From Pokemon to Tiffany`s to LEED to DALI


From Pokemon to Tiffany`s to LEED to DALI
Lighting Design + Application
January 2003
to Tiffany’s
Lighting Controls
VOL. 33/NO. 1
A Flagship’s Facelift 20
For Emily Monato, simple control systems achieve dramatic results at
Tiffany’s and Emporio Armani
The Gathering of the Green 22
Wolfgang Egger examines new luminaire design and energy costs
3 Beardsley’s Beat
4 Energy Concerns
6 Research Recap
DALI is Here to Stay 24
New hardware and controls enhance the potential of a compatible ballast system. Steve Purdy says hello to DALI
Forest Murmurs 26
“Resonant lighting” depicts man’s coexistence with nature
Pokemon Pandemonium 30
Alex Sebeshalmi integrates entertainment and retail design in this dazzling lightshow of spinning, splitting Pokeball
Lighting Controls LEED 33
More buildings are being designed green—a trend influenced by
an increasing desire for buildings to be habitable, healthy and energy
efficient, along with incentives
like the LEED (Leadership in
Energy and Environmental
Design) Green Building rating
system. Doreen Maniccia
explains how.
9 IESNA Membership
Application Form
11 Lighting For Quality
13 Scanning The Spectrum
15 IES News
38 Light Literature
39 2003 IIDA Submittal Form
43 Light Products
47 Howard Brandston Student
Lighting Design Education
Grant Entry Form
52 Scheduled Events
55 Classified Advertisements
56 Ad Offices
56 Ad Index
ON THE COVER: Control systems achieve dramatic results at Pokemon (page 30) and
Tiffany’s (page 20). Say “Hello” to DALI on page 24 and follow the LEED on page 33.
LD+A (ISSN 0360-6325) is published monthly in the United States of America by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, 120 Wall Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY. 10005, 212-248-5000. © 2003 by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North
America. Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y. 10005 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to LD+A, 120 Wall Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10005.
LD+A/January 2003
Board of Directors
Randy Reid
Past President
Pamela K. Horner, LC
Manager, Technical Training
Senior Vice-President
Ronnie Farrar, LC
Lighting Specialist
Duke Power
Executive Vice-President
William Hanley, CAE
Vice-President—-Design & Application
John R. Selander, LC
Regional Sales Manager
The Kirlin Company
Vice-President—Educational Activities
Fred Oberkircher, LC
TCU Center for Lighting Education
Texas Christian University
Vice-President—-Member Activities
Jeff Martin, LC
Vice-President—-Technical & Research
Ronald Gibbons
Lighting Research Scientist, Advanced
Product Test and Evaluation Group
Virginia Tech Transportation Institute
Boyd Corbett
Belfer Lighting
Jean Black
PPL Services Corp.
medley was giving a PowerPoint presentation. Wagnerian music introduced a rotating graphic, while words swirled
around the screen. After the alphabetic snowstorm had settled, four
bulleted phrases blinked on and off:
• Introduction of the guests
• Agenda review
• Hotcakes
• All of the above
“But, Smedley,” I objected. “Why
introduce the guests? It’s just you
and me. And what’s hotcakes have
The medium
has indeed
become the
message, but no
one seems sure
what the
message means,
or even what
the message is.
Anthony J. Denami, LC
Gresham Smith & Partners
Donald Newquist, LC
Professional Design Associates, Inc.
Earl Print, LC
Joel Siegel, LC
Edison Price Lighting
James Sultan, LC
Studio Lux
Kevin Flynn
Kiku Obata & Company
Russ Owens, LC
West Coast Design Group
to do with the budget, our reason
for meeting?”
Smedley was silent as more bullets spiraled onto the screen:
• Design aesthetic
• Sealed optics
• Goniophotometer
• Louis the XIV Street
These faded, followed by a pie
chart and Gene Autry singing “Yes,
We Have No Bananas.”
Editor’s Note
It has been brought to our attention that the credits were incomplete for the lighting of the Mercado
D’Abasto (“Tango Argentino,”
September 2002 LD+A, pp 40-43).
Arq. Eli Sirkin, working with Theo
Kondos of T. Kondos Associates,
Inc., had a significant hand in bringing the project to completion once
the contract documents had been
sent to Argentina.
Fearing a medley of romantic ballads, I excused myself. Smedley
ignored my exit as virtual snowflakes covered his pie chart.
The medium has indeed become
the message, but no one seems
sure what the message means, or
even what the message is.
Whatever happened to Vugraphs?,” I complained to Mrs.
Giblets, my secretary, who had yet
to learn touch typing.
“Vu who?”
“No, no, Mrs. G, not vu who, but
Vugraphs, those transparencies
people project onto a screen.”
The phone rang.
“Chuck’s office,” said Mrs.
“Mr. Chuck, if you please,” I said.
She ignored me.
“It’s Smedley on line 1. He wants
to show you his bar charts. And
don’t forget your teleconference at
11 with your daughter. Also, Human
Resources wants your 1000-word
essay on empowerment.”
The phone range again.
“Mr. Chuckles’office,” said Mrs.
“It’s High Pressure Sodbuster
on line 2. And Smedley’s still on
line 1.”
“I’ll take line 2.”
“Chuckie, baby, wait til you see
the LEDs in Louie’s Lingerie on
Mrs. Giblets buzzed me.
“Your 11 o’clock teleconference
is ready.”
I put lines 1 and 2 on hold and
picked up.
“Daddy, can you buy me a
Smedley appeared at my office
“When can I show you my Power
It was time to relax with e-mail
that promised low-interest mortgages and renewed vigor.
LD+A/January 2003
his month’s issue of LD+A is
devoted to controls for lighting, and it is interesting how
many sensors and controls we
employ in our daily lives, without
being aware of them.
—Temperature and humidity sensors control the heating of our
homes and office buildings.
Willard L.
—Sensors detect occupancy and
turn on night lights and security
lights around our homes.
—Photoelectric controls sense
intrusions, or keep elevator doors
—Daylight harvesters dim electric light when there’s daylight
—Sensors allow us drive cars, fly
planes and sail ships safely, and perform so many other daily tasks.
There was an IESNA presentation a couple of years ago by a
Motorola Labs engineer who had
invented a system of total building
control that utilized sensors in the
ballasts of fluorescent luminaires,
which are ubiquitous, to convey
data to a central command station
that could be used to control all
aspects of the building’s indoor
environment. Motorola sold their
fluorescent ballast business to
OSRAM SYLVANIA, so now the
technology is for sale also.
My engineering practice has
focused lately on lighting retrofits
to conserve energy. But the day is
soon coming when you will sit at
your workplace desk and completely control the conditions of
your surroundings. The problem is
one of communication. Most sensing requires wires, either dedicated or as part of a multiplex system, and although there are carrier current and over-the air (OTA)
means of the control of illumination, they are only short range
devices. Today you can check the
status of an emergency battery
pack, or change the lighting level
of an individual track light with an
LD+A/January 2003
IR signal, just as you change TV
The luminaires in your office, or
adjacent to your work place, some
day will sense when you need
more light, increase the output of
the lamps, and then dim them
down when you’re working on a
computer screen or when you
leave your office. Lighting units
can now be outfitted to sense daylight and conserve electricity
whether the source is providing
ambient light, indirectly from the
ceiling, or from a plug-in device
used for task illumination.
We should be soon able to control all existing outdoor lighting with
an OTA signal that has greater
range than the residential devices
now available, and couple it with a
William Hanley, CAE
Charles W. Beardsley
Assistant Editor
Roslyn Lowe
Associate Editor
John-Michael Kobes
Art Director
Anthony S. Picco
Associate Art Director
Samuel Fontanez
Emlyn G. Altman
Louis Erhardt • Stan Walerczyk
Willard Warren
Book Review Editor
Paulette Hebert, Ph.D.
Marketing Manager
Sue Foley
the day is
soon coming
when you will
sit at your
workplace desk
completely control
the conditions
of your
TV security system that will
increase the illumination level in
the far reaches of a mall or corporate parking lot when there is an
intrusion or when an employee goes
to a car at closing time. Wouldn’t it
be smart to retrofit all multi-headed
parking lot luminaires with an OTA
sensing relay that turns on individual units as we need them, rather
than a circuit at a time, as presently wired?
Advertising Coordinator
Leslie Prestia
Published by IESNA
120 Wall Street, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10005-4001
Phone: 212-248-5000
Fax: 212-248-5017/18
LD+A is a magazine for professionals involved in the art,
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includes feature articles on design projects, technical
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Engineering Society of North America, and vital information about the illuminating profession.
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LD+A (ISSN 0360-6325) is published monthly in the
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Control device manufacturers have ignored the marketing potential in retrofitting. The concept of bi-level
lighting is that the greatest energy waste is the use
of lighting when there’s no one in occupancy to use it.
We can easily dim down those sources, rather than
Wouldn’t it be smart
to retrofit all multi-headed
parking lot luminaires
with an OTA sensing relay
that turns on
individual units as we
need them, rather
than a circuit at a time?
the stairs are empty. Ironically, the greatest budget
expense in most countries today is for social services,
especially health care. Each year, accidents on stairs by
seniors alone are costing us much more than the cost
of all the new stairways that are being built.
Unfortunately, we learn of our mistakes in construction after something goes terribly wrong, and then it’s
too expensive to retrofit existing buildings to make
them safer. Hopefully, something will be done to protect
our ever increasing aging population with safer levels of
Here’s my wish list for new controlled luminaires;
—A single, large, circular LED traffic light with control to change the color from green to yellow to red, ad
—An outdoor luminaire that dims when there’s no
pedestrian or vehicular traffic detected.
—A control for a luminaire, commercial or residential, that responds to a voice message to raise or dim
the light output on command.
There are others, but when these far-out control
devices malfunction, who’s going to repair them?
Maybe that’s one solution to our high unemployment
turn them off, with the technology now available, and
justify it economically. I learned a lesson the other day
when one of my clients pointed out that an energy
conservation payback of seven years didn’t seem so
attractive several years ago, but if you view it as a
return on investment of 14 percent, it’s a better
return than you can get elsewhere. People are advised
to pay off mortgages and credit card debit with interest rates much lower than 14 percent as the “best
investment you can make.”
In parts of Europe, where some energy rates have
been over $. 20 per kWh for years, public corridors in
apartment houses and small hotels have little push
button time switches that give you about 30 seconds
to get to your door before the lights go out. The race
is on as soon as you leave the elevator and push the
little button.
I attended a Fire Safety Directors Assoc. of Greater
New York conference recently where the topic was
“Safety in Public Spaces, and the Evacuation of High
Rise Buildings,” a very appropriate topic now, in the
wake of the 9/11 mass murder at the WTC. Our safety
and evacuation systems are primitive, the standards for
them go back almost half a century, and except for public buildings in California, and in theatres, ships and airplanes, there’s nothing better being used.
For instance, 44 inch wide code approved stairways
are too narrow for two people to go down abreast, let
alone to allow a fire fighter to go up the stairway at the
same time. Hand rails are often in the wrong place,
stairs and treads are hard to see and the lighting is
quite inadequate, especially for seniors.
The ANSI A-117.1 committee has a Perception,
Illumination and Signage Task Group considering an
increase illumination requirements in stairways, to a
minimum level of 10 fc, with controls to reduce the
level to a NFPA LIfe Safety Code minimum of 2 fc when
LD+A/January 2003
5 and T5 high output (T5 HO)
fluorescent lamps are increasingly popular members of the
Are T5 systems really more efficacious than T8s?
There really seem to be no significant differences in efficacy among
T5, T5 HO, and T8 systems (Akashi,
2002). To more fully answer this
question, we should consider several important factors:
Yukio Akashi
of whether T5 systems are indeed
more efficacious than T8s.
linear fluorescent family since
entering the US market in 1995.
They have sparked the imaginations of designers, luminaire manufacturers and researchers alike.
They are being aggressively marketed and innovatively designed
into new compact luminaires. But
in spite of these efforts, many of us
are left wondering whether we
should consider using T5 luminaires instead of T8 luminaires.
There is some heavy debate about
whether they are better than other
fluorescent lamps. In this column,
therefore, we’ll tackle the question
Figure 1. The relative light output variation as a function of ambient temperature for T5 and T8 fluorescent
lamps. (This diagram is based on SILHOUETTE T5,
T5HO & T5 Circular Fluorescent Lamp Technology
Guide, Philips Lighting Company)
Ambient temperature and
lamp efficacy: Lamp manufacturers usually show slightly higher
T5s Better Than
efficacy values for T5 and T5 HO
lamps than for T8 lamps in their
catalogs because manufacturers
usually provide light output data at
their optimal ambient temperature
for each lamp type: 25°C (77°F) for
T8 lamps and 35°C (95°F) for T5
lamps. Figure 1 shows the performance of T5 and T8 lamps as a
function of ambient temperature.
As you can see, there is roughly a
10 percent difference in light output for both T5 and T8 lamps
between 25°C and 35°C. The difference in optimal temperature between T5 and T8 lamps could
affect lamp performance in different luminaires. In closed luminaires where temperatures tend to
be high, T5 lamps might perform
better than T8 lamps but in open
luminaires, T8 lamps might per-
TTable 1. Lamp efficacy and lamp-ballast efficacy for T5, T5 HO, and T8 lamps.
Lamp-Ballast System Efficacy
Lamp Efficacy
Manufacturer A
Manufacturer B
LD+A/January 2003
Efficacy Power
form better than T5 lamps.
But, you might ask, what are the
actual temperatures in luminaires?
The LRC measured temperatures in
luminaires using T5 HO and T8
lamps (Gu et al., 2002). The temperatures in open, direct/indirect
pendant luminaires ranged from
29°C to 36°C, while the temperatures in closed, direct recessed
luminaires ranged from 38°C to
46°C regardless of lamp type. If you
compare these temperatures with
Figure 1, you can see that in the
open luminaires, T5 lamps will tend
to emit less light than under their
optimal condition of 35°C. In the
closed luminaires, where the temperatures are much higher than
35°C, T5 lamps might function better than T8 lamps.
Ballast loss: Ballast loss is yet
another important factor. Table 1
compares several lamp-ballast system efficacies for T5, T5 HO, and T8
systems. Although the system efficacy varies among manufacturers,
its value at the optimal temperature
for each of the three systems (25ºC
for the T8 systems and 35ºC for the
T5 systems) does not appear so different from each other. Since ballast performance varies widely,
large ballast losses might cancel
any increases in lamp efficacy (Gu
et al., 2002).
Luminaire efficiency: The 10°C
difference in optimal temperature
between T5 and other fluorescent
lamps causes another problem
about luminaire efficiency1. American National Standards Institute/
Illuminating Engineering Society of
North America (ANSI/IESNA) standards require an ambient temperature of 25°C for photometry. The
bare T5 lamps might be operated
at an ambient temperature of
25°C while the ambient temperature in a luminaire could be much
higher than 25°C. The higher temperature in the luminaire could
make the T5 lamps emit more
light. This procedure could lead to
luminaire efficiency values greater
than 100 percent! Until these
issues are worked out by the
1Luminaire efficiency is determined by dividing the lumen output of the bare lamps used
in a luminaire by the lumen output from the
luminaire itself.
appropriate standards-setting
organizations, specifiers should be
careful in interpreting luminaire
efficiencies for luminaires with T5
and T5 HO lamps.
So, which is more efficacious: T5
HO luminaires and T8 luminaires?
To directly compare T5 HO luminaire performance with T8 luminaire performance, the LRC asked
an independent testing laboratory
to measure the light output of eight
typical luminaires. During the measurements the room temperature
was maintained at 25°C. Table 2
summarizes the results. The measurements suggest that the system
efficacies of T5 HO luminaires are
practically identical to those of T8s
in the same luminaire type. (T5 systems might be more efficacious
than T5 HO and T8 systems, but we
have not compared both these systems yet.)
Should we consider using T5
After all this discussion, you
might be left with the question of
whether you should still use T5s. I
would still suggest using T5 systems, as long as they meet your
budget and requirements. Although
T5 systems still cost more than
other fluorescent lighting systems,
their price will decrease if demand
increases and more such systems
are manufactured, as appears to be
the case.
Why should we use T5 systems?
T5 and T5 HO lamps are the
most environment-friendly lamps
among the linear fluorescent family.
It is unquestionable that T5 and T5
HO lamps have less impact on the
global environment than T8 or T12
lamps. Their smaller diameter
results in less bulb glass, phosphor
material, mercury content, and
packaging materials and leads to
thinner luminaire housings and
therefore less installation expense.
Are there other advantages of
T5s over T8s?
The small diameter of T5 and T5
HO lamps gives them high optical
controllability. Their line-source
quality might allow for a compact
optical design, accurately and efficiently delivering light to where it
is needed. Such an advantage
might allow more elegant or crisp
luminaire designs and therefore
build better impressions of T5 systems. However, note that, if you
use smaller optics with T5 lamps
than optics with T8 lamps, the
optical efficiency of T5 systems
might not necessarily be significantly higher than that of T8 luminaires.
How can T5 and T5 HO luminaires be used?
Bulb luminances of T5 and T5 HO
lamps are higher than other fluorescent lamps. A T5 lamp and a T5 HO
lamp have 3 and 1.8 times higher
luminances than a T8 lamp, respectively (Akashi, 2002). The high
luminances of these lamps can
cause glare if the lamps are improperly used. They are quite suitable for
direct/indirect lighting. If, however,
you use T5 and T5 HO lamps with
indirect pendant luminaires in an
office room, the room could look
darker than the work plane illuminance implies. This is because
there are no visible light sources
that usually give you cues to estimate how much light is coming
from the luminaires. In such a case,
indirect luminaires with thin slits
cut through the side panel and the
Table 2. Measured light output data
Measured data
Input (W) output
pendant (open) 2xT5HO
pendant (open) 2xT5HO
Direct recessed
luminaire (closed) 1xT5HO
Flat diffuser
1xT5HO Flat diffuser
reflector might help increase the
apparent brightness of the room.
Or, you can add sparkle! Using
sconces can increase the brightness impression of a space, too
(Akashi, 2000; Akashi, et al.,
T5 and T5 HO lamps can also be
used for high-bay applications,
where high intensity discharge
(HID) lamps are usually used. The
high location of the luminaires
in spite of
these efforts,
many of us
are left
we should
T5 luminaires
instead of
T8 luminaires
decreases the apparent size of the
high intensity light sources and
therefore might reduce glare
caused by those light sources. If
T5 and T5 HO lamps are used with
appropriate luminaires, they have
several advantages over HID systems such as dimming capability,
better color rendering, longer life,
better lumen maintenance, instant
restrike capability, and shorter
warm up times than HID systems.
efficacy to T8s, you can think of
T5 systems as better alternatives
of T8 lamps because T5 systems
are very environmentally friendly.
To better understand T5 and T5 HO
lamp performance, more objective
evaluation should be conducted on
ambient temperature and ballast
performance. The optical and
physical design of T5 luminaires
could probably also be improved to
optimize the temperature, and
therefore, the light output.
More demonstrations of T5
lamps with direct/indirect pendant
luminaires for office applications
and direct luminaires for high-bay
applications are needed to show
the benefits of T5 systems. The
pages of LD+A are a good place to
publish them. Through such demonstrations, T5 luminaire design will
be improved. For instance, the slit
luminance of T5 direct luminaires
can be optimized so that the slits
can provide cues to enhance brightness impression. The luminance of
the luminous surfaces of direct T5
luminaires for high-bay applications
can be optimized to reduce discomfort glare. My guess is that T5s are
here to stay, and their future is a
bright one!
Akashi, Y. 2002. “Lighting Answers: T5 Fluorescent Systems.”
Troy, NY: National Lighting Product
Information Program, Lighting Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Akashi, Y., Tanabe, Y., Akashi, I.,
Mukai, K., 2000. “Effect of sparkling luminous elements on the
brightness impression,” Lighting
Research and Technology, 32, 1,
Akashi, Y., 2000. “Gloom is
doomed,” LD+A, May 2000, pp.8893.
Gu, Y., Akashi, Y., Lou, X. Narendran, N., O’Rourke, C. 2002. “Performance characteristics of T5 fluorescent lamps,” Proceedings,
Illuminating Engineering Society of
North America, 2002 Conference,
pp. 135-142.
What is next?
As I mentioned above, T5 systems do not surpass T8s in terms
of efficacy. Since, nonetheless, T5
systems still have a comparable
LD+A/January 2003
lare is the sensation produced by luminances within
the visual field that are sufficiently greater than adaptation
luminance, which result in annoyance, discomfort, loss of visual performance and visibility. The IESNA
recognizes two types of glare.
Discomfort glare results in irritation, while disability glare can be
more serious, interfering with visual
performance or visibility.
Glare models are mathematical
equations that have been developed from psychophysical data.
These models predict subjectively
experienced glare as a function of
the following:
1) Luminance of the glare source
2) Luminance of the field of view
(background or adaptation luminance)
3) Solid angle subtended by the
glare source at the eye (visual size)
4) Position of the glare source in
the field of view
All the models predict that glare
will increase as a function of source
luminance, size, and proximity of
the glare source to the direction of
view. Similarly, all the models predict that glare will decrease as
adaptation luminance increases.
Five prominent models have been
developed to predict glare as a function of the same environmental
1) Visual Comfort Probability
2) British Glare Index
3) Glare Limiting System
4) Nordic Glare Index Method
5) CIE Unified Glare Rating (UGR)
While these models all use the
same four parameters to define the
effect of a glare source, each incorporates other more subtle differences. Specifically, the different
models vary the coefficients and
exponents that are applied to these
factors, they apply different mathematical operations to multiple glare
sources, and they differ in whether
or not the glare source itself is
included in the field of view.
The IESNA currently uses the
Visual Comfort Probability (VCP)
system. VCP represents the probability that a normal observer will not
experience discomfort when viewing a lighting system under defined
conditions. The development of
VCP was initiated after the Second
World War by Luckiesh and Guth
who were inspired by then-new fluorescent technology to investigate
the single and combined effects on
human perception and performance
of source luminance, size, background and field luminance, and the
position of the glare source within
the visual field. The current VCP
procedure published in The IESNA
Is VCP the
right quality metric
Lighting Handbook is the result of
nearly a half-century of work by
numerous investigators.
The IESNA Lighting Handbook is
very clear about the limitations of
VCP. The Handbook notes: “This
system was tested and validated
using lensed direct fluorescent systems only. VCP should not be
applied to very small sources such
as incandescent, and high intensity
discharge luminaires, to very large
sources such as ceiling and indirect
systems, or to non-uniform sources
such as parabolic reflectors.” Many
lighting designs no longer involve
the use of lensed direct fluorescent
sources, and so VCP calculations
should not be applied to the majority of sources used in current lighting
practice. Consequently, it could be
argued that the IESNA does not
have a discomfort glare evaluation
system, or at best has a system that
is valid for a very small percentage
of new designs. There is a natural
design requirement to minimize
glare, so we are left with the question of whether an alternate evaluation system can be identified that
designers can use to predict and
thereby control or eliminate glare.
The Unified Glare Rating system
has been developed by the International Commission on Illumination
(CIE) committee TC 3-13, as an
attempt to combine the best fea-
tures of the major discomfort glare
evaluation systems in terms of prac-
ticability and familiarity with results
of glare prediction. The formula
results in UGR values on a scale
ranging from about 10 to 30 for typical applications. Higher values indicate more discomfort glare. In
2002, the CIE published a document entitled “CIE Collection on
Glare,” which claims that the UGR
can be applied to the following
1) Small sources defined as having a projected area smaller than
0.005 m2 (approx. 8 in2)
2) Large sources, such as luminous ceilings and indirect lighting
3) Large sources with a transition
region between normal sources and
the luminous ceiling
4) Non-uniform indirect lighting
5) Complex sources such as low
brightness specular sources with
The UGR might therefore be valid
for application to many more lighting
installations than VCP. An article by
Mistrick comparing VCP and UGR
was published in the summer 1999
edition of the Journal of the
Illuminating Engineering Society
of North America. This article compared and contrasted the results of
glare calculations applied to a variety of lensed direct and parabolic
troffers. Mistrick concluded that
application of the two different models produced similar results (correlation of .68 between the ratings produced by the two different models).
The correlation was not perfect
because the two methods differ with
respect to how they characterize different aspects of the glare stimulus.
For example, UGR contains larger
exponents to characterize the
effects of source luminance and
position. In the VCP system, adaptation luminance includes the contribution of the luminaires, while this is
not the case with the UGR system.
Should the IESNA replace VCP
Clarence E.
Ph.D., P.E.
Dale K. Tiller,
with the UGR? At this point, we
believe it would make good sense
to cease the decades-long arguments surrounding model details,
since these have only led us to the
current unacceptable situation. The
IESNA Lighting Handbook specifically notes that VCP does not generalize beyond lensed direct fluorescent systems. As a result, it should
not be used to evaluate many
designs being implemented today.
Of the candidate models, the UGR
has emerged as the most widely
applicable, and is supported by our
international sister organization.
Even if UGR does not exactly predict subjective response to glare,
neither does VCP. Application of the
UGR will at least ensure that discomfort glare is evaluated in more
lighting designs, thereby improving
quality. Further research to compare and validate the model details
identified by Mistrick is also a
pressing requirement, but we
believe enough information is currently available for practitioners to
consider adopting UGR over VCP.
The consideration of discomfort
glare is just one of the many factors
LD+A/January 2003
that go into lighting quality. The
IESNA needs to have a valid discomfort glare evaluation system
that can be applied to most modern
lighting systems. The IESNA Quality
of the Visual Environment (QVE)
Committee is currently looking at
the UGR and considering making a
recommendation to the IESNA to
adopt the UGR or adaptations of the
UGR as its discomfort glare evaluation system. While none of the glare
evaluation systems are perfect, this
move would at least give the IESNA
a robust system that could be improved upon by future researchers.
Dr. Clarence Waters is an
Associate Professor of Architectural Engineering at the University
of Nebraska in Omaha, NE. He
serves as the chair of the Glare
Subcommittee of the Quality of the
Visual Environment Committee.
Dr. Dale Tiller is an Associate
Professor of Architectural Engineering at the University of
Nebraska. He is a past Regional
Vice President of the IESNA.
notes on lighting design
New Self-Commissioning Photosensor
Saves Energy, Pleases Occupants
The Lighting Research Center (LRC) in Troy, New York, has developed a prototype photosensor that overcomes the difficulties often associated with photosensors now on the market. The new device is self-commissioning and allows flexible user control when desired.
Preliminary test data show that it can reduce energy used for lighting by as much as 60 percent in some situations.
Capturing energy savings from daylight requires the use of lighting controls such as photosensors. For indoor lighting applications, however, photosensors have not gained much
market acceptance because of cost, technical barriers, and a history of poor performance. To overcome these barriers the LRC,
with the support of a grant from the Connecticut Conservation and Load Management Fund administered by Connecticut Light
and Power (CL&P), worked with Sensor Switch, Inc., to develop its self-commissioning photosensor for use in private offices
and other small, daylighted spaces. The new photosensor features: a closed-loop proportional control with optimized offset and
slope, wireless operation, a self-commissioning feature and a 1,000,000:1 sensitivity range (0.5 to 500,000 lux).
Good photosensor performance depends on proper commissioning. This new photosensor can commission itself in less than
two minutes, and it can do it any time daylight is present and relatively constant. “We wanted to address the commissioning
difficulties,” says Andrew Bierman, the photosensor’s inventor. Bierman, an LRC researcher, served as project manager for the
photosensor’s development. “Existing photosensors are difficult and expensive to set up, and that’s a big barrier to their acceptance. If they’re not commissioned properly, they won’t work properly, and people will get frustrated with them. A taped-over,
or otherwise disabled, photosensor doesn’t save any energy.”
With this new photosensor, commissioning is automated as much as possible. Some user involvement is required, but
Bierman compares it to setting the temperature on a thermostat to control a furnace. “The device is in two parts,” he says.
“You put the photosensor part on the desk, press a button, and it takes some measurements—10 to 15 seconds later it’s done.
Then you put it in its permanent location, usually mounted on the ceiling, and let it take some more measurements. There’s no
thinking involved. You don’t have to measure or calculate anything, and you don’t need an illuminance meter.”
The other part of the device is the controller, which is mounted in place of the typical wall switch. This part contains the
microprocessor, and it receives infrared signals from the photosensor. The researchers chose infrared to keep the signal contained within the room so that photosensors mounted in different rooms won’t interfere with each other. The controller uses
1.2 watts or less, and the researchers hope to get this number down even more in a commercial version. The prototype works
with 0- to 10-volt dimming ballasts. Commercial versions could be made to work with other dimming interfaces: digital or highvoltage dimmers, for example. The controller has a user override on it and three levels of dimming aggressiveness for users
to choose.
“You have full control over the lighting if you want it,” says Bierman, “so we think occupants will like it, and as far as we
know it’s the only photosensor that commissions itself. The microprocessor in the control module is what makes this possible.
Most of the other photosensors on the market are analog devices. You have to take your own measurements and turn small
screws or dials to commission them.”
The LRC device has a control algorithm programmed into it that handles the commissioning calculations and makes sure the
lights are controlled correctly so that occupants aren’t left in the dark. Successful use does depend on the existing lighting
being designed well, however, because the device uses existing electric light levels to create its set points.
Bierman explains, “The algorithm we’re using was published in the 1980s by researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory. They documented appropriate control algorithms for lighting, but this information somehow never made its way
into lighting products.
The next step was to create an actual device. The LRC team was careful to consider user preferences, as well as technical
sophistication, in the design. “Some people want their light levels to change throughout the day, to increase if more daylight
comes into the space, for example,” says Bierman. “The lighting may seem more natural that way. We can accommodate this
preference and yet still save energy. It’s done with a user-adjustable input separate from the commissioning. You can change
it without commissioning the device again.”
Currently there are 10 units in demonstration sites in private offices. Two of the demonstration sites are at the LRC and the
other eight are in offices in Connecticut. The LRC plans to collect data for six months, to cover a full range of sun angles.
Periodically, researchers interview users in their offices to get information about how satisfied they are with the devices. The
researchers are also interested in data on energy use.
So far, there have been no user complaints about not having enough light. Energy savings may vary, but the occupants of all
the offices are happy with the devices, a result that’s just as important as the energy savings. “Right now our photosensor is
not a commercial product,” says Bierman, “but we hope someone—Sensor Switch or another company—will want to commercialize it soon. In the meantime, we’ve filed for a patent so we can keep the technology available to everyone.”
For more information, visit the LRC on the Web at or call (518) 687-7100. A free online tutorial about photosensors is available at
— Marilyn R. P. Morgan, LRC
LD+A/January 2003
Member News
TJ Sterling has joined
NORA Lighting, Commerce, CA, as a marketing
Sterling is actively engaged in assisting
NORA Lighting’s management and staff in
the development of marketing strategies and creating sales support programs for their sales representatives.
Steven Rosen, principal of Available
Lighting, Inc., Salem, MA, was named
“Lighting Designer of the Year” for
Architecture at the Lighting Dimensions International awards ceremony
in Las Vegas, NV. A panel of industry
experts selected the winners of the
annual LDI Awards for excellence in
the fields of entertainment, lighting
design and technology.
IDA Announces
Student Award
The International Dark-Sky Association is offering a new award for students who have contributed to quality
nighttime lighting by studying the
value of dark skies. Efforts to learn
methods for controlling light pollution
will be recognized at three grade levels: kindergarten to six, seven to nine,
and ten to twelve.
The award is given in honor of
George Taylor. The late Mr. Taylor, a
past IESNA president, was a strong
supporter of lighting education.
Submissions are due February 7,
2003. For more information, see:
Section News
New Jersey Section
On November 19, Gary Dulanski of
Stan Deutsch Associates discussed the
latest in lighting control systems at the
Philips Lighting Technology Center,
Somerset, NJ.
Los Angeles Section
The Designers Lighting Forum’s 3rd
Annual Landscape and Lighting Showcase was held on November 4, at the
Los Angeles Department of Water and
Power. Subjects included manufacturers’ products in natural, outdoor setting, product displays, informative outdoor design and technology workshops.
Tennessee Valley Section
Thomas M. Lemons, TLA-Lighting
Consultants, reviewed the new RP6,
Sports Lighting.
Heart of America Section
On September 17, 2002, Kevin Flynn
gave an exterior lighting tour of the
Liberty Memorial in Kansas City, MO.
Virginia Section
Damon L. Wood, CLEP, LC, Ledalite
Architectural Products, discussed ergonomic factors in office lighting on
November 20, 2002.
British Columbia Section
“Light Up the World” guest speaker,
David Irvine-Halliday of the University of
Public Review of IESNA Publication
BSR/IESNA RP-1-2002, American National Standard Practice for Office
Lighting, is the Standard Practice that provides useful, practical information on
not only the technical issues, but also information on design elements that can
produce a productive and pleasant office environment. Both visibility values
(quality and quantity of light) and aesthetic values (worker perceptions and
mood) must coalesce for successful office lighting. RP-1-2002 is the latest revision/update of an existing IESNA document and is being submitted for approval
as an ANSI standard. Public review dates are December 27, 2002—February 25,
2003. Review copies of the draft standard may be obtained from Rita Harrold at
Tel: 212-248-5000 ext. 115 or email: ($25.00 per copy).
Calendar of Events
May 6-8, 2003
New York, NY
Contact: AMC, Inc.
August 3-6, 2003
2003 IESNA Annual Conference
Chicago, IL
Contact: Val Landers
212-248-5000, ext. 117
September 29-October 1, 2003
2003 IESNA
Street & Area Lighting Conference
Baltimore, MD
Contact: Val Landers
212-248-5000, ext. 117
Calgary, discussed his trip to Nepal
where he introduced white LEDs to
less developed communities as an
affordable form of home lighting.
Mother Lode Section
The latest LED, induction, fluorescent and metal halide sources were reviewed by Stan Walerczyk, director of
lighting at Sun Industries.
New York Section
Michael Klein explained why emergency lighting must be integrated into
every lighting design. He also expanded on product alternatives, code constraints, control techniques, and general design considerations.
Western New York Section
Tom Drew, president of Drama Lighting, shared his experiences in creative
outdoor lighting on November 12,
Rocky Mountain Section
Kevin Leadford of Lithonia Lighting
traced the flow of light in lighting
continued on following page
LD+A/January 2003
Section News
continued from previous page
design. The straightforward calculation procedure reveals useful information about the directionality of lighting
at a point in space.
Cleveland Section
Students from the architecture, interior design and theater programs at
Kent State University discussed basic
tools and issues involved in lighting a
live performance space. Other topics
discussed included proper lighting
positions, circuit distribution, lighting
instruments, and control systems.
Theatrical lighting designer Greg Shick
was the guest speaker.
Golden Gate Section:
“Light Cycles,” a presentation on
lighting practice based on circadian
photobiology, with reference to health
issues, alertness, performance and the
aging eye was given in October by
Marianna Gross Figueiro, program
director at the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Norm Schwab recounted his experiences in theater, architecture and on
November 21, 2002, at the Pacific
Energy Center, San Francisco, CA.
West Texas Section
Anne Militello explored “Light As
Art” at the Tucker Technology Building
on the TCU campus.
Down East Section
Stephen Dodge, public safety inspector and supervisor, reviewed lighting
safety codes related to egress and
emergency lighting.
Mid-Hudson Valley Section
In November a tour was given of LSI
Lightron’s new production facility, New
Windsor, NY.
Share your
news with us!
IES News
120 Wall St., 17th Floor
New York, NY 10005
Fax: (212) 248-5018
The following companies have elected
to support the Society as Sustaining
Members which allows the IESNA to fund
programs that benefit all segments of the
membership and pursue new endeavors,
including education projects, lighting
research and recommended practices.
The level of support is classified
by the amount of annual dues, based
on a company’s annual lighting revenues:
Copper: $500 annual dues
Lighting revenues to $4 million
(Copper Sustaining Members are listed in
the March issue of LD+A, as well as in the
IESNA Annual Report. There are currently 233
Copper Sustaining Members).
Silver: $1,000 annual dues
Lighting revenues to $10 million
Gold: $2,500 annual dues
Lighting revenues to $50 million
Platinum: $5,000 annual dues
Lighting revenues to $200 million
Emerald: $10,000 annual dues
Lighting revenues to $500 million
Diamond: $15,000 annual dues
Lighting revenues over $500 million
Cooper Lighting
General Electric Co.
Lithonia Lighting
Philips Lighting Co.
Holophane Corporation
Day-Brite Capri Omega
Lutron Electronics Co, Inc.
ALP Lighting Components Co.
Altman Lighting, Inc.
Barth Electric Co., Inc.
BLV Licht und Vakuumtechnik GmbH
The Bodine Company
Daeyang Electric Co., Ltd.
Edison Price Lighting, Inc.
Finelite, Inc.
Florida Power Lighting Solutions
Gardco Lighting
Indy Lighting, Inc.
The Kirlin Company
Kurt Versen Co.
LexaLite Int’l Corp
Lighting Services, Inc.
LiteTouch, Inc.
Louis Poulsen Lighting
LSI Industries, Inc.
Martin Professional, Inc.
Musco Sports Lighting, Inc.
Niagara Mohawk Power Corp
Prudential Lighting Corp
San Diego Gas & Electric
SPI Lighting
United Illuminating Co.
Vista Professional Outdoor Lighting
Zumtobel Staff Lighting, Inc.
Ardron-Mackie Limited
Associated Lighting
Atofina Chemicals, Inc.
Axis Lighting, Inc.
Bartco Lighting, Inc.
BJB Electric Corporation
Canlyte Inc.
City of San Francisco
Con Edison Co. of New York
Con-Tech Lighting
Custom Lighting Services LLC
Custom Lights, Inc.
Day Lite Maintenance Co.
Defense Supply Center Philadelphia
Delta Power Supply, Inc.
EEMA Industries
Elko Ltd
Enterprise Lighting Sales
ETC Architectural
Eye Lighting Industries
Factory Sales Agency
Focal Point
Gammalux Systems
H E Williams, Inc.
HAWA Incorporated
High End Systems, Inc.
Hubbell Lighting, Inc.
Illuminating Technologies, Inc.
Kenall Mfg Co.
Lee Filters
Legion Lighting Co.
Leviton Mfg Co, Inc.
Linear Lighting
Litecontrol Corp
Litelab Corp
Lowel Light Manufacturing
Lucifer Lighting Co.
Metalumen Manufacturing, Inc.
Northern Illumination Co., Inc.
Optical Research Associates
Optima Engineering PA
Paramount Industries, Inc.
Portland General Electric
Prescolite, Inc.
R A Manning Co, Inc.
Reflex Lighting Group, Inc.
Richard McDonald & Associates, Ltd. - Calgary
Richard McDonald & Associates, Ltd. - Edmonton
Sentry Electric Corporation
Shakespeare Composites & Electronics Division
Southern California Edison
Stage Front Presentation Sys.
Stebnicki Robertson & Associates
Sternberg Vintage Lighting
Sterner Lighting Systems. Inc.
Strand Lighting, Inc.
StressCrete King Luminaire Co.
Sun Industries
TXU Electric & Gas
Universal Electric Ltd.
US Architectural Lighting/Sun Valley Lighting
Utility Metals
W J Whatley, Inc.
WAC Lighting, Co.
Winnipeg Hydro
Wisconsin Public Service Corp
Xenon Light, Inc.
As of December 2002
LD+A/January 2003
Philips Lighting Aims
To Educate Facility
Managers With New
Industrial Theater
To educate facility operators, Royal
Philips Electronics U.S.-based lighting
company unveiled its Industrial
Theater complex located in Somerset,
New Jersey. The Industrial Theater is
an interactive space designed to let
facility managers experience first hand
the operational, security, and energyand cost-saving benefits of lighting.
The Industrial Theater is Philips
Lighting’s most recent addition to its
state-of-the-art Lighting Application
Center. Equipped with two sets of luminaire drums housing a wide range of
light sources, the 3,000 sq ft theater
hosts workshops and offers innovative
tools to demonstrate how the right
lighting solutions can positively impact
energy, maintenance, safety, performance, productivity and environmental responsibility. Using a bevy of
lamp and fixture comparisons, interac-
IALD Announces New
Board Members
The International Association of
Lighting Designers announced the
election of seven new members to its
Board of Directors.
• Charles G. Stone II, of New York,
NY, President Elect
• Robert Prouse, New York, NY,
Director of Education
• Jerry Miller, Seattle WA, Director
of External Affairs
• David Bird, Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia, Director at Large
• Michael Souter, San Francisco,
CA, Director of Membership
• Larry French, San Francisco, CA,
Membership Committee
• Dawn Hollingsworth, Los Angeles,
CA, Membership Committee
President Elect Charles Stone’s
experience encompasses lighting for
architectural and theatrical projects
including concert halls, airports, convention centers, museums, hotels,
theme parks, corporate headquarters
and commercial developments around
The Industrial Theater is Philips Lighting's most recent addition to its state-of-the-art
Lighting Application Center. It can be configured to show and compare virtually any lighting system.
tive presentations and mutable workstations, the Industrial Theater simulates its visitors’ lighting challenges
and enables them to discover personalized solutions.
Environmental responsibility and
cost-effective maintenance are among
the educational components of a visit
to the Industrial Theater. As part of the
overall workshop, participants come to
understand how their lighting choices
influence a reduction in total mercury,
green house gases and frequent main-
tenance. Among the lamps on display
are the HPS Retro-White, which provides white light without requiring a
ballast upgrade, and the ALTO line of
fluorescent lamps, which provide the
lowest mercury content in the industry.
Interested participants can receive
more information and register for courses online at
the world.
New Director of Education, Robert
Prouse has been a member of the IALD
since 1977 and is a Fellow of the
IESNA as well as being certified by the
NCQLP. Prouse has taught lighting
design at the Parson School of Design
in New York City, where he remains a
member of the faculty.
Jeffrey Miller, new Director of External Affairs, began his career as a
theatrical lighting designer in New
York City. Mr. Miller is Director of
Lighting Design at NBBJ, leading an
integrated design practice with offices
throughout the US, London, and
David Bird, elected Director at
Large, is the founding director of
Vision Design Studio, a design practice
that was established 12 years ago. He
is active in the lighting community having been an IESANZ Council member
for six years, he is currently the regional Chair for the Victorian Chapter.
Michael Souter, Director of Membership, presently heads Luminae
Souter Associates, LLC in San
Francisco, which is focused on archi-
tectural lighting design for fine residences, hospitality, high-density housing, health care, museums, and corporate facilities.
Larry French of the membership
committee is a principal with the
design firm Auerbach + Glasow. His
designs include the historic renovation
of the War Memorial Opera House in
San Francisco, Space Center Houston
NASA Visitor’s Center, Niketown
Honolulu and Denver and Copia – The
American Center for Wine and Food
and the Arts. A professional member
of the IALD, French has been a guest
speaker at industry conferences and
seminars. He is also a member of the
USITT and holds a lighting certification
from the NCQLP.
Dawn Hollingsworth, elected to the
membership committee, is currently
managing design principal of Visual
Terrain, a diversified lighting design
firm with offices in Los Angeles, CA,
and Orlando, FL. She is a past president of the Los Angeles Section of the
LD+A/January 2003
Teens Pave Way for Energy-Efficient Tomorrow
Imagine thousands of 15-year-olds
across this country enthusiastically
evaluating lighting design and performance in local community buildings.
Further, imagine these young people
drafting recommendations for improvements that save energy and money.
Sound far-fetched? Maybe not.
Light Up My Life, described briefly in
these pages last month, is a new
textbook in the Active Physics curriculum series developed by the
Depar tment of Energy’s Rebuild
America program, the National
Science Foundation (NSF), and publisher “It’s About Time, Inc.”
Since the early 1900s, high schools
have taught science in this order: biology, chemistry, and physics. The
sequence worked well for many years
because biology and chemistr y
emphasized categorization and
description. Memorization skills, not
analytical ability, were necessary for
high school students studying these
subjects. In recent years, biology and
chemistry have become increasingly
complex, requiring a basic knowledge
of physics. After all, how can a student
understand the biology of eyesight if
he or she doesn’t know the basic principlals of light?
To address this problem, many
schools across the country are changing the order in which the sciences are
taught, by placing physics before biology and chemistry. When schools
started teaching physics to freshmen,
however, it became apparent that a
math-intensive curriculum originally
designed for junior and senior honors
students was not suitable for the average 14- or 15-year old. To address this
issue, NSF provided a $11.2 million
grant to the American Association of
Physics Teachers (AAPT) in 1993 to
develop an inquiry- and activitiesbased physics curriculum for high
schools. The AAPT collaborated with
the American Institute of Physics and
the American Physical Society to create the textbook series, Active
Physics, which was introduced in
The six units—home, transportation,
medicine, sports, communications,
continued on following page
2002 Edison Award Call for Entries
General Electric Lighting has issued
a call for entries for lighting design projects completed during the 2002 calendar year. They must be received no
later than 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard
Time) on February 3, 2003.
For the first time this year, special
recognition will be given to those projects that demonstrate exemplary,
sustainable lighting design. These
designs, while providing high quality
lighting, should minimize the use of
resources, and show exceptional
regard for other environmental concerns.
The 2002 Edison Award Entry Form,
which includes entry rules/eligibility,
and terms and conditions, is available
at as a Microsoft Word document that can be completed electronically and then printed
out for inclusion with your submittal.
The 2002 Edison Award competition
is open to those lighting professionals
who creatively employ significant use
of GE lamps in a lighting design project
completed during the 2002 calendar
Entries are judged on the following
criteria: functional excellence; architectural compatibility; effective use of
state-of-the-art lighting products and
techniques; appropriate color, form
LD+A/January 2003
and texture revelation; energy effectiveness and cost effectiveness. A
panel of five lighting professionals,
including a representative of GE
Lighting, judges the competition. All
entrants will be invited to an awards
ceremony that takes place on the eve
York on May 5, 2003.
visit & post at the bulletin board at
learn something new
Don’t be caught on
the outside looking in
Exterior lighting techniques
have undergone major changes,
as shown in Chapter 21 of the
9th Edition of the IESNA
Lighting Hand book.
To o rd e r yo u r c o py of
t h e 9 t h E d i t i o n of
the IESNA Lighting
Handbook,call (212)
2 4 8 - 5 0 0 0 , ex t . 1 1 2 .
Teens Pave Way
continued from previous page
and predictions—may be taught in any
order. Light Up My Life, the seventh
and newest textbook, focuses on
assessing lighting design and challenges students to think critically
about energy use.
The program originally started as a
lighting efficiency program at Central
New Members
Membership Committee
Chair Jean Black announced
the IESNA gained five Sustaining Members and 100
Members (M), associate and
student members in October.
BnZ Engineering, Burlington, ON
Defense Supply Center Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, PA
EEMA Industries, Los Angeles, CA
Innovative Building Concepts, Inc.,
Northbrook, IL
Universal Electric Ltd., Pembroke,
Canadian Region
Greg P. Button, StressCrete Group
(StressCrete/King Luminaire),
Burlington, ON
Jacques Marchand, Marchand
Electrical Co. Ltd., Ottawa, ON
Peter H.E. McCumber (M),
Holophane Canada, Inc.,
Richmond Hill, ON
Daniel Mercille, Vertex Lighting,
Inc., Ville St. Laurent, QC
Ken W. Richards (M), BnZ
Engineering, Burlington, ON
Rick Scrivens (M), Murray
Electronics, Inc., Ottawa, ON
Douglas Thompson (M), Holophane
Lighting, Mount Albert, ON
East Central Region
Anthony Armentani, Defense
Supply Center Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, PA
Ronald J. Balon (M),
Montgomery County Public
Schools, Derwood, MD
Coletta J. Bey (M), City of
Richmond, Richmond, VA
Ryan E. Caya, Southern Air,
Lynchburg, VA
Lisa Trichilo (M), Highland
Associates, Clarks Summit, PA
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Ramtin Saneekhatam
Harford Community College,
Bel Air, MD
Jammie Costello
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University, Blacksburg, VA
Christopher Shawn Tofte
High School in Little Rock. Rebuild
Arkansas, a Rebuild American partner,
worked with the school district to
develop a lighting performance curriculum that could be added to the program of study already in use.
The curriculum requires students to
analyze the lighting system of a building they select in their community.
Students also learn such concepts as
luminous intensity, inverse square law,
Great Lakes Region
Amanda K. Bennett, AMBIA Lighting
Design, Cincinnati, OH
Brian Day, SSOE, Troy, MI
Ben M. Martinez, Holophane,
Newark, OH
Rob E. Murphy III (M), University of
Michigan, Brighton, MI
Ralph W. Wells, Cincinnati State
Technical and Community
College, Cincinnati, OH
South Pacific Coast Region
Brian T. Bowman, Light Visions,
Escondido, CA
John A. Cann Jr. (M), Inspired
Environments, San Rafael, CA
A.J. Esmailzadeh, EEMA Industries,
Los Angeles, CA
Jaime P. Nunez, California Accent
Lighting, Inc., Anaheim, CA
Elmer G. Paine (M), Smith Seckman
Reid, Inc., Phoenix, AZ
Rick L. Pearson, Construction
Design Services, Inc., Reno, NV
Randal S. Porter, EEMA Industries,
Los Angeles, CA
Mark Raissen, Chatsworth, CA
Timothy M. Reed, Juno Lighting,
Inc., LaMirada, CA
Midwest Region
Matthew C. Aebischer, Waldmann
Lighting Company, Wheeling, IL
Jenny Bailey, Affiliated Engineers,
Madison, WI
Paul A. Barter (M), Innovative
Building Concepts, Inc.,
Northbrook, IL
Larry M. Mettler (M), Schwan
Electric, Inc., Aberdeen, SD
Paul B. O’Gorman (M), Burns and
McDonnell Engineering, Kansas
City, MO
Denise L. Osborne, Angus-Young
Associates, Janesville, WI
Chad D. Palmer, BLI Lighting
Specialists, Burlington, IA
Edward T. Pasno, Parsons Electric,
Minneapolis, MN
Douglas M. Patton, Ideal Industries,
Sycamore, IL
Steven L. Regnier (M), Hunt Electric
Corporation, St. Paul, MN
Warren M. Stenwall, H&H
Industries, Inc., Elmwood, IL
Kansas State University,
Manhattan, KS
Caroline Graham, Matthew
Ostermann, Deborah Steimel,
Steven H. Vo
correlated color temperature, and
lamp efficacy.
Over the past four years, nearly one
million students have enrolled in some
part of the Active Physics program.
IESNA has provided review and input
for the curriculum content. (See p.32,
December 2002 LD+A.)
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Trevor Smith Hollins
University of Wisconsin,
Stevens Point
Heidi Brenny, Pamela Cawley, Cory
Foucault, Sasha Hansen, Sian
Meow Koh, James Lowe, Jessica
Parker, Kimberly Powell, Andrea
Southeastern Region
Richard M. Aynsley (M), Southern
Polytechnic State University,
Marietta, GA
Chris D. Dawley, StressCrete Group,
Northport, AL
Robert B. Kime III (M), J. Hyatt
Hammond Associates, Inc.,
Greensboro, NC
Chuck H. Powell Jr. (M), Michael
Brady, Inc., Knoxville, TN
Robert C. Renfro (M), Jackson
Renfor & Associates,
Birmingham, AL
Northeastern Region
Alan W. Burke, Sensor Switch, Inc.,
North Oxford,, MA
Robert J. Kohler (M), T&M
Associates, Middletown, NJ
James Korman, Holophane, Stony
Brook, NY
Lana L. Lenar, Patdo Light Studio,
New York, NY
Michelle Morin, Riverside, RI
Kari A. Nystrom (M), AltieriSeborWieber LLC, Norwalk, CT
John Petrowicz, Rowley, MA
Anthony B. Preteroti (M), Cannon
Design, Boston, MA
Mary Ellen Schott (M), Mary Ellen
Schott, Princeton, NJ
Fashion Institute of Technology,
New York, NY
Fabio Storrer
Parsons School of Design,
New York, NY
Rachel Li-Mei Chen, Li-chun Kuo
Rensselaer Polytechnic Istititute,
Troy, NY
Insiya Shakir
University of New York State,
Albany, NY
Erik A. Miller
Erik I. Wiman, The Boeing Company,
Seattle, WA
Lane Community College,
Eugene, OR
Leslie M. Collicott, Adam L. Perry
Southwestern Region
Marco A. Gongora, Avant-Garde
Technologies, Mexico
Douglas F. Klein, Edwin Jones
Company, Inc., Richardson, TX
Paul E. Knoll (M), Guild Electric,
Balch Springs, TX
Travis A. Reeder, Ecos Consulting,
Durango, CO
David Rigsby, Mike Capt
Engineering, Austin, TX
T. Scott Schiller, Holophane, San
Marcos, TX
Jorge M. Zinser, Avant-Garde
Technologies, Mexico
University of Houston, Houston, TX
Veronica Honstein Evelyn G. Lopez
Corum, Blair McKay, Justin
University of North Texas State,
Denton, TX
Leslie C. Auman
Luis M. Acin (M), Inelko
Engineering, Inc., Puerto Rico
Ray Beaulne (M), Universal Electric,
Ltd., Bermuda
Urbain du Plessis (M), Hella
Australia Pty, Ltd., Australia
Jose L. Nazario (M), TELEC
Engineers, PSC, Puerto Rico
Claudia Rety, Somfy, France
Eli Galarza Rivera (M), Eli Galarza
Law & Engineering Office, Puerto
Hector Santiago (M), Hecmasan,
Inc., Puerto Rico
Chi Shing Wong (M), Magamanasia
Asia, Ltd., Hong Kong
University College London, UK
Edith Hui
Northwest Region
Samuel Backus, Associated Electrical Consultants, Longview, WA
Corie V. Harns, Valley Electric,
Bothell, WA
LD+A/January 2003
ommercial projects often present unique opportunities
to use simple control systems to achieve seemingly
complicated results. Many owners want to touch a button to magically alter their space often expressing a particular
disinterest in knowing exactly how or why – just that it works.
Four-scene preset controls and simple ‘wall box’ controls can
be used to with the lighting system to:
•Alter spatial perception
•Compensate for daylight
•Conserve energy
•Trigger peripheral devices
•Create illusion of motion
A four-scene preset system allows Tiffany & Co.
to control the brightness of the ceiling relative to
light falling on displays and windows.
(opposite) At Emporio Armani in Toronto,
photocells balance how much light a customer
experiences moving through the store.
Tiffany & Co.’s NYC flagship store on Fifth Avenue needed
a facelift. As the first step in ‘re-stacking’ the entire building’s
retail and office operations, the second level was revamped to
showcase some of Tiffany’s most impressive offerings – engagement and important jewels.
In order to maintain a sense of continuity between the
original and iconic first floor—hardly touched for 60 years
and made famous by the film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”—the
second floor had to ‘feel’ as impressive spatially as the first,
despite two major differences: the second floor had a maximum ceiling height of 15 ft (13 ft less than the first floor’s 28
ft) as well as darker finishes on all surfaces except the ceilings. In order to emphasize ceiling height, powerful halogen
uplights housed within decorative onyx and metal shrouds
uplight the ceiling. This serves to both visually define the
ceiling plane and psychologically raise the roof and diminish the cave effect. A four-scene preset system allows Tiffany
& Co. the ability to emphasize or de-emphasize the brightness of the ceiling relative to light falling on case line displays and perimeter windows. This single-touch approach
can be especially useful for special events like evening cocktail receptions.
Controls can also be useful in balancing lighting levels
throughout a space where daylight is abundant in only isolated areas.
Emporio Armani in Toronto is located in a long and proportionally narrow space. Daylight is plentiful through double story windows and a rooftop skylight at the front and rear
of the store. At night, however, during inclement weather,
For Emily Monato, simple control systems achieve dramatic
results at Tiffany’s and Emporio Armani
LD+A/January 2003
and for short winter days, daylight is not a major factor.
Photocells used in conjunction with a pre-set dimming system can help to balance how much light a customer experiences as they move through the store and from one lighting
environment to another. As the photocell senses strong
incoming daylight, scenes lighting can be triggered where fix-
she may perceive their office as being dim or dull due to the
lamp’s temporary lack of output whenever he or she reenters the office.
Lighting controls may also be used to manage non-lighting
peripheral equipment. Pre-set scenes can be used with lowvoltage relays to trigger projection screens, window treatment
tures within darker areas are pre-programmed to increase in
brightness. Conversely, as the photocell senses lesser daylight,
fixtures in areas without windows dim down while areas with
windows and skylights increase in brightness to compensate
for the now dark areas of glass.
Preset systems are not the only control devices that can be
helpful in commercial spaces. Simple wall-box controls may
also be of use in simple energy management.
In office environments timers and motion detectors can be
used to control energy consumption. Very often in higherlevel management, occupants frequently attend meetings
outside their offices. For this period of time, motion detectors would sense the absence of movement and turn connected fixtures off. While this is a responsible and reliable
approach to energy saving, there are a couple factors to consider before installing detectors everywhere. Know your
client’s typical routine and set the detector to turn off whenever the occupant is sitting and reading (without moving for
short periods). And know your client’s routine especially
when using fluorescent sources. All fluorescent sources need
time to reach optimal operating temperatures for full output.
Some fluorescent lamps need more time than others—(up to
15 to 20 minutes when starting ‘cold’). If the occupant does
leave the office frequently for extended periods of time, he or
and room partitions – a nice way to handle the growing number of functions in a multi-functional room. This has been
particularly helpful in many boardrooms cum videoconference rooms as well as loft showrooms. With the ever evolving
technology of digitally controlled light sources and controllers, techniques once limited to the theater have become a
viable and affordable tool for architectural lighting design.
Color and motion are no longer limited to Broadway and
Times Square. Primary hues of LED’s can be programmed to
mix in various proportions, to various intensities, and at various rates to create millions of colors in motion. An exterior
sign in front of Home Box Office’s New York City headquarters uses thirteen LED fixtures within a hollow recess to create various color patterns. A digital preset 8-scene controller
is set to trigger various color/motion combinations with the
touch of a single button.
The designer and author: After graduating with a bachelor of science degree in interior design from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Emily Monato came to New
York City in 1989 as an IALD intern for Horton Lees
Lighting Design. That same year, she joined the IESNA.
She joined Renee Cooley Lighting Design in 1992 and
has been a principal since 1993. The firm is now called
Cooley Monato Studio.
LD+A/January 2003
iven the current cost-cutting
times for business owners, the
Light Right Consortium www. conducted a study to find
out whether these fiscal restraints
affected owners’ priorities for the
design of their office environments.
Ninety-nine per cent of all employers interviewed listed “employee
comfort and satisfaction” as their
highest priority, followed by “worker
performance” (74 percent), employee
retention (70 percent), employee creativity (68 percent) and absenteeism
(24 percent).
Asked what amenities they prefer,
office workers responded that comfortable and pleasant surroundings
are paramount, and that personal control of their lighting, sound level and
air quality also rated as important.
Most employees expressed a preference for some daylight or visual
access to the outside.
Building owners indicated that
while they seek to reduce operating
expenses as much as possible, they
still try to maintain a high quality
image for their properties to enhance
their buildings’ desirability for sale
or rent.
The report concluded that organizations using lighting “… as a tool to
improve the well-being of their work
force realize an advantage that makes
a concrete difference in today’s competitive environment.”
One way to illuminate today’s computer-equipped office is with a predominantly indirect lighting system.
With the advent of thinner fluorescent lamps, especially the new T5
lamp, this has become easier to
accomplish. T5 lamps allow for slimmer luminaires, greater optical control, a photometrically wider spread
of uplight, and shorter stem or cable
Europe has been using the T5 lamp
in ultra-slim luminaires for a few
years. Since buildings in most countries on the continent have smaller
footprints with respect to their floorto-ceiling height by code, daylight is
available for a much larger percentage
of office workers than in the US.
European lighting manufacturers
have pioneered luminaire designs
with features that are in tune with
employees’ desires as expressed in the
Light Right Consortium study. For
instance, one new luminaire design
utilizes two 54W T5 HO lamps, is
only 1 1/2 in. deep, and has a very
widespread indirect photometric
light distribution.
A vital factor in these new luminaire designs is the cost of energy,
which is much higher in Europe than
Wolfgang Egger examines new luminaire design and energy costs
LD+A/January 2003
in the US. Europe is accustomed to
percent, or 144 watts. That lighting
saving energy in lighting by providing
load reduction will save an additional
soft, indirect illumination. This pro36 watts in air conditioning load, for
vides user comfort with the least
total energy savings of 180 watts.
amount of expended energy.
In an area of the U.S. where the
Luminaires also have dimming syselectric rate over the next ten years is
tems that reduce light levels when
expected to average $.13 a kilowatt
rooms are unoccupied and when dayhour, the cost savings are 180 watts x
light is available.
2800 hours x $.13 per kilowatt hour,
But with the cost of electricity on
or a total of $65.50 per year.
the rise in North America, the DepartBased on this example, the “green”
ment of Energy has endorsed a new
fixtures would provide a return on
energy conservation requirement for
investment of 22 percent and the ini(above) An integral automatic daylight/occupancy
office lighting in the US. The
investment for sensors and digital
sensor can be less obtrusive and costly
ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-1999 lighting
ballasts would be paid off in
than installing separate sensors.
standard and the new International
4.6 years. Separate sensors installed in
(opposite, top) In low-daylight conditions,
"sensor" luminaires automatically provide full
Energy Conservation Construction
the room by an electrical contractor
light output, for comfortable indirect lighting.
code (IECC) are fast becoming law in
would be much more expensive, and
(opposite, middle) Throughout the day, the
all 50 states. Maximum lighting
not nearly as inconspicuous. The
fixture gradually adjusts light output to balance
power densities (LPDs) are allowed
green fixtures react subtly to changes
artificial illumination and daylight.
for interior lighting, and controls
in available daylight to avoid being
(opposite, bottom) The luminaire automatically shuts
itself off when no one is present, significantly
must be employed to limit the use of
distracting to the occupant of the
reducing energy use.
electricity when offices are unoccuspace. In addition, the user has the
pied. Daylight, when available, is recability to adjust the light level manualommended to supplement or replace electric light.
ly via a remote control unit. And, since the digital dimming balWhich is why more and more new luminaires for use in the lasts are DALI-compatible, the building owner has the option to
U.S. are going green. An example is a fixture design with a com- integrate the fixtures into a larger DALI control system later on.
bination occupancy and daylight harvesting sensor integrated
The New York State Energy Research and Development
into the luminaire. This is particularly suited for perimeter Authority (NYSERDA) has a lighting energy conservation prooffices with exterior windows.
gram that rebates $70 for every luminaire with self-contained
Occupancy sensors used in Europe have already been sensors used in that state until June 2003. This could increase
shown to reduce lighting energy loads by 25 percent to 40 the return on investment to 28.5 percent and reduce the paypercent, depending on how long the occupant is away from back for a sensor-operated fixture to 3.5 years. Should energy
the office. On average, an office is occupied two-thirds of the costs rise by only 10 percent, the return on investment increasbusiness day, or 1875 hours out of the normal 2800 working es to 31 percent and the payback would be further reduced to
hours of the year.
3.2 years.
Tests have shown that properly designed daylight “harvestBut, are economics the only reason for an organization to
ing” saves as much as 50 percent of the lighting load, depend- invest in green technology? What about corporate values –
ing on the latitude and climatic conditions of the site and the could it be that in this time of ethical turmoil, corporate susorientation of the building. In an office occupied only 1875 tainability will come easiest to those who are committed to a
hours a year, the power saved by utilizing daylight reduces the higher purpose? If so, what purpose could be higher than savlighting load, conservatively, by 40 percent.
ing the planet?
For example, in a typical 160 square foot exterior office, with
The author: Wolfgang Egger is president of Zumtobel
an allowable LPD of 1.5 watts per square foot (240 watts), an
Staff Lighting, Inc., Highland, NY. Mr. Egger is a graduate
eight-foot pendant-mounted luminaire with four 54W T5 HO
of the Technical University, Vienna, Austria, where he
lamps just meets that connected load maximum. An occupanreceived a Ph.D. in Physics. He has been a member of the
cy sensor would save one-third of the lighting load, and a dayIESNA since 1986.
light harvester, connected to dimming ballasts, saves an additional 40 percent of the lighting energy during occupancy. The
two sensors working together yield a total load reduction of 60
LD+A/January 2003
New hardware and controls enhance the potential of
a compatible ballast system. Steve Purdy says hello to DALI
eveloped in Europe to provide both local room control and interfacing with
building management systems, DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting
Interface) was introduced to the United States two years ago. Key to the
system is the combination of ballast switching and dimming via a control wire with
digital signal ballast addressing. This enables different luminaries on the same control circuit to be controlled independently, and installations to be reconfigured
without the need for costly wiring changes.
Since its introduction here, DALI compatible ballasts and controls have become
available from all major U.S. manufacturers, and many of these companies have
joined the DALI organization ( Ballasts that meet the adopted
protocol, the IEC 929 electronic ballast standard, assure users that they are interchangeable among other approved DALI ballasts.
By working to develop a common platform, the suppliers and organizations
In its simplest configuration, a DALI fluorescent ballast (1), wall control switch (2),
and bus power supply (3) are all that are required for a working DALI system. Programming is
accomplished using the wall switch. Although these diagrams do not show all of
DALI’s technical attributes, they do illustrate the basic circuit wiring.
LD+A/January 2003
When implementing a DALI control system for buildings, several companies offer complete hardware and software solutions.
assisting that effort are facilitating the growth of DALI-compatible equipment in this country. The IESNA has a controls
protocol committee, and NEMA recently formed a joint subcommittee on protocol as well.
The specific value to any user of DALI depends on the
client’s needs. When tied to a building management system,
the DALI system enables the building maintenance department to pinpoint the performance of each individual luminaire. Designers like the system’s flexibility and multi-vendor selection, while energy managers enjoy the increased
energy saving potential.
In areas of the country with less than reliable power suppliers or high energy rates, the DALI system makes selective
switching or dimming for the purpose of peak load shedding
very simple. The system is fully expandable and allows the
end user to choose whatever compatible equipment is available, regardless of the manufacturer, and provides the same
fully controllable lighting levels for all employees.
Another market driver is the desire of building owners and
commercial building developers to obtain LEED certification
and other incentives relating to green design. (See Dorene
Maniccia’s article in this issue.) DALI systems provide an
excellent control platform for implementing those applications leading to program compliance. The Lighting Controls
Association (LCA) recently posted a white paper on the subject of green design that can be viewed on their website
Several companies are offering complete factory supplied,
fully integrated DALI enabled luminaries, control components,
and software/hardware. Many others are expected to offer the
same type of complete lighting control package shortly.
There is significant opportunity for the introduction of a
future generation of hardware and controls that will allow us to
realize the full potential of a DALI compatible ballast system.
The author: Steven Purdy, a member of the IESNA
since 1992, is vice president of marketing and sales for
Tridonic Inc., Norcross, GA. He is acting chair of the
Lighting Controls Association. Since 1980, he has supported the lighting control and ballast industry through
assignments in product management, business development, and national sales and marketing.
LD+A/January 2003
(top) Architectural and landscape lighting are integrated.
(bottom) Built-in sensors respond to human presence, wind, and voices.
(opposite, top) Illumination of the central space includes
lighting of a symbolic zone and a reflecting pool.
(opposite, bottom)Landscape lighting has a color temperature of 3000K.
“Resonant lighting” depicts man’s coexistence with nature
ukushima, situated in the south of the northeastern Tohoku region, is the second largest prefecture on Japan’s main island of Honshu. The “Beautiful Fukushima Future Expo,” an exposition
in the forest, was held in the summer of 2001. We attempted to depict man’s coexistence with
nature through the use of lighting, evoking the idea of Morini Shizumu Toshi—a city in the depths of
a forest. The theme of the illumination was “echo-la”—resonant lighting.
This theme, inspired by an echo as a phenomenon realized by man facing and acting on nature, is
the underlying concept for all illumination throughout the site.
Instead of taking a negative view of human intervention in nature conservation, we sought the beauty of nature that can only be realized by one’s deep involvement.
LD+A/January 2003
LD+A/January 2003
Excellence special citation for innovative use of solar, wind and
voice technology.
(right) Some 3000 solar-powered LED
luminaires are located throughout the site.
(below) At the entrance, the trees are illuminated from
above to create a silhouette and to illuminate the ground.
(opposite, top) Polycarbonate covers seal
the submerged luminaires.
(opposite, bottom) LEDs
illuminate windsocks.
The designers: (left to right)
Satoshi Uchihara, graduated from
Tama Art University’s Design program. From 1982-1992 he
worked with Motoko Ishii Lighting Design Inc. In 1993 he established Uchihara Creative Lighting
Design Inc., which has worked on
the lighting design for several
temples in the Kyoto area, as well
as museums.
Hiroki Yagi, graduated from Tokyo University of Art and Design’s Fine art program. From 1989-1994 he worked with Motoko Ishii Lighting Design Inc., He
has worked with Uchihara Creative Lighting Design Inc., since 1996.
Mayumi Watanuki, graduated from Chuo College of Technology’s Architectural Interior Technology program, has worked with Uchihara Creative
Lighting Design Inc., since 1999.
Makoto Tanaka, graduated from Tokyo Technical College’s Architecture program, From 1988-1994 he worked with Nishio Architecture office Inc. 19941998 he worked with Archi Works inc. He has participated in this project as an
Architectural Director with Uchihara Creative Lighting Design Inc., since 1999.
Shinji Umino, graduated from Japan Design Academy’s Industry Design program, From 1982-1986 he worked with Nishi Electric Industry. From19871991 he worked with Domus international Ltd. From 1992-1995 he has participated in the establishment of import and sales company of lighting equipment and became freelance in 1996. He has participated in this project as a
Technical Director from Ushio Spax Inc.,
Kouji Mochino, graduated from Nipon Univercity College Of Art’s Design program in 1980. He is the Executive Director of Akatsuki Art & Technology Inc.,
He has participated in this project as an Amusement Director.
Beautiful space, beautiful time
Departing from ecological ideas that aim at conservation but deny human involvement in nature,
we attempted to inspire emotions that can only
come about through such involvement. We
screened the enormous amount of information
found in urban environments and attached meaning to the balanced design that offers a sense of
gentleness and life—like breathing. From the
changes in light’s strength and density in the passage of time—such as lights reacting to nature or man—people
become aware of the key to cities co-existing with nature.
Brilliance and dew of the forest
Particles of light called Mori No Shizuku or forest dew are
studded throughout the site to represent the brilliance of the
forest dew, as well as water and light, the sustenance of all living things. Light and water, which shower the forest and penetrate the ground in the daytime, float above the surface and
regenerate light when the sun sets. The regenerated light represents the brightness of the forest dew that had been invisible.
The light colors gradually change on paths around the site to
tell a story about returning to the forest and sky. Delicate specks
of light and soft surface illuminations are balanced throughout
to create a light form symbolic of brilliance and dew in the
undulating landscape.
Some 3000 LED units, powered by the sun, are equipped
with sensors that react to people, sounds, and wind. Heat sensors react to the presence of humans, causing the LEDs to
increase in brightness from 20 to 80 percent.
Returning to the forest, returning to the sky
Unlike conventional
expositions with ostentatious lights and clusters of light, the forest
exposition avoids light
pollution and unnecessary illumination, using
lights that appear and
disappear. The lights
evolve from ostentation
to harmony, changing
color from that of a
warm fire to that of a
verdant forest.
Light created by
man and triggered
by nature
Blue and blue-green
lights are created by
using sunlight and the
force of wind. The natural energy is regenerated into light. LED units
are equipped with a
LD+A/January 2003
solar panel with built-in sensors that react to movement, wind,
and sound.
At a nature tour site that faces a mountainous backdrop,
human voices are detected by a microphone, divided into 25
sound zones according to decibel levels, and converted into
light, creating sparkles across the ravine.
Solar-powered LEDs equipped with ultra-small microphones
respond to the wind passing through the site, creating lights
that follow the wind paths blowing up and down the hills.
All illumination on buildings, benches, and plants blinks
continuously in a pattern similar to breathing.
The exposition is a festival of lights. “Timesharing” alternates
darkness with illumination. This “communication of light”
connects the forest to man, enveloping the site with an ebb and
flow of light.
Graded landscape lights along the path change from orange
to blue green in ten steps, intended to tell a story of people
returning to the forest along paths spreading out like a flame
from the center of the exposition.
Architectural lighting is key to conveying the magnificence
of the exposition. Light changes from white to blue on buildings, creating the image that the light is returning to the sky.
Small water streams are illuminated from submerged lights
that respond to the sound of the water.
Incandescent sources are used throughout, except for vending machines lighted by fluorescent lamps the color of incandescent sources. The narrow ultraviolet band is less likely to
attract insects.
The project received a 2002 Paul Waterbury Award of
Set Your Lights on Chicago
Join us for the
IESNA 2003 Convention
Chicago, August 3-6, 2003
Photo by Taber Photography
LD+A/January 2003
Alex Sebeshalmi integrates
entertainment and retail design in this
dazzling lightshow of spinning,
splitting Pokeball
n designing the lighting for the new Pokemon store in New York’s Rockefeller
Center, Alexander Sebeshalmi of T. Kondos Associates, in collaboration with
The Phillips Group, created an open interior—an extension of the outdoors
for the whimsical game characters that populate the store. Track luminaires highlight the movements of the life-size animatronic Pokemon characters in the
street-level window and store interior display.
Because of restrictions on signage—no neon or signage of any sort on the
façade—identifying graphics appear over the sales areas. Façade glazing was
LD+A/January 2003
replaced with all-clear glass to offer an uninterruptible view of
the store’s interior.
LED-based lighting products from Color Kinetics are used
throughout the 10,000-sq-ft retail space. A DMX console
from ETC controls the light show and keeps the color in
motion throughout the store, under the command of the A/V
and animatronic show controller.
Fixtures flash with bright colors and strobes as a Pokeball
spins and splits open hourly in a stream of smoke. Lightshow
cycling is continuous from 8 AM to 11 PM. On the first floor
above the display walls cartoon projections appear as wallwashers dim down. Merchandise lighting is localized, using
50-W AR-70 accent spots mounted in customized surface
luminaires within architectural slots. ColorBlast LED fixtures
(opposite) Slots in the dome
provide changing colors for
the giant Pokeball.
(top) Traditional luminaires
over the doors retain the
art deco look of the
landmark district.
(right) A DMX console
from ETC controls the
light shows and keeps the
color in motion throughout
the store. Color Kinetics
products wash the
ceilings and
second-floor dome.
LD+A/January 2003
(above and right) At Rockefeller Center’s
lively, action-packed Pokemon Center,
visual interest is key and color is king.
(below) A character conveyor belt carries
life-size Pokemon figures.
wash the ceiling dome with changing colors. A conveyor belt
moves the Pokemon characters.
“The idea was to come up with a child-friendly, playful
space,” says Sebeshalmi, who coordinated the lighting with
Alec Zaballero, Creative Director of the Retail Studio at The
Philips Group, architects for the project.
“It was Alec’s brain child,” says Sebeshalmi. “He sought to
bring visual interest to this playful environment with dynamic,
controllable color.”
A game room with consoles and flat-screen monitors gives
young customers an opportunity to test their skills. Dimmable
fluorescent panels offer amber general lighting. Blue perimeter
uplight coves create the illusion of floating blue panels.
Because the store is in a landmark building, art deco lumi32
LD+A/January 2003
naires are used in the interior entrance canopies.
The new Pokemon Center replaces a micro-brewery—formerly a popular watering hole for diplomats, according to
T. Kondos Associates, New York, is partner with Roberts &
Partners, London, in the firm of Kondos Roberts.
The designer: Alexander S. Sebeshalmi most recently completed two new Van
Cleef & Arpels jewelry stores—one in Costa Mesa, CA, the other in Beverly
Hills. Before joining T. Kondos Associates he worked on retail lighting projects
including H&M stores, Barney’s, Escada, as well as Bloomingdale’s stores
throughout the U.S. He graduated from the Hungarian Design Institute,
Budapest, in 1979 with a degree in industrial design. He has also studied interior and lighting design at Parsons School of Design.
hat are green buildings and how do they relate to
our small, yet significant lighting world? Green
buildings are designed using an integrated design
philosophy that employs ecological materials, implements efficient technologies, and are built in an environmentally responsible and sensitive manner. In the context of lighting systems,
Green design means providing the right amount of light, when
it’s needed, where it’s needed.
The U.S. Green Buildings Council (USGBC) defines green
design as “design and construction practices that significantly
reduce or eliminate the negative impact of buildings on the
environment and occupants.” The USGBC has established the
cornerstone green building rating system, which is driving
design practice in addition to driving the development of both
government and state agency Green Building programs.
LEED programs
The LEED rating system represents seven years of development by the USGBC. The current version, LEED 2.0, was
released in March 2002 and applies to commercial new construction and high-rise residential buildings. Two additional
pilot programs, focusing on existing buildings and commercial
interiors are currently underway, with their public release anticipated for 2003. LEED for Existing Buildings (LEED-EB) provides guidelines for ongoing sustainable operations and maintenance practices. LEED for Commercial Interiors (LEED-CI)
addresses tenant improvement projects primarily in office and
institutional buildings.
Table 1—LEED Certification Categories
LEED Certified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 - 32 points
Silver Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 - 38 points
Gold Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 - 51 points
Platinum Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 - 69 points
LEED 2.0 overview
LEED 2.0 defines four levels of certification that include
Certified, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. The levels of certification
are based on a point scale shown in Table 1. To date, 37 projects have been certified, and 568 projects are registered.
To minimally qualify, a building must satisfy a list of standard
prerequisites and accrue at least 26 points. Higher levels of certification are achieved by earning points through implementing
energy saving measures, represented by credits, within any
combination of five environmental categories and one design
category. Table 2 lists the elements of the LEED program
including each category, the required prerequisites and menu of
credits, along with the point assignments.
More buildings are
being designed green—
a trend influenced by an
increasing desire for buildings
to be habitable, healthy
and energy efficient, along with
incentives like the LEED
(Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design) Green
Building rating system.
Doreen Maniccia
explains how.
Why do lighting controls matter?
In green design, lighting control systems matter for three primary reasons. First, they matter because they are required for
enabling code compliance, which is the second LEED prerequisite. Second, LEED strongly encourages designing buildings
using daylight as a primary light source. Consequently, from an
environmental perspective, the time and dollars spent designing and building a daylit building are wasted if lighting controls
aren’t utilized for dimming or turning off electric lights when
LD+A/January 2003
(14 Points)
Table 2—LEED Program Categories, Prerequisites, Credits, and Points
Energy &
Materials &
(5 Points)
(17 Points)
(13 Points)
(15 Points)
Erosion &
CFC Reduction
Storage &
Collection of
Innovation &
Design Process
(5 Points)
Minimum IAQ
Tobacco Smoke
Site Selection
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 – 4 points
Reduced Site
1 – 2 points
1 – 2 points
Landscape &
Exterior Design
1 – 2 points
Light Pollution
1 point
1- 2 points
2 – 10 points
1 point
Water Use
1 – 2 points
1 – 3 points
1 point
1 point
& Verification
(1 pt)
1 point
Green Power
1 point
they’re not needed. Third, they can be used for further reductions of lighting energy, and integrating the operation of lighting and mechanical systems, which are key strategies for optimizing building energy performance.
Specifically, lighting controls fit within three areas and two
categories of the LEED program structure. These include:
• Energy & Atmosphere (E&A) category
Prerequisite 2: Minimize energy performance
Credit 1: Optimize energy performance
• Indoor Environmental quality category
Credit 6: Controllability of systems
The greatest opportunity for gaining points through implementing controls is within Credit 1 in the Energy and
Atmosphere category.
LD+A/January 2003
CO2 Monitoring
in Design
1 – 3 points
1 – 2 points
1 – 2 points
1 – 2 points
Materials (up
to 2 pts)
1 – 2 points
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
Construction IAQ
Management Plan
1 – 2 points
1 – 4 points
Indoor Chemical
& Pollution
1 point
of Systems
1 – 2 points
Thermal Comfort
1 – 4 points
1 point
1 – 2 points
Daylight & Views
1 – 2 points
Establishing a minimum level of energy efficiency
– Prerequisite 2
This prerequisite requires that the designer establish a
minimum level of energy efficiency for a project by complying with ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-1999, or local energy codes,
whichever is more stringent. In the case of 90.1 and lighting
Table 3—E & A Credit 1.0 Point Opportunities
New Buildings
Existing Buildings
controls, this means that either occupancy sensors, scheduling, or signals from building automation systems must be
used for automatically turning lights off in buildings larger
than 5000 square feet. In addition, independent lighting control is required in individual spaces. Control zone sizes are
limited to 2500 square feet for large open areas up to 10,000
square feet, and to 5000 sq ft for large open areas greater than
or equal to 10,000 square feet. Overrides are limited to four
hours, and space controls must be located so that the occupants can see the lighting controlled in the area. For the
detailed requirements and exceptions of 90.1-1999, refer to
IES LEM-99, or Standard 90.1.
Lighting controls for optimizing building energy
efficiency – Energy & Atmosphere Credit 1
For this credit, the designer must implement efficient
technologies that improve building energy performance, and
must model the proposed measure, showing the incremental
energy savings that are obtained above the 90.1-1999 baseline model. Over half of the available points in the E&A category can be earned in this credit. Two points can be
obtained for each 10 percent increase in energy savings for
five energy savings ranges shown in Table 3.
Isolated relay
output to BAS
or HVAC system
WT-2255 Ultrasonic occupancy sensor
Sb Sa
Isolé sensor
mounted under
binder bin
Isolé power strip
under desk
dimming control module
Sa controls 1st row of lamps (a) in each fixture
Sb controls 2nd row of lamps (b) in each fixture
Sc controls wallwashers
CI-205-1 PIR occupancy sensor
a, b
LS-190C photocell
(mounted in skylight well)
LS-4 dimming wall switch
DT-200 Dual Technology
occupancy sensor
Isol Power Strip
Isol Personal Sensor
a, b
LS-201 dimming
light level sensor
S Wall switch
(top) Perimeter office—daylighting, occupancy sensing, mechanical system integration,
plug load control. This example uses an occupancy sensor to automatically turn off
lighting to comply with 90.1-1999. Additional lighting control measures include dimming of
the luminaire closest to the window in response to daylight, using the occupancy sensor to
send status signals to the mechanical system, and using a desk-located
occupancy sensor to control the plug loads at the workstation.
( bottom) Hallway—scheduling, occupancy sensing, partial load control.
In this example, 90.1 compliance is met using scheduling for turning lights on at 7 AM
and off at 4 PM. Occupancy sensors are used after hours for controlling two of the
three lamps in each luminaire. This strategy, eligible for LEED credit, not only reduces
lighting load by 33 percent during occupied times, but also provides an added
safety feature by maintaining uniform lighting distribution and
visual indication when the hallway is occupied.
11, 13
11, 13
11, 13
B277E-P power pack
Junction box
Pendant luminaires
Wallwash luminaires
Night light
Night light
Circuit breaker panel
Lighting control panel
Low voltage wiring
Line voltage wiring
11, 13
11, 13
11, 13
to LP-1
via LCP-1
to LCP-1
EM-1 J
Night light
Night light
(center lamp)
Typ. of 2
Downlights on same circuit
as outboard lamps in hallway
LD+A/January 2003
Table 4. Comparison of New York And Maryland Tax Credits
New York
Whole Green Building
% allowable costs
Cap $150/ft2 (base) and $75/ft2 $120/ft2 (base) and $60/ft2
Maximum credit
$15.75 ft2
$7.20/ft2 (base) and $3.60/ft2
Base Building
% allowable costs
$150/ft2 (confirm)
Maximum credit
Tenant space
% allowable costs
$75/ft2 (confirm)
Maximum credit
Lighting control strategies that will help earn more points in
this credit include:
• Using photosensors for dimming and switching electric
lighting in response to daylight;
• Using occupancy sensors for control functions beyond the
automatic-off required by ASHRAE such as:
sending status signals to the mechanical or building
automation system
controlling a portion of the lighting load during
occupied times
operating luminaries at reduced power levels during
unoccupied times (hi/lo control)
Implementing daylighting control strategies alone can
increase energy savings by 10-30 percent, and possibly higher,
depending on the application. When coupled with hi/lo control and controlling the mechanical system, on top of savings
garnered from 90.1-1999 compliance, these strategies become
a simple, yet very effective way for improving energy performance, and increasing energy savings. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate some examples of how to accomplish these strategies.
Controllability of systems – Indoor
Environmental Quality Credit 6
The intent of this credit is to support optimum health, productivity, and comfort conditions by providing a high level of
individual occupant control for thermal, ventilation, and lighting systems. Credit 6 is divided into two credits, each worth 1
point. Credit 6.1 covers perimeter areas, and Credit 6.2 covers
interior spaces.
The lighting control minimum requirements for Credit 6.1
require one lighting control zone per 200 sq ft for all occupied
areas within 15 ft of the perimeter wall. This requirement can
be satisfied by implementing low-voltage or standard switching
strategies, or by implementing automatic strategies using daylighting controls or occupancy sensors.
The minimum requirements for Credit 6.2 include providing
individual control of the lighting for each occupant for half of
the regularly occupied non-perimeter areas. This requirement
is met by implementing simple manual switching or dimming
strategies. If occupancy sensing is used to comply with 90.11999, a manual switch or dimmer can be used for providing
LD+A/January 2003
the occupant the ability to override lights off. For added energy savings, plug load controls can be controlled using an occupancy sensor controlled power strip to control task lighting,
portable fans and heaters, and other types of loads.
The value of green
Building green has value beyond energy benefits. The
Vancouver Island Technology Park development is an excellent
example of how implementing Green design measures pays off
for a developer. The project embraced a green design philosophy, and obtained a LEED Gold certification, after approving a
budget and schedule for converting a former hospital site to a
technology park. The project was completed on-time and onbudget and by implementing Green design strategies, reduced
capital and operating costs. Tenants were willing to pay slightly higher rents to have offices in a green building, and despite
economic downturns, the developer continues to lease space,
keeping rates intact (Van Belleghem, 2002).
In addition, states are beginning to offer tax incentives for
building green. In 2000, New York State passed a green building tax credit (an income tax credit) that applies to building
owners and tenants of eligible buildings that meet “green” standards. In 2001, Maryland passed its green building legislation,
modeled after the New York program, and Oregon included
sustainable buildings as part of their existing Building Energy
Tax Credit program (BETC).
Both New York and Maryland base their tax credits on portions of allowable costs, which are summarized in Table 4.
New York allocated $25 million, to be distributed over 10
years, which is available on a first-come first-serve basis.
Maryland’s program is based on LEED Silver.
In addition, Oregon uses the LEED rating system to determine the level of tax credit for both new and renovation projects. Tax credits are offered for LEED Silver, Gold, and
Platinum levels, and are tiered based upon building area. The
highest credit is available for the first 10,000 sq ft, then a midrange credit is available for the next 40,000 sq ft, and a lower
credit for anything over 50,000 sq ft. For example, the tax credits for Gold certification are $9.29/ sq ft for areas up to 10,000
sq ft, $4.29 for the next 40,000 sq ft, and $2.86 for the remaining area greater than 50,000 sq ft.
Lighting controls can help increase the points earned for a
LEED projects. Using occupancy sensors to send status signals
to mechanical system, control portions of the lighting load during off-hours, and provide hi/lo control of HID lighting systems
are all examples of strategies that will help to increase energy
savings beyond 90.1-1999, and earn more LEED points. In
addition, because many LEED projects are designed to optimize daylight penetration, daylighting controls are necessary
for integrating the architectural design strategy with the lighting design strategy to provide a successful environmentally
responsible and energy-efficient design.
Where can I find more information?
For more information on LEED, tax credits, or lighting control solutions check out the references listed below.
• U.S. Green Building Council and LEED
• LEED Reference Volume, Version 2.0 – available for purchase through
• The Watt Stopper Best Practice Guide for Schools, 2002,
Publication WS-05-20022 –
• Van Belleghem, J., Green Buildings Pay, or The Education
of a Developer, The Austin Papers, 2002, p 102-109.
• Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency and Green Buildings:
Opportunities for State Action. Brown,, W. et al. March 2002,
Report Number E021,
• NYS Green Building Tax Credit,
• New York State Green Building Initiative
• Using LEED Criteria to Promote Buildings Through Tax
Credits, Nicholson, G.,
_P450.pdf Green
• Maryland Green Building Tax Credit
• Libby, B., Green Positioning in Property Development,
The author: Dorene Maniccia, LC, IESNA, is manager,
market segment development, at the Watt Stopper,
Warwick, RI. She recently developed the company’s The
Lighting Control Best Practices for Schools and is developing a best practice guide for commercial offices. Prior to
2001, she was an assistant research professor of architecture at RPI’s Lighting Research Center. She holds bachelors and masters degrees in architectural engineering/illumination from Penn State, and has been a member of the IESNA since 1985.
If you’re still referring
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IESNA Lighting Handbook,
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The fact is, you can no longer rely on an illuminance
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and the new IESNA Lighting Handbook
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It’s available in both print and CD-ROM.
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LD+A/January 2003
Architectural Lighting Design,
2nd Edition by Gary Steffy, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002.
Review by David L. DiLaura, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
This is an excellent book. The
reasons are these: the process of
lighting design is explained with a
thoroughness and clarity unseen in
other books. The most important
points are always accompanied by
examples taken from real projects—
the author’s own or others; the voice
of the author is immediate, conversational, and easy to learn from;
and, the balance between technical
detail and the practical business of
getting the (lighting) job done is
admirably struck.
Stef fy explains the lighting
design process in its proper order
and with the proper emphasis. He
begins by defining the lighting
design problem as one grounded in
vision—explaining just enough of
that fabulously complex process to
make the designer aware of the
mechanisms by which we visually
apprehend the world. How that
world is to be seen is defined by the
programming phase of a project. In
this long section, Steffy shows how
psychology, architecture, the requirements of visual work, and
many other factors are brought
together to define the goals of the
lighting project. Each of these
aspects is discussed from the
designer’s perspective and accompanied by unambiguous examples.
This first third of the book is probably its strongest section—by the
author’s design evidently, since it is
far more common to plunge into
“picking equipment,” rather than
pause and ruminate about the purposes and goals of lighting for a
But the very beginning of the
book does not provide much technical underpinning; and so perhaps its
only weakness is the fundamentals
are treated at the start with a brevi38
LD+A/January 2003
ty that may not sufficiently develop
a reader’s understanding. On the
other hand, we are spared the usual
inane drawings of candles and
spheres, and the often-erroneous
analogies trotted out to “explain”
things. Nevertheless, it is clear from
using the book that that some form
of supplemental material is required
at the very beginning to lay out fundamental concepts and units.
The middle third of the book
deals with the more technical
issues of lighting design: schematic
design, daylighting, lamps, luminaires, controls, and design tools.
Steffy has chosen members of the
architecture and design community
for his audience. As such, mathematics has a useful but circumscribed role in the process, and
detailed issues managed by electrical engineers are left to those registered professionals. Given that,
the coverage is thorough and sufficiently detailed for the reader to
leave the text with useful information. The long chapter on lamps is
up to date and more than just a
recitation of data and characteristics—rather, there is always advice
given and experience shared about
how different lamps can or should
be used. The same can be said of
the section devoted to luminaires.
The rest of the book is devoted
to the process of getting the lighting design specified, purchased,
on the job, and installed. This
includes an elaborate explanation
of equipment pricing, contract documents, and the practical matters
of getting the right equipment to
the project. There is no more
extensive or thorough an explanation of these important aspects of
lighting design in print.
One of the books strongest
points is the abundance of examples; there is at least one used to
clarify each important point. Absent
are the usual hedges and unhelpful
generalities about “design;” rather,
one finds a bracing, thought-provoking specificity: “do this, not this;”
and, marvelous to read, there is
nothing imperious about this, for
reasons are always given. The
examples are particularly important
and helpful in the long sections that
explain programming and construction documents. In each of these
two cases, Steffy offers specific
and detailed examples from his own
projects. The annotation is extensive and adds the detail that often
brings home the point.
Steffy writes in a direct, conversational style that draws the reader
into the topic. (The first word in his
preface is “Yikes!”) The effect is
that of being in the presence of
someone willing to help, willing to
explain things, and who knows
what he’s doing. This is very important point, since this aspect supports its use for self-study. The
modernity of the process by which
we learn is acknowledged in the
book: there is a continuous sprinkling of Internet addresses where
one can find more information. The
style, detailed examples, and
mechanical layout of the material
promote direct understanding.
There are none of the usual unsupported recipes and vague injunctions. The directness of Steffy’s
conversation with the reader helps
convey what he knows and how he
has applied it to lighting design.
And Steffy knows a great deal—he
is an internationally recognized
lighting designer.
Steffy’s book can be recommended without reservation to those who
are serious about learning the technology, craft, and process of lighting
design—reading it is a close approximation to an extended conversation with a successful and seasoned
expert who is willing and capable of
sharing what he knows. The book
has been used for the last two years
at the University of Colorado in the
first two courses in the lighting program, with considerable success;
appreciated by students and
instructors alike.
The Martini Mission series of art
glass lighting fixtures by Meyda
Tiffany features an art glass shade
with a yellow background, and
green diamond patterns with smaller red diamonds within—symbolizing green olives with red pimentos
often found in martini cocktails.
The series includes a chandelier,
pendants, wall sconces and table
lamps. Pictured is the Martini
Mission four-light chandelier, which
includes a canopy and 3 ft of chain.
initial lumens, 8400 mean/design
lumens and color temperature of
4000 K. Compared to a traditional
175-W pulse start metal halide
lamp, the 125-W offers more mean
lumens over life, and provides 50
percent longer life at 15,000 hours.
Recommended applications for the
125-W metal halide lamp include
parking garages, security, retail airport, high bay and low bay lighting.
Circle 98 on Reader Service Card.
architectural area luminaires. The
smaller scale is suitable for pedestrian areas; the larger size for open
parking areas, entry drive and roadway applications.
Circle 96 on Reader Service Card.
Circle 100 on Reader Service Card.
The BZ dual voltage power pack
from The Watt Stopper provides 24
VDC to power occupancy sensors.
The power pack has a unique holdon and hold-off application that
increases energy savings. The BZ
operates at either 120 or 277 VAC,
eliminating the potential for ordering errors. In addition, it has a true
150mA output, meaning it offers
150mA to operate occupancy sensors and other devices after its
relay is connected.
EYE Lighting International of North
America, Inc. Ignitron EN/ES
lamps offer a low maintenance
HPS lighting system. Ignitron is
available in standard wattages
ranging from 50 to 1000. These
two lamps can save up to 40 watts
per lamp compared to standard
HPS lamps. In turn, these can equal
energy savings up to $96 per lamp.
Circle 97 on Reader Service Card.
Circle 99 on Reader Service Card.
Advance Transformer Co., Centium
electronic ballast, ICN-4S54-90C2LS, for the operation of one, two,
three or four F54T5 fluorescent
lamps saves energy with its highlow switching option. This feature
allows a fixture to be switched from
operating four lamps to two lamps,
three lamps, to two lamps, or three
lamps to one lamp. Switching can
be accomplished through the use of
a variety of devices, including manual switches, occupancy sensors,
ambient light sensors and other
controls. Possible applications include general office, architectural,
direct/indirect, accent and cove
Circle 95 on Reader Service Card.
Venture Lighting’s 125-W metal
halide pulse start lamp with
mogul-base is an alternative to the
traditional 175-W universal metal
halide lamp and offers end users
energy savings, superior system
efficiency and excellent color uniformity. The lamp provides 12,000
Lithionia Lighting’s Aeris line of lowprofile architectural area and roadway luminaires has been expanded
to include a wall-mount option. This
option offers designers the opportunity to attach the fixture to walls
and columns and continue the
appearance of fixtures in the parking lot to the side and back of the
building. The luminaire is available
in two sizes and compliments most
The Halogen 120 from Alkco Lighting provides high performance illumination from a compact, line-voltage lighting luminaire ideal for providing illumination of display and
LD+A/January 2003
book cases, reception counters,
computer work stations, kitchen
and bath cabinetry, and closets. Its
slender, rounded edge profile allows
it to be easily concealed, facilitating
casework integrated lighting-design
solutions. The housings may be
specified in four lengths for maximum versatility and can be used
alone or linked together via in-line
connectors or cords to form continuous rows. Models are available for
direct-wired or portable plug-in
chandelier bulbs. Featuring a classic candle-flame shape, flametip
bulbs are available in a variety of
colors, including amber, blue,
green, and red, as well as both cool
and warm white.
highly decorative nostalgic fixture.
Cresthill also features an exterior
access door to accommodate an
easy to install dark-to-light twist
lock photocontrol.
Circle 90 on Reader Service Card.
Circle 92 on Reader Service Card.
Circle 94 on Reader Service Card.
Meyda Tiffany’s pine lake chandelier features hand-cut panels of
crystal blue water glass that
reflects the beauty of a mountain
lake, complemented with beige art
glass evoking a opalescent light.
Solid steel is formed into pine tree
silhouettes outlined by the wild
brush of the forest.
Lithonia Lighting’s full-featured line
of track lighting is featured in a
new 32-page catalog, including
product photography, dimensional
drawings and technical information
to allow easy product selection and
ordering. The catalog also features
track heads such as flatback,
roundback, gimbal ring and lamp
holder. New products such as PAR
shades and metal halide lamp holders are featured in the brochure.
Track accessories, louvers and filters, track layouts and lamp information are all presented.
Circle 91 on Reader Service Card.
North American Light Spectrum’s
Tite fixture provides a combination
of diffused ambient accent downlighting for a range of commercial
and upscale residential interiors.
When used individually or in-identical or graduate groupings, appealing lighting design is assured for
hospitality, dining and reception
areas, corridors, retail boutiques,
galleries, professional offices. Wattages are available in a choice of a
150-W incandescent or a long-life,
energy-efficient 23-W triple tube
compact fluorescent lamp.
Circle 89 on Reader Service Card.
Circle 93 on Reader Service Card.
The Flametip LED lamp from Mule
Lighting, Inc., lasts 10 times longer
and consumes up to 90 percent
less energy than incandescent
LD+A/January 2003
American Electric Lighting redesigned Cresthill post-top decorative fixture is low-maintenance,
cost effective. It meets the demands of customers looking for a
Universal Lighting Technologies’
“Homestar” ballast has plug-up parallel lamp option, which means
when one lamp fails, the others
remain lit. The ballast operates two
F32T8 lamps down to 0° F starting
temperatures suitable for garage
installations in most regions of the
country. The ballast also features
instant start technology, allowing
the lamps to come on immediately.
Ballasts are available in 120-volt
Circle 88 on Reader Service Card.
The glass refractor wall pack fixture from Ruud Lighting offers
security lighting and quality performance and installation improvements. The wall pack also has a
gasketed ballast compartment that
is separate from the optical system
and a hinged, die-cast lens frame.
The specular-aluminium reflector
produces forward throw with wide
distribution, ensuring wide fixture
spacing and maximum light levels.
ble flashes per minute and an average flash time of 150 hours using
two “D” cell alkaline batteries. An
external push button on/off
switch, magnetic base and a top
cord are offered for carrying or
hanging. A “handle adapter” was
designed to be used with the LX-5
LED flasher. It screws on to the
base, replacing the battery cover
and provides a sturdy 13/4 in. diameter by 4 in. long handle for use as
a manually held flasher or it can be
mounted into the top of a standard
roadway cone.
light and five-light chandeliers. The
collection’s features include sleek,
polished rods, chains and canopies,
with satin white glass shades.
Circle 84 on Reader Service Card.
Circle 86 on Reader Service Card.
Meyda Tiffany “Moravian Stars”—a
collection of luminaires—can be
used to illuminate porches, decks,
and other covered outdoor areas.
Most are designed as ceiling pendants that can be suspended from
the ceiling by a chain, although
table lamps, with the stars sitting on
bases, are also available. Available
in seed and milk white stained glass
colors, each shade is handcrafted,
combining decorative glass with
antique ebony brass frames.
Circle 87 on Reader Service Card.
Circle 84 on Reader Service Card.
Lumastrobe’s LX-5 mini series “D”
cell powered warning light is a
waterproof flasher with a 360degree Fresnel lens and uses five
LED lamps. The flash rate is 60 dou-
Sea Gull Lighting’s “Sussex Collection” of brushed nickel finished
fixtures includes one-light and
three-light pendant designs as well
as wall-mounted fixtures and three-
Lithonia Lighting’s new grille patterns for gateway outdoor architecture fixtures compliment building architecture and interiors. Designs are offered
in a choice of round or oval face styles that can be mounted on the ceiling
or wall and positioned in either a vertical or horizontal orientation. The low
profile VGR (round) and VGO (oval) use energy efficient compact fluorescent lamps (CFL), and most models are ADA compliant.
The 546 Series T5 luminaires from
Eclipse Lighting has four high output T5-HO 54-W fluorescent lamps
and advanced reflector design for
98 percent fixture efficiency.
Designed for high bay light industrial and commercial applications, the
luminaire offers energy cost saving
versus typical HID metal halide fixtures. Additional benefits include
instant-on performance, high 80+
lumens per watt, excellent CRI 85
color rendition, lighter weight fixture and long 20,000-hour lamp life.
Twin electronic ballast design provides optional high/low light level
switching for adds energy savings
during off-peak hours.
Circle 83 on Reader Service Card.
Circle 85 on Reader Service Card.
LD+A/January 2003