Winter 2006-2007 Issu - Capital District No. 3


Winter 2006-2007 Issu - Capital District No. 3
Winter, 2006-07
Our 75th Year
A Publication of
Capital District
No. 3
Order of AHEPA
American Hellenic
Educational Progressive
Message from your
District Governor
Dear Brothers, Sisters & Friends of AHEPA District # 3:
wish to thank everyone for a truly successful
2006 for our District. But, now as you will below, we
will have an action packed 2nd half, & we must sprint
to the finishing line of our year.
• MEMBERSHIP: Our membership increased in
2006. I wish to thank each chapter for their hard
work. But we as you all know have a ways to go. Our
motto must still be, each member must get one new
member “ONE FOR ONE”.
Please everyone,
remember, our proud heritage, and our Hellenism. We
must continue to grow - our District & the entire
Order Of AHEPA.
They have proven to be a big success all the way from
Baltimore, to Hopewell, to Durham. We will be
having more in the spring.
• Our AHEPACADEMY: This is truly a noble
cause for our young men & women. This will be
similar to a ‘BOYS & GIRLS STATE.’ Designed by
our District Atheletic Director Aris Chronis to foster mentoring of exceptional young men &
women, it will be held at George Mason University, from 24 to 30 June 2007. The details are on
our District # 3 Website at This is where we will start to mentor future
• DISTRICT CONVENTION: Our District # 3 Convention is scheduled from 15-17 June
2007 in Arlington, VA. at the Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel. On line reservations can be made
by visiting: Our District Golf Tournament will be 14 June 2007 in the
Washington Metro Area. As soon as we have more particulars we will have all of the information
on our www.district web site.
• AHEPA NATIONAL CONVENTION: Scheduled for July 9-15 2007 in Denver Colorado.
Information is available on line at . Also more information will be on our District
web site in addition to information being made available to our chapters.
• DISTRICT SCHOLARSHIPS: All chapters have been mailed the information & it is also on
line on our District website. Plus all of us must prepare our chapters. The deadline for submission
is 1 April, 2007.
make plans to attend this momentous gathering in Baltimore to celebrate our great heritage.
In closing, please be proud of your Heritage, and continue to support the fact that AHEPA is
the LEAD Organization for all Greek/American activities and programs.
Nick Vamvakias
Chapters in the District
of Columbia ● Maryland
● Virginia ● North
Carolina ● West Virginia
Winter 2007
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The Trio-Gram is an official Publication of District 3 of the AHEPA organization. Our publishing policy and philosophy must be a reflection
of this. With this in mind, please understand that all articles and commentaries which are submitted by any AHEPA family members
should directly reflect AHEPA issues and business.
Explanation: A one and a half page article dealing, for instance, with Hellenic history may be of interest, but our budget and space
constraints put this kind of item on an appreciably lower ranking with regard to our publishing priorities.
Basically, our editorial policy reflects that of the National publication, AHEPAN Magazine as listed on its first pages, but is one which
must be more restrictive with regard to material such as that described above because of funding and space limitations. The AHEPAN
is a Magazine. This is a Newsletter. We will do our best to go beyond what we are. But we cannot stretch these issues beyond our means. Please
understand what it means to print and mail 2500 sheets in order to accommodate just one 2 page contribution which is outside the parameters
stated in the first paragraph of this statement.
Trio-Gram Editor James Constantinides, Worthington Ch. #30
Daughters of Penelope
Capital District No. 3
From the Desk of the District Lt.
hat an exciting year! Starting out my term as
District Governor, I attended the District Governor’s Seminar in
Washington, D.C., and visitations were made to chapters in the
The first Work Shop was held in January in Newport News,
VA and was hosted by Charis Eleni #337. It was very well
attended and our Sisters did a beautiful job hosting it. In
February the Lodge visited our Southern Sisters in WinstonSalem, Greensboro and Charlotte. On March 3rd we will be
holding our second Work Shop which will be held at St. George
Greek Orthodox Church in Bethesda, MD and will be hosted by
Arion #298. We will be marching in the Greek Independence
Day Parade on March 25th in Baltimore, MD so if you are
interested in joining us, please give me a call. The more the
Any Greek-American women between the ages of 16-25
that you think might be interested in entering the Ms. Greek
Independence Beauty Pageant that will be held on May 6th in
Baltimore, please come contact either myself or a DOP Chapter
President. We would like to have the applicants ride on a float
on March 25th in Baltimore for the Greek Independence Day
There are still several months to go and we still have a lot
of ideas and visitations planned. Please make every attempt to
vote on delegates at your February or March meetings. Save the
date! The District Convention will be held June 14-17, 2007 at
the Westin Hotel in Falls Church, VA. Our committee is very
excited about this year’s family convention and we hope that
you and your family will come and be culturally enriched while
enjoying the absolute beauty of Virginia and nearby
Washington, D.C. Friends and family are encouraged to attend,
regardless of whether or not they are delegates. Visit the
AHEPA website for updated information.
You should have received the raffle tickets in the mail by
now for the District Project, OI, and the Scholarship. Please sell
as many tickets as you can for these worthy causes.
In closing, I would like to thank all of the Chapters and
individuals who have made contributions towards the new
jewels for the District Lodge. We are getting closer to attaining
our goal for the purchase of the new jewels for each of the
Lodge Officers, but we are not quite there yet, so if you have not
sent in your contribution yet, please do so.
Concerning AHEPA District 3 Dues
Dear Brothers,
We have a problem with some chapters in our District that
keep membership dues, until the end of December. This is
unrealistic, and it is not fair to expect the District to operate
and meet its obligations all year long with no funding available.
This practice is unacceptable. This procedure also jeopardizes
the standing of the District and National Delegates at the
Conventions and the Scholarship Applications.
This problem needs immediate action. The District
Governor and his lodge officers urge all Chapters to responsibly
submit their dues, between January 1st and March 31st each year,
so that all phases of our Brotherhood can succeed in their year
long commitments, and work within a realistic budget.
It is the Chapter Treasurer's responsibility and obligation to
promptly remit the dues to "National" ($40.00) and then to the
"District" ($12.00) as received. THESE FUNDS ARE DUE TO
Chapters in good "National" and "District" standing qualify
for their Delegate positions, and Scholarship Applications that
they submit; but it doesn't stop there…
With your help AHEPA promotes Hellenism, sports,
Church functions, Orthodoxy and many philanthropic deeds.
Brothers, the future of AHEPA depends on your immediate
action. So let's all move forward to make this change personally,
as well as a part of official District Policy.
I wish to thank and salute all Brothers who unselfishly
devote their time, services and money to AHEPA.
Nicholas Harrison,
Lt. Governor, District #3, Order of AHEPA
With love in Theta Pi,
Daphne Hallas, District Governor, Capital District #3
Winter 2007
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Regional Workshop, Durham, NC
well attended and successful one-day Regional District Workshop was held on October 21, 2006 in Durham, NC. The
workshop was hosted by Durham Chapter 277. Members of the District Lodge, led by District Governor Nick Vamvakias attended the
meeting together with members from numerous chapters in the region, including Fayetteville Chapter #9, Raleigh Chapter 10, and
Greensboro Chapter 257. The Supreme Vice President Constantine “Gus” Stefanadis, also attended the Workshop and had a chance to
see his son, Jim Stefanadis and grandson Gus Stefanadis, both members of Durham Chapter 277. In appreciation of his attendance
SVP Gus Stefanadis received from the District and the chapters attending the book Demetrios Is Now Jimmy: Greek Immigrants in
the Southern United States, 1895-1965, authored by Larry Odzak, a member of both the District Lodge and Durham Chapter 277.
Worthington Chapter #30
holds Veteran Day
Observance Dinner
November 5, 2006, Worthington Ch. #30
celebrated their 11th annual Veteran’s Day
commemoration. The Veterans’ Committee worked
hard to make a memorable event with the attendance of
two distinguished guests. The keynote speaker for the
event was Lt. Col. Sotirios Kasselouris from the
Greek Embassy, who spoke on the subject of Greece’s
military state. Also attending was the District #3
Governor, Nick Vamvakias who had a chance to
address the gathering, giving an update on the District
The event was centered on the reading of the
names of all Chapter veterans both alive and deceased,
their branch of service and service years, ringing a ‘bell
of remembrance as each name was read.
Also at the affair five brothers were honored by
receiving awards (see photo at right). These brothers
have showed exemplary service to AHEPA and we
hope will encourage others to do likewise for the Order.
Notable Attendees at Veterans Dinner: (L to R): Dist. Gov. Nick
Vamvakias, George Pozoulakis (#30), Nicholas Krial (#30 PDG, PP), John
Fotios (#364), Lt. Col. Sotirios Kasselouris, his wife Rena, Gus Stavrides
(President #30), John Stathopoulos (#30 Vets. committee), Dr. Pete
Nickolas (#30, PDG, PP)
Brothers receiving Awards: (L to R) Mark Kaidy (PP)
for District #3 President of the Year, Theo Harris (PP)
and John Stathopoulos received Special Awards for
services rendered, Luke Hajiantoni for District #3
Secretary of the year, President Gus Stavrides for
District #3 Ahepan of the year.
Winter 2007
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News from Fayetteville, NC,
Chapter No. 9
February 20, 2007
Robert E. Lee Chapter 122,
Robert E. Lee Chapter 122 in Norfolk hosted one of the
most successful Super Bowl parties ever held in this area.
The profit proceeds go to the chapters’ scholarship fund.
On February 8 the chapter was the chief sponsor and
host for the Greek Ambassador to the United States his
Excellency Alexandros Millas. The event was held in the
Hellenic Center and was cosponsored with the World Affairs
Council and was attended by 300 members of the
community and the AHEPA chapter. Present at the meeting
was the Supreme President of the Order of AHEPA Gus J.
James II, Past Supreme President Jack Georgalas, AHEPA
Executive Director Basil Mossaidias and Lt. Governor Nick
Harrison representing District No. 3. Chapter 122 is a very
active chapter and is gaining in membership.
All meetings are held in the AHEPA Center built in 2000
which is owned by the chapter. Meetings are held on the
third Wednesday of each month with a full dinner served
before the meeting. The chapter is host to many visitors from
all over the USA and Greece. Plans are being made for
AHEPA DAY in May and the election of Delegates to the
District Convention in Fairfax, Va.
AHEPA Supreme President
Visits Ch. 155 Hopewell, VA
Saturday, February 17, 2007, the Brothers of Fayetteville
Chapter No. 9 held their 34th annual Athenian Night dinnerThe Steve Kolidakis Chapter # 155 celebrated its annual
dance fundraiser at the community’s Hellenic Center, 614 Christmas Dinner for the brothers at the AHEPA Center. The
Oakridge Avenue, Fayetteville, NC. About 350 guests members were joined by our esteemed Supreme President Gus
enjoyed plentiful hors d’oeuvres, a delicious meal of fillet James, Past Supreme Governor Paul Angelson, Past District
mignon and stuffed jumbo shrimp, a Greek dance exhibition Governor Nick Gretakis and Lt Gov Nick Harrison.
by the local Hellenic Dance Troupe, a little belly-dancing
Brother Tom Owens, a member of the Board of Trustees,
courtesy of Ruhiyyih Walters, and dancing to the sounds of served as the Master of Ceremonies for the evening. Three new
the Zephyros band from Baltimore. District
Governor Nick Vamvakias and his lovely wife
Carol honored us by attending and presented a
copy of “Demetrios is Now Jimmy,” written
by Brother Larry Odzhak, to chapter president
John Bantsolas.
This annual affair, which has a reputation
for being one of, if not the fanciest party every
year in Fayetteville, is the sole fundraiser for
Chapter No. 9. The bulk of the proceeds go
into the chapter’s scholarship fund with the
organizations in need of assistance. This year
three scholarships totaling $4,000.00 were
awarded to high school seniors.
Distinguished guests included past
Supreme Governor Ralph Potter, State Senator
Tony Rand, who served as Master of
Commissioner Ed Melvin, Sheriff Earl
“Moose” Butler, Fr. Konstantinos Kostaris of
L to R: Tom Owens, Member Board of Trustees, Fr. Milton Gianulus, Supreme
Sts. Constantine & Helen, and Fr. (Retired)
President Gus James, Alex Papadopoulos and Paul Drebot
Chrysostom Manuel.
Event Chairmen Pete Skenteris, George
Dais, and Tasos Hasapis put together an excellent affair and members were initiated into the order by the Supreme President,
are to be commended for their efforts. The other Brothers also Father Milton Giannulus, Paul Drebot and Alex Papadopoulos.
worked very hard preparing for and executing the event, as did Supreme President James enlightened the brothers about the various
a number of nonmembers in the local community. We thank projects currently being undertaken by the Order of AHEPA. There
all of them for their hard work and time spent to make this a was special interest in the Greece Visa Waiver Program and another
very successful and memorable “night in Athens” which project to take various Senators and Congressman to Greece for a
raised money for a number of very worthy causes.
special session of Parliament.
Winter 2007
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Capital District No. 3 Announces…
for the 76 Annual Capital District #3
Convention have been finalized and planners from the
host Peter N. Derzis Chapter 438 are quick to note
this will “not be your father’s AHEPA District
Lodging will be provided by The Westin Arlington
Gateway It is one of the newest hotels in the
Washington D.C. area and enjoys prime access to its
surrounding area. In the active Ballston area of
Arlington, and just a short walk from the Ballston
Metro Station, guests have the option of exploring
historic Arlington, Virginia or venturing into the
nation’s capital. Exceptional room rates of $129 per
night for outstanding accommodations have been
secured and reservations may be made online. A
convention web site will be operational shortly and
will provide specific information as well as online
Greek Independence Day Parade
registration and payment capabilities for all AHEPA
family members attending.
Convention activities will include a
Golf Tournament at Penderbrook Golf
Course in Fairfax,
Virginia on
Thursday, June 14, a Friday evening
social function featuring the music of
Zephyros, an Awards Luncheon on
Saturday, followed by the Grand
Banquet that evening, again featuring
the ever-popular Zephyros for your
listening and dancing enjoyment. All
convention business will be conducted in spacious hotel
ballrooms and a hospitality suite will also be available.
Delegate registration begins at 9:00 AM on Friday.
Delegates are encouraged to attend with their families and
will be provided with information on a number of
recreational and sight seeing activities in the nation’s
capital as well as in historic Virginia.
For the first time, a 16 team AHEPA Capital District
Basketball Tournament
Tournament will also be held which planners
anticipate will attract an additional 120 to 150 young
adults to this year’s convention. Derzis Chapter President
Jim Stoucker is excited at the prospects of so many young
people attending, “Frankly, the opportunity to help
cultivate the next generation of AHEPANS has inspired us
and we look forward to their participation in our
convention and social activities.”
Convention activities will conclude on Sunday with the
celebration of Divine Liturgy at Saint Katherine Greek
Orthodox Church, followed shortly thereafter by the
District Convention championship basketball game.
Maryland Governor's Reception for Greek
Independence Day - March 19th, 2007, 6-8 PM at
Sunday, March 25th, 2-4PM: Greek Independence Day
Mid-Atlantic Parade 2007, Baltimore’s Greek-town, Spirit
of America, Legacy of Greece, Freedom & Democracy for
All !
In commemoration of the 186th Anniversary of Greek
Independence Day, this year’s event is also in recognition to the
many Hellenes around the world who through the Voice of
Hellenism honor our past and present heroes’ sacrifices for
Freedom and Democracy for all! Special Guinness Book of
World Records Presentation at the Event!
Miller's Senate Office Building, Presidents Large Conference
Reception Room - First Commemoration given by Thomas
Jefferson in the Maryland Statehouse !
AHEPA Lord Baltimore Chapter 364 and Worthington
Chapter 30 have sponsored a bus open to the public leaving St.
Nicholas Church in Greek-town, Baltimore, MD to Annapolis
Statehouse at 4PM.
Parade hotline number: 410-563-4735
District #3 is supporting the March 25 Greek Independence Day
Parade in Baltimore. The Dist. #3 Governor is asking for all
Chapters to try & attend this superb occasion. Pictured with
D.G. Nick Vamvakias are brothers of #364 (L-R) Andy
Papamines (PDG), George Mavronis, George Maniotis, Dist.
Gov. Nick Vamvakis, and Steve Mavronis, President #364
Winter 2007
Greek Evzones marching past the reviewing stand in last
years Greek Independence Day Parade in Baltimore.
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Three Chapters Celebrate Our
Founder’s Day Anniversary Together
Sewn With Love By The Daughters
Of Penelope Helle #283
Venus Chapter #102, Charlotte, NC
News from the Daughters
of Penelope
Over the past several years, Arion
#298 of Silver Spring, MD, Hermione #11
of Washington, DC, and Helle #283 of Alexandria, VA
have begun a tradition of sharing the Daughter’s of
Penelope Anniversary celebration together. It is an event
we all look forward to every year. This year we met to
celebrate the Daughter’s of Penelope 77th Anniversary at a
Founder’s Day Luncheon held on November 18th. District
Governor, Daphne Hallas; Lieutenant Governor, Cookie
Papuchis; District Secretary, Sophia Severino; District
Treasurer, Christine Vassilakos; District Marshall, Jackie
Anas; District Advisor to the Maids of Athena; and
District Budget & Finance Chairperson, Mary Georghiou
were in attendance.
It was very well attended and everyone had a great
time. Our three chapters are fortunate to have
opportunities throughout the year to support each other’s
events. It is in this way that we continue the sisterhood
that our founding members began 77 years ago. Below is
a picture of the luncheon held on November 18th at Alfio’s La
Trattoria restaurant. You can see we had a lovely afternoon!
The sisters of Helle #283 Chapter of Alexandria,
VA, have been involved in various activities to support
our soldiers serving overseas. For a Christmas project,
we wanted to do something to help our soldiers
recuperating at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, DC.
We collected boxers of all sizes and modified each pair by
sewing a Velcro seam to accommodate prosthetic limbs
when the soldiers have physical therapy. Volunteers met
to rip seams, sew Velcro, label and assemble the
packages. Inside each package, we inserted a get well
card, and a CD, game or puzzle book. The Catechetical
School children and GOYA of Saint Katherine Greek
Orthodox Church made get well cards and collected
CD’s. This was a true community effort!
We thank everyone who helped, especially Rosalie
Georgeades and Christina Vasquez for their leadership in
this project. The packages are being delivered to Walter
Reed Hospital on December 11th. Boxers and monetary
contributions that were received after the project was completed
will be donated to Sew Much Comfort, an organization that
makes adaptive boxer shorts, male and female, and adaptive
shirts to cover upper body injuries for soldiers
recuperating in hospitals across the country.
The Daughters of Penelope Venus Chapter #102 of
Charlotte, NC held their Annual Founder's Day Bake Sale
on Sunday, November 19, 2006 at Holy Trinity Greek
Orthodox Cathedral. Proceeds will benefit Osteogenesis
Imperfecta, our District Project. We are planning our 11th
Annual Queen of Hearts Tea on Saturday, February 17,
2007 at Carmel Country Club. Pictured below are the
Arion Chapter 298 of Silver Spring, MD has been
very active. In March, they honored Mary Filou, Grand
President, at an elegant luncheon at Indian Springs Country Club.
The Grand Lodge and District 3 Lodge were represented.
Winter 2007
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3 Warden/ Lord Baltimore Chapter 364 President, Steve G.
Mavronis, Parade Chairman.
emetrios is Now Jimmy”
A book by Lazar “Larry” Odzak
THIS WORK explores the arrival of Greek immigrants to
the southern urban areas, in the early 1900s, and their
remarkably rapid adjustment and acculturation to life in the New
South. Although there was no "melting pot," these newcomers
swiftly adapted to the evolving and singularly American social,
economic, and political tenets, even as they retained and
adjusted some of their own cultural and religious traditions.
Fashion Show-Oct 21, 2006 (L to R) Athena Gikas, Mary Manial, Sophia
Severino, Bess Murlas, Katherine Paterson (Pres.), Joanne Stathes (CoChair.), Cookie Papuchis, Lil Bakalis (Co-Chair).
Arion Chapter 298 of Silver Spring, MD has been very
active. In March, they honored Mary Filou, Grand President, at
an elegant luncheon at Indian Springs Country Club. The Grand
Lodge and District 3 Lodge were represented. At the April
meeting, favors were made for Children's Inn at NIH. The
chapter has undertaken this project annually for Halloween,
Christmas and Easter.
Ahepa/Daughters Ahepa Scholarship Awards Committee.
In June, Arion out did themselves. Our chapter was honored
to have Sister Daphne Hallas elected District 3 Governor. Also
elected were F. Cookie Papuchis, Lt. Governor; Sophia Severino,
District Secretary and Athena Gikas, District Advisor to the
Bro. Larry Odzak
At the end of the year, a joint installation was held with
autographing a
Ahepa Chapter 236 at Alfio's Restaurant in Chevy Chase, MD.
copy of his book
Arion Chapter 298 of Silver Spring, MD had their annual
(above). Giving a
Fashion Show/Luncheon on Saturday, October 21, 2006 to
presentation on
benefit charities. This year's main charity was Osteogenesis
the subject of his
Imperfecta (0I). 0I is a disease that affects bones and connective
book (far left) and
tissues. In our area, we have two young girls who are affected by
the front cover of
his book,
The District 3 Governor, Daphne Hallas, and her Lodge
“Demetrios is now
were in attendance. It was an elegant and successful event.
A Christmas Dinner party was held at Indian Springs Country
Club. It was hosted by.Ahepa Chapter 236 and Arion Chapter
298. It was a most festive event.
At the January meeting, a surprise birthday party was held
The majority of these immigrants became small entrepreneurs
for Sister Pauline Fotos for her 92nd birthday. Sister Pauline has
and achieved some economic prosperity, which was at the root of
been in the chapter since the chapter was formed in 1961 (45
their successful adaptation and settlement in the southern cities.
This work also covers new ground by examining specific
cases where the immigrant group was just large enough to create
its own viable community, but lacked the "critical mass" of large
immigrant communities where Old World cultures survived
longer and slowed down the process of acculturation and
By Georgia Vavas, Daughters of Penelope, Alcmene Ch. # 27
adjustment to American ways.
LAZAR "LARRY" ODZAK completed his studies in
On January 27, 2007, the Greek Independence Day MidAtlantic Committee of Baltimore held its annual fundraiser dance Florida, concentrating on 19th and 20th Century US History. In
at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Hall. Many people 1998, he moved with his wife Hope to Durham, North Carolina.
supported this event for the purpose of raising funds for the Currently, he is an Archivist-Historian at the State Archives,
Greek Independence Day Mid-Atlantic Parade. The Parade Department of Cultural Resources, in Raleigh, NC; he is also a
Committee honored the presence of the AHEPA Capital District Visiting Scholar at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
3 Governor Nick P. Vamvakias. Music was provided by
NOTE: Brother Larry has agreed to take and extra 10% off
Zephyros Orchestra. Congratulations to the dedicated 2007
Parade Committee Volunteers and the leadership of the District the cover price of his book to all Ahepans. More info available on
AHEPANs and Daughters of Penelope, who outdid themselves in or at: AUTHOR'S WEB SITE:
making this event a huge success, and to AHEPA Capital District
Winter 2007
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Brother Jim Christopulos, a member of Charlottesville, Virginia, Monticello
Chapter 448, completed his 60th year as an AHEPAN. He was initiated into
Cheyenne, Wyoming 'Cowboy' Chapter 211 January 1947 right after returning from
World War II.
Prior to the war Jim was a member of the Cheyenne, Wyoming Sons of Pericles
'Frontier' Chapter 98 for five years. During that time he served as Chapter President
and District Governor of the 'Rocky Mountain' District - now District `17.
Jim, a retired military officer, and veteran of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam,
is past President of AHEPA Cowboy Chaper 211, and served three terms as President
of Monticello Chapter 448 of Charlottesville, Virginia.
He was voted 'AHEPAN of the year' by Capital District No. 3 in 2001 - and -Monticello Chapter 448 has designated its Scholarship fund as the ‘Jim Christopulos
Scholarship Fund.’ Jim will celebrate his 90th birthday in August.
Jim and his wife Beth of 60 years reside in Charlottesville.
George Harry Pappas
January 17, 1918 to October 8, 2006
Age 88 - World War II bomber pilot - President of food supply business.
Member of Worthington Chapter #30, Order of AHEPA.
George Harry Pappas, retired president of a business that supplied food to hospitals,
restaurants and department stores and decorated World War II pilot, died of heart
disease complications Sunday at the Blakehurst retirement community in Towson. He
was 88. Born in Baltimore and raised on Liberty Heights Avenue, Mr. Pappas was a
1936 graduate of McDonogh School, where he played varsity football, rode horses and
wrestled. He was a childhood friend of Spiro T. Agnew, was a guest at his 1969
inauguration as vice president and dined at his residence.
Mr. Pappas attended the
University of Maryland, where he was a member of Kappa Alpha Fraternity. In his
junior year, he left and became a pilot in the Army's Air Corps. He flew B-24 Liberator
bombers on 31 missions over Germany, Austria, Italy, Poland and Romania, where he
attacked the Ploesti oil fields that were a fuel source of the Axis Powers.
As an Army captain, he led the 454th Bomber Group and twice served as a wing
leader: He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal with three Oak
Leaf Clusters and the Presidential Group Medal. He attended annual reunions of his
group until last year.
"On our first date, he took me up for a plane ride, and we flew over my mother's
house in Forest Park," said his wife of 59 years, the former Louise "Fi" Nicholson. "He
owned a plane with two other fellows; but after we married, he gave up the plane. My mother wasn't too keen on his
After the war, he joined a sister and two brothers to manage and expand his family's WB&A Restaurants, a chain of
railroad and bus station lunchrooms in Washington, Annapolis, Glen Burnie and Baltimore the latter now the site of the
downtown Holiday Inn. The restaurants were located in the depots of an old, electric interurban railroad whose route the
light rail line partially follows.
He was president of Atlas Supply Co., an institutional foal services business on South Central Avenue, where he
retired in 1982, and a partner in the family-owned H.G. Pappas and Sons commercial real estate firm. The food supply
business is now a luxury condominium known as Canal Street Malt House.
Services were held Tuesday at the Greek Orthodox. Cathedral of the Annunciation, where he was a lifelong member
and president In addition to his wife, survivors include a son, Harry G. Pappas of Towson; two daughters, Amalia Lucas
of Towson and Stephanie McDonald of Orlando, Florida; a brother; Harry P. Pappas of Baltimore; and five grandchildren.
From Jacques Kelly, reporter for the Baltimore Sun,
Edited by L.Hajiantoni, Trio-Gram Staff.
Winter 2007
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the Daughters of Penelope lodge rooms. We must give them
respect, give them breathing space and support to fuel their
youthful inspiration. They will help us to carry the flame which
was rekindled, on March 25th, 1821. We must help them…not
hinder them.
Look, now, at our strong spirited
young boys in the dress of the
Evzone. The scene is in Baltimore’s
Greek-town during the thrilling
Greek Independence Day Parade.
We heard their feet hitting the street,
but our hearts were beating to a
cadence which was set far, far away
where the Greek sun ripens the olives
and sweetens the grapes, where our
eyes see, after the sun has set, the sky
glowing with a soft pink color which
sooths the soul. We are taken to the
day when the shackles were
smashed…and the Greeks, we the
Greeks, were, once again, free!
Look, now, at the little girl. Her
beautiful dark Greek eyes. Her mouth
is slightly opened…in awe of the
handsome young Evzones whose
perfect unison of step carries her
from beyond the metal barrier to
places which many of us have
forgotten. The young spirit, the
young mind. She is receiving what
we have to give her and she will give
it back to us, and she will give it to
her children.
TrioTrio-Gram Editorial
March 25th….Greeks all over the world turn their attention
to this date. At this point of your reading this, the date may have
passed. But that has no bearing. The birth
or rebirth of freedom transcends any
point of time. This is because tyranny
and its yoke, even through politically
motivated slaughter, cannot stand,
finally, against the spirit. The forces who
tore at our flesh and our culture could not
survive our will to reclaim ourselves for
So, now, we find ourselves, in a little
more than a decade from now, facing the
year 200 commemoration of this taking
back of Hellenism from our oppressors.
We have a task which is growing in
magnitude. That task is to maintain this
spirit, this being Greek, this being
Hellenic and to somehow infuse it to the
next generation…and the next. The
challenge is to do that here and now; a
daunting task. The slippage is ever
present. Though the threats of the first
years of our existence as AHEPA are
gone we are faced, in a different way,
with that task of preserving of culture.
This is in addition to the many valuable
contributions which we make as GreekAmericans, to the country in which we
My fellow Ahepans, we know what
we have to do. Our fulfillment of the mandate is critical. We
must push some of that old Greekness aside in our lodge rooms
because we face a very chilling reality if we do not. That reality
has to do with what the Ahepa family will be and where it will be
in ten, in twenty years. We must…make room for the young and
new members who come to their first meeting at the AHEPA and
ZITO ELLAS my dear Brothers and Sisters of AHEPA.
Brother James Constantinides
Trio-Gram Editor
District #3 Permanent Scholarship Fund
Have you considered a Tax Free Deduction Donation to a most worthy cause?
Since its inception in 1958, we as AHEPANS have helped over 1,000 students attend college. Your donation LARGE or SMALL
will keep the fund growing allowing us to increase the number of scholarships. The Scholarship Committee administers the fund
without deducting any overhead costs from your donation. (Scholarship grants are paid only from interest earned; capital funds can not
be used for scholarships.) Remember your donation will help children of Ahepan’s prepare for college, now and in future generations.
Fraternally Yours,
Nicholas P. Vamvakias
With Thanks,
C. Steven Georgilakis
John Samos
District #3 Permanent Scholarship Fund
P. O. Box 5420
Washington, D. C. 20016
YES! I want to help educate the sons and daughters of AHEPANS, enclosed, please find my tax-deductible
contribution, payable to District #3 PSF.
Other: $__________
Check preference, if desired:
In Memory of:
In Honor of:
Name: _______________________________
Please send acknowledgment to:
Name: __________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
City: ___________________________ State: _____ Zip: __________
Winter 2007
Tear at the dotted line (or copy)
Enclose check payable to:
District #3 PSF
And mail to this address:
District #3 Permanent Scholarship Fund
P. O. Box 5420
Washington, D. C. 2001
Page 9 of 10
District Governor
Nicholas P. Vamvakias (438)
5102 Gainsborough Drive
Fairfax, VA 22032-2709
Home 703-323-7153
Cell 703-969-1454
District Lt. Governor
Nicholas Harrison (122)
2915 Creekwood Road
Norfolk, VA 23518-2308
Home 757-588-7823
District Secretary
Dean Economou (438)
21235 Ravenwood Court
Potomac Falls, VA 20165-7524
Home 703-421-3812
Work 703-904-2397
Cell 703-597-4652
District Treasurer
Matthew J. Pappas (257)
18 Independence Court
Greensboro, NC. 27408-4200
Home 336-288-6977
Work 336-292-5130
Fax 336-292-7288
District Marshall
Lazar 'Larry' Odzak (277)
204 Pineview Road
Durham, NC 27707
Home (919) 489-8042
District Warden
Steve Mavronis (364)
1814 Fleet Street, (Fells Point)
Baltimore, MD 21231
Home 410-563-GREK (4735)
Direct 410-365-9786
District Athletic Director
Aristotelis Chronis,
1145 N. Vernon St.
Arlington, VA 22201
Home 703- 470-3971
District Governor
Daphne Hallas
8 Enid Court
Potomac, MD 20854
(301) 983-0037 (H)
District Marshall
Jackie Anas
4925 W. Norfolk Road
Portsmouth, VA 23703
(757) 484-9209 (H)
District Lt. Governor
Felicia “Cookie” Papuchis
2921 N. Leisure World Blvd. #303
Silver Spring, MD 20906
(301) 438-8172 (H)
Advisor to Maids of Athena
Athena Gikas
1816 Middlebridge Drive
Silver Spring, MD 20906
(301) 460-0623 (H)
District Secretary
Sophia Severino
3210 N. Leisure World Blvd. #618
Silver Spring, MD 20906
(301) 598-5954 (H)
Distict Advisor DOP
Kathy Agnor
P.O. Box 36227
Richmond, VA 23235
(804) 305-5124 (C)
District Treasurer
Christine Vassilakos
148 Talbot Drive
Smithfield, VA 23430
(757) 357-0192 (H)
Loucas Hajiantoni
6374 Montgomery Road
Elkridge, MD 21075
Phone/Fax: 410-796-1238
Editor in Chief
James L. Constantinides
7234 Sunshine Ave.
Kingsville, MD 21087-1226
Phone / Fax 410-817-6737
BALTO. MD 21233-9998
PERMIT #4434
District No. 3 Newsletter
7234 Sunshine Ave.
Kingsville, MD 21087-1226
Winter 2007
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