" Working Length CAT. NO. 845S DESCRIPTION Aneurism Needle, Flat Handle with thumb groove CAT. NO. 810M DESCRIPTION Combination Aneurism Needle & Vein Expander; Chrome Plated CAT. NO. 233L 234L DESCRIPTION Palette Knife, 3" Blade Palette Knife, 2 1/4" Blade CAT. NO. 870M DESCRIPTION Wax Spatula, Flexible Blade; 2"x 1/4” CAT. NO. 510V DESCRIPTION Gathering Forceps, 5 1/4" CAT. NO. 9150 DESCRIPTION Grooved Director & Fascia Needle with probe point, 5" Grooved Director & Fascia Needle with probe point, 5 1/2" Grooved Director & Fascia Needle with probe point, 6" #810M #233L #870M #510V #9150 9155 #950S 9156 #1968 #060S #900M CAT. NO. 950S 950B DESCRIPTION Senn Retractor, Double ended; 3 prongs, sharp Senn Retractor, Double ended; 3 prongs, blunt CAT. NO. 1968 DESCRIPTION Freer’s Elevator, Non-slip convex & concave, 7", Stainless Steel CAT. NO. 060S DESCRIPTION Bone Dissector, 6" CAT. NO. 900M 9005 9006 DESCRIPTION Grooved Director & Fascia Needle, 5" Grooved Director & Fascia Needle, 5 1/2" Grooved Director & Fascia Needle, 6" NOTE: Photos may be representational. Please review the description for details. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 52 INSTRUMENTS, SCALPALS & BLADES H Y D R O L DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION C H E M I C A L SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM #836V Stainless Steel Forceps CAT. NO. 836V 838V DESCRIPTION Kelly Forceps, 5 1/2", Straight Kelly Forceps, 5 1/2", Curved CAT. NO. 998MD DESCRIPTION Whitney Incision Spreader CAT. NO. 580M 582M DESCRIPTION Artery Fixation Forceps, 2-hole 5 1/2", Straight Artery Fixation Forceps, 3-hole 7 1/2", Curved CAT. NO. 310V DESCRIPTION Sterilizer Forceps, 8", 3 prong CAT. NO. 290M DESCRIPTION Artery Clamp, Straight CAT. NO. 700M 720M 710M DESCRIPTION Angular Vein Forceps, 12" Angular Vein Forceps, 5" Angular Vein Forceps, 7" CAT. NO. 120V 138V DESCRIPTION R-P Forceps, 6 1/4", Straight R-P Forceps, 6 1/4", Curved CAT. NO. 855V DESCRIPTION Needle Holder/Scissors Combination, 5 1/2" CAT. NO. 588V 590V DESCRIPTION Tube Occluding Forceps, 4 1/2", smooth jaws Straight Tube Occluding Forceps, 7" smooth jaws, Straight CAT. NO. 622V DESCRIPTION Bozeman Dressing Forceps 10 1/2", Double Curved CAT. NO. 675M DESCRIPTION Capillary Forceps (spring type) sharp points, 5", Curved CAT. NO. 064V 068V 614V 616V 618V DESCRIPTION Dressing Forceps, Dressing Forceps, Dressing Forceps, Dressing Forceps, Dressing Forceps, 4 1/2" 5 1/2" 8 10" 12" C O M P A N Y #998MD #580M #310V #290M #710M #120V #855V #588V #622V #675M #068V NOTE: Photos may be representational. Please review the description for details. 53 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 INSTRUMENTS, SCALPALS & BLADES H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION #516V Scissors CAT. NO. 516V 572M #056V #546V #536V #270M #304V #124V #504V DESCRIPTION Regular Straight Embalming Scissor Sharp/Blunt, 5 1/2" Regular Straight Embalming Scissor Sharp/Blunt, 5 1/2", Serrated Edge CAT. NO. 056V 570M DESCRIPTION Surgical Scissor Straight Sharp/Sharp, 5 1/2" Surgical Scissor Straight Sharp/Sharp, 5 1/2", Serrated Edge CAT. NO. 546V 576M DESCRIPTION Surgical Scissor Curved Sharp/Blunt, 5 1/2" Surgical Scissor Curved Sharp/Blunt, 5 1/2", Serrated Edge CAT. NO. 536V 574M DESCRIPTION Surgical Scissor Curved Sharp/Sharp, 5 1/2" Surgical Scissor Curved Sharp/Sharp, 5 1/2", Serrated Edge CAT. NO. 270M DESCRIPTION Artery & Vein Snub-Nose Scissor Straight, Blunt/Blunt, 4" CAT. NO. 304V DESCRIPTION Sharp Pointed Scissor Straight, 4 1/8" CAT. NO. 124V DESCRIPTION Dissecting Scissor Straight, 6 3/4" CAT. NO. 504V DESCRIPTION Bandage Scissor, 5 1/2" CAT. NO. 560V DESCRIPTION Bandage Scissor, 5 1/2" CAT. NO. 100M DESCRIPTION All purpose Shear, Serrated Non-Slip Cutting Edge, 8" #560V MODEL 100M NOTE: Photos may be representational. Please review the description for details. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 54 INSTRUMENTS, SCALPALS & BLADES H Y D R O L DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y HANDLES SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM Surgical Handles Manufactured from “cold formed” nickel silver or satin finish stainless steel, each handle is designed to incorporate smooth loading and balance. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION BPH3 Handle #3 (Uses #10, 11 & 12 Blades). BPH4 Handle #4 (Uses #21, 22, 23 & 24 Blades). BPH5 Handle #5 (Uses #10, 11 & 12 Blades). BPH8 Handle #8 ( Uses #60 Blade - Autopsy) Surgical Blades Blades are made of today’s top grade surgical steel and uncompromisingly exceed even the highest standards. Blades are individually wrapped in an easy to use peel-open package. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION BP10 Blade #10 BP11 Blade #11 BP12 Blade #12 BP20 Blade #20 BP21 Blade #21 BP22 Blade #22 BP23 Blade #23 BP60 Blade #60 BLADES SHOWN: LEFT TO RIGHT Disposable Scalpel Scalpels incorporate superior stainless steel blade on a uniquely designed handle. Each scalpel is supplied with a flexible blade cover for complete user protection. Sterile scalpels are packaged 10 per box. Non-sterile scalpels are packaged 100 per box. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION BP10S Blade #10 Non-Sterile BP11S Blade #11 Non-Sterile BP15 Blade #15 Non-Sterile BP21 Blade #21 Non-Sterile Retractable Safety Scalpel The retractable safety scalpel effectively addresses the risk of injury and infection. Operates easily with one finger. Packaged CAT. NO. MX10 MX11 MX15 in non-sterile boxes of 10 individual pouches. DESCRIPTION Blade #10 Sterile Blade #11 Sterile Blade #15 Sterile RETRACTABLE SAFETY SCALPEL NOTE: Photos may be representational. Please review the description for details. Photos NOT to scale. 55 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 THREAD, SUTURE & INJECTOR NEEDLES H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y THREAD SPOOL SLAUGHTER Thread Passer Slaughter Thread Passers provide a quick, efficient and clean method for passing thread under any vessel for ligating. Simply pass the "Threader" under the vessel, grasp the loose end of thread, withdraw the passer to desired length of thread and cut off with built-in shearing blade. THREAD PASSER Thread Passer Blades are also available. SLAUGHTER Replacement Spools This thread is made to fit the Slaughter Thread Passer cylinder. Replacement spools are loaded with 1-1/2 ounces high quality ligating thread. Blade Remover This Blade Remover removes all standard blades; 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22 and 23. However, it is neither FDA approved nor OSHA compliant. BLADE REMOVER NEW! Blade Remover The world’s first single handed surgical blade remover. Removes all common blades from most size No. 3 and No. 4 scalpel handles. No Fingers! No Forceps! No Resheathing! No Injury! Holds 100 discarded blades. When it comes to state-of-the-art in blade removal systems nothing compares to QLICKSMART. Simply insert the blade into the slot until a “click” is heard and then remove handle. QLICKSMART holds 100 blades in a sealed container and is disposed of as medical waste. It’s no wonder QLICKSMART is today’s NEW standard in blade removal systems. FDA registered as a storage container and is OSHA compliant. QLICKSMART ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Thread Passer Thread Passer Blades Thread Passer Spools Blade Remover Qlicksmart TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. T555 B555 555T MS48 QS48 UNIT each each each 10 per pack. each 56 THREAD, SUTURE & INJECTOR NEEDLES H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Waxed Linen High quality, strong waxed line suture thread. Recommended for all-purpose and post-mortem stitching. CAT. NO. UNIT 7607 1 lb. spool WAXED LINEN #721F #7607 #721F Surgeon’s Linen An extremely strong, light-weight linen suture thread. Excellent for the most delicate suturing on visible areas of the body. CAT. NO. UNIT 721F 2 oz. spool Surgeon’s Linen Coarse, strong, surgeon’s linen thread. Useful for general suturing. CAT. NO. UNIT 756C 2 oz. spool TWISTED COTTON BLACK NYLON Nylon A fine synthetic fiber thread. Strong , moisture resistant. CAT. NO. UNIT 7220T 1 lb. spool Twisted Cotton Black Strong, yet soft and pliable. Ideal for all common suturing and ligating operations. 1 lb. spool. CAT. NO. STRAND CAT. NO. STRAND 7585 5-strand. 7586 6-strand 7587 7-strand. #7585 #7220T Twisted Cotton Natural The finest grade of polished twisted cotton thread. Natural color. Stretch resistant, strong, lays smooth. 1 lb. spool. CAT. NO. STRAND CAT. NO. STRAND 7595 5-strand. 7596 6-strand 7597 7-strand. Heavy Post-Mortum White A high quality braided cotton thread. Ideal for routine ligating. 1 lb. spool. CAT. NO. STRAND 758B 7-strand. TWISTED COTTON NATURAL #7595 57 HEAVY POST MORTUM WHITE #758B TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 THREAD, SUTURE & INJECTOR NEEDLES H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y NOTE: Photos are not to actual scale and are representative. DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION 1 Half-Curved Needles CAT. NO. 1821 DESCRIPTION Plain Eye 2 UNIT each or per doz. 4 6 Back Curve Needles CAT. NO. 1816 DESCRIPTION Plain Eye UNIT each or per doz. DESCRIPTION Plain Eye 10 #1821 3/8” Circle Needles CAT. NO. 1813 8 5 12 14 UNIT each or per doz. 4 3 2 1 Full Circle Needles CAT. NO. 1812 DESCRIPTION Plain Eye UNIT each or per doz. Half-Curved Post-Mortem Needles CAT. NO. 1820 DESCRIPTION Plain Eye UNIT each or per doz. #1816 #1813 Double Curved Post-Mortem Needles CAT. NO. 1819 DESCRIPTION Plain Eye UNIT each or per doz. 1 2 WHEN ORDERING SURGICAL NEEDLES, PLEASE SPECIFY SIZE ALONG WITH STYLE. 4 6 14 8 10 12 #1812 00 #1820 0 1 2 00 3 4 0 1 2 0 1 #1819 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 4 3 2 58 THREAD, SUTURE & INJECTOR NEEDLES H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y SLAUGHTER Needle Holder The Slaughter Needle Holder is a very useful unit for keeping needles readily available and in good condition. Stainless Steel spring holds all size needles. SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM SLAUGHTER Needle Injector & Needles The needle injector provides the profession with a practical instrument for closing the jaws. It is easy to use and control. It drives an arrowheaded needle into the jawbones, just beyond the teeth, by means of a spring driven trip-hammer. Tension can be increased or decreased thus permitting the operator to control the force of the injector. SLAUGHTER Electric Needle Injector The Slaughter Electric Needle Injector is much easier to use than a manual gun, and affords excellent control. It is useful for especially hard or soft bone. The injector is dependable, durable and practically maintenance free. ORDERING INFORMATION RODUCT Needle Holder Needle Injector T-Bar Handle Attachment Brass Injector Needles Injector Needles Electric Needle Injector 59 CAT. NO. 0109S 1150 1151 1152 1153 S7035 UNIT each each each gross gross each TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 BRUSHES H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Round Pure Red Sable Flat Pure Red Sable CAT. NO. 3617R CAT. NO. 3617 UNIT each #12 #10 Pure White Bristle CAT. NO. 2788 UNIT each 1” #7 #5 #12 #3 UNIT each #8 NOTE: Photos may be representational. Please review the description for details. Photos NOT to scale. WHEN ORDERING BRUSHES, PLEASE SPECIFY SIZE ALONG WITH STYLE. 3/4” TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 1/2” 1/4” 1” #6 #3 #1 Dark Ox Hair CAT. NO. 4614 3/4” UNIT each 1/2” 60 BRUSHES H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Fine White Bristle Stippling Brush Finest Camel Hair Lip Brush & Eye Liner CAT. NO. 1131 CAT. NO. 9620 CAT. NO. 623L 624E UNIT each #12 #8 #4 UNIT each #5 #3 UNIT each. each. #1 Lip Eye Camel Hair Lacquering Brush Brush Wash Dusting Brush CAT. NO. 7842 CAT. NO. 0186 CAT. NO. 411G UNIT each 1” 3/4” 1/2” 3/8” UNIT each UNIT each 1/4” #8 61 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 EMBALMING AIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L WEBRIL PREP TOWELS C O M P A N Y CELL-U-COTTON DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Webril Prep Towels Non-woven lint-free absorbent fabric made from 100% pure top grade cotton fibers. Absorbs up to 10 times its own weight. Self-adhering. Forms strips or pads of any bulk or width. 12” roll. Plastic Dispenser Rack available (see price list). CAT. NO. UNIT 9200 each Cell-U-Cotton ABSORBENT COTTON High Capillary, crepe-cellulose that absorbs moisture three to five times faster that cotton. Soft, fluffy, efficient and economical. Rolls are 10 ply thick, 12" and 24" wide. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 9201 - 12” each 9202 - 24” each Absorbent Cotton PLASTER OF PARIS Fine grade, long fiber, highly absorbent cotton. CAT. NO. UNIT 9297 1 lb. sealed rolls. Plaster of Paris Bandage Orthoplast bandage comes in two 3" wide x 3 yards long or 4" x 5 yards long, one dozen per pack. Sets up in 5- 9 minutes. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 9206 - 3” 2-rolls 9207 - 4” 2-rolls ADHERENT WRAP Self Adherent Wrap Natural latex, 2"X 5 yds. Breathable, yet water repellent. CAT. NO. UNIT 9103 each Adhesive Skin Closures SKIN CLOSURES Made of a non-woven nylon material which conforms to incision sites, 1/2" x 4", 3-strips/sheet. CAT. NO. UNIT 9115 1 doz. sheets Webril Bandage Made from the same highly absorbent, self-adhering cotton material as the Webril Prep Towels. Available in 2" x 4 yd. rolls, for binding gangrenous limbs making them leak proof. CAT. NO. UNIT 1418 24 per bag WEBRIL BANDAGE Upholstery Cotton UPHOLSTERY COTTON TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 Inexpensive brown cotton. Perfect for padding casket. 24" wide, 13 to 17 lb rolls. CAT. NO. UNIT 9301 each 62 EMBALMING AIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y EZI Calvarium Clamp System The EZI Calvarium Clamp allows the calvarium to be securely positioned by the use of three clamps, one on either side of the temporal region and a third clamp situated in the occipital region of the saw cut. The locking mechanism of the Calvarium Clamp enables the clamp tag to be cut off flush with the top portion of the clamp, thus confidently presenting a non-intrusive appearance in the final presentation of the restoration of the head. The clamps are convenient and easy to install with the use of the purpose-made applicator. 36 per package. EZI CLAMP The EZI Clamp Applicator provides additional security in the placement of the EZI Calvarium Clamp. The applicator and the tag cutter are a one-time purchase and essential parts of the EZI Calvarium Clamp System. EZI APPLICATOR SLAUGHTER Bar Chin Support Needle points impact the bone structures for positive support in difficult cases. BAR CHIN SUPPORT ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT EZI Clamp EZI Applicator Bar Chin Support 63 CAT. NO. EZ1C EZ1A 1121 UNIT each each each TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 EMBALMING AIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION HEADREST Disposable Headrest PERFECTION EYE CAPS Durable polystyrene. 4 heights for head, arm or leg. Stabilizes and supports remains for easier embalming, dressing and shipping. CAT. NO. UNIT 1129 each Perfection Eye Caps Available in Transparent and Pink. Please Specify. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 1706 Adult 24 per box 1707 Child 24 per box 1706 Med. 24 per box PIERCE EYE CAPS CRANIAL CAP Pierce Eye Caps Eye caps available in oval shape, flesh or clear color, and child or adult size. Please specify. Per gross. CAT. NO. CAT. NO. 1725F Adult flesh 1726F Child flesh 1725C Adult clear 1726C Child clear Cranial Cap SKULL CLAMP This concealed moisture repellent cap prevents stains by catching head leakage in accident and autopsied cases. Adjustable. CAT. NO. UNIT 2106 each CALVARIUM CLAMP NATURAL EXPRESSION FORMER Skull Clamp Spring-tension nylon clamps hold calvaria firmly on the base of skull in head-post cases. CAT. NO. UNIT 3230 2 doz. per box Calvarium Clamp Resetting the cap in cranial autopsy is a job that must be done right the first time. Once placed, it must never shift or move. CAT. NO. UNIT P136 20 per box Natural Expression Former Crystal clear flexible vinyl. Sharp spurs assure fast, easy application. CAT. NO. UNIT 3233 12 per box Dental Simulator A pink flesh-colored soft plastic that is formed to the curvature of the teeth. Small molded spurs hold lips where you set them. CAT. NO. UNIT 3234 12 per box DENTAL SIMULATOR DENTURE REPLACEMENT Denture Replacement Replaces dentures and corrects distortion. CAT. NO. UNIT 3936 12 per box TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 64 EMBALMING AIDS H Y D R O L DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION C H E M I C A L SNIP-TIP BUTTONS C O M P A N Y TROCAR BUTTONS Snip-Tip Trocar Buttons A vented impervious trocar appliance. Serves as an ordinary trocar button. Snip the tip and it’s a vented safety valve. Cross-slot head design fits two prong applicator or flat bladed instrument. Pink flesh molded plastic. CAT. NO. UNIT FD21 1 gross per box Trocar Buttons Insert the trocar button into the incision with a twisting turn of applicator for instantaneous leakproof closure. Holds firmly, fits all trocar incisions. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 1125 1 gross per box 1126 each (Applicator) AV CLOSURE MULTICLOSURE AV Closure Anal and vaginal closure. Assures a complete and thorough closure of these orifices. AV closures prevent leakage. CAT. NO. UNIT AV25 each Multi-Closure Use to close; I.V. lines, trocar incisions, tracheostomies, and feeding tube holes. CAT. NO. UNIT MC25 50 per box ARM & HAND POSITIONER Arm and Hand Positioner Holds both the arm and the forearm during embalming, and may also be utilized after dressing to hold arms in position while casketing subject. CAT. NO. UNIT 0205 each ADJUSTO BLOCK Adjusto Block Provides 10 positions for arms, legs, and head. Only four points of block contact table. Non-slip and non-skidding to hold arms in position on table surfaces. Available in black and white rubber and new heavy-duty dye resistant plastic. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 1127B each 1127W each 1128B each (Rubber) SUCTION CUP HOLDER Suction Cup Tube Holder Stainless clip holds tubing in place. Cup adheres to any smooth, flat surface CAT. NO. UNIT SC49 each Magnetic Tube Holder MAGNETIC HOLDER Stainless clip attached to the base with a permanent magnet holds on steel and cast iron. CAT. NO. UNIT MH50 each 65 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 SUNDRY SUPPLIES H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION DEPEND DIAPERS Depend Diapers BABY CASE Depend diapers are made of the highest quality absorbent material available covered in an outer layer of non-absorbing cotton and plastic to control leakage and odors. Before applying, sprinkle pad with Guard to prevent decomposition. CAT. NO. UNIT 8999 10 per pack Extension Baby Case Heavy plywood veneer, covered with black leatherette and chrome plated hardware. Case closed: 27” x 11-1/2” x 9-1/2”. Extends to 48”. Lined interior. CAT. NO. UNIT CC99 each REFERENCE BOOK The Principles and Practice of Embalming ANATOMICAL CHARTS The fourth edition of The Principles and Practice of Embalming, by C. G. Strub and L. G. Federick, is a hardback text and reference book. CAT. NO. UNIT F211 each Anatomical Charts RECORD BOOK The charts present at a glance the divisions and subdivisions of all the vessels, beginning at the heart and tracing their continous distribution to the periphery, cross section, triangles, important relations and points of ligation are also beautifully illustrated. CAT. NO. UNIT 750A each (Arterial) 751V each (Venous) 752T each (Topographical) Funeral Record Book Complete, concise report of each funeral on 10" x 15" sheets bound in Maroon Buckram Hard Cover. 300 or 600 page volumes alphabetically indexed. Also available in Loose Leaf form with metal reinforced black leatherette Binder, 100 sheets per set, and Binder Alphabetical Index with tab. CAT. NO. UNIT 9914 each (300 page book) 9948 each (Binder set; Binder, 100 sheets & index) Hoky Sweeper HOKY SWEEPER TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 The Hoky Commercial Sweeper features all steel construction. It is excellent for all types of floors including deep-pile and long-loop carpeting. It requires no hoses, bags, or electrical connections. The Hoky is easy to use and easy to empty. It is sanitary, effective and washable. All parts are replaceable. CAT. NO. UNIT 024S each 66 SUNDRY SUPPLIES H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Baby Casket and Vault Made of high-impact polystyrene with color and finish molded into the basic material for complete permanence. Each casket comes with a vault cover proportional to each size casket. BABY CASKET Available sizes are 18", 21", 24", 30", and 36" lengths. Exterior colors are white, pink, or blue with either a Golden Frost or Plush finish. Interior colors are white, pink or blue in shirred satin, crepe or velvet. Be sure to indicate size and color combination when ordering. Combination Casket Air-Tray Woodbase tray with cardboard lined interior mattress, waterproof plastic sheet, styrofoam head block, two restraining straps for stabilizing body during shipment. Wood interpanels with wood panel lid, tie down straps (two per side). Outer cover white cardboard, secured with two side straps, and one strap end to end. Six outer case handles, two each side and one each end. ATA approved test 750 lbs. Approximate weight 45lbs. FOB Durham, NC. COMBINATION AIR-TRAY Cremation Tray Full woodbase (waferboard) bottom, and 1" x 3" framed, six lifting handles, absorbent leak-proof sheet, styrofoam headblock and corrugated cover, approximate weight of the tray is 30 lbs. FOB Durham, NC. CREMATION TRAY Wood Base Air-Tray 3/8" plywood bottom with 1" x 4" frame. White double wall corrugated hood. Casket bag enclosed. Sturdy nylon handles securely fastened. Shipped FOB Durham, NC. Ziegler and Utility Cases are Available but Not Shown ORDERING INFORMATION RODUCT Baby Casket and Vault Combination Casket Cremation Tray Wood Base Air Tray Wood base Air Tray-Oversized 67 CAT. NO. M333 AF23 AF22 AF20 AF21 WOOD AIR-TRAY UNIT each each each each each TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 SUNDRY SUPPLIES H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L VISCERIA CONTAINER C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION ISOLYSER Visceria Container Green plastic bucket with tight fitting lid. A handy item for the prep room. CAT. NO. UNIT VC95 each Isolyser An easy to use system for disinfection of sharps and other small infectious waste. Meets OSHA and EPA regulations. Available in 2.4 & 4.0 liter containers. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 2400 each (2.4 liter) 4000 each (4.0 liter) SS Sterilizing Tray STERILIZING TRAY Will handle largest trocar plus all other prep room items. Stainless Steel; 28" x 4" x 4" with full length hinged lid. CAT. NO. UNIT 1044 each Formasorb Formasorb packets absorb and chemically neutralize formaldehyde spills for easy cleanup. Size: 12"x 14". CAT. NO. UNIT 8600 12 per case FORMASORB First Aid Station FIRST AID STATION Includes aluminum cabinet, 24-7/8” x 40” x 10”. Emergency Stretcher, First Aid Kit and 62"x 80" Utility Blanket. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 6021 each (Complete) 8115 each (First Aid only) Steril-I-Tray STERIL-I-TRAY BUCKET SOAP DISPENSER High impact PVC tray with lift off cover. Easy to clean white finish. Accepts all size trocars and instruments. 31" L x 5-1/4" W x 4" H. Compatable with Hydrol Hy-phen Disinfectant and most other disinfecting brands. CAT. NO. UNIT 1045 each Stainless Steel Bucket Made of high quality Stainless Steel with carrying handle. CAT. NO. UNIT 5814 each (13 quart) Soap Dispenser SHARPS CONTAINER Stainless Steel Valve. Separate wall plate for easy installation. CAT. NO. UNIT 0096 each Sharps Container OSHA compliant containers, with orange and yellow biohazard label. Stocked sizes, 1.5 and 6.9 qt. Other sizes available. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 15qt each 69qt each TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 68 PLASTIC GOODS H Y D R O L DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM Plastic Stockings Fold over nylon covered elastic will stretch over dropsy leg or hold tightly on thin leg. Sizes cut very full for easy slip-on. CAT. NO. UNIT 304P each (Please specify size; S-M-L-XL) Plastic Coveralls Made to fit up under arms of male and over breasts of female to underarms. Cut very full, for slip-on. Fold-over nylon covered elastic. CAT. NO. UNIT 325P each (Please specify size; S-M-L-XL) Plastic Pants Fold-over nylon covered elastic, cut very full, will fit smallest waist as well as largest waist. CAT. NO. UNIT 324P each (Please specify size; S-M-L-XL) Plastic Capri Pants Combination pant and stocking with full leg and foot covering, reaches to waist. Elastic top with fold-over nylon cover. Cut very full. CAT. NO. UNIT 340P each (Please specify size; S-M-L-XL) Plastic Union Suits Complete covering for body, feet to neck, Elastic on wrist and neck; 33" zipper from neck to crotch. CAT. NO. UNIT 330P each (Please specify size; S-M-L-XL-XXL) Plastic Shirts Length of shirt comes below waist with elastic at the bottom, wrist and neck and a 33" zipper. CAT. NO. UNIT 331P each (Please specify size; S-M-L-XL) 69 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 PLASTIC GOODS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION GREEN VINYL SHEET Green Vinyl Sheet Medium weight. Size: 54" x 96" - hemmed. CAT. NO. UNIT RR75 each Plastic Sheets PLASTIC SHEETS CAT. NO. U321 321W U322 322W UNIT each. each. each. each. Plastic Sheet, 36” x 84” White Opaque, 36” x 84” Plastic Sheet, 54” x 84” White Opaque, 54” x 84” Viscera Pail Liner Handle viscera this easy way with plastic pail liner. Made of heavy gauge plastic, fits well over edge of pail. Comes with special ties, 30" long x 25" wide. CAT. NO. UNIT U308 each VISCERA PAIL LINER VISCERA BAG Viscera Bag This is a very light-gauge plastic material. Open end of viscera bag is gathered in the hand like a paper bag. It is then twisted and secured with a draw string. CAT. NO. UNIT H562 each Pediatric Pouch RUBBER APRON Disposable white opaque vinyl pouch. Size: 27” x 48” with full center zipper. CAT. NO. UNIT U307 each Rubber Apron Adjustable strap, medium weight, green only. Size: 32" x 42". CAT. NO. UNIT R702 each PEDIATRIC POUCH Plastic Casket Cover With ties, used to protect caskets against rain and dampness; not to be used as a showroom cover. Size: 88" long x 36" wide x 18" deep. CAT. NO. UNIT U314 each CASKET COVER TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 70 BURIAL & PICK-UP POUCHES H Y D R O L DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM Rubberized Pouch Maroon Rubberized Canvas Pouch, a combination litter, pick-up and burial pouch. 90" long, 58" girth, with center zipper. CAT. NO. UNIT 3501 each (4 handles) 3502 each (6 handles) Heavy Duty Pouch Extra Heavy Gauge Disposable Pouch. 90" long, 36" wide, 72" girth, with center zipper. CAT. NO. UNIT 310P each (No handles) Flap-over Pouch Flap-over Pouch. 90" long, 36" wide, 72" girth, with flap-over zipper. CAT. NO. UNIT U306 each (6 handles) Zipper Pouch Disposable zipper. CAT. NO. U313 313W Vinyl Pouch. 90" long, 36" wide, 72" girth, with center UNIT each (No handles) each (White opaque) Six Handle Pouch Black Vinyl Heavy Duty Disaster Pouch. 90" long, 36" wide, 72" girth, with center zipper. CAT. NO. UNIT U305 each (No handles) U312 each (6 handles) Economy Pouch Disposable Flap-over Vinyl Pouch. 90" long, 36" wide, 72" girth, with flap-over zipper. CAT. NO. UNIT 327W each (White opaque) U327 each 71 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 GROOMING AIDS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION TISSUE DRYER Tissue Dryer For reducing swollen eyes caused by accident, gunshot wounds or edema. For removing wrinkles around the eyes and lips, after embalming. For removing marks on sides of the nose caused by glasses. For replacing character lines of the face, particularly from nose to corners of mouth. For drying out accident wounds, before waxing. For smoothing down and feathering out edges of all types of wound fillers and modeling waxes. CAT. NO. UNIT 3289D each (Deluxe set. All three blades) Dry Shampoo Cleans hair without soap or water and removes grease and grit. It leaves hair soft and glistening. CAT. NO. UNIT 0191 each DRY SHAMPOO Hair Cutting Set HAIR CUTTING SET A complete outfit for cutting hair. Set contains: single cut clipper with blade guard, 2 attachment combs, barber comb, shears, oil, instruction book, storage tray. CAT. NO. UNIT L958 each Barber’s Shears CAT. NO. 1185 BARBER’S SHEARS UNIT each Flat Black Comb, 9” CAT. NO. 0077 UNIT each Dressing Shears FLAT COMB DRESSING SHEARS 8", Full Nickel Plated. CAT. NO. UNIT 158C each Brush 7 Row Pure Bristle slotted hardwood block. CAT. NO. UNIT 1168 each Pants Forms BRUSH PANTS FORMS TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 Wired cardboard covered with a black cotton cloth. 33" x 7-1/2". CAT. NO. UNIT 8050 each 8052 each (Economy) 72 EMBALMERS’ APPAREL H Y D R O L DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION C H E M I C A L RUBBER AUTOPSY C O M P A N Y LATEX AUTOPSY Heavy Rubber Autopsy Gloves CAT. NO. 26-646 UNIT 12 box (Specify size: 7-10) Heavy Latex Autopsy Gloves CAT. NO. 46-323 UNIT 12 box (Specify size: 7-10) Disposable Latex Surgical Gloves CAT. NO. 470P 469P DISPOSABLE SURGICAL UNIT 100 box (XL=90) (Specify size: M-L-XL) 100 box (XL=90) (Powder free. Specify size: S-M-L-XL) Disposable Vinyl Gloves CAT. NO. 455T UNIT 100 box (Specify size: S-M-L) Walleted Latex Surgical Gloves CAT. NO. 462P UNIT 12 box (Specify size: 7-9) DISPOSABLE VINYL Disposable Latex Surgical Gloves CAT. NO. 464P UNIT 50 box (Specify size: S-M-L-XL) Nitrile Gloves A continuous polymer coating naturally eliminates all potential allergies. 100% latex free. Excellent donnability even with damp hands. CAT. NO. UNIT 475N 100 box (XL=90) (9-1/2”. Specify size: S-M-L-XL) 477N 100 box (XL=90) (12”. Specify size: S-M-L-XL) WALLETED LATEX DISPOSABLE SURGICAL Plastic Lab Coat, Apron & Sleeves The short sleeve lab coat is excellent for all types of lab work. When spoiled, slip off, wash off, and shake off excess water. One size fits all. The laboratory apron, long bib style, with ties. Stress points reinforced with grommets. 36" Wide, 48" Long. CAT. NO. UNIT 310PL pair 311P pair NITRILE GLOVES The plastic sleeves are 18" long with elastic on both ends. Excellent to use when doing work where your arms would normally be exposed CAT. NO. UNIT 316P each (Sleeves) PLASTIC LAB SET 73 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 EMBALMERS’ APPAREL H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y BARRIER AND DISPOSABLE LAB COAT *** OSHA requires the employer to evaluate the type of exposure anticipated and select the appropriate clothing that prevents contamination of an employee’s skin or clothing by blood or other potentially infectious materials. *** Barrier Lab Coat An impervious traditional CLOTH lab coat; 2 side pockets, 1 breast pocket and collar. The sizes available are; (M) Medium, (L) Large, (XL) X-Large, and (XXL) XX-Large. Please specify size when ordering. Colors; Blue and white. Disposable Lab Coat A Universal Precautions Lab Coat with collar, two side and 1 breast pocket, and knit cuffs. The 3-ply blue material has the potential for moderate fluid contact. However this is not a barrier lab coat. The sizes available are; (M) Medium, (L) Large, (XL) XLarge, and (XXL) XX-Large. Please specify size when ordering. The M-L-XL sixes are packed 25 per case. and the XXL is packed 10 per case. Disposable Procedure Gown, Impervious Fluid resistant blue gown has knit cuffs , an impervious film laminate and a soft to the touch inner lining. Available in (U) Universal packed 100 per case, and (XL) X-Large packed 100 per case. Deluxe Gown Deluxe Gown with knit cuffs. (XL) X-Large. White. Packed 50 per case. NOTE: Photo same as Impervious above. PROCEDURE GOWN ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Barrier Lab Coat Disposable Lab Coat Disposable Lab Coat Disposable Lab Coat Disposable Lab Coat Impervious Gown Deluxe Gown TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. 0437 3202 (M)) 3203 (L) 3204 (XL) 3205 (XXL) 336 335P UNIT each case case case case case case 74 EMBALMERS’ APPAREL H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Comfort Gown, Impervious This open back gown features a plastic film outer and a softto-the-touch inner lining. Sleeves have thumb loops to keep them from riding up arms. Available in universal size only and packed 75 per case. COMFORT GOWN Disposable Reinforced Gown This surgical style gown is reinforced in the mid-torso area and lower sleeves. Available in (L) Large size only and packed 46 per case. Shoe Covers Extra Traction Shoe Cover, sealed seams to prevent leakage, available in Universal and (XL) X-large sizes. (Please specify). Universal size packed 50 pair per box and (XL) X-large size packed 40 pair per box. REINFORCED GOWN Hi-Guard Ultra Full Coverage, designed to cover the shoe and lower leg approx. 18”, available in (XL) X-large size only. Packed 4 boxes of 30 each. NOTE: Other personal protective garments available, please contact your sales representative or office for further details. SHOE COVERS ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Comfort Gown Reinforced Gown Shoe Covers Hi-Guard Covers 75 CAT. NO. 338P 333B 300 300S UNIT case case box box TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 H Y D R O L SANAPRON PAPER PRODUCTS C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION DURA-WEVE SAMPLE What is Dura-Weve? Dura-Weve consists of several layers of soft wet strength towel grade tissue reinforced by a network of rayon threads. The threads are laminated between the various layers with a gluing agent resulting in a combination of softness and strength. Waterproof: In order to make Dura-Weve even more efficient, it has been coated on one side with polyethylene. Dura-Weve is used in all of our Sanapron Disposable Paper Products. Sanapron Aprons SANAPRON APRON PROFESSIONAL TOWELS Disposable aprons; 25” x 40”, material is absorbent on one side and waterproof on the other. CAT. NO. UNIT PACKAGING 1141 25 per box 8 boxes per case Sanapron Bibs (NOT SHOWN) Disposable Bibs; 20"x 20" ideal for applying cosmetics and to protect clothing when shipping the body. CAT. NO. UNIT 1625 50 per box Sanapron Sheets Disposable Sheets; 40"x 90", material is absorbent on one side and waterproof on the other. CAT. NO. UNIT PACKAGING 1100 12 per box 6 boxes per case Economy Sheets (NOT SHOWN) Disposable Sheets; 40"x 90", consist of 3 layers of tissue grade material with a poly backing. CAT. NO. UNIT 1110 50 per case Sanapron Pillow Cases (NOT SHOWN) Disposable Pillow Cases; 32"x 20", protects pillows. CAT. NO. UNIT 1749 12 per box Professional Towels Professional Heavy Duty Towel, scrim reinforced towel grade material, size 13” x 20”. CAT. NO. UNIT 1320 500 per case SANAPRON SHEETS TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 Professional Towels CAT. NO. 314P (NOT SHOWN) UNIT 100 per roll 76 PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L Eyewash Fountain C O M P A N Y EYEWASH FOUNTAIN Eyewash fountain provides soft aerated streams to clean foreign particles or liquids from the eyes. Delivers 5 GPM at 40 PSI. Large stainless steel push handle on 1/2" IPS stay-open valve. Twin eyewash heads are attached to a chrome plated brass yoke. Emergency sign for wall included. Eyewash Drench Shower Includes 10" diameter yellow impact-resistant, plastic showerhead with 1" IPS stay open ball valve and SS pull rod with triangular handle. Pull open – push close. Eyewash is same as S1922 shown to right. OSHA compliant. EYEWASH DRENCH SHOWER Hand-Held Drench Hose 8’ yellow reinforced thermo-plastic hose, burst strength 250 PSI, has 3/8" IPS male thread. This hand-held drench hose may be used "as is" or with other safety equipment. It is a supplement to, and not a replacement for shower/eye wash units. HAND-HELD DRENCH SHOWER Drench Shower 10" diameter yellow impact-resistant plastic chrome plated brass 1" stay-open ball valve 10" diameter yellow impact-resistant plastic. Chrome plated brass 1" stay-open ball valve operated by stainless steel pull rod with triangular handle. Pull open – push close. Signs Signs are printed on split-peel, pressure-sensitive stock for quick application to any smooth surface. DRENCH SHOWER VARIOUS SIGNS ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Eyewash Fountain Eyewash/Drench Shower Hand-Held Drench Hose Drench Shower Biohazard Sign: 8” x 10” Formaldehyde Sign: 8” x 10” Biohazard Lables: 3” x 4” Biohazard Labels: 3” x 4” Contaminated Apparel: 3-1/2” x 6” Contaminated Equipment: 3-1/2” x 6” 77 CAT. NO. S1922 S19-310 S19-430A S19-120 8800 8801 8950 8951 UNIT each each each each each each 12 pack 100 pack 8802 each 8803 each TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L PROTECTIVE KIT C O M P A N Y BARRIER APPAREL DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Protective Apparel Kit Disposable and safe. Exceeds standards set by leading health agencies. Kit contains: waterproof full hood, plastic safety goggles, 3M charcoal filter mask, 2 pr. ambi-vinyl gloves, full zipper poly-coated non-woven jump suit with elastic at wrist and ankles, and waterproof shoe covers. CAT. NO. UNIT 0005 each (Complete kit. Sizes: M-L-XL-XXL) Barrier Apparel Reusable but disposable, a unique combination! This special material can be washed up to 12x before discarding. Backless for comfort, sleeves have elasticized cuffs. 2 sets of ties. CAT. NO. UNIT 0584 each (Apron/Gown. Sizes: L-XL) 0437 each (Short coat. Sizes: M-L-XL) Embalming Kit Handy and economical. Prevents cross-contamination. Includes scalpel, forcep, scissors, hemostat, aneurism hook, drain tube, arterial tube, and disposable vinyl gloves. CAT. NO. UNIT D100 each EMBALMING KIT Safety Goggles Chemical Splash Goggle provides complete protection against splashing liquids, dust, and flying particles. Fits over personal glasses. Features; .050 thick polycarbonate anti-fog lenses and 4 air vents for added comfort. Rubber headband. CAT. NO. UNIT 0014 each Formaldehyde Test Kit Meets OSHA guidelines testing kit. Contains 2 long-term 8 hour exposure monitors (TWA), and 2 short-term 15 minute monitors (STEL). Developing instructions are included and results are readable immediately CAT. NO. UNIT 9999 each SAFETY GOGGLES Pick-Up and Removal Kit Kit includes 3M Face Mask, Poly Barrier Gown, pair of Latex Gloves, and Red Disposal bag. Packed in ziplock bag. CAT. NO. UNIT 0025 each FORMALDEHYDE TEST KIT TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 PICK-UP AND REMOVAL KIT 78 PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y EYE SHIELD Eye Shield Mask Heavy 7ml. anti-fog eye shield permanently attached to mask. Protects eyes from splashes and with foam pads at top and bottom for comfort. Mask has a full flexible nosepiece sealed inside mask. Earloops are soft stretch yarn. CAT. NO. UNIT 2006 each SPLASH VISOR Splash Visor Disposable visor for liquid splash is economical and comfortable with Velcro headbank. Shield is 8" H x 13" W x .010". Visor is for splash protection only – not impact protection. CAT. NO. UNIT 8131 each Flip-Up Face Shield For complete protection against splash. Sturdy and lightweight. Comfortable to wear. Shield flips up when not in use. Plastic replacement shields available. Adjustable fit. CAT. NO. UNIT 0007 each (Complete hood) 0006 each (Replacement visor) FLIP-UP SHIELD 3M Nuisance Mask Comfortable, lightweight, and economical. This mask is useful against many nuisance odors found in the prep room. Single use or reuseable. Elastic straps hold the mask in place without pinching or binding. Can not be worn with formaldehyde vapors. CAT. NO. UNIT 9913 each N95 Particulate Respirator This mask meets CDC guidelines for TB exposure control and designed to help provide respiratory protection to the wearer and is certified by NIOSH. CAT. NO. UNIT 1860 20 per case NUISANCE MASK N95 MASK Formaldehyde Mask Approved for respiratory protection against not more than 10 parts per million formaldehyde by volume. 3M fitting instructions should be requested. Ask your representative or Hydrol. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 5105 each (Size: S) 5205 each (Size: M) 5305 each (Size: L) FORMALDEHYDE MASK 79 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM CHAPEL EQUIPMENT C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Metalcraft Price Markers Metalcraft price markers are made of solid metal with a heavy finishing plate. Because of their tab widths, the numbers adjust automatically for proper spacing in the base regardless of the combination of numbers used. The numbers fit securely into the slotted base, yet can be changed easily and quickly. Casket Assortments Metalcraft casket assortments are available in 1/2" and 1" sizes, and are available in two different finishes: Bright Chrome and Satin Brass. Bases are available in Bright Chrome and Satin Brass. The minimum order is for 10 assortments. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT CP10 10 Casket Assortment: 54 Numerals, 10 $ Signs, and 10 Bases each Reserved Pew Sign The popular wood RESERVE SEAT SIGN is made from solid natural walnut wood with leaded ears so that you can form-fit onto chairs or pews. Covered with maroon corduroy. White lettering on black background. Three wordings to chose from. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT C300 C301 C302 C303 RESERVED RESERVED FAMILY RESERVED PALLBEARER Replacement Ears each each each each Clear Lucite RESERVED SIGN. Word "Reserved" engraved on clear Lucite for clear, distinctive vision. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT C310 C303 RESERVED Replacement Ears each each Reserved Pew Sign All cast from one piece of aluminum with word "Reserved” cast into the metal. Signs also available with words "Family" or "Pallbearers" in smaller letters below "Reserved". Highly polished and lacquered to preserve the brilliant finish. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT C405 C406 C407 Reserve Sign Reserve Sign, Gold Replacement Ears each each each Slip on Sign Versatile sign measures 12" x 14" and comes in assortment of finishes. Non warping black felt grooved board with grooves every 1/2" to accommodate all size letters. Free 1" letters to identify room such as PARLOR A, ROOM B, CHAPEL C, etc. Please specify when ordering. See page 84 for additional letters. Sign can be mounted flush against wall with hangers. Please specify if desired. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT C430 C436 Slip on Sign, Chrome or Walnut Slip on Sign, Double Face, Chrome or Walnut Deluxe Walnut Slip on Sign Deluxe Walnut Slip on Sign, Double Face each each C431 C433 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 each each 80 CHAPEL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION C O M P A N Y #C255 Deluxe Register Desk Combination of wood grain formica and the finest furniture wood. Brite Brass side pockets for mass cards. Brass plated reflector lamp. Large 15" x 19" writing board. Available in Walnut or Maple Fruitwood. CAT. NO. UNIT C255 each SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM Economy Register Desk All wood grain Formica and Brite Brass Reflector. Large 15" x 19" writing board folds flat when not in use. Available in Walnut or Maple Fruitwood. CAT. NO. UNIT C250 each #C250 Quality Wall Register Available with or without cast card pocket. Large 15" x 19" writing board. Brass reflector and Brass bound message board; folds flat when not in use. Available in Formica wood grain finishes of Walnut or Maple Fruitwood. CAT. NO. UNIT C325 each #C325 Drop-Leaf Wall Register Maple Wood with writing surface in matching formica. Complete with card pockets. Antique Brass Reflector. Overall size is 28-1/2" high x 20" wide by 3-1/2" deep when closed. Writing Board measures 19" wide x 17-1/2" deep. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT HH270 HH287 Maple w/walnut wood finish Slip on grooved board each each Recessed Wall Register Made of hardwood Maple. Folds to only 4" when not in use. Can be recessed in wall to a mere 1/2". Overall size is 23" wide by 20" high. If recessed into wall, rough opening should be cut to 19-1/2" wide by 16-1/2" high, by 2-3/16" deep. Satin Brass fold down swivel light. Writing surface is 18-1/2" wide by 14-7/8" deep. Comes in Walnut, unfinished or primed ready to paint. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT HH362 HH363 HH364 HH286 HH200 Register – Unfinished Register – Primed for painting Register – Walnut finish Brass framed Bulletin Board Black/Brass plastic pen with holder and chain each each each each each #H270 #H362 81 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CHAPEL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L REGISTERS SHOWN: LEFT TO RIGHT C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Portable Lectern Register Weighs only 8 lbs. and can be set up or folded down in seconds; carry it folded in snap-closing canvas bag. Gold Anodized Aluminum with rich Mahogany Formica top. #X269 #C200 #C412 CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT X269 X270 Portable. Canvas Carry Case. each each Combination Stand Register Portable combination lectern and register stand, two graceful posts with heavy base and concealed compartment box. 15" x 18" table top with swivel shade light and removable "Please Register" sign. Book stop. Walnut finish. Available in Brass, Antique Bronze or Chrome Plate finish. SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM CAT. NO. UNIT C2000 each Simplicity Register 14" spun base with twin reeded pedestal posts. 15" x 18" woodgrained Formica writing board in Walnut or Maple. Overall height 42". Available in Brass, Bronze, or Chrome Plate finish. CAT. NO. UNIT C412 each Mass Card Holder Ideal utility Mass Card Holder. Spring type mounted on an 18" Walnut board. May be placed on table ends or at your registration desk. CAT. NO. UNIT C278 each Single Item Rack "TAKE ONE" embossed in gold leaf. 5-1/2" W x 3" D x 4" H. CAT. NO. UNIT 1783 each Two Pocket Rack 8" W x 2-1/2" D x 5" H. Individual pockets are 4-1/2" W x 1" D. CAT. NO. UNIT 1784 each Multiple Rack Clear Plexiglas face with smoked Plexiglas sides. 17 3/8" W x 3-1/2" D x 7-1/2" H. CAT. NO. UNIT 1781 each Economy Register Pen Set Plastic pen and holder combination comes in Black only. CAT. NO. UNIT C200B each Schaeffer Register Pen Set Attractive register pen with chain. Available in Black and Chrome. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. UNIT C995 each 82 CHAPEL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y SHOWN: LEFT TO RIGHT; TOP TO BOTTOM Traditional Register Stand Artistically tooled base and single post. Ample 15" x 18" writing board in Walnut finish. Swivel light shade and removable "Please Register" sign. Available in Antique Bronze or Chrome Plate. CAT. NO. UNIT C101 each #C101 #H541 Sherwood Register Stand Massive looking but lightweight. Large storage drawer which can be removed to create shelf, 21" x 18" writing surface, reflector light and side pockets for cards. Genuine Walnut veneer. Overall height 47". CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT H541 H542 Sherwood Register Stand Same as H541 but with built-in bulletin board each each Masterpiece Lectern Fits every style interior. Tiered base is 13-1/2"square, extra sturdy column topped with 22-1/2" x 16" writing desk and carved wooden reflector cover. Walnut finish only. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT H487 Masterpiece Lectern each Imperial Register Stand #H487 #H522 #H544 #H486 2-post or matching 4-post model. Both available in Antique Bronze or Chrome. Generous Wood grain Formica writing desk 15" x 19", available in Walnut or Maple. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT H522 H544 2-Post Stand 4-Post Stand each each Classic Register Stand Made of hardwood finished in warm walnut. Tiered base, 13-1/2" square, tapered center post with 22-1/2" x 16" writing surface. Wood card pockets with metal reflector shade. Has area for announcement board. Announcement board extra – please specify. CAT. NO. UNIT H486 each 83 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CHAPEL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION SINGLE PANEL The Computer Display System New! Use your computer and printer to make your directory announcements in minutes instead of hours. New pages are easy to insert. Available in a wide variety of wall-mounted and free-standing sizes. Your choice of frames and background. Stock frames are Brass, Chrome, Walnut or Antique White. Background colors are Sandstone, Lapis Blue, Deep Purple, Fudge, Newport (Navy) Blue, Black Watch, Light Green, or Mauve. Custom sizes, colors and frames also available. Single Panel Directories TWO-PANEL One panel with magnetic closure door frame and shatterresistant acrylic window. Overall size is 19" wide and 16 1/2" high, accepts one standard 8-1/2" x 11" sheet. Your choice of stock background. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT A818 Antique White each A842 Walnut each A837 Brass each A839 Chrome each A8LK Optional Lock & Key each Two-Panel Directories Overall size is 18" wide and 24" high, accepts two standard 8-1/2" x 11" sheets. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT A812 Antique White each A822 Walnut each A832 Brass each A834 Chrome each A8LK Optional Lock & Key each Four-Panel Directories (NOT SHOWN) Overall size is 30" wide and 28" high, accepts four standard 8-1/2" x 11" sheets. Side-by-side appearance. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT A884 Antique White each A844 Walnut each A873 Brass each A847 Chrome each A8LK Optional Lock & Key each Slip-On Wall SLIP-ON TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 Removable from the wall for easy mounting of your computer-generated announcement on a half-sheet of standard 8-1/2" x 11" paper. Just fold a standard letter-sized sheet in half and slip it into the Comp-Directory from the top. Available in Brass, Walnut or Chrome finish, single or double face. Mounting brackets furnished. Single face board may be also used flush against the wall - hangers will be furnished please specify. Overall dimensions 12" wide x 5-1/2" high. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT A31C Single face Chrome frame each A31W Single face Walnut frame each A34B Single face Brass frame each A32D Double face Chrome frame each A37D Double face Walnut frame each A30B Double face Brass frame each 84 CHAPEL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Dual-Pedestal Directories With room for six listings, each on a half-sheet of standard 8-1/2" x 11" paper, this deluxe stand is at home in your busiest locations. Exterior dimensions are 30" wide x 20" high, mounted on a double pedestal for a total height of 60". CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT A805 Antique Bronze Two-Post Stand each with Walnut frame A850 Chrome Two-Post Stand with each Chrome frame A857 Brass Two-Post Stand with Brass each frame A800 Optional Light each DUAL-PEDESTAL SINGLE-PEDESTAL Single-Pedestal Directories Multiple listings are easy on this versatile stand. Shown with three inner panels using half-page computer-generated announcements. Frame is 15" wide x 20" high on a pedestal, for an overall height of 65". Inner panels are 12" wide and 5-1/2" high, and allowing half-pages to slip in or out easily, for quick directory changes. Available in Antique Bronze, Brass or Chrome. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT A848 Antique Bronze Stand with each Walnut frame & 3 inner panels A849 All Chrome Stand and frame & each 3 inner panels A843 All Brass Stand and frame & each 3 inner panels A800 Optional Light each Single-Listing Pedestal Directories Available with an open face or tamper-resistant acrylic cover, featuring our computer-generated announcements. New 8-1/2" x 11" pages are easy to insert from an opening on the top of the frame. Available in Antique Bronze, Brass or Chrome. Frame is 12" wide x 9-1/2" high. Including stand, overall height is 46". Also available, board-only models for wall mounting, with or without shatter-resistant acrylic window. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT A867 Antique Bronze Stand with each open face Walnut frame A868 Antique Bronze Stand with each Walnut frame & acrylic cover A869 Chrome Stand with open face each Chrome frame A890 Chrome Stand with Chrome each frame & acrylic cover A891 Brass Stand with open face each Brass frame A892 Brass Stand with Brass frame each & acrylic cover 85 SINGLE-LISTING TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CHAPEL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Celebration of Life Magnetic Display Boards MAGNETIC BOARD The ideal way to display photos, notes, and other memorabilia, to help families celebrate the life of the deceased. Magnetic mats quickly and securely hold items against display board. Frames; Gold, Pecan or Walnut. Easels; Brass, Oak Wood and Walnut Wood. Background Board; Green or Burgundy. Mat color is Tan. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION C391 Small 26" x 32" display board with mat package, and all-Brass easel C392 Small 26" x 32" display board with mat package, and all-Wood easel C393 Small 26" x 32" display board with mat package, and Oak/Brass easel C139 Small 26" x 32" display board with mat package. C140 Large 34" x 44" display board with mat package, and all-Brass easel C141 Large 34" x 44" display board with mat package, and all-Wood easel C142 Large 34" x 44" display board with mat package, and Oak/Brass easel C143 Large 34" x 44" display board with mat package. Swing Frame Memory Board No Magnets! Twice as many photos! Simply give the family a foam board to take home to create a collage of their loved one. Have them return it to you at their convenience before the funeral service. All you have to do is place the board in the swing frame and you’re ready. New! Gravity Lock Closure located within the channel of the molding. The gravity lock slides up and down with the touch of a finger to easily and securely lock and unlock the frame. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION SFB1 24x36 Frame and Easel: Comes complete with Swing Frame, 25 sheets of Foam Board, Easel and 1000 Photo Mounting Squares SFB2 24x36 Frame (no easel): Comes complete with Swing Frame, 25 sheets of Foam Board, and 1000 Photo Mounting Squares SFB3 Foam Board: One box comes with 25 sheets of Foam Board and 1000 photo Mounting Squares SFB5 Photo Mounting Squares: Self Adhesive, Acid Free. 500 per box GRAVITY LOCK DETAIL SWING FRAME BOARD TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 86 CHAPEL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Changeable Letter Announcement Boards Boards are furnished in 7 sizes and variety of finishes. Letter size and quantity are suggested but must be ordered separately. Frames are available in Walnut Wood, Brass, or Chrome. Size Suggested Size Suggested Width x Letter Size Width x Letter Size Height & Quantity Height & Quantity 15" x 12" 1/2" – 300 20" x 30" 3/4" – 400 15" x 20" 1/2" – 300 25" x 30" 3/4" – 400 18" x 25" 3/4" – 300 28" x 40" 3/4" – 750 18" x 35" 3/4" – 300 First dimension is width and direction of letter Grooves. Boards may be ordered with grooves Running either short or long dimension. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT AA40C Chrome Frame Plain, No Glass each AA41W Walnut Wood or Brass Frame each AA42C Chrome Frame, Glass Front, Removable Back each AA42W Walnut Wood or Brass Frame, Glass Front, each Removable Back AA47C Chrome, Frame, Open Face, Removable each Letter Panel, Indoor Use AA47W Wood Frame, Open Face, Removable each Letter Panel, Indoor Use Letters Compartment box furnished FREE on orders of 300 letters or more. Minimum order 300 letters. Available in flowing sizes: 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1-1/2", 2", and 3". Last three sizes non-returnable. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT CC20 Molded Bonite each CC22 Gothic each CC 21 Roman Art each Letter assortment will not contain miscellaneous item below. If required, please specify by adding to order. Cents ¢, Dash - , Percent %, Dollars $, Period., Commas,, Diagonal /, Question ?, Parentheses (), Moulded Arrows 2-1/2", Moulded Arrows 4", Hands or Stars. STANDS SHOWN: LEFT TO RIGHT Sign Stand Stand - Brass or Bronze finish. Sign - Walnut grained formica. Interchangeable sign worded to your order. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT CC64 Sign with Stand each CC65 Double Face Sign with Stand each Brass Finish Directory 15" x 12" framed aluminum board, brass anodized. 46" high; 10 1" letters furnished free (specify). CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT CC60 Single Face each CC61 Double Face each CC62 Directory only, no stand w/hangers each Slim Line Announcement Stand Slim Line Announcement Stand, reeded stem with round base. 15" x 20" board with reflector lamp. 300 1/2" letters recommended BUT NOT INCLUDED. Available in BRASS, BRONZE or CHROME PLATED finish. (Specify when Ordering). CAT. NO. UNIT C421 each Deluxe Announcement Stand Deluxe Announcement Stand 20" x 30" board available with or without glass. Anodized in natural satin aluminum finish; 18" reflector with turn switch. 400 3/4" letters recommended BUT NOT INCLUDED. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT CC56 Without Glass Front each With glass, please specify. 87 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CHAPEL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y TORCHERES SHOWN: LEFT TO RIGHT DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Cosmopolitan Torcheres Elegant old wood design made in the modern manner. Reeded upright with open-work Shade holder, topped with sparkling Nugold Shade. Tastefully decorated and mounted on smooth weighted 12" circle. Available in Brass Plated, Antique Bronze or Chrome. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT C070 C075 Cosmopolitan Torcheres Replacement Shades Only pair pair Majesty Torcheres Beautiful reeded stem with 12" circular base. Open work shade holder with Tulip-Swirl Nugold Shade. Overall height 67". Available in Brass, Bronze, or Chrome Plated finish. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT C402 C232 Majesty Torcheres Replacement Shades Only pair pair Hi-Tone Torcheres Graceful silhouette with reeded stem and smooth round base. Expertly crafted, complement the finest furnishings. 63" tall including heavy Nugold glass shade. 3-way mogul base socket. Antique Bronze or Chrome. MORTUARY GLASSES SHOWN: LEFT TO RIGHT; TOP TO BOTTOM CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT C421 Hi-Tone Torcheres pair Replacement Mortuary Glasses Dimensions are: T (Top), H (Height), B (Bottom). Colors: R (Ruby), A (Amber), C (Clear). UNIT = each SHADES SHOWN: LEFT TO RIGHT CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION CB90 CB13 CB12 CB40 CB21 CB20 CB18 CB50 Flat Closed Bottom; 5-1/8 T, 8-3/4 H, 3-5/8 B; (R) Open Bottom; 3-1/4" T, 7 H, 3-1/4 B; (R) Open Bottom; 3-1/2T, 9-5/8 H, 3-1/2 B; (R) Open Bottom; 4 T, 8 H, 4 B; (R) Closed Round Bottom; 4-5/8 T, 10-1/8 H, 4 B; (R) Closed Round Bottom; 4-7/8 T, 7-1/4 H, 3-5/16 B; (R/A) Open Bottom; 5-1/16 T, 9-1/4H, 4-1/16 B; (R/C) Open Bottom; 4-7/8 T, 6-5/8 H, 3-5/16 B; (R/A) 3-Way Mogul Bulbs CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT H30C H30S Clear: 100/200/300 Watts Red Neck/White Top: 100/200/300 Watts each each Replacement Shades Soft glowing light with traditional dignity. All in one molded glass shank. Fits all Standard Mogul Lamps. All Nugold. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT 145N LS11 LS91 LS05 Swirl design, 16 dia. 2-3/4" Shnk. Gracefully Scalloped, 12" dia. 2-3/4" Shnk. Sculptured design, 16" dia. 2-3/4" Shnk. Rib design, 13-1/2" dia. 2-3/4" Shnk. pair pair pair pair 88 CHAPEL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y CANDLES SHOWN: LEFT TO RIGHT Candles Funeralite in crystal glass container. 72hr. size. CAT. NO. UNIT 0003 each #0009 Steric Molded Candle – 1-1/2" Dia. (Calvary Brand). Lengths – 16-1/2" (36/cs), 25-1/2" & 33-1/2" (12/cs) CAT. NO. UNIT C008 per case Funeralite with noncombustible unbreakable light weight plastic containers. Clear or Ruby. Three sizes: 4" x 2-1/2"; 5-3/4" x 2-1/2"; 8" x 2-1/2". CAT. NO. UNIT C009 24 case #0003 Star of David in Ruby Red with White Star. Individual bags. 7 day size. CAT. NO. UNIT 2000 each #0008 #2000 Crucifixes CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT J855 10" Brass Crucifix, Gold Plated, Bronze Corpus 10" Brass Crucifix, Gold Plated, Bronze Corpus 10" Brass Crucifix, Gold Plated, Plastic Corpus, Natural Color 10" Brass Crucifix, Gold Plated, Bronze Corpus 10" Brass Crucifix, Gold Plated 10" Brass Cross, Gold Plated each J856 J869 J830 2855 J755 CRUCIFIXES SHOWN: LEFT TO RIGHT; TOP TO BOTTOM each #J856 each each each each #J869 #J855 #2855 #J830 #J755 89 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CHAPEL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Handmade Traditional Flag Display Case The Traditional handcrafted Flag Case preserves your cherished American Flag and memorializes your patriotic veteran! Will accommodate either a 4' x 6' or 5' x 8' flag. This handcrafted triangular flag display case features: • Your choice of wood: Walnut, Oak or Cherry • Glass front • Removable back panel • Easy flag insertion • Flag folding and insertion instructions • Wall mount or free standing TRADITIONAL Handmade Honors Flag Case The Honors Flag Case will accommodate either a 4' x 6' or 5' x 8' flag and is now available in your choice of solid walnut or cherry! This handcrafted triangular flag display case features: • Beveled glass front with laser engraved emblem • Finest craftsmanship • Easy flag insertion HONORS "Official Military" Handmade Legacy Burial Flag Case The Legacy Flag Case will accommodate either a 4' x 6' or 5' x 8' flag. This handcrafted solid walnut triangular flag display case features: • Hinged lid with magnetic closure • Solid wooden front with choice of recessed laquered brass service medallion • Fabric insert for mounting medals and other memorabilia with velcro • Finest craftsmanship • Easy flag insertion • Large black/brass engraving plate PEDESTAL Handmade Flag Case Pedestal MEDALLIONS LEGACY This flag case pedestal is perfect for use with our Honors Flag Case (FD4). This handcrafted medal display pedestal features: • Your choice of solid walnut, cherry or oak • Your choice of recessed service medallion • Small black/brass engraving plate NOTE: Engraving is additional. Flags not included. Medallions available: Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and the Great Seal of the United States of America. ORDERING INFORMATION TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 PRODUCT Traditional Flag Case Honors Flag Case Legacy Flag Case Flag Case Pedestal CAT. NO. FD10 FD4 FD5 FD6 UNIT each each each each Service Medallion Engraving Included with FD5 & FD6 Please call 90 CHAPEL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Emblems Emblems (EO) are decorated in appropriate Organization Colors. Each has pressure sensitive adhesive tape backing for easy application on any clean porous surface – no holes to drill. For indoor or outdoor use; they will not rust – tarnish – fade or corrode. Walnut Plaques The wood (W) background plaques measure 4-1/2" x 5-1/2". Made of genuine American dark Walnut, with contoured beveled edging all around. Hand sanded finish with two coats lacquer. Premier Quality – like fine furniture. A decorative hanging ring is provided at the top. Lucite Plaques The Lucite background plaques are 4" x 4" square (PS) or 4" round (PR) by 1/4" thick Plexiglass, in choice of Clear (C), Smoke (S) or White Opaue (0). The edge on the round style is machined square and highly polished. The square style plaque has a slight bevel around the facing edge. Each has a hanging ring at the top. Packaging Emblems are plastic bagged with mounting instructions. Plaques are Gift Boxed. When ordering, please specify Emblem Number (EO); Style of Mounting (W) (PS) (PR). Color of Lucite (C) (S) (0). SHOWN: EXAMPLES Emblem Designs Available 0300 0346 0325 0302 0348 0328 0304 0350 0330 0306 0352 0332 0308 0354 0334 0310 0356 0336 0312 0358 0338 0314 0360 0340 0341 0342 0343 0320 0321 91 Toastmaster Intl. U.S. Marine Corps St. Christopher U.S. Mail Civitan Kiwanis Intl. Fraternal Order of Eagles Funeral Director Methodist Attorney at Law DeMolay Christian Knights of Columbus Jewish War Veterans Royal Arch Mason Civilian Defense American Red Cross 32nd Degree Mason Fire Department United Fund Knight Templar Pharmacist (RX) Y.M.C.A. U.S. Navy Modern Woodsmen Holy Name Society 4th Degree KOC National Exchange Club Registered Nurse (R.N.) 0324 0301 0347 0327 0303 0349 0329 0305 0351 0331 0307 0353 0333 0309 0355 0335 0311 0357 0337 0313 0359 0339 0315 0316 0317 0318 0319 0344 0345 Elks (BPOE) Tubal Cane U.S. Coast Guard Loyal Order of Moose Order of Eastern Star Star of David Baptist Masonic Civil Air Patrol Lutheran Air Force Association Episcopal Hebrew Clergy B’nai B’rith Jewish War Veterans 20-30 International Future Farmers U.S. Macabbee Knights of Pythias (FCB) Osteopath (DO) United Way Praying Hands Dentist (D.D.S.) Medical Doctor (M.D.) Odd Fellows (FLT) Shriner Rotary Intl. U.S. Army U.S. Air Force TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CHAPEL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L PEDESTALS C O M P A N Y CASKET SPRAY HOLDER DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Pedestals PolyFiber is incomparable for elegance and application with the look of white alabaster. Three sizes. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 9334 9335 each 19" each 30" 9336 each 38" XL Casket Piece Rack Sponge rubber base holds this rack in place at all times yet protects finish of hardwood or polished metal casket. 20" long and up to 14-1/2" wide when opened. XL CASKET RACK CAT. NO. UNIT XL28 each Casket Spray Holder Insert in head-panel slot on closed casket. Spring tension tongue grips slot firmly. Threaded shank holds floral piece securely. CAT. NO. UNIT ME01 each Magnetic Spray Holder Holds tight to top of casket even in high winds! 18" x 14" treaded rubber pad has three magnetic strips on bottom that mold to and hold tight to metal surfaces. Chromium plated spikes on top of pad hold floral spray firmly. Holds well on cloth or wood caskets. MAGNETIC SPRAY HOLDER CAT. NO. UNIT MSH1 each Type O Rack Attachments The standard Type 0-1 is 18" long. The extra-length Type 0-1A is 23" long. Use of both styles creates attractive variety and permits a larger number of baskets to be displayed on any type of XL rack. TYPE O ATTACHMENTS CAT. NO. UNIT XLR1 each Type 0-1 Casket Spray Floral Rack Expandable design permits floral display over full open or 1/2 couch caskets. Two vinyl-coated grips secure rack to casket. Rack expands to 50". CASKET SPRAY FLORAL RACK TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. UNIT CB1420-10 each 92 CHAPEL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y GOLD STEP STAND TYPE O STAND Gold Step Stand Simple in design, so easy to set up and take down, and made of very strong featherweight aluminum pipe and rods. Anodized in a rich durable gold color. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION WG02 Stand, 44” H x 18” W x 20” D. WG03 Stand, 64” H x 21” W x 28” D. WG04 Stand, 75” H x 26” W x 34” D. NOTE: Extra shelves for step-stands available in 12” W UNIT each each each x 8” D. Type O With Attachments Permits displaying 1 to 5 baskets in 22" of floor space. All Type O Stands fitted with rubber feet. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT XL40 XL52 XLR1 XL03 XL04 XLC3 XLC4 Stand, 40” high, no attachments Stand, 52” high, no attachments Attachment 40” Stand, 3att. 52” Stand, 4att. Heavy canvas case for 03 Heavy canvas case for 04 each each each each each each each XL POLE RACK TYPE K STAND XL Pole Rack Rack fits anywhere – in corners, alcoves, or doorways with absolute safety. This single pole holds up to 8 baskets of flowers tested to hold up to 200 pounds without tipping or swaying. Hidden steel spring holds pole in place between floor and ceiling. Rubber-andcork cushions at top and bottom prevent slipping or marking of ceiling. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT XL06 XLR1 Pole Rack only, for ceilings up to 10 ft Type 0-1 Shelf 18" Extended each each Type K Step Stand Displays up to 4 baskets or vases in a space 34” x 34”. Construction is all-aluminum, and the legs fold up against main shaft for storage. Rubber feet protect floors and prevent slipping. Four steps are of tempered hardwood, and can be adjusted to any desired height. Center shaft contains a 15" extension. Finish: Anodized Copper. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT XLK1 Basket Stand each Type H Wall Rack Hangs from picture molding, open doors, bookcases, window casing, etc. Length is 46", Width adjusts to 12". Ten spring steel points hold flowers in position. CAT. NO. UNIT XL0H each TYPE H WALL RACK ADJ. FLOWER STAND Adjustable Flower Stand Brass Plated adjustable versatile basket stand. Adjusts from 33" to 54" high. 19" x 19" base measurement. 10" round top. CAT. NO. UNIT HH354 each 93 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CHAPEL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Type A Rack TYPE A RACK TYPE B RACK CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT XL1A XLA1 XLAS Rack-62" high, 50" wide Extension-30" high, 50" wide Set (2 Type A Racks and 2 Type A1 Extensions) Rack-62" high, 70" wide Extension-30" high, 70" wide Set (2 Type A7 Racks and 2 Type 71 Extensions) Rack-62" high, 30" wide Extension-30" high, 30" wide Set (2 Type A3 Racks and 2 Type 3A Extensions) each each set XLA7 XL71 XL7S XLA3 XL3A XL3S each each set. each each set Type B Rack Adjust to any height from 44" to 92", opens to 45" width, and may be used vertically, horizontally or tilted to any angle. Rubber feet on legs provide firm footing and protect floor. XLB2 Extension increases the height 16". CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT XLB1 XLB2 XLB3 Rack Extension Canvas carrying case for rack and each extension Attachments (as shown) each each XLR1 CROSS SPRAY RACK TYPE L STANDS each Gold Cross Spray Rack Folding anodized aluminum rack equipped with 24 spring actuated floral mounting hoods which fold flat against frame when floral piece is removed eliminating risk of injury and torn clothing. 80" high - opens to 60" width. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT WG10 Gold Cross Rack each Type L "Low Boy" Stands Compact, low and lightweight. Enables displaying baskets as low as 14" from floor. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT XLL1 XLL2 XLL3 XL33 XLL4 Stand adjusts - 14" to 21" Stand adjusts - 23" to 37" Stand adjusts - 39" to 71" Set of 6 (2-L1, 2-L2, 2-L3) Canvas carrying case for 6 stands each each each each each 94 CHAPEL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y WIRE BASKET STANDS Wire Nesting Basket Stands Heavy gauge wire Nesting Basket Stands are electrically welded and cross braced for extra support, come in your choice of Green Enamel or Gold Paint finish. Top has a flat metal steel plate welded to give more support. Legs are curved at feet for more stability. Stands are designed to nest one into the other so that they can be stored in 15 square inches of space. Nine sizes from 7" to 55". Specify finish. CAT. NO. SIZE CAT. NO. SIZE CC07 CC13 CC19 CC25 CC31 7" 13" 19" 25" 31" CC37 CC43 CC49 CC55 CC09 37" 43" 49" 55" Set of 9. BRASS BASKET STANDS Brass Plate Round Basket Stands Popular Brass Plated Round Basket Stands Made of Heavy Gauge Steel wire with solid steel top. Electrically welded. Nests in 10 square inches of space. Your choice of seven sizes from 8" to 32". CAT. NO. SIZE CAT. NO. SIZE C008 C012 C016 C020 8" 12" 16" 20" C024 C028 C032 C007 24" 28" 32" Set of 7. Type G Stands TYPE G STANDS Offer maximum versatility with head that tilts to any angle. Holds basket or spray. Rubber feet on legs. Completely folding. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT XLG1 XLG2 XLG3 XGG6 Stand 27" to 47" high Stand 37" to 64" high Stand 47" to 84" high Sturdy canvas carrying case for set of 6 stands Set (2 each of XLG1, XLG2, XLG3 without case) Set (6-XLG3) stands without case each each each each XG13 XG30 each each Type D Stands Completely reliable support for heaviest basket, vase, or flat bottomed piece. Rubber feet on legs give firm footing and protect floor. Available with interchangeable 8" and 12" heads. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT XLD3 XL12 Stand 24" to 39" high, with 8" head Stand, height same as XLD3 but with 12" head Stand 36" to 64" high, with 8" head Stand, height same as XLD4 but with 12" head Heavy canvas carrying case for 6 stands Heavy canvas carrying case for 6 heads Set of 3 (3-XLD3) stands, 3-XLD4 stands without case) each each XLD4 XLD2 XLD6 XLD7 XLDS 95 TYPE D STANDS each each each each set TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 H Y D R O L PICK-UP & REMOVAL EQUIPMENT C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Model 24 MODEL 24 Multi-level one-man® mortuary cot The multi-level, roll-in style cot Model 24 allows one person to perform retrieval. Special release levers make it possible to raise and lower the cot without assuming the full weight of the cot and body. The load-end legs on the Model 24 unfold and lock automatically when unloading the cot. In confined areas, the Model 24 acts as a highly maneuverable, two-wheeled stretcher when the undercarriage is folded and locked. It slides down stairs in this position with built-in stair guides. The multi-level feature allows the body to be moved easily from bed to cot. The cot allows a portable stretcher to lie evenly in place. Length ………...........… 77" Width ........................... 20-1/2” Maximum Bed Height .. 32-1/4” Minimum Bed Height .. 9-1/4” Weight .......................... 54 lbs. Max Load ...................... 400 lbs. (196 cm) (52 cm) (82 cm) (24 cm) (24.5 kg) (182 kg) Model 24-H Multi-level one-man® mortuary cot Designed especially for high-floor vehicles. This cot shares all the features of the Model 24 cot. Model 24-H comes with Model 372 oneinch burgundy mattress and two Model 430 five foot long, two-piece, burgundy straps. MODEL 23 Model 23 Roll-in one-man® mortuary cot The roll-in style Model 23 cot has an extra long wheel base to provide exceptional stability. Its slide-action leg lock securely locks both sets of legs simultaneously when folded. When its legs are folded and locked, the Model 23 can be used as a two-wheeled stretcher. Stair glides reduce wear on the cot and promote smooth movement down stairs. The cot is also wide enough to accommodate a portable stretcher. The Model 23 roll-in style cot comes complete with Model 372 one inch burgundy mattress and two Model 430 five foot long, two-piece, burgundy, quick-release restraint straps. Length ………...........… 75-3/4" Width ........................... 20” Maximum Bed Height .. 32” Minimum Bed Height .. 8-1/2” Weight .......................... 48 lbs. Max Load ...................... 400 lbs. (194 cm) (51 cm) (82 cm) (22 cm) (22 kg) (182 kg) ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Model 24 Model 24-H Model 23 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. 9024 9024-H 9023 UNIT each each each 96 PICK-UP & REMOVAL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Model 27 First call cot The Model 27 first call cot blends classic design with innovative features. All four wheels swivel. The folding end section shortens the cot by 15 inches, and the cot’s head section is tapered, making tight corners less of an obstruction. These features make this cot very maneuverable in close quarters and narrow doorways and allow easy access to the body. The multi-level undercarriage provides flexibility in retrieval. The loading-end wheels can be locked when necessary. MODEL 27 Model 27 comes with a burgundy, Model 375 one-inch mattress and two Model 430 five-foot-long, two-piece, burgundy, quick-release restraining straps. Length ………...........… 78-3/4" Width ........................... 22” Maximum Bed Height .. 33-1/2” Minimum Bed Height .. 9” Weight .......................... 59 lbs. Max Load ...................... 400 lbs. (200 cm) (56 cm) (85 cm) (23 cm) (26.8 kg) (182 kg) Model EZ The EZ™ trans cot system is a revolution in cot design. Its unique characteristics reduce the force required to transfer a body onto a table-top by 30% as opposed to traditional cots. The EZ™ trans has the following features: • Built-in foot stop • 8 hand–grips • Top tilts through a twist and turn mechanism for easy body transfer • Slide lock keeps top in place • Anodized tubing on main-frame keeps hands and clothes clean • 2 wheel locks • Built-in glides • Removable top for confined spaces • Concave top and raised head-end • 3-piece criss-cross restraining system • Completely sealed top Boom Height (Raised) .......................... 73” Boom Height (Lowered) ...................... 46” Base Width ............................................ 39-1/4” Base Length (Folded) ........................... 27-3/4” Base Length (Unfolded) ....................... 42-1/4” Weight ................................................... 175 lbs. Load Weight ......................................... 750 lbs. MODEL EZ (186 cm) (117 cm) (100 cm) (71 cm) (108 cm) (80 kg) (341 kg) ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Model 27-1 Model EZ 97 CAT. NO. 9027 4000 UNIT each each TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 H Y D R O L PICK-UP & REMOVAL EQUIPMENT C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL P55 Model P55 Model P55 Smooth Mover. Friction-free polyethylene board permits smooth patient transfer from bed or vehicle to stretcher or table by one or two people. CAT. NO. UNIT P55 each MODEL 135 Model 135 Model 135 with Body Bag. Same basic construction as other models - two layers of vinyl coated nylon, with six strong, sewn-on handles and three heavy web straps to hold body in place. Includes a water-repellent top that closes with sturdy slide fastener completely concealing body, if desired. Size: 28" x 78". Weight: 13-1/2 lbs. CAT. NO. UNIT 9135 each Model 14 Slide-Under Body Lifter can be placed under the body without the attendant having to touch the remains. Frame bars are placed on either side of the body and the supports drawn under it. The Body Lifter also makes an easier lifting job of handling the body or moving it from cot to embalming table. Constructed of durable aluminum frame bars and nylon cross webbing. Unit weighs 4-1/2" lbs. (2 kg). CAT. NO. UNIT 9014 each MODEL 14 Model 11 MODEL 11 MODEL 65 Model 11 First Call Stretcher folds flat, is unobtrusive and easy to carry. Legs and wheels unfold and snap into position and the stretcher easily rolls into the vehicle. Constructed of aluminum and features Burgundy, vinylcoated nylon bottoms. Length open 73-3/4" (188 cm), folded 36-3/4" (94 cm), width 20-1/2", (52 cm), height open 8-1/4" (21 cm) folded 3-1/4" (9 cm), weight 14 lbs. (6 kg). Includes two straps. CAT. NO. UNIT 9011 each Model 65 MODEL 105V MODEL 101V Scoop Stretcher similar to Model 64. This model may be placed under the body without rolling or lifting. The length is adjustable to accommodate bodies of various sizes and the two sides are completely separable. The unit folds for easy storage. The Scoop Stretcher may be placed in the 330 First Call Cover or 335 First Call Pouch. It comes with 3 quick release International Orange or burgundy restraints. Please specify color when ordering. CAT. NO. UNIT 9069 each Model 105V Rubberized top that closes with a Talon Fastener, completely covering the body. Chrome leather handles, five straight grain heavy web straps to hold the body in place. Folds to 4" x 10" x 8". CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 105V each (Vinyl) 105M each (Metal case) Model 101V MODEL 372 Constructed of heavy-duty vinyl. Chrome leather handles, three straight grain heavy web straps to hold body in place. Folds to 4" x 10" x 6". Gray. CAT. NO. UNIT 101V each (Vinyl) Model 372 One-Inch Nu-Foam Burgundy mortuary cot pad. Complete with coated fabric cover. Measures 72" x 18". CAT. NO. UNIT 9372 each TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 98 PICK-UP & REMOVAL EQUIPMENT H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL 320 Fabric/Color (NOT SHOWN) Combinations for Models 320, 321, 325, 330 and 335 pouches and covers. Leatherette available in Black, Burgundy, or Gray. Cordura nylon colors are; Burgundy, Blue and Gray. Fabrics are of highest quality and easy to clean. Model 320 First Call Cover is slip-over type, and fits One-Man cots. Elastic on both ends. Cover is reversible end to end, features a large finished size. Fits cots approximately 76" x 20”. Available in Leatherette and Cordura materials. See colors above. CAT. NO. UNIT 9320 each MODEL 321 Model 321 First Call Cover is slipover type and fits standard cots 76" x 23-1/2". Cover is reversible end to end and features a tailored design. Available in Leatherette and Cordura materials. See colors above. CAT. NO. UNIT 9321 each MODEL 325 Model 325 First Call Cover is slipover type and fits folding emergency stretchers approximately 74" x 21". Elastic on one end with full finished size. Available in Leatherette and Cordura materials. See colors above. CAT. NO. UNIT 9325 each Mortuary Cot Cover Colors: WINE, GOLD, ROYAL BLUE, HUNTER GREEN, and BEIGE. Available with or without name. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT M504 each (Hy-Lustre) M505 each (Nylon) COT COVER Model 330 First Call Cover fits One-Man cots, most stretchers and standard cots, and features a full-length brass zipper. The cover is held by snap fastener tabs that hold it in place beneath the mattress. Includes full-expansion restraint strap slots. Fits cots approximately 75” x 23”. Available in Leatherette, and Cordura materials. See colors above. CAT. NO. UNIT 9330 each MODEL 330 Model 335 First Call Pouch is complete with bottom and includes a full-length brass zipper. The pouch is secured by snap fastener tabs, and features fullexpansion restraint strap slots. Polyurethane-coated nylon fabric lining. Fits One-Man cots, standard ambulance cots and stretchers approximately 75" x 23". Available in Leatherette and Cordura materials. See colors above. CAT. NO. UNIT 9335 each Model 335R (NOT SHOWN) First Call Pouch complete with bottom, full length zipper and removable lining. It is secured by snap fasteners and has full expansion restraint strap slots. Fits cots approximately 75" x 23". (192 cm x 59 cm). Available in Leatherette and Cordura materials. See colors above. CAT. NO. UNIT 9335R each 99 MODEL 335 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 H Y D R O L SHOWROOM & CHURCH TRUCKS C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Model 51 MODEL 51 Showroom Truck has heavy duty frame construction, and is braced for added strength. All ball bearing swivel casters move truck smoothly and quietly. Attractive high quality Silvertone finish. Choice of 51" or 61" length. Truck drapes available in Green, Wine, Royal Blue, Steel and Rust. Specify color and size. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 51-4 51” each (w/4” casters) 61-4 61” each (w/4” casters) 51-5 51” each (w/5” casters) 61-5 61” each (w/5” casters) 71 each (Drape) Model 91 MODEL 91 MODEL 100 Extra long aluminum streamlined Church Truck is perfect for heavy duty use, but at a surprisingly small cost. Four wheel locks, large size tires. Rolls easily over carpet, sills and other obstacles with quiet efficiency. Entire unit folds to compact size for convenient storage. Length …...…72” (185 cm) Width ........... 16-3/4” (43 cm) Post to Post 44-1/2” (114 cm) CAT. NO. UNIT 9199 each Model 100 Casket Carriage is a massive, sturdy truck built to carry 1500 lbs. Striking in appearance with its large, easy roll rubber tires, polished aluminum or anodized finishes equipped with large end posts, lazy tongs and rigid crossbars that cannot buckle. Can be locked in any position. Convenient center handle. Length …...…42” (108 cm) Width ........... 20-1/2” (53 cm) Height .......... 21” (54 cm) Weight ......... 35 lbs. (14 kg) CAT. NO. UNIT 9100 each (Aluminum) MODEL 110 Model 110 MODEL 97 Showroom Truck works for you in three important ways – as a showroom truck, utility truck and casket bier. Its elegant, polished aluminum frame has exceptional strength and stays looking new for years with only minimum maintenance. Features 5-inch swivel wheels that roll easily over doorsills and other obstacles. Rubber slip-proof tips hold caskets or rough boxes firmly in place at all times. Special sizes available on request. Length …...…44” (113 cm) Width ........... 20” (51 cm) Height .......... 22” (56 cm) Weight ......... 20 lbs. (9 kg) CAT. NO. UNIT 9110 each Model 97 Utility and Showroom truck is made of sturdy bar stock aluminum. Large 10" swivel wheels roll easily over doorsills and other obstacles. Rubber slip-proof tips hold caskets or rough boxes firmly in place at all times. This compact unit will more than pay for itself around the funeral home. Length …...…37” (95 cm) Width ........... 18-1/2” (47 cm) Height .......... 24-1/4” (62 cm) CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 9097 each (10” Wheels) 9096 each (6” Wheels) Model 112 MODEL 112 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 Showroom Truck has extra-long and wide wheel-base, giving it exceptional stability under load. It does triple duty as showroom truck, utility truck or casket bier. Features strong tubular aluminum frame that keeps its high polish for years with only minimum maintenance. Rubber slip-proof tips hold caskets or rough boxes in place at all times. 5" wheels with ball bearings in both wheels and shanks standard equipment. Special sizes available on request. Length …...…47” (120 cm) Width ........... 22” (56 cm) Height .......... 21” (54 cm) Weight ......... 20 lbs. (9 kg) CAT. NO. UNIT 9112 each 100 SHOWROOM & CHURCH TRUCKS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Model 87 Church Truck locks in four positions, allowing you to display any size casket with a single truck. Fully extended length is 61 inches. This extra length eliminates the "teeter-totter" look of casket displays using conventional-size trucks, as well as provides a much safer, stable display. Model 87 features strong, rectangular tubular aluminum, X-frame construction for longer life, plus rubber rests for safer, easier displays. In folded position it may be carried by built-in handle, or pushed without bending over. Standard 6-inch rubber tires roll easily on carpet and over sills and other obstacles. It’s available with anodized finishes in addition to polished aluminum. Folded ....................................... 6-1/4" L x 28-1/2" H 1st intermediate position .........15-1/4" L x 27-3/4" H 2nd intermediate position ....... 29" L x 27" H 3rd intermediate position ....... 49" L x 24-1/4" H Fully extended .......................... 61-1/4" L x 20-3/4" H Width ........................................ 21-1/2" Weight ...................................... 35 lbs. Maximum load ......................... 1000 lbs. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 9087 87-B each (Anodized) each (Bronze) 87-G 87-BG each (Gold) each (Blue/Gray) SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM MODEL 87-H Church Truck is same as Model 87 but features four folding handles. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 9087H 87-HB each (Anodized) each (Bronze) 87-HG 87-HBG each (Gold) each (Blue/Gray) Model 88 Church truck is designed for those who prefer a compact truck. Extends to 47" long. The construction is of anodized aluminum rectangular tubing. The protective anodized finish keeps the truck looking bright and shiny-new as well as making it easy to clean. Both the frame and the 6-inch wheels lock in three positions. Folded ....................................... 7-1/2" L x 28-3/4" H 1st intermediate position .........16-1/2" L x 28-3/8" H 2nd intermediate position ....... 24" L x 27-1/2" H 3rd intermediate position ....... 39" L x 24-1/2" H Fully extended .......................... 47" L x 20-1/2" H Width ........................................ 22" Weight ...................................... 32 lbs. Maximum load ......................... 1000 lbs. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 9088 88-B each (Anodized) each (Bronze) 88-G 88-BG each (Gold) each (Blue/Gray) MODEL 88-H Church Truck is same as Model 88 but features four folding handles. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 9088H 88-HB each (Anodized) each (Bronze) 88-HG 88-HBG each (Gold) each (Blue/Gray) 101 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 H Y D R O L SHOWROOM & CHURCH TRUCKS C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Model 88 & 87-DF Drapes MODEL-87-or 88-DF Drape and Frame Attachment. Highest quality Velvet drapes enhance extra length of truck in full-opened position, add to any casket display. Lattice-metal frame attaches to truck, providing a strong yet lightweight drape mounting. Drape fastens to frame. Drapes available in Crushed Velvet colors: Gold, Silver-Gray, Evergreen, Blue and Burgundy. Model 32 Transport truck SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM By rolling the lifter under your showroom truck, church truck, or bier, you will be able to raise the casket simply by pushing down on the handle. You can then wheel the casket to the desired location and set the casket on another church truck, showroom truck or bier. Easily done by one man. Adjustable lengh from 44" to 78". 24" wide. Adjustable height from 18" to 26". Capacity 800 lbs. Two Tier Casket Display Top of the line, two tier casket display system of rugged formed steel construction is the industry’s premier statement of subtle elegance in the casket display room. When fully extended, our foolproof, scissored dolly is automatically gauged for the proper distance and clearance to eliminate annoying and costly scratches from the casket above. Four 3", heavy duty ball bearing wheels roll effortlessly in their own steel tracks, making the CE 4000 the ideal answer for showrooms with or without deep pile carpeting. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT Model 88 (For 88, not 88-H) Model 87 (For 87, not 87-H) Transport Truck Casket Display TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. 88DF 87DF 6032 CE 4000 UNIT each each each each 102 HEARSE ACCESSORIES H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL 64 Model 64 Body Scoop eliminates need to touch body. Quick Release hinge separates at the top and bottom for positioning under the body. Simply snap sides together and place in Model 330 First Call Cover, 335 Pouch or directly on mattress. Made of aluminum. Easy to sterilize. Length ...............................................75-1/2” (194 cm) Width ................................................ 16-5/8” (42 cm) Height ............................................... 1-7/8” (4 cm) Weight .............................................. 13 lbs. (6 kg) Maximum load ................................ 400 lbs. (182 kg) CAT. NO. UNIT 9064 each Model 124 Adjustable Casket table will adjust to fit various vehicle sizes. By placing bier pins in appropriate openings, the table will accommodate infant and child caskets as well. Order bier pins separately. Maximum length ............................. 92-1/4” (237 cm) Minimum length ............................. 82-1/4” (211 cm) Width ............................................... 27-1/2” (71 cm) Height .............................................. 2” (5 cm) Weight ............................................. 28 lbs. (13 kg) Maximum load ................................ 1000 lbs. (455 kg) CAT. NO. UNIT 9124 each MODEL 124 WAGON ROLLER MODEL 156 Station Wagon Roller Assemblies Ease loading of casket over tailgate. Rollers are secured to hold down plates by thumbscrews for easy installation. CAT. NO. UNIT 9574 Dual roller assembly each 9573 Single roller assembly each 9575 Small bier pin plate each Model 156 Roller System allows any stock extended vehicle to carry all of your needs. The only modification needed is removal of the bier pins. The Model 156 can accommodate caskets, cots and most airtrays. The Models 156 and 124 do not have the same mounting configuration. CAT. NO. UNIT 9156 each MODEL 534/535 MODEL 533 Model 533 Wheel Cups provide protection against movement in car. Polished aluminum cups available for 4", 5", and 7" wheels (specify when ordering). CAT. NO. UNIT 9533 each Model 534 & 535 Post Cups fit into vehicle floor and hold legs firmly in place. Specify recessed or raised type when ordering. CAT. NO. UNIT CAT. NO. UNIT 9534 each (Recessed) 9535 each (Raised) MODEL 575 MODEL 5 Model 5 Fastener for One-Man style cots. Powder coated hooks are held to floor by floor plate. Thumbscrews permit easy installation and removal. Rear hook when raised and ratcheted forward, secures cot. For Models 23, 24, 24-H and 27-I. CAT. NO. UNIT 9005 each Model 575 MODEL 577/576 Bier Pin Storage Plate. CAT. NO. UNIT 9575 each Model 577 & 576 Bier pin. CAT. NO. 577-A 9576 103 UNIT each (Adjustable) each (Complete set) CAT. NO. 577-S UNIT each (Stationary) TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 TRAFFIC CONTROLS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Magnetic Fix-A-Post and Funeral Flags Magnetic Fix-A-Post has a rust-proof shaft and a round plastic covered base that will hold on both metal and vinyl tops. Contact area is specially prepared to prevent scratching of car surface. Choice of any stock banner. CAT. NO. UNIT MFF1 each Funeral Flags (Stock Banners) SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT H001 H0M1 H0J1 H0J2 H0N1 H0N2 (Ohio) Purple Banner w/White Cross. (Michigan) White Banner w/Purple Cross. Purple Banner w/White Star of David. White Banner w/Purple Star of David. (no cross) Purple Banner w/White Funeral. (no cross) White Banner w/Purple Funeral. each each each each each each No Parking Signs Made from cast iron base with steel pole and sign plate. Painted in yellow and black lettering. Overall height 57-1/2". Sign plate 18" x 18". Base 15" across. Pole diameter 1-1/2". Weight 28-3/4 lbs. Choice of two wordings printed on both sides. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT 7502 7501 FUNERAL NO PARKING FUNERAL PARKING ONLY each each Traffic Cones Lightweight Traffic Cones are ideal in controlling the flow of traffic. Recognized by all. Same units as used by Highway Departments everywhere. Cones can be nested for easy storage. Your choice of 18" or 28". Rubber cones come in Yellow. Polyvinyl Cones are Federal Orange. Lettering is in Black. Rubber sign tops with your choice of wording recommended for 28" rubber cones only. See price list for sizes, lettering and colors. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT CC18 CC28 CP18 CP28 CC12 Rubber Cones – 18". Rubber Cones – 28". Polyvinyl Cones – 18". Polyvinyl Cones – 28". Rubber Sign Tops. each each each each each Portable Self Folding Traffic Guides Portable self folding traffic guides. Lightweight for easy portability. Comes with carrying handle. Folds flat when not in use. Wall bracket furnished free when set of five units purchased. 24" high, 10-/12" wide. Metal legs with rubber tips, and carrying handle chrome plated. Yellow background with black lettering. Choice of three messages. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION (5-set w/wall bracket) UNIT 4015 4025 4035 Please No Parking Funeral. Funeral Parking Only. No Parking (with HP symbol). 5-set 5-set 5-set CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION (Individual unit) UNIT 4011 4021 4031 Please No Parking Funeral. Funeral Parking Only. No Parking (with HP Symbol). each each each 104 GRAVE MARKERS H Y D R O L DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM Norman Grave Markers Norman Grave Markers are made from hot galvanized steel to withstand the elements. No. N120 Regent has Walnut Brown Enamel finish. No. N101 Crown tilted and N113 Royal Tilted Marker are available in Gray, Orchid, Walnut Brown, Green and Black. Minimum order 25 (1 Box). CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT N101 N113 N120 Crown Tilted Markers. Royal Tilted Markers. Regent Markers. 1-box 1-box 1-box Perfection Grave Markers Perfection Grave Markers carry data on one large card which may be either Bristol board or Aluminum. Data can be placed on either style card by hand. Both Shield and Sentinal head can be ordered with straight stake or inclined head. Colors: Gray, Orchid, Purple, White, Green, Silver, or Black. Firm name imprinted free. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT 2902 2906 2924 Shield Markers. Sentinal Markers. Aluminum Cards. each each each Surface Markers For use when upright markers are not permitted. Inscription enclosed in transplant envelope and protected by heavy glass. Minimum order of 25 markers (1 Box). CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT S109 Surface Markers. 1-box Cast Chrome Plated Grave Markers Aluminum stake, black finished embossed letters snap securely into marker. Choice of Wreath, Star of David, or Masonic Emblem. Free name plate emblems, and box of assorted letters with numerals. Minimum order 25 markers. (1 Box). CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT M166 Cast Chrome Grave Markers 1-box Sisto Aluminum Markers Free name, city, state location imprint. Fill in information on aluminum insert with ball point pen. Minimum order 3 Dozen. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT 0701 Surface Markers. 3-doz. All-Aluminum Grave Markers Marker is weather resistant, rust-proof, durable and economical. Free name imprint letters and numerals. Minimum order 3 Dozen. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT M900 All Aluminum Grave Markers. 3-doz. 105 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 UNDERGARMETS AND HANDKERCHIEFS H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y SHOWN: TOP TO BOTTOM DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION Ladies Tricot Acetate Lingerie Sets 3-Piece pantee Lingerie Set contains Slip, Pantee and Nylon Hose. Colors: White, Flesh, and Blue. CAT. NO. UNIT 810M each (Medium) 810L each (Large) 4-Piece Pantee Lingerie Set, exquisite workmanship. Made of quality Tricot. Contains Slip, Vestee, boxer-type Pantee and pair of seamless Nylon Hose. Colors: White, Flesh, and Blue. CAT. NO. UNIT 800M each (Medium) 800L each (Large) 3-Piece Pantee Lingerie Set contains Slip, Pantee and Nylon Hose. Colors: White, Flesh, and Blue. CAT. NO. UNIT 010M each (Medium) 010L each (Large) 4-Piece Pantee Lingerie Set contains Slip, Pantee-style “Brief” Panties, seamless Nylon Hose. Colors: White, Flesh, and Blue. CAT. NO. UNIT 100M each (Medium) 100L each (Large) Handkerchiefs Made of quality white nylon with women’s style trimmed in delicate lace and men’s style with hemmed edge. CAT. NO. UNIT 8024 each (Women’s) 8020 each (Men’s) Men’s 2-Piece Cotton Underwear-Sets Boxer Shorts and Shirt Set contains white knitted cotton Athletic Shirt, full cut white broadcloth Boxer Shorts and a pair of nylon stretch Hose. CAT. NO. UNIT 410M each (Medium) 410L each (Large) 410XL each (X-Large) Jockey Briefs and Shirt Set contains white knitted cotton Athletic Shirt, Jockey Briefs and a pair of nylon stretch Hose. CAT. NO. UNIT 400M each (Medium) 400L each (Large) 400XL each (X-Large) Bulk Undergarmets Economical bulk put-ups of undergarmets are available for all men’s and women’s items shown above. Sold by the dozen. Be sure to specify size and color. Call Hydrol customer service for low quantity pricing. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 106 URNS H Y D R O L DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y SHOWN: LEFT TO RIGHT; TOP TO BOTTOM Wheat Wrought Bronze. 5-3/4" W, 7" H, 5-3/4" D. CAT. NO. UNIT C950 each Mediterranean Solid Hardwood. 10" W, 6-1/2" H, 7" D. Available in Walnut, Oak, Mahogany or Cherry. CAT. NO. UNIT C402 each Natural Solid Hardwood. 10" W, 6-1/2" H, 7" D. Available in Mahogany or Cherry. CAT. NO. UNIT C401 each Book Genuine Bronze. 4-1/8" W x 7-1/4" D x 10-5/6" H. Volume 200 cubic inches. CAT. NO. UNIT C328 each Solitude Genuine Bronze. 5-1/2" W x 5-3/4" D x 8" H. Volume 208 cubic inches. CAT. NO. UNIT C385 each Delphos Genuine Bronze. 7" Dia. X 11" H. Volume 200 cubic inches. CAT. NO. UNIT C379 each Syrocco Cultured Marble. 9-1/2" W, 6-1/2" H, 6-3/4" D. CAT. NO. UNIT C956 each Granitone Sculptured Granite. 9-1/2" W, 6-1/2" H, 6-3/4" D. CAT. NO. UNIT C958 each Ebony Cultured Marble. 9-1/2" W, 6-1/2" H, 6-3/4" D. CAT. NO. UNIT C957 each NOTE: Please contact sales representative or office for other urns. 107 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 PRINTED MATERIAL H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Acknowledgement Cards with Raised Print #193 Raised printing now has the reputation for being superior in quality and appearance. Embossed panels add extra beauty to the acknowlegdements. Socially correct statements are raised printed on white vellum stock. Standard packaging: 50 folders and white envelopes in two piece gift box. Deluxe packaging: 25’s in two piece gift box. • • • • QUALITY RAISED PRINTING PANELED SINGLE FOLD MATCHING ENVELOPES #194 #199 #190 #195 #196 #198 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 108 PRINTED MATERIAL H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Top Quality Acknowledgements Right: A series of top quality single fold Acknowledgements that are impressive, attractively different, yet economical. Fine lithography, rich vellum paper and matching envelopes combine to make this a popular series. #106 Below: A combination of four colors and the rich look of foil with socially correct sentiments. The foil border makes them suitable for fraiming. Samples available upon request. Standard packaging: 50 folders and white envelopes in two piece gift box. Deluxe packaging: 25’s in two piece gift box. #108 #104 #241 #239 #238 109 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 PRINTED MATERIAL H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Jumbo Service Records #386 You can type the copy of the funeral service and run a few copies or several hundred on a photocopier, thus saving the cost of an outside printer. Orders will be filled with a stock poem on page 2, or may be ordered with page 2 blank by specifying BLANK. Scored for easy folding. Right inside page blank. • • • • Size: 5-1/2” x 8-1/2” (Scored). Folds to 5-1/2” x 4-1/4”. Packaging: 500 per box. Order in multiples of 500. Stock poems available: • “23rd Psalm” • “God hath Not Promised” • “Footprints” • “Crossing the Bar” • “Words of Encouragement” #365 #373 #374 #376 #310 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 110 PRINTED MATERIAL H Y D R O L DESCRIPTION / ORDERING INFORMATION C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y #004M Memorial Record Binder #504-X Antique, embossed padded cover. Touched with gold and enhanced with a cord. Buff color loose-leaf filler lithographed in two soft colors. Size 8-1/2” x 11”. Specify if for Protestant, Catholic or Jewish. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT 004W 004M Antique white cover. Antique maroon cover. each each Burgundy Gold Foil Scroll Binder Contents: Imprinted in Burgundy Ink on Frontispiece, In Memory Of, Family Record, Services, Societies, Bearers, Memorials, Flowers, Biography, Relatives & Friends, Press Notes, Memos, plus appropriate verses. Catholic pages include: Vigil Rites, Liturgy of Christian Burial and Spiritual Bouquets. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION 504-X 6-Ring metal binder. 504/Comp Computer pages. UNIT each each Protestant Padded 6-Ring Metal Binder Church Window has a four color illustration printed on white Leatherette stock with “Cherished Memories” gold foil stamped on the front. Brown text with green church window background on interior pages. Extended plastic holder for Service data sheet with each order. Frontispiece imprinted in brown ink CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT 502 Protestant. each Protestant 15-Ring Plastic Comb Binder Covers beautifully embossed and foil stamped. Funeral Director’s copy on Frontispiece. Name and Address feature available on request. Individually Gift Boxed. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT 484 15-Ring plastic comb binder. each #502 #484 Catholic Padded 6-Ring Metal Binder Morning Mist has a wraparound watercolor cover with “Cherished Memories” blue foil stamped on the front. Two-tone blue interior pages. Four color Frontispiece with blue imprint. Extended plastic holder for Service data sheet with each order. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT 499 Catholic. each Catholic 15-Ring Plastic Comb Binder Covers beautifully embossed and foil stamped. Funeral Director’s copy on Frontispiece. Name and Address feature available on request. Individually Gift Boxed. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT 483 15-Ring plastic comb binder. each 111 #499 #483 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CHAPEL FURNITURE H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Versailles Group All pieces in Seasoned Cherry wood faithfully reproduced in the traditional French manner. The elegance of this devotional setting will blend perfectly with any traditional decor. Bier Versailles Bier is a perfect blend of select Cherry Wood and marproof matching Formica. The hand carved corner posts and panels plus the decorative grillwork on either side are exquisite. Rubber protective bumpers, silent easy rolling casters. Torchiere Lamps Torchiere Lamps in matching classic design feature gently tapered carved columns on a round provincial base. Bronze fluted tops set off Nugold Tulip shades that reflect just the right cosmetic lighting. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 Register-Lectern Register-Lectern in matching classic design. Gracefully framed grillwork beautifully reflects your entire chapel and coordinates with bier and prayer rail. Complete with provincial card pockets, ball point pen, and curved wood light. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT C900 C901 C902 Versailles Bier. Torchere Lamps. Floor Lamps (not Shown). "Candle" Design with White Silk Shades Register-Lectern. each pair pair C903 each 112 CHAPEL FURNITURE H Y D R O L Versailles Devotional Group Prayer Rail Beautifully fashioned in the French manner. Decorative grill work inserted over quality upholstery. Beautifully hand carved frame with turned furniture legs. Thick foam padded upholstery on kneeler and hand rail. 29" high, 40" wide, 15" deep. Candlesticks Carved, tapered columns set on rounded furniture base. 72 or 96 hour candles may be used in ruby glass cylinders, which fit the cut-out bronze holders. 50” overall. Mass Card Holder Hand detailed and executed in the finest furniture tradition. Carved 21” x 16” is centered with miniature cross. Optional spring holds approx. 80 cards in upright position. 113 C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Crucifix Hand rubbed cherry features a magnificent bronze plated corpus. Telescoping stand raises to 9 feet. Crucifix 17” x 33”. Upholstery Material Your choice of Velvet or washable naugahyde in a variety of colors to fit your decorating needs. Write or call for samples for your approval. Colors available: Bittersweet, Blue, Brown, Burgundy, Gold, Mauve, Seatone, and Tan. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT C904 C905 C906 C907 C910 Versailles Prayer Rail. Candlestick Sanctuary. Mass Card Holder. Springs for holding 80. Telescoping Crucifix. each pair each each each TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CHAPEL FURNITURE H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y New Bostonian Chapel Set Torchiere Lamps Solid Cherry wood base and turned columns blended with Bronze finish metal holder. Glass measures 16” in diameter. 3-way mogul socket. Overall height 68-1/4”. Cherry Finish. Replacement Shades 16” diameter at widest point. 2-1/4” shank-NuGold. Lectern Matching turned solid Cherry posts to blend with the overall design. Comes with plain design center. card pockets are made to hold the larger cards. Reflector lamp is all wood with the wiring concealed to come out at the bottom base. Shelf to hold extra books for the minister or speaker. Overall height is 52”. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 Casket Bier All Cherry wood construction throughout with turned Cherry posts and panels. 5” swivel casters assures easy movement. Rubber protective bumbers at corners. 25” W x 65” L x 22” H. Cherry finish. Flag Stand Triangular open-face stand proudly accepts a folded flag. Solid Cherry finish on matching Cherry wood pedestal. Not shown. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT C938 CB145 C942 C386 C947 xxxx Torchiere Lamps Replacement Shades Lectern (Cherry) Message Board Casket Bier Flag Stand each pair each each each each 114 CHAPEL FURNITURE H Y D R O L Bostonian Devotional Group Prayer Rail Solid Cherry construction. Padded foam upholstery kneeler and armrest. 40” W x 21” D x 30” H. Candlesticks Matching Cherry wood base and turned columns blended with Bronze finish metal holder complete with Ruby glass, electric or wax candles. Holds all standard candles. 53” overall height. Crucifix Solid Cherry Cross with Bronze plated corpus, with adjustable tripod stand. Cross measures 33” x 17”. 115 C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Mass Card Holder Top tray has 1-1/2” trim on four sides, 16” x 20” x 46-1/2” overall height. Contribution Box with or without stand and pedestal available in Cherry finish. CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT C927 C929 CFB-1 CFB-2 C934 C934R C931 C933 Prayer Rail Candlesticks Wax Candles Electric (Cost extra). Crucifix, Cherry Finish Risen Christ Cherry Finish (Available). Mass Card Holder (No springs). Mass Card Holder (2 springs). each pair pair pair each each each each TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L FUNERAL ACCESSORIES C O M P A N Y SHOWN: LEFT TO RIGHT; TOP TO BOTTOM ORDERING INFORMATION Magic Stick Repair Pencils Excellent touch-up restorer for hardwood and metal caskets. Specify color: Black, White, Dark Mahogany, Dark Walnut, Wheat, Cream, and Tan. CAT. NO. UNIT H260 each Nilodor Odor neutralizer - one drop is enough and lasts 24 hours. CAT. NO. UNIT B500 each (400 drops) Aluminum Nameplates Finish - Polished or Satin with edges and back of letters painted black. Type - Vise or Livery (1/4” bar) or Pin Center (1/2” bar). Please specify center to center of brackets mounted in car. CAT. NO. UNIT B005 each (1-1/2” Block) B006 each (1-1/2” Condensed) B007 each (1-1/2” Slant) B008 each (1-1/2” Broadway) B009 each (2” Block) B010 each (3” Script) See price list for standard brackets. Umbrella Canopy top quality nylon. Fiberglass shaft. Available in Black, Kelly Green and Royal Blue. Name embroidered in gold. CAT. NO. UNIT H900 each Ozium Professional size hand-held high pressure spray dispenser dispels room odors instantly. Sanitizes as it freshens the air. Controls airborne bacteria and viruses. each unit contains 500 metered sprays. CAT. NO. UNIT A120 each (Set of 12) Windshield Sticker Windshield Sticker with peel-off adhesive which keeps glass clean. Imprint included. CAT. NO. UNIT WS97 500 Pall Bearer Gloves Lightweight cotton in white only. One size fits all. CAT. NO. UNIT 1019 1-dozen Faintex Folders Imprinted with your name and address. Each folder contains two inhalants. CAT. NO. UNIT F360 each Magnetic Funeral Signs Plastic sign with magnetic backing. Black “Funeral” letters with white background. Sign measures 3-3/4” x 16”. Holds securely without marking car. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 CAT. NO. UNIT H380 each 116 INDEX H Y D R O L A C Absorbent Products........................62 Acknowledgment Folders.....108-109 Adapters..........................................49 Adhesives........................................ 35 Adhesive Wrap, self-adhere.......... 62 Adjusto Block..................................65 Aerosol Sprays...........................35-36 Air Trays.......................................... 67 Ammonia Inhalants......................116 Anatomical Charts..........................66 Aneurism Hooks & Needles........... 52 Announcement Boards.............84-86 Apparel Kits....................................78 Aprons.................................70, 73, 76 Arm and Hand Positioner.............. 65 Aron Alpha..................................... 35 Arterial Fluids..............................7-14 Arterial Fluid Dyes......................... 22 Arterial Tubes............................44-45 Artery Clamps.................................53 Artex Arterial Fluid.......................... 7 Aspirators & Equipment.......... 48-51 Atomizer......................................... 30 Autopsy Chemical...........................26 AV Closure...................................... 65 Calvarium Clamp............................ 63 Candles & Candlesticks....................... .................................... 88-89, 112-115 Canulas.......................................48-49 Cap, Cranial.................................... 64 Capri Pants......................................69 Cards, Acknowledgment.......108-109 Carotid Tubes.............................48-49 Casket, Baby....................................67 Casket Cover................................... 70 Casket Display System...........101-102 Casket Floral Rack.......................... 92 Casket Padding...............................62 Cavamine Cavity Fluid....................15 Cavicel Cavity Fluid........................ 17 Cavicide Disinfectant..................... 37 Cavity Fluids...............................15-18 Cavity Injector.................................45 Cell-U-Cotton..................................62 Chapel Equipment & Furniture......... .................................... 80-95, 112-115 Charts, Anatomical.........................66 Child Bag.........................................70 Church Trucks & Accessories 100-102 Clipper, Hair.................................... 72 Coinjection Fluids..........................4-6 Color Repair Pencils......................116 Comb...............................................72 Complexion Tints............................30 Cosmetics................................... 30-34 Cots & Accessories.............96-99, 103 Cotton, Absorbent......................... 62 Cover Creams..................................32 Coveralls, Plastic............................. 69 Covering Creams....................... 32-33 Cranial Cap..................................... 64 Cremation Tray............................... 67 Cremation Urns.............................106 Crucifixes........................ 89, 113, 115 Cut-off, Tubing............................... 45 B B-4 Body Conditioner.......................4 B&G Complexion Tints....................30 Baby Carrying Case.........................66 Baby Caskets...................................67 Bandage, Gauze............................. 62 Bar Chin Support............................63 Barber's Shears............................... 72 Barrier Gown.......................74-76, 78 Bier Pins........................................ 103 Biers........................................112,114 Biosol Arterial Fluid........................11 Blade Removers..............................56 Blades, Scalpel................................ 55 Bleaching Agent.......................17, 20 Blower, Powder...............................31 Body Bags............................ 71, 98-99 Body Bridge & Positioners............. 40 Body Lifters......................... 41, 96-98 Bone Dissector................................ 52 Book, Embalming...........................66 Book, Funeral Record.....................66 Books, Memorial Record..............111 Brushes& Wash................... 60-61, 72 Buckets............................................68 Bulbs, Light.....................................88 Burial Pouches................................ 70 Buttons, Trocar................................65 117 D Denture Replacements...................64 Derma-Seal..................................... 29 Derma-Wax Ceams.........................33 Diapers............................................ 66 Directors..........................................52 Directory Boards........................80-87 Disinfectants..............................36-38 Dispenser, Soap.............................. 68 Dissector, Bone............................... 52 Drain, China ...................................43 Drain Tubes.....................................50 Drape & Frame, Casket................ 102 Drench Hose & Shower.................. 77 Dressing Forceps.............................52 C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y Dressing Shears.............................. 72 Dressing Tables...............................38 Dri-Clean......................................... 34 Dry Shampoo..................................72 Drying Powder................................32 Duotronic Injector.......................... 42 Dyes.................................................22 Dynamol Arterial Fluid.................. 13 E Edem-X Accessory Chem................19 Electric Needle Injector.................. 58 Electro-Aspirators...........................51 Elevator, Freer's.............................. 50 Embalmers' Apparel..................73-76 Embalming Equipment.............39-59 Embalming Kit................................78 Embalming Machines.............. 42, 49 Embalming Powder / Cream... 27, 29 Embalming Tables.....................39-41 Emblems..........................................91 Expression Formers........................ 64 External Spray.................................36 Eye Caps..........................................64 Eye Protection........................... 78-79 Eye Wash Station........................... 77 EZI, Calvarium Clamp..................... 63 F Face Masks......................................75 Face Shield.................................74-75 Face Tint..........................................30 Faintex...........................................116 Fasteners, Cot................................. 94 Fas-Tik............................................. 35 Femoral Tubes................................ 45 Ferno Equipment.............36,38,88,95 First Aid Equipment....................... 68 First Injection Chemicals............... 2-3 Fix Foam Disinfectant.................... 36 Flag Cases....................................... 90 Flags, Funeral................................104 Floral Stands & Equipment.......92-95 Forceps.......................................52-54 Formaldehyde Mask.......................79 Formaldehyde Test Kit................... 78 Formasorb.......................................68 Formex Cream................................ 29 Fraternal Emblems......................... 91 Freer's Elevator............................... 52 Funeral Record Bood..................... 66 Funeral Sticker.............................. 116 Funeralities................................ 88-89 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 INDEX H Y D R O L C H E M I C A L G Gathering Forceps..........................53 Glo-Wash........................................ 38 Gloves, Disposable..........................73 Gloves, Pallbearer's...................... 116 Glues............................................... 35 Goggle, Safety................................ 78 Gooseneck...................................... 47 Gown, Embalmer's..............74-75, 79 Grave Markers.............................. 105 Guard Powder.................................27 H Hair Cutting Set..............................72 Hair Shampoo............................37,72 Hairdressing Accessories................ 72 Hairpin Injectors.............................49 Hand Scrub & Soap........................ 38 Handkerchiefs...............................106 Handles, Scalpel..............................55 Hardening Compound................... 26 Headrests........................................ 65 Hearse Accessories............... 103, 116 Hemostats....................................... 54 Hi-Tak Lip and Eye Cream..............35 Hoky Sweeper.................................66 Hooks, Aneurism............................ 52 Hooks, Floral...................................92 Humectant...................................... 21 Hyco Arterial Fluid........................... 9 Hydex Face Powders...................... 31 Hydro Aspirator.............................. 51 Hydro-Seal...................................... 28 Hydrolan Oil................................... 21 Hydrolan Arterial Fluid.................. 11 Hydrolite Arterial Fluid..................13 Hydrosol-1 Preinjection....................5 Hydrotone Water Softener.............. 6 Hyflo Arterial Fluid...........................7 Hy-Glo Cosmetics............................32 hypHe pH Enhancer..........................6 Hy-Phen Disinfectant..................... 36 Hypo Needles & Syringes...............25 Hypovalve Trocar............................ 44 Hypost Cavity Fluid........................ 15 Hy-Rock Hardening Compound.... 26 Hyrose Dye......................................22 Hytek Cavity Fluid.......................... 18 Hy-Vis Arterial Fluid......................... 8 I Incision Sealers.................... 28-29, 35 Incision Spreader............................ 53 Infant Carrying Case...................... 66 Injector, Cavity Fluid...................... 49 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 C O M P A N Y Injector, Needle.& Needles............ 59 Instruments................................52-54 Isolyser.............................................68 J Jaundrol Jaundice Fluid................. 19 K KleenAsptic Foam Disinfectant..... 36 L Lab Coat................................... 74, 79 Lamps......................... 88-89, 112-115 Landrol Arterial Fluid.....................10 Landrol II Arterial Fluid................. 10 Lanolin Oil Additive....................... 21 Latex Gloves................................... 73 Lectems.......................81-83, 112-114 Letters & Numbers......................... 87 Lifters, Body......................41, 98, 103 Ligature...........................................57 Light Bulbs......................................89 Lingerie Sets................................. 106 Lip and Eye Seal............................. 35 Lip Filler & Wax.............................. 34 Lip Tint............................................ 30 Literature Racks..............................82 Lyf-Lyk Tints.................................... 30 M Machines, Embalming....................42 Magic Stick Repair Pencil.............116 Magnetic Funeral Flags................104 Magnetic Funeral Sign.................116 Magnetic Hose Holder................... 65 Magnetic Spray Holder.................. 92 Mask, Embalming...........................79 Mass Card Holders...................82,113 Massage Cream.............................. 33 Medallions, Military....................... 90 Memorial Boards..........................110 Memorial Record Books...............111 MetriCide-28 Disinfectant............. 37 MetriGuard Disinfectant................37 Morgue Table Receptor................. 43 Moulding Wax...........................33-34 Mouth Formers...............................64 Multi-Closures.................................65 N Natural Complexion Dye................22 Nature-Glo Arterial Fluid...............12 Nature-Glo Cream.......................... 33 Needles, Hypo.................................25 Needle, Injector.............................. 59 Needles, Suture.............................. 58 Nilodor.......................................... 108 Nitrile Gloves.................................. 73 Nitrol Cavity Fluid...........................16 Numbers & Letters..........................76 O Orablam Orifice Chemical..............20 Ozium Spray..................................116 P Pad, Cot...........................................98 Palette Knife...................................52 Pallbearer's Gloves....................... 108 Pants Forms.....................................72 Pants, Plastic................................... 69 Paper Products................................72 Parking Signs, Cones.................... 104 Pedestal Sets...................................92 Pencils, Touch-up..........................108 Penetrol Arterial Fluid..................... 7 Pens, Register..................................82 Personal Protection Apparel.... 73-76 Personal Protection Equip........ 77-79 Phenox Specialty Fluid................... 20 Photo Boards.................................. 86 Pick Up/Removal Kit.......................78 Pick-Up & Removal Equip.........96-99 Pillowcase........................................72 Plaques............................................83 Plastic Goods....................... 69-71, 73 Plasto Wax...................................... 33 Plaster of Paris Bandage................62 Points, Trocar.................................. 49 Porti-boy Embalming Machine......42 Positioner, Hand and Arm............. 65 Post Cup........................................103 Pouches......................................70-71 Powder Blower............................... 31 Powder, Embalming....................... 23 Powders, Cosmetic.................... 31-32 Prayer Rails............................ 105-107 Preinjection Chemicals..................4-6 Prep Towels.....................................62 Pressure Embalmer, Portable.........49 Printed Cards & Books.......... 108-111 Primol Preinjection Fluid................. 5 Professional Soap........................... 38 Nameplates...................................116 Nasal Tubes.....................................49 118 INDEX H Y D R O L R Racks, Floral...............................92-95 Racks, Literature.............................82 Record Book, Funeral.....................66 Reeves Stretcher............................. 98 Register Book............................... 111 Register Pens.................................. 82 Register Stands...........81-83, 112-114 Reserved Seat Signs........................80 Respirators...................................... 79 Restor Skin......................................31 Rx-4 Arterial Fluid............................ 8 S Safety Equipment..................... 73-79 Sanapron Paper Products...............76 San-o-dor Deodorant Powder....... 27 Saturol Tissue Gas Chemical.......... 14 Scalpels, Scalpel Blades.................. 55 Scissors....................................... 54,72 Sealers............................20, 28-29, 35 Self Adherent Wrap....................... 62 Service Records.............................110 Shades, Lamp..................................88 Shampoo, Dry................................. 72 Sharps, Container..................... 56, 68 Shaving & Sealer Cream.................32 Shears, Barber's.............................. 72 Shears, Dressing..............................72 Sheets........................................70, 76 Shipping Trays.................................67 Shirts, Plastic...................................69 Shoe Covers.................................... 75 Shower & Drench Shower..............77 Showroom Trucks.........................100 Shut-Off, Tubing.............................49 Sign, Casket Pricing........................76 Signs, Chapel....................... 80, 84-87 Signs, Safety ...................................77 Skin Closures...................................62 Skin-Cote.........................................29 Skull Clamp................................62-63 Sleeve, Plastic..................................73 Smooth Mover................................ 98 Soap Dispenser................................68 Soaps............................................... 38 Special Hardening Compound.......26 Spot Remover..................................34 Spray Hangers, Etc.................... 92-95 Sterilizing Equipment.............. 43, 68 Stockings, Plastic............................ 69 Stopcocks........................................ 46 Stopcocks, Rubber.......................... 49 Stretchers & Accessories... 96-99, 103 Super-50 Cavity Fluid..................... 17 Super 77 Sealant.............................35 Surface Markers........................... 105 119 Surgical Scrub and Cleanser...........38 Suture Needles............................... 58 Sweeper, Hoky................................ 66 Syringes, Hypo................................25 T T-B Mask..........................................79 Tables......................................... 39-41 Table Cleaner, Ferno...................... 47 Table Receptors.............................. 43 Tape, Adhesive............................... 62 Thorol Cavity Fluid......................... 18 Thread Passer, Blade & Thread.......... ...................................................56, 57 Threads........................................... 59 Tints.................................................30 Tissue Builder.............................23-24 Tissue Dryer.....................................72 Tissue Gas Chemical....................... 14 Tiss-U-Cream................................... 33 Tiss-U-Tone Humectant.................. 21 Torchiere ...............................112-115 Towels............................................. 76 Trocars.............................................47 Trocar Buttons................................ 65 Trocar Holder Well......................... 43 Trocar Points...................................48 Tubes, Arterial...........................44-45 Tubes, Drain....................................50 Tubes, Nasal....................................48 Tubing, Plastic & Rubber................46 Tubing Holders............................... 65 Tubing Shut-Off............................. 65 C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y W Wall Registers.................................81 Wall Directories........................80, 84 Water Control Unit........................ 43 Waterless Aspirators...................... 51 Wax, Moulding..........................33-34 Wax Spatula................................... 50 Webril Towels & Bandage............. 62 Wheel Cups.....................................94 Williams Body Lift.......................... 38 Windshield Sticker........................108 Y Y's....................................................49 Z Ziegler Case.................................... 67 U Ultra-Glo Arterial Fluid.................. 14 Umbrellas......................................116 Underwear Sets............................ 106 Union Suits......................................69 Upholstery Cotton..........................62 Urns............................................... 107 Utility Cases.................................... 67 V Vein Expander.................................52 Vein Forceps................................... 53 Velva Glo Arterial Fluid....................9 Vionex, Soap & Gel.........................38 Viscera Bags & Liners..................... 70 Viscera Pail......................................68 Viscote & Viscote Gel..................... 28 Visors, Splash.................................. 79 TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 SALIENT FACTS H Y D R O L Fluid Name ARTEX B-4 C H E M I C A L Type(s) Index Vol. % C O M P A N Y Acidity Vapor Pressure Water Softener Color Application(s) Arterial Body conditioner, neutralizer & clot disperser. Arterial Cavity Cavity Arterial Co-injection 30 8 Neutral Alkaline Medium Low No Yes Natural Cos. Red Staining Strong to Mild Pre & Co-injection additive for formaldehyde control 26 28 23 36 0 Mild Neutral Acid Neutral Neutral Medium Medium Medium High No No No No No Flesh Tint Clear Clear Flesh Flesh 22 20 22 24 36 0 0 23 0 Acid Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Acid Alkaline Acid Alkaline Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Natural Cos. Natural Cos. Flesh Tint Flesh Tint Flesh Tint Clear Soft Pink Clear Clear HYPOST JAUNDROL LANDROL LANDROL II LANOLIN OIL NATURE-GLO NITROL ORABALM PENETROL PHENOX PRIMOL RX-4 SATUROL SUPER-50 TANTONE THOROL TISS-U-TONE ULTRA-GLO Viscous Arterial Arterial w/lanolin Viscous Arterial Arterial w/lanolin Arterial First Injection Water Softener Cavity Body conditioner and neutralizer. Cavity Arterial Arterial Arterial Humectant Arterial Cavity Orifice Chemical Arterial Bleach/Cauterizer 1st Injection Arterial Arterial Cavity Arterial Cavity Humectant Arterial Firming Arterial Low Fume Cavity Low Fume Cavity Strong Arterial Reduce tissue swelling and moisture retention Anti-dehydrant W/lanolin & glut. Dehydration Medium Arterial Very Strong Arterial Pre or co-injection chemical and sanitizer Arterial Additive Low Fume Cavity pH enhancer and aldehyde control 23 20 24 24 0 30 32 5 36 0 4 18 20 50 24 32 0 28 Acid Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Acid Neutral Neutral Acid Alkaline Neutral Neutral Acid Neutral Acid Neutral Neutral High Medium Medium Medium High No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No Clear Clear Rose Tint Natural Cos. Natural Color Flesh Tint Faint Blue Clear Natural Cos. Clear Non-staining Red Flesh Tint Clear Clear Tan Tint Clear Non-staining Flesh Tint VELVA-GLO VIS-COTE Arterial Viscous 24 21 Neutral Acid Medium Medium No No Flesh Tint Faint Blue BIOSOL CAVAMINE CAVICEL DYNAMOL EDEM-X HYCO HYFLO HY-VIS HYDROLAN HYDROLITE HYDROSOL 1 HYDROTONE HYTEK hypHe High Medium Medium High Medium High Medium Medium High Very High Medium Medium Low Index, Triple Base Cavity Jaundice Medium arterial with lanolin and glut. As above Strong Arterial All Purpose Cavity External Very Strong Very Strong Arterial Capillary Wash and Mild Arterial Viscous Arterial For Gas Bacilli (Tissue Gas) Very Strong Cavity Mild Arterial Scented Cavity Prevents Gravitation Rapid firming for trauma cases & frozen bodies Medium Arterial Autopsy Chemical Hydrol Chemical manufactures a complete line of embalming fluids and chemicals. In addition to our standard stock arterial, cavity and specialty fluids we will make specials to meet a customers needs. The chart above is for our standard line only. TOLL FREE: (800) 345-8200 120