Micro Process Technology and bulk chemical industry - focussing on lessons learnt PoaC Symposium The Dutch process on a chip and micro reactor meeting May 22, 2013 Conference Center ‘The Strip’, Eindhoven, Netherlands Dr. Ralf Böhling Chemical Engineering, BASF SE Outline 1 Micro Process Technology @ BASF history and motivation 2 Lessons learnt Deydrogenation, Mercaptoethanol, Cyclohexane Oxidation 3 Applications and outlook Heat exchanger, Reactor, Evaporator, Mixer Micro Process Technology Motivation Some Advantages commonly attributed to micro reactors ... Inherently safe – enables operation in the explosive regime No hot spot – improved selectivity Numbering up instead of scale up – easy transfer to production scale Fast mixing for improving selectivity .. .. Source: Presentation of F. Lippert, Process Intensification @ BASF, Sep 7 - 10, 2008, Kyoto/Japan History of Micro Process Technology World and BASF Publications Patents 1. IMRET in Frankfurt Chairman Dr. Jäckel BASF Implementation of a Heatric PCHE as compact heat exchanger Start of Operation of a Heatric PCHE as reactor for fine chemicals 400 300 200 Dr. Wörz (BASF) starts cooperation with IMM (Prof. Ehrfeld) and FZK (Prof. Schubert) Fast liquid phase reactions, Oxy-dehydrogenation Start of SOLEMIO a BMBF founded project Focus on wall coated micro reactors Source: Presentation of F. Lippert, Process Intensification @ BASF, Sep 7 - 10, 2008, Kyoto/Japan BMBF-Project µ.Pro.Chem BASF, Degussa, IMM, BAM, TU-Chemnitz Bringing µ-reactors into technical scale 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 100 0 EU-Projekt F³-Factory BASF, Bayer, Evonik, KIT, Astra Zeneca…. Development of modular continuous plant Outline 1 µ-Process-Technology @ BASF history and motivation 2 Lessons learnt and bad luck Deydrogenation, Mercaptoethanol, Cyclohexane Oxidation 3 Applications and outlook Heat exchanger, Reactor, Evaporator Micro Process Technology Dehydrogenation (heterogeneous gas phase) Strong exothermic heterogeneous gas phase reaction: Q: heat flow P: mass flow Q P Laboratory reactor S = 90% d: 50 mm former plant reactor S = 45 % d > 1m T = 550 °C Laboratory microreactor S = 96% T: 390 °C Quelle: O.Wörz et al., Microreactors a new efficient tool for reactor development, Cem. Eng. Technol 24, 2 (2001) 138-143 current plant reactor S = 80-85% d: 3m Tmax = 450°C Hot spot: 60 °C Micro Process Technology Dehydrogenation Cooling channels 500 h 10 Vol.-% O2 450 °C Source: IMVT of KIT Pilot plant operation Silver micro reactor become leaky Structural failure Catalytically active material is not suitable as construction material Source: Presentation of F. Lippert, Process Intensification @ BASF, Sep 7 - 10, 2008, Kyoto/Japan Micro Process Technology Cyclohexane Oxidation (gas – liquid phase) BMBF Förderkennzeichen 16SV1992 Large scale industrial processes: OH + O2 OOH + H2O O T < 180 °C / p < 20 bar / = 15 - 60 min Cyclohexane conversion only < 6 % Selectivity: 70 - 90 % Expectations in using a microreactor high mass and heat transfer increasing selectivity and/or conversion lowering reaction volume Source: Presentation of R. Böhling, µ.pro.chem, ACHEMA Kongress 2009, 12 -13 May, Frankfurt am Main Micro Process Technology Cyclohexane Oxidation Results of µ-experiments Uncatalyzed cyclohexane oxidation in capillary tubes D = 0.25-2.1 mm / p = 40-60 bar / conversion of cyclohexane 5 % Space-time-yield of up to 10 t/m3·h achieved, impact of wall eliminated but: Selectivity decreases at higher temperatures project terminated Source: Presentation of R. Böhling, µ.pro.chem, ACHEMA Kongress 2009, 12 -13 May, Frankfurt am Main Micro Process Technology Mercaptoethanol (MCE) from EO and H2S BMBF Förderkennzeichen 16SV1992 Existing BASF Process Long residence time (>> 1 h) Low temperature and low pressure Byproduct TDG (up to 20 %), TDG is essential as catalyst highly exothermic gas-liquid reaction Potential for micro reactor ? Source: Presentation of R. Böhling, µ.pro.chem, ACHEMA Kongress 2009, 12 -13 May, Frankfurt am Main Micro Process Technology Mercaptoethanol (MCE) from EO and H2S Lab results Lab results with several µ-reactors (T = 110-140 °C / p = 30-90 bar / = 2 min) - Capillary tubes (d<1 mm) - Parallel channel structure (IMM) - Mingatec reactor STY up to 16 t/m3h achieved high selectivity only in liquid phase Selectivity up to 95 % achieved Pilot plant tests planned Source: Presentation of R. Böhling, µ.pro.chem, ACHEMA Kongress 2009, 12 -13 May, Frankfurt am Main Micro Process Technology Mercaptoethanol (MCE) from EO and H2S Flow chart pilot plant at EVONIK site Hanau-Wolfgang EO; H2S; N2 Mixing zone Mingatec only H2S EO Mixer µ-Reactor (CSTR) 25 °C MCE 1. Sambay 2. Sambay 1 bar vacuum N2 recycle TDG TDG TDG Source: Presentation of R. Böhling, µ.pro.chem, ACHEMA Kongress 2009, 12 -13 May, Frankfurt am Main Micro Process Technology Mercaptoethanol (MCE) from EO and H2S Pilot plant (start up III/07 at Evonik site Hanau-Wolfgang) Front view (work-up section on back side) IMM reactor Exchangeable microstructured reaction module Mingatec reactor Source: Presentation of R. Böhling, µ.pro.chem, ACHEMA Kongress 2009, 12 -13 May, Frankfurt am Main Micro Process Technology Mercaptoethanol (MCE) from EO and H2S µ-Reactors tested in pilot plant Heatric-type IMM – type Lab reactor 3 ml reactor volume Pilot reactor 90 ml (30 fold stack) Enlarged view: cut through the (BASF) reactor stack Major step during manufacturing: brazing of the wet chemically etched plates Mingatec-reactor (Miprova®, 2 types) 20 ml lab. reactor (1 channel / 1,7 x 12 mm / 3 x 0,5 mm N comb layers) 100 ml pilot reactor (12 channels / 1,2 x 12 mm / 2 x 0,5 mm N comb layers) Source: Presentation of R. Böhling, µ.pro.chem, ACHEMA Kongress 2009, 12 -13 May, Frankfurt am Main 130 ml pilot reactor (4 channels / 1.0 mm) Micro Process Technology Mercaptoethanol (MCE) from EO and H2S Pilot plant results MCE-Pilotanlage 110°C / 80 bar( 1,3 mol/mol H2S/EO) 100 During start-up period: 98 STY of up to 16 t/m3h confirmed Sel. % 96 94 92 90 Sel. 90-94 % at EO conversion of > 95 % achieved 88 86 84 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Conversion % Mingatec Labor Mingatec 100 ml Heatric II Source: Presentation of R. Böhling, µ.pro.chem, ACHEMA Kongress 2009, 12 -13 May, Frankfurt am Main IMM Mingatec (+TDG) Kinetic mmlab Rohr Kinetic 11mm tube Micro Process Technology Mercaptoethanol (MCE) from EO and H2S Results recycle TDG **A-Reactor * fresh TDG **B-Reactor With closed TDG-recycle: Fast plugging of all micro reactors Decrease in reactor performance Source: Presentation of R. Böhling, µ.pro.chem, ACHEMA Kongress 2009, 12 -13 May, Frankfurt am Main * fresh TDG from the Lu-site BASF plant synthesis by addition of MCE and EO ** A and B-Reactor are two identical Heatric PCHE Micro Process Technology Mercaptoethanol (MCE) from EO and H2S Results Heatric A-Reactor running with recycle TDG Heatric B-Reactor running with fresh TDG IMM Reactor running with recycle TDG scrubbing solutions after operation Instable process due to oligomer formation Continuous process only with additional TDG-work-up feasible Source: Presentation of R. Böhling, µ.pro.chem, ACHEMA Kongress 2009, 12 -13 May, Frankfurt am Main Micro Process Technology Alkane Nitration (hom. gas phase) State of the art: DOW process with an adiabatic multi stage reactor with HNO3 feeding between the stages – operation up to 400°C broad product spectrum with nitromethane, nitroethane, 1- and 2- nitropropane...... Low conversion with the need of propane recycle 2-nitropropane selectivity around 25 - 30 % Target: > 50% propane selectivity, nearly full conversion to avoid the propane recycle Idea: Using a micro reactor to ensure isothermal conditions for shifting product mix to the kinetically preferred 2-nitropropan Micro Process Technology Gas-Phase Alkane Nitration Background Challenge: Optimum reaction condition are in an explosive regime and elevated pressure range. Quenching distance for stochiom. Dependency of quenching distance and pressure combustible air mixture Quench distance [mm] Gas componente → Hydrogen 0,58 Methane 2,03 Ethylenoxide 1,17 Acetylene 0,64 Methanol 1,50 Micro structure can not avoid explosion – a multiplication factor for pressure rise in case of explosion of around 50 is taken into account Micro Process Technology Gas-Phase Alkane Nitration Challenge → Using an inherent safe reactor concept with pressure resistant > 500 bar and do not forget all other parts with reaction mixture inside must also pressure resistant > 500 bar – for example Lab scale down: HEATRIC heat exchangers 60 m capillary inside a hot air oven Micro Process Technology Gas-Phase Alkane Nitration Results Gas-phase nitration under thermal control is within micro structured devices feasible for high selectivity inter stage feeding of O2 is necessary to suppress side reaction of O2 High temperature leads to the thermodynamically preferred products Avoid explosive liquid phase - strictly Micro Process Technology Gas-Phase Alkane Nitration Results Reactor concept: Cascade of Heatric heat exchangers with O2 feeding between them 100 bar 280 °C 110 bar 270 °C 280 °C 25 °C 55 °C 285 °C Project status: 311 °C Stopped due to decrease of marked scenario from several thousends to some hundred tons per year Micro Process Technology Bi-phasic Substitution (liquid-liquid phase) Corning reactor State of the art: Batch process with a complex temperature management Target: Increasing selectivity, saving cooling costs and reducing toxic hold up Idea: Using a Corning micro reactor to ensure isothermal conditions and good mixing to get a stable emulsion during the operation Micro Process Technology Bi-phasic Substitution Corning reactor Temperature profiles batch Results: Stable emulsion formed inside Corning - fast phase separation at Corning outlet Residence time < 1min feasible Corning lab plant Temperature 60°C higher than batch Selectivity comparable to batch process Saving of cooling shown Project status: Stopped - investment due to capital costs uneconomically conti Corning Micro Process Technology Glucose Dehydration (super critical phase) OH HO HO O OH O H2O OH OH p = 400 bar T ~ 450°C HO O Zeit < 1sec C1 ID: 250 µm Heating rate: 10000 - 100000 K/sec Heating time: 3 – 30 ms C2 ID: 800 µm Reaction tube W3 ID: 800 µm Cooling rate 2000 - 10000 K/sec Heat transfer coefficient: 9000 – 27000 W/m²/K Quelle: Alois Kindler BASF SE, GCN Micro Process Technology Glucose Dehydration (super critical phase) Results Dehydration of glucose under super critical conditions is feasible without formation of brown colored waste 70 Yield DHD in mol% 60 50 40 An extremly short residence time avoids plugging of the reactor 30 20 10 0 0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 VWZ_nom in s (rho=0,4) 450 °C - 5% Glucose 425°C - 5% Glucose 475°C - 10% Glucose 450°C - 10 % Glucose Project stopped 425°C - 10% Glucose work up is uneconomically Lack of demand for DHD Outline 1 µ-Process-Technology @ BASF history and motivation 2 Lessons learnt Deydrogenation, Mercaptoethanol, Cyclohexane Oxidation, Propane Nitration….. 3 Applications and Conclusion Heat exchange, Evaporation, Reaction, Mixing Micro Process Technology Heat exchange Heatric heat exchanger at BASF plant Source: Located on 3rd deck of the plant Compact design – small footprint Source: Presentation of R. Böhling / S.Schirrmeister Micro Process Technology, April 25,—April 27 2008, German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium Irvine, California Micro Process Technology Heat exchange Micro reactor fouling Parameter Design Actual Flow (t/h) 526 526 T hot (°C) 131.0 42.9 131.0 46.5 P (bar) 1.5 1.9 Flow (t/h) 555 555 37.9 120.2 38.4 117.5 P (bar) 1.5 1.8 Heat Duty (MW) 52.8 49.2 T cool (°C) Heatric heat exchanger in operation at BASF since 2002 Decreasing performance after 2 ½ years Source: Presentation of R. Böhling / S.Schirrmeister Micro Process Technology, April 25,—April 27 2008, German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium Irvine, California Micro Process Technology Heat exchange Gas puffing for cleaning of Heatric PCHE Source: Presentation of R. Böhling / S.Schirrmeister Micro Process Technology, April 25,—April 27 2008, German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium Irvine, California Micro Process Technology Heat exchange Gas puffing for cleaning of Heatric PCHE View into feed header Offsite gas puffing (Heatric) Debris from gas puffing Source: Presentation of R. Böhling / S.Schirrmeister Micro Process Technology, April 25,—April 27 2008, German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium Irvine, California Micro Process Technology Evaporation Background Evaporation with technical evaporator leads to Decomposition Content of decomposition gases in the exhaust vapor [Vol.-%] within the miniplant evaporator at different pressure 35 a brown colored waste stream and could plug the evaporator even under vacuum conditions at 100 - 200 mbar increasing pressure and temperature leads to non selective starting material cleavage 30 25 high cost for vacuum pumps and electrical power supply 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 Pressure [mbar] 600 used tube bundle of a technical evaporator Micro Process Technology Evaporation Micro vs. macro Evaporation at lab with a micro evaporator compared to a discontinuous distillation at atmospheric pressure Temperature of exhaust vapor [°C] Decomposition fraction [%] 8 cm³ KIT-Cube discont. lab distillation* 225 198 < 0,5 50,5 * Source: Dr. Achhammer BASF SE Nearly no decomposition with a micro evaporator Up to 50 % decomposition with usual lab equipment Micro Process Technology Evaporation KIT micro evaporator The micro evaporator (1 cm³ KITCube) operates at 1,2 - 2,6 bar up to more than 1000 h without plugging 1 cm³ “KIT-Cube” capacity: 1 kg/h channel wide: 200 µm channel length: 1,4 cm Lab tests (8 cm³ “KIT-Cube”) with cycles of evaporation and condensation showed no formation of colored byproducts fresh starting material 16-fold evaporated ↔ condensed Source: FZK Lab plant with a sectional view of the used micro evaporator capacity: 5 kg/h Micro Process Technology Evaporation Micro vs. macro Characteristic data for micro and technical evaporators 1 cm³ KIT-Cube 10 l KIT-Cube tech. evaporator tube length cm 1,4 12 200 hyd. diameter mm 0,15 0,15 21 heat trans. coefficient W/(m²K) 4600 4600 300 Heat power kW 0,05 1000 1000 residence time sec 0,1 0,1 700 The heat transfer coefficient is only secondary for the feed material decomposition within a technical evaporator The crucial point is the residence time. In a micro evaporator it is less than one thousandth compare to a technical evaporator. Micro Process Technology Reaction Smale scale production BASF operates two Heatric microreactors at its Ludwigshafen site One to produce samples of up to about 20 kilograms One can manufacture quantities ranging from 1 to 50 tons for market launches of new products The microreactors are used for reactions that require high pressure, high temperatures or/and are strong exothermic The continuous mode of operation and the short reactor residence time of the reaction media ensure end products of consistently high quality Source: Micro Process Technology Mixing Large scale production - BASILTM nucleophilic catalysis/ Ionic liquid > 8 x 103 space time yield 8 kg m-3 h-1 batch process stirred vessel space time yield 69000 kg m-3 h-1 continuous process jet reactor Source: Micro Process Technology Conclusions Micro reactors are versatile lab devices Refrain from improper generalizations Operation in explosive regime needs careful consideration Corrosion, fouling and scale up pose severe problems for production applications BASF already uses micro devices and explores further applications Source: Presentation of F. Lippert, Process Intensification @ BASF, Sep 7 - 10, 2008, Kyoto/Japan Thank you for your attention