Dana Cup 2Ul4 in Denmark
Dana Cup 2Ul4 in Denmark
YffiLiffi &ruffi $h/tP&ffiT{&fl- lt www. da i $y-${.{s}.{s$fr Scholastica to participate in Dana Cup 2Ul4 in Denmark SUH Cruupus Desx Football teams from Scholastica Uttara f;rIWO ' I '*d Mirpur senior campuses are going to par,L ticipate in the Dana Cup Football. Tournament, which will be held frorr2lst to 26tr July in Hjorring, Denmark. Scholastica is the only school which will be participating in Dana Cup from Bangladesh. There are several age groups of teayns among which Scholastica is sending two Boys teams to participate in the Under 1b and Under 16 age groups. Both teams will be accompanied by two physical education teachers and two office personnel to the tournament. About Dana Cup: The Dana Cup, one of thO world's largest football tournaments which takes place every year in the North JuUand town of Hjsrring in Denmark at the end of July The tournament is organized by Dana Cup authority which includes topnbtch professionals from relevant baCkgrounds. This year, the tournament will be sponsored by - Adidas, Pepsi, Sportmaste4 Ford, etc. I Dana Cup Hjorring started in 1982 and in 2014 it be the 33ro tournament. The tournament caters to boys and girls teams, organized into age.groups ranging from U12 to U19. In the first phase of play will games are playeil in a round-robin format with groups of 4 or 5 teams. Based on their results in this first phase, teams advance into either the A or 'B' finals brackets where games are played in a knockogt format.
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