Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 1
Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 A A. Tilton & Son Carpenters and contractors, 4 Wood St (ad), 11/11/1954:3 A&P Supermarket Weekly sales (ad), 01/13/1950:4 Abair, Elva Young Son born, 01/15/1953:7 Abair, Warren Son born, 01/15/1953:7 Plumbing and heating (ad), 09/23/1954:2 Abbott, Mrs Samuel Resides in Radford, VT, 08/09/1951:5 Abduction Antone Silvia charged with abduction and theft, 07/22/1954:1 Antone Silvia held for grand jury, 07/29/1954:1 Abele, A. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Abele, Anele Neveresky Daughter born, 07/30/1953:5 Abele, Arthur Sells Bedford St house to Leo LaPierre, 01/20/1950:11 Daughter born, 07/30/1953:5 Abele, Arthur T. Seafood, home deliveries (ad), 02/04/1954:3 Abele, Arthur Thomas Selectmen approve character for pedlar's license, 12/31/1953:4 Abele, Catherine Eaton Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Aberdeen Braes Farm Elected to National Angus Association, 01/22/1953:8 Abortion Paul Cobb case sent to grand jury, 02/28/1952:10 Abramson, Charles Son born, 08/21/1952:5 Abramson, Charles L. Comeau and Nyberg injured in collision at Oak and High St, 06/05/1952:12 Abramson, Margaret Darling Son born, 08/21/1952:5 Abren, Frances Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Abren, Manual And Philip Falconieri new owners of The Fruit Outlet (p), 05/13/1954:8 Abren, Manuel The Fruit Outlet has holiday fruits and vegetables in abundance, 11/11/1954:8 Abren, Manuel "Mac" Bessie Maleski and Dimmie Dascoulias sell The Fruit Outlet to Abren and Phillip Falconeiri, 04/29/1954:1 Abren, Manuel O. Son born, 09/29/1950:7 Abren, Mary Philip Falconieri and Manuel Abren new owners of The Fruit Outlet (p), 05/13/1954:8 Abren, Mary A. Morrone Son born, 09/29/1950:7 Abreu, Alfred C. Purchases Arch St property from Marjorie Place, 03/05/1953:4 Abreu, Charlotte Judge hears evidence in family row, 07/16/1953:10 Absent Without Leave (AWOL) Donald Merwin Demers reported straggler from USS Wright, 05/03/1951:7 George Norris arrested and held for Army, 10/23/1952:9 A.C. Cosseboom Co. Foster Jackson proprietor of A.C. Cosseboom blacksmith shop (p), 07/15/1954:6 Accidents. see also Bicycles and Bicycling - Accidents; Burns and Scalds; Drowning; Explosives and Explosions; Falls (accidents); Firearms Accidents; Industrial Accidents; Traffic Accidents Sewage worker, Romeo Ouellette, nearly loses life, 01/20/1950:1 James Patterson suffers axe wound in forehead, 02/10/1950:6 Warren Wilson cuts foot with axe, 02/10/1950:6 Accidents continued Mary Roberts' finger crushed in press at Plymouth Shoe Co., 02/10/1950:7 Two boys shot in accidents, 05/12/1950:2 Wind pulls ten-year-old Irene Merrill out of car, 05/19/1950:10 G & E worker Edwin Jefferson knocked unconscious by dropped crossarm, 05/26/1950:1 John Nichols fractures arm in fall at Nemasket Transportation, 06/02/1950:1 Chief Rogers helps organize safety council for southeastern Massachusetts, 06/30/1950:1 Student pilot, Leslie Travers, escapes death as plane crashes off Rte 28 (p), 09/01/1950:1 Mae Anderson fractures wrist in odd accident, 10/27/1950:5 Student pilot, Leslie Travers, fined for flying too low after crash on Rte 28, 11/17/1950:2 Norman Guidoboni, Jr. caught in pit, boulder breaks leg, 04/26/1951:1 Myricks pilot crashes in Lakeville, 05/10/1951:1 Arthur Kemp's arm mangled in washing machine, 05/24/1951:1 George R. Shaw slashed across neck and face by power saw, 05/24/1951:1 Dorothy Emond overcome by gas in own home, 06/14/1951:4 Ronald Bissonnette killed in rifle accident, 07/05/1951:1 Wilfred Montminy suffers burns in boat explosion, 07/12/1951:2 Shooting of Ronald Bissonnette ruled accidental, 08/09/1951:1 Car jack fails, traps Adolph Becker's foot, 08/16/1951:1 William Greely gashes arm moving damaged car, 08/30/1951:1 Charles Bassett, Jr. hit with 4,000 volts, dies, 11/08/1951:1 Tractor tips, kills Gilbert Simmons, 04/03/1952:1 Eight-year-old Paula Paulson suffers concussion, 05/08/1952:8 Richard D'Elia's chin cut requires stitches, 11/20/1952:9 Taunton man hit by buckshot from Thomas' gun, 12/11/1952:1 Melvin Fenton has part of finger amputated, 12/25/1952:5 Clyde Forbes files damage suit against Jenney Manufacturing Co., 01/29/1953:8 Town wins verdict in Weston damage suit, 03/19/1953:7 George Lee killed by tree he was felling, 04/09/1953:1 Thomas Hunt's valuable hound killed in hunting accident 50 years ago, 11/12/1953:9 Edward Coombs overcome by fumes at gas plant 50 years ago, 12/10/1953:9 Bog worker Benjamin deSilva shot, search underway for hunter, 12/17/1953:1 Benjamin deSilva has three transfusions, improving, 12/24/1953:1 Four cows die as Guidaboni's barn floor collapses, 11/25/1954:1 Accountants and Accounting Arthur Parent, income tax consultant (ad), 01/18/1951:10 Ralph Gardner, Jr., public accountant (ad), 05/03/1951:9 Edward Minzner, accountant, Tispaquin St (ad), 01/24/1952:12 Edwin Minzner, Tispaquin St (ad), 12/18/1952:8 Franklin Harlow on board of National Association of Cost Accountants, Boston Chapter, 02/04/1954:8 William McLaughlin named to national association post, 11/04/1954:9 Ackerley, George A. New pastor at North Middleboro Congregational, 09/16/1954:1 Ackerly, George A. North Middleboro Congregational minister on A Christmas Meditation, 12/16/1954:5 Ackerly, Phyllis Ruth Engaged to Allan Robert Wirth, 10/07/1954:12 Acme Table Pad Co. 9 South Main St (ad), 10/27/1950:5 Actors and Acting Edward Boucher has small part in film Theresa, 04/10/1952:9 Adair, Dorothy A. Engaged to Arnold F. Thomas, 04/03/1952:5 Wed to Arnold F. Thomas, 04/17/1952:5 Adair, Dorothy Ann Wedding described, 04/17/1952:6 Adams, Ainsley South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Adams, Barbara Gaboriau Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4 1 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Adams, Joan Marie Wed to John Rego, Jr., 04/05/1951:5 Adams, Joseph W. Completes Air Force indoctrination training at Sampson AFB, 05/01/1952:7 Adams, Lily Engaged to Luther J. Boyd, 05/27/1954:7 Wed to Luther J. Boyd, 06/17/1954:5 Adams, Mrs Joseph Applies for victualler's license, 07/28/1950:1 Granted victualler's license for Winnie's Cabins, 08/11/1950:8 Adams, Richard Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4 Adams, Robert Everett Son of Kenneth and Helen L. Travers dies at age 10, 07/01/1954:6 Obituary, 07/01/1954:10 Adamson, Archibald H. Three-year-old Mary Ann Pierce hit by car driven by Adamson, 10/02/1952:8 Adaszkiewicz, A. Dunham Son born, 02/11/1954:4 Adaszkiewicz, Stanley Son born, 02/11/1954:4 Adaszkiewicz, Stanley John Engaged to Anna Mabel Rullo, 12/04/1952:5 Wed to Anna Mabel Rullo, 01/08/1953:5 Adelia Richards Scholarship Description of scholarship available to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:10 Description of annual scholarship for MHS grad, 05/15/1952:4 Adolescents. see also Middleboro Teen Canteen Juvenile boys responsible for seven breaks, 01/13/1950:1 Three YMCA Youth Canteens a popular place, 01/27/1950:12 Alice Shurtleff files stubborn child complaint against daughter, 07/22/1954:3 Responsibility for juvenile delinquency (l) (Leo Kahian), 08/26/1954:8 Adult Education School Committee announces program of four courses, 09/17/1953:1 Eighty-nine sign up for adult courses, 09/24/1953:1 Lakeville offers practical arts classes, 10/22/1953:12 Typing class shown at work (p), 12/10/1953:1 Certificates to be awarded 40 graduates, 03/18/1954:1 Joseph Kyrouz to teach course in civil engineering, 04/15/1954:1 Four courses offered, 79 enroll, 10/14/1954:1 Comptometer classes new offering, 10/21/1954:1 No comptometer course for those on waiting list, 10/28/1954:6 Adultery George Pantazoules charged with lewd and lascivious speech and conduct, and with adultery, 03/17/1950:8 Advertising Thomas Sena, Jr., best of everything in advertising (ad), 08/27/1953:11 A.F. Ryder Co. see Alonzo F. Ryder Co. Africa Gustafson's daughter tells of life as secretary to U.N. Commission in Somaliland (l), 07/14/1950:4 Albert Crossley and son employed as construction engineers in Africa, 09/13/1951:10 Henry Savage employed as construction engineer in French Morocco, 09/20/1951:4 Oliver Donner gives talk on time in Tanganyika, 11/20/1952:10 Dr George Shepherd, Jr. arrives home from Uganda, 03/26/1953:11 African Americans Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11 Agriculture. see Brown-Cell Laboratories, Inc.; Farms and Farming Ahearn, Eugene Death not due to car crash, 09/01/1950:8 Ahearn, Eugene A. Judge wants to know cause of death after crash in Lakeville, 08/18/1950:1 Aikens, Clyde F. Hits deer on Summer St, 12/27/1951:5 Ainslie, Mary Lavinia Wife of George E. dies at age 68, 12/23/1954:4 Obituary, 12/23/1954:9 Aitken, Jean Prescott Wed to Harold Lee McAnaugh, 09/24/1953:5 Aitkens, S.D. Tailor, off Bedford St (ad), 03/18/1954:4 Akerman, Albert Wed to Diane Cockran, 05/17/1951:8 Akerman, Jean Engaged to Richard E. Gardner, 01/28/1954:5 Wed to Richard E. Gardner, 02/04/1954:5 Akerman, Ralph Former owner of Nemasket Gas & Oil Co., 02/25/1954:6 Akers, Daniel Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 Akers, Dennis Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 Akers, Harold Lodges complaint about drainage in Pearl St parking lot, 07/10/1952:1 Daughter born, 11/20/1952:7 Akers, Harold P. Complains to selectmen about flooding of property adjacent to parking lot, 05/29/1952:1 Akers, Marjorie Lynch Daughter born, 11/20/1952:7 Akers, Thomas Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1 Alberti, Adrian And wife retire from restaurant business, 09/20/1951:6 Alberti, Alfred Daughter born, 06/23/1950:5 Carries on restaurant business of Mr and Mrs Adrian Alberti, 09/20/1951:6 Alberti, Alfred P. Daughter born, 03/06/1952:5 Alberti, Doris Freeman Daughter born, 06/23/1950:5, 03/06/1952:5 Alberti, Mrs Adrian And husband retire from restaurant business, 09/20/1951:6 Alberts, Murray Wed to Beverly David, 01/06/1950:2 Wed to Beverly Ruth David, 01/13/1950:5 Alberts Shoe Co. Employees choose own association over union, 03/24/1950:1 Wins Middleboro Softball League crown, 09/08/1950:5 Gets new transformer bank, 12/27/1951:1 Woman struck by Alberts Shoe Co. truck in Everett, 05/29/1952:1 Juvenile boys set fire to garages, 09/25/1952:10 Employs Melvin Fenton, 12/25/1952:5 Storage shed is third suspicious fire, 02/25/1954:1 Albo, Ausdi Fire sweeps three acres, starts in Albo incinerator, 04/23/1953:1 Alcoholic Beverages Gaudette's Package Store (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Mello's Package Store, Main St, Lakeville (ad), 11/29/1951:4 Town Line Country Store new package store (ad), 05/26/1952:9 Basil Neftel wants to move package store 50 feet, 08/28/1952:2 Murphy's Package Store, open Thursday and Friday till 11 p.m. (ad), 12/23/1954:3 Alcoholic Beverages - Law and Legislation. see also Fraternal Order of Eagles; Linden Lodge; Long Pond Lodge; Neftel, Basil K. Liquor license transfer requested for new manager, Melford Butts, at Red Coach Grille, 02/10/1950:2 Selectmen see no basis for issuing seasonal licenses, 02/24/1950:1 Niels Nielsen applies for package store license in Lakeville, 03/17/1950:4 Jennie Morris applies for liquor license for King Philip Cafe, 03/17/1950:5 Panesis' package store license application filed for consideration, 05/19/1950:2 Thomas and Hayward apply for package store license for Lakeville General Store, 06/02/1950:8 Moskoff license application placed on file, 06/09/1950:14 Gladys Hogan applies for expansion of liquor license, 06/23/1950:4 Census effects on licenses considered, 06/30/1950:1 2 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Alcoholic Beverages – Law and Legislation continued Joseph, Panesis, Hogan, and Moskoff all have applications on file, 06/30/1950:1 Population increase must be officially confirmed before more licenses added, 07/28/1950:1 State board turns down Eagles' appeal, 07/28/1950:1 Central Baptist asks that no additional liquor licenses be issued, 09/15/1950:11 Guy Davis applies for liquor license, 10/27/1950:12 Selectmen receive liquor license application from Halfway House, 11/10/1950:1 VFW applies for liquor license, 11/17/1950:6 Year-round licensing put before Lakeville board (ad), 11/17/1950:6 Sixteen applications submitted, 11/17/1950:11 Six applications to Lakeville board, 11/17/1950:12 Four applications for licenses, 11/24/1950:5 Lakeville board grants liquor license to Harold Grover, 12/01/1950:8 No opposition to license renewals; George Piver applies for package store license, 12/08/1950:2 Selectmen vote to renew 20 licenses, 12/08/1950:4 Hearing set for VFW license application (ad), 12/29/1950:8 Selectmen okay transfer of VFW liquor license, 01/11/1951:2 VFW applies for liquor license (ad), 01/25/1951:4 Selectmen favor license transfer from Joseph to new owner of The Fireside, 02/08/1951:1 VFW club license transferred, 02/08/1951:1 Mix up with state causes question over license revocation, 02/08/1951:9 Lakeville board declines to obey state board, 03/08/1951:1 Jennie Morris of King Philip Cafe applies for license, 03/22/1951:4 Chief Rogers warns violators of prosecution, 04/12/1951:1 Lakeville selectmen test authority of state control commission, 05/10/1951:1 John Crowther applies for liquor license transfer, 08/09/1951:5 Census count provides for only one new license, 19 apply, 09/27/1951:1 Selectmen hold license applications for closed session, 09/27/1951:3 Five notices of application, 09/27/1951:5 Fourteen notices of application, 09/27/1951:6 Three notices of application, 10/04/1951:4 Twenty-four applications for one available license, 10/11/1951:1 Four applications of licenses, 10/11/1951:4 Benjamin Moskoff and Walter Rogers given licenses, 10/18/1951:1 Investigation into service for drunks and children, 10/25/1951:1 One application for license, 10/25/1951:5 Responsibility for wet town up to voters, not selectmen, 11/01/1951:1 Hearing held on license applications, 11/08/1951:1 Applications for 1952 renewals being filed, 11/15/1951:1 Twelve businesses apply for licenses, 11/15/1951:6 Application for liquor license, 11/15/1951:7 Seven applications for licenses in Lakeville, 11/22/1951:4 Eight applications for licenses, 11/22/1951:5 Twelve licenses renewed for 1952, 11/29/1951:1 1952 licenses all granted except one, 12/06/1951:1 Selectmen grant renewal of twelve licenses, refuse Babcock's application, 12/06/1951:1 State Commission overrules local board in matter of Moskoff's and Rogers' licenses, 12/06/1951:1 State Commission sustains local refusal of license for Winifred Perry, 12/06/1951:1 Seven applications for licenses, 12/06/1951:5, 12/06/1951:8 Babcock hearing appeal today, 12/13/1951:1 One license application from Lakeville, two from Middleboro, 12/13/1951:6 Babcock appeal withdrawn, 12/20/1951:1 Hearing held on Lakeville license applications, 12/20/1951:1 Selectmen start over on extra license applications, 12/20/1951:1 State representative Worrall wants investigation of state commission, 12/20/1951:1 Babcock re-submits license application, 12/20/1951:7 Lakeville selectmen refuse directive from state commission, 01/03/1952:5 Selectmen receive 13 applications for one available license, 01/10/1952:1 Thirteen license applications, 01/10/1952:2 Alcoholic Beverages – Law and Legislation continued Selectmen confused by series of communications from state commission, 02/07/1952:1 Sixteen applications for liquor licenses, 02/07/1952:4 Single license up for consideration again, 13 applicants, 02/14/1952:1 Liquor license application, 02/14/1952:2 Jennie Morris charged with liquor violations, 02/14/1952:3 Liquor law violations claimed, King Phillip Inn license suspended, 02/21/1952:1 Harrison Holbrook applies for package store license, 02/21/1952:6 Liquor applicants appeal to state commission, 02/28/1952:1 Two license renewal applications, 03/13/1952:4 State Commission to inspect locations here, 04/17/1952:1 Appeals to state commission turned down, 05/22/1952:1 George Powers applies for package store license, 05/22/1952:7 Crowther loses alcohol license for 30 days, 07/17/1952:10 Walter and James Thompson request liquor license transfer to John Perkins (ad), 08/14/1952:6 Joseph Teceno requests transfer of license to new location, 08/28/1952:5 License transferred from Thompson & Son to John Perkins, 08/28/1952:5 Alarming increase in cases involving alcohol, 10/30/1952:6 Town stays wet in recent election, 11/06/1952:1 Anna Joseph charged with violating liquor laws on Armistice Day, 11/20/1952:1 Selectmen receive fourteen applications for renewals, 11/20/1952:1 Middleboro Lithuanian, Polish, American Club applies for license, 11/20/1952:2 John Cabot Club application for liquor license, 11/20/1952:5 Six applications for Lakeville liquor licenses, 11/20/1952:6 Sixteen applications for Middleboro liquor licenses, 11/20/1952:6 Three applications for liquor licenses, 11/20/1952:11 Anna Joseph to be reprimanded, 11/27/1952:1 Selectmen satisfied with inspections of 21 businesses applying for licenses, 11/27/1952:4 All applications for renewal granted, 12/11/1952:1 Joseph Teceno applies for license transfer (ad), 12/11/1952:6 No fee changes for 1953, 12/25/1952:1 Teceno gets hearing on transfer request, 12/25/1952:1 Notice of Teceno application (ad), 12/25/1952:5 License transfer for Teceno confirmed, 01/08/1953:1 Two Lakeville businesses apply for license renewals, 03/19/1953:5 Turnbull applies for seasonal club license for The Lodge, Inc., formerly Old Tavern, 04/30/1953:1 Fred Turnbull applies for liquor license (ad), 04/30/1953:6 Seasonal club license for Turnbull okayed by selectmen, 05/14/1953:1 George Powers files application for liquor license for Club Cape Codder, 05/28/1953:3 State Commission approves license for The Lodge, Inc., 05/28/1953:3 Seasonal club fee fixed at $400, 05/28/1953:6 Turnbull gives up license, will not serve liquor at new restaurant, 06/04/1953:1 Teceno's liquor license transfers to Hi-Way 28, 06/11/1953:10 Turnbull declines liquor license, price too high, 06/11/1953:10 Red Coach Grille liquor license transferred from Butts to Johanson, 08/27/1953:1 Annual fee for Sunday license set at $15, 10/01/1953:10 Central Cafe and Hi-Way 28 under investigated for sale of liquor to minor, 11/05/1953:1 Peter Chiuppi applies for liquor license (ad), 11/19/1953:5 Seventeen apply for liquor licenses (ad), 11/19/1953:6 Two license applications (ad), 11/19/1953:11 License applications for Middleboro and Lakeville (ad), 11/26/1953:4 Five applications to Lakeville licensing board (ad), 11/26/1953:5 Six license applications from Lakeville (ad), 11/26/1953:9 George Powers granted club license, 12/03/1953:4 Selectmen vote on license renewals, 12/03/1953:4 License for Powers cannot be issued till January, 12/17/1953:1 George Powers applies for license for Lodge, Inc., 01/07/1954:2 John Perkins applies to transfer liquor license to Robert C. Dayton, 01/07/1954:5 License transfer from Perkins to Dayton approved, 01/14/1954:10 George Powers grant liquor license, 01/21/1954:1 3 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Alcoholic Beverages – Law and Legislation continued Clarence Dimond added to Mid-Way Cafe liquor permit, 02/18/1954:7 Morris and Grover apply for Lakeville licenses (ad), 03/18/1954:5 Anna Joseph applies to transfer liquor license to Benjamin Crocker, 04/08/1954:7 Turnbull's application for liquor license, 05/13/1954:11 Vote 'Yes' for licenses (ad), 10/28/1954:3 Seventeen businesses apply for liquor license renewals, 11/11/1954:5 Four more license applications, 11/11/1954:6 Seven Lakeville businesses apply for licenses, 11/18/1954:8 Alden, Agnes E. Bicyclist David Squieres hit by car driven by Agnes Alden, 07/21/1950:5 Alden, Alice M. Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Alden, Annie Delia Widow of Arthur H. dies at age 86, 10/04/1951:4 Obituary, 10/04/1951:8 Alden, Arthur B. Daughter born, 02/18/1954:6 Alden, Betty Teaches in Plymouth public schools 50 years ago, 01/07/1954:7 Alden, Carrie E. Obituary, 08/20/1953:2 Alden, Ellen E. Engaged to Ralph J. McCarthy, 10/13/1950:7 Wed to Ralph M. McCarthy, 11/10/1950:7 Alden, Hope Employed with Water Department, 05/05/1950:10 Alden, Leon V. Suggests that new school worth some sacrifice (l), 05/19/1950:1 To the Class of 1950 MHS (poem), 06/09/1950:9 Alden, Maynard Enters BAA marathon, 04/17/1952:4 Finishes 18th in Brockton 10-miler, 09/04/1952:4 Alden, Maynard Russell Engaged to Beatrice E. Thomas, 10/29/1953:5 Wed to Beatrice E. Thomas, 11/05/1953:7 Alden, Myles S. Eligible for promotion at Department of Public Works, 02/03/1950:7 Alden, Persis On lunchroom staff at MHS cafeteria (p), 04/01/1954:1 Alden, Rachel Profile of MHS teacher, 03/31/1950:10 Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1 MHS English teacher resigns, 05/13/1954:1 Alden, Ruth Applies to government teacher exchange program, 02/10/1950:1 Alden, Sally Engaged to Wilfred Maynard, 07/02/1953:3 Engaged to Wilfred Roy Maynard, 07/16/1953:4 Wed to Wilfred Roy Maynard, 07/23/1953:4 Wedding described, 07/23/1953:7 Alden, Stuart West Bridgewater couple recently wed, 01/25/1951:5 Alden, Virginia Boarn Daughter born, 02/18/1954:6 Alden, Walker & Wilde Shoe factory builds addition 50 years ago, 08/12/1954:8 Does business in Weymouth 50 years ago, 11/11/1954:4 Aldrich, O.J. Mansfield couple married 50 years, 09/30/1954:8 Alewives. see Herring Alexander, J. Herbert Plans to organize organic gardening society, 02/21/1952:2 Elected President of MA Cultivated Blueberry Growers Association, 01/21/1954:10 Hosts annual meeting of MA Cultivated Blueberry Association, 07/08/1954:2 Re-elected president of Blueberry Growers Assoc, 12/09/1954:5 Alexander, W.H. Lieutenant (jg) sends check for Community Christmas Fund (l), 02/04/1954:2 Alger, Caroline Who's who in MHS senior class, 05/26/1950:8 Member of Scrolls honorary society at UMass, 05/24/1951:1 Alger, Carolyn Enters University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 09/22/1950:5 Member of UMass band, 11/17/1950:3 Delegate to California convention, 03/06/1952:1 Rush chairman for Sigma Kappa at UMass, 03/20/1952:10 Named to Mardi Gras committee at UMass, 04/10/1952:8 Local woman to receives degree from UMass (p), 06/03/1954:6 Alger, Carolyn C. Pledges Sigma Kappa at UMass, 02/01/1951:9 Named president of Panhellenic Council, 10/22/1953:4 New elementary teacher, 02/11/1954:10 On honor list at UMass, 04/15/1954:1 Selected for Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, 04/29/1954:1 New teacher at Flora M. Clark School, 10/07/1954:9 Alger, Carolyn Cushing Engaged to John Vyn Marx, 12/16/1954:2 Alger, Carolyn G. Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1 Alger, Dolph Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Alger, Elizabeth MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1 Alger, Frank J. Obituary, 11/19/1953:4 Alger, H.A. H.A. Alger & Co. purchases printing plant of H.W. Eldridge 50 years ago, 10/21/1954:10 Alger, John Secretary of Dartmouth Chi Phi chapter, 11/27/1952:8 Alger, John R. Resumes studies at Dartmouth College, 01/06/1950:7 Resides in Hanover, NH, 03/03/1950:3 To receive Bachelor of Arts degree from Dartmouth (p), 06/11/1953:1 Alger, Mary Ann Engaged to Bruce Shufelt, 01/20/1950:6 Engaged to Bruce W. Shufelt, 01/27/1950:6 Wedding described, 02/10/1950:8 Wed to Bruce W. Shufelt, 02/17/1950:7 Alger, Mildred Barclay Son born, 11/08/1951:7 Alger, Mrs Dolph Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 05/26/1952:1 Alger, Rhodolphus Couple moves into new home on Bloomfield Ave, 04/09/1953:2 Alger, Rhodolphus P. Candidate for Board of Selectmen (ad) (p), 01/13/1950:5 Newly elected selectman (p), 01/20/1950:1 Coin collection stolen in break-in at South Main St house, 09/15/1950:1 Honored guest at annual Legion get-together (p), 05/08/1952:12 Re-elect selectman (ad) (p), 01/15/1953:2 Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1 Named chairman of Board of Selectmen (p), 01/21/1954:1 Bloomfield Ave couple married 25 years, 06/17/1954:1 Alger, Robert Son born, 11/08/1951:7 Alger, Rudolphus P. Candidate for re-election to Board of Selectmen, 12/11/1952:1 Alger, Sally Who's who in MHS senior class, 02/01/1951:2 Selected head of social committee of Cornell Student Union, 07/01/1954:1 Alger, Sally P. Freshman at Cornell University, NY, 09/13/1951:10 Alger, Stanley F. Attends MIT, 04/07/1950:11 Alger, Stanley F., Jr. Grad student at MIT School of Architecture, 03/29/1951:9 Running for seat on Planning Board, 12/13/1951:1 Graduates MIT School of Architecture and Planning, 06/05/1952:2 Engaged to Alice Souza, 04/16/1953:4 4 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Alger, Stanley Francis, Jr. Wedding described, 02/11/1954:5 Alger, Ted Wins June bass tourney, 07/15/1954:8 Takes July bass prize too, 08/05/1954:10 Alger, Walter E., Jr. Receives degree from Colby College, 06/16/1950:4 Takes teaching post in Fairbault, MN, 09/18/1952:1 Alger, Walter, Jr. Graduates from Colby College, 06/16/1950:11 Takes teaching post in Maine, 08/18/1950:3 Alger Box Co. Establishes trade in fancy paper boxes 50 years ago, 04/22/1954:10 Aliens Total of 233 aliens register here, 01/11/1951:1 All must report address, 01/03/1952:1 Two hundred and ten Middleboro residents registered, 02/12/1953:1 Allan, Bert J. Obituary, 02/03/1950:1 Dies at age 86, 02/03/1950:5 Petition for administration of estate, 10/27/1950:9 Allan, Elmer Sells Pleasant St property to Lydia Ayotte, 03/26/1953:9 Allan, Elmer G. Public auction (ad), 04/28/1950:11 Nine herb gardens surround 200-year-old home (p), 08/05/1954:2 Allan, Mrs Elmer G. Nine herb gardens surround 200-year-old home (p), 08/05/1854:2 Allander, Edwin Lee Wedding described, 12/10/1953:3 Wed to Betty Ann Derosier, 12/10/1953:6 Allan's Cabins Selectmen allow roadside sign for Allan's Cabins, 08/13/1953:4 Allan's New Trailer Park Rte 28, visitors welcome (ad), 09/03/1953:7 Allen (Mr) Resumes teaching at MHS, 09/29/1950:5 Allen, Carolyn Completes boot training at Bainbridge, WA, 07/02/1953:7 Allen, Carolyn Jean Enlists in U.S. Navy, 04/16/1953:1 Allen, Daird Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Allen, Dene Daughter born, 08/30/1951:5 Allen, Dene Russell Wed to Florence Simmons, 10/02/1952:5 Allen, Dominga Sheriff's sale of real estate at auction, 11/11/1954:10 Allen, Dorothea Dwyer Daughter born, 11/26/1953:4 Allen, Edwin Son born, 06/05/1952:7 Allen, Elizabeth Rines Son born, 06/05/1952:7 Allen, Elliot Daughter born, 08/21/1952:5 Allen, Elliot R. Resigns from MHS to take teaching post in Springfield, 04/08/1954:1 Teacher in Springfield high school, 07/01/1954:10 Allen, Elliott R. Granted scholarship for 5-week workshop at Boston University, 05/29/1952:3 Allen, Elmer G. Auley MacAuley files petition to foreclose, 05/14/1953:6 Allen, Ernest Daughter born, 11/26/1953:4 Allen, Florence Simmons Daughter born, 08/30/1951:5 Allen, Frank Drowns in Assawampsett Pond 50 years ago, 12/17/1953:10 Allen, Frederic Paul Undergoes recruit training at Parris Island, SC (p), 08/27/1953:1 Allen, Freeman H. Wed to Christine E. Braley, 10/01/1953:5 Allen, Freeman Henry East Taunton man dies at age 34, 12/09/1954:4 Obituary, 12/09/1954:14 Allen, Freeman K. Engaged to Christina Braley, 09/17/1953:6 Allen, Guy Sheriff's sale of real estate at auction, 11/11/1954:10 Allen, Hazel Engaged to Wilbur Ballard, 07/07/1950:5 Allen, Helen Wedding described, 08/04/1950:8 Allen, Leila M. Auley MacAuley files petition to foreclose, 05/14/1953:6 Allen, Lenora Frances Obituary, 12/22/1950:7 Widow of Frank A. dies at age 81, 12/22/1950:7 Allen, Leo Curtis Wed to Carmen Augusta Kennedy, 02/22/1951:5 Allen, Leon Clement Obituary, 05/29/1952:4 Dies at age 67, 05/29/1952:5 Allen, Mary Durgin Daughter born, 10/09/1952:5 Allen, Nellie Couple granted permit for overnight cabins on East Grove St, 04/10/1952:6 Allen, Phyllis Chandler Daughter born, 06/25/1953:5 Allen, Robert H. Fractures skull in truck accident, 05/14/1953:6 Enlists in U.S. Marine Corps (p), 08/05/1954:1 Allen, Shirley M. Engaged to Charles I. Vaughan, 05/07/1953:4 Wed to Charles I. Vaughan, 05/21/1953:6 Allen, Sylvia Forman Daughter born, 08/21/1952:5 Allen, Wayne Daughter born, 10/09/1952:5 Allen, William Daughter born, 06/25/1953:5 Allen, William C. Couple granted permit for overnight cabins on East Grove St, 04/10/1952:6 Allender, Edwin Engaged to Betty Ann Derosier, 07/16/1953:5 Allender, Edwin Lee Engaged to Betty Ann Derosier, 11/26/1953:4 Allergens Cabot Club Conservation Committee will attempt eradication of ragweed, 07/12/1951:1 4-H clubs collect ton of ragweed, 07/19/1951:1 Alley, Arthur Son born, 04/07/1950:7 Sergeant 1st Class with 653rd Artillery, Fort Sill, OK, 02/08/1951:6 Resides in Watkins Glen, NY, 10/16/1952:5 Lieutenant stationed at Sampson AFB, NY, 07/23/1953:10 Alley, Arthur J. Sergeant discharged, called back to active duty as Lieutenant, 05/03/1951:2 Lieutenant stationed at AFB in Sampson, NY, 07/19/1951:10 Pays $35 in case of leaving scene of property damage, 07/03/1952:2 Awarded Armed Forces Reserve Medal, 11/13/1952:3 Alley, Arthur James Graduates from Boston University, 06/09/1950:10 Alley, Herbert R. Inducted into U.S. Army, 11/08/1951:1 Alley, Herbert Richard Called for Army service, 10/18/1951:1 Alley, John Serves with Marines in California, 06/07/1951:1 Alley, John D. Engaged to Patricia Patstone, 09/11/1952:4 5 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Alley, John Dexter Wed to Patricia Myrtle Patstone, 10/02/1952:5 Wedding described, 10/02/1952:9 Alley, Leon A. Sanatorium director retires after 26 years, 10/27/1950:4 Reception held for retiring superintendent, 11/03/1950:1 Retires as sanatorium super, replaced by Harry Clark, 11/03/1950:1 Alley, Madeline Panesis Son born, 04/07/1950:7 Alley, Patricia Wedding described, 03/05/1953:5 Allgaier, Ann Married in Pottsdam, NY, 06/28/1951:7 Allison, Matthew Found dead at East Main St home, 02/12/1953:1 Petition for administration of estate, 02/19/1953:6 Only $880 in cash found at home, $469 in the bank, 02/26/1953:1 Estate valued at $13,561, 03/05/1953:6 Estate of recluse valued at $17,073, 03/26/1953:1 Clarification on disposal of estate (ad), 04/23/1953:11 Plan for disposal of property, 04/23/1953:11 Alm, E. Lawrence Engaged to Rosemarie Quigley, 05/03/1951:6 Alm, Lawrence Wedding described, 06/07/1951:4 Alm, Rosemarie Quigley Receives Bachelor of Science degree from Ithaca College (p), 06/05/1952:1 Almeida, Dennis Engaged to Elaine E. Wilson, 11/08/1951:8, 11/29/1951:7 Wed to Elaine E. Wilson, 12/27/1951:4 Daughter born, 07/03/1952:5 Son born, 04/15/1954:6 Almeida, Elaine Wilson Daughter born, 07/03/1952:5 Son born, 04/15/1954:6 Almeida, Frank Manuel Wed to Mary Lorraine Santos, 12/04/1952:5 Almeida, Julia A. Wed to Carl L. Santos, 04/22/1954:6 Almeida, Manuel Fined $10 for allowing operation by improper driver, 04/08/1954:10 Almeida, Manuel A. Foreclosure notice, 12/16/1954:6 Almeida, Punk Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Almeida, Ruth M. Foreclosure notice, 12/16/1954:6 Almeida Bus Co. Bus knocks down fire alarm box, James Longworth injured, 06/21/1951:1 Selectmen investigate obligations of franchise, 10/23/1952:1 Selectmen oppose change in schedule, 07/30/1953:1 Parolee George Rooney charged with grand larceny from Almeida Bus Co., 07/15/1954:1 Selectmen annoyed with lack of service, 07/22/1954:1 Almquist, Arthur Edwin Obituary, 09/01/1950:4 Husband of Ruey W. Watts dies at age 59, 09/01/1950:5 Alonzo F. Ryder Co. Pre-inventory sale (ad), 01/13/1950:3 James McNeil Co., formerly A.F. Ryder Co. (ad), 09/29/1950:5 Store changes name to James McNeil Co., 09/29/1950:10 Alosi, Alvin Graduates from Boston University, 06/09/1950:10 Alpert, Pauline June Engaged to Myron Stein, 06/18/1953:4 Wed to Myron Stein, 06/25/1953:4 Alpert, Sally Wed to Herbert Gibson, 07/19/1951:5 Wedding described, 07/26/1951:8 Al's Lunch Albert Thomas granted victualler's license, 01/24/1952:1 Alumni Scholarship Fund Description of scholarship available to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:1 Alves, Alice Wed to Roger Montrond, 07/24/1952:5 Alves, Frank, Jr. Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1 Alyce Beauty Center Closed due to illness (ad), 01/27/1950:2 Re-opens at 249 Center St (ad), 04/17/1952:3 Helen Malenfant at new location (ad), 10/23/1952:2 Alzen, Arlene Wedding described, 11/18/1954:4 Amaral, Amelia Cjereci Son born, 09/22/1950:5 Amaral, David Son born, 09/22/1950:5 Amaral, Edward A. Marine Technical Sergeant recalled to active duty, 09/22/1950:8 Amaral, Eleanor Garafalo Daughter born, 08/18/1950:5, 05/26/1952:5 Amaral, Manuel Daughter born, 08/18/1950:5, 05/26/1952:5 Ambulances. see Emergency Medical Services American Cancer Society Middleboro campaign raises half of quota thus far, 04/30/1953:3 American Cranberry Exchange Berry prospects good, 08/09/1951:10 Berries open at $15 per barrel, 09/13/1951:1 American Heart Association Dr Stuart Silliker chair of local campaign, 02/03/1950:1 Details of campaign, 02/10/1950:8 Samuel Orlov heads local fund drive, 02/05/1953:1 Middleboro fund total $877, 07/16/1953:1 American Legion - Simeon L. Nickerson Post Observes Veterans' Night, 04/07/1950:6 Scholarship available to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:1 Medal awarded to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:10 George McCrillis elected to attend Boys' State, 05/26/1950:1 Opens campaign for 4th of July celebration, 06/09/1950:1 Ray Tripp, Jr. and Roy Kinsman named to attend Boys' State, 06/09/1950:1 George McCrillis reports on Boys' State, 07/28/1950:1 Annual meeting election puts John Rockwell, Jr. in top post, 09/15/1950:1 Presents annual minstrel show, 03/29/1951:1 Bobby Brown named assistant baseball coach to Legion Juniors, 05/03/1951:5 Holds annual Get-Together, 05/03/1951:5 Harry Reed new coach for Legion's Junior Baseball League, 05/10/1951:1 George Marois and David Caswell chosen to attend Boys' State, 05/17/1951:1 Launches blood drive in cooperation with St. Luke's, 05/24/1951:1 Announces 4th of July program, asks for contributions, 06/21/1951:1 Wilmoth Waterman commander-elect of local Legion post, 09/06/1951:1 Aids United Defense Fund, 02/21/1952:1 Carnival date settled by coin toss, 04/24/1952:6 Honored guests at annual get-together (p), 05/08/1952:12 Description of annual scholarship for MHS grad, 05/15/1952:1 Description of annual medal for MHS grad, 05/15/1952:4 Luke Leonard and Fred Hanson chosen to attend Boys' State, 06/05/1952:12 Officers elected at annual meeting, 09/04/1952:1 Presents proposal to school building committee, 11/27/1952:4 Burns mortgage at get together, 03/26/1953:2 Junior Leaguers cannot play for Twilight League too, 04/30/1953:2 Will not field Junior League entry, 05/21/1953:12 Richard Weaver chosen to attend Boys' State, 06/18/1953:1 Sponsors drive for McDonald family in wake of Abington fire, 01/28/1954:1 Raises $200 for MacDonald fund; also aids Paquin fund, 02/11/1954:1 Receives special citation at annual meeting, 03/25/1954:5 6 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 American Legion - Simeon L. Nickerson Post continued McDonald, Fawcett, Mortimer, and Levesque to represent MHS at Boys' State, 05/20/1954:1 Two youths chosen to attend Boys' State, 06/17/1954:1 William Begley tapped as new commander (p), 09/23/1954:1 Rifle and Pistol Club marks 25th anniversary, 11/11/1954:2 John Rockwell named to national Legion committee, 12/09/1954:1 American Legion - Simeon L. Nickerson Post, Women's Auxiliary Mary Kay Rudolph chosen Girl's State representative, 05/10/1951:1 Mary Kay Rudolph wins honors at Girls' State, 06/28/1951:5 Alice Moranville chosen to attend Girls' State, 06/05/1952:6 Alice Moranville named city clerk for Girls' State, 06/19/1952:1 Conducts gift shop for disabled vets, 08/28/1952:5 Janice Caswell chosen to attend Girls' State, 05/14/1953:1 Conducts Disabled Veteran's Christmas Shop, 10/15/1953:5 Joan Jefferson elected to attend Girls' State, 05/06/1954:1 Joan Jefferson chosen District Attorney at Girls' State, 07/01/1954:1 American Red Cross. see Red Cross - Middleboro Chapter Americas Thomas Edward Hirst writes of trailer life in Florida (l), 01/06/1950:7 Mrs Robert Butler, Jr. writes of dog days in Alaska (l), 08/25/1950:1 Mr and Mrs William Curley feted by Canadian steamship line, 09/22/1950:1 Andrew Wood returns from two-month trip as far north as Alaska, 09/22/1950:5 Mr and Mrs Charles Rogers return from trip to Mexico, 12/29/1950:1 Peterson and Thomas see reception of English royalty in Niagara Falls, Canada, 10/18/1951:1 Mr and Mrs John Howes sail to Rio de Janeiro, 01/24/1952:11 Anthony Coombs misses fourth Cuban revolution, 03/13/1952:1 Harriet Campbell writes from St. John's, Newfoundland (l), 01/22/1953:8 Campbell writes again, this time in real Newfoundland blizzard (l), 02/05/1953:3 Arthur Shaw leaves for tour of Caribbean, 02/12/1953:7 Albert Guidaboni's car bogs down on Arizona mountain, 03/05/1953:1 Arizona resident comments on Guidaboni's experience in mountains (l) (Alice Macdonald), 04/02/1953:1 Mr and Mrs James Glidden return from 10,000-mile trip to West Coast, 05/07/1953:10 The sail to Block Island (l) (C.E. Clark), 08/06/1953:4 Samuel Chiuppi renews ties with sister in Brazil after 48 years, 12/10/1953:3 Anthony Coombs leaves for 25th vacation in Cuba, 02/11/1954:2 Two Alaska-bound couples made their own travel trailer (p), 06/17/1954:1 John Marshall completes 12th trip across United States, 09/09/1954:1 Nelson Manwaring returns from 7,000 cross-country trip, 11/04/1954:5 Ames, Lucinda Howe Reunion of 44 descendants, 09/20/1951:5 Ames, Mary Leahy MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1 Ames, Robert Stationed at Great Lakes Naval Training center, 02/15/1951:10 Engaged to Betty Millet, 09/04/1952:4 Couple moves to apartment on Plymouth St, 09/25/1952:4 Ames, Robert E. Engaged to Margaret E. Millett, 08/28/1952:5 Wed to Margaret E. Millett, 09/11/1952:5 Ames, Robert Edward Engaged to Margaret Elizabeth Millett, 05/15/1952:6 Ammon Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11 Amsden, Paul Granted secondhand furniture license, 09/17/1953:7 Anacki, Alexander Charged with illegitimacy, 09/03/1953:5 Withdraws appeal, ordered to pay child support, 02/04/1954:4 Anacki, Alexander M. Appeals finding of paternity, 11/05/1953:9 Anacki, Andrew Son born, 10/14/1954:4 Anacki, Daniel Receives Achievement Award in Chemistry at Massachusetts Maritime Academy, 02/10/1950:2 Anacki, Daniel W. Graduates from Massachusetts Maritime Academy (p), 09/20/1951:1 Anacki, Eugene Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1 Private stationed at Camp Pickett, VA, 05/24/1951:2 Graduates from 43rd Infantry Division Leaders School in southern Germany, 08/14/1952:8 Returns from duty in Europe, 12/25/1952:1 Anacki, Gladys Employed as telephone operator, 10/01/1953:5 Anacki, Phyllis Blanchard Son born, 10/14/1954:4 Ancient Free & Accepted Order of Masons - Mayflower Lodge C.I. Starkey chosen proxy to grand lodge 50 years ago, 01/21/1954:7 Installs officers 50 years ago, 12/16/1954:10 Anctil, Delores May Engaged to Harold Beal, Jr., 12/09/1954:4 Anderson, Andrew M. Obituary, 01/31/1952:5 Anderson, Bernard A. Kinsman Dairy truck and Harris' car collide on Wareham St, 11/20/1952:3 Collide with Norman Goodwin in front of post office, 04/15/1954:3 Collides with Rhode Island driver on Wareham St, 06/03/1954:2 Anderson, Burnett E. Shop destroyed by fire, now back in operation (ad), 03/11/1954:2 Anderson, Carol Enlists in WAVES (p), 07/08/1954:1 Anderson, Charles A. Edward Ouellette hits two cars in parking area along Nickerson Ave, 03/08/1951:5 Fined $5 for failure to stop, 12/02/1954:2 Anderson, Charles R. Boy runs into Anderson's coupe, 01/03/1952:1 Anderson, Clair E. Notice of Lakeville tax taking, 02/26/1953:4 Anderson, Cora South Middleboro Grange observes 40th anniversary (p), 12/10/1953:11 Local Ground Observer Corps group meets (p), 01/14/1954:3 Anderson, David Granted secondhand furniture license, 08/27/1953:11 Anderson, Deborah A. Engaged to Joseph A. Walker, Jr., 05/24/1951:1, 07/12/1951:4 Wed to Joseph A. Walker, Jr., 07/19/1951:5 Anderson, Deborah Agnes Wedding described, 07/19/1951:3 Anderson, Dorothy Keyes MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1 Anderson, Frederick L. Son born, 05/05/1950:2 Anderson, Frederick L., Jr. Born to Frederick L., 05/05/1950:2 Anderson, Gordon Daughter born, 05/12/1950:7 Anderson, Harry, Jr. Resides in San Francisco, CA, 09/13/1951:10 Anderson, Harry T. Appointed to position of superintendent of mails here, 11/27/1952:1 Anderson, Hulda C. Age 95, lived in Middleboro 63 years, 03/03/1950:1 Receives radiogram from Japan on 95th birthday, 03/10/1950:6 Obituary, 11/27/1952:8 Petition for probate of will, 12/25/1952:7 Anderson, Hulda Charlotte Dies at age 97, 11/27/1952:5 Anderson, Kathleen Shaw Daughter born, 02/25/1954:4 Anderson, Leon F. Obituary, 08/16/1951:10 Petition for probate of will, 08/23/1951:2 7 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Anderson, Leonard J. New art teacher at MHS, 08/11/1950:6 MHS art assistant resigns, 08/07/1952:1 Anderson, Leonard Joseph Profile of MHS art teacher, 10/06/1950:9 Anderson, Mae C. Fractures wrist in odd accident, 10/27/1950:5 Anderson, Maude Perry MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1 Seven from MHS Class of 1901 hold 50th reunion (p), 08/30/1951:1 Anderson, Mrs Paul Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1 Anderson, Mrs Roy Resides in Durham, NC, 06/24/1954:7 Anderson, Nancy S. Obituary, 02/10/1950:3 Widow of Oscar dies at age 83, 02/10/1950:6 Anderson, Olie Gertrude Widow of Andrew M. dies at age 69, 12/02/1954:4 Anderson, Paul Honored guest at annual Legion get-together (p), 05/08/1952:12 Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1 Daughter born, 02/25/1954:4 Anderson, Paul T. Passes civil service exam for engineers, 03/03/1950:1 Files nomination papers for Board of Selectmen, 11/15/1951:1 Biographical sketch of selectman's candidate, 12/27/1951:6 Candidate for selectman makes statement (p), 01/10/1952:1 For Board of Selectmen (ad) (p), 01/17/1952:9 Promoted to District Sanitary Engineer for SE District, 02/07/1952:9 Promoted to District Sanitary Engineer for 108 towns and cities in SE Mass, 01/14/1954:10 Local Republicans meet with Governor Herter (p), 10/07/1954:1 To run for re-election to Board of Selectmen, 11/25/1954:1 Anderson, Rhoda E. Engaged to John M. Deane, 02/25/1954:4 Wed to John M. Deane, 04/22/1954:6 Anderson, Robert Rice St couple married 25 years, 01/20/1950:2 MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p), 06/02/1950:1 Lieutenant leaves for San Diego, CA, 01/11/1951:9 Lieutenant appointed legal officer for Beach Group No. 1, Yokosuka, Japan, 04/26/1951:12 Lieutenant calls from Japan, 05/24/1951:12 MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p), 06/14/1951:1 MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1 Lieutenant returns from Japan, assigned to Newport as instructor, 06/05/1952:5 Anderson, Robert L. Set to graduate from Boston University Law School, 06/02/1950:1 Passes state bar exams, 10/13/1950:1 Passes state bar exam, 11/17/1950:8 Lieutenant called to active duty, 12/22/1950:12 Lieutenant stationed in Japan, 08/30/1951:9 Graduates from U.S. School of Justice with highest grades (p), 03/06/1952:1 Sworn in as member of Court of Military Appeals, Washington, 06/04/1953:1 Resumes law practice after Navy service (p), 09/17/1953:1 Attorney opens office at 81 Center St (ad), 09/24/1953:3 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander in Navy, 06/10/1954:10 Seeks post on School Committee (p), 11/25/1954:1 Anderson, Robert Leonard Graduates from Boston University, 06/09/1950:10 Appointed notary public, 12/22/1950:5 Anderson, Roger Employed by Art's Auto Sales on Rte 28 (p), 07/16/1953:6 Anderson, S. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Anderson, Shirley Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1 Anderson, Shirley Leland Daughter born, 05/12/1950:7 Anderson, Virginia Gertrude Engaged to Ronald Franklin Tibbetts, 01/15/1953:7 Wed to Ronald Franklin Tibbetts, 01/22/1953:5 Anderson, Virginia H. Wedding described, 01/22/1953:4 Anderson, William S. Walks into side of Thomas Hearn's car, 01/08/1953:1 Andrade, Anne Galvan Daughter born, 11/18/1954:6 Andrade, Edward Twin daughters born, 05/24/1951:7 Andrade, Edward H. Wed to Mary V. Roderick, 12/02/1954:4 Andrade, George Son born, 06/21/1951:5 Andrade, George A. Wed to Vinceinces D. Almeida Williams, 05/17/1951:5 Leaves for military induction, 08/09/1951:4 Andrade, Louis Charged with trespassing by Alice Balboni, 04/12/1951:10 Andrade, Manuel J. Engaged to Lillian Agnes Corayer, 02/01/1951:9 Andrade, Manuel J., Jr. Engaged to Lillian A. Corayer, 04/12/1951:5 Andrade, Manuel James, Jr. Wed to Lillian A. Corayer, 04/19/1951:5 Wedding described, 04/19/1951:5 Andrade, Mary Roderick Twin daughters born, 05/24/1951:7 Andrade, Richard Daughter born, 11/18/1954:6 Andrade, Richard A. Wed to Ann H. Galvan, 07/22/1954:5 Andrade, Roy M. Wed to Mary E. Lopes, 02/12/1953:5 Andrade, Vinceincea Almeida Son born, 06/21/1951:5 Andre, Rose Rear of Cook's Jewelry Store gutted by fire, 03/12/1953:1 Andrews, Anne Employed at Assawompsett School, 02/14/1952:10 Andrews, Antone, Jr. Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1 Andrews, Ceasar Gets second crop of strawberries, 09/27/1951:8 Andrews, Charles Son born, 05/24/1951:7 Andrews, Charles Frank Daughter born, 02/18/1954:6 Andrews, Christine Denino Daughter born, 02/18/1954:6 Andrews, Christine Dinino Son born, 05/24/1951:7 Andrews, David, 3rd Private heads for Fort Bliss, TX, 12/09/1954:5 Andrews, David, Jr. Moves into new home on School St; employed at brick company in Bridgewater, 07/23/1953:9 Andrews, Earle F. Foreclosure notice, 07/23/1953:9 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/15/1953:2 Andrews, Elaine Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro Girl Scout troop welcomed into organization (p), 05/24/1951:1 South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home (p), 10/18/1951:1 Andrews, Harry Lincoln Taunton man dies at age 79, 08/04/1950:5 Obituary, 08/04/1950:8 Andrews, Ida M. Lets portion of home to Frederick Myers, 08/30/1951:7 8 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Andrews, Jason Attends Harvard College, 04/03/1952:6 Andrews, Jason Israel Who's who in MHS senior class, 03/31/1950:6 Andrews, Jesse Dies at age 74, 04/14/1950:6 Bog worker found dead in bog house, ruled natural causes, 04/14/1950:11 Andrews, Joseph Thomas Wed to Mary Fontes, 07/31/1952:5 Andrews, Lucy M. Foreclosure notice, 07/23/1953:9 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/15/1953:2 Andrews, Mary E. Foreclosure notice, 07/23/1953:9 Andrews, Norman S. Engaged to Margery Mag, 06/21/1951:6 Wed to Margery Mag, 08/30/1951:8 Andrews, R. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Andrews, Robert Volunteers for military service, 02/04/1954:7 Andrews, Roland MHS football team set for 1952 campaign (p), 09/04/1952:1 Andrews, Ruth W. Fratex Plastics stylist for Middleboro and vicinity (ad), 11/15/1951:2 Andrews, Thomas F. Foreclosure notice, 07/23/1953:9 Andrews' Shoe Store 52 Center St (ad), 12/15/1950:3 Andrick, John Wed to Margaret Kiff, 02/21/1952:4 Angelini, Richard Joseph Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1 Angelo, Kenneth Daughter born, 10/11/1951:7 Angelo, Kenneth L. On Dean's List at Bryant College, 05/26/1950:4 Angelo, Thalia Caswell Daughter born, 10/11/1951:7 Angers, Charles Uses modern farming equipment (p), 10/08/1953:1 Angers, Lorraine H. Engaged to Oliver Francis Letourneau, 09/27/1951:4 Wed to Oliver Francis Letourneau, 10/11/1951:4 Angers, Lorraine Harland Wedding described, 10/11/1951:6 Angers, Norma Engaged to Arthur Paquin, 04/03/1952:9 Angers, Norma Claire Engaged to Arthur Paquin, 01/03/1952:5 Angers' Poultry Farm Leonard St, Lakeville (ad), 12/11/1952:2 Angus, Margaret Carney Widow of Nathaniel Kay dies at age 56, 10/30/1952:7 Obituary, 10/30/1952:12 Angus, Nathaniel Kay Husband of Margaret Carney dies at age 85, 01/27/1950:6 Obituary, 01/27/1950:6 Animal Welfare Carl Sampson not guilty of cruelty to dog, 12/30/1954:4 Ankuda, Barbara DeCoff Son born, 12/23/1954:4 Ankuda, John Son born, 12/23/1954:4 Ankuda, Louise Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Annas, John Former Central Methodist pastor heads for Hiroshima, Japan, 08/13/1953:10 Annas, John Wesley, Jr. Presents gifts to Central Methodist, 02/04/1954:9 Annas, Mrs John Wesley, Jr. Obituary, 07/12/1951:10 Annchiarico, Joseph Wedding described, 04/26/1951:9 Anne White Washburn Scholarship Description of scholarship available to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:10 Description of annual scholarship for MHS grad, 05/15/1952:4 Annichiarico, Joseph Engaged to Lavinia Bernice Linton, 01/04/1951:8 Daughter born, 07/15/1954:9 Annichiarico, Joseph Albert Wedding described, 03/22/1951:2 Annichiarico, Mrs Joseph Resides in Dobbs Ferry, NY, 09/03/1953:8 Answering Services Frances Vasel operates telephone answering and secretarial service in East Main St home, 10/07/1954:11 Frances Vasel, telephone & secretarial service (ad), 10/07/1954:12 Vasel's service officially opens (p), 12/02/1954:1 Antennucci, Michael Tax collector's notice, 03/12/1953:3 Anthony, Annie Sinoski Son born, 04/22/1954:6 Anthony, Joseph Son born, 04/22/1954:6 Antiques Millstone Farm, Bedford St (ad), 07/21/1950:5 Central Congregational White Church Guild arranges antiques display, 04/19/1951:1 White Church Guild members arrive at antique show in oldtime transportation (p), 04/26/1951:6 Mark Leonard's Antique Shop, County St, Lakeville (ad), 11/22/1951:4 Daisy's Antique & Gift Shop, 114 Oak St (ad), 12/13/1951:13 Ted Eayrs, 60 School St (ad), 09/11/1952:2 William Tallman wants to buy old horse trough in front of Town House, 02/12/1953:1 Triangle Antique Shop, public auction (ad), 06/25/1953:6 Car hobbyists in local 4th of July parade (p), 07/09/1953:1 Old Stone House Antiques, public auction (ad), 01/28/1954:10 Travellers' Fare, open every day, Rte 28, South Middleboro (ad), 06/17/1954:4 Antique car enthusiast, Donald Foye, appears on TV, 06/24/1954:10 Interest local man, Lawrence Romaine (p), 07/01/1954:12 Old Stone House Antiques, Rte 28 (ad), 08/19/1954:2 Anuszczk, Edward Son born, 10/09/1952:5 Anuszczk, Joanna Sabatowski Son born, 10/09/1952:5 Anuszczyk, Edmond Son born, 10/04/1951:4 Anuszczyk, Viola Westling Son born, 10/04/1951:4 Apostolos, Mary Papazissi Daughter born, 08/09/1951:5 Apostolos, Stephen Daughter born, 08/09/1951:5 Appliances. see also Bassett & Broadbent; Kahian, Leo; Longworth's Gas Service; Shaw’s Radio & Furniture Co.; William Egger Co. A. Malenfant, appliance servicing, 19 Everett St (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Middleboro Radio and Appliance Service, expert repairs (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Middleboro Radio and Appliance Service, 379 Center St (ad), 05/01/1952:13 Shank's Auto Appliance Service, Center St (ad), 07/30/1953:3 Modern Sales, 108 Arch St (ad), 10/22/1953:2 Mitchell's Television & Appliances, Main St, Lakeville (ad), 12/17/1953:3 Modern Sales, 21 Forest St (ad), 03/25/1954:3 April, Conrad Stationed at Fort Devens, 01/15/1953:5 April, Ernest W. Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9 April, Eugene Son born, 02/17/1950:6 April, Henry Hired by Plymouth Shoe Co., 02/19/1953:5 9 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 April, Joseph O. Obituary, 06/10/1954:7 April, Margaret Richards Son born, 02/17/1950:6 April, Penny Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 April, Raymond W. Enlist in Battery A, Massachusetts National Guard, 10/15/1953:5 April, Rose A. Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9 A.R. Glidden & Son The value-giving store (ad), 01/06/1950:2 Employs Maude Gates, 09/29/1950:3 Marks 79th anniversary event (p), 07/19/1951:1 1901 to 1951 (ad) (p), 07/19/1951:6 Clerk Mary Ellen Heath victim of bag snatcher, 07/26/1951:1 Ancient scissors still being used by McCormick, 07/26/1951:3 Profile and history of business, 08/14/1952:6 40th anniversary sale (ad), 05/21/1953:2 Notice of partnership dissolution, 09/10/1953:8 Employs Mary Ellen Heath, 05/06/1954:8 Archaeology Old Indian sites discussed at fall meeting of Historical Society, 11/06/1952:4 MA Archaeological Society director gives fascinating story of local research, 06/03/1954:6 Archer, Crawford Cast member in Little Theatre Group production (p), 12/09/1954:7 Archer, Evelyn No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Archer, Helen M. Petition for probate of will, 09/30/1954:2 Archer, Helen Margaret Wife of Hiram J. dies at age 70, 08/19/1954:4 Obituary, 08/19/1954:5 Archibald, Evelyn Renaud Son born, 01/08/1953:5 Archibald, Robert Son born, 01/08/1953:5 Archibald, Robert E. Engaged to Evelyn Renaud, 01/20/1950:7 Wed to Evelyn M. Renaud, 01/27/1950:6 Architects Ralph Chartier, for your architectural problems (ad), 02/28/1952:10 Arenberg, Isaac M. Granted license for roadside stand, 05/28/1953:4 Armanetti, Charles Engaged to Joan Massa, 09/10/1953:5 Wed to Joan Massa, 10/08/1953:4 Armanetti, Charles D. Engaged to Joan Massa, 02/19/1953:10 Armistice Day Stores state policy on hours for holiday, 11/10/1950:1 National Guard asserts that complacency is folly, 11/17/1950:1 National Guard commander says must defend our ideals, 11/17/1950:1 Speakers emphasize preparedness, 11/17/1950:1 Weather fine for parade and brief ceremony, 11/15/1951:1 Stores to be closed, 11/06/1952:1 34th anniversary solemnly observed, 11/13/1952:1 Anna Joseph to be reprimanded for liquor violation, 11/27/1952:1 Stores closed, 10/08/1953:1 Parade the best in several years, 11/12/1953:1 Explorer Scout's float gets honorable mention, 11/19/1953:1 Funds request for future celebration be included in warrant for town meeting, 12/03/1953:1 Armstrong, Barbara Admitted to University of Massachusetts, 02/24/1950:7 Enters University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 09/22/1950:5 Armstrong, Barbara Jane Engaged to David H. Ethier, 12/29/1950:4 Armstrong, Eunice Brine Daughter born, 11/22/1951:5 Armstrong, Robert Daughter born, 11/22/1951:5 Arneson, Albert Daughter born, 09/18/1952:5 Arneson, Ellen Baker Daughter born, 09/18/1952:5 Arnold, John Enlists in U.S. Navy, 11/29/1951:2 Arnold, John J. Takes recruit training at Bainbridge, MD, 02/14/1952:8 Attends navy fire control technical school, 06/12/1952:5 Arponen, George, Jr. Private assigned to 13th Engineers, 7th Infantry Division in Japan, 01/27/1950:9 Arrouquier, F. Public auction (ad), 06/04/1953:10 Arruda, Jacqueline D. Engaged to Robert S. Roth, 06/03/1954:7 Wed to Robert C. Roth, 06/10/1954:7 Arruda, Mary A. Engaged to John M. DeRoche, 05/28/1953:4 Wed to John M. DaRocha, 06/11/1953:4 Arruda, Thelma May Engaged to George B. Perry, 06/10/1954:7 Wed to George B. Perry, 06/17/1954:5 Arsenault, Barbara Jean Engaged to Earl Tallman, 09/16/1954:4 Wed to Earl Tallman, 10/07/1954:7 Arsenault, Bertha B. Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4 Arsenault, Eugene C. Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4 Arson Fire set at Fish's barn off South Main St, 03/26/1953:1 Two fires had appearance of incendiarism, 04/09/1953:1 Two more fires set, one at Bates School, 04/09/1953:1 Washburn garage fire suspicious, 04/23/1953:1 Charles Washburn offers reward for conviction of firebug, 04/30/1953:1 Firebug getting reckless, lights up old barn on Jackson St, 05/07/1953:1 Firebug sets seventh fire in six weeks, 05/14/1953:1 Suspicious fire at Fish Furniture, firebug may be at work again, 02/18/1954:1 Alberts Shoe Co. storage shed is third suspicious fire, 02/25/1954:1 C.P. Washburn asks town to begin reward fund to help stop arsonist, 03/04/1954:1 Fourth suspicious fire, Southwick St vacant house cellar burned, 03/04/1954:1 Firebug active again after Lenten break, 04/22/1954:1 Basement fire in rubbish pile of Sherman Block, 04/29/1954:1 Suspicious fire damages Stiles Shoe store on Rte 28, 05/06/1954:1 Heavy fire damage at Half-Way House (p), 05/20/1954:1 Arsonist sets tenth fire at empty Southwick St house, 05/27/1954:1 Firebug strikes for eleventh time, 07/08/1954:1 Fire behind LaForest Pharmacy leaves only walls, 08/05/1954:1 Selectmen issue appeal for help from citizenry, 08/12/1954:1 Thirteenth fire at Church Coal Co., 08/12/1954:1 $10,000 loss in 14th blaze believed set this year (p), 08/19/1954:1 Firebug strikes for 17th time, 09/30/1954:1 Stormy selectmen's session addresses firebug, 09/30/1954:1 Police Department on its toes, 10/07/1954:1 Another attempt fizzles out at Farm Service grain elevator, 10/14/1954:1 Brockton firebug admits to 13 fires, 10/14/1954:1 Art and Artists. see also Bates School - Arts; Middleborough Memorial High School – Arts; Schools – Middleboro (arts) Local pastor, Paul Brooks, has works at Boston exhibition, 01/06/1950:6 Claire Chrostowski starts new classes at Cottage Handicrafters (ad), 01/13/1950:4 Tray painting classes display work at library, 02/24/1950:1 Whitworth College student Leo Hagan accepted at Rhode Island School of Design, 05/26/1950:5 Art exhibition of Fanna McLean Ashworth's work at Abington Public library, 06/02/1950:7 10 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Art and Artists continued Robert Schofield graduates with high honors from Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 06/16/1950:1 Oil paintings by Rev Paul Brooks on exhibit at Ryder's store, 06/30/1950:1 Mary E. Stuart graduates from Vesper George School of Art, 06/14/1951:1 Doll House Yarn Shop opens at 231 Center St (ad), 08/16/1951:8 Pastor Paul Brooks has painting in Boston exhibition, 01/10/1952:6 Fanna Ashworth's artwork to be exhibited at Boston Art Festival, 06/12/1952:12 Sylvia Matheson receives certificate of commendation from Eastern Arts Association, 09/11/1952:1 Shirley Gola reaches finals in nationwide doll-making contest, 11/06/1952:2 Ye Quaint Shoppe opens at 48 East Main St (ad), 12/04/1952:2 New organization, Country Crafters, elects officers, 05/14/1953:9 Natalie Burnett has illustration in new children's magazine, 10/01/1953:6 Art exhibit raises $80 for hospital fund, 05/13/1954:2 August Silva wins $10 prize in Army art contest, 11/18/1954:1 Arthur, John South Carver man dies at age 83, 06/30/1950:5 Obituary, 06/30/1950:6 Art's Auto Sales Studebaker dealer, East Grove St (ad), 09/22/1950:3 New and used dealer on Rte 28 (p), 07/16/1953:6 Art Gamache, Studebaker dealer, East Grove St, 12/17/1953:6 The place to buy your car (p), 05/06/1954:8 For new or used cars (p), 08/12/1954:6 Now has Packard line (p), 10/28/1954:8 Ashley, Barbara O'Leary Daughter born, 06/05/1952:7, 03/25/1954:4 Ashley, Chester Lakeville official honored for long service, 12/15/1950:6 Lakeville official honored at testimonial dinner, 02/01/1951:1 Dies at age 91, 12/30/1954:4 Obituary, 12/30/1954:8 Ashley, Dora Jacques Son born, 06/12/1952:7 Ashley, Harold W. Foreclosure notice, 05/01/1952:4 Ashley, Helen Wood Alumnus of Wellesley College, 06/17/1954:7 Ashley, Jessie Ethel Widow of William dies, 07/26/1951:5 Obituary, 07/26/1951:10 Ashley, Leroy Daughter born, 01/04/1951:5 Son born, 10/23/1952:5 Ashley, Lewis Son born, 06/12/1952:7 Ashley, Malcolm, Sr. Daughter born, 06/05/1952:7, 03/25/1954:4 Ashley, Mildred Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Ashley, Mildred Dees Daughter born, 07/02/1953:4 Ashley, Patricia Tupper Daughter born, 01/04/1951:5 Son born, 10/23/1952:5 Ashley, Phyllis M. Foreclosure notice, 05/01/1952:4 Ashley, Ralph Daughter born, 07/02/1953:4 Ashley, Robert Home fire does estimated $1,000 in damage, 11/05/1953:12 Ashley, Thomas Takes second in farm mechanics judging contest, 04/01/1954:5 Ashley, William C. Dies in Acushnet, 02/01/1951:10 Ashworth, Fanna Artwork to be exhibited at Boston Art Festival, 06/12/1952:12 Ashworth, Fanna McLean Art exhibition at Abington Public library, 06/02/1950:7 Ashworth, Mary Elizabeth Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises (p), 06/30/1950:1 Ashworth, Mary Medeiros MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1 Asmussen, Louis Obituary, 03/11/1954:2 Asmussen, Mamie Obituary, 06/17/1954:7 Asphyxiation Sewage worker, Romeo Ouellette, nearly loses life, 01/20/1950:1 Dorothy Emond overcome by gas in own home, 06/14/1951:4 Edward Coombs overcome by fumes at gas plant 50 years ago, 12/10/1953:9 Aspinwall, Robert E. Engaged to Lois Washburn, 07/02/1953:2 Engaged to Lois M. Washburn, 06/17/1954:4 Wed to Lois M. Washburn, 06/24/1954:4 Wedding described, 06/24/1954:5 Assault and Battery. see also Family Violence Lewis Thayer guilty, 02/10/1950:7 Ernest Griswold guilty of assault on Rochester man, 03/17/1950:4 John Black, Jr. guilty of assault on Walter Zion, 07/21/1950:1 John Black, Jr. guilty of assaulting Cedric Zion, 07/28/1950:3 Scheiderich/Mello case over boundary issue, 08/18/1950:3 John Vickery pleads not guilty to assault on Forest Garnett, 08/18/1950:8 Providence burglar charged with assault on William Demers, 08/25/1950:1 John Vickery guilty of assault on Forrest Garnett, must pay hospital bill, 09/29/1950:9 Juvenile case continued, psychiatrist to examine accused, 11/24/1950:8 Eugene Letourneau denies assault on Mason Sisson, 03/08/1951:2 Eugene Letourneau charges Mason Sisson with assault, 03/15/1951:3 Edward Ouellette fined $20 for assaulting police officer, 03/22/1951:9 Stephen Mellish pleads not guilty to assault on Charles Fagan, 03/29/1951:2 Fagan withdraws charge of assault against Mellish, 04/05/1951:2 Letourneau-Sisson feud breaks out again, 05/17/1951:1 Sisson, Letourneau cases dismissed, 05/24/1951:10 Sisson, Letourneau cases a waste of time, 05/24/1951:12 Letourneau and Sisson cases dismissed, 07/26/1951:2 Violette Judson charged with two counts, 10/25/1951:2 Charge against Violette Judson dismissed for lack of prosecution, 11/01/1951:1 New Bedford man charged with assault on Diamond, 11/01/1951:7 Richard Benson guilty of assaulting police officer, 11/29/1951:8 Richard Benson gets suspended sentence for assaulting officer, 12/13/1951:3 Harrison Holbrook guilty of assaulting Chester Guilford, 01/03/1952:1 Hazel Mecchi pleads not guilty to assault on husband Julio, 01/03/1952:5 Guilford and Sweetburg deny charges by Holbrook, 01/10/1952:8 Mutual charges by Mecchis dismissed for lack of prosecution, 01/10/1952:8 Quintal assault case continued, 02/07/1952:10 Leo Quintal guilty of assault, case filed, set free, 02/21/1952:1 Superior court increases fine for Holbrook's assault on Guilford to $25, 02/28/1952:1 State Farm guards, Everett Jenkins and Sydney Canfield, beaten by prisoner, 05/01/1952:1 Andrew Pasztor, Jr. charged with assault on Irene Benton, 08/07/1952:2 Maurice Lawrence charges Robert Pierce, 08/07/1952:2 Roland Boardman charged with assault on two children, 08/07/1952:2 Findings deferred in Boardman assault case, 08/14/1952:1 Lucy Jacobs fails to prosecute assault case against Dorothy Reynolds, 08/14/1952:7 Jacobs-Kimball case dismissed, 09/25/1952:8 George Reynolds pleads not guilty to assault on Earl Reynolds and Milton Westgate, 10/09/1952:4 Reynolds assault trial delayed by illness of witness, 10/16/1952:5 11 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Assault and Battery continued Edwin Minzner may suffer loss of eye after assault in Stoughton, 11/13/1952:1 Medeiros given till 22nd to pay $18, 11/13/1952:3 Francis Chartier charged with assault and attempted rape, 02/05/1953:9 Francis Chartier fined for assault, attempted rape charge dismissed, 02/12/1953:10 State Farm reform officer Margaret Waldron brutally beaten by female inmate, 02/19/1953:1 Leonard Bump back in jail after grabbing 15-year-old girl, 04/16/1953:1 Gang beats local youth, Ronald Correira, 05/28/1953:5 Walter Zion accused of assault by Bridgewater man, 07/02/1953:8 Sebastian Barros charged, 07/30/1953:2 Frank DelVecchio's case continued, 07/30/1953:3 DelVecchio fined $25 for assaulting Pierce, 08/06/1953:8 Sebastian (aka Raymond) Barros found guilty of resisting arrest, 08/06/1953:8 Charles Kennedy guilty, must pay for Hanson's tooth, 10/15/1953:1 Mario Grassi charged with shooting of Benjamin deSilva, 02/11/1954:1 Charles Lindstrom found guilty, 02/11/1954:7 Charles Lindstrom guilty in two cases, 02/18/1954:1 Violet Netto drops assault charge against Florida man, 07/22/1954:3 Rosenthal assault case continued, 08/26/1954:3 David Rosenthal case continued, 09/16/1954:7 Francis Huxley case continued, 09/16/1954:7 Huxley fined $25 for assaulting police officer, 09/30/1954:3 Assawampsett School Electricity for school long delayed, 01/27/1950:7 Twenty-four graduate in new auditorium, 06/16/1950:11 Mystery of baby's body found in Lakeville a year ago never solved, 07/28/1950:5 Public auction (ad), 09/01/1950:9 Benjamin Bump principal, 11/17/1950:2 Holds graduation exercises, 06/14/1951:1 Additions to teaching staff announced, 09/06/1951:3 Serves 157 free lunches, 09/13/1951:10 Employs Anne Andrews, 02/14/1952:10 Graduation exercises held, 06/19/1952:1 Principal Benjamin Bump resigns, to head Natick elementary school, 07/24/1952:1 Joseph Kunces elected principal, 08/07/1952:1 Joseph Kunces new principal, 08/07/1952:1 Takes students from North and South Lakeville schools, 10/02/1952:9 Gladys Snow new third grade teacher, 10/09/1952:10 Russell Haskins presents piano to 4th grade, 12/11/1952:4 Model lunchroom in new section of school (p), 01/22/1953:1 Joseph Kunces makes first annual report, 01/22/1953:2 Lieutenant Governor Whittier plans commencement speech (p), 06/04/1953:4 Lt. Governor speaks at centennial graduation, 06/18/1953:1 Principal Joseph Kunces appointed to new administrative post with Middleboro schools (p), 06/18/1953:1 Gary Hall new teacher, 06/25/1953:10 Robert Jeffrey new principal, 08/13/1953:1 Howard Mason new teacher, 09/03/1953:8 Basketballers play in new league, Myles Standish Junior High League, 11/12/1953:7 Annual exhibit of practical arts, 04/22/1954:2 Holds graduation exercises, 06/17/1954:10 William Mann succeeds Malcolm deMoranville as janitor, 09/02/1954:5 Work done on structure during summer break, 09/02/1954:5 Turnover in cafeteria personnel, 12/09/1954:3 Assawompsett & Pocksha Ponds Associates Hold first meeting of season, 06/16/1950:1 Hold 8th annual meeting, 07/14/1950:2 Eighth annual meeting held at historic Lakeville home, 08/18/1950:1 Advised that Health Department controls pond taking, 10/20/1950:1 Mark danger spots in lake, 07/12/1951:2 Holds annual meeting, 07/19/1951:4 Holds 9th annual meeting, 08/16/1951:6 Protective League urges selectmen to join fight to save pond lands, 05/14/1953:1 Assawompsett Lake Citizens attend hearing in Boston, 10/13/1950:1 Selectman proposes fund to fight pond land grab, 10/13/1950:1 Pond Associates advised that Health Department controls pond taking, 10/20/1950:1 Protest to be taken to selectmen, 10/20/1950:1 Seizure of pond lands delayed, 11/03/1950:1 Power lines extended to Indian Shores, 12/15/1950:16 Board of Fire Engineers cut road to lake, 04/19/1951:4 Rules set for water use 50 years ago, 10/15/1953:5 Frank Allen and Harry Haskins drown in Assawompsett Pond 50 years ago, 12/17/1953:10 Bill hearing proposes sale of reservoir land, 03/25/1954:1 Report "kills' land sale bill, 04/01/1954:1 Assembly of Rainbow Girls. see Middleboro Assembly of Rainbow Girls Assessors. see Middleboro – Board of Assessors Atherton, Marion Douglas Daughter born, 08/06/1953:5 Atherton, Reginald Daughter born, 08/06/1953:5 Athletics. See Sports Atkins, Donald Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1 Private stationed at Camp Pickett, VA, 05/24/1951:2 Private 1st Class scheduled to sail for Bremerhaven, Germany, 10/11/1951:6 Recently discharged from U.S. Army, 01/01/1953:8 Son born, 12/31/1953:4 Atkins, Donald K. Engaged to Natalie Turner, 01/04/1951:1 Tendered farewell party at Winthrop-Atkins, 01/04/1951:5 Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1 Graduates from 43rd Infantry Division Leaders School in southern Germany, 05/26/1952:4 Engaged to Natalie Turner, 12/18/1952:8 Wedding described, 01/29/1953:10 Atkins, Donald Kelsey Engaged to Natalie Turner, 01/15/1953:7 Wed to Natalie Turner, 01/29/1953:5 Atkins, Eleanor Wed to William Metcalf, 03/27/1952:5 Atkins, Harold Couple occupies new home on School St Ext, 01/18/1951:2 Daughter born, 05/21/1953:6 Son born, 11/04/1954:4 Atkins, Harold A. Engaged to Margaret Clark, 04/14/1950:12 Engaged to Margaret E. Clark, 05/26/1950:7 Wed to Margaret E. Clark, 06/16/1950:7 Named to head YMCA fund drive, 08/25/1950:1 Purchases School St Ext home from Gilbert Hynes, 11/17/1950:6 Atkins, Harold Ashley Wedding described, 06/16/1950:3 Atkins, Horace Couple honored by local Girl Scouts, 05/26/1950:1 Traditional clam bake at Atlantic City during convention of photographers, 02/15/1951:1 Atkins, Horace K. Honored by Boston Club of Photo Finishers (p), 04/07/1950:1 Puts on New England lobster bake for 2,500 photographers in Atlantic City, 03/22/1951:1 Leading citizens to advise with selectmen on G&E problems, 09/27/1951:1 Setting fishing records in Florida, 03/12/1953:4 Retires from School Committee, 12/10/1953:1 School Committee honors retiring members (p), 01/14/1954:10 Accepts special gifts chairmanship for St. Luke's campaign (p), 07/15/1954:1 Atkins, Jeanette Resides in Westport, CT, 12/27/1951:5 Atkins, Jeannette Studying abroad in Spain for year, 08/26/1954:1 12 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Atkins, Margaret Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p), 10/25/1951:1 Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4 Atkins, Margaret Clark Daughter born, 05/21/1953:6 Son born, 11/04/1954:4 Atkins, Mrs Horace Leonard Bump back in jail stealing and wrecking Atkins' car, 04/16/1953:1 Atkins, Natalie Turner Son born, 12/31/1953:4 Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. see A&P Supermarket Attorneys. see Lawyers Atwater, Catherine B. Widow of William A. dies at age 95, 05/08/1952:7 Obituary, 05/15/1952:9 Atwood, Bruce Writes from big Scout jamboree in California (l), 07/30/1953:1 Atwood, C.S. Steam saw mill does thriving business 50 years ago, 12/24/1953:7 Atwood, Ellis D. Skull fractured in heater explosion, dies, 12/01/1950:1 Atwood, Elwyn G. Engaged to Madeline E. Ouellette, 06/30/1950:5 Wed to Madeline E. Ouellette, 07/07/1950:5 Atwood, Elwyn Gardner Wedding described, 07/07/1950:5 Atwood, Herbert Daughter born, 10/22/1953:7 Atwood, Hubert Son born, 10/09/1952:5 Public auction (ad), 06/11/1953:2 Son born, 11/18/1954:6 Atwood, Hubert Leonard Engaged to Lois Winnifred Valli, 10/18/1951:4 Atwood, Jane Petition for administration of estate, 04/24/1952:4 Atwood, Jane L.F. Petition for conservatorship of property, 10/27/1950:6 Attorney files for compensation from estate, 07/26/1951:5 Atwood, Jane Louise Frances Widow of Lucien W. dies at age 71, 03/27/1952:5 Obituary, 03/27/1952:10 Petition for license to sell real estate, 02/12/1953:9, 07/23/1953:7, 11/05/1953:3, 01/07/1954:3 Atwood, John E. Founder of Atwood-Costello, Inc., 08/27/1953:10 Atwood-Costello, Inc., Chevrolet and Oldsmobile dealers (p), 12/10/1953:8 Atwood, Kenneth. see also Atwood-Costello, Inc. Student driver car presented to MHS (p), 12/22/1950:1 Atwood, Kenneth A. Files for re-election to Finance Committee, 12/06/1951:1 Profile of candidate for Finance Committee, 01/10/1952:1 Thanks voters (ad), 01/24/1952:11 Atwood, Levi O. Executors present account of estate, 10/07/1954:2 Atwood, Lois Valli Son born, 10/09/1952:5 Daughter born, 10/22/1953:7 Atwood, Lois Vally Son born, 11/18/1954:6 Atwood, Marie Resides in Barnstable, 03/12/1953:2 Atwood, Marion Resides in Los Angeles, CA, 07/29/1954:2 Atwood, Marion N. Resigns as treasurer of Rock Village Church, replaced by Walter Gillis, 01/25/1951:10 Resides in Laguna, CA, 01/21/1954:9 Atwood, Mrs Levi Resides in Los Angeles, CA, 07/29/1954:2 Atwood-Costello, Inc. Chevrolet dealer, 67 Everett St (ad), 01/06/1950:8 Granted dealer's license, 02/03/1950:1 Granted garage permit, 02/03/1950:1 Submit low bid for Gas & Electric Department truck, 03/24/1950:1 Gives school car for driver ed course, 12/15/1950:1 Signs up for TV premium membership, 12/15/1950:13 Signs up for TV premium membership (ad), 12/15/1950:15 Student driver car presented to MHS (p), 12/22/1950:1 Experienced mechanics wanted (ad), 04/26/1951:2 Harry Martel new service manager (ad), 10/23/1952:10 Awarded bid for Town Manager's car and Highway Department truck, 04/09/1953:1 Leading auto dealer, Everett St (p), 08/27/1953:10 Chevrolet and Oldsmobile dealers (p), 12/10/1953:8 Dealers in fine automobiles, 03/11/1954:6 Wins bid to provide town with dump truck, 04/08/1954:1 Anniversary celebration (ad), 04/29/1954:3 Offers expert automotive service (p), 06/24/1954:6 Installs latest wheel alignment equipment (p), 09/23/1954:6 Longer, lower lines grace latest Chevrolets (p), 11/04/1954:6 Aubrey, Arthur Minot Wed to Victoria Baldwin, 09/11/1952:5 Aubrey, C. Ernest Petition for probate of will, 08/23/1951:5 Aubrey, Charles Ernest Husband of Thora Peterson dies at age 58, 08/16/1951:5 Obituary, 08/16/1951:6 Aubrey, Thora E. Sells Center St block to Steve Stanley, 02/04/1954:1 After 25 years in Middleboro, moves to Orlando, FL, 08/12/1954:5 Aubrey & Nichols Granted second-hand furniture sales license, 04/07/1950:5 Aubrey's Grill Louis Garganio's victualler's license granted, 02/10/1950:1 Aubrey's Used Furniture Granted secondhand furniture sales license, 04/21/1950:2 Four Middleboro youths face larceny charges, 06/25/1953:3 Auctionhouses and Auctioneers Tallman granted license, 04/21/1950:2 Allan Hale granted license, 05/19/1950:2 Ann Garfield's license renewed, 05/19/1950:2 Fred Gardner granted license, 05/29/1952:8 Allan Hale licensed, 06/12/1952:6 Max Green, public auction at place of business (ad), 09/11/1952:4 Estate sale at Green's place of business (ad), 10/02/1952:9 William Egger licensed 50 years ago, 06/24/1954:8 Audette, Grazziellie Engaged to John Hall, 07/21/1950:1 Auger, Arleen Clerk at Nemasket Transportation Co., 09/01/1950:10 Auger, Grace Richmond Dies at age 60, 08/23/1951:5 Obituary, 08/23/1951:6 Augie's Texaco Service Station Wareham St business popular (p), 07/16/1953:6 Wareham St, get winter checkup (p), 10/08/1953:6 Give your car real service, 02/18/1954:8 Has new tube sealing process, 05/06/1954:8 Ausman, Dorine Engaged to Robert Merritt, 07/12/1951:2 Ausman, Dorine Miriam Wedding described, 08/16/1951:10 Ausman, George Edward Obituary, 02/08/1951:4 Husband of Judith Elizabeth Maki dies at age 46, 02/08/1951:5 Austin, Alice G. Granted full time teaching post here, 07/09/1953:1 Austin, Charles C. Stationed in Austria, 01/03/1952:7 Corporal leaves for overseas duty in Germany, 09/25/1952:8 Austin, George R. Eagles donate record player to library (p), 03/27/1952:10 13 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Austin, Phyllis Ann Engaged to Harold L. Dunn, Jr., 04/15/1954:6 Wed to Harold L. Dunn, Jr., 04/22/1954:6 Wedding described, 04/22/1954:12 Austin, Russell Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1 Australia Kenneth Falconer farm exchange student from Australia, 10/15/1953:5 Authors. see Books Automobile Dealers. see also Art's Auto Sales; Atwood-Costello, Inc.; Bailey Motor Sales; Cannon Motor Sales; Curtis Ford Sales; Maxim Motor Co.; Randall Motors; Stanley's Service Station Young's Garage, West Grove and Elm St (ad), 01/20/1950:4 No issues with current licenses here, 02/10/1950:1 Young's Garage, wanted, good mechanic (ad), 03/17/1950:2 Kenneth DeMaranville's license renewed, 03/24/1950:1 Standish granted licenses, 04/07/1950:5 Hearing scheduled on application from Walter Zion, 04/07/1950:12 Edward Lawrence mechanic at Bailey Motor Sales, 05/26/1950:11 William Rose granted permit to sell autos, 05/31/1951:5 Selectmen hold hearing on dealer's license for Harrison Holbrook, 05/29/1952:1 Notice of hearing on license for George Pittsley, 05/29/1952:8 George Pittsley approved for Class 2 dealer's license, 06/12/1952:6 Harrison Holbrook gets used car sales permit, 06/12/1952:6 Youths caught stealing gas and tires from Vincent Kelly, 12/11/1952:6 Rose Motor Sales, West Grove St (ad), 12/25/1952:8 George Cleaves petitions for Class 3 license, 06/11/1953:4 Selectmen decline to grant license to Cleaves without further information, 06/11/1953:10 Harold Bailey retires after 47 years in the auto business, 06/24/1954:1 Taunton man charged with theft of batteries from Zion's Used Auto Park, 07/15/1954:4 Stanley's Service Station, a fair deal in good used cars (p), 08/19/1954:6 Vickery applies for Class III license, 12/02/1954:2 Automobile Drivers' Licenses Theodore Bowers fined $50 for operating car after license revoked, 01/27/1950:12 Howard Vaughn guilty of driving without a license, 06/09/1950:6 Westling and Houghton guilty of operating without a license, 10/13/1950:9 Andrew Sisson guilty of operating without license, 11/10/1950:2 Philip Lacombe fined $25 for allowing unlicensed driver to operate vehicle, 04/05/1951:9 James Nunes fined $50 for operating without license, 08/02/1951:8 Violette Judson charged with operating without license, 10/25/1951:2 Violette Judson charged with operating without a license, 11/01/1951:1 Took police five shots to stop Herbert Thomas, Jr. chase, 12/06/1951:4 Robert Phillips' trial set, 03/27/1952:4 Albert Heath pleads guilty to operating without license, 09/11/1952:3 Harold Hudson fined $50 operating without a license, 10/16/1952:10 Arthur, not brother Harold, fined, 10/23/1952:5 Arthur Hudson fined $50 for driving after license revoked, 08/20/1953:2 Robert Maddigan chooses long probation over $50 fine for driving without a license, 10/15/1953:3 Ray Vickery fined $10 for operating without a license, 12/03/1953:4 Cecil Gray fined $50 for driving without license, 12/10/1953:4 Vickery appeals jail sentence, 12/17/1953:14 William Corbett drove 25 years without a license, 01/07/1954:1 Manuel Almeida fined $10 for allowing operation by improper driver, 04/08/1954:10 Robert Thrasher fined for operating without license, 04/08/1954:10 Frederick Horsman guilty of driving after license revoked, 09/30/1954:3 Joseph McGrady fined $50 for driving after license revoked, 09/30/1954:4 Automobile Fires Interior of Nemasket Transportation truck damaged by fire, 07/21/1950:8 Pennsylvania minister's car hits tree, burst into flames, 11/29/1951:1 Auto belches forth fireworks on Rte 28, 07/10/1952:1 Automobile Parking. see Parking Automobile Racing New hot rod club organized here, Draglinks, 01/21/1954:1 Charles Zion seeks permit for use of empty field on Plain St, 03/25/1954:10 Safety is object of Rod-Knockers, 04/15/1954:12 Representatives of Rod Knockers Club before selectmen, 05/27/1954:12 Angry citizen complains of Rod-Knockers nuisance noise and dust, 07/01/1954:1 Automobile Service Stations. see also Bolan's Jenney Service; Eddie's Cities Service; Maxim Motor Co.; Stanley's Service Station Johnny's Texaco Station (ad), 01/20/1950:12 Arthur Gamache granted garage and gasoline licenses, 01/27/1950:8 Selectmen grant permits, 02/03/1950:1 Collin's Auto Service, 51 East Main St (ad), 02/03/1950:8 Charles Smith, Jr.'s garage license renewed, 02/10/1950:1 Fagerberg's Garage suffers break-in, 02/10/1950:7 Elmer Sisson's license renewed, 02/24/1950:1 Joseph Corriero granted license, 02/24/1950:1 Kenneth DeMaranville's license renewed, 03/24/1950:1 Marshall and Standish granted garage licenses, 04/07/1950:5 Marshall's Automotive (ad), 05/12/1950:3 Sukeforth's Service Station (ad), 05/26/1950:11 Charles Washburn plans filling station and pre-fab housing on Rte 28, 06/23/1950:1 Notice of hearing on Charles Washburn's application, 06/23/1950:5 Washburn toilet question considered by selectmen, 06/30/1950:1 Washburn granted license to sell gasoline, 06/30/1950:10 Holbrooks Gas Station, Rte 28, North Middleboro (ad), 07/14/1950:9 Nicholas Roberts employed at Dunbar's Filling Station, 09/08/1950:5 Break-ins at Brown's and Wilber's gas station, 09/15/1950:1 Standish Service Station changes hours (ad), 12/08/1950:9 Young's Garage, wanted, one auto mechanic (ad), 01/25/1951:9 Brown's Service Station broken into again, 02/22/1951:1 Brown's Filling Station suffers 24th break-in since 1940, 05/03/1951:1 SE Mass Oil Co. granted gasoline permit, 05/31/1951:5 Notice of hearing on Vincent Kelly's application, 06/07/1951:2 Vincent Kelly granted gasoline sales license, 06/14/1951:12 Shell Oil has garage in Middleboro, needs investor (ad), 06/28/1951:9 Francis McMahon sells gas station to Theo Testa, moves to Buzzards Bay, 07/05/1951:5 Holbrook's Cabins and Gas Station (ad), 07/12/1951:3 Young's Garage, wanted, auto mechanic and helper (ad), 07/26/1951:6 Thelma Reynolds granted license to sell gasoline, 09/06/1951:8 Fred Standish retires from service station business, thanks patrons (ad), 09/27/1951:6 Blake's Service Station 33 Wareham St (ad), 10/18/1951:2 Jimmie Thompson's Gulf Service, Rte 44 (ad), 02/28/1952:2 Harrison Holbrook denied license, 03/06/1952:1 Maurice Richmond sells oil and lubricant station to Irving Murphy (ad), 03/27/1952:6 Spud's Atlantic Service, 200 Center St (ad), 04/10/1952:13 Notice of hearing on Starvish's permit to store and sell gasoline (ad), 04/17/1952:9 Walter Starvish before board of selectmen on gasoline license petition, 04/24/1952:6 Oxford Oil Co., Texaco service station, Wareham St (ad), 06/05/1952:2 Auto parts, oil, gasoline, and a radio missing in break-in at Whitney's, 06/26/1952:1 Ken's granted Sunday license and gasoline pump license, 07/10/1952:1 Oxford Oil Co., Texaco service station, Wareham St (ad), 10/09/1952:3 Smith's Sunoco Station, 162 Center St (ad), 10/16/1952:10 Kem's Variety, Rte 44 (ad), 12/11/1952:6 Gale blows out window at Bolan's, 02/26/1953:1 Ralph Gammons proprietor of new Shell Oil Co. station on North Main St, 04/30/1953:8 Gladys Houlihan files complaint of illegal auto service, 06/11/1953:1 Frank Gomes granted license to store and sell gasoline, 06/11/1953:10 George Cleaves agrees to keep hollow clean, 06/25/1953:4 Myron Turnbull, automotive brakes & ignition, Summer St (ad), 07/09/1953:5 Augie's Texaco Service Station on Wareham St popular (p), 07/16/1953:6 Oxford Oil Co., auto service and oil dealer (p), 09/17/1953:8 14 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Automobile Service Stations continued Augie's Texaco Service Station, get winter checkup (p), 10/08/1953:6 Winter closing hours in effect (ad), 10/15/1953:2 Augie's Texaco Service Station, give your car real service, 02/18/1954:8 Walter Cassidy, body and fender repair, 120 North St (ad), 02/25/1954:9 Joseph Correira, Oxford Oil Co., 03/25/1954:6 Augie's Texaco Service Station has new tube sealing process, 05/06/1954:8 Selectmen okay moving of house on Center St to make room for gas station, 05/20/1954:1 Correira's Texaco Station, popular spot for Cape drivers, 05/27/1954:8 Notice of hearing on Donald Cannon petition, 06/24/1954:9 Donald Cannon granted license, 07/01/1954:6 Charles Smith, Jr. owner of new Sunoco station, 07/01/1954:12 Gomes' Shell Station, Frank and Albert Gomes, Rte 28 (p), 07/08/1954:6 Pierre Gagnon purchases gas station and restaurant from George Eno, 08/19/1954:10 Smitty's Sunoco Service, 158-162 Center St (ad), 09/23/1954:9 Break-in at Gene Simmons' Rte 28 filling station, 10/21/1954:1 The Rainbow Service, Robert Wood and Ernest Bigelow, 200 Center St (ad), 12/30/1954:8 Automobile Theft William Rose's stolen auto found abandoned off Spring St, 02/03/1950:6 Herbert Howard rips out hydrant in stolen car, 10/06/1950:1 Bridgewater truck found burned on River St, 01/18/1951:1 Police hunt shoeless truck thief, 09/06/1951:1 Car stolen from Bailey's Garage, 11/15/1951:1 Two youths held on suspicion in Bailey garage break-in, 11/22/1951:1 C. Trafton Mendall's auto stolen in Providence, 04/10/1952:6 Myron Turnbull's stolen car recovered in East Bridgewater, 12/18/1952:1 William Metcalf gets two years, 01/15/1953:12 Leonard Bump back in jail stealing and wrecking Atkins' car, 04/16/1953:1 Local police recover plate stolen from Revere car, 07/23/1953:1 LeRoy Hughes charged with attempted theft, 09/24/1953:1 Stolen Highway Department dump truck located in sand pit off South Main St, 11/19/1953:1 Car stolen from Maxim Motor Co. wrecked in Waterbury, CT, 12/03/1953:1 Car stolen from Richard Mortimer, recovered in Hanson, 01/07/1954:3 April Fool joke not funny to Bridgewater man, 04/08/1954:9 Harold Hudson charged with auto theft and four other violations, 04/15/1954:5 Youths who stole Freeman Shaw's auto sentenced to Lyman School, 04/15/1954:11 Youths caught in high-speed chase, 06/03/1954:1 Mary Lopes car theft case continued, 11/04/1954:1 Automobiles Dave's Auto Body and Paint Shop, corner of Wareham and Wood St (ad), 01/20/1950:7 C.W. Maxim running new auto-car 50 years ago, 04/01/1954:8 Banner town in number of cars owned 50 years ago, 06/24/1954:8 Victor Jones' 1920 Dodge has traveled 260,000 miles (p), 07/01/1954:9 Automobiles - Law and Legislation Robert Hayden pleads nolo to charge of operating with improper brakes, 09/29/1950:9 Selectmen urge voters to vote no on flat rate insurance, 10/27/1950:1 Local citizens label big city insurance scheme unfair, 11/03/1950:1 Juvenile given curfew after multiple offenses, 12/01/1950:1 Eugene David charged with operating unregistered, uninsured vehicle, 12/29/1950:8 Audrey Colombo fined $100 for driving unregistered, uninsured vehicle, 01/11/1951:2 Eugene David fined $100 for operating uninsured car, 01/25/1951:8 Colombo in default for failure to pay fine, 02/08/1951:8 Colombo cannot pay fine, gets month in jail, 02/15/1951:8 Seven fined $3 each for lack of inspection sticker, 05/17/1951:2 Gordon Oliver fined $5 for failure to have inspection sticker, 05/17/1951:8 Automobiles – Law and Legislation continued Ralph Beckman fined $3 for lack of inspection sticker, 05/31/1951:8 Richard Benson guilty of operating vehicle of faulty brakes, 11/29/1951:8 John Ferreira fined $100 for allowing operation of uninsured vehicle, 07/03/1952:2 Frederick Horsman guilty of permitting improper person to operate motor vehicle, 11/06/1952:8 Four fined $3 for lack of sticker, 11/13/1952:12 New England Transportation Co. charged with blue light violation, 12/11/1952:10 New England Transportation Co. admits error, 12/25/1952:2 Herman Goodman fined $3 for stickerless car, 05/21/1953:4 Alton Linton pleads nolo for operating unregistered, uninsured vehicle, 10/08/1953:9 Fred Horsman fined $5 for defective muffler, 11/05/1953:5 Robert Thrasher fined for operating without proper brakes, 04/08/1954:10 Harold Hudson pleads not guilty to four charges, 04/22/1954:2 Ronald Correia charged with driving with improper muffler, 07/15/1954:7 Ronald Correia guilty of driving with improper muffler, 07/22/1954:7 Cecile Letendre fined $5 for failure to have inspection sticker, 12/02/1954:9 Automobiles - Parts. see also Benny's Auto Stores; Bolan's Jenney Service; Richmond, Harry E.; Richmond Automotive Service Bill's Auto Glass, Lakeville (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Avallone, Theresa J. Selectmen favor liquor license transfer from Joseph to new owner of The Fireside, 02/08/1951:1 Avery, Keith T. Resides in Coldwater, MI, 06/03/1954:2 Aviation Student pilot, Leslie Travers, escapes death as plane crashes off Rte 28 (p), 09/01/1950:1 Student pilot, Leslie Travers, fined for flying too low after crash on Rte 28, 11/17/1950:2 Recruits sought for Civil Air Patrol (p), 02/22/1951:1 Myricks pilot crashes in Lakeville, 05/10/1951:1 Howard Maxim lands seaplane of Charles River, 08/21/1952:1 Captain Richard Leggee flies low over mother's house, 05/14/1953:6 Local pilots fly to Texas on four-day visit (p), 07/30/1953:1 LaForest and Maddigan responsible for flyovers during Falconieri homecoming, 09/17/1953:6 Local enthusiasts, Fish family, take trips in own Piper Cub, 01/21/1954:1 Flying Fishes forced down in snowstorm, 02/04/1954:1 Foye, Smith, and Lentini graduate from piloting course, 02/04/1954:4 Mrs Horace Griffith has frightening flying experience in forced landing, 09/02/1954:1 Roger Tillson, Jr. killed in crash while on routine training flight (p), 09/02/1954:1 Avila, John Driver dies of heart attack, 11/20/1952:9 Avila, Pearl Gilbert Son born, 05/05/1950:5 Avila, Thomas Son born, 05/05/1950:5 Avon Cosmetics Saleswoman wanted for South Middleboro and Rock (ad), 03/24/1950:4 Awnings Johnny's Awning Repairs, 30 Plymouth St (ad), 08/18/1950:9 AWOL. see Absent Without Leave (AWOL) Ayers, Brenton S. Calls for impeachment of President Truman (l), 04/26/1951:1 Expresses opinion on Republican convention (l), 07/24/1952:7 Thinks McCarthy deserves Oscar (l), 06/24/1954:10 Ayotte, Isabella Koczon Son born, 03/03/1950:5 Ayotte, Joseph. see Blue and White Farms; Joseph L. Ayotte & Son Ayotte, Ludger Dies at age 82, 11/03/1950:5 Obituary, 11/03/1950:6 15 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Ayotte, Lydia Sells Acorn St property to Michael Kratko, 03/05/1953:4 Purchases Pleasant St property from Elmer Allan, 03/26/1953:9 Manager of Marcks' South Main St store (ad), 06/03/1954:7 Ayotte, Mrs Joseph L. Joseph Ayotte's Lydia A. speeds to victory in New England Futurity (p), 10/29/1953:1 Ayotte, Robert Family moves from Main St to Alden St, 08/19/1954:5 Ayotte, Robert H. Appointed notary public, 04/05/1951:1 Ayotte, Roland Son born, 03/03/1950:5 Azen (Mrs) Serious fire averted 50 years ago, 12/30/1954:2 B B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc. Milk produced by Middleboro farmers (ad), 06/09/1950:12 Accepting limited number of new customers (ad), 08/14/1952:10 Kinsman Dairy truck and Harris' car collide on Wareham St, 11/20/1952:3 Modern dairy on North St (p), 09/03/1953:6 Quality dairy products, 3 North St (p), 01/14/1954:6 Leader in the field, 04/22/1954:8 Clarifies recent rumors (ad), 05/20/1954:9 Fine herds assure high quality milk, 06/17/1954:6 Cooperate during hurricane (p), 09/09/1954:6 Babbitt, Ina A. Engaged to Franklin A. Pierce, 09/22/1950:5 Babbitt, Mrs Clifton Resides in Boston, 11/18/1954:4 Babbitt, Shirley R. Engaged to George A. Kinch, 09/27/1951:4 Wed to George A. Kinch, 10/04/1951:4 Babcock, Melvin E. Selectmen refuse liquor store application, 12/06/1951:1 Hearing appeal today, 12/13/1951:1 Appeal withdrawn, 12/20/1951:1 Re-submits license application, 12/20/1951:7 Babcock, Melvin Edwin Wife files for divorce, 09/24/1953:5 Babcock, Vera Anna Files for divorce, 09/24/1953:5 Bachelder, Mrs Sidney Resides in Jacksonville, NC, 12/30/1954:2 Backstron, Harold Parked Thomas Bros. truck struck by soldier's car on Rte 28, 06/19/1952:1 Backus, Isaac Texas professor here researching life of reverend, 08/18/1950:10 Historical Society discusses early settlers at winter meeting, 02/07/1952:10 Backus Memorial Church. see First Baptist Church Badminton Now in season at MHS, 04/01/1954:8 Badore, David Son born, 10/27/1950:7 Daughter born, 03/19/1953:5 Badore, Louise Estes Son born, 10/27/1950:7 Daughter born, 03/19/1953:5 Baer, Eugene W. New art teacher at MHS, 06/10/1954:10 New MHS art teacher, 10/07/1954:9 Bagdasarian, Gary Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Bagdasarian, Richard Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 Bagdon, Adam Engaged to Jane Fickert, 10/06/1950:4 Engaged to Jane Rachael Fickert, 10/27/1950:6 Wedding described, 11/03/1950:5 Wed to Jane Rachael Fickert, 11/10/1950:7 Bagdon, Adam continued Son born, 04/30/1953:6 Bagdon, James Stephen Born to Adam, 04/30/1953:6 Bagdon, Jane Fickert Son born, 04/30/1953:6 Bagdon, Mrs Adam Employed at telephone exchange, 05/24/1951:6 Bagley, David Engaged to Phyllis-Clare Stegmaier, 07/28/1950:10 Engaged to Phyllis-Claire Stegmaier, 04/05/1951:5 Engaged to Phyllis C. Stegmaier, 04/12/1951:5 Wed to Phyllis C. Stegmaier, 04/19/1951:5 Bagley, David C. Wedding described, 04/19/1951:9 Bailey, Ann Engaged to Oscar C. Shealey, 12/27/1951:7 Bailey, Anne Wedding described, 01/03/1952:5 Bailey, Bessie B. Middleboro Teachers' Association honors veteran teacher, 01/15/1953:1 Bailey, David E. Wed to Bertha L. Burke, 07/05/1951:5 Bailey, Donald Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1 Bailey, Ed Ties with Penniman in 2nd annual Middleboro hackers golf open, 10/06/1950:1 Bailey, Frank J. Garage destroyed in early morning fire, 11/05/1953:1 Bailey, George H. Daughter born 50 years ago, 10/07/1954:10 Bailey, George Harvey Wed to Anne Margaret Urquhard, 07/05/1951:5 Bailey, George Henry Husband of Emily M. Pratt dies at age 74, 03/01/1951:5 Obituary, 03/01/1951:8 Petition for probate of will, 04/12/1951:5 Bailey, Hank Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p), 12/04/1952:1 Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Injured in Mitchell Club game against Greenfield, 10/14/1954:1 Bailey, Harold Retires after 47 years in the auto business, 06/24/1954:1 Bailey, Henry Daughter born, 02/25/1954:4 Bailey, Judy Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 Bailey, L.S. Tree warden 50 years ago, 06/17/1954:8 Bailey, Mary Veno Daughter born, 02/25/1954:4 Bailey, Mrs Harold White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p), 12/15/1950:1 Bailey, Stanley Resides in Davis, CA, 06/21/1951:9 Bailey, Susan Junior at Colby Junior College, 09/10/1953:10 Bailey Motor Sales Buick dealer, 15 Sproat St (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Dealer and garage licenses renewed, 02/10/1950:1 Edward Lawrence mechanic, 05/26/1950:11 Car and safe stolen from garage, 11/15/1951:1 Two youths held on suspicion in break-in, 11/22/1951:1 Now receiving 4160-volt service, 04/10/1952:6 Herbert Lawrence heads service department, 01/22/1953:9 Discontinues garage service (ad), 09/16/1954:8 Baird, Ann G. Shares valedictorian honor with Eileen Perkins (p), 06/04/1953:1 Baird, Anne Gordon Engaged to Henry Tinkham, 07/01/1954:1 16 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Baker, Alice Jane Widow of Michael dies at age 93, 03/17/1950:5 Obituary, 03/17/1950:10 Baker, Annie Washburn Dies in Pembroke, 03/26/1953:10 Baker, Betsey Staff of new Sears and Roebuck catalog store (p), 11/15/1951:6 Baker, Eddie Lakeside Gladiolus Garden, Mary and Eddie Baker (ad), 12/11/1952:12 Baker, Edith Hunt Obituary, 06/10/1954:4 Widow of Charles dies at age 85, 06/10/1954:7 Baker, Edward F. Named sectional chairman of Knights of Columbus, 10/01/1953:7 Baker, Emily Louise Engaged to Joseph Fasulo, 11/24/1950:5 Wed to Joseph Fasulo, 12/08/1950:5 Baker, Ethel MacNeil Honored for 25 years of service at Woolworth's, 10/23/1952:1 Baker, Evelyn Mary Wedding described, 11/08/1951:11 Baker, Everett C. Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9 Baker, Frank Dies at age 69, 12/08/1950:5 Father of Philip dies, 12/08/1950:6 Obituary, 12/08/1950:11 Baker, Frank H. Four-year-old Paul Carter injured slightly after bumping into taxi, 11/11/1954:1 Baker, Gladys Agnew Daughter born, 04/24/1952:4 Baker, Gladys Kidawaka Daughter born, 09/20/1951:7 Baker, JoAnne Engaged to George Costa, 12/10/1953:12 Baker, Joanne Graduates from Mt. Auburn Hospital School of Nursing (p), 05/27/1954:1 Baker, Ken I. Sergeant 1st Class arrives in Germany, 06/25/1953:7 Baker, Madeline A. Public health nurse for Lakeville-Rochester-Carver school district, 09/01/1950:9 Baker, Mary Lakeside Gladiolus Garden, Mary and Eddie Baker (ad), 12/11/1952:12 On lunchroom staff at MHS cafeteria (p), 04/01/1954:1 Baker, Mrs Watson Fractures shoulder in fall, 03/29/1951:10 Retires from MHS lunchroom after eight years, 12/23/1954:4 Baker, Philip Daughter born, 09/20/1951:5, 09/20/1951:7 Baker, Ralph, Jr. Inducted into service with proviso he report after completing college, 02/08/1951:9 Graduates from Bridgewater State Normal School, 06/07/1951:7 Private 1st Class stationed in Sampson, NY, 09/06/1951:3 Private 1st Class stationed at Sampson AFB, 02/07/1952:9 Airman stationed at Stewart Air Base, TN, 01/15/1953:10 Promoted to Airman 1st Class, 04/23/1953:6 Baker, Ralph W. Candidate for Lakeville selectman, 05/19/1950:1, 05/19/1950:6 Elected to replace Pember on Lakeville boards, 06/23/1950:1 Baker, Ralph W., Jr. Enlists in U.S. Air Force, 07/05/1951:3 Private 1st Class transfers to Institute School of Information and Education, 03/13/1952:2 Stationed at Stewart AFB in Smyrna, TX, 09/18/1952:5 Selected Airman of the Week (p), 02/12/1953:1 Sergeant stationed at Shaw AFB, SC, 10/21/1954:6 Baker, Raymond Attends University of Vermont, 11/10/1950:10, 12/29/1950:7 Baker, Raymond H. Attends the Citadel military college in South Carolina, 12/27/1951:5 Baker, Richard Private stationed at Pine Camp, NY, 06/07/1951:7 Private 1st Class stationed at Pine Camp, NY, 07/12/1951:2 On furlough from Pine Camp, NY, 09/06/1951:3 Private 1st Class has new assignment in Seattle, WA, 09/20/1951:2 Promoted to Corporal at station on island south of Korea, 01/24/1952:5 Receives honorable discharge, 01/07/1954:9 Baker, Richard A. Completes basic training, now at Pine Camp, NY, 03/29/1951:4 Baker, Robert Daughter born, 04/24/1952:4 Baker, Virginia Copley Son born, 10/15/1953:4 Baker, Watson Egger's Annex staffed by Middleboro old fellars (ad), 03/20/1952:5 Baker, Watson W. Alumnus of Dartmouth College, 06/16/1950:12 Baker, Watson W., Jr. Wed to Virginia Copley, 10/18/1951:3 Baker, Watson, W., Jr. Son born, 10/15/1953:4 Bakeries Home Bakery, self-service, 117 Center St (ad), 03/03/1950:2 Scanlon's Bakery Products (ad), 04/28/1950:5 Corinne's Bakery, 56 Center St (ad), 11/17/1950:6 Home Bakery under new management (ad), 04/26/1951:11 Morrison's Home Bakery, 117 Center St (ad), 11/15/1951:2 Marvel's Open Air Bakery & Market, 2 Spruce St (ad), 05/29/1952:5 Muriel’s Do-Nuts closed over 4th (ad), 06/25/1953:10 Columb names Corinne's Bakery after daughter, 10/01/1953:6 Corinne's Bakery aids housewives, 11/19/1953:8 Corinne's Bakery offering special services for the holiday (p), 12/17/1953:6 Rosemarie Merriweather granted temporary bakery license, 02/04/1954:1 Lindy's Home Bakery now open at 48 North Main St (ad), 04/08/1954:12 Pasztor & Klar increase size of store 50 years ago, 04/22/1954:10 Sheehan Bros. purchase George Tweedy's bakery 50 years ago, 04/29/1954:8 Lindy's Home Bakery, fine line of products, 07/01/1954:8 The Center Bakery opening at 56 Center St (ad), 08/19/1954:9 Plans by Murphy and D'Agostino approved, 09/02/1954:1 Charles Lindberg displays baking artistry (p), 11/11/1954:8 Balboni, Alice Louis Andrade charged with trespassing by Balboni, 04/12/1951:10 Balboni, Ralph Middleboro Softball League champs for 1953 (p), 09/03/1953:1 Baldwin, Victoria Wed to Arthur Minto Aubrey, 09/11/1952:5 Balentine, Robert G. New teacher at Assawampsett School, 09/06/1951:3 Ball, Cedric M. Obituary, 02/21/1952:7 Ball, Jean Marriage takes place in Rochester, NY, 09/27/1951:5 Ball, Kinsley A. Resides in Portland, ME, 02/10/1950:2 Ball, Kinsley Allen, Jr. Engaged to Joanne Haskell, 04/16/1953:4 Wedding described, 08/13/1953:2 Ball, Samuel Sees sister, Euphemia Frizzell, for first time in 57 years (p), 08/28/1952:2 Ballam, Bernard F., Jr. Engaged to Barbara A. Parker, 03/29/1951:5 Wed to Barbara A. Parker, 04/19/1951:5 Ballard, Wilbur Engaged to Hazel Allen, 07/07/1950:5 Ballestracci, Mary J. Engaged to Robert S. Jones, Jr., 02/21/1952:5 Ballestraci, Mary J. Wed to Robert S. Jones, Jr., 02/28/1952:5 17 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Ballestraci, Mary Joan Wedding described, 02/28/1952:4 Ballou, Perley Frank Obituary, 04/14/1950:12 Balls (parties) Two hundred enjoy Gingham Ball at Town House, 04/17/1952:4 Square dancers at 4-H Gingham Ball (p), 04/24/1952:10 Third annual Gingham Ball draws over 500, 06/05/1952:6 Sachem Steppers co-sponsor 4th semi-annual Gingham Ball, 06/18/1953:10 J.H. Dalton caters firemen's ball 50 years ago, 01/21/1954:7 Junior Cabot Club hosts most successful masquerade ball yet, 11/04/1954:4 Policemen's Ball attended by 150, 11/25/1954:2 Balonis, John J. Wed to Doris M. Dube, 07/15/1954:4 Balzotti, Arthur Son born, 08/18/1950:5 Daughter born, 12/03/1953:4 Balzotti, Leonis Rullo Son born, 08/18/1950:5 Daughter born, 12/03/1953:4 Bancroft, Earle B. Engaged to Leah A. Rose, 09/15/1950:7 Wed to Leah A. Rose, 10/13/1950:7 Bands and Orchestras. see also Bates School - Arts; Middleborough Memorial High School - Music The Pilgrim Trio plays at reception for new pastor in Plymouth, 01/27/1950:12 Joseph Cordeiro, music for all occasions (ad), 02/28/1952:3 Hotin pianist, Fuller drummer with Joseph Cordeiro's orchestra (ad), 08/14/1952:8 Carter's band holds promenade concert 50 years ago, 12/10/1953:9 Dance floor full at Boy's Band's first event of season 50 years ago, 02/11/1954:8 Carter's Middleboro Band gives Taunton concert 50 years ago, 06/10/1954:9 Musicians wanted for hill-billy band (ad), 11/04/1954:5 Banks, Eunice Caswell Resides in Bridgeport, CT, 09/16/1954:7 Banks, Robert Three boys missing from Everett St homes, 10/08/1953:1 Trio picked up at summer cottage in Fairhaven, 10/15/1953:1 Banks and Banking. see also Middleborough Co-operative Bank; Middleborough Savings Bank; Middleborough Trust Co. Albert Thomas cashier at National Bank 50 years ago, 07/01/1954:4 G.E. Tillson president of Middleboro National Bank 50 years ago, 08/12/1954:8 G.E. Tillson president of National Bank 50 years ago, 09/09/1954:7 Banta, Earl Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1 Banta, Earle R. Airman 3rd Class stationed in San Antonio, TX, 06/11/1953:6 Banta, Earle Ronald Enlists in U.S. Air Force, 08/21/1952:4 Banta, Evelyn Attends Salem Teachers' College, 12/01/1950:8 Chairman of annual open house at Salem Teachers College, 03/22/1951:2 Re-elected makeup editor for Log at Salem Teachers' College, 05/24/1951:8 On Dean's list at Salem Teachers College, 03/19/1953:1 Accepts teaching post in Pepperell, 09/17/1953:5 Banta, Evelyn L. To receive B.S. in business education from Salem State (p), 06/04/1953:1 Banta, Irene "School Bank" feature of MHS business program (p), 06/03/1954:11 Banus, Michael Husband of Annie dies at age 60, 08/16/1951:5 Obituary, 08/16/1951:7 Baptist Church. see also Central Baptist Church; First Baptist Church; Mullein Hill Church; Rock Village Church J.F. Lawrence accepts call 50 years ago, 10/29/1953:7 Baptista, Domingo Raymond Sent to Boston for induction, 01/08/1953:1 Baptista, Manuel A. Leaves for Pine Camp with 320th Military Police Battalion, 07/24/1952:3 Baptiste, Frank J. Charged with child desertion, 01/28/1954:4 Baptiste, Manny Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p), 12/04/1952:1 Baptiste, Manuel Daughter born, 07/19/1951:5 Baptiste, Ruth Hadfield Daughter born, 07/19/1951:5 Barbeau, Norman C. Engaged to Evelyn Ruth Shaw, 10/22/1953:7 Wed to Evelyn Ruth Shaw, 10/29/1953:5 Barbers. see also Hairdressers List of barbers closing shops on Mondays (ad), 06/09/1950:14 New prices effective May 20th (ad), 05/15/1952:5 O.L. Barden shaves the older set 50 years ago, 10/15/1953:5 Joseph Wright has been cutting hair for 63 years, 12/23/1954:9 Letendre's Barber Shop moves from 15 North Main to 24 Wareham St (ad), 12/30/1954:8 Barboza, Betty Engaged to Lawrence J. Barros, Jr., 09/23/1954:5 Wedding described, 12/16/1954:3 Barboza, E. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Barboza, Harry, Jr. Engaged to Louise Spencer, 08/14/1952:9 Barboza, Isabelle Married in Sacramento, CA, 07/01/1954:7 Barboza, Joan South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home (p), 10/18/1951:1 Barboza, Manuel Requests common victualler's license, 05/26/1952:10 Granted license for hot dog and coffee stand, 06/11/1953:10 Barden, Fred Marion couple married 50 years, 12/08/1950:15 Barden, Mildred Florence Obituary, 05/15/1952:5 Widow of William C. dies at age 78, 05/15/1952:7 Barden, Mrs William C. Montgomery Home for Aged People matron, 08/18/1950:3 Retires as matron of Montgomery Home, 01/25/1951:5 Barden, O.L. Shaves the older set 50 years ago, 10/15/1953:5 Barker, LeBaron Russell NE Cranberry Sales directors pay tribute, 01/06/1950:1 Barker, Pete Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p), 12/04/1952:1 Barkley, Annie Dies in New Bedford, 12/29/1950:5 Barnes, Correanuer Lillian Widow of William E. dies at age 66, 03/17/1950:5 Obituary, 03/17/1950:8 Barnes, Ocena May Widow of Crawford dies at age 72, 02/11/1954:4 Obituary, 02/11/1954:8 Barnes, Philip W. Engaged to Charlotte V. Haupt, 07/02/1953:4 Wed to Charlotte V. Haupt, 07/09/1953:5 Barnes, Phillip On staff at Middleboro Music Center, 04/01/1954:9 Barnett, Anna Wentworth Son born, 09/01/1950:5, 07/31/1952:5 Barnett, Jean Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Barnett, Lucy Sheriff's sale, 01/22/1953:7 18 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Barnett, Margaret Engaged to Norman Diegoli, 09/03/1953:4 Barnett, Richard Son born, 09/01/1950:5 Joins Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 07/05/1951:5 Son born, 07/31/1952:5 Barnett, Richard Allen Sheriff's sale, 01/22/1953:7 Barnett, Robert W. Trains with Freitas and Butler at Camp Pickett, VA, 01/01/1953:1 Private 1st Class stationed in Germany (p), 09/16/1954:1 Discharged for U.S. Army, 11/18/1954:4 Barnett, Robert Wesley Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1 Barnum, P.T., 1810-1891 Distant cousin of Tom Thumb seeks information (l), 09/20/1951:10 Longtime associate Marie Harrison dies 50 years ago, 11/19/1953:9 Barr, Gordon Emerson Wed to Alice Gertrude Wilde Geer, 04/30/1953:6 Barrett, Ida Estelle Widow of Daniel F. dies at age 80, 10/14/1954:4 Obituary, 10/14/1954:8 Barrett, Margaret A. Barry Obituary, 02/17/1950:4 Wife of Michael J. dies at age 78, 02/17/1950:7 Barrett, Michael M. Former selectman dies in Plymouth, obituary, 03/06/1952:1 Barriault, Odette Fortin Son born, 10/28/1954:6 Barriault, Richard Son born, 10/28/1954:6 Barriault, Richard A. Navy man returns from Greenland, 03/06/1952:6 Barros, Clarence Joseph, Jr. Wedding described, 12/16/1954:3 Barros, Edwardo V. Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9 Barros, Frank, Jr. Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Son born, 06/30/1950:5 Barros, Joseph Engaged to Theresa Viera, 10/01/1953:4 Wed to Theresa Vieira, 10/08/1953:4 Barros, Judy Engaged to Edward Viera, 10/23/1952:5 Wed to Edward Viera, 10/30/1952:7 Barros, Lawrence J., Jr. Engaged to Betty Barboza, 09/23/1954:5 Barros, Raymond Guertin's auto struck by hay truck driven by Barros, 07/02/1953:8 Guilty on three of four counts, 08/06/1953:8 Barros, Rose Gomes Son born, 06/30/1950:5 Barros, Sebastian Charged with drunkenness, disturbing the peace, assaulting an officer, and accosting two juvenile girls, 07/30/1953:2 Guilty on three of four counts, 08/06/1953:8 Barrow, David Recalled by U.S. Marines, 08/18/1950:1 Barrow, Hazel Chapman MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1 Barrows, Antonia Roderick Son born, 04/14/1950:7 Daughter born, 07/30/1953:5 Barrows, Benjamin Daughter born, 07/30/1953:5 Barrows, Benjamin J. Son born, 04/14/1950:7 Barrows, Duinza Gomes Daughter born, 08/20/1953:5 Barrows, Ernest Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4 Barrows, F. Lawton Promoted to Commander in U.S. Naval Reserve, 07/09/1953:1 Barrows, Fletcher L. Drives handsome white car in Boston parade 50 years ago, 05/27/1954:4 Ships automobile to France 50 years ago, 07/15/1954:8 Expects French auto to arrive 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8 Drives "white ghost" French auto 50 years ago, 11/11/1954:4 Barrows, Gerald Inducted into armed forces, 03/05/1953:6 Barrows, Hattie W. Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Barrows, Herbert H. Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Barrows, Joanne Youngster meets Easter Bunny at W.T. Grant Co. (p), 04/15/1954:1 Barrows, Joseph Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Barrows, Lena Gomes Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4 Barrows, Lucy A. Obituary, 06/04/1953:3 Barrows, Mrs Fletcher Hurricane leaves battered wreck of once beautiful tree lined street (p), 09/09/1954:1 Barrows, Raymond Daughter born, 08/20/1953:5 Barry, Louise Miller Resides in Jamaica, NY, 12/01/1950:3 Resides in Long Island, NY, 07/15/1954:4 Barstow, Frank L. Incorporator of Cones and Needles Club of Plymouth County, Inc., 08/27/1953:11 Barstow, Joanna Honored by St. Luke's Hospital (p), 04/05/1951:1 Barstow, Peter Tucker Fourth generation to enroll at Brown University, 08/27/1953:8 Barta, Alexander Engaged to Marcella Bowen, 08/04/1950:8 Barta, Alexander M. Engaged to Marcella Bowen, 07/07/1950:5 Wed to Marcella Bowen, 08/11/1950:5 Barta, Emilie Fractures arm in fall, 06/09/1950:7 Barteaux, Richard Engaged to Leah Chartier, 09/24/1953:5 Barteaux, Richard Warren Wedding described (p), 11/05/1953:5 Barth, Gladys Hinds Daughter born, 08/18/1950:5 Barth, Roy Daughter born, 08/18/1950:5 Bartlett, Annette Engaged to Herbert B. Haley, 03/03/1950:4 Wed to Herbert B. Haley, 03/17/1950:4 Bartlett, B. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Bartlett, Barry Falls from car, skull fractured, leg broken, 10/01/1953:1 Bartlett, Basil MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1 MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1 Middleboro students prepare treats for overseas (p), 11/05/1953:1 School officials accept gift of audiometer (p), 03/11/1954:1 Bartlett, Errol Employed by Goodman Plastics Co. in Flushing, NY, 12/04/1952:5 Son born, 09/09/1954:4 Bartlett, Erroll D. Daughter born, 01/17/1952:7 Bartlett, Gene MHS cross country team ends most successful season ever (p), 11/25/1954:1 Bartlett, Sarah J. New literature teacher at Bates School, 07/08/1954:1 New junior high English teacher, 10/07/1954:9 19 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Bartlett, Thelma Goodwin Daughter born, 01/17/1952:7 Son born, 09/09/1954:4 Bartlett, Vince Named MHS cross country team captain, 10/06/1950:9 Bartlett, Vincent Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1 Bartlett, Vincent E. Airmen stationed at Norfolk, VA, 09/25/1952:10 Bartlett, Virginia Profile of MHS teacher, 03/31/1950:10 Baseball. see also Baseball - Little League; Baseball - Twilight League; Brown, Robert; Gauthier, Al; Middleborough Memorial High School Baseball; Mitchell Memorial Club - Baseball; Savard, Gene; Sherman, Robert Middleboro Hoboes to enter Colonial League, 03/31/1950:1 Ray Moffett candidate for Maine Central Institute's baseball team, 04/21/1950:7 Legion Juniors opens practice, 05/05/1950:9 Nick Galanto play summer ball in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 06/16/1950:4 Goldstein and Kunces bring nine Red Sox here for baseball clinic (p), 07/14/1950:1 Rosters of local leagues, 07/14/1950:3 Warriors top senior playground league (t), 09/01/1950:4 Results of midget and junior league playground playoffs (t), 09/08/1950:4 History made at North Carver (l) (Eugene A. Wright), 02/22/1951:8 Traditional story: When the mighty fell, 03/22/1951:4 Fall Brook team, 1910 (p), 03/29/1951:1 New backstop installed at playground, scoreboards next week, 04/12/1951:1 Harry Reed new coach for Legion's Junior League, 05/10/1951:1 Rock Village Association seeks permit for donkey baseball, 07/26/1951:6 Improvements underway on municipal diamond, 08/23/1951:1 Ray Draghetti signs contract with Washington Senators, 02/28/1952:1 Dick Enos graduates from school of umpires, 03/27/1952:1 Ray Draghetti coached Boston Braves rookie as a child, 04/10/1952:11 Legion will not field Junior League entry, 05/21/1953:12 Ninth graders organize ball team 50 years ago, 04/15/1954:9 Baseball - Little League Town joins growing Little League movement, 03/27/1952:4 Preliminary work done for Little League, 04/03/1952:6 Gene Savard named supervisor of tryout school, 04/10/1952:1 Advisory board elected, 05/01/1952:1 Savard to supervise tryouts, 05/15/1952:1 Prospective baseball immortals enroll (p), 05/22/1952:1 Opening delayed due to rainy weather, 05/29/1952:1 Ranks swell after second tryout, 05/29/1952:1 League play opens with ceremony, 06/12/1952:1 Selectman Maddigan proves to be capable pitcher, 06/12/1952:1 Busy day for young athletes here (p), 06/12/1952:2 Thank Chief of Police for job well done (l), 06/19/1952:1 Steve Zilonis pitches no-hitter, 07/03/1952:1 Youths hold collection for player with broken arm, 07/17/1952:1 VFW-sponsored team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4 Champs honored by VFW, 09/25/1952:3 Makes $31.62 contribution to Jimmy Fund, 09/25/1952:3 Holds first annual awards night, 09/25/1952:10 Dunbar speaks at Family Night, 10/16/1952:5 Honors Pete Farley, 03/19/1953:1 Young solicitors collect $480, 04/30/1953:1 Extends thanks for generous support, 05/07/1953:1 Chausse, Marshall, and Ryder key players in league (p), 06/25/1953:4 Robert Guidaboni stars in All-Star game against Chatham (p) (t), 07/23/1953:1 Volunteers needed, 10/01/1953:1 Holds second annual banquet, 10/29/1953:5 Elks team members get new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1 Sixty report for tryouts, 04/15/1954:1 Thirty youths collect $458.47 for league expenses, 04/29/1954:1 Holds annual player auction, 05/06/1954:6 Local ballplayer Gerry Marshall produces big, 06/17/1954:1 Tough break for Denny Finneran, 07/01/1954:1 Baseball – Little League continued Dave Demers leads with .500 average, 07/08/1954:7 Goodhue, Demers, and Marshall named to All-Stars (p), 07/22/1954:1 Named to Little League All-Stars (p), 07/22/1954:1 All-stars bow to Fall River in district playoffs, 08/05/1954:7 Final standings (t), 08/19/1954:8 Baseball - Twilight League Thirty-game schedule for 1950, 03/31/1950:1 1950 schedule (t), 04/07/1950:1 Atwoods win in playoffs, 08/18/1950:1 Egger team wins league crown again (t), 09/01/1950:6 Records of players (t), 09/08/1950:1 Egger Furnituremen 1950 champions (p), 09/29/1950:1 Samuel Whitehead new president, 10/27/1950:9 Art Mitchell named most valuable player, 11/17/1950:12, 01/04/1951:1 Demers new manager of Egger's baseball team, 02/15/1951:7 Four teams admitted to circuit, 03/15/1951:1 Seeks umpires, 03/22/1951:1 Pan tag day to improve financial footing, 07/12/1951:6 Need funds to continue, support tag days, 08/02/1951:1 Sale of tags nets $164, 08/09/1951:1 Final batting averages for 1951 season (t), 08/09/1951:2 Egger's moves into final round of Richards Trophy play-offs, 08/16/1951:1 Plymouth Shoemen win title (t), 09/13/1951:6 Awards presented at banquet, 12/20/1951:9 Holds annual election, 02/28/1952:1 Names annual home run award for Al Gauthier, 03/27/1952:5 Schedule announced (t), 05/08/1952:6 Jim Knight appointed to umpiring staff, 05/22/1952:7 Roster for all-star game announced, 05/26/1952:4 Tag Days net $160, 08/14/1952:1 Egger's team takes second title in three years, 08/28/1952:1 Egger's 1952 champs (p), 09/04/1952:1 Eddie Savard leads batters with 0.474 average (t), 09/11/1952:9 Holds annual banquet, 11/13/1952:1 Officers named for upcoming season, 04/02/1953:1 Legion Junior Leaguers cannot play for both, 04/30/1953:2 Officials chosen for season, 05/07/1953:1 Schedule announced (t), 05/21/1953:6 Announces names of contract players, 05/21/1953:11 Eggers are champs of 1953 (p), 08/27/1953:1 1953 player averages (t), 09/10/1953:4 Holds annual banquet, 12/10/1953:6 Tag day collection $186.35, 08/19/1954:1 Basketball. see also Middleborough Memorial High School - Basketball; Mitchell Memorial Club - Basketball Eggers still unbeaten in South Shore Semi-Pro League, 01/06/1950:1 Town to have two teams in 18th annual State Tourney at Plymouth, 02/17/1950:1 Barbers protest Industrial League verdict, 03/17/1950:4 Gauthier's performance with Brown University team on TV, 01/11/1951:1 Egger Furniture team moves into quarter finals of Cape Gateway tourney, 03/08/1951:1 Mrs Henry Caswell coaches Egger basketball team to victory, 03/08/1951:5 Egger's team advances to Cape Gateway semi-finals, 03/15/1951:7 Dick McDonald named to Southern New England Coastal Conference All-Star quintet, 04/12/1951:1 Dick McDonald named captain of Stonehill College team, 04/17/1952:2 Joseph D'Elia injured playing donkey basketball, 05/26/1952:10 Precinct Congregational bulldozes area for court, 09/11/1952:5 Vincent Malewicz named Coach of the Blackstone Valley League, 01/22/1953:1 Ralph Levesque's scoring record tied by Wareham player, 02/05/1953:1 Bob Dunham scores amazing 67 points for Lakeville Lakers (t), 03/19/1953:4 Lakeville Lakers make fine record (p) (t), 04/23/1953:1 Youth league planned for Bridgewater, Carver, Lakeville, and Middleboro, 05/14/1953:8 Ralph Levesque coach of Lakeville Lakers, 05/21/1953:9 New league formed, Myles Standish Junior High League, 11/12/1953:7 20 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Basketball continued YMCA director plans to organize Industrial Basketball League, 11/26/1953:1 Egger's team drawn to play in 22nd annual MA State semi-pro tourney, 02/11/1954:1 Egger's team adds Ernie McFadgen for state tourney, 02/18/1954:5 Egger's quintet loses in state semi-finals, 02/25/1954:10 Thomas Bros. win second Industrial League title, 03/11/1954:5 Middleboro Laundry cops title from Thomas Bros., 04/01/1954:3 Lakeville Lakers to play in Boston Garden, 11/18/1954:10 Bass, Alma Louise Obituary, 08/09/1951:2 Wife of John W. dies at age 71, 08/09/1951:5 Bass, John W. Loses nine sheep to three large dogs, 07/17/1952:9 Bass, John William Wedding described, 05/15/1952:2 Bass, Ruth Recognized for more than 25 years of service at Savings Bank, 06/09/1950:1 Bassett, Anne Obituary, 07/19/1951:5 Widow of Charles dies at age 79, 07/19/1951:5 Bassett, Charles Sumner, Jr. Hit with 4,000 volts, dies, 11/08/1951:1 Husband of Christina M. Dextraze dies at age 42, 11/08/1951:7 Bassett, Christine Christy's Spa granted victualler's license, 10/27/1950:1 Bassett, Margaret S. Obituary, 03/29/1951:5 Wife of Ralph M. Dies at age 75, 03/29/1951:5 Bassett, Miriam A. Employed at public library, 02/22/1951:5 Bassett, Patricia A. Engaged to James O. Conto, 01/31/1952:5 Wed to James O. Conto, 02/07/1952:5 Bassett, Patricia Ann Engaged to James O. Couto, 12/27/1951:5 Engaged to Mr Couto, 01/17/1952:12 Bassett, William Couple moves to Spruce St, 05/06/1954:12 Bassett & Broadbent Appliances, 17 South Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Now located at 172 Center St (ad), 02/10/1950:9 Grand opening at 172 Center St (ad), 02/24/1950:5 Local firm now in new quarters, 02/24/2950:7 Batchelder, Herbert Son born, 06/17/1954:5 Batchelder, Janet B. Resigns from Bates School, 11/13/1952:1 Batchelder, Janet Fickert Eighth grade teacher resigns to join husband at Quantico, VA, 10/30/1952:2 Batchelder, Nordina McLure Son born, 06/17/1954:5 Batchelder, Sidney Stationed at Camp Lejune, NC, 06/10/1954:4 Batchelder, Sidney H., Jr. Wedding described, 12/27/1951:2 Engaged to Janette Fickert, 12/27/1951:5 Batchelder, Sidney Horace Engaged to Janette Bradford Fickert, 11/29/1951:7 Batchelder, Sydney H. Graduates from Dartmouth College, 06/12/1952:10 Commissioned Second Lieutenant, 09/25/1952:6 Stationed at Quantico, VA, 01/01/1953:8 Batchelder, Sydney Horace Wed to Janette Bradford Fickert, 01/03/1952:5 Batchelder, Thomas Engaged to Janet Fickert, 03/01/1951:1 Bates, C.H. School superintendent 50 years ago, 07/15/1954:8 Bates, Elmer Ellsworth Engaged to Barbara Ann Tripp, 12/30/1954:1 Bates School Platoons to change hours, 11/24/1950:1 Holds annual Play Day, 05/31/1951:4 Industrial arts director submits annual report, 06/21/1951:10 Platoon system still required as school opens for year, 08/23/1951:1 Opening schedule (ad), 08/23/1951:8 Begins 66th year of service to town in very good condition, 09/11/1952:4 Henry Burkland submits 25th annual report, 01/15/1953:1 Sixth and fifth grades shuffle among schools, 02/19/1953:9 Home room lists, 09/03/1953:5 Students write 303 letters for National Letter Writing Week, 10/15/1953:1 Eighth grade teacher Norman Lindsay finishes replica of the solar system, 02/18/1954:10 Workshop stimulates and develops boys' skills (p), 03/18/1954:4 Eighth graders present Fiesta Pan-Americana, 04/08/1954:1 Holds 26th annual Play Day, 05/27/1954:7 Two platoon system at MHS working well for displaced students, 09/30/1954:1 Map new routes for busses, 11/11/1954:1 All articles approved at 45-minute special town meeting, 12/09/1954:1 Bates School - Arts Students present operetta Steamboat-a-Comin, 04/14/1950:1 Band scores high in music festival in Attleboro, 05/19/1950:1 Eighth graders perform annual operetta, 04/12/1951:1 Four operas in one performed by 8th grade, 04/03/1952:1 Eighth grade stages big revue, 04/09/1953:1 Eighth graders produce Spring Echo, 06/04/1953:4 Stage operetta Fiesta Pan-Americana, 04/22/1954:7 Joint concert with MHS attracts 500, 05/06/1954:4 Band rated high at SE MA Music Festival, 05/13/1954:1 Bid requests for painting (ad), 06/17/1954:2 Bates School - Commencement Promotion for 136 eighth graders, 06/09/1950:1 Thirteen awarded honors, 06/16/1950:4 Will promote 140 to MHS, 06/07/1951:1 Honors awarded at annual event, 06/14/1951:12 Promotes 118 at commencement exercises, 06/12/1952:1 Awards presented at promotion exercises, 06/11/1953:1 Awards given to 12 students at promotion exercises, 06/17/1954:9 Bates School - Facilities Wooden owls used to scare pigeons from building, 06/16/1950:1 Sawdust paving considered for Bates playground, 08/04/1950:1 Pigeons to get roost-no-more, 12/27/1951:3 Roost-no-more evicts pigeons, 01/17/1952:6 Summer work on school detailed, 09/04/1952:1 Firebug at work again, 04/09/1953:1 Part of yard repaved, 04/23/1953:12 Summer work described, 09/24/1953:3 List of repairs completed, 08/12/1954:10 Junior high school razed by fire (p), 09/23/1954:1 Pupils resume classes at Memorial High School, 09/23/1954:1 Classes end forever (p), 09/30/1954:1 Selectmen discuss disposition of ruins, 09/30/1954:10 School Board turns ruins over to town, 10/07/1954:1 Rebuilding ruled out, 10/14/1954:1 Site of ruin proposed as parking lot, 10/21/1954:1 Officially considered a total loss, settlement $99,000, 11/18/1954:1 Bates School - Faculty and Staff Doris Wright resigns, 02/10/1950:6 Ruth Doyle appointed to faculty, 02/10/1950:6 Elizabeth Carbonara, 02/24/1950:11 Elizabeth Carbonara and Ruth Doyle resign, 06/09/1950:11 Barbara Martin secretary, 08/04/1950:2 Rose Martin secretary, 08/04/1950:2 Three new teachers elected, 08/11/1950:1 Harriet Jones taught in Middleboro for 50 years, 10/13/1950:6 Janet Fickert new English teacher, 08/02/1951:1 Ann Minott new teacher, 09/06/1951:1 Three new teachers on roster, 09/06/1951:7 Margaret Richey resigns as Bates music instructor, replaced by Valerie Gibbs, 12/13/1951:1 Gardner Sherman head of industrial arts, 06/19/1952:7 21 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Bates School – Faculty and Staff continued Teacher Janet Fickert Batchelder resigns to join husband at Quantico, VA, 10/30/1952:2 Janet Batchelder resigns, 11/13/1952:1 Norman Bergeron fills vacancy left by Batchelder, 12/11/1952:1 Paul Kelley resigns, takes post at Braintree High, 05/14/1953:1 Vacation work for Bates staff, 07/09/1953:1 Valerie Gibbs resigns to teach in Springfield, 07/16/1953:1 Diana Dahlquist new music instructor, replaces Valerie Gibbs, 07/30/1953:1 Newly elected music teacher Diana Dahlquist resigns, 08/13/1953:1 Diana Dahlquist resigns, replaced by Joan Marie McNeil, 08/20/1953:1 English teacher Norman Bergeron resigns, 08/20/1953:1 Michael Hennessey replaces Paul Kelley, 08/20/1953:1 New English teacher Bernard Walder replaces Bergeron, 09/03/1953:1 Bernard Walder resigns, 12/10/1953:1 Donald Jesse English teacher, 02/11/1954:1 Ann Minott resigns to get married, 04/08/1954:1 Lorraine DiMuzio granted leave to teach in Germany, 04/08/1954:1 Joyce Jenness new social studies teacher, 04/22/1954:1 Rena Bell Walton resigns as teacher, 06/10/1954:1 Sarah Bartlett new literature teacher, 07/08/1954:1 Faye Deane resigns after 49-year career, 08/12/1954:1 Shop instructor Gardiner Sherman resigns, 08/12/1954:1 Catherine Carr new grade six teacher, 08/12/1954:10 Frederick Ryan new social studies teacher, 08/12/1954:10 John Zynsky new industrial arts teacher, 09/16/1954:1 Faye Deane retires, 09/16/1954:5 Bates School - Parent Teacher Association Mental hygiene the general topic for season, 09/13/1951:1 Opens 25th year, 09/18/1952:8 Observes 25th anniversary, 03/19/1953:6, 03/26/1953:11 Program of upcoming year, 10/01/1953:6 Over 200 attend annual Family Night Social, 02/25/1954:5 Bath, William Harvey Wed to Anne Loudon Mahy, 11/24/1950:5 Batteries. see Automobiles - Parts Battis, Elaine Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Local Playground Olympics winners pictured (p), 08/28/1952:5 Win events at playground Olympics, 08/28/1952:8 Battis, Henry MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p), 06/02/1950:1 Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1 MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p), 06/14/1951:1 MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1 Alumnus of Springfield College, 06/12/1952:11 MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1 MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4 Battis, Henry E. 1950 high school athletic director (p), 03/10/1950:1 Points to school needs at Memorial Club awards banquet, 01/31/1952:10 Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore championships (p), 07/03/1952:5 Named head of MHS physical education department, 09/18/1952:1 MHS cross country team ends most successful season ever (p), 11/25/1954:1 Battis, Josephine Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1 Battis, Mrs Henry President of Sectional Girl Scout council, 04/19/1951:1 Honored with Thanks badge from Girl Scouts, 03/06/1952:1 Battis Field. see Playgrounds Battles, Elaine T. Wedding described, 03/12/1953:6 Baxter, M.W. Installs water heater in Klar home and furnace in Leonard home 50 years ago, 09/23/1954:8 Baxter, Thomas F. WW I veteran confined to hospital, 06/10/1954:9 Baxter, Thomas Furlong Dies at age 66, 10/21/1954:6 Obituary, 10/21/1954:7 Bazinet, Frederick No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1 Bazinet, Frederick A. Truck driver rear-ends Bernice Guild's car on Center St, 12/30/1954:1 Bazinet, Gertrude Hayes Daughter born, 12/10/1953:6 Bazinet, Lloyd Daughter born, 12/10/1953:6 Bazinet, Lloyd E. Engaged to Gertrude Hayes, 04/05/1951:5 Wed to Gertrude Hayes, 04/26/1951:7 Bazinet, Robert N. Fined $75 for drunk driving, 07/03/1952:5 Beach, Eleanor D. Lowe Stafford Wed to John L. Priest, 05/12/1950:7 Beal, Gilbert Wed to Evelyn Sullivan, 07/21/1950:9 Beal, Harold, Jr. Engaged to Delores May Anctil, 12/09/1954:4 Beal, Olive Louise Engaged to Robert Cephas Kinsman, 08/18/1950:5 Wed to Roger Cephas Kinsman, 09/01/1950:5 Beal, William Fined for drunk driving and drunkenness, 04/17/1952:3 Beals, A.L. Office supplies and equipment, Peirce Building (ad), 10/13/1950:10 Beals, Austen L. Office equipment dealer (p), 07/16/1953:6 Franklin Harlow purchases office supply business from Beals, 11/19/1953:1 Beals, Joseph E. Beals and Savery re-elected Plymouth & Middleboro RR directors 50 years ago, 10/21/1954:10 Bean, Joel Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6 Bean, John Faints on Plymouth St, 03/03/1950:6 Beanland, Elinor C. McLeod Receives five-year service pin from St. Luke's New Bedford, 05/24/1951:4 Beanland, Mrs David Resides in New Bedford, 12/30/1954:2 Beard, Martha Engaged to be married, 03/25/1954:4, 04/22/1954:3 Beard, Martha B. Wed to Donald L. Winslow, 04/22/1954:6 Beard, Martha Elizabeth Engaged to Donald Lee Winslow, 11/05/1953:6 Wedding described, 04/22/1954:8 Bearse, Charles O. Petition for administration of estate, 02/15/1951:10 Bearse, Charles Osgood Dies at age 71, 12/22/1950:7 Obituary, 12/22/1950:7 Bearse, Henrietta Frances Widow of Charles O. dies at age 71, 02/26/1953:5 Bearse, T.M. One of incorporators of Automatic Telephone Equipment Co. 50 years ago, 02/25/1954:8 Beaton, Abbie Obituary, 08/25/1950:4 Wife of Thomas C. dies at age 75, 08/25/1950:5 Beaton, Gilbert T. Foreclosure notice, 11/13/1952:9 Beaton, Ruth E. Foreclosure notice, 11/13/1952:9 Beattie, Florence Comeau Daughter born, 05/22/1952:7 22 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Beattie, Florence M. Russell and Beattie collide on Wood St, 03/01/1951:3 Beattie, James, Jr. Daughter born, 05/22/1952:7 Beattie, James W. Car hits house 25 feet off Rte 44, 02/08/1951:1 Beattie, John Daughter born, 05/29/1952:5 Beattie, John, Jr. Daughter born, 05/26/1950:7 Beattie, Peggy Laker Daughter born, 05/26/1950:7, 05/29/1952:5 Beaudoin, Bette Theodore Beaudoin gets six months for non-support, 07/22/1954:7 Beaudoin, Bette M. Foreclosure notice, 11/18/1954:12 Charges husband with assault, 12/16/1954:8 Beaudoin, Bette Sands Son born, 02/15/1951:5, 02/18/1954:6 Beaudoin, Betty Moves here from Lewiston, ME, 06/05/1952:12 Beaudoin, Betty Sands Son born, 07/31/1952:5 Beaudoin, Theodore Son born, 02/15/1951:5 Sentenced on charges of drunkenness and disturbing the peace, 07/03/1952:4 Son born, 07/31/1952:5, 02/18/1954:6 Beaudoin, Theodore D. Gets six months for non-support, 07/22/1954:7 Foreclosure notice, 11/18/1954:12 Wife charges husband with assault, 12/16/1954:8 Beaulieu, Harland Daughter born, 09/17/1953:6 Beaulieu, Janet Gummow Daughter born, 09/17/1953:6 Beautification Second annual Clean-Up week planned, 04/08/1954:1 Week of May 2nd voted Clean-Up week, 04/15/1954:1 Students to help with cleanup, 04/29/1954:10 Town a pioneer in recent campaign to clean up, 05/13/1954:1 Becker, Adolph Car jack fails, traps Becker's foot, 08/16/1951:1 Becker, David Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1 Becker, Jane E. Engaged to Lee J. Kane, Jr., 07/21/1950:5 Wed to Lee J. Barta, Jr., 08/11/1950:5 Becker, Jane Elizabeth Wedding described, 08/11/1950:4 Becker, Lucy Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1 Capped in ceremony at Brockton Hospital School of Nursing, 03/04/1954:7 Becker, Otto P., Jr. Honored NE Telephone & Telegraph for 25 years of service (p), 01/21/1954:1 Beckman, Ellsworth Son born, 01/20/1950:6 Daughter born, 06/03/1954:7 Beckman, Lillian Waters Son born, 01/20/1950:6 Daughter born, 06/03/1954:7 Beckman, Ralph Guilty of drunkenness, 11/24/1950:7 Fined $3 for lack of inspection sticker, 05/31/1951:8 Fined $10 for drunkenness, 03/27/1952:2 Beckman, Ralph W. Guilty of drunkenness, 12/13/1951:4, 03/06/1952:2 Beckman, Russell Couple married seven years, 10/16/1952:10 Bedford Street Cemetery Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11 Beech, Aaron Host family reunion, 08/26/1954:5 Beech, Aaron H. Daughter born, 12/15/1950:5 Beech, Aaron, Jr. Son born, 06/11/1953:4 Beech, Annie M. Obituary, 01/22/1953:5 Widow of John B. dies at age 87, 01/22/1953:5 Beech, Frances Gaul Daughter born, 12/15/1950:5 Beech, Frances Saul Son born, 06/11/1953:4 Beech, Margaret Gaul Son born, 04/12/1951:4 Beech, Marjorie Falls out of car following collision at routes 28 and 105, 08/20/1953:5 Beech, Mary Jane Oldest woman in Lakeville celebrates 93rd birthday, 08/18/1950:1 Obituary, 02/21/1952:3 Widow of Edward dies at age 93, 02/21/1952:5 Petition for executorship, 03/06/1952:6 Beech, Roger Bulldozer excavation (ad), 02/24/1950:12 Son born, 04/12/1951:4 Collides with Providence truck at Center and West St, 01/31/1952:1 Waterfront cottage at Assawompsett for sale (ad), 05/06/1954:7 Beech, Roger C. Marjorie Beech falls out of car following collision at routes 28 and 105, 08/20/1953:5 Beers, Bertha Volunteer librarian at Scout cabin branch, 07/21/1950:2 Teacher of piano (ad), 08/21/1952:10 Beers, Stewart Resides in New York, 05/26/1950:7 Bees and Beekeeping Workmen take 50 pounds of honey from White's unused chimney 50 years ago, 11/12/1953:9 Nearly forty beekeepers in Middleboro, 07/01/1954:11 Begin, Edward Daughter born, 12/04/1952:5 Begin, Margaret Best Daughter born, 12/04/1952:5 Begley, Alice Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Begley, Alice R. School officials accept gift of audiometer (p), 03/11/1954:1 Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1 Begley, Edward A. Couple moves to Maine to assist son with management of rest home, 08/16/1951:1 Begley, Eleanor Desrosier Son born, 07/07/1950:5, 10/01/1953:4 Begley, Margaret A. Transfers from West Side to Union Street School, 02/10/1950:6 Resigns from Union Street School, 06/09/1950:11 Engaged to Maurice Schindler, 09/01/1950:7 Begley, Margaret Alice Engaged to Maurice William Schindler, 04/14/1950:12 Wedding described, 09/29/1950:2 Begley, Marie Quelle Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Begley, T. Francis Housewarming at new home on Bourne St, 04/21/1950:9 Appointed to U.S. Savings and Loan League, 07/12/1951:1 Treasurer of Co-operative Bank, 08/14/1952:7 Named to U.S. Savings and Loan League committee, 05/13/1954:9 Begley, William Son born, 07/07/1950:5 Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 05/26/1952:1 Son born, 10/01/1953:4 Begley, William F. New commander of Legion post here (p), 09/23/1954:1 23 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Begley, W.R. Owns market on Center St 50 years ago, 07/01/1954:4 Behr, Richardine Wedding described, 02/01/1951:3 Behr, Richardine M. Engaged to Francis A. Robidoux, 01/11/1951:5 Wed to Francis A. Robidoux, 01/25/1951:5 Beiswanger, Lois Engaged to Herbert Willis, 03/13/1952:9 Belanger, James Walter Sent for induction, 11/06/1952:5 Belanger, Vivianne Engaged to Leo DeMille, 05/19/1950:6 Belben, Barbara Mae Engaged to Donald Clark, 06/18/1953:3 Belben, Jean Ender Son born, 10/25/1951:5 Belben, Kenneth Daughter born, 08/12/1954:4 Belben, Kenneth Elton Engaged to Myra Evelyn Freeman, 01/01/1953:5 Wed to Myra Evelyn Freeman, 01/08/1953:5 Belben, Leonard Son born, 10/25/1951:5 Belben, Leonard W. Navy electrician arrives home from Korea, 02/01/1951:4 Belben, Leonard William Electricians Mate 2nd Class serves on USS Mt. McKinley, 05/12/1950:6 Belben, Leslie L. The Mower Shop, Taunton St (ad), 04/10/1952:14 Local antique car hobbyists in 4th of July parade (p), 07/09/1953:1 Belben, Myra Fuller Daughter born, 08/12/1954:4 Belcher, Leona Frances Obituary, 12/29/1950:4 Wife of Edwin L. dies at age 70, 12/29/1950:5 Bell, Charlotte Ann Engaged to Ellis C. Phillips, 01/06/1950:1 Bell, Donald Corporal crew member on B-29 Super Fortress, 05/03/1951:6 Sergeant stationed in Tucson, AZ, 07/17/1952:6 Staff Sergeant arrives in England, 04/02/1953:5 Staff Sergeant arrives in Tripoli, North Africa, 04/30/1953:6 Bell, Eleanor Employed as telephone operator, 10/01/1953:5 Bell, Rena Elected to teach 6th grade at Washburn Unit, 09/18/1952:1 Wins scholarship to attend University of Maine summer session, 06/11/1953:1 Wedding described, 02/25/1954:9 Middleboro Guests attend wedding, 02/25/1954:10 Bell, Richmond Wed to Jeanne Richardson, 07/28/1950:10 Son born, 08/14/1952:3 Bell, Stewart Takes Scottish bride, Joan Wilkie, 11/20/1952:1 Bellend, Wilfred H. Wed to Mabel E. Hinds, 03/10/1950:5 Bellerive, Herman Daughter born, 07/01/1954:6 Bellerive, Pearl Brigham Daughter born, 07/01/1954:6 Belmont, Marion The Pilgrim Trio plays at reception for new pastor in Plymouth, 01/27/1950:12 Great aunt dies in Hayward, CA, 08/11/1950:4 Belmont, Tony Employed at Moskoff's Super Market, Bedford St, 08/13/1953:6 Belrose, Arthur Engaged to Dorothy Robbins, 06/14/1951:7 Wedding described, 06/21/1951:4 Belrose, Arthur W. Engaged to Dorothy O'Brien, 02/15/1951:8 Belrose, Beverly Top scorer in playgrounds Olympics (p), 08/30/1951:1 Local Playground Olympics winners pictured (p), 08/28/1952:5 Win events at playground Olympics, 08/28/1952:8 Belrose, Beverly Ann Engaged to Alan W. Roby, 05/13/1954:6 Wedding described, 05/20/1954:6 Wed to Alan William Roby, 05/20/1954:7 Belrose, Elizabeth Johnson Son born, 07/28/1950:5 Daughter born, 01/31/1952:5 Son born, 07/29/1954:4 Belrose, Mabel Lillian Wife of Henry dies at age 63, 08/27/1953:7 Obituary, 08/27/1953:12 Belrose, Norman Son born, 07/28/1950:5, 07/28/1950:10 Daughter born, 01/31/1952:5 Son born, 07/29/1954:4 Belrose, Norman C. Five injured when Greene rams Belrose's truck, 11/13/1952:1 Belrose, Norman Chester, Jr. Born to Norman, 07/28/1950:10 Belshaw, Lena Engaged to George D. Stone, 09/13/1951:5 Wed to George D. Stone, 09/20/1951:7 Bemis, Ed Employed at Elmer Sisson's bottled gas and oil business (p), 09/24/1953:6 Bena, Carlo Charged by Myra Norris with non-support, 06/07/1951:3 Bena, Faye M. Franco Son born, 07/21/1950:5 Bena, Joseph Son born, 07/21/1950:5 Collides with Roxbury driver at East and North Main St, 12/17/1953:13 Bena, Mary Engaged to Charles Correa, 07/02/1953:4 Wed to Charles Correa, 07/16/1953:4 Bena, Mary Lou Engaged to Charles Correa, 04/16/1953:8 Benaski, Barbara Ann Engaged to Robert Gilbert Medas, 01/22/1953:5 Wed to Robert Gilbert Medas, 01/29/1953:5 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks - Lodge No. 1274 Scholarship available to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:10 Pay tribute to Dr. A. Vincent Smith, 07/07/1950:1 Proposes organization to raise funds for Dr Smith, 08/18/1950:1 Nurses and four of Dr A. Vincent Smith's "babies" heard from, 09/01/1950:1 More of Dr A. Vincent Smith's "babies" heard from, 09/15/1950:1 Smith's "baby" list grows in canvass for funds, 09/22/1950:1 Repudiate letter on school, 12/15/1950:1 Honors six charter members, 02/22/1951:1 Fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1 Annual milk fund appeal opens soon, 09/27/1951:1 Contributions at $408 for milk fund, 10/11/1951:1 Fetes MHS hoop squad, 03/13/1952:4 Description of annual scholarship for MHS grad, 05/15/1952:4 Lodge celebrates 40th anniversary (p), 10/30/1952:1 Fete MHS basketball squad, 03/26/1953:1 Presents town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1 Little League team members get new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1 To provide YMCA memberships to needy youths, 01/14/1954:3 Will raise funds for Paquin family in wake of farm fire (l), 01/28/1954:1 Fete MHS basketball team, 04/01/1954:1 Donation misquoted, actually $467, 04/01/1954:10 Patricia Small wins youth leadership prize (p), 05/06/1954:1 Elks and Emblem clubs hold first annual Field Day at sanatorium, 06/10/1954:1 Youth chosen to attend Boys' State, 06/17/1954:1 Dr and Mrs Lentini return from Elks convention in California (p), 07/22/1954:1 24 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks - Lodge No. 1274 continued Elks donate $1,000 to St. Luke's, 11/25/1954:1 Bennett, Clarissa Weld Wed to Eugene Sheldon Leggett, 07/03/1952:3 Bennett, Edwin C. Obituary, 05/13/1954:5 Bennett, Elizabeth Weld One hundred twelve-acre former Weld estate to be retirement home (p), 04/26/1951:8 Bennett, Francis Pledges Kappa Delta Pi at Bridgewater State, 11/29/1951:1 Bennett, Jane. see Jane Bennett Scholarship Bennett, Martha M. Taunton woman dies at age 75, 07/16/1953:4 Obituary, 07/16/1953:7 Bennett, Mildred Officers in new Eagles auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1 Bennett, Mildred L. Notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 07/15/1954:4 Bennett, O. Francis Has lead in Bridgewater State production, 04/30/1953:7 Bennett, Ovell Francis Wins honors at Bridgewater, to study at Boston College (p), 06/25/1953:1 Engaged to Marjorie Claire Devlin, 06/10/1954:1 Bennett, Stanley Ground Observer Corps must be reactivated (p), 11/26/1953:4 Bennett, Stanley R. Notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 07/15/1954:4 Bennett, William Talsman Dies at age 97, 06/14/1951:7 Obituary, 06/14/1951:11 Benny's Auto Stores 45 Center St (ad), 01/20/1950:4 Girls wanted to sell toys (ad), 11/10/1950:2 Man wanted to work retail store (ad), 04/19/1951:10 Anniversary sale (ad), 06/12/1952:4 Benoit, Clifford On reviewing stand for Falconieri's welcome home festivities (p), 09/10/1953:1 Benson, Arlene Tibbetts Daughter born, 04/12/1951:4 Benson, Arthur D. Resigns from NE Cranberry Sales Co. after 42 years, 08/25/1950:1 Couple moves from Court End Ave, Middleboro to farm in Lakeville, 09/13/1951:10 Benson, Arthur F. Benson Bros. partnership dissolves, 03/17/1950:5 Hurricane unroofs barn on Thompson St (p), 09/09/1954:4 Benson, Austin Couple petitions for licenses for cabins, 02/03/1950:1 Granted permit for overnight cabins, 04/19/1951:10 Benson, Austin T. Notice of hearing on overnight cabin application, 06/09/1950:6 Cabins ready for selectmen's approval, 06/09/1950:14 Obtains temporary license, 06/23/1950:4 Applies for sign advertising cabins, 05/03/1951:1 Benson, Carroll W. Benson Bros. partnership dissolves, 03/17/1950:5 Benson, Charles G. Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Chestnut St couple married 50 years, 05/31/1951:1 Benson, Clara B.P. Obituary, 03/03/1950:3 Widow of Arthur L. dies at age 78, 03/03/1950:4 Petition for probate of will, 03/24/1950:6 Administrator presents account of estate, 02/07/1952:3 Benson, Elizabeth Granted license for sale of secondhand furniture, 08/11/1950:8 Benson, Elmer Obituary, 03/05/1953:7 Widower of Abbie Wilbur dies at age 73, 03/05/1953:7 Benson, George Harnesses, 95 Wareham St (ad), 06/23/1950:2 Benton St couple married 50 years, 08/26/1954:1 Benson, George G. Harness maker moves business to 12 Benton St (ad), 08/16/1951:10 Benson, Gertrude C. Couple purchases Woods Lake Terrace lot from town, 03/24/1950:1 Benson, Gladys Wilkie MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 Benson, Harold H. Selectmen certify character for pedlar's license, 06/23/1950:4 Character approved by selectmen for pedlar's license, 06/28/1951:10 Selectmen sign character reference for peddler, 08/27/1953:11 Benson, Harriett Archer Chestnut St couple married 50 years, 05/31/1951:1 Benson, Herb Employed at Augie's Texaco Service Station, 10/08/1953:6 Benson, J. Loring South Middleboro couple married 60 years, 02/22/1951:9 Couple married 60 years, 03/01/1951:4 South Middleboro couple married 62 years, 02/26/1953:2 Couple married 63 years, 02/25/1954:2 Benson, John K. Named to post at National Shawmut Bank, 07/07/1950:1 Named vice president of Shawmut National Bank, 06/19/1952:5 MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 Benson, John Loring Barrows St couple married 63 years, 02/25/1954:7 Benson, Louise Tibbetts Son born, 05/22/1952:7 Benson, Mrs Arthur D. White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p), 12/15/1950:1 Benson, Mrs Stanley Resides in Great Neck, Long Island, 12/29/1950:4 Benson, Raymond Daughter born, 04/12/1951:4 Benson, Richard E. Guilty on five counts, 11/29/1951:8 Appeals drunk driving fine; gets suspended sentence for assault on officer, 12/13/1951:3 Benson, Rita Engaged to Francis A. Chartier, 08/26/1954:4 Wed to Francis A. Chartier, 09/02/1954:4 Benson, Roberta Engaged to John Hendricks, 12/18/1952:7 Engaged to John Hendricks, Jr., 08/06/1953:9 Wedding described, 08/20/1953:10 Benson, Roberta E. Wed to John J. Hendricks, Jr., 08/20/1953:5 Benson, Roberta Elma Engaged to John Joseph Hendricks, Jr., 08/20/1953:4 Benson, Rodney Ernest Inducted into armed forces, 02/05/1953:1 Benson, Russell Son born, 05/22/1952:7 Benson, Sarah Elizabeth Howard Benton St couple married 50 years, 08/26/1954:1 Benson, Stanley Housewarming at new home on Stetson Rd, Lakeville, 04/14/1950:6 Benson, Stanley D. Leaves NE Cranberry Sales Co. for position with American Cranberry Exchange, 07/07/1950:5 To head eastern office of Eatmor Cranberries, Inc., 06/17/1954:1 Benson, William Couple purchases Woods Lake Terrace lot from town, 03/24/1950:1 Benson Bros. Thompson St partnership dissolves, 03/17/1950:5 Bent, Frank J. Pleads not guilty to assault on wife, 04/29/1954:9 Sheriff's sale of real estate, 04/29/1954:9 Bent, Margaret Frank Bent pleads not guilty to assault on wife, 04/29/1954:9 25 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Bent, Margaret A. Sheriff's sale of real estate, 04/29/1954:9 Bentley, Gerald Engaged to Maizie B. Pittsley, 03/15/1951:7 Wed to Mazsie B. Pittsley, 03/22/1951:5 Son born, 07/26/1951:5, 12/11/1952:6 Bentley, Maizsie Pittsley Son born, 07/26/1951:5 Bentley, Mazsie Pittsley Son born, 12/11/1952:6 Benton, Albion Couple moves to St. Petersburg, FL, 10/02/1952:3 Public auction (ad), 10/09/1952:6 Couple resides in Pinellas Park, FL, 04/09/1953:8 Benton, Annie No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Benton, Florence Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Benton, George M. Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Benton, Irene Andrew Pasztor, Jr. charged with assault on Benton, 08/07/1952:2 Benton, Irene J. Engaged to Andrew Thomas, 12/10/1953:6 Wed to Andrew Thomas, 12/24/1953:4 Benton, Louis Arthur Gorrie, Jr. succeeds Benton as manager of Royal Cafe, 06/28/1951:10 Benton, William T. Wed to A. Barbara Mahoney, 07/31/1952:5 Benton, Winny Finishes 20th in 12-mile Abington road race, 09/01/1950:1 Enters Boston Marathon, 09/15/1950:6 Files entry for BAA Boston Marathon, 04/12/1951:1 Finishes 23rd in NE championship 10-miler, 07/12/1951:8 Finishes 14th in 9.5-mile race in Medford, 07/19/1951:1 Takes 17th in St. Vincent de Paul 10-miler, 07/26/1951:10 Finishes 30th in East Cambridge 10-miler, 08/02/1951:2 Finishes 32nd in National AAU 12.5-miler in New Hampshire, 09/13/1951:1 Enters BAA marathon, 04/10/1952:1 Trains for BAA marathon, 04/17/1952:4 Enters marathon in Providence, 07/17/1952:1 Takes 21st place in 10-mile Providence road race, 07/24/1952:6 Takes 19th in Hyannis road race, 08/21/1952:1 Places 20th in East Cambridge 10-miler, 09/04/1952:3 Crosses finish line in 23rd place at Brockton 10-miler, 09/04/1952:4 Finishes third in Brockton race, 09/02/1954:8 Berardi, Frances Murdoch Son born, 01/07/1954:4 Berardi, George Son born, 01/07/1954:4 Berg, Catherine Campbell MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1 Bergeron, Norman R. New teacher at Bates School, 12/11/1952:1 Bates English teacher resigns, 08/20/1953:1 Bergstrom, John E. Engaged to Grace G. Mizaras, 02/12/1953:5 Bergstrom, John E., Jr. Wed to Grace G. Mizaras, 02/19/1953:5 Berkley, Marion Lee Wedding described, 07/02/1953:2 Berman, Doris Sherman Daughter born, 10/30/1952:7 Berman, George Daughter born, 10/30/1952:7 Berman, Max Petition for administration of estate, 10/22/1953:8 Berman, Ronald Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1 Bernabeo, Dominic Son born, 08/18/1950:5, 08/25/1950:4 Bernabeo, Frances Fusco Daughter born, 04/12/1951:4 Bernabeo, John Held for grand jury in case of lewd and lascivious behavior, 01/08/1953:6 Indicted for assault on little girl, 02/12/1953:1 Bernabeo, Mary Obituary, 07/30/1953:4 Wife of Joseph dies at age 78, 07/30/1953:5 Bernabeo, Rhea Duphily Son born, 08/18/1950:5 Bernabeo, Victor Engaged to Frances Irene Fusco, 05/19/1950:6 Wed to Frances Irene Fusco, 06/09/1950:7 Daughter born, 04/12/1951:4 Bernard, Laureat Daughter born, 04/21/1950:5 Son born, 02/04/1954:5 Bernard, Laureat J. Appointed to faculty of MHS, 02/10/1950:6 MHS teacher given tenure, 04/03/1952:1 Bernard, Laureat Joseph Profile of MHS history teacher, 02/08/1951:5 Bernard, Theresa Carbonneau Daughter born, 04/21/1950:5 Bernard, Theresa Charbonneau Son born, 02/04/1954:5 Bernhardt, Serena Robinson Reaches four score and ten years, biography (p), 05/01/1952:1 Bernier, Albert First mattress of its kind on display at J.M. Wells (p), 12/06/1951:8 Bernier, Armand A. Son born, 01/25/1951:5 Bernier, Arthur, Jr. Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1 Bernier, Josephine Ditano Son born, 01/25/1951:5 Bernier, Louis J. And Marion Bernier file suit for damages against Wallace Houghton, Jr. and Joseph Casey, 05/29/1952:7 Bernier, Marion Fractures knee when hit by auto during snow storm, 02/28/1952:1 Bernier, Marion H. And Louis Bernier file suit for damages against Wallace Houghton, Jr. and Joseph Casey, 05/29/1952:7 Bernier, Norma Engaged to Herbert C. Pratt, 02/11/1954:4 Wed to Herbert C. Pratt, 02/18/1954:6 Berries. see also Blueberries; Cranberry Industry Ceasar Andrews gets second crop of strawberries, 09/27/1951:8 Berry, Barbara Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1 Berry, Barbara Dunham Son born, 10/08/1953:4 Berry, Clara Lillian Obituary, 02/18/1954:2 Widow of Clarington dies at age 85, 02/18/1954:6 Berry, Francis Son born, 10/08/1953:4 Berry, James Youngsters enjoy weenie roast at Kiddie Korner on playground (p), 07/23/1953:1 Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6 Berry, Roderick Youngsters enjoy weenie roast at Kiddie Korner on playground (p), 07/23/1953:1 Berry, Walter Dies at age 62, 03/24/1950:7 Obituary, 03/24/1950:7 Resides in Curundu, Canal Zone, 04/19/1951:5 Leaves post at Curundu, Panama Canal Zone for post in Washington, DC, 03/13/1952:10 26 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Besegai, Al Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t), 09/13/1951:1 Besel, Elaine H. Engaged to John E. Silvia, 09/22/1950:5 Wed to John E. Silvia, 09/29/1950:7 Besel, Elaine Hermine Wedding described, 09/29/1950:2 Bessette, Anthony Obituary, 01/25/1951:2 Husband of Alexina Michaud dies at age 66, 01/25/1951:5 Bessette, Robert A. Engaged to Mary Lou Casey, 10/09/1952:10 Wedding described, 04/23/1953:11 Bessette, Robert Armand Engaged to Mary Lou Casey, 04/09/1953:5 Wed to Mary Lou Casey, 04/23/1953:7 Bessey, Barbara Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Bessey, Dorothy Montgomery Daughter born, 01/04/1951:5 Son born, 03/06/1952:5 Bessey, Lois Engaged to David L. Foster, Jr., 01/29/1953:8 Wedding described, 05/28/1953:3 Bessey, Richmond Daughter born, 01/04/1951:5 Son born, 03/06/1952:5 Pharmacist at LaForest Pharmacy, 09/10/1953:6 Pharmacist at LaForest Pharmacy (ad), 12/17/1953:6 Clerk at LaForest Pharmacy (p), 04/08/1954:8 Bessey, Shirley Frances Wedding described, 01/21/1954:5 Best, Dorothy J. Pleads not guilty to deserting three minor children, 03/11/1954:4 Desertion charge dismissed, 03/25/1954:7 Best Floor Co. Roy Hatch proprietor, 40 Pearl St (ad), 04/02/1953:3 Clifford Hatch owner of new business on Pearl St (p), 07/16/1953:6 Offers complete floor services, 10/29/1953:6 For modern floor coverings (p), 02/25/1954:6 Brings brightness to dull rooms, 05/27/1954:8 Now located at corner of Wareham and Cherry St (ad), 07/01/1954:2 New home on Wareham St (p), 08/26/1954:6 Bettencourt, Charles Ideal Block Co., Old Center St (p), 07/09/1953:6 Nemasket Gas & Oil Co., Roger Shurtleff and Charles Bettencourt, Old Center St (p), 11/12/1953:10 Ideal Block Co., 418 Old Center St, 02/25/1954:6 Nemasket Gas & Oil Co., 24-hour fuel service, 02/25/1954:6 Ideal Block Co. produces fine cement block (p), 05/06/1954:8 Beuthner, Bernard Harold McDonald rear-ends Beuthner on School St, 11/03/1950:17 Beuthner, Bernard H. Doctor conducting business by appointment only (ad), 03/20/1952:10 Beuthner, Karin Appears in drama festival on Long Island, 09/03/1953:1 Girl unhurt as car damages Turner's property, 04/15/1954:3 Beverages. see Nemasket Spring Water Co. Bevis, Richard Allan Inducted into armed forces, 06/04/1953:1 Biagiotti, Arthur Inducted into armed service, 04/15/1954:1 Biagiotti, Ralph M., Jr. Engaged to Beverly Ann Soucie, 01/28/1954:8 Bianchi, Helen Notice of permit hearing for overnight cabins, 08/25/1950:5 Granted permit to operate overnight cabins, 09/08/1950:1 Bianchini, John Engaged to Joan Card, 02/15/1951:10 Engaged to Joan Betty Card, 03/08/1951:5 Wed to Joan Betty Card, 03/29/1951:5 Wedding described, 03/29/1951:10 And Rittenhouse collide at Clay and Mill St, 01/17/1952:12 Bibby, Elmer F. Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Bickford, Lauris W. Engaged to Fern P. Snow, 11/03/1950:5 Wed to Fern P. Snow, 11/17/1950:7 Bickford, Lauris Wilson Wedding described, 11/17/1950:5 Bicycles and Bicycling Albert Crossley reunited with former 6-day bike racing partner, 06/21/1951:5 Jenney Lite Bike safety campaign issues safety tape to 247, 05/08/1952:1 Bikes get reflective tape at police station, 07/03/1952:2 Richard Chamberlain offers liberal reward for recovery of stolen bicycle (ad), 09/11/1952:10 Jerry Marshall asks help locating missing bicycle, 02/04/1954:1 John Harrison loses bike after parking in front of YMCA, 02/04/1954:1 Bicycles and Bicycling - Accidents Cyclist Richard Tanguay runs into Joseph McCulloch's car, 04/21/1950:1 Bonnar boy knocked from bike, not hurt, 06/30/1950:1 David Squieres hit by car driven by Agnes Alden, 07/21/1950:5 Clifford Manchester pitches off bike, dies, 11/10/1950:1 Lee Chickering injured in fall from bicycle, 05/10/1951:6 Roger Wainwright runs into Loren Littlefield's car on Wareham St, 09/06/1951:1 Driver, Bertram Braddock, nicks Derosiers' bike on Pearl St, 09/13/1951:7 Soldier hits pole, crashes into David Peck's bicycle killing him, 10/25/1951:1 Boy runs into Charles Anderson's coupe, 01/03/1952:1 Robert Morrison not seriously hurt when auto strikes bike, 10/30/1952:10 William Wertz, Jr. hit by Taunton driver on East Main St, 11/27/1952:5 Henry Short injured in fall from bicycle, 06/25/1953:10 Vincent Gorman injured running bike into car on Wareham St, 07/02/1953:1 Ralph Harriman knocked from bike by car on East Grove St, 07/16/1953:1 Louis White runs into parked car, 11/18/1954:1 Bigamy Ruth Bissio charged, 06/18/1953:4 Ruth Bissio fined $100, 06/25/1953:4 Leonard Rego given suspended sentence, 07/01/1954:11 Bigelow, Ernest The Rainbow Service, Robert Wood and Ernest Bigelow, 200 Center St (ad), 12/30/1954:8 Bigelow, Ernest H. Unhurt in weekend accident, 05/27/1954:9 Bigelow, Ethel M. Clark Cross St couple married 50 years (p), 07/08/1954:8 Bigelow, Freddie Middleboro Softball League champs for 1953 (p), 09/03/1953:1 Bigelow, Freddy Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t), 09/13/1951:1 Bigelow, Frederick Son born, 01/20/1950:6 Bigelow, Frederick I. Cross St couple married 50 years (p), 07/08/1954:8 Bigelow, Hugh Loses tips of fingers as mixture explodes, 07/28/1950:1 Collects history of Korea, 09/15/1950:3 Bigelow, Hugh A. Completes evening course at Wentworth Institute, 04/22/1954:10 Enrolls at Wentworth Institute, 10/28/1954:10 Bigelow, Irma Employed at Martenson's, Center St, 08/13/1953:6 Bigelow, Olivia Winkler Son born, 01/20/1950:6 Bigelow, Ronald Accepted by U.S. Coast Guard, 12/27/1951:8 Leaves for New Jersey and service in the Coast Guard, 01/03/1952:5 Wedding described, 03/05/1953:5 27 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Bigelow, Ronald E. Discharged from U.S. Coast Guard, 08/19/1954:1 Bigelow, William E. Captain of local battery on maneuvers at Camp Edwards, 07/21/1950:10 National Guardsman takes training at Camp Drum, 08/28/1952:9 National Guard officer exempt from jury duty, 10/23/1952:1 Captain commands Guard unit at Camp Drum, NY, 07/22/1954:3 Bigelow, Winifred Clark Dies at age 47, 06/10/1954:7 Obituary, 06/10/1954:11 Biggs, Thelma E. Wed to Eddie Johnson, 01/20/1950:12 Billboards. see Signs and Signboards Billiards George's Billiard Parlor, re-opens at 252 Center St (ad), 09/29/1950:9 Billings, John Inducted into armed forces, 08/13/1953:1 Bill's Auto Glass Taunton St, Lakeville (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Birds Wooden owls used to scare pigeons from Town House and Bates School, 06/16/1950:1 Fifty pheasants on Kenneth Shaw's farm killed by dogs, 08/04/1950:5 Owl electrocuted on high tension line, 05/17/1951:1 Fifteen baby wood ducks balk at crossing road on way to river, 05/24/1951:1 Pigeons to get roost-no-more at Town House and Bates School, 12/27/1951:3 Roost-no-more evicts pigeons, 01/17/1952:6 Births - Middleboro Statistics from 1946-1949 provide forecast for school enrollment, 09/20/1951:1 No contest in New Year's baby contest, 01/07/1954:1 Three hundred and thirty four in 1953, 02/04/1954:8 Bisbee, Gladys Eaton Son born, 10/04/1951:4 Bisbee, Robert Funeral held in Brockton, 01/27/1950:7 Bisbee, William Son born, 10/04/1951:4 Bisbey Harness Shop Does anyone know where Bisbey Harness Shop was located? 06/04/1953:9 Bishop, Alexander W. Leaves for induction at Boston base, 02/11/1954:1 Bishop, Barbara Confined to home with measles, 01/24/1952:4 (6) Bishop, Barbara A. Tripp Son born, 04/19/1951:5 Bishop, Barbara Tripp Daughter born, 08/05/1954:4 Bishop, Cynthia Ellis Obituary, 12/31/1953:3 Widow of Howard M. dies at age 93, 12/31/1953:4 Bishop, Donald Son born, 04/19/1951:5 Daughter born, 08/05/1954:4 Bishop, Donald E., Jr. Son born, 04/26/1951:12 Bishop, Florence Ellis Wed to Elmore West, 05/26/1950:3 Bishop, Jane Confined to home with measles, 01/24/1952:4 (6) Bishop, Luther L. Engaged to Rosemarie Francis (p), 09/30/1954:10 Bishop, Mary Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro Girl Scout troop welcomed into organization (p), 05/24/1951:1 South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home (p), 10/18/1951:1 Confined to home with measles, 01/24/1952:4 (6) Bishop, Susan Resides in Quincy, 01/20/1950:6 Teacher in Quincy, 10/06/1950:4 Bissaro, Agathe Thalmeier Son born, 08/30/1951:5 Bissaro, Joseph Son born, 08/30/1951:5 Bissette, William C. New teacher at Lakeville school, 09/02/1954:5 Bissio, Ruth A. Strange Charged with bigamy, 06/18/1953:4 Fined $100 for bigamy, 06/25/1953:4 Bisson, Adrienne Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9 Bisson, Emile Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9 Bissonette, Raymond Engaged to Loretta Marie Moquin, 09/30/1954:3 Bissonnette, Adrian J. Sells insurance agency to Daniel McNearney, 12/02/1954:1 Bissonnette, Adrien Couple moves to Los Altos, CA, 03/27/1952:7 Los Altos, CA couple married 40 years, 12/09/1954:1 Bissonnette, Albert Daughter born, 10/30/1952:7 Bissonnette, Alcides William and Margaret Inch in court to confirm land title, 12/11/1952:10 Bissonnette, Dianne Horsewoman wins prizes at East Bridgewater show, 08/12/1954:3 Bissonnette, Emma William and Margaret Inch in court to confirm land title, 12/18/1952:2 Bissonnette, Eugene Appeals drunk driving charge, 09/02/1954:10 Bissonnette, Eugene L. William and Margaret Inch in court to confirm land title, 12/11/1952:10 Bissonnette, Eugene R. Drunkenness and drunk and reckless driving cases continued, 08/26/1954:10 Bissonnette, J. Adrian Resides in Mountain View, CA, 10/08/1953:9 Bissonnette, J. Adrien Going to California to help start new insurance, real estate firm, 04/03/1952:1 Bissonnette, Jean Carolyn Engaged to Lawrence J. Whalen, 09/01/1950:1 Wedding described, 12/01/1950:3 Local folks attend wedding on Long Island, 12/01/1950:8 Bissonnette, Jeanne Resides in East Hempstead, Long Island, 04/14/1950:2, 07/28/1950:10 Bissonnette, Joan Receives DAR Good Citizenship Award, 03/08/1951:1 Who's who in MHS senior class, 06/07/1951:4 Accepted at Bouve-Boston School of Physical Education, 07/19/1951:1 Elected president of sophomore class, 03/27/1952:5 Recipient of Robert Goldstein Citizenship Award, 06/05/1952:1 Named to staff playgrounds, 05/21/1953:1 Vice-president of Student Government Association, 10/01/1953:9 Elected president of student government for 1954-55, 06/17/1954:8 President of Student Government Association at Bouve, 12/30/1954:7 Bissonnette, Joan C. Enrolls at Bouve-Boston School of PE, 10/11/1951:8 Named to Dean's List, 04/03/1952:10 Elected president of sophomore class, 06/05/1952:11 President of class and member of student government, 01/01/1953:7 Honor student at Bouve-Boston School, 04/09/1953:1 Awarded Student Government prize at Bouve-Boston School, 06/04/1953:8 Enrolls at Tufts College, 10/07/1954:10 Bissonnette, Lee Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1 Bissonnette, Lloyd Son born, 05/31/1951:5 Daughter born, 09/04/1952:5 Bissonnette, Margaret William and Margaret Inch in court to confirm land title, 12/11/1952:10 Bissonnette, Mary McGinnis Daughter born, 09/04/1952:5 28 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Bissonnette, Mary McGuiness Son born, 05/31/1951:5 Bissonnette, Mrs Adrien Brother dies in Andover, 08/25/1950:9 Bissonnette, Mrs Ulysses Employed at South Lakeville School cafeteria, 12/09/1954:3 Bissonnette, Ronald Killed in rifle accident, 07/05/1951:1 Bissonnette, Ronald Ulysses Shooting ruled accidental, 08/09/1951:1 Bissonnette, Ruth Foley Daughter born, 10/30/1952:7 Bissonnette, Ulysses L. Four injured in two-car collision in Lakeville, 11/13/1952:1 Head-on collision injures four, 11/13/1952:2 Biswanger, Adam S. Dies at age 80, 12/22/1950:7 Obituary, 12/22/1950:7 Bither, Jane Bridal shower held, 08/27/1953:12 Bither, Lewis Philip Wedding described, 07/09/1953:8 The BKN Co. Lawn mower dealer (ad), 09/01/1950:5 5th birthday sale (ad), 08/02/1951:6 Now Town Line Country Store (ad), 05/26/1952:9 Black, John A., Jr. Engaged to Betty LeBlanc, 02/22/1951:5 Leaves for army induction (p), 03/15/1951:1 Wed to Ruth E. Tierney, 10/18/1951:5 Black, John A., Sr. Obituary, 01/14/1954:2 Wareham man dies at age 65, 01/14/1954:4 Black, John Albert, Jr. Inducted into military service, 03/08/1951:1 Black, John, Jr. Guilty of assault on Walter Zion, 07/21/1950:1 Guilty of assaulting Cedric Zion, 07/28/1950:3 Black, Laura No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Black, Leonard Fined $50 for drunk driving, 04/05/1951:9 Private at Sampson AFB, NY for basic training, 10/04/1951:7 Black, Ruth No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Blackburn, Louise Bassett MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1 Blackman, Warren MHS cross country team ends most successful season ever (p), 11/25/1954:1 Blackmer, Mrs Harold White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p), 12/15/1950:1 Blacksmiths. see Metal and Metal Work Blackstone, Alfred Obituary, 03/29/1951:9 Blaine, John Daughter born, 10/18/1951:5 Blaine, June Westering Daughter born, 10/18/1951:5 Blair, Edwin O. Wants to buy standing timber from town, 02/12/1953:5 Blair, Erwin O. Sells East Grove St house to Harold Wygant, 12/16/1954:7 Blair, Herbert Couple resides in Lakeland, FL, 09/17/1953:10 Blair, Judith Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1 Blair, Richard Returns to supervise floor covering department at Egger's, 04/02/1953:12 Blair, Richard H. Egger's floor manager wins national award, 08/05/1954:1 Blair, Robert Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises (p), 06/30/1950:1 Blais, Edgar Son born, 12/10/1953:6 Blais, Janet Old Country Store makes learning fun at School Street School (p), 04/08/1954:1 Blais, Pauline Chartier Son born, 12/10/1953:6 Blais Cleaners Lea Chartier manager, 160 Center St (ad), 10/04/1951:2 Blake, Cecil B. Blake's Service Station 33 Wareham St (ad), 10/18/1951:2 Blake, E.H. Removes from Thatcher block 50 years ago, 04/01/1954:8 Blake, Eleanor Wright Daughter born, 08/14/1952:5 Blake, Jeralyn C. Wed to Robert C. Sisson, 07/31/1952:5 Blake, L.A. New manager of NE Cranberry Sales Co., 08/28/1952:1 Blake, Naidene L. WAC assigned to March AFB, CA, 09/23/1954:8 Blake, Randy WPEP thanks advertisers and patrons on 2nd anniversary (ad) (p), 12/27/1951:4 Blake, Rodney Daughter born, 08/14/1952:5 Blakely, Beatrice Resides in Oklahoma, 07/21/1950:10 Blakely, Beatrice Medas Son born, 03/24/1950:7 Blakely, Merle Son born, 03/24/1950:7 Blakeman, William Telephone company spends $133,739 on East Main St job (p), 05/27/1954:6 Blake's Service Station Cecil Blake, 33 Wareham St (ad), 10/18/1951:2 Blakesley, Mabel A. Petition for probate of will, 01/07/1954:2 Blakesley, Mabel L. Dies suddenly in New Hampshire, 11/26/1953:4 Blakesley, Merle Family rents tenement from William Chickering, 01/25/1951:5 Blanc, James R. Engaged to Dorothea Catherine Picone, 11/05/1953:2 Blanchard (Mr) Kenneth Falconer on farm exchange from Australia, 10/15/1953:5 Blanchard, David Attends Stockbridge School, 12/22/1950:11 On Honors List at UMass, 04/09/1953:1 Local man to receives degree from UMass (p), 06/03/1954:6 Receives departmental honors at commencement, 06/10/1954:5 Blanchard, David E. Pledges Alpha Gamma Rho at UMass, 02/15/1951:1 Ringmaster at 17th Bay State Dairy Classic at UMass, 05/01/1952:7 On Dean's List at UMass, 05/08/1952:1 Cadet trains at Ethan Allan AFB, Winooski, VT, 08/20/1953:8 Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1 Leaves for military induction, 12/09/1954:4 Blanchard, Hilda Named state 4-H clothing winner, 11/13/1952:1 Attends University of Massachusetts, 10/15/1953:3 Blanchard, Mrs Fred New member of county extension service advisory council, 09/29/1950:1 Blanchard, Pauline Employed at Richmond Automotive Service, 08/06/1953:6 Blenheim, May L. Widow of Samuel dies at age 85, 03/03/1950:4 Blenheim, May Louise Obituary, 03/03/1950:2 29 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Blicker, Robert Wed to Bertha Hodsdon, 04/09/1953:6 Bliss, Alice Young Son born, 09/25/1952:5 Daughter born, 10/08/1953:4 Bliss, Anthony Resides in North Carolina, 06/11/1953:6 Bliss, Anthony H. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 08/25/1950:3 Notice of Lakeville tax taking, 02/26/1953:4 Notice of tax taking, 02/04/1954:9 Bliss, Harris Son born, 09/25/1952:5 Bliss, Harry Daughter born, 10/08/1953:4 Bliven, Mabel G. Obituary, 10/20/1950:5 Widow of Charles F. dies at age 71, 10/20/1950:5 Blizzards. see Storms Block, Earl, Jr. Stationed with army in New Mexico, 07/17/1952:5 Block, Mary Engaged to Robert Frank, 02/17/1950:6 Block, Mary Elizabeth Wedding described, 04/07/1950:2 Blouin, Carolyn Local pupil in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1 Blouin, Mary F. Dangerous Lakeville intersection claims another life, 05/27/1954:1 Blue and White Farms Joseph Ayotte breeds race horses, 03/31/1950:1 Joseph Ayotte's horse takes 5th at Rockingham, 10/25/1951:1 Joseph Ayotte has two winners at Lincoln Downs, 04/02/1953:5 Has winners at Suffolk Downs, 05/14/1953:1 Ayotte's Lydia A wins in heavy rain at Narragansett, 07/30/1953:7 Joseph Ayotte's Lydia A. speeds to victory in New England Futurity (p), 10/29/1953:1 Lakeville man owns and races thoroughbreds, 02/25/1954:1 Joseph Ayotte purchases adjoining farm, 65 acres, 03/11/1954:2 Three horses take prizes at Lincoln Downs, 04/01/1954:1 Compiles excellent record at Lincoln Downs, 04/22/1954:1 Sixth win for Lakeville mare, 07/29/1954:8 The Blue Plate Night prowlers invade restaurant, 05/26/1952:1 Waitress wanted (ad), 09/18/1952:6 Blueberries. see also Maxim's Orchard J. Herbert Alexander elected President of MA Cultivated Blueberry Growers Association, 01/21/1954:10 Alexander hosts annual meeting of MA Cultivated Blueberry Association, 07/08/1954:2 J. Herbert Alexander re-elected president of Blueberry Growers Assoc, 12/09/1954:5 Blumenthal, Fred R. Eye, ear, nose, and throat specialist opens office here, 11/27/1952:1 Opens office at 27 Center St (ad), 11/27/1952:6 Blyn, Betty Notice of Lakeville tax taking, 02/26/1953:4 Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2 Blyn, Philip Notice of Lakeville tax taking, 02/26/1953:4 Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2 Board of Health. see Middleboro – Board of Health Board of Registrar’s of Voters. See Middleboro – Board of Registrar’s of Voters Board of Selectmen. See Middleboro – Board of Selectmen Boarding Houses Emerson Coe granted permit, 03/10/1950:6 Mrs Henry Shaw licensed to operate boarding home (ad), 04/12/1951:2 Courtland Hall (ad), 05/17/1951:10 Courtland Hall, room and board available (ad), 03/18/1954:9 Nils Swanson's rooming house application approved, 12/30/1954:4 Boardman, Arthur E. Believes town needs new industries (l), 11/08/1951:1 Chief problem is attract new business and industry (l), 02/07/1952:5 Boardman, Nancy Matilda Widow of Eli dies at age 71, 09/20/1951:7 Obituary, 09/20/1951:9 Boardman, Roland Represents Boy Scouts at Valley Forge Jamboree, 07/07/1950:4 Findings in assault case deferred, 08/14/1952:1 Boardman, Roland E. Charged with assault on two children, 08/07/1952:2 Boarman, Madeline Ashley Son born, 11/15/1951:7, 09/30/1954:5 Boarman, William Son born, 11/15/1951:7, 09/30/1954:5 Boats and Boating Wilfred Montminy suffers burns in boat explosion, 07/12/1951:2 Charles Clark wins sailing trophies in Angelica Yacht Club Cat Boat Races (p), 09/20/1951:1 Clayton and Edith Kemp apply to DPW to build boat house on Tispaquin Pond, 10/16/1952:5 Boat safety stressed to youngsters at pool (p), 07/22/1954:1 Bob's Diner Night prowlers invade restaurant, 05/26/1952:1 K.B. Keedwell proprietor, on the square (ad), 07/02/1953:6 Popular spot at Four Corners (p), 09/17/1953:8 Where eating is a pleasure (p), 12/31/1953:6 Rubbish fire caught before serious, 01/14/1954:1 Sure to please, 04/08/1954:8 Popular eating spot (p), 06/10/1954:8 Bodessa, John Engaged to Lorraine Thompson, 03/10/1950:5 Wed to Lorraine F. Thompson, 04/07/1950:7 Son born, 02/01/1951:5, 07/24/1952:5 Son born (p), 07/24/1952:5 Son born, 10/08/1953:4 Bodessa, Lorraine Thompson Son born, 02/01/1951:5, 07/24/1952:5 Son born (p), 07/24/1952:5 Son born, 10/08/1953:4 Boehler, Donald M. Engaged to Roberta E. Fiske, 09/23/1954:9 Boehme, Avis C. Millerd Oak St couple married 50 years, 05/24/1951:5 Boehme, Charles E. Oak St couple married 50 years, 05/24/1951:5 Boehme, Edmund J. Guilty of drunkenness, 03/19/1953:4 Boehme, Lothrop M. Petition for payments from estate, 08/28/1952:2 Executor presents account of estate, 12/04/1952:9 Boehme, Lothrop Mendall Obituary, 08/16/1951:3 Dies at age 55, 08/16/1951:5 Petition for probate of will, 08/16/1951:5 Bogigan, Mrs Raye Moves to Denver, CO, 07/08/1954:4 Bogigian, L. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Bogigian, Leon Husband of Raye Detoian dies at age 52, 03/17/1950:5 Obituary, 03/17/1950:10 Named to staff playgrounds, 05/21/1953:5 MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4 Bogigian, Mrs Leon Nurse's aide graduates from St. Luke's (p), 06/12/1952:1 Bohmer, Rudolph J. Lieutenant Colonel helped get Donald Falconieri back home, 09/10/1953:1 Bohning, Clarence Minott Husband of Ruth Dora Lamoreux dies at age 52, 08/11/1950:5 Obituary, 08/11/1950:8 Bohning, F. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Bohning, Raymond H. Corporal serves with "Gimlet" Regiment of 24th Infantry Battalion, 10/11/1951:1 30 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Bohning, Raymond H. continued Promoted to Sergeant 1st Class at Ladd AFB, Alaska, 10/21/1954:10 Boileau, Doris "School Bank" feature of MHS business program (p), 06/03/1954:11 Boileau, Doris M. Marine Private now at Quantico, VA (p), 10/14/1954:1 Boileau, Doris Mary Named MHS salutatorian (p), 03/25/1954:1 Boileau, Roland Donald Petition for guardianship, 07/24/1952:5 Guardian presents account, 07/08/1954:7 Bois, Anne Gillis Son born, 11/13/1952:7, 11/18/1954:6 Bois, Franklin Son born, 11/18/1954:6 Bois, Franklyn Son born, 11/13/1952:7 Bois, Wilfred Telephone company spends $133,739 on East Main St job (p), 05/27/1954:6 Boisoneau, George H. East Main St couple married 60 years, 02/10/1950:1 Boisoneau, George Henry Husband of Malthilde Neau dies at age 83, 03/31/1950:6 Obituary, 03/31/1950:6 Boisoneau, Malthilde East Main St couple married 60 years, 02/10/1950:1 Bolan, Dorothy Marion's Laundromat, 378 Center St, a friend to housewives, 08/06/1953:6 Bolan, Dorothy Hiltz Son born, 01/15/1953:7 Bolan, Mrs Walter Marion's Laundromat , a service for housewives (p), 06/10/1954:8 Marion's Laundromat (p), 07/29/1954:6 Bolan, Walter. see also Bolan's Jenney Service Son born, 01/15/1953:7 Marion's Laundromat, 378 Center St, a friend to housewives, 08/06/1953:6 Kiwanis Club holds installation ceremonies (p), 01/07/1954:1 Proprietor of Marion's Laundromat (p), 02/18/1954:8 Marion's Laundromat , a service for housewives (p), 06/10/1954:8 Boland, Mrs John Resides in Springfield, 08/13/1953:8 Bolan's Jenney Service Corner of Center & Pearl St (ad), 06/09/1950:4 Gale blows out window, 02/26/1953:1 At Center and Pearl St since 1947 (p), 07/23/1953:6 Dependable service since 1947, 10/22/1953:8 Installs new Choldun Washer (ad), 12/10/1953:13 New auto washing machine (p), 02/11/1954:6 Fully equipped service station, 05/13/1954:8 A modern service station (p), 07/22/1954:6 A service station that means service (p), 11/18/1954:8 Bolduc, Alice C. Collides with Indiana auto at Sachem and Thomas St, 10/11/1951:9 Bolduc, Allerton Leaves for army induction (p), 02/21/1952:1 Receives Marine training at Parris Island, SC, 04/10/1952:11 Discharged from U.S. Marines, 02/25/1954:2 Bolduc, Allerton J. Inducted into armed forces, 02/14/1952:1 Discharged from military service, 03/11/1954:4 Bolduc, Ann Dempsey Son born, 07/17/1952:4, 04/08/1954:6 Bolduc, Michael Amie Born to Robert, 04/08/1954:12 Bolduc, Robert Son born, 07/17/1952:4, 07/24/1952:2, 04/08/1954:6, 04/08/1954:12 Bolduc, Roland A. Wedding described, 11/18/1954:4 Bolin, Herbert T. Engaged to Ruth L. Jefferson, 06/23/1950:5 Wedding described, 07/07/1950:2 Bolin, Herbert T. continued Wed to Ruth L. Jefferson, 07/07/1950:5 Bon Mode Owner Mrs J. Morgan Wilson in New York for millinery opening 50 years ago, 03/18/1954:7 Bonnar, James M., Jr. Doctor conducting business by appointment only (ad), 03/20/1952:10 Biography of candidate for School Committee (p), 01/14/1954:1 Son born, 07/29/1954:4 Bonnar, James M., Sr. Obituary, 11/27/1952:4 Dies at age 74, 11/27/1952:5 Bonnar, John F. Engaged to Marie A. Boudreau, 10/04/1951:4 Wed to Marie A. Boudreau, 11/08/1951:7 Bonnar, Lillian Wayne Son born, 07/29/1954:4 Bonnar Paint & Wallpaper Co. Profile and history of local business, 11/20/1952:4 Bonney, Alfred L. Plympton man dies, 08/18/1950:5 Bonney, David Halsted Wed to Margaret Ethel Turner, 08/28/1952:5 Bonney, Robert E. Wed to Genevieve A. Marks, 08/30/1951:5 Bonzagni, Anthony A. Student driver car presented to MHS (p), 12/22/1950:1 Booker, James Son born, 01/20/1950:6 Daughter born, 12/25/1952:5 Booker, James A. Purchases eight lots at town auction, 05/14/1953:1 Booker, Mary Spencer Son born, 01/20/1950:6 Daughter born, 12/25/1952:5 Booker, Mrs James Nurse's aide graduates from St. Luke's (p), 06/12/1952:1 Books. see also Libraries Gladys Demoranville Vigers has History of the Town of Lakeville, Massachusetts published, 12/04/1952:9 History of the Town of Lakeville, Mass. by Gladys Vigers now on sale (ad), 12/18/1952:12 Description of new Lakeville history book, 12/25/1952:7 Sylvia Matheson writes 99-page art text book, 05/14/1953:2 Former resident, Muriel Traegde, has story published, 06/25/1953:1 Benjamin Bump writes booklet on Mr and Mrs Tom Thumb, 12/10/1953:1 The story that never grows old, on sale at Leland's (ad), 12/10/1953:2 Owners of Tom Thumb home receive copy of Alice Curtis Desmond's book, 04/01/1954:1 Writer of town history, Thomas Weston, resides in Newton 50 years ago, 06/03/1954:4 Author of Barnum Presents General Tom Thumb visits town, 06/17/1954:5 Rare books interest Lawrence Romaine (p), 07/01/1954:12 Town history by Thomas Weston ready for publication 50 years ago, 11/25/1954:3 Local poetess Virginia Gibbons has works published (p), 12/09/1954:1 Bookstein, Bernard L. Middleboro Steak House proves popular (p), 07/08/1954:6 Bookstein, Harold Middleboro Steak House proves popular (p), 07/08/1954:6 Boothman, E.A. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russel (poem), 03/31/1950:7 Borden, Edna L. Decries finding by male jury in Mattos trial (l), 06/28/1951:4 Borden, Ray Painting, roofing, general repairs (ad), 08/05/1954:3 Borges, Manuel Candidate for Lakeville constable and fish warden, 02/25/1954:3 Borsari, Alice Alger Daughter born, 11/06/1952:5 Borsari, Evo Daughter born, 11/06/1952:5 31 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Borsari, Francis Appointed public weigher, 05/31/1951:5 Borsari, Frank, Sr. Obituary, 09/15/1950:2 Husband of Amelia Bouoni dies at age 77, 09/15/1950:7 Borsari, Joseph Shower for new arrival, 06/21/1951:5 Borsari, Joseph T. Plumbing and heating, 116 Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Son born, 05/17/1951:4 Borsari, Priscilla E. Caswell Son born, 05/17/1951:4 Bosari, Buzz Egger Furnituremen 1950 Twilight League champions (p), 09/29/1950:1 With 483rd Combat Engineers training at Camp Drum, NY, 05/26/1952:4 Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (p) (t), 04/09/1953:1 Bosari, Ellen M. Passes civil service exam for head cook, 05/15/1952:11 Takes post as head cook at Myles Standish Mental School, Taunton, 07/10/1952:6 Bosari, Evo E. Stationed at Sacramento, CA, 06/17/1954:6 Bosari, Penny Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1 Boston & Falmouth Express Truckers on strike in support of National Brotherhood of Teamsters, 08/06/1953:1 Albert Guidaboni, Lovell St (p), 10/15/1953:6 Trucking service you can rely on, 01/14/1954:6 Successful local trucking concern (p), 04/22/1954:8 Local company has reasonable rates, 06/10/1954:8 Local company adds new trucks, 10/21/1954:8 Boston Accordion Center Opens Branch Studio at 1 Wareham St, 04/02/1953:9 The Boston Store 31st anniversary (ad), 01/13/1950:9 Employs Mrs Thomas Giamperoli, 07/28/1950:8 32nd anniversary (ad), 01/18/1951:3 33rd anniversary (ad), 01/17/1952:11 34th anniversary sale (ad), 01/15/1953:11 35th anniversary (ad), 01/07/1954:3 Bosworth, Beulah Archibald Son born, 02/21/1952:5 Bosworth, Daniel Daughter, 11/04/1954:4 Bosworth, Lillian May Engaged to Robert M. Turner, 06/17/1954:2 Wed to Robert M. Turner, 07/08/1954:4 Bosworth, Ruth Alger Daughter, 11/04/1954:4 Bosworth, Walter Son born, 02/21/1952:5 Botelho, Fernando Licensed to collect garbage in Lakeville, 04/22/1954:11 Botellho, John Veteran takes ill on way home from veteran's hospital, 08/18/1950:6 Bouchard, Jean Cabral Daughter born, 10/07/1954:7 Bouchard, Rene Daughter born, 10/07/1954:7 Boucher, A. Vincent Stanley Jurgelewicz pleads not guilty to break and larceny, 05/10/1951:8 Jurgelewicz acquitted on break-in charge, 05/31/1951:1 Granted cesspool pumping permit, 08/12/1954:4 Boucher, A.V. Black top driveways and walks (ad), 06/16/1950:3 Boucher, Edward University of Florence, Italy student to be extra in film, 05/19/1950:7 Son born, 12/22/1950:12 Boucher, Edward continued Resides in Lansing, MI, 07/05/1951:5 Has small part in film Theresa, 04/10/1952:9 Boucher, James H. Petition for administration of estate, 01/13/1950:4 Boucher, John E. Son born 50 years ago, 12/02/1954:8 Boucher, T.F. Paint and wallpaper, 370 Center St (ad), 05/05/1950:6 Boucher, William F. Lieutenant in U.S. Air Force Reserve, 05/19/1950:7 Boudreau, Joseph Daughter born, 03/31/1950:12 Gets custody of children, 06/16/1950:12 Acquitted of wife's charge of non-support, 06/30/1950:7 Boudreau, Marie A. Engaged to John F. Bonnar, 10/04/1951:4 Wed to John F. Bonnar, 11/08/1951:7 Bourgeois, Anatole George Soper and Albert Campbell sent to jail, 09/20/1951:10 Sproat St couple married 50 years, 09/27/1951:1 Bourgeois, Exina Jerone Sproat St couple married 50 years, 09/27/1951:1 Bourne, Richard Engaged to Dorothy Elizabeth Quinn, 02/08/1951:4, 03/01/1951:4 Bourne, Virginia Irene Engaged to Irving, Minott, Jr., 01/13/1950:5 Bourne Furniture 21 North St (ad), 03/31/1950:5 Re-organization sale (ad), 08/13/1953:4 Boutin, A. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Boutin, Arthur Grows record-breaking melon (p), 09/03/1953:1 Boutin, Leah Completes 25 years of teaching in Middleboro, 08/19/1954:1 Boutin, Robert Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1 Engaged to Hazel May Guidoboni, 06/28/1951:9 Boutin, Robert A. Private with 28th Infantry in big maneuvers, 08/23/1951:1 Engaged to Hazel M. Guidoboni, 04/29/1954:4 Engaged to Hazel Guidaboni, 05/06/1954:2 Wed to Hazel M. Guidaboni, 06/10/1954:7 Boutin, Robert Arthur Wedding described, 06/03/1954:8 Boutin, Robert R. Returns from two years in Germany, 02/11/1954:1 Boutin, Thomas H. Obituary, 12/29/1950:4 Dies at age 51, 12/29/1950:5 Bowen, Carolyn Resides in Seattle, WA, 01/17/1952:5 Bowen, Everett Lost minister found unharmed, 10/15/1953:1 Bowen, Everett A. Shaw Home resident denies he was hopelessly lost (l), 11/19/1953:3 Bowen, Jennie E. Wife of Everett A. dies at age 82, 01/29/1953:5 Bowen, Jennie S. Obituary, 01/29/1953:4 Bowen, Marcella Engaged to Alexander M. Barta, 07/07/1950:5 Engaged to Alexander Barta, 08/04/1950:8 Wed to Alexander M. Barta, 08/11/1950:5 Bowen, Maurice Resides in Teaneck, NJ, 11/20/1952:8 Bowen, Milt Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Bowen, Mrs Richard Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Bowen, Richard Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Resides in Hempstead, NY, 11/20/1952:8 32 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Bowen, Richard continued Resides in Buffalo, NY, 11/04/1954:8 Bower, Ernest F. Enlists in U.S. Navy (p), 12/23/1954:1 Completes eight weeks of training at Bainbridge, MD, 12/23/1954:2 Bower, Gertrude Officers in new Eagles auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1 Eagles Auxiliary donates $600 to St. Luke's (p), 11/04/1954:4 Bowers, Theodore R. Fined $50 for operating car after license revoked, 01/27/1950:12 Bowes, Doris Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4, 10/15/1953:1 Bowes, Doris Hopkins Daughter born, 04/09/1953:5 Bowes, John Daughter born, 04/09/1953:5 Met Life agent promoted to assistant manager of Worcester district, 10/07/1954:7 Bowler, William Earl Dies at age 85, 11/20/1952:7 Obituary, 11/20/1952:9 Bowles, Annie J. Obituary, 10/23/1952:4 Bowles, Annie Jane Widow of Frederick dies at age 75, 10/23/1952:5 Bowles, Arleen Sullivan Daughter born, 07/09/1953:4 Bowles, Cuthbert Wed to Elizabeth Stephenson, 09/01/1950:5 Bowles, Donald Daughter born, 07/09/1953:4 Bowles, Donald L. State trooper transfers to Bristol County, 09/24/1953:6 Bowling. see also Middleboro Recreation Center Former local man, Everett Newton, stars in Brockton, 10/13/1950:1 Eagles top Inter-city League, 08/23/1951:2 Eagles champs of Inter-city League (p), 09/06/1951:1 Local Eagles top inter-aerie league, 09/17/1953:5 Maxim Motor Co. takes top league honors, 05/06/1954:12 Awards made at YMCA banquet, 06/03/1954:11 Bowman, Jean M. Pittsley Daughter born, 04/14/1950:7 Bowman, Mildred K. Transfers to grade 2 at Union Street School, 03/12/1953:1 Bowman, Robert L. Daughter born, 04/14/1950:7 Box Industry Alger Box Co. establishes trade in fancy paper boxes 50 years ago, 04/22/1954:10 Boxing Glenn Powell meets Rocky Marciano, 08/02/1951:1 Boy Scouts of America Annual report of Annawon Council, 02/03/1950:1 Second annual charter night held for Troop No. 10, 02/17/1950:1 Hold Court of Honor, 02/17/1950:5 Scouts granted use of parcel of town land, 03/24/1950:1 Jamboree attracts 200 scouts, 04/28/1950:6 Four local youths win coveted Eagle award (p), 05/05/1950:1 Troop 13 gets charter, 05/12/1950:6 Face lifting operations at Camp Norse (p), 05/26/1950:1 Camp Avoda granted license, 06/23/1950:4 Roland Boardman represents scouts at Valley Forge Jamboree, 07/07/1950:4 Charles Soule attends Jamboree at Valley Forge, 07/07/1950:5 Troop 10 opens season, 09/08/1950:1 Otto Lobl accepts post of advertising for local group (p), 10/13/1950:1 Poster contest held at library (p), 11/10/1950:12 Chairman criticizes lack of parental interest in Court of Honor, 11/24/1950:1 Holds annual meeting, 01/18/1951:1 Celebrate 41st anniversary with "good turns," 02/08/1951:8 Annawon Council concludes annual review, 03/22/1951:1 Boy Scouts of America continued Register strong protest against public access to Loon Pond, 03/22/1951:2 Troop 16 conducts paper drive, 05/03/1951:1 Annawon Council plans improvements to Camp Norse, 05/10/1951:10 James Lakey and P. Barry Weaver earn Eagle Awards (p), 05/24/1951:11 Clear large area at Camp Norse, 05/31/1951:7 Lakeville scouts acquire four acres on Pickens St, 06/07/1951:7 Court of Honor held at Camp Norse, 08/23/1951:5 Annawon Council names executive assistant, George Morton, Jr., 09/06/1951:6 Theodore Wood retires as council head at annual meeting, 01/31/1952:8 Hold Court of Honor, 02/14/1952:4 Gather to tackle improvements at Camp Norse, 04/24/1952:7 Eagle badges awarded at 21st annual banquet, 05/08/1952:5 Middleboro-Lakeville-Carver District holds Court of Honor, 05/22/1952:5 Twentieth camp season opens, 07/17/1952:8 State erects new directional signs to Camp Norse, 08/14/1952:5 Land Explorer Post No. 16 formed, 10/23/1952:5 Explorer Post No. 16 active, 11/06/1952:4 Hold Court of Honor, 11/20/1952:9 Sea Scouts find new anchorage, 01/29/1953:6 Local boys receive God & Country Award, 02/05/1953:9 Hold Court of Honor, 02/19/1953:2 Explorer Post No. 16 organizes, 05/07/1953:10 Annawon Council holds 21st Scouters Banquet, 05/14/1953:10 District holds Court of Honor in Carver, 05/28/1953:4 Five from Middleboro chosen to attend Jamboree in California, 06/25/1953:1 Camp Norse now open, 07/09/1953:5 Bruce Atwood writes from big Scout jamboree in California (l), 07/30/1953:1 Explorer Scout's Armistice Day float gets honorable mention, 11/19/1953:1 Lester Garnier and Keith Humphreys win God and Country Award, 02/04/1954:4 Humphreys and Garnier receive God and Country Awards, 02/11/1954:7 Cub Pack No. 10 celebrates 5th birthday, 02/25/1954:3 Get $2,500 award for waterfront construction at Camp Norse, 04/08/1954:10 Donald Marden awarded Weblos badge, 05/06/1954:2 Annawon Council holds Scouter banquet, 05/20/1954:3 Six local scouts recognized at Court of Honor, 05/27/1954:2 Joseph D'Elia, Jr. receives highest award in Cub Scouts, 06/03/1954:1 Seventy Cub Scouts romp at Field Day, 06/10/1954:10 Annawon Council holds annual Cuboree at Camp Norse, 06/24/1954:3 Middleboro-Lakeville-Carver district needs leaders, 11/04/1954:10 Hold Court of Awards, 11/18/1954:9 Fund appeal will be through mail this year, 12/09/1954:1 Boyd, Floyd Alvin Sent for induction, 11/06/1952:5 Boyd, Katherine Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Boyd, Luther J. Engaged to Lily Adams, 05/27/1954:7 Wed to Lily Adams, 06/17/1954:5 Assault case continued, 09/23/1954:10 Boyer, Harry W. Notice of tax taking, 09/10/1953:9 Boyer, Mary Petition for license to sell real estate, 12/17/1953:13, 01/07/1954:3 Boynton, J.C. J.C. Boynton & Son distributes calendars 50 years ago, 01/07/1954:7 J.C. Boynton & Son purchase new wagon 50 years ago, 04/08/1954:9 Boynton, Minnie Elvina Widow of Samuel dies at age 77, 09/03/1953:5 Obituary, 09/03/1953:8 Boy's Band Dance floor full at first event of season 50 years ago, 02/11/1954:8 Boys' State. see American Legion - Simeon L. Nickerson Post 33 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 B.R. Montgomery & Sons Carpenters and jobbers, Main St, Lakeville (ad), 09/20/1951:3 Brackett, Agnes Rose Son born, 04/10/1952:7 Daughter born, 07/02/1953:4 Brackett, Agnes S. Rose Daughter born, 12/15/1950:5 Brackett, Charles Son born, 09/03/1953:3 Brackett, Diane Employed at Center Card Shop, Center St (p), 08/13/1953:6 MHS students study for careers (p), 06/03/1954:11 Engaged to Donald M. MacLeod, 09/02/1954:4 Engaged to Donald MacLeod, 09/23/1954:5, 09/23/1954:10 Brackett, Diane B. Wed to Donald M. MacLeod, 09/30/1954:5 Brackett, Diane Belle Engaged to Donald Malcolm MacLeod (p), 08/19/1954:1 Wedding described, 09/30/1954:2 Brackett, Diolinda Fernandes Daughter born, 06/19/1952:5, 07/08/1954:4 Brackett, Donald C. Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Brackett, Edward Daughter born, 06/19/1952:5, 07/08/1954:4 Brackett, Elsie M. Pratt Son born, 09/29/1950:7 Brackett, Frank, Jr. Four generations gather (p), 04/16/1953:1 Brackett, Frank, Sr. Four generations gather (p), 04/16/1953:1 Brackett, George Daughter born, 08/14/1952:9 Brackett, George N. Son born, 09/29/1950:7 Brackett, Janice Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Brackett, Jimmy Four generations gather (p), 04/16/1953:1 Brackett, Judy Diane Daughter of Richard christened, 09/10/1953:9 Brackett, Leonard Stationed on USS Tarawa in Brooklyn Navy Yard, 02/22/1951:10 Promoted to Firemen on board USS Tarawa, 10/11/1951:6 Promoted to Boiler Tender 3rd Class on board USS Tarawa, 05/08/1952:6 Brackett, Leonard W. Enlists in U.S. Navy, 11/03/1950:5 Navy man attends engineering school in Philadelphia, 03/22/1951:4 Returns from Caribbean cruise on USS Tarawa, 06/21/1951:1 Takes part in combined NATO naval exercises, 04/10/1952:10 Returns to ship after two weeks leave, 08/06/1953:2 Discharged from U.S. Navy, 09/09/1954:3 Brackett, Mrs Guy W. Employed at Wareham, 09/06/1951:4 Brackett, Richard Engaged to Agnes S. Rose, 03/10/1950:10 Wedding described, 03/31/1950:2 Son born, 04/10/1952:7 Four generations gather (p), 04/16/1953:1 Daughter born, 07/02/1953:4 Brackett, Richard F. Daughter born, 12/15/1950:5 Brackett, Richard Francis Wed to Agnes Smith Rose, 03/31/1950:6 Brackett, Ruth Horton Daughter born, 06/05/1952:7 Brackett, Ruth S. Horton Son born, 02/03/1950:5 Brackett, Susan B. Pinned by runaway car, fractures leg, 05/12/1950:1 Brackett, William Applies for junk license, 01/11/1951:2 Daughter born, 06/05/1952:7 Brackett, William W. Son born, 02/03/1950:5 Braddock, Bertram Daughter born, 12/20/1951:7 John Smith rear-ended by Braddock on Wareham St, 08/07/1952:5 Purchases Plymouth St property from Daniel Joy, 04/02/1953:8 Braddock, Bertram P. Foreclosure notice, 07/08/1954:7 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/19/1954:6 Braddock, Bertram Parker Engaged to Mary D. Fernandes, 12/01/1950:14 Wed to Mary D. Fernandes, 12/15/1950:5 Braddock, Bertram R. Driver nicks Derosiers' bike on Pearl St, 09/13/1951:7 Braddock, Harold Daughter born, 07/17/1952:4 Son born, 09/10/1953:4, 09/10/1953:5 Braddock, Kenneth Son born, 10/21/1954:6 Braddock, Marilyn M. Savery Son born, 05/01/1952:5 Braddock, Marilyn Savery Daughter born, 05/10/1951:7, 07/30/1953:5 Braddock, Mary D. Foreclosure notice, 07/08/1954:7 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/19/1954:6 Braddock, Mary Roper Daughter born, 12/20/1951:7 Braddock, Mary Willis Daughter born, 07/17/1952:4 Son born, 09/10/1953:5 Braddock, Myron Daughter born, 05/10/1951:7, 07/30/1953:5 Braddock, Myron A. Son born, 05/01/1952:5 Braddock, Raymond A. Leaves for army induction (p), 03/15/1951:1 Braddock, Raymond Allen VFW post bids farewell to inductees (p), 08/14/1952:1 Braddock, Rebecca Stevens Son born, 10/21/1954:6 Braddock, William R. Obituary, 11/25/1954:8 Braddock, William Reuben Halifax man dies at age 79, 11/25/1954:4 Bradford, Ann Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1 Employed at Welfare Department, 07/07/1950:6 Bradford, Charles Collides with Michael Lewoczko on Main St, 05/31/1951:6 Wedding described, 02/14/1952:3 Bradford, Charles Joseph Engaged to Audrey DeMoranville, 02/07/1952:9 Bradford, Darlene Three-year-old falls from father's auto, 12/15/1950:16 Bradford, Diana LeBlanc Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5 Bradford, Dorothy Brock Daughter born, 10/27/1950:7 Bradford, Gary Finds praying mantis in backyard, 08/20/1953:3 Bradford, Gaynell Daughter of James christened, 08/07/1952:9 Bradford, Hattie Dies in Pocasset, 03/29/1951:2 Bradford, Hattie M. Obituary, 03/29/1951:4 Bradford, Helen Father, Clarence Thomas, celebrates 80th birthday (p), 12/24/1953:1 Bradford, James Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5 Bradford, James A. Daughter christened Gaynell, 08/07/1952:9 34 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Bradford, Joseph Three-year-old daughter falls from father's auto, 12/15/1950:16 Bradford, Joseph E. Petition for probate of will, 12/04/1952:5 Bradford, Joseph H. Nephew dies in Medford, 09/29/1950:10 Daughter born, 10/27/1950:7 Bradford, Lura Father, Clarence Thomas, celebrates 80th birthday (p), 12/24/1953:1 Bradford, Mrs Joseph H. Six-year-old niece dies of leukemia, 08/04/1950:6 Bradford, Robert Dies in Medford, 09/29/1950:10 Bradford, William Lands 15-lb. bonefish in the Bahamas, 03/05/1953:4 Bradley, Mrs Philip Public auction (ad), 10/18/1951:9 Bradley, Philip Purchases parcel from town at auction, 09/08/1950:4 Bradley, Thomas David Engaged to Alison Woods Taylor, 01/22/1953:4 Wed to Alison Woods Taylor, 06/25/1953:4 Wedding described, 06/25/1953:9 Bradshaw, Rose Lena Widow of James W. dies at age 83, 09/11/1952:5 Obituary, 09/11/1952:7 Braga, Aurora Chartier Son born, 05/10/1951:7 Daughter born, 02/26/1953:5 Braga, Maurice Son born, 05/10/1951:7 Daughter born, 02/26/1953:5 Plymouth St couple married 10 years, 06/04/1953:9 Takes out nomination papers for selectman, 11/18/1954:1 Braga, Maurice S. Elect selectman (ad) (p), 01/14/1954:3 Biography of candidate for Board of Selectmen (p), 01/14/1954:4 Bragdon, Dolores Giberti Son born, 08/21/1952:5 Bragdon, Hollis Son born, 08/21/1952:5 Bragiotti, Ralph Engaged to Marilyn Arline Shurtleff, 05/03/1951:4 Braitsch, Sophia Maria Johanna Dies at age 87, 05/12/1950:7 Braley, Christina Engaged to Freeman K. Allen, 09/17/1953:6 Braley, Christine E. Wed to Freeman H. Allen, 10/01/1953:5 Braley, Donald Private transfers from Fort Dix, NJ to Camp Stoneman, CA, 09/08/1950:3 Private stationed in Toyko, 10/13/1950:3 Private wounded and in hospital, 12/15/1950:15 Wounded serviceman home from Korea, 09/06/1951:4 Braley, Edith Engaged to William Clarence Brier (p), 03/18/1954:1 Braley, Edith R. Engaged to William C. Brier, 04/29/1954:4 Wed to William C. Brier, 06/24/1954:4 Braley, Edith Rena Wedding described, 05/27/1954:2 Braley, Eleanor Jennings Daughter born, 02/28/1952:5 Braley, Laura C. Obituary, 11/15/1951:2 Widow of Henry E. dies at age 85, 11/15/1951:7 Braley, Theodore A. Dies at age 63, 08/13/1953:4 Obituary, 08/13/1953:4 Braley, Waldo Daughter born, 02/28/1952:5 Braley & Son Masonry, landscaping, tree surgery, and painting (ad), 05/27/1954:3 Brannick, Catherine Elizabeth Dies at age 74, 08/05/1954:4 Obituary, 08/05/1954:8 Brannick, Margaret A. Obituary, 02/05/1953:2 Dies at age 76, 02/05/1953:5 Brauneis, Beverly G. Wed to Roger W. MacLeod, 11/18/1954:6 Brayton, Bessie Elizabeth Widow of Daniel W. dies at age 77, 06/28/1951:5 Obituary, 06/28/1951:10 Breach, Mildred Resides in Ames, IA, 07/19/1951:9 Resides in Des Moines, IA, 08/06/1953:8 Breaking and Entering. see Burglary Breedlove, Elaine Pavao Resides in Chicago, 07/15/1954:10 Son born, 10/14/1954:4 Breedlove, James Engaged to Elaine Pavao, 10/01/1953:4 Wedding described, 11/05/1953:4 Wed to Elaine Pavao, 11/05/1953:7 Son born, 10/14/1954:4 Brehaut, Camille Found guilty of contempt of court, 02/04/1954:4 Brehaut, Herbert Graduate at annual FFA banquet, 11/26/1953:10 Brehaut, Ruth Attends UMass, 02/10/1950:12 Second year student at UMass, 11/03/1950:16 Pledges Chi Omega, 12/01/1950:8 Brehaut, Ruth G. Has dancing role in operetta at UMass, 12/08/1950:10 Brehaut, Ruth Gloria Engaged to Robert Charles Joseph Henegan, 07/16/1953:2 Wedding described, 12/03/1953:3 Wed to Robert C. Henegan, 12/03/1953:4 Brennan, James A. Heard in broadcast on WNBH, 04/05/1951:3 New elementary school open for inspection (p), 11/29/1951:1 Brennan, William Francis Husband of Agnes Kraus dies at age 66, 11/10/1950:7 Brett, Oliver C., Jr. Engaged to Irene Rostron, 09/24/1953:5 Wed to Irene Rostron, 10/15/1953:4 Brett, Sylvanus L. Obituary, 02/12/1953:4 Brett, Sylvanus Longfellow Dies at age 81, 02/12/1953:5 Brewer, Alma I. Engaged to Clarence R. Poulin, 04/29/1954:4 Wed to Clarence R. Poulin, 05/27/1954:7 Briar (Miss) French teacher at MHS, 03/10/1950:4 Briar's Motel Requests permit to erect sign on Wareham St, 10/22/1953:1 Granted permit to erect sign, 08/12/1954:4 Bridges Plank missing from Titicut Bridge, 03/31/1950:1 Selectmen oppose plan to close Center St bridge for a month, 05/05/1950:1 State plans to complete Center St bridge work in ten days, 05/19/1950:1 Redecking of Center St span to start, 05/26/1950:1 Several bridges in Middleboro in dangerous condition, 03/08/1951:1 Decking replaced on Titicut bridge, 05/01/1952:2 Nourse says state should take over Titicut bridge, 09/25/1952:10 New Titicut span cost $80,000, 10/22/1953:1 Titicut St span over Taunton River estimated to cost $80,000, 12/03/1953:8 Selectmen go ahead with stairway repair on Center St bridge, 12/17/1953:1 Request for bids to reconstruct Titicut span, 09/30/1954:3 35 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Brier, Philip Takes boot training at Bainbridge, MD, 04/10/1952:11 Stationed at Norfolk Naval Base, VA, 01/29/1953:6 Brier, Rudolph D. Engaged to Charlotte B. Poor, 04/12/1951:5 Wed to Charlotte B. Poor, 04/19/1951:5 Brier, William C. Engaged to Edith R. Braley, 04/29/1954:4 Wedding described, 05/27/1954:2 Wed to Edith R. Braley, 06/24/1954:4 Brier, William Clarence Engaged to Edith Braley (p), 03/18/1954:1 Brierly, Roseanna Caron Daughter born, 05/27/1954:7 Brierly, Thomas Daughter born, 05/27/1954:7 Briggs, Alton E. Obituary, 03/01/1951:4 Briggs, Arthur Everett Retires from Gas & Electric Department after 30 years, 03/27/1952:1 Briggs, Carleton F. Inducted into Marine Corps, 11/08/1951:1 Briggs, Carleton Francis Called for Army service, 10/18/1951:1 Briggs, Carol Ann Burned in bonfire ashes, 10/15/1953:1 Briggs, Eugene Daughter born, 04/21/1950:5 Son born, 06/18/1953:4 Briggs, George W. Fined $5 for speeding, 11/05/1953:5 Briggs, Joseph M. Hired at gas plant, 03/31/1950:1 Briggs, Kathleen McCarthy Daughter born, 04/21/1950:5 Son born, 06/18/1953:4 Briggs, Lester W. Re-appointed public weigher, 06/23/1950:4 Briggs, Lester W., Jr. Engaged to Kathryn B. Hill, 05/26/1952:5 Wed to Kathryn B. Hill, 07/03/1952:5 Briggs, Marie Winner of Egger Co. Crosley contest (p), 12/20/1951:6 Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 10/15/1953:1 Briggs, Newell Bitten by dog, 05/26/1952:5 Employed at Bolan's Jenney Service, 10/22/1953:8 Employed at Bolan's Jenney Service (p), 07/22/1954:6 Briggs, Otis Thora Aubrey sells Center St block to Steve Stanley, formerly part of Briggs estate, 02/04/1954:1 Briggs, R. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Briggs, Robert MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1 MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4 Briggs, Sally Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1 Briggs, Sue Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1 Briggs, Susan Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6 Briggs, Vernon Character approved for peddlers license, 06/11/1953:10 Briggs, Vernon E. Character approved for peddler's license, 06/12/1952:6 Briggs, William W. Wife says "no more painting" after soaks daughter with paint, 07/14/1950:1 Edward Ouellette fined $20 for assaulting police officer, 03/22/1951:9 Briggs, Winthrop Newell Obituary, 12/25/1952:2 Dies at age 61, 12/25/1952:5 Briggs & Stratton Charles Hambly registered dealer (ad), 08/21/1952:9 Brigham, Amos L. Dies at age 76, 07/16/1953:4 Obituary, 07/16/1953:5 Brigham, John Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1 Brigham, Myra R. Marion Rd couple married 50 years, 01/08/1953:1 Brigham, William Marion Rd couple married 50 years, 01/08/1953:1 Brigham, William E. Marion Rd couple married 51 years, 01/07/1954:1 Brigida, Beatrice Gammons Son born, 08/28/1952:8 Brigida, Guy Son born, 08/28/1952:8 Brinson, Marion H. Navy gunner serves on USS Bryce Canyon, 08/27/1953:12 Brinson, M.H. Chief Warrant Officer serves on USS Bryce Canyon, 10/29/1953:6 Brinton, Bernice Keough Resides in National City, CA, 10/27/1950:4 Britton, Archie E. Duane Francis slightly injured when struck by Britton's car, 10/21/1954:1 Britton, Charlotte Smith Son born, 10/28/1954:6 Britton, Patricia Wed to Norman E. Thibeault, 10/02/1952:5 Britton, Patricia Lee Engaged to Norman Edward Thibault, 09/25/1952:5 Wedding described, 10/02/1952:4 Britton, Russell Son born, 10/28/1954:6 Broadbent (Mr). see Bassett & Broadbent Broadbent, Claire Coleman Son born, 03/17/1950:5 Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5 Son born, 12/04/1952:5 Broadbent, Emily Pratt Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5 Broadbent, Gilbert Tractor trailer truck collides with sedan at Four Corners, 05/22/1952:6 McFarlin's car blows tire, jumps curb, runs into house, 12/02/1954:4 Broadbent, Grace Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9 Broadbent, Robert Son born, 03/17/1950:5, 12/04/1952:5 Broadbent, Robert, Jr. Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5 Broadbent, Robert Kenneth Lakeville couple married 25 years, 09/08/1950:2 Broadbent, Robert S. Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5 Broadbent Trucking Loam, lime, peat moss, and sand (ad), 09/23/1954:2 Broadbent's Treeland Rte 105, Lakeville (ad), 08/19/1954:5 Has excellent nursery stock (p), 09/30/1954:6 Brockton Transportation Co. Now operating in Middleboro (ad), 04/08/1954:2 Brodeur, Louis P. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9 Brogan, Francis Daughter born, 07/21/1950:5 Brogan, Nina Teceno Daughter born, 07/21/1950:5 Broghamer, Robert Engaged to Mary Iampietro, 06/12/1952:3 Engaged to Mary L. Iampietro, 08/06/1953:3 Broghamer, Robert A. Wedding described, 09/10/1953:4 36 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Broghamer, Robert Alfred Wed to Mary Lucy Iampietro, 09/10/1953:5 Brooks, Alvan Wed to Mary Lou Linton, 08/14/1952:3 Daughter born, 01/07/1954:4 Brooks, Alvan D. Engaged to Mary Louise Linton, 08/07/1952:5 Wed to Mary Louise Linton, 08/14/1952:5 Brooks, Alvin Employed in East Bridgewater, 08/18/1950:10 Daughter born, 01/14/1954:5 Brooks, Arlene Enrolls at Franklin College in Indiana, 09/11/1952:4 Vice president of Zeta Tau Alpha, 10/09/1952:5 On tour with Franklin College Concert Choir, 04/02/1953:1 In Chicago with Franklin College Concert Choir, 04/30/1953:5 Attends West Virginia Wesleyan College, 09/17/1953:2 On tour with West Virginia Wesleyan College choir, 12/10/1953:11 To participate in West Virginia Wesleyan choir tour, 12/09/1954:8 Brooks, Barbara Engaged to Gustaf C. Johnson, Jr., 01/18/1951:5 Wed to Gustaf C. Johnson, Jr., 01/25/1951:5 Brooks, Barbara Elaine Wed to Fred James Coutts, 11/24/1950:5 Brooks, Beatrice Employed at Maxim Motor Co., 07/07/1950:8 Brooks, Beverly Ann Engaged to Richard F. Morse, 10/13/1950:7 Brooks, Beverly Joan Wed to Richard F. Morse, 10/20/1950:5 Brooks, James Sergeant stationed in Virginia, 11/17/1950:11, 07/19/1951:2 Sergeant arrives safely in Japan, 02/26/1953:4 Brooks, James A., Jr. Awarded Commendation Medal for meritorious service, 01/28/1954:8 Brooks, John, 3rd Wins photography award, 01/04/1951:4 Brooks, Laura E. Wife of Robert F. dies at age 66, 07/01/1954:6 Obituary, 07/01/1954:12 Brooks, Marcia Engaged to Owen Schwam, 06/16/1950:12 Wedding described, 08/04/1950:2 Brooks, Marcia Elaine Engaged to Owen Lester Schwan, 02/17/1950:5 Brooks, Mary Old time transportation returns to W.T. Grant Co. (p), 10/23/1952:5 Brooks, Mary Linton Daughter born, 01/07/1954:4 Brooks, Paul Q. Local pastor has works at Boston exhibition, 01/06/1950:6 Oil paintings by Brooks on exhibit at Ryder's store, 06/30/1950:1 Pastor has painting in Boston exhibition, 01/10/1952:6 Accepts call to Niantic pastorate, 05/27/1954:1 Brooks, Richard G. Enlists in Navy School of Music (p), 07/29/1954:1 Brooks, Susan Belle Born to Vernon, 02/26/1953:4 Brooks, Vernon Daughter born, 02/26/1953:4 Son born, 08/26/1954:5 Brooks, Warren E. Collides with Garafalo at South Main and Clark St, 12/22/1950:12 Brooks, Warren Ernest Wedding described, 08/04/1950:4 Brouillette, Robert L. Local sailor joins revelers in New Orleans, 01/04/1951:3 Broullard, Albena Obituary, 08/11/1950:7 Broullard, Albena Reil Wife of Edward Joseph dies at age 82, 08/11/1950:5 Broullard, Edward Joseph Dies at age 86, 03/19/1953:5 Obituary, 03/19/1953:6 Brown, Alda Sells Frank St residence 50 years ago, 11/11/1954:4 Brown, Alice Engaged to Millard Cassady, 11/03/1950:5 Wed to Millard Cassady, 11/10/1950:7 Brown, B. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Brown, Barbara Freshmen at Boston University, 09/16/1954:8 Brown, Bob Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1 Brown, Bobby 1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1 Egger Furnituremen 1950 Twilight League champions (p), 09/29/1950:1 Named outstanding player of year by team mates, 11/24/1950:2 Named captain of MHS hoop squad, 12/22/1950:1 MHS hoopsters pictured in action (p), 02/22/1951:10 Named captain of MHS baseball team, 04/19/1951:9 Named assistant baseball coach to Legion Juniors, 05/03/1951:5 Headed for Jack Rossiter Baseball School in Florida, 12/25/1952:5 Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (t), 04/09/1953:1 Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1 Brown, Clarisse Break-in at gas station at traffic circle, 09/15/1950:1 Brown's Filling Station suffers 24th break-in since 1940, 05/03/1951:1 Brown, David South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Studies for Ph.D. at Iowa State College, 09/16/1954:8 Brown, David W. Graduates from ag college with help from 4-H club scholarship (p), 07/23/1953:4 Brown, David William Wins scholarship at University of Connecticut, 11/13/1952:9 Accepts assistantship at Cornell University, 03/05/1953:1 Graduates with distinction from University of Connecticut, 06/18/1953:9 Brown, Doris Resigns as secretary to town clerk, 02/17/1950:1 Retires at clerk in Town Clerk's office, 03/24/1950:6 Judge Callan's secretary, 07/07/1950:6 Resigns as Judge Callan's secretary, takes post with Navy Dept. in Washington, DC, 11/01/1951:1 Employed by law firm of Covington and Burling in Washington, DC, 04/09/1953:8 Brown, Dorothy Sampson Daughter born, 07/17/1952:4 Brown, Edith Francis Tripp Obituary, 09/13/1951:5 Wife of Earl dies at age 36, 09/13/1951:5 Brown, Elbie Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1 Brown, Elbridge Neck injured when car rear-ended by Bridgewater driver, 12/30/1954:1 Brown, Evan MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4 Brown, Evan W. Enlists in U.S. Marine Corps (p), 08/12/1954:4 Brown, Frederick W. U.S. Merchant Marine on leave, 01/27/1950:8 Brown, George Daughter born, 09/18/1952:5 Son born, 10/07/1954:7, 10/14/1954:9 Brown, Herbert Elmer Obituary, 03/26/1953:3 Husband of Emma Cudworth dies at age 62, 03/26/1953:7 Brown, John Farmer calls master cell worthless, 01/27/1950:7 Brown, John C. see also Brown-Cell Laboratories, Inc. Defends "master cell," claims false statements, 02/10/1950:12 Commissioner of FDA says cell worthless, 02/17/1950:1 37 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Brown, Joseph West Side School committee turns over keys to Board of Selectmen (p), 04/02/1953:1 Brown, Kenneth Edward Born to George, 10/14/1954:9 Brown, Lionel Sachem Steppers' gingham ball attracts throng of square dancers (p), 05/17/1951:1 Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t), 09/13/1951:1 Middleboro Softball League champs for 1953 (p), 09/03/1953:1 Brown, Luraina Bickford Son born, 10/07/1954:7 Brown, Mary Lou Rumor of polio not true, 07/14/1950:6 Brown, Mildred Brady Daughter born, 09/18/1952:5 Brown, Mona MHS students study for careers (p), 06/03/1954:11 Brown, Mrs William Teacher of piano, Vaughan St (ad), 10/21/1954:9 Brown, Patricia Wed to Kenneth F. Smith, 12/10/1953:6 Brown, Richard Corporal stationed at March Field, Riverside, CA, 02/28/1952:3 Resumes studies at Princeton University, 09/16/1954:6 Attends Princeton College, 12/23/1954:8 Brown, Richard L. Takes advanced Air Force ROTC training at Donaldson AFB, SC (p), 08/05/1954:1 Brown, Robert MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p), 06/02/1950:1 Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1 A four letter man in final year at MHS, 06/14/1951:1 MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p), 06/14/1951:1 Named outstanding athlete of the year, 06/14/1951:6 Freshman at University of Massachusetts, 10/04/1951:10 Daughter born, 07/17/1952:4 Signs contract with Washington Senators (p), 02/05/1953:1 Returns from practice with Orlando farm team, 04/16/1953:1 Brown, Robert G. Enrolls in Jack Rossiter Baseball School in Florida, 11/27/1952:1 Private to graduate from army radio course at Camp Gordon, GA, 06/17/1954:8 Brown, Robert Gardner Inducted into armed forces, 09/10/1953:1 Brown, W. Gardner Sells Daisy Do-Nut to Mr and Mrs Russell Shurtleff; takes position at Winthrop-Atkins, 11/26/1953:1 Brown, William G. Parking request not granted, 04/30/1953:12 Brown, William Gardiner Submits request for one-hour parking on Union St, 04/16/1953:11 Brown, William H. Vaughan St couple married 25 years, 09/17/1953:7 Brown-Cell Laboratories, Inc. Charged with violations of trade laws, 07/21/1950:1 Hearings held on Brown-Cell Labs, 11/17/1950:2 Advertising of cell called false, 01/10/1952:1 Browne, John Daughter born, 05/21/1953:6 Browne, John J. Son born, 12/29/1950:5 Daughter born, 08/26/1954:4 Browne, Lucia Mary Born to John J. and Priscilla Churchill, 08/26/1954:4 Browne, Priscilla Churchill Son born, 12/29/1950:5 Daughter born, 05/21/1953:6, 08/26/1954:4 Brown’s Restaurant & Donut Shop Wanted, woman for kitchen work (ad), 10/01/1953:9 Business for sale (ad), 10/15/1953:8 Brown's Service Station Broken into for fourth time, 02/22/1951:1 Suffers 24th break-in since 1940, 05/03/1951:1 Bruce, Flora Atwood Obituary, 02/03/1950:5 Brulotte, Joseph Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Brush Fires. see Forest Fires Bruso, Abbie Given month to vacate house owned by town, 06/14/1951:7 Town sells former Bruso property to William and Elizabeth Burt, 08/09/1951:1 Brusso, George, Jr. Tire blows, car somersaults killing driver, 09/29/1950:1 Bryant, Charles M. Brockton man dies at age 91, 04/05/1951:5 Obituary, 04/05/1951:10 Bryant, Edith P. Wrightington Plymouth St couple married 35 years, 08/19/1954:1 Bryant, George Appleton Reunion of 44 descendants, 09/20/1951:5 Bryant, Herman Leslie Dies at age 93, 07/24/1952:5 Obituary, 07/24/1952:5 Bryant, Howard Plymouth St couple married 35 years, 08/19/1954:1 Bryant, John C. Engaged to Priscilla B. Tinkham, 06/12/1952:7 Wed to Priscilla B. Tinkham, 07/10/1952:5 Pharmacist at Giberti's Apothecary (p), 07/30/1953:6 Giberti's Apothecary, specialists in prescription work, 01/28/1954:6 Bryant, Kendall Wedding described, 04/10/1952:12 Bryant, Kendall E. Engaged to Frances Morgan, 04/03/1952:5 Bryant, Kendall K. Wed to Frances E. Morgan, 04/10/1952:7 Bryant, Louis Daughter born, 04/12/1951:4 Bryant, Louis, Jr. Daughter born, 04/12/1951:9 Bryant, Mary Henderson Daughter born, 04/12/1951:4 Bryant, Mrs Edwin Bridgewater woman dies, 03/26/1953:5 Bryant, Nellie Employed at sanatorium, 08/07/1952:6 Bryant, Olive Finds Josiah Freeman's 1813 tax bill, 09/27/1951:9 Apple tree blossoms for second time, 10/07/1954:1 Bryant & Soule W.H. Southworth builds stable 50 years ago, 10/15/1953:5 Bryant Family Holds second annual reunion, 09/25/1952:4 Bryden, Norman M. Obituary, 07/24/1952:4 Bryer, Barbara Murphy Son born, 04/30/1953:6 Bryer, Donald Son born, 04/30/1953:6 Bucanan, Henry Bedford St family sells house, moves to Bridgewater, 12/13/1951:5 Buchanan, Henry L. Auto struck by Carver truck at Thomas and Sachem St, 12/22/1950:12 Buchanan, Irena Crawford Resides in Belmont, 02/19/1953:9, 09/17/1953:10 Buchsbaum, Alan L. New MHS teacher elected, 04/22/1954:1 New MHS social studies teacher, 10/07/1954:9 MHS teacher recalled to active duty, 12/23/1954:1 Buck, Harold Dodge Accepts call from First Unitarian (p), 11/08/1951:1 New minister installed at First Unitarian, 12/20/1951:1 38 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Buck, Harold Dodge continued Resigns as Unitarian minister (p), 09/24/1953:1 Goodbye party for Unitarian minister, 10/08/1953:1 Buck, Lois Wood Son born, 08/18/1950:5 Daughter born, 07/10/1952:5 Buck, Malcolm. see also Buck's Drug Son born, 08/18/1950:5 Daughter born, 08/18/1950:6, 07/10/1952:5 Buck, Robert Korean children pose in FFA donated clothing (p), 03/25/1954:1 Corporal posted to Camp Lejune, 12/23/1954:10 Buck, Robert L. Trains as tractor crewman at Camp Pendleton (p), 02/19/1953:1 Corporal home from Korea, 09/02/1954:8 Buckman, Agnes Johnson Daughter born, 04/10/1952:7 Buckman, Bruce South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Buckman, Frank E. Daughter born, 04/10/1952:7 Buck's Drug 2 Center St (ad), 08/11/1950:7 Woman wanted (ad), 12/18/1952:6 Help wanted for fountain work (ad), 05/14/1953:6 Carries complete line of pharmaceuticals (p), 10/14/1954:6 Haven for late Christmas shoppers (p), 12/23/1954:6 Budd, George Wins 1953 Blue Fish Derby, 10/22/1953:1 Blue Fish Derby winner receives trophy at annual Middleboro All Sports Night (p), 02/25/1954:10 Budd, George, Jr. Lands 50-pound striper (p), 09/06/1951:1 Fisherman pictured in Salt Water Sportsman, 06/05/1952:12 Budget Counselors West Grove St (ad), 08/12/1954:9 Budgets - Lakeville Set at $172,328, 03/10/1950:1 Voters approve $174,973, 03/17/1950:1 Town report in circulation, 03/05/1953:10 Annual town meeting votes $243,352 in appropriations, 03/11/1954:1 Budgets - Middleboro. see also Middleboro - Finance Committee Selectmen and Finance Committee hold long session, 02/03/1950:6 Voters adopt budget with few changes, 02/17/1950:1 Selectmen and Finance Committee struggle to pare down budget, 02/01/1951:1 Finance Committee lays out recommendations, 02/08/1951:1 Voters make few changes to Finance Committee report, 02/15/1951:1 Commissioner Long approves free cash transfers, 07/26/1951:5 Appropriations voted at town meeting (t), 03/12/1953:1 Increased slightly at town meeting, 03/12/1953:1 Money voted less than Finance Committee estimate, 03/12/1953:1 Finance Committee recommendations would cut tax rate $2.50, 03/04/1954:1 Tax rate of $62 seen probable from budget (t), 03/11/1954:1 Buethner, K. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Builders. see also Churchill, Chester B.; Thomas Bros. (contractors); Weston Bros. E.W. Harlow & Sons (ad), 01/06/1950:7 John Mitchell, Sr., Vaughan St (ad), 08/04/1950:8 Carl Lind, carpenter, 287 North Main St (ad), 02/22/1951:3 Ellis Williams expands East Main St development and one on the Cape, 06/21/1951:9 B.R. Montgomery & Sons, carpenters and jobbers, Main St, Lakeville (ad), 09/20/1951:3 Robert Jennings, roof and chimney repair (ad), 10/11/1951:3 Ernst Hanson, carpenter and builder, 2 Myrtle St (ad), 02/21/1952:10 New development at Nemasket Village, Wood Construction Co. (ad), 03/20/1952:10 Stanley Waite, experienced carpenter (ad), 11/06/1952:7 Miller & Thayer, general contractors, 361 Highland St (ad), 12/11/1952:12 H. Don Gray, general carpentry work, Wood St (ad), 05/14/1953:9 Builders continued William Eaton makes improvements to Sarah Keith homestead 50 years ago, 12/24/1953:7 K.W. Welch Co., roofing specialists, Vaughan St, Lakeville (ad), 04/15/1954:3 Ray Borden and Jack Miller (ad), 08/05/1954:3 A. Tilton & Son, carpenters and contractors, 4 Wood St (ad), 11/11/1954:3 Building Demolition. see Demolition (building) Building Materials. see also Best Floor Co.; C.P. Washburn Co.; S & S Lumber Co.; Shurtleff Hardware Store; Williams Lumber & Hardware Co. E.W. Goodhue Lumber Co., Cambridge St (ad), 01/06/1950:5 Saunders' Hardware & Paint Co., 35 Center St (ad), 05/12/1950:5 J.F. Murphy, Wisco aluminum storm windows (ad), 11/24/1950:4 E.W. Goodhue Lumber Co. granted permit for signs, 04/05/1951:2 Faietti Hardware, 6 South Main St (ad), 04/26/1951:6 Tri-City Concrete Co. truck collides with Connecticut driver at Four Corners, 08/09/1951:2 George A. Shurtleff & Son, Lane St (ad), 06/12/1952:3 Lawrence DiBurgo, loam, sand, and gravel (ad), 08/21/1952:8 Ray Gagner, Viking storm windows and doors (ad), 10/09/1952:6 Goldie Fagerberg local rep for Everseal Aluminum windows (ad), 02/12/1953:4 Aerial view of Goodhue Lumber yards in Middleboro and Freetown (ad) (p), 02/26/1953:6 George Shurtleff and Ida Ma McAllister dissolve partnership in George A. Shurtleff & Son, 03/26/1953:11 George A. Shurtleff & Son, 40 years supplying Middleboro and surrounding towns (ad), 04/02/1953:3 Bill Rossini, house screens made to order (ad), 04/30/1953:4 Merle Washburn, tile floors (ad), 06/11/1953:6 Ideal Block Co., Old Center St (p), 07/09/1953:6 Ideal Block Co., Shurtleff and Bettencourt, 418 Old Center St, 02/25/1954:6 Walter Thompson, storm windows and doors installed, 26 Forest St (ad), 03/11/1954:5 Tri-City Concrete moving to Raynham, 04/01/1954:1 Ideal Block Co. produces fine cement block (p), 05/06/1954:8 Peter Chiuppi, combination aluminum doors and windows (ad), 06/17/1954:4 Gene McManus, floor tile installation, 35 Forest St (ad), 08/12/1954:3 C. Wills, aluminum storm windows (ad), 09/23/1954:9 Buisson, Jeanne Attends Penn Hall, 02/17/1950:8 Awarded senior hockey letter at Penn Hall Junior College, 12/15/1950:9 Graduates from Penn Hall, 05/31/1951:2, 06/07/1951:5 Attends Boston University, 01/17/1952:5 Buisson, Joseph Couple moves to Braintree, 04/17/1952:4 Sells School St Ext home to John Charron, 10/16/1952:4 Buisson, Joseph C. Obituary, 07/08/1954:5 Buisson, Joseph Charles Husband of Mildred Windsor dies at age 58, 07/08/1954:4 Bujanski, Dorothy R. Engaged to Walter O. Thompson, Jr., 01/14/1954:1 Bujanski, Robert S. Fireman serves aboard patrol craft USS 572, 05/31/1951:1 Bujanski, Thomas Attends Officers Candidate School in Haflinger, TX, 12/24/1953:5 Bujanski, Thomas R. Private completes four-week Air Force training, 03/20/1952:7 Receives wings as aircraft observer (p), 07/01/1954:1 Lieutenant receives wings at Harlingen AFB, TX, 07/08/1954:4 Bukin, John Daughter born, 10/07/1954:7 Bukin, John M. Engaged to Margaret M. Waldron, 05/28/1953:4 Wed to Margaret M. Waldron, 07/02/1953:4 Bukin, Margaret Waldron Daughter born, 10/07/1954:7 Bulcock, Betty Jane Skahill Son born, 06/07/1951:5 39 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Bulcock, John Reed Born to Robert and Betty Jane Skahill, 06/07/1951:5 Bulcock, Robert Engaged to Elizabeth Jane Skahill, 02/10/1950:6, 06/16/1950:7 Engaged to Betty Jane Skahill, 06/16/1950:12 Wedding described, 06/23/1950:2 Wed to Elizabeth Jane Skahill, 06/23/1950:5 Son born, 06/07/1951:5 Bulen, James A. Doctor stationed in San Francisco, CA, 06/07/1951:10 Bullock, Mildred Wed to Raymond W. Prince, 05/13/1954:6 Bullock Cranberry Co. Foreclosure notice, 06/14/1951:6 List of assets, 06/14/1951:6 Bulmer, Arlene C. Engaged to Donald J. Olson, 06/11/1953:4 Wedding described, 06/18/1953:3 Wed to Donald J. Olson, 06/25/1953:4 Bump, Benjamin Couple purchases McKay house on Rhode Island Rd, 11/17/1950:2 Bump, Benjamin J. Assawompsett School principal resigns, to head Natick elementary school, 07/24/1952:1 Writes booklet on Mr and Mrs Tom Thumb, 12/10/1953:1 The story that never grows old, on sale at Leland's (ad), 12/10/1953:2 Bump, Henry Private 1st Class stationed at Camp Edwards, 10/25/1951:2 Bump, Henry A. Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7 Bump, Henry A., Jr. Private 1st Class stationed at Camp Edwards, 05/10/1951:8 Private 1st Class with National Guard at Camp Edwards, 05/31/1951:10 Promoted to Corporal at Camp Edwards, 12/06/1951:12 Bump, Herbert Old Country Store makes learning fun at School Street School (p), 04/08/1954:1 Bump, Kenneth Admits to theft of watch from Francis Nichols, 07/29/1954:4 Bump, Kenneth E. Fined $5 for drunkenness, 09/18/1952:7 Bump, Leonard Pleads guilty to two break-ins, but denies poultry theft, 09/18/1952:3 Gets six months for break-ins and larceny, 10/16/1952:5 Indicted on two counts of breaking-and-entering and larceny, 10/16/1952:7 Bump, Leonard S. Held for grand jury on two breaks and larceny, 09/25/1952:9 Assaulted girl, stole and wrecked Atkins' car, 04/16/1953:1 Bump, Lillian D. Dies at age 76, 01/10/1952:4 Obituary, 01/10/1952:9 Bump, Robert W. Resides in Sherman, TX, 07/22/1954:4 Bump, Robert Warren Wedding described, 03/18/1954:8 Bump, Sarah C. Obituary, 04/03/1952:4 Widow of Charles E. dies at age 92, 04/03/1952:5 Petition for administration of estate, 02/05/1953:5 Administrator presents account of estate, 04/08/1954:6 Bump, Stella Farwell Wife of George dies at age 68, 08/06/1953:4 Obituary, 08/06/1953:7 Bumpus, Lavinia Warren Distant cousin of Tom Thumb seeks information (l), 09/20/1951:10 Bumpus, Louise Boehme Resides in Ignacio, CA, 07/17/1952:5 Bumpus, Paul Francis Sent to Boston for induction, 01/08/1953:1 Bunce, Robert H. Presents petition for Purchase St completion to selectmen, 01/10/1952:1 Bunk, Leon J. Wedding described, 09/29/1950:10 Burbank, George E. Sandwich couple married 40 years, 09/06/1951:4 Burbank, Howard Enrolls at Boston University, 12/15/1950:7 Burbank, John Telephone company spends $133,739 on East Main St job (p), 05/27/1954:6 Burch, Anthony Son born, 02/14/1952:5 Burch, Margaret Burnham Son born, 02/14/1952:5 Burgess, Arthur Engaged to Eleanor M. Root, 10/14/1954:9 Burgess, Arthur Edward Graduates from Northeastern University (p), 06/28/1951:1 Burgess, Carl B. Son born, 04/10/1952:7 Burgess, Charles Henry Dies at age 78, 12/01/1950:6 Obituary, 12/01/1950:12 Burgess, David W. Office manager at Randall Motors, 08/21/1952:8 Burgess, Esther Fish Hurricane brings down large tree on property (p), 09/09/1954:4 Burgess, Etta M. Petition for administration of estate, 03/13/1952:4 Burgess, Francis Wedding described, 07/15/1954:9 Burgess, Francis P. Wed to Agnes I. Murdock, 07/15/1954:4 Burgess, Francis Patrick Engaged to Agnes Murdock, 05/06/1954:1 Burgess, Helene McLean Son born, 04/10/1952:7 Burgess, John Attends Boston University, 05/08/1952:10 Burgess, John, 3rd Services resume at Mullein Hill church with Burgess in pulpit, 03/20/1952:10 Burgess, John A. Ordained into ministry at Central Baptist, 04/30/1953:5 Burgess, John Allyn Awarded Master of Education from Boston University, 08/21/1952:1 Burgess, John Allyne, 3rd Graduates from Gordon College of Theology (p), 06/28/1951:1 Burgess, John Allyne, Jr. Dies at age 53, 11/26/1953:4 Obituary, 11/26/1953:5 Burgess, Sylvia Student at NE Baptist Hospital School of Nursing, 12/17/1953:14 Enrolled at Providence-Barrington Bible College, 11/11/1954:2 Burgess, Walter E. Petition for removal as administratrix, 07/29/1954:4 Burgess, Walter Everett Husband of Esther L. Fish dies at age 61, 08/21/1952:5 Obituary, 08/21/1952:10 Burgess Annex Used furniture, Everett Square (ad), 10/18/1951:4 Burglary. see also Larceny; Robbery; Stealing; Theft Juvenile boys responsible for seven breaks, 01/13/1950:1 New Girl Scout headquarters broken into, 01/13/1950:1 Break-in at Maurice's Snack Bar on Thatcher's Row, 01/13/1950:2 Thieves take between $600 and $700 in break-in at Promades,' 02/10/1950:1 Two residences broken into, 02/10/1950:1 Gazette, John Cabot Club, VFW, Maurice's Snack Bar and Fagerberg's all victims, 02/10/1950:7 Two Providence men charged with break at Red Coach Grill, 08/11/1950:1 Trial of Providence men for Red Coach Grill break-in continued, 08/18/1950:8 Grand jury to get Red Coach Grill break-in case, 08/25/1950:1 Break-ins at two gas stations and one private home, 09/15/1950:1 More in series of unsolved break-ins, 09/22/1950:1 40 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Burglary continued Thomas Bros. store robbed in early morning, 10/20/1950:1 Fifteen-year-old found guilty of break-ins and Marshall and Hallock homes, 10/27/1950:11 Thief gets $300 in cash in break-in at Randolph Gammons home, 11/17/1950:1 Three Middleboro youths caught for breaks at Pocksha Pond, 12/01/1950:1 Quincy man wants town to pay for broken door at Rocky Meadow house, 02/22/1951:1 Red Coach Grill and Brown's Service Station broken into again, 02/22/1951:1 Police receive inventory of items stolen from Red Coach Grill, 03/01/1951:2 Cash stolen from Kayajan's home on Plymouth St, 03/15/1951:12 Brown's Filling Station suffers 24th break-in since 1940, 05/03/1951:1 Four boys foiled in break attempt at Ernest Pratt's home, 05/03/1951:5 Joseph Perry has $200 in cash stolen from home, 05/03/1951:6 Framingham men held in attempted break-in at Roy Horton's garage, 05/24/1951:1 Juvenile involved in Horton break-in sent to Youth Board, 05/24/1951:1 Urbana indicted for breaking-and-entering Roy Horton's garage, 06/14/1951:1 At Bedford St home of Edmund Knysinski, 07/12/1951:2 Thief goes to jail before he can use loot from Eagles, 08/23/1951:1 Car and safe stolen from Bailey's garage, 11/15/1951:1 Two youths held on suspicion in Bailey garage break-in, 11/22/1951:1 Police investigate breaks at Woods Pond, 01/03/1952:5 Boys pilfer tires, tubes from C.P. Washburn Co., 01/24/1952:1 Three juveniles guilty in break-in at Pine Haven, 01/24/1952:10 Somerville man guilty of break-in at C.P. Washburn Co., 01/31/1952:6 C.P. Washburn Co. thieves put on long probation, 02/14/1952:4 Youths indicted for larcenies at Washburn Co., 02/14/1952:9 Liquor and cash stolen from Red Coach Grille, 03/27/1952:1 Break-in at Red Coach Grille solved, 04/10/1952:1 Night prowlers invade Blue Plate and Bob's Diner, 05/26/1952:1 Three break-ins reported along Rte 28, 06/26/1952:1 Three juveniles allegedly break into Marion McDonald's Thomas St home, 08/07/1952:1 Two of youths fail to appear in court, 08/21/1952:9 Leonard Bump denies poultry theft, 09/18/1952:3 Leonard Bump pleads guilty to two break-ins, but denies poultry theft, 09/18/1952:3 Leonard Bump held for grand jury on two breaks and larceny, 09/25/1952:9 Leonard Bump gets six months for break-ins and larceny, 10/16/1952:5 Bump indicted on two counts of breaking-and-entering and larceny, 10/16/1952:7 Richard Gardiner indicted for breaking-and-entering and larceny, 10/16/1952:7 VFW quarters suffers break-in, 12/25/1952:1 Amateurs break into high school, 02/12/1953:1 Teachers' desks at Washburn Unit ransacked in break-in, 04/23/1953:1 Twenty-eight screens wrecked in break-in at YMCA camp, 07/02/1953:7 David Farrar's candy store at Centre and Everett St broken into 50 years ago, 01/14/1954:8 Three Middleboro youths charged with series of break-ins, 01/21/1954:1 Ira Hathaway arrested 50 years ago for suspicion in North Carver break-in, 01/28/1954:8 Thieves enter Benjamin Chapman's store 50 years ago, 04/08/1954:9 Donald Viera charged with breaking and entering, 04/15/1954:5 Kenneth J. Keedwell charged, 05/06/1954:12 Break-in at Vincent Kelly's roadside stand, 05/20/1954:1 Cash stolen in break-in at China Villa, 05/20/1954:1 Two boys sent to detention home, 05/20/1954:6 Attempted break-in at Middleboro Steak House, 07/08/1954:3 Break-in at Gene Simmons' filling station, 10/21/1954:1 Juvenile apprehended for West Side School break-in, 11/11/1954:1 Rookie cop Richard Ray nabs alleged thief at Shaw's, Inc., 11/11/1954:1 Break-in at Lakeville home of Ernest Griswold, 11/18/1954:1 Burglary continued Denningham gets suspended sentence for Shaw's break-in, 11/18/1954:1 Shaw and Nourse thank police for prompt action, 11/18/1954:1 Henry Gray, Jr. charged with breaking and entering, 11/25/1954:8 Grand jury to hear Gray's case, 12/16/1954:8 Burke, Alice Allison Daughter born, 03/24/1950:7, 08/16/1951:5 Son born, 08/28/1952:5 Burke, Anna Haas Son born, 12/25/1952:5 Daughter born, 02/25/1954:4 Burke, Arlene Engaged to Robert B. Furlan, 01/04/1951:5 Wed to Robert B. Furlan, 01/18/1951:5 Burke, Bertha L. Wed to David E. Bailey, 07/05/1951:5 Burke, Camille Daughter born, 02/25/1954:4 Burke, Comille Son born, 12/25/1952:5 Burke, Eileen Employed at sanatorium, 08/07/1952:6 Burke, Joseph Employed by B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc., North St, 09/03/1953:6 Burke, Raymond Daughter born, 03/24/1950:7, 08/16/1951:5 Son born, 08/28/1952:5 Burkhead, Mrs James A. Teacher retires from Carver school, 05/21/1953:7 Burkhead, Mrs James H. Receives phone call from 102-year-old cousin in Seattle, 07/24/1952:6 Burkland, Bertha E. Obituary, 02/18/1954:2 Burkland, Bertha Elvira Widow of Magnus dies at age 77, 02/18/1954:6 Burkland, Henrietta Wilbur Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Burkland, Henry B. Scores of voters fail to go to polls (l), 01/20/1950:1 South Middleboro Methodist honors organist, choir director for 30 years of service, 01/25/1951:1 Receives Civic Service Award from Eagles (p), 05/03/1951:1 Marie Briggs winner of Egger Co. Crosley contest (p), 12/20/1951:6 Presents desk to South Middleboro library branch in memory of James Graham, 03/20/1952:10 Chosen to teach summer school at Bridgewater Teachers' College, 05/22/1952:1 Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 05/26/1952:1 Tribute to gentleman Abraham Kramer (l), 09/11/1952:1 Chairs committee of MA Teachers Association, 11/19/1953:7 Burnett, D.T. Fuller brushes (ad), 11/03/1950:6 Open letter to Fuller Brush Co. (l), 11/10/1950:10 Burnett, Elinor Assistant editor of American Library Association Magazine, 04/14/1950:5 Resides in Chicago, 10/04/1951:9 Wed to H. Potter Trainer, Jr., 08/07/1952:4 Burnett, Janet Palmer Son born, 10/01/1953:4 Burnett, Natalie Has illustration in new children's magazine, 10/01/1953:6 Engaged to R. Randall Cole, 12/09/1954:11 Burnett, Patricia Resides in New York City, 04/14/1950:5 Burnett, Sherwood Resides in Scituate, 03/10/1950:10 Son born, 10/01/1953:4 Burnham, Betty Bassett Son born, 12/24/1953:4 Burnham, C. Edward Harlow's Business Service to re-open in April as Middleboro Office Supply, Inc., 461 Center St (ad), 03/25/1954:3 41 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Burnham, C. Edward continued Burnham and Harlow form new business, Middleboro Office Supply, 03/25/1954:10 Burnham, Chester William Obituary, 06/03/1954:3 Husband of Ada E. Reynolds dies at age 63, 06/03/1954:7 Burnham, Clarence Edward Husband of Bertha C. Shurtleff dies at age 59, 01/28/1954:5 Obituary, 01/28/1954:8 Petition for administration of estate, 02/11/1954:5 Burnham, Cleveland Employed at Richmond Automotive Service, 08/06/1953:6 Son born, 12/24/1953:4 Burnham, Edward. see Middleboro Office Supply, Inc. Burnham, Jean Clerk in office of Town Clerk, 11/03/1950:12 Burnham, Jean A. Reward for finding missing dog (ad), 04/23/1953:8 Burnham, Jean Glover Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4 Burnham, Jeanne A. Resigns as secretary to Town Clerk, 06/18/1953:1 Burnham, Jeanne A. Glover Hired as clerk in Town Clerk's office, 03/24/1950:9 Burnham, Loretta M. Collides with Marion driver on Rte 28, 07/17/1952:6 Burnham, Mrs Robert Employed in town treasurer's office, 10/18/1951:6 Resigns as secretary to Town Clerk, 06/04/1953:4 Burnham, Phyllis M. Engaged to Harry G. Thomas, Jr., 07/29/1954:2 Wedding described, 08/26/1954:3 Burnham, Robert Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4 Daughter born to Miller St couple, 10/01/1953:4 Burniston, B. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Burniston, Barbara Named to head Order of Rainbow, 01/28/1954:2 Employed by Industrial Spray Painting, Inc., 08/12/1954:6 Burniston, Barbara V. Nominated for queen of UMass Winter Carnival, 12/23/1954:1 Burniston, Bill Industrial Spray Painting, Inc. (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Industrial Spray Painting, Inc. experts in spray painting (p), 08/12/1954:6 Burniston, Wilfred Interior decorating (ad), 01/08/1953:2 Complains of nuisance noise and dust from Rod Knockers Club, 07/01/1954:1 Burniston, Wilfred W. And Struck collide on Plain St, 05/26/1952:3 Burns, Anna Brennick Daughter born, 05/15/1952:7 Burns, Anna M. Foreclosure notice, 11/12/1953:10 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/24/1953:9 Burns, Robert Four-month sentence for drunkenness, 08/12/1954:7 Burns, William Attends Boston University, 05/08/1952:10 Daughter born, 05/15/1952:7 Burns, William P. Foreclosure notice, 11/12/1953:10 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/24/1953:9 Burns and Scalds Five-year-old Gale Gibbons burned helping dad with bonfire, 11/15/1951:1 Arthur Ripley receives painful powder burns in accident at home, 01/24/1952:8 Sarah Raymond suffers third degree burns from overturned coffee maker, 06/19/1952:9 George Millett's feet severely burned at Perkins Foundry, 07/31/1952:5 Robert Tate injured by exploding shotgun shell, 02/12/1953:1 Burns and Scalds continued Barbara Harlow suffers burns putting out grass fire, 03/19/1953:1 Carol Ann Briggs burned in bonfire ashes, 10/15/1953:1 Elizabeth Ellis almost fatally burned while using outdoor incinerator, 04/08/1954:1 Elizabeth Ellis dies day after accident, 04/15/1954:12 Reynolds and step daughter burned when gas explodes, 07/22/1954:8 Fannie Drew burned alive 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8 Burr, Randolph Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 Burr, Wesley R. Lamp breaks, starts gasoline fire at hen house, 11/08/1951:7 Burrowes, Marjorie Employed at The Walker Co., 07/14/1950:2 Engaged to Edward Grossman, 05/17/1951:9, 06/21/1951:10 Burrowes, Marjorie T. Engaged to Edward A. Grossman, 06/28/1951:5 Wed to Edward A. Grossman, 07/05/1951:5 Burrowes, Marjorie Theresa Wedding described, 07/05/1951:4 Burt, Elizabeth Runs into Highway Department truck driven by Robbins, 10/02/1952:5 Burt, Elizabeth E. Town sells former Bruso property to William and Elizabeth Burt, 08/09/1951:1 Burt, Leonard O. Stationed at Camp Lejune, NC, 11/10/1950:10 Burt, William B. Town sells former Bruso property to William and Elizabeth Burt, 08/09/1951:1 Busby, Dorothy Cherrett Son born, 05/26/1950:7 Busby, Ernest M. Drops dead after auto crash, 09/20/1951:1 Busby, Ernest Milton Obituary, 09/20/1951:6 Busby, George Son born, 05/26/1950:7 Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 Buses. see also Almeida Bus Co.; East Taunton Bus Line Corp.; School Children - Transportation Whitney Bus Line service to be discontinued (ad), 02/14/1952:10 Selectmen discuss Rock and South Middleboro service again, 05/26/1952:1 Stops at Four Corners to be delineated in paint, 06/11/1953:1 Busi, Louis Engaged to Barbara Ann Roberts, 09/30/1954:7 Business and Industry. see also Middleboro Retail Merchants Association; names of specific types of industry Historical Society traces histories of local firms, 04/07/1950:7 Merchants announce Appreciation Days, 11/03/1950:1 Stores state policy on hours for Armistice Day, 11/10/1950:1 Group wants business establishment kept off southeast corner of East Grove and South Main St, 11/24/1950:1 Retail stores open evenings until Christmas, 12/15/1950:1 Local merchants sign up for TV premium membership, 12/15/1950:13 Local merchants sign up for TV premium membership (ad), 12/15/1950:15 Arthur Boardman believes town needs new industries (l), 11/08/1951:1 Store hours listed for holiday season, 12/06/1951:1 Merchants plan special event, 12/13/1951:1 Banks and business firms make carols possible, 12/27/1951:1 Local stores sponsor Orchid Days, 01/17/1952:1 Chief problem is attract new business and industry (l) (Arthur E. Boardman), 02/07/1952:5 West Bridgewater company seeks new location, 03/06/1952:1 Rumor of shopping center near traffic circle, 05/26/1952:5 Designation of Rte 28 as business road discussed by selectmen, 05/29/1952:1 New Gazette column profiles local businesses, 08/14/1952:6 Stores to be closed for Armistice Day, 11/06/1952:1 Horbal outlines new proposed industrial electricity rate schedule, 01/08/1953:1 Gazette begins new feature on local businesses, 07/02/1953:6 42 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Business and Industry continued State Department of Commerce proposes suggestion for vacant plants, 08/13/1953:1 Taunton St residents ask zoning to prohibit neighborhood industrialization, 04/15/1954:12 Industrial plant seeks local data, 10/21/1954:1 Business Men's Club Holds first ladies' night 50 years ago, 02/11/1954:8 Butler, Alan Trains with Naval Reserve in Boston, 04/19/1951:10 Local navy man pictured in Cuba (p), 12/03/1953:1 Butler, Alan C. Engaged to Jean G. Staples, 08/06/1953:5 Wed to Jean G. Staples, 08/06/1953:5 Butler, Allan Returns from seven and a half months in Port Lyauty, North Africa, 12/23/1954:10 Butler, Barbara Engaged to Richard Hadfield, 03/25/1954:4 Engaged to Richard L. Hadfield, 04/08/1954:6 Butler, Barbara M. Engaged to Richard L. Hadfield, 03/18/1954:4 Wed to Richard L. Hadfield, 04/22/1954:6 Butler, Barbara Marlene Engaged to Richard Lawrence Hadfield (p), 09/17/1953:7 Wedding described, 04/22/1954:12 Butler, Dave VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4 Butler, Dick Who's who in MHS senior class, 05/10/1951:3 Butler, Ernest Meets brothers Roger and Philip in Tokyo, Japan (p), 02/19/1953:1 Butler, Ernest P. Reports for duty at Castle AFB, Merced, CA, 07/02/1953:8 Butler, Evelyn Mayhew Son born, 07/19/1951:5, 12/04/1952:5, 07/15/1954:4 Butler, James Private stationed at Camp Pickett, VA (p), 02/19/1953:1 With Medical Corps at Fort Sam Houston, TX, 04/22/1954:6 Butler, James R. Trains with Barnett and Freitas at Camp Pickett, VA, 01/01/1953:1 Completes basic training at Camp Pickett, VA, 04/30/1953:1 Promoted to Private 1st Class at Fort Sam Houston, TX, 09/17/1953:12 Plans and manages dog show at Fort Sam Houston, TX (p), 07/01/1954:6 Butler, James Roy Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1 Butler, Jim Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t), 09/13/1951:1 Middleboro Softball League champs for 1953 (p), 09/03/1953:1 Corporal decorates barge for art show in Texas, 10/21/1954:7 Butler, Joanna A. Petition for administration of estate, 01/04/1951:3 Administrator presents account of estate, 02/21/1952:6 Butler, Johanna A. Dies at age 74, 11/03/1950:5 Obituary, 11/03/1950:6 Butler, Lucy Resides in Washington, DC, 08/21/1952:2 Butler, Mrs Robert G., Jr. Writes of dog days in Alaska (l), 08/25/1950:1 Describes practice evacuation drill in Alaska (l), 09/08/1950:1 Butler, Philip Meets brothers Roger and Ernest in Tokyo, Japan (p), 02/19/1953:1 Butler, Phillip Private completes training at Fort Meade, MD, 12/27/1951:1 Butler, R.G. Colonel stationed in Alaska, 03/31/1950:5 Butler, Richard Awarded $400 scholarship in engineering at Northeastern, 07/05/1951:1 Butler, Richard E. ROTC officer promoted to 1st Lieutenant, 10/07/1954:1 Butler, Robert Colonel assigned to Atomic Energy Commission Military Applications Division, 03/29/1951:6 Butler, Robert G. Named Deputy Director of Division of Military Applications, USAEC, 05/24/1951:12 Colonel receives orders for duty in Washington, DC, 04/30/1953:12 Appointed to rank of Brigadier General (p), 05/13/1954:1 Brigadier General takes command at Joliet, IL, 07/15/1954:4 Butler, Robert G., 3rd Attends Haverford College, 03/31/1950:5 Butler, Robert G., Jr. To conclude army service and enroll at University of Michigan Law School, 08/12/1954:9 Butler, Roger Meets brothers Ernest and Philip in Tokyo, Japan (p), 02/19/1953:1 Butler, Roger F. Leaves for army induction (p), 03/15/1951:1 Engaged to Natalie Manzo, 06/25/1953:5 Wed to Natalie Manzo, 07/09/1953:5 Butler, Roger Francis Inducted into military service, 03/08/1951:1 Butler, Shirley Freshman at Wells College in New York, 09/13/1951:10 Butler, Shirley Wood Engaged to John Austin Hutchings, 09/10/1953:4 Wedding described, 12/24/1953:3 Butler, Stuart Son born, 07/19/1951:5, 12/04/1952:5, 07/15/1954:4 Butler, Stuart Lyman Engaged to Evelyn E. Mayhew, 11/10/1950:7 Wed to Evelyn E. Mayhew, 11/17/1950:7 Buttermore, Alice Ellen Sheridan Wife of Michael James dies at age 66, 03/31/1950:6 Obituary, 03/31/1950:11 Buttermore, Eldon Resides in Mystic, CT, 06/03/1954:7 Buttermore, R. Eldon Highland Rd couple married six years, 08/18/1950:5 Family moves from Highland Rd, Lakeville to East Main St, Middleboro, 09/13/1951:10 Buttermore, Richard Enlists in U.S. Navy, 09/22/1950:2 Seaman recruit trains in Newport, RI, 10/27/1950:7 Serves on USS Tanner, 12/22/1950:2 Seaman stationed on ship in New York, 05/24/1951:8 Serves on USS Tanner, 05/31/1951:6 Stationed on USS Tanner in New York, 09/20/1951:2 Based in Portsmouth, VA, 11/13/1952:2 Stationed at Portsmouth Naval Hospital, VA, 07/16/1953:2 Buttermore, Richard L. Completes boot training at Newport, RI, 12/08/1950:9 Discharged from U.S. Navy, 07/22/1954:1 Buttermore, Robert E. Rear-ended on Wareham St, 01/10/1952:9 Chief Hospital Corpsman to report for submarine duty, 12/25/1952:6 Training in Caribbean, 03/26/1953:12 Serves on board submarine USS Spikefish, 05/06/1954:1 Buttermore, Robert Eldon Navy man transfers to Newport, RI, 01/20/1950:11 Butts, Melford H. Liquor license transfer requested for new manager at Red Coach Grille, 02/10/1950:2 Red Coach Grille liquor license transferred to Arthur Johanson, 08/27/1953:1 Buxton, Charles Son born, 04/16/1953:7 Buxton, Myrtle Ames Son born, 04/16/1953:7 Byrne, Dick Byrne and Zion named co-captains of MHS track team, 03/20/1952:1 Remains unbeaten in half mile, 05/22/1952:3 Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore championships (p), 07/03/1952:5 43 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Byrne, Francis Fined $10 for speeding, 09/08/1950:2 Son born, 11/26/1953:4 Byrne, Francis G. Engaged to Janet C. Melville, 08/30/1951:5 Wed to Janet C. Melville, 09/20/1951:7 Byrne, Janet Melville Son born, 11/26/1953:4 Byrne, Joseph Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3 Byrne, R. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Byrne, Richard Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1 Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1 MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1 Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1 Engaged to Janet Washburn, 05/27/1954:7 Byrne, Richard A. Seaman enrolls in fire control technicians school, 05/13/1954:4 Engaged to Janet Washburn, 05/13/1954:6 Wed to Janet M. Washburn, 06/17/1954:5 Byrne, Richard Allen Wedding described, 06/03/1954:2 Byrne, Rita B. Observes 5th anniversary of employment with W.T. Grant, 09/25/1952:7 Old time transportation returns to W.T. Grant Co. (p), 10/23/1952:5 Byrne, S.R. Richard Allen Engaged to Janet May Washburn, 01/01/1953:2 Byrne, William L. Fined $10 for speeding, 03/13/1952:9 Byrnes, Richard P. Plumbing and heating, Everett St (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Bzdula, Francis A. Wed to George Willis, 06/12/1952:7 C Cabins. see Hotels, Motels, Etc. Cabot Club. see also John Cabot Club; Junior Cabot Club Invites those interested in forming Junior Club, 01/13/1950:3 Observes Mother and Daughter Day, 03/03/1950:7 Scholarship available to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:1 Holds annual meeting, 05/26/1950:10 Opens 53rd season, 09/22/1950:1 Conservation Committee will attempt eradication of ragweed, 07/12/1951:1 4-H clubs collect ton of ragweed, 07/19/1951:1 Program for upcoming year (p), 09/27/1951:1 Holds Guest Day, 04/03/1952:8 Holds annual Art Department Day, 04/17/1952:6 Description of annual scholarships for MHS grad, 05/15/1952:4 Holds annual meeting, 05/15/1952:8 Issues complete program for the year, 09/11/1952:1 Simmons turns gavel over to Clark (p), 05/14/1953:1 Announces program for upcoming year, 09/24/1953:1 Women's clubs raise money to restore trees (p), 11/19/1953:1 Holds annual guest night, 11/19/1953:11 Complies list of practical nurses, 11/26/1953:9 Junior club collects $300 on tag days, 12/10/1953:11 Holds annual meeting, 05/20/1954:11 Cabral, B. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Cabral, Bernard F., Jr. Leaves for army induction in Boston, 09/23/1954:1 Cabral, Christine Burke Son born, 03/04/1954:4 Cabral, F. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Cabral, Francis MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1 Reliable apothecary at Giberti's (p), 08/26/1954:6 Cabral, Irene P. Cabral rear-ends Gardiner woman on Rte 28, 08/09/1951:1 Cabral, John Son born, 03/04/1954:4 Cabral, Lindora Playground Pet Show winner (p), 08/28/1952:4 Cabral, Margaret Little Theatre Group members learn all phases of theater life (p), 03/11/1954:10 Cadenhead, Harley Frances Vasel's telephone answering service officially opens (p), 12/02/1954:1 Cadorette, James Superintendent of grounds at playground, 04/23/1953:1 Part-time custodian of Battis Field, 09/03/1953:1 Cadorette, James W. Leaves for army induction (p), 03/15/1951:1 Private 1st Class transfers to Fort Cronkite, CA, 12/13/1951:4 Completes course at Burdett College, 04/01/1954:10 Cadorette, James Warren Inducted into military service, 03/08/1951:1 Cahoon, Elsie Old Country Store makes learning fun at School Street School (p), 04/08/1954:1 Cahoon, Gwendolyn Engaged to Robert Brigham Wood, 12/06/1951:6 Engaged to Robert B. Wood, 12/13/1951:7, 12/13/1951:13 Wedding described, 12/27/1951:8 Wed to Robert B. Wood, 01/10/1952:4 Cahoon, T. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Cahoon, Theodore Brown Engaged to Carol Jean Kern, 07/22/1954:8 Caile, Charlotte Reichert Wedding described, 07/01/1954:4 Cain, Everett Walter Standish denies theft of house trailer from Cain, 03/08/1951:10 Standish larceny case continued for trial, 03/15/1951:10 Standish avoids jail in Cain larceny case, given second chance, 03/22/1951:1 Caldera, Florence Giberti Son born, 07/24/1952:5 Caldera, Francis Son born, 07/24/1952:5 Caldwell, Claire Wed to Merrill S. Norton, 07/07/1950:5 Wedding described, 07/14/1950:10 Caldwell, Hiram F. Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Caldwell, Joyce Ann Wedding described, 03/10/1950:4 Wed to Richard Edward Turner, 03/10/1950:5 Caldwell, Muriel Louise Engaged to Kenneth Alton Dudley, 03/10/1950:5 Wed to Kenneth Alton Dudley, 03/17/1950:4 Caliri, John Son born, 04/12/1951:4 Caliri, Ruth Cummings Son born, 04/12/1951:4 Callan, Ann Named to staff playgrounds, 05/21/1953:5 Enters College of New Rochelle, 09/17/1953:10 Callan, Brian MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4 Callan, John M. New office manager at R.D. Kelley Coal Co. (ad), 08/23/1951:8 Manager of R.D. Kelley Coal Co., 08/28/1952:9 Purchases R.D. Kelley Coal Co., 06/10/1954:1 R.D. Kelley Coal Co., offers everything in fuel line (p), 07/29/1954:6 Callan, L. Francis Mrs James Mouse resigns from office of judge, 04/07/1950:12 Appointed to appellate division of southern district, 05/10/1951:1 Judge sitting in appellate division, 09/20/1951:1 Secretary Doris Brown resigns, 11/01/1951:1 Marie Briggs winner of Egger Co. Crosley contest (p), 12/20/1951:6 44 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Callan, L. Francis, Jr. Doris Brown secretary, 07/07/1950:6 Now senior district judge, 02/08/1951:4 Withdraws as town counsel, 01/24/1952:1 Alumnus of Boston University, 06/19/1952:7 Judge purchases Sullivan Building, 11/04/1954:1 Callan, Luke Egger's Annex staffed by Middleboro old fellars (ad), 03/20/1952:5 Meet the sales force at Egger's Annex (ad) (p), 04/24/1952:5 Callan, Paul Who's who in MHS senior class, 03/03/1950:4 Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1 Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1 Freshman at Bates College, 09/29/1950:12 Private sails for duty in Germany, 12/16/1954:8 Callan, Paul R. Graduates from Bates College (p), 06/17/1954:1 Inducted into U.S. Army, 07/15/1954:1 Training at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 09/09/1954:1 Completes basic training, 09/30/1954:4 Callan, Paul Richard Engaged to Mary Kay Rudolph, 05/13/1954:1 Cal-Mar Signs 162 Center St (ad), 06/18/1953:9 Calnan, Florence B. Wedding described, 06/11/1953:4 Calnan, Florence Belrose Engaged to James E. Miller, 09/25/1952:4 Camandona, Paul Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 Camandona, Richard Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 Camandona, Thomas Baby chicks (ad), 01/06/1950:4 Cambra, John J. Wed to Shirley A. Ruprecht, 06/07/1951:5 Wedding described, 06/07/1951:10 Cameron, Audrey Engaged to Donald Vaughn, 09/24/1953:5 Wed to Donald Vaughn, 10/01/1953:5 Cameron, Bertram N. Health officer called to Army duty, 09/01/1950:1 Resigns as health officer due to ill health, 04/24/1952:1 Husband of Audrey T. Fowler dies at age 43, 05/21/1953:6 Obituary, 05/21/1953:12 Cameron, Claudette South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home (p), 10/18/1951:1 Eleven-year-old alerts neighbors of fire, 08/13/1953:1 Cameron, James Stillman Going for induction in October, 09/27/1951:1 Leaves for Army induction (p), 10/11/1951:1 Cameron, John Paisley Wed to Fannie Cynthia Wheaton, 01/03/1952:5 Caminati, Edmund A. Serves on police force in Norfolk, VA, 10/04/1951:4 Caminati, Edmund H. Appointed to police force in Norfolk, VA, 02/08/1951:1 Caminati, Nancy J.M. Wells gives keepsake chests to MHS senior girls (p), 06/19/1952:4 Injured when Granchelli and Rosini collide at West and Center St, 04/09/1953:7 Employed by Clyde S. Thomas (p), 04/08/1954:8 Cammarata, Muriel M. Granted common victualler's license, 08/21/1952:1 Cammarata, Peter A. Applies for license for tourist home, 02/07/1952:1 Camp Avoda Granted license, 06/23/1950:4 To be supplied with town water, 05/26/1952:9 Camp Joe Hooker Matteo Sena applies for approval for location of race track, 02/07/1952:5 Matteo Sena applies for license to conduct dog and horse racing at Camp Joe Hooker, 11/11/1954:7 Lakeville selectmen reserved decision on race track, 11/25/1954:1 Sena denied application for racing permit, 12/02/1954:2 Camp Norse. see Boy Scouts of America Campano, Andreio Son born, 11/11/1954:6 Campano, Mary Falcone Son born, 11/11/1954:6 Campbell (Mr) MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 Campbell, Albert In court for drunkenness again, 06/02/1950:8 Charged with drunkenness again, 06/14/1951:9 Sent to jail for drunkenness, 09/20/1951:10 Convicted of criminal trespass, 04/09/1953:10 Sentenced to one year and three months for drunkenness and vagrancy, 04/30/1953:2 Withdraws appeal, 05/21/1953:9 Gets 30 days for drunkenness, 11/18/1954:12 Campbell, Albert E. Drunk has jail term hanging over him, 08/21/1952:8 Doesn't escape jail after all, 08/21/1952:9 Error costs Campbell three-month suspended sentence, 04/23/1953:12 Committed to house of corrections for drunkenness, 09/09/1954:2 Campbell, C. Gilbert Wife enroute to join husband in St. John's Newfoundland, 11/13/1952:5 Campbell, Charles G. Injured when auto strikes tree in Bridgewater, 03/10/1950:1 Campbell, David D. New York man found dead in car, 07/22/1954:1 Campbell, Donald Orr Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1 Campbell, Ford Elected president of the Bristol-Plymouth County Fruit Growers Association, 01/13/1950:2 Takes position with Rockland-Atlas National Bank, Boston, 01/25/1951:6 Runs for re-election to Housing Authority, 11/29/1951:1 MacIntosh apples (ad), 09/17/1953:11 Campbell, Gilbert Stationed at Pepperell Air Force Base, Newfoundland, 12/20/1951:3 Campbell, Harriet G. Writes from St. John's, Newfoundland (l), 01/22/1953:8 Writes again, this time in real Newfoundland blizzard (l), 02/05/1953:3 Latest from our St. John's correspondence (l), 02/12/1953:10 Campbell, Harriett G. Forgotten by Newfoundland correspondent? Goodness no (l), 03/05/1953:9 Thus endeth dispatches from St. John's (l), 03/12/1953:6 Campbell, Jane Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1 Campbell, John Graham Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 Campbell, Miriam Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p), 10/25/1951:1 Named health agent for town of Abington, 01/14/1954:1 Campbell, Miriam M. New Health Board officer (p), 04/24/1952:1 Runs for re-election to School Committee, 11/27/1952:1 Defeated in race for School Committee, 01/22/1953:10 Campbell, Miriam McDonald Candidate for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/13/1950:2 Candidate deplores two-platoon system (l), 01/13/1950:4 Newly elected to School Committee (p), 01/20/1950:1 MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 45 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Campbell, Mrs Ford New Welcome Wagon hostess, 08/02/1951:1 Takes course with Welcome Wagon, 10/04/1951:7 Selectmen authorize letter for Welcome Wagon use, 10/11/1951:10 Explains Welcome Wagon plan to selectmen, 11/29/1951:7 Campbell, Sadie M. Obituary, 05/27/1954:3 Campbell, Sadie Margaret Widow of Charles W. dies at age 88, 05/27/1954:7 Campbell, Walter B., Jr. Seaman 1st Class serves on USS Kula Gulf, 01/03/1952:5 Campbell, Walter D., Jr. War games end in Atlantic, 12/06/1951:4 Seaman participates in amphibious exercises in the Caribbean, 06/19/1952:8 Returns from six-month Mediterranean cruise, 07/16/1953:5 Campbell, Walter Jr. Pipes Admiral aboard USS Tarawa, 06/10/1954:10 Camps and Camping. see also Boy Scouts of America; Young Men's Christian Association - Cap's Camp Notice of hearing on application from William Read and Harold Merritt, 05/19/1950:6 Humpty Dumpty Day Camp, Ruth Nissen (ad), 06/02/1950:8 Grounds at YMCA Cap's Camp cleared and cleaned, 06/09/1950:5 Notice of Charbonneau application for trailer camp, 06/16/1950:10 Camp Avoda granted license, 06/23/1950:4 Selectmen issue license, 06/23/1950:4 Loon Pond Day Camp (ad), 08/04/1950:2 Camp Avoda to be supplied with town water, 05/26/1952:9 Norma Woodburn licensed to run recreational tutoring camp, 06/12/1952:6 Notice of application by Norma Woodburn for recreational camp permit (ad), 07/03/1952:5 Arthur Johnson granted license for overnight camps, 06/25/1953:4 Allan's New Trailer Park, Rte 28 (ad), 09/03/1953:7 Cananzey, John J. Engaged to Betty J. Knutson, 06/21/1951:5 Wed to Betty Jo Knutson, 07/19/1951:5 Cancer (disease). see American Cancer Society Canepa, Paul Charles Peter Sent for induction into armed services, 10/09/1952:8 Canevazzi, Kathryn Staff of new Sears and Roebuck catalog store (p), 11/15/1951:6 Canfield, Sydney State Farm guard beaten by prisoner, 05/01/1952:1 Cannon, Donald. see also Cannon Motor Sales Son born, 01/29/1953:4 Cannon, Donald S. Wins trip to Nassau, 10/28/1954:1 Cannon, Dorothy G. Appointed junior clerk of 4th District Court, 02/10/1950:12 Cannon, Dorothy Moore Son born, 01/29/1953:4 Cannon, Lawrence Private 1st Class leaves for Presidio, CA, 12/27/1951:5 Stationed at Fort Cronkhite, CA, 07/17/1952:5 Serves two years in U.S. Army, 03/12/1953:4 Donald Cannon new operator of Buick agency, Cannon Motor Sales, 07/01/1954:8 Cannon, Lawrence A. Leaves for army induction (p), 03/15/1951:1 Training at Fort Devens, 04/05/1951:3 Cannon, Lawrence Alton Inducted into military service, 03/08/1951:1 Cannon Motor Sales South Middleboro (ad), 12/15/1950:12 New location on Wareham St (ad), 03/08/1951:5 Servicing at Bailey's until facilities provided on Wareham St (ad), 06/17/1954:9 Donald Cannon new operator of Buick agency, 07/01/1954:8 Begins new building to house auto sales, 07/15/1954:1 Donald Cannon wins trip to Nassau, 10/28/1954:1 Middleboro's newest garage home of Buick agency (p), 12/23/1954:6 Cannucci, George Dentist offers services free for children's clinic, 08/28/1952:1 Cannucci, Joseph Son born, 03/05/1953:7 Cannucci, Veronica Dellarocco Son born, 03/05/1953:7 Canova, Betty Who's who in MHS senior class, 04/17/1952:3 Canova, Betty Anne Engaged to Walter S. Carmichael, 08/28/1952:5 Canove, Betty Anne Engaged to Walter Stuart Carmichael, 12/06/1951:11 Cantwell, Mary Margaret Engaged to Henry L. Marois, 10/08/1953:8 Canucci, George P. Joins Gillis Turner's dental practice (ad), 05/03/1951:10 Cap, Joseph Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1 Cape Cod Chinchilla Ranch Rita and Wilfred Duphily, 309 Miller St (ad), 06/11/1953:5 Cape Cod Donut Home Granted victualler's license, 04/21/1950:2 Cape Verdean-American Political Club of Middleboro Elects officers, 05/12/1950:9 Caperello, Anthony Employed by Wilbur Brothers, Everett St, 09/03/1953:6 Caperello, Joseph Guilty of drunkenness, 07/14/1950:8 Capeway Craftsman John Remedis granted license for secondhand furniture sales, 03/19/1953:1 Capeway Restaurant Meetze and Phillips granted victualler's license, 06/09/1950:14 Taunton and West Grove Ave (ad), 09/01/1950:1 Closing December 18th, watch for re-opening (ad), 12/15/1950:4 Now open, Taunton and West Grove (ad), 05/03/1951:10 New owners granted license, 03/05/1953:10 Cape-Way Shoe Mart Rte 28 (ad), 12/04/1952:12 Prison parolee Yesonis caught after shoe theft, 10/01/1953:1 Yesonis indicted for breaking and entering and for larceny, 10/08/1953:1 Yesonis case continued, 10/08/1953:3 Yesonis sent to state prison, 10/15/1953:1 Caponi, Ralph Wedding described, 12/02/1954:9 Caponi, Ralph A. Wed to Theresa M. Guertin, 12/02/1954:4 Cap's Camp. see Young Men's Christian Association - Cap's Camp Car Washes New auto washing machine at Bolan's Jenney Service (p), 02/11/1954:6 Cararie, Anthony Carver man now commanding officer 2101 Area Service Unit at Fort Meade, MD (p), 07/02/1953:1 Carbonara, Elizabeth Bates School faculty member pianist for Bridgewater Lions Club, 02/24/1950:11 Carbonara, Elizabeth A. Resigns from Bates School, 06/09/1950:11 Bates social studies teacher resigns, 08/11/1950:6 Carbone, Joseph Obituary, 06/21/1951:2 Dies at age 61, 06/21/1951:5 Son born, 10/18/1951:5 Pleads not guilty to drunk driving, 07/31/1952:6 Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1 Carbone, Joseph, Jr. Freed on charge of reckless driving, 08/21/1952:8 Carbone, Leonard Son born, 11/20/1952:7 Carbone, Roslyn Koerner Son born, 11/20/1952:7 46 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Carbone, Sophie Sarachinski Son born, 10/18/1951:5 Card (Mr) Profile of MHS teacher, 02/17/1950:11 Card, Edward W. Collides with Dennisport driver at varnish works, 11/10/1950:9 Melville, Jr. and Card collide at routes 28 and 105, 09/24/1953:9 Card, Evelyn Fanjoy Resides in El Paso, TX, 05/26/1952:5 Card, Harold Daughter born, 05/14/1953:4 Card, Harold E. Son born, 05/17/1951:4 Card, Joan Engaged to John Bianchini, 02/15/1951:10 Card, Joan Betty Engaged to John Bianchini, 03/08/1951:5 Wed to John Bianchini, 03/29/1951:5 Wedding described, 03/29/1951:10 Card, Roger Son born, 12/31/1953:4 Card, Roger L. Engaged to Ruth J. Pimental, 06/18/1953:4 Wed to Ruth J. Pimental, 07/09/1953:5 Wed to Ruth Pimental, 07/16/1953:3 Card, Roy Resides in El Paso, TX, 05/26/1952:5 Moves into new home in El Paso, TX, 01/01/1953:5 Card, Roy A. Captain sent to Korea, 09/01/1950:4 Card, Ruth Pimental Son born, 12/31/1953:4 Card, William E. Engaged to Mary DeCourt, 10/22/1953:7 Wed to Mary DeCourt, 11/12/1953:6 Card, Wilrene Ash Daughter born, 05/14/1953:4 Card, Wilrene F. New teacher at Washburn elementary unit, 12/13/1951:1 Card, Wilrene F. Ash Son born, 05/17/1951:4 Cardarello, Francis I. Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2 Cardarello, Kathleen Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2 Cardill, Marie Wed to Edward Mills, 12/17/1953:3 Cardosa, Ralph Husband of Rowena Ekholm dies at age 82, 04/30/1953:6 Obituary, 04/30/1953:7 Cardoza, Paul Gerard Son of John, Jr. christened, 09/10/1953:4 Cardoza, Wallace Sergeant stationed in Washington, DC, 01/27/1950:5 Carew, Barbara Decelle Daughter born, 08/19/1954:4 Carew, Glen Joseph Engaged to Barbara Frances DeCelle, 03/05/1953:7 Carew, Glenn Daughter born, 08/19/1954:4 Carew, Glenn Joseph Engaged to Barbara Frances DeCelle, 02/19/1953:5 Carey, Abbie K.T. Points to need for home for historical society (l), 06/12/1952:10 Carey, Allen Wed to Dorothy L. Friedlande, 07/14/1950:8 Carey, Doris Baldwin Son born, 04/09/1953:5 Carey, Fred. see Modern Cleaners & Dyers Carey, Frederic Son born, 04/09/1953:5 Carey, Frederic J. Purchases North Main St building from Peirce Estate, 06/17/1954:1 Carey, Pamela Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6 Carey, R. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Carlo, Joseph G.H. Receives basic training in anti-aircraft at Fort Bliss, TX, 06/03/1954:12 Carlson, Arthur Wed to Patricia Coyne, 04/16/1953:12 Carlson, Carol Eight-year-old falls out of moving car, 12/03/1953:5 Carlson, Dorothy Moves to Lake Worth, FL, 07/28/1950:3 Carlson, Eleanor Wed to Howard Nickerson, 10/25/1951:5 Carlson, Gustaf A. Petition for license to sell real estate, 04/22/1954:7 Administrator presents petition, 12/16/1954:6 Carlson, Gustaf Adolph Dies at age 65, 03/19/1953:5 Obituary, 03/19/1953:7 Carlson, John No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Carlson, John Victor Wed to Laura Ann Jussila, 02/10/1950:6 Carlson, Marion No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Carlson, Maybell P. Wed to DeWitt C. Page, 01/20/1950:7 Carlson, Maybelle P. Engaged to DeWitt D. Page, 01/06/1950:4 Carlson, Ruth Engaged to Dominic Nardi, 08/06/1953:5 Wed to Dominic Nardi, 08/27/1953:7 Carmichael, Betty Resigns from Thomas Bros., 05/14/1953:4 Resumes working at Thomas Bros. store, 09/17/1953:2 Carmichael, Patricia Lee Engaged to Gordon Wesley Miller, 01/15/1953:5 Carmichael, Walter S. Engaged to Betty Anne Canova, 08/28/1952:5 Carmichael, Walter Stuart Engaged to Betty Anne Canova, 12/06/1951:11 Carnello, Anthony Employed at Nemasket Transportation Co., 09/01/1950:10 Carnello, Frank A. Fined $30 for speeding and failure to stop at sign, 04/08/1954:10 Takes basic training at Fort Dix, NJ, 04/29/1954:3 Carnello, Frank C. Private stationed at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 06/24/1954:1 Carnello, James Resides in San Diego, CA, 10/15/1953:10 Carnello, William Granted peddler's license, 08/21/1952:1 Carney, Michael T. Wed to Mary B. Finch, 08/04/1950:7 Caron, Aime First Sergeant trains at Camp Edwards, 07/14/1950:1 Promoted to Warrant Officer in National Guard, 07/03/1952:1 Leaves for Pine Camp with 320th Military Police Battalion, 07/24/1952:3 Caron, Aime E. Reservist in training at Pine Camp, NY (p), 08/02/1951:1 Caron, Aime J. Graduates from Adjutant General Administration School in Indiana, 04/16/1953:6 Caron, Janice Perkins Son born, 07/15/1954:4 Caron, Lorraine Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1 The Little Theatre Group seeking new members (p), 10/25/1951:10 Caron, Lorraine J. George Crothers fractures ankles when runs into Caron's car, 03/08/1951:1 Ye Quaint Shoppe opens at 48 East Main St (ad), 12/04/1952:2 47 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Caron, Mrs Aime Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1 Caron, Mrs Antonio Killed in auto crash in Fulton, NY, 09/10/1953:4 Caron, William Engaged to Janice Perkins, 10/01/1953:10 Caron, William K. Wed to Janice L. Perkins, 10/15/1953:4 Caron, William L. Engaged to Janice Louise Perkins, 05/07/1953:9 Engaged to Janice L. Perkins, 10/01/1953:4 Son born, 07/15/1954:4 Caron, William Leo Wedding described, 10/15/1953:10 Caron's Fudge Shop Requests permit to erect sign on Wareham St, 10/22/1953:1 Carpenter, E. Fen West Side School teacher receives M.A. degree, 08/12/1954:1 Carpenter, Henry D. Doctor resides in Fort Worth, TX, 05/05/1950:10 Carpenter, Mrs John Resides in Hampton, VA, 05/08/1952:11 Carpenters. see Builders Carpet Jones Bros. Co. has contract to carpet Weymouth hall 50 years ago, 11/18/1954:10 Carr, Albert J., Jr. Participates in Pacific Fleet exercises, 01/15/1953:3 Carr, Catherine C. New grade six teacher at Bates School, 08/12/1954:10 New junior high English teacher, 10/07/1954:9 Carr, Edward J. Graduates from Naval Electronics Technician-Electronicsman School, 03/24/1950:4 Assigned to Navy school at Newport, RI, 10/06/1950:7 Graduates from U.S. Naval Preparatory School, 06/07/1951:1 Freshman at Naval Academy in Annapolis, 08/16/1951:1 Engaged to Jeanne A. Trudeau, 06/18/1953:4 Wed to Jeanne A. Trudeau, 07/09/1953:5 Carr, Edward Joseph Wedding described, 07/16/1953:2 Carr, Francis Fined $10 for drunkenness, 08/02/1951:2 Carr, Francis A. Drunk sent to State Farm, 08/02/1951:2 Carr, Gerard C. Acquitted on motor vehicle charges, 01/20/1950:3 Carr, Harold Housewarming in new home on Courtland St, 05/19/1950:6 MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p), 06/14/1951:1 Completes basic training at Fort Dix, NJ, 04/01/1954:4 Carr, Harold J. Arrives from training at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 03/04/1954:1 Arrives in Germany, serves with 2nd Armored Division, 07/15/1954:4 Carr, Harold John Called for induction into armed forces, 01/14/1954:2 Carr, John East Main St couple married 50 years, 07/14/1950:7 Carr, John Joseph Dies at age 77, 02/08/1951:5 Obituary, 02/08/1951:6 Carr, Mrs Roger Resides in Millis, 11/05/1953:5 Carr, Raymond Fined $25 for reckless driving and $50 for drunk driving, 06/02/1950:8 Carr, Robert L. Fined $10 for drunkenness, 07/31/1952:7 Fined $5 for drunkenness, 07/16/1953:3 Fined $10 for drunkenness, 09/16/1954:7 Carreiro, Dolores Student nurse capped at Brockton Hospital, 03/06/1952:8 Affiliated with Metropolitan Mental Hospital in Waltham, 04/16/1953:8 At Presbyterian Medical Center for pediatrics affiliation, 10/01/1953:5 Carreiro, Dolores Ann Wed to Roger W. Shurtleff, 03/18/1954:4 Carreiro, Edward Private stationed at Camp Pickett, VA, 04/16/1953:8 Carreiro, Edward A. Completes training at Camp Pickett, VA (p), 05/21/1953:1 Carreiro, Evangeline Amaral Obituary, 07/03/1952:4 Wife of Joseph dies at age 51, 07/03/1952:5 Carreiro, Frank Obituary, 09/22/1950:4 Husband of Mary Augustine dies at age 49, 09/22/1950:5 Carreiro, Rachel Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Carreiro, Randolph F. Edwards and Carreiro collide at routes 44 and 28, 10/22/1953:3 Carriera, James Action on Carriera's application for food stand held up, 04/30/1953:1 Carriero, Anna Widow of Manuel dies at age 65, 11/11/1954:6 Obituary, 11/11/1954:11 Carriero, Elinor Trinque Son born, 09/16/1954:4 Carriero, Joseph Son born, 09/16/1954:4 Carriero, Joseph J. Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7 Carriero, Mary C. Presented with electric range at Theatre Cooking School (p), 03/31/1950:8 Carroll, Ann Goering Daughter born, 10/16/1952:4 Carroll, Louis Montello couple married 50 years, 11/26/1953:10 Carroll, Roy E. Daughter born, 10/16/1952:4 Carroll Cut Rate Stock up (ad), 01/27/1950:8 Carson, Mary A. Engaged to Daniel M. West, 10/30/1952:7 Wed to Daniel M. West, 11/13/1952:7 Wedding described, 11/13/1952:7 Carter, Beatrice Hopkins Son born, 08/25/1950:5 Carter, George T. Purchases Orcutt house on Lovell St 50 years ago, 10/21/1954:10 Carter, John Couple married 35 years, 03/12/1953:3 Carter, Paul Son born, 08/25/1950:5 Disagrees with Romaine's statements on hunters (l), 02/25/1954:5 Views "no trespassing" signs with alarm (l), 03/11/1954:8 Four-year-old injured slightly after bumping into taxi, 11/11/1954:1 Carter, Theodore Awarded conservation award by Plymouth District, 01/11/1951:7 Cartmell, Robert Director of Fahey Funeral Home (ad) (p), 04/02/1953:7 Cartwright, D. Elinor Engaged to Russell B. Osborne, 05/13/1954:6 Wed to Russell B. Osborne, 05/27/1954:7 Wedding described, 05/27/1954:11 Cartwright, Leonard Son born, 08/30/1951:5 Cartwright, Margaret Pattell Son born, 08/30/1951:5 Cartwright, Mrs Leonard Plans visit to homeland in England, 07/22/1954:4 Returns after three months in homeland, 11/11/1954:1 Cartwright, Walter E. Training at Parris Island, SC (p), 07/02/1953:1 48 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Carver, __ta Fraiser Obituary, 02/14/1952:2 Carver, Alberta F. Administrator presents account of estate, 03/19/1953:5 Carver, Alberta Fraiser Wife of Howard B. dies at age 70, 02/14/1952:5 Carver, Alice H. Signs contract for electric service on Tispaquin Pond, 05/28/1953:4 Carver, Carrie Sprains back in fall, 05/13/1954:11 Carver, Charles S. Couple surprised on 25th anniversary, 06/30/1950:1 Carver, Cynthia Sachem Steppers' gingham ball attracts throng of square dancers (p), 05/17/1951:1 Carver, Cynthia Caswell Daughter born, 09/20/1951:7 Carver, Dorothy Wedding described, 12/29/1950:4 Carver, Dorothy A. Engaged to George F. Provonche, 12/22/1950:7 Wed to George F. Provonche, 01/04/1951:5 Carver, Eldon W. Signs contract for electric service on Tispaquin Pond, 05/28/1953:4 Carver, Francis Couple moves to Wareham, 06/16/1950:7 Obituary, 11/11/1954:2 Wareham man dies at age 71, 11/11/1954:6 Carver, Howard B. Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Taunton auto rams front porch of Carver's house on Rte 28 (p), 09/15/1950:1 Carver, John Daughter born, 02/10/1950:7 Son born, 08/13/1953:5 Couple sells Highland St home, move to Everett St, 09/02/1954:10 Carver, John R. Daughter born, 02/03/1950:5 Carver, J.T. Freight business has new horse 50 years ago, 12/24/1953:7 Carver, Lawrence Son born, 11/18/1954:6 Carver, Lawrence E. Son born, 08/25/1950:5 Passes bar exam, 08/14/1952:1 Carver, Lillian Sylvia Son born, 11/18/1954:6 Carver, Lynn Born to John, 02/10/1950:7 Carver, Margaret Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p), 10/25/1951:1 Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4 Carver, Margaret Burnett Daughter born, 02/03/1950:5 Son born, 08/13/1953:5 Carver, Peggy Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 10/15/1953:1 Carver, Phyllis Sylvia Son born, 08/25/1950:5 Carver, R. Winsor Daughter born, 09/20/1951:7 Carver, Thomas Edward Born to Lawrence E. and Phyllis Sylvia, 08/25/1950:5 Carver, Winsor Sachem Steppers' gingham ball attracts throng of square dancers (p), 05/17/1951:1 Case, John Kiwanis Club holds installation ceremonies (p), 01/07/1954:1 Case, Patricia Standish Son born, 09/06/1951:4 Daughter born, 09/24/1953:5 Case, Roland Son born, 09/06/1951:4 Daughter born, 09/24/1953:5 Casey, Anselm G. Kenduskiag, ME man dies at age 47, 07/02/1953:4 Obituary, 07/02/1953:5 Casey, Charles H. Oak St couple married 50 years, 11/08/1951:1 Casey, David P. Guardian presents account of estate, 06/05/1952:2 Casey, Eileen F. Engaged to Ralph C. Morse, Jr., 02/10/1950:6 Wed to Ralph C. Morse, Jr., 02/17/1950:7 Casey, Eleanor Employed at sanatorium, 05/24/1951:2 Casey, Ellen M. Wed to Donald L. Moon, 01/06/1950:5 Casey, Everett MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p), 06/02/1950:1 Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1 Casey, Joseph Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises (p), 06/30/1950:1 Employed at Alleghany County Airport, PA, 08/06/1953:5 Casey, Joseph J. And Wallace Houghton collide in snow storm, 02/28/1952:1 Casey, Joseph James Marion and Louis Bernier file suit for damages against Wallace Houghton, Jr. and Joseph Casey, 05/29/1952:7 Casey, Kevin B. Graduates with honors from NCO academy in Germany, 11/27/1952:1 Honorable discharged from U.S. Army, 06/10/1954:1 Casey, Luella Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1 Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p), 10/25/1951:1 Preview of spring fashion show by Junior Cabot Club (p), 03/20/1952:4 Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4 Casey, Marjorie Leary Widow of John dies at age 50, 12/01/1950:6 Obituary, 12/01/1950:9 Casey, Mary Lou Who's who in MHS senior class, 05/10/1951:7 Guardian presents account of estate, 06/05/1952:2 Engaged to Robert A. Bessette, 10/09/1952:10 Engaged to Robert Armand Bessette, 04/09/1953:5 Wed to Robert Armand Bessette, 04/23/1953:7 Wedding described, 04/23/1953:11 Casey, Myra Engaged to Albert Stephanian, 09/06/1951:5 Wed to Albert Stephanian, 09/13/1951:5 Casey, Myra Elizabeth Wedding described, 09/13/1951:5 Casey, Patricia Beach Twin daughters born, 11/18/1954:6 Casey, Sarah A. Widow of William O. dies at age 76, 04/07/1950:7 Casey, Sharon Engaged to Howard Moore, 01/18/1951:4 Casey, Sharon Claire Engaged to Howard Dennis Moore, 01/20/1950:7 Engaged to Howard J. Moore, 01/25/1951:5 Wed to Howard J. Moore, 02/01/1951:5 Wedding described, 02/01/1951:6 Casey, Terrence Twin daughters born, 11/18/1954:6 Casey, Walter A. Plumbing and heating, 18 East Main St (ad), 05/12/1950:12 Casey, William O. Trustees present account of estate, 02/22/1951:8 Cashen, Henry Sells Half-Way House to Eugene Starvish, 07/29/1954:1 49 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Cashen, Raymond R. Admitted to Michigan State Bar Association, 07/05/1951:1 Cassady, Millard Engaged to Alice Brown, 11/03/1950:5 Wed to Alice Brown, 11/10/1950:7 Cassady, Millard S. Leaves for Pine Camp with 320th Military Police Battalion, 07/24/1952:3 Cassavant, Roger F. Wed to Ruth M. Countie, 07/29/1954:4 Cassiani, Fred Carl VFW post bids farewell to inductees (p), 08/14/1952:1 Cassidy, Joe The Little Theatre Group seeking new members (p), 10/25/1951:10 Cassidy, Lillian The Little Theatre Group seeking new members (p), 10/25/1951:10 Cassidy, Walter "Joe" Head of new hot rod club, Draglinks, 01/21/1954:1 Body and fender repair, 120 North St (ad), 02/25/1954:9 Casson (Dr) Resides in California, 07/28/1950:10 Casson Credit Clothing Co. Leases new Sullivan's block 50 years ago, 05/06/1954:9 Caswell (Mr) Graduates from UMass, 06/16/1950:12 Lets tenement to Henry Caswell, 02/08/1951:4 Caswell, Alfred W. Daughter born, 09/29/1950:7 Caswell, Alice Chace Obituary, 09/17/1953:11 Caswell, Alice W. Obituary, 05/20/1954:3 Caswell, Alice Washburn Wife of Chester dies at age 60, 05/20/1954:7 Petition for probate of will, 06/24/1954:4 Caswell, Arthur B. Daughter arrives from Sheridan, WY, 09/27/1951:6 Caswell, Arthur Brainard Husband of Myra E. White dies at age 67, 09/20/1951:7 Obituary, 09/20/1951:8 Caswell, Benjamin Eldridge Funeral Home opens at former home at School and Peirce St (p), 12/11/1952:1 Caswell, Bessie Louise Pratt Daughter born, 09/29/1950:7 Caswell, Charles W. Wed to Pauline A. Joncas, 05/22/1952:7 Joins 1st Cavalry Division in Japan, 05/14/1953:7 Discharged for U.S. Army, 12/23/1954:1 Caswell, Charles William Engaged to Pauline Ann Joncas, 07/26/1951:7 Wedding described, 05/22/1952:5 Caswell, D. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Caswell, Dave MHS footballer suffers concussion, 10/27/1950:1 Caswell, David MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p), 06/02/1950:1 Chosen to attend Boys' State, 05/17/1951:1 MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p), 06/14/1951:1 Enters University of Massachusetts, 09/04/1952:4 Attends University of Massachusetts, 01/08/1953:5 On Honors List at UMass, 04/09/1953:1 Caswell, David R. On honor list at UMass, 04/15/1954:1 Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1 Caswell, Dorothy Cowan Son born, 08/14/1952:5 Caswell, Edwin Attends University of Massachusetts, 04/07/1950:12 Named to Dean's List at UMass, 05/05/1950:7 Caswell, Edwin continued And wife heard on "Welcome Traveller" on Chicago radio station, 06/30/1950:6 Resides in Idaho, 10/16/1952:5 Caswell, Edwin B. Marine Staff Sergeant recalled to active duty, 09/22/1950:8 Called to active duty with Marine Corps, 03/15/1951:11 Caswell, Edwin Brainard Set to graduate from University of Massachusetts, 06/02/1950:1 Caswell, Eleanor R. Engaged to Conrad F. Delfino, 10/06/1950:1, 11/24/1950:5 Wed to Conrad F. Delfino, 12/08/1950:5 Wedding described, 12/08/1950:6 Caswell, Everett, Jr. Attends aeronautic school in Lenox, CA, 05/24/1951:6 Caswell, Everett L., Jr. Enrolls at Northrop Aeronautical Institute in Hawthorne, CA, 05/24/1951:1 Accepts post with Sikorsky Aircraft in Bridgeport, CT, 11/05/1953:1 Caswell, Francis L. Fined $75 for drunk driving, 01/31/1952:3 Caswell, Henry Family moves to Caswell's tenement, 02/08/1951:4 Caswell, J. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Caswell, Janice Named MHS football queen by Girl's League, 11/20/1952:1 Chosen to attend Girls' State, 05/14/1953:1 Caswell, Justin Largest beekeeper in Middleboro, 07/01/1954:11 Caswell, Kenneth E. Foreclosure notice, 03/15/1951:7 Caswell, Marian D. Engaged to Alfred Vieira, 12/27/1951:5 Engaged to John M. McInnes, 08/12/1954:4 Caswell, Marion D. Wedding described, 09/09/1954:3 Wed to John H. McInnes, 09/09/1954:4 Caswell, Meredith Engaged to George E. Davis, 09/06/1951:8 Caswell, Meredith M. Engaged to George E. Davis, 07/19/1951:9 Engaged to George E. Davis, Jr., 09/20/1951:7 Wedding described, 10/04/1951:4 Wed to George E. Davis, Jr., 10/11/1951:4 Caswell, Mrs Henry Coaches Egger basketball team to victory, 03/08/1951:5 Caswell, Richard Son born, 12/09/1954:4 Caswell, Sarah Spurr Son born, 12/09/1954:4 Caswell, William R., Jr. Son born, 08/14/1952:5 Caswell, William R., Sr. Aunt's funeral held in North Easton, 03/13/1952:4 Caswell, William Richmond Obituary, 09/10/1953:4 Dies at age 68, 09/10/1953:5 Obituary, 09/17/1953:11 Caswell, Wm. W. Serves on U.S. flagship in Chinese waters 50 years ago, 09/23/1954:8 Catabia, Edward Joseph Engaged to Theresa Ann Leighton, 04/23/1953:7 Wed to Theresa Ann Leighton, 05/21/1953:6 Wedding described, 05/21/1953:12 Cataldo, Louis Three-car accident hospitalizes Tripp brothers, 09/03/1953:8 George Tripp guilty of negligence in three-car crash, 10/08/1953:8 Catavia, Edward Daughter born, 12/24/1953:4 Catavia, Theresa Ann Leighton Daughter born, 12/24/1953:4 Catholic Church. see Sacred Heart Church 50 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Cats June Cooper invites pet owners to meeting concerning poisonings (l), 01/06/1950:1 Pet owners respond to Cooper's call, 01/13/1950:1 Nemasket Kennels, Main St, Lakeville (ad), 06/23/1950:10 Who's killing cats with air rifles? 04/03/1952:9 Cattle Cattle dealer, J.M. Foster, thanks farmers for patronage (ad), 12/22/1950:6 Dealer J.M. Foster thanks patrons (ad), 01/01/1953:7 Aberdeen Braes Farm elected to National Angus Association, 01/22/1953:8 Roger Cole, cattle auction (ad), 12/31/1953:3 Cayton, John Passes exam for corrections officers, 02/15/1951:10 Cayton, John, Jr. Pledges Alpha Phi Omega at Springfield College, 02/17/1950:2 Selected for Civil Service Division, 06/28/1951:7 Cedar Hill Farm Everett Jenkins, turkeys (ad), 12/17/1953:10 Cedar Manor Norman Woodburn granted approval for summer boarding school, 07/10/1952:1 Cedar Vale Nursing Home Pleasant St (ad) (p), 04/05/1951:2 Inspected by health officer, 11/20/1952:1 Rittenhouse, Rittenhouse, Tolles, and Tolles dissolve partnership, 12/17/1953:9 Gets certificate of approval, 09/02/1954:1 Makes life pleasant for their residents (p), 10/07/1954:8 Celeski, Henry Furniture repair (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Celeski, Pauline Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Cemeteries Savings Bank reports to selectmen on cemetery fund, 02/03/1950:1 Extemporaneous Memorial Day services held at Central Cemetery, 06/02/1950:1 Louise Thatcher new treasurer of Central Cemetery (ad), 06/16/1950:4 Rock Cemetery Association holds annual meeting, 04/19/1951:5 Nemasket Hill Cemetery Association holds annual meeting, 04/19/1951:9 Rock Cemetery Association holds annual meeting, 04/17/1952:4 South Middleboro Cemetery Association holds annual meeting, 04/15/1954:2 Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11 New tomb at Central Cemetery completed 50 years ago, 10/28/1954:9 Census New Bedford office announces list of enumerators, 03/24/1950:1 Additional enumerators named, 03/31/1950:7 Effects on liquor licenses considered, 06/30/1950:1 Middleboro population now at 10,139, 06/30/1950:1 Police Chief begins census of inhabitants, 01/04/1951:1 1950 certified count 10,164, 09/20/1951:6 Population increase provides for only one additional liquor license, 09/27/1951:1 School census shows 1,938 of minor age, 12/11/1952:1 Centelo, Manuel Selectmen defer action on roadside stand application by Carver man, 02/07/1952:1 Centenarians Augustus Chase welcomes friends on 101st birthday, 08/11/1950:1 Florence Vinal reaches century mark April 24th, 04/19/1951:3 Florence Vinal 101 years old, in good health, 04/24/1952:8 Florence Vinal to celebrate 102nd birthday, 04/23/1953:1 Florence Vinal makes home with Lindsay March in Andover, 09/03/1953:9 Former Middleboro resident Florence Vinal to turn 103, 04/22/1954:8 Centennials New spirit in town of Lakeville, centennial coming up, 12/25/1952:6 Lester Haskins constructs signs for historical sites in Lakeville, 03/19/1953:7 Lakeville notes Founders Day, 06/04/1953:9 Centennials continued Lt. Governor speaks at centennial graduation at Assawampsett School, 06/18/1953:1 Retail Merchants extend congratulations to Lakeville on 100th birthday (ad), 07/16/1953:10 Lakeville celebration a success, thousands gather, 07/23/1953:1 Lakeville committee thanks firms and individuals (ad), 08/13/1953:3 Lakeville committee reviews film, 12/17/1953:9 The Center Bakery Opening at 56 Center St (ad), 08/19/1954:9 Center Card Shop 62 Center St (ad), 09/01/1950:7 Open during building alterations (ad), 10/25/1951:3 Mrs Alfred Lenardson, Center St (p), 08/13/1953:6 Mrs Alfred Lenardson, 62 Center St, 12/10/1953:8 A card for every need (p), 02/04/1954:6 Easter stock ready (p), 03/25/1954:6 Complete assortment of greeting cards (p), 09/02/1954:6 Center Fruit Store Opens at 160 Center St (ad), 06/23/1950:4 Central Baptist Church Two hundred attend annual meeting, 05/12/1950:6 Extends call to Paul J. West, 05/19/1950:1 Interim pastor Ralph Hone concludes service here, 06/02/1950:1 Vacation Bible School opens, 07/14/1950:8 Fourteenth Daily Vacation Bible school comes to a close, 07/28/1950:1 Paul West new pastor (p), 09/01/1950:1 Asks that no additional liquor licenses be issued, 09/15/1950:11 Morning service broadcast over WPEP (ad), 10/20/1950:2 Will continue radio ministry, 01/11/1951:1 Opens new nursery department, 01/11/1951:5 Requests permit for mobile address system and overhead sign, 02/22/1951:1 Three hundred seventy five men attend Jim Vaus meeting, 03/15/1951:1 Begins 15th year of Bible School, 07/05/1951:4 Sign request granted, 07/12/1951:2 Successful close to 15th season (p), 07/26/1951:1 Modernization underway at church, 01/17/1952:1 Sunday evening services at 7:00 (ad), 03/20/1952:10 Attend church (ad), 04/17/1952:10 Infants dedicated, 06/12/1952:5 Vacation Bible School starts 16th year, 07/10/1952:10 Vacation Bible School closes (p), 07/24/1952:4 Former local minister, Rev Julius, scheduled to preach here, 07/31/1952:8 Calls student assistant to aid in local work, 04/02/1953:1 Spring renovation includes new paint, 04/16/1953:7 John Burgess ordained into ministry, 04/30/1953:5 Historical review on eve of 125th anniversary, 05/07/1953:1 Holds annual meeting, 05/07/1953:3 Church history presented at anniversary celebration, 05/21/1953:1 Displays valued items of bygone days, 06/04/1953:7 Four Middleboro youths face larceny charges, 06/25/1953:3 Mildred Salley named Bible School superintendent, 12/10/1953:5 D.D. Sullivan purchases Drake homestead from Central Baptist 50 years ago, 04/01/1954:8 Holds annual meeting, 05/06/1954:4 Holds dedication of babies, 06/24/1954:10 Holds Rally Day, 09/30/1954:3 Central Cafe Dascoulias granted television license, 05/03/1951:5 Selectmen hold hearing on alleged sale of liquor to minor, 11/05/1953:1 Central Cemetery Extemporaneous services held for Memorial Day, 06/02/1950:1 Louise Thatcher new treasurer (ad), 06/16/1950:4 New tomb completed 50 years ago, 10/28/1954:9 Central Congregational Church Comments on court action taken by Eagles over liquor license, 01/06/1950:1 Purchases 300 new hymnals, 03/24/1950:11 Holds annual meeting, 04/07/1950:6 Co-Workers hold annual meeting, 04/07/1950:12 Holds annual Fall Church Night, 10/27/1950:2 Greeks send thanks for gifts of food, 03/29/1951:1 51 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Central Congregational Church continued Holds annual meeting, 04/05/1951:4 White Church Guild arranges antiques display, 04/19/1951:1 White Church Guild members arrive at antique show in oldtime transportation (p), 04/26/1951:6 Pastor Ralph Edwards dies suddenly, 05/10/1951:1 Holds annual promotion day, 06/07/1951:10 George Shepherd accepts call, 10/25/1951:1 To welcome new minister, George Shepherd (p), 01/31/1952:1 Rev and Mrs Shepherd welcomed at reception, 02/14/1952:9 Holds annual meeting, 04/03/1952:1 Mrs Ralph Edwards named Mother of the Year, 05/15/1952:6 Installs George Shepherd as pastor, 11/13/1952:5 Beneficiary of Stanwood Sparrow's will, 11/20/1952:1 Tests new electrical bell ringer, 02/12/1953:1 Annual reports submitted, 04/09/1953:10 Harriet Hudson Iseminger named Church Mother of the Year, 05/14/1953:1 Parlor redecorated as combination chapel and social room, 09/24/1953:10 Holds annual meeting, 04/08/1954:6 Pilgrim Fellowship collecting soap for Greece, 04/22/1954:2 Pilgrim Fellowship honors MHS grads, 05/06/1954:12 Elsie Wheeler named Church Mother, 05/13/1954:1 Pastor Paul West supports St. Luke's fund drive (l), 09/23/1954:4 Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1 Rev George Shepherd on God's Greatest Gift, 12/02/1954:5 Central Methodist Church. see also King's Daughters - Shining Circle Local pastor, Paul Brooks, has works at Boston exhibition, 01/06/1950:6 May conference sets up complete organization, 06/02/1950:1 Organist, Florence Sweet, honored for 30 years of service, 10/20/1950:1 Former local boy Sherman Smith to speak (p), 02/01/1951:1 WSCS pop concert a great success, 05/24/1951:6 Sunday school re-opens with largest attendance since 1941, 09/13/1951:8 May join in youth movement, 02/07/1952:8 Holds quarterly conference, 04/03/1952:6 Sixty present Easter pageant, 04/17/1952:10 WSCS holds annual Mother-Daughter banquet, 05/15/1952:11 Sixth annual pop concert well patronized, 05/22/1952:6 Unites with First Unitarian for summer services, 05/26/1952:3 Church school elects officers, 09/11/1952:1 WSCS holds Mother-Daughter banquet, 05/14/1953:9 Unites with First Unitarian and First Congregational for the summer, 06/25/1953:1 Former pastor Annas presents gifts, 02/04/1954:9 Rev Paul Brooks accepts call to Niantic pastorate, 05/27/1954:1 Roland Stahl, Jr. new minister, 06/17/1954:1 Welcomes new pastor, Roland Stahl, Jr., 07/01/1954:5 Hurricane damages bell tower, 09/09/1954:1 Rev. Roland Stahl on Christmas Means Emmanuel, 12/09/1954:5 Ceramics Honey Jug House, pottery classes (ad), 10/07/1954:4 Cerda, Ellen Louise Twin daughter of Arthur and Marion Cerda dies at age 5, 09/11/1952:5 Cerebral Palsy Ralph Maddigan heads local appeal, 05/08/1952:6 Appeal names co-chairman, 05/22/1952:1 Fund collects $199.60 (t), 07/03/1952:1 Fund drive appeal underway, 06/10/1954:1 Cesar's Restaurant, Wareham St (ad), 02/24/1950:12 Announces opening of additional dining space (ad), 05/26/1950:8 Cesar Sousa has bigger kitchen and new facilities (p), 09/06/1951:8 Chace, Augustus Matheson 101st birthday near; biography, 07/28/1950:1 Dies at age 101, obituary, 01/18/1951:1 Wareham man dies at age 101, 01/18/1951:5 Chace, Barbara Gurney Son born, 06/21/1951:5 Chace, Caroline Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 10/15/1953:1 Chace, Dorothy Engaged to Cedric Smith, Jr., 02/18/1954:1 Chace, E. Stanley Son born, 06/25/1953:5 Adventist pastor resigns, 10/01/1953:9 Chace, Ernest P. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 08/25/1950:3 Chace, Esther Smith Son born, 06/25/1953:5 Chace, Merrill Son born, 06/21/1951:5 Chace, Mildred Armstrong Engaged to Francis L. Moquin, 12/25/1952:4 Chadwick, Muriel Fongeallaz Son born, 05/17/1951:4 Chadwick, Ralph D. Son born, 05/17/1951:4 Chadwick, Ruth Goodale Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5, 05/14/1953:4 Chadwick, William Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5, 05/14/1953:4 Chain Saws L.H. Parker, County Rd, Lakeville (ad), 12/23/1954:3 Chakalis, Toula Wed to Louis Stamatelos, 05/06/1954:6 Chalmers, Jean R. Wed to Harry LeBaron Sampson, 10/07/1954:10 Chamberlain, Annie Christine Obituary, 08/19/1954:4 Widow of William dies at age 87, 08/19/1954:4 Chamberlain, Joseph A. Applies for license to manufacture ice cream, 11/10/1950:12 Request denied, 12/08/1950:5 Chamberlain, Mrs W.T. Moves here from Quincy, 10/09/1952:3 Chamberlain, Richard Granted four-year scholarship to Springfield College, 06/24/1954:1 Attends World Council of Churches meeting in Framingham despite hurricane, 09/16/1954:1 Chamberlain, Richard K. Liberal reward for recovery of stolen bicycle (ad), 09/11/1952:10 Chamberlain, Richard King Accepted to Springfield College, 04/29/1954:7 Chamberland, Joseph A. see Dairy Queen Chambers, John Son born, 01/18/1951:5 MHS agriculture students work on farms during summer break (p), 07/15/1954:1 Chambers, John Gerald MHS agriculture students work on farms during summer break (p), 07/15/1954:1 Chambers, John H. Son born, 03/27/1952:5 Chambers, John Herbert Replaces vocational ag instructor Barrow at MHS, 08/18/1950:1 Chambers, Mary Four generations represented at Silvia's 50th anniversary celebration (p), 09/30/1954:1 Chambers, Mary Ladino Son born, 01/18/1951:5 Chambers, Mary Nadino Son born, 03/27/1952:5 Champlin (Mr) MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 Champlin, A.L. Cotuit oysters, 10 Forest St (ad), 01/06/1950:2 Champlin, Arthur L. Dies at age 88, 12/23/1954:4 Obituary, 12/23/1954:9 Champlin, Virginia Staff of new Sears and Roebuck catalog store (p), 11/15/1951:6 Champlin, Virginia Kern MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 52 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Chandler, Birt North Carver couple married 40 years, 02/11/1954:4 Chandler, Charles Franklin Husband of Nellie Leonard dies at age 79, 06/07/1951:5 Obituary, 06/07/1951:5 Chandler, Edward J. Engaged to Carole Morrissey, 11/20/1952:2 Chandler, Harold M. Fined $5 for failure to stop, 12/02/1954:2 Chandler, Jennie Funeral held in Plymouth, 02/10/1950:6 Chandler, Jesse Garnett Robinson North Carver couple married 40 years, 02/11/1954:4 Chandler, Joseph Wedding described, 01/08/1953:4 Chandler, Milton Staff Sergeant to report to Camp Stedman, CA, 03/26/1953:4 Staff Sergeant sent to Korea, 05/21/1953:4 Chandler, Ralph Engaged to Barbara Hagan, 02/19/1953:5 Chandonais, Henry E. Foreclosure notice, 11/13/1952:9 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 01/01/1953:4 Chaplain, Carol A. New teacher elected here, 05/08/1952:1 Chaplain, Carol Ann Graduates from Bridgewater State Teachers' College (p), 06/07/1951:1 Chaplain, Michael James Born to Richard and Patricia Charbonneau, 10/02/1952:5 Chaplain, Patricia Charbonneau Resigns as assistant music supervisor for public schools, 05/08/1952:1 Son born, 10/02/1952:5 Daughter born, 10/08/1953:4 Chaplain, Richard Attends Champlain College, NY, 04/07/1950:12 Son born, 10/02/1952:5 Daughter born, 10/08/1953:4 Chaplain, Richard L. Engaged to Patricia M. Charbonneau, 07/26/1951:8, 11/29/1951:7 Wed to Patricia M. Charbonneau, 01/03/1952:5 Chaplain, Richard Louis Wedding described, 12/27/1951:5 Chaplain, Wilfred A. Petition for administration of estate, 04/05/1951:5 Chaplic, Ralph Television and radio service and repair, 19 Barrows St (ad), 04/24/1952:7 Chaplic, Ralph D. Enlists in local unit of Massachusetts National Guard, 06/25/1953:1 Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1 Chapman, Benjamin E. Thieves enter store 50 years ago, 04/08/1954:9 Chapman, Everett Daughter born, 10/23/1952:5 Chapman, Muriel Benjamin Son born, 11/01/1951:5 Chapman, Raymond New janitor at MHS, 12/20/1951:11 Chapman, Sarah Elizabeth Wed to George Waldo Stearns, 01/22/1953:5 Chapman, Virginia Taylor Daughter born, 10/23/1952:5 Chapman, William Son born, 11/01/1951:5 Chappelear, Joyce H. Wed to Homer W. Griffith, 03/27/1952:8 Chappell, C. Raymond Central Baptist pastor from 1919 to 1926, 05/07/1953:4 Former local pastor dies, 09/24/1953:1 Charbonneau, Patricia Attends Syracuse University, 04/21/1950:8 Named rushing chairman for sorority at Syracuse University, 05/12/1950:4 Charbonneau, Patricia continued Named to Dean's List at Syracuse University, 08/11/1950:6 On Dean's List at Syracuse University, 07/12/1951:3 MHS greets new teacher, 10/04/1951:5 Charbonneau, Patricia M. Named to Syracuse University Dean's List, 03/15/1951:1 New assistant to school music director, 05/10/1951:6 Music major graduates from Syracuse University, 05/31/1951:1 Engaged to Richard L. Chaplain, 07/26/1951:8, 11/29/1951:7 Wed to Richard L. Chaplain, 01/03/1952:5 Charbonneau, Patricia Marion Wedding described, 12/27/1951:5 Charette, Albert Engaged to Viola Standish, 03/29/1951:4 Charette, Albert Elisha Engaged to Viola A. Standish, 04/05/1951:5 Wedding described, 04/19/1951:4 Charette, Alfred Engaged to Viola Standish, 01/25/1951:6 Son born, 04/29/1954:4 Charette, Alfred E. Wed to Viola A. Standish, 05/03/1951:5 Discharged after 11 years of Army service, 06/17/1954:9 Charette, Harlan Mother seeks aid of government in search for body, 08/28/1952:4 Charette, Harlan D. Local teacher drowns in New Hampshire, 07/03/1952:1 Memorial service for former teacher, 09/04/1952:1 Service held for former Bates School teacher, 09/25/1952:1 Charette, Minnie P. Widow of Alfred E. dies at age 77, 09/09/1954:4 Obituary, 09/09/1954:5 Charette, Viola Standish Son born, 04/29/1954:4 Charlie's Diner Charles Goodwin opens former Everett Square Diner (ad), 01/17/1952:8 Charles Goodwin granted victualler's license, 01/24/1952:1 Now open Sundays (ad), 09/25/1952:10 Charles Goodwin, John Glass, Jr. Square (p), 08/13/1953:6 John Glass, Jr. Square, 11/05/1953:8 Preparing tasty meals (p), 02/04/1954:6 Fine food served, 05/13/1954:8 Goodwin denies rumor of diner sale, 05/27/1954:1 Charlton’s. see G.L. Charlton Co. Charron, Arnold C. Son born, 06/28/1951:9 Charron, Arnold Carlton Born to Arnold C., 06/28/1951:9 Charlton’s. see G.L. Charlton Co. Charron, Charles Precinct St couple married 11 years, 09/29/1950:6 Charron, Dorothy Louise Wedding described, 02/04/1954:2 Charron, Ernest Attends University of Amherst, 02/10/1950:12 Attends University of Connecticut, 03/29/1951:4 Charron, Ernest C. Graduates from UMass, 06/09/1950:6 Charron, Ernest Carlton Wedding described, 06/28/1951:9 Charron, Evelyn Mae Engaged to Carl Lerone Hewitt, 06/28/1951:9 Charron, Everett Earl Dies at age 55, 10/25/1951:5 Obituary, 10/25/1951:5 Charron, John Purchases School St Ext home from Joseph Buisson, 10/16/1952:4 Charron, Leon H.F. Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1 Charter. see Government Chartier, Francis A. Charged with assault and attempted rape, 02/05/1953:9 Fined for assault, attempted rape charge dismissed, 02/12/1953:10 53 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Chartier, Francis A. continued Engaged to Rita Benson, 08/26/1954:4 Wed to Rita Benson, 09/02/1954:4 Chartier, Lea Manager of Blais Cleaners, 160 Center St (ad), 10/04/1951:2 Chartier, Leah Engaged to Richard Barteaux, 09/24/1953:5 Chartier, Leah Rosalind Wedding described (p), 11/05/1953:5 Chartier, Lennie Employed at Moskoff's Super Market, Bedford St, 08/13/1953:6 Chartier, Ralph Engaged to Theresa Mary Guertin, 04/21/1950:1 Collie wins at Providence dog show, 03/25/1954:5 Chartier, Ralph J. For your architectural problems (ad), 02/28/1952:10 Chartrand, Harold Engaged to Katherine Sylvia, 10/22/1953:7 Chartrand, Harold D. Engaged to Katherine Eileen Sylvia, 07/23/1953:8 Chartrand, Harold Delbert Engaged to Katherine Sylvia, 10/15/1953:4 Wed to Katherine Sylvia, 11/12/1953:6 Wedding described, 11/12/1953:11 Charves, Michael, Jr. Engaged to Lillian Hebert, 05/08/1952:7 Wed to Lillian Hebert, 05/15/1952:7 Chase, Alfred B. Tax collector's notice, 04/12/1951:9 Foreclosure notice, 08/02/1951:7 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/27/1951:2 Chase, Augustus Welcomes friends on 101st birthday, 08/11/1950:1 Chase, Barbara Burney Son born, 02/24/1950:11 Chase, Beverly Kenneth J. Keedwell charged with break-and-entering and rape, 05/06/1954:12 Chase, Caroline Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1 Chase, Chrystal M. Dies at age 76, 10/29/1953:5 Obituary, 10/29/1953:5 Tribute in School News, 11/19/1953:7 Chase, Edna L. Foreclosure notice, 08/02/1951:7 Chase, Ernest P. Resigns from Gas & Electric Department, 01/17/1952:1 Chase, Ethel May Widow of James H. dies at age 59, 03/10/1950:5 Obituary, 03/10/1950:6 Petition for administration of estate, 04/21/1950:7 Chase, Lillian B. Obituary, 12/27/1951:4 Chase, Marilyn South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home (p), 10/18/1951:1 Chase, Merrill Son born, 02/24/1950:11 Chase, Mrs Harold Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1 Chase, Ray Expresses regret could not attend VFW event here (l), 04/08/1954:4 Chase, Raymond H. Nominated for office of mayor in Dover, NH (p), 11/29/1951:1 Chase, Roger South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home (p), 10/18/1951:1 Chase, Sarah Public auction (ad), 11/19/1953:11 Chase, Walter A. Character approved for pedlar's license, 04/07/1950:5 Engaged to Eileen A. Poirier, 04/03/1952:5 Chase, Walter A. continued Wed to Eileen A. Poirier, 04/17/1952:5 Chase, Wayland New conductor on M, W && BB 50 years ago, 06/17/1954:8 Chausse, Catherine Middleboro war bride now a citizen (p), 09/20/1951:1 Chausse, Eddie Key player in Little League (p), 06/25/1953:4 Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1 Chausse, Francis Daughter born, 12/08/1950:4 John Ferraguto acquitted of negligence, 01/22/1953:1 Chausse, Francis Arthur WW II vet killed instantly when car goes off Rte 28 (p), 12/18/1952:1 John Ferraguto trial set for 20th, 01/08/1953:8 Chausse, Katherine Lennie Son born, 03/13/1952:5 Chausse, Leonard Son born, 03/13/1952:5 Chausse, Pearl Chartier Daughter born, 12/08/1950:4 Engaged to John R. Sullivan, 01/21/1954:5 Wed to John R. Sullivan, 02/11/1954:4 Chauvin, Roger Adrien Killed in auto accident near Cabot, VT, 09/09/1954:8 Chaves, Al Middleboro Softball League champs for 1953 (p), 09/03/1953:1 Checker Taxi Company taken over by Superior Taxi, 03/24/1950:8 Cheney, Evelyn Snow Son born, 09/17/1953:6 Cheney, Mrs B.M. Leonard Bump pleads guilty to break-in, 09/18/1952:3 Leonard Bump held for grand jury on two breaks and larceny, 09/25/1952:9 Bump indicted on two counts of breaking-and-entering and larceny, 10/16/1952:7 Cheney, Preston Engaged to Evelyn Snow, 02/22/1951:7, 08/23/1951:5 Son born, 09/17/1953:6 Cheney, Preston Vincent Wedding described, 09/13/1951:5 Wed to Evelyn Jewell Snow, 09/27/1951:4 Chessman, Joy Engaged to Roger W. Tillson, 11/15/1951:7 Wedding described, 01/03/1952:3 Chestnut, Jean Faietti Son born, 10/20/1950:5 Chestnut, Joan Model in Little Theatre Group fashion show (p), 12/09/1954:7 Chestnut, Leonard Son born, 10/20/1950:5 Chestnut, Robert Two-and-a-half-year-old takes walk on South Main St, 03/26/1953:1 Chevigny, Henry Retired Brockton dentist dies suddenly, 08/30/1951:10 Chick, Fred Employed by Industrial Spray Painting, Inc., 08/12/1954:6 The Chicken House Open for season March 16th (ad), 03/10/1950:10 Open for the season, South Middleboro (ad), 03/08/1951:10 Change in hours (ad), 09/04/1952:8 Chicken Pox Two cases reported, 10/30/1952:2 Twelve cases reported, 02/05/1953:8 Thirty cases reported, 02/12/1953:4 No epidemic, health officer says, 02/11/1954:1 Chickens. see Poultry Chickering, Lee Injured in fall from bicycle, 05/10/1951:6 Chickering, Mrs William Aunt dies in Boston, 12/29/1950:5 54 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Chickering, William Lets tenement to Merle Blakesley, 01/25/1951:5 Navy man takes two week instructors course in Charleston, SC, 05/10/1951:6 Employed at State Farm, 04/10/1952:8 Chilcot, Bud Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Chilcot, Buddy Engaged to Ann Silvia Fortin, 10/29/1953:10 Chilcot, Buddy D. Engaged to Ann S. Fortin, 04/15/1954:6 Wed to Ann S. Fortin, 04/29/1954:4 Child Care Kiddie Care Center, Ruth Pfister, 501 Taunton St (ad), 06/12/1952:12 Board of Health regulations detailed, 02/18/1954:6 Child Welfare. see also Desertion and Non-Support Babysitting standards proposed by MHS Girls' League, 05/05/1950:1 Joseph Boudreau gets custody of children, 06/16/1950:12 Roland Boardman charged with assault on two children, 08/07/1952:2 Findings deferred in Boardman assault case, 08/14/1952:1 Lillian Guild gets suspended sentence for neglect of minor children, 09/04/1952:3 Continuance granted in Welch child neglect case, 08/05/1954:7 Middleboro committee of Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children opens annual appeal, 10/07/1954:1 Chin, Marjorie Wedding described, 09/01/1950:8 China Villa Restaurant American and Chinese, junction of routes 28 & 44 (ad) (i), 01/06/1950:3 Wanted, experienced waitress (ad), 08/09/1951:5 Cash stolen in break-in, 05/20/1954:1 Chinchillas Cape Cod Chinchilla Ranch, Rita and Wilfred Duphily, 309 Miller St (ad), 06/11/1953:5 Hanson Chinchilla Ranch, Myrtle St, 10/15/1953:8 Ernest Hanson enters animals in competition (p), 02/04/1954:1 Chite, Chester New Jersey couple married 25 years, 11/18/1954:5 Chiuppi, Lorraine Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Chiuppi, Maria A. Wife of Sabatino dies at age 68, 05/07/1953:4 Obituary, 05/07/1953:9 Chiuppi, Patsy J. Engaged to Natalie E. Guilford Murphy, 07/15/1954:4 Wed to Natalie E. Guilford Murphy, 07/22/1954:5 Chiuppi, Peter Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1 Application for liquor license (ad), 11/19/1953:5 Patricia Small wins Elks youth leadership prize (p), 05/06/1954:1 Combination aluminum doors and windows (ad), 06/17/1954:4 Chiuppi, Samuel Renews ties with sister in Brazil after 48 years, 12/10/1953:3 Choate, Charles Gardner Dies at age 72, 09/09/1954:4 Obituary, 09/09/1954:9 Chouinard, Beulah Powell Daughter born, 06/28/1951:5 Chouinard, Henry Wed to Mary Sheehan Litchfield, 07/02/1953:4 Chouinard, Maurice Daughter born, 06/28/1951:5 Family moves to Los Angeles, CA, 11/27/1952:5 Christensen, Elizabeth Petition for administration of estate, 06/02/1950:2 Administrator presents account of estate, 04/17/1952:2 Christenson, Eddie Instructor at Boston Accordion Center Branch Studio at 1 Wareham St, 04/02/1953:9 Christenson, Marga Resigns from Assawompsett School cafeteria, 12/09/1954:3 Christmas. see also Community Christmas Fund Unusual revolving tree at Thorsell's on Bourne St, 01/06/1950:1 Lighting committee re-appointed, 10/06/1950:1 Bank club totals reach over $200,000, 11/10/1950:1 New features to be added to decorations and displays, 12/01/1950:1 Manger scene on Town House new feature, 12/08/1950:1 Selectmen consider purchase of public address system, 12/08/1950:4 Holiday light display to be turned on tonight, 12/15/1950:1 Holiday display (p), 12/22/1950:1 Holiday display wins praise, 01/11/1951:1 New features for holiday display, 12/06/1951:1 Decorations nearly ready, 12/13/1951:1 Selectmen vote appreciation for all decoration participants, 12/20/1951:1 Banks and business firms make carols possible, 12/27/1951:1 Reindeer prance at power station, 12/27/1951:1 Eagles give party for more than 250 children (p), 12/27/1951:4 Lamps stolen from holiday display, 01/03/1952:1 Lighting Committee reappointed, 10/23/1952:1 Entire Lighting Committee resigns, 11/06/1952:4 New committee named, 11/13/1952:1 Bank clubs total $210,000, 11/20/1952:1 White Way lights to be decorated, 12/04/1952:1 Decorations lit up weather permitting, 12/11/1952:1 Town ready for holiday, 12/18/1952:1 Youngsters from sanatorium see Santa at James McNeil Co. (p), 12/18/1952:1 Some job to decorate White Way, 12/18/1952:4 Selectmen Maddigan sends out holiday message (l), 12/18/1952:7 Eagles host 200 children at annual Christmas party, 12/25/1952:4 Tree cleanup set for rubbish crew, 01/01/1953:4 New and renovated figures included in annual display, 12/03/1953:1 Santa to spend week at local headquarters, 12/03/1953:1 MHS students busy decorating Santa's shop, 12/03/1953:4 Santa gets inside dope on gifts (p), 12/10/1953:1 Holds Christmas party for 75 children, 12/24/1953:1 Leonard and Barrows entertains 450 children at Town House, 12/24/1953:1 New features and light make display best ever, 12/24/1953:1 Committee thanked, re-appointed, 12/31/1953:1 MB Savings Bank and MB Trust Co. Christmas Clubs combine for $232,536.50, 11/18/1954:1 MHS vocational students build home for Santa on Post Office lawn, 11/25/1954:1 Santa arrives at local headquarters (p), 12/16/1954:1 Local church production of The Messiah enjoyed by 350, 12/16/1954:9 Retail Merchants Assoc expresses thanks for co-operation on projects (l), 12/30/1954:1 Christmas Seals Middleboro sales short of last year, 01/20/1950:7 Christofori, Elizabeth Cummings Daughter born, 11/08/1951:7, 06/17/1954:5 Christofori, Lawrence Daughter born, 11/08/1951:7, 06/17/1954:5 Christopher, C. Percy 15th pastor of Central Baptist, 05/07/1953:1 Christy's Spa Granted victualler's license, 10/27/1950:1 Chrostowski, Claire L. Cottage Handicrafters (ad), 01/13/1950:4 Chruniack, Philip Son born, 03/31/1950:12 Chrystie, Margaret L. Engaged to John Wolstenholme, Jr., 08/25/1950:5 Wed to John Wolstenholme, Jr., 09/08/1950:5 Chuckpan, Richard A. Engaged to Patricia A. Tanguay, 09/30/1954:4 Chuckran, Richard Engaged to Patricia Ann Tanguay, 07/01/1954:1 Chuckran, Richard A. Wed to Patricia A. Tanguay, 10/07/1954:7 Chuckran, Richard Arnold Wedding described, 10/21/1954:3 55 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Chuckran, Samuel Raymond Leaves for induction in Boston, 02/08/1951:10 Churbuck, Clarence Resides in Washington, DC, 06/02/1950:7 Gets 15 days for drunkenness, 11/18/1954:2 Churbuck, F.F. Post office employee 50 years ago, 09/23/1954:8 Churbuck, Flora K. New teacher at Flora M. Clark School, 09/06/1951:1 Churbuck, Forrest Savery Husband of Annie Marshall dies at age 80, 05/21/1953:6 Obituary, 05/21/1953:7 Churbuck, Fred Resigns as treasurer of Central Cemetery (ad), 06/16/1950:4 Churbuck, Fred F. Moves to School St, 08/18/1950:9 Churbuck, James Rides airplane to Washington, DC, 06/14/1951:12 Churbuck, Lewis M. Resides in Chicago, IL, 06/23/1950:8 Churbuck, Mary A. Petition for probate of will, 05/26/1950:2 Churbuck, Mary Alice Wife of Fred F. dies at age 82, 05/12/1950:7 Obituary, 05/12/1950:14 Churbuck, Mrs Percy Father observes 106th birthday, 11/22/1951:4 Churbuck, Percy Summer home at Onset destroyed by fire, 03/25/1954:3 Churbuck, Percy F. Re-appointed notary, 12/08/1950:10 Runs for Board of Assessors, 12/13/1951:1 Biographical sketch of assessor's candidate, 12/27/1951:1 For assessor (ad), 01/17/1952:10 William Metcalf pleads guilty to larceny, 07/24/1952:3 Metcalf jailed four months for larceny from Churbuck's home, 07/31/1952:1 Metcalf ignores court date, 07/31/1952:3 Sets forth complete facts around dealings with Leo Kahian (l), 09/25/1952:8 Churbuck, P.F. For rent, furnished studio apartment, 75 North Main St (ad), 03/10/1950:2 Church, Robert Damon Inducted into armed forces, 04/09/1953:1 Church Coal Co. Oil burners (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Closed Saturdays (ad), 05/21/1953:2 Thirteenth suspected arson fire set at coal company, 08/12/1954:1 Now has 24-hour oil burner service (ad), 09/30/1954:3 Church of Our Saviour Holds annual meeting, 01/20/1950:7 Parish fair a complete success, 12/15/1950:12 Holds annual meeting, 01/18/1951:3 Parish fair well attended, 12/13/1951:11 Class of eight confirmed, 02/07/1952:5 Rector Lawrence Nyberg goes to Norfolk prison colony (p), 04/10/1952:1 Philip Douglas new rector (p), 06/19/1952:1 Parish fair well patronized, 12/11/1952:8 New rector, Philip Douglas, installed (p), 12/25/1952:1 Two hundred attend Corporate Communion, 02/26/1953:2 Holds annual Epiphany Candlelight service, 01/07/1954:8 Holds annual parish meeting, 01/21/1954:8 Administer sacrament of baptism, 04/22/1954:9 Confirmation class presented, 10/28/1954:6 Thanksgiving (sermonette) (Philip C. Douglas), 11/18/1954:6 Rev Philip Douglas resigns post, 12/16/1954:1 Churches. see also Middleboro Ministers' Association; names of specific churches and denominations Brotherhood Week Program (ad), 02/12/1953:2 Churchill, C.B. Roofing and siding (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Churchill, Chester B. The roofer, 43 East Main St (p), 08/20/1953:6 The roofer with 34 years of experience, 12/10/1953:8 Makes repairs to Town House roof, 01/28/1954:9 Middleboro's roofer (p), 03/04/1954:6 Churchill, Chet If your roof leaks, call Chet, 05/27/1954:8 Churchill, Edwin Wed to Virginia Francis Davis, 04/26/1951:7 Churchill, Eleanor Kinsman Profile of MHS substitute teacher, 10/06/1950:9 Churchill, Elinor Replaces MHS teacher Esther Moore who takes leave of absence, 09/15/1950:4 Churchill, Freida Hartmann MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1 Churchill, Helen Mosier Son born, 10/18/1951:5 Churchill, John Son born, 10/18/1951:5 Churchill, Johnny Employed by father, Churchill the roofer (p), 08/20/1953:6 Churchill, Luther Chats about festival of educators attended in Worcester, 03/01/1951:1 Visit to class shows how Churchill teaches, 10/04/1951:8 Chosen to receive Eagles' civic service award (p), 04/10/1952:1 Receives civic award from Eagles (p), 05/01/1952:4 Kendrick Washburn praises work on Music Fest (l), 05/15/1952:6 Thanks all participants in Music Fest (l), 06/05/1952:11 Churchill, Marilyn Engaged to Stephen Pawlak, 09/01/1950:5 Wed to Stephen Pawlak, 09/15/1950:7 Attends Becker Junior College, 12/20/1951:5 Churchill, Marilyn Louise Wedding described, 09/15/1950:6 Churchill, Merilyn Nan Wedding described, 11/27/1952:4 Churchill, Shirley Attends Becker Junior College, Worcester, 12/01/1950:1 Graduates from Becker Junior College, 06/07/1951:1 Churchill, Stanley Employed by father, Churchill the roofer (p), 08/20/1953:6 Chute, Cordelia Maria Widow of Linam dies at age 84, 03/08/1951:5 Obituary, 03/08/1951:7 Ciampa, Angelo First mattress of its kind on display at J.M. Wells (p), 12/06/1951:8 Circuses South Middleboro youngsters stage circus to benefit Red Cross (p), 09/25/1952:4 South Middleboro youngsters stage circus in support of Junior Red Cross, 06/25/1953:7 South School pupils hold own circus (p), 06/17/1954:4 Ciss, Natasza Wed to James J. Pursley, 08/11/1950:5 Citizenship Three Middleboro war brides now citizens (p), 09/20/1951:1 Civil Defense. see also Ground Observer Corps David Reed named local director (p), 09/29/1950:1 Fred Goodwin appointed director in Lakeville, 10/27/1950:7 Emerson Coe named chief observer for local Ground Observers Corps, 11/03/1950:1 Director wants quarters, 11/24/1950:1 David Reed presents red alert plans for enemy raid, 12/22/1950:1 Director Reed issues first communique, 01/11/1951:1 Pamphlets on A-bomb to be distributed to families here, 01/25/1951:1 Volunteers wanted for auxiliary fire force, 01/25/1951:6 J. Stearns Cushing named to regional committee, 02/01/1951:1 Ralph Maddigan, Jr. named regional coordinator, 02/08/1951:1 Director David Reed resigns, 03/15/1951:1 Kenneth Keedwell new director, 03/29/1951:1 Air raid signals and instructions (ad), 04/26/1951:7 Engaged to Joseph Marra, 05/03/1951:2 56 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Civil Defense continued Roger Macdonald named sanitation assistant, 05/03/1951:2 Wardens needed; six air raid sirens installed, 06/28/1951:1 Volunteer form (ad), 06/28/1951:9 Middleboro Red Cross program to stockpile plasma in event of enemy attack, 07/19/1951:1 Middleboro included in designated area for evacuees, 09/06/1951:1 Material here for evacuee housing survey, 09/20/1951:1 Operation Skywatch essential (l), 07/24/1952:1 Volunteers on Operation Skywatch listed, 08/07/1952:7 All urged to get blood typed, 01/15/1953:1 Getting blood typed may save your life, 01/22/1953:1 Blood typing done on 852 citizens, 01/29/1953:1 Total of 2,253 persons get blood typed, 02/05/1953:1 Blood type attendance best here, 02/12/1953:1 Test alert scheduled, 05/14/1953:1 Procedure for test alert here, 05/21/1953:1 Test alert a success, 05/28/1953:1 Air raid results show more sirens needed, 06/17/1954:1 Cjesman, Joy Wed to Roger Tillson, 12/27/1951:5 Clapp, Elmer Cottage swept off foundation in hurricane, body recovered, 09/02/1954:1 Clapp, Elmer H. Dies at age 66, 09/02/1954:4 Petition for probate of will, 09/30/1954:4 Clapp, Elmer Harrison Obituary, 09/09/1954:7 Clapp, Raymond William Sent to Boston for induction, 03/13/1952:1 Clark, Amy L. Obituary, 02/04/1954:2 Clark, Amy Lavicia Widow of William J. dies at age 81, 02/04/1954:5 Clark, Avis Dies in Wolfboro, NH, 05/26/1950:7 Clark, Barbara Belben Daughter born, 04/01/1954:4 Clark, Bob MHS agriculture students work on farms during summer break (p), 07/15/1954:1 Clark, Carrie F. Petition for probate of will, 11/10/1950:7 Clark, Carrie Foster Widow of James M., Jr. dies at age 89, 11/03/1950:5 Obituary, 11/03/1950:6 Clark, Carroll Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3 Clark, C.E. The sail to Block Island (l), 08/06/1953:4 Clark, Cecil Enrolled at Burdett College 50 years ago, 09/09/1954:7 Clark, Charles MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p), 06/14/1951:1 Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1 High school presents check for $210 to Perry Fund (p), 04/02/1953:1 Freshman at University of Massachusetts, 09/17/1953:7 Clark, Charles A. Prepares to turn over dry goods business in Copeland block to new owner 50 years ago, 01/14/1954:8 Clark, Charles B. Wins sailing trophies in Angelica Yacht Club Cat Boat Races (p), 09/20/1951:1 Named to staff playgrounds, 05/21/1953:1 Clark, Charles C. Dies at age 75, 08/13/1953:4 Obituary, 08/13/1953:5 Clark, Chester Daughter born, 10/20/1950:5 Clark, "Chuck" Key man on MHS baseball team (p), 05/14/1953:10 Clark, Clarence Historic homestead for sale (p), 07/09/1953:6 Clark, Clarence Edmund Husband of Viola Wilmot dies at age 55, 03/27/1952:5 Obituary, 03/27/1952:10 Clark, Cyrenia B. Petition for administration of estate, 01/13/1950:4 Clark, Daniel Knocked unconscious by Norton auto on North Main St, 08/25/1950:1 Clark, Dawn Old Country Store makes learning fun at School Street School (p), 04/08/1954:1 Clark, Deborah Marie Born to Winthrop H. and Edith G., 12/11/1952:4 Clark, Donald Engaged to Barbara Mae Belben, 06/18/1953:3 Daughter born, 04/01/1954:4 Clark, Edith G. Daughter born, 12/11/1952:4 Clark, Edward Lieutenant (jg) stationed at South Boston Navy Yard, 12/24/1953:4 Clark, Edward E. Resumes studies at Dartmouth College, 01/06/1950:7 Elected to Green Key Society at Dartmouth, 04/28/1950:2 Graduates from Dartmouth, high honors for thesis (p), 06/12/1952:1 Returns from Caribbean cruise, scheduled for gunnery school, 03/19/1953:2 Discharged after six years of Navy service, 06/17/1954:9 Clark, Fletcher, 3rd Assistant superintendent of construction at Pratt & Whitney in Windsor Locks, CT, 05/17/1951:9 Employed in Marmora, Ontario, 09/24/1953:6 Resides in Marmora, Ontario, 10/14/1954:4 Clark, Fletcher, Jr. Re-appointed notary public, 08/11/1950:3 Alumnus of Dartmouth College, 05/24/1951:5 Leading citizens to advise selectmen on G&E problems, 09/27/1951:1 Runs for re-election as Town Moderator, 11/29/1951:1 Running for re-election as moderator, 12/03/1953:4 Clark, Frances Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4 Clark, Frances H. Obituary, 04/21/1950:5 Clark, Frances S. Widow of Edward S. dies at age 77, 04/21/1950:5 Clark, George Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1 Clark, George E. Enlists in Navy, training at Bainbridge, MD (p), 07/10/1952:1 Serves at Naval Auxiliary Air Station, Kingsville, TX, 10/28/1954:4 Clark, Harry Fall Brook baseball team, 1910 (p), 03/29/1951:1 Clark, Harry A. Alley retires as sanatorium super, replaced by Clark, 11/03/1950:1 Life saved by heroic GI on Korean front, 03/26/1953:1 Lieutenant Colonel awarded Distinguished Service Cross (p), 10/29/1953:1 Clark, James W. Injured in Rte 28 head-on collision, 04/21/1950:9 Clark, Lottie Lets apartment to Mrs Thomas Pollitt, 12/13/1951:2 Clark, Margaret Engaged to Harold A. Atkins, 04/14/1950:12 Clark, Margaret E. Engaged to Harold A. Atkins, 05/26/1950:7 Wed to Harold A. Atkins, 06/16/1950:7 Clark, Margaret Elizabeth Wedding described, 06/16/1950:3 Clark, Mildred Grossman Daughter born, 10/20/1950:5 Clark, Millicent Engaged to Robert Savage, 08/05/1954:10 57 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Clark, Millicent A. Engaged to Robert M. Savage, 07/29/1954:4 Wed to Robert M. Savage, 08/12/1954:4 Clark, Millicent Ann Graduates from Rome Free Academy, NY, 07/03/1952:1 Engaged to Robert Savage, 02/12/1953:2 Wedding described, 08/12/1954:9 Clark, Mrs Fletcher, Jr. Cabot Club elects new officers (p), 05/14/1953:1 Named to county health Association offices, 05/14/1953:9 Clark, Mrs Frank Obituary, 08/04/1950:2 Clark, Mrs Harry A. Husband awarded Distinguished Service Cross (p), 10/29/1953:1 Clark, Mrs Leslie N. Memorial to Hermon Dyke, 08/23/1951:8 Clark, Mrs W.A.D. Fractures wrist in fall, 06/30/1950:6 Clark, Myra Allen Receives degree from University of Virginia, 06/23/1950:9 Clark, Nellie M. Wed to Herman F. Thomas, 07/12/1951:4 Clark, Nellie Myra Wedding described, 06/28/1951:5 Clark, Norman J. Much decorated veteran now in transport service (p), 06/09/1950:1 Clark, Norman M. Sergeant fine example of initiative, 08/21/1952:10 Promoted to Master Sergeant at Langley AFB, VA, 09/23/1954:7 Clark, Oscar Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3 Clark, Pearl Leona Dies at age 44, 02/21/1952:5 Obituary, 02/21/1952:10 Clark, Polly MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1 Clark, Richard Attends Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 09/15/1950:8 Clark, Richard A. Private assigned to B Battery, 84th Field Artillery at Fort Dix, NJ, 09/06/1951:1 Clark, Richard L. Injured in Rte 28 head-on collision, 04/21/1950:9 Private assigned to duty with NATO in Naples, Italy, 02/19/1953:1 Writes from Naples, Italy (l), 09/24/1953:5 Engaged to Ruth S. Sampson, 06/24/1954:4 Wed to Ruth Standish Sampson, 07/08/1954:4 Wedding described, 07/08/1954:7 Clark, Robert Middleboro Laundry, Wareham St (p), 09/10/1953:6 Middleboro Laundry, local laundry headquarters (ad), 04/22/1954:8 Middleboro Laundry interior view (p), 09/16/1954:6 Clark, Robert A. On federal jury, 02/10/1950:6 Middleboro Laundry wins safety award (p), 10/04/1951:1 No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Clark, Robert G., Jr. Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner for Allan Hale (p), 02/08/1951:1 Clark, Walter A.D. Makes tentative offer of $5,000 for Historical Society building fund, 02/10/1950:1 Lakeville purchases new firefighting equipment from Maxim Motor Co. (p), 01/25/1951:1 Takes position at Milford high school 50 years ago, 03/18/1954:7 Clark, William James Obituary, 02/21/1952:4 Dies at age 79, 02/21/1952:5 Clark, William Lothrop Obituary, 09/15/1950:2 Dies at age 80, 09/15/1950:7 Clark, Winthrop Resides in Rome, NY, 06/02/1950:2 Captain resides in Rome, NY, 07/14/1950:5 Family resides in Baltimore, MD, 08/14/1952:8 Clark, Winthrop continued MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 Clark, Winthrop H. Promoted to Major with Air Research and Development Command (p), 07/24/1952:5 Daughter born, 12/11/1952:4 Clark and Iseminger Mrs W. Wallace Kelley resigns post at law office, 07/29/1954:5 Clarke, Frank Lewis Husband of Emilie Boyden dies at age 68, 02/03/1950:5 Obituary, 02/03/1950:7 Clarkshaw’s Flower Shop 237 North Main St (ad), 03/31/1950:6 Claussen, Caroline Braley Resides in College Station, TX, 08/16/1951:10 Claussen, Carolyn Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 10/15/1953:1 Claussen, Daniel South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Claussen, Diane South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Claussen, Mark South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Claussen, Mrs Robert Resides in College Station, TX, 09/15/1950:12 Claussen, Robert Resides in College Station, TX, 08/16/1951:10 Family moves from South Middleboro to Middleboro, 06/18/1953:4 Claussen, Robert L. Pleads nolo on charge of following too close, 07/29/1954:4 Clayton, John Employed at Moskoff's Super Market, Bedford St, 08/13/1953:6 Cleaning Services Jim & Scotty's, home cleaning service (ad), 03/17/1950:10 Clear Pond Rifle Club Plans to construct 50-yard safety range, 05/10/1951:2 Holds first "Lucky Target Shoot" (t), 08/09/1951:6 Take part in the typical American sport (ad), 12/20/1951:12 Lakeville (ad), 03/13/1952:9 Holds annual meeting, 05/08/1952:5 Holds first indoor shoot, 11/13/1952:12 Selected by state as pilot school for firearms safety, 11/18/1954:10 Cleary, William F. Engaged to Elizabeth Ann Guidoboni, 12/30/1954:1 Cleaves, George Son born, 01/15/1953:7 Petitions for Class III dealer's license, 06/11/1953:4 Selectmen decline to grant license without further information, 06/11/1953:10 Agrees to keep hollow clean, 06/25/1953:4 Daughter born, 12/30/1954:4 Cleaves, Jeanette Bissonnette Son born, 01/15/1953:7 Cleaves, Jeannette Bissonnette Daughter born, 12/30/1954:4 Clements, Frank J. House trailer fire nearly fatal for Mabel Worman, 12/25/1952:1 Clergy. see also Middleboro Ministers' Association I.T. Pierce, lay minister and evangelist, 609 Titicut St (ad), 01/07/1954:3 Cleverly, Harold Family moves from Peirce St to Wood St, 08/09/1951:2 Cleverly, Marjorie Hargan Daughter born, 08/18/1950:5 Cleverly, Marjorie Horgan Son born, 01/29/1953:4 Cleverly, Thomas Daughter born, 08/18/1950:5 Son born, 01/29/1953:4 Couple moves to new home on Rhode Island Rd, 10/28/1954:9 Cleverly's Food Mart 15 North Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:4 Clifford, Emma O. Tribute (l) (Harry E. Richmond), 02/01/1951:8 58 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Clifford, Emma Osgood Obituary, 01/25/1951:4 Dies at age 80, 01/25/1951:5 Clifford, Ethel Sullivan Son born, 06/05/1952:12 Clifford, Ralph R. Son born, 06/05/1952:12 Clifford, Ralph R., 3rd Born to Ralph R. and Ethel Sullivan, 06/05/1952:12 Clifford, Ralph Raymond Engaged to Ethel Martha Sullivan, 02/15/1951:1 Wedding described, 07/12/1951:10 Clokowski, Louis A. Engaged to Beverly Lauterbach, 07/17/1952:9 Cloper, Frances Wedding described, 09/16/1954:3 Closson, Howard Connecticut couple married 50 years, 06/16/1950:3 Closuit (Sergeant) Heading for Japan, 04/10/1952:11 Closuit, Alfred W. Sergeant in Korea since 1952, 02/12/1953:4 Closuit, Edward P. Carver man enlists in U.S. Air Force, 12/17/1953:13 Closuit, Paul Edward Discharged from U.S. Army, 02/12/1953:4 Hired by Plymouth Shoe Co., 02/19/1953:5 Closuit, Ruth Louise Infant daughter of Edward dies, 12/16/1954:5 Clothing St. Luke's Hospital Club fills 65 tables for spring fashion show, 03/24/1950:1 Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1 Rose Marois, hand-smocked beanies, 12 Coombs St (ad), 11/29/1951:8 Hilda Blanchard named state 4-H clothing winner, 11/13/1952:1 Thimble Club Daughters overwhelmed by response to appeal, 11/20/1952:2 Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1 Clothing Industry. see Lobl Manufacturing Co. Clothing Stores. see also Department Stores; Dorothy Ann Shop; Dry Goods; Faietti Fashion Shoppe; G.L. Charlton Co.; The Mademoiselle Shop Tal's, 25 Center St (ad), 01/06/1950:5 Estelle Palmer, Spirella personal corsetry service (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Kiddie Land (ad), 01/20/1950:5 Middleboro Clothing Co. (ad), 01/20/1950:8 Hillside Remnant Shop, used clothing, 15 Fairview St (ad), 01/27/1950:12 Estelle Shop, 37 Center St (ad), 02/17/1950:11 Tal's sponsors novel sale, 02/24/1950:11 McQuades Clothes Shop (ad), 04/07/1950:2 Tal's, anniversary week sale (ad), 05/19/1950:8 Halloween vandals start off at Middleboro Clothing Co. in usual fashion, 11/03/1950:5 Halloween vandals start off in usual fashion at Middleboro Clothing Co., 11/03/1950:5 Alice Dunham, "Willknit" guaranteed hose, 14 Fairview St (ad), 11/06/1952:7 Matsam, formerly Tal's, 25 Center St (ad), 12/18/1952:3 Fire behind McQuade's had appearance of incendiarism, 04/09/1953:1 Middleboro Clothing Co. to carry ladies' nylons, 04/30/1953:11 Defective wiring cause of blaze at Matsam, 02/18/1954:1 Estimate of fire damage in Matsam's blaze, 02/25/1954:10 Casson Credit Clothing Co. leases new Sullivan's block 50 years ago, 05/06/1954:9 Middleboro Clothing Co. wins prize for window display, 12/30/1954:1 Clough, Everett Member of 1910 MHS baseball team (p), 02/01/1951:1 Cloutier, Bobby Former local boy wins TV bubble gum contest, 01/11/1951:1 Club Cape Codder Re-opens at the circle (ad), 02/28/1952:2 George Powers files application for liquor license, 05/28/1953:3 Rotary circle (ad), 03/25/1954:10 Coal. see also R.D. Kelley Coal Co. Church Coal Co., oil burners (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Ernest S. Pratt Co. (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Town request for bids (ad), 01/13/1950:3 Town requests bids (ad), 09/08/1950:3 Request for bids from Department of Public Welfare (ad), 01/04/1951:2 Town requests bids (ad), 09/13/1951:10, 10/09/1952:10 Church Coal Co. closed Saturdays (ad), 05/21/1953:2 Town solicits bids (ad), 10/08/1953:10 Thirteenth suspected arson fire set at Church Coal Co., 08/12/1954:1 Request for bids to supply town (ad), 10/14/1954:3 Cobb, Alice Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club dance (p), 02/17/1950:1 Cobb, Alice F. Engaged to Joseph L. Letourneau, 12/20/1951:7 Wedding described, 01/17/1952:11 Wed to Joseph L. Letourneau, 01/24/1952:5 (7) Cobb, Allen Daughter born, 05/14/1953:4 Son born, 07/22/1954:5 Cobb, Allen S. Promoted to Master Sergeant, 09/29/1950:3 Master Sergeant rates high at AFB in Presque Isle, ME (p), 11/06/1952:1 Cobb, Augustus Elmer Dies at age 84, 10/02/1952:5 Obituary, 10/02/1952:10 Cobb, Charles R. Fenoglio and Cobb collide head-on on Sachem St, 09/22/1950:9 Cobb, Dolores Hebert Daughter born, 06/14/1951:7 Cobb, Edith J. Engaged to George P. Gallus, 01/04/1951:5 Wed to George P. Gallus, 01/18/1951:5 Cobb, Emil Daughter born, 12/29/1950:5 Cobb, Irene Gaudette Daughter born, 05/14/1953:4 Son born, 07/22/1954:5 Cobb, Jane Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Cobb, Jennie Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1 Cobb, Mary C. Engaged to William L. Johnson, 08/12/1954:4 Cobb, Mary E. Wed to William L. Johnson, 09/16/1954:4 Cobb, Mary-Elizabeth Wedding described, 08/26/1954:9 Cobb, Maude Clarissa Jefferson Dies at age 69, 04/08/1954:6 Cobb, Nettie M. Obituary, 05/20/1954:11 Cobb, Nettie May Wife of Arthur F. dies at age 70, 05/20/1954:7 Cobb, Paul Norris Abortion case sent to grand jury, 02/28/1952:10 Cobb, Wallace Daughter born, 06/14/1951:7 Cobb, Wallace E. Sergeant leaves for duty with Far East command (p), 12/18/1952:1 Soldier written up in overseas publication (p), 11/12/1953:1 Cobb's Laundry Help wanted (ad), 04/24/1952:10 Now owned by The Union Hand Laundry (ad), 11/27/1952:4 Cobel, George P. Engaged to Elsie Pasquarello, 11/06/1952:5 Coburn, Helen E. Wed to Ellsworth B. Standish, 08/27/1953:7 Coburn, Helen K. Engaged to Ellsworth B. Standish, 08/13/1953:4 59 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Cochrane, Rosamond MacCrae Resides in Billings, MT, 03/12/1953:4 Cockran, Diane Wed to Albert Akerman, 05/17/1951:8 Cody, Margaret Veronica Wife of John dies at age 72, 07/12/1951:4 Obituary, 07/12/1951:5 Coe, Emerson Joins McLellan Chiropractic Clinic in Mesa, AZ, 04/19/1951:2 Coe, Emerson R. Granted rooming house permit and license to practice massage, 03/10/1950:6 Named chief observer for local Ground Observers Corps, 11/03/1950:1 Granted permit renewal for massage, 03/08/1951:1 Coe, Walter Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1 Completes basic training at Fort Dix, NJ, 04/01/1954:4 Coe, Walter M. Receives basic training at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 02/18/1954:1 Coe, Walter M., 3rd Army Private arrives in Korea, 08/05/1954:2 Coe, Walter Matthew Called for induction into armed forces, 01/14/1954:2 Coe, William H. Inducted into armed forces, 02/14/1952:1 Leaves for army induction (p), 02/21/1952:1 Coffen, George A. Ordained in South Lancaster, 07/16/1953:1 Colby, Ida Granted Sunday license for Out West Store, 06/28/1951:10 Colby, Maude Alice Daughter of Alfred M. and Margaret R. Dorrington dies at age 77, 02/12/1953:5 Colcord. James Daughter born, 01/06/1950:4 Colcord. Lillian Hamor Daughter born, 01/06/1950:4 Cole, Anita Lewis Son born, 06/02/1950:5, 05/22/1952:7 Joins husband in Harlingen, TX, 01/15/1953:6 Cole, Bradford H. Discusses cranberry prices (l), 11/15/1951:4 Cole, Delwin Son born, 06/02/1950:5, 06/09/1950:12, 05/22/1952:7 Cole, Frank Harrison Son of Bradford H. and Vienna Peltola dies at age 7, 03/25/1954:4 Cole, Gail Injures knee when struck by auto, 07/21/1950:10 Cole, John Bridgewater couple married 50 years, 02/21/1952:5 Cole, Josephine H. Obituary, 05/13/1954:2 Widow of George F. dies at age 78, 05/13/1954:6 Cole, Laurence S. Wedding described, 05/26/1952:5 Cole, Lawrence Engaged to Ruth Jeannette Gould, 12/06/1951:4 Cole, Lois Nurse receives cap at Brockton City Hospital, 02/24/1950:8, 02/24/1950:12 Attends Brockton Nurses Training School, 03/31/1950:12 Graduates from Brockton Hospital, 10/02/1952:4 Cole, Louis A. Thelma Vigers wins Merchants Association grand prize (p), 08/07/1952:10 Cole, Norma Enters Katherine Dell Secretarial School in Boston, 09/04/1952:4 Resides in Boston, 06/04/1953:4 Employed at Shawmut National Bank, Boston, 12/10/1953:11 Cole, P. LeRoy Dies at age 61, 11/12/1953:6 Obituary, 11/12/1953:6 Cole, R. Randall Engaged to Natalie Burnett, 12/09/1954:11 Cole, Roger Cattle auction (ad), 12/31/1953:3 Coleman, Grace Cummings Daughter born, 12/15/1950:5 Son born, 06/19/1952:5, 12/03/1953:4 Coleman, John David Petition for administration of estate, 10/07/1954:4 Coleman, Sidney V. Daughter born, 12/15/1950:5 Coleman, Sydney Son born, 06/19/1952:5, 12/03/1953:4 Collectors and Collecting Jane Monsarrat's collection of samplers tells old stories, 05/26/1950:1 Hugh Bigelow collects history of Korea, 09/15/1950:3 West Side School has unique collection of foreign coins and money (p), 12/23/1954:1 Collett, Richard K. Participates in Atlantic Fleet war games, 11/25/1954:1 Collette, Arnold Collides with Falmouth auto on Rte 28, 04/17/1952:2 Colletti, Richard Graduate at annual FFA banquet, 11/26/1953:10 Pictured at Elliott's Beach maneuver area, Parris Island, SC (p), 03/04/1954:1 Collins, Bruce South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 South Middleboro youngsters stage circus to benefit Red Cross (p), 09/25/1952:4 Collins, Everett Has position with insurance company, 07/21/1950:2 Employed by John Hancock Co., 07/15/1954:9 Collins, Everett W. Son born, 04/10/1952:7 Collins, Irene Employed at Maxim Motor Co., 11/12/1953:6 Collins, Mary Louise Wed to Frank Clifford Stewart, 08/13/1953:4 Collins, Ruth Smith Son born, 04/10/1952:7 Collins' Auto Service Granted garage permit, 02/03/1950:1 51 East Main St (ad), 02/03/1950:8 Colnan, Lorraine Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1 Colombo, Armand Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p), 12/04/1952:1 Colombo, Audrey L. Fined $100 for driving unregistered, uninsured vehicle, 01/11/1951:2 In default for failure to pay fine, 02/08/1951:8 Cannot pay fine, gets month in jail, 02/15/1951:8 Colonial Brass Co. Help wanted, grinding experience (ad), 04/03/1952:6 Colucci, Leonard Anthony Husband of Geneva Teceno dies at age 34, 04/14/1950:6 Colucci, Robert Seven injured in three-car collision on West Grove St, 03/12/1953:9 Columb, Olivia Columb names Corinne's Bakery after daughter, 10/01/1953:6 And husband Philip run Corinne's Bakery, 12/17/1953:6 Columb, Philip A. Names Corinne's Bakery after daughter, 10/01/1953:6 Proprietor of Corinne's Bakery, 12/17/1953:6 Columbo, Audrey L. Files for divorce, 05/01/1952:6 Columbo, Wellington Wife files for divorce, 05/01/1952:6 Columbus Day Stores closed, 10/08/1953:1, 10/07/1954:1 Colvin, Alice Employed at sanatorium, 09/15/1950:9 Colvin, Alice I. Engaged to George McCracken, Jr., 08/16/1951:6 Engaged to George E. McCracken, Jr., 09/27/1951:4 60 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Colvin, Alice Irene Wedding described, 08/30/1951:2 Colvin, Ann Engaged to William James Doherty, 01/08/1953:8 Colvin, Anne Resides in Brookline, 06/21/1951:6 Colvin, Anne C. Wed to William J. Doherty, 09/10/1953:5 Colvin, Anne Carolyn Engaged to William James Doherty, 01/29/1953:3 Wedding described, 09/10/1953:6 Colvin, Elizabeth Resides in Boston, 01/18/1951:5 Employed at Veterans' Hospital in West Roxbury, 08/23/1951:3 Colvin, Elizabeth M. Wed to Robert H. Telless, 11/13/1952:7 Colvin, Elizabeth Marie Graduates from NE Hospital for Women and Children Nursing School, 11/03/1950:4 Engaged to Robert H. Telless, 05/08/1952:8 Colvin, Roberta Dodd Son born, 03/25/1954:4 Colvin, Roberta Jane Engaged to Charles Allen Perry (p), 12/23/1954:1 Colvin, William Enlists in U.S. Navy, 11/03/1950:16 Studies to be hospital corpsman at Great Lakes Naval School, 01/18/1951:5 With hospital corps at Great Lakes Naval Station, 03/22/1951:2 Transfers with 2nd Marine Air Wing to Asiatic territories, 08/13/1953:8 Colvin, William P. Medical corpsman transfers to Bainbridge, MD, 09/06/1951:3 Promoted to Hospitalman 3rd Class, transfers to Cherry Point, NC, 05/08/1952:5 Son born, 03/25/1954:4 Reenlists in U.S. Navy, 09/02/1954:1 Colvin, William Prescott Engaged to Roberta Lou Dodd, 01/10/1952:10 Wedding described, 05/26/1952:2 Coman, Howard First Lieutenant stationed at Camp Hanford, WA, 09/13/1951:9 Coman, Howard Joseph Attends fire control system anti-aircraft range officers course, 11/01/1951:2 Coman, William E., Jr. Lieutenant back for duty in Korea, 09/13/1951:9 Combra, Eleanor Ruprecht Daughter born, 11/15/1951:7 Combra, Manual, Jr. Fined $3 for lack of inspection sticker, 05/17/1951:2 Combra, Manuel Daughter born, 11/15/1951:7 Comeau, Ada Injured in collision at Oak and High St, 06/05/1952:12 Communism Begley is chair of local Crusade for Freedom campaign, 11/22/1951:1 Community Christmas Fund Appeal opens, 12/08/1950:1 Must raise funds in less than nine days, 12/15/1950:13 Fifty families to receive fund dinners, 12/22/1950:1 Contributions total $923.43 (t), 12/29/1950:1 Total increases to $948.43, 01/04/1951:1 Emblem Club joins list of sponsors, 02/01/1951:3 Elks open fund with $100 gift, 11/29/1951:6 Quick contributions will help most, 12/06/1951:1 Appeal issued for Christmas basket fund, 12/13/1951:1 Total stands at $430 (t), 12/20/1951:1 Total at $852.76 (t), 12/27/1951:1 It's that time of year again, 12/04/1952:4 Early contributions small sum, 12/11/1952:1 Appeal reaches $525 (t), 12/18/1952:1 Total now at $1,031 (t), 01/01/1953:1 Final total $1,073.61, 01/15/1953:1 Community Christmas Fund continued Civic groups work to aid local needy, 12/03/1953:1 Give now, time is short, 12/10/1953:1 Minimum needed $1,000, fund at $429 (t), 12/17/1953:1 Fund total at $911.34 (t), 12/24/1953:1 Tops goal, at $1,174 (t), 12/31/1953:1 Exceeds goal by $215.20, 01/07/1954:1 Eagles join in fund, 01/14/1954:1 Students collect $234, 02/04/1954:1 Lieutenant (jg) W.H. Alexander sends check from Norfolk shipyard (l), 02/04/1954:2 Annual appeal opens, 12/02/1954:1 Response to fund appeal is slow, 12/09/1954:1 Only $377 raised so far (t), 12/16/1954:1 Contributions up, total $1,133.94 (t), 12/23/1954:1 Reaches new high of $1,447.95 (t), 12/30/1954:1 Community Concert Association. see Middleborough Community Concert Association Community School of Religion Middleboro Ministerial Association sponsored school well-attended, 01/13/1950:2 Conant, Andrew Widower of Isabel Stanton dies at age 73, 04/23/1953:7 Obituary, 04/23/1953:12 Conant, Beverly May Engaged to William Albert Tower, 08/16/1951:5 Wed to William Albert Tower, 09/06/1951:5 Conant, Gordon Employed by Malcolm Porter (p), 05/27/1954:1 Conant, Helen S. Petition for probate of will, 10/08/1953:8 Notification of insolvent estate, 06/10/1954:7 Real estate at 21 Elm St for sale (ad), 07/01/1954:5 Conant, Helen Stuart Obituary, 10/01/1953:2 Widow of Charles dies at age 80, 10/01/1953:4 Conant, Marjorie V. Wed to Joseph B. Rego, 06/16/1950:7 Conant, Mary Trimble Son born, 07/08/1954:4 Conant, Ralph Heard from since reported missing in Korea, 09/15/1950:1 Employed by Malcolm Porter (p), 05/27/1954:1 Conant, Ralph G., Jr. Engaged to Ruth L. Pacheco, 03/26/1953:7 Wed to Ruth L. Pacheco, 04/16/1953:7 Wedding described, 04/30/1953:3 Conant, Ralph Gordon Frost bite and shrapnel bring soldier home from Korea, 04/12/1951:1 Conant, Roy Obituary, 01/31/1952:5 Conant, Roy St. Clair Obituary, 01/31/1952:4 Conant, Russell Son born, 07/08/1954:4 Conant, Russell H. Discharged after seven years of Air Force service, 06/17/1954:9 Concerts. see also Bates School – Arts; Middleboro Ministers' Association; Middleboro Music Guild; Middleborough Community Concert Association; Middleborough Memorial High School - Music; Musical Instruction First Unitarian Laymen's League holds annual musicale, 05/26/1950:4 Methodist Church WSCS presents annual pop concert, 05/26/1950:10 Rock Village Church holds annual spring concert, 06/09/1950:4, 06/09/1950:6 Middleboro church choirs perform fine Lenten concert, 03/01/1951:3 Central Methodist WSCS pop concert a great success, 05/24/1951:6 Therese Sheehan gives impromptu concert at Union Street School, 05/24/1951:7 Talented cellist entertains full house at Shaw Home, 08/16/1951:1 Pop concert by Junior Cabot Club for cardiac fund well patronized (p), 10/25/1951:1 Hospital Club and Middleboro Music Guild sponsor notable concert, 03/27/1952:2 61 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Concerts continued Sixth annual Central Methodist pop concert well patronized, 05/22/1952:6 Second annual Junior Cabot Club pop concert supports cardiac fund, 11/13/1952:11 UMass Chorale members pictured (p), 01/29/1953:1 University of Massachusetts Chorale delights local audience, 02/12/1953:2 Rainbow of colors presented at Junior Cabot Club pop concert, 10/22/1953:7 Carter's band holds promenade concert 50 years ago, 12/10/1953:9 WSCS's pop concert well-received, 05/27/1954:6 Carter's Middleboro Band gives Taunton concert 50 years ago, 06/10/1954:9 Combine choir and musical concert a phenomenal success here, 11/25/1954:1 Confectioneries. see also Farrar's Tripp's Candy Shop & Luncheonette (ad), 02/10/1950:7 Fire behind Tripp's had appearance of incendiarism, 04/09/1953:1 Caron's Fudge Shop requests permit to erect sign on Wareham St, 10/22/1953:1 Congregational Church. see also Central Congregational Church; First Congregational Church; Lakeville Congregational Church; North Middleboro Congregational Church; White Church Guild Carrie Luippold honored for 60 years of service to Sunday school, 11/24/1950:1 Conley, Frank Servicemen want letters from home (l), 10/02/1952:4 Conneilly, Anna L. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 08/25/1950:3 Conneilly, John L. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 08/25/1950:3 Conner, Adelbert Stanfield Wed to Nancy Williams Potter, 05/01/1952:3 Connolly, A. Irene Engaged to Francis J. Corsini, Jr., 10/23/1952:3 Wed to Francis J. Corsini, Jr., 10/14/1954:4 Connolly, Agnes Irene Wedding described, 10/14/1954:5 Connolly, Eleanor Employed by Department of Public Safety, 08/04/1950:5 Connolly, Eleanor Louise Engaged to H. Donald Gray, Jr., 11/03/1950:6 Engaged to Henry D. Gray, Jr., 11/17/1950:7 Wedding described, 11/24/1950:2 Wed to Henry D. Gray, Jr., 11/24/1950:5 Connolly, Irene Engaged to Francis J. Corsini, Jr., 09/16/1954:4 Connolly, Paul David To receive naval training at Bainbridge, MD, 03/13/1952:10 Petty Officer 3rd Class serves aboard USS Briareus (p), 11/26/1953:10 Connolly, Philip Serves aboard USS Howard Gilmore (p), 11/26/1953:10 Connolly, Raymond F. Seaman serves on board USS Burton Island, 11/08/1951:11 Gunners Mate home from West Coast, 05/21/1953:1 Discharged from U.S. Navy, 07/01/1954:1 Connolly, Raymond Francis Enlists in U.S. Navy, 09/08/1950:2 Connors, Patricia Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1 Conrad, Charles Couple moves from Coombs St to Mitchell St, 07/22/1954:8 Salesman at Curtis Ford Sales (p), 12/09/1954:12 Conroy, Annie Petition for probate of will, 04/03/1952:6 Conroy, Annie C. Struck and killed by Longworth Gas Service truck, 03/13/1952:1 Robert Phillips acquitted of guilt in death of Conroy, 04/03/1952:1 Conroy, Maurice Petition for administration of estate, 03/26/1953:7, 04/02/1953:8 Considine, John Daughter born, 02/10/1950:7 Considine, Lucy Graham Daughter born, 02/10/1950:7 Contelli, Marie Rose Wed to Alfred John Morris, 08/23/1951:5 Conto, James O. Engaged to Patricia A. Bassett, 01/31/1952:5 Wed to Patricia A. Bassett, 02/07/1952:5 Contractors. see Builders Contracts Selectmen vote to oppose legislation affecting awarding of public contracts, 05/03/1951:1 Convalescent Homes. see Rest Homes Converse, Patricia Ann Wed to Chester P. Haire, 09/20/1951:7 Conway, Lawrence Paul Wed to Anna L. Lanning, 01/29/1953:5 Conway, Lillian Angers Son born, 10/20/1950:5 Conway, Robert Son born, 10/20/1950:5 Cook, Etta M. Obituary, 06/05/1952:6 Cousin of Eunice McIntosh dies at age 89, 06/05/1952:7 Petition for probate of will, 07/31/1952:8 Cook, Harry M. see also Cook's Jewelry Store Businessman succumbs to heart attack, 01/22/1953:1 Husband of Mildred L. dies at age 46, 01/22/1953:5 Cook, Marilyn Manton Son born, 01/21/1954:5 Cook, Mildred Cook's Jewelry Store, 17 South Main St (ad), 07/23/1953:6 Cook's Jewelry Store, South Main St (p), 10/15/1953:6 Shirley's Gift Shop now open at Cook's Jewelry Store, 12/17/1953:6 Jewelry for Christmas from Cook's Jewelry Store (p), 12/09/1954:12 Cook, Mildred L. Garage gutted by fire, 09/10/1953:1 Cook, Mrs Harry Plans to continue jewelry business, 01/22/1953:10 Cook, Muriel Rounseville Daughter born, 04/02/1953:7 Cook, Robert Son born, 01/21/1954:5 Cook, Roy Daughter born, 04/02/1953:7 Cook, Roy B. Gets deer opening day, 12/10/1953:1 Collides with North Carver driver on Plymouth St, 01/28/1954:8 Cook, Shirley J.M. Wells gives keepsake chests to MHS senior girls (p), 06/19/1952:4 Opens gift shop at 17 South Main St, 11/19/1953:1 Shirley's Gift Shop now open at Cook's Jewelry Store, 12/17/1953:6 Engaged to Nicholas Martin, 07/29/1954:2 Wedding described, 09/23/1954:8 Cook, Shirley A. Enters Massachusetts School of Art on scholarship, 09/11/1952:4 Cook, Shirley Ann Engaged to Nicholas P. Martin, 06/17/1954:10, 09/09/1954:4 Wed to Nicholas P. Martin, 09/23/1954:4 Cooke, Napoleon J. Petition for administration of estate, 12/27/1951:4 Administrator presents account of estate, 06/17/1954:2 Cooke, Walter E. Wed to Barbara Gibbs, 11/08/1951:11 Cook's Jewelry Store New location at 17 South Main St (ad), 11/29/1951:12 Profile and history of local business, 09/18/1952:9 Rear of store gutted by fire, 03/12/1953:1 Mildred Cook, 17 South Main St (ad), 07/23/1953:6 Mildred Cook, South Main St (p), 10/15/1953:6 Opens new gift shop (ad), 11/05/1953:3 Adds Shirley's Gift Shop (ad), 11/12/1953:11 Opens gift shop at 17 South Main St, 11/19/1953:1 Shirley's Gift Shop now open at Cook's Jewelry Store, 12/17/1953:6 Little remembrances for gift season, 05/20/1954:8 62 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Cook’s Jewelry Store continued Has wide variety of gifts (p), 08/19/1954:6 Jewelry for Christmas (p), 12/09/1954:12 Coombs (Mrs) MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 Coombs, Addison Daughter born, 06/05/1952:7 Coombs, Addison L. Son born, 02/01/1951:5 Gets jail sentence on morals charge, 11/26/1953:4 Coombs, Anthony Misses fourth Cuban revolution, 03/13/1952:1 Leaves for 25th vacation in Cuba, 02/11/1954:2 Coombs, Dora A., 04/26/1951:6 Petition for license to sell real estate, 04/19/1951:5 Coombs, Dora Ashley Obituary, 12/01/1950:2 Widow of Walter A. dies at age 83, 12/01/1950:6 Coombs, Edward A. Overcome by fumes at gas plant 50 years ago, 12/10/1953:9 Coombs, Elwyn MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 Coombs, Grace W. Notice of tax taking, 03/04/1954:4 Coombs, H.C. O.L. Barden shaves the older set 50 years ago, 10/15/1953:5 Coombs, Marilyn Barney Daughter born, 06/05/1952:7 Coombs, Marilyn Varney Son born, 02/01/1951:5 Coombs, Roy Successful fox hunter 50 years ago, 08/26/1954:8 Cooper, Edward Resides in Marion, IN, 05/29/1952:8 Family resides in Madison, IN, 08/06/1953:6 Cooper, Joseph Postage machine put to work immediately (p), 08/05/1954:1 Cooper, June Invites pet owners to meeting concerning poisonings (l), 01/06/1950:1 Pet owners respond to Cooper's call, 01/13/1950:1 Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club dance (p), 02/17/1950:1 Listen to WPEP for Highlights of Middleboro with June Cooper (ad), 06/16/1950:10 Takes post with advertising company in Indiana, 09/22/1950:3 Celebrates 4th of July in Denmark (l), 07/17/1952:2 Cooper, June M. Goes to Denmark on Rotary International exchange plan, 05/22/1952:1 Engaged to William G. Miller, 08/19/1954:4 Wed to William G. Miller, 10/14/1954:4 Cooper, June Marilyn Engaged to William Gene Miller (p), 08/05/1954:1 Wedding described, 10/14/1954:5 Cooper, Mrs Joseph White Church Guild members arrive at antique show in oldtime transportation (p), 04/26/1951:6 Cooper, Paul Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club dance (p), 02/17/1950:1 Cooties. see Military Order of the Cooties - Tom Thumb Pup Tent 44 Copcych, Joseph Daughter born, 10/29/1953:5 Copcych, Ruth Lesperance Daughter born, 10/29/1953:5 Copeland, Anita Belmore Son born, 04/07/1950:7 Copeland, Marcus Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4 Copeland, Maurile Son born, 04/07/1950:7 Copley, Virginia Wed to Watson W. Baker, Jr., 10/18/1951:3 Coppock, John H. Named to Board of First National Bank of Attleboro, 03/27/1952:1 Coppock, Leah Playground Pet Show winner (p), 08/28/1952:4 Coppock, Mrs John Middleboro's youngest grads receive diplomas from Jack and Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 Corayer, Edward E. Wed to Ruth A. Strange, 04/02/1953:7 Ruth Bissio charged with bigamy, 06/18/1953:4 Ruth Bissio fined $100 for bigamy, 06/25/1953:4 Corayer, Lillian A. Engaged to Manuel J. Andrade, Jr., 04/12/1951:5 Wed to Manuel J. Andrade, Jr., 04/19/1951:5 Corayer, Lillian Agnes Engaged to Manuel J. Andrade, 02/01/1951:9 Wedding described, 04/19/1951:5 Corbett, William E. Drove 25 years without a license, 01/07/1954:1 Cord, Arthur Son born, 07/29/1954:4 Cord, Miriam Haarala Son born, 07/29/1954:4 Cordeiro, Clifton Son born, 02/15/1951:5 Completes service with Battery A, 05/29/1952:3 Federal officers inspect local Guard unit (p), 04/15/1954:7 Cordeiro, Clifton I. Engaged to Sarah A. Ghilli, 07/21/1950:5 Wed to Sarah A. Ghelli, 08/11/1950:5 Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1 Cordeiro, Clifton J. Enlists in local unit of Massachusetts National Guard, 06/25/1953:1 Cordeiro, Eleanor Maude Engaged to Bernard J. Green, 12/29/1950:4 Engaged to Bernard Joseph Green, 02/22/1951:5 Wed to Bernard Joseph Green, 03/15/1951:7 Cordeiro, James Precinct St couple married seven years, 04/03/1952:9 Daughter born, 11/25/1954:4 Cordeiro, John Purchases parcel from town at auction, 09/08/1950:4 Fined $10 for drunkenness, 07/23/1953:7 Pleads not guilty on morals charge, 09/30/1954:4 Found not guilty on morals charge, 10/07/1954:10 Cordeiro, John M. Sentenced to two weeks at Plymouth house of corrections, 12/11/1952:8 Cordeiro, Joseph Music for all occasions (ad), 02/28/1952:3 Cordeiro, Joseph F. Son born, 12/27/1951:5 Cordeiro, Mary Hayward Son born, 12/27/1951:5 Cordeiro, Mildred Goodwin Daughter born, 11/25/1954:4 Cordeiro, Sarah Ghelli Son born, 02/15/1951:5 Coreiro, Joseph Lovell's wandering cows causes accident over weekend, 09/23/1954:1 Corey, C.A. Notice of hearing for application to operate roller rink, 10/29/1953:4 Roller-skating license refused, 11/05/1953:6 Corey, Mrs Howard Resides in Harwichport, 09/22/1950:9 Corinne's Bakery 56 Center St (ad), 11/17/1950:6 Philip Columb names bakery after daughter, 10/01/1953:6 Bakery aids housewives, 11/19/1953:8 Offering special services for the holiday (p), 12/17/1953:6 Corkum, Lalia M. Foreclosure notice, 08/19/1954:6 Corkum, Lalia Stultz Son born, 07/02/1953:4 Corkum, Norman Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 63 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Corkum, Richard Son born, 07/02/1953:4 Corkum, Richard A. Foreclosure notice, 08/19/1954:6 Cormier, George Edward Wed to Madeline Turner, 12/18/1952:13 Cornell, Arnold Daughter born, 08/09/1951:5 Cornell, Beverly Burnham Daughter born, 08/09/1951:5 Cornell, Charles Precinct St couple married 40 years, 07/19/1951:4 Private stationed at Camp Breckenridge, KY, 03/19/1953:7 Cornell, Charles, Jr. Corporal returns from Korea, 07/15/1954:9 Now stationed at Fort Benning, GA, 08/19/1954:6 Cornell, Edward G. Engaged to Beverly A. Gomes, 10/28/1954:6 Wed to Beverly Ann Gomes, 11/04/1954:4 Cornell, Jessie DeMoranville Daughter born, 07/10/1952:5 Cornell, Norma Manton Son born, 12/13/1951:7 Cornell, Paul Son born, 12/13/1951:7 Cornell, Russell Daughter born, 07/10/1952:5 Cornish, Alice Voters against purchase of Cornish estate, 03/12/1953:1 Cornish, Alice H. Welcomes friends and neighbors on 90th birthday, 01/11/1951:1 Oldest living member of Church at the Green, age 91, 01/10/1952:1 Petition for probate of will, 05/15/1952:5 School Building Committee considers purchase of Cornish property, 12/25/1952:1 Cornish, Alice Helena Obituary, 05/01/1952:4 Dies at age 91, 05/01/1952:5 Cornish, Herbert W. Petition for administration of estate, 05/06/1954:7 Couple celebrates 15th anniversary 50 years ago, 09/23/1954:8 Cornish, Herbert Willard Dies at age 85, 04/08/1954:6 Obituary, 04/08/1954:12 Correa, Charles Engaged to Mary Lou Bena, 04/16/1953:8 Engaged to Mary Bena, 07/02/1953:4 Wed to Mary Bena, 07/16/1953:4 Daughter born, 03/11/1954:4 Correa, Mary Louise Bena Daughter born, 03/11/1954:4 Correia, Anthony J. Carver man dies in Korea (p), 07/15/1954:1 Correia, Anthony John High requiem mass held for Carver veteran, 08/26/1954:1 Correia, Edward S. Guilty of assault on former wife Alice O'Donnell, 10/13/1950:4 Correia, Fred MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1 Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore championships (p), 07/03/1952:5 Correia, Fred C. Collides with Ontario driver on West Grove St, 08/12/1954:3 Correia, Frederick C. Dog blamed for minor collision on Wareham St, 10/21/1954:8 Correia, Helen Mackiewicz Son born, 02/05/1953:5 Correia, James Son born, 02/05/1953:5, 09/10/1953:5 Correia, Olive Davis Son born, 09/10/1953:5 Correia, Ronald G. Returns from Reserve training cruise, 03/25/1954:2 Charged with driving with improper muffler, 07/15/1954:7 Guilty of driving with improper muffler, 07/22/1954:7 Correio, Mary E. Wed to Carlton Francis Oldham, 04/17/1952:5 Correira, Joseph Selectmen table application to operate overnight cabins, 06/09/1950:14 Selectmen suggest building cabins first, 06/23/1950:4 Granted license for roadside food stand, 05/28/1953:1 Owner of Oxford Oil Co., auto service and oil dealer (p), 09/17/1953:8 Correira's Texaco Station, popular spot for Cape drivers, 05/27/1954:8 Correira, Joseph, Jr. Employed at Oxford Oil Co., auto service and oil dealer (p), 09/17/1953:8 Correira, Laura Selectmen table application to operate overnight cabins, 06/09/1950:14 Selectmen suggest building cabins first, 06/23/1950:4 Correira, Ronald Gang beats local youth, 05/28/1953:5 Correira, Ronald G. Fined $10 for speeding, 09/17/1953:1 Correira's Texaco Station Popular spot for Cape drivers, 05/27/1954:8 Corriero, Joseph Granted gasoline sales license, 02/24/1950:1 Corsini, Andrew Cameron Graduates from Coyle High in Taunton (p), 06/18/1953:1 Corsini, Delores Engaged to John Tura, 08/19/1954:9 Corsini, Francis J., Jr. Engaged to A. Irene Connolly, 10/23/1952:3 Engaged to Irene Connolly, 09/16/1954:4 Wed to A. Irene Connolly, 10/14/1954:4 Corsini, Francis Joseph, Jr. Wedding described, 10/14/1954:5 Corsini, Francis T., Jr. Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7 Corsini, Leon Memorials, 49 Everett St (ad), 03/24/1950:4 Corsini, Leon H. Obituary, 02/05/1953:2 Husband of Margaret Cameron dies at age 56, 02/05/1953:5 Corsini, Leon H., Jr. Engaged to Jane Ann Plunkett, 09/29/1950:7 Wedding described, 10/13/1950:10 Wed to Jane Ann Plunkett, 10/20/1950:5 Corsini, M. Dolores Engaged to John F. Tura, 02/18/1954:1 Corsini, Mary D. Engaged to John F. Tura, Jr., 08/19/1954:4 Wed to John F. Tura, Jr., 09/09/1954:4 Corsini, Mary Delores Wedding described, 09/09/1954:9 Corti, Bob MHS baseball team co-captain, 05/12/1950:1 Corti, Joseph Eagles donate record player to library (p), 03/27/1952:10 Resigns secretary post at Eagles, 07/17/1952:10 Couple feted on 25th anniversary, 07/22/1954:5 Corti, Mrs Joseph Employed at North Lakeville School cafeteria, 12/09/1954:3 Corti, Robert MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p), 06/02/1950:1 Stationed at Ellington AFB at Houston, TX, 03/12/1953:2 Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in USAF, 02/04/1954:3 Corti, Robert J. Second Lieutenant receives observer wings in USAF (p), 05/20/1954:1 Cosmetics Avon saleswoman wanted for South Middleboro and Rock (ad), 03/24/1950:4 Daggett & Ramsdell, Debutante cosmetics (ad), 11/03/1950:6 64 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Cosmos, Andrew Wedding described, 01/08/1953:8 Cosseboom, Albert Foster Jackson proprietor of A.C. Cosseboom blacksmith shop (p), 07/15/1954:6 Cosseboom, John Foster Jackson proprietor of A.C. Cosseboom blacksmith shop (p), 07/15/1954:6 Cosseboom, John E. Public auction (ad), 05/05/1950:3 Cosseboom, John Edward Obituary, 03/03/1950:2 Dies at age 84, 03/03/1950:4 Cosseboom, Mary Joy Accepts position in Boston, 07/28/1950:10 Cosseboom, Raymond North Middleboro couple married 25 years, 03/29/1951:5 Aunt dies in St. Stevens, Canada, 07/19/1951:2 Kiwanis Club holds installation ceremonies (p), 01/07/1954:1 Foster Jackson proprietor of A.C. Cosseboom blacksmith shop (p), 07/15/1954:6 Cosseboom, Raymond J. Honored guest at annual Legion get-together (p), 05/08/1952:12 Resigns post at North Middleboro Congregational Church, 01/14/1954:1 Cosseboom, Sylvia Completes first year at Faye Secretarial School, Boston, 06/09/1950:7 Serves on program committee at Fay School of Dance, 11/03/1950:17 Cossick, Frederick Engaged to Elizabeth Gustafson, 08/18/1950:9 Costa, Antone B. Granted permit renewal to transport garbage through town, 10/06/1950:4 Garbage transport license renewed, 11/06/1952:4 Costa, Art The Pizza House (p), 09/02/1954:6 Costa, Carl Separates from Battery A at Fort Devens, 05/29/1952:5 Costa, Charley Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p), 12/04/1952:1 Costa, Charlie Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Costa, Dorothy Frances Engaged to John Francisco, 08/02/1951:5 Wed to John Francisco, 08/23/1951:5 Costa, Fred Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p), 12/04/1952:1 Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (p) (t), 04/09/1953:1 Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Costa, George Engaged to JoAnne Baker, 12/10/1953:12 Costa, Jack C. Petition for probate of will, 03/25/1954:7 Costa, Joaquim C. Petition for probate of will, 03/25/1954:7 Costa, Joe Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Costa, Joseph Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1 Hillside Ave couple married 50 years (p), 10/25/1951:1 Engaged to Nancy Mello, 03/27/1952:4, 05/08/1952:2 No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Injured in Raynham collision, 06/11/1953:4 Costa, Joseph E. Engaged to Lillian P. Tornari, 12/27/1951:4 Costa, Joseph Edward Engaged to Lillian Patricia Tornari, 04/03/1952:5 Wed to Lillian Patricia Tornari, 04/24/1952:4 Costa, Joseph F. Engaged to Nancy J. Mello, 05/08/1952:7 Wed to Nancy J. Mello, 06/19/1952:5 Costa, Joseph Freeman Wedding described, 05/22/1952:7 Costa, Joseph, Jr. Engaged to Nancy Jeanne Mello, 01/03/1952:8 Costa, Manny Employed at Oxford Oil Co., auto service and oil dealer (p), 09/17/1953:8 Costa, Manuel Applies for package store license, 07/28/1950:1 Costa, Mary L. Wedding described, 01/08/1953:8 Costa, Nancy Injured in Raynham collision, 06/11/1953:4 Costello, Frank D. Co-owner of Atwood-Costello, Inc., 08/27/1953:10 Atwood-Costello, Inc., Chevrolet and Oldsmobile dealers (p), 12/10/1953:8 Costello, Judith Ann Nelson Son born, 05/12/1950:7 Costello, Judith Nelson Son born, 06/25/1953:5 Costello, Mary Engaged to Alfred M. Ripka, 12/29/1950:5 Wed to Alfred M. Ripka, 01/04/1951:5 Costello, Raymond Son born, 06/25/1953:5 Costello, Raymond B. Son born, 05/12/1950:7 Cote, Celia Granted license for overnight cabins, 04/21/1950:2 Cote, Charles Granted license for overnight cabins, 04/21/1950:2 Cote, Wilfred C. Wed to Anna Marie Forcier, 08/18/1950:5 Cote, Winifred C. Engaged to Anna Marie Forcier, 07/28/1950:4 Cotsellas, Peter Nicholas Carver man dies at age 73, 08/11/1950:5 Obituary, 08/11/1950:6 Cott, John Administrator presents account of estate, 10/08/1953:6 Cottage Diner Under new management (ad), 11/11/1954:11 Cottage Handicrafters Claire Chrostowski starts new classes (ad), 01/13/1950:4 Coughlin, Joanne M. New elementary school teacher, 08/02/1951:1 Countie, Ruth M. Wed to Roger F. Cassavant, 07/29/1954:4 Country Crafters New organization elects officers, 05/14/1953:9 The Country Cupboard Rte 140, Lakeville (ad), 02/10/1950:2 Countway, Nellie Breaks hip after hit by door during hurricane, 09/02/1954:1 Courcy, Ernest Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9 Court. see Fourth District Court; Plymouth County District Court Courtland Hall Room and board and home cooked dinners (ad), 05/17/1951:10 Room and board available (ad), 03/18/1954:9 Coussens, Paul, Jr. Daughter born, 02/01/1951:6 Couto (Mr) Engaged to Patricia Ann Bassett, 01/17/1952:12 Couto, Alvaro Sheriff's sale of real estate, 12/08/1950:13 Couto, James Son born, 01/21/1954:5 Couto, James O. Engaged to Patricia Ann Bassett, 12/27/1951:5 Couto, Oliver Sheriff's sale of real estate, 12/08/1950:13 65 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Couto, Patricia Bassett Son born, 01/21/1954:5 Couto, William Engaged to Nancy Anne Pittsley, 11/04/1954:10 Coutt, Mrs Frederick Resides in East Bridgewater, 03/22/1951:10 Coutts, Barbara Brooks Daughter born, 10/27/1950:7 Coutts, Fred James Wed to Barbara Elaine Brooks, 11/24/1950:5 Coutts, Frederick J. Daughter born, 10/27/1950:7 Covel, Elsie Home after visit with aunt in California, 11/19/1953:12 Covel, Esther Dupont Daughter born, 12/10/1953:6 Covel, Francis Private 1st Class serving in Korea, 09/29/1950:1 Daughter born, 12/10/1953:6 Covel, Francis Y. Promoted to Corporal with 7th Infantry Division, 04/26/1951:1 Wed to Esther Dupont, 10/11/1951:4 Covel, Francis Young Wedding described, 10/11/1951:4 Covel, George Awaits discharge after return from Korea (p), 07/15/1954:1 Covel, George P. Helps 40th Infantry Division celebrate 40th anniversary, 02/04/1954:7 Covel, George Pierce Wedding described, 11/13/1952:12 Sent to Boston for induction, 01/08/1953:1 Covel, Marie Wainwright Son born, 08/13/1953:5 Covel, Robert Engaged to Marie Wainwright, 06/19/1952:5 Wed to Marie Wainwright, 07/17/1952:5 Son born, 08/13/1953:5 Covel, Robert Henry Engaged to Lizzie Allen Rockwood Wainwright, 05/08/1952:3 Covell, George Private serves with 40th Infantry Division (p), 09/10/1953:1 Covell, Robert Henry Wedding described, 07/03/1952:6 Covil, Francis Y. Engaged to Esther Dupont, 09/27/1951:4 Coville, James R. Leaves for army induction (p), 03/15/1951:1 Coville, James Robert Going for induction in October, 09/27/1951:1 Leaves for Army induction (p), 10/11/1951:1 Cowan, George Completes boot camp at Great Lakes Training Station, IL, 07/14/1950:2 Seaman with 6th Fleet in Mediterranean, 12/29/1950:5 Returns to South Carolina after maneuvers in Key West, 03/29/1951:5 Calls from Virginia prior to leaving for Europe, 06/07/1951:4 Returns from duty with Atlantic Fleet, 08/02/1951:5 Stationed in Charleston, SC, 08/23/1951:2 On leave from ship in Charleston, SC, 12/27/1951:4 Stationed on board USS T.E. Fraser, 03/20/1952:5 Cowan, George E. Discharged from U.S. Navy, 03/11/1954:4 Cowan, Herbert Son born, 03/31/1950:6 Cowan, Kenneth Daughter born, 05/10/1951:7 Employed at Brockton Enterprise, 07/08/1954:4 Cowan, Laurance S. Undergoing recruit training at Great Lakes Training Center, IL, 07/14/1950:1 Engaged to Louise Miriam Stets, 07/23/1953:2 Cowan, Lawrence Enlists in U.S. Navy (p), 07/07/1950:1 Transfers from Great Lakes, Il to Bayonne, NJ, 02/01/1951:4 On leave from Great Lakes Training Center, IL, 08/09/1951:5 Cowen, Lawrence continued Stationed at Great Lakes, IL, 08/23/1951:2 Reports to Norfolk, VA following leave, 02/28/1952:10 Stationed aboard USS Wringley, 03/13/1952:4 Stationed in Charleston, SC, 01/08/1953:5 Stationed at Newport, RI, 08/06/1953:10 Awaits discharge at receiving station in New York, 09/03/1953:2 Engaged to Louise Stets, 02/11/1954:5 Cowan, Lawrence S. Engaged to Louise M. Stets, 02/18/1954:6 Wed to Louise M. Stets, 03/04/1954:4 Wedding described, 03/04/1954:5 Cowan, Louise Gashes leg during tree cleanup after hurricane, 09/02/1954:1 Cowan, Marcia Richmond Daughter born, 05/10/1951:7 Cowan, Marian Commeau Son born, 03/31/1950:6 Cowan, Mel With 483rd Combat Engineers training at Camp Drum, NY, 05/26/1952:4 Cowan, Melbourne Training at Pine Camp, NY, 07/26/1951:5 Trains with 483rd Engineers Battalion at Camp Drum, NY (p), 07/17/1952:1 Engaged to Sarah Lincoln, 04/16/1953:7 Wedding described, 07/16/1953:5 Cowan, Melbourne F. Purchases property in Carver, 04/02/1953:8 Cowan, Robert H. Engaged to Kathleen Leonard, 01/18/1951:4 Wedding described, 05/01/1952:4 Cowen, Generbell Cannady Husband files for custody of children, 01/06/1950:6 Cowen, Henry Joseph Files for custody of children, 01/06/1950:6 Cowen, John F. Petition for probate of will, 05/22/1952:12 Furniture and tool auction (ad), 09/25/1952:2 Cowgill, Russell Telephone company spends $133,739 on East Main St job (p), 05/27/1954:6 Cows. see also Dairies Judge declines to issue complaint against Wikstein about cow manure, 05/19/1950:9 Richard Picone purchases two registered Ayrshires, 12/06/1951:1 Charles Sabalewski's cow electrocuted during storm, 08/07/1952:4 Mrs Tyyne Mansfield purchases registered Ayrshires, 10/22/1953:4 Lovell's wandering cows cause two accidents over weekend, 09/23/1954:1 Four cows die as Guidaboni's barn floor collapses, 11/25/1954:1 Cox, Edwin MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion, 09/18/1952:1 Cox, Norman R. Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/03/1952:7 Cox, Olive Resides in California, 07/05/1951:5 Cox, Phyllis M. Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/03/1952:7 Coyne, Patricia Wed to Arthur Carlson, 04/16/1953:12 C.P. Washburn Co. Storm windows (ad), 01/13/1950:10 Wanted, two men to work in lumber yard (ad), 04/26/1951:8 Five boys from 8 to 13 before judge for breaking and entering, 06/28/1951:9 Employs Alfred White, 08/16/1951:10 Boys pilfer tires, tubes, 01/24/1952:1 Somerville man guilty of break-in, 01/31/1952:6 Thieves put on long probation, 02/14/1952:4 Youths indicted for larcenies, 02/14/1952:9 Joseph Jesse gets four months for theft from Washburn's, 02/21/1952:7 Wanted, man for office work and sales (ad), 07/17/1952:10 Garage fire suspicious, 04/23/1953:1 66 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 C.P. Washburn Co. continued Washburn offers reward for conviction of firebug, 04/30/1953:1 Wanted, three good men for sales force (ad), 06/04/1953:9 Two lumber buildings burn almost completely, 02/11/1954:1 Wanted, young man for sales position (ad), 04/29/1954:4 $10,000 loss in 14th blaze believed set this year (p), 08/19/1954:1 A 300-year-old business concern (p), 09/30/1954:6 Crabbe, Lorraine Employed by Plymouth Shoe Co., 02/19/1953:6 Crabtree, Lotta M. Foreclosure notice to estate, 02/22/1951:2 Crafts. see Art and Artists Craig, Arthur Engaged to Joanne Richmond, 01/18/1951:5, 01/25/1951:6 Craig, E. Arthur Daughter born, 01/03/1952:5 Heads meat department in new Brockton market, 01/28/1954:4 Craig, Edward Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4 Engaged to Frances Jones, 06/10/1954:5 Craig, Edward A. Engaged to Joanne M. Richmond, 02/01/1951:5 Wed to Joanne M. Richmond, 02/15/1951:5 Craig, Edward Arthur Engaged to Joanne Marian Richmond, 08/11/1950:1 Wedding described, 02/15/1951:2 Craig, Edward, Jr. Engaged to Frances L. Jones, 06/17/1954:4 Wed to Frances L. Jones, 06/24/1954:4 Wedding described, 06/24/1954:10 Craig, Jacquelina Belle Obituary, 12/16/1954:2 Widow of James dies at age 75, 12/16/1954:4 Craig, Joanne Richmond Daughter born, 01/03/1952:5, 10/01/1953:4 Craig, Ronald Attends School of Pharmacy, Boston, 05/26/1950:7 Stationed at Newport, RI, 05/31/1951:5 Employed at Giberti's Apothecary (p), 07/30/1953:6 Giberti's Apothecary, specialists in prescription work, 01/28/1954:6 Craig, Ronald H. Pledges Phi Delta Chi at MA College of Pharmacy, 10/06/1950:4 Awarded Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from MA College of Pharmacy (p), 06/04/1953:1 Engaged to Lillian Naviskis, 09/02/1954:4 Wedding described, 09/16/1954:8 Wed to Lillian J. Naviskis, 09/23/1954:4 Crain, Cheryl Model in Little Theatre Group fashion show (p), 12/09/1954:7 Crain, M. Frances Engaged to Faelton C. Perkins, Jr., 04/26/1951:11 Crain, Mildred Frances Engaged to Faelton C. Perkins, Jr., 04/26/1951:7 Crain, Nancy Engaged to Alfred DeArruda, 08/09/1951:5 Crampton, William A. Granted funeral director's license, 06/09/1950:14 Cranberry Industry. see also New England Cranberry Sales Co. U.S. production expected to exceed last decade's average by 25%, 02/03/1950:7 Mr and Mrs Kelley questions selectmen on shutoff of water source for bog, 04/07/1950:1 Kelley asks selectmen to release water, 04/21/1950:1 Selectmen to stay out of Rock Pond feud, 05/05/1950:1 Selectmen to consider feud over Rock Pond, 05/19/1950:1 Hearing held on Rock Pond controversy, 06/09/1950:1 Taunton Employment Security Office prepared to help with labor supply, 09/01/1950:1 Station staff plan visit to harvest, 09/01/1950:8 First official estimate stands at 969,000 barrels, 09/01/1950:9 Pickers still scarce, 10/06/1950:12 Bullock Cranberry Co., foreclosure notice, 06/14/1951:6 Bullock Cranberry Co., list of assets, 06/14/1951:6 American Cranberry Exchange says prospects good, 08/09/1951:10 Cranberry Industry continued Prediction for 850,000-barrel crop, 08/16/1951:3 Tight market on labor, 09/06/1951:2 Berries open at $15 per barrel, 09/13/1951:1 State employment office issues appeal, considerable work ahead, 09/13/1951:1 Weather fine for picking berries, 09/20/1951:1 More berry pickers needed, 09/20/1951:5 Shipments slowed by heat, 10/11/1951:1 Wareham woman to be crowned Cranberry Queen (p), 10/11/1951:7 Bradford Cole analyzes industry, 10/25/1951:1 Bradford Cole suggests dissolution of present organizations in favor of single co-op, 11/01/1951:1 Bradford Cole discusses cranberry prices (l), 11/15/1951:4 Wanted, cranberry scoopers and bog workers (ad), 08/21/1952:6 L.A. Blake new manager of NE Cranberry Sales Co., 08/28/1952:1 Western Picker, Inc. has ample machinery to help with labor shortage (ad), 09/11/1952:2 Cranberry juice served at selectmen's meeting, 01/08/1953:5 Governor Herter signs membership contract to National Cranberry Association (p), 06/11/1953:4 Toivo and Tauno Erickson dissolve business in Carver, 09/03/1953:5 Edwina Wood charged with larceny of $53,000 from Nat'l Cranberry Association, 10/01/1953:1 Weston Bros. builders of fine bogs, 10/01/1953:6 Ralph Peltola purchases cranberry bog from Mrs Paul Preti, 10/22/1953:6 Crop tops million barrels, over 600,000 from Bay State, 10/29/1953:1 Twelve sentences total six years for Edwina Wood, 10/29/1953:1 John Foster ships four carloads to Pacific coast 50 years ago, 11/05/1953:4 More acreage under construction in history 50 years ago, 11/05/1953:4 Marcus Urann honored at East Carver dinner, 11/05/1953:11 Weston Bros., Inc. specializes in bog construction (p), 12/03/1953:6 Eastern office of Eatmor Cranberries, Inc. located at 81 Center St, 06/17/1954:1 Produces sweetest honey for local beekeepers, 07/01/1954:11 Refrigerated cars transport berries 50 years ago, 09/16/1954:7 Crop harvest delayed by wet weather, 09/30/1954:10 Crane, Anna L. Foreclosure notice, 08/27/1953:9 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/08/1953:6 Crane, Florence M. Kindergarten granted license, 10/02/1952:10 Crane, Frederick P. Wed to Anne M. MacDonald, 11/29/1951:6 Crane, John Robert Engaged to Lillian Ann Silva, 04/28/1950:6 Wed to Lillian Ann Silva, 05/05/1950:5 Crane, Mrs Ralph Re-opens kindergarten, 59 North Main St (ad), 08/18/1950:2 Crane, Mrs Ralph S. Re-opens kindergarten at 59 North Main St (ad), 08/23/1951:8 Crane, Nancy Engaged to Alfred DeArruda, 06/07/1951:10, 09/06/1951:5 Wed to Alfred DeArruda, 09/13/1951:5 Crane, Nancy L. Wedding described, 09/13/1951:2 Crane, Ralph S. Biography of candidate for Board of Assessors (p), 01/14/1954:4 Elect to Board of Assessors (ad), 01/14/1954:9 Crankshaw, Mildred C. Foreclosure notice, 03/31/1950:6 Crankshaw, Wayne C. Hospitalized in Westboro after alleged acid-throwing incident, 02/03/1950:1 Foreclosure notice, 03/31/1950:6 Crapo, Carlton Standish, Jr. Inducted into armed forces, 09/11/1952:1 Crapo, Mrs William Alumnus of Tabor Academy, 06/12/1952:8 Rare night blooming cereus puts on a show, 08/05/1954:5 Crapo, W.H. Substitute mail carrier 50 years ago, 12/23/1954:7 67 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Crapo, William Alumnus of Tabor Academy, 06/21/1951:4 Crapo, Wm. H. Post office employee 50 years ago, 09/23/1954:8 Crawford, Duane Daughter born; teaches music in Elna, TX, 06/18/1953:2 Crawford, Leslie Resides in Southboro, 10/13/1950:11 Crawford, Mrs Charles Sells Smith St house to Robert Meeker, 07/19/1951:10 Crawford, Penny Lynn Born to Duane, 06/18/1953:2 Crawford, Wesley Resides in Southbridge, 06/16/1950:7 Creamer, Helen S. Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4 Creamer, Helen Scott Wife of Ralph E. dies at age 59, 09/29/1950:7 Obituary, 09/29/1950:10 Creamer, Ralph E. Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Engaged to Gladys G. Madan Hebert, 05/24/1951:7 Wed to Gladys G. Madan Hebert, 06/07/1951:5 Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4 Creedon, J.H. Appointed local Boston Globe correspondent 50 years ago, 12/10/1953:9 Creedon, John Telephone company spends $133,739 on East Main St job (p), 05/27/1954:6 Creedon, Timothy F. Named Democratic delegate 50 years ago, 04/15/1954:9 Creedon - Florist 113 Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Raymond Meehan proprietor, 10/20/1950:4 Ray Meehan takes part in Boston Rose Show, 10/14/1954:4 Creighton, Margaret Takes secretarial post in Lancaster, PA, 03/10/1950:9 Crewe, Grace Chamberlain Daughter born, 11/05/1953:7 Crewe, Wesley Daughter born, 11/05/1953:7 Crime. see also Fourth District Court; Massachusetts State Police; Middleboro - Police Department; names of specific crimes Last member of crime-suppression committee resigns 50 years ago, 06/10/1954:9 Cripps, Edward Foster Inducted into armed forces, 04/09/1953:1 Crocker, Benjamin F. Anna Joseph applies to transfer liquor license to Crocker, 04/08/1954:7 Crocker, Ruth Wed to Wolcott E. Gilmore, 12/16/1954:4 Croke, Jeremiah Obituary, 04/03/1952:4 Cromwell, Edward Family moves to Brockton, 05/31/1951:2 Daughter born, 01/03/1952:5 Cromwell, Iva L. Injured in collision with Clinton driver, 12/17/1953:15 Cromwell, Janice Howland Born to Edward and Jean Pearce, 01/03/1952:5 Cromwell, Jean Pearce Daughter born, 01/03/1952:5 Cromwell, Mrs Wilfred Looks for employment in Albuquerque, NM, 01/17/1952:5 Moves to New Mexico, 12/04/1952:4 Resides in Albuquerque, NM, 10/29/1953:9 Cromwell, Ralph South Main St couple married 35 years, 11/27/1952:4 Cromwell, Ralph W. Petition for probate of will, 12/02/1954:9 Cromwell, Ralph Winslow Dies at age 66, 11/11/1954:6 Obituary, 11/11/1954:11 Cromwell, R.W. Real estate, 104 South Main St (ad), 04/01/1954:2 Cromwell, Wilfred J. Petition for probate of will, 02/08/1951:8 Cromwell, Wilfred Joseph Obituary, 01/25/1951:4 Husband of Bertha Peckham dies at age 66, 01/25/1951:5 Cronan, Cora Resides in St. Petersburg, FL, 10/16/1952:4 Cronan, Michael J. Husband of Cora G. dies at age 75, 02/28/1952:5 Obituary, 02/28/1952:7 Cronin, Jeremiah Dies in Stoughton, 08/28/1952:5 Cronin, John Joseph Engaged to Gertrude Anita Dupont, 09/27/1951:4 Wed to Gertrude Anita Dupont, 10/11/1951:4 Crosby, Bertha Thompson Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Crosby, David B. Engaged to Mary L. Sullivan, 05/03/1951:5 Crosby, Kenneth B. Engaged to Audrey Patstone, 01/08/1953:8 Wed to Audrey D. Patstone, 08/20/1953:5 Crosby, W.H. Sells Fuller St farm to Matthew Cushing 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8 Cross, Carroll N. Daughter born, 02/03/1950:5 Cross, Douglas Graduates from Mt Vernon Academy, OH, 05/26/1952:4 Cross, Gertie Youngblood Daughter born, 02/03/1950:5 Cross, Mrs Robert F., Jr. Resides in Centerville, 06/16/1950:6 Crossley, Albert Reunited with former 6-day bike racing partner, 06/21/1951:5 And son employed as construction engineers in Africa, 09/13/1951:10 Crossley, Blanche C. Petitions land court to confirm title to land, 09/27/1951:4 Crossley, W.B., Jr. Lieutenant on maneuvers at Fort Hood, TX, 02/28/1952:5 Crothers, George Aged man fractures ankles when runs into Lorraine Caron's car, 03/08/1951:1 Dies at age 90, 06/12/1952:6 Obituary, 06/12/1952:6 Crouse, Connie Local pupil in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1 Croutworst, Albert Son born, 03/22/1951:2 Croutworst, William Resides in Los Angeles, CA, 09/01/1950:7 Crowe, John Henry, Jr. Inducted into armed forces, 10/08/1953:1 Crowell, Burpee E. Petition for probate of will, 08/05/1954:5 Crowell, Burpee Edward Dies at age 85, 07/22/1954:5 Obituary, 07/22/1954:8 Crowell, Ellsworth Leaves for job in California with United Airlines, 02/21/1952:7 Crowell, Ellsworth F. Appointed to organize ham radio operators for emergency communications, 04/10/1952:13 Crowell, Kenneth Son born, 01/11/1951:5, 05/07/1953:4 Crowell, Marian Tubman Son born, 05/07/1953:4 Crowell, Marion E. Collides with South Dartmouth auto at Four Corners, 11/22/1951:4 68 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Crowell, Marion E. Tubman Son born, 01/11/1951:5 Crowell, Mary Frances Obituary, 02/14/1952:2 Wife of Burpee E. dies at age 89, 02/14/1952:5 Crowell, Mrs Ellsworth Leaves for West Coast to join husband, 04/17/1952:6 Crowley, Louise Five girls from Dance Studio perform in Cambridge (p), 03/22/1951:1 Crowley, William P. Obituary, 06/16/1950:8 Crown, Addie Robinson Wedding described, 05/15/1952:2 Crowninshield, Katherine Employed at sanatorium, 02/07/1952:4 Crowther, Alfred Foreclosure notice, 04/09/1953:4 Crowther, Elizabeth A. Loses alcohol license for 30 days, 07/17/1952:10 Crowther, John Applies for liquor license transfer, 08/09/1951:5 Crowther's General Store John Crowther applies for liquor license transfer, 08/09/1951:5 Loses alcohol license for 30 days, 07/17/1952:10 Crozier, Robert. see Robert Crozier Memorial Scholarship Cruelty to Animals. see Animal Welfare Crusade for Freedom Begley is chair of local campaign, 11/22/1951:1 Crutchfield, Alice J. Files for child support, 03/29/1951:5 Crutchfield, Alice J. Nourse Engaged to Orrin Ellsworth Standish, 12/04/1952:5 Wed to Orrin Ellsworth Standish, 12/11/1952:7 Crutchfield, Alice Jean Wedding described, 12/11/1952:9 Crutchfield, Samuel C. Wife files for child support, 03/29/1951:5 Cucinotta, James P. Manager of Fall River W.T. Grant store, 09/08/1950:7 Cudworth, Delia Frances Dies at age 79, 07/31/1952:5 Obituary, 07/31/1952:7 Cudworth, Elisha G. Selectmen to consider feud over Rock Pond, 05/19/1950:1 Hearing held on Rock Pond controversy, 06/09/1950:1 Cudworth, William Donald Sent for induction into armed services, 10/09/1952:8 Cummings, Arthur G. First Congregational chapel dedicated to minister who served for 48 years (p), 11/26/1953:1 Ministers' Association pays tribute to Cummings, 12/10/1953:1 Town mourns death of pastor (p), 04/15/1954:1 Petition for probate of will, 05/06/1954:7 Cummings, Arthur Gray Obituary, 04/08/1954:1 Dies at age 82, 04/08/1954:6 Cummings, Evelina Middleboro students prepare treats for overseas (p), 11/05/1953:1 Cummings, George F. Disabled veteran seeks mother (l), 11/13/1952:2 Cummings, Natalie Resides in Wellesley Hills, 12/01/1950:14 Cunningham, D.H. High school boys organize strong ball team 50 years ago, 03/18/1954:7 Cunningham, James Daughter born, 05/20/1954:7 Cunningham, Patricia Engaged to Malcolm Duff, 05/01/1952:5 Wed to Malcolm Duff, 05/08/1952:7 Cunningham, Virginia Petrowski Daughter born, 05/20/1954:7 Curley, Ethel A. Shaw Son born, 01/25/1951:5 Curley, Ethel Shaw Son born, 08/27/1953:7 Curley, Leo Captain transfers to Alaska, 05/29/1952:3 Son born, 08/27/1953:7 Curley, Leo D. Son born, 01/25/1951:5 Captain attends Associate Battery Officers Course, 06/14/1951:5 Captain completes Battery Officers School at Fort Bliss, TX, 08/16/1951:8 Curley, Louisa Obituary, 09/27/1951:4 Wife of James C. dies at age 57, 09/27/1951:4 Curley, Thomas Postage machine put to work immediately (p), 08/05/1954:1 Curley, William H. Couple feted by Canadian steamship line, 09/22/1950:1 Currency West Side School has unique collection of foreign coins and money (p), 12/23/1954:1 Currier, Helen Employed at sanatorium, 11/08/1951:4 Currin, Catherine Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1 Curtin, Edward J. John Cabot Club holds ceremony to burn mortgage (p), 12/15/1950:1 Curtis, Lillian R. Wed to Roland D. Letourneau, 12/16/1954:4 Curtis, Raymond W. see also Curtis Ford Sales Purchase Ford dealership from Otis Randall, 11/06/1952:1 New No. 2 police cruiser (p), 05/28/1953:10 Curtis, Raymond W., Jr. Candidate for Finance Committee, 12/09/1954:1 Curtis Ford Sales Randall Motors' license transferred, 11/06/1952:4 70 Wareham St (ad), 11/06/1952:7 Petitions for increase in gas storage capacity (ad), 11/27/1952:8 Application for increased gas storage granted, 12/11/1952:5 Employs Myron Turnbull, 12/18/1952:1 John Hayward joins staff, 02/26/1953:1 Awarded bid for Police Department ranch wagon, 04/09/1953:1 Gets contract for garbage truck chassis, 04/16/1953:11 Local Ford headquarters (p), 07/29/1954:6 Smart, new '55 Ford now on display (p), 12/09/1954:12 Cushing, Edna Father, Clarence Thomas, celebrates 80th birthday (p), 12/24/1953:1 Cushing, Elizabeth Smith Son born, 10/14/1954:4 Cushing, Harold Harrison Accepts post at Maine Vocational Technical Institute, 12/31/1953:3 Cushing, J. Stearns Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises (p), 06/30/1950:1 Student driver car presented to MHS (p), 12/22/1950:1 Member of 1910 MHS baseball team (p), 02/01/1951:1 Named to regional civil defense committee, 02/01/1951:1 Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1 Teachers honor superintendent for 15 years of service (p), 05/22/1952:1 School Committee honors retiring members (p), 01/14/1954:10 School officials accept gift of audiometer (p), 03/11/1954:1 Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1 First outdoor MHS commencement exercises held here (p), 06/24/1954:1 Jack & Jill Kindergarten holds graduation exercises (p), 07/01/1954:6 Cushing, Jean Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 Cushing, Josiah Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1 Cushing, Judy Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises (p), 06/30/1950:1 Cushing, Karen Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 69 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Cushing, Mary Pearl Finishes 23rd in NE championship 10-miler, 07/12/1951:4 Obituary, 07/12/1951:10 Cushing, Matthew H. Purchases Fuller St farm from W.H. Crosby 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8 Cushing, Pamela J. Obituary, 04/16/1953:5 Cushing, Pamela Jean Infant daughter of Harold H. and Hilda M. Witherly dies, 04/16/1953:7 Cushing, Ralph D. Employed by Johnstown, PA firm 50 years ago, 04/08/1954:9 Cushing, Ralph Dexter Dies at age 71, 09/10/1953:5 Obituary, 09/10/1953:10 Cushing, Robert Son born, 10/14/1954:4 Cushing, Robert L. Couple wins trip to Bermuda, 08/23/1951:1 Couple purchases South Main St homestead of Edith Gates, 08/12/1954:5 Cushing, Ruth Attends Boston University, 05/08/1952:10 Cushing, Ruth A. Appointed to faculty of Union Street School, 02/10/1950:6 Washburn unit teacher given tenure, 04/03/1952:1 Cushman, Earl Couple moves to new home on Vernon St, 08/25/1950:4 Cushman, Harlas L. Town settles Cushman claim on land with water supply, 05/26/1952:1 Cushman, Howard Leaves for reservist's training at Camp Drum, NY, 08/13/1953:6 Cushman, Howard C. Engaged to Doris Sturgis, 12/04/1952:4 Cushman, Howard C., Jr. Engaged to Doris Sturgis, 12/18/1952:10, 01/01/1953:8 Engaged to Doris M. Sturgis, 01/08/1953:5 Wed to Doris H. Sturgis, 01/22/1953:5 Cushman, Howard Cobb, Jr. Wedding described, 01/15/1953:2 Cushman, Howard, Jr. Engaged to Doris Marguerite Sturgis, 10/16/1952:4 Cushman, Jane Accepts post at sanatorium, 06/04/1953:4 Cushman, John M. Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4 Cushman, Lillian Elva Wed to James Jasper Vigers, 08/18/1950:5 Cushman, Susan Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1 Cushman, Viola S. Town settles Cushman claim on land with water supply, 05/26/1952:1 Cusick, Mrs Eugene Resides in Seekonk, 01/20/1950:12 Cutler, Barbara Vinal Family joins Major in Germany, 12/02/1954:9 Cutler, Samuel G. Telephone officer at Westover base, 12/08/1950:10 Cutting, Glenna Blakeney Son born, 05/21/1953:6 Cutting, William Son born, 05/21/1953:6 Cybulski, Walter Engaged to Lorraine Hodgdon, 05/24/1951:7 Wedding described, 07/05/1951:4 Wed to Lorraine Hodgdon, 07/05/1951:5 Cyliuski, Walter Engaged to Lorraine Hodgdon, 06/21/1951:5 Cyr, Gisele Brisson Son born, 01/29/1953:4 Cyr, Henry Son born, 01/29/1953:4 Cyr's Restaurant Formerly The Capeway (ad), 04/16/1953:8 At junction of routes 28 and 44 (ad), 11/12/1953:8 Czaikowski, Joseph C. Daughter born, 03/06/1952:5 Czaikowski, Lillian Rosa Daughter born, 03/06/1952:5 D Da Rosa, Eugenia B. Files for divorce, 10/01/1953:5 Da Rosa, Joseph Wife files for divorce, 10/01/1953:5 da Silva, Franscisco Marques Petition for license to store gasoline, 09/24/1953:4 daCosta, Eleanor Joy Daughter born, 03/10/1950:5 DaCosta, Francis Engaged to Violet M. Landry, 07/02/1953:4 daCosta, Frederick, Jr. Ordered back to submarine base in California, 09/15/1950:10 daCosta, Frederick W. Candidate for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/13/1950:2, 01/13/1950:6 Takes out nomination papers for selectman, 11/22/1951:1 Profile of candidate for Finance Committee, 01/10/1952:2 Running for seat on Finance Committee, 12/13/1952:1 daCosta, Gertrude Old time transportation returns to W.T. Grant Co. (p), 10/23/1952:5 Freshman at University of Massachusetts, 09/17/1953:7 Takes part in collegiate premiere of Carousel at UMass, 03/11/1954:9 On honor list at UMass, 04/15/1954:1 daCosta, John Daughter born, 03/10/1950:5 DaCosta, June Qualifies as clerk-typist with U.S. Civil Service, 05/22/1952:7 Dadario, Carol Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 Daggett & Ramsdell Debutante cosmetics (ad), 11/03/1950:6 Dahlberg, Carl A. Son born, 04/10/1952:7 Dahlberg, Dorothy Stewart Son born, 04/10/1952:7 Dahlin, Helen Boston amnesia victim a former Middleboro resident, 01/08/1953:5 Dahlin, Marjorie Anna Daughter of Emil A. and Anna Benson dies at age 25, 02/21/1952:5 Dahlquist, Albin Couple moves into new district parsonage, 12/27/1951:8 Dahlquist, Diana To sing with Boston University Glee Club overseas, 02/21/1952:6 Dahlquist, Diana M. New music instructor at Bates School, 07/30/1953:1 Newly elected music teacher resigns, 08/13/1953:1 Resigns as music teacher at Bates, 08/20/1953:1 Dahlquist, G. Albin Appointed to Asbury Methodist Church, Warwick, RI, 06/12/1952:1 Dahlquist, John To sing with Boston University Glee Club overseas, 02/21/1952:6 Appointed to Franklin Methodist Church, Brockton, 06/12/1952:1 In Dean's List at Boston University, 09/04/1952:2 Dahlquist, John T. Sings with Boston University Glee Club, 12/01/1950:9 Dahlquist, John Terrence Boston University junior accepted as supply pastor in Rhode Island, 06/14/1951:3 Wedding described, 11/08/1951:2 Dahlquist, Nancy Resides in Providence, RI, 01/07/1954:8 Dahlquist, Nancy Mae Studies piano at NE Conservatory of Music, 11/01/1951:5 Dairies. see also B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc.; Wiksten Bros. Barn filthy, but milk not sold here, 05/14/1953:1 McIntire Dairy one of largest and finest in southeastern Massachusetts (p), 10/01/1953:6 McIntire Dairy one of largest dairies in district (p), 01/21/1954:6 McIntire Dairy, quality products and friendly service, 04/15/1954:8 70 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Dairy Queen Selectmen deny Sunday license to Joseph Chamberland, 05/31/1951:1 National rep requests reconsideration of license for Chamberland, 06/14/1951:5 Chamberland turned down for second time, 06/28/1951:1 Chamberland takes license fight to superior court, 07/05/1951:1 Trial set for next week, 07/12/1951:1 Trial held on writ petition, 07/19/1951:1 Case goes to supreme court, 07/26/1951:1 Petition dismissed by superior court, 07/26/1951:1 Selectman Maddigan denies Chamberland's statement, 07/26/1951:1 Board of Health had no authority to deny license, 08/02/1951:1 Chamberland's attorney files appeal, 08/02/1951:4 Health Board gets letter from state commissioner, 08/09/1951:1 Selectmen receive copy of letter from state, 08/09/1951:6 Chamberland asks damages of $50,000, 09/13/1951:1 Properties of selectmen attached in $50,000 damage suit, 09/20/1951:1 Citizens sign request on Chamberland's behalf, 10/18/1951:1 Selectmen engage counsel in damage suit, 11/22/1951:1 Selectmen deny liability for damages, 12/20/1951:1 Chamberland applies for 1952 license, 02/07/1952:1 Chamberland suit argued in Boston, 02/14/1952:1 Hale advises selectmen to wait on pending court cases, 02/21/1952:1 Chamberland wins appeal, 04/10/1952:1 Full text of order that selectmen issue license to Chamberland, 04/17/1952:1 Health board obeys high court, grants license to Chamberland, 04/24/1952:1 Wanted, local couple to manage store (ad), 04/24/1952:6 Opened at last, 05/08/1952:2 Selectmen take no action on Sunday license application, 05/08/1952:5 May prosecute damage suit, 05/15/1952:1 Corner of East Grove and South Main St (ad), 05/15/1952:8 Sunday license still tabled, 05/22/1952:1 Chamberland not looking for hostility in seeking Sunday license, 05/26/1952:1 Selectmen delay action on Sunday license, 05/26/1952:1 Joseph Chamberland issued license renewal, 02/12/1953:5 Gets Sunday license, 03/19/1953:1 Petition for sign approved, 04/02/1953:1 Hours change (ad), 09/03/1953:9 Wanted, neat young man willing to work nights (ad), 03/18/1954:9 New store hours (ad), 05/27/1954:11 New hours (ad), 09/02/1954:2 Daisy Do-Nut Restaurant W. Gardner Brown sells business to Mr and Mrs Russell Shurtleff, 11/26/1953:1 Shurtleffs receive license necessary to operate remainder of year, 12/10/1953:9 Daisy's Antique & Gift Shop 114 Oak St (ad), 12/13/1951:13 Daisy's Gift Shop 114 Oak St (ad), 10/27/1950:2 Dalberg, Nelson Drowns in Long Pond, 08/28/1952:10 Daley, Thomas Dies at age 56, 09/17/1953:6 Obituary, 09/17/1953:10 Petition for administration of estate, 12/10/1953:6 Dallas, Walter Lieutenant to report to Westover Field, 05/29/1952:2 Dalton, J.H. Caters firemen's ball 50 years ago, 01/21/1954:7 Daly, Charles Son born, 10/08/1953:4 Daly, Charles F. Police weigh evidence in Daly crash, 12/09/1954:4 Daly, Jacqueline Davis Son born, 10/08/1953:4 Dame, Mary Donald Viera charged with defacing Oak St home of Dame, 06/03/1954:6 Dams Dam not safe, boys climbing over for alewives, 04/19/1951:1 Selectmen fear effect of proposed dam on Nemasket flowage, 06/11/1953:1 Nemasket River alewife dam repair discussed, 12/17/1953:1 Lawless lads pull planks from Muttock dam 50 years ago, 07/15/1954:8 Dance Instruction Walter's School of Dancing gives first annual recital, 06/16/1950:2 Walter's School of Dancing, 25 North Main St (ad), 09/08/1950:3 Five girls from Louise Crowley Dance Studio perform in Cambridge (p), 03/22/1951:1 Local pupils in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1 Muriel Durkin Fitzsimmons opens studio at 18 Coombs St, 09/27/1951:6 Muriel Fitzsimmons' School of Dancing (ad), 09/27/1951:10 Yvonne Green's Dancing School (ad) (p), 11/22/1951:4 Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Yvonne Green, dancing school (ad) (p), 09/04/1952:8 Walter's School of Dancing will not open this season due to illness (ad), 11/20/1952:6 Dances and Dancing. see also Balls (parties) Assembly of Rainbow Girls holds annual dance party, 01/06/1950:1 Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club dance (p), 02/17/1950:1 Firemen's Relief Association dance attracts 200, 02/24/1950:6 Senior Scouts hold successful dance, 03/17/1950:10 Lewis Shaw's license renewed, 05/19/1950:2 Walter's School of Dancing student, Peggy Reynolds, participates in concert in Boston, 06/02/1950:1 Square Dance Club forms, 03/01/1951:4 Square Dance Club formed at YMCA, 03/01/1951:7 Successful square dance held at Town House, 04/12/1951:6 Local square dance, Sachem Steppers, elects officers, 05/03/1951:4 Sachem Steppers' gingham ball attracts throng of square dancers (p), 05/17/1951:1 Tap dancer Peggy Reynolds entertains in Brockton, 05/24/1951:1 Thelma and George Reynolds seek permit for Saturday dances at Shaw's Fun House, 07/26/1951:6 Reynolds needs to submit proof of identity, 08/09/1951:1 Local women help entertain at army hospital dance (p), 09/18/1952:1 Square dance classes open at Odd Fellows Hall, 09/18/1952:2 Sachem Steppers co-sponsor 4th semi-annual Gingham Ball, 06/18/1953:10 Janice West represents dance studio in Boston review, 08/20/1953:8 Sachem Steppers 1953 membership reaches 105, 01/28/1954:9 Two hundred attend square dance at Sacred Heart Church, 02/04/1954:5 Middleboro Town Twirlers square dance club, 02/11/1954:3 Dance floor full at first Boy's Band event of season 50 years ago, 02/11/1954:8 Order of the Rainbow record hop a huge success, 03/11/1954:10 FFA teen dance raises $40 for Paquin fund, 03/18/1954:1 Three new couples join Midd-Town Twirlers Square Dance Club, 04/08/1954:2 "Stardust" is theme of MHS Junior Prom, 04/15/1954:10 Local square dance caller, Walt Minnick, to appear on television (p), 06/24/1954:1 Boys Band hold party 50 years ago, 11/25/1954:3 Dandley, Herbert Pearl St couple moves to Nashua, NH, 02/17/1950:8 Dane, Donald Born to Donald A. Keil, 12/15/1950:10 Daniel F. McNearney Insurance 152 Peirce St (ad), 12/02/1954:8 Danielson, John Pearl St couple married 25 years, 02/03/1950:1 Enters Wilbraham Academy, 09/29/1950:5 Couple purchase home of late Dr A. Vincent Smith, 02/08/1951:5 Danielson, John, Jr. Graduates from Wilbraham Academy, 06/07/1951:1 Enrolls in Air Force ROTC at Tufts, 02/28/1952:9 Elected class secretary at Tufts, 05/07/1953:1 Re-elected class secretary at Tufts, 05/06/1954:1 Danks, George Family resides in Manchester, CT, 07/28/1950:10 71 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Dann, August Ditleff Dies at age 71, 06/12/1952:6 Obituary, 06/12/1952:12 Dann, Robert J. Engaged in gunnery tests at Camp Rucker, AL, 06/05/1952:10 Fined $75 for drunk driving, 03/25/1954:7 Dann, Robert James Leaves for induction in Boston, 02/08/1951:10 Darling, Bette G. Petition to mortgage real estate, 10/15/1953:5 Darling, Bette Vigers Son born, 06/19/1952:5, 06/04/1953:4 Darling, Eleanor Horn Daughter born, 06/16/1950:7 Son born, 12/20/1951:7 Darling, Lester, Jr. Daughter born, 06/16/1950:7 Son born, 12/20/1951:7 Darling, Robert Son born, 06/19/1952:5, 06/04/1953:4 Darling, Robert M. Wed to Bette G. Vigers, 11/15/1951:7 Petition to mortgage real estate, 10/15/1953:5 Darney, Edward Obituary, 11/19/1953:5 Boston man dies at age 62, 11/19/1953:6 DaRocha, John M. Wed to Mary A. Arruda, 06/11/1953:4 Dary, Jacqueline Born to Leon, Jr., 04/08/1954:5 Dary, Leon, Jr. Engaged to Pauline Saunders, 05/22/1952:9, 06/12/1952:3, 06/12/1952:12 Daughter born, 03/18/1954:4, 04/08/1954:5, 06/24/1954:2 Dary, Leon L., Jr. Engaged to Pauline Saunders, 09/06/1951:7, 06/12/1952:7 Wed to Pauline Saunders, 07/03/1952:5 Dary, Leon Lenard, Jr. Wedding described, 05/26/1952:6 Dary, Mrs Leon L., Jr. Resides in Philadelphia, PA, 08/28/1952:10 Dary, Pauline Saunders Graduates from Curtis Institute, 05/14/1953:1 Daughter born, 03/18/1954:4 Dascoulias, Angelo Must pay $4 for support of child, 01/20/1950:8 Engaged to Helen Tarr, 02/17/1950:6 Daughter born, 12/22/1950:7 Granted television license for Central Cafe, 05/03/1951:5 Daughter born, 07/02/1953:4 Dascoulias, Angelo N. Engaged to Helen M. Tarr, 02/17/1950:7 Wed to Helen M. Tarr, 03/03/1950:5 Central Cafe under investigated for sale of liquor to minor, 11/05/1953:1 Dascoulias, Dimitra Truck owned by Maleski and Dascoulias slides off highway, 07/03/1952:4 Dascoulias, Dimitria The Fruit Outlet, twin sisters Maleski and Dascoulias (p), 08/20/1953:6 Dascoulias, Dimmie The Fruit Outlet under new management (ad), 04/21/1950:10 The Fruit Outlet, wholesale and retail, 121 Center St (p), 12/10/1953:8 The Fruit Outlet, renowned for quality fruit, 03/18/1954:6 And Bessie Maleski sell The Fruit Outlet to Manuel Abren and Phillip Falconeiri, 04/29/1954:1 Dascoulias, Helen Tarr Daughter born, 12/22/1950:7, 07/02/1953:4 Dastous, Alfred No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Datsenko, Theodore S. Husband of Gertrude Manders dies at age 64, 06/18/1953:4 Obituary, 06/18/1953:10 Petition for probate of will, 07/30/1953:5 Daughters of the American Revolution - Nemasket Chapter Joan Bissonnette receives DAR Good Citizenship Award, 03/08/1951:1 Mary Rudolph winner of Good Citizenship award, 03/06/1952:5 Alice Moranville chosen DAR Good Citizen for MHS, 03/19/1953:1 Cynthia Sowyrda presented Good Citizenship Award, 02/11/1954:1 Dave's Auto Body and Paint Shop E.R. David, corner of Wareham and Wood St (ad), 01/20/1950:7 David, Beverly Wed to Murray Alberts, 01/06/1950:2 David, Beverly Ruth Wed to Murray Alberts, 01/13/1950:5 David, E.R. Dave's Auto Body and Paint Shop, corner of Wareham and Wood St (ad), 01/20/1950:7 David, Eugene Fined $100 for operating uninsured car, 01/25/1951:8 David, Eugene R. Charged with operating unregistered, uninsured vehicle, 12/29/1950:8 Daughter born, 03/22/1951:5 David, Gertrude Fox Daughter born, 03/22/1951:5 Davidson, Douglas K. Engaged to Eleanor C. Rogers, 11/03/1950:1 Wed to Eleanor C. Rogers, 06/19/1952:5 Davidson, Douglas Kinney Engaged to Eleanor Catherine Rogers, 05/29/1952:5 Davidson, Eleanor Resides in Alexandria, VA, 07/10/1952:5 Davidzuk, Emil Son born, 07/09/1953:4 Davidzuk, Pauline Madder Son born, 07/09/1953:4 Davies, Caryl Lee Engaged to Charles E. Harris, Jr., 02/01/1951:5 Davies, Shirley V. Engaged to Bayard W. Peabody, 10/13/1950:4 Davis, Alexander B. Old Stone House Antiques, Rte 28 (ad), 08/19/1954:2 Davis, Benjamin Gets one month for drunkenness, 09/08/1950:2 Davis, Benjamin F. Helen Parkhurst charges Davis with trespassing, 12/13/1951:5 Davis, Clifford Brockton man dies, 09/10/1953:4 Davis, Dorothy Resides in Chatham, 06/09/1950:7 Enrolls in nursing school in Boston, 09/29/1950:12 Resides in Newton, 11/17/1950:11 Completes nursery training course in Boston, 05/31/1951:1 Assumes teaching duties in Pittsfield, 09/06/1951:8 Employed at Pittsfield Nursery School, 04/30/1953:6 Assumes teaching post at kindergarten in Arlington, CA, 09/23/1954:4 Davis, Dorothy Marie Graduates from Nursery Training School in Boston, 05/31/1951:5 Davis, Ellis M. Couple injured when car tips over on Everett St, 10/06/1950:8 Davis, Eugene Dies at Veterans' Hospital in Vermont, 11/24/1950:8 Davis, George Returns to USS Helena in San Francisco, CA, 12/15/1950:7 Arrive in Japan, 04/26/1951:7 Receives 20-year service pin from Cities Service Co., 05/24/1951:6 Serves on USS Helena, transporting Eisenhower to Korea, 12/11/1952:1 Employed in Quincy, 11/05/1953:7 Seaman arrives on east coast, 11/26/1953:4 Davis, George E. Engaged to Meredith M. Caswell, 07/19/1951:9 Engaged to Meredith Caswell, 09/06/1951:8 Has non-paralytic polio, 09/23/1954:4 Davis, George E., Jr. Leaves for naval training at Great Lakes Training Station, IL, 02/24/1950:12 Engaged to Meredith M. Caswell, 09/20/1951:7 Wedding described, 10/04/1951:4 72 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Davis, George E., Jr. continued Wed to Meredith M. Caswell, 10/11/1951:4 Storekeeper seaman returns from Korean waters, 12/20/1951:7 Takes part in Pacific naval exercise, 03/27/1952:7 Davis, George, Jr. Daughter born, 11/12/1953:6 Family moves to new apartment in Middleboro, 12/10/1953:11 Davis, Guy Couple has unusual blossoms on black eyed Susan plant, 07/01/1954:7 Davis, Guy C. Applies for liquor license, 10/27/1950:12 House moved from Wareham St to Corinne Parkway, 10/04/1951:1 Davis, Jane C. Wed to Alonzo H. Libby, 01/28/1954:5 Davis, M. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Davis, Madeline Couple injured when car tips over on Everett St, 10/06/1950:8 Davis, Marjorie Shaw Resides in Eustis, FL, 08/04/1950:7 Davis, Meredith Caswell Employed at sanatorium, 12/11/1952:1 Daughter born, 11/12/1953:6 Davis, Miles MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1 Employed by Industrial Spray Painting, Inc., 08/12/1954:6 Davis, Miles S. Car rolls over on Wareham St, 12/17/1953:10 Davis, Minnie Employed at Trust Co., 08/21/1952:4 Davis, Mrs George, Jr. Resigns from sanatorium, 01/15/1953:6 Davis, Nathan Irving Engaged to Blanche Louise Lessard, 11/13/1952:7 Davis, Raymond Runaway skips after one day of school, caught in New Bedford, 09/15/1950:1 Davis, Richard Home after discharge from army, 08/25/1950:4 Corporal home for Christmas for first time in six years, 12/31/1953:5 Davis, Richard A. Discharged after three years in U.S. Army, 08/18/1950:10 Private 1st Class arrives safely in Germany, 09/22/1950:10 Returns from Germany, re-enlists in army, 08/27/1953:9 Sergeant stationed at Fort Knox, KY, 06/10/1954:12 Davis, Roger MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p), 06/14/1951:1 Davis, Virginia Francis Wed to Edwin Churchill, 04/26/1951:7 Davis, Wayne Serves on heavy cruiser USS Newport News, 03/26/1953:10 Advanced in rating on board USS Newport News, 06/11/1953:3 Davis, W.H. Public auction (ad), 07/21/1950:3 Davison, George C. Awarded school transportation contract, 04/12/1951:1 Dawson, Elizabeth Harwood Daughter born, 08/02/1951:5 Dawson, Richard Daughter born, 08/02/1951:5 Dawson, William Wedding described, 07/01/1954:12 Day, William South Carver man dies in fire, 05/05/1950:1 Day Care. see Child Care Dayton, Robert Allerton man purchases Four Corners Cafe from John Perkins, 02/04/1954:1 Dayton, Robert C. John Perkins applies to transfer liquor license to Dayton, 01/07/1954:5 License transfer approved, 01/14/1954:10 Deagle (Mr) Sells Plymouth St home to Mortimer, 09/03/1953:6 Dealtry, Mabel Perkins Denounces plans for high school (l), 02/03/1950:1 Playground super and assistant super comment on letter (l), 02/10/1950:11 Dean, Allen Charles Goodwin purchases diner at Everett Square from Powers and Dean, 01/17/1952:1 Dean, Allen M. Everett Square Diner co-owner fined $150 for gaming nuisance, 05/17/1951:3 Dean, Annie W. Petition for probate of will, 08/18/1950:5 Dean, Annie Wood Widow of Valentine dies at age 74, 06/30/1950:5 Obituary, 06/30/1950:6 Dean, Charles Couple moves to new home on Bloomfield Ave, 01/17/1952:5 MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4 Dean, George A. Purchases Pearl St house from George Phillips, 11/25/1954:2 Dean, Herbert A. Notice of tax taking, 09/10/1953:9, 02/04/1954:9 Dean, Mary Edna Tabor Wed to Ademord Joseph Gagnon, 10/29/1953:5 Dean, Mrs Charles Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner for Allan Hale (p), 02/08/1951:1 Dean, Othello E. Obituary, 08/09/1951:4 Husband of Esther W. dies at age 86, 08/09/1951:5 Dean, Pauline Emma Widow of Frederick dies at age 82, 07/02/1953:4 Obituary, 07/02/1953:7 Dean, Sheila Receives MHS Silver M award, 05/28/1953:1 Enrolls at LaSalle Junior College, Auburndale, 09/17/1953:2 On Dean's List at Lasell Junior College, 12/10/1953:12 On Dean's List for entire year at Lasell Junior College, 04/22/1954:12 Accepted at Deaconess School of Nursing, 06/10/1954:10 Dean, Shelia L. Begins nursing career at Deaconess Hospital, 09/16/1954:7 Deane, Annie W. Announcement of will reading, 12/04/1952:5 Deane, Barbara Who's who in MHS senior class, 04/10/1952:5 Deane, Barbara A. Engaged to Robert Kinney, 06/19/1952:5 Wed to Robert Kinney, 07/10/1952:5 Deane, Barbara Amanda Engaged to Robert L. Kinney, 07/12/1951:8 Wedding described, 07/10/1952:8 Deane, Faye Middleboro faculty honors retired teacher, 11/04/1954:1 Deane, Faye H. Returns from three months in Europe, 07/28/1950:7 Teacher resigns from Bates School after 49-year career, 08/12/1954:1 Retires from Bates School, 09/16/1954:5 Deane, George E. Resumes studies at Brown University, 01/06/1950:7 Named to Dean's List at Brown University, 10/20/1950:8 Graduates with distinction from Brown University (p), 06/05/1952:1 Appointed Research Technician at University of Connecticut, 09/18/1952:5 Graduates from University of Connecticut, 06/17/1954:1 Engaged in naval research (p), 06/24/1954:1 Engaged to Doris L. Eaton, 07/08/1954:8 Engaged to Doris Eaton, 09/16/1954:4 Wedding described (p), 10/14/1954:3 Wed to Doris Eaton, 10/14/1954:4 Deane, George Edward Named to Dean's List at Brown University, 03/22/1951:7, 11/08/1951:1 Honored at Brown University, 03/20/1952:2 Deane, George P. Elected to Board of Directors of Barbour Welting Co., Brockton, 05/26/1952:5 73 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Deane, George P. continued East Grove St couple married 25 years, 09/18/1952:9 Deane, John Daughter born, 10/14/1954:4 Daughter, 11/04/1954:9 Deane, John M. Completes basic training at Fort Dix, NJ, 03/31/1950:3 Obituary, 04/14/1950:5 Petition for probate of will, 04/21/1950:4 Promoted to Sergeant with Engineer Construction Battalion in Seoul, Korea, 10/30/1952:4 Engaged to Rhoda E. Anderson, 02/25/1954:4 Wed to Rhoda E. Anderson, 04/22/1954:6 Deane, John Mason Dies at age 84, 04/14/1950:6 Deane, Kris Born to John and Rhoda Anderson, 11/04/1954:9 Deane, Philip B. Returns from three months in Europe, 07/28/1950:7 Named to board of governors of American Red Cross, 06/24/1954:1 Deane, Rhoda Anderson Daughter born, 10/14/1954:4 Daughter, 11/04/1954:9 Deane, Shirley Sault Daughter born, 01/13/1950:5 Deane, Teddy Six-year-old gives reading at grange meeting, 12/08/1950:7 Deane, Theodore MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1 Deane, Theodore V. Files nomination papers for Board of Assessors, 11/15/1951:1 Runs for Board of Assessors, 12/13/1951:1 Profile of candidate for Finance Committee, 01/10/1952:1 Thanks voters (ad), 01/24/1952:11 Deane, Virginia May Dies at age 46, 08/11/1950:5 Obituary, 08/11/1950:6 Deane, W. Eastvale Dahlia Farms, third annual visitors day (ad), 09/04/1952:4 Deane, Wilfred Daughter born, 01/13/1950:5 Dean-Morris Shoe Co. Bookkeeper, stenographer wanted (ad), 06/16/1950:12 Enlarges factory, adds 60 to 90 workers, 11/15/1951:1 Typist wanted for bookkeeping, billing, and payroll (ad), 06/11/1953:10 DeArruda, Alfred Attends University of Massachusetts, 11/17/1950:5 Engaged to Nancy Crane, 06/07/1951:10 Engaged to Nancy Crain, 08/09/1951:5 Engaged to Nancy Crane, 09/06/1951:5 Wed to Nancy Crane, 09/13/1951:5 Son born, 09/11/1952:5 Daughter born, 10/08/1953:4 DeArruda, Alfred M. Wedding described, 09/13/1951:2 DeArruda, Catherine McPherson Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4 DeArruda, Catherine Pherson Son born, 04/10/1952:7 DeArruda, Dennis Son born, 04/10/1952:7 DeArruda, Dennis Joseph Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4 DeArruda, Edmund Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1 DeArruda, Edmund I. Nineteen-year-old reported missing, 08/13/1953:1 Lifeless body found in car off Plain St, 08/20/1953:1 DeArruda, Edmund Irving Son of Augustus and Elsie Irving dies at age 19, 08/20/1953:4 DeArruda, Jennie Joaquin Daughter born, 02/25/1954:4 DeArruda, June Smith Son born, 01/07/1954:4 DeArruda, Manuel Engaged to Rose Gerrior, 08/18/1950:5 Wed to Rose Gerrior, 09/22/1950:5 Wedding described, 09/22/1950:8 DeArruda, Mary I. Petition for administration of estate, 09/25/1952:5 DeArruda, Mary V. Engaged to Thomas A. Perry, 12/02/1954:4 Wed to Thomas A. Perry, 12/09/1954:4 DeArruda, Mary Violet Engaged to Thomas A. Perry (p), 05/06/1954:1 Wedding described, 12/09/1954:8 DeArruda, Nancy Crane Son born, 09/11/1952:5 Daughter born, 10/08/1953:4 DeArruda, Robert Wed to June L. Smith, 09/17/1953:6 Graduate at annual FFA banquet, 11/26/1953:10 Son born, 01/07/1954:4 DeArruda, Robert A. Engaged to June L. Smith, 09/10/1953:5 Wedding described, 09/17/1953:6 DeArruda, Theodore Eagles champs of Inter-city Bowling League (p), 09/06/1951:1 Daughter born, 02/25/1954:4 DeArruda, Theodore W. Engaged to Jennie Louise Joaquin, 10/18/1951:5 Wed to Jennie Louise Joaquin, 10/25/1951:5 Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9 DeArruda, Theodore William Wedding described, 11/01/1951:8 Deaths - Middleboro One hundred seventy three in 1953, 02/04/1954:8 Debbie's Beauty Salon 55 School St (ad), 01/25/1951:2 Open Saturdays (ad), 06/11/1953:6 Open full time (ad), 10/07/1954:5 deBoer, Ranald Son born, 07/26/1951:5 deBoer, Virginia Wood Son born, 07/26/1951:5 DeCamp, Ernest MHS cross country team ends most successful season ever (p), 11/25/1954:1 DeCelle, Barbara Frances Engaged to Glenn Joseph Carew, 02/19/1953:5, 03/05/1953:7 DeCoff, C. Painting and decorating, 106 Pearl St (ad), 01/06/1950:7 DeCoff, Clifford Cambridge St couple married 25 years, 07/03/1952:1 Closes business temporarily (ad), 12/04/1952:10 Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1 DeCoff, Clifford G. Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7 Painter fractures leg in fall from ladder, 12/04/1952:4 DeCosta, Francis Wed to Violet Landry, 07/09/1953:5 Gets three months for drunkenness, 11/18/1954:12 DeCosta, Frank Gets one month for loitering and idleness, 12/08/1950:2 DeCourcy, George Paul Engaged to Eleanor Carol Otterson, 08/20/1953:4 Wedding described, 07/01/1954:5 DeCourt, Mary Engaged to William E. Card, 10/22/1953:7 Wed to William E. Card, 11/12/1953:6 DeCouto, Herb Mitchell Memorial Club 1950 baseball team (p), 09/29/1950:10 DeCunha, Louis Son born, 10/20/1950:5 DeCunha, Mary Roderiques Son born, 10/20/1950:5 74 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Dee, June Marilyn Wedding described, 07/07/1950:8 Deer Runs into Rosen's auto on Rte 28, 01/06/1950:1 Doe found dead on Plymouth St, 11/15/1951:1 Soldier wrecks car trying to avoid deer, 11/15/1951:1 Clyde Aikens hits deer on Summer St, 12/27/1951:5 Struck by train; another strikes Gurney's auto, 11/26/1953:5 Second deer killed by motorist this week, 12/02/1954:1 Sharon motorist collides with deer on Rte 28, 12/02/1954:8 Efforts to save crippled deer from river in vain, 12/30/1954:1 Deer Hunting Leo Gamache fined $100 for hunting deer in closed season, 01/13/1950:2 Nearest check in station in Assonet this year, 12/01/1950:1 Several local hunters get their venison, report incomplete, 12/13/1951:1 Only 23 deer checked into local station, 12/27/1951:3 Roy Cook gets deer opening day, 12/10/1953:1 Hunting report, 12/09/1954:4 Three generations of Thomas family have hunting success; many hunters bring home venison, 12/16/1954:1 Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3 Deering, Florence White MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1 Defense Industry Lobl Mfg., young women wanted for work on Army raincoats (ad), 06/14/1951:2 Leonard & Barrows gets $556,000 contract, 07/05/1951:1 Leonard & Barrows awarded $113,000 army contract, 07/19/1951:1 Degarde, August Neves, Jr. Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1 Degree of Pocahontas - Assawompsett Council Observes 25th anniversary, 04/14/1950:2 Observes 26th anniversary, 03/15/1951:12 Observes 27th anniversary, 04/03/1952:10 Mary Perkins presents afghan to Great Pocahontas Evelita Shepard (p), 06/19/1952:1 Observes 28th anniversary, 04/02/1953:5 Notes 29th anniversary, 04/01/1954:2 Deich, Florence Harris Daughter born, 10/20/1950:5 Deich, Samuel Daughter born, 10/20/1950:5 School Guidance Department director resigns, takes post in Ludlow, 01/21/1954:1 Family moves to Ludlow, 04/29/1954:6 Deimel, Alan Engaged to Joan Dorothy Zilonis, 12/24/1953:5 Deimel, Peter Engaged to Joan Zilonis, 04/01/1954:9 Deimel, Peter A. Engaged to Joan D. Zilonis, 04/22/1954:6 Wed to Joan D. Zilonis, 04/29/1954:4 Deimel, Peter Alan Wedding described (p), 04/29/1954:2 DeJesus, Henry Lakeville Lakers make fine record (p) (t), 04/23/1953:1 DeJesus, Henry, Jr. Lakeville Lakers make fine record (p) (t), 04/23/1953:1 Delaney, James T. Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Delano, Annette Perkins Daughter born, 10/06/1950:5 Son born, 09/17/1953:6 Delano, Herman Aunt dies in Andover, 03/29/1951:4 Delano, Ray, Jr. Son born, 09/17/1953:6 Delano, Ray O. Lakeville Animal Hospital (ad), 04/28/1950:9 Animal hospital changes hours (ad), 06/02/1950:3 Veterinarian, Main St, Lakeville (ad), 07/07/1950:4 Daughter born, 10/06/1950:5 Delano, Ray O. continued Doctor's office closed Wednesdays instead of Thursdays (ad), 02/18/1954:9 Veterinarian saves life of Bridgewater pony, 06/24/1954:8 Delano, Ray O., Jr. Requests permit to erect two signs, 04/24/1952:6 Delano, Susan Breaks hip in fall, 03/08/1951:4 Delano, Susan Allen Obituary, 06/21/1951:4 Dies at age 85, 06/21/1951:5 Delfino, Conrad F. Engaged to Eleanor R. Caswell, 10/06/1950:1, 11/24/1950:5 Wed to Eleanor R. Caswell, 12/08/1950:5 Wedding described, 12/08/1950:6 Delfino, Mrs Conrad Resides in Phoenix, NY, 12/04/1952:6 D'Elia, Joseph S. Injured playing donkey basketball, 05/26/1952:10 Appointed substitute mail carrier, 08/19/1954:1 D'Elia, Joseph S., Jr. Receives highest award in Cub Scouts, 06/03/1954:1 D'Elia, Mrs Sylvania Employed at sanatorium, 08/19/1954:10 D'Elia, Richard Chin cut requires stitches, 11/20/1952:9 Delicatessens. see Panesis, Thomas Dellarocco, Carl Will receive discharge after service overseas, 04/03/1952:1 Sergeant separates from service at Fort Devens, 06/12/1952:9 Original member of Western Song Pals, 02/04/1954:3 Dellarocco, Dennis Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Dellarocco, Joseph S. Seaman visits ports all over the world, 07/05/1951:1 USS Roberts makes port -of-call at Athens, Greece, 08/16/1951:8 DeLong, Bertha To succeed Ruth Gregson as St. Luke's administrator, 08/23/1951:1 High school presents check for $210 to Perry Fund (p), 04/02/1953:1 New operating table arrives at St Luke's (p), 03/18/1954:1 Eagles Auxiliary donates $600 to St. Luke's (p), 11/04/1954:4 DeLong, Bertha L. Assumes duties as administrator at St. Luke's, 09/06/1951:8 Elected Fellow in American College of Hospital Administration, 09/13/1951:1 St Luke's fund campaign opens (p), 07/08/1954:1 Lt. Gov. speaks on behalf of St. Luke's building fund campaign (p), 08/19/1954:1 DeLongchamps, Frannie Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1 DeLongchamps, Maurice With 483rd Combat Engineers training at Camp Drum, NY, 05/26/1952:4 Trains with 483rd Engineers Battalion at Camp Drum (p), 07/17/1952:1 DeLongchamps, Richard Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1 Enlists in Navy, training at Bainbridge, MD (p), 07/10/1952:1 Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1 Local navy man pictured in Cuba (p), 12/03/1953:1 DelVecchio, Dominick A. Engaged to Adelia N. Ruzycki, 10/14/1954:4 Wed to Adelia N. Ruzycki, 11/18/1954:6 DelVecchio, Frank Drunkenness and assault cases continued, 07/30/1953:3 Fined $10 for drunkenness, $25 for assaulting Pierce, 08/06/1953:8 DeMaranville, James Resides in East Bridgewater, 02/17/1950:6 DeMaranville, James, Jr. Resides in Kingston, 08/09/1951:5 DeMaranville, Kenneth Auto dealer and garage licenses renewed, 03/24/1950:1 DeMaranville, Maude Ends 33 years of service as teacher, 06/10/1954:1 75 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 DeMarco, Ann DeCosta Daughter born, 09/13/1951:5 DeMarco, George Daughter born, 09/13/1951:5 Demarion, Rose Granted victualler's license, 11/01/1951:1 DeMello, Edward Lakeville purchases new firefighting equipment from Maxim Motor Co. (p), 01/25/1951:1 DeMello, Edward C. Wed to Adeline Domingos Diaz, 09/08/1950:5 Demers, Allan Transfers from USS Randolph to USS Cabot, 11/18/1954:9 Stationed in Philadelphia, PA, 12/02/1954:2 Demers, Allen Engaged to Marjorie Smith, 05/15/1952:6 Stationed in Cuba, 11/05/1953:11 Local navy man pictured in Cuba (p), 12/03/1953:1 Stationed at Norfolk Naval Base, VA, 01/07/1954:9 Son born, 10/07/1954:7 Demers, Allen D. Brockton woman hospitalized after Rte 28 crash, 03/13/1952:6 Pleads not guilty to reckless driving, 03/20/1952:9 Guilty of reckless driving, 04/10/1952:14 Engaged to Marjorie K. Smith, 06/05/1952:7 Wed to Marjorie K. Smith, 06/12/1952:7 Seaman awaits assignment in Atlantic area (p), 10/15/1953:1 Serves on board attack aircraft carrier USS Randolph, 02/04/1954:9 Demers, Allen David Engaged to Marjorie Katherine Smith, 12/27/1951:4 Wedding described, 06/12/1952:11 Demers, Buddy Egger Furnituremen 1950 Twilight League champions (p), 09/29/1950:1 Mitchell Memorial Club 1950 baseball team (p), 09/29/1950:10 New manager of Egger's baseball team, 02/15/1951:7 Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1 Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (p) (t), 04/09/1953:1 Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1 Demers, Dave Key player in Little League (p), 06/25/1953:4 Leads Little League with .500 average, 07/08/1954:7 Named to Little League All-Stars (p), 07/22/1954:1 Demers, David Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1 Demers, Donald M. Navy fireman returns from Mediterranean cruise, 01/20/1950:10 Fined $5 for drunkenness, 07/01/1954:5 Demers, Donald Mervin Reported straggler from USS Wright, 05/03/1951:7 Demers, Marjorie Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1 Demers, Marjorie E. Gates Daughter born, 05/17/1951:4 Demers, Marjorie Smith Son born, 10/07/1954:7 Demers, Mona George Powers opens dairy bar at the circle (p), 06/14/1951:11 Old time transportation returns to W.T. Grant Co. (p), 10/23/1952:5 Engaged to William Sukeforth, 12/10/1953:14, 05/27/1954:7 Engaged to William Sukeforth, Jr., 06/17/1954:4 Wedding described, 06/24/1954:10 Demers, Mona A. Wed to William L. Sukeforth, Jr., 06/24/1954:4 Demers, Ronald Eagles raise $400 for amputee, 09/25/1952:1 Demers, William A. Providence burglar charged with assault on Demers, 08/25/1950:1 Demers, William L. Pleads nolo to charge of negligent driving, 02/08/1951:8 Daughter born, 05/17/1951:4 DeMille, Leo Engaged to Vivianne Belanger, 05/19/1950:6 The Democratic Club of Middleboro New organization headed by Edward Morrisey, 10/28/1954:1 Democrats Politicians sink to new low (l) (E.H. Lynch), 10/06/1950:4 Local group endorses Dever, 11/03/1950:7 Albert Heath named chair of town committee, 05/29/1952:8 Town committee organizes 50 years ago, 01/28/1954:8 Lorenzo Wood and Timothy Creedon named delegates 50 years ago, 04/15/1954:9 Albert Heath named state election coordinator, 09/16/1954:1 New club, The Democratic Club of Middleboro, forms, 10/28/1954:1 Demolition (building) Gravestone found during demolition at 158 Center St, 06/17/1954:10 Ernest Maxim's Wareham St garage razed, 09/02/1954:4 Charlton Building on South Main St razed, 10/14/1954:9 DeMoranville, Alan Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises (p), 06/30/1950:1 DeMoranville, Allan Daughter born, 03/31/1950:6 Couple moves to new home on Center St, 08/25/1950:4 DeMoranville, Audrey Engaged to Charles Joseph Bradford, 02/07/1952:9 Wedding described, 02/14/1952:3 DeMoranville, Bertram, Jr. Son born, 04/23/1953:7 DeMoranville, Carlton Prompter at Shaw's Fun House (ad), 09/01/1950:10 DeMoranville, Clara Homen Son born, 04/23/1953:7 DeMoranville, David Lee Obituary, 12/23/1954:3 Infant son of Robert E. and Lois Malaguti dies, 12/23/1954:4 DeMoranville, Donald Private stationed at Fort Dix, NJ, 10/02/1952:9, 11/20/1952:10 Heading to Far East after 17-day furlough, 01/22/1953:7 DeMoranville, Donald O. Discharged from U.S. Army, 07/22/1954:1 DeMoranville, Donald Oscar VFW post bids farewell to inductees (p), 08/14/1952:1 DeMoranville, Dorothy May Tower Daughter born, 05/03/1951:5 DeMoranville, Dorothy Tower Son born, 03/04/1954:4 DeMoranville, Harold Son born, 03/04/1954:4 DeMoranville, Harold C. Daughter born, 05/03/1951:5 DeMoranville, Howard Shed destroyed by fire, 08/02/1951:4 DeMoranville, Howie Lakeville Lakers make fine record (p) (t), 04/23/1953:1 DeMoranville, James H. Engaged to Louise L. Walker, 02/14/1952:4 Wed to Louise L. Walker, 02/21/1952:5 DeMoranville, L. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 DeMoranville, Leo Daughter born, 01/04/1951:5 DeMoranville, Leona Beryl Engaged to David Irving Wright (p), 10/21/1954:1 DeMoranville, Leona DesRosiers Daughter born, 03/31/1950:6 DeMoranville, Lois Malaguti Son born, 07/01/1954:6 DeMoranville, Louise L. Marigold Wife of James H. dies at age 66, 06/25/1953:5 Obituary, 06/25/1953:10 DeMoranville, Malcolm Assawampsett School janitor succeeded by William Mann, 09/02/1954:5 DeMoranville, Martha Wed to Earle R. Vigers, 08/07/1952:6 76 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 DeMoranville, Martha Elaine Engaged to Earl R. Vigers, 03/13/1952:8 DeMoranville, Mrs Leon Sister dies in Attleboro, 04/21/1950:3 DeMoranville, Nellie May Obituary, 10/16/1952:4 Wife of Gordon E. dies at age 55, 10/16/1952:5 Demoranville, Olive L. Obituary, 11/11/1954:6 DeMoranville, Olive Loretta Wife of Leon dies at age 60, 11/11/1954:6 DeMoranville, Richard Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 DeMoranville, Robert Son born, 07/01/1954:6 DeMoranville, Robert E. Engaged to Lois E. Malaguti, 08/28/1952:5 Wed to Lois E. Malaguti, 09/11/1952:5 DeMoranville, Robert Earl Engaged to Lois Elizabeth Malaguti, 01/03/1952:6 DeMoranville, Shirley Packard Daughter born, 01/04/1951:5 DeMoranville, Thomas J. Engaged to Maude E. Hammond, 12/01/1950:14 Wed to Maude E. Hammond, 12/08/1950:5 DeMoranville. Thomas Job Obituary, 06/10/1954:6 Dies at age 58, 06/10/1954:7 Dempsey, Jane Elizabeth Wedding described, 07/09/1953:8 Denehy, Daniel F. Petition for probate of will, 07/09/1953:7 Denham, Annie Louise Obituary, 07/24/1952:3 Dies at age 82, 07/24/1952:5 Denham, Barbara Atherton Daughter born, 07/09/1953:4 Denham, Lester Daughter born, 07/09/1953:4 Highland St barn destroyed by fire, 04/01/1954:1 Denham, William J. Inducted into armed forces, 02/14/1952:1 Leaves for army induction (p), 02/21/1952:1 Denison, Barbara Clark Wedding described, 09/02/1954:9 Dennett, George Albert Widower of Mary J. Lowell dies at age 85, 02/26/1953:5 Obituary, 02/26/1953:6 Dennett, John MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1 Denningham, Joyce Frederick Daughter, 11/04/1954:4 Denningham, William Daughter, 11/04/1954:4 Denningham, William J. Rookie cop Richard Ray nabs alleged thief at Shaws. Inc., 11/11/1954:1 Gets suspended sentence for Shaw's break-in, 11/18/1954:1 Dennison, Ann Wed to Joseph A. Lewis, Jr., 01/31/1952:5 Dennison, Ann L. Wedding described, 02/14/1952:6 Denson, Charles Son born, 10/09/1952:5 Denson, Edward L. Enlists in U.S. Army, 01/07/1954:1 Denson, Ernest L. Jr. Son born, 01/03/1952:5 Denson, Frances Tomasik Son born, 01/03/1952:5 Denson, James E. Engaged to Frances Mary Viera, 02/21/1952:2 Engaged to Frances M. Viera, 10/16/1952:5 Wed to Frances M. Viera, 10/30/1952:7 Denson, Mildred Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p), 10/25/1951:1 Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club, 11/06/1952:4 Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 10/15/1953:1 Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1 Denson, Mildred Washburn Son born, 10/09/1952:5 Denson, Mrs Charles Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1 Dentists T.W. Leach, 25 Center St (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Emanual Kline (ad), 05/26/1950:11 Five dentists register with Selective Service Board, 01/18/1951:1 George Canucci joins Gillis Turner's dental practice (ad), 05/03/1951:10 Selective Service Board instructed to classify all physicians, dentists and veterinarians, 07/31/1952:1 Dr Cannucci offers services free for children's clinic, 08/28/1952:1 Selective Service Board calls for two dentists, 09/11/1952:1 F. Lawton Barrows promoted to Commander in U.S. Naval Reserve, 07/09/1953:1 Norman Gamache opens dental office in New Bedford, 08/19/1954:10 Denton, James Private 1st Class in U.S. Air Force, 01/03/1952:3 Department Stores. see also Alonzo F. Ryder Co.; The Boston Store; James McNeil Co.; Sears Roebuck and Co.; W.T. Grant Co. Andrew Drohen manager of Woolworth's, 09/27/1951:5 Ethel MacNeil Baker honored for 25 years of service to Woolworth's, 10/23/1952:1 F.N. Whitman proprietor of Whitman's 50 years ago, 08/05/1954:8 George Tate window dresser at Whitman's 50 years ago, 08/26/1954:8 DePina, Jose Gomez Dies at age 87, 10/08/1953:4 DePonte, Arthur Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 DeRoche, John M. Engaged to Mary A. Arruda, 05/28/1953:4 Derosier, Betty Ann Engaged to Edwin Allender, 07/16/1953:5 Engaged to Edwin Lee Allender, 11/26/1953:4 Wedding described, 12/10/1953:3 Wed to Edwin Lee Allander, 12/10/1953:6 Derosier, Carol MHS students study for careers (p), 06/03/1954:11 Derosiers, Betty Old time transportation returns to W.T. Grant Co. (p), 10/23/1952:5 Derosiers, Henry Warren Ave couple married 25 years, 06/12/1952:1 Derrick, Earl Chief Petty Officer resides in Philadelphia, PA, 04/21/1950:8 Daughter born, 02/19/1953:4 Petty Officer serves on board USS Wasp, 06/03/1954:11 Derrick, Mrs Earl Resides in Philadelphia, PA, 01/06/1950:8 Derrick, Natalie Elizabeth Born to Earl and Priscilla Hathaway, 02/19/1953:4 Derrick, Priscilla Hathaway Daughter born, 02/19/1953:4 Deschenes, Alma Widow of Flavius dies at age 69, 08/02/1951:4 Obituary, 08/02/1951:8 Desertion and Non-Support Angelo Dascoulias must pay $4 for support of child, 01/20/1950:8 Manuel Gomes case continued, 03/31/1950:11 Manuel Gomes not guilty of non-support, 04/14/1950:9 Philip Silva must pay wife $20 per week in support, 06/16/1950:6 Joseph Boudreau acquitted of wife's charge of non-support, 06/30/1950:7 Chester Goodnow not guilty of non-support, 08/04/1950:5 Manuel Gomes Freitas charged with non-support of wife and children, 08/18/1950:8 Willard Shaw guilty of non-support, 10/06/1950:7 77 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Desertion and Non-Support continued Frederick Filz pleads not guilty to charge of non-support, 10/20/1950:7 Filz non-support case continued for trial, 11/03/1950:13 Daniel Lavine non-support case continued, 11/17/1950:6 Lavine case continued without finding, 11/24/1950:7 Joseph Gabrey ordered to pay family $25 per week, 12/29/1950:6 Pasquale Rufo sent to jail, 01/04/1951:1 Viljo Silenius ordered to support two sons, 05/31/1951:4 Carlo Bena charged by Myra Norris with non-support, 06/07/1951:3 Antone Viera case continued, 06/21/1951:2 Edward Dwelly pleads not guilty to charge of non-support, 07/19/1951:1 John Grassie charged, 09/13/1951:2 Viera non-support case continued, 09/20/1951:10 Daniel Mattos sentenced to four months for failure to support family, 11/22/1951:6 Viljo Selenius violates probation in non-support case, gets four months, 12/13/1951:4 Delia Sweetburg charges former husband with non-support, 06/12/1952:3 Edward Ouellette not guilty, 07/03/1952:4 Michael Gorman pleads guilty to charge of non-support, 07/31/1952:6 Harold Hudson must pay wife $15 weekly support, 10/30/1952:12 Arthur Viera found guilty of non-support, twice, 04/16/1953:6 Joseph Gabrey has two weeks to get job, start supporting family, 06/04/1953:3 Harold Hudson gets four months for non-support, 08/20/1953:2 William MacNeill guilty of non-support, 10/22/1953:11 Clarence Lind accused of non-support, 11/05/1953:3 Jesse Perkins charged with non-support, 11/26/1953:4 Lewis Thayer non-support case continued, 01/28/1954:2 Frank Baptiste charged with child desertion, 01/28/1954:4 Non-support case against William Sweeney, Jr. dismissed, 02/04/1954:3 Alexander Anacki withdraws appeal, ordered to pay child support, 02/04/1954:4 Dorothy Best pleads not guilty to deserting three minor children, 03/11/1954:4 Carl Hokanson ordered to provide support for wife and child, 03/11/1954:9 Irene Thomas charges husband Andrew with non-support, 03/18/1954:5 Charge against Dorothy Best dismissed, 03/25/1954:7 Johnson non-support case continued, 04/15/1954:5, 04/15/1954:9 Evidence heard in Johnson non-support case, 04/29/1954:9 Harold Hudson non-support case continued, 07/01/1954:10 Antone Viera ordered to pay support to family, 07/22/1954:4 Theodore Beaudoin gets six months for non-support, 07/22/1954:7 Phyllis Reed files complaint in non-support case, 08/12/1954:3 Crocker non-support case continued, 08/26/1954:3 Viera non-support case continued, 08/26/1954:5 Philip Mellen non-support case filed, 09/23/1954:2 MacNayr gets suspended sentence for non-support, 09/30/1954:3 Robert Sisson charged with non-support, 11/04/1954:4 Lloyd Horton, Jr. found guilty, 11/25/1954:2 Philip Sisson, Jr. pleads not guilty to non-support, 12/02/1954:2 Sisson non-support case dismissed, 12/16/1954:8 deSilva, Benjamin Bog worker shot, search underway for hunter, 12/17/1953:1 Wounded man has three transfusions, improving, 12/24/1953:1 Mario Grassi charged with shooting, 02/11/1954:1 Mario Grassi guilty in shooting of deSilva, 07/08/1954:3 DeSilva, Lyversa M. Engaged to James R. Swift, 04/21/1950:5 Wed to James R. Swift, 05/05/1950:5 Wedding described, 05/05/1950:6 Desmond, Alice Curtis Author of Tom Thumb book donates copy to owners of Thumb house, 04/01/1954:1 DeSpirito, Tony Joseph Ayotte's Lydia A. speeds to victory in New England Futurity (p), 10/29/1953:1 Desroches, Aime Son born, 02/05/1953:2 Desroches, Donald Born to Aime, 02/05/1953:2 Desroches, Elaine Engaged to John G. Shurtleff, 06/24/1954:4 Wed to John G. Shurtleff, 07/01/1954:6 DesRosier, Norman Open house held for family moving to Alaska, 05/28/1953:3 DesRosiers, Alfred Son born, 05/05/1950:5 Desrosiers, Alfred Runs into tree on South Main St, 08/20/1953:4 DesRosiers, Alfred V. Appointed measurer of wood, bark, and lumber, 10/06/1950:4 Daughter born, 02/07/1952:5 Desrosiers, Bruce Driver, Bertram Braddock, nicks Derosiers' bike on Pearl St, 09/13/1951:7 DesRosiers, Catherine Allen Daughter born, 02/07/1952:5 DesRosiers, Janice Sisson Daughter born, 12/02/1954:4 DesRosiers, Katherine Allen Son born, 05/05/1950:5 DesRosiers, Kenneth Daughter born, 12/02/1954:4 DesRosiers, Kenneth N. Engaged to Mary Josephine Scanlon, 12/27/1951:8 Engaged to Janice L. Sisson, 04/09/1953:5 Wed to Janice L. Sisson, 04/23/1953:7 DesRosiers, Kenneth Napoleon Engaged to Janice Lynnette Sisson, 01/29/1953:4 DesRosiers, Loretta Travis Son born, 02/01/1951:5 Daughter born, 04/09/1953:5 DesRosiers, Mrs Norman Nurse’s aide graduates from St. Luke's (p), 06/12/1952:1 DesRosiers, Nannette Three-year-old ran from sidewalk, struck by Hartling's auto, 09/08/1950:1 Desrosiers, Napoleon Pedlar's license granted, 02/24/1950:1 DesRosiers, Napoleon J. Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Tax collector's notice, 03/12/1953:3 DesRosiers, Norman Lightning enters and damages Lakeville home, 06/21/1951:2 Purchases tourist lodge in Alaska, 08/21/1952:4 Daughter born, 04/09/1953:5 Martenson purchases site for Hi-Way 28 from DesRosiers, 08/27/1953:10 Former Middleboro couple run lodge and sawmill in Alaska (p), 09/30/1954:9 DesRosiers, Norman N. Son born, 02/01/1951:5 Herbert Dodge purchases DesRosiers' mill on Washburn St, 01/29/1953:1 To operate tourist lodge near Juneau, AK (p), 02/05/1953:1 Family makes trek to Alaskan property by car and truck, 07/16/1953:1 Destruction of Property. see Malicious Mischief; Vandalism Deszyck, Amelia Johnson Daughter born, 09/03/1953:7 Deszyck, Barbara Susan Born to Edward and Amelia Johnson, 09/03/1953:7 Deszyck, Edward Daughter born, 09/03/1953:7 Detraze, Clarence Eagles’ champs of Inter-city Bowling League (p), 09/06/1951:1 Devine, Anna L. Obituary, 03/11/1954:3 Widow of Jeremiah dies at age 67, 03/11/1954:4 Devlin, Barbara Scannell Daughter born, 09/09/1954:4 78 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Devlin, Claire Attends Mt St Mary's College, Hooksett, NH, 03/03/1950:8 Setter hit by car, bites boy, then laps hand, needs home, 10/23/1952:1 Devlin, Edward Attends Tufts Medical School, 09/22/1950:4 To receive M.D. at Tufts, 06/11/1953:1 Devlin, Edward A. Engaged to Barbara Ann Scannell, 06/11/1953:4 Wed to Barbara Ann Scannell, 06/18/1953:4 Wedding described, 06/18/1953:5 Daughter born, 09/09/1954:4 Devlin, Edward Allan Engaged to Barbara Ann Scannell, 04/03/1952:7 Devlin, Edward Allen Accepts residency at Carney Hospital (p), 07/15/1954:1 Devlin, Etta Buchanan Obituary, 05/26/1950:4 Boston woman dies at age 70, 05/26/1950:7 Devlin, Marjorie Claire Attends Mt. St. Mary's College, New Hampshire, 10/20/1950:5 Student teacher at Taunton High, 12/08/1950:13 Graduates with B.S. in mathematics from Mt. St. Mary College (p), 05/31/1951:1 Engaged to Ovell Francis Bennett, 06/10/1954:1 DeVoe, Alfred A. Vagrant committed to State Farm, 05/10/1951:6 DeWitt, Virginia Engaged to Frederic Perry, 10/04/1951:3 Wed to Frederic Perry, 12/27/1951:5 DeWitt, Virginia Marie Wedding described, 01/03/1952:5 DeWolfe, Alfred Marshall Wed to Helen Chandler Finch, 05/01/1952:6 DeWolfe, Miriam Frost Resides in Medford, 08/28/1952:2 Dextraze, Clarence Henry Dies at age 42, 12/23/1954:4 Obituary, 12/23/1954:4 Dextraze, Margaret Officers in new Eagles auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1 Eagles’ Auxiliary presents check to benefit St. Luke's (p), 12/31/1953:1 Di Burgo, Lawrence Landscaping, trucking, general jobbing (ad), 08/30/1951:9 Cow dressing for sale (ad), 12/13/1951:4 Diamond, Charley Downed by newcomer Wally Dern, 01/31/1952:10 Little League youths hold collection for player with broken arm, 07/17/1952:1 Wins opening bout in Brockton, 10/23/1952:1 Goes to 20-minute draw in Brockton match, 11/06/1952:2 Beats Quincy wrestler, 11/13/1952:8 Wins opening bout with hammerlock, 11/20/1952:11 Defeated by veteran "Bull" Curry, 12/04/1952:9 Goes to 20-minute draw with Tiger Tasker, 12/11/1952:5 Goes to 20-minute draw with Les Ruffin, 12/18/1952:2 Throws Rocky Baron in Brockton, 01/01/1953:6 Captures Australian tag-team match, 01/08/1953:10 Downs Red Kirkpatrick, 01/15/1953:5 Prevails over Frenchy Jacobs in Brockton, 01/29/1953:2 Defeats Rocky Baron of Lowell, 02/05/1953:3 Wrestle to draw with Les Ruffen of Lawrence, 02/12/1953:2 Defeats Dick Marquis of Montreal, 02/19/1953:9 Beats Manuel Bonca of Waltham, 02/26/1953:10 Diamond, Charlie Returns to wrestling, 03/31/1950:1 Goes to 30-minute draw with Lipson, 04/28/1950:10 Wrestler grapples Wallis to draw, 04/19/1951:2 Grapples to draw with Miguel Torres, 05/03/1951:10 Wrestles to draw with Frank James of New York, 05/24/1951:8 Wins over "Mr. Rex" of Brockton, 06/14/1951:3 Beats Jim Beaton in New Bedford bout, 08/02/1951:8 Goes to 20-minute draw with Tom Casey of Boston, 09/20/1951:7 Goes to 30-minute draw against Frank James, 02/21/1952:6 Wins bout over Tex Oreo, 02/28/1952:6 Diamond, Charlie continued Wins two titles, 03/13/1952:1 Wins New Bedford bout against Tony Enos, 03/13/1952:2 Continues winning ways, 03/20/1952:2 Wins in Brockton by disqualification, 04/17/1952:9 Diamond, Clarence A. Granted taxi service license, 09/30/1954:10 Diamond, Ruth New Bedford man charged with assault on Ruth Diamond, 11/01/1951:7 Diamond, Wayne Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1 Dias, Albert Son born, 12/02/1954:4 Dias, Albert S. Di-Mo Tool Co. plans expansion here, 10/21/1954:1 Dias, John, Jr. Inducted into armed forces, 03/05/1953:6 Dias, Julia Boivin Son born, 12/02/1954:4 Dias, Ramir S., Jr. Wedding described, 08/21/1952:6 Dias, Ramiro S., Jr. Engaged to Charlene S. Turney, 07/24/1952:5 Diaz, Adeline Domingos Wed to Edward C. DeMello, 09/08/1950:5 Diaz, Antone Leaves for induction in Boston, 02/08/1951:10 Diaz, Betty MHS students study for careers (p), 06/03/1954:11 Ralph Maddigan, Sr. runs 77-year-old T.M. Ryder Co. (p), 07/01/1954:8 Diaz, Elizabeth Passes state civil service stenographer exam, 08/05/1954:7 Diaz, Ramiro S. Wed to Charlene S. Turney, 08/21/1952:5 DiBari, Frank Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p), 12/04/1952:1 DiBurgo, Lawrence Loam, sand, and gravel (ad), 08/21/1952:8 DiCarlo, George MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1 DiCarlo, Joseph Leaves for induction at Boston base, 02/11/1954:1 DiCarlo, Joseph S. Takes training antiaircraft artillery at Fort Bliss, TX, 04/01/1954:8 DiCarlo, Joseph Sebastian Graduates from Stockbridge School of Agriculture, 05/28/1953:4 Dickson, Elizabeth Cheston Obituary, 12/09/1954:4 Widow of Henry dies at age 87, 12/09/1954:4 Diegoli, Norman Engaged to Margaret Barnett, 09/03/1953:4 Dietemann, Arleen Sturtevant Resides in Washington, DC, 07/10/1952:7 Resides in Fall Church, VA, 02/11/1954:7 Dietrich, Philip Engaged to Marilyn MacDonald, 08/12/1954:4 Wed to Marilyn MacDonald, 08/19/1954:4 DiGrange, Bob Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 DiLeo, Mario A. Engaged to Theresa Angela Gisetto, 10/14/1954:5 Dill, Andrea Local pupil in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1 Dill, Michael Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6 Dill, Ralph Unston Receives 50-year pin from railroad (p), 07/02/1953:4 Dill, Reinhard Raynham man dies, 02/04/1954:3 Di-Mo Tool Co. Plans expansion here, 10/21/1954:1 79 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Dimock, G. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Dimond, Charles E. Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Dimond, Clarence Added to Mid-Way Cafe liquor permit, 02/18/1954:7 Dimond, Clarence A. Dimond's Cab, 24-hour service (ad), 10/07/1954:3 And Mabel McNeil dissolve partnership in Midway Cab, 10/07/1954:4 Dimond, Ernest Old Country Store makes learning fun at School Street School (p), 04/08/1954:1 Dimond, Ira A. Taunton man dies at age 71, 10/21/1954:6 Obituary, 10/21/1954:12 Dimond, Mildred E. Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Dimond's Cab Clarence Dimond, 24-hour service (ad), 10/07/1954:3 DiMuzio, Lorraine Bates teacher granted leave to teach in Germany, 04/08/1954:1 Leaves for teaching position in Germany, 08/05/1954:5 DiMuzio, Lorraine E. New grade six teacher at Washburn Unit, 08/28/1952:1 Dion, Wilfred A. Obituary, 05/15/1952:4 North Rochester man dies at age 36, 05/15/1952:7 Dionne, Fortune Dies at age 97, 03/01/1951:5 Obituary, 03/01/1951:5 Dionne, Shirley Westling Daughter born, 05/24/1951:7 Dionne, Warren Daughter born, 05/24/1951:7 Diotte, Frank Couple married 25 years, 03/03/1950:7 Diotte, Lioza Benjamin Couple married 25 years, 03/03/1950:7 DiPalma, Robert On honor roll at Coyle High, Taunton, 05/26/1950:9 Earns scholastic monogram at Coyle High in Taunton, 06/14/1951:7 DiPalma, Robert Francis Graduates from Coyle High in Taunton (p), 06/18/1953:1 DiPalma, Rocco Son born, 03/03/1950:5 DiPalma, Sophie Elizabeth Obituary, 06/04/1953:2 Wife of Rocco dies at age 42, 06/04/1953:4 DiPalma, Sophie Inglese Son born, 03/03/1950:5 Diphtheria Clinic announcement (ad), 03/24/1950:11 Two hundred treated at clinic, 03/31/1950:1 Second clinic announced (ad), 04/14/1950:12 Clinic scheduled for pre-schoolers (ad), 03/15/1951:10 Three hundred children attend clinic, 03/22/1951:1 Another clinic scheduled (ad), 04/05/1951:8 Clinic announcement (ad), 04/03/1952:2, 04/24/1952:10 Two clinics administer immunizations to 288, 05/01/1952:1 Immunization clinic (ad), 05/15/1952:11 Final clinic treats 136, 05/22/1952:1 Clinics this year to include MHS students, 02/19/1953:1 Children's clinic (ad), 04/09/1953:7 First clinic attendance at 383, 04/16/1953:1 Second clinic attendance 196, 05/14/1953:6 Clinic announcement (ad), 06/04/1953:7 Attendance at school clinics 680, 06/11/1953:7 Clinic announcement (ad), 03/18/1954:9 Clinic attendance 203, 04/01/1954:1 Another clinic scheduled (ad), 04/22/1954:10 Second clinic attendance 146, 04/29/1954:1 Another clinic scheduled (ad), 05/20/1954:9 One hundred twenty six shots administered, 05/27/1954:1 DiRenzo, Francisco Dies at age 84, 03/10/1950:5 Obituary, 03/10/1950:8 DiRienzo, Loreto Employed as gardener at State School in Berkley, CA, 08/27/1953:11 Dirksen, Mrs Charles Resides in Casenovia, NY, 02/28/1952:4 Disasters Local Red Cross collects only $5 for Missouri flood relief, 08/23/1951:1 Governor thanks citizens for aid in Worcester, 07/16/1953:1 Regional Director of Civil Defense thanks Fire Department for aid in Worcester, 07/16/1953:1 VFW helps with disaster aid in Worcester, 07/16/1953:1 D'Elia brothers thank neighbors for contributing to Worcester tornado fund, 07/23/1953:1 Diseases. see also Allergens; Middleboro – Board of Health; names of specific diseases Parents must report contagious diseases, 09/11/1952:1 Mild month for contagious diseases, 03/04/1954:9 Few polio cases reported in June, 07/15/1954:2 Distasi, Theodore, Jr. Wed to Mary Phyllis Jarvis Hatch, 07/08/1954:4 District Court. see Fourth District Court Disturbing the Peace Francis Huxley guilty, 03/03/1950:1 Mark Richmond pleads not guilty, 04/14/1950:12 Richmond case continued, 04/21/1950:6 Francis Huxley pleads self out of jail sentence, 07/21/1950:1 Violette Judson charged, 10/25/1951:2 Charge against Violette Judson dismissed for lack of prosecution, 11/01/1951:1 Strickland charges Benjamin Thacker, Jr., 06/19/1952:7 Theodore Beaudoin sentenced, 07/03/1952:4 Robert Tribou fined $10 for disturbing the peace, 07/31/1952:7 Dorothy Reynolds pleads not guilty, 08/07/1952:6 Sebastian Barros charged, 07/30/1953:2 Sebastian (aka Raymond) Barros found guilty, 08/06/1953:8 Ditano, Blanche Thomas Daughter born, 03/15/1951:7 Son born, 01/07/1954:1, 01/07/1954:4 Ditano, Dorothy O'Brien Son born, 06/05/1952:7 Ditano, John Daughter born, 03/15/1951:7 Son born, 01/07/1954:1, 01/07/1954:4 Apple tree blossoms for second time, 10/07/1954:1 Ditano, Leonard Applies for appointment as special police officer, 02/10/1950:2 Son born, 06/05/1952:7 Leo Kahian in court on matter of refrigerator order misunderstanding, 09/18/1952:5 Percy Churbuck sets forth complete facts around dealings with Leo Kahian (l), 09/25/1952:8 Dixon, Ralph C. Fined $75 for drunk driving, 07/15/1954:10 Doane, Arthur H. Resides in Omaha 50 years ago, 07/08/1954:2 Dobaro Kennels Roger Soule, boarding and obedience training (ad), 07/03/1952:3 Doctors. see Physicians Dodd, Roberta Lou Engaged to William Prescott Colvin, 01/10/1952:10 Wedding described, 05/26/1952:2 Doddenhoff, Edgar Daughter born, 05/26/1952:5 Doddenhoff, Edith Deane Daughter born, 05/26/1952:5 Dodenhoff, Drusilla R. Employed as long line operator with American T&T in New York, 09/18/1952:7 Files for divorce, 05/07/1953:3 80 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Dodenhoff, Henry James Engaged to Drusilla Ruth Sousa, 04/26/1951:7 Wed to Drusilla Ruth Sousa, 05/03/1951:5 Wife files for divorce, 05/07/1953:3 Dodenhoff, John Couple sells Wareham St house, 08/20/1953:4 Dodenhoff, Ronald Engaged to Ethel Reilly, 09/17/1953:6 Wed to Ethel Reilly, 10/08/1953:4 Dodenhoff, Ronald K. Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7 Dodge, Alan P. Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1 Dodge, Alan Peter Inducted into armed forces, 09/10/1953:1 Dodge, Allan P. Graduates from Rensselear, 06/14/1951:9 Dodge, H.E. Saw mill has lumber for hurricane repair (p), 09/09/1954:6 Dodge, Herbert E. Purchases Norman DesRosiers' saw mill on Washburn St, 01/29/1953:1 Dodge, Mrs Theodore Resumes post as MHS librarian, 03/17/1950:10 Takes post with Andover Historic Association, 06/23/1950:1 Dodge, Patricia Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club dance (p), 02/17/1950:1 Wins honors at Jackson College, 05/27/1954:1 Dodge, Patricia A. Member of water ballet at Jackson College, 03/05/1953:1 Named to Dean's List at Jackson College, 02/25/1954:1 Dodge, Patricia Ann Profile of senior MHS student, 05/19/1950:12 On Dean's List at Jackson College, 09/17/1953:6 Dodge, Patricia Jackson On Dean's List at Jackson College, 11/04/1954:8 Dog Racing Mr and Mrs Benjamin Moskoff take racing dogs to Florida, 12/04/1952:4 Benny Moskoff's greyhound wins at Raynham, 06/24/1954:8 Matteo Sena applies for license to conduct dog ad horse racing at Camp Joe Hooker, 11/11/1954:7 Lakeville selectmen reserved decision on race track, 11/25/1954:1 Sena denied application for racing permit, 12/02/1954:2 Dog Shows Roger Soule's Doberman scores high in obedience trials, 10/06/1950:4 Soule's Doberman puppy shows well at Osterville show, 10/13/1950:4 Playground Pet Show winners pictured (p), 08/28/1952:4 Ralph Chartier's collie wins at Providence dog show, 03/25/1954:5 James Butler plans and manages show at Fort Sam Houston, TX (p), 07/01/1954:6 Dogal, Gregal Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 Dogs. see also Lakeville Sportsmen's Club June Cooper invites pet owners to meeting concerning poisonings (l), 01/06/1950:1 Pet owners respond to Cooper's call, 01/13/1950:1 Nemasket Kennels, Main St, Lakeville (ad), 06/23/1950:10 Fifty pheasants on Kenneth Shaw's farm killed by dogs, 08/04/1950:5 Only a puppy, but child heartbroken (l) (Ruth V. Paulson), 05/10/1951:5 Carolyn Erickson reports purse stolen by dog, 12/27/1951:1 Dog saves John MacNeil's from burning bed, 05/22/1952:12 Newell Briggs bitten by dog, 05/26/1952:5 John Bass loses nine sheep to three large dogs, 07/17/1952:9 Roger Soule, Dalmatian available to good home (ad), 08/28/1952:3 Setter hit by car, bites boy, then laps hand, needs home, 10/23/1952:1 Jean Burnham offers reward for finding missing dog (ad), 04/23/1953:8 Art Shaw, beagles for sale (ad), 06/11/1953:10 Thomas Hunt's valuable hound killed in hunting accident 50 years ago, 11/12/1953:9 Canine population declines here, 01/28/1954:10 Lost dog found (p), 03/11/1954:10 Town clerk names Who's Who in local canine population, 03/25/1954:1 Dogs continued Dog blamed for minor collision on Wareham St, 10/21/1954:8 A.V. Smith's foxhound mentioned in sportsman's magazine 50 years ago, 11/04/1954:8 Dogs - Law and Legislation Dorothy Peterson's dog assigned tag No. 1, 03/24/1950:1 License notice (ad), 03/24/1950:11 License tags arrive, 03/22/1951:1 Notice to dog owners (ad), 03/22/1951:2 Weldon Follett must restrain dog for six months, 08/23/1951:1 Weldon Follett's dog no longer required to be restrained, 02/21/1952:1 Licenses available, 03/20/1952:1 Attention dog owners (ad), 03/20/1952:2 Licenses ready in Lakeville, 04/03/1952:9 Notice to dog owners (ad), 03/19/1953:10 Distance of Kenneth Shaw's dogs from neighbors not a bother, 05/28/1953:1 Letourneau nuisance case brought to court, 07/23/1953:1 Letourneau says dogs gone, found guilty of failure to obey order of selectmen, 07/30/1953:3 604 licenses issued 50 years ago, 11/12/1953:9 Notice to owners (ad), 03/18/1954:9 Doherty, Gerald J. Brockton man killed in auto crash on Tispaquin St, 06/14/1951:1 Driver guilty of negligence in Doherty's death, 07/05/1951:1 Doherty, Larry Employed at A.C. Cosseboom blacksmith shop (p), 07/15/1954:6 Doherty, William J. Wed to Anne C. Colvin, 09/10/1953:5 Doherty, William James Engaged to Ann Colvin, 01/08/1953:8 Engaged to Anne Carolyn Colvin, 01/29/1953:3 Wedding described, 09/10/1953:6 Dolan, Florence Engaged to Donald Grant, 04/12/1951:10 Dolan, Florence M. Engaged to Donald D. Grant, 04/05/1951:5 Wed to Donald D. Grant, 04/19/1951:5 Dolan, Florence Margaret Wedding described, 04/19/1951:5 Doleva, Edward P. Daughter born, 03/27/1952:5 Doleva, Marian Shumway Daughter born, 03/27/1952:5 D'Oliver, John Daughter born, 05/06/1954:6 D'Oliver, Joyce McLean Daughter born, 05/06/1954:6 Doll, Lillian F. Obituary, 09/24/1953:9 The Doll House 231 Center St (ad), 01/06/1950:3 Doll House Yarn Shop Opens at 231 Center St (ad), 08/16/1951:8 Domestic Violence. see Family Violence Domingos, Anthony Daughter born, 06/21/1951:5 Domingos, Irene Mettie Daughter born, 06/21/1951:5 Donahue, Ernest Wed to June Smith, 08/11/1950:8 Donahue, Mary Dutra Son born, 07/10/1952:5 Donahue, Mary G. Dutra Daughter born, 02/22/1951:5 Donahue, William Son born, 07/10/1952:5 Donahue, William J. Daughter born, 02/22/1951:5 Donnelly, John John Donnelly and Sons denied permit to erect sign on Rte 28, 11/11/1954:1 Donnelly, Marie Rose Wed to Louis W. MacMillan, 10/16/1952:5 81 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Donner, Elaine Eight-year-old falls from car, 03/15/1951:1 Donner, Elizabeth Brown Daughter born, 09/22/1950:5 Son born, 04/16/1953:7 Donner, George Real estate (ad), 03/10/1950:3 Donner, George A. Heading up Salvation Army appeal (p), 12/25/1952:1 Sells School St dwelling to Arnold Salley, 03/05/1953:4 Seeks seat on Housing Authority, 12/09/1954:1 Donner, George Oliver Daughter born, 09/22/1950:5 Son born, 04/16/1953:7 Donner, Harold J. Son born, 10/06/1950:5 Assistant treasurer at Co-operative Bank, 02/28/1952:9 Donner, Jack Couple takes in Ukrainian mother and son, 07/21/1950:10 Donner, Laura E. Holmes Son born, 10/06/1950:5 Donner, Oliver Gives talk on time in Tanganyika, 11/20/1952:10 Donovan, Marjorie Who's who in MHS senior class, 04/26/1951:5 Attends University of Massachusetts, 09/20/1951:8 Doolan, Sadie May Deagle Daughter born, 12/27/1951:5 Doolan, Thomas Couple moves to Bridgewater, 03/22/1951:10 Son born, 12/27/1951:4 Daughter born, 12/27/1951:5 Doraz, Walter Employed at L.G. Balfour Co. in Attleboro, 08/14/1952:9 Dorman, Al Member of 1910 MHS baseball team (p), 02/01/1951:1 Dorothy Ann Shop 37 Center St (ad), 04/07/1950:5 Two girls wanted for part-time work (ad), 11/24/1950:8 Seventeenth anniversary (ad), 12/01/1950:11 18th anniversary (ad), 11/08/1951:11 Remodeling sale (ad), 01/10/1952:3 19th anniversary sale (ad), 11/06/1952:3 20th anniversary sale (ad), 11/12/1953:5 21st anniversary sale (ad), 11/04/1954:9 Dorr, Josephine O. Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/05/1953:7 Dorr, Merrill C. Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/05/1953:7 Doton, Edward E. Son born, 02/14/1952:10 Doton, Joy Cobb Son born, 02/14/1952:10 Doton, Mrs Edward E. Resides in Woodstock, VT, 07/09/1953:4 Doucett, Nellie M. Staples Obituary, 08/18/1950:10 Doucette, Elaine Attends Bridgewater State Teachers College, 02/24/1950:11 Teacher at sanatorium, 01/04/1951:8 Doucette, Elaine Margaret Will get degree in education from Bridgewater, 06/09/1950:4 Engaged to Richard S. Phillips, 12/23/1954:2 Doucette, Joseph Keith Ave couple married 25 years, 07/07/1950:1 Doucette, Thomas Fined for drunkenness and drunk and reckless driving, 11/25/1954:2 Doud, Hugh A. Collides with airman on Rte 28, 12/23/1954:7 Douglas, Marie Selig Daughter born, 08/26/1954:4 Douglas, Philip C. New rector at Church of Our Saviour (p), 06/19/1952:1 New rector installed at Church of Our Saviour (p), 12/25/1952:1 Douglas, Philip C. continued Daughter born, 08/26/1954:4 Minister accepts part time post at Bridgewater State Farm, 11/04/1954:1 Thanksgiving (sermonette), 11/18/1954:6 Resigns post at Church of Our Saviour, 12/16/1954:1 Douglas, Susan Marie Born to Philip C. and Marie Selig, 08/26/1954:4 Douzanis, Edward School boy runs into Stoughton auto on School St, 03/10/1950:1 Douzanis, Larry And Thomas Higginbotham granted license for taxi service, 02/12/1953:1 Midway Cab, 165 Center St (ad), 02/19/1953:10 Dove, Apfino Alfred Tilton thrown into snow bank by Dove's auto, 01/21/1954:2 Dove, Jack A. Notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 08/05/1954:10 Dove, Ruth Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 08/05/1954:10 Dow, David Fairweather Inducted into armed forces, 04/09/1953:1 Dow, Estelle P. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9 Dowd, Mrs Robert Resides in New Haven, CT, 09/01/1950:6 Downer, Gordon P. Inducted into U.S. Army, 07/15/1954:1 Downey, Edward Patrick Obituary, 04/03/1952:3 Dies at age 77, 04/03/1952:5 Downing, Myrtle Christiana Wedding described, 11/06/1952:4 Dowse, Herbert B. Returns from long sea duty, 06/04/1953:9 Obituary, 07/30/1953:4 Husband of Helen M. dies at age 53, 07/30/1953:5 Petition for probate of will, 08/20/1953:5 Dowse, Herbert B., Jr. Graduates from Bates College, 06/19/1952:1 Navy Ensign visits Karachi, Pakistan, 03/05/1953:2 Dowse, Herbert, Jr. On committee for Winter Carnival at Bates College, 02/08/1951:1 Doyle, Charles J. On shore leave at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (p), 03/26/1953:6 Doyle, John Patrick Husband of Priscilla R. Fitzgerald dies at age 70, 08/16/1951:5 Doyle, Lorne Transfers to Fleet Marines at Camp Lejune, NC, 02/01/1951:9 Doyle, Ruth M. Appointed to faculty of Bates School, 02/10/1950:6 Resigns from Bates School, 06/09/1950:11 Bates School art teacher resigns, 08/11/1950:1 Draft (military). see Selective Service Board Draghetti, Ray Resigns as Mitchell Memorial Club football coach, 07/28/1950:1 Signs contract with Washington Senators, 02/28/1952:1 Coached Boston Braves rookie as a child, 04/10/1952:11 Draghetti, Raymond Fire in Bedford St house, 12/10/1953:3 Draglinks New hot rod club organized here, 01/21/1954:1 Drake, Ernest Plymouth St couple married 50 years, 06/03/1954:11 Drake, E.W. D.D. Sullivan purchases Drake homestead from Central Baptist 50 years ago, 04/01/1954:8 Drake, Jennie Administrator petitions to distribute balance of estate, 11/10/1950:11 Drake, Lazelle S. Petition for probate of will, 03/11/1954:5 Drake, M. Lazelle Drawn for jury duty, 10/23/1952:1 Obituary (p), 02/18/1954:12 82 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Drake, Malcolm Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 05/26/1952:1 Drake, Malcolm C. Employed at Trust Co., 09/01/1950:3 Drake, Marie Gervase Daughter born, 06/11/1953:8 Drake, Marion Beals Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Drake, Minnie L. Petition for probate of will, 03/11/1954:5 Drake, Nancy Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1 Drake, Norma Kathleen Engaged to John Donaldson Macdonald, 10/02/1952:5 Drake, Reginald W. Named Justice of the Peace, 04/08/1954:4 Drake, Richard Resides in Newark, NJ, 07/21/1950:10 Wed to Marie Gervase, 09/08/1950:2 Discharged for U.S. Navy, makes home in Belleville, NJ, 11/25/1954:4 Drake, Richard H. Sworn in as Ensign in U.S. Navy, 11/29/1951:4 Ensign stationed at Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, PA, 05/01/1952:6 Ensign stationed at Naval Air Development Center in Pennsylvania, 08/21/1952:2 Daughter born, 06/11/1953:8 Resides in Buckingham, PA, 09/10/1953:10 Drake, Richard Henry Engaged to Marie Jeannette Gervase, 03/17/1950:1 Wed to Marie Jeanette Gervase, 09/01/1950:5 Wedding described, 09/08/1950:10 Drake, Susan Born to Richard H. and Marie Gervase, 06/11/1953:8 Drama. see Theater Dressmakers. see Merrihew, Jennie; Tailors Drevinsky, Peter J. Named to Dean's List, 05/19/1950:9 Enters Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 09/01/1950:9 Drevinsky, Peter Joseph Named to Phi Kappa Pi at UMass, 05/19/1950:4 Set to graduate from University of Massachusetts, 06/02/1950:1 Drew, Alice Sells Forest St home, resides on Southwick St, 07/01/1954:4 Drew, Alvaris Resides in Upper Montclair, NJ, 08/04/1950:7 Resides in Clifton, NJ, 09/08/1950:10 Eureka Printing Co. honors superintendent of 20 years, 02/14/1952:2 MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1 Drew, Donald Daughter born, 01/06/1950:4 Drew, Elmer Egger's Annex staffed by Middleboro old fellars (ad), 03/20/1952:5 Drew, Elmer, Jr. After two and a half years in Japan, stationed in Virginia, 08/19/1954:7 Drew, Elmer O. Used furniture license renewed, 05/19/1950:2 Drew, Elmer o. Petition for probate of will, 08/27/1953:3 Drew, Elmer O., Jr. Stationed at Alameda, CA, 06/14/1951:7 In charge of Jap treaty transportation, 10/04/1951:4 Lieutenant assigned to Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan, 01/24/1952:5 Drew, Elmer Oria Husband of Cynthia Alice dies at age 78, 05/14/1953:4 Obituary, 05/14/1953:9 Drew, E.O. Promoted to Officer-in-Charge of Yokosuka Naval Ordinance Facility, 02/11/1954:4 Drew, Fannie Burned alive 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8 Drew, Faye Kumm Daughter born, 01/06/1950:4 Drew, Janice Crystal Engaged to William Louis Enos, Jr., 12/20/1951:7 Wed to William Louis Enos, 01/10/1952:4 Drew, Lawrence Employed by Procter and Gamble in Quincy, 12/27/1951:5 Drew, Lawrence F. Obituary, 05/22/1952:2 Drew, Nellie P. Dies at age 81, 10/22/1953:7 Obituary, 10/22/1953:7 Drews, Alfred J. Engaged to Anne L. Griswold, 06/03/1954:7 Wed to Anne L. Griswold, 07/01/1954:6 Drews, Alfred James Wedding described, 07/01/1954:2 Drinking Water. see Nemasket Spring Water Co.; Water Supply Driscoll, Egbert Gotsian, Jr. Inducted into armed forces, 09/10/1953:1 Driscoll, James Engaged to Ruth Tillson, 08/28/1952:7 Driscoll, John E. Elected to fill post of Middleboro school guidance director, 04/22/1954:1 New MHS guidance director, 10/07/1954:9 Drohan, Andrew J. In training at Pine Camp, NY, 08/09/1951:1 Drohen, Andrew J. Manager of F. W. Woolworth, 09/27/1951:5 Drohen, Gabrielle Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4, 10/15/1953:1 Drohen, Gabrielle M. Middleboro war bride now a citizen (p), 09/20/1951:1 Wins best dress prize at ball in Bridgewater, 09/27/1951:5 Drought Storm provides relief, 02/24/1950:1 Drowning Local teacher, Harlan Charette, drowns in New Hampshire, 07/03/1952:1 Mother of Harlan Charette seeks aid of government in search for body, 08/28/1952:4 Nelson Dalberg drowns in Long Pond, 08/28/1952:10 Frank Allen and Harry Haskins drown in Assawompsett Pond 50 years ago, 12/17/1953:10 John Waller lost overboard when two oil tankers collide in Delaware River, 12/31/1953:1 Michael Williams dies in hotel pool in Florida, 01/07/1954:1 Long Pond dragged, George Martin probably dead, 02/18/1954:1 Martin's body recovered from Long Pond, 02/25/1954:1 Drug Stores. see also Buck's Drug; Giberti's Apothecary; LaForest Pharmacy Morse Pharmacy, 53 Centre St (ad), 04/21/1950:3 Jesse Morse passes state pharmacist exam 50 years ago, 12/17/1953:10 Buck's Drug carries complete line of pharmaceuticals (p), 10/14/1954:6 Drunk Driving P.G. Reed unable to attend arraignment, 01/06/1950:4 Gerard Carr acquitted, 01/20/1950:3 Percy Reed pleads not guilty, 02/03/1950:8 Percy Reed guilty, 02/10/1950:8 Joseph Knysinski, Jr. pleads not guilty, 02/17/1950:10 Knysinski case continued, 02/24/1950:10 Knysinski guilty of drunk and reckless driving, fined $35, 03/03/1950:3 Raymond Carr fined $50, 06/02/1950:8 Judge Callan ups fine to $75 for first offense, 07/14/1950:1 Sharadoski and Nunes get heavy fines, 07/14/1950:1 Ronald Mills fined $75, 09/08/1950:9 Andrew Sisson fined $75, 11/10/1950:2 Neils Neilson pleads not guilty, 12/15/1950:3 LeRoy Letourneau wrecks blinker light, tips over, fined $100, 02/15/1951:1 Thomas Murphy fails to appear in court, 03/15/1951:3 Joseph Matrisciano pays $100 in fines after traffic accident, 03/15/1951:5 Ralph Sharpe fined $75, 03/15/1951:9 83 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Drunk Driving continued Ralph Sharp in court again, 03/29/1951:2 Philip LaCombe and juvenile charged, 03/29/1951:8 Ralph Sharp fails to complete payment of fine, 03/29/1951:8 John Quigley found guilty, 04/05/1951:7 Ralph Sharp found guilty, 04/05/1951:7 Leonard Black fined $50, 04/05/1951:9 Thomas Murphy guilty, 04/05/1951:9 Bert Flanders denies charges, 04/19/1951:2 Thomas Murphy fined $75, 05/10/1951:7 Louis Thayer arraigned, 06/28/1951:5 Paul Gasunas pleads not guilty, 07/19/1951:1 James Nunes fined $75, 08/02/1951:8 George Lee fined $75, 09/13/1951:4 Gerald LaGrippo charged, 10/25/1951:2 Richard Benson guilty, 11/29/1951:8 Ralph Peltola appeals fine, 12/13/1951:3 Richard Benson appeals fine, 12/13/1951:3 Francis Caswell fined $75, 01/31/1952:3 James Moore's case continued, 03/06/1952:2 John Fitzgerald pleads not guilty, 03/13/1952:7 Robert Tribou charged, 03/13/1952:7 James Moore fined $75, 03/13/1952:9 Charges against Robert Tribou dismissed, 03/20/1952:3 John Fitzgerald fined $50, 03/20/1952:7 Frank Frazier fined $75, 03/27/1952:7 William Beal fined, 04/17/1952:3 Andrew Pasztor fined $50, 06/05/1952:6 Thomas Maddigan fined $75, 06/12/1952:6 Robert Bazinet fined $75, 07/03/1952:5 Joseph Carbone pleads not guilty, 07/31/1952:6 Thomas Madigan in court for probation violation, 08/28/1952:5 Albert Heath pleads guilty, 09/11/1952:3 Joseph McGrady charged, 09/18/1952:3 Joseph McGrady fined $75, 09/25/1952:6 McGrady trial is again continued, 09/25/1952:8 Harold Hudson fined $100, 10/16/1952:10 Arthur, not brother Harold, fined, 10/23/1952:5 Robert Shaw cannot not attend court, case delayed, 01/08/1953:6 James Gillis fined $50, 01/15/1953:11 Clinton Haynes fined $100, 01/22/1953:3 Gerard Levesque pleads not guilty, 01/22/1953:7 Gerard Levesque fined $75, 02/12/1953:8 Charles Griswold fined $15, 02/19/1953:8 Robert Shaw not guilty, 02/19/1953:8 John Hayes fined $75, 03/12/1953:4 Edwin Rogers fined $75, 04/16/1953:2 Harold Gibson fined $75, 07/23/1953:7 Joseph Dugas fined $100, 10/22/1953:1 Michael Maleski fined $75, 10/22/1953:11 Winston Ohlsen charged, 12/10/1953:2 Court still waiting for Ohlsen to appear, 12/17/1953:15 Flannery's car turns turtle, driver charged with drunk and reckless driving, 12/17/1953:15 Walter Flannery case continued, 12/24/1953:4 Winston Ohlsen convicted, fined $75, 12/24/1953:4 Walter Flannery fined $75, 12/31/1953:1 Edward Place pleads not guilty, 03/18/1954:5 Robert Dann fined $75, 03/25/1954:7 Henry and Martha Mott charged, 03/25/1954:9 Edward Place case continued, 03/25/1954:10 Motts each fined, 04/01/1954:1 Harold Hudson pleads not guilty, 04/22/1954:2 James Thompson pleads guilty, 04/22/1954:2 Joseph Plant fined $75, 04/22/1954:9 James Thompson fined $75, 05/06/1954:12 Henry Mott, Jr. fined $35; Martha Mott not guilty, 07/08/1954:3 Ralph Dixon fined $75, 07/15/1954:10 Eugene Bissonnette case continued, 08/26/1954:10 Eugene Bissonnette appeals charge, 09/02/1954:10 Former Middleboro, Donald Wheeler, convicted, 09/09/1954:10 Joseph McGrady fined $75, 09/30/1954:4 Beatrice Simpson fined $75, 10/14/1954:2 Percy Griswold charged, 11/18/1954:4 Drunk Driving continued Griswold fined $75, 11/25/1954:2 Thomas Doucette fined $20, 11/25/1954:2 Andrew Halunen charged, 11/25/1954:8 Eugene Peabody fined $75, 12/02/1954:2 Andrew Halunen fined $35, 12/02/1954:9 John Hayes fined $50, 12/30/1954:4 Drunkenness P.G. Reed unable to attend arraignment, 01/06/1950:4 Francis McCausland fined $10, 02/03/1950:3 Percy Reed pleads not guilty, 02/03/1950:8 Lewis Thayer guilty, 02/10/1950:7 Percy Reed guilty, 02/10/1950:8 John Vickery fined $25 for drunkenness and resisting an officer, 02/17/1950:3 Golden Spur chef Ralph Levesque guilty, 02/17/1950:7 Francis Huxley guilty, 03/03/1950:1 Henry Soucie, Jr. guilty, 04/14/1950:6 Mark Richmond pleads guilty, 04/14/1950:12 Richmond case continued, 04/21/1950:6 Charles Griswold fined $5, 04/28/1950:4 Albert Campbell in court again, 06/02/1950:8 Herbert Howard guilty, 06/02/1950:8 Charles Griswold gets suspended sentence, 06/23/1950:8 Joseph Caperello guilty, 07/14/1950:8 Francis Huxley pleads self out of jail sentence, 07/21/1950:1 Thomas Pierce must get out of mother's home, 07/28/1950:2 Thomas Pierce charged with two counts, 07/28/1950:8 Ruth Garnett guilty, 08/25/1950:7 Benjamin Davis gets one month, 09/08/1950:2 Alfred Wilmot fined $10, 09/29/1950:9 George Soper fined $15, 10/27/1950:5 Andrew Sisson guilty, 11/10/1950:2 Charles Griswold fined $15; Ralph Beckman guilty, 11/24/1950:7 Alfred Wilmot gets two months, 12/01/1950:12 LeRoy Letourneau fined $10, 01/04/1951:1 Henry Gray gets suspended State Farm sentence, 01/25/1951:10 Reino and Lillian Pannenan fined for drunkenness, 02/08/1951:6 LeRoy Letourneau wrecks blinker light, tips over, fined $100, 02/15/1951:1 Henry Gray committed to State Farm, 03/01/1951:4 Edward Ouellette fined $10, 03/15/1951:10 William Tierney gets three months, 03/15/1951:11 Ralph Sharp in court again, 03/29/1951:2 Philip LaCombe and juvenile charged, 03/29/1951:8 John Quigley found guilty, 04/05/1951:7 Ralph Sharp found guilty, 04/05/1951:7 Thomas Murphy guilty, 04/05/1951:9 Bert Flanders denies charges, 04/19/1951:2 Reino and Eleanor Pennenen each fined $5, 04/19/1951:2 Eleanor Paananen gets month in jail, 05/17/1951:2 George Soper pleads not guilty, 06/07/1951:4 Albert Campbell charged again, 06/14/1951:9 George Soper due in court for trial, 06/14/1951:9 Archie McNayr, Jr. pleads guilty, 07/12/1951:1 Paul Gasunas pleads not guilty, 07/19/1951:1 Carr fined $10, Tierney $15, 08/02/1951:2 Paul Gasunas fined $65 for accident, 08/02/1951:2 Tierney and Carr sent to State Farm, 08/02/1951:2 Norman Oldham guilty again, 08/16/1951:1 George Soper too drunk to be put on trial, 08/23/1951:4 Forest Garnett fined $5, 09/13/1951:4 George Lee guilty, 09/13/1951:4 Forest Garnett sent to jail, 09/20/1951:10 Alfred Wilmot fined $15, 10/11/1951:10 Hannah Horton gets one month in jail, 11/29/1951:8 Richard Benson guilty, 11/29/1951:8 Ralph Peltola appeals fine, 12/13/1951:3 Ralph Beckman found guilty, 12/13/1951:4 Raymond Gross fined $5, 01/17/1952:3 James Moore's case continued, 03/06/1952:2 Ralph Beckman guilty, 03/06/1952:2 John Fitzgerald pleads not guilty, 03/13/1952:7 John Fitzgerald fined $5, 03/20/1952:7 84 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Drunkenness continued Ralph Beckman fined $10, 03/27/1952:2 William Beal fined, 04/17/1952:3 Andrew Pasztor fined $5, 06/05/1952:6 Charles Griswold gets suspended sentence, 07/03/1952:2 Elinor Pennanen fined $5, 07/03/1952:4 Theodore Beaudoin sentenced, 07/03/1952:4 George Soper fined $10; Rene Hudon fined $5, 07/24/1952:2 Charles Griswold fined $10, 07/31/1952:6 Judge Callan wants John Glass, Jr. Square and Depot Grove cleared of drunks, 07/31/1952:7 Robert Carr fined $10, 07/31/1952:7 Robert Tribou charged with drunkenness and disturbing the peace, 07/31/1952:7 Soper up on third charge of drunkenness, 07/31/1952:7 William Tierney sentenced to one month, 07/31/1952:7 Judge Callan says appeals don't click, sentences Wilmot, Soper, and Mullins, 08/07/1952:9 Albert Campbell has jail term hanging over him, 08/21/1952:8 Campbell doesn't escape jail after all, 08/21/1952:9 Albert Heath pleads guilty, 09/11/1952:3 Joseph McGrady charged, 09/18/1952:3 Kenneth Bump fined $5, 09/18/1952:7 Joseph McGrady fined $5, 09/25/1952:6 Alfred Wilmot lets judge down, goes back to jail, 10/09/1952:4 Carl Lind on probation, 10/23/1952:10 Clarence Lind, not Carl Lind, on probation, 10/30/1952:12 Cordeiro and Tierney sentenced to Plymouth house of corrections, 12/11/1952:8 Gerard Levesque pleads not guilty, 01/22/1953:7 Complaint against Robert Tribou dismissed, 02/19/1953:8 Edmund Boehme found guilty, 03/19/1953:4 George Soper gets one month, 03/19/1953:4 Leonard Parker fails to appear on charge, 03/19/1953:4 George Soper fined $15, 03/19/1953:8 Leonard Parker guilty, 03/26/1953:3 Albert Campbell sentenced to one year and three months for drunkenness and vagrancy, 04/30/1953:2 Charles Griswold gets two months, 04/30/1953:11 Gabrey and Soper both fined, 05/21/1953:7 Robert Carr fined $5, 07/16/1953:3 John Cordeiro fined $10, 07/23/1953:7 Sebastian Barros and Fred Horsman charged, 07/30/1953:2 Frank DelVecchio's case continued, 07/30/1953:3 Richard Murphy and Richard McGuire get suspended sentences for drunkenness, 08/06/1953:1 DelVecchio fined $10, 08/06/1953:8 Sebastian (aka Raymond) Barros and Fred Horsman found guilty, 08/06/1953:8 Francis Murphy sentenced to three months for drunkenness, 09/10/1953:8 John Vickery drinks before court appearance, held in contempt, 09/24/1953:8 Alfred Wilmot seized by alcoholic fit while in court, 09/24/1953:9 Alfred Wilmot fined $10, 10/01/1953:7 Emerson Smith appeals sentence, 10/08/1953:8 Leroy Letourneau fined $5, 10/08/1953:8 Clifford Ray found guilty, 10/22/1953:7 Ray Vickery charged, 12/17/1953:14 Defendant was John A. Vickery not Ray W. Vickery, 01/21/1954:1 Squanto Haynes arrested, 02/11/1954:7 Squanto Haynes pleads not guilty, 02/18/1954:12 Squanto Haynes, Robert Germaine, and Charles Lindstrom guilty, 02/25/1954:3 Henry and Martha Mott charged, 03/25/1954:9 Motts each fined, 04/01/1954:1 James Thompson pleads guilty, 04/22/1954:2 Howard Vaughn fined $5, 06/03/1954:6 Donald Demers fined $5, 07/01/1954:5 Gabrey, Soper, and Wilmot all found guilty, 07/01/1954:10 Robert Burns gets four-month sentence, 08/12/1954:7 Eugene Bissonnette case continued, 08/26/1954:10 Albert Campbell committed to house of corrections, 09/09/1954:2 Carr fined $10, Vaughn found guilty, 09/16/1954:7 Drunkenness continued Francis Huxley charged, 09/16/1954:7 George Soper fined $10, 09/23/1954:4 Vincent Preti fined $5, 10/14/1954:2 Clarence Churbuck gets 15 days, 11/18/1954:2 Percy Griswold charged, 11/18/1954:4 Albert Campbell gets 30 days; Francis DeCosta gets three months, 11/18/1954:12 Griswold case filed, 11/25/1954:2 Thomas Doucette fined $5, 11/25/1954:2 Andrew Halunene charged, 11/25/1954:8 John Hayes found not guilty, 12/30/1954:4 Dry Goods. see also A.R. Glidden & Son; Department Stores Tucker's Dry Goods, 6 South Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:3 Joseph Kennedy purchases Tucker's Dry Goods, 08/07/1952:1 Charles Clark prepares to turn over business in Copeland block to new owner 50 years ago, 01/14/1954:8 Tucker's Dry Goods, going out of business (ad), 04/22/1954:6 Drysgola, Joseph Son born, 05/15/1952:7 Drysgola, Ruth Braley Son born, 05/15/1952:7 Duane, W. Proprietor of Eastvale Farms (ad), 08/30/1951:2 Duarte, Helen Engaged to Alfred Malenfant, 11/15/1951:7 Wed to Alfred Malenfant, 11/29/1951:6 Duarte, Helen Marguerite Wedding described, 11/29/1951:5 Dube, Albert Lightning strikes Plymouth St house, 07/26/1951:5 Dube, Albert A. Walter Hammond and Robert Mortimer knocked down by Dube's auto, 01/25/1951:1 Dube, Albert B. Completes airman course at Norman, OK, 08/05/1954:2 Dube, Albert Bruce Enlists in U.S. Navy (p), 03/18/1954:1 Dube, Arthur L. Oil burners (ad), 06/19/1952:2, 07/31/1952:7 Dube, Doris M. Wed to John J. Balonis, 07/15/1954:4 Dubey, Oram A. Engaged to Fay E. Melix, 11/06/1952:5 Wed to Fay E. Melix, 11/13/1952:7 Dubord, Emma Cabral Son born, 09/25/1952:5 Dubord, George Son born, 09/25/1952:5 Duca, Del Petition for named change to Vincent Michael Worsley, 02/04/1954:4 Ducey, Daniel R., Jr. Sergeant serving with 3rd Infantry Division in Korea, 09/30/1954:8 Discharged for U.S. Army, 11/04/1954:7 Ducey, Daniel Richard, Jr. Sent for induction, 11/06/1952:5 Ducharme, Peggy Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Ducharme, Yvonne Lakeville notice of tax taking, 08/25/1950:3 Dudley, Beatrice Hebert Son born, 01/22/1953:5 Dudley, Dennis Alan Born to Kenneth A. and Muriel L. Caldwell, 08/14/1952:2 Dudley, Henry H. Couple purchases home near St. Petersburg, FL, 03/12/1953:4 Public auction (ad), 09/03/1953:2 Couple sells home on Wareham St to Joseph King, 09/03/1953:9 Couple moves to St. Petersburg, FL, 11/26/1953:2 Dudley, H.H. Plumber and electrician (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Dudley, Kenneth A. Son born, 08/14/1952:2 85 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Dudley, Kenneth Alton Engaged to Muriel Louise Caldwell, 03/10/1950:5 Wed to Muriel Louise Caldwell, 03/17/1950:4 Dudley, Linwood Lee Infant son of Robert W. and Beatrice Hebert dies, 01/29/1953:5 Dudley, Muriel L. Caldwell Son born, 08/14/1952:2 Dudley, Robert Son born, 01/22/1953:5 Dudley, Robert W. West St home gutted by fire (p), 03/18/1954:1 Dudley, Wayne Awarded Eagle Scout badge, 05/08/1952:5 Dudley, Wayne F. Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1 Dudovicz, Mary Secretary to Town Manager, 07/02/1953:4 Secretary to Town Manager resigns, 05/06/1954:12 Dudovicz, Wesley V. Thirty friends hold housewarming, 03/03/1950:8 Dudoviecz, Mary A. Thief snitches purse from office of town manager at Town House, 02/22/1951:1 Duell, Donald MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4 Duff, Malcolm MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p), 06/02/1950:1 Injured when Jeep crashes into tree on Myricks St, 10/18/1951:1 Engaged to Patricia Cunningham, 05/01/1952:5 Wed to Patricia Cunningham, 05/08/1952:7 Daughter born, 05/28/1953:4 Employed at Eddie's Cities Service (p), 07/30/1953:6, 10/29/1953:6 Notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 01/14/1954:5 Duff, Patricia Cunningham Daughter born, 05/28/1953:4 Duff, Patricia J. Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 01/14/1954:5 Duffy, Charles E. Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 01/20/1950:7 Duffy, Don F. Private 1st Class serves with "flying boxcars," 10/04/1951:1 Duffy, Donald F. Assigned to air base in South Carolina, 03/22/1951:2 Duffy, Henrietta E. Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 01/20/1950:7 Dufour, Eugenie A. Alexander Anacki charged with illegitimacy, 09/03/1953:5 Dugan, Joan M. Engaged to Ernest LeRoy Morgan, 01/28/1954:5 Wed to Ernest LeRoy Morgan, 01/28/1954:5 Dugas, Joseph Y. Fined $100 for drunk driving, 10/22/1953:1 Duggan, Charles Daughter born, 01/29/1953:4 Duggan, Irene Sampson MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1 Duggan, Shirley Cleaves Daughter born, 01/29/1953:4 Duhaime, Joseph Archibald Husband of Leah Moquin dies at age 65, 04/22/1954:6 Obituary, 04/22/1954:6 Duhamel, Gertrude Hodgdon Daughter born, 02/26/1953:5 Duhamel, Robert Daughter born, 02/26/1953:5 Dumps (garbage). see Refuse and Refuse Disposal Dunbar, Del Meet the sales force at Egger's Annex (ad) (p), 04/24/1952:5 Dunbar, Mrs Walter Resides in Cuyahoga Falls, OH, 07/08/1954:2 Dunbar, Patricia Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 10/15/1953:1 Dunbar, Richard B. Awarded school transportation contract, 04/12/1951:1 Dunbar, Walt Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (p) (t), 04/09/1953:1 Dunbar, Walter Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t), 09/13/1951:1 Middleboro Softball League champs for 1953 (p), 09/03/1953:1 Resides in Cuyohago, OH, 04/29/1954:9 Dunbar, Walter R. Pledges Phi Delta Chi at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, 03/10/1950:7 Awarded Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from MA College of Pharmacy (p), 06/04/1953:1 Dunbar's Filling Station Employs Nicholas Roberts, 09/08/1950:5 Duncan, Nelse M. Named on application of incorporation from Sunset Industries, Inc., 03/05/1953:1 Dunham (Mr) Surveyor Dunham coats sidewalks with cinders and gravel 50 years ago, 10/29/1953:7 Dunham, Alice "Willknit" guaranteed hose, 14 Fairview St (ad), 11/06/1952:7 Dunham, Alice L. Shaw Daughter born, 02/03/1950:5 Dunham, Alice Shaw Arrives safely in Guam with four children, 12/23/1954:4 Dunham, Annie B. Obituary, 11/18/1954:12 Dunham, Annie Belle Widow of George Alton dies at age 78, 11/18/1954:6 Dunham, Arthur Henry Wed to Arleen Hayes, 01/15/1953:6 Dunham, Benjamin Lincoln Obituary, 01/25/1951:4 Dies at age 77, 01/25/1951:5 Dunham, Bernice Perkins Daughter born, 02/11/1954:4 Dunham, Bert Egger's Annex staffed by Middleboro old fellars (ad), 03/20/1952:5 Dunham, Bob Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1 Scores amazing 67 points for Lakeville Lakers (t), 03/19/1953:4 Lakeville Lakers make fine record (p) (t), 04/23/1953:1 Key man on MHS baseball team (p), 05/14/1953:10 Dunham, Carlton M. Collides with Taunton driver on Rte 28, 06/16/1950:3 Dunham, Charles B. Wareham St couple married 58 years, 12/01/1950:5 Dunham, Emma Reed Daughter born, 07/19/1951:5 Dunham, Esther Claire Engaged to Edmund Carroll Reed, 05/26/1950:9 Engaged to Edmund C. Reed, 06/23/1950:5 Wed to Edmund C. Reed, 07/07/1950:5 Dunham, Esther Elaine Wedding described, 07/07/1950:5 Dunham, Francis South Carver couple married 25 years, 12/10/1953:7 Dunham, George Stationed at League Island Navy Yard, Philadelphia, 10/11/1951:4 Dunham, George Alton Obituary, 03/15/1951:5 Husband of Annie B. Gifford dies at age 75, 03/15/1951:7 Dunham, George W. Daughter born, 02/03/1950:5 Staff Sergeant flies 47 missions over Korea, now at Mitchel Field, NY, 04/19/1951:1 Wounded Staff Sergeant a guest of Eleanor Roosevelt's television program, 06/28/1951:1 Sergeant stationed in Guam with Air Force, 12/23/1954:4 86 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Dunham, Harold Leonard Pickering uncovered as hit-and-run driver, 05/26/1950:9 Daughter born, 07/19/1951:5, 10/04/1951:4 Postal clerk retires after 29 years, 07/22/1954:1 Dunham, Harold F. Local mail clerk gets 100% rating, 10/13/1950:10 Pearl St couple married 35 years, 10/20/1950:7 Dunham, Harold L. Obituary, 03/25/1954:7 Dunham, Harold L., Jr. Appointed substitute mail carrier, 08/19/1954:1 Dunham, Harold Lincoln Husband of S. Olive Reed dies at age 54, 03/25/1954:4 Dunham, Herbert H. Obituary, 05/01/1952:2 Husband of Mabel A. McGarigle dies at age 75, 05/01/1952:5 Dunham, Herbert, Jr. Son born, 11/24/1950:5 Dunham, Irene Treasurer of Co-operative Bank, 09/09/1954:5 Dunham, Irene Endres Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Dunham, Jane Joseph Brown found guilty in traffic death of Dunham, 11/19/1953:6 Dunham, Leonard Daughter born, 02/11/1954:4 Dunham, Mary Howard Son born, 11/24/1950:5 Dunham, Mary Jane Auto kills Bedford St woman, 11/05/1953:1 Wife of William I. dies at age 84, 11/05/1953:7 Petition for administration of estate, 02/04/1954:4 Dunham, Minnie H. Notice of dissolution of partnership (ad), 06/25/1953:9 Dunham, Mrs George Moves to Rochester, 11/26/1953:2 Dunham, Norman At Fort Dix, NJ for basic training, 08/19/1954:5 Dunham, Norman F. Engaged to Jo-Ann C. Gage, 06/04/1953:4 Wedding described, 06/18/1953:2 Wed to Jo-Ann C. Gage, 06/18/1953:4 Dunham, Robert MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p), 06/14/1951:1 Stationed in Hawaii, 10/11/1951:4 MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1 Dunham, Robert B. Enlist in Battery A, Massachusetts National Guard, 10/15/1953:5 Dunham, Ronald Employed by B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc., North St, 09/03/1953:6 Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Dunham, Virginia F. Takes 7th in Loring Photograph Studio personality contest, 11/20/1952:6 Dunham, Virginia Susan Born to Harold, 10/04/1951:4 Dunham, Warren VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4 Dunham, Willard Couple married 50 years, 11/05/1953:11 Dunham, Willard A. Oak St couple married 57 years, 01/08/1953:1 Dunn, Alice Stuart Wedding described, 03/18/1954:8 Dunn, Bessie William Lewis' marriage proposal turned down cold by English girl, 04/28/1950:2 Dunn, Ed With 483rd Combat Engineers training at Camp Drum, NY, 05/26/1952:4 Dunn, Edward Captain an active reservist with 483rd Combat Engineers, 09/15/1950:11 Dunn, Edward J. Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Trains with 483rd Engineers Battalion at Camp Drum, NY (p), 07/17/1952:1 Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9 Dunn, Edward, Jr. Son born, 05/05/1950:5 Daughter born, 07/29/1954:4 Dunn, Edward L., Jr. Couple married 12 years, 07/08/1954:5 Dunn, Evelyn R. St. Armand Daughter born, 05/17/1951:4 Dunn, Harold, Jr. Wedding described, 04/22/1954:12 Dunn, Harold L., Jr. Engaged to Phyllis Ann Austin, 04/15/1954:6 Wed to Phyllis Ann Austin, 04/22/1954:6 Dunn, Helen M. Engaged to John J. White, 06/09/1950:7 Wed to John J. White, 06/23/1950:5 Dunn, John W. Daughter born, 05/17/1951:4 Dunn, Marcella Leary Son born, 05/05/1950:5 Couple married 12 years, 07/08/1954:5 Daughter born, 07/29/1954:4 Dunn, Mary Beth Injured when car strikes box she was playing in, 07/17/1952:1 Recovering from fractured pelvis, 07/24/1952:1 Dunn, Patricia Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Dunn, Paull Daughter born, 03/17/1950:9 Dunn, Phyllis Austin Post-nuptial shower held, 05/06/1954:5 Dunsford, Mary D. New English teacher at MHS, 06/10/1954:10 New MHS English teacher, 10/07/1954:9 Duphilly, Norman Notice of hearing on junk dealers license (ad), 04/24/1952:5 Duphily, Denise Langlois Daughter born, 08/26/1954:4 Duphily, Norman Wedding described, 02/19/1953:4 Duphily, Norman E. Engaged to Denise E.L. Langlois, 02/12/1953:5 Wed to Denise L. Langlois, 02/19/1953:5 Duphily, Normand Daughter born, 08/26/1954:4 Duphily, Rita Cape Cod Chinchilla Ranch, 309 Miller St (ad), 06/11/1953:5 Duphily, Wilfred J. Cape Cod Chinchilla Ranch, 309 Miller St (ad), 06/11/1953:5 Dupont, Beryl Resides in Arlington, VA, 05/19/1950:8 Dupont, Beryl R. Secretary to U.S. Senator Saltonstall of Massachusetts, 12/29/1950:4 Engaged to Charles J. Hundt, 06/14/1951:2 Dupont, Esther Engaged to Francis Y. Covil, 09/27/1951:4 Wed to Francis Y. Covel, 10/11/1951:4 Wedding described, 10/11/1951:4 Dupont, Gertrude Anita Engaged to John Joseph Cronin, 09/27/1951:4 Wed to John Joseph Cronin, 10/11/1951:4 Dupre, Barbara Durant Daughter born, 03/01/1951:5 Dupre, Barbara O'Rourke Son born, 12/27/1951:5 Daughter born, 10/29/1953:5 Dupre, Carl Daughter Michelle born, 03/19/1953:4 Daughter born, 03/19/1953:5 Son born, 03/11/1954:4 87 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Dupre, Carl W. Engaged to Gloria Giovanini, 05/10/1951:7 Wed to Gloria Giovanini, 05/17/1951:5 Dupre, Carl William Engaged to Gloria Ann Giovanini, 04/26/1951:7 Dupre, Gloria Giouanini Son born, 03/11/1954:4 Dupre, Gloria Giovanini Daughter born, 03/19/1953:5 Dupre, Joan Resides in Boston, 11/17/1950:11 Receives cap at Boston City Hospital, 03/15/1951:6 Dupre, Joan Elaine Obituary, 01/22/1953:3 Daughter of William O. dies at age 20, 01/22/1953:5 Dupre, Michelle Born to Carl, 03/19/1953:4 Dupre, Raymond E. Daughter born, 03/01/1951:5 Dupre, Warren Former Mitchell Club runner killed in car crash, 04/22/1954:3 Dupre, William Daughter born, 10/29/1953:5 Dupre, William L. Son born, 12/27/1951:5 Duran, Eva Mae Wedding described, 07/01/1954:7 Durant, Frank Obituary, 04/30/1953:9 Durfee, Gifford L. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9 Durfee, Robert Road demonstration on traffic safety at MHS (p), 02/25/1954:1 MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4 Durgin, John Wedding described, 04/21/1950:10 Durham, Alanna Crowell MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1 Durkin, Mary M. New teacher at School Street School, 09/15/1950:1 Dustin, Arlon R. Obituary, 07/31/1952:5 Dustin, Mary Elizabeth Bisbee Obituary, 11/18/1954:5 Dutcher, Bobbie First mattress of its kind on display at J.M. Wells (p), 12/06/1951:8 Dutcher, Irene Engaged to Francis Poirier, 09/08/1950:10 Dutcher, Irene V. Engaged to Francis J. Poirier, 09/22/1950:5 Wed to Francis J. Poirier, 10/20/1950:5 Dutcher, Margaret Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Dutcher, Margaret J. Foreclosure notice, 08/09/1951:2 Dutcher, Mrs Sydney First mattress of its kind on display at J.M. Wells (p), 12/06/1951:8 Dutcher, Sydney E. Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Collides with Gomes while crossing Thomas St, 03/03/1950:3 Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Foreclosure notice, 08/09/1951:2 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/20/1951:8 Dutra, Henry R. Son born, 01/25/1951:5 Dutra, John Couple married 25 years, 08/23/1951:8 Dutra, John R. Stephen Kramer hit by truck, uninjured, 02/21/1952:1 Dutra, Joseph Murdock St couple married 60 years, 02/08/1951:1 Murdock St couple married 63 years, nine children home for Thanksgiving, 12/03/1953:16 Dutra, Joseph continued Murdock St couple married 63 years, 02/04/1954:1 Dutra, Lorraine Accepted as nursing student at Memorial Hospital in Attleboro, 06/23/1950:7 Receives cap from Sturdy Memorial Hospital, Attleboro, 03/15/1951:11 Completes affiliation with Boston Floating Hospital, 02/05/1953:2 Employed at Sturdy Memorial Hospital, 06/11/1953:8 Graduates from Sturdy Memorial School of Nursing (p), 09/24/1953:1 Passes state boards, is now registered nurse, 11/12/1953:2 Secures position at St. Francis Hospital, Miami Beach, FL, 04/01/1954:9 Dutra, Mrs Frank Lets Center St house to John Saccocia, 06/02/1950:8 Dutra, Mrs George Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1 Dutra, Mrs Henry Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1 Dutra, Shirley Gloria Engaged to William Lydon, 10/21/1954:11 Dutra, Sylvia M. Engaged to Robert W. Young, 06/19/1952:5 Wed to Roger W. Young, 07/10/1952:5 Dutra, Sylvia Mary Engaged to Roger William Young, 05/01/1952:5 Wedding described, 05/26/1952:6 Dutra, Theda Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club, 10/15/1953:1 Dutra, Theda I. Walker Son born, 01/25/1951:5 Dwelley, Lillian Sells Lakeside Ave property to Emil Gerrior, 03/26/1953:9 Dwellings - Fires Mabel Kelley's School St home partially gutted by fire, 08/04/1950:1 Bog worker, Irwin Rogers, dies in bedroom fire, 10/06/1950:12 Old Lakeville landmark destroyed, 11/10/1950:7 Warner home damaged by fire and water, 04/19/1951:1 Fire in Pickens St home of Ethan Pierce, 07/26/1951:2 John Roza family needs help after fire, 10/04/1951:1 John Roza's house ruined by flash fire, 10/04/1951:1 Young Sylvia family left with clothes on their backs after fire, 11/08/1951:1 Ralph Maddigan's Muttock apartment house damaged, 11/22/1951:1 Laundress Gladys Shurtleff loses customer's curtains in fire, 05/15/1952:1 Dog saves John MacNeil's from burning bed, 05/22/1952:12 Lakeville home of Walter Pittsley razed, 12/04/1952:1 House trailer fire nearly fatal for Mabel Worman, 12/25/1952:1 Bedroom gutted in Bradford Montgomery's home in Lakeville, 01/08/1953:1 Mabel Worman dies of burns, 01/08/1953:4 Lakeville Fire Department analyzes Montgomery blaze, 01/15/1953:5 Neil Neilson's one-room house destroyed, 02/05/1953:1 Alphonse Malaguti trapped by fire at home, dies in hospital, 05/07/1953:1 Early morning blaze at home of Philip Smith starts in couch, 09/10/1953:4 Ashley home fire does estimated $1,000 in damage, 11/05/1953:12 Herman Thomas' apartment in old Peirce homestead gutted, 12/03/1953:1 Fire at Precinct St home of Howard Reynolds, 12/03/1953:5 Fire in Raymond Draghetti's Bedford St house, 12/10/1953:3 Ritchie House, opposite Hill cemetery, destroyed 50 years ago, 12/10/1953:9 Fire in Young's Plymouth St chimney 50 years ago, 12/31/1953:7 Lionel Hollis home on Miller St destroyed, 01/14/1954:10 Overheated stove brings Department to Wareham St home of George Haslett, 01/21/1954:3 Grease fire at Dorothy Murphy's house ruins supper, 01/21/1954:8 Paquin fire fund totals $498 (t), 02/04/1954:1 Junior Red Cross chapter takes special collection for Paquins, 02/11/1954:1 88 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Dwellings – Fires continued Legion donates to Paquin fund, 02/11/1954:1 Paquin fund total $1,024 (t), 02/11/1954:1 Urge support for Paquin fund (l), 02/11/1954:1 Paquin fund now over $1,500 mark (t), 02/18/1954:1 Paquin fund now at $1,866.75 (t), 02/25/1954:1 Cabot Club Tea nets $50 for Paquin fire fund, 02/25/1954:10 FFA teen dance raises $40 for Paquin fund, 03/18/1954:1 Robert Dudley home on West St gutted (p), 03/18/1954:1 Three hundred turkeys lost in Holgren family blaze, 03/18/1954:1 Mrs Paquin receives check for $2,400, 03/25/1954:1 Ethan Peirce homestead destroyed (p), 04/08/1954:1 Anibal Montrond's Rocky Meadow St house leveled by fire, 04/29/1954:1 Early discovery of smoke at Roy Johnson's apartment results in only slight damage, 06/24/1954:1 Second floor of Lakeville home burns, 07/22/1954:1 Chimney blaze damages McCarrick's Cherry St home, 12/16/1954:1 Firemen halt blaze at North Main and Barrows St at start, 12/16/1954:1 Serious fire averted at home of Mrs Azen 50 years ago, 12/30/1954:2 Dwelly, Edward G. Pleads not guilty to charge of non-support, 07/19/1951:1 Dwelly, Lillian M. Edward Dwelly pleads not guilty to charge of non-support, 07/19/1951:1 Dwyer, Carrie Naomi Dies at age 84, 01/03/1952:5 Obituary, 01/03/1952:5 Dwyer, Evelyn Enrolls at Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, 11/01/1951:7 Graduates from Wilfred Academy, 07/17/1952:8 Dwyer, Evelyn Joan Engaged to Ralph N. Stevens, 10/01/1953:5 Dwyer, Joseph Engaged to Josephine Scanlon, 07/02/1953:4 Dwyer, Joseph Cuthbert Wedding described, 07/09/1953:3 Wed to Mary Josephine Scanlon, 07/09/1953:5 Dwyer, Mrs Thomas Engaged to Pennsgrove, NJ, 07/12/1951:2 Dwyer, Norris Obituary, 05/06/1954:6 Raynham man dies at age 43, 05/06/1954:6 Dwyer, Patricia Local pupil in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1 Dwyer, Roger J. Foreclosure notice, 10/09/1952:4 Dwyer, Theresa C. Foreclosure notice, 10/09/1952:4 Dyke, Avis C. Boehme Couple married 25 years, 07/21/1950:1 Dyke, Hermon R. Couple married 25 years, 07/21/1950:1 Builds cottage at Sandwich Shores, 09/01/1950:10 Gas & Electric staff to carry on despite sudden death of manager, 08/16/1951:1 Heart attack takes life, town shocked, 08/16/1951:1 Playground superintendent Kunces pays tribute, 08/16/1951:1 Town House closed during funeral, 08/16/1951:1 Memorial from Mrs Leslie Clark, 08/23/1951:8 Dyke, Milford Henry Dies at age 80, 02/22/1951:5 Obituary, 02/22/1951:7 Dyke, Robert G. Graduates from Northeastern, 06/19/1952:1 Couple moves to Randolph, 08/20/1953:2 Named to national electrical engineering society, 09/02/1954:4 Dziergowski, Alexander Daughter born, 05/31/1951:5 Dziergowski, Rita Resmini Daughter born, 05/31/1951:5 Dzruba, Stanley J. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9 E Eacobacci, Lewis Daughter born, 05/19/1950:6 Eacobacci, Louis Daughter born, 07/01/1954:6 Eacobacci, Louis D. Daughter born, 11/01/1951:5 Eacobacci, Martha Gerrior Daughter born, 05/19/1950:6, 11/01/1951:5, 07/01/1954:6 Eagles. see Fraternal Order of Eagles Eames, Andrew Son born, 08/30/1951:5 Eames, Embert H. Obituary, 02/01/1951:3 North Carver man dies at age 74, 02/01/1951:5 Eames, Helen King Son born, 08/30/1951:5 Earley, Mrs James Employed at sanatorium, 08/13/1953:8 Easley, Charlotte Louise Engaged to James S. Kenyon, Jr., 11/05/1953:5 Wedding described, 12/17/1953:4 East Taunton Bus Line Corp. Schedule effective September 5th (ad), 09/08/1950:3 Change in schedule (ad), 02/22/1951:3 Schedule shortened due to lack of ridership (ad) (t), 07/26/1951:9 Selectmen approve petition of bus line to state department, 03/06/1952:1 Hearing set for petition to operate here, 05/01/1952:1 Hearing on petition scheduled, 05/15/1952:1 DPU refuses bus line permit, 06/12/1952:12 Department of Public Utilities turns down petition again, 10/02/1952:1 Changes to timetable (ad), 11/26/1953:4 Notice of Middleboro-Taunton schedule (ad), 05/20/1954:9 Easter Six-foot bunny arrives here (p), 04/15/1954:1 Easterwood, Paul A. Engaged to Lorraine Morrison, 08/30/1951:9 Engaged to Lorraine A. Morrison, 10/04/1951:4 Wed to Lorraine A. Morrison, 10/11/1951:4 Easterwood, Paul Anthony Wedding described, 10/11/1951:10 Eastman, Frances Greene Son born, 05/24/1951:7 Eastman, Harold Son born, 05/24/1951:7 Eastvale Dahlia Farms Third annual visitor’s day (ad), 09/04/1952:4 Eastvale Farms Flowers and vegetables, Wood St (ad), 09/01/1950:4 W. Duane, proprietor (ad), 08/30/1951:2 Eatmor Cranberries, Inc. Eastern office located at 81 Center St, 06/17/1954:1 Eaton, Alice Elizabeth Sanborn Obituary, 03/15/1951:5 East Taunton woman dies at age 79, 03/15/1951:7 Eaton, Amos H. Town clerk 50 years ago, 02/04/1954:7 Eaton, Carolyn South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home (p), 10/18/1951:1 Eaton, Carrie Holds reception for piano students 50 years ago, 06/24/1954:8 Eaton, Carrie W. Pupils hold annual recital, 06/30/1950:5 Eaton, Clara W. Tax collector's notice, 03/12/1953:3 Notice of tax taking, 03/04/1954:4 Eaton, Doris Engaged to George E. Deane, 09/16/1954:4 Wed to George E. Deane, 10/14/1954:4 Eaton, Doris L. Engaged to George E. Deane, 07/08/1954:8 89 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Eaton, Doris Ramsey Wedding described (p), 10/14/1954:3 Eaton, Frederick Stationed at Great Lakes Training Center, IL, 01/03/1952:3 Eaton, Frederick S. Foreclosure notice, 05/19/1950:10 Eaton, Frederick S., Jr. Undergoes recruit training at Great Lakes, IL, 02/28/1952:7 Eaton, George E. Employed at Armor Bronze Co. of Taunton, 01/04/1951:8 Eaton, Hazel I. Foreclosure notice, 05/19/1950:10 Eaton, Samuel Frederick Dies at age 68, 03/18/1954:4 Obituary, 03/18/1954:7 Eaton, Seth A. Mail carrier files suit against town for loss of horse 50 years ago, 12/03/1953:9 Eaton, William Makes improvements to Sarah Keith homestead 50 years ago, 12/24/1953:7 Eaton, William Storer Petition for amendment to Bill of Complaint, 04/28/1950:2 Durkee petitions executors and court, 06/09/1950:11 Petition for compensation from estate, 05/21/1953:10 Eayrs, Elna MHS annual junior class promenade (p), 05/03/1951:1 Who's who in MHS senior class, 03/06/1952:3 Attends Forsyth Dental School, 09/25/1952:2 Awarded work scholarship at Forsythe School of Dental Hygienists, 06/11/1953:7 To receive diploma from Forsythe School (p), 06/10/1954:1 Graduates with honors, 06/17/1954:6 Engaged to Charles Everett Soule, 06/17/1954:10 Eayrs, Frederick Attends Chevrolet School in Cambridge, 02/24/1950:2 Eayrs, Mrs Frederick White Church Guild members arrive at antique show in oldtime transportation (p), 04/26/1951:6 Eayrs, Ted Antiques, 60 School St (ad), 09/11/1952:2 Eayrs, Teddy Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1 Eayrs, Weston Shop foreman at Atwood-Costello, Inc., 08/27/1953:10 Shop foreman at Atwood-Costello, Inc. (p), 12/10/1953:8 Ebensberger, Anna M. Allen Daughter born, 04/14/1950:7 Ebensberger, Anna May Allen Obituary, 04/14/1950:12 Ebensberger, Robert Daughter born, 04/14/1950:7 Ebensberger, Ruth Hurt in collision in New Bedford, 06/23/1950:10 Eddie's Cities Service Edward McCann manager, at Rtes 28 & 44 (ad), 10/09/1952:6 Eddie McCann, at junction of routes 44 and 28 (p), 07/30/1953:6, 10/29/1953:6 Popular filling station, 02/25/1954:6 For efficient, dependable service (p), 05/27/1954:8 Improving service station, 08/05/1954:6 Offers 24-hour towing (p), 11/25/1954:7 Eddy, Charron Youngsters enjoy weenie roast at Kiddie Korner on playground (p), 07/23/1953:1 Eddy, Harold MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1 Obituary, 08/19/1954:4 Ill with typhoid fever in Colorado 50 years ago, 09/16/1954:7 Eddy, Harold C. Recovers from typhoid fever 50 years ago, 11/18/1954:10 Eddy, Mary M. Petition for administration of estate, 10/21/1954:6 Eddy, Mary Morton Obituary, 09/02/1954:2 Dies at age 93, 09/02/1954:4 Eddy, May Breaks hip in fall, 04/26/1951:6 Dies at age 93, 08/26/1954:4 Eddy, Nelson, 1901-1967 American baritone recalls visits to Middleboro, 05/03/1951:9 Eddy, Will Resides in Salinas, CA, 06/25/1953:4 Eddy Family Six Middleboro folks attend 35th annual meeting, 08/19/1954:5 Edgerly, Elizabeth Tripp Wedding described, 01/01/1953:5 Edgerly, Susan Playground Pet Show winner (p), 08/28/1952:4 Edlund, Ivar H. School officials accept gift of audiometer (p), 03/11/1954:1 Edlund, William E. Seaman undergoes gunnery training in Newport, RI, 04/24/1952:8 Graduates from submarine training at New London, CT, 09/25/1952:7 Member of turf committee for 42nd annual UMass horticulture show, 11/04/1954:3 Edna's Lunch Now Christy's Spa, 10/27/1950:1 Education. see also Adult Education; Schools; Tutors and Tutoring Middleboro Ministerial Association sponsored Community School of Religion well-attended, 01/13/1950:2 Selectmen in favor of legislative bills on school budgets, 02/24/1950:1 Middleboro hosts 60 superintendents at meeting of South Shore Association, 03/17/1950:1 Citizens warned against Zoll's campaign to undermine country's schools, 11/29/1951:6 Edwards, Bessie Gross Former resident visits after 28 years away, 10/18/1951:5 Edwards, Burris Enters MacMurray College, Il with substantial scholarship, 09/11/1952:3 Pays tribute to father in essay, 05/07/1953:10 Appears in MacMurray College theater production, 11/26/1953:1 Named to Honor Roll at MacMurray College, 03/11/1954:1 Takes part in MacMurray College play (p), 04/22/1954:6 Elected to National Honor Society of Collegiate Players, 05/06/1954:7 Edwards, Charles A. Edwards and Carreiro collide at routes 44 and 28, 10/22/1953:3 Edwards, Doug 1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1 Edwards, Douglas Enrolls at Springfield College, 09/29/1950:3 On Dean's List at Elon College, 10/09/1952:3 Wins director's award at Elon, 05/20/1954:1 Completes studies at Elon College, to join military, 12/09/1954:3 Edwards, Douglass Enrolls at Elon College, North Carolina, 09/06/1951:8 Edwards, E.B. Eulogy to Dr A. Vincent Smith, 12/01/1950:10 Edwards, Elizabeth Burris Who's who in MHS senior class, 05/15/1952:9 Engaged to James Parmenter, 07/01/1954:1 Edwards, Helen L. Engaged to Milton T. Gosson, 09/16/1954:4 Wed to Milton T. Gosson, 09/23/1954:4 Edwards, Mrs Ralph B. Family moves to Reland St, 08/16/1951:2 Named Central Congregational Mother of the Year, 05/15/1952:6 Edwards, Ralph B. Daughter pays tribute in essay, 05/07/1953:10 Edwards, Ralph Burris Dies at age 50, 05/10/1951:6 Egger, Edith Lucy Widow of George dies at age 80, 03/29/1951:5 Obituary, 03/29/1951:9 Egger, Milton Employed at Hathaway Bakery in Brockton, 09/20/1951:2 90 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Egger, Norman F. Resides in New York, 06/09/1950:3 Operations Supervisor for Capitol Airlines at La Guardia Field, NY, 07/21/1950:3 Egger, Phebe Hunt Widow of Phillip L. dies at age 82, 04/19/1951:5 Obituary, 04/19/1951:6 Petition for probate of will, 06/07/1951:5 Egger, Walter Stationed at Norfolk, VA, 06/03/1954:7 Transfers from Norfolk, VA to Newport, RI, 08/05/1954:9 Egger, William. see also William Egger Co. Granted funeral director's license, 06/09/1950:14 Oldest and most respected businessman dies in 83rd years, 04/12/1951:1 Dies at age 82, 04/12/1951:5 Petition for probate of will, 04/19/1951:5 Licensed as auctioneer 50 years ago, 06/24/1954:8 Leases store in Thatcher's block 50 years ago, 11/25/1954:3 Egger's Funeral Home Pearl St (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Egler, Frederick N. Engaged to Carole Morrissey, 03/29/1951:9 Eilertsen, Haaaken Named captain of new fishing boat, 01/18/1951:5 Eisenhower, Dwight David, 1890-1969 Margaret Peck gets reply from President Eisenhower, 02/05/1953:1 Ekstrom, Ruth Seven-lesson home nursing course completed by ten women (p), 02/18/1954:1 Elders Pond Rules set for water use 50 years ago, 10/15/1953:5 Eldredge, David Wed to Eleanor Fava, 01/22/1953:5 Eldredge, David William Wedding described, 01/22/1953:6 Eldredge, Polly Married in Bucksport, ME, 02/17/1950:5 Eldridge, Carolyn Nasan Son born, 09/25/1952:5 Eldridge, Donald MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1 Eldridge, Mary L. Engaged to Donald W. Guidoboni, 08/05/1954:4 Wed to Donald W. Guidoboni, 08/26/1954:4 Eldridge, Richard Attends Dean Junior College at Franklin, 09/17/1953:10 Takes boot training at Bainbridge, MD, 10/28/1954:12 Eldridge, Richard N. Enlists in U.S. Navy (p), 11/18/1954:1 Eldridge, Roger Son born, 09/25/1952:5 Eldridge, Roger C. Eldridge Funeral Home to open for inspection (p), 12/11/1952:1 Eldridge, Roger G. Employed at sanatorium, 10/20/1950:8 Announces establishment of The Eldridge Funeral Home, 04/24/1952:1 Eldridge Funeral Home To open for inspection (p), 12/11/1952:1 59 Peirce St (ad), 12/11/1952:12 Hurricane brings down large tree on property (p), 09/09/1954:4 Elections Voting hours noon to 8 p.m. for primaries, 08/25/1950:1 Vote in primaries, 09/15/1950:1 Selectmen name election officers, 09/15/1950:6 Results of primaries, 09/22/1950:1 Selectmen urge voters to vote no on flat rate insurance, 10/27/1950:1 Record number of votes cast here, 4,105, 11/10/1950:1 Selectmen oppose three House bills, 03/22/1951:1 Selectmen oppose two more bills, 04/05/1951:1 Selectmen name election officers, 10/11/1951:1 Middleboro majority support Eisenhower in primary, 05/01/1952:1 Joseph Michael files nomination papers for representative, 07/10/1952:1 Elections continued Voting hours for primaries, 08/21/1952:1 Joseph Michael makes first bid for public office, 09/11/1952:4 1,266 Middleboro citizens vote in primary, 09/18/1952:1 Fire station to be polling place, 09/18/1952:4 Your vote does count (e), 10/02/1952:9 Anthony Petrowski airs views on Senate race (l), 10/16/1952:1 Republican team visits town (p), 10/16/1952:1 Local Republican Committee wants your support (ad), 10/16/1952:3 Republican town committee wants polls open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., 10/16/1952:4 Middleboro voters support all Republican candidates, 11/06/1952:1 Nearly 90% of Lakeville voters turn out, 11/06/1952:1 Official Middleboro tally (t), 11/06/1952:1 Lakeville voters elect Lodge, 11/13/1952:1 Local GI critical of The Spectator column (l) (Richard E. Maltais), 12/04/1952:8 Senator David Pratt declines to run again 50 years ago, 05/06/1954:9 Lakeville voters cast 834 ballots, 11/04/1954:1 Tabulation of results from Middleboro (t), 11/04/1954:1 Elections - Lakeville List of candidates, 02/10/1950:12 Only 131 of 977 registered voters attend, 03/10/1950:1 Ralph Baker candidate for selectman, 05/19/1950:1, 05/19/1950:6 Ralph Baker elected to replace Pember on boards, 06/23/1950:1 Candidates all certified, 02/01/1951:5 Exceptionally quiet this year, 03/08/1951:1 Outline of upcoming election, 01/24/1952:5 Lawrence Simon last candidate to file papers, 02/07/1952:9 Lawrence Simon candidate for selectman (p), 02/14/1952:1 Harry Norris seeks re-election to four posts (p), 02/21/1952:1 Laurence Simon for assessor and selectman (ad) (p), 02/21/1952:9 Political flier for candidate Norris inserted in town report, 02/28/1952:1 Transportation to polls offered (ad), 02/28/1952:2 Re-elect selectman-assessor Norris (ad) (p), 02/28/1952:9 Norris wins by wide margin; all results (p), 03/06/1952:1 Profile of candidate for School Committee, John Hilton (p), 01/29/1953:1 List of candidates filing nomination papers, 01/29/1953:8 Only 189 votes cast, 03/05/1953:1 Frank Jenkins candidate for Finance Committee, 02/18/1954:6 Everett Holmes, Jr. candidate for constable (ad), 02/25/1954:3 Manuel Borge candidate for constable and fish warden, 02/25/1954:3 WW II veteran, Everett Holmes, runs for office, 02/25/1954:3 Everett Holmes, Jr. thanks voters (ad), 03/04/1954:5 Frank Jenkins thanks voters (ad), 03/04/1954:5 Small turnout for annual event, 03/04/1954:10 Elections - Middleboro Voters called for annual election, list of candidates, 01/13/1950:1 Frederick daCosta candidate for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/13/1950:2 George Wheeler candidate for Board of Selectmen (ad) (p), 01/13/1950:2 Miriam McDonald candidate for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/13/1950:2 W. Lloyd Sturgis candidate for assessor (ad) (p), 01/13/1950:3 Candidate Campbell deplores two-platoon system (l), 01/13/1950:4 Ralph Maddigan, Jr. candidate for Board of Selectmen (ad), 01/13/1950:5 Rhodolphus Alger candidate for Board of Selectmen (ad) (p), 01/13/1950:5 Frederick daCosta candidate for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/13/1950:6 George Vigers candidate for Board of Selectmen (ad), 01/13/1950:9 Maddigan, Alger, Campbell, Riley, and Sturgis all winners (p), 01/20/1950:1 Scores of voters fail to go to polls (l) (Henry B. Burkland), 01/20/1950:1 Nomination papers due by December 11th, 12/01/1950:1 Selectmen Manuel Silvia will not seek re-election (p), 12/08/1950:1 Voters to decide how to vote on new school, 12/08/1950:1 Three in race for two seats as selectmen, 12/15/1950:1 Precinct Three Improvement Association in favor of Australian ballot (ad), 12/15/1950:12 91 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Elections – Middleboro continued Voters reject plans for new high school, 12/22/1950:1 Dull campaign in prospect, selectmen's race only contest, 01/04/1951:1 List of candidates, 01/11/1951:1 Romeo Millette issues brief statement, 01/11/1951:1 Millette for selectman (ad), 01/11/1951:7 John Washburn for selectman (ad), 01/11/1951:10 MacDougall and Washburn elected, Millette defeated for 5th time, 01/18/1951:1 Shurtleff, Deane, and Anderson file nomination papers, 11/15/1951:1 Selectman Ralph Nourse runs for fourth term, 11/22/1951:1 Shaw and daCosta file nomination papers, 11/22/1951:1 Fletcher Clark, Jr. and Ford Campbell file for re-election, 11/29/1951:1 Holbrook runs for selectmen; Mahoney and Atwood run for re-election; Kendall files for election to Planning Board, 12/06/1951:1 Deane and Churbuck run for Board of Assessors, 12/13/1951:1 List of candidates thus far, 12/13/1951:1 Seventeen candidates certified for January election, 12/20/1951:1 Biographical sketch of candidate Percy Churbuck, 12/27/1951:1 Seventeen candidates, three contests, 01/03/1952:1 Candidate for selectman, Paul Anderson, makes statement (p), 01/10/1952:1 Profiles of candidates for office, 01/10/1952:1 Town committees to be elected in April primary, 01/10/1952:1 Outline of upcoming election, 01/17/1952:1 Louise Walker for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/17/1952:2 Ralph Nourse for Board of Selectmen (ad), 01/17/1952:4 Thomas Weston for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/17/1952:8 Anderson for Board of Selectmen (ad) (p), 01/17/1952:9 Churbuck for assessor (ad), 01/17/1952:10 Holbrook for Board of Selectmen (ad), 01/17/1952:11 Anderson defeats Nourse in upset, all results, 01/24/1952:1 Eagles offer to transport voters on election day, 01/24/1952:1 Donald Mello runs for selectman, 11/27/1952:1 Finance Committeeman Keedwell will not run again, 11/27/1952:1 Miriam Campbell runs for re-election to School Committee, 11/27/1952:1 Town Clerk announces important dates for January election, 11/27/1952:1 Town officers whose terms are expiring, 11/27/1952:1 List of candidate who have filed nomination papers, 12/04/1952:1 Joseph Riley not running again for School Committee, 12/11/1952:1 Maddigan and Alger candidates for re-election to Board of Selectmen, 12/11/1952:1 Norman Rudolph runs for Board of Selectmen, 12/11/1952:1 Profile of Francis Sylvia, candidate for School Committee, 12/11/1952:1 Races outlined as date passes to submit nomination papers, 12/18/1952:1 Elect Francis Silvia to School Committee (ad) (p), 01/01/1953:2 Polling places explained, 01/08/1953:1 Profile of Norman Rudolph, candidate for selectman (p), 01/08/1953:1 Details of eleven races, 01/15/1953:1 Profile of School Committee candidate Walter Rudziak, 01/15/1953:1 Profile of selectman candidate Don Mello (p), 01/15/1953:1 Selectman Maddigan seeks re-election again, 01/15/1953:1 Re-elect selectman Rhodolphus Alger (ad) (p), 01/15/1953:2 Elect Francis Sylvia to School Committee (ad) (p), 01/15/1953:3 Elect to Norman Rudolph to Board of Selectmen (ad) (p), 01/15/1953:7 Re-elect Maddigan to Board of Selectmen (ad) (p), 01/15/1953:9 Elect Walter Rudziak to School Committee (ad) (p), 01/15/1953:11 Only one upset; 4,250 fail to vote, 01/22/1953:1 Voting stats from 50 years ago, 11/05/1953:4 Alice Lentini one of few women to seek selectman's post, 11/26/1953:1 Calendar for town elections, 11/26/1953:1 William MacDougall takes out nomination papers for re-election, 12/03/1953:1 Clark running for re-election as moderator, 12/03/1953:4 Ralph Nourse enters race for selectman, 12/10/1953:1 Chester Shaw files for re-election as treasurer/collector, 12/10/1953:6 Eighteen running for town offices, 12/17/1953:1 No candidates for Planning Board, 12/24/1953:5 Polling places and hours for election, 12/31/1953:1 Alice Lentini for selectman (ad) (p), 12/31/1953:10 Elections – Middleboro continued Gazette invites candidates to submit biographies, 01/07/1954:1 Vote for a square deal with Roy Fagerberg (ad), 01/07/1954:2 Biographies of candidates seeking office (p), 01/14/1954:1 List of candidates, 01/14/1954:1 Officers appointed by selectmen, 01/14/1954:1 Elect James Houilhan assessor (ad) (p), 01/14/1954:2 Elect Maurice Braga selectman (ad) (p), 01/14/1954:3 Elect Ruth McCrillis to School Committee (ad), 01/14/1954:7 Elect Ralph Crane to Board of Assessors (ad), 01/14/1954:9 Annual election draws 1,873 voters; results, 01/21/1954:1 Jacob Swift oldest Middleboro serving as election official, 01/21/1954:1 Police Department thanks voters for approval of Civil Service question (ad), 01/21/1954:3 Fagerberg thanks voters for support (ad), 01/21/1954:10 Houlihan thanks voters for support (ad), 01/21/1954:10 Officers appointed 50 years ago, 03/04/1954:7 Silvia, Mendall, and Braga take out nomination papers, 11/18/1954:1 Manuel Silvia withdraws for contest for selectman, 11/25/1954:1 Robert Anderson seeks post on School Committee (p), 11/25/1954:1 Shurtleff, Jr. will not run again; Anderson to run, 11/25/1954:1 Three-way race for selectman shaping up, 12/02/1954:1 George Donner seeks seat on Housing Authority, 12/09/1954:1 Raymond Curtis, Jr. candidate for Finance Committee, 12/09/1954:1 Town Clerk releases complete election ticket, 12/16/1954:1 Elections - Plymouth County Earl Gates urges support of Allan Hale's candidacy for D.A. (l), 09/02/1954:2 Geo. Sampson candidate for representative 50 years ago, 09/02/1954:7 Hale candidacy expected to bring large turnout, 09/09/1954:1 Vote for Hale for District Attorney (ad), 09/09/1954:4 Lakeville results of primary, 09/16/1954:1 Middleboro gives Hale fine support, 09/16/1954:1 Gazette interviews state senate candidate Hastings Keith, 10/07/1954:1 Electric Department. see Middleboro - Gas & Electric Department Electric Railroads Line to Taunton has long wait 50 years ago, 12/03/1953:9 Stops at Plymouth Street School 50 years ago, 01/14/1954:8 First trolley express from Taunton to Monument Beach runs through 50 years ago, 02/11/1954:8 Snow hinders operations 50 years ago, 02/18/1954:3 Judge Nathan Washburn resigns as counsel for MW & BB street Railway 50 years ago, 02/25/1954:8 Local creditors of MB, Wareham & Buzzards Bay offered 50 cents on the dollar 50 years ago, 05/13/1954:10 Wayland, Chase new conductor on M, W & BB 50 years ago, 06/17/1954:8 Everett St turnout removed 50 years ago, 07/15/1954:8 Old Colony replaces poles on Centre and Main 50 years ago, 08/19/1954:8 MW and BB stores winter supply of salt 50 years ago, 11/11/1954:4 Electric Shoe Repair Store closed Wednesday afternoons (ad), 05/26/1950:3 Electricity and Electricians. see also Bassett & Broadbent E.N. Niro, 87 Oak St (ad), 01/06/1950:6 A.J. Giberti, 31 Oak St (ad), 01/06/1950:6 W.J. Patstone, Marion Rd (ad), 01/06/1950:6 H.H. Dudley, Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Shing Electric, Lakeville (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Lang employs daughter Natalie, 07/07/1950:6 Power lines extended to Indian Shores, Assawompsett Lake, 12/15/1950:16 Arthur Jenney requests three-phase electric service for machine shop off East Grove St, 11/29/1951:1 Electrocution Owl electrocuted on high tension line, 05/17/1951:1 Charles Bassett, Jr. hit with 4,000 volts, 11/08/1951:1 Electronics Richard Parmenter has article published in Radio-Electronics magazine, 08/18/1950:1 Elks. see Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks - Lodge No. 1274 Elliot, George Egger's Annex staffed by Middleboro old fellars (ad), 03/20/1952:5 92 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Elliott, Alfred J. Engaged to Olive Porter, 11/06/1952:5 Wed to Olive Porter, 11/20/1952:7 Elliott, Alfred Jesse Wedding described, 11/20/1952:8 Elliott, Geo. Meet the sales force at Egger's Annex (ad) (p), 04/24/1952:5 Elliott, William C. Local police recover property stolen from Pocksha Pond homes (p), 12/08/1950:1 Student driver car presented to MHS (p), 12/22/1950:1 Ellis, Anna Writes of poor Atlantic crossing, 07/12/1951:10 Ellis, Annie E. Obituary, 03/12/1953:10 Ellis, Annie Ellen Widow of Charles M. dies at age 85, 03/12/1953:5 Ellis, Elizabeth Almost fatally burned while using outdoor incinerator, 04/08/1954:1 Elderly woman dies day after accident, 04/15/1954:12 Ellis, Mrs Joseph F. To depart for trip abroad, 06/07/1951:10 Ellis, R. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Elridge, H.W. H.A. Alger & Co. purchases printing plant of H.W. Eldridge 50 years ago, 10/21/1954:10 Emblem Club. see Middleboro Emblem Club Emergency Medical Services Selectmen ask additional $200 for ambulance service, 02/07/1952:1 Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1 Emerson, Henry Dies at age 74, 09/20/1951:7 Obituary, 09/20/1951:8 Emery, Eugenia Wed to Allen Taylor, 07/03/1952:6 Emery, Mary C. Wed to John A. Thomas, Jr., 09/11/1952:5 Emigration. see Immigration and Emigration Emond, Albert F. Wed to Dorothy Serra, 01/18/1951:5 Emond, Dorothy Overcome by gas in own home, 06/14/1951:4 Employment Itinerant Office open one extra day per week, 01/20/1950:5 State office announces office hours, 03/17/1950:1 Massachusetts Division advertises available positions (ad), 05/26/1950:7 Douglas Verder guilty of violating wage laws, 10/20/1950:1 Endicott Johnson Shoes 21-23 Center St (ad), 03/31/1950:5 Endres, Ray Catches 3-lb, 5-oz pickerel 50 years ago, 08/19/1954:8 Engel, William Applies for gas storage permit, 04/10/1952:12 Engel, William E.C. Petition for license to store gasoline and oil, 04/03/1952:5 Engineers and Engineering John Logan and Paul Anderson pass civil service exam, 03/03/1950:1 Joseph Kyrouz to teach evening course in civil engineering, 04/15/1954:1 Englestead, Mrs Charles Estate auction at 840 Center St (ad), 05/20/1954:12 Englested, Charles A. Couple attends St. Louis Exposition 50 years ago, 05/20/1954:4 Englested, Minnie E. Petition for probate of will, 04/24/1952:4 Executor presents account of estate, 05/20/1954:8 Englested, Minnie Etta Obituary, 04/10/1952:3 Widow of Charles dies at age 79, 04/10/1952:7 Eno, George Complaint against Eno for erecting sign on another's property, 04/21/1950:1 Eno, George G. Skidding car breaks hydrant, 07/26/1951:9 Eno, George H. Moves sign at request of selectmen, 05/19/1950:1 Three juveniles guilty in break-in at Pine Haven, 01/24/1952:10 Sells gas station and restaurant to Pierre Gagnon, 08/19/1954:10 Eno, Norman G. Auto struck by New Jersey driver at South Main and Grove St, 06/05/1952:8 Enos, Dick Graduates from school of umpires, 03/27/1952:1 Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Enos, Laura Homemade Italian food (ad), 03/13/1952:10 Enos, Richard Herbert Sent to Boston for induction, 03/13/1952:1 Enos, William L., Jr. Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7 Enos, William Louis Wed to Janice Crystal Drew, 01/10/1952:4 Enos, William Louis, Jr. Engaged to Janice Crystal Drew, 12/20/1951:7 Enquist, Carolina A. Obituary, 04/30/1953:6 Enscoe, Gerald Engaged to Ann O'Neil, 05/26/1950:8 Enscoe, Gerald E. Engaged to Ann Louise O'Neil, 05/12/1950:1 Entertainment. see also Concerts; Dances and Dancing; Theater Lewis Shaw's license renewed, 05/19/1950:2 American Legion presents annual minstrel show, 03/29/1951:1 Lions Club presents Gay Nineties program, 03/29/1951:1 South Middleboro youngsters stage circus to benefit Red Cross (p), 09/25/1952:4 South Middleboro youngsters stage circus in support of Junior Red Cross, 06/25/1953:7 YMCA presents minstrels and tiny tot show, 10/08/1953:7 Author Salom Rizk hosted by MHS Silver M Society, 11/12/1953:1 South School pupils hold own circus (p), 06/17/1954:4 Episcopal Church. see Church of Our Saviour Erickson, Alma Wed to Dario Romano, 02/11/1954:4 Erickson, Anna MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Erickson, Bud Sachem Steppers' gingham ball attracts throng of square dancers (p), 05/17/1951:1 Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3 Erickson, Carolyn Reports purse stolen by dog, 12/27/1951:1 Erickson, Donald Daughter born, 07/07/1950:5 Son born, 09/13/1951:5 Erickson, Harland Son born, 10/15/1953:4 Erickson, Herbert Rural mail carrier, 07/14/1950:8 Erickson, Karen Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Erickson, Kenneth Bedford St couple married eleven years, 04/05/1951:6 Erickson, Lois Sachem Steppers' gingham ball attracts throng of square dancers (p), 05/17/1951:1 Erickson, Mrs Carl Resides in Wheaton, IL, 01/22/1953:4 Erickson, Mrs Clarence White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p), 12/15/1950:1 Erickson, Myrtle Darling Son born, 10/15/1953:4 Erickson, Robert Edward Wed to Astrid Margaret Olson, 05/10/1951:2 93 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Erickson, Shirley Wright Daughter born, 07/07/1950:5 Son born, 09/13/1951:5 Erickson, Susanna Greta Widow of Aleksius dies at age 79, 12/10/1953:6 Obituary, 12/10/1953:9 Ernest S. Pratt Co. Oil, ice, coke (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Discontinues ice deliveries (ad), 10/01/1953:7 Erwin, Betty Ann Engaged to Frederick A. Parmenter, 09/13/1951:6 Wedding described, 04/30/1953:6 Escapes High school education responsible for capture of State Farm escapee, 07/28/1950:1 Escobar, Franklin Daughter born, 09/03/1953:5 Escobar, Wilma Reynolds Daughter born, 09/03/1953:5 Essays Fred Green takes 6th in national essay contest, 09/20/1951:5 Burris Edwards pays tribute to father, Ralph B. Edwards, 05/07/1953:10 Estelle Shop 37 Center St (ad), 02/17/1950:11 Estes, Betty Hughes Son born, 09/13/1951:5 Estes, George Son born, 09/13/1951:5 Estes, R. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Estes, Robert Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1 Estey, Marion King Engaged to Luther B. Hoard, 03/20/1952:2 Ethier, David H. Engaged to Barbara Jane Armstrong, 12/29/1950:4 Ethier, David Harmon Sent for induction into armed services, 10/09/1952:8 Etta's Dine, dance, television (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Etta Washburn sentenced to two months and fined $100 for maintaining prostitution nuisance, 03/03/1950:1 Eugene's New name for Half-Way House, Starvish new owner, 07/29/1954:1 Grand opening on Rte 28 (ad), 08/26/1954:3 Now serving complete business men's luncheon (ad), 10/07/1954:2 Europe Frances Serra to sail for Italy to see mother for first time in 25 years, 05/05/1950:1 Gertrude Kennedy heading across Atlantic, 07/07/1950:8 Deanes return from three month trip, 07/28/1950:7 War bride, Sally Lacombe, goes home to see parents in England, 10/13/1950:1 Greeks send thanks for gifts of food, 03/29/1951:1 Josephine McDonald to sail on Queen Elizabeth, 04/19/1951:4 Mrs Joseph Ellis to depart for trip abroad, 06/07/1951:10 Anna Ellis writes of poor Atlantic crossing, 07/12/1951:10 Speight sails for Germany, 08/02/1951:1 Teacher writes of excursion into Berlin (l) (Elizabeth Speight), 11/22/1951:1 Anthony Oliver home from two years of duty with Voice of America in Munich, 12/06/1951:1 Phyllis Holt going to England to do biological research over summer, 05/29/1952:1 Elizabeth Speight enjoys teaching in Germany, 07/31/1952:1 Mrs Walter Weeman sails on New Amsterdam, 09/04/1952:3 Newlyweds, Mr and Mrs Norman MacAulay, return from Germany, 09/25/1952:3 Marjorie Holt sails from New York on tour of Europe, 08/13/1953:5 Richard Clark writes from Naples, Italy (l), 09/24/1953:5 Patrick Gordon visits relatives in England, 10/22/1953:10 Tragedy in village in Macedonia told in letter of thanks to MHS Student council (p), 11/05/1953:1 Francis Gladu's mother-in-law visiting from England, 12/10/1953:3 Europe continued Allan Thatcher sails for Italy 50 years ago, 01/21/1954:7 Lorraine DiMuzio granted leave to teach in Germany, 04/08/1954:1 Mrs Leonard Cartwright plans visit to homeland in England, 07/22/1954:4 Mrs Ralph Morse sets sail, 07/29/1954:7 Mrs Leonard Cartwright returns after three months in homeland, 11/11/1954:1 Anthony Zervas leaves to visit Greece (p), 12/16/1954:1 Evans, Harry M. Wood St couple married 20 years, 10/28/1954:10 Evans, Wayne W. Resides in Oakland Beach, RI, 06/03/1954:9 Son born, 07/01/1954:10 Evans, Wayne W., Jr. Born to Wayne W. Evans, 07/01/1954:10 Everberg, Don Begins duties as reporter for Gazette, 08/26/1954:1 Everett, Harriet Ryder Petition for probate of will, 01/03/1952:5 Everett Club Formed here 50 years ago, 11/26/1953:7 Everett Square Diner Co-owner Allen Dean fined $150 for gaming nuisance, 05/17/1951:3 Charles Goodwin opens former Everett Square Diner as Charlie's Diner (ad), 01/17/1952:8 Evitt, William Engaged to Janice Silva, 08/21/1952:9 Evitt, William K. Engaged to Janice C. Silva, 02/12/1953:5 Wed to Janice C. Silva, 02/19/1953:5 Evitts, William K. Wedding described, 02/19/1953:4 E.W. Goodhue Lumber Co. Cambridge St (ad), 01/06/1950:5 Granted permit for signs, 04/05/1951:2 Aerial view of yards in Middleboro and Freetown (ad) (p), 02/26/1953:6 E.W. Harlow & Sons Contractors and builders (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Ewalt, Keller Daughter born, 10/30/1952:7 Ewalt, Keller R. Engaged to Mamie Mackiewicz, 03/31/1950:5, 04/07/1950:6 Wedding described, 04/21/1950:4 Wed to Mamie Mackiewicz, 04/28/1950:7 Sergeant station with Veterinarian Corps in Panama, 02/05/1953:1 Ewalt, Mamie Mackiewicz Daughter born, 10/30/1952:7 Joins husband stationed in Panama, 02/05/1953:1 Excavation and Excavators Roger Beech, bulldozer excavation (ad), 02/24/1950:12 Anthony Frazier, bulldozer work (ad), 04/21/1950:3 Explosives and Explosions TNT truck bangs into elm tree on North Main St, 01/06/1950:1 Hugh Bigelow loses tips of fingers as mixture explodes, 07/28/1950:1 Ellis Atwood's skull fractured in heater explosion, dies, 12/01/1950:1 Oil stove explodes at Warren Perry's Rocky Meadow St home, 04/05/1951:1 Wilfred Montminy suffers burns in boat explosion, 07/12/1951:2 Robert Tate injured by exploding shotgun shell, 02/12/1953:1 Reynolds and step daughter burned when gas explodes, 07/22/1954:8 F Fabbri, Medardo Plymouth St couple married 40 years, 11/03/1950:15 Fagan, Charles Withdraws charge of assault against Mellish, 04/05/1951:2 Fagan, Charles H. Mellish appeals jail sentence for trespassing, 01/27/1950:3 Stephen Mellish pleads not guilty to charge of trespassing brought by Fagan, 07/14/1950:8 Stephen Mellish changes plea, fined $25, 07/28/1950:8 Stephen Mellish pleads not guilty to assault on Fagan, 03/29/1951:2 94 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Fagan, Charles H. continued Wed to Margaret Hanlon 50 years ago, 04/15/1954:9 Fagan, Thomas Francis Obituary, 06/07/1951:8 Fagerberg, Eric Resides in Cristobal, Canal Zone, 08/13/1953:9 Fagerberg, G. Strout Realty Co. (ad), 06/24/1954:5 New location of Strout Realty on Rte 28 (ad), 07/08/1954:8 Fagerberg, Goldie Local rep for Everseal Aluminum windows (ad), 02/12/1953:4 Fagerberg, Mrs Roy Real estate (ad), 02/14/1952:2 Fagerberg, Roy Public auction (ad), 08/11/1950:7 Fagerberg, Roy, Jr. Engaged to Alice Waechter, 08/04/1950:8 Wed to Alice Waechter, 08/18/1950:10 Resides in Peoria, IL, 07/05/1951:8 Fagerberg, Roy V. Vote for a square deal (ad), 01/07/1954:2 Biography of candidate for Board of Selectmen, 01/14/1954:1 Thanks voters for support (ad), 01/21/1954:10 Fagerberg's Garage Suffers break-in, 02/10/1950:7 Fahey Funeral Home South Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Robert Cartmell, director (ad) (p), 04/02/1953:7 Mr and Mrs Patrick McMahon sever connections with business (ad), 04/15/1954:7 Faietti, A. Heating contractor, 6 South Main St (ad), 09/27/1951:6 Over 48 years of metal working experience (ad), 09/16/1954:8 Faietti, Albino Eleven-year-old alerts neighbor Claudette Cameron of fire, 08/13/1953:1 Last example of vanishing trade, tinsmithing, 09/02/1954:10 Faietti, Mrs Albino. see Faietti Fashion Shoppe Faietti Fashion Shoppe Shop for best selection (ad), 01/13/1950:4 Mrs Albino Faietti, 2 South Main St (p), 09/03/1953:6 Popular dress store, 2 South Main St (p), 01/07/1954:6 Easter fashions ready, 04/01/1954:6 New line of summer wear, 06/24/1954:6 Faietti Hardware 6 South Main St (ad), 04/26/1951:6 Fair Havens Rest Home New rest on Marion Rd to be dedicated, 05/24/1951:9 Rest home files complaint about speeding on Marion Rd, 08/23/1951:1 Selectmen recommend state inspection for convalescent home, 01/24/1952:1 Employs Barbara Pittsley, 01/15/1953:11 A.A. Wuorela tenders resignation as manager and treasurer (ad), 02/19/1953:5 New manager Hugo Hillila, 03/05/1953:6 Selectmen sign certificate, 10/22/1953:1 Fairchild, Mrs T.E. Resides in Portland, ME, 01/06/1950:2 Fairs. see also Future Farmers of America MHS vocational ag students take honors at Brockton fair, 09/22/1950:1 Prize winners at South Middleboro Grange fair, 08/30/1951:1 Middleborough Agricultural Fair opens with good crowd, 08/28/1952:10 Falciola (Mr and Mrs) New Jersey couple moves to South Middleboro, 07/05/1951:5 Falciola, Louis J. Wife files for divorce, 07/02/1953:5 Falciola, Margaret Files for divorce, 07/02/1953:5 Falciola, Richard South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Falciola, Robert South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home (p), 10/18/1951:1 Falciola, Robert continued South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Falconeiri, Angeline Obituary, 07/17/1952:2 Widow of Joseph dies at age 69, 07/17/1952:5 Falconeiri, Dominic Son born, 05/24/1951:7 Falconeiri, Donald Corporal wounded north of Wonsan, 12/01/1950:1 Missing in action from 24th infantry in Korea, 01/25/1951:1 Corporal is prisoner of war (p), 08/09/1951:1 Listed as prisoner of war, 12/20/1951:1 Family hears from POW in China (l), 01/03/1952:1 Falconeiri, Donald L. Former POW joins 320th Military Police Battalion, 03/11/1954:9 Falconeiri, Dorothy MHS art student win gold key, goes on to Pittsburgh competition, 03/01/1951:1 Falconeiri, Dorothy F. Engaged to Edward J. Medas, 04/01/1954:4 Wed to Edward J. Medas, 04/29/1954:4 Falconeiri, Dorothy Frances Engaged to Edward Joseph Medas, 10/22/1953:12 Engaged to Edward J. Medas, 04/01/1954:4 Wedding described, 04/29/1954:10 Falconeiri, Joseph Pedestrian killed by hit-and-run driver, 12/22/1950:1 Pedestrian killed instantly by unknown motorist, 12/29/1950:1 Falconeiri, Louis Attends University of Massachusetts, 12/22/1950:11, 09/20/1951:8 Pledges Kappa Sigma at UMass, 01/31/1952:1 Local man to receives degree from UMass (p), 06/03/1954:6 Falconeiri, Margaret Teceno Son born, 05/24/1951:7 Falconeiri, Phillip J. Bessie Maleski and Dimmie Dascoulias sell The Fruit Outlet to Manuel Abren and Falconeiri, 04/29/1954:1 Falconeiri, Ronald Who's who in MHS senior class, 04/14/1950:4 Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1 Falconer, Kenneth Farm exchange student from Australia, 10/15/1953:5 Falconieri, Alfred Joseph Wed to Ethel Griswold, 06/05/1952:7 Falconieri, Donald Private lands in Korea twelve days ago, 09/15/1950:1 Corporal writes to family from POW camp in North Korea (l), 09/04/1952:7 Still a prisoner of war, 04/30/1953:1 Parents receive letter from prisoner in China, 05/14/1953:1 Committee named to arrange welcome home celebration, 07/30/1953:1 Prisoner of Communists for 31 months, returned to freedom, 08/13/1953:1 Plans made for civic celebration, 08/20/1953:1 Returning prisoner greeted enthusiastically (p), 08/27/1953:1 Welcome home plans completed, 08/27/1953:1 Ex-POW urges blood donations, 09/03/1953:1 Schedule of homecoming festivities, 09/03/1953:1 Eagles sponsors drill team for homecoming, 09/03/1953:2 Reviewing welcome home festivities (p), 09/10/1953:1 Welcome Home committee expresses thanks, 09/10/1953:1 Police mascot Spike wears special uniform for homecoming, 09/10/1953:7 Eagles apologize for failure to have Girls in Green on hand for homecoming, 09/10/1953:10 LaForest and Maddigan responsible for flyovers during homecoming, 09/17/1953:6 Falconieri, Donald L. Parents receive letter from released POW (l), 06/18/1953:1 Parents await announcement of delivery to United Nations and U.S. Army officers, 08/06/1953:1 Pictured upon release from Communist prison camp (p), 08/20/1953:1 Lieutenant Colonel Rudolph Bohmer helped get Falconieri back home, 09/10/1953:1 95 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Falconieri, Donald L. continued Middleboro welcomes Sergeant home, 09/10/1953:1 Falconieri, Florence L. Five injured in two-car crash at West Grove and West St, 10/09/1952:2 Falconieri, Louis Driver wrecks pole on Thomas St, 06/02/1950:1 To be commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in Air Force, 05/13/1954:10 Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1 Falconieri, Margaret Philip Falconieri and Manuel Abren new owners of The Fruit Outlet (p), 05/13/1954:8 Falconieri, Philip And Manuel Abren new owners of The Fruit Outlet (p), 05/13/1954:8 The Fruit Outlet has holiday fruits and vegetables in abundance, 11/11/1954:8 Falconieri, William W. Wed to Dorothy S. Turner, 06/05/1952:7 Fall Brook Mothers' Club Hugh Bigelow loses tips of fingers as mixture explodes, 07/28/1950:1 Holds annual meeting, 01/11/1951:8, 10/11/1951:3, 01/10/1952:6 Falls (accidents) Mrs Charles Rogers fractures collar bone in fall at home, 04/21/1950:10 Mrs Charles Rogers returns home from hospital, 05/05/1950:10 John Nichols fractures arm in fall at Nemasket Transportation, 06/02/1950:1 Emilie Barta fractures arm in fall, 06/09/1950:7 Mrs W.A.D. Clark fractures wrist in fall, 06/30/1950:6 Merchant, Luther Longworth, fractures skull in fall, dies, 09/01/1950:1 Library employee Louise Pratt fractures wrist in fall, 09/15/1950:10 Esther Hawthorne breaks arm in fall on post office steps, 12/08/1950:2 Three-year-old Darlene Bradford falls from father's auto, 12/15/1950:16 Mrs Edward Jackson dislocates shoulder in fall, 01/11/1951:6 Daniel Kensenski fractures skull in fall, 01/18/1951:5 Judith Wilcox home recuperating from a fall, 01/25/1951:10 Mrs Carl Kendall fractures elbow in fall, 02/01/1951:9 Mrs C. Frank Lincoln sprains ankle in fall, 03/08/1951:4 Susan Bishop breaks hip in fall, 03/08/1951:4 Eight-year-old Elaine Donner falls from car, 03/15/1951:1 Mrs Watson Baker fractures shoulder in fall, 03/29/1951:10 May Eddy breaks hip in fall, 04/26/1951:6 Lee Chickering injured in fall from bicycle, 05/10/1951:6 Viola Tuck breaks leg, 05/17/1951:5 Mrs George Millett injures ankle, 05/31/1951:5 Eugene Ledoux suffers contusions in fall, 08/16/1951:1 Sadie Sheehy sprains wrist in fall, 09/06/1951:8 Elizabeth Galfre fractures hip in fall, 09/13/1951:10 Howard Sparrow fractures ankle in fall, 09/27/1951:1 Irma Goodhue in coma after fracturing skull in fall, 11/01/1951:1 Mrs George Northcott hurt in fall on Wareham St sidewalk, 11/15/1951:1 Babysitter Rose Alma Gamache falls on steps at home of John Scanlon, 03/06/1952:4 Daniel Guertin suffers concussion in fall at Hyde Park, 07/17/1952:1 Charles Glidden falls off load of hay, 07/17/1952:2 Elizabeth Harding in coma after thrown from horse, 10/30/1952:1 Painter Clifford DeCoff fractures leg in fall from ladder, 12/04/1952:4 DeCoff closes business temporarily (ad), 12/04/1952:10 Marian Minassian fractures leg in fall from second story porch, 02/26/1953:1 Taunton child falls from car on Rte 28, 02/26/1953:1 John Paun fractures arm, 05/07/1953:1 Clara Tripp fractures shoulder in fall on street, 05/28/1953:1 George Forsberg breaks hip in fall, 07/09/1953:2 Herbert Thompson, Jr. suffers crushed vertebra in fall at Sandwich Beach, 07/23/1953:1 Margaret Walker falls on stairs, found 80 hours later, 07/30/1953:1 Margaret Walker getting along fine at hospital, 08/06/1953:1 Mrs Clifton Nelson suffers fall at home, 09/24/1953:6 Barry Bartlett falls from car, skull fractured, leg broken, 10/01/1953:1 Eight-year-old Carol Carlson falls out of moving car, 12/03/1953:5 John LeMere killed in fall from train, 12/10/1953:1 Mrs Ashley Holbrook breaks hip in fall, 02/25/1954:3 Fred Johnson injures back in fall, 02/25/1954:6 Carrie Carver sprains back in fall, 05/13/1954:11 Falls (accidents) continued Mrs Carl Kendall fractures elbow in fall, 10/07/1954:3 John Martin injures arm in fall 50 years ago, 10/21/1954:10 Painter Jesse Hall falls when ladder slips, 11/25/1954:8 Falvey, Mrs William Joins husband in Washington, DC, 11/19/1953:2 Family Violence Henry Soucie, Jr. fined $10 for striking niece, 04/14/1950:6 Wife accuses Lorenzo Savery of assault and battery, 04/21/1950:1 John Jesse fined $25 for assaulting wife, 09/08/1950:10 Edward Correia guilty of assault on former wife Alice O'Donnell, 10/13/1950:4 John Lavine fined for assault on daughter-in-law Alexandra, 01/11/1951:6 Jesse Perkins charged with assault and battery on wife Irene, 02/08/1951:1 Irene Perkins paralyzed after assault, husband Jesse held in $5,000 for grand jury, 03/08/1951:1 Murphy's assault charge against husband Thomas dismissed, 05/10/1951:7 Jesse Perkins indicted for assault on wife Irene, 06/14/1951:1 Jesse Perkins given 30 months sentence for assault on wife, 06/21/1951:1 Archie MacNayr guilty of assault on wife Dorothy, 08/30/1951:8 Richard B. Judson guilty of assaulting wife Violet, 10/04/1951:4 Richard Judson charges Violette Judson with assault and battery, 10/25/1951:2 Richard Judson drops charges against wife, 11/01/1951:1 August Pfister fined $25 for assault on wife Pauline, 03/13/1952:7 Kenyon Pike denies charges of assault made by wife, 10/23/1952:7 Noble McIvers guilty of assault and battery on his wife, 03/12/1953:4 Melvin Gould case continued, 07/30/1953:3 Henry Gray, Jr. pleads not guilty to assault on wife Eleanor, 12/24/1953:4 Melvin Gould ordered to pay for wife's dental work, 01/21/1954:3 Ardavast Sr. and Jr. charged with assault on Haig Ardavast, 01/28/1954:2 Four Kayajans file assault charges, 03/25/1954:7 Frank Bent pleads not guilty to assault on wife, 04/29/1954:9 Philip Mellen's wife Celia drops assault charges, 08/19/1954:9 Assault and battery case against William Guild continued, 09/02/1954:10 Arlene McDonald assault case heard in court, 09/09/1954:10 Luther Boyd assault case continued, 09/23/1954:10 Henry Gray, Jr. charged with assault on former wife Eleanor, 11/25/1954:8 Wife charges Theodore Beaudoin with assault, 12/16/1954:8 Fanjoy, Allan Daughter born, 05/15/1952:7 Fanjoy, Allen Daughter born, 06/02/1950:5 Wins recognition at GE for helping develop new machine, 01/01/1953:1 Resigns from GE, employed with Brown and Sharpe in Providence, 08/20/1953:2 Fanjoy, Donald R. Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1 Fanjoy, Mary Begley Daughter born, 06/02/1950:5, 05/15/1952:7 Fardie, Lena Perry Daughter born, 11/05/1953:7 Fardie, Norman Daughter born, 11/05/1953:7 Fardy, Andrew J. Collides head on with Rockland driver on Wareham St, 01/06/1950:6 Fardy, Jim VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4 Farley, Al Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1 MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore championships (p), 07/03/1952:5 MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1 96 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Farley, Al continued MHS cross country team ends most successful season ever (p), 11/25/1954:1 Farley, Alfred MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p), 06/02/1950:1 Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1 MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1 MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4 Farley, Alfred E. 1950 high school hoop squad coach (p), 03/10/1950:1 Farley, Ann Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6 Farley, Bernice R. Passes civil service exam, 04/12/1951:10 Farley, Beverly Sturgis Daughter born, 04/02/1953:7 Farley, Bill Sets new school records in two track events, 05/15/1952:2 Sets new record for 100-yard dash, 06/05/1952:3 Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore championships (p), 07/03/1952:5 MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1 Sets new school records in three track and field events, 05/20/1954:3 Takes second in 200-yd dash at state meet in Boston, 06/03/1954:4 Sets new school record for broad jump, 06/03/1954:9 Farley, Daniel Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1 Farley, Dianne Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 Farley, George Daughter born, 04/02/1953:7 Farley, George E. Wedding described, 06/30/1950:6 Farley, George James Engaged to Beverly Elaine Sturgis, 02/17/1950:12, 06/16/1950:7 Wed to Beverly Elaine Sturgis, 06/30/1950:5 Farley, Kathleen Engaged to Stephen Stanley, 02/01/1951:10 Farley, Kathleen M. Engaged to Stephen C. Stanuliewicz, 01/11/1951:5 Wed to Stephen C. Stanuliewicz, 02/08/1951:5 Farley, Kathleen Marguerite Wedding described, 02/08/1951:5 Farley, Pete Honored by local Little League, 03/19/1953:1 Farley, Peter T., Sr. Obituary, 06/30/1950:3 Farley, Theresa A. Engaged to William B. Washburn, 10/01/1953:6 Farley, Theresa Anne Engaged to William B. Washburn, 05/07/1953:2, 10/01/1953:4 Wed to William B. Washburn, 10/08/1953:4 Wedding described, 10/08/1953:9 Farley, W. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Farley, William MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1 Leaves for army induction in Boston, 09/23/1954:1 Takes training at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 10/21/1954:1 Arrives at Fort Dix, NJ for training (p), 12/02/1954:1 Farm Service Store Wareham St (ad), 04/07/1950:9 Another arson attempt fizzles out at grain elevator, 10/14/1954:1 Farmer, John Daughter born, 08/26/1954:4 Farmer, Shirlie Waters Daughter born, 08/26/1954:4 Farms and Farming. see also Brown, John C.; Dairies; Future Farmers of America; Patrons of Husbandry Wilfred Schobel honored by Plymouth County Soil Conservation District, 01/13/1950:8 Farms and Farming continued Lakeville farmers organize to conserve soil, 03/24/1950:10 Charles Angers uses modern farming equipment (p), 10/08/1953:1 MHS agriculture students work on farms during summer break (p), 07/15/1954:1 Farnum, Georgia Etta Obituary, 09/04/1952:5 Wife of Walter E. dies at age 81, 09/04/1952:5 Farnum, Norman Rev Farnum requests access to Loon Pond for children, 07/05/1951:3 Farnum, Norman R. Precinct Church pastor going to Walpole, NH, 10/11/1951:1 Farnum, Norman R., Jr. Ordained at Lakeville Congregational Church, 05/03/1951:9 Farnum, Norman Ray, Jr. Graduates from Boston University, 06/07/1951:1 Farrar, David Candy store at Centre and Everett St broken into 50 years ago, 01/14/1954:8 Farrar, David H. Farrar's, ice cream specialists (p), 07/23/1953:6 Farrar's Everett Square (ad), 02/10/1950:12 Ice cream specialists (p), 07/23/1953:6 A tasty snack to take home, 11/12/1953:10 Features ice cream and chocolates (p), 02/25/1954:6 Beat the heat with ice cream, 06/24/1954:6 Farrell, John Engaged to Shirlie Ann Fickert, 05/26/1952:9 Son born, 09/17/1953:2 Farrell, John F. Engaged to Shirley A. Fickert, 10/30/1952:7 Wed to Shirlie A. Fickert, 11/13/1952:7 Farrell, John Francis Wedding described, 11/13/1952:5 Farrell, Shirley Fickert Resides in Mansfield, 12/18/1952:7 Farrell, Shirlie Fickert Son born, 09/17/1953:2 Farren, Philip Owen Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1 Farrington, Arlene L. Head nurse at VA hospital in Rutland Heights, MA, 06/23/1950:6 Farrington, Catherine McDonald Warren Ave couple married 40 years, 10/21/1954:1 Farrington, Charles Warren Ave couple married 40 years, 10/21/1954:1 Farrington, W.R. State highway engineer has new auto 50 years ago, 03/25/1954:8 Farwell Worsted Mill Fred Sparrow to install new floors 50 years ago, 02/04/1954:7 Closed temporarily 50 years ago due to lack of stock, 05/13/1954:10 Sends sample to NY buyers 50 years ago, 06/17/1954:8 Running night shift to keep up 50 years ago, 11/18/1954:10 Business brisk 50 years ago, 12/02/1954:8 Fashion. see Clothing Fasula, Shirley A. Engaged to David J. Gonsalves, 02/04/1954:5 Fasulo, Joseph Engaged to Emily Louise Baker, 11/24/1950:5 Wed to Emily Louise Baker, 12/08/1950:5 Fasulo, Shirley Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club dance (p), 02/17/1950:1 J.M. Wells gives keepsake chests to MHS senior girls (p), 06/19/1952:4 Fasulo, Shirley A. Engaged to David J. Gonsalves, 02/25/1954:4 Faulkner, James M. "Monty" Hit-and-run driver knocks down Faulkner, 10/02/1952:1 Faunce, Joseph Daughter born, 03/11/1954:4 Faunce, Theresa Danahy Daughter born, 03/11/1954:4 97 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Fava, Eleanor Engaged to be married, 01/15/1953:5 Wed to David Eldredge, 01/22/1953:5 Fava, Eleanor Margaret Wedding described, 01/22/1953:6 Fawcett, Gordon Awarded Eagle Scout badge, 05/08/1952:5 Fawcett, Gordon R., Jr. To represent MHS at Boys' State, 05/20/1954:1 Named to attend Boys' State, 06/17/1954:1 Fawcett, H. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Fawcett, Lois Engaged to Roger Nelson, 03/06/1952:8 J.M. Wells gives keepsake chests to MHS senior girls (p), 06/19/1952:4 Engaged to Roger Nelson, 08/28/1952:8, 09/25/1952:3 Fawcett, Lois C. Wed to Roger M. Nelson, 10/09/1952:5 Wedding described, 10/09/1952:9 Fawcett, Lois Carol Engaged to Roger Minard Nelson, 10/02/1952:5 Fawcett, Mrs Gordon Nurse's aide graduates from St. Luke's (p), 06/12/1952:1 Fawcett, Walter Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 Fawcett, Warren VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4 Fay's Upholstery Co. Free estimates, free delivery (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Fedor, Mary MacLean Wed to William T. Sullivan, 02/28/1952:5 Feher, Margaret Hill Returns to work at American Embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 11/12/1953:12 Felegi, Anna Sowyrda Daughter born, 01/20/1950:6 Felegi, John Daughter born, 01/20/1950:6 Felton, John Thomas Husband of Lena Wood dies at age 71, 03/25/1954:4 Obituary, 03/25/1954:7 Fenoglio, Anne Ferdenzi Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4 Fenoglio, John Fenoglio and Cobb collide head-on on Sachem St, 09/22/1950:9 Fire ruins grain at Ja-Mer Turkey Farm, 300 young birds moved, 12/20/1951:1 Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4 Fenoglio, John J. And Freidenfeld dissolve partnership in Ja-Mer Turkey Farm, 09/03/1953:2 Fenton, Harvey A. Awarded Rensselear Medal for Mathematics, 06/10/1954:7 Fenton, Melvin Employed by Alberts Shoe Co.; victim of accident, 12/25/1952:5 Ferguson, James Couple moves back into home, damaged by fire a year ago, 01/17/1952:8 Ferguson, Mrs John Resides in Beacon Falls, CT, 02/24/1950:12 Fernades, Harry Ira Major awarded Bronze Star, 09/30/1954:6 Fernald, Henry Daughter born, 01/25/1951:6 Son born, 09/23/1954:3 Fernald, Henry Clinton Born to Henry and Phoebe Rotch, 09/23/1954:3 Fernald, Phoebe Rotch Daughter born, 01/25/1951:6 Son born, 09/23/1954:3 Fernald, Stacey Noyes Born to Henry and Phoebe Rotch, 01/25/1951:6 Fernandes, Albert Engaged to Gloria May Fernandes, 04/28/1950:9 Engaged to Gloria M. Fernandes, 07/28/1950:4 Wed to Gloria M. Fernandes, 08/04/1950:5 Fernandes, Arthur Permit request for mobile refreshment stand denied, 08/11/1950:8 Fernandes, Bernardo C. Engaged to Shirley Joan Gaskin, 01/08/1953:5 Fernandes, Bernardo L. Wed to Shirley Joan Gaskin, 01/15/1953:7 Fernandes, Dolores Torres Daughter born, 01/18/1951:5 Fernandes, Edwin Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4 Fernandes, Francisco Daughter born, 01/18/1951:5 Fernandes, Gloria M. Engaged to Albert Fernandes, 07/28/1950:4 Wed to Albert Fernandes, 08/04/1950:5 Fernandes, Gloria May Engaged to Albert Fernandes, 04/28/1950:9 Fernandes, Joseph Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1 Inducted into armed forces, 05/14/1953:1 Assigned to Fort Lewis, WA (p), 06/18/1953:1 Fernandes, Joseph Anthony Sent to Boston for induction, 03/13/1952:1 Fernandes, Manny Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Fernandes, Manuel Private 1st Class completes training with Viking Division, 05/26/1952:1 Fernandes, Manuel, Jr. Leaves for induction in Boston, 02/08/1951:10 Fernandes, Mary Ann Gomes Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4 Fernandes, Mary D. Engaged to Bertram Parker Braddock, 12/01/1950:14 Wed to Bertram Parker Braddock, 12/15/1950:5 Ferraguto, Anna H. Tells why she asked for tax bill (l), 07/31/1952:8 Ferraguto, John Acquitted of negligence, 01/22/1953:1 Daughter born, 12/02/1954:4 Ferraguto, John H. Son born, 07/21/1950:5 Francis Chausse killed instantly when car goes off Rte 28 (p), 12/18/1952:1 Trial set for 20th, 01/08/1953:8 Ferraguto, Leo Master Sergeant makes phone call from Manila, 03/29/1951:6 Ferraguto, Martha Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1 Ferraguto, Richard Resides in Los Angeles, CA, 03/29/1951:2 Ferraguto, Roberta Gross Son born, 07/21/1950:5 Daughter born, 12/02/1954:4 Ferrari, Aldo Inducted into armed forces, 02/05/1953:1 Ferreira, Bill Mitchell Memorial Club 1950 baseball team (p), 09/29/1950:10 New Mitchell Memorial Club basketball coach, 12/15/1950:8 Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p), 12/04/1952:1 Plymouth Shoe Co. edge out Egger's for 1954 Twilight League title (p), 08/26/1954:1 Ferreira, James Edward Medas pleads not guilty to larceny from Ferreira, 09/18/1952:7 Edward Medas cleared of larceny charge, 10/09/1952:8 Ferreira, John Fined $100 for allowing operation of uninsured vehicle, 07/03/1952:2 Ferriera, Bill Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 98 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Ferris, Audrey-Ann Engaged to James C. Hargraves, 01/03/1952:3 Ferron, Maurice Range oil burner service (ad), 09/23/1954:9 Ferson, Elizabeth McDowell Son born, 06/28/1951:5, 12/25/1952:4, 06/17/1954:5 Ferson, Jean Receives French government scholarship, 01/27/1950:6 Named to Dean's List at UMass, 05/05/1950:7 Named to UMass Dean's List, 04/03/1952:1 Graduates from UMass (p), 06/05/1952:1 Ferson, Jean E. On Dean's List at UMass, 04/12/1951:1 Wins scholarship at UMass, 02/21/1952:10 Awarded $250 scholarship from UMass, 03/27/1952:1 Elected to Phi Kappa Pi at UMass, 04/10/1952:10 Ferson, Jean Emery Graduates from UMass, 05/29/1952:1 Ferson, Jean F. Elected to staff of UMass student newspaper, 10/27/1950:5 Ferson, Malcolm Resides in Swampscott, 08/25/1950:4 Son born, 06/28/1951:5, 07/12/1951:10, 12/25/1952:4 Transfers to Schenectady, NY, 04/08/1954:5 Son born, 06/17/1954:5 Family moves to Ballston, NY, 07/08/1954:4 Ferson, Malcom Resides in Lynn, 01/20/1950:6 Ferson, Mrs Malcolm Resides in Swampscott, 05/26/1950:2 Resides in Danvers, 08/07/1952:7 Ferson, Scott Earle Born to Malcolm and Elizabeth McDowell, 12/25/1952:4 Fessenden, Edward Warren Obituary, 04/19/1951:2 Husband of Laura J. LePorte dies at age 82, 04/19/1951:5 Fickert, Dick Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p), 12/04/1952:1 Fickert, Elsie May Deaett Wife of William F. dies at age 63, 07/09/1953:4 Obituary, 07/09/1953:7 Fickert, Ernest Couple moves from North Lakeville to Middleboro, 12/09/1954:3 Fickert, Jane Resides in Sunapee, NH, 02/24/1950:12 Engaged to Adam Bagdon, 10/06/1950:4 Fickert, Jane Rachael Engaged to Adam Bagdon, 10/27/1950:6 Wedding described, 11/03/1950:5 Wed to Adam Bagdon, 11/10/1950:7 Fickert, Janet Engaged to Thomas Batchelder, 03/01/1951:1 Succeeds Elizabeth Speight at Bates School, 09/06/1951:7 Fickert, Janet B. New English teacher at Bates School, 08/02/1951:1 Fickert, Janette Engaged to Sidney H. Batchelder, Jr., 12/27/1951:5 Fickert, Janette B. Wedding described, 12/27/1951:2 Fickert, Janette Bradford Engaged to Sidney Horace Batchelder, 11/29/1951:7 Wed to Sydney Horace Batchelder, 01/03/1952:5 Fickert, Mrs Ernest Resigns from Assawompsett School cafeteria, 12/09/1954:3 Fickert, Norman Corinne Parkway couple married 10 years, 08/16/1951:1 Fickert, Richard MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p), 06/02/1950:1 Who's who in MHS senior class, 03/29/1951:4 MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p), 06/14/1951:1 Enters Massachusetts School of Pharmacy, Boston, 09/20/1951:5 Fickert, Richard continued Leaves for army service, 09/10/1953:2 Stationed at Fort Devens, 04/08/1954:6 Fickert, Richard Alfred Inducted into armed forces, 09/10/1953:1 Fickert, Shirley A. Engaged to John F. Farrell, 10/30/1952:7 Fickert, Shirlie A. Wed to John F. Farrell, 11/13/1952:7 Fickert, Shirlie Ann Engaged to John Farrell, 05/26/1952:9 Wedding described, 11/13/1952:5 Field, Abbie Rugg Bates teacher suddenly dies, 12/27/1951:1 Dies at age 61, 12/27/1951:5 Petition for administration of estate, 01/10/1952:2, 05/08/1952:4 Field, Abby Rugg Administrator presents account of estate, 10/08/1953:7 Field, Stephen F.W. Auley MacAuley files petition to foreclose, 05/14/1953:6 Field Hockey Jeanne Buisson awarded senior letter at Penn Hall Junior College, 12/15/1950:9 Fieldding, Kenneth A. Arrives in U.S. after eight months in Korea, 05/24/1951:1 Fielding, Florence L. Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4 Fielding, Robert Private 1st Class arrives in Tokyo, Japan, 11/27/1952:8 Fielding, Robert J. Injured when Natick driver tips car, 05/26/1950:12 Helicopter pilot returns from Korea (p), 06/04/1953:1 Fielding, Robert Jackson Included in seventh draft induction, 05/17/1951:1 Leaves for military induction (p), 06/14/1951:12 Fies, Elizabeth Mary Widow of Ludwig F. dies at age 82, 07/28/1950:5 Fies, Elizabeth Mary K. Obituary, 07/28/1950:6 Fies, Ludwig Frederick Petition for administration of estate, 12/01/1950:14 Petition for license to sell real estate, 01/25/1951:2 Administrator presents account of estate, 03/13/1952:4 Figuerido, Tony Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Fillebrown, Archie F. Husband of Lois D. Churchill dies at age 71, 01/14/1954:4 Obituary, 01/14/1954:7 Petition for probate of will, 01/21/1954:5 Petition for license to sell real estate, 07/29/1954:4 Films. see Motion Pictures Filz, Claire Non-support case continued for trial, 11/03/1950:13 Filz, Claire A. Foreclosure notice, 09/15/1950:7 Filz, Fred Pants fired by lightning bolt at home on Cherry St, 01/28/1954:1 Filz, Fred J. Foreclosure notice, 09/15/1950:7 Wed to Genevieve Hadsell, 05/24/1951:7 Filz, Frederick J. Pleads not guilty to charge of non-support, 10/20/1950:7 Finance Companies Budget Counselors, West Grove St (ad), 08/12/1954:9 Personal Finance Co., 27 Center St (ad) (p), 12/02/1954:8 Finch, Helen Chandler Wed to Alfred Marshall DeWolfe, 05/01/1952:6 Finch, Mary B. Wed to Michael T. Carney, 08/04/1950:7 Finegan, Arthur Registry of Motor Vehicles inspectors spot violators on Rte 28 (p), 07/09/1953:1 99 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Finley, Charles Husband of Annie M. Parker dies at age 83, 04/07/1950:7 Obituary, 04/07/1950:8 Finn, Ronald E. Engaged to Claire Natalie O'Melia, 03/18/1954:1 Engaged to Claire N. O'Melia, 07/22/1954:5 Wed to Claire N. O'Melia, 09/02/1954:4 Finn, Ronald Edmund Wedding described, 09/02/1954:4 Finneran, Alan Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises (p), 06/30/1950:1 Finneran, Alice R. Moves to Long Beach, CA, 05/14/1953:6 Finneran, Denny Tough break for Little League pitcher, 07/01/1954:1 Finneran, Edith Moves to Long Beach, CA, 05/14/1953:6 Finneran, William Resides in Long Beach, CA, 05/14/1953:6 Finney, Mary R. Gravestone found during demolition at 158 Center St, 06/17/1954:10 Finney, Rosedla Loren Widow of Walter dies at age 75, 02/25/1954:4 Obituary, 02/25/1954:10 Fiore, Lewis Dies in Revere, 01/17/1952:5 Fire Department. see Lakeville - Fire Department; Middleboro - Fire Department Fire Prevention Chief Tripp warns that fires in the open illegal without permit, 04/14/1950:5 Outdoor fires prohibited, 08/04/1950:6 Highway Department burns grass to eliminate fire hazard, 03/08/1951:3 Lakeville firemen burn grass around homes, 03/15/1951:4 Permit required for outdoor fires, 03/20/1952:1 All open air fires require permit (ad), 03/20/1952:10 Many calls for fire permits, 04/03/1952:1 No permits for outdoor fires, 07/31/1952:2 All open air fires prohibited, 07/09/1953:1 No permits for outdoor fires, 09/03/1953:1 No outdoor fires permitted, 10/22/1953:1 Lakeville Fire Chief asks citizens to refrain from lighting outdoor fires, 03/18/1954:5 Forest fire observer Earl Ware keeps lonely vigil (p), 04/15/1954:6 Chief Tripp issues hints to eliminate hazards, 04/29/1954:1 Permits being granted for outdoor burning, 09/09/1954:5 Firearms. see Clear Pond Rifle Club Firearms - Law and Legislation Hull and Iampietro granted pistol permits, 02/03/1950:1 Three pistol permits granted, 02/10/1950:2 Cole and Ramsden granted pistol permits, 02/24/1950:1 Crowley's pistol permit renewed, 02/24/1950:1 Selectmen renew and grant pistol permits, 03/10/1950:6 Clarence Shaw's sales license renewed, 03/24/1950:1 Rebell, Chase, Kraus, Hart, and Hart granted pistol permits, 04/07/1950:5 Steve Stanley granted firearms sales license, 04/07/1950:5 Gardiner, D'Elia, Jefferson, and DeMoranville granted pistol permits, 04/21/1950:2 Tallman granted sales license, 04/21/1950:2 McBane, Follett, Standish, Shaw, Cordeiro, and Fountain granted pistol permits, 06/09/1950:14 LeRoy Shaw's pistol permit renewed, 06/23/1950:4 Whiting and Dunn granted pistol permits, 07/14/1950:3 Perkins, Shaw, and Eldridge granted pistol permits, 07/28/1950:1 Henry Guerin guilty of having loaded weapons in auto, 07/28/1950:7 Sampson and Rogers granted pistol permits, 08/11/1950:8 Elliott, McMahon, Wilbur and McDonald have pistol permits renewed, 09/15/1950:11 Donald Cannon granted license to sell, 10/06/1950:4 Selectmen issue pistol permits, 10/06/1950:4 Selectmen grant renewals of pistol permits, 11/10/1950:12 Firearms - Law and Legislation continued Louis Short fined $50 for carrying revolver without a permit, 11/17/1950:6 Pearson, Thorley and Sousa granted pistol permits, 12/08/1950:5 Selectmen grant pistol permits, 02/22/1951:1 Ramsden's pistol permit renewed, 03/08/1951:1 Selectmen renew pistol permits, 04/05/1951:2 Elizabeth Lander granted license to sell, 04/19/1951:1 Selectmen grant pistol permits, 04/19/1951:10, 05/03/1951:5 Selectmen grant pistol permit renewals, 06/14/1951:12 Selectmen grant renewals of pistol permits, 06/28/1951:10 Selectmen grant pistol permits, 07/12/1951:2, 08/09/1951:6 Louis Letendre granted permit for sales, 08/23/1951:1 Selectmen grant pistol permits, 08/23/1951:1, 09/06/1951:8 Herbert Pratt granted sales license, 10/11/1951:10 Selectmen grant pistol permits, 10/11/1951:10 Selectmen renew pistol permits, 11/01/1951:10 One pistol permit renewed, one refused, 11/29/1951:1 Selectmen issue pistol permits, 12/20/1951:6 Selectmen grant pistol permits, 01/24/1952:1 Selectmen grant pistol permits, 02/07/1952:1 Selectmen grant pistol permits, 04/10/1952:6, 04/24/1952:6 Selectmen issue pistol permits, 05/26/1952:10 Clarence Shaw's pistol permit renewed, 05/29/1952:8 Selectmen issue pistol permits, 06/12/1952:6, 07/24/1952:4 Selectmen renew pistol permits, 08/21/1952:1, 10/02/1952:10, 11/06/1952:4, 11/20/1952:1 Selectmen grant renewals of pistol permits, 12/25/1952:1 Pistol permits renewed, 01/08/1953:1 Selectmen issue pistol permits, 03/19/1953:1 Selectmen renew and issue new pistol permits, 04/02/1953:1 Selectmen issue pistol permits, 04/30/1953:12 Selectmen grant pistol permits, 08/13/1953:4 Selectmen issue pistol permits, 08/27/1953:11, 09/17/1953:1 Selectmen grant pistol permits, 10/22/1953:7 Selectmen renew pistol permits, 12/10/1953:9 Norman Thibeault fined $75 for violation of game laws, 12/17/1953:15 Selectmen grant pistol permits, 12/31/1953:4 Mario Grassi charged with shooting of Benjamin deSilva, 02/11/1954:1 Selectmen grant new and renewed pistol permits, 03/25/1954:10 Selectmen grant pistol permits, 05/20/1954:1 Selectmen issue new and renewed pistol permits, 07/22/1954:8 New and renewal permits issued for pistols, 08/12/1954:4 Selectmen approve new and renewed pistol permits, 09/02/1954:1 Selectmen issue pistol permits, 09/30/1954:10 Selectmen grant pistol permits, 12/30/1954:4 Firearms Accidents Two boys shot in accidents, 05/12/1950:2 Ronald Bissonnette killed in rifle accident, 07/05/1951:1 Shooting of Ronald Bissonnette ruled accidental, 08/09/1951:1 George Soule hit by stray bullet, 10/29/1953:1 Providence lad wounded in thigh, 12/10/1953:1 Clear Pond Rifle Club selected by state as pilot school for firearms safety, 11/18/1954:10 Firefighters Chemical Engine Co. elects officers 50 years ago, 01/14/1954:8 Enterprise Hook and Ladder Co. elects officers 50 years ago, 01/14/1954:8 Hose 6 names officers 50 years ago, 01/21/1954:7 Firefighting Equipment. see Maxim Motor Co. Firemen's Relief Association. see Middleboro Firemen's Relief Association Fires. see also Arson; Dwellings - Fires; Forest Fires; Lightning Fire destroys Richard Mortimer's barn on Plymouth St, 06/16/1950:8 Mortimer's cow barn burns to the ground, 06/16/1950:11 Interior of Nemasket Transportation truck damaged by fire, 07/21/1950:8 Franklin Hoy's barn off Miller St destroyed (p), 08/11/1950:1 Firemen battle hot blaze at Red Coach Grill (p), 07/12/1951:1 Howard DeMoranville's shed destroyed by fire, 08/02/1951:4 Lamp breaks, starts gasoline fire at Burr's hen house, 11/08/1951:7 Pennsylvania minister's car hits tree, burst into flames, 11/29/1951:1 Fire ruins grain at Ja-Mer Turkey Farm, 300 young birds moved, 12/20/1951:1 100 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Fires continued Fire damages old landmark, Martenson's stock burned, scorched, wet, 01/31/1952:1 Auto belches forth fireworks on Rte 28, 07/10/1952:1 Fourth of July quiet for Fire Department, 07/10/1952:1 Juvenile boys set fire to garages ay Alberts Shoe Co., 09/25/1952:10 Automatic call saves Middleboro High School, 12/25/1952:1 Rear of Cook's Jewelry Store gutted by fire, 03/12/1953:1 G&E orders full lighting at night and during all fire alarms, 05/28/1953:3 Barn at Tufts home destroyed, 07/02/1953:1 Claudette Cameron alerts neighbors of fire, 08/13/1953:1 Mildred Cook's garage gutted, 09/10/1953:1 Frank Bailey's garage destroyed in early morning fire, 11/05/1953:1 Disastrous fire at Wood St farm of Mrs Cyrenus Paquin, 01/14/1954:1 Rubbish fire at Bob's Diner caught before serious, 01/14/1954:1 Elks will raise funds for Paquin family in wake of farm fire (l), 01/28/1954:1 Awning burns at Middleboro Recreation Center, little damage, 02/11/1954:1 Two C.P. Washburn Co. lumber buildings burn almost completely, 02/11/1954:1 Defective wiring cause of blaze on Center St, 02/18/1954:1 Busy weekend for Fire Department, 02/25/1954:3 Estimate of fire damage in Center St blaze, 02/25/1954:10 Burnett Anderson's shop destroyed by fire, now back in operation (ad), 03/11/1954:2 Fire causes slight damage at Morrone Shoe Repair, 03/25/1954:3 Lester Denham's Highland St barn destroyed, 04/01/1954:1 Elizabeth Ellis almost fatally burned while using outdoor incinerator, 04/08/1954:1 Elizabeth Ellis dies day after accident, 04/15/1954:12 Thick smoke damages store stock in Sullivan Block, 04/29/1954:1 Heavy fire damage at Half-Way House (p), 05/20/1954:1 Flames fanned by wind destroy Guidaboni's barn, 08/19/1954:1 Chicken incinerator building razed, 08/26/1954:1 Gus Pocius' Purchade St barn destroyed, 08/26/1954:1 Nemasket Snack Bar destroyed, 09/16/1954:1 Spectacular blaze destroys Pratt ice house (p), 09/16/1954:1 Bates junior high school razed by fire (p), 09/23/1954:1 Shurtleff Hardware Store heavily damaged, 09/23/1954:1 The Fireside Granted shuffleboard license, 06/09/1950:14 Joseph has liquor license application on file, 06/30/1950:1 Selectmen favor liquor license transfer to new owner, Theresa Avallone, 02/08/1951:1 Anna Joseph charged with violating liquor laws on Armistice Day, 11/20/1952:1 Anna Joseph applies to transfer liquor license to Benjamin Crocker, 04/08/1954:7 Fireworks Hugh crowd sees delayed show, 07/14/1950:1 Auto belches forth fireworks on Rte 28, 07/10/1952:1 Biggest crowd ever witnesses fireworks here (p), 07/08/1954:1 First Baptist Church Richard Mullin accepts pastorate in North Middleboro (p), 11/17/1950:1 Holds annual meeting, 05/10/1951:6 Bible School enrollment 111, 08/09/1951:8 Exterior painting begun, 06/19/1952:7 Marks 197th year, 01/15/1953:6 Richard Mullin ordained, 06/04/1953:5 Vacation Bible school enrollment 82, 07/23/1953:8 Farewell party held for minister Richard Mullen, 09/24/1953:4 Cowpokes caper on church lawn, 08/19/1954:3 First Congregational Church Holds annual meeting, 05/19/1950:1 Ancestor's Day held, 07/21/1950:1 Putnam Sewing Circle holds annual silver tea, 04/12/1951:2 Veteran organist, Nelie Wood, honored, 04/12/1951:7 To buy new hymnals, 06/19/1952:10 Nearly one hundred attend Ancestors' Day, 07/31/1952:5 More than 350 attend commemoration of Bible publication, 10/02/1952:5 First Congregational Church continued Student preacher helps out, 10/09/1952:10 Votes to aid church in England, 02/12/1953:6 Unites with Central Methodist and First Unitarian for the summer, 06/25/1953:1 Chapel dedicated to Rev Arthur Cummings who served for 48 years (p), 11/26/1953:1 Forms new Mr & Mrs Club, 02/04/1954:5 James Williams new pastor (p), 06/03/1954:1 Plans improvements to parsonage, 11/25/1954:4 Rev Schlater speaks at Thanksgiving union service, 12/02/1954:9 Church women preside over Fair tea table (p), 12/16/1954:1 First National Stores Thrifty shop (ad), 01/06/1950:4 Closed three days for extensive alterations and remodeling (ad), 09/29/1950:8 Grand re-opening (ad), 10/06/1950:3 New departments and fixtures included in remodel, 10/13/1950:1 Taunton car rolls into store, 04/05/1951:7 First Unitarian Church Laymen's League holds annual musicale, 05/26/1950:4 Pastor Tristan Knight resigns, 04/05/1951:4 Laymen's League holds annual meeting, 04/26/1951:10 Harold Dodge Buck accepts call (p), 11/08/1951:1 New minister, Harold Dodge Buck, installed, 12/20/1951:1 Unites with Central Methodist for summer services, 05/26/1952:3 Holds annual meeting, 04/09/1953:4 Unites with Central Methodist and First Unitarian for the summer, 06/25/1953:1 Minister Harold Buck resigns (p), 09/24/1953:1 Goodbye party for Minister Harold Buck, 10/08/1953:1 Francis Schlater new minister (p), 12/31/1953:1 Holds annual meeting, 04/08/1954:6 United Christian Youth Movement of Middleboro holds first meeting, 05/20/1954:11 Fish (Mr) Osborne & Fish, 77 Wareham St (ad), 08/18/1950:10 Fish, Alfonso D. Fire set at Fish's barn off South Main St, 03/26/1953:1 Fish, Alphonso David Prominent business man dies in 70th year, 09/09/1954:1 Dies at age 69, 09/09/1954:4 Fish, Barbara C. Wed to Kendrick H. Washburn, 08/28/1952:5 Wedding described, 08/28/1952:8 Fish, Bob Co-founder of Bob's Diner, popular spot at Four Corners (p), 09/17/1953:8 Bob's Diner, where eating is a pleasure (p), 12/31/1953:6 Fish, David Engaged to Margaret Ann Norris, 03/10/1950:5 Wed to Margaret Ann Norris, 03/31/1950:6 Wedding described, 03/31/1950:11 Enters Boston University, 09/22/1950:6 Martenson and Thomas signs up for TV premium membership, 12/15/1950:7 Attends Boston University, 05/08/1952:10 Fish, Donald Local enthusiast takes trips in family Piper Cub, 01/21/1954:1 Nemasket T.V. moving April 1st to former home of The Homestead, 03/18/1954:1 Fish, Donald K. And George Nielson, Nemasket T.V., 77 Wareham St (ad), 11/22/1951:3 Fish, Donna Local enthusiast takes trips in family Piper Cub, 01/21/1954:1 Fish, Faun Co-founder of Bob's Diner, popular spot at Four Corners (p), 09/17/1953:8 Bob's Diner, where eating is a pleasure (p), 12/31/1953:6 Fish, Mrs Donald Nothing missing in break-in at Halfway House, 06/26/1952:1 Fish, Pauline Local enthusiast takes trips in family Piper Cub, 01/21/1954:1 101 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Fish, Pauline L. Check from Fish in haul taken from Brink's, Inc. in Boston, 01/27/1950:6 Fish, Robert Gains respect for convoy escorts, 03/13/1952:10 Fish Markets Your Fish Market, 453 Center St (ad), 09/01/1950:10 S.W. Lovell & Co. opening Fish Market at 35 Fairview St (ad), 12/13/1951:5 Lovell's Fish Market now open at 35 Fairview St (ad), 12/20/1951:11 Arthur Abele, seafood, home deliveries (ad), 02/04/1954:3 A.L. Champlin, Cotuit oysters, 10 Forest St (ad). see Fish Markets Fish Radio & Furniture Co. Suspicious fire at store, firebug may be at work again, 02/18/1954:1 Fisher, Harry T., Jr. Participates in NATO exercises, 10/09/1952:1 Fisher, Helena Victoria Boston woman dies at age 81, 03/18/1954:4 Obituary, 03/18/1954:5 Fisher, Jessie M. Widow of James dies at age 75, 03/01/1951:5 Obituary, 03/01/1951:8 Fishes and Fishing. see also Herring Arnold Thomas wins local striped bass tourney, 10/27/1950:1 Goldfish and supplies, 113 Wareham St (ad), 03/15/1951:12 Issue of Plymouth Rock from 1860 reveals local and national events, 05/31/1951:1 Leon Townsend wins opening prize in local bass tourney, 05/31/1951:5 Leon Townsend lands a big fish, 32-lb. bass (p), 06/07/1951:1 George Budd, Jr. lands 50-pound striper (p), 09/06/1951:1 Aquarium supplies, 113 Wareham St (ad), 01/10/1952:10 Entries in striped bass derby may be filed, 03/27/1952:1 George Budd, Jr. pictured in Salt Water Sportsman, 06/05/1952:12 Arnold Thomas wins Striped Bass Derby with 38-pounder, 07/10/1952:1 Carlton Shaw takes lead in annual Middleboro striped bass derby, 09/11/1952:5 Carlton Shaw wins striped bass tourney, 10/30/1952:6 Steve Stanley announces rules for Middleboro Striped Bass Derby, 05/07/1953:4 Arnold Thomas wins 1953 Bass Derby, 10/22/1953:1 George Budd wins 1953 Blue Fish Derby, 10/22/1953:1 Winners receive trophies at annual Middleboro All Sports Night (p), 02/25/1954:10 Ted Alger wins June bass tourney, 07/15/1954:8 Alger takes July bass prize too, 08/05/1954:10 Ray Endres catches 3-lb, 5-oz pickerel 50 years ago, 08/19/1954:8 Arnold Thomas wins 1954 striped bass derby, 11/04/1954:4 Fisk, Marilyn Engaged to James Neville, 12/29/1950:8 Fiske, Marilyn And twin sister join Woman's Air Corps, 10/13/1950:6 Fiske, Marjorie Takes post at Assawampsett School cafeteria, 12/09/1954:3 Fiske, Maureen And twin sister join Woman's Air Corps, 10/13/1950:6 Fiske, Roberta E. Engaged to Donald M. Boehler, 09/23/1954:9 Fitch, Arline Merrill Resides in Nashua, NH, 12/08/1950:15 Daughter born, 08/28/1952:8 Fitch, Edward P. Daughter born, 08/28/1952:8 Fitting, Charles VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4 Fitting, Charles A. Daughter born, 02/08/1951:4 Fitting, David L. Obituary, 01/04/1951:2 Fall River Man dies at age 61, 01/04/1951:5 Fitting, Eleanor Lupien Daughter born, 02/08/1951:4 Fittz, Lonzo L. Guy Fittz appointed guardian 50 years ago, 10/07/1954:10 Fitzgerald, Barbara McKenna Son born, 12/06/1951:7, 09/17/1953:6 Fitzgerald, John Son born, 12/06/1951:7, 09/17/1953:6 Fitzgerald, John F. Pleads not guilty to drunkenness, reckless driving and drunk driving, 03/13/1952:7 Guilty on four charges, fined $75, 03/20/1952:7 Launches attack on Police Department (l), 07/24/1952:4 Foreclosure notice, 08/14/1952:5 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/09/1952:5 Fitzsimmons, Donna Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Fitzsimmons, Maureen Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Fitzsimmons, Muriel Opens dance studio at 18 Coombs St, 09/27/1951:6 School of Dancing (ad), 09/27/1951:10 Dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Flag Day Elisha Jenks displays colonial flag for Flag Day 50 years ago, 06/10/1954:9 Flags New steel flagstaff for high school, 03/24/1950:1 Steel flagstaff erected at high school, 04/07/1950:1 United Nations flag flies for a day at Town House, 10/27/1950:1 WSCS presents United Nations flag to West Side School, 05/24/1951:1 Middleboro Retail Merchants Association furnishes street flags, 09/10/1953:10 Retail Merchants Association gives flag brackets to town, 10/08/1953:1 Service flag ruined by hurricane in 1944, 10/22/1953:12 Elisha Jenks displays colonial flag for Flag Day 50 years ago, 06/10/1954:9 Flaherty, Michael F. Fifteen-year-old leaves Middleboro while family visiting here, located in Boston, 08/05/1954:1 Flanders, Bert Fined $75 for negligent driving, 05/10/1951:3 Enrolled at Burdett College 50 years ago, 09/09/1954:7 Flanders, Bert W. Denies charges of drunkenness and reckless and drunk driving, 04/19/1951:2 Notice of tax taking, 03/04/1954:4 Flanders, Sherrill Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro Girl Scout troop welcomed into organization (p), 05/24/1951:1 South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home (p), 10/18/1951:1 Flanders, Wilmont Resides in Long Island, NY, 02/19/1953:4 Flannery, Walter P., Jr. Drunk and reckless driving cases continued, 12/24/1953:4 Flannery, Walter R. Car lands on roof, driver charged with drunk and reckless driving, 12/17/1953:15 Guilty on both counts, 12/31/1953:1 Fleming, John Couple vacates Bourne St apartment, 11/24/1950:8 Flieger, Paul F. Engaged to Joanne P. Mahoney, 04/29/1954:4 Flieger, Paul Fred Engaged to Joanne Patricia Mahoney, 10/29/1953:10 Wedding described, 05/20/1954:5 Wed to Joanne P. Mahoney, 05/20/1954:7 Flint, S. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Flister, Bill Meet the sales force at Egger's Annex (ad) (p), 04/24/1952:5 Flister, Otto Obituary, 01/21/1954:4 Dies at age 85, 01/21/1954:5 Flister, William Egger's Annex staffed by Middleboro old fellars (ad), 03/20/1952:5 102 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Flood, Arthur Engaged to Marilyn Hanson, 08/27/1953:12, 10/08/1953:4 Wed to Marilyn Hanson, 10/15/1953:4 Flood, Arthur Millard Engaged to Marilyn June Hanson, 10/01/1953:2 Flood, Arthur Miller Wedding described, 10/15/1953:7 Flood, Ernest Claims ownership of tanker bow salvaged off Cape Cod, 07/03/1952:4 Flood, Ernest, 3rd Born to Ernest, Jr., 05/06/1954:2 Flood, Ernest J., Jr. Engaged to Helen Howes, 07/24/1952:2 Engaged to Helen M. Howes, 04/09/1953:5 Wed to Helen M. Howes, 04/23/1953:7 Flood, Ernest, Jr. Son born, 05/06/1954:2 Flood, Flora Bernier Son born, 05/24/1951:7 Flood, James S. Wounded in Korea by mortar shell (p), 10/02/1952:1 Engaged to Jeanette Louise Hanson (p), 02/18/1954:1 Engaged to Jeannette Louise Flood, 05/20/1954:11 Engaged to Jeannette L. Hanson, 06/17/1954:4 Wed to Jeannette L. Hanson, 06/24/1954:4 Flood, James Sanford Wedding described, 06/24/1954:5 Flood, Mrs Ernest, Jr. Resides in Macon, GA, 05/06/1954:2 Flood, Norman Profile of MHS custodian, 06/16/1950:7 Flood, Raymond Son born, 05/24/1951:7 Flood, Raymond L. Promoted to Staff Sergeant; assigned to 33rd Air Police Squadron, 08/23/1951:1 Flood, Richard E. Airman 2nd Class with 2472nd Air Force Reserve Combat Training Center in Kansas, 08/05/1954:7 Flood, Steve Four-year-old missing for 12 hours (p), 06/05/1952:1 Flora M. Clark School PTA holds annual banquet, 05/12/1950:6 Florence Churbuck new teacher, 09/06/1951:1 George Rogers new janitor, 12/20/1951:11 Connected to town fire alarm system, 05/29/1952:3 School Committee receives complaint on sanitary conditions, 06/12/1952:11 Summer work on school detailed, 09/04/1952:1 Peirce Trust grant covers new heating system, 12/25/1952:1 Request for bids for heating system (ad), 01/08/1953:10 Changes in pupil grades announced, 01/15/1953:1 Five bids on heating system, 01/22/1953:10 Archie Shurtleff appointed janitor, 03/19/1953:1, 09/03/1953:1 Summer work on facilities described, 09/24/1953:3 Vandals break eleven windows, 10/15/1953:1 Stoned again, 10/22/1953:5 PTA receives charter, 03/11/1954:5 Frances Starck resigns to get married, 04/08/1954:1 PTA enjoys annual banquet, 05/20/1954:4 List of repairs completed, 08/12/1954:10 Carolyn Alger new teacher, 10/07/1954:9 Junior Cabot Club nets $304 for playground equipment, 11/18/1954:1 Florinda, Mary Engaged to Donald Francis Kinsman, 10/30/1952:7 Florinda, Mary Ann Wedding described, 11/13/1952:12 Flowers. see also Nurseries (plant) Westside Flower Shop, Libby and Hawes, 7A West St (ad), 01/06/1950:4 Creedon - Florist, 113 Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:7 The Leland Carnation Co., since 1904, Cherry St (ad), 01/06/1950:8 Libby & Hawes, 17 South Main St (ad), 03/24/1950:2 Clarkshaw’s Flower Shop, 237 North Main St (ad), 03/31/1950:6 Flowers continued The Glad Patch, J.R. Serra, 1170 Center St (ad), 07/28/1950:2 Margaret Sullivan's Easter lilies bloom on Benton St, 09/29/1950:7 Gibbs Flower Shop, Center St (ad), 10/13/1950:5 Raymond Meehan proprietor of Creedon's, 10/20/1950:4 Anita Vasel picks dandelions in December, 12/27/1951:2 Lucy Hayden's spider lily has 12 blooms, 03/06/1952:8 MHS class of 1952 flower is blue carnation, 06/12/1952:7 B.M. White, chrysanthemums, Plymouth St (ad), 10/09/1952:6 Mrs Laurence Osborne's Easter lily bears seven blossoms, 07/16/1953:4 Parkers Flower Shop, 123 Center St (ad), 04/22/1954:5 Guy Davis has unusual blossoms on black eyed Susan plant, 07/01/1954:7 Mrs William Crapo's rare night blooming cereus puts on a show, 08/05/1954:5 Apple trees blossom for second time, 10/07/1954:1 Creedon's flower shop takes part in Boston Rose Show, 10/14/1954:4 Walter MacKenzie's white lilac in full bloom, 10/21/1954:6 Flye, Thorndike Purchases Plympton St home from G. Ward Stetson, 12/10/1953:12 Flynn, Annie M. Petition for administration of estate, 08/20/1953:3 Flynn, Annie Mabel Wife of James F. dies at age 73, 08/06/1953:4 Obituary, 08/06/1953:7 Flynn, Basil Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner for Allan Hale (p), 02/08/1951:1 Flynn, Elizabeth Boston woman dies at age 92, 04/15/1954:6 Obituary, 04/15/1954:12 Flynn, John E. Son born, 03/06/1952:5 Flynn, Mrs Basil Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner for Allan Hale (p), 02/08/1951:1 Flynn, Virginia Alley Son born, 03/06/1952:5 Fogarty, Helen Rankin Obituary, 01/03/1952:5 Widow of Edward dies at age 63, 01/03/1952:5 Fogg, Walter E. Lewis Vaughn suffers torn scalp when struck by Fogg, 12/27/1951:1 Foglia, Virginia Claire Wedding described, 09/06/1951:8 Folcik, Alice Giovannina Son born, 12/31/1953:4 Folcik, Walter Son born, 12/31/1953:4 Foley, James Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1 Follett, Claire Dutra Son born, 02/11/1954:4 Follett, James Son born, 02/11/1954:4 MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4 Follett, Leo Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 Follett, Weldon F. Must restrain dog for six months, 08/23/1951:1 Dog's six-month restraint period expires, 02/21/1952:1 Fontaine, Emma Palmer Trees, 06/30/1950:5 Daughter born, 09/02/1954:4 Fontaine, Walter Son born, 06/30/1950:5 Daughter born, 09/02/1954:4 Fontaine, Walter J. Oil burners and heating (ad), 06/19/1952:10 Fontaine, Walter, Jr. Kiwanis Club holds installation ceremonies (p), 01/07/1954:1 Fontes, Mary Wed to Joseph Thomas Andrews, 07/31/1952:5 Food. see also Dairies; Fruit; School Children – Food; Vegetables Over 750 attend matinee cooking school at Middleboro Theatre, 03/10/1950:1 103 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Food continued Final session of cooking school attracts 750, 03/24/1950:7 Mary Carriero presented with electric range at Theatre Cooking School (p), 03/31/1950:8 Workmen take 50 pounds of honey from White's unused chimney 50 years ago, 11/12/1953:9 Food Industry. see Ice Cream Foose, Hattie Fickert Resides in Fleetwood, PA, 04/29/1954:4 Football. see also Middleborough Memorial High School - Football; Mitchell Memorial Club - Football John Murphy passes officials test, 01/06/1950:5 Alfred Mackiewicz plays for Brown University, 01/06/1950:7 John Nichols, Jr. named most valuable player at UMass, 02/01/1951:1 John Nichols named Most Valuable Player at UMass, 04/12/1951:8 Second Lieutenant John Nichols plays at Camp Kilmer, NJ (p), 09/27/1951:1 Ray Moffett plays right guard on Bates College squad, 09/27/1951:4 Forbes, Clyde H. Files damage suit against Jenney Manufacturing Co., 01/29/1953:8 Awarded $33,000 in damages for loss of leg while working on tanker, 10/28/1954:1 Forbes, Mary Yvette Engaged to Arthur G. Gamache, 04/17/1952:5 Wed to Arthur G. Gamache, 05/01/1952:5 Forcier, Anna Marie Engaged to Winifred C. Cote, 07/28/1950:4 Wed to Wilfred C. Cote, 08/18/1950:5 Forcier, Wilfred Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 Ford, Grace P. Three Elms Gift Shop, Miller St (ad), 08/30/1951:10 Opens Three Elms Gift Shop on Miller St, 09/06/1951:4 Ford, Jean Completes student teaching at Union Street School, 11/26/1953:5 Ford, Jean P. New elementary teacher, 02/11/1954:10 New teacher at Union Street School, 10/07/1954:9 Ford, Joseph Wed to Thelma Garnett, 12/10/1953:8 Forest Fires Sweeps through 20 acres of woodland, 04/24/1952:1 Fire sweeps 50 acres in Lakeville, 05/08/1952:8 Local firemen aid in quelling season's worst, 07/31/1952:1 Bulldozer clears fire break at dump, 07/31/1952:2 Barbara Harlow suffers burns putting out grass fire, 03/19/1953:1 Fire sweeps three acres, starts in Albo incinerator, 04/23/1953:1 Early morning brush fire alarms citizens, 09/30/1954:7 Woodland blaze occupies firemen for three hours, 10/21/1954:7 Forests. see also Trees Scouts granted use of parcel of town land, 03/24/1950:1 Selectmen to sell mature trees from town forests, 05/19/1950:1 Town timber sells for $335, 06/30/1950:9 Edwin Blair wants to buy standing timber from town, 02/12/1953:5 Forgery Edwina Wood indicted by grand jury for forgery, larceny and uttering, 10/08/1953:1 Fornaciari, Catherine Runs soda fountain at LaForest Pharmacy, 09/10/1953:6 Clerk at LaForest Pharmacy (p), 04/08/1954:8 Injured in auto crash on Rte 44, 08/26/1954:9 Cast member in Little Theatre Group production (p), 12/09/1954:7 Fornaciari, Catherine F. Engaged to Richard A. Haleen, 12/23/1954:4 Fornaciari, Catherine Frances Engaged to Richard Allan Heleen, 01/29/1953:4 Fornaciari, Mabel Guidaboni New teacher at Rock School, 08/02/1951:1 Forney, Barbara Hadfield Daughter born, 12/30/1954:4 Forney, Louis Selectmen appoint moth superintendent, 02/04/1954:1 Forney, Louis, Jr. Daughter born, 12/30/1954:4 Forsberg, Flora Resides in Louisville, KY, 07/26/1951:2 Forsberg, George Breaks hip in fall, 07/09/1953:2 Forsberg, George W. Petition for probate of will, 09/03/1953:5 Forsberg, George Wallen Obituary, 08/20/1953:2 Husband of Emma Sparrow dies at age 77, 08/20/1953:4 Forster, William C. Induction deferred, 05/24/1951:6 Forster, William Calkins Included in seventh draft induction, 05/17/1951:1 Going for induction in October, 09/27/1951:1 Fortes, Allen Joseph Edward and Leonice Thew petition to adopt son of Alice Santos, 06/23/1950:4 Fortin, Ann S. Engaged to Buddy D. Chilcot, 04/15/1954:6 Wed to Buddy D. Chilcot, 04/29/1954:4 Fortin, Ann Silvia Engaged to Buddy Chilcot, 10/29/1953:10 Fortin, Herve R. Chief Boatswain Mate participates in war exercise, 05/05/1950:7 Chief Boatswain's Mate serves on board USS McKean, 09/20/1951:9 Fortin, Musty Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Fortin, Theresa C. Engaged to William M. Rogers, Jr., 02/07/1952:5 Wed to William M. Rogers, Jr., 02/28/1952:5 Fortini, Joan Plymouth woman married, 09/10/1953:4 Fortini, Lionel Personal Finance Co., 27 Center St (ad) (p), 12/02/1954:8 The Forty and Eight Youth chosen to attend Boys' State, 06/17/1954:1 Fosdick, Ethel Alberta Obituary, 04/23/1953:12 Foss, David W. Inducted into U.S. Army, 11/08/1951:1 Foss, David Walter Called for Army service, 10/18/1951:1 Foster, Alan Recipient of Robert Goldstein Citizenship Award, 06/14/1951:6 Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1 MHS Boy of the Month, 12/20/1951:11 Recipient of Robert Goldstein Citizenship Award, 06/05/1952:1 Foster, Alan L. Returns from MA Maritime Academy annual cruise, 04/22/1954:10 Foster, Allan MHS annual junior class promenade (p), 05/03/1951:1 Midshipman returns to MA Maritime Academy, 04/30/1953:4 Foster, David Stationed in Japan, 02/25/1954:3 Foster, David L., Jr. Engaged to Lois Bessey, 01/29/1953:8 Wedding described, 05/28/1953:3 Foster, J.M. Cattle dealer thanks farmers for patronage (ad), 12/22/1950:6 Cattle dealer thanks patrons (ad), 01/01/1953:7 Auction of furnishings and small farm tools (ad), 10/15/1953:2 Foster, Joe Farm auction (ad), 10/22/1953:5 Foster, Jos. Cattle auction (ad), 05/26/1952:6 Foster, Joseph Engaged to Evelyn Piercy, 12/06/1951:6 Wed to Evelyn Piercy, 12/20/1951:7 Foster, Lucy M. Dies at age 71, 05/03/1951:5 Obituary, 05/03/1951:7 Foster, Marilyn June Engaged to Charles Henry Franklin, 01/20/1950:7 104 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Foster, Mrs David Moves to Minnesota, 02/25/1954:3 Foster, Norman F. Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1 Foster, Norman Francis Enlists in U.S. Air Force, 12/24/1953:7 Four Corners Historical Society hears talk on early Middleboro at June meeting, 06/05/1952:7 Thompson Bros. business block sold to Boston interest, 08/14/1952:1 Four Corners Cafe John Perkins applies to transfer liquor license to Robert C. Dayton, 01/07/1954:5 License transfer from Perkins to Dayton approved, 01/14/1954:10 John Perkins sells business to Robert Dayton, 02/04/1954:1 4-H Clubs Parents organize new clubs, 03/17/1950:1 Newly organized club for boys holds first meeting, 03/24/1950:1 Youths organize poultry club, 04/21/1950:4 Youths form dairy and sheep club, 04/28/1950:9 Live Wires Club wins honors at Kingston meet, 05/26/1950:1 Lakeville Club members take honors at Kingston meet, 05/26/1950:2 Lakeville Council holds sixth annual meeting, 10/13/1950:5 Collect ton of ragweed, 07/19/1951:1 East Middleboro clubs take prizes at Weymouth Fair, 08/30/1951:8 Fair held at East Middleboro, 10/04/1951:5 East Middleboro club holds 2nd annual Achievement Night, 11/29/1951:12 Two hundred enjoy 4-H Gingham Ball at Town House, 04/17/1952:4 Square dancers at Gingham Ball (p), 04/24/1952:10 East Middleboro club holds jamboree, 05/26/1952:2 Six hundred attend East Middleboro 4-H Fair, 09/25/1952:4 Hilda Blanchard named state 4-H clothing winner, 11/13/1952:1 Annual Achievement Day held, 11/13/1952:7 East Middleboro Club holds Achievement Night, 11/19/1953:6 Nineteen members of East Middleboro Clubs win awards, 03/25/1954:4 Fournier, Deborah Ann Born to Ernest and Eleanor Brehaut, 05/06/1954:2 Fournier, Eleanor Brehaut Daughter born, 05/06/1954:2 Fournier, Ernest Daughter born, 05/06/1954:2 Fourth District Court Dorothy Cannon appointed junior clerk, 02/10/1950:12 Fire in Wareham court shifts sessions to Middleboro, 02/24/1950:1 Middleboro logical place for main office, 02/24/1950:1 Sadie Sheehy probation clerk, 07/28/1950:6 William Gardiner court officer, 10/13/1950:4 Request for bids to paint interior (ad), 04/05/1951:5 Venetian blinds installed in lower windows, 07/12/1951:10 Sadie Sheehy probation clerk, 09/06/1951:8 Finance report of probation, 01/15/1953:10 Heater malfunctions, trial postponed, 01/22/1953:3 Request for bids to paint courthouse (ad), 05/07/1953:6 Judge Washburn addresses relocation of court room 50 years ago, 04/22/1954:10 Names submitted for post of Clerk of Courts, 07/22/1954:1 Wareham lawyer, Robert Kiernan, named to clerk post, 07/29/1954:1 Fourth of July American Legion opens fund raising campaign, 06/09/1950:1 Complete plans for celebration, 06/30/1950:1 Carriage parade short but sweet, 07/07/1950:1 Celebration fails to meet anticipation, 07/07/1950:1 Horribles Parade opens events, 07/07/1950:1 North Middleboro parade draws big audience, 07/07/1950:1 Hugh crowd sees delayed fireworks show, 07/14/1950:1 Legion announces program, asks for contributions, 06/21/1951:1 Chief Rogers urges caution over holiday, 06/28/1951:1 Middleboro observes 175th Fourth, 07/05/1951:1 Exceptional sane holiday here, 07/05/1951:4 North Middleboro holds annual parade, 07/12/1951:10 What is it that we celebrate tomorrow? (e), 07/03/1952:2 Chief of Police advises extra care, 07/03/1952:8 Fourth of July continued No serious accidents mar observance, 07/10/1952:1 Quiet for Fire Department, 07/10/1952:1 Thom Thumb unit leads floats in North Middleboro parade, 07/10/1952:1 Winners of holiday events, 07/10/1952:2 June Cooper celebrates 4th in Denmark (l), 07/17/1952:2 Local antique car hobbyists in 4th of July parade (p), 07/09/1953:1 North Middleboro parade draws crowd, 07/09/1953:1 Observance a success, 07/09/1953:1 Funds request for future celebration be included in warrant for town meeting, 12/03/1953:1 Biggest crowd ever witnesses fireworks here (p), 07/08/1954:1 North Middleboro parade draws biggest crowd ever (p), 07/08/1954:1 Fowler, John Joshua Obituary, 04/21/1950:4 Dies at age 86, 04/21/1950:5 Fowler, Joseph W. Engaged to Lena Caperello Maranville, 11/15/1951:7 Wed to Lena Caperello Moranville, 11/22/1951:5 Polio victim dies at Haynes Memorial (p), 10/07/1954:1 Fowler, Joseph Winthrop Dies at age 42, 10/07/1954:7 Foye, Arnold L. Three children contract scarlet fever 50 years ago, 04/01/1954:8 Foye, Dennis Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 Foye, Donald Local antique car hobbyists in 4th of July parade (p), 07/09/1953:1 Antique car enthusiast appears on TV, 06/24/1954:10 Foye, Douglas Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6 Foye, Janice Pledges to Conservatory Club at NE Conservatory of music, 03/22/1951:4 Writes arrangement for concert at NE Conservatory of Music, 05/24/1951:9 Engaged to John A. Mildner, Jr., 02/21/1952:1 Performs with NE Conservatory of Music orchestra, 03/20/1952:7 Wedding described, 04/10/1952:6 Foye, Joyce Participates in NE Conservatory of Music concert, 05/19/1950:7 Foye, May Sparrow Beneficiary of Stanwood Sparrow's will, 11/20/1952:1 Foye, Samuel Graduates from piloting course, 02/04/1954:4 Foye, Samuel J. Norman Guidoboni, Jr. caught in pit, boulder breaks leg, 04/26/1951:1 Francis, Duane Nine-year-old slightly injured when struck by Archie Britton's car, 10/21/1954:1 Francis, Emily Maude Dies at age 84, 07/17/1952:5 Obituary, 07/17/1952:10 Petition for probate of will, 08/21/1952:9 Francis, Helene Owns plantation in Edenton, NC, 05/05/1950:6 Francis, James A. Pleads guilty to larceny of trailer, 03/15/1951:10 Requests permission to change plea, 03/15/1951:11 Francis, Rosemarie Engaged to Luther L. Bishop (p), 09/30/1954:10 Francis, Wayne Albert Youngsters enjoy weenie roast at Kiddie Korner on playground (p), 07/23/1953:1 Francisco, Anna Costa Daughter born, 09/15/1950:7 Francisco, John Engaged to Dorothy Frances Costa, 08/02/1951:5 Wed to Dorothy Frances Costa, 08/23/1951:5 Francisco, Manuel Daughter born, 09/15/1950:7 Frank, John H. Purchases Henry Porter homestead 50 years ago, 03/18/1954:7 105 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Frank, Robert Engaged to Mary Block, 02/17/1950:6 Franke, Robert Gerald Wedding described, 04/07/1950:2 Franklin, Charles H. Injured when Natick driver tips car, 05/26/1950:12 Files for divorce, 08/25/1950:5 Franklin, Charles H., Jr. Discharged for U.S. Army, 11/04/1954:7 Franklin, Charles Henry Engaged to Marilyn June Foster, 01/20/1950:7 Franklin, Charles Henry, Jr. Sent for induction, 11/06/1952:5 Franklin, Florida M. Husband files for divorce, 08/25/1950:5 Franz, David Mother receives letter from POW, 05/26/1952:4 Fraternal Order of Eagles Central Congregational comments on court action taken by Eagles over liquor license, 01/06/1950:1 Lose in Superior Court, 04/07/1950:11 Honor Kunces at banquet, 04/28/1950:1 Notice of hearing on application for liquor license, 05/26/1950:6 Files another application for liquor license, 05/26/1950:12 Club license again denied, 06/09/1950:1 Appeal license decision, 06/23/1950:1 Liquor hearing postponed, 07/14/1950:1 Hearing held on appeal, 07/21/1950:1 Presents playground fireplace to town, 07/28/1950:1 State board turns down appeal, 07/28/1950:1 One hundred attend testimonial dinner for Robert Kennedy, 08/25/1950:4 Raises $265 for Jimmy Fund, 09/22/1950:4 Buys corner lot at Wareham and Lincoln St, 09/29/1950:1 Apply for liquor license for new home, 10/13/1950:1 Application for liquor license, 10/13/1950:7 Get license for new quarters, 10/27/1950:1 Files anew for club license, 11/10/1950:1 Notice of liquor license application, 11/10/1950:7 Granted club license, 11/24/1950:1 Public opening of new quarters an auspicious occasion, 02/01/1951:1 Kiwanis presented "Good Neighbor" award by Eagles, 03/01/1951:1 Henry Burkland receives Civic Service Award (p), 05/03/1951:1 MHS baseball team feted by Eagles, 06/21/1951:1 Organizes an auxiliary, 06/28/1951:1 Spreading of auxiliary charter observed, 07/19/1951:10 Thief goes to jail before he can use loot, 08/23/1951:1 Top Inter-city Bowling League, 08/23/1951:2 Champs of Inter-city Bowling League (p), 09/06/1951:1 Treats over 300 youngsters at Halloween party (p), 11/08/1951:1 Proud of civic and charitable accomplishments, 11/29/1951:1 Initiate class of 27, 12/13/1951:5 Give Christmas party for more than 250 children (p), 12/27/1951:4 Offer to transport voters on election day, 01/24/1952:1 Honors Daniel Kennedy, 01/31/1952:5 Extends foundation to care for children of members killed in Korea, 02/07/1952:7 Observes national anniversary, 02/28/1952:4 Eagles donate record player to library (p), 03/27/1952:10 Donates $130 toward West Side playground, 04/03/1952:1 Choose Luther Churchill to receive civic service award (p), 04/10/1952:1 Recognized by Damon Runyon Memorial Cancer Fund, 04/24/1952:3 Luther Churchill receives civic award from Eagles (p), 05/01/1952:4 Pays tribute to Al Gauthier, 05/26/1952:1 Receives Blue Ribbon for second year in a row, 05/26/1952:10 Eagles honor 1952 MHS baseball squad, 06/19/1952:4 Joseph Corti resigns post of secretary, 07/17/1952:10 St. Luke's men's ward to have air conditioning, donated by Eagles, 07/31/1952:1 Obtains air conditioning unit for St. Luke's, 08/14/1952:1 Nets $251 for Jimmy Fund, 09/25/1952:1 Raises $400 for amputee Ronald Demers, 09/25/1952:1 Salutes the Gazette, 10/02/1952:5 Fraternal Order of Eagles continued Plan to enlarge quarters, 10/09/1952:1 No public appeal for addition to quarters, 10/23/1952:4 Halloween program draws 500 children, 11/06/1952:4 Fourteen members donate blood at Pondville Hospital, 11/27/1952:4 Review second year in new home, 12/04/1952:1 Hosts 200 children at annual Christmas party, 12/25/1952:4 Accept new by-law, 01/22/1953:10 Celebrates 55th anniversary of founding, 01/29/1953:10 Local aerie celebrates 55th anniversary of order, 02/05/1953:5 Win award for "Register and Vote" competition, 03/26/1953:5 Mertie Witbeck unanimous choice for 1953 Civic Award, 04/09/1953:1 Mertie Witbeck receives Civic Award (p), 04/30/1953:1 Needs seven more members to qualify for award, 05/21/1953:1 Hosts Al Gauthier Night for MHS baseball team, 06/18/1953:5 Sponsors drill team for Falconieri homecoming, 09/03/1953:2 Apologize for failure to have Girls in Green on hand for Falconieri homecoming, 09/10/1953:10 Top inter-aerie bowling league, 09/17/1953:5 Ten members donate blood for Mrs Arnold Colletti, 10/08/1953:1 Ladies Auxiliary celebrates 2nd anniversary, 10/15/1953:4 Joins in Community Christmas Fund, 01/14/1954:1 Harry Richmond winner of this year's Civic Award, 04/15/1954:1 Harry Richmond presented with Civic Award for charity work, 04/29/1954:1 MHS baseball team honored by Eagles (p), 06/10/1954:1 To install air conditioning at headquarters, 08/05/1954:10 Fraternal Order of Eagles - Women's Auxiliary Holds first meeting, 09/20/1951:1 Officers of new auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1 Presents check to benefit St. Luke's (p), 12/31/1953:1 Donates $600 to St. Luke's (p), 11/04/1954:4 Frates, Barbara Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Frates, George Son born, 02/11/1954:4 Frates, George W. Foreclosure notice, 03/24/1950:2 Frates, Vera Pittsley Son born, 02/11/1954:4 Frates, Vera W. Foreclosure notice, 03/24/1950:2 Frates Dairy Bottle Luncheonette Now open (ad), 03/13/1952:2 Fratex Plastics Ruth Andrews stylist for Middleboro and vicinity (ad), 11/15/1951:2 Frattaroli, Mary Seven-lesson home nursing course completed by ten women (p), 02/18/1954:1 Fratus, Joseph P. Car skids on bridge, hangs over railroad tracks, 01/15/1953:1 Fraud Phony solicitors at work here, 11/10/1950:12 Residents warned of photo racket, 01/18/1951:1 Jerry Miller fails to appear in court on Promades's complaint, 08/14/1952:7 Frazier, Anthony Bulldozer work (ad), 04/21/1950:3 Sheriff's sale, 06/21/1951:7 Frazier, Eleanor Polio victim now at Lakeville Sanatorium (p), 04/01/1954:1 Frazier, Frank E. Fined $75 for driving drunk, 03/27/1952:7 Frazier, Joseph Second daughter stricken with polio, 02/18/1954:1 Frazier, Ruth Eight-year-old diagnosed with polio, 10/29/1953:1 Frazier, Ruth Ann Polio victim now at Lakeville Sanatorium (p), 04/01/1954:1 Frechette, Pierre Obituary, 11/22/1951:4 Fred, Lena L. Petition for administration of estate, 04/23/1953:6 106 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Fred, Lena Louise Dies at age 39, 04/02/1953:7 Obituary, 04/09/1953:8 Frederick Weston Insurance Co. see Weston, Frederick S. Freedman, Daniel Three fined for theft from Freedman junk yard, 04/26/1951:10 Freedman, Nathan Notice of hearing on junk license application (ad), 02/01/1951:10 Selectmen postpone action on junk license, will look at proposed site, 02/22/1951:1 Selectmen to inspect junk yard site again, 03/08/1951:1 Three fined for theft from Freedman junk yard, 04/26/1951:10 Freedman, Nathan B. Taunton man rear-ends Freeman's wrecker, 12/11/1952:6 Freeman, Alton A. Leaves in recent draft call, 12/08/1950:1 Assigned to 2nd Armored Division, Fort Hood, TX, 01/18/1951:8 Freeman, Edward Daughter born, 10/02/1952:5 Freeman, Everett Newcomb, Jr. Wed to Grace Theresa Monahan, 10/13/1950:7 Freeman, Jeannette E. Engaged to Calvin G. Hampton, Jr., 07/26/1951:9 Engaged to Calvin Hampton, Jr., 03/27/1952:5 Wedding described, 04/10/1952:6 Wed to Calvin Hampton, Jr., 04/17/1952:5 Freeman, Josiah Olive Bryant finds Freeman's 1813 tax bill, 09/27/1951:9 Freeman, Lawrence C. Motorcyclist Josselyn guilty in collision with Freeman, 03/03/1950:1 Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7 Freeman, Myra Evelyn Engaged to Kenneth Elton Belben, 01/01/1953:5 Wed to Kenneth Elton Belben, 01/08/1953:5 Freeman, Virginia Rounds Daughter born, 10/02/1952:5 Freidenfeld, Fred M. see Ja-Mer Turkey Farm Freitas, Barbara C. Engaged to James D. Reynolds, Jr., 12/31/1953:1, 07/01/1954:6 Wed to James D. Reynolds, Jr., 07/15/1954:4 Freitas, Barbara Cecilia Wedding described, 07/15/1954:3 Freitas, Cordelia No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Freitas, Cordelia Eldridge Plymouth St couple married 25 years, 07/15/1954:1 Freitas, George Plymouth St couple married 25 years, 07/15/1954:1 Freitas, Helen Houlihan Son born, 03/17/1950:5 Freitas, Henry Son born, 03/17/1950:5 Collides with Raynham driver at John Glass, Jr. Square, 12/06/1951:2 Freitas, Hilda Myrtle Manuel Gomes Freitas charged with non-support of wife and children, 08/18/1950:8 Freitas, Jane Philip Sisson struck by auto driven by Jane Freitas, 12/10/1953:9 Freitas, Joan Hits utility pole on Old Center St, 09/10/1953:10 Freitas, Manuel Gomes Charged with non-support of wife and children, 08/18/1950:8 Freitas, Richard Trains with Barnett and Butler at Camp Pickett, VA, 01/01/1953:1 Freitas, Richard C. Collides with Brockton driver at Grove and South Main St, 12/01/1950:13 Engaged to Elaine M. Remillard, 04/16/1953:7 Completes basic training at Camp Pickett, VA (p), 04/30/1953:1 Wed to Elaine M. Remillard, 05/07/1953:4 Returns to Camp Atterbury, IN, 10/22/1953:8 With 7th Army in Germany, 04/22/1954:10 Discharged for U.S. Army, 11/18/1954:1 Freitas, Richard Carlton Engaged to Elaine Margaret Remillard, 11/27/1952:4 Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1 Wedding described, 05/07/1953:5 Freitas & Sons Greenhouse Vaughn St, Lakeville (ad), 05/05/1950:6 French, Chester Son born, 07/03/1952:5 French, Gertrude Bush Son born, 07/03/1952:5 French Artisans Romeo Millette installed as head of French Artisans, 11/29/1951:12 Freyermuth, Dexter Wedding described, 07/15/1954:9 Freyermuth, Dexter J. Wed to Barbara B. Linton, 07/08/1954:4 Freyermuth, Robert Instructor for local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 Friedenfeld, Fred Fire ruins grain at Ja-Mer Turkey Farm, 300 young birds moved, 12/20/1951:1 Friedlande, Dorothy L. Wed to Allen Carey, 07/14/1950:8 Frizzel, Everett Leaves for basic training, 01/15/1953:6 Frizzell, Euphemia Sees brother, Samuel Ball, for first time in 57 years (p), 08/28/1952:2 Frizzell, Everett Stationed at Sampson Air Base, NY, 03/26/1953:2 Scheduled for transfer to Japan, 12/23/1954:4 Frizzell, H. Everett Enlists in U.S. Air Force, 11/13/1952:1 Promoted at Moody AFB, GA, 04/16/1953:2 Frizzell, Harold E., Jr. Engaged to Barbara J. Garside, 01/08/1953:5 Wed to Barbara J. Garside, 01/08/1953:5 Frizzell, Walter R. Cherry St couple married 55 years (p), 11/18/1954:1 Frost, Edith School Street School teacher startled by prowler, 10/07/1954:1 Frost, Marion Alice Wife of John W. dies at age 73, 08/14/1952:5 Obituary, 08/14/1952:10 Frost, William Couple resides in Syracuse, NY, 07/21/1950:2 Fruit. see also Cranberry Industry; Maxim's Orchard; The Fruit Outlet Ford Campbell elected president of the Bristol-Plymouth County Fruit Growers Association, 01/13/1950:2 Center Fruit Store opens at 160 Center St (ad), 06/23/1950:4 Lang's Farm, apples and cider, County St, Lakeville (ad), 09/29/1950:5 Strawberry Hill Farm, winter apples and cider, Old Thomas St (ad), 10/06/1950:9 Ralph Sampson harvests 10-lb. melon, 08/30/1951:10 Ceasar Andrews gets second crop of strawberries, 09/27/1951:8 Jerry Miller fails to appear in court on Middleboro Fruit Co. complaint of fraud, 08/14/1952:7 Charles Kennedy hurls box through window of The Fruit Co. store, 12/04/1952:5 Fire in rear of Panesis' store had appearance of incendiarism, 04/09/1953:1 Arthur Boutin grows record-breaking melon (p), 09/03/1953:1 Ford Campbell, MacIntosh apples (ad), 09/17/1953:11 Leonard's Peach Orchard, Locust St (ad), 07/29/1954:8 The Fruit Co. Charles Kennedy hurls box through window of Promades' store, 12/04/1952:5 The Fruit Outlet 121 Center St (ad), 03/03/1950:5 Under new management, Dascoulias and Maleski (ad), 04/21/1950:10 Twin sisters Maleski and Dascoulias (p), 08/20/1953:6 Wholesale and retail, 121 Center St (p), 12/10/1953:8 Renowned for quality fruit, 03/18/1954:6 Bessie Maleski and Dimmie Dascoulias sell The Fruit Outlet to Manuel Abren and Phillip Falconeiri, 04/29/1954:1 107 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 The Fruit Outlet continued Manuel Abren and Philip Falconieri new owners (p), 05/13/1954:8 Famed for fruit baskets (p), 07/22/1954:6 Holiday fruits and vegetables in abundance, 11/11/1954:8 Frye, Winthrop Engaged to Shirley Gomes, 03/18/1954:10 Frye, Winthrop R. Engaged to Shirley Frances Gomes (p), 01/07/1954:1 Engaged to Shirley F. Gomes, 04/01/1954:4 Wed to Shirley F. Gomes, 04/29/1954:4 Frye, Winthrop Richard Wedding described, 04/29/1954:9 Fryer, Eli Thompson Wed to I. Parnell Henderson, 11/13/1952:12 Fryer, Mrs Eli T. Dies in Atlantic City, 11/17/1950:5 Fuel Oil. see also Oxford Oil Co.; R.D. Kelley Coal Co.; Savard, Walter H.; Sisson, Elmer; Tribou, William E. Ernest S. Pratt Co. (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Standish Service Station (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Ernest Pratt has license renewed, 02/24/1950:1 Nemasket Gas & Oil Co. license renewed, 05/19/1950:2 J.L. Jenney Coal Co. distributors of Shell fuel oil (ad), 09/18/1952:9 Town requests bids (ad), 10/09/1952:10 Town solicits bids (ad), 10/08/1953:10 Nemasket Gas & Oil Co., Roger Shurtleff and Charles Bettencourt, Old Center St (p), 11/12/1953:10 Nemasket Gas & Oil Co., 24-hour fuel service, 02/25/1954:6 Request for bids to supply town (ad), 10/14/1954:3 Fugitives from Justice Everett Peckham arrested and held for New York police, 01/11/1951:6 Leroy Hardberger brought back from Ohio to face charges of illegitimacy, 03/15/1951:1 Attorney Hale flies to Alabama to get fugitive, 03/22/1951:1 Hale gets fugitive, has no trouble, 03/29/1951:1 Hale flies to Virginia for fugitive, 07/26/1951:1 Hale's Virginia trip proves successful, 08/02/1951:1 Arnold Thomas wanted by state police for larceny of Shaw poultry, 04/17/1952:1 Fuller, Adelbert W. Two service men hurt in crash with Fuller on Center St (p), 08/30/1951:10 Petition for probate of will, 07/29/1954:5 Fuller, Adelbert Warren Dies at age 83, 07/15/1954:4 Obituary, 07/22/1954:2 Fuller, Alice M. Obituary, 07/12/1951:2 Wife of Adelbert dies at age 78, 07/12/1951:4 Fuller, Arlene Bryant Son born, 01/22/1953:5, 03/04/1954:4 Fuller, Arlene DeMoranville Daughter born, 08/06/1953:5 Fuller, Christine Cirielo Son born, 08/28/1952:5 Fuller, Flip Drummer with Joseph Cordeiro's orchestra (ad), 08/14/1952:8 Fuller, G. Bungalow for sale (ad), 06/23/1950:2 Fuller, Hazel Maxim Resides in Elmwood, CT, 04/29/1954:4 Fuller, L.D.H. Sells Miller St house to Paul Sullivan, 01/18/1951:9 Fuller, Leon Daughter born, 09/03/1953:5 Fuller, Lotta May Obituary, 11/06/1952:9 Fuller, Louis D.H. Purchases Colonial home in West Bridgewater, 01/25/1951:7 Fuller, Maurice Daughter born, 08/06/1953:5 Fuller, May Ellen Andrews Daughter born, 09/03/1953:5 Fuller, Robert Son born, 01/22/1953:5, 03/04/1954:4 Fuller, Robert E. Engaged to Arlene A. Goodnow, 07/31/1952:5 Wed to Arlene A. Goodnow, 08/14/1952:5 Fuller, Rupert Son born, 08/28/1952:5 Fuller brush service (ad), 03/25/1954:7 Fuller, Shirley Employed part time in office at Maxim Motors, 07/07/1950:6 Fuller Brush Co. Irving Murray, Middleboro-Lakeville district rep (ad), 12/06/1951:8 Irving Murray representative, 12/06/1951:11 Irving Murray promoted to district manager, 06/12/1952:12 Donald Pearson succeeds Irving Murray as local Fuller Brush rep (ad), 07/24/1952:7 Rupert Fuller (ad), 03/25/1954:7 Funeral Industry Fahey's Funeral Home, South Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Egger's Funeral Home, Pearl St (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Hayward Funeral Home, corner of Oak and High St (ad), 01/27/1950:12 Crampton, Rockwell, and Egger granted licenses, 06/09/1950:14 Roger Eldridge announces establishment of The Eldridge Funeral Home, 04/24/1952:1 Burial charges discussed for clients of Old Age Assistance, 07/10/1952:1 Eldridge Funeral Home to open for inspection (p), 12/11/1952:1 Eldridge Funeral Home, 59 Peirce St (ad), 12/11/1952:12 Robert Cartmell, director of Fahey Funeral Home (ad) (p), 04/02/1953:7 Mr and Mrs Patrick McMahon sever connections with Fahey Funeral Home (ad), 04/15/1954:7 Hurricane brings down large tree in front of Eldridge Funeral Home (p), 09/09/1954:4 Undertaker George Soule's horse Gypsy dies 50 years ago, 11/11/1954:4 Furiato, Irene E. In violation of probation on morals charge, 08/04/1950:1 Furlan, Ida M. Engaged to Wilfred H. Lavallee, Jr., 11/04/1954:4 Furlan, Ida Marion Wedding described, 12/30/1954:5 Furlan, Robert B. Engaged to Arlene Burke, 01/04/1951:5 Wed to Arlene Burke, 01/18/1951:5 Furnishings. see also Kahian, Leo Acme Table Pad Co., 9 South Main St (ad), 10/27/1950:5 Furniture Fay's Upholstery Co. (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Henry Celeski, repair service (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Town requests bids (ad), 09/08/1950:3 Furniture Moving. see Moving, Household Furniture Stores. see also J.M. Wells, Inc.; Kahian, Leo; Shaws, Inc.; Shaw's Radio & Furniture Co.; William Egger Co. Harriet MacKenzie granted second-hand furniture sales license, 03/24/1950:1 Bourne Furniture, 21 North St (ad), 03/31/1950:5 Aubrey & Nichols granted second-hand furniture sales license, 04/07/1950:5 McKenzie, Tallman, Aubrey's, Peirce, and O'Grady granted secondhand sales licenses, 04/21/1950:2 Thomas Nichols, used furniture, 38 Oak St (ad), 05/05/1950:10 Elmer Shaw's and Ann Garfield's used furniture licenses renewed, 05/19/1950:2 Valerie Gammon granted secondhand furniture license, 06/09/1950:14 Irving Jefferson granted secondhand furniture license, 06/23/1950:4 Elizabeth Benson granted license for sale of secondhand furniture, 08/11/1950:8 The Old Hose House, T.B. Nichols, 38 Oak St (ad), 09/01/1950:10 Burgess Annex, used furniture, Everett Square (ad), 10/18/1951:4 Fred Gardner granted license, 05/29/1952:8 Elinore and George Stewart granted secondhand sales license, 07/24/1952:4 108 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Furniture Stores continued Leslie Parker granted license to sell second hand furniture, 11/20/1952:1 John Remedis granted license for secondhand furniture sales, 03/19/1953:1 Florence Rogers granted license to sell secondhand furniture, 05/28/1953:4 Four Middleboro youths face larceny charges from Aubrey's, 06/25/1953:3 Alice Wood granted license to sell secondhand furniture, 08/13/1953:4 Bourne Furniture, re-organization sale (ad), 08/13/1953:4 David Anderson granted secondhand furniture license, 08/27/1953:11 Paul Amsden and Kearney's granted secondhand licenses, 09/17/1953:7 Suspicious fire at Fish Furniture, firebug may be at work again, 02/18/1954:1 Modern Sales, 21 Forest St (ad), 03/18/1954:9 Furs and Furriers Alfred Nanfelt admitted to Mink Producers Association, 02/05/1953:8 Cape Cod Chinchilla Ranch, Rita and Wilfred Duphily, 309 Miller St (ad), 06/11/1953:5 Hanson Chinchilla Ranch, Myrtle St, 10/15/1953:8 Ernest Hanson enters chinchillas in competition (p), 02/04/1954:1 Furtado, Joseph, Jr. VFW post bids farewell to inductees (p), 08/14/1952:1 Fusco, Frances Irene Engaged to Victor Bernabeo, 05/19/1950:6 Selectmen approve license to operate overnight cabins, 06/09/1950:7 Future Farmers of America Holds fair at high school, 09/29/1950:1 Prize awards at first fair, 10/06/1950:1 Holds annual Father-Son banquet, 12/08/1950:1 Plan second annual fair, 09/20/1951:1 Second annual fair in progress, 09/27/1951:1 Prizes awarded for second annual fair, 10/04/1951:1 Enjoy annual Fathers Banquet, 12/06/1951:4 MHS boys compete in judging, 11/13/1952:8 Enjoy annual banquet, 12/04/1952:1 Speaker George Jackson places fourth at district meet, 02/19/1953:1 Officers elected, 02/26/1953:4 Six students get farm awards, 04/16/1953:8 Annual fair opens, list of exhibits, 10/01/1953:3 Three graduate at annual banquet, 11/26/1953:10 Teen dance raises $40 for Paquin fire fund, 03/18/1954:1 Korean children pose in donated clothing (p), 03/25/1954:1 Present sixth annual ag awards, 04/15/1954:4 St Luke's Hospital Fair is a decided success (p), 11/25/1954:1 Hold annual banquet, 11/25/1954:3 F.W. Woolworth & Co. Andrew Drohen manager, 09/27/1951:5 Ethel MacNeil Baker honored for 25 years of service, 10/23/1952:1 G Gabrey, Anne Westling Daughter born, 06/05/1952:7 Gabrey, Frank Daughter born, 10/25/1951:5, 06/05/1952:7 Gabrey, Frank L. Engaged to Anne Westling, 11/15/1951:7 Wed to Anne Westling, 11/29/1951:6 Fined $10 for drunkenness, 07/01/1954:10 Gabrey, Joseph Daughter born, 09/08/1950:5 Gabrey and Lind indicted in death of Charles Stuart, 10/11/1951:1 Jailed one year for death of Charles Stuart, 10/25/1951:1 Fined $5 for drunkenness, 05/21/1953:7 Has two weeks to get job, start supporting family, 06/04/1953:3 Gabrey, Joseph M. Ordered to pay family $25 per week, 12/29/1950:6 Gabrey, Madeline Houlihan Daughter born, 09/08/1950:5 Gabrey, Marine Fortin Daughter born, 10/25/1951:5 Gadoury, George Peter Wed to Bettie Arline Quinn, 08/04/1950:5 Gaetani, Lucia Obituary, 05/26/1952:3 Wife of Salvatore dies at age 70, 05/26/1952:5 Gage, Albert J. Obituary, 11/22/1951:3 Gage, Albert James Dies at age 67, 11/22/1951:5 Sheriff's sale of real estate, 04/30/1953:2 Gage, Jo-Ann Wedding described, 06/18/1953:2 Gage, Jo-Ann C. Engaged to Norman F. Dunham, 06/04/1953:4 Wed to Norman F. Dunham, 06/18/1953:4 Gage, Robert L. Assigned to F Co., 60th Infantry at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 02/26/1953:1 Discharged for U.S. Army, 12/16/1954:10 Gage, Robert Lewis Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1 Gagner, Beatrice Trefethen Son born, 05/06/1954:6 Gagner, Ray Viking storm windows and doors (ad), 10/09/1952:6 Gagner, Raymond Son born, 05/06/1954:6 Gagnon, Ademord Joseph Wed to Mary Edna Tabor Dean, 10/29/1953:5 Gagnon, Pierre Purchases gas station and restaurant from George Eno, 08/19/1954:10 Galanto, Carmelina Lieutenant assigned to 132nd Fighter-Bomber Wing in Bangor, ME, 09/20/1951:1 Leaves for nurses training at Dow Field Air Base, ME, 09/20/1951:2 Lieutenant receives flight wings, 04/24/1952:6 Second Lieutenant awaits assignment to Europe, 10/09/1952:1 Army nurse meets mother in Italy, 07/09/1953:1 Discharged from U.S. Air Force, 07/01/1954:1 Galanto, Mrs Anthony Meets Army nurse daughter in Italy, 07/09/1953:1 Galanto, Nicholas Engaged to Sylvia Stilwell, 10/04/1951:4 Wed to Sylvia Stilwell, 10/18/1951:5 Son born, 10/09/1952:5 Galanto, Nick Plays summer ball in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 06/16/1950:4 Galanto, Sylvia Model in Little Theatre Group fashion show (p), 12/09/1954:7 Galanto, Sylvia Stillwell Son born, 10/09/1952:5 Galfre, Bartholomew Dies at age 87, 10/09/1952:5 Obituary, 10/09/1952:9 Galfre, Elizabeth Fractures hip in fall, 09/13/1951:10 Galfre, Marcia Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Gallagher, Arthur Daughter born, 06/21/1951:5 Gallagher, Doris Tierney Daughter born, 06/21/1951:5 Gallagher, Hilma Matson Son born, 02/08/1951:4, 07/29/1954:4 Gallagher, Mary New grade two teacher at Rock School, 08/28/1952:1 Gallagher, Philip Son born, 07/29/1954:4 Gallagher, Philip T. Son born, 02/08/1951:4 Gallus, Edith J. Foreclosure notice, 11/01/1951:8, 01/31/1952:6 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/20/1952:3 Gallus, George P. Engaged to Edith J. Cobb, 01/04/1951:5 Wed to Edith J. Cobb, 01/18/1951:5 Appeals larceny charge, 07/12/1951:10 109 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Gallus, George P. continued Foreclosure notice, 11/01/1951:8, 01/31/1952:6 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/20/1952:3 Galvan, Ann H. Wed to Richard A. Andrade, 07/22/1954:5 Gamache, Arthur. see also Art's Auto Sales Granted garage and gasoline licenses, 01/27/1950:8 Gamache, Arthur G. Engaged to Mary Yvette Forbes, 04/17/1952:5 Wed to Mary Yvette Forbes, 05/01/1952:5 Gamache, Bertha Carroll Daughter born, 03/24/1950:7 Son born, 03/08/1951:4 Gamache, Dorothy Employed at Winthrop-Atkins, 07/07/1950:8 Gamache, Eleanor Doucette Daughter born, 10/06/1950:5 Son born, 10/08/1953:4 Gamache, Francis R. Discharged from U.S. Navy, 09/16/1954:1 Wrecks new car as he dozes, 10/21/1954:6 Gamache, George Sergeant stationed in Tripoli, North Africa, 04/30/1953:6 Gamache, George A. Private completes Air Force training (p), 10/27/1950:1 Private 1st Class stationed at Wichita Falls, TX, 05/03/1951:10 Gamache, Horace Character approved for pedlar's license, 04/21/1950:2 Granted pedlar's license, 04/19/1951:1 Gamache, James Son born, 10/23/1952:5 Gamache, James D. Engaged to Patricia L. Gazzolo, 06/30/1950:5 Wed to Patricia L. Gazzolo, 07/14/1950:7 Gamache, John A. Selectmen appoint new patrolman, 12/16/1954:1 Gamache, Joseph Daughter born, 03/24/1950:7 Plymouth St couple married 40 years, 04/30/1953:7 Gamache, Joseph P. Son born, 03/08/1951:4 Gamache, Jules Son born, 11/03/1950:5 Daughter born, 10/29/1953:5 Gamache, Jules J. Inducted into armed forces, 02/14/1952:1 Leaves for army induction (p), 02/21/1952:1 Gamache, Julian J. Discharged from U.S. Marine Corps, 02/25/1954:5 Gamache, Leo French Artisans pass resolution upon death of, 11/29/1951:12 Gamache, Leo A. Leaves in recent draft call, 12/08/1950:1 World War II veteran killed in Korea (p), 10/25/1951:1 Killed in action in Korea, body coming home, 02/21/1952:1 Body arrives Friday, will be buried with military honors, 02/28/1952:1 Gamache, Leo Armand Parents hear from chaplain explaining death in Korea (l), 11/08/1951:1 Gamache, Leo J. Fined $100 for hunting deer in closed season, 01/13/1950:2 Engaged to Jacqueline Thibault, 06/03/1954:7 Wed to Jacqueline Thibault, 06/17/1954:5 Gamache, Lucienne Barthelemy Son born, 11/03/1950:5 Daughter born, 10/29/1953:5 Gamache, Norman Attends Georgetown University, 12/15/1950:16 Lakeville man opens dental office in New Bedford, 08/19/1954:10 Gamache, Patricia Gazzolo Son born, 10/23/1952:5 Gamache, Paul Daughter born, 10/06/1950:5 Son born, 10/08/1953:4 Gamache, Raymond H. Collides with Plympton driver on Rte 44, 01/21/1954:3 Gamache, Rose Alma Babysitter falls on steps at home of John Scanlon, 03/06/1952:4 Gamache, Rosealma Engaged to Ronald Sheaffer, 12/09/1954:12 Gamble, Elizabeth Ann Obituary, 06/04/1953:2 Widow of James H. dies at age 78, 06/04/1953:4 Gamble, Evelyn May Engaged to Kenneth A. Hopkins, 10/20/1950:5 Wed to Kenneth A. Hopkins, 11/10/1950:7 Gambling Chief Rogers warns violators of prosecution, 04/12/1951:1 Diner co-owner Allen Dean fined $150 for gaming nuisance, 05/17/1951:3 Games. see Toys and Games Gammon, G. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Gammon, George MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p), 06/14/1951:1 Gammon, Richard MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p), 06/02/1950:1 Gammon, Valerie Granted secondhand furniture license, 06/09/1950:14 Gammon, Valerie S. Donald Rullo finds lost pocketbook, 01/18/1951:1 Gammons, Albert H. Red Coach Grill and Brown's Service Station broken into again, 02/15/1951:9 Gammons, Carleton Private 1st Class attends gunnery school at Lowry AFB, CO, 01/17/1952:5 Gammons, Carlton Completes first year at Rochester Institute of Technology, 06/02/1950:8 Stationed at Sampson Air Base, NY, 10/25/1951:9 Completes gunnery school training at Lowry AFB, CO, 05/22/1952:11 Corporal transfers to Gary AFB, TX, 12/24/1953:2 Gammons, David B. Promoted to Captain at Vance AFB, Enid, OK, 11/24/1950:6 Gammons, Donald Engaged to Elizabeth Ann Howard, 06/07/1951:5 Engaged to Betty Howard, 06/21/1951:2 Son born, 08/21/1952:5 Gammons, Donald F. Wed to Elizabeth A. Howard, 07/12/1951:4 Gammons, Donald Frederick Engaged to Elizabeth Ann Howard, 06/14/1951:7 Wedding described, 07/05/1951:6 Gammons, Doris Wed to Charles W. Rubis, 09/22/1950:3 Gammons, Elizabeth Howard Son born, 08/21/1952:5 Gammons, Eugene Engaged to Mary Eileen Wilbur, 12/27/1951:8 Gammons, Florence C. Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9 Gammons, Henry T. Seven from MHS Class of 1901 hold 50th reunion (p), 08/30/1951:1 Gammons, Herman Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9 Gammons, Herman T. MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1 Gammons, Joan MHS students study for careers (p), 06/03/1954:11 Gammons, Joan M. Engaged to Billy D. Sayle (p), 12/09/1954:1 Gammons, Malcolm E. Discharged from U.S. Navy, 11/04/1954:7 Gammons, Mel Member of 1910 MHS baseball team (p), 02/01/1951:1 Resides in Lacona, NY, 05/26/1952:5 110 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Gammons, Morton L. Dies at home, 11/26/1953:4 Gammons, Morton Lyon Husband of Ella M. Merrill dies at age 91, 12/03/1953:4 Obituary, 12/03/1953:12 Gammons, Mrs Donald Retail Merchants Association grand award winner, 12/23/1954:1 Gammons, Mrs George First mattress of its kind on display at J.M. Wells (p), 12/06/1951:8 Gammons, Randolph Golf tourney winner receives trophy at annual Middleboro All Sports Night (p), 02/25/1954:10 Gammons, Randolph B. Checker Taxi taken over by Superior Taxi, 03/24/1950:8 Thief gets $300 in cash in break-in, 11/17/1950:1 Proprietor of new Shell Oil Co. station on North Main St, 04/30/1953:8 Gammons, Ranny Wins Middleboro Hackers tourney, 10/25/1951:5 Wins Middleboro Hackers Golf Tourney, 10/08/1953:1 Wins 1954 Middleboro Open golf title, 09/30/1954:4 Gammons, Sandra Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Gamperoli, Bruno Thomas Character approved for pedlar's license, 04/07/1950:5 Gangone, Nicholas Chicken lays an egg within an egg (p), 01/13/1950:1 Garabedian, Stephen Driver falls asleep, hits tree on Murdock St, 08/06/1953:7 Garafalo, Beverly Lapham Son born, 03/01/1951:5, 11/05/1953:7 Garafalo, Gabriel L. Engaged to Robert H. Willey, 09/03/1953:4 Wed to Robert H. Willey, 09/17/1953:6 Garafalo, Leonard Collides with Brooks at South Main and Clark St, 12/22/1950:12 Three-year-old Walter Soucie injured running into Garafalo's car, 07/26/1951:1 Garafalo, Louis Engaged to Beverly Mae Lapham, 05/12/1950:7 Wed to Beverly Mae Lapham, 05/26/1950:7 Son born, 11/05/1953:7 Garafalo, Louis J. Son born, 03/01/1951:5 Garafalo, Marie Starr Son born, 12/04/1952:5 Garafalo, Michael Son born, 06/14/1951:7 Garafalo, Nicholas Engaged to Mary G. Starr, 07/21/1950:5 Wed to Mary A. Starr, 09/01/1950:5 Son born, 12/04/1952:5 Garafalo, Phyllis Arnold Son born, 06/14/1951:7 Garbage Collection. see Refuse and Refuse Disposal Garbitt, Donald Sent to Boston for induction, 01/08/1953:1 Garbitt, Ernest Son born, 06/14/1951:7 Garbitt, Ernest, 3rd Son born, 03/10/1950:5 Garbitt, Mary Perdigao Son born, 06/14/1951:7 Garbitt, Mary Perdigas Son born, 03/10/1950:5 Garbitt, Melville Warren Wed to Eleanor Addie Swanson, 01/13/1950:5 Garcia, Albert Public auction (ad), 05/22/1952:11 Garcia, Alton South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home (p), 10/18/1951:1 South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Garcia, Joe Employed at Richmond Automotive Service, 08/06/1953:6 Garcia, Robert South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Gardens and Gardening. see also Middleboro Garden Club; Vegetables J. Herbert Alexander plans to organize organic gardening society, 02/21/1952:2 Fred Green, spring plowing and harrowing (ad), 03/12/1953:10 Joseph Pierce, tilling services (ad), 06/24/1954:10 Nine herb gardens surround 200-year-old home of Elmer Allan (p), 08/05/1954:2 Gardiner, Emma Reis Couple married 31 years, 07/01/1954:1 Gardiner, Frederick T. Wins Stephen Foster Concert Artists scholarship, 12/27/1951:1 Winner of The Stephen Foster Concert Artist, 04/24/1952:10 Gardiner, Jeannette Bussiere Daughter born, 07/15/1954:4 Gardiner, Richard Indicted for breaking-and-entering and larceny, 10/16/1952:7 Gardiner, Robert H. Selectmen grant masseur license, 01/21/1954:1 Gardiner, William Daughter born, 07/15/1954:4 Joseph Hayden finds Air Force instrument hanging in tree (p), 07/22/1954:1 Gardiner, William E. Patrolman and court officer, 10/13/1950:4 Named police sergeant, 11/24/1950:1 Police Sergeant hospitalized, 01/03/1952:1 Says hospital kicked him out early, 01/17/1952:2 Resumes duties, 01/31/1952:2 Couple married for 30 years, 07/02/1953:1 Appointed Chief of Police (p), 05/06/1954:1 Couple married 31 years, 07/01/1954:1 Gardner, Armand Recalled into military service, 08/25/1950:4 Gardner, Beverly A. Engaged to Gerald C. Pendleton, 08/09/1951:5 Wed to Gerald C. Pendleton, 08/23/1951:5 Gardner, Dorothy A. Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/02/1952:3 Gardner, Eldridge H. Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/02/1952:3 Gardner, Ella Obituary, 02/24/1950:12 Gardner, Fred Granted license for secondhand furniture and auctioneer, 05/29/1952:8 Gardner, George W. Assigned to leader's course at Fort Benning, GA (p), 01/07/1954:1 Flies on Royal Canadian Air Force plane to Far East, 01/21/1954:5 Gardner, Howard C. Obituary, 01/29/1953:4 Gardner, Howard Cudworth Husband of Annie M. Galfre dies at age 54, 01/29/1953:5 Gardner, Priscilla Graduates from Brookside Academy, 06/12/1952:2 Gardner, Ralph A., Jr. Public accountant (ad), 05/03/1951:9 Gardner, Richard E. Engaged to Jean Akerman, 01/28/1954:5 Wed to Jean Akerman, 02/04/1954:5 Gardner, Robert E. Taken to Connecticut, wanted for breaking and entering and larceny, 10/16/1952:1 Garfield, Ann Used furniture license and auctioneer's license renewed, 05/19/1950:2 Garfield, Ann Gardner Petition for custody, care, education, and maintenance of minor child, 05/27/1954:6 Garfield, John P. Former local pastor dies, obituary, 03/13/1952:1 Garganigo, Louis Victualler's license for Aubrey's Grill granted, 02/10/1950:1 111 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Garnett, Clarence, Jr. Leaves Norfolk, VA for Korea, 09/03/1953:3 Seaman called back to duty, headed to Formosa, 11/25/1954:3 Garnett, Forest John Vickery pleads not guilty to assault on Garnett, 08/18/1950:8 Sent to jail for drunkenness, 09/20/1951:10 Garnett, Forest M. Fined $5 for drunkenness, 09/13/1951:4 Garnett, Forrest John Vickery guilty of assault on Garnett, must pay hospital bill, 09/29/1950:9 Garnett, Ruth Guilty of drunkenness, 08/25/1950:7 Former resident dies in Bridgewater blaze, 12/03/1953:12 Garnett, Thelma Wed to Joseph Ford, 12/10/1953:8 Garney, Brian Son born, 07/29/1954:4 Garney, JoAnna Ramper Son born, 07/29/1954:4 Garnier, Howard E. Granted permit to sell gasoline, 12/08/1950:1 Garnier, Joan Attends governor's inauguration, 01/15/1953:12 Receives MHS Silver M award, 05/28/1953:1 Enrolls at Bryant Business School, 09/17/1953:5 Garnier, Joan F. Enrolls at Bryant College, 11/12/1953:9 Garnier, Lester Scout wins God and Country Award, 02/04/1954:4 Receives God and Country Award, 02/11/1954:7 Garnier, Naomi Manter Obituary, 09/02/1954:4 Widow of William dies at age 79, 09/02/1954:4 Garnier, William Henry Obituary, 09/22/1950:4 Dies at age 75, 09/22/1950:5 Garnier's Market 10th anniversary, North Main St (ad), 01/20/1950:5 Signs up for TV premium membership, 12/15/1950:13 Signs up for TV premium membership (ad), 12/15/1950:15 Help wanted, all round store man (ad), 05/15/1952:7 Clerk wanted (ad), 08/20/1953:10 Garofalo, Nicholas Engaged to Eva May Travers, 01/07/1954:3 Garrity, Rita L. Engaged to George A. Griswold, 09/27/1951:4 Wed to George A. Griswold, 10/04/1951:4 Garside, Barbara J. Engaged to Harold E. Frizzell, Jr., 01/08/1953:5 Wed to Harold E. Frizzell, Jr., 01/08/1953:5 Gas & Electric Department. see Middleboro - Gas & Electric Department Gaskin, Shirley Joan Engaged to Bernardo C. Fernandes, 01/08/1953:5 Engaged to Bernardo L. Fernandes, 01/15/1953:7 Gasoline. see also Automobile Service Stations; R.D. Kelley Coal Co. Sales license renewed for Beatrice Thomas, new license issued to Clarence Morse, 05/19/1950:2 Hearing scheduled on sales application by Harrison Holbrook, 05/26/1950:1 Harrison Holbrook granted sales license, 06/09/1950:1 Holbrook granted license, 06/23/1950:4 Howard Garnier granted permit to store, keep, and sell, 12/08/1950:1 Notice of hearing on Goodman application, 01/04/1951:8 Request for bids to supply town (ad), 05/17/1951:5 Arthur Parent petitions for license to sell gasoline, 07/12/1951:1 Theodore Testa granted victualler's and gasoline licenses, 07/12/1951:2 Notice of hearing on Parent's petition (ad), 07/12/1951:6 William Engel petitions for license to store gasoline and oil, 04/03/1952:5 Engel applies for gas storage permit, 04/10/1952:12 Notice of hearing on Holbrook's petition to increase gasoline storage capacity (ad), 05/08/1952:12 Town seeking bids (ad), 05/15/1952:12 Gasoline continued Notice of hearing on Theo Testa's storage permit (ad), 05/22/1952:12 Notice of hearing on Walter Starvish's permit (ad), 05/22/1952:12 Selectmen hold hearings on storage capacity increases for Starvish and Testa, 05/29/1952:8 Notice of hearing on storage permit for Edward Goodhue (ad), 07/10/1952:4 Peter and Thelma Gravlin petition to store and sell gasoline, 03/26/1953:9 Notice of hearing on Gammons' application (ad), 04/23/1953:12 Town contract out for bid (ad), 05/14/1953:10 Charles Sherman petitions to increase gasoline storage capacity, 06/11/1953:4 Francisco da Silva petition for license to store, 09/24/1953:4 Notice of hearing for Frank Mello's license application (ad), 03/18/1954:5 Notice of hearing for Stanley's Service Station to increase gas storage (ad), 03/25/1954:4 Notice of hearing on Albert Carr's storage application (ad), 05/13/1954:2 Notice of hearing on Broadbent's application to store (ad), 05/13/1954:6 Request for bids to provide all town departments (ad), 05/13/1954:10 Wallace Hotz applies for permit to keep and store, 06/17/1954:10 Notice of hearing on Julius Hill's application to store (ad), 08/19/1954:2 Lillian Conway applies for permit to store, 08/26/1954:5 Tank installations approved for Hill and Gray, 09/02/1954:1 Notice of Freitas storage hearing, 09/16/1954:5 Gasunas, Paul Charged with drunkenness and reckless and drunk driving, 07/19/1951:1 Crashes into oil truck, 07/19/1951:7 Fined $65 for accident, 08/02/1951:2 Gates, Avard L. Petition for administration of estate, 09/15/1950:9 Gates, Avard Longley Obituary, 08/04/1950:3 Dies at age 78, 08/04/1950:5 Gates, Christiana Downing Daughter born, 10/08/1953:4 Gates, Earl F. Resigns after 15 years as Gazette reporter, 01/14/1954:1 Former resident urges support for St Luke's expansion (l), 08/26/1954:1 Urges support of Allan Hale's candidacy for D.A. of Plymouth County (l), 09/02/1954:2 Gates, Edith M. Son sells South Main St homestead to Robert Cushing, 08/12/1954:5 Gates, Elinor Mae Wedding described, 08/06/1953:7 Gates, Elinor May Engaged to George C. Tanguay, Jr., 07/30/1953:5 Wed to George C. Tanguay, Jr., 08/06/1953:5 Gates, Ellen Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Gates, Ellen G. Foreclosure notice, 04/23/1953:5 Gates, Harold Chicken incinerator building razed by fire, 08/26/1954:1 Gates, Harold Clinton, Jr. Wedding described, 11/06/1952:4 Gates, Harold, Jr. Daughter born, 10/08/1953:4 Gates, Henry Daughter born, 03/10/1950:5 Gates, Leonard Employed at Leonard & Barrows, 06/28/1951:8 Gates, Maude Employed at Glidden's, 09/29/1950:3 Wedding described, 06/17/1954:3 Gates, Maude E. First woman called for jury service, 10/11/1951:1 Engaged to Wesley V. Tibbetts, 05/27/1954:7 Wed to Wesley V. Tibbetts, 06/17/1954:5 Gates, Ralph Ram service (ad), 10/01/1953:3 112 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Gates, Ralph E. Pickup truck tips over on Murdock St, 04/17/1952:2 Gates, Richard Wedding described, 04/01/1954:2 Gates, Thelma Holmes Daughter born, 03/10/1950:5 Gaudette, Ellen J. Wife of George P. dies at age 50, 08/20/1953:4 Obituary, 08/20/1953:7 Gaudette, Eudore Husband of Regina Arsenault dies at age 76, 08/30/1951:5 Obituary, 08/30/1951:9 Petition for probate of will, 09/06/1951:4 Gaudette, George, Jr. Employed at Eddie's Cities Service (p), 07/30/1953:6, 10/29/1953:6 Gaudette, Isabel Roczera Son born, 04/28/1950:7 Gaudette, William Son born, 04/28/1950:7 Gaudette, William F. Edgar Wilbur hits Superior cab operated by Gaudette, 03/06/1952:2 Gaudette's Package Store 439 Center St (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Gauthier, Al Captures Mitchell Club scoring title (t), 04/14/1950:8 Captain of Brown University baseball team, 12/22/1950:1 Performance with Brown University basketball team on TV, 01/11/1951:1 Continues to shine on Brown University baseball team, 05/17/1951:1 Bats for 0.375 in final year at Brown, 09/06/1951:1 Receives Blair Trophy for collegiate batting title (p), 12/13/1951:7 Twilight League names annual home run award for, 03/27/1952:5 Eagles pay tribute to young athlete, 05/26/1952:1 Mitchell Memorial Club banquet speaker lauds Gauthier, 11/27/1952:1 Gauthier, Alfred R. Earns varsity baseball letter at Brown University, 06/16/1950:10 Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1 In memoriam (p), 03/19/1953:6 Gauthier, Alfred Robert Graduates from Brown University, 06/07/1951:1 Second Lieutenant killed at Camp Lejune (p), 03/27/1952:1 Dies at age 23, 03/27/1952:5 Private 1st Class Edgar Gay pays tribute, 04/10/1952:9 Gauthier, Alice Wambolt Daughter born, 04/21/1950:5 Gauthier, Conrad Daughter born, 04/21/1950:5 Gauthier, Eddie Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3 Gauthier, Edward Middleboro Laundry wins safety award (p), 10/04/1951:1 No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Gauthier, Ethel Fickert Daughter born, 08/14/1952:3, 08/14/1952:5 Gauthier, Frederick Second Mate confined to Brighton Marine hospital, 09/03/1953:9 Gauthier, Irene Collette Son born, 04/08/1954:6 Gauthier, Leo Son born, 04/08/1954:6 Gauthier, Leo F. On Navy duty in Far East, 08/07/1952:1 Returns from Korea, 09/11/1952:1 Wedding described, 06/18/1953:8 Navy man returns from Far East (p), 04/08/1954:1 Discharged from U.S. Navy, 07/15/1954:1 Gauthier, Leo Francis Engaged to Ellen Angelina Tanes, 06/04/1953:4 Wed to Ellen Angelina Tanes, 06/11/1953:4 Gauthier, Lillian G. Engaged to Edward J. Willett, 07/17/1952:5 Wed to Edward J. Willett, 07/31/1952:5 Gauthier, Linda Jean Born to William and Ethel Fickert, 08/14/1952:3 Gauthier, Mary Dave Vickery named MHS baseball team MVP by Eagles (p), 06/10/1954:1 Gauthier, William Daughter born, 08/14/1952:3, 08/14/1952:5 Gauthier, William J. Warrant Officer (jg) reassigned as Military Personnel Officer, 11/08/1951:7 Warrant Officer (jg) slated for transfer from Camp Edwards, 11/29/1951:10 Warrant Officer (jg) helps train Korean troops, 11/06/1952:8 Speaks of two years of service in Korea, 02/19/1953:1 Gaward, Richard Arthur Engaged to Barbara Ann Weeks, 06/16/1950:7 Gay, Albert W. Obituary, 04/12/1951:2 Gay, Albert Wales Husband of Katherine May Maddigan dies at age 73, 04/12/1951:5 Gay, Edgar Private 1st Class awarded Combat Infantryman Badge, 09/18/1952:7 Gay, Edgar A. Couple married 25 years, 08/04/1950:1 Private 1st Class pays tribute to Al Gauthier, 04/10/1952:9 Private 1st Class serves with 25th Infantry Division in Korea, 08/07/1952:8 Gay, Edgar A., Jr. Private completes basic training at Indiantown Gap, PA, 08/23/1951:1 Completes training at Leadership School in Pennsylvania, 10/25/1951:4 Gay, Edgar Amos Obituary, 10/20/1950:4 Husband of Myra Simpson dies at age 54, 10/20/1950:5 Gay, Edgar Amos, Jr. Graduates from Boston University, 06/09/1950:10 Gay, Robert Salesman at Curtis Ford Sales (p), 12/09/1954:12 Gazzero, Jack Mitchell Memorial Club 1950 baseball team (p), 09/29/1950:10 Gazzolo, Patricia L. Engaged to James D. Gamache, 06/30/1950:5 Wed to James D. Gamache, 07/14/1950:7 Geilear, Robert F. Engaged to Joan Marie Kenney, 02/12/1953:4 Geilear, Robert Francis Wed to Joan Marie Kenney, 06/11/1953:4 G.E. Keith Shoe Co. see George E. Keith Shoe Co. Gendron, Robert F. Fined $5 for failure to stop, 06/11/1953:8 General Mills, Farm Service Store Wareham St (ad), 04/07/1950:9 Another arson attempt fizzles out at grain elevator, 10/14/1954:1 Gentile, Philip J. Engaged to Lucille Marie Pepin, 07/31/1952:3 Wed to Lucille M. Pepin, 06/24/1954:4 Wedding described, 06/24/1954:5 Geography Town's bounds must be checked, 05/19/1950:1 Boundary perambulation set, 09/29/1950:1 Chair of selectmen and Town Manager perambulation town boundaries, 11/17/1950:11 The Rustle of Spring (local travelogue), 02/26/1953:3 George (Mr) MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 George, Helen Archer MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 George, Raymond Buffalo, NY man drowns in Bartlett Pond, East Carver, 08/05/1954:5 George A. Richards Athletic Prize Description of scholarship available to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:10 Description of annual medal for MHS grad, 05/15/1952:4 George A. Shurtleff & Son Lane St (ad), 06/12/1952:3 George Shurtleff and Ida Ma McAllister dissolve partnership, 03/26/1953:11 113 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 George A. Shurtleff & Son continued Forty years supplying Middleboro and surrounding towns (ad), 04/02/1953:3 No connection to Shurtleff Hardware (ad), 02/11/1954:2 George E. Keith Shoe Co. Cafeteria manager Christine Bassett resigns, 10/27/1950:1 Albert Keyes receives 50-year pin, 11/06/1952:1 Arthur "Dick" Loheed retires after 50 years (p), 08/26/1954:1 O.R. Smith salesman 50 years ago, 09/09/1954:7 George's Billiard Parlor Re-opens at 252 Center St (ad), 09/29/1950:9 Gerard, Leroy Marvel's Open Air Bakery & Market, 2 Spruce St (ad), 05/29/1952:5 Gerard, Red Marvel's Open Air Bakery & Market, 2 Spruce St (ad), 05/29/1952:5 Gerard, Rena Marvel's Open Air Bakery & Market, 2 Spruce St (ad), 05/29/1952:5 Gerety, David Engaged to Patricia Skahill, 07/08/1954:7 Gerety, David G. Engaged to Patricia Skahill, 06/17/1954:10 Gerety, David W. Wedding described, 07/22/1954:2 Germaine, Robert Charles Lindstrom guilty of assault on police officer, 02/18/1954:1 Germaine, Robert C. Guilty of drunkenness, 02/25/1954:3 Appointed Acting Police Sergeant (p), 05/27/1954:1 Germaine, Robert G. Enlists in Navy, training at Bainbridge, MD (p), 07/10/1952:1 Engaged to Norma E. Quigley, 06/03/1954:7 Wed to Norma E. Quigley, 06/17/1954:5 Germaine, Robert George Engaged to Norma Quigley, 11/27/1952:7 Engaged to Norma E. Quigley, 05/20/1954:4 Wedding described, 06/17/1954:4 Gerrior, Albert Daughter born, 06/16/1950:7 Son born, 12/25/1952:5 Gerrior, Alec Selectmen sign character reference for peddler, 08/27/1953:11 Gerrior, David VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4 Gerrior, Emil Purchases Lakeside Ave property from Lillian Dwelley, 03/26/1953:9 Son born, 12/31/1953:4, 01/07/1954:9 Gerrior, Emil J. Son born, 04/24/1952:4 Gerrior, Flora Garafalo Daughter born, 06/16/1950:7 Son born, 12/25/1952:5 Gerrior, Joseph A. Completes navy medical course, 06/19/1952:1 Hospital Corpsman goes to Camp Lejune (p), 09/18/1952:1 Receives Navy commendation (p), 07/22/1954:1 Gerrior, Leo Engaged to Mary Soucie, 01/01/1953:7 Wedding described, 04/09/1953:3 Son born, 12/16/1954:4 Gerrior, Leo J. Engaged to Mary J. Soucie, 03/26/1953:7 Wed to Mary J. Soucie, 04/09/1953:5 Gerrior, Leo, Jr. Engaged to Mary Soucie, 03/19/1953:10 Gerrior, Lillian Bradford Son born, 04/24/1952:4, 12/31/1953:4 Gerrior, Mary Engaged to Daniel R. Guertin, 08/20/1953:4 Gerrior, Mary E. Engaged to Daniel R. Guertin, 10/16/1952:4 Wed to Daniel R. Guertin, 08/27/1953:7 Wedding described, 08/27/1953:12 Gerrior, Mary Soucie Son born, 12/16/1954:4 Gerrior, Medord MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1 Gerrior, Michael Joseph Born to Emil, 01/07/1954:9 Gerrior, Ray Employed at Bob's Diner, popular spot at Four Corners (p), 09/17/1953:8 Gerrior, Raymond Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Gerrior, Rose Engaged to Manuel De Arruda, 08/18/1950:5 Wed to Manuel DeArruda, 09/22/1950:5 Wedding described, 09/22/1950:8 Gerrish, Dorothy Tomasik Daughter born, 05/26/1950:7 Gerrish, Lloyd Daughter born, 05/26/1950:7 Gervase, Marie Wed to Richard Drake, 09/08/1950:2 Gervase, Marie Jeanette Wed to Richard Henry Drake, 09/01/1950:5 Wedding described, 09/08/1950:10 Gervase, Marie Jeannette Engaged to Richard Henry Drake, 03/17/1950:1 Ghelfi, Richard P. Discharged from U.S. Navy, 02/25/1954:5 Ghelli, Sarah A. Wed to Clifton I. Cordeiro, 08/11/1950:5 Ghilli, Sarah A. Engaged to Clifton I. Cordeiro, 07/21/1950:5 Giamperoli, Mrs Thomas Employed at The Boston Store, 07/28/1950:8 Gianunzio, Claire Allen Daughter born, 09/17/1953:6 Gianunzio, James Daughter born, 09/17/1953:6 Gibbons, Gail Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1 Gibbons, Gale Five-year-old burned helping dad with bonfire, 11/15/1951:1 Gibbons, Leo N. Optometrist, Bank Bldg (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Gibbons, Virginia Scout troop recognized for work at Lakeville sanatorium (p), 09/03/1953:1 Local poetess has works published (p), 12/09/1954:1 Making personal and radio appearances, 12/16/1954:4 Gibbs, Ann Wed to Thomas B. Nichols, 04/24/1952:4 Gibbs, Arthur H. Collides with Kingston driver at North and East Main St, 08/21/1952:1 Gibbs, Barbara Wed to Walter E. Cooke, 11/08/1951:11 Gibbs, Carl Sherman Sent to Boston for induction, 01/08/1953:1 Gibbs, Florence MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 Gibbs, Frank Fall Brook baseball team, 1910 (p), 03/29/1951:1 Gibbs, Frank M. Obituary, 11/29/1951:4 Dies at age 76, 11/29/1951:7 Gibbs, Henry Fall Brook baseball team, 1910 (p), 03/29/1951:1 Gibbs, Herbert Engaged to Constance L. Jewett, 07/09/1953:4 Wed to Constance L, Jewett, 07/30/1953:5 Gibbs, Herbert M. To receive degree from Northeastern (p), 06/18/1953:1 Gibbs, Herbert McDonald Wedding described, 07/30/1953:2 Gibbs, Joe Fall Brook baseball team, 1910 (p), 03/29/1951:1 114 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Gibbs, Lester Fall Brook baseball team, 1910 (p), 03/29/1951:1 Gibbs, S.S. O.L. Barden shaves the older set 50 years ago, 10/15/1953:5 Gibbs, Valerie New music instructor at Bates School, 12/13/1951:1 Resigns from Bates School, to teach in Springfield, 07/16/1953:1 Resigns as Bates music instructor, 07/30/1953:1 Gibbs Flower Shop Center St (ad), 10/13/1950:5 Gibbs' Greenhouses 106 Oak St (ad), 05/26/1950:10 Giberti, A. Lucille McDowell Daughter born, 08/16/1951:5 Giberti, Adeline M. Employed at the Walker Co., 04/17/1952:4 Giberti, A.J. Electrical contractor, 31 Oak St (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Giberti, Charles V. West Side School committee turns over keys to Board of Selectmen (p), 04/02/1953:1 Giberti, Jack Ill with polio at Boston hospital, 09/25/1952:6 Giberti, John V. First case of polio reported in area, 09/04/1952:1 Giberti, John Vincent MHS yearbook dedicated to polio victim, 06/11/1953:1 Giberti, Joseph Doctor conducting business by appointment only (ad), 03/20/1952:10 Named president of St. Luke's medical staff, 10/28/1954:1 Giberti, Joseph V. Returns to general practice, 12 High St (ad), 11/10/1950:11 Wed to Anne Lucille McDowell, 02/08/1951:5 Wedding described, 02/08/1951:5 Daughter born, 08/16/1951:5 Giberti, Josephine Employed at Dedham schools, 04/17/1952:4 MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1 Giberti, Lawrence Old Country Store makes learning fun at School Street School (p), 04/08/1954:1 Giberti, Robert MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 Kiwanis Club holds installation ceremonies (p), 01/07/1954:1 Giberti, Robert D. see also Giberti's Apothecary Service to community is YMCA goal (l), 11/17/1950:11 Giberti, Robert V. Passes exam in anesthesiology, 01/11/1951:1 Giberti's Apothecary Center and High St (ad), 05/01/1952:14 Profile and history of local business, 09/11/1952:7 John Glass, Jr. Square (p), 07/30/1953:6 Offers complete service, 10/22/1953:8 Specialists in prescription work (p), 01/28/1954:6 Well known for prescription service, 06/10/1954:8 Francis Cabral reliable apothecary (p), 08/26/1954:6 Gibney, Lucille E. Lakeville driver goes through A&P window, 10/07/1954:1 Gibson, Aubrey K. New assistant manager to Pawtucket, RI district for Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 11/13/1952:6 Gibson, Eliza Lane Shaw Obituary, 03/22/1951:10 Gibson, Harold A. Fined $75 for drunk driving, $25 for reckless driving, 07/23/1953:7 Gibson, Herbert Wed to Sally Alpert, 07/19/1951:5 Wedding described, 07/26/1951:8 Gibson, Marion Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4 Gibson, Pauline Alpert Engaged to Myron Stein, 01/08/1953:8 Gifford, Arthur Ten-year-old faints on Center St sidewalk, 03/03/1950:6 Gifford, Franklin M. Executor presents account of estate, 12/18/1952:6 Gifford, Franklin Maynard Dies at age 74, 05/17/1951:5 Obituary, 05/17/1951:10 Petition for probate of will, 06/14/1951:6 Gifford, Jennie Obituary, 09/22/1950:6 Gifford, Jennie Monroe Wife of Franklin M. dies at age 73, 09/22/1950:5 Gifford, Maurice Merritt Inducted into armed forces, 04/09/1953:1 Gifford, Ronald E. Engaged to Barbara Tharis, 01/08/1953:6 Gifford, Selena Appointed assistant commissioner of welfare and placement branch of Bureau of Indian Affairs, 06/05/1952:12 Gift Shops. see also Cook's Jewelry Store; Leland Gift Shop; Williams Trading Post & Annex The Doll House, 231 Center St (ad), 01/06/1950:3 Millstone Farm, Bedford St (ad), 07/21/1950:5 Daisy's Gift Shop, 114 Oak St (ad), 10/27/1950:2 The Town Line House, Taunton St (ad), 08/02/1951:5 Three Elms Gift Shop, Grace Ford proprietor, Miller St (ad), 08/30/1951:10 Grace Ford opens Three Elms Gift Shop on Miller St, 09/06/1951:4 Daisy's Antique & Gift Shop, 114 Oak St (ad), 12/13/1951:13 Polly's Gift Shop, 31 School St (ad), 10/09/1952:6 Polly's Gift Shop, closing out sale (ad), 12/18/1952:6 Lester Sherman opens Sherman's Brookside Gift Shop at his home, 04/23/1953:7 Cook's Jewelry opens gift shop at 17 South Main St, 11/19/1953:1 Travellers' Fare, open every day, Rte 28, South Middleboro (ad), 06/17/1954:4 Hoppy's Doll House (ad), 12/02/1954:9 Gilbert, Carol A. Engaged to Randall A. McLellan, 11/04/1954:4 Gilbert, Carol Ann Wed to Randall A. McLellan, 11/04/1954:4 Gilbert, Roland Engaged to Lorraine Hubert, 07/14/1950:8 Giles, Joanne W. Engaged to Bruce Matheson, 09/02/1954:4 Giles, Loanne W. Wed to Bruce Matheson, 09/16/1954:4 Giles, Loanne Wallace Wedding described, 09/16/1954:3 Gill, Francis Engaged to Jean Kelley, 08/28/1952:10 Son born, 10/08/1953:4 Gill, Francis John Engaged to Jean Ann Relly, 09/11/1952:5 Wed to Jean Ann Kelly, 10/02/1952:5 Wedding described, 10/02/1952:6 Gill, Jean Kelly Son born, 10/08/1953:4 Gilli, Anthony Daughter born, 02/17/1950:6 Gilli, Leah Blouin Daughter born, 02/17/1950:6 Gilligan, Delia M. Obituary, 11/22/1951:6 Gillis, Elsie Brown Obituary, 12/16/1954:2 Wife of Walter H. dies at age 66, 12/16/1954:4 Gillis, Grace Powers Son born, 12/22/1950:7, 05/15/1952:7 Gillis, James Son born, 12/22/1950:7, 05/15/1952:7 Gillis, James J. Fined $50 for drunk driving, 01/15/1953:11 Gillis, Malcolm Resides in Detroit, MI, 02/18/1954:10 115 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Gillis, Veronica Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Gillis, Walter Replaces Marion Atwood as treasurer of Rock Village Church, 01/25/1951:10 Gilmore, Ashton Daughter born, 09/16/1954:4 Gilmore, Elizabeth Morse Daughter born, 09/16/1954:4 Gilmore, Wolcott C. Wed to Ruth Crocker, 12/16/1954:4 Giovanini, Gloria Engaged to Carl W. Dupre, 05/10/1951:7 Wed to Carl W. Dupre, 05/17/1951:5 Giovanini, Gloria Ann Engaged to Carl William Dupre, 04/26/1951:7 Girard, Andrew Daughter born, 06/02/1950:5 Girard, Merle C. Riggs Daughter born, 06/02/1950:5 Girl Scouts of America New headquarters broken into, 01/13/1950:1 Need to raise $2,000 to complete payments, 01/13/1950:4 New Brownie troop, No. 7, formed, 01/20/1950:2 Bessie Sweeney serves as librarian at cabin branch, 02/10/1950:7 Senior Scouts hold successful dance, 03/17/1950:10 Hold annual supper party, 03/31/1950:2 Lakeville scouts on tour of NY and Washington, 04/28/1950:6 Middleboro Council holds annual meeting, 05/12/1950:14 Honor Mr and Mrs Horace Atkins, 05/26/1950:1 Hold annual rally, 06/09/1950:12 Lakeville scouts enjoy camp-out on Long Pond, 06/16/1950:2 Beers and Warren volunteer librarians at cabin branch, 07/21/1950:2 Lions Club members make improvements to grounds on Jackson St, 09/22/1950:2 Members make improvements to Girl Scout grounds on Jackson St, 09/22/1950:2 Novel bazaar held to raise funds at Scout house, 11/03/1950:18 Annual report of Middleboro Council (t), 03/01/1951:1 Local scouts celebrate 39 years of scouting, 03/15/1951:1 To aid in delivery of books to shut-ins, 03/22/1951:6 New troop formed in Rock, 04/12/1951:10 Mrs Henry Battis president of Sectional Girl Scout council, 04/19/1951:1 Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro group welcomed into organization (p), 05/24/1951:1 Hold Court of Awards, 06/21/1951:8 Bazaar well patronized, 11/08/1951:6 Mrs Henry Battis honored with Thanks badge, 03/06/1952:1 Middleboro Council holds annual meeting, 05/08/1952:8 Annual reports, 06/05/1952:12 Hold Court of Awards, 06/12/1952:1 Hold Court of Awards in Lakeville, 06/19/1952:9 Mother Daughter Banquet attracts 336, 03/19/1953:8 Hold Court of Awards, 05/21/1953:8 Brownie Fly-Up observed, 05/28/1953:4 Seven scouts receive curved bars, 06/18/1953:4 Virginia Gibbons' troop recognized for work at Lakeville sanatorium (p), 09/03/1953:1 Make request for lighting on Jackson St, 09/17/1953:1 Hold Troop 12 investiture, 12/03/1953:5 Hold annual meeting (t), 02/04/1954:10 Nearly 300 celebrate 42nd birthday of scouting in America, 03/18/1954:8 Hold annual rally, 05/27/1954:3 Troop 12 holds Father-Daughter Night, 11/04/1954:10 Girls Junior Volunteer Service League Holds second Mother-Daughter Banquet, 04/19/1951:2 Girls’ State. see American Legion – Simeon Nickerson Post, Women’s Auxiliary Gisetto, Lena Menella Son born, 12/18/1952:5 Gisetto, Theresa Angela Engaged to Mario A. DiLeo, 10/14/1954:5 Gisetto, William Son born, 12/18/1952:5 Gisetto, William A. Discharged for U.S. Air Force, 12/02/1954:1 Gisetto, William A., Jr. Collides with Littlefield on Everett St, 11/26/1953:7 Gisetto, William, Jr. Completes basic training at Sampson AFB, NY, 08/20/1953:10 Returns to duties at Chanute Air Base, IL, 09/10/1953:2 Given, Edward Rich Dies at age 80, 05/27/1954:7 Obituary, 05/27/1954:7 Given, Mabel Elizabeth Roe Obituary, 07/19/1951:5 Wife of Edward R. dies at age 80, 07/19/1951:5 G.L. Charlton Co. 24 South Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:2 Employs Mary Pasztor, 07/14/1950:5 Celebrates 10th anniversary (ad), 03/01/1951:2 Full time sales lady wanted (ad), 09/04/1952:8 Co-operative Bank purchases property at 24 South Main St, 12/03/1953:1 Removal sale (ad), 07/29/1954:5 New store opens September 1st at 40 Pearl St (ad), 08/26/1954:9 The Glad Patch J.R. Serra, 1170 Center St (ad), 07/28/1950:2 Gladstone, Richard Son born, 07/21/1950:10 Gladstone, Sybil Pilshaw Son born, 07/21/1950:10 Gladu, Francis Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5 Mother-in-law visiting from England, 12/10/1953:3 Gladu, Joseph Lakeville purchases new firefighting equipment from Maxim Motor Co. (p), 01/25/1951:1 Gladu, Joseph, Jr. Resides in Tiverton, RI, 06/03/1954:7 Gladu, Sadie Orford Donald Pearson succeeds Murray as local Fuller Brush rep (ad), 07/24/1952:5 Gladu, Susan J. Obituary, 06/17/1954:9 Gladu, Susan Joslin Wife of Joseph, Sr. dies at age 68, 06/17/1954:4 Glass, Arthur Suffers from metal poisoning, 04/03/1952:10 Employed at Henry Perkins Foundry in Bridgewater, 07/10/1952:6 Glass, Arthur P. Requests lower speed limit on Everett St, 07/16/1953:5 Elected to board of Foundry Workers Relief Fund, 02/18/1954:4 Gleekman (Mr) Profile of MHS student teacher, 03/08/1951:3 Glidden, Amasa R. see A.R. Glidden & Son Glidden, Benjamin K. see A.R. Glidden & Son Glidden, Charles Robert Boy falls off load of hay, 07/17/1952:2 Glidden, A.R. see A.R. Glidden & Son Glidden, James Couple returns from 10,000-mile trip to West Coast, 05/07/1953:10 Glidden, James R. MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1 A.R. Glidden & Son marks 79th anniversary event (p), 07/19/1951:1 A.R. Glidden & Son, 1901 to 1951 (ad) (p), 07/19/1951:6 Seven from MHS Class of 1901 hold 50th reunion (p), 08/30/1951:1 A.R. Glidden & Son , notice of partnership dissolution, 09/10/1953:8 Glidden, Mabel Claire Engaged to Ambrus L. Jones, 07/23/1953:4 Glidden, Nancy Tripp Son born, 05/14/1953:4 Glidden, Richard Son born, 05/14/1953:4 116 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Glidden, Richard L. Engaged to Nancy E. Tripp, 03/15/1951:7 Engaged to Nancy Tripp, 03/22/1951:4 Wed to Nancy E. Tripp, 03/29/1951:5 A.R. Glidden & Son marks 79th anniversary event (p), 07/19/1951:1 Lieutenant trains at Squantum, 08/09/1951:6 Air squadron wins award, 12/11/1952:11 Glidden, Richard Leonard Engaged to Nancy Elizabeth Tripp, 02/22/1951:9 Wedding described, 03/29/1951:5 Glidden, Roger Attends Boston University, 09/22/1950:10 Graduates from Boston University, 06/07/1951:5 Takes position with The Newbury Store, Hartford, CT, 07/12/1951:2 Glidden, Roger H. Petition for administration of estate, 12/10/1953:3 Glidden, Roger Harris Graduates from Boston University, 06/07/1951:1 Obituary, 10/15/1953:3 Son of Benjamin K. dies at age 32, 10/15/1953:4 Glover, John Employed in Brockton, 09/30/1954:9 Glover, Muriel Employed at Gas & Electric Department, 07/07/1950:6 Takes position in office of Plymouth Shoe Co., 08/04/1950:8 Glover, Muriel V. Engaged to Walter E. Lang, Jr., 05/10/1951:2 Wed to Walter E. Lang, Jr., 10/18/1951:5 Glover, Muriel Vincent Who's who in MHS senior class, 06/09/1950:8 Wedding described, 10/18/1951:2 Godfrey, Hazel L. Engaged to Edwin Smalley, 02/28/1952:5 Wed to Edwin Smally, Jr., 03/06/1952:5 Godfrey, Richard E. Engaged to Sandra Kay Shurtleff, 05/26/1952:10 Enlists in Navy, training at Bainbridge, MD (p), 07/10/1952:1 Completes basic training, 10/09/1952:9 Now at U.S. Naval Auxiliary Air Station in Milton, FL, 06/11/1953:8 Goepner, Helene Teacher in Peabody Trade School, Norwood, 07/28/1950:10 Gola, Anna Stationed at Fort Bragg, NC, 08/04/1950:7 Private 1st Class stationed at hospital in Osaka, Japan, 12/22/1950:2 Meets Eugene McManus in Osaka, Japan, 03/29/1951:5 Corporal meets Lester Richmond in Japan, 08/30/1951:3 Gola, Anna A. Private graduates from X-ray Procedure Course, 03/10/1950:1 Gola, Anna E. Private stationed at Fort Bragg, NC, 11/03/1950:16 Chosen Miss Massachusetts for March of Dimes drive in Japan, 02/01/1951:4 Promoted to Corporal at Osaka hospital, Japan, 06/28/1951:9 Enjoys Gazette in Osaka, Japan, 12/06/1951:1 Promoted to Sergeant at Army Hospital in Osaka, 12/06/1951:5 Wed to Charles Ramstead in Japan, 03/06/1952:1 Gola, Shirley Reaches finals in nationwide doll-making contest, 11/06/1952:2 Sworn into Women's Army Corps, 10/08/1953:1 Completes WAC basic training, 12/10/1953:1 Graduates from Medical Field Service School at Fort Sam Houston, TX, 04/29/1954:9 Promoted to Corporal at Fort McPherson, GA, 11/11/1954:11 Corporal stationed at Fort McPherson, GA, 12/23/1954:4 Goldblatt, Arlene Local pupil in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1 Goldblatt, Sidney M. Heads x-ray program sponsored by nursing association (p), 08/30/1951:1 Moves home to Brockton, continues practice here, 06/12/1952:2 Golden, Rexa Wedding described, 03/08/1951:6 Golden, Rexa Jane Engaged to Kenneth P. Hanson, 02/01/1951:2 The Golden Spur Chef Ralph Levesque guilty of drunkenness, 02/17/1950:7 Capeway's finest restaurant, Rte 105, Lakeville (ad), 06/30/1950:5 Famed for fine food (p), 07/15/1954:6 Popular spot for holiday parties, 12/16/1954:11 Goldfarb, Leon Old Lakeville landmark destroyed by fire, 11/10/1950:7 Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2 Goldstein, Robert. see also Robert Goldstein Citizenship Award President of shoe companies explodes rumors of move if new school built, 03/24/1950:1 Goldstein and Kunces bring nine Red Sox here for baseball clinic (p), 07/14/1950:1 Establishes citizenship award at high school, 05/31/1951:4 Six students voted exemplary, receive first award, 06/07/1951:1 New member of Trust Co. board of directors, 02/14/1952:1 Plymouth Shoe Co. donates $1,000 for memorial plaque at St. Luke's (p), 10/21/1954:1 Golf Bailey and Penniman tie in 2nd annual Middleboro hackers open, 10/06/1950:1 Alfred Malenfant scores hole-in-one at Brockton course, 08/30/1951:1 Ranny Gammons wins Middleboro Hackers tourney, 10/25/1951:5 Billy Michael wins Class B golfing championship, 10/09/1952:9 Ranny Gammons wins Middleboro Hackers Tourney, 10/08/1953:1 Winners receive trophies at annual Middleboro All Sports Night (p), 02/25/1954:10 Ranny Gammons wins 1954 Middleboro Open title, 09/30/1954:4 Gomes, Albert Son born, 01/27/1950:7, 03/29/1951:5 Injured in collision with Robert Shaw, 11/12/1953:12 Son born, 02/25/1954:4 Gomes' Shell Station, Frank and Albert Gomes, Rte 28 (p), 07/08/1954:6 Gomes, Alice Andrews Daughter born, 01/31/1952:5 Gomes, Anibal Held for grand jury in Linda Ann Taylor kidnapping, 09/04/1952:1 Gomes, Arlene H. Fernandes Daughter born, 01/25/1951:5 Gomes, Auelino, Jr. Receives honorable discharge from U.S. Army, 04/22/1954:1 Gomes, Beverly Almeida allegedly hits girl with car, 10/25/1951:5 Manuel Almeida fined for hitting pedestrian, 11/08/1951:10 Gomes, Beverly A. Engaged to Edward G. Cornell, 10/28/1954:6 Gomes, Beverly Ann Wed to Edward G. Cornell, 11/04/1954:4 Gomes, Charles Son born, 03/12/1953:5 Gomes, Donald Mello, Sampson, and Gomes crash on South Main St, 08/27/1953:2 Gomes, Emma C. Husband's non-support case continued, 03/31/1950:11 Manuel Gomes not guilty of non-support, 04/14/1950:9 Gomes, Ernest J. Wed to Mary Thomas, 11/10/1950:7 Gomes, Frank Daughter born, 01/31/1952:5 Gomes' Shell Station, Frank and Albert Gomes, Rte 28 (p), 07/08/1954:6 Gomes, Frank G. Granted license to store and sell gasoline, 06/11/1953:10 Gomes, Fred MHS cross country team ends most successful season ever (p), 11/25/1954:1 Gomes, Frederick Playground Pet Show winner (p), 08/28/1952:4 Gomes, Irene Silva Son born, 03/12/1953:5 Gomes, John Corporal on leave after ten months in Korea, 03/26/1953:9 117 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Gomes, John F. Sent for induction into armed services, 10/09/1952:8 Gomes, John P. Daughter born, 01/25/1951:5 Gomes, Joseph Trains with 483rd Engineers Battalion at Camp Drum, NY (p), 07/17/1952:1 Petition for administration of estate, 02/05/1953:5 Gomes, Joseph S. Obituary, 11/27/1952:8 Gomes, Joseph Souza Dies at age 71, 11/27/1952:5 Gomes, Joseph W. Pledges Alpha Tau Omega at Colorado School of Mines, 03/17/1950:9 Gomes, Julia Pina Son born, 01/27/1950:7, 03/29/1951:5, 02/25/1954:4 Gomes, Kathleen Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Gomes, Leroy Daughter born, 09/08/1950:5 Gomes, Lewis F. Enlists in U.S Air Force, 01/24/1952:10 Gomes, Manual S. Obituary, 02/18/1954:2 Dies at age 77, 02/18/1954:6 Gomes, Manuel Non-support case continued, 03/31/1950:11 Not guilty of non-support, 04/14/1950:9 Daughter born, 10/18/1951:5 Inducted into armed forces, 03/05/1953:6 Gomes, Margaret Frye Daughter born, 09/08/1950:5 Gomes, Matthew Obituary, 01/31/1952:8 Gomes, Olivia Seven-lesson home nursing course completed by ten women (p), 02/18/1954:1 Gomes, Ronald G. Goes around the world with U.S. Navy, 12/23/1954:1 Gomes, Roy Three boys missing from Everett St homes, 10/08/1953:1 Trio picked up at summer cottage in Fairhaven, 10/15/1953:1 Gomes, Ruth Marie Engaged to Maynard R. Wilbur, 08/30/1951:10 Engaged to Maynard Richmond Wilbur, 10/18/1951:9, 11/08/1951:7 Wedding described, 11/29/1951:5 Wed to Maynard Richmond Wilbur, 11/29/1951:6 Gomes, Shirley Engaged to Winthrop Frye, 03/18/1954:10 Gomes, Shirley DeCosta Daughter born, 10/18/1951:5 Gomes, Shirley F. Engaged to Winthrop R. Frye, 04/01/1954:4 Wed to Winthrop R. Frye, 04/29/1954:4 Gomes, Shirley Frances Engaged to Winthrop R. Frye (p), 01/07/1954:1 Wedding described, 04/29/1954:9 Gomes, William Main St couple married 19 years, 02/15/1951:6 Joins U.S. Marines, trains at Parris island, SC, 03/08/1951:6 Gomes, William A. Dutcher collides with Gomes while crossing Thomas St, 03/03/1950:3 Gomes, William E. Discharged from U.S. Marine Corps, 02/25/1954:5 Gomes' Shell Station Frank and Albert Gomes, Rte 28 (p), 07/08/1954:6 Gonsalves, August M. Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9 Gonsalves, Augusta M. Tax collector's notice, 03/12/1953:3 Gonsalves, David J. Engaged to Shirley A. Fasula, 02/04/1954:5 Engaged to Shirley A. Fasulo, 02/25/1954:4 Good Will Club. see Middleboro Good Will Club, Inc. Goodale, Dorothy Resides in Portland, OR, 11/22/1951:3 Accepts post with Wellesley Hills Convalescent home, 01/10/1952:9 Associate Director of Nurses at MA Memorial Hospital, 08/20/1953:8 Goodale, Sarah Graduates from Vineyard Haven school, 06/18/1953:6 Goode, Marjorie Dupre Son born, 01/06/1950:4 Goode, Mrs Thomas Resides in Bridgewater, 11/17/1950:11 Goode, Thomas Son born, 01/06/1950:4 Family moves to South Bridgewater, 09/08/1950:5 Goode, Thomas E. Son born, 02/24/1950:12 Goode, Thomas E., Jr. Born to Thomas E., 02/24/1950:12 Goodenough, Arthur John Obituary, 02/18/1954:2 Dies at age 65, 02/18/1954:6 Goodhue, Anita Old time transportation returns to W.T. Grant Co. (p), 10/23/1952:5 Goodhue, Anita Mae Engaged to Eugene M. Shurtleff, Jr., 07/29/1954:2 Goodhue, Bob Lakeville Lakers make fine record (p) (t), 04/23/1953:1 Goodhue, Donald Lets tenement to Herbert Johnson, 05/26/1950:7 Goodhue, Edward W. Notice of hearing on gasoline permit (ad), 07/10/1952:4 Goodhue, E.W. see E.W. Goodhue Lumber Co. Goodhue, Genevieve Gifford Wife of Donald F. dies at age 37, 05/07/1953:4 Obituary, 05/07/1953:6 Goodhue, Irma In coma after fracturing skull in fall, 11/01/1951:1 Goodhue, Irma Foye MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion, 09/18/1952:1 Goodhue, Ken VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4 Goodhue, Kenny Named to Little League All-Stars (p), 07/22/1954:1 Goodick, Florence Wood MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1 Goodick, Mildred Swett MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1 Goodine, Eugene Son born, 11/22/1951:5 Goodine, Jennie Anderson Son born, 11/22/1951:5 Goodman, Herman J. Fined $3 for stickerless car, 05/21/1953:4 Goodman, John Notice of hearing gasoline storage application, 01/04/1951:8 Goodman, Leonard Stationed at Sampson Air Base, NY (p), 08/26/1954:1 Goodnow, Arlene A. Engaged to Robert E. Fuller, 07/31/1952:5 Wed to Robert E. Fuller, 08/14/1952:5 Goodnow, Arlene Bryant Daughter born, 01/20/1950:6 Goodnow, Chester Daughter born, 01/20/1950:6 Goodnow, Chester L. Not guilty of non-support, 08/04/1950:5 Goodnow, Henry Daughter born, 08/21/1952:5 Goodnow, Lewis E., Jr. Trains at Corpus Christi, TX, 11/27/1952:3 Navy fireman serves on aircraft carrier, 10/14/1954:4 Goodnow, Lewis, Jr. Enlists in Navy, training at Bainbridge, MD (p), 07/10/1952:1 118 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Goodnow, Mary Vaughan Daughter born, 08/21/1952:5 Goodreau, Arthur Daughter born, 06/07/1951:5 Goodreau, Barbara Wedding described, 08/23/1951:3 Goodreau, Gladys Trinque Daughter born, 06/07/1951:5 Goodreau, James Volunteers for military service, 02/04/1954:7 Goodreau, John B. Obituary, 02/17/1950:6 Dies at age 76, 02/17/1950:7 Goodreau, Theodore, Jr. Private stationed at Fort Dix, NJ, 10/13/1950:3 Missing in action in Korea, 05/24/1951:7 On list of possible prisoners of war for exchange, 12/27/1951:7 Carver POW reported alive, 05/14/1953:1 South Carver man still prisoner of Reds, 08/13/1953:1 Freed by Communists, 08/20/1953:1 Carver plans welcome for returning POW, 08/27/1953:1 Carver plans homecoming for POW, 09/03/1953:1 Carver welcome home program reorganized, 09/10/1953:10 Carver program set for Sunday, 09/17/1953:1 Goodrich, Elizabeth M. Obituary, 04/10/1952:13 Goodwin, Charles. see also Charlie's Diner Daughter born, 03/17/1950:5 Goodwin, Charles H. Janitor retires after nearly 44 years at MHS, 02/10/1950:1 Goodwin, Constance Phillips Son born, 11/17/1950:7, 03/05/1953:7 Goodwin, Emma Ledin Daughter born, 03/17/1950:5 Goodwin, Fred Local fishermen take bass from Cape Cod Canal (p), 10/27/1950:1 Goodwin, Fred O. Appointed director of civil defense in Lakeville, 10/27/1950:7 Goodwin, Frederick Son born, 03/05/1953:7 Goodwin, Frederick O. Son born, 11/17/1950:7 Goodwin, Norman S. Collide with Bernard Anderson in front of post office, 04/15/1954:3 Gordon, Colin C. Inducted into U.S. Army, 11/08/1951:1 Gordon, Colin Coutts Called for Army service, 10/18/1951:1 Gordon, Patrick Visits relatives in England, 10/22/1953:10 Gordon, Richard D. Engaged to Shirley L. Morse, 09/30/1954:4 Wed to Shirley L. Morse, 10/14/1954:4 Wedding described, 10/14/1954:9 Gordon, Shelagh Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises (p), 06/30/1950:1 Gorman, Alice Michael Gorman pleads guilty to charge of non-support, 07/31/1952:6 Gorman, Catherine A. Engaged to Allan R. Kern, 07/22/1954:5 Wed to Allan R. Kern, 07/29/1954:4 Gorman, Catherine Alice Engaged to Allan R. Kern, 07/08/1954:5 Gorman, Michael Pleads guilty to charge of non-support, 07/31/1952:6 Gorman, Vincent L. Boy injured running bike into car on Wareham St, 07/02/1953:1 Gorrie, Arthur Son born, 02/11/1954:4 Gorrie, Arthur T., Jr. Succeeds Louis Benton as manager of Royal Cafe, 06/28/1951:10 Gorrie, Lorraine Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club dance (p), 02/17/1950:1 Employed in fashion center of large department store, 04/02/1953:12 Gorrie, Lorraine C. Attends Modern School of Fashion and Design in Boston, 10/13/1950:3 Graduates from Modern School of Design, 06/07/1951:1 Gorrie, Mary Louise Murphy Son born, 02/11/1954:4 Gorten, Mrs Martin Resides in Baltimore, MD, 10/15/1953:6 Gosson, Joseph Daughter born, 05/24/1951:7, 03/19/1953:5 Gosson, Milton T. Engaged to Helen L. Edwards, 09/16/1954:4 Wed to Helen L. Edwards, 09/23/1954:4 Gosson, Phyllis Wilbur Daughter born, 05/24/1951:7, 03/19/1953:5 Gotham, James Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1 Attends University of New Hampshire, 03/15/1951:2 Private 1st Class stationed at Marine Corps School, Quantico, VA, 04/30/1953:4 Gotham, James E., Jr. Completes Marine recruit training (p), 11/20/1952:1 Stationed at Quantico, VA, 07/30/1953:4 Engaged to Yvette M. Tolme, 07/29/1954:4 Wed to Yvette M. Tolme, 08/12/1954:4 Wedding described, 08/12/1954:10 Gotham, James, Jr. Engaged to Yvette Tolme, 04/08/1954:1 Goueiva, Richard Engaged to Elizabeth Michael, 09/18/1952:7 Gould, Louise Melvin Gould assault case continued, 07/30/1953:3 Melvin Gould ordered to pay for wife's dental work, 01/21/1954:3 Gould, Melvin F. Assault case continued, 07/30/1953:3 Ordered to pay for wife's dental work, 01/21/1954:3 Gould, Ruth Jeannette Engaged to Lawrence Cole, 12/06/1951:4 Wedding described, 05/26/1952:5 Gouveia, James Son born, 08/02/1951:5, 03/26/1953:6, 09/16/1954:4 Gouveia, Shirley E. Rear-ended on Wareham St, 01/10/1952:9 Gouveia, Shirley Pittsley Son born, 08/02/1951:5, 03/26/1953:6, 09/16/1954:4 Gouviea, James Engaged to Shirley L. Pittsley, 05/05/1950:5 Wed to Shirley L. Pittsley, 09/29/1950:7 Govaya, Elizabeth Michael Daughter born, 09/03/1953:5 Govaya, Richard Engaged to Elizabeth A. Michael, 10/09/1952:5 Wed to Elizabeth A. Michael, 10/30/1952:7 Wedding described, 10/30/1952:7 Daughter born, 09/03/1953:5 Gove, Fred B. Pledges Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Boston University, 05/10/1951:7 Gove, Frederick Receives Associate degree from Boston University, 05/29/1952:3 Gove, Frederick B. Enters Boston University, 09/22/1950:4 Gove, Frederick Barry Graduates with B.S. in Public Relations from Boston University (p), 08/26/1954:1 Gove, George E., Jr. Changes departments at Jordan Marsh Co., 03/13/1952:4 Engaged to Ruth Haselton, 09/17/1953:6 Wed to Ruth Haselton, 09/24/1953:5 Gove, George Edward Obituary, 12/16/1954:2 119 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Gove, George Edward, Jr. Engaged to Ruth Haselton, 06/18/1953:4 Wedding described, 09/24/1953:3 Gove, George, Jr. Engaged to Ruth Haselton, 09/03/1953:5 Government Lakeville adopts new by-laws at town meeting, 04/14/1950:1 Revision of charter to be proposed, 12/08/1950:1 Precinct Three Improvement Association in favor of Australian ballot (ad), 12/15/1950:12 Town Moderator names committee on charter revision, 03/22/1951:4 Lewis Harding heads charter revision committee, 04/26/1951:1 Revision of town charter postponed, 02/14/1952:1 Voters make two changes to charter, kill an essential one, 03/20/1952:1 Charter amendments to be addressed at special town meeting, 04/10/1952:1 Voters amend Section 5 of town charter, 05/01/1952:1 Changes to charter approved, 05/26/1952:1 Additional articles for July town meeting include charter changes, 07/10/1952:1 Change in charter forgotten, 03/12/1953:1 Govoni, Dick Accordion school (ad), 10/06/1950:11 Goward, Richard Engaged to Barbara Weeks, 06/09/1950:6 Goward, Richard A. Engaged to Barbara Weeks, 06/23/1950:10 Goward, Richard Arthur Wed to Barbara Ann Weeks, 06/30/1950:5 Wedding described, 07/07/1950:6 Goyette, Agnes Mayhew Obituary, 10/27/1950:6 Wife of Belonie dies at age 74, 10/27/1950:7 Goyette, Joan Rattey Daughter born, 08/19/1954:4 Goyette, Thomas Daughter born, 08/19/1954:4 Graffam, Ralph E. Wed to Lorraine Angers Letourneau, 08/05/1954:4 Graham, Gertrude Lets house to Texas soldier, Cary Recer, 09/13/1951:4 Graham, James Henry Burkland presents desk to South Middleboro library branch in memory of Graham, 03/20/1952:10 Graham, James Eben Obituary, 06/14/1951:6 Dies at age 78, 06/14/1951:7 Graham, Jean Audrey Engaged to Joseph E. Simmons, 05/05/1950:5 Wed to Joseph Simmons, 05/12/1950:7 Wedding described, 05/12/1950:14 Graham, Mrs James C. Resides in Alexandria, 06/21/1951:3 Grain. see Livestock Feed Granchelli, Ralph S. Granchelli and Rosini collide at West and Center St, 04/09/1953:7 Grange. see Patrons of Husbandry Grant, Arthur H. Dies at age 55, 10/23/1952:5 Obituary, 10/23/1952:6 Grant, Donald Engaged to Florence Dolan, 04/12/1951:10 Daughter born, 08/23/1951:5 Son born, 09/25/1952:5 Daughter born, 09/24/1953:5 Grant, Donald D. Guilty of speeding and failure to stop for red light, 01/20/1950:4 Engaged to Florence M. Dolan, 04/05/1951:5 Wed to Florence M. Dolan, 04/19/1951:5 Grant, Donald David Wedding described, 04/19/1951:5 Grant, Edward J. Recalled to naval service, 03/08/1951:1 Grant, Edward U. Returns to printing trade after two hitches in Navy, 07/03/1952:4 Grant, Ellen Officers in new Eagles auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1 Grant, Ellen O'Sullivan Son born, 09/15/1950:7 Grant, Everett Couple married 50 years, 06/30/1950:2 Grant, Everett F. Couple married 50 years, 06/23/1950:7 Grant, Florence Dolan Daughter born, 08/23/1951:5 Son born, 09/25/1952:5 Daughter born, 09/24/1953:5 Grant, Helen Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro Girl Scout troop welcomed into organization (p), 05/24/1951:1 South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home (p), 10/18/1951:1 Grant, Ruby E. Wed to Arthur T. Hill, 09/06/1951:5 Grant, Russell Son born, 09/15/1950:7 Employed by B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc., North St, 09/03/1953:6 Grant, Sarah G. Obituary, 06/18/1953:5 Grant, W.T. see W.T. Grant Co. Grantham, Ellen A. Engaged to Frank L. Linton, Jr., 06/30/1950:5 Wed to Ralph L. Linton, Jr., 07/07/1950:5 Grantham, Ellen Anne Engaged to Ralph L. Linton, Jr., 03/10/1950:3 Grantham, William Late owner of Middleboro Laundry, Wareham St (p), 09/10/1953:6 Middleboro Laundry, local laundry headquarters (ad), 04/22/1954:8 Grass Fires. see Forest Fires Grassi, Arego, Jr. Sent for induction into armed services, 10/09/1952:8 Grassie, Gladys Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/16/1952:4 Grassie, John Charged with non-support, 09/13/1951:2 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/16/1952:4 Gratten, William C. Enlist in Battery A, Massachusetts National Guard, 10/15/1953:5 Gravelin, C. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Gravlin, Peter D. And Thelma Gravlin petition to store and sell gasoline, 03/26/1953:9 Gravlin, Thelma E. And Peter Gravlin petition to store and sell gasoline, 03/26/1953:9 Gray, Alma E. Collides with Walter Juranty at Everett Square, 06/03/1954:4 Gray, Cecil W. Fined $50 for driving without license, acquitted on charge of negligence, 12/10/1953:4 Gray, Edward Quintal assault case continued, 02/07/1952:10 Leo Quintal guilty of assault, case filed, set free, 02/21/1952:1 Gray, Eleanor Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 08/20/1953:4 Henry Gray, Jr. pleads not guilty to assault on wife, 12/24/1953:4 Henry Gray, Jr. charged with assault on former wife Eleanor, 11/25/1954:8 Gray, Eleanor Connolly Daughter born, 02/21/1952:5 Son born, 05/27/1954:7 Gray, Ernest E. Obituary, 01/28/1954:3 Gray, Fred Dies at age 74, 07/10/1952:7 Gray, H. Don General carpentry work, Wood St (ad), 05/14/1953:9 120 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Gray, H. Donald, Jr. Engaged to Eleanor Louise Connolly, 11/03/1950:6 Gray, Henry Daughter born, 02/21/1952:5 Gray, Henry D. Gets suspended State Farm sentence for drunkenness, 01/25/1951:10 Committed to State Farm, 03/01/1951:4 Grand jury to hear case, 12/16/1954:8 Gray, Henry D., Jr. Engaged to Eleanor Louise Connolly, 11/17/1950:7 Wed to Eleanor Louise Connolly, 11/24/1950:5 Seaman serves on USS Cambria, 03/05/1953:4 Operations of USS Cambria, 04/02/1953:12 Return from tour of duty in southern Europe and Far East, 05/28/1953:1 Notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 08/20/1953:4 Pleads not guilty to assault on wife Eleanor, 12/24/1953:4 Honorable discharged from U.S. Navy, 06/10/1954:1 Charged with breaking and entering, assault and battery, and morals charges, 11/25/1954:8 Gray, Henry Donald, Jr. Wedding described, 11/24/1950:2 Gray, Henry, Jr. Son born, 05/27/1954:7 Gray, Pearl Lost pocketbook with cash returned by Amelia Silvia, 11/27/1952:1 Gray, Theodore Woman who raised him dies in Wolfboro, NH, 05/26/1950:7 Before judge for criminal trespass, 10/02/1952:7 Gray, Wayne Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Driver Lucille Gibney goes through A&P window, 10/07/1954:1 Greeley, Bill Manager of Elmer Sisson's bottled gas and oil business (p), 09/24/1953:6 Manager of Sisson's bottled gas and fuel oil (p), 01/21/1954:6 Greeley, William Family moves from Rochester to Locust St, 03/01/1951:4 Greeley, William L., Jr. Engaged to Viola M. Showers, 10/25/1951:5 Greely, Deborah Ann Born to William L., 01/15/1953:6 Greely, Viola Showers Son born, 01/08/1953:5, 04/22/1954:6 Greely, William South Middleboro couple married 25 years, 08/27/1953:12 Greely, William, Jr. Engaged to Viola Showers, 10/04/1951:9 Son born, 01/08/1953:5, 04/22/1954:6 Greely, William L. Gashes arm moving damaged car, 08/30/1951:1 Daughter born, 01/15/1953:6 Greely, William L., Jr. Wed to Viola M. Showers, 11/08/1951:7 Greely, William Leander, Jr. Wedding described, 11/08/1951:6 Green (Mr) Administrator's auction of North Lakeville farm (ad), 07/08/1954:5 Green, Abe To purchase land from Roy Huntley, 02/21/1952:1 Green, Bernard Daughter born, 11/29/1951:6 Green, Bernard J. Engaged to Eleanor Maude Cordeiro, 12/29/1950:4 Green, Bernard Joseph Engaged to Eleanor Maude Cordeiro, 02/22/1951:5 Wed to Eleanor Maude Cordeiro, 03/15/1951:7 Green, Bertha No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Green, Bill MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1 Green, Diane Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Green, Douglas Frank Born to Ralph, 05/10/1951:6 Green, Eleanor Cordeiro Daughter born, 11/29/1951:6 Green, Fred Takes 6th in national essay contest, 09/20/1951:5 Spring plowing and harrowing (ad), 03/12/1953:10 Completes basic training at Bainbridge, MD, 08/20/1953:4 Green, Fred S. Transfers to Amphibian Base at Little Creek, VA, 01/07/1954:4 Navy man based at Davisville, RI, 12/09/1954:8 Green, George Husband of Agnes M. Crush dies at age 71, 01/28/1954:5 Obituary, 01/28/1954:9 Petition for administration of estate, 03/04/1954:7 Green, Irene Gagnon Son born, 05/10/1951:7 Green, John H. Continuance granted in trespassing case, 10/14/1954:2 Charged with criminal trespass, 11/04/1954:4 Green, Leona Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1 Attends Colby Junior College, 09/18/1952:7 Graduates from Mt. Ida Junior College, 06/03/1954:7 Green, Max Public auction of unusual antiques (ad), 09/22/1950:10 Public auction at place of business (ad), 09/11/1952:4 Estate sale at Lakeville business (ad), 10/02/1952:9 Green, Paul Employed at State Farm, 04/26/1951:7 Green, Ralph Son born, 05/10/1951:6, 05/10/1951:7 Green, Richard South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Green, Skipper Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Green, William A. Leaves for army induction in Boston, 09/23/1954:1 Green, Yvonne Yvonne Green's Dancing School (ad) (p), 11/22/1951:4 Dancing school (ad) (p), 09/04/1952:8 Green Pastures Nursing Home Murrays renovates Restview Rest Home as nursing home, 08/05/1954:2 Irving and Beverly Fish Murray, Marion Rd (ad), 12/02/1954:6 Greene, Alfred Plummer Husband of Lillian Day dies at age 72, 03/05/1953:7 Obituary, 03/05/1953:8 Greene, Carl J. Charged with larceny from Richmond Automotive, 11/24/1950:7 Greene, Carl John Inducted into armed forces, 11/05/1953:6 Greene, Donald Daughter born, 05/06/1954:6 Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3 Greene, Donald B. Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7 Promoted by Battery A, Massachusetts National Guard, 04/16/1953:6 Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1 Greene, Edith Shaw Daughter born, 05/06/1954:6 Greene, Elaine Harris Son born, 02/12/1953:5 Greene, Frances Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4 Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club, 10/15/1953:1 Engaged to Robert Keith, 12/31/1953:1 Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1 Greene, Frances A. Engaged to Robert Keith, 07/01/1954:6 Greene, Frances E. Rear-ends Northampton auto on Rte 28, 07/02/1953:3 121 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Greene, Frances Ethel Wed to Robert Keith, 07/08/1954:4 Wedding described, 07/08/1954:8 Greene, Fred S. Stationed at Port Hueneme, CA, 09/10/1953:7 Greene, H. B. Real estate, Wareham St (ad), 04/05/1951:10 Greene, Howard B. Petition for administration of estate, 02/26/1953:10 Greene, Howard Buck Obituary, 01/01/1953:4 Dies at age 62, 01/01/1953:5 Greene, Johanna Gedotis Daughter born, 08/20/1953:5 Greene, John Resides in Norfolk, VA, 12/15/1950:16 Son born, 02/12/1953:5 Granted continuance in trespassing case, 06/24/1954:10 Trespassing case continued, 07/01/1954:10 Greene, John H. Promoted to Aviation Electrician 3rd Class on board USS Wright, 11/15/1951:3 Five injured when Greene rams Belrose's truck, 11/13/1952:1 Charges of criminal trespass dismissed, 12/02/1954:2 Greene, Kenneth Daughter born, 08/20/1953:5 Wall papering, painting (ad), 11/04/1954:4 Greene, Lulu On lunchroom staff at MHS cafeteria (p), 04/01/1954:1 Greene, Marian Slippery road causes crash, 12/29/1950:4 Greene, Muriel John Greene granted continuance in trespassing case, 06/24/1954:10 John Greene's trespassing case continued, 07/01/1954:10 Greene, Sylvester Petition for license to sell real estate, 10/06/1950:5 Greene, William A. Last member of crime-suppression committee resigns 50 years ago, 06/10/1954:9 Arrives at Fort Dix, NJ for training (p), 12/02/1954:1 Greenhouses. see Nurseries (plant) Greenleaf, Calvin Twin son and daughter die in fire, 07/03/1952:1 Greenleaf, Elizabeth Crowell Daughter born, 03/15/1951:7 Greenleaf, Russell Daughter born, 03/15/1951:7 Fined $10 for speeding, 01/29/1953:9 Greenwood, Jeffrey Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6 Greenwood, Robert J. Collides with state employee at Peirce and Pearl St, 10/02/1952:8 Greeting Cards. see Stationery Gregory, C. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Gregory, Carol Attends University of Connecticut, 04/07/1950:2 Pledges Alpha Xi Delta, 04/28/1950:2 Gregory, Curtis Nelson Enrolls at Franklin Technical Institute, Boston, 10/07/1954:6 Gregory, Elsie Wells MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1 Gregory, Kenneth P. Engaged to E. Virginia Nelson, 06/25/1953:7 Wed to Esther Virginia Nelson, 10/01/1953:5 Gregory, Kenneth Philip Wedding described, 10/01/1953:10 Gregson, Ruth Superintendent of St. Luke's Hospital, 03/31/1950:12 Joanna Barstow honored by St. Luke's Hospital (p), 04/05/1951:1 To be succeeded by Bertha DeLong as St. Luke's administrator, 08/23/1951:1 Grenier, Irene Engaged to Pasquale Rufo (p), 06/17/1954:1 Grenier, Irene B. Engaged to Pasquale J. Rufo, Jr., 09/09/1954:4 Grenier, Irene Bernadette Wedding described, 10/07/1954:4 Griffin, Arthur Son born, 08/20/1953:2 Griffin, Edward J. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9 Griffin, Frances K. Motorist kills deer on Thompson St, 12/02/1954:1 Griffin, Irene B. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9 Griffin, Marcia Williams Son born, 08/20/1953:2 Griffith, Andrew Daughter born, 03/31/1950:6 South Carver couple married 25 years, 10/06/1950:9 Griffith, Andrew F. South Carver couple married 25 years, 10/13/1950:3 Daughter born, 03/27/1952:5 Griffith, Andrew F., Jr. Daughter born, 04/03/1952:7 Griffith, Andrew Freeman Obituary, 06/11/1953:3 Husband of Elsie Sawyer dies at age 57, 06/11/1953:4 Griffith, Bessie Mabel Obituary, 12/23/1954:3 Widow of Alonzo D. dies at age 80, 12/23/1954:4 Griffith, Calvin Celebrates 80th birthday (p), 05/13/1954:1 Griffith, Clark Volunteers for military service, 02/04/1954:7 Griffith, Delano Calvin Griffith celebrates 80th birthday (p), 05/13/1954:1 Griffith, Edward Calvin Griffith celebrates 80th birthday (p), 05/13/1954:1 Griffith, Edward C. Health officer inspects piggery on Miller St, 07/12/1951:2 Griffith, Homer W. Wed to Joyce H. Chappelear, 03/27/1952:8 Griffith, Joanne Denson Daughter born, 03/31/1950:6, 03/27/1952:5 Griffith, Lillian B. Obituary, 05/08/1952:3 Widow of Arthur B. dies at age 84, 05/08/1952:7 Griffith, Mrs Horace G. Has frightening flying experience in forced landing, 09/02/1954:1 Griffith, Polly Westgate Daughter born, 08/05/1954:4 Griffith, Robert T. Awarded scholarship to MA College of Pharmacy, 08/18/1950:5 Griffith, Sherwood First Lieutenant returns to active duty, 08/18/1950:3 Lieutenant completes ten bombing missions in Korea (p), 04/05/1951:1 Promoted to Captain, heads to Okinawa, 05/03/1951:7 Captain now at Ellington Field, Houston, TX, 05/26/1952:5 Daughter born, 08/05/1954:4 Griffith, Sherwood B. With bomber group in Korea (p), 04/26/1951:1 Completes 95 missions, 1,000 hours in six months in Korea, 09/20/1951:1 Griffith, Wayne MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4 Lakeville youth in hospital with polio symptoms, 08/12/1954:4 Griffiths, Albert Daughter born, 07/22/1954:5 Griffiths, Beverly Lockhart Daughter born, 07/22/1954:5 Griniewicz, Stanley J. Dies at age 28, 09/04/1952:5 Obituary, 09/04/1952:8 VFW pays tribute, 09/11/1952:8 122 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Grinnell, Charles E. Executor of the estate of Hannah Willig 50 years ago, 03/18/1954:7 Grinnell, Herbert C. Funeral held in Assonet 50 years ago, 07/22/1954:2 Grishey, Janice Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro Girl Scout troop welcomed into organization (p), 05/24/1951:1 South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home (p), 10/18/1951:1 Grishey, Sandra Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro Girl Scout troop welcomed into organization (p), 05/24/1951:1 Griswold, Anne L. Engaged to Alfred J. Drews, 06/03/1954:7 Wed to Alfred J. Drews, 07/01/1954:6 Griswold, Anne Louise Wedding described, 07/01/1954:2 Griswold, Charles Gets suspended sentence for drunkenness, 07/03/1952:2 Gets two months for drunkenness, 04/30/1953:11 Griswold, Charles F. Fined $5 for drunkenness, 04/28/1950:4 Gets suspended sentence for drunkenness, 06/23/1950:8 Fined $15 for drunkenness, 11/24/1950:7 Fined $10 for drunkenness, 07/31/1952:6 Fined $15 for drunkenness, 02/19/1953:8 Griswold, Charles F., Jr. Engaged to Janice I. Mason, 12/25/1952:5 Wed to Janice I. Nason, 01/08/1953:5 Griswold, Charles S. Sergeant with Headquarters Co., 8th Army in Korea, 09/22/1950:1 Griswold, Ernest Guilty of assault on Rochester man, 03/17/1950:4 Break-in at Lakeville home, 11/18/1954:1 Griswold, Ernest J. Wed to Hilda M. Reynolds, 11/11/1954:6 Griswold, Ethel Wed to Alfred Joseph Falconieri, 06/05/1952:7 Griswold, George A. Engaged to Rita L. Garrity, 09/27/1951:4 Wed to Rita L. Garrity, 10/04/1951:4 Griswold, Mary Mabel Obituary, 09/24/1953:3 Wife of Percy R. dies at age 63, 09/24/1953:5 Griswold, Patricia Powers Son born, 03/03/1950:5, 06/07/1951:5 Daughter born, 11/18/1954:6 Griswold, Percy Hurt in crash on Rte 28, 12/18/1952:6 Griswold, Percy R. Charged with drunkenness and drunk and reckless driving, 11/18/1954:4 Fined $100 for violations, 11/25/1954:2 Griswold, Robert L. Reports for duty at Naval Air Technical Training Center, Jacksonville, FL, 06/14/1951:5 Serves onboard USS Tarawa, 11/27/1952:3 Discharged from U.S. Navy, 10/21/1954:12 Griswold, Willard Son born, 03/03/1950:5, 06/07/1951:5 Daughter born, 11/18/1954:6 Grocers. see also Fish Markets; Garnier's Market; Mello's Country Store; Richmond’s Nation-Wide Food Store; Sawicki's Market; Supermarkets; Thomas Bros. (store) Cleverly's Food Mart, 15 North Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:4 The Homestead (ad), 01/06/1950:4 Hallock's Puritan Market, Fall Brook (ad), 01/06/1950:5 Thieves take between $600 and $700 in break-in at Promades, 02/10/1950:1 Pierce's Market now open at Everett Square, formerly IGA (ad), 01/11/1951:10 Food was cheap at Tinkham's back in 1892, 03/15/1951:6 John Crowther applies for liquor license transfer, 08/09/1951:5 Marvel's Open Air Bakery & Market, 2 Spruce St (ad), 05/29/1952:5 Grocers continued Crowther's loses alcohol license for 30 days, 07/17/1952:10 Jerry Miller fails to appear in court on Promades' complaint of fraud, 08/14/1952:7 Charles Kennedy hurls box through window of Promades' store, 12/04/1952:5 Kem's Variety, Rte 44 (ad), 12/11/1952:6 Gale blows out windows at Mello's, 02/26/1953:1 Harris Market, formerly Penna's Market, 454 center St (ad), 08/13/1953:4 J.C. Boynton & Son distributes calendars 50 years ago, 01/07/1954:7 Ernest O'Toole closes The Homestead, 02/25/1954:1 The Homestead, liquidation by public auction (ad), 03/04/1954:10 J.C. Boynton & Son purchase new wagon 50 years ago, 04/08/1954:9 Promades reports robbery, 05/27/1954:1 J.C. Boynton & Son installs McCaskey account register 50 years ago, 07/15/1954:8 Harris Market offers prompt delivery (p), 07/22/1954:6 West End Market has new delivery wagon 50 years ago, 10/28/1954:9 Harris Market offers delivery service (p), 12/02/1954:6 Grogan, Helen Employed at sanatorium, 11/08/1951:4 Grondin, Bertrand J. Wife injured in auto skid, 02/04/1954:3 Grondin, Dorothy L. Injured in auto skid, 02/04/1954:3 Gross, Leslie Son born, 10/16/1952:5 Gross, Leslie N. Couple celebrates 40th anniversary, 04/23/1953:8 Gross, Lillian Salley Daughter born, 05/07/1953:4 Son born, 10/14/1954:4 Gross, Mary Theresa Born to Robert, 06/02/1950:2 Gross, Mildred Warren Son born, 10/16/1952:5 Gross, Raymond S. Fined $5 for drunkenness, 01/17/1952:3 Fractures both legs running into car on West Grove St, 07/02/1953:1 Dies of injuries sustained in accident on West Grove St, 07/09/1953:1 Cherney acquitted in traffic death of Gross, 08/13/1953:2 Petition for administration of estate, 06/17/1954:3 Gross, Raymond Sidney Dies at age 32, 07/09/1953:4 Gross, Robert Set to graduate from Boston University School of Education, 06/02/1950:1 Daughter born, 06/02/1950:2, 05/07/1953:4 Son born, 10/14/1954:4 Gross, Robert W. New social studies teacher at Bates School, 08/11/1950:6 Gross, Robert William Graduates from Boston University, 06/09/1950:10 Grossman, Albert Wedding described, 10/30/1952:6 Grossman, Annie Rose Obituary, 01/14/1954:2 Grossman, Annie Rose Bush Dies at age 66, 01/14/1954:4 Grossman, Barbara Engaged to George Sampson, 09/10/1953:5 Grossman, Barbara M. Wed to George H. Sampson, 09/17/1953:6 Grossman, Barbara Martha Wedding described, 09/17/1953:6 Grossman, Edward Engaged to Marjorie Burrowes, 05/17/1951:9, 06/21/1951:10 Wedding described, 07/05/1951:4 Grossman, Edward A. Engaged to Marjorie T. Burrowes, 06/28/1951:5 Wed to Marjorie T. Burrowes, 07/05/1951:5 Grota, Jerome A. Wedding described, 04/03/1952:3 123 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Grota, Laura Pearson Middleboro schools hire new teacher, 08/07/1952:1 Ground Observer Corps Franklin Harlow named to coordinate local civil defense unit, 04/07/1950:1 Emerson Coe named chief observer, 11/03/1950:1 Vincent Hamlin named chief observer, 04/19/1951:1 Plane spotter volunteers called for, 05/08/1952:1 Appeals for more plane spotters, 05/26/1952:9 Local unit joins Operation Skywatch, 07/17/1952:1 Must have volunteers to maintain watch, 08/14/1952:3 Needs new supervisor, 10/02/1952:10 Middleboro weak spot in plane spotting, 10/16/1952:1 Franklin Harlow reappointed chief, 10/23/1952:6 Five organizations to man reactivated corps, 09/24/1953:1 Must be reactivated (p), 11/26/1953:4 Harlow calls for 200 volunteers, 12/10/1953:1 Local group meets (p), 01/14/1954:3 Maurice Washburn chief observer for Lakeville, 02/11/1954:3 "Skywatch" now underway, 02/11/1954:9 Spots 91 aircraft, 02/18/1954:1 Observers spot 73 planes, 02/25/1954:2 Selectmen urge more volunteers, 03/04/1954:10 Submits request for proper housing facilities for spotters, 04/15/1954:1 Eleven volunteers receive "wings," 05/13/1954:9 LaForest and Harlow resign; Standish appointed, 08/12/1954:4 Grout, Robert Daughter born, 10/28/1954:6 Grout, Ruth A. Trethaway Daughter born, 10/28/1954:6 Grove Chapel. see Lakeville Congregational Church Grover, Harold C. Applies for liquor license in Lakeville, 08/11/1950:5 Lakeville man applies for liquor license, 11/10/1950:7 Lakeville board grants liquor license, 12/01/1950:8 State Alcoholic Beverage Commission fails to get summons for owner of Linden Lodge, 06/14/1951:1 Applies for seasonal liquor license, 06/14/1951:6 Grover, Harold S. Applies for liquor license for Linden Lodge, 03/17/1950:5 Grubb, George W. Lieutenant called to active duty, 07/28/1950:10 Grune, Harold H. Engaged to Gloria J. Nichols, 01/21/1954:5 Grune, Harold K. Engaged to Gloria June Nichols, 06/04/1953:10 Engaged to Gloria Nichols, 11/05/1953:11 Wed to Gloria J. Nichols, 01/28/1954:5 Grune, Harold Kirby Wedding described (p), 01/28/1954:4 Guasconi, Gino Daughter born, 10/28/1954:6 Guasconi, Helen Wajcium Daughter born, 10/28/1954:6 Guerin, Avis Gertrude Engaged to Leslie Frederick Travers, 04/26/1951:7 Wed to Leslie Frederick Travers, 05/03/1951:5 Guerin, Henry Guilty of having loaded weapons in auto, 07/28/1950:7 Guerin, Henry J. Wrecks car on utility pole on Rte 28, 03/31/1950:1 Guerin, Henry John Wed to Shirley Adelaide Melville, 06/18/1953:4 Guerin, John H. Reservist called to active duty, 10/20/1950:7 Guerin, Maurice Joseph Dies at age 72, 02/07/1952:5 Obituary, 02/07/1952:7 Guerin, Raymond Top scorer in playgrounds Olympics (p), 08/30/1951:1 Guerin, Raymond C. Reports to patrol squadron at Naval Air Training Center in Jacksonville, FL, 12/09/1954:1 Guerin, Rita Injured in auto accident in Bridgewater, 12/29/1950:1 Guertin, Charles L., Jr. Leaves for Pine Camp with 320th Military Police Battalion, 07/24/1952:3 Guertin, Daniel Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1 Suffers concussion in fall at Hyde Park, 07/17/1952:1 Guertin, Daniel R. Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7 Engaged to Mary E. Gerrior, 10/16/1952:4 Promoted by Battery A, Massachusetts National Guard, 04/16/1953:6 Honorably discharged from local unit of Massachusetts National Guard, 06/25/1953:1 Engaged to Mary Gerrior, 08/20/1953:4 Wed to Mary E. Gerrior, 08/27/1953:7 Wedding described, 08/27/1953:12 Army veteran named patrolman, 08/12/1954:1 Guertin, Danny Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p), 12/04/1952:1 Guertin, Harriett Poirier Daughter born, 10/30/1952:7 Guertin, Helga Guertin's auto struck by hay truck driven by Barros, 07/02/1953:8 Engaged to Peter J. Massa, 08/12/1954:4 Wed to Peter Massa, 08/26/1954:4 Guertin, Helga E. Middleboro war bride now a citizen (p), 09/20/1951:1 Guertin, Henry J. Engaged to Shirley A. Melville, 07/12/1951:7 Guertin, John Daughter born, 10/30/1952:7 Guertin, John J. Engaged to Harriet T. Poirier, 06/14/1951:7 Wed to Harriet T. Poirier, 06/21/1951:5 Guertin, Mrs Daniel Injured by flying glass during hurricane, 09/02/1954:1 Guertin, Theresa Wedding described, 12/02/1954:9 Guertin, Theresa M. Wed to Ralph A. Caponi, 12/02/1954:4 Guertin, Theresa Mary Engaged to Ralph Chartier, 04/21/1950:1 Guidaboni, Albert. see also Boston & Falmouth Express Car bogs down on Arizona mountain, 03/05/1953:1 Arizona resident comments on Guidaboni's experience in mountains (l) (Alice Macdonald), 04/02/1953:1 Guidaboni, Columbo Hay baling (ad), 06/05/1952:11 Four cows die as barn floor collapses, 11/25/1954:1 Guidaboni, Hazel Engaged to Robert A. Boutin, 05/06/1954:2 Guidaboni, Hazel M. Wed to Robert A. Boutin, 06/10/1954:7 Guidaboni, Hazel May Wedding described, 06/03/1954:8 Guidaboni, Mauro Flames fanned by wind destroy Guidaboni's barn, 08/19/1954:1 Guidaboni, N. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Guidaboni, Norman Freshmen at Boston University, 09/16/1954:8 Guidaboni, Ricardo Lucky winner of power mower (p), 09/01/1950:4 Guidaboni, Robert Little League star in All-Star game against Chatham (p) (t), 07/23/1953:1 Guidaboni, Rodney. see Boston & Falmouth Express Guidaboni, Rosalind. see Boston & Falmouth Express Guidoboni, Betty Preview of spring fashion show by Junior Cabot Club (p), 03/20/1952:4 Guidoboni, Columbo Hay baling (ad), 06/11/1953:2 124 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Guidoboni, Diddimo Husband of Emma Rondelli dies at age 81, 06/14/1951:7 Obituary, 06/14/1951:7 Guidoboni, Didimo Lightning sets fire to poultry house, 08/04/1950:1 Guidoboni, Donald W. Rose Shaw injured in collision with Guidoboni, 09/01/1950:6 Fined $35 for negligent operation of vehicle, 09/08/1950:9 Engaged to Mary L. Eldridge, 08/05/1954:4 Wed to Mary L. Eldridge, 08/26/1954:4 Guidoboni, Elizabeth Ann Engaged to William F. Cleary, 12/30/1954:1 Guidoboni, Hazel Preview of spring fashion show by Junior Cabot Club (p), 03/20/1952:4 Guidoboni, Hazel M. Engaged to Robert A. Boutin, 04/29/1954:4 Guidoboni, Hazel May Engaged to Robert Boutin, 06/28/1951:9 Guidoboni, Marjorie A. Engaged to Arthur Standish, Jr., 09/29/1950:7 Wed to Arthur L. Standish, Jr., 10/13/1950:7 Guidoboni, Marjorie Alice Wedding described, 10/13/1950:12 Guidoboni, Norman Freshman at Boston University, 11/04/1954:10 Boston University student in concert with Leopold Stokowski, 11/11/1954:1 Guidoboni, Norman H. Plays trumpet in Brockton Youth Symphony, 12/04/1952:8 Guidoboni, Norman H., Jr. Lad caught in pit, boulder breaks leg, 04/26/1951:1 Guild, Albert Daughter born, 01/13/1950:5 Guild, Albert E. Driver triple spins before hitting tree on South Main St, 12/29/1950:3 Guild, Bernice Assault and battery case against husband continued, 09/02/1954:10 Guild, Bernice A. No injuries in collision at Frank and Forest St, 10/07/1954:12 Truck driver Bazinet rear-ends Guild's car on Center St, 12/30/1954:1 Guild, Bernice Caldwell Son born, 10/04/1951:4 Guild, Helen Five girls from Louise Crowley Dance Studio perform in Cambridge (p), 03/22/1951:1 Guild, Lillian C. Gets suspended sentence for neglect of minor children, 09/04/1952:3 Guild, Lillian Shea Daughter born, 01/13/1950:5 Guild, Sandra Five girls from Louise Crowley Dance Studio perform in Cambridge (p), 03/22/1951:1 Guild, William Son born, 10/04/1951:4 Guild, William C. Assault and battery case continued, 09/02/1954:10 Guilford, Alice Haire Son born, 01/03/1952:5 Guilford, Chester Harrison Holbrook admits charges made out of spite, 03/13/1952:10 Guilford, Chester A. Harrison Holbrook guilty of assaulting Guilford, 01/03/1952:1 Denies charges by Holbrook, 01/10/1952:8 Superior court increases fine for Holbrook's assault on Guilford to $25, 02/28/1952:1 Guilford, Frederick V. Son born, 01/03/1952:5 Guilford, Gladys Kraus Son born, 10/11/1951:5 Guilford, Mae C. Engaged to Leavitt C. Simmons, 04/24/1952:4 Wed to Leavitt C. Simmons, 05/15/1952:7 Guilford, Paul Kendrick Son born, 10/11/1951:5 Guillette, Delphis, Jr. Dies of injuries sustained in Lakeville crash, 12/31/1953:1 Guimares, Anna Preti Daughter born, 02/10/1950:7 Guimares, Ernest Daughter born, 02/10/1950:7 Gunning, Ann Marie Enters Angell Memorial Animal Hospital for training, 09/09/1954:4 Gunning, Charles Daughter born, 06/17/1954:5 Gunning, Charles W. Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9 Gunning, Katherine H. Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9 Gunning, Katherine Pakula Daughter born, 06/17/1954:5 Gurney, Alace Petition for probate of will, 06/23/1950:2 Gurney, Alace L. Executor presents account of estate, 04/10/1952:13 Gurney, Alice W. Petition for probate of will, 06/23/1950:2 Gurney, Clarence M. Freak wind demolishes hen shelters, 04/16/1953:4 Gurney, Clyde E. Auto struck by deer, 11/26/1953:5 Gurney, Edna Taylor Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Gurney, Kenneth Daughter born, 06/30/1950:5 Gurney, Louise Tripp Daughter born, 06/30/1950:5 Gurney, Marjorie Horn Daughter born, 03/04/1954:4 Gurney, Merton Daughter born, 03/04/1954:4 Gustafson, Elizabeth Member of secretariat of the United Nations, 01/20/1950:2 Engaged to Frederick Cossick, 08/18/1950:9 Gustafson, Mary Capewell Opens studio for voice instruction, 01/13/1950:4 Teacher of voice, 114 South Main St (ad), 01/13/1950:10 Opens vocal studio at 147 Center St (ad), 09/04/1952:8 Gustafson, Mrs William Daughter tells of life as secretary to U.N. Commission in Somaliland (l), 07/14/1950:4 Moves to 147 Center St, 12/06/1951:12 Gypsy Moths. see also Middleboro - Moth Department End in sight for Plymouth County, 03/31/1950:1 Program for killing "gyps" explained, 04/07/1950:1 Campaign set for May, 04/28/1950:1 Center of town undergoes aerial spraying, 05/26/1950:1 Superintendent appreciates cooperation with spraying (l), 08/04/1950:8 Spraying of moth areas approved, 03/19/1953:1 Spray plans upset by some towns failure to accept, 04/16/1953:1 Aerial spraying contract awarded at 0.335 cents per acre, 04/23/1953:1 Spraying area may be enlarged, 05/07/1953:1 Spraying has been done in South Middleboro, 05/14/1953:4 H H.A. Alger & Co. Purchases printing plant of H.W. Eldridge 50 years ago, 10/21/1954:10 Haarala, Delores Maki Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5 Son born, 06/10/1954:7 Haarala, Eaere Son born, 06/10/1954:7 Haarala, Erro Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5 125 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Hackett, Herbert J. Foreclosure notice, 01/06/1950:6 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/24/1950:11 Petition for probate of will, 05/19/1950:7 Hackey, Ellen Casey Daughter born, 11/25/1954:4 Hackey, George Daughter born, 11/25/1954:4 Hadfield, Arline Higgins Son born, 03/03/1950:5 Hadfield, Barbara Engaged to be married, 07/28/1950:3 Hadfield, Barbara A. Engaged to Joseph P. Moniz, 08/04/1950:4 Wed to Joseph P. Moniz, 08/25/1950:5 Hadfield, Barbara Ann Wedding described, 09/01/1950:10 Hadfield, Howard Son born, 03/03/1950:5 Hadfield, Richard Engaged to Barbara Butler, 03/25/1954:4 Hadfield, Richard L. Engaged to Barbara M. Butler, 03/18/1954:4 Engaged to Barbara Butler, 04/08/1954:6 Wed to Barbara M. Butler, 04/22/1954:6 Hadfield, Richard Lawrence Engaged to Barbara Marlene Butler, 09/17/1953:7 Wedding described, 04/22/1954:12 Hadfield, Robert W. Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1 Hadsell, Charlotte Monteath Son born, 04/16/1953:7 Hadsell, Genevieve Engaged to Fred J. Filz, 05/24/1951:7 Hadsell, George West Side School has unique collection of foreign coins and money (p), 12/23/1954:1 Hadsell, Grant B., Jr. Engaged to Zola M. McCallum, 09/13/1951:5 Wed to Zola M McCallum, 10/11/1951:4 Hadsell, William Son born, 04/16/1953:7 Hadsell, William H. Engaged to Charlotte E. Murphy, 07/12/1951:4 Haeche, Robert Wed to Mary Moore, 06/03/1954:2 Hagan, Barbara Engaged to Ralph Chandler, 02/19/1953:5 Hagan, Leo F. Graduates from Rhode Island School of Design, 06/17/1954:3 Hagan, Leo Francis Whitworth College student accepted at Rhode Island School of Design, 05/26/1950:5 Hagan, Ruth F. Sanatorium employee transfers to Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Forest Hills, 07/01/1954:4 Hagar, Charles, Jr. Son born, 04/23/1953:7 Hagar, Joan Taber Son born, 04/23/1953:7 Hagopian, Armen Wed to Grace Neshanian, 12/03/1953:4 Hahn, Meredith Beale Wedding described, 10/09/1952:10 Hairdressers. see also Barbers Alyce Beauty Center closed due to illness (ad), 01/27/1950:2 Roberta's Beauty Shoppe (ad), 02/10/1950:2 Cecilia Travassos, beautician at Vogue, 21 South Main St (ad), 02/10/1950:12 Evelyn McFarlin sells beauty parlor (ad), 02/10/1950:12 Debbie's Beauty Salon, 55 School St (ad), 01/25/1951:2 Mrs Ralph Morse complains to selectmen about damages to beauty shop, 11/01/1951:1 Alyce Beauty Center re-opens at 249 Center St (ad), 04/17/1952:3 Hairdressers continued Roberta Beauty Shoppe, 50 Wareham St (ad), 09/18/1952:3 Alyce Beauty Center at new location (ad), 10/23/1952:2 Helen Malenfant now at Alyce's Beauty Center (ad), 10/23/1952:2 Vogue Beauty Shoppe welcomes Valerie Waters Mulkern (ad), 02/05/1953:10 Debbie's Beauty Salon open Saturdays (ad), 06/11/1953:6 Alfred Sousa, 50 Wareham St (ad), 04/22/1954:6 Alfred Sousa, formerly Alfred's Beauty Shop, now at 50 Wareham St (ad), 04/22/1954:12 Debbie's Beauty Salon, open full time (ad), 10/07/1954:5 Valerie's Beauty Shop opening at 132 North Main St, Valerie Mulkern (ad), 11/25/1954:2 Haire, Chester Son born, 03/05/1953:7 Haire, Chester P. Wed to Patricia Ann Converse, 09/20/1951:7 Receiving basic training at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 01/28/1954:1 Haire, Chester Phelps, Jr. Inducted into armed forces, 12/10/1953:13 Haire, Patricia Converse Son born, 03/05/1953:7 Halahan, John W., Jr. Engaged to Marjorie Waugh, 10/28/1954:2 Hale, Allan Couple married 13 years, 06/24/1954:10 Hale, Allan M. Granted auctioneer's license, 05/19/1950:2 Appointed Assistant District Attorney, 11/10/1950:1 Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner (p), 02/08/1951:1 Flies to Alabama to get fugitive, 03/22/1951:1 Gets fugitive, has no trouble, 03/29/1951:1 Couples moves into new home on Bloomfield Ave, 05/31/1951:2 Takes third trip to retrieve fugitive, 07/26/1951:1 Virginia trip proves successful, 08/02/1951:1 Takes intensive course in criminal law, 08/09/1951:1 Named to local draft board, 08/23/1951:1 Trip to Virginia for extradition pays off, 10/18/1951:1 Named town counsel, 01/24/1952:1 Licensed auctioneer, 06/12/1952:6 Local citizens meet gubernatorial candidate (p), 10/16/1952:1 Elected director of Nat'l Association of County and Prosecuting Attorneys, 09/03/1953:5 Office reception room remodeled, 12/31/1953:5 Tenure expires as second assistant district attorney, 06/03/1954:1 Candidate for District Attorney (p), 07/08/1954:1 Earl Gates urges support of candidacy for D.A. of Plymouth County (l), 09/02/1954:2 Vote for Hale for District Attorney (ad), 09/09/1954:4 Middleboro gives Hale fine support in primary, 09/16/1954:1 Hale, Edward Everett Foreclosure notice, 10/25/1951:5 Obituary, 03/26/1953:1 Hale, Herbert Miller Obituary, 09/06/1951:8 Hale, Jean Roberts Freshman at University of Massachusetts, 09/13/1951:10 Hale, Judith Local pupil in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1 Hale, Judith Ann Wins silver cup for swimming, 09/08/1950:2 Hale, Judy Model in Little Theatre Group fashion show (p), 12/09/1954:7 Hale, Mrs Allan M. Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner for Allan Hale (p), 02/08/1951:1 Hale, Sally Nye Notice of Sheriff's sale of real estate, 11/20/1952:10 Sheriff's sale of real estate at public auction, 08/13/1953:9 Haleen, Richard A. Engaged to Catherine F. Fornaciari, 12/23/1954:4 Haley, Annette Bartlett Son born, 09/06/1951:4, 10/29/1953:5 Haley, Barbara Ann Accepted as performer on the Talent Show, 04/05/1951:1 126 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Haley, Charles E. Cedarville couple married 49 years, 03/11/1954:10 Haley, Helen Resigns from James McNeil Co., moves to Cedarville, 04/12/1951:4 Haley, Herbert Son born, 09/06/1951:4, 10/29/1953:5 Haley, Herbert B. Engaged to Annette Bartlett, 03/03/1950:4 Wed to Annette Bartlett, 03/17/1950:4 Haley, Hiram Fred Obituary, 11/13/1952:2 Dies at age 77, 11/13/1952:7 Half-Way House Zombie, Inc. officially changes name, 09/08/1950:1 The Zombie has new name (ad), 10/06/1950:12 Selectmen receive liquor license application, 11/10/1950:1 Nothing missing in break-in, 06/26/1952:1 Heavy fire damage familiar landmark (p), 05/20/1954:1 Henry Cashen sells landmark to Eugene Starvish, 07/29/1954:1 Hall, Arlene Holmberg Son born, 03/25/1954:4 Hall, Arnold Son born, 03/25/1954:4 Hall, Arthur Meet the sales force at Egger's Annex (ad) (p), 04/24/1952:5 Hall, Crit T. Son born, 10/22/1953:7 Hall, Emily A. Petition for administration of estate, 05/26/1950:10, 09/29/1950:7 Hall, Fred Parker Dies at age 87, 12/23/1954:4 Obituary, 12/23/1954:8 Hall, Gary W. New teacher at Assawampsett School, 06/25/1953:10 Hall, Helen F. Irene Roy fractures arm in rear-end collision, 06/21/1951:9 Testifies in case of overloaded truck, 08/09/1951:1 Brockton driver withdraws appeal, pays fine, 08/23/1951:4 Injured in auto accident in Lakeville, 10/15/1953:1 Hall, Isabel L. Obituary, 07/19/1951:5 Hall, Jesse William Egger Co. gets permit for sign on Hall property, 05/26/1950:1 Frank St couple married 38 years, 04/29/1954:10 Painter falls when ladder slips, 11/25/1954:8 Hall, Jesse W. Applies for package store license, 07/28/1950:1 Hall, John Engaged to Grazziellie Audette, 07/21/1950:1 Hall, John A., Jr. Leaves for army induction (p), 03/15/1951:1 Hall, John H. Engaged to be married, 07/21/1950:1 Obituary (p), 02/12/1953:8 Hall, Jon Born to Crit T. and June Sherman, 10/22/1953:7 Hall, June Sherman Son born, 10/22/1953:7 Hall, Lettie Sister dies in Pocasset, 03/29/1951:2 Hall, Mrs Crit Pianoforte students present recital, 06/02/1950:4 Piano students present concert, 12/22/1950:8 Students present annual piano recital, 05/31/1951:9 Students present piano recital, 06/12/1952:9 Hall, Priscilla May Obituary, 09/11/1952:5 Hall, Roland M. Petition for probate of will, 10/11/1951:5 Hall, Stuart F. Daughter born, 12/01/1950:13 Halle, Allan M. Honored on entry to new service, 02/08/1951:1 Hallett, Carlton Home from Canal Zone for brother-in-law's funeral, 08/16/1951:10 Hallett, Mae Boehme Home from Canal Zone for brother's funeral, 08/16/1951:10 Hallett, Mrs Carleton F. Resides in Gatun, Canal Zone, 05/24/1951:5 Halliday, Lucy Resides in Newburyport, 07/14/1950:5 Halligan, Mary E. Estate auction (ad), 07/08/1954:8 Hallock, Jean Phillips Son born, 08/20/1953:5 Hallock, Robert On two-week cruise as U.S. Navy Reservist on CPS 1378 out of Boston, 06/11/1953:10 Serves on USLST 1160 in Bath, ME, 12/31/1953:5 Hallock, Robert E. Juvenile admits theft from Hallock, 10/20/1950:1 Fifteen-year-old found guilty of break-in, 10/27/1950:11 Engaged to Jean C. Phillips, 05/03/1951:5 Son born, 08/20/1953:5 Hallock, Robert E., Jr. Engaged to Jean Phillips, 02/21/1952:3 Hallock, Robert Eldon Wed to Jean Claire Phillips, 03/13/1952:5 Hallock, Robert Eldon, Jr. Engaged to Jean Claire Phillips, 02/14/1952:4 Wedding described, 02/28/1952:6 Hallock, Robert, Jr. Engaged to Jean Phillips, 01/31/1952:3 Seaman serves at Little Creek, VA, 10/22/1953:8 Hallock's Puritan Market Fall Brook (ad), 01/06/1950:5 Halloween Lakeville Community Group hosts 400 children at 5th annual event, 11/03/1950:1 Police report holiday reasonably quiet, 11/03/1950:2 Vandals start off in usual fashion, 11/03/1950:5 Police roundup gang of 18 boys after Halloween "sport," 11/01/1951:1 Eagles treat over 300 youngsters at Halloween party (p), 11/08/1951:1 Mother will pay son's share of damages (l), 11/08/1951:1 Eagles' program draws 500 children, 11/06/1952:4 MHS Student Council sponsors Halloween Treat Without a Trick program, 11/06/1952:4 Plans completed for sane, safe holiday, 10/29/1953:1 MHS students win recognition for citizenship in community, 11/05/1953:1 Middleboro students prepare treats for overseas (p), 11/05/1953:1 Student Council Project Halloween fills 97 cartons for overseas, 11/12/1953:2 MHS Student Council collection results in 95 cartons sent overseas, 02/18/1954:1 MHS Student Council wins coveted Freedom Foundation award, 02/25/1954:7 Principal Small accepts Freedom Foundation award on behalf of Council, 09/30/1954:1 MHS students collect items for needy overseas in lieu of Trick or Treat, 11/04/1954:1 Seven youths face court action for roadblock prank, 11/04/1954:1 Three youths tear down fence, must pay damages and serve year of probation, 11/11/1954:1 Halunen, Andrew Charles Lindstrom appeals probation on charge of trespassing, 01/21/1954:1 Lindstrom withdraws appeal, pays fine, 01/28/1954:3 Charles Lindstrom guilty of assault, 02/18/1954:1 Charged with drunkenness and drunk and reckless driving, 11/25/1954:8 Fined $35 for drunk driving, 12/02/1954:9 Halunen, Julia Holmes Son born, 08/16/1951:5 Halunen, William Son born, 08/16/1951:5 127 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Hamberg, Bruno Daughter born, 05/19/1950:6 Hamberg, Ellen Billigheimer Daughter born, 05/19/1950:6 Hambly, Charles B. Expert repair service (ad), 05/29/1952:8 Briggs & Stratton registered dealer (ad), 08/21/1952:9 Taunton St couple married 36 years, 10/30/1952:8 Hamelin, Priscilla Jefts Son born, 08/11/1950:5 Hamelin, Vincent Son born, 08/11/1950:5 Couple moves to Melrose, 07/05/1951:5 Hamilton, Alberta Snow Daughter born, 05/07/1953:4, 10/28/1954:6 Hamilton, Carol Hope Born to Walter, Jr. and Alberta Snow, 05/07/1953:4 Hamilton, Harry Employed by Massachusetts Highway Department, 08/13/1953:8 Hamilton, John Telephone company spends $133,739 on East Main St job (p), 05/27/1954:6 Hamilton, Marsha Elizabeth Born to Walter E., Jr. and Alberta Snow, 10/28/1954:6 Hamilton, Walter E., Jr. Engaged to Alberta C. Snow, 03/13/1952:6, 05/26/1952:5 Wed to Alberta C. Snow, 07/10/1952:5 Wedding described, 07/10/1952:8 Daughter born, 10/28/1954:6 Hamilton, Walter, Jr. Daughter born, 05/07/1953:4 Hamlen, Albert Son born, 11/20/1952:7 Hamlen, Elizabeth Calder Son born, 11/20/1952:7 Hamlin, Sandy O'Leary, Jr. VFW post bids farewell to inductees (p), 08/14/1952:1 Hamlin, Theodore C. Elected minister of Lakeville Congregational Church, 10/21/1954:6 Hamlin, Vincent Middleboro Theatre manager expresses views about movies (l), 02/10/1950:4 Mary Carriero presented with electric range at Theatre Cooking School (p), 03/31/1950:8 Hamlin, Vincent H. Named chief observer, 04/19/1951:1 Hammond, Arthur B. Dies at age 73, 10/04/1951:4 Obituary, 10/04/1951:4 Hammond, Florence Arnold Thomas guilty of stealing license plates from Hammond, 07/05/1951:4 Officers in new Eagles auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1 Hammond, Florence G. Herbert Howard rips out hydrant in stolen car, 10/06/1950:1 Hammond, Gail Louise Born to Kenneth, 03/26/1953:2 Hammond, Gleasia Tripp Daughter born, 10/20/1950:5 Hammond, Horace Clifford Dies at age 79, 09/03/1953:5 Obituary, 09/03/1953:7 Hammond, Jayne C. Engaged to David W. Hoard, 01/31/1952:5 Wed to David W. Hoard, 02/14/1952:5 Hammond, Kenneth Son born, 05/26/1950:7 Daughter born, 03/26/1953:2 Hammond, Lillian Perkins Son born, 05/26/1950:7 Hammond, Louis W. Patrolman receives messages of support, 12/25/1952:4 Hammond, Maude E. Engaged to Thomas J. DeMoranville, 12/01/1950:14 Wed to Thomas J. DeMoranville, 12/08/1950:5 Hammond, Mrs Walter Father dies, 07/21/1950:10 Hammond, Myra Amber Widow of Walter F. dies at age 85, 07/31/1952:5 Obituary, 07/31/1952:7 Hammond, Ralph Injured when struck by Brockton driver on Plymouth St, 04/26/1951:12 Hammond, Virginia Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club dance (p), 02/17/1950:1 Hammond, Walter Daughter born, 10/20/1950:5 Serves with Navy at Sampson Air Base, NY, 01/17/1952:8 Hammond, Walter S., Jr. Struck and injured by Dube's auto, 01/25/1951:1 Hammond, Walter Stephen, Jr. Soldier dies in auto crash in Louisiana (p), 08/28/1952:1 Son of Walter S. and Gleasia L. Tripp dies at age 18, 08/28/1952:5 Hamor, Horace Daughter born, 11/20/1952:7 Hamor, Wendolene Hamilton Daughter born, 11/20/1952:7 Hampton, Calvin G., Jr. Engaged to Jeannette E. Freeman, 07/26/1951:9 Wedding described, 04/10/1952:6 Hampton, Calvin, Jr. Engaged to Jeannette E. Freeman, 03/27/1952:5 Wed to Jeannette E. Freeman, 04/17/1952:5 Hancock, Cecelia Travassos Daughter born, 09/23/1954:9 Hancock, Edward W. Notice of Lakeville tax taking, 02/26/1953:4 Hancock, John Engaged to Cecelia Travassos, 09/10/1953:5 Wed to Cecilia Travassos, 10/08/1953:4 Daughter born, 09/23/1954:9 Hancock, John D. Wedding described, 10/08/1953:7 Hancock, Moe Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Hancock, Thelma Moves to New York, 09/08/1950:4 Hancock, William Providence couple married 12 years, 08/27/1953:6 Hancox, Marjorie Wilson Daughter born, 11/26/1953:4 Hancox, Selby Daughter born, 11/26/1953:4 Pleads guilty to morals charges, 11/04/1954:1 Handcock, John Graduates from Pratt Institute, NY, 06/07/1951:8 Handicrafts. see Art and Artists Handy, Dick Set to open Pizza House at 134 North Main St, 05/13/1954:1 At your local Pizza House (p), 09/02/1954:6 Handy, Elmer Applies for common victualler's license, 03/25/1954:10 Handy, Elmer G. Knocked unconscious when car goes off road, 11/08/1951:3 Handy, George Daughter born, 06/14/1951:7 Handy, Leslie B. Obituary, 01/04/1951:3 Handy, Marian Angers Daughter born, 06/14/1951:7 Hanlon, Margaret Wed to Charles H. Fagan 50 years ago, 04/15/1954:9 Hanna, Bessie M. Daughter of John T. and Martha L. McKim dies at age 79, 10/21/1954:6 Hanna, Ida P. Rochester teacher dies, 09/06/1951:3 128 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Hannaford, Agnes E. Obituary, 01/04/1951:2 Hannah B. Griffith Shaw Home for the Aged Walter Standish pleads guilty to criminal trespass, 06/28/1951:7 Employs Maude Smith, 07/12/1951:2 Talented cellist entertains full house, 08/16/1951:1 Boarding house license signed, 01/08/1953:1 Office now at home on Wareham St (ad), 01/29/1953:6 Trustees submit account of estate, 01/29/1953:6 Hannah Susan Jackson Fund Hannah Jackson Harlow's will sets up fund for Mass General, 03/17/1950:1 Hannigan, Lawrence Housewarming at new home on Rhode Island Rd, 11/25/1954:1 Hannigan, Lawrence S. Elected president of Middleboro Gas & Electric Employees Association, 01/27/1950:6 Hannon, Mrs Vincent Resides in Lynn, 07/05/1951:5 Hanson, Arthur And Ernest Hanson raising chinchillas, 10/15/1953:8 Hanson, Bryce Alan Born to Kenneth and Rexa Gordon, 09/30/1954:5 Hanson, Carl W. Charles Kennedy guilty of assault, must pay for Hanson's tooth, 10/15/1953:1 Hanson, Carolyn Named assistant treasurer at Trust Co., 07/31/1952:1 Hanson, Ernest And Arthur Hanson raising chinchillas, 10/15/1953:8 Hanson, Ernest J. Carpenter and builder, 2 Myrtle St (ad), 02/21/1952:10 Enters chinchilla competition (p), 02/04/1954:1 Hanson, Fred Chosen to attend Boys' State, 06/05/1952:12 Freshman at University of Massachusetts, 09/17/1953:7 Hanson, Frederick MHS Student Council donation gets thanks from widow in Greece (l), 09/24/1953:10 Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1 Hanson, Frederick S. On honor list at UMass, 04/15/1954:1 Hanson, James Parker Born to Kenneth P., 01/24/1952:2 Hanson, Jeanette Louise Engaged to James S. Flood (p), 02/18/1954:1 Hanson, Jeannette L. Engaged to James S. Flood, 06/17/1954:4 Wed to James S. Flood, 06/24/1954:4 Hanson, Jeannette Louise Engaged to James S. Flood, 05/20/1954:11 Wedding described, 06/24/1954:5 Hanson, John MHS cross country team ends most successful season ever (p), 11/25/1954:1 Hanson, Kenneth Selected for attendance at atom bomb test, 04/24/1952:4 Technical Sergeant leaves for West Coast and duty in Far East, 01/08/1953:6 Master Sergeant resides in Columbus, OH, 07/15/1954:10 Son born, 09/30/1954:5 Hanson, Kenneth F. Sergeant receives Commendation Ribbon for service in Korea, 12/24/1953:1 Hanson, Kenneth P. Engaged to Rexa Jane Golden, 02/01/1951:2 Son born, 01/24/1952:2 Serves in Seoul, South Korea (p), 10/01/1953:1 Completes tour in Korea, 11/26/1953:8 Hanson, Kenneth Parker Wedding described, 03/08/1951:6 Hanson, Marilyn Engaged to Arthur Flood, 08/27/1953:12, 10/08/1953:4 Wed to Arthur Flood, 10/15/1953:4 Hanson, Marilyn June Engaged to Arthur Millard Flood, 10/01/1953:2 Wedding described, 10/15/1953:7 Hanson, Melvin R. And Pittsley collide on South Main St, 02/26/1953:3 Hanson, Rexa Golden Son born, 09/30/1954:5 Hanson, Ruth Jenkins Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Hanson Chinchilla Ranch Arthur and Ernest Hanson raising chinchillas, 10/15/1953:8 Hardberger, Leroy W. Brought back from Ohio to face charges of illegitimacy, 03/15/1951:1 Guilty, must support child, 03/22/1951:8 Harding, Annette Elizabeth Twelve-year-old in coma after thrown from horse, 10/30/1952:1 Harding, Johanna Wedding described, 10/01/1953:10 Harding, Lewis F. Richardson and Harding collide on Courtland St, 12/29/1950:8 Hardware and Hardware Stores. see Building Materials Hardy, Cynthea Robinson Engaged to Robert Rahm Metcalf, 06/18/1953:4 Hardy, Cynthia Robinson Engaged to Robert Rohm Metcalf, 02/19/1953:4 Wedding described, 07/02/1953:7 Hardy, Floyd A. Wedding described, 07/01/1954:4 Hardy, Page Completes boot training, heads to Key West, FL, 01/04/1951:5 Navy man stationed at Key West, FL, 07/12/1951:6 Hardy, Ray VFW post bids farewell to inductees (p), 08/14/1952:1 Hardy, Raymond D. Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1 Hardy, S. Page Returns from duty in Korea, expects to go to Alaska, 01/21/1954:5 Hardy, Stephen P., Jr. Honorably discharged from U.S. Navy, 08/19/1954:1 Hardy, Stephen Page Obituary, 04/08/1954:4 Husband of Madeleine G. Boehme dies at age 52, 04/08/1954:6 Hardy, Stephen Page, Jr. Posted to U.S. Naval Hospital at Beaufort, SC, 03/13/1952:10 Hargraves, James C. Corporal returns to Japan, 06/16/1950:1 Sergeant reports to Camp Devens for reassignment, 06/28/1951:1 Engaged to Audrey-Ann Ferris, 01/03/1952:3 On third tour in Korea, 08/26/1954:1 Hargraves, Wright Dies in West Bridgewater, 06/07/1951:4 Hargrove, Barbara Ann Wed to Mitchell A. Santos, 02/04/1954:5 Harjin, Eino, Jr. Wedding described, 08/05/1954:10 Harju, Eino Wed to Christine C. Silvia, 08/19/1954:4 Harju, Gertrude E. Engaged to Oiva F. Rinne, 09/22/1950:5 Wed to Oiva E. Rinne, 10/13/1950:7 Harju, John Wedding described, 06/11/1953:4 Harju, Lillian Langervin Son born, 01/08/1953:5 Harju, Oiva Son born, 04/10/1952:11 Harju, Wilho Son born, 01/08/1953:5 Harlow, Adnah H. Resigns as head of Republican town committee, 01/04/1951:1 Unanimously elected to board to Housing Authority Board, 01/18/1951:1 129 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Harlow, Adnah H. continued Elected president of William-Harlow Family Association at 14th annual business meeting, 08/28/1952:9 Named to post of Special Sheriff, 02/05/1953:1 Local Republicans meet with Governor Herter (p), 10/07/1954:1 Harlow, Alice Cole Daughter born, 08/23/1951:5 Harlow, Barbara Suffers burns putting out grass fire, 03/19/1953:1 Harlow, Barbara E. Case in land court, 05/27/1954:2 Harlow, Barbara Eldredge Daughter born, 05/08/1952:7 Harlow, Barbara Eldridge Daughter born, 08/12/1954:4 Harlow, Clyde Leonard Obituary, 05/15/1952:6 Harlow, Darragh Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1 Harlow, Elliott, Jr. Daughter born, 08/12/1954:4 Harlow, Elliott W. Purchases Wood St parcel for town, 10/11/1951:1 Harlow, Elliott W., Jr. Daughter born, 05/08/1952:7 Case in land court, 05/27/1954:2 Harlow, Elliott W., Sr. Husband of Vivian Howard dies at age 83, 01/14/1954:4 Harlow, Elliott Wilson Obituary, 01/14/1954:10 Harlow, Elmer Employed in MA Department of Public Works, 04/05/1951:3 Harlow, E.W. E.W. Harlow & Sons, contractors and builders (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Harlow, Franklin G. see also Harlow's Business Service; Middleboro Office Supply, Inc. Named to coordinate local State Air Ground Observer Corps, 04/07/1950:1 Reappointed Chief Ground Observer, 10/23/1952:6 Purchases office supply business from Austen Beals, 11/19/1953:1 Ground Observer Corps must be reactivated (p), 11/26/1953:4 On board of National Association of Cost Accountants, Boston Chapter, 02/04/1954:8 Resigns from Ground Observers Corps, 08/12/1954:4 Harlow, Franklin Guild MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1 Harlow, George Daughter born, 08/23/1951:5 Firebug strikes barn on Peirce St, 07/08/1954:1 Harlow, Hannah Jackson Obituary, 03/03/1950:2 Dies at age 77, 03/03/1950:4 Petition for probate of will, 03/10/1950:5 Will sets up two funds; Memorial High School and hospital, 03/17/1950:1 Executor presents account of estate, 06/10/1954:11 Harlow, Horace, Jr. Son born, 06/16/1950:7 Harlow, Karen Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Harlow, Leslie Hartwell Obituary, 02/26/1953:7 Harlow, Lynnette Duncklee MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1 Harlow, Mrs George White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p), 12/15/1950:1 Harlow, Walter E. Obituary, 03/08/1951:4 Husband of Emily Kahara dies at age 75, 03/08/1951:5 Harlow, Warren Alton Obituary, 04/14/1950:3 Dies at age 78, 04/14/1950:6 Harlow Family Association holds 12th annual reunion, 08/30/1951:10 Coat of arms returned to Plymouth homestead, 08/27/1953:12 Harlow's Business Service Franklin Harlow purchases office supply business from Austen Beals, 11/19/1953:1 In the Peirce Building (ad), 12/03/1953:8 Complete office equipment sales and service (p), 03/11/1954:6 To re-open in April as Middleboro Office Supply, Inc., 461 Center St (ad), 03/25/1954:3 Harnden, Charles Ernest Husband of Minnie J. Neal dies at age 76, 12/06/1951:6 Obituary, 12/06/1951:6 Harnist, Jean Dodenhoff Son born, 09/24/1953:5 Harnist, John Son born, 09/24/1953:5 Harriman (Mr) Joseph Ayotte's Lydia A. speeds to victory in New England Futurity (p), 10/29/1953:1 Harriman, Ralph Twelve-year-old knocked from bike by car on East Grove St, 07/16/1953:1 Harriman, Ruth White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p), 12/15/1950:1 Harrington, Anna Wedding described, 06/28/1951:9 Harrington, Daniel H. Dies at age 69, 02/22/1951:5 Obituary, 02/22/1951:6 Harrington, Donald Returns from two years of foreign service, 08/27/1953:11 Harrington, John Sells Rice St home to Ronald Thatcher, 07/19/1951:4 Couple moves from Rice St to Clear Pond Rd, 08/09/1951:6 Harrington, Katherine Horr Obituary, 08/04/1950:3 Harrington, Marjorie Resides in Washington, DC, 06/02/1950:5 Harrington, Mary Katherine Wife of Daniel H. dies at age 64, 08/04/1950:5 Harrington, Phyllis Wedding described, 02/15/1951:9 Harris, Arthur Private stationed at White Sands Proving Ground, NM, 09/27/1951:6 Separates from U.S. Army at Fort Bliss, TX, 02/05/1953:6 Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1 Harris, Arthur H. Attends University of New Mexico, 06/23/1950:5 Attains high rank at University of New Mexico, 03/11/1954:2 Harris, Arthur Horne Inducted into U.S. Army as volunteer, 02/08/1951:6 Assigned to Signal Construction Co. at White Sands Proving Grounds, NM, 02/22/1951:1 Harris, Charles E. Belated wedding shower held for couple, 04/01/1954:10 Harris, Charles E., Jr. Engaged to Caryl Lee Davies, 02/01/1951:5 Harris, Charles Earl, Jr. Engaged to Elizabeth Gertrude Jones, 11/26/1953:4 Wed to Elizabeth Gertrude Jones, 12/03/1953:4 Harris, Clarence Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 05/26/1952:1 Couple married 25 years, 04/15/1954:3 And Francis Schlater organize camera club, 05/06/1954:12 Harris, Dorothy White Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 130 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Harris, Edward J. Harris Market, formerly Penna's Market, 454 center St (ad), 08/13/1953:4 Harris Market offers prompt delivery (p), 07/22/1954:6 Harris Market offers delivery service (p), 12/02/1954:6 Harris, Edward J., Jr. Kinsman Dairy truck and Harris' car collide on Wareham St, 11/20/1952:3 Guilty of reckless driving and leaving the scene, 03/18/1954:1 Harris, Frank Chestnut St couple married 25 years, 06/16/1950:10 Harris, Frederick B. Engaged to Anna B. Southwick, 01/15/1953:7 Wed to Anna B. Southwick, 01/22/1953:5 Harris, Frederick C. Engaged to Florence Lewis, 09/29/1950:7 Wedding described, 10/20/1950:2 Wed to Florence Lewis, 10/20/1950:5 Harris, Robert Enlists in U.S. Army, 08/25/1950:9 Private 1st Class with Medical Corps at Fort Bragg, NC, 07/12/1951:2 Harris, Roger G. Corporal serves with Co. B of 325th Air Division, 11/29/1951:5 Harris, Verna Jean Receives diploma from Brockton Business College, 08/27/1953:1 Harris, Walter Wed to Myrtle Munsell, 10/09/1952:6 Harris Market Formerly Penna's Market, 454 center St (ad), 08/13/1953:4 Offers prompt delivery (p), 07/22/1954:6 Offers delivery service (p), 12/02/1954:6 Harrison, Bart Named Mitchell Club assistant football coach, 09/06/1951:1 Harrison, Florence Employed at sanatorium, 06/21/1951:3 Harrison, John Loses bike after parking in front of YMCA, 02/04/1954:1 Harrison, K. Bartlett Running for seat on Planning Board, 12/13/1951:1 Works on highway project in Provincetown, 06/24/1954:9 Harrison, Paul Couple moves to new home on Rock St, 03/03/1950:7 Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises (p), 06/30/1950:1 Daughter born, 11/01/1951:5 Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p), 12/04/1952:1 Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6 Harrison, Winona Tessier Daughter born, 11/01/1951:5 Hart, Helena Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 03/01/1951:8 Hart, John Stephen Engaged to Alice Beverly Meara, 09/24/1953:5 Wed to Alice Beverly Meara, 10/01/1953:5 Hart, Kendall W. Three-year-old struck and killed on East Main St, 07/12/1951:1 Donald Pierce freed in child fatality case, 07/26/1951:1 Hart, Lester H. Engaged to Marjorie E. Smith, 06/23/1950:5 Wedding described, 07/07/1950:2 Wed to Marjorie E. Smith, 07/14/1950:7 Hart, Lysander W. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9 Hart, Marion W. Purchases two-family house at 56 School St, 04/02/1953:8 Hart, Minetta B. Pittsley Obituary, 06/23/1950:10 Hart, Thomas E. Notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 03/01/1951:8 Hartig, Mrs Stuart Resides in Harwichport, 01/24/1952:5 (7) Hartley, George E. Undergoes recruit training at Great Lakes, IL, 02/28/1952:7 Hartley, John Trains with Naval Reserve in Boston, 04/19/1951:10 Hartley, Marion Alumnus of Bridgewater State Teachers' College, 07/17/1952:5 Hartley, Robert Granted pedlar's license to sell fish, 03/24/1950:1 Hartling, Alva B.O. Three-year-old ran from sidewalk, struck by Hartling's auto, 09/08/1950:1 Hartling, Murdoch Employed at State Hospital in Bridgewater, 07/14/1950:8 Hartling, Pearl Buck Daughter born, 03/31/1950:6 Son born, 07/09/1953:4 Hartling, Ralph Rennels Obituary, 02/11/1954:2 Husband of Hilda A. Uloth dies at age 62, 02/11/1954:4 Hartling, Rennals Son born, 07/09/1953:4 Hartling, Rennels Daughter born, 03/31/1950:6 Hartling, Robert Berates tactics at Republican convention (l), 07/17/1952:3 Son born, 04/23/1953:7 Hartling, Robert F. Calls for more MacArthurs (l), 04/26/1951:5 Hartmann, Emil Hollywood, FL man dies at age 72, 01/11/1951:5 Obituary, 01/11/1951:5 Hartwell, George F. Issue of Plymouth Rock from 1860 reveals local and national events, 05/31/1951:1 Harvey, Harriet Southworth Petition for probate of will, 06/24/1954:4 Harvey, Helen In charge of South Middleboro branch of library, 07/14/1950:5 Hasak, Rudolph M. Engaged to Martha Thomas, 06/05/1952:8 Hasak, Rudolph Norton Wedding described, 07/17/1952:5 Haselton, Ruth Engaged to George Edward Gove, Jr., 06/18/1953:4 Engaged to George Gove, Jr., 09/03/1953:5 Engaged to George E. Gove, Jr., 09/17/1953:6 Wedding described, 09/24/1953:3 Wed to George E. Gove, Jr., 09/24/1953:5 Haskell, Audrey Jean Wed to Robert Orrin Richardson, 10/23/1952:5 Haskell, Catherine Cavanaugh Son born, 01/01/1953:5 Haskell, Garry Born to LeRoy and Catherine Cavanaugh, 01/01/1953:5 Haskell, Germaine Bazinet Son born, 01/17/1952:7 Haskell, Gordon Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t), 09/13/1951:1 Son born, 01/17/1952:7 Middleboro Softball League champs for 1953 (p), 09/03/1953:1 Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1 Haskell, Joanne Engaged to Kinsley Allen Ball, Jr., 04/16/1953:4 Wedding described, 08/13/1953:2 Haskell, LeRoy Son born, 01/01/1953:5, 02/04/1954:5 Haskell, LeRoy S. Daughter born, 05/03/1951:10 Haskins, Charlotte Engaged in re-cataloging library at Newfields, NH, 10/21/1954:4 Haskins, Enoch Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11 Haskins, Florence C. Executor presents account of estate, 05/26/1950:2 131 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Haskins, Frederick Son born, 04/26/1951:7 Haskins, Harry M. Drowns in Assawampsett Pond 50 years ago, 12/17/1953:10 Haskins, James O. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 02/24/1950:6 Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2 Haskins, Jean A. Vaughn Son born, 04/26/1951:7 Haskins, John Son born, 11/13/1952:7 Haskins, John S. Son born, 07/21/1950:5 Haskins, Julius C. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 02/24/1950:6 Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2 Haskins, Lester W. Retires from NY Quartermaster Procurement Agency, 11/20/1952:1 Haskins, Patricia Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1 Enters University of Massachusetts, 09/25/1952:6 Attends University of Massachusetts, 04/02/1953:4 Engaged to Gerald Graham Swimm, 09/17/1953:12 Haskins, Patricia Jane Wedding described, 10/01/1953:5 Wed to Gerald Graham Swimm, 10/08/1953:4 Haskins, Russell Presents piano to 4th grade at Assawampsett School, 12/11/1952:4 Haskins, Samuel A. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 08/25/1950:3 Haskins, Virginia Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p), 10/25/1951:1 Haskins, Virginia Anthony Son born, 07/21/1950:5, 11/13/1952:7 Haskins, W.M. On Board of Selectmen 50 years ago, 02/11/1954:8 Haskins Cemetery Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11 Haslett, George Overheated stove brings Fire Department to Wareham St home, 01/21/1954:3 Hastings, Dorothy Crapo Daughter born, 04/10/1952:7 Hastings, Kathleen Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Hastings, Mrs William Resides in Stowe, 07/24/1952:8 Hastings, Muriel Sylvia Born to William and Dorothy Crapo, 04/10/1952:7 Hastings, William Daughter born, 04/10/1952:7 Hasty, Sarah Adelaide Dies at age 86, 04/08/1954:6 Obituary, 04/08/1954:7 Hatch, Carolyn A. Engaged to Edward L. King, 06/17/1954:4 Hatch, Carolyn Ann Wed to Edward L. King, 06/24/1954:4 Hatch, Clifford R. see Best Floor Co. Hatch, Flora M. Chief telephone operator guest of honor at NE Telephone Workers dinner, 07/24/1952:1 Obituary, 04/09/1953:4 Dies at age 61, 04/09/1953:5 Petition for administration of estate, 05/07/1953:2 Hatch, Foster E. Petition for administration of estate, 08/25/1950:4 Hatch, Foster Elmer Dies at age 80, 08/18/1950:5 Obituary, 08/18/1950:10 Hatch, Kenneth Enroute to Fort Lewis, WA, 07/23/1953:10 Hatch, Kenneth Austin Inducted into armed forces, 03/05/1953:6 Hatch, Leon B. Taunton man dies at age 59, 07/01/1954:6 Obituary, 07/01/1954:12 Hatch, Mary Phyllis Jarvis Hatch Wed to Theodore Distasi, Jr., 07/08/1954:4 Hatch, Roy Best Floor Covering Co., 40 Pearl St (ad), 04/02/1953:3 Best Floor Co., brings brightness to dull rooms, 05/27/1954:8 Hatch, Wilbur Seaman stationed in Norfolk, VA, 01/27/1950:12 Seaman stationed in Philadelphia, 02/01/1951:4 Electrician's Mate 3rd Class serves on USS Nos, 12/06/1951:6 Engaged to Nancy L. Ruhmpohl, 04/22/1954:11 Hatch, Wilbur C. Navy man arrives in French Riviera port, 10/13/1950:1 Navy Fireman serves on USS Noa, 11/17/1950:12 Promoted to Electrician's Mate 2nd Class aboard USS Noa, 12/27/1951:3 Engaged to Nancy Ruhmpohl, 12/31/1953:8 Engaged to Nancy L. Ruhmpohl, 06/10/1954:7 Wed to Nancy L. Ruhmpohl, 06/24/1954:4 Hatch, Wilbur Clifford Wedding described, 06/24/1954:9 Hatch, William Home from tour with Atlantic Fleet, 08/09/1951:5 Hathaway, Alice J. Sheriff's sale of real estate, 11/19/1953:3 Hathaway, E.S. New hardwood floor laid in Thatcher building office 50 years ago, 07/22/1954:2 Hathaway, Florence South Main St struck home struck by lightning, 08/02/1951:7 Hathaway, Francis, Jr. Son born, 11/25/1954:4 Hathaway, George South Main St struck home struck by lightning, 08/02/1951:7 Hathaway, George L. Quick relief with the Auburn Pulsator (ad), 11/11/1954:4 Hathaway, Harold F. Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Hathaway, Ira Arrested 50 years ago for suspicion in North Carver break-in, 01/28/1954:8 Hathaway, Jean Smith Son born, 11/25/1954:4 Hathaway, Louis Suffers from typhoid fever 50 years ago, 05/20/1954:4 Hathaway, Mrs George White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p), 12/15/1950:1 Hathaway, Phoebe Obituary, 01/13/1950:4 Hathaway, Ralph Employed in Brockton 50 years ago, 07/22/1954:2 Hathaway, Ralph W. Notice of dissolution of partnership (ad), 06/25/1953:9 Hathaway, Richard G. Sheriff's sale of real estate, 11/19/1953:3 Hathaway, Ruby M. Hurt in crash at South Main and Grover St, 11/05/1953:5 Hats Charlie Mayhew cleans and blocks hats at Pete's Shoe Repair (p), 07/23/1953:6 Haupt, Charlotte V. Engaged to Philip W. Barnes, 07/02/1953:4 Wed to Philip W. Barnes, 07/09/1953:5 Haven, Lizzie Allen Rockwood Obituary, 05/08/1952:3 Haven, Rockwood MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1 Hawes (Mr) Libby & Hawes, florists, 17 South Main St (ad), 03/24/1950:2 132 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Hawes, Benjamin Three-and-a-half-year-old Frederick Savery runs into road, struck by Hawes' car, 07/31/1952:1 Hawes, Henry Andrew, Jr. Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1 Hawes, Warren R. Westside Flower Shop, Libby and Hawes, 7A West St (ad), 01/06/1950:4 Hawkesworth, Elizabeth C. Wed to Vincent F. Provinzana, 07/02/1953:4 Hawkesworth, Lionel Sergeant 1st Class home before posting to Iran, 03/10/1950:10 Returns from two years in Iran, 05/01/1952:4 Heads for new assignment in Tokyo, Japan, 09/25/1952:5 Hawkesworth, Lionel F. Leaves soon for Army duty in Iran, 03/31/1950:4 Hawkins, Veronica L. Elected to teach grade four in South Middleboro School, 11/12/1953:1 Hawksworth, Elizabeth Employed at Trust Co., 06/25/1953:5 Hawksworth, Winifred Dies in Boston, 12/29/1950:5 Hawthorne, Esther Breaks arm in fall on post office steps, 12/08/1950:2 Hawthorne, Roger Couple presented to Queen Mother in NY ceremony, 11/04/1954:1 Hayden, Caleb C. Wed to Jennie Phillips, 08/16/1951:9 Wedding described, 08/16/1951:10 Wed to Jennie Gammons Phillips, 08/23/1951:5 Hayden, Caleb Clifton Obituary, 12/25/1952:4 Husband of Jennie Phillips dies at age 82, 12/25/1952:5 Hayden, Ernest Charge against Violette Judson dismissed for lack of prosecution, 11/01/1951:1 Hayden, Ernest, Jr. Charges Violette Judson with assault and battery, 10/25/1951:2 Hayden, Florence Berman Resides in Westfield, 08/23/1951:2 Hayden, Frances H. Obituary, 01/03/1952:5 Wife of Edward J. dies at age 59, 01/03/1952:5 Hayden, F.W. Bicycle stolen 50 years ago, 08/26/1954:8 Hayden, Joseph Finds Air Force instrument hanging in tree (p), 07/22/1954:1 Hayden, Joseph C. Hayden and Hayden injured as car skids on Barden Hill ice, 02/19/1953:7 Hayden, Joseph P. Hayden and Hayden injured as car skids on Barden Hill ice, 02/19/1953:7 Hayden, Lucy Spider lily has 12 blooms, 03/06/1952:8 Hayden, Norman Completes basic training at Fort Dix, NJ, 10/07/1954:5 Paints Rock Village Library pure white, 10/07/1954:5 Hayden, Norman C., Jr. Yoshiko Obayashi Hayden first Japanese war bride here (p), 10/11/1951:1 Hayden, Norman, Jr. Infantryman wounded in Korea, 10/06/1950:1 Expected home after being wounded in Korea, 03/01/1951:4 Arrives from Japan, hospitalized in San Diego, CA, 06/14/1951:8 Couple purchases home in Middleboro, 01/15/1953:6 Hayden, Robert S. Hayden and Wilbur collide at Oak and High St, 09/22/1950:6 Pleads nolo to charge of operating with improper brakes, 09/29/1950:9 Fined $3 for lack of inspection sticker, 05/17/1951:2 Enlists in U.S. Marine Corps, 11/22/1951:1 Discharged for U.S. Marines, 11/25/1954:1 Hayden, Yoshiro Obayashi First Japanese war bride arrives here (p), 10/11/1951:1 Hayes, Arleen Wed to Arthur Henry Dunham, 01/15/1953:6 Hayes, Gertrude Engaged to Lloyd E. Bazinet, 04/05/1951:5, 04/26/1951:7 Hayes, John Hague Obituary, 04/15/1954:2 Dies at age 77, 04/15/1954:6 Hayes, John W. Fined $75 for drunk driving, 03/12/1953:4 Not guilty of drunkenness, guilty of drunk and reckless driving, 12/30/1954:4 Hayes, Mary A. Obituary, 10/02/1952:2 Hayes, Mary Alma Wife of John H. dies at age 66, 10/02/1952:5 Haynes, Clinton A. Fined $100 for drunk driving, 01/22/1953:3 Haynes, Daisy Wed to Douglas E. Moore, 04/01/1954:4 Haynes, Daisy P. Engaged to Douglas E. Moore, 03/11/1954:4 Haynes, Squanto Arrested for drunkenness, 02/11/1954:7 Pleads not guilty, 02/18/1954:12 Guilty of drunkenness, 02/25/1954:3 Haynes, Thomas Four Middleboro youths face larceny charges, 06/25/1953:3 Hayward, Beatrice L. Hayward Funeral Home, corner of Oak and High St (ad), 01/27/1950:12 Hayward, Clarence H. Hayward Funeral Home, corner of Oak and High St (ad), 01/27/1950:12 Thomas and Hayward apply for package store license for Lakeville General Store, 06/02/1950:8 Selectmen ask additional $200 for ambulance service, 02/07/1952:1 Hayward, Eva Florence Wife of Leon A. dies at age 73, 03/15/1951:7 Obituary, 03/15/1951:8 Hayward, Gordon Everett Inducted into armed forces, 03/05/1953:6 Hayward, Hayden Son born, 11/03/1950:5, 08/21/1952:5 Hayward, Jeffrey Born to John and Pamelia Jones, 08/21/1952:4 Hayward, John Son born, 08/21/1952:4 Joins staff of Curtis Ford Sales, 02/26/1953:1 Salesman at Curtis Ford Sales, 07/29/1954:6 Hayward, Pamela Jones Son born, 11/03/1950:5, 08/21/1952:5 Hayward, Pamelia Jones Son born, 08/21/1952:4 Hayward, Scott Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Hayward, William Police station janitor temporarily incapacitated, 09/22/1950:10 Hayward, William H. Wedding described, 01/28/1954:3 Wed to Edith M. Ritter, 02/04/1954:5 Hayward Funeral Home Clarence and Beatrice Hayward, corner of Oak and High St (ad), 01/27/1950:12 Headstrom, Richard Elected new science teacher at MHS, 05/13/1954:1 New MHS biology and science teacher, 10/07/1954:9 Healey, Barbara Staff of new Sears and Roebuck catalog store (p), 11/15/1951:6 Healey, Barbara Jean Engaged to Frank James Teceno, 05/08/1952:7 Wed to Frank Teceno, 05/22/1952:7 Healey, Frederick J. Corporal on leave in Nara, Japan, 03/26/1953:1 Hit by mortar fire in Korea, 05/07/1953:1 Healey, Frederick James Engaged to Shirley Louise Newton (p), 12/30/1954:1 133 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Healey, Marilyn Local women help entertain at army hospital dance (p), 09/18/1952:1 Hearn, P. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Hearn, Patricia "School Bank" feature of MHS business program (p), 06/03/1954:11 Hearn, Thomas P. William Anderson walks into side of Hearn's car, 01/08/1953:1 Dies at age 49, 10/29/1953:5 Obituary, 10/29/1953:5 Health. see Medical Care Health Board. see Middleboro – Board of Health Heath, Albert M. Pleads guilty to four charges, 09/11/1952:3 Couple observes 40th anniversary, 09/09/1954:1 Named state election coordinator for Democrats, 09/16/1954:1 Heath, Alexander Obituary, 09/10/1953:5 Heath, Anastacia MacDonald Couple observes 40th anniversary, 09/09/1954:1 Heath, Lou Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p), 12/04/1952:1 Heath, Mary Ellen Local clerk victim of bag snatcher, 07/26/1951:1 Stoughton girl to be tried for stealing from Heath, 08/02/1951:1 Stoughton girl not guilty of larceny from Heath, 08/30/1951:1 Employed at Glidden's, 05/06/1954:8 Heating and Heating Contractors. see also Savard, Walter H. Lloyd Perkins & Son, 57 Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Church Coal Co., oil burners (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Joseph Borsari, 116 Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Richard Byrnes, Everett St (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Joseph Mello, 15 Elm St (ad), 03/03/1950:4 Walter Casey, 18 East Main St (ad), 05/12/1950:12 O'Toole & Shurtleff, plumbing and heating (ad), 06/16/1950:7 Middleboro Engineering Service Co., Sachem St (ad), 11/24/1950:4 O'Toole & Shurtleff, plumbing and heating (ad), 12/29/1950:4 Lloyd Perkins & Son low bidder for heating system construction for Public Works, 02/08/1951:6 High school heat contract awarded to Lloyd Perkins & Son, 04/12/1951:1 A. Faietti, 6 South Main St (ad), 09/27/1951:6 Robert Welsh, Plymouth St (ad), 04/10/1952:14 Arthur Dube, oil burners (ad), 06/19/1952:2 Walter Fontaine, oil burners and heating (ad), 06/19/1952:10 Arthur Dube, oil burners (ad), 07/31/1952:7 Church Coal Co. closed Saturdays (ad), 05/21/1953:2 O'Toole & Shurtleff, 260 Center St (ad), 05/28/1953:3 Thirteenth suspected arson fire set at Church Coal Co., 08/12/1954:1 Warren Abair (ad), 09/23/1954:2 Maurice Ferron, range oil burner service (ad), 09/23/1954:9 Church Coal Co. now has 24-hour oil burner service (ad), 09/30/1954:3 O'Toole and Shurtleff, plumbing and heating experts (p), 10/07/1954:8 Hebard, Walter Obituary, 08/09/1951:8 Hebert, Barbara Cornwell Daughter born, 09/06/1951:4 Hebert, Barbara Corwell Daughter born, 11/13/1952:7 Hebert, Bettyann Engaged to Edward G. Young, 06/25/1953:10 Hebert, Donald Robert Engaged to Ahlena McKenna, 08/25/1950:5 Wed to Ahlena McKenna, 09/08/1950:5 Hebert, Elaine Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1 Hebert, Geoffrey Daughter born, 09/06/1951:4, 11/13/1952:7 Hebert, Gladys G. Madan Engaged to Ralph E. Creamer, 05/24/1951:7 Wed to Ralph E. Creamer, 06/07/1951:5 Hebert, Gloria Engaged to Edward Young, 09/16/1954:4 Wed to Edward Young, 09/23/1954:4 Hebert, Lillian Engaged to Michael Charves, Jr., 05/08/1952:7 Wed to Michael Charves, Jr., 05/15/1952:7 Hebert, Phoebe Obituary, 04/03/1952:4 Widow of Wilfred dies at age 63, 04/03/1952:5 Hebert, Ronald Engaged to Jo Massa, 07/16/1953:5 Engaged to Josephine Massa, 03/18/1954:10 Engaged to Joanne Massa, 03/25/1954:8 Engaged to Josephine Massa, 04/01/1954:4 Hebert, Ronald A. Engaged to Josephine J. Massa, 03/18/1954:4 Wed to Josephine J. Massa, 04/08/1954:6 Hebert, Ronald Alfred Wedding described, 04/08/1954:3 Hedges, Ella Resides in Wollaston, 04/01/1954:7 Hedges, Ronald Killed in crash in North Dennis, 05/07/1953:1 Hegarty, Everett Forest St couple married 25 years, 06/25/1953:10 Hegarty, Joyce Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1 Engaged to Warren Whipple, 11/08/1951:11, 11/22/1951:4, 11/29/1951:2 Wed to Warren B. Whipple, 12/27/1951:4 Hegarty, Joyce C. Engaged to Warren B. Whipple, 12/06/1951:6 Hegarty, Joyce Claire Engaged to Warren Barnes Whipple, 05/17/1951:2 Wedding described, 12/27/1951:5 Hegarty, Julia T.L. Foreclosure notice, 01/22/1953:5, 10/15/1953:2 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/04/1954:9 Hegarty, Parmly B. Foreclosure notice, 01/22/1953:5, 10/15/1953:2 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/17/1953:16, 02/04/1954:9 Heileman, Emma Emily Dies at age 82, 07/02/1953:4 Obituary, 07/02/1953:7 Heileman, Lena Dies at age 77, 01/28/1954:5 Obituary, 01/28/1954:10 Heileman, Otto Obituary, 02/25/1954:2 Dies at age 81, 02/25/1954:4 Petition for probate of will, 03/11/1954:6 Heinig, Evelyn Deaman Son born, 05/07/1953:4 Heinig, Evelyn Seaman Daughter born, 02/21/1952:5 Heinig, Julius Daughter born, 02/21/1952:5 Son born, 05/07/1953:4 Heinz, W. Pat Training at Pine Camp, NY, 07/26/1951:5 Heinz, William Employed at State Farm, 02/10/1950:7 Heldt, Mrs James D. Resides in Dallas, TX, 01/20/1950:6 Heleen, Gus Employed by Thomas Panesis, 06/17/1954:6 Heleen, Richard Allan Engaged to Catherine Frances Fornaciari, 01/29/1953:4 Heleen, William Employed at Ford garage in Billings, MT, 07/16/1953:10 Hell's Blazes Neftels sell historic tavern to Connecticut parties, 10/09/1952:4 134 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Helvie, Clara Cook Honored at meeting of American Unitarian Association, 06/02/1950:6 Writes to selectmen concerning elm tree, 08/09/1951:1 Wins battle of tree, huge elm taken down, 11/27/1952:8 Hemmann, Stanley Ward Wedding described, 10/16/1952:5 Hemmingson, Ann Attends University of New Hampshire, 04/02/1953:5 Hemmingson, Ella No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Hemmingson, Harold Lakeville purchases new firefighting equipment from Maxim Motor Co. (p), 01/25/1951:1 Hemmingson, Helen Resides in Boston, 09/15/1950:11 Henderson, Dorothy Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro Girl Scout troop welcomed into organization (p), 05/24/1951:1 Henderson, Eliot Middleton Inducted into armed forces, 09/10/1953:1 Henderson, Harry Couple moves here from Tewksbury, 10/07/1954:9 Henderson, I. Parnell Wed to Eli Thompson Fryer, 11/13/1952:12 Hendrick, John Engaged to Roberta Benson, 12/18/1952:7 Hendricks, John J., Jr. Wed to Roberta E. Benson, 08/20/1953:5 Hendricks, John Joseph, Jr. Engaged to Roberta Elma Benson, 08/20/1953:4 Hendricks, John, Jr. Engaged to Roberta Benson, 08/06/1953:9 Wedding described, 08/20/1953:10 Hendrickson, Eino South Carver couple married 25 years, 07/01/1954:6 Henegan, Robert C. Wed to Ruth Gloria Brehaut, 12/03/1953:4 Henegan, Robert Charles Wedding described, 12/03/1953:3 Henegan, Robert Charles Joseph Engaged to Ruth Gloria Brehaut, 07/16/1953:2 Hennessey, Barbara Ralph Maddigan, Sr. runs 77-year-old T.M. Ryder Co. (p), 07/01/1954:8 Hennessey, Michael A. New social studies and physical ed teacher at Bates, 08/20/1953:1 Hennig, Harold Engaged to Eleanor F. Walker, 11/17/1950:7 Wed to Eleanor F. Walker, 12/08/1950:5 Wedding described, 12/08/1950:15 Herbert, Patrick A. Shoots himself in left leg, 05/12/1950:2 Herbert, Peter Employed at Navy Yard in Boston, 07/26/1951:5 Hermann, Emma A. Obituary, 10/27/1950:6 Bridgewater woman dies at age 78, 10/27/1950:7 Hermann, Lewis P. Montana man dies at age 73, 04/14/1950:6 Obituary, 04/14/1950:7 Hermanson, Nancy Helen Wedding described, 03/19/1953:8 Hero Manufacturing Co. Printer wanted, Cambridge St. (ad), 02/01/1951:6 Heroism Thomas Pittsley saves three men from shark-infested waters off Cuba, 11/05/1953:1 Former Middleboro man a hurricane hero in Lynn, 09/09/1954:1 Herring No auction in 1950, 02/24/1950:1 Plenty of water for alewives, 03/31/1950:1 Selectmen receive query from Plymouth fish company, 04/21/1950:1 Putnam, CT inquires whether alewives running, 04/21/1950:9 Alewives will not be auctioned this year, 03/01/1951:1 Herring continued Big run of alewives to the ponds, 04/05/1951:1 Alewives put on big show, 04/12/1951:10 Selectmen discuss abuse of alewives by small boys, 04/19/1951:1 State does not have funds to aid in construction of new fishing pool, 08/09/1951:1 Decision on alewife auction postponed, 02/21/1952:10 Alewife auction set for March 22nd, 03/06/1952:4 Notice of alewife auction (ad), 03/06/1952:8 Alewife rights for 1952 sold for $500, 03/27/1952:1 Taunton man brings children to see run, 04/03/1952:3 Selectmen discuss charges that dam is blocked to stop fish, 04/10/1952:6 Friday fishing not prohibited, 04/17/1952:1 Nemasket River run may be featured on television show, 04/17/1952:1 Town gets $100 for fish, 04/17/1952:1 Selectmen set date for auction, 02/26/1953:1 Notice of alewife auction (ad), 03/05/1953:2 Deep Sea Co. reneges on $11,000 bid for alewives, 03/26/1953:1 Record bid for alewife fishing rights, 03/26/1953:1 Deep Sea Co. makes good on bid, 04/02/1953:1 Selectmen seek change in law in light of recent bidder default, 04/02/1953:1 Alewife fishing, then and now (p), 04/16/1953:1 Amendment to alewife laws drafted, 04/16/1953:1 Selectmen receive amendments to alewife laws, 04/30/1953:1 Report on alewife harvest, 05/21/1953:5 Report on alewife fry, 07/02/1953:1 Nemasket River alewife dam repair discussed, 12/17/1953:1 Auction date announced (ad), 02/25/1954:3 Selectmen set rules for auction, 03/04/1954:1 Board accepts $9,000 bid for fishing lease, 03/18/1954:1 Electrically-controlled suction pump to be used to catch fish, 03/25/1954:1 Fish operations halt for repairs, 04/01/1954:1 Mild weather should help with fishing, 04/08/1954:1 Water level drop halts operations, 04/15/1954:1 Fishing rights purchased by Charles Tribou 50 years ago, 04/15/1954:9 Controversy over fish still rages, 04/22/1954:1 Fish have left; so do fishermen, 05/06/1954:1 Cundy Harbor Fisheries writes selectmen regarding purchase of rights, 12/30/1954:4 Hersh, Maiken S. New art teacher at MHS, 06/10/1954:10 New junior high art teacher, 10/07/1954:9 Herter, Christian A. Republican team visits town (p), 10/16/1952:1 Heustis, Rand C. Incorporator of Cones and Needles Club of Plymouth County, Inc., 08/27/1953:11 Hewitt (Mr) Rosindale driver skids into East Grove St poultry farm, 09/04/1952:3 Hewitt, Carl 1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1 Hewitt, Carl Lerone Engaged to Evelyn Mae Charron, 06/28/1951:9 Hewitt, R.H. Daughter born, 07/24/1952:7 Hewitt Brothers Poultry Farm East Grove St (ad), 03/24/1950:4 Hey, Franklin D. Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9 Hickey, Charles Son born, 10/18/1951:5 Hickey, Marion Hooper Son born, 10/18/1951:5 Hickman, Linda Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Hickman, Michael Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Hicks, George Richard Son born, 02/07/1952:9 Hicks, Walter "School Bank" feature of MHS business program (p), 06/03/1954:11 135 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Hicks, Walter G., Jr. Corporal headed to Oxford, England for overseas service, 06/09/1950:3 Hicks, Walter, Jr. Corporal stationed at Moses Lake AFB, Washington, 01/20/1950:11 Hienz, William Attends Army Reserve training in South Carolina, 08/18/1950:10 Higginbotham (Mr) Purchases A.C. Wilbur homestead, 08/27/1953:12 Higginbotham, Mary Douzainis Daughter born, 09/29/1950:7 Son born, 03/11/1954:4 Higginbotham, Thomas And Larry Douzanis granted license for taxi service, 02/12/1953:1 Midway Cab, 165 Center St (ad), 02/19/1953:10 Son born, 03/11/1954:4, 03/25/1954:4 Higginbotham, Thomas A. Daughter born, 09/29/1950:7 Higgins, Alice Elizabeth Obituary, 12/16/1954:2 Widow of Philip Henry dies at age 79, 12/16/1954:4 Higgins, Daniel Edward Christened at Sacred Heart Church, 11/18/1954:10 Higgins, Dura W. Wed to Phyllis I. Stuart, 01/04/1951:5 Higgins, Frances McNally Son born, 11/04/1954:4 Higgins, John Son born, 11/04/1954:4 Higgins, Marjorie Fobes Engaged to James Earle Lays, 04/23/1953:7 Wed to James Earle Lays, 06/04/1953:4 Higgins, Mrs Darragh Resides in Auburndale, 11/10/1950:5 Higgins, Sherwood Marshall Wed to Barbara Ann Smith, 09/10/1953:3 Higgins, Whitman New auto washing machine at Bolan's Jenney Service (p), 02/11/1954:6 Marion's Laundromat (p), 07/29/1954:6 Higgins, Whitman W. Lieutenant in Japan for six-week course, 06/12/1952:12 Higginson, Barbara Ann Engaged to Edward J. Ouellette, Jr., 04/10/1952:7 Wed to Edward J. Ouellette, Jr., 04/24/1952:4 Wedding described, 05/01/1952:8 Higginson, Barbara Anne Engaged to Edward J. Ouellette, Jr., 04/05/1951:3 Highway Department. see Middleboro – Highway Department Highways. See Massachusetts Department of Public Works; Roads, Highways, Etc. Hill, Arthur Son born, 03/03/1950:5 Hill, Arthur T. Wed to Ruby E. Grant, 09/06/1951:5 Hill, Arthur Texas Husband of Ruby E. dies at age 60, 10/30/1952:7 Obituary, 10/30/1952:12 Hill, Dorothy Smith Son born, 11/11/1954:6 Hill, Elma Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Hill, Emil Fair Haven resident gets married, 09/16/1954:4 Hill, Ernest Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Hill, Gladlow D. Obituary, 05/10/1951:6 Son of Wilfred E. and Eleanor Wilbur dies at age 7, 05/10/1951:6 Hill, Harry Lakeville couple married 40 years, 12/18/1952:13 Hill, Harry Blanchard Obituary, 04/22/1954:5 Husband of Gertrude Reid dies at age 67, 04/22/1954:6 Hill, Kathryn B. Engaged to Lester W. Briggs, Jr., 05/26/1952:5 Wed to Lester W. Briggs, Jr., 07/03/1952:5 Hill, Ruby Grant Son born, 03/03/1950:5 Hill, Wilfred Son born, 11/11/1954:6 Hillila, Hugo New manager of Fair Havens Rest Home, 03/05/1953:6 Hillila, Hugo M. Petition for probate of will, 05/06/1954:11 Hillila, Hugo Mathias Obituary, 04/22/1954:5 Husband of Hannah M. Mottonen dies at age 65, 04/22/1954:6 Hillside Remnant Shop Used clothing, 15 Fairview St (ad), 01/27/1950:12 Hilton, John A. Profile of candidate for Lakeville School Committee (p), 01/29/1953:1 Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2 Hinckley, Leslie Resides in Bloomfield, CT, 06/21/1951:5 Hinckley, M.L. M.L. Hinckley & Son Jewelers, 51 Center St (ad), 05/01/1952:14 Profile and history of local business, 11/13/1952:9 Hinckley, Myron L. Optometrist, 51 Center St (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Hinckley, Phyllis Owens Couple married 25 years, 10/29/1953:4 Hinckley, Richard Undergoes recruit training at Indiantown Gap, PA, 03/20/1952:3 Private completes training, 06/05/1952:2 Hinckley, Richard G. Private with infantry in Korea (p), 11/20/1952:1 Hinckley, Richard O. Promoted to Private 1st Class with 38th Infantry, 04/02/1953:12 Reunited with Richard Ray in Korea, 09/10/1953:1 Enroute home from Korea, 10/29/1953:2 Couple married 25 years, 10/29/1953:4 Hinckley, Richard Owen Inducted in January draft quota, 01/10/1952:1 Hinckley, Robert Elected president of class at Gordon College, 04/29/1954:9 Hinds, Mabel E. Wed to Wilfred H. Bellend, 03/10/1950:5 Hinds, S.W. Goin' Swimming (poem), 03/31/1950:7 Hines, Elsie Hayes Engaged to Victor Norman Landstrom, 12/18/1952:13 Wedding described, 01/22/1953:4 Hines, Elsie R. Hayes Engaged to Victor Norman Landstrom, 01/01/1953:5 Wed to Victor Norman Landstrom, 01/29/1953:5 Hinks, Thomas J. Obituary, 02/26/1953:7 Hinks, Thomas James Widower of Annie B. Tucker dies at age 82, 02/26/1953:5 Hirst, Thomas E. Petition for probate of will, 06/07/1951:5 Hirst, Thomas Edward Writes of trailer life in Florida (l), 01/06/1950:7 Dies in Maitland, FL, 12/22/1950:7 Historical Society. see The Old Middleborough Historical Society History. see also The Old Middleborough Historical Society Issue of Plymouth Rock from 1860 reveals local and national events, 05/31/1951:1 Olive Bryant finds Josiah Freeman's 1813 tax bill, 09/27/1951:9 Summary of outstanding events reported in the Gazette in 1951, 01/03/1952:1 Fair and auction highlights Plympton history, 07/10/1952:5 Gladys Demoranville Vigers has History of the Town of Lakeville, Massachusetts published, 12/04/1952:9 History of the Town of Lakeville, Mass. by Gladys Vigers now on sale (ad), 12/18/1952:12 New spirit in town of Lakeville, centennial coming up, 12/25/1952:6 136 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 History continued Description of new Lakeville history book, 12/25/1952:7 Outstanding events in Middleboro for 1952, 01/01/1953:1 William Tallman wants to buy old horse trough in front of Town House, 02/12/1953:1 Middleboro incorporation date reported inaccurately in World Almanac, 02/26/1953:1 No reply yet from World Almanac, 03/05/1953:6 Alewife fishing, then and now (p), 04/16/1953:1 Central Baptist Church history presented at anniversary celebration, 05/21/1953:1 Central Baptist displays valued items of bygone days, 06/04/1953:7 Lakeville notes Founders Day, 06/04/1953:9 Outstanding Middleboro events of past year, 12/31/1953:1 MA Archaeological Society director gives fascinating story of local research, 06/03/1954:6 Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11 Interests local man, Lawrence Romaine (p), 07/01/1954:12 Hitchcock, Robert Father dies in Turner's Falls, 02/25/1954:2 Hittle, Donald C. Reports for duty at Naval Air Station, San Diego, CA, 08/04/1950:6 Hi-Way 28 Grand opening at West Grove St and Rte 28 (ad), 02/05/1953:2 Teceno's liquor license transfers, 06/11/1953:10 Teceno and Martenson petition to change name of Teceno's Cafe, 07/16/1953:5 Martenson provides attractive new place to dine (p), 08/27/1953:10 Selectmen hold hearing on alleged sale of liquor to minor, 11/05/1953:1 The place to dine and dance (p), 11/26/1953:6 Middleboro's own night spot, 03/04/1954:6 Favorite dine and dance spot (p), 06/03/1954:10 H.L. Thatcher & Co. Stationery (ad), 03/25/1954:2 Hoard, Alan Son born, 07/28/1950:5, 08/02/1951:5 Daughter born, 08/20/1953:5, 12/16/1954:4 Hoard, Allan Son born, 08/21/1952:5 Hoard, Allan V. Collides with Mackiewicz taxi at Oak and High St, 11/24/1950:4 Hoard, David W. Engaged to Jayne C. Hammond, 01/31/1952:5 Wed to Jayne C. Hammond, 02/14/1952:5 Spends leave in Kobe, Japan, 04/15/1954:9 Hoard, David Warren VFW post bids farewell to inductees (p), 08/14/1952:1 Hoard, Evelyn Gabrey Son born, 07/28/1950:5, 08/02/1951:5, 08/21/1952:5 Daughter born, 08/20/1953:5, 12/16/1954:4 Hoard, Helen M. Obituary, 12/15/1950:5 Wife of W. Grant dies at age 56, 12/15/1950:5 Hoard, Luther B. Wed to Marion King Estey, 03/20/1952:2 Hoard, W. Grant Foreman retires after 42 years at Taunton pumping station in Lakeville, 03/11/1954:1 Hobart, Chester V. Wants town to pay for door broken in robbery at Rocky Meadow house, 02/22/1951:1 Hochwald, Mrs Earl Resides in Cleveland, OH, 07/07/1950:6 Hochwald, Mrs Earle Resides in Cleveland Heights, OH, 01/06/1950:2 Hockey High school boys organize three teams 50 years ago, 12/17/1953:10 Hodgate, Charles, Jr. Trains aboard battleship USS Missouri (p), 07/15/1954:1 Hodgdon, Charles W. Obituary, 12/29/1950:4 Hodgdon, Lorraine Engaged to Walter Cybulski, 05/24/1951:7 Engaged to Walter Cyliuski, 06/21/1951:5 Hodgdon, Lorraine continued Wed to Walter Cybulski, 07/05/1951:5 Hodgdon, Lorraine Estelle Wedding described, 07/05/1951:4 Hodgdon, T.S. Dissolves partnership with A.C. Wilbur 50 years ago, 06/03/1954:4 Hodsdon, Bertha Wed to Robert Blicker, 04/09/1953:6 Hoff, Sigrid M. Appointed notary public, 07/10/1952:8 Hogan, Gladys The Picnic Grove granted shuffleboard license, 04/07/1950:5 Applies for expansion of liquor license, 06/23/1950:4 Hogan, Gladys J. Has liquor license application on file, 06/30/1950:1 Hogan, Mrs Thomas L. Sells home on Barden Hill Rd, 05/08/1952:11 Hogan, Richard Dies at age 90, 05/28/1953:4 Obituary, 05/28/1953:4 Hokanson, Carl E. Ordered to provide support for wife and child, 03/11/1954:9 Hokanson, Grace Collides with Newton Center auto on Wareham St, 05/17/1951:8 Relates horrors of hurricane, 09/09/1954:1 Hokanson, Marion Wedding described, 10/11/1951:3 Resigns as record librarian at St. Luke's, 05/28/1953:4 Hokanson, Marion E. Wed to Joseph Miskinis, 02/28/1952:5 Hokkanen, Eleanor Wedding described, 08/20/1953:5 Holbrook, Harrison Notice of hearing on petition to increase gasoline storage capacity (ad), 05/08/1952:12 Gets used car sales permit, 06/12/1952:6 Holbrook, Harrison P. Hearing scheduled on gasoline sales application, 05/26/1950:1 Granted gasoline sales license, 06/09/1950:1 Accused of dumping on Medas' property, 06/23/1950:4 Granted gasoline sales license, 06/23/1950:4 Accused of running unlicensed cabins, 04/05/1951:5 Faces new complaint of maintaining common nuisance, 04/19/1951:5 Cabin owner fined $300 for maintaining public nuisance where assignations and lewdness occurred, 05/03/1951:1 Denied license for overnight cabins, 05/03/1951:5 Pays $300 in fines, 06/28/1951:5 Takes out nomination papers for Board of Selectmen, 12/06/1951:1 Guilty of assaulting Chester Guilford, 01/03/1952:1 Profile of candidate for selectman, 01/10/1952:2 Guilford and Sweetburg deny charges, 01/10/1952:8 For Board of Selectmen (ad), 01/17/1952:11 Applies for package store license, 02/21/1952:6 Superior court increases fine for assault on Guilford to $25, 02/28/1952:1 Denied licenses for gas station and overnight cabins, 03/06/1952:1 Admits charges made out of spite, 03/13/1952:10 Selectmen hold hearing on dealer's license, 05/29/1952:1 Holbrook, James F. Leaves for army induction in Boston, 09/23/1954:1 Holbrook, Mrs Ashley Breaks hip in fall, 02/25/1954:3 Holbrook Cabins Rte 28, North Middleboro (ad), 07/14/1950:9 Harrison Holbrook accused of running unlicensed cabins, 04/05/1951:5 Holbrook's Cabins and Gas Station H.P. Holbrook proprietor (ad), 07/12/1951:3 Holbrooks Gas Station Rte 28, North Middleboro (ad), 07/14/1950:9 Holden, Marion Camandona Son born, 04/10/1952:7 Twin sons born, 09/03/1953:5 137 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Holden, Parker Lieutenant stationed in Baltimore, MD, 06/07/1951:2 Completes service with U.S. Army Counter Intelligence, 04/03/1952:3 Son born, 04/10/1952:7 Couple moves to Warwick, RI, 11/27/1952:7 Twin sons born, 09/03/1953:5 Holdsworth, Pauline M. Vaughan Son born, 03/27/1952:5 Holdsworth, Pauline Vaughan Son born, 06/10/1954:7 Holdsworth, Ralph Son born, 06/10/1954:7 Holdsworth, Ralph F. Engaged to Pauline M. Vaughan, 06/28/1951:5 Son born, 03/27/1952:5 Holgren, Clarence Three hundred turkeys lost in Wall St blaze, 03/18/1954:1 Holidays. see names of specific holidays Hollis, Arnold Daughter born, 09/04/1952:5 Son born, 07/30/1953:5 Hollis, Caroline Officers in new Eagles auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1 Hollis, Christina Lawrence Daughter born, 09/04/1952:5 Son born, 07/30/1953:5 Hollis, Edith Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts (ad), 01/29/1953:5 Hollis, Edith M. Foreclosure notice, 04/09/1953:4 Hollis, Geneva May Obituary, 07/14/1950:5 Widow of Claude L. dies at age 61, 07/14/1950:7 Hollis, Gwendolyn Westgate Son born, 01/04/1951:5 Hollis, Helen Now representing W.T. Raleigh Co. (ad), 06/03/1954:9 Hollis, Helen Thomas Son born, 02/04/1954:5 Hollis, Jimmy Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t), 09/13/1951:1 Hollis, John Son born, 01/04/1951:5 Hollis, Lionel Middleboro Softball League champs for 1953 (p), 09/03/1953:1 Home on Miller St destroyed by fire, 01/14/1954:10 Son born, 02/04/1954:5, 02/04/1954:9 Hollis, Lionel L. Notice of no responsibility for wife's debts (ad), 01/29/1953:5 Foreclosure notice, 04/09/1953:4 Hollis, Marybelle South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home (p), 10/18/1951:1 Hollis, Red Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t), 09/13/1951:1 Hollis, Russell Eagles champs of Inter-city Bowling League (p), 09/06/1951:1 Eagles donate record player to library (p), 03/27/1952:10 Holloway, Carleton Resides in West Hartford, CT, 07/01/1954:2 Holloway, Carlton E. Joins National Hartford Group, 11/13/1952:8 Named secretary of National Fire Insurance Co. board, 02/25/1954:8 Holloway, Flora Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9 Holloway, Wendell E. Reland St couple married 54 years, 10/08/1953:8 Holloway, Wendell Elbridge Obituary, 03/11/1954:3 Husband of Emma E. dies at age 75, 03/11/1954:4 Holman, Morris Daughter born, 11/19/1953:6 Holman, Ruth New elementary school teacher, 08/02/1951:1 Holman, Ruth Welch Daughter born, 11/19/1953:6 Holmberg, C. Lester Engaged to Barbara Jean Maxim, 09/24/1953:6 Holmberg, Carl Wed to Barbara J. Maxim, 09/30/1954:5 Holmberg, Carl L. Engaged to Barbara Jean Maxim, 09/16/1954:4 Holmberg, Carl Lester Wedding described, 09/30/1954:3 Holmes, Almira Charlotte Obituary, 04/17/1952:4 Wife of William E. dies at age 69, 04/17/1952:5 Holmes, Bertha A. Petition to foreclose tax lien, 10/16/1952:3 Holmes, Bertha Huntley Daughter born, 01/10/1952:4 Holmes, Charles Daughter born, 04/09/1953:5 Holmes, Clara Tower Daughter born, 04/09/1953:5 Holmes, Daniel H. Tax collector's notice, 03/12/1953:3 Petition for probate of will, 04/22/1954:7 Holmes, Daniel Henry Obituary, 03/04/1954:3 Dies at age 80, 03/04/1954:4 Holmes, D.H. Appointed physician for town clients 50 years ago, 01/14/1954:8 Holmes, Edgar Son born, 11/01/1951:5 Holmes, Ethel A. Petition to foreclose tax lien, 10/16/1952:3 Holmes, Everet A. Petition to foreclose tax lien, 10/16/1952:3 Holmes, Everett WW II veteran runs for office, 02/25/1954:3 Holmes, Everett A., Jr. Thanks Lakeville voters (ad), 03/04/1954:5 Holmes, Everett, Jr. Candidate for Lakeville constable (ad), 02/25/1954:3 Holmes, Grace Drakely Daughter born, 11/03/1950:5 Holmes, Harold D. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9 Holmes, Ida M. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9 Holmes, Jessie Allen Obituary, 10/25/1951:4 Husband of Blanche E. dies at age 65, 10/25/1951:5 Holmes, Joan Marshall Son born, 02/19/1953:5 Holmes, Lawrence Daughter born, 01/10/1952:4 Holmes, Minnie Smith Dies in Toronto, Ontario, 09/02/1954:10 Holmes, Natalie Dodge Son born, 08/27/1953:7 Holmes, Norman V. Carver man named director of Co-operative Bank, 11/29/1951:1 Holmes, Richard Resides in Brockton, 04/28/1950:7 Holmes, Robert Daughter born, 11/03/1950:5 Son born, 08/27/1953:7 Holmes, Ruth H. Trustees petition court, 01/08/1953:3 Holmes, Shirley Holmgren Son born, 11/01/1951:5 138 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Holmes, Standish Son born, 02/19/1953:5 Holmes, Standish F. Private trains at Sampson AFB, NY, 01/10/1952:7 Holmes, Susan Resides in Brockton, 04/28/1950:7 Holmes, Virginia Kendrick Daughter born, 10/18/1951:5 Holmes, Wendell I. Technical Sergeant stationed at Hickam AFB, Hawaii, 12/17/1953:16 Holmes, William Daughter born, 10/18/1951:5 Lakeville couple married 25 years, 05/14/1953:4 Holmes, William Everett Obituary, 10/28/1954:6 West Carver man dies at age 71, 10/28/1954:6 Holmgren, Claire Wright Son born, 08/27/1953:7 Holmgren, Herbert Couple married 25 years, 05/12/1950:5 Holmgren, Herbert D. Engaged to Claire Wright, 07/03/1952:8 Holmgren, Herbert D., Jr. Engaged to Claire S. Wright, 07/17/1952:5 Wed to Claire S. Wright, 07/24/1952:5 Holmgren, Herbert Douglas, Jr. Wedding described, 07/24/1952:5 Holmgren, Herbert, Jr. Son born, 08/27/1953:7 Holmgren, Herbert S., Jr. Receives B.S. degree from Northeastern (p), 07/08/1954:1 Holmquist, Anna Hildegard Obituary, 12/17/1953:4 Wife of Henry F. dies at age 75, 12/17/1953:4 Holt, A. Phyllis On Dean's List at Jackson College, 03/13/1952:8 Holt, Albert Edward, Jr. Inducted into armed forces, 04/09/1953:1 Holt, Alice Obituary, 03/03/1950:2 Dies at age 59, 03/03/1950:4 Holt, Audrey Phyllis Receives Master's degree in biology (p), 06/10/1954:1 Holt, Dorothy Fahrenholt Daughter born, 12/16/1954:4 Holt, Dorothy Farenholt Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5 Holt, John Gordon Obituary, 03/03/1950:2 Dies at age 60, 03/03/1950:4 Holt, Marjorie Sails from New York on tour of Europe, 08/13/1953:5 Holt, Phyllis Attends Jackson College, 02/03/1950:5 Wins scholarship at Tufts College, 03/10/1950:1 Entertains member of Pakistani diplomatic corps, 06/09/1950:14 Named to Dean's List at Tufts, 03/22/1951:8 Wins academic honors at Tufts, 11/08/1951:6 Going to England to do biological research over summer, 05/29/1952:1 Graduates magna cum laude from Tufts College (p), 06/12/1952:1 Attends graduate school at Brown University, 09/18/1952:9 Appointed special research assistant at Brown University, 06/11/1953:5 Recipient of fellowship from Columbia University, 06/17/1954:10 Begins Ph.D. program at Columbia University, NY, 09/23/1954:10 Holt, Robert Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5, 12/16/1954:4 Holten, Carl Employed at sanatorium, 09/08/1950:3 Holton, Margaret Batty Fall bride honored, 11/15/1951:4 Holy Name Society Holds joint breakfast with Knights of Columbus, 03/31/1950:6 Holz, Augusta Elizabeth Wife of Gerhardt P. dies at age 72, 08/16/1951:5 Home Bakery Self-service bakery, 117 Center St (ad), 03/03/1950:2 Under new management (ad), 04/26/1951:11 Grace and Charles Morrison, 117 Center St (ad), 11/15/1951:2 The Homestead Top quality food (ad), 01/06/1950:4 Ernest O'Toole closes grocery business, 02/25/1954:1 Liquidation by public auction (ad), 03/04/1954:10 Hone, Ralph Interim pastor at Central Baptist concludes service here, 06/02/1950:1 Honey Jug House Pottery classes (ad), 10/07/1954:4 Hoops, David And Nancy Mello crowned King and Queen of YMCA Little Tot Contest (p), 10/08/1953:1 Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Hoops, George W. Two slightly injured when car hits tree on Lane St, 10/27/1950:4 Hoops, Isaac Dies resulting from multiple collision bring death, 12/29/1950:1 Eastondale man acquitted of negligence in fatal crash, 02/22/1951:1 Hoops, Isaac E. Petition for administration of estate, 01/10/1952:4 Lawsuits based on multiple crash, 02/14/1952:1 Hoops, Isaac Edward Husband of Alice Griswold dies at age 29, 12/29/1950:5 Obituary, 12/29/1950:8 Hootstein, Lennie Lobl Daughter born, 08/16/1951:6 Hootstein, Melvin Daughter born, 08/16/1951:6 Hootstein, Melvin J. Wed to Magdalene Ann Lobl, 01/20/1950:7 Hopkins, Chester A. Petition for probate of will, 06/09/1950:6 Hopkins, Chester Arthur Dies at age 76, 06/02/1950:5 Obituary, 06/02/1950:7 Hopkins, Edith Eayrs Daughter born, 05/29/1952:5 Hopkins, Elmer Couple moves from Bedford St to Vernon St, 01/24/1952:8 Hopkins, H. Manager of Doll House Yarn Shop (ad), 08/16/1951:8 Hopkins, Harry Character approved for pedlar's license, 12/25/1952:1 Hopkins, Harry, Sr. Daughter born, 05/29/1952:5 Hopkins, Hazel Marble MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1 Hopkins, Joyce Attends UMass, 02/10/1950:4 Attends University of Massachusetts, 04/07/1950:12 Sophomore at University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 09/22/1950:5 On Dean's List at UMass, 05/08/1952:1 Hopkins, Joyce M. Joins Sigma Kappa sorority, 11/17/1950:11 Hopkins, Joyce Margaret Engaged to Albert Ritter Tomlinson, Jr., 09/18/1952:4 Wedding described, 03/12/1953:4 Hopkins, Kenneth A. Engaged to Evelyn May Gamble, 10/20/1950:5 Wed to Evelyn May Gamble, 11/10/1950:7 Hopkins, Mildred Union Street School teacher resigns, 01/21/1954:1 Hopkins, Naomi Haskins Daughter born, 11/08/1951:7 Hopkins, Robert Daughter born, 11/08/1951:7 Hoppy's Doll House Next to Jenney gas station (ad), 12/02/1954:9 Horan, Catherine Model in Little Theatre Group fashion show (p), 12/09/1954:7 139 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Horbal, Marie Alexandra Born to Stephen, 06/10/1954:7 Horbal, Mary Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Horbal, Mildred Buinitski Daughter born, 03/06/1952:5 Horbal, Stephen New manager of Gas & Electric Department, 11/29/1951:1 Takes up duties at Gas & Electric (p), 12/13/1951:1 Takes office at Gas & Electric, 12/20/1951:2 Daughter born, 03/06/1952:5 Gas & Electric manager and family move to town, 07/24/1952:5 On temporary medical leave, 03/19/1953:7 Doing fine at NE Baptist Hospital, Boston, 03/26/1953:7 Daughter born, 06/10/1954:7 Horbal, Wasyl Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Horn, Elizabeth Ruby Wed to Orville Bernard Linton, 02/01/1951:5 Horn, Frank Obituary, 08/09/1951:2 Dies at age 75, 08/09/1951:5 Horr, Edward Family moves to Middleboro 50 years ago, 10/29/1953:7 Horribles Parade Horribles few, crowd big, 07/07/1950:1 Opens 4th of July events, 07/07/1950:1 Horseracing. see also Blue and White Farms Fleetwood Racing Assoc petitions for harness racing license in Lakeville, 01/08/1953:5 Lakeville selectmen hear petition from Fleetwood Racing Assoc, 01/22/1953:6 Petition for Lakeville races dismissed, 02/05/1953:2 Charles Thomas' horse Jennie Wilkes killed 50 years ago, 03/11/1954:7 Group of Lakeville and Middleboro residents hope to have night harness racing, 04/29/1954:1 Middleboro Ag Society abandons plans for Camp Joe Hooker, 08/19/1954:6 Matteo Sena applies for license to conduct dog ad horse racing at Camp Joe Hooker, 11/11/1954:7 Lakeville selectmen reserved decision on race track, 11/25/1954:1 Sena denied application for racing permit, 12/02/1954:2 Horses. see also Blue and White Farms George Benson, harnesses, 95 Wareham St (ad), 06/23/1950:2 Edgar Soweby's horse "Prince" ridden by 84-year-old Columbia MacCormack (p), 06/14/1951:1 George Benson moves business to 12 Benton St (ad), 08/16/1951:10 Local enthusiasts may form riding club, 11/01/1951:1 Ed Sowerby advocates riding for health and hobby (p), 10/02/1952:1 Elizabeth Harding in coma after thrown from horse, 10/30/1952:1 Does anyone know where Bisbey Harness Shop was located? 06/04/1953:9 Mail carrier Seth Eaton files suit against town for loss of horse 50 years ago, 12/03/1953:9 Horsewomen Bissonnette and Vasel win prizes at East Bridgewater show, 08/12/1954:3 Undertaker George Soule's horse Gypsy dies 50 years ago, 11/11/1954:4 Snow speeding popular 50 years ago, 12/02/1954:8 Horsman, Fred Fined $5 for defective muffler, 11/05/1953:5 Horsman, Fred W. Charged with drunkenness and accosting two juvenile girls, 07/30/1953:2 Guilty of drunkenness, 08/06/1953:8 Horsman, Frederick W. Guilty of permitting improper person to operate motor vehicle, 11/06/1952:8 Petition for administration of estate, 05/07/1953:6 Suffers lacerations and contusions in truck accident, 05/14/1953:6 Petition for administration of estate, 05/14/1953:7 Guilty of driving after license revoked, 09/30/1954:3 Horsman, Frederick William Husband of Marie Schleicher dies at age 63, 01/29/1953:5 Obituary, 01/29/1953:8 Horsman, Paul R. Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1 Car damaged in minor accident, 12/30/1954:2 Horsman, Paul R., Jr. Private qualifies as projectionist with 43rd Infantry, 01/10/1952:1 Horsman, Paul Robert, Jr. Returns from duty in Europe, 12/25/1952:1 Horsman, Paula J. Engaged to Ronald D. Vaughan, 05/24/1951:7 Wed to Ronald D. Vaughan, 05/31/1951:5 Horsman, Paula Josephine Wedding described, 06/07/1951:6 Horton, Charlotte Seward Son born, 10/07/1954:7 Horton, David Son born, 10/07/1954:7 Horton, David G. Engaged to Charlotte Seward, 02/25/1954:4 Horton, Earle, Jr. Son born, 05/06/1954:6 Horton, Earle M., Jr. Son born, 08/16/1951:5 Horton, Hannah V. Gets one month for drunkenness, 11/29/1951:8 Wife of Lloyd B., Sr. dies at age 66, 07/03/1952:5 Obituary, 07/03/1952:6 Horton, James Fulton Born to Earle M, Jr. and Mary Louise Sims, 08/16/1951:5 Horton, Lloyd B. Wed to Delia Perkins, 11/13/1952:7 Horton, Lloyd B., Jr. Police return lost child, 10/07/1954:1 Guilty of non-support, 11/25/1954:2 Horton, Lloyd B., Sr. Engaged to Delia Perkins, 11/13/1952:7 Horton, Lloyd, Jr. Son born, 12/06/1951:7 Daughter born, 06/18/1953:4 Horton, Mary Lou Sims Son born, 05/06/1954:6 Horton, Mary Louise Sims Son born, 08/16/1951:5 Horton, Mildred Haynes Son born, 12/06/1951:7 Daughter born, 06/18/1953:4 Horton, Norman Employed at Richmond Automotive Service, 08/06/1953:6 Horton, Roy B. Framingham men held in attempted break-in at Horton's garage, 05/24/1951:1 Juvenile involved in break-in sent to Youth Board, 05/24/1951:1 Urbana indicted for breaking-and-entering Horton's garage, 06/14/1951:1 Hosley, Stephen Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises (p), 06/30/1950:1 Hospitals. see also Lakeville State Sanatorium; St. Luke's Hospital of Middleboro Hannah Jackson Harlow's will sets up fund for Mass General, 03/17/1950:1 Hotel Aragon Dalton caters firemen's ball 50 years ago, 01/21/1954:7 Well-appointed hostelry attracts Cape business 50 years ago, 08/05/1954:8 Hotel Martinique Available for receptions and meetings, 68 North Main St (ad), 02/08/1951:10 Closing till March (ad), 11/15/1951:7 Now open, 68 North Main St (ad), 01/24/1952:11 Hidden staircase discovered, 06/25/1953:5 Open for business (ad), 02/04/1954:3 140 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Hotels, Motels, Etc. see also Benson, Austin; Holbrook, Harrison; Hotel Martinique; Perry, Winifred Charles and Celia Cote granted license for overnight cabins, 04/21/1950:2 Selectmen table Correira's application to operate overnight cabins, 06/09/1950:14 Notice of hearing on White's overnight cabin application, 06/23/1950:4 Overnight cabin applications on the increase, 06/23/1950:4 Polly Pine granted permit for overnight cabins, 06/30/1950:10 Notice of hearing for McGeath's application for overnight cabin permit, 07/07/1950:5 Holbrooks Cabins, Rte 28, North Middleboro (ad), 07/14/1950:9 Selectmen get opinion on cabin applications, 07/14/1950:12 Notice of permit hearing for Bianchi cabins, 08/25/1950:5 Bianchi granted permit to operate overnight cabins, 09/08/1950:1 The House with the Red Doors, 7 Courtland St (ad), 03/08/1951:10 Issue of Plymouth Rock from 1860 reveals local and national events, 05/31/1951:1 Holbrook's Cabins and Gas Station (ad), 07/12/1951:3 Peter Cammarata applies for license for tourist home, 02/07/1952:1 William and Nellie Allen granted permit for overnight cabins on East Grove St, 04/10/1952:6 Norman DesRosiers to operate tourist lodge near Juneau, AK (p), 02/05/1953:1 John Neville granted license for overnight cabins, 06/25/1953:4 Arthur Johnson applies for overnight cabin permit, 07/16/1953:10 Selectmen allow roadside sign for Allan's Cabins, 08/13/1953:4 Briar's Motel requests permit to erect sign on Wareham St, 10/22/1953:1 Dalton caters firemen's ball at Hotel Aragon 50 years ago, 01/21/1954:7 Notice of hearing on Apostolos' and Kamberis' application to operate motel (ad), 05/13/1954:2 Notice of hearing on Deane's application to operate tourist house (ad), 05/13/1954:2 Notice of hearing on Peterson's application to operate motel (ad), 05/13/1954:2 Herbert Gibson applies for permit, 07/15/1954:8 Osborne Smith applies for permit for Tourist's Home, 07/15/1954:8 Hotel Aragon attracts Cape business 50 years ago, 08/05/1954:8 Briar's Motel granted permit to erect sign, 08/12/1954:4 Bart Perkins takes over management of Nemasket House 50 years ago, 08/12/1954:8 Hotin, Bud Pianist with Joseph Cordeiro's orchestra (ad), 08/14/1952:8 Hotz, Janice Five girls from Louise Crowley Dance Studio perform in Cambridge (p), 03/22/1951:1 Hotz, Paul Real estate (ad), 02/18/1954:7 Houghton, Donald Tenor heard on Taunton radio station, 03/20/1952:5 Leaves for training at Parris Island, SC, 03/12/1953:4 Receives discharge from U.S. Navy, 07/02/1953:5 Marine returns to Parris Island, SC, 09/10/1953:4 Houghton, Donald N. Marine Private attends supply school (p), 10/15/1953:1 Houghton, Richard Heads for boot training in Bainbridge, WA, 11/29/1951:6 Stationed on heavy cruiser in Baltimore, 10/30/1952:7 Leaves from training cruise to Cuba, 03/12/1953:4 Houghton, Richard C. Takes recruit training at Bainbridge, MD, 02/14/1952:8 Returns from six months duty in the Mediterranean, 10/23/1952:1 Wed to Annette Menard, 12/04/1952:5 Houghton, Richard Carl Engaged to Annette Menard, 03/27/1952:5 Houghton, Ruth E. Guilty of operating without a license, 10/13/1950:9 Houghton, Ruth Harthorn Daughter born, 06/14/1951:7 Houghton, Ruth Hartshorn Son born, 06/10/1954:7 Houghton, Wallace Daughter born, 06/14/1951:7 Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1 Son born, 06/10/1954:7 Houghton, Wallace A., Jr. And Joseph Casey collide in snow storm, 02/28/1952:1 Marion and Louis Bernier file suit for damages against Wallace Houghton, Jr. and Joseph Casey, 05/29/1952:7 Houghton, Walter Employed at State Farm, 05/10/1951:6 Houlihan (Mr) Lavallee & Houlihan, the friendly realtors at 115 Center St (ad), 01/28/1954:3 Houlihan, Cecelia Morris Daughter born, 05/08/1952:7 Houlihan, Dick Named captain of MHS basketball team, 01/06/1950:6 1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1 Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1 Houlihan, Dickie Egger Furnituremen 1950 Twilight League champions (p), 09/29/1950:1 Houlihan, Eleanor A. Widow of William J. dies at age 59, 01/08/1953:5 Obituary, 01/08/1953:6 Houlihan, Elizabeth Enrolls in Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, 11/05/1953:6 Houlihan, Gladys D. Files complaint of illegal auto service, 06/11/1953:1 Houlihan, James E. Real estate and insurance (ad), 02/05/1953:10 Biography of candidate for Board of Assessors (p), 01/14/1954:1 Elect assessor (ad) (p), 01/14/1954:2 Houlihan, James E., Jr. Assistant director of music in Boston schools, 09/22/1950:5 Attends Fred Waring Choral workshop in Pennsylvania, 07/09/1953:1 Named to music department of Boston public schools (p), 09/24/1953:1 Engaged to Priscilla Parsons, 02/25/1954:9 Engaged to Priscilla P. Parsons, 04/08/1954:6 Wedding described, 04/22/1954:3 Wed to Priscilla P. Parsons, 04/29/1954:4 Houlihan, James, Jr. Takes Choral Directing course at Penn State, 06/28/1951:3 Houlihan, J.E. Insurance, 48 Montello St (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Houlihan, Jeannette Succeeds Jeanne Burnham as secretary to Town Clerk, 06/18/1953:1 Houlihan, John Dies at age 51, 04/12/1951:5 Obituary, 04/12/1951:10 Houlihan, Phyllis I. Engaged to William J. Silva, 02/21/1952:5 Wed to William J. Silva, 02/28/1952:5 Houlihan, Richard Gives batting instruction to Little Leaguers (p), 06/12/1952:2 Instructor for local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 Auto goes off North St, striking railing, 06/19/1952:8 Houlihan, William Daughter born, 05/08/1952:7 House Fires. see Dwellings - Fires The House with the Red Doors Lodging and meals, 7 Courtland St (ad), 03/08/1951:10 Housh Co. Winthrop-Atkins moves company from Boston to Middleboro, 06/25/1953:1 Housing. see also Middleboro Housing Authority Henry Roberts violated occupation order of the Health Board, 01/20/1950:8 Charles Washburn plans filling station and pre-fab housing on Rte 28, 06/23/1950:1 Selectmen vote to oppose state rent control bill, 07/14/1950:1 Selectmen receive notice of changes to federal rent control law (l), 07/28/1950:2 141 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Housing continued Increase in number of houses in Lakeville 395 in last ten years, 03/13/1952:2 New development at Nemasket Village, Wood Construction Co. (ad), 03/20/1952:10 New project in prospect for Plymouth St, 04/10/1952:6 Hearing called on rent control, 07/24/1952:1 Notice of hearing on rent control (ad), 07/24/1952:5 Selectmen defer action pending popular vote, 08/07/1952:1 Veterans' Housing Project at Archer Court a success in 1952, 01/29/1953:1 State rent control law explained, 07/16/1953:1 Scarcity of tenements on village 50 years ago, 11/19/1953:9 Houten, Abraham V. Engaged to Beverly Trinque, 12/06/1951:6 Wed to Beverly R. Trinque, 01/03/1952:5 Private 1st Class with 50th Infantry Division in Korea, 05/01/1952:2 Howard, Austin M. Engaged as teacher at Pratt Free School 50 years ago, 10/22/1953:7 Howard, Betty Engaged to Donald Gammons, 06/21/1951:2 Howard, Beverly Vigers Resides in Falls Church, VA, 04/16/1953:5 Daughter born, 12/10/1953:6 Howard, Charles Franklin Obituary, 05/29/1952:4 Dies at age 80, 05/29/1952:5 Howard, Clayton, Jr. Daughter born, 03/03/1950:5 Howard, Clayton L., Jr. Fined $5 for speeding, 09/23/1954:10 Howard, Deborah Ann Born to Gene, 04/22/1954:7 Howard, Elizabeth A. Wed to Donald F. Gammons, 07/12/1951:4 Howard, Elizabeth Ann Who's who in MHS senior class, 06/09/1950:8 Engaged to Donald Gammons, 06/07/1951:5 Engaged to Donald Frederick Gammons, 06/14/1951:7 Wedding described, 07/05/1951:6 Howard, Eugene Engaged to Beverly Vigers, 11/27/1952:4 Howard, Gene Daughter born, 12/10/1953:6, 04/22/1954:7 Howard, Gilbert Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1 Howard, Herbert Rips out hydrant in stolen car, 10/06/1950:1 Howard, Herbert F. Guilty of drunkenness, 06/02/1950:8 Howard, John Takes new position at Poughkeepsie, NY, 07/10/1952:9 Howard, Louise Robbins MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1 Howard, Mrs John Takes new position at Poughkeepsie, NY, 07/10/1952:9 Howard, Muriel Massie Daughter born, 03/03/1950:5 Howard, Muriel Thomas MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1 Howard, Philip Eugene Engaged to Mary Beverly Vigers, 12/25/1952:5 Wed to Mary Beverly Vigers, 01/01/1953:5 Howard, Phillip Eugene Wedding described, 01/01/1953:2 Howard, Rodney G. Promoted to aviation electricians mate 3rd class, 06/24/1954:8 Howard, Susan Staff of new Sears and Roebuck catalog store (p), 11/15/1951:6 Howard, Teresa Petition for conservatorship, 06/05/1952:7 Howard, Terry 1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1 MHS hoopsters pictured in action (p), 02/22/1951:10 Howard, Terry continued Named captain of MHS track team, 05/03/1951:2 Howard, William Elks Little League team gets new jackets (p), 12/24/1953:1 Howard D. Johnson Co. Asks for 3-wire service at circle, may build restaurant, 07/14/1950:12 Howard Johnson New stand robbed by thief with sweet tooth, 08/12/1954:2 Howe, Forest E. Fined for speeding, 08/27/1953:9 Howe, Gertrude Officers in new Eagles auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1 Eagles Auxiliary donates $600 to St. Luke's (p), 11/04/1954:4 Howe, J. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Howe, James F. Completes boot training at Parris Island, SC (p), 10/08/1953:1 Howe, James P., Jr. Private 1st Class arrives at Inchon, Korea, 11/11/1954:4 Howe, William B. Engaged to Mary Elizabeth Pierce, 02/15/1951:10 Howell, Carl, Jr. Seven-year-old victim of lockjaw, 05/10/1951:6 Convulsions reduce in frequency, may survive lockjaw, 05/17/1951:1 Recovers from attack of lockjaw, 09/20/1951:6 Howell, Edward P. Notice of Sheriff's sale of real estate, 11/20/1952:2 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/25/1953:5 Howell, Eunice M. Engaged to James E. Wyman, 09/23/1954:4 Wedding described, 09/30/1954:2 Wed to James E. Wyman, 12/30/1954:4 Howes, Alice S. Obituary, 04/10/1952:3 Taunton woman dies at age 62, 04/10/1952:7 Howes, Alma Engaged to Richard Shurtleff, 09/01/1950:5 Wed to Richard Shurtleff, 09/08/1950:5 Howes, Ben The Chicken House, change in hours (ad), 09/04/1952:8 Howes, Benjamin Restaurant license renewed, 02/24/1950:1 Howes, Dorothy Shaw Thomas St couple married 40 years, 06/28/1951:1 Howes, Harry Thomas St couple married 40 years, 06/28/1951:1 Howes, Helen Engaged to Ernest J. Flood, Jr., 07/24/1952:2 Howes, Helen M. Engaged to Ernest J. Flood, Jr., 04/09/1953:5 Wed to Ernest J. Flood, Jr., 04/23/1953:7 Howes, Herbert S. Named partner in H.A. Johnson Co., 03/29/1951:5 Promoted to assistant to president of H.A. Johnson Co., 12/20/1951:1 Howes, Jean Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4, 10/15/1953:1 Howes, Jean Thomas Son born, 04/30/1953:6 Daughter born, 09/02/1954:4 Howes, John Rice St couple married 40 years, 06/28/1951:1 Local Lions Club member made honorary Waikiki Lion (p), 03/11/1954:1 Victor Jones' 1920 Dodge has traveled 260,000 miles (p), 07/01/1954:9 Howes, John G. Couple sails to Rio de Janeiro, 01/24/1952:11 Howes, Mary Pierce Daughter born, 02/14/1952:5 Howes, Mildred The Chicken House, change in hours (ad), 09/04/1952:8 Howes, Mrs Harry White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p), 12/15/1950:1 142 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Howes, Richard Resides in Old Greenwich, CT, 11/15/1951:11, 08/07/1952:8 Howes, Robert Sachem Steppers' gingham ball attracts throng of square dancers (p), 05/17/1951:1 Engaged to Jean Thomas, 02/14/1952:10 Purchases land from town for $100, 04/24/1952:6 Engaged to Jean Thomas, 05/01/1952:4, 05/01/1952:8 Son born, 04/30/1953:6 Daughter born, 09/02/1954:4 Howes, Robert F. Engaged to Jean Thomas, 01/03/1952:5 Feted by associates at Winthrop-Atkins Co., 05/15/1952:7 Wedding described, 05/29/1952:4 Wed to Jean B. Thomas, 06/19/1952:5 Howes, Robert Foster Engaged to Jean Burgess Thomas, 05/15/1952:7 Howes, Sarah Shaw Rice St couple married 40 years, 06/28/1951:1 Howes, William Engaged to Mary Pierce, 02/08/1951:5 Wed to Mary Pierce, 03/01/1951:5 Daughter born, 02/14/1952:5 Howes, William B. Engaged to Mary Elizabeth Pierce, 01/04/1951:1 Howes, William F. Accepted for enlistment in Air Force, 12/06/1951:4 Howland, Beriah Leaves for induction into armed services (p), 04/12/1951:1 Howland, James B. Listed for induction in April, 03/29/1951:1 Howland Cemetery Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11 Hoy, Franklin Barn off Miller St destroyed by fire (p), 08/11/1950:1 Hubert, Lorraine Wed to Roland Gilbert, 07/14/1950:8 Hudon, Alphonse Obituary, 02/21/1952:3 Dies at age 86, 02/21/1952:5 Hudon, Beverly Peter rabbit makes fine pet (p), 01/28/1954:1 Hudon, Clifford Son born, 08/11/1950:5 Hudon, Gladys Griswold Son born, 08/11/1950:5 Hudon, Rene J. Fined $5 for drunkenness, 07/24/1952:2 Hudson, Alice Denson Daughter born, 10/29/1953:5 Hudson, Arthur Not brother Harold fined for drunk driving, 10/23/1952:5 Fined $50 for driving after license revoked, 08/20/1953:2 Hudson, Dorothy G. Engaged to A. Whitney Reynolds, 06/04/1953:4 Wed to A. Whitney Reynolds, 06/18/1953:4 Hudson, Evelyn Little Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5 Son born, 06/03/1954:7 Hudson, Guy, Jr. Woman struck by Alberts Shoe Co. truck in Everett, 05/29/1952:1 Daughter born, 10/29/1953:5 Hudson, Guy L. Fined $5 for failure to stop, 12/02/1954:2 Hudson, Harold Son born, 09/27/1951:5 Daughter born, 10/09/1952:5 Must pay wife $15 weekly support, 10/30/1952:12 Daughter born, 12/31/1953:4 Charged with auto theft and four other violations, 04/15/1954:5 Pleads not guilty to five charges, 04/22/1954:2 Non-support case continued, 07/01/1954:10 Hudson, Harold E. Engaged to Rita M. Vickery, 09/22/1950:5 Fined $150 for drunk driving and operating without a license, 10/16/1952:10 Arthur, not Harold, fined, 10/23/1952:5 Gets four months for non-support, 08/20/1953:2 Hudson, Muriel Joan Wedding described, 08/04/1950:4 Hudson, Richard Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5 Son born, 06/03/1954:7 Hudson, Rita Harold Hudson must pay wife $15 weekly support, 10/30/1952:12 Hudson, Rita Vickery Son born, 09/27/1951:5 Daughter born, 10/09/1952:5, 12/31/1953:4 Hueneke, Phyllis Engaged to Thomas Worden, 03/03/1950:8 Nursing student at Mary Lane Hospital in Ware, 03/03/1950:8 Attends Newbury St School for nursing, 07/21/1950:5 Graduates from Household Nursing Association School, 11/17/1950:5 Engaged to be married, 01/25/1951:5, 04/12/1951:2 Hueneke, Phyllis A. Engaged to Thomas H. Worden, Jr., 04/05/1951:5 Wed to Thomas H. Worden, Jr., 04/19/1951:5 Hueneke, Phyllis Amy Wedding described, 04/19/1951:5 Huestis, Rand Crafts Obituary, 10/28/1954:3 Dies at age 61, 10/28/1954:6 Huggins, Hilliard Stationed at Willow Grove Naval Air Base, PA, 03/31/1950:7 Lieutenant Commander transfers to Chicago, 11/10/1950:10 Lieutenant Commander and family move to Chicago, 01/11/1951:10 Commander assigned to two years sea duty on board USS Wright, 10/18/1951:9 Lieutenant Commander and family moving to Warwick, RI, 12/13/1951:14 Family moves to Middleboro, 05/08/1952:11 Reports of Operation Main Brace, 10/16/1952:4 Next assignment as supply officer on USS Randall, 11/13/1952:5 Family moves to Norfolk, VA, 11/27/1952:8 On sea duty, 02/05/1953:9 Returns from sea duty in Caribbean, 04/02/1953:5 Family moves to 33 Bourne St, 10/22/1953:10 Couple purchases house on Bourne St, 02/18/1954:3 Huggins, Hilliard, Jr. Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 Huggins, Mrs Hilliard Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1 Hughes, Damon Public auction (ad), 01/10/1952:10 Hughes, Francis Joseph Sent for induction, 11/06/1952:5 Hughes, LeRoy J. Charged with break-in, larceny, and attempted auto theft at Wareham company, 09/24/1953:1 Hughes, Louis To be tried for molesting little girl, 07/14/1950:4 Hughes, Mae T. Wed to Amos D. Souza, 10/25/1951:5 Hull, Stanley With 483rd Combat Engineers training at Camp Drum, NY, 05/26/1952:4 Trains with 483rd Engineers Battalion at Camp Drum (p), 07/17/1952:1 Hulley, Albert A. Request for directional sign to nursery held over, 08/11/1950:8 Horticulturist granted permit for sign, 05/31/1951:5 Hullihen, Jody Born to Willard, 02/07/1952:4 Hullihen, Willard Daughter born, 02/07/1952:4 143 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Hulsman, Helen MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1 Hultenius, Edith Engaged to Arthur Thomas O'Toole, 06/18/1953:4 Hultinius, Edith Wed to Arthur Thomas O'Toole, 06/25/1953:4 Humphreys, Henry Treasurer of Savings Bank, 05/10/1951:2 Requests re-location of pole on North St, 05/06/1954:1 Couple moves to North St, 06/17/1954:2 Humphreys, Henry C. Biography of candidate for Finance Committee, 01/14/1954:4 Humphreys, Keith Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 Scout wins God and Country Award, 02/04/1954:4 Receives God and Country Award, 02/11/1954:7 Keith and Warren Humphreys lost on mountain in New Hampshire, 09/02/1954:1 Humphreys, Mrs Henry Aunt dies in Montana, 11/01/1951:5 Humphreys, Mrs Henry C. Injure in collision in Wareham, 10/06/1950:4 Humphreys, Warren Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 Keith and Warren Humphreys lost on mountain in New Hampshire, 09/02/1954:1 Humpty Dumpty Day Camp Ruth Nissen (ad), 06/02/1950:8 Hundt, Charles J. Engaged to Beryl R. Dupont, 06/14/1951:2 Hunt, Richard Engaged to Josephine Lapanna, 12/17/1953:4 Wed to Josephine Lapanna, 12/31/1953:4 Hunt, Thomas Valuable hound killed in hunting accident 50 years ago, 11/12/1953:9 Hunter, Mrs Harry Resides in Maynard, 06/03/1954:11 Hunting. see also Deer Hunting Leo Gamache fined $100 for hunting deer in closed season, 01/13/1950:2 Milton Paska fined for game violations, 12/01/1950:12 Arthur Thomas in court for violation of fish and game laws, 11/29/1951:3 Five geese and 100 ducks taken at Snipatuit Pond 50 years ago, 11/12/1953:9 Lawrence Romaine takes hunters to task (l), 12/10/1953:12 More anent the hunting laws (l) (Lawrence Romaine), 12/17/1953:1 Norman Thibeault fined $75 for violation of game laws, 12/17/1953:15 Sportsmen and sinkers discussed by local citizens (l) (Lawrence B. Romaine), 12/31/1953:9 Sportsman's viewpoint on recent alleged abuses (l) (James M. Sumner), 02/04/1954:2 Something is going to be done (l) (Lawrence B. Romaine), 02/11/1954:10 Middleboro sportsmen may air their views at State House, 02/18/1954:2 James Sumner, Jr. claims hunters benefit farmers (l), 02/25/1954:5 Paul Carter disagrees with Romaine's statements on hunters (l), 02/25/1954:5 Paul Carter views "no trespassing" signs with alarm (l), 03/11/1954:8 Roy Coombs successful fox hunter 50 years ago, 08/26/1954:8 Ducks flying well 50 years ago, 09/30/1954:8 Moonlight hunting popular 50 years ago, 10/21/1954:10 Permission to hunt! (i) (l) (Lawrence B. Romaine), 11/11/1954:6 Hunting Accidents Taunton man hit by buckshot from Thomas' gun, 12/11/1952:1 Thomas Hunt's valuable hound killed in hunting accident 50 years ago, 11/12/1953:9 Bog worker Benjamin deSilva shot, search underway for hunter, 12/17/1953:1 Benjamin deSilva has three transfusions, improving, 12/24/1953:1 Huntington, Lurancy Engaged to Curtis Osborne, 03/25/1954:10 Huntington, Lurancy Ann Engaged to Curtis Linden Osborne, 01/07/1954:7 Wedding described, 07/22/1954:4 Huntley, Lawrence Employed at William Egger Co., 08/04/1950:8 Couple married 19 years, 04/17/1952:4 Huntley, Lawrence R. Local pilots fly to Texas on four-day visit (p), 07/30/1953:1 Huntley, Lawrence, Sr. Pilot with Civil Air Patrol (p), 02/22/1951:1 Huntley, Maude Employed at Trust Co., 06/16/1950:8 Huntley, Roy Leaves for Civil Air Patrol Encampment, 08/18/1950:10 Buys land he already owns, 02/21/1952:1 Enters Northeastern University, 09/04/1952:4 Leaves for internship in Maryland, 11/26/1953:4 Returns to Patuxent Naval Base, MD, 04/22/1954:7 Huntley, Roy M. Purchases River St parcel for town, 10/11/1951:1 Huntoon, A.C. Cited for outstanding managerial ability by W.T. Grant Co., 02/12/1953:6 Huntoon, Alfred New manager at W.T. Grant, 04/19/1951:4 Huntoon, Alvin Promoted to Grant's Norwood store, 09/24/1953:1 Hupfer, Mrs Ralph Resides in Arlington Heights, 06/14/1951:7 Hupfer, Ralph Arlington Heights couple married 25 years, 04/22/1954:12 Hupfer, Winston Enlists in U.S. Marines, 12/15/1950:8 With Marine unit in Korea, 10/04/1951:9 Hurd, Ellen F. Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/04/1954:10, 11/11/1954:10 Hurd, Marjorie Winsor Son born, 08/04/1950:4 Hurd, William Son born, 08/04/1950:4 Hurdman, Henry Dies in Putnam, CT, 01/21/1954:5 Hurley, George Killed in auto crash in Norwood, 10/08/1953:2 Hurley, Irving Daughter born, 01/27/1950:12 Hurley, Thomas P. Graduates from Brown University, 02/10/1950:4 Hurricanes Town hit by hurricane's left wing, 09/15/1950:1 Electric service restored after hit by storm, 09/15/1950:6 Hurricane Carol misses town, only 0.16 inches of rain, 09/10/1953:1 Causes more damage than in 1938 blow; details of citizens and businesses affected, 09/02/1954:1 Contributes more than 2 inches to August total of 8.94 inches, 09/02/1954:1 Cottage swept off foundation in hurricane, body of Elmer Clapp recovered, 09/02/1954:1 Telephone company sets time for completion of repairs after hurricane, 09/02/1954:1 Battered wreck of once beautiful tree lined street (p), 09/09/1954:1 Battery A commended for work guarding beach, 09/09/1954:1 Damages Central Methodist bell tower, 09/09/1954:1 Fine work by Health Department averting disease menace after hurricane, 09/09/1954:1 Former Middleboro man a hurricane hero in Lynn, 09/09/1954:1 Grace Hokanson relates horrors of hurricane, 09/09/1954:1 Phone damage heaviest in Middleboro district, 09/09/1954:1 Power service nears normal, 09/09/1954:1 Brings down trees, unroofs barn (p), 09/09/1954:4 Hurricane progress report for Gas& Electric (ad), 09/09/1954:5 Damage extensive at Rock, 09/09/1954:9 Damage in South Middleboro not too serious, 09/09/1954:10 Damage from Edna less than from Carol, 09/16/1954:1 144 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Hurricanes continued Hurricane Edna brings 4.55 inches of rain, 09/16/1954:1 Gas & Electric posts hurricane progress (ad), 09/16/1954:5 Middleboro granted $50,000 in disaster aid, 09/23/1954:1 Total damage from hurricane $70,000, 09/23/1954:1 Town discontinues storm trash collections, 09/30/1954:1 Town of Lakeville requests supplementary aid, 09/30/1954:3 Lakeville to receive $354.38 in relief funds, 11/11/1954:3 Husted, Arleen Hackett Heart of the Countless Years (poem), 03/20/1952:5 Hutchings, John A. Wedding described, 12/24/1953:3 Hutchings, John Austin Engaged to Shirley Wood Butler, 09/10/1953:4 Hutchins, Mary E. Widow of Henry E. dies at age 81, 05/13/1954:6 Obituary, 05/13/1954:12 Hux Sales 108 Arch St (ad), 12/03/1953:3 Huxley, Francis Son born, 11/15/1951:7 Boy playing in carton hit by car, killed, 07/17/1952:1 Obituary, 07/24/1952:3 Son of Francis J. and Marion Wilson dies at age 4, 07/24/1952:5 Smalley acquitted of responsibility for Huxley's death, 07/31/1952:1 Daughter born, 10/15/1953:4 Fined $25 for assaulting police officer, 09/30/1954:3 Police return lost child, 10/07/1954:1 Huxley, Francis J. Guilty of drunkenness and disturbing the peace, 03/03/1950:1 Pleads self out of jail sentence, 07/21/1950:1 Assault case continued, charged with drunkenness, 09/16/1954:7 Huxley, Marian Wilson Son born, 11/15/1951:7 Huxley, Marion Wilson Daughter born, 10/15/1953:4 Huxley, Rose Seventy relatives fete woman on 80th birthday, 08/19/1954:1 Hyman, J. Raymond Resides in Houston, TX, 07/12/1951:2 Major stationed at Gary AFB, TX, 09/30/1954:3 Hyman, Joseph R., Jr. Wedding described, 09/11/1952:7 Hyman, Paula Mary Wedding described, 07/02/1953:2 Hynes, Gilbert S. Sells School St Ext home to Harold Atkins, 11/17/1950:6 Hynes, James L. Central Baptist pastor from 1933 to 1945, 05/07/1953:4 I Iampietro, Albert Daughter born, 07/30/1953:5 Iampietro, Albert L. Graduates from University of Massachusetts (p), 06/07/1951:1 Expects to complete M.S. at Indiana University this summer, 05/26/1952:1 Iampietro, Mafalda Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1 Attends Becker Junior College, 01/04/1951:4 On Dean's List at Becker Junior College, 04/19/1951:5, 06/21/1951:10 Named to Dean's List, 02/07/1952:6 Iampietro, Mafalda L. On Dean's List at Becker Junior College, 05/03/1951:4, 12/06/1951:9 Graduates from Becker Junior College (p), 06/19/1952:1 Iampietro, Malfalda L. On Dean's List at Becker Junior College, 04/24/1952:8 Iampietro, Marjorie Keedwell Son born, 03/12/1953:5 Iampietro, Mary Attends Becker Junior College, 01/04/1951:4 Graduates from Becker Junior College, 06/07/1951:1 Engaged to Robert Broghamer, 06/12/1952:3 Iampietro, Mary L. Engaged to Robert Broghamer, 08/06/1953:3 Wedding described, 09/10/1953:4 Iampietro, Mary Lucy Wed to Robert Alfred Broghamer, 09/10/1953:5 Iampietro, Michael A. Son born, 10/06/1950:5 Iampietro, Nellie A. Martinelli Son born, 10/06/1950:5 Iampietro, Patsy Receives Master of Arts degree from UMass, 06/05/1952:12 Iampietro, Patsy F. Awarded Ph.D. in physiology by University of Rochester, 11/11/1954:2 Iampietro, Philip John Cabot Club holds ceremony to burn mortgage (p), 12/15/1950:1 Iampietro, Philip C. Nemasket Transportation Co. truck rear-ends Worcester driver on Rte 28, 07/07/1950:4 Iampietro, Philip, Jr. Pledges Kappa Sigma at UMass, 01/29/1953:9 Iampietro, Philip Louis Mendall, Kunces, and Giberti attend wedding, 02/24/1950:3 Wedding described, 02/24/1950:3 Iampietro, Vincent Son born, 03/12/1953:5 Iampietro, Virginia Gates Daughter born, 07/30/1953:5 Ice Cream. see also Dairy Queen; Farrar's Pasztor & Klar supply sixty gallons at Carver Old Home Days 50 years ago, 07/29/1954:7 Ice Industry Ernest S. Pratt Co. (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Shirley Ann Zeronsky injured by LeBaron's ice truck, 09/03/1953:4 Ernest S. Pratt Co. discontinues ice deliveries (ad), 10/01/1953:7 LeBaron cuts 17-inch ice during cold spell 50 years ago, 01/28/1954:8 Spectacular blaze destroys Pratt ice house (p), 09/16/1954:1 Ideal Block Co. Deals in fuel oil and cement blocks (p), 07/09/1953:6 Shurtleff and Bettencourt, 418 Old Center St, 02/25/1954:6 Produces fine cement block (p), 05/06/1954:8 I.G.A. see Cleverly's Food Mart Illegitimacy Leroy Hardberger brought back from Ohio to face charges, 03/15/1951:1 Hardberger guilty, must support child, 03/22/1951:8 Alexander Anacki charged, 09/03/1953:5 Alexander Anacki appeals finding of paternity, 11/05/1953:9 Imbeault, Philip Dies at age 92, 03/25/1954:4 Obituary, 03/25/1954:10 Immigration and Emigration. see also Aliens; War Brides Mayor receives letter from Czech family (l) (p), 11/26/1953:1 Import-Export Businesses S.H. Reynolds Co., import-export, Highland Rd (ad), 10/27/1950:2 Improved Order of Red Men - Nemasket Tribe Holds 47th annual roll call, 04/05/1951:5 Inch, Margaret G. And William Inch in court to confirm land title, 12/11/1952:10 Inch, Morris A. Wed to Joan Parker, 12/22/1950:9 Inch, William T. And Margaret Inch in court to confirm land title, 12/11/1952:10 Industrial Accidents Sewage worker, Romeo Ouellette, nearly loses life, 01/20/1950:1 Mary Roberts' finger crushed in press at Plymouth Shoe Co., 02/10/1950:7 G & E worker Edwin Jefferson knocked unconscious by dropped crossarm, 05/26/1950:1 John Nichols fractures arm in fall at Nemasket Transportation, 06/02/1950:1 Industrial Spray Painting, Inc. Bill Burniston (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Bill Burniston expert in spray painting (p), 08/12/1954:6 Infantile Paralysis. see March of Dimes; Polio 145 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Influenza Mild flu reported here, 02/22/1951:1 And measles hit MHS boys' choir and audience, 03/20/1952:1 Epidemic on the wane, 03/27/1952:1 Inglese, Christine Three-year-old darts across street, struck by Joseph Jacintho, 09/04/1952:4 Inglese, Mary Staff of new Sears and Roebuck catalog store (p), 11/15/1951:6 Inglese, Mary DiFillipo West Grove St couple married 50 years (p), 02/07/1952:4 Inglese, Maureen Affiliating with Tewksbury State Hospital, 06/05/1952:12 Student at Cape Cod Hospital, 01/08/1953:10 Inglese, Maureen A. Accepts post with Children's Medical Center in Boston (p), 10/29/1953:1 Inglese, Peter West Grove St couple married 50 years (p), 02/07/1952:4 Inglese Family Holds reunion, 09/03/1953:8 Insects. see also Gypsy Moths; Middleboro – Moth Department G & E foreman Everett Perry stung by yellow jacket, 09/22/1950:5 Wood ticks prevalent here, 05/07/1953:1 Gary Bradford finds praying mantis in backyard, 08/20/1953:3 Nearly forty beekeepers in Middleboro, 07/01/1954:11 Army worms invade Thompsonville area, 07/22/1954:1 Army worms reportedly eating away acres, 07/29/1954:1 Worm control measures listed, 08/05/1954:1 Insurance Local citizens label big city auto insurance scheme unfair, 11/03/1950:1 Parents may enroll Middleboro school children in insurance plan, 09/03/1953:1 School program enrolls 1,178 students, 10/15/1953:1 1,178 Middleboro pupils join group insurance, 11/12/1953:1 Plans for school children improved, 09/23/1954:7 Local school program covers 1,257 pupils, 10/14/1954:1 Insurance Agents. see also Frederick Weston Insurance Co.; McNearney, Daniel F.; Sullivan & Sullivan; Thomas, Clyde S.; T.M. Ryder Co.; Weston, Frederick S. J.E. Houlihan, 48 Montello St (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Theodore Wood, 2 Thatcher's Row (ad), 01/06/1950:8 Joseph Riley honored by Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. for multiple achievements, 03/29/1951:1 Ralph W. Maddigan, Sr. wins recognition, 01/10/1952:1 Ralph W. Maddigan, Sr. honored, 12/04/1952:4 James E. Houlihan, 48 Montello St (ad), 02/05/1953:10 Dorothy Washburn honored for 25 years of service at T.M. Ryder Insurance, 04/15/1954:7 Annie Reed plans opening of office 50 years ago, 04/22/1954:10 Anthony Petrowski represents John Hancock Co., 06/03/1954:10 Ralph Maddigan, Sr. runs 77-year-old insurance company (p), 07/01/1954:8 Anthony Petrowski completes special course, 09/30/1954:6 Met Life agent John Bowes promoted to assistant manager of Worcester district, 10/07/1954:7 Anthony Petrowski presents policy to Mr and Mrs Welch (p), 11/11/1954:8 Adrian Bissonnette sells insurance agency to Daniel McNearney, 12/02/1954:1 Interfaith Committee for United Jewish Appeal Middleboro committee organizing, 04/28/1950:12 Seeks $272 million for appeal, 05/05/1950:1 Committee members announced, 05/12/1950:13 Appeal will aid thousands, 05/19/1950:1 Chairman Riley urges mailing of contributions, 06/16/1950:1 Middleboro folks generous as appeal concludes, 12/15/1950:5 Interior Decorating C. DeCoff, 106 Pearl St (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Ruth Andrews, Fratex Plastics stylist for Middleboro and vicinity (ad), 11/15/1951:2 Wilfred Burniston (ad), 01/08/1953:2 International Order of Odd Fellows - Middleboro Lodge No. 135 Moves out of quarters they have occupied for 57 years, 08/06/1953:1 Elects officers 50 years ago, 12/30/1954:2 Inventors and Inventions. see also Brown, John C. Richard Parmenter has article published in Radio-Electronics magazine, 08/18/1950:1 Allen Fanjoy wins recognition at GE for helping develop new machine, 01/01/1953:1 Irchenhauser, Clara Widow of Gus dies at age 71, 05/19/1950:6 Irchenhauser, Clara Kraus Obituary, 05/19/1950:6 Irving, Edward Daughter born, 03/04/1954:4 Irving, Mabel Wood Daughter born, 03/04/1954:4 Irving, Shirley Marie Wed to Charles Edward Merrill, 11/15/1951:7 Iseminger, Boyd 1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1 MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p), 06/02/1950:1 MHS hoopsters pictured in action (p), 02/22/1951:10 Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1 Who's who in MHS senior class, 04/19/1951:10 MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p), 06/14/1951:1 Iseminger, Boyd A., Jr. Freshman at Brown University, 09/13/1951:10 On NROTC cruise on USS Burdo, 07/22/1954:2 Midshipman serves on transport USS Burdo, 08/19/1954:10 "Shooting the sun" while on training cruise (p), 09/02/1954:1 Iseminger, Boyd, Jr. Selected for membership to Sphinx Club at Brown, 05/14/1953:1 Named to staff playgrounds, 05/21/1953:1 Iseminger, G. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Iseminger, Gary MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1 Fractures upper arm during football practice, 10/16/1952:4 MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4 Attends Wesleyan University, 12/23/1954:9 Iseminger, Gary H. Wins scholarship to Harvard University, 05/27/1954:1 Enrolls at Wesleyan University in Connecticut, 09/16/1954:8 Iseminger, Gary Hudson Named MHS valedictorian (p), 03/25/1954:1 Iseminger, Grace Resides in Eugene, OR, 03/10/1950:9 Iseminger, Harriet Hudson Named Central Congregational Church Mother of the Year, 05/14/1953:1 Isenminger, Boyd Austin, Jr. Attends Brown University, 10/11/1951:7 Itinerant Office Employment office open one extra day per week, 01/20/1950:5 J Jacintho, F. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Jacintho, Florence L. Nominated for queen of UMass Winter Carnival, 12/23/1954:1 Jacintho, J. Vincent Wins scholarship at UMass, 02/21/1952:10 Jacintho, Joseph On Honors List at UMass, 04/09/1953:1 Jacintho, Joseph R. Christine Inglese darts across street, struck by Jacintho, 09/04/1952:4 Shirley Ann Zeronsky injured by ice truck, 09/03/1953:4 On honor list at UMass, 04/15/1954:1 Jacintho, Joseph V. Awarded $250 scholarship from UMass, 03/27/1952:1 Named to UMass Dean's List, 04/03/1952:1 Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1 146 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Jacintho, Myrtis Sault Son born, 06/25/1953:5 Jacintho, Vincent Who's who in MHS senior class, 05/10/1951:3 Attends University of Massachusetts, 09/20/1951:8 Jacintho, William Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 Son born, 06/25/1953:5 Jack & Jill Kindergarten Schedule (ad) (t), 01/13/1950:8 Tate's pupils hold commencement exercises (p), 06/30/1950:1 Re-opens September 18th (ad), 06/30/1950:4 Elizabeth Tate, 13 Webster St (ad), 09/08/1950:3 Middleboro's youngest grads receive diplomas (p), 07/03/1952:3 Kindergarten granted license, 10/02/1952:10 Pupils receive diplomas, 06/25/1953:7 Holds graduation exercises (p), 07/01/1954:6 Jackson, Emma Alice Gardiner Daughter born, 07/14/1950:7 Jackson, Foster Proprietor of A.C. Cosseboom blacksmith shop (p), 07/15/1954:6 Jackson, George Places fourth in speaking at FFA district meet, 02/19/1953:1 Jackson, Ila School nurse misquoted on school health defects, 02/04/1954:1 School officials accept gift of audiometer (p), 03/11/1954:1 Jackson, John Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6 Jackson, Joseph Hannah Jackson Harlow's will sets up Joseph Jackson Fund for high school scholarship, 03/17/1950:1 Jackson, Joyce Five girls from Louise Crowley Dance Studio perform in Cambridge (p), 03/22/1951:1 Jackson, Mark L. Fined $3 for lack of inspection sticker, 05/17/1951:2 Veteran carpenter returns from French Morocco, 10/08/1953:1 Jackson, Mrs Edward Dislocates shoulder in fall, 01/11/1951:6 Jackson, Mrs Warren Pet calf struck by car, 11/12/1953:12 Jackson, Nettie Lakeville resident moves to Shaw Home, 11/10/1950:10 Jackson, Thomas T. Daughter born, 07/14/1950:7 Foreclosure notice, 05/15/1952:8 Jackson Blacksmith Shop Now receiving 4160-volt service, 04/10/1952:6 Jacob, Almon Graduates from Swain School of Design, 06/07/1951:5 Separates from Battery A at Fort Devens, 05/29/1952:5 Jacob, W.G.L. Thelma Vigers wins Merchants Association grand prize (p), 08/07/1952:10 Jacob, William G.L. Silversmith retires after 52 years, 07/03/1952:5 Jacobs, George R. Corporal with Chemical Corps assigned to Fort McClellan, AL, 08/09/1951:1 Jacobs, Lucy Assault case dismissed, 09/25/1952:8 Jacobs, Lucy L. Granted common victualler's license, 07/24/1952:4 Jacobs, Lucy S. Fails to prosecute assault case against Reynolds, 08/14/1952:7 Jacobson, Joyce A. Graduates from Boston Dispensary Clinical Lab for Medical Technicians, 07/03/1952:2 Jacobson, Lois Attends Columbia University, 12/23/1954:10 Jacobson, V. Loris Enrolls in Columbia Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing, NYC, 09/23/1954:5 Jacobson, Virginia Takes part in collegiate premiere of Carousel at UMass, 03/11/1954:9 Jacobson, Virginia L. Member of UMass marching band, 10/30/1952:1 On staff of Handbook at UMass, 12/10/1953:4 Jacqowchuch, Vera Engaged to Albert J. Rullo, 05/10/1951:7 Jacqowchuck, Vera Wed to Albert J. Rullo, 06/21/1951:5 Jacques, Adelbert Tax collector's notice, 03/12/1953:3 Jacques, Albert Varnum Dies at age 82, 10/28/1954:6 Jacques, Virginia Widow of Albert dies at age 80, 11/04/1954:4 Obituary, 11/04/1954:7 Jagla, Andrew Son born, 12/10/1953:6 Jagla, Mary Duggan Son born, 12/10/1953:6 Jai, Barbara Engaged to William V. Rose, Jr., 06/30/1950:6, 08/04/1950:2 Engaged to William Rose, Jr., 10/13/1950:10 Jai, Barbara Louise Wedding described, 10/20/1950:2 Ja-Mer Turkey Farm Plymouth St (ad), 08/11/1950:2 Owner Fred Freidenfeld, 03/29/1951:8 Fire ruins grain, 300 young birds moved, 12/20/1951:1 Hatches four-legged turkey (p), 04/16/1953:12 Fenoglio and Freidenfeld dissolve partnership, 09/03/1953:2 Freidenfeld wins eight ribbons in turkey contest, 11/04/1954:1 James, Ann Kuppers Daughter born, 08/27/1953:7 Son born, 11/04/1954:4 James, George R. Son born, 11/04/1954:4 James, George Robert Engaged to Ann Kuppers, 03/13/1952:2 Wedding described, 08/14/1952:2 Wed to Ann Blessington Kuppers, 08/14/1952:5 Born to George R. and Ann Kuppers, 11/04/1954:4 James, George Robert, Jr. Daughter born, 08/27/1953:7 James, Robert Husband of Ann Kuppers dies suddenly, 08/05/1954:6 James McNeil Co. Formerly A.F. Ryder Co. (ad), 09/29/1950:5 Alonzo F. Ryder Co. changes name, 09/29/1950:10 Helen Haley resigns, moves to Cedarville, 04/12/1951:4 Stoughton girl to be tried on four charges of stealing, 08/02/1951:1 Stoughton girl not guilty of larceny, 08/30/1951:1 Remodeling second floor into modern office space for rent (ad), 01/03/1952:6 Youngsters from sanatorium see Santa at James McNeil Co. (p), 12/18/1952:1 Debtor Henry Benson gets jail sentence, 07/16/1953:7 Jamison, Mrs John Dies in Charlotte, NC, 04/03/1952:9 Jane Bennett Scholarship Description of annual scholarship for MHS grad, 05/05/1950:1, 05/15/1952:4 Jantomaso, Patrick L. Called for military induction, 11/11/1954:1 Jardullo, Anthony Dies at age 79, 11/08/1951:7 Obituary, 11/08/1951:11 Jardullo, Dominic Lane and Jardullo collide at Peirce and School St, 10/04/1951:2 J.C. Boynton & Son Grocer distributes calendars 50 years ago, 01/07/1954:7 Grocers purchase new wagon 50 years ago, 04/08/1954:9 Installs McCaskey account register 50 years ago, 07/15/1954:8 147 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Jean's Variety Shop 160 Center St (ad), 12/22/1950:12 Jefferson, Anne E. Files for divorce, 01/07/1954:10 Jefferson, Arleen Corayer Daughter born, 11/10/1950:7 Jefferson, Arleen V. Foreclosure notice, 12/04/1952:5 Jefferson, Betty South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Jefferson, Bob Boat safety stressed to youngsters at pool (p), 07/22/1954:1 Jefferson, Donald Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Jefferson, Edwin G & E worker knocked unconscious by dropped crossarm, 05/26/1950:1 Daughter born, 06/16/1950:7 Jefferson, Eliza South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Jefferson, George Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises (p), 06/30/1950:1 Jefferson, Herbert P. Widower of Jennie Crittenden dies at age 84, 06/24/1954:4 Obituary, 06/24/1954:7 Jefferson, Irving Granted secondhand furniture license, 06/23/1950:4 Jefferson, Irving F. Appointed to police force, 03/24/1950:1 Resigns from police force, 01/07/1954:1 Wife files for divorce, 01/07/1954:10 Jefferson, J. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Jefferson, Joan Elected to attend Girls' State, 05/06/1954:1 Chosen District Attorney at Girls' State, 07/01/1954:1 Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1 Jefferson, Madison Clifton Carver man dies at age 80, 05/22/1952:7 Obituary, 05/22/1952:11 Jefferson, Marguerite Crowell Daughter born, 06/16/1950:7 Jefferson, Mary Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1 Jefferson, Mary Ann Four-year-old locks herself in bathroom, 03/17/1950:4 Jefferson, Otis M. Couple married 55 years, 12/08/1950:3 Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4 Jefferson, Richard Attends Fitchburg State Teachers College, 03/03/1950:6 Resumes studies at Fitchburg State Teachers' College, 09/15/1950:11 Stationed at White Sands Proving grounds, NM, 01/07/1954:2 Promoted to Corporal at White Sands, NM, 01/21/1954:5 Discharged from U.S. Army, 08/19/1954:2 Jefferson, Richard B. Engaged to Dorothy A. Welsh, 07/31/1952:5 Wed to Dorothy A. Welsh, 08/07/1952:5 Takes basic training at Aberdeen, MD, 08/21/1952:10 Returns to duty at White Sands, NM, 04/02/1953:6 Jefferson, Richard Burton Engaged to Dorothy Anne Welsh, 04/24/1952:3 Wedding described, 08/07/1952:7 VFW post bids farewell to inductees (p), 08/14/1952:1 Jefferson, Rita Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Jefferson, Robert C. Leaves for army induction (p), 03/15/1951:1 Jefferson, Robert Carleton Inducted into military service, 03/08/1951:1 Jefferson, Russell Daughter born, 11/10/1950:7 Jefferson, Russell E. Foreclosure notice, 12/04/1952:5 Undergoes post truce training in Korea, 08/27/1953:1 Jefferson, Ruth Engaged to be married, 06/16/1950:10 Employed at telephone company in New Bedford, 04/19/1951:4 Employed in New Bedford, 07/19/1951:4 Jefferson, Ruth L. Engaged to Herbert T. Bolin, 06/23/1950:5 Wedding described, 07/07/1950:2 Wed to Herbert T. Bolin, 07/07/1950:5 Jeffrey, Robert L. New principal at Assawampsett School, 08/13/1953:1 Jenkins, Cora Josephine Obituary, 06/09/1950:3 Widow of Parker dies at age 84, 06/09/1950:7 Jenkins, Ethel Raymond Passes Clerical and Typist Civil Service Exam, 05/19/1950:1 Jenkins, Everett State Farm guard beaten by prisoner, 05/01/1952:1 Capons (ad), 11/20/1952:11 Jenkins, Everett N. Cedar Hill Farm, turkeys (ad), 12/17/1953:10 Jenkins, F. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Jenkins, Frank Candidate for Lakeville Finance Committee, 02/18/1954:6 Thanks Lakeville voters (ad), 03/04/1954:5 Jenks, Elisha T. Displays colonial flag for Flag Day 50 years ago, 06/10/1954:9 Jenks, Mrs Roger Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Jenks, Roger Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Jenness, Joyce M. New social studies teacher at Bates School, 04/22/1954:1 New junior high social studies teacher, 10/07/1954:9 Jenney, Arthur E. Requests three-phase electric service for machine shop off East Grove St, 11/29/1951:1 Jenney, C.E. High school football coach 50 years ago, 09/30/1954:8 Jenney, George D. Inducted into armed forces, 02/14/1952:1 Leaves for army induction (p), 02/21/1952:1 Jenney, J.L. J.L. Jenney Coal Co., distributors of Shell fuel oil (ad), 09/18/1952:9 Jenney's truck in collision on Sachem St, 12/09/1954:2 Jenney, Mabel B. Wife of Arthur E. dies at age 76, 10/30/1952:7 Obituary, 10/30/1952:12 Jenney Manufacturing Co. Clyde Forbes files damage suit against Jenney Manufacturing Co., 01/29/1953:8 Jennings, Beaulah No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Jennings, Beulah Wood Daughter born, 05/26/1950:7 Jennings, Glen Daughter born, 12/08/1950:4 Jennings, Hazel Two Alaska-bound couples made their own travel trailer (p), 06/17/1954:1 Jennings, Jon Bartlett Petitions for name change to John Bartlett Wood, 10/08/1953:8 Jennings, Karen Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Jennings, Lewis Daughter born, 05/26/1950:7 Jennings, Linda Petitions for name change to Linda Wood, 10/08/1953:8 Jennings, Louis Employed at Nemasket Transportation Co., 12/10/1953:7 148 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Jennings, Nancy Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club dance (p), 02/17/1950:1 Jennings, Nancy C. Wed to Frank J. Silvia, 12/04/1952:5 Jennings, Richard J. Engaged to Arlene M. Wilde, 03/04/1954:4 Wed to Arlene Wilde, 03/18/1954:4 Jennings, Rita Quagan Daughter born, 12/08/1950:4 Jennings, Robert Roof and chimney repair (ad), 10/11/1951:3 Two Alaska-bound couples made their own travel trailer (p), 06/17/1954:1 Jennings, Timmy Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Jerrard, Joseph G. New teacher at West Side School, 08/20/1953:1 West Side School teacher resigns, 01/14/1954:1 Jesse, Donald Reclassified, begins army tour of duty, 07/01/1954:6 Private stationed at Fort Dix, NJ, 09/23/1954:10 Jesse, Donald E. English teacher at Bates School, 02/11/1954:1 Jesse, John P. Son born, 07/14/1950:7 Fined $25 for assaulting wife, 09/08/1950:10 Jesse, Joseph A. Thief put on long probation, 02/14/1952:4 Youth indicted for larcenies at Washburn Co., 02/14/1952:9 Gets four months for theft from Washburn's, 02/21/1952:7 Fined $25 for leaving scene of accident, 07/31/1952:6 Jesse, Lillian A. John Jesse fined $25 for assaulting wife, 09/08/1950:10 Jesse, Lillian Remillard Son born, 07/14/1950:7 Jesulaitis, Anna Anderson Son born, 04/02/1953:7 Jesulaitis, John Daughter born, 12/03/1953:4 Jesulaitis, Mary Wilbur Daughter born, 12/03/1953:4 Jewelers and Jewelry. see also Cook's Jewelry Store M.L. Hinckley & Son Jewelers, 51 Center St (ad), 05/01/1952:14 Profile and history of M.L. Hinckley & Son, 11/13/1952:9 Robinson moving entire stock (ad), 03/26/1953:12 Modern Sales, 108 Arch St (ad), 10/22/1953:2 Modern Sales, 21 Forest St (ad), 03/18/1954:9 Jewell, Donald R. Attends gunnery school in Denver, CO, 03/27/1952:2 Engaged to Elaine Marie Pavao, 06/12/1952:3 Jewett, Constance L. Engaged to Herbert Gibbs, 07/09/1953:4 Wedding described, 07/30/1953:2 Wed to Herbert Gibbs, 07/30/1953:5 Jillson, Mrs Otis Resides in Norwich, VT, 09/08/1950:2 Jillson, Otis Closes practice in Portland, ME; joins Hitchcock Clinic at Dartmouth College, 09/08/1950:10 Jim & Scotty's Home cleaning service (ad), 03/17/1950:10 Jimmie Thompson's Gulf Service Rte 44 (ad), 02/28/1952:2 Jimmy Fund Eagles raise $265 for Jimmy Fund, 09/22/1950:4 Eagles net $251 for Jimmy Fund, 09/25/1952:1 Middleboro Little League makes $31.62 contribution, 09/25/1952:3 J.L. Jenney Coal Co. Distributors of Shell fuel oil (ad), 09/18/1952:9 Pfister and Young collide on Sachem St, 12/09/1954:2 J.M. Wells, Inc. 27-29 North Main St (ad), 01/20/1950:11 Furniture disposal sale (ad), 02/24/1950:3 J.M. Wells, Inc. continued Fifth anniversary sale (ad), 11/29/1951:11 First mattress of its kind on display (p), 12/06/1951:8 Senior girls given keepsake chests (p), 06/19/1952:4 6th anniversary sale (ad), 10/09/1952:9 Profile and history of local business, 11/27/1952:3 Closing Middleboro store, removal sale (ad), 02/26/1953:9 Joaquin, Jennie Louise Engaged to Theodore W. DeArruda, 10/18/1951:5 Wed to Theodore W. DeArruda, 10/25/1951:5 Wedding described, 11/01/1951:8 Job, Elsie K. Obituary, 10/16/1952:4 Joe's Shoe Repair Store closed Wednesday afternoons (ad), 05/26/1950:3 Johansen, Robert Engaged to Eleanor Luther, 05/31/1951:10 Johanson, Arthur Red Coach Grille liquor license transferred from Melford Butts, 08/27/1953:1 Johanson, Margaret Camandona Resides in Robbinsdale, MN, 08/14/1952:10 Johanson, Robert Wed to Eleanor Luther, 10/04/1951:2 John, Herbert Couple sells Clay St house to Robert Wood, 06/09/1950:7 John Cabot Club Television stolen in break-in, 02/10/1950:7 Granted shuffleboard license, 04/07/1950:5 Plymouth man admits to theft of television, 08/11/1950:1 Holds ceremony to burn mortgage (p), 12/15/1950:1 Celebrates 2nd birthday, 02/21/1952:4 Application for liquor license, 11/20/1952:5 Contributes $50 to West Side Playground fund, 05/13/1954:2 John Donnelly and Sons Denied permit to erect sign on Rte 28, 11/11/1954:1 John Martin's TV Sales and Service All work guaranteed (ad), 06/04/1953:5 John Mitchell Co. Radio and television repair (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Johnny's Awning Repairs 30 Plymouth St (ad), 08/18/1950:9 Johnny's Texaco Station Tires (ad), 01/20/1950:12 Johnson, Alex South Carver couple married 61 years, 12/17/1953:3 Johnson, Arthur B. Granted license for overnight camps, 06/25/1953:4 Applies for overnight cabin permit, 07/16/1953:10 Johnson, Arthur G. Signs contract for electric service on Woods Pond Terrace, 06/11/1953:10 Johnson, B.F. Janitor at Town House 50 years ago, 08/26/1954:8 Johnson, C. Frederick On furlough from duties in Japan, 11/29/1951:6 Johnson, Charles Trains with 483rd Engineers Battalion at Camp Drum, NY (p), 07/17/1952:1 Volunteers for military service, 02/04/1954:7 Johnson, Charles R. Arrives at Fort Dix, NJ for basic training (p), 04/15/1954:2 Corporal graduates from engineer foreman course, 11/11/1954:9 Johnson, Curtis Non-support case continued, 04/15/1954:5 Johnson, Curtis R. Evidence heard in non-support case, 04/29/1954:9 Notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 10/21/1954:7 Johnson, Curtis S. Non-support case continued, 04/15/1954:9 Johnson, Eddie Wed to Thelma E. Biggs, 01/20/1950:12 149 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Johnson, Emil Husband of Frederika dies at age 69, 05/08/1952:7 Obituary, 05/08/1952:8 Johnson, Ernest Linwood Obituary, 04/22/1954:5 Husband of Harriet A. Elmes dies at age 78, 04/22/1954:6 Johnson, Frances Esterbrook Son born, 07/28/1950:5 Johnson, Frank Son born, 03/12/1953:5 Obituary, 12/03/1953:2 Carver man dies at age 64, 12/03/1953:4 Johnson, Fred Injures back in fall, 02/25/1954:6 Johnson, Frederick Stationed in Norfolk, VA, 12/31/1953:9 Johnson, Frederick C. Completes Red Cross course in Japan, 07/21/1950:5 Sergeant assigned to Kindley AFB, Bermuda, 11/25/1954:7 Johnson, Grace Vinton Daughter born, 03/01/1951:5 Johnson, Gustaf C., Jr. Engaged to Barbara Brooks, 01/18/1951:5 Wed to Barbara Brooks, 01/25/1951:5 Johnson, Gustaf Edwin Wedding described, 08/28/1952:10 Johnson, Henry E. Wins Associated Industries of Massachusetts scholarship, 06/02/1950:1 Wedding described, 10/18/1951:8 Johnson, Herbert Family moves from Clay St to Lakeville, 05/26/1950:7 Johnson, Irving C. Son born, 07/23/1953:4 Johnson, James E. Obituary, 02/05/1953:10 Johnson, James W. Webster St couple married 25 years, 12/02/1954:4 Johnson, Jennie Potter MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1 Johnson, Joan R. Engaged to Ralph W. Peltola, 10/22/1953:7 Wed to Ralph W. Peltola, 10/29/1953:5 Johnson, Joan Rose Engaged to Ralph William Peltola, 08/06/1953:2 Engaged to Ralph Peltola, 10/15/1953:4 Wedding described, 10/29/1953:10 Johnson, John S. Appointed assistant to president of U.S. Rubber Co., 12/22/1950:6 Johnson, John Stearns Elected director of the National Co., 03/05/1953:5 Graduates from Dartmouth College, 07/30/1953:8 Johnson, Kathleen Roland Josselyn pleads not guilty on morals charge, 08/14/1952:3 Josselyn held in $2,000 for grand jury in rape case, 09/04/1952:8 Josselyn case set for grand jury, 10/02/1952:5 Josselyn indicted on charge of breaking-and-entering with intent to rape, 10/16/1952:7 Josselyn sentenced to six months, 10/23/1952:7 Johnson, Kathleen M. Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 10/21/1954:7 Johnson, Laura J. Arthier Wife of James H. dies at age 71, 03/18/1954:4 Johnson, Leon Wedding described, 04/05/1951:3 Johnson, Louis Bernard Husband of Martha B. Leonard dies at age 74, 01/03/1952:5 Obituary, 01/03/1952:7 Johnson, Mary Trayers Son born, 07/23/1953:4 Johnson, Merton C. Dies at age 96, 04/29/1954:4 Obituary, 04/29/1954:7 Petition for probate of will, 05/27/1954:11 Johnson, Robert A. Wed to Lois H. Pierson, 03/18/1954:4 Johnson, Robert E. Inducted into Marine Corps, 11/08/1951:1 Undergoes recruit training at Parris island, SC (p), 12/27/1951:1 Marine Corporal participates in Caribbean exercises, 04/23/1953:7 Johnson, Robert Edward Called for Army service, 10/18/1951:1 Johnson, Robert F. Daughter born, 03/01/1951:5 Johnson, Roy Early discovery of smoke at apartment results in only slight damage, 06/24/1954:1 Johnson, Rudolph Son born, 07/28/1950:5 Johnson, Stuart Passes exams for Naval Reserves, 05/12/1950:9 On Dean's List at Middlebury College, 10/09/1952:1 Johnson, Stuart R. Pledges Delta Kappa Epsilon at Middlebury College, 04/02/1953:1 On Dean's list at Middlebury College, 10/15/1953:8 Johnson, Stuart Richmond Who's who in MHS senior class, 06/09/1950:8 Johnson, Thelma Fuller Son born, 03/12/1953:5 Johnson, William Private stationed at Camp Pickett, VA, 05/24/1951:2 Johnson, William H. Resides in Malden, 04/19/1951:4 Johnson, William H.H. Obituary, 03/05/1953:7 Johnson, William I. Leaves for army induction in Boston, 09/23/1954:1 Johnson, William L. Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1 Engaged to Mary C. Cobb, 08/12/1954:4 Wed to Mary E. Cobb, 09/16/1954:4 Johnson, William Leroy Wedding described, 08/26/1954:9 Johnson, Winton Resides in Hackensack, NJ, 10/27/1950:12 Johnston, David George Born to Edward G., 09/17/1953:2 Johnston, Edward Couple moves to Rock Village church parsonage, 03/26/1953:5 Son born, 09/17/1953:6 Johnston, Edward G. New pastor at Rock Village Church, 05/07/1953:1 Son born, 09/17/1953:2 Johnston, Eliette Racine Son born, 09/17/1953:6 Johnston, J. Douglas Promoted at Bird & Son, Inc. in Louisiana, 01/07/1954:7 Joiner, Audrey Koerner Son born, 10/01/1953:4 Joiner, Elmer Son born, 10/01/1953:4 Jokinen, Judith South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Jokinen, Matti Obituary, 02/26/1953:9 Jolley, Paul J. Leaves for Pine Camp with 320th Military Police Battalion, 07/24/1952:3 Jollimore, Howard Gilbert Obituary, 05/24/1951:7 Wrentham man dies at age 62, 05/24/1951:7 Jolly, Paul Reservist in training at Pine Camp, NY (p), 08/02/1951:1 Jonas, Frances L. On carnival committee at UMass, 02/19/1953:8 Joncas, Pauline A. Wed to Charles W. Caswell, 05/22/1952:7 150 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Joncas, Pauline Ann Engaged to Charles William Caswell, 07/26/1951:7 Wedding described, 05/22/1952:5 Jones, Alberta DeMoranville Son born, 05/10/1951:7 Jones, Alice M. Widow of Albert dies at age 73, 12/24/1953:4 Obituary, 12/24/1953:8 Petition for probate of will, 01/21/1954:5 Jones, Ambrus Egger's Annex staffed by Middleboro old fellars (ad), 03/20/1952:5 Meet the sales force at Egger's Annex (ad) (p), 04/24/1952:5 Jones, Ambrus L. Collides with North Plymouth driver at Peirce and Pearl St, 08/28/1952:2 Wed to Mabel Claire Glidden, 07/23/1953:4 Jones, Barbara Resides in Boston, 06/16/1950:8 Engaged to John Stuart Steven, 12/29/1950:4 Wed to John Stuart Stevens, 07/26/1951:10 Jones, Bob Stranded motorist thanks Jones for help (l), 08/07/1952:8 Jones, Charles Freeman Obituary, 01/07/1954:3 Husband of Gladys M. dies at age 75, 01/07/1954:5 Jones, Elizabeth Gertrude Engaged to Charles Earl Harris, Jr., 11/26/1953:4 Wed to Charles Earl Harris, Jr., 12/03/1953:4 Jones, Frances Enters University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 09/22/1950:5 Member of Scrolls honorary society at UMass, 05/24/1951:1 Wins scholarship at UMass, 02/21/1952:10 Elected assistant Rush captain for sorority, 03/06/1952:3 Awarded $250 scholarship from UMass, 03/27/1952:1 On Honors List at UMass, 04/09/1953:1 Honor student at UMass, 09/03/1953:1 Engaged to Edward Craig, 06/10/1954:5 Jones, Frances L. Pledges Pi Beta Phi, 01/18/1951:9 Participates in play competition at UMass, 02/14/1952:10 Has role in UMass production of Eastward to Eden, 03/27/1952:6 Named to UMass Dean's List, 04/03/1952:1 Member of UMass spring theater production, 04/23/1953:1 Wins honors at UMass, 05/14/1953:1 Named to post on honorary society, 10/22/1953:1 Elected to Phi Beta Kappa, 12/17/1953:1 Selected for chorus production at UMass, 01/07/1954:10 Local woman to receives degree from UMass (p), 06/03/1954:1 Engaged to Edward Craig, Jr., 06/17/1954:4 Wed to Edward Craig, Jr., 06/24/1954:4 Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1 Jones, Frances Louise Who's who in MHS senior class, 06/02/1950:4 Wedding described, 06/24/1954:10 Jones, Francis Takes part in collegiate premiere of Carousel at UMass, 03/11/1954:9 Jones, George Son born, 05/10/1951:7 Jones, Harriet M. Bates School teacher dies, 10/13/1950:6 Jones, Hattie May Wife of Ambrus L. dies at age 72, 10/13/1950:7 Obituary, 10/13/1950:12 Jones, Jacqueline Recipient of Robert Goldstein Citizenship Award, 06/14/1951:6 Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1 Recipient of Robert Goldstein Citizenship Award, 06/05/1952:1 Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4 Attends University of Massachusetts, 09/10/1953:4 Jones, Jacqueline F. Member of UMass Harmonaires, 10/29/1953:7 Pledges Pi Beta Phi at UMass, 11/11/1954:1 Jones, Jacqueline Frances Who's who in MHS senior class, 03/27/1952:9 Jones, Jacqueline Franklin Named MHS Girl of the Month, 11/29/1951:8 Jones, James H. Father of Mrs Percy Churbuck observes 106th birthday, 11/22/1951:4 Aged 107, father of Frances Churbuck votes in 17th presidential election, 11/20/1952:4 Obituary, 08/26/1954:7 Jones, Katherine Student nurse at Melrose Hospital, 12/08/1950:15 Jones, Mary A.L. Allerton Thompson named estate administrator 50 years ago, 10/07/1954:10 Jones, Minnie A. Obituary, 07/28/1950:3 Jones, Mrs Arthur Resides in Brooklyn, NY, 07/21/1950:10 Jones, Paul Transfers to the University of Connecticut, 09/15/1950:6 Named chairman of Winter Carnival at UConn, 02/12/1953:1 Wedding held in Millerton, NY, 09/09/1954:4 Jones, Paul G. Named Cadet Lieutenant Colonel in ROTC, 11/19/1953:11 Named to Who's Who Among Students at American Universities and Colleges, 12/03/1953:1 Jones, Paul G., Jr. Candidate for student senate at UConn, 04/03/1952:3 Named to college Who's Who, 12/18/1952:1 Graduates from University of Connecticut, 06/17/1954:1 Jones, Paul Gutarie, Jr. Wedding described, 09/02/1954:9 Jones, Paul, Jr. Re-elected advertising director of WHUS at UConn, 01/17/1952:1 Jones, Richard P. Obituary, 04/12/1951:10 Jones, Robert Employed at the State Farm, 01/27/1950:12 Seaman stationed at Fargo Building in Boston, 03/13/1952:4 Stationed at Newport, RI, 03/27/1952:4 Jones, Robert, Jr. Son born, 11/05/1953:7 Jones, Robert S., Jr. Engaged to Mary J. Ballestracci, 02/21/1952:5 Wedding described, 02/28/1952:4 Wed to Mary J. Ballestraci, 02/28/1952:5 Serves onboard USS Braine, 10/30/1952:9 Jones, Victor 1920 Dodge has traveled 260,000 miles (p), 07/01/1954:9 Jones Bros., Co. Has contract to carpet Weymouth hall 50 years ago, 11/18/1954:10 Jordan, Florence Shaw Daughter born, 03/06/1952:5 Jordan, George Son born, 01/08/1953:5 Jordan, Howard Daughter born, 03/06/1952:5 Jordan, Katherine Handziak Son born, 01/08/1953:5 Joseph, Anna The Fireside granted shuffleboard license, 06/09/1950:14 Joseph, Anna M. Has liquor license application on file, 06/30/1950:1 Selectmen favor liquor license transfer from Joseph to new owner of The Fireside, 02/08/1951:1 Charged with violating liquor laws on Armistice Day, 11/20/1952:1 Owner of The Fireside to be reprimanded, 11/27/1952:1 Applies to transfer liquor license to Benjamin Crocker, 04/08/1954:7 Joseph Jackson Fund Hannah Jackson Harlow's will sets up fund for high school scholarship, 03/17/1950:1 Joseph L. Ayotte & Son Real estate (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Sign petition straightened out, 05/19/1950:1 Veteran wants your business (ad) (p), 07/26/1951:6 To open real estate office on South Main St, 11/29/1951:6 151 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Joseph L. Ayotte & Son continued Real estate office now at 23 South Main St (ad), 12/13/1951:5 Joseph MacAllister Grain Co. Wirthmore feed (ad), 07/23/1953:6 Grain service for farmers, 12/31/1953:6 Distributor of Wirthmore feed products (p), 10/21/1954:8 Josselyn, Roland E. Pleads not guilty on morals charge, 08/14/1952:3 Case put over for one week, 08/21/1952:5 Josselyn held in $2,000 for grand jury in rape case, 09/04/1952:8 Case set for grand jury, 10/02/1952:5 Indicted on charge of breaking-and-entering with intent to rape, 10/16/1952:7 Sentenced to six months, 10/23/1952:7 Journalists. see McLeod, George C. Joy, Daniel Sells Plymouth St property to Bertram Braddock, 04/02/1953:8 Joy, Lorraine Mulley Son born, 06/07/1951:5 Daughter born, 07/01/1954:6 Joy, Sylvester Son born, 06/07/1951:5 Daughter born, 07/01/1954:6 Joyce, Karen Five-year-old found wandering after left behind at picnic, 08/05/1954:1 Judaism. see also Interfaith Committee for United Jewish Appeal Chanukah candles lit, 12/18/1952:1 Mrs Addison Simmons one of sponsors of film benefit for Jewish refugees, 04/16/1953:3 Judge, Mrs Edward Resides in Providence, RI, 02/18/1954:10 Judson, Richard B. Notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 08/09/1951:5 Guilty of assaulting wife Violet, 10/04/1951:4 Charges Violette Judson with assault and battery, 10/25/1951:2 Drops charges against wife, 11/01/1951:1 Wed to Ione C. Riendeau, 04/01/1954:4 Judson, Violet Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 08/09/1951:5 Richard B. Judson guilty of assaulting wife, 10/04/1951:4 Judson, Violette Charged with operating without license, disturbing the peace, and assault and battery, 10/25/1951:2 Charges dismissed for lack of prosecution, 11/01/1951:1 Jukeboxes Selectmen alert to Sunday license violations, 06/12/1952:6 Jule, Verna New music director at Rock Village Church, 01/10/1952:1 Julius, David J. Former local minister scheduled to preach here, 07/31/1952:8 Junior, Henry Daughter born, 01/18/1951:5 Junior, Henry Nelson Son born, 02/04/1954:5 Junior, Marian Keefe Daughter born, 01/18/1951:5 Junior, Marion Keefe Son born, 02/04/1954:5 Junior Cabot Club Organization of club underway, 01/27/1950:8 Elects officers and adopts by-laws, 02/10/1950:1 Holds first regular meeting, 02/17/1950:12 Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1 Players present Deadlier Than the Male, 10/06/1950:2 Request made to repeat performance, 10/13/1950:1 Observes first anniversary, 02/15/1951:2 Stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1 Holds annual meeting, 05/24/1951:9 Announces program for upcoming season, 10/04/1951:4 Pop concert for cardiac fund well patronized (p), 10/25/1951:1 Preview of spring fashion show (p), 03/20/1952:4 Holds annual meeting, 05/15/1952:10 Junior Cabot Club continued Makes gift of $150 to music supervisor for instrument repair, 05/22/1952:1 Program for upcoming year, 10/02/1952:1 Glee Club ready for 2nd annual pop concert (p), 11/06/1952:4 Second annual pop concert supports cardiac fund, 11/13/1952:11 Observes third birthday, 02/19/1953:2 Holds annual meeting, 05/14/1953:10 Program of upcoming year, 10/01/1953:10 Members of Glee Club (p), 10/15/1953:1 Rainbow of colors presented at pop concert, 10/22/1953:7 Celebrates 4th anniversary, 02/04/1954:3 Observes 4th birthday, 02/18/1954:5 Presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1 Holds annual Guest Night, 04/15/1954:10 Donates playground equipment for Union Street School (p), 05/06/1954:1 Outlines year of activities, 05/06/1954:10 Holds 4th annual meeting, 05/27/1954:9 Presents third annual concert, 10/21/1954:9 Most successful masquerade ball yet, 11/04/1954:4 Nets $304 for playground equipment, 11/18/1954:1 Junior Red Cross - Middleboro Chapter Holds annual meeting, 05/24/1951:11 Annual report, 08/16/1951:1 Receives thanks for art project at Camp Edwards, 03/20/1952:6 Holds annual meeting, 06/05/1952:3, 10/16/1952:6 South Middleboro youngsters stage circus in support of chapter, 06/25/1953:7 Annual report, 07/02/1953:2 Holds annual inter-council rally, 11/05/1953:6 Takes special collection for fire victims, Paquins, 02/11/1954:1 Spends majority of funds raised on local projects, 08/19/1954:1 Junk Dealers William Brackett applies for license, 01/11/1951:2 Notice of hearing on Nathan Freedman's license application (ad), 02/01/1951:10 Selectmen postpone action on Freedman's license, will look at proposed site, 02/22/1951:1 Selectmen to inspect Freedman property again, 03/08/1951:1 Notice of hearing on Norman Duphilly's license (ad), 04/24/1952:5 Juranty, Walter J. Collides with Alma Gray at Everett Square, 06/03/1954:4 Jurgekewicz, Charles Edward Petitions to change name to Charles Edward Jurgens, 05/29/1952:2 Jurgelewicz, Carol Marjorie Petitions to change name to Carol Marjorie Jurgens, 05/29/1952:3 Jurgelewicz, Charles E. Engaged to Frances Alice Woodward, 05/24/1951:12 Graduates from U.S. Coast Guard Academy as ensign (p), 05/26/1952:1 Graduates from U.S. Coast Guard Academy, 06/05/1952:12 Jurgelewicz, Dorothy Ann Petitions to change name to Dorothy Ann Jurgens, 05/29/1952:3 Jurgelewicz, Dorothy Dahlin Daughter born, 03/22/1951:5 Jurgelewicz, Dorothy Olga Petitions to change name to Dorothy Olga Jurgens, 05/29/1952:3 Jurgelewicz, John Daughter born, 03/22/1951:5 Jurgelewicz, John Francis Petitions to change name to John Francis Jurgens, 05/29/1952:3 Jurgelewicz, John P. Wrecks two utility poles on Rte 28, 10/27/1950:3 Jurgelewicz, Stanley Pleads not guilty to break and larceny, 05/10/1951:8 Acquitted on break-in charge, 05/31/1951:1 Inducted into armed forces, 04/09/1953:1 Trains with field artillery battalion at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 06/04/1953:10 Jurgens, Carol Marjorie Carol Marjorie Jurgelewicz petitions to change name, 05/29/1952:3 Jurgens, Charles E. Back in Seattle after ocean station patrol, 10/21/1954:12 Lieutenant (jg) participates in rescue mission in North Pacific, 12/02/1954:1 152 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Jurgens, Charles Edward Charles Edward Jurgekewicz petitions to change name, 05/29/1952:2 Jurgens, Dorothy Ann Dorothy Ann Jurgelewicz petitions to change name, 05/29/1952:3 Jurgens, Dorothy Olga Dorothy Olga Jurgelewicz petitions to change name, 05/29/1952:3 Jurgens, John Francis John Francis Jurgelewicz petitions to change name, 05/29/1952:3 Jurors Lakeville list, 08/04/1950:7 Briggs and Cleverly drawn for duty, 08/18/1950:1 Lakeville jury list, 03/29/1951:6 Women to be included in jury list, 04/19/1951:1 Approved jury list of 129 includes 19 women, 07/05/1951:1 Maude Gates first woman called, 10/11/1951:1 Second woman juror called, 10/18/1951:1 List of Lakeville jurors, 02/28/1952:9 New list needed, 09/17/1953:1 Selectmen to complete jury list, 10/01/1953:1 Jury list for 1953, includes street of residence, 10/29/1953:8 Board of Selectmen compiles new list, 08/19/1954:4 Jussila, Laura Ann Wed to John Victor Carlson, 02/10/1950:6 Justices of the Peace James McCluskey appointed, 02/22/1951:7 Reginald Drake appointed, 04/08/1954:4 Ralph Maddigan, Jr. appointed local bail commissioner and justice of the peace, 10/21/1954:1 Juvenile Delinquents Gladys Shurtleff judged stubborn child gets long probation, 04/12/1951:6 Responsibility for juvenile delinquency (l) (Leo Kahian), 08/26/1954:8 K Kahian, Jimmie Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Kahian, Leo Appliances, 866 Center St (ad), 11/22/1951:3 Grand opening, complete home furnisher, 866 Center St (ad), 04/10/1952:2 In court on matter of refrigerator order misunderstanding, 09/18/1952:5 Percy Churbuck sets forth complete facts around dealings with Kahian (l), 09/25/1952:8 Expands business to three floors (ad), 01/08/1953:3 Antone Silvia charged with theft, 07/22/1954:1 Antone Silvia held for grand jury, 07/29/1954:1 Responsibility for juvenile delinquency (l), 08/26/1954:8 Kahian, Patty Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Kaimie, Fred Elected to fill vacancy left by Rita Madden, 03/13/1952:1 New teacher elected here, 05/08/1952:1 Kairit, John Daughter born, 03/01/1951:4 Kakstis, Benjamin Pleads not guilty to reckless driving, 02/17/1950:10 Reckless driving case continued, 03/03/1950:3 Fined $20 for reckless driving, 03/17/1950:7 Kane, Jane Becker Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5, 07/31/1952:5 Kane, Lee J., Jr. Engaged to Jane E. Becker, 07/21/1950:5 Wed to Jane E. Becker, 08/11/1950:5 Kane, Lee Joseph, Jr. Wedding described, 08/11/1950:4 Kane, Lee, Jr. Daughter born, 07/26/1951:5, 07/31/1952:5 Kane, William E. Obituary, 08/25/1950:3 Kanserstein, Mrs Arthur Sister dies in Brockton, 04/30/1953:7 Karasimos, Emil Wins bowling sweepstakes in Brockton, 04/03/1952:1 Kari, Connie Local pupil in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1 Kaski, Vieno Wedding described, 06/11/1953:4 Kaslauski, Stanley Center for motorcyclists (p), 05/27/1954:8 Kasner, Max Sergeant is radio instructor in American zone in Germany, 01/18/1951:10 With occupation forces in Germany, 04/05/1951:3 Kass, Norman David Wedding described, 07/07/1950:7 Kassinen, Ray Daughter born, 06/09/1950:7 Kassinen, Sandra Born to Ray, 06/09/1950:7 Katon, Manuel Engaged to Marie Louise Scanlon, 04/03/1952:5 Wed to Marie Louise Scanlon, 05/01/1952:5 Son born, 11/19/1953:6 Katon, Marie Scanlon Son born, 11/19/1953:6 Kauffman, Anita Mendall Joins art staff at Diamond Match Co., 06/04/1953:1 Daughter born, 10/28/1954:6 Kauffman, Frances Ann Born to Franklin D. and Anita Mendall, 10/28/1954:6 Kauffman, Franklin D. Attends Rhode Island School of Design, 02/19/1953:10 Returns from service in Korea, 12/31/1953:6 Lieutenant transfers to Rome, NY, 01/28/1954:3 Daughter born, 10/28/1954:6 Kauffman, Jeanne Mendall Honored at Eustis, FL event, 12/15/1950:8 Daughter born, 05/14/1953:4 Kauffman, John Engaged to Jeanne Mendall, 06/30/1950:6 Couple resides in Grand Isle, FL, 02/19/1953:10 Kauffman, John H., Jr. Engaged to Jeanne F. Mendall, 07/28/1950:4 Wed to Jeanne F. Mendall, 08/18/1950:5 Son born, 08/02/1951:7 Daughter born, 05/14/1953:4 Kauffman, John Howell, Jr. Wedding described, 08/11/1950:7 Kauffman, John, Jr. Engaged to Jeanne Mendall, 05/05/1950:9 Kauffman, Linda Marguerite Born to John J., Jr. and Jeanne Mendall, 05/14/1953:4 Kauffman, Mrs Frank Resides in Eustis, FL, 07/22/1954:4 Kauffman, Mrs John Resides in Grand Island, FL, 07/10/1952:4 Kauffman, Mrs John H., Jr. Resides in Grand Island, FL, 03/08/1951:6 Kaufmann, Jeanne Mendall Son born, 12/27/1951:5 Kaufmann, John. Jr. Son born, 12/27/1951:5 Kay, Stanley R. Wed to Martha Marchio, 06/17/1954:5 Kayajan, Ardavast In training at Pine Camp, NY, 08/09/1951:1 Kayajan, Ardavast, Jr. Charged with assault and battery, 01/28/1954:2 Four Kayajans file assault charges, 03/25/1954:7 Kayajan, Ardavast, Sr. Charged with assault and battery, 01/28/1954:2 Four Kayajans file assault charges, 03/25/1954:7 Kayajan, Armen Four Kayajans file assault charges, 03/25/1954:7 Kayajan, Charles Attends Colby College, 12/20/1951:2 Inducted into armed forces, 10/08/1953:1 153 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Kayajan, Charles continued Trains at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 12/03/1953:1 Soldier thanks Lillian O'Neill for typing instruction (l), 04/01/1954:9 Assigned to Combat Training Command, Fort Benning, GA, 05/06/1954:3 Kayajan, Haig Cash stolen from home on Plymouth St, 03/15/1951:12 Elected president of SE Mass Bottlers' Association, 04/10/1952:1 Couple celebrates anniversary, 02/19/1953:4 Ardavast Sr. and Jr. charged with assault and battery, 01/28/1954:2 Four Kayajans file assault charges, 03/25/1954:7 Kayajan, Margaret Gloria Who's who in MHS senior class, 04/26/1951:5 Kayajan, Musch, G. Manager of Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Cape Cod, 06/21/1951:6 Kayajan, Samuel Foreclosure notice, 06/21/1951:6 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/18/1951:10 Pleads not guilty to driving to endanger and failure to observe signal, 07/17/1952:2 Guilty of reckless driving, 08/07/1952:3 Fined for reckless driving and running red light, 09/04/1952:5 Kayajan, Samuel, Jr. Corporal attends Signal School at Hamilton AFB, CA, 03/22/1951:4 Corporal stationed at Cambia, CA, 08/09/1951:10 Staff Sergeant resumes duties at Ft. Belvoir, VA, 08/14/1952:9 Enrolls in Milwaukee School if Engineering, 07/16/1953:1 Kayajanian, Ardavast G. Petition filed against executors, 12/02/1954:6 Kayajanian, Armen C. Petition filed against executors, 12/02/1954:6 Kayajanian, Garabed Petition filed against executors, 12/02/1954:6 Kayajanian, Musch Petition filed against executors, 12/02/1954:6 Kay's Thrift Shop Kay Yarusites, 23 High St (ad), 12/02/1954:2 Kazlauski, Stanley. see Stanley's Service Station Kearney's Granted secondhand furniture license, 09/17/1953:7 Keating, August Son born, 01/18/1951:5 Keating, Charlotte Ruby Son born, 01/18/1951:5 Keating, Patricia E. Engaged to George D. Martin, 11/18/1954:6 Engaged to George C. Martin, 11/25/1954:4 Wed to George C. Martin, 12/02/1954:4 Keating, Patricia Elizabeth Wedding described, 12/02/1954:2 Keedwell, Evelyn V. WAF assigned to Japan, 12/03/1953:1 Keedwell, Kenneth B. see also Bob's Diner New director of civil defense, 03/29/1951:1 Honored guest at annual Legion get-together (p), 05/08/1952:12 Finance Committee member will not run again, 11/27/1952:1 Keedwell, Kenneth J. Charged with break-and-entering and rape, 05/06/1954:12 Keedwell, Mrs Kenneth Little Theatre Group members learn all phases of theater life (p), 03/11/1954:10 Keedwell, Polly The Little Theatre Group seeking new members (p), 10/25/1951:10 Keedwell, Pollyann Model in Little Theatre Group fashion show (p), 12/09/1954:7 Keedwell, Ramona Meacher Son born, 10/02/1952:5 Keedwell, Ramona Meschen Son born, 11/04/1954:4 Keedwell, Roger Son born, 10/02/1952:5, 11/04/1954:4 Keedwell, Stewart Resides in Syracuse, NY, 07/26/1951:4 Keenan (Mrs) MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 Keenan, Joseph T. Summer St couple married 50 years, 01/21/1954:1 Keenan, William MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 Keene, June L. Engaged to Lawrence J. Robbins, 02/07/1952:5 Wed to Lawrence J. Robbins, 02/14/1952:5 Keene, June Lorraine Wedding described, 02/21/1952:8 Keene, Vinnie I. Obituary, 03/13/1952:2 Widow of Fred M. dies at age 74, 03/13/1952:5 Keil, Donald A. Son born, 12/15/1950:10 Keil, Ruth Grossman Resides in Evanston, IL, 03/29/1951:10 Keith, Anne Cronin Son born, 04/08/1954:6 Keith, Doris Kelley Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Keith, Dorothy Collides with Boston truck at Rte 44 and 28, 04/12/1951:10 Keith, Francis L. Lieutenant (jg) stationed in Pensacola, FL, 01/06/1950:2 Lieutenant (jg) qualifies in aircraft carrier tests (p), 04/14/1950:1 Lieutenant (jg) wins Navy wings, 08/04/1950:1 Son born, 02/01/1951:9 Visits home briefly while on routine flight to Quonset, RI, 04/26/1951:6 Lieutenant leaves for duty in Far East, 08/14/1952:2 Named instructor at U.S. Naval Academy, 05/28/1953:5 Attends grandmother, Edith Kelley's, funeral, 11/19/1953:11 Son born, 04/08/1954:6 Keith, Jane Resides in Boston, 11/29/1951:2 Employed at United Shoe Machine Co., Boston, 07/10/1952:4 Takes new position with Remington Rand in Boston, 12/04/1952:4 Employed at Remington Rand in Boston, 09/03/1953:8 Keith, Jo-Ann Zeuli Daughter born, 06/24/1954:4 Keith, Joann Zeuli Daughter born, 07/05/1951:5 Keith, Mrs C.P. Opens millinery on Center St 50 years ago, 04/01/1954:8 Keith, Paul Daughter born, 07/05/1951:5, 06/24/1954:4 Keith, Phyllis Home in Worcester ruined by tornado, 06/11/1953:1 Keith, Robert Engaged to Frances Greene, 12/31/1953:1 Engaged to Frances A. Greene, 07/01/1954:6 Wed to Frances Ethel Greene, 07/08/1954:4 Wedding described, 07/08/1954:8 Keith, Roy Employed by Thomas Panesis, 06/17/1954:6 Keith, Sarah William Eaton makes improvements to Keith homestead 50 years ago, 12/24/1953:7 Keller, David Lee Born to Vincent, 12/13/1951:13 Born to V.J., 12/13/1951:13 Keller, Vincent Sergeant and family arrive home from Germany, 09/01/1950:6 Leaves for camp in Georgia, 09/08/1950:5 Sergeant stationed at Fort Meade, MD, 02/22/1951:9 Son born, 12/13/1951:13 Keller, Vincent J. Promoted to Warrant Officer (jg) at Fort Meade, MD, 10/11/1951:8 Keller, V.J. Son born, 12/13/1951:13 Kelley, Barbara Taylor Son born, 09/16/1954:4 154 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Kelley, Clara Obituary, 11/18/1954:4 Widow of E. Joseph dies at age 86, 11/18/1954:6 Kelley, Clara D. Petition for probate of will, 12/16/1954:6 Kelley, Douglas Wed to Ann Kief, 05/29/1952:7 Kelley, Edith Francis Keith attends grandmother's funeral, 11/19/1953:11 Kelley, Edith Foster Obituary, 11/19/1953:5 Widow of Frances D. dies at age 90, 11/19/1953:6 Kelley, Frederick D. Questions selectmen on shutoff of water source for bog, 04/07/1950:1 Kelleys ask selectmen to release water, 04/21/1950:1 Selectmen to stay out of Rock Pond feud, 05/05/1950:1 Selectmen to consider feud over Rock Pond, 05/19/1950:1 Hearing held on Rock Pond controversy, 06/09/1950:1 Kelley, George Petition for probate of will, 07/30/1953:4 Kelley, Georgianna Kelleys ask selectmen to release water, 04/21/1950:1 Selectmen to stay out of Rock Pond feud, 05/05/1950:1 Selectmen to consider feud over Rock Pond, 05/19/1950:1 Hearing held on Rock Pond controversy, 06/09/1950:1 Kelley, Georgianna A. Questions selectmen on shutoff of water source for bog, 04/07/1950:1 Kelley, Grace H. Thinks facts overlooked in site proposal for new school (l), 04/07/1950:6 Criticism of school erroneous, 05/05/1950:1 Wants to know cost of new school (l), 11/10/1950:1 Kelley, Jean Engaged to Francis Gill, 08/28/1952:10 Kelley, Josephine L. Hit by pellets, not seriously wounded, 07/09/1953:1 Kelley, Josephine M. Obituary, 11/19/1953:5 Wife of Luke F. dies at age 62, 11/19/1953:6 Kelley, Laurence Middleboro Lithuanian, Polish, American Club applies for liquor license, 11/20/1952:2 Kelley, Luke F. MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1 Seven from MHS Class of 1901 hold 50th reunion (p), 08/30/1951:1 Kelley, Mabel L. School St home partially gutted by fire, 08/04/1950:1 Kelley, Mrs Ralph John Callan purchases R.D. Kelley Coal Co., 06/10/1954:1 Kelley, Mrs W. Wallace Resigns post at Clark and Iseminger, 07/29/1954:5 Kelley, Paul Succeeds C. Trafton Mendall at Bates School, 09/06/1951:7 Resigns as social studies and physical ed teacher at Bates, 08/20/1953:1 Kelley, Paul F. Resigns from Bates School, takes post at Braintree High, 05/14/1953:1 Kelley, R. Weston, Jr. Named to UMass Dance Band, 10/25/1951:1 Kelley, R.D. John Callan new office manager at R.D. Kelley Coal Co. (ad), 08/23/1951:8 Kelley, Roger W., Jr. Excels in marksmanship on UMass team, 12/15/1950:1 Graduates from UMass (p), 06/05/1952:1 Kelley, Roger Weston, Jr. Graduates from UMass, 05/29/1952:1 Kelley, Sabrina Obituary, 06/23/1950:2 Burial at St Mary's, 06/23/1950:5 Kelley, Stephen D. Ten hens stolen, 01/20/1950:11 MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1 Complains wife was hit by pellets, 07/09/1953:1 Kelley, W. Wallace Mitchell Memorial Club buys Jackson St land for anticipated gymnasium (p), 04/05/1951:1 Attends Boston University, 05/08/1952:10 Resigns from Savings bank, takes post at Braintree Savings Bank, 06/04/1953:4 Employed at Braintree Savings Bank, 12/02/1954:2 Kelley, Weston Sergeant in ROTC at University of Massachusetts, 01/20/1950:3 Discharged from U.S. Air Force, 08/19/1954:5 Kelley, William, Jr. Son born, 09/16/1954:4 Kelly, Francis A. Son born, 11/17/1950:7 Kelly, George Dies at age 76, 05/14/1953:4 Obituary, 05/14/1953:6 Kelly, Jean Ann Wed to Francis John Gill, 10/02/1952:5 Wedding described, 10/02/1952:6 Kelly, John F. Assigned to Co. A, 273rd Regiment at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 12/30/1954:1 Kelly, John W. Obituary, 12/11/1952:6 Kelly, John William Husband of Etta C. dies at age 80, 12/11/1952:6 Kelly, Lillian Merrihew MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1 Kelly, Mary E. Obituary, 02/21/1952:2 Wife of Edward J. dies at age 57, 02/21/1952:5 Petition for administration of estate, 04/10/1952:8 Kelly, Mildred L. Kinney Son born, 11/17/1950:7 Kelly, Mrs James Resides in Falmouth, 01/20/1950:12 Kelly, Thomas Veteran postman retires after 42 years with local office (p), 07/01/1954:1 Kelly, Thomas H. Postal employees hold testimonial dinner for 42 years of service, 06/24/1954:1 Postal retiree appreciates former patrons (l), 07/08/1954:4 Kelly, Vincent Granted common victualler's license, 05/03/1951:5 Break-in at roadside stand, 05/20/1954:1 Kelly, Vincent P. Notice of hearing on gasoline application, 06/07/1951:2 Granted gasoline sales license, 06/14/1951:12 Youths caught stealing gas and tires, 12/11/1952:6 Kelly's Drive-In Two neat, intelligent girls wanted, West Grove St (ad), 05/08/1952:2 Kemp, Arthur Arm mangled in washing machine, 05/24/1951:1 Kemp, Clayton L. Couple applies to DPW to build boat house on Tispaquin Pond, 10/16/1952:5 Kemp, Edith F. Couple applies to DPW to build boat house on Tispaquin Pond, 10/16/1952:5 Kem's Variety Formerly The Buttonwoods, Rte 44 (ad), 12/11/1952:6 Kendall, Carl G. Couple takes in St Luke's Hospital Fair (p), 11/25/1954:1 Kendall, Carolyn Completes second year at Catawba College, NC, 06/02/1950:8 Accepted into McLean Hospital School of Nursing, 03/19/1953:8 Kendall, Carolyn E. Takes position as psychiatric aide at The Institute for Living, Hartford, CT, 08/11/1950:3 Kendall, Eliza White Obituary, 07/02/1953:2 Widow of Clarence A. dies at age 84, 07/02/1953:4 155 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Kendall, John Son born, 07/12/1951:4 Kendall, John C. Running for seat on Planning Board, 12/13/1951:1 Kendall, John J. Takes out nomination papers for Planning Board, 12/06/1951:1 Foreman with Julian Bros. in Rockport, 09/09/1954:4 Kendall, Mrs Carl G. Fractures elbow in fall, 02/01/1951:9 Mother dies in Charlotte, NC, 04/03/1952:9 Fractures elbow in fall, 10/07/1954:3 Kendall, Nancy New art teacher at Bates School, 08/11/1950:1 Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1 Granted Graduate Assistantship at Syracuse University, 05/10/1951:1 Attends Syracuse University on a fellowship, 09/06/1951:7 Student dean at Syracuse University, 09/13/1951:9 Accepts position at Women's College at University of North Carolina, 03/19/1953:2 Awarded master's degree, joins faculty of University of North Carolina, 06/04/1953:1 Engaged to Anthony Wailes, 08/06/1953:10 Teaches art at University of North Carolina, 09/10/1953:4 Engaged to Anthony Wailes, 04/01/1954:7 Kendall, Nancy M. Tentative candidate for Master's degree from Syracuse University, 05/28/1953:1 Engaged to Arthur H. Wailes, 06/17/1954:4 Wed to Anthony H. Wailes, 07/01/1954:6 Kendall, Nancy McNeely Wedding described, 06/24/1954:2 Kendall, Ruth Leonard Son born, 07/12/1951:4 Keneski, Henry Son born, 06/05/1952:7 Keneski, Wanda Piotrowski Son born, 06/05/1952:7 Kennan, Arthur W. Former Lakeville pastor serves in Ludlow, 03/27/1952:3 Kennedy, Amanda J. Petition for administration of estate, 09/04/1952:4 Kennedy, Amanda Jane Widow of Nathaniel dies at age 93, 03/27/1952:5 Obituary, 03/27/1952:10 Kennedy, Carmen Augusta Wed to Leo Curtis Allen, 02/22/1951:5 Kennedy, Charles R. Sonarman reports to Fleet Training Center, Norfolk, VA, 09/20/1951:9 Engaged to Dorothy Malaguti, 10/04/1951:2 Hurls box through window of Promades' store, 12/04/1952:5 Strikes utility pole on Wareham St, 08/20/1953:1 Reckless driving case continued, 09/17/1953:1 Found guilty of reckless driving, 09/24/1953:4 Guilty of assault, must pay for Hanson's tooth, 10/15/1953:1 Kennedy, Charles Robert Engaged to Dorothy Mary Malaguti, 08/16/1951:1, 10/11/1951:4 Wed to Dorothy Mary Malaguti, 10/25/1951:5 Wedding described, 10/25/1951:6 Kennedy, Charlotte Attends Smith College, 04/03/1952:9 Kennedy, Chester, Jr. Wedding described, 07/02/1953:2 Kennedy, Chester R. Kennedy runs into Stegmaier's parked car, pushes it into Thibeault's scooter, 06/02/1950:6 Kennedy, Chester R., Jr. Engaged to Barbara A. Partridge, 06/18/1953:4 Wed to Barbara A. Partridge, 07/02/1953:4 Kennedy, Daniel D. Petition for probate of will, 07/30/1953:5 Kennedy, Daniel F. Honored by Eagles, 01/31/1952:5 Late president and half owner of Kinsman Dairy, 09/10/1953:1 Kennedy, Daniel F., Jr. Engaged to Barbara J. Shaw, 05/13/1954:1 Wedding described, 10/07/1954:3 Wed to Barbara J. Shaw, 10/07/1954:7 Kennedy, Daniel Francis Obituary, 06/11/1953:3 Kennedy, Daniel Francis, Sr. Husband of Roselle Ida dies at age 48, 06/11/1953:4 Kennedy, Daniel, Jr. Accepted at Boston University, 06/16/1950:12 Kennedy, Donald R. Inducted into armed service, 04/15/1954:1 Takes training at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 06/03/1954:1 Stationed at Fort Sam Houston, TX, 12/30/1954:8 Kennedy, Edwin Employed by State Highway Department, 08/25/1950:9 Couple observes anniversary, 03/01/1951:9 Foreman with state highway department, 09/13/1951:10 Kennedy, Eugene Employed at sanatorium, 03/31/1950:11 Private stationed at Fort Hood, TX, 04/12/1951:6 Home on leave from Fort Hood, TX, 07/12/1951:2 Corporal arrives safely in Germany, 08/09/1951:9 Engaged to Dorothy Malaguti, 08/30/1951:3 Kennedy, Eugene A. Leaves in recent draft call, 12/08/1950:1 Enlists in U.S. Army, 01/04/1951:8 Recruit trains at Fort Hood, TX, 01/18/1951:5 Promoted to Corporal at Ft Hood, TX, 06/28/1951:9 Sergeant stationed in Weisbaden, Germany, 12/27/1951:5 Kennedy, George Resides in Rockford, IL, 01/18/1951:4 Couple moves to Stamford, CT, 07/10/1952:4 Kennedy, Gertrude E. Heading for Europe on vacation, 07/07/1950:8 Kennedy, Harriett MHS Class of 1926 observes 25th anniversary (p), 08/30/1951:1 Kennedy, Isabelle Employed at telephone office in Middleboro, 08/18/1950:5 Employed at telephone exchange, 08/07/1952:6 Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1 Kennedy, James Couple married 50 years, 11/05/1953:11 Kennedy, James H. Named to post with bank league, 03/31/1950:1 President of Co-operative Bank, 06/09/1950:14 Appointed to U.S. Savings and Loan League, 07/12/1951:1 Leading citizens to advise with selectmen on G&E problems, 09/27/1951:1 Appointed chairman of U.S. Savings and Loan League, 01/17/1952:1 Appointed to committee chair for U.S. Savings and Loan League, 04/03/1952:1 Honored by Co-operative Bank, retiring soon, 09/18/1952:1 Red Cross appeal extended; Co-operative Bank contributes $50 (p), 04/09/1953:1 Re-appointed notary public, 05/27/1954:1 Kennedy, Joseph E. Purchases Tucker's Dry Goods, 08/07/1952:1 Kennedy, Judith Anne Engaged to John Sowyrda, Jr., 02/26/1953:5 Kennedy, Mrs Daniel F. Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1 Kennedy, Robert Leaving for active service in U.S. Navy, 08/18/1950:1 One hundred attend Eagles testimonial dinner, 08/25/1950:4 Kennedy, Thalia Weston Elected to Smith chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, 05/10/1951:2 Graduates from Smith College, 06/14/1951:11 Kennedy, William J. On shore leave at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (p), 03/26/1953:6 Kennels Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club dance (p), 02/17/1950:1 Nemasket Kennels, Main St, Lakeville (ad), 06/23/1950:10 156 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Kennels continued Dobaro Kennels, Roger Soule, boarding and obedience training (ad), 07/03/1952:3 Kenney, Joan Marie Engaged to Robert F. Geilear, 02/12/1953:4 Ken's Granted Sunday license and gasoline pump license, 07/10/1952:1 Kensenski, Daniel Fractures skull in fall, 01/18/1951:5 Kent, Winifred Miniature seascapes by Winifred Kent pictured in magazine, 10/11/1951:3 Miniature seascapes pictured in magazine, 10/11/1951:3 Kenyon, James S. Private transfers to Fort Jay, NY (p), 02/12/1953:1 Kenyon, James S., Jr. Graduates from Bryant College, 08/09/1951:5 Stationed at Fort Sam Houston, TX, 05/07/1953:5 Engaged to Charlotte Louise Easley, 11/05/1953:5 Kenyon, James Sanford Wedding described, 12/17/1953:4 Kenyon, James Sanford, Jr. Sent to Boston for induction, 03/13/1952:1 Keough, Betty Wed to Harold Reed, 02/17/1950:6 Keough, Bill Employed at Moskoff's Super Market, Bedford St, 08/13/1953:6 Employed at Moskoff's Super Market (p), 12/30/1954:6 Keough, Elizabeth Paula Engaged to Harold Chester Reed, 02/10/1950:6 Wed to Harold Chester Reed, 02/17/1950:7 Keough, Kevin Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Keough, Marie Shaw Daughter born, 06/10/1954:7 Keough, Michael Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Keough, William Daughter born, 06/10/1954:7 Kern, Allan R. Engaged to Catherine Alice Gorman, 07/08/1954:5 Engaged to Catherine A. Gorman, 07/22/1954:5 Wed to Catherine A. Gorman, 07/29/1954:4 Kern, C. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Kern, Carol Jean Engaged to Theodore Brown Cahoon, 07/22/1954:8 Kern, George Attends University of Massachusetts, 04/30/1953:2 Kern, George M. In three-car accident on Rte 28, 10/22/1953:1 Kern, George M., Jr. Enrolls in UMass drill team, 11/13/1952:10 Kern, Jean Staff of new Sears and Roebuck catalog store (p), 11/15/1951:6 Kerr, John Son born, 08/23/1951:5 Kerr, Mary Talbot Son born, 08/23/1951:5 Kershaw, Margaret Alumnus of Bridgewater State Teachers' College, 07/17/1952:5 Kessler, Louis Son born, 10/27/1950:7, 10/23/1952:5 Kessler, Minnie Freedman Son born, 10/27/1950:7, 10/23/1952:5 Kettle, Diane Ellen Born to John, 02/10/1950:12 Kettle, Eileen Wed to F.O. Samuelson, 12/29/1950:6 Kettle, John Daughter born, 02/10/1950:12 Kettle, John E. Daughter born, 02/03/1950:5 Kettle, Rita A. Duguemin Daughter born, 02/03/1950:5 Keyes (Mrs) MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 Keyes, Albert H. Receives 50-year pin from G.E. Keith Shoe Co., 11/06/1952:1 Keyes, Elsie R. Petition for probate of will, 11/11/1954:8 Keyes, Elsie Russell Obituary, 10/28/1954:2 Dies at age 69, 10/28/1954:6 Keyes, George MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 Keyes, George B. Resides in Brockton, 03/03/1950:3 Manager of Brockton Enterprise store transfers to Fall River, 07/14/1950:11 Keyes, Louis Out and about with new Orient buck-board 50 years ago, 07/08/1954:2 Keyes, Wilfred South Middleboro Grange observes 40th anniversary (p), 12/10/1953:11 Kiamie, Fred Replaces Alban Richey, III at MHS, 08/20/1953:1 Kiamie, Frederick Profile of new MHS teacher, 04/03/1952:2 Kidd, Olive Marion Obituary, 11/06/1952:2 Widow of William E. dies at age 68, 11/06/1952:5 Kiddie Care Center Ruth Pfister, 501 Taunton St (ad), 06/12/1952:12 Kiddie Land Smoke and clearance sale (ad), 01/20/1950:5 Kidnapping Anibal Gomes held for grand jury in Linda Ann Taylor kidnapping, 09/04/1952:1 Disabled veteran seeks mother (l) (George F. Cummings), 11/13/1952:2 Kief, Ann Wed to Douglas Kelley, 05/29/1952:7 Kiernan, J. Francis Court officials attend rites, 02/03/1950:8 Kierstead, Nelson L. Injured in Rte 28 head-on collision, 04/21/1950:9 Kiff, Margaret Wed to John Andrick, 02/21/1952:4 Kilbridge, Thomas Joseph Inducted into armed forces, 04/09/1953:1 Kilpatrick, Robert W. Engaged to Theresa Ann Shea, 03/08/1951:4 Kimball, Gertrude Jacobs assault case dismissed, 09/25/1952:8 Kimball, N. Louise Resides in Glendale, CA, 10/06/1950:10 Kinch, George A. Engaged to Shirley R. Babbitt, 09/27/1951:4 Wed to Shirley R. Babbitt, 10/04/1951:4 Kincus, Edward A. Son of Frank J. dies at age 31, 06/04/1953:4 Obituary, 06/04/1953:10 Kindergarten. see also Jack & Jill Kindergarten Mrs Ralph Crane re-opens kindergarten, 59 North Main St (ad), 08/18/1950:2 Mrs Thomas Tate's pupils graduate, 06/14/1951:7 Elizabeth Tate's graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1 Miss Pfister, North Lakeville (ad), 02/07/1952:10 Elizabeth Tate holds graduation, 06/19/1952:10 Selectmen vote to license kindergartens, 09/18/1952:4 Miss Pfister's graduation class (p), 07/16/1953:10 Selectmen schedule hearing on regulations, 12/31/1953:3 Town regulations now in effect, 02/18/1954:7 Miss Pfister's graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 King, Edward L. Engaged to Carolyn A. Hatch, 06/17/1954:4 Wed to Carolyn Ann Hatch, 06/24/1954:4 157 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 King, Elizabeth Public librarian in Tieton, WA, 05/10/1951:12 King, Elizabeth Fickert Resides in East Orange, NJ, 04/29/1954:4 King, Everett Civil Air Patrol seeks recruits (p), 02/22/1951:1 King, Geo. W. Auction to settle estate (ad), 11/27/1952:2 King, George Obituary, 05/08/1952:4 King, Henry Otis Obituary, 09/22/1950:4 Dies at age 27, 09/22/1950:5 King, Joseph To head science department at MHS, 08/06/1953:1 Purchases Wareham St home from Henry Dudley, 09/03/1953:9 King, Joseph L. Dog blamed for minor collision on Wareham St, 10/21/1954:8 King, Lloyd Born to William, 08/05/1954:9 King, M. Josephine Dies at Cambridge Home, 09/04/1952:5 King, Mary C. Son, Thomas Pierce, must get out of mother's home, 07/28/1950:2 King, Neville D. Engaged to Hazel M. Thompson, 09/23/1954:4 Wed to Hazel M. Thompson, 09/30/1954:5 King, William Son born, 08/05/1954:9 King Philip Cafe Jennie Morris applies for liquor license, 03/17/1950:5, 03/22/1951:4 King Philip's War, 1675-1676 John Tomson's "long gun" located in Taunton, 11/17/1950:1 King Phillip Inn Liquor law violations claimed, license suspended, 02/21/1952:1 Kingman, Delia Accepts teaching post in Brookline 50 years ago, 06/17/1954:8 Kingman, Lydia D. Petition for probate of will, 02/26/1953:6 Kingman, Lydia Dean Obituary, 01/29/1953:4 Dies at age 80, 01/29/1953:5 King's Daughters - Shining Circle Observes 60th anniversary, 04/09/1953:6 Kingsland, William S. Error costs Campbell three-month suspended sentence, 04/23/1953:12 Kingsley, Dolores Foreclosure notice, 10/06/1950:2 Kingsley, Edwin, Jr. Son born, 03/06/1952:5 Kingsley, Mary Jackson Son born, 03/06/1952:5 Kingston, Ernest Employed by state highway department, 08/16/1951:10 Kingston, Joan Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Kinney, Robert Engaged to Barbara A. Deane, 06/19/1952:5 Wed to Barbara A. Deane, 07/10/1952:5 Kinney, Robert L. Engaged to Barbara Amanda Deane, 07/12/1951:8 Private assigned to 1st Armored Division at Fort Hood, TX (p), 04/22/1954:1 Kinney, Robert Louis Wedding described, 07/10/1952:8 Inducted into armed forces, 11/05/1953:6 Kinney, Samuel Son born, 12/04/1952:5, 12/02/1954:4 Kinney, Samuel W. Engaged to Shirley C. Vickery, 12/27/1951:4 Wed to Shirley C. Vickery, 01/10/1952:4 Kinney, Sherman A. Leaves for military induction, 03/11/1954:1 Kinney, Shirley Attends Bristol County Business College, 11/22/1951:4 Kinney, Shirley L. Graduates from Bristol County Business College, 06/05/1952:1 Kinney, Shirley Lorraine Engaged to Morgan D. Stets, 06/05/1952:8, 07/09/1953:4 Wed to Morgan D. Stets, 08/06/1953:5 Wedding described, 08/13/1953:9 Kinney, Shirley Vickery Son born, 12/02/1954:4 Kinney, Terry Veteran receives high school diploma, 10/18/1951:4 Owners of Tom Thumb home receive copy of Desmond's book, 04/01/1954:1 Kinney's Y-D Poultry Farms on site of Tom Thumb property (p), 11/25/1954:7 Kinney, Terry B. On honor list at UMass, 04/15/1954:1 Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1 Kinsman, Alice Beech Daughter born, 03/24/1950:7 Kinsman, B.A. see B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc. Kinsman, Blanche. see B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc. Kinsman, Donald Francis Engaged to Mary Florinda, 10/30/1952:7 Wedding described, 11/13/1952:12 Kinsman, Dwight P. B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc., North St, 09/03/1953:6 One of founders of B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc., 01/14/1954:6 Kinsman, Elinor Jennings Son born, 05/19/1950:6 Civil Air Patrol seeks recruits (p), 02/22/1951:1 Son born, 08/27/1953:7 Kinsman, Elizabeth Raymond Daughter born, 06/28/1951:5 Kinsman, Inez Injured when Lawrence Olson, Jr. collides with Lewis Kinsman on Cedar St, 01/27/1950:4 Kinsman, Lewis Inez Kinsman injured when Lawrence Olson, Jr. collides with Lewis Kinsman on Cedar St, 01/27/1950:4 Brother dies in Berwick, Nova Scotia, 04/29/1954:10 Kinsman, Lewis A. Obituary, 12/30/1954:3 Dies at age 66, 12/30/1954:4 Kinsman, Reginald Daughter born, 03/24/1950:7 Kinsman, Richard Daughter born, 06/28/1951:5 Kinsman, Robert Cephas Engaged to Olive Louise Beal, 08/18/1950:5 Kinsman, Roger Cephas Wed to Olive Louise Beal, 09/01/1950:5 Kinsman, Roy A. Named to attend Boys' State, 06/09/1950:1 Enlists in U.S. Air Force, 12/18/1952:4 Kinsman, Seth Dies in Berwick, Nova Scotia, 04/29/1954:10 Kinsman, William Son born, 05/19/1950:6, 08/27/1953:7 Kinsman Dairy. see B.A. Kinsman Dairy, Inc. Kirkpatrick, James D. MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1 Kittridge, Beatrice Resides in Bradford, NH, 09/27/1951:5 Kiwanis Club. see Middleboro Kiwanis Club Klar (Mr) Public auction (ad), 11/08/1951:2 Pasztor & Klar supply sixty gallons of ice cream at Carver Old Home Days 50 years ago, 07/29/1954:7 Klar, August North Main St man 91 years old, married in 1891, 12/15/1950:8 Builds fine summer house at North Main St residence 50 years ago, 05/27/1954:4 158 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Klar, August continued Baxter installs water heater in home 50 years ago, 09/23/1954:8 Klar, August Adelbert Husband of Jessie M. Hunt dies at age 91, 03/22/1951:5 Obituary, 03/22/1951:10 Klar, Jessie M. Hunt North Main St woman married in 1891, 12/15/1950:8 Kline, Emanuel Dentist (ad), 05/26/1950:11 Doctor attends 25th anniversary of Pondville Hospital, 05/26/1952:3 Kline, Geraldine Receives B.A. degree from Boston University, 06/10/1954:1 Kline, Ruth Wedding described, 07/07/1950:7 Knapper, Andrew J. Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Knapper, Mary K. Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Knight, Abbie Stevens Obituary, 04/03/1952:4 Knight, Gertrude Resides in Somerville, 07/28/1950:10 Knight, Gertrude Dube Daughter born, 10/11/1951:4 Knight, Ralph Daughter born, 10/11/1951:4 Knight, Tristan Paul Unitarian pastor resigns, 04/05/1951:4 Knight, Wayne Clifton Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1 Knights of Columbus Holds joint breakfast with Holy Name Society, 03/31/1950:6 Fire damages old landmark, 01/31/1952:1 New quarters in Shurtleff building, 10/02/1952:1 Hold annual election, 06/25/1953:1 Edward Baker named sectional chairman, 10/01/1953:7 Tops honor roll, 12/10/1953:7 Knights of Honor Elect officers 50 years ago, 11/25/1954:3 Knights of Pythias - Arbutus Lodge Elects officers 50 years ago, 01/07/1954:7 Knights Templar Observe Templary Night, 05/26/1950:4 Knous, George Franklin Engaged to Isabel Catherine Squires, 09/04/1952:4 Wed to Isabel Catherine Squiers, 10/02/1952:4 Knowlton, Lucy R. Found dead on floor of Oak St home, 03/08/1951:1 Petition for administration of estate, 03/22/1951:7 Knowlton, Lucy Robinson Widow of Benjamin Crosby dies at age 89, 03/08/1951:5 Knutson, Betty J. Engaged to John J. Cananzey, 06/21/1951:5 Knutson, Betty Jo Wed to John J. Cananzey, 07/19/1951:5 Knysinski, Edmund Lakeville purchases new firefighting equipment from Maxim Motor Co. (p), 01/25/1951:1 Burglary at Bedford St home, 07/12/1951:2 Knysinski, Joseph Guilty of drunk and reckless driving, fined $35, 03/03/1950:3 Knysinski, Joseph, Jr. Pleads not guilty to reckless and drunken driving, 02/17/1950:10 Drunk driving case continued, 02/24/1950:10 Kobrin, Alvin Inducted into armed forces, 02/14/1952:1 Leaves for army induction (p), 02/21/1952:1 Koepfer, Peter South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Koepher, Peter South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home (p), 10/18/1951:1 Koerner, D. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Koerner, Dave MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1 Kolowrath, Alfred, Sr. Husband of Margaret Zecha dies at age 74, 06/17/1954:4 Obituary, 06/17/1954:6 Kolowrath, Mildred Wedding described, 09/29/1950:10 Kon, Momi P. Engaged to Eugene Y. McKay, 08/25/1950:4 And husband phone family from Hawaii, 09/22/1950:1 Wedding described, 10/20/1950:7 Konop, Susan Wed to Harry Metz, 08/06/1953:9 Kopitz, Kurt Son born, 02/01/1951:5, 08/06/1953:5, 07/01/1954:6 Kopitz, Mary Murdoch Son born, 02/01/1951:5, 08/06/1953:5, 07/01/1954:6 Kordas, William Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Korean War, 1950-1953 Lieutenant Sherwood Griffith describes bombing missions in Korea (p), 04/05/1951:1 Griffith Sherwood with bomber group in Korea (p), 04/26/1951:1 Mess Sergeant Benjamin Lindsay mixes fighting with running mess, 07/05/1951:1 Private 1st Class Don Duffy serves with "flying boxcars," 10/04/1951:1 Tanguay's outfit,108th Quartermaster Bakery Co., cited for outstanding service, 11/01/1951:1 Eagles extends foundation to care for children of members killed in Korea, 02/07/1952:7 William Gauthier speaks of two years of service in Korea, 02/19/1953:1 Lies and Communism (l) (Lawrence B. Romaine), 05/21/1953:4 Korean War, 1950-1953 – Casualties Corporal Donald Falconeiri wounded north of Wonsan, 12/01/1950:1 Private Donald Braley wounded and in hospital, 12/15/1950:15 Eugene McManus receives leg wound in action at Wonju, Korea, 03/01/1951:1 Norman Hayden, Jr. expected home after being wounded in Korea, 03/01/1951:4 Frost bite and shrapnel bring Raph Conant home, 04/12/1951:1 Staff Sergeant George Dunham suffers cerebral hemorrhage, 04/19/1951:1 Staff Sergeant George Dunham a guest of Eleanor Roosevelt's television program, 06/28/1951:1 Technical Sergeant Robert Stuart to be buried at Arlington, VA (p), 09/06/1951:1 Wounded serviceman Donald Braley home from Korea, 09/06/1951:4 World War II veteran, Leo Gamache, killed in Korea (p), 10/25/1951:1 Gamache's parents hear from chaplain explaining death in Korea (l), 11/08/1951:1 Corporal Norman Record recuperating from hemorrhagic fever in Japan, 12/06/1951:1 Leo Gamache killed in action, body coming home, 02/21/1952:1 Body of Leo Gamache arrives Friday, will be buried with military honors, 02/28/1952:1 Anthony Silva wounded in Korea, 04/03/1952:1 Anthony Silva injured in combat in Korea, hospitalized in Japan, 04/17/1952:7 Joseph Silva shot in the head in Korea, writes descriptive letter (l) (p), 05/01/1952:1 Anthony Silva on convalescent leave, 06/19/1952:1 Wounded vet, Anthony Silva, transfers to Waltham hospital, 08/28/1952:1 James Flood wounded in Korea by mortar shell (p), 10/02/1952:1 Anthony Silva wounded in Korea, gets medical discharge, 01/29/1953:1 Harry Clark's life saved by heroic GI on Korean front, 03/26/1953:1 Frederick Healey hit by mortar fire in Korea, 05/07/1953:1 Arnold Thomas wounded slightly in Korea, 07/09/1953:3 Carver man, Anthony Correia, dies in Korea (p), 07/15/1954:1 High requiem mass held for Carver veteran, Anthony Correia, 08/26/1954:1 159 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Korean War, 1950-1953 – Correspondence Joseph Silva shot in the head in Korea, writes descriptive letter (l) (p), 05/01/1952:1 Timothy Young and Daniel Purcell meet on front lines (p), 06/05/1952:1 Amusing letter announces return from Korea (l) (John F. Richmond), 07/31/1952:3 Corporal Donald Falconieri writes from POW camp in North Korea (l), 09/04/1952:7 Servicemen want letters from home (l), 10/02/1952:4 Richard Maltais writes to MHS Student Council from Korea (l), 01/29/1953:1 Falconieri family receives letter from released POW (l), 06/18/1953:1 Korean War, 1950-1953 – Missing in Action Ralph Conant heard from since reported missing in Korea, 09/15/1950:1 Norman Hayden, Jr. wounded in Korea, 10/06/1950:1 Donald Falconeiri missing from 24th infantry in Korea, 01/25/1951:1 Theodore Goodreau, Jr. missing in action in Korea, 05/24/1951:7 Korean War, 1950-1953 – Prisoners and Prisons. see also Falconieri, Donald George Tanguay responds to Helen McDonald's criticism of treatment of POWs (l), 12/01/1950:1 Helen McDonald explains letter to Newsweek (l), 12/08/1950:1 Theodore Goodreau, Jr. on list of possible prisoners of war for exchange, 12/27/1951:7 Mother receives letter from POW David Franz, 05/26/1952:4 Corporal Donald Falconieri writes from POW camp in North Korea (l), 09/04/1952:7 Carver POW, Theodore Goodreau, Jr., reported alive, 05/14/1953:1 Parents receive letter from Donald Falconieri in China, 05/14/1953:1 Theodore Goodreau, Jr. of South Carver still held by Reds, 08/13/1953:1 Theodore Goodreau freed by Communists, 08/20/1953:1 Carver plans welcome for returning POW, Theodore Goodreau, Jr., 08/27/1953:1 Carver plans homecoming for POW Goodreau, 09/03/1953:1 Korean War, 1950-1953 – Veterans Sergeant Timothy Young one of 70 chosen for inaugural parade, 12/25/1952:1 Korean War, 1950-1953 – War Relief Thimble Club Daughters receive appeal for clothing from Korea, 11/06/1952:6 Thimble Club Daughters overwhelmed by response to appeal, 11/20/1952:2 Korean War, 1950-1953 – Women Renee Ray enlists in WAVES, 08/25/1950:4 Marilyn and Maureen Fiske join Woman's Air Corps, 10/13/1950:6 Renee Ray stationed at WAVES Barracks Receiving Station, Philadelphia, 11/17/1950:6 Private 1st Class Anna Gola stationed at hospital in Osaka, Japan, 12/22/1950:2 Anna Gola chosen Miss Massachusetts for March of Dimes drive in Japan, 02/01/1951:4 Nurse Elaine Wilbur joins WAVES, 03/29/1951:4 Anna Gola meets Eugene McManus in Osaka, Japan, 03/29/1951:5 Elaine Wilbur commences course of study at Great Lakes Naval base, IL, 04/12/1951:2 Elaine Wilbur member of Blue Jacket choir at Great Lakes Training Station, IL, 05/24/1951:6 Elaine Wilbur assigned to naval training in California, 06/14/1951:8 Elaine Wilbur completes training at Great Lakes Center, 06/14/1951:9 Elaine Wilbur promoted to seaman apprentice at Alameda, CA, 07/12/1951:2 Corporal Anna Gola meets Lester Richmond in Japan, 08/30/1951:3 Lieutenant Carmelina Galanto assigned to 132nd Fighter-Bomber Wing in Bangor, ME, 09/20/1951:1 Carmelina Galanto leaves for nurses training at Dow Field Air Base, ME, 09/20/1951:2 Anna Gola enjoys Gazette in Osaka, Japan, 12/06/1951:1 Anna Gola promoted to Sergeant at Army Hospital in Osaka, 12/06/1951:5 Nurse Captain Mary Waters returns from Korea, 01/17/1952:6 Korean War, 1950-1953 – Women continued Mary Waters stationed at Westover Field following 31 months in Japan, 01/24/1952:2 Lieutenant Carmelina Galanto receives flight wings, 04/24/1952:6 Lorraine Colnan serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1 Second Lieutenant Carmelina Galanto awaits assignment to Europe, 10/09/1952:1 Theresa Madigan takes Air Force training at Lackland AFB, TX (p), 10/16/1952:1 Lazell recommends recognition for Middleboro servicemen, 10/23/1952:1 Vivian May Perkins training in Bainbridge, MD, 01/01/1953:8 Seaman Vivian Perkins attends teleman school in San Diego, CA, 02/19/1953:8 Korhonen, Henry Obituary, 08/07/1952:4 Dies at age 77, 08/07/1952:5 Petition for probate of will, 10/23/1952:5 Kori, Connie Playground Pet Show winner (p), 08/28/1952:4 Korpinen, Edward Daughter born, 11/10/1950:7 Son born, 06/24/1954:4 Korpinen, Mary Salmi Daughter born, 11/10/1950:7 Son born, 06/24/1954:4 Koski, Raymond Local men form reserve unit under Dunn, 04/12/1951:10 Fined $5 for drunkenness, 04/19/1951:2 Kramer, Abraham Business man dies suddenly while vacationing in New Hampshire, 08/28/1952:1 Obituary, 09/04/1952:5 Tribute to a gentleman (l) (Henry B. Burkland), 09/11/1952:1 Kramer, Alma Bixom Son born, 07/23/1953:4 Kramer, Alma Bixon Son born, 07/07/1950:5 Kramer, Alton Son born, 07/07/1950:5 Couple moves to Peirce St apartment, 01/25/1951:2 Son born, 07/23/1953:4 Firebug strikes barn on Peirce St, 07/08/1954:1 Kramer, Eunice Preview of spring fashion show by Junior Cabot Club (p), 03/20/1952:4 Kramer, Stephen Hit by truck driven by John Dutra, uninjured, 02/21/1952:1 Kratko, Michael Purchases Acorn St Property from Lydia Ayotte, 03/05/1953:4 Kraus, Alice Manter School St couple married 45 years, 07/08/1954:1 Kraus, Charley Takes fourth in bowling sweepstakes, 04/03/1952:1 Kraus, Curtis School St couple married 45 years, 07/08/1954:1 Kraus, Donald Presents Mitchell Club contribution to St. Luke's fund (p), 10/28/1954:1 Kraus, Mrs Donald Teaching assistant for adult ed typing class (p), 12/10/1953:1 Krikorian, Melanie St Luke's fund campaign opens (p), 07/08/1954:1 Krikorian, Mildred Daniels Daughter born, 03/31/1950:6 Krikorian, Moushah C. Biography of candidate for Board of Selectmen, 01/14/1954:1 Krikorian, Moushan Daughter born, 03/31/1950:6 Krikorian, Moushy Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Kritz, Arlene Cobb Daughter born, 07/16/1953:4 Kritz, Frank Daughter born, 07/16/1953:6 160 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Kulian, Jack VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title (p), 09/04/1952:4 Kulian, Jacob Engaged to Ann Machoolian, 06/17/1954:4 Kunces, Adam K. Naval Reservist gets combat training, 07/05/1951:1 Kunces, Charles Obituary, 11/27/1952:2 Widower of Appolonia Platski dies at age 74, 11/27/1952:5 Kunces, Joseph Presents talk on playground activities to St Luke's Hospital Club, 03/03/1950:1 Kunces, Joseph C. Playground super and assistant super comment on Dealtry letter (l), 02/10/1950:11 Goldstein and Kunces bring nine Red Sox here for baseball clinic (p), 07/14/1950:1 Playground superintendent Kunces pays tribute Hermon Dyke, 08/16/1951:1 Playgrounds Olympics best ever (p), 08/30/1951:1 Named co-chair for cerebral palsy campaign, 05/22/1952:1 MHS faculty member takes principalship at Assawampsett School, 08/07/1952:1 Local Playground Olympics winners pictured (p), 08/28/1952:5 Named to Committee on Citizenship, 09/25/1952:10 Lieutenant Governor Whittier plans Assawampsett School commencement speech (p), 06/04/1953:4 Appointed to new administrative post with Middleboro schools (p), 06/18/1953:1 School Committee honors retiring members (p), 01/14/1954:10 Kunces, Joseph Charles Elected principal of Assawampsett School, 08/07/1952:1 Kuppers, Ann Enters Endicott Junior College, Beverly, 09/15/1950:10 Attends Endicott Junior College, 02/08/1951:9 Majors in fashion illustration at Endicott Junior College, 09/13/1951:8 Engaged to George Robert James, 03/13/1952:2 Kuppers, Ann B. Wedding reception held, 08/14/1952:2 Kuppers, Ann Blessington Wed to George Robert James, 08/14/1952:5 Kuppers, Marjorie Mackillop Resides in Flushing, NY, 06/10/1954:5 K.W. Welch Co. Roofing specialists, Vaughan St, Lakeville (ad), 04/15/1954:3 Kwolek, Stanislaw Petition for to sell real estate, 12/10/1953:13 Kwolek, Stanley Lakeville man found dead of gunshot, 09/17/1953:10 Petition for license to sell real estate, 03/04/1954:4 Kynsinski, Edmund First Lakeville fire chief resigns, 11/12/1953:7 Kyrous, Joseph To teach evening course in civil engineering, 04/15/1954:1 Kyrous, Richard Graduates from Monson Academy, 05/31/1951:6 Attends University of Massachusetts, 09/20/1951:8 Takes training at Indiantown Gap Military Reservation, PA (p), 10/30/1952:1 Kyrouz, Dick 1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1 Kyrouz, Joseph Lions Club members volunteer services as gas station attendants (p), 05/27/1954:1 Kyrouz, Pete MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1 Kyrouz, Phil Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore championships (p), 07/03/1952:5 Kyrouz, Philip Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1 Kyrouz, Phillip MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1 Freshman at University of Massachusetts, 09/17/1953:7 Kyrouz, Richard Enrolls at Monson Academy, 09/15/1950:6 Pledges Theta Chi at UMass, 11/08/1951:8 Inducted into armed forces, 09/11/1952:1 Kyrouz, Richard W. Stock record clerk at Indiantown Gap Military Reservation, PA, 03/19/1953:3 Serves with 2332nd Army Service Unit at Indiantown Gap, PA, 10/01/1953:2 Honorably discharged from U.S. Army, 06/24/1954:4 Kyrouz, Richard William Enrolls at Franklin Technical Institute, Boston, 10/07/1954:6 L Labor Day Local police to cooperate with other agencies to cut Labor Day traffic toll, 08/25/1950:1 Safety drive effective, 09/08/1950:1 Labor Relations Alberts Shoe Co. employees choose own association over union, 03/24/1950:1 Striking truckers guilty of daytime holdups, 08/06/1953:1 Fifteen French employees of Murdock Parlor Grate Co. on strike 50 years ago, 07/08/1954:2 Lacaire, Ernest Family moves to Spencer, 10/22/1953:10 Lacerda, Dorothy Ann Belmont Daughter born, 05/12/1950:7 Lacerda, Everett Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 Lacerda, Everett A. Daughter born, 05/12/1950:7 Lacombe, Alice Crocker non-support case continued, 08/26/1954:3 LaCombe, Alice Belanger Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4, 09/16/1954:4 LaCombe, Clayton Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4, 09/16/1954:4 Lacombe, John Resides in Baltimore, MD, 04/14/1950:5 Lacombe, John A. Couple surprised on 35th anniversary, 09/02/1954:4 Lacombe, John, Jr. Son born, 08/02/1951:6 Lacombe, Margaret Reed Son born, 08/02/1951:6 Lacombe, Nancy Carol Engaged to Frederick L. Sisson, 02/10/1950:6 Wed to Frederick L. Sisson, 02/24/1950:7 LaCombe, Philip A. Charged with drunk driving, 03/29/1951:8 Lacombe, Philip A. Fined $25 for allowing unlicensed driver to operate vehicle, 04/05/1951:9 Leaves for Pine Camp with 320th Military Police Battalion, 07/24/1952:3 Lacombe, Sally War bride goes home to see parents in England, 10/13/1950:1 LaCombe, Shirley Engaged to Delmas E. Swayngim, 01/21/1954:5 Lacrosse, Alice Cummings Daughter born, 04/16/1953:7 Lacrosse, Roger Daughter born, 04/16/1953:7 Ladner, Allen Russell Leaves for induction in Boston, 02/08/1951:10 Laemo, Dominic Daughter born, 04/24/1952:4 Laemo, Earline Munson Daughter born, 04/24/1952:4 161 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 LaFlamboise, Lena Obituary, 10/07/1954:4 Wife of Joseph H. dies at age 59, 10/07/1954:7 LaForest, Bert Accepted at Burdett College, 10/06/1950:8 LaForest, Bertrand F. Completes Air Force indoctrination program, 04/03/1952:7 LaForest, Leo P. see LaForest Pharmacy LaForest, L.P. Morse Pharmacy, 53 Centre St (ad), 04/21/1950:3 LaForest, Norman C. Candidate for delegate to Republican National Convention, 03/13/1952:1 Employed at LaForest Pharmacy, 09/10/1953:6 Employed at LaForest Pharmacy (ad), 12/17/1953:6 LaForest, Robert LaForest and Maddigan responsible for flyovers during Falconieri homecoming, 09/17/1953:6 Clerk at LaForest Pharmacy (p), 04/08/1954:8 Named to police force here, 06/17/1954:1 LaForest, Robert B. Employed at LaForest Pharmacy, 09/10/1953:6 Employed at LaForest Pharmacy (ad), 12/17/1953:6 Resigns from Ground Observers Corps, 08/12/1954:4 LaForest Pharmacy 53 Centre St (ad), 01/17/1952:5 Leo LaForest pharmacist, 53 Center St (p), 09/10/1953:6 For all your Christmas merchandise (p), 12/17/1953:6 A popular local pharmacy (p), 04/08/1954:8 First stop on any trip, 06/24/1954:6 Shed fire leaves only walls, 08/05/1954:1 LaFramboise, Lena C. Petition for probate of will, 10/21/1954:6 Lagarde, Isabelle Dies in Hayward, CA, 08/11/1950:4 LaGrippo, Gerald Dies at age 44, 08/19/1954:4 Obituary, 08/19/1954:7 LaGrippo, Gerald J. Charged with drunk driving, 10/25/1951:2 LaGrippo, Mary Wed to Antonio Ricco, 02/03/1950:5 Lake Shore Street Railway Everett St turnout removed 50 years ago, 07/15/1954:8 Lakeside Gladiolus Garden 53A Vaughan St (ad), 08/07/1952:10 Mary and Eddie Baker (ad), 12/11/1952:12 Lakeville Notes Founders Day, 06/04/1953:9 Lakeville - Board of Fire Engineers Eagles honor Kunces at banquet, 04/28/1950:1 Expects new Maxim engine today, 10/20/1950:1 Purchases new firefighting equipment from Maxim Motor Co. (p), 01/25/1951:1 Approves formation of association, 03/08/1951:6 Cut road to Assawompsett Lake, 04/19/1951:4 Considerable discussion at meeting, 06/14/1951:3 Reorganizes with Walter Clark at head, 06/21/1951:6 Annual report, 02/19/1953:7 Lakeville - Board of Selectmen Henry Pember retires (p), 04/07/1950:1 Organizes for upcoming year, 03/20/1952:8 Lakeville - Fire Department Instructions to citizens, 01/20/1950:11 Board of Engineers learns about state Firemen's Association, 02/03/1950:1 Equipment fund of $7,000 approved at town meeting, 04/14/1950:1 Selectmen reappoint fire engineers, 05/12/1950:1 Purchases apparatus, 05/19/1950:1 Announces emergency call number (ad), 06/02/1950:2 Important notice concerning emergency number, 06/02/1950:6 Makes survey of roads and access points, 08/18/1950:5 Now sufficiently organized and equipped to meet any situation, 02/28/1952:9 Lakeville – Fire Department continued Taunton pumping station signed over to Lakeville, 06/11/1953:6 First chief Edmund Kynsinski resigns, replaced by James Vigers, Jr., 11/12/1953:7 Moves to new quarters on Bedford St, 05/06/1954:2 Lakeville - School Committee. see Schools - Lakeville Lakeville Animal Hospital. see Delano, Ray O. Lakeville Congregational Church Women's Society holds auction (ad), 05/19/1950:12 Seven babies baptized, 03/29/1951:6 Norman Farnum, Jr. ordained, 05/03/1951:9 Holds 228th annual meeting, 06/28/1951:9 Pastor Norman Farnum going to Walpole, NH, 10/11/1951:1 Merton Rymph answers call, 03/27/1952:7 Reception held for new pastor, 04/10/1952:12 Rev and Mrs Merton Rymph arrive at parsonage, 04/17/1952:1 Bulldozes area for basketball court, 09/11/1952:5 Restoration work in progress, 11/26/1953:2 Restoration and repair well underway, 12/17/1953:9 Holds rededication ceremony, 10/07/1954:5 Theodore Hamlin elected minister, 10/21/1954:6 Former Lakeville pastor Rymph sends funds for hurricane-damaged steeple, 12/30/1954:1 Lakeville Firemen's Relief Association Elects officers, 03/15/1951:4 Holds annual meeting, 01/24/1952:5 Women form auxiliary, 04/16/1953:3 Lakeville General Store Thomas and Hayward apply for package store license, 06/02/1950:8 Lakeville Historical Society Lakeville centennial committee discusses formation, 12/17/1953:9 Lakeville Mill End Shop Rug materials, cottons, woolens, etc., Bedford St (ad), 11/15/1951:11 Reopens on Bedford St (ad), 07/29/1954:2 Lakeville Parent Teacher Association Holds joint annual meeting with Middleboro PTA, 04/28/1950:5 Now known as District No. 1 of Massachusetts Congress of Parent-Teacher Associations, 11/20/1952:10 Lakeville Public Library New firefighting equipment pictured in front of library (p), 01/25/1951:1 Summer cottagers must register in order to borrow, 08/02/1951:4 Lakeville Sportsmen's Club Holds 29th annual hare trials, 03/31/1950:2 Holds 30th semi-annual hare trial, 09/29/1950:6 Lakeville State Sanatorium Legislation needed for fire service contract, 01/13/1950:1 Meets requirements of American College of Surgeons, 01/13/1950:1 New bill on fire aid authorized, 01/27/1950:1 Cooties put on entertainment at sanatorium, 02/24/1950:7 Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for patients (p), 05/12/1950:1 Governor signs sewage bill, 05/19/1950:1 Agreements on fire protection and sewage disposal authorized, 06/09/1950:1 Middleboro Town Counsel drafts agreement on sanatorium fire aid, 06/23/1950:1 Selectmen take care of unfinished business, 08/11/1950:1 Attorney General would exclude liability for Fire Department in agreement with san, 08/25/1950:1 To have new building for nurses, 08/25/1950:1 Aid agreement with Fire Department delayed, 10/06/1950:1 Hosts 5th annual Halloween party, 400 children attend, 11/03/1950:1 Selectmen to discuss sewage with Public Health Department, 11/10/1950:1 Connect to Fire Department alarm system complete, 01/11/1951:1 Contemplating sewage disposal system improvements, 01/18/1951:1 Sewage treatment service to be reconsidered, 06/14/1951:12 Scarcity of materials means addition not completed, 08/23/1951:3 Agreement for sanatorium fire aid approved, 01/10/1952:1 Needs high chairs and strollers, 02/07/1952:1 William Egger Co. contracts to furnish new nurses' home, 04/24/1952:1 Youngsters from sanatorium see Santa at James McNeil Co. (p), 12/18/1952:1 162 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Lakeville State Sanatorium continued Town water proposed for san, 01/22/1953:10 Sanatorium to have town water, 06/25/1953:1 Featured in Commonwealth, monthly of Department of Public Health, 07/23/1953:7 Virginia Gibbons' scout troop recognized for work at Lakeville sanatorium (p), 09/03/1953:1 Elks and Emblem clubs hold first annual Field Day, 06/10/1954:1 New headquarters for SE District Health staff, 07/29/1954:2 Sewage contract with town partially approved, 12/16/1954:1 Lakeville State Sanatorium - Employees Hires Evelyn Shaw, 01/20/1950:11 Employs Eugene Kennedy, 03/31/1950:11 Employs Carl Sampson, 04/07/1950:8 Employs George Sauncy, 06/16/1950:2 Employs Elizabeth Thomas, 06/16/1950:6 Employs Carl Holten, 09/08/1950:3 Employs Alice Colvin, 09/15/1950:9 Employs Roger Eldridge, 10/20/1950:8 Director, Dr Leon Alley, retires after 26 years, 10/27/1950:4 Alley retires as super, replaced by Harry Clark, 11/03/1950:1 Reception held for retiring superintendent Alley, 11/03/1950:1 Employs William Powers, 11/17/1950:2 Employs Hugh Murphy, 04/12/1951:6 Employs Eleanor Casey, 05/24/1951:2 Employs Barbara Goodreau, 05/24/1951:7 Employs Florence Harrison, 06/21/1951:3 Employs Florence Wilbur, 08/16/1951:9 Employs Frank Williams, 09/06/1951:4 Employs Mr and Mrs Francis Quelle, 09/20/1951:2 Employs Olive Shaw, 10/18/1951:4 Employs Helen Grogan and Helen Currier, 11/08/1951:4 Employs Katherine Crowninshield, 02/07/1952:4 Employs Mrs Chester Lewis, 08/07/1952:4 Employs Eileen Burke, Dorothy Lewis, and Nellie Bryant, 08/07/1952:6 Employs Mrs Shaw H. Reynolds, 08/14/1952:9 Employs Chester Thomas, 08/28/1952:7 Betty Maranville takes position as staff nurse, 11/13/1952:8 Employs Meredith Caswell Davis, 12/11/1952:1 Mrs George Davis, Jr. resigns, 01/15/1953:6 Hires Jane Cushman, 06/04/1953:4 Employs Mrs James Earley, 08/13/1953:8 Longtime employees Elizabeth Thomas and Catherine LaTour retire, 10/29/1953:1 Employs Joseph Plant, 04/22/1954:9 Ruth Hagan transfers to Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Forest Hills, 07/01/1954:4 Employs Mrs Sylvania D'Elia, 08/19/1954:10 Employs Mildred McCrillis, 09/30/1954:5 Lakeville Town Hall New firefighting equipment pictured in front of town hall (p), 01/25/1951:1 Movement afoot for securing town office, 04/24/1952:3 Pumping station considered for site of town offices, 06/19/1952:1 Delay in acquisition of Taunton pumping station, 08/21/1952:4 Taunton pumping station signed over to Lakeville, 06/11/1953:6 Architectural plans expected soon, 07/16/1953:2 Chimney to remain, 07/16/1953:2 Committee okays plans for former Taunton pumping station, 08/27/1953:1 Request for bids to remodel Taunton pumping station, 10/15/1953:7 Bids opened for remodeling, 11/05/1953:11 Chimney demolished, 11/26/1953:2 Extensive work done on former pumping station, 01/07/1954:3 Town offices moved to new building, 06/03/1954:7 Lakey, Barbara Sampson Daughter born, 02/18/1954:6 Lakey, J. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Lakey, James Earns Eagle Scout award (p), 05/24/1951:11 Awarded God and Country Award for scout work, 02/14/1952:3 Attends Brown University, 12/23/1954:3 Lakey, Wentworth Daughter born, 02/18/1954:6 Lakey, Wentworth O. Collides with Louis Parker on East Grove St, 02/28/1952:8 Pleads not guilty to reckless driving, 03/13/1952:7 Acquitted on charge of negligence, 03/20/1952:3 Lamb, Dana Burr Wedding described, 12/31/1953:6 Lambert, Frederick Wayne Killed in crash in North Dennis, 05/07/1953:1 LaMere, John J. Engaged to Alice May Shaw, 09/18/1952:5 Wedding described, 10/09/1952:4 Wed to Alice May Shaw, 10/09/1952:5 Lander, Edward Daughter born, 12/25/1952:5 Lander, Elizabeth E. Granted license to sell firearms, 04/19/1951:1 Lander, Elizabeth Pittsley Daughter born, 12/25/1952:5 Landgrebe, Ferdinand C. Sues estate of Hannah Willig 50 years ago, 03/18/1954:7 Landry, John B. Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Landry, John Baptiste Obituary, 06/11/1953:8 Landry, John Batiste Husband of Violet M. Schwartz dies at age 73, 06/11/1953:4 Landry, Violet Wed to Francis DeCosta, 07/09/1953:5 Landry, Violet M. Engaged to Francis DaCosta, 07/02/1953:4 Landscapers and Landscaping Eagles champs of Inter-city Bowling League (p), 08/30/1951:9 Braley & Son, masonry, landscaping, tree surgery, and painting (ad), 05/27/1954:3 Broadbent's Treeland, Rte 105, Lakeville (ad), 08/19/1954:5 Broadbent's Treeland has excellent nursery stock (p), 09/30/1954:6 Landstrom, Elsie Hayes Son born, 04/22/1954:6 Landstrom, Norman Wedding described, 01/22/1953:4 Son born, 04/22/1954:6 Landstrom, Peter Samuel Born to Norman and Elsie Hayes, 04/22/1954:6 Landstrom, Victor E. Petition for administration of estate, 12/02/1954:9 Landstrom, Victor Emanuel Dies at age 74, 11/18/1954:6 Obituary, 11/18/1954:9 Landstrom, Victor Norman Engaged to Elsie Hayes Hines, 12/18/1952:13 Engaged to Elsie R. Hayes Hines, 01/01/1953:5 Wed to Elsie R. Hayes Hines, 01/29/1953:5 Lane, John Michael Inducted into armed forces, 02/05/1953:1 Lane, Matthew J. Lane and Jardullo collide at Peirce and School St, 10/04/1951:2 Lane's Hotel Issue of Plymouth Rock from 1860 reveals local and national events, 05/31/1951:1 Lang, Bob Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore championships (p), 07/03/1952:5 Lang, Charles Son born, 03/13/1952:5 Lang, John N. Dies at age 83, 06/04/1953:4 Obituary, 06/04/1953:5 Lang, Lottie N. Petition for probate of will, 12/02/1954:6 Lang, Lottie Newell Obituary, 10/28/1954:2 Wife of Fred dies at age 71, 10/28/1954:6 163 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Lang, Mary Sousa Son born, 03/13/1952:5 Lang, Muriel Employed at Plymouth Shoe Co., 08/14/1952:7 Lang, Natalie Employed with father in electrical business, 07/07/1950:6 Lang, Stella Resigns from Assawompsett School cafeteria, 12/09/1954:3 Lang, Walter Couple moves from Rock to Middleboro, 01/15/1953:5 Lang, Walter E. Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1 Lang, Walter E., Jr. Engaged to Muriel V. Glover, 05/10/1951:2 Wedding described, 10/18/1951:2 Wed to Muriel V. Glover, 10/18/1951:5 Honor student in Artillery Track Vehicle Maintenance course at Fort Sill, OK, 06/05/1952:10 Participates in Operation Signpost, 07/17/1952:7 Promoted by Battery A, Massachusetts National Guard, 04/16/1953:6 Lang, William Resides in Cleveland, OH, 08/16/1951:10 Langelier, Leander Dies in West Warwick, RI, 09/08/1950:10 Langlois, Denise Wedding described, 02/19/1953:4 Langlois, Denise E.L. Engaged to Norman E. Duphily, 02/12/1953:5 Langlois, Denise L. Wed to Norman E. Duphily, 02/19/1953:5 Lang's Farm Apples and cider, County St, Lakeville (ad), 09/29/1950:5 Lanning, Anna L. Wed to Lawrence Paul Conway, 01/29/1953:5 Lanoue, Donald Stationed at Great Lakes Training Station, IL, 10/11/1951:4 Lanowetsky, Andrew Daughter born, 04/19/1951:4 Lanowetsky, Helen Linton Daughter born, 04/19/1951:4 Lanzetta, Bob Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p), 12/04/1952:1 Lapanna, Josephine Engaged to Richard Hunt, 12/17/1953:4 Wed to Richard Hunt, 12/31/1953:4 Lapham, Beverly Mae Engaged to Louis Garafalo, 05/12/1950:7 Wed to Louis Garafalo, 05/26/1950:7 LaPierre, Leo Couple purchases Bedford St house from Arthur Abele, 01/20/1950:11 Larceny. see also Burglary; Robbery; Stealing; Theft Paul Preti gets suspended sentence, 02/10/1950:6 Clifford Vickery pleads not guilty to larceny of wood from Harold Travis, 04/28/1950:4 Boston poultry dealer arrested for larceny against Henrietta McKee, 07/14/1950:1 Holt larceny case in local court again, 07/28/1950:1 McKee paid $2,300 in poultry case, 08/18/1950:1 Moquin and Soucie guilty of larceny of gasoline, 11/17/1950:6 Local man, Wilfred Pelland, one of three guilty of break-in at Richmond Automotive Service, 11/24/1950:1 Carl Greene charged with larceny from Richmond Automotive, 11/24/1950:7 Youths get suspended sentences for Richmond break, convicted for Acushnet breaks also, 12/01/1950:10 Herman Russell guilty of larceny from Roy Pendleton, 03/08/1951:10 James Francis pleads guilty to taking trailer, 03/15/1951:10 Standish larceny case continued for trial, 03/15/1951:10 Francis requests permission to change plea, 03/15/1951:11 Standish avoids jail in Cain larceny case, given second chance, 03/22/1951:1 Three fined for theft from Freedman junk yard, 04/26/1951:10 Larceny continued Stanley Jurgelewicz pleads not guilty to break and larceny, 05/10/1951:8 Jurgelewicz acquitted on Boucher break-in charge, 05/31/1951:1 Five boys from 8 to 13 before judge, 06/28/1951:9 Arnold Thomas guilty of stealing license plates from Florence Hammond, 07/05/1951:4 George Gallus appeals charge, 07/12/1951:10 Ziemba of Stoughton sentenced to jail for larceny, 09/20/1951:10 Joseph Jesse gets four months for theft from Washburn's, 02/21/1952:7 "Fence" held in $1000 for grand jury, had loot from Red Coach Grille, 04/17/1952:7 William Metcalf pleads guilty to larceny from Percy Churbuck, 07/24/1952:3 Metcalf jailed four months for larceny from Churbuck's home, 07/31/1952:1 Metcalf ignores court date, 07/31/1952:3 Edward Medas pleads not guilty to larceny from James Ferreira, 09/18/1952:7 Leonard Bump held for grand jury on two breaks and larceny, 09/25/1952:9 Edward Medas cleared of charge, 10/09/1952:8 Leonard Bump gets six months for break-ins and larceny, 10/16/1952:5 Bump indicted on two counts of breaking-and-entering and larceny, 10/16/1952:7 Richard Gardiner indicted for breaking-and-entering and larceny, 10/16/1952:7 James Russell convicted of stealing grain from state, 06/04/1953:6 Four Middleboro youths face multiple charges, 06/25/1953:3 Four boys face judge, 07/02/1953:9 Judge hears evidence against Charlotte Abreu, 07/16/1953:10 LeRoy Hughes charged, 09/24/1953:1 Edwina Wood charged with larceny of $53,000 from Nat'l Cranberry Association, 10/01/1953:1 Edwina Wood indicted by grand jury for forgery, larceny and uttering, 10/08/1953:1 Yesonis indicted for breaking and entering and for larceny, 10/08/1953:1 Yesonis case continued, 10/08/1953:3 Yesonis sent to state prison, 10/15/1953:1 Twelve sentences total six years for Edwina Wood, 10/29/1953:1 Laura Soelle arrested for larceny from Taunton Esso station, 04/22/1954:1 Parolee George Rooney charged with grand larceny from Almeida Bus Co., 07/15/1954:1 Antone Silvia charged with abduction and theft, 07/22/1954:1 Larrabee, Bernice May Wedding described, 10/30/1952:6 Larsen, Wilbert Freshman at Northeastern, 09/15/1950:11 Attends Northeastern University, 12/29/1950:5 Larsen, Wilbert A. Graduates from Control Tower Operator course (p), 11/27/1952:1 Larsen, Wilbert A., Jr. Joins U.S. Air Force, 05/29/1952:5 Larson, Wilbert MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p), 06/02/1950:1 Larson, Wilbert A. Completes basic training at Sampson Air Base, NY, 08/14/1952:2 Airman stationed at Kessler Air Base, MS, 12/25/1952:4 Airman 2nd Class heads for California and overseas duty, 05/14/1953:10 Airman guides plane to safety in Japan, 12/02/1954:1 Latos, Laurentino Resides in Boston, 09/08/1950:5 LaTour, Catherine Longtime sanatorium employee retires, 10/29/1953:1 Laundries. see also Marion's Laundromat; Martenson's Cleansers, Dyers, and Tailors; Middleboro Laundry; Modern Cleaners & Dyers Martenson and Thomas, selling out, 260 Centre St (ad), 02/17/1950:8 Original Cleaners, 175 Center St (ad), 10/06/1950:6 Martenson and Thomas signs up for TV premium membership, 12/15/1950:13 164 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Laundries continued Martenson and Thomas signs up for TV premium membership (ad), 12/15/1950:15 Lea Chartier manager of Blais Cleaners, 160 Center St (ad), 10/04/1951:2 Fire damages old landmark, Martenson's stock burned, scorched, wet, 01/31/1952:1 Town Cleaners & Tailors opening at 160 Center St (ad), 04/10/1952:14 Cobb's Laundry, help wanted (ad), 04/24/1952:10 Original Cleansers and Dyers, 145 Center St (ad), 05/08/1952:2 Original Cleansers, wanted, part time clerk (ad), 05/08/1952:2 Cobb's Laundry now owned by The Union Hand Laundry (ad), 11/27/1952:4 Union Hand Laundry, 69 Oak St (ad), 12/04/1952:6 Town Cleaners & Tailors at new location, 123 Center St (ad), 04/22/1954:2 Lauterbach, Beverly Engaged to Louis A. Clokowski, 07/17/1952:9 Lavallee, Louis A. Engaged to Palmire Paulin, 10/06/1950:5 Wed to Palmire Paulin, 10/13/1950:7 Lavallee, Wilfred H. Real estate (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Lavallee, Wilfred H., Jr. Engaged to Ida M. Furlan, 11/04/1954:4 Lavallee, Wilfred Henry Wedding described, 12/30/1954:5 Lavallee & Houlihan The friendly realtors at 115 Center St (ad), 01/28/1954:3 Lavalley, Henry Boat safety stressed to youngsters at pool (p), 07/22/1954:1 Lavine, Alexandra John Lavine fined for assault on daughter-in-law, 01/11/1951:6 Lavine, Alexandria Foreclosure notice, 05/19/1950:10 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/30/1950:3 Lavine, Daniel Notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 06/16/1950:7 Posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 11/17/1950:12 Lavine, Daniel R. Foreclosure notice, 05/19/1950:10 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/30/1950:3 Non-support case continued, 11/17/1950:6 Case continued without finding, 11/24/1950:7 Lavine, John J. Fined for assault on daughter-in-law Alexandra, 01/11/1951:6 Lavine, Lillian Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 06/16/1950:7, 11/17/1950:12 Law Enforcement. see Massachusetts State Police; Middleboro – Police Department Lawn Mowers The BKN Co., dealer (ad), 09/01/1950:5 BKN Co., 5th birthday sale (ad), 08/02/1951:6 The Mower Shop, Taunton St (ad), 04/10/1952:14 The BKN Co. now Town Line Country Store (ad), 05/26/1952:9 Burnett Anderson's shop destroyed by fire, now back in operation (ad), 03/11/1954:2 Lawrence, Albert Promoted to Lt. Colonel in Germany, 01/01/1953:8 Lawrence, Albert W. U.S. Army Major resides in Hopewell, VA, 06/23/1950:10 Major ordered to duty in Strasbourg, Germany, 08/25/1950:4 Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel in U.S. Army, 01/22/1953:9 Assigned to staff school at Leavenworth, KS, 01/07/1954:8 Lieutenant Colonel stationed in Washington, DC, 12/02/1954:5 Lawrence, Dorothy Whitman Daughter born, 11/03/1950:5 Lawrence, Edward MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1 Lawrence, Edward S. Mechanic at Bailey Motor Sales, 05/26/1950:11 Lawrence, Edward S., Jr. Injured in Bridgewater accident, 07/15/1954:3 Fined $30 for reckless driving, 07/29/1954:4 Lawrence, Ginny Lou Top scorer in playgrounds Olympics (p), 08/30/1951:1 Lawrence, Herbert A. Head of service department at Bailey Motor Sales, 01/22/1953:9 Lawrence, Jeanine Dies in Hopewell, VA, 08/19/1954:9 Lawrence, Jeannette Top scorer in playgrounds Olympics (p), 08/30/1951:1 Fourteen-year-old may have polio, 10/29/1953:1 Lawrence, Jeannette A. Engaged to Kenneth L. Nadeau (p), 07/29/1954:1 Lawrence, J.F. Accepts call to Baptist church 50 years ago, 10/29/1953:7 Lawrence, Katherine L. Wed to Robert H. Shaw, 07/16/1953:4 Wedding described, 07/16/1953:5 Lawrence, Katherine Louise Engaged to Robert Frederick Shaw, 06/11/1953:5 Lawrence, Leonard Mechanic at Jimmie Thompson's Gulf Service, Rte 44 (ad), 02/28/1952:2 Son born, 03/06/1952:5 Lawrence, Maurice C. Charges Robert Pierce with assault and battery, 08/07/1952:2 Lawrence, Nellie Sideswiped by Worcester driver, 05/13/1954:7 Lawrence, Nellie Taylor Son born, 03/06/1952:5 Lawrence, Red Key man on MHS baseball team (p), 05/14/1953:10 Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1 Lawrence, Russell Daughter born, 11/03/1950:5 Lawson, Lawrence Brother dies in Andover, 08/25/1950:9 Lawson, Robert W. Dies in Andover, 08/25/1950:9 Lawyers. see also Anderson, Robert; Callan, L. Francis, Jr.; Fourth District Court; Hale, Allan M.; Mendall, C. Trafton Albert Maddigan passes state bar exam, 03/03/1950:1 P.F. Churbuck, furnished studio apartment for rent, 75 North Main St (ad), 03/10/1950:2 Albert Maddigan admitted to state bar association, 03/24/1950:1 Fletcher Clark, Jr. re-appointed notary public, 08/11/1950:3 Andrew Wood passes bar exam, 10/13/1950:1 Ermon Markella named assistant district attorney (p), 02/08/1951:1 Raymond Cashen admitted to Michigan State Bar Association, 07/05/1951:1 Lawrence Carver passes bar exam, 08/14/1952:1 Judge Nathan Washburn resigns as counsel for MW & BB street Railway 50 years ago, 02/25/1954:8 Mrs W. Wallace Kelley resigns post at Clark and Iseminger, 07/29/1954:5 Edward Powell takes oath as attorney (p), 10/28/1954:1 George Fox Tucker contributes to symposium on capital punishment 50 years ago, 12/23/1954:7 Lays, Harold W. Employed at Naval Air Base in Corpus Christ, TX, 05/17/1951:9 Lays, James Earle Engaged to Marjorie Fobes Higgins, 04/23/1953:7 Wed to Marjorie Fobes Higgins, 06/04/1953:4 Leach, Gladys Lincoln Wed to Nelson Wallace Sherman, 08/07/1952:5, 08/14/1952:5 Leach, Terra W. Collides with Mendall on Peirce St, 09/17/1953:3 Injured when car forced off Center St, 12/09/1954:14 Leach, T.W. Dentist, 25 Center St (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Leanders, Dorothy E. Engaged to Henry A. Silvia, 11/24/1950:5 165 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Leandres, Dorothy E. Wed to Henry A. Silvia, 12/08/1950:5 Leary, Barbara Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1 Leary, Christine Ann Born to Robert and Madeline Sisson, 06/21/1951:5 Leary, John J. Jr. Engaged to Lillian F. Wood, 02/03/1950:5 Wed to Lillian F. Wood, 02/24/1950:7 Leary, Madeline Engaged to Christopher O'Leary, 12/08/1950:13 Leary, Madeline Frances Wed to Christopher Joseph O'Leary, 12/22/1950:7 Leary, Madeline Sisson Daughter born, 06/21/1951:5 Leary, Mrs Robert Resides in Maywood, NJ, 11/17/1950:2 Resides in Atlanta, GA, 09/18/1952:7 Leary, Robert Daughter born, 06/21/1951:5 Leary, Robert E. Family resides in Charlotte, NC, 02/19/1953:10 Leary, Thomas E. Couple married 35 years, 07/08/1954:5 Leavitt, Lucia A. Tallman named to sell all personal property, 04/29/1954:5 LeBarnes, Joseph Wed to Eva Smith, 06/11/1953:4 LeBaron, Elric New engineer LeBaron Foundry 50 years ago, 12/16/1954:10 LeBaron, Georgiette Obituary, 03/11/1954:3 Widow of Jesse dies at age 83, 03/11/1954:4 LeBaron, Hattie B. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 08/25/1950:3 LeBaron, Hattie Baylies Dies at age 81, 07/26/1951:5 Obituary, 07/26/1951:5 LeBaron, J.B. Cuts 17-inch ice during cold spell 50 years ago, 01/28/1954:8 LeBaron, John B. Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 LeBaron Foundry Closed for stock taking 50 years ago, 01/14/1954:8 Elric LeBaron new engineer 50 years ago, 12/16/1954:10 LeBaron Ice Co. Shirley Ann Zeronsky injured by ice truck, 09/03/1953:4 Lebeau, Salim Ovila Husband of Josephine dies at age 69, 08/06/1953:4 Obituary, 08/06/1953:7 LeBlanc, Betty Engaged to John A. Black, Jr., 02/22/1951:5 Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p), 10/25/1951:1 Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 11/06/1952:4 Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club, 10/15/1953:1 LeBlanc, Elsie Landgrebe Teacher retires after 35 years of service, 10/08/1953:1 LeBlanc, Leo Injured when car hits stone wall on Wareham St, 02/11/1954:3 LeCain, Eileen L. Foreclosure notice, 03/24/1950:7 LeCain, Gordon C. Foreclosure notice, 03/24/1950:7 Leconte, Louis Maurice Leaves for induction in Boston, 02/08/1951:10 Lectures Author Salom Rizk hosted by MHS Silver M Society, 11/12/1953:1 Ledoux, Eugene Suffers contusions in fall, 08/16/1951:1 Lee, Bob Registry of Motor Vehicles inspectors spot violators on Rte 28 (p), 07/09/1953:1 Lee, Charles A. Estella Lee's birthday brings together five generations (p), 06/07/1951:1 Lee, Charles Albert Obituary, 06/21/1951:3 Dies at age 91, 06/21/1951:5 Petition for probate of will, 07/12/1951:9 Lee, Dorothy Engaged to Robert Teceno, 04/02/1953:6 Lee, Estella D. Birthday celebration brings together five generations (p), 06/07/1951:1 Lee, George Daughter born, 01/27/1950:7 Son born, 09/13/1951:5 Pearl St couple married 50 years, 05/29/1952:1, 06/05/1952:6 Daughter born, 09/03/1953:5 Couple married 50 years, 11/05/1953:11 Lee, George D. Wife's birthday celebration brings together five generations (p), 06/07/1951:1 Lee, George H. Hits concrete posts on Center St, 12/15/1950:13 Fined $20 for reckless driving, 12/22/1950:9 Fined $75 for drunk driving, 09/13/1951:4 Lee, George Herbert Killed by tree he was felling, 04/09/1953:1 Husband of Shirley Hartling dies at age 27, 04/09/1953:5 Lee, James Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Lee, Molly McPherson Resides in Portland, OR, 10/04/1951:4 Lee, Robert Daughter born, 07/14/1950:7 Son born, 03/12/1953:5 Lee, Shirley Six-year-old Kathleen Metzler runs into side of Lee's auto, 09/15/1950:4 Lee, Shirley Hartling Daughter born, 01/27/1950:7 Son born, 09/13/1951:5 Daughter born, 09/03/1953:5 Lee, Theodora Savard Daughter born, 07/14/1950:7 Son born, 03/12/1953:5 Lees, Ernest Daughter born, 05/24/1951:7 Sells Clara St property to Robert Murdock, 03/26/1953:9 Lees, Margaret Sather Daughter born, 05/24/1951:7 Lefevre, Jerome A. Engaged to Joan V. Oliver, 07/19/1951:5 Wed to Joan V. Oliver, 08/02/1951:5 LeForte, Alice Thomas Son born, 08/20/1953:5 LeForte, Raymond Son born, 08/20/1953:5 LeGay, Donald On reviewing stand for Falconieri's welcome home festivities (p), 09/10/1953:1 Leggee, P. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Leggee, Richard Resides in Troy, NY, 08/04/1950:8 Resides in Schenectady, NY, 11/03/1950:16 Leggee, Richard E. Graduates from Rensselear Polytechnic, 06/09/1950:12 Takes training in Manchester, NH, 08/25/1950:9 Daughter born, 08/16/1951:2 Testing turbojet engines with GE, 02/14/1952:9 Captain flies low over mother's house, 05/14/1953:6 Leggee, Warren Leaves for Lackland Field, Texas, 12/08/1950:13 Private 1st Class on leave from Matagorda Island, TX, 08/09/1951:6 Transfers back to Bergstrom Air Base, Austin, TX, 04/24/1952:4 Airman-2 stationed at Limestone AFB, ME, 11/20/1952:10 166 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Leggee, Warren C. Private stationed at Matagorda Island, TX, 04/19/1951:5 Promoted to Corporal at Matagorda Island, TX, 10/25/1951:6 Stationed at Limestone AFB, ME, 09/18/1952:5 Discharged for U.S. Air Force, 12/09/1954:5 Leggee, Warren E. Private 1st Class receives commendation, 10/11/1951:4 Leggee, William C. Private completes basic airman course, 01/25/1951:9 Leggett, Eugene Sheldon Wed to Clarissa Weld Bennett, 07/03/1952:3 Lehtomaa, Karla Newly-formed Rock-South Middleboro Girl Scout troop welcomed into organization (p), 05/24/1951:1 South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Lehtomaa, Suoma Administrator presents account of estate, 05/20/1954:8 Leighton, Exilda Obituary, 10/25/1951:9 Leighton, Frank First mattress of its kind on display at J.M. Wells (p), 12/06/1951:8 Leighton, Frank E. see also Middleboro Recreation Center Fights rough seas off Brant Rock to rescue four, 05/07/1953:1 Leighton, Frank Gerald, Jr. Wed to Virginia Parsons, 01/14/1954:3 Leighton, Theresa Ann Engaged to Edward Joseph Catabia, 04/23/1953:7 Wed to Edward Joseph Catabia, 05/21/1953:6 Wedding described, 05/21/1953:12 Leitos, Antonio Family moves to Clay St, 02/01/1951:4 Leitos, Jean Chisholm Daughter born, 09/27/1951:5 Leitos, Laurentino Daughter born, 09/27/1951:5 Leitos, Sonny MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1 Leland, Carlon E. Injured when Anthony Prinzo rear-ends state highway truck on Rte 28, 08/09/1951:4 Discharged from Battery A, 06/05/1952:12 Leland, Lester Leland Gift Shop, 9 South Main St (p), 11/19/1953:8 Leland Gift Shop, beautiful Easter cards and novelties (p), 04/15/1954:8 Leland, Lester H. Lelands Gift Shop, 9 South Main St, for special gifts (p), 08/06/1953:6 Leland, Mrs Lester Leland Gift Shop, beautiful Easter cards and novelties (p), 04/15/1954:8 Leland, Myra Benson Lelands Gift Shop, 9 South Main St, for special gifts (p), 08/06/1953:6 The Leland Carnation Co. Since 1904, Cherry St (ad), 01/06/1950:8 Leland Gift Shop 9 South Main St (ad), 03/31/1950:5 9 South Main St, for special gifts (p), 08/06/1953:6 Mr and Mrs Lester Leland, 9 South Main St (p), 11/19/1953:8 Beautiful Easter cards and novelties (p), 04/15/1954:8 Ready for Father's Day, 06/10/1954:8 Beach items on display (p), 07/01/1954:8 Offers wide selection of gifts (p), 12/16/1954:11 Lemee, Albert Son born, 12/11/1952:6 Daughter born, 04/15/1954:6 Lemee, Ruth Anderson Son born, 12/11/1952:6 Daughter born, 04/15/1954:6 Lemere, Alice Shaw Son born, 02/18/1954:6 Lemere, John Son born, 02/18/1954:6 LeMere, John J. Killed in fall from train, 12/10/1953:1 Lemieux, Raymond C. Substitute teacher gets permanent post, 02/11/1954:1 Lemmo, Albana R. Wed to Edmund Yarusites, 07/03/1952:5 Lemmo, Albana Rose Wedding described, 07/10/1952:7 Lemmo, Albena Engaged to Edmund Yarusites, 04/24/1952:4, 05/29/1952:5 Lemmo, Albena Rose Engaged to Edmund Yarusites, 05/08/1952:7 Lemmo, Barbara Wedding described, 11/01/1951:2 Lemmo, Barbara A. Engaged to Lawrence W. Westgate, 10/25/1951:5 Wed to Lawrence W. Westgate, 11/01/1951:5 Lemmo, Doris Staff member of new Sears, Roebuck & Co. catalog office, 02/10/1950:2 Members of Sears, Roebuck and Co. office staff (p), 02/17/1950:12 Staff of new Sears and Roebuck catalog store (p), 11/15/1951:6 Lemmo, Edna E. Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Lemmo, Florence Santucci Son born, 02/22/1951:5 Lemmo, John A. Son born, 02/22/1951:5 Lemmo, John Louis Navy enlistee takes training at Bainbridge, MD (p), 10/14/1954:1 Lenardson, Alfred R., Jr. To enter priesthood (p), 06/19/1952:1 Lenardson, Mrs Alfred. see Center Card Shop Lenardson, Patricia MHS students study for careers (p), 06/03/1954:11 Lentini, Alfred Son born, 06/30/1950:5 Opens psychiatry practice on South Main St, 07/17/1952:1 Approved for practice in neurology and psychiatry in Plymouth County, 07/23/1953:1 Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1 Son born, 08/27/1953:7 Couple returns from Elks convention in California (p), 07/22/1954:1 Local psychiatrist speaks on child's ideals, 11/25/1954:2 Lentini, Alfred A. Named consultant psychiatrist of Brockton Family Service Association, 06/18/1953:4 Lentini, Alfred A.L. Graduates from piloting course, 02/04/1954:4 Lentini, Alice Marshall Realty, Alice Lentini, agent, 132 South Main St (ad), 02/28/1952:9 Alumnus of Girls' Latin School in Boston, 04/16/1953:5 One of few women to seek selectman's post, 11/26/1953:1 Biography of candidate for Board of Selectmen (p), 01/14/1954:4 Plays first violin for Plymouth Woman's Club, 11/18/1954:12 Lentini, Alice E. For selectman (ad) (p), 12/31/1953:10 Lentini, Alice Marshall Son born, 06/30/1950:5 Lentini, Marshall Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Lentini, Mrs Alfred Couple returns from Elks convention in California (p), 07/22/1954:1 Leo, Vinant Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Leona Farm Abe Green to purchase land from Roy Huntley, 02/21/1952:1 Leonard, Arthur h. One of incorporators of Automatic Telephone Equipment Co. 50 years ago, 02/25/1954:8 Leonard, C.H. One of incorporators of Automatic Telephone Equipment Co. 50 years ago, 02/25/1954:8 Leonard, Charles E. Dies 50 years ago, 12/31/1953:7 167 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Leonard, Charles W. Daughter born, 12/11/1952:6 Leonard, Charlotte Vivian Engaged to Arthur W. Strople, Jr., 07/02/1953:4 Wed to Arthur W. Strople, Jr., 07/16/1953:4 Leonard, Donald Son born, 05/26/1952:5 Leonard, Donald H. Engaged to Janet L. Libby, 01/04/1951:5 Wed to Janet L. Libby, 04/05/1951:5 Leonard, Dorothy Fanjoy Daughter born, 12/11/1952:6 Leonard, Elmer Daughter born, 04/16/1953:7 Leonard, Frederick Dies at age 85, 01/15/1953:7 Obituary, 01/15/1953:10 Leonard, G. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Leonard, George Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore championships (p), 07/03/1952:5 MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1 Leonard, Gerome Discharged from U.S. Army, 05/26/1952:4 Leonard, Gordon Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1 Leonard, Janice Libby Son born, 05/26/1952:5 Leonard, Jerome Returns from one and a half years of service in Japan and Korea, 04/17/1952:2 Leonard, Jerome A. Wedding described, 07/01/1954:7 Leonard, John Who's who in MHS senior class, 05/24/1951:4 Leonard, John W. Freshman at Cornell University, NY, 09/13/1951:10 Leonard, Kathleen Engaged to Robert H. Cowan, 01/18/1951:4 Leonard, Kathleen F. Wedding described, 05/01/1952:4 Leonard, Luke Sheriff's sale of real estate, 03/31/1950:6 Chosen to attend Boys' State, 06/05/1952:12 Lakeville Lakers make fine record (p) (t), 04/23/1953:1 MHS track team has fine record for 1953 (p), 06/18/1953:1 Leonard, Mark Mark Leonard's Antique Shop, County St, Lakeville (ad), 11/22/1951:4 Leonard, Mary E. Elizabeth Engaged to Wilfred Louis Schobel, 06/16/1950:7 Leonard, Mary Elizabeth Wed to Wilfred Louis Schobel, 06/30/1950:5 Wedding described, 06/30/1950:6 Leonard, Paul C. Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2 Notice of sheriff's sale at auction, 11/04/1954:8 Leonard, Sara Middleboro students prepare treats for overseas (p), 11/05/1953:1 Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1 Leonard, Shaw & Dean Samuel Shaw salesman 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8 Plenty of orders 50 years ago, 11/18/1954:10 Leonard, Susan Attends Bryn Mawr, 03/31/1950:5 Leonard, Susan C. Receives degree from Bryn Mawr, 06/04/1953:10 Wedding described, 09/02/1954:8 Leonard, Susan Cooledge Engaged to Eliot Putnam Loomis, 08/20/1953:3 Leonard, Thelma White Daughter born, 04/16/1953:7 Leonard, Theodore Starts mill up 50 years ago, 12/24/1953:7 Leonard, Winnifred H. Petition for administration of estate, 01/08/1953:5 Leonard, Winnifred Hayes Obituary, 12/25/1952:2 Dies at age 74, 12/25/1952:5 Leonard, Winona S. Notice of tax taking, 06/17/1954:2 Leonard & Barrows Shoe Co. President explodes rumors of move if new school built, 03/24/1950:1 Plans 23,000-square foot addition, 04/26/1951:1 Employs Leonard Gates, 06/28/1951:8 Gets $556,000 defense contract, 07/05/1951:1 Awarded $113,000 army contract, 07/19/1951:1 New parking lot prepared on west side of Pearl St on land donated by company, 10/18/1951:1 George Oliver retires after 50 years with company, 11/26/1953:4 Signs contract with union 50 years ago, 11/26/1953:7 Company entertains 450 children at Town House, 12/24/1953:1 Conditions looking up 50 years ago, 11/18/1954:10 Leonard O. Tillson Scholarship Description of scholarship available to MHS seniors, 05/05/1950:10 Description of annual scholarship for MHS grad, 05/15/1952:4 Leonard's Peach Orchard Locust St (ad), 07/29/1954:8 Lepre, Eugene Husband of Laura B. Pike dies at age 55, 04/29/1954:4 Obituary, 04/29/1954:5 Lerner, Benjamin Daughter born, 06/28/1951:5 Lerner, B.M. Podiatrist, chiropodist (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Couple moves to Clara St, 08/02/1951:7 Lerner, Esther Goldsmith Daughter born, 06/28/1951:5 Lessard, Blanche Louise Engaged to Nathan Irving Davis, 11/13/1952:7 Lessard, F. Public auction (ad), 04/12/1951:2 Lessard, James Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Letendre, Arthur Couple moves to home at Pearl and Peirce St, 07/26/1951:2 Obituary, 03/05/1953:4 Husband of Doris Doucette dies at age 52, 03/05/1953:7 Letendre, Arthur F. Paul Morrison hit by Letendre's car on School St, 09/29/1950:12 Promoted to seaman at Great Lakes, IL, 11/01/1951:7 On training cruise aboard USS Ross, 09/03/1953:8 Discharged from U.S. Navy, 08/26/1954:10 Enrolls in Bryant College of Business, 11/04/1954:3 Letendre, Cecile Fined $5 for failure to have inspection sticker, 12/02/1954:9 Letendre, Cecile Bernier Son born, 10/20/1950:5 Letendre, Irene Engaged to Robert Morrison, 01/20/1950:12 Letendre, Irene Doris Engaged to Robert Francis Morrison, 01/13/1950:10 Wed to Robert Francis Morrison, 02/03/1950:5 Letendre, Kathleen Anne Engaged to Leslie F. Ronni, 06/23/1950:7 Letendre, Louis Son born, 10/20/1950:5 Granted permit for firearms sales, 08/23/1951:1 Letendre, R. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Letendre, Roger Who's who in MHS senior class, 03/20/1952:9 Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1 Letendre, Suzanne Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Letendre's Barber Shop Moves from 15 North Main to 24 Wareham St (ad), 12/30/1954:8 168 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Letourneau, Alice Cobb Daughter born, 08/21/1952:5 Letourneau, Bernard Son born, 02/28/1952:5 Letourneau, Bradford Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 LeTourneau, Brenda West Side School has unique collection of foreign coins and money (p), 12/23/1954:1 Letourneau, Cheryl Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1 Letourneau, Ernestine Bartlett Son born, 02/28/1952:5 Letourneau, Etta Melissa Obituary, 12/04/1952:4 Wife of Joseph, Sr. dies at age 58, 12/04/1952:5 Letourneau, Eugene Denies assault on Mason Sisson, 03/08/1951:2 Charges Mason Sisson with assault, 03/15/1951:3 Assault cases dismissed, 05/24/1951:10 Assault case a waste of time, 05/24/1951:12 Letourneau, Joseph Daughter born, 08/21/1952:5 Letourneau, Joseph, Jr. Wedding described, 01/17/1952:11 Letourneau, Joseph L. Engaged to Alice F. Cobb, 12/20/1951:7 Wed to Alice F. Cobb, 01/24/1952:5 (7) Dog nuisance case brought to court, 07/23/1953:1 Says dogs gone, found guilty of failure to obey order of selectmen, 07/30/1953:3 Letourneau, Joseph L., Jr. Gets suspended sentenced for lewd and lascivious behavior, 07/22/1954:7 Letourneau, LeRoy Feud with Mason Sisson breaks out again, 05/17/1951:1 Assault case dismissed, 07/26/1951:2 Letourneau, LeRoy A. Fined $10 for drunkenness, 01/04/1951:1 Wrecks blinker light, tips over, fined $100, 02/15/1951:1 Not brother to Roland D., 02/22/1951:5 Letourneau, Leroy A. Fined $5 for drunkenness, 10/08/1953:8 Letourneau, Lorraine Angers Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 07/17/1952:5 Son born, 02/12/1953:5 Wed to Ralph E. Graffam, 08/05/1954:4 Letourneau, Louis Obituary, 02/24/1950:5 Dies at age 83, 02/24/1950:7 Letourneau, Oliver Son born, 02/12/1953:5 Letourneau, Oliver F. Notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 07/17/1952:5 Letourneau, Oliver Francis Engaged to Lorraine H. Angers, 09/27/1951:4 Wed to Lorraine H. Angers, 10/11/1951:4 Wedding described, 10/11/1951:6 Letourneau, Peter Wilfred Dies at age 56, 04/29/1954:4 Obituary, 04/29/1954:5 Letourneau, Robert A. Graduates from Officer Candidate School (p), 05/15/1952:1 Letourneau, Robert Allen Wed to Marion Christine Parker, 02/01/1951:5 Letourneau, Roland D. Pleads guilty to negligent driving charge, 02/08/1951:8 Not brother to LeRoy A., 02/22/1951:5 Fined $35 for reckless driving, 01/01/1953:4 Wed to Lillian R. Curtis, 12/16/1954:4 LeValley, Benjamin W. Foreclosure notice, 05/21/1953:6 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/01/1953:6 LeValley, Benjamin W., Jr. Completes Army repair course (p), 06/24/1954:1 Private 1st Class posted to Suwan, Korea (p), 09/09/1954:1 LeValley, Ruth F. Foreclosure notice, 05/21/1953:6 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/01/1953:6 LeVangie, Loretta Koblicki Son born, 09/08/1950:5 LeVangie, William Son born, 09/08/1950:5 Levellie, Arnette Hayward Son born, 07/29/1954:4 Levellie, Joseph Son born, 07/29/1954:4 Levellie, Joseph G. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9 Leverone, Frank. see Leverone Radio & TV Service Co. Leverone Radio & TV Service Co. Rte 79, Myricks St, Lakeville (ad), 07/02/1953:6 Frank Leverone, Myricks St (p), 09/24/1953:6 Recognized experts, 01/21/1954:6 Guaranteed radio and television service (p), 03/25/1954:6 Truck equipped to get radio and TV into shape (p), 06/17/1954:6 For radio and television work, 09/09/1954:6 Levesque, Bill Named 1954 MHS hoop co-captain, 12/30/1954:1 Levesque, Gerard A. Pleads not guilty to three charges, 01/22/1953:7 Fined $75 for drunk driving, 02/12/1953:8 Levesque, Paul S. Three youths tear down fence, must pay damages and serve year of probation, 11/11/1954:1 Levesque, R. MHS football 1951 season summary (p) (t), 12/20/1951:1 Levesque, Ralph Golden Spur chef guilty of drunkenness, 02/17/1950:7 1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1 MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p), 06/02/1950:1 Son born, 06/16/1950:7 Fifth son born, 06/16/1950:8 MHS hoopsters pictured in action (p), 02/22/1951:10 Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1 MHS annual junior class promenade (p), 05/03/1951:1 MHS 1951 baseball team champs of Old Colony League (p), 06/14/1951:1 Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1 Named MHS hoop captain, 12/27/1951:1 Elected to represent MHS at State Government Day, 01/24/1952:4 Who's who in MHS senior class, 02/07/1952:6 Sets scoring record in basketball game, 02/14/1952:9 To represent MHS on Student Government Day, 03/06/1952:5 MHS 1952 basketball squad, season review (p), 03/20/1952:1 Named MHS baseball captain, 04/24/1952:1 Enters Brown University, 09/04/1952:4 Basketball scoring record tied by Wareham player, 02/05/1953:1 Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (p) (t), 04/09/1953:1 Coach of Lakeville Lakers, 05/21/1953:9 Levesque, Ralph N. Freshman at Brown University, 10/09/1952:1 Leaves for military induction, 03/11/1954:1 Levesque, Susan Dahl Son born, 06/16/1950:7 Levesque, William MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4 Levesque, William A. To represent MHS at Boys' State, 05/20/1954:1 Named to attend Boys' State, 06/17/1954:1 Levine, John Granted victualler's license, 06/25/1953:4 Levine, Victor Appointed manager of Middleboro Credit Union, 04/28/1950:12 169 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Levy, William Henry Inducted in January draft quota, 01/10/1952:1 LeWillie, Alfred Dies at age 74, 05/05/1950:5 Obituary, 05/05/1950:9 LeWillie, William A. Travassos and LeWillie collide at Oak and High St, 06/19/1952:9 Lewis, Allen R. Daughter born, 12/20/1951:12 Lewis, Ann Dennison Daughter born, 08/13/1953:5 Lewis, Charles B. Dies at age 58, 02/25/1954:4 Obituary, 02/25/1954:7 Petition for probate of will, 03/25/1954:8 Lewis, Chester Employed at MobilHeat, 09/17/1953:8 Lewis, Chester W. Local pilots fly to Texas on four-day visit (p), 07/30/1953:1 Lewis, Dorothy Employed at sanatorium, 08/07/1952:6 Lewis, Edgar MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1 Lewis, Florence Engaged to Frederick C. Harris, 09/29/1950:7 Wedding described, 10/20/1950:2 Wed to Frederick C. Harris, 10/20/1950:5 Lewis, Isabel Accepts post in Washington, RI, 09/01/1950:4 Lewis, Joseph Daughter born, 08/13/1953:5 Lewis, Joseph A., Jr. Wed to Ann Dennison, 01/31/1952:5 Wedding described, 02/14/1952:6 Lewis, Margaret A. Engaged to Herbert F. Powers, 05/24/1951:7 Lewis, Margaret Ann Engaged to Herbert F. Powers, 03/03/1950:8 Lewis, Mrs Chester Employed at sanatorium, 08/07/1952:4 Lewis, Richard Takes training at Sampson Air Base, NY, 08/02/1951:5 Private 1st Class completes course at Camp Gordon, GA, 11/29/1951:12 On leave from Camp Buckley, CO, 12/13/1951:8 Stationed in New Mexico, 08/07/1952:4 Stationed in Clovis, NM, 01/08/1953:5 Airman 2nd Class attends mechanics school in Germany, 12/02/1954:5 Lewis, William A. Marriage proposal turned down cold by English girl, 04/28/1950:2 Lewoczko, Mary Engaged to Donald C. Shaw, 09/01/1950:1, 05/24/1951:7 Wedding described, 06/07/1951:7 Wed to Donald C. Shaw, 06/14/1951:7 Lewoczko, Michael Bradford collides with Lewoczko on Main St, 05/31/1951:6 Lewoczko, Myron M. Engaged to Beverly Irene Porell, 06/07/1951:9 Engaged to Beverly Porell, 08/30/1951:5 Wed to Beverly Porell, 09/06/1951:5 Lewoczko, Nancy Who's who in MHS senior class, 03/22/1951:3 Completes studies at NE Deaconess Hospital, 03/13/1952:1 Engaged to C. Stetson Thomas, Jr., 09/18/1952:10 Engaged to Clyde S. Thomas, Jr., 12/25/1952:5 Wedding described, 01/01/1953:2 Wed to Clyde S. Thomas, Jr., 01/01/1953:5 Lewoczko, Walter Engaged to Irene Phyllis Malkosky, 02/28/1952:2 Engaged to Irene P. Malkosky, 06/19/1952:5 Lewoczko, Walter A. Wed to Irene P. Malkosky, 05/26/1952:5 Libby, Albert C. Westside Flower Shop, Libby and Hawes, 7A West St (ad), 01/06/1950:4 Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4 Libby, Alonzo H. Wed to Jane C. Davis, 01/28/1954:5 Libby, Arthur Daughter born, 11/15/1951:7 Libby, Eugene Son born, 08/12/1954:4 Libby, Jane Davis Son born, 08/12/1954:4 Libby, Janet L. Engaged to Donald H. Leonard, 01/04/1951:5 Wed to Donald H. Leonard, 04/05/1951:5 Libby, Violet Morse Daughter born, 11/15/1951:7 Libby & Hawes Florists, 17 South Main St (ad), 03/24/1950:2 Liber, N. Elizabeth Engaged to Francis Wilmont, 07/28/1950:9 Liberty, Rosemarie Wed to Ralph A. White, 09/01/1950:5 Libraries. see also Middleborough Public Library; Rock Village Library Bessie Sweeney librarian at scout cabin branch, 02/10/1950:7 New firefighting equipment pictured in front of Lakeville Public Library (p), 01/25/1951:1 Summer cottagers must register in order to borrow from Lakeville Public Library, 08/02/1951:4 Lidh, Sven Couple sells Arch St property, moves to Florida, 01/18/1951:2 Liebowitz, Mrs Daniel Resides in Redwood City, CA, 08/05/1954:8 Liffers, Henry Francis Sent for induction, 11/06/1952:5 Lightford, Carrie M. Petition for administration of estate, 01/17/1952:6 Lightford, Carrie Morrison Obituary, 12/06/1951:6 Widow of Herbert H. dies at age 87, 12/06/1951:6 Lightford, Norman Runs specialty shop in Perth, Ontario, 06/02/1950:3 Member of 1910 MHS baseball team (p), 02/01/1951:1 Lightning Causes electrical trouble, 06/23/1950:7 Electric storm burns out fuses, 06/30/1950:1 Now serious damage to electric service, 07/21/1950:5 Enters Wiksten house through phone line, 08/04/1950:1 Scores three known hits in storm here, 08/04/1950:1 Sets fire to Guidoboni's poultry house, 600 hens lost, 08/04/1950:1 Storm keeps G & E busy, 08/04/1950:8 Knocks David Richmond into flower bed, 06/21/1951:1 Wire service hit hard by storm, 06/21/1951:1 Enters and damages DesRosiers' Lakeville home, 06/21/1951:2 Strikes Dube house on Plymouth St, 07/26/1951:5 Hathaway home on South Main St struck, 08/02/1951:7 Damage minor in two storms, 08/23/1951:1 Causes troubled with transformers and telephones, 08/07/1952:4 Pants fired by bolt at Fred Folz's home on Cherry St, 01/28/1954:1 Lincoln, Adelaide Barrock Daughter born, 03/01/1951:5, 02/28/1952:5, 07/02/1953:4 Lincoln, Charles F. Miller St couple married 50 years, 08/18/1950:5 Rock couple married 50 years, 09/08/1950:2 Lincoln, Cora A. Trustee presents account of estate, 04/21/1950:4 Trustees present account of estate, 09/13/1951:9 Lincoln, Earl G. Couple moves to Miller St, 03/26/1953:12 Lincoln, Edward Palmer Inducted into armed forces, 11/05/1953:6 Lincoln, Everett Lovell reviews past actions on land gift, 02/24/1950:1 170 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Lincoln, Fred Couple moves from Bedford St to Middleboro, 02/01/1951:4 Lincoln, Frederic Daughter born, 03/01/1951:5, 07/02/1953:4 Lincoln, Frederick Daughter born, 02/28/1952:5 Lincoln, Howard Bedford St couple married 37 years, 10/11/1951:9 Lincoln, L. Maud Widow of Frederic L. dies at age 82, 09/10/1953:5 Obituary, 09/10/1953:8 Lincoln, Mrs Alfred Resides in Sherburne, 03/01/1951:4, 09/04/1952:4 Teaches typing at Dover High School, 09/25/1952:4 Lincoln, Mrs C. Frank Sprains ankle in fall, 03/08/1951:4 Lincoln, Mrs Earl G. Mother dies in New Brunswick, 07/03/1952:5 Lincoln, Sarah Engaged to Melbourne Cowan, 04/16/1953:7 Lincoln, Sarah Coleman Wedding described, 07/16/1953:5 Lind, Barbara Houlihan Son born, 12/20/1951:7 Lind, Carl Carpenter, 287 North Main St (ad), 02/22/1951:3 On probation for drunkenness, 10/23/1952:10 Lind, Clarence Son born, 12/20/1951:7 Lind, Clarence J. Gabrey and Lind indicted in death of Charles Stuart, 10/11/1951:1 Jailed six months for death of Charles Stuart, 10/25/1951:1 Not Carl Lind on probation for drunkenness, 10/30/1952:12 Accused of non-support, 11/05/1953:3 Lind, John A. Returns from six-month stint with Combustion Engineering in Georgia, 05/21/1953:3 Lind, John Alexander Dies at age 68, 12/09/1954:4 Obituary, 12/09/1954:13 Lindberg, Charles Lindy's Home Bakery, fine line of products, 07/01/1954:8 Displays baking artistry (p), 11/11/1954:8 Linden Lodge Open for season, Lakeville (ad), 03/10/1950:2 Harold Gordon applies for liquor license, 03/17/1950:5 Open year round (ad), 11/03/1950:15 Denied all-alcoholic beverage license by state, 11/10/1950:10 Mix up with state causes question over liquor license revocation, 02/08/1951:9 Charge of unlawful liquor sales held in abeyance, 05/31/1951:1 State Alcoholic Beverage Commission fails to get summons for owner, 06/14/1951:1 Harold Grover applies for seasonal liquor license, 06/14/1951:6 Rte 18-105 now open (ad), 04/03/1952:3 Hosts Class of 1917 reunion (p), 06/26/1952:1 Lindfors, Victor Track team closes 1952 season with third place in South Shore championships (p), 07/03/1952:5 Lindfors, Victor E. Leaves for training at Parris Island, SC (p), 11/26/1953:1 Wins title of Honorman of the Week (p), 11/11/1954:1 Lindfors, Victor Edward Enlists in Marine Corps, 11/19/1953:2 Lindros, David Daughter born, 05/07/1953:4, 05/14/1953:5 Lindros, David L. Daughter born, 03/13/1952:5 Lindros, Dorothy Young Daughter born, 03/13/1952:5, 05/07/1953:4 Lindros, Susan Born to David, 05/14/1953:5 Lindsay, Alan To appear on safety quiz show, 02/24/1950:1 Elected president of Colby Symphony Club; pledges Lambda Chi Alpha, 04/03/1952:9 Chosen to represent Bates College at NE College Band Fest, 04/17/1952:4 Member of Colby choir, 11/06/1952:8 Wins symphonic society award at Colby, 05/21/1953:1 Makes name for himself at Colby College (p), 06/04/1953:1 Member of 1954 New England Intercollegiate Band, 03/25/1954:8 Lindsay, Alan R. To receive degree from Colby College (p), 06/03/1954:1 Lindsay, Alan Robertson Enrolls at Colby College, 09/22/1950:9 Lindsay, Benjamin L. Mess Sergeant mixes fighting with running mess, 07/05/1951:1 Awarded combat promotion, 07/26/1951:9 Lindsay, Donald Daughter born, 12/20/1951:7 Lindsay, Dorothy Breck Daughter born, 12/20/1951:7 Lindsay, Norman Member of Colby Community Symphony in Waterville, ME, 01/25/1951:10 Lindsay, Norman W. Eighth grade teacher finishes replica of the solar system, 02/18/1954:10 Lindsay, Shaylor Margaret Born to Donald and Dorothy Becker, 12/20/1951:7 Lindstrom, Charles Guilty of drunkenness, 02/25/1954:3 Lindstrom, Charles E. Appeals probation on trespassing charge, 01/21/1954:1 Withdraws appeal, pays fine, 01/28/1954:3 Guilty on three counts, sentenced to four months, 02/11/1954:7 Guilty in two cases of assault, 02/18/1954:1 Lindstrom, Hilda Hyltinen Widow of Vaino dies at age 61, 12/23/1954:4 Obituary, 12/23/1954:10 Lindy's Home Bakery Now open at 48 North Main St (ad), 04/08/1954:12 Fine line of products, 07/01/1954:8 Charles Lindberg displays baking artistry (p), 11/11/1954:8 Linkiewicz, Josephine Notice of Lakeville tax taking, 02/26/1953:4 Linkiewicz, Michael Notice of Lakeville tax taking, 02/26/1953:4 Linton, Alton Sergeant now at Fort Belvoir, VA, 01/24/1952:5 Linton, Alton H. Sergeant resumes duty in Toyko, Japan, 01/20/1950:11 Japanese war bride to make home in Lakeville (p), 08/21/1952:1 Pleads nolo for operating unregistered, uninsured vehicle, 10/08/1953:9 Linton, Alton, Jr. Son born, 02/04/1954:5 Linton, Barbara Resides in Dobbs Ferry, NY, 02/08/1951:9 Engaged to Edward Sisson, 08/16/1951:6 Engaged to Edward P. Sisson, 08/30/1951:5 Linton, Barbara B. Wedding described, 08/23/1951:7 Wed to Dexter J. Freyermuth, 07/08/1954:4 Wedding described, 07/15/1954:9 Linton, Barbara Blanche Engaged to Edward Jerry Sisson, 07/19/1951:9 Linton, Dora MHS students study for careers (p), 06/03/1954:11 Linton, Florence M. Husband files for divorce, 02/03/1950:5 Linton, Frank L., Jr. Engaged to Ellen A. Grantham, 06/30/1950:5 Linton, Howard Resides in Hastings, NY, 07/14/1950:8 171 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Linton, Lavinia Resides in Hastings-on-the-Hudson, NY, 03/01/1951:9 Wed to Eileen Kettle, 04/26/1951:9 Linton, Lavinia Bernice Engaged to Joseph Annichiarico, 01/04/1951:8 Wedding described, 03/22/1951:2 Linton, Mary Lou Wed to Alvan Brooks, 08/14/1952:3 Linton, Mary Louise Enrolls at Bridgewater State Teachers College, 10/18/1951:6 Engaged to Alvan D. Brooks, 08/07/1952:5 Wed to Alvan D. Brooks, 08/14/1952:5 Linton, Mrs Alfred Resides in Sherburne, 01/20/1950:6 Linton, Nellie Delia North Carver woman dies at age 70, 01/11/1951:5 Obituary, 01/11/1951:6 Linton, Orville B. Files for divorce, 02/03/1950:5 Lakeville notice of tax taking, 08/25/1950:3 Linton, Orville Bernard Wed to Elizabeth Ruby Horn, 02/01/1951:5 Linton, Ralph L., Jr. Engaged to Ellen Anne Grantham, 03/10/1950:3 Wed to Ellen A. Grantham, 07/07/1950:5 Linton, Shirley T. Resigns from St. Luke's, 09/30/1954:7 Linton, Toshiko Japanese war bride to make home in Lakeville (p), 08/21/1952:1 Linton, Toshiko Jamura Son born, 02/04/1954:5 Lions Club. see Middleboro Lions Club Lipsitt, David J. Land on Pocksha Pond acquired by city of New Bedford, 07/30/1953:1 Liquor Stores. see Alcoholic Beverages Litchfield, Mary Sheehan Wed to Henry Chouinard, 07/02/1953:4 Little People Historical Society speaker a former associate of Lilliputians, 11/08/1951:8 Benjamin Bump writes booklet on Mr and Mrs Tom Thumb, 12/10/1953:1 Owners of Thumb home receive copy of Alice Curtis Desmond's book, 04/01/1954:1 Author of Barnum Presents General Tom Thumb visits town, 06/17/1954:5 Countess and Count Magri at Coney Island 50 years ago, 07/08/1954:2 Magris head for Philadelphia 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8 Kinney's Y-D Poultry Farms on site of Tom Thumb property (p), 11/25/1954:7 The lost story of once famous Minnie Warren (p), 12/30/1954:1 The Little Theatre Group Local players present John Loves Mary, 04/07/1950:1 Plans new season (p), 10/06/1950:12 Production of Hay Fever most enjoyable, 11/17/1950:5 Now affiliated with Little Theater of New England, 11/24/1950:4 Presents comedy You Can't Take It With You, 04/12/1951:6 Holds Guest Night, 06/14/1951:6 Seeking new members (p), 10/25/1951:10 Gives fine performance of The Curtain Rises, 12/06/1951:2 Presentation of Dear Ruth one of most successful, 05/22/1952:2 Cabaret and style show attracts many, 06/19/1952:8 Opens season with one-act play, The Layette, 09/25/1952:9 Presents three one-act plays for Nemasket Grange, 04/02/1953:6 Performance of Harvey benefits Perry Memorial, 05/07/1953:7 Invited to present play at Boothbay Harbor, 05/14/1953:10 Holds annual meeting, 06/04/1953:6 Launches 6th season, 10/08/1953:10 Members learn all phases of theater life (p), 03/11/1954:10 Presents half-hour Easter radio play, 04/22/1954:1 Presents play for Lakeville PTA, 05/27/1954:7 Holds annual banquet, 06/24/1954:5 To hold fashion show (p), 12/09/1954:7 Crowd of 202 at fashion show, 12/16/1954:4 Littlefield, Grace Campbell Widow of Arthur W. dies at age 93, 07/21/1950:5 Obituary, 07/21/1950:7 Littlefield, Henrietta Obituary, 04/03/1952:6 Littlefield, Loren Roger Wainwright runs into Littlefield's car on Wareham St, 09/06/1951:1 Littlefield, Loren M. Collides with Gisetto on Everett St, 11/26/1953:7 Littlehale, Bertie Engaged to Jesse F. Morse 50 years ago, 02/04/1954:7 Livesey, Thomas Dies at age 84, 07/22/1954:5 Obituary, 07/22/1954:7 Livestock. see also Cows; Horses; Poultry; Sheep; Swine Dump no place for animal dead, 04/21/1950:1 East Taunton man fined $150 for receiving calf stolen from Gordon Reynolds, 09/08/1950:4 Cattle dealer, J.M. Foster, thanks farmers for patronage (ad), 12/22/1950:6 Cattle dealer J.M. Foster thanks patrons (ad), 01/01/1953:7 Aberdeen Braes Farm elected to National Angus Association, 01/22/1953:8 Mrs Warren Jackson's pet calf struck by car, 11/12/1953:12 Roger Cole, cattle auction (ad), 12/31/1953:3 Livestock Feed. see also C.P. Washburn Co. General Mills, Farm Service Store, Wareham St (ad), 04/07/1950:9 Columbo Guidaboni, hay baling (ad), 06/05/1952:11 Joseph MacAllister Grain Co., Wirthmore feed (ad), 07/23/1953:6 Joseph MacAllister Grain Co., service for farmers, 12/31/1953:6 Another arson attempt fizzles out at Farm Service grain elevator, 10/14/1954:1 Joseph MacAllister Grain Co. distributor of Wirthmore feed products (p), 10/21/1954:8 Lizotte, Jennie Johnson Engaged to Edward F. Sylvaria, Jr., 08/09/1951:5 Wed to Edward F. Sylvaria, 09/13/1951:5 Lloyd Perkins & Son Heating contractor, 57 Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Chester Sylvester low bidder on heating system construction for Public Works, 02/08/1951:6 High school heat contract awarded to Lloyd Perkins & Son, 04/12/1951:1 Lobl, Frederick Gives $10,000 to St. Luke's building fund, 09/16/1954:1 Lobl, Magdalene Ann Wed to Melvin J. Hootstein, 01/20/1950:7 Lobl, Otto Accepts post of advertising for local scout group (p), 10/13/1950:1 Appointed to head up Red Cross appeal, 12/10/1953:1 Lobl Manufacturing Co. Young women wanted for work on Army raincoats (ad), 06/14/1951:2 Gets new transformer bank, 12/27/1951:1 Awarded certificate of commendation by National Safety Council, 04/17/1952:1 Girls wanted (ad), 07/22/1954:8 To merge with Faultless Rubber Co. of Ohio, 11/04/1954:1 Locke, Barbara Stevenson Engaged to Herbert E. Thompson, Jr., 06/21/1951:5 Wed to Herbert E. Thompson, Jr., 06/28/1951:5 Locke, Ethel Real estate auction (ad), 07/12/1951:3 Lockjaw. see Tetanus The Lodge, Inc. Turnbull applies for seasonal club license for The Lodge, Inc., formerly Old Tavern, 04/30/1953:1 Seasonal club license for Turnbull okayed by selectmen, 05/14/1953:1 State commission approves license, 05/28/1953:3 George Powers submits application to incorporate, 11/19/1953:6 George Powers applies for liquor license, 01/07/1954:2 George Powers grant liquor license, 01/21/1954:1 Lofgren, Carl R. Thrown from motorcycle on Thomas St, 07/24/1952:1 172 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Logan, Arthur L. Lt. Colonel resides in Newburgh, NY, 09/15/1950:10 Lieutenant Colonel to head communications at Mitchel AFB, NY (p), 03/15/1951:1 Logan, Barbara Shaw Daughter born, 10/23/1952:5 Logan, Harriett Shaw Daughter born, 01/21/1954:5 Logan, Ivan Webster St apartment renovated, 02/08/1951:6 Logan, J. Ivan Awarded Fellowship in traffic engineering at Yale University, 09/20/1951:8 Logan, Jean L. Escapes injury in South Main St collision, 03/04/1954:8 Logan, John Daughter born, 10/23/1952:5 Logan, John I. Passes civil service exam for engineers, 03/03/1950:1 Awarded fellowship to study at Yale University, 07/05/1951:1 Awarded Certificate in Highway Traffic from Yale, 07/17/1952:1 Logan, John Ivan Engaged to Harriet Barbara Hope Shaw, 01/27/1950:6 Wedding described, 02/10/1950:8 Wed to Harriet Barbara Shaw, 02/17/1950:7 Completes Traffic Engineering course at Yale, 06/12/1952:7 Daughter born, 01/21/1954:5 Logan Family Pilgrim descendants observe Thanksgiving, 12/04/1952:10 Logg Kabin Grill Re-opens March 16th (ad), 03/10/1950:3 Summer hours (ad), 06/30/1950:10 Closed till March 8 (ad), 02/08/1951:10 Expands hours (ad), 06/28/1951:10 New hours (ad), 07/12/1951:2 Closes for month (ad), 01/17/1952:11 New seasonal hours (ad), 09/04/1952:8 Waitress wanted (ad), 02/05/1953:10, 05/07/1953:10, 08/20/1953:9 Opening for full-time waitress (ad), 02/18/1954:12 Part time waitress wanted (ad), 07/15/1954:9 Logging and Lumbering. see also Saw Mills Town timber sells for $335, 06/30/1950:9 Edwin Blair wants to buy standing timber from town, 02/12/1953:5 George Lee killed by tree he was felling, 04/09/1953:1 Logrien, Alma Nickerson Daughter born, 07/12/1951:4, 01/08/1953:5 Logrien, Howard Engaged to Alma E. Nickerson Marshman, 04/21/1950:5 Daughter born, 07/12/1951:4, 01/08/1953:5 Logrien, Howard S. Foreclosure notice, 06/28/1951:5 Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/13/1951:9 Loheed, Arthur I. Father dies in Brockton, 02/17/1950:6 Loheed, Arthur I. "Dick" Retires after 50 years at George Keith Shoe Co. (p), 08/26/1954:1 Loheed, Hubert Ensign Completes advanced training, transfers to Pensacola, FL, 03/22/1951:10 Visits home briefly while on routine flight to Quonset, RI, 04/26/1951:6 Loheed, Hubert B. Ensign seeks Wings of Gold, 10/20/1950:6 Naval aviator commissioned Lieutenant (jg) (p), 04/26/1951:1 Loheed, William J. Dies in Brockton, 02/17/1950:6 Loitering Frank DeCosta gets one month for loitering and idleness, 12/08/1950:2 Long, Charles Knapp shoes, 113 Everett St (ad), 10/28/1954:2 Long, Marion Engaged to George Wood, 10/04/1951:2, 10/04/1951:4 Engaged to George E. Wood, 10/18/1951:5 Long, Marion E. Wedding described, 10/25/1951:5 Long, Michael Telephone company spends $133,739 on East Main St job (p), 05/27/1954:6 Long, Robert C. Mitchell Memorial Club buys Jackson St land for anticipated gymnasium (p), 04/05/1951:1 Long Pond Lakeville and Freetown citizens protest use of pond for water supply, 03/29/1951:1 More consideration of southeastern water supply district expected, 04/05/1951:9 Issue of Plymouth Rock from 1860 reveals local and national events, 05/31/1951:1 Nelson Dalberg drowns in Long Pond, 08/28/1952:10 Protective League urges selectmen to join fight to save pond lands, 05/14/1953:1 Property development owners form Long Pond Shores Association, 09/03/1953:7 Pond dragged, George Martin probably dead, 02/18/1954:1 Martin's body recovered from Long Pond, 02/25/1954:1 Long Pond Lodge Applies for liquor license in Lakeville, 08/11/1950:8 Denied all-alcoholic beverage license by state, 11/10/1950:10 Fifty Lakeville citizens attend hearing for liquor license, 12/15/1950:16 Application for liquor license, 01/04/1951:8 License application approved, 01/04/1951:8 Mix-up with state causes question over liquor license revocation, 02/08/1951:9 Hearing on Long Pond Lodge liquor license petition held in Boston, 03/01/1951:9 Lakeville license board declines to obey state board, 03/08/1951:1 Granted liquor license, 03/22/1951:2 Under new management (ad), 04/05/1951:8 Lakeville selectmen test authority of state alcoholic beverage control commission, 05/10/1951:1 Lakeville selectmen refuse directive from state commission to grant liquor license, 01/03/1952:5 More delays in ruling on Long Pond Lodge liquor license, 04/17/1952:9 Lakeville denies liquor license, 01/08/1953:8 Long Pond Shores Association Formed by property owners, 09/03/1953:7 Longfellow, Frederick E. Wedding described, 10/01/1953:10 Longworth, Grace. see also Longworth's Gas Service Applies for permit to store propane, 02/21/1952:1 Notice of hearing on petition to store propane gas (ad), 05/08/1952:12 Granted license for propane storage, 05/22/1952:1 Longworth, James Almeida Co. bus knocks down fire alarm box, James Longworth injured, 06/21/1951:1 Longworth, L.J. Longworth's Gas Service honored for 20 years of service, 07/14/1950:10 Longworth, Luther James Merchant fractures skull in fall, dies, 09/01/1950:1 Dies at age 42, 09/01/1950:5 Longworth, Nancy Engaged to Charles H. McCrillis (p), 12/30/1954:1 Longworth's Gas Service Honored for 20 years of service, 07/14/1950:10 Proposed propane gas distribution opposed, 03/06/1952:1 Annie Conroy struck and killed by truck, 03/13/1952:1 Robert Phillips acquitted of guilt in death of Annie Conroy, 04/03/1952:1 Propane dealer has a growing business (p), 07/02/1953:6 Bottled gas specialists (p), 11/05/1953:8 Fills every need of local users, 02/04/1954:6 Suppliers of bottled gas (p), 05/06/1954:8 Leaders in bottled gas field here (p), 08/05/1954:6 Dependable gas service (p), 12/30/1954:6 Loomis, Eliot Putnam Engaged to Susan Cooledge Leonard, 08/20/1953:3 Loomis, Elliott Wedding described, 09/02/1954:8 173 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Loon Pond Bill to lay new way to Lakeville pond, 01/18/1951:1 Boy Scouts register strong protest against public access, 03/22/1951:2 Proposed public access defeated, 04/05/1951:5 Rev Farnum requests access to Loon Pond for children, 07/05/1951:3 Loon Pond Day Camp Four weeks just for boys (ad), 08/04/1950:2 Lopes, Andrew M. Daughter born, 01/28/1954:5 Lopes, Flora Fernandes Daughter born, 01/28/1954:5 Lopes, Mary E. Wed to Roy M. Andrade, 02/12/1953:5 Lopes, Mary L. Car theft case continued, 11/04/1954:1 Loring, M. Barbara Engaged to Henry S. Sullivan, 11/17/1950:7 Wed to Henry E. Sullivan, 11/24/1950:5 Louder, Sandra Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1 Lougee, Altha Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 11/03/1950:8 Lougee, Altha Richards Daughter born, 08/11/1950:5 Lougee, Ernest Daughter born, 08/11/1950:5 Lougee, Ernest J. Posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 11/03/1950:8 Lougee, Frances M. Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Lovelace, Betty Jean Wed to John Richmond, 09/02/1953:5 Engaged to John Richmond, 09/17/1953:6 Wedding described, 09/17/1953:6 Wed to James A. Vassie, 09/24/1953:5 Lovell, Clifford S. Reviews past actions on Lincoln land gift, 02/24/1950:1 Greets friends from room at St. Luke's, 02/19/1953:1 Resigns as supervisor of attendance, 03/19/1953:1 Lovell, George Found guilty of contempt of court, 02/04/1954:4 Wandering cow causes accident over weekend, 09/23/1954:1 Notice of application for piggery permit, 10/28/1954:11 Lovell, S. Winsor Lieutenant stationed at Fort Hamilton, NY, 07/19/1951:4 Lovell, Samuel W. Local reservist trains at Fort Hamilton, NY, 08/18/1950:1 Takes intensive training at Fort Hamilton, NY, 07/26/1951:2 Lovell, S.S. Dog officer 50 years ago, 08/05/1954:8 Lovell, S.W. S.W. Lovell & Co. opening Fish Market at 35 Fairview St (ad), 12/13/1951:5 Lovell, Thomas J. Transports post between office and station 50 years ago, 12/31/1953:7 Lovell, Winsor Couple occupies house on Williams Place, 03/08/1951:2 Lovell's Fish Market Opening at 35 Fairview St (ad), 12/13/1951:5 Now open at 35 Fairview St (ad), 12/20/1951:11 Lowe, George Inducted into armed services, 01/11/1951:1 Lowe, George H. Heads Red Cross fund drive, 02/07/1952:1 Lauds school project (l), 11/12/1953:7 Lowe, George H., Jr. Recruit stationed at Camp Pickett, VA, 01/25/1951:5 Returns from duty in Europe, 12/25/1952:1 Lowe, George H., Sr. Elected to board of Monponset Lakes Shore Improvement Association, 09/01/1950:8 Word of praise for Gazette (l), 10/16/1952:4 Lowe, Mary Elizabeth Widow of Edward W. dies at age 83, 02/05/1953:5 Obituary, 02/05/1953:9 Lowe, Mrs Richard H. Resides in Toronto, Ontario, 01/18/1951:4 Lowe, Richard H. Son born, 02/01/1951:10 Family arrives in Spokane enroute to British Columbia, 08/02/1951:5 Lowell, James Drunnan Wedding described, 09/17/1953:6, 09/17/1953:8 LP Gas. see Propane Lucas, Bernice Eva Wed to Louis J. Ouellette, 06/30/1950:5 Lucas, Emma R. Executrix presents account of estate, 02/03/1950:5 Lucey, Veronica Brockton woman dies, 04/30/1953:7 Ludden, Virgil Purchases Warrentown farm from Orcutt 50 years ago, 12/23/1954:7 Luetzner, Martha Gertrude Wed to Fred Remel, 07/23/1953:4 Luippold, Carrie Honored for 60 years of service to Congregational Sunday school, 11/24/1950:1 Luke, Mary Frances Anderson Obituary, 05/03/1951:4 Widow of Harry Herbert dies at age 82, 05/03/1951:5 Lumber. see Building Materials; Logging and Lumbering Lumsden, Lucille Seven-lesson home nursing course completed by ten women (p), 02/18/1954:1 Lumsden, Nellie Seven-lesson home nursing course completed by ten women (p), 02/18/1954:1 Luna, Jessie B. Tops Restaurant, Rte 44 East Middleboro (ad), 11/01/1951:9 Lund, Jesse Granted common victualler license, 04/07/1950:5 Lundin, Gloria Mander Employed with Tufts College public relations office, 10/07/1954:7 Lundin, Laurence Telephone company spends $133,739 on East Main St job (p), 05/27/1954:6 Lundstrom, Mary Lawrence Widow of Fritz dies at age 80, 12/18/1952:5 Obituary, 12/18/1952:12 Lunkas, Paul Petition alleges incapacitation, 10/02/1952:5 Conservator presents account of estate, 05/21/1953:4 Lunn & MacNeil Sawmill 224 Plymouth St (ad), 07/30/1953:3 Lunskis, Joseph Injured in run-in with parked car, 03/04/1954:7 Lunskis, Paul Petition alleges incapacitation, 10/02/1952:5 Conservator presents account of estate, 05/21/1953:4 Luther, Eleanor Engaged to Robert Johansen, 05/31/1951:10 Wed to Robert Johanson, 10/04/1951:2 Luther, Irene Picard Daughter born, 07/02/1953:4, 09/23/1954:4 Luther, James K. Daughter born, 07/02/1953:4, 09/23/1954:4 Luther, James Kenneth Engaged to Irene Claire Picard, 06/12/1952:7 Wed to Irene Claire Picard, 10/09/1952:5 Lyden, Francis E. Husband of Marian Sawyer dies at age 64, 05/07/1953:4 Obituary, 05/07/1953:9 Lydon, William Engaged to Shirley Gloria Dutra, 10/21/1954:11 Lyford, Emerson Egger's Annex staffed by Middleboro old fellars (ad), 03/20/1952:5 174 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Lyford, Emerson Fletcher Obituary, 01/07/1954:4 Dies at age 68, 01/07/1954:5 Lyle, Emily Dies in Attleboro, 04/21/1950:3 Lynch, E.H. Politicians sink to new low (l), 10/06/1950:4 Lynch, Everett H. Does not approve school plans (l), 04/21/1950:1 Lynch, Floyd Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3 Lynch, Francis S. Husband of Alice Brown dies at age 63, 05/12/1950:7 Obituary, 05/12/1950:13 Lynch, Margaret E. Petition for administration of estate, 09/17/1953:9 Lynch, Margaret Elizabeth Obituary, 08/20/1953:2 Dies at age 94, 08/20/1953:4 Lynde, Elwyn B. Alumnus of Mt. Hermon School, 10/18/1951:9 Local Lions Club member made honorary Waikiki Lion (p), 03/11/1954:1 Reappointed notary public, 09/09/1954:3 Lynde, John Red Cross appeal extended; Co-operative Bank contributes $50 (p), 04/09/1953:1 Lynde, John B. Joins staff of Middleborough Co-operative Bank, 07/07/1950:1 Carol Rondelli injured in collision at Oak and Sproat St, 02/25/1954:1 Lynde, John Browning Engaged to Barbara Martin, 09/30/1954:9 Lynde, Robert Resides in Buffalo, NY, 10/06/1950:9 Lieutenant (jg) home before leaving for Manila, 12/15/1950:4 Stationed with Meteorological Department in Manila, 01/11/1951:6 Lieutenant stationed at Sangley Point, the Philippines, 08/09/1951:10 Family moves to Baltimore, 02/19/1953:9 Lynde, Robert E. Family arrives safely in Japan, 08/30/1951:10 Lieutenant (jg) transfers from the Philippines to Japan, 02/21/1952:4 Lynds, Warren Mover, local and long distance (ad), 03/08/1951:8 Lyons, John Son born, 03/31/1950:6 Lyons, John F. Son born, 12/20/1951:7 Lyons, John Francis, Jr. Hit by car driven by Romeo Trinque, 10/16/1952:1 Lyons, Mary Mottola Son born, 03/31/1950:6, 12/20/1951:7 Lyons, Thomas J. Engaged to Jane Ruth Wilson, 07/23/1953:10 Engaged to Jane R. Wilson, 08/19/1954:4 Wed to Jane Wilson, 08/26/1954:4 Lyons, Thomas L. Wedding described, 08/26/1954:4 M MacAllister, Alice Resides in Riviera Beach, FL, 06/10/1954:9 MacAllister, Joseph. see also Joseph MacAllister Grain Co. Wirthmore Feeds (ad), 04/14/1950:3 Daughter born, 07/05/1951:5 Air squadron wins award, 12/11/1952:11 Daughter born, 07/23/1953:4 Grain company (p), 08/27/1953:10 Grain company enjoys steady growth (p), 03/18/1954:6 Grain Co. reliable service for local farmers, 06/03/1954:10 Son born, 07/15/1954:4 Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3 MacAllister, Joseph W. Fined for speeding, 08/27/1953:9 MacAllister, Marilyn Shurtleff Daughter born, 07/05/1951:5, 07/23/1953:4 Son born, 07/15/1954:4 MacAllister, Sandra MacAllister's grain company enjoys steady growth (p), 03/18/1954:6 MacArthur, Douglas, 1880-1964 Readers express opinions on General (l), 04/19/1951:1 Nations astounded by actions (e), 04/19/1951:6 Robert Hartling calls for more MacArthurs (l), 04/26/1951:5 Again MacArthur (e), 04/26/1951:12 MacAulay, Angus Obituary, 04/19/1951:2 Husband of Katherine MacDermid dies at age 91, 04/19/1951:5 MacAulay, Aulay Purchases parcel of land from town, 08/07/1952:1 MacAulay, Bobby Look what Santa brought! (p), 12/30/1954:1 MacAulay, Donald C. Master Sergeant greets family in Hawaii (p), 12/16/1954:6 MacAulay, Douglas Couple purchases house and property from Francis Carver, 06/16/1950:7 Daughter born, 10/18/1951:5 MacAulay, Douglas W. Rear-ends Quincy driver on Center St, 07/07/1950:6 MacAulay, Frances Frye Daughter born, 10/18/1951:5 MacAulay, Helga E. Koelmel Master Sergeant greets family in Hawaii (p), 12/16/1954:6 MacAulay, Mrs Douglas Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1 MacAulay, Norman Newlyweds return from Germany, 09/25/1952:3 MacAulay, Norman D. Master Sergeant greets family in Hawaii (p), 12/16/1954:6 MacAulay, Patricia Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 MacAulay, Patricia Ann Look what Santa brought! (p), 12/30/1954:1 MacAulay, Roger A. Middleboro Laundry wins safety award (p), 10/04/1951:1 MacAuley, Auley Files petition to foreclose, 05/14/1953:6 Macauley, George Brown-Cell Laboratories, Inc. charged with violations of trade laws, 07/21/1950:1 MacAuley, Roger No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 MacCormack, Columbia J. Railroad retiree shown on horseback (p), 06/14/1951:1 MacCready, Ann Elizabeth Tate's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/21/1951:1 MacCready, Robert Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6 Macdonald, Alice Arizona resident comments on Guidaboni's experience in mountains (l), 04/02/1953:1 MacDonald, Anne M. Wed to Frederick P. Crane, 11/29/1951:6 MacDonald, John Couple moves to new home on Cherry St, 01/04/1951:8 Macdonald, John Resumes studies at University of Maine, 01/06/1950:7 Treasurer of Delta Tau Delta at University of Maine, 10/04/1951:7 Has new position with GE in Pittsfield, 07/10/1952:6 Accountant with General Electric in Pittsfield, 03/25/1954:5 Macdonald, John D. Graduates from University of Maine, 06/12/1952:6 Accepts post as GE auditor in Cincinnati, OH, 07/29/1954:8 Macdonald, John Donaldson Engaged to Norma Kathleen Drake, 10/02/1952:5 MacDonald, John Maurice Sanatorium attendant killed as sedan crashes into tree, 12/13/1951:1 175 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 MacDonald, Josephine E. Washington, DC woman dies at age 64, 12/31/1953:4 Obituary, 12/31/1953:9 MacDonald, Madeline Air stewardess with Northwest Orient awarded wings, 06/25/1953:1 MacDonald, Marilyn Completing basic training at Lackland AFB, TX (p), 01/07/1954:1 Engaged to Philip Dietrich, 08/12/1954:4 Wed to Philip Dietrich, 08/19/1954:4 MacDonald, Mary Ellen Obituary, 10/22/1953:6 Dies in Middleboro, 10/22/1953:7 Macdonald, Mrs Roger White Church Guild arranges greens for Christmas fair (p), 12/15/1950:1 Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner for Allan Hale (p), 02/08/1951:1 Macdonald, Mrs Roger W. Congregational Church women preside over Fair tea table (p), 12/16/1954:1 MacDonald, Norman Kiwanis Club holds installation ceremonies (p), 01/07/1954:1 Macdonald, Roger Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner for Allan Hale (p), 02/08/1951:1 Thelma Vigers twice winner of $250 award (p), 08/12/1954:1 Macdonald, Roger W. Couple married 25 years, 06/30/1950:3 Named sanitation assistant to civil defense, 05/03/1951:2 Interim superintendent at Gas & Electric, 08/23/1951:1 Honored guest at annual Legion get-together (p), 05/08/1952:12 Town Manager moves office during renovation, 12/18/1952:1 Town Manager occupies new office, 02/26/1953:4 New No. 2 police cruiser (p), 05/28/1953:10 MacDougall, Rosemarie MHS annual junior class promenade (p), 05/03/1951:1 MacDougall, William J. Candidate for Board of Selectmen, 12/15/1950:1 Honored guest at annual Legion get-together (p), 05/08/1952:12 West Side School committee turns over keys to Board of Selectmen (p), 04/02/1953:1 Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1 Selectman picked as judge for WBZ Lobster Cook-off, 11/19/1953:1 Lives to tell of the big feast (l), 11/26/1953:10 Takes out nomination papers for re-election, 12/03/1953:1 Biography of candidate for Board of Selectmen (p), 01/14/1954:4 Machoolian, Ann Engaged to Jacob Kulian, 06/17/1954:4 MacIver, N.A. New development at Nemasket Village, Wood Construction Co. (ad), 03/20/1952:10 Mack (Mrs) MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 Mack, A. Russell MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 MacKay, Roy A. Wed to Shirley A. Manson, 08/13/1953:4 MacKenzie, Harriet M. Granted second-hand furniture sales license, 03/24/1950:1 MacKenzie, Norman Employed by California Department of Public Works, 07/30/1953:7 MacKenzie, Norman B. Resides in Sacramento, CA, 06/11/1953:10 MacKenzie, Walter White lilac in full bloom, 10/21/1954:6 MacKenzie, Walter M. Retires from Carver Cotton Gin Co. after 48 years, 10/04/1951:4 MacKenzie, William Couple moves to Plymouth, 11/06/1952:5 MacKerron, Franklin P. Receives degree from Gordon College of Theology, 05/26/1950:1 Mackie, Pauline Howard Son born, 02/10/1950:7, 11/25/1954:4 Mackie, William Son born, 02/10/1950:7, 11/25/1954:4 Mackie, William L. Discharged from military service, 03/11/1954:4 Mackiewicz, Al Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1 Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (p) (t), 04/09/1953:1 Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1 Mackiewicz, Alfred Plays football for Brown University, 01/06/1950:7 Mackiewicz, Alfred E. Private takes part in Exercise Spearhead at Fort Hood, TX, 05/27/1954:10 Engaged to Beverly Ann Teceno, 07/29/1954:3 Mackiewicz, Alfred Edward Inducted into armed forces, 11/05/1953:6 Mackiewicz, Benjamin Son born, 12/29/1950:5 Appointed regular patrolman, 02/21/1952:1 Appointed MHS attendance officer, 04/09/1953:3 Son born, 07/30/1953:5 Mackiewicz, Benjamin J. Re-appointed superintendent of attendance, 09/03/1953:1 Mackiewicz, Cynthia Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6 Mackiewicz, Joseph Checker Taxi taken over by Superior Taxi, 03/24/1950:8 Applies to renew taxi license, 06/30/1950:10 Granted license for additional taxis, 07/14/1950:1 Son born, 11/20/1952:7 Daughter born, 09/30/1954:5 Mackiewicz, Joseph J. Allan Hoard collides with taxi at Oak and High St, 11/24/1950:4 Mackiewicz, Mamie Engaged to Keller R. Ewalt, 03/31/1950:5, 04/07/1950:6 Wedding described, 04/21/1950:4 Wed to Keller R. Ewalt, 04/28/1950:7 Mackiewicz, Marguerite Shaw Son born, 11/20/1952:7 Daughter born, 09/30/1954:5 Mackiewicz, Vivian Doucette Son born, 12/29/1950:5, 07/30/1953:5 MacKinnon (Mrs) Dies in New Brunswick, 07/03/1952:5 MacKusick, Hattie Joy Obituary, 04/26/1951:6 Widow of Arthur L. dies at age 77, 04/26/1951:7 MacLean, Eleanor R. Wedding described, 10/18/1951:8 MacLeod, Donald Enlists in Navy, training at Bainbridge, MD (p), 07/10/1952:1 Serving in U.S. Navy (p), 10/09/1952:1 Engaged to Diane Brackett, 09/23/1954:5, 09/23/1954:10 MacLeod, Donald M. Engaged to Diane Brackett, 09/02/1954:4 Wed to Diane B. Brackett, 09/30/1954:5 MacLeod, Donald Malcolm Engaged to Diane Belle Brackett (p), 08/19/1954:1 Wedding described, 09/30/1954:2 MacLeod, Robert M. Husband of Mary L. Holbrook dies at age 46, 12/06/1951:6 Obituary, 12/06/1951:6 MacLeod, Roger W. Wed to Beverly G. Brauneis, 11/18/1954:6 MacMillan, Louis W. Wed to Marie Rose Donnelly, 10/16/1952:5 MacMillan, Mabelle Louise Wife of Louis W. dies at age 61, 05/10/1951:6 Obituary, 05/10/1951:7 MacMillan, Stuart Receives degree in medicine from Tufts, 06/14/1951:7 MacMillan, Stuart H. First Lieutenant attends Medical Field Service School, 08/06/1953:8 MacNab, Jeannette Engaged to Paul D. Preti, 06/21/1951:5 176 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 MacNayr, Archibald Gets suspended sentence for non-support, 09/30/1954:3 MacNayr, Archie A. Guilty of assault on wife Dorothy, 08/30/1951:8 MacNayr, Bruce S. Discharged from U.S. Air Force, 10/21/1954:12 MacNayr, David R. Reports onboard USS Salem, 11/20/1952:7 Serves on board USS Salem, 03/19/1953:7 Serves on heavy cruiser USS Salem, 06/04/1953:7 Heavy cruiser USS Salem due in Boston, 10/22/1953:4 Returns from training cruise in the Caribbean, 04/15/1954:4 MacNayr, Dorothy Archie MacNayr guilty of assault on wife Dorothy, 08/30/1951:8 Husband gets suspended sentence for non-support, 09/30/1954:3 MacNeil, John Edward Dog saves man from burning bed, 05/22/1952:12 MacNeil, Mabel Officers in new Eagles auxiliary pictured (p), 09/27/1951:1 MacNeil, Mabel J. And George O'Brien add Clarence Dimond as partner in Mid-Way Cafe, 02/18/1954:7 MacNeil, Oliver Resides in Foxboro, 01/20/1950:12 MacNeil, Richard J. Fined $35 for reckless driving, 10/28/1954:2 MacNeil, Richard L. Bridgewater truck driver strikes motorcyclist MacNeil, 07/15/1954:3 MacNeill uninjured, Boggs' back broken in one-car accident, 10/14/1954:1 MacNeill (Mr) Lunn & MacNeil Sawmill, 224 Plymouth St (ad), 07/30/1953:3 MacNeill, Amy E. Widow of Edward dies at age 65, 05/13/1954:6 Obituary, 05/20/1954:3 MacNeill, Barbara Smith Son born, 11/05/1953:7 Daughter born, 11/18/1954:6 MacNeill, Betty Attends University of New Hampshire, 04/02/1953:5 MacNeill, Donald Son born, 11/05/1953:7 Daughter born, 11/18/1954:6 MacNeill, Donald P. Engaged to Barbara J. Smith, 03/05/1953:7 Wed to Barbara J. Smith, 03/26/1953:7 ROTC officer promoted to 1st Lieutenant, 10/07/1954:1 MacNeill, Doris Lee Estella Lee's birthday brings together five generations (p), 06/07/1951:1 MacNeill, Edith Paun Daughter born, 01/31/1952:5 MacNeill, Elizabeth Cast of MHS senior class play A Date With Judy (p), 12/13/1951:1 MacNeill, Elizabeth Louise Engaged to Robert Francis McManus, 12/30/1954:1 MacNeill, Gordon Daughter born, 01/31/1952:5 MacNeill, Laurie Jo Estella Lee's birthday brings together five generations (p), 06/07/1951:1 MacNeill, Leslie Ellan Born to Richard, 05/21/1953:10 MacNeill, Richard Estella Lee's birthday brings together five generations (p), 06/07/1951:1 Daughter born, 05/21/1953:10 MacNeill, Shirley Ann Engaged to Frank E. Thompson, 05/26/1950:3 Wed to Frank Everett Thompson, 10/13/1950:7 Wedding described, 10/13/1950:8 MacNeill, William H. Guilty of non-support, 10/22/1953:11 Macomber, Barzilla Warren Husband of Bertha Upham dies at age 74, 08/06/1953:4 Obituary, 08/06/1953:10 Macomber, Carrie Adelaide Obituary, 05/19/1950:4 Widow of William B. dies at age 87, 05/19/1950:6 Macomber, Charles D. Lakeville notice of tax taking, 07/19/1951:9 Macomber, Cynthia Dianne Born to John and Shirley Bessey, 10/28/1954:10 Macomber, Durant East Taunton couple married 50 years, 11/03/1950:14, 11/10/1950:10 Macomber, John Resides in Minneapolis, MN, 06/03/1954:7 Daughter born, 10/28/1954:10 Macomber, John Adams Wedding described, 01/21/1954:5 Macomber, Mrs A. Public auction of furniture (ad), 07/12/1951:3 Macomber, Shirley Bessey Daughter born, 10/28/1954:10 Macy, Herb J.M. Wells gives keepsake chests to MHS senior girls (p), 06/19/1952:4 Macy, Herbert First mattress of its kind on display at J.M. Wells (p), 12/06/1951:8 Madan, Harold Edward, Jr. Wedding described, 09/24/1953:4 Madan, Harold, Jr. Engaged to Doris Audrey Millette, 09/17/1953:6 Wed to Doris Audrey Millette, 09/24/1953:5 Madden, Caroline Frahar Son born, 08/26/1954:4 Madden, Eleanor Lyden Daughter born, 11/19/1953:6 Madden, J. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Madden, Michael Daughter born, 11/19/1953:6 Madden, Richard Son born, 08/26/1954:4 Madden, Rita Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1 MHS social studies teacher resigns, 02/07/1952:1 Maddigan (Mrs) MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 Maddigan, Albert Son born, 02/10/1950:7 Couple moves from Star Ave to Forest St, 12/13/1951:14 Local insurance agent, Ralph Maddigan, Sr., honored (p), 12/04/1952:4 Son born, 03/19/1953:5 Maddigan, Albert T. Passes state bar exam, 03/03/1950:1 Admitted to state bar association, 03/24/1950:1 Ralph Maddigan, Sr. runs 77-year-old T.M. Ryder Co. (p), 07/01/1954:8 Maddigan, Carol Cushing Son born, 02/10/1950:7, 03/19/1953:5 Maddigan, Eleanor Adams Son born, 06/05/1952:7, 02/11/1954:4 Maddigan, Eleanor C. Adams Daughter born, 07/14/1950:7 Maddigan, Gail Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Maddigan, James Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Maddigan, Jean Enrolls at University of Arizona, 09/20/1951:12 Receives degree, with honors, from University of Arizona, 06/10/1954:1 Maddigan, Jean E. Engaged to Weston P. Sanford, 12/09/1954:8 Maddigan, John Francis Petition for administration of estate, 02/05/1953:9 Maddigan, Mrs Albert Served with WAVES in WWII, 08/21/1952:5 Maddigan, Mrs Ralph W., Sr. Local insurance agent, Ralph Maddigan, Sr., honored (p), 12/04/1952:4 177 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Maddigan, Patricia Muriel Fitzsimmon's dance pupils enjoy lawn fete (p), 06/12/1952:1 Maddigan, Ralph Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1 Maddigan, Ralph, Jr. Son born, 06/05/1952:7 Local insurance agent, Ralph Maddigan, Sr., honored (p), 12/04/1952:4 Son born, 02/11/1954:4 Ralph Maddigan, Sr. runs 77-year-old T.M. Ryder Co. (p), 07/01/1954:8 Maddigan, Ralph, Sr. Runs 77-year-old T.M. Ryder Co. (p), 07/01/1954:8 Maddigan, Ralph W. Re-elected selectman (p), 01/20/1950:1 LaForest and Maddigan responsible for flyovers during Falconieri homecoming, 09/17/1953:6 T.M. Ryder Co. has all kinds of insurance, 12/09/1954:12 Maddigan, Ralph W., Jr. Candidate for Board of Selectmen (ad), 01/13/1950:5 Named notary public, 06/09/1950:1 Daughter born, 07/14/1950:7 Assigned to 9232nd VART Squadron in Boston, 01/25/1951:1 Elected chairman of Board of Selectmen, 01/25/1951:1 Named regional coordinator for civil defense, 02/08/1951:1 Mitchell Memorial Club buys Jackson St land for anticipated gymnasium (p), 04/05/1951:1 Ordered to active duty by Air Force, 04/05/1951:1 Major at home, awaits orders, 04/12/1951:1 Honored guest at annual Legion get-together (p), 05/08/1952:12 Selectman tosses first pitch opening Little League play, 06/12/1952:1 Thelma Vigers wins Merchants Association grand prize (p), 08/07/1952:10 Candidate for re-election to Board of Selectmen, 12/11/1952:1 Selectmen sends out holiday message (l), 12/18/1952:7 Discusses press access to Town Clerk's office (l), 01/08/1953:1 Selectman seeks re-election again, 01/15/1953:1 Re-elect to Board of Selectmen (ad) (p), 01/15/1953:9 Appreciates support of voters (ad), 01/22/1953:6 Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1 On reviewing stand for Falconieri's welcome home festivities (p), 09/10/1953:1 Local Republicans meet with Governor Herter (p), 10/07/1954:1 Appointed local bail commissioner and justice of the peace, 10/21/1954:1 Selectman writes Christmas message to citizens (l), 12/23/1954:2 Maddigan, Ralph W., Sr. Wins recognition in insurance field, 01/10/1952:1 Local insurance agent honored (p), 12/04/1952:4 Maddigan, Robert Pictured at Elliott's Beach maneuver area, Parris Island, SC (p), 03/04/1954:1 Maddigan, Robert J. Chooses long probation over $50 fine, 10/15/1953:3 Participates in Atlantic Fleet war games, 11/25/1954:1 Maddigan, Thomas MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 Maddox, Amos, Jr. Daughter born, 09/27/1951:5, 12/04/1952:5 Maddox, Catherine Buckley Daughter born, 09/27/1951:5, 12/04/1952:5 Maddox, Philippine Petitions land court, 12/15/1950:15 Maddox and Wilson injured in collision with East Braintree driver, 09/24/1953:9 Thomas Lyons fined $35 for crash with Maddox, 10/08/1953:1 Madeiros, Arthur Daughter born, 09/25/1952:5 Madeiros, Helen Skaradoski Daughter born, 09/25/1952:5 Madeksza, Henry Alexander Inducted into armed forces, 08/13/1953:1 The Mademoiselle Shop 18 South Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:5 10th anniversary (ad), 05/12/1950:5 Celebrates with 11th anniversary event (ad), 05/10/1951:2 Twelfth birthday sale (ad), 05/22/1952:2 Thick smoke damages store stock in Sullivan Block, 04/29/1954:1 Smoke damage sale (ad), 05/06/1954:5 Madigan, Patrick J. Private completes Air Force training (p), 10/27/1950:1 Madigan, Theresa M. Takes Air Force training at Lackland AFB, TX (p), 10/16/1952:1 Madigan, Thomas F. Fined $75 for drunk driving, 06/12/1952:6 Madigan, Thomas P. In court for probation violation, 08/28/1952:5 Madison, Paola Cicero Daughter born, 04/26/1951:7 Madison, Stanley Daughter born, 04/26/1951:7 Maffei, Patricia A. Completing basic training at Lackland AFB, TX (p), 01/07/1954:1 Mag, Margery Engaged to Norman S. Andrews, 06/21/1951:6 Wed to Norman S. Andrews, 08/30/1951:8 Magnuson, Eleanor Wed to Richard E. Morris, 09/20/1951:7 Magnuson, Eleanor L. Engaged to Richard E. Morris, 08/23/1951:5 Magri, Baron Heads for Philadelphia 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8 Magri, Countess Historical Society speaker a former associate of Lilliputians, 11/08/1951:8 And Count Magri at Coney Island 50 years ago, 07/08/1954:2 Heads for Philadelphia 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8 Magri, John Son born; Staff Sergeant set to leave for England, 02/12/1953:6 Magri, Primo Count And Countess Magri at Coney Island 50 years ago, 07/08/1954:2 Heads for Philadelphia 50 years ago, 10/14/1954:8 Mahoney, A. Barbara Wed to William T. Benton, 07/31/1952:5 Mahoney, Bob 1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1 Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1 Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (t), 04/09/1953:1 Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1 Mahoney, Clarence Engaged to Rita Stetson, 06/11/1953:8 Mahoney, James Lions Club members volunteer services as gas station attendants (p), 05/27/1954:1 Mahoney, James A., Jr. Resumes studies at MIT, 09/22/1950:5 Mahoney, James F. Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1 Mahoney, James J. New elementary school open for inspection (p), 11/29/1951:1 Files for re-election to Finance Committee, 12/06/1951:1 Profile of candidate for Finance Committee, 01/10/1952:2 Mahoney, James J., Jr. Attends Champlain College, NY, 04/07/1950:12 Joins staff of Lummus Co. in New York, 02/12/1953:5 Mahoney, Joanne Student nurse at St. Luke's New Bedford, 09/29/1950:5 Completes training at St. Luke's New Bedford, employed at Boston State Hospital, Mattapan, 03/06/1952:4 Mahoney, Joanne P. Engaged to Paul F. Flieger, 04/29/1954:4 Wed to Paul Fred Flieger, 05/20/1954:7 Mahoney, Joanne Patricia Engaged to Paul Fred Flieger, 10/29/1953:10 Wedding described, 05/20/1954:5 178 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Mahoney, Robert Enrolls at Northeastern University, 09/13/1951:5 Completes basic training, 12/17/1953:11 Mahoney, Robert P. Trains at Fort Dix, NJ (p), 12/03/1953:1 Private to participate in Exercise Flash Burn (p), 04/08/1954:1 Mahoney, Robert Paul Inducted into armed forces, 10/08/1953:1 Mahoney, Thomas F. Appointed night judge for raceway in Foxboro, 06/11/1953:6 Mahy, Anne Loudon Wed to William Harvey Bath, 11/24/1950:5 Main, Marjorie Pike Son born, 11/24/1950:5, 05/15/1952:7 Daughter born, 11/25/1954:4 Main, Stuart Son born, 11/24/1950:5, 05/15/1952:7 Daughter born, 11/25/1954:4 Majahad, Leo Son born, 08/05/1954:5 Majahad, Simon Born to Leo, 08/05/1954:5 Maki, Eileen LeCain Son born, 02/21/1952:5 Maki, Jalmar John Obituary, 05/06/1954:4 Carver man dies at age 66, 05/06/1954:6 Maki, Kustaa A. Administratrix presents account of estate, 05/20/1954:8 Maki, Mrs Matti South Carver woman dies, 02/05/1953:2 Maki, Wayne Son born, 02/21/1952:5 Makum, Stanley Pledges Kappa Delta Pi at Bridgewater State, 12/20/1951:2 Malaguti, Alphonse Trapped by fire at home, dies in hospital, 05/07/1953:1 Husband of Mary Rombold dies at age 83, 05/14/1953:4 Obituary, 05/14/1953:7 Malaguti, Dorothy Engaged to Charles Robert Kennedy, 08/30/1951:3 Engaged to Charles R. Kennedy, 10/04/1951:2 Malaguti, Dorothy Mary Engaged to Charles Robert Kennedy, 08/16/1951:1, 10/11/1951:4 Wed to Charles Robert Kennedy, 10/25/1951:5 Wedding described, 10/25/1951:6 Malaguti, Lois E. Engaged to Robert E. DeMoranville, 08/28/1952:5 Wed to Robert E. DeMoranville, 09/11/1952:5 Malaguti, Lois Elizabeth Engaged to Robert Earl DeMoranville, 01/03/1952:6 Malaguti, Roy Fancy stitchers wanted (ad), 06/25/1953:10 Malaguti, Roy J. Eagles champs of Inter-city Bowling League (p), 09/06/1951:1 Malenfant, A. Appliance service, 19 Everett St (ad), 01/06/1950:6 Malenfant, Albert Daughter, 11/04/1954:4 Malenfant, Alfred Scores hole-in-one at Brockton course, 08/30/1951:1 Engaged to Helen Duarte, 11/15/1951:7 Wed to Helen Duarte, 11/29/1951:6 Malenfant, Alfred Edward Wedding described, 11/29/1951:5 Malenfant, Helen Now at Alyce's Beauty Center (ad), 10/23/1952:2 Malenfant, Lorraine Eaton Daughter, 11/04/1954:4 Malenfant, Raymond Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Maleski, Bessie The Fruit Outlet under new management (ad), 04/21/1950:10 Truck owned by Maleski and Dascoulias slides off highway, 07/03/1952:4 The Fruit Outlet, twin sisters Maleski and Dascoulias (p), 08/20/1953:6 The Fruit Outlet, wholesale and retail, 121 Center St (p), 12/10/1953:8 The Fruit Outlet, renowned for quality fruit, 03/18/1954:6 Maleski, Bessie Dascoulias And Dimmie Dascoulias sell The Fruit Outlet to Manuel Abren and Phillip Falconeiri, 04/29/1954:1 Maleski, John Daughter born, 01/17/1952:7 Maleski, Lydia Belevicz Daughter born, 01/17/1952:7 Maleski, Michael Fined $75 for drunk driving, 10/22/1953:11 Malewicz, Doc Egger Furnituremen 1950 Twilight League champions (p), 09/29/1950:1 Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1 Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1 Malewicz, Miriam Thompson Daughter born, 10/13/1950:7 Malewicz, Vincent Assistant player agent for local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 Named Coach of the Blackstone Valley Basketball League, 01/22/1953:1 Malewicz, Vincent J. Daughter born, 10/13/1950:7 Graduates from Boston University, 06/07/1951:1 Malicious Mischief. see also Vandalism Roger Piche returns to Middleboro, sent to jail, 02/03/1950:6 Lewis Thayer guilty, 02/10/1950:7 Mark Richmond pleads not guilty, 04/14/1950:12 Richmond case continued, 04/21/1950:6 Three youths tear down fence, must pay damages and serve year of probation, 11/11/1954:1 Malkoski, Irene Elected treasurer of SE MA District Hi-Y--Tri-Hi-Y Council, 04/21/1950:1 Malkosky, Irene Enters Fisher School for Girls, Boston, 10/04/1951:7 Malkosky, Irene P. Wed to Walter A. Lewoczko, 05/26/1952:5 Engaged to Walter Lewoczko, 06/19/1952:5 Malkosky, Irene Phyllis Introduced to student life at Fisher School, 10/11/1951:8 Engaged to Walter Lewoczko, 02/28/1952:2 Mallon, Douglas E. Seaman Apprentice serves on USS Roanoke, 02/03/1950:6 Scheduled to arrive in Naples, Italy, 04/21/1950:8 Malloy, Mary K. Wed to W. Walter Sowyrda, 10/28/1954:6 Maloney (Mr) Sullivan & Maloney, real estate (ad), 01/06/1950:8 Maloney, Alice Petition for probate of will, 05/20/1954:2 Maloney, Alice T. Obituary, 05/06/1954:5 Maloney, Alice Theresa Widow of Thomas F. dies at age 78, 05/06/1954:6 Maloney, D.W. Real estate (ad), 08/30/1951:10 Maloof, Elizabeth Adams Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4 Maloof, James Daughter born, 10/01/1953:4 Maltais, Arleen Derwing Daughter born, 04/15/1954:6 Maltais, Arlene Dwing Daughter born, 01/29/1953:4 Maltais, John A. Named Airman of the Month at Moody Air Base, GA (p), 04/30/1953:1 179 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Maltais, John Adrian Who's who in MHS senior class, 05/26/1950:8 Maltais, Richard E. Private trains at Sampson AFB, NY, 02/21/1952:7 Local GI critical of The Spectator column (l), 12/04/1952:8 Maltais, Richard Edwin Writes to MHS Student Council from Korea (l), 01/29/1953:1 Maltais, William Daughter born, 01/29/1953:4, 04/15/1954:6 Manchester, Clifford E. Pitches off bicycle, dies, 11/10/1950:1 Husband of Nellie F. Diamond dies at age 59, 11/10/1950:7 Mander, Gloria E. New reporter at Middleboro Gazette, 01/14/1954:1 Manders, Kathryn Mae Dies at age 71, 07/03/1952:5 Obituary, 07/03/1952:6 Manguson, Eleanor L. Wed to Richard Morris, 09/06/1951:8 Mann, Barbara Wall Daughter born, 07/07/1950:5, 08/09/1951:5 Son born, 01/15/1953:7 Mann, John Daughter born, 11/08/1951:7 Mann, Marion Linton Daughter born, 07/28/1950:5, 11/22/1951:5, 04/22/1954:6 Mann, Robert Daughter born, 07/28/1950:5, 11/22/1951:5, 04/22/1954:6 Mann, Ruth Pillsbury Daughter born, 11/08/1951:7 Mann, William Daughter born, 07/07/1950:5, 08/09/1951:5 Son born, 01/15/1953:7 Mann, William L. Succeeds Malcolm deMoranville as janitor at Assawampsett School, 09/02/1954:5 Manner, Karl Attends Boston University, 05/08/1952:10 Manning, Mary D. Dies in Andover, 03/29/1951:4 Mansfield, Loanne Engaged to Bruce Matheson, 06/17/1954:10 Mansfield, Mrs Tyyne Purchases registered Ayrshires, 10/22/1953:4 Manslaughter Gabrey and Lind indicted in death of Charles Stuart, 10/11/1951:1 Gabrey gets one year in jail, Lind gets six months, 10/25/1951:1 Manson, Shirley A. Wed to Roy A. MacKay, 08/13/1953:4 Manter, Henrietta D. Dies at age 87, 11/17/1950:6 Obituary, 11/17/1950:8 Manton, George B. Marine veteran dies of polio at Newport Naval Hospital, 08/12/1954:3 Husband of Phyllis Cleveland dies at age 26, 08/12/1954:4 Manwaring, Bruce Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1 Manwaring, Bud Maxim Motor Co. modernizing their equipment (p), 10/23/1952:10 Manwaring, Ethel A. Appointed to faculty of Union Street School, 02/10/1950:6 Manwaring, Ethel H. Granted full time teaching post here, 07/09/1953:1 Manwaring, Mrs Winthrop White Church Guild members arrive at antique show in oldtime transportation (p), 04/26/1951:6 Manwaring, Nelson Returns from 7,000 cross-country trip, 11/04/1954:5 Manwaring, W.B. Raises mammoth tomato 50 years ago, 09/02/1954:7 Manwaring, Winthrop Manager of Maxim Motor Co., 12/24/1953:6 Manwaring, Winthrop R. Officer of The Little Theater Group (p), 10/06/1950:12 Manager of Maxim Motor Co., 78 Wareham St (p), 09/17/1953:8 Enters into partnership with Frederick Weston, 05/06/1954:1 Weston and Manwaring local insurance brokers (p), 08/26/1954:6 Manzo, Natalie Engaged to Roger F. Butler, 06/25/1953:5 Wed to Roger F. Butler, 07/09/1953:5 Maps and Mapping. see also Geography First complete map of gas pipelines on paper, 07/31/1952:6 Selectmen discuss maps of gas pipe system, 08/21/1952:1 Mara, Philip P. Engaged to Lydia A. Patriarca, 08/28/1952:5 Maraglia, Rosalind South Middleboro School pupils aid Roza family burned out of home (p), 10/18/1951:1 Maran, George Daughter born, 06/12/1952:2 Wins high honors in Salzburg, Austria, 09/25/1952:5 Acclaimed by Austrians in Stars and Stripes article, 01/07/1954:8 Receives fresh acclaim for tenor solo of Decca's Messiah, 08/26/1954:4 Maranville, Betty F. Takes position as staff nurse at sanatorium, 11/13/1952:8 Maranville, Betty Frances Student nurse at Maine Eye and Ear Infirmary in Portland, 03/10/1950:10 Graduates from Maine Eye and Ear Infirmary, 03/24/1950:7 Graduates from Maine Eye and Ear Hospital Training School, 05/29/1952:8 Maranville, Blanche Fredette Son born, 09/03/1953:5 Maranville, Bob Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1 Maranville, Ed MHS cross country team ends most successful season ever (p), 11/25/1954:1 Maranville, Leslie Daughter born, 12/23/1954:4 Maranville, Lloyd Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Maranville, Mae Deane Daughter born, 12/23/1954:4 Maranville, Marshall Son born, 09/03/1953:5 Marble, Evans L. Engaged to Ethel Nichols, 03/03/1950:4 Wed to Ethel Nichols, 03/31/1950:6 March, Alice Marie Head of physiotherapy at Lennox Hill Hospital, 03/03/1950:6 Resides in New York City, 06/09/1950:3 Coordinator at Cerebral Palsy Clinic at Lennox Hill Hospital, NY, 09/08/1950:2 Engaged to James Q. Miller, 11/24/1950:2 Heard in NY broadcast over WJZ, 03/08/1951:9 Engaged to James Quinter Miller, 07/19/1951:5, 07/26/1951:3 Guests arriving for nuptials, 07/26/1951:5 Wed to James Quinter Miller, 08/02/1951:5 Wedding described, 08/02/1951:6 March, Diana Wedding described, 11/08/1951:2 March, Jackson B. Resumes studies at University of Maine, 01/06/1950:7 Awarded forestry degree from University of Maine, 06/21/1951:1 Accepts position with engineering firm in Boston, 11/15/1951:8 Employed at Myles Standish Reservation, 03/26/1953:4 Reports for military induction, 05/13/1954:7 March, Lindsay J. Profile of high school administrator, 05/19/1950:12 Discusses need for civics education in bulletin to staff, 09/29/1950:1 Elected 1st vice president of secondary principals, 01/17/1952:10 Chosen to teach summer school to grad students at Bridgewater Teachers' College, 05/22/1952:1 Honored with invitation to National Conference on Education, 10/02/1952:1 180 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 March, Lindsay J. continued Elected president of MA Secondary School Principals, 01/22/1953:1 Principal accepts post at Andover high school (p), 07/02/1953:1 School Committee accepts resignation, 07/09/1953:1 Plan move to Andover, 07/30/1953:4 March of Dimes Local appeal headed by Albert Maddigan, 01/18/1951:1 Appeal made for infantile paralysis fund, 01/24/1952:1 Support urged, 01/31/1952:1 More than $1,100 collected, 02/21/1952:1 Lakeville donations $341, 03/05/1953:1 Chairman expresses thanks for contributions, 03/12/1953:1 Little Barbara Jean Savard aided by March of Dimes (p), 01/28/1954:1 Contributions total $2,166.95, 02/18/1954:1 Emergency drive launched at sanatorium luncheon, 08/26/1954:1 Emergency campaign raises $404, 09/02/1954:5 Marchio, Martha Wed to Stanley R. Kay, 06/17/1954:5 Marciano, Rocky, 1923-1969 Glenn Powell meets famous boxer, 08/02/1951:1 Marcioni, John On staff at Middleboro Music Center, 04/01/1954:9 Marcks, The Tailor 19 South Main St (ad), 01/06/1950:3 19 South Main St (ad) (p), 04/12/1951:6 Lydia Ayotte manager of South Main St store (ad), 06/03/1954:7 Marden, Donald Carl Awarded Weblos badge, 05/06/1954:2 Marden, Harry Family moves to Howland Court, 02/01/1951:3 Maria L.H. Pierce Fund George McKay appointed trustee, 02/24/1950:1 Marion's Laundromat 378 Center St (ad), 11/13/1952:11 378 Center St (ad) (p), 12/18/1952:11 378 Center St, a friend to housewives, 08/06/1953:6 Hours change (ad), 09/03/1953:9 The housewife's friend (p), 11/12/1953:10 They care for your washday needs (p), 02/18/1954:8 A service for housewives (p), 06/10/1954:8 Aids housewives (p), 07/29/1954:6 Mark Leonard's Antique Shop Sale of stock, County St, Lakeville (ad), 11/22/1951:4 Markella, Ermon L. Named assistant district attorney (p), 02/08/1951:1 Marks, Genevieve A. Wed to Robert E. Bonney, 08/30/1951:5 Marnik, Felicia Engaged to Antonio E. Roy, 07/02/1953:4 Marois, George MHS baseball team champions of the Old Colony League (p), 06/02/1950:1 Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1 Takes fifth in South Shore cross country championship, 11/24/1950:3 Elks fete MHS basketball squad (p), 03/22/1951:1 Chosen to attend Boys' State, 05/17/1951:1 Marois, Henry L. Engaged to Mary Margaret Cantwell, 10/08/1953:8 Husband of Rose Claire Seguin dies at age 63, 06/17/1954:4 Obituary, 06/17/1954:5 Marois, Henry L., Jr. Completes pilot training (p), 05/21/1953:1 Marois, Rose Hand-smocked beanies, 12 Coombs St (ad), 11/29/1951:8 Maroney, Charlotte Lou Wed to Howard Austin Shartel, 05/03/1951:8 Marple, Eleanor Mekelones Couple moves to Rochester, NY, 06/10/1954:12 Marple, Thomas F. Engaged to Eleanor L. Mekelones, 11/26/1953:4 Marple, Thomas P. Wed to Eleanor L. Mekelones, 12/10/1953:6 Marple, Thomas Pankey Engaged to Eleanor Louise Mekelones, 10/08/1953:5 Wedding described, 12/10/1953:3 Marra, Angelo Eighth son now in army, 10/06/1950:1 Marra, Anthony One of eight brothers to serve in army, 10/06/1950:1 Marra, Antoinette Engaged to Melvin Thomas, 09/15/1950:1 Wedding described, 10/20/1950:4 Marra, Antoinette D. Engaged to Melvin G. Thomas, 09/29/1950:7 Wed to Melvin G. Thomas, 10/20/1950:5 Marra, Demetro One of eight brothers to serve in army, 10/06/1950:1 Marra, George Daughter born, 06/30/1950:5 One of eight brothers to serve in army, 10/06/1950:1 VFW-sponsored Little League team wins title, 09/04/1952:4 Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p), 12/04/1952:1 Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Marra, George J. Son born, 04/24/1952:4 Marra, John Eighth brother now in army, 10/06/1950:1 Marra, Joseph One of eight brothers to serve in army, 10/06/1950:1 Engaged to Roseanne Savard, 05/03/1951:2 Engaged to Rose-Anne Savard, 06/07/1951:5 Wed to Rose-Anne Savard, 06/14/1951:7 Wedding described, 06/14/1951:11 Daughter born, 07/10/1952:5 Marra, Joseph G. Engaged to Rose-Anne Savard, 11/03/1950:1 Marra, Marian Mordean Son born, 04/24/1952:4 Marra, Marion Mondeau Daughter born, 06/30/1950:5 Marra, Mary Teacher of pianoforte (ad), 06/30/1950:2 Manager of Martenson's, Center St, 08/13/1953:6 Manager of Martenson's Cleansers, Dyers, and Tailors, 11/19/1953:8 Marra, Philip One of eight brothers to serve in army, 10/06/1950:1 Marra, Philip P. Engaged to Lydia Patricia, 02/14/1952:3 Wed to Lydia A. Patriarca, 09/11/1952:5 Marra, Ralph One of eight brothers to serve in army, 10/06/1950:1 Marra, Roseann Savard Daughter born, 07/10/1952:5 Marra, William One of eight brothers to serve in army, 10/06/1950:1 Marriages - Middleboro One hundred thirty two in 1953, 02/04/1954:8 Marsden, Leila Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1 Engaged to Irackli Savas, 01/25/1951:5 Engaged to Irakli Savas, 02/01/1951:8 Marsden, Leila F. Engaged to Irackli A. Savas, 01/18/1951:5 Engaged to Irakli A. Savas, 02/15/1951:5 Marsden, Leila Florence Engaged to Irakli Savas, 08/25/1950:9 Wedding described, 02/08/1951:2 Marsden, Robert E. Couple married 25 years, 10/11/1951:4 Marshall, Alice Hostess of WPEP The Middleboro Hour (ad), 11/20/1952:7 Marshall, Alice M. Sampson Daughter born, 02/07/1952:5 181 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Marshall, Alice Sampson Daughter born, 10/07/1954:7 Marshall, Douglas Son born, 02/05/1953:5 Marshall, Eldred W. Tax collector's notice, 03/08/1951:3 Marshall, Eva Grant MHS class of 1923 notes 30th anniversary (p), 10/01/1953:1 Marshall, Gerry Key player in Little League (p), 06/25/1953:4 Local Little Leaguer produces big, 06/17/1954:1 Named to Little League All-Stars (p), 07/22/1954:1 Marshall, Harry Daughter born, 10/07/1954:7 Marshall, Harry H. Daughter born, 02/07/1952:5 Marshall, Howard Daughter born, 10/02/1952:5 Marshall, Jerry Asks help locating missing bicycle, 02/04/1954:1 Marshall, John Robert Sisson charged with leaving scene of property damage, 07/17/1952:8 Marshall, John M. Granted garage license, 04/07/1950:5 Fifteen-year-old found guilty of break-in, 10/27/1950:11 Marshall, John "Packie" Completes 12th trip across United States, 09/09/1954:1 Marshall, Josephine Miss Pfister's kindergarten graduating class (p), 06/17/1954:5 Marshall, Marjorie Holmes Son born, 02/05/1953:5 Marshall, Mary M. Marshall and Pendleton involved in three-car collision at South Main and Grove St, 12/17/1953:11 Marshall, Maxine Chilcot Daughter born, 10/02/1952:5 Marshall, Merrill Graduates from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/01/1954:6 Marshall, Orsina B. Obituary, 11/04/1954:4 Wife of John M. dies at age 58, 11/04/1954:4 Marshall Realty Alice Lentini, agent, 132 South Main St (ad), 02/28/1952:9 Marshall's Automotive Packy Marshall (ad), 05/12/1950:3 Marshman, Alma E. Nickerson Engaged to Howard Logrien, 04/21/1950:5 Marston, Alfred Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5 Marston, Doris Verrill Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5 Martel, Harry New service manager at Atwood-Costello (ad), 10/23/1952:10 Martell, Harry Service manager at Atwood-Costello, Inc., 08/27/1953:10 Service manager at Atwood-Costello, Inc. (p), 12/10/1953:8 Martenson, Anders In tailoring business over 50 years, 09/20/1951:7 Sells Boston business 50 years ago, 01/28/1954:8 Occupies entire store in Thatcher block 50 years ago, 04/01/1954:8 Martenson, Anders, Jr. see also Martenson's Cleansers, Dyers, and Tailors Engaged to Margaret Teceno, 07/14/1950:3 Engaged to Margaret M. Teceno, 11/03/1950:5 Wedding described, 11/10/1950:5 Wed to Margaret M. Teceno, 11/10/1950:7 Son born, 07/05/1951:5 Petitions to change name of Teceno's Cafe to Hi-Way 28, Inc., 07/16/1953:5 Martenson's, Center St, 08/13/1953:6 Provides attractive new place to dine, Hi-Way 28 (p), 08/27/1953:10 Hi-Way 28 under investigated for sale of liquor to minor, 11/05/1953:1 Hi-Way 28, the place to dine and dance (p), 11/26/1953:6 Martenson, Anders, Sr. Original trustee of local Elks lodge attends 40th anniversary celebration (p), 10/30/1952:1 Martenson, Blanche G. Carol Rondelli injured in collision at Oak and Sproat St, 02/25/1954:1 Martenson, Margaret Teceno Son born, 07/05/1951:5 Martenson and Thomas Selling out, 260 Centre St (ad), 02/17/1950:8 Signs up for TV premium membership, 12/15/1950:13 Signs up for TV premium membership (ad), 12/15/1950:15 Martenson's Cleansers, Dyers, and Tailors Dry cleaning, dyeing, tailoring, 260 Center St (ad), 12/13/1951:14 Fire damages old landmark, Martenson's stock burned, scorched, wet, 01/31/1952:1 Anders Martenson, Jr., Center St (p), 08/13/1953:6 Corner of Oak and Center St (p), 11/19/1953:8 Expert service, fine merchandise, 03/11/1954:6 Large assortment of men's and boy's clothing (p), 05/13/1954:8 Martin, Barbara Secretary at Bates School, 08/04/1950:2 Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1 Preview of spring fashion show by Junior Cabot Club (p), 03/20/1952:4 Junior Cabot Club presents popular style show (p), 03/18/1954:1 Engaged to John Browning Lynde, 09/30/1954:9 Martin, Casomino R. Son of Casomino Collins christened, 09/03/1953:9 Martin, David P. Engaged to Ruth Sampson, 06/16/1950:1 Martin, Don Juan Son of Casomino Collins christened, 09/03/1953:9 Martin, Fred Recovers from bronchitis at Bainbridge Naval Hospital, 05/01/1952:2 Serves on board USS Albany, 07/22/1954:2 Martin, Frederick Attends Bryant College, RI, 02/24/1950:8 Completes boot training at Bainbridge, MD, 07/03/1952:6 Stationed at Newport, RI, 08/21/1952:2 Martin, George Long Pond dragged, Lakeville man probably dead, 02/18/1954:1 Wedding described, 12/02/1954:2 Martin, George C. Engaged to Patricia E. Keating, 11/18/1954:6, 11/25/1954:4 Wed to Patricia E. Keating, 12/02/1954:4 Martin, George D. Body recovered from Long Pond, 02/25/1954:1 Engaged to Patricia E. Keating, 11/18/1954:6 Martin, Helen Engaged to James B. McQuade, 05/12/1950:6, 07/14/1950:2 Engaged to be married, 07/21/1950:10 Martin, Helen I. Engaged to James B. McQuade, 07/14/1950:7 Wed to James B. McQuade, 08/11/1950:5 Martin, Helen Irene Wedding described, 08/04/1950:2 Martin, J. Fred Serves on board USS Albany, 01/01/1953:7, 12/24/1953:6 Martin, J. Frederick Graduates from Bryant College, 08/09/1951:10 Enlists in U.S. Navy, 03/13/1952:10 Martin, John John Martin's TV Sales and Service (ad), 06/04/1953:5 Injures arm in fall 50 years ago, 10/21/1954:10 Martin, John F. Promoted to Storekeeper Seaman on board USS Albany, 05/14/1953:5 Returns from training cruise, 07/30/1953:4 Martin, John J. Local merchant dies suddenly, 01/01/1953:1 Petition for probate of will, 01/15/1953:12 Martin, John Jackson Dies at age 57, 01/01/1953:5 Martin, Judy Pilgrim Fellowship presents successful variety show (p), 12/02/1954:1 182 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Martin, Kenny Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 Martin, Marion Keirstead Son born, 10/22/1953:7 Martin, Marion Kierstead Son born, 06/19/1952:5 Martin, Nicholas Sacred Heart CYO graduating class (p), 06/16/1950:1 Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1 With 483rd Combat Engineers training at Camp Drum, NY, 05/26/1952:4 Trains with 483rd Engineers Battalion at Camp Drum (p), 07/17/1952:1 Engaged to Shirley Cook, 07/29/1954:2 Martin, Nicholas P. Engaged to Shirley Ann Cook, 06/17/1954:10, 09/09/1954:4 Wed to Shirley Ann Cook, 09/23/1954:4 Martin, Nicholas Peter Wedding described, 09/23/1954:8 Martin, Nick 1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1 Mitchell Memorial basketball team has successful season (p) (t), 04/09/1953:1 Martin, Ralph Son born, 06/19/1952:5, 10/22/1953:7 Martin, Robert W. New MHS science teacher, 08/20/1953:1 MHS biology teacher resigns, 04/22/1954:1 Martin, Rose Secretary at Bates School, 08/04/1950:2 Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1 Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p), 10/25/1951:1 Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club, 11/06/1952:4 Member of Junior Cabot Club Glee Club (p), 10/15/1953:1 Martin, Stephen D. Leaves for Pine Camp with 320th Military Police Battalion, 07/24/1952:3 Martins, Jacintha C. Notice of land taking for taxes, 02/17/1950:6 Martins, Jacintho C. Tax collector's notice, 03/06/1952:4 Martins, James C. Sergeant slated for transfer from Camp Edwards, 11/29/1951:10 Martynowski, Edward C. Appointed acting welfare agent, 01/22/1953:1 Marvel's Open Air Bakery & Market Gerards, 2 Spruce St (ad), 05/29/1952:5 Marx, John Vyn Engaged to Carolyn Cushing Alger, 12/16/1954:2 Masi, Joe New MHS football coach installs new system, 08/28/1952:1 MHS football team set for 1952 campaign (p), 09/04/1952:1 Assistant coach of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p), 12/04/1952:1 Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Masi, Joseph New Mitchell Memorial Club football coach, 05/14/1953:3 Son born, 08/13/1953:5, 10/28/1954:6 Masi, Joseph A. Joins high school faculty, 03/27/1952:1 New assistant super of playground, 04/23/1953:1 Masi, Rita Carey Son born, 08/13/1953:5, 10/28/1954:6 Mason, Elsie Bartlett Son born, 03/24/1950:7, 02/21/1952:5 Mason, Howard M. New teacher at Assawampsett School, 09/03/1953:8 Lakeville teacher resigns to join armed forces, 09/02/1954:5 Mason, Janice I. Engaged to Charles F. Griswold, Jr., 12/25/1952:5 Mason, M. Howard Family resides in Auburn, ME, 12/04/1952:4 Mason, Robert Son born, 03/24/1950:7, 02/21/1952:5 Masonic Order. see Ancient Free & Accepted Order of Masons Mayflower Lodge Masons and Masonry Braley & Son, masonry, landscaping, tree surgery, and painting (ad), 05/27/1954:3 Massa, Jo Engaged to Ronald Hebert, 07/16/1953:5 Massa, Joan Engaged to Charles D. Armanetti, 02/19/1953:10 Engaged to Charles Armanetti, 09/10/1953:5 Wed to Charles Armanetti, 10/08/1953:4 Massa, Joanne Engaged to Ronald Hebert, 03/25/1954:8 Massa, Josephine High school education responsible for capture of State Farm escapee, 07/28/1950:1 Engaged to Ronald Hebert, 03/18/1954:10, 04/01/1954:4 Massa, Josephine J. Engaged to Ronald A. Hebert, 03/18/1954:4, 04/08/1954:6 Massa, Josephine Judith Wedding described, 04/08/1954:3 Massa, Peter Wed to Helga Guertin, 08/26/1954:4 Massa, Peter J. Engaged to Helga Guertin, 08/12/1954:4 Massachusetts Department of Public Works Myles Alden eligible for promotion, 02/03/1950:7 Pennsylvania driver collides with Public Works coach during snow storm, 02/03/1950:8 Paints curbing white, 05/26/1950:1 Paints traffic lines and cross-walks on routes 105 and 44, 06/09/1950:13 Curbs on state routes painted, 06/16/1950:1 Edwin Kennedy employed by State Highway Department, 08/25/1950:9 Town will ask $29,000 for highways, 10/06/1950:1 Lloyd Perkins & Son low bidder for heating system construction, 02/08/1951:6 Employs Elmer Harlow, 04/05/1951:3 John Logan awarded fellowship to study at Yale University, 07/05/1951:1 Employs Thomas Washburn, 07/12/1951:2 Ernest Kingston employed by highway department, 08/16/1951:10 Edwin Kennedy foreman with state highway department, 09/13/1951:10 Retiring clerk Mabel Smith honored, 11/15/1951:1 Wants antenna on water tower, 05/29/1952:7 To erect antenna on steel standpipe on Barden Hill, 09/18/1952:4 Nourse says state should take over Titicut bridge, 09/25/1952:10 State Senator writes public works director on Middleboro citizens' objection to highway, 04/02/1953:8 District offices to continue here, 04/30/1953:5 Local officials heard by Commissioner of Public Works Volpe, 06/04/1953:1 Public Works to paint lines on Chapter 90 roads, 07/16/1953:1 Harry Hamilton employed by Massachusetts Highway Department, 08/13/1953:8 Local state employees win safety awards, 01/28/1954:8 Call for bids to do work on Plymouth St (ad), 05/20/1954:6 Massachusetts National Guard - Battery A Selectmen back resolve for armory here, 01/20/1950:1 Break found in old sewer line to river, 02/03/1950:1 685th AAA holds annual party, 02/03/1950:6 Legislation for armory approved, 03/03/1950:1 Now at full strength, 03/10/1950:1 Storage garage a possibility here, 03/10/1950:1 State Quartermaster likes site at railroad for garage, 03/17/1950:1 Army officers inspect Battery, 04/07/1950:6 Local battery rated excellent, 05/12/1950:4 Local unit marches in Sandwich observance, 06/02/1950:1 Openings in local battery still available, 07/14/1950:12 Open for enlistments, 08/04/1950:4 Selectmen take care of unfinished armory business, 08/11/1950:1 Enlistments open, 08/18/1950:7 Local battery on tour of duty at Camp Edwards, 09/15/1950:1 Local battery seeks recruits, 10/20/1950:1 Contingent fills out town meeting quorum, 10/27/1950:1 183 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Massachusetts National Guard - Battery A continued One step closer to garage for local unit, 11/10/1950:1 685th Anti-Aircraft Battery holds third anniversary party, 02/01/1951:9 Land purchase for armory authorized, 02/15/1951:1 Discussion on land appropriation at town meeting, 02/15/1951:5 Local battery wants 30 recruits, 02/22/1951:1 Railroad silent on land sale for armory, 03/08/1951:1 Middleboro's 685th Battery ordered on active duty, 03/29/1951:1 Railroad will accept $4,000 for land, 04/05/1951:9 Given fine farewell, 04/12/1951:1 May be vacancies in local battery, 04/12/1951:10 To parade in Fall River, 04/19/1951:1 Prospect good for purchase of railroad land, 04/19/1951:1 To leave between May 1st and 8th, 04/26/1951:7 Boys leave again on way to war, 05/03/1951:1 Departs to join nation's armed forces (p), 05/10/1951:1 Town to get railroad land for $4,000, 05/31/1951:1 No deed yet to railroad land, 09/27/1951:9 Draft of deed for land received from railroad, 11/01/1951:1 Deed to railroad land approved and returned, 11/15/1951:1 Deed for railroad land signed by selectmen, 12/20/1951:12 Nine local men train with 483rd Engineers Battalion at Camp Drum (p), 07/17/1952:1 Middleboro unit released from duty, 02/12/1953:1 Reorganizing, call for new recruits, 02/12/1953:4 Can take in any men who have not received service notice, 02/19/1953:1 To start basic training soon, 03/19/1953:1 Promotes four enlisted men, 04/16/1953:6 Lieutenant Tache joins local unit, members promoted, recruits listed, 06/25/1953:1 Lieutenant Robidoux transfers to Bourne, Second Lieutenant Tache to command here, 07/16/1953:1 Major Franco inspects battery, 07/23/1953:1 Breakdown of income by rank, 08/13/1953:1 Closes enlistments, 08/27/1953:3 Members pictured (p), 09/10/1953:1 90 mm anti-aircraft gun breaks pole on Rte 28, 09/24/1953:1 Rated high in training, 10/01/1953:4 Eight men enlist, 10/15/1953:5 Receives rating of excellent, 11/05/1953:2 Adds eleven men in October, 11/19/1953:5 May man Army AAA batteries, 11/26/1953:4 Six ask to enroll, several promoted, 12/03/1953:3 Plans to organize rifle team, obtain radio, 12/10/1953:11 Holds annual party, 12/17/1953:7 Radio equipment to tie in with state wide Guard network, 01/21/1954:2 Middleboro unit plans intensive recruiting drive, 02/25/1954:4 Recruiting drive continues, 03/04/1954:4 Local unit enlists six men, 03/25/1954:9 Federal officers inspect local unit (p), 04/15/1954:7 Announces openings, 05/20/1954:9 Trains for 0.90 mm guns, 05/20/1954:9 Rated excellent, 05/27/1954:6 VFW passes resolution to equalize pay loss, 06/03/1954:12 Men receive commendations, 06/17/1954:9 Captain Bigelow commands Guard unit at Camp Drum, NY, 07/22/1954:3 Achieves new high of 48 members, 07/29/1954:4 Commended for work guarding beach after hurricane, 09/09/1954:1 Completes summer training, 09/30/1954:5 Massachusetts Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Awards Washington and Franklin medals to graduating seniors, 05/05/1950:10 Massachusetts State Police May build quarters in Middleboro, 01/29/1953:1 It's time Troop D had new headquarters (e), 02/12/1953:4 Town Republicans favor new police station here, 03/05/1953:12 $400,000 proposed for Troop D headquarters here, 07/02/1953:1 No new headquarters for Troop D, 07/23/1953:1 Bill filed for building here, 12/03/1953:1 Barracks for Middleboro still a possibility, 05/06/1954:1 Prospects bright for new barracks, 05/20/1954:1 Massachusetts State Police continued New barracks to be built here, 07/01/1954:1 Construction of barracks in Middleboro out for bid, 10/21/1954:1 Massage Emerson Coe granted license to practice massage, 03/10/1950:6 Coe and Plympton granted massage permit renewal, 03/08/1951:1 Selectmen grant Robert Gardiner a masseur license, 01/21/1954:1 Armando Medeiros granted license, 07/01/1954:6 Mastera, Mrs Melvin Takes post at Assawampsett School cafeteria, 12/09/1954:3 Mastera, Myles Child suffers brain injury when struck crossing highway, 12/27/1951:1 Matheson, Bruce Who's who in MHS senior class, 02/17/1950:11 1950 high school hoop squad (p), 03/10/1950:1 Freshman at Dartmouth College, 10/06/1950:9 Trombonist with Barbary Coast Band at Dartmouth, 03/01/1951:10 Plays with Dartmouth band in Bermuda, 04/03/1952:1 Admitted to Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth, 09/25/1952:5 Treasurer of Dartmouth Chi Phi chapter, 11/27/1952:8 Plays with Dartmouth College band in Bermuda, 04/02/1953:2 Enters Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth, 09/17/1953:2 Elected president of Chi Phi at Dartmouth, 12/03/1953:1 Will receive B.A. from Dartmouth (p), 06/10/1954:1 Engaged to Loanne Mansfield, 06/17/1954:10 Engaged to Joanne W. Giles, 09/02/1954:4 Wedding described, 09/16/1954:3 Wed to Loanne W. Giles, 09/16/1954:4 Matheson, Burton Employee of new business, Best Floor Co., on Pearl St (p), 07/16/1953:6 New manager of Middleboro Theater, 02/11/1954:5 Matheson, Burton H. Character approved for renewal of pedlar's license, 09/15/1950:11 Fractures thigh when car hits tree, 07/17/1952:1 Matheson, Carl Twin daughters born, 09/06/1951:4 Matheson, Christina Widow of Alexander dies at age 77, 07/09/1953:4 Obituary, 07/09/1953:8 Matheson, Craig Attends Gorham State Teachers College, 02/24/1950:8 Receives Bachelor of Science degree in Education, 06/18/1953:1 Matheson, John Robert Obituary, 04/22/1954:5 Husband of Bernice Cortwright dies at age 60, 04/22/1954:6 Matheson, John William Obituary, 12/06/1951:2 Husband of Eliza Johnstone dies at age 56, 12/06/1951:6 Matheson, Pauline Springer Twin daughters born, 09/06/1951:4 Matheson, Red Employed at The Best Floor Co., 10/29/1953:6 Matheson, Reginald A. General Passenger Agent for entire Southern Railway System, 02/15/1951:1 Matheson, Richard MHS baseball season review (p), 06/24/1954:4 Matheson, Sylvia Santa arrives at local headquarters (p), 12/16/1954:1 Matheson, Sylvia G. Supervisor of arts receives certificate of commendation from Eastern Arts Association, 09/11/1952:1 Writes 99-page art text book, 05/14/1953:2 Matheson, Sylvia Grenville Comley MHS Art Center has wealth of exhibits on display, 04/17/1952:8 Matrisciano, A. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Matrisciano, Albert Middleboro students prepare treats for overseas (p), 11/05/1953:1 Matrisciano, Joseph A. Pays $100 in fines after traffic accident, 03/15/1951:5 Matrisciano, Mando Frederick Engaged to Dolores Louise Wilmot, 06/18/1953:4 184 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Matrisiciano, Albert Begins studies at Franklin Technical Institute, Boston, 07/08/1954:4 Matsam's Men's Clothing Formerly Tal's, 25 Center St (ad), 12/18/1952:3 Defective wiring cause of blaze on Center St, 02/18/1954:1 Estimate of fire damage in Center St blaze, 02/25/1954:10 Matson, Gertrude Louise Wed to Nathaniel Francis Shurtleff, 01/13/1950:5 Matteson, John Hopkins Inducted into armed forces, 09/11/1952:1 Matthews, Edith Maxim Daughter born, 10/16/1952:5 Son born, 03/25/1954:4 Matthews, Harland Couple moves to Cotuit, 02/10/1950:12 Matthews, Melville Daughter born, 10/16/1952:5 And Clinton Reed purchase Thomas Bros. grocery from Richmond Matthews, 01/01/1953:6 Son born, 03/25/1954:4 Son born at St. Luke's, 03/25/1954:4 Matthews, Melvin Buys interest in Thomas Bros. from Clinton Reed, 08/20/1953:4 Matthews, Richie South Middleboro Bible school class (p), 08/07/1952:4 Matthews, Richmond C. Sells Thomas Bros. grocery to Melville Matthews and Clinton Reed, 01/01/1953:6 Matthews, Thomas Petition for administration of estate, 05/19/1950:9 Administrator petitions for authority to adjust demand against will, 05/24/1951:8 Administrator presents account of estate, 10/11/1951:7 Matthews, Thomas G. Obituary, 04/07/1950:6 Dies at age 80, 04/07/1950:7 Mattie, Elsie E. Injured in collision at Oak and High St, 06/05/1952:6 Mattos, Daniel Arraigned on charge of rape, 03/29/1951:1 Bail set at $7,000 in rape and incest case, 04/05/1951:8 Indicted for statutory rape and incest, 06/14/1951:1 Not guilty of statutory rape and incest, 06/21/1951:5 Edna Borden decries finding by male jury (l), 06/28/1951:4 Mattos, Daniel C. Sentenced to four months for failure to support family, 11/22/1951:6 Mattson, Gloria Wed to John F. Quigley, 10/11/1951:4 Mattson, Gloria F. Engaged to John Quigley, 08/23/1951:5 Maurice's Snack Bar Break-in at Snack Bar on Thatcher's Row, 01/13/1950:2 Thieves smash cigarette machine in break-in, 02/10/1950:7 Ray and Mae Seaver (ad), 11/10/1950:2 Improved service and seating capacity (ad), 03/29/1951:10 Re-opens after fire with new equipment (ad), 03/06/1952:7 Firebug at work again, 04/09/1953:1 Waitress wanted (ad), 11/26/1953:7 New hours (ad), 06/10/1954:5 Mawhinney, Leroy E. Collides with Falmouth Heights auto on West Grove St, 05/12/1950:12 Maxim, Barbara Engaged to be married, 08/19/1954:5 Maxim, Barbara J. Wed to Carl Holmberg, 09/30/1954:5 Maxim, Barbara Jean Engaged to C. Lester Holmberg, 09/24/1953:6 Engaged to Carl L. Holmberg, 09/16/1954:4 Wedding described, 09/30/1954:3 Maxim, C.W. see also Maxim Motor Co. Running new auto-car 50 years ago, 04/01/1954:8 Maxim, Elmer W. Obituary, 08/21/1952:9 Maxim, Ernest L. Wins fishing honors in Florida, 02/10/1950:9 Employees wanted at farm (ad), 06/28/1951:6 Leading citizens to advise with selectmen on G&E problems, 09/27/1951:1 Setting fishing records in Florida, 03/12/1953:4 Maxim's Farm, help wanted (ad), 03/25/1954:9 Wareham St garage razed, 09/02/1954:4 Tangled jungle of mangled trees on Rock St (p), 09/09/1954:4 Maxim, Henry Harrison Sent for induction, 11/06/1952:5 Maxim, Hosea South Middleboro couple married 23 years, 08/12/1954:5 Maxim, Howard W. Lands seaplane on Charles River, 08/21/1952:1 Maxim, Leighton L. Adds name for consideration in selectmen's race, 12/02/1954:1 Maxim, Lizzie A. Widow of Harry S. dies at age 77, 08/02/1951:4 Obituary, 08/02/1951:6 Petition for probate of will, 08/09/1951:5 Maxim, Nina S. Petition for probate of will, 01/21/1954:5 Maxim, Nina S. Filene Widow of Carlton W. dies at age 80, 12/24/1953:4 Obituary, 12/24/1953:5 Maxim, Raymond Milton Inducted into armed forces, 04/09/1953:1 Maxim Motor Co. Dodge dealer, 78 Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:3 Lakeville Board of Fire Engineers expects new engine today, 10/20/1950:1 Maxim discusses conflict over land with selectmen, 01/25/1951:1 Sells new firefighting equipment to town of Lakeville (p), 01/25/1951:1 Plymouth auto collides with Maxim Motor Co. truck on Plymouth St, 05/17/1951:1 Mitchell Memorial Club would have to move house in order to keep it, 05/24/1951:1 And driver sued for $65,000 in wake of traffic accident, 10/11/1951:2 Gets contract for town rubbish truck chassis, 08/28/1952:1 Packmaster rubbish body approved by Health Department, 09/18/1952:1 Modernizing their equipment (p), 10/23/1952:10 New truck arrives for Health Department, 11/20/1952:1 Middleboro's largest garage, 78 Wareham St (p), 09/17/1953:8 Stolen car wrecked in Waterbury, CT, 12/03/1953:1 New Dodge on display (p), 12/24/1953:6 Skilled service for your car, 03/18/1954:6 Awarded fire truck contract, 04/22/1954:1 Takes top bowling honors, 05/06/1954:12 Closing garage service (ad), 06/10/1954:12 Going out of auto business, 07/08/1954:1 Delivery of Middleboro new fire truck on schedule (p), 10/14/1954:1 Maxim Motor Co. - Employees Employs Helen Perry, 05/05/1950:10 Employs Shirley Fuller in office, 07/07/1950:6 Employs Beatrice Brooks, 07/07/1950:8 Wanted, night watchman (ad), 10/06/1950:11 Wanted, stock clerk (ad), 10/20/1950:10 Men wanted (ad), 08/16/1951:2 Opening for experienced secretary (ad), 02/21/1952:10 Opening for private secretary (ad), 08/28/1952:9, 09/18/1952:8 Full time stenographer wanted (ad), 06/25/1953:10 Stenographer wanted (ad), 10/08/1953:4 Employs Irene Collins, 11/12/1953:6 Maxim's Farm Help wanted (ad), 03/25/1954:9 Maxim's Orchard Apples (ad), 09/15/1950:6 Help wanted (ad), 04/05/1951:9 Wanted, blueberry pickers (ad), 07/12/1951:6 Tractor demonstration (ad), 08/02/1951:6 Blueberry pickers wanted (ad), 07/17/1952:3, 07/09/1953:9 185 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Maxim’s Orchard continued Help wanted, apple pickers (ad), 09/10/1953:9 Blueberry pickers wanted (ad), 07/15/1954:9 Maxwell, Beulah No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Maxwell, Bruce Injured in Bridgewater accident, 07/15/1954:3 Training at Sampson AFB, NY (p), 09/23/1954:1 Maxwell, Bruce F. Trains at Keesler AFB, MI (p), 12/16/1954:1 Maxwell, John No lost time due to accidents for Middleboro Laundry (p), 04/30/1953:1 Maxwell, Mildred M. Returns unharmed after wandering along river, 07/08/1954:1 Mayhew, Charlie Cleans and blocks hats at Pete's Shoe Repair (p), 07/23/1953:6 Mayhew, Evelyn E. Engaged to Stuart Lyman Butler, 11/10/1950:7 Wed to Stuart Lyman Butler, 11/17/1950:7 Maynard, Barbara Resides in Boston, 03/17/1950:10 Employed by architect E.M. Bridge in Boston, 11/12/1953:6 Maynard, Constance Employed at West Roxbury Veteran's Hospital, 12/15/1950:12 Employed at U.S. Naval Hospital in West Roxbury, 09/06/1951:2 Attends Boston University, 05/08/1952:10 Takes post at VA hospital in Brookline, 07/03/1952:4 RN at Jamaica Plain VA Hospital, 11/06/1952:4 Maynard, Mrs Ernest Alumnus of Framingham Teachers' College, 06/07/1951:3 Maynard, Mrs Newell C. Employed at Curry College, 01/01/1953:6 Maynard, Wilfred Engaged to Sally Alden, 07/02/1953:3 Maynard, Wilfred Roy Engaged to Sally Alden, 07/16/1953:4 Wed to Sally Alden, 07/23/1953:4 Wedding described, 07/23/1953:7 Mayo, Alice Tinkham MHS Class of 1901 (p), 07/12/1951:1 Mayo, Belva M. Engaged to Fred E. Strople, 08/16/1951:5 Wed to Fred E. Strople, 08/30/1951:5 Mazilli, Francis Son born, 05/27/1954:7 Mazilli, Grace Bisbee Son born, 05/27/1954:7 Mazzoleni, Leona Wilbur Daughter born, 10/07/1954:7 Mazzoleni, Peter Daughter born, 10/07/1954:7 McAllister, Arthur School St Ext couple married 40 years, 10/09/1952:10 McAllister, Edgar F. Dies at age 75, 10/08/1953:4 Obituary, 10/08/1953:10 Petition for administration of estate, 10/15/1953:6 McAllister, Ida Mae Dissolves partnership with George A. Shurtleff, 03/26/1953:11 McAllister, Ida Mae Shurtleff School St Ext couple married 40 years, 10/09/1952:10 McAllister, Vernon Husband of Jessie B. dies at age 73, 03/29/1951:5 McAllister, Vincent Obituary, 03/29/1951:4 McAnaugh, Harold Lee Wed to Jean Prescott Aitken, 09/24/1953:5 McAssey, Richard Archer Sent for induction into armed services, 10/09/1952:8 McBane, Mae Attends Boston University, 05/08/1952:10 McBane, Mae T. Wed to William H. Wilson, 06/11/1953:4 McBane, Mae Theresa Graduates from NE Deaconness Hospital nursing program, 05/19/1950:11 McBane, William Attends University of Massachusetts, 04/14/1950:6 Named to UMass Dance Band, 10/25/1951:1 Navy airman stationed at Norfolk, VA, 07/01/1954:2 McBane, William J. Wins medal at UMass, 05/22/1952:1 McBane, William J., Jr. Serving with U.S. Navy at Bainbridge, MD (p), 09/25/1952:1 Engaged to Elinor L. O'Dell, 02/26/1953:5 Wed to Elinor L. O'Dell, 03/12/1953:5 McBane, William, Jr. Training at Newport, RI, 10/07/1954:10 McCaffrey, Irene Margaret Wedding described, 06/11/1953:9 McCagney, Edward P. Engaged to Gloria E. Swanson, 08/26/1954:4 McCallum, Scott In arrears on support payments, 07/28/1950:8 McCallum, Zola M. Engaged to Grant B. Hadsell, Jr., 09/13/1951:5 Wed to Grant B. Hadsell, Jr., 10/11/1951:4 McCann, Eddie. see Eddie's Cities Service McCarrick, Henry Son born, 11/19/1953:6 McCarrick, Henry J. Lincoln Technical Institute student wins award, 11/19/1953:1 Receives award at Northeastern, 10/28/1954:5 McCarrick, Mary Chimney blaze damages Cherry St home, 12/16/1954:1 McCarrick, Mary DeFiore Son born, 11/19/1953:6 McCarthy (Mrs) MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 McCarthy, Ann Engaged to Arthur V. Quelle, Jr., 10/09/1952:9 President of student body at Brockton Hospital Nursing School, 11/04/1954:5 McCarthy, Austin P. Foreclosure notice, 04/23/1953:5 Petition for probate of will, 09/09/1954:6 McCarthy, Austin Paul Bridgewater man dies at age 62, 08/19/1954:4 Obituary, 08/19/1954:4 McCarthy, Charles E. Dies at age 48, 12/01/1950:6 Obituary, 12/01/1950:9 Petition for administration of estate, 01/11/1951:7 McCarthy, George L. Foreclosure notice, 04/23/1953:5 McCarthy, James Patrick Obituary, 01/27/1950:3 Dies at age 70, 01/27/1950:6 McCarthy, John Transfers from Fort Bragg to West Coast, 12/08/1950:5 McCarthy, John F. Promoted to Captain, receives commendation for meritorious service, 10/04/1951:4 Captain joins faculty of officers school with 38th Field Artillery Battalion, 12/06/1951:4 Captain named personnel officer with 2nd Infantry, 01/31/1952:3 Captain comes home from Korea, 02/28/1952:1 McCarthy, John J. Son dies in Brighton, 12/29/1950:6 McCarthy, Joseph Eugene, 1916-2005 Brenton Ayers thinks McCarthy deserves Oscar (l), 06/24/1954:10 McCarthy, Lawrence MHS Class of 1927 enjoys first reunion (p), 09/18/1952:1 McCarthy, Mabel G. Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/04/1953:3 McCarthy, Michael V. Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/04/1953:3 186 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 McCarthy, Ralph Piano technician, 13 Everett St (ad), 01/06/1950:7 McCarthy, Ralph J. Engaged to Ellen E. Alden, 10/13/1950:7 McCarthy, Ralph M. Wed to Ellen E. Alden, 11/10/1950:7 McCarthy, William C. Dies in Brighton, 12/29/1950:6 McCarthy, William M. Foreclosure notice, 04/23/1953:5 McCausland, Francis A. Fined $10 for drunkenness, 02/03/1950:3 McClellan, George Retires from NY, NH & Hartford RR, 02/10/1950:12 McCluskey, J.F. Post office employee 50 years ago, 09/23/1954:8 McClusky, James F. Appointed Justice of the Peace, 02/22/1951:7 Postmaster plans to retire (p), 03/01/1951:1 Post office officials pay tribute to retiring postmaster, 03/29/1951:1 McComiskey, Foster Wed to JoAnne St. Armand, 12/27/1951:4 Seven deer bagged by local hunters (p), 12/16/1954:3 McCormick, Edith M. Still using scissors purchased from Glidden in 1872, 07/26/1951:3 McCoy, Catherine Clemson Daughter born, 02/22/1951:5 McCoy, Robert Daughter born, 02/22/1951:5, 03/01/1951:4, 03/08/1951:4 McCracken, George Resides in Bangor, ME, 12/10/1953:3 McCracken, George E. Attends dental technician school at Fort Sam Houston, TX, 05/08/1952:11 McCracken, George E., Jr. Wed to Alice I. Colvin, 09/27/1951:4 McCracken, George Ellsworth Wedding described, 08/30/1951:2 McCracken, George, Jr. Engaged to Alice I. Colvin, 08/16/1951:6 McCrillis, Charles Enrolls in New Bedford Vocational School Evening Division, 10/21/1954:12 McCrillis, Charles H. Engaged to Nancy Longworth (p), 12/30/1954:1 McCrillis, Clifton Couple married 25 years, 05/10/1951:5 Attends reunion of WW I regiment, 14th Engineers, 03/25/1954:4 McCrillis, George Reports on Boys' State, 07/28/1950:1 Accepted at UMass engineering program, 05/10/1951:2 Member of crack drill team at UMass, 05/28/1953:4 Scores high for UMass Rifle Team, 02/18/1954:2 Excels on UMass Rifle Team, 04/01/1954:10 On Dean's List at UMass, 07/08/1954:5 McCrillis, George R. Elected to attend Boys' State, 05/26/1950:1 Pledges Zeta Zeta Zeta at UMass, 05/29/1952:5 Promoted to Sergeant of Flight Squadron, 01/15/1953:12 Local students receives honors at UMass, 08/05/1954:1 McCrillis, Mildred Employed at sanatorium, 09/30/1954:5 McCrillis, Mrs Clifton New clerk in town treasurer's office, 02/14/1952:9 McCrillis, Ruth E. Biography of candidate for School Committee (p), 01/14/1954:1 Elect to School Committee (ad), 01/14/1954:7 McCrillis, Walter Successful season for MHS track team (p), 06/23/1950:1 Admitted to U.S. Military Academy at West Point, 05/10/1951:5 Makes Dean's List at West Point, 11/22/1951:6 Completes first year at West Point, 06/19/1952:9 Attends West Point summer training camp, 08/21/1952:5 On eight-week training tour of military bases, 06/11/1953:2 McCrillis, Walter C. Enrolls at University of Massachusetts, 09/29/1950:5 Cadet on Dean's list at West Point (p), 10/25/1951:1 West Point cadet marches in inaugural parade, 01/22/1953:5 Cadet on tour, now at Fort Bragg, NC, 07/16/1953:1 Named to Dean's List at West Point, 12/03/1953:1 McCrillis, Walter Clifton Receives appointment to West Point, 07/28/1950:1 McCrillis, W.C. Arrives at Fort Monmouth, NJ, 07/30/1953:1 Cadet completes summer training tour, 07/08/1954:8 First Classman at West Point, 12/30/1954:7 McCubbin, Mrs William Resides in Cincinnati, OH, 07/07/1950:2 McCulloch, Joe On board plane grounded by thunder storms, 07/14/1950:1 McCulloch, John Attends Pine Ridge Camp, NH, 07/26/1951:10 Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1 McCulloch, Johnny Egger Furnituremen 1950 Twilight League champions (p), 09/29/1950:1 McCulloch, Joseph Egger's 1952 Twilight League baseball champs (p), 09/04/1952:1 Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1 McCulloch, Joseph R. Cyclist Richard Tanguay runs into McCulloch's car, 04/21/1950:1 Marie Briggs winner of Egger Co. Crosley contest (p), 12/20/1951:6 McCully Cemetery Touring local cemeteries is lesson in local history, 06/03/1954:11 McDermid, Jane Obituary, 10/29/1953:4 Widow of Winslow dies at age 71, 10/29/1953:5 McDermid, Winslow Obituary, 05/19/1950:7 McDermott, William S. A&P robber of 20 years ago facing new charges, commits suicide, 05/07/1953:5 McDonald, Arlene Assault case heard in court, 09/09/1954:10 McDonald, Arlene Burch Son born, 03/22/1951:5 McDonald, Dapper Egger's team 1953 champs of Twilight League (p), 08/27/1953:1 McDonald, Dick Named to Southern New England Coastal Conference All-Star quintet, 04/12/1951:1 Named captain of Stonehill College basketball team, 04/17/1952:2 McDonald, Everett R. Sergeant in U.S. Marine Reserves, 07/31/1952:3 Sergeant enrolled in Marine Corps Platoon Leaders Course (p), 09/25/1952:1 To graduate from Stonehill College, 05/28/1953:1 Completing officers' course at Quantico, VA (p), 04/08/1954:1 McDonald, Harold Son born, 09/17/1953:6 McDonald, Harold E. Rear-ends Bernard Beuthner on School St, 11/03/1950:17 Son born, 11/17/1950:7 Collides with Mabel McNeil at North and School St, 05/20/1954:11 McDonald, Helen George Tanguay responds to McDonald's criticism of treatment of POWs (l), 12/01/1950:1 Explains letter to Newsweek (l), 12/08/1950:1 McDonald, Henry Son born, 06/07/1951:5, 11/20/1952:7 McDonald, James Daughter born, 09/27/1951:5 McDonald, John Husband of Josephine M. Boucher dies at age 67, 03/18/1954:4 Obituary, 03/18/1954:9 Patricia Small wins Elks youth leadership prize (p), 05/06/1954:1 McDonald, John C. Elks present town with resuscitator (p), 08/13/1953:1 187 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 McDonald, Josephine To sail on Queen Elizabeth for Europe, 04/19/1951:4 McDonald, Larry MHS right tackle may be sidelined, 10/28/1954:6 Named 1954 MHS hoop co-captain, 12/30/1954:1 McDonald, Lawrence A. To represent MHS at Boys' State, 05/20/1954:1 Named to attend Boys' State, 06/17/1954:1 McDonald, Lillian Arlene McDonald assault case heard in court, 09/09/1954:10 McDonald, Margaret Fischer Son born, 06/07/1951:5, 11/20/1952:7 McDonald, Marilyn Local talent entertains at Plymouth County Kennel and Obedience Club dance (p), 02/17/1950:1 McDonald, Marion Three juveniles allegedly break into Thomas St home, 08/07/1952:1 Two of youths fail to appear in court, 08/21/1952:9 McDonald, Mary E. Petition for probate of will, 11/19/1953:5 McDonald, Mrs John C. R.N. instructor at St. Luke's (p), 06/12/1952:1 McDonald, Roland W. Son born, 03/22/1951:5 McDonald, Ruth Bent Son born, 09/17/1953:6 McDonald, Ruth E. Bent Son born, 11/17/1950:7 McDonald, Theresa Arsenault Daughter born, 09/27/1951:5 McDonald Everett R. Receives U.S. Marine Corps commission (p), 08/06/1953:1 McDonough, Dennis Margaret Millett finds lost boy under house, 03/26/1953:1 McDougall, Rosemarie Wed to Joseph F. Oliver, 12/11/1952:7 McDowell, Anne Lucille Wed to Joseph V. Giberti, 02/08/1951:5 Wedding described, 02/08/1951:5 McDowell, George Funeral held in Dennis, 03/03/1950:2 McDowell, Gertrude White Daughter born, 11/10/1950:7 McDowell, Herbert Mother dies in Princetown, ME, 07/14/1950:12 McDowell, Mrs William Dies in Princetown, ME, 07/14/1950:12 McDowell, William Daughter born, 11/10/1950:7 McFarlin, Anne R. Gifford Obituary, 09/16/1954:4 McFarlin, Elmer B. Car blows tire, jumps curb, runs into house, 12/02/1954:4 McFarlin, Evelyn Sells beauty parlor (ad), 02/10/1950:12 McFarlin, Myra J. Petition for probate of will, 03/25/1954:8 McFarlin, Myra Janette Obituary, 02/04/1954:2 Wife of Sampson dies at age 75, 02/04/1954:5 McFarlin, Sampson Collides with Taunton driver at Four Corners, 02/22/1951:1 McGarr, William Auto wrecked after striking icy rut and crashing into pole, 02/04/1954:3 McGeath, O.M. Notice of hearing for application for overnight cabin permit, 07/07/1950:5 Resigns as General Secretary of YMCA, 10/16/1952:1 McGrady, George R. Obituary, 01/29/1953:4 Widower of Thelma Weeman dies at age 51, 01/29/1953:5 McGrady, Joseph M. Charged with drunkenness and reckless and drunk driving, 09/18/1952:3 Fined $75 for drunk driving, 09/25/1952:6 Trial is again continued, 09/25/1952:8 Fines total $125 for driving offenses, 09/30/1954:4 McGrady, L. Thelma Obituary, 11/24/1950:3 McGrady, Mrs George Resides in Devon, CT, 05/05/1950:10 McGrath, Dennis Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1 McGreal, P., Jr. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 McGreath (Mr) Couple occupies house on Court End Ave, 01/06/1950:2 McGuire, Richard Youthful gang member gets suspended sentence for drunkenness, 08/06/1953:1 McHale, J.L. Corner lot for sale (ad), 11/05/1953:4 McHale, Thomas Wedding described, 11/08/1951:11 McHale, T.J. Corner lot for sale (ad), 11/05/1953:4 McInnes, John Wedding described, 09/09/1954:3 McInnes, John H. Wed to Marion D. Caswell, 09/09/1954:4 McInnes, John M. Engaged to Marian D. Caswell, 08/12/1954:4 McIntire Dairy One of largest and finest in southeastern Massachusetts (p), 10/01/1953:6 One of largest dairies in district (p), 01/21/1954:6 Quality products and friendly service, 04/15/1954:8 McIvers, Noble Guilty of assault and battery on his wife, 03/12/1953:4 McIvers, Thelma Noble McIvers guilty of assault and battery on his wife, 03/12/1953:4 McKay, Esther Y. Wife of George C. dies at age 51, 06/25/1953:5 McKay, Esther Yeaton Obituary, 06/25/1953:2 McKay, Eugene Y. Engaged to Momi P. Kon, 08/25/1950:4 And bride phone family from Hawaii, 09/22/1950:1 Wedding described, 10/20/1950:7 McKay, George C. Appointed trustee of Maria L.H. Pierce Fund, 02/24/1950:1 Resigns as welfare agent (p), 10/20/1950:1 McKay, Helen F. Widow of James S. dies at age 85, 05/14/1953:4 Obituary, 05/14/1953:6 Petition for administration of estate, 05/28/1953:3 McKee, Henrietta Boston poultry dealer arrested for larceny against McKee, 07/14/1950:1 Holt larceny case in local court again, 07/28/1950:1 Paid $2,300 in poultry case, 08/18/1950:1 McKee Poultry Farm Smith St (ad), 11/17/1950:12 Help wanted, men and women (ad), 09/24/1953:2 McKellick, Anita Arsenault Daughter born, 12/23/1954:4 McKellick, Laurence Daughter born, 12/23/1954:4 McKendrick, Mary D. Awarded Master of Education degree from Boston University, 07/28/1950:3 McKenna, Ahlena Engaged to Donald Robert Hebert, 08/25/1950:5 Wed to Donald Robert Hebert, 09/08/1950:5 188 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 McKenzie, Clara Granted secondhand furniture sales license, 04/21/1950:2 McKinnon, Ann Obituary, 07/19/1951:8 McLauchlan, Jay Chandler Inducted into armed forces, 12/04/1952:1 McLaughlin, Florence Coe Son born, 05/31/1951:5 McLaughlin, Joseph Son born, 05/31/1951:5 McLaughlin, Kathryn M. Replaces Ruth Mulcahy at Union Street School, 11/08/1951:1 McLaughlin, Lucille Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1 McLaughlin, Olive Old time transportation returns to W.T. Grant Co. (p), 10/23/1952:5 McLaughlin, Olive A. Observes 5th anniversary of employment with W.T. Grant, 09/25/1952:7 McLaughlin, William J. Accountant named to national association post, 11/04/1954:9 McLean, Malcolm J. Obituary, 07/02/1953:5 McLean, S.A. Office hours as usual without special appointments (ad), 03/27/1952:10 Resumes practice at 8 Rock St (ad), 05/26/1952:10 McLean, Sterling Doctor conducting business by appointment only (ad), 03/20/1952:10 Tangled jungle of mangled trees on Rock St (p), 09/09/1954:4 McLean, Sterling A. Elected chief of staff at St. Luke's (p), 10/30/1952:1 McLean, Stewart Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1 McLellan, Randall A. Engaged to Carol A. Gilbert, 11/04/1954:4 Wed to Carol Ann Gilbert, 11/04/1954:4 McLeod, Bertha H. Engaged to Herbert C. Shaw, 11/04/1954:4 Wed to Herbert C. Shaw, 11/11/1954:6 McLeod, George Purchases parcel of land from town, 08/07/1952:1 Attends christening of granddaughter in Arizona (p), 02/25/1954:1 McLeod, George C. Resides in Waterville, ME, 06/09/1950:9 Accepts post with Bisbee Daily Review, 09/15/1950:1 Named city editor and sports editor of Bisbee Daily Review (p), 11/01/1951:1 Covers baseball convention for Bisbee newspaper, 12/04/1952:1 Accepts post on sports staff of Tucson Citizen (p), 02/12/1953:1 Parents attend granddaughter's christening in Arizona (p), 02/25/1954:1 McLeod, Lucinda Hudson Obituary, 07/31/1952:3 Wife of Peter dies at age 64, 07/31/1952:5 McLeod, Mrs George Attends christening of granddaughter in Arizona (p), 02/25/1954:1 McLeod, Phyllis Ann Grandparents, Mr and Mrs George McLeod, attend christening in Arizona (p), 02/25/1954:1 McLure, Alexander Purchase St couple married 25 years, 05/26/1952:4 McLure, Alexander C. North Carver couple married 25 years, 05/26/1952:10 McLure, Ian Corporal stationed in France, 04/10/1952:11 McMahon, Francis Couple sells gas station to Theo Testa, moves to Buzzards Bay, 07/05/1951:5 McMahon, J. Vincent Victim of hit-and-run driver, 05/29/1952:8 McMahon, Joanne Boudrot Son born, 03/08/1951:4 Daughter born, 09/30/1954:5 McMahon, Margaret Mullins Oliver St couple married 37 years, 07/01/1954:1 McMahon, Mrs Patrick J. Severs connections with Fahey Funeral Home (ad), 04/15/1954:7 McMahon, Patrick Obituary, 10/15/1953:3 Dies at age 86, 10/15/1953:4 Petition for probate of will, 02/04/1954:4 Oliver St couple married 37 years, 07/01/1954:1 McMahon, Patrick J. Severs connections with Fahey Funeral Home (ad), 04/15/1954:7 McMahon, William Daughter born, 09/30/1954:5 McMahon, William J. Graduates with business degree from Boston College, 06/16/1950:3 Son born, 03/08/1951:4 McManus, Albert Son born, 09/06/1951:4, 09/06/1951:8, 09/03/1953:2, 09/03/1953:5 Daughter born, 12/16/1954:4 McManus, Albert H., Jr. Station wagon overturns on Walnut St, 06/11/1953:9 McManus, Edward Member of 1910 MHS baseball team (p), 02/01/1951:1 McManus, Eugene Meets Anna Gola in Osaka, Japan, 03/29/1951:5 Engaged to Constance Smith, 08/30/1951:3 McManus, Eugene E. Engaged to Constance Smith, 01/04/1951:1 Receives leg wound in action at Wonju, Korea, 03/01/1951:1 Engaged to Constance M. Smith, 09/06/1951:5 Wed to Constance M. Smith, 09/13/1951:5 No one hurt in collision on Courtland St, 12/02/1954:7 McManus, Eugene Edward Wedding described, 09/13/1951:6 McManus, Everett Middleboro class of 1917 gathers at Linden Lodge (p), 06/26/1952:1 Peirce St couple married 25 years, 11/12/1953:4 McManus, Gene Member of successful 1952 Mitchell Memorial football squad (p), 12/04/1952:1 Employee of new business, Best Floor Co., on Pearl St (p), 07/16/1953:6 Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Floor tile installation, 35 Forest St (ad), 08/12/1954:3 McManus, John Attends University of Connecticut, 04/07/1950:2 Pledges Sigma Chi, 12/22/1950:4 McManus, John E. Completes mathematics degree at University of Connecticut, 01/28/1954:10 Graduates from University of Connecticut, 06/17/1954:1 McManus, Robert Car goes off Sachem St, tips over, 08/23/1951:1 McManus, Robert E. Enlists in U.S. Navy (p), 01/01/1953:1 McManus, Robert F. Commissioned for duty with Korean Airlift, 06/25/1953:1 McManus, Robert Francis Engaged to Elizabeth Louise MacNeill, 12/30/1954:1 McManus, Sylvia Caswell Son born, 09/06/1951:4, 09/06/1951:8, 09/03/1953:2, 09/03/1953:5 Daughter born, 12/16/1954:4 McManus, Thomas Obituary, 10/28/1954:2 McMillan, Wellington Resides in Staten Island, NY, 11/29/1951:7 McNab, Jeannette Wed to Paul D. Preti, 07/12/1951:4 McNayr, Archie A., Jr. Pleads guilty to drunkenness, 07/12/1951:1 McNearney, Daniel F. Purchases insurance business from J. Adrien Bissonnette, 04/03/1952:1 Insurance, 152 Peirce St (ad), 05/08/1952:12 Purchases insurance agency from Adrian Bissonnette, 12/02/1954:1 189 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 McNearney, Daniel F. continued Sullivan & Sullivan purchased by McNearney (ad), 12/02/1954:5 Daniel F. McNearney Insurance, 152 Peirce St (ad), 12/02/1954:8 McNeely, Rankin With U.S. Navy in Texas, 04/09/1953:6 McNeil, Amy Employed at Center Card Shop, Center St (p), 08/13/1953:6 McNeil, Betty Model in Little Theatre Group fashion show (p), 12/09/1954:7 McNeil, Donald Enrolls at Northeastern University, 12/15/1950:7 McNeil, James James McNeil Co., formerly A.F. Ryder Co. (ad), 09/29/1950:5 McNeil, Joan Marie Replaces Diana Dahlquist as music teacher at Bates, 08/20/1953:1 Bates School music teacher sings with aria group at Symphony Hall, Boston, 12/03/1953:16 McNeil, Linda Receives diploma from Jack & Jill Kindergarten (p), 07/03/1952:3 McNeil, Mabel Midway Cab, Center St (ad), 10/07/1954:5 McNeil, Mabel J. Collides with Harold McDonald at North and School St, 05/20/1954:11 And Clarence Dimond dissolve partnership in Midway Cab, 10/07/1954:4 McNeil, Mrs Walter New president of Junior Cabot Club (p), 10/07/1954:1 McNeil, Nellie Junior Cabot Club stages style show for members (p), 03/15/1951:1 McNeil, Nellie Candler Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5 McNeil, Walter Captain stationed at Fort Hamilton, NY, 07/19/1951:4 Daughter born, 07/24/1952:5 Leaves for reservist's training at Camp Drum, NY, 08/13/1953:6 McNeil, Walter J.D. Local reservist trains at Fort Hamilton, NY, 08/18/1950:1 Takes intensive training at Fort Hamilton, NY, 07/26/1951:2 Leaves for Pine Camp with 320th Military Police Battalion, 07/24/1952:3 Biography of candidate for School Committee (p), 01/14/1954:1 McNeill, George S. Central Baptist pastor from 1946 to 1949, 05/07/1953:4 McNulty, Geraldine Resides in Hackensack, NJ, 08/30/1951:2 McNulty, James Leo Sent for induction, 11/06/1952:5 McNutt, Charles T. Obituary, 05/08/1952:6 Weston man dies at age 83, 05/08/1952:7 Petition for probate of will, 06/19/1952:9 McPherson, Barbara Old time transportation returns to W.T. Grant Co. (p), 10/23/1952:5 McQuade, Annie E. Dies at age 64, 11/12/1953:6 Obituary, 11/12/1953:6 McQuade, Helen Preview of spring fashion show by Junior Cabot Club (p), 03/20/1952:4 McQuade, Helen Martin Son born, 04/26/1951:7, 01/21/1954:5 McQuade, James Son born, 01/21/1954:5 McQuade, James B. Engaged to Helen Martin, 05/12/1950:6, 07/14/1950:2 Engaged to Helen I. Martin, 07/14/1950:7 Wed to Helen I. Martin, 08/11/1950:5 Son born, 04/26/1951:7 Graduates from Boston University, 06/14/1951:12 McQuade, James Bradford Wedding described, 08/04/1950:2 McQuade, James F. Granted victualler's licenses, 02/03/1950:1 McQuade, Kathleen Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises (p), 06/30/1950:1 McQuade, Mrs Ralph Father dies in Revere, 01/17/1952:5 McQuade, Ralph Union Street School youngsters enjoy playground equipment donated by Junior Cabot Club (p), 05/06/1954:1 McQuade, Ralph J. Returning POW, Falconieri, greeted enthusiastically (p), 08/27/1953:1 McQuades Clothes Shop Men's wear (ad), 04/07/1950:2 Fire had appearance of incendiarism, 04/09/1953:1 McQuiggan, Edward Son born, 08/05/1954:4 McQuiggan, Olive Bryant Son born, 08/05/1954:4 McTaggart, Eliza Graduates from Bridgewater Normal School 50 years ago, 06/10/1954:9 Meaney, James J. Foreclosure notice, 11/24/1950:2 Meaney, Victoria A. Foreclosure notice, 11/24/1950:2 Meara, Alice Beverly Engaged to John Stephen Hart, 09/24/1953:5 Wed to John Stephen Hart, 10/01/1953:5 Measles Several cases reported, 07/14/1950:2 Mary, Jane and Barbara Bishop confined to home, 01/24/1952:4 (6) Grippe and measles hit schools, 03/06/1952:5 And flu hit MHS boys' choir and audience, 03/20/1952:1 Mecchi, Hazel J. Foreclosure notice, 03/31/1950:7 Pleads not guilty to assault on husband Julio, 01/03/1952:5 Mutual assault charges by Mecchis dismissed for lack of prosecution, 01/10/1952:8 Mecchi, Hazel Murray Son born, 12/11/1952:6 Mecchi, Julio Hazel Mecchi pleads not guilty to assault on husband Julio, 01/03/1952:5 Son born, 12/11/1952:6 Mecchi, Julio J. Foreclosure notice, 03/31/1950:7 Mecchi, Julio John Mutual assault charges by Mecchis dismissed for lack of prosecution, 01/10/1952:8 Medas, Dorothy Ralph Maddigan, Sr. runs 77-year-old T.M. Ryder Co. (p), 07/01/1954:8 Medas, Ed Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Medas, Edward Pleads not guilty to larceny from James Ferreira, 09/18/1952:7 Cleared of larceny charge, 10/09/1952:8 Medas, Edward J. Boys pilfer tires, tubes from C.P. Washburn Co., 01/24/1952:5 (7) Tire thief put on long probation, 02/14/1952:4 Youth indicted for larcenies at Washburn Co., 02/14/1952:9 Engaged to Dorothy F. Falconeiri, 04/01/1954:4 Engaged to Dorothy Frances Falconeiri, 04/01/1954:4 Wed to Dorothy F. Falconeiri, 04/29/1954:4 Medas, Edward Joseph Engaged to Dorothy Frances Falconeiri, 10/22/1953:12 Wedding described, 04/29/1954:10 Medas, George Holbrook accused of dumping on Medas property, 06/23/1950:4 Medas, George R. Returns from overseas duty, 03/22/1951:10 Medas, Gloria Gaskell Daughter born, 10/06/1950:5 Son born, 06/03/1954:7 190 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Medas, Joseph, Jr. Daughter born, 10/06/1950:5 Son born, 06/03/1954:7 Medas, Robert Gilbert Engaged to Barbara Ann Benaski, 01/22/1953:5 Wed to Barbara Ann Benaski, 01/29/1953:5 Medbury, Nicolas First minister of Central Baptist, 05/07/1953:4 Medeiros, Arthur Engaged to Helen Skaradoski, 03/29/1951:5 Wed to Helen Skaradoski, 04/12/1951:5 Son born, 09/24/1953:5 Medeiros, F. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Medeiros, Frances Awarded Eagle Scout badge, 05/08/1952:5 Medeiros, Francis Receives MHS Silver M award, 05/28/1953:1 Medeiros, Helen Skaradoski Son born, 09/24/1953:5 Medeiros, James Nathan Engaged to Catherine Margaret Norris, 10/22/1953:7 Wed to Catherine Margaret Norris, 11/05/1953:7 Medeiros, Lincoln Busy day for young athletes in local Little League (p), 06/12/1952:2 Medeiros, Mary Local pupil in Walter's School of Dancing recital (p), 06/28/1951:1 Medeiros, Milton Daughter born, 12/13/1951:7 Son born, 03/11/1954:4 Medeiros, Theresa Gannon Daughter born, 12/13/1951:7 Son born, 03/11/1954:4 Medical Care. see also Hospitals; Nurses and Nursing; Physicians Chest x-rays for Lakeville, 03/17/1950:1 X-ray clinic in Lakeville a success, 04/21/1950:5 MHS students to have free x-rays, 09/29/1950:1 More than 600 submit samples for diabetes testing, 11/24/1950:1 Benefit for paralyzed son of Ernest Powell (p), 07/26/1951:1 Three hundred and nine given x-rays, 11/22/1951:1 Addition x-ray clinics planned, 11/29/1951:1 1,528 chest x-rays taken here, 12/06/1951:12 Free community x-ray clinic examines 1,738, 01/03/1952:1 X-ray clinic cancelled for second time, 06/24/1954:1 Health officer answers questions about x-ray results, 07/01/1954:1 Medical Supplies. see The Walker Co. Medina, Frederico R., Jr. Leaves for induction at Boston base, 02/11/1954:1 Mee, Marjorie Local artists appear in pop concert for cardiac fund benefit (p), 10/25/1951:1 Meehan, Ralph Proprietor of Creedon - Florist, 113 Wareham St (ad), 01/06/1950:7 Meehan, Ray Creedon's flower shop takes part in Boston Rose Show, 10/14/1954:4 Meehan, Raymond Proprietor of Creedon Florist, 10/20/1950:4 Meeker, Robert E. Couple purchases Smith St house from Mrs Charles Crawford, 07/19/1951:10 Sells Smith St property to Raymond Neelon, 04/02/1953:8 Meeker, Robert Earl Husband of Anna Martin dies at age 85, 12/17/1953:4 Obituary, 12/17/1953:13 Meetze, E.M. Granted victualler's license for the Capeway Restaurant, 06/09/1950:14 Mehl, John S. Obituary, 11/17/1950:6 Mekelones, Eleanor Receives experience in merchandising, 12/15/1950:2 Member of Lasell College Orphean Club, 03/29/1951:7 Graduates from Lasell Junior College, 06/05/1952:12 Wedding described, 12/10/1953:3 Mekelones, Eleanor L. Freshman at Lasell Junior College, Auburndale, 10/20/1950:8 Member of Speakers Bureau at Lasell, 01/18/1951:8 Member of Lasell Choral group, 02/22/1951:9 Engaged to Thomas F. Marple, 11/26/1953:4 Wed to Thomas P. Marple, 12/10/1953:6 Mekelones, Eleanor Louise Engaged to Thomas Pankey Marple, 10/08/1953:5 Melix, Fay E. Engaged to Oram A. Dubey, 11/06/1952:5 Wed to Oram A. Dubey, 11/13/1952:7 Melix, Marjorie H. Engaged to Linfield R. Thomas, 04/03/1952:5 Wed to Linfield R. Thomas, 04/10/1952:7 Melix, Marjorie Helen Engaged to Linfield R. Thomas, 02/14/1952:10 Wedding described, 04/17/1952:6 Mellen, Amanda Notice of tax taking, 02/18/1954:9 Mellen, Celia Philip Mellen's wife Celia drops assault charges, 08/19/1954:9 Mellen, Philip Wife Celia drops assault charges, 08/19/1954:9 Mellen, Philip L. Engaged to Celia Russell, 11/15/1951:7 Wed to Celia Russell, 11/22/1951:5 Receives diploma from National Radio Institute of Washington, DC, 02/21/1952:8 Non-support case filed, 09/23/1954:2 Mellish, Stephen Appeals jail sentence for trespassing, 01/27/1950:3 Pleads not guilty to charge of trespassing brought by Charles Fagan, 07/14/1950:8 Changes plea, fined $25, 07/28/1950:8 Pleads not guilty to assault on Charles Fagan, 03/29/1951:2 Fagan withdraws charge of assault against Mellish, 04/05/1951:2 Mello, Armand Paul Engaged to Mary Frances Sikorski, 01/17/1952:5 Wedding described, 11/27/1952:6 Mello, Charlotte Squiers Son born, 08/16/1951:5 Mello, D. MHS Pro Merito Society holds initiation (p), 01/28/1954:1 Mello, Don Employed at Bob's Diner, popular spot at Four Corners (p), 09/17/1953:8 Mello, Donald Daughter born, 07/28/1950:5 The Little Theatre Group seeking new members (p), 10/25/1951:10 Mello, Donald F. Biography of candidate for School Committee (p), 01/14/1954:4 Mello, Donald Francis Runs for selectman, 11/27/1952:1 Profile of selectman candidate (p), 01/15/1953:1 Mello, Elizabeth Crews Son born, 10/11/1951:5 Mello, Hank Winthrop-Atkins takes Middleboro Softball League title (p) (t), 09/13/1951:1 Mello, Henry Son born, 08/16/1951:5 Mello, Irene Engaged to Edwin Peterson, 05/26/1952:5, 07/17/1952:5, 07/24/1952:5 Wed to Edwin Peterson, 08/07/1952:5 Mello, Irene P. Wedding described, 08/07/1952:5 Mello, John Son born, 10/11/1951:5 Mello, John B. Petition for license to sell real estate, 04/24/1952:4 Mello, Joseph Dies in Fall River, 12/08/1950:10 191 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Mello, Joseph W. Plumbing and heating contractor, 15 Elm St (ad), 03/03/1950:4 Assault case over boundary issue, 08/18/1950:3 Mello, Lee On staff at Middleboro Music Center, 04/01/1954:9 Mello, Louis A. Employed as dental technician in Washington, DC, 01/01/1953:4 Mello, Manuel Father dies in Fall River, 12/08/1950:10 Center St couple married 25 years, 10/23/1952:10 Mello, Manuel E. Uses car gas to end life, 06/23/1950:1 Mello, Manuel Ernest Dies at age 22, 06/23/1950:5 Mello, Marilyn L. Fails to appear in court on morals charges, 11/26/1953:4 Mello, Mrs Joseph Resides in San Jose, CA, 11/19/1953:12 Mello, Nancy Manager of The Doll House, 231 Center St (ad), 01/06/1950:3 Engaged to Joseph Costa, 03/27/1952:4, 05/08/1952:2 And David Hoops crowned Queen and King of YMCA Little Tot Contest (p), 10/08/1953:1 Mello, Nancy J. Engaged to Joseph F. Costa, 05/08/1952:7 Wed to Joseph F. Costa, 06/19/1952:5 Mello, Nancy Jeanne Engaged to Joseph Costa, Jr., 01/03/1952:8 Wedding described, 05/22/1952:7 Mello, Nellie Stone Daughter born, 07/28/1950:5 Mello, Nora Playground Pet Show winner (p), 08/28/1952:4 Mello, Raphael Private stationed at Fort Hood, TX, 04/05/1951:6 Receives honorable discharge from U.S. Army, 01/15/1953:3 Mello, Raphael W. Leaves in recent draft call, 12/08/1950:1 Mello, Roland W. Mello, Sampson, and Gomes crash on South Main St, 08/27/1953:2 Mello's Country Store Lakeville (ad), 12/13/1951:8 Closed Sundays due to state ruling (ad), 01/10/1952:10 Lakeville store doubled in size, 05/01/1952:7 Gale blows out windows, 02/26/1953:1 Help wanted (ad), 10/15/1953:9 Mello's Package Store Main St, Lakeville (ad), 11/29/1951:4 Mello's Super Market Discontinues all charge account services (ad), 02/04/1954:9 Melville, David Son born, 09/13/1951:5, 02/12/1953:5 Melville, David, Jr. Engaged to Elizabeth Pittsley, 06/07/1951:5 Wed to Elizabeth Pittsley, 06/21/1951:5 Melville, David M. Wife files for divorce, 03/10/1950:7 Sheriff's sale of real estate at public auction, 06/18/1953:6 Melville, David M., Jr. Melville, Jr. and Card collide at routes 28 and 105, 09/24/1953:9 Melville, Elizabeth Pittsley Son born, 09/13/1951:5, 02/12/1953:5 Melville, Janet C. Engaged to Francis G. Byrne, 08/30/1951:5 Wed to Francis G. Byrne, 09/20/1951:7 Melville, Jean S. Engaged to Manuel F. Pereira, 03/11/1954:4 Wed to Manuel F. Pereira, 04/08/1954:6 Melville, Madeline M. Files for divorce, 03/10/1950:7 Melville, Minnie L. Petition for administration of estate, 04/09/1953:4 Melville, Minnie Laura Obituary, 03/05/1953:7 Widow of Robert R. dies at age 74, 03/05/1953:7 Burial at Central Cemetery, 03/12/1953:3 Melville, Robert Rocky Meadow St couple married 25 years, 06/09/1950:11 Melville, Robert W. North Carver couple married 25 years, 06/16/1950:5 Melville, Shirley A. Engaged to Henry J. Guertin, 07/12/1951:7 Melville, Shirley Adelaide Wed to Henry John Guerin, 06/18/1953:4 Memorial Day Extemporaneous services held at Central Cemetery, 06/02/1950:1 Local National Guard unit marches in Sandwich observance, 06/02/1950:1 Rain washes out events, 06/02/1950:1 Parade rained out again, 05/31/1951:1 Plans announced, 05/21/1953:1 Grand Army of the Republic line thins over the years, 06/04/1953:1 Services held to honor war dead, 06/03/1954:1 Memorials. see Monuments Menard, Annette Engaged to Richard Carl Houghton, 03/27/1952:5 Engaged to Richard C. Houghton, 12/04/1952:5 Mendall, Anita Enters Rhode Island School of Design, 09/22/1950:6 Cast in Rhode Island School of Design production of Blithe Spirit, 12/08/1950:2 Model at semi-annual style show at Rhode Island School of Design, 01/25/1951:2 Takes part in atomic bomb demonstration, 11/08/1951:1 Receives honor from John Barrymore, Jr., 12/13/1951:12 Receives scholarship at Rhode Island School of Design, 07/03/1952:1 Mendall, Anita W. Vice president of RISD junior class, 11/06/1952:8 Mendall, C. Trafton Presents talk on playground activities to St Luke's Hospital Club, 03/03/1950:1 Set to graduate from Boston University Law School, 06/02/1950:1 Appointed to committee of Republican state convention, 10/06/1950:8 Passes state bar exam (p), 04/05/1951:1 Has character as incorporator of New Bedford District Conference of Methodist Church certified by selectmen, 04/19/1951:10 Playgrounds Olympics best ever (p), 08/30/1951:1 Enters the practice of law, 09/06/1951:7 Begins practice as attorney-at-law, 09/13/1951:1 Appointed notary public, 09/27/1951:6 Named head of local Red Cross chapter, 10/11/1951:4 Runs for School Committee, 12/13/1951:1 Profile of candidate for School Committee, 01/03/1952:5 Appointed Associate Government Appeal Agent for Selective Service, 05/08/1952:1 Local citizens meet gubernatorial candidate (p), 10/16/1952:1 Lieutenant Governor Whittier plans Assawampsett School commencement speech (p), 06/04/1953:4 Urges support of Red Cross (l), 12/17/1953:1 Office reception room remodeled, 12/31/1953:5 School Committee honors retiring members (p), 01/14/1954:10 School officials accept gift of audiometer (p), 03/11/1954:1 Takes out nomination papers for school committee, 11/18/1954:1 Mendall, Clarence Trafton Graduates from Boston University, 06/09/1950:10 Mendall, Florence Ann Widow of L. Bertrand dies at age 84, 01/03/1952:5 Obituary, 01/03/1952:6 Mendall, Florence Snyder Daughter born, 09/04/1952:5 Mendall, Jeanne Engaged to John Kauffman, Jr., 05/05/1950:9 Junior Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents two-act play for sanatorium patients (p), 05/12/1950:1 To participate in Boston concert, 06/02/1950:1 192 Middleboro Gazette Index: 1950-1954 Mendall, Jeanne continued Engaged to John Kauffman, 06/30/1950:6 Engaged to be married, 07/14/1950:9 Mendall, Jeanne F. Engaged to John H. Kauffman, Jr., 07/28/1950:4 Wed to John H. Kauffman, Jr., 08/18/1950:5 Mendall, Jeanne Francis Wedding described, 08/11/1950:7 Mendall, L. Bert Mail carrier 50 years ago, 08/19/1954:8 Mendall, Ralph Member of 1910 MHS baseball team (p), 02/01/1951:1 Mendall, Ralph B. Accepts position with Adams Brothers of Pittsfield, NH, 03/20/1952:3 Temporary carrier on new rural route, 08/13/1953:1 Leach collides with Mendall on Peirce St, 09/17/1953:3 Mendall, Ralph B., Jr. Reservist called to active duty, 09/22/1950:4 Leaves for Camp Campbell, KY, 09/29/1950:12 Sergeant likely headed overseas, 11/24/1950:5 Sergeant now with Signal Service Battalion in Tokyo, Japan, 01/04/1951:5 Awaits release from active duty at Camp Kilmer, NJ, 08/09/1951:10 Resides in Chelmsford, 08/23/1951:7 Daughter born, 09/04/1952:5 Mendall, Seaton C. Resides in Hammonsport, NY, 10/20/1950:8 Mendall, Ted Member of 1910 MHS baseball team (p), 02/01/1951:1 Mendall, Theodore Salesman for Walkover Shoes, 02/03/1950:4 Mendall, Trafton Playground super and assistant super comment on Dealtry letter (l), 02/10/1950:11 Dignitaries attend testimonial dinner for Allan Hale (p), 02/08/1951:1 Mendes, Charles Wed to Yvonne Harriette Wood, 10/18/1951:5 Mendes, Manuel, Jr. Four-year-old hit by car as crosses Rte 44, 10/15/1953:1 Mendes, Phil Mitchell Club eleven boasts fine record (p), 01/21/1954:4 Mendoza, John Struck by truck, dies from injuries, 03/31/1950:6 John Hanson, operator of death car, found guilty, 04/21/1950:1 Menowsky, Virginia Tate's Jack & Jill Kindergarten pupils hold commencement exercises (p), 06/30/1950:1 Resigns as clerk to town treasurer, 01/18/1951:5 Mercer, Nancy Attends University of Connecticut, 11/24/1950:5 Takes position at law firm in Boston, 09/23/1954:2 Mercer, Nancy Eleanor Engaged to Jerome Plummer Tripp, 07/10/1952:6 Merrihew, Jennie Dressmaker moves to 66 Forest St (ad), 06/05/1952:12 Dressmaking, 66 Forest St (ad), 08/28/1952:7 Moves to 43 School St, 12/03/1953:3 Merrihew, Lucy Resides in Centerville, 03/10/1950:2 Merrihew, Lucy Ellen Obituary, 03/17/1950:4 Dies at age 72, 03/17/1950:5 Merrill, Charles Shots himself in left thumb, 05/12/1950:2 Member of Battery A, 685th AAA Gun Battalion, Massachusetts National Guard (p), 09/10/1953:1 Son born, 09/17/1953:6, 08/05/1954:4 Merrill, Charles Edward Wed to Shirley Marie Irving, 11/15/1951:7 Merrill, Charles W. Purchases house on Smith St., 02/22/1951:5 And Richard Washburn collide at Frank and Everett St, 08/28/1952:3 Foreclosure notice, 12/16/1954:6 Merrill, Irene E. Wind pulls ten-year-old out of car, 05/19/1950:10 Merrill, Mildred G. Foreclosure notice, 12/16/1954:6 Merrill, Shirley Irving Son born, 08/05/1954:4 Merrill, Shirlie Irving Son born, 09/17/1953:6 Merritt, Dorine Born to Robert, 07/22/1954:3 Merritt, Dorine Ausman Daughter born, 07/22/1954:5 Merritt, Frances Engaged to Howard C. Winslow, 08/18/1950:5 Merritt, George Son born, 08/05/1954:4 Merritt, Harold Notice of hearing on application for day camp, 05/19/1950:6 Merritt, Janet Goodwin Son born, 08/05/1954:4 Merritt, Robert Engaged to Dorine Ausman, 07/12/1951:2 Daughter born, 07/22/1954:3, 07/22/1954:5 Merritt, Robert H. Wedding described, 08/16/1951:10 Merritt, William C. Enrolls at Burdett College, Boston, 09/24/1953:9 Merriweather, Rosemarie Granted temporary bakery license, 02/04/1954:1 Meserve, Carl Wedding described, 08/05/1954:10 Meserve, Carl N. Engaged to Claire Nickerson, 07/15/1954:4 Wed to Claire Nickerson, 08/05/1954:4 Messer, Harriet C. Obituary, 11/01/1951:10 Messer, Harriet Chamberlain Wife of Henry P. dies at age 89, 11/01/1951:4 Messer, Harriett C. Petition for probate of will, 01/24/1952:8 Messer, Henry Place Dies at age 78, 07/23/1953:5 Obituary, 07/23/1953:5 Messer, Leila F. Petition for administration of estate, 03/10/1950:7 Messer, Leila Frances Obituary, 01/20/1950:6 Widow of Frank L. dies at age 67, 01/20/1950:6 Metal and Metal Work Middleboro Welding Shop, Fred Strople, 324 Miller St (ad), 06/02/1950:2 Hero Manufacturing Co., printer wanted, Cambridge St. (ad), 02/01/1951:6 Colonial Brass Co., help wanted, grinding experience (ad), 04/03/1952:6 Jackson Blacksmith Shop now receiving 4160-volt service, 04/10/1952:6 LeBaron Foundry, closed for stock taking 50 years