Wethersfield - Kewanee Public Library District
Wethersfield - Kewanee Public Library District
Quill '66 Wethersfield All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts . . . Shakespeare 'Our Year' A play in three acts Produced by the ADMINISTRATION of Wethersfield High School Directed by the FACULTY of Wethersfield High School Synopsis: Act I--Fall Act II--Winter Backstage --Organizations . : Act III--Spring Curtain Call--Our Cast . page 6 .page 8 page page page page page 10 26 36 62 66 "Our Year" . . . recorded by the Quill *66 Volume XX Wethersfield High School Kewanee, Illinois . . . the curtain opens WE REHEARSE . . . Football practice, aching muscles . . . chorus tryouts and a high A? . . . "What's my locker number, again?" . . . homework, ugh! . . . name on "good" tennies . . . speech class and the jitters . . . lunch, "But I didn't want mustard in my milk shake!" . . . more classes . . . "Parlez-vous who?" . . . teachers' smiling faces--how can they? . . . Freshman physicals . . . a first date . . . I. D. cards so you don't forget . . . practice for the year to come . . . lines for the play . . . And this little piggy went to market . . . 'That was an F#???" e, Art! Local History Collection "Maybe I should have my glasses changed." R-r-r-r-p-p! There it goes again. "You did WHAT?" "Please, Dave, I'd rather do it myself!" You wouldn't like it either. Our Cast . . . On Stage and Off You LOOK so innocent . . . Practicing up on your parking!? Once in every week, Drano in every drain. "I'll get that fly yet.1 Studies So you're lunching with Mr. Winek today Dances Classes Sports So we lost the last game Our Scenery and Props Words cannot express Organizations Producers of Our Play— Fate took its course on an early evening in January 1965 when flames suddenly engulfed and soon gutted the Craig Building in a spectacular, but tragic display of nature. Since that frigid, winter night, the students of Craig have adjusted to borrowed books and makeshift classrooms. Plans for the new school include a building to house grades 1-6 as an addition to the Junior High. A sketch of this building is shown above. Board of Education R. Iindstrom, President; R. Mooney; R. Craig; M. Hamilton; J. Anderson; H. Pask; E. Green. The ADMINISTRATION Secretary— Mrs. Holtschult Superintendent of SchoolsMr. Franklin Coplan Secretary-Mrs. Jackson Principal— Mr. Joseph Winek Mrs. Ausich Mr. Foster Miss Beck Mr. Gren Mr. Bickhaus Miss Kipling Mr. Brownfield Mrs. Lazar Mrs. Coplan Mr. Manthe Directors of Our Play— SARAH AUSICH, Bookkeeping, B.S.C., State University of Iowa; BERN IE BALS IS, Guidance, B.S., Western Illinois University; KATHLEEN BECK, English, B.A., Southern Illinois University; CHARLES BICKHAUS, Instrumental Music, B.S., Western Illinois University; JERRY BROWNFIELD, Coach, B.S., Eureka College, M.A., University of Illinois; ELIZABETH COPLAN, French, A.B., Eureka College; RICHARD FOSTER, Social Studies & Drivers' Education, B.S., Western Illinois University; JOE GREN, Jr., Industrial Arts, B.S., Western Illinois University; KAREN KIPLING, English, B.S., Western Illinois University; NELLIE LAZAR, Vocal Music, B.M.E., Bradley University; JAMES MANTHE, Agriculture, B.S., University of Illinois. "We're all in our places, with sunshiny faces." 8 Mrs. Matson Mrs. Shook Mr. Monts Miss Simpson Mrs. MurphyMr. Sutch Mr. Mursener Miss White Mrs. Schueneman Miss Whitmeyer The FACULTY DOROTHY MATSON, Math, B.S., M.S., Bradley University; ALLEN MONTS, Math & Science, B.S., Western Illinois University; ARLENE MURPHY, Librarian & Latin, A.B., University of Illinois; FRED C. MURSENER, Science, M.S., Western Illinois University; MARILYN SCHUENEMAN, English & Speech, B.A., Augustana College; SHARON SHOOK, Physical Education, B.S., Western Illinois University; LINDA SIMPSON, Business Education, B.S., Western Illinois University; JAMES SUTCH, Coach, B.S., M.S., Indiana State University; LUCY WHITE, Home Economics, B.A., Illinois Wesleyan, M.A., University of Chicago; ALLENE WHITMEYER, Social Studies, B.S., University of Illinois, M.S., Columbia University. "Watch it, sister!" Mr. Bals is--Counselor ACTI Fall . . . Blue cards, registration, "But why don't girls take Ag?" . . . Freshman-Senior Dance, Mr. Coplan, Mr. Winek, "twas the first day of school" . . . T.B. tests, faces . . . Henry's back! . . . Homecoming, napkins, bonfires, sore toes . . . football, victories . . . pep rallies, laryngitis, "Hey Freshmen, are ya with us?" . . . class play . . . cool weather, nice for hand holding . . . frosted pumpkins, burning leaves . . . crimson sunsets . . . "Topic for discussion today . . WOMEN! !!" Can ya see, Paul? Don't just do something, stand there! ! ! "Come out from behind that curtain you two ! ! ! " SCENE I Orientation . . . Mrs. Jackson . . . us in sweatshirts . . . schedules, new classes, new teachers . . . T.B. tests, everybody's absent . . . Freshman-Senior party, "it was almost like--the floor fell" . . . underclassmen pictures, "but my hair won't comb!" . . . lockers, friends . . . the old groove . . . "Hmmm . . . if I take Girls' P.E. 4th hour, I can't work in Industrial Arts . . . " "But you said it wouldn't hurt!" "Do you think I could get away with licorice in study hall?" Only his hairdresser knows for sure . . . "Hey, let's sing the same verse!" "Hey girls! Over here." It's Turns for your tummy. An eye for an eye, a foot for; Notice . . . Girls in front—Boys in back. a foot . . . SCENE II Homecoming . . . Ideas . . . class meetings . . . the Ag shop, napkins, stepladders, people, more people, chicken wire, sore knuckles . . . lovely queen, roses . . .attendants, equally lovely . . . skits . . . snake dance, journey through the swamp, bonfire . . . "Wethersfield Forever" . . . rain . . . VICTORY!!! . . . mums . . . a dance . . . a daze . . . Hey Phyliis---It's snowing down south! Those aren't horns -- they're corners!! Don't worry, Mr. Winek will get it started . . . "Dumb mosquito!" 14 "See, I told you he had sticky Neither rain, nor fingers..." sleet, nor hail--stopped our parade! Get your dirty fingers OUT of her hair! Hey Steve--"Is it true blondes have more fun?" "That's a cartwheel?" Senior--Joan Millett Junior--Mary Beth Price Sophomore- -Myrna McNeill Freshman--Jacki Ripka 16 Queen--Nancy Truelove 17 "Fall Fantasy" "You like my ear?" Mary Beth, Joan, Queen Nancy, Myrna, Jacki. 18 Varsity Cheerleaders: C. Tolbert, M. Price,,K. Koehler, K. Johnson, P. Gorham Cheerleaders . . . "Our Geese a r e GREAT! Our Geese a r e SWELL! All for Wethersfield, stand up an' yell!" . . . s c r e a m i n g , shouting, stomping, jumping, bounding, bumping . . . making and catching p a s s e s . . . . dah . . . go team! . . . crumpled p r o g r a m s . . . a " GreenWhite Victory" . . . "He put a frog down my back! " Gosling Cheerleaders: C. Goode, P. Newhaller, S. Johnson, G. Grove, C. Newman. 19 Varsity Scores W.H.S. W.H.S., W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W'.H.S W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. SCENE III .14 Galva . 0 27 . Wyoming 0 32 , Toulon 13 12. - Bradford . 24 32" .; Elmwood 6 21 Manlius 6 35 Princeville 0 6 Dunlap , .20 7 Walnut 44 Football . . . "You should see us fight over THE GIRLS!! " "Time out? Oh, ref's putting his boots on." "You have to go where?" 20 "Are you sure you had a quarter in your back pocket?" "Give us back our ball or we'll knock your other leg off at the knee." Football, frenzy, practice, stiff muscles, cuts, bruises, trips to the hospital, X-rays . . "hup, two" . . . the "big" game . . . electric atmosphere . . . "Come on!" . . . frozen toes, hot chocolate, warm hands in somebody else's . . . sharing a coke with 12 people and a dog, spilled popcorn . . . "There are the coats that our boys wear to keep them warm when we're not there . . . " "Give me back half the blanket, ouch!" . . . final seconds . . . "Wait! Go, run! He did it! We won!!! We won!!!" . . . social hour . . . warm hands in somebody else's . . . a 1-o-n-g ride home . . . a full moon . . . CURFEW! "Quarterback thinks I'm Giant!" "Hurry up or you'll miss your milk and cookies." 21 jolly Green ROW 1: P. Brinker, J. Baker, M. Newman, D. Layman, J, Hodge, A, Jacobson, F. Stallworth, L. Dixon, T. Hamilton, B. Allard, R. Kull, K. Coverdill, J. Craig, T. Johnson, S. Anderson. ROW 2: W. Dixon, Coach Jerry Brownfield, F. Reed, J. Domzalski, T. Otley, F. Dunn, J. Evans, R. Scott, Me. Craig, Mi, Craig, Ra. • Cruse, T. Goodale, P. Carlson, Ro. Cruse, M. Nelson, J. Lundberg, R. Lindstrom,, J. McCullough, Coach Jim Sutch. J.V. Coaches: Brownfield and Balsis J.V. Scores W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. 22 34 71 38 33 26 26 Galva Wyoming Toulon Bradford Kewanee Manlius 0 7 0 6 0 6 Managers: M. DeBlieck, W. Dixon, and B. Swanson. Varsity Coaches: Brownfield and Sutch All-conference guard Art Jacobson. Tri-captains: Ray Cruse Rick Scott Tom Goodale Goslings Row 1: L. Guthrie, L. Dixon, P. Roulds, D. Crabtree, T. Hamilton, T. Whited, R. Stufflebea J. Cancienne, M. Wallace. Row 2: Coach J. Brownfield, F. Reed, P. Brinker, M. Craig, T. O man, D. Layman, J. Craig, K. Karau, R. Jacobs, D. Crabtree, Da. Crabtree, T. Peed, Coach 23 SCENE IV Senior Class Play . . . "Annie Get Tour Gun" "Once upon a time there was a girl-and there was a feller . . . This feller-he was wonderful! Only he didn't hardly notice the girl . . . Cause she was a mess . . . Every night the girl dreamed about the feller--and all at once she started gettin' rosier and daintier and femininer! And then one day . . "Annie O a k l e y - - 3 8 - 2 2 - 3 8 - - c a l i b e r , t h a t i s ! " "Fellers are like that, yeh, they are . . . " Annie Oakley Frank Butler Dolly Tate Charlie Davenport Winnie Tate Tommy Foster Wilson Sitting Bull Buffalo Bill Pawnee Bill Jessie Minnie Little Jake Mac Mary Jane Mrs. Adams Mrs. Porter Little Girl Boy Man on Boat Karen Johnson Paul Carlson Janet Motley Tom Goodale Kendra Medley Mike Downing Steve Erwin Ray Cruse Steve R. Anderson Tom Koehler Carla Tolbert Joan Millett Art Jacobson Mike Nelson Barb Camp Susan Giorno Sue Harfst Nancy Truelove Rhonda Popovich Mike Craig Gerald Partridge "You can always wear a wig, Dolly! " Conductor Girl Waiter George Indians Hotel Guests Soloist Student Director Director Bob Boardman Cheryl Anderson Dan Neubert Bob Hyer Zoe Hampton Beth McConnaughy Bob Allard Dan Andris Rocqueline Calhoun Kathy 0'Donne 11 Carol Ostlund Janet Lind Sue Mower Terry Poison Marsha McNeill Miss Beck "Yeh, you got eyes! ACT II Winter . . . Round, tiny snowflakes, pine branches tipped in white . . . red noses, rosy cheeks, stiff fingers . . . "12 below and I have to walk!" "Uh, whoof! Girls shouldn't have to shovel snow!" . . . "But Mr. Foster, I've never driven on ice before, or gotten stuck, or hit a stop sign'" . . . gray mornings, boots, mittens, ear-muffs, long red flannels . . . Christmas, the cantata, "Scrooge was a miserly . . . " "Jingle bells, jing--" . . . mistletoe!! "Dear Santa, we the undersigned, having been such GOOD little kiddies . . . " . . . VACATION . . . exams . . . basketball games, "two points, two points, there, there" . . . "miss' miss' whoppee!" "9-8-7-6- . . . "Geese great! . . . Midwinter, oooooo . . . valentines, xxxxxxx . . . National Honor Society, "Who do you think?" . . . snowballs, ducking, getting stuck in the country . . . "Lower, Rick, dribble lower!" Do it pur-r-r-r-dy . . . "Louder, Dalfe." And its cold t'boot! More money! ! What men don't go through to make women happy. And I hope you get triple ammonia, too!" Christmas . . . Senior first semester speech class . . . Mrs. Schueneman, director . . . Dickens, A CHRISTMAS CAROL, "A clutching, covetous, old sinner was Scrooge . . . " "What name is this that's overgrown with weeds? It's Ebenezer Scrooge! Spirit! Am I the man who died alone? No, it must not be. . . 1 will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year . . . " "Nose itches . . . there?" Stronger than dirt. "Head up, handsome." SCENE I "Son, when you got that skate board, I said . ,". " Activities "Oo--oo just like the higher priced spread" 28 "Was it garlic or onion, Ray?" "No, Danny, you can't take the plate !' Midwinter . . . Queen Nancy Truelove King Dan Andris "Cheese!" 29 "Candy Cotillion" . . . red and white crepe paper skimming the cafeteria ceiling . . . lollipops, hearts and flowers, frothy formals, white gloves . . . dancing, soft music, skuffed shoes . . . pictures . . . casual conversation, punch and cookies . . . "But John, this is your fifth glass . . . d e hydrated?" . . . crisp weather, but a warm ride home . . . CUPID!!!!! "No more jokes, Mr. Balsis." "and here you write: if you send a gift, I would l Decisions . . . Senior-Freshmen college breakfast . . . "Welcome home, how's school?" . . . smiles, familiar faces again, r e lating of new experiences, questions, suggestions, decisions, inspiration, looking ahead . . . choosing rings and announcements, "Let's see, 21 announcements at 17<£ each and 1 memory book at . . ." "I like the green stone best, no, the pearl with gold, no maybe the onyx . . . no, the plain . . . " "$25!!!!!" "No,Frank,it'stofityou,not her ..." 30 National Honor Society 1966 members: K. O'Donnell, C. Ostlund, N. Truelove, R. Popovich, T. Johnson, D. Whisker, J. Lundberg, R. Lindstrom, S. R. Anderson (inset). "No honor conferred by this school excels that represented by this society . . . these students have shown leadership, given fine service, are endowed with good character and have met the scholastic requirements . . . " "I pledge myself to uphold the high purposes of this Society to which I have been elected, striving in every way, by word and deed, to make its ideals the ideals of my school President--T. Poison Secretary--M. McNeill Sponsor--Miss Whitmyer 1965 members: T. Poison, R. Hyer, M. McNeill, and sponsor, Miss Whitmyer. 31 SCENE II Basketball . Varsity Scores J.V. Scores W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. 42 37 37 33 54 54 40 27 51 53 32 60 67 51 Galva Wyo. Wai. Toul. Brad. Elm. Man. Prin. Dun. Wai. Man. Brad. Galva Costa Domzalski Dunn Reed 46 52 29 41 45 43 36 55 55 48 51 38 33 24 W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. W.H.S. 50 61 52 62 62 83 61 55 52 59 60 65 70 60 66 Galva Wyoming Walnut Toulon Bradford Elmwood Manlius Princeville Dunlap Walnut Manlius Bradford Galva Costa Kewanee Workman Allaid Rose Davis Whisker 45 56 51 53 55 54 49 57 53 65 37 50 63 56 70 "We'll shine tonite !' Anderson DeRycke Scott 32 Baker ROW 1: R.Hamilton, R. Allard, S. Workman, S. R. Anderson, J. Lundberg, F. Reed, D. Whisker, T. Reiff, J. L. Craig. ROW 2: P. Carlson, P. DeRyeke, R. Scott, R. Davis, J. McCullough, J.'Domzalski, J. Baker, J. Rose, F. Dunn, W. Dixon, Coach Sutch. Coach Sutch Managers W. Dixon, P. Carlson, B. Swanson Coach Brownfield ROW 1: B. Swanson, L. Melendez, T. Hamilton, S. Michels, S. Golden, K. Martin, J. Anderson, J. Allard, G. Hall. ROW 2: K. Cancienne, L Guthrie, J. Craig, T. Whited, J. Bowers, P. Brinker, F. Blacks, T. Dunn, D. Crabtree, D. McReynolds. ROW 3: E. Dixon, J.Cancienne, S. Ewing, B. McCullough, G. Otley, N. Hubbard, M. Craig, R. Stuffelbeam, Coach Brownfield. ''Game's held up . . . some lil' kid stole the ball . . . Where's Coach Sutch?" "Flying Geese, huh Pat?" Basketball . . . green passes if you work, 30C if you don't . . . stuffing your coat in some Senior's locker . . . finding seats in the mob . . . headaches, blasting, fast action, whistles, jump balls, free throws . . . and baskets . . . p e p band, "but, Sandy, 'Bells Across the GRIDIRON'?" . . . pompoms, cartwheels, splits? . . . "Come on Geese, fly high!!" . . . concessions, "What do 'ya mean you don't like the fudge? Oh . . . which tooth was it?" . . . a victory!! coatcheck, horrors' "But little boy, you MUST have a number!" "Oh, that's your hat s i r - the flat, dirty one on the floor?" . . . Social hour, the Jadesmen . . . and brother Downing . . . "It's a bird, it's a p l a n e . . . no, it's B a t m a n ! " "Get the fly, Rick? Don't swallow it!" "But Rick, you re on the ref s upper plate! "Hocus, Pocus, ball go in." "Andy, Andy, over" "Hot P o t a t o ! ! ! ! ! " "Flyin' High" 35 BA CKSTA GE Organizations . . . "I call this meeting to . . . " gavels, pins, "money making projects, " dues, initiation, parliamentary procedure . . . "The secretary's r e port stands approved as read. Now, may I have the treasurer's report . . . ' "We have a debt on hand of $47.53 . . . however . . . " . . . old business, new business, rescind, lay on the table, committee reports . . . the constitution . . . "Skit group number 6, consisting of . . . ' "I would like to introduce Mr. ugh . . . ugh . . . Mr. . . . " "Our group had 23% . . . " speakers, pledges . . . "The good teacher requires mental vigor . . . " "No, the song is not in the key of b# . . ." "working, slaving, learning, playing . . . "Mike, do you know what would happen if we used a caption like that in the yearbook? . . . " " . . . meeting adjourned by the bell . . . " "And this is our family carabao." "Omigosh. Wha'dIdonow?" "Watch the 9 sharps and we'll take it in a slow 13." Fearless leader "There's no curfew in Europe, either." "Would you believe ... ?" "Carry on, Mate, I've got a stomach ache." Student Council The Student Council is the student representative organization of Wethersfield High School. As stated in its constitution, "the purpose of this council in all its actions shall be to promote the welfare of the school, reflect the views of the student body, encourage co-operation between the faculty and the students, co-ordinate extra-curricular activities, and increase the school spirit. " Members of the council included the President and Student Council Representative of each class and organization, and the secretary of each class . The 42 members of this year's council successfully sponsored the Homecoming events, Christmas turnabout dance, AFS-Week, and numerous other social activities. The council continued to support its main project, the AFS program, and purchased an AFS placque. It also purchased a new record player and decorations for Christmas. The powers of the council are stated in its constitution: "The Student Council derives its power from the school administration and consequently the principal shall have the power to veto any action he feels may be contrary to the school's welfare. The Student Council shall have the power by vote of a simple majority of its members to: 1. Investigate and report on all matters referred to it by the principal, the faculty, or the student body. 2. Make recommendations to the faculty or student body on a point thought to be desirable for the welfare of the school. 3. Make and enforce any rule necessary for the betterment of the school and to carry out the purposes of this organization. " The council was capably led by four officers elected at-large on April 1 by the student body. Mr. Winek was the able and dedicated sponsor for the group. OFFICERS: President--Ray Cruse V. President--Greg Hawkins Secretary--Kathy Hildebrand Treasurer--Mary Beth Price Sponsor--Mr. Winek 38 ROW 1: C. Newman, P. Dustin, S. Harfst, Ma. McNeill, T. Poison, K. Hildebrand, My. McNeill, S. Mower, D. Bradford, J. Fornander. ROW 2: J. Allard, K. Martin, M. Price, N. Truelove, J. Millett, S. Somers, M. Longueville, K. Koehler, P. Gorham, R. Winter, L. Melendez. ROW 3: D. Monceski, R. Allard, M. Downing, B. Camp, K. Johnson, C. Krause, P. Carlson, T. Goodale, G. Hawkins, J. Hodge. ROW 4: D. Crabtree, J. Bowers, M. Newman, M. Nelson, R. Cruse, D. Whisker, S. R. Anderson, T. Koehler, S. Erwin, G. Partridge. •"Wait 'tn you see -what this "We'd be pinned, too, but I'm not a fraternity man yet . . . " 39 wooden nickel does to it, but don't tell!" ' A.F.S. "Walk together, talk together, then ye shall have peace . . . " Since 1958, the American Field Service program has been an integral part of W.H.S. life. Under its auspices, eight foreign students from around the globe have spent memorable years as Senior students at W.H.S. As a member of an American family, each A.F.Ser got a first-hand knowledge of our life. Through summer The most memorable and exciting year of my life began on the 2nd of August, when I boarded the S.S. Ryndam at Southampton, to take me across the English Channel to Rotterdam, then boarded the S.S. Goote Beer for the ten day crossing of the Atlantic and my arrival in New York. My greatest ambition had been realized due to the efforts of the greatest organization in the world . . . A . F . S . Then came the long bus trip to Davenport, and my first meeting with my new family, The Craigs. I must admit that I was scared to even get off the bus, but all my fears were overcome when I was greeted by Earle and Jean Craig, and Mike--the most wonderful and cheerful family I could ever have hoped for, who opened their hearts and home to me, and treated me as their own son, to make my year so happy. I come from England, that 111* ole country from across the sea, and I live in the city of Bristol, population of over 400,000 people, which is situated in the Southwest, about 100 miles south of the capital, Liverpool. My father is the Chief Immigration Officer of Bristol; my mother is one of the many "British Housewives"; and with my two brothers, Jim and John, and my sister, Gillian, we make up the Downing family. Once again, I would like to thank everybody in Kewanee, or should I say Wethersfield, for giving me this wonderful opportunity. This includes the parents, Mr. Winek and the staff, the student body, a truly "bloody fantastic" group of people, and my American family. I cherish the memories, and treasure your friendship. Thank you. Mrs. Craig, "Mum" and I My parents A mate, always, Mike Downing Famous church in Bristol 40 programs seven W.H.Sers have become world travelers. The A . F . S . committee included: Mrs. G. Lundburg, Jr., Mrs. M. Martin, Mr. R. Craig, Mr. A. Monts, Mr. L. McBroom, M. McNeill, Mr. B. Balsis, Mr. F . Brown, Mr. B. Jackson, Mrs. W. Newburn, Mrs. J. Stuch, Mr. R. McNeill, Mrs. F . Hawkins, Mr. L. Craig, Mr. J. Winek, R. Cruse, S. R. Anderson, and C. Tolbert. My float in the parade A "cruise " with friends School Mabuhay sa Philipinas et sa A . F . S . (Long live the Philippines and A . F . S . ) has become my motto after I spent ninety exciting, fun-filled days this past summer in Iloilo, the Philippines. On June 18, I immediately fell in love with the exotic charm and abounding friendliness of this land and its people. I soon realized that of all these 31.5 million Filipinos, A . F . S . had chosen the best family for me--the Severo Pison's. By Philippine standards we have a small family, even with my addition, consisting of my two brothers, and my three sisters. Despite a never-ending battle with the mosquitoes, I dearly loved every moment of my stay. The fun began the day I celebrated my seventeenth birthday with a party and roast pig, a delicacy. Later, standing barefoot in the cool but slimy mud of my father's rice farm, I triumphantly planted a quarter of a rice field and rode a caraboo. Looking on, there were fiesta days in July, for which I was armed with bicarbonate of soda. Among the fiesta activities were the carnival, the coronation of the queen and her princesses, and the highlight for me--riding on the Iloilo City High School's float in the fiesta parade. The climax of my summer was attending school with 4500 other students who radiated the friendliness of all Filipinos. The day of my departure came all to quickly--the saddest day of my summer. Behind I was leaving the land I had learned to call home, many friends and classmates, and most of all my dear family. With me I was taking cherished memories of a perfect summer. Most important, I had made many enduring friendships, which, although they are ten thousand miles away, seem just next door through the international bond that is A . F . S . Sincerely, Marsha Mc Neill My birthday -- family and pig 41 Drum Majorette--Sandy Mumford Band The Instrumental Music Department, headed by Mr. Bickhaus, sponsored the Marching Band, Pep Band, and the Concert Band. The Marching Band, which consisted of 85 members, provided half-time shows at football games, and participated in hometown parades. They received first place in marching competition in Augustana's homecoming parade. The Pep Band, directed by Sandy Mumford, played at all home basketball games. The Concert Band had an enrollment of 95, the largest in the history of our school. The Band presented a Mid-Winter and Spring Concert, was host to Blackhawk Band Festival, participated in the Illinois High School Band Contests, and made its final appearance at commencement excercises. The Concert Band won a Superior Rating in competition five out of the past six years. Marching Band 42 Concert Band ROW 1: L. Robinson, K. Koehler, P. Gorham, P. Powers, My. McNeill, P. Rose, D. Schrey, K. German, Ma. McNeill. ROW 2: B. Eshelman, J. Komp, S. Van Waes, R. Peterson, K. Kreig, L. Bennett, C. Goode, R. Stuffelbeam, B. Tomlinson, C. Clark, P. Newhaller, D. Dykes, S. Giorno, S. Somers, S. Johnson, T. Tucker, T. Cooper, M. Nelson. ROW 3: L Brown, C. Larson, C. Tolbert, M. Donaldson, G. Johnson, D. Johnson, K. Medley, P. Toepke, S. Mumford, D. Craig, B. McCullough; S. Michels, K. Bill, P. Lauterborn, K. Johnson, K. Hildebrand, J. Craig. ROW 4: K. Perkins, D. Wonser, D. Mason, C. Wemple, T. Womble, K. Mower, T. Lovejoy, B. Carlson, D. Greenhagen, T. Goodale, L. Wade, T. Reiff, M. Vigor, D. Seifert, K. Clark, K. Gedville, M. Craig, C. Newman, J. Anderson, C. Schrey, R. Allard, G. Hawkins, N. Hubbard, T. Whited, P. Powers, J. McCullough, P. Hyer, D. McReynolds, J. Allard, J. Murnan. ROW 5: J. Bowers, M. Newman, R. Nicholson, D. Lester, D. Williams, J. Lundberg, M. Longueville, L. Nicholson, Mr. Bickhaus, Director, D. Clark ' -F 43 Band President: Jim Craig Vice-President: Dave Clark Secretary: Pat Gorham Treasurer: Sandy Mumford S.C. Rep.: Cindy Krause Reporter: Marsha McNeill Librarians: Merredith Longueville Linda Robinson 44 Chorus President: Tom Goodale Secretary-Treasurer Barb Camp S.C. Rep.: Bob Allard Reporter: Sandy Mumford Vice-President: Mike Downing 45 Members of chorus must have a good singing voice, hearing, and ability to sight read music. Under the direction of Mrs. Adam Lazar, the various choirs, ensembles, and soloists entertained for school and community activities. The 75 voiced Concert Choir gave a Christmas Cantata and all of the choirs gave a Spring Concert. In the spring they participated in the State Music Contest. Chorus Boys' Choir Concert Choir Girls' Choir Girls' Glee Club "Music often stimulates hand clapping, head scratching, and w h a t e v e r Paul is doing . . . " Boys' Choir ROW 1: J. Allard, D. McReynolds, L. Melendez, B. Conner, G. Hall, R. Jacobs, R. Hamilton, M. DeBlieck, B. Lininger, D. Crabtree, J. Harbour, S. Golden. ROW 2: Mrs. Lazar, D. Crabtree, M. Goodwin, D. Lester, A. J a cobson, M. Downing, J. Harper, K. Cancienne, J. Craig, W. Tomlinson, D. DeBlieck, B. Allard, ROW 3: J. McConnaughy, P. Goodwin, G. Lund, D. Neubert, M. Nelson, D. Seifert, R. Cruse, D. Andris, R. Kull, J. Hampton, T. Whited, J. Bowers. ROW 4: J. Murnan, R. Peterson, B. Green, N. Hubbard, S. Erwin, B. McCullough, F. Reed, S. R. Anderson, T. Koehler, G. Partridge, P. Carlson, T. Goodale, G. Hawkins, D. Craig. Concert Choir ROW 1: S. Lundberg, P. Kiddoo, M. Craig, C. Newman, V. Jacobs, J. Allard, B. Conner, G. Hall, L. Melendez, T. Whited, J. Bowers, B. Lininger, My. McNeill, K. Hildebrand, W. McCracken, C. Fornander. ROW 2: D. Dykes, L. Cantrell, P. Neubert, L. Wade, N. Carlson, C. Ripka, D. DeBlieck, M. Downing, M. Nelson, A. Jacobson, W. Tomlinson, R. Cruse, J. Hampton, R. Allard, J. Komp, V. Adams, C. Goode, K. German, P. Moss, P. Lauterborn. ROW 3: L. Hotz, D. Lewis, K. Gedville, C. Tolbert, J. Motley, S. Harfst, D. Craig, J. Harper, G. 46 Partridge, D. Neubert, D. Seifert, G. Hawkins, P. Carlson, T. Goodale, P. Gorham, K. Koehler, L. Nicholson, Ma. McNeill, Mrs. Lazar. ROW 4: P. Rose, S. Mumford, D. Johnson, C. Huggins, B. Camp, Pam Powers, S. Garrett, J. Murnan, B. Green, N. Hubbard, S. R. Anderson, B. McCullough, R. Peterson, S. Erwin, F. Reed, Pat Powers, S. Somers, K. Medley, L. Robinson, G. Nash, N. Truelove. Girl's Choir ROW 1: S. Lundberg, D. Dykes, M. Craig, D. Reed, R. Popovich, V. Jacobs, D. Wonser, C. Newman, P. O'Donnell, D. Bradford, J. Lind, C. Fornander, D. Goodale, W. McCracken, B. Beard, P. Lauterborn. ROW 2: P. Kiddoo, K. Mower, D. Lewis, P. Neubert, M. Slyter, M. Wilson, C. Ripka, M. Price, P. Newhaller, L. Cantrell, C. Anderson, V. Adams, L. Nicholson, C. Goode, My. McNeill, P. Moss, K. German, G. Grove. ROW 3: Mrs. Lazar, S. Mumford, J. Motley, L. Hotz, K. Gedville, C. Tolbert, N. Carlson, C. Anderson, K. Hildebrand, S. Johnson, C. Larson, P. Dustin, D. Popovich, P. Gorham, S. Somers, N. Truelove, K. Medley, Ma. McNeill, ROW 4: R. Plessouski, C. Huggins, S. Harfst, D. Johnson, K. Weiss, S. Garrett, P. Rose, B. Camp, Pam Powers, Pat Powers, D. Holtschult, K. L'Ecluse, M. Huge, L. Wade, G. Nash, L. Robinson, K. Koehler, K. Bill, J. Komp. 47 F.T.A. The Myrtle E. Nelson Chapter of the Future Teachers of America consisted of 87 members interested in the profession of teaching. The organization's main purpose was to acquaint students with the responsibilities and privileges this profession offers. During the year the FTA observed Future Teachers Week in April and joined the Kewanee club in the making of two banners for the state FTA convention in Rock Island. Some members also attended several Blackhawk district meetings and the FTA workshop at Galva in October. Monthly meetings included guest AFS students who spoke on their schools, the annual Christmas sing with Miss Nelson, discussions by members on scholarships, and a humorous talk by third-grade teacher Miss Warner on her teaching experiences. The group was led by Miss Whitmyer and Miss Brown. Miss Whitmyer and founder, Miss Nelson O 48. President--Marsha McNeill V. President--Jim Lundberg Secretary--Nancy Truelove Treasurer--Mary Beth Price Re porter--Margo Donaldson Parliamentarian--Kris Koehler Historian--Bill Conner S. C. Rep.--Pat Gorham Song Leader--Pam Powers ROW 1: J. Lind, R. Popovich, S. Giorno, P. O'Donnell, W. McCracken, B. Beard, C. Newman, S. Lundberg, D. Dykes, B. Ostlund, K. Hildebrand, P. Lauterborn, ROW 2: Miss Brown, T. Poison, C. Ostlund, Ma. McNeill, K. O'Donnell, S. Mower, My. McNeill, K. Mower, K. Clark, M. Price, L. Wade, M. Slyter, P. Newhaller, K. Bill, Miss Whitmyer, ROW 3: C. Goode, K. German, G. Grove, S. Johnson, N. Carlson, S. Verschage, C. Ripka, K. Gedville, L. Robinson, M. Longueville, J. Motley, N. Truelove, ROW 4: C. Tolbert, L. Hotz, J. Ripka, M. Donaldson, P. Gorham, K. Koehler, S. Somers, C. Huggins, D. Johnson, K. L'Ecluse, P. Thurwanger, K. Weiss. ROW 5: R. Bates, P. Powers, S. Garrett, K. Medley, B. Camp, K. Johnson, P. Powers, D. McReynolds, B. Conner, R. Hamilton, D. Ren, S. Mumford. ROW 6: P. Steimle, D. Clarke, M. Newman, D. Monceski, R. Harlow, D. Craig, P. Goodwin, S. Workman, T. Lovejoy, D. DeBlieck, D. Seifert, M. Downing, G. Partridge. ROW 7: D. Neubert, P. Steimle, J. Murnan, D. Whisker, G. Otley, B. McCullough, P. Carlson, S. R. Anderson, J. Baker, J. Lundberg. 49 French Club The main purpose of La Societe Des Amis Francais, French Club, is to create interest in the French language and culture. To be a member of this local organization one must have taken or be taking French and have a passing grade. The club had 125 members. Programs for French Club were varied. This year they included: 1. Talks by our exchange students. 2. A talk by Carla Tolbert on her European tour with the Youth Band of America. 3. A full length movie, "Gigot, " concerning the life of a deaf-mute, played by Jackie Gleason, in Paris. 4. A dinner planned and prepared by club members using French recipes. 5. A French Club Week when attention was focused on French culture and French Club activities. During the week the organization sponsored a tea for the faculty, sold French doughnuts at noon, and decorated the halls for a French Christmas. The week was highlighted by the annual group Christmas party, an important social event for members only. French Club's rousing participation, making it the largest organization in the school, has evolved from its consistancy of interesting activities and programs, and the dedication of its sponsor, Mrs. Franklin Coplan. "Sainte Nuit ..." 50 OFFICERS Secretary: R. Popovich Treasurer: C. Tolbert S. C. Rep.: K. Koehler Reporter: J. Allard President: P. Carlson V. President: T. Koehler ROW 1: S. Mower, B. McConnaughy, M. McNeill, C. Ostlund, S. Giorno, D. Bradford, R. Popovich, J. Lind. ROW 2: T. Poison, J. Millett, K. Johnson, B. Camp, R. Calhoun, Z. Hampton, N. Leonard, N. Truelove, C. Tolbert, S. Harfst, S. Mumford. ROW 3: Miss Simpson, R. Cruse, R. Allard, J Hampton, P. Carlson, S. Erwin, M. Downing, B. Hyer, D. Andris, G. Partridge, A. Jacobson. ROW 4: T. Goodale, R. Scott, M. Craig, S. R. Anderson, M. Nelson, T. Koehler, D. Williams, P. Steimle. Quill The members of this year's QUILL staff have strived to make our yearbook deserving of the school it represents and pleasing to its students and faculty. A section in color and eight extra pages were added. A new method of soliciting patrons was also instituted. Miss Simpson, patient and industrious sponsor, deserved much credit for the publication, as did the hard working staff and solicitors. The faculty and photographer, Mr. DeVrieze, have also aided in the production by their fine cooperation. Editor: Terry Poison Junior Editors: Sandra Mumford Philip Steimle Business Manager: Karen Johnson Asst. Business Manager: Steve R. Anderson Secretary of the Staff: Susan Giorno Copy Editor: Robert Hyer Picture Editor: Joan Millett Typists: Barb Camp Rhonda Popovich Carol Ostlund Sue Mower Terry Poison S. Mumford, P. Steimle Editor: Barb Camp Junior Editor: Merredith Longueville Special Features: Marsha McNeill Ruth Ann Bates Cassy Ripka Susan Giorno Sandy Garrett Pam Powers Typists: Sue Mower Joan Millett Leanna Bennett Sue Somers Joe Murnan Pat Gorham Carol Ostlund Merredith Longueville Barb Camp Quack The Quack Staff, which was composed of 20 members, had the duty of typing, proofreading, arranging, and assembling our monthly newspaper. It was not an exceptionally large newspaper due to its high cost of publication, but it did contain accounts of school events as they happened and were planned, including sports, parties, gossip, class news, and other extras. The main requirement for staff members was a willingness®) work. ROW 1: K. Gedville, M. Donaldson, M. Longueville, B. Camp, K. Hildebrand, S. Giorno. ROW 2: B. Beard, C. Tolbert, P. Powers, D. Popovich, M. McNeill, M. Price, J. Millett, R. Popovich, C. Ostlund. ROW 3: Ma. McNeill, C. Ripka, S. Somers, K. Johnson, S. Garrett, L. Bennett, R. Bates, L. Robinson, K. Koehler, S. Mower. ROW 4: J. Murnan, J. Lundberg, G. Partridge, S. R. Anderson, M. Nelson, S. Erwin, A. Jacobson, P. Steimle. 53 F.F.A. The Future Farmers of America had 36 members. The primary goal of the organization is the development of agricultural leadership, cooperation, and citizenship. Members must be enrolled in vocational agriculture and have an approved farming program. The FFA actively took part in numerous projects, including contests in parliamentary procedure, judging of soil, meat and milk, livestock and dairy. Mr. Manthe sponsored the group. S. C. Rep--R. Winter Secretary--D. Clark President--T. Koehler V. President--G. Hawkins Reporter--J. Fletcher Treasurer--T. Layman Sentinel--R. Loibl "More peanut-butter on the axel and it'll be like new . . . " ROW 1: J. Dykes, T. Layman, R. Loibl, M Ouart, R. Golden, M. Biggs, K. Dexter, R. Horsley. ROW 2: R. Winter, R. Sturgeon, K. Karau, D. Clarke, R. Winter, J. Fletcher, B. Boardman. ROW 3: R. Peterson, B. Green, I. Biggs, D. Williams, S. Anderson, G. Hawkins, D. Bridgewater, J Craig. ROW 4: J. Manthe, Sponsor, D. Davis, G. Otley, T. Koehler, R. Bennett, T. Otley, M. Craig, R. Kull, D. Andris. 54 ROW 1: D. Bellcour, D. Bradford, B. Beard, W. McCracken, B. McConnaughy, J. Fornander, J. Lind. ROW 2: S. VanWaes, K. O'Donnell, S. Dunbar, J. Motley, L. Cantrell, C. Anderson, D. Schrey, S. Ramsey. ROW 3: Z. Hampton, S. Harfst, J. Brown, C. Slover, B. Strange, R. Calhoun, R. Plessouski, S. Golden. ROW 4: D. Bennett, J. Motley, A. Lowe, P. Hyer, L. Bennett, C. Bengston, R. DeCraene, Miss White, Sponsor. "How was I to know tin-snips would make such a big hole if they slipped?" F.H.A. V. President--P. Hyer President--D. Bradford Secretary--B. Beard Recreation--C. Bengston Pub. Relations--C. Anderson Treasurer--R. DeCraene S. C. Rep.--J. Stallworth (absent) The Future Homemakers of America constantly strived toward their goal by promoting a growing appreciation of the joys and satisfactions of homemaking. Members must presently or previously have been enrolled in home economics above the eighth grade level. The FFA, under the direction of Miss White, p r e pared the Honor Roll Tea, a MotherDaughter Banquet, and a Daddy Date Night. Monthly meetings featured speakers on job opportunities, safety, and the Peace Corps. Library Club Library Club was organized to assist Mrs. Murphy by taking charge of library duties. Each member must serve as a student librarian. During the year they observed National Library Week, visited the public library, had a Christmas party and a spring luncheon. At monthly meetings members reviewed magazines and reference material; guest speakers were also featured. Mrs. Murphy and Miss Kipling sponsored the group. ROW 1: S. Hagan, V. Jacobs, J. Fornander, Mrs. Murphy. ROW 2: P. Toepke, M. Lindstrom, K. Slater, Miss Kipling. ROW 3: J. Orr, J. Ripka, P. Dustin. ROW 4: R. Calhoun, J. Motley, C. Bengston, R. DeCraene. ROW 5: N. Leonard, P. Hyer, L. Bennett. Reporter--Jacki Ripka President--Pat Hyer Secretary--Martha Lindstrom S. C. Rep.--Joye Fornander "And we keep all the Dr. Seuss books here under the window." "Dear Chief Watson: Our drivers' ed books don't say a curfew violation is a misdemeanor. Please return my . . . " President: Joan Millett Treasurer: Zoe Hampton ROW 1: S. Hagen, J. Fornander, K. Hildebrand. ROW 2: S. Harfst, Z. Hampton, J. Millett, Miss Simpson. ROW 3: N. Leonard, D. Johnson, D. Popovich. ROW 4: C. Krause, C. Huggins. ROW 5: K. Koehler, S. Somers. F.S.A. The purpose of F.S.A. is to acquaint the Junior and Senior girls of W.H.S. and K.H.S. with the life of a secretary. This is done through the participation of the ladies in N.S.A., Kewanee secretaries who inform and interest the girls in the life of a secretary. The prerequisite of all members is a C+ average in all commercial subjects. F.S.A. planned a visit to Deere and Company in Moline, a field trip to a business in Kewanee, and an afternoon "on the job" with N.S.A. "big sisters". F.S.A. was sponsored by the commercial teachers of W.H.S. a n d K . H . S . , Miss Simpson and Miss Rimmers. 57 ROW 1: R. Popovich, C. Ripka, C. Covetdill, K. O'Donneli, M. McNeill, T. Polson. ROW 2: N. Truelove, B. Camp, M. Longueville, M. Donaldson, L. Robinson, K. Medley, ROW 3: Mrs. Matson, T. Swinderman, R. Harlow, S. Workman, B. Hyer, M. Downing, M. Nelson. ROW 4: T. Johnson, T. Lovejoy, R. Lindstrom, D. Whisker, J. Lundberg, S. R. Anderson, S. Erwin, G. Partridge. Mu Alpha Theta Mu Alpha Theta, national (honorary) mathematics fraternity was formed to engender keener interest in mathemat ics, to develop sound scholarship in the subject and to promote enjoyment of mathematics among high school and junior college students. High School students who have completed two semesters of algebra and geometry and are enrolled in Algebra II are eligible for full membership pro vided their work in mathematics, as well as in other school subjects and activities, has been done with distinction. The club's activities included speakers, preparation for the annual international math contest, and a picnic. Mrs. Matson capably sponsored the group. President--G. Partridge V. President--T. Johnson Reporter--S. Erwin Sec.-Treas B. Hyer S. C. Rep.--N. Truelove Parliamentarian--B. Camp 58 ROW 1: (Sport Heads) D. Schrey, R. DeCraene, K. Clark, S. Hagen, N. Leonard, S. Harfst. ROW 2: L. Nicholson, P. O'Donnell, S. Giorno, D. Bradford, S. Dunbar, J. Fornander, M. Fornander, J. Lind, V. Jacobs. ROW 3: C. Clarke, D. Wonser, S. Lundberg, S. Van Waes, K. O'Donnell, B. McConnaughy, C. Anderson, D. Mason. ROW 4: C. Anderson, M. Craig, C. Coverdill, A. Lowe, C. Slover, N. Carlson, S. Verschage, M. McNeill, C. Fornander. ROW 5: E. Low, C. Newman, B. Strange, C. Schrey, P. Rose, P. Powers, D. Holtschult, M. Longueville, R. Plessouski, Mrs. Shook, Sponsor. G.A.A. The Girl's Athletic Association of Wethersfield High School is an organization composed of 43 members and dedicated to the purpose of giving girls the opportunity to participate in extra physical education activities. All girls interested in joining this club are re quired to have a heart check by their physician, pay their dues, and earn a minimum of 24 points . GAA met. twice a week after school, and had several yearly projects including a Christmas party, a barbecue held in honor of the officers, and a kick-off picnic in the fall. S.C. Rep.--M. Longueville Rec. Sec.--M. McNeill Corr. Sec.--P. O'Donnell Reporter--S. Giorno V. President--K. O'Donnell President--B. McConnaughy Treas J. Lind 59 ROW 1: J. Craig, R. Allard, Ra. Cruse, M. Craig, A. Jacobson, S. K. Anderson, M. Nelson, M. Newman, D. Layman, J. Hodge, Tim Hamilton. ROW 2: F. Stallworth, J. Dyer, Ro. Cruse, B. Howe, T. Goodale, G. Otley, T. Johnson, M. Jacobson, P. Carlson, D. Whisker. ROW 3: F. Dunn, R. Scott, J. Domzalski, J. Baker, J. Evans, S. R. Anderson, T. Otley, F. Reed, W. Dixon. "W" Club "1001, 1002, 1003 . . . " No "W" Club, our exclusive lettermen's organization, consisted of boys who earned a major letter in either football, basketball, track, or baseball. Most members of the club have proudly displayed their numerals andbig, green "W'"s on their letter jackets--to be admired by parents, younger athletes, and of course, girls. This year's club boasted one four-year letter man, agile Senior Rick Scott. Rick, who participated in all the major sports each of his four years in high school, made all-conference teams on several occasions. Although hampered by a shoulder injury his Senior year, Rick still managed to break the school record by scoring over 1000 points in basketball and earn his letter. He was a valuable asset to our teams and well deserving of the honors heaped upon him. wonder Rick never misses ! 60 Pep Club As the working nucleus of school spirit, the W.H.S. Pep Club produced numerous pep assembly skits and hall posters . The organization sold pep hats and car stickers to offset the cost of varsity cheerleader uniforms and cheerleading clinic. Disorganization, which resulted from the large size of last years' club, was avoided this year by limiting the membership. A committee was also appointed to formulate a constitution. The club was ably led by sponsors, Mrs. Shook and Mr. Bickhaus. President--S. Anderson V. President--M. Downing Secretary--C. Ripka Treas G. Partridge S. C. Rep.--S. Erwin Reporter--J. Allard "We're backin1 you all the way--so come on Geese! Hey, hey! " 6! ACT III Spring . . . Green buds, tiny leaves . . . crocus peeping through the brown chunks of soil . . . slush . . . "traditional" green again . . . a feeling-"I've"got to fly; I've got to go; I've got to run; here I Sim world--off again . . . " Wheeee! "The treeses, birdses, beeses^ and sneezes!" . . . track . . . baseball . . . "Batter up!" . . . Student Council Elections, posters, tags, speeches, nerves, smiles, hidden tears, Congratulations! . . . Student Government Day, trying our wings . . . Prom, oooooo, secrets, dates . . . the night, ooooo . . . perfume, flowers, long gloves, white jackets, glances, dances, Grand March . . . then, Baccalaureate . . . Graduation, "The Oddfellows plaque bears upon it the name . . . ' . . . FAREWELL . . . Fwiflg to graduation! Wethersfield High School "I'll catch her yet!" "And now, the three little bears ... " "What I like's the love scenes!"' Boss loafers, Bob!!! Autographs . . . 64 SCENE I Activities . BASEBALL WHS Galva WHS Manlius 4 4 10 0 7 WHS Wyoming 1 WHS Orion 3 4 WHS Bradford WHS Walnut 4 5 9 4 TRACK WHS Galva 33 1/2 83 1/2 WHS 33 Annawan 92 Elmwood 22 WHS Bradford Manlius 65 1/2 65 1/2 17 ROW 1: M. DeBUeck, B. Allard, R. Hodgett, D. Monceski, J. L. Craig, J. Hodge, R. Hamilton. ROW 2: Coach Sutch, M, Jacobson, R. Davis, J. Domzalski, D. Whisker, F. Reed, D. Crabtree. ROW1:T.Peed,Manager,B. Connor, R. Winter, J. Giorno, J J I Anderson T. Hamilton, D. Layman, M. Newman, J. Craig, Coach Brownfield. ROW 2: P. Roulds, Manager, M. Craig, T. Whited. L. Guthrie, L. Dixon, P. Carlson, R. Smith, J. Cancienne. Row 3: R. Nicholson, T, Koehler, T. Otley, S. R. Anderson, G. Otley, J. McCullough, N. Hubbard, J. Lundberg. "And I just polished my nails!" Is it Yogi or Boo Boo? "And the ladder was this tall, but her window . . . " Junior Class Play . . . RALLY ROUND THE FLAG, BOTS "Maybe a missile base in Putnam's Landing wasn't such a bad idea; after all, Grace got her actors, Betty got her garbage disposal, Prudence made a nice profit and . . . 'WHOOSH' what was that?" PLAY CAST Jim L. Craig Jim Lundberg Rich Lindstrom Merredith Longueville Steve Workman Joe Murnan Phil Goodwin Kris Koehler Doug Whisker David Clark Cheryl Coverdill Tom Love joy Mary Lou Wilson Doreen Popovich Gloria Nash Kathy Hildebrand Kathy Gedville Margo Donaldson Jim Baker Becky Green Art Witte Susie Verschage Dudley Lester Todd Swinderman Rick Hamilton Danny Monceski Director: Miss Beck Moosejaw dejprjgssing? Wait 'til you get there! He has poise 'n grace! "I'll take my ring back now, Guido." "Let's get this straight, Harry." Our own Gomer Pyle! II Where's the stag line? Keep your fingers in step, Joe They sure don't dance like they used to! Hey fellas, got holes in your socks? Where's your harem, Frank? Junior-Senior Prom & Banquet SCHEHERAZADE "And the night shall be filled with music, And the cares, that infest the day, Shall fold their tents, like the Arabs, And silently steal away . . . " "We are the gals the fellas go for . • " SCENE II Concerts . . . Superiors for Band & Choruses/ BAND CHORUS Prelude & Fugue in F Minor Concert Choir: Blessed Be God World Hymn Girls Choir: The Water is Wide With a Voice of Singing Boys' Choir: Down in the Valley The Shepherd is the Lord Most High Niagara Overture Block M March How did you get lipstick there, Frank? B "Hey, Sue, everyone else's lookin' the other way! " I But, I don't see any man in your hair! ? Chorus Arion Award: M. McNeill; Director's Trophy: B. Allard, P. Carlson, M. Nelson, D. Neubert. Band Arion Award: C. Tolbert; Director's Trophy: D. Williams. CLIMAX! Graduation June 2, 1966 Class Flower: Rose Class Colors: Red and Silver Class Motto: "The road called toil leads to the city called success. " S. Harfst: "Goals & Desires" C. Ostlund: "Preparation & Effort" T. Poison: "Disappointment, Sacrifice, Perseverance" M. McNeill: "Love & Understanding" 1 Happiness is winning an award. Happiness is being a part of the great class of '66. VI I Happiness is knowing your robe is zipped. \ Happiness is seeing a friend. Happiness is being in step. Happiness is not tripping. Happiness is a signed diploma . VII IN APPRECIA TION MRS. ALLENE WHITMYER CANN--Life member N.E.A. . . . Attended N.E.A. conventions at Boston, Atlantic City, Seattle, New York City . . Past President: Kewanee BPW, Omega Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, Henry County Women Educators, Blackhawk Division of IEA . . . Sponsor: Senior Class, F.T.A., National Honor Society . . . Recipient: Freedom Foundation Award, 1964. MISS LUCY WHITE--Member: Illinois Vocational Homemaking Teachers 1 Association, Delta Kappa Gamma, Henry County Women Educators, N.E.A., I.E.A., AVA, IVA . . . Sponsor: F.H.A., encouraged: 33 girls to earn highest state homemaking award, many Section 10 awards . . . 24 student teachers . . . Home Ec department one of five in Illinois visited by representative of U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare in 1954. SENIOR HONORS AND A WARDS DAR-- Citizenship Terry Poison SAR-- Citizenship Bob Allard BPW-- Businesswoman Zoe Hampton NSA-- Secretary Joan Millett KACI- -Agriculture Tom Koehler J. C. ETTES--Teacher Rhonda Popovich WOMEN'S CLUB--Homemaker Sue Harfst ELKS--Athletics Rick Scott LION'S CLUB--Scholarship Steve R. Anderson, Marsha McNeill, Terry Poison ARION - -Musicianship Band: Carla Tolbert Chorus: Marsha McNeill DIRECTOR'S TROPHY--Service Band: Dave Williams Chorus: Bob Allard, Paul Carlson, Mike Nelson, Dan Neubert ROTARY --Higher Education Carol Ostlund (first alternate) DANFORTH - -Leadership Karen Johnson, Tom Koehler SAA--Academic Achievement Barb Camp, Marsha McNeill, Carol Ostlund, Terry Poison Rhonda Popovich, Nancy Truelove SALUTATORIAN CO-VALEDICTORIANS HONOR STUDENT Carol Ostlund Terry Poison Sue Harfst Marsha McNeill VIII Autographs . . . CURTAIN CALL MI Our Cast . . . . . . Our cast . . . costume changes completed . . . make-up smeared . . . lines learned, missed . . . friends, lovers, companions, "sports," the "gang". . . my buddy . . . "Mother, this is . . . ' . . . " Smile when you say that!" ' . . . ' you ain't wrong!" . . . "Oh, you know!" . . . "Hey, baby-cakes!" . . . "Didyou hear about Tom and . . . " . . . "Yes, Dad, it was hard to lose my report card on the way home. No, Dad . . . ' . . . "Please, just ONE more advance on my allowance . . . " . . . Smiles, tears, cheers, jests . . . our cast . . . a bow . . . "I'm glad for that information, Mike . . . " "D-e-a-r S-a-n-t-a, p-l-e-a-s-e" '"ave 'ouever 'ad 'peanut-butter 'uck 'oo the end of 'our tongue?" "No ameba is that funny, or are you farther in the book?" 66 "Worm Out Of This One, Trojans!" SENIORS. . . Leading Men and Women President--Mike Nelson Vice President--Karen Johnson Secretary--Joan Millett Treasurer--Nancy Truelove S.C. Representative--Gerald Partridge Reporter --Sue Mower Cabinet--Kendra Medley Steve R. Anderson Art Jacobson Terry Poison Paul Carlson 67 Sponsors -- Miss Whitmyer Miss Beck Mr. Foster Mr. Balsis Most Mischievous: Steve Romanek Karen Johnson Most Co-Operative: Barb Camp Jim Hampton WHO'S WHO IN THE Most Athletic: Karen Johnson, Rick Scott Most Popular: Ray Cruse Nancy Truelove Brainiest: Terry Polson Steve R. Anderson 68 Best Dressed: Diane Packee Tom Goodale SENIOR CLASS Best ALL AROUND: Nancy Truelove, Mike Nelson, Jean Millett, Bob Allard Quietest: Kathy O'Donnell, Dan Neubert Most Talented: Tom Goodale Carla Tolbert Bob Allard 69 Most Likely to Succeed: Bob Hyer, Paul Carlson, Terry Poison '66 ROBERT ALLARD DAN ANDRIS CHERYL ANDERSON STEVEN K. ANDERSON STEVEN R. ANDERSON RICHARD BENNETT DEBORAH BLAUVELT ROBERT BOARD MAN DEVON BRADFORD ROCQUELINE CALHOUN ROBERT CAMBRON BARBARA CAMP 70 PAUL CARLSON TERRY COOPER MICHAEL CRAIG RAYMOND CRUSE WALTER DIXON MICHAEL DOWNING FRANK DUNN JOHN DYKES STEPHEN ERWIN JOHN EVANS SUSAN GIORNO THOMAS GOODALE 71 '66 JAMES HAMPTON ZOE HAMPTON SUE HARFST SUSAN HARTHON BERNARD HOWE ROBERT HYER ARTHUR JACOBSON KAREN JOHNSON THOMAS KOEHLER THOMAS LAYMAN NANCY LEONARD JANET LIND ; 72 • / BETH McCONNAUGHY MARSHA McNEILL KENDRA MEDLEY JOAN MILLETT JANET MOTLEY SUSAN MOWER MICHAEL NELSON DAN NEUBERT KATHLEEN O'DONNELL CAROL OSTLUND DIANE PACKEE GERALD PARTRIDGE 73 '66 TERRY POLSON RHONDA POPOVICH SUSAN RAMSEY DONNA REED THOMAS REIFF RICHARD SCOTT KAY SLATER MICHAEL STEIMLE CARLA TOLBERT Absent: NANCY TRUELOVE DAVID WILLIAMS LEROY BLANKS MARTHA REED STEVE ROMANEK 74 SENIOR A CTIVITIES . . . Many Roles . . . BOB ALLARD: Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Play 3,4; Class Vice President 2, President 3; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Band 1,2, 3, 4; Quill 4; Quack 2; W Club 3, 4; Pep Club 1,2,3. ROCKY CALHOUN: Class Play 4; Quill 4; F.H.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3; Library Club 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2 , 3 , 4 . BOB CAMBRON: F . F . A . 3. BARB CAMP: Class Play 3, 4; Class Cabinet 3; Student Council 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3, Secretary-Treasurer 4; Quill 4; Quack 1,2, Editor 3,4; F . T . A . 2,3,4; French Club 2, Cabinet 3, 4; Mu Alpha Theta 2,3, Parliamentarian 4; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Transferred from Galesburg 2. CHERYL ANDERSON: Class Play 4; Chorus 1,2,3, 4; Quill 4; F.H. A. 1,2; G.A.A. 1,4; French Club 3, 4; Transferred from Galva 3. STEVE K. ANDERSON: Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3; Class Play 3; Chorus 1, 2; F . F . A . 1,2; W Club 3,4; Pep Club 1, 2,3. PAUL CARLSON: Football 3, 4; Basketball 3; Track 2; Class Play 3, 4; Student Council 4; Band 1, 2, 3; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Quill 4; F . T . A . 4; French Club 3, President 4; Transferred from Thornton 2. STEVE R. ANDERSON: Football manager 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Play 3, 4; Class S.C. Rep. 1; Cabinet 4; Student Council 1, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Quill 3, 4; Quack 2, 3, 4; F . T . A . 1, Parliamentarian 2, Vice President 3, 4; W Club 2, 3,4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Mu Alpha Theta 2, Vice President 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, President 4. TERRY COOPER: Basketball 1, 2; Band 1,2,3,4. MIKE CRAIG: Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3; Baseball 4; Class Play 4; W Club 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2,3,4. DAN ANDRIS: Football 3; Basketball 1, 2; Class Play 4; Chorus 1,2,3; F . F . A . 2,4; Pep Club 1,2,3. RAY CRUSE: Football 1,2,3, T r i Captain 4; Track 1; Basketball 1; Class Play 3,4; Class President 2; Student Council 2, President 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Quill 4; W Club 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, Vice President 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 2. RICHARD BENNETT: Class Play 3; F . F . A . 4. LEROY BLANKS: Basketball 2; Track 1, 2; French Club 2. DEBBIE BLAUVELT: F.H.A. 1,2; G.A.A. 1; Transferred from Kewanee 2. WALTER DIXON: Football 1,2, Manager 3,4; Basketball 1, 2, Manager 3; Track 2, 3; Chorus 3; Quill 4; Quack 2; W Club 2, 3, 4; French Club 2; Pep Club 1,2,3. BOB BOARDMAN: Class Play 3, 4; Basketball 1; Track 2; French Club 2; Pep Club 1,2. MIKE DOWNING: Basketball 4; Baseball 4; Class Play 4; A . F . S . Student from England 4; Student Council 4; Chorus Vice President 4; Quack 4; F . T . A . 4; Mu Alpha Theta 4; Pep Club, Vice President 4. DEVON BRADFORD: Class Play 3; Student Council 4; Chorus 1,4; Quill 4; Quack 3; F . T . A . 1,2; F.H.A. 1,2, Public Relations 3, President 4; G.A.A. 4; Pep Club 1. 75 Beekie P. Steve R. A. Tom G. Mike N. Jim H. Ray C. SENIOR A CTIVITIES . . . Many Roles . . . FRANK DUNN: Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Track 1, 2, 3; Quack 2; W Club 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3; Pep Club 1,2. Pep Club 1,2,3; Transferred from Westmer 2. SUSAN HARTHON: Class Play 3; Student Council 3; Chorus 1, 2, 3; Quack 2, 3; F . T . A . 1,2,3; G.A.A. 1; French Club 1, 2, 3; Mu Alpha Theta 2, 3, 4; Library Club 2, District Secretary 3; Transferred to Peoria 4. JOHN DYKES: Basketball 1; F . F . A . 3, 4. STEVE ERWIN: Track 1,3; Class Play 3, 4; Student Council 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Quill 4; W Club 1; Mu Alpha Theta 3, 4; Pep Club 1,2,4. BERNIE HOWE: Football 1,2; Track 1, 2; W Club 3, 4; Pep Club 2, 3; Science Club 3. JOHN EVANS: Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3; W Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3. SUSAN GIORNO: Class Play 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2; Quill 4; Quack 3, 4; G.A.A. 3, Reporter 4; Pep Club 2,3,4; F . T . A . 3,4. BOB HYER: Football 1,2,3; Class Play 3, 4; Class Vice President 3; Chorus 1, 2, 3; Quill 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Mu Alpha Theta 3, Secretary-Treasurer 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Pep Club 1, 2,3,4. TOM GOODALE: Football 1, 2, 3, T r i Captain 4; Basketball 1, 2; Track 1, 3, 4; Class Play 3,4; Class President 1; Class Cabinet 3; Student Council 1,3,4; Chorus 1,2, S.C. Rep. 3, President 4; Quill 4; W Club 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4. ART JACOBSON: Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Track 3; Baseball 1, 3; Class Play 3, 4; Class Cabinet 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Quill 4; W Club 3, 4; French Club 3,4; Pep Club 3. ZOE HAMPTON: Class Play 4; Chorus 1; Quill 4; F.H.A. 4; F.S.A. 3, T r e a s urer 4; Transferred from Waterloo 2. KAREN JOHNSON: Cheerleader 4; Class Play 3,4; Class Vice President 4; Student Council 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1,2; Quill 4; Quack 3,4; F.H.A. 1,2; French Club 3, 4; Library Club 1, 2; F.S.A. 3; Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Transferred from Somonauk 3. SUZI HARFST: Class Play 3, 4; Student Council 3; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Quill 4; F.H.A. 1,2, President 3, Section 10 Treasurer 4; G.A.A. 3, 4; F.S.A. 4; TOM KOEHLER: Class Play 4; Student Council 4; Chorus 1,4; F . F . A . 1,2, Secretary 3, President 4; French Club 2, 3, Vice President 4; Pep Club 3. JIM HAMPTON: Football 1; Basketball 1, 2; Class Cabinet 3; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1,3. 76 TOM LAYMAN: Class Play 3; F . F . A . 1,2, Sentinel 3, Treasurer 4. F . T . A . 3,4; F.H.A. 4; Pep Club 1,2. SUE MOWER: Class Play porter 4; Student Council Quill 4; Quack 4; F . T . A . Club 1, 3, 4; French Club NANCY LEONARD: Student Council 3; Chorus 1,2; Quill 4; G.A.A. 1; Reporter and Representative 3; Library Club 3,4; Pep Club 1,2,3. MIKE NELSON: Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Track 3; Baseball 4; Class Play 3,4; Class S.C. Rep. 2, Treasurer 3, President 4; Student Council 2, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; W Club 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Mu Alpha Theta 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3. JANET LIND: Class Play 3, 4; Chorus 1,2,3,4; Quill 4; F . T . A . 3,4; F.H.A. 4; G.A.A. 1,3, Treasurer 4. BETH McCONNAUGHY: Class Play 3, 4; Quill 4; F.H.A. 4; G.A.A. 3, President 4; Pep Club 2, 3; Transferred from Bridgeport 2. DAN NEUBERT: Football 3; Basketball 1,2; Track 2; Baseball 1; Class Play 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; F . T . A . 2, 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Pep Club 3. MARSHA McNEILL: Class Play 3, 4; A . F . S . Student to Philippines 3; Student Council 4; Band 1, 2, 3, Reporter 4; Chorus 1, 3, 4; Quill 4; Quack 1, 2, 3, 4; F . T . A . 1, Reporter 2,3, President 4; G.A.A. Reporter 1, Treasurer 3, Secretary 4; Mu Alpha Theta 2, 3, 4; Library Club 1; National Honor Society 3,4; Pep Club 1,2, 3, 4. KATHY O'DONNELL: Class Play 3, 4; Chorus 1,2, 3; Quill 4; F . T . A . 1,2,3, 4; F.H.A. 1,2, Treasurer 3,4; G.A.A. 1, 3, Vice President 4; Mu Alpha Theta 3,4; Pep Club 1,2,3. KENDRA MEDLEY: Class Play 3,4; Class Secretary 3, Cabinet 4; Homecoming Court 3; Student Council 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 4; Quill 4; Quack 3, 4; G.A.A., Secretary 3; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Mu Alpha Theta 3,4; Pep Club 1,2,3,4; F . T . A . 2,3,4. CAROL OSTLUND: Class Play 4; Quill 4; Quack 4; F . T . A . 4; G.A.A. 2; French Club 3, 4; Library Club 2; Pep Club 4; Transferred from Galesburg 4. DIANE PACKEE: Class Play 3; F.H.A. 1,2,3. JOAN MIL LETT: Class Play 3,4; Class Reporter 1, Secretary 4; Homecoming Court 4; Studei.t Council 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3; Quill 4; Quack 1, 3; French Club 1, 2, 3,4; F.S.A. 3, President 4; Pep Club 1, 4. BEEKIE PARTRIDGE: Basketball 1,2, Baseball 1; Class Play 3, 4; Class Vice President 1, Reporter 3, Representative 4; Student Council 4; Chorus 1, 4; Quill 4; Quack 2, 3; F . T . A . 1,4; French Club 1, Reporter 2, 4; Mu Alpha Theta 3, President 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 4; Science Club 2. JANET MOTLEY: Class Play 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Quill 4; Quack 3, 4; Terry P Rhonda P. 4; Class Re4; Chorus 1; 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep 1, 2, 3, 4. Carla T. Kendra M. 77 Joan M. Marsha M. TERRY POLSON: Class Play 3, 4; Class Reporter 2, Cabinet 4; Student Council 3, 4; Band 1, 2; Chorus 1, 2, 3; Quill 3, Editor 4; Quack 1,2,3; F . T . A . 1, Song Leader 2,3,4; G.A.A. 1; French Club, Cabinet 3, 4; Mu Alpha Theta 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2,3,4. RICK SCOTT: Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 4; Class Play 3; W Club 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3; Science Club 2. KAY SLATER: F.H.A. 1; G.A.A. 1,4; Library Club 3,4. MIKE STEIMLE: Basketball 2; Class Play 3,4; Chorus 1,2. RHONDA POPOVICH: Class Play 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Quill 4; Quack 3, 4; F . T . A . 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, Secretary 4; Mu Alpha Theta 2, Parliamentarian 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4. CARLA TOLBERT: Cheerleader 3, 4; Class Play 3,4; Student Council 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 3, 4; Quill 4; Quack 1,2,3, 4; F . T . A . 1,2, Historian 3, 4; French Club 1,2, S.C. Rep. 3, Treasurer 4; Pep Club 1,2, 3,4. SUSAN RAMSEY: Chorus 1; F.H.A. 3. DONNA REED: Class Play 3; Chorus 1, 2, 4; F . H. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Transferred from Toulon 4. NANCY TRUE LOVE: Cheerleader 1, 3; Class Play 4; Class Secretary 1,2, S.C. Rep. 3, Treasurer 4; Homecoming Court 1, Queen 4; Student Council 1,2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, Secretary 2, 4; Quack 3; F . T . A . 1,2,3, Secretary 4; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Mu Alpha Theta 2, Reporter 3, S.C. Rep. 4; Pep Club 1,2,3,4. MARTHA REED: Chorus 1; French Club 1, Secretary 2, 3, 4; Mu Alpha Theta 2, 3,4; Quill 4. TOM REIFF: Basketball 1, 2, 4; Class Play 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1. STEVE ROMANEK: Basketball 2; Baseball 2, 3; W Club 2, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3. DAVE WILLIAMS: Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Quill 4; F . F . A . 4; Pep Club 1,2. Football, Grown from }59 Left to Right: J. Hampton, J. Verstraete, S. K. Anderson, W. Dixon, F. Dunn, R. Scott, J. Evans. 78 "Let's Stage a Victory, Coach!" JUNIORS. . . Character Parts President--Doug Whisker Vice President--Todd Swinderman Secretary--Kris Koehler Treasurer--Sue Somers S.C. Representative--Danny Monceski Reporter--Kris Koehler Cabinet--Greg Hawkins Kathy Hildebrand Jim L. Craig Jim W. Craig Sandra Mumford Sponsors--Mrs. Matson Mrs. Schueneman Mr. Manthe Mr. Mursener 79 '67 Juniors P. Begyn L. Bennett L. Cantrell R. Cantwell L. Anderson J. Baker L. Barnett R. Bates B. Beard W. Carlson D. Clarke C. Coverdill D. Craig J. L. Craig J. W. Craig J. Crist R. Cruse D. Davis P. DeRyeke \ J. Dexter M . Donaldson S. Dunbar J. Dyer J. Fornander K. Gedville R. Golden P. Goodwin P. Gorham R. Green R. Green D. Greenhagen S. Hagen R. Hamilton R. Harlow J. Harper G. Hawkins K. Hildebrand M. Huge C. Huggins P. Hyer '67 . . . Juniors R. Jacobs M. Jacobsen D. Johnson G. Johnson T. Johnson K. C. R. L. D. Koehler Krause Kull Lempke Lester R. Iindstrom M. Longueville T. Lovejoy E. Lowe J. Lundberg 82 R. Lyle J. McCullough D. Monceski J. Motley S. J. G. P. Mumford Murnan Nash Neubert R. Nicholson J. Nyert D. Popovich P. Powers M. Price D. Ren C. Ripka L. Robinson J. Rose C. Schrey D. Shepard S. Somers F. Stallworth J. Stallworth p. Steimle 83 R. Sturgeon T. Swinderman T. Tucker S. Verschage B. Vigor D. Whisker M. Wilson R. Winter A. Witte S. Workman ROW 1: R. Kolsrud, J. Domzalski, T. Hamilton, M. Craig, J. Hodge, D. Layman, L. Morris, K. Cancience, J. Hamilton, J. Dunn; J. Baker. ROW 2: R. Golden, R. Winter, D. Monceski, S. Workman, B. Jacobs, R. Hamilton, J. Craig, D. Mosely, L. Dixon, P. Brinker. ROW 3: G. Partridge, T. Lovejoy, M. Jacobson, D. Lester, J. Nyert, R. Kull, J. Lundburg, T. Johnson, B. Green, D. Whisker, G. Johnson, J. Pratt, Coach Brownfield. ROW 4: Coach Carlson, S. Anderson, B. Hyer, M. Craig, D. Williams, T. Goodale, W. Hamrick, J. Hampton, R. Cruse, R. Scott, J. Evans, F. Dunn, J. McCullough, A. Jacobson, D. Neubert. 1961—JR-HIGH CONFERENCE CHAMPS ROW 1: D. Johnson, C. Tolbert, N. Truelove, N. Roewert, K. Koehler, R. Cruse. ROW 2: S. Workman, R. Hamilton, J. Craig, J. Dykes. ROW 3: T. Goodale, B. Omanson, D. Andris, P. Grieve, M. Craig, G. Partridge, S. Anderson, K. Freeburg, J. Nyert, R. Harlow, L. Morris. ROW 4: M. Nelson, Coach Carlson, J. Baker, J. Hampton, F. Dunn, J. Evans, R. Scott, P. DeRycke, D. Whisker, Coach Brownfield. 84 "Let's Mow 'Em Down!" SOPHOMORES. . . Supporting Actors President - -Merwyn Newman Vice President--Jim Hodge Secretary--Myrna McNeill Treasurer--Jim. Allard S.C. Representative--Jerry Bowers Reporter--Frank Reed Cabinet--Kathy Clark Tom Otley Don Layman Kathy Perkins Randy Winter Sponsors— Miss Simpson Mrs. Coplar Mr. Gren 85 '68... Sophomores D. DeBlieck R. DeCraene L. Dixon D. Domingez J. Domzalski J. Allard C. Bengtson J. Biggs K. Bill C. Blanks F. Blanks O. Blanks B. Boardman J. Bowers P. Brinker S. Brown K. Cancienne J. Cancienne K. Clark B. Conner D. Crabtree M. Craig R. Davis 86 T. Dunn D. Dykes J. Fletcher S. Garrett C. G. L. T. Goode Grier Guthtie Hamilton J. Hodge R. Hodgett D. Holtschult S. Kennaugh P. Lauterborn D. Layman K. L'Ecluse M. Iindstrom R. Loibl J. McConnaughy W. McCracken B. McCullough M. McNeill D. McReynolds K. Mower P. Newhaller M. Newman P. O'Donnell J- Orr B. Ostlund G. Otley 87 T. Otley K. Perkins R. Peterson R. Plessouski F. Reed R. Roulds D. C. D. M. R. K. Schrey Scott Seifert Slyter Smith Snider '68 OPENING NIGHTS . . . AND DAYS 1965-1966 Sept. 1 Sept. 3 Oct. 2 Nov. 23 Dec. 18 Dec. 28 Feb. 12 Mar. 24 Mar. 29 Mar. end Apr. 6 May 14 May 29 June 2 First Day of School Freshmen-Senior Party Homecoming Senior Class Play Turnabout W.H.S. Holiday Tourney Midwinter Formal All-Sports Banquet Blackhawk Band Festival Junior Class Play Student Government Day Junior-Senior Prom Baccalaureate Graduation Dianne G., the Jr. girls don't think Tom's that bad! B. Strange R. Stufflebeam P. Thurwanger W. Tomlinson S. VanWaes J. VerShaw M. Vigor L. Wade K. Weiss R- Winter B. White Merwyn had curly hair even when he was in kindergarten! (Sing along with K. Mower, C. Tolbert, P. Kiddo). How'd it get so big, Karen? 88 "A Go-Go for Victory" FRESHMEN. . . Understudies President--Kevin Martin Vice President--Denny Crabtree Secretary--Cindy Newman Treasurer--Peggy Dustin S.C. Representative--Louis Melendez Reporter --Steve Michaels Cabinet--Naomi Carlson Steve Ewing Kris German Tim Whited 89 Sponsors— Mrs. Shook Miss Kipling Mr. Sutch '69... Freshmen V. Adams J. Anderson J. Barnfield D. Bellcour D. Bennett I. Biggs M. Biggs G. Blanks D. Bridgewater L. Brown N. Carlson C.Clarke K. Coverdill D. Crabtree J. W. Craig K. Craig M. Craig M. DeBlieck K. Dexter J. Dunn P. Dustin B. Eshelman S. Ewing G. Fargher 90 C. Fornander M. Fornander K. German J. Giorno S. Golden S. Golden D. Goodale M. Goodwin G. Grove G. Hall J. Harbour R. Harland R. Hersley L. Hotz N. Hubbard R. Jacobs V. Jacobs K. Jacobson S. Johnson K. Karau P. Kiddoo J. Komp K. Krieg M. Landwehr C. Larson D. Lewis W. Iininger A. Lowe 91 G. Lund S. Lundberg K. Martin D. Mason L. Melendez S. Michels D. Millin P. Moss C. Newman L. Nicholson C. Nosal M. Quart T. Peed P. Powers J. Ripka P. Rose p. Roulds C. Slover '69... Freshmen P. Steimle W. Swanson H. Truitt L. Tucker P. Toepke Absent: Da. Crabtree IN THE WINGS . . . 8th Grade '70 92 C. Wemple T. Whited T. Womble D. Wonser Bus Drivers: Mrs. Paxton, Mr. Golden, Mr. Lindsrom, Mr. Clarke. Nurse: Mrs. Snider. SCHOOL PERSONNEL . . . Custodians: Mr. Cain, Mr. Carlson, Mr. Golden, (absent: Mr. Libby). Stagehands Cafeteria Staff: Mrs. Crockett, Mrs. Hylton, Mrs. Kindle, Mrs. DeCraene, Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. Moon, Mrs. Mahaffey. 1/4 Page: A & W, S. Tenny Adam's Appliance Store Allen's Drive-In Anderson's Jewelry Store Berlin Machine Shop Dr. Beyerle Bill's Auto Repair Black's & Fletcher's V & S Hdw. Blake's Bootery Bradford, Richard, Vigortone Prod. Carlson's Grocery Carlson's Roofing Co. Carpenter's Grocery Cavanaugh and Schuenaman City Furniture and Rug Co. Clark's Super 100 Crystal Shop Dairy Queen, S. Tenny Debonair Beauty Salon Demmler Manufacturing Draminski's Groceries Dura Bowl Elliot, Ken, Northwestern Mutual Engel's Typewriter Co. Family Shoe Outlet Farmer's Elevator Farmer's Implement Fred's Eastlawn Mkt. Garnett's Beauty Salon George's Locker Gerwig's Glad Hats Dr. Golden Golden Brothers Trucking Goodyear Gustafson's Paint Store Henry Brothers' Shoe Store Hernblom & Vandemore Hill, Harold Hillside Florist Huggin's Agency J-Ray, Inc. Johnson & Cooper Standard Service Juanita's for Beauty June Mel-O-Dee Kewanee Posting Service Kewanee Service Laundry Kir ley & Son's Knepp's Kresge's L'Ecluse Grocery Lake Street Floral McBroom Motor Co. McNabb Drug Store Mechanical Insulation From a Friend Jim Milne's Auto Service Dr. Montgomery 94 OUR PATRONS, Also Deserving of Applause . . . / Page: DeVrieze Studios Hyster Company Jager and Dahm Insurance Machinery and Conveyor McConnaughy, Edward J. McNeill Asphalt Co. Ouart's Auto Repair Sandy's of Kewanee Walworth Co. 1/2 Page: Advanced Metalworking Co. Bill's T.V. Service Breedlove's Sporting Goods Brown, Fred Craig, Roland Di-Lor Greenhouses G & L 66 Service Guzzardo's News Agency Jerry & Harry's Shell Service Kewanee Beauty Supply Kewanee Music Shop Lauterborn's Buick-Pontiac Lee's Smart Wear Neff Custom Photography Novak Cleaners R & M Vending Service Ratliff Bros. Ruby Mercantile Sears, Roebuck, and Co. Star-Courier Thede Co. Wilkinson's Office Supplies Workman Agency Zarvell Bakery Morley's Feed Service Moss Electric Co. Murphy's Book Store Gene Newman's Excavating Nixon Kewanee Electric Puskar, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Puskar Barber Shop Dr. Quagliano Rashid's, Al Rasid's, Tom, Superette Redebaugh, K. C. Rose Brady Millinery Schmidt & Grice Insurance Schneider & Jensen Contractors Sherwin-Williams Paint & Wallpaper Strand's Welding Service Dr. Swain Taylor & Son's Tharp's Shell Service Thermogas Co. Twinkle Beauty School Van de Voorde, C. L. Distributors Watkins Quality Products Westinghouse Laundramat Wyoming Packing Co. Yellow Cab Co. Young, Gregg A. Dr. Younglove ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: American Yearbook Company, Hannibal, Mo. Devrieze Studio, Kewanee, Illinois Tichenor Studio, Peoria, Illinois Star Courier, Kewanee, Illinois 95 The curtain slowly closes . . . The play, "Our Year", has ended, but . . . new plays will soon take its place. The actors will assume new roles, but . . . they shall never be one cast again . . . Wethersfield forever, Long live her name. Fight on to glory, Victory, and fame. Wave the brilliant banner For all to see. Fight Green and White For a victory! Wether sfield forever, Honor we bring. Raise high your voices, Loud her praises sing. Long may we adore thee, Wether sfield High. Proud of our school As the years go by! 96 KEWANEE PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT