Henry Ford II High School MAY 2013


Henry Ford II High School MAY 2013
Henry Ford II High School
A Blue Ribbon Exemplary High School
11911 Clinton River Road, Sterling Heights MI 48313
Steven Beyer - Principal
Heather Blum - Associate Principal
Kenneth Marnon - Associate Principal
Mark McLoughlin - Associate Principal
Main Office (586) 797-1600
Attendance (586) 797-1699
(586) 797-1601
May 1
College Fair
May 2
Prom Tickets on Sale
May 8
Honors Night
May 11
Varsity Baseball
Lugnut Stadium
7 pm
May 14
Athletic Bosters
7 pm
May 15
Honors Night
7 pm
May 18
Fallen Heroes Soccer
May 24—27
No School Memorial Weekend
May 30
Arts & Idols Banquet
Palazzo Grande 7 pm
Senior Exams
May 31
Senior Last Day/
Senior Picnic
From The Principal . . .
Dear Parents and Friends of Henry Ford
Welcome to May! Hopefully it will finally warm
up and we can enjoy Spring. For me May is why I
love being a Principal and a teacher because it is
during May and the first part of June that the whole
school year comes together.
Graduation will be Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 7:00
p.m. at the Palace of Auburn Hills.
MAY 2013
May 30-31
6:30—8 pm
7 pm
Let me be the first to congratulate our 2013 Valedictorians and Salutatorian.
Shelby Cieslinski
Madison Fullmer
Rachel Griffin
Georgia Hurchalla
Christa Jackowicz
Andrew McHale
Nahrain Putris
Justin Schultz
Mario Shammas
Austin Smith
William Stevers
Brooke Travis
Jun 1
SOS 5K- Dodge Park Noon
Jun 5
Palazzo Grande
Jun 9
7 pm
Palace of Auburn Hills
Jun 11, 12, 13
1/2 days - Final Exams
6:30 pm
Please mark your calendar, May 8th for Underclassmen Awards Night.
Honored students should have received a letter inviting them to this night of
celebration. The event is planned for 7:00 p.m. in the PAC. Underclassmen
are being honored for the following achievements:
3.67 grade point average for the first semester
of the 2012-2013 school year.
3.67 Cumulative Grade Point Average for
three or five semesters.
Perfect Attendance for the first semester
of the 2012-2013 school year.
I am proud to announce that 24% of our underclassmen have earned at least
one of these three awards. As you can see academic achievement at the
highest level is what our students are striving for.
The mission of Henry Ford II High
School is to involve family, school, and community to educate our
From the principal (continued)
Please mark May 15, 2013 as our Senior Honors Night
scheduled for 7:00 p.m. in the PAC. I am always amazed at JUN 5
the success of our seniors. Senior Honors Night validates
for me that hard work in high school pays off for our
Our juniors are starting to see the results from the ACT/
MME test they took in March. I am encouraged by the
early results that students have shared. It looks like we are
on track to meet our learning goals for the year. The
students I visited with continue to tell me they felt they did
well on the test because they had challenged themselves
with an AP class. If your student is not considering
taking an AP class for next year, please consider having
them take one as part of their educational plan. If you
would like to make a schedule change please see your
counselor today. Taking an AP class will prepare students
to meet the challenges of the ACT test, earn a score that
denotes they are college ready and catapult them into the
college of their dreams.
Our last Falcon Parent Advisory meeting will be Tuesday,
May 21, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. This is our breakfast meeting to
celebrate a great year together.
JUN 11
JUN 12
JUN 13
HOURS 1 & 2
HOURS 3 & 4
HOURS 5 & 6
May is why I love school; because we are busy celebrating
that hard work pays off with improved achievement,
scholarships and most importantly a June diploma. It’s
May, so let the celebration begin.
fàxäxÇ `A UxçxÜ
For those of you who post dates on the refrigerator like we Steven M. Beyer
do at home, here are key dates for the remainder of the year: Principal
Henry Ford II High School
MAY 6 – 16
MAY 15
MAY 16
MAY 17
MAY 18
11:00 a.m. - JV, 12:00 VARSITY
Parents are always encourages and welcome to join the
MAY 20
principal at his Falcon Advisory meetings held each month.
Hear firsthand the issues and ideas that define the high
MAY 20
school environment at Ford II. Meeting time is 9 am.
MAY 20
Our next meeting is:
MAY 21
May 21
MAY 24, 27
Are you ready to STRIVE??
- THURSDAY 2:15 to 3:15
MAY 30
In the Media Center
MAY 31
All students will be college ready as measured by the ACT College Readiness Benchmarks
by the time they graduate.
2012-2013 Third Quarter Honor Roll
Abbo, Marcia
Abdul-Jabbar, Layla
Abraham, Benjamin
Adam, Ayana
Adam, Mario
Adegbenro, Folasade
Agosta, Courtney
Ahmed, Omar
Aiken, Kaitlynn
Akery, Loren
Alanis, Erika
Alatto, Sabrina
Albanna, Rana
Albus, Emily
Allard, Shelby
Alsheskie, Kaitlyn
Alston, Hannah
Al-Wakeel, Fady
Andrews, Alexis
Andrusz, Hollie
Anki, Hilda
Arcari, Amanda
Asoklis, Carly
Audia, Alexis
Auger, Mackenzie
Austin, Taylor
Awkal, Samer
Ayar, Alena
Bacheller, Jared
Bacheller, Tyler
Baggett, Joeseff
Baker, Brianna
Baker, Dalten
Baker, Jessica
Balko, Alena
Baniak, Megan
Baniak, Sarah
Banks, Pierce
Barbura, Adela
Barlow, Alex
Barnett, Joshua
Barney, Jessica
Barra, Samantha
Barshaw, Kelsey
Bartold, Veronica
Battisti, Dominic
Beaudett, Miranda
Beaudin, Grant
Beckwell, Allyson
Beckwell, Robert
Bejko, Enxhi
Bejko, Ralf
Belavek, Trevor
Bell, Katelyn
Bell, Taylor
Beller, Nicole
Beller, Rebecca
Beloungea, Brett
Benfant, Cody
Bennett IV, Kenneth
Bennett, Dillon
Bennett, Sarah
Berezik, Lance
Berishaj, Anthony
Besola, Avery
Besola, Sydney
Bhullar, Sundip
Bianchini, Kelly
Bicknell, Sarah
Bielecki, Amanda
Bielecki, Eric
Bigelow, Jamie
Bilan, Rosemary
Bilbrey, Karlie
Bilski, Kaitlyn
Binge, Lauren
Binge, Michael
Birtulescu, Raphaela
Bishoping, Emily
Black-Andrade, Olivia
Blackburn, Daryl
Blackburn, Kayla
Blackmon, Mariah
Blocker, Jillian
Blunk, Erick
Bogan, Ashley
Bogg, Erika
Bogg, Meghan
Boland, Kayla
Bolek, Kailey
Bombard, Robert
Bonev, Aleksandar
Bonnett, Daniel
Bonus, Megan
Boren, Joshua
Borg, Paul
Borrillo, Dominic
Boschman, Amanda
Boschman, Tayler
Bottoms, Jacob
Bottoms, Luke
Boundy, Alexander
Boychuck, Emily
Boyd, Katelyn
Boyd, Nathaniel
Boyd, Ryan
Bretesan, Richard
Bretesan, Robert
Brigham, Dallas
Brinkman, Jennifer
Briskey, Sarah
Brito, Justin
Brockert, Jacob
Brockert, Jessica
Broqi, Klaudia
Broski, Katrina
Brosky, Veronica
Brown, Haylie
Brown, Jaylen
Brown, Kyle
Brys, Zachary
Buchanan, Amanda
Buckbee, Breanne
Budd, Kristin
Buehler, Marissa
Burdi, Danielle
Burg, Amanda
Burg, Logan
Burnham-Drayer, Cera
Burns, Matthew
Burrell, Maria
Buscemi, Julia
Buss, Collin
Butler, Aiyana
Butski, Allison
Bykowski, Ryan
Byrnes, Nicholas
Calderon, Victoria
Calhoun, Devan
Callahan, Jennifer
Camacho, Taylor
Cameron, Madison
Cameron, Reilley
Candela, Andrew
Candela, Nicholas
Canu, Gabriella
Canu, Lena
Caron, Stephen
Carver, Alexander
Carver, Amanda
Cavataio, Troy
Cayce, Kyle
Ceccanese, Joseph
Chan, Arthur
Chan, Edward
Chapiewski, Eric
2012-2013 Third Quarter Honor Roll
Charron, Meagan
Chatzis, Alexandra
Chatzis, Carlee
Cho, Rebekah
Cholewka, Victoria
Chriss, Rachel
Christiansen, Kelly
Christmann, Brandon
Chudzik, Gabrielle
Ciaramitaro, Raychel
Ciechorski, Michael
Cieslinski, David
Cieslinski, Shelby
Ciesluk, Jarrett
Clairmont, Holden
Cleary, Evan
Cleland, Heather
Cleveland, Lauren
Clouthier, Camren
Collins, Peyton
Combs, Jonathan
Cone, Nicholas
Conigliaro, Anthony
Conlan, Cody
Conway, Steven
Cooper, Courtney
Corbley, Adam
Cox, Jordan
Cracolici, Giuseppe
Craven, Courtney
Croke, Haley
Croke, Ryan
Croke, Veronica
Croud, Kayla
Cruz, Tristan
Cullen, Meghan
Cullen, Morgan
Cusmano, Alexandra
Dadou, Selena
Daizi, Shauna Rita
Dalka, Amanda
Dallo, Sandra
Damore, Megan
D'Andrea, Dante
D'Andrea, Dion
D'Andrea, Dominic
Daniel, Damon
Daoud, Danielle
Darby, Shannon
Daugherty, Alexa
Daugherty, Connor
Davidson, Janee'
Davis, Joshua
Davis, Samantha
Davis, Sara
Dawood, Suzette
Day, Adam
Day, Alexander
de Jesus, Evan
Deakin, Adam
Dease, Morgan
Decker, Brandon
Decker, Sarah
Dedvukaj, Leonora
Dedvukaj, Nicholas
DeLang, John
Delavan, Tyler
Delgado, Marissa
Delling, Brian
Demaj, Jamison
Demick, Ashley
DeMulder, Jessica
DeRouin, Jacob
DeRoy, Maggie
DeRoy, Michael
DeVergilio, Sommer
DeVos, Jordan
Dhaliwal, Apneet
Dhembi, Pandush
Diamond, Tanner
Dieball, Rayanna
Dietrich, Alexander
Dion, Corey
Djekovic, Mikelina
Djelaj, Martin
Djokic, Marcus
Dokic, Kasandra
Domke, Hannah
Donahue, Madison
Donevski, Gari
Donevski, Oliver
Donlekic, Diana
Douiahy, Peter
Downs, Geinavieve
Dreer, John
Dresaj, Gjon
Drew, Bradley
Dubey, David
Dubey, Jessica
Dubey, Michael
Dubois, Benjamin
Duffy, Michelle
Dumot, Mikhaella
Duncan, Alexus
Duncan, Gabrielle
Dunn, Michael
Dunning, Sara
Dzieciolowski, Heather
Eatmon, Steven
Ebaugh, Sarah
Eck, Joshua
Eddings, Te'Cora
Ehrob, Jerry
Elia, Dominique
Elias, Amanda
Ely, Mackenzie
Endicott, Arianna
Ericson, Joseph
Ethridge, Haleigh
Evans, Morgan
Fallon, Adam
Fallon, Christian
Falloni, Samantha
Farah, Marian
Faranso, Deniro
Farr, Sophie
Fearncombe, Ashley
Feather, Autumn
Ferdinande, Kaitlyn
Fick, Andrew
Fischer, Logan
Fitzpatrick, Lori
Fleishans, George
Fleishans, Paula
Flowers, Melanie
Forsyth, Murphy
Foxworth, Andrew
Fraser, Nathan
Frederick, Daniel
Frederick, Emily
Frederick, Matthew
Freeman, Adam
French, Amanda
Frizzell, Tara
Fronrath, Theodore
Fullmer, Madison
Fullmer, Trenton
Furchak, Loreal
Gagnon, Adam
Gale, Evan
Gale, Savannah
Gallucci, Michael
Garcia, Angelita
Garcia, Natalie
Gargano, Kevin
2012-2013 Third Quarter Honor Roll
Garity, Lyndsie
Garon, Dylan
Gatto, Mary
Gauronskas, Alexander
Gauronskas, Claire
Gawlik, Tyler
Gayan, Brandon
Gaziyan, Stella
Gebauer, Cheyenne
Gegic, Viktor
Gennero, Devin
Gennero, Dominic
George, Albert
Gerardy, Christopher
Ghuman, Abhijit
Gibbs, Camille
Gibbs, Thomas
Giddey, Alexandra
Giddey, Nicole
Gierka, Brian
Gissendanner, Gwendolyn
Giuliani, Michael
Gjerkaj, Mari
Gjerkaj, Paulina
Gjokaj, Albana
Gjokaj, Alex
Gojcaj, Flora
Gojcevic, Albert
Golebiewski, Patryk
Golm, Megan
Gonzalez, Christopher
Goodman, Jacob
Gottschalk, Kaitlyn
Graham, Alaina
Graham, Joseph
Grantham, Taylor
Gratti, Zachary
Greening, Daniel
Greenwald, Austin
Gregory, Kyle
Grewe, Taylor
Griffin, Kelly
Griffin, Rachel
Grigg, Caitlyn
Grimshaw, Katie
Grishaj, Angeline
Groder, Jacob
Groder, Nicholas
Groves, Trevor
Grupa, Julia
Grzelewski, Paul
Gudobba, Pamela
Guido, Gianni
Guitar, Bryce
Guitar, Storm
Gunter, Elizabeth
Hackman, Zachary
Hamameh, Rachel
Hamm, Jonathan
Hanel, Dalton
Hanel, Emilee
Hanselman, Kayla
Happel, Natalie
Hardy, Ian
Hardy, Michael
Hardy, Michelle
Harper, Crishauna
Harris, Leah
Harrison, Casey
Hatchett, Brianna
Hatt, Andrew
Hauser, Chelsea
Hawa, Ameer
Hawa, Aya
Hawkins, Calvin
Heide, Hannah
Heide, Lauren
Hejnar, Anna
Hejnar, Gabrielle
Hellebuyck, Levi
Hendren, Olivia
Henigan, Ryan
Heredia Caldeiro, Alvaro
Hermez, Rita
Hermz, Claudia
Hernalsteen, Sydney
Hetak, Ashley
Hicks, Courtney
Hindi, Liana
Hinton, Mercedes
Hirmiz, Junneel
Hobert, Alexander
Hocking, Eric
Hoef, Shelby
Hogrebe, Emily
Holland, Ashlee
Holmes, Symone
Hong, Jihye
Hramiec, John
Huggins, Catherine
Hughes, Tyler
Hurchalla, Georgia
Iacovo, Francesca
Iafrate, Nicholas
Ibrahim, Vanessa
Iloff, Emily
Imboden, Hannah
Imboden, Shelby
Ings, Jordan
Ishmail, George
Ishmail, Michael
Iverson, John
Jackowicz, Christa
Jackowicz, Jessica
Jackson, Janae
Jackson, Madeline
Jacobson, Krista
Jahshan, Amanda
Jakubiak, Alex
Jarzembowski, Elizabeth
Jeffers, Ashley
Jeffers, Robert
Jenema, Cassandra
Jesiel, Devyn
Johnson, Shannel
Jones, Bradley
Jones, Kari
Jones, Michael
Joyce, Alexa
Juliano, Anthony
Juliano, Isabelle
Julio, Alex
Juncaj, Pjeter
Juretich, Dana
Juricny, Katherine
Jurkiewicz, John
Jurkowski, Jake
Juskevics, Cameron
Kaiser, Austin
Kalemaj, Marlin
Kalinowski, Jeffrey
Kalmanek, Gabriel
Kaltz, Cody
Kang, Anna
Karaj, Romario
Karam, Zachary
Karjo, Andrew
Karthanal, Melvyn
Karunanayake, Lilanie
Kaspari, Sarah
Kedzior, Alexis
Keith, Madeleine
Kelly, Emily
Kelly, Katelyn
Kelly, Kevin
Kengel, Brandon
2012-2013 Third Quarter Honor Roll
Kennedy, Riley
Khan, Kody
Khemmoro, Melanie
Kiefiuk, Ciara
Kilgore, James
Kilgore, Robert
Kiliman, Kevin
King, Austin
King, Krystal
Kirk, Alexander
Kitsch, Marisa
Klinke, Austin
Klump, Alexander
Knight, Valerie
Kochaniewicz, Adam
Kohler, Dakota
Kopko, Madeleine
Kosnik, Paul
Kostus, Michael
Koury, Tyler
Kozlowski, Abby
Kozlowski, Elizabeth
Kozlowski, Nicole
Krenke, Alayna
Kroes, Tyler
Kromrei, Kaylee
Krozek, Kaitlyn
Krzesak, Barbara
Kubik, Kara
Kubik, Michael
Kucyk, Christine
Kue, Julius
Kuhar, Haley
Kulha, Alexandra
Kurian, Abigail
Kurtovic, Anesa
Kwiatkowski, Patricia
LaBeau, Alyssa
LaBelle, Vanessa
Labinski, Melissa
LaFeir, Steven
Lage, Lauren
Laidlaw, Madison
Lake, Travis
LaMarra, Jessica
Lamontagne, Jaclyn
Lanctot, Hannah
Lancucki, Jacob
Lancucki, Noah
Landini, Anthony
Lang, Mackenzie
Langlands, Rebecca
LaPerre, Ashley
LaPerre, Kyle
Laratta, Kylie
Larose, Cassi
Larson, Connor
Lazzara, Rachel
Leach, Amber
LeBlanc, Kendall
Lechner, Stephanie
Leclerc, Brandon
Lee, Alexis
Lefebvre, Kourtney
Leone, Dominic
LeSeure, Emma
Lessl, Bradley
Lessl, Morgan
Leveille, Alyssa
Levinthal, Samantha
Lewis, Allison
Lewis, Madeline
Liadi, Azaad
Licalsi, Nicholas
Lindaman, Krysta
Lindaman, Madison
Lipe, Bogart
Littleworth, Stephanie
Lo, Agnes
Long, Jaclyn
Long, Ryan
Love, Cameron
Lucas, Melissa
Lucas, Tyler
Lugo, Evan
Luksch, Shane
Lulgjuraj, Kristina
Lumetta, Alexandra
Lumetta, Alissa
Luongo, Abbey
Luzod, Jordan
Lynnes, Jennifer
Macgillivary, Sera
Machart, Tevin
Maciolek, Blake
Mackey, Allison
Madahar, Lovleen
Maher, Ryan
Maitland, Madison
Maiuri, Anthony
Maiuri, Nicholas
Malak, Jenna
Maletz, Katelyn
Malik, Aumad
Mamula, Erin
Manaila, Alexandra
Manaila, Alexandru
Mandziara, Nickolas
Mangiapane, Maria
Mannan, Autumn
Mannino, Leah
Manolios, Jonathan
Mansoor, Austin
Maple, Shane
Maratta, Briana
Marceta, Luka
Marciniak, Monica
Marcoux, Cameron
Markos, Rita
Marku, Liridona
Marlow, Douglas
Marr, Rachel
Marsiglio, John
Martin, Sara
Mathew, Daniel
Mathewson, Albert
Matoski, Natasha
Maxwell, Danielle
McAleer, Shannon
McAllister, Devyn
McCarn, Madison
McClellan, Julia
McConnell, Rachael
McCoy, Alexis
McCoy, Ashley
McCreary, Jessica
McDaniel, James
McGlynn, Lakota
McHale, Andrew
McHale, Jessica
McInerney, Sara
McKay, Cody
McKean, Samantha
McKean, Taylor
McLean, Lauren
McMullen, Joseph
Meade, Maria
Medley, John
Megge, Steven
Meredith, Brian
Merxhyshi, Ambra
Metti, Joseph
Meyer, Matthew
Michalski, Justin
Miftari, Emira
Mikha, Christian
2012-2013 Third Quarter Honor Roll
Mikha, Crystal
Mikolowski, Erin
Milenkovic, Julia
Miller, Brittany
Miller, Riley
Miller, Sarah
Mirdita, Peter
Mladenovski, Amanda
Moceri, Anthony
Moczadlo, Austin
Moczadlo, Ryan
Molek, Wiktoria
Montpetit, Brandon
Montpetit, Rachael
Morales, Kevin
Morales, Steven
Morandy, Michael
Morin, Aimee
Morris, Micaela
Moshe, Naramseen
Mouat, Nicholas
Mudge, Sean
Mueller, Emily
Mueller, Kaitlin
Mueller, Michael
Murray Jr, James
Murray, Carly
Mutascu, Andreea
Myers, James
Nantais, Brittany
Naren, Hannah
Nastovski, Kristen
Natale, Nicholas
Natale, Victoria
Nawrocki, Bailey
Neal, Alexander
Neal, Kaitlyn
Nestorovski, Aleksandr
Newby, Colin
Nguyen, Anthony
Nguyen, Kimberly
Nguyen, Timothy
Nichols, Melanie
Nichols, William
Niedbala, Nicole
Nigliazzo, Sabrina
Nita, Silviu
Nitz, Autumn
Nordstrom, Jacob
North, Nicholas
Nottingham, Hannah
Nowicki, Nicolette
Nye, Tiffani
Oberly, Brian
Oberly, Elizabeth
Oberski, Nolan
Ocelnik, Jonathan
Ochoa, Miguel
O'Connor, Rachelle
Oldham, Leah
Oldham, Mary
Olechowski, Sarah
Olekszyk, Paige
Olson, Samantha
Olter, Devin
Olzem, Wesley
Omaits, Rachel
Oncia, Cristina
Oncia, Stefan
Orlando, Thomas
Osantowske, Hannah
Ostby, Grant
Ott, Alexander
Owens, Alyssa
Pablo, Cameron
Pacholke, Kelly
Paciorek, Jacob
Pacitto, Civita
Padgett, Seth
Pal, Stephanie
Palazzolo, Rylie
Palazzolo, Sofia
Palomba, Andrew
Palumbo, Kyle
Panickar, Jeffin
Pantaleo, Taya
Parkin, Emily
Parra Jr, Alejandro
Passaniti, Cecilia
Patel, Kush
Patterson, Jennifer
Patyi, Taylor
Paveglio, Carrie
Paveglio, Louis
Pavlovski, AnnaMarie
Perzyk, Anna Rose
Petite, Shayla
Piechocki, Carrie
Piechocki, Joseph
Pieper, Caitlin
Pietrzak, Eric
Pink, Jacob
Pink, Megan
Pionk, Amanda
Pitingaro, Christina
Piwonski, Anna
Pizzo, Maresa
Plotzke, Danielle
Polhemus, Nicholas
Pollak, Maggie
Pollak, Sara
Polsinelli, Jordan
Polsinelli, Madison
Post, Calvin
Potterpin, Brandon
Powell, Kyle
Pratt, Austen
Premceski, Anthony
Pugh, Connor
Putris, Nahrain
Putris, Nawrooz
Putvin, Holly
Quedsoo, Eric
Quenneville, Alexandrea
Quenneville, Emily
Quigley, Allison
Quinn Jr, Brian
Quinn, Sean
Radamaker, Yphonise
Ramadan, Hassan
Randazzo, Hannah
Randhawa, Brandon
Rasho, Anthony
Ray, Allison
Ray, Carissa
Ray, Erica
Ray, Shelby
Ray, Steven
Rebar, Kyle
Reedy, Brandon
Reeves, Rachel
Remley, Eric
Rice, Franklyn
Ritchie, Tyler
Ritonja, Mark
Rits, Alex
Rizzo, Simone
Robbins, Rachel
Robinson, Adrianna
Robinson, Arteecia
Robosan, Shelby
Rodgers, Jordan
Rogers, Areauna
Rohan, Madison
Roman, Madeline
Roman, Rebecca
2012-2013 Third Quarter Honor Roll
Romero, Emanuel
Root, Philip
Rose, Melanie
Rosenthal, Maria
Rosik, Brooke
Ross, Carrie
Rossi, Alexander
Rottman, McKenzie
Roy, Sarah
Rudaitis, Robert
Rushiti, Joana
Russell, Karon
Rutkowski, Colin
Rutkowski, Kelsey
Rutkowski, Ryan
Ryckaert, Karly
Rykaczewski, Christopher
Rykaczewski, Michael
Ryner, Samantha
Sabella, Anthony
Sabella, John
Sabin, Krista
Sadik, Florena
Sadik, Milad
Sadik, Miranda
Saigh, Stephanie
Salar, Joshua
Salihovic, Emir
Salter, William
Sample, Alexander
Samuel, Kathryn
Sanna, Jimmie
Santilli, Brianna
Sarhan, Austin
Sarhan, Miranda
Sarvello, Maximilian
Savinsky, Shannon
Schefka, Gabrielle
Schilkey, Nicholas
Schleich, Paige
Schloss, Brett
Schmidt, Daniel
Schnell, Amelia
Schuller, Lindsay
Schultz, Jessica
Schultz, Justin
Schwartz, Amber
Schwartz, Rachel
Scoppa, Heather
Scott, Spencer
Seales, Sabrina
Sebastiani, Megan
Seder, Madison
Seiler, Joshua
Seiler, Katelynn
Selleke, Matthew
Semma, Jasmine
Serra, Lilly
Serra, Maggie
Serra, Sophia
Shabo, Mariam
Shaina, Alison
Shaina, Tyler
Shamblin, Madelyn
Shammas, Mario
Shammas, Mina
Sharkey, Erik
Shelton, Renee
Sherman, Monea
Shkreli, Salvatore
Sibanova, Anastasia
Sienkowski, Eric
Sigler, Amelia
Siladke, Matthew
Simmons, Lindsay
Simpson, Laura
Singh, Ravnik
Skvarce, Emily
Slifco, Katelyn
Slifco, Kristina
Smith, Anthony
Smith, Austin
Smith, Elyssa
Smith, Lauren
Smith, Maria
Smith, Olivia
Smith, Rachael
Smith, Rebecca
Snyder, Kendall
Sohi, Jasnayak
Sonntag, Brandon
Sorenson, Alessandra
Sorgi, Alex
Sorlien, Kurtis
Sortzi, Isabella
Soules, Alyssa
Soulliere, Katelyn
Soulliere, Taylor
Spaccarotelli, Miranda
Spears, Lauren
Spencer, Alyssa
Spencer, Tyler
Sperry, Paige
Spindler, Nicholas
Sroka, Stephanie
St.Pierre, Zachary
Staat, Zachary
Stabile, Chelsea
Stacey, Taylor
Stafuka, Joel
Stallings, Angel
Steinwascher, Connor
Steinwascher, Javier
Steixner, Alayna
Steixner, Alexis
Stellino, Alisa
Stemzynski, Ashley
Stevers, Olivia
Stevers, William
Stiffler, Morgan
Stoesz, Emily
Stojkovic, Ketrin
Strait, Sasha
Streling, Amanda
Stuck, Julia
Studzinski, Jack
Suarez, Mario
Suarez, Vanessa
Suchenek, Justin
Sudney, Nathan
Sukalo, Dajana
Sullivan, Jaimie
Sumyk, Rachel
Syakovich, Shauna
Sygit, BreAnna
Szatkiewski, Cristina
Szorik, Rachel
Szymanski, Krystian
Takle, William
Tanski, Megan
Taylor, Destiny
Taylor, Michael
Teodoro, Rojin
Teper, Dennis
Ternes, Emma
Territo, Mackenzie
Teuscher, Kyle
Thomas, Jacob
Thomas, Kara
Thomas, Rachel
Thompson, Alexis
Tobeler, Christopher
Topalian, Julia E
Topping, Nicole
Topping, Thomas
Torrice, Nicholas
2012-2013 Third Quarter Honor Roll
Towianski, Madeline
Towianski, Veronica
Trajcevski, Michael
Trajcevski, Monica
Trapiss, Jenna
Trapiss, Justin
Travis, Brooke
Travis, Terra
Treier, Ashley
Tripathi, Vraj
Troia, Michael
Troia, Stephanie
Troppens, Brandon
Troppens, Jason
Trotman, Miranda
Trout, Evan
Trout, Tyler
Trube, Joshua
Trube, Samuel
Turner, Alexander
Turner, Kyrsten
Urquhart, Molly
Van Mill, Alexis
VanDamme, Kevin
Vanderhoff, Molly
VanLuven, Katie
VanLuven, Krysta
VanMaldeghem, Zachary
VanRosenberg, Austin
Varney, Drake
Vasko, Aviana
Vasquez, Mariah
Vaughn, James
Vaught, Jenna
Vengachuvattil, Sarah
Verhelst, Isaac
Vermeulen, Matthew
Vermeulen, Mitch
VerVaecke, James
Vitale, Camille
Vogellehner, Kristen
Vorpagel, Kayla
Vu, Phong
Vultaggio, Angelica
Wagner, Elizabeth
Wagner, Rachel
Walker, Mason
Walker, Michael
Wallace, Tierra
Waller, Jack
Walny, Matthew
Walsh, Haley
Walters, Ashlie
Walters, Justin
Ward, Chad
Ward, Tara
Washeleski, Alyssa
Weier, Alexandra
Weier, Evan
Welch, Brianna
Welch, Hayden
Welch, Nicholas
Wells, Aaron
Wesner, Andrew
Wheatley, Marissa
White, Emily
White, Shawn
Wichlacz, Jacqueline
Wilkiewicz, Jacob
Willette, Samantha
Williams, Alexis
Williams, Emily
Williams, Morgan
Willis, Ryan
Wilson, Taylor
Wohlfeil, Blake
Wojcik, Ryan
Wojdyla, Jennifer
Wolenski, Emily
Wolenski, Raven
Wolff, Katherine
Wolff, Matthew
Wood, Jessica
Wright, Nathan
Wszedybyl, Victor
Wyszynski, Michael
Wyszynski, Nicole
Yang, Junyao
Yantus, Thomas
Youhana, Bianca
Youno, Reham
Yousif, Jamel
Yurconis, Andrew
Zablocki, Meagan
Zablocki, Nicholas
Zagorski, Sean
Zapinski, Molly
Zavich, Jordan
Zawalski, Anthony
Zawinski, David
Zbytowski, Joshua
Zdybel, Sean
Zefi, John
Zielinski, Emily
Zilkovski, Sandra
Zimmer, Joseph
Ziskie, Emily
Zoedak, Krysta
Zomponti, Marissa
Zora, Leda
Zurek, Connor
Zywalewski, Rafal
Henry Ford II High School has several students and staff
members who have allergic reactions to strong perfumes,
after-shave and men’s cologne. The reactions range from
mild to severe headaches that result in nausea and being
sent home from school. In addition, strong perfume smells
can trigger asthma attacks.
Our high school is filled with a variety of smells ranging
from strawberries to Old Spice. When those smells
dominate the hallways, problems do occur. We are asking
students to put on their favorite fragrance once in the
morning before school. Please DO NOT bring bottles and
sprays of cologne, after-shave and perfume to re-apply
throughout the day.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
2012-2013 Henry Ford II Calendar
Aug 21
Registration – 12th grade 8 am
Registration - 11th grade Noon
Aug 22
Registration - 10th grade 8 am
Registration - 9th grade Noon
Aug 28
Freshmen orientation
7 pm
Sep 4
First day of school
Sep 11
Open House
7 pm
Sep 21
Homecoming Game
7 pm
Sep 22
Homecoming Dance
7-10 pm
Sep 25
No School – Professional Development
Nov 6
No School – Professional Development
Nov 14
Parent/Teacher Conference 5-7:45 pm
Nov 15
½ Day - Parent/Teacher Conferences
11:30-2:15 pm
Nov 21-23
No School – Thanksgiving Break
Dec 24 – Jan 1 No School – Holiday Break
Jan 2
Classes resume
Jan 16
½ Day – Exams
Jan 17
½ Day – Exams
Jan 18
½ Day – Exams
Jan 21
No School – MLK Day
Jan 23
Academic Blitz
7-9 pm
Feb 18 – 22
No School – Mid Winter Break
Mar 7
½ Day – Professional Development
Mar 29 – Apr 5 No School – Spring Break
Apr 8
Classes resume
May 24 -27
No School – Memorial Weekend
Jun 5
Palazzo Grande 6:30 pm
Jun 7
Graduation Practice
8:45 am
Jun 9
Commencement Ceremony
7 pm
Jun 11
½ Day – Exams
Jun 12
½ Day – Exams
Jun 13
½ Day – Exams
In an effort to reduce mailing costs, we will eliminate
mailing REPORT CARDS. However, we will mail the
final report card in June, 2013. We will send progress
reports and report cards home with students. A reminder
robo-call will be made to notify you that progress reports/
report cards are coming home. Please, access the
PowerSchool Parent Portal to view and print progress
reports and report cards. Your login and password
registrations are in our Main Office.
Free or Reduced meal applications online
Applications for Free or Reduced Meals are available online
at www.lunchapp.com. Parents are encouraged to fill out
and submit the application found there to request this
benefit for their children.
Online Lunch Payment Service
The district’s online depositing web site is:
For further information, visit the district website
www.uticak12.org or contact the district Food Service
department directly at 586-797-1185.
Please call 586-797-1699 and follow the prompts:
1 = Early Dismissals
2 = Late Arrival
3 = All Day Absences
When an Early Dismissal is necessary it is recommended
that you submit a note to the office with your student before
the start of the day. Students will receive their passes at this
time. If a request is left on the attendance line, your student
must PICK UP their pass in the Main Office any time
throughout the day.
PowerSchool is now generating automated phone calls to
parents informing them of any absences for their students on
a daily basis. Please use your Parent Portal to view your
student’s attendance. If you have any concerns, email the
individual teacher directly through the staff tab of the
school’s web site: http://ford.uticak12.org or through the
PowerSchool access. If a correction is warranted, the
teacher will request one.
With Spring break behind us, there is still 10
weeks left in the school year. Parents and
students are asked to review the attendance policy
for absences and tardies. Tardies and absences
accrue through the entire semester which ends in
June. At his time, there is a high rate of tardies to
classes. Please remind your students to be on
time to class to avoid disciplinary actions.
One of the contributing factors to a successful high school is
the parent volunteers who help. If you would like to be
involved, WE NEED YOU!
Whether it is in an ongoing capacity or for a one time only
event, we would love to have your help.
Please contact Mrs. Zimkiewicz, in the Principal’s Office,
Please be sure to notify our Main Office
We are pleased to announce an e-mail system that will
allow us to regularly send important school notices and
newsletters directly to you. To register for these updates,
please log on to your PowerSchool account and sign up
under the “E-Mail Notifications” tab. Our goal is to have
100 percent of our parents enrolled in this system so that
we can keep you better informed and reduce the use of
paper in our school. Your help with this effort is greatly
Take advantage of Utica Community School’s
PaySchools to make registration payments on-line.
PaySchools is a system which allows you to make
payments on-line using credit card or e-checks at your
convenience 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Please consider using this service to eliminate the need
to carry cash or checks on the day of registration as
well as having the ability to view account history of
purchases and the assurance of private and secure
transactions. If you haven’t tried it yet, this might be
the time.
PowerSchool Passwords
Utica Community Schools is pleased to introduce a new
district app for iPad, android and iPhone devices. In its
initial stage, the UCS app will provide news, menus,
videos, calendars and athletic results and features. Over
the next few months, the app will be expanded to allow
users to contact staff through e-mail and phone listings
and have the ability to customize information related to
specific schools. Visit m.uticak12.org with the browser
on your iPhone.
Parents and students who need their PowerSchool
Passwords must see Mrs. Zimkiewicz in the Main
Office. PowerSchool allows you to access
attendance and grades, email teachers, request
homework and print report cards. Registering your
e-mail address will allow school notices to be sent
directly to you. Parents must show photo ID to
receive their password.
Ford II School Jacket
Jacket orders will be taken
by phone orders for the remainder of the
school year.
Basic jacket price includes:
Utica Community Schools is proud of their students; young
men and women who use good judgment in the selection of
Prom attire and uphold the highest standard of behavior.
Dresses should be formal for prom.
Backless dresses cannot dip below the waistline.
Spaghetti straps and strapless dresses are acceptable.
Bare midriff sections are not permitted.
Necklines should not reveal cleavage.
See through apparel is not permitted. Dresses and gowns
with slits that are above mid-thigh are not acceptable.
Dress shoes should be worn. Sneakers and tennis shoes
are not recommended.
Small through extra large wool jacket
with quilted lining. Genuine leather
sleeve with a two piece leather
shoulder insert.
Varsity letter sewn on front, three inch high "Ford
II" chain stitched and Falcon outline on the back.
Student's name on the front and graduation chenille
year patches on shoulder.
All for the price of $251.50 plus Tax
$10.00 of each jacket sold is donated back to
the school fund
Custom chenille icon patches and embroidery are also
available. Samples and pricing will be on display.
A $100.00 deposit is required at the time of your
order, with the balance due at delivery. Please allow 4
weeks or less for completion.
Gentlemen are to wear a suit or tuxedo for prom.
Gentlemen must leave their dress shirts on for the duration
of the dance.
No jeans of any kind are permitted.
Dress shoes should be worn. Sneakers and tennis shoes
are not recommended.
**Dates, especially those that do not attend this school, must
be informed of all of the above regulations. They will be held
to these standards. Students and their dates will not be
allowed into the dances that do not meet these dress standards.
Age Requirement: Administration has set the maximum age
for a non-HFII guest attending the prom to be 19 years of age.
SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 2013
7 PM
M I C Phone: (248) 318-6401
Senior Calendar for the 2012-2013 School Year
April 22-23 Mandatory Senior/Parent Meetings in PAC 6:30p.m.
A-L Monday, April 22, 2013
M-Z Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Cap and Gowns will be passed out at these meetings. Students
must have all of their fines paid to receive a cap and gown.
Tickets for graduation will be passed out at the Senior Meetings.
Auditions for the Senior Speech April 30, 2013
Auditions for the Senior Song April 30, 2013
Sign up is in the Activities office.
Prom Ticket Sales begin May 2, 2013
After School in the ECC
May 15, 2013 Senior Honors Night 7:00p.m. PAC
Senior Exams May 30-31, 2013
Senior Picnic May 31, 2013 10:20-Noon
Prom June 5, 2013 Palazzo Grande 6:00p.m. Dance ends at 11:00 p.m.
Graduation Practice at the Palace June 6, 2013 1:00 p.m.
All Night Party at Ford Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 10:30p.m.
(Tickets on sale for $80.00 )
Graduation Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 7 pm
All Night Party Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 11 pm – 5 am
Check in 10:30
Don’t miss out! Register now! Registration is $80, and will go up to $100 June 1
Registration forms are available in this newsletter and on the bulletin boards in the
commons. Anyone who has registered will be put into a raffle for each person they
refer – just put your name on the bottom under “Referred by:”
Volunteers are needed! If you would like to help out on one of our committees, or
just volunteer for a shift that night, please email Tracy Shukwit at
Shukie3@comcast.net , or come to a planning meeting! Our LAST meeting is
Monday, May 20 at 7:00 pm in the commons at Ford.
If you would like to head up next year’s party we are currently looking for volunteers
for party chair and co-chair. We also need volunteers for the night of the party this
year. Please let us know if you can help, and get a chance to learn how the party
For more information, please contact
Kathy Kujawa, committee chair, at katk2121@gmail.com
Parents! Your PowerSchool Parent Portal
login and password registrations are
processed in our Main Office. You will
have access to view online attendance and
detailed grade information regarding your
student’s classes. Registering your E-mail
address through the Parent Portal will
allow us to send school notices and
newsletters directly to you. Homework
requests during a student’s absence may
also be arranged through this portal. Please
bring photo identification to expedite
processing your registration for the
(586) 797-1699
(586) 797-1690
(586) 797-1608
Main Office:
(586) 797-1600
This Newsletter is available online at www.uticaford.com

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