A Year in Review - Current Dashboard


A Year in Review - Current Dashboard
Newsletter, Volume 33
January 2013
A Year in Review
I want to thank everyone for all that you did for our company
in 2012. Our stock is trading at near all-time highs and we
continued to grow despite a mild winter that was pleasant, but
less-than-favorable for our industry. A sluggish economy and
steep gas prices in North America and the UK made our
customers slow to spend more than necessary, but we still
saw sales increases in every division. And we acquired 24
excellent businesses, whose professionalism and expertise
will strengthen our service in the coming years.
2012 saw many accomplishments. LKQ received nearly 1
million calls through our National Account Call Center. PBE
and Heavy Truck both increased their sales by over 30%, and
Self-Service’s gross parts revenue rocketed up 36% with a
15.8% increase in admission. Aftermarket part sales also
grew over 2011’s numbers, particularly in bumpers and
headlights and taillights. In the UK, we added 1,300 new jobs
through Euro Car Parts, and opened 30 new branches and a
new distribution center, and are in the process of launching a
collision repair parts program.
Our Manufacturing and
Remanufacturing division produced over 1 million wheel,
plastic, and steel units, and saw an astounding 91% increase
in remanufactured heads. In addition to our sales and
production performance, the LKQ Government Affairs
Department had a great legislative session securing
numerous critical victories. The two we are most proud of are
the defeat of an open salvage bill in Ohio and passage of a
Utah bill to further close the auctions to unqualified buyers,
overturning a major victory our opponents had a few years
ago. And all of this was accomplished despite the many
o b s t a c l e s
w e
f a c e d .
Looking ahead to 2013, I am certain that we can maintain our
leadership role in the industry by focusing on a few key areas:
Looking ahead to 2013, I am certain that we can maintain our
leadership role in the industry by focusing on a few key areas:
- Keep your customers as the center of your working
universe: make them want to do business with you.
- Help LKQ identify revenue opportunities. They might be
found in unexpected places. Don’t be afraid to suggest them
and to pursue them with passion.
- Be relentless in reducing costs. Treat every dollar as if it
were your own - we need to stay lean in this competitive
market, and even little pieces add up.
- And finally, think outside the box. Change is inevitable, so
create positive changes rather than reacting to ones that
c o m e
y o u r
w a y .
I hope that you are energized to make 2013 another
successful year for both you and for LKQ. We have the tools
and strategies to overcome any obstacle: we have the best
people, the best services, and the parts. So happy New Year
to everyone, and thanks again for all that you do and will do
for LKQ.
- Rob Wagman, CEO
Accepting Applications for the LKQ Joseph M. Holsten Scholarship for
Fall 2013
If you have a child who is planning to attend a college or
university in the Fall of 2013, and is currently a high school
senior or an undergraduate, the LKQ Joseph M. Holsten
Scholarship can help!
Applicants must be dependent children of LKQ employees
who have been continuously employed by LKQ for a minimum
of one year prior to February 4, 2013; and who is employed by
LKQ on the date the scholarship is awarded. The student
must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
through the Spring 2012 semester.
The deadline to apply is February 4, 2013. All online
applications must be submitted by then, and all supporting
materials and offline applications postmarked no later than
Accepting Applications for the LKQ Joseph M. Holsten Scholarship for
Fall 2013
If you have a child who is planning to attend a college or
university in the Fall of 2013, and is currently a high school
senior or an undergraduate, the LKQ Joseph M. Holsten
Scholarship can help!
Applicants must be dependent children of LKQ employees
who have been continuously employed by LKQ for a minimum
of one year prior to February 4, 2013; and who is employed by
LKQ on the date the scholarship is awarded. The student
must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
through the Spring 2012 semester.
The deadline to apply is February 4, 2013. All online
applications must be submitted by then, and all supporting
materials and offline applications postmarked no later than
February 4, 2013.
Students can apply online at
www.scholarshipprograms.org by going to the
“Scholarships” tab and selecting the LKQ Joseph M. Holsten
For any further information, please contact Herb Lieberman at
Webinar Drawing Winners Announced!
The contest is over, but it’s always the right time to learn more
about your LKQ 401(k) Plan, so if you haven’t watched the
webinar yet, please do so.
Congratulations to all our winners!
Everyone who watched the Get to Know Your Plan
presentation last November was entered into a drawing.
Wells Fargo selected the following 8 winners, who will receive
a $25 gift card from Wells Fargo mailed to their home
English Version:
Spanish Version:
Forum Hot Topics: Tracking Parts is Easier with Shipping Tags
Jim Stocking, Dispatcher at LKQ 1st Choice, pointed out that
paying more attention to shipping tags could make it easier to
track brokered parts and parts shipped via UPS (12-7-12,
“Shipping parts with hidden or no Ship Tags”).
Brokered Parts
Many brokered parts that are dropped off at one yard to be
transferred to another arrive at their destination with no
shipping tag or paperwork. This makes it easier to lose parts
in-transit and creates more work for the recipient. Stocking
uses the example of a Transmission he received recently that
had been brokered in from another company and dropped off
at an LKQ location to be shuttled to 1st Choice. It arrived with
nothing to identify it except a purple sticker with the 1st Choice
address on it. “When brokered parts are dropped at my yard
for transfer, the first thing I do is print the work order and ship
tag so that it can be tracked.” Stocking notes that X has
recently begun showing the scans on brokered parts.
Many parts shipped through UPS arrive with the shipping tag
on the inside of the package or no shipping tag at all. The
recipients of the parts must then dig through the package to
find the tag or dig through computer systems to find the work
order and part destination. “Seems like it would be much
easier on the receiving end if these parts were shipped like
shuttle parts, with the Shipping Tag clearly visible and easy to
scan on the outside of the package.”
scan on the outside of the package.”
Add your voice to the Forum today! http://lkqsharepoint/Lists/
LKQ Hauls Flood-Damaged Vehicles from Newark Port
LKQ received high praise from Toyota Motor Sales for their
team effort in removing 2,800 flood-damaged vehicles from
the Newark port in just 14-days! “This is teamwork at its
best,” commented Laurie Garcia, LKQ’s VP of Growth
Initiatives and Marketing.
Our program vehicle center in Akron Ohio led by Debbie
McCarty, has a strong background in securing haulers and
making mass moves. Several years ago, Debbie led the
charge and moved as many as 500 units a day for an OEM
recall. “We can always count on Debbie to get the job done at
the right price, day or night, even when special equipment is
needed - in this case, for non-rolling vehicles,” said Laurie.
An additional thank you to our Southwick, Thruway and Penn
Mar locations who made room for the arrivals and provided
the manpower to unload and stage the vehicles, and will soon
be processing.
Heavy equipment moves Toyota Hybrid vehicles that
have locked wheels
Darkness doesn’t stop the hauling process
Growing Government Sales With Green Services and Heavy Truck
The National League of Cities (NLC) held their annual
tradeshow and convention in November, 2012, in the city of
Boston. The NLC represents 49 State Municipal Leagues
and over 19,000 cities and towns throughout the country. The
conference was attended by over 3000 city leaders who
discussed sharing resources, networking, and the challenges
and issues facing cities today.
Regional Industry Relations Managers Paul Folino, Rich
Ausderau, and IR Rick Allen manned the booth on the trade
show floor. The trio provided the city leaders with a wealth of
information on LKQ products and services and how we can
help them contain and reduce their fleet and heavy truck
repair expenses.
Everyone at the show was looking for ways to reduce
spending and move their cities in a green direction. Over 225
interested candidates had their badges scanned and
requested additional information for their home cities. Paul
Folino reports that the RIRM team has begun making contact
with the decision makers in an effort to develop these leads
across the country.
Value Engineering: Don’t Forget the Lessons of the Holiday Season!
The holiday season is behind us, but don’t forget its lessons!
It is a time of giving and resolutions to be better.
Give, give, give...detailed handling instructions in your
warehouse for receiving, pulling, and shipping every kind of
Give, give, give...your troops the proper working tools for the
job. Create adequate working spaces for route staging and
returns processing.
Resolve to...
...reduce daily scrap creation at the point of product receipt
...reduce daily scrap creation in the placing of product to and
from racking
...reduce daily scrap creation of warehouse and route delivery
transportation of product
Make 2013 your best year yet!
Visit Value Engineering on Sharepoint for more ways to
engineer the best year you can have:
Government Affairs: LKQ Salvage Victory in Ohio!
Congratulations to all LKQ employees who helped the
Government Affairs team and the Ohio recyclers kill Ohio
Senate Bill 273! This bill would have opened salvage pools
and auctions to the general public, allowing unlicensed
buyers from Ohio and out-of-state buyers to purchase these
LKQ Government Affairs rallied its team along with Ohio
employees and the Ohio recyclers as this would have been
LKQ Government Affairs rallied its team along with Ohio
employees and the Ohio recyclers as this would have been
very bad for our industry. Had this bill passed, it would have
eliminated consumer protections and meant the loss of
thousands of jobs. It also would have helped make it easier
for criminals to obtain these cars and resell them to
unsuspecting consumers who are unaware that a vehicle was
previously totaled or had other damage such as flooding.
“This was a great victory for LKQ and others in the recycling
industry,” said Eileen A. Sottile, LKQ’s Vice President of
Government Affairs. “Testimony was provided by local Ohio
recyclers in opposition to the bill, while an insurance
executive testified in favor of it partly by attacking LKQ.
However, thanks to the efforts of LKQ, the United Coalition of
Auto Recyclers (UCOAR), and The Ohio Auto and Truck
Recyclers Association (OATRA), we garnered enough
support to successfully kill this legislation.”
Some of OATRA’s and UCOAR’s tactics included press
releases and a groundswell of visible opposition such as
having recyclers protest outside the Ohio Capitol with signs
that read “Crush SB 273.” Additionally, flatbed trucks drove
around the Ohio State buildings with crushed cars and one of
four large signs that read: “Do you want to buy this car?”; “Do
want this car on the road?”; “Protect Ohio car buyers”; and
“Keep Ohio roads safe.” Each of these statements were
followed by “Vote no on SB 273” to bring attention to this
All our hard work paid off from our joint grassroots efforts, and
we may have won the battle this time, but the war is not over.
Our opposition is already planning to reintroduce the bill again
next year. However, LKQ Government Affairs will continue to
reach out to legislators and coalition members to continue a
well-organized opposition.
If you have an issue in your state and need assistance,
please don’t hesitate to contact your Government Affairs team
at 954-492-9092. Or you can visit us on Sharepoint at
Government Affairs: LKQ Continues Representation on Florida State
Advisory Council
LKQ Vice President of Government Affairs Eileen Sottile was
Government Affairs: LKQ Continues Representation on Florida State
Advisory Council
LKQ Vice President of Government Affairs Eileen Sottile was
recently reappointed to the Florida Motor Vehicle Repair
Advisory Council by Commissioner Adam Putnam of the
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
Sottile has been a member of this council for four years and
will continue to serve at-large for another four.
“It’s an honor to serve on this council and represent our
industry concerning Florida repair legislation and regulations.
This is another example of LKQ having a seat at the table and
a voice in making sure that the best interests of our customers
and our business are represented,” said Sottile.
The purpose of the council is to review the rules relating to the
Florida Motor Vehicle Repair Act. In addition, the council
advises the Department of Agriculture on matters relating to
advancements in industry standards and practices and other
issues that require technical expertise and consultation or that
promote better consumer protection in the motor vehicle
repair industry.
NorCal Comes Together for Full Warehouse Rack Audit
In December, members of the LKQ Western Region team in
Northern California came together in Rancho Cordova to do a
full Rack Audit on each of their facilities.
They dedicated every Saturday in December to the task to
guarantee that they would be able to complete the audit by
the end of the month. “We are very happy to roll into the new
year knowing that our inventory at LKQ Specialized Parts is
as up-to-date and correct as you can possibly hope,” says
Jesse Oster, Rancho Cordova’s Site Manager. “We at LKQ in
Northern California would like to thank each and every one of
the members that took the time to come to Rancho and help
get our inventory straightened out.”
Keystone Automotive - San Diego Hosts GMAC for AQRP Presentation
Keystone Automotive - San Diego Hosts GMAC for AQRP Presentation
On November 8, 2012, Keystone Automotive - San Diego held
one of six tours scheduled in California with GMAC Insurance
agents. Tim Reilly, Bryan Hughes, and Bryan Barta came to
San Diego for an AQRP presentation and to review the
benefits of LKQ’s Service Level Agreement.
After the meeting, the insurance representatives toured
Keystone-San Diego with General Manager Ricardo Durazo,
and were happy to see how the local operations worked.
Says Durazo, “We will continue to roll out the AQRP program
in the West Region with GMAC.”
Keystone Automotive - Fresno Talks AQRP with GMAC Insurance
On November 8, 2012, Keystone Automotive-Fresno hosted
Eri Mendoza from GMAC Insurance for an AQRP meeting.
General Manager Randy McDaniel reviewed the GMACAQRP program and LKQ Central California’s Plant Manager
Sean Lawson went over the Remanufactured Engine and
Transmission warranty. Also attending the meeting were Jose
Torecillas (Business Development Representative, LKQ 720
Central California); Ryan Grote (Sales Manager, 788 LKQ
Specialized Parts Planet in Fresno); and Nick Roger (LKQ All
Engines Distributing in Fresno).
The meeting ended with a tour of the bumper plant and
warehouse. “I have a much better understanding of the
program than before,” said Mendoza. “I am very happy that
we were able to go over it.” Lawson extended an invitation to
visit LKQ Central California to Mendoza, who hopes to make
that journey soon.
From left to right: Jose Torecillas, Randy McDaniel,
Sean Lawson, Eri Mendoza, Ryan Grote
AutoZone Tours LKQ Central California
On November 16, 2012, Jose Torrecillas (Business
Development Representative), LKQ Central California, was
contacted by Bob Marquez (AutoZone Sales Manager).
Marquez and his team were in the Fresno area for a Sales
Managers meeting and hoped to coordinate a tour of the LKQ
Keystone Automotive-Fresno General Manager Randy
McDaniel gave a presentation on aftermarket parts and the
local area and delivery schedules. Torecillas spoke about
LKQ Central California and its delivery area and the benefits
From left to right; Jose Torecillas, Kim Callejas
(National Accounts Manager), Angel
Buenogonzalez (District Manager), Gus Tovar
(Territory Sales Manager), Eddie Arvizu, Stephen
Leal, Tito Ayala, Bob Marquez, Manuel Martinez
AutoZone Tours LKQ Central California
On November 16, 2012, Jose Torrecillas (Business
Development Representative), LKQ Central California, was
contacted by Bob Marquez (AutoZone Sales Manager).
Marquez and his team were in the Fresno area for a Sales
Managers meeting and hoped to coordinate a tour of the LKQ
Keystone Automotive-Fresno General Manager Randy
McDaniel gave a presentation on aftermarket parts and the
local area and delivery schedules. Torecillas spoke about
LKQ Central California and its delivery area and the benefits
of recycled parts, before leading a tour of the recycling
location in Bakersfield.
After the meeting, Marquez and his team toured the bumper
plant and warehouse, and were very impressed. “[Your
presentation and tour were] an enlightening experience for my
team and I,” said Marquez. “There is so much more potential
for our sales team and our store teams to use LKQ than I ever
thought in the past.”
West Region Quality Control Meeting
On November 16 and 17, 2012, the West Region hosted 22
Quality Control techs from LKQ facilities. The idea of this
meeting was to get LKQ Inventory and Quality Control teams
on the same page as the body shops receiving LKQ parts.
The repair process begins with accurately inventorying a
scrap vehicle, moves on to accurately inspecting the pulled
parts, and ends with the acceptance of the parts by a repair
shop. Accurately quoting damage to the adjuster helps
locations deliver a quality part on time so that body shops can
keep their cycle times low and get their customers back in
their vehicles quickly. A satisfied body shop customer means
a satisfied LKQ customer.
To start off the event, the techs reviewed the industry’s ARA
damage codes, as well as body shop comments, so that parts
can be graded with a view towards the end user. Next, the
techs went through practice quality control tests to ensure that
LKQ vehicles and parts are described consistently. Everyone
inventoried and reviewed each car or part individually, and
then all compared notes. They started with five complete
cars, then moved on to fifteen parts that had been removed
from the vehicle, ranging from a quarter panel to a headlight.
From left to right; Jose Torecillas, Kim Callejas
(National Accounts Manager), Angel
Buenogonzalez (District Manager), Gus Tovar
(Territory Sales Manager), Eddie Arvizu, Stephen
Leal, Tito Ayala, Bob Marquez, Manuel Martinez
(Territory Sales Manager), and Randy McDaniel
damage codes, as well as body shop comments, so that parts
can be graded with a view towards the end user. Next, the
techs went through practice quality control tests to ensure that
LKQ vehicles and parts are described consistently. Everyone
inventoried and reviewed each car or part individually, and
then all compared notes. They started with five complete
cars, then moved on to fifteen parts that had been removed
from the vehicle, ranging from a quarter panel to a headlight.
For the next section, 16 parts that had failed the QC process
were chosen. After being individually graded and described,
everyone compared notes to see if they agreed on the reason
for rejection.
To help bring the process full circle, each day a different
member of a local body shop came in to do their own grading
and inspections, and to give their input on the LKQ Inventory
and Quality Control team’s descriptions. On Thursday, Matt
from Camelback Collision attended and Friday saw Brian from
Nick Mayer. Two cars and a handful of tough-grade parts
were chosen for them to inspect. After the third session, the
LKQ team’s descriptions were very close to what the two shop
members expected. The attending technicians also picked up
some best practices on how to catch and watch for damage in
every step of the process.
LKQ Congratulates NATOMAS Auto Body
Congratulations to Dave McNichols, owner of NATOMAS Auto
Body in Sacramento, California, for opening up a new
mechanical service center at his Yuba City location.
The shop can now do all major mechanical work, from engine
and transmission work to oil changes. The ribbon cutting
ceremony was in late November, 2012, and was attended by
Albert Rendon, Industry Relations Representative from LKQ
LKQ Thruway Decorated Their Tree With Only the Finest Used Auto Parts
LKQ Thruway was full of Christmas spirit! 2012 brought a
new tradition to Pennsylvania, as the Thruway staff decided
to go over the top with their Christmas tree to welcome
customers. But this is not your ordinary Christmas tree. This
tree is made with only the highest quality used auto parts…
After Office Manager Sara Styer chauffeured the live tree in
her 2011 Cruze, they decided traditional decorations wouldn’t
be enough. With help from Chris Styer (Inventory Director),
they made a tree stand out of a used bent wheel. Then Carol
Croisette and Chris proceeded to find as many vehicle
emblems as they could while processing scrap cars, and
hung those on the tree. To finish it off, they chose a nice
center cap for the tree topper. Dispatch Manager Corey
Steyer says, “Our plan is to keep building our collection so it
is bigger and better every year.”
The Wedding Ring that Ran Away
Steve Gitto has a wedding ring that has travelled over 1600
miles without its owner, and he is determined that it won’t do
that again. Just two weeks after replacing his first ring
because it lost it, his second decides to make a run for it.
Though he didn’t know it at the time, Steve Gitto of LKQ
Smart Parts is also a lucky man.
The ring turned up in a box at a shop 800 miles away.
Curious, the shop called their sales person, Jeff Masloski of
LKQ 250 Auto, who tracked down the box’s original location,
LKQ Smart Parts. Through the coordinated efforts of Jeff and
Smart Parts Dispatcher Jacob Fulton, Steve Gitto learned that
his ring had shipped out with a part he had inspected a week
previously. In a generous gesture, the shop mailed the ring
directly to Smart Parts, at their own expense. And now,
thanks to the honesty and helpful attitude of everyone
involved, Steve has quite a story to tell!
LKQ Pick Your Part’s Annual Christmas Party Spread Good Will
In keeping with the holiday season, Pick Your Part “spread
involved, Steve has quite a story to tell!
LKQ Pick Your Part’s Annual Christmas Party Spread Good Will
In keeping with the holiday season, Pick Your Part “spread
good will” by putting on our annual Christmas dinner party.
Since LKQ Pick Your Part sits in both Anaheim and Stanton,
CA, elected officials from both cities were invited.
Despite the rain, we served 119 of our neighbors a beautiful
Christmas dinner under a heated tent in our parking lot. All of
the tables were decorated with red and green tablecloths and
a lovely poinsettia, and all of the trees on the lot were lit with
Christmas lights. During and after dinner, a professional
husband-and-wife team sang and played Christmas music.
After dinner, we held a drawing and the lucky winner received
a $100 gift certificate to Target. The poinsettias were given to
one person from each table who had a birthday closest to the
evening’s date.
The event was a huge success and very much appreciated by
our neighbors, many of whom do not have family with whom
to celebrate the holidays.
LKQ Pick Your Part also helped make Christmas a little
brighter for some teens in Wilmington by donating money for
Keystone Automotive-Charleston Sponsors Third Annual Carver Vo-Tech
Career Day
Keystone Charleston was a featured sponsor of the Third
Annual Carver Vo-Tech Career Day on October 19, 2012.
Representing their location were Tim Caplinger (Business
Development Representative from Keystone Charleston),
Paul Cunningham (BDR at LKQ PennMar), and Matt Legg
(KeyKool Sales at Keystone Charleston).
Forty-nine auto body tech students attended the event, hosted
by long-time LKQ partner, Nationwide Insurance. Tim, Paul,
and Matt set up salvage and aftermarket displays to illustrate
LKQ’s “One-Stop Shop” design for the auto body industry.
They also compared Keystone aftermarket parts with OEM
Matt fielded questions about the new KeyKool offerings in
Charleston, while Tim and Paul talked about LKQ’s
Matt fielded questions about the new KeyKool offerings in
Charleston, while Tim and Paul talked about LKQ’s
relationship with insurers. Keystone Charleston also supplied
the cold drinks and chips, while Enterprise provided the pizza
lunch. Other LKQ partners that supported the event were
Safelite Auto Glass and 3M.
LKQ Venice Employees and Customers Donate to Toys for Tots
The U.S. Marine Corps Reserves’ annual Toys for Tots
program seeks to deliver a message of hope to children in
need during the holidays, in the form of a toy. The Marines
collect new, unwrapped gifts which are distributed through the
local community before Christmas.
This year, LKQ Venice Plant Manager Mark Snyder opened
the collection box to employees, walk-in customers, and
shops, and was able to bring in approximately 200 toys (over
$1500 worth). “It felt good to give and it made me proud to be
part of LKQ,” says Rich Croy of the LKQ Venice Sales
Plant Manager Mark Snyder with United States
Marines as the collect the donated toys
Keystone-Pittsburgh Helps “Stuff-A-Bus” with Toys for Tots
The goal of radio station 96.1 KISS’s annual “Stuff-A-Bus”
event is to collect enough toys to stuff a bus for the U.S.
Marine Corps Reserves’ Toys for Tots program. Toys for
Tots collects new, unwrapped gifts which are distributed to
children in need in the community, to deliver a message of
hope during the holidays. For the second year in a row,
Keystone Pittsburgh, led by GM Jay Kiehlmeier, worked hard
to make this happen.
In 2011, Keystone Pittsburgh worked with the other business
in the Regional Industrial Development Corporation Park to
stuff an SUV full to transport the toys to the Stuff-A-Bus dropoff point. In 2012, they hoped to supersede that and stuff an
even bigger vehicle.
Jay Kiehlmeier, with some of the collected toys
Keystone-Albany Rides to the Rescue in NABC Program
The National Auto Body Council’s Recycled Rides program
offers a much-needed holiday boost to local communities.
This program brings together insurance companies, body
shops, and parts vendors to repair used vehicles, which are
given away to local families and service organizations in need.
Keystone-Albany Rides to the Rescue in NABC Program
The National Auto Body Council’s Recycled Rides program
offers a much-needed holiday boost to local communities.
This program brings together insurance companies, body
shops, and parts vendors to repair used vehicles, which are
given away to local families and service organizations in need.
Keystone-Albany was happy to have another chance to
This year, State Farm donated one of their own fleet vehicles
that only needed a bumper and some paint, which Keystone
Albany supplied to H&V Collision. A single mother of two
children was chosen to receive the vehicle, though her story
could not be revealed due to the nature of her situation. The
Marines’ Toys for Tots program donated gifts for the kids,
which were given with the car on November 20, 2012, in a
ceremony at H&V’s Saratoga, NY location.
Keystone Automotive - San Diego and LKQ Southern California Help
Recycle Rides for the Holidays
Keystone Automotive - San Diego and LKQ Southern
California leapt into the holiday season with the Recycled
Rides program, a program coordinated by the National Auto
Body Council. The Recycled Rides program brings together
insurance companies, body shops, and parts vendors to
restore scrapped vehicles that are then given to families and
service organizations in need. For their first foray into this
program, the two Keystone locations supplied the hoods,
fenders, headlights, grilles, and front bumper covers for three
vehicles. They worked with Progressive Insurance, Millers
Collision, Qualteck Auto Body, and A&G Collision Center. The
vehicles were given away during a ceremony on November
11, 2012, hosted by Adam Rapkin from Progressive
A 2000 Sienna was donated to the National MS Society, San
Diego Chapter, to be auctioned off to raise money for their
fleet of vehicles, which are fitted to meet the special
transportation needs of those they help in the community.
A 2001 Caravan was given through Flood Church to a family
with no vehicle. Monica and her husband are newly married,
and Monica has a 4-year-old. While in high school, she was
active in many clubs, including being President of Circle of
Friends, a program for students with learning disabilities.
A 2001 Caravan was given through Flood Church to a family
with no vehicle. Monica and her husband are newly married,
and Monica has a 4-year-old. While in high school, she was
active in many clubs, including being President of Circle of
Friends, a program for students with learning disabilities.
Monica juggled being a mother with keeping up her grades
while going to a school two hours from home, and graduated
happily from Kearny High School.
Refuge Calvary Chapel Huntington Beach was given a 2007
PT Cruiser to be donated to a family in need. One of Refuge’s
ministries is W.O.W. (Women of Worth), which helps
struggling single moms, one of whom will receive the Cruiser.
This single mother of several children takes the bus to and
from work, and still makes time to volunteer in the Sunday
School children’s classes. Having a vehicle will provide this
family some invaluable flexibility.
Keystone Automotive - San Diego and LKQ Southern
California are excited to have impacted their community in
such a positive way, and look forward to participating in the
Recycled Rides program again.
LKQ Northern California and Keystone Automotive - Stockton Support
Golden State’s Benevolence Event
LKQ Northern California and Keystone Stockton donated an
engine for a 2005 GMC Envoy, given away to a family in need
as part of Golden State Collision Center’s sixth Annual
Benevolence Event. Four rehabilitated vehicles were given
away during the event on December 11, 2012. During the
past six years, this program has benefited twenty-five local
families, and everyone involved is eager to continue.
Representing LKQ and Keystone at the event were Cory Carr
(Sales LKQ Northern California), David Gaffney (Sales
Manager LKQ Northern California) Aaron McFarland (LKQ
District Sales Manager), and Albert Rendon (Industry
Relations Representative, Keystone Stockton).
Nick Rogers Pounded Through Marathon Despite Crazy Weather
Nick Rogers (Sales Manager LKQ Specialized Parts Planet Rancho Cordova) represented LKQ at the California
International Marathon in Sacramento on December 2.
15,000+ people gathered in the 30mph winds and pouring rain
for the grueling 26.2 mile race starting in Folsom, CA, and
ending at the State Capital Building in downtown Sacramento.
“There were a ton of people there. I couldn’t believe how
many people came out to cheer us on in that crazy storm,”
said Randy Wittig, Vice President-West Region.
Keystone Orlando Teams Up with Better Than New Collision for Breast
Cancer Survivor
While touring local body shops, Keystone Orlando’s General
Manager Jeremy Smith and his team stopped by Better Than
New Collision to meet shop owner Arthur VanDerlofske and
body shop manager George Fraser. While discussing the
benefits of working with LKQ and Keystone, Arthur mentioned
a program that his shop was participating in: a contest for
breast cancer survivors, in which the winner would receive a
Keystone Orlando Teams Up with Better Than New Collision for Breast
Cancer Survivor
While touring local body shops, Keystone Orlando’s General
Manager Jeremy Smith and his team stopped by Better Than
New Collision to meet shop owner Arthur VanDerlofske and
body shop manager George Fraser. While discussing the
benefits of working with LKQ and Keystone, Arthur mentioned
a program that his shop was participating in: a contest for
breast cancer survivors, in which the winner would receive a
free pink paint job. Intrigued, Jeremy asked if Keystone could
supply the paint, and Arthur heartily agreed.
From Left to Right: George Fraser, Aaron Maddox,
Arthur VanDerlofske, and Jeremy Smith
“I thought this was a really new opportunity to team up with a
customer [to help out a breast cancer survivor] and show a
presence in our local community,” says Jeremy Smith.
Keystone Orlando contributed Wanda paint and private label
clear and primer to help paint winner Renee Lambert’s
motorcycle bright pink. “We were able to help out someone
who has gone through a lot in her life and become more of a
partner with one of our customers,” says Smith. “Renee was
ecstatic when she saw the bike!”
Renee Lambert is a breast cancer survivor of almost 17 years,
though she says, “I think of myself as a fighter!”
Her family has a long history with breast cancer. Twenty
years ago, her mother survived breast cancer at the age of 58,
and Renee herself battled it three years later, at the age of 43,
coming through with a right-side mastectomy and long bouts
of chemotherapy that left her legs permanently weakened.
She is grateful to her supportive family and to her friend
Peggy, who was diagnosed at the same time and with whom
she spoke regularly and attended support groups. Peggy’s
cancer spread into her bone marrow, and she died as Renee
was finishing her own treatments.
Renee’s younger sister Vickie was diagnosed with breast
cancer a few years later, also at age 43. The cancer was
aggressive and metastasized to her bones and eventually her
brain, and in 2001, she passed away with her mother at her
side. The week of Vickie’s funeral, Renee completed her first
walk to fight breast cancer. Over the next few years, her
mother became very active in Relay for Life and stared a
cancer awareness group at her retirement village.
Renee Lambert with her newly painted CanAm
was finishing her own treatments.
Renee’s younger sister Vickie was diagnosed with breast
cancer a few years later, also at age 43. The cancer was
aggressive and metastasized to her bones and eventually her
brain, and in 2001, she passed away with her mother at her
side. The week of Vickie’s funeral, Renee completed her first
walk to fight breast cancer. Over the next few years, her
mother became very active in Relay for Life and stared a
cancer awareness group at her retirement village.
About three years ago, Renee was invited to her first Ribbon
Riders meeting. The Ribbon Riders are a grass roots not-forprofit group of professional women who provide financial
assistance to breast cancer patients. They help with the
immediate costs of treatments, including medicine, co-pays,
insurance premiums, transportation, and even groceries and
The founding members of the Ribbon Riders ride motorcycles,
and many others in the group ride as well. They make it a
point to visit the women they help, who all get so excited to
see the motorcycles pull up to their homes. Renee recently
decided to learn to ride, though because of her weakened
legs, she chose a CanAm Spyder, a three-wheeled
Renee uses the motorcycle to help raise awareness. “I’m 60
years old and people ask me why I would do such a crazy
thing as buy a motorcycle. I hand them a Ribbon Riders
business card and tell them my story and they start to
understand. It’s about battling and surviving. It’s all about
living life to the fullest.” Renee says that a CanAm is an
unusual bike, and that people everywhere stop her to ask
questions. “Can you imagine how many people will stop me
when they see a hot pink motorcycle?”
Club Colors Website Launch
We are pleased to announce the launch of our newly
redesigned LKQ promotional website! The site features a
fresh look, easy navigation and a wide inventory listing.
when they see a hot pink motorcycle?”
Club Colors Website Launch
We are pleased to announce the launch of our newly
redesigned LKQ promotional website! The site features a
fresh look, easy navigation and a wide inventory listing.
The in-house inventory section is divided into four main
Each section will provide product photos and specs with their
approved logo. By moving to a more division-based layout, we
allow visitors to access information based on their own choice
rather than sift through everything to decide what is of interest
to them.
We will be updating our website on a quarterly basis with
news of special offers, product launches and new content. We
encourage you to sign up to receive timely news and product
announcements by supplying your email on the homepage.
We hope you find the new website has a fresh look, is easy to
use and is informative. Please send us your feedback:
Do You Have a Story? If you have a story to contribute please don’t hesitate, we want to hear from you.