plagiat merupakan tindakan tidak terpuji plagiat
plagiat merupakan tindakan tidak terpuji plagiat
PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS‟ VOCABULARY LEARNING STRATEGIES ADOPTED IN ONLINE CROSSWORD PUZZLES A THESIS Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements To Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M Hum) Degree In English Language Studies by Yunita Rizky Wijayanti Student Number: 136332001 THE GRADUATE PROGRAM IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDIES SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2015 i PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI A THESIS UNDERGRADUATE STIIDENTS' VOCABULARY LEARNING STRATECES ADOPTED IN ONLINE CIROSSヽ VORD PI」 ZZLES Dr. B. B. Dwiiatmoko" M.A Advisor ノ 宅 ` Yogyakarta,, 29 July 2415 PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI A TⅡESIS UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS' VOCABULARY LEARNING STRATEGIES ADOPTED IN ONLINE CROSSWORD PUZZLES Presented by Yunita Rizky Wijayanti Student Number: 136332001 Defended before the Thesis Committee and Declared Acceptable. THESIS COⅣ IⅣIITTEE Chairperson :FoX.Ⅳ Iukarto,Ph.D。 Secretary :Dr.B.B.Dwijatmoko,MoA. Members :1.Dro Retno Muttani,M・ Pd. 2.Dro J.Bismoko Yogyakarta, 19 August 2015 The Graduate Program Director Sanata Dharma University nus Suprd' PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI DEDICATION PAGE BE THE BEST OF WHATEVER YOU ARE by Douglas Malloch If you can‘t be a pine on the top of the hill Be a scrub in the valley – but be The best little scrub by the side of the rill Be a bush if you can‘t be a tree If you can‘t be a bush be a bit of the grass And some highway some happier make If you can‘t be a muskie, then just be a bass – But the liveliest bass in the lake! We can‘t all be captains, we‘ve got to be crew There‘s something for all of us here There‘s big work to do and there‘s lesser to do And the task we must do is the near If you can‘t be a highway then just be a trail If you can‘t be the sun be a star It isn‘t by size that you win or you fail – Be the best of whatever you are! I dedicated my thesis to My beloved family iv PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI STATEMENT OF WORK ORIGINALITY This is to certifu that all ideas, phrases, sentences, unless otherwise stated are the ideas, phrases, and sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands of the full consequences including degree cancellation if she took somebody else's ideas, phrases, or sentences without proper references. Yogyakarla, 29 201 5 Yunita Rizky Wijavanti PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI LEⅣIBAR PER.NYATAAN PUBLIKASIPERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILル lIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADE■ llIS Yang bcrtanda tangan di bawah ini,saya mahttiswa Univcrsitas Sanata Dhal宣 縣 : Nama i Yunita Rizky Wttayanti NIIWI :136332001 Delni pcngembangan ilmu pcngctahuan, saya merllbc五 kan kcpada PcΨ ustakaan Univ∝ sitas Sanata Dharma kttya ilmiah saya yang bettudul: UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS' VOCABULARY LEARNING STRATEGIES ADOPTED IN ONLINE CROSSヽ VORD PUZZLES beserta perangkat yang diperlukan(bila adal.Dcngan dcmikial■ stta mcmbcrikan kcpada Pcttustakaan Univcrsitas Sanata Dhama hak untuk mcnyilnpan, mengalihkan, dalam bentuk media lain, mengclola dalaln bcntuk pangkalan data, mclldistribusikall secara tcrbatas,dan lllcmpublikasikan di interrlet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akadenlis tanpa perlu lninta lJin dan saya maupun lllclllbCrikan royalli kcpada saya selalna tctap lncncantulnkan nalna saya scbagai pcnulis Demikian peffiyalaarr ini yang saya buat dengan sebenamya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal:29 July 2bl5 Yang menyatakan: Yunita Rizky Wrjayanti Vl PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to dedicate my greatest gratitude to ALLAH S.W.T for showering me the invaluable mercy and love in my life. Hence, I could have an opportunity to accomplish my study. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my thesis advisor, Dr. B. B. Dwijatmoko, M. A., for his support, guidance, patience, and kindness to complete my research. Furthermore, my great appreciation also goes to Dr. J. Bismoko, F. X. Mukarto, M.S., Ph. D., Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., Paulus Sarwoto, S.S., M.A., Dr. Alb. Budi Susanto, S.J. for the knowledge, insights, and encouragements during my study to make me become a better person. I would like to thank Dr. Retno Muljani, M. Pd for her great suggestions to improve my research. I would like to extend my thanks to all staff of the Graduate Program, Mbak Lely for her help in administrative matters and also Pak Mul for his help and friendliness. I would like to dedicate my precious gratitude to my mother, Ibu Sri Hastuti for her prayers, endless love, support, patience, and all best values of life for being a better person, and also to my father, Bapak Soebagyo, who has been in heaven, yet he always keeps alive in my heart. I would also like to give my sincere gratitude to my lovely sisters, Mbak Ika, Mbak Lia, and Dik Zeni, and to my beloved brother Dik Taufik for their prayers, love, and encouragement. I am also grateful to have my dearest newborn niece, Dik Aisya who has shared happiness to my big family and makes our lives more colourful. To Mbak Nurul, Joan, Bundo, Aik, Nia, Ratri, and all of my classmates in class A and also in Education class, I thank you for sharing knowledge and vii PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI cheerful time during learning in KBI. I particularly thank to Dian and Levyn for being my partners in accomplishing my study. I would like to thank all of my colleagues and academic staff of Cilacs UII for their support to finish my study. My special thank goes to Mas Norman for his prayers, support, sincerity, and kindness. I am deeply indebted to Mas Dhadha for his helps whenever I got problems with my computer and also Mbak Ita for her ideas and suggestions for my study. Finally, my gratitude also goes to those whom I cannot mention by names. May ALLAH S.W.T. bless all of us with health and the happiest life. Aamiin. Yunita Rizky Wijayanti viii PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………………. i APPROVAL PAGE ………………………………………………………………ii DEFENSE APPROVAL PAGE …………………………………………………iii DEDICATION PAGE ............................................................................................ iv STATEMENT OF WORK ORIGINALITY ........................................................... v LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PUBLIKASI PERSETUJUAN ................................ vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................. vii LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ xii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. xiii LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................... xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................... xv ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... xvi ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................... xviii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 1 A. Research Background ......................................................................................... 7 B. Problem Identification ........................................................................................ 8 C. Problem Limitation............................................................................................. 8 D. Research Questions ............................................................................................ 9 E. Research Objectives............................................................................................ 9 F. Research Benefits.............................................................................................. 10 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................. 1 A. THEORETICAL REVIEW .............................................................................. 12 1. Vocabulary………………………………………………………………… 12 a. Definition of a Word .................................................................................... 13 b. Categories of Word Knowledge .................................................................. 14 c. Breadth and Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge ............................................ 17 d. Learning Vocabulary ................................................................................... 17 1) Low-Frequency Words ............................................................................ 18 a) Word Guessing from Context ............................................................. 18 b) Deliberate Learning with Word Cards ................................................ 19 c) Memorization with Word Parts .......................................................... 20 d) Dictionary Use ................................................................................... 20 2) High-Frequency Words ........................................................................... 21 a) Meaning-Focused Input ..................................................................... 21 b) Meaning-Focused Output ................................................................... 22 c) Language-Focused Learning ............................................................... 23 d) Fluency Development ......................................................................... 23 e. Intentional and Incidental Vocabulary Learning ......................................... 24 f. Principles of Vocabulary Learning ............................................................... 25 2. Strategies ......................................................................................................... 26 ix PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI a. Language Learning Strategies ..................................................................... 26 b. Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) ........................................................ 32 1) Definition of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) ............................. 32 2) Types of Vocabulary Learning Strategy (VLS) ...................................... 33 a) Schmitt‘s Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategy ..................... 33 b) Gu and Johnson‘s Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategy ...... 36 c) Catalan‘s Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategy .................... 38 d) Nation‘s Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategy ..................... 40 c. Web-Based Learning in CALL .................................................................... 42 d. Web-Based Learning in the Class ............................................................... 43 3. Crossword Puzzles ........................................................................................... 47 a. Online Crossword Puzzles in Vocabulary Course ....................................... 50 B. REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES ................................................................ 52 C. THOERETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................................................... 56 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ....................................................................... 64 A. Research Method .............................................................................................. 64 B. Research Design ............................................................................................... 65 C. Research Procedure .......................................................................................... 66 D. Nature of Data .................................................................................................. 72 E. Research Setting ............................................................................................... 72 F. Research Population and Sample ..................................................................... 73 G. Data Gathering Techniques and Instruments ................................................... 74 H. Data Analysis ................................................................................................... 78 I. Trustworthiness of the Study ............................................................................ 82 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................. 84 A. RESEARCH RESULTS ................................................................................... 84 1. The Results from the Close-Ended Items of the Questionnaire ....................84 2. The Results from the Open-Ended Items of the Questionnaire.....................88 3. The Results from the Interviews ...................................................................93 B. DISCUSSION .................................................................................................. 96 1. Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) Used in Online Crossword Puzzles 96 2. The Factors or Features Most Significantly Encourage the Students to Learn Vocabulary through the Puzzles .................................................................131 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS.................................... 145 A. Conclusions .................................................................................................... 145 B. Suggestions ..................................................................................................... 148 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 150 Appendix 1: The Questionnaire for the Data Gathering ..................................... 156 x PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Appendix 2: Questionnaire Result ...................................................................... 160 Appendix 3: Score Interpretation ........................................................................ 164 Appendix 4: Data from Open-Ended Questionnaire ........................................... 168 Appendix 5: The Interview Guideline ................................................................ 177 Appendix 6: The Interview Result ...................................................................... 180 xi PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI LIST OF TABLES Table Page 2.1 VKS Elicitation Scale-Self Report Categories ................................................. 14 2.2 Knowing a Word .............................................................................................. 16 2.3 Definitions of Learning Strategies ................................................................... 27 2.4 Features of Language Learning Strategies ....................................................... 28 2.5 Language Learning Strategies .......................................................................... 29 2.6 A Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategies ............................................ 33 2.7 Gu and Johnson‘s Categories of Vocabulary Learning Strategies ................... 35 2.8 The Ten Most Frequently Used Vocabulary Learning Strategies .................... 36 2.9 The Ten Least Frequently Used Vocabulary Learning Strategies ................... 37 2.10 A Taxonomy of Kinds Vocabulary Learning Strategies .................................. 39 2.11 The Syllabus of Vocabulary Web-Based Class ............................................... 41 2.12 A Brief Overview of Online Crossword Puzzles .............................................. 47 2.13 Vocabulary Learning Strategies adapted from Oxford (1990:17) ................... 54 2.14 Oxford‘s VLS Compared with Other Proponents‘ Concept ............................ 57 3.1 The Steps to Conduct Survey Research ........................................................... 64 3.2 Research Timeline ............................................................................................ 67 3.3 The Summary of Data Gathering Techniques and Instruments ....................... 71 3.4 The Blueprint of the Data Gathering ................................................................ 73 3.4 The Meanings of Coding of the Data of the Open-Ended Questions and the Interview ............................................................................................................ 76 4.1 Degrees of Frequency of the Questionnaire ..................................................... 80 4.2 Score Criteria ................................................................................................... 81 4.3 The Interpretation of the Close-Ended Questionnaire Results ......................... 82 4.4 The Results from the Open-Ended Question Showing the Students‘ Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) Using the Puzzles ............................... 83 4.5 The Results from the Open-Ended Question Showing the Factors Most Significantly Encouraging Students to Learn Vocabulary Using the Puzzles .. 86 4.6 The Results from the Interviews ...................................................................... 88 xii PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 4.1 4.2 The Classification of Language Learning Strategies ........................................ 29 Vocabulary Menu in ELTGallery ....................................................................... 43 Vocabulary Facilities in ELTGallery ................................................................... 44 The Home Page of ELTGallery .......................................................................... 48 An Online Crossword Puzzle in ELTGallery ....................................................... 48 A Model of WWW-Based Learning ................................................................... 59 Crossword‘s Check Puzzles ……………………………………………. ........128 The Display Score in ELTGallery ……………………………………... .........137 xiii PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix Page Appendix 1. The Questionnaire for the Data Gathering …….………………..150 Appendix 2. The Questionnaire Result ……………………………….……….153 Appendix 3. The Score Interpretation ……………………………….………..156 Appendix 4. The Data from Open-Ended Questions ………………..………..159 Appendix 5. The Interview Guideline …………………………….…………..166 Appendix 6. The Interview Result ………………………………….…………169 xiv PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS A03 : Anisa‘s transcript interview 3 App : Appendix B02 : Bima‘s transcript interview 2 CALL : Computer Assisted Language Learning D01 : Dina‘s transcript interview 1 LLS : Language Learning Strategies Q1.2 : Open-Ended Question 1, student‘s comment 2 Q2.3 : Open-Ended Question 2, student‘s comment 3 VLS : Vocabulary Learning Strategies xv PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI ABSTRACT Wijayanti, Yunita Rizky. 2015. Undergraduate Students‟ Vocabulary Learning Strategies Adopted in Online Crossword Puzzles. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Education Studies, Sanata Dharma University. Learning vocabulary using web-based learning may engage undergraduate students to become active to apply their own vocabulary learning strategies which are more appropriate and convenient for them in order to achieve the objectives of the learning process. The students‘ vocabulary learning strategies may affect their achievement, so they are required to explore more vocabulary learning strategies to find out the most effective vocabulary learning strategies to optimize their learning process. Thus, this study aimed to describe the vocabulary learning strategy through online crossword puzzles implemented by the students. It is elaborated into two research questions intended (a) to investigate the most dominant vocabulary learning strategies used in the puzzles, and (b) to describe factors or features most significantly encourage the students to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. This study applied a mixed-method design inasmuch as the analysis involved both qualitative and quantitative data. It used a survey to obtain data dealing with what vocabulary learning strategies using the puzzles the learners conducted and how they did those strategies. It implemented triangulation to strengthen the findings of this study by conducting interviews developed from the result of the questionnaire to clarify and to dig out more detailed data gained from the questionnaire. The study was carried out in English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University. The samples of this research were 61 first semester students who took vocabulary course in academic year 2014/2015. The results show that there are thirteen different kinds of vocabulary learning strategies which are possibly applied using the puzzles. Those strategies are divided into two categories namely direct strategies and indirect strategies. Overall, it is found that direct strategies are applied more dominantly than indirect strategies. Direct strategies comprise guessing intelligently, memory and cognitive strategies. The most dominant strategies of all the direct strategies are guessing intelligently. It is followed by memory strategies like creating mental linkages, employing action, and reviewing well. The next strategies are cognitive strategies which are almost as dominant as memory strategies. Those cognitive strategies are analyzing and reasoning, practicing, and creating structure for input and output. Meanwhile, in indirect strategies, they cover affective, metacognitive, and social strategy. The results of this study show that affective strategies are the most dominant strategies of all indirect strategies. Those affective strategies are lowering anxiety and self-encouraging. Nevertheless, metacognitive strategies are nearly as dominant as affective strategies. Metacognitive strategies are possibly applied by employing evaluating learning, centering learning, and arranging and planning learning. Finally, it is followed by social strategy which is applied by cooperating with others. xvi PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Furthermore, from this study, it is found that there are eleven most important factors or features which encourage students to learn vocabulary through the puzzles. Those factors or features are opportunities to use dictionaries, immediate checking, attractive learning method, guessing words, peer collaboration, typing words, repetition, learning from the errors, practice, flexible time, and display scores. Those factors or features are listed from the most to the least favourite factors or features chosen by the students to support at the most to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. To conclude, thirteen kinds of vocabulary learning strategies are possibly applied to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. Nonetheless, the application of one and other strategies may require different degree of frequency to learn vocabulary. Furthermore, learners may have different priority in applying the vocabulary learning strategies inasmuch as it is found that there are eleven different opinions regarding the most significant factors or features which motivate them to learn vocabulary through the puzzles. It depends on learners‘ background (one‘s living conditions, levels of intelligence, daily activities) and their characteristics (moody, independent, extrovert). In fact, certain students decide to combine some strategies in order to achieve the optimal objectives of learning, and some of them may shift one strategy to another strategy when they realize that the previous strategy they have conducted have not been able to solve their problem(s) found during the learning process. xvii PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI ABSTRAK Wijayanti, Yunita Rizky. 2015. Undergraduate Student‟s Vocabulary Learning Strategies Adopted in Online Crossword Puzzles. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Education Studies, Sanata Dharma University. Belajar kosakata dengan metode berbasis website dapat mendukung siswa menjadi lebih aktif dalam menentukan sendiri penerapan strategi belajar yang paling tepat dan untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran secara optimal. Penerapan strategi belajar kosakata siswa dapat mempengaruhi keberhasilan belajar mereka sehingga siswa perlu lebih mengeksplorasi berbagai macam strategi belajar kosakata agar dapat menemukan strategi belajar kosakata yang paling tepat untuk mengoptimalkan proses belajar kosakata. Oleh karena itu, penelitian in bermaksud menggambarkan strategi belajar kosakata melalui teka-teki silang online yang diterapkan oleh para siswa yang dirumuskan dalam dua pertanyaan dalam penelitian ini yang bertujuan untuk (a) meneliti strategi belajar kosakata yang paling dominan digunakan untuk belajar kosakata menggunakan teka-teki silang online, dan (b) untuk menggambarkan faktor atau sarana yang paling penting dalam mendorong siswa untuk belajar kosakata melalui teka-teki silang. Studi ini menerapkan metode penelitian campuran karena menganalisa data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Studi ini menggunakan survey untuk memperoleh data jenis strategi belajar kosakata yang diterapkan para siswa menggunakan tekateki silang online serta bagaimana mereka menerapkan strategi tersebut. Triangulasi dilakukan untuk memperkuat temuan studi ini dengan melakukan wawancara yang pertanyaannya dibuat berdasarkan pengembangan dari hasil kuesioner. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Universitas Sanata Dharma Jurusan Sastra Inggris. Sampel penelitian ini melibatkan 61 mahasiswa semester pertama yang mengambil kuliah kosakata pada tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tiga belas macam strategi belajar kosakata yang dibagi menjadi dua kategori: strategi direct dan strategi indirect. Secara keseluruhan, ditemukan bahwa penerapan strategi direct lebih dominan daripada penerapan strategi indirect. Strategi direct meliputi strategi guessing intelligently, memory dan cognitive. Strategi guessing intelligently merupakan strategi paling dominan dari semua strategi direct. Strategi berikutnya yaitu strategi memory seperti strategi creating mental linkages, employing action, dan reviewing well. Strategi berikutnya diikuti oleh strategi cognitive yang penerapannya hampir sedominan strategi memory. Strategi cognitive terdiri dari strategi analyzing and reasoning, practicing, dan creating structure for input and output.Sedangkan strategi indirect meliputi strategi affective, metacognitive, dan social. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi affective merupakan strategi paling dominan dari semua strategi indirect. Strategi affective tersebut yaitu lowering anxiety dan self-encouraging. Akan tetapi, strategi metacognitive hampir sedominan strategi affective. Strategi metacognitive meliputi evaluating learning, centering learning, dan juga arranging and planning learning. Strategi yang terakhir yaitu strategi social yang dapat dilakukan dengan cara cooperating with others. Selain itu, dari studi ini juga ditemukan bahwa ada sebelas faktor atau sarana yang paling berpengaruh mendorong mahasiswa untuk belajar kosakata xviii PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI dengan menggunakan teka-teki silang online. Faktor atau sarana tersebut yaitu kesempatan untuk menggunakan kamus, segera mengoreksi, metode pembelajaran yang menarik, menebak kata, bekerja sama dengan teman, mengetik kata, pengulangan, belajar dari kesalahan, latihan, waktu yang fleksibel, dan tampilan nilai. Penyebutan kesebelas factor atau sarana tersebut diurutkan dari yang paling favorit dipercaya oleh mahasiswa dalam mendukung mahasiswa untuk belajar kosakata melalui teka-teki silang online. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada tiga belas macam strategi belajar kosakata yang memungkinkan diterapkan untuk belajar kosakata menggunakan teka-teki silang online. Akan tetapi, setiap strategi yang diterapkan mempunyai tingkat frekuensi yang berbeda. Selain itu, mahasiswa juga mempunyai prioritas strategi belajar kosakata yang berbeda untuk diterapkan sehubungan dengan ditemukannya sebelas macam pendapat tentang faktor terpenting yang memotivasi mereka untuk belajar kosakata melalui teka-teki silang online. Perbedaan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang mereka seperti kondisi tempat tinggal, tingkat kecerdasan, dan aktivitas keseharian mereka, dan juga dipengaruhi oleh sifat mereka yang berbeda pula seperti mudah terpengaruh oleh suasana hati, mandiri, atau tertutup. Dalam penerapannya, mahasiswa melakukan penggabungan strategi satu dengan strategi lainnya untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran secara optimal, dan juga mengganti strategi satu dengan strategi lainnya ketika mereka merasa strategi yang mereka terapkan belum dapat mengatasi masalah yang mereka temui selama proses belajar berlangsung. xix PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter is to ensure the validity and feasibility of the research project intending to describe undergraduate students‘ vocabulary learning strategies adopted in online crossword puzzles. A. RESEARCH BACKGROUND It is essential to master English inasmuch as it is used to communicate by international community. As a part of international community, it is inevitable to elaborate, negotiate, or cooperate with people from other countries who most of them speak English. It means that in this globalization era, mastering English seems highly demanded in order to be able to compete globally. As a consequence, nowadays not only government but also more private companies require human resources who master English well. In education, the mastery of English certainly supports both learners and educators to enrich their knowledge and to improve their skills. Most of the references are written in English, so they are demanded to understand written texts. In addition, attending meetings such as international conferences, seminars, and also workshops may also accommodate them to upgrade their knowledge and skills. During the meeting, they need to interact with people who come from different countries, and it is obvious that English as an international language is used to communicate. Hence, considering the importance of mastering English, it becomes such a great challenge for educators to keep improving the quality of 1 PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 2 English education, and one of the ways is by facilitating learners to master English in a better way. It is believed that vocabulary is fundamental to learn a language. Thus, it is crucial for second language learners to know a great number of words to learn another language. According to Carter, ‗vocabulary teaching and learning‘ plays role as the most important part of ‗the theory and practice of ELT‘ inasmuch as vocabulary has been the core of ‗culture‘, and ‗learning words‘ is considered as the most crucial thing as learners most find problems dealing with this matter in the acquisition of second language (2001: 47). In vocabulary learning, learners are required to deal with three aspects of vocabulary knowledge namely form, meaning, and use. Brown (2000:7) defines the meaning of learning into some definitions. Learning means acquisition or obtaining. Learning means ‗retention of information or skills‘ which involves ‗storage system, memory and organization‘. Learning may imply reinforced practices. Nation divides word knowledge into three areas namely knowledge of form, knowledge of meaning and knowledge of use. Each of these areas is then further subdivided. Knowledge of word form might involve knowing what a word looks like, the written form of a word; or of what it sounds like, the phonological form. Knowledge of word meaning is likewise divided into three parts. The first sub-division, form and meaning, is the part most of us will think of in terms of knowing a word. It involves being able to link the form, however it occurs, to a meaning, and often in a foreign language this involves forming a link between a foreign language word and its translation in the native language. The other subdivisions, concepts and referents and associations, indicate, therefore, that a word PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 3 in one language might require several translations or carry subtly different meanings and associations in another language. Knowledge of word use is also divided into three parts. Grammatical functions deal with knowing what part of speech a word is and how it will link with other words as a consequence. The collocations sub-section refers to the company words like to keep. Some words occur very frequently alongside certain others and these words are said to collocate with each other. The last sub-division relates with the constraints on use such as formal and informal use of the words (2000:39-41). Despite the importance of vocabulary to learn a language, a large number of learners face difficulties to learn vocabulary. Nation (2000:103) states that ‗a word is not fully learned through one meeting.‘ It is because learning a word relates with learning its form, its meaning, and its use; in addition, learners may focus on different parts to develop knowing a word: focus on input, production, and fluency. The last reason is connected with the condition that learners may deal with limited amount of information at a time because of too much confusion. According to Setiawan (2010:2), a large number of students find problems to master vocabulary because they master limited number of words, and they face ‗difficulty to memorize the meaning of the words‘. In order to achieve effectiveness in learning vocabulary, it is important to apply such appropriate techniques, and one of them is by using games. O‘Dell and Head (2003:4) advice that ‗words are most easily learnt when students manipulate them and make them their own in some memorable way; hence, games have a particular important role to play in vocabulary learning as they provide an enjoyable way of revisiting words and give students the opportunity to use them PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 4 in a memorable context‘. In brief, games may provide enjoyable and memorable experience which is helpful to retain words better; thus, game is considered as an effective way to learn vocabulary. Crossword puzzle is one of the popular and simple games, so a large number of children as well as adults love playing this game to memorize vocabulary. It is believed that when learners enjoy what they do, they will feel more motivated to do it. Considering that crossword puzzles may support learners‘ enthusiasm, crossword puzzles were selected as supplementary materials of the vocabulary course at English Letters of Sanata Dharma University. Since the class implemented web-based learning environment, the game was designed on the website which enables students to get more benefits of it. Furthermore, it is believed that crossword puzzles are effective to help students to memorize vocabulary intentionally. Learning vocabulary intentionally relates with being aware or conscious in attempting of knowing words of the target words (Ellis:1997). As what is claimed by Hill and Popkin that ‗bigger crossword puzzles are very good for reviewing words (as cited in Nation:1990:255). Thus, each online crossword puzzle is designed to accommodate 50 - 60 words per puzzle, and the students have to accomplish one online crossword puzzle every week. It aims to encourage students to review 50 60 words weekly. It is supported by Nation (2000:102) who explains the importance of doing repetition to acquire words and retain the words. As technology develops rapidly, both educators and learners are encouraged to use technology to facilitate learning process more effectively. One of the ways to apply technology in education is by using internet such as language PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 5 learning websites. Reeves (1997) claims that it is undeniable that web-based learning certainly contributes more facilities and advantages to learners such as enabling learners to have learning autonomy, having easier access to get more sources related to their study, and providing collaborative learning which may support learners to achieve their better performance in learning. Moreover, the use technology enables to change from teaching to learning to accommodate more students to have fair chances to optimize their learning process. Esnault claims that shifting from teaching to learning is a revolution for the university similar to the one faced by industry when shifting from mass production of goods toward client relationship management (2008:ix). Similarly, Kochtanek and Hein (2000) state that web-based learning is beneficial to transfer control to students. It means that the result of the learning process depends on the learners not on teachers anymore inasmuch as the learners may control their own learning process. Web-based learning is a part of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) since it uses computer to apply it, and both may encourage rapid development in the learning teaching process. Cameron (1988) clarifies that ‗the aim of developing CALL is not to provide language learners with novelty, (a novelty which in many cases has already disappeared), but is to improve the quality of language teaching. The aim is not to show how ingenious we are in creating software but to use the computer to help us implement educational aims‘. In addition, the prior proponents, Harahap (2013), Orawiwatnakul (2013), and Njoroge, Ndung‘u, and Gathigia (2013) declare that crossword puzzles are certainly effective to learn vocabulary, yet those researchers still used paper-based PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 6 crossword puzzles in conducting their studies, so this study aims to develop the prior researches by describing the necessity of using online crossword puzzles to support the students to enhance vocabulary learning. Considering that web-based learning environment enables to empower students to manage their own their learning process to achieve the goals of the course, it is believed that online crossword puzzles may give contribution to enhance students‘ vocabulary learning. According to Reeves (1997), a model of World Wide Web (WWW) based learning involves certain aspects namely opportunity to construct learning, task ownership, sense of audience, collaborative support, teacher support, and metacognitive support. In other words, this study is intended to look for how well the relation between online crossword puzzles and students‘ vocabulary learning in order to provide better description related to this issue by conducting a confirmatory survey to a number of respondents who were university students in Yogyakarta. Furthermore, this study was conducted underlying a big project. Another similar research was carried out by B.B Dwijatmoko, who designed the website called ELTGallery and the online crossword puzzles applied in this study. He intended to examine the contribution of bilingual crossword used in the vocabulary web-based course. It is found that bilingual crosswords in teachinglearning vocabulary contributes to the vocabulary mastery of the students (Fobs > Ftab, p = 0.045). It shows that although the contribution of the puzzle is low inasmuch as only 8.5% cases in the student‘s vocabulary development can be contributed to the use of the puzzles, yet the puzzles are useful since it strengthens the link between the words and their meanings. Furthermore, learning vocabulary PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 7 through the puzzles gives the learners pleasure and influenced to their learning achievement. Thus, being in line with his study, this research also was concerned with the online crossword puzzles. It was intended to provide other aspects dealing with the issue. This study aimed to investigate the most dominant vocabulary strategies implemented by the students used in the puzzles and also the most significant factors or features which encouraged the students to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. B. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION Vocabulary is one of the compulsory courses of students at English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University. Class B and C in that department applied web-based learning environment in that it is believed that it may provide some facilities to promote a better vocabulary learning process. Online crossword puzzles were a part of the students‘ weekly assignments which have to be accomplished during the semester. More specifically, the students were required to accomplish an online crossword puzzle which contains approximately 50 – 60 words each week. Therefore, they had to accomplish 14 crossword puzzles in a semester. They were bilingual (Indonesian – English) crossword puzzles and the puzzles were designed on the website namely ELTGallery. The challenge of this game was that they could not submit the puzzle unless they had to complete the whole words on the online crossword puzzle correctly. It means that they were put in a condition to cooperate with other classmates whenever they faced problems dealing with finding the correct words for the game. It is intended that the students PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 8 may truly more easily memorize those words by experiencing to retrieve the words through the game. One of the ways to make improvement in order to support learners achieving their best performance is to do evaluation on what has been going on during the learning process. Hence, this study is intended to investigate the most common vocabulary learning strategies used in the puzzles applied by the students as well as the most significant factors or features of the puzzles motivating the students to learn vocabulary in order to provide better understanding related to the issue and to give feedback to both teachers and learners to make better progress in the future. C. PROBLEM LIMITATION This study is limited to provide the description of the implementation of vocabulary learning strategies using online crossword puzzles in certain population. The respondents of this study were the students of vocabulary classes in English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta particularly students of academic year 2014/2015 from class B and C as the students in those classes use web-based vocabulary learning environment, and they were required to do online crossword puzzles using website namely ELTGallery during the semester. This study focuses to investigate the most dominant vocabulary learning strategies used in the puzzles and also to investigate the most significant factors or features of online crossword puzzles which most significantly encourage the students to learn vocabulary. This study provides more detailed information of how and why they implemented those VLS gained from both open-ended PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 9 questions of the questionnaire and the interview conducted to three learners who experienced learning vocabulary using online crossword puzzles. D. RESEARCH QUESTIONS This study was intended to answer the following questions in order to describe how the students learn vocabulary adopted in online crossword puzzles: 1. Which vocabulary learning strategies used in online crossword puzzles are most dominantly applied by the students? 2. What factors or features most significantly encourage the students to learn vocabulary using the puzzles? E. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES It is believed that online crossword puzzles may support learners‘ autonomy to apply their vocabulary learning strategies to achieve the goals of the study inasmuch as the vocabulary learning is supported by the web-based learning which is implemented in CALL. The technology or ELTGallery website used to do the crossword puzzles may accommodate the learners‘ diversity to construct their vocabulary learning strategies in order to achieve the goals of the course. The main goal of developing CALL is to improve the quality of language teaching (Keith:1988). Moreover, web-based learning is designed to support the effective learning since web-based instruction can be adapted to the learners in various ways depending on the learning context (Hall, R.H, Watkins, S.E, and Eller, V. M, 2003) PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 10 Furthermore, the vocabulary learning is conducted using an online game which may provide much fun to the learners, so it may indirectly support the learners to explore their vocabulary learning strategies. In other words, online crossword puzzle may bring enjoyment to the learners which may motivate them to learn vocabulary more willingly. Wahyuningsih (2009) as cited in Njoroge, Ndung‘u, and Gathigia (2013) claims that crossword puzzle may help learners get interest and reduce boredom in learning by providing an alternative of varying teaching techniques and by helping them to find a simpler way to learn English. Thus, in order to provide detailed description of which vocabulary learning strategies used in the puzzles are most commonly applied by the students and what factors which most significantly support the students to learn vocabulary, this study used both quantitative data gained from the result of the questionnaires and the qualitative data gained from the result of the interview of the learners who experienced learning vocabulary using online crossword puzzles. Conducting the interviews to some learners is aimed to dig out more detailed information or the quantitative data obtained from the questionnaire as the researcher may dig out more detailed explanation of the gained data from the questionnaire. F. RESEARCH BENEFITS Theoretically, this study provides better understanding of how students explored their vocabulary learning strategies using online crossword puzzles. It is expected that the findings of this study may give contribution in web-based learning studies, for it presents how online crossword puzzles contributes to optimally explore learners‘ vocabulary learning strategies. In other words, the PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 11 findings of this study may be used as encouragement to the development of webbased learning environment, particularly in vocabulary learning through online crossword puzzles. Beatty (2003) claims that web-based learning may assist students as it may perform as ‗patient tutor‘. Meanwhile, Jones (2007) clarifies that crossword puzzles may provide some educational values such as useful skills (vocabulary, reasoning, spelling, and word attack skills) and may encourage learners to construct different learning styles. Practically, it is expected that language teachers may take benefits of this study to get deeper understanding of how to optimally learn vocabulary by conducting the most appropriate vocabulary learning strategies in order to achieve the objectives effectively with fun to maintain their enthusiasm for a long period of time. The results of this study may be used to reflect and evaluate the contribution of online crossword puzzles to enhance learners‘ vocabulary learning for achieving a better performance in English in the future. Finally, this study is beneficial to second language learners as it provides illustration of the puzzles to strengthen the path between the form and meaning of words, so the puzzles may encourage the learners‘ memory connection of the English words and their meanings. Furthermore, the study is also conducted to share better understanding of how to learn vocabulary to second language learners in order to obtain better achievement to master vocabulary. It is expected that the findings of this study may contribute to help the learners to find their best ways to learn effectively by obtaining some inputs of this study. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 12 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter is to discover the logical truth. It has three parts namely, a theoretical review, review of related studies, and theoretical framework. The theoretical review consists of brief discussions of some theories used as the basis of the research. The review of related studies provides the main points of the prior studies relevant to this study, and the theoretical framework summarizes all the major relevant theories for conducting the research. A. THEORETICAL REVIEW 1. Vocabulary Vocabulary is commonly perceived as the knowledge of words. Grave (2000) describes vocabulary as the entire stock of words belonging to a branch of knowledge or known by an individual. Meanwhile, Nation (2001) defines acquiring a word means knowing its ‗form‘ (spoken, written, and word parts), its ‗meaning‘ (concepts and association), and its ‗use‘ in terms of grammatical functions, collocations, and constraints. In contrast, Harber (1993) argues that at the basic level, knowing a word involves its form and its meaning, while at a deeper level, it includes the abilities to know its meaning, usage, word formation, and grammar. Hence, vocabulary is not only confined to the meaning of words, but it also covers how vocabulary in a language is structured, how people use and store words, and how they learn words and the relationship between words, phrases, categories of words and phrases 12 PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 13 (Harber: 1993). Being in line with Harber (1993), Schmitt (2000:5) claims that learning vocabulary is not only a matter of learning its meaning but also learning all properties called ―word knowledge‖ which include its register, association, collocation, grammatical behavior, written form, spoken form, and frequency. Accordingly, a word may have different meanings in different contexts in that it deals with the register. a. Definition of a Word In order to learn vocabulary well, learners should know the meaning of words. The most well known definition of a word is stated by Bloomfield. Bloomfield defines a word as a minimum free form (Poole, 1999:10). It means that a word is the smallest unit of a language which has its own meaning or can stand by itself. Furthermore, Carter (1998:6-7) mentions that it is difficult to define a word. Carter lists some problems encountered in defining a word. The first problem is orthographic, which free-form or stressed based definition is meaningful, but there are many words which do not match the categories. The next problem deals with defining a word as units of meaning produces various exceptions and seems unclear and asymmetrical. The third problem is connected with different forms of words which are not necessarily regarded as different words. The fourth problem deals with the same form of words which can have distinct and discrete meanings. The last problem is the existing idioms which disturb the effort of defining words. Thus, paying attention in the context of vocabulary is necessary to identify what is involved in knowing a word rather than knowing what a word means. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 14 b. Categories of Word Knowledge Paribakht and Wesche (1997:180) describe five stages of vocabulary knowledge as reflected in their Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS). The VKS is originally used to elicit self-perceived and demonstrated knowledge of specific words in written text (Paribakht & Wesche, 1997:179). The five stages in VKS illustrate the steps of learners‘ vocabulary development. The first two stages rely on honest reporting by learners or test-takers (Read, 2000:132). Stage I of vocabulary development indicates that the word is totally unknown meaning unable to recognize neither the word nor the meaning. At Stage II of vocabulary development, the word is identified, but the meaning is not recognized. The next two stages, Stage III and IV, indicate that the learners know both the word and its meaning. The difference between those stages is on the degree of learners‘ conviction about the meaning of the word. Learners‘ confidence of the knowing the word meaning is higher at Stage IV than that of at Stage III, in that the learners mention the meaning of the word confidently. At Stage V, learners are able to use the word in a sentence meaning moving to productive knowledge of vocabulary. The five stages of categories are shown in the table below: PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 15 Table 2.1 VKS Elicitation Scale – Self Report Categories (Paribakht & Wesche, 1997:180) Self-report Categories I I don‘t remember having seen this word before. II I have seen this word before, but I don‘t know what it means. III I have seen this word before, and I think it means _____ (synonym or translation). IV I know this word. It means _____ (synonym or translation). V I can use this word in a sentence _____ (write a sentence) (If you do this section, please also do section IV) Furthermore, Nation (1990) points out different categories of word knowledge. He identifies four categories of word knowledge as shown in Table 2.2. According to Nation, knowing a word means (1) knowing its form, (2) knowing its meaning, and (3) knowing its use. In the first category, knowledge of word covers the knowledge of word form. This category involves both the spoken and written form of the word. It deals with three aspects: knowledge of the spoken form, knowledge of the written form and knowledge of word parts (Nation, 2001:40). In the second category, knowledge of word includes knowing its position. It means the understanding of grammatical patterns and collocations. Knowing grammatical patterns of a word refers to the use of the word in a sentence (Nation, 2001:56). The third category, knowing a word covers the knowledge of its functions. It comprises the knowledge of its frequency and appropriateness. Knowing its frequency means recognizing whether the word frequently or rarely occurs. Learners may recognize the meaning of words better if those words are commonly found. For instance, the word ‗decrease‘ is more PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 16 commonly found than ‗plummet‘. Knowing its appropriateness signifies the understanding whether the word is suitable for the context in which it occurs or not. For instance, the word ‗would like to‘ is more appropriate than the word ‗want‘ when it is used to in a formal situation (Nation, 2001:57). The last category is knowing its meaning of word. Learners usually perceive that knowing a word means knowing the spoken or written form of the word and its meaning (Nation, 2001:47). It is necessary for learners to be able to connect the two aspectsknowing the form and meaning-because it establishes the learner‘s readiness in retrieving the mearning when seeing or hearing the word or getting back the word form when wishing to express the meaning (p.48). Table 2.2 Knowing a Word (Nation, 2000:40) Form Spoken form R P R P R P What does the word sound like? How does the word pronounced? Written form What does the word look like? How is the word written and spelled? Word parts What parts are recognized in this word? What word parts are needed to express the meaning Meaning Form and meaning R What meaning does this word form signal? P What word form can be used to express this meaning? Concept and referents R What is included in the concept? P What items can the concept refer to? Associations R What other words does this make us think of? P What other words could we use instead of this one? Use Grammatical functions R In what patterns does the word occur? P In what patterns must we use this word? Collocations R What words or types of words occur with this one? P What words or types of words must we use with this one? Constraints on use R Where, when, and how often would we expect to (register, frequency, ..) meet this word? P Where, when, and how often can we use this word? In column 3, R=receptive knowledge, P=productive knowledge PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 17 c. Breadth and Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge The term breadth of vocabulary knowledge usually refers to the vocabulary size of the learners. Vocabulary size refers to the number of words that the person knows (Read, 2000:31). It is expected that the greater number of words which learners remember, the better understanding which learners may perform when they read or listen. Nevertheless, learners may not only requested to acquire wide range of vocabulary but also demanded to define those words appropriately in that those words may have different meanings in different contexts. Henriksen claims that inasmuch as knowledge of words is operationalized as the ability to translate L2 vocabulary into L1, to define words correctly, or to say the words differently, vocabulary knowledge is defined as precise comprehension (1999:305). Vocabulary size is different from vocabulary depth. Depth of vocabulary knowledge emphasizes more on the quality of the learners‘ vocabulary knowledge covering the full understanding or rich meaning representation of a word (Henriksen, 1999:305). Furthermore, Laufer and Paribakht (1998:367) clarify that a depth knowledge continuum involves knowledge of the words‘ syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations with other words. It implies that full understanding of rich meaning of words is acquired by analyzing its relations or associations with other words and its contexts. It is crucial for advanced learners to understand the context in which the word occurs to obtain the precise meaning of the word. d. Learning Vocabulary Learning vocabulary deals with two types of words namely low-frequency words and high-frequency words. The boundary between low-frequency and high- PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 18 frequency words is an arbitrary of the word use and occurrence. Learners may feel more familiar with high-frequency words in that they are more commonly used or more frequently occurred. On the other hand, learners may find more difficulties when they have to deal with many low-frequency words in the text inasmuch as they need hard effort to understand the general meaning of the text. Indeed, it is necessary to know the strategies in order to learn vocabulary dealing with both low-frequency words and high-frequency words. Hence, learners may expand their high-frequency words to learn a language well by learning more and more new words. 1) Low - Frequency Words Nation (2006b) suggests four strategies to deal with low-frequency words. Those strategies are 1) word guessing from the context, 2) deliberate learning with word cards, 3) memorization with word parts, and 4) dictionary use. a) Word Guessing from Context It is believed that guessing word from context is the most effective strategy among those four strategies proposed by Nation (Nation and Meara:2002). There are some factors which influence learners to guess the unfamiliar words easily. Firstly, guessing word can be easily done when learners know most of the words in the text with approximately 95-98% of the whole words in the text. Accordingly, the unfamiliar words can be guessed by relating the words with the surrounding words have been known. Another factor which may affect the learners to guess the unfamiliar words easily is the learners‘ capability in reading and listening skill. Furthermore, learners may guess the unknown words easily when they may understand the general ideas of the text PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 19 (Clarke and Nation:1980), and then they have the background knowledge of the text (Coady and Nation:1988). Learners may change the words from low-frequency words to highfrequency words by focusing to the meaning of the words. It belongs to a strategy to learn high-frequency words which are commonly called as meaning-focused input. In order to optimize the learning process, learners may conduct direct learning of the same words after they have been able to guess the words from context. b) Deliberate Learning with Word Cards This strategy deals with small cards with the target word or phrase on one side and its first language translation on the other side. This strategy is best conducted when learners‘ few minute-free time, so they are really in a relaxed condition to learn vocabulary. Nation (2006b) proposed six items of guidelines to conduct this strategy effectively: 1) using small cards instead of notebooks which allow retrieval of the translation of the target words by the time learners look at the words, 2) increasingly space the repetition, 3) using memory techniques (keyword techniques, word part analysis, study of etymologies, and visualization with the words which are difficult to remember), 4) making sure that the words in a pack do not have closely related meanings, that is, that there are not pairs of opposites or synonyms, or members of a lexical set such as articles of clothing, fruit, days of the week, or numbers, 5) saying the words or phrases to yourself when looking at the cards and get help with the pronunciation of difficult words, and 6) using translation words when learning their meanings. Indeed, deliberating PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 20 learning should become the responsibility of each learner, but learners may need encouragement and training in applying the guidelines. c) Memorization with Word Parts This strategy is conducted to learn unknown words by examining the word parts. It includes knowledge of affixes and stems which already known by learners from the first language or from other second language words. Accordingly, Nation (2000:62) claims that ‗knowing a word may involve knowing that it is made up of affixes and a stem which can occur in other words.‘ For example, the word unpleasantness derived from some parts: un, pleasant, and ness which then join together forming a word. ‗This does not mean that the word is learned in this way, but it may be that for some words their whole unanalyzed form is learned initially, and it later seen as fitting into a regular pattern and is then stored differently.‘ Thus, it requires practice and learning to implement this strategy. Nevertheless, it is believed that word part analysis may not be the best way to guess words, yet it certainly helpful to employ checking an accuracy of a guess based on context clues (Nation and Meara: 2002: 45) d) Dictionary Use Learners may use dictionaries such as monolingual or bilingual one to learn a language including both receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills (writing and speaking). Furthermore, learners may learn various sub-skills using dictionaries such as learning pronunciation by checking the phonetic transcription, interpreting grammatical accuracy, finding the equivalent meaning of words from context (Nation and Meara: 2002: 46). PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 21 Furthermore, Nation (2000:228) suggests that it is needed to train learners to use dictionary to make them ready to find words they need in writing. Havey and Yuill (1997) claim that the most common uses of dictionary in a writing task are to check word spelling, check word meaning, to see if the word exists, to find the synonyms, and to check grammar. Nevertheless, the length of an entry becomes the main obstacle for learners to find the information needed of a word. 2) High - Frequency Words Nation (2006b) claims that teaching learning vocabulary comprises four strands covering meaning – focused input, meaning – focused output, language – focused learning, and fluency development. a) Meaning – Focused Input Meaning-focused input covers chances for learning through listening and reading in which learners have already been able to recognize with 95-98% of the existing words in listening and reading input (Nation and Meara:2002). This strategy may be conducted effectively when it is supported by three conditions. The first condition is that second language learners may only have small proportion of unfamiliar words of the whole words occurred in the text with approximately 2% or around 1 out of 50 words. The second condition is that the learners obtain large amount of information or great number of words at least a million tokens or more a year. The last condition is that the learners intend to focus on unfamiliar words in order to increase the vocabulary mastery and improve vocabulary learning. It is necessary to pay attention to certain criteria in order to conduct a good extensive reading course. Nation and Wang (1999) suggest that for attracting PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 22 learners‘ interests to material given, the text should contain about 98% of running words which learners already known. As a result, it may support them to read at least three books at the same level before moving up to the next level. Accordingly, it may bolster them to deliberately learn unknown words found in the texts. Furthermore, it gives chances for learners to talk and write about their texts. Indeed, Elley (1991) claims that extensive reading course provides benefits to increase vocabulary knowledge. b) Meaning – Focused Output Meaning-focused output involves opportunities for learning through speaking and writing. Nation (2006b:496) claims that negotiating of meaning becomes one of the greatest factor influencing vocabulary learning. Learners may conduct negotiation by deliberately explaining language items as a result of a breakdown in communication. To design a good speaking task, it is important to consider the main influence on what and how much vocabulary learned using such tasks. It is because vocabulary learning may happen if the written input to the tasks contains the target vocabulary to practice, to repeat, to use that vocabulary. Good writing activities may involve the use of written or spoken input in getting information to write about. Giving feedback to learners on their written work is effective to expand their vocabulary knowledge and collocational knowledge in which words go with which words. Accordingly, the feedback may direct toward vocabulary choice and collocations. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 23 c) Language – Focused Learning This strategy can be employed by giving deliberate attention to vocabulary learning through activities such as intensive reading, using cards, pre-teaching of vocabulary before doing communicative activities (Nation:2006b:494). The most tangible activity for direct vocabulary learning is intensive reading in that it engages both of the teacher and the learners to work carefully through a short text noticing at a range of language features and content issues relevant to the text. The activities in intensive reading dealing with vocabulary can be conducted by involving pre-learning some words before reading the text, getting the meaning of some words, neglecting some, spending a lot of time for others to use the text as a chance to learn the strategies of guessing from context, word-part analysis, and dictionary use, and altering the text to get rid of some low frequency words. Furthermore, as it is said previously that vocabulary learning may involve learners to learn how to apply vocabulary strategies of guessing words from context, learning from word cards, word analysis, and dictionary use inasmuch as these strategies demand a repeated investment of time over several months. Thus, learners reach the level where it is easier to use the strategy than not to use it. Feedback on learners‘ spoken and written output can be as another opportunity to deliberate vocabulary learning. It is because they may realize the errors and revise them. Accordingly, it may expand their vocabulary knowledge. d) Fluency Development Fluency development happens when learners do not learn new vocabulary but practice making the best use of words they already known. The aim of this strategy is to support learners perform the best use of the vocabulary which they PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 24 already known. In other words, it does not mean to teach them new words, but it intends to strengthen and enrich knowledge of words already possessed. The good fluency activities have the following characteristics. First, they should not involve unknown vocabulary, grammatical features, or discourse features. Thus, it supports learners to perform at faster at a faster than typical speed. Secondly, they should focus on producing and comprehending messages. Finally, they involve a large quantity of language use. Fluency activities are required in all skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking). It is also necessary to be wise in adjusting the activities with learners‘ level. At a word or phrase level, learners may conduct activities focusing on numbers, time sequences, greetings, and any set without a great deal of thought. Meanwhile, the teacher for this level may play as a role model to say words. For higher level of fluency activities, it can be conducted by involving 4/3/2 activity or giving the same talk in a decreasing timeframe to a new listener, speed reading, and ten-minute writing in which learners write each day for ten minutes concentrating on quantity of writing rather than on quality. e. Intentional and Incidental Vocabulary Learning In learning vocabulary, students may acquire words through intentional or incidental vocabulary learning. Gaas (1999) defines incidental as something that is learned without the object of that learning being the specific focus of attention in a classroom context, that is, learning is a by-product of the classroom focus. It is called incidental, implicit, unconscious vocabulary learning when it aims at comprehending meaning, whereas intentional explicit or conscious vocabulary learning occurs when its goal is explicitly to learn new words. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 25 Intentional vocabulary learning, on the other hand, means that it deals with an attempt with an explicit focus in which the specific goal is to learn vocabulary (Schmitt: 2008). Schmitt (2008) claims that intentional vocabulary learning usually leads to greater and faster gains, with a better chance of retention and of reaching productive levels of mastery. It implies that learners need to focus their attention to effectively acquire vocabulary. Laufer (2005) as cited in Schmitt (2008) declares certain reasons of better conducting intentional vocabulary learning. First, learners who understand the overall message tend to neglect the precise meanings of individual words. The second reason is that guessing from context is often unreliable, particularly for the beginners. Another reason is that words which are understood or guessed from context may not generate enough engagement to be learned and remembered. Finally, new words which learners have met in discourse need to be met again relatively quickly in order to avoid their being forgotten. f. Principles of Vocabulary Learning In order to achieve more effective vocabulary learning it is essential to implement certain principles of vocabulary learning inasmuch as vocabulary development certainly supports the second language acquisition. Accordingly, Nation (2006a:498) proposes five principles which may lead learners to achieve better vocabulary mastery. Firstly, vocabulary learning is supposed to be initiated with high frequency vocabulary and special purposes vocabulary, then moving to low frequency vocabulary. Secondly, learning and teaching high frequency vocabualry and special purposes vocabulary should be based on four strands: meaning-focused input, meaning-focused output, language-focused learning, and PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 26 fluency development. Thirdly, to teach low frequency vocabulary, it should focus to some strategies like guessing from context, learning word cards, using word parts, and using the dictionary. Fourth, designing learning activities supporting ‗thoughtful processing of vocabulary through retrieval, generative use, and the use of mnemonic devices where needed‘ is essential. Fifth, teachers take role to lead learners for being responsible of their own vocabulary learning. Moreover, Schmitt (2008) suggests nine principles which may facilitate learners to conduct better vocabulary learning. Those principles are 1) increasing frequency of exposure, 2) escalating attention focused on the lexical item, 3) increasing noticing of the lexical item, 4) escalating intention to learn the lexical item, 5) a requirement to learn the lexical item (by teacher, test, syllabus), 6) a need to learn or use the lexical item (for tasks or for personal goals), 7) increasing manipulation of the lexical item and its properties, 8) increasing amount of time spent engaging with the lexical item, and 9) increase amount of interaction spent on the lexical item. Hence, it is expected that by applying those principles the learning vocabulary may optimally achieve the goals. 2. Learning Strategies This section discusses about language learning strategies, vocabulary learning strategies, web-based learning in CALL, and web-based learning in the class. a. Language Learning Strategies (LLS) Some proponents define different definitions of learning strategies, but in general they have similar purpose to facilitate learners‘ learning in order to PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 27 achieve the optimal performance of language learning. Ellis (2008) summarized those definitions presented in the following table. Table 2.3 Definitions of Learning Strategies (Ellis, 2008, 704) SOURCE Stern (1983) DEFINITION ‗In our view strategy is best reserved for general tendencies or overall characteristics of the approach employed by the language learner, leaving techniques as the term to refer to particular forms of observable learning behaviour.‘ Weinstein and Mayer (1986) ‗Learning strategies are the behaviours and thoughts that a learner engages in during learning that are intended to influence the learner‘s encoding process.‘ Chamot (1987) ‗Learning strategies are techniques, approaches or deliberate actions that students take in order to facilitate the learning, recall of both linguistic and content area information.‘ Rubin (1987) ‗Learning strategies are strategies which contribute to the development of the language system which the learner constructs and affect learning directly.‘ Oxford (1990) ‗Language learning strategies are behaviours or actions which learners use to make language learning more successful, self-directed and enjoyable.‘ From the table it shows that Oxford and Weinstein and Mayer have the closest term definition of learning strategy. Indeed, they define it as learners‘ behaviours during the learning process to optimize their performance. Oxford (1990:9) clarifies the major characteristics of language learning strategies. They involve the aspects of goals, problems, learners, teachers, and other factor influencing the learning process. It is presented in table 2.4. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 28 Table 2.4 Features of Language Learning Strategies (Oxford:1990:9) No Language learning strategies 1 Contribute the main goal, communicative competence 2 Allow learners to become more self-directed 3 Expand the role of teachers 4 Are problem-oriented 5 Are specific actions taken by the learner 6 Involve many aspects of the learner, not just the cognitive 7 Support learning both directly and indirectly 8 Are not always observable 9 Are not often conscious 10 Can be taught 11 Are flexible 12 Are influenced by a variety of factors It implies that the ultimate objective of language learning strategies is to achieve communicative competence. Thus, all of the learning strategies are directed to build active communication. Furthermore, Oxford also claims that language learning strategies should support learners to perform greater selfdirection inasmuch as it is impossible to expect their teacher‘s guidance anytime and anywhere. Accordingly, they are gradually led to be more independent learners. Oxford (1990:14) divided language learning strategies into two main classes namely direct and indirect strategies. Those two classes are broken down into a total of six groups. Direct strategies comprise memory, cognitive, and PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 29 compensation, while indirect strategies consist of metacognitive, affective, and social. Figure 2.1 The Classification of Language Learning Strategies (Oxford:1990:15) Figure 2.1 illustrates that direct and indirect strategies support each other. In other words, they have mutual support. Further, Oxford (1990:18-21) clarifies that each strategy can be conducted into various ways. Hence, despite problems in classifying the strategies, research continuous to prove that strategies help learners take control of their learning and become more proficient. The summary of Oxford‘s (1990) language learning strategies is presented in the table 2.5 as follows: PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 30 Table 2.5 Language Learning Strategies (Oxford: 1990:18-21) Direct strategies I.Memory strategies A.Creating mental linkages 1.Grouping 2.Associating/elaborating 3.Practicing new words into a context B.Applying images and sound 1.Using imagery 2.Semantic mapping 3.Using keywords 4.Representing sounds in memory C.Reviewing well 1.Structured reviewing D.Employing action 1.Using physical response or sensation 2.Using mechanical techniques II.Cognitive strategies A.Practicing 1.Repeating 2.Formality practicing with sounds and writing systems 3.Recognizing and using formulas and patterns 4.Recombining 5.Practicing naturalistically B.Receiving and sending messages 1.Getting the idea quickly 2.Using resources for receiving and sending messages C.Analyzing and reasoning 1.Reasoning deductively 2.Analyzing expressions 3.Analyzing contrastively (across languages) 4.Translating 5.Transferring D.Creating structure for input and output 1.Taking notes 2.Summarizing 3.Highlighting III.Compensatio n strategies A.Guessing intelligently 1.Using linguistic clues 2.Using other clues PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI B.Overcoming limitations in speaking and writing 31 1.Switching to the mother tongue 2.Getting help 3.Using mime or gesture 4.Avoinding communication partially or totally 5.Selecting the topic 6.Adjusting or approximating the message 7.Coining words 8.Using a circumlocution or synonym Indirect strategies I.Metecognitive strategies A.Centering your learning 1.Overviewing and linking with already known material 2.Paying attention 3.Delaying speech production to focus on listening B.Arranging and planning your learning 1.Finding out about language learning 2.Organizing 3.Setting goals and objectives 4.Identifying the purpose of a language task (purposeful listening/reading/speaking/writing) 5.Planning for a language task 6.Seeking practice opportunities C.Evaluating your learning 1.Self-monitoring 2.Self-evaluating II.Affective strategies A.Lowering your anxiety 1.Using progressive relaxation, deep breathing, or meditation 2.Using music 3.Using laughter B.Encouraging yourself 1.Making positive statements 2.Taking risks wisely 3.Rewarding yourself C.Taking your emotional 1.Listening to your body 2.Using a checklist PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI temperature 32 3.Writing a language learning diary 4.Discussing your feeling with someone else III.Social strategies A.Asking questions 1.Asking for clarification or verification 2.Asking for correction B.Cooperating with others 1.Cooperating with peers 2.Cooperating with proficient users of the new language C.Empathizing with others 1.Developing cultural understanding 2.Becoming aware of others‘ thoughts and feelings From table 2.5 it shows that language learning strategies are possibly conducted for four skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking). b. Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) This sub-topic of the study is intended to provide theories of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS). It comprises the definitions of VLS and four different types of VLS proposed by Schmitt, Gu and Johnson, Catalan, and also Nation. 1) Definition of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) Some proponents have derived the definitions of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS). VLS basically are designed to assist learners in order to control manage their vocabulary learning to achieve optimal goals. Schmitt (1997:2003) illustrates VLS as the process of obtaining, storing, retrieving, and using of lexical items. Being in line with Schmitt, Catalan (2003) describes a more detailed VLS. VLS is defined as a process or strategy which provide certain steps taken by learners to learn vocabulary: ‗1) to find out the meaning of unknown words, 2) to retain them in long-term memory, 3) to recall them at will, and 4) to use them in oral or written mode‘ (Catalan: 2003: 56). PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 33 2) Types of Vocabulary Learning Strategy (VLS) The experts generally provide some similar and different characteristics between one and other strategies in that they basically have the same principles, yet they view them in quite different ways. a) Schmitt‟s Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Schmitt (2000 : 207) compiled a list of VLS categorized according to the following two purposes: 1) strategies which discover a new word‘s meaning; and 2) strategies which consolidate a word once it has been encountered. Schmitt‘s taxonomy of VLS includes a variety of different strategies and all important skills in the learner‘s process. The first strategies are determination strategies. Determination strategies are individual learning strategies, which help learners to discover the meaning of words by themselves with no assistance from peers, such as guessing the words from the context (Schmitt, 2000, 207). The next strategies are called social strategies. Social strategies engage learners in interaction with their peers, and this helps them to learn from each other, such as observing their classmates and asking their teacher for the meaning of a word (Schmitt, 2000, 207). The third strategies are memory strategies. Memory strategies are strategies, which engage learners in learning the new word through mental processing by associating their existing or background knowledge with the new word (Schmitt, 2000, 207). For example, if the learner comes across the word ―cat‖, the learner can group the word ―cat‖ under the category of a four-legged animal because the learner already knows the image of these four-legged animals from his/her background knowledge. Another example is that the learner sees a particular action from a kind of sports on TV PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 34 and guesses the name of the sport be-cause he/she already remembers the actions associated with that sport. The fourth strategies are cognitive strategies. Cognitive strategies do not engage learners in mental processing but is more mechanical. An example is repeating the pronunciation of new words (Schmitt, 2000). The last strategies are metacognitive strategies. Metacognitive strategies are strategies relating to processes involving monitoring, decision-making, and evaluation of one‘s progress. Metacognitive strategies help the learner in determining appropriate VLS for learning new words (Schmitt, 2000). Table 2.6 A Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (Schmitt, 2000, 207) Strategy Group Use Helpful % % Strategies for the discovery of a new word‘s meaning DET Analyze part of speech 32 75 DET Analyze affixes and roots 15 69 DET Check for L1 cognate 11 40 DET Analyze any available pictures or gestures 47 84 DET Guess from textual context 74 73 DET Bilingual dictionary 85 95 DET Monolingual dictionary 35 77 DET Word lists - - DET Flash cards - - SOC Ask teacher for an L1 translation 45 61 SOC Ask teacher for paraphrase of synonym of new word 42 86 SOC Ask teacher for a sentence including the new word 24 78 SOC Ask classmates for meaning 73 65 SOC Discover new meaning through group work activity 35 65 PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Strategy Group 35 Use Helpful % % Strategies for consolidating a word once it has been encountered SOC Study and practice meaning in a group 30 51 SOC Teacher checks students‘s flash cards or word lists for accuracy 3 39 SOC Interact with native speakers - - MEM Study word with a pictorial representation of its meaning - - MEM Image word‘s meaning 50 38 MEM Connect word to a personale experience 37 62 MEM Associate the word with its coordinates 13 54 MEM Connect the word to its synonyms and antonyms 41 88 MEM Use semantic maps 9 47 MEM Use ‗scales‘ for gradable adjectives 16 62 MEM Peg method - - MEM Loci methhod - - MEM Group words together to study them - - MEM Group words together spatially on a page - - MEM Use new words in sentences 18 82 MEM Group words together within a storyline - - MEM Study the spelling of a word 74 87 MEM Study the sound of a word 60 81 MEM Say new word aloud when studying 69 91 MEM Image word form 32 22 MEM Underline initial letter of the word - - MEM Configuration - - MEM Use Keyword Method 13 31 MEM Affixes and roots (remembering) 14 61 MEM Part of speech (remembering) 30 73 MEM Paraphrase the word‘s meaning 40 77 MEM Use cognate in study 10 34 PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Strategy Group 36 Use Helpful % % MEM Learn the words of an idiom together 48 77 MEM Use physical action when learning a word 13 49 MEM Use semantic feature grids - - COG Verbal repetition 76 84 COG Written repetition 76 91 COG Word lists 54 67 COG Flash cards 25 65 COG Use the vocabulary section in your textbook 48 76 COG Listen to tape of word lists - - COG Put English labels on physical objects - - COG Keep a vocabulary notebook - - MET Use English-language media (songs, movies, newcasts) - - MET Testing oneself with word class - - MET Use spaced word practice - - MET Skip or pass new word 41 16 MET Continue to study word overtime 45 87 b) Gu and Johnson‟s Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Gu and Johnson (1996) propose second language (L2) vocabulary learning strategies as metacognitive, cognitive, memory and activation strategies. Metacognitive strategies include selective attention and self-initation. Cognitive strategies cover guessing, using dictionaries, and note taking. Memory strategies deal with rehearsal and encoding association. Finally, activation involves using PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 37 new words in different context. Those four strategies are defined further in the following paragraphs. Metacognitive strategies consist of selective attention and self-initiation strategies. Foreign and second language learners who employ selective attention strategies know which words are important for them to learn and are essential for adequate comprehension of a passage. Learners employing self-initiation strategies use a variety of means to make the meaning of vocabulary items clear. Cognitive strategies in Gu and Johnson‘s taxonomy entail guessing strategies, skillful use of dictionaries and note-taking strategies. Learners using guessing strategies draw upon their background knowledge and use linguistic clues like grammatical structures of a sentence to guess the meaning of a word. Memory strategies are classified into rehearsal and encoding categories. Word lists and repetition are instances of rehearsal strategies. Encoding strategies encompass such strategies as association, imagery, visual, auditory, semantic, and contextual encoding as well as word structure such as analyzing a word in terms of prefixes, stems, and suffixes. Activation strategies include those strategies through which the learners actually use new words in different contexts. For instance, learners may set sentences using the words they have just learned. All these suggested strategies can be summarized in a table as follows: PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 38 Table 2.7 Gu & Johnson‟s Categories of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (1996) Strategies Metacognitive Cognative Memory Activation Selective attention: identifying essential words for comprehension Guessing: activating background knowledge, using linguistic items Rehearsal: Word lists, repetition,etc Using new words in different context Self-initation: Using a variety of means to make the meaning of words clear Use dictionaries Encoding association (imagery, visual, auditory, etc) Note taking c) Catalan‟s Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Catalan (2003) defines learners‘ vocabulary strategies based on their sexes and also identifies the ten most frequently used strategies as presented in the table 2.8. Table 2.8 The Ten Most Frequently Used Vocabulary Strategies (Catalan, 2003:63) Rank Percentage Strategy Male Female Male Female Use a bilingual dictionary (D) 1 1 83,2 85,8 Take notes about the word in class (C) 2 2 78,1 84,8 Guess from textual context (D) 3 3 74,9 80,08 Ask teacher for an L1 translation (D) 4 5 72,8 73,2 Ask classmates for meaning (D) 5 4 69,2 74,8 Analyze part of speech (D) 6 8 64,5 71,5 Connect the word to cognates (C) 7 7 59,9 69,9 Use English language media (C) 8 9 55,9 62,6 Say word aloud when studying (C) 9 6 55,8 71,5 Form image of word‘s meaning (C) 10 Use vocabulary section in textbook (C) 56,3 10 61,3 PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 39 D = Discover meaning C=Consolidate meaning The study involved 581 Spanish-speaking learners consisting of 279 male and 302 female students. It was found out from the research that there was significant difference on the number of VLS used, yet there was only very small difference on the number of the rank of the ten most and ten least used VLS between male and female learners. Furthermore, the ten most frequently used strategies indicate that the balance in both sexes in terms of the number of discovering and consolidating strategies. It was clearly seen that the use of bilingual dictionary took the highest percentage and occupied the first rank for both male and female learners. The ten least of frequently used strategies are listed in the table 2.9 below: Table 2.9 The Ten Least Frequently Used Vocabulary Strategies (Catalan, 2003:63) Rank Percentage Strategy Male Female Male Female Underline initial letter of a word 1 2 2,9 4,3 Use flash cards 2 5 7,9 7,6 Put English labels on objects 3 1 8,6 3,6 Use peg method 4 4 9,7 6,6 Group words together spatially 5 Configurate the word 6 6 11,5 8,6 Group words within a story line 7 3 12,2 6,6 Other strategies 7 Use physical action 8 Use semantic map 9 Skip or pass new word 10 Use loci method 11,1 9 9,6 13,3 9,9 13,3 8 10 14,3 9,9 9,9 PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 40 From the table 2.8, it shows that the least frequently used vocabulary strategies taken by male learners were underlining initial letter of a word. Nevertheless, most female learners preferred not to put English labels on objects. It is clearly seen that almost in all strategies, the percentage of male learners tended to be higher than the percentage of female learners. d) Nation‟s Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Nation (2001:218) proposes taxonomy of various vocabulary learning strategies. The strategies in the taxonomy are divided into three general classes of planning, source and processes, each of which is divided into a subset of key strategies. The taxonomy separates different aspects of vocabulary knowledge such as what is involved in knowing a word. The first category, planning, involves deciding on where, how and how often to focus attention on the vocabulary item. The strategies in this category are choosing words, choosing aspects of word knowledge and choosing strategies as well as planning repetition. The second category in Nation‘s taxonomy involves getting information about the word. This information may include all the aspects involved in knowing a word. It can come from the word form itself, from the context, from a reference source like dictionaries or glossaries and from analogies and connections with other languages. Process is the last category in Nation‘s (2001 : 218) taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies. It includes establishing word knowledge through noticing, retrieving and generating strategies. To Nation, noticing involves seeing the word item to be learned. Strategies at this level include putting the word in a vocabulary notebook or list; putting the word onto a word card and orally and visually repeating the word. He argues that although PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 41 these strategies are all of recording type, they are useful steps resulting in deeper processing of words. Retrieval involves recalling the items met before. It contains recalling knowledge in the same way it was originally stored. Generating strategies include ―attaching new aspects of knowledge to what is known through instantiation (i.e., visualizing examples of words), word analysis, semantic mapping and using scales and grids (Nation: 2001: 222). Generating strategies include rule-driven generation, as well; such as, creating context, collocations and sentences containing the new word. Besides, the mnemonic strategies and using the word in different context through four skills are also defined as generating strategies. The summary of the Nation‘s taxonomy of VLS is shown in the table 2.10 as follows: Table 2.10 A Taxonomy of Kinds of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (Nation, 2001: 218) General class of strategies Planning : choosing what to focus on and when to focus on it. Types of strategies Choosing words Choosing the aspects of word knowledge Choosing strategies Planning repetition Sources: finding information about words Analyzing the word Using context Consulting a reference source in L1 or L2 Using parallels in L1 and L2 Processes: establishing knowledge Noticing Retrieving Generating PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 42 c. Web-Based Learning in CALL It is believed that web-based learning involves the students‘ participation through the use of computer which lets them work in flexible time management to be more autonomous in learning. Hence, in this study, it applied integrating technology into classroom context by the use of web in the classroom which is known as Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Schank (2001) defines web-based learning as the learning activities which involve computer networks as e-learning. It emphasizes that e-learning is not merely distance learning in that it may also happen to conduct the activities in the classroom, but those activities are also built outside of the classroom. Beatty (2003: 257) claims that instead of many online language leaning providers, however, in fact learners still need to have direct interaction with teachers to learn a new language. Furthermore, Egbert and Smith (1999:69-70) mention five conditions how the internet promotes the optimal learning. First, it increases self-esteem by empowering both teachers and students. Secondly, it accommodates different learning styles and empowers learners regardless of physical challenges or social and cultural differences. Next, the communication encourages and motivates students to get involved in authentic projects and to write for a real audience of their peers instead of the teacher. Besides, it promotes critical thinking which makes the students become more active and collaborative in making their writing meaningful. Another point is that it makes learning relevant by teaching students skills they need when they are ready to learn, and the last it allows learners to participate cooperatively in the educational process. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 43 Moreover, Beatty (2003 : 257) declares that web-based learning is beneficial for learners for it may function as a ‗patient tutor‘. It implies that it provides wider chances for learners to construct their own learning style. They can practice and repeat the activities using computer as many times as they wish in which the face-to-face classroom cannot afford. In addition, it may also support the introvert students to have more time of using their ‗private space‘ to practice English more freely. d. Web-Based Vocabulary Learning in the Class Vocabulary course is the compulsory course taken by first semester students at English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University, and it certainly plays an important role to support students to learn a language considering that vocabulary teaching and learning is central to theory and practice of ELT. Words have a central place in culture, and learning words is seen by many as the main task (and obstacle) in learning another language (Ronald Carter and David Nunan, 2001:47). Hence, the learners are required to learn and practice 3,000 word lists during the course. Moreover, the learners are also expected to learn vocabulary more independently in that the class is conducted on-line. In other words, it provides chances for the learners to conduct their independent vocabulary learning out of the class hours as long as it may connect to the internet access; accordingly, they are trained to be able to manage their own learning process. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 44 Table 2.11 The Syllabus of Vocabulary Web-Based Class VOCABULARY 1. Credits : 2 credits 2. Description This course aims at helping the students develop their vocabulary. The students are given a list of the first threee thousand word list to study and practice. The class is held on-line. The students learn the mearnings and the use of the words in the list and do the practice and the tests through the internet. The website used for the class is 3. Course Competence The students are able to identify and give the meanings of the words and use the words correctly. 4. Course Progress No 1. Activities The students study the meanings and use of 185 words every week, practice them, and make sentences using the words. Topic The First Three Thousand Word List (on-line material) The students do the weekly exercises and tests. On-line exercises and tests 2. 5. Materials 1. The First Three Thousand Word List 2. www. 6. Evaluation During the course, the students are to do 12 available weekly tests, 12 sentence composition exercises, and do two insertive tests and a final tests. They can do weekly tests and sentence composition exercises in class (at least 60% of them) or ouside, but they have to do the insertive and final tests in class on the scheduled dates. The final grade will be based on the average scores of the weekly, mid, and final tests and test (50%), score of the sentences (20%), setence comments (10%), crossword completion (20%). The mid and final tests are to be done in the lab, and the students are not allowed to open their books. The scores of the mid and final tests are worth 3 times of the weekly tests; the formula to compute the score is the total of the weekly test scores, plus the mid test score times 3, plus the final test score times 3, and divided by 18. 7. Starting the class PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 45 All the classroom activities are conducted though the internet. To join and do the classroom activities the students need to the follow the following steps. a. Visit b. Click Menu and choose Login. c. Use your student number as the user name and password to login. d. Click Menu, choose Edit personal data, and edit your data. In editing your home phone number, you can write your mobile phone number if you do not a phone at your house. e. To start your learning activities, click the menu Vocabulary and choose the level. The level for this class is 3. 8. Student Learning Activities a. Study the words in the vocabulary book, one unit for every week. You can also review the available material by clicking the menu Word Display under the main menu Vocabulary. b. Practice the pronunciation of the key words. c. Do the weekly test by clicking the menu Tests and choose the relevant unit. d. Write 20 sentences using the available words by clicking Write sentences. e. Comment your classmate sentences by clicking Comment sentences. f. Do the crossword; there are 14 crosswords throughout the semester. To complete the tasks, the students are encouraged to cooperate. They can cooperate to do all the tasks except the mid and final tests. 9. Teacher Activities The teacher has the following tasks. a. Give pronunciation practice. b. Settle the internet connection problem. c. Help the students with technical problems. d. Answer students' questions. e. Correct the students' comments on the classmate work. f. Fix the students' records. g. Manage the class. We will have more practice through twitter. Please follow me at @benocty (Benocty Berman). If you have a problem with the crossword, please report it to me. Copy your computer/laptop screen by pressing the Shift button and the PrtScr button at the same time and paste to an MSWord page. Save the page and send to me through PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 46 You can also contact me 08157902995 if you have a problem with your vocabulary class. In this study web-based learning was conducted using English Language Teaching Gallery, and it is commonly called ELTGallery web. This web provides some facilities supporting the learning teaching process including vocabulary class. In web-based vocabulary class, the web-site, ELTGallery, provides several menu namely, level, word display, test, crosswords, write sentences, comment sentences, matching, and score record. The display of the vocabulary menu in the web-site is presented by figure 2.2 as follows: Figure 2.2 Vocabulary Menu in ELTGallery ELTGallery enabled students to display the vocabulary lists. Moreover, learners could also set their learning strategy if they needed to view or hide the definitions or synonyms of the words when they memorized those words. It also enabled learners to post and display their works such as their tests, crosswords, sentence writing, and so on. Furthermore, it also accommodated students to score their classmates‘ work. The web supported students to accomplish their vocabulary tasks more quickly and practically by simply typing the answers and PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 47 clicking for submitting the works. Finally, it enables to score the students‘ works immediately and display their scores. Figure 2.3 Vocabulary Facilities in ELTGallery Those facilities could be used anytime and anywhere as long as the learners could reach internet access in that they used web-based learning for encouraging the learners to construct their own learning. 3. Crossword Puzzles A crossword puzzle belongs to one of the most common vocabulary games. A crossword puzzle is a game in which a player guesses the words from the definitions given and the words are supposed to fit into the diagram of black and white squares (Wahyuningsih: 2009 as cited in Njoroge, Ndung‘u, and Gathigia: 2013 ). PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 48 The first ―word-cross‖ in the United States was published in the New York World in 1913, although similar puzzles have been around in different forms since Egyptian times. In 19th century in England, they were aimed mostly at a juvenile audience, and did not become a craze for adults until Simon and Schuster printed the first book of them in the US in the 1920‘s, when they then took on the familiar name ―crosswords.‖ The puzzle‘s popularity continued to build throughout the rest of the twentieth century. Today, most daily newspapers include a crossword puzzle as well as many magazines. In fact, magazine racks usually include a number of magazines and books containing only crossword puzzles. It did not take long for teachers to see the educational possibilities of these word puzzles and adopt them as media to teach. And when photocopying became commonplace, so did opportunities for educators to create customizable puzzles based on the curriculum they were covering. The advent of the internet age even gave educators access to any number of online programs that will create puzzles geared to their student‘s particular subject. Crossword puzzles may bring some educational values. First of all, crossword solving involves several useful skills including vocabulary, reasoning, spelling, and word attack skills. To solve any crossword puzzle, a person must be able to identify and understand the terms being used. This often involves acquiring new vocabulary or terminology. It can also involve making differentiations between similar words or phrases. Correctly deciphering a crossword also requires exact spelling, which for students may mean practicing dictionary skills. Other important skills required for completing these puzzles include making inferences, evaluating choices, and drawing conclusions. Another PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 49 benefit of using crossword puzzles in the classroom is that they are associated with recreation, and can be less intimidating for students as review tools. Students who might normally balk at practice tests, flashcards, or review sessions with the teacher find puzzle solving to be much less threatening and more like game play. Puzzle solving is a much more active type of learning, and will engage students with the material more than passive types of review techniques do. Crossword puzzles also have the advantage of appealing to different learning styles. Visual learners often have strong puzzle-solving skills, and feel great satisfaction when they complete one. Auditory learners enjoy step-by-step reasoning, so they also benefit from the sequential steps of completing a crossword. Even kinesthetic learners enjoy the multi-task strategies required to solve a crossword. Finally, crossword puzzles have the benefit of being customizable to study content. Puzzle creation software and websites are abundant, and easy to use, so teachers can create curriculum-specific crosswords with little trouble. Whether you are studying Abraham Lincoln, geometry terms, or the water cycle, a crossword puzzle with subject-specific vocabulary can be created with ease and in a short amount of time. Crossword puzzles have endured as a favorite national pastime because they are appealing to all ages, they can be completed in a rather brief period of time, and solving them provides a sense of accomplishment. For all these reasons, crosswords make a terrific educational tool, and teachers and homeschoolers will probably continue to use them for many years to come. (Kerry Jones: 2007). PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 50 a. Online Crossword Puzzles in Vocabulary Course Crosswords displayed on ELTGallery were designed by the lecturer, B.B Dwijatmoko. The puzzles belonged to one of the learners‘ assignments in the web-based vocabulary course. Table 2.12 provides a brief overview of online crossword puzzles. Table 2.12 A Brief Overview of Online Crossword Puzzles Online Crossword Puzzles Number of the puzzles 14 puzzles (unit 1-14) for a semester 5 different sets for each unit weekly assignment (1 puzzle for a week) Number of words per puzzle 50-60 words Type of words Indonesian-English Media online Source of materials The First Three Thousand Word List Achievement complete or incomplete The learners were required to solve a crossword puzzle consisting of fifty to sixty words and submit it each week. They gained the score whenever they could complete and submit each puzzle, and the scores were calculated at the end of the semester. They were allowed to use any facilities such as e-dictionary or printed dictionary. The overview of the course was displayed on the home page on presented in figure 2.4 as follows: PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 51 Figure 2.4 The Home Page of ELTGallery In order to set a situation in which the learners were conditioned to collaborate with some other peers, around five learners received the same set of vocabulary lists used to complete the puzzle. Hence, they could cooperate with their peers to solve the puzzle. In doing so, they could not only get the correct answers but also enrich their vocabulary strategies in that they could also learn the other strategies applied by other peers. As a result, they could enhance their vocabulary learning. The display of online crossword puzzle is presented in figure 2.5 as follows: Figure 2.5 An Online Crossword Puzzle in ELTGallery PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 52 Online crossword puzzles could be used as the review of the words which the learners had just learned and memorized. The puzzles could also function as the facility to have repetition for the learners inasmuch as they have to repeat completing the puzzle whenever they failed to solve it. Furthermore, doing online crossword puzzle could train the learners to manage their learning progress since they had to complete and submit a puzzle each week. When they did not submit that week, it means that they had to submit doubled puzzles in the following week. It was also possible for them to solve more than a puzzle in a week. If they did it, they could finish doing all of the crosswords puzzles assigned earlier than the due to time. It could be beneficial for them in that they could use the time to do the other tasks of this course or even other courses. B. REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES This section provides the overview of four prior studies conducting on learning vocabulary using crossword puzzles which are relevant to this study. By relating this study to the certain relevant prior studies, it may help to know the position of this study inasmuch as it certainly may support or argue what have been found by the previous researches. Accordingly, it is expected that this study may also support the development to the next studies. The first study was conducted by Harahap (2013). This study was aimed to improve students‘ vocabulary achievement on grade eight by applying crossword puzzles. In order to get the findings, she conducted classroom action research which was implemented to students on grade eight of SMPN 35 Medan. The study involved 38 students of grade VIII of SMPN 35 Medan and was conducted in two PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 53 cycles. It is consisted of two kinds of instruments namely quantitative and qualitative data. For quantitative data was used vocabulary test which was teachers‘ made, and for qualitative data were used diary notes and interview sheets. Based on the data and data analysis, it can be seen that there was an improving of students‘ score in cycle I and cycle II, which can be approved from the mean of each test, that were 65.90, 73.92, and 81,25. After applying the crossword puzzle, it can be seen that that vocabulary achievement of the students in SMPN 35 Medan increased. Meanwhile, the result of the diary notes in cycle I was the students was still strange with the new strategy that was used. They focused only their mind to the instruction and felt afraid to do the games wrongly, but in cycle II their interest to the games increased. They gave good response during the teaching – learning process, looked so interesting and used the time effectively in learning with crossword puzzle. It showed the improvement in response and participation in cycle II. The research result shows that the application of crossword puzzles in teaching English to learn vocabulary is effective to improve the students‘ achievement. The second study was done collaboratively by Njoroge, Ndung‘u, and Gathigia (2013). This study focused on the application of crossword puzzles in the teaching of vocabulary in English as Second Language (ESL) classrooms. They conducted experimental research in Ngorano Secondary School, an institution in Nyeri Country Kenyan. It was found that the p value is .491 which is greater than α = .05, hence we reject the null hypothesis that there is a statistically significant difference between the variances of the control group c (M = 3.06, s = .968) and the experimental group e (M = 3.97, s = 1.175). Assuming the equal PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 54 variance, therefore, it was gained that t = -3.552, df = 68 and sig. (2 tailed) = .001. Since the significance level is less than .05, it means that the difference between the means could not have occurred by chance. In conclusion, the finding is that the use of crossword puzzles to learn English as Second Language is an effective strategy of vocabulary instruction. The third study was conducted by Orawiwatnakul (2013). The study is intended to examine the effects of crossword puzzles on vocabulary acquisition of first-year undergraduate students at Bangkok University including some faculties: Humanities, Business Administration, Accounting, Communication Arts, Fine and Applied Arts, Sciences, and Engineering who were required to take at least three fundamental English courses. The study implemented experimental and survey research. The findings revealed that the students‘ overall post-test score was higher than their pre-test score at significance level of .0.5. When classifying the students into three groups based on their vocabulary proficiency, it was found that students in all groups could improve their vocabulary knowledge of a significance level of .0.5. The results form Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance test showed that significant differences existed in the scores of the three tests which students gained from the tests and the final exam. Meanwhile, the result of the questionnaire also illustrated their very favorable attitudes toward learning vocabulary through crosswords as a whole. To conclude, learning vocabulary through crossword puzzles is effective to improve students‘ vocabulary, and it can increase students‘ motivation to learn English. The fourth study was conducted by B.B Dwijatmoko. He aimed to examine the contribution of bilingual crossword in web-based vocabulary class. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 55 The results of the study show that bilingual crosswords in teaching-learning vocabulary contributes to the vocabulary mastery of the students (Fobs > Ftab, p = 0.045). It shows that although the contribution of the puzzle is low inasmuch as only 8.5% cases in the student‘s vocabulary development can be contributed to the use of the puzzles, yet the puzzles are useful since it strengthens the link between the words and their meanings. Furthermore, learning vocabulary through the puzzles gives the learners pleasure and influenced to their learning achievement. His study was closely related to this study in that he was the designer of the ELTGallery website and also the online crossword puzzles applied in this study. In other words, both studies were under one umbrella. Thus, being in line with his study, this research also was concerned with the online crossword puzzles. It was intended to provide other aspects dealing with the issue. Being in line with his study, this study intended to examine how the students employed their vocabulary learning strategies through the puzzles and it also illustrated the most significant factors or features which encourage the students to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. In conclusion, the reviews from those studies give useful information that crossword puzzles may effectively support vocabulary learning. They have proven that crossword puzzle gave positive effects to learners‘ improvement in vocabulary mastery, and it could create positive effects to learners‘ feeling and responses. Accordingly, this study is intended to provide improvement from the previous studies which conducted their studies by using paper-based crossword puzzles. Hence, this study made improvement from the previous studies by combining the web-based learning and crossword puzzles to enhance learners‘ PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 56 vocabulary learning in order to obtain more optimal effects to support them achieving the goals. C. THOERETICAL FRAMEWORK Theoretical framework provides relevant theories used to answer the research questions of this study which investigate how the learners employ vocabulary learning strategies through the puzzles and the most significant factors which encouraged them to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. In order to answer the research questions, this study combines the holistic concepts of CALL, webbased learning, vocabulary, language learning strategies, and the online crossword puzzles implemented in the course. First, this study adapted the concepts of language learning strategies proposed by Oxford (1990) to categorize the vocabulary learning strategies applied by the students through the puzzles. Oxford described language learning strategies to learn a new language, and they are possibly applied for four skills namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Thus, this theory is considered providing detailed vocabulary learning strategies. Accordingly, this theory is used in this study inasmuch as it provides more complete and systematic vocabulary learning strategies. However, it is needed to classify and adjust the theory in order to be used as the construct of this study which focuses on vocabulary learning strategies. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 57 Table 2.13 Vocabulary Learning Strategies Adapted from Oxford (1990:17) Direct strategies are language learning strategies which directly involve the target language (Oxford, 1990). Direct strategies Cognitive strategies Creating mental linkages Reviewing well Employing action Practicing Classifying words into meaningful unit to remember Relating new words to concept already in memory Reviewing in carefully spaced intervals Using creative but tangible techniques to remember new words Repeating learning words using the same or various activities Creating structure for input and output Comparing vocabulary of the new language with elements of one‘s own language to determine similarities and differences Converting target words into native words and vice versa from words and phrases Taking note of words which are needed to be learnt more Highlighting some words to focus on them Compensatio n strategies Guessing intelligently Seeking and using language-based clues in order to guess the meaning of words Metacogniti ve strategies Centering learning Lowering anxiety Comprehensively taking overview a key concept, principle, or set of materials in an upcoming activity and associating it with what is already known Deciding in advance to pay attention in general to learning tasks and ignore the distracters Paying attention to specific aspects of the words or phrases Setting aims for learning vocabulary Deciding the purposes of doing the tasks Creating opportunities to practice vocabulary Identifying errors in understanding words Evaluating the progress in learning vocabulary Achieving convenient feeling to learn vocabulary Selfencouraging Providing personal motivation during the learning process Cooperating with others Working together with peers to solve problems Discussing materials to get better understanding of the materials with peers Analyzing and reasoning Indirect strategies Indirect strategies are strategies which support and manage language learning without directly involving the target language (Oxford, 1990). Memory strategies Arranging and planning learning Evaluating learning Affective strategies Social strategies PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 58 Oxford (1990) divides the strategies into two types: direct strategies and indirect strategies. Direct strategies refer to strategies which directly involve the target language (Oxford : 1990 : 37). As it has been mentioned previously, Oxford divided direct strategies into three categories: memory, cognitive, and compensation. Those strategies engage mental processing of the language, yet each of those strategies does the process in a different way. The direct strategies comprise memory strategies, cognitive strategies, and compensation strategies. Memory strategies support learners to store and retrieve new information. In this study the new information may refer to new words since it focuses to deal with vocabulary field. Cognitive strategies encourage students to know the meaning and produce new language (the words) by different ways. Finally, compensation strategies may function to help learners use the language (the words) without counting their missing knowledge as the obstacles. Memory strategies involve 1) creating mental linkage such as grouping, associating or elaborating, 2) reviewing well like structured reviewing, 4) employing action such as using physical response or sensation and using mechanical techniques. Meanwhile, cognitive strategies cover 1) practicing (repeating, formally practicing with sounds and writing systems, recognizing and using formulas and patterns, recombining, and practicing naturalistically), 2) analyzing and reasoning (reasoning deductively, analyzing expressions, analyzing contrastively (across languages), translating, and transferring), 4) creating structure for input and output (taking notes, summarizing, and highlighting). Lastly, compensation strategies include 1) guessing such as using linguistic clues and using other clues and PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 59 Meanwhile, indirect strategies consist of metacognitive strategies, affective strategies, and social strategies. In metacognitive strategies, they comprise 1) centering the learning like overviewing and linking with already known material, paying attention, and delaying speech production to focus on listening, 2) arranging and planning the learning like finding out about language learning, organizing, setting goals and objectives, identifying the purpose of a language task, and seeking practice opportunities, 3) evaluating the learning like self-monitoring and self-evaluating. The affective strategies involve 1) lowering anxiety, 2) doing self- encouraging such as making positive statements, taking risks wisely, and doing self-rewarding. Lastly, social strategies include 1) asking questions (asking for clarification or verification, and asking correction), 2) cooperating with others (cooperating with peers and cooperating with proficient users of the new language. Indeed, Oxford‘s vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) have some similarities with other proponents‘ such as Schmitt, Gu and Johnson, Catalan, and also Nation VLS even though they use different terms to define the similar strategies. Table 2.13 presents the summary of similarities between Oxford‘s VLS and other similar concepts proposed by different proponents. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 60 Table 2.14 Oxford‟s VLS compared with Other Proponents‟ Concepts Oxford‟s (1990:18-21)VLS Direct strategies Memory strategies Creating mental linkages Reviewing well Employing action Cognitive strategies Indirect strategies Practicing Other Proponents‟ Similar Concepts Schmitt‘s (2000:207) memory strategy : connecting words with personal experience, associating with its coordinate, grouping words together to study them Gu and Johnson‘s (1996) memory strategy : encoding association Schmitt‘s (2000:207) metacognitive strategy : continuing learning words over time. Schmitt‘s (2000:207) memory strategy : using physical action when learning a word. Schmitt‘s (2000:207) cognitive strategy : written repetition Analyzing and reasoning Schmitt‘s (2000:207) determination : using bilingual and monolingual dictionary Catalan‘s (2003:63) using bilingual dictionary Gu and Johnson‘s (1996) cognative stategy : using dictionary Creating structure for input and output Gu and Johnson‘s (1996) cognative strategy : note taking Compensatio n strategies Guessing intelligently Metacognitiv e strategies Centering learning Gu and Johnson‘s (1996) cognative strategy : guessing by activating background knowledge, using linguistic items Schmitt‘s (2000:207) metacognitive strategy: skipping or passing new word Gu and Johnson‘s (1996) metacognitive strategy : selecting attention by identifying essential words for comprehension. Nation‘s (2001 : 218) planning : choosing the aspects of word knowledge Nation‘s (2001 : 218) planning : choosing what to focus on and when to focus on it Schmitt‘s (2000:207), Catalan‘s (2003:63) using bilingual dictionary, Gu and Johnson‘s (1996) using dictionary Arranging and planning learning Evaluating learning PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Oxford‟s (1990:18-21)VLS Affective strategies Lowering anxiety Self-encouraging Social strategies Cooperating with others 61 Other Proponents‟ Similar Concepts Egbert and Hanson-Smith (1999) that the use of CALL aims to let learners work in an atmosphere with an ideal stress/anxiety. Reeves‘s (1997) web-based learning : sense of audience Reeves (1997) that web-based learning may reduce the power of the teacher to learn a language, letting learners to conduct their own learning without depending on the presence of the teacher, supporting learner autonomy Schmitt‘s (2000:207) social strategy : studying and practicing meaning in a group, asking classmates for meaning Catalan‘s (2003:63) asking classmates for meaning The table shows that Oxford‘s concept of VLS is more complete than those four proponents in that it involves affective strategies which deal with the concepts of CALL proposed by Egbert and Hanson-Smith (1999) and Reeves‘ (1997) web-based learning. Moreover, Egbert and Hanson-Smith (1999) claim that CALL may provide conditions which support the optimal language learning environments: 1) learners have opportunities to interact and negotiate meaning, 2) learners interact in the target language with an authentic audience, 3) learners are involved in authentic tasks, 4) learners are exposed to and encouraged to produce varied and creative language, 5) learners have enough time and feedback, 6) learners are guided to attend mindfully to the learning process,‘ 7) learners work in an atmosphere with an ideal stress/anxiety level, 8) learner autonomy is supported. Hence, in this study the concept of Egbert and Hanson-Smith (1999) was used to analyze the role of web-based crossword puzzles to enhance the learners‘ PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 62 vocabulary learning regarding the aspect of the design of crossword puzzles which uses web-based learning in CALL. Another concept of web-based learning proposed by Reeves (1997) was also used to analyze the aspect of web-based learning of online crossword puzzles to support the learners‘ vocabulary enhancement. A model of WWW based learning is presented as follows: Figure 2.6 A Model of WWW-Based Learning (Reeves: 1997) Reeves (1997) clarifies that a model of World Wide Web-based learning (WWW-based learning) comprises the opportunity to construct learning, task ownership, sense of audience, collaborative support, teacher support, and metacognitive support. Opportunity to construct learning refers to the chances to set the most appropriate learning style and strategy to learn a language. Task ownership emphasizes the importance of task ownership in situated cognition. It means that WWW-based learning helps learners to get closer to learning tasks or authentic tasks needed to learn and to practice a language more and more. Sense of audience deals with the feeling resulted from learning using WWW-based learning. Collaborative support refers to instructional strategies whereby learners PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 63 work together with other peers or groups. Teacher support means reducing the teacher‘s power to learn a language. Finally, metacognitive support refers to learners‘ awareness of objectives, ability to plan, ability to evaluate learning strategies, ability to monitor progress, and ability to adjust learning behaviors to accommodate needs. Finally, those three concepts are combined with the concepts of vocabulary and online crossword puzzles in web-based vocabulary course mentioned in the theoretical review in order to clarify the aspects of online crossword puzzles which support the enhancement of learners‘ vocabulary learning. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 64 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY This chapter is to present the method used to answer the research questions. It comprises the research method, research design, the nature of data, research procedure, research setting, research population and samples, data gathering technique and instrument, data analysis, and trustworthiness of the study. A. RESEARCH METHOD This study implemented mixed method research inasmuch as it gathered information from both quantitative and qualitative data in order to analyze the subject matter of this study. The quantitative data were gained from the closedended questions of the questionnaire. It was used to provide descriptive numeric data of the respondents related to the subject matter of this study. Meanwhile, the qualitative data were obtained from the open-ended questions of the questionnaire and also gained from the interview, and the data functions both to clarify and to dig out further information gained from the questionnaire. According to Hansen, Plano Clark, Petska, and Creswell (2005) as cited in Biber (2010: 3), mixed method research is the combination of methods which involve(s) the collection, analysis, and integration of quantitative and qualitative data in a single or multiphase study. The quantitative approach was used to show the kinds of vocabulary learning strategies through the puzzles employed by the students gained from the 64 PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 65 closed-ended questions of the questionnaire. Accordingly, this study took the primarily data using quantitative approach through the questionnaire. Creswell (2003: 18) mentions that quantitative approach is one in which the researcher primarily uses positivist claims for developing knowledge, employs strategies of inquiry such as experiments and surveys, and collects data on predetermined instrument that yield statistical data. In addition, the qualitative approach is beneficial for this study to get as detailed data as possible to achieve better understanding of the subject matter experienced by the participants. Thus, the questionnaire was designed completed with two open-ended questions to provide chances for participants to express their opinion freely. Furthermore, this study conducted interview to the participants to verify their opinion given in the questionnaire, and it may create opportunities to the researcher to dig out more deeply the participants‘ opinion related to the subject matter of this study. Creswell (2007: 18) states that qualitative research design leads the researcher try to get as close as possible to the participants being studied. B. RESEARCH DESIGN This study applied survey as the research design inasmuch as it provides a quantitative description of trends, attitudes, opinions of a population by studying a sample of the population. Hence, it is considered appropriate to conduct survey for this study inasmuch as the goal of this research is to obtain factual information related to the learners‘ behavior in a web-based vocabulary class which used crossword puzzles to learn vocabulary. The general intention to conduct survey is PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 66 to obtain a clear illustration of conditions, attitudes, and/or events of an entire population at a single point of time, and it is done by collecting the samples of the population (Nunan: 2009). Furthermore, surveys are appropriate to find out the clear description of ‗the factual questions‘ of attitude and behavior of the population. This study used survey since it was used to obtain data about the students‘ point view of what vocabulary learning strategies which the students employed through the puzzles, and how they conducted those VLS. Hence, this study not only has the quantitative data gained from the questionnaires to represent the learners‘ behavior to conduct vocabulary learning strategies using the puzzles but also has qualitative data gained from the interviews and the open-ended questions of the questionnaires to support the quantitative data in order to provide clearer illustration of the issue. This study applied cross-sectional design since it is conducted to examine ‗current attitudes, beliefs, opinions, and practices of the students who learnt vocabulary through online crossword puzzles. Creswell (2012:377) defines attitudes, belief, and opinions as individuals‘ manners to think about issues, while practices refer to ‗their actual behaviours‘. He (2012:377) also claims that crosssectional survey design is the most popular form of survey design used in education. To conduct this study, a researcher collects data at one point in time. C. RESEARCH PROCEDURE In order to conduct survey, a researcher needs to carry out some steps. Jaegar (1988:307) as cited in Nunan (1992: 140) suggests that in survey, a PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 67 researcher merely observes the subjects without doing anything to them. Nunan (1992: 141) explains further eight steps to conduct survey: 1) define objectives, 2) identify the target population, 3) literature review, 4) determine sample, 5) identify survey instruments, 6) design survey procedures, 7) determine reporting procedures, and 8) write the report. Being in line with Jaegar, Cresswell proposes similar steps to conduct a survey research. This research applied eight steps proposed by Creswell (2013:403-404) to accomplish survey research systematically. First of all, determining the best design to use was done. The second step was identifying the research questions or hypotheses. After that, it involved identifying the population, the sampling, and the sample. Before developing or locate an instrument, the researcher conducted determining the survey design and data collection procedures. The next step was administering the instrument. Then, analyzing the data to address the research questions or hypotheses was done. The last step was writing the report. Table 3.1 The Steps to Conduct Survey Research (Creswell : 2013 : 403-404) Step 1 Decide if a survey is the best design to use Step 2 Identify the research questions or hypotheses Step 3 Identify the population, the sampling, and the sample Step 4 Determine the survey design and data collection procedures Step 5 Develop or locate an instrument Step 6 Administer the instrument Step 7 Analyze the data to address the research questions or hypotheses Step 8 Write the report PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 68 To conduct the first step which was deciding the best design to use, it was decided to apply a survey research in that the objectives of the study was describing the attitude of certain population at that time, and also investigate their opinions regarding the subject matter of the study. It was in line with what Nunan (1990) suggests that the general intention to conduct survey is to obtain a clear illustration of conditions, attitudes, and/or events of an entire population at a single point of time, and it is done by collecting the samples of the population. This study was intended to describe the vocabulary learning strategies through the online crossword puzzles employed by undergraduate students, and also illustrated the factors most significantly encouraged the students to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. In fact, this study was a part of a big project conducted by another researcher, B.B Dwijatmoko, who designed the website and the online crossword puzzles applied in this study. He intended to investigate the contribution of the puzzles in vocabulary web-based class particularly the effectiveness of learning vocabulary using the puzzles, while this study aimed to illustrate the VLS applied by the learners through the puzzles and described the factors which most significantly encouraged them to learn vocabulary through the puzzles. Hence, these studies were under one umbrella. The next step was identifying the research questions, so two questions were formulated. The first question was to describe how the students explored their vocabulary learning strategies using the puzzles, and the second question was to find out what factors which most significantly supported them to learn vocabulary through the puzzles. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 69 The third step dealt with identifying the population, the sampling, and the sample. In fact, the researcher had decided the population and the sampling since the aim of the study was determined in that as it had been explained previously that this study was under one umbrella with another study which had already decided the population, the sampling, and the sample. The whole population of this study was 153 students. Nevertheless, only two classes used the puzzles to learn vocabulary. Thus, the samples of this research were 61 students taken from two classes which applied learning vocabulary using the puzzles. Three students from those classes were selected to become interviewees. The fourth step involved determining the survey design and data collection procedures. This research collected the data from the questionnaire and also interview. The interview was aimed to confirm the data gained from the questionnaire as well as to dig out further information to provide clearer description of the issue of the study. The fifth step was developing the instruments. The instruments used in this research were questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire was designed using construct validity or developing the blueprint which took the concepts of vocabulary learning strategies, CALL, and also web-based learning. Meanwhile, the interview guideline was developed based on the questionnaire result. The next step was administering the instruments. The questionnaire was distributed in the last meeting before the students took the final exam, while for the interview, it applied one-on-one interview. In one-on-one interview, it involves direct and private interview between an investigator and each individual. (Creswell, 2012:384). It is intended to make each interviewee feel secure, free, PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 70 and relaxed to express their opinions and to share their experiences during the interview. This study had three students to be interviewed to have sufficient data to discuss the issues of the study, to compare and contrast for achieving the valid data. Each student was interviewed once on a different day for about one to two hours. After that, analyzing the data to address the research question was conducted. To analyze the quantitative data, it involved recording response rates, converting, tabulating, and analyze them. Meanwhile, to conduct descriptive analysis of all items, it begins with transcribing the result of the interviews, coding them, and then answering descriptive questions. Finally, the last step was writing the report. After analyzing the data, the next step was answering the research questions by writing the systematic report in a form of thesis. Nevertheless, the process of writing the report actually had been done since the first step for compiling the thesis proposal, yet it had been revised several times to obtain the best report of the study. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 71 Table 3.2 Research Timeline * Nov Dec 2014 Jan Feb March April May 2015 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Christmas, New Year, Semester break 1 *Creswell‘s steps to conduct the survey research: 1: Decide if a survey is the best design to use 2: Identify the research questions 3: Identify the population, the sampling, and the sample 4: Determine the survey design and data collection procedures 5: Develop or locate an instrument 6: Administer the instruments 7: Analyze the data to address the research questions 8: Write the report Table 3.2 shows the research timeline. It describes that this study was conducted from November 2014 to May 2015 by adapting the steps proposed by Creswell. In conducting the sixth step it took rather long time in that after distributing the questionnaire in December 2014, there was semester break from the third week of December 2014 to the first week of January 2015. Accordingly, the interview could be conducted after the semester break. Furthermore, it had to arrange the time to conduct the interview based on the interviewees‘ convenient time. June PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 72 D. NATURE OF DATA This study used both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data of this study were obtained from the closed-ended questions of the questionnaire and used to investigate the empirical evidence from the respondents. Neuman (2006: 8) defines data as the empirical evidence or information which one gathers carefully according to rules and procedures. The quantitative data are expressed in numbers. The qualitative data are expressed as words, pictures, or objects. In this study, the qualitative data were expressed in words which were gathered from the interview. The qualitative data were used to verify the quantitative findings. Those qualitative data were derived from students‘ comments from the open ended questions as well as the interview result. The results of both the open ended questions and the interview were organized and categorized in a qualitative data coding. The qualitative data coding of the open ended questions can be seen in appendix 4, while the qualitative data coding of the interview is provided in appendix 6. Miles and Huberman (1994) as cited in Neuman (2006: 460) claims that the codes are tags or labels for assigning units of meaning to the descriptive or inferential information compiled during a study. Accordingly, the process of analyzing the data of this study was analyzed and categorized on the basis of themes and concepts. E. RESEARCH SETTING This study was conducted in the English Letters Department in Sanata Dharma University. It was organized in certain period of time considering that it PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 73 was needed to observe and notice how the learners learnt vocabulary through online crossword puzzles during their learning process in a semester. The participants of the research were the first semester of the students in academic year 2014/2015. It means that it was carried out from August to December 2014. The learners took vocabulary as a compulsory course in that semester, and they implemented web-based vocabulary learning in class, so they practiced vocabulary through online crossword puzzles as one of their assignments during that semester. F. RESEARCH POPULATION AND SAMPLE To conduct the research it was needed to determine the population and the sample of the study. Accordingly, the target population of this study is the first semester students of the English Letters Department in Sanata Dharma University in academic year 2014/2015. The whole population was 153 students of the English Letters Department academic year 2014/2015 who took vocabulary as a compulsory course in that semester, and they experienced learning vocabulary through online crossword puzzles. Creswell (2012) defines a population as a group of individuals who have the same characteristics. What is meant by target population is a group of individuals with some common defining characteristics which the research can identify and study. This research dealt with respondents taken from two different classes, class B and class C of English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University. There were 31 respondents from class C, and there were 30 respondents from class B. Hence, PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 74 this study had 61 respondents for the questionnaire. For the interview, the data were gained from three students taken from class B and C. This study used purposeful sampling to intentionally select individuals to learn or understand the issues. In order to collect as complete data as possible, three students were taken from those two classes (B and C). They were the ones who achieved the highest grade (A), as well as the most communicative ones seen from the way they answer the open-ended questions. It is as what Creswell (2012:206) claims that purposeful sampling is aimed to develop a detailed understanding by selecting people who may contribute their best aid to help us understand the phenomenon. G. DATA GATHERING TECHNIQUES AND INSTRUMENTS Considering that this study needed to collect both quantitative and qualitative data collection, two instruments were used to gain the data, namely questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire consisted of closed-ended items and open-ended items. The closed-ended items of the questionnaire were used to provide numeric data, while the open-ended items were used to provide qualitative data. The interview was needed to gain the other qualitative data to verify the quantitative findings from the questionnaire. In conducting this study, the data was gathered in two stages. The first stage was to gather data using questionnaire which contained 30 items of closeended questions and two open-ended questions which was conducted to acquire more information on the students‘ opinion and behavior related to the study matter. The questionnaire was implemented the Likert Scale Items from ―never‖ PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 75 to ―always‖ to make the judgment easier. The lowest score represented the negative answer (never), while the highest score was used for the positive answer (always). The questionnaires were distributed in the last meeting of the learning teaching process in class. In the second stage, the interview was conducted to gather the data for verifying the data gained from the questionnaires and gaining more detailed information for achieving better understanding of the condition related to the subject matter. Therefore, the questions used in the interview were designed based on the respondents‘ answers in the questionnaires, for it was to strengthen the findings gained from the questionnaire. The respondents were four students from English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University. Table 3.3 The Summary of Data Gathering Techniques and Instruments Data Gathering Techniques Instruments Data Research Questions Time Quantitative data collection Close-ended questionnaire Quantitative data 1st Qualitative data collection Open-ended questionnaire Qualitative data 1st and 2nd 1 December 2014 (class C) 4 December 2014 (class B) 1 December 2014 (class C) 4 December 2014 (class B) Qualitative data collection Interviews Qualitative data 1st and 2nd 13 January 2015 (Dina) 9 February 2015 (Bima) 14 February 2015 (Anisa) Table 3.3 provides the summary of the stages to collect the data to answer the research questions. It shows that the close-ended questionnaire was used to PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 76 collect quantitative data to answer research question number 1. Meanwhile, openended questionnaire was used to collect qualitative data to gain more detailed information used to answer the first research question and also to obtain data for answering the second research question. The data collection using questionnaire was conducted on 1 December 2014 for class C, while collecting the quantitative and qualitative data using questionnaire for class B was conducted on 4 December 2014. After that, the one-on-one interviews to clarify and dig out more detailed information were conducted to collect qualitative data to answer both of the research questions. The first interview was conducted on 13 January 2015 to interview Dina from class B. The second interview was conducted on 9 February 2015 to interview Bima form class B. The last interview was conducted on 14 February 2015 to interview Anisa from class C. The blueprint of indicators was designed to gain both quantitative and qualitative data. As a result, 21 indicators, which were shown in table 3.1, were used to make the statements of the questionnaire as it is seen in appendix 1, and they were also used to design the questions for the interview. After all data gained from the questionnaire were collected, it was analyzed and classified the emerging themes based on the appropriate indicators for each statement, and its descriptive statistics to illustrate the result clearer. Table 3.4 The Blueprint of the Data gathering CONCEPTS Direct strategies are language learning strategies which directly SUB-CONCEPTS Direct strategies Memory strategies Creating mental linkages INDICATORS *DGI Classifying words into meaningful unit to remember Relating new words to concept already in memory 24, 25 PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI CONCEPTS SUB-CONCEPTS involve the target language (Oxford, 1990). Reviewing well Employing action Cognitive strategies Analyzing and reasoning Indirect strategies are strategies which support and manage language learning without directly involving the target language (Oxford, 1990). Web-based learning is learning activities which are conducted through website which may support the efficiency and effectiveness of the learning process. (Reeves & Reeves, 1997) Practicing Creating structure for input and output Indirect strategies Compensation strategies Guessing intelligently Metacognitive strategies Centering learning Arranging and planning learning INDICATORS Reviewing in carefully spaced intervals Using creative but tangible techniques to remember new words Repeating learning words using the same or various activities Comparing vocabulary of the new language with elements of one‘s own language to determine similarities and differences Converting target words into native words and vice versa from words and phrases Taking note of words which are needed to be learnt more Highlighting some words to focus on them Seeking and using language-based clues in order to guess the meaning of words Comprehensively taking overview a key concept, principle, or set of materials in an upcoming activity and associating it with what is already known Deciding in advance to pay attention in general to learning tasks and ignore the distracters Paying attention to specific aspects of the words or phrases Setting aims for learning vocabulary Deciding the purposes of doing the 77 *DGI 20 26 8 15 18, 19 9 6, 22, 27 1, 12, 14, 16, 17 PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI CONCEPTS SUB-CONCEPTS Evaluating learning Affective strategies Lowering anxiety Selfencouraging Social strategies Cooperating with others INDICATORS tasks Creating opportunities to practice vocabulary Identifying errors in understanding words Evaluating the progress in learning vocabulary Achieving convenient feeling to learn vocabulary Providing personal motivation during the learning process Working together with peers to solve problems Discussing materials to get better understanding of the materials with peers 78 *DGI 10, 21, 28, 29, 30 2, 4 3, 7, 13, 23 5, 11 *DGI = Data Gathering Items H. DATA ANALYSIS To analyze the data, first of all, the data gathered from the questionnaires were processed. The analysis involved both quantitative data obtained from the close-ended questionnaire and qualitative data gained from the open-ended questionnaire. The close-ended items applied four Likert-scale were tabulated using Microsoft Excel 2007. Then, the score and the percentage of each item of the close-ended questionnaire were calculated. In order to be able to interpret the scores, the score criteria were found out by calculating the ideal average score and also the ideal standard deviation which was adapted from the formulas proposed by Munadi (2014) as cited in Sudijono (2009:175). PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 79 Mi (Ideal mean) = ½ (maximum score + minimum score) = ½ (4 + 1) = 2.5 SDi (Ideal standard deviation) = 1/5 (maximum score – minimum score) = 1/5 (4 – 1) = 0.6 After that, they were used to get the score criteria using the formulas proposed by Sudijono (2009:175). Very high = Mi + 1.5 SDi | = | 2.5 + 1.5 (0.6) | = | 3.4 High = Mi + 0.5 SDi | = | 2.5 + 0.5 (0.6) | = | 2.8 Low = Mi – 0.5 SDi | = | 2.5 – 0.5 (0.6) | = | 2.2 Very low = Mi – 1.5 SDi | = | 2.5 – 1.5 (0.6) | = | 1.6 As a result, the score range for those score criteria is defined as very high = 3.4 – 4, high = 2.8 – 3.3, low = 2.2 – 2.7, and very low = 1 – 2.1. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 80 After processing the data gathered from the close-ended questionnaire, the following step was transcribing the recorded interview. Then, the whole data were analyzed, interpreted, and classified the responses based on thirteen kinds of vocabulary learning strategies adapted from language learning strategies proposed by Oxford in order to obtain the description of the qualitative data. The complete data of the questionnaire result is provided in appendix 2, while those data are interpreted in table 4.3. In order to answer the first research question, it also deals with processing the data gathered from qualitative data obtained from open-ended questions as well as the interview. The data of the open-ended items were classified and categorized based on thirteen kinds of VLS adapted from Oxford‘s language learning strategies and then they are coded. The data are presented in table 4.5. The next step is transcribing the results of the interview and then coding them. The transcript and the coding of the data can be seen in appendix 6, while able 3.4 shows how to read the codes of the data of the open-ended questions and the interview. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 81 Table 3.5 The Meanings of the Coding Data of the Open-Ended Questionnaire and the Interview The source Coding Meanings of the data Open-ended (App 4 – Q1.1) questionnaire Interview App = Appendix 4 Q1.2 = Open-Ended Question 1, student‘s comment 2 (App 4 – Q2.3) Q2.3 = Open-Ended Question 2, student‘s comment 3 (Student D-interview-D01) Student D = name of the interviewee (Dina) D01 = Dina‘s transcript interview 1 (YD01) Y = name of interviewer (Yunita), transcript interview 1 (Student B-interview-B02) Student B = name of interviewee (Bima) B02 (Student A-interview-A03) = Bima‘s transcript interview 2 Student A = name of interviewee (Anisa) A03 =Anisa‘s transcript interview 3 The similar steps were done to conduct data analysis in order to answer the second item of the research question. The primary data were obtained from the respondents‘ answers of the second item of the open-ended questions. Those data were classified and categorized based on the eleven theme revealed based on the concepts of vocabulary learning strategies, CALL, and also web-based learning. Other supporting data were obtained by the interview data which had been interpreted, classified, and categorized based on the themes. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 82 I. TRUSTWORTHINESS OF THE STUDY This research used construct validity to develop the instruments (the questionnaire and the interview guidelines) by designing the blueprint of the questionnaire. The blueprint comprises of concepts, sub-concepts, indicators, and data gathering items. It implemented what Creswell (2012:303) suggests that the construct validity was conducted by validating the inferences about the constructs or variables in the study. This study adapted Oxford‘s concepts which were compared and contrasted with similar concepts from other proponents. Finally, the blueprint was resulted to develop the questionnaire and interview guideline which were used as the instruments of this study. This study implemented the concurrent triangulation strategy for verification. It is because this study involved data which were obtained from opinions of different individuals. It is similar to Creswell‘s (2012: 259) definition of triangulation. Triangulation strategy used separate quantitative and qualitative methods to counterbalance the weaknesses with supporting findings to strengthen the result. This study applied the triangulation strategy since it used the questionnaire, interview, and the documents to validate the research findings. The documents refer to all relevant references related to this study. Creswell (2012: 259) claims that validating findings is crucial to ‗determine the accuracy or credibility of the findings through strategies‘ such as triangulation. Furthermore, he clarifies as follows Qualitative inquirers triangulate among different data sources to enhance the accuracy of a study. Triangulation is the process of corroborating evidence from different individuals (e.g., a principal and a student), types of data (e.g., observational fieldnotes and interviews), or methods of data collection (e.g., documents and interviews) in descriptions and themes in qualitative research. The inquirer examines each information source and PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 83 finds evidence to support a theme. This ensures that the study will be accurate because the information draws on multiple sources of information, individuals, or processes. In this study, it encourages the researcher to develop a report that is both accurate and credible (Creswell: 2012: 259) In other words, in order to conduct crosschecking the data of this study, this study involved the data of the questionnaire, the data of the interview, and the data of the relevant theories proposed by various proponents. Hence, the data derived from the questionnaire were clarified in the next instrument, interview, and then they were related to the several relevant concepts to confirm the validity. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 84 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents the valid empirical truth of the study comprising two major sections. The first section is to describe the research results obtained from the questionnaire and the interview. The second section is to discuss the research problems are discussed precisely. A. RESEARCH RESULTS This section presents the data gained from both questionnaire and interview. The results provide quantitative data collected from close-ended questionnaire items, while qualitative data taken from open-ended questionnaire. Moreover, the other qualitative data are also provided from the results of the interview. 1. The Results from the Close-Ended Items of the Questionnaire The questionnaire of this research which consists of thirty questions of closed-ended items was designed in order to obtain the data on students‘ vocabulary learning strategies applied to learn vocabulary using online crossword puzzles during the first semester. The vocabulary learning strategies which were analyzed in this study involve both direct and indirect strategies proposed by Oxford (1990). The direct strategies cover memory strategies (creating mental linkages, reviewing well, employing action), cognitive strategies (practicing, analyzing and reasoning, creating structure for input and output), and 84 PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 85 compensation strategy (guessing intelligently), while the indirect strategies include metacognitive strategies (centering learning, arranging and planning learning, evaluating learning), affective strategies (lowering anxiety, self encouraging), and social strategy (cooperating with others). This study used Likert Scale for scoring analysis by applying degrees of frequency 1 to 4 for never to always applied the VLS. Table 4.1 presents the degree of frequency used to describe the highest and the lowest of both direct and indirect vocabulary learning strategies using online crossword puzzles applied by the students in their first grade. Table 4.1 Degrees of Frequency of the Questionnaire Criteria Never Seldom Sometimes Always Score 1 2 3 4 The degree of frequency is used to compute the percentage of the whole phenomena gathering items which illustrate the implementation of vocabulary learning strategies using online crossword puzzles applied by the students. Besides, it functions as the consideration in order to decide the scoring criteria for the percentage of the questionnaire result. Appendix 2 provides the percentage for the whole phenomena gathering items. The score criteria are presented in table 4.2. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 86 Table 4.2 Score Criteria Criteria Very high Score 3.4 – 4 High 2.8 - 3.3 Low 2.2 - 2.7 Very low 1 – 2.1 Meaning The rate very high means most respondents always applied the strategies. The rate high means most respondents sometimes applied the strategies. The rate low means most respondents seldom applied the strategies. The rate very low means most respondents never applied the strategies. The score criteria based on the degree of agreement were used to interpret the questionnaire. The very high score rate indicates that most respondents always applied the VLS mentioned in the close-ended questions, while the high score category shows that most respondents sometimes used the VLS stated in the questionnaire. The low score category describes that most respondents seldom implemented the VLS mentioned in the questionnaire. Finally, the very low rate indicates that most respondents never applied the VLS. Thus, it means that the higher the result, the more positive response to the statements given in the closeended questionnaire. In other words, the higher rate attained, the more often the respondents applied the vocabulary learning strategies to learn vocabulary using online crossword puzzles. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 87 Table 4.3 The Interpretation of the Close-Ended Questionnaire Results No Vocabulary Learning Strategies Compensation Guessing 1 Direct intelligently Strategies strategies Memory strategies Cognitive strategies 2 Indirect strategies Affective strategies Metacognitive strategies Creating mental linkages Employing action Reviewing well Analyzing and reasoning Practicing Creating structure for input and output Lowering anxiety Selfencouraging Evaluating learning Centering learning Arranging and planning learning Social strategy Cooperating with others 3.23 (Q9) Score 3.23 3.16 (Q25) 2.92 (Q24) 3.04 3.02 (Q26) 3.02 2.72 (Q20) 2.72 3.16 (Q15) 3.16 2.93 (Q8) 2.36 (Q18) 2.93 2.64 3.23 (high) 2.93 (high) 2.91 (high) 2.92 (Q19) 3.21 (Q2) 3.21 (Q4) 3.10 (Q10) 3.08 (Q3) 3.08 (Q23) 2.97 (Q13) 3.30 (Q28) 3.18 (Q21) 3.05 (Q10) 3.02 (Q29) 3.00 (Q30) 3.16 (Q6) 3.03 (Q22) 2.97 (Q27) 3.30 (Q1) 3.08 (Q14) 2.95 (Q12) 2.80 (Q16) 2.69 (Q17) 2.93 (Q5) 2.85 (Q11) 3.21 3.05 (high) 3.06 3.11 3.04 (high) 3.05 2.96 2.89 2.89 (high) PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 88 Table 4.3 clearly illustrates how high the vocabulary learning strategies applied by the students to learn vocabulary using online crossword puzzles. It shows that compensation strategy attained the very high score, which indicates that most respondents highly developed those VLS using the puzzles. The rest strategies namely memory strategies, cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies, and social strategy achieved the high score, which means that most respondents sometimes applied those strategies to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. Appendix 3 provides the score interpretation for each statement of the questionnaire. 2. The Results from the Open-Ended Items of the Questionnaire This research also used qualitative data to answer the problems. The questionnaire distributed consists of two open-ended questions which may provide chances for the students to share their opinion freely related to the issue. The first question was designed to know which vocabulary learning strategies are most dominantly applied by the students, and the second question was used to find out the most important factors or features of the puzzles used to learn vocabulary. Table 4.4 provides the data of the first question of the open-ended questionnaire which describe about vocabulary learning strategies implemented by the learners using online crossword puzzles. The complete comments of the first question of open-ended questionnaire are presented in appendix 4. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 89 Table 4.4 The Results from the Open-Ended Question Showing the Students‟ Vocabulary Strategies (VLS) Using the Puzzles No 1 2 Statements Vocabulary Learning Strategies New method of study and Direct Cognitive Analyzing learn, new vocabulary, try to Strategies strategies and think out box, new reasoning vocabulary with variation of word but same meaning. (Q1.30) I always do crossword twice Practicing in every crossword, and it help me to memorize many word. (Q1.43) Creating structure for input and output By looking at the book given Compensation Guessing or translate it to some app. I strategies intelligently know so many words. It sharpen my guessing skill. (Q1.41) Crossword help me to Memory Employing strategies action memorize word because I am typing when I do that.(Q2.43) I learnt carefully because I Creating was not good at vocabulary, mental but with crossword puzzles it linkages became fun and very enjoyable. I have memorized some words that I‘ve never known before and it was exciting because the words were unique. Learnt with crossword puzzles has eased a lot. (Q1.24) Reviewing I always try to learn them all at home, I feel I get the well benefit of doing the online crossword such as my vocabulary get wider. (Q1.53) I usually guess what‘s the Indirect Metacognitive Evaluating meaning of the word. If I strategies strategies learning *NoU 25 5 11 5 3 3 23 PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI No Statements failed, I‘ll check the dictionary whether my spelling‟s wrong or maybe that‘s not the right meaning. I can memorize the words easily. (Q1.25) I usually doing it at my boarding house if I haven‟t finished my tasks. I‘m very like to do it. I love crosswords so much. During this semester, I learned many words. I try to memorize these words. (Q1.3) I fill the word that I know first. (Q1.4) The feeling that we will find some new words it makes me want to finishing the crossword. (Q2.32) It‘s fun because I can gain more words with a creative way (crosswords) and it makes me interested with the new words I gained. Crossword is a creative way in vocabulary class. (Q1.26) When I doing my crossword, sometimes I opened the dictionary from online. It helped me a lot. Sometimes I asked my friend too or I randomly guessed what is the answer. I gained more vocabulary from this crossword. (Q1.28) *NoU= Number of Use Vocabulary Learning Strategies Affective strategies Social strategy 90 *NoU Arranging and planning learning 14 Centering learning Selfencouraging 4 13 Lowering anxiety 10 Cooperating with others 5 The table indicates that none of the respondents mentioned they applied creating structure for input and output as their vocabulary learning strategy (VLS) to learn vocabulary using online crossword puzzles. Yet, the result gained from closeended questionnaire presents that some of the respondents mentioned they implemented this vocabulary learning strategy even though the score result is low PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 91 with 2.64, and the data of the interview result also show that some of them definitely applied that strategy. Further discussion related to this strategy is clarified in the discussion section of this chapter. The second open-ended question of the questionnaire is intended to find out the most important features of the puzzles which may encourage students to learn vocabulary, and those data are presented in table 4.5, while the complete comments of the second question of open-ended questionnaire are presented in appendix 4. Table 4.5 The Results from the Open-Ended Question Showing the Factors or Features Most Significantly Encouraging Students to Learn Vocabulary Using the Puzzles No Themes Statements 1 Opportunities to Because it contains of the words which I have use dictionaries / to translate and make me learn more about book. that by open the dictionary or use a google translate. (Q2.29) 2 Immediate When I pushed the “check puzzle” button, I Checking think it help me to know which part I am doing it wrong. It‟s more easier because the crossword is online, so the result come quickly. (Q2.28) 3 Attractive The crossword puzzles I think. Because it‘s learning method challenging me to learn about the meaning of the word. And I think crossword puzzle is more easier and really interesting than the other features. (Q2.14) 4 Guessing words Wrote sentences, crossword. Because when I started to write sentences and guess what the words n the computer I wondering what word and what the meaning is. It‘s make me so confident with a new word and I could say it in the another subjects to provision me to know other words.(Q2.21) 5 Peer collaboration When I doing my crossword, sometimes I opened the dictionary from online. It helped me a lot. Sometimes I asked my friend too or I randomly guessed what is the answer. I gained more vocabulary from this crossword. (Q1.28) *NoS 35 18 18 13 5 PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI No Themes 6 Typing words Statements For me, the most significant feature is writing the words because by writing the words I can memorize how to spell the words. Besides that I can be more careful in writing.(Q2.35) 7 Repetition I think it‘s on the immediate checking and repetition because through the immediate checking I can know if the words are right or not and through repetition, it makes me remember the words better because it‟s being repeated. (Q2.27) 8 Learning from the The moment when I make mistakes in errors guessing the words so that I search the right answer. It motivates me to give the right answer and makes me easier to remember the new words.(Q2.26) 9 Regular practice The task should be done weekly, so we are accustomed to guessing the unknown words by the words we have learnt.(Q2.41) 10 Flexible time I usually doing it at my boarding house if I haven‟t finished my tasks. I‘m very like to do it. I love crosswords so much. During this semester, I learned many words. I try to memorize these words.(Q1.3) 11 Display score I did the crossword every week. Every time I look my friend‟s score. I wanted to finish the crossword. But sometimes I feel confused and bored. So I just type in on google and found the answer without memorize that word.(Q1.19) *NoS = Number of Students 92 *NoS 5 5 4 4 4 1 The data on table 4.5 are presented based on the grade of the most significant features of the puzzles to the least significant features of the puzzles which encourage them to learn vocabulary. From the table it is obviously seen that the most significant feature of the puzzle is the opportunities to use (printed) dictionary, while the least feature of the puzzle is display score. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 93 3. The Results from the Interviews The collecting of data from interview was conducted in this research inasmuch as it was intended to clarify and support the students‘ opinion given in the questionnaire. The samples of the interview result are presented in table 4.6, while the complete interview result is provided in appendix 5. Table 4.6 The Results from the Interviews No 1 Statements Vocabulary Learning Strategies At first I counted to the number of Direct Memory Creating the boxes, and then I recalled the strategies strategies mental linkages sentences which I have ever heard relating to the words. For example, I had the word „sad‟. Thus, I would try to recall the words connecting with the word „sad‟.(interview – B12) Actually I didn‘t memorize the Reviewing words, but I just read them. As a well result, it made me more familiar with those words when I practiced using the words in class. I would not feel strange with the words anymore as I didn‟t count them as new words.(interview – A08) I think so. By typing the words Employing action while I was completing the puzzle made me know how to spell the words better” (interview – D47) Cognitive Practicing I usually did the puzzle twice for each puzzle since it took a long strategies time to finish completing the puzzle for the first time. As a consequence, I couldn‘t submit it. Then I took a picture of the puzzle which I had completed before I did the puzzle for the second time to submit it. (interview – D23) There were a lot. It supported me Analyzing and because I was required to know reasoning and understand the meaning of the words. (interview – A49) First of all I read the vocabulary, and Creating structure for then I highlighted the words I input and considered difficult or I have not PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI No 2. 94 Statements Vocabulary Learning Strategies output ever known. After rereading the words, I wrote them several times in order to memorize them more easily. I usually wrote the words twice to help me memorize them well. However, I didn‘t frequently do it. I just did it if I wished. (interview-D45) Compensation Guessing When I was in senior high school I strategies intelligently learnt about derivative focusing to the changes of a word to a verb, noun, and so on. It made me know that this form of the word was noun, while that form was for the verb. The word ‗surround‘ and ‗surrounding‘ could represent the example of derivative. Another example is just like a noun and the adjective. Thus, I counted the number of the boxes, and then I thought about the proper letters for the boxes which were still blank. (interview-B13) Metacognitive Centering I usually … began to complete the Indirect learning puzzles from the easy words, so if I strategies strategies didn‟t know those words I would skip them first. I did all of the easy words first, and I would consult online dictionary to find out the words which I didn‟t know the meanings. (interview-D17) I think the aim is to guess the words Arranging from the meanings using some letters and planning as the clues. For example, the word learning ‗senang‘ does not always mean happy. Thus, the purpose of doing online crossword puzzles is to introduce new vocabulary which sometimes belongs to uncommon (low-frequency words). I mean in English a word may have some meanings. There were many new words found in the puzzles. (interview – B03) Evaluating I did so frequently monitor my learning progress by checking my scores and my classmates‟ scores. It was because sometimes we took longer time to do the tasks than our friends PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI No Statements did, it made our score automatically decreased. For example, my friend had written twenty sentences, while I still produced ten sentences. As a result, my friend‘s score would be higher than mine. Then I would not let it happen. Therefore, I did my tasks more diligently. That‘s the way I monitored my learning progress. (interview – D48) I felt more convenient and relaxed to learn it. I didn‟t feel bored.(interview – A56) Yes, there was…it was just like…for instance, when I asked my friend about the meaning of a word, she could answer it correctly. It motivated me to learn more and more after knowing the fact that I didn‟t know it, but a friend of mine could get it. (interview – D13) I sometimes discussed the problem with my peers and asked them some questions. Some of them also faced the same problem like taking a long time to complete the puzzles, so we shared our experiences and tried to overcome the problem together. We did group study as well. As a result, we could get better understanding about the words and their meanings.(Student-interview-D50) 95 Vocabulary Learning Strategies Affective strategies Lowering anxiety Selfencouraging Cooperating with others The table provides the data used to describe more detailed and clearly the issue of this study since the students could express their reasons and the ways they implemented their vocabulary learning strategies through the puzzles during the interview. Accordingly, it was definitely used to provide a more complete discussion related to the issue of the study. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 96 B. DISCUSSION This section discusses both quantitative and qualitative data. It presents the quantitative data gained from close-ended questionnaire results which describe the vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) using online crossword puzzles applied by undergraduate students. Furthermore, in order to achieve better understanding of the issue, the qualitative data which are used to support the quantitative data are discussed more clearly and more comprehensively of how the students implemented those vocabulary learning strategies using online crossword puzzles during the first semester, and they were collected from open-ended questionnaire and also from the interview. 1. Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) Used in Online Crossword Puzzles During learning vocabulary through the puzzles, both direct strategies and indirect strategies were applied by the students. In this study, it is found that the use of direct strategies was generally more highly implemented than indirect strategies to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. a. Direct Strategies The direct strategies employed by the students are 1) compensation strategy, 2) memory strategies, and 3) cognitive strategies. Those direct strategies engage mental processing of the language, yet each of those strategies does the process in a different way. The strategies are discussed in a sequence from the most significant strategies to encourage the learners to learn vocabulary through the puzzles in each category. Overall, the use of direct strategies attains higher rate than the employment of the indirect strategies with 3.02. It shows that direct PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 97 strategies are more highly developed than indirect strategies to learn vocabulary through the puzzles. 1) Compensation Strategy This study defines compensation strategy as vocabulary learning strategies allowing learners to retrieve words despite of their often large gaps in knowledge. The compensation strategy which was applied by the learners is guessing intelligently. a) Guessing Intelligently The employment of guessing intelligently obtains nearly a very high score with 3.23. It describes that the students‘ guessing skill was highly developed during the process of vocabulary learning through the puzzles. In other words, learning vocabulary through online crossword puzzles may boost learners‘ skill in guessing words using linguistic clues such as word parts and word forms in order to complete the puzzles. It is in line with Oxford (1990 : 49)‘s definition of guessing intelligently which refers to a strategy which uses linguistic clues such as seeking and using language-based clues in order to guess the meaning of words. A student stated that learning vocabulary through the puzzles could sharpen his guessing skill. Furthermore, another student claimed that he usually employed guessing the meaning of the words before he conducted other strategies while he was completing the puzzles. By looking at the book given or translate it to some app. I know so many words. It sharpen my guessing skill. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4Q1.41) I usually guess what‟s the meaning of the word. If I failed, I‟ll check the dictionary whether my spelling‟s wrong or maybe that‟s not the right meaning. I can memorize the words easily. (Open-Ended Questionnaire— App.4-Q1.25) PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 98 The statements describe that a student used a book or another source to guess the words or their meanings, while another student did not need any reference to guess them, but if he failed guessing he decided to look up the words to a dictionary. Accordingly, it had been the most common strategy applied by the learners to learn vocabulary using the puzzles since the use of this strategy encouraged them to learn vocabulary even though they conducted various ways to guess the words and their meanings. Further description of how the learners conducted guessing intelligently is illustrated by an experience of a learner who related his knowledge of words such as derivative or word form to guess the words correctly. When I was in senior high school I learnt about derivative focusing to the changes of a word to a verb, noun, and so on. It made me know that this form of the word was noun, while that form was for the verb. The word „surround‟ and „surrounding‟ could represent the example of derivative. Another example is just like a noun and an adjective. Thus, I counted the number of the boxes, and then I thought about the proper letters for the boxes which were still blank. (Student B-interview-B13) To conclude, the statement shows that the learners apply guessing intelligently as they guess the words by counting the boxes needed to complete and relate with the clues such as the possible word forms using the letters they have. Thus, it may stimulate them to activate their vocabulary knowledge related to the words they used in the puzzles. It is similar to Gu and Johnson‘s (1996) cognative strategy such as guessing which allows learners to activate background knowledge or to use linguistic items. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 99 2) Memory Strategies The students applied three kinds of memory strategies: a) creating mental linkages, b) employing action, and c) reviewing well. In this study, memory strategies refer to vocabulary learning strategies encouraging learners to store and retrieve new words. The implementation of those strategies may be combined between association and kinesthetic. The use of memory strategies achieves a high score with 2.93 which was the average score of the use of those three different categories (creating mental linkages, employing action, and reviewing well). a) Creating Mental Linkages Creating mental linkages shows a high score with 3.04. It means that this strategy is fairly implemented while learning vocabulary using the puzzles. This strategy is possibly applied into two ways. First, it involves memorizing new words by grouping them into meaningful unit. The word list arranged in sequence based on their alphabetical order has helped learners to memorize them more easily and also makes learners easier to find the words needed to learn. It is also possible to group the words because they share similar or the same meanings. It implies Oxford‘s (1990: 40) creating mental linkages. She defines those kinds of strategy as grouping. Students who implement this strategy tend to classify words into meaningful unit to remember by reducing the number of discrete elements such as grouping words based on type of words, topic, and so on. The implementation of this strategy obtains a high score with 2.92. It shows that this strategy is sometimes applied by most of the students during the learning process. The second way is by associating with any other information already in the memory. It is as what Oxford (1990:41) claims that this strategy can be applied by PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 100 associating or elaborating such as relating new words of target language to concepts already in memory, or relating a piece of information to another in order to create associations in memory. The use of this kind of strategy obtains a high score with 3.16. It describes that this strategy is fairly common to be implemented by the students to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. Online crossword puzzles may allow the learners to have wide chances to explore their creativity in learning vocabulary particularly in memorizing and retrieving new words. One of the students considered the words he learnt were unique and he felt excited to learn them, while another student tried to categorize the words to high frequency and low frequency words to memorize the words more easily. I learnt carefully because I was not good at vocabulary, but with crossword puzzles it became fun and very enjoyable. I have memorized some words that I‟ve never known before and it was exciting because the words were unique. Learnt with crossword puzzles has eased a lot. (OpenEnded Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.24) I still in progress, the puzzles are help me well to remember some strange words.(Open-Ended Questionnaire – App 4-Q1.57) Thus, it proves that students may classify the words based on their uniqueness and low frequency words in order to memorize those words more easily. It is similar to Schmitt‘s (1997:207) memory strategies. He claims that learners may associate words with their coordinate or group words together to study them. Some students applied this strategy while guessing the words in the puzzles. After completing all of the easier words in the puzzles, a student tried to complete the remaining empty boxes of the puzzles by recalling the words which PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI she had ever known. 101 Meanwhile, another student applied this strategy by connecting the words with the ones he had ever read in a text. Firstly, I started completing the puzzle from the easy words and then I tried to deal with the difficult ones. I did it because I could get more letters as clues to guess the difficult ones. Finally, I would guess the words by linking them with the ones which I have already known. (Student Dinterview-D30) At first, I counted to the number of the boxes, and then I recalled the sentences which I have ever heard relating to the words. For example, I had the word „sad‟. Thus, I would try to recall the words connecting with the word „sad‟. (Student B-interview-B12) One student said that she was helped to retrieve the words by connecting them to the ones she had ever found in other sources or to the ones she ever used in a task. I think that I ever found some words in the puzzles which I felt I had known before. I often spontaneously remembered that those words had ever been used in other sources or suddenly I remembered that I had done such task using those words. As a result, it helped me to retrieve the words and get the meaning of the words. (Student A-interview-A21) It shows students have different ways to apply creating mental linkages namely associating or collaborating. They may connect the words leant with their memory about the words. For example, they had ever read, heard, or used the words previously. By associating the words learnt with the concepts already had in memory may strengthen the words in their brain so that it is easier to retrieve them when they are needed. That conclusion implies what Oxford (1990:40) explains that creating mental linkages may take great importance and may support learners to memorize the materials. Accordingly, this strategy may provide wider aspects of the materials they learnt since for being able to apply this strategy learners should know the meaning of words in order to relate them with other PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 102 different pieces of information showing the same context they have previously retained in memory. It describes that the puzzles stimulate learners not only to deal with the words they were learning but also to associate the ones they had ever learnt. It implies Schmitt‘s (1997:207) memory strategy. He claims that learners may connect words with their personal experience to employ memory strategy. It is also similar to Gu and Johnson‘s (1996) memory strategy by encoding association. It means that learners relate between the visual association, auditory association, or any other association of their past experiences and the new words being learnt. b) Employing Action Learning vocabulary using the puzzles by employing action shows a high score with 3.02. To apply this strategy, learners need to employ such physical movement in order to memorize the words better. In learning vocabulary through the puzzles, the experience of typing the words to complete the puzzles has helped them to memorize the words particularly dealing with the spelling of the words. Furthermore, the puzzles require them to have accurate spelling of the words, otherwise they have to revise those words to make them appropriate to the puzzles. Thus, it provides chances for learners to repeatedly typing the words until they have got the correct words. It is in line with Oxford‘s explanation (1990:43) that some students need to learn words by employing such mechanical technique meaning that they involve movement to memorize the words. Some students found it easier to memorize the words through the puzzles in that they experienced typing the words and had to repeatedly do that until they could type the correct words to complete the puzzles. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 103 Crossword help me to memorize word because I am typing when I do that” (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.43). Type the word until it is correct then it makes me memorize the word. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.19). When I type the word and find the word that suitable with the columns. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.34). Indeed, the puzzles may encourage learners to retain the words in their memory longer since it provides opportunities to type words while they are completing the puzzles. It indicates that certain learners may memorize words well by doing an action such as typing the words being learnt. It is similar to Schmitt‘s (1997:207) memory strategy that it can be conducted by using physical action when learning a word. A learner found that she could intentionally learn vocabulary knowledge by typing words considering that she could more pay attention to the letters which form the words while she was typing those words for completing the puzzles. Meanwhile, I think so. By typing the words while I was completing the puzzle made me know and memorize how to spell those words better. (Student Dinterview-D47). One of the processes to establish vocabulary knowledge is by retrieving (Nation, 2000:357). Students may involve recall of the vocabulary previously met. It can also occur in writing. Accordingly, by typing the word as the learners were completing the puzzle it provides a chance to learners to know and force them to write the words correctly by recalling the words, otherwise it would not match with the number of boxes provided in the puzzle. In addition, another student also found that she could memorize words more easily by searching and thoroughly noticing the words. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 104 It helps me to more easy to memorize the words because we have to search and look carefully in the book. (Open-Ended Questionnaire— App.4-Q2.33) It means that by conducting movement such as searching the words in the books or dictionaries before learning the words by noticing the words carefully may also help learners to memorize the words better as they may consider that experience as a meaningful memory for them (Schmitt, 1997:207). Furthermore, after finding the words in a book, dictionaries, or any other sources, they may intentionally learn the words by noticing the spelling, the meaning of the words, or other aspects of the words (Nation, 2000:98). c) Reviewing Well This study found that few students applied reviewing well to learn vocabulary using the puzzle, so this strategy attains a nearly high score with 2.72. Looking at new target language information once is not enough, for it has to be reviewed in order to be remembered. Reviewing well deals with a strategy to intentionally learn the target language such as words over and over in order to make them belong to high-frequency words in that they have been familiar with those words. This strategy can be applied before or after practicing to use the words such as reading repeatedly to memorize the words and their meaning. Thus, learners may retrieve the words faster and easier by the time they need to use them. Meanwhile, Oxford (1990:42) defines reviewing well as a strategy to review the materials in carefully spaced intervals or it is called ‗spiraling‘. It means that learners keeps spiraling back to what has already been learnt at the same time that he is learning new information in order to achieve ‗overlearning‘ to PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 105 make them more familiar with the information. Hence, it becomes natural and automatic. One of the learners felt that he prepared himself by reading the materials first before doing the task. Meanwhile, another student found that it was necessary for him to review the materials himself out of the class hours in order to get better understanding of the materials. First, I read the material first. After that I will try to answer the questions on the internet. If the puzzle getting errors I have to retype it again and again. (Open-Ended Questionnaire – App.4-Q1.29) I always try to learn them all at home, I feel I get the benefit of doing the online crossword such as my vocabulary get wider. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.53) The puzzles may widely create chances for learners to explore their own learning strategies which they considered the most suitable ones for them to achieve their best performance in learning vocabulary. Thus, the learners could review noticing the words whenever they wish. Indeed, they themselves may decide how to review the materials and when the most suitable time to review the materials is. Reviewing the materials by reading the word list definitely implies the theory stated by Nation (2000 : 40, 98) that the initial process which support learning is ‗noticing‘. It means that focusing the attention to a word including paying attention to the form of the word as one of the categories of knowing a word. One of the strategies is visually repeating the word. Some learners considered that reading or rereading the materials before doing vocabulary tasks such as completing the puzzles could help them as they had felt more familiar with the words. Moreover, they repeatedly read those words to memorize them more easily. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 106 Actually I didn‟t memorize the words, but I just read them. As a result, it made me more familiar with those words when I practiced using the words in class. I would not feel strange with the words anymore as I didn‟t count them as the words. (Student A-interview-A08) I preferred to read or reread the vocabulary from the book given by the lecturer in order to memorize them particularly the ones highlighted which were considered as the difficult words for me so that I would not forget them when I found them in the tasks. (Student B-interview-B23) Learners have their own way to review the materials such as learning words. A learner reads the words a day before since she intends to make her more easily in recognizing the words she was going to use to complete the puzzle, while another student tries to reread particular words, the highlighted words which were difficult for him as an effort to memorize them. It is similar to the purpose of conducting reviewing well stated by Oxford (1990 : 42) that the aim of reviewing well is ‗overlearning‘ which means that learners may have been able to recognize the words more easily and make them natural and automatic. Taking a review of words can be done before or after practicing vocabulary tasks. For example, in this case, Anisa did reviewing words as her preparation in order to make her easier to do such a vocabulary task like online crossword puzzles inasmuch as she had been more familiar with the words used to complete the puzzle. Therefore, those students decided to apply this strategy as it could make them feel more ready to practice using the words. This is also similar to Schmitt‘s (2000:207) metacognitive strategy to continue studying word overtime. 3) Cognitive Strategies Three cognitive strategies were implemented by the learners in this study. Those strategies are a) analyzing and reasoning, b) practicing, and c) creating structure for input and output. Cognitive strategies in this study refer to the PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 107 strategies which enable learners to understand and to memorize as well as to retrieve the words. The employment of cognitive strategies achieves a high score with 2.91. a) Analyzing and Reasoning The use of analyzing and reasoning strategy in this study shows a very high score with 3.16. To learn the target language deals with the knowledge of knowing the words and their meanings. It concerns logical analysis and reasoning to understand the words. Learners may analyze the words learnt by comparing elements of the new words with elements of one‘s own language to determine similarities and differences. Another way to apply this strategy can be employed by converting the target language information into the native language. It implies what Oxford‘s (1990:46) suggests that learners may conduct analyzing and reasoning by analyzing contrastively and translating. Most of the students applied the similar ways to apply this strategy. They used online dictionary, printed dictionary, or vocabulary book from the lecturer. They used different sources, yet they had the same purpose that is to find the meaning of the words. I learned vocabulary through online crossword puzzles by guess the meaning of words and search the meaning on my vocabulary‟s book. I have achieved the meaning of many words that I didn‟t know before. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.10) I think online crossword puzzles are interesting. I tried to finish all the crossword by doing it at the class or outside the class. I also use online dictionary to support my work. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4Q1.17) The crossword puzzle, because it makes us to think about the word and we can learn from our mistakes. It also encourages us to find the correct word from the book and dictionary. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4Q2.22) PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 108 Meanwhile, in order to learn new words, some other students tried to compare and contrast the words particularly relating to their meanings during learning vocabulary through the puzzle. New method of study and learn, new vocabulary, try to think out box, new vocabulary with variation of word but same meaning. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.30) The “check puzzle” because Indonesian has many meanings in English sometimes I don‟t guess what it is correct and watch it in the puzzles, so I have to find the synonym that also increase my vocabulary. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.1) It proves that each student may have different ways to learn a new language. Learners may use the same dictionaries to learn words, yet they may use the dictionaries in a different way. Some of them may focus on meaning of words, while some other students may not only find the meaning of words but also try to relate it with other words to create association which help them to memorize the words well and learn the knowledge of words better. Accordingly, Nation and Meara (2002:46) claim that learners may learn various sub-skills using dictionaries such as learning pronunciation by checking the phonetic transcription, interpreting grammatical accuracy, finding the equivalent meaning of words from context. Hence, Nation (2000:228) suggests that considering the importance of dictionary to expand learners‘ vocabulary knowledge, it is necessary to train learners to use dictionary in order to make them skillful to find words they need to learn. Similarly, these students also applied analyzing and reasoning to learn the words by using dictionaries to translate the words. There were a lot. It supported me because I was required to know and understand the meaning of the words. (Student A-interview – A49) PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 109 Yes, there was. For example, when I tried to search the meaning of the word in a dictionary, it was sometimes different from the word used in the puzzle. As a result, I had to search in other sources…I seemed to waste time…yet I got more new words by finding out the meaning of the word. (Student D-interview-D10) It shows that leaning word may be done by translating the words using dictionaries. A word may have some meanings, so learners may do comparing and contrasting those meanings of the word. Hence, they may enrich their vocabulary by learning the words and their meanings, associating the words with their similar or the same meanings, and also differentiate some meanings of a word. Accordingly, in order to apply this strategy, it can be supported by dictionaries. It is similar to Schmitt‘s (1997 : 207) determination strategy that it can be employed by using bilingual dictionaries, Gu and Johnson‘s (1996) cognative strategy in which learners use dictionaries, and Catalan‘s (2003:63) claim that the most frequently used vocabulary strategies employed by both male and female Spanishspeaking learners is using bilingual dictionary. b) Practicing The use of practicing strategy obtains a high score by achieving 2.93. Practice makes perfect. Hence, it is believed that by repeatedly practicing through the same or different vocabulary tasks, learners are expected to achieve their best performance in vocabulary, and the puzzles may facilitate learners to practice vocabulary as many times as they wish. By repeatedly doing the same or similar task, it may provide opportunities for learners to apply intentional vocabulary learning. It is in line with Schmitt (2008) that intentional vocabulary learning may lead to greater and faster gains, with a better chance of retention and of reaching PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 110 productive level of mastery. It means that learners are required to focus their attention to effectively acquire vocabulary. Many students needed to practice more and more in order to memorize the words well. Yet, each of the students may need different number of repetition to get the words stick well in their memory, and the puzzles may provide flexible time to let them decide how many times they needed to repeat doing the tasks to memorize the words. I always do crossword twice in every crossword, and it help me to memorize many word. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.43). Elt and crossword because if I have did it many times and sometime I have to repeat it so I can remember the words a lil bit of them. (OpenEnded Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.45). Indeed, it shows that students employ practicing the tasks over and over to keep the words in their memory longer. It is similar to Schmitt‘s (2000:207) concept to conduct metacognitive strategy by continuing studying words overtime. Practicing the vocabulary task over and over is needed by certain learners to complete the task and also get better understanding of the materials. Each student may conduct different technique in doing repetition to practice the task. Besides, they also may need different length of time every time they employed repetition to practice the task for several times. I usually did the puzzle twice for each puzzle since it took a long time to finish completing the puzzle for the first time. As a consequence, I couldn‟t submit it. Then I took a picture of the puzzle which I had completed before I did the puzzle for the second time to submit it. (Student D-interview-D23). It was often repeated. It was because I needed to find the answer of the questions which sometimes were not provided in the book. I mean PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 111 twodifferent words in English possibly had the same meaning. (Student Ainterview-A19) The statement describes that both of the students required repetition to complete the task. One of them needed to repeat doing the task twice in order to submit it. She spent longer time to conduct the first practice, and she also employed such a unique technique to complete the task, took a picture on her own work. It is in line with the concept of repetition stated by Nation (2000:103) that doing repetition to learn words may direct learners to apply incidental vocabulary learning. It definitely involves the process of frequently retrieving the words which strengthen the path to link form and meaning of the words and make them easier to subsequently retrieve the words. It is also similar to Schmitt‘s (1997:207) cognitive strategy that it can be conducted by written repetition, yet since this study deals with learning vocabulary using the puzzles, the learners were involved more in typing not writing words to complete the puzzles. c) Creating Structure for Input and Output The use of creating structure for input and output shows a low score with 2.64. The students applied this strategy by employing two different ways: highlighting and writing the words. The implementation of creating structure for input and output by highlighting the words to learn vocabulary attains a low score with 2.92, while the employment of this strategy by writing the words to learn more achieves the lowest score with 2.36. Hence, it illustrates that the students tended to conduct highlighting the words than writing the words to employ creating structure for input and output strategy. It implies what Oxford (1990:147) suggests that learners may employ different ways to conduct creating structure for input and output such as taking notes and highlighting. Being in line with Oxford, PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 112 Gu and Johnson (1996) also claim that learners may conduct cognative strategy by taking notes. Considering the fact that none of the students mentioned employing this strategy in the open-ended question, and this strategy obtained the lowest score in the close-ended question. It can be concluded that this strategy was not the students‘ favourite strategy to learn vocabulary through the puzzles. From the interview result, it is found that a learner conducted combining both writing and highlighting the words to apply creating structure for input and output in order to help her keep the words longer in her memory. First of all I read the vocabulary, and then I highlighted the words I considered difficult or I have not ever known. After rereading the words, I wrote them several times in order to memorize them more easily. I usually wrote the words twice to help me memorize them well. However, I didn‟t frequently do it. I just did it if I wished. (Student D-interview-D45) Meanwhile, another student claimed that in order to apply this strategy he just highlighted the words, but he did not think that it was necessary for him to write the words to memorize the words. I highlighted the words I didn‟t know, so it made me feel easier to memorize them. For instance, I could recall the word in unit 2 because I highlighted it. Therefore, I highlighted the words, but I didn‟t write the words to help me memorize them. (Student B-interview-B20) Those two statements above illustrate that each student may conduct a different way to employ the same strategy. They may do combining two ways or conducting a single way to employ the strategy. b. Indirect Strategies In this study, the students employed three types of indirect strategies. They are 1) affective strategies, 2) metacognitive strategies, and 3) social strategy. Indirect strategies in this research refer to vocabulary learning strategies which PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 113 indirectly involve the target language. In other words, those strategies may encourage and manage vocabulary learning without directly involving the target language. Those direct strategies are discussed in order from the most highly important strategies for the learners to learn vocabulary through the puzzles in each category. In general, the use of indirect strategies applied by the learners in this study obtained a high score with 2.99. 1) Affective Strategies The implementation of affective strategies in this study gains a high score with 3.05. The affective strategies applied by the learners in this research are lowering anxiety and self-encouraging. Those strategies may support learners to regulate emotions, motivations, and attitudes. a) Lowering Anxiety The use of lowering anxiety obtains a very high score by achieving 3.21, and this is the highest score of all indirect strategies applied by the learners. Successful language learning is influenced by self setting the amount of anxiety. As what is claimed by Oxford (1990:142) that a certain amount of anxiety may support learners to achieve their top performance levels, but too much anxiety obstructs language learning. Harmful anxiety involves worry, self-doubt, frustration, helplessness, insecurity, fear, and physical symptoms. Hence, it is necessary to apply anxiety-reducing strategies to control anxiety. Learners may apply two different ways in employing lowering anxiety strategy: learning in a convenient time which obtains a high score (3.21) and enjoying learning the materials which gains a high score (3.21). PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 114 A large number of students expressed their positive feeling toward learning vocabulary through the puzzle. The following statements illustrate their love learning vocabulary using the puzzles. It‟s fun because I can gain more words with a creative way (crosswords) and it makes me interested with the new words I gained. Crossword is a creative way in vocabulary class. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4Q1.26) I learnt carefully because I was not good at vocabulary, but with crossword puzzles it became fun and very enjoyable. I have memorized some words that I‟ve never known before and it was exciting because the words were unique. Learnt with crossword puzzles has eased a lot. (OpenEnded Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.24) Those students applied lowering anxiety while doing the puzzles to learn vocabulary. The words ‗fun‘, ‗enjoyable‘, and ‗exciting‘ describe that those students were successful to minimize their anxiety although they realized that they had to deal with unfamiliar words or new words and even to memorize them. In other words, learners may reduce their anxiety by trying to focus themselves to the positive mindset rather than to the negative ones. By doing so, they are likely willing to take moderate risks in doing tasks to succeed their learning. The use of CALL in the puzzles may also support them to employ reducing anxiety. It is similar to the concept of CALL proposed by Egbert and Hanson-Smith (1999) that the use of CALL aims to let learners work in an atmosphere with an ideal stress/anxiety. Another student also shared how she learnt vocabulary through the puzzles by lowering anxiety. She claimed that she felt more convenient and relaxed. She did not feel bored (Student A-interview-A56). By doing so, she could study vocabulary better because she had fun while retrieving words through the puzzles, PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 115 nor did she feel bored in doing repetition to learn the vocabulary (Student Ainterview-A30). It proves that by building positive feelings to create supportive atmosphere to learn such as enjoying to learning the materials and setting themselves to feel convenient during the learning process, it may encourage learners to more willingly learn the materials and may get better understanding of the materials learnt. As a result, it can help them achieve the goals of learning more optimally. It is in line with what is stated by Reeves (1997) that World Wide Web-based learning has a link with sense of audience. It means that it deals with the feeling resulted from learning using WWW-based learning. b) Self-Encouraging The employment of self-encouraging in learning vocabulary through the puzzles shows a very high score with 3.06. Applying self-encouraging in order to keep improving one‘s performance in mastering a new language takes the greatest role. It may create enthusiasm in learning the materials and make them willingly to do their best during the learning process. It is in line with Oxford (1990:143) who claims that the highest motivation is derived from inside the learner to initiate such independent and creative language learning situation. In other words, self-encouraging may initiate learners to willingly find their best learning strategy to learn vocabulary. This strategy can be applied in various ways such as being more independent to learn the materials and also by challenging himself to take moderate risks to improve his skill and ability. The use of web-based learning to learn vocabulary may support learners to explore various strategies which suit them to boost their best performance. It is as what is clarified by Reeves (1997) that World Wide Web-based learning (WWW-based learning) provides PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 116 opportunities to construct learning. It means that web-based learning supports learners to have freedom to decide what strategies applied to learn the materials. This strategy is possibly applied in several ways: feeling curious if their answers correct or not by feeling motivated to improve their vocabulary performance (3.10), feeling motivated to enhance their vocabulary learning which obtains a high score (3.08), feeling motivated to do the puzzles which attains a high score (3.08), and also employing self-encouraging to do more frequent practices on the subject which also gains a high score (2.97). Some students felt that doing the puzzles forced them learn vocabulary more independently. They tried to learn the words and the meanings of the words by using their vocabulary book or dictionaries. By searching the words that I don‟t know through the word list and dictionary. It made me more independent to do the task. I learned many new words. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.22) Yes, it could. It was because when I did the puzzle, a lecturer needn‟t be there. I could simply open dictionary to find the answer. (Student Dinterview-D24) What is meant by learning more independently here is that the students‘ learning progress does not depend on their lecturer, but it depends on their own effort. They can make an effort such as using their book or dictionaries to understand the words. In other words, learners who are motivated to enhance their vocabulary learning to be more independent may feel motivated to enhance their vocabulary learning as well as feeling motivated to improve their vocabulary performance. It is in line with the purpose of conducting web-based learning as what has been stated by Reeves (1997) that web-based learning may reduce the power of the teacher to learn a language. It means that the teacher could provide PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 117 wider space to let learners to conduct their own learning without depending on the presence of the teacher. Instead of motivating them to be a more independent learner, the students also felt more motivated to learn more vocabulary through the puzzles. They tended to be able to memorize the words well, and they also felt more enthusiastic to learn more new words. All crossword because make me enhance my vocabulary and memorize with good. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.12) Crossword. Because I have to get the words which I sometimes it‟s a new word for me. It‟s enhance my vocabulary. (Open-Ended Questionnaire— App.4-Q2.16) Yes, there was…it was just like…for instance, when I asked my friend about the meaning of a word, she could answer it correctly. It motivated me to learn more and more after knowing the fact that I didn‟t know it, but a friend of mine could get it. (Student D-interview – D13) Thus, those statements above describe that learners conduct selfencouraging strategy to learn vocabulary through the puzzles by motivating themselves to find and learn more new words through the puzzles, to memorize them well, and to learn vocabulary more. It is similar to Oxford‘s (1990: 143) concept of self encouraging. She claims that the most potent encouragement and the only available encouragement in many independent language learning situations may come from inside the learner. Meanwhile, some other students conducted self-encouraging because they found that doing puzzles was challenging. The feeling that we will find some new words it makes me want to finishing the crossword. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.32) Because when I did my crossword puzzles, I got a challenge to remember the vocabulary. I think it can enhance my vocabulary learning. (OpenEnded Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.44) PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 118 Those two statements above illustrate that they intend to do finish the puzzle since they feel encouraged to find and learn some new words and also felt challenged because of their friend can know the answer, while they cannot get it. It also implies what Oxford‘s (1990:143-144) claims that the greatest encouragement may come from the learners‘ inside to do more and more in order to improve their performance and one of the ways can be employed by taking the risks wisely by challenging themselves to do certain tasks to push themselves to learn more. Besides, another student implemented a strategy of self-encouraging as they found that the assignment to do one puzzle every week made them felt encouraged building learning vocabulary as their habit. I have learned vocabulary through the routine/weekly tasks in ELTGallery. I wish that I can have more task. My routines and all that stuff that made me became more discipline when doing my task. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.50) It shows that students employ self-encouraging by doing the puzzles as their routine. It made them more discipline to do the task as they set in their mind that it is their need to accomplish a puzzle each week. It means that learners apply this strategy by feeling motivated to practice vocabulary more frequently. It also implies Oxford‘s (1990:144) concept to implement self encouraging by pushing themselves to be more discipline to reach the optimal objectives of the learning. 2) Metacognitve Strategies Metacognitive strategies employed by the students in this study are a) evaluating learning, b) centering learning, and c) arranging and planning learning. Those three strategies allow learners control their own cognitive which means PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 119 coordinating the learning process by using functions such as centering, arranging, planning, and evaluating. The employment of metacognitive strategies attained a high score with 3.04. a) Evaluating Learning The use of evaluating learning obtains a very high score with 3.11. Students conduct this strategy into five different ways. First, whenever they fail answering the words, they decide to look them up to a dictionary to revise the errors the made, and the use of this effort attains a high score with 3.30. The second way is by learning from the errors, and it also gains a very high score with 3.18. In addition, it is by using immediate feedback to check their answer after doing the tasks, and this gets a high score with 3.05. Besides, other students apply it by monitoring their progress during learning vocabulary using the puzzles, and this strategy attains a high score with 3.02. Finally, they do evaluating their vocabulary learning process, and it obtains a high score with 3.00. As what has been clarified previously that the learners do five different ways to employ evaluating learning. The first way, they implemented evaluating learning by using dictionaries to check the words whenever they got failed answer in completing the puzzles. I usually guess what‟s the meaning of the word. If I failed, I‟ll check the dictionary whether my spelling‟s wrong or maybe that‟s not the right meaning. I can memorize the words easily. (Open-Ended Questionnaire— App.4-Q1.25) It shows that they usually check the spelling of the words and confirm the meaning of the words using dictionaries after failing to guess the word accurately. In other words, learners may check the words using dictionary, so they may revise the errors made such as dealing with the meaning or spelling of words. It is as Gu PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 120 and Johnson‘s (1996) cognative strategy to use dictionaries. Being in line with Gu and Johnsonn, Catalan (2003:63) claims that the most frequently used vocabulary strategy is using a bilingual dictionary. Secondly, the learners conducted evaluating learning by learning from the errors they made while doing the puzzle. I have learned new words by my mistakes on the crossword puzzles. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.49) The crossword puzzle, because it makes us to think about the word and we can learn from our mistakes. It also encourages us to find the correct word from the book and dictionary. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4Q2.22) From those statements above, it describes that after doing an error or mistake while doing the puzzle, learners evaluate the errors to improve their performance. Thus, it becomes a meaningful process for them to learn vocabulary. It implies Oxford‘s (1990:140) concept that learners may apply evaluating learning by doing self-evaluating such as learning from the errors. Hence, it may help them not only to understand the materials better but also know their weaknesses in learning the subject. This study found that the learners apply the same strategy to apply self-evaluation that is using dictionaries. Thus, basically it is similar to the first strategy mentioned previously. The third way to implement evaluating learning is by using the immediate checking of the puzzle. Check puzzle. Some words have many meaning, so when I use the which one that familiar to me sometimes incorrect, so I try to check puzzle so get what the problem and when I know the problem, I try to seek the words so it can make me learn more about new words and I think it was very challenging and fun. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.20) PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 121 Checking puzzle belongs to a very valuable feature for the learners to conduct evaluating learning as they used it for checking their answers after accomplishing the puzzle. It illustrates that immediate checking can help learners since they can get the feedback immediately which enables them to directly revise the wrong answers. It implies what Oxford‘s (1990:140) claims that learners may conduct evaluating learning by identifying errors in understanding the target language. The next way to employ this strategy is by monitoring the learning progress. A student stated that she was very often doing checking her score displayed on the web, and then she compared it with her peers‘. I did so frequently monitor my progress by checking my scores and my classmates‟ scores. It was because sometimes we took longer time to do the tasks than our friends did, it made our score automatically decreased. For example, my friend had written twenty sentences, while I still produced ten sentences. As a result, my friend‟s score would be higher than mine. Then I would not let it happen. Therefore, I did my tasks more diligently. That‟s the way I monitored my learning progress. (Student Dinterview – D48) The statement above provides description that doing monitoring the learning progress such as monitoring their scores as well as their classmates‘ scores can make them feel more encouraged to learn vocabulary or selfencouraging in learning vocabulary. In other words, it shows that one strategy may lead the existence of another strategy. It is similar to Oxford‘s (1990:1440) self-evaluating to employ evaluating learning by checking the progress in learning the new language. The last way the learners employed to conduct evaluating learning is by doing evaluation of the vocabulary learning process. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 122 I sometimes discussed the problem with my peers. Some of them also faced the same problem like taking a long time to complete the puzzles, so we shared our experiences and tried to overcome the problem together. We did group study as well. As a result, we could get better understanding about the words and their meanings. (Student-interviewD50) The statement above illustrates that learner conduct evaluating learning process by discussing the problem with their peers. By sharing the problem with their peers can help them find some inputs from others to solve the problem such as finding out how to accomplish the puzzle more quickly. It means it is possibly for learners to conduct two strategies at once. Those are evaluating learning and cooperating with others. b) Centering Learning The use of centering learning in this study attained a high score with 3.05. This study found that learners apply three different strategies to employ centering learning strategy. Firstly, they pay attention to the spelling of the words while they were doing the puzzles, and this strategy attains a high score (3.16). Secondly, they focus on the words form to complete the puzzles, and it obtains a high score (3.03). Finally, they pay attention to derivative while completing the puzzles, and it also achieves a high score (2.97). Some students paid attention to how the words written or the spelling of the words when they learnt vocabulary through the puzzles. I felt that typing the words while doing the puzzle direct me to focus to the spelling of the words. It let me know how to write the words. (Student D-interview-D47) I learned vocabulary crossword in my free time. I knew more about any words and the letter spelling. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.12) PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 123 From the statements above, it illustrates that the learners are aware of the need to pay attention to the spelling of words in learning vocabulary. Accordingly, they intentionally learn the spelling of words carefully in order to be able to type the words correctly to complete the puzzles. It implies Nation‘s (2001:218) planning strategy that learners may conduct it by choosing the aspect of word knowledge. Some other students implemented centering learning by focusing to the easy words and skip the difficult words in order to get more clues to guess the difficult words to accomplish the puzzle. I fill the word that I know first. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4Q1.4) First I f ill the blank with everything I know when I do not know what is the answer I opened the book dictionary, but when I am too lazy to search anymore I opened the online dictionary. (Open-Ended Questionnaire— App.4-Q1.48) I usually … began to complete the puzzles from the easy words, so if I didn‟t know those words I would skip them first. I did all of the easy words first, and I would consult online dictionary to find out the words which I didn‟t know the meanings. (Student D-interview-D17) Those statements prove that the students try to complete the puzzle by answering the easy words first to get more clues to answer the difficult words. It is like what Oxford (1990 : 138) said that learners may do centering learning by deciding in advance to pay attention in general to a learning task and to ignore distracters. It is in line with Schmitt‘s (1997:207) metacognitive strategy that learners may conduct it by skipping or passing new words. Furthermore, in order to accomplish the puzzle, the students still had to deal with the difficult words. To deal with those words, as the learners had to PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 124 focus on certain aspects of words such as word form or derivative using the clues provided. I felt that I could study fast. I mean that firstly, I could check the answer if it is right or wrong. Secondly, it deals with the accuracy. As we know that some words may have an equal meaning, so through the puzzle I learnt to find an accurate word whether the puzzle requires a word in a form of a noun, a verb, or an adjective. It certainly deals with it. (Student Binterview-B40) When I was in senior high school I learnt about derivative focusing to the changes of a word to a verb, noun, and so on. It made me know that this form of the word was noun, while that form was for the verb. The word „surround‟ and „surrounding‟ could represent the example of derivative. Another example is just like a noun and an adjective. Thus, I counted the number of the boxes, and then I thought about the proper letters for the boxes which were still blank. (Student B-interview-B13) Those statements provide a description that through the puzzle, the learners are guided to pay more attention to the aspects of words such as word form and derivative to complete the puzzle. It implies as what Oxford defines related to centering learning. Oxford (1990 : 138) claims that learners may employ centering learning by overviewing a key concept of a task and associating it with what is already known. This strategy can be accomplished in many different ways, yet it frequently works by following three steps: learning why the activity is being done, building the needed vocabulary, and making the associations. It is also similar to Gu and Johnson‘s (1996) metacognitive strategy employed by selecting attention by identifying essential words for comprehension. c) Arranging and Planning Learning The employment of arranging and planning learning attains a high score (2.96). Learners may apply five different ways to conduct this strategy. Firstly, students realize the purpose of doing the puzzles to learn vocabulary. It achieves PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 125 almost a very high score (3.30). Secondly, they set the time needed to do the puzzles, and it obtains a high score (3.08). Thirdly, students set a regular learning on vocabulary through the puzzles considering as their weekly assignments, and it gets a high score (2.95). Besides, they aims to understand reading texts better by doing the puzzles, and it attains a high score (2.80). Finally, they intends to produce more words easily for writing practice using the puzzles, and it achieves a low score (2.69). Most of the students were aware of the goal of learning vocabulary through the puzzle. A student expected to master more words to improve his debating competence. In another case, a student set a more general goal of learning vocabulary. He expected to be able to apply the vocabulary learnt in his daily life. I got so many words that can be used in my speech while debating. This helped me a lot to achieve my achievement in debate. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.13) More vocabulary during class when the process through the puzzles and I could do in my reality life with new vocabulary that I never know before. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.21) It shows that learner apply arranging and planning learning by knowing the objective of learning vocabulary. Thus, he may consciously creates opportunities to practice the vocabulary learnt in a spoken practice, debating. It implies what Oxford claims related to ways to conduct arranging and planning learning. Oxford (1990:139) states that a strategy of arranging and panning learning may be intentionally conducted by seeking out and providing chances to practice the language in naturalistic situations such as joining an international social club. Furthermore, it also shows that students may set different goals of PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 126 learning on the same task such as trying to describe more detailed the types of the words he learnt through the puzzles. Certain students may have more specific aim to do tasks. For example, a student expect to know more new words by doing each puzzle in that it can provide them chances to guess not only the high-frequency words but also the low-frequency words. I think the aim is to guess the words from the meanings using some letters as the clues. For example, the word „senang‟ does not always mean happy. Thus, the purpose of doing online crossword puzzles is to introduce new vocabulary which sometimes were considered as uncommon words. I mean in English a word may have some meanings. There were many new words found in the puzzles. (Student B-interview – B03) From the three statements above it can be concluded that the students apply arranging and planning strategy by realizing why they learn vocabulary using the puzzles, yet they set different purposes from one and another based on their own needs and understanding of the course. Being in line with the conclusion stated previously, Oxford (1990 : 139) claims that learners may conduct arranging and planning learning by setting the aim for language learning including long-term goals or short-term objectives. It is also similar to Nation‘s (2001:218) planning which can be done by selecting the strategies, words, and aspects of word knowledge. Secondly, many learners claimed that they set time freely when they had to do the puzzle, where they did the puzzle, and how long they did the puzzle. Each student may set their learning differently inasmuch as he has different characteristics and styles to learn from any other students. Meanwhile, some moody students described how they arranged and planned their learning on vocabulary using the puzzles. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 127 When I was in a bad mood, I usually did one puzzle in a week as I also had to do other assignments or doing tests. On the other hand, when I was in a good mood I could do two or three puzzles in a week, so it depended on my mood. Besides, my being curious to find the words made me do the puzzle. For example, when got the word „berduka‟, and I was curious to know the English of it. Then I would focus my attention on it and keep trying to guess and to find the word. (Student B-interview-B06) It usually depended on my mood because I am a moody person. Therefore, when I was in a good mood, I would directly check the words I didn‟t know in a dictionary. On the other hand, when I was in a bad mood, I would prefer to delay checking the words in the dictionary. I would decide to repeat doing the task in the following day or any other time. (Student D-interview-D42) It describes that moody students may try to arrange their learning in such a way so that they learn in their convenient time for having positive feeling while studying in order to optimize the learning process, and they can accomplish the tasks well. Meanwhile, another student shared that she usually continued doing the tasks in her boarding house if she had not finished doing them in class. I usually doing it at my boarding house if I haven‟t finished my tasks. I‟m very like to do it. I love crosswords so much. During this semester, I learned many words. I try to memorize these words. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.3) It portrays that some students may need longer time to finish the task, so they try to arrange their learning by allocating time to learn out of the class hour in order to catch up their being left behind. They need to organize their learning to overcome their own weakness which is quite slow in learning or doing a task. Thirdly, many students stated that they set a regular time to learn vocabulary through the puzzle as the form of conducting a strategy of arranging and planning learning The task should be done weekly, so we are forced to study about vocab constantly. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.37) PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 128 The task should be done weekly, so we are accustomed to guessing the unknown words by the words we have learnt. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.41) Those statements illustrate that they build a habit to do a vocabulary practice through the puzzle to accustom themselves with the skills and the materials they have to learn. By setting the time to do the tasks as their routines, it can control their vocabulary learning. It implies Nation‘s (2001:218) planning their learning by planning repetition. In addition, some students said that by learning vocabulary using the puzzle during a semester they felt that they were able to understand the reading text better. The crossword puzzles helped me to remember the meaning of the word and because of it, I can understand more easily when I‟m reading a text. My vocabulary is increasing too. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4Q1.14) It describes that in order to improve his reading comprehension, students may use the words he learn through the puzzles to understand reading texts. In other words, students may apply an action to practice their vocabulary learning in a natural context such as reading texts. Finally, some students also felt that they could write using more words easily by learning vocabulary through the puzzle. I guessed it was rather helpful. The puzzle helped me to find many new words which I never known before. As a student of English Letters Department, if I wrote sentences using common words, it sounded boring. Accordingly, I used the new words which were more sophisticated and rarely heard to share the same meaning.(Student Binterview-B15) In writing class, the students were usually required to write our experiences. At the beginning of the semester, I often got confused how to write the words. Fortunately, after quite frequently practicing to learn vocabulary, I could get write the words used to compose a writing more PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 129 easily. I felt helpful to memorize the spelling of the words by reading the words in the dictionaries. (Student D-interview-D33) Those two statements describe that after being consciously aware of the objectives to learn vocabulary through the puzzles, and then learners may intentionally create opportunities to practice the vocabulary by using those words to compose writing works. It implies Oxford‘s (1990:139) arranging and planning learning that learners may conduct it by seeking practice opportunities such as practicing the words being learnt through reading texts or composing writing using the words. 3) Social Strategies The social strategy implemented by the students in this study is cooperating with others or peers. It refers to strategies to help learners learn vocabulary by conducting interaction with others. a) Cooperating with Others The use of this strategy, cooperating with others, obtained a high score with 2.89. Learners possibly apply two kinds of ways to employ this strategy. First, they ask their peers when they face difficulties to find the words to complete the puzzles, and this effort it achieves a high score (2.93). Secondly, they discussed the materials with their peers when they find difficulties, and it gains a high score (2.85). Some students sometimes employed cooperating with others whenever they found difficulties in finding the correct words to complete the puzzles. When I doing my crossword, sometimes I opened the dictionary from online. It helped me a lot. Sometimes I asked my friend too or I randomly guessed what is the answer. I gained more vocabulary from this crossword. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.28) PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 130 Absolutely. Asking a word to my friend could build a memory in my mind that when I asked my friend about it he mentioned that word. Thus, I could memorize the word by recalling that moment. (Student Binterview-B08) Those statements illustrate that students ask their peers to help them get the right words since it can help them do the tasks more quickly. Furthermore, it can also make them do repetition to retrieve the words by recall the words whenever their peer asks them about the words. It is similar to social strategy proposed by Schmitt (1997:207) and Catalan (2003:63) that learners may conduct it by asking classmates for meaning. Meanwhile, another student claimed that she not only asked their peers to get the answers of the puzzles but also discussed their problems dealing with their vocabulary learning. I sometimes discussed the problem with my peers. Some of them also faced the same problem like taking a long time to complete the puzzles, so we shared our experiences and tried to overcome the problem together. We did group study as well. As a result, we could get better understanding about the words and their meanings.(Student-interviewD50) It proves that students apply cooperating strategy with others by asking and discussing problems with peers. Discussing with peers about the materials can enrich their vocabulary knowledge and also deepen their understanding about the materials. Furthermore, students may not only discuss about the materials but also about vocabulary learning strategies from other students. It implies what Oxford (1990 : 135) suggests that when learners conduct a social strategy it may involve interacting with others like their peers to improve their language skills by cooperating to solve problems during learning process or discussing the materials to get better understanding of the materials with peers. Furthermore, Schmitt PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 131 claims that learners also may study and practice in a group to employ social strategy. 2. The Factors or Features Most Significantly Encourage the Students to Learn Vocabulary through the Puzzles In this study, it is found that there are eleven factors or features which most significantly encourage learners to study vocabulary using the puzzles based on each student‘s belief, so they are equally significant. Yet, those factors and features are listed based on the most to the least number of students who stated that one of those factors of features had been their best encouragement during learning vocabulary using the puzzles. These data are obtained from the openended questions. In this study, features mean the facilities available on the puzzles which can be used directly and motivate them to more willingly learn vocabulary such as immediate checking and display scores, whereas factors refer to opportunities which the students may experience during the learning process using the puzzles to learn vocabulary and can make them eagerly learn vocabulary. Those factors or features which most encourage students to learn vocabulary through the puzzles are a) using dictionaries/book, b) immediate checking, c) attractive learning method, d) guessing words, e) peer collaboration, f) typing words, g) repetition, h) learning from the error, i) practice, j) flexible time, and k) display score. Those categories were taken from the students‘ answer of the openended question and also listed from the most to the least important factors which encouraged the learners to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 132 a. Opportunities to Use Dictionaries/book Thirty-five students believe that the wide opportunities to use dictionaries or book consisting of vocabulary list most encourage them to enhance learning vocabulary using the puzzles, and it becomes the most favourite factor. Some students claim that they use dictionaries for some different purposes such as consulting the correct spelling of the words or finding out the meaning of the words. It helps me to more easy to memorize the words because we have to search and look carefully in the book. (Open-Ended Questionnaire— App.4-Q2.33) Because it contains of the words which I have to translate and make me learn more about that by open the dictionary or use a google translate. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.29) In the crossword puzzles we have to think smart and critical. If you can‟t find the correct meaning in the crossword puzzles by online dictionary, you must find it in the book because the puzzles based on it by doing this crossword puzzles my vocabulary has increased. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.1) Those statements show that the high frequency to use dictionaries while doing the puzzles provides more opportunities to notice the words and it causes students apply a strategy of reviewing well. It also implies Nation‘s (2000 : 98) belief that the earliest stage supporting the learning is noticing. During the process of noticing, learners consciously pay attention to the words. Furthermore, they employ an action by searching the words in the dictionaries which may help them to memorize the words, and this kind of strategy is called employing an action. It is similar to the concept of learning strategy proposed by Oxford (1990:43) that in learning language some students require to employ such mechanical technique. In other words, they involve movement to memorize the PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 133 words. In other words, learners can memorize the words more easily by using dictionaries or vocabulary book which leads them to implement some vocabulary learning strategies namely reviewing well and employing action. Meanwhile, some students preferred to use online dictionaries as they are faster to get the words and more practical to use. Honestly I loved using online dictionaries because it just needs a klick to get the word. It is different from using printed dictionaries. I had to search the word one by one based on the alphabetical letters, so it took longer time to get the word. (Student D-interview-D19) First of all, I would answer all of the words which I know, and then if I couldn‟t get the words, I used google translate to find the words. Finally, I searched the words in the book if I failed getting the words from google translate. (Student A-interview-A13) It proves that web-based learning may support the students to learn a language as they can access online dictionaries while doing the puzzles to get the accurate words, and they can save more time. It implies the concept of CALL proposed by Egbert and Hanson-Smith (1999) that CALL may provide conditions which support the optimal language learning environment. Being in line with Egbert and Hanson-Smith, Reeves (1997) also claims that web-based learning enables learners to construct learning, so they may decide to apply the most appropriate learning strategies for them. b. Immediate Checking The opportunity to immediately check their answers becomes the second most favourite feature encouraging students to learn vocabulary through online crossword puzzles, and there are 18 students prefer this feature as their most significant encouragement to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. ‗Check puzzle‘ PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 134 refers to one of the facilities on the online crossword puzzle which enabled the students to immediately check their answers. It is presented in figure 4.1. Figure 4.1 Crossword‟s Check Puzzle To check the answer using the puzzles, learners simply need to click on the button of check puzzle provided on the left bottom of the puzzle, and then it can directly show the errors made on the puzzles shown in the different color. Check puzzle. Some words have many meaning, so when I use the which one that familiar to me sometimes incorrect, so I try to check puzzle so get what the problem and when I know the problem, I try to seek the words so it can make me learn more about new words and I think it was very challenging and fun. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.20) When I pushed the “check puzzle” button, I think it help me to know which part I am doing it wrong. It‟s more easier because the crossword is online, so the result come quickly. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4Q2.28) It proves that this facility is really helpful since it enables learners to do evaluation and then directly revise the errors made. It implies the concept of evaluating learning strategy which is defined by Oxford (1990:140) that the purpose to apply evaluating learning is to check the language learning which can PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 135 be done by involving noticing and learning form errors, and evaluate the overall progress. In other words, by revising the errors it may force learners to identify the errors and understand how to correct the errors. Furthermore, designed with the facility of immediate checking, the puzzles support the learners to directly conduct evaluating learning as soon as possible or they could use that facility any time they wished. Indeed, immediate checking help students to learn vocabulary well inasmuch as it allows them to conduct vocabulary learning strategy in the form of evaluating learning. c. Attractive Learning Media Attractive learning media becomes one of the best factors supporting students to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. This factor is chosen by 18 students. The study found that attractive learning media is as important as immediate checking to support students to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. Some students were attracted to learn vocabulary using the puzzles because they considered it is interesting and challenging. The crossword puzzles I think. Because it‟s challenging me to learn about the meaning of the word. And I think crossword puzzle is more easier and really interesting than the other features. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.14) Crossword. Because it‟s interesting. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4Q2.9) The puzzles attract students to willingly learn vocabulary through the puzzles as they get fun during their learning process. The brief overview of online crossword puzzles is presented in table 2.12, while the figure the puzzles is displayed in figure 2.5. When they feel challenging, it can boost their eagerness to accomplish the puzzles. Furthermore, by possessing the positive feeling during PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 136 learning, it can allow them to feel relaxed and to concentrate well to the materials. It implies the concept of web-based learning proposed by Reeves (1997) that one of the purposes to conduct web-based learning is to provide sense of audience. It means that it encourages learners to build positive feeling by learning using webbased learning which is expected to create good atmosphere during the learning process. Overall, it can be concluded that it is necessary to attract the learners using an attractive learning method such as learning vocabulary through the puzzles because it may encourage them to apply vocabulary learning strategy particularly lowering anxiety to optimize their vocabulary learning. d. Guessing Words The next factor which most encourages students to learn vocabulary using the puzzles is the opportunity to guess words, and there are 13 students prefer it as their best encouragement to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. Some students found that they could memorize the words they guessed through the puzzles more easily. Guessing the words because it helps me to keep memorizing the vocabularies I‟ve learned. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.6) Wrote sentences, crossword. Because when I started to write sentences and guess what the words n the computer I wondering what word and what the meaning is. It‟s make me so confident with a new word and I could say it in the another subjects to provision me to know other words. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.21) It is believed that guessing words may activate the learners‘ basic knowledge of the language particularly dealing with the words, so it may strengthen the memory about those words. As it is claimed by Oxford (1990 : 49) that one of the language learning strategies can be done by guessing intelligently. It refers to searching and using ‗language-based clues‘ to guess the meaning of the PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 137 words in spite of the incomplete knowledge of vocabulary. In other words, the learners were pushed to relate the knowledge of vocabulary already possessed to guess the meaning of the words despite the absence of the complete knowledge of vocabulary. Hence, the puzzles may sharpen the students‘ skill to guess the words intelligently, and it can support students to learn vocabulary well. e. Peer Collaboration The opportunity to apply peer collaboration becomes one of most supportive factor which encourages students to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. There are five students believe that they are mostly encouraged by this factor during their learning process. When I got difficulties I ask my friend or open my dictionary. It was so challenging and tired at the same time whenever I do crossword puzzles. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.61) I try to remember the word first. When I have problem, I open dictionary and ask my friends. I can remember the word easier and I enjoy it. (OpenEnded Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.34) Not all students become independent learners. In fact, collaborating with others or peers may create more benefits to learn a language including learning vocabulary. By interacting with their peers, the students may ask difficult words and discuss materials to get the better understanding of words. Therefore, they can not only solve their problems but also could build social life such as cooperating with others as well as competing in a fair way. It is in line with Oxford‘s principles (1990:135) to learn a language that cooperating with others belongs to one of the language learning strategies. In conclusion, learning vocabulary through the puzzles provides opportunities to learners to conduct a vocabulary PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 138 learning strategy like cooperating with others in order to get better understanding of the vocabulary. f. Typing Words In this research it is found the opportunity to type words becomes one of the next most significant factors encouraging students to learn vocabulary through the puzzles. This factor is chosen by five students. When I look for the answer in the book, spell the words and write it in the column. It makes me more easy to remember the new words. (OpenEnded Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.31) When I type the word and find the word that suitable with the columns. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.34) Crossword help me to memorize word because I am typing when I do that. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.43) Those expressions show that experiencing typing words help students to memorize the words particularly dealing with recalling the spelling of the words more accurately. It is believed that being able to type the words correctly involves a process of retrieving the words and of noticing carefully to the spelling of the words. Thus, it can support the learners to memorize the words more easily. It is similar to the concept of Oxford (1990:43) that some students need to employ an action to learn a language or words using ‗mechanical techniques‘ such as involving movement in order to remember the words. To conclude, the puzzles encourage the students to learn vocabulary because of allowing them to conduct a vocabulary learning strategy namely employing action in order to retrieve and memorize the words well by typing the words. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 139 g. Repetition This study found that repetition belongs to the next most significant factor which supports students to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. There are five students who believe it as their most supportive factor to enhance learning vocabulary using the puzzles. During a semester the students had to accomplish 14 online crosswords puzzles, and they could repeatedly do each puzzle as many times as they wish in that the puzzles were designed on the website. Some students found it helpful to learn vocabulary since they could do the puzzles as many times several times. Crosswords and review sentences. I tried to do crossword more than one times to expand my ability. If I get errors on my crosswords, I will try again. Review sentence made me know how to evaluate my grammar while write sentences. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.3) Elt and crossword because if I have did it many times and sometime I have to repeat it so I can remember the words a lil bit of them. (OpenEnded Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.45) I always do crossword twice in every crossword, and it help me to memorize many word. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.43) Every student has different capacity and speed to learn words. Some of them need to repeat doing the tasks in order to get better understanding of the materials. Since the puzzles were designed in the web, it enables learners to conduct repetition as many times as they wish in their convenient time. The more frequent the words learnt and retrieved the stronger the words retain in the memory. It implies what Nation (2000:103) suggests that repetition is crucial to learn new language as it leads learners to apply incidental vocabulary learning which involves the process of repeating the opportunity to retrieve the words being learnt. Retrieving the words several times may strengthen the path linking PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 140 the form and meaning and makes subsequent retrieval easier. Hence, doing the task several times may help learners to memorize the words more easily as they are allowed to practice the words more frequently. h. Learning from the Errors Four students believe that the factor which most supports them to learn vocabulary using the puzzles is learning from the errors. Some students found that they could memorize the words better by learning from the errors while doing the puzzles. The crossword puzzle, because it makes us to think about the word and we can learn from our mistakes. It also encourages us to find the correct word from the book and dictionary. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4Q2.22) The moment when I make mistakes in guessing the words so that I search the right answer. It motivates me to give the right answer and makes me easier to remember the new words. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.26) When I guess some word but it wrong. Because I can automatically remember my mistakes. Then I can add my vocabulary. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.53) Those three statements illustrate that when the students fail to answer the right words, it motivates them to learn more the words by identifying the errors and finding out the correct words. Learning from the errors is usually initiated by checking the errors using the facility named immediate checking. When they apply analyzing the errors and seeking the right words, it may strengthen their memory of the words longer since they deal with the words more frequently. Furthermore, by learning from the errors, they consciously notice the words in order to analyze the errors, and then they may repeat guessing the words for seeking the correct words. They deal with such complex stages in order to get the PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 141 right answer by learning from the errors, and it makes them easier to memorize the words. Accordingly, by conducting that process, they actually apply what it is called as evaluating learning by learning from the errors to become more aware of avoiding similar errors to answer the subsequent words to accomplish the puzzles. i. Practice Four other students stated that the most significant factor which encourages them to learn vocabulary using the puzzles is the opportunity to practice. Some students felt that they were helpful to practice vocabulary using the puzzles because it was done weekly as their routine. The task should be done weekly, so we are forced to study about vocab constantly. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.37) The task should be done weekly, so we are accustomed to guessing the unknown words by the words we have learnt. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q2.41) Those statements describe that doing a regular vocabulary practice through the puzzles make them accustom to guess the unfamiliar words. It enables students to familiarize themselves with both of the materials and the skills needed to learn vocabulary. Besides, it also pushes them to become more discipline in learning vocabulary. To conclude, it shows that the students employ a strategy of arranging and planning learning in order to become discipline to learn vocabulary because they have to set fixed time to learn vocabulary weekly. It is as what Oxford (1990 : 138) suggests that it is necessary to set and plan learning in order to involve the self-readiness to learn every time conducting learning for optimally focusing to achieve the objectives of learning. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 142 j. Flexible Time This study found that flexible time belongs to one of the most significant factors which support students to learn vocabulary through the puzzles. There are four students believe it as their most supportive factor. Some students found they were encouraged to learn vocabulary using the puzzles because they could have freedom to decide the convenient time to practice themselves. They also could decide how long they needed to practice the tasks and also could plan to do repetition for doing the tasks to improve their vocabulary performance. I learned vocabulary crossword in my free time. I knew more about any words and the letter spelling.( (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4Q1.12) I think online crossword puzzles are interesting. I tried to finish all the crossword by doing it at the class or outside the class. I also use online dictionary to support my work. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4Q1.17) I learn vocabulary not just in class, but also in every day. I do many assignment in my home. I get many words/ many new words trough this semester. I have a patient lecturer in this semester. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.55) Those statements describe that students feel convenient to learn vocabulary through the puzzles since they can do it anytime they wish in that the puzzles were designed on the website. It is as what Reeves (1997) suggests that web-based learning aims to support learners to construct their autonomy learning. Hence, it may help them to achieve the objectives of vocabulary learning more effectively because they may set their own time to learn. In other words, the puzzles support them to apply a strategy of arranging and planning learning because they can have flexible time to learn vocabulary through the puzzles. It implies what Oxford (1990 : 138) said that a strategy of arranging and planning PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 143 learning encourages learners to organize and plan to attain the most optimal learning. k. Display score The last most significant factor which encourages students to learn vocabulary using the puzzles is the display score. It becomes the least favourite feature since there is only a student prefers this feature as their best encouragement to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. Figure 4.1 The Display Score in ELTGallery Display score shown in figure 4.1 refers to the students‘ vocabulary scores displayed on the web named ELTGallery, so it enables them to check their own scores and also their classmates‘ scores anytime on the web. Some students felt motivated to learn vocabulary more willingly after checking their scores compared with their classmates‘ scores on the web. I did the crossword every week. Every time I look my friend‟s score. I wanted to finish the crossword. But sometimes I feel confused and bored. So I just type in on google and found the answer without memorize that word. (Open-Ended Questionnaire—App.4-Q1.19) That statement describes that display score motivates students to accomplish the task. The display score may build sense of competition among PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 144 students. Indeed, students apply a strategy of self-encouraging by pushing themselves to achieve a better performance in vocabulary than other students. It is similar to what is claimed by Oxford (1990:143) that self-encouraging may come from inside the learner to support himself during the learning process. Moreover, by checking the scores it means that the student also apply a strategy of evaluating learning by doing self-evaluating in terms of monitoring the progress of the learning process. It is as what Oxford (1990:140) suggests that students may evaluate their own progress in learning a language by checking their achievement during learning the materials. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 145 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS This chapter is to draw conclusions of the discussion explicated in the prior chapter, and the next section of this chapter presents the suggestions providing the elaborations of some recommendations for further study related fields of study. A. CONCLUSIONS Exploring more vocabulary learning strategies is necessary to find out the most appropriate vocabulary learning strategies in order to attain the optimal achievement of the objectives of the vocabulary learning. In order to be able to explore various vocabulary strategies, learners are required to be familiar with types of vocabulary learning strategies, to know the objectives of employing those strategies, and also to know how to conduct those strategies. Meanwhile, teachers are demanded to provide proper materials and attractive learning teaching method which enable and stimulate learners to construct their own learning more willingly to attain the goals of learning. This study has two problems to discuss. Firstly, it was intended to thoroughly describe vocabulary learning strategies adopted in online crossword puzzles employed by the graduate students of English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University. Secondly, this research also aimed to illustrate the most significant factors which encouraged the students to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. 145 PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 146 It is found that students apply thirteen kinds of vocabulary learning strategies through the puzzles. Those thirteen different types of VLS are divided into two categories namely direct strategies and indirect strategies. Overall, the results of the research show that students tend to more dominantly apply direct strategies than indirect strategies. Direct strategies comprise guessing intelligently, memory and cognitive strategies. The most dominant strategy applied by learners is guessing intelligently. It is followed by memory strategy like creating mental linkages, employing action, and reviewing well. The next strategies are cognitive strategies which are almost as dominant as memory strategies. Those cognitive strategies are analyzing and reasoning, practicing, and creating structure for input and output. Meanwhile, in indirect strategies, they cover affective, metacognitive, and social strategies. The results of this study show that affective strategies are the most common strategies employed by the students to learn vocabulary using the puzzles of all indirect strategies. The students conducted affective strategies by lowering anxiety and self-encouraging. It is followed by metacognitive strategies which are nearly as dominant as affective strategies. Learners may implement metacognitive strategies by evaluating learning, centering learning, and arranging and planning learning. Finally, students also employ social strategy by cooperating with others, and it was the least common strategies applied by students to learn vocabulary through the puzzles. Furthermore, from the second problem formulation of this study, it is found that there are eleven most important factors or features which encourage students to learn vocabulary through the puzzles. Those factors or features are 1) PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 147 opportunities to use dictionaries/book, 2) immediate checking, 3) attractive learning method, 4) guessing words, 5) peer collaboration, 6) typing words, 7) repetition, 8) learning from the errors, 9) practice, 10) flexible time, and 11) display scores. Those factors are listed from the most to the least favourite factors or features which affect the students to eagerly learn vocabulary using the puzzles. Those factors or features directly or indirectly boost learners to improve their vocabulary learning using the puzzles. The opportunities to use dictionaries/book support learners to employ reviewing well and employ action strategies. It is also found that the learners feel helpful to conduct evaluating learning in that the puzzles enable them to get immediate checking. In addition, they love learning vocabulary using the puzzles since those puzzles are interesting as well as challenging for them. As a result, it encourages them to implement affective strategy or lowering anxiety which then may also indirectly help them to conduct self-encouraging. Another factor, guessing words, may support learners to sharpen their skill to guess unknown words in that they do guessing words repeatedly by doing the puzzles. Furthermore, learning vocabulary through the puzzles provides chances to apply social strategy as they can cooperate with others when they face problem(s) during the learning process. Next, learners are encouraged to memorize new words well by applying employ action as they can type the words learnt. Besides, learners are supported to learn vocabulary well through the puzzles because they can do practicing as many times as they wish. Another factor which encourages learners to learn vocabulary using the puzzles is learning from the errors inasmuch as the puzzles help them to employ evaluating learning. Moreover, learners find that the puzzles also help them to practice PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 148 vocabulary regularly which enabled them to apply metacognitive strategy by arranging and planning learning. The next factor which supports learners to learn vocabulary using the puzzles is flexible time in that they can implement arranging and planning learning to conduct vocabulary learning in their convenient time. The last feature is display score since the learners find it helpful to employ evaluating learning strategy. To conclude, the learners indeed apply thirteen kinds of vocabulary learning strategies to learn vocabulary using the puzzles. Nevertheless, they have different degree of frequency to apply the strategies. Furthermore, they have different priority in applying the vocabulary learning strategies inasmuch as it is found that there are eleven different opinions regarding the most significant factors which motivate them to learn vocabulary through the puzzles. It depends on their background (one‘s living conditions, levels of intelligence, daily activities) and their characteristics (moody, independent, extrovert). In fact, certain students decide to combine some strategies in order to achieve the optimal objectives of learning, and some of them shift from one strategy to another strategy when they realize that the previous strategy they have applied have not been able to solve their problem(s) found during the learning process. B. SUGGESTIONS The effectiveness of learning process depends on various aspects. One of the aspects deals with the learning teaching process. Students certainly require web-based learning method inasmuch as each of them may have different background and characteristics, so one‘s way to construct learning may be PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 149 different from one and another. Hence, more web-based learning teaching methods to learn a language are expected to encourage learners and stimulate them to learn more creatively using the materials and creating more opportunities to conduct their own practice in order to optimize their efforts in attaining the objectives of learning process. Nevertheless, it is necessary to note that web-based learning method may have weaknesses dealing with the maintenance of both of the program and the access. 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Raja Grafindo Persada PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 156 Appendix 1: The Questionnaire for the Data Gathering Give your response on each statement by giving a tick (√) in the space provided. 1 – Never 2 – Seldom 3 – Sometimes 4 – Always No Statements Always ↔ Never 4 1 I knew the purpose of learning vocabulary through online crossword puzzles. (metacognitive support) 2 I did the puzzles in my convenient time outside the class hours. (opportunity to construct learning) 3 Learning through online crossword puzzles motivated me to enhance my vocabulary learning. (sense of audience) 4 Learning vocabulary through online crossword puzzles was enjoyable. (sense of audience) 5 I asked my peers when I got difficulties in finding out the correct words to complete the puzzles. (collaborative support) 6 The puzzles provided opportunities to pay more attention to the spelling of the words. (task ownership) 7 Learning vocabulary through online crossword puzzles supported me to learn independently. (teacher support) 8 Online crossword puzzles provided opportunities to repeat doing the tasks as many as I needed it. (opportunity to construct 3 2 1 PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI learning) 9 Online crossword puzzles gave me chances to sharpen my skill to guess the meaning of words better. (task ownership) 10 I gained the immediate feedback if I had the correct answers of the tasks I did. (feedback) 11 I discussed the materials when I found it difficult with my peers. (collaborative support) 12 The weekly assignments of doing online crossword puzzles helped me to set a regular learning on vocabulary. (opportunity to construct learning) 13 Doing online crossword puzzles supported me to have more frequent practices on vocabulary. (opportunity to construct learning) 14 I could decide the length of the time to do online crossword puzzles freely. (opportunity to construct learning) 15 I could know the meaning of more words by completing the puzzles. (language exposure) 16 I could understand reading texts better because of doing online crossword puzzles during this semester. (language exposure) 17 I could produce more words easily for writing practices because of doing online crossword puzzles during this semester. (language exposure and production) 18 Every time I failed guessing those words correctly in the puzzles, I wrote those words to learn. (opportunity to construct learning) 19 I highlighted some words I needed to focus more. (opportunity to construct learning) 20 The longer list of words I had to learn, the longer time I spent to review those words. (opportunity to construct learning) 21 I learnt the words better from the errors I made when I completed the puzzles. (opportunity to construct learning) 157 PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 22 The puzzles supported me to pay more attention to knowledge of word forms. (opportunity to construct learning) 23 I felt motivated to complete the puzzles because it was challenging. (sense of audience) 24 It was easier to memorize the words because they were arranged based on the alphabetical order. (opportunity to construct learning) 25 I found it easier to learn new words by relating them to the words I had known. (opportunity to construct learning) 26 It helped me to memorize the words more easily because I experienced typing the words to complete the puzzles. (opportunity to construct learning) 27 Doing the puzzles helped me pay attention to the word derivation. (opportunity to construct learning) 28 When I failed answer the puzzles correctly, I looked the words up to dictionary to revise the errors. (opportunity to construct learning) 29 I monitored my progress in vocabulary mastery. (metacognitive support) 30 I evaluated my vocabulary learning process. (metacognitive support) 158 1. How did you learn vocabulary through online crossword puzzles during this semester? What have you achieved during your learning process through the puzzles? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 159 ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 2. What factors or features mostly encourage you to enhance your vocabulary learning using online crossword puzzles? Why? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 160 Appendix 2: Questionnaire Result Number of respondents : 61 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 STATEMENT I knew the purpose of learning vocabulary through online crossword puzzles. I did the puzzles in my convenient time outside the class hours. Learning through online crossword puzzles motivated me to enhance my vocabulary learning. Learning vocabulary through online crossword puzzles was enjoyable. I asked my peers when I got difficulties in finding out the correct words to complete the puzzles. The puzzles provided opportunities to pay more attention to the spelling of the words. Learning vocabulary through online crossword puzzles supported me to learn independently. Online crossword puzzles provided opportunities to repeat doing the tasks as many Always Sometimes Seldom Never (4) (3) (2) (1) 22 35 4 (36.06%) (57.38%) (6.56%) (0%) 23 30 6 2 (37.7%) (49.18%) (9.83%) (3.29%) 12 44 2 2 (19.67%) (72.13%) (3.29%) (3.29%) 20 34 7 (32.79%) (55.74%) (11.47%) (0%) 15 31 12 2 (24.59%) (50.82%) (19.67%) (3.28%) 18 36 6 1 (29.51%) (59.02%) (9.83%) (1.64%) 18 32 10 1 (29.51%) (52.46%) (16.39%) (1.64%) 13 32 15 1 (21.31%) (52.46%) (24.59%) (1.64%) PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI NO STATEMENT 161 Always Sometimes Seldom Never (4) (3) (2) (1) 20 35 6 (32.79%) (57.38%) (9.83%) (0%) 13 39 8 1 (21.31%) (63.93%) (13.11%) (1.64%) 12 31 15 3 (19.67%) (50.82%) (24.59%) (4.92%) 8 45 5 3 (13.11%) (73.77%) (8.20%) (4.92%) 12 39 6 4 (19.67%) (63.93%) (9.83%) (6.56%) 16 34 11 (26.23%) (55.74%) (18.03%) 17 37 7 (27.87%) (60.66%) (11.47%) (0%) 7 36 17 1 (11.47%) (59.02%) (27.87%) (1.64%) 4 36 19 2 (6.56%) (59.02%) (31.14%) (3.28%) times as I needed it. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Online crossword puzzles gave me chances to sharpen my skill to guess the meaning of words better. I gained the immediate feedback if I had the correct answers of the tasks I did. I discussed the materials when I found it difficult with my peers. The weekly assignments of doing online crossword puzzles helped me to set a regular learning on vocabulary. Doing online crossword puzzles supported me to have more frequent practices on vocabulary. I could decide the length of the time to do online crossword puzzles freely. I could know the meaning of more words by completing the puzzles. I could understand reading texts better because of doing online crossword puzzles during this semester. I could produce more words easily for writing practices because of doing online crossword puzzles during this (0%) PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI NO STATEMENT 162 Always Sometimes Seldom Never (4) (3) (2) (1) 7 17 28 9 (11.47%) (27.87%) 16 27 15 3 (26.23%) (44.26%) (24.59%) (4.92%) 9 29 20 3 (14.75%) (47.54%) (32.79%) (4.92%) 14 44 3 (22.95%) (72.13%) (4.92%) 14 35 12 (22.95%) (57.38%) (19.67%) (0%) 18 31 11 1 (29.51%) (50.82%) (18.03%) (1.64%) 14 30 15 2 (22.95%) (49.18%) (24.59%) (3.28%) 12 38 11 (19.67%) (62.30%) (18.03%) (0%) 13 38 8 2 (21.31%) (62.30%) (13.11%) (3.28%) 10 39 12 (16.39%) (63.93%) (19.67%) semester. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Every time I failed guessing those words correctly in the puzzles, I wrote those words to learn. I highlighted some words I needed to focus more. The longer list of words I had to learn, the longer time I spent to review those words. I learnt the words better from the errors I made when I completed the puzzles. The puzzles supported me to pay more attention to knowledge of word forms. I felt motivated to complete the puzzles because it was challenging. It was easier to memorize the words because they were arranged based on the alphabetical order. I found it easier to learn new words by relating them to the words I had known. It helped me to memorize the words more easily because I experienced typing the words to complete the puzzles. Doing the puzzles helped me pay attention to the word derivation. (45.90%) (14.75%) (0%) (0%) PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI NO 28 29 30 STATEMENT When I failed answering the puzzles correctly, I looked the words up to dictionary to revise the errors. I monitored my progress in vocabulary mastery. I evaluated my vocabulary learning process. 163 Always Sometimes Seldom Never (4) (3) (2) (1) 27 27 5 2 (44.26%) (44.26%) (8.20%) (3.28%) 17 32 9 2 (27.87%) (52.46%) (14.75%) (3.28%) 15 34 10 1 (24.59%) (55.74%) (16.39%) (1.64%) PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 164 Appendix 3: Score Interpretation NO STATEMENT SCORE INTERPRETATION 1 I knew the purpose of learning vocabulary through online crossword puzzles. 3.30 High 2 I did the puzzles in my convenient time outside the class hours. 3.21 High 3 Learning through online crossword puzzles motivated me to enhance my vocabulary learning. 3.08 High 4 Learning vocabulary through online crossword puzzles was enjoyable. 3.21 High 5 I asked my peers when I got difficulties in finding out the correct words to complete the puzzles. 2.93 High 6 The puzzles provided opportunities to pay more attention to the spelling of the words. 3.16 High 7 Learning vocabulary through online crossword puzzles supported me to learn independently. 3.10 High 8 Online crossword puzzles provided opportunities to repeat doing the tasks as many as I needed it. 2.93 High PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI NO STATEMENT 165 SCORE INTERPRETATION 9 Online crossword puzzles gave me chances to sharpen my skill to guess the meaning of words better. 3.23 High 10 I gained the immediate feedback if I had the correct answers of the tasks I did. 3.05 High 11 I discussed the materials when I found it difficult with my peers. 2.85 High 12 The weekly assignments of doing online crossword puzzles helped me to set a regular learning on vocabulary. 2.95 High 13 Doing online crossword puzzles supported me to have more frequent practices on vocabulary. 2.97 High 14 I could decide the length of the time to do online crossword puzzles freely. 3.08 High 15 I could know the meaning of more words by completing the puzzles. 3.16 High 16 I could understand reading texts better because of doing online crossword puzzles during this semester. 2.80 High 17 I could produce more words easily for writing practices because of doing online crossword puzzles during this semester. 2.69 Low PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI NO 166 STATEMENT SCORE INTERPRETATION 18 Every time I failed guessing those words correctly in the puzzles, I wrote those words to learn. 2.36 Low 19 I highlighted some words I needed to focus more. 2.92 High 20 The longer list of words I had to learn, the longer time I spent to review those words. 2.72 Low 21 I learnt the words better from the errors I made when I completed the puzzles. 3.18 High 22 The puzzles supported me to pay more attention to knowledge of word forms. 3.03 High 23 I felt motivated to complete the puzzles because it was challenging. 3.08 High 24 It was easier to memorize the words because they were arranged based on the alphabetical order. 2.92 High 25 I found it easier to learn new words by relating them to the words I had known. 3.16 High 26 It helped me to memorize the words more easily because I experienced typing the words to complete the puzzles. 3.02 High 27 Doing the puzzles helped me pay attention to the word derivation. 2.97 High PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI NO 167 STATEMENT SCORE INTERPRETATION 28 When I failed answer the puzzles correctly, I looked the words up to dictionary to revise the errors. 3.30 High 29 I monitored my progress in vocabulary mastery. 3.02 High 30 I evaluated my vocabulary learning process. 3.00 High PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 168 Appendix 4: Data from Open-Ended Questionnaire 1. Vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary achievement No Comments 1 In the crossword puzzles we have to think smart and critical. If you can‘t find the correct meaning in the crossword puzzles by online dictionary, you must find it in the book because the puzzles based on it by doing this crossword puzzles my vocabulary has increased. 2 I have so many profit during learning crossword puzzles because I can learn a lot of vocab by using it. 3 I usually doing it at my boarding house if I haven‘t finished my tasks. I‘m very like to do it. I love crosswords so much. During this semester, I learned many words. I try to memorize these words. 4 I fill the word that I know first. 5 I learn many new words with some difficult word to find more easy to memorize that. 6 Mostly guessed the word and looked in the dictionary or the vocabulary book if I didn‘t find the answer. I learnt new words, understood and memorized them better. 7 I learnt a lot through online crossword. There are a lot of new words that I got through this online crossword. It was challenging yet also stressful because sometimes I couldn‘t find the word that fit in to the crossword. But still I learnt a lot through online crossword. 8 Crossword puzzles can help me to learn some vocabularies that I have never known it before. My vocabulary becomes added. I can learn some new words. 9 I can remember many words and it‘s interesting. 10 I learned vocabulary through online crossword puzzles by guess the meaning of words and search the meaning on my vocabulary‘s book. I have achieved the meaning of many words that I didn‘t know before. 11 I know many new words and I think I do all the exercise with properly. 12 I learned vocabulary crossword in my free time. I knew more about any words and the letter spelling. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI No 169 Comments 13 I got so many words that can be used in my speech while debating. This helped me a lot to achieve my achievement in debate. 14 The crossword puzzles helped me to remember the meaning of the word and because of it, I can understand more easily when I‘m reading a text. My vocabulary is increasing too. 15 I did all the online crossword, if I didn‘t know some of the vocab. I check in dictionary or in the internet. Learn this online crossword improved my vocab. 16 I got many new words through online crossword puzzles, it‘s all enrich my knowledge about vocabulary. 17 I think online crossword puzzles are interesting. I tried to finish all the crossword by doing it at the class or outside the class. I also use online dictionary to support my work. 18 Just log in into www.eltgallery and choose level 3 and crossword, just fill the blank and done. I learned new vocabularies. 19 I did the crossword every week. Every time I look my friend‘s score. I wanted to finish the crossword. But sometimes I feel confused and bored. So I just type in on google and found the answer without memorize that word. 20 I‘m enjoying this class. I have been learning many words/vocabularies so I can increase/improve my vocabulary skill and use it well when I want to explain something. I have found many new words to learn. Vocabulary class is so fun. 21 More vocabulary during class when the process through the puzzles and I could do in my reality life with new vocabulary that I never know before. 22 By searching the words that I don‘t know through the word list and dictionary. It made me more independent to do the task. I learned many new words. 23 Learning vocabulary through online crossword puzzles was challenging and interesting. At first, I tried to guess what word that suited the puzzle and I filled the words that I knew. I‘m not only having fun but gaining knowledge also by learning through online crossword. 24 I learnt carefully because I was not good at vocabulary, but with crossword puzzles it became fun and very enjoyable. I have memorized some words that I‘ve never known before and it was exciting because the words were unique. Learnt with crossword puzzles has eased a lot. 25 I usually guess what‘s the meaning of the word. If I failed, I‘ll check the PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI No 170 Comments dictionary whether my spelling‘s wrong or maybe that‘s not the right meaning. I can memorize the words easily. 26 It‘s fun because I can gain more words with a creative way (crosswords) and it makes me interested with the new words I gained. Crossword is a creative way in vocabulary class. 27 If there were some words that were difficult to guess, I tried to look at online dictionary or vocabulary book. Sometimes I can remember some difficult words that through doing the crosswords. 28 When I doing my crossword, sometimes I opened the dictionary from online. It helped me a lot. Sometimes I asked my friend too or I randomly guessed what is the answer. I gained more vocabulary from this crossword. 29 First, I read the material first. After that I will try to answer the questions on the internet. If the puzzle getting errors I have to retype it again and again. 30 New method of study and learn, new vocabulary, try to think out box, new vocabulary with variation of word but same meaning 31 I can find new words which I never know before and be better in study. I can increase my knowledge with the new words. 32 I can learn many new words on the crossword also crossword is fun. 33 By memorizing the letter and I have already achieve to fulfill all the crosswords. 34 I try to remember the word first. When I have problem, I open dictionary and ask my friends. I can remember the word easier and I enjoy it. 35 I learn it by reading the words. Sometimes I try to memorize the words. During my learning process through the puzzles, I have been able to understand the meaning of some words and memorize them even sometimes I forget again. But, I will try to memorize them as well as I can. 36 It‘s fun. But rather than doing this, prefer to memorize them each week. It will be more effective I think. Because the teacher will ask me about my vocab each week too. If we use online test each week like this. It‘s not challenging. 37 By looking the book and another application in google, I get all of the new words but it‘s so hard and bored to do it. 38 I use the vocabulary‘s book to help me filling the crosswords. During my PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI No 171 Comments learning process, I get some new words. 39 I used the handout and sometimes I used google translate. I knew many new words. 40 I used the book which was given by lecturer and I used online dictionary too. I achieved some new words. 41 By looking at the book given or translate it to some app. I know so many words. It sharpen my guessing skill. 42 From read the vocabulary book or read the knowledge. I learned much vocabulary from this, but actually I can‘t memorize all of them. 43 I always do crossword twice in every crossword, and it help me to memorize many word. 44 I learn a lot of vocabulary through the challenging crossword puzzles. I know many vocabulary and I could get a good score in vocabulary class. 45 I gain my vocabulary and can remember it sometime. 46 I can understand more words and how to use it. 47 Get more knowledge of many words and it is include common words and rarely words. 48 First I f ill the blank with everything I know when I do not know what is the answer I opened the book dictionary, but when I am too lazy to search anymore I opened the online dictionary. 49 I have learned new words by my mistakes on the crossword puzzles. 50 I have learned vocabulary through the routine/weekly tasks in ELTGallery. I wish that I can have more task. My routines and all that stuff that made me became more discipline when doing my task. 51 I learn it by doing the crossword while searching for the words at my vocabulary book. 52 I‘ve learn many things and many new words from the crossword puzzles, and I have increased my vocabulary‘s words. 53 I always try to learn them all at home, I feel I get the benefit of doing the online crossword such as my vocabulary get wider. 54 I learn vocabulary by online and use the guide book. Puzzles sometimes makes me confused but I enjoy it. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI No 55 172 Comments I learn vocabulary not just in class, but also in every day. I do many assignment in my home. I get many words/ many new words trough this semester. I have a patient lecturer in this semester. 56 I think it‘s good because sometimes I can remind some words in my mind. I do ELTGallery every week. 57 I still in progress, the puzzles are help me well to remember some strange words. 58 I learned the correct way to write words 59 I learned the correct way to write words 60 I learned the correct way to write words and the meaning in other languages. 61 When I got difficulties I ask my friend or open my dictionary. It was so challenging and tired at the same time whenever I do crossword puzzles. 2. The factors or features mostly encourage learners to learn vocabulary using the puzzles No Comments 1 The ―check puzzle‖ because Indonesian has many meanings in English sometimes I don‘t guess what it is correct and watch it in the puzzles, so I have to find the synonym that also increase my vocabulary. 2 Well, I am frustrate every time I am doing online crossword because we have to search on the book and sometimes the word doesn‘t pop out and so I have to search it carefully and if we find the words sometimes it sticks on my mind. 3 Crosswords and review sentences. I tried to do crossword more than one times to expand my ability. If I get errors on my crosswords, I will try again. Review sentence made me know how to evaluate my grammar while write sentences. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI No 173 Comments 4 Nothing 5 The most significant is crossword, the best of hard 6 Guessing the words because it helps me to keep memorizing the vocabularies I‘ve learned. 7 Finding the words that could fit into crosswords because there are a lot of words that I‘ve never seen before, so I must find the words. It‘s kinda stressful actually but its okay. 8 In crossword puzzles, I have to guess some words that I do know, so I find that word from online dictionary or ask my peer. Then I know the words. 9 Crossword. Because it‘s interesting. 10 Crossword is the most significant feature for me because I can do that anytime and I‘m enjoying to guess the words. 11 The puzzle and the test because it can develop my knowledge about new words. 12 All crossword because make me enhance my vocabulary and memorize with good. 13 Frustrate if I couldn‘t find three last words to complete the puzzle and finally I can memorize that. 14 The crossword puzzles I think. Because it‘s challenging me to learn about the meaning of the word. And I think crossword puzzle is more easier and really interesting than the other features. 15 Crossword puzzles. Because when I did the puzzle I can make sure my vocab was correct and I can improve my vocab. I get more vocabulary. 16 Crossword. Because I have to get the words which I sometimes it‘s a new word for me. It‘s enhance my vocabulary. 17 I think crossword puzzles give me chances to remember the vocabulary well. 18 Actually it‘s fun in perfect features, it‘s just the score record that have many problems in it. Because sometimes we can‘t see scores. 19 Type the word until it is correct then it makes me memorize the word. 20 Check puzzle. Some words have many meaning, so when I use the which one that familiar to me sometimes incorrect, so I try to check puzzle so get what the problem and when I know the problem, I try to seek the PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI No 174 Comments words so it can make me learn more about new words and I think it was very challenging and fun. 21 Wrote sentences, crossword. Because when I started to write sentences and guess what the words n the computer I wondering what word and what the meaning is. It‘s make me so confident with a new word and I could say it in the another subjects to provision me to know other words. 22 The crossword puzzle, because it makes us to think about the word and we can learn from our mistakes. It also encourages us to find the correct word from the book and dictionary. 23 Crossword helps me to enhance my vocabulary. crossword has difficult words to learn more. I pay more attention with words I don‘t know. 24 Repeating the words so I could memorized it well. I knew how to spell it right, because I have to fill the block correctly. 25 I find out that it‘s challenging when we have to guess the word‘s meaning especially when the word isn‘t in the book, and we have to look after it from another source. 26 The moment when I make mistakes in guessing the words so that I search the right answer. It motivates me to give the right answer and makes me easier to remember the new words. 27 I think it‘s on the immediate checking and repetition because through the immediate checking I can know if the words are right or not and through repetition, it makes me remember the words better because it‘s being repeated. 28 When I pushed the ―check puzzle‖ button, I think it help me to know which part I am doing it wrong. It‘s more easier because the crossword is online, so the result come quickly. 29 Because it contains of the words which I have to translate and make me learn more about that by open the dictionary or use a google translate. 30 Word correction system. This system made me think out box for some reason and also increase my creativity about vocabulary and open new view about it. 31 When I look for the answer in the book, spell the words and write it in the column. It makes me more easy to remember the new words. 32 The feeling that we will find some new words it makes me want to finishing the crossword. 33 It helps me to more easy to memorize the words because we have to PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI No 175 Comments search and look carefully in the book. 34 When I type the word and find the word that suitable with the columns. 35 For me, the most significant feature is writing the words because by writing the words I can memorize how to spell the words. Besides that I can be more careful in writing. 36 Check puzzle because I will know that I have a mistake. 37 The task should be done weekly, so we are forced to study about vocab constantly. 38 Check puzzle because it can check my words in the crosswords if there any mistakes. 39 The check puzzle feature because it can check whether it wrong or not. 40 Check puzzle because when I type the word wrongly I can search again with the other dictionary so I can learn more. 41 The task should be done weekly, so we are accustomed to guessing the unknown words by the words we have learnt. 42 Actually the crossword is usually error, but from the crossword I learnt much things. 43 Crossword help me to memorize word because I am typing when I do that. 44 Because when I did my crossword puzzles, I got a challenge to remember the vocabulary. I think it can enhance my vocabulary learning. 45 Elt and crossword because if I have did it many times and sometime I have to repeat it so I can remember the words a lil bit of them. 46 The message that tells us when one or more of our answer was wrong is good so we can learn more about that word. 47 Searching for difficult word and didn‘t found the answer and then some friends help me out because it was challenging and motivating. 48 Crossword puzzle from ELTGallery because that‘s my first online crossword. 49 The check correctness feature to check the spelling and the clues. 50 The crossword puzzles have all features I already need to enhance my vocabulary. I don‘t need to answer why anymore. All I want to ask is more crosswords and more difficult one so that we PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI No 176 Comments can have more time to learn the vocabulary so that we can learn it more further. 51 The checking features because it helps us to know what‘s the right or wrong answer on our crossword. 52 Checking puzzle because it can help me what errors that I have done, so I can revise it and know a lot of new words. 53 When I guess some word but it wrong. Because I can automatically remember my mistakes. Then I can add my vocabulary. 54 Test. I can see the sentence to related the meaning of the words. 55 Crossword. Because of this crossword, I can do many puzzles and at the same time I can memorize every word which appears in crossword. 56 ELTGallery. Because Mr Dwi ordered us to do this, so we do this assignments every week. 57 Crossword and test because we can check the spell of the words and it the test, we can imagine it what condition should the words are used. 58 The check puzzle because we can know which word is wrong so we can revise it. 59 The check puzzle because we can know which word is wrong so we can revise it. 60 The ―check puzzle‖ feature helps me to correct the words that are wrong / has some mistakes in it. 61 First is the check correctness because you have to know the pattern, rules, all of sentence before start to write and second the crossword, it challenging and make us keep in mind all the vocabulary. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 177 Appendix 5: The Interview Guideline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Apakah tujuan belajar kosakata menggunakan online crossword puzzles? Kapan biasanya Anda mengerjakan online crossword puzzles? Apakah Anda merasa nyaman mengerjakan online crossword puzzles di kelas atau di luar jam kelas? Mengapa? Apakah Anda termotivasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kosakata dengan mengerjakan online crossword puzzles? Bagaimana bisa? Mengapa? Apakah belajar kosakata dengan media online crossword puzzles itu menarik dan menyenangkan? Mengapa? Bagaimana interaksi dalam kelas pada saat belajar kosakata? Apakah Anda merasa bebas bertanya kepada teman saat menemui kesulitan melengkapi puzzle? Apa yang biasanya Anda tanyakan? Seberapa sering Anda bertanya pada teman? Apakah itu memberikan pengaruh pada peningkatan kemampuan kosakata Anda? Apakah belajar kosakata dengan online crossword puzzles mendukung Anda lebih meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mengeja kata? Mengapa? Apakah belajar kosakata menggunakan online crossword puzzles mendukung Anda untuk bisa belajar kosakata secara lebih mandiri? Mangapa? Dalam hal apa Anda merasa lebih mandiri? Apakah Anda sering mengulang-ulang mengerjakan online crossword puzzles? Berapa kali biasanya Anda mengulang untuk melengkapi satu online crossword puzzle? Mengapa? Strategi apa yang biasa Anda terapkan untuk melengkapi online crossword puzzles? apakah ada strategi lain? Apakah Anda sering menebak kata untuk melengkapi puzzle? Strategi apa yang Anda gunakan untuk menebak kata tersebut? Apakah Anda mendapat feedback setiap kali latihan kosakata dengan menggunakan online crossword puzzles? Dalam bentuk apa? Apakah manfaatnya? Apakah Anda biasa berdiskusi dengan teman sekelas saat menemukan masalah dalam melengkapi puzzle? Apa yang biasa Anda diskusikan? Seberapa sering? Apakah belajar kosakata dengan online crossword puzzle membuat Anda belajar kosakata dengan lebih teratur? Mengapa? Apakah belajar kosakata dengan online crossword puzzle mendukung Anda untuk lebih sering belajar kosakata? Mengapa? Bagaimana kebiasaan belajar kosakata Anda sebelum menggunakan puzzle? Apa perbedaannya? Berapa lama yang Anda butuhkan untuk melengkapi puzzle? Faktor apa yang menentukan lama waktu diperlukan untuk belajar kosakata dengan online crossword puzzle? PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 178 15. Apakah manfaat dari mengerjakan online crossword puzzle? Mengapa? Apakah mengerjakan online crossword puzzle dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata terutama arti kata? Mengapa? 16. Apa mengerjakan online crossword puzzle dapat meningkatkan kemampuan Anda pada skill yang lain? Dalam skill apa? Apakah penguasaan kosakata penting untuk memahami bacaan? Bagaimanakah kemampuan reading skill Anda setelah mengerjakan online crossword puzzle? Apakah mengerjakan online crossword puzzle dapat meningkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam memahami reading text? Mengapa? 17. Apakah penguasaan kosakata penting untuk menulis? Bagaimanakah pengaruh mengerjakan online crossword puzzle pada kemampuan menulis Anda? Apakah Anda merasa dapat lebih mudah menggunakan kosakata? Mengapa? 18. Apakah ada perlakuan khusus pada kosakata yang Anda anggap susah? Apa / Mengapa tidak? Apakah Anda menulis / mencatat kosakata yang susah? Mengapa? Seberapa sering? Apa kriteria kosakata yang susah menurut Anda? 19. Apakah Anda menstabilo pada kosakata tetentu? Pada kosakata yang seperti apa? Mengapa? Seberapa sering? 20. Apakah Anda pernah mempelajari kembali materi kosakata yang sedang dan sudah Anda pelajari di kelas? Mengapa? Berapa lama yang diperlukan? Faktor apa yang menentukan lama waktu yang Anda perlukan untuk mempelajari kembali materi kosakata tersebut? Apakah ada pengaruhnya lama waktu yang diperlukan dengan banyak kosakata yang dipelajari? Mengapa? 21. Apakah Anda pernah salah menebak kata untuk melengkapi online crossword puzzle? Seberapa sering? Mengapa? Apa pengaruh dari salah menebak kata yang Anda alami dengan peningkatan kemampuan kosakata? Apakah belajar dari kesalahan saat melengkapi online crossword puzzle dapat membantu mengingat kata tersebut dengan lebih baik? Mengapa? 22. Strategi apa yang Anda terapkan dalam menebak kata untuk melengkapi online crossword puzzle? Apakah strategi tersebut berkaitan dengan word form? Mengapa? Bagaimana Anda menerapkan strategi tersebut? 23. Apakah Anda merasa termotivasi untuk melengkapi online crossword puzzle? Mengapa? Apakah menurut Anda mengerjakan online crossword puzzle itu menantang? Mengapa? 24. Faktor apa yang membuat Anda merasa mudah untuk menghafalkan kosakata? Mangapa? Apakah kosakata yang disusun sesuai abjad dapat membantu Anda menghafalkannya dengan lebih mudah? Mengapa? 25. Apakah Anda pernah menghubungkan kata yang Anda pelajari dengan kata yang sudah Anda ketahui? Mengapa? Bagaiman caranya? Seberapa sering Anda menerapkannya? PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 179 26. Apakah pengaruh mengetikkan kosakata saat melengkapi online crossword puzzle dengan mengingat kosakata tersebut? Apakah mengetikkan kosakata membantu Anda mengingat kosakata tersebut? Mengapa? 27. Apakah pengaruh pengetahuan tentan asal kata dengan pembelajaran kosakata menggunakan online crossword puzzle? Mengapa? 28. Apakah Anda menggunakan kamus untuk melengkapi online crossword puzzle? Mengapa? Kapan? Seberapa sering? Kamus apa? Mengapa? 29. Seberapa penting memantau kemajuan penguasaan kosakata? Mengapa? Kapan sebaiknya dilakukan? Mengapa? Bagaimana caranya? Seberapa sering? 30. Seberapa penting mengevaluasi proses belajar kosakata? Mengapa? Bagaimana caranya? Kapan sebaiknya dilakukan? Mengapa? Seberapa sering? PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI 180 Appendix 6: The Interview Result Interview (1) Dina Number Description YD01 Selamat pagi, Dinda. Kita ngobrol tentang pengalaman belajar kosakata Dinda semester satu lalu menggunakan Online Crossword Puzzles ya. D01 Selamat pagi. Iya. YD02 Menurut Dinda apakah tujuan mengerjakan online crossword puzzles di kelas vocabulary? D02 Tujuannya ya pasti buat itu…eee…apa namanya…eee.. menambah kosakata dari mahasiswanya itu sendiri. Kan kalau di crossword puzzle itu ntar ada pertanyaan dari Indonesia trus kita ngebahasa inggrisin gitu kan mbak… jadi kan itu bisa apa namanya…menambah kosakatanya kita. Jadi itu sih kegunaan klo menurutku. YD03 Apa sih yang dimaksud dengan menguasai suatu kata itu menurut Dinda? D03 Kalo menurut aku sih arti kata sama tulisannya YD04 Kapan biasanya Dinda mengerjakan online crossword puzzles? D04 Biasanya sih ….kalo dulu ya… waktu awal-awal tuh…awalnya cuma di kelas doang, tapi kan lama kelamaan itu kan…eee…apa namanya ada kayak score per kelas gitu lho mbak..nilai kelas gitu… nah kan kalo di rumah aku ngecek gitu…lho kok nilaiku turun ya…yang lain kok pada naik ya…trus biasanya di rumah ntar dicicil. Jadi misalnya harusnya yang lain baru ngerjain crosswordnya dua ntar aku udah yang ketiga kayak gitu…jadi biar kan nilainya bisa naik gitu. YD05 Kira-kira seberapa sering Dinda mengerjakan online crossword puzzle? D05 Biasanya sih..eee..seminggu…pokoknya …misalnya pelajarannya vocab misalnya hari Kamis..ntar hari Selasanya apa Rabunya aku cek dulu di rumah…ntar di kelas baru ngerjain lagi gitu…jadi seminggu sekali di rumah sekali di kelas gitu. YD06 Apakah waktu yang fleksibel untuk mengerjakan online crossword puzzle membuat Dinda merasa nyaman? PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 181 Description D06 Iya sih…eee…nyaman sih mbak…enak juga sih waktunya. YD07 Kenapa? D07 Gimana ya? Nggak terlalu apa namanya…gimana ya…susah njelasinnya. YD08 Eee…Dibandingkan ketika memang harus dikerjakan di kelas saja…mengingat itu adalah online…jadi apa pengaruhnya dalam belajar kosakata buat Dinda? D08 Jadi kan kalo yang crosswordnya itu kan kayaknya ada waktunya gitu deh mbak..kalo misalnya kelamaan ngerjainnya ntar klo kita submit nggak masuk nilainya gitu..nah biasanya aku klo misalnya di rumah gitu kan ngerjainnya kan buka kamus, buka kamus online juga …kan berarti waktunya lama banget gitu..nah jadi di rumah aku biasanya nyicil dulu…nyicil dulu sebagian atau semuanya langsung dikerjain gitu …kan ntar waktunya ga cukup gitu mbak…aku foto ntar baru di kelas apa langusung hari itu juga aku salin lagi…jadi dua kali..jadi kalo fleksibel lebih fleksibel dikerjain di rumah soalnya kalo di kelas apa namanya…ada waktunya cuma dua jam kayak gitu.. YD09 Ooo…ada keterbatasan waktu gitu ya? D09 He eh. YD10 OK. Apakah pengaruh fleksibilitas waktu mengerjakan OCP pada peningkatan kosakata Dinda? D10 Ada sih. Soalnya misalnya aku nyari kata ini trus di kamus bahasa inggrisnya ini trus ntar aku cobain di crosswordnya beda kayak gitu…jadi aku harus cari lagi kayak gitu…sebenarnya tuh kayak …mmmm…buang-buang waktu tapi kan aku dapat kosakata baru. Ooo…ternyata kata ini…dia punya arti ini dan arti ini. YD11 Apakah sistem belajar dengan OCP mendukung Dinda untuk meningkatkan kualitas belajar kosakata? D11 Mmm…iya sih mbak soalnya kan kita bisa cek langsung ini bener apa salah gitu sih YD12 Kalo interaksi dalam kelasnya sendiri bagaimana, apakah bebas bertanya atau berdiskusi dengan teman ataupun dengan dosen? D12 Di kelas sih… iya sih mbak…enak …bisa tanya…kan juga ada beberapa temen yang juga apa namaya…dia kayak udah …mungkin vocabnya banyak gitu ya…jadi enak gitu ditanyain…eh kalo kata ini apa sih bahasa inggrisnya…ntar dia bilang…dan ternyata ooo..bener jawabannya. Dan kebetulan juga asisten dosennya P Dwi itu juga enak PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 182 Description gitu …jadi ya enak sih mbak. YD13 Apakah hal tersebut juga memberikan pengaruh buat Dinda untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kosakata? D13 Ada sih mbak…jadi ya gimana ya …kan misalnya tanya temen eh ini apa ya artinya…trus dia jawabannya bener..terus aku jadi ngerasa…kok dia tahu ya…aku gak tau ya..jadi kayak terdorong aku harus banyak belajar lagi kayak gitu. YD14 Kalo Dinda sendiri pernah menemui kesulitan tidak selama belajar menggunakan OCP? D14 Kesulitannya sih kalo pakai ELT itu ya mbak ya .. YD15 Klo OCP itu sendiri? D15 Ooooo…klo misalnya online nya itu aku ga nemuin masalah kalo di ELT itu kan pakainya di kelas itu…nah itu servernya down jadi kan kayak buang-buang waktu sendiri selama 10 menit sendiri 20 menit sendiri buat benerin itunya…tapi klo misalnya buat yang lain sih aku juga bisa akses di rumah sih. YD16 Selama belajar menggunakan OCP itu sendiri kira-kira hambatan apa yang ditemuin ya? D16 Kalo hambatan sih paling ya itu …kalo misalnya aku nggak tahu ini artinya apa trus harus nyari dulu satu-satu. YD17 Strategi apa sih yang Dinda terapin dalam mengerjakan OCP? D17 Biasanya aku itu …cari yang gampang dulu..jadi misalnya nomor satu…oh ini nggak ngerti langsung ganti yang lainnya dulu trus ntar misalnya dikerjain dulu semua yang gampang, tahu jawabannya trus ntar sisanya yang nggak tau buka kamus online. YD18 Ada strategi lain tidak? D18 Ya paling tanya temen. YD19 Kamus apa yang Dinda pakai untuk mengerjakan OCP? D19 Sebenernya sih kalo aku lebih suka yang kamus online sih mbak soalnya kan tinggal klik langsung keluar, dibanding kalo pakai kamus buku kan mesti nyari satu-satu ntar diurutin abjad jadi lebih lama. YD20 Dinda biasanya menggunakan online dictionary apa? D20 Sederet. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 183 Description YD21 Mengapa pakai sederet? Kelebihannya disbanding yang lain apa? D21 Arti katanya lebih pas dibanding dengan google translate yang kadang artinya melenceng jauh kan dari katanya. Jadi kalo kamus online sederet itu lebih bagus gitu arti katanya mirip kaya yang di buku pegangan kelas. YD22 Apakah menurut Dinda belajar kosakata menggunakan online crossword itu mendukung Dinda untuk lebih cermat dan detail? D22 Iya sih soalnya kayak yang aku bilang tadi kadang-kadang di bahasa inggris itu kalo di indonesiain itu ada banyak arti gitu jadi kan kita bisa baca dulu kalimatnya trus itu bisa dikira-kira oh itu brarti pakai yang ini. YD23 Apakah Dinda sering mengulang dalam mengerjakan OCP? Berapa kali Dinda mengulang mengerjakan untuk melengkapi semua kata dalam satu OCP? D23 Biasanya sih satu OCP diulang dua kali dalam mengerjakan karena yang pertama ngerjain butuh waktu lama jadi ga bisa disubmit lalu difoto, baru dikerjain lagi lalu disubmit. YD24 Apakah Dinda bisa belajar kosakata dengan lebih mandiri dengan adanya OCP? D24 Bisa sih mbak soalnya kan waktu ngerjain ga perlu ada dosen juga. Buka kamus saja trus bisa tahu jawabannya. YD25 Bagaimana dengan feedback pada OCP? Apakah ada fasilitas feedback juga di OCP? D25 Kalo di OCP biasanya setiap jawaban yang salah ditandai dengan warna yang berbeda gitu. Trus ada score nya juga jadi ya kita jadi tahu ntar oh aku salahnya lebih banyak yang ini gitu. YD26 Menurut Dinda mana yang lebih nyaman untuk belajar, mengerjakan crossword puzzle secara online atau paper-based crossword puzzle? D26 Yang pasti semuanya ada kurang dan lebihnya ya. Kalo aku lebih suka yang online mbak soalnya kan bisa lebih cepet tahu hasilnya kayak gitu, tapi kan kadang kalo online kita kan perlu internet kan ya nah kalo misalnya internetnya mati-mati itu bisa menghambat juga. Kalo ngerjain crossword puzzle di kertas sih juga enak sih, tapi kalo misalnya kita salah jawab satu kata gitu trus kita mau ngerjain yang lain itu jadi bingung karena jadi ga nyambung trus ntar jadi mikir lagi sedangkan kalo online kita bisa langsung ngecek gitu mbak. Jadi aku lebih suka yang online sih. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 184 Description YD27 Apakah dengan adanaya latihan OCP apakah bisa membuat Dinda belajar dengan lebih teratur belajar kosakata? D27 Nggak juga sih mbak soalnya aku tuh ngerjain OCP kalo pas ga punya kerjaan saja. Jadi kadang-kadang kan ada tugas dari dosen lain yang lebih banyak jadi aku utamain ngerjain itu dulu ntar misalnya aku punya waktu senggang atau sehari sebelum pelajaran vocab baru aku coba latihan. YD28 Apakah Dinda merasa lebih bebas dalam menentukan waktu mengerjakan OCP? Apakah ada batasan waktu dalam mengerjakan OCP? D28 Ada. Kayaknya sekitar 30 menit maksimal untuk bisa disubmit jadi walaupun kita sudah full dan bener smua jawab semua kata tapi waktu mengerjakan lebih dari 30 menit itu ga akan masuk nilainya soalnya otomatis itu akan ke sign out sendiri deh. Jadi ntar harus log in lagi jadi kan harus ngulang ngerjain lagi. YD29 Tapi waktu 30 menitnya habis apa kita masih bisa nglanjutin ngerjain OCPnya? D29 Masih. Kalo aku sih biasanya tetep nglanjutin sampai selesai dulu meskipun waktunya habis trus ntar ngulang lagi dari awal lagi kayak gitu. YD30 Strategi apa yang Dinda gunakan untuk menebak suatu kata dalam OCP? D30 Ya awalnya dimulai dari yang gampang dulu, trus ntar tinggal beberapa yang aku ga bisa. Misalnya di awal kata yang aku ga bisa itu sudah ada huruf depannya apa huruf akhirnya apa itu trus aku cobacoba yang ini cocok ga, dikaitkan dengan kosakata yang sudah tahu pernah tahu sebelumnya. YD31 apakah itu ada kaitannya dengan wordform? Apakah pengetahuan tentang wordform membantu untuk menebak kata dengan lebih baik? D31 Ya membantu sih. YD32 Kalo derivation? D32 Ya jadi lebih nginget-inget lagi tentang kata ini apa ya nounnya, verbnya gitu. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 185 Description YD33 Apakah setelah mengerjakan OCP Dinda menjadi lebih baik dalam mengeja kata? D33 Biasanya di kelas writing itu disuruh menulis misalnya pengalaman kita. Waktu awal itu aku suka bingung ini gimana nulisnya tapi karena sering latihan vocab jadi tahu kata ini bahasa inggrisnya ini trus tulisannya kayak gini, jadi membantu. Kan kita baca dari kamusnya trus kita inget-inget tulisannya kayak gimana. YD34 Dari writing, speaking, listening, reading, skill mana yang memberikan paling terpengaruh dari proses belajar dengan OCP? D34 Writing sama speaking deh kayaknya. YD35 Kalo untuk speaking sendiri seperti apa bentuk pengaruh dari OCP yang Dinda rasakan? D35 Jadi kalo lebih sering latihan OCP bisa lebih menambah vocab kita kan ya jadi kalo speaking tuh kan vocabnya banyak jadi ya klo menurutku sih ngomongnya jadi lebih gampang. YD36 Kalo untuk speaking itu kan katanya harus diucap sedangkan pada waktu kita latihan kosakata dengan OCP kan tidak ada petunjuk gimana cara ngucapinnya lalu apa usaha Dinda untuk mengembangkannya untuk tahu bagaimana pengucapan kata tersebut? D36 Kan biasanya kalo di kamus oxford itu kan juga ada pronunciationnya trus klo aku sih seringnya nanya ke temen eh ini bacanya gimana to. YD37 Kalo pengaruh latihan OCP ke kemampuan reading? D37 Ada sih soalnya misal habis ngerjain crossword ada kata itu trus pas baca kalimat-kalimat yang dbikin temen ada kata itu trus jadi ngerasa lebih gampang mahamin, jadi lebih ngerti dia nulis apa gitu. YD38 Dinda pernah gagal menebak kata? D38 Sering. YD39 Lalu biasanya apa yang Dinda lakukan? D39 Kalo aku sih tanya temen tapi kalo temen yang kutanyain ga tahu trus aku baru lihat ke kamus. YD40 Apakah Dinda ada perlakuan khusus untuk kata-kata yang menurut Dinda dianggap sulit? D40 Untuk kata-kata yang aku baru ngeh itu aku stabiloin kata-katanya di buku pegangan. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 186 Description YD41 Lalu apa efeknya pada Dinda dengan menstabilo kata-kata tersebut? D41 Jadi kan waktu kita buka buku itu misalnya ada warna beda itu kita bisa fokus ke situ kan mbak. Jadi begitu buka buku itu langsung ngebaca oh kata ini artinya ini, ntar buka lagi baca ketemu itu lagi jadi bisa lebih cepet hafalnya kalo aku. YD42 Faktor apa yang menentukan lama tidaknya dalam melengkapi OCP itu? D42 Biasanya sih tergantung mood. Kan aku orangnya moodian. Jadi kalo lagi semangat itu langsung begitu nggak tahu arti katanya langsung buka kamus cari di kamus, tapi kalo lagi males itu ya udah nanti saja nanti saja atau besok saja diulang lagi gitu. YD43 Apakah pengalaman Dinda waktu salah menebak kata justru memberikan makna khusus dalam mengingat kata tersebut? D43 Ada sih. Jadi lebih ingat untuk tidak buat salah lagi. Misalnya kita lagi ngerjain trus menurutku kata ini artinya ini ternyata jawabannya salah jadi kalo kata itu muncul lagi jadi ingat oh dulu aku jawabannya salah trus jawabannya yang bener ini, jadi ya lebih tahu. YD44 Dibandingkan sekedar membaca, apakah dengan mengerjakan OCP itu lebih bisa mengingat kosakata? D44 Iya. Kadang-kadang kalo misalnya kita baca doang trus kita nggak ngulang lagi trus lupa kan mbak. Kalo latihan kan kita juga mbaca kita juga nulis juga kan jadi lebih gampangan skalian latihan kalo menurutku dibandingkan kalo baca doang sih. YD45 Kalo untuk menghafalkan kata-kata itu ada strategi khusus yang Dinda terapkan tidak agar lebih gampang hafal? D45 Kalo aku sih baca trus menstabilo kata-kata yang dianggap susah atau belum pernah tahu. Setelah dibaca terus kata itu ditulis ulang biar cepet hafal. Jadi kalo misalnya menurut aku katanya susah itu aku tulis kata tersebut dua kali biar cepet hafal. Tapi itu juga nggak sering cuma kadang-kadang saja kalo lagi pengen. YD46 Kalo untuk kosakata yang dipelajari urutannya disusun berdasar urutan abjad itu apa memberikan pengaruh buat Dinda untuk lebih cepat menghafalkan? D46 Ada sih. Karena kan lebih teratur jadi lebih enak ngapalinnya dibanding hafalin kata yang acak misalnya dari yang kata dengan abjad a lalu ke h itu kan ga enak ngafalinnya. Kalo urut abjad itu ngapalin katanya jadi lebih gampang. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 187 Description YD47 Kalo pengalaman mengetikkan kata waktu mengerjakan OCP apakah mempunyai makna tersendiri buat Dinda? D47 Iya sih, dengan ngetikin kata waktu ngerjain puzzle jadi lebih tahu penulisan kata itu jadi lebih inget oh kata ini tulisannya tuh gini. YD48 Apakah Dinda memonitor progress Dinda selama proses belajar vocabulary? D48 Aku sering banget monitor progressnya lewat cek skor sendiri dan skor temen-temen sekelas. Kan sering banget tuh misalnya kita lebih lama ngerjain dibanding dengan temen-temen yang lain. Misalnya temen sudah nulis kalimat 20 trus aku baru nulis 10 kan trus yang 20 itu kan dinilai kan sama temen lain trus otomatis naikin nilai jadi otomatis nilainya lebih tinggi dari aku. Kok nilainya lebih tinggi ini gimana trus aku jadi ngerjain tugasku. Jadi monitornya lewat situ doang. YD49 Seberapa sering Dinda cek display? D49 Sering banget sih kalo aku. Kalo pas pelajaran di kelas itu mesti aku cek kan trus ntar misalnya aku habis ngerjain itu aku juga trus cek trus ntar aku habis ngoreksi punya temen trus ntar aku cek lagi. Jadi untuk ngebandingin juga sih dengan nilai temenku dia sudah naik belum nilainya. Jadi dalam seminggu aku cek sekali di kelas trus kalo di rumah bisa cek skor sampai dua kali seminggu. YD50 Untuk mengevaluasi proses belajar apa yang biasa Dinda lakukan? D50 Kalo aku sih lebih banyak diskusi ke temen, tanya ke temen. Kan ada juga temen yang ngerjainnya lama gitu kan terus nanya kok aku ngerjainnya lama ya kayak gitu jadi ya kayak lebih sering sharing gitu. Trus ntar belajar bareng trus jadi tahu oh ini artinya ini. YD51 Biasanya ada berapa temen sekelas yang biasa diskusi dengan Dinda? D51 Biasanya aku bertiga sama temenku. Sering sih nanya-nanyaan gitu. Kebetulan juga sih waktu di kelas duduknya kadang depan belakang gitu jadi kan enak gitu ngobrolnya. YD52 Apakah menurut Dinda mengerjakan OCP bisa mendukung Dinda menerapkan strategi belajar dengan lebih baik/lebih efektif? D52 Iya, karena pertama waktu kita ngerjainnya salah kita bisa langsung ngecek, jadi efektif karena kita bisa langsung cari tahu yang benernya itu apa sih dari kamus, trus nulis kata itu juga jadi bisa lebih cepet hafal. YD53 Feature mana dari OCP yang paling support Dinda untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kosakata? PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 188 Description D53 Bagian cek soalnya kalo misal salah kita bisa langsung tahu trus bisa langsung dibenerin gitu. YD54 Terima kasih banyak Dinda atas waktu dan kesediaannya untuk berbagi pengalamannya. Sukses selalu untuk Dinda. D54 Sama-sama. Aamiin. Interview result (2) Bima Number Description YB01 Selamat siang Bagas. B01 Siang. YB02 Minta waktunya untuk Tanya seputar pengalaman Bagas belajar kosakata menggunakan online crosswoed puzzles ya? B02 Iya. YB03 Menurut Bagas apa sih tujuan belajar dengan menggunakan OCP? B03 Kalo menurutku tujuannya itu kayak menebak-nebak dulu ini artinya apa sih tergantung ada berapa huruf, misalnya kata senang kan nggak harus happy kan artinya tuh, jadi tujuan memberikan OCP ini memberikan vocab yang lebih bukan yang sederhana saja maksudnya misal ada satu kata tapi di dalam bahasa inggris itu vocabnya ada banyak tidak cuma satu doang gitu. Di crossword ini kan banyak katakata baru. YB04 Kapan biasanya Bagas mengerjakan OCP? B04 Lebih sering di kelas sih. Pas di kelas langsung dikerjain soalnya kan kadang banyak yang nggak tahu kan jadi bisa langsung tanya ke temen sebelah kayak gitu. Kalo di luar kelas tuh paling cuma sekali pas di awal-awal dulu. YB05 Menurut Bagas kira-kira mengapa crossword puzzles ini dikerjain melalui online bukan dikerjain di kertas saja? B05 Kalo berdasarkan online yang ELT kemarin itu kan kalo kita salah bisa langsung tahu kalo kata-kata itu salah tapi kalo crossword puzzles yang di kertas kan mungkin kita piker itu jawabannya bener ga tahunya PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 189 Description salah dan tahunya nanti kalo udah akhir, sedangkan kalo tahu salahnya udah akhir kan kalo kata itu diganti kan otomatis kata-kata yang lain ikutan diganti kan yang di crossword itu jadi kalo menurutku tuh bedanya itu jadi bisa tahu kalo itu salah langusung bisa diganti yang bener itu yang mana kaya gitu. YB06 Seberapa sering Bagas mengerjakan online crossword puzzle? B06 Kalau pas lagi males tuh paling seminggu satu crossword gitu soalnya kan harus ngerjain yang lain-lain seperti test, crossword dan lain-lain gitu. Kalau pas lagi pengen gitu ya bisa dua tiga crossword gitu. Tergantung mood saja. Selain itu kadang karena rasa penasaran misalnya kata berduka apa sih inggrisnya kayaknya sih ini kok bukan sih ya udah kalo yang satu itu susah ya fokusnya ke yang satu itu. YB07 Nah, kalo setiap kali menemui kata yang susah menebak itu biasanya strategi apa yang dilakukan? B07 Pertama tanya temen dulu, kalau temen ga bisa baru buka kamus online ke google translate, trus dicari tapi kadang kan nggak ada juga kan trus cari di buku pegangan dari dosen tapi kadang ada kadang nggak ada juga. YB08 Apakah dengan tanya temen itu bisa membantu mengingat kata tersebut dengan lebih mudah? B08 Iya. Ya kan jadi ada memori oh pas aku tanya ke temen kata ini jawabannya ini jadi inget kan YB09 Kira-kira dalam mengerjakan satu OCP itu butuh waktu berapa lama ya? B09 Kalau yang bener-bener susah yang akhir-akhir tuh sekitar setengah jam atau 20 menit gitu. YB10 Kira-kira untuk melengkapi satu OCP itu Bagas perlu berapa kali mengerjakan? B10 Sekali saja tapi ya itu dengan bantuan tanya-tanya ke temen. YB11 Strategi apa yang diterapkan untuk melengkapi OCP? B11 Misalnya materinya katanya diambil dari unit satu, lalu saya lihat dulu itu abjadnya apa saja, misalnya di unit satu ada abjad dimulai dari a sampai e. Jadi nanti dalam menebak kata semua katanya depannya a sampai e doang. Pertamanya tuh membaca sekilas dulu kata-kata dari PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 190 Description buku dari dosen trus nanti lihat ke crossword tapi kan nggak langsung inget kan kalau cuma baca doang tuh. Trus pada waktu ngerjain crossword kalo ada kata yang saya inget ya langsung saya tulis tapi missal aku nggak inget ya kan rugi kalau buka buku lagi cari lagi kan buang-buang waktu jadi ya tanya ke temen. YB12 Ada tidak strategi usaha sendiri tanpa bertanya pada teman yang diterapin untuk menebak kata? B12 Kalau aku pertama melihat dulu ada berapa kotak, trus inget-inget kalimat yang pernah aku denger yang ada hubungannya dengan kata itu misalnya kata sedih terus inget-inget kata-kata yang ada hubungannya dengan kata sedih itu apa. YB13 Sebenarnya ada kaitannya tidak sih menebak kata dengan pengetahuan kita tentang word form? B13 Di SMA dulu kan belajar derivative itu kan bisa ngebedain kata dari yang verb, noun kayak gitu. Noun kan bentuknya kayak gini, trus verb itu kan bentuknya kayak gini. Misalnya surround sama surrounding itu kan juga salah satu bentuk derivative kan. Seperti noun sama adjectivenya kayak gitu. Jadi ngitung kotak trus sisanya berapa trus ditambah apa ya kira-kira. YB14 Terkait dengan penggunaan kamus, kira-kira jenis kamus apa sih yang sering dipakai? B14 Kalau yang kamus online kadang pakai google translate tapi kan kadang nggak terlalu akurat trus kadang pakai kamus inggris-inggris yang di hape seperti Cambridge atau oxford. Kalau kamus tertulis itu pakai kamus yag 3000 kata dari Pak Dwi. Kalau menurutku yang paling banyak ngebantu itu yang kamus inggris-indonesia daripada yang inggris-inggris karena kalau pakai yang inggris-inggris sama saja menebak-nebak ini artinya apa. YB15 Apakah dengan mengerjakan OCP itu bisa membuat kita bisa memperhatikan suatu kata dengan lebih detil lagi? B15 Kalau menurutku sih iya agak. Kadang kan banyak kata-kata yang belum pernah aku denger jadi ngebantu aku mengetahui kata-kata baru jadi kan sebagai anak sastra kalau kita bikin kalimat kata-kata yang digunakan biasa saja kan ngebosenin kan jadi di vocab di crossword itu banyak kata-kata baru jadi kan bisa bikin kata-kata yang sophisticated PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 191 Description lah yang jarang denger kayak gitu tapi artinya sama kayak gitu. YB16 Pada waktu menggunakan kata dalam kalimat apakah Bagas melihat contoh kalimat dengan kata tersebut di sumber yang lain atau langsung digunakan sesuai dengan perkiraan Bagas saja? B16 Kalau yang di ELT kemarin sih langsung ngetik sendiri soalnya kalau cari-cari lama nggak selesai-selesai nanti. YB17 Kalau mengerjakan online crossword puzzles itu kan banyak sekali ya, satu minggunya ada satu crossword, tapi kadang ada yang ngejain crosswordnya dobel dalam seminggu itu kenapa ya? B17 Kadang kan dalam satu minggu itu harus mengerjakan satu crossword puzzle, satu test, writing sentences, comment sentences. Nah, kadang kan ngerjainnya tuh nggak selalu yang crossword dulu kan tapi ngerjain yang lainnya yang gampang dulu kayak yang test pilihan ganda habis itu bikin writing sentence jadi kadang yang crossword belum sempat dikerjain waktu belajar di kelas habis. Biasanya tuh temen-temen itu pilih ngerjain dari yang gampang dulu baru yang susah jadi kadang ngerjain crosswordnya tuh di rumah tapi di rumah mereka nggak ngerjain makanya mereka ngebandrol-bandrol di miggu depannya. YB18 Kalau untuk menghafalkan kata-kata di buku paketnya dari Pak Dwi. Kira-kira Bagas ada perlakuan khusus tidak untuk lebih untuk katakata tertentu? B18 Kalau untuk kata-kata yang aku belum pernah aku denger itu pasti selalu aku stabilo. Ya, jadi buku-bukuku itu ada stabilo untuk kata-kata yang aku belum pernah tahu. Kalau untuk kata-kata yang udah tahu ya dibaca saja, kalau sudah inget ya sudah YB19 Lalu untuk mereviewnya? B19 Ya tinggal lihat kata-kata yang distabilo saja. YB20 Kalau misalnya ada kata yang tadi susah untuk menebak dalam crossword apakah ada perlakuan khusus setelah untuk kata-kata tersebut agar lebih mudah mengingat kembali? B20 Jadi seumpamanya kata ini aku nggak tahu aku stabiloin biar lebih gampang ngingetnya jmisalnya kita jadi inget kayaknya kata ini ada di unit dua deh yang aku stabilo. Jadi untuk nginget-nginget saja kalo yang distabiloin itu kata-kata yang susah tapi nggak kutulis lagi. YB21 Menurut Bagas apakah dengan mengetikkan kata tuh ada efeknya tidak PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 192 Description sih untuk mengingatnya dengan lebih baik buat Bagas? B21 Kadang kan orang itu akan lebih mengingat kalau dia nulis kan jadi ya lebih kuat kalau nulis sih daripada mengetik di computer. Nggak tau kenapa kalau nulisin kata dengan tangan tuh bisa lebih cepet buat ngapalin kata tersebut. YB22 Kalau susunan kata yang diurutkan menurut abjad menurut Bagas ada efeknya tidak dalam belajar kosakata. B22 Kalau aku sih nggak. Biasa saja. Cuma lebih mudah saja waktu ngerjain. YB23 Strategi apa yang Bagas terapkan untuk memonitor kemajuan dalam belajar kosakata? B23 Kalau aku buku vocab yang dikasih tuh kan aku baca-baca untuk ngingat lagi terutama untuk kata-kata yang sudah aku stabiloin, katakata yang bener-bener susah. Takutnya kalau suatu saat ada kata-kata itu tapi lupa kan rugi juga. YB24 Pernah tidak kepikiran untuk mengevaluasi belajar? Apakah belajarnya selama ini sudah efektif atau meungkin setelah mengerjakan crossword merasa banyak banget kata yang susah ditebak lalu kepikiran untuk mencoba strategi belajar dengan cara lain? B24 Kalau aku sih pernah yang keberapa itu kayak ini gimana sih kayaknya kemarin juga sudah dibaca tapi kok tetep nggak inget waktu ngerjain akhirnya stop dulu ngerjain crosswordnya trus ngerjain yang lainnya dulu. Kan kalau ngerjain yang lainnya itu materinya dari unit yang sama jadi ngebantu kita buat review materi itu lagi meskipun dengan cara yang beda kayak ngerjain pilihan ganda. Jadi itu kayak ngebantu untuk ngerjain crosswordnya. Jadi kalau kita ngerjain yang lainnya dulu itu ngebantu kita untuk ngebaca lebih. YB25 Mengerjakan online crossword puzzle itu menyenangkan tidak sih menurut Bagas? B25 Ada yang nyenengin ada nggaknya. Fifty-fifty lah. Nggak nyenengin soalnya internetnya itu kan kadang nggak bisa konek ke ELT nah itu kan udah jadi makan waktu banget buat ngerjain berbagai macam tugas termasuk crossword. Enaknya ngerjain online crossword puzzle itu seru aja. kalau ngerjain crossword puzzle di kertas kan sudah biasa kan, kalau ngerjain pakai internet itu serunya ya kita bisa langsung bisa tau bener nggaknya kita isi kotak di crossword. Jadi kalau kita salah kita bisa langsung benerin kata yang dimaksud, kalau kita ngerjain PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 193 Description pakai kertas kita anggapennya kayaknya ini bener deh tapi kita nggak bisa tau kalau itu salah. Sedangkan kalau pakai komputer tuh kita bisa langsung tau enak tuh gitu jadi bisa langsung ganti kata yang salah. YB26 Apa sih yang Bagas bisa kuasai setelah satu semester belajar kosakata dengan online crossword puzzle? B26 Aku ngerasa aku bisa lebih teliti dalam membaca kata misalnya hurufnya dalam kata itu letaknya bener nggak soalnya kan kadang pelafalan sama hurufnya beda kan. Yang kedua, usaha untuk mengingat itu ada. Usaha harus inget-inget-inget kayak gitu tuh ada. Kadang kan kalau pelajarannya ngebosenin ya sudah cuma baca doang paling juga kalau nggak inget ya cuma ngasal. Kalau pakai crossword kan nggak bisa kan ngasal. Kalau ngasal ya pasti salah ya makanya perlu merhatiin dua hal tadi. YB27 Apakah belajar kosakaka dengan online crossword itu memberikan pengaruh baik pada skills yang lain seperti writing? B27 Kalau aku sih cenderung memberikan pengaruh di semua skills soalnya di reading tuh kan banyak banget passage-pasage yang vocabnya tuh bener-bener yang aduh ini apa kayak gitu, yang aku nggak tau lah. Nah di crossword tuh ada kata-katanya tuh jadi ya agakagak inget dikit. Trus kalau untuk speaking. Setiap kali kita tes speaking itu kan ada nilai vocab, grammar kayak gitu lah. Jadi tuh ngebantu juga karena kalau vocab yang dipakai biasa-biasa saja atau simple ya dosennya akan kasih nilai yang biasa. Kalau untuk writing kita juga bisa bikin writing dengan kata-kata yang bagus. Kalau listening sih apa ya kalau listening tuh selama aku belajar satu semester kemarin tuh masih listening yang sederhana. Yang aku dengar masih yang sederhana-sederhana belum rumit. YB28 Kalau speakingnya Bagas merasa ada support lebih tidak setelah belajar kosakata dengan online crossword puzzle? B28 Kalau speakingnya ya agak ada. Soalnya kan kadang tuh mau pakai kata-kata yang susah yang jarang didengar tuh yang artinya sama apa ya kadang nggak tau kan jadi masih pakai yang sederhana-sederhana. Harus spontan soalnya, tapi kalau writing kan ada waktu buat mikir dulu. YB29 Kalau untuk listening sama speaking mungkin agak sedikit beda ya dengan writing dan reading. Kalau untuk writing dan reading kan kata- PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 194 Description katanya tertulis. Sedangkan untuk listening dan speaking kata-kata yang digunakan itu diucapkan sedangkan di online crossword puzzle itu kata-katanya tertulis bukan diucapkan. Lalu strategi Bagas apa? B29 Kalau kau kayak ngira-ngira saja. Tapi kadang misalnya vocab di buku dari dosen itu aku nemuin kata-kata yang aku nggak tau aku lihat di kamus oxford yang inggris-inggris kan ada kayak phoneticalnya tuh kasih tahu gimana cara ngebacanya kan kayak gitu. Tapi itu aku ceknya Cuma untuk kata-kata yang susah banget kalau yang sederhana sih nggak kucek. YB30 Kalau tidak salah di web itu juga ada scoring display ya, jadi kita bisa lihat nilai teman-teman sekelas. Bagas sering cek tidak? B30 Sering sih. Tiap kali buka web kan langsung cek nilai dulu. Aku biasanya cek nilai temen-temen dulu. Wah tinggi lagi tinggi lagi. Temenku kok ada yang tinggi lagi sih terus aku baru lihat nilaiku yang unit ini tuh berapa kayak gitu. Aku kan orangnya agak kompetitif gitu jadi kadang aku merasa kalau aku harus lebih tinggi dari dia kayak gitu. YB31 Lalu strategi apa yang Bagas terapin untuk ningkatin skornya? B31 Kalau aku biasanya ngebaca ulang kosakatanya jadi lebih ditekenin lah kayak ada motivasi kalau unit ini harus hafal. YB32 Apa Bagas kadang tanya ke dosen untuk kosakata yang Bagas tidak tahu? B32 Tidak. Ya kan lebih deket ke temen jadi lebih cepet. Soalnya juga sungkan tidak enak saja karena dosennya di depan juga sedang mengerjakan sesuatu jadi ya nggak enak juga. YB33 Waktu ada pengalaman menebak kata di crosswordnya salah apakah ada kesan khusus untuk mengingat kata tersebut? B33 Ya kan dengan menebak sendiri kata itu dan salah terus tanya ke temen kan jadi inget kan. YB34 Bagas lebih sering tanya ke temen atau coba nebak kata sendiri? B34 Pertama coba sendiri terus sih ini bukan ini bukan terus kalau memang nggak ketemu baru tanya temen. YB35 Pada saat Bagas coba nebak kata sendiri di crossword, strategi apa PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 195 Description yang Bagas terapin? B35 Kalau aku ya nginget-nginget kata yang kira-kira artinya sama sih yang pernah aku tau sebelumnya dari pelajaran-pelajaran sebelumnya waktu di SMA, dari film, lagu. YB36 Apa yang paling mendukung bagas ningkatin vocab dengan mengerjakan online crossword puzzle? B36 Kalau aku online dictionary. Yang oxford yang dua bahasa. YB37 Apakah Bagas juga belajar gimana kata tersebut digunakan dalam kalimat. Apakah ada contoh kalimatnya juga dan apakah itu membantu buat Bagas? B37 Ada sih di buku yang dari Pak Dwi itu. Iya membantu. Kadang kan kalau nggak dibaca kan nggak cocok kan. Jadi lebih tahu ini maksudnya apa. YB38 Apakah Bagas merekomendasikan sistem belajar vocabulary dengan online crossword puzzles tidak? B38 Kalau aku sih jujur ya kalau misal koneksi internetnya bagus tuh iya bakal rekomendasiin. Koneksi internetnya harus bagus. Soalnya kadang udah mau selesai sudah mau disubmit tapi internetnya mati itu bikin nggak enak banget tuh di kelas. Ini sebenarnya bagus soalnya sekarang kan sudah jamannya online gitu. Online itu juga bisa untuk belajar. YB39 Kalau bagusnya apa? B39 Ya bagus soalnya sekarang kan sudah jamannya online gitu. Online itu juga bisa untuk belajar. YB40 Manfaat online untuk belajar kosakata dengn online crossword puzzle buat bagas itu apa? B40 Yang kurasain tuh cepet. Belajarnya tuh cepet. Cepet tuh maksudnya tahu langsung salah atau nggak. Yang kedua tuh ketepatan sih. Ketepatan tuh kayak tadi tuh ada satu kata dalam bahasa inggris dan di crossword puzzle tuh ngajarin kita tepat maksudnya misal kalau ada satu kata ada banyak dalam bahasa inggris itu dipisahkan dari word form itu ya kan. Nah kalau di crossword puzzle tuh kita jadi tahu kalau yang dimaksud di sini tuh ke noun, kalau yang ini ke verb, yang ini ke adjective jadi kayak ada arahnya kayak gitu. YB41 Bagas biasanya tanya ke temen yang itu-itu saja atau berbeda-beda? PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 196 Description B41 Kalau aku beda-beda tergantung siapa yang di sebelahku. YB42 Jadi suka pindah-pindah ya duduknya? B42 He em. YB43 Apakah bagas punya waktu khusus untuk menghafalkan kosakata? B43 Aku biasanya semalem sebelum kelas vocab itu ngebaca kosakatanya sehafalnya. Biasanya malam habis makan sekitar jam 7 an trus nanti jam 8 atau 9 itu sdh belajar sampai sehafalnya. Bukan sampai sengantuknya tapi sehafalnya. Pernah sampai malem gitu. Trus kadang juga disambi-sambi kayak makan gitu jadi ya lama. Pernah satu unit itu bener-benr hafal. Sampai ada temen nanyain apa semalem aku makan kamusnya. Kalau dalam satu unit itu banyak kata yang sudah tahu, sudah pernah denger tuh belajarnya jadi lebih cepet. YB44 Kalau biar sampai hafal gitu kira-kira perlu berapa lama ngafalinnya? B44 Ngafalin satu unit itu bisa mulai jam 8 sampai jam 10. Pernah juga sampai jam 12 malam soalnya katanya waktu itu ngerjainnya nggak boleh open book. Kalau ngantuknya sih ya ngantuk tapi ya harus hafalin kata-kata satu unit. tapi kalau ngerjain crosswordnya selalu di kelas, kalau di luar jam kelas nggak mau dan nggak pengen. YB45 Ok Bagas terimakasih waktu dan kesediaannya mudah-mudahan sharingnya ini bisa bermanfaat buat adik-adiknya nanti. B45 Ya . aamiin. Interview result (3) Anisa Number Description YA01 Selamat siang Ajeng. Minta waktunya untuk sharing seputar pengalaman Ajeng belajar kosakata menggunakan online crossword puzzles ya. A01 Iya YA02 Menurut Ajeng mengapa ya semester lalu mengerjakan online crossword puzzle untuk belajar kosakata? PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 197 Description A02 Soalnya itu bisa juga buat menambah pengetahuan tentang arti kataarti kata vocab-vocab. YA03 Apakah Ajeng punya waktu khusus untuk mengerjakan online crossword puzzle? A03 Nggak ada. YA04 Lalu kapan biasanya Ajeng mengerjakan crossword? A04 Kalau biasanya tuh pas pelajaran, pas mata kuliah, pas di kelas, tapi kalau misalnya jam pelajarannya sudah habis dilanjutin di rumah. YA05 Dalam satu minggu biasanya berapa crossword yang Ajeng kerjain? A05 Biasanya sih satu. YA06 Lalu bagaiman cara Ajeng mengatur waktu untuk menghafal kata setiap minggunya? A06 Patokannya pokoknya saya baca satu unit itu setiap minggu. YA07 Kapan biasanya Ajeng menghafal kata-kata tersebut? A07 Biasanya malam sebelum kuliah itu ngafalin satu unit kosakata. YA08 Lalu teknik menghafalkannya seperti apa? A08 Sebenernya nggak menghafalkan sih cuma baca aja jadi nanti kalau pas di kelasnya ada latihan pas di unit itu jadi sudah familiar lah sudah bisa nggak ngerasa aneh lagi, nggak ngerasa baru. YA09 Apakah ajeng punya perlakuan khusus untuk kata-kata tertentu? A09 Biasanya pakai stabilo atau coret-coret pakai pensil. Jadi kadang ada satu kata tapi punya banyak arti tapi antara di bukunya dari dosen saya sama di kamus tuh berbeda. Trus aku catet disempil-sempilin di buku. Aku tulis kata-kata yang artinya sama. YA10 Kamusnya biasanya pakai apa? A10 Aku biasa pakai kamus yang satu bahasa. YA11 Kalau sekali menghafal itu butuh waktu berapa lama ya? A11 Itu bisa sampai dua jam sampai tiga jam. Soalnya dibawa santai saja sih jadi kayak satu kata bisa diulang-ulangin dua kali atau berapa kali PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 198 Description YA12 Biasanya jam berapa Ajeng menghafal kata-kata untuk persiapan materi besok paginya? A12 Itu semaunya saya hehee…jadi bisa sore, bisa malam atau kalau pas nggak bisa tidur juga bisa. YA13 Strategi apa yang Ajeng terrapin dalam mengerjakan crossword? A13 Pertama saya akan cari kata-kata yang saya sudah tahu. Kalau misalnya masih ada yang belum ketemu juga aku pakai google translate kalau masih belum ketemu juga aku cari di buku. YA14 Teknik apa yang Ajeng gunakan untuk menebak kata untuk melengkapi crossword? A14 Kalau itu begitu lihat katanya tapi aku nggak bisa aku cari di buku saja gitu ke contoh-contoh kalimat yang ada di buku. YA15 Seberapa membantu sih tampilan contoh kalimat menggunakan katakata tersebut di buku buat Ajeng? A15 Itu membantu sih ya soalnya kadang kan kita artiin katanya dengan yang digunakan di kalimat kan beda. Nah itu bisa nambah pengetahuan juga sih. YA16 Kalau misalnya Ajeng menebak suatu kata itu kira-kira asal menebak atau ada pertimbangan tertentu? A16 Iya sih kalau dalam mengerjakan TTS itu kan kadang ada yang misalnya huruf tengahnya sudah diketahui, udah kejawab, atau mungkin huruf depannya, atau huruf terahirnya. Nah saya biasanya mikir gitu lho kira-kira yang bahasa inggrisnya memiliki huruf ini di posisi tertentu bisa dipakai sebagai clue. YA17 Apakah Ajeng pernah nanya ke temen untuk melengkapi kata di crossword? A17 Iya. Begitu saya sudah nggak bisa menemukan di buku atau di google baru saya nanya. Ya lumayan sering lah. YA18 Kalau nanya ke dosen? A18 Nggak. Soalnya kadang kan dosennya lagi sibuk lagipula mungkin karena belum penting untuk nanya ke dosennya dulu. YA19 Kalau dalam mengerjakan satu crossword apakah biasa diulang-ulang atau sekali saja? PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 199 Description A19 Sering diulang-ulang. Soalnya kadang ya gitu jadi apa yang kita jawab di situ tuh kadang beda dengan kunci jawaban yang sebenarnya. Maksudnya itu satu arti tapi memiliki dua kata yang berbeda dalam bahasa inggris tapi artinya sama tapi kata yang dipakai itu beda. YA20 Kalau dalam mengingat kata mengulang-ulang itu ada kesan tersendiri tidak? A20 Ada sih jadi makin nancep aja di otak. YA21 Kalau mengingat satu kata itu sebenernya pas misalnya nih bukan pas ngapalin atau sudah ngerjain crossword puzzle misalnya di speaking, di reading, atau mungkin di writing nah mungkin ajeng bisa menemukan kata itu lagi terus bisa inget arti kata itu tuh biasanya dari pengalaman yang seperti apa? A21 Banyak sih kalau gitu. kalau menemukan kayak gitu tuh sering langsung muncul saja jadi misalnya menemukan kata yang sudah dipakai sebelumnya kebetulan, ini apa ya tiba-tiba tuh oiya kemaren kan ngerjain ini, ternyata ini artinya. YA22 Mana yang lebih membantu untuk mengingat hafalan kosakata, membaca kosakata lalu dihafal atau dengan cara mengerjakan crossword? A22 Untuk mengingat selain menghafal juga mengerjakan crossword puzzle soalnya sudah dibaca terus istilahnya ditanyain jadinya makin ngerti. YA23 Apakah Ajeng menemui kesulitan pada waktu mengerjakan online crossword puzzle? A23 Kesulitannya di kalau misalnya sudah ngisi ternyata isiannya tuh salah jadi mesti cari lagi arti lainnya sama hasilnya atau nilai. Jadi kalau misalnya kita sudah mengerjakan crossword puzzle ketika di submit itu didaftar nilai itu sudah kecentang nah kadang-kadang tuh masih belum kecentang gitu. YA24 Lalu untuk ngatasinnya gimana? A24 Itu dilaporin ke dosennya sih lalu dosennya yang mengatasi masalah itu. YA25 Kalau kesulitan yang berkaitan dengan menebak kata, apakah Ajeng mempunyai strategi tertentu untuk mengatasinya? A25 Pakai google. Soalnya kalau buka buku itu pertama males karena lama. Kalau Tanya temen kan mungkin dianya juga lagi sibuk ngerjain. Ya PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 200 Description udah kan ada internet juga kan jadi bisa pakai google. YA26 Mengapa google? A26 Karena kalau pakai kamus online itu kadang di komputer itu kadang nggak ada jadi kita mesti down load dulu. YA27 Seberapa besar prosentase menemukan jawaban dengan google? A27 Besar. YA28 Kalau cari di google tidak ada alternative strategi berikutnya apa? A28 Baru cari di buku. Kalau belum ketemu jawabannya baru nanya temen. YA29 Ajeng butuh berapa lama untuk menyelesaikan satu crossword puzzle? A29 Itu tergantung. Paling cepet sih 15 menit, paling lama bisa 30 menit. YA30 Menurut ajeng menyenangkan tidak belajar kosakata menggunakan crossword puzzle? A30 Menyenangkan juga sih soalnya jadi bikin nggak bosen gitu. YA31 Sebenarnya seberapa membantu sebenarnya peran crossword puzzle untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kosakata buat Ajeng? A31 Banyak sih. Sangat membantu. Sebelum belajar kosakata dengan crossword puzzle itu tidak pernah ngafalin begitu banyak kata, terus nggak pernah peduli dengan arti kata- arti kata dalam bahasa inggris. Setelah ada kelas vocabulary itu lebih dituntut untuk lebih ngerti arti kata. Misal ada bacaan reading kadang tuh nggak tahu artinya jadi asal bablas dilewatin-lewatin saja. Setelah belajar dengan crossword puzzle jadi ngerasa kayak makin banyak kosakata yang dimengerti. YA32 Terutama pada saat belajar apa? A32 Di reading. Kalau sebelumnya kan kalau misalnya nggak ngerti satu kata udah tinggalin saja pokoknya artinya itu nggak usah dipikirin dibablasin saja, tapi setelah belajar kosakata selama satu semester itu misal ada kata yang nggak tahu itu pasti rasanya gimana gitu jadi kayak harus cari kata itu dulu. YA33 Kalau di skill yang lain ada tidak pengaruhnya? A33 Di speaking. Kadang kan ada satu kata tapi memiliki arti bahasa indonesianya banyak, nah kadang waktu kita komunikasi dengan orang lain dia maksudnya dia apa tapi kita nangkepnya apa. PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 201 Description YA34 Apakah ajeng juga menggunakan kosakata yang dipelajari untuk writing? A34 Ya nggak semua kata sih tapi ada beberapa YA35 Dari semua fasilitas di crossword itu mana yang paling disukai dan paling mendukung untuk meningkatkan kosakata? A35 Sebenernya waktu saat-saat untuk submit. Jadi kalau pas submit itu bakal ketahuan mana kata-kata yang salah di crossword itu. Baru bisa dibenarkan yang salah, kalau sudah bener semua baru bisa masuk. YA36 Mana yang lebih mendukung untuk belajar meningkatkan kemampuan kosakatanya antara online crossword puzzle dengan printed crossword puzzle? A36 Lebih mendukung yang online. Soalnya kalau dengan paper kita nggak bisa tahu itu kata yang kita masukin bener atau nggak. YA37 Apakah ajeng sering cek display skor di web? A37 Ngecek. Ngecek terus kalau itu. Begitu buka web langsung cek skor. Lebih sering cek skor sendiri dulu baru cek skor temen-temen. YA38 Efeknya apa? A38 Ya jadi ngerasa ih kok dia lebih tinggi dari aku terus coba lebih tinggi dari dia bisa nggak. YA39 Untuk kosakata yang susah buat Ajeng apakah Ajeng ada perlakuan khusus untuk mempelajarinya? A39 Kadang kata-kata itu saya catet. Jadi kalau misalnya kata itu salah jadi saya akan tulis pembenarannya di buku vocab biar makin inget lagi dengan menuliskan ulang. YA40 Mana sih yang lebih nyenengin buat belajar. Kalau printed crossword otomatis kita harus menuliskan kata untuk melengkapi, sedangkan kalau online crossword puzzle itu punya banyak fasilitas yang lain tetapi melenkapinya dengan mengetik. Bagaimana menurut Ajeng? A40 Kalau buat yang untuk ngetik-ngetik itu sama menulis itu lebih ke nulisnya. Sebenarnya lebih suka crossword puzzle tapi kadang tetap merasa perlu untuk menuliskan beberapa kosakata yang dirasa susah untuk lebih ingat. YA41 Kira-kira dalam satu crossword puzzle itu ada berapa kata yang Ajeng merasa perlu untuk ditulis ulang? PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 202 Description A41 Waktu itu pernah ada empat sampai lima kata. YA42 Kalau pada saat test itu berarti mereview semua kosakata ya? Jadi mereview materi yang dipakai untuk online crossword puzzle no 1-13. Nah kira-kira apakah proses belajar menggunakan online crossword puzzle itu membantu mengingat kosakata yang diujikan pada test? A42 Sebenernya kalau test kemarin itu ya membantu juga sih. Ya kita jadi udah nggak bingung lagi gitu menghadapi ini tuh artinya apa jadi udah ada bayangan lah kalau ini tuh artinya ini. YA43 Kata-kata yang harus dihafalkan itu kan diurutkan sesuai abjad. Apakah ada pengaruh tersendiri jika disbanding harus menghafalkan kosakata dengan urutan huruf yang urutannya acak? A43 Ada. Lebih enak yang diurutkan sesuai abjad. Jadi gampang inget karena mirip-mirip antara kata satu dengan yang berikutnya. Daripada acak itu lebih susah. Misal dari ngapalin huruf yang depannya ‗a‘ langsung ngapalin ke kata yang beda-beda jadi malah susah. YA44 Apakah Ajeng biasa ngerjain di luar jam kelas? Kenapa sih? kapan ajeng ngerjain online crossword puzzle? A44 Kalau di dalam kelas itu kadang kan itu waktunya kebetulan berdampingan sama writing jadi kelas writing langsung lanjut kelas vocab. Kadang tuh writingnya kita belum selesai jadi kita ngerjain writing dulu habis itu baru ngerjain vocab. Nah jadi waktu untuk ngerjain vocab itu jadi lebih terbatas. YA45 Kenapa yang dikorbankan kelas vocabnya? A45 Soalnya ini sih kalau di writingnya itu lebih cepet untuk ilang-ilang datanya. YA46 Nah terus untuk melanjutkan belajar vocab di luar jam kelas itu ada pilihan waktu tertentu tidak? A46 Saya lebih suka ini sih ngerjain di kos itu malem soalnya lebih hening. Kadang jam 9 atau 10 sampai seselesainya tergantung pas sibuk atau tidak dan juga tergantung mood juga sih. YA47 Seberapa sering ajeng meluangkan waktu untuk mengerjakan online crossword puzzle di luar jam kelas? A47 Biasanya sekali seminggu. YA48 Lebih merasa nyaman ngerjain di kelas atau di luar kelas? PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 203 Description A48 Lebih enakan di kelas sih soalnya kalau ada apa-apa bisa langsung tanya ke temen-temen. Kalau misalnya saya kesulitan cari artinya misalnya di google nggak ada trus di buku kok artinya beda nah itu susah untuk tanya kalau pas ngerjain di kos. YA49 Seberapa membantu sih belajar kosakata menggunakan online crossword puzzle? A49 Banyak sih. Ya membantu soalnya kita dituntut buat tahu artinya, ngerti artinya. YA50 Kenapa ajeng lebih suka menggunakan kamus yang satu bahasa daripada yang dua bahasa? A50 Ya soalnya saya dari awal sudah pakainya yang satu bahasa. YA51 Apakah ada perbedaan ketika kita mengecek kata di jenis kamus yang satu bahasa dengan yang dua bahasa? A51 Beda. Kadang kalau yang langsung dua bahasa itu antara dari inggris ke Indonesia kadang artinya kurang nyambung. Jadi kayak malah bikin bingung kalau pakai kamus yang dua bahasa. YA52 Menurut Ajeng apakah ajeng akan merekomendasikan system belajar kosakata menggunakan online crossword puzzle? A52 Iya, tapi mungkin diganti ini aja sih buatnya soalnya kadang crash buatnya jadi kebetulan saya sudah ngisi crossword puzzle ini tapi dinilainya belum keisi juga. YA53 Kalau pas nanya ke temen apakah Ajeng pilih-pilih temen juga yang akan ajeng tanyain? A53 Sebenernya pilih-pilih juga sih, biasanya nanya ke temen yang pinter. YA54 Menurut Ajeng situasi belajar di kelas itu menyenangkan tidak sih? A54 Menyenangkan sih soalnya nggak ada batasan juga kita mau ngerjainnya sambil buka internet untuk keperluan lain itu nggak papa. YA55 Kebebasan yang seperti itu menurut ajeng ada yang perlu dikuatirin nggak sih? A55 Kalau untuk itu saya nggak ngerti jadi saya cuma ngeliatnya kok ada temen yang setiap kesempatan untuk ngerjain di lab itu tuh dia seringnya sedikit ngerjain malah banyak ngerjain yang lain. YA56 Kalau untuk Ajeng sendiri bagaimana memaknai kebebasan tersebut? PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI Number 204 Description A56 Ngerjainnya makin enak aja jadi nggak tertekan nggak bosen juga sih sebenernya. YA57 OK. Terima kasih banyak ya ajeng atas kesediaannya berbagi pengalaman. A57 Iya.