View - Sharda University
View - Sharda University
ISSUE-5 August,2015 Chrysalis The evolving of Department of Mass Communication Department of Mass Communication heartily welcomes our new batch of students Dean’s Message A journalist or a doctor or an architect, good communication skill or its reverse would make or break his or her dream career. Therefore, your joining our UG or PG programme in Sharda University is a turning point of your life. Once completed it will open up a sea of opportunities for the rest of your life. cessfully met and enjoyed collectively, with friends and well wishers through thick and thin. It is very easy to do so in this age of highly developed communication technology and even easier to do so if you are trained in techniques of mass communication. In Sharda University, we welcome you to learn with joy be ready to achieve your But remember, career challenges are suc- dream. Dr. Shovan K Saha Dean, SAP & SADMS HoD’s Message Prof. Harsh Ranjan, HoD– Deptt of Mass Comm Page– 1 INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Shardansnewspaper………. 2 Suno Sharda-a new benchmark……. 3 Student ‘s activities 4 A warm welcome to all students of Journalism and Mass Communication at BA and MA level. You are here for a cause and we are here to help and support you realize your cause. We the teachers and the students both are sailing in the same direction helping each other. When you have chosen journalism as a career, I am sure there must be some compelling factors behind your decision. These factors may vary from student to student but what is constant is the passion within you to realise your dream career as a media professional. It is only the passion which will take you to the top of the world and let us try keep this passion energetically alive till we live. There exists a huge potential in the field of media at different levels. With the advent of new technology everyday the media industry will need young resource which are industry ready and industry friendly. Industry friendly, because one would need to adapt changing requirements of the media industry too often. What you learn today will become obsolete tomorrow, so the knowledge is important but more important is to be industry friendly. When we say “We are different”, we mean it in full spirit. We are one of the firsts to offer application based teaching system in our media school. Continue ……... ……..Continue Doing case studies, innovating sparkling ideas are some of the few things that you do here. Our project based and industry oriented learning environment will make you industry-friendly perfect media professional. I believe there is a journalist in each human being. What does a journalist do? He passes some information to the others. When a school going child tells her parent about some events or incidents in the school, she is playing the role of a journalist by default. So we have to ignite the journalist inside us and let the opportunities queue up and wait for you. “The Shardans” - journalists of tomorrow” It was in February 2012 that we in the Department of Mass Communication conceived a fortnightly newspaper which would give our students a platform where they can identify news stories, write reports and features, edit copy, give headlines, make layout and design pages. Our idea was to give them the feel of a professional even when they were at the learning stage. Three years down the lane we can humbly say that to a great extent we have succeeded in our endeavour. The Shardans has developed a team which can be an asset for any news organisation. Everything that appears in The Shardans is original and done by students. The newspaper offers the students of Mass Communication a platform to develop their journalistic ability. We do accept contributions from students beyond the Mass Communication Department, but the Editorial Team working under the Faculty Supervisors, reserves the right to edit it according to the editorial policy of the newspaper. Anything and everything related to Sharda University is the subject matter of The Shardans. Besides, we also publish book reviews and film reviews as also some regular columns and topics of discussions given to readers. From the very start, The Shardans has been trying to capture major developments on the campus. In the process it has emerged as some sort of a face of the university. The Shardans was launched as an English newspaper as the medium of instruction in Sharda University is English. But we realized that employment opportunity in Hindi is huge. So why not give our students one more platform to express themselves. It gives us immense pleasure to say that the Hindi edition of The Shardans has been well received by everyone on the campus. Page– 2 New ideas and new people are always welcome. It offers fresh blood to any endeavour and guarantees continuity. Those joining Sharda University this year are welcome to contribute to The Shardans in whatever way they can. The team members of the newspaper may be contacted in the Department of Mass Communication. “Suno Sharda – 90.8 FM set to go on air…... Page– 3 A Community Radio Station named 'Suno Sharda' will soon begin broadcast in Greater Noida. Residents of the bustling city and nearby areas would be able to tune in to the upcoming station at 90.8 MHz. 'Suno Sharda', the new offering from Sharda University, is sure to create waves in the city with its unique blend of content. Its target audience would comprise students and residents of Greater Noida as well as villagers surrounding the city. Not only that, residents and students alike would get the chance to go on air with their own voice being the guest RJ. A workshop was conducted recently with the aim of training students and faculty about the recording and editing aspects of radio. Ram Kumar of the Department of Mass Communication explained the technicalities involved while using an audio recorder. The dos and don'ts of audio recording were also discussed. Students had a useful hands-on session which helped them learn, how a clear and distortionfree recording is done. After the recording session, students were taught the basics of audio editing, how editing can make a difference to an audio and take it to an altogether different level. Much of the difference in audio quality is determined at the recording stage only. Workshop's primary objective was to train people so that when the recordings reach the editing table they are at least smooth and distortion free. Harsh Ranjan, HoD, Mass Comm Deptt.; Radio Jockey Asad Alvi; and in charge of the radio station, Shaheen Nazar; interacted with students and faculty. They cleared any doubts and questions the students had and helped them learn the tricks of radio production. Students found the session useful and emerged much more confident about the audio recordings they will do hereafter. "Radio is a unique medium which so beautifully transcends borders, where illiteracy hardly holds you from receiving its benefits", said Harsh Ranjan. "Community radio will help the residents and students alike. It has the capacity to become the tool of change", added Chancellor P.K. Gupta. 'Suno Sharda' is the new initiative from Sharda University which vows to reach to the masses of Greater Noida with informative, educational and entertaining programmes through this community radio. Students’ Activities Patron:Dr. Shovan K Saha, Dean, SADMS , Sharda University HoD:Mr. Harsh Ranjan Produced by the Faculty:- Department of Ms. Sonali Srivastava Ms. Mukta Martolia Ms. CP Rashmi Mass Communication E-mail Sharda University
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