- Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce


- Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce
Issue No. 3
Volume III
October 2007
Jumpstart Your Business:
Featured Speaker:
Governor Deval L. Patrick
Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce
406 S. Huntington Avenue • Boston, MA. 02130 • Tel. 617 261 4222 • Fax 617 522 0038 • www.hacc.com
KeySpan Celebrates
Hispanic Heritage Month
Article provided by KeySpan
KeySpan hosted its fourth “Business After Hours” event with the HACC on
September 19th at Fenway Park. The event was held on Jordan's third base
deck overlooking the field, and included a tour of the park, a networking
reception, and an autograph signing by Red Sox legend Luis Tiant. The networking event gave KeySpan an opportunity to join the Hispanic community
in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month and the rich history that both Fenway
Park and the Hispanic community bring to greater Boston.
The date of the event, September 19, fell in the middle of an important week in
Carmen Fields (KeySpan Director, Media Relations)
Hispanic history starting with September 15, which is the anniversary of independence for five Latin American countries-Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico
declared its independence on September 16, and Chile on September 18. To commemorate this important occasion, KeySpan
highlighted prominent Hispanic people throughout U.S. history - from sports to science to entertainment. Attendees also participated in trivia about the Latin American flags to win raffles for Red Sox tickets.
Continued on page 2
WGBH: Building Community
By Susan Reed
In September 2007, Boston public broadcaster WGBH officially
cut the ribbon on its dramatic new studios overlooking the Mass
Pike at One Guest Street in Brighton. The event marked the
culmination of five years of planning, design, construction, and
fundraising to create an all-digital public media facility fully
equipped for the 21st century.
The nation's leading public broadcaster (with locally originated
programs ranging from Jazz with Eric in the Evening on radio
to Greater Boston on TV), WGBH also is a major source of
Continued on page 13
October 2007
Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce
Visión Vol. III No. 3 page 1
Continued from page 1
Commercial: 1-800-843-3636
Residential: 1-800-292-2032
KeySpan Team (Left to Right) Marygrace Cerce, Ingrid Seroppian, Kim Dragoo, Karla Winter, Karen
McColgan and David Santana
Carmen Fields welcomed everyone to
the event and provided an overview of
KeySpan's involvement with several
organizations and events within the
Hispanic community over the last three
She also announced that
KeySpan has officially joined National
Grid, and the new company is even more
focused than ever on strengthening the
diversity of its workforce and combining
forces to expand its reach into new
towns and their communities. National
Grid is thrilled to take the great work that
KeySpan has done for the communities
within KeySpan's service areas and now
expand that commitment to an even larger section of New England.
team were available to demonstrate
KeySpan's On-line Home Energy
Analyzer. This is an on-line tool found on
the www.keyspansaves.com website
and is provided in both English and
Spanish. The Analyzer will ask questions that are designed to estimate energy use and then analyze these answers
in order to suggest ways to make a home
or business more energy efficient.
For more information on energy efficiency improvements for your home or business, please feel free to contact
KeySpan's energy experts:
About KeySpan Energy Delivery
A member of the Standard & Poor's 500
(NYSE:KSE) is the largest distributor of
natural gas in the Northeast, operating
regulated gas utilities in New York,
Massachusetts, and New Hampshire
that serve 2.6 million customers. These
customer-focused businesses are complemented by a portfolio of service companies that offer energy-related products, services, and solutions to homes
and businesses. KeySpan is also the
largest electric generator in New York
State, with approximately 6,650
megawatts of generating capacity that
provides power to 1.1 million customers
of the Long Island Power Authority
(LIPA) on Long Island and supplies
approximately 25 percent of New York
City's capacity needs. KeySpan also
operates LIPA's transmission and distribution system under contract to LIPA. In
addition to these assets, KeySpan has
strategic investments in pipeline transportation, distribution, storage, and production. KeySpan has headquarters in
Brooklyn, New England, and Long Island.
For more information, visit KeySpan's web
site at www.keyspanenergy.com.
Marygrace Cerce continued the program
with a presentation on KeySpan's energy
efficiency programs and the financial
incentives KeySpan can offer for homes
or businesses to become more energy
efficient. KeySpan provides a wide variety of cash rebates on energy efficient
measures such as qualified weatherization installation, hi-efficiency heating and
indirect hot water equipment, ondemand water heating, boiler reset controls, Energy Star replacement windows
and thermostats.
During the networking reception, members of KeySpan's energy efficiency
Octobre 2007
(L to R)(KeySpan) Ingrid Seroppian (Senior Market Planner), Carmen Fields (Director, Media
Relations) and Karla L. Winter (Senior Market Planner)
Cámara de Comercío Hispano-Americana
Visión Vol. III No. 3 página 2
Member Focus
Visión Newsletter
Visión is a quarterly bilingual
newsletter of the HispanicAmerican Chamber of Commerce
a non-profit organization serving
the community of New England
Ariel Schmidt
¡Salud! Por una gran familia
Article provided by El Planeta
En su segunda edición este evento rep- dar a aquellos que aportan risas, ritmo y
resenta un día especial que demuestra color al evento: el circo Ringling Brothers
que podemos ser un solo poder.
& Barnum Bailey con su espectáculo
Circus Fit y los talentosos artistas, músiLa idea de organizar una feria anual en cos, animadores y gente de la farándula
Boston que involucre a los dos elemen- que han colaborado con el evento para
tos más importantes para los hispanos: brindar diversión sana a chicos y
la salud y la familia, comenzó el año grandes.
pasado por iniciativa del periódico que lo
dice Todo, El Planeta.
Son más de 60 empresas que participan
El Planeta, la publicación hispana
preferida por las familias de Nueva
Inglaterra se unió este año a Boston
Medical Center y Boston Medical Center
Health Net Plan para organizar un nuevo
encuentro que junto a mas de 15 instituciones de salud le ofrecerán servicios
varios de manera gratuita a nuestra
Un evento familiar gigante, tan gigante
como lo es el tamaño del corazón de los
hispanos. El Agganis Arena de Boston
University, un coliseo que ya ha sido
sede de conciertos de los mas reconocidos artistas latinos es nuevamente el
sitio de reencuentro familiar en este
Salud y Familia 2007.
Y para complementar las actividades de
Salud y Familia 2007, no podemos olvi-
October 2007
como patrocinantes, un área para
jóvenes y niños (KIDS Zone) donde el
New England Revolution, el Acuario de
Nueva Inglaterra, el Children's Museum,
el Museo de Ciencias y el Museum of
Fine Arts se unen para presentar actividades exclusivas para los mas
La Junta Directiva de Hispanic News
Press, empresa editora del periódico El
Planeta, la revista Entre Amigos y organizadora de Salud y Familia, envía un
agradecimiento a todos los que han contribuido a este evento, en especial a
quienes nos acompañan por segundo
año consecutivo. Lectores, auspiciantes,
participantes, colaboradores, y anunciantes; todos merecen un gran aplauso
por celebrar como nunca por su Salud y
Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce
Andres Lopez
Alba Alvarez
Vice Chairwoman, Event Planner
Vicki Lopez
Vice Chairwoman
Patrick Jacinto Carrera
Board Member
Maria E. Delgado
Board Member
Ana Portillo
Board Member, Director of
Membership Development and
Nader Acevedo
Executive Director
Ferdinand Alvaro, Jr.
Legal Advisor
Juana Horton
Advisor to the Board
Chamber of Commerce
406 S. Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02130
Telephone (617) 261-4222
Fax (617) 522-0038
Printing provided by Atlantic Graphics
Visión Vol. III No. 3 page 3
Member Focus
need to work: with Latino businesses to help them grow and
thrive in today's challenging environment, and with non-Latino
entities to address the educational and preparation needs of
their organizations as the Latino population increases its parDecision Analytics Inc. was founded by José Portuondo in ticipation in the workforce.
1989 in order to provide management consulting services to Contact Decision Analytics, Inc. at 25 Nehoiden Road,
clients using a different approach from other consulting firms. Waban, MA, 02468. (617) 527-2912
These elements were: working very closely with the clients in
a hands-on environment, providing high quality services by
relying on very senior experienced consultants from a diverse
cultural background, and, most importantly, providing not just a
solution but transferring the management skills from DAI New England Minority Supplier Development Council
directly to the client organization. The core elements of this
100 Huntington Avenue, Dartmouth Shops
approach continue today.
Boston, MA 02116
Over the past 18 years, Decision Analytics Consultants have
(617) 578-8900
worked with clients in many industries including healthcare,
pharmaceutical, telecommunications, high tech, chemical,
software, and service industries as well as with State, National
and local governments.
Clients have included, Blue
Reporting directly to the President, this position will foster the
Cross/Blue Shield of Virginia, Amgen, The Government of
Brazil, family businesses in Puerto Rico, and pro bono work for Council’s delivery of value across New England. As events are
Civic Organizations in Boston, Telefónica de España, a an integral component of NEMSDC’s programming throughout
the year, the Director of Member Services will be responsible
Brazilian Bank Consortium, as well as several start-ups.
Over 15 years ago, José Portuondo recognized the need to for the planning, implementation and execution of all events
provide to client organizations integrated solutions ranging and program content for the Annual Business Opportunity Fair,
from Strategic Planning, market entry approaches, marketing Annual Awards Dinner, annual fund raising event (e.g. Golf
and sales and operations improvement in a cost effective man- Classic) and various other program-related events.
ner. By relying on a virtual network of senior business consultants with multi-cultural skills, specialists in their field, the Firm
has been able to do this on a consistent basis. Evidence of the
success of this approach is that all of the Firm's clients come
through former or current client referrals.
Alba Alvarez — Events Planner
Decision Analytics, Inc.
Recently, the Firm has expanded into the field of education
with a focus on cultural diversity and special education. This
effort is led by Maria Wilson-Portuondo who joins the firm after
a long distinguished career in the field, including the last 16
years as a staff member at the Education Alliance at Brown
With the growth in Latino-owned businesses and the Latino
population in the region, Decision Analytics Inc. recognizes the
Friday, November 2, 2007
8:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Schrafft Center
529 Main St., Charlestown, MA 02129
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
5:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Boston Marriott Copley Place
110 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02116
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
7:00 p.m. - Midnight
Downtown Harvard Club
1 Federal St., 38th Floor
Boston, MA 02109
Octobre 2007
Cámara de Comercío Hispano-Americana
Visión Vol. III No. 3 página 4
Member Focus
Local journalist links
Latino community
Article by Danielle Capalbo
Alberto Vasallo III strode toward the bleachers of Fenway Park last Friday,
arriving hours before the Red Sox and the Yankees would play. But he was
there to make community connections, more than to watch the game.
Several times, the local journalist and
publisher stopped to shake the hand of a
passer-by. He glowed and was pleased,
to give a hug or to talk for a minute. In
Spanish, he struck up a conversation
with a mustached man in an apron. They
acted like old friends. The man, said
Vasallo, cooks for the baseball players.
He is also an artist.
Vasallos keeps his eyes open for talented Latinos to showcase. "I'm trying to
help him out," Vasallo said of the man.
They exchanged goodbyes and Vasallo
It was nearly 6 p.m. The game would
start at 7 p.m. But Vasallo said he probably wouldn't stay - he came to Fenway to
mingle a bit with some Red Sox players,
with whom he reaches to the Latino community with, and, to distribute copies of
the Spanish newspaper El Mundo. Early
next year, Vasallo will be in charge of the
Spanish for "The World," El Mundo is the
largest Latino newspaper in New
England, Vasallo said. Vasallo's father,
Alberto Vasallo, Jr., founded El Mundo
35 years ago. Unlike other publications,
El Mundo spoke the language of
Boston's growing Hispanic community
and it told their stories. Vasallo III said El
Mundo proudly upholds the commitment
after nearly three decades.
Alberto Vasallo III, Vice President
El Mundo Newspaper
the highlights as well as the lowlights, traditional ballpark organ and the sounds
concerns and issues of the Latino com- of fans arriving. They wore red and
munity, from beginning to end," he said. white, the names and numbers of Boston
icons stretched like banners across the
Five years ago, the responsibilities of
backs of their T-shirts: Ramirez, 24;
editor started to shift, gradually, from
Varitek, 33. Vasallo is no stranger to this
father to son. More than two decades
park, and neither is his community.
after his boyhood start at the paper,
Vasallo III will take the name and respon- "It started with my father's relationship
sibility of editor.
with Luis Tiant," he said. Legendary Tiant
made an impression on the 8-year-old
"It's been an ongoing process,"he said.
Vasallo, who was, then, wide-eyed.
"As we speak, my father's not really
"They were very good, close friends," he
involved day-to-day." The passing of the
said. "So ... I got to know Luis. He was
torch, he said, will be mostly symbolic.
my first interview ever and he was, at
Vasallo spoke Friday over the blare of a that time, a big Red Sox star."
Continued on page 14
Universal Benefits Services
Universal Benefits Services is a Boutique style benefit company that recognizes the
uniqueness of each indiviual person and their company. UBS offer all types of life
insurance (including equity index life), trusts for families and companies, and investments & retirement plans. Tour UBS financial literacy site (www.universalbenefits.net).
UBS has a product that can help protect you and your family from the financial crisis that a debilitating illness can cause. Critical illness insurance pays a lump sum
benefit directly to you (no taxes) at the first diagnosis of a long list of critical illnesses (including cancer, a heart attack, and a stroke). The benefit may be used for anything you wish! Medical expenses time off for your spouse or pay off bills.
UBS has negotiated for Hispanic Chamber Members to have simplified underwriting
(no blood or urine) up to $100,000 (4 questions) full underwriting after that.
Cedric M. Turner *Registered Representative
P.O. Box 2054 • Brockton, MA 02301
Office: (508) 587-6333 • Fax: (508) 587-6331
"The prime goal of El Mundo is to
Toll Free No. 866-587-6333
Website: www.universalbenefits.net
absolutely chronicle the ups and downs, Email: cedric@universalbenefits.net
October 2007
Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce
Visión Vol. III No. 3 page 5
Scenes from the KeySpan
(Left to Right) Ariel E. Schmidt (HACC Chairman), Luis Tiant (Red Sox
Legend) and Alberto Vasallo, III (Vice President El Mundo Newspaper)
(Left to Right) Maria Delgado HACC Board Member and
Lynette Correa from Career Coaching
Red Sox Ticket Winner, Jenny
Cintron(ABCD, City Wide Boston
Hispanic Center) and Luis Tiant
Octobre 2007
Cámara de Comercío Hispano-Americana
Ingrid Seroppian (KeySpan Senior
Market Planner)
Visión Vol. III No. 3 página 6
“Business After Hours”
(Left to Right) Lien Gauthier and Katie O'Rourke at the registration table
Luis Tiant and Nader Acevedo
(HACC Executive Director)
October 2007
Angel L. Zayas (Director of Office of
Diversity & Equal Opportunity)
Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce
Visión Vol. III No. 3 page 7
HACC Announces New Partnership with
by staff
The Hispanic American Chamber of Commerce would like to
welcome Comcast as its new corporate partner. This partnership will bring Comcast closer to the Hispanic community and
increase their ability to communicate directly with this audience, addressing specific needs. You might have already
seen their 2007 “Pa’que te….” campaign, speaking directly to
the New England Hispanic audience and recent feature additions, which include, ESPN Deportes and unlimited calls to
Puerto Rico.
Comcast is known as the one-stop entertainment and communications services provider with the availability of Comcast
Digital Voice. Comcast Digital Voice is available throughout
Comcast communities in Massachusetts, New Hampshire
and Connecticut, and is designed to be consumer friendly.
This follows successful launches in throughout other Greater
Boston-area communities on Comcast’s next generation fiber
Comcast Digital Voice is a fully-featured and reliable alternative to traditional phone service. For one low price, customers receive unlimited local and long distance calling from
home to anywhere in the United States, Canada and Puerto
Rico. Customers also enjoy the convenience of online call
management, E911 service and 12 of the most popular calling features, including voice mail, caller ID and call waiting.
Comcast Digital Voice stands out because calls originate and
travel over Comcast’s advanced, privately managed network,
unlike best effort Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) offerings
that run over the public Internet.
print life
the way you see it.
print life
the way you see it.
With the Triple Play, or Paquete Triple, options, new customers can subscribe to Digital Cable with ON DEMAND,
Comcast High-Speed Internet and Comcast Digital Voice for
as low as $33 each a month for one year when they subscribe to all three services. In addition to the many product
benefits and significant savings, the Paquete Triple delivers
one bill, one point of contact for customer service and one
installation visit to the home.
Comcast offers a variety of Latino programming designed to
appeal to customers. Canales Selecto, a specialized package consisting of more than 15 of the most requested and
highly valued Spanish-language networks, including music
channels and popular cable TV channels, such as ESPN
Deportes, Supercanal Caribe, Discovery en Español, CNN
en espanol, GOL TV (soccer/futbol) and WAPA America.
978.368.1262 57 Plain Street Clinton, MA 01510
Octobre 2007
Anyone interested in learning more about Comcast’s products and services can call 1-800-COMCAST or visit
Cámara de Comercío Hispano-Americana
Visión Vol. III No. 3 página 8
¡Pa’que te
punto com!
Con el Internet de Alta Velocidad de Comcast podrás acceder
a millones de páginas web en español, tener tu propio email,
y bajar archivos de audio y video a alta velocidad. ¡Aprovecha!
Paquete Triple de Comcast
Internet de Alta Velocidad de Comcast – hasta 7.5 veces más rápido que 768 Kbps
DSL. Navega y baja facilmente archivos de gran tamaño, como música y video. Además te
podrás informar con millones de páginas de internet en español con contenidos locales.
Digital Voice de Comcast te conecta a tus amigos y familiares sin preocupaciones.
Haz llamadas ilimitadas, a cualquier hora, en los EUA, Canadá y Puerto Rico y habla cuanto
quieras por un precio bajo. Recibirás 12 servicios como Llamado en Espera (Call Waiting) e
Identificador de Llamadas (Caller ID) sin cargos adicionales.
Comcast Digital Cable con ON DEMAND te provee una programación buenísima.
Tiene todos tus canales favoritos y la biblioteca de ON DEMAND, que incluye varias opciones
de películas y shows – muchas gratis. ¡Y con Canales Selecto tendrás más canales en español
como GolTV, Galavision, Discovery en Español, y también ON DEMAND en Español!
¡Obtén el paquete de Canales
Selecto GRATIS por un año cuando
te suscribes al Paquete Triple!
Cada Uno
33 dólares al mes por un
año cuando te suscribes
a los tres servicios.
Tarifa de instalación de $29.95 es adicional por el
servicio Comcast Digital Voice.
Esta oferta es válida hasta el 31 de diciembre 2007. Oferta disponible solamente a través de sistemas de Comcast participantes (y no puede ser transferida) y se limita a clientes residenciales nuevos, o clientes existentes que
suscriban solamente al Servicio de Cable Básico de Comcast y que no se hayan suscrito a ninguno de los tres servicios promocionales durante los últimos 120 días, ubicados en zonas cableadas y con servicio de Comcast. La
oferta no es válida a clientes con cuentas Comcast sin pagar. Esta oferta está limitada a Comcast Digital Starter, Internet Comcast de Alta Velocidad de 6.0 Mbps y servicio de Digital Voice de Comcast. Los precios publicados
son disponibles sólo con la suscripción a los 3 servicios. Clientes deben de suscribir al Paquete Triple para recibir gratis el paquete Canales Selecto por 12 meses. Si se cancelara algún servicio durante el periodo promocional,
las tarifas normales de Comcast se aplicarán para cualquier servicio restante. DESPUES DEL PERIODO PROMOCIONAL, A MENOS DE QUE SE HAYA CANCELADO EL SERVICIO LLAMANDO
AL 1-800-COMCAST, APLICAN LAS TARIFAS NORMALES DE EQUIPO Y SERVICIO DE COMCAST. El ahorro es aproximadamente entre $29.13 y $45.51 al mes (según la zona) sobre las tarifas no
promocionales. La tarifa de Comcast actual (desde el listado del 1 de Febrero 2007) para Canales Selecto es de $8.95 al mes. Esta oferta es válida solamente para el servicio a una sola toma (excepto por el servicio de Digital
Voice). El servicio esta sujeto a los términos y condiciones estándar de servicio de Comcast. El equipo, incluyendo un convertidor y control remoto (para ciertos servicios de cable), un modem de cable (para Internet de alta
Velocidad) y EMTA (para servicio telefónico)son necesarios y las tarifas de equipo e instalación son adicionales. Los precios exhibidos no incluyen impuestos ni tarifas de franquicia. No todas las programaciones y servicios
están disponibles en todas las zonas. No se puede combinar con otras ofertas. Por favor, llame a su oficina local de Comcast para averiguar las restricciones y todos los detalles sobre el servicio, precios y equipo. Servicio de
Cable: Algunos servicios están disponibles por separado o como parte de otros niveles de servicio. Para recibir otros niveles de servicio se requiere la suscripción a los Servicios Básicos. ON DEMAND requiere un convertidor
digital y las selecciones de ON DEMAND están sujetas a la tarifa indicada en el momento de la compra. Las funciones y servicios adicionales pueden ser adquiridos a tarifas de servicio normales. Internet de Alta Velocidad
de Comcast: Comparaciones de velocidad para descargas hechas con Comcast 6.0 Mbps a 768 Kbps DSL y 56 Kbps dial-up. Las velocidades pueden variar y no están garantizadas. No todos los programas son compatibles
con sistemas Macintosh. Digital Voice de Comcast: El precio del paquete ilimitado aplica a todas las llamadas marcadas directamente a lugares en los Estados Unidos, Canadá, Puerto Rico, US Virgen Islands, Guam y Saipan
desde la casa. No hay una compañía de conexión de larga distancia separada disponible. El plan no incluye llamadas internacionales. El servicio de Digital Voice de Comcast (incluyendo los servicios de 911/emergencia) podría
no funcionar después de un corte de luz extenso. Ciertos equipos del cliente pueden no ser compatibles con Digital Voice de Comcast. Los precios exhibidos no incluyen la Tarifa Reguladora de Recuperación, que no es un
impuesto o exigido por el gobierno u otras tarifas aplicables (por ejemplo: tarifas por llamada). Cargo de activación de $29.95 para Comcast Digital Voice. Se requiere equipo de Identificador de Llamadas. Se requiere EMTA
(tarifa mensual actual de $3 o $5 para redes en el hogar). ©2007 Comcast. Derechos reservados. Todas las demás marcas registradas son la propiedad de sus respectivos dueños.
October 2007
Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce
Visión Vol. III No. 3 page 9
For us, diversity is a continuing celebration
of our customers, our associates,
and the communities we serve.
We believe in providing individuals from all backgrounds
a challenging work environment where talent is recognized
and rewarded. Stop & Shop Supermarket Company is an
equal opportunity employer.
Octobre 2007
Cámara de Comercío Hispano-Americana
Visión Vol. III No. 3 página 10
October 2007
Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce
Visión Vol. III No. 3 page 11
We believe decisions about your local business should be made locally. That’s what we do.
And we have all the services to support your success.
Octobre 2007
Cámara de Comercío Hispano-Americana
Visión Vol. III No. 3 página 12
WGBH - continued from page 1
public radio programs heard nationally,
as well as the single largest producer of
prime-time programming for PBS, on air
and on the Web. Among the programs
produced at its Guest Street studios are
Nova, Frontline, Masterpiece Theatre,
American Experience, Arthur, Curious
George, and Antiques Roadshow.
WGBH invented the technologies (captioning and descriptive video) that make
media accessible to the 36 million
Americans with hearing or vision disabilities, and millions of teachers and students benefit from the innovative multimedia classroom tools created at WGBH.
“Our relocation to
Brighton is more
than simply a story
about our building
new headquarters,”
Marita Rivero, vice
president and genMarita Rivero
eral manager for TV
and Radio. “We're also building community. One of the things we're most excited
about is that we'll finally have the space
we need to invite the public in for screenings, performances, lectures, and events
that amplify the impact of WGBH's programs and strengthen our local partnerships.”
The new studios were designed by
Polshek Partnership (whose credits
include the Clinton Presidential Library in
Little Rock and the Rose Center for Earth
and Space at New York's American
Museum of Natural History) to reflect
WGBH's commitment to transparency
and openness. “Our environmentally
and neighborhood-friendly headquarters
feature street-level studios with large
glass windows that let passersby glimpse
the creative activity behind our walls.”
It's that creativity and commitment to
reflecting diverse points of view that
October 2007
make WGBH's new headquarters a true
home for public media. “One of the
WGBH production units that I'm most
proud of,” says Rivero, “is La Plaza, now
celebrating more than 30 years of outstanding programming for and about our
diverse Latino community.” The unit is
aptly named, says executive producer
Joseph Tovares. “In Latin America,
'plaza' refers to the
town square, a meeting place where ideas
are exchanged. We
think of the programs
we produce through
La Plaza as the equivJoseph Tovares
alent of this town
square, a place
continued on page 15
Your Local Team of
New York Life
Daniel St. Jean
Duke Martin
Madeline Nazario
Rafael Ramirez
Patricia Sanchez-Reyes
Dani Silberman
James Suavita
Boston General Office
800 South St., Suite 600, Waltham, MA
Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce
Visión Vol. III No. 3 page 13
Ana Portillo was the Cultural Attaché for the Mexican Embassy
in Bern, Switzerland. In Mexico City, Mexico, she worked at the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Program Manager, and General
Coordination of Women's issues.
HACC elects Ana Portillo
to Board of Directors
Recently, she has worked for the Office of the State Senator
Jarrett Barrios, where she was responsible for organizing the
Latino Community.
Ana Portillo Consulting LLC, Boston, MA, Translation and
A long-time contributor and activist within Greater Boston's Interpretation Services specializing in the medical, financial
Hispanic community, Ana is the Director of Membership and legal fields - Portuguese, Italian and Spanish into English.
Development and Services for the HACC.
She can be reached at AnaPortillo@AnaPortillo.com.
Ana is currently a realtor for Bowes Pennell & Thompson
GMAC Real Estate, in Arlington, MA. She is fluent in
Portuguese, Italian, Spanish and English.
She started her diplomatic career for the Mexican Government
as the Advisor to the Undersecretary of Economic Affairs. In
Portugal, at the Mexican Embassy, she served as the
Diplomatic Officer and Commercial Attaché, Economic,
Commercial and Tourism Section.
1010 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington, MA 02476
Office: (781) 648-3500
Cell: (781) 267-9933
Journalist - continued from page 5
Vasallo shares the Fenway experience
exuberantly with his loyal readers. To
celebrate El Mundo's 35th birthday, he
organized the "Festival Latino at
Fenway," which he said he wants to hold
each year.
His first task: expand distribution.
Vasallo is part of the framework of
Boston's Latino community, and the
Cuban-American, a graduate of Boston
College, sees a bright future for El
interns, through Northeastern's co-op Alberto smiled.
program, interns who may later become
"There is nothing like El Mundo to keep
permanent employees, he said.
me connected to the Latino community,"
Vice President of Northeastern's Latin he said. "Nothing even comes close."
American Student Organization Victor L.
Morales said an internship at a Spanish
"It's one of those papers that we found paper would be invaluable experience
has a high level of acceptance," he said. for a Spanish-speaking journalist and a
"It's just getting it out to more people."
chance to flex their bilingual muscles.
One idea is the colorful El Mundo van. "People like being able to combine what
And three times a year, Vasallo honors "Visible, fun," he said. "A kind of moving they know to make [a product] unique,"
Latino middle school students at Fenway billboard that is always filled with news- he said. "Language is a part of that."
with a larger-than-life ceremony, part of papers."
the Latino Youth Recognition Day pro- More hands would help, too. Giselle And the bilingual stance of El Mundo
strengthens both publication and comgram he founded 12 years ago.
Sterling is a junior at University of munity, said the senior English major.
"That's the thing I'm most proud of, by Massachusetts at Lowell and an El
far, head and shoulders," Vasallo Mundo intern. On Friday, she accompa- "Publications like El Mundo are at the
beamed. At the ceremonies, he reads nied Vasallo to the game. When asked front of being able to communicate to
aloud the names of each of the students what her internship entails, she politely those that many [papers] miss because
of language barriers," he said.
in front of thousands of onlookers. It's an laughed. "What don't I do?"
experience, he said, they never forget.
Vassallo III is interested in gaining more As the sun set over the Green Monster,
Octobre 2007
Cámara de Comercío Hispano-Americana
Visión Vol. III No. 3 página 14
WGBH - continued from page 13
to look at important issues from the well as download podcasts of selected
Latino perspective.”
clips. In addition, 10 episodes have been
recorded in Spanish and are being disThat's the idea behind La Plaza's latest
tributed by V-me, a Spanish language
series, Maria Hinojosa: One-on-One,
digital public television service that
which premiered in May 2007. The
launched this March.
series features the award-winning journalist in conversation with America's “One-on-One is just one of many proforemost Latino artists, writers, activists, gramming efforts WGBH is undertaking to
and civic leaders. Produced at WGBH's serve our region and our nation's growing
new studios, One-on-One airs both local- Latino population,” Rivero says. “We're
ly and nationally. Viewers also can watch hard at work on a new multimedia health
full programs on wgbh.org/oneonone as initiative that will look at diabetes, a dis-
October 2007
Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce
ease that disproportionately affects
Latinos. We've also got an exciting
national production in the works focusing
on Latin music. And, of course, we have
big plans to mark Hispanic Heritage
Month this fall on TV, on radio, and online.
“Providing a home for multiple points of
view, celebrating diversity, serving our
community and the nation with programs
that inform, inspire, and entertain,”
Rivero concludes, “is what WGBH is all
Visión Vol. III No. 3 page 15
& Hosted by:
■ City of Boston Department of Neighborhood Development
Sovereign Bank
Comcast Cable
Citizens Bank
Resource Partners:
■ Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
■ KeySpan Energy Delivery
■ Boston Red Sox
■ Stop & Shop
■ Staples
■ Citibank
■ Fisher College
Octobre 2007
Cámara de Comercío Hispano-Americana
Visión Vol. III No. 3 página 16