OPN K-12 Portfolio 2015
OPN K-12 Portfolio 2015
K-12 EXPERIENCE “A school is a reflection of a community’s collective self-respect and pride. It should be designed thoughtfully and with care.” P R O J E C T A P P R O A C H OPN has more than 35 years of experience helping school districts, colleges and universities solve problems. From these experiences, we have developed and fine-tuned a framework for accomplishing planning work with accuracy, efficiency and appropriate involvement of students, District leadership, sitebased staff, and community members. At every juncture we consider the impact of adjacent properties and future needs of the community. We work to bring fresh ideas, not only in planning and design, but also in the process of design. We organize, and explore multiple options to ensure design solutions meet your needs and budget. We have staff members who are dedicated solely to educational clients, and know the academic language and requirements of the learning environment. We understand the business of education, and work to maximize your operating efficiency, and reduce your operating costs, while providing the best in an academic learning environment. OPN designs schools for the future, not just today. While we cannot predict the changes to curriculum and technology that will inevitably happen, we can design to avoid early obsolescence with flexible, open spaces that are clearly organized, accessible and easily adaptable. ...Better building design creates better students... ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY OPN Architects embraces the idea of broad and balanced sustainability. We design to increase value and reduce impact to the environment — never settling for one or the other. Our experience includes dozens of high performance buildings certified by the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program. We’ve also adopted the American Institute of Architecture’s “2030 Commitment” to achieve carbon-neutral buildings by 2030. Our focus on sustainability has led to the design of userfriendly facilities that perform very well. Sustainability is the not just a checklist, it is fundamental to good design. Making wise choices with client’s resources and the earth’s resources are responsibilities of the entire design, construction and operations teams. Green design is the art of designing in compliance with the principles of economic, social, and ecological sustainability. OPN Architects always strives to create buildings that are “good neighbors” both aesthetically and environmentally. We believe sustainability is as much about people as it is about buildings. Forty-five members of our architectural staff are LEED certified and deeply experienced in sustainable design. They apply their collective knowledge to optimize the building from the very first steps in the design process. Sustainable design strategies are transforming the way we design and detail facilities and are having a dramatic effect on the success of facilities as measured by operational cost, user experience and environmental impact. O U R K E Y DISCIPLINES OPN brings together a diverse group of smart, creative designers, thinkers and planners. People at OPN believe in the importance of doing what you love, doing it well, and having fun along the way. OPN is a truly open design studio and we seek diversity in both our people and our projects. We welcome variety for its capacity to inform our work and broaden our understanding of the world. Below are the services we most commonly provide. SERVICES Architecture Interior Design CORE SERVICES Landscape Architecture Master Planning Bond Issue Planning Building Information Modeling Detailed Budget & Cost Analysis Existing Facility Evaluation Fast Track Design LEED Planning & Implementation Marketing & Promotional Materials Renovation/Restoration Site Evaluation Sustainable Design REFERENDUM S U C C E S S The overarching challenge facing our schools is building trust and establishing a compelling case for schools as an essential investment. We find that there are three primary questions that must be answered to win public support: • How much money is needed? • How will the money be used? • In what ways will the community benefit from investment? Establishing a clear, persuasive vision for educational services is one of the major benefits of the ideation sessions we conduct with school leadership. That vision is broadened through the open public dialogue and helps a community articulate their goals for their schools. This process is critical to long-term success and winning support for schools and building campaigns. Often this phase is conducted in partnership with a fundraising consultant, however that depends on the scope of the project and the District’s internal resources. OPN HAS HELPED CLIENTS SECURE $290million THROUGH PUBLIC BOND VOTES C A M P A I G N S U P P O R T Once a vision and fundraising strategy has been set, our team will provide plans, renderings, models, and other marketing elements to support the communication efforts. Our team is prepared to assist on a variety of levels, from providing graphic support services and written content to creating three-dimensional models for a client to display during fundraising efforts. We are involved with your local community, and as necessary, with state and local foundations that provide funding to schools. Our designers often attend fundraising meetings in support of our clients. If desired, our designers are also willing to speak at clubs and other public gatherings in support of your fund-raising efforts. Recently, OPN provided fundraising support to the Indianola Committee Youth Foundation (ICYF) in an effort to fund a field house addition at the Indianola Middle School. A generous donation from Casey and Abbie Blake of $1,000,000 and matching funds raised by the Indianola Community Youth Foundation made the addition to the school possible. OPN collaborated with the ICYF and provided design for direct mail pieces, brochures, postcards, signs and web-site content to raise awareness and monies for the project. • Visioning sessions with leadership • Research into available grants and tax credits • Town Hall presentations and Open House sessions • Photo and video building tours • Conceptual plans / 3D imagery • Communication materials: posters, tri-folds, flyers • Surveys and graphics for web and social media channels • Seeding topics for MindMixer, Facebook, Twitter and websites P R O J E C T EXPERIENCE ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER ELEMENTARY COLLEGE COMMUNITY CONCERT HALL COLLEGE COMMUNITY MASTER PLANNING DAVIS ELEMENTARY EASTSIDE GARTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GRINNELL HIGH SCHOOL MASTER PLAN INDIANOLA MIDDLE SCHOOL KIRKWOOD JONES REGIONAL CENTER KIRKWOOD REGIONAL CENTER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA LINN-MAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS MARION MIDDLE SCHOOL MID-PRAIRIE HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION MOUNT VERNON HIGH SCHOOL NORTH HIGH SCHOOL NORMAN BORLAUG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRAIRIE HIGH SCHOOL PRAIRIE POINT MIDDLE SCHOOL & 9TH GRADE ACADEMY PRAIRIE RIDGE ELEMENTARY PRAIRIE STADIUM FACILITY STOWE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER ELEMENTARY Iowa City Community School District | OPN Architects As technologically advanced as Norman Borlaug Elementary, the new Iowa City Archibald Alexander Elementary School is currently under construction and slated to open in fall 2015. Large enough to house 500 students in over 66,000 square feet of space, the facility is anchored by two wings separated by a wedge-shaped lobby area — a two-story wing containing kindergarten through sixth-grade classrooms and a one-story wing including a gym, a library and a high capacity computer lab with teaching space. Smart Boards and high-speed wireless access will be available throughout the building with adjustable teaching surfaces in all classrooms. Ample natural daylighting in teaching spaces, LED fixtures, and a geothermal well field with individual high efficiency heat pumps are also planned to create a sustainable teaching and energy efficient environment. Location: Iowa City, IA Status:Ongoing Project End Date: Square Footage: 2015 (estimated) 66,856 Cost:TBD Client: David Dude, Chief Operating Officer (319) 688-1000 COLLEGE COMMUNITY CONCERT HALL College Community School District | OPN Architects The gem of the College Community School District’s Prairie High School complex, the Concert Hall at College Community is a 1000-seat theater designed to be a high-quality performance and education facility while still being cost effective for the school district. The design focused on acoustic integrity and functional adaptability inside a space featuring impressive wood detailing. The two complimentary species of wood are continued in the design for the removable sound shell on stage. An intimate balcony features two gracefully curving side galleries inspired by the great European opera houses. The recital hall is finished in a simple but beautiful palette of materials that includes beech wood, mottled makore wood, and a regal blue fabric color scheme for the carpet, seating, and main curtain of the stage. Location: Cedar Rapids, IA Status:Complete Project End Date: Square Footage: 2009 28,000 Cost:$6,801,280 Client: Jon Speer, Executive Director of Business Services (319) 848-5200 “I am absolutely delighted with our new facility. It was fitting that the first event was the Holiday Concert because this is truly a wonderful gift from our community. Our young musicians are very fortunate to have such outstanding community support.” — Dick Whitehead Former Superintendent COLLEGE COMMUNITY MASTER PLAN College Community School District | OPN Architects In the mid-1990s, OPN began a long-term campus planning project for the College Community School District in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Since then, OPN has been responsible for the design of all elements of the campus. This includes remodels, additions, and new school designs; as well as facilities such as the Bus Barn, Athletics Field and Stadium, and even the spectacular new Concert Hall. In 2013, OPN conducted a second planning project for the district that will set a new direction for campus development over the next ten years. This project was a comprehensive facilities review that evaluated the condition of the five oldest buildings in the District. It coupled that information with current district growth projections. OPN worked with the district and a community / staff facilities group to determine strategies for addressing facility needs as well as district growth. As the district continues to expand this vision for the future, long-range campus planning ensures maximized funding resources for new facilities, expansions and renovations and a consistent design language across all buildings. Location: Cedar Rapids, IA Status:Ongoing Project End Date: Client: 1990, 2013 Jon Speer, Superintendent (319) 848-5200 DAVIS ELEMENTARY Grinnell Community School District | OPN Architects In 1995, after three previously failed attempts for a bond referendum, OPN Architects was hired by the Grinnell-Newburg Community School District to assist in a fourth referendum. The bond issue was split into two issues; one at the High School and one for three elementary schools. Both issues passed on their first attempt. Davis Elementary is the largest of the elementary projects, and consists of renovating and adding to an existing three-story 1920’s vintage school building. The 11,000 sf addition consists of a new gymnasium and multipurpose room. Renovations include cosmetic and functional upgrades to all classrooms, a new media center and office, and complete removal and reconstruction of the facility’s mechanical and electrical systems. Location: Grinnell, IA Status:Complete Project End Date: Square Footage: 1996 14,000 Cost:$2,907,000 Client: David Stoakes, Former Superintendent (641) 236-2699 dstoakes@grinnell.k12.ia.us EASTSIDE GARTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Des Moines Public Schools | OPN Architects Built originally in the 1950’s, the progressive attitude of the school was seen in the Modernist building style and the ideals to promote a “students first” teaching approach and a literacyrich environment. With the focus on meeting the needs of every student, the vision set forth by the site committee was to create a safe and positive environment, to include families, staff and community in the education of the children, and to promote a love of literacy through experiential and authentic learning. They required flexibility to continually adapt to the changes required to meet the needs of a diverse curriculum, which is aimed at accommodating students with various learning styles and varied ability levels. The first design focus was on upgrading the existing 45,000 sf building and included upgrading existing classrooms, administration offices, the cafeteria, and provided enhanced facilities to offer a preschool option to neighborhood children. The second design focus was an addition of 21,000 sf of space to provide 4 new classrooms, 4 new kindergarten classrooms, a gymnasium with stage capabilities for the music room, and the new focal entry point for the school; an interactive library that would provide a warm, inviting and nurturing space to emphasize community learning. Both designs were completed during school occupancy. Location: Des Moines, IA Status:Complete Project End Date: Square Footage: 2007 21,000 new / 45,000 renovation Cost:$6,782,500 Client: Duane Van Hemert, Former Executive Director of Facility Management (319) 688-1020 GRINNELL HIGH SCHOOL MASTER PLAN Grinnell Community School District | OPN Architects In 2002, the Grinnell-Newburg School District commissioned OPN Architects, Inc. to renew the previously developed high school master plan. The District was pursuing mixed financing including a mix of local option sales tax, a Vision-Iowa grant, a bond issue, and substantial private fundraising. The master plan was implemented in two phases. Phase I included eight classrooms, two art rooms, three departmental faculty offices, and student restrooms. Phase II included a 600-seat dramatic auditorium complete with backstage facilities, a 1,700-seat gymnasium, four locker rooms, a weight room, wrestling room, and maintenance facilities. A future addition was planned to create a competition aquatics center. The project was completed with the construction management delivery method. Location: Grinnell, IA Status:Complete Project End Date: Square Footage: 2005 60,000 Cost:$12,200,000 Client: David Stoakes, Former Superintendent (641) 236-2699 dstoakes@grinnell.k12.ia.us INDIANOLA MIDDLE SCHOOL Indianola Community School District | OPN Architects The Indianola Community School District experienced rapid growth in a short amount of time. The District selected OPN to assess the immediate and projected needs for their middle school. OPN collaborated closely with key stakeholders, staff and administration to develop a phased approach that would alleviate crowding while improving the overall security and safety of the building. The first major move relocated the administrative offices to the front of the building. This change allowed for a much needed expansion of the dining and media centers while substantially improving the school’s security. An 83,000 square foot fine arts wing was added to accommodate the growth of the school’s arts education program and a large field house was designed to complement the school’s existing two-court gymnasium. In support of the District’s fundraising efforts, OPN also provided direct mail pieces, brochures, postcards, and web-site content. Location: Indianola, IA Status:Complete Project End Date: Square Footage: 2012 60,000 Cost:$15,236,804 Client: Darcy Moeller, Business Manager (515) 961-9500 KIRKWOOD JONES REGIONAL CENTER Kirkwood Community College | OPN Architects The Jones Regional Education Center in Monticello, Iowa, is a collaborative venture between Kirkwood Community College and local schools and businesses to provide advanced career training and meet the educational needs of the community. The 32,000 square foot building includes classrooms, career and technology labs for academic programs, offices, and access to the Iowa Communication Network for distance learning.. The new center functions as a learning hub for the community, complementing the surrounding school districts. A decline in enrollment and funding limited the kinds of classes local schools could provide. This proved problematic for students wanting to take higher level or specialized classes – many for college credit – that usually can only be offered at larger schools. This was the impetus to form a partnership between Kirkwood and the local schools, leading to the genesis of this new and unusual facility. Location: Cedar Rapids, IA Status:Complete Project End Date: Square Footage: 2009 32,000 Cost:$7,500,000 Client: Tom Kaldenberg, Associate Vice President Facilities & Security (319) 398-5569 thomas.kaldenberg@kirkwood.edu KIRKWOOD REGIONAL CENTER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Kirkwood Community College | OPN Architects Kirkwood Regional Centers are the result of an innovative partnership between Kirkwood Community College and area school districts. The Centers offer highly technical state-of-the-art labs and career academies providing high school students with access to hands-on technical programs, arts and science classes. Students have the opportunity to explore career options while earning concurrent high school and college credit at no cost. When it opens in 2015, the Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa will be the fourth Regional Center to open and the first of its kind in the nation to combine the strengths of a research university with those of a community college and industry partners. The unique location offers students access to the high tech companies and research centers on the University of Iowa Campus and the opportunity to do research with University of Iowa faculty. Location: Monticello, IA Status:In-Construction Project End Date: Summer 2015 Square Footage: 101,000 Cost: Client: $30,000,000 (estimated) Tom Kaldenberg, Associate Vice President Facilities & Security (319) 398-5569 thomas.kaldenberg@kirkwood.edu “We talk a lot about silos in education and how these entities often work separately. The most exciting thing about this, really, is this ability to connect what’s going on in K-12 with what the community colleges are already doing with what the university should be doing, to make it more of a continuum.” — Jordan Cohen, Special Associate to the Provost University of Iowa LINN-MAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Linn-Mar School District | OPN Architects These projects consist of three nearly identical buildings each constructed on new sites. These K-5 facilities were designed with individual classroom pods grouped around a central, common instructional learning center. For each, a large instructional media center provided an exciting learning environment for students and is visually connected to an exterior courtyard. The courtyard offers learning opportunities by incorporating natural features of the Iowa landscape. Each school features a large multi-purpose room that is supported by a commercial-grade kitchen and offers a raised stage area for student performances within the lunchroom area. The gymnasium provides space not only for athletic learning, but also performances on a large portable stage unit. The administrative suite houses the principal, nurse and guidance offices for each building. Location: Marion, IA Echo Hill Status: Complete Echo Hill Project End Date: Echo Hill Square Footage: Echo Hill Cost: Linn Grove Status Linn Grove Project End Date: Linn Grove Square Footage: Linn Grove Cost: Client: 2007 74,760 $9,279,000 Complete 2006 74,460 $9,279,000 Katie Mulholland, Superintendent (319) 447-3002 MARION MIDDLE SCHOOL Marion Independent School District | OPN Architects For decades, Vernon Middle School educated sixth, seventh and eighth grade students in the Marion Independent School District. In response to growth in the area and evolving educational methods, the school district decided to reorganize Vernon to include fifth grade students and update the building to provide students with access to a state-of-the-art learning environment. The school district engaged OPN Architects to lead the design of the project. With OPN’s assistance, the district decided to make use of the existing site, but to replace the building with a brand new facility. In addition, the athletic facilities were updated and remodeled to accommodate the school’s increased enrollment. OPN designed the new building as a flexible space to meet today’s demands and tomorrow’s challenges. The new facility utilizes energy efficient mechanical and electrical systems, and is supported by a pump and reinjection geothermal system. Location: Marion, IA Status:Complete Project End Date: Square Footage: 2012 124,000 Cost:$14,437,101 Client: Sarah Pinion, Superintendent (319) 377-4691 MID-PRAIRIE HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION Mid-Prairie Community School District | OPN Architects In March of 1996, the Mid-Prairie Community School District passed a bond referendum for $6.1 million on its first attempt. The bond proceeds were used to fund additions at each of the five attendance centers in anticipation of a grade level reorganization. Under the new organization, the high school was expanded to house the district’s ninth grade. The project consisted of a new 21,000 sf addition which housed a multi-purpose room and stage, a new kitchen, and a new industrial arts/agricultural education complex. In addition, a 2,250 sf locker room facility was added to the building. By vacating these spaces, a series of relocations occurred within the existing facility allowing the district to gain five additional classrooms, an expanded fine arts facility, an enlarged library/ media center, a computer center and an ICN room. Location: Wellman, IA Status:Complete Project End Date: Square Footage: 1997 23,250 Cost:$3,960,128 Client: Gordon Cook, Superintendent (319) 646-6093 “I am very pleased with the working relationship I had with Steve Knierim and the folks at OPN and the quality of their work. I am happy to recommend them to you.” — Mr. Gordon K. Cook, Ed.D.Mid-Prairie Community School District MOUNT VERNON HIGH SCHOOL Mount Vernon Community School District | OPN Architects After undertaking a community-based master planning process, the Mount Vernon Community School District decided to build a new high school building. The plan located the new building on recently acquired property adjacent to the existing high school. The community passed a bond issue on the first attempt, generating $8,500,000 at a tax rate of $3.90/1,000 of assessed valuation. The new high school includes 14 classrooms, 3 science labs, consumer science, business, special education, and art. The athletic program consists of a 1,200 seat gymnasium, 4 locker rooms, wrestling room, weight/fitness room, coach’s area, and outdoor practice fields. The performing arts program includes vocal and instrumental classrooms and practice facilities. A future 500 seat auditorium is also planned. The design includes a geo-thermal well-field, and other energy efficient mechanical features. Location: Mount Vernon, IA Status:Complete Project End Date: Square Footage: 2009 93,000 Cost:$9,870,000 Client: Tom Wieseler, School Board Member (319) 895-6850 NORTH HIGH SCHOOL Des Moines Public Schools | OPN Architects The Des Moines Public Schools recognized that North High School, originally built in 1957, required improvements and modernization including updated mechanical/electrical systems, new interior furnishings and new technology systems. Originally, a long-term master plan concept created by OPN Architects included a new library and science wing with planned renovations to the community center, administration/student services area, as well as an “identifiable” entrance. Due to budget constraints, the master plan was revisited to provide immediate renovations and upgrades. As a result, all programming requirements were met through an addition and renovation of existing spaces. Location: Des Moines, IA Status:Complete Project End Date: Square Footage: 2011 10,000 Addition / 228,000 Renovation Cost:$7,276,000 Client: Doug Ohde, Director of Construction Administration (515) 242-8338 douglas.ohde@dmps.k12.ia.us NORMAN BORLAUG ELEMENTARY Iowa City Community School District | OPN Architects Norman Borlaug Elementary School is a new construction designed to replace the existing Roosevelt Elementary. Enrollment growth and changes to technology and modes of teaching required the district to re-envision the design of the school. OPN was hired to design this new state-of-the-art facility. Construction began in spring of 2011 and the new school opened onschedule in summer of 2012. The District specifically wanted to create a building whose flexible design would accommodate community use. To achieve this goal, the gym and multi-purpose rooms were designed with entrances that would allow for separate community access. Space for Before and After-School Programs and the Coralville Recreation Department was integrated into the building design. Location: Des Moines, IA Status:Complete Project End Date: Square Footage: 2012 77,000 Cost:$10,890,145 Client: Celeste Shoppa, Principal (319) 688-1156 PRAIRIE HIGH SCHOOL College Community School District | OPN Architects After working with OPN Architects, Inc. to provide additions at each of three existing elementary schools and the middle school, College Community chose to pursue a major addition to the existing high school. The building last received an addition in 1990 providing the infrastructure and support spaces for a student enrollment of 1,000 students. The project provides the balance of space required to support this population. The project consisted of two major additions. The first was a 12,500 sf addition housing a cafeteria/kitchen expansion, a weight training facility, and a competition football locker room. The second was a two-story 40,000 sf addition housing 14 new classrooms, guidance suite, success center, student center, central administration offices, and the district’s technology offices. Location: Cedar Rapids, IA Status:Complete Project End Date: Square Footage: 2001 52,500 Cost:$7,200,000 Client: Mick Starcevich, Former Superintendent (319) 398-5509 PRAIRIE POINT MIDDLE SCHOOL & 9TH GRADE ACADEMY College Community School District | OPN Architects ThIs two-story facility includes classrooms, laboratories, kitchen, cafeteria, commons, administration, a split-configuration dual gymnasium flanking locker/shower areas, industrial technology, art, and music classrooms. The overall learning environment is enhanced by large volumes of space which incorporate architectural features of exposed structure, large windows, and an assortment of interior and exterior finishes. To maximize energy performance for heating and cooling, the entire facility is supported by a vertical-loop geothermal well system. Location: Cedar Rapids, IA Status:Complete Project End Date: Square Footage: 2009 221,568 Cost:$24,923,120 Client: Jon Speer, Executive Director of Business Services (319) 848-5200 PRAIRIE RIDGE ELEMENTARY College Community School District | OPN Architects Having completed work at the high school, middle school, and three elementary schools, OPN Architects, Inc. was selected to provide master planning and design services for the new Prairie Ridge Elementary School. The project consisted of 96,000 sf of building construction on a new site. This K-5 facility was designed with individual classroom pods grouped around a central, common instructional learning center. A large instructional media center provided an exciting learning environment for students and is visually connected to an exterior courtyard. The courtyard offered learning opportunities by incorporating natural features of the Iowa landscape. A large multi-purpose room was supported by a commercial grade food service kitchen and offers a stage area for student performances. A gymnasium provided space not only for athletic learning, but performances on a large, portable stage viewable from public bleacher seating. Location: Cedar Rapids, IA Status:Complete Project End Date: Square Footage: 2003 96,000 Cost:$10,000,000 Client: Mick Starcevich, Former Superintendent (319) 398-5509 PRAIRIE STADIUM FACILITY College Community School District | OPN Architects Between 1999-2004, the College Community School District renovated and improved its football/soccer stadium complex. The stadium complex stands in the heart of the College Community campus where the revitalization was completed in several phases. The design team and administration developed the architecture to be durable and cost effective, while reinforcing the architecture of the adjacent school buildings and the pride of the community. OPN Architects, Inc. assisted the district with several components of the project including: Master planning of a “homeside” bleacher replacement and expansion, coordinated final construction documents and erection with the manufacturer, complete design of the “homeside” support building, complete design of the “visitors” support building, and coordinated the resurfacing of the track. Location: Cedar Rapids, IA Status:Complete Project End Date: Square Footage: 2001 52,500 Cost:$7,200,000 Client: Mick Starcevich, Former Superintendent (319) 398-5509 STOWE ELEMENTARY Des Moines Public Schools | OPN Architects OPN Architects, Inc. was selected by the Stowe Elementary site committee to provide design services for the modernization and addition to Stowe Elementary. Stowe is located on Des Moines’ East side and is a three-story, red brick traditional school house. Master plan components called for a new gymnasium, extensive sitework modernization, window replacement and relocated administration and library areas. Other improvements included new mechanical/electrical systems, and new interior finishes. Location: Des Moines, IA Status:Complete Project End Date: Square Footage: 2008 50,000 Cost:$11,500,000 Client: Doug Ohde, Director of Construction Administration (515) 242-8338