OTRTR October 2015 News - On the Road to Recovery
OTRTR October 2015 News - On the Road to Recovery
YOUR CONSUMER COUNCIL October 2015 NH Mental Health Consumer Council MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the NH Mental Health Consumer Council is to educate and advocate with consumers, clinicians and mental health administrators in pursuit of equal rights and a recoverybased mental health system, and to empower consumers to participate and exercise leadership in regional and statewide forums. Council meetings will be conducted in a safe environment that respects the needs and contributions of all participants. Points of Interest Consumer Council Meeting Tuesday October 20th 10:00 - 1:00 Concord, NH Transportation Sign Up At the Centers Board of Directors Meeting Thursday October 8th 6:00pm Derry Peer Center Next Meeting Tuesday, October 20th 10:00am – 1:15pm Member Attendance Encouraged COMMUNITY MEETINGS Manchester Wednesday, October 21st Fox Chapel 105 Pleasant St · Concord NH 03301 Derry Friday, October 30th See Calendars for Times Rides are Available · Sign-up at Each of the Peer Centers New Hampshire State Behavioral Health Advisory Council Second Tuesday Every Month 5:30 - 7:30 PM This council is recognized and required to advise the state on the public mental health system. Sessions convene at: “Anyone who is among the living has hope.” Ecclesiastes 9:4 Audubon Society McLane Center 84 Silk Farm Road, Concord, NH Open to the public Call (603) 271-0568 “People watching” is regarded by some as an interesting past time. Have you participated in this activity? Taking the time to sit in one of the many “public commons” can be very interesting and mind boarding. Initially perhaps your eyes focus on styles of clothing, but with time you begin to look at folks and draw conclusions; some raise your curiosity, with some ... anxiety, some with fear, and some with hope. For me, I know that when I see a child walking with a parent or grand-parent a warm “everything is alright” feeling surges within and gives me hope, a hope that reaffirms that everything is going to be alright. From this point I begin to think about hope conversations verses fear conversations, which is one of the values associated with Intentional Peer Support. I then reflect on how I have practiced my communication skills. Do I use fear language, or hope based language? So when you practice Intentional Peer Support, do you use fear based or hope based language? Do you know the difference? No, I am not kidding you, so I will ask it again but in a different way. Are you a purveyor of Hope or Fear? Are you more inclined to use language that evokes fear, control or negativity? Do you use “or else statements?” Is your language consequence driven? You know, the language that you may have heard as a youngster by an authority figure? The language that made you feel like you wanted to rebel? These are questions I ask you to reflect upon for a moment before you move forward. Now, I would like you to think of a person that you most admire and respect. The person that evokes the most pleasant thoughts and memories, I wager that this person used HOPE based language, a language that by its very nature empowered you. Language that inspired you and raised you to a level of an “I can do it” … an “I will do it” attitude. All of us have had these kinds of people in our lives. An example of this is, if you can read this, someone at some time in your life took the time to teach you to read, a parent? A grand parent? A teacher, someone who cared enough about you to want you to succeed. Someone who cared enough about you to see you as a person and empowered you to be that self-fulfilled person of your dreams. So, “Go out and do likewise!” I challenge you to give another person a chance to feel the uplifting language of HOPE that you experienced … you will be surprised how much you will receive by sharing HOPE. You have the power of having a “do over”. Do it! Kindest of regards and Hope for you! - Warren ON THE ROAD TO RECOVERY 13 Orange Street · Manchester, NH 03104 12 Birch Street · Derry, NH 03038 Phone: (603) 623-4523 · Fax (603) 623-2873 Phone: (603) 552-3177 · Fax (603) 552-3179 manchester@otrtr.org derry@otrtr.org Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30; Sat 8:30-12:30 Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30; Sat 8:30-12:30 MANCHESTER PEER SUPPORT Annual Harvest Party · Friday, October 16th 11:30am Bring Something Yummy to Share (Sign-Ups are at the Center) Manchester Peer Center Groups You Matter! Life’s Healing Choices (Recovery Focused) Computer 101 (New Group) Keeping Sober (Saturdays) Pursuit of Happiness Gratitude Dealing with Depression / Dealing with Anger Moving Toward W.R.A.P. (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) Communication Music Appreciation ♪♫♪♫ Social Gathering Laughing Group Walking Group (Weather Permitting) Open Reflections What is IPS: Ten Values (New Group) Reading for Inspiration What is IPS: Three Principles (New Group) Life-Skills Training (New Group) Groups meet weekly, and at different times and days of the week. Check the inserted calendar for days and times when the groups you may want to access meet. Check our website (www.otrtr.org) for detailed descriptions for each group. ON THE ROAD TO RECOVERY Visit us on the Web: http://www.otrtr.org Member 10-Minute Phone Line Manchester (603) 623-0652 · Derry (603) 552-3178 Warm Line Services Available Nightly 5:00pm-10:00pm 1-800-306-4334 MANCHESTER - OCTOBER Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday New Group Thursday 1 Thursday, Oct 8th 6:00pm Celebrate More Graduates Completing 8-Week WRAP Course Wednesday, October 14th - 11:30am Refreshments Served Derry PSA Members are Encouraged to Attend 4 6 5 CLOSED 7 Communication 11:30am ___________________ Reading for Inspiration 1:30pm 8 Social Gathering 9:30am __________________ YOU MATTER! 9:30am __________________ Inner Child 11:30am __________________ Walking Group 11:30am __________________ W.R.A.P. Course - Session 8 11:30am - 1:00pm __________________ Keeping Sober 1:30pm *Dealing with Anger 1:30pm Gratitude 9:30am __________________ *Computer Instruction 10:00am ___________________ Creative Healing 1:30pm Moving Toward 9:30am ___________________ *Computer Instruction 10:00am ___________________ Communication 11:30am ___________________ Reading for Inspiration 1:30pm 11 12 CLOSED 14 13 CLOSED YOU MATTER! 9:30am Social Gathering 9:30am __________________ W.R.A.P. GRADUATION 11:30am Walking Group 11:30am __________________ *Dealing with Grief 1:30pm Refreshments Moving Toward 9:30am ___________________ 20 19 CLOSED Gratitude 9:30am __________________ Inner Child 11:30am __________________ 21 Communication 11:30am ___________________ Reading for Inspiration 1:30pm YOU MATTER! 9:30am __________________ Walking Group 11:30am __________________ Community Meeting 12:15pm *Dealing with Anger 1:30pm Keeping Sober 1:30pm __________________ 26 CLOSED 27 Social Gathering 9:30am __________________ YOU MATTER! 9:30am __________________ Inner Child 11:30am __________________ Walking Group 11:30am __________________ WRAP Group 11:30am __________________ Keeping Sober 1:30pm *Dealing with Grief 1:30pm Creative Healing 1:30pm 9 10 Wisdom 9:30am _____________ Music Appreciation 10:00am *What is IPS: Three Principles 11:30am _____________ Members’ Choice 1:30pm 17 Wisdom 9:30am _____________ Movie 10:00am 11:30am _____________ Members’ Choice 1:30pm 24 23 CLOSED Member Choice 10:00am *Computer Instruction 10:00am ___________________ Communication 11:30am ___________________ Reading for Inspiration 1:30pm 29 28 Gratitude 9:30am __________________ Members’ Choice 1:30pm Moving Toward 9:30am ___________________ Creative Healing 1:30pm Consumer Council: 10:00 - 1:00 Sign-Up at the Center 25 22 Social Gathering 9:30am __________________ Movie 10:00am *What is IPS: Ten Values 11:30am _____________ *Computer Instruction 10:00am ___________________ Creative Healing 1:30pm 18 Wisdom 9:30am _____________ 16 15 Saturday 3 2 Moving Toward 9:30am ___________________ Computer Instruction Thursdays at 10:00am Friday Moving Toward 9:30am ___________________ *Computer Instruction 10:00am ___________________ Communication 11:30am ___________________ Reading for Inspiration 1:30pm 30 Wisdom 9:30am _____________ *What is IPS: Three Principles 11:30am _____________ Members’ Choice 1:30pm 31 Member Choice 10:00am DERRY - OCTOBER Sunday Monday CONSUMER COUNCIL COMPUTER 101 & PEER EMPLOYMENT SUPPORT Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Friday 2 10:30AM ____ A STRONGER YOU 11:30PM ____ UNDERSTANDING YOUR ABILITIES* 1:30PM UNDERSTANDING & MANAGING YOUR EMOTIONS AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT IF INTERESTED ON A 4 October 7th and mention OTRTR when you check-out and 10% of sales will come back to us! 6 CREATIVE WRITING 10:30AM ____ BOOKWORM GROUP CLOSED 11:30AM ____ CREATIVE ARTS 1:30PM 13 12 10:30-12:30 ____ Creative Arts 1:30PM IN OBSERVANCE OF COLUMBUS DAY 18 CLOSED CREATIVE WRITING 10:30AM ____ BOOKWORM GROUP 11:30AM ____ CLOSED 26 ____ BOOKWORM GROUP 11:30AM ____ MEN’S GROUP 12:30PM ____ CREATIVE ARTS 1:30PM *DENOTES NEW GROUP 10 PANDORA’S VOICE 10:30AM ____ A STRONGER YOU LAUGHING GROUP 10:30AM ____ WRAP COURSE GRADUATION 11:30AM TASKS & VALUES 1:45PM 15 10:30AM ___ TBD* 11:30AM ____ TASKS & VALUES A HEALTHIER YOU 11:30PM ____ UNDERSTANDING YOUR ABILITIES* 1:30PM 17 16 UNDERSTANDING & MANAGING YOUR EMOTIONS 22 PANDORA’S VOICE 10:30AM ____ A STRONGER YOU 11:30PM ____ UNDERSTANDING YOUR ABILITIES* 1:30PM JOURNALING 24 23 LAUGHING GROUP CONVERSATIONS OF HOPE 10:30AM ____ INTENTIONALLY PRACTICING IPS* 11:45PM ____ TBD 28 WELLNESS TALK* 10:30AM ____ MUSIC APPRECIATION 11:30AM ____ WORDS* 1:30PM 9 CLOSED 10:30AM _____ TBD* 11:30AM ____ TASKS & VALUES 1:45PM FOR STAFF DEVELOPMENT WELLNESS GAMES/ ACTIVITIES 1:45PM 27 CREATIVE WRITING 10:30AM 8 PRACTICING IPS* 11:45PM ____ ORANGE LEAF FUNDRAISER 12:30PM leaving center Check at center for details & sign-up 21 KARAOKE 10:30AM ____ STAFF MEETING 12:30PM ____ CREATIVE ARTS 1:30PM MEN’S GROUP 12:30PM ____ WORDS* 1:30PM 25 TASKS & VALUES 1:45PM HOPE 10:30AM ____ INTENTIONALLY CONVERSATIONS OF HOPE 10:30AM ____ INTENTIONALLY PRACTICING IPS* 11:45PM ____ TBD 1:45PM INTRO TO DRAWING 1:45PM 20 19 CONVERSATIONS OF 14 WELLNESS TALK* 10:30AM ____ MUSIC APPRECIATION CLOSED CLOSED 7 WELLNESS TALK* 10:30AM ____ MUSIC APPRECIATION 11:30AM ____ MEN’S GROUP 12:30PM ____ WORDS* 1:30PM 11 ____ TBD* 11:30AM ____ Leaf….go visit them on Wednesday, DETAILS 5 10:30AM Once again we are partnering with Orange 1 TO 1 BASIS ASK AT CTR FOR Sign up at the Center 3 PANDORA’S VOICE Tues, Oct 20th 10AM - 1PM Saturday 29 CONVERSATIONS OF HOPE 10:30AM ____ INTENTIONALLY PRACTICING IPS* 11:45PM ____ TBD 1:45PM 30 UNDERSTANDING & MANAGING YOUR EMOTIONS 10:30AM ___ TBD* 11:30AM ____ TASKS & VALUES 1:45PM PANDORA’S VOICE 10:30AM ____ GOODBYE PARTY FOR DEB 11:30AM SEE STAFF PERSON FOR DETAILS OR CALL THE CENTER ____ UNDERSTANDING YOUR ABILITIES* 1:30PM 31 MOVING TOWARDS INNER CHILD BEING COMMUNITY AT DERRYFEST Once again Members and Staff manned On the Road to Recovery’s booth at Derry’s Annual DerryFest … a gathering of more than 120 agencies, vendors and organizations … celebrating Derry’s life and culture. OTRTR continues to impact the community and surrounding area. Our presence at Derryfest continues to let folks know who were are, what we do, and that we are a great resource for anyone managing their mental wellness. More important than handing out welcome packets, newsletters, brochures and alike, greeting hundreds of neighbors was the highlight of the day. A big thanks to the Derry Team for hanging in there all day Saturday and making so many folks feel welcome and leaving well informed! Groups Develop Better Relationships and Wellness Derry Peer Center Groups Bookworm Group Creative Arts Creative Writing A Stronger You Dual Recovery Anonymous Conversations Of Hope Music Appreciation Laughing Group Walking (Weather Permitting) Bi-Polar Support Group* Advocacy Group Mindful Meditation WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) Pandora’s Voice Check-In* Men’s Group Mindfulness* Kindness & Gratitude Journaling* Tasks & Values Intro to Drawing* Grief Support* Depression Group* Understanding & Managing Your Emotions* Inner Child* Moving Towards* Wellness Games/Activities* * Denotes New Group Mac’s Apples Outing Sunshine, good friends, peer support, freshly-picked apples, bonding, sweet-good-times. That’s what we had at this year’s outing to Mac’s Apples in Londonderry. It’s always a delight to enjoy life together in the midst of managing one’s life. We are deeply grateful for the strong sense of community amongst our Members! Kudos! On the Road to Recovery, Inc Non-Profit Organization PO Box 1721 Manchester, NH 03105-1721 U.S. Postage Paid Manchester, NH Permit No. 1217 Ours is a House of Respect Support On the Road … And Treat Yourself at the Same Time! On Wednesday, October 7th, Orange Leaf is partnering with On the Road to Recovery and hosting a fun-raising fund-raising event. For every purchase you make on this date, simply “mention” On the Road to Recovery when you check out and voila … Orange Leaf will donate 10% of your purchase back to our agency in Derry! If you REALLY want to make this a fun event for yourself and others, make a point to come by Orange Leaf at 12:30-ish where the Members from Derry are planning an outing to Orange Leaf! Looking forward to seeing you! And … thanks for your support!!! Orange Leaf · 55 Crystal Ave #23 · Derry, NH 03038