oL t§#x#l - Nethouse
oL t§#x#l - Nethouse
%*oL t§#x#l *&MffiK§K K ffi* x The quick and easy way to learn the basic Japanese ka nji lntroduction by Eriko Sato TUTTLE PUBLlSHING Tokyo' Rutland,Vermont' Singapore Contents Modern Japanese can be written horizontally, from left to right, or vertically, from top to bottom, Japanese is one of the rare languages that uses multiple writing systems simultaneously, sometimes even in the same sentence. It is written by combi ning Chi nese characters, ca||ed kanj i, and two sets of syllabic alphabets called kana (hiragana and katakana) along with a few punctuation marks, Each kanji character represents a meaning, while each kana character represents a sound. For example, the following short sentence contains kanji, hiragana, and katakana: /:-Ť4-tr:**L/-. páti ni kimashita. (He)came to the party. The non-Chinese loanword )š* Ť 1 .-, written pátiin Roman letters and meaningparty, is written in katakana. The stem of the verb *, pronounced /cl and meaning to come, is written using kanji. The grammatical particle written ':, ni in Roman letters and meaning to, and the inflectional element * L /:, pronounced mashita (polite past affirmative), are written in hiragana. Isn't it interesting that all three writing systems can be used in such a simple sentence? The total number of kana is relatively small: there are only 46 basic characters for each kana system in modern Japanese. By contrast, the total number of kanji is quite large. The Japanese government selected a totalof l,945 kanji (the so-called jóyó kanji, or kanji for daily use) in l 98 l . Japanese students are expected to learn how to read all ofthese kanji by the time they graduate high school. Additional kanji are used in proper names and certain other words. You might think that there are too many kanjicharacters to learn, but don't get discouraged! If you learn the first several hundred kanji characters, you will be able to understand or guess the meaning of most street signs, restaurant menus, merchandise names, a variety of instructions, and much more! Furthermore, it is a lot of fun to leam kanji because the characters have interesting historical and cultural backgrounds and amazing compositional structures. Each kanji character has a unique meaning and shape, so each time you learn a new kanji character, you'll feel a bit like you've made a new friend. The key to your ultimate Success is to learn the basic kanji conectly and solidly. Start with the ones that appear in The First l00 Japanese Kanji, the companion volume to this one. You'll find the second 100 kanji can be learned more easily than the first l00, the third l00 kanji can be learned even more easily than the second l00, and so on. You can see how important it is to start with a solid foundation. Welcome to The Second l00 Japanese Kanji! |f you make a manageable plan for learning with this workbook everyday, you'll be able to enjoy the process of learnin_e kanji and greatly improve your reading proficiency in Japanese. This introduction provides you with the information you need to know about the development and use ofkanji and shows you how to write them properly. How did kanji develop? The word kanji literally means "characters of the Han Dynasty of ancient China" (206 B.C.E. to 220 A.D,). The initial forms of kanji originated in the Yellow River region of China between 2000 and l500 B.C,E. The earliest preserved characters were written on tortoise shells and animal bones. About 3,000 characters have been discovered from this early period. Depending on how they were formed, kanji can be classified into four main categories: pictorial kanji, indicative kanji; compound ideographic kanji, and phonetic-ideographic kanji, Pictorial kanji oňginated from pictures of objects or phenomena. For example: Meaning River Original Picture / Mountain Tree Sun Moon Rain Modern Kanji /|l ,J-l & 4- # ) ó, /il"\ E H Ň Indicative kanji were created as symbolic representations of abstract concepts using points and lines. For example: Meaning Original Sign Modern Kanji One Two Three Top Bonom o i o T Compound ideographic kanjiwere formed by combining two or more pictorial or indicative kanji to bring out a new but simple idea. For example: Meaning Woods Forest Bright Combining Multiple Kanji Resulting Kanji f+t O n -re ň+ň+ň only minor modifications. Such Chinese ways of reading kanji are called on-readings and aíe still used, especially when a character appears as a part of a compound where En sun + moon Finally, phonetic-ideographic kanji were formed by combining an element that expressed meaning and an element that carried the sound. For example, the following characters all stand for some body of water: Meaning Inlet Ocean River Combining Elements i +I water + ., l *Ť water + KÓ Kanji ._r tJ^ ^rl" wa Furansu desu. watashi no haha no'bokoku > My mother's mother couníry is France. '"J The left side of each character above, i , contributes the meaning, showing that each kanji's meaning is related to water. The right side of each character, í, $, or ;T, contributes the sound, showing how the kanji should be pronounced. Kanji characters were brought to Japan from China between the fourth and the fifth centuries A.D. Until then, there were no written symbols in Japanese. The Japanese initially developed a hybrid system where kanji were given Japanese pronunciations and were used for writing Japanese. This system proved unwieldy, since Japanese and Chinese grammar and structure are so different. Then, they developed a system, man'yOgana, in which a limited set of kanji was used to write Japanese words with their sounds, Hiragana and katakana were developed in the Heian Period (794-1185) from some of the kanji characters included in man'yógana. About 2,000 kanji as well as hiragana and katakana are still used in modem Japanese, Interestingly, there are some kanji characters that were created in Japan. For example, the kanji ůŤ(mountain pass), íE (field of crops), and Bt (work) were all created in Japan by combining multiple existing kanji components. the pronunciation of the existing native Japanese word whose meaning was closest to that of the character. Such Japanese readings are called kun-readings, and are used especially when a character occurs independently in a sentence. For example, the character § is pronounced bo (on-reading) when used as a part of the compound word §E, bokoku (mother country), but is pronounced haha (kun-reading) when used by itself. This is illustrated in the +^a&a&Eltz YO KA two or more kanji are combined to form a word. At the same time, many kanji characters were assigned following sentence. '- i +4 water + adin g s and kun -re ading s There are two different ways of reading kanji in Japanese: on-readings (or on-yomi) and kun-readings (or kun-yomi). When kanji characters were first introduced to Japan, the original Chinese pronunciations were also adapted with tree+tree+tree E+B The Japanese language is very different from the Chinese language, having very distinct grammar and sounds. Many Chinese words consist of one syllable, but most Japanese words have more than one syllable. So, the assignment of a Japanese pronunciation to each kanji required both flex- ibility and creativity. Ť^ tree + tree How are kanji pronounced? In this workbook, on-readings are shown in katakana and, when Romanized, in upper-case letters. Conversely, kun-readings are shown in hiragana and in lower-case letters when Romanized. Some kanji characters have more than one on-reading or kun-reading, and different readings are used in different contexts. Also note that there are special cases where it is not possible to clearly divide a kanji compound into components that can be pronounced separately. Okuňgana As noted above, many Chinese words consist of a single syllable, expressed by only one Chinese character, but the corresponding Japanese words often have more than one syllable. In order to use kanji in the Japanese language, some kanji characters needed to be accompanied by kana. Such kana are called okurigana. Okurigana are particularly important for verbs and adjectives, which need inflectional elements, although they may also be used for other types of words, including nouns and adverbs. For example, in the following words, the kanji É,meaning expensive or high, and the kana that follow jointly represent the pronunciation of the whole word, successfully representing its complete meaning: 5 á l,, É ( rjl, áh,-lř: takai takakunai takakatta expensive (plain present affirmative) notexpensive There are two special cases where you may have a hard time reading kanji compounds:jukujikun and ateji. (plain present negative) kanji compound rather than to each kanji character separately, For example, the compound Ei B (tomorrow) can be read as myónichi using the on-reading of each character in the compound one after another, as in the majority of typical kanji compounds, but can also be read as asu, which is a jukujikun, ln the latter case, it is impossible to tell which syllable corresponds to sfi and which syllable wasexpensive (plain past affirmative) In this book, the okurigana are preceded by first presented in kun-readings. "-" when Fuňgana Kanji characters are occasionally provided with kana that shows how they are intended to be read in the given context. Such kana used as a pronunciation guide are called furigana. For example, the hiragana characters placed right above the kanji in the following word are furigana: Ajukujikun is a unique kun-reading assigned to an entire to E because the reading is assigned to the whole compound. Otherexamples ofjukujikun include E tsuitachi (the first day of the month), n Ň samidare (early summer rain), ebi (shrimp), and -tÉmiyage \ corresponds i Éž (souvenir). - Ateji are kanji characters whose sounds are used to represent native Japanese words or non-Chinese loanwords regardless of the meanings of the kanji. For example, the Él. Furigana is often used for children or learners ofJapabginning! It is nese. This can be a great help for you at the kanji compound * 4 is made of ateji. It is pronounced sushi, and means sushi, the food, even though # means one's natural lift span and 4 means to administer, neither also used in newspapers for unusual readings and for characters not included in the officially recognized set ofessential kanji. Japanese comic books use furigana generously! of which are directly related to food. Other examples of ateji include E ůAtr medetai (happy), *ft§E detarame (random), and ýluiF kotrr (coffee). Many ateji for How are kanji used in compounds? non-Chinese loanwords, including proper níunes, have been replaced by katakana, but some are still used. In addition, new ateji are occasionally created. Some Japanese words urre represented by only one kanji (e.g., ň, aka, red), but many Japanese words are represented by a kanji with okurigana (e.g., fi {.., takai, expen- sive) or by a kanji compound. Kanji compounds constitute a large proportion of Japanese vocabulary. For example, 9L written sensei in Roman letters, is a compound meaning teacher. It consists oftwo characters, ft (ahead) and 1live;. In general, on-readings are used for compounds, but occasionally, kun-readings are also used. By the way, when you write a compound, there is no need to add a space between the kanji characters in it, but don't try to squeeze the characters together to fit in onecharacter space. Each character in a compound should take i, t one-character space. For example, notice the difference between *Ť(girl) and {Ť(to like). The first item (*Ť) is a kanji compound that consists of two kanji characters, * (ř) (woman) and Ť(child). By contrast, the second item is a single kanji character that consists of two kanji component§, *and Ť. Some kanji compounds were created in Japan and have been brought back to China and are now being used there. Examples include €Ěá denwa (telephone), ,íL,# kagaku (science), and ilA shakai (society). Many kanji compounds are also used to represent Japanese culture, concepts, and ideas (e.g., ,iŤ€ Shinto) as well as to name Japanese people (e.g., E f Tanaka), institutions and companies (e.g., i * Mitsubishi), places (e.g., Ř,í Tokyo), and eras (e.g., uÁ ř Meiji). Regardless of their origin, kanji compounds form an essential part of the lives of Japanese people. b what are radicals? Most kanji characters are composed of two or more components. Each component may contribute to the kanji's meaning, sound, or merely its shape, For example, E is an independent kanji character meaning san, but is also a component that lends meaning to many kanji. For example: aF bright a* time Eá clear up There are many kanji-components, but the most basic and identifiable elements of kanji are called radicals. For hundreds of years, Chinese dictionaries have organized kanji characters according to their radicals. Each Chinese character was assigned a radical and placed in an appropriate section of a dictionary according to the designated radical. It is not always clear which component of a kanji is the radical, but this workbook shows the radical for each kanji at the upper right corner of the page. Whenever you learn a new kanji using this book, check its radical. It will help you understand and remember the meaning and the internal composition of the kanji. Eventually, you will be able to identifu the radical just by looking at a kanji. There is an index of characters organized by radical near the end of this book. Depending on its position in a kanji character, radicals are classified into seven categories, as shown in the chart on the opposite page: Name Position lR left hen (lit., partial, one-sided) * tsukuri right ru kanmuri top (lit., aside) (lit., crown) frt ashi bottom (lit., le f] tI E - tr n Ě kamae frame (lit., enclosure) tr ú. (lit., something hanging down) !& ,lrÉ nyó, nyú (lit., going around) top & left left & bottom tr tr Iow do I look up a kanji in a Japanese dictionary? víany dictionaries list kanji characters according to their lronunciation, for both on-readings and kun-readings, lither in kana or in Roman letters. So, if you know the eading of a kanji t l l: Á,\,4, ninben (person) íf(body), ,íŤ(make) ,í^ (rest), baa ( U onozukuri(ax) fí Ú character, you can easily find it in such dictionary using its pronunciation-based index. For lxample, The Original Modern Reader's Japanese-Engish Character Dictionary by Andrew N. Nelson (Tunle hblishing), has an onlkun index in the back, and kanji r :haracters are alphabetically listed according to both their ln-readings and their kun-readings in Roman letters with r unique code number provided for each character, Using hat code number, you can easily find the page you should ;o to in the dictionary. (near), #1,(new), Ff (place) ( Š Á, t: tl kusakanmuri (grass) '' F (grass), ř (flower), Ř (tea) J+ UY ó L ,')l|J hitoashi(humanlegs) .R (look), .t ( l: ál * ž kunigamae (older brother), ft (ahead) (border) n l-' E E q l J t, /u ň| * mongamae (gate) F"l (inquire), Fá (listen), rB1 Oetween) 6 (country), (prisoner) (ue in difficultyi, ž a lVl l ) |' lť ], ukebako (container, vessel) Ét(picture), r! (bad), É(ooth) tr C -l tare Example á' 1 E 8. (ward), h J ř 1 ( L rt|t i ,>,> J* ň\ E (wrap), ř * i. kakushigamae(conceal) (physician), L ,L l: /J *r yamaidare (sickness) tr (road), What if you see a (conceal) t, Z tsutsumigamae (wrap) i€ (embrace), í (phrase) # /ň (illness;, /H (painful), € E € (cancer) shinnyó (proceed) (proceed), € (pass) kanji, but you don't know how to read it? you could then use the radical index included in most dictionaries. In a radical index, hundreds of radicals are listed according to the radical's total number of strokes. For example, E is the radical of Brl , and it has 4 strokes, You can find the radical E in the radical list under the section for four-stroke radicals in just a few seconds, There you will find a code number, which will guide you to the list of all the kanji with the radical E . For example, you will see many kanji, including Brq, EÉ,and É,on the page specified by the code number for the radical E. They are ordered according to their total stroke count. You can easily find the kanji character you want in the list. [f you have no clue about either the pronunciation or the radical ofthe kanji, you can use the kanji's total stroke count as a reference, This book specifies the total stroke count for each kanji at the right upper corner ofeach page, but ifyou always write kanji in the correct stroke order and with the correct stroke count, you can figure it out by yourself. How are kanji characters written? To write kanji properly and legibly, it is very important to know how each stroke in a kanji is drawn. Here are some principles and tendencies for stroke endings, stroke direc- Some strokes have a combination of a sharp andc a curve. For example Stroke Endings Each stroke ends /l (stop), lJ ň hane CIump), or lJ Ě t l harai (sweep). (Note that some diagonal lines end in stop-sweep.) For example, a vertical straight line can end in stop, jump, or sweep, as shown below: L ó in L Ď tome tome (stop) lJ le hane lJ Ď t. harai 0ump) (sweep) l, l, stroke Directinns A stroke can be vertical, horizontal, diagonal, angled, or curved, or can bejust a short abbreviated line, Vertical lines always go from top to bottom, and horizontal lines always go from left to right. |* 1. Kanji 2. sharp angle curve 8 1 1 I L( \ (river) Ť (ten) l, 1 ) )l l| l 5. =- A central line usually precedes the strokes placed on iu right and left. zJ, (small) J /J ,J. An outer frame must be written first before finishing the inside except for the bottom line. The bottom line of an outer frame must be completed at the very end. El (country) 6. | A righrto-left diagonal stroke precedes a left-to-right diagonal stroke. A (person) ,L 1 í 4. L (three) J. Horizontal strokes usually precede vertical strokes wher crossing, although there are some exceptions such al and E. If a stroke forms a corner, a sharp angle, or a curve, it goes from left to right and then goes down, or goes down and then left to right. For example: corner are written from top to bottom. Kanji are written from left to right. /|l :> ) \ '\ you should remember how the strokes in each characn are ordered in order to write a character neatly with fu appropriate shape. Most kanji characters are wrinen fol lowing the general principles of stroke order: Diagonal lines cango either downward or upward. For example: {$ stroke order = l, 1L \ Some strokes are extremely short and are called ten. They may be vertical or slightly diagonal: tions, and stroke orders, r / INTRODUCTION 7. A vertical line piercing through the center of is written last, F 8. (vehicle) - a a character a+- A horizontal line piercing the center of the character is written last. Ť (ctrita) remember new things, especially when you are dealing with numerous items. under each character in this book, the first several boxes show the stroke order and direction. Refer to them, and try writing the character once. The number of strokes for each kanji is specified in the upper-right corner ofeach page. Check whether you used the correct number of strokes when you wrote the kanji. Then compare your character with the one printed on the page. Pay attention to the size and the position of the character in relation with the box as well as the proportion and shape of the lines. 2 How do I learn to write kanji? Practi.ce wňting the character When you have fully understood the given character in Remember that a good beginning and good planning are the keys to success in learning kanji. The following are some suggested steps for learning kanji using this workbook. terms of meaning, pronunciation, usage, radical, and stroke order, write it about 10 times in a row You may not believe it, but your hand muscle will remember how to write a kanji Get used to the strokes Before writing any kanji, practice drawing some of the simple strokes with different endings many times on a sheet of scrap paper. For example, try drawing the strokes presented above (e.g., vertical lines, diagonal lines). Each time you end the stroke, say L Ď tome (stop), lJ ia hane t §ump), or tl Ě t, harai (sweep), depending on which type of ending you are working on. If you have a brush and ink, the gray characters at the beginning of each page. try to make changes in the thickness of different portions each stroke. Ofcourse, you can also use apen orpencil. of If you do, ignore the difference in the thickness of different portions of each stroke. Just get used to the general flow of strokes. It will help you to write kanji beautifully in an authentic style. u nderstand the character Before writing an actual kanji character as a whole, familiarize yourself with its meaning, pronunciation, usage examples, and radical. Be creative and make associations to help you remember the shape, composition, meaning, and sound of the character you are working on. Your associations can be logical or natural, or can be silly or funny. Your imagination and creativity will always help you learn and if you repeat writing it many times. If helpful, trace over Review kanji peňodically Practice a few new characters at a time every day following the above steps. At the end of each week, review all of the characters you learned during the week by writing them five times each. At the end of each month, review all the characters you learned during the month by writing them a few times each. If you study kanji at this pace using this workbook, you can master 100 new kanji within a month or two! Sounds like a manageable plan, right? Make sure to periodically review the kanji you have leamed. Flash cards can be useful, but you can also write the kanji you learned previously again and again to review them. That's why there are plenty of boxes on each page of this workbook! The point is to make an effort daily with a manageable plan for learning and reviewing kanji. Believe it or not, the more you learn, the easier it gets! íÉŘ->((Ěšt"t" Ganbatte kudasai! Try your best (and good luck)! ON readings meaning 7yKEN dog KUN readings tltb inu common words É^ :*^ t>u.'ll Ť^ #^ ů ) ťi /u ],*t,rň komainu radlcd ^ one's pet dog a pair of stone guardian dogs (at the gate of a Shinto shrircl puppy a stray dog; an ownerless dog loser watchdog koinu norainu b) ť)|t/- m6d6ken aguidedog(fortheblind) *ilt,.y) ď/.ů /" ^ aiken makeinu banken t \ r '- !,l sřo&r oĚt,rň :, t\&h gŤŘ^ Aů^ 4 l ]* r* ] *-]** l l l l I l l l ] ] " -,1] l l ,., ., . 1 L. ] ] i l 1 l I l , ,-, i I I 10 , meanings ON readings ť_z ý GYú + cow; bull KUN readings ) L ushi common words t#+ ++ +* ťj 7 .,Z.----. 2I i radical + L -s W ) ň|b 3 W ) ť A, § ro j l: ( +^ +*L =*pjl,:wi Éfl+ Ljs-p) ,K+ 1t"lšO) o'ushi ox; bull gyúgawa cowskin; calfskin g5růdon a bowl of rice topped with cooked beef gyúniku beef gyúnyúmilk tógyú bullfighting suigyu waterbuffalo }r # h- ] D 4 strokes ř - rrtř. 3 l l i --§__l I l ] ] ] ] i __* *._ l*.* "* 1 l - *t l I I i l i "_-" ,* ,- i - t*_- *.-. i I I *" - *]*-,,.* I I i I I I ] ] i I é ON readings meaning ť= GYO 11 fish KUN readings 7 řj uo, š /j sakana strolcs radical '' common words ťj rl Ř)q ř+ Řaa /|lŘ )\\\ Ř^ áŘ *ÉŘ AŘ ')Baa L ň'b ) b/ Ř. uogashi uonome kawa'uo/ ž'b š /'/j kawazakana gyokai J /. t,, 3Á3"r kingyo Š: zako l:,d 3 J ningyo 3* fish market corn(growthonafoot) river [freshwater] fish seafood goldfish small fish; small fry mermaid; merTnan I ). /Ť I ] ?, i a I 3 i ! /' \ \1o i 12 Ř e l \:\\ & & / \i\ \ l \l\\ & 7: a lt, meanlng ON readings *eýCIJ;ó KUN readings L U tori 1 ) ] a |§? strokes radical ,a common words -E=,e ,,],,6 t,ffi,?1 ,?rE ,6r'3 )t* 3 ,6 ŘI) ,?? 11 bird Ir:ti3l:Ď J ) issekinich6 Z Y I) kotori LbĎÁ,bS ) shichimencho LUt\ tori'i LUr'3 torikago yakitori ř 3 L |) wataridori bt= l) ť l) p H + killingtwobirdswithone stone small bird turkey torii;gatewaytoaShinto shrine birdcage barbecued chicken (on a skewer) migratory bird l ,|., i I j ] ""|,] l ] ] ON readings ž>JIN,:>NIN KUN readlngs (,l L hito meaning 2 person strolcs radical ^u) common words 7l|) ů^ 7}|)ňCL Amerikajin A ě, < l,Z /v akunin t\LÁ t#^ ijin r 6 l: /. t i ichininmae - A Hf :l,ďL A,t koibito ,íE :- č Á, kojin ^ l: Á, 3 t ) ningyó ^ft American(person) bad [wicked; p"..on; villain ,€ greatperson;ň"ro one sérving r, sweetheart]boy/girlfriend individual doll; puppet }, ] l ] l l I l l ], l I l l ] l l ] ] l i l ] l j 1 ,] 1 I l l l ] 14 ON readings meaning }., Dó KUN readings , :'-r'Ť ugo-kasu, to move ) 3- ( common words friJ 4: €, aét]+ Cť)Lv ftrÉt] t 'ť ) trÉh ) /. ť ) )ÉÉt] ň'-> Čr ŘÉ)]Ťa ň'/u ť ) Ť á rtéJ]Ťá z)ť)Ťá ét]qhJ ť ) j:: ýtžíJ ť)L -), u, 3] 'll,,,..._., ,]. Fl, 4: ugo-ku jidosha ido undo xatsudó 11 strokes radical ž automobile;car movement movement; exercise; sports activity be impressed with suru kódósuru toact kandó dóbutsu dóshi animal verb F e ,)' i l i ! '' |--", i ,,+___ l I l ] ] 15 ON readings : meanings 2 NIKU 6 stroltes fresh; meat KUN readlngs radicd l^ common words ňfrÉJ ,g lA{f ^l áE L^ 3 lá X*314 Ř ll,i ^] ( ( Y ( l: /= 1r l: ( ř Ll 3 l: ( řšl:( r,[i. ( -+ Á, t,: t) t,: kin'niku toriniku nikutai nikuya trikiniku yakiniku hiniku muscle chicken the body; the flesh butcher; meat shop ground [minced] meat grilledmeat irony rT ] ] l ] l ,l ] i ] ] ] ] ] ] 16 ON readings i meaning sHI KUN readings /,& kami fiŘ l, +ftÉT ň\ }* ^ 4ííI) #É.b l) ňl h e,#6" J*/ L ur 4 ňr íÉ,F Lrl.r ř<#É, (,',J, í"iťs )o L 4 ^ strokes radical common words u, ?É, 10 paper letter origami; folding paper katagami paper [dress] pattern irogami/shikishi colored paper/square piece of Japanese paper paper shihei money; bill hyóshi cover (handmade) Japanese paper washi wastepaper kamikuzu tegami origami šL L 2 r7 fti fr {Ť #í #Ř ffft I i I ,*. __*-, ]._,-- -.- 17 ON readings meanings KUN readings ů L moto book; main; true; counter for long objects ň7HoN common words E^^ íA+ e+ fl+ á*l: ^É #Fe ^qr] rrí l:lJ /v c Á, zl1/. 3I3. /. ,tit"tiíÁ ll /-< /. llLYil: llLba llLY 5 strokes radical ^ Nihonjin Japanese person ehon picture book basis; foundation bookbinding head [main] office really; truly; actually real thing bookstore kihon seihon honten hont6 ni hon'mono hon'ya a-- í ,1 18 i ON readings meanings ť4SEI,ž=ýSHÓ KUN readings t.-Š6 i-kiru, tl-z)'f birth; life i-kasu, t"t-lJ á i-keru, u-mareru, ) -Ď u-mu, 6- 1 o-u, ) -*. ž á ha-eru, ha-yasu, 3 ki, Z; t nama ná ll-řŤ common wořds g, 1 l ji, +-qr] -E +- *. řL a 4lt T+ *-)É +Z á *-ť-lV ? J) ) *. )rL a še L p ti t,, it r /'= IJ Z á rj í ť-ll., t, l -: L t" 5 strokes radica! t ll- seibutsu isshó umareru klji shasei seikatsu haeru namabiiru living thing; creature; life lifetime; one's whole life be born; to arise; to appear cloth; fabric; textile sketching life; living to come up;to grow draftbeer /: í 19 ON readings meanings ť>sEN KUN readings š 3 saki common words ft,*- {i Á tt t r b<fr, ó(š3 t. t ,L Č,> Ť,a ,> *. ft, : * š 5 frfr, liďš3 Vri fr, W) t/ft,*t^ur § 3 lj"ll ) ř 6 strokes future; ahead; radical point; tip ]L sensei atesaki sakibarai senjitsu tsumasaki yubisaki yúsen teacher; instructor; master address; addressee advancepayment the other day; some days [time] ago tip of the toe fingertip priority;precedence -)2 ] ; 20 meanlngs ON readings /j , G^Ku KUN readings * /j-j: mana-bu common words t r /§ E+ rY,+ ( igaku r' ( t, \ \\2 3 \\/) 4) radicaI + jl'' r1, 2t ( Ť řj r /l ( Ť ^ +EŤá rl( LvDiŤa i§ ( tt t,l + +/l ( L t, +# { 8 strokes learning, studies medicine; medical science chemistry literature university; college kagaku rungaku aaigaku gakushúsuru toleam;tostudy gakusei gakusha student scholar \\ / l:> - ]5 ] }+ Ť ] ] l i : l ] 21 í0 strokes radical ^ common words +t\ ,l.+i^ itŘ Éřx irá řxtE t^Ř €ii ňšcZ) L r l /{z ] :)Lt) .):) :)Lt, ] )tttr 3l (lr lí: ) gakk6 shógakkó k6chó KoKo kósha kósei k6tei bok6 school elementary [primary] school school principal high school school building proofreading school grounds alma mater ON readings meanings KUN readings academic course; department; section rtK^ fi| 2 radical ^ common words f}+ ,,rr ( U.fr+ 3rr/, kagaku gakka ky0ka scrence subject; course subject; course of study; ERí+ Á, ň, 6f++F r,lř:/, &Ť+ L /, itf+ Ě /u ň, ganka hyakkajiten shika zenka curriculum ophthalmology encyclopedia dental clinic criminal record +f+ ň1-> ň, ňš č</. ) # Ťl, 2 f|l 9 strokes \ §-z l I l ^ ] l 1 i - *_.t* l - 1 I i j ] l l l i l l I I i ] l i 1 l l 1 1 I l I I ] l i 1, 23 ON readings |J meanings RI KUN readings 1E Tj JŤ }F, 9 l l ] l ] + radical common words 'Eí+ ÉlE ffilg lríE ,í\íE friEa rika kanri keiri I) Ď, ň, Á., l) llr.r U Lw) Ělr {,, 1,1 I) J. I ,+ shúri dairi muri na ry6ri l) U z; ) I) natural science management; administration accounting repair representation unreasonable; impossible cooking FF : íll, íg }§ É : : strokes _t (_t) Ť*lg -í 11 reason; logic }g ON readings meaning JGo KUN readings ŤE Ýg ň'ř:-b j kaá-rau, /'/:-á common words ň't: á á ťŘžE il t l 3 ž++ :" rl ( ž žE Iť /- č :, ( 3 trř* "# 9íĚE qr]žE \ 1\ 1 - 2 ř: Á,, 3.4 č b a ň| t: I) \ \| . '-'-. 4- 14 word;language radica! kata-ru + 9 kataru keigo gogaku gengo kokugo to tell; to talk respect speech [language] tango monogatari language study language; speech Japaneselanguage;national language word; vocabulary story; talk \, \ \ ll. Él l6 a , l ř.E žT Ě-#," ĚE Ěe p" Él\,, vf, Él strokes \a-l i>] I 8 Él 7 - Ý9 Ěa Ýg 1 l 1 ] i 1 I l 1 ] ] ] ] 25 ON readings r4 meanings E| 8 strokes England; KUN readings radical English + common words XĚÉ ž t,, XAĚá Xtr ť ž l./,t.*l žt,.: ( ž t,r j]Á ž l.ř ( XŤ"í+R ž t ,b čT Á, X.iÉ ž u,uD ) Xi Xř^, -ll ----Ť- --l.-!' 1i lt 4 ] English English conversation England; the United Kingdom English language text translation into English English-Japanese dictionary ergo eikaiwa Eikoku eibun eiyaku eiwajiten eiyú hero *ll frl 5 6 7 I I -Ť*_ 1 ] ] ,i ] I I I i I I 26 ON readings iJ| KUN readings T ě meanlng 6 strokes letter radical óšaza + common words X+#Tťň Ll"\ e L Á,-\\7" eijishinbun Englishnewspaper *j řj ů D 6moji capital letter ,],*Ť ^r(Ť ÉŤ )É+ E+ X+ :ůe č /'u D LyplD ůD ň'/u komoji kanji katsuji shúji moji smallletter kanji; Chinese character type [printing] penmanship;calligraphy character;letter !l l ě I -,- -]' -I l Ť ] ] 1 27 common words fthffiŤ a ftů,rfr,* gňftž fu+ Tfu.lfr,ti "\Á š l ) Ť 6 ,\Á 3 s ) ň, Á"\Á ^iÁrl ( j"\Á 3 t ) ri 3 benkyó suru benkyóka kinben bengaku fubenkyó na to study hard [good] worker diligence study idle; lazy meanln9 ON readings *=jKYO,3"'Gó strong KUN readings ífi .l rq 3 strokes radical z J -l. \ tsuyo-i, : J- t á tsuyo-maru, ,: t-dl á tsuyo.meru, L-ltó shi-iru 1 common words ŤÉ€ -*s))Á., ffilY,,Ťa 3t)ň,Ťá 1fr1lll :') t,Ll; ífil.6 Lt,rá ífi /t l,) ? J ,l Ťífft,r ( :"Ďtr l,) iťňl§,Ťá líšJ)t6 4 11 i 3ě ? ky6un kyóka suru góin ni shiiru tsuyogari tegowai hoky6 suru good luck to strengthen by force, forcibly to force; to impose bluff; bluster tough to reinforce 3A 3A 3^ 3A Ltg i ?5 ?}. ?fl ,J]' ] ] * 1 *,* ,* -J1 I ] 1 l l 29 ON readings :rKÓ KUN readings : 0)-L, kono-mu, i+ Ť- ( common words t, r t,, ň, -> 3. ělí líá,š ) r" r su-ku t, Z)3LÁ, trÁlsěti Z ) 2:' ) a : ) j]: *+ |rJ Z a J} tr J} l' Ť 3 š Ě t,. vt)z) Řfr *í 3 i* h ( r meanings 6 strokes good; fine; favorable radical * kakko ii cool; smart; attractive curiosity kótsugóna convenient kóbutsu favorite food liking; taste; choice; preference sukikirai likes and dislikes friendship;amity kókishin konomi yůkó ,l: * *" ,+, tr i,+ T * I I ] -], ] l I 30 ON readings meanings ž:r ý SHÚ a žž a to learn; to study KUN readings ři b- i nara-u common words /l( LP) +E RE) C L p ) Ťá aEŤ a ^tib) L w ) ň' Á,, €'F *.xe č=Lw) Á€ "\,)Lwi j,( Lro) 'lEE a,, strokes radica! lu gakushú learning; study minarau toemulate jishúsuru to studybyoneself shúkan habit jisshú practice fúshú manners;customs fukushú review l ř]. 11 á§] žá áF 71 ] ] ] Ťř áž I,7 l -*'*']-'-] ] ] ] 1 l 31 ON readings meaning íístrokes KUN readings question; inquiry radical tyMoN L-l\ to-i, Y-) to-u, Y Á, ton common words + r"1 ft r-1 H?á tál.ábtt ráÉ -abrá rဠr lli ( ůÁ '\š* ů Á L Ltló*;ii Y /. P Éib/. ů Á Ě t,' L-l F tl gakumon gimon shitsumon toi'awase ton'ya h6mon mondai g studies doubt; question question inquiry wholesale store; wholesaler visit question; problem r1 rl, Fi ll I Fl 1 ful rfi rň _l} l ] t l ] ] l l ] --, -"ř,- ] ] 1 i ] ] i l ] ] i -*-. 'j ,- l--, --,] l 1 i ] I i 1 i "] I l l I i i ] ] ] ] t l 1 ] i I ] ] l l I ,l l I I 32 Xg ), ,š h ,K ON readlngs meanlng |.rTó KUN readlngs Zt:-Z kota-e, Zř--Z á common words řs§ ťáE ffiE E*aE lr 3 B)Yj b /. ť ) /'t r L ) Y i "\ Á,, 12 answer b Y Á,, 7 kll, radical kota-eru out6 mondó kaito t6an hento strokes tŤ response;reply; answer questions and answers answer; solution answer; examination paper answer; reply k'H k a 7 Ť l\,, 33 ON readings 13 strokes ž > SHIN +í ll 1 KUN readings &> ř_ řr- L t . atara_shii, ara-ta, llltnii ú> řr-t: ON readings 5 fKo KUN readings j, á -t r furu-i, j, á -Ť furu-su strokes radicaI common words bw):0> řta> __l_ +} r , +, <D ů #1\ ĚF Řža ď).), á ],Ět,r z< /1, š l.:, o) Ě ( š t,. j,á ( š t,. Ě lrl' /: j, a |,!Il ř: Ě;F ;, á IJ /^, chúko no ofuru kodai koten saiko no furukusai furuboketa furuhon secondhand; used hand-me-downs ancient times; antiquity classic the oldest old-fashioned; stale grow old second-hand [used] book \j+ 1& ON readings +rKIN KUN readings b ň,-u l chika-i common words itER 3 Á, ň| Á, ú.Ft šá[r ,t,í\ 3áĚtt Št,. 3 l,, Řit ,t,íŤ ( b ň'ó ( ,tl, bň,u\ t; ň,l,: J* 4 ú.l: ), I ] ] f ] n r 2 ft meanings near; close kingan kinjo kindai saikin chikazuku chikai mijika ni 7 strokes radical nearsightedness neighborhood moderntimes[era] recently to approach; to close near;close close (to) \ 3 6 ''r) l 38 ON readings meanings íažCH;ó 8 strokes long; a chief KUN readings /j á§-t t naga-i radical é fi, common words tr&Ť a áŘ ;RŘ íbé Ř P7LlK ň& qk ÉiŘ ], R =2 V,) l3 l! žLb t )t6 zJ. t,l Ď J ) ň't, :. ) urÁrb t ) Lt, S ) L Á,b s ) iťt\6 J ) ench0 suru to extend kaich6 kachó inchó shich6 shinchó seichó chairperson section manager director (of a hospital) mayor height growth uI € l i l ] i "-]* i i I l I I I I I 39 12 strokes radical ^ common words Ř*ea š lr/:Ád) *ý_^řj ř: Á, ,\ ti fEtr^* ř:Á,3 /.-l.rl *gíE"frÉř: Á,3 t I) Ť§-íÉř=Á,,Lw {y,Ffr t: Á, L s ( ++g,ti T^cň,ti saitan no ( tanki na tanki daigaku tankyori tanshuku tansho temijika na the shortest short temper junior college short distance [range] shortening; reduction fault; weak point short; brief 8 1 -.- ll 2 ON readlngs ,, meanings soKU KUN readings lJ ř-t t haya-i, lJ ř-ó á haya-meru, Ť 4-P á' sumi-yaka common words 3o É-r8 /i Éit +i8 B€ sÉ ,8Ěa U:a fl rZ Z)Z ( 3 ?( -> < Z ( t:'> Z<ť Z -> 3 lJřóá ti quick; fast; prompt 10 strokes radica! 2-. kyúsoku na rapid high tfull] speed sassoku at once; immediately sokutatsu special [express] delivery speed shorthand Xósoku sokudo sokki hayameru toquicken 1 J1-- € 4 5 ?fi 41 ON readings meanlngs + CHI KUN readlngs B Z-l". oso-i, Ď ( b<*lL6oku-reru í2 strokes late; slow radical -Ě Ť oku-rasu, l- common words B < řL á okureru &^'Ťa bZ<Ťa chikokusuru +En < B < řL teokure &n á €l. € f, F ť*Zu\ b Z /. osoi a chien ,\E to be late; to be delayed tobelate be too late slow delay F ir+ É l= /7 1 rl3 € € É /- žf: -"I* i ,. l,l -- l € l ,*-i -l 1 ] l i 1 l -_|_** 1 i I I l I I l _-| i l ] ] l l l l l l i l l 1 I I i 42 meanings ON readings y4DAI,r4T^I KUN readings ťj Íj- o-, ťj íj- 3 ó-ini common words ^Ř §T Xt$l,z), ^t\i: l; r3 X š "> tť tr(l:) ^* ŘX0l ^A t,,, 3 strokes big; large; great radical o_kii, ť) ř)-t,.l: ĎĎt\U3'r ^ in a hurry; rushed very (much); greatly /j 1,1 ĚĎrlr. large-scale ógakari na řj řj §., 13]t3(l:) ózappa na (ni) rough(ly) crowd of people tjĎťt,. ózei št,lĚtl0) saidai no the biggest; the largest grown-up; adult ĎL /j otona 6Bt,ti: óisogi de ol nl +^ 1 _t ] ] ] ] 1 l i I I 43 common words ,!,ěJ* 3 3': ( ,.l,f, : ó2 z.|.j/.1r :,:á,t"r J* ,J,ž : L,3' ,],iÉ : }p(j ,l.Ěř Lr)tt,l kogata no kogitte kozukai kozutsumi komugi koyubi shósetsu small; small-sized check (bank) pocket money package wheat pinkie (finger) novel;fiction ON readings meanings KUN readlngs many; a lot; plenty of ,TA ó ó-l Jr J} \ o,o_1 common words t ) ř:t 7 )a '')'W.a Št". /: Ř' W. Ě t /: Ť r ^'*iři /: š t . /j ' /: L , ) t, ?, ý tasho tasú no saita daitasú tasai na 6 strokes radical , number; quantity; some a large number of; a lot of the most large majority coloďul ,, , 45 y Jl, ON readlngs few; little KUN readings t <-/j!rsuku-nai, common words Ťá Ř+')')-+ )'W. ')'É ')-tiur Yk 'ň,')' ) Ť á gensho suru š la Á, L t ) sainensho lŤ /, t, t L t LsiřlÁ, LS)'f) Lt)Ut) -f ( /jt. LSiLs) 4 strokes radical zl. Ť:-Lsuko-shi 4\ /] l meanings žgžSHó shónen shósú shóryó sukunai to decrease the youngest boy smallnumber smallquantity(of) afew;alittle alittle;afew yyyy shóshó i ] l l ] l ] ! 46 ON readings meanings y TA,, 4 TAI KUN readings j, L-lt futo-i, fat; thick; deep j, L-á common words tr R t" r f j] L t" \ 1 ^ aubutoi taiyo futoji maruta Thiheiy. bold; impudent thesun boldface (type) log futotta fat thepacificocean futomomo thigh l l ^. € radical (voice); bold (lines) futo_ru /:trJ) j, L e ^Ť JL^ *. á t: /-lrrt,J ) ^+)+ j,Lůů '§.ůů z\,l /: i, Y ,c ř: KW 4 strokes /,\ i ! j : ''-, -- r,*I l ] 1 ,*,_-!-.,., 1 l 1 l ] I 47 meanings ON readings -L4 SEI, ý ž SHO = right; correct; proper KUN readings * š -l: masa-ni, l: Ě- L t,l tada-shii, t: řž-Ť tada-su common words t6íŤ á L w ) tt t,l Ť á L s i ňš,l -ÉE .,T.É/j Lrjcša 64 r;(l:) tl r /, 1 r;(l:) tl t i sfi * /: Ě L \ EL r t" t, t" + 1, i l Y--,Ď ,-- ll ll. I F" tr 4 5 strokes suru Shógatsu shojikina shúsei radical ů to amend; to revise January 1't; the New Year honest seikaku na (ni) conect(ly); exact(ly) justice seigi tadashii right; correct; proper; honest 5 l- 1 ] l_ ] 1 ] l *,,,,] 1 l ] ] ] i 1 j ] ] 1 1 I l- -*,t t - l l 1 ] ] I 1 ] ] 1 -i l -,-.-l -_ - 1 i l l -l ] 1 1 ] 1 t l 1 ] ] ] 1 i ,l I l, ] i I I I l 1 ] 1 i l l, l 1 1 i l 1 48 ] -, E ON readings meanings =ýKÓ wide; large; broad KUN readings L|'4-t. hiro-i, (y' 4-*, á hiro-maru, U4-b á hiro-meru, U4-ňš ó hiro-garu, U 4-IŤ a hiro-geru common words E+ EXři ,lEtrt\ E ňš á trlť á Erfr ĚE a):( : ) Ě r /j lJlJ"Uót\ U 4 ňš a U 4Iť 6 u 4lt Ěď 4 t, Xokoku k6dai na habahiroi hirogaru hirogeru hiroba sebiro 5 strokes radical ř advertisement;notice vast wide;broad to spread (out); to widen to spread; to open open space business suit lt l l l ] l 1 l ] l l I I 49 ON readings meanings 7>AN cheap; inexpensive; secure; to KUN readings řŤ-tr yasu-i 6 strokes radical feel relieved common words *žti *ŘLt= *# tě V*rr T* *ft,ll l Lr,ři ď>Á,< r.. L /: an'i na anteishita b/-Ě/, ansei anzen ř> óÁ,tlt, š řŤ ->, &) kiyasui fuan yasu'uri r.. fu řŤ i I) easy;easygomg stable; steady rest; quiet safety; security friendly; familiar anxiety; worry (bargain) sale ll, 1 ! I 1 ] ] 1 j ] ] ] I ,_.-. l -]._,, l ] l l ] I i '.,,l '',* * i ] ] ] i I ] : 1 i ,_, ,,__ ] j,,_. ,.,,, .] i ..- -", i-,- ] , - - l : j i 50 j l -J.- 9 IÉJ -JE r6J ON readings mean!ng }4l,4.F,I,i=ýMYO bright KUN readings 8 strokes radical ň'- |) aka_ri, ó á l \ aka-rui, ř, 3 - L, ň, aki-raka, b-|,I 6 a-keru, ''ó- ( a-ku, b- < 1 a-kuru, ó-l'Ť a-kasu &, an common words an ň, I) ú> ň, ř, anŮ afr ň'ři a IT akari ó 3 Ď /' /j bI} á han lJ: ó t F,q,aE -ňaFŤ a LtiĎt.. Ě-> H B fi baFIJ a ) }- l) t, Ť, blt d> t \ B na akeru akiraka hatsumei á uchi'akeru Ťá shómei setsumei suru light clear; obvious to break; to be over; to dawn, to break (day) invention to confide lighting to explain a), a) T, an §; b., & 53 ON readings ::r ž NYÚ KUN readings l r_ á i_ru, t"r4rt hai-ru á i-reru, lJ r- á 6 i Ťá l,:w) rl( Ťá ^+Ťa IiXřL L r l,r Lw)1,1ť9) 'X^ llp)/,tl ^á l: }p i : ( ^tr t, 2 strokes entering; attendance radical t, common words lJ P t \ 1,1 (" ^ Ěe^Ť á 3 l: meanings r.9 iriguchi kinyú suru ^ entrance; door to enter; to fill out nyůgakusuru toenteraschool;toenroll shi'ire shúnyú nyúkai nyúkoku purchasing income;earnings admission entry [entrance] (into a country) 2, I ! l ] 1 : ] I 1 ] ! , 54 ON readings v l') meaning SHUTSU, Z 4 SUI 5 strokes to come out; to go out KUN readings T-á de-ru, ř:-Ť da-su radica! U common words "cc6 *p iTŤ á iI)ř:L E,ůt\-c HLůL ,,LĚL *ilŤ á ň1,1 Ěu l\_] ! ' r_u EEl\JJ u, Lw=žÁ, *É tffiŤ á ů# ll Lvp->ri3Ť6 L vy o l!,> deguchi iede suru uridashi omoide kashidashi shussan shusseki suru shuppatsu tJ 4 LJl, exit to run away special sale memory loan;lending (child) birth to attend departure LJ I L] LJ l 55 ON readings meaning 42lN KUN readings (,l- ( hi-ku, U*ll pull radical á hi-keru 1 common words 5lĚ t"rÁl:tr u,/u!) 1lH 1&1lti :"i t\Á,,ti š(Ťl š(i.á qíUŤl 3 Lt,l Lt3 1l,> ň' ( (,'' ,> ň' ( #!5l Ď U ď3 4 ?- ,,_1 i _, .._, .L_] l 56 4 strokes intai in'yó góin na sakuin torihiki hikkaku waribiki retirement quotation forcible index business; trade to scratch discount 1| 7] 1I ON readings , meaning sHI 4 strokes to stop radical KUN readings Y.-*. á to-maru, Y-b á to-meru, ů ř-L va-mu. ř-Ď ó va-meru common words *It )LĎ á ) Il Y b á uketomeru to catch; to receive 3 Á, L Ť a kinshi suru to forbid; to prohibit * JLŤ á +)LŤá JL Ů {; ů Vfr JLÓ á 9l šůóá ir l] r bW)LŤa chúshisuru tostop lí i L prevention bóshi yamu ř L' to stop; to die down; to die ď> á U3Yba P yameru away to stop; to quit; to cancel hikitomeru tokeep Jl- ] 1 l i ] ] ! -,-.]-_..._...l 57 ON readings meaning ,, SÓ KUN readings lJ L-á hashi-ru 7 strokes to run radical Ě common words ffi.k iHĚ t-+ 3t)Z) řžoZ ) ?i Lr, d!ĚŤá Yi<)Ťa gft.á ( ĎlJ"Lá Kyo§o dassó sósha t6s6 suru kuchibashiru race escape runner to escape; to run away to blurt out; to babble J 1=rl= -t -,,,l l i i 1 l ^ ,-,,,-,],_*,,_ l i l _,_ t , ] ] l ] ] l l i i ] l l ] l I l 58 _ ON readings ,Ť HO, meanings 7 BlJ KUN readings ě> a- < aru-ku, bD-t} common words a ý< "Hký 4a ý ftý * ý *ý( Ť€ lt radical ayu-mu ů bW ř, á šÁ J-} < ií L r lí L Á, E ayumi aruku sanpo shoho shinpo Tba( ť) dearuku hodó IJ 8 strokes to walk; to step walking; pace; course to walk; to step walk; stroll the rudiments; the elements progress (in); advancement; improvement togoout sidewalk J21 llF 6i ý ] l l ] ] ] ] ) l j ] i i i i ] ON readings meaning ť,) sETsU, Ť..ísAI KUN readings š-á ki-ru,3-h 4 strokes to cut radical á ki-reru n common words !l:Šlr issai -+J] "F-LII!)# i Ď § l)La uragirimono urikireru ft ll qřt a i |) ,\ n á +n l) \x á V]+ * ,l t Ll]trl /j ^+' 2 I) Y -\ 3:( j] 3 /: : t, r kiritoru kitte a tl -l /j kippu taisetsu na all;everything;nothing traitor;betrayer to be sold out; to be out of stock to cut off; to tear off (postage) stamp ticket important; precious vJ ] ] ] ] ] ,] |___ ] i l .. .. .... ],. i l 60 , ,.., ON readings |J'7 RITSU, ,, ž RYÚ ') KUN readings /:--2 ta-tsu, t:-T á ta-teru common words iEJ} :žT, a ů :l , """,, jL radical n LT a kumitateru ť ( l) -> dokuritsu (a 5 strokes to stand (up) a i I) 2a koritsuno á'ůO Z < I)2a kokuritsuno trů0l iĚi.Ď šr'ĚĎ sakadachi -> Ě t) '> setsuritsu ;{ů ý-b J-ňš a ř= b ů> ň\ á tachiagaru ž* tl meanin9 to put [fit] together; to assemble public; municipal national handstand establishment; foundation to get up; to stand up; to rise independence _i \ ] ! ] j I a 6,1 6 strokes radical L(4) common words ,íi(EH fiilltt Ér/t. 3rpl/, 3D)|ltt 3L-+w) Ť6/^}} Ť6PŤJ} f,ítn (li3 ťp)U UYtř^ UYPt4 €í^ ItÁ,3 w) kyúka kyůkei sankyú zuruyasumi teikyůbi hito-yasumi renkyú holiday; day off; vacation rest; recess; break; intermission maternity leave truancy regular holiday break; (short) rest consecutive holidays ,l^ meanings ON readings 7)KEN to see, to look KUN readings F. Ji- &,-á mi-ru.,b-7 6 J-}-t á mi-seru R- R-+ J}Ií/. ĚÁ t"rll ,L iken ů /. ň1 < Ť a kengaku suru lJ o Il Á,, hakken ft R, A,, bř: L Ht L ^R R.ffi(ů U ) J*2 b iJ ň,u,ll mihon kaiken midashi mitsumori n H a a . radical mi-eru, common words R.+Ť a 7 strokes : sample; specimen; example; model opinion; idea; view to inspect; to observe discovery interview headline; heading estimate j fu I ] ] i 63 ON readings meanings =ůKÓ to think; to consider; to imagine KUN readings ň'Lňš-žá kanga-eru common words )EžŤá t/ýZ)Ťa žž+ :, i :, r§ ( 3/.3) 6 strokes radical -l.t senkósuru toselect kokogaku sank6 BžŤá LZ)tá shikósuru ^ž t,. :, Ež'Ťá Š ) Ť a saikó suru ň'/u ňr Z kangae ŽZ ň'/u ňš i ň'ř= kangaekata Ž Zl archaeology reference; consultation tothink to reconsider thinking; idea; thought one's way of thinking; one's point of view -,11, ,1 I I l ]l ] -*--|-l l **t 1 l-*_ l I I l I I l 1 ] l 1 i I 64 _ ON readings meaning =žKÓ,lažGYÓ,7>AN KUN readings t r- ( i-kuo ťj : li- ( yu-ku lT ), / okona_u, common words 1Ť 2, /j- ) íí< 11 ) ( W( ',' ,/ Ď : /j ) ) ťLW 3 ,\ Ť']íŤ ň' Á, Z ) 3 ro ) : r ?-1l 'ft+ §r)D §Á:,) §kl1 IJ 1U,11 /- :- j ňřL1Ť 1 ) ) 4, í - 4 6 strokes to go; proceed; radical conduct iku/yuku okonau ureyuki kanko kyúko gyóji ginkó hankO '11 to go; to come to do; to hold; to conduct sales; demand publication hurry; express [train] event;function bank crime ) 1+ 1Ť l- )-" l,,_ 65 ON readings meaning KUN readings speech; statement; to say ,> GEN, J> GoN l.- j i-u,3 \ ---''É ál.ĚF ót\.LlJ* ;t".řÁ 1rllf,llj É-iR wž +> 'J a í? -)4va #-=p ',!\ i |, sřob radicJ ž 9 common words 1- I L koto 7 2--1 l 1 \ aikotoba DrlťÁ iiwake kotoba jogen tečy h6gen negoto 3LlJ- I1) Iť A, t}a/. \ -*--4: mugon password; watchword; countersign excuse language, speech advice dialect nonsense silence \ --|--, l\u m \ --- B, \ ... ---:, F !.,t'" -í-_ É ] ] I 1 l ] ] - l*,* 1 i l *- *|- ,*, l l -_* J -,, I 66 - ON readings meanlng KUN readings create Ť2 SAKU,ŤsA lF a work, to make, ,>(-átsuku-ru common words rn,ft lťÁ š 1tElla Tó( l)0> t+# š( Lt, gensaku tezukuri no líí" sakuhin ( t+É\Ťaš ( t+x t+j* ztF irl.Ťá š ( Lt'á š ( ;:r š il i all.š 7 strokes ( sakusha sakusei suru sakubun sahó meisaku radical ^Q) the original (work) handmade; homemade author; writer to make; to prepare; to draw up (piece of) work composition manners;etiquette masterpiece l /' 4,,", 4,,, l/= 4F, l, l, tF 67 8 strokes radical ^ common words +^" :(b &^" Ls)b *, b*"řrť íjLĚrr *pUátr Lt,| ór,r t, Z *oŘ bo) ,l)b ^"ÉU €* " **,a 4b a kokuchi notice shOchi to know; to understand word; news; report; notice oshirase shiriai chi'e chinó tsúchi michi no acquaintance wisdom intelligence notice; notification unknown; strange *o ON readings meanings ž sHI KUN readings íj ů- ) omo-u common words El.ĚŤ E t ř I) T,B;á ri Elttú:/: ,€.t.,íŤ3 t, E t,. #l. Ě,B ll /j t . ĎŮt,rĚŤ b {, t t ř l,) j, L 5 /j řjůt\3 :ř: ĎůLru 3 t". L ,\§ toremember;torecall consideration for fushigi strange; mysterious r omoikitta omoitsuki drastic idea; aplan omoigakenai unexpected; unforeseen ishi mind; intention E llF F E ] ] ] 5 i El.. 1 radical omoidasu omoiyari na ř, ů 1r /r |J /j H. i\ 9 strokes consideration; thought; to think W 6| /§) l '\Ď' r\ l \ ,\) : l l l l i 69 ON readings A )a? SHOKU, KUN readings (-) ku-u, ž+ JIKI <-řri l*-". á ta-beru meaning food; to eat ku-rau, common words /t t,. L t A 'l, 3o)Lr( ffáA t,l L r ll +áA Lr(D AS Lt(J( AáR Lro3 a# Ř,:qh] /: "r ů O Ť"A ř>L S. ( 9 strokes radica! A ( gaishoku ( keishoku eat out kyúshoku (school)lunch light meal; snack meal shokuyoku appetite shokki tableware tabemono food shokuji washoku Japanesefood;Japanesecuisir )1 / ./ l 1 1 i 7o ON readings meanlngs ,4 RAI KUN readings ( -á ku-ru, 3-/:6 ki-taru, 3 -l: Ť ki-tasu common words }x* t\Ďtr F-* F fr'ft' l+* * *_L rl *Xá l - ŠĚ t. á b -C 3Ď r š á 'l -_l+ \ ,2 mirai shorai á dekiagaru dekiru 4 l i i * ,7 t. _- *- l] ] future future;prospects to be completed can [to be able to]; to be made; to be born Ý -rr) -\ -l) i i ^ since(then) saraigetsu the month after next !a- 3 radical next irai il: t,\ Lr)Ďt. J* 7 strokes to come; since; í ) 7S I .,.- ]__ I ] **-*Ť-- I 1 I l l I ] l ] l , }-_ I I l .,t-*-* I ,- *-,l_ -.- l I I l ! 71 ON readlngs meanings +KI KUN readings ň'Z- á kae-ru, to return; to ň'L-Ť kae-su come back; to leave í0 strokea ON readings meanings KUN readings kayo-u, ''J-) L Ď-Ť to-su pert; to go along; to pass ,, , TsÚ 10 authority; ex- Yb-a to_ru, strokes radical 1 common words *€o ŘÉ a€ €H € iffi Ls(,>i Ě,íĚ €'ó( ,>)P( ? kyótsú no k6tsú shokutsú tsúka tsůshin :)2) 2)ň, 2) L/. €řá *É ,V2 3-t)2i0) 2) tsůyaku tsůro futsú 7) -š,"> ) ] m. \ Ř common; mutual traffi c ; transportation gourmet cuíTency; money communication; correspondence; news interpretation ; interpreter passage; aisle usually; commonly; ordinary ! É .b ffi ,m ] ',7 \ 9 73 ON readings meaning *=ýKYó 11 to teach; to KUN readings BL-Z á oshi-eru, BZ-*16 oso-waru strokes radical instruct -d ( í,) common words ?kE 3r)l.( #.efr *,l*. #.# 4^#. 3r)L 3r)Dp šr)Jj ji:3rj šJ)i't. #.^ #.fr+€ šrrr'LJ 1== J + 3 kyókai kyokasho kyóshi kyóju kyóyó Bukkyó church textbook teacher;instructor;master professor culture Buddhism t ] ž,, ] 25i ť, ] : ] i -L- __ ,-'J-- ] j ] i ] ] l l ] ] ] ] ] ] ] -*+*- --__| ] l ] i 1 ] i ] ] 1 ] l i l i I 1 l t l l i ! l ! ] 74 t l - * ON readings meaning /i -í BAI to sell KUN readings -J- m -'- 1=:- 1-6 u-ru, )-lrL6 u-reru + ň ll Vllrt ň U ft lťŤ ,]\fr l) if ň 1.1 ňrE frňŤ á Éň --l+ ) ) l) 3 n |) Y lťt urikire uritobasu ko'uri mae'uri baiten ) |) *. Z ) U lťtl(Á lJ : lť l \ Ť 6 hatsubai suru L r ) lťt,. shóbai Z -J- It-'-i T sold out; out of stock to sell off; to dispose of retail advance sale astatl;astand;booth to sell; to put on sale business; commerce; trade -J-J_ -J_ i I -'- 4 i I W radical common words 3 -J+ 7 strokes r ] ,._,.-,, _* |_-. -..,.., ] ] 1---i I ] l -_1 i 1 75 /i4 BAI to buy; to pur- common words t, l\ 'l á,r.. E "] l I t l @ H l @ a 1. ť @ ffi! i @ ll, F R,, F F @ @ F purchase price baika buying; purchasing kaitsuke stock up kaidame buyer; purchaser kainushi shopping; purchase kaimono kaishimeru to buy up; to corneí bargain kaidoku , i, H,ím lť r"i: ll i, fr lr4f il frr"lĚĎ i,tlĚĎ i,r"rň L Pr".i yil"rful 1,1r $ ď) frr.růóá i,r,,Lóá ( i radical chase KUN readings á,- ) ka-u Pr..1Ť 12 strokes meanings ON readings @ @ ffi @ n H t@ a -žl\ } ] ] I l 1 ] l I l ] t i i ] 1 l t I I l i ] l ] l l ] I i I l ] i t l l 76 _] i l ON readings meanings 11 song; poem; RA KUN readings ) ř: uÁ, ) ř:- 4k u l - ž ) ata-a R #.F ) ř: ť Z 3J ( 4iĚ qt.ňl' z),'' i' 3 4ki4 /' L tr4k 3- -l Ď' Hták š Á ďr' ;+ak L l. /' l v4i radical verse common words Tí' 9 14 strokes utagoe rakyoku kageki kashi kokka sanbika shiika 4 ] Pll, 5i singing voice song; melody; tune opera words national anthem hymn poetryl poems a ] uI f, qi a-4Ď _Et lt _g g -.4l 9 -sk ,-, l 1 1 77 + El -,|ír.D -Jr_-_ ON readings ý= §HO KUN readings /'* ( ka-ku common words lJ r§ 3 *Ě €u Fa€ XĚ3 á+g ,,3 Ló /,/: /{ 3 ,, ( r§š ULr Ěf,Efi€ Ls) ól\LJ L!LJ íl€ L t á t,, €*H meanings handwriting; calligraphy; book; letter 10 strokes radicaI B hagaki postcard kakitome registered mail katagaki title; degree; position rakugaki scribbling; graffiti jisho dictionary shomeisho certificate (private) secretary hisho shorui documents frl],t _+ r#- I-L -r.-, 1 l i -- 1- ] 1 ] 78 ON readings Il }+ an \ D 1l J-l{- -3 -" v }+ 2DOKU,|7TDRU, l.rTo KUN readings J -{,' yo-mu - žň€ ť( Lt ""ft,# ť ( L t, bfr,4 US)tl* -,rřÝ}}*hJ J J} b a řn-,rň b)ť( jBĚň Z<ť( É'ň€ ór,.ť( Lr \ E, yomimono rodoku sokudoku reading reader; subscriber countdown reading material; book readingaloud;recitation rapid[speed]reading l\ \ \! řil l6 }Jb }+ ):t }+ tr P' ell f radical aidokusho one'sfavoritebook _:-_ 4 "'rO to read dokusho dokusha byóyomi \ 3 iĚ 14 strokes + 9 common words \ meaning 5 =a 14 : 1 a 7 )* €=\-- i .<.,...,:.., El .,.,..9. )tb aT ayv an an I Én I -'' ,,i --- 1 ] ] "- -l, ] - ] 79 ON readings meanings KUN readings to hear; to listen to; to obey; to 77BUN,€>MoN 3- ( ki-ku, 3-3 ž 6 ki-koeru common words 3 3Ě-lrá3Ěý ráš+ 33( 3 š L 1,1 ffišRt] rfr š )ň, Ť šša Ť Ě l r Fá ň'tď a i. i. š 'lň'J} á ňŤá 3" 3 áaÉfl 3 j, i j:Á Árfr ll r .P r F 14 radical a ask kikidasu strolrcr toget(information)outoÉl find out listener; audience; questioner; interviewer listening(comprehension) kikinagasu to take no notice of; to igrn iikikaseru to tell; to persuade, to adlis nusumigiki eavesdropping rumor kikite kikitori fúbun ll, H ftš Fl ruŤ rá FI FT aa IHiJ rfr r: ffi ] l ] ] i , i, i 80 ON readings meanln9 ů4 K^I to open KUN readings ó- ( a-ku, b-It 6 a-keru, U hira-ku, Ub-Il á hira-keru ffi rňlLŤ6 á,tršt\Ťá r#lráŤá i,t.LŤá ffi#, i,t"llj= 3)ň,t.Ťá ^rňŤa HrÁ*d-á št./.t".Ťá ^ffiO HH < radical r1 common words Fffi# l: b- 12 strokes P §trá.trlJ1l J*ň,rra F rň ffi r kaisai suru kaishi suru kaihatsu kókai suru saikai suru saikaihatsu mikai no ll, ,ffi to hold; to open to begin; to start development; exploitation to open (a place) to the public; exhibit (a painting) to reopen; to resume redevelopment uncivilized; primitive r1 r1 ffi ffi F T, 1 ] ] 81 ON readings \1 meanings HEI KUN readings L-*. á shi-maru, L-a> V-č á to-jiru, common words rňrň ?ň*á to shut, to close a shi-meru, L-šŤ to-zasu \,\ '\L * á ! L \ rfršŤ LšŤ ffiD4óá YčZbá rfrL]3ůá Le.ůá ?ň§HŤ6 rt",šŤá rňĚ ] E|l ll li H P.] rt,(Á a l Ii |, 11 r strokes radical r1 kaihei shimaru tozasu tojikomeru tojikomoru heisa suru open and shut (a door) to be closed; to be shut to shut to shut (a person) in [up] to shut oneself in to lock out; to close down heiten close; close down business ll, FT, r1 r Pfi ?ň ] ] ] ] ] l i i ,,_ _l_ __ i --- --Ť **- ] ] 82 i ON readings meanings ,) TsU |- To, 11 capital; metropolis KUN readings J}Ť Z miyako strokes radical Ij ňrs common words žrs L w Y '> ť ) át3á tF,^a L /'t,l ď; áI3fi YL ál3,š Y L /žl,ý-a Y I) 2 a T.Ár,ěti j,:3 j Zj Hžl3(fi) 3 t j L ( L) Ě J + 1 3: : , t^ shuto tsug6 tokai no toshi toshin britsu no capital (city); metropolis convenience urban; city city;town center of a city; the downtown metropolitan; municipal futsugóna inconvenient Kyoto (shi) (City of) Kyoto i -t ft n 6 ,-7 ,-- ž ] 84 9- #s #l§ ffiI #rs, ,É lzl # 8 ON readings meanings KUN readings lightning; electricity 7> DEN ršŘ E sillů raH Ň common words řa€;ů f;Ť€í. .í+€ ň'/-T Á,,b tit,r"6Á š (ir-CÁ kandenchi seidenki teiden Ť-É €,í"Ř ň'T /u T /^rt /.,, T /,)í) T /-Ií ) kaden densen denwa denp6 €;É €+R ,l 13 dry cell; battery static electricity power failure [outage]; blackout home (electronic) appliara electric wire telephone; phone telegram; wire Ř lt 2 & E 1 l i 86 í l { ON readings meanings 7wA >-ť ÉE !r_ -!Ť § I l \ - 2. KUN readings lJ a L hanashi, lJ /J-Ť hana-su common words č'> b *''# ^žÉ LWb +# ,ŤŤ;É L /-b tb Ě-# É^# ť ) *, '#EE břžul 3 i \. ---] -oi \ lt >-2 p --= e9 + a topic;rumor conversation; talk; dialogue true story signlanguage myth care; help children's story;fairy tale topic; subject \; \ B1 v a'.I !_ i \i a-) ,rt ;I 4 Éi 7 -j!ž*: l --r] 1 I ] ] l **l*,*_, i i I I l strokes radical conversation; kaiwa jitsuwa shuwa shinwa sewa dówa wadai /'t t *l \ 13 story; tale; talk; l ] r 1 I I l ] 7 strokes radical L(4 common words tí.E liqt tiŤ, ,ti^ ,íiR ffiti Upj3r Dp) Lr čw)ř=( čw i čw ) t,. D t,:,L }*A., rl ) kyojú suru júkyo júsho jútaku júnin júmin ijú to live; to reside; to dwell house; residence; home address house; residence resident inhabitant; resident emigration; immigration ) meanings ON readings ž= SHO place; spou area; address KUN readings Y a 4 tokoro Pr 1}) =t /)' ar- common words U,UFíT 3 ftltfFťr ll Lo Lt L ) tj r kyoshújo training school keimusho prison; jail shozaichi location;position; t Št.Ď FÍTl+ LtL( e Fft ť t,. ť :, ó k'pft bsiLs rfrFÍT lť L r 'L{FÍT ř( Lr !, 2 r Ffrť+.tů L a,,, 7r ti t, 3 €, ,Ya, )I' 4: , shotoku 8 strokes radlca! F site income;earnings daidókoro kitchen chósho strong[good]point place; spot; scene yakusho government[public]office basho .e-2 É,5 a-.J,, I fiT -) ] I I ''..-,] I 89 ON readings meanings KUN readings city; town; market , t sHI l6 ichi fr}k t .6 l:* frí*í L/rt, frěa l i ltd) ňR L}}/. fr'ŘFfr Lř( L ltll -l- ř-- il : 3 L strolcr radicd rF common words ř&fi 5 řát l6 -J- ffi; ichiba shigai shiei no shimin shiyakusho yami'ichi market (place) the streets; city; town municipal; city resident (of a city); citizen town [city] hall black market + fr] I- l l-. i -*] I I l I i I ] j I l ] 1 L l I ] 1 ] l l 90 x ON readings alkFíT (ř( Lr trÉ ,, . Z 2' ( ,.( |) ( štr& (bti E-h, ( ;:7, Ev] x 4 strokes radical t common words }ůtr 1 , ward; section KUN readings EDt] + meanings ,Ka l,| ( ,\ -l t, < kuyakusho ward office kukaku kugiri kuch6 kubun kubetsu chiku division; section; block; boundary end; stop; pause; period the head [chiefl of a ward division; (a) classification difference; distinction area; zone -1 : ] 1 ] 91 7 strokes radica! B common words RE rj-+ *. q-fiA bs)/31r/rlr ri& bs)bti ) b*,b b ti q-Ě*á bsi ň, 5/,t,, Ěry :.zbš) uramachi machinaka chónaikai chógikai chóchó yokochó back-street district the downtown area; the central area of a town neighborhood association town council town mayor alley ON readings meanings 7BU part; division; KUN readings tF ,| common words t,, Ď j] -*lj ár l r jl O '|*l3a *.*l3 L j: ťÁ j: á*lj /3 r jl ňl *l3 j] trÁ *t] F *ljf< j: Ď r j +l3í.e- "". P 7 Jt T1 ,9,- tr ichibu gaibu no shibu zenbu naibu bu,in bucho heya 1 3 ] radical 13 + ll department 1í strokes part; a copy; a volume outside; external branch office; local (branch) a11; the whole the interior; the inside (oť) the staff; member [general] manager room; stable E g sI I l\. ! I *+" i l l i 1 i i ] i I I I I 93 ON readings rt 4 K^l, meanings í-E 6 strokes meeting;party; society; to see; KUN readings b- i a-u radica! L(4 to meet ) common words +H^ á;Ř ^F. Ě,,\ :4<, Á áir IB,^ ^+fr |rlrlr/rlr D,LlLrÁ i'inkai kai'in L p ) /,t,. /.t,t L ř /,ttIJ ) 3 J ) /,t. kaigi shúkai kaisha kaijó kyókai á.tr5 committee; committee meeting member of ...; the membership meeting; conference meeting; gathering; assembly company; fi rm; corporation hall; meeting place society; association I /§. '# / 15 ] I l l l ] I ] ] ] ] i I l -t", ] j ] 1 94 l /5.. i /,\ I ON readings meanings KUN readings P L 4 yashiro company; firm; corporation; shrine žt ,ři common words Ťr& Řir ŤrF ĚA É& Lpbs) LLt Lpt,.á L ř /'t,l LrjLt, shachó shisha sha'in shakai shosha ŤŤ& áir Á D t, l] Á L t, jinja honsha \ §,1, i 1,_ _,., I ž? Z 2 ] SHA \ - 1[ D \. ft \, í-, 7 strokes radical ň(Ť) president branchoffice employee;thestaff society; community businesscompany[firm]; trading company (Shinto) shrine the head [main] office \ í + 6 Ť[ ] i ] ] 1 I I I 1 ] 1 ] ] l ] ] 95 ON readings + CIď.I, , meanings JI 6 strokes earth;land; ground KUN readings radical _t common words }ůTfr. b ň'T'> irů Yb ) ,, e Fit 3Ď tt, lŤ /. 3 /. b F, Ete ,š}ůJt\ ], ], Ď J t,r L /: t] Trů Ě tĎ ^rů, t, } + ^€-,,| * tn chikatetsu subway tochi uraji kichi land; soil lining base; military base gensanchi place of origin kokochiyoi comfortable;pleasant shitaji daichi groundwork; a foundation the Earth l }& b b l _L_, ] ] ,.-..l l ] ] l l r- ] i i l ] I ! ] I -4-,* i l l I l ] -_-T -t" l -,-] ] I 96 l ,-, ,l, , 1 ON readings mean!ngs KUN readings lJ á haka-ru picture, drawing; figure;illustration; chart A ZU, l, To ''- common words átr #8Ť á 8ť., BÉ }ůE tr€áB ÁE( lJ tr ót.ť ŠL ťŤ á ť l' i r tan bŤ YLSň'Á, l} Y l) Ť aizu 7 strokes radical ! signal;sign;gesture to instruct figure; diagram drawing;plan map;atlas library (rough) sketch sashizusuru todirect; zukei zumen chizu toshokan mitorizu l1 l ,,} .'i ] ] ] 97 ON readings meanings Ť> TEN KUN readings "}.ti mise ""r*"" 9-É *"rd" LT L -:> ll ,l ")|-- l,- T, ffi )E ffi -Jl ] ,,,-1] l 1 l 98 radical ř ffi/E L s ) T L ěÉ L tTA, ÉH T Á,u: L /§í. TA.,Lw EÉÉ U p ň,T Á, &-É J att Ě 8 strokes store, shop shiten sh6ten shoten ten'in tenshu hyakkaten yomise tr F- branch (officr l/store) shop; s ltore bookst ore; bc okshop shop a ssistan t; (store) clerk shopkt )eper departr nent sl :ore night s tall É 8 15 strokes radical common words ÉWTŤÉ B)t:/.'Éť)ódanhod0 Év]á J:3"á ffit:*> 6 ffiWI) Ť a & rfu 3 ffi{Ť š Zt:*>á J:ťI)Ťá l:(a) J : L,3 l:(o) J:ůc yokogiru yokotawaru yokodori suru yokomuki ni (no) yokomoji ^ pedestrian crossing; crosswalk to cross to lie (down) to steal; to snatch (away) sideways; sidewise the Roman alphabet; Western language Ť+ ON readings ,,-7 sHITsU H KUN readings L ó muro ON readings meanings žK^,ŤKE K ll |í house; home; KUN readings family ttŽie,-ř-ya,)6uchi í0 strokes radical /, common words ^* @Ť, *R Ť-tF *Ř ťjĎř 0ya /§ gaka kagu kazoku katei sakka n6ka /, /.(, ň,? < /.(t"r t+Ť- š .l /' ŘŤ- a)ň, Ř ě landlord painter furniture family home; family; household novelist; writer; author farmhouse 4 ,Ť Ť r-l ň § k 101 ON readings meanings KUN readings work; construction; manufacturing =jKÓ,rKa common words žp-rAE .I^ rx r+ # .1 ,i , j l -,] l ) L r ( Llá ( j, i :, ) 3,r ) kufú kOgyó ftn.a št.( LIa č/^,3)a jinkó no daiku řjlt ( radical I kakoshokuhin processed food .)D X.r 1 ň' Z 3 strokes koji saiku device; invention industry ; manufacturing construction work; workmanship; handiwork artificial; man-made carpentry; carpenter r l ] --,,* |"," ] l I J J l l 102 ! i ON readings meanings )=žJÓ 12 strokes place; spot KUN readings lJ"ba radical J. common words rlk :)D-r) )trů š ,.lJ" Wi,!k Lr(lť prrfr -'- a lť ň - E -# Ť ,| * Y\rft tt,óDtj Xlh+ l:ro) t]J rkě lJ'ór.. Xlft ó /j lJ" 9 * }} factory;plant bar; pub one's place of work sandpit; sandbox battlefield admission ticket case; occasion; circumstances; conditions good unknown spot [place] KoJo ) : lJ |! ) sakaba shokuba sunaba senjó ív nYUJOKen / ba'ai anaba +n ,, i F JEl t _,l -1 l lz i lg ] l l ] ] *, "1 ** ] ] l ] ] ] l l ] I l, ] l 103 ON readings meanings FrDo, l.rTó KUN readings Ď michi "}. boulevard; path: Way;course common words í+í€ H€ tr € ,l.€ fi€ € F €řá § \ )r' 1 ).2 a ;9 i 104 € \) 3i \Ě \_L2_ ýa 12 strokes road; street; district; avenue; z), t". ť) ň't: J* b : ( L' ) a hb t<aido katamichi ť ) <" Xokudó komichi tetsudó dógu ť)4 dóro T'> Č) \,) n4 radical 2- highway one way national highway [road, route] lane;path; trail; alley railroad;railway tool; instrument; utensil; equipment road; street \,) Ť ll. ň 6 Ě Ě ON readings 3, meanings Ko KUN readings ťj *j Ť ll o'oyake common words a.E ,};á /,\ Ě etAĚ |.*0; a.fr á.*€ĚÉ ^ Z) >) Zi zÁ, -) /itr Zi Z) 3) Z) 4 strokes public, official á,t,.ť) št)ol L3 Lw)T/-)r) kó'en kó'en kógai k6kaid6 kókyó no kdshiki kóshú denwa radica! park public peďormance (environmental) pollution public hall; civic hall common; public formula; formality public telephone; pay phone ,/"\ ,b" L l l 1 l l I I ., -__ _-_L. ,-, ON readings jÉy 7> BUN, MoN KUN readings j,"} fumi É{ xa ĚX *,tY, *Ě X)* |. \ Á", Á., Ď, L] sentence; writing common words F x.ít, C) meanings J j;l, b/.< a bw){Á., j:l, ,. j:á L r ) j:Álíi ibunka no jObun monku chúmon bunka bunsh6 bunpó 4 strokes radical x intercultural; cross-cultural preface words; objection; complaint order culture sentence; writing; composition grammar ^zI i _l I _ l i 106 ON readings meanings 7,7 BUTSIJ, t,y MoTsU KUN readings ů O mono W l:, h common words t, r 3 ů *- 3 O HÉI)4r]Ď( UůO *Y LUJ ĎL L ŮO (Ěůí) XU] 3 bfuU] Z )o*ab a tĚU] Lr(ji: L r ů: €qr] l:, ů,? ffi?h] U] t 8 strokes thing; article; object radical + ikimono living thing [being]; life okurimono gift;present otoshimono lostarticle kudamono fruit kowaremono fragile; breakable object shokubutsu plant shomotsu book nimotsu luggage; baggage /' +b 107 ON readings Č=j BYÓ,\4 meanings HEI 10 illness; disease KUN readings radical r ř-{,'ya-murř*l.yamai common words řJ ( Élň'ň /j řj ( Řfi lí.lň Éffi E,'*.ffi lňlft, l, ]í + ] .. ? -: ] ] 1 ] 1 1 I I ti 3p)ďr) ll ď r ) čwlr,lr) T /-t Á,U S ) ďr)t.Á r- I ffi 1 ď l ) ň'A,,U S ) strokes na kanbyó kyúbyó Xebyo jůbyó cowardly; timid nursing suddenillness feigned illness seriousillness densenbyó contagious disease byóin hospital;clinic okubyó |i ř ffi fr l- .,,Ě "1m, l 1 ON readings meanings KUN readings charge; fee; rate; fare; toll |]=ýRYÓ 10 strokes radical + Ť+ common words F*+ Iť /. l) š ) áŤ+ .)I)J) ř*+ Št,. l.) t ) genryó kóryó zafuyó Ř*+ L l.) J ) išŤ+ < i I) J. ) shiryó sóryó *+á \. \'.2 l) s) -* ,L ryókin raw materials;material(s) spice raw materials; material(s); ingredients materials; data postage; shipping [freight] charges charge \/: G, 3 Ť> ř+ 109 Radical Index RADIcAL 2 strokes t,í ] KANJI A tli tŤ ,íi -A. Á t ]L] t^] Irr] tlJ] ln) l/]) tf] Ťc PAGE 14 62 67 88 94 20 54 ^ A ů 105 u] 60 L.Ll 55 Ýr] 15 ftž 28 tr 9l 3 strokes Ip] tD] tr] t+] lr] t^] t*] tŤ] [*] r''1 ů --t- z tr B ň lů + Tú , ^ l^ + -r + * H [,].] ,^ l, Ir] t rF] tr] 110 32 36 83 85 RADICAL KANn 11) 1l tfi. x iĚ it B [*] tL] € 96 75 45 43 47 30 2l trj] árs *lj 4 strokes [,t:] lF] ti tx] ({)] lfr1 [+] tE] 100 i^] *,íT lK] tů] t+] 101 l02 tfr 72 5 strokes rrJ 90 49 98 tĚ] tn] tr] 56 29 26 37 38 42 73 104 84 93 69 89 74 106 35 109 aF 52 53 78 + a i^ ^ ^ & 4k ř. ů ý + 4r] l^E + ET } lFl RADICAL t^] tz-. ( Ť )] t^] tn] KANJ1 Ť9- & ^. Ť+ n PAGE 40 68 95 23 61 41 *+ rb I ř É x ;É< t^] t_i (í)] + & 7Ň 44 46 ,)- ,B rfr + 27 50 \g lE_ 97 103 € PAGE 6 strokes tŤŤ] L^] Iaa ] x- ^^ JJ |ťÉ. 17 E 31 lž] ž ffi 64 80 tl^] l^ 16 tq] l1Ť) 1l 65 R. 63 -=jL 9p 25 = a 66 79 87 76 58 7 strokes tÁ] tĚ] )+. -art 18 tF] tĚ] 34 8 strokes ,)) '9 9E @ -R J ,^<_ é *, 39 99 77 48 57 59 te] tn] ffi 81 [Ň] riF rň 82 86 70 11 10 strokes 7l lo7 tA] € A tH] 51 10 24 11 strokes tŘ] [,a] 19 92 l08 Ř ,a I2 13 I - apanese English Index bóshi lí, L Fhn {. BU 7 ý BU / *F J É-#g one's favorite book 79 riken ě>t .'lll A, É^ one's pet dog t0 rikotoba fr; t t : L lJ ál.Ě* password; watchword; countersign 66 lizu ó l.ť áB signal; sign; gesture 97 údokusho ót \ ť ( L ůaramu ěrň'bď-' Bnb{; to brighten ůari bĎ,I) BnĎ,l) tight 53 ůarui bĎ, áut acquainted; fair Efi $ 1r 53 teru bIJ 6 afiIt teru bIJ á rňů a (day) 53 empty ti?ka 81 b b Ď' á light; bright; cheerful; well afr 53 to break; to be over; to dawn, to break to open; to undo; to make a hole; to b ň' bright; tiaka na ó 3 Ě /j EÁ ř, ň'ři '' b ěr< BA< toopen 53 -\ clear clear; 53 obvious 53 tr b < H ( to open; to start 8] tnfo b < lzÁ, € bad [wicked] person; villain fulr b<á a[<a next 53 l-ikaiin 7 }|)ňčÁ, 7l|)/J^ American lÉrson 14 &f * place; spot; field; scene I03 É5( . ůě case; occasion; circumstances; 103 to fr sell ML j ra1ír place; spot; 75 scene 89 ( fu+ study 28 rÁ 3 r ) /' ftňa* hard [good] worker ",L3siŤá fržffiŤá tostudy 28 a Ui iL3 s i P€$É telescope 37 M: 1 &řx alma mater 22 -\Árl wisdom 68 50 late; slow 42 to know; information; news, acquaintance; CHI + }ů earth; land; ground 96 chi'e b Z *"Ř wisdom 68 chi'en t, ZÁ, €É delay 42 chiisai 6t,.š t,r u]rJ!r small;little;young;low;minor chikai 6 /'t . ,tl. near; close 38 chikashitsu t>ň'L,> iů]'Ébasement l00 chikatetsu bň'í,> }ůT*' subway 96 chikazuku b Ď'-) < ,t{t ( to approach; to close 38 chikokusuru ba<Ťá &^Wa tobelate 42 chiku b < area; zone 91 chin6 ba ) 'ůtr intelligence 68 chizu bŤ ^rBumap; atlas 97 CHO í až'útr ,fu bird 13 CHO í=ž Ř ahead,achief;aboss;aleader 39 CHO í a j ET town; block; city; street 92 ETŘ townmayor 92 chóch6 trtibs) chógikai 6 r i 3"/,t,. rI;ňA town council 92 chónaikai | 1 j {1l/tlr ETÉJA neighborhood association 92 ch6sho t, t ) L t kFíístrong [good] point 89 chúkono Ló)aa *Éa secondhand;used 36 chúmon t, w ) { A, ĚX' order 106 chEshi suru t> w ) LŤ á + nŤ a to stop 57 D DAI 75 ri{ H to buy; to purchase 76 §'..(Á ňÉ a stall; a stand; booth tf'. ,/' -F.lft purchase price 76 ríL|t L #^ watchdog 10 CHI + € CHI + }a 14 7 ) BUN 7> rň BUN 7> { bungaku ji/,trt 1 *Ť literature 2l bunka j:Ár' *-4Y culture 106 bunpó ;',/.lí) X,* gralnmar 106 bunshó j:á L J ) X+ §entence; writing; composition l06 BUTSU 7"/ řrJ thing; article; object 107 BYO ť a j lň illness; disease 108 byóin ď s i r,Á, ,ňW hospital; clinic 10S byóyomi Us ) šb. t,reň}} countdown 79 C lŇ 7 > * cheap; inexpensive; secure; to feel relieved lŇ 7> 1í togo 65 ó /j lJ" Rlb good unknown spot [place] 103 t ťln ř>Á,t,,ři *Zti easy; easygoing 50 b/.ř, < *+ comfort; ease 34 f& bLÉt,. *# rest; quiet 50 -i Éita Ě>LT,r.Lt: f-É.Lř= stable; steady 50 lr/-Ě/. *ě safety; security 50 E EE bóř: #tt: newly; afresh 35 É bá < ý < to walk; to step 59 ó/:Ě Li. fi,Lt,. new;fresh;latest;up_to_ Hii l,- 35 Lr bTři ěrT ž addressee; address 83 ó( š 3 t><fr, address; addressee 20 ň ] +) to see; to meet 94 bYr}} ýa waking; pace; course 59 l bvbt: *L, to walk; to step 59 óŠ + section(ofavillage) 27 F<4 bu'in 53 ůarumu bň'at EnaL, tobrighten 53 ůasu bň'Ť EAň'Ť to disclose; to pass the night prevention 57 percentage; rate 59 part; division; department 93 *ljŘ (general) manager 93 buchó j:6 J jit 17, *ljŘ staff; member 93 BukkyÓ j',-l3 r t^#. Buddhism 74 to hear; to listen to; to obey; to ask 80 sentence; writing 106 Y 4 big; large; great 43 daichi Ě i ,6 ^ the Earth 96 ( daigaku ťt.žl^rů university; college 21 daiku ťlt( carpentry; carpenter l02 ^+ dairi Ě \ U ,l\rE ^_t. representation 24 daita§ú ťt ./:Ť ) large majority 45 dassó tž->?i FňĚ^r* escape 58 dasu ř:t *Ť to put out; to take out; to bring out; |. publish; to serve; to send 55 dearuku T řra < *Ť ( to go out 59 dekiagaru r 3 órlá Ě*_Lrlá to be completed 111 dekiru r born 7l 3 á **6 can [to be able to]; to be made; to be DEN Ť> € lightning; electricity 86 denpó < /.É) €+R telegram; wire 86 densen T /.t /, €í"R electric wire 86 densenbyó T Á,ĚA,ď S ) iÁ'*ffi contagious a ilá T (in) participate DO DÓ telephone; phone 86 to come out; to go out; to attend; to 55 ž én to move 15 road; street; avenue; way; course I04 }' ž € dóbutsu ť ) j]: ýůqr] animal 15 tool; instrument; utensil; equipment d6gu ť ) <' €F -aň to read 79 DOKU ř dokuritsu 'ť ( t),> lý,n independence 61 dokusha ť ( L t, 'ňá reader; subscriber 79 dokusho ť( Lt žňě reading 79 dóraku ť)b< €# hobby;dissipation 34 dóro ť ) 4 €řá road; street I04 d6shi ťi L ÉhŤEverb 15 dówa Č ) ř, É# children's story; fairy tale 87 E F tá E 104 EI t,! X England; English 26 eibun i jiÁ *i' English language text 26 ei'en ir. i Á, ,i<€ eternity; perínanence 37 eigo { r 3" *;* English 26 t" r t" eijishinbun z\,\ e L L;",Á, *+yí7ň English newspaper 27 i lzJ,t rf,l XAĚÉ English conversation 26 Eikoku žt,: ( *tr England;theUnitedKingdom 26 eikaiwa i eiwajiten iu,ř>CíL *í"í** English-Japanese t" translation into English 26 eiyú il".rb ) *t# hero 26 EN í-> € far; distant 37 enchó suru ZÁ,b s ) Ť á lt&l á to extend 39 enryosuru ZÁ,t) lŤ6 €U rťa refrain;hesitate ensoku ZÁ,Z < itE- excursion; outing; picnic 37 F fuan ;,bL T* anxiety; worry 50 37 na j,rÁ 3 r ) t Tfu,ífl,ti idle; lazy 28 j, fúbun i j:Á Árfr rumor 80 fukushú j,(LDi lFE review 31 fumi j,/, { sentence; writing 106 furuboketa .3,áIíLJř: Ělíll/: grow old 36 furuhon ;,áÉÁ, Ě+ second-hand [used] book 36 furui j, á l r Ěl. old; old-fashioned; stale 36 furukusai j,á(št,t Ě(:t, l old-fashioned;stale 36 furusu ;,a'Ť ĚŤ used 36 strange; mysterious 69 fushigi na j, L š a manner§; customs 31 fů§hú j, L |o ) fuE ^,B;ň/j fat; ttrick; deep (voice); bold (lines) 47 futoi j, L' t . futoji j, L C ^l. boldface (type) 47 ^Ť lsůů thigh 47 futomomo j,Lůů to grow fat 47 futoru j, L á lro/: fat 47 futotta š,Yot:^6 futsú .š,,> ) ĚÉ usually; commonly; ordinary 73 futsugó na j,z:" j rj TáI3á/j inconvenient 84 fubenkyó 112 34 23 GEN Ť> Ě speech; statement 66 gengo Lť h a ž"# language; speech 25 genryÓ lŤ /- I) l ) rn*+ raw materials; material(s) l09 gensaku llÁš( nft original(work) 67 gensanchi Iť /. š /. b lí,Érhplace of origin 96 gensho suru tŤ Á, L s ) Ť á )Éí.")'Ťa to decrease 46 gimon 5 ů á itFl doubt; question 32 ginkó 3*Á. i át711 bank 65 GO Jj' žE word; language; speech 25 1§, strong 29 GO gogaku :"rl ( ž*+ language study 25 góin na J ] t rÁll #1lřl' forcible 56 góin ni :" j i.,,1,i: 1Állt: by force, forcibly 29 GON J> Ě speech; statement 66 goraku a'Ď ( q* amusement; recreation 34 GYO {g Ř fish 12 GYO ř až 1í to go 65 syoji :* t ) [ ft+ event; function ó5 gyokai 3 J i't. Ř^ seafood 12 GYÚ 4lž + cow; bull 11 gyůdon 3 w ) ť L ++ a bowl of rice topped with cooked meeting; party; society 94 picture book 18 dictionary 26 no study 21 gakuya ( ř *rá dressing room ERÍ+ ophthalmology 'l ganka ň|Lň' ehon il,JÁ, é^ eiyaku i lř ( *i( 93 : (O foreign 85 \L J ( '|Eaeat out 70 gaishoku 'rl. 'l,A 101 'rl@* painter gaka gakka'rr' /l"l /' +í+ subject; course 23 gakk6 ň|,> l ) 4řx school 22 GAKU lj + learning, studies; science 21 GAKU ŤJ ' *' music 34 gakudan ň\' < t:A, ;ŘE band; orchestra 34 gakufu ( j, '*;* score 34 gakumon'l ň| < L Á, +Fl studies 32 gakusei /l ( *}i. ŤE student 21 gakusha ( L Ť +ž scholar 21 gakushú 'l ( L lo ) +€ learning; study 3l 'l Ď: ( Lw ),Ť á +E-Ť 6 to leam; to gakushú suru gaikoku disease 108 denwa T /.*, €-# deru G gaibuno trtlljlO ý|*í,a outside;externa] beef lI gyiigawa 3 w ) Ďš*l +F cowskin; calfskin l1 gyúniku 5o)l:( +td beef 11 gyúnyú3*p i ] +*L milk ll ':D H habahiroi lJ ll'L^ ó t . lEá l r wide; broad 49 haeru IJ Z a E Z a to come up; to grow 19 postcard 78 hagaki ll rl3 *€ to enter 54 hairu lJt\á 86 to plan; to measure; to attempt; hakaru lJ r'á ^6 devise 97 hakken IJ->II,L #R discovery 63 hanashi lJ a L -,"É story; tale; talk 87 hanasu tJ aŤ ŽÉŤto talk; to speak 87 hankó IJ/v: ) 4S11 crime 65 to try; to hashiru tlLá hatsubai sale suru 75 hatsumei ka torun 58 lŤ á #ňt á tJ:lJ*t, |J-?ól. #Éfi invention hayai lJřt t Bl, hayai ll ř , F l . t, hayamaru hayameru hayameru to sell; to put on 53 quick; fast; rapid; speedy; prompt 4l early; soon; fast; rapid; quick 52 be hasty; be advanced 52 llŤ* 6 +t,a llŤĎá ]€r:.a lJřó á +b6 to quicken 4l to speed up; to hasten 4I JAPANESE_ENGLISH INDEX hayaoki lJ ř Ď 3 +*g 3 early ňser 52 hayaokuri lJŤtj ( U +* |.l fasrforward 52 hayasu lJŤŤ 4.ŤŤ to grow 19 hayawaza tJ Ťr? š +X quick work 52 IIEI "..,f rf) to §hut, to close 82 IIEI "."f fi illness; disease I08 heisasuru rt.šŤá rň§H,Ť 6 tolockout;toclo§e down 82 heiten ^. . (,1, rfllE close; close down business 82 hentO '\/.Y ) 4E answer; reply 33 heya "':P *r,E room; stable 93 hikeru Uů a 1|ů a after (school, office hours); become diffident 56 bikiniku L|'3 í: ( L^ 3 td ground [minced] meat 16 bikitomeru L',5 L ó á 9l 3 ůó á to keep 57 Likkaku LI->ň'( 1l->ň'( to §cratch 56 t" liku Lt, cold) ( 56 Ťl ( to pull; to draw; to lead; to catch (a L^i: ( Řl*] irony 16 lirakeru UřrIJ a rňIJ a to be open; liniku civilized 19 I07 iku l \ ( 'ft < to go; to come 65 IN 4 > 1l pull 56 inchó r..Á,b t ) Wk director(of ahospital) 39 intai trÁl:t\ Ťl€ retirement 56 inu tltá dog 10 in'yó U',L !^) ílffi quotation 56 irai 1r ;, 1i }x* since (then) 71 a to put in; let in; to insert; to ireru r ,jrt 6 enclose 54 ^řL iriguchi t\U('6 entrance;door 54 irogami l,:4ňšJ* ^Ut] e,ft*" colored paper 17 iru \ á to put in 54 ishi [ \ L ^á ĚE mind; intention ó9 issai \ ? š ! i -,t{ all; everything; nothing 60 isseki nichó l t = t} 3 l,:t, J ) -E =,?, kitling two birds with one stone 13 isshó l \, L J ) -ž lifetime; one's whole life 19 iu t,. ) ž ) to §ay] to speak; to talk; to tell; to ask 66 |, to become 81 |ůeten Uř.ň,TL EHÉ departmentstore tÉ Us)L ŘtrÉ. cover 17 lEl 98 no t,. j',Á/,O RXlY,a intercultural] cross106 E i,6 fi market; fair 90 t . r; l:* ffiň market (place) 90 t.6 j] -gIj paít; a copy; a volume 93 le l":bl:Á,*. i - it one serving 14 l,f) tÉh movement 15 li.,i * house; home 101 t.žTŤá ?-ř,Ť6 torunaway 55 -T 1 '. r/i ( E+ medicine; medical science 2l !\l.\{r\ťá ft".ffii.i}á totell;topersuade, 80 l,(.Á/'!. 4FA committee; committee _*nral 94 r*>li Ě l \-ó( excuse t" |. Éaku Uř, < ffi ( to open; to start; to set up; úo hold 81 Eroba Ublš Eth open space 49 Erogaru U b ň| a Ěňš á to spread (out); to widen 49 Erogeru U7rIťa EIla to spread; to open 49 Eoi L^ál\ át. wide; large; broad 49 Eomaru U 4 *, á Et a to be spread 49 Éomeru U4ba EĎa to widen; to spread 49 Eůo L^ L J ílé (private) secretary 78 ůo UY A person 14 Eoyasumi UYPŤJ} UYlň\ break;(short)rest 62 aO ň ý to walk; to step 59 bdó Irť ) Ťiě sidewalk 59 li)ďL žž dialect 66 -*5rósuru ll3r)Ťá 1ňie^-Ťá toreinforce 29 bon l1) {Á, -6tťá visit 32 í)N ;F> -+ book; main; true; counter for long obirts 18 hono IJLba +*r] real thing 18 líÁ L ř head [main] office 95 He bctr Ií/v-C. Á, ^ir head [main] office 18 bóni l1Á,Y ) l,: á*l: really;truly;actually 18 ^/E hŤr Ií/vř +É bookstore 18 l ,t ikasu t ./'Ť žň'Ť let live 19 iken l"ltrl Á, Ě,n opinion; idea; view 63 ikeru tll á Eů a to arrange (flowers); to plant ikimono t .3 ůO ž-3U] living thing [being];life ikiru t, š á E3 a to live 19 66 u.ťÁ l:+^ greatperson;hero 14 c,.{: a j ftrli emigration; immigration 88 J + letter 27 JI JI i' iů earth; land; ground 96 jidosha U ť) L t, aÝh* automobile; car 15 A food 70 JIKL+ person 14 JIN ,)> jinja L Á t] t, ŤfŤr (Shinto) shrine 95 jinkóno čLa)a Lía artificial;man-made l02 jisho ULJ ++ě dictionary 78 jishů suru č Lw ) t á aEl a to study by oneself jisshú [-lLp) XE practice 31 jitsuwa č'l*l F-,"t true story 87 JO )až q place;spot l03 jóbun U r jll, ÉX preface 106 jogen C šIťh Enž advice 66 JÚ ) lž ,íi to live; to reside;dwelling 88 jiibyó Up)Llr) Éň seriousillness l08 jEkyo l] ro ) 3 J liÉ house; residence; home 88 júmin č w ) J*,L iiR inhabitant; resident 88 júnin C v, ) I:Á, ,tiA resident 88 júsho [o)LJ liíft address 88 jútaku č O ) ř: ( ,íi€ house; residence 88 31 K KA /] Ť+ department; section; family (zoological) 23 KA ,J * song; poem; verse 77 KA h * house; home; family l01 kachó ň't> s ) ;RŘ section manager 39 kaden ň'T /- *É, home (electronic) appliance 86 way home [back] 72 U€ kaerimichi ň'Z I) J}b 'É to come back; to leave 72 kaeru ň'Z a Ř a to return; kaesu ň'ZŤ tfrŤ send someone back 72 ( lY,+ chemistry 2l kagaku kagaku ''r§ ( í++ science 23 ll3 CtB'] opera 77 kageki ''rl kagu ''(" *P fumiture 10] KAI )J'' 4 rfr to open 8l KAI /] 4 A meeting;party; society 94 kaichó chairperson 39 lĚó zJ't,.Ěó Pi stock up 76 kaidame''t\6J) ^&. kaidó zJ't,l ť ) #íĚ highway 104 11í JArANE§t-tlNL'l-l§tt lNlJEÁ kaidoku /,t r ť ( Hl,íŤ bargain 76 kargl z)'!.5 á-# meeting; conference 94 \lJ-2 rň# development; exploitation 8l kaihatsu kaihei 2'i ''lr'-:l. rfrP,fi open and shut (a door) 82 r,d member of ...; the membership 94 kaiiÓ /,t \ C J ) ^H +ů hall; meeting place 94 interview 63 kaiken ž,t lllÁ \ ů O HVMI shopping; purchase 76 kaimono ^R ''t kainushi /'trtáL Hi.i buyer;purchaser 76 kaisaisuru z),t.šl.Ťá rflWtá tohold;toopen 81 kaisha zJ'L. L Ť áir company; firm; corporation 94 kaishimeru /,t rLóá Fl.ůóá tobuyup;to kai'in zJ'l lr. corner 76 rňtré-Ť á to begin; to start 81 j ffiE answer; solution 33 kaitsuke ž'l. r.lll §t .,í.f ll buying; purchasing 76 \Ď kaiwa conversation; talk; dialogue 87 ó ag registered mail 78 ''t 5 L^žÉ kakitome '' : ) t .!. ě*Ťt,.t \ cool; smart; attractive 30 kakkóii /'-l kakóshokuhin n' : ) L t < Uh roí&"'" processed food l02 kaku ( é ( to write; to spell; to compose 78 '' kakyoku J ( 4kĚ song;melody;tune 77 kami ň'h''3íÉ.paper 17 kamikuzu /)'^<Ť f,*,(ť wastepaper 17 kanbyó n'LU l ) aň nursing l08 kandenchi ň'/"</.b řa€;ů drycell;banery 86 kandó suru n'/-ť ) Ť á žq)]Ťá be impressed with I5 kangae il,Lh| Z Ž Z thinking; idea; thought 64 kangaekata /l',Lň| iň'ř= ž Zž one's way of thinking; kaishi kaitó suru /'t r L /. t, . L Ť á one's point of view 64 kangaeru ň'/.ň| Z3 Ž Za tothink;toconsider;to imagine 64 kanji Ď'L C ,*+ kanji; Chinese character 27 kankó ň,L3) í|i1 publication 65 kanri ň'L I) ÉE management; administration kashi L aká words 77 24 '' kashidashi HL*L loan;lending 55 ''LÉL /l 3 Faě title; degree; position 78 katagaki zJ'l: katagami ň't:ň|J* Bí* paper [dress] pattem 17 katamichi ň'ř:hb H€ one way la katarau ň't= Ď ) '"* i, ) to tell; to talk 25 kataru ň't:á ž+a to tell; to talk 25 katei /'(t . *Ř home; family; household katsudó ň,,l ť ) )Éýhactivity 10l 15 č )É+type (printing) 27 ) to buy; to purchase 76 kawau'o/kawazakana Ď,b) b/ň'bŠň'ři J|lŘ katsuji ň"> kau ň') -R river fish 12 kayou ň'l, ) € ? to go back and force; to commute kazoku ň'Z < *t* family l01 KE Ť * family l0I kebyó ltLř l ) [Rň feigned illness l08 keigo lj l.:' €kž* respect speech [language] 25 [freshwater] keimusho lJ t tL, L l fr|Jt*Fíí prison; jail 89 keiri ll t t tJ &íg accounting 24 keishoku l' L \ L J ( BA light meal; snack KEN Ť> dog ]0 KEN Ť > R^ to see, to look 63 kengaku suru IJ Lň| < t a R +'Ť a observe 63 to inspect; to ki 3 t pure, genuine 19 KI + tfr to return; to come back; to leave kichi 3 6 &}ů base; military base 96 kihon 3llÁ t6 basis; foundation 18 kiji 3 t *_}ů cloth; fabric; textile 19 114 70 73 kikidasu 3 3 ÉŤ rfr 3 ĚŤ to get (information) out ot l find out 80 kikinagasu 3 3 /j rlŤ rá 3 )ň,Ť to take no notice of; to ignore 80 ( rá3+ listener; audience; questioner; kikitori 3 3 L tj řfr 3 4x tJ listening (comprehension) ll kikoeru 3aZá ráaZa tobeheard 80 kikoku suru 3 : ( Ť 6 tfrtr'Ť a to go [come] back to one's own country; to go [come] (back) home 72 kiku 3 ( rfr ( to hear; to listen to; to obey; to ask 80 KIN +> ú. near; close -18 kinben -\ /.'sL Uftž diligence 28 kindai 3 Á Ě t,. úi\ modern times [era] -]8 kikite 33 interviewer 80 kingan ,\ /.ň|/. ,tER nearsightedness kingyo 3Á5r áŘ goldfish 12 kinjo 3Á[r úFílneighborhood 38 Á,l: < Áfrň muscle 16 kinshi suru 3 /. Lt a *ůŤá to forbid; to prohibit J kinyúsuru 3I:-ó ) t á ;ť,^Ťá toenter; to fill out 5 kippu 3 .l j', V]fr ticket 60 kiraku na 3 l:, ( /j fi";Řrr carefree; comfortable 34 kin'niku 3 kireru 3řLá ý]n6 out; to expire to be sharp; to snap; to break; to run 60 a q l)Wa to cut off; to tear off 60 §]á kiru 3 6 to cut 60 kitaku suru 3 ř: ('f á tfrZt 6 to come home; to go kiritoru home -\ l) Y 72 *ř: á to come, to arrive, next l *Ť to cause, to induce l kitchen tžtlť3 4 aFft kitchen 89 kitte 3 -> ( ý]+ (postage) stamp 60 kiyasui 3 řŤ',. fi"*t r friendly; familiar 50 KO a Ě old; ancient 36 ko ] ,l. small; little 44 KO 3 ii school 22 KO : ') +í good; fine; favorable 30 KO = j ň wide; large; broad 49 KO =ž a high;expensive 51 KO =ž ž thought;consideration;research 64 KO =j 'í1 togo 65 KO =Ž I work; construction; manufacturing 102 KO a' e\ public, official; prince 105 k6butsu : i j',-? *třl favorite food 30 k6ch0 :)bt) řxf<. schoolprincipal 22 kodai 3 Étr Ě,í\ ancient times; antiquity 36 kódai na : ) Ěl \/j lt^ři vast 49 'íŤÉhŤátoact l5 kódósuru :)ť)Ťá kó'en : ) x_/. á'El park l05 kó'en : ) ZL ,a';F public peďormance I05 kógai : ] A5 (environmental) pollution 105 Z ň|ř:O ,].ťO small; small-sized 44 kogata no 'lt. kogitte ] -Ťo ( ,J,+,!+ check (bank) 44 J.* industry;manufacturing I02 kóryó :i5Jj koibito 3t rďL r sweetheart;boy/girlfriend 14 koinu 3t\&á Ť^ puppy 10 kóji 3lI r+ construction l02 kojin : C Á, ,ítrA individual 14 rrh factory;plant l03 kÓjó ]iLJ) kókaidó : j z)'tlť) AáĚ publichall;civichall l05 kókai suru : i t \Ť á á to open (a place) to th kitaru kitasu 5 /: 6 3 /: Ť public; exhibit (a''painting) ^7ňt 8l 72 38 7 7 na : ) ň'ti -a4ffili expensive 5l kókishin :)3L/. *1á,š curiosity 30 kokka 1->ň' trak national anthem 77 kokka 3- ->ň' B* state; country; nation 85 kóka (okkyó 3.l3J) rókó :)aj rokochiyoi : 3 pleasant 96 ářx r, @ň, border highschool J [ \,šrů,Jl r rókogaku :i:rl< rókoku a]:( KOKU 3' ŽĚ+ kumitateru 85 22 comfortable. archaeology 64 advertisement;notice 49 country tr ^+ 85 rokuchi Z < ř, +*" notice 68 rokudó : ( ťi trĚ nationalhighway route] 104 rokugo : ( 3 tri;B language 25 assemble [road, Japanese language; national r.kuh6 : ( ll , trĚ national treasure 85 Koturen Z < h"L tri€ the United Nations 85 rrkuritsuno Z < I)oa tr:Ž,o national 6l ůsaiteki :(štl(3 trKÉ!international 85 ůsan no : < 3 Á,a @Ě.a domestic; domestically produced 85 *yóno :)3:)a a'*O common;public 105 Ů}ůna : j š rp j rj "É]iý,řJ high-quality; luxury 51 reinu ] *t rň : *^ apairofstoneguardiandogs(at fu gateof aShinto shrine) 10 -dri Dii ,l.€ :hL : ů e ,l.*Ť lane; path; trail; small alley letter 27 104 :ů'3- ,],ž wheat 44 :OJ} ++^ liking; taste; choice; preference :Ot} ++t} like, be fond of; prefer 30 _ -i 30 a)l)2a ,a'i.d) public;municipal 61 bm :)I)tj á*+ spice l09 § H : ] tit. řx:1; proofreading 22 :)Lř iiá schoolbuiláing 22 E :)L3 ,a'fr formula;formality 105 Ei : L' lHš. private room; single (room) l00 fr !Ea.íÝa : ) L v' ) -C Á,ř, ,a'*€;É public !l$me: pay phone l05 : ) ? < áB high [full] speed 41 b :ř-i E answer 33 b !t=iá EZá toanswer JJ : 1 (t. ťxÉschool grounds 22 :aL Ě* classic 36 u_ Ž wordl speech; expression 66 = : L IJ- Ě* language, speech 66 u_ il n,,a small bird 13 :'' i 2 ) traffic; transportation 73 E : ) 2: i ři ffár,ěři convenient 30 ^É : i l} ,l,ňU retail 75 :b*LLa abfuqr] fragile; breakable Xn :vn'J 4,jÉ pinkie (f,nger) 44 : Ť 3Á á,ll high mountain 51 :?',I l ,.].jzJ.t r pocket money 44 a :ó2J} ,J,@ package 44 E q,ard: section 91 lL *-ork; construction; manufacturing l02 ( ,.<-l EE] difference; distinction 9l ( ;i, až division; (a) classification 9l { < §; bď L a gfr_a 6: Ť trR r, to blurt out; to head [chiefl of a ří|D x+r] fruit 107 ward 9l "LŤ _=*. device; invention 102 3iil aq I) end; stop; pause; period (,ú" ( 8a division; section; block; { 9I 9I ( 61 &t:í á i biT a to put [fit] together; to kuni ( l: tr country 85 kurau < b i AĎ ) to eat, to drink 70 kuru < a *a to come 71 ku'u < ) A t to eat, to consume 70 kuyakusho (ř(Lš alk4ír wardoffice 91 kyakushitsu 3 t, ( L-l EE guestroom 100 KYO *=Ý ífi strong 29 KYO * =ž U- to teach; to instruct 74 ky6iku 3 r ) l. ( žkÉeducation; training; discipline 74 ky6ju 3 t j tj io *l*, professor 74 kyojúsuru 3 s čw )Ťá EliŤá tolive;toreside;to dwell 88 kyóka 3 t ) /' &fl subject; course of study; curriculum 23 3 -r j 3J ) /'t,. žtA church 74 /'i' lB,^ society; association 94 kyókasho 3rj/'L* žk^+€ textbook 74 kyóka suru -+ S ) ň'Ť á #tLŤ á to strengthen 29 kyóshi 3 t j L &Éfrteacher; instructor; master 74 kyóshitsu 3 r j L: +rš classroom;schoolroom l00 kyóshújo 3rjLrojLJ &EFíítrainingschool 89 Kyoso -a J 1 <') í-fr- _ race Jd Kyóto(shi) 3 r ) L( L) f;ál3 (fi) (city of) Kyoto 84 ky6tsúno 3ti2)a *€0l common;mutual 73 kyóun -+ s ) ) ,L íÉ€ good luck 29 ky0yó 3:)J) U.+ culture 74 KYÚ * l j 1^ to rest 62 kyúbyó 3 o ) ďr ) Affi sudden illness 108 kyúka 3 p j /' ,í^EK holiday; day off; vacation 62 kyúkei 3 D i l' i. ,í/tll t \ rest; recess; break; kyókai ky6kai intermission 62 kyúkó 3pia) Aií hurry;express(train) 3rojLr( í§A (school)lunch kyúsoku na rapid 41 w ) Z ( ti P-€/j kyúshoku 65 70 -+ M machi *,b ET machidóshii to 37 town; city ň' + 92 íó ť6Lt. íŤ6&Li. machinaka * b ři a town 92 uT belookingforward downtown area; central area of mae'uri !, i ) I) Etň l.) advance sale 75 makeinu * li t lň Éir^ loser I0 manabu * /j j: Ť;: to learn 2l maruta i. á t= jL^ 1og 47 masani * š i: . .]El: exactly; surely; truly 48 MEI 14 Bn bright 53 MEI l 4 Z name; title; fame; reputation 8-1 meiga Ďt" rz)l 4@ masterpiece; excellent film 83 meisaku ói.š ( ZlŤ masterpiece 67 meishi ó r L Z*| name card; business card 83 michi hb € road; street; way 104 miChi no **"a unknown; strange 68 midashi ]*ř:L ^bO Á* L headline; heading 63 mieru bZa RZá tobeabletosee 63 mihon J}Iá/v R + sample; specimen; example; model 63 mijikai J+ č ň,l,, lEL l short; brief 40 mijika ni J*t) ň'tz hú.t: close (to) 38 mikai no J*ň,l.,a uncivilized; primitive 81 minarau J}řj b ) fuE to ) ^rfro; emulate 3l mirai J}b\r future 71 miru }} a R,á ^*to see, to look, to watch 63 t, 115 JAťANE§b-ENULI§H lNL,Ex mise At É store, shop 98 miseru ht a Rft á to show; pretend 63 let see; to display; to I) Ť Áqí tJ B (rough) sketch 97 mitorizu J}2LI) Hlá (ů tJ)estimate 63 mitsumori^Y miyako "}ř: ĚI3 capital; metropolis 84 módóken L) Y"iIth ů ) ťi^ aguidedog(forthe blind) 10 moji ů [ l'Ť character; letter 27 MON +> r"l question;inquiry 32 MON +> rň to hear; to listen to; to obey; to ask 80 MON í> t sentence; writing 106 mondai L,Lřžr. r.lEE question; problem 32 mondó b L ť ) rá5 questions and answers 33 monku { Á, < Xě] words; objection; complaint 106 mono Ýra qrl thing; article; object l07 monogatari baň|ř:I) *r]ž# story; talk 25 moto ů L -+ basis; origin; root (of a tree) 18 MOTSU í'Y *'4 thing; article; object l07 mugon {} a L ftĚ silence 66 mumei no {-.ól lcl R&a nameless; unknown 83 muri na L, U a *íEa unreasonable; impossible 24 muro L'b Ě storeroom; cellar; cave 100 muryó no t-} I) J ) a *)ť*O free I09 MYÓ i=ý BÁ bright 53 MYO i=ý 4 name 83 N na /j Z name; fame 83 nagai /jrr!\ &l. long 39 naibu át. jl ň*r interior; inside (of) 93 nama Ť* E raw 19 namabiiru ři*,ť*)V žť*lV draftbeer 19 7; !, x- h+ namae +l+: 6tri name, first name 8J řib) narau Ei tolearn;tostudy 3l negoto ha Y ÉĚ nonsense ó6 nihonjin l3I,1/- č Á, E 4^ Japanese person 18 \ *fr f,rst; new 35 nii ':! NIKU =' I*] fresh;meat 16 nikutai l: ( /: l . ň,íĚ body; flesh 16 nikuya l: ( Ť butcher; meat shop 16 nimotsu l: Ů,2 ^É_ ffiuJ luggage; baggage 107 NIN 1> ,( person 14 ningyo l:Á 5 J AŘ mermaid; merman 12 ningyó l:1,3J ) doll;puppet 14 nóka a ) ň' ŘŤ ^rt' farmhouse 101 norainu d) Ě ( \b 9Ť Ř^ a stray dog; an ownerless dog 10 nusumigiki ňŤ4 3* 3 á/rffi 3 eavesdropping 80 NYÚ = lŽ entering; attendance 54 l,aw ) ňš < ,Ť a X+t a to enter a school; nyúgaku suru ^ to enroll 54 nyújóken l: p j I s ) Il A, Xth+ admission ticket I03 nyúkai l: D j t Xá admission 54 nyúkoku l:w ''l )3( entry [entrance] (into a ^tr country) 54 o o B ,l, small; little 44 0 *j*j big;large;great 43 O t' ^ & width; breadth; side 99 o'ushi *l)L lfr+ ox;bull ll ódanhodó b) t:LLlY') &ts/rŤ€ crosswalk 99 ofuru Ďj,á ĎĚ ógakari na řjĎrlr, 116 hand-me-downs iJ a X$/, l1 r; Ohay0. ĎlJ J ) Ď+ ) Good morning. 52 43 óini *jĎt.l: Xt .l: very (much); greatly 5T in a hurry; 6isogi de ĎBt iZ 3'( okaerinasai! íjr,žlj ašl\ ^P- ĎiÉU rjšll rushed 43 Welcome home [back]| 72 okii Ďťi3t"\ Xštt big;large;great 43 okonau íj: a i ft ) to do; to hold; to conduct 65 Ď({ňa cowardly;timid l08 okubyóna Ď(ďt)t okurasu b < řrŤ € Ě Ť to slow; put off 42 okureru b < jfta EřLa to be late; to be delayed 42 okurimono Ď ( i] ů d) Aá |) th gift; present I07 omoidasu BůltĚŤ ,*-tr*-í- toremember; torecall 6! omoide Ďů(\-C Et.Ě memory 55 omoigakenai Ěůt ritll/jt"r,q!1i/tIjr;1l unexpected; unforeseen 69 omoikitta $|tt3.;/: Et, ltž:/: drastic 69 omoitsuki Ďůt\-23 ,Bt.,íi3 idea;aplan 69 omoiyari Ě,ůl\ř l,),B(.ř lJ considerationfor 69 capital letter 27 ómoji ťj Ď ů C omou Ě Ů i E ^nŤ i to think; to wonder; to be afraid; to imagine 69 ON t> € far;distant 37 ongaku ř)Lň| < #* music 34 onshitsu BÁ, L'> jEÉ greenhouse I00 . 7 r, many; much; a lot; plenty of o'oyake řj*jřlJ a\ public, official; open; o'oi Ď B t 45 governmenta| l05 origami b I) ň|^ lííI) í#" origami, folding paper l7 oshieru b L Z a *.Z á to teach; to instruct; to tell; to show 74 oshirase Ď L ,r,ti Ď*" Ď 1i word; news; report; notice osoi Ďžt,. €l. late; slow 42 osowaru B<*rá &ba to learn; to be taught 74 otona Ď L /j adult 43 otoshimono BY^L+ra EY LŤ/] lost article 107 ou b) E to grow 19 outó b ) Y ) řtl6 response; reply; answer 33 óya ř16ř landlord 101 BĎ š: lťa (i:) lišz lťuj(i:) ózappa na (ni) ^?rough(ly) 43 6zei Ď Ěťt , X* crowd of people 43 R RAL 4 * to come; since, next 7l RAKU * comfort;ease 34 rakugaki'2Ě ( B€ 3 scribbling; graffiti 78 renkyu řtL3w, 'l3 i€l^ consecutiveholidays 62 RI |) íY- reason; logic 24 rika I) t' natural science 24 '9X+ RITSU |)'Y Ý to stand 61 r0doku b ) Y' < Bn--,ft reading aloud; recitation 79 RYO |) a ý f+ charge; fee; rate; fare; toll 109 ryókin I) t ) ,\ L *+A charge ]09 ryóri l) J i I) Ť+r9 cooking 24 RYÚ |) l j n to stand 6l s SA t lF work 67 saho š lJ i tŤi* manner§; etiquette 67 SAI Ť 4 V] to cut 60 saidai no š . ť t ro ŘXo biggest; largest 43 saikaihatsu š l \r'l \lJ? Fhl#, redevelopment saikai suru š t .z]'t .Ť á flri]Ť a to reopen; to t, pedestrian crossing; 36 large-scale 43 resume saikin 81 š 1.3 Á Řú recently 38 81 ó JAPANESE_ENGLISH INDEX no Št l: d) ŘĚo oldest 36 no š t,.: ) O Ř*aa highest; maximum 5l *ósuru št".:)Ťá Ežia toreconsider 64 shiiru L t,.6 ífft, . á to force; to impose 29 shika L r, Éí+dental clinic 23 shikósuru La)Ťá Ežtá tothink 64 shimaru L *. á rf,J*, á to be closed; to be shut 82 shimei Lót. ťí.4(full)name shimeru L b a ťf,)b a to shut, to close 82 shimin L }, /. fi R resident (of a city); citizen 90 SHIN i > #í new; fresh; latest; up-to-date 35 shinbun LL;:,L #rň newspaper 35 shincho LA,b s ) qk height 39 shingata LLň|ř: ffiť new style [type] 35 shinjin L A, e /. *íí^newcomer; new face; rookie 35 shinkiroku LL3 4 < *fížlbŤ.new record [document] 35 shinpin L LUA, *íTí"new [brand new] article 35 shinpo L Á,E &ý progress (in); advancement; ďko rikó jnenshó 3tlňÁLr) Ř+'' youngest *hin no š t . LÁO Ř#ía latest; newest š t ,/: Ř' most 45 jlan no š t ./:ÁO ŘFg-a shortest *eba š r'lj" )Érft bar; pub 103 úta 46 8_1 35 40 š r'ĚĎ $nL handstand 61 *ana š l'lj Ř fish 12 *i Š3 ft, future; ahead; previous; point; tip 20 *ibarai š 3 l:*Ď t,. ft*lt,. advance payment 20 *kn š .; /' 4F?- novelist; writer; author 10l ;AKU +Ť 4Ť work 67 ' ( j:Á 4ŤX composition 67 ůubun š *uhin š ( L',Á 4Ťí" (piece of) work 67 ůuin š(t.Á š(5l index 56 *usei suru š ( *it lŤ á tFŘŤ a to make; to prepare; *adachi improvement 59 L 3 L ÉíÁ.square piece ofJapanese paper shinshitsu L,LL'> Éš bedroom 100 shinwa L /"*, 4řžÉmyth 87 shiriai L i] ó r }o lJ §t r acquaintance 68 shikishi todrawup 67 *usha š ( L t, 4Ťžauthor; writer 67 rbika š ÁUr' ÉX4k hymn 77 rko ž l" 3 ) 4ž reference; consultation 64 rkyú š Á 3 ro ) ÉtŤ.maternity leave 62 rpo :Áií "e,Ť walk;stroll 59 raigetsu ŠĎ ilf.l F*F month after next 7l rainen š ! t tňÁ F*+ year after next 7l dizu suru š Lť-l a +ÉWŤá to direct; to instruct moku 3 o Z ( +4 at once; immediately 41 dím tU4 Ťtr business suit 49 [I t 4 *- birth; life 19 [X t4 ř. right; correct; proper; honest 48 :Ďutsu tit, t j]: +v] living thing; creafure; life 19 |, shiru L á a to know; to find 68 shiryó L lJ J^"i Ř#+ materials; data 109 shisha L L t, *.Ťr branch office 95 shitaji L l: D -Fit, groundwork; a foundation shiten LT A, ž-Ébranch (office/store) 98 SHITSU >") š room; apartment l00 t" Él€nki tlt rT,d 3 #Ěí. static electricity 86 É9 tit r 3* .rÍ.* justice 48 rĎon tlt.llÁ fl+ bookbinding 18 r*aku na (ni) gl rtr' ( r; (l:) ,IrÉt (l:) conect(ly); exact(ly) 48 r*atsu ,ttt l,ů'-l *:É life; living ]9 U\l t> Ť, future; ahead; previous; point; tip 20 rlrjitsu t L č'> Ť,a other day; some days [time] ago nii tiÁ c J ) Y\ň battlefield 103 rrtósuru t/.ZiŤa ,*žiá toselect 64 :rsei ,tiÁ,tit, Ťc,ž teacher; instructor; master 20 DT§U t,Y +il to cut 60 .áBnŤ á to explain 53 r§meisuru ii?ól\Ťá l§ritsu t. I) 2 ;tn establishment; foundation 61 Ě-6Écare; help 87 lra Ěb [A ,"/ Ť ir company; firm; corporation; shrine 95 bch6 L t,6 r Ťr& president 95 bfo ! p l r,4u 'ŤrF employee; staff 95 Eai L t,/'t\ ilA society; community 95 Lřlil, q+ sketching 19 bi ltu L j"' *.*F branch office; local (branch) 93 Himenchó LI>ĎA,L s i iffi,6 turkey 13 $ Lb s ) fi& mayor 39 Eino Lžt,.ol frža municipal;city 90 rani L /§t r filh streets; city; town 90 nci L".t, r íŘH paper money; bill 17 Ea Lt./'Ě+ak poetry;poems 77 Ffu€ L t .*t /ůXn purchasing 54 17 97 96 shitsumon L,:>Ý:,L F_rá question 32 shiyakusho LŤ(Lš frlk1ír town[city]hall 90 SHO :z a Ž handwriting; calligraphy; book; letter SHO y = Ffr place; spot; area; space; address 89 SHO SHO SHO SHO 78 ež j ,) až v až t birth; life 19 ,], small; little; young; low; minor 44 ')- few; little 46 ú right; correct; proper; honest 48 shóbai L r ) lťt . Éň business; commerce; trade 75 sh6chi L s ) b &fu to know; to understand 68 shógakkó L s ) Ď|-> Z ),l.Ťit elementary [primary] > ze school 22 Shógatsu L s ) ň:'> 20 -tr B January; the New Year shoho L -r ll lný rudiments; elements 59 shojikina Lt)[3á ÉlÉahonest 48 shokki Lr.l3 A"F tableware 70 SHOKU )=? a food 70 shokuba L J ( lJ" !ž\}k one's place of work l03 shokubutsu L t ( j].l Mqb plant l07 shokuji Lr(D A+ meal 70 48 shokutsú L_r(:l A€ gourmet 73 shokuyoku Lr(J( AaX appetite 70 shomei LJót,. Ls4 signature;autograph 8J shómei Lrjólt ,{€,sfi lighting 53 ;ůEÁ€ certificate 78 shómeisho LJiót..LJ shómen L t ) ĎÁ, í.É front 48 shomotsu L t i-; ě4r] book 107 shonen L t i řlÁ, ')'+ boy 46 sh0rai L t ) l" l. 1Ť* future; prospects 71 shorui L J á l. €*F documents 78 shóryó L s ) l) s ) 'r-É small quantity (of) 46 shósetsu L r j ti-l 4.-# novel; fiction 44 shósha L r j L t ÉĚ business company [firm]; trading company 95 shóshó LrjLr) ),k alittle;afew 46 shósů Ls)Ť) )-W smallnumber 46 shoten LsTÁ, €É bookstore;bookshop 98 shóten L t i T,L ÉÉshop; store 98 FíTl+ income;earnings 89 shotoku LrL( shozaichi L r šl . Ď ítťtt location; position; site 89 117 SHÚ ,z lý E to learn; to study 3l shúji Lo)U E+ penmanship;calligraphy 27 shúkai L ro ) /'t". Rá meeting; gathering; assembly shůkan Lw ) ň,Á, €tÉ habit 31 shúnyE L w ) l:w ) 'X^ income; earnings 54 shuppatsu Lw->lŠ,> *ř departure 55 shúri L w ) t) tlŤlE repair 24 shúsei suru L p ) ttl rŤ á xrLŤ á to amend; to 94 revise 48 shussan L o 2 ž Á, ť,É.(child) birth 55 shussekisuru Lro-]{t3-16 BŘŤá toattend 55 shuto L o Y Ěá[l capital (city); metropolis 84 SHUTSU ,) l'| * to come out; to 80 out 55 shuwa L vy*-> +iÉ sign language 87 SÓ '/,/' + early; soon; fast; rapid; quick 52 so ' Ě torun 58 sóchó t)bs) +ii earlymorning 52 sokki ?o3 i8ia shorthand 41 '/ 7 it quick; fast; rapid; speedy; prompt 4l sokudo Z<ť 8É speed 4l sokudoku < < ť < i8aň rapid [speed] reading 79 sokutatsu ? ( t=,> i8€ special [express] delivery 4l sókyú na (ni) t ) 3 w j /j (l:) 93ri (í:) immediate(ly); SOKU prompt(ly) 52 sóryó t ) t) t Ě*+ postage; shipping [freight] ' sósha t)L+ Ež runner 58 subayai Ťlířt, ř+l \ quick 52 SUI 4 * to come out; to go out 55 ^ 1t . 3'rd ) ,K+ water buffalo l suigyú sukikirai Ť 3 3 Ě t. {Ť 3 ťŘt r likes and dislikes sukoshi Ť: L 'Y L a few; some; a little 46 suku 'Ť < ++ < like, be fond of, love 30 sukunai Ť ( ril.'},át. afew; alittle 46 sumau t t ) íi* j to dwell; to live 88 sumiyaka Ť&řr' EŤr' speedy;prompt 4l sumu -Ť{} tiL, to dwell; to live 88 sunaba ítlť Prrb sandpit; sandbox I03 charges l09 1 30 TA Y TA X' ' shameless many; much; a lot; plenty of 45 big; thick; deep (voice); bold (lines); 47 /:",ůO Ř<ř, food 70 taberu /:{á A^á toeat 70 tachiagaru ř:b ě>ň| 3 l-t, }-ň| á to get up; to stand up; to rise 6l tadashii /:ÉL t, ÉL!, right; conect; proper; honest 48 tadasu t:tl-Ť í--Ť to correct; to rectify 48 TAL 4 very (much); greatly 43 TAL 4 ^ big; thick 47 Taiheiyó [1r^l1rJ ^ ) thepacificOcean 47 taisetsuna /-l\-tlrlj ^+r+ important; precious 60 taiyó /:trj) Xw sun 47 ^trlj taka t:ň' a high; expensive 5/ takai l:/,t, ál, high; expensive 5/ takamaru ř:/l'*, á ai a to rise; to swell; to get tabemono higher 5l takameru t:Ď'ď>6 adrá to raise; to lift 51 takasa tr': áš height 5I TAN > E_ shortness; defect 40 tango 'ř-,L J _řĚ* word; vocabulary 25 tanki daigakl t:Á,3 Ět ./l ( *§.fr^+ junior college 40 118 tasů no t:t ) a ''r?**a a large number of; a lot of 45 tateru t:T á nT 3 to stand up; to set up; to put up 61 tateyoko /:í J : /:(& lengthandbreadth [widttr] 99 tatsu ř=2 _ú. to stand 6l tegami T, ň|}, +i$. letter l7 tegowai (:'bt. 4íát \ tough 29 teiden (t .(Á lF€ power failure [outage]; blackout 86 teikyEbi (t.3o)ď tíia regularholiday 62 temijika na (,} C r,/j *Ťati short; brief 40 TEN Ť > IE store, shop 98 ten'in T,Lt l,L IE Ř shop assistant; (store) clerk 98 tenshu T,/.Lw rEj. shopkeeper 98 teokure (řj ( h +En be too late 42 tetsudó T'>ť ) *€ railroad; railway ]U tezukurino T.)< I)O *1ŤUa handmade; homemade 67 TO t, átl capital; metropolis 84 TO l, B book 97 TO |' e answer 33 TO l, ",ft to read 79 TÓ |, ' € way; course l04 tóan Y' ) t>L 5* answer; examination paper 33 tosíii Y),<w) Fí+ bullfighting lI toi L|. 1.1l. question; inquiry 32 toi L Ďt. ,tt . far; distant 37 to'iawase L t tó*l1} Fál.ábtt inquiry 32 tojikomeru L [ : ó a ťňCča:-ato shut (a person) [up] 82 tojikomoru in LC:ůá ťlC:+.,a toshutoneselfin tojiru Y. C a rÁC 3 to shut, to close 82 tokai no L á,(,.c) žl,^a urban; city 84 tOkOro Y: 4 FÍT place; spot; area; space; address; moment 89 T tanki tankyori t:Á, -Z s l) *É.íEň#shortdistance [range] 40 tanoshi'i ř:a Ll. .# L t . pleasant; delightful 34 tanoshimu t:aLb,+LL' toenjoy 34 tansho ř: L L s *gít fault; weak point 40 tanshuku t:,L L w < *ííftshortening; reduction 40 tasaina /3Jtt{ ?Ý,,ti coloďul 45 tashó t: L s ) number; quantity; some 45 na t:L 3 ti {eVti short temper 40 TOKU | ? žft to read 79 tóku L*j( €( far 37 tomaru Y*,a ů*á tostop;halt 57 tomeru Yba JLa:.á tostop;topark(acar);toturn off 57 ton Y /. r"1 question; inquiry 32 ton'ya Y /.ř ťáFe wholesale store; wholesaler 32 tori V| 6 bird 13 torihiki L UU3 írtj913 business;trade 56 tori'i L tJ l ,aE torii; gateway to a Shinto shrine 13 torikago L }) :' ,6 r, 3' birdcage 13 toriniku L U l:', ( ,6r^] chicken 16 toritsu no Y l) 2a *ť,ita metropolitan; municipal u tóru Ybá Ňá togoalong;topass 73 toshi Y L žr,fr city; town 84 toshin Y L /. áF,š center of a city; downtown area 84 toshokan Y. L s ň',L Báfts library 97 tósó§uru Y ) Z)iá &ftta toescape;torun l. away 58 tósu Y a^'Ť €Ť tou Y ) rá) accu§e 32 let pass; let through; to continue 73 to ask; to question; to inquire; to care; to tózakaru L Ďšr'á €šr'á tozasu L ŠŤ ffi šŤ to shut TSU 'Y žl, full, whole 84 TSÚ ') ' É to 82 leave 37 authority; expert; to go along; to pass 73 82 gichi SUg6 '> -> gkuru i b €i" notice; ( '> create 67 gmasaki á 4Fa Y notification 68 ť ) ál3á convenience ya ř 84 to make; to manufacture; to skewer) ,>*,Ť, tip of the toe 20 * š3 Sro ) ) 4 €řá passage; aisle 73 §úshin '> ) L Á, ĚlĚ communication; correspondence; news 73 sůyaku 2) ř < €Ě^ interpretation;interpreter 73 syogari ? J r§ iJ 5fill tJ bluff; bluster 29 nyoi -2 J l,l\ 1a strong 29 §Iyomaru l *, á 1a*, a to become stronger 29 glyomeru 'l ! á #Ď a to emphasize; to -2 U 19 ďstock 60 rIt # story; tale; talk; conversation; topic 87 Ě ' ĎĚt,. ;É€ topic;subject 87 *rUď3 á]rl discount 56 ffi +rL fi"ftír. (handmade) Japanese paper 17 bL'> i"š Japanese-style room I00 *>L s ( í"A Japanese food; Japanese 70 *>ř:0 ť I) ;É-|) ,?, migratory bird 13 (on a 13 yoko J : & width; breadth; side 99 yokochó J :6 J 7 &E- alley 92 57 Ir ) t} tĎ to give birth 19 jó ) /.ť i &Ýh movement; exercise; sports 15 t iB Ř, fish 12 4 hi ) Ěrl L fuEĚ fish market 12 Ixne ibaĎ Řae com(growthonafoot) 12 *F.LJ] I) ž traitor; betrayer 60 n3irimono ) b 3 I) LO rlji ) bč Fit lining 96 ruachi i b *.b *Xrr back-street district 92 lllT i lLá ňřLa to sell; to be sold 75 r:ýúki ) ťLó -+ řx*LiÍ3 sales; demand 65 rig,€ ) I) bIŤ ňU _LIŤ , ň_L sales 75 rrrshi )Ur:L ňU*L specialsale 55 ůfut i U -\n ňI)V]n soldout;outof stock 75 ůireru i I) 3ná ňl)V]ťLá to be sold out; to be out Érbasu ) U YďŤ ň }] fttJť to sell off; to dispose ď75 !l ) á ňa to sell 75 )L + cow;bull l1 -t ) f: ak song; poem; verse 77 tre ) ř:č 7 #.F singing voice 77 I5 ) ř=) #.) to sing 77 dealer 10l ya§umaru řŤ * á /ň*, a feel relaxed [at ease] 62 ya§umeru řŤbá 4^Ďá totakearest 62 ya§umu ŤŤL, to (take a) rest; to sleep; to be absent; to be closed 62 'itL, yasu'uri ř-Ť ) I) *ňI) (bargain) sale 50 &> Tpear house; shop; ř ( L r 1krrr govemment [public] office 89 yamai ř * t. ň illness; disease; weakness 108 yameru řb á JLĎ a to stop; to quit; to cancel 57 yami'ichi ř4|.\6 ř/*fi blackmarket 90 yamu ŤL, ůL- to stop; to die down; to die away 57 yamu ŤL, to be sick; to suffer from l08 yashiro PL4'ňL,ir shrine 95 yasui řŤt. tl. cheap; inexpensive 50 yakusho strengthen 29 rii )b * house;home 101 ňi'akeru i b brů a fi4a\Il á to confide 53 ;okasu ) aň'Ť éh to move 15 ;oku i :'( €h < to move 15 ůríomeru) It Ybá *.It JLĎ a tocatch; to receive r.neru ) !,řLa +-*,řLa to be born; to arise; to 3- yakiniku ř3l:( )t*3tá grilledmeat 16 yakitori ř 3 L t] )|* 3 6 barbecued chicken yokodorisuru š a ť UŤa &WI)Ťa tosteal;tosnatch (away) 99 yokogiru J:56 B.V]á tocross 99 yokomoji J : ů c &{+ the Roman alphabet; Western language 99 yokomuki ni (no) J : L,5l: (d)) sidewise 99 &É]š l: (O) sideways; yokotawaru ! Z ř=lr>á &ť:*lá to lie (down) 99 yokushitsu J ( L: )6Ě bathroom 100 yomimono lJ*ia "rň4tl] reading material; book yomise J "}ii &É night stall 98 yomu J Ď fiĎ to read 79 yubisaki tÓďš 3 +ÉŤ,fingertip 20 yúkó Vb i Z ) F++ friendship; amity 3l yuku }P ( Ň < to go; to come 65 řP ( 'rt < to 8o 65 na lo j Ót.a ÉLti famous; well-known yúsen WiĚ/. VbiŤc priority;precedence 20 79 yuku yumei Z niryó št, r U J) ingredients 109 zako Š: 83 ttr/.+ raw materials; material(s); +EŘ. small fish; small fry 12 zandaka š,&ťr' fi.a balance 51 zenbu ťÁj: á*F all; whole 93 zenka Ě Lň' ňí+ criminal record 23 Za 7 E picture, drawing; figure; illustration; zuruyasumi ťaŤŤ^ Ťa^A zubutoi ťj: L t,. E]al r bold; impudent zukei ťl' t,. \rt' figure; diagram 97 zumen lĎ/. trffi drawing; plan 97 47 truancy chart 97 62 119 English-Japanese Index A accounting keiri fflE 24 accu§e tou lá) 32 acquaintance CHI itr, shiriai i" (\ ó8 acquainted akarui EE 6 l. arrange (flowers) ikeru arrive kitaru tJ A 53 act kodo slru rtÉltá t s activity katsudo )ééh15 actually hontóni 69l: ia ř>T 4 as, ilsho tokoro Ff 89 řr<Z sHo, 80 Ělr 65ó ahead saki, SEN tr 20 aisle tsúro Ňr* ZS little shósho Ťk,sukunai'}'/jt sukoshi ')'L ll ., 46 92 alma mater boko §tA American person Amerikajin ň},14 amity yuko FlÍ 3l amusement goraku ancient ko t Jó E*, 48 7l |) 34 t,í\ 3ó anxiety fuan T* 50 apartment SHITSU Ž tOO appear umareru ž-*.řL6 19 appetite shokuyoku Řď, ZO approach chikazuku ,t,í.t'( _ie archaeology kokogaku žž4 area SHO, tokoro FÍ, 89, chiku tú& 9l arise umareru *-t,)rL6 120 19 ss NYf] 54 attractive kakkoii ^ é{ít\l\30 audience kikite author sakusha ]01 * eO tí# dZ,sakka Fá 3 authority TSfr € 73 autograph shomei LtL automobile jidósha avenue Dó LÉl04 B ,퍍 aS Éa 58 bank ginko ff.lÍ 65 bar sakaba )E!a l03 rbTš 100 basis kihon &6, moto 6 lS bathroom yokushitsu )ěŽ 100 battery kandenchi {t-É)& 86 battlefield senjo *\!b 103 beablesee mieru R-Zá 63 be absent yasumu lŤ-t' 0Z beadvanced hayamaru ?*á SZ be afraid omou E j ó9 beborn umareru Ě-*,řLá 19 beborn dekiru t*á 7l á az, yasumu t^ř,' 62 become civilized hirakeru 7ňIl á at become diífident hikeru 9l ů a 56 become stronger tsuyomaru ffi*. a 29 becompleted dekiagaru ilX-Lňša 7] EtLá 42 bedroom shinshitsu ŘŤ too beef gyuniku *á ll be delayed okureru al be fond of konomu *íť-',suku tr < 30 begin kaishisuru ffiiáŤ6 81 behasty hayamaru ?iá SZ beheard kikoeru ?ď)a Zá S0 ŘÉ)Ť with kandó suru late chikoku suru €ž|]Ť 6, okureru E)rua 42 be looking forward to machidóshii ftb&L|,, bemade dekiru Ě*á á 37 71 al be open hirakeru lňIl be outofstock urikireru řxU +r]řLa 60 beover akeru nfiliá 53 besharp kireru §]řLá 60 beshut shimaru ?Á*a S2 besick yamu lňř-, lOa besold ureru řtřtá 75 besoldout urikireru řúI)V]na 60 l^i,a 49 U.bá 74 be too late teokure +EtL 42 betrayer uragirimono FVl t) t betaught osowaru big back-street district uramachi F.wr gz bad [wicked] person akunin *-^ 14 baggage nimotsu ffi|rl tOz balance zandaka ýžá st band gakudan *E -iZ be closed shimaru ťň* be á15 bespread hiromaru áÉn+ 15 basement chikashitsu ancient times kodai Ě1\ 3ó animal dóbutsu ýhlrl ts an§wer hento 4á, kaito Á4§, kotae, Tó §, kotaeru EZa,outo řuá, toan ?<R.ss antiquity kodai 97 4& lt bargain kaidoku Hr.l* Zd base kichi &žb 96 22 alot o,oi ýr:,tn 7 45 alotof tasúno ?tý.a r amend shusei suru t|žEŤa I07 barbecued chicken (on a skewer) yakitori )t* 3 ,a /3 all issai -Ln 60,zenbu A*lj 9-? alley komichi l,Lá l)4,yokocho ŘrI tb9 babble kuchibashiru 9 46 afresh arata #rř: 35 after (school, ffice hours) hikeru 5l a a 6l tá afew shosho '}-&,sukunai Ťřjt"r, L assemble kumitateru l,EA}l< assembly shukai 94 association kyokai IB,Ž gl attendance admission ticket nyujóken Xtft* tOS 43 adult otona advancement ^^ shimpo É.ýSS advance payment sakibarai rú^l, 20 sukoshi ')- |hJ attempt hakaru 86 97 attend shusseki suru *HŤ6, deru 83 advancesale mae'uri ffiňll zs advertisement kókoku tžžls advice jogen nhž óó, iikikaseru be impressed 19 I02 artificial jinkó no ask tou ťá) sz,iu^ía Ě ) óó, kiku Éfl (, BUN, MoN rá s0 atonce sassoku administration kanri ÉíE24 admission nyiikai X^ 54 ráň,t a *-|I6 article BUTSU,MOTSU,mono atlas chizu ř>ífr, ZO,atena addressee atesaki 7l Fá address atesaki ú>Tfr, 20,atena ,íiF.t 88, *t:6 o X, ókii TAI X 47 ^ biggest saidai no 3 t., DAI ŘXa a bill shihei fr,É,W tZ bird CHó ,*,tori ,fu ^ 60 43,TA, 13 birdcage torikago ,fuň'i tS birth SHÓ, SEI +. 19 birth(child) shussan *Ě SS blackmarket yami'ichi l,J}fr 90 blackout teiden ,íř€ 8ó block kukaku 6-@ gl,CHÓ bluff tsuyogari 1aň| l) WT 92 29 blurtout kuchibashiru r:fr_a 58 bluster tsuyogari lfi,ňš t1 29 body nikutai át.*. t0 bold zubutoi EXl. +Z boldface (type) futoji X+ 47 bold(lines) ;u6i *'tt 47 book HoN 6 la,sHo á zs, yomimono 'rft}}qr] 79,TO shomotsu €lhl toz E 97, bookbinding seihon fl.á 18 bookshop shoten ĚĚ 98 bookstore hon'ya 6,É18, shoten €É sa booth baiten řxĚ rs border kokkyo boss CHó Ř trÉSS 39 boundary kukaku 8@ 9l bowl of rice topped with cooked beef gyiidon ** tt boy shónen Ť4 qd boyfriend koibito §}, 14 branch oífice shibu {*|3 qS, stristra žit 95 branch (fficelstore) shiten *.IE 98 breadth ó Ř sg breadth yoko & 99 break akeru afiIJ 6 53,kireru §]lLá ó0, hitoyasumi l*llr,62 UYI^J}, kyukei breakable object kowaremono 3 *;i1 qh l07 break(day) akeru EllŤá 5_] brief temijik a r9-',\ 40 na * lísri, ínijikai bright akarui aEaI r, akiraka anřrň,, MYo, MEI Eň 53 brighten akaramu aAbL', akarumu aF6,,^ 53 bringout dasu ĚŤ 55 broad Kó ň 49 broad habahiroi ffi,Ár, 49 broad hiroi 1f,t,l 49 Buddhism Bukkyo 4^& 74 bull o'ushi tť*,cy'C,ushi bullfighting togyú Éfi+11 * cloth kiji *^tt 19 businesssuit sebiro Ťtr qg butcher nikuya áE ta buy kau H ) ,sll H, za buyer kainushi Ht.i 7ó buying kaitsuke flrý,|Il 76 buy up kaishimeru flux E ť> á 76 by force goin ni íh1ll. 29 comeup haeru zz,sruo t*.á € 7l cancel yameru tb6 57 capitat miyako, TO Žll U capital (ciry) shuto ÉŽl,al capitat letter ómoji X*+ 27 care sewa Ěžt S7,tou 7á) 32 7*ti sl XI l02 Xí 102 carefree kiraku na carpenter daiku carpentry daiku case ba'ai lkě los catch uketomeru ŘllrJiĎ6 57 catch(acold) hiku 1l( Sa cause kitasu *Ť Zt cave muro ž too cellar muro ž too centerofacity toshin áF,s 84 ccntral area of a town machinaka aT+ 92 ccrtificate shomeisho chairperson kaichó character mojt charge RYO *+, *Ť žíaÁé78 A& 27 39 ryókin )i+á 109 úart ZU 8 97 AN t, yasui cheap q:t t 50 ďeck(bank) kogitte ,],+lJ{ 44 cheeďut akarui EE 6 l. 5.] chemistry kagaku 1Y,+ 21 chicken toriniku ,tá td chief CHó & 39 ctildren's story dówa É-rtaZ Chinese character kanji )FŤ 27 óoice konomi +íJ} 30 church kyokai #,ž 74 circumstances ba'ai lhě los za LZá no 19 I05 commonly futsu ^*aĚ€ 73 communication tsiishin Ň4ž zs community shakai ,ŤlA 95 73 commute kayou €) company kaisha áil 94,SHA it 95 complaint monku *-8 rca compos€ kaku Ě( 78 composition sakubun tŤ*. aZ, bunshó *ě tod conditions ba'ai lkě 103 conduct okonau rtj as conference kaigi ž"#. 94 confide uchi'akeru tIbanů a 53 consecutive holidays renkyú &tř aZ consider kangaeru žžá 0l consideration Ko ž ó4, SHI R ó9 consideration for omoiyari ,g t" tř |) 69 construction Ko, t# toz KU í, kóji consultation sanko tl Ež 64 consume ku'u 70 contagious disease densembyo ffi toa continue tosu €Ť 73 lÉft convenience tsugo áljá 84 convenient kotsugo na *ížlsětlso conversation kaiwa áĚÉ, WA ĚÉS7 cooking íyón )l+íE 24 SHA ,ii 95 correct SEI, SHO á,řl rT., 94, tadashii tada§u -ú.Ť48 correct(ty) seikaku na (ni) (l:) a ů L t ., EEÉrj correspondence tsoshin &4Ž 73 countdown byoyomi t'ržňJ} 79 counter for long objects HON á /S countersign aikotoba ál.?F Oa country kokka EŤ,KOKU, kuni El 85 course gakka Ťí*23,ayumi tu courseof study kyoka cover hyóshi *ftÉ. tZ comfort anraku **, RAKU * 34 comfortable kiraku na Á'JAti Sl, kokochiyoi ,š}&Jl\ 9ó conrmerce shóbai Éň 75 committee i'lnkai *-aá 94 committee meeting ťinku +H^ 94 cornmon kyót§tino )*Ň_a ZS, kokyo a12 DO,TO ,á come iku,yuku íŤ( 'riiřJós,kitaru *t:6, kuru *,6,RAI * 71 comeback kaeru lř6,KI tfr 72 come home kitaku suru tfrEŤ a 72 come out SHUTSU, SUI Ě 55, deru Ě6 55 C €Ť 4ú.l: ss college daigaku X* Zt colored paper irogami e,trÉ" 17 coloďul tasaina 45 É,itss can(beableto) dekiru corporation kaisha close(to) mijikani business card meishi z*| as business company [firm] shósha calligraphy shuji classic koten t* ^^ž -ió classification kubun É/z'91 classroom kyoshitsu ž*žtOO clear akiraka anbň',akiraka na BEb ,. /j 5-] clerk(store) ten'in I§F 98 SŤ 90. CHO, machi gT 92 civic helt kókaidó l05 shimeru rňba,tojiru Pf ča 82 close down heisa suru lň§Ht 6 az close down business heiten ťňIE 82 11 qÍ"l)Ťl3 5ó calfskin gyiigawa ŤH. lt cool kakkoii éift,t, 3p copy ichibu -+r, 93 corner kaishimeru fl!.bĎá 76 corn ( growth on a foot) uonome Ř,d) clinic byoin lňPft, I08 close chikai ilit r, chikazuku rú,ít ( , KIN ,t _lS, HBI ťň,heiten lňIE, Éň á business shobai business torihiki citizm shimin fiR 90 city tokai no áFAo, toshi ž]jfi 84, SHI fi',shieino frěa,shigai fr &l* ýll S9, 23 cow ushi, GYú + 1/ cowardly okubyó na Ď ( lňti rca cowskin gyíigawa ** tt create tsukuru fta 67 creature seibutsu Eqh D crime hankó treli 65 criminal record zerka Ětfr* 23 cross yokogiru ffiýJá culture kyoyo &,á 99 cross-cultural ibunka no X*.tY,a rc6 crosswalk odanhodo &úírž,rĚSS crowdof people ózei X** lS 106 74,bunka curiosity kókishin řá,§ 30 culTency tsuta ĚH Z: curriculum kyoka &ft* 23 customs fúshu Á,€ 31 cut kiru +rá,SAI,SETSU cutoff kiritoru +r]I)qý,a 60 t' XlY ó0 D data shiryo Ř)ť* lOg dawn akeru BÁů a 53 day off kyuka ,ťtlR ó2 dealer ya * tOt decrease genshó suru ,B,'!Ť deep(voice) 1uloi dt t 47 defect TAN *É 40 degree katagaki Faě Za 6 46 delay chien ElÉ.lZ delightful tanoshi'i *'Lt, _ia demand ureyuki řďrL'IŤ -\ 65 dental clinic shika ÉŤ*23 department KA Í+ 23,BU *l! 93 departmentstore hyakkaten EÉÉga departure shuppatsu S# SS development kaihatsu ?ň# at device kufn í^ L12,hakanl Eá diagram zukeí 9fi) 97 dialect hogen ŤĚ 66 dialogue kaiwa *žÉ87 97 dictionary jisho ÉŤÉ 73 die away yamu ůť,'57 die down yamu ůť,'57 difference kubetsu &F| 91 121 diligence kinben Uftb, 28 tr\Ť á direct sashizu suru director (of ahospital) inchO enclose ireru Xltá 54 encyclopedia hyakkajiten 97 lHŘ J9 do okonau 'lŤ l €*F /0 KEN doll ningyo },ft' ^ 14 dog enter kinyú suru žÉXŤá, hairu X 6 54 enter a school nyugaku suru BÉa85 door iriguchi XŤŤ á54 54 entering NYú ^ Xl) entrance iriguchi domestic kokusan no EÉo) 85 domestically produced kokusan no 9 ^|)aSZ doubt gimon Klá downtown area toshin áí!,§ 84, example mihon Á6 ó3 excellent film meiga 4@ 83 excursion ensoku &E SZ draw up sakusei suru lŤl\Ť 6 aZ drcssing room gakuya *,Fe 3a dwelling E Jú {i excu§e iiwake 88 exercise undo exhibit $lt 52 early morning socho *lfr SZ early riser hayaoki ?&3 SZ early á8l Só F,hayai takai rft|* ag earth JI, CHI }Ů 9Ó Earth, the daichi 96 ease anraku **, nerU ^rb * SO easy an'i na 50 easygoing an'i na eat ku'u "\6 70 *Zti *aři _t+ A),kurau AĚ ),taberu A eatout gaishoku eavesdropping 70 '|Ř nusumigiki,á}}á3 education kyóiku #,Éll effort BEN fu 28 etectricity DEN € 8ó electric wire densen Éffi aa elementary [primary] school shogakko ,J,*lk 22 elements shoho 4ný 59 emigration ijn &li S8 emphasize tsuyomeru ffi,ba 29 employee sha'in ŤlF 95 empty akeru 1ňlJ a 81 3l emulate minarau RE) 122 first name namae (a Ěl,žR 66 €ýi á painting) kókai suru e'ffiŤ expensive Kó, taka É,tota na earnings sh{inyit 4í,^ 54, shotoku 80 94, ZO SHA 'it Zffi 95 83 forcibly góin ni ffi1|I. 29 drink kurau Ř|, ) 70 dry cell kandenchi #,É)ůS6 dwell kyojú suru E,íiŤá, sumau 1ií ), sumu 1iL, 88 97 ň l03 figure ZU El, zukei gft' 97 fill out kinyú suru žtxt 6 54 find shiru 6 68 Fd3 #Ť aO findout kikidasu ^9 field ba exaď(ly) seikakuna(ni) řrÉlj (l:) 48 exactly masani í^l: 48 examination paper tóan E*. SS drawing zumen B@ 97 ZU B á62 feel relieved AN * 50 feigned illness kebyó ifulň l0S íew SHO Ť 46 fiction shosetsu ,l",aý- 44 fish GYO, sakana, uo Ř 12 fish market uogashi Ř,)EĚ 12 flesh nikutai řl/6 ta foldingpaper origami 1ííl)ftÉ,17 etiquette saho lŤi* ól event gyoji Í14 aS everything issai -tZ ó0 drawing favorite food kóbutsu *?*b SO 58 establishment setsuritsu žXt- 6I estimate mitsumori futÁ$ l)) 63 eternity ei'en ;krt 37 Ťá machinaka ÉT+92 draftbeer namabiiru *-Y,)V 19 drastic omoikitta flul§J->ř: 69 draw hiku 1l ( Sa favorable KO *Ť _]0 firm kaisha first nii *í, 35 ^iI nyůkoku 54 dógu ,ÉAl04 equipment ^tr e§cape dasso fiŘĚ, tosó suru d!É, SZ fat futoi X->ř: 47 EfÍT 40 fault tansho ^l\,futotta fine Kó ií 30 fingeňip yubisaki #Ťr, 54 entry [entrance| (into a country) 54 ?rLt) fee RYO )rl tOS feel relaxed lat easel yasumaru fF* English language text eibun *.ý, 26 English newspaper eijishinbun *+#í?ň 27 enjoy tanoshimu * L{} 34 enroll nyúgakusuru XŤŤá 54 78 52 English-Japanese dictionary eiwajiten *l"í** Za inu, $tr,soKU & lt,nayai Y (\,SÓ + fast-forward hayaokuri 26 0S documents shorui fast hayai ZS EV]I) 9l England EI X, Eitotu XB za English EI X, eigo *=* Za English conversation eikaiwa Xá-íÉ end kugiri disciptine kyóiku &E Zl disclose akasu aÁi'Ť 53 discount waribiki žl]1l sa discovery hakken #R, aS disease BYO, HEI, yamu lřt I08 display miseru .R ťá ó_] disposeof uritobasu ňUftli"Ť 75 dissipation doraku á*. Sl distant EN,ON 16,,61 ;{tl 37 distinction kubetsu 8E| 9I division kubun E?, kukaku EÉt 9I,BU tI' 93 Efr*** Ét\51 TSú € 7J kireru qha É,íút, fairy tale dowa ÉiÉ87 fame na, MEI Z 33 family (zoological) KA famous yúmei na á ň aS far EN,ON ,f,toi ,át\,toku fare Ryó ř* tos farmhouse nóka Ř*. 10l atarashii *í L t ., 16, G ,HE ts 90 gathering shukai genuine ki + gesture aizu 19 ěB Fá 97 gethigher takamaru get (information) out rá3*Ť ft+ 23 Lti fresh NIKU lá SHIN *í J5 aS gateway to a Shinto shrine tori'i familiar kiyasui Í"*t. SO family KA, KE Ť.,katei *Ř, kazoku *t*, tOt ll,Eol formality kóshiki a'd /05 formula koshiki e\rt /05 foundation kihon tá /8, setsuritsu žY.t- 6l, shitaji Tiú 9ó fragile kowaremono ab*L+h l07 free muryó no ft**Ol lOg fruit kudamorc *l,tl tOZ full TSU ál3 84 function eyoji i14 ó5 furniture kagu *A tOt future saki tr, SgN Ťt 20, shorai l** zt,miraí ** 7l '|HSa fabric kiji *,.rt 19 factory kójó íla n3 fair akarui Brl6t., 53,ichi foreign gaikoku no friendly kiyasui Ítl \ 50 friendship ynkó k*í 3I front shómen í-ffi 48 expert 60 expire explain setsumeisuru iřnfiŤá SS exploitation kaihatsu Ffr# al exprcssion koto Ě óó expne§s (train) kynkó ?-Íl dS extend enchósuru lÉÍ<ŤáSC 93 external gaibu no F food JIKI, SHOKU a 70 food tabemono Ř",4tl Z0 forbid kinshisuru HůŤá sz force shiiru |fi,vrá 29 forcible góin na |lhlltJ 56 &( SZ s0 94 á*á St of kikidasu g€tup tachiagaru ibLňšá 6I gift okurimono Mt)4hl l07 girlfriend koibito §}, 14 give birth umu 4L, 19 AN, GYO, 't1< 65 KO high KO,taka á,takai ÍŤ, iku, yuku , [come] (back) home kikoku suru , [come] back one's own country high tfull] speed kósoku highest saikó no Řáa St highmountain kozan áú St high-quality kokyu na afuYřJ 51 high school kókó ař^ 22 hightemperature kó'on áÉ St highway kaidó lhLÉ l04 hobby dóraku €'* Sa hold okonau ft ) as,kaisai suru )fr6Ť 6 zz kikoku suru tfrB-Ť á 72 along TSII €, tóru &á ZS , back and force kayou É) ZS ,home kitaku suru tfrž'Ť á 72 , ,ldfish kingyo ,od Kó iŤ 30 rod ěŘ tZ rňÉŤa,hirakuF{( luck kyaun 5fi& 29 oodmorning. Ohayo. b+) holiday kylka home jukyo 52 od unknown spot [place] anaba Xň l<atet liÉ *.R tot KA, ucht ilý ( Sg lurmet shokutsú k& rs aa homemade tezukuri no ŘFt hospital byoin )ňltŽ 108 house jukyo ,íi.E, jutaku 55, dearuku honest SEI,SHO lvernment lpublic] office yakusho tadashii s9 105 *€3 ^ra *lŤ I) a .úLl\ 48 KA, uchi, ya * tOt ŤŘ ,íi€ household Yatei meat hikiniku ound lminced] '& L^3^J 1ó idle fubenkyo na T.ftžlkti Za ow haeru +Za,hayasu ouL19 t,) ť)^ I0 idea iken ÉR. aS,kanage omoitsuki ,Bt,r,ít5 ó9 illustration imagine kangaeru k6 Bi immigration ljn rbit shukan EIH St 94 úl kaijo rlt tomaru^ra Ět a 57 udiwork saiku fiaÍ- l02 rndmade tezukuri no *lŤ U a 67 nd-me-downs ofuru bž 36 rdstarrd sakadachi ,V.tb 6l rdwriting SHO Ě 73 rd tcood] worker benkyoka Él§,* zs &n hayameru ?ď>6 41 d tmain] office honten 6.15 lS, bosha 95 lr MoN rá, kiku rfr ( shinchó h&, 3g,takasa BUN, 80 li}t É: 51 I sewa Ě-aÉ87 trr úin 1F}. tl,eiyl Xt# zd ffe enryosuru €I) rŤ6 37 žiá (l:1 5, immediately sassoku l CHo & _r9 d[chieflof award kucho tr&, 69 97 ftrli ž i dl, 6q,omou 91 FŘ/j št Japanese paper (handmade) washi tz /S 40 justice seigi tE* 48 JLr:. a 57 killing two birds with one stone issekinicho -E=,a 13 kitchen kitchen aFÍíS9 know shochi zK*", shiru i" á, C}fI *g 68 al ,?,Ál, land JI, CHI tb 96 landlord oya X* l0l lane komichi ,],iÉl04 GO ž+ 25, aa language study gogaku žE+ 25 language gengo ĚĚE, kotoba al 50 ingredients zatryo tl)ť* 109 inhabitant jomin ,íiR SS inquire toi P,l t ., ton Fol, tou ?á ) SZ inquiry to'iawase Fálrář;tt :Z inside (o// naibu ň*lj 93 inspect kengaku suru R *Ť 6 63 instruct oshieru U.Za,KYó #.74 instruct sashizu suru #EŤ 6 gZ instructor sensei 9EÉ20, kyóshi žléfrrl Japaneselanguage kokugo Bž* ZS L 43 AN t,yasui tt,t inquiry MoN rá 32 insert ireru Xna 54 keimusho fr\t*ýfr S9 EF 43 Japanese cuisine washoku fi"Ř ZO Japanese food washoku 4"ě ZO January Shogatsu Kyoto Kyóto 8S information CH| *ý 68 J kanji kanji :F-? ZZ keep hikitomeru 91 3 54, shotoku income shiinyu ']í^^Ř Fftl* as inconvenient futsugó na 1náf|ěti independence dokuritsu trř.t 61 index sakuin š ( 5ó individual kojin ,ÍHA 'l 14 induce kitasu *Ť 71 industry kógyó rX rc2 inexpensive td K ?& lt hurry óisogi de Řá fi"ŠtOO Japanese-styleroom washitsu^A junior college tanki daigaku tÉtr^+ important taisetsu na X§]řJ 60 impose shiiru 5Ét\a 29 impossible muri na F,]Eři 24 improvement shimpo ,Eý Sg impudent zubutoi Brs,t. 47 in a 102 jail fi"?t#" immediate(ty) sókyu na (ni) blind) modoken d ZU 8 ]-r\ irony hiniku Japanese per§on Nihonjin E ignore kikinagasu rá 3 rft,Ť S0 illness BYó, HEI, yamai ffi tOa *.řŤ, ding midashi ^& R tL 63 din€ midashi R ý,L dS 88,ie, tOt I 47 ow fat futoru own-up otona XA 43 ow old furuboketa žtrllJ ř: 36 owth seicho fixÉ.sg rcst room kyakushitsu trŽ tOO rirte dog (for the 67 hurry kyuko P-|tÍ 0S hymn sanbika Éř=* ZZ 96 oundwork shitaji T}ů 9ó Ť,, ÉĚrj, _ú. shojikina aí[nar bumpó *)* 106 l\ 4-] eat DAI,ó 43 eatty TAI X^,ókii ^š €at person ijin 1ě^ 14 tenhouse onshitsu )Hž t00 illedmeat yakiniku )H3ltl 1ó ound JI, CHI intermission kyukei ,ítllt,t ó2 international kokusaiteki trFŘáí ss interpretation tsúyaku ŇŽF. ZS interpreter tsúyaku &Ér.73 interview kaiken *R 63 interviewer kikite Efl 3 + S0 invention hatsumei #Bfi Sl, tutu 8/ l*aťx 62 SS, ie, *É rout SHUTSU, SUI Ě, deru * á affiti rakugaki intercultural ibunka no **-|V,a tOa interior naibu Ét*F 93 home (electronic) appliance kaden 103 lvernmental o'oyake instrument ďógu ĚF ]04 intelligence chino lgÉE ó8 intention ishi ĚFs ó9 át\ 51 á& lt ž* large ó, DAI ókii Ko á,6iroi^,lf,\l 3 t . 43, 49^ largemajority daitasu Xrt§, 45 largenumberof tasu no 7*ý.a r large-scale ógakari na X**l,/' l) ři 43 largest saidai no Ř^a 43 late osoi €I\,CHI € 42 latest atarashii *íi L L r, saishin no Ř#i O, SHIN +í _r5 lazy fubenkyona T,ftžl§,ři 28 lead hiku 1l ( sd leader CHó & 39 learn gakushusuru Ť€Ť6, manabu ži: Zt,narau € SHú € learning E3l 31,osowaru ), &bá Zl GAKU Ť 21, gakusho Ť leave tózakaru €Š/'6 37,KI tfr tending kashidashi HLĚL SS length and breadth lwidth] tateyoko La.ffi 99 72 123 ENGLISH-JAPANESE INDEX in ireru X*Lá 54 letlive ikasu 4/'í 19 let let pass tosu €Ť masterpiece meisaku 44+ 67, meiga 4@ 83 73 letsee miseru RĚa 63 letter JI Ť, moji *.Ť zz, SHo Ě €.Ť 73 library toshokan tr€ffi gZ let through tósu lie(down) yokotawaru Řř:b6 7s 99 life SHó, SEI Ě, seikatsu Ě jÉ,seibutsu ž4h ts,ikimono E3qh rc7 lifetime issho -Ě 1951 -abá lift takameru light akari anň'I), akarui lighting shomei F,8*an 53 light meal keishoku tightning DEN € EŘ Bň á t \ 53 ZO só like konomu flt;, suku *t ( 6 3 ffit" t 30 liking konomi *+J* 30,!íaji "F<tt 96 listener kikite Ffr 3 * SO listening (comprehension,) kikitori řfr 3 likes and dislikes sukikirai Wl) 80 listen to kiku Ffr ( , BUN, MoN literature bungaku *.# Zt little o, ko, SHó l]., chiisai SHó ,)- 46 live ikiru E- ,\ z], ful s0 § i l 44, 6 /9, kyoju,íií suru j, ElíŤ6,Jú li,sumau ,íiL, sumu 88 living seikatsu *)É19 living thing seibutsu Ežrl lg, tuggage nimotsu fr*h tOZ Iuxury kókyú na -aký,řJ 51 M á /8 make sakusei suru,íŤ.diŤá, tsukuru líá dz make a hole akeru ťňIl á al main HON 124 áH R4 new face shinjin newly arata #tř: 35 new record [document] shinkiroku YížzbŤ35 news CHI *p, oshirase b*ý Lr1} 6S, tsúshin Ň4'a 73 newspaper shinbun #t7ň SS new style [type] shingata 13 t"r 44 lt,í\ 38 monthafternext saraigetsu E*F Zt most saita Ř? lS move ugokasu Éhň'Ť,ugoku Éž(, Do ýh 15 movement idó írýt,undo €Él i5 much o'oi Prl,rA ? 45 municipal koritsu no Aý.ú) ó1, shiei no fiĚO no žl,ý-a al 90, toritsu muscle kin'niku ňfrá ta music ongaku ÉJ1 GAKU * 34 mutual kyotsu no *&a ZS mysterious fushigi na T,Bi&rj Oq myth shinwa ilžt SZ 4 s3 áň,VtYó, name (full name) shímei S3 nameless mumei no RZa ^ZaS nation kokka ElŤ 85 national kokuritsu no Bý-a at national anthem kokka E4k 77 national highway [road, route] kokudó Bá l04 *ítE SS í-F 48 aF, ( á 53, RAI *, titaru *,ř: á 71 night stall yomise &É St nonsense negoto í'ÉĚóó nothing issai -tl ó0 notice kokoku Ii+ 4g,kokuchi **e, tsúchi €io,oshirase b^gřrĚ 6S next akuru SS aS *íA 35 Ř*íía 35 #iA 35 newest saishin no NewYear,the Shógatsu namecard meishi Z*l] 83 í *írE" 35 94 membership kal'ín Ž"a 94 memory omoide ,Bt tfi ss mermaid ningyo ,l.Ř, 12 merman ningyo 12 metropolis shuto ^Ř ĚžF, TO, miyako á[3 84 metropolitan toritsu no žl,ia al migratorybird wataňdori ŘI),fu military base kichi *fu 96 milk gyunyu **L tt MEI *l,k ss master kyoshi ?lÉfr74 master sensei Ťc*- 20 member of kai'in name na A,namae man-made jinko no ,}.ía 102 manners saho ,íŤ;* ó7, fiishú Wa 3I manufacture tsukuru tŤ á dz manufacturing KU, KÓ I, kogyó '*, toz many o'oi Prl,rA ? 45 melody kakyoku gh.ň ^Ů77 member bu'in ĚlF q: 92 newcomer shinjin 97 meeting place kaijo N management kanň ÉíE24 manager ( general manager) buchó market (place) ichiba frtft 90 84 modern times [era] kindai mom€nt tokoro FÍ' 89 money tsuka €H 7J logic RI í9 24 long nagai &t. -l9 look KEN Á, miru R 4 aS loser makeinu ŘIl X tO lostarticle otoshimono EYL+h 107 love suku *+ < 30 low SHÓ ,l,,chiisai l].! t"r 44 wIň^ new atarashii *.í L t .,sHIN,nii *í" 35 new [brand new] article shinpin meat NIKU É]1ó meat shop nikuya áFa 16 medicalscience igakl E4 2l medicine igaku EŤ 2l meet au ě) SS meeting E, KAI A, taigi A;Ř. model mihon location shozaichi FÍtělt 39 lock out heisa suru ťň§HŤ a 82 log maruta lLK 47 map chizu rř,E 97 market ichi fr 90 measure hakaru mind ishi ĚE oS minor SHó ,l,,chiisai z].! ikimono E-\qrl 107 loan kashidashi HLĚL SS local (branch] shibu Í+r, 93 neighborhood association chonaikai material(s) genryó FJíl,zairyo M**, shiryo Ř)rl rcs maternity leave sankyii É.tidZ maximum saikó no Řáa st mayor shicho fi&,39 meal shokuji ŘF ZO shnkaí t^ 94 SO neighborhood kinjo ÚFfr 38 notification t§uchi É.+p ó8 novel shósetsu ,)",uň 44 novelist saXka 4ÍŤ tOt number tasho ? )- 45 nursing kambyo Éň tOa o obey BUN, MoN rá, kiku so official KO A 105 ^\ old Ko Ě,furui Ět. _ló oldest saiko no Řža sa old-fashioned furui Ět r, furukusai ( št,.3ó oneserving ichininmae -^ffi one's favorite book aidokusho €zg one's pet dog aiken Ě 14 Éiň É,X tO one'splaceof work shokuba Wira l03 one's point of view kangaekata Ž tal one's way of thinking kangaekata žit 0q one's whole Ž_ life issho -E 19 ňě tOq I"rIŤ a 49, aku Efi ( oneway katamichi open hirogeru 53, aku ffi ( , 6 Ffr ( , ateru Ffrll á, trirat<u Uisai suru ffi,í&Ť o'oyake 'a\ l05 rel 81, ffi, open and shut (a door) kaihei 7ň?ň aZ open (a place) the public kokai suru A 7ňŤ 6 at open §pace hiroba IEtfr 49 nearsightedness kingan jtEP( orchestra gakudan -r8 ( objection monku *-Žl tOí observe kengaku suru R ŽŤ á OS obvious akiraka na a[řrň'ř;'. 53 occasion ba'ai lkě l03 official o'oyake l05 national language kokugo BeE ZS national treasure kokuhó EH ss natural science rika lElď 24 near KIN ú,chikai qill 38 Ffr object BUTSU, MOTSU, mono *h] ]07 opera kageki Clkňlr ZZ ophthalmology ganka ekí+ 23 opinion iken ĚÁ ó3 *ffi Sl position katagaki ÉŽ ZSshozaichi -rÍrLfu aC postage sóryó *ř+ 109 postcard hagaki F* 76 rd€r chilmon )i*- 106 rdinary futsu *€ 23 rigami origami lft ll trÉ.tz rigin moto 4 18 riginal (work) gensakl Ifr,4F 0r ther day, the senjitsu fr,a ZO &E uting ensoku power failure [outage] tei<ten utofstock urikire ňl)Ll]fu utside gaibu no ý|*Y,a 93 75 wnerless dog norainu 9Ť Ř*, lO x o'ushi ) ř,#+ ll ,ace ayumi ýa SS 'acific Ocean, the Taiheiyo X*)+ 47 lackage kozutsumi ,],€ 44 lainter gaka @* 10l lair of stone guardian dogs (at the gate oí a Shinto shrine) komainu : 10 *^ nper kami, SHI íÉ17 nper [dress] pattern katagami 4.í.ý." tz )ap€rmoney shihei í,*,F 17 €řá Enň'Ť 53 nuse kugiri 7V]I) 91 áss icnic ensoku &R- SZ itfure ZU B 97 ůture book ehon lěá. ta ilkie ffing,er) koyubi ,J,rft 44 leoe basho ňFt,SHo Fft 89, tokoro F.{,,ba,Jó ň l03 rF,Elt 96 Et.,ít3 69,nlmen E á. hakaru Ea 97 Ěnt ikeru +ů a D,kójó Itk 103, sbokubutsu Mřl I07 len omoitsuki Élsantkokochiyoi,ligJtt aasant tanoshi'i *Lt, J4 lhtyof o'oi ýr: 45 !t_v of TA 45 Frms shiika ž+4K 77 9ó ;rttetmoney 'kozukai l]")fi'yl, 44 ptm KA. uta 4K 77 ;-t saki, SEN 20 lňion (environmental) 'E \* l05 kogai 3 * SO 8ó quft* hayai láE SS $tr,SOKU & 4t,naya -$t r, SO F, subayai *+l. \ &Ďá 4l quicken hayameru quick work hayawaza 7*, quiet ansei t# SO quit yameru JLĎ á 57 quotation in'yo ílffi 5ó 52 SZ rapid hayai 4t.,kyusokuna é€/j, soKU 8 4l,hayai §-t"t,so F 52 41 1§t race kyósó 48 prospects shorai ;lÝX pub sakaba )trra 103 public koritsu no -,ň SZ ů L t,. Kó. public telephone kóshu denwa # l05 #Ť 55 pull IN 9l,trltu 1l( AR€ sa puppet ningyó }-fi 14 puppy koinu Ť*. 10 purchase BAI H, kaimono fll,Ýn], Rau F, ) /ó ."F.lffi purchase price baika 76 purchaser kainushi H.l ri Za purchasing shi'ire ,ítXň 54, kaitsuke Hu,ltll 76 pure )íl tos read DOKU . TO, TOKU L, ki É 19 a61 O question gimon á€Fá 32 question shitsumon H,lá SZ -#. yomu Ěň 79 reader dokusha ňá zs ZS reading dokusho ň€ reading aloud ródoku En",ň 79 ,rňJ}+h 79 reading material yomimono really hontónl á*l: la realthing honmono 6*b ta rea§on RI 24 ,Bl'tŤ 69 *It )Lb a recently saikin Řlt 38 recess kyúkei ,{f,lJtt ó2 recitation ródoku En",ft 79 reconsider saikó suru f,žŤ á recreation goraku E,-*. Sq 57 al ÉŤ48 redevelopment saikaihatsu Fffiň Sl reduction tanshuku +fuftÉ 40 reference sanko 4ž 64 refrain enryosuru &I) lŤa 37 registered mail kakitome ěE ZS regular holiday teikyiibi ftlřa dZ rectify tadasu reinforce hokyó suru iťňté,t á Zg ó9 remember omoidasu ,É.šl\úŤ reopen saikai suru fl9ňŤ á at repair shuri lrlE 24 reply hentó 45, outo f*lá -i-l put lfit] together kumitateru fr,HJ}l< putin ireru NrLá,iru Xá 54 putoff okurasu EbŤ lZ putonsale hatsubai suru #řxtá putout dasu #Ť 55 put up tateru la á 6l 8 rate BU Ť oo, nyo )t* tos raw nama ž 19 rawmaterial§ genryó l?)í*,zairyo ň receive uketomeru o'oyake }, kokyo no 'č*a l05 publication kanko Ť']iŤ ó5 publichall kokaido l05 public performance ^^Ě ko'en A;F 105 publish dasu zs 'Erecall omoidasu ó1. Sa rapid [speed] reading sokudoku 71 AiC) řnĚ railroad tetsudó §*ě 104 railway tetsudó *rá tOq raise takameru áď>á 5l r 4/ Y?-ti(l:) _ú, tadashii quantity tasho 7'!- 45 pr:E_v shiika ž+ak 77 Ffr primitive mikai no *rňa 8l prince KO A 105 priority yusen k) ) Ť, ZO prison keimusho fr|t*FííS9 privateroom koshitsu ilEE l00 proper SHO, SEI rnmanship shlj1 EŤ 27 rrcentage BU ý 59 niod kugiri EV]I) 9l Ermanence ei'en +Ř 37 gson JIN, NIN, hito Á /4 nrsuade iikikaseru Ět,.Ffr/'*tá 80 ad ůone denwa ÉžÉ J2 questions and answers mondó pretend miseru Rft a 63 prevention boshi [lžů57 previous saki, SEN Ž 20 proofreading kosei ii_ú. 22 ny phone kóshu denwa L'ftÉŽt l05 pdestrian crossing odanhodó ffiňný mondai F.1€, Fó, ) R prompt(ly) sókyu na(ni) nssword aikotoba át,.Ě* óó nth komichi ,],á l04 pleceof origin gensanchi F€ F-1( ,, present okurimono Éil ry] l07 president shacho 1+k 95 prompt sumiyaka €řr' prompt SOKU 8, hayai 7J nss the night akasu tou ró que§tion€r kikite problem mondai láffi SZ processed food kakoshokuhin l)ul§ Eo l02 professor kyoju &4Ý 7a progre§s (ln) shimpo É.ýSS prohibit kinshisuru *tŤá SZ 105 nrk ko'en tomeru JLba 57 ark(acar) ^a nrt BU *l3, ichibu -*í, SS nrticipate (in) deru *,á SS ,arty E, KAI 94 B§s tóru Ěá,Tsú € 7J ^ ra§§age tsuro toi practice jisshú *€ J/ precedence yúsen 7D j lt 20 precious taisetsu na Xý]ti ffi prcface joUun Fl l0ó prefer konomu řL, J0 preference konomi §J} 30 pr€pare sakusei suru lŤl\t á 67 SZ MON, ton qu€§ion ZS report oshirase b^rbt} 68 representation dairi l\,lP- 24 reputation MEI Z 83 research Kó ž 64 reside Jú ,li, kyojú suru E,íiŤ á 88 residence jukyo ,íi,É,jutaku ,íi€ 88 resident junin ,íiÁ, jumin ,íiR 88 resident (of acity) shimin fi'R 90 respect speech [language] keigo &( ži 1< re§pon§e outó rest ansei ltll\\ *# 62 r§á so, 33 KYú 'i, kyukei 19^ rest (short resrl hitoyasumi A62 resume saikai suru flyň'f retail ko'uri ,l,ftl) 75 retirement intai 9l€ 5ó return kaeru iÉá, KI ]fr U Yt^ 6 at setl BAI ň,hatsubaisuru *ňŤá, uru ň6. ureru řxl'tá 75 small quantity (o/) shóryó ')'É. U *Ť 55 send someone back kaesu )frŤ 72 sentence BLIN, MON, fumi X, bunshó *.É tOa serious itlness jíibyó ÉffitOS snack snap kireru sell off uritobasu send dasu 72 review fukushu 1FE lt revise shusei suru llŤíŤá 48 ňght SEI, SHÓ .tr, tadashii g 1- t t 48 rise takamaru at a sl,tachiagaru !L t, S-ň| á 6l river [freshwater] fish kawau'o/ serve dasu ň ftlJŤ l'l a99 society E, l<á íI,triratu řá( al shipping [freightl charges soryó ,Pt* los shop mise,TEN r§,shoten fiI5 98, -ya * tot shopassistant ten'in tEH Sa rookie shinjin #íA 35 room heya *trQ g3,sHITsU E too root(oJatree) moto 6 18 rough(ly) ózappa na(ni) XŠclť/l shopping kaimono shopkeeper tenshu ti *tt á á s8 sosha ÉŤ58 suru d§ĚŤ S safety anzen *ě t-IŤ. ňL 75 rňba,tojiru ňl) rňv4Ďa shut oneself á82 82 in tojikomoru r,fi scene basho laFrí S9,ba tft I03 scholar gakusha 4# Zt sidewise yokomuki ni (no) &rb (a) cg (a) sc 66 sign aizu átr qa signal aizu ětr SZ signature shomei Lt4 school gakko +t^,KO t\ 22 schoot building kosha lŘě 22 school grounds kotei tř},Ř 22 school lunch kyiishoku frěŤ, ZO schoolprincipal kochó l\Í< 22 schoolroom kyoshitsu Ž*E too GAKU sign language shuwa Ť 21,kagaku t4Ť ZS scorc gakufu *žÉ34 scratch hikkaku 1l,cň'( 5a scribbling rakugaki E€ -* Za seafood gyokai ,É.Íř/2 secondhand chuko no second-hand [u§€dl -b4 +ěa 36 ÍdĚ 78 security anzen see *ě 50 Ť 126 95 f, small fish zako l#.Ř. 12 smaltfry zako *ÉŘ. tZ ba,Jó ra l03 Iibá l|alŤ 49 spread (out) hirogaru small letter komoji t,*-+ 27 small number shosu '}'{t 4ó Fí 89, b,hiromeru Át|a 49 stable anteishíta *É.Lř: Sl,heya baiten ňIE tateru lT á 75 6I t-b řfrtáŤ6 8/ 6* tS §tatement GEN, GON .Ů. ó1, LĎ| steady anteishita a, HoŤ59 óó #É,^ 86 *ÉLř: steal yokodori suru &41 step ayumu ý{",aruku stock up kaidame IJ 50 Ť a 99 ý (, flr.t!ď> 76 stop chúshisuru fůŤá,SHI ů, tomaru osoi Ě static electricity seidenki U *F staff sha'in itŘ gs,bu'in *IlF 93 stale furui Ět.,furukusai t( štr 3ó stall baiten fttE zs stamp (postaqe) kitte U|+ 60 suru zz 42 spice koryo #r* toS sports undó Eíň tS spot basho ŮFft,SHo,tokoro súate kokka B 4/ start aku ffi(,triraru ffi(,taisni small chiisai ,J, ! 1 r, ko ,l., kogata no ,,1,4,f), o, SHó ,], 44 smallbird kotoň ,|.,6 /-] Z7 KEN Á,miru R,á íS,au á) l*.žŤá aq select senkó suru ftrl lt $ ZS stand up tachiagaru +žt S7 sleep yasumu třt-: 62 slow CHI €, okurasu € ž* stand RITSU, RYtr, tatsu 83 8cz section KA í+ 23,KU 8- 9l section kukaku 8-@] 9l section manager kacho iR& _i9 section (of avillage) aza secune AN + 50 3l: singingvoice utagoe 1kF Zl silngle(room) koshitsu IEE lU site shozaichi FtÉtt39 sketching shasei 5* /9 sketch (rough sketch) mitorizu .F-41 book furuhon .la secretary (private) hisho 3l: since(then) irai Y\*, 7l *3 ZO E93 silence mugon {xž da since RAI * 7/ sing utau €( sprcad hirogeru C3ů side ó, yoko & 99 sidewalk hodó Ť€ 59 sideways yokomuki ni (no) &rfu science Pfr S2 sample mihon .f,,6 ó-1 sandbox sunaba Prň l03 sandpit sunaba PYŮ l03 sayiuž) spetl kaku shut (a person) in [upl tojikomeru SO sale(bargain) yasu'uri *ňt) SO sales ureyuki frn"ft 3 óS,uriage lÁst 45 SS spedy hayai rtl.,soKu shrine SHA, yashiro & 95 shrine (Sňinro) jinja ,iŤit 95 Lá,tozasu fttlřL lt 1*,iá zl shut HEI lŤl,shimeru Ťca specimen mitron ,R.á ó3 speech gengo ĚiB, GO Ěá 25, GEN, da GON, koto Ě, kotoba speed sokudo ,řŘ speedup hayameru +ba 4I speedy sumiyaka &Ý.ň' shortness TAN *É 40 short temper tanki na ffi^ři 40 show miseru Riďá 63,oshieru runner run out kireru §]ťtá 60 rushed óisogide XáS-'C l-t solution kairó sorne sukoshi &é. lt Wqo 55, tó§ó ň |) +]]n 75 ffiE 33 'YL 46,tasho 7')- sold out urikire specialsale uridashi shortening tanshuku *1ffi 40 shortest saitan no Ř*9a 40 shorthand §okki :8;ů 4/ run Só t 58 run hashiru řá sa lB,Ž Sl, tyot<ai 95 special [express] delivery sokutatsu short distance [range| tankyori *9.řE rudiments shoho 1aý 59 rumor fubun ÁPql 80 KAI A, il,á shakai Ť t) song KA, uta {R, kakyoku *.ň 77 soon hayai $t ,, Só Ť 52 space SHO, tokoro ft 89 speak iu ž ) aa, hanasu ="tl S7 *E 40 60 some days [time| ago senjitsu 98 short mijikai lÉlr, temijika na Q:) a, run away iede suru I§i Pt,\žl 76 ě]řLá snatch (away) yokodori suru &4x kawazakana )|Ř, 12 road DO, michi Ě, doro tÉW104 Roman alphabet, the yokomoji &*, Ťss 44 6.iítr(r _J0 keishoku B& ZO smart kakkoii *,Ť SS setup tateru ,1,4a small-sized kogata no 75 ůíá,tomeru )Lbá, yameru JLba,yamu řů, 57, kugiň E§lI) 9l store mise,TEN lE,shoten ÉIE 98 storeroom muro story monogatari -# 87 strange michi no wA É100 Ml="E 25, hanashi, **ra ó8, fushigi na T,Biňrl 0q straydog norainu 9ŤŘA lO úreet CHó al 92,Dó,michi Ě, ticket kippu §]trX 60 timid okubyó na Ď ( dóío aáí* 104 úreets shigai frlh 90 úrengthen kyóka suru #tUŤ a, tip tsuyomeru #Ďa 29 úroll sanpo ÉíýSS úrong KYÓ, GÓ, tsuyoi ífi 29 úrong [good] point chosho kFÍT S9 úudent gakusei #E Zt *;l,fr rŤ- Ť 21, gakumon tudy gakushu suru #EŤá 21, bengaku íáŤ, benkyo suru ížífi Ť á 28, gakushu +€, sHú €, narau E) 3] úrdy by oneself jishU suru É€Ť á3l ubject gakka ří*, kyoka &t* ubject wadai ĚúEE 87 ubecriber dokusha žňt 79 ubway chikatetsu tbT&*. 96 23 udden illness kyubyó ?-Iř, l08 ffierfrom yamu ;ňL, 108 un taiyó 47 urely masani ^W El,: 48 neetheart koibito §}, ;well takamaru t á*6 ll tough tegowai *ífi,r, Zg town toshi ár|ffi 84, SHI fi, shigai lh gl,CHÓ,macht wT 92 walk aruku Ť ( , ayumu fi town [city] hall shiyakusho fr'lkFfr SO town council chogikai wTᎠSZ town mayor chocho WTÉ.92 trade torihiki Wl)1| 3 só, shouai ÉŤx/) trading company shosha ffi,Ťt ps \Ň lS trail komichi ,],á l04 training kyoiku *ě Zq training school kyoshtio ?kEFt ag traitor uragirimono HLn l) # 60 traffic kótsu řx& ZS l a)ň,4 *ň 77 tomeru tba turkey shichimencho |-ffi,a turnoff type (printing) katsuji katarau ž#řr),kataru Ě*6, monogatari qae4 25,iu ž ) aa, banashi, WA ;É, hanasu ĚÉŤ, |ňwa ěžÉ87 §e konomi *ta so :et KYO žk,oshieru ž*.Za 74 á3r sensei ftE 20, kyoshi á g74 lrotr kiritoru UJ|)W6 60 SZ ž*b),kataru žIá 25, ž) óó,oshieru #.Zá litikaseru f ti|fr/.1ť6 80 74, ffimk kyókasho &ft*ě ru ffi kiji +-t& 19 47 3,IA B futoi^1ar.' 47 fl futomomo ltů ů 47 É3 BUTSU, MoTsU, mono 4h 107 B, kangaeru Ž L 6, shiko suru ÉžŤá64,omou R) 69 E8 kanage ži al kanage + Z,Kó ž 64, 9{t .É.ó9 -í uncivilized mikai no understand shochi zk*p ó8 ^rÁa undo akeru rňů a sl unexpected omoigakenai,Bl l\ t"t ó9 F-^ *Ioa t l' /j '§ ltŤ ó8, mumei no ,fu-Za unreasonable muri na F*tEři 24 up-to-date atarashii *í,L t ,, SHIN *i _r5 urban tokai no used chuko no Ť36 žl,*a al *Ěol -]ó, usually futsu Ě€ 73 utensil dogu zÉR l04 v vacation kyika l*a§. 62 vast kodai na tixtJ' q9 verb dóshi étŤ4tS verse KA, ta 4k 77 watchmiru Ra63 watchdog banken #Jt rO watchword aikotoba ál.ĚF way Dó, TO, michi Ě tol way home [back] kaerimichi ň weakness yamai 00 zKŤ 11 water buffalo suigyu t]É l08 l),á 72 weak point tansho {sFfr 40 Welcome home [back]! Okaerinasai! Ď'É t] well akarui Bfi ó t. a š|,, 72 5.1 l^ 49 EĎa United Kingdom, the Eikoku X@ Z0 United Nations, the Kokuren tr€ SS Zl, mictrl university daigaku no ward office kuyakusho &ŘFfr 9l wastepaper kamikuzu l$.( Ť tZ 49 width ó, yoko & 99 wire denpó €*R a0 wisdom CHI *ý,chi'e *",€. \rlll t\ walking aylmi ŤJ* 59 ward KU E 91 Ko SI ó9 unforeseen omoigakenai ýt:,HO ý, widen hirogaru tLň: á,hiromeru )É+ 27 U sanpo "a{Ť 59 well-known yíimei na É4U aS Western language yokomoji Ř*+ 99 wheat komugí ,],Ž 44 whole TSU Žl, 84,zenbu ě*l, 93 wholesaler ton'ya 7áÉ 32 wholesale §tore ton'ya láE_ SZ wide habahiroi {€á t \, hiroi ,á t \, 62 13 57 4_1 -,"žťá SZ W žáFE S7 tune kakyoku )ň, * r|"Jkararau Ěú, wadai torii tori'i ,fuE ts /t vocabulary tango 4"# 25 volume ichibu -*F 93 *žÉaZ truly hontóni á9l: la truly masani EIa 48 try hakaru aá 97 *eout aasu #Ť 55 de hanashi, WA žÉS7 E&ň, topic WA visit hómon z true story jitsuwa ^ Ť80 boenkyo Éě toll RYó )t* tos tool dogu ĚR tol truancy zuruyasumi true HoN 18 no notice of kikinagasu rH 3 *oope 20 tip of the toe tsumasaki 2 t Ťr, 20 title katagaki za,lÁBl s3 transportation kótsu St Hr3ren denpo €*R 8ó Hrpbone denwa €ĚÉ aó SEN tr very(much) oini Xttl:,TAI view iken Ťz,R- 0S villain akunin .€A 14 toa translation into English eiyaku X Ě;( 2ó ableware strokki AB 70 tlke a) rcst yasumu 4ř{-} 62 a&e a rest yasumeru l^b 6 62 *e saki, lř,ti furusu aS Ě 68 wonder omou ,B ) ó9 word GO ĚE, tango 4# ZS,koto óó, oshirase ťjfobĚ 68 words kashi #ž4 ZZ,monku work SA, SAKU ,ÍŤ 67,Kó, *í Ě tO6 KLIN _a l12,salku ftfií 102 BEN fž 2S workmanship saik:u lEI- l02 work(pieceofwork) sakuhin lFF" 67 worry fuan T* SO write kaku €( ZS writer sakusha lŤá 67, sakka 4F 4 tot writing BUN, fumi, MON X', bunsho *ě loa work hard Y yearafternext,the sarainen E*F Zt young chiisai ,J.š t t, SHó uJ, 44 youngest sainensho Z zone chiku túE 9I Ř41n l0
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