shattering barriers


shattering barriers
Empowering People, Inspiring Change
FYE 2011
Annual Report
A Message
From Our President
Dear Friends of MacDonald Training Center:
It is my privilege to share with you the strategic direction with which our Board of
Directors has charged us as we recommit to our increasingly important mission
“to empower people with disabilities to lead the lives they choose.”
MTC’s 2011-14 Strategic Goals
Aggressively enhance and expand the person centered culture and service
delivery at MTC.
Aggressively reduce reliance on government funding to better position MTC
for statewide cost containment initiatives.
3. Aggressively pursue leadership and advocacy roles to ensure that statewide
changes to the delivery of services to people with disabilities are personcentered and consistent with the MTC mission.
will remain resolute
in the face of ever
MTC’s 2011-2014 Strategic Objectives to Achieve our Goals
To establish a well defined viable service model that promotes freedom of
choice, increased independence and respect for each person’s hopes and
To increase overall revenues while reducing reliance on traditional funding by
diminishing resources;
our actions will forever
be aggressive in the
relentless pursuit of
diversifying and expanding revenue sources.
Maximize efficiencies in all areas to increase productivity.
To change the perception of MTC to an organization that promotes independence and integration into community life, provides business solutions and offers
opportunities for self-sufficiency and artistic expression.
To change the public’s perception that people with disabilities as perpetually
our mission;
and our willingness to accept
accountability for our actions
is absolute.”
dependent to individuals who are valued and contributing members of our community who embrace independence and strive for self-sufficiency.
To provide leadership in the development of a statewide service model that
reflects our vision, mission and values.
In the past we have reaffirmed our commitment to that mission and to you, our
friends and supporters, without whom the success of our mission would be in doubt.
These next few years will be no different.
Thank you for what you do for the people we serve.
Jim Freyvogel
MacDonald Training Center
FY 2010-2011
Service Highlights
MTC served over 500 people last year through a combination of support services.
112 individuals were served through
Employment Services
135 individuals participated in
GateWay Job Skills Training
102 individuals were served through
123 individuals participated in
GateWay Life Skills Training
Supported Employment
67 individuals were served through
Supported Living
138 individuals received
Transportation services
118 individuals participated in Job Club.
*Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
* Act in good faith and in the best
interest of the people we serve.
* Respect the opinions and choices of the
people we serve, and their families.
* Act with integrity as citizens in partnership
Would you like to know more about
MacDonald Training Center?
Learn more about our mission and the services offered to
the community by attending our one hour
EPIC Tours which are held twice monthly.
To see the current schedule, please visit our website or cut
and paste the following into your browser: http://
There are many other ways to stay connected:
with the community.
* Encourage independence by supporting
Like our page on Facebook.
* Be accountable for meeting the
expectations of all our stakeholders.
Sign up for MTC’s “The MacDonald Minute,” our monthly enewsletter which will keep you up to date on news and
special events. Visit or you
may subscribe on :
Cover art, “Table of Plenty,” by Chris McDarby, MTC Fine Arts Studios. Chris was inspired by
one of FY 11’s most s celebratory events—-the creation of our new MTC Fine Arts Gallery as
a Legacy Project from the West Shore Alliance Leadership Class of 2011. For more about the
MTC Fine Arts Gallery, and the festive opening reception see page 6.
For more about this emerging artist, please see page 22.
Changing Lives
About MacDonald Training Center, Inc.
MacDonald Training Center
that it is a privilege to serve individuals with
developmental disabilities;
that the people we serve are productive, contributing
and valued members of our community;
that the people we serve should be afforded opportunities to give back to their community;
in real homes, not “home-like environments”;
in real work, not “work-like
is an organization that envisions
“people with disabilities leading the lives they choose.”
is resolute in the pursuit of our mission:
“To empower people with
disabilities to lead the lives they choose.”
MTC is an organization dedicated to continuously improving
the quality of the vocational, employment and residential services we have been providing to people with developmental
disabilities in the Tampa Bay area for over 59 years.
“We believe the reason we exist…
MacDonald Training Center was
founded in 1953 by J. Clifford
is to serve you.”
MacDonald and a group of visionary parents of individuals with developmental disabilities. At a time when the
only alternative to being sent to a state institution was
to sit at home and do nothing, these individuals rejected
both options and proceeded to create innovative educa-
A Message from Our President
Who We Are
Community Events
the first organizations to develop supported employment
and supported living services as alternatives to sheltered
Business Enterprises
became the first organization in the state of Florida to
Financial Summary
close all of our group homes. All individuals to whom we
How You Can Help
Our Donors
Team Members
About the Artist
tional, vocational and residential alternatives.
Over the last 5 decades, MacDonald Training Center has
continued to be a leader and innovator in services to
people with developmental disabilities. We were one of
workshops and traditional group homes.
In 2002, we
currently provide residential services are leaseholders
living in their own homes or apartments, regardless of
their service needs.
Table of Contents
Boards of Directors (2011-2012)
Darrin Quam, Chair
Jack Gutman, Vice Chair
Thomas M. Wood, Second Vice Chair
Cristina Carelli, Treasurer
Rachel Cantor, Secretary
Core Leadership
Jim Freyvogel, President/CEO
Jackie Buckler
J. Richard Caskey
Joe Donato, Chief Operating Officer
Eric Castillo
Karen Dearolf
Jerry E. Fogarty III
Judith DeStasio, Chief Financial Officer
Barbara Franques
Lenore Horton
Debi Hamilton, Director of Services
Marcos Lorenzo, M.D.
Leslie Morris
Aaron Silberman
Rita Hattab, Director of Development
Patricia Spears
Sue Mesko, Executive Assistant
Richard Diaz, Jr., Chair
Fran Davin, Vice Chair
Rex Sano, Treasurer
Phillip Baumann, Secretary
Bob Basham
Partners: MacDonald Parents Group
Karen Dearolf, President
Jack Butcher
Sally Harris
Steven G. Hengel
Tampa Location
Plant City Location
Rick Nafe
5420 West Cypress Street
2902 North Cork Road
Monica Price
Tampa, Florida 33607
Plant City, Florida 33565
Telephone: 813.870.1300
Telephone: 813.752.6508
Paul Flynn, Chair
Betty Beauchaine, Vice Chair
Kimberley DeBosier, Treasurer
Madeline Clark, Secretary
Hours of Operation
Hours of operation at both locations:
Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm
Fax: 813 872-6010
Visit Us on the Web:
Philip A. Baumann, Chair
Paul Flynn, Vice Chair
Kimberlee DeBosier, Treasurer
Richard Diaz, Jr., Secretary
Jack5 Butcher
greatly appreciates the
generous support of
Our Friends in the
Community Events
Tracey and Bryan McDonald were the proud
art patrons who purchased Glen M. Nash’s
signature piece for the opening .
The 2011 Leadership Class of the
WestShore Alliance fulfilled a dream for MTC by
the creation of a 2,000 sq. ft. art gallery!
The MTC Fine Arts Gallery is now a brilliant
showcase for the wonderful works of art being
created in the MTC Fine Arts Studios.
The Gallery is available to community partners
for meetings and events.
Recognizing the importance of the Gallery were
happy guests and speakers (L to r) MTC artist
Chris McDarby, Jeff Lanning of the Leadership
Class and Ann Kulig, Westshore Alliance.
Many Thanks to the many individuals and
corporate sponsors who donated time,
professional services and treasure to make
this Legacy Project a reality.
MTC continuously strives to shatter barriers for the
people we serve. One of the ways we do this is by the
“Shattering Barriers,” luncheon which is a one-hour
community outreach designed to correct myths and
misconceptions about people with disabilities. During the
luncheon guests are told of the real life stories of some of the people we serve
and the impact MTC has made on them.
This year, MTC Foundation Board Chair Richard Diaz Jr. welcomed 400 guests
many of whom were invited by current board members.
TV Personality, Kelly Lightbourn spoke of her gratitude to
MTC for life changing services to her sister- in- law, Lisa,
and the difference it has made to her entire family. Other
people we serve allowed us to share their personal stories
through a moving video, currently seen on our web-site.
MTC Inc. Board Chair Fran Davin invited guests to support
MTC financially. Many guests made multi-year pledges of
time, talent and treasure. We are grateful to the many
kind sponsors whose financial support allowed us to hold
this meaningful event.
The Feast of St. Joseph
The Tampa Bay
The Tampa Bay Sentinels are a
group of public safety officers
who generously donate the
proceeds from their league
football games to MTC. This
philanthropic group of first
responders includes police
officers, firemen, paramedics
and other public service professionals.
Many Thanks to our all of our
Community Partners for helping to make this
such a memorable year!
The Feast of St. Joseph is a longstanding fund
and friend raising event. The Noto Family continues a 36 year tradition of food, fellowship and
generosity. We are honored by the commitment
of this family and the community. Faithful day
time tv viewers got the chance to see cookie
making on Good Day Tampa Bay!
GateWay Services
Independence is something that is important to all of us. Our
GateWay Services are designed to assist the people we serve in
preparing to achieve greater independence so that they may
lead the lives they choose. Each person has the choice of participating in a variety of career or life skills activities based
upon individual interests and desires. Work experiences offer
instruction to develop work skills and safety habits. An individual may choose to participate in gainful work experiences based
on interests and abilities including textile production, or subcontracting.
Those planning on taking their newly acquired skills into the
community to seek competitive employment are encouraged to
join our Job Club to learn the extra skills and knowledge
needed to achieve independence. Additionally, individuals are
encouraged to participate in their community. Groups regularly
donate their time to helping others, including delivering Meals
on Wheels and assisting other social efforts.
GateWay Day Services offers a wide variety of
exciting Life Enrichment activities, including:
Computer Lab; MTC Fine Arts Studios; Fitness
Center; Community Activities & Recreation; Music
Appreciation, Job Club; and MORE!
Myths and Misconceptions:
One of the most prevalent myths and misconceptions
we reject is that people with disabilities have no marketable skills or talents.
Job skills trainees acquire meaningful employment skills
though our EPIC (empowering people, inspiring change)
The success of our contract as the exclusive packager
and shipper of SUNPASS transponders for the State of
Florida highlights how well people with disabilities
perform when given appropriate training. At present
our error rate packaging 3 million SUNPASS transponders remains well below one percent.
The success of the MTC Fine Arts Studios also attests
to the talents and abilities of the people we serve.
Many of the emerging artists participating in the MTC
Fine Arts Studios are developing recognizable styles
and finding much commercial success.
Community integration is encouraged. Those interested in marketing their art, are involved in community exhibits, such as our
annual month long exhibit at Citi headquarters in Tampa.
Community Living
Making decisions for yourself, being independent, having a
place to call home, and having a meaningful job are important
to everyone.
MacDonald Training Center has over 20 years of experience in
providing Supported Living Services and Employment Services that can assist persons with disabilities in achieving
these goals. Whether just a few hours a month of coaching is
needed or 24-hour-a-day support, we customize our services
to meet all needs.
Our Community Services teams of experienced supported living
coaches, supported employment coaches, and in-home support
are ready, willing and able to assist the people we serve in
realizing their dreams.
Our supported living coaches work closely with each person
Myths and Misconceptions
find and rent housing;
find and select a roommate or roommates to
share the cost of housing;
teach shopping and cooking skills, including planning for nutritional meals;
help with banking, bill paying, and budgeting;
help individuals interact with their neighbors and
get involved in the local community.
Making decisions for yourself, being
independent, having a place to call home,
and having a meaningful job
are important to everyone.
Mary, seen in the photo, at home refining her cooking skills
with the instruction of her supported living coach, is one of
the many people whose lives have been changed by MTC. She
defies the misconception that people with disabilities need or
should receive routine “cookie cutter” services.
Mary's story is typical of many of the people we serve who are
now senior citizens. As a baby with mental retardation given
up at birth, her first fifty years were spent institutionalized.
Since leaving the institution thirty years ago to come to MTC,
Mary has been playing catch up in learning how to live independently. With appropriate services, she continues to advance, particularly in areas of communication, her greatest
challenge. Her goal is to remain living in her own apartment
with her two roommates. Their goal is to rotate cooking duties.
MTC’s commitment to Mary to support her goal to live independently in the community, remains absolute with the full
knowledge that her future needs will become more challenging. Despite the onslaught of state reductions in supports for
people with disabilities, MTC is committed to making sure she
ages with as much dignity and grace as possible, does not
spend her old age warehoused and institutionalized.
Her youth was forfeit, with MTC, her future is not.
Supported Employment
MTC Employment Services has a long history of successfully placing individuals with
disabilities into competitive employment and helping them maintain their jobs
through consistent follow along services.
Since the initial funding in 1971, MTC's Employment Services has successfully
placed close to 4,000 individuals, into employment in the Tampa Bay community.
MTC Supported Employment Services assists people with developmental disabilities to
obtain and retain community-based competitive employment. Our supported employment coaches are a team of dedicated professionals who work side-by-side
with each individual to create a personalized plan to help him or her…
acquire needed job skills
develop job opportunities
obtain on-the-job training
learn how to get along with co-workers in the workplace
develop the natural supports needed to maintain employment and
on the desired path to financial independence.
Individuals who live and work in the community celebrate
their on-going success with
their coaches at MTC’s
Supported Employment
and Supported Living
Awards Dinner. It is a
highlight of our year.
SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment
Employer of the Year 2011
MTC honored Sea World Parks and Entertainment, as
“2011 Employer of the Year,”
for looking beyond disabilities to capabilities when hiring people to work at
Busch Gardens in Tampa.
Don Corwin, Employment Services Coordinator presents the “Employer of the
Year” award to Dani Limbach and Bridget
Gainey at the 19th Annual Supported
Employment/Supported Living Dinner
Busch Gardens has a long and honorable history as an employer of people with disabilities and as a friend to MacDonald Training Center. Dani Limbach, (pictured at left center) currently serves as the Co Chair for MTC’s Business Advisory Council (BAC). This
dedicated group of private business sector professionals continually guides our Employment Services team in innovative ways to provide progressive and effective services to
both the persons served and the business community.
Employment Services
MTC Employment Services are “disability neutral,” created to provide supports to persons with a
wide range of physical and mental disabilities.
These services assist persons with disabilities to attain competitive employment at or above the
minimum wage. The services are available to any person age 17 years or older who is referred by
the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) or age 22 or older referred by the Agency for
Persons with Disabilities, with a documented disability that significantly hinders the individual's
ability to attain and/or maintain employment.
Interpreting services in American Sign Language are available for the deaf and hearing impaired who seek employment.
MTC Employment Services ensures high quality administration and management by utilizing trained professional team members, and continuously reinforcing existing relationships with the private sector. Employment Services
has an exceptionally well-developed Business Advisory Council (BAC). This
core group of private business sector professionals continually guides Employment Services in providing progressive, innovative, and effective services to both the persons served and the business community. Labor market
trends and current employment opportunities are a regular topic of discussion.
Additionally, MTC’s Employment Services continuously develops collaborations and partnerships with Tampa Bay area community agencies. Formal
collaborations via written contracts and agreements exist with the State
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Hillsborough County Children’s Board, United Way and the Department
Myths and Misconceptions:
The most common misconception we face is that people with disabilities are more expensive to employ than people without disabilities. Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities
typically cost nothing to less than $100.
Additionally, employers may be eligible for tax credits and tax deductions.
Workers compensation is not impacted as rates are
based solely on the relative hazards of the operation and the organization’s accident experience, not on whether workers have
MTC has spent over 40 years developing business partnerships with quality employers including:
Adventure Island
Panther Medical
Answer Bay Area
Pizza Hut
Bank of America
Public Defenders Office
Barsch Animal Clinic
Buca di Beppo
Publix Greenwise
Burger King
Republic National Distribution
Busch Gardens
Romano’s Macaroni Grill
Chili’s Restaurant
Ross Department Store
Coastal Auto Spa
Seminole Hard Rock Casino Cafe
Community Care Center
Shells Restaurant
Comp USA
Gulf Coast Enterprises
Steak N’ Shake
Hilton Hotel Airport
Sweetbay Supermarkets
Tampa Ear, Nose & Throat
HMS Host International
Home Depot
Time Customer Service
Home Instead
Village Inn
Ideal Dialog
Janus Security Services
Little Caesars
Wendy’s Restaurant
MacDill Air Force Base
Winn Dixie
Marriott Waterside
McDonald’s Restaurant
Business Enterprises
MacDonald Training Center is committed to provide real
work training opportunities for the people with disabilities
we serve, while providing affordable and professional services for our business customers.
Training Center
strives to exceed the
MTC’s ongoing successful partner-
expectations of our customers.
ship with the Florida Turnpike Enterprises to package the SUNPASS
transponder for the state, continues as the hallmark of our EPIC
“Empowering People, Inspiring Change,” curriculum.
In addition to SUNPASS, MTC has long
term contracts with other prominent
In an on-going effort to diversify, MTC’s Business Enterprise
team took the lessons learned on the SUNPASS contract and
over the course of the year, revamped and revitalized our
In 2010-2011,
sewing skills training. Through grant support from United
MTC provided business services
Way and the Joy McCann Foundation, we have expanded and
to Sea World Parks and Entertainment,
La France, Everglades Direct,
modernized our processes and equipment to train individuals to operate machines in a commercial setting.
Every business contract we accept must fit with our mission
and offer the individuals we serve real work, real work skills,
and ultimately, the opportunity to pursue real careers.
Hem-Eze, Sea Grass Recovery,
Dr. Linda McClintock’s Ageless Medicine
and many others.
As we look forward to new challenges and partnerships, our
aim is to shatter the barrier of the out-dated sheltered workshop concept and to help the people we serve to realize
their full potential as valued and contributing members of
our community.
packaged everything
perfectly for us for the Home
Shopping Network. HSN has
very stringent quality standards and we never had even
one return!”
Our Services Include
Debra Weisser, Hem Eze
Custom Packaging and
Design Consultation
Textile Production
General Assembly
Blister Packaging
Shrink Wrapping
Sonic Welding
Light Manufacturing
bends over backwards
to make sure everything is
done right,”
Dr. Linda McClintock, Ageless
MacDonald Training Center, Inc. and Affiliates
Combined Balance Sheets
September 30th 2010 and 2011
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable:
Grants and Funding Sources
Medwaiver and Private Pay
Contributions Receivable
Prepaid Expense and Other Current Assets
Real Estate Investment
Contributions Receivable, Less Current Portion
Receivable under Charitable Remainder Trust
Property and Equipment , Net
Other Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Short-Term Notes Payable
Current Installments of Capital Lease Obligations
Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses
Deferred Revenue
Deposit Liability - Sale Leaseback
Capital Lease Obligation Less Current Installments
Long-Term Debt Excluding Current Installments
Net Assets
Financial Summary
FISCAL YEAR October 1,2010-September 30,2011
Support & Revenue *
Government Contracts
Contributions, Grants & Bequests
Net Assets Released from
Investments & Rental Income
Product Sales
*unrestricted activity
Community Development
How You Can Help
MacDonald Training Center needs your help to continue to further its very important
mission. Please consider a donation of time, resources,
and/or financial support. There are so many ways to become involved.
How can you help?
INVITE guests to EPIC tours. EPIC tours are one hour
When you Donate to MacDonald Training Center, your
overviews of our services held twice each month. They
gift of support helps empower people with disabilities to
develop referral contacts and help to expand our circle
lead the lives they choose.
of involvement and giving! Check website for dates and
to confirm attendance.
You can select to give a gift once a year or you may
make convenient monthly contributions by check, credit
VOLUNTEER for special events; provide direct services
card or through our secure on line donation page on our
in our Computer Lab; Fitness Center; Fine Arts Studio; or
website. Donations can be made in a variety of ways:
Music Studio and Job Club.
Directly sponsor services for individuals who
cannot pay for vital services themselves,
through a donation to the Robert Chase Memorial Fund. This fund is increasingly important in
light of continued cut backs in funding for people with disabilities.
Sponsor a specialty service—fully or partially—
such as the Computer Lab, Music Studio, Fitness
Center, MTC Fine Arts Studio, or Job Club.
Donate to the MTC Foundation through an
endowment, planned gift or bequest. The MTC
Foundation provides resources to support the
ongoing mission of MacDonald Training Center.
Donate in-kind gifts like property, equipment,
training materials, art supplies, etc.
PROVIDE pro bono professional services, such as…
graphic design; printing; legal advice; financial advice;
real estate advice; marketing/PR, social networking and
management advice.
SERVE on the Board of Directors, on a Board Committee,
on the Business Advisory Council, Legal Advocacy Team
or the Arts Advisory Council. Join an MTC Project Team,
such as strategic planning, capital campaign, etc.
PLANNED GIVING is a way for you to continue to make a
difference even after you are gone. A gift now or in the
future will help MTC continue its mission. Here are just a
few of the many options available:
Gifts of Stocks and Bonds
Sponsor or underwrite our special events, such
as The Feast of St. Joseph or Shattering Barriers.
Wills and Bequests
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Hold fundraisers on behalf of MTC at your
home, office or social organization.
Charitable Lead Trusts
Hold an event in the MTC Fine Arts Gallery for
your social or professional network.
Gifts of Life Insurance
Gift Annuities
MacDonald Training Center, Inc. is a private, not-for-profit
organization, incorporated by the State of Florida in 1955 and
Make a donation today
designated by the Internal Revenue Service as exempt from
through our secure web-site:
federal income tax under the provisions of Sections 501 (c)(3)
and 509 (a)(1) of the Internal Revenue code.
Special Thanks to
Our Donors & Partners
$100,000 and Up
$1,000 to $1,999
United Way of Tampa Bay
$10,00 to $99,999
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Armstrong
Community Foundation of Tampa Bay
The Joy McCann Foundation
Mr. Judd Middlebrooke
The Saunders Foundation
Tampa Greyhound Track
The Mabel & Ellsworth Simmons
The Walter Foundation
$ 5,000 to $9,999
Mr. Bob Basham
Housing by St. Laurence, Inc.
MacDonald Parents Group
Oasis Outsourcing
Publix Supermarket Charities
Mr. Robert Shapiro
Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP
$2,000 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Adams, Jr.
The Bank of Tampa
Mrs. Marie Hyman
Gray Robinson, Attorneys at Law
Mr. Dana L. Shires, Jr.
Shutts & Bowen LLP
Tampa Bay Public Safety Charity, Inc.
USAA Foundation
Whole Foods Market
Mr. Michael Diaz
Mr. Jay Calhoun
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Diaz Jr.
Mr. Jack Campo
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Ferguson
Danker-Basham Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Kelly Figley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dearolf
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fleischer
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Exharos
Florida Investment Advisers
Mr. Jim Freyvogel
Ms. Alina Gabbard
Give With Liberty Employee Donations Geyen Group South, Inc.
Mr. Casmiro Gonzmart
The Honorable Richard Glorioso
Mr. Mac Greco, Jr.
Ms. Jill Goldsmith
Mr. & Mrs. John Houghtaling
Ms. Elizabeth Greenoe
Mr. Marvin Kurtz
Mr. Jack Gutman
Lykes Insurance
Mr. Steve Hengel
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan McDonald
Mr. Jeff Hicks
New Creation Outreach Inc.
Mr. Scott Isabel
New York Life Foundation
Mr. Paul Kelly
Ms. Sylvia Parker
Knights of Columbus
Mr. Charles Penner
Law Office of W. Dale Gabbard.
Poppell Insurance Company
Mr. Bennie Lazzara
Raphael Foundation, Inc.
LLCDR & Mrs. John Lehmann
Roche Surety, Inc.
Lewis, Birch & Ricardo, P.A.
Mr. Mark Rodriguez
Ms. Wendy McAleese
Silver Dollar Saloon
Mechanik Nuccio Hearne & Wester
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Sparkman
Mr. Robert Mogyorosy
Stearns Weaver Miller, et al.
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Moya
Ms. Tish West
North Bay Moose Lodge #2373
Mr. David Wood
Push America
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Darrin Quam
$500 to $999
Ms. Christie Addison
Mr. Phil Baumann, P.A.
Ms. Betty Beauchaine
The Honorable Bob Buckhorn
Mr. Jack Butcher
Mr. Dan Coble
DeBartolo Family Foundation
Ms. Kimberlee DeBosier
Mr. Ted DeLa Vergne
Mr. Ron Rotella
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Russo
Ms. Linda Schatz
SIS Packaging
Tampa Bay Rays
Ta Ta Tea, Inc.
The Rotary Club of Tampa Bay
Mr. H. Randolf Valdez
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Whitman
Mr. Robert Wilkin
Wyndham Tampa Westshore
Many Thanks toour Donors
Mr. Ron Rotella
Mr. Bennett
Mr. Lee Bonta
Ms. Kathleen M. Sanchez
Ms. Marie Cusmano
Ms. Michelle Cryr
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Borgia
Mr. William L. Bozeman
Mr. Lee Roy Selmon
Ms. Peggy Daubar
Mr. Aaron Silberman
Pat Council
Mr. Robert Delgado
Ms. Tiffany DiTorio
Mr. Lonnie Simpson
Diversified Lifting
Ms. Patricia Spears
Systems, Inc.
The Edwards Partnership Inc. Mr. Bill Dodson
The Fries Group DBA Hiregy Mr. Scott Dollar
Mr. Alfonso Dato
Ms. Katherine Trott
Ms. Fran Davin
Ms. Martha Tunno
Ms. Judith DeStasio
Ms. Mayme Vogt
Mr. Anthony Diaz
Mr. Rob Wallace
Ms. Tina Dunsford
Mr. Brian Erickson
Ms. Mary Figg
Ms. Sally Woodward
Mr. Tom Zoffinger
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Fischer
Ms. Linda Fleming
Mr. Michael Addison
Ms. Jean Amuso
Mr. James Anderson
Mr. Shaun Androff
Ms. Mercedes Angell
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Ankron
Ms. Vivian Arenas-Battle
Mr. David Austin
Mr. Brett Azzarelli
Bank of America United Way
Ms. Nancy Barrs
Mr. Gerald Bartareau
BBI Produce, Inc.
Ms. Dorothy Bennett
Mr. Matthew Blair
Mr. Andy Bowen
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Brockman
Ms. Jackie Buckler
Calhoun Collister & Parham Inc. Ms. Susan Haubenstock
Ms. Alexis Hendry
Ms. Rachel Cantor
Ms. Anna Henry
Mr. Michael Capitano
Mr. Denny Herndon
Mr. William Carr
Mr. J.C. Hewitt
Ms. Felicia Ciaccio
Ms. Devon Higginbotham
Ms. Karen Ciaccio
Ms. Wendy Brown
Ms. Cristina Carelli
Mr. J. Richard Caskey
Mr. Paul Flynn
Ms. Nayla Foster
Ms. Pat Gilbert
Mr. John Nicholas Giordano
Mr. Drew Graham
Ms. Sally Harris
Mr. R. Allen Higbee
Mr. Russ Hostetler
Jana Partners LLC
Ms. Carla Kelley
Ms. Adrienne Kimball
Ms. Ann Kulig
Mr. John Lazzara
Mr. John Loper
Mr. Stephen Martin
Mr. Roderick Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. Bob McDarby
Mr. W.D. McGinnes
New York Yankees Tampa Fd, Inc.
Mr. Michael Patierno
Mr. Rick Peckham
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Perdue
Mr. Gary Pike
Proshred Security
Mr. Stephen Ramsour
Mr. E. Zachary Rans
Reeves Import Motorcars
Verizon Foundation
Clark Construction Group, LLC
Ms. Ollie Mae Coker
Ms. Crystal Coovert
Ms. Leslee Coppock
Mr. Ed Coryn
Mr. Richard Cota
Mr. Charles Cotten
The Honorable Pam Iorio
Mr. Benjamin James
Mr. David Janhonen
Ms. Melanie Jantschek
Mr. Lawrence Jay
Mr. John Johnson
Ms. Charmaine Kerr Neumeister
Ms. Charmaine Keys
Mr. Donald Kindel
Kiwanis Division 14
Mr. Kenneth Evans
Mr. Michael La Barbera
Ms. Lois Falcone
Mr. Steve Labour
Mr. Fernando Faria
Mr. Jeffrey Lanning
Mr. Herbert Fecker
Ms. Barbara Lazzara
Mr. Brian Fender
Mr. Carl Littlefield
The Hon. Rose Ferlita
Mr. Robert Lorei
Mr. Gaston Fernandez
Dr. Marcus Lorenzo
Mr. Ricardo Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Luis Mahiquez
Ms. Susan Ferrentino
Ms. Stephanie Martin
Ms. Coleen Fitzgerald
Ms. Mary Willa Matz
Ms. Karla May
Ms. Diane Flagg
Mr.& Mrs. Charles Fletcher Mr. Andy Mayts
Ms. Carol McCammon
Mr. Jerry Fogarty III
Mr. Owen McGill
Ms. Barbara Franques
Ms. Celia McKibben
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Gaczewski
Mr. W. Campbell McLean
Mr. Blake Gaylord
Mr. Mike Menes
Mr. David Gemunder
Mr. Andrew Messina
Ms. Fawn Germer
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Glasure Group Inc.
Mr. Scott Middlebrooks
Greater Tampa Assoc.
Mr. Curtis Miller
Minaret Realty
Mr. Raymond Grill
Mr. Richard Mockler
Ms. Deborah Grundel
Mr. Leland Moree
Ms. Deborah Hamilton
Ms. Leslie Morris
Ms. Donna Harak
Ms. Lori Nadglowski
Mr. Gary Hartfield
Mr. Rick Nafe
Ms. Tammy Hoelzer
Ms. Lynn Holcomb
Mr. JeffHorton
Mr. Jeff Houck
Ms. Alice Huneycutt
Ms. Renee Hunter
Ms. Christine Hutchinson
Mr. & Mrs. Vince Naimoli
Ms. Jennifer Neal
Mr. Lee Nelson
New Tampa Chamber of Commerce
Thanks our Donors
for their generous gifts
in support of our mission
Weappreciateour Donors
On behalf of the individuals we are privileged to serve,
we thank you and look forward to another great year!
Ms. Josie Noto
Ms. Daphne Thomas
Ms. Brenda Dohring Hicks
Mr. Anthony Noto
Three Star Farms, Inc.
Ms. Alexandra Ellison
Mr. Wit Ostrenko
Truist Foundation
Ms. Debra Evenson
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Otto
Mr. Phil Walters
Ms. Kathryn Faedo
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Perrone
Mr. Robert Waltuch
Ms. Brigitte Ferdinandsen
Mr. Frances Perrone
Ms. Samantha Ward
Ms. Lauren Fernandez
Ms. Tina Perrone
Ms. Donna Sue Ward
Mr. Gaston Fernandez
Pexco Produce Sales
Mr. Sam Ward
Mr. Jon Fisher
Ms. Rosemary Plastic
Mr. Edward Weinman
Mr. Jeffrey Gad
Ms. Sheryl Polese
Mr. R. Wade Wetherington
Mr. Alfonso Garcia
Mr. Ronnie Pollack
Mr. Stuart Whitten
Mr. Marilyn Gauthier
Mr. WoodrowPollack
Ms. Bonnie Wise
Ms. Henry Gonzalez
Ms. Maria Porto Duarte
Ms. Cheryl Worsham
Ms. Alison Goodwine
Ms. Kim Prather
Ms. Carol Wright
Grimail Crawford, Inc.
Ms. Veronica Prostko
Mr. Kent Wright
Ms. Nada Haddal
Mr. John Ranon
Your Family Jeweler
Mr. Matthew Harrell
Mr. Dan Reigle
Ms. Ardian Zika
Ms. Shirley Henicke
Ms. Dezi-Rae Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Novoselski
Mr. Russell Oberbroeckling
Ms. Holly Hinze
Mr. Mitch Robiner
$50 to $99
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rodriguez
Ms. LuElla Ames
Mr. Bryan Hostnick
Rough Riders, Inc
Mr. Josh Anderson
Ms. Jessica Hussey
RS Sales Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Anel
Ms. Sharon Jakobi
Mr. Les Rubin
Mr. Aubrey Bailey
Ms. Alisa Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Rex Sano
Ms. Mary Baldasan
Mr. Mark Johnson
Mr. Andy Scaglione
Ms. Leila Barks
Mr. Bob Joyce
Mr. Basil Scaglione
Ms. Karen Bartoszek
Mr. James Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Schnier
Ms. Sara Ann Baynes
Ms. Mary Jo Lefcourt
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schwartz
Mr. Marc Bloom
Ms. Maria Lewis
Mr. John Shaw
P.A. Bowdoin
Ms. Susan Lopez
Mr. Michael Shelton
Ms. Audrey Hankins Brostek
Ms. Rebecca Lukban
Ms. Donna Singletary
Mr. Jonathan Browy
Ms. Haley Maple
Mr. Trevor Smith
Ms. Mercedes Burns
Ms. Christine Marlewski
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Smith
Ms. Beth Busbee
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Marshall
Mr. Dean Snyder
Mr. Charles Callahan
Ms. Nilda R. Martin
Spartan Oil Company, Inc.
Mr. John Caporice
Mr. Joseph Mastropaolo
Speedline Athletic Wear
Mr. William Carlson
Ms. Coleen Stickeler
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Chrietzberg
Ms. Beverly Matter
Ms. Catherine McEwen
Strawberry Ranch, Inc.
Mr. Joseph Costa
Ms. Diane McMillen
Mr. Anthony Suarez
Mr. David Crocker
Ms. Melanie McShane
Mr. John Suarez
Ms. Ursula Cuffel
Mr. Vince Meil
Ms. Angie Messina
Ms. Kimberley Monticello
Mr. Norman Moore
Mr. David Morgan
Ms. Mary Mullen
Suncoast for Kids Foundation Ms. Candace Cusseaux
Sydney Farms, Inc.
Mr. Jeff Talbott
Ms. Jeanne Davison
Ms. Alexandra Dealejo
Tampa Tile Center
Mr. James Defrancesco
Mr. Dean DiRose
Ms. Camille Hippolyle
Ms. Liesel Muth
Mr. Rex Oliver
Mr. Clifford Opp
Ms. Nancey Penner
Mr. Angel Perez
Mr. Eugene Perez
Ms. Courtney Peterson
Plant City High School
Ms. Paula Podraza
Mr. Woodrow Pollack
Ms. Monica Price
Publix Super Markets, Inc.
Ms. Poorina Ram-Alvarez
Ms. Mark Rankin
Mr. James Rogan
Mr. Stuart Rogers
Ms. Deborah Rosenberger
Mr. David Rossman
Ms. Angela Ruth
Mr. & Mrs. Angel Ruttell
Mr. Kevin Salzer
Mr. Jake Schoolfield
Mr. Clyde Shaver
Mr. Clint Shouppe
Mr. Irwin Sieffert
Mr. Michael Silver
Ms. Elaine Smalling
Mr. David Smith
Ms. Dorothy Staats
Ms. Yolanda Sultan
Mr. Stephen Tabano
Ms. Eleanor Terrell
Mr. David Thompson
Mr. Michael Trocke
United Way of Delaware
Mr. John A. Vanacore
Ms. Kim Hernandez Vance
Mr. Jose Vivero
Ms. Linda Vizzi
Mr. Ron Weaver
Mr. Joe Wright
Ms. Laura Wyatt
Ms. Ann Yarnell
We apologize in advance for all inadvertent omissions or misspellings contained in this donor list.
Special Thank s toour In-Kind Donors
84 Lumber
Volunteers make the impossible possible
AAA Auto Club South
Apple Blossoms Floral Design
Mr. Andrew Arena
Mr. Sammy Arena
Athletes Who Care
Bayside Medical Supply Co.
Mr. Bryan Bero
Jesuit Honor Society
Ms. Adrienne Blanchard
Joey’s Italian Ice
Ms. Mara Brad
Mr. Lee Jenkin
Ms. Jennifer Bradford
Mr. Gary Kyle
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Brockman
Mr. William Lambert
Busch Gardens
La Segunda Central Bakery
Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Lend A Hand Volunteers
Carlton Fields Attorneys at Law
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lavandera
Ms. Kelly Lightbourn
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Carson
Lykes Insurance
Ms. Amy Cason
Mr. Brandon Marshall
Caspers Company/McDonald's
Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc. Ms. Deanna Marshall
Many thanks to all of our friends and community
Mr. & Mrs. Fermin Martin
partners who gave of themselves so generously...
Coiffeur Inga
We could not do what we do without you!
Ms. Karen McKinney
Ms. Martha Connell
Melting Pot
Mr. William Cook
Ms. Sue Mesko
Ms. Michelle Cyr
Minuteman Press
Datz Deli
Mr. Jim Stevens
Mitchell's Fish Market
Mr. Subash Dave
Suncoast Paving
MMD Events
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Davin
Tampa Bay Lightning Corp. Caring Program
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Moya
Ms. Lisa De Mello
Tampa General Hospital
New York Life Employees
Ms. Judith DeStasio
North Bay Moose Lodge #2373
Diaz, Fritz, Isabel Contractors
Mr. Trey Taylor
Mr. Al Noto
Taylor Rental, Brandon
Mr. Ray Didier
Mr. Anthony Noto
Timacuan Golf Club
Durant High School
Ms. Josie Noto
Toffee to Go
Ms. Mary Lee Farrior
Mr. Peter Noto
Ms. Kelly Figley
Ocean Imports LLC
Tradewinds Resort
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fleischer
OSG Employees
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Trott
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Flores
Patel Conservatory
Van Dyke United Methodist Church
Mr. & Mrs. Rajesh Patidar
Flowers to Eat
Ms. Myrna Veguilla
Pepin Distributing Company
Ms. Carol Forshay
Vigo Importing Co., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Perdue
Frames N Things
USF Center for Leadership & Civic Engagement
Mr. Angel Perez
Mr. Jim Freyvogel
United Way Day of Caring Volunteers
Puff 'n Stuff Catering
Ms. Jill Goldsmith
Waste Management of Tampa
Republic National Distribution
Ms. Cathy Hooten
Mr. Dale Whittenberg
Romano's Macaroni Grill
Housewife Bake Shop
Whole Foods Market
Mr. David Rossman
Innovative Cleaning Services
Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla
Sam Ash Music Stores
Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Mr. Clark Smith
Zen Zen Wines USA
MTC Team Members
Mr. Robert Aboagye
Ms. Sheila Gooden
Mr. Daniel Acheson
Ms. Johanna Goynes
Ms. Mary Bellis
Ms. Deborah Hamilton
Ms. Adrianne Birt
Ms. Lindsey Harlow
Ms. Mara Brad
Mr. Maurice Harris
Ms. Donna Brockman
Ms. Rita Hattab
Ms. Nancy Brownback
Ms. Melinda Hayes
Ms. Deborah Bryant
Ms. Olga Hernandez
Mr. Ryan Bullington
Ms. Leah Herring
Ms. Loretta Butler
Ms. Kayla Hicks
Ms. Deborah Caldwell
Mr. Anthony Holloway
Mr. John Chambrone
Ms. Jennifer Howard
Ms. Barbara Chustz
Mr. Phil Ice
Ms. Nancy Collins
Ms. Jean Ivino
Ms. Cathey Conte
Ms. Hattie Johnson
Ms. Julieann Cook
Ms. Frances Jones
Ms. Vanessa Coolidge
Ms. Suzanne Joseph
Mr. Don Corwin
Ms. Peggy Kolakoff
Mr. Jonathan Craig
Ms. Sheri Koop
Mr. Kendall Coy
Mr. Jonathan Craig
Ms. Jan Crozier
Ms. Adelina Largacha
Mr. Ruben Lebron
Mr. Donald Leverance
Ms. Charlotte Davis
Mr. Jermaine Lewis
Ms. Judith DeStasio
Mr. Carl Little
Ms. Margarita Diaz
Mr. Larry Long
Mr. Joseph Donato
Ms. Marjorie Lorgeat
Ms. Yolanda Durassaint
Ms. Kimberly Maggard
Ms. Kristina Edwards
Ms. Lola Maggard
Ms. Kathlyn Esposito
Ms. Sandy Manemann
Ms. Barbara Farrell
Ms. Elsie McCullough
Ms. Peggy Forget
Ms. Pamela McKee
Mr. Jim Freyvogel
Ms. Lorraine Menozzi
Ms. Ladawn Gibson
Ms. Sue Mesko
Mr. Jerry Miller
Ms. Kennethia MonroeWalker
Volunteer Spotlight:
Mr. Tom Moylan
Ms. Thea Mull
Mr. Michael Newson
Ms. Mylinh Nguyen
Ms. Dorothy Nichols
Ms. Jacqueline Olson
Mr. Felipe Palacios
Ms. Linda Pulver
Mr. Johnny Quartermon
Mr. Jan Radovan
Mr. James Reed
Ms. Edie Rhea
Ms. Sharon Robson
Ms. Luz Rolondiaz
Ms. Maritza Roman
Ms. Nelly Rosario
Mr. John Ruthstrom
Ms. Vilma Sanchez
Ms. Kathy Satterlee
Ms. Narcissa Scott
Ms. Gidget Shear
Ms. Phyllis SimpkinsJames
Ms. Annie Smith
Ms. Mercedes Smith
Chris Perdue
Chris Perdue has been leading
MTC’s Music Empowerment Studio in Tampa since November
She donated her childhood piano
and found that we had no way to
utilize it. Chris has been volunteering her time and coming
every week since, instructing in
song, dance and whatever else is
needed. She and her husband,
Skip, are faithful volunteers and
always there when we need a
helping hand or a friend.
Ms. Brenda Thompson
Mr. Dave Thompson
Ms. Shirlen Thompson
Ms. Pit Ling Tjay
Ms. Sharon Triplett
Ms. Cindy Tutko
Ms. Deane Viers
Mr. Jackie Walker
Ms. Rachel Smith
Ms. Margaret Walker
Ms. Adelisa Soto
Ms. Elsje Watson
Ms. Robin Spencer
Ms. Theresa Wells
Ms April Stokes
Ms. Cathy Wester
Ms. Latara Taylor
Ms, Krista Wright
Ms. Marina Tesla
Ms. Sonia Wright
Ms. Sojia Thach
Ms. Shantia Zimmerman
Ms. Jamie Zorn
Your Support of MTC’s Mission is vitally important.
Please help to maintain the high quality, innovative services MTC
proudly provides.
Make a donation today
through our secure web-site:
Through the support of caring individuals we shall remain steadfast in our mission
“To Empower People With Disabilities to Lead the Lives
They Choose.”
About the Artist
Chris McDarby is a very independent
man. He lives in his own condo, which
he owns. He works at a Walgreens drugstore, at a job he has had for six years.
(He enjoys scanning items for customers
the most!) He has a long term girlfriend.
(They met in middle school and have
been dating steadily since high school).
And he is developing quite a following
as an emerging artist developing his
skills in the MTC Fine Arts Studios located at James Ranch in Plant City.
Chris is the first to say that his artistic
talent was undiscovered before he came
under the tutelage of MTC Fine Arts Instructor, Jan Radovan.
At his own request, Chris recently addressed people gathered at a reception
in our new art gallery. He wrote and
typed his speech which he delivered
movingly. After thanking Jan and MTC,
Chris said, “Before, I thought of art as
something to look at…Now it is something I can do.” Those in the audience
may have left that evening thinking that
there does not seem to be much that
Chris cannot do!
Cover Artist Chris McDarby
“ Before,
art was just something to look at…
Now it is something I can
do….” Chris McDarby
Chris’ family joins in showing their
appreciation to MTC for bringing out
this hidden talent in their son.
“At first I was a little skeptic, when
people kept saying he was so good.
Then I remembered how artistic my
husband’s mother was.” says Chris’
mother, Val McDarby. She also says
that he is more like her other children than he is different. That Chris
has challenges, is a fact in his life,
but clearly not the defining one.
Upcoming MTC Events
An Inspirational Luncheon
Upcoming Reception and Exhibit:
Wednesday September 26, 2012
June 7, 2012, 5pm-8pm
Tampa Marriott Westshore Hotel
For more information,
please visit the event section of our website:
If interested in contributing through sponsorship or volunteering, please phone or email:
Rita Hattab
Director of Development
813-870-1300, ext. 252
Original art is available for purchase at all exhibits, at our
Cypress St. location, and by commission.
The MTC Fine Arts Gallery is open Monday through Friday
from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm.
Promotional items are available for purchase online
through the Café Press and Fine Art America websites.
To locate the items, simply type these links into your
browser: or
Please check the Fine Art Studios webpage on the
website for information about upcoming exhibits.
MacDonald Training Center 5420 West Cypress Street Tampa, Florida 33607
2902 N. Cork Road, Plant City, Florida 33565
Telephone: 813.870.1300 Tampa 813 752-6508 Plant City Fax: 813.872.6010
Employment Services