CASE STUDY: DIAGNOSTIC OF ECO-EFFICIENCY AT THE HOTEL ARBOL DE FUEGO, EL SALVADOR Calle Circunvalación No. 208, Col. San Benito, San Salvador, El Salvador Tel.: (503) 2243-0438/9 I A G N O S T I C O F E C O - E F F I C I E N C Y AT T H E CASE STUDY: D H O T E L A R B O L D E F U E G O , E L S A LVA D O R October 2010 This document is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of Chemonics International Inc. and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. D I A G N O S T I C O F E C O - E F F I C I E N C Y AT T H E H O T E L A R B O L D E F U E G O , E L S A LV A D O R Hotel Arbol de Fuego is a hotel situated in San Salvador, El Salvador. Our philosophy is to be a tranquil hotel with green gardens and a tropical atmosphere. We are a resting place in the city and we respect the environment. We have 16 rooms that represent Salvadoran culture and tropical gardens that provide tranquility for our guests. Despite our commitment to the environment, in 2008 we had an increase in energy consumption that created a large expense for us. This expense was worrisome for us because the business was no longer economically sustainable. We wanted to continue to save electricity and water but we did not have the technical assistance to tell us how to achieve this. We were in a difficult situation. At the end of 2009 we had the opportunity to access the USAID Environment and Labor Excellence for CAFTA-DR Program through the Asociación de Pequeños Hoteles de El Salvador (Association of Small Hotels of El Salvador). We were assigned a consultant to conduct a diagnostic of our hotel. The consultant gave us many recommendations and tools on how to save water and energy and lower our costs. Having the tools in hand, we made a serious commitment to change. We replaced incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents light bulbs and LEDs, we built a protective roof for the air conditioning condensers, developed a registry to monitor energy and water consumption, and installed a solar thermal system to heat water for the rooms. With these and other measures that were implemented, the results have been impressive. In just nine months, we have managed to reduce our electrical energy consumption by 38% and our electric bills by almost 60%. However, there is still more we can do, and we are working on improving further. Our work continues. We are committed to continue monitoring our consumption and to continue working for the environment. Through the constant training of our employees and the education of our clients we will be able to reduce our environmental impact. Definitely improving the efficiency of how we use our resources works. We are very grateful to have participated in this project. - Carolina Baiza Marketing Manager (Translated from the original in Spanish.) D I A G N O S T I C O F E C O - E F F I C I E N C Y AT T H E H O T E L A R B O L D E F U E G O , E L S A LVA D O R C O N T E N T 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Background ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Description of the hotel.......................................................................................................................................................... 1 Description of the work carried out........................................................................................................................................ 1 Impact of the measures of eco-efficiency on the perormance of the hotel........................................................................... 9 Calculations ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11 List of Tables and Figures Figure 1: Monitor of electrical energy use at Hotel Arbol de Fuego during 2010. Figure 2: Index of electrical energy consumption by the hotel in 2009 and 2010. Figure 3: Maximum power demand of the hotel in 2009 and 2010. Figure 4: Specific cost of supply of electrical energy to the hotel in 2009 and 2010. Figure 5: Estimated expenditure for supply of electrical energy to the hotel. D I A G N O S T I C O F E C O - E F F I C I E N C Y AT T H E H O T E L A R B O L D E F U E G O , E L S A LVA D O R The Hotel Arbol de Fuego operates under a philosophy of deep respect for the environment and has adopted a wide range of good practices that allow them to minimize the environmental impact of their operations. 1. Background The project "Rapid diagnostic of eco-efficiency in the hotel sector" was developed within the framework of the USAID Environment and Labor Excellence for CAFTA-DR Program, to support the fulfillment of the environmental and labor obligations included in the Free Trade Agreement signed between the countries of Central America and the Dominican Republic with the United States. The objective of this project is to provide technical assistance to small and medium hotels in the region to improve the efficiency with which they use energy, water, materials and other resources in their operations in order to reduce their environmental impact and operating costs. 3. Description of the work carried out In October 2009 a group of project consultants conducted a half-day diagnostic at the Hotel Arbol de Fuego to identify opportunities to improve the use of resources, reduce operating costs, as well as reduce their environmental impact. The consultants presented their recommendations in a technical report and subsequently helped the hotel to evaluate and plan the implementation of identified improvements. 2. Description of the hotel Hotel Arbol de Fuego was able to implement 18 of the 20 recommendations made by the consultants in less than nine months after the diagnostic. Some of the measures that have been implemented by the hotel are presented below. The Hotel Arbol de Fuego is located in Colonia La Sultana in the city of San Salvador, in the Republic of El Salvador. It has 16 rooms and offers its guests a wide range of amenities such as air conditioning, private bathrooms with hot water, wireless internet, breakfast service and a lovely, tranquil tropical garden. 1 D I A G N O S T I C O F E C O - E F F I C I E N C Y AT T H E H O T E L A R B O L D E F U E G O , E L S A LVA D O R 3.1 Reduce the amount of water consumption in showers that generate a flow volume of over 10 liters per minute Initial situation The showers installed in the rooms were inefficient and generated flow volume rates of up to 25 liters per minute, or two and a half times the maximum recommended flow volume of 10 liters per minute. These high flow volumes wasted not only water, but also the energy used by the electric heaters that heated the water for the showers. 3.2 Reduce the flow volume of the inefficient bathroom faucets Improvement The hotel equipped the showers with flow restrictors purchased at a local hardware store which limit the maximum flow volume to approximately 8 liters per minute. It is estimated that installing a flow restrictor to reduce the flow volume of an inefficient hotel shower is able to save 570 liters of water and 2 kWh of electricity per hour of use of the shower. Considering the cost of water (USD$ 1.22 / m ) and the electrical energy consumed by the hotel (USD$ 0.14 / kWh), this measure is able to cover the cost of the flow restrictor (USD$ 4) in less than four hours of use. Initial situation Many of the bathroom faucets in the rooms were inefficient and generated flow volumes well above the rate of 4 to 6 liters per minute recommended for this type of use. Improvement Hotel maintenance reduced the flow volume generated by the inefficient faucets to less than 6 liters per minute by partially closing the angle valves that are installed on the water supply pipes. 2 D I A G N O S T I C O F E C O - E F F I C I E N C Y AT T H E H O T E L A R B O L D E F U E G O , E L S A LVA D O R 3.3 Reduce the amount of pressure used to work the pumps that provide water to the hotel 3.4 Replace incandescent light bulbs that are installed in the hotel by compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) Initial situation Many of the hotel's lights were equipped with incandescent light bulbs, which are highly inefficient and require approximately four times more energy to produce the same amount of light than compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFls). Initial situation The hotel has two pumps to ensure its water supply when water pressure from the ANDA water network drops. At the time of the diagnostic, these pumps were adjusted to maintain a pressure of 30 to 50 psi and 40 to 60 psi in the two main areas of the hotel. They automatically turned on when the water pressure from the network fell below the net pressure on the pumps, i.e. to a pressure of 30 or 40 psi depending on the area of the hotel. Improvement The hotel replaced approximately 60 of the incandescent light bulbs that were installed in its rooms and corridors with CFLs. This measure is extremely cost-effective since these CFLs will save USD$3,300 in electrical energy over the course of their lifetime, which corresponds to more than eight times the investment of USD$400 that the hotel had to make to buy these lights bulbs. Improvement Since a relatively small building does not need to operate with very high water pressure, the pressure switches of the pumps were adjusted to make them work at a more moderate pressure range of 20 to 40 psi. This adjustment achieved the following benefits: Profitability of changing incandesant bulbs to CFLs at the hotel Investment • Reduce the use of water of the shower heads and faucets in the hotel when the pumps are in operation. It should be noted that the higher the pressure in the water distribution system, the higher the flow volume generated by the showers and faucets of the hotel. 400 Return 3,300 1 • Take better advantage of the pressure delivered by ANDA, which in turn reduces operating time and energy consumption of the pumps. 3 2 3 (US$ thousands) 4 D I A G N O S T I C O F E C O - E F F I C I E N C Y AT T H E H O T E L A R B O L D E F U E G O , E L S A LVA D O R 3.6 Improve the efficiency with which the air conditioning equipment works 3.5 Use solar heaters to produce the hot water that is consumed in the hotel I n i t i a l s i t u at i o n The water used in the bathrooms of the rooms was heated by electric storage water heaters of 9.5 to 12 kW of power. Given the high cost that the hotel pays for electrical energy (USD$ 5.11 / kW month and USD$ 0.14 / kWh), heating the water with this type of energy source is an expensive solution. Initial situation The air conditioning equipment in the hotel had the following flaws that affected the efficiency with which they operated. • The mini-split condensers that are mounted on the roof did not have any protection and were exposed to the sun throughout the day. • The coolant pipes of some of the equipment did not have insulation. • Several of the filters of the evaporators were partially covered with dust, which reduced the flow of cold air generated by the evaporators and the rate at which they could cool the rooms. Improvement The hotel implemented the following measures to improve the efficiency in the way their air conditioning units worked. • Installed a roof over the condensers to protect them from the sun and allow them to operate more efficiently in a cooler environment. • Isolated the coolant pipes which were exposed to avoid unnecessarily heating the coolant. • Increased the frequency with which maintenance personnel inspect and clean the filter of the evaporators. Improvement The hotel installed a solar thermal system, consisting of 12 collectors and a storage tank for solar hot water equipped with a backup electric heater of 4.5 kW, to feed hot water to its rooms and laundry room. In addition to reducing energy consumption and the amount billed to the hotel, the solar thermal system was able to reduce by 53 kW the power installed in its electrical circuits. 4 3.8 Establish a voluntary program to reuse towels Initial situation The hotel did not have a towel reuse program and changed all bath and hand towels that had been used in the rooms daily. 3.7 Minimize the use of the electric clothes dryer Initial situation The hotel dried all the towels that they washed in an electric dryer because drying them in the sun left them too coarse. Improvement The hotel has created a towel reuse program, which invites guests who wish to use their towels for more than one day. To communicate this program to guests and encourage their participation, the hotel placed a beautifully framed explanatory sign in the bathroom of each room, large towel racks on which to easily hang towels, and wicker baskets to collect the towels that guests decide to change. This practice was extremely expensive: given the cost of electrical energy used by Hotel Arbol de Fuego, it is estimated that drying 10kg of towels (dry weight) costs approximately USD$1.20. Improvement Currently the hotel dries all its towels on a clothesline and softens them by putting them in the dryer using cold air for about 10 minutes, an operation that uses minimal energy consumption. Hotel management estimates that approximately half of their guests participate in the towel reuse program, which has allowed them to reduce the amount of towels that are washed daily in the laundry by one to two loads. 5 D I A G N O S T I C O F E C O - E F F I C I E N C Y AT T H E H O T E L A R B O L D E F U E G O , E L S A LVA D O R 3.9 Eliminate the use of disposable water bottles in the rooms Initial situation A 1/4 liter bottle of water was provided daily to each guest staying at the hotel. Apart from increasing the amount of garbage produced by the hotel, this practice also increased their expenses since the cost per unit of the 1/4 liter water bottles is five times more than the cost of water in 19-liter returnable bottles. Improvement The hotel has created a monitoring program that allows them to collect data on its use and consumption of water, electrical energy and LPG, as well as calculate their monthly indices of water and energy consumption (that is to say, the amount of water and energy used by the hotel per guest-night). Figure 1: Monitor of electrical energy use at Hotel Arbol de Fuego during 2010. Jan 2010 259 746 Feb 2010 320 561 Mar 2010 585 1,346 Apr 2010 407 1989 May 2010 364 1630 Jun 2010 270 1235 Jul 2010 342 1034 Aug 2010 461 1473 Sep 2010 286 962 Oct 2010 Nov 2010 Dec 2010 TOTAL 3294 10,976 Average 366 1,220 1298 827 1792 1989 1630 1235 1473 1473 962 5.1 2.58 3.06 4.89 4.48 4.57 3.02 3.20 3.36 19 10 18 19 12 10 9 9 8 6 3 4 25 13 22 19 12 10 9 9 8 1,264 421 12,240 1,360 3.72 13 4 14 D I A G N O S T I C O F E C O - E F F I C I E N C Y AT T H E H O T E L A R B O L D E F U E G O , E L S A LVA D O R Some of the good practices Hotel Arbol de Fuego has developed and implemented independent from the USAID eco-efficiency project are summarized below. • The hotel uses liquid soap and shampoo dispensers in the guest bathrooms in order to avoid creating product and packaging waste (sachets, bottles, remnants of soap bars). • Uses a thermos instead of a coffee maker to keep warm coffee to serve to their guests during the course of the day. This system helps keep the coffee at the desired temperature for hours without requiring an additional energy supply. It also improves the quality of the coffee since it prevents evaporation of water, loss of important flavor compounds, and prolonged contact with a heat source. • Uses recycled paper at reception and in the office, as well as for all the hotel stationery. The toilet paper bought is also made from recycled paper. • Focuses their advertising activities on their website and does not produce brochures, which represent an expenditure on paper, ink and energy. • Does not use packaged food in individual portions in order to reduce garbage created. Purchases the products needed in bulk and serves them in reusable dispensers. • Uses rechargeable batteries in the television remote controls. 7 TOTAL (kW) 552 266 446 6 3.11 Apply other good practices to save water, energy, chemical products and materials, as well as to reduce the environmental impact of the operations of the hotel Secondary meter Principal meter Specific consumption (kWh/GN) TOTAL (kWh) Secondary meter (kWh) Principal meter (kWh) Initial situation The hotel did not have any system with which to monitor their water and electricity consumption, and to evaluate how the efficiency with which these resources were used in their operations varied from month to month. Month Total occupation (guest/night)l 3.10 Monitor water and electricity consumption at the hotel Figure. 1 Improvement The hotel has eliminated the use of disposable water bottles and currently uses glass pitchers to provide purified water for the rooms. Thanks to this measure, it is estimated that the hotel will avoid sending more than 4,500 plastic bottles to a garbage dump annually. D I A G N O S T I C O F E C O - E F F I C I E N C Y AT T H E H O T E L A R B O L D E F U E G O , E L S A LVA D O R • Uses individual placemats instead of fabric tablecloths on the dining tables to reduce the amount of dirty clothes sent daily to the laundry, as well as its consumption of water, detergent, and energy. • Waters their garden at dusk to reduce water loss through evaporation. • Does not use bleach but environmentally friendly disinfectants and detergents. This allows them to reduce the amount of pollutants created, as well as to take better care of the health of the employees that handle these products daily. • Uses trees and vines to shade the walls of the hotel and cool the atmosphere, which reduces the amount of heat coming into the rooms and the energy consumption of the air conditioners. • Trains their staff on issues of environmental protection and efficient use of resources through videos and lectures. • Separates garbage created in order to facilitate recycling. • Composts its garden waste and uses the compost produced together with earthworm humus to fertilize their gardens. • Belongs to and is the headquarters of the meetings of la Asociación Herencia Natural (the Natural Heritage Association), which oversees the care of parrots that roost in the area as well as the protection of the environment. 8 D I A G N O S T I C O F E C O - E F F I C I E N C Y AT T H E H O T E L A R B O L D E F U E G O , E L S A LVA D O R As an example we present the following two figures which clearly show how the improvements implemented by the hotel since the beginning of 2010 have managed to significantly reduce their consumption of electrical energy and maximum power demand. Indeed, comparison of data from the first nine months of 2009 and 2010 reveals that the average use of energy by the hotel per guestnight fell by 38% (from 6.03 to 3.72 kWh /GN) at the same time their maximum demand fell by 42% (24 to 14 kW). 4. Impact of the measures of eco-efficiency on the performance of the hotel The adoption of good practices of eco-efficiency has had a strong impact on the efficiency with which Hotel Arbol de Fuego uses its resources in their facilities and operations. Fig. 2. Index of electrical energy consumption (in kWh per guest-night) by the hotel in 2009 and 2010. 2009 40 2010 8 35 7 30 Demanda Máxima kW kWh po huésped-noche 9 Fig. 3. Maximum power demand (in kW) by the hotel in 2009 and 2010. 6 5 4 3 2009 2010 25 20 15 10 2 5 1 0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Jan Dec Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec * The hotel received the report of recommendations prepared by the consultants in December 2009, and began to implement most of the efficiency measures in January 2010. Only the solar heater installation was completed in late July 2010. 9 D I A G N O S T I C O F E C O - E F F I C I E N C Y AT T H E H O T E L A R B O L D E F U E G O , E L S A LVA D O R This significant reduction in energy consumption and power demand, along with a change of electricity rates that the hotel achieved following their participation in an energy efficiency project organized by the NGO BUN-CA, has managed to significantly reduce amounts billed by the company that supplies electricity.*1 As shown in the figure below, the hotel expenditure on electrical energy per guestnight has declined dramatically since February 2010, achieving a total reduction of 59% (from USD$ 2.39 to USD$ 0.99 per guestnight) between 2009 and 2010. Based on occupation projected for the hotel in 2010, it is estimated that Hotel Arbol de Fuego will be able to reduce its total expenditure on electrical energy by USD$6,900 per year, which corresponds to savings of USD$430 per room per year. Figure 5: Estimated expenditure for the supply of electrical energy to the hotel for the year Figure 4: Specific cost of supply of electrical energy (in USD$ per guest-night) for the hotel in 2009 and 2010. 4.0 2009 USD$ Per Guest-Night 3.5 Estimated Expenditure in Electrical Energy (USD$/year) 14,000 2010 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1 0.5 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Ago Sept Oct Nov 12,000 11,850 10,000 8,000 4,910 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Dec With out improvements (Based on 2009 yield) It is also worthwhile to note that there is no doubt that the good practices adopted by Hotel Arbol de Fuego have also had a considerable impact on other performance indicators of the hotel, such as the use With improvements (Based on 2010 yield) of water and the amount of garbage generated by guest-night. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to quantify these improvements in performance due to the lack of historical data. **2 *1 The rate change took place in February 2010. **2 For example, one of the two meters that measure the water consumption of the hotel has been damaged for several months and has not yet been replaced by the water company. 10 D I A G N O S T I C O F E C O - E F F I C I E N C Y AT T H E H O T E L A R B O L D E F U E G O , E L S A LVA D O R 5. Calculations b) Recovery time of the investment Reduce the amount of water used in showers that generated a flow volume of over 10 L/min • Data and assumptions - Cost of a flow controller = US$ 4 a) Calculation of water and electrical energy savings achieved per hour of shower operation Recovery time = (US$ 4) / (US$ 1.12 /h) = 3.6 hours • Data and assumptions Replace incandescent light bulbs that are installed in the hotel by compact fluorescent light bulbs - Maximum flow volume of inefficient shower = 20 L/min - Maximum flow volume of the shower with flow restrictor = 8 L/min - It is estimated that on average the shower generates 80% of its maximum flow volume - It is assumed that when operating with high and low flow volume an electric shower consumes 6 kW and 3 kW of power respectively - Cost of water used by the hotel = USD$ 1.22 / m - Cost of electrical energy used by the hotel = USD$ 0.14 /kWh Water savings = 80% x (20 - 8) L / min x 60 min / h = 576 L / hour of operation a) Calculation of electrical energy savings achieved by replacing incandescent light bulbs in the hotel to CFLs • Datos y suposiciones - The hotel replaced: • 16 60W incandescent light bulbs for 9W CFLs and 16 25W incandescent light bulbs for 7W CFLs in the rooms, and • 25 60W incandescent light bulbs for 12W CFLs in the hallways. - The CFLs have a lifespan of 8,000 hours. Energy savings = (6 kW - 3 kW) per hour of operation = 3 kWh/ hour of operation - The following calculations assume conservatively that due to the average use of CFLs installed in the hotel, these will be changed after 4 years of service. Economic savings = (0.576 m /h x USD$ 1.22 /m ) + (3 kWh/h x USD$ 0.14/kWh) = USD$ 0.70 /h + USD$ 0.42 /h = USD$ 1.12 /per hour of operation - To calculate demand savings, it is assumed that: • the light bulbs installed in the rooms contribute 75% of their Wattage rating towards the maximum power demand of the hotel; and • the light bulbs installed in the corridors contribute 100% of their Wattage rating towards the maximum power demand of the hotel. 11 D I A G N O S T I C O F E C O - E F F I C I E N C Y AT T H E H O T E L A R B O L D E F U E G O , E L S A LVA D O R - Cost of electrical energy used at the hotel = USD$ 0.14 /kWh - Cost of power demanded by the hotel = U.S. $ 5.11 /kWmonth Savings on inc. light bulb replacement = (57 x 8.000 h) / (1,000 h / light bulb) = 456 light bulbs Energy Savings = [16 x (60W - 9W) + 16 x (25W - 7W) + 25 x (60W - 12W)] x 8,000h = (816 + 288 + 1,200) x 8,000 h = 18,430 kWh Economic savings = 456 x USD$ 0.5 /light bulb =USD$ 228 Savings in demand = 75% x 16 x (60W-9W) + 75% x 16 x (25W-7W) + 25 x (60W-12W) = 0.61 kW + 0.22 kW + 1.2 kW = 2.03 kW • Data and assumptions c) Calculation of the total economic savings and return on investment - Cost of a CFL = USD$ 7 - Number of CFLs installed in the hotel = 57 Economic savings = (18,430 kWh x US$ 0.14 /kWh) + (2.03 kW x US$ 5.11 /kW.month) x (12 month/year x 4 years) = USD$ 2,580 + USD$ 498 = USD$ 3,078 /year Investment = (USD$ 7 / light bulb) x (57 light bulbs) = USD$ 399 Total economic savings = USD$ 3,078 + USD$ 228 = USD$ 3,306 Return on investment b) Estimated savings with replacement bulbs = (US$ 3,306 - US$ 399) / (US$ 399) = 729% • Data and assumptions - Cost of an incandescent light bulb = USD$ 0.50 Lifespan of an incandescent light bulb = 1,000 hours Number of CFLs installed in the hotel = 57 12 D I A G N O S T I C O F E C O - E F F I C I E N C Y AT T H E H O T E L A R B O L D E F U E G O , E L S A LVA D O R Hotel Arbol de Fuego Address: Av. Antiguo Cuscatlán 11-C, Col. La Sultana. San Salvador, El Salvador C.A. Tel: (503) 2275-7065 Fax: (503) 2243-3016 Web Site: www.arboldefuego.com Email: hotel@arboldefuego.com Facebook: Hotel Arbol de Fuego Contact: Carolina Baiza y Vilma Cortez 13