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1 - Monash University Research Repository
© Monash Student Association (Clayton) Incorporated (MSA). Lot’s Wife is published on behalf of MSA. All enquiries about the reproduction and communication of material from Lot’s Wife should be directed to MSA. LUME XXXVni -edition d onnroved PP338685/00006 hy .-^iS:^ 'fc^ x. r ! ^ife. IM V\ tuJ » n*: focus on ^MI your studies • without losing < p your focus I ! i I % I * < I 1 L 0 T.' S «» CONTENTS Note: The first half of the paper is non-CAF (Compulsory Amenities Fee) funded and contains material at the editors' discretion. The second half of the paper is CAF funded a n d subject to the VSU legislation. Trx l e In the H«n-0A7 h a l f : e d i t i a n #13, 199J3 ?h: ( n j ) 9 9 0 5 31.33 Fa.y.1 (Ci^) ??ri^ It 1.3 5 a o i v e r t i s i n e : (nj) 9 905 31<3 2 8. N e w s In Briefs 11. F e d e r a l Election Section ( W i t h Party b r e a k - d o w n s , G S T a n a l y s e s , w h y t a x isn't t h e o n l y issue a n d m o r e ) 22. M o r e N e w s o n Arts Faculty C u t s CREDIT& Editors Sub-Editors In t h e 3^7 h a l f : Don Celm Michelle Davies Chris King VISUAL ARTS: 28. Travel S e c t i o n : T i p s , C h i p s a n d W h i p s Asha Holmes 30. DIY W e b - s i t e s 36. Powderfinger Interview NEWS: Advertising Jen C o s Kothryn James Daniel Ceinn Typesetting ENTERTAINMENT: Tomsin Molesworth Michelle Davies Chris King Dan Celm 44. B u n d a b e r g R u m Footy T i p p i n g 47. Troutman ?1US: PERFORMING ARTS: M u n c h M e , Bundaberg Photo Page, Letters, MSA Reports, Top Ten, Cartoons, Lot's O n , Quizzes, Prizes, Idol Gossip, N o ' F r o m the Bar Room Floor', N o 'Activities Report', a n d N o w o n d e r Pender's f a m i l y w o n ' t recognise h i m . M e g a n Pearson MUSIC: These people managed to avoid the potential candidates and made it in to the office to be of great assistance and have a bloody good time with us: Alyssa, Beau Zlatkovic, Kanela Giannakakis, Will Fowles (too noisy), Slotts, Ozan , Ada, Dove McLay, Rennie Breimis, Simon "Life Saver" C o o k e , Micky Crossland, Pretzel, TrayC Richter, Ursula, Liam, Nick Chiam, Ben (Stogie Boy) and Macca at the bar who kept up our spirits a n d , of course, our resident cartoonists, Duncan Yardley a n d Darby Hudson (although they both gave stuff to Forrogo). p.s. We're really sorry Jacy, and we love you heaps. A n d r e w James Anthony Brasher Luke Oliver SPORT: I Remember, we only have one more edition left, and it's . going to be a fun silly one, so get your submissions in by •Monday September 2 1 . We want to see your name in printi' M a r c Jongebloed Richard Johnson INFO TECH: Ronny Liew Keith Kendall Leslie Liew P u b l i c a t i o n Schedule S e m e s t e r Trro CREATIVE WRITING: Editionfr Theme Helena Sverdlin INTERNET: Editorial Policy Lot's Wife does not publish any moterial Ihat is sexist, racist, homophobic or militoristic. So don't even bother trying to submit it. We also hove a major problem publishing thot ordinary stuff (ie Crop). Please keep the literary stondord of our newspoper up (that includes you Low students who everyone knows ore spawn of Satan). If you're going to submit good stuff, please give it to us on disk in W o r d 6.0 format. If you have a problem with the lack of editions a n d spoce this year, call the VC a n d ask for a budget increase. Otherwise fuck off and get o hair-cut like him. You know, the one thot mokes the flobby bitof skinon the back of your neck stand out. Lot's Wife is publist^ed by our motes at Westeroport Printing, none of whom hove bod hoif-culs. Don't mention t h e war. Rani I n t e r v i e w Reviews, Reviews, Reviews, Reviews Claire H a m m o n d The Crew: itiMJfjJdina 38. 40. Oliver Daly i r e e n Teek 7 FOOTY TIPPING CO-ORDINATOR: iSducAtlan Jacy C u l l u m 8 VOLUNTEER CO-ORDINATOR: iSlectlan Articles Deadline I^etters Deadline Production Week Distribution Date Monday July \^ Wtrdncsday July 15 M(.n - Thu July 2(1-2.1 Wednesday Monday August ID Wednesday August \Z Mtin - T h u August 17-20 Wednesday August 26 Monday August 31 Wednesday September 2 Mon - T h u September 7-H) Wednesday September 16 Monday StpicmbcrZI Wednesday September 2.^ Mon - T h u Sept28-(>cr I Wednesday Otn.ber 7 July2y Emma Hunt Non-CAF Funded Non-CAF Funded page 3 letten to the editon • ''I.,I Welcome to Elections: Hove a Nice Day Send In The Hacks Dear Lot's, Dear Lot's, There are a few Indicators that student elections are with us again. There are the teaser posters, the lecture bashes, the tacky t-shirts, and the preponderance of "friends" whose name you can't quite remember, but who seem to always remember yours. There is one other indicator: the Lot's Wife letters page. In all the years that I have been at university there is one thing you can bet on: that the edition of Lot's just before election week will be filled with lots of pathetic. Immature, little jibes at various people from differing factions who are all competing for the same elected positions on MSA committees and executives. To those reading all these letters, It is worth bearing one thing In mind - in five, ten or fifteen years time, when the average person thinks back on their university years they will remember certain things. They'll remember the experiences they had, the loves they lost and the friends they made. They'll remember times of frivolity and times of stress - times that they wished would last forever and times that they wished they could more readily forget. And while some may remember the Union nights brought to them by Activities, or the editions of Lot's that they enjoyed so much, very few will remember who was their elected representative on the Education Affairs Committee, who sat on WAC, or even who was their student President. Kind of puts things Into perspective. Michael McLecking P.S. Hope I'm proven wrong about the letters column, but I doubt It. I was a bit confused by the last paragraph of DannI Ujvari's othenwise excellent article (The Decimation of the Arts Faculty - edn 7). Confused, because the Arts Faculty staff had asked the MSA to use organised protest as a last resort (which we have done), and which the Education Affairs Committee (of which DannI is an elected member) has known all along. Then I remembered; DannI only attended one of these meetings before giving her position to someone else. I also remembered that DannI was elected to Welfare Committee last year, but resigned early on. page 4 Far from "representing women", the bid was prepared by a very limited group of women. The collective structure set up to organise the conference, If the bid was successful, only allowed Involvement by a very limited group of women; and upon completion of the bid, copies of It were very difficult to obtain for discussion by more than that very limited group of women. It does come across as If Sandra might have been trying to control the NOWSA 1999 conference, doesn't It? But I don't suppose that counts as trying to Increase one's own "individual political power". I also noticed that DannI signed herself as a student representative on the Arts Faculty Board. Interesting again, considering that there have been five Arts Faculty Board meetings this year, only one of which DannI has attended. Rebecca Boreham Arts/Law 3 I wondered why DannI would attack the MSA while being so contemptuous of the students she, herself, is meant to represent. Then I remembered election time is notorious for drawing out hypocrisy wherever It resides. DannI Is running for Education Officer - a bit rich considering she's been elected to three positions In the last two years and fulfilled none of them. Dear Lot's, MelMcGrath VP Education Officer Monash Student Association Dear Lot's, It is interesting that Sandra Roennfeldt, In her Women's Officer's Report In the Green Week Edition of Lot's raises the question as to whether women become Involved In feminist politics to Increase their own "individual political power" or to "represent women" as a whole. I find this particularly Interesting In light of the most recent Network of Women Students in Australia (NOWSA) conference. Monash women submitted a bid to hold the NOWSA conference of 1999 at Monash, but the proposal to bid was only raised at the last WAC meeting of Semester One - leaving only a few Non-CAF Funded weeks (Including exam period) to prepare the bid. Surely Not Anottier Electioneering Letter Dear Lot's, How do you know when it Is election time? MSA officebearers and Labor club students who seem to be publicity shy and afraid of being involved In campaigns are suddenly appearing all over the place, desperate to get their name In print, their photo anywhere they can, and to actually talk to the students they have ignored all year. Does this also have any connection to the lack of student Involvement and Input until now and the hurried attempts at solving problems that have been Ignored until now? Call me a cynic, but I would rather see them active all year, involving students all year and dealing with important issues when they come up - not just at election time. Hamish Clark Let's Bag MUFSO Beefcake for All Not Just The Rlcti It Is appalling that the most Information that we have heard about the MUFSO student plan has come from reading Lot's Wife ~ not from the Monash Student Board (MSB) on which we both sit. Why was such a far-reaching and potentially destructive plan for the MSA Implemented without any student consultation, without any Input from MSB - let alone an SGM, where something of this magnitude must be decided. Why did the two MSA representatives to MUFSO - Jacqui Cameron and Gavin Ryan - refuse to discuss, table or mention any aspects of the plan with MSB before the launch, despite vehement questioning? As of Monday August 31, the MUFSO Student Plan has still not been tabled at any MSB meeting. Furthermore, the document clearly rolls over and submits to what the vice-chancellor wants, at a time when it is clear that what students want and expect from Monash University Is clearly so different from what the vicechancellor wants. Ashley Ford Ya'ir Neumann MSB Representatives Dear Lot's, Well, it's been almost a year since that fateful decision was made by the former Monash Student Board engineered by Tanja Kovak. Nearly a year and everyone's still fighting over it. Isn't It time that both sides put their petty, political differences aside and worked together to sort It out? It's not just one side stopping the resolution of the conflict. It's more the case of an Inability on the part of the Wholefoods Collective to work with certain members of the Monash Student Board and vice-versa. It's been too long, and frankly, as a student, I'm concerned at the amount of time that seems to be wasted. There are many more Issues to be worried about, but, as It Is nearly election time, we'll have the Wholefoods fiasco as the core issue to argue over. Swallow your differences and sort It out. Organize a time when all concerned parties (and not a roundup of stragglers meant to put the pressure on) can discuss the ins and outs with the Friends of Wholefoods : A F Funded Pleased to meet you - oh no don't stand up - oh you are! constitution. Then, agree. It's about time that you all just fucking solved it. "Swallow your dreams. You can reach your goals. Beefcake. BEEF^CAKEI" Sarah Turner Representation for All Not just ttie Postgrads Dear Lot's, The Monash Postgraduate Association (MPA) currently represents only Clayton enrolled postgraduate students. This leaves over 3000 Monash University postgraduate students from other Monash campuses without postgraduate specific representation. The MPA does not seek to break anything. Indeed, the MPA seeks only to join together all postgraduate students of Monash University. Under its current structure the MPA is prevented from achieving this level of representation. The MPA does not want to argue with any student body over "its share of student fees", the MPA simply wants to ensure that it will have the necessary infrastructure to fully meet the specific representative needs of over 8000 Monash postgraduate students. The issue of wider postgraduate repVesentation is not an economic one, it is an issue that deals with the specific representative requirements of postgraduate students. Given the changing nature of the university environment, it is important that postgraduate students have a strong presence within the wider Monash University community, in order to monitor standards and levels of teaching, especially with regard to supervision, and to protect resources that are essential to postgraduate study. Munchkin, Sweetie Darling; Munch Mel Dear Munchkin, Dear Lot's, Country Road indeed! Is that the best you can do? You forgot to mention that we Law students are all Chapel St going, cafe latte sipping, mobile phone and lap-top toting, solarium-tanned, gym frequenting, arrogant, over confidant, Calvin Klein-clad, annoyingly well-elocuted, chardonnay-swilling, pointy-nosed Peter Costellos in the making. Country Road-darling where have you been? Country Road is so 1996, we Law students wouldn't be caught dead in it! Thought I'd bring you up to date. An open letter to the VC of Monash University: Love from, Laureen Villegas, Arts/Law V (Written while sitting on a leather chesterfield sofa, smoking a large cigar and perusing the financial pages) Compu-pu-pu-pu-pupu-pu computer games Dear Lot's (and all you out there), You may have noticed lately that there are some lovely bright stickers appearing on the computers in the labs. These stickers exhort (look it up) you to TURN OFF THE COMPUTERS AFTER USE. Do you really want to be remembered as a man who stands for nothing and no-one? Actually, you will be remembered for something - as the worst Vice Chancellor, not only of Monash University, but of all time. You will be remembered as the man who destroyed the Arts faculty of Monash University while turning this institution into a sort of private prison, replete with security cameras and wandering security goons. You will, in short, be remembered as the man who destroyed the faith of the brightest minds in the present era. to major national confrontations, eg. The euthanasia debate. As a former student of his bioethics centre, I believe I am qualified to add a few words to complete the picture. While at his centre, I developed a new theory of ethics to counterbalance his hegemonaical model of publicfocussed utilitarianism in which I pointed out that individual justice was of greater importance in law and ethics than general utilitarianism (which was more relevant to politics and economics, although the concept of justice is still applicable everywhere). Hence I have been able to point out that non-selective application of rules and models, like utilitarianism, with no consideration of individuals rights, will lead to the type of dissonances which do occur as a result of rapid change to society's values, culture and economic principles. Malcolm Barr Or maybe not. Maybe it could be that you will make a stand against all of this corporatised university njbbish. How? Rumour has it that Monash University owns a filthy amount of property that is doing absolutely nothing Be courageous. Sell the dodgy property and use the proceeds not just to sustain the diversity of courses, but to expand the diversity of courses. What a marvellous example that would set. Anthony G. Kent ArtsV LUCV TAK:£<> TA'^ H E ft TIAA FOi^ A WALK Mad Mol 3: Beyond A Joke Dear Lot's of Non-mistakes, Surely wider student representation within Monash University can only benefit all students of the university. Darriel Jeffree MPA President The "turn off the computers collective". Non-CAF Funded Firstly, let me congratulate you on your willingness to personally address the recent protest meeting outside your "home". But let me ask: This is because, unless the computer is used by someone else straight away, it sits there wasting power all by itself. In addition, the computer centre recommends that you always re-boot the computer to protect yourself against those nasty viruses - so it may as well be turned off! So remember kids, unless there are people standing waiting for a computer, turn it off. This applies especially after four o'clock or so, when the labs are quite empty! This way you help to save power and all the things that bring you power (but that is a story for another day...) I broke my Wooklc. VC: Flashbacks, 1972 Saigon Shit. Non-CAF Funded An item on p.8 of your Green Week special regarding the promotion of Professor Peter Singer to Princeton University desen/es comment. Your Envirowatch reporter was unable to do justice to Professor Singer's role in the general ethical debate in all Australia where he has adopted a utilitarian approach to bioethics leading Non-CAF Fundec pages Before I get on my soapbox about the upcoming federal election, I would like to indulge in some light and fluffy matters. Hasn't the weather been divine lately? The sun is shining, it's warmer, the winter blues are dissipating and despite the Impending doom of exams, summer is coming. ' ' , / . . . l . »-«•'' Save The Arts: Harpoon a Lawyer It Just Wouldn't Be The Same Without Ptill Dear Lot's, Dear Lot's, I am just writing to say well done to all the people who attended the 'Save the Arts Faculty' rally on Wednesday 26*' August. While the speakers were nothing spectacular, and the chair was very lacklustre, such a large showing of support from the students was great. Last Wednesday morning, as usual, I rode my bike to the Post Graduate Centre, then wandered over to Admin Building 3a for a shower There I was greeted by a security officer who very politely informed me that due to unspecified student actions, only authorised staff were being admitted to the building. If you didn't get a chance to sign the petition at the rally, it's available in MSA reception. The prevention of people entering the administration building to attend the Arts Faculty Board meeting through non-violent means was a spectacular success which forced the Vice Chancellor to come out and speak to the students. He saw the full anger of the students and was questioned about a number of issues affecting students. It also provided a great avenue for the media to highlight the issue - check out The Age and Australian on Thursday 27" August. Scott Brewer Shitscared Are Shithouse Dear Lot's, I was disgusted to read Rich Johnson's crap attempt at a sports report in the last edition of Lot's. He tried to claim that Shitscared were superior, but I ask you: What's so superior about a bunch of wanker Engineers getting together with more money and more people than any other group in Green Week? Apparently Peter Wade, General Manager of the University, had given the order, so although Security agreed that I hardly looked like a radical student terrorist, they adamantly refused to defy orders and let me into the building. Last week I saw Prime Alien Carcass (the Players' Comedy Revue) and can I just say, it was such a pearler. I haven't enjoyed a show so much in ages, so I thank the cast and crew for forcing me into such a cheery mood. I also saw Julius Caesarwhich was presented by Monash drama students. There are such talented and enthusiastic people here at Monash and I hope that more students support the many other shows coming up soon. OK. Serious now. Given that a federal election is nigh, we give you our 'Election Edition'. Naturally, we could not offer a comprehensive guide of issues and policies to consider, but we have outlined some important points. Granted - t£ix reform, the GST and increasing global economic troubles must be considered. But, I would like to make one simple request. When you vote, please remember that any govemment has a responsibility not only to balance the books, but to sustain the welfare of its society. We need people who are leaders, not just good accountants, to manage Australia. Just my opinion... Shell So, it's that time of year again. Student elections, made even more unbearable this year because of a coincidental federal election. It would almost be funny if it wasn't so painful. What I will say is this: Use your right to vote, don't let it go to waste. It is your right because you are student of this campus. It is the way you get to decide who will misuse student funds next year. Meanwhile, over a weekend ten days eariier, a television was stolen from the Post Graduate Centre lounge. Despite the existence of a swipe card system, supposedly recording every entry/exit to and from the building, and numerous cameras, at least three of which should have recorded the thief in action, the disappearance is still unsolved. Speaking of funds, I hate to be a whinger, but by God it takes a lot of money to run a student newspaper. You will note the black footers across the bottom of every page in the first half of the paper, they indicate the parts of the paper paid for by advertising. Lot's Wife is currently the only student newspaper in Victoria required to demarcate its pages between OAF and Non-CAF. Gone are the halcyon days of pre-VSU vyhen Lofs could come out every two weeks, now we struggle to get ten issues out a year (and that is with substantial advertising). It's a crime and a travesty, but there is no money and you suffer for it. Chris Apparently University Security has enough resources to prevent a lawabiding student from lawfully entering an admin building, but despite electronic movement records and closed circuit TV footage, cannot identify a blatant thief. Well with all this election stuff going on everyone gets pretty serious about things. Federal elections, Student elections, Local dog-club elections; and all of them seem so important at the time. Makes you wonder about Security's priorities... Phil Crohn Paranoia 36 Ooh aah, well done Rich. If you hadn't have won you should be ashamed of yourself. My Grandmother and her pokie-playing friends could have taken out Green Week with the amount of resources at your disposal. I don't think I'll ever get too seriously involved in politics, I find the whole process too frustrating. First there's the problem that not everyone shares the same idea of what the best means are for achieving a greater good, let alone what that greater good is supposed to be. Then there's just the restriction that comes with any position of power; namely that like everything else in life, it only lasts for a certain time. Even if someone was able to acheive world peace, it wouldn't matter too much. Some fuckhead would come along with a gun and the whole thing would just start all over again. I prefer to live in the social wortd rather than the political one. I believe that true goodness cannot be forced form above, but must come from the grassroots up. I believe in spending time with others, sharing a beer, or having a smoke, or whatever your preference may be. Most importantly, I think we should all laugh about things more often. It helps to keep everything in perspective. As soon as you start to take things too seriously, you've already lost. Besides, everyone looks prettier When they're smiling. Maybe if we all do it often enough a little will rub off and others will start living with the same philosophy. I think I'd forgotten that recently, but it's good to have it back again. But I will give you one thing... it was nice to see a Sports sub-editor actually write something for the paper Remember: If you can make just one person laugh as you carry out your day-today task, then you're probably not that funny. Lord Testiclies Dan Non-CAF H page 6 imiMAAtimi^\ Goodbye, Isevin Arnold, IS THAT A BLUE PRINT IN YOUR POCKET.. ? Arts students have taken their protests to the Administration at Monash University in recent weeks. On Wednesday, August 26, a National Day of Action was held at the Monash Clayton campus, attracting hundreds of people who congregated between the Menzies and the Union buildings. The protests signaled a change in tactics for the Monash Student Association, who had previously ventured into the city to participate in student Days of Action. However, turnouts at these rallies had traditionally in the past been low, with the inner-city universities being able to attract far larger levels of students, in part due to their geographical advantage. Judging by the numbers who attended on the 26th, the decision appears to have been a success. Attended by hundreds of students, the protest was against the University's decision to close some faculties in the Arts department, and to merge others. A temporary stage and PA system was set up with speakers from the Classics department, both staff and students talking bout the obvious problems which its closure would bring to them. From there the protest moved to the outside of Administration where an open speaking forum commenced. However, that was soon cut short when many amongst the group began to barricade the entrances of the building in an attempt to stop the meeti ng of Academic Board from taking place - a meeting which was scheduled to discuss and accept the recommendations of the Arts Faculty blue print. Minor scuffles broke out when academic board members tried to force their way through the protestors, however no one was hurt and the situation soon cooled down. But the most amazing incident occurred when an impromptu question-and-answer forum occurred between protestors and the Vice Chancellor, David Robinson, as he came to confront the group. The Vice Chancellor was received with a respectful level of silence as interested students heard his responses to questions fired from students and staff. Describing himself as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Monash rather than as a Vice Chancellor, Mr Robinson's answers were mostly pad- ded with empty rhetoric. The session lasted for approximately half an hour before the Vice Chancellor re-entered the Administration building and the crowd dispersed. The Monash Student Association and NTEU have vowed to continue their fight against course closures; closures which have left many students wondering whether they will be capable of finishing their degree in their desired field. ^iWPpp^' - Kw* . " ' J j ••;" t^j^jiK-'m. fy^^f/X ^^M ' ^^j^llppj r ^ ^ E J- V • ^ ^ ^ ^ ; - ^ ^JJf"-!^'^ mpyimr ^Qig4 R^^ J 1 .„ < A Minor Service For IMonash Students MONASH DRIVING SCHOOL • only $49 For all your servicing needs Brakes Mechanical repairs Manufacturer's handbool< servicing Dynotunes.. .carburettor/ EFI / LPG We wash and vacuum your vehicle Established 1961 • LESSONS SEVEN DAYS A WEEK • MANUAL OR AUTO • PATIENT LADY a GENT INSTRUCTORS • SPECIALISING IN OVERSEAS CHANGE-OVER LICENCES • OVER 30.000 SATISFIED CLIENTS Discounts for Students and Staff PHONE: Non-CAF Funded Every silver lining has a grey cloud. 9803 6184 9803 6179 Non-CAF Funded FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY OaklelghrJohn - 9568 4911 C l a y t o n : Steve - 9545 6 0 6 6 33WarrigalRd 136 Centre Rd Non-CAF Funded page? KID CLIMBS TO KEEP WOODS Matthew Williams, eleven, has won against a Surrey council order to evict him from his treehouse. Matthew, nicknamed 'General Survival', lives in the treehouse with his mother and fourteen year old brother as he protests against the building of a road through remnant woodlands known as Silver Birches. The owners of the woodlands were granted a possession and eviction order but last week the High Court put a stay on the order until a full appeal hearing begins on October 1. General Survival was delighted. "I am here because I want to save the silver birches and the wildlife on this site," he said. "I have friends who like the woodland because they can play in it. I like living in the tree house and spend my time picking up litter and tidying up the woods and parkland. Sometimes I help with the cooking. I like veggie food." His mother, Lorraine, said, "He believes in what we are doing. I just want to make the world a better place, more green and less concrete. I think we are a lot better off living in a tree house than on the council estate in Kingston where we used to live. That place was just a haven for drugs and crime." He was given his nickname by friends after being involved in several other protests. But there has been a price. "I was kicked out [aged eight] of The Mount school in Kingston because I was behind. I like my fife now. I spend my days playing with former school friends from Kingston, helping my mother find and prepare food and trying to learn how to read. I love it there mostly. All my friends come to play with me there and I don't want that to come to an end because the trees have all been chopped down to make a road. I want to save the trees for other children." A support group has gathered round, and Nigel Veal, an English graduate, has volunteered to teach Matthew to read and write. Supporters argue that he has the right to stay because Agenda 21, signed by 100 nations at the Rio Earth Summit, upholds the right of young people to protect their environment. His case will be the first to test Agenda 21. Jon Sumby Reference: The Electronic Telegraph envirowatch envirowatch nee have disappeared in the past fifteen years. niques and the destruction of beach Remember the Garlic, and 'Ava Good nesting sites for development. Tour- Weekend ist resorts are mainly the cause as Limiting the amount of the planet we people seek more and more exclu- Researchers'at the German Federal Nadominate, and tolerating diversity more sive and idyllic places. ture Protection Agency have found that in the places we do dominate, will eneating gariic scares off mosquitos. tail tackling two of the most intractable Last month the most important nestforces in the modem worid: galloping ing site for the green and loggerhead Also on the mosquito 'most hated' list per-capita consumption and rapid popu- turtle in Mexico and the Caribbean were eating plenty of vitamin B l and lation growth. No consen/ation strategy, has been sold for tourist develop- the scents of lavender, peppennlnt and Life Support Gives Bad Report however ingenious, can get around the ment. X'cacel Beach is a two kilome- the tomato plant. Unprecedented biological collapse fact that the more resources one spe- tre stretch of beach atQuintana Roo, has begun worldwide, according to cies consumes, the fewer are available Mexico, and is considered critical to These traditional methods were at least a WorldWatch Institute report, Ufe for all the rest. the turtle's future. An online petition as good as chemical sprays and creams Source - M.Vandemann Support Consenting Biological Diverto preserve the beach is available by on the martlet the Agency said. sity. Among the report's findings; emailing mafylouisew@msn.com with Source - Telegraph Group Umited. three-quarters of the world's bird Critical Turtle Nesting 'OK X'cacel' as the subject and your species are declining in population Beach Threatened name, city, country as the text. Compiled Jon Sumby or threatened with extinction. AmSource - Cturtie List phibians are declining woridvidde. In All marine turtle species are endangered Indonesia, 1,500 local varieties of as the result of modem fishing tech'Non-CAF Funded page 8 You won't need a pen and paper. My order's simple. E' NEWS IN BRIEF There are reports that Howard may have called an election to reduce Australia's unemployment rate and to stabilise the negative effects of the Asian crisis on the Australian economy This may sound very odd, but it was reported that the The long anticipated Coalition tax Australian Electoral Commission package was finally released, not expects to employ 60,000 casual surprisingly it included a 10% GST. workers for the upcoming election. Health, education, child-care, hos- There will be fifty teams that will go pitals and nursing homes, local gov- around the country twelve days before polling to visit remote areas, ernment rates, and water and sewerage charges will all be exempt and also there will be 8,000 polling from the consumption tax. The places. The AEC expects the election Prime Minister has continually told to cost $60 million. his critics that the revolutionary tax The traditional owner of the Jabiluka reform package does not solely include a GST. In fact, other features uranium mine site, Yvonne Margarula was found guilty for of the package include significant reductions in PAYE, tax free thresh- trespassing. She commented that old increases from $5400 to this decision sets a very unpleasant precedent for traditional owners in $6000 and increases in family assistance to low and middle income Australia. earners. Two men have received suspended The opposition released their tax sentences in a North Queensland package not long after, and again court, charged with smuggling it surprisingly did not include a snakes. Australian quarantine broad consumption tax, or a GST. service officers in Cairns seized ten It has set out to provide an increase green pythons as they were in the threshold for the 43 percent smuggled into the country in a man's tax rate from $38,000 to $43,000 trousers. Testing by the government by 2001-02, an increase in the science organisation revealed Medicare levy by 0.2% for high viruses that may have been income earners and imposes a damaging to our aquatic life. 32% sales tax on caviar and private jets. There is also funding for public The global financial situation infrastnjcture such as road and rail worsened in the last month, with projects and most importantly, the political and economic troubles in package provides a family tax credit Russia. This had a negative effect of about $63 a week for an average on Australian indicators, with the family with two children. dollar hitting a post-float low. Some For all of you who are still in a state of hibernation, if the sounds of federal and student elections are not enough to wake you up from your deep sleep, please let me know where your cave is. « STICK IT UP YA' ARTS! The recommendations of a review of the Monash Arts Faculty include cutting subjects with enrolments of less than sixty at first year level, twenty-five at second year and fifteen at third year, staff cuts of up to fifty-five people and the removal of straight Arts degrees at all Monash ing. Monash is to lose $40 million in funding over the next two years. A final decision on the review's recommendations is to be made by the university council at the end of October. Kathryn James campuses except Clayton. Under the proposals, Clayton subjects including Classics and languages such as Greek, Latin, German and Asian languages could disappear. Other areas which may be under threat ^. include Anthropology, Sociology and English, while further subjects may be merged. If the recommendations are implemented, at all other campuses, students will only be able to study arts on their home campus as part of a combined degree. Their only option for studying straight Arts will be to do so by distance education. commentators labeled this trough A week of student action against the After a battle on tax policy, it was period in the economic cycle as cuts included a rally on 26 August, potentially devastating to the global at which the vice-chancellor David time for war! The PM endured that economy. The political system in Robinson addressed hundreds of joyous journey to the GovernorGeneral, and later on that day Russia was in a further state of students who were voicing concerns announced that the nation would serious uncertainty when President about the proposed cuts. He go to the polls on October 3"^. A Boris Yeltsin sacked the Prime claimed that while the recommenMinister Sugei Kiriyenko, and the dations of the review had not yet poll two days later had the coalition and the ALP tied on 40% whilst One pariiament rejected the acting Prime been accepted, some cuts would be Minister Victor Chernomyrdin. Nation was on 10%. necessary because of the large reOzan Ibrisim duction in federal govemment fund- NO MOBILE PHONE BILLS! PHILIPS Oft peak calls 20c per minute* THE COMPLETE^ ^ PRE-PAID MOBILE V PHONE PACKAGE X^: MO CONTRACTS TO \ SIGN AND COMPLETE | COST CONTROL Ptilllps Twisi Package includes: • FTiilipB Twist DigiUI lirtiKj^ii • SIM cart • Re-charge card wtiich includes up to 460 minutes lof $90) cH ott peak Fast Fone artine and up to 90 days access to the VodafiMie Network. •ToU package onty $ 2 9 9 OVER 7 0 STORES - FOR YOUR NEAREST STORE CALL 13 2 1 1 2 M-BUm, ALIONA GAT£. BAUJIRAI. BOtOW UmMi. BRANDON PARK, SnOWMlADOWS. DMKXNONG. DONCASTiH. EASTLUDS. FOflESr HIL., FOUNUM GATE, F U N K S T m . GfROMk. U E N VMVtRlEr GAEENSBOROUGH. WHPOWT. K£r580nOUGH. N W m U M l , SOUTHUWD, WANIVWA. W I D I I M H K N . WDODNGA tf on o i h ITU0I an vui aHntad M n dunng ofl-wM M T M E (G 30pm - 6im analuliys AMD M i W£EKf ND| BILL BOMBS THE BADDIES On the 2 1 " of August, in the wake of the bombing of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 257 people, the United States deployed cruise missiles against two sites in Afghanistan and Sudan. The locations attacked were a factory in Karthoum, alleged to have been producing chemical weapons, and suspected terrorist training facilities in Khost, Afghanistan. The local press reported that at least twentyone people were killed in the attack on Khost, while three hundred were reported missing after the bombing in Karthoum. The American government has claimed that the sites were linked with Saudi terrorist Osama bin Laden, believed to have been responsible for the embassy bombings. With twelve Americans killed in these attacks, it has been argued the cruise missile strikes stemmed simply from an obligation to protect American citizens. However the attacks have brought strong condemnation from the Muslim worid, who have labelled America's action as 'state terrorism'. Immediately following the attacks, Sudanese protesters attacked the US embassy in Karthoum, and militant Muslim groups have warned of the possibility of revenge attacks against the US. The sceptics among us are perhaps not entirely convinced that America's uncharacteristically speedy punitive military action was intended purely to combat terrorism. While it seems evident that there was a clear military basis for JOHNNY CALLS PREMATURE POLL the attacks, the timing was impeccable. The President's media briefing on the bombings occurred just as Monica Lewinsky ended her testimony to the grand jury. Kathryn James The federal election campaign is in full swing, following John Howard's longpredicted announcement that the election will be held on October 3. Tax reform is, of course, the major issue on which the campaign will be fought. The Coalition is promising a 10% GST to replace sales tax and other state taxes, coupled with income tax cuts worth $13 billion and reform of the tax system. Labor rejects the idea of a GST, but is similarly promising tax reform. Including tax cuts aimed at those earning below $50,000. Other issues on vitiich the parties will be campaigning include the sale of the remaining two-thirds of Telstra, industrial relations, upfront fees for undergraduates and health funding. Currently the Coalition holds ninety House of Representative seats and the ALP forty-nine. In order for a change of government to occur, the ALP would need to win twenty-seven seatsfromthe Coalition. However the Coalition would lose its majority if it lost only twentytwo seats, leaving the balance of power in the hands of minor parties and independents. Kathryn James Last-minute check for stains before Bill goes on television to address the public Johnson & Johnson ACUVUE EYELINE O P T I C A L 371 CLAYTON RD CLAYTON PHONE 9543 6641 Disposable Contact Lenses RRP $47.00 To Station Ounitan St. 4 Clayton Rd Library "JL " Clayton Plaza walk Car Pirk ASK HOW YOU CAN m&Bmtamsssm page 10 EVEN MORE WITH OUR FREQUENT PURCHASE PROGRAM Non-CAF Funded Canti«Rd. 1 ^ ' EYELINE OPTICAL vmavienns tsbw^dMS^^^^Km^a^^^^iK^mm What do you caW a guy with a shovel in his head? with the Federal Election approaching, there are plenty of Issues dominating the headlines. Obviously there Is none more so than that of tax reform, and more specifically, the GST. While this will remain the major issue in a majority of voters' minds. Lot's Wife asks you to look beyond this one-dimensional approach. Look instead towards the social issues, towards the issues of education and towards the issues that will shape not only the next few years of our lives, but our approach towards the next mlllenlum. In these politically volatile times, Lot's offers you the best of all angles - from Labor to Liberal; from Democrat to Green; from Ipswich to Canberra. Welcome to the election guide for Lot's Wife. Just remember, when October 3 comes around, please vote (not 'cause we give a fuck about the future of Australia, but because we 'd hate to see any of our readers get fined). So read on and become informed... well, a little more than you were before. not just TAX The future of taxation Not a Referendum Labor, Liberal, Democrat, GST, taxes on 4WD's and caviar- how to vote in the upcoming federal election is going to be a tough decision. For many voters, the choice will not be between policies, so much as a decision as to which major party is the lesser of two evils. Tax, the economy and unemployment are proving to be the major issues of the election campaign, especially with fears about the regional economy going global. In the face of uncertainty about Australia's economic future, the Liberal party seems to be offering a more farsighted tax reform package, which, if successful, may deliver long-awaited and meaningful reform to Australia's convoluted and unsatisfactory tax system. By comparison, Labor's tax package seems to be centered on fears about the Liberals' proposed GST. So how are we, the Australian population, to decide? For many of us, the details and long-term effects of the respective tax packages will be over our heads, and we will have to rely on informed commentators to help us along. The political and media focus on tax and economics is, however, problematte for a public which needs to make a decision on their choice of government for the next three years. Voters must remember that, despite the fact that their attention is being directed to economic issues, there are many other matters which election candidates need to properly address. Tax and economic reform, while obviously critical for Australia's future, are not in themselves sufficient as a platform on which to elect a government for the nation. Think back to federal issues that have captured media attention in the past six months (for example), and then ask yourself: "where are they now?" A short !M.ai!fc!IJd»M.M^I list would include the following: § MUA/Docks dispute § Native Title and the IV/Vc legislation § Unfair dismissal laws § Jabiluka uranium mine § The rise of the One Nation Party § The West report and cuts to higher education funding § Health and hospital funding Each of these issues is of tremendous importance to the Australian people, and Australia as a whole. The manner in which they were handled by each political party is an excellent indicator of the parties' underlying value schemes, and their attitudes to social justice. Perhaps more significantly in an election context, these issues have highlighted differences in the vision that each party has for the future of Australia. Australia's future will not be forged on economic reform alone, and this upcoming election is just that - an election, and not a referendum on tax reform. What kind of a nation should we be working towards in the next century? The media may forget to pose this crucial question, but voters must remember it if we are to choose a whole government, and not just a Treasurer. Kanela Giannakakis liSUkMldJillliMcI* page 11 ^ilMttM ^ Preferential Voting This simple process is probably the most election - there is a perception that one misunderslood in four Australians want One Nationesque Greens and Democrats. If the Democrats parliamentarians) win. process of all. Preferential Voting is just what it sounds like: voting by awarding preferences. The Say this next contest is between the Person A's vote stays with the Democrat candidate, B's vote for the candidate you would most like to see Consider a hypothetical election: there Greens becomes elected, your first preference, gets your are six candidates; a Liberal, a Labor, a Democrats as well. If the Greens win, number one vote, your second preferred Green, a Derhocrat, a Shooters Party and Person A's vote goes to the Liberals and candidate gets your second vote, and so an B's stays with the Greens. on down the list until you have used up Logically, only one person can win the Animal Rights representative. all the boxes. seat. This is done by counting all of the The Federal Government is in the votes and then allocating preferences. process of changing the law so that the One candidate at a time is eliminated, previously allowed vote of 1,2,3,3,3,3,3 on from the bottom up. a vote for the LECTORAL ENROTMKNT The single-most important point is not to use your preference vote for who you think will ultimately win, but to demonstrate your order of preference for the ballot is now considered informal and who you would like to win. The results not counted. This change benefits the The top three preferences for Person A change (albeit subtly) the political make- major parties, as sooner or later your vote are Shooters Party (1), Democrat (2) and up of the Australian political system. Just will go to them. Liberal (3). as One Nation may lead to a bias and The top three preferences for Person B tone in the major parties, so too will first This change makes preferential voting all are Animal Rights (1), Greens (2), preferences the more important. Why give the major Democrats (3). championing the environment, human parties your first, or even your second Assuming that the Shooters Party and rights etc. preference, that you did not intend to vote Animal Rights are the first two candidates for them. to be dropped from the electoral race, Don't waste your vote. Get your money's Person A's vote goes to the Democrats worth! Political parlies study the voting behaviour and B's to the Greens. These votes have of the electorate to see how they need to the clout of the first (Primary) vote and will 'change" their approach. (This is the determine the next candidate to be worrying aspect of the Queensland State dropped. that go to parties • vrtocMftyt ' Blth)anrt Vktwtvt t M f and MKvr Bsw*nm«Ml ilMtoM. fBrnasmmmmmmAEc Stephen IMcMahon ( W M ' ' ^ w r ^ur • • tt • • • J i ifc lection T RACISM \lon-CAF F u n d e d page 12 Mon-CAF Fundei Non-CAFFundec What do you call a guy without a shovel in his head? The Australian Democrats, often considered the party of youth, are standing four Monash students as candidates in the coming federal election: Adam McBeth in Bruce, Poliy Morgan in Hotham, Danlei Berk in (Holt, and Amanda Leeper In La Trobe. Lot's Wife met with them and asked why they chose the Democrats, and what Issue they thought the election would be fought on. Adam McBeth - Bruce Arls/Law Adam has been around student politics for a while, having taken part in countless campaigns defending accessible education. He writes frequently for Lot's Wife, and has a show on 3MU. Why the Democrats? "I joined the Democrats because I believe in standing up for people who don't have a political voice," he said. "That includes Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, nonheterosexuals, and migrants. Of course, it also includes young people. The Democrats are the only party with an MP under 30, even though a third of the population is in that age group. We really are under-represented." Labor's recent performance with regard to the Common Youth Allowance was of particular frustration to Adam, as they in-CAF Funded Douglas. '^''^Democrats voted against Democrat amendments to reduce the age of independence to either 18 or 2 1 . "Labor must take full responsibility for treating us like children until we're 25,' he said. Ho nominated youth unemployment and the fight against One Nation's divisive policies of hatred and blame as the key issues of the campaign. "The other parties will try to focus on tax to keep attention away from their poor records in other areas. The Democrats will promote a fair tax reform plan, but we think other issues are equally important." Polly Morgan-Hotham candidates on merit, that, record makes a mockery of the need of a quota system to get women up to 35% in the ALP." She nominated credibility as the main election issue. She pointed out that the Democrats' 20-year record in the Senate has forced honesty and accountability into the governments of both Labor and the Liberals. Daniel Berk ^ Holt Arts/Education Daniel is a member of the Monash Choral Society and a keen swimmer, as well as a person with a political conscience. Science Polly works part time at the main library and was a founding member of the Monash Fiction Writers. She is a fan of Xena, but don't hold that against her. Polly joined the Democrats because of their exceptional record on women's issues. "The leader and deputy leader of the Democrats are both women, and a majority of our Senators are women,' she said. "Considering we only select Non-CAFFundf He joined the Democrats because they were the only party speaking out on human rights abuses in East Timor, and becEUise of their environmental record. Like Polly, Daniel thought the election would tie fought on the issue of credibility "Education, the environment, health services, human rights and unemployment are all being overlooked by the major parties at this stage," he said. "It's a real shame if people decide their vote on whether one tax bribe leaves you a few dollars better off than the other.' Amanda Leeper - La Trobe Police Studies Amanda is an animal rights activist and youth worker, as well as the Democrat spokesperson on police issues. She joined the Democrats because of their action on human rights and animal welfare issues. Amanda thought that the response to One Nation would be the major election issue. "This election will define what sort of country we want to be, depending on who holds the balance of power in the Senate - the divisive One Nation or the inclusive and forward-looking Democrats." Democrat deputy leader Natasha Stott Despoja with, left-to-right, Amanda Leeper, Adam McBeth, Daniel Berk and Polly Morgan. Non-CAF Funded page 13 W h y t o Vote Liberal Why You Should Vote Liberal On Octobers The Federal Election on October 3 represents an opportunity for all of us to choose the direction in which Australia will head into the twenty-first century. The ALP is offering a 'more-of-the-same' approach, which will see Australia retain its antiquated tax system, outdated economic policies and the continuance towards a total wellare state. This was the approach that saw our debt and unemployment climb to record levels, interest rates peak at just under 20% (hitting the "battlers" hardest), and generally turned Australia into the joke of the Asia-Pacific. Alternatively, we can vote Liberal. This will be a vote for reform and a change in direction that will bring us in line with the rest of the world. The primary focus of the Liberal campaign is tax reform. The proposed changes contained in the Liberal policy will see the introduction of a broad-based consumption tax (more commonly referred to as a GST), This will see us move into line with the vast majority of OECD nations and go a significant way to solving many of our current economic ills. Firstly, many people argue against the GST because of its regressive nature. While there is undoubtedly a regressive element to such a tax, this must be compared with what Labor is proposing as an alternative. They are advocating the perpetuation of the present indirect taxation system (a GST by stealth), consisting of various excises and duties. In addition, the current system is more regressive than any GST would be. With the current complex structure involving questions as to what income is, and a plethora of deductions, we have a situation where low-income earners are paying what is expected to be their fair share of the tax burden, whereas we have the rich paying less tax than their chauffeurs. This comes about because low income earners do not have the INon-CAF F u n d e d page 14 resources to hire expensive lax lawyers and accountants to structure their tax affairs and take full advantage of the loopholes, thereby minimising their tax burden. A flat GST simplifies the system, making it easier for businesses to operate and allowing individual taxpayers to know exactly where they stand. Which system is more regressive now? In any event, the Liberal package contains measures to alleviate any perceived regressive effects. A generous system of rebates and increases In allowances (up to 4% - including student allowances) achieves this end. This is funded through the fiscal surplus that has been generated through the responsible economic management that has characterised the Howard Government and can be fairly seen as paying the Australian people back for their sacrifices. Beyond the sheer benefits lor individuals within society, come the benefits for the nation of adopting this measure of tax reform. Specifically, this would come in the form of increased investment and hopefully the stabilisation of the Australian Stock Exchange. There is no doubt that news of the tax reform was welcomed by much of the business sector, and that it's implementation would boost business confidence. That, combined with the fact that the reform package eliminates many unnecessary hidden taxes, would evidently open the way for greater levels of returns, investment and growth. Such a prospect should be seen as not only a benefit to the 'big end of town', but also to small and medium-sized businesses whose increase in profits are more often than not re-invested and pave the way for increased employment. In terms of leadership, Howard has admittedly come under criticism over certain issues, but it is remiss to ignore those times when he has shown strength. Most importantly, his leadership was tested at the commencement of his term as Prime (Minister when he was faced with the gun control dilemma Non-CAF Funded arising out of the tragedy in Port Arthur, Risking a backlash from his backbenchers, and the prospect of putting the Liberals coalition partner, the Nationals, off-side, Howard pushed through with the legislation which saw a successful gun buy-back amnesty initiated. When it came to Wik, Howard again was criticised from both sides of politics, but what is often ignored is that he was able to get a Bill through parliament on such a controversial and divided issue. In doing so he not only ensured that the nation would avoid degenerating to a race-based election, but guaranteed certainty on land rights for the first time since the High Court's Mabo ruling. Howard and the Liberal party have also upheld the mandate given to them at the last election to push ahead with the rationalisation of the economy. The sale of one-third of Telstra has not only enhanced that organisation's functioning capabilities beyond the levels achieved through its corporatisalion, but has seen great returns for mother and father (small) Investors and $1 billion allocated to environment presen/ation. Furthermore, due to the Telstra Bill, access to telecommunications in the bush has been extended to more far-reaching N o n - C A F Funde< -^•m' places than ever before - so much so that some rural exporters are now capable of conducting trade via the internet, opening themselves up to the global market. There is also fiscal responsibility, minimal inflation levels that are the envy of other OECD nations, and workplace relations reforms (which achieved Democrat support) just to mention a few. Consider all these, and consider the economic direction of the nation when you come to vote - if doing so you will undoubtedly see the benefits in voting Liberal. isssrasaainas^a What do you call a guy who drives a truck? ^^^^'^ILGAIM Why Vote Labor promotion of equal employment opportunity for women through adequate child-care policies. It means a commitment to principle and a global view of society and to citizens who are in most need of assistance before giving tax concessions or making funding commitments. It is not, however, policy in a vacuum. Politics Is becoming a bit like AA these days. It seems that open admittance to being a complete bastard automatically saves even the most dubious of political records. Listening to 'commentators' analyse th Howard/ Costello tax 'reform' package recently, it has become apparent that while the GST is almost universally regarded as socially regressive and discriminatory in its application, the fact that it's part of a reform package (publicised at the considerable expense of tax-payers) gives it some sort of concession. Work it out. This election seems to revolve around a chicken-or-egg kind of question. That is, does Australia want a fiscal system in which revenue is simply raised, or is it more important to arrive at social policy goals which in turn dictate the targets of taxation, levels of taxation and levels of spending? I'm not a big chicken afficionado. This does not, however, mean that the Hanson 'print more money' strategy really grabs me either. The happy medium is what Kim Beazley is offering^ by establishing a social policy framework which means that funding for real opportunities for life-long learning is assured. It means that there is a commitment to a universal and publicly-funded health care system. It is a commitment to sustainable employment programs and to the As John Howard makes fiscal responsibility the central plank of his election platform, his advisors are becoming desperate. When John Howard was Federal Treasurer during the Fraser Government, his fiscally responsible contributions to Treasury included double-digit Inflation and a taxation system, with effectively optional, Income tax. The proposed introduction of a GST has prompted speculation about rising rates of inflation. Coupled with its incapacity to cooperate or even negotiate with the ACTU and other trade unions and employee bodies, the government offers no attempts to minimize the potential for a wages blow-out and further hikes in inflation. Pensioners' recent CPI inflated payments will almost certainly be swallowed up by price rises, along with the much discussed tax concessions, which are, in part, intended to compensate the victims of a consumption tax. Fab. The policy objectives of the Liberal/ National Coalition have utilized vague terms like 'mutual obligation' to ISSSS implement schemes like work-for-thedole. While young people are compelled to work in base, no skills, go-nowhere jobs without assured working conditions and for a pittance, government is not reciprocally compelled to assure those young people of adequate housing, health care, education or long-term job prospects. As Australian unemployment levels remain at crisis-point, young people are right to expect a responsive government. This term of government has seen the move to a privatized employment service - the flawed Job Network scheme, and the debacle that is the Youth Allowance. Rather than ottering young unemployed people the advice and professional assistance they require, these schemes have seen inexperienced, and at times, untrained advisors tell young people what they already know. It has been a system of computer failures, discretionary decisions and pot luck. The ALP has made a commitment to abolishing up-front fees on gaining government. It has made a commitment to increased tertiary funding, despite the enormity of the task of re-building educational institutions which have been financially gutted during the past two years. At the last election, the Coalition promised that current students would not be expected to pay increased HECS and that they would not introduce fees for degrees. Having discounted the last promise entirely, they have also effectively required enrolled students to pay ancillary fees in the course of their studies to prop up under-funded institutions. Universities struggle to find funds to sustain subjects, courses and even campuses. Institutions are planning and undertaking flexible, on-line delivery of subjects rather than employing staff across campuses to teach subjects directly to students. Cuts to operating grants have meant cuts to laboratory hours, tutorials, library facilities and computer access. While universities search for funding to maintain the quality of education offered, the Coalition has thrown funding at its pals in the private health system. The Howard Government introduced a rebate scheme for those taking up private health insurance as an incentive to move away from reliance on Ivledicare. At the same time, private insurers increased their premiums and sopped up government funding which should have been directed towards a drastically under-funded public health system. Labor's platform prioritizes, rightly, a universally accessible, publicly funded health system. It established the Medicare system, and maintains a commitment to this successful, equitable system by increasing the percentage contributions made to Medicare by the wealthy through its proposed tax scheme. This term of government has seen the rights of indigenous people trashed by the amendments to the Native Title Act, and the push for a uranium mine at Jabiluka in Kakadu. Despite vocal objections to such racist and visionless measures, the Coalition has persisted. Australia simply cannot afford another term of the Coalition's lies, selective deafness and irrelevance. On October 3rd, kick the bastards out. issmsaraRRgBi page IS ^^^'^A^IM "Democrat out to defy Nation one ^ 1 Since Don Chipp first vowed to 'keep the bastards honest', the Australian Democrats have held the main position in Australian politics as an alternate voice to the two major parties. But the defection of Cheryl Kernot to the ALP and the increasing prominence of One Nation on the political circuit risk undermining some of the gains made by the party in recent years. With the Federal election approaching, and the Democrats preparing to face one of their greatest challenges. Lot's Wife spoke to Meg Lees about her parly's chances and the issues she thinks will shape the outcome. Senator Meg Lees admits that at times she is worried about the future of Australia. However, she sees the upcoming election as a positive opportunity for people to determine the path that the country will take as it ventures beyond the year 2000. More specifically, Lees views the election as a personal challenge, and one that she claims she Is ready to take. Issues such as the rise of One Nation and cuts to education, amongst others, seem to have made her and her party, the Australian Democrats, more determined than ever to regain the balance of power in the Senate; and to hold on to their mantle as the third major party in Australian politics. Lees believes that the Democrats are better prepared than ever. As the election campaign, or "silly s e a s o n " as she referred to it, began in earnest, the Democrats were right on schedule in mssMSi page 16 a^ • teims of having formulated their policies and organised their election material. As for the polls. Lees remains optimistic: They're better than they were this time going Into the last Federal election." Whether this will manifest into holding the balance of power is yet to be seen. The opinion polls are almost all showing the Democrats, at best, level with, and in a majority of circumstances, trailing, Pauline Hanson's One Nation party. Because all Indicators suggest that neither the Coalition nor the Labor Party will be able to rule the Upper House in their own right, Lees has focussed a lot of the Democrat's campaign on an 'us or them' mentality. Lees admits to being frustrated by the disproportionate amount of coverage given to Hanson and One Nation candidates, but is quick to point out why that is the case. "It's because they are so strange and say such extraordinary things." Although the Democrats may struggle to gain the same level of media coverage enjoyed by One Nation, Lees believes that the onus ultimately falls back on her party. "We have to go out on the front foot attacking what they stand for - attacking the sort of Australia we would become if they were successful... [It is our intention] to actually focus people's minds on what It will mean to actually have that represented In parliament. It might be good, interesting news and make for a fun story on the night's TV news; but what does it mean if those values are actually taken in, particularly to a position of power in parliament?" However, that does not mean that the Democrats will be campaigning on a one-dimensional platform. There is a lot more to the campaign than just this, but it is the highlight because we want people thinking right up front, [from the] first week, there is more than just the tax package and the policies In this campaign. On one side there's the policy issues, but on the other side it's a matter of values as far as the sort of Australia we want." One other such issue that the Democrats will be looking at is In the area of cuts to education. Education has been a cause well championed by the Democrats, particularly through the party's deputyleader and spokesperson for education and youth affairs, Natasha Stott-Despoja; a point not lost on Lees: "That's where Natasha comes from, that's where her level of expertise is. I'm very pleased to be able to hand many of these issues over to Nat and to know that she will cover them very thoroughly and with a lot of personal understanding and involvement from her years in student politics." For Lees personally, education plays an important part in her party's policies. She had to rely on an education scholarship to get herself into tertiary studies back in the 1960s, while many others she knew missed out. This situation is one that the Senator is scared we may be reverting back to. As such she does not want to see young people's decisions on further education simply come down to a case of economics forcing them to drop out. 'We will continue to fight for free and equal access to tertiary education. We are, after all, supposedly the Clever Country and yet we are doing everything possible to limit the access to tertiary education. In particular, my concern is for those students who are not even able to get through secondary education thanks to the cuts to the public education sector. In other words, we are losing more and more of our talented young people before they've even had the opportunity to get to university." Of course, a chat with Meg Lees just wouldn't be complete without mentioning Cheryl Kemot. After all. Lees only recently gained the position as leader of the Democrats after Kernot's very public departure to the Australian Labour Party. At the time the move was touted as possibly starting a downslide lor the Democrats. What added insult to injury were the reasons given by Kemot for the shift, namely that she wanted to actually have a constructive role in the political decision-making process - obviously implying that she was unable to do this from her position as leader of the Democrats. For Lees though, it means a new beginning rather than the beginning of the end. Ul*UBf«ilUIM.!SSI What'e the difference ijctween the Spice Giris and Indian curry? ^^^HiirtiMi doubted economic and social nouse. visit to the Greens web site will provide a more comprehensive survey of policies. • providing for increased development What follows is a quick excursion into the assistance Green world of politics: international action to abolish and concerted Third World debt The Greens stand for four central providing increased green technology principles: social justice, environment, and transfer skills to developing democracy and non-violence. countries Reflecting Stephen McMahon- Greens an awareness of the opposing human rights abuses and interrelatedness of all ecological, social political oppression and economic processes, the ensuring tha^ Australia plays an active general principles of the Greens are: role in promoting peace and ecological sustainablllty. Ecology The ensure that human activity respects Greens . Long-range Future Focus the integrity of ecosystems and does Avoid action which might risk long- not impair biodiversity term or irreversible damage to the ecological resilience of life-supporting environment systems safeguard the planet's ecological encourage the development of a resources The Greens are a political party that consciousness that respects the generations operate with significant differences to value of all life. reduce those parties currently on offer. The most significant difference is the consensus "It [Kernof s departure] has given us a greater boost in terms of getting our members involved, in terms of enthusiasm and we haven't looked back at all... Obviously I have a different style, but it hasn't retarded our progress - it hasn't meant that we have gone backwards. Our membership is in fact better." Curiously enough, if Labor do not win the upcoming election, and if, as Lees hopes, the Democrats do hold the balance of power in the Senate, then Lees may very well end up having more political power than Kernot. While such a thought may be reassuring in her private mind, it's certainly not the driving force behind Lees. The driving force remains the future of Australia - ensuring that we are not "dragged back into the 1930s and 40s''. Senator Lees believes in a tolerant and culturally diverse Australia and as such will do all she can to prevent One Nation from gaining a toe-hold of power in the Australian parliament. Does this represent a shift in the Democrats' ethos from 'Keep the Bastards Honest' to 'Keep the Racists Honest'? Meg Lees is adamant that it is more: "We are determined to keep them out." Dan Celm behalf of dependence future on non- renewable resources and ensure Democracy sustainable use of renewable model rather than the traditional vote. This increase opportunities for public can make for long meetings in which the participation in political, social and adopt more comprehensive social, issue at hand is discussed in detail. It economic decision-making environmental also means that vocal and pushy types break down inequalities of wealth and assessment practices do not win the day simply because they power which inhibit participatory facilitate socially and ecologically are able to bully others into submission. democracy. responsible investment. resources and technology It also puts an end to "getting the numbers", a usual process in many Social Justice organisations. • Meaningful Work eradicate poverty by developing encourage, develop and assist work initiatives that address the causes as that is safe, fairly paid, socially useful, well as the symptoms of The Greens stand for four central principles: social justice, environment, democracy and non-violence. personally fulfilling poverty • and not harmful to the environment provide affirmative action to eliminate encourage and facilitate more flexible discrimination based on gender, age, work race, ethnicity, class, education, training and religion, disability, sexuality or membership of a minority group arrangements, on-going social welfare so that more people can engage in meaningful work. introduce measures that redress the imbalance between rich and poor. Culture respect and protect ethnic, religious Peace and racial diversity • adopt and promote a non-violent recognise the cultural requirements The party is also branch rather, than party, resolution of conflict of the original Australians focused. There is no "party line" - develop an independent, non-aligned assist in ensuring the achievements individual branches can operate as semi- foreign policy of Aboriginal land rights and self- autonomous groups, generating press develop a self-reliant, defensive, non- determination. releases, actions etc. These then go up nuclear defence policy. the line (the reverse to other political and social organisations) and may become Information An Ecologically Sustainable Economy policy for the state or national group. develop economic policies which will The Greens also have gender equality ensure greater resource and energy built into their processes. Rather than efficiency as well as aiming for gender equity by some future date, all executive positions are shared development and use of environmentally sustainable technologies. 50/50 as a binding rule. facilitate a free flow of information between citizens and all tiers of government ' ensure that Australians have the benefit of a locally responsible, diverse, democratically controlled, independent mass media. Global Responsibility At present the Greens are probably widely Promote equity between nations and seen as a group of "tree-huggers" with peoples by: little political viability and perhaps Non-CAF Funded Indian curry's g o t qir\Qer. on facilitating fair trading relationships Stephen McMahon For more info call 9543 5984 Non-CAF Funded page 17 Federal Election- The Tax Packages The Federal Election to be held on October 3 Is one that will be fought on the issue of tax reform. Both parties are offering changes and a direction for the future. This article will attempt to outline and briefly comment on the major features of both the Government and Opposition tax pacl(ages. Coalition As mentioned previously, the major feature of the Coalition's tax reform package is a GST. Set at 10%, it is broadly based, applying to all goods and services within the economy except for health, education, childcare services, hospital, nursing homes, local government rates and water and sewerage charges. The revenue raised will be distributed amongst the States, alleviating the funding constraints often complained about by the Premiers. It is important to remember that this is only one feature of the package, not the only feature. First and foremost, significant income tax cuts will be concurrently introduced. The tax free threshold will be raised from $5400 to $6000 and all but the top marginal rate (47%) will be reduced. The brackets themselves will change, with the top marginal rate only applying to those with a taxable income in excess of $75000. According to the Coalition's press releases, this will mean more than 80% of the tax paying population will have a top marginal rate of no more than 30%. The GST will also replace the majority of other indirect taxes at work in this country, most significantly the Wholesales Sales Tax (WST) and stamp duties. As a consequence, contrary to what many people think, many prices will decrease as a result of the introduction of this regime. The general consensus is that an expected once-off general price increase of around 2% will occur when the GST is introduced. However, the Coalition claims all Australians will be better off as a result, due to the increase In expenditure being more than compensated for by increases in takehome pay resulting from the income tax rate cuts. It is recognised that certain categories of taxpayer (for example students and the unemployed) may not benefit even with the tax rate cuts. Consequently, income support payments are to be increased by up to 4% from the time the new tax structure is to be introduced (July 2000). A frequent complaint by business interests with regard to a GST is the complications that would result in the accounting systems. This is fair, but it should be remembered that many merchants are already required to maintain similar records for the WST. The Coalition has also promised a $500 million package to assist small and medium sized businesses. In any event, the ASCPA points out that, for most businesses, only minor alterations to accounting systems are likely to be needed and only one to two hours per month need be devoted to the recording The primary features of this package are the income tax cuts and new rebates which are largely family oriented. in most cases. How is all this to be funded? A GST is able to access the cash economy, due to the manner in which it is administered. The Coalition estimates this will provide an additional $3 billion in taxation receipts. Changes to the taxation of certain entities, such as trusts, may go some way to this end. Dipping into the budgeted surplus will make up the shortfall. This represents what I believe Non-CAF Funded page 18 to be the weakest point in the Coalition's tax reform package, as such predictions are of dubious value at best, given that we are yet to see the final outcome of the current Asian economy crisis, or to feel its full impact here. Both are likely to adversely affect any economic surplus for the projected period. No one argues that there is not a regressive component to a GST, which is the primary argument against its introduction. However, as already stated, measures have been included to relieve the regressive impact of the tax, resulting in the expectation that all Australians will be better off. The ALP To say the least, the ALP's tax policy has not created nearly as much interest or comment (good or bad) as the Coalition's. This is largely due to the fact that there is no significant reform, although the changes promised would certainly improve the existing situation. The primary features of this package are the income tax cuts and new rebates, which are largely family oriented. Even so, singles still may receive relief of up to $750 per year. Some sizeable tax rate cuts will occur, although not as deep as the Coalition's, as there will be no significant changes to the indirect taxation system to make up the difference. will the fringe benefits tax (FBT) and capital gains tax (CGT) legislation. These last two points represent significant points of concern, as they represent significant shifts in the manner in which the taxes have been administered, not necessarily to the benefit of the economy except in the very short term. The CGT measures In particular are worrying, as they appear to be very retrospective in their application. In short, both packages promise a lot. The general consensus amongst experts is that the Coalition's package is the best for the long term, as it provides benefits economy-wide in terms of simplification, encouraging savings and overall relief tor both businesses and individuals. The ALP's does not go far enough in terms of reform. A GST may not be what is required (a debatable point), but reform undoubtedly is needed. This article has been unable to cover all the details of either package, the intention to be just to briefly outline and comment. Before October 3, it is important that you find out as much as you can, as the outcome of this election is likely to affect us all for many years to come. Keith Kendall From a business perspective, there are some very attractive details, most notably the reintroduction of the 150% R&D concession and a new 20% development allowance. Both these measures should significantly contribute to growth in business investment, which means more jobs. The ALP proposes to pay for the measures in a number of ways. Firstly, the taxation of trusts will be reformed, as Non-CAF Funded mn^k^H^^^^^^ii^^^^^^^^^^ What'5 t h e difference beXween a smoker and Kermit t h e Frog? ''Honey, 1 shrunk the Government!" "It's good for you, it's good for me, let's all are have a GST!" This has been the constant considerations (and a quick hello to all willing to disregard such refrain of the Federal Government for the you Com/Law students out there), the past six months as it has sought to Government's package has very little to convince the Australian public that the offer in the way of real tax relief in any taxation system Is in need of fundamental case. Whilst the Treasurer may wax reform. And when one considers that the lyrical about across-the-board tax cuts, top marginal income tax rate applies to he can sleep comfortably at night everyone earning more than 1.3 times knowing that much of the revenue average weekly earnings, and that forfeited through such cuts will be clawed feminine hygiene products are classified back in time as inflation pushes income as luxury goods under the whole sale earners into the next tax bracket. The sales lax and are thus subject to a 32% failure to address the problem of "bracket tax rate, it becomes difficult to dispute the creep" by either of the major parties claim that the current tax regime is makes a mockery of their claims to be chaotic, arbitrary, unfair and in dire need offering real tax relief. This wilful of a radical overhaul. But do the dishonesty is particularly acute in the Coalition's policy proposals provide us case of the Coalition, given that John with the means of raising the revenue Howard abandoned the policy of indexing needed to fund vital services such as tax brackets in 1981 when serving as health and education in the long term? Treasurer in the Fraser govemment on Once one sifts through the soundbites the grounds that the revenue foregone and considers the broader implications outweighed of the Government's tax package, some the political rewards attendant to maintaiging an honest fiscal serious reservations about its ability to policy. fulfil these objectives inevitably emerge. The bleatings of the Labor party One of the key characteristics of the notwithstanding, the notion that the tax Coalition's package is that it is not consent from all state and territory revenue-neutral. Whilst the GST will governments and both houses of Federal replace a raft of inefficient indirect taxes, Parliament (this would require consent the much vaunted income-tax cuts are to from every major party and the parlies be financed, at least in pari, by drawing holding the balance of power in the on the Government's budgetary surplus. Senate). Finally, given the racheting However, given the volatile world downward of income tax rates in the past economic climate at present, there exists fifteen years of economic restructuring a strong possibility that and the political capital invested by both projected budgetary surpluses will evaporate, or at major parties in promises to cut income the very least be substantially diminished. taxes, it would be an audacious (read: In such circumstances, the Government suicidal) volte face for any government to would be left with the choice of either increase income taxes after the election. the Government more room to system must be fundamentally reformed manouevre, it must be remembered that is indisputable. Nevertheless, the ideological character of the Coalition policies proposed by the Coalition do government predisposes it towards nothing to guarantee the revenues the actually exploiting a mood of crisis to required to sustain a viable public service, further its "small government' agenda. whilst the tax relief offered Is at best fairly The Government's decision to slash ephemeral. Readers who favour the waif public expenditure rather than renege on look In government should definitely vote its 1996 election promise not to introduce for the Coalition (and no, this is not a joke any new taxes when addressing the at Mr Beazley's expense). The confluence budget deficit was motivated as much by of an uncertain economic outlook, a less ideological commitments small flexible tax system and a political government as it was by political establishment obsessed with outbidding to reneging on promised tax cuts (which expediency - given that economic each other in the name of winning the would draw politically uncomfortable rationalists' back hearts and wallets of the middle classes government in the past fifteen years have will provide Costello and his fellow met with little success thus far (the size carnivores with much scope for winding of the public sector relative to GDP has back government. Conversely, readers not declined markedly, although the rate who remain committed to the provision comparisons with the Keating L-A-W tax cuts of 1993) or radically reducing public expenditure in order to avoid going into deficit. The option of increasing revenues from other indirect taxes (the option pursued by Keating when tackling the post-'93 election budget deficit) would be foreclosed given that the GST has been introduced precisely to eradicate such taxes. Moreover, it would be politically impossible to revise the rate of the GST upwards to accommodate for revenue shortfalls given the need to acquire In a global economic environment as precarious as any since the 1930s, the Coalition's tax plans would thus lock in the Government to massive cuts in public expenditure. The international money markets will not tolerate high public sector deficits, and the political dynamics of taxation reform in Australia foreclose the efforts to wind of public sector expansion has certainly of adequate health and education slowed in recent years), the opportunity services for those who would otherwise to roll back the state in a period of crisis have no access to such essentials must could prove irresistable to many Cabinet recognize the Coalition tax package for members. the danger that it is - for the Australia it argued that an economic crisis could The implications for social justice that and relaxed. radically (and suddenly) reconfigure such would follow from a further evisceration political dynamics in ways that would give of the state are indeed dire, but even if we option of raising revenue from either higher income taxes or greater reliance on indirect taxes. Non-CAi- Funded A smoker cravce a c\q in t h e pack, ar\d l ^ r m i t craves a p\q in t h e sack. portends would be far from comfortable Whilst It could be Andrew Phillips Non-CAF Funded page 19 IFWWWWW The GSTand post graduate research The Howard Government has recently released its GST-based tax package, claiming that education is "GST-free". Postgraduate research however, is likely to incur substantially increased GSTrelated expenditure, as the following considerations show: Many goods and services, including public transport, books, stationery, Internet use, food, clothing, field trips, equipment hire/purchase and other study related materials will incur a GST University administrations will pay a GST on all goods and services purchased. Although universities, private colleges and TAPE colleges can claim tax refunds for this amount, students can not and may be asked to bear the costs of further departmental budgetary constraint. • The 30,000 students currently living nationally in residential accommodation administered by universities will face increased rental expenditure, in order to offset the GST paid on all goods and services incurred by administration. Rural students living on campus will be particularly affected, as will low Income families and students. Although AUSTUDY, ABSTUDY and Youth Allowance are set to increase by 4%, this will not provide adequate compensation for increased GST-related expenditure. • • Australian Postgraduate Awards, received by many research postgraduate students, will not be adjusted to offset these increased costs. Given that many goods and services will incur a 10% GST, Faculties, Departments and Centres will face further budgetary difficulties. These difficulties would impact negatively on all facets of Faculty, Department and Centre spending, including research funding. The Federal Government has not, as yet, stated unequivocally how research will be affected by a GST. The only tertiary education activities which Non-CAF F u n d e d page 20 are explicitly listed as GST-free are tuition fees leading to a formal quallfkiation. The status of HECS fees is still unclear. Explicitly liable are courses not leading to a formal qualification, and ancillary lees (goods and services sold or leased to students). A Tax Consultative Committee, government appointed and to be chaired by a 'distinguished Australian', will address these and other GST-related ambiguities. Although the government is promising income tax relief to offset the GST, students who in the rule earn little, and therefore pay little income tax, will not benefit from these concessions. The sciences, which rely heavily on expensive technical equipment, will also be adversely affected, with large corporations such as the CSIRO finding the extra 10% GST an impediment to maintaining current research support levels. The sciences, which estimate that materials constitute around 20% of research project costs, would incur substantial GST-related expenditure, and a GST would also apply to university consultation fees associated with research. Universities are likely to incur considerable costs in administering a complex "GST-rebate" system, a cost which may be reflected in increased fees and services to students. Given te recent Howard Government inspired funding cuts to the higher education sector in the order of $840 million, and the half billion dollar cut to student income support, it is unlikely that universities will receive increased funding to offset GST-related expenditure. According to the Commonwealth Triennial Funding report on higher education, funding for research infrastmcture is already set to fall by 55% over the next two years. Australian research and development will be particularly disadvantaged through increased purchasing costs and the need to offset GST-related expenditure by increasing the charges and fees for the commercial Non-CAF Funded • services universities provide. This will result in a decline in industry's willingness to invest in this vital area. Commissioned research will also incur a 10% GST. The Business Expenditure on Research and Development (BERD), which fell for the first time ever in 1998, is likely to fall even further as the result of a GST. Although research and development are not mentioned in the tax package, tertiary institutions will presumably pay the GST when they can not demonstrate a cost connection with an accredited course. The NTEU believes, after an initial analysis of the GST-based tax package, that union fees will most likely be liable for the GST Darriel Jeffree, newly elected President of the f^onash Postgraduate Association (MPA), believes that T h e GST will impact on a student's decision to pursue postgraduate study, given that there will be pressure on universities to Increase fees to compensate them for increased infrastructure and resource costs. The ramifications of a GST on HECS fees still needs further clarification. Basic living costs will also rise; then, if one considers that the average age of postgraduate students is around 29 years and that many have young families to consider, it seems that postgraduate study will become increasingly financially prohibitive. So, despite Non-CAF F u n d e d claims to the contrary, the GST will in effect be a tax on higher education." And Jill Thorpe, President of the Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations (CAPA) believes that "No group is more aware of the damage that university budget cuts and increased fees have caused than Australia's 130,000 postgraduate students. Any vision for the country's economic and social well being will involve strong government support for the development of its intellectual capital." All students can use the upcoming federal election to send a clear message to the Federal Government that education is a right and not a privilege. For more information, contact the Monash Postgraduate Association on (03) 9905 53197 or fax them on (03) 9905 51384. You can also visit the I^PA website at: http://www.monash.edu.au/students/ mpa/. You can also contact CAPA at postgrad@ozemail.com.au or visit their web site at http://www.capa.edu.au Karl Rapp (PhD) MPA Executive Committee -)n-CAF F u n d e d W h a t do you call t w o bir<;l9 in t h o siKty-ninc position? J^JJ^HlftrftM Liberal Budget How it sold out on Women In July, the Age newspaper was spot, on in their statement that cuts to university operating grants and HECS paved the way for the Liberal government's projected budget surplus. The Liberal Government's budget was clearly aimed at particular groups which are traditionally wooed around election time, including the elderly and the rural sector. However, it ignored the very real problems that these specific groups face. As usual young people, students and women were ignored, neglected and downtrodden. How did the Budget Affect Women Domestic Violence: Crisis Payment for People in Extreme Circumstances. The Government's setting aside of $5.1 million dollars for a one-off payment to assist women who are in financial hardship as a result of domestic violence, or a crisis situation was piecemeal. also put childcare out of the reach of resources for federal and family court consequences. women with no financial means. It has matters. Women are frequently parties education and access to further higher meant that Community Childcare centres in family court matters and are generally education means women will be unable can no longer provide cheap services unable to access adequate resources to to overturn the barriers which prevent within the financial means of women, get representation in divorce and access to particular industries and including those who have escaped parental responsibility matters. domestic violence. Changes to the Human Rights Commission The changes to the Human Rights The average annual figure of 11,000 victims of domestic violence means that each person will only receive $150. This money can in no way provide any real help or assistance to victims of domestic violence. It is not enough to enable women to leave their residence and establish a new home, and in any event it ignores the real hardships women face in leaving situations of domestic violence. One of the main reasons women are prevented from leaving violent homes is due to lack of access to financial means, to not only move house but to continue to support themselves and their children. Rather than handing out one-off cash payments, governments need to provide programs which enable women to enter the workplace, while ensuring adequate levels of childcare. Commission and the cuts to its budget are an indication of the Liberal government's lack of commitment to the Liberal government's recent dismantling of the childcare system has The workplaces. The expenses of childcare Liberal government is merely seeking to for parents that are studying are often redistribute the current legal aid funding unable to be met by student parents and to these areas, which will mean the the quality of their education suffers system is stretched way beyond its through the need to work for income to capacity, and plenty of women will still support their study. This is something miss out on funding needed to ensure experienced by many other students and fair representation under our justice young people as well. system. equal rights of women. The Commission functions no longer as a body which can actively implement changes in workplaces and provide assistance for people whose human rights have been violated. Lack of staff and funds mean the Commission is reduced to one which merely passes on information about the responsibilities companies have under Anti-discrimination laws. Non- enforcement of companies rights and obligations means little has been achieved towards ensuring women's equal participation in many industries. Higher Education: The Liberal government is not committed The cutting of HECS places, changes to to increasing the equality of women in HECS tiered system of funding and cuts Australia because they are not committed to childcare have all had an adverse affect to spending money in areas which affect on women students. The combination of the equality large HECS debts and lack of access to education, welfare and child care. cheap on Changes to the industrial relations and quality childcare of w o m e n , including campuses, and in the wider community, system combined with this lack of has forced many mature age women to spending reassess their plans to re-enter the government's substandard response to higher education system, and in many the CEDAW and the UN Commission for cases to cease continuing on to graduate the status of women all indicate a and post-graduate levels. in vital areas, and the philosophy aimed at impeding rather than improving the conditions of women in all Legal Aid: The A lack of tertiary The budget also made no provision of funds to allow greater access to Higher education has been sacrificed to levels of society. pay for the proposed budget surplus, Sandra Roennfeldt meanwhile youth and women suffer the Women's Officer 'IBSSsEild Sticky-beaks. page 21 ooinion^ FACULTY ILL FALL DN ITS SWORD WITH C U T S TO CLAS Since our Vice Chan^ltiaiLypt David Robinson, took up his positiotiarwonash in 1996, the academic standard of the university has taken a massive beating. With economic "rationalism" as the basis for most of his policies, along with a scramble for a good reputation among the general public, departments and faculties have been squeezed of their "excess" money. Despite there being more than enough to pour into an upgrade for the library, officially described as a "facelift!. Along with this, we had the introduction of up-front fees for domestic undergraduates, paving the way for those who can afford an education to get one ahead of those who deserve one academically. We then had a softening of standards so that you can get 5% less, and still get a high-distinction. Now, we have a cut to the Arts budget of $4 million, and a cut to the Science budget of $2.5 million. These cuts will disadvantage thousands of students and seriously affect the quality of degrees that Monash offers. What has happened to the idea of a university as a "seat of learning"? It has been replaced by a theory that it doesn't matter what academic standard Monash sets, if it looks good to the full fee paying domestic and international students then that's OK. Well, maybe that's a way to balance the books in the short term. In the long term, it's no better than not taking a sleeping bag when you're camping in the snow because you want to save weight. The university claims that this "budgetary impost" is due to the pay rise that staff had to fight so hard for, even though they were the worst paid of any university in the country, along with federal government cuts. But why was so much money spent on the library's outside (and not it's inside)? Why was an obscene amount of money spent on a security camera in the most secure area of the campus? Why is our Vice Chancellor one of the highest paid in the Southern Hemisphere? W h y d i d the administration not suffer a 20% staff cut? Why, indeed, was the lion's share of the cut imposed on the Faculty of Arts, instead of areas like Information Technology, or Law? Moreover, given that the budget cuts apply over the next three years, why is there such a rush in the Arts and Science Faculties to impose them by the end of this year? Chemistry lost half a million dollars in one hit - this doesn't give anyone a lot of time to plan how to cope with the cuts. Classics is being closed at the end of this year, and fifty odd teaching staff within the Arts Faculty will find themselves out of a job by the end of December. This poses immeasurable problems for current students, who will find themselves without a meaningful way of completing their majors next year. I am a student of Ancient Creek. With the closure of the department of Classics and Archaeology, the hvo lecturers that Monash employs who are qualified and able to teach that language will (probably) not be reemployed. The Dean of Arts has assured me that I will be able to complete my major, but, quite frankly, I am sceptical, even to the poi nt of disbelief, as she cannot tel I me how. There has been talk of hiring a lecturer from, for example, Melbourne University, either to send students over there (which poses huge logistical problems for me) or to get him/her over here. Both suggestions fail to provide a cohesive development of study, as I know that Monash's way of teaching this language is unique, and incompatible with any other. Another suggestion was an internet-based course, but a language is fundamentally about communication, except for the rote learning v^ich we never do in class, but in our own time anyway. A computer is a communication tool, like a telephone, and anybody can see the idiocy associated with replacing a lecturer with a telephone. Part of the plan for the Arts Faculty is to impose budgetary restrictions: if a subject area cannot demonstrate its financial viability, it will be closed. Another section imposes minima for subject enrolments per campus. Rather than being judged on academic merit, the departments are judged on economic strength. And if small departments can't be closed down that way, they will be closed down because their subjects have been discontinued as a result of low enrolments... think about that. The areas which would suffer most under the proposed changes are those which rely upon large amounts of contact time with a small number of people, and those with low enrolments: Classical studies. Modern and Classical languages will all suffer. Adecline in standard throughout the faculty must follow the staff cuts, as the rernaining staff members will be overworked (with a student to staff ratio more than four times greater than the standard in Europe). Students will have more crowded tutorials and less time in which they can contact lecturers out of class. The remaining staff will be severely overworked So what is being done? The answer is that the people who should be doing most are doing very little. The Dean of Arts finds herself in an almost untenable position, and has rolled over at the Vice Chancellor's feet, even though she has little or no prospect of staying on as Dean past April next year; the Vice Chancellor himself is refusing to reevaluate his budgets, even though Monash makes a nice profit each year, and the money is evidently being splashed around; only a few staff are being vocal about the change, as the Vice Chancellor's tactics are to silence opposition, and many staff are not game to put their jobs at risk. There is too much at stake to let these changes go unchallenged. A decline in standard pre-empts a decline in the university's academic reputation. Adecline in the university's academic reputation makes our degrees worth less. A devalued degree makes it harder, especially in this economic climate, to get a job, both nationally and internationally. On top of al that, a lack of people trained in disciplines like pure maths and theoretical physics which provide advances in areas like engineering and information technology, means that we as a nation cannot progress and compete at an international level in the future. Any budgetary savings are bound to be followed by a more significant economic loss further down the track. Any fool can see this is short-sighted, so ask the vice chancellor not to be so! David.robinson@adm.monash.edu.au Michael Power: mpow3@student.monash.edu.au Non-CAF Funded page 22 Non-CAF Funded Non-CAF Funded bldlilliM^iJ Hello Smithere, you ^re very Qood a t turning me on. i>piiiion$ THE ANTS FACULTY Years ago the aardvark and the ant had a relatively cooperative and understanding working relationship. They both had a common goal of achievement, advancement and cultural knowledge. The aardvark would oversee, some ants would teach and others would listen. They would debate issues and all ideas were welcome. Diverse interest was encouraged. 6uf, If wasn't long before the aardvark realised that the removal and consumption of ants promoted his own sense of achievement. The aardvark has a very long tongue and taste is a high priority for him. So, when looking for which section of the ant community to consume, he went for the delicacy. He went for the ants with the richest flavour, the greatest cultural awareness and the highest number on mass. Gradually these classic, artistic ants disappeared. One by one at first and then dozens at a time. For many, ant life went on as normal for they didn't look to see how their fellow ants were doing. It was only when the aardvark publicly announced that he w o u l d be consuming a certain proportion of the population that the ant community really sat up and took notice. The ants who were skilled in argument, critique and creative thinking bound together, and when they asked 'why us?', the aardvark explained that they held no real value. They could be sacrificed in the name of progress, and those ants dealing w i t h advancement and working in developing areas could be spared. Eventual ly, there were no ants left to question the actions of the aardvark. And although the remaining ants had developed new scientific and technological theories they could not be expressed. They had forgotten their past and the lessons to be learnt from it. They had lost their imagination and the will to question the assumptions of the world. The ants had lost their rich and unique flavour - they had become bland. And the aardvark was bloated. Claire Hammond MAKE A BIG SPLASH THIS SPRING! Water aerobics ' '' # c. Swimming lessons •* ^, Sauna, spa & steamroom " ' All at subsidised prices for students Special: Swimwear & Beachwear Clearance Sale j Dcmg Ellfa i__ S^mmifig P o o l SPORTJS ASO RECREATIOJXr CEIXTTRE MOI^ASH ITMVERjSrrr CLA¥TOI!lf Non-CAF Funded A bird in t h e hand is messy. \D^ ,\ons Sess tttttt^S ^^^ffV^^^^" EiM|iiit*icfl»: »»03 4115 990S 4113 Non-CAF Funded page 23 p o o p o o h pag Munch Me Elections The biggest tosser that I've wife bought books before they personally met in the last few left. weeks is a customer thai came into the bookshop where I work, Or perhaps you'd prefer to hear and proceed to abuse my co- about a guy in the USA (sorry worker... for doing his job. II went Michael) who sent someone a Well fuck me backwards, election week is on us Howard is a shit, but do we want Kim Beazley again. During this time, potential office-bearers are as our Prime Minister? 1 mean, the guy looks like a little something like this (and I letter bomb... that was 'returned busier than a one-armed man trying to roll on his a fucking beanbag with legs. I am so confident quote): "What are you fucking to sender'. Not only had he put condom before he loses his fat. And why? So thai that he will lose that if he does, I will voluntarily doing the vacuuming for? Can't his return address on the bomb, hacks, losers and other assorted pussbuckets can undergo a week of manual colonic irrigation. A you fucking leave it until after he opened it. His plan didn't get together and conduct smear campaigns against PM who takes his aspirin with mayonnaise? Fuck work? How are we supposed to entirely fail however - the bomb each other. Fair dinkum, I have lost count of how off. fucking concentrate on the did go off when the letter was books?" Etc, etc. Woah there opened. many times I have been bombarded w i t h pamphlets and other shitful paraphernalia upon Speaking of mayonnaise. Bill Clinton has been entering the Union building. At least I won't have in the news lately concerning the yoghurt stain to buy toilet paper for the next six months. In fact, he left on the shoulder of Monica Lewinsky's I can conduct my own 'smear campaign' by wiping dress. Can't the fucking guy aim? I challenge him my dirty arse with every bit of election material I to a game of Skirmish, except the only weapons can find. It would be better than wiping my arse we have will be our cocks and our only with the sandpaper that the Uni provides in its ammunition in our scrotums. In fact, we should toilets anyway. Mister! Surprisingly, he and his Kanela Giannakakis call it 'Spermish.' I tell you what, if I were in the audience I'd be wearing a fucking raincoat. After enduring a week of incessant harassment S'later from these pathetic scumbags, we then have to TheMunchkin front up for a Federal election. Obviously John Why student elections are like WUU Q, ^ktr^ sex (^ 10. There's too much wanking and not enough action. Cki <J 4t>-/7el\-lo'i+n-i^ae.'i 111* a++i-/ucLa^, Oan l o U s In/z^iielf inho Q It's best to keep away from those who BiTE. 7. d By the second morning you just want them to shut up and go away. 6. The less talk the better. 5. A bit of Porn makes for a little more fun. ^m<,e.\\ off 4. A whole week is spent campaigning just to get in, 3. A wet Liberal is hard to find. "Y'lf-e - nvJranf', Non-CAF page 24 If Impact is successful, it means you've just been fucked. 8. be^rt. aeroplane nurl/ocj an 9. 2. No one can keep it up for a whole week. 1. At the end of the day, all you have to do is put 1 in a box. iflwiisiKasaiiiKB Confucius say: Man who enter airplane sideways is going t o Bangkok. Monash Student Association Activities Presents Presented in conjunction with the Monash German Club .vv o. .J- 3eer, •. German deer, ^y \l(^Aii^ Wednesday 23rd Sept Free @ lunchtime Stron^bow, Softdrink All you can drink ©ktober ' fcst ^^ &eer, dtron^btm', Soft<Jrink& Water M iofWrinka Water % / ^ ^ F ' ^ f c ^ ^ ^ r y >. SofWrinki ^ ' Water Only German 3ar\d Free BDQ Friday 25th September 5pm-11pni Cellar Room, Union Did, Clayton. CieftRICK & ROSSO Wednesday 14th October 8pm $6 Conc/$8 Full Tickets from Activities Full Bar - Over 18s only Photo I D Required Full length 2 hour show (plus intervals) ADVERTISING CDDRDINATDR Position Vacant with Lof's Wife for 1999 PnSITION PURPOSE: To sell advertising and sponsorship in order to finacially support the production of approximately ten issues of Lot's Wife per year. MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: -Selling advertising and sponsorship for Lofs Wife, including cold calling and putting together pitches and packages involving the paper and maintianing relationships with existing contacts. -Record keeping, including the maintenance of a data base of advertisers and sponsors. -Preparation of advertisements, including design, as required, and informing Editors of placement needs. SELECTION CRITERIA: (in order of importance) 1. Previous experience in sales or as the sponsorship officer of a club or society, or similar community based organisation; 2. Knowledge of advertising t e r m i n o l o g y , a l o n g w i t h a n understanding of printing specifications, terminology and processes; 3. The ability to monitor budgets and plan accordingly; 4. Basic PC and desktop publishing skills - e.g. Adobe Pagemaker, CorelDraw, Word and Windows 95; 5. Ability to commence work immediately after appointment will be very highly regarded; A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N : . 6. Demonstrable understanding of basic sales and marketing Per edition income targets are in the range of $3,500 to $5,000 concepts; per edition. RENUMERATIDN: O n a commission basis - 15% (to be confirmed at interview) APPLICATION DETAILS: Applications addressing the selection criteria should be addressed to Ms. Juanita Fernando, Manager, Student Media and Programs Group, Monash Student Association, Wellington Road, Clayton, 3168. For information about the position please phone Ms. Juanita Fernando, 9905 4163 (extn. 54163 for internal calls). MONDA^iHH Sam - 9am Breakfast Infedella |B^^^m^^^^^BU9»: Buzz * Click "WEDNESDAY ETD El n Tash THURSDAY Please sir, 1 want some more Givin u a buzz Kegs n Slatts News, reviews, noroscopes, great music and loads more to get you up and at 'em. Today, Tomorrow & Maybe Yesterday Monash Exchange Sam - 10am Issues/Current affairs and world music Politics with bile... Koori issues Girl Zone Lost in the web Empty Vessels 10 am-12pm The Postgraduate Connection Women's Issues Interviews Enter the world of PC's Postgrad issues, chat hair removal(?) games and the net We're so good... We scare ourselves Sid, your pop tarts are ready! Unknown Pleasures Oz Rock, Flares and the Nerdboy A different live show 12pm- 2pm Pile '0' Biie Koori Hour student exchange info. Classic alternative Rotations punl</sl<a/industrial tunes Greg works the crowd triple Mul every week-rotating! Plnochio Theory Dystrophy after 9 International Lounge 2pm - 4pm Soul and funl< grooves IVIovin and shakin' Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Don't Fal<e ttie Funid crazy, silly Cultural issues International issues 4pm - 6pm : Drivetlme Dukes Of Hazzard Freefall Reservoir Hogs Dial 'M' for Metal Dust Our Broom Karma House Prescription Beats 6pm - 8pm tvletal releases and info. Blues with flavour 'Tunes of Enlightenmenf Aust. and International Varsity Beat Australian Only What's the Story? The Word 100% Oz music Aust, us, UK Alternative Tim Rogers' fave! Get down with the Eclectic progressive Filthy.. The Chair Get comfy Gossip & guff Whether it's:... The latest news £ind reviews, plus all the tune^ to blast you home safe and sound yeee haaa Dance 8pm - 10pm Beats, hardcore and funk Life on Mars Interrobangl? 10pm- 12am For lovers....of music You work it out.. Indie rock & power pop Hard-house, trance, KintamagotchI Satans'LostDogsHome Connexions It's golden days time! us and UK Spinning tunes while Less than six 12am -2am '^•H _ | wH Doee Id- Double Happiness The Half-way House Indie the city sleeps degrees Manic Mix Maestro No Doze You will be able Beef Jerky Bob's Graveyard to stay awoke all night Ctiewin satisfaction Need a dose? find a penny, pick it up, and you'll have a ueelcee form of current in Australia. Why is it that the 'rollie' seems to be in its twilight age? Rolling your own cigarettes is inexpensive. Certainly a bonus for the average uni student who spends most of their Austudy on booze and drugs. Also, 'rollies' are less ridden with chemicals -therefore, eliminated is the infuriation of the forgotten 'burnout'. Oh yeah, and the health bit too. The Lost Art of Rolling Perhaps these advantages are ignored because of the obstacle of rolling. Few people I know roll on a regular basis. The 'rollers' are usually crowded around at parties like fvlessiahs. In vain, they try to teach the enthusiastic onlookers the secret of the perfect 'rollie'. The onlookers usually nnake a concerted effort at the art, ending in a fumbling drop of the mix. Rolling being cheaper, a sign of a misspent youth, and a damn good party trick, I went In search for the Buddha of this Sacred Art. Not unexpectedly, my search ended with an adolescent of the 1960's. He has imparted his knowledge to me with the proviso of his anonymity. These stoners often grow up to be mortgage-laden business men, but in his prime, he had an afro and suede vest opening onto a bushel of chest hair, to match his abundant skill. To be in keeping with the master's wishes, I have given him a pseudonym The Guru. The secret is said to be In the digital position. Once your tobacco (or whatever) is prepared In your palm in a cylindrical shape. It is placed onto the paper, glue side facing at the top. (The Guru spoke very slowly during the following Instruction, stressing Its importance.) The paper should be held with the left hand, the thumb holding the front of the paper, and the index the back. Then move into the rolling process your right hand. Keeping your index fingerf ree, hold the 'rollie' between your thumb and middle finger (sometimes known as the rude finger). Use the right index to work the tobacco evenly along the paper. Now that it is even, roll the paper up and down between your fingers, rolling it tighter into the cigarette shape. When it Is to your satisfaction, fold over the lower flap, lick the glue and roll it shut. Status and prestige will follow. Of course, those frequently and heavily inebriated, may be better off with a rolling machine. The Guru also left me with some parting pearis of wisdom. 1 believe in publicly funded education. If you have rolled your dooby too tight, and you just can't smoke the sucker, just roll it back and forth between your fingers to loosen It up. Also, if your tobacco Is old and dry, It may loose its flavour and burn your throat. To remedy this, roll as instructed, then blow into one end, the moisture from your breath will rehydrate it. If the paper is burning unevenly, simply use yoursallva as a dam. Put a little on the paper just below the fast burning section. I asked his Eminence, The Guru, about getting rid of brown tabacco spots, which often plague the hands of Roll-Your-Owners. He suggested lemon juice, failing this go to a solarium so It all blends in. . . So those of you who were R.Y.O. (Roll Your Own) challenged, can now go forth, with this wealth of knowledge, into Bohemian grandeau, like the effigy of cool-The Guru. pace acoun I-**' travel Travelling Tips for Tertiary Trippers: Part 2 Of all the things you will lug around, your passport, money, ticket and insurance are definitely the most important and should be carried separately to your luggage and close to your body. A money belt or neck pouch are the most popular devices for the important documents and the choice is yours. I prefer the money belt just because it is less easy to rip off and is often better disguised. However, it can be uncomfortable and I know at least one person who has snapped a visa card in half while bending over with a one on. A money belt can also get really sweaty and is bulky, ie. you can't wear it at the beach. For that reason, some people argue for the neck pouch which is easier to reach and less troublesome. MONEY You basically have the choice between cash (Australian or foreign currency), traveller's cheques, or credit cards. Cash is great because there are low exchange fees and you can get some very good (although a bit suspect) deals. American dollars are like gold in most places around the wortd and generally you will be safer with these than Aussie notes. However, cash is irreplaceable and so it is a good idea to have traveller's cheques (which are automatically insured) as well. I wouldn't rely on traveller's cheques too heavily just because you are restricted to banking hours and will have to pay huge fees to change them. Credit cards are an excellent money source and ATM's are becoming more and more widespread. If you are a bit weird about using a foreign ATM machine, you can always do the cash advance option where you just fill out a slip and the bank teller will give you the money. Probably the best method is to take a little bit of each kind of money with you. If you are really unlucky and you find yourself without money of any sort you page 28 can always phone home and get money wired to a bank in that country. INSURANCE Insurance is a betting game and if you think you can win, then don't bother with it. Most people decide that the odds of something happening are high enough to justify insurance. That's cool -just read the literature carefully and be realistic about it. You can get information and application fonns from travel agents. LUGGAGE To repeat some age-old and rarely used advice - go easy on the luggage. Seriously, you will be surprised how little you need and how heavy the things that you don't need can be. These seem to me to be common mistakes: H/Wng boote - get really heavy and really muddy. Unless you are doing some full-on trekking you can probably get by on runners; Sentimental items (eg. my favourite jumper, shoes, jeans, teddy) travelling trashes your clothes and everything else. It is likely that your teddy will disintegrate and your Levis will be ruined. If you really can't bear to leave home without it, take it with you, but remember that at some point, you may be posting, selling orthrowing out your loved possession. Soolfs-everyone thinks they are going to read from Day One, and even if this is the case, books will probably be the heaviest item. A lot of travellers do book swaps so at any one time you will only be carrying one novel. This is a good solution to the book problem and I recommend that you limit the book quota to two (and that includes your guide book). Other Essentials I have also noticed that these items are commonly overlooked: Calculator - for doing currency exchanges. Locfcs-a myriad of uses including novel and a toothbrush. The thing is that chaining luggage to train racks, securing hostel doors and for your as long as you have your passport, money and ticket, you can't really go own luggage. Personal Photos - for visas and wrong other permits. Photos from home- people will ask And that is pretty much everything to about Australia and love to see get you started. As for the next step (that is, what to do when you land) well, photos of koalas and other I can't really advise you. It is a bit scary creatures. I met a Canadian guy who went to Indonesia with about once you have passed customs and thirty photos of Autumn trees and are really on your own. However, one snow. The Indonesians have never small consolation is that you can seen red/gold leaves on trees or always go back home, at any time and huskies in snow and were rapt to from anywhere. That thought alone is be given these as presents. If you usually enough for me to gather my courage, push open the airport doors go to Nepal, try bringing some and hurtle myself into the unknown. photos of the beach - you will be Jess Stokes endlessly popular. Other souvenirs pens, bookmarks, even lollies go down really well in Asia and other parts of the world. There will probably be some point where you will stay with a local family and it is embarrassing not to have some sort of $699 souvenir to give them (especially the kids). $689 POn^leOlc Guide book - this helps especially if it KUQIQ LUmpur $729 has maps of the cities R6cf ho^ P^S'iCi ST/^ Travel. Singapore This list is only a guide everyone does things differently and you may find that you travel best with nothing at all. I met a girl in Israel who had the lot stolen and swore it was the best thing that could have happened. She travelled the Middle East with a BQl'k $849 (inci airfare, 7 nts accom, & transfers) You'll finrf ttS a-*: Union Building Monash University Clayton Vic 3168 Tel: 9905 3128 Who needs the l^kvik-c-mart? 1996 was one of the best years of my life. It was the year I was an exchange student in America. Of the many wonderful experiences of that year, some of my fondest memories are of the trips I took to Chicago. A Day In the Life of O :5l memorabilia from the Sixties and Seventies. There was even a complete outfit worn by the Beatles on display! Other gadgets included a coin punch which would punch a penny with the imprint of a building with the date and Chicago written on the bottom. It was quite novel. One of my only regrets of this first trip to Chicago was that I desperately wanted to have a look in the Nike Town store on ./i^^SMiS-a^ The first trip I ever took to the 'Windy City' entity. It has no affiliation with the well was right after the senior prom. After a known basketball player, outside of the great evening I was dog tired and as name. There is a private dining room on soon as I jumped in the van, I fell asleep. the second floor which is supposedly It took five hours to drive from Fort Wayne kept for MJ, but he has never dined there. Indiana (where I stayed). I must have From what I gather, MJ just gets a lot of woken up four hours into the trip, because money for the privilege of being able to I had lime to savour the last of the Midwest use his name. countryside before it gave way to a sprawling metropolis. The menu at MJ's restaurant Is typically American, with steaks, burgers, salads, My first impression of Chicago from inside and grilled chicken. There was one thing the car was how busy it was. As we that caught my eye - The Pre-game Meal. entered the city on the interstate, there This consisted of a 22 oz New York strip was a train line that ran in between the (that is a very, very large piece of meat) two directions of traffic. To get to the train and three baked potatoes. I got to thinking station, the passengers would have to if MJ actually ate that much before a meal, cross part of the interstate on a pedestrian then he would never be able to jump so bridge and descend to a train station. high! I ordered a big Mike, which is a very Our first stop on this trip was the Chicago nothing much else. large burger, with three beef patties and Museum. The museum is a large white building with tall Roman style columns After lunch, we spent the rest of the day out the front. Inside there is a very large trying to find the science museum. We open foyer with hanging balconies of the had heard that there was a German U- four other floors overiooking it. There were boat Inside that one could walk into and many theme areas ranging from the take a look. I was fascinated and wanted history of the Pacific people to the objects to go. It took us four hours of driving of destruction in the Second Worid War. around to find it, by which time it was There was also a dinosaur exhibit, but closed for the day. breathtaking. The observation deck is a place everyone should visit. Michigan Ave. When I got there at 8:30 p.m., it was closed and there was a notice saying that it closed at 8:15 and 15 We wound up the day at a McDonalds, of all places. But this was no ordinary seconds on week days. Who ever closes at that time? 15 seconds, HA! McDonalds, this was THE rock and roll McDonalds. There was a lot of Don Wan LAST NICHT, I SLEPT WITH A GERMAN, ITALIAN & A SWEHE. . . . BE PREPARED BEFORE you TRAVEL we didn't go in because it was another five dollars. Behind the museum is a large aquariaum, which we did not visit on this day, but which also came highly recommended. The one other thing we did see was the Sears Tower. The Sears Tower is the tallest building in Chicago. There is an observation deck on top. What a view! One could see the whole city from such a After the museum, we were all hungry, so vantage point. The cars moving in circles we drove to Michael Jordan's restaurant down below seemed so insignificant, so for lunch. The restaurant is a curious far away. The view of Lake Michigan was You always were a cunninq linguiflt, James, YHA TRAVCL Tbt BMk^kertrml S^ehlltti 967Q iSQl 20$Kin9Sf,M«lbwrat A HOSTBUJNG INTEHNATKSNAL page 29 ok c o m p u t e r Caught in the Web T h e Internet, World Wide Web, WWW, the Web, the Net. They all rely o n one thing to work . . . web pages. If people didn't write H T M L flies, then other people would have nothing to 'surf! So w h a t is H T M L ? H T M L stands for Hyper Text M a r k u p <HliAD> Language. H T M L is basically a standard language in which this is like the header to a page everyone can create V e b pages'. It's easy to edit and use and <NffiTA N A M H = " G E N E R A T O R " CONTENT="Mozilla/4.04 there are heaps of tools and programs to help you or you can just |en]C-monwin/008 (Win95; I) Netscape]"> edit it with a simple text editor. It uses things called tags to This 'META' structure h o w your page looks with things like headings, lists and search keyword and author and the program used to write the page. In this links. These tags basically tell the viewer program how to read case, it's the later of the three. Hae normally sets up information about the page such as the text so when you look at it, it looks good. < T I T L E > J o e Blow's Home P a g e < / T r i ' L E > There arc lots of different H T M L editors o n the market and on This tag tells the viewer what title to put right at the top in the icreen above the Web itself. It's just a matter of taking your pick axu) using i t the menus. Notice how the tags are started and are ended by adding a I to Some don't like to use W Y S I W Y G programs so that they can it. have more control over what the pages look like. These guys can Links to < A HREr="stuff.html">different stuff</A> This is what a basic link looks like. 1 would have the words 'different stuff' use programs as basic as N o t e p a d in Windows or even the ever </HEAD> faithful D O S editor. Web viewers nowadays even have composers This just closes the header part. built into them so that when your d o n e surfing you can write. underlined and would take you to file called stuff.html. <P> < B O D Y TEXT="#00000O" B G C O L O R = " # F F F F F F ' > It*s quite easy to write web pages and to create your own site. Now we get into the body or the meat ofthepagf. A more basic tag would <A HREF="linked.htmr><IMG There are just a few basic steps you need tn take when you're just say BODY but this one actually gives colour information for the text. ALT="LINK" BORDER=0 H E I G H T = 4 8 W I D T H = 7 2 > < / A > You can set the text, background, links and followed link colours to be This is what a more complex link can look like. T h e added features starting o u t work out h o w m u c h you know about writing pages and anytbingyou want. h o w m u c h assistance you want from an editing program k n o w what text and information you want to have on SRC="/Icons/link.gif" of this one is that instead of underlined words to click on, you would have a picture to click on. < H l > W e l c o m e to the house of J o e < / H l > the page (typing it out before hand would be good) This tag is one of six different heading tags you can use (1 is the largest <P> know what graphics and logos you want (if you have and 6 is the smalksi). That's it, now go away <PX them o n a disk already that helps, or else your going to have to scan them) <P> know roughly h o w you w a n t the page to look (actually This just inserts a paragr<^b into the text. Notice that this tag doesn't drawing up a page plan is normally a good idea) require it to be ended with a </p>. V^ \ <ADDRESS> This tag changes the font and is normally used at the bottom of a page to type in people's email addresses. put it all together! O n c e you have your H T M L file and graphics ready to g o youVc Hi everybody and welcome to the j o e Blow H o m e page. T h e ready to upload t h e m o n t o a server computer that's permanendy following pages tell you heaps about me. While not everyone This connected to the N e t so that everyone else in the w o d d can sec may want to know about me, the stuff is here and since you're HREF="maiJto:joeblow@horny.iobless.com">Joc B l o w . < / A > here then you might as well find out. W h o knows, I might even This is a link to joe's email so you can write to him by clicking on it. Often get a job or a blow j o b . . . I mean date out of this! copyright stuff would go here as well your creation. It's that easy! Let's have an inside look at w h a t a 'real' web page looks like '• was \\ % written % by me, <P> </ADDRESS> underneath the gloss and in the code. Just have a look below at my really < B L T N K > H O T iinks.</ </BODV?- BUNK> </HTML> This bit just starts the page off. Spaces in between lines and test normally This tag makes the text in between itjiash. It can be one of the cutest or These last few tags just tidy up the page and close it of. don't matter as the view looks for tags. one of the most annoying tags ever to be used. <HTML> <A - Well that's w h a t a basic p a g e w o u l d look like. For m o r e <?> information on how to write H T M L have a look at www.w3.org/ <H3>Hoi Unks</H3> M a r k U p / G u i d e / which has a ten niinute guide written by Dave <P> Raggett. G o o d luck and I hope to sec your creation on the web sooa Ronny Liew rliel@8tudent.niona8h.edu.au page 30 So you're a fcmini&t - isn't that cut«. ok computer Add-@ns Add-ons are designed t o change a game from the 'norm* and increases the games* playability. In most cases this is only a level editor which allows you to change the maps a game uses. Most game developers w h o allow add-ons have increased the sales of their game. T h e best cases would have to be from id Software, famous for the games Doom, Doom 2, Quake and Quake 2. These games have m a p editors and much more. Using special editors the whole look of the game can be altered. Additional weapons can be created, all new monsters, and the Images changed. O t h e r games that have some ability for add-ons arc Duke Nukem 3D, Warcraft 2, Diablo (Helifire), and ]edi Knighl. Some of these add-ons are quite large and require payment, but most (especially maps) can be downloaded frtim the internet, for free. Some sites 1 found are listed l>el{»w: http://www.ugo. net/yellowpages/actii)n/doom.html - A list of Links to Doom add-ons http://www.planetquake.com/qng/qe/addons.htm - List of Links \o Quake add-ons When I was silting at my c o m p u t e r trying to come up with a There's the usual chat site, where you talk to otiier fans about theme for this edition's instalment of Site By Taste, I t h o u j ^ t to whatever, an email discussion list (the official one) - which is myself, "What makes my Monday nights so special?" Is it because known as the Booster Club here — and a download page where another fine week has started and I'm looking forward to the you can download all the usual video, audio and image clips. remaining four days which I can spend with all those lovely Through the Booster Club, there are links to other South Park sites people at Monash? Yeah, right. O r is it because Friends is on. N o , where you can get stuff you can't get anywhere else. I didn't they're all repeats. have time to check exacdy what this entails, but I will as soon as http://www.ariel.cs.yorku.ca/~martins/gamc/ - List of add-ons for a range of games i^'ar 11, Doom, quake, duke 3d) all my assignments have been handed in. N o , I decided Soi4th Park is what makes my Monday nights so special. Kind of sad, I know, but, hey, I majored in accounting, T h e Behind the Scenes page was pretty cool. They only had two O K ! A n d I know they're repeats, but being bke the other 9 9 % of links here, but seeing as they let you view the storyboards and the population w h o never watches SBS except when the World chat to Matt Stone and Trey Parker (the writers for you heretics C u p is on, I didn't see them when they first went on air. out there w h o don't watch quality television, or South Park), I consider this to be a definite case of quality over quantity. So, 1 looked up five South Park websites, and here's my list: T h e Store is worth visiting, even if you're not going to buy 5. www.ecocentrica.org/chcesegod/niail/news.html anything. They have the usual T V show stuff, you know, small 4. wu'w.juice97.com/spvids.html things like keychains, magnets, mugs, to the bigger items, like 3. sentraI200.sentral.kl 2.ia.us/'-cire/splinks.htm denim jackets and backpacks. Apparendyyou can buy real Cheesy 2. nightfall.simplenet.com/southpark Poofs through this page (swecet!), but when I visited, it didn't 1. southpark.comcdycentral.com/southpark seem to be in much of a selling mood. T h i s e d i t i o n ' s N o 1: 8 0 u t h p a r k . c o m e d y c e n t r a l . c o m / There is also a Playgpiund, where you get to play ail these really southpatk deep thinking type games, like Kenny Sliders and Cartman (as in Pacman). But I liked the Vote section, where visitors are asked In the words of the great Eric Cartman, this site kicks ass! Being for their responses to some serious in-depth questions, like: A r c the official South Park site, there's pretty m u c h everything a South all independent films about gay cowboys eating p u d d i n g and Park fan could wish for. Although, I am told somewhere you can D o c s selling T-shirts kick ass?' get the translations of what Kenny says in each episode, but 1 couldn't find them here. In short, this site is a must visit for any South Park fan. T h e only d o w n side is that M r Hanky seems t o feature a little t o o T h e first choice you get to make is whether to view the animated prominendy for my liking, but then 1 suppose shit happens, doesn't or non-animated site. T h e animated site requires a special viewer, it? A better iuld o n in any ^;ainc Many more are on the net and can be found by doing a search o n various search engines, using keywords like G A M E A D D O N S a n d / o r the name of the games you are interested in. O n e of the better ones, I found on my tour of the net was an add-on for Quake. It is called Future vs. Fantasy. It is quite big and it keeps adding updates, but you have to pay for anything other than the shareware version. F r o m what 1 have heard about it, the ten-dollar registration-fee is pretty g o o d , ' b u t don't take my word for it! G o to http://fvf.war7.0ne.com and have a look for yourself. which is available free at the site, but I didn't have time t o download it, so I only got to check out the non-animated site. Party Towels. Keith Kendmll Leslie Uew page 31 TA r JA3 1> ^J- / • Y^^U"^ * L^irvPi^pe^ Plxrt^ «-/ The Society of Arts Students is proud to announce the winners of our inaugural poetry competition. After a long period of discussion and debate we finally we have awarded Adeline Johns-Putra with first place and second place to Ali^x Edquist. Tliis competition will continue next year except that it will be held in first semester and will have a specific and relevant theme. More details about this competition shall be announced at the beginning of next year. Thank you to all entrants this year and best of luck for 1999's competition. AAany thanks also to Penguin Books for all their assistance and generous donation of prizes. If Adeline and AUx could give 5 A 5 a call on 990s 9118 or 0413 119 873 we can arrange a chance for you to pick up your prizes. i" Prize *i-^ fVrfc Off the pill, on holiday/ Months alone and miles away, Miles between that separate, Reason enough to ovulate. Primal regularity Starts up again inside of me: Still true, M y body counts the days till it returns to you. Artless sexuality Counts itself down inside of me: M a d e pure, M y body counts the days till it is yours once more. i"^ Prize - 7 - / thje^i^pij We are all made up of the same mattery It is true. Some are quite skinny, Some indeed fatter, But it is true. M y eyelashes are made from Lenin's shoe, (although my tears 1 believe come from Waterloo]. What remains of the Romanovs remains to be seen. Yet to say they are gone Is a thought quite obscene. It is strange. For my ankles are made from Nicholas. Smooth. Handsome. Both my left and right(that makes II) But ridiculously out of place against my solid legs and hardened face. Attached to a shaky foot And a most superstitious big toe Which marches me off to Tsarkoe. Cod Bless Selo. But there between my legs there exists danger, Poorly disguised as a lamb from the manger. It is quite a dark, mysterious creature A n d remarkably similar to Rasputin's feature. Ugly, bedraggled, with a common tongue Yet such wondrous stories and prayers it has sung. ' You see, To sin is to win And Oh, 1 have sinned. On many a time I've misplaced my station. Yet what a way to redemption Through this loss to temptation. However, this dangerous, magical, mystical power Does not work for every hour. Admittedly. 11 knows no cure for a blood disorder Which monthly overturns even the Imperial order. M y stomach contains an entire empire, With lords, a baron and a local squire. Lord Fat has become an extravagant glutton, (From a pampered life on cakes and mutton) He's extended his estate up to Baron Belly's button. Yet, from the thigh on down There rules a squire, (who admits he's fond of the rare devonshire). pull your fliifjer out ATTENTION SHORT STORY WRITERS! page 32 ^ / / With faithful bloodhounds He begins his hunt, In search of game, That leads to my toe. But soon I'll make them silent. Even the Black Hundred which resist to my violence. M y peasant toes can move freely now. Indeed, since they were freed from their shoe They've become quite outspoken. Although their faith is quite shaky From being constantly broken. With Stalin's moustache right under my arm, This presence for many Is cause for alarm. M y odour. It is strong. It's the crudest, foulest, Harshest pong. Stronger than thirty million hands. For garlic's the key to flush out your system. Any impurities 1 sweat out quite quickly, For my glands have conviction. Enough to make even the strongest quite sickly. Each body t h a t s t a n d s up in protest I'll fell with my razor sharp sickle Tlien drain out their cries, till they slow to a trickle. The skin of a Fin. A belly hole like a Pole. Intestines which stretch from Riga to Odessa (And a kidney that's collapsed from the strain and the pressure). And 'no' my dear, my liver's not • Russian. It's shrivelled and weak and decidedly Prussian. With the soles of my feet, I'll hammer the ground. Then put up a wall And sell half for a pound. With concrete nails, With an iron will, With a Bazarov faith I'll achieve all... Plus nil. If every life was a human hair, Then I'm afraid my pits are cause for despair, M y humour? Why it comes from Witte, But is it just rumour That my wit makes you bitter? They're soft and rooted with too many souls. A marsh which is lived in mostly by ghouls. For it's me, myself and 1 that's my hero. Although who can be sociable When it's twenty below zero? Express Media and Lot's H^fe very cheerily present T I N Y EPICS - A national university short story competition. The winner will receive $150 $500'/ a subscription to Voiceworks Ai^S^ne, and will have their story published in all participating newspapers and in Voiceworks. Four runners-up will receive $25 - $50 * and a subscription to Voiceworks. Entrants must: be under 15 keep to a i/ooo word limit ' submit entries to the Loc'^s office by 18 September. the amount of prize money depends on the number of newspapers entering the competition. PS. If you a,re interested in reviewing some books/ please come in to the Lee's office and see Michelle because we have lots to give away! A woman necde a man like a fish needs a bicycle gftfAT^E^ V^l^n^lg. . Tit^U Kdh- Till- Have you ever been raped by a knife? Thump.thump. Here/ S'ITJ is your knife. Let it be. Did Virginia sip her tea just so? And mindlessly rave about swindling builders? Perhaps. Did Sylvia masturbate incredulously/ Before she dived out a window? 1 don't know. A Vested Virgin? Perhaps. Worth more paired with a knife. Silvered no more. Who cares. Shall we feast? On expanses of gorgeous ripe flesh Members only. Sorry Miss. Will they chorale for years? Like stupid fair chimeS/ in a melodious rut. Delicious for some. Probably. 1 didn't want to disturb you silence crept from your door you were dreaming 'the night is yours alone' light walls powdered indigo - it does matter my eyes unpeeled cumbersome breaths every shift of air a star that tiptoed past my window 1 heard them all damp cheeks salt on my pillow 1 implored the moon to drop a message in its milky light ' •'•" '^k G lad 1 see upon this day the finest ship now set free. For far too long that vessel bound To the dock and left untended. For like a harbour master, I, Standing guard upon the pier Am saddened to see such a vessel Kept from the boundless sea. But when she sails, at long last There will be no denying The tears that swell within my eyes Seeds of such sweet and sour will fill the sea with pearls of joy as she sai Is away from me. ^ %.W^H I ^ B M HHT^^ •HT V ' \ Wf~ i K A ' / iV)* 1 H ^^ 1 JK Wm ' ' HH^K ^H* •~ ,ij •p — S -I^^H . ' 4 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •• To enjoy and love. Love? A s to spurn? Damned fickleness and confusion Hear me MB 1 11 • '' B 1 . V, -w- 1 1 Vi >i J ' r S 1 9 \ ^H '^ > Build the road, lay the 1 V 1 B /' - / ^ J P ^ ^ "iM 11^^ 9 ^ •* 1 n^^k ^% I ^^_ JM a'''^^B K fl^B r JRK JptK Ml ; P' "'^^j l! -^ ^m- \ 1 4 V ^m I \ HL ' / ~A ii^^ 1\ • 'MJf ^mKl^i is: '^Bli M' r .'1^ ^ ^ t Has the wind of deliverance arrived, A ruffle, a stir, a soft hush How to define this euphony, its dulcet undercurrent. Can it be real? Ah, but for weak assertion, It bites so deep in its absence, N o t to Traipse but to Stride, Create, Develop and Mould S Jll •• V Say these four worirfs c^uickly: whale, oil, beef, hooked. J ^HP^E _, T ^ %^^^K ^wf MELISAC ^ ; T ^p ' - f stranded side by side the rooms laying quietly alone not to bother the other 1 Does the Polemic hide, Giving rather to a stream of shapeless prose. Dialectic is in wanting Nay, but sit you down and gaze in amusement, Two desires, too hesitant, The door opens; enter and engage, Let the colloquialism and the Good Times Roll. fl^B • 1 A hundred comers there must be in this world MADELINE V WHK » where hearts go unnoticed in this endless rem appease ' %. r*'^^ [ sitting on the edge in a comer of the earth, Force me to snort fat flakes, that make me chortle and fizz like that Pink lemonade. Like a dream which fails to Rfifc "^ ^- 8 R ^ JEREMY FlSHER for clarity in this midnight room isolated and obscure feet dangling over a spotted galaxy. / \ "^tv-St v^ lA^i> ^ ^ '^ Hay heart submerged eyes searching And so what of it? Dark dancing thoughts lock doomed By some shapeless haired hand That once died. 'The words 'Pink' and 'fizz' were first used together by that phenomenon Sylvia Plath in her poem 'Cut'. / ^1 Y^A^l^H'r s^H , ,1^'*^ <' .!^^H HgUP"^^^^ foundation Yet, no cars are to run, no buildings to be built Toy with me, lead and play with me, Why, anything but to leave me hanging! So, your tidings? Here's to a sonnet of shite, And a lexicon of woeful prose. One finds oneself in unity with frustration Learn, live, change, accept, develop and improve, But for the cost, If only ephemeral. Of soul, Heart and Mind. CAMERON MCPHERSON ^ page 33 fns:a A/VTiolefoods SGM: October 8, Upstairs Union Foyer THE WHDLEFDD Finally, after months of sometimes fruitless discussions and conflict, MSA officebearers and members of the Friends of Wholefoods have co-operated to develop a proposal to resolve the \yholefoods dispute in a way that satisfies everyone involved. A Student General Meeting has been called for Thursday October 8 (first week after mid-semester break). We need the approval of about 700 students at this SGM if we are to finally resolve what has been a damaging and frustrating confiict. After several positive meetings, a proposal has been formulated to incorporate the Wholefoods Collective into the MSA Constitution. If this proposal is approved by enough students, it will become a part of the Constitution and the relationship between the Wholefoods Collective and the Monash Student Board will be formalised and protected. This will end the confusion over the respective roles of the Collective and the MSB, which has been the main issue in the debate over Wholefoods for the last few years. Although the proposal still needs to be finalised in some areas, some of the most basic points in it include: • the aims of Wholefoods, which include remaining a vegetarian and vegan space that encourages volunteer participation There are a few loose ends to tie up, but the proposal has the in-principle support of both the Friends of Wholefoods and the Monash Student Board. We need the support of students though, if this is to be followed through and be incorporated into the Constitution. • the responsibilities of the Collective, including the responsibility for drawing up a budget submission and an annual operational plan, and the responsibility for developing general policy for the running of Wholefoods • procedures for resolving disputes between the Wholefoods Collective and the Monash Student Board • the self-governance of the Collective - except that it must operate by consensus decision rnaking and have some requirements for notifying members and quorum The proposal will be finalised in the next two weeks and then checked over by a lawyer to ensure it is legal and consistent with the rest of the MSA Constitution. A final copy will be placed on the MSA noticeboard and be available from MSA by the start of next term. We finally have a real chance to work together to establish a workable and constructive arrangement for the continued operation of Wholefoods - but we can't do it without wide student support. If you have been angry or frustrated about the Wholefoods situation this year, or if you just eat there and want to see it remain a viable and functioning service of the MSA, you should attend this SGM and be a part of making this positive change. If you have any questions or comments please see Gill or Mel in MSA or Hal from the Friends of Wholefoods. Wholefoods SGM: October 8, Upstairs Union Foyer page 34 What's the difference between Bill Clinton and a screwdrii/er? fwv/y Women's Officer's Report The next big event on the Women's Collective calendar is The Women's Festival from 21 st - 26lh September (last week before mid-semester break). The Women's Festival offers women the chance to participate in a range of women's cultural events and mediums, Feminist art, theatre and film rarely gel to shine in a complete festival program. Many younger women artists and performers often find il hard to get private and/or government funding to put on experimental theatre, exhibit artwork or publish their writings. The Women's Affairs Collective funded and set up the Women's Festival to encourage women students al Monash University to gel more involved in theatre performance, writing, dance and other mediums of expression. The program allows patrons to attend a number of performances and also gives women the opportunity to explore their own beginnings of creativity in the numerous workshops throughout the week. The Collective hopes the festival will revitalise women's culture at a campus level and allow future women students access to a network of women artists, writers, performers and funds to enable experimentation with feminist ideas and concepts. MON TUES WED THUR • 21st Opening Art Exhibition. 4-8pm Art & Design workshop 22nd 1 - 2pm Dissent Launch 4-8pni Writing workshop 23rd 1 - 2pin Little Fish 24th 1 - 2pm Little Fish 7-8pm Short Films 5 - 8pm Theatre Performance Workshop 8.30pin The Phantom Body 8.30pm The Phantom Body FRI IS"6.30pm Little Fish SAT 19th 6.30pm Little Fish 8.30pm The Phantom Body 8.30pm The Phantom Body 25" 2 - 5pm Dance & Movement workshop 26th 2 - 5pm Music & Voice workshop 6.30pm Little Fish 6.30pm Liule Fish 8.30pm The Phantom Body 8.30pm The Phantom Body NQ3 Sexuality Report This semester's campaign ran from the 1st to the 4lh of September. Quieter certainly, discounting Wednesday post fourish, but to borrow from Warren: it was an intimate experience. Focusing on education and discussion and the dissemination of new ideas on campus. The Tuesday forum involved a discussion on the forms that sexual abuse takes and some of the paths that people take in response, as well as offering alternatives. Katrina O'Donnell from the South-Eastcrn Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA) stressed that people deal with abuse in a variety of ways requiring individual approaches rather than a blanket method of counselling. As a group we explored social and legal avenues as ways of finding support and providing safety. She explained that in terms of reporting assault (including same-sex assault) certain police stations operate with 'community' police as opposed to 'regular' police - these stations include Prahran and Northcote, but definitely not St. Kilda. Community police are the friendlier branch that have received training in dealing with these cases sympathetically. A screwdriver turns Wednesday's debate "Should gay men be allowed to donate blood" - while conceding that anal intercourse is a practice placing people in a higher risk category, the debate opposed the idea that all gay men practice penetrative sex with multiple partners and explored whether or not excluding men having any sexual contact with another man from donating is discriminatory. MUISS Election Results Nominations for MUISS executive committee positions were opened from 20"' July 1998 and closed on 12 August 1998. Voting was carried out in the MUISS lounge from 17'" to ig"" August 1998. Two hundred and fourteen international students showed up to vote over the three day voting period. At close of voting on 19* August 1998, the votes were counted and the following candidates were elected to the following positions: President Winter Faze saw Wholefoods transformed into a fairytale cyber-snowstorm, with Fantasia playing in the chill-out zone. The dance-floor took a while to warm up, but boy did il steam... NQS would like to thank all those who participated and helped make the week a success. in screws, and &III Clinton ecrewe in t u r n s . General Secretary Treasurer Activities Officer Education Officer Media Officer Services & Welfare Officer Andre Koh Yeow Leung Karen Phua Chrislyn Yeoh Penn-Nee Chow Sujala Pant Raymond Yap Albert Wiyogo Lui Tat Meng MUISS Returning Officer 1998 cj page 35 '9t€i&^^^^<a^€^ft9?t^€^n^ DON'T When Powderfinger captured Australia's attention in '96 with their 'breakthrough' album Double Allergic, they showed that you didn't need to be manufactured or sound like an American band to make an impression in this country. And with the forthcoming release of their third album Internationalist, bassist John Collins talked to Lot's Wife about the new album. How long did Internationalist take to record? It look about a year for us to write it, and we recorded it in June. 'The Day You Come' showed a different side of Powderfinger Could you say when you started moving away from the rockiness oi Double Allergic'^ When we wrote it I suppose, which was about two months after we finished Double Allergic. We didn't mean to do it, it just came out like that. We try and write songs the way we think we should do Ihem and we don't head in any direction, whatever comes out and that's the way it ends up. So the song writing has been pretty constant since you finished the last album? We wrote a few songs and then we stopped for ages, and then we went back and wrote some more and got the two together and put it into an album. Who does the writing, or is it a group effort? I suppose 50 percent of the stuff is done by Darren [Middleton, guitar] and Bernard [Fanning, vocals], and the other stuff we put together as a band. And Bernie writes most of the lyrics and melodies. Who's singing on 'Over My Head'? Because it doesn't sound like Bernard. That's Darren [His first time as lead singer]. page 36 Have any of the new tracks been tested in front of a live audience? How did the overseas market take to the sound of Powderfinger? In Canada it was really good, we We Wrote A Few Songs And ""-^v^ did some supports Then We Stopped For Ages, N ^°^ ^""^ '''8 bands over there And Then We Went Back and got lots of And Wrote A Few More positive feedback We played 'Day You Come' most of the time last year, and a few other songs, but most of them we haven't played live yet. You've toured the US, how was that? Well, we've only played in the US twice, but we've done two tours of Canada. I suppose you'd call it. And hopefully we're going back at the start of next year. It was inspiring the way we were treated over there. And what's in the future for Powderfinger? I suppose just touring and trying to become more successful. 1 really want to tour overseas but we'll .see how that goes. That is the plan but you never know what's going to happen. Powderfinger are touring around Australia at the moment so catch them when you can, and their new album Internationalist is out now on Polygram records. Anthony Brasher Have you any ideas on what the next single could be? We're thinking of releasing that song "Don't Wanna Be Left Out and "GoodDay Ray" as a double A-side, 'cause they're really short. anpha sports - it's hottsr than dsep heat in your Jock strap. ^^mxKi fWM^s? faceO[]Qg)crowcl <. f^vil ^^i \ '^SA I ur H -"» « I'/,-' •"> / '* >. 4t strong meiiow free Bundaberg Gear ^ T THINK SO.i of a lot of people, you'll never get the same amount of respect. Has Rani done any shows yet? 'Urn, yeah I've done Brisbane and Sydney already and that went down really well. We're just waiting to get some shows in Victoria.' When will that happen, when you have a little more publicity down here? 'Yeah, I mean we've just put a new single out to.radio, "Do What You've Gotta Do". I think that's really really important, it's very hard to actually sell albums and let people know that it's out there without any airplay. But despite that, for the first week on the chart I think it did okay. I think it's about ninety something nationally, but after we did all the publicity in NSW it ended up at number 51. So I was really happy with that. I didn't expect it to make it into the charts at all. I thought we would have to wait until it got some more airplay.' Imagine you're the daughter of a famous singer. You see how well Jakob Dylan and Sean Lennon do for themselves, and you feel you could make it if you tried. Well, that's not exactly what happened to Rani, Kamahi's daughter, but the end result could well be the same. She's just released her debut album The Infinite Blue, a mix of R'nB numbers and soulful little tunes, with some loops and beats thrown in for good measure. The public have been quite responsive too, with her first single "Always on my Mind" reaching number 32 in the ARIA charts. Lot's Wife sat down with her recently and talked about the album, live shows, and that family connection. "Always on my Mind" was quite popular with the punters, which was surprising when you consider that no one had heard of her before its release. How happy was she with the response? 'Yeah, a little bit surprised but very very happy. I think we possibly went out on a 1 imb with the first single to do a song that was dancey and sounded the way it did, especially when the record company was looking for some sort of commercial response. But, it went down teally well, we were very happy with page 38 .^mm Well, it seems that Rani's doing pretty well for herself- a new album, a few hits in the charts, and a solid live reputation. Let's hope the luck continues, because she's one of the few local artists that has the potential for commercial success in the future. Or at least a few ads for Dilmah tea. Andrew James the result.' So, the record company wasn't looking at it when thinking of a first single? 'No, the record company was happy with it, but it's a bit of a gamble to do an original song when a lot of people would do a cover first out.' A debut album for an arti.st is something that all future releases are going to be compared to, so in many ways it's important to set some goals for it. What did Rani hope to achieve with The Infinite Blue! 'I guess as much as possible just to let people know that it's out there and that hopefully they'll enjoy it. For me it was just trying to find the beginnings of my own unique style of music and finding a nice combination of the different styles that I've always loved. While not making it sound too disjointed, because that can happen.' How can one get a sound that's too disjointed? 'Well there's dance, there's ambient, lots of jazz as well, so I was trying to find a path for all those styles without making it sound all over the place. To be honest, it's taken two years to make the album, so it just feels great to finally be here.' Recording an album is all well and good, but unless you can cut it in front God grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can and the wisdom to tnow the difference, gr -'^>.gfe-^:^ -rrir^^^-.r,^- .^'.«:^ll..v TWIN PEAKS 1) What is thefirstline said in the series? 2) What X-tremely famous actor appeared in the series? |i.nd, wljat was his character's name? 3) Fill in the gap: walk with me. 4) What was the name of the secret society Sheriff Truman was a member of? 5) Name the brothel. :• 6) What's Laura Palmer's identical cousin's name? 7) Name the porriographic magazine that Laura Palmer answers ads in. 8) Name the title and artist of the opening sequence song.' 9) What game does Dale Cooper play with his arch-rival? 10) Fill in the gap: the are not what they seem. 11) What drink and piece of food come recommended at the Double R Cafe? 12) Name the character David Lynch played. 13) What is the name of Ben Home's hotel? 14) What was Bob trying to spell out with the letters he left under his victim's fingernails? 15) Who was thefirstvictim of Bob/Leland? ' .^J T^^tM So, what's news? Well, with Gwyneth Paltrow and Matt Damon co-staring in a steamy romance it will be interesting to see how their respective partners deal with it. After all, Matt is going out with Gwyneth's best friend - Winona Ryder, and Gwyneth is currendy seeing Matt's best friend - Ben Affleck. You'd hate to be around for those awkward breaks in conversation. On the animated front, Disney is producing a second Pocahontasfilmwith one of the lead voices being that of Mel Gibson's brother (don't ask me his name). And in the year 2000, Disney will release The City ofAtlantis. This new-millennium release is said to set the standard for all animated films that will follow. The voice of the lead in this predicted eye-opener will be none other than the short guy himself- Michael J Fox. Claire Hammond m^m^ s)(UEa Esaaai (ji 'wgqoa (t^j 'piQH UisMWN JESJD a u (fcl •uopaoofti 'sidsiddBpireaajjoodi 's|MO(0l 'sssqo(6asiruoaainf'SmilBif (8'piJornqs^u{£'/^ppcM (9-spEf paXgauoCe's/CogssnoqiiooaaiLKt? '3JU(£ (3)S!U3a•XuAOiiOTaPfA«a(t ..aumsij SuioSui.[„(i :syHMSNV GiveAwavsGalore Girls, you can all let out a sigh of relief, Leonardo DiCaprio will not be starring in American Psycho. After long talks he decided that he just couldn't commit to the scheduling time. Although, it wouldn't be too unrealistic to assume that he realised what it would do to his career. He would lose a lot of his well-earned popularity. Aaron Spelling fans will be thrilled to know that Laura Leighton (Sidney from Melrose Place) will be joining the cast of 90210. And everybody's favourite Spice-Girlhas-been, Geri Haliwell, has recently joined the Scientologists. Call it harsh, but no one thinks for a second Geri actually believes (or understands) what they stand for. It has been put down to a 'strategic' career move. In other words, she can't get any work and figured that becoming a Scientologist may just help. I suppose if you're on the bottom of a very big pile, any ladder, no matter how shaky, is worth a shot. T h a t s Right: Loads of Free Shit SClSSOiS Tjarjei 1 o cli The BBC is taking Noddy to US television audiences. Noddy and friends will, of course, appear in true American style with cute child actors, big musical numbers and star guest spots. One big name to hit Toy Town is Carol Kane who will play the Tooth Fairy. It will be interesting Scissors, Paper, Rock is one man's struggle to retain self worth in a to see if Big Ears and Noddy are attacked by the PC society that has almost forgotten he exists. This fascinating play, writPolice once again. Or maybe for the American audience ten by Daniel Keene, focuses on middle age and the unemployed. It is Noddy and his posse will go 'git dem selves some acabout to perform a season at La Mama's theatre in Carlton, and betion'. ing the most generous people that they are, they have offered us two double passes to see the Wednesday 22nd of September show. Thefirsttwo people to come up to the office and challenge me (Chris, Andfinally,to videos. This next month is a big one for new releases including Great Expectations, Stella Does that is) to a game of scissors, paper, rock will win them. Tricks, Good Will Hunting, Mouse Hunt and Replacement Killers. The big one to look out for is Titanic, which will be out on September 30 and available for purchase as of that date. Claire Hammond \ lovtf the smell of napalm in the morning. page 39 N / l EINW , - - ^ i^ sating paradise. However, it chooses not to foreground the potential of 80's gimmickry, and rather channel-surfs between drama, light comedy and the overwhelming ideological naivety of a decade that was. •••• THE It seems that the increasing absence of the 1980's makes its myth grow stronger, sentiment grow fonder and the cash flow greater for the Hollywood moguls. The Last Days of Disco, however, has the more 'any' directorial control of Whit Stillman, who in this title suggests both a hedonists holocaust and a pul- The story centres around Alice (Chloe Sevingny), Charlotte (Kate Beckinsale), the Manhattan club scene and a poshplatter of Harvard boys. Alice, the least 'experienced' of the two girls, is guided by the equally vacuous but more annoyingly pretentious Charlotte. The film works hard to incorporate various characters, including the nightclub owner, the doormen, the clientele and a gaggle of other peripherals. SCHLINK A love affair with someone twenty years your senior? A war trial in which remaining silent is your only crime? An inability to decide who is to blame? The Reader effectively describes a search for truth and for blame. Based in post-war Germany, the main characters BNDDP DDG stand in stark opposition to each other: Michael Berg, the young boy to whom life is still a mystery, and Hanna, the embodiment of mystery herself. When you read this book, make sure tliat someone else you know reads it too, because it will occupy your head for quite some time. D A GAME IS TD B E Many years later, in a courtroom, Michael is faced with a woman who he, as a boy, simply could not comprehend. No longer a boy, Mirhael the law student tries to make sense of a Nazi past. The result is a challenging and overwhelmingly complex response. Bernhard Schlink draws together unlikely and difficult characters, and manages to turn their interaction into something confronting, challenging, and very very disturbing. A fantastic novel about war and the desire, in retrospect, to both condemn and to understand. The biography states that a new album from Snoop Dogg is "more than just a record release, it's a chance to saver (sic) the talents of one of hip-hop's few genuine superstars." I'm not casting aspersions on this person's intelligence, but I think they should get the diarrhoea treated before they dribble on a loved ones. This album varies, between shit R&B ("D.O.G'S gel lonely 2", which is a rip off of'The Time"), shit remakes of hip-hop classics (DP Gangsta, last seen as "Gangsta, Gangsta"), shit sequels to Snoop's own classics ("Gin & Juice 11") and, wait for it, original material. The originals would have made one hell of an EP, but since I don t know of a No Limit release under twenty songs, that just wasn't going to happen. Kobi Leins ••• Volker Schlondorff's adaptation oUiisi Another Sucker falls short of its potential. Palmetto follows reporter Harry Barber (Woody Harrelson) from a stint of incarceration (mistakenly convicted) back to Palmetto - a peaceful yet criminally riddled Florida town. He is immediately re-acquainted with his former girlfriend Nina (impressively played by Gina Gershon), but is unsettled and unable to find any clear direction. When spending a quiet moment in the local pub he meets Rhea Malroux (irresistibly played by Elisabeth Shue). Unfor- page 40 Darby Hudson This aside, Disco doesn't play itself out to any conclusion as such, but instead revels in the girls' various encounters with the Harvard boys, and to a lesser READER BERNHARD extent, drugs, manic depression, and venereal disease. This is played out on an anlhematic 80's canvas, making for clever satire. Hints and tips concerning relationships and the timeless art of 'picking up' aren't as blatantly comic as an 'Agony Aunt' column. Rather, they fall into the vicinity of clinical revelations, ala 'Dolly Doctor'. Whilst Disco would seem to promise a catalogue of kitsch, and looks like Romy and Michelle, ilgoes like a Jane Austin in an over-sized sequin dress, standing at a bar that only serves coffee. It's a sophisticated and dry 80's reality check, but that just might be your cup of mirth. tunately, a familiar tale ensues. Harry is allured by a proposition to make a quick $50,000 which involves the mock kidnapping of Rhea Malroux's daughter in an attempt to extract half a million dollars from her frugal 'Sugar Daddy' husband, Felix. However, in true Coen Brothers style, Harry is drawn into a far more sinister plot. The usual identity twists and turns result, whereby the audience is exposed to the past of Palmetto's residents. What's more, there is the obligatory sexual tension between Harry and his cohorts plus a touch of murder. Whilst the performances were very solid. Palmetto failed to draw me into its various plot devices. Recently, this genre has been bashed to death and simply did not sustain my interest. Nevertheless, it partially redeemed itself with a semi-unpredictable finale. When flipping through the pages of the paper to check out what's on at the cinemas, place Palmetto at the middle of your list. Although it's a neatly packaged filin, you've seen it all before. Mark Czapnik SOLD, N O T To BE T O L D Mystikal and Fiend prove that they're two of the best studio gangstas of the nineties, but the highlight is the shortest song on the album. Big Pimp 'n shows up again, harking back to the Death Row days, and delivers a hilarious monologue, declaring that "The slock market has always been 100% when it comes to pussy.... niggers pay for pussy." Pimp on. He wants to be a drug-selling dogg. Justin Evans If the answer is 'Uberal'. it must have been a fucl<ing stupid (Question. ALLY MCBEAL •••-* Georgia). She is a crazy, fresh character whose everyday situations are overblown by her over-active imagination (take for instance her view of cappuccino breaks). Channel 7, 8.30 Monday / This new series from David E Kelly, creator of Picket Fences and Chicago Hope, premiered recently on Channel Seven. Ally McBeal has won critical acclaim in America and Calista Flockhart (Ally) has won a Golden Globe for her role. To sum this show up into a sentence, or even a paragraph for that matter, is near impossible. Ally McBeal is a show that cannot be classified. It is a quirky mix of life troubles, love, pain and a vivid imagination. It involves a complex mix of drama, comedy and even fantasy. Ally is a young, twenty-something lawyer who found her career by following her then boyfriend, Billy. She even ends up at the same law firm as him (and his wife, The most interesting aspect of this new series is that you can't quite put your finger on how it works. Some argue it is too dis-empowering for women (take Time's recent front cover) or too stereotypical, and others see it as a lighthearted look at life in the late nineties. Overall, Ally McBeal is worth a look, but will probably take a few viewings, at the very least, to figure out, especially the drama/comedy mix. It's cute, it's different and it's appealing. Claire Hammond Calista Flockhart as Ally McBeal D.I.G CURVYSTRASSE ••••• ,-iUi I Directions in Groove I (DIG) have once again I managed to bend musiIcal genres to create Isomething quite speI cial. Curvystrasse is the I follow-up to their seclond album Speakeasy, I and signposts a new diIrection for the band. . The album has a crispy I outer shell of sexual soup lyrics, followed by a layer of smooth [flowing cool and Bebop lines, a layer gui- m^ xiijr wys tr^ sse LOSING ALEXANDRIA VicTDRiA T H O M P S O N Stories about cities, foreign and exotic, are cither brilliant or completely mediocre. Or so I thought until I read Losing Alexandria. This text is an amazing compilation of both. Losing Alexandria is one woman's tale not of her search for her childhood city, but of her search for herself. The text is originally soft and dreamy, but digresses into a sensationalised and spurious search for self The talk of sophisticated Europeans setting up new lives for themselves in Alexandria turns to psychotherapy, failed relationships, and inner conflict. Alexandria, one of the old cities of Egypt, was fascinating and titillating. Victoria Thompson, as much as she would like us to believe it, is not. The content which refers to the history of tar jazz and a solid Drum and Bass (D&B) centre. Quite obviously, this is an album of layers. Il charts a progression from a more familiar D&B sound on the first track 'Rumor Has It' which is reminiscent of Portisheaci, Bjork or Massive Attack, through to the last track 'O'Cumbayah' with a heavy improvisational influence, and rough timing which is most closely approximated by a symbiosis of Chick Corea, Ronnie Jordan and John Coltrain. This is a great soundtrack to all life situations. It is something to play in the car, or while doing that essay at 3:00 am. It is an album to break-up to or, as South Park's Chef would say, it is an album to make sweet love to. This album can rev you up for that Saturday night on the tiles, and bring you down in the Taxi home. This is an album to put on at a party, or to sit and chill with a bottle of cognac and Cubans. This is a brilliant album, and a sensational new direction in groove. Without a doubt this is the best album DIG has produced. Jeremy Tan the city is fascinating, the reflection in the narrator fails to refract quite the same passion and mystery. An expose which was doomed to fail. Frailties of a city may not be directly translated into personal weakness. Although Victoria Thompson describes a life many would love to live, it loses something in the telling. Read E.M Porter's version or, alternatively, imagine Alexandria. Either way it will be better for your senses and a more effective use of time. Kobi Leins page 41 /^ R EIVI EIWS 4 • ^ jT' THE INSECT SPINSTER LA MAMA tdw ^W ••••• In the ever cosy and endearing environment of La Mama theatre in Carlton, all are welcomed to share the fascinating and intoxicating journey in the 1860s through exotic continents, emotions and insect specimens. Written, performed and directed by talented WA based, Monica Main, The Insect Spinster reveals the reaction of a young woman, full of life and vigour, to the cold social boundaries of the era. theory of evolution and her utter fascination with insects. Miss Thrip could be seen as rather eccentric, but the 'Alice in Wonderland' state she is in seems to be a reaction against the social rigidity and the "grey wool of England" that tries to mute her spirit and thought. With beautiful costumes and witty use of the stage, props, and visuals The Insect Spinster is very entertaining. It is a fantastic concoction of a poetic script, great characters and wonderful ideas Understandably this is what could have happened to women in the 1800s who were intellectual, adventurous, energetic and had a lust for life and nature. "If you never do anyUiing unexpected, nothing unexpected happens!" Miss Veracity Lavinia Thrip, the main character, detours in her travels to an arranged courtship in Brazil andfindsher self emersed in life and nature in the "breeding, pupating, gestating jungle" of Africa. She ponders and theorises with much wonder on life, death and her seemingly strange culture. She does this through her inspiration from Darwin's CHERRY PQPPIN' & RIOT Say the word 'swing' and more often than not you get the image of a dark and smoky club out of the 20s. Except when you hear the sort of swing that comes from the Cherry Poppin' Daddies. Their fourth release is a compilation of the best tracks from their previous three independent releases and a couple of new tracks they've done since signing to the Mojo label. They've been on the scene since 1989, and it's really about lime that they hit the big time. Their combination of swing and ska (you've got to love a good brass section) is sexy and refined. and these guys are unquestionably in the forefront of what could be a thirdwave swing era. The best part about this album is the way the Daddies combine a groovy sound with an almost punk lyricism. Covering such wide ranging topics as unrequited love ("When I Change Your Mind"), social injustice ("Mr White Keys") and an alcoholic father ("Drunk Daddy"), they don't seem to let anything get them down, and this is catching. It is close to impossible to listen to this and stay in a bad mood. Upbeat, wacky and downright fun, this album is a must for anyone sick of the post-grunge, alt-rock and bubblegum pop that's being ground out today. One thing it shows for sure is that their skaswing combination is a winning formula and well worth checking out. Sarah Turner page 42. PRISSTEENS S C A N D A L, DADDIES ZDDT SUIT Leila Koren T H E "'. CDNTRDVERSY ROMANCE o The Prissteens are a four piece band from New York and this is their debut album. When you first look at their promotional pictures you think, 'three girls and one guy, yeah it's gotta be easy listening'. When actually you start to listen to the music, it's quite a different story. Their music is an up-beat mixture of grunge and teenage rock, and is often about relationships. All in all, they're not a bad listen. Their promotional material sums up them nicely 'booze, sex and clothes is what they ' like, rock'n roll is what they play'. Ronny Liew MELBOURNE FRINGE FESTIVAL ^ Student Theatre have two exciting shows coming up in the Melbourne Fringe Festival - Vinegar Tom and The Poe Show. Written by Caryl Churchill and directed by Lisa Dyson, Vinegar Tom compares and contrasts a story of the persecution of supposed witches in England during the middle ages. The experiences of contemporary Australians are combined with the original dialogue in voice and movement, resulting in powerful, innovative and confronting music theatre. It tours to four non-traditional performance spaces in Melbourne's city and suburbs, including the Micawber Park Tavern, Metro Nightclub, Monash Uni and Three Faces. As one of the Fringe Festival's largest shows. Vinegar Tom is performing from September 30 to October lO(Wed-Sat). The Poe Show is a stage adaptation of two of Edgar Allan Poe's tales - The Pit & The Pendulum and The Masque of the Red Death. The Pit & The Pendulum explores the limits of mental endurance. In contrast. The Masque of the Red Death is a rich and decadent joyride through the panic and denial which accompanies a deadly epidemic. The Poe Show is a culmination of the physical theatre work both Hilary Elliot and John Britton (Co-Artistic Directors for Student Theatre) have brought to Monash University during their first year in residence. This program concentrates on the clarity of storytelling through a combination of spoken word, physical imagery and ensemble expression. The Poe Show appears as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival at Monash University from Wed 7'" October - Sat ID"' October and Tues 13'" October - Fri \6"' October. For bookings and general enquiries call 99053108. Megan Pearson you're bad Bart - and I lite iti •••• In recent times there have only been a couple of kid's films that are fun for adults to watch, and Small Soldiers is one of these. Picture this: An international weapons systems manufacturer decides to expand it's operation to include the toy industry. Picture further that the toy department has access to the weapons department's computer chips. Picture also that this company is run by Dennis Leary (of "I'm an asshole" fame). Fantastic. It is these premises that set Small Soldiers up to be one cracker of a kid's flick. much in the same line as the Dirty Dozen, and are voiced, in fact, by the original cast of The Dirty Dozen. The Gorgonites (voiced by rock legends Spinal Tap) have entirely different programming; essentially all they can do is to try to escape getting eradicated by the Commando Elite. Small Soldiers also includes the best use of a Spice Girls song in a film I've ever seen. Add Phil Hartman into the equation and you end up with a piss funny film. Duncan Lockie Essentially the film revolves around two sets of toys, the Commando Elite and the Gorgonites. The Commando Elite are a bunch of hard-arse soldiers, Hole "Celebrity Skin" (Geffen) If you lliought Courtney Love had lost it after her stuttering movie career and Versace make over you are in for a little shock, she's back and the venom dipped claws are out. Full of buzzing distortion and with Love's poignant lyrics this is something to crank up loud. Tlie first taste of the Sept. 8* album and also one of five songs cowritten by Billy Corgan, but is it worth all the hype? Get it andfindout. MXPX "I'm Ok, Your Ok/Chick Magnet" (Polydor) Jesus! These guys are so goddamn happy, it sounds like they've been fed industrial strengtii Prozac, read the complete works of Noddy and been told that they can get all the sex they want by smiling. Also have about the same level of originality as Even. Use this single to drive Jehovah's Witnesses away from your door WondertullLj clever, shapp-eijed an arminq witn wit and a wnimsical sense oi humour. - I Gnnein l u r a n . %: " LOS AMGELfS TIMES * W U i t * * * S t i l l m o n ' . 1 ne L a s i Uays or DISCO (M)'S. C 1 9 M POLYGRAM FILMED ENTERTAINMENT FUMED ENTERTAINMEN Even "No Surprises" (Rubber) Well, Even have lived up to their single title and have given us something that yields absolutely no surprises whatsoever This Is Even doing their 'delightful' retro pop tunes on autopilot, sounding no different to anything else tliey've recorded, this means Triple J will love it. Ash (guitar/singer) should have stayed witli Rail, at least they had an original songwriter. DISTRIBUTION, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ^ O.s =K. Primitive Ghost "Skin" (East West) Slinking along like a sly black cat, the subtle beats and vocals of this single make it one that would be at home in any club or in your bedroom. But the true shining point of the track is the instrumental mixes which, after starting slowly, peak with an orchestral gasp. Fine local stuff. Money Mark "Maybe I'm Dead" (Mowax) This is a damn fine pretty pop song from the fourth member of tlic Beastie Boys. It's virtually a whole song of catchy hooks and an utterly unforgettable chorus that'll have you annoying your friends in no time. Remixes by the Dust Brothers (they brought us Hanson) and Underdog make this a fine bouncy Spring type single. Powderfinger "The Day You Come" (Polydor) Instead of bursting back into the music limelight with a big bombastic attention grabbing single, Powderfinger have cruised through the side door and released probably tlie best Australian single in ages. While die track doesn't instantly grab you, it's after repeated listenings that you get the true scope and grandeur of the song. Prepare to fall for this band all over again. Single of the Edition Tori Amos "Raspberry Swirl - Sucky Mixes" (Atlantic) There's nothing really to say, it's Tori and it rocks. A song made to move your hips to, on the dance floor and in the bed. Did I say it was by Tori and it rocks? A woman who crafts her songs so beautifully and enchanuhgly tliat you wear the CD's out from over use. I'll just say again that it's Tori and she rocks. Anthony 'You wilt respect my AUTHORITAH' Brasher AT CINEMAS SEPTEMBER 17 COMO Jesus eaves... at the Commonwealth Bank. page 43 footy(^0[pping For up to date results in the Footy Tipping Comp. Clieck out tlie results sheet on the outside of the Lot's Office. Well, here we are at the end of the AFL Season already! So, unfortunately, the 1998 Bundy Tipping Comp has come to an end. But don't cry, there are still the Finals to watch, prizes for some of you, and for the rest, there is always next year. So, "Who are the winners of the prestigious awards in this cut-throat competition?" I hear you cry. Well, here goes: First Prize goes to David Shafir who picked a total of 116 wins (ie. that's an average of 5.27 per Round). David receives a Bundy esky full of (you guessed it) Bundy & Coke, as well as three bonus slabs, a trophy and, of course, fame and glory. Second Prize goes to Corrie McKee on 115 (with an average of 5.23 - missed it by that much!) Cotrie receives three slabs of Bundy & Coke and a pat on the back (optional). Third Prize goes to Jamie Scuglia on 114 (that's an average of 5.18). Jamie receives two slabs (but don't feel sorry for him missing out by only two winners, because he has already won three slabs for picking eight winners in Round 18). The Booby Prize goes to Rockin' Ronny Ronster Liew who managed to keep his score down to only 59 (and, no, he didn't just use Draws to get a low score - he can actually be that shit at lipping). Ronny receives the token one slab for the loser prize, and the awe of us all. AH winners can come and claim their prizes from the Lot's Office by Friday 25 September. Fame and glory may not yet be available - please allow at least one week, and include $5.95 for postage and handling. (PS. Norman Chia can come up and get 2 slabs for picking 8 winners in Round 20) Well, I can hardly see the computer screen through the tears, but I must say my final goodbyes. I'd like to thank the Editors for allowing me (being a so vague, oh, and a chick) to run the Tipping and for their cheery faces in the office. I don't know how they do it. I'd like to thank the AFL for continuing to exist. Rich Johnson, a Sports Editor for Lot's (but that's nothing to do with the Tipping), and the person who discovered coffee. So, have fun during the Finals and the Off-Season. And just remember, footy is not life (it's just the only thing we live for - well, one of the things anyway, somewhere between food and sex and sleep and... oh no, I'm rambling.) Fare thee well, Jacy Cullum The Not-Quite-Footy Quiz Out of all the people involved in the AFL, from players, to coaching staff, from umpires, to management, from the media to other personalities and past players. Who: 1) Would you most like to sec to disappear off the face of the earth? 2) Has the worst haircut? 3) Has the best butt? (or body overall) 4) You would like to meet? (and why) 5) Is most likely to become Prime Minister (or President)? 6) Is actually intelligent? (And how can you tell?) 7) Are you most likely to sell your soul to spend the weekend with? 8) Is the dirtiest thug? (meanest) 9) Is most likely to cross-dress? 10) Do you reckon is a member of the One Nation party? 11) Owns a fish and chip shop? 12) Would've cried on the anniversary of Lady Diana's death? 13) Spends most time in front of the mirror? 14) Has the most annoying voice? 15) Has/needs speech lessons? 16) Fantasises about Eddie McGuire? (apart from Eddie himselO 17) Has the best looking wife/brownlow date? 18) Is most likely to have sex before and after a match? 19) Is the best in bed? 20) Would lose the most money playing at Crown? 21) Would make the best MSA President, Activities chair, etc. Jacy Cullum (wUh some help from the Activities cj-ew) page 44 Darren Gasper campaigning for Education Vice-President To live is to love and to lose. Presented by the LSS EVERYBODY'S BORED ms^amir.:: ^-aKj Your comprehensive guide to a social CLUBS AND SOCIETIES MIMLB Med Ball 15 September Philharmonic Society AGM 17 September Clayton Korean-Japanese Restaurant, $12 Contact Crystal 9544 2090 AMMPS AMMPS Ball 18 September Koori-Gubbahaub Camp 19 September Koori Week 2 1 - 2 5 September Irish Oub Halloween Party 21 October Republicans AGM 22 October Law Students Society Law Ball 17 September Regent Theatre $55 for members pERJFOWtlNG \KT$ RELIGIOUS CENTRE Free Lunchtime Concert series 1.10pm-2pm Organ - Thomas Hey wood 17 September Tre Fontane, Feast of Fools 24 September STUDENT ROBERT THEATRE BLACKWOOD IIAEL life. Corrugation Road 15-26 September Rising Fish Prayer 6 - 1 0 October Vinegar Tom 2 and 9 Oct Adult $15, Cone $10 outside Engineering BIdg 60, 8pm Handel's Messiah 10 November, 8pm Choral Series 5 11 November, 8pm Itiit KUx Ticket? The Poe Show 7-10Oct&13-16Oct Adult $12, Cone $12 Student Theatre Space Monash Uni Concert Glinka Ruslan and Ludmila Brahms Violin Concerto Stravinsky Petrushka 13 November, 8pm To win one of four double passes to the following plays, go to the Box Office at the Alexander Theatre at 9:30am on the date of the Opening Night and do the following: The Phantom Body 18, 19,23-26 September 8.30 pm All tickets $10 Student Theatre Space Little Fish 18,19,25,26 September 6.30 pm 23-25 September Ipm /ILEXANDER THEATRE Just a gentle reminder that the Alex reserves eight tickets for student rush, at $10, for every performance of it's Fit For Life season (ie. Corrugation Road, Rising Fish Prayer and The Herbal Bed) The Herbal Bed 2 7 - 3 1 October Rising Fish Prayer - IcU us where Businessman Ken's pencil is. Opening Night: Tuesday October 6 The Herbal Bed - name the famous author who is the father of the main character of this play. Opening ni^U TXiesday October 27 (Hint: The answers are in the Alexander Theatre season booklet, available at the theatre). and guests Saturday 3rd October Monash UnL-Caulfleld Campus tickets S12&S15H-lif from MonSU Service Desk (Caulfield], MSA Activities [Claytoni Alexander Theatre box offlce [Clayton] or tlcketmaster outlets over 18's only. ID required page 46 I \\^\-j do you ask, Two Qog5 Fucking? l e r ' s S ^ VfoW HoO H A ^ i a ^ CAl^goHAT^ WAT£gT^o\)lM^>ll -fwe^jesA &ReeNii \s -TUi- i/eASTo^ -^^UIIAAKI'S \/\/OK.^\&S AS H& ft&HTS 4 K / V\\^ Q\A/K\fe)C\^fi^NlGfc.\S ruis TMP. a ] v ? ^ h]\7o\yT i^\ -^v^5 fIMAU k)felAi i ^ U Lot's contribution to surviving Monasii student elections. Sorry, I'm Deakih student obody Knows Dyslexic I'm I give a ^ rat's arse about oting, just not about . Hand me that pamphlet and I'll shove it u|^ ^our arse f Eat Shit & Die tliought it / I need to go to tlie toilet Cut 'em out and stick em on !