geoint 2015
geoint 2015
USGIF’s GEOINT 2015 Symposium GEOINT 2015 SYMPOSIUM . JUNE 22-25 . WALTER E. WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTER . WASHINGTON, DC GEOINT 2015 PROSPECTUS exhibit dates June 23-25 EXHIBIT HALL FEATURING: • Aerial Imaging • Big Data Analytics • Cloud Computing • Commercial Satellite Imaging • Consulting • Cyber Security • Geographic Information Systems • Global Positioning Hardware & Software • IC ITE • Image Processing • Integration Services and Software • Location-Based Services • Mapping Tools • Mobile Applications • Mobile Platforms • Sensors • Simulation • UAVs • Visualization Software • And Much More! GEOINTSYMPOSIUM.COM AT T R A C T I N G H I G H LY Q U A L I F I E D B U Y E R S A N D K E Y D E C I S I O N M A K E R S Acquisition Directorate Congressional Liaison Information Analyst Admiral Contract Officer Intel Officer Analyst Contracting Officer Assistant Executive Director Dean Intelligence Analysis Engineer Associate Vice President Defense Analyst ISR Operations Chief Board Member Deputy Director ISR Portfolio Manager Branch Chief Deputy Ministry of Defense Managing Director Branch Head Director Mayor Budget Director Director Defense and Intelligence Programs Military Geographer Director Earth Observation Systems Operations Officer Director Homeland Security State & Local Portfolio Director Director Intelligence Programs Principal Architect Business Development Executive Business Development Manager Capture Manager Cartographer Chairman Chief Congressional Affairs Chief Engineer Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief GEOINT Branch Chief Information Officer Chief Innovation Officer Chief Learning Officer Chief of Small Business Office Chief of Staff Chief Operating Officer Chief Scientist Chief Systems Architect Director Legislative Affairs Director of GEOINT Office Director R&D Director Remote Sensing Engineer Executive Director Executive Vice President Founder Functional Management Executive Multi-source Analyst Owner President Principal Data Scientist Principal Engineer Principal Intelligence Analyst Professor Program Director Publisher R&D Engineer R&D Scientist Senior All-source Analyst Senior Imagery Analyst General Senior Intelligence Analyst General Council Senior Staff General Manager Signal Intelligence Analyst GEOINT Chief Source Strategies Analyst GEOINT Division Chief Special Advisor Chief Systems Engineer Geospatial Analyst Special Agent Chief Technology Officer Special Forces Officer Collection Manager Geospatial Management Officer Colonel GIS Analyst Student Combat Development Analyst Global Director Team Chief, Special Analysis Commandant Group President Technical Staff Commander Human Terrain Analyst Training Requirements Commanding General Imagery Analyst Vice President Staff Officer 1 FROM THE TOP ORGANIZATIONS UTILIZING YOUR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 11th Intelligence Squadron 172nd SBCT 1st Infantry Division 1st Information Operations Command 20th Intelligence Squadron 332nd Transportation Battalion AFSOC Air Force GEOINT Office Air Force Institute of Technology Air Force ISR Air Force Research Lab Air Force Targeting Center Army Corps of Engineers Army GEOINT Battalion Army Material Command Army National Guard Australian Geospatial Intelligence British Embassy CADASTRE, Land Registry and Mapping Agency Canadian Department of National Defence Canadian Forces Canadian Joint Operations Command CED of Florida Center for Geospatial Intelligence (CGI) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) CIFA City of Los Angeles CNN National Security COMNAVMETOCCOM DARPA Defence R&D Canada Defense Acquisition University Defense Geographic / Imagery Intelligence Agency Defense GeospatialIntelligence School Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Defense Supply Center Richmond Defense Threat Reduction Agency Department of Defence Australia Department of Defense (DoD) Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Department of Interior Department of National Defense Department of State DIGLS Directions Magazine DTAO Dutch Ministry of Defense Estonian Defence Forces European Union Satellite Centre Executive Branch FBI Academy FBIS Map Services Center Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Federal Ministry of Defense, Republic of Austria Finnish Defence Forces Topographic Forces Geospatial Intelligence Forum Geospatial-Intelligence Systems & Services Germany Federal Intelligence Service GISCafe.Com IARPA Imaging Notes Magazine IN-Q-TEL Institute for Defense Analysis Intelligence and Security Command Intelligence Commission Japan Ministry of Defense Joint Forces Intelligence Command Joint Special Operations Command Joint Warfare Analysis Center JSF PO (ASC-YJ) JTF-CS Korea Defense Geospatial-Intelligence Agency LA Times Louisiana State Police Ministry of Defence Ministry of Defense Colombia MIT Lincoln Laboratory NASIC/DEI National Counter Terrorist Center National Air and Space Intelligence Center National Center for Atmospheric Research National GeospatialIntelligence Agency (NGA) National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Other National Security Agency (NSA) National Technology Alliance Naval Meteorology & Oceanography Command Naval Oceanographic Office Naval Postgraduate School Naval Research Lab New Zealand Defence Force Norwegian Defence Staff Norwegian Military Geographic Service Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Penn State University Public Works & Government Services Canada Reuters Richmond Map Facility Rochester Institute of Technology Royal Norwegian Embassy Sandia National Laboratories Space News SPAWAR SSC Swedish Armed Forces Tennessee Valley Authority Terrorist Threat Integration Center Homeland Security, Military & Government Buying Interest in the Geospatial Intelligence Products and Solutions That You Provide Aerospace/Defense/Intelligence Organizations 2 The Netherlands Ministry of Defense TIME Magazine U.S. Air Force U.S. Army U.S. Army Geospatial Center U.S. Army Joint Task Force for Civil Support U.S. Border Patrol U.S. Central Command U.S. Coast Guard Intelligence Coordination Center U.S. Department of Commerce U.S. Department of Energy U.S. Department of State U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) U.S. House of Representatives U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Navy U.S. News & World Report UAE Air Force Intelligence UK Defence GEOINT Liaison Staff UK Defence Geospatial Intelligence Fusion USAERDC Topographic Engineering Center USAFRICOM USAINSCOM 902d M.I. Group USASMDC USCENTCOM USMA USNA USNORTHCOM USSOCOM USSTRATCOM STANDARD BOOTH Included in a standard booth package are: • Two complimentary exhibitor badges for staff (per 100 sqft of space) • Participation in pre-show promotion • Online company and product descriptions PAVILIONS BEGIN WITH A STANDARD BOOTH PAC K AGE • Company listing and product index inclusion in online event guide Help differentiate your organization by exhibiting within one of the following pavilions – • Academic Pavilion (limited to colleges, universities, and other academic institutions) • Government Pavilion (limited to military and government organizations and national laboratories) • New Member Showcase (limited to organizations that joined USGIF as sustaining members after GEOINT 2013*) • Small Business Pavilion (limited to organizations that are categorized as a small business by the SBA) • Complimentary customized attendance promotion flyer • Pipe and drape on three sides (for linear booths only) • Name identification sign (for linear booths only) SMALL • 10 priority points for exhibiting plus 1 additional point for each 100 sqft of space BUSINESS TABLE TOP Included in the small business booth package are: • Two complimentary exhibitor badges per table top • Participation in pre-show promotion • Online company and product descriptions • Company listing and product index inclusion in online event guide • Complimentary customized attendance promotion flyer • 6 ’ draped table, 2 chairs, wastebasket, carpet, and name identification sign • 10 priority points for exhibiting plus 1 additional point for each table top • Please note, these are limited to table top exhibits only – no structures are allowed in this area. Pull up banners, table top exhibits, and monitors on stands are permitted. EARLY RATE (On or Before December 31, 2014) REGULAR RATE (On or After January 1, 2015) EXHIBIT SIZE MEMBER* NON-MEMBER MEMBER* NON-MEMBER Small Business Table Top $1,000 $2,000 $1,000 $2,000 10’ x 10’ $3,800 $4,300 $4,300 $4,800 10’ x 20’ $7,600 $8,600 $8,600 $9,600 10’ x 30’ $11,400 $12,900 $12,900 $14,400 20’ x 20’ $15,200 $17,200 $17,200 $19,200 20’ x 30’ $22,800 $25,800 $25,800 $28,800 20’ x 40’ $30,400 $34,400 $34,400 $38,400 30’ x 30’ $34,200 $38,700 $38,700 $43,200 20’ x 50’ $38,000 $43,000 $43,000 $48,000 30’ x 40’ $45,600 $51,600 $51,600 $57,600 *Member pricing is available to Sustaining Members only 3 4 Walter E. Washington Convention Center - Halls A & B *Floor Plan subject to change by show management or the Fire Marshal. The floor plan is for reference purposes only. An updated floor plan will be available at EXHIBITION HALL PAST GEOINT SYMPOSIUM EXHIBITORS 2d3 Sensing 3001 Inc 512th Engineer Detachment (GPC), Fort Sam Houston, Texas AC4S Accenture Accunet Acute 3D Adobe Government at Carahsoft Adobe Systems Inc. Advanced Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) AEgis Technologies Aerstone AFEI - DI2E Agent Logic Inc. Agilex Air Force Institute of Technology Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) AirWatch Akamai Technologies Alfresco Alliant Techsystems Altamira Technologies Corp. American Military University American Systems Ampex Data Systems Analytical Graphics Inc. Annapolis Micro Systems Inc. Anonymizer Inc. Appistry Apple Applied Geospatial Solutions International Applied Imagery Applied Network Solutions Inc. Applied Research Associates Inc. Apptek Aptima, Inc. Arcturus UAV ArdentMC Arista Networks Army GEOINT Battalion Aspera ASPRS Association of American Geographers Astrium AT&T Government Solutions ATK Attivio Autodesk Autonomy Inc. Avenza Systems Inc. Avineon Inc. Avocent Corp. Axway BAE Systems Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. Basis Technology BBN Technologies Belkin Belvoir Corporate Campus Berico Technologies Bit9 Bloomberg Government Entity Solutions Blue Canopy Group Blue Coat Systems Blue Light Blue Marble Geographics BlueArc Corp. BlueCat BlueSpace BMC Software Booz Allen Hamilton BOSH Global Services Boundless Brocade C4ISR & Networks and Defense News CA Technologies CACI CAE CALNET, Inc. Carahsoft Adobe Solutions Carahsoft Desktop Solutions Carahsoft Innovative & Intelligence Solutions Carahsoft Open Source Solutions Carahsoft Technology Corp. CARDIO Cartography and Geographic Information Society Catapult Consultants CDW-G Center for Geospatial Information Technology, Virginia Polytechnic and State University Center for Geospatial Intelligence - University of Missouri Center for Technical Intelligence Studies and Research Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) CHI Systems Inc. Chiliad Churchill Navigation Ciena Circle Twelve Inc. Cisco Citrix Systems Inc. Civil Applications Committee - USGS Clearshark ClearTerra Cleversafe CLI Cognika Intelligence and Defense Solutions Colfax International CommVault CompassData Inc. COMPUSULT ComputaMaps ConcealFab Corp Concurrent Technologies Corp. Consolidated Resource Imaging Contex Convey Computer Corporation COPT Data Center Solutions Courage Services, Inc. Crossroads Systems StrongBox CSC CSTARS Cubic Cyber Solutions Cutting Edge Networked Storage Cyber Maryland D-Wave Systems Inc. Data Tactics Corporation DataDirect Networks Datameer Datron World Communications DCGS-A & TCM-SP DCGS-A Enabled- Common Ground Station (DE-CGS) Program Manager (PM) & TRADOC Capabilities ManagerSensor Processing (TCM-SP) DECISIVE ANALYTICS Corp. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Defense Systems Definiens Dell Inc. DeLorme Delta Digital Video Dewberry DIA/DTM – 2B Diamond Visionics Digital Results Group Inc. DigitalGlobe DLR German Aerospace Center DLT Solutions DTN/Meteorlogix DualAlign LLC Dynamic Aviation e-GEOS Eagle Ray, Inc. East View EIZO Inc. EMC EMC Isilon En-Net Services Endeca Endgame EnterpriseDB Envitia EOIR Technologies ER Mapper ERDAS Ergo Ericsson Federal Inc. eSpatial Inc. Esri Eternix Ltd. Evertz exactEarth Ltd. Exelis Eye C Solutions F5 Networks FCN Technology Solutions Federal Laboratory Consortium FireEye Flight Landata FluxData Inc. Forterra Systems Inc. Fortinet Inc. FortiusOne Freedom Consulting Group Inc. Front Porch Digital Fugro Fulcrum IT Services Fusion-io GameSim Inc GBH Communications GCS Research General Atomics Aeronautical Systems General Dynamics Geo Tactical Solutions GeoDecisions Geodigital International GeoEye Geographic Services Inc. GEOHuntsville GeoIQ George Mason University Geosemble Technologies Inc. Geospatial Intelligence Forum Geospatial Media and Communications GeoTec Media GEOTECH CENTER Geoweb3d Gigamon GIS Certification Institute GIS Development GISCafe.Com Glimmerglass Networks Inc. Global Marketing Insights Inc. (GMI) Goodrich Corp. Goodrich ISR Systems Google Inc. Haivision Harris Corp. Headwall Photonics Inc. HERE Hie Electronics Hitachi Data Systems Hortonworks Inc. HP HumanGeo i-cubed i3 ICS IBM Corp. IBM PMDC ICES iGETT Project iGT IHS Inc Image Matters LLC Image Now by Perceptive Software Imation Immersive Media Co. iMove Inc. In-Q-Tel Inc. Info Terra GmbH InfoBlox Informatica Initiate - an IBM Company InTec LLC Intelepix LLC Intelligent Software Solutions Intergraph Government Solutions Intermap Technologies InTTENSITY Invertix iQuest Analytics, Inc. Iron Bow Technologies Isilon Systems ITRES Research Limited ITT James Madison University Janya JDISS JPO JMP Software from SAS Juniper Networks KEYW Corp Kinney Group Inc. Kitware L-3 Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. Layer 7 Leica Geosystems Leidos LexisNexis OSINT LexJet Corp. LGS Innovations LIS LizardTech Lockheed Martin Logos Technologies LLC 5 Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) LPA Systems LTI Datacomm MacAulay-Brown ManTech International Corp. MapBox MapLarge MapR Technologies Inc. MarkLogic Maryland of Opportunity MaxVision, Rugged Portable Computers LLC McAfee McClendon Corp. MDA Mellanox Federal Systems Mercury Computer Systems Merrick & Company MetaCarta Inc MicroLink Microsoft Microstrategy MicroTech Missile Defense Agency Mitsubishi Digital Electronics Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab Modus Operandi Inc. MongoDB Motion DSP Inc. MTEQ, Inc. Myriax NAB Show Napatech Inc. National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) National Geographic Maps National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) National Security Agency (NSA) National Technology Alliance (NTA) National Training and Simulation Association (NTSA) Naval Postgraduate School Core Lab Naval Postgraduate School, Remote Sensing Center NAVTEQ NerVve Technologies NET NetApp Netezza NetScout Systems Inc. Network General Corp. NEVION NJVC Nokia Location & Commerce (Formerly NAVTEQ) North Avenue Technologies Northeastern University Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Northrop Grumman Corp. NovaSol Novetta Solutions Nutanix Inc Nuwave Solutions NVIDIA NVision Solutions Inc. NW Systems Inc. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Oaktree Solutions Object Raku Technology Inc ObjectFX Corp. Oblong Industries, Inc. Observera Inc Obsidian Strategics Océ North America Oceus Networks Octo Consulting Group Inc. Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI/FIST) OG Systems Open Source Center Open Source GEOINT OpenGeo Optech Optibase, A Vitec Company Oracle America Inc. Orbis Technologies Inc. Orbit Communication Systems Inc. Orbit Logic Orbital Sciences Corp. Overwatch / Textron Systems Owl Computing Technologies Palantir Technologies Palo Alto Networks Panoram Technologies PAR Government Systems Corp. Parsons Institute for Information Mapping PASCO Corp. PCI Geomatics Pearson Custom Learning Solutions / IAEGS Penn State World Campus Perceptive Pixel Inc. Pherson Associates LLC Pictometry International Corp. PIXELTEQ Pixia Corp. Pixoneer Geomatics Planar Systems PLW Modelworks Polycom Presagis Primordial PTFS Pure Storage PV Labs Qbase QinetiQ- North America Quantum Corp. R & K Solutions Rackable Systems RadiantBlue Technologies RAID Inc. RapidEye Raytheon Co. Raytheon Trusted Computer Solutions Recorded Future Red Hat Inc. Red Hen Systems LLC Redrover Co. Ltd. RGS (Responsive Geospatial Systems) Riegl USA Ringtail Design Riverbed Technology Riverside Research Rosettex Technology & Ventures Group RT Logic SAAB VRICON SYSTEMS Rapid 3D Mapping Safe Software Inc. (FME) SafeNet Saffron Technology, Inc. Salient Federal Solutions San Antonio Fire Department San Antonio Police Department Sandia National Laboratories SANZ EarthWhere SAP Sarnoff Corp. SAS Satrec Initiative Scene Sharp Technologies Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC) Scitor Corp. Secure Computing Semantic Research Inc. ServiceNow SGI Sierra Nevada Corp. Signature Government Solutions Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) Simulyze Inc. SitScape Inc. Skyline Software Systems Inc. SolarWinds Solers Inc. Solid Terrain Modeling Inc. Sony Sotera Defense Solutions, Inc. Space Dynamics Laboratory Space News SpaceCurve SPADAC spatial networks SpecTIR, LLC Spectra Logic Splunk Spot Image Corp. SRA International Inc. SRC Computers Inc. SRI International SSS Research Strategic Operational Solutions Summit Terragraphics Inc. Sun Microsystems Surrey Satellite Technology US LLC Symantec TASC Technical Innovation TechniGraphics Technology Management Associates Inc Telesoft Technologies TELLABS Tenix America TeraLogics LLC TerraEchos Inc. TerraGo Technologies TERREX Texas Memory Systems The Boeing Co. The Greater San Antonio Area Chamber of Commerce The HumanGeo Group The Pennsylvania State University The SI Organization Inc Thermopylae Sciences & Technology Thetus thincsoft Thinklogical Third Dimension Technologies TIBCO’s Spotfire Division Tildenwoods Corp. Tiltan USA Tintri TomTom Topsy Total Aircraft Services (TAS) an Ikhana Group Co. TouchTable Inc. TransVoyant Tresys Technology Trimble Tripwire Inc. TVAR Solutions Twister Data Framework U.S. Air Force U.S. Air Force Eagle Vision U.S. Army Geospatial Center U.S. Army North UltraSpectral, Inc. Unisys United Launch Alliance United States Army North Unitek Education Universal Space Network Inc. University of Denver University of Mary Washington University of Redlands - MS GIS Program Urban Robotics Inc. URS USAA USAF Eagle Vision USGIF Modeling and Simulation Working Group USGS Earth Resource Observation & Science (EROS) Center USSOCOM Technology and Industry Liason Office (TILO) UTC Aerospace Systems Verizon VetDS VideoBank Vignette ViON Corp. Virginia Tech Applied Research Corporation and Center for Geospatial Intelligence Technology Visual Intelligence VITEC VMware Vormetric Voyager Search VT Mak Washington College GIS Program WaveRunner WESTPORT WISER Woolpert World Wide Technology Xirrus, Inc. XYRATEX Z Corp. Zebra Imaging Inc. Zodiac Data Systems - Zodiac Aerospace E X PA N D YO U R P R E S E N C E AT G E O I N T 2 0 1 5 THROUGH SPONSORSHIPS, MEDIA, AND MEETING ROOMS Title Sponsorship Divot Repair Tool Beverage Cart Golf Tool Kit Range Finder Sleeve of Golf Balls Golf Towel Hole Co-Sponsorship Golf Umbrella Golf Tees in Pouch BRANDING Afternoon Refreshments Conference Padfolio Banners Exhibit Hall Literature in Chairs of General Session Pre-Event Email Meals/Refreshments GEOINT Foreword Breakfast Networking Receptions Lunch in Exhibit Hall Care Package Floor Clings Morning Refreshments Spinning Kiosks Carpet Logo for Booth Footprints at Registration Official GEOINT 2015 Pen Water Stations in Exhibit Hall Collateral in Conference Bag Internet Café Official GEOINT 2015 T-Shirt Conference Bag Lanyards/Badgeholders Post-Event Email Wireless Internet in Exhibit Hall for Attendees Golf Swing Analysis Government Pavilion GEOLounges Media / Press Center Shoe Shine Stand Charging Stations ENGAGEMENT GEOINTv Tickertape Event Guide GEOINTv The Buzz GEOINTv Platinum Level GEOINTv News Flashes GEOINTv Gold Level GEOINTv Web Banner GEOINTv Silver Level GEOINTv Viewing Station MEDIA/GEOINTv MA SB AC K Q& A Y L I A D W O SHSHOWDAIL Y S H Learning g OWDAIL Y Space rowin and G and Time » GE OI » OR LA ND O HI » G H T B R O U T O B R O U G H T T O Y O U B Y B R O U G H T OSS RECAP » E Z I N E M A G A T R A J E C T O R Y T O Y O U B Y es in Trying Tim » MONDAY 1 HUMAN GEO 12 OCT 8, 20 IN NO VATIO N M A G A Z I N E T R A J E C T O R Y Zen and the of Intelligen Art ce Thrive ntinues to posium Co » LO NG KE YN OT R Y E C T O T R A J B Y Y O U » GH LIG HT S ALLDER GOLF CLASSIC PA NE L » 2 HAVA NA NI GH U T M A G A Z I N E 3 WEDNESD 6 AY OCT 10 2012 T ORD GEOINT FOREW T TS TUESDAY OCT 9 2012 T Sym 2012 the GEOINT ents before year’s sympoa few mom about this Masback took t’s exciting ident Keith to discuss wha Innovators re. Discuss Science and SGIF Pres ed off Technology n for the futu officially kick s, and his visio Symposium Power sure of GEOINT pres get bud ent um? sium, curr INT Symposi DNand around I GEO lved he power of space time— and ability enable Urg revoto e for the esthem that Inteeitsllig year’s them ld be less year’s emerged e theme s shou Inte predictions— asenc a key focu for this describe thismore accurate gra nsAvo tionry: idin felt the real Q: Can you a numberduring g We of suggestio Seq ent. entire histo and uestration GEOINT Foreword, the pre-symposium t for itsscience environm A: We received daun economic America apar set ished them ngu t has andting technology-focused forum that took place Monday bedisti wha the he on and Dire e have s ctor rican austerity , and mor Nati participants onalallInte ’t have past, Ameof the of our the formal start of the GEOINT 2012 Symposium. This in ligen llige t we donfore rsity ce sure wha nce t e Com beli the abou munity coul owered by eves the Inte with adve t to mak wankeynote facedprogram, We rs−a .bike which speeches, dnetworking emp lWhenyear’s learn some tionfeatured n. and t, gina vatio nd ima spiri e bicyclist inno vativnot ndo. lessons from tivity and inno s, in an opportunities, anddafici panel discussions, also happened tothe take butOrla ugh crea withonad here os. Har gize wed ley selves thro ener rene Dav p. k weeon wing, 6idson ed and place Columbus Day. “Th form from this ere’s ning and Gro profoundsee ionships Lear walk away the relat wisd om that com in years life, and “More than 500 ago,whe Christopher Columbus set es gained and from old bike n you thin knowledge Ted Cope, Director, Basic and Applied Research, NGA k abou rs, out on a voyage ofJam discovery today I invite yout to es Clapand it,do forthe per said intellige during his morEllsworth, DN keynote addrofficernce, same,” said Dr. Jim performance and” an organizer of the ning at theUSGIF’s chief I GEOINT ess Tue day’s events, during The his welcoming address.2012 “Christopher Columbus,sday if you think about it, Symposium. following were amo be He ng attriset the was a GEOINTer. out to redefine the way we visualize our world. And he didn’t do bute sayin d to both mot gs he thou ries orcycountry nda coul cles andand it for the heck ofmist it. ake Likehors us, epow he did it for his his investors.” Bou d offeringght inteand lligence: er for stayi tors Exp a daylong worth two ng er ning with power;atAthe Ted Cope, director of basic research NationalNev GeospatialInnova in the onapplied bike ns this mor sand ners from shop on the road use Foc scien nt ce. and practitio um event begi issymposi ance keynote, Intelligence Agency (NGA), provided; Mai the nten morning he entitled “20/20 is as mucwhich innovators preosium Eve h artword d range of Fore as it is Pre-Symp He also refe GEOINT.” he GEOINT ns from a broa and c renced the ussio emi disc and wellto ls of acad of Mot -kno pane “I think weArt need GEOINT deal allls of the changesmun thatity. are out wnofwith orcycleFast-Forward s and pane book ing for Com , “ZenINT Maintenance ing w Jeff Jona raphy, gam closer GEO and the there,” Cope said aslook he greeted audience. ,” by ss the as IBM fello Rob acro human geog is morethe ert Pirsialg, thin kers, such about phil , including ation whicimagery h at osop Onethese Cope attributed to the explosion of new information hy and sform e of subjects arguchanges Tran ment from ce software. valugeospatial worth, es. discuss a rang Director ofand the book is al Intelligsour Dr. Jim Ells ence James Clappe ng, Nationopen and sources, truth from are UAVs social media. thatexperts, will whatot actu t,” said r gives a keyno the Arab Spri ally exist in industry quality,nsvalu devoted to erence even “It’s from e t. conf te He adde and speech preeven the lesso ’s , “In the past, GEOINT was propelled by unique content we had access to from outer Tuesda ting real world, d that this year well mornin g. is our exci notion coul GEOINT Clapper vators,yas nizer of this word genc“Going said T Fore d easil e integrati . inner space.” space,” he said. forward it is going to be “GE our content from and an orga ners and inno OIN y beunique it as a on, whic extende ance officer INT practitio IBM Fellow d to h has orm developed - Jeff Jonas, inte f perf “We lli- so that ons This, he said is about making sense ofbeen all USG the data we for GEO split inte hisavailable ession. We IF’s primchie e leadary geospatial lligence into and interacti focu nDN re of our prof ze executiv sa as catio GEO edu I. starget don’t just see theINT Earth, understand it.HU HeMIN said T, theSIG future is shift from to the futu nal s to emphasi −anwe shaping y num INT, and which tend ber of INT professio es and issue them and s, evenexpl g them Symposium, 8 orintry make them as as we see Space andINT Time, p. 12 in GEO oreword, p. The GEOIN R INAR OZGE Show Daily » NT FO RE WO RD “It turns out when and where are the highest order data.” “If [sequest ration] ha ppens it wo during the uld occur time o SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ALL SPONSORS WILL RECEIVE RECOGNITION IN THE EVENT GUIDE, ON SIGNAGE, AND ON THE GEOINT SYMPOSIUM WEBSITE. ALLDER GOLF CLASSIC OPPORTUNITIES Title Sponsorship - $35,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/17.5pts The 10th Annual Allder Golf Classic will be held at 1757 Golf Club. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Five minutes to welcome tournament participants prior to tee-off at the golf tournament • Recognition as the sponsor on selected giveaways to tournament participants • Exclusive hole-in-one contest sponsorship • Closest to the pin/long drive/straightest drive/low score contest sponsorships (may be shared with other hole co-sponsors) • Recognition on golf program and signage • Up to 4 foursomes for sponsoring company at tournament Beverage Cart - $3,500 2 Sponsorships/1.75pts Sponsor a beverage cart supplying participants in the 10th Annual Allder Golf Classic. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Two foursomes or eight slots for golfers • Ability to have driver of beverage cart wear a shirt and hat featuring your logo (Sponsor responsible for providing shirts and or hats and SHOW MANAGEMENT will deliver to the golf course) • Signage on beverage cart featuring your logo SOLD Range Finder - $2,750 Exclusive Sponsorship/1.375pts Sponsor a range finder for each participant in the Allder Golf Classic. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Recognition on the range finder itself or on the box holding the range finder as the sponsor • SHOW MANAGEMENT responsible for production and distribution Golf Towel - $2,500 Exclusive Sponsorship/1.25pts Sponsor the golf towel provided to each participant of the Allder Golf Classic. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Logo featured on golf towel • SHOW MANAGEMENT responsible for production and distribution SOLD Golf Umbrella - $2,500 Exclusive Sponsorship/1.25pts Sponsor an umbrella provided to each participant of the Allder Golf Classic. Included in the sponsorship is the following: • Logo featured on umbrella • SHOW MANAGEMENT responsible for production and distribution SOLD Divot Repair Tool - $2,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/1pt Sponsor the divot repair tool provided to each participant of the Allder Golf Classic. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Logo featured on the divot repair tool • SHOW MANAGEMENT responsible for production and distribution Please Contact Jeff Ley at 703.793.0109 or with Questions or to Check Availability. Customizable Sponsorships are Available. Photographs used in the sponsorship document are for marketing purposes only. USGIF may select different items to fulfill the sponsorships. 7 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ALL SPONSORS WILL RECEIVE RECOGNITION IN THE EVENT GUIDE, ON SIGNAGE, AND ON THE GEOINT SYMPOSIUM WEBSITE. Golf Tool Kit - $2,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/1pt Sponsor the golf tool kit provided to each participant of the Allder Golf Classic. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Logo featured on golf tool kit • SHOW MANAGEMENT responsible for production and distribution Sleeve of Golf Balls - $1,750 3 Sponsorships/.875pts Sponsor a sleeve of golf balls provided to each participant of the Allder Golf Classic. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Logo featured on golf balls, one sleeve of 3 balls provided to each golfer • SHOW MANAGEMENT responsible for production and distribution Hole Co-Sponsorship - $1,500 28 Sponsorships/.75pts The Allder Golf Classic always provides participants with a fun day of golf and great networking. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Logo recognition on tee box sign, in golf program, and verbal recognition during the awards ceremony immediately following the tournament • Four golf participants or one foursome Golf Tees in Pouch - $1,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/.5pts Sponsor the golf tees in a pouch provided to each participant of the Allder Golf Classic. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Logo featured on golf tees • SHOW MANAGEMENT responsible for production and distribution TUESDAY WELCOME RECEPTION Join USGIF and GEOINT 2015 attendees at the official Welcome reception, scheduled Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at the Carnegie Library, Mt. Vernon Square. There are several options for sponsorship as shown below: Talent - $15,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/7.5pts Who doesn’t love great live music? Sponsor the musical act and help provide the entertainment for the official Welcome reception. Food and Beverage - $12,500 Exclusive Sponsorship/6.25pts Be the exclusive sponsor of the official Welcome reception and be the first to feed attendees of the GEOINT Symposium. Included in the sponsorship are branded cups and napkins bearing your logo. Please Contact Jeff Ley at 703.793.0109 or with Questions or to Check Availability. Customizable Sponsorships are Available. Photographs used in the sponsorship document are for marketing purposes only. USGIF may select different items to fulfill the sponsorships. 8 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ALL SPONSORS WILL RECEIVE RECOGNITION IN THE EVENT GUIDE, ON SIGNAGE, AND ON THE GEOINT SYMPOSIUM WEBSITE. Pole Banners - $7,500 Exclusive Sponsorship/3.75pts Be the exclusive sponsor of the pole banners at the official Welcome reception and gain valuable exposure to all in attendance. Logo Recognition on Fencing - $5,000 3 Sponsorships/2.5pts Be one of the first to make an impression. The official Welcome reception will be surrounded by fencing where your logo could be featured. This is a fantastic way to gain brand recognition! WASHINGTON NATIONALS GAME Help wrap-up the GEOINT 2015 Symposium by being a sponsor at the Washington Nationals baseball game. With family day scheduled for Thursday, June 25, 2015, what better way to make a lasting impression then to sponsor one of the items below. The Nationals will be hosting their division rivals, the Atlanta Braves. Seat Cushions - $7,500 Exclusive Sponsorship/3.75pts Brand the seat cushions distributed to each GEOINT 2015 attendee who attends the Washington Nationals game. Foam Finger - $6,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/3pts Brand the foam finger distributed to each GEOINT 2015 attendee who attends the Washington Nationals game. Towels - $3,500 Exclusive Sponsorship/1.75pts Brand the rally towels distributed to each GEOINT 2015 attendee who attends the Washington Nationals game. Please Contact Jeff Ley at 703.793.0109 or with Questions or to Check Availability. Customizable Sponsorships are Available. Photographs used in the sponsorship document are for marketing purposes only. USGIF may select different items to fulfill the sponsorships. 9 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ALL SPONSORS WILL RECEIVE RECOGNITION IN THE EVENT GUIDE, ON SIGNAGE, AND ON THE GEOINT SYMPOSIUM WEBSITE. BRANDING OPPORTUNITIES Exhibit Hall - $65,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/32.5pts Dominate the landscape! Brand your company in a BIG way – this is the highest profile sponsorship at GEOINT 2015. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Additional Signage/Banners featuring your organization as the official GEOINT 2015 Exhibit Hall Sponsor throughout the exhibit hall • Carpet logo located just inside of the entrance to the exhibit hall • Exclusive sponsorship of the Event Pocket Guide to include logo on the cover and an advertisement on the inside Conference Bag - $40,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/20pts You’ll get “carried away” with this sponsorship - literally! These bags live on well past the event. Conference attendees will use the bag at the event and then take it with them. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Conference bag will include your logo along with the USGIF and GEOINT 2015 logos • A bility to include a piece of collateral inserted into the conference bag (Sponsor is responsible for production of collateral and shipping and handling to show site. SHOW MANAGEMENT is responsible for production of bag, insertion of collateral, and distribution of the bag at registration) • Please note, literature inserts from sponsoring organizations and miscellaneous registration materials will be inserted into the conference bag as well SOLD Conference Padfolio - $35,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/17.5pts Who doesn’t love a nice padfolio? Be the sponsor of the Official GEOINT 2015 padfolio. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Conference Padfolio will include your logo either embossed or imprinted along with the USGIF and GEOINT 2015 logos • Ability to include a single 8 1/2” x 11” piece of collateral and/or business card to be placed into the padfolio (Sponsor is responsible for production of collateral and business cards and shipping and handling to show site. SHOW MANAGEMENT is responsible for inserting collateral and business cards into conference padfolios and distribution of padfolios) SOLD Lanyards/Badgeholders - $30,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/15pts Hang out where you’ll really be noticed – around the necks of everyone attending GEOINT 2015! Lanyards are distributed at registration and hold badges that are required for entrance. You’ll have non-stop exposure throughout the show! Included in this sponsorship is the following: • Logo either embossed or imprinted on the lanyard or badge holder. Please note badge holders will also include USGIF and GEOINT 2015 logos. SHOW MANAGEMENT will produce and distribute at registration. SOLD Wireless Internet in Exhibit Hall for Attendees - $30,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/15pts Who doesn’t check email while at a conference? Sponsor the wireless hot spots located throughout the exhibit hall. Included in this sponsorship are the following: • Your logo on signage recognizing your organization as the sponsor • Recognition on wireless network homepage with link to URL you provide Please Contact Jeff Ley at 703.793.0109 or with Questions or to Check Availability. Customizable Sponsorships are Available. Photographs used in the sponsorship document are for marketing purposes only. USGIF may select different items to fulfill the sponsorships. 10 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ALL SPONSORS WILL RECEIVE RECOGNITION IN THE EVENT GUIDE, ON SIGNAGE, AND ON THE GEOINT SYMPOSIUM WEBSITE. Internet Café - $20,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/10pts Offer attendees that didn’t bring their laptops the ability to check e-mail, print boarding passes or browse the internet. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Recognition on Internet Café structure as sponsor • All laptops will have homepage set to URL you provide GEOINT Foreword Meals/Refreshments - $17,500 Exclusive Sponsorship/8.75pts Be the first to have your organization in front of GEOINT 2015 attendees. Provide meals and refreshments for attendees throughout the day at the GEOINT Foreword. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Logo recognition on cups and napkins used during breakfast, lunch, and the afternoon break • Ability to provide literature at lunch and afternoon break stations (Sponsor to provide literature and SHOW MANAGEMENT is responsible for distribution) Official GEOINT 2015 Mobile App - $17,500 Exclusive Sponsorship/8.75pts Sponsor the official GEOINT 2015 mobile app, the go-to source for GEOINT 2015 information. Available on iOS, blackberry and Android platforms, the mobile app is expected to be used by the majority of attendees at GEOINT 2015. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Prominent logo placement throughout the app • Logo recognition on signage throughout GEOINT 2015 driving attendees to download and use the app Exhibit Hall Networking Receptions - $15,000 3 Sponsorships/7.5pts Sponsor one of the daily exhibit hall receptions at GEOINT 2015. Traditionally the busiest time of the day on the show floor, it’s a great way to be seen as a high-profile sponsor. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Ability to have one of the bars located near your booth (subject to fire marshal approval) • Cups and napkins bearing sponsors logo (SHOW MANAGEMENT responsible for production of cups and napkins) Lunch in Exhibit Hall - $15,000 3 Sponsorships/7.5pts Be one of the sponsors for lunches in the exhibit hall. This will be a popular spot on the show floor to meet buyers, network, and relax. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • SHOW MANAGEMENT will provide and distribute cups and napkins bearing sponsor logo during lunch • Ability to place literature on lunch tables (Sponsor responsible for production and shipping/handling of literature to show site and SHOW MANAGEMENT is responsible for distribution) Hotel Keycards - $15,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/7.5pts The hotel key cards will be used each time an attendee accesses their sleeping room. Be the exclusive sponsor of the hotel keycards and get noticed on a daily basis. Sponsored keycards will be used at each of the hotels in the GEOINT 2015 official housing block to include the Renaissance Washington DC, Hampton Inn Washington-Downtown, Courtyard by Marriott, Washington Marriott at Metro Center, Fairfield Inn & Suites downtown and the JW Marriott Washington DC. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Ability to brand both the keycard and sleeve in which it is provided • SPONSOR to provide the artwork and SHOW MANAGEMENT to produce and deliver to each hotel Please Contact Jeff Ley at 703.793.0109 or with Questions or to Check Availability. Customizable Sponsorships are Available. Photographs used in the sponsorship document are for marketing purposes only. USGIF may select different items to fulfill the sponsorships. 11 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ALL SPONSORS WILL RECEIVE RECOGNITION IN THE EVENT GUIDE, ON SIGNAGE, AND ON THE GEOINT SYMPOSIUM WEBSITE. Meal Cards - $15,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/7.5pts Be the exclusive sponsor of the Sodexo Meal Cards with branded sleeves provided to all attendees of the classified session. The cards will be preloaded with $15 for use at the various food outlets at NGA Campus East. Included in the sponsorship is the following: • 2 complimentary registrations to the classified session • Branded sleeves for the Sodexo cards featuring your logo • Signage on-site at the classified session recognizing your organization as the sponsor Official GEOINT 2015 Pen - $15,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/7.5pts Located inside of the conference bag distributed to attendees of GEOINT 2015, the pen will be used throughout the event by attendees. Included in the sponsorship is the following: • Recognition/Logo on pen as the sponsor (SHOW MANAGEMENT is responsible for production and distribution) Breakfast - $12,500 3 Sponsorships/6.25pts Every morning USGIF will provide breakfast to all GEOINT 2015 full-conference attendees courtesy of your sponsorship. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Logo recognition on cups and napkins used during breakfasts (SHOW MANAGEMENT is responsible for production and distribution) • Ability to provide literature at breakfast stations (Sponsor is responsible for production, shipping and handling of literature to show site and SHOW MANAGEMENT is responsible for distribution) Floor Clings - $7,500 2 Sponsorships/3.75pts Lead the attendees to registration, the exhibit hall, and sessions by sponsoring the floor clings. Included in the sponsorship is the following: • Ability to submit artwork to show management based on specs to be provided. (sponsor responsible for artwork, and SHOW MANAGEMENT responsible for production, installation and removal) • Please note, one opportunity is from Mt. Vernon Sq./7th Street Metro Entrance leading to the Exhibit Hall and the other is from Mt. Vernon Place NW Entrance leading to the Exhibit Hall • Locations can be viewed on pages 19 and 20 of this document SOLD Footprints at Registration - $7,500 Exclusive Sponsorship/3.75pts All attendees of GEOINT 2015 will stand on these footprints as they have their picture taken for badging. Included in the sponsorship is the following: • Ability to submit artwork to show management based on specs for artwork. (Sponsor responsible for artwork, and SHOW MANAGEMENT responsible for production, installation, and removal) 1058 1058 Stairwell Wall Banner - $7,500 Exclusive Sponsorship/3.75pts Included in this sponsorship is the following: • Approximate size: 20’ wide x 14’ tall (Sponsor responsible for artwork, and SHOW MANAGEMENT responsible for production, installation, and removal). Locations can be viewed on pages 18 and 19 of this document. SOLD Please Contact Jeff Ley at 703.793.0109 or with Questions or to Check Availability. Customizable Sponsorships are Available. Photographs used in the sponsorship document are for marketing purposes only. USGIF may select different items to fulfill the sponsorships. 12 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ALL SPONSORS WILL RECEIVE RECOGNITION IN THE EVENT GUIDE, ON SIGNAGE, AND ON THE GEOINT SYMPOSIUM WEBSITE. Rotunda Banners - $6,000 2 Sponsorship/3pts SOLD Included in this sponsorship is the following: • Approximate size: 8’ wide x 15’ tall (Sponsor responsible for artwork, and SHOW MANAGEMENT responsible for production, installation, and removal). Locations can be viewed on pages 18 and 19 of this document. Spinning Kiosks - $6,000 4 Sponsorships/3pts Gain exposure by creating eye catching graphics/messaging which will be installed on a spinning kiosk. Each graphic panel will be approximately 3’ wide by 7’ tall. Included in these sponsorships are the following: • Prominent signage to be located on all four sides of the rotating, backlit kiosk located around the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. (Sponsor is responsible for production of the artwork and SHOW MANAGEMENT will produce and install on the spinning kiosks) • Location of the kiosks can be viewed on page 18 of this document SOLD Column Banners in Food and Beverage Area - $5,000 12 Sponsorship/2.5pts Included in this sponsorship is the following: • A pproximate size: 2’5” wide x 6’7” tall (Sponsor responsible for artwork, and SHOW MANAGEMENT responsible for production, installation, and removal). Locations can be viewed on page 16 of this document. Grand Lobby Entrance Banner Stand - $5,000 8 Sponsorships/2.5pts SOLD Included in this sponsorship is the following: • Approximate size: 7’ wide x 9’ tall (Sponsor responsible for artwork, and SHOW MANAGEMENT responsible for production, installation, and removal). Locations can be viewed on page 20 of this document. • Single-sided Literature in Chairs of General Session - $5,000 3 Sponsorships/2.5pts Make one of the first impressions each day. Provide literature to be placed in each chair at the opening general session. Included in this sponsorship is the following: • Ability to provide literature to be placed in each chair at the general session (Sponsor responsible for production and shipping/handling of literature to show site and SHOW MANAGEMENT will distribute) Afternoon Refreshments - $3,500 3 Sponsorships/1.75pts Have that afternoon “lull?” Be one of the afternoon refreshment sponsors and help provide an afternoon “pick me up” for attendees. Included in these sponsorships are the following: • SHOW MANAGEMENT will produce and distribute napkins and cups bearing sponsor’s logo • Sponsor can provide literature to be placed near refreshment stations. (Sponsor responsible for production, shipping/handling of literature to show site and SHOW MANAGEMENT is responsible for distribution) SOLD Please Contact Jeff Ley at 703.793.0109 or with Questions or to Check Availability. Customizable Sponsorships are Available. Photographs used in the sponsorship document are for marketing purposes only. USGIF may select different items to fulfill the sponsorships. 13 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ALL SPONSORS WILL RECEIVE RECOGNITION IN THE EVENT GUIDE, ON SIGNAGE, AND ON THE GEOINT SYMPOSIUM WEBSITE. Care Package - $3,500 3 Sponsorships/1.75pts Leave a lasting impression with GEOINT 2015 attendees. Give each attendee a care package as they leave the GEOINT 2015 exhibit hall for the last time. Included in the sponsorship is the following: • Ability to have a care package distributed by SHOW MANAGEMENT to attendees as they leave the exhibit hall (sponsor responsible for production and shipping/handling to show site) Morning Refreshments - $3,500 3 Sponsorships/1.75pts Need a “pick me up” to get going in the morning? Be one of the sponsors of the morning refreshments. This will be a popular spot to meet and greet customers. Included in these sponsorships are the following: • SHOW MANAGEMENT will produce and distribute napkins and cups bearing sponsor’s logo • Sponsor can provide literature to be placed near the refreshments (sponsor responsible for production, shipping/handling of literature to show site and SHOW MANAGEMENT is responsible for distribution) SOLD Title Sponsor of Pre/Post Event Email - $2,500 2 Sponsorships/1.25pts Stand out from the rest and get noticed! Be the title sponsor of either the pre-event or post-event email that is distributed to the entire registered attendee list. Included in this sponsorship are the following: • Banner graphic across the top of the email with your artwork (artwork to be supplied by sponsor) • 100 word write up included in the body of the email with your logo and link to a URL you provide • Please note, there are two exclusive opportunities for this title sposnorship. One for the pre-event email and one for the post-event email SOLD Water Stations in Exhibit Hall - $2,500 3 Sponsorships/1.25pts Got Milk? No, but you can offer water! Multiple water stations will be located throughout the exhibit hall for attendees to enjoy. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Logo displayed at water stations • Cups to feature your logo (SHOW MANAGEMENT to produce cups and distribute at water stations) SOLD Collateral in Conference Bag - $1,000 10 Sponsorships/.5pts Included in the sponsorship is the following: • Insert one piece of collateral into each attendee conference bag (size not to exceed 8.5” x 11” and sponsor is responsible for production, shipping/handling charges to show site. SHOW MANAGEMENT is responsible for inserting into conference bags) Registration Wall Branding - $1,000 29 Sponsorships/.5pts Gain valuable exposure to attendees as they enter registration to pick up their badge by sponsoring a graphic panel (Please see pages 16 and 17 for locations). Included in this sponsorship is the following: • Approximately 3’ wide x 7’ tall, single-sided graphic panel (Sponsor is responsible for production of the artwork and SHOW MANAGEMENT will produce and install the panel.) Please Contact Jeff Ley at 703.793.0109 or with Questions or to Check Availability. Customizable Sponsorships are Available. Photographs used in the sponsorship document are for marketing purposes only. USGIF may select different items to fulfill the sponsorships. 14 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ALL SPONSORS WILL RECEIVE RECOGNITION IN THE EVENT GUIDE, ON SIGNAGE, AND ON THE GEOINT SYMPOSIUM WEBSITE. Thank You Sponsors YOUR LOGO HERE Logo Recognition - $1,000 Limited Sponsorships/.5pts Included in this sponsorship is the following: • Logo to be included on GEOINT Symposium website, on-site signage and select marketing materials Carpet Logo for Booth - $750 10 Sponsorships/.375pts Gain that extra exposure by having your company logo printed on carpet and installed in front of your exhibit booth. Included in the sponsorship is the following: • Large graphic (approx. 3 feet wide by 2 feet tall) produced and installed directly in front of your exhibit booth *Please note, it is possible to print your logo in color Pre/Post Event e-mail - $500 20 Sponsorships/.25pts This is a USGIF members-only opportunity. Sponsor to provide USGIF with 50 words of text, your company name, logo, and URL to relay your message to either the pre-event registration list or the post-event registration list. Email to be sent by SHOW MANAGEMENT on sponsors’ behalf. The preevent email will be sent to registered attendees approximately two weeks prior to the event and the post-event email will be sent within two weeks of the closing of GEOINT 2015. Up to 20 sponsors will be included in each email. ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Golf Swing Analysis - $27,500 Exclusive Sponsorship/13.75pts FORE! Be the sponsor to help attendees hit ‘em straight! Sponsor the golf swing analysis booth and gain valuable exposure. Included in this sponsorship are the following: • Ability to have golf staff wear shirts featuring sponsor logo (Sponsor responsible for production and shipping to show site) • Ability to have time blocked off for your customers to have their golf swing analyzed Device Charging GEOLounge - $20,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/10pts This GEOLounge will be centrally located in the Exhibit Hall. (Please see page 16 for location.) Sponsor the location where attendees can meet, relax, and recharge. Included in this sponsorship are the following: • Branded recognition on GEOLounge Structure • Ability to provide literature/giveaways in the GEOLounge (Sponsor responsible for production and shipping/handling to show site and SHOW MANAGEMENT responsible for distribution) Government Pavilion - $20,000 3 Sponsorships/10pts Be one of three sponsors of the Government Pavilion where throughout the week government representatives will discuss what they need from industry as well as how industry can find more business opportunities. Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Ability to speak on stage (exact role TBD) • Ability to provide literature at tables in the Government Pavilion area (Sponsor is responsible for production and shipping/handling to show site and SHOW MANAGEMENT is responsible for distribution) Please Contact Jeff Ley at 703.793.0109 or with Questions or to Check Availability. Customizable Sponsorships are Available. Photographs used in the sponsorship document are for marketing purposes only. USGIF may select different items to fulfill the sponsorships. 15 GEOLounges - $10,000 2 Sponsorships/5pts Two of these lounges will be available in the Exhibit Hall. (Please see page 16 for locations.) Sponsor a prime location for attendees to meet, relax and network. Included in this sponsorship are the following: • Branded recognition on GEOLounge structure • Ability to provide literature/giveaways in the GEOLounges (Sponsor responsible for production and shipping/handling to show site and SHOW MANAGEMENT responsible for distribution) Shoe Shine Stand - $10,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/5pts Be the company who provided attendees with clean, shiny shoes! Included in the sponsorship is the following: • At registration each attendee will be directed to your booth to receive a coupon for a free shoe shine (SHOW MANAGEMENT will determine location within the exhibit hall and will produce coupons to distribute in sponsor’s booth) Charging Locker/Tower - $8,500 2 Sponsorships/4.25pts Who doesn’t need to charge their mobile device while at an event? The charging lockers can accommodate 20 phones and 4 tablets simultaneously. Complete with multiple branding locations, to include two monitors displaying your video, this will surely get a lot of visibility as they will be located just outside of the general session entrance near the coffee stations. Included in this sponsorship are the following: • Ability to brand charging locker with your logo or message • Ability to play a looping video on two display screens above the charging tower (Sponsor to provide artwork and video in requested format and SHOW MANAGEMENT will produce and install) Media/Press Center - $5,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/2.5pts Want good press? Sponsor the media center/press room, which will provide maximum exposure to the press! Included in the sponsorship are the following: • Cups and napkins with your company logo will be distributed with the breaks in the Press Room (SHOW MANAGEMENT will produce and distribute) Please Contact Jeff Ley at 703.793.0109 or with Questions or to Check Availability. Customizable Sponsorships are Available. Photographs used in the sponsorship document are for marketing purposes only. USGIF may select different items to fulfill the sponsorships. 16 B203B B203C B203D B203D B203A B202B P205 P203 P202 P201 B202D B202A B201B P204 B202C B201C B201D B201A 17 S112 18 B113 M103 M104 B109 M102 B207 M101 B110 19 S110 B109 B113 B110 S110 S111 GEOINT 2015 - Walter E. Washington Convention Center 20 B1 B11 B11 B115B114 B B 1 B1 12 19 18 7 6 21 0 S103 21 MEDIA OPPORTUNITIES Event Guide The GEOINT 2015 event guide will be an enhanced, online guide to supplement the show daily content. It will be available for download at EVENT GUIDE USGIF Member Non-USGIF Member Size Cost Points Cost Points Inside Front Cover [ SOLD ] 8.5” W x 11” H $3,675 1.838 N/A N/A Full Page (Prime Position) 8.5” W x 11” H $1,840 .92 N/A N/A Full Page (Regular Position) 8.5” W x 11” H $1,310 .655 $1,840 .92 1/2 Page Horizontal 7.111” W x 4.777” H $840 .42 $1,365 .683 Mini Cube 3.472” W x 3.472” H $500 .25 $1,050 .525 $250 .125 $525 .263 Upgraded Exhibitor Listing Show Daily The award-winning GEOINT Symposium Show Daily, brought to you by USGIF’s trajectory magazine, is a must-read resource for all Symposium attendees and exhibitors. Published each day of the event, the Show Daily includes exhibitor highlights from the show floor, conference news and updates, keynote speaker and panel discussion recaps, photo galleries, an at-a-glance agenda, and more. The GEOINT 2015 Symposium Show Daily is the first thing many attendees will see each morning. It will be made available in multiple locations throughout the show, on,,, and emailed to USGIF’s 10,000 person distribution list. SHOW DAILY USGIF Member Front Cover Banner [ SOLD ] Non-USGIF Member Size Cost Points Cost Points 8.5” W x 1.625” H $5,250 2.625 N/A N/A Cover 2, 3 or 4 8.5” W x 11” H $5,000 2.5 N/A N/A Pages 3, 5 or 7 8.5” W x 11” H $4,500 2.25 $5,000 2.5 Full Page 8.5” W x 11” H $3,675 1.838 $4,275 2.138 1/2 Page Horizontal 8.5” W x 5.5” H $2,675 1.338 $2,900 1.45 Media Bundles Purchase a Media Bundle and Receive 20% OFF any GEOINTv offering! MEDIA BUNDLES – BUNDLE AND SAVE! Substitutions and custom bundles are possible based on availability and price point. USGIF Member Cost Points Non-USGIF Member Cost Points Bundle #1 Front Banner on All 5 Show Dailies [ SOLD ] $21,000 10.5 N/A N/A Bundle #2 Full Page Ad in All 5 Show Dailies $15,750 7.875 $16,800 8.4 Bundle #3 1/2 Page Ad in All 5 Show Dailies $8,900 4.45 $10,900 5.45 Bundle #4 1/4 Page Ad in All 5 Show Dailies [ SOLD ] $7,875 3.937 $8,400 4.2 Bundle #5 Full Page Event Guide + Full Page Show Daily (regular position) $4,495 2.248 $4,895 2.45 Bundle #6 1/2 Page Event Guide + 1/2 Page Show Daily (regular position) $2,995 1.498 $3,395 1.7 PRIORITY POINTS: ALL MEDIA ADVERTISERS RECEIVE 1/2 A POINT PER $1,000 SPENT If interested in Custom Bundles, please contact: Jeff Ley at 703.793.0109 x102 or 22 MEDIA OPPORTUNITIES GEOINTv GEOINTv is programming produced on-site at the GEOINT Symposium brought to you by USGIF’s trajectory magazine composed of features, interviews, and highlights from general sessions, events, and activities. Programs will also play in lounge areas in the convention center and will be posted online shortly thereafter. GEOINTv Offerings • Up to a 90 second commercial (Sponsor to provide and will be incorporated into each program. If you currently do not have a commercial/video and would like assistance in producing one, please contact Jeff Ley at 703.793.0109 x 102. • Up to a 4-minute interview with a company executive in one program • Highlight of your company booth and interview conducted in the booth in the exhibit hall in one program Platinum Level - $10,000 10 Sponsorships/5pts Includes all three offerings above Gold Level - $7,500 10 Sponsorships/3.75pts Includes choice of two offerings from above Silver Level - $5,000 10 Sponsorships/2.5pts Includes choice of one offering from above GEOINTv Keynote Presentations - $10,000 Exclusive Sponsorship/5pts Each keynote presentation from the GEOINT Symposium (10-12 presentations total) will be posted online in its entirety within 24 hours of its occurrence. We will create a graphic bumper at the beginning of each video with your company logo, indicating your sponsorship. “This GEOINT 2015 keynote highlight is sponsored by...[your logo]”. These keynote clips are some of the most widely viewed highlights from the Symposium. GEOINTv the Buzz - $5,000 4 Sponsorships/2.5pts “The Buzz” will be a 2-3 minute, fast-paced recap of what happens at the GEOINT 2015 Symposium on a day-to-day basis. Modeled after SportsCenter and anchored by the GEOINTv host, “The Buzz” will be posted online daily for attendees who want to be in the know, as well as those who may not have been able to attend the Symposium. Each episode of “The Buzz” will be preceded by a logo animation identifying your company as the sponsor. Plasma Viewing Station - $2,500 5 Sponsorships/1.25pts • Signage bearing sponsor logo located adjacent to a plasma playing GEOINTv • Location of viewing station to be determined by SHOW MANAGEMENT Homepage Web Banner Header - $2,000 3 Sponsorships/1pt Footer - $1,500 3 Sponsorships/.75pts Visited frequently before, during and after the GEOINT Symposium, is a useful tool for people to view many of the speeches given during the GEOINT Symposium. Sponsor a web banner on and gain visibility as people access the presentations. Tickertape - $750 5 Sponsorships/.375pts Every GEOINTv program will display a news-style tickertape at the bottom of the screen. Content for the tickertape will include a brief expression of thanks to sponsors, followed by sponsorship level (Platinum, Gold, Silver, etc), and names of sponsors. (please note the company name will appear in text, not a logo) The tickertape will loop during specific sections of GEOINTv, giving marketing exposure to your company several times during the program. PRIORITY POINTS: ALL MEDIA ADVERTISERS RECEIVE 1/2 A POINT PER $1,000 SPENT If interested in Custom Bundles, please contact: Jeff Ley at 703.793.0109 x102 or 23 MEDIA SPECIFICATIONS Event Guide The GEOINT 2015 event guide will be an enhanced, online guide to supplement the show daily content. It will be available for download at Event Guide Ad Specs Size Full Page 8.5” W x 11” H Half Page Horizontal 7.111” W x 4.777” H Mini-Cube 3.472” W x 3.472” H File Format: Press-Ready PDF • Convert all fonts to paths or embed in PDF • Bitmap images should be at least 300 dpi FTP Upload Info If unable to FTP – email to: Hostname: Username: Password: Symp@$ium When submitting ad, e-mail to confirm delivery. Show Daily The award-winning GEOINT Symposium Show Daily, brought to you by USGIF’s trajectory magazine, is a must-read resource for all Symposium attendees and exhibitors. Published each day of the event, the Show Daily includes exhibitor highlights from the show floor, conference news and updates, keynote speaker and panel discussion recaps, photo galleries, an at-a-glance agenda, and more. The GEOINT 2015 Symposium Show Daily is the first thing many attendees will see each morning. It will be made available in multiple locations throughout the show, on,,, and emailed to USGIF’s 10,000 person distribution list. Show Daily Ad Specs Full Page Half Page Horizontal Front Cover Lower Banner File Format: Press-Ready PDF • Convert all fonts to paths or embed in PDF • CMYK only. No spot colors will be accepted. • Images should be at least 300 dpi • Total area ink density must not exceed 300% Trim Size Bleed Size Live Area 8.5” W x 11” H 8.75” W x 11.25” H 8” W x 10.5” H 8.5” W x 5.5” H 8.75” W x 5.75” H 8” W x 5.25” H 8.5” W x 1.625” H 8.75” W x 1.75” H 8.25” W x 1.5” H Dropbox Upload: Username: Password: GLCADS-900 Or email under 10MB may be sent to: When submitting ad, e-mail to confirm delivery. GEOINTv 90 Second commercial/video to be provided by Sponsor (to be incorporated into each GEOINTv program) *Please contact Jeff Ley at 703-793-0109 x102 if you need assistance in producing a commercial/video. Please provide commercial in Full Resolution, Quicktime .MOV format. Commercial can be uploaded to If .MOV format is not available, please mail DVD to: PATRICK NASH 4541 N. RAVENSWOOD AVE, SUITE 203B CHICAGO, IL 60640 773-410-2808 Commercial is due no later than May 1, 2015. Executive Interview - Sponsor to provide company executive on show site for 4 minute interview. Highlight of company booth conducted in the exhibit hall. – USGIF’s Production team will reach out to you to schedule your interviews. 24 SHOW FLOOR MEETING ROOMS We have sold out of meeting rooms in the Convention Center, so we are now adding 10x20 meeting rooms to the show floor. You can view the meeting rooms along the top right of the floor plan (marked as F-O) here - A full week rental will be from June 23 through June 25 (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday). Individual day rentals will have the option to select a day Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Full Week Rental - $10,000/5pts • 10 x 20 meeting room • 6ft conference table • 6 executive chairs • Carpet • Wastebasket • 20’ wall of branding on one side • All show services (power, internet etc.) need to be ordered and are at sponsors expense. Full Day Rental - $3,500/1.75pts • 10 x 20 meeting room • 6ft conference table • 6 executive chairs • Carpet • Wastebasket • 1 standard power drop • 1 standard internet drop 1/2 Day Rental (8AM-12PM = AM / 1PM-5PM = PM) - $2,000/1pt • 10 x 20 meeting room • 6ft conference table • 6 executive chairs • Carpet • Wastebasket • 1 standard power drop • 1 standard internet drop Walter E. Washington Convention Center Meeting Rooms RETAIL D L SO GEOINT Foreword Breakouts & Training GEOINT Foreword 25 APPLICATION FOR EXHIBIT SPACE, MEDIA, MEETING ROOMS AND SPONSORSHIPS During June 22-25, 2015 Symposium at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC (Trade Show is June 23-25, 2015) PLEASE INITIAL ALL PAGES, APPLICATIONS WITHOUT INITIALS OR SIGNATURE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED CONTACT INFORMATION Applicant____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Legal Name of Company or Organization) Display Name________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Please list organization name exactly as you want it to appear on the floor plan and website, if different from legal entity name) URL_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Primary Point of Contact______________________________________________________________________________________ (This is the person who will receive updates and planning information regarding GEOINT 2015) Job Title_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________State_______________________ ZIP_______________________ Phone������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Email_____________________________________________________________________________Date_______________________ Authorized Signature__________________________________________________________________________________________ The individual signing this Application represents and warrants that he/she is duly authorized to execute binding contracts on behalf of the above listed Applicant and such organization agrees to be bound by this Application and the attached Terms and Conditions. EXHIBIT SPACE Prices are per 10x10 booth space. Member Non-Member Industry – December 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014 $3,800 $4,300 Industry – After December 31, 2014 $4,300 $4,800 Academia and National Laboratories $2,000 $2,000 Government/Military $2,500 $2,500 Small Business Table Top $1,000 $2,000 If selecting a Small Business Table Top, please provide your NAICS Code which designates your organization as a small business:___________ AND your number of employees:___________ or revenue:________ (whichever applies to your NAICS Code). We require ___________ booth unit(s). My location selections (in order of preference) are as follows: 1st Choice_______________________________ 2nd Choice_____________________________ 3rd Choice______________________________ PAYMENT CALCULATION __________ (# of 10’ x 10’ booths) x $_____________________ (cost per 10’ x 10’ booth) = $������������������� (fee for Exhibit Space) __________ (# of table tops) x $__________________________ (cost per table top) = $������������������������� (fee for Exhibit Space) EXHIBIT SPACE TOTAL $ ________ INITIAL 1 MEDIA OPPORTUNITIES EVENT GUIDE USGIF Member Non-USGIF Member Cost Points Cost Points Inside Front Cover [ SOLD ] $3,675 1.838 N/A N/A Full Page (Prime Position) $1,840 .92 N/A N/A $ Full Page (Regular Position) $1,310 .655 $1,840 .92 $ 1/2 Page Horizontal $840 .42 $1,365 .683 $ Mini Cube $500 .25 $1,050 .525 $ $250 .125 $525 .263 $ Upgraded Listing Total $ USGIF MEMBER CREDIT ($750 Strategic Partner or $500 Partner) ($) EVENT GUIDE TOTAL $ SHOW DAILY USGIF Member Cost Points Non-USGIF Member Total Cost Points Front Cover Banner [ SOLD ] ■ Mon ■ Tues ■ Weds ■ Thurs ■ Fri $5,250 2.625 N/A N/A $ Cover 2, 3 or 4 o Mon o Tues o Weds o Thurs o Fri $5,000 2.5 N/A N/A $ Pages 3, 5 or 7 o Mon o Tues o Weds o Thurs o Fri $4,500 2.25 $5,000 2.5 $ Full Page o Mon o Tues o Weds o Thurs o Fri $3,675 1.838 $4,275 2.138 $ 1/2 Page Horizontal o Mon o Tues o Weds o Thurs o Fri $2,675 1.338 $2,900 1.45 $ ■ Mon ■ Tues ■ Weds ■ Thurs ■ Fri $1,875 .937 $2,360 1.18 $ 1/4 Page Vertical [ SOLD ] SHOW DAILY TOTAL $ GEOINTv Cost Available Points GEOINTv Platinum Level $10,000 10 5 $ Total GEOINTv Gold Level $7,500 10 3.75 $ GEOINTv Silver Level $5,000 10 2.50 $ GEOINTv Keynote Presentations $10,000 1 5 $ GEOINTv The Buzz $5,000 4 2.50 $ GEOINTv Plasma Viewing Station $2,500 5 1.25 $ Homepage Header Banner o May ■ June o July $2,000 3 1 $ Homepage Footer Banner o May o June o July $1,500 3 0.75 $ $750 5 0.375 $ GEOINTv Tickertape GEOINTv TOTAL $ MEDIA BUNDLES – BUNDLE AND SAVE! Substitutions and custom bundles are possible based on availability and price point. USGIF Member Cost Points Non-USGIF Member Cost Points Bundle #1 Front Banner on All 5 Show Dailies [ SOLD ] $21,000 10.5 N/A N/A $ Total Bundle #2 Full Page Ad in All 5 Show Dailies $15,750 7.875 $16,800 8.4 $ Bundle #3 1/2 Page Ad in All 5 Show Dailies $8,900 4.45 $10,900 5.45 $ Bundle #4 1/4 Page Ad in All 5 Show Dailies [ SOLD ] $7,875 3.937 $8,400 4.2 $ Bundle #5 Full Page Event Guide + Full Page Show Daily (regular position) o Mon o Tues o Weds o Thurs o Fri $4,495 2.248 $4,895 2.45 $ Bundle #6 1/2 Page Event Guide + 1/2 Page Show Daily (regular position) o Mon o Tues o Weds o Thurs o Fri $2,995 1.498 $3,395 1.7 $ MEDIA BUNDLE TOTAL $ Be sure to check desired day on items with days listed. Purchase a Media Bundle and receive 20% OFF any GEOINTv offering! If interested in Custom Bundles, please contact Jeff Ley at 703-793-0109 x102 or to discuss. MEDIA TOTAL $ ________ INITIAL 2 SHOW FLOOR MEETING ROOMS We have sold out of meeting rooms in the Convention Center, so we are now adding 10x20 meeting rooms to the show floor. You can view the meeting rooms along the top right of the floor plan (marked as F-O) here - A full week rental will be from June 23 through June 25 (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday). Individual day rentals will have the option to select a day Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Full Week Rental Room • 10 x 20 meeting room • 6ft conference table • 6 executive chairs • Carpet • Wastebasket • 20’ wall of branding on one side • All show services (power, internet etc.) need to be ordered and are at sponsors expense. Full Day Rental Day AM/PM Day Points $10,000 5 $ $10,000 5 $ $10,000 5 $ $10,000 5 $ Cost Points $3,500 1.75 $ $3,500 1.75 $ $3,500 1.75 $ $3,500 1.75 $ Cost Points $2,000 1 $ $2,000 1 $ $2,000 1 $ $2,000 1 $ Room • 10 x 20 meeting room • 6ft conference table • 6 executive chairs • Carpet • Wastebasket • 1 standard power drop • 1 standard internet drop 1/2 Day Rental (8AM-12PM = AM / 1PM-5PM = PM) Cost Room • 10 x 20 meeting room • 6ft conference table • 6 executive chairs • Carpet • Wastebasket • 1 standard power drop • 1 standard internet drop Total Total Total MEETING ROOM TOTAL $ Walter E. Washington Convention Center Meeting Rooms RETAIL D L SO GEOINT Foreword Breakouts & Training GEOINT Foreword ________ INITIAL 3 SPONSORSHIPS ALLDE R G O L F C L A S S IC O P P O RT U N IIT E S Description Title Sponsorship Cost Available Points $35,000 1 17.5 $ Total $3,500 2 1.75 $ Range Finder $2,750 1 1.375 $ Golf Towel [ SOLD ] $2,500 1 1.25 $ Golf Umbella [ SOLD ] $2,500 1 1.25 $ Divot Repair Tool $2,000 1 1 $ Golf Tool Kit $2,000 1 1 $ Sleeve of Golf Balls $1,750 3 0.875 $ Hole Co-Sponsorship $1,500 28 0.75 $ Golf Tees in Pouch $1,000 1 0.5 $ Beverage Cart o Front 9 o Back 9 ALLDER GOLF CLASSIC TOTAL $ TU ES DAY W E L C O M E R E C E P T IO N O P P O RT U N IIT E S Description Cost Available Points Talent $15,000 1 7.5 $ Total Food and Beverage $12,500 1 6.25 $ Pole Banners $7,500 1 3.75 $ Logo Recognition on Fencing $5,000 3 2.5 $ TUESDAY WELCOME RECEPTION TOTAL $ WA S H IN G T O N N AT IO N A L S G A M E Description Cost Available Points Seat Cushions $7,500 1 3.75 Total Foam Finger $6,000 1 3 $ Towels $3,500 1 1.75 $ $ WASHINGTON NATIONALS GAME TOTAL $ B R A N D IN G O P P O RT U N IT IE S Description Cost Available Points Exhibit Hall $65,000 1 32.5 $ Conference Bag [ SOLD ] $40,000 1 20 $ Conference Padfolio [ SOLD ] $35,000 1 17.5 $ Lanyards/Badgeholders [ SOLD ] $30,000 1 15 $ Wireless Internet in Exhibit Hall for Attendees $30,000 1 15 $ Internet Café $20,000 1 10 $ GEOINT Foreword Meals/Refreshments $17,500 1 8.75 $ Official GEOINT 2015 Mobile App $17,500 1 8.75 $ $15,000 3 7.5 $ $15,000 1 7.5 $ $15,000 3 7.5 $ Meal Cards $15,000 1 7.5 $ Official GEOINT 2015 Pen $15,000 1 7.5 $ o Tuesday o Wednesday o Thursday $12,500 3 6.25 $ ■ S110 ■ S103 $7,500 2 7.5 $ Footprints at Registration $7,500 1 3.75 $ Stairwell Wall Banner [ SOLD ] $7,500 1 3.75 $ ■ B109 ■ B110 $6,000 2 3 $ ■ M101 ■ M102 ■ M103 ■ M104 $6,000 4 3 $ Exhibit Hall Networking Receptions o Tuesday o Wednesday o Thursday Hotel Keycards Lunch in Exhibit Hall Breakfast o Tuesday o Wednesday o Thursday Floor Clings [ SOLD ] Rotunda Banners [ SOLD ] Spinning Kiosks [ SOLD ] Column Banners in Food and Beverage Area ■ B201A ■ B201B o B201C o B201D ■ B202A ■ B202B o B202C o B202D o B203A o B203B o B203C o B203D Total $5,000 12 2.5 $ Grand Lobby Entrance Banner Stands [ SOLD ] $5,000 8 2.5 $ Literature in Chairs of General Session $5,000 3 2.5 $ Afternoon Refreshments [ SOLD ] ■ Tuesday ■ Wednesday ■ Thursday $3,500 3 1.75 $ Care Package o Tuesday o Wednesday o Thursday $3,500 3 1.75 $ ________ INITIAL 4 BRA N D IN G O P P O RT U N IT IE S ( c o n t . ) Description Cost Available Points ■ Tuesday ■ Wednesday ■ Thursday $3,500 3 1.75 $ ■ Pre ■ Post $2,500 1 1.25 $ ■ Tuesday ■ Wednesday ■ Thursday $2,500 3 1.25 $ Collateral in Conference Bag $1,000 10 0.5 $ G103 ■ 01 ■ 02 ■ 03 ■ 04 ■ 05 ■ 06 ■ 07 o 08 o 09 ■ 10 o 11 Registration Wall Branding ■ 12 ■ 13 ■ 14 ■ 15 ■ 16 ■ 17 ■ 18 ■ 19 ■ 20 ■ 21 ■ 22 ■ 23 ■ 24 ■ 25 ■ 26 ■ 27 ■ 28 ■ 29 $1,000 29 0.5 $ Logo Recognition $1,000 Limited 0.5 $ Carpet Logo for Booth $750 10 0.375 $ Post-Event Email - MEMBERS ONLY $500 20 0.25 $ Pre-Event Email - MEMBERS ONLY $500 20 0.25 $ Morning Refreshments [ SOLD ] Title Sponsor of Pre/Post Event Email [ SOLD ] Water Stations in Exhibit Hall [ SOLD ] Total BRANDING TOTAL $ EN G A G E M E N T O P P O RT U N IT IE S Description Cost Available Points Golf Swing Analysis $27,500 1 13.75 $ Device Charging GEOLounge $20,000 1 10 $ Government Pavilion $20,000 3 10 $ $10,000 2 5 $ Shoe Shine Stand $10,000 1 5 $ Charging Locker/Tower $8,500 2 4.25 $ $5,000 1 2.5 $ ■ P201 o P203 GEOLounges o P204 o P205 Media / Press Center Total ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES TOTAL $ SPONSORSHIP TOTAL $ APPLICATION PROCESS Please complete, sign, initial each page, and return this application to or or via fax at 703.793.9069 Due to limited space availability, USGIF cannot guarantee that this Application will be accepted. If this Application is not accepted for any reason, USGIF will return the payment enclosed with this Application. If this Application is accepted, USGIF will return a counter signed copy of this Application. Acceptance of an Application does not imply endorsement by USGIF of Applicant’s products or services, nor does rejection imply lack of approval of Applicant’s products or services. Once USGIF has received this Application, and the Application is signed by both Applicant and USGIF, the Application together with the attached Terms and Conditions, the applicable Exhibitor Service Manual, and any Addendum Application (collectively, the “Contract”) will become a legally binding contract between the Applicant and USGIF. USGIF, in its sole discretion, has the right to determine eligibility of any organization, service or product for inclusion in the Event and has the right to rescind the Contract at any time if USGIF, in its sole discretion, deems the Applicant to be contrary to the best interests of the Event. If USGIF rescinds the Contract for the aforementioned reason, USGIF’s sole obligation (and Applicant’s sole remedy) is to refund the fees paid by Applicant for exhibit space, media, meeting rooms and/or sponsorships. ________ INITIAL 5 CANCELLATION POLICY Cancellations must be made in writing. In the event that an Exhibitor cancels all or part of the Exhibit Space between December 1, 2014, and January 31, 2015, 50% of the total fee paid for the canceled Exhibit Space will be refunded, less a $100 administrative fee. After January 31, 2015, no refunds will be given. FINANCIALS (To be completed by Applicant) Exhibit Space $ Media $ Meeting Rooms $ Sponsorships $ TOTAL DUE $ PAYMENT INFORMATION Please select your preferred payment method below. As part of the confirmation process, USGIF will send an invoice via email to the email address provided. If a PO is issued, please list it below and USGIF can include it on the invoice. If paying by credit card, a receipt will be generated and emailed to the email address listed below. If a PO is issued, the standard, pre-printed terms and conditions, if any, on the PO will have no legal effects and will not be binding by USGIF. o Check (Please make all payments payable to USGIF in U.S. Funds.) o EFT o PO #����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� o Credit Card (see below) o VISA o MasterCard o AMEX Credit Card #____________________________________________________ Exp������������������� Print Name (as it appears on card)����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Billing Address (where statement is sent)����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� City_____________________________________________________________________ State_____________ ZIP�������������������������� Phone_________________________________________________Email������������������������������������������������������������� Card Holder’s Signature_____________________________________________________________________ Date������������������������� The card holder’s signature indicates that (1) the issuer of the card identified above is authorized by the cardholder to pay the total due as shown on this application, (2) that the card holder promises to pay such amount subject to and in accordance with the agreement governing the use of such card, and (3) the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation is authorized to charge the credit card number listed above for the listed amount. This section must be filled out if paying by credit card Total Due (from above): $________________ Please add the 3% Administrative Fee (if paying by credit card and amount is $1,000 or higher): $________________ Total amount to be charged to card: $________________ FOR USGIF USE ONLY Exhibit Space(s) assigned__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Media Assigned��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Meeting Room(s) Assigned����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Sponsorship(s) Assigned������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Date Received ___________________________________________________ Date Accepted___________________________________________ Accepted on behalf of USGIF by____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ INITIAL 6 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR EXHIBIT SPACE, MEDIA, MEETING ROOMS AND SPONSORSHIPS During June 22-25, 2015 Symposium at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC (Trade Show is June 23-25, 2015) 1. Definitions. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Application. “Application” means the application for the Event that has been signed by the Applicant; “Applicant” means the organization listed on the first page of the Application; “Event” means the Trade Show and Symposium and other events scheduled, such as receptions, networking opportunities, and outings, to be held on the dates listed on the top of the Application; “Trade Show” means the exhibit hall trade show to be held during the Event; “Symposium” means the speeches, panel discussions, and breakout sessions held outside of the exhibit hall during the Event; and “Location” means the hotel, resort or conference center listed on the top of the Application where the Trade Show will be held. 2. Permitted Use. The Applicant may only use the exhibit spaces, media opportunities, sponsorships, and meeting rooms listed and described in the Application and chosen and paid for by the Applicant (the “Opportunities”) to inform and educate Event attendees regarding the Applicant’s products or services. The Applicant may not sublet, assign, or apportion any part of such Opportunities. The Applicant may not represent, advertise, or distribute literature for the products or services of any other organization or individual without the prior express written approval of USGIF. All of the Applicant’s activities must be confined to the space assigned by USGIF. The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that its representatives are admitted to, and will remain at, the Event solely in strict compliance with the Contract. 3. Protection of Facilities and the Public. Applicant shall not use the Location or permit it to be used by any employee, patron, contractor, or invitee: (a) for any illegal purpose; (b) in conflict with any applicable Law (as defined below); (c) in any manner that could violate the insurance or increase the rate of insurance on the Location; (d) in any manner that constitutes any waste or nuisance; (e) in any manner that causes any injury to the Location; or (f) in violation of any applicable rule or regulation issued by management of the Location. 4. Floor Load. Under no circumstances shall the weight of any equipment or exhibit material exceed the Location’s floor load specifications set forth in the Exhibitor Service Manual or as otherwise specified by USGIF or the Location. 5. Lotteries; Contests. No drawings or sweepstakes that require the purchase of raffle or lottery tickets are permitted without USGIF’s advance written authorization and must be operated in accordance with applicable Law. Approved drawings must be available to all Event attendees (except persons under 18 years of age, exhibitors and USGIF staff). Registration for drawings must be done within the confines of the rented exhibit space(s) and may not distract from other exhibitor displays. A description of the drawing process (including, without limitation, time of drawing and where winner names will be posted or announced) should be clearly visible to all Event attendees. USGIF reserves the right to endorse or be affiliated with Applicant drawings, or make announcements on behalf of Applicant as it sees fit. 6. USGIF’s Right of Control. USGIF, in its sole discretion and at any time, has the right to, at the Applicant’s sole cost and expense and without any obligation for USGIF to compensate or reimburse the Applicant, (a) move the Applicant’s location in the exhibit hall for any reason, (b) prohibit or remove any material that in USGIF’s opinion is objectionable in design, operation, or otherwise, (c) request changes to or remove any materials that in USGIF’s opinion is contrary to the best interests of the Event or out of keeping with the character of the Event, (d) upon any breach of the Contract, immediately remove the Applicant’s materials or the Applicant (or its representative) from the Event, (e) prohibit or remove any materials that differ substantially from the information stated in the Application or provided to USGIF, (f) shut-down, halt, or remove any demonstration of services or equipment, audio or visual activities, interviews, or other activities that in USGIF’s opinion inconveniences or interferes with other exhibitors’ or attendees’ enjoyment of the Event, (g) control Event admission prices and policies, and (h) limit the number of “EXHIBITOR” badges issued to the Applicant. In the event of the removal of the Applicant’s materials, in whole or part, or the removal of the Applicant or any of its representatives from the Event in accordance with (b) or (c) above, USGIF’s sole liability for such removal will be to refund the fee paid by the Applicant as specified on the Application on a pro-rata basis for the period of the Event remaining at the time of removal; in all other cases, the Applicant will not be entitled to any refund of fees paid. 7. Installation and Removal. Exhibit spaces must remain intact and staffed during all Event hours. The Applicant shall remove all materials from the Location by the time set forth in the Exhibitor Service Manual. The Applicant shall reimburse USGIF for any expenses, including, without limitation, cleaning, repair, storage, disposal, or handling charges, incurred with respect to the Applicant’s materials remaining after such date or any other violation of the Exhibitor Service Manual. 8. Representatives. The Applicant’s representatives must be employees of the Applicant. At all times during Trade Show hours, the Applicant’s booth representatives must (a) wear the “EXHIBITOR” badge identification furnished by USGIF, (b) actually work in the exhibit space assigned to the Applicant, and (c) have an manner, appearance, and dress that is appropriate, conservative, and professional. 9. Copyrighted Materials. If the Applicant intends to use, display, or distribute any music or other copyrighted materials or third-party trademarks during the Event, the Applicant must have permission to do the same and must provide USGIF with a copy of license or other agreement prior to the opening of the Event. 10. Americans with Disabilities Act. All exhibits at the Trade Show must be accessible to handicapped persons in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 11. Laws and Regulations. The Applicant shall fully comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations and all rules and regulations prescribed by the management of the Location (collectively, “Laws”). The Applicant shall meet the requirements of all local authorities and obtain, at their own expense, any necessary permits, licenses, or equipment should any be required for the particular individual displays or the particular exhibit of the Applicant. Potentially combustible or explosive materials and substances must be flameproof. Packing containers, excelsior, wrappings, and similar materials must be removed from the Trade Show and must not be stored under tables, behind displays or in the aisles. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the Trade Show except with USGIF’s prior express written authorization. Hazardous or dangerous materials or equipment are prohibited from the Event. ________ INITIAL 7 12. Obstruction of Aisles or Booths. The Applicant’s materials, representatives, or exhibit demonstrations or activities must not obstruct any aisles or prevent easy access to other exhibitors. 13. Security. The provision of any security service during the Event must not be construed as USGIF’s assumption of an obligation or duty to the Applicant with respect to the Applicant’s property or safety. The Applicant and its representatives and attendees participate in the Event at their own risk. 14. Advertising, Meetings and Social Activities. In the interest of the success of the Event as a whole, the Applicant agrees not to extend invitations, hold meetings, receptions, outings, social events or otherwise encourage the absence from the Event or Location during Event hours. Sponsorships, advertisements, displays, demonstrations, conferences, entertainment, symposium registration, or hospitality rooms, may be permitted only with the express advance written authorization of USGIF and the payment of additional fees. 15. Admittance During Non-Trade Show Hours. The Applicant’s representatives will be permitted to enter the Trade Show one half (1/2) hour before the scheduled opening of the exhibit hall (except for purposes of set-up or dismantling, which time is specified in the Exhibitor Service Manual), unless otherwise agreed by USGIF prior to the start of the Event. Temporary badges will be required for the Applicant’s representatives during set-up and dismantling. 16. Failure to Hold Event. If the Event (or any part thereof) is cancelled for any reason, including, without limitation, acts of God (including fire, tornado, hurricane, flood, earthquake, or other elements of nature including weather events), wars, riots, civil disorders, rebellions or revolutions, acts of terrorism, strikes, lockouts or labor disputes, direct government action/inaction or order, or catastrophic failures of telecommunication service, the Contract will automatically terminate, and the Applicant waives any claim for damages or compensation. Upon such termination, USGIF will refund to the Applicant the fees paid and specified in the Application, less a pro rata share of USGIF’s actual expenses incurred in connection with the Event. Except as provided in the previous sentence, upon such termination, neither party will have any further obligation to the other. 17. No Warranty. USGIF PROVIDES THE OPPORTUNITIES AND THE ITEMS SPECIFIED IN THE EXHIBITOR SERVICE MANUAL “AS IS WHERE IS,” WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND SPECIFICALLY WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 18. Release and Limitation of Liability. THE APPLICANT RELEASES USGIF, THE LOCATION AND ALL EVENT CONTRACTORS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE AGENTS, PARENTS, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, SPONSORS, MEMBERS, MORTGAGORS, AND CONTRACTORS (COLLECTIVELY, THE “INDEMNITEES”) FROM ANY AND ALL ACTIONS, SUITS, CLAIMS OR DEMANDS (COLLECTIVELY, “CLAIMS”) AND ANY AND ALL LIABILITIES, LOSSES, DAMAGES, SETTLEMENTS, FINES, PENALTIES, EXPENSES OR COSTS (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, REASONABLE ATTORNEYS’ FEES) (COLLECTIVELY, “LOSSES”) THAT MAY ARISE FROM OR BE ASSERTED AS A RESULT OF THE CONTRACT OR THE EVENT. IN NO CIRCUMSTANCE WILL USGIF BE LIABLE TO THE APPLICANT FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR INDIRECT LOSSES OR DAMAGES, WHETHER SUCH LOSSES, DAMAGES, OR CLAIMS ARISE IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY, WARRANTY, STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF GOOD WILL, USE, OR PROFIT. THE APPLICANT MUST NOT TAKE ANY ACTION OR CONDUCT ITSELF IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO BRING PUBLIC RIDICULE, CONTEMPT, CENSURE, OR DISPARAGEMENT UPON ANY OTHER EVENT PARTICIPANT, THE EVENT, OR USGIF. USGIF’S TOTAL LIABILITY TO THE APPLICANT HEREUNDER FOR ALL CLAIMS IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO THE TOTAL AMOUNT PAID BY THE APPLICANT TO USGIF AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPLICATION. 19. Indemnification. The Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnitees from any and all Losses, and defend the Indemnitees against any and all Claims, arising out of, related to or resulting from (a) the Applicant’s, or its agents’, contractors’, licensees’, invitees’, employees’ or representatives’ participation or presence at the Even (b) the Contract, including, without limitation, those Claims arising out of, relating to or resulting from any labor dispute, any alleged or actual infringement or misappropriation, any breach of the Contract, any failure by Applicant, or its agents, contractors, licensees, invitees, or employees to comply with any Law or with USGIF’s instructions, fraud, theft, or intentional misconduct, or any loss, damage, theft, or destruction of the Applicant’s property or that of any other Event participant, or (c) the injury or death of any person (including, without limitation, Applicant’s employees), damage to personal or real property, and damages (except as expressly provided otherwise in the Contract) to Applicant’s business, whether or not resulting in whole or in part by the negligence of any person (except when solely caused by the gross negligence of USGIF). 20. Insurance and Liability. The Applicant must obtain and maintain in full force and effect throughout the performance of the Contract, at its sole cost and expense, general liability and fire insurance coverage with a limit of at least $1,000,000 (combined single limit). Prior to the start of the Event, the Applicant will furnish to USGIF a certificate of insurance evidencing that the above insurance is in effect and naming the Indemnitees as additional insureds. 21. Interpretation and Enforcement. The Contract is governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia excluding any choice-of-law provision or rule (whether of Virginia or any other jurisdiction) that would cause the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction. The Applicant consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of any state or federal court empowered to enforce the Contract located in the County of Fairfax or City of Alexandria in Virginia and waives any objection thereto. 22. Union Restrictions. The Applicant must observe the provisions of all union contracts in effect, as communicated to the Applicant. USGIF will not be not responsible for any interferences with the Event caused by disputes involving union personnel and the Applicant. 23. Use of the USGIF Logo. The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that the “United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation” and “USGIF” names, and the logos, and trademarks of USGIF are the exclusive property of USGIF and cannot be used by the Applicant, except to the extent expressly provided for in a separate written agreement with USGIF. Nothing contained in the Contract grants the Applicant any right to use USGIF’s name, logos or trademarks including, without limitation, in connection with the Applicant’s participation in the Event. USGIF reserves all rights not expressly granted herein. 24. Violations. If Applicant defaults in the performance of any term of the Contract (including, without limitation, the payment of fees, maintenance of insurance, and compliance with any and all rules and requirements concerning the use of the Location), USGIF, at its option, may immediately terminate the Contract. Upon such termination, Applicant’s rights and privileges under the Contract shall terminate, and USGIF shall have the right to take possession of the Opportunity(ies) or space occupied by the Applicant and to remove all persons and goods, without any liability whatsoever to the Applicant. 25. Remedies. The remedies under the Contract shall be cumulative and are not exclusive. Election of one remedy shall not preclude pursuit of other remedies. ________ INITIAL 8 The United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation is a Virginia-based non-stock, not-for-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation. The Foundation is dedicated to promoting the geospatial – intelligence tradecraft and developing a stronger community of interest between government, industry, academia, and professional organizations and individuals who share a mission focus around the development and application of geospatial intelligence data and geo-processing resources to address national security objectives. For more information on the Foundation, visit RESERVE TODAY! Jeffrey T. Ley, CEM, CMM Vice President Business Development and Exhibitions 703-793-0109 x 102 Ashley Jones, CEM, CMP, CTSM Sales Support Manager 703-793-0109 x 127