Orient Yourself with Fort Bliss
Orient Yourself with Fort Bliss
M W R MAGAZINE Orient Yourself with Fort Bliss SUMMER 2008 7HYRENT WHENYOU OWNWITHLOW CAN MONTHLYPAYMENTS &%!452).' #OMPLETE "EDROOMS #OMPUTERS -ATTRESSES #ALLFORCURRENTSPECIlCATIONS s)MMEDIATE$ELIVERY s.O$OWN0AYMENT s.O0AYMENTFOR$AYS s0OWEROF!TTORNEY!CCEPTED s!LLOTMENTS7ELCOME 4IRE2IMS $INING2OOMS 9OUAREAUTOMATICALLYAPPROVEDFOR CREDITAT53!$ISCOUNTERSIFYOUARE !CTIVE$UTY-ILITARYOR#IVIL3ERVICE 34/2%(/523 -&M 3!4AMPM 35.PMPM Paid Advertisement &URNITURE TIRESRIMS ELECTRONICS APPLIANCES JEWELRYTHAT YOUCANTAKE HOMETODAY #/-0!1 '!4%7!9 (%7,%440!#+!2$ #OMPLETE ,IVING2OOMS 9OUR)NCREDIBLE#REDIT3TORE¤ %,0!3/48 .ORTH,EE4REVINO$R 4/,,&2%% #REDITAPPROVEDONLINEORBYPHONEINMINUTES WWWUSADISCOUNTERSNET 7ITHQUALIlEDAPPLICATION bN SUMMER 08 VOLUME FOUR • ISSUE TWO 5 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20–25 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 Editor’s Comments & Just Ask Relocation Exceptional People Providing Exceptional Service Recreation Summer Reading Program Officers’ Club Centennial More Special Events Freedom Camp Soldier Show Phone Directory Fort Bliss Map Calendars Golf Sports & Fitness Bowling Rod & Gun Club Kids Connection Welcome Home Bash A Little History Lesson Welcome Home Heroes Parade, February 27, 2008 Photo by Leslie Harper Bliss NOW is a Morale, Welfare and Recreation magazine published quarterly for activities on Fort Bliss, Texas. Circulation: 20,000. The appearance of advertising does not constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Army, Department of Defense, or Federal Government. The information in this issue is current at the time of publication; activities and events are subject to change without notice. For more information, please call the individual facility. MWR Marketing is located in Building 11, Pershing Road, Fort Bliss, TX 79916, 915-568-6741. ® ,)6%02/5$,)6%&2%% ® Paid Advertisement HOODIES ★ T-SHIRTS ★ BALLCAPS ★ AND MORE AmericanSoldier.com $1 FROM THE SALE OF EVERY ITEM SUPPORTS AMERICA’S SOLDIERS AND THEIR FAMILIES keeping you in the know | bN ¡editor’s comments! one world. one voice. one magazine. one great staff. Summer is always a busy time at Fort Bliss with people PCSing to and from the installation, as well as planning summer activities. Whether you’re new to Fort Bliss or have been here for a while, Bliss Now quarterly magazine is your information source for what’s going on at MWR facilities. Please take time to flip through the magazine and read articles on relocation services, school liaison services, upcoming concerts and other special events. Published by the MWR Marketing office, the magazine is in its third year of circulation. I truly hope you enjoy it and I encourage you to contact us if there is something you particularly like about the magazine or if there is something you would like to see added in the future. Please feel free to visit us on the first level of Bldg. 11 on Pershing Rd. or call us at 568-6741. I’m looking forward to your feedback and wish you a “blissful” summer!! COMMANDING GENERAL MG Howard B. Bromberg GARRISON COMMANDER COL Edward P. Manning mwr ¡justask!and will answer DIRECTOR MWR Joe K. Kennedy Q: I am new to Fort Bliss and would like more information on summer swimming lessons for my children. I have also heard that swimming lessons are free, is that true? A: Welcome to Fort Bliss! Entry into the pool and water aerobic classes are now free for ID cardholders including Active Duty, family members, DA civilians, and NAF employees; however, swimming lessons are $25 for an eight session course. Only Active Duty Soldiers are able to receive swimming lessons at no cost. All swimming lessons are taught by one of three Fort Bliss certified Water Safety Instructors (WSI). Lessons are available for children ages 3 to 18, as well as for adults. BUSINESS OPERATIONS Ronald Telles RECREATION & SPORTS Lindy Sorrell CHILD & YOUTH Pat Smith ARMY COMMUNITY SERVICES Peggy Brown NAF SUPPORT MANAGER Indri O’Hara MARKETING MANAGER Kimber McCarden GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Miguel Mascorro Leslie Harper SPONSORSHIP & ADVERTISING Elizabeth Maline BlissNOW is mailed to all Fort Bliss homes, Fort Bliss Officers’ Club and Underwood Golf Complex members, inserted in Welcome Packets, distributed to the Fort Bliss Commissary, Main PX, Fort Bliss Lodging Personnel Processing Center, and all MWR facilities. Circulation: 20,000 quarterly Q’s? If you need some answers or would like to comment on anything regarding MWR programs or facilities, please write or email: MARKETING CLERK Tamika Christie blissNOW Magazine MWR Marketing Bldg 11, Pershing Rd El Paso, TX 79916 MARKETING ASSISTANTS Carrie Eastburn Alexandra Sutphin Please visit www.blissmwr.com/pools/ to review the complete swimming lesson schedule or call Replica Aquatic Center, 568-7431, for additional information. Replica Aquatic Center hours are: Monday through Friday from 6 am to 7 pm; Saturday from 11 am to 6 pm; and Sunday from noon to 5 pm. Open swim is available daily from 1 pm until closing. Please note that guests of ID cardholders are welcome to visit Fort Bliss pools and participate in water aerobics for a $2 fee. All guests must be accompanied by an ID cardholder. Q: My spouse is deployed to Iraq and we have three children. I am interested in going back to work this fall and need more information on enrolling my children in CYS (Child and Youth Services). I heard registration is now free, is that true? A: Many changes have recently taken place with the Army Family Covenant Discounts in CYS. It is a great time for anyone considering enrolling their children in full or part time child care because all patrons, eligible to use Army Child and Youth Services, will receive registration and by Kimber McCarden, MWR Marketing Manager re-registration (annual requirement) at no cost! In addition to this new service, families of deployed Soldiers receive additional CYS services for free, depending on the Soldier’s category of deployment. • Deployed Sponsors serving in a war zone or in support of the Global War on Terrorism (Mission Level 1), are eligible to receive: • Free child care for mandatory deployment briefings • Free child care during FRG meetings • An additional 16 hours per month of free child care per child, 30 days prior to deployment through 60 days after redeployment. • 20% discount in the cost of full/part time care and camps. • Up to 8 classes per child per year of SKIESUnlimited instructional classes are free while Soldier is deployed. • Fees are waived for 2 sports enrollments per child, per year. • Certain quantities of free child care and discounts are also available to families of Wounded Warriors; families of Soldiers on unaccompanied PCS, TCS, or TDY for 90-179 days (Mission Level 2); families of Soldiers who are Rear Detachment (Mission Level 3). Please visit www.blissmwr. com/cys/ or Central Enrollment Registration, 568-4374 for more details. • A copy of sponsor’s orders must be given to Central Enrollment and Registration, Bldg 1743, in order to establish eligibility. Additionally, all CYS patrons will receive free hourly care to attend Memorial Services for Fallen Warriors. www.blissmwr.com blissNOW Get acquainted with your community this August By Kimber McCarden, MWR Marketing Manager PCSing to a new installation can be an intimidating process, but it doesn’t have to be! Put on your walking shoes and let MWR’s Army Community Service and Child and Youth Services School Liaison Office help you every step of the way. Army Community Service, located at 2494 Ricker Rd. offers a variety of Relocation Services to help you acclimate to Fort Bliss and the El Paso community. On Wednesday, August 6 from 1-5 pm, MWR will host the 4th Annual Bienvenidos a Bliss Relocation Fair at the Centennial Banquet and Conference Center on Biggs Army Airfield. A great way to welcome newcomers, this event showcases the resources from the ACS, MWR and various support agencies of the Fort Bliss community. Soldiers and their families will have the opportunity to meet with both on-post agencies and off-post businesses. Ongoing relocation services include Newcomers Orientation, People Encouraging People (PEP), a Lending Closet, Spanish classes, English as a Second Language and even offer a Waiting Spouses and Children Group. The Newcomers Orientation class covers all ACS services and many community resources. This is a mandatory class for all new Soldiers E-6 and below. Classes are offered Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm in the ACS Ballroom. Childcare is reimbursed for all children. Registration with Child and Youth Services is not required. People Encouraging People, better known as PEP is a three day newcomers orientation designed specifically with the spouse in mind.You’ll learn about the services available to you at ACS and other community agencies. There is a tour of Fort Bliss and the surrounding area. This is a great way to learn how to navigate post, the city and also a great way to make new friends. Childcare for all children registered with Child and Youth Services. Since we are located on the border of Texas and Mexico, why not challenge yourself and learn Spanish? ACS offers free conversational Spanish classes Monday-Thursday from 10 am-12 noon. Childcare for CYS registered children will be reimbursed. The Waiting Spouses and Children Group is a program that assists individuals and their families with the hardships of being geographically separated from their Soldier. Waiting Families are empowered through education, training and activities.This is a great way to build friendships and connect with other families who ware experiencing the same feelings. For more information on these or any other ACS service, please call 915-568-1132. If you’re puzzled on where to register your child/children for school, the Education Fair is your one-stop shop for information. Military Leadership along with El Paso Area School Administrators from over sixty Public, Parochial and Private schools (grades K-12) around Fort Bliss will be in attendance to welcome new families, pass out information and answer questions on Tuesday, July 29 at 8:30 am at the Centennial Banquet and Conference Center on Biggs Army Airfield. Representatives from numerous departments such as Magnet Schools, Athletic Departments, Advanced Academics, Transportation, Career & Technology, Fine Arts, JROTC, Special Education, Gifted and Talented Programs, Pupil Services, Health Services and Food Services from the different school districts will all be in attendance. The School Transition Services office’s purpose is to coordinate and assist Military parents of school-age youth with educational opportunities and the necessary information to achieve academic success. STS assists parents in locating points of contact in the schools and makes referrals as appropriate, maintains resource materials to assist parents in understanding the policies and procedures of the El Paso school system, represents and informs the command on school issues and assists units with establishing and ensuring a meaningful school partnership program is in place. If you cannot make it to the Education Fair, you can visit a School Liaison Officer in Bldg. 2494, Ricker Rd. between 7:30 am–4:30 pm Monday–Friday. Call 915-568-9306 for more information or to make an appointment. Both Army Community Service and the School Transition Services offer excellent services that are vital to your transition at Fort Bliss. Please feel free to contact them, as they are truly here to serve you and your families! bN | recreation Exceptional People Providing Exceptional Service by Carrie Eastburn, Marketing Assistant Many are unaware of the three individuals that make up the MWR Special Events team. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce Fort Bliss to this phenomenal trio. This group is able to plan, coordinate, and institute many successful activities and events with a staff of just three. Of course, they are gracious enough to always recognize others who help them out. Lora Diem has spent four years working for MWR. Her experience includes Concierge for Lodging, CYS and also Marketing. In addition to providing annual events, such as the Eggstravaganza and Rock the Fort, they are also tasked with coordinating and accommodating the Soldier Show and other events, like every redeployment flight and the 4-1 CAV Welcome Home Bash. This amazing group of three is not only responsible for large events though; they put in long hours setting up weekly for Junior Enlisted Night and taking our Wounded Warriors on outings. Special Events also host Bunco, Wii Tournaments, Texas Hold’em, and Martini and a Manicure, just to name a few. Even if an event is occurring that is not MWR affiliated, Special Events is usually involved, helping with the set up and in any other area required. When an organization of Fort Bliss is in need of advice for an event or a stage to borrow, for example, Special Events is always willing to help out in whatever capacity they are able. Special Events not only falls under the recreation side of MWR for guidance, but they also receive guidance and report directly to the Garrison Command. Fort Bliss is fortunate and honored to have such a unique and dedicated group to support our events. See the Special Events staff hard at work at one of the many upcoming planned events, such as Bunco on June 6th; Wii Warrior Challenge June 23-28; Rock the Fort on August 2nd; the Soldier Show August 15-16; or Martini and a Manicure on August 22nd. This dynamic trio that make up the Special Events staff is looking forward to meeting you and hoping your experiences are always special at their events! blissNOW www.blissmwr.com Ruben Gonzalez has worked with MWR for a total of 6 years. The first four years he also worked with CYS. Outdoor Recreation and Special Events Chief, Bill Ketcherside has worked with MWR for 26 years! He started off as a lifeguard and taught swimming, later he worked with Child and Youth Services (CYS) as a Director. recreation | bN On your mark, get set, now GO! by Carrie Eastburn, Marketing Assistant Okay, so you are planning an exciting and fulfilling summer.You have already marked all the MWR events on your calendar to include CYS Summer Camps, the Education Fair, the Summer Reading Program and Rock the Fort. You and your family are tan from all of your trips to the pools during the week. Now you are thinking of possibly getting away at least once before the school year resumes. Are you either dreaming of roasting marshmallows over an open campfire, reeling in a prize catch, or just kicking back and enjoying a change of scenery? Perhaps you should visit Fort Bliss MWR’s RV Park. With ten travel trailers available to rent on a daily or weekly basis, why not enjoy a getaway this summer?! Escape for a weekend, if your family can not spare a lengthy vacation. The staff at the RV Park, located at building 4130 off of Ellerthorpe Avenue, near Chapin High School, will gladly allow you to tour their travel trailers and will answer any questions you may have, during regular business hours. With rates currently as affordable as $48 per day or $240 per week, your family may be able to spend some quality time together during a summer journey. Sizes of the travel trailers available for rent range in length from 27 to 34 feet. Some even have a slide out to allow for extra space after arriving at your destination. The trailers range in weight and the staff can help recommend an appropriate trailer weight of the trailer depending on the towing capacity of your vehicle. A nominal deposit of $50 dollars is required to secure your reservation. Upon return of the travel trailer in the same condition, the deposit will be returned. You may choose to visit the Gila Wilderness or Bonito Lake located in New Mexico, or Balmorhea State Park located in Texas. If you are unsure and still need to explore your options, the RV Park has provided a helpful link on their webpage, www.blissmwr.com/ rvpark/ to “PATHS across America” or you may reach the RV Park by calling 568-0106. Auto Crafts Gets a Little Help from a Friend by Alex Sutphin, Marketing Assistant SGM Lawson has been with the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy since last summer. He approached Willie Delgado, Auto Crafts Manager, during the summer of 2007 about the possibility of volunteering at Auto Crafts to help in any way he could be used during his downtime at USASMA. Since August, SGM Lawson has volunteered over 500 hours of his time to help do-it-yourselfers and Auto Craft Shop personnel in any way possible, including picking up a broom or mopping if necessary. “His unselfish devotion to helping others will be missed not only by Craft Shop personnel who have become attached to him, but by all who had the honor and pleasure to have met him,” Delgado and staff commented on SGM Lawson. SGM Lawson has left the MWR team at the end of May, following his graduation from the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy. Let’s all give SGM Lawson a big Army HOOAH! To register as a volunteer or to find out about various volunteer opportunities, contact the Installation Volunteer Coordinator at ACS, 568-1132. Perhaps a vacation is not the issue, but the need of a home away from home while stationed or on TDY to Fort Bliss. Or maybe you own your RV and are in need of a place to store it. MWR is proud to announce that the RV Park is undergoing renovations and will soon add 62 pads to their current 73 pull-through, full-hookup spaces complete with electricity, water and sewer conveniences. Renovations will also include additional RV storage for a total of 304 spaces. Whether you are interested in renting a travel trailer, staying on site, or having a safe place to store your RV, the RV Park invites you to stop by for a visit.You are certain to be impressed with the comfortable atmosphere of the newly renovated family room, large TV, free WIFI access, free exercise equipment, laundry area, public restroom with shower facilities, and playground! www.blissmwr.com blissNOW Paid Advertisement bN | Rassette Homes builds Affordable Quality Homes in family oriented neighborhoods. Paid Advertisement Our current neighborhoods include: Canutillo Heights Estates, Canutillo, Texas Anthony Heights, Anthony, Texas Campus Park, West El Paso Redd Road, Upper Valley El Paso 10 blissNOW www.blissmwr.com Your Neighborhood Builder For more information please contact: Rassette Homes 7350 Ninth Street, Canutillo TX 79835 (915) 877-4643 www.rassettehomesinc.com summer reading program | bN 2008 Summer Reading Program “Catch a Dragon by the Tale” By Kathy Thomson and Michelle Trussell, Mickelsen Library Imagine what it would be like to catch a dragon by the tail! The excitement! The wonder! The joy that would come from catching your very own dragon! Step out of the ordinary and into a world of fantasy and imagination that you create by reading a book. As you read, let your imagination run wild and pretend you are a part of the story. Every book you read can be a great adventure! Join the Mickelsen Community Library’s Summer Reading Program, “Catch a Dragon by the Tale”, and untold adventures await you! Summer is the perfect time for children to nurture their imagination by learning to read for enjoyment. Children between the ages of 2 and 12 are eligible to hunt for dragons this summer. Parents are welcome to come and familiarize themselves with the post library and participate with their children in the program. Registration for the program begins May 17 and continues through July 19. Everyone who registers will receive a coloring book filled with dragons, knights, and princesses. Additionally, we will conduct a “Count the Dragon’s Jewels” contest throughout the summer with a prize for the participant who guesses closest to the actual number of dragons jewels. Reading begins Tuesday, June 3 and continues through Saturday, August 2. Each child will come to the library and check out the books he or she would like to read. They will take them home, and read them at their own pace. When they return the books to the library, they will record the titles read on a reading record kept at the library. Depending on the child’s age, they will earn a sticker to place on the reading record for every two to five books that have been read. At the end of the summer – August 9 to be exact – we will host a huge awards ceremony and party for all the participants. Each child who participates in the reading program will receive a goody bag of surprises. Children who read at least 10 books will qualify for a certificate, and the top three readers in the four age groups will receive special prizes. So get ready for a summer full of fun and fantasy! Come to the Mickelsen Community Library in the basement of Wing E, Building 2, to register for this very special event. Call 568-6156/1491 for more information. @ your library By Kathy Thomson, Mickelsen Library Lead Librarian Tech What comes to mind when you think of a library? In your mind’s eye do you see large, drafty, poorly lit rooms with row after row of dusty books? Today, Army libraries offer much more than just books and quiet places to study. Computers and the Internet have become a very important part of our library. They are the conduit through which the library helps soldiers develop and maintain their mission readiness; improve their personal and technical skills; and work on their personal and professional educational goals. We have 11 public access computers; all are loaded with the latest approved versions of Microsoft Office and other useful software, all have commercial Internet access, and all have printer capabilities. There is a veritable treasure trove of information and resources available to you via AKO. Visit My Library on AKO to access 24 different databases—everything from encyclopedias to automobile repair to personal finance—and links to many other Web resources of interest to AKO users. All of them are free of charge. Active Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve, and DA Civilians are eligible to register at Army e-learning to learn one of 30 language courses from Rosetta Stone® computer courses, and more. Naturally, our primary resource is books. The Mickelsen Community Library has a collection of over 35,000 volumes of books on all subjects. We can also get a book from the interlibrary loan system if we don’t have it. Our card catalog can be accessed online from any computer with Internet access—just go to http://www. blissmwr.com/library. Located in the basement of Wing E of Building 2, the easiest access is from Pershing Circle. Approach the door in the center of the wing, come in the outside double glass doors, descend the stairs, and turn right. We are open from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on Tuesday and Thursday through Saturday and from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm on Wednesdays. We are closed Sunday, Monday, and all federal holidays. Call 568-6156/ 1491/6154 for more information or visit us on the web at www.blissmwr.com/library. www.blissmwr.com blissNOW 11 bN | officers’ club Saturday Socials Saturday Socials is a Cultural Enrichment Program for Officers’ Club Members and their guest to enjoy an afternoon of sophistication, socializing and enlightenment, one Saturday every month. This program is comprised of talks and demonstrations by local experts in visual art, horticulture, wine, ballroom dance, sports and culinary art. The Socials start promptly at 3 pm and beverages and hors d’oeuvres will be served complimentary to all guests. • June 21 Local Attractions and Secret Hot Spots • July 12 Pastry Decoration (starts at 2 pm) • August 23 Preparing your garden for Winter Bunco On Friday, June 6 prepare to indulge yourselves in an evening of fun, food, friendly chatter and Bunco! Bunco, an easy to learn and entertaining dice game, will start at 6:30 pm at the Officers’ Club, Bldg. 250. Participants must be 18 or older and all players will be entered into a National Grand Prize drawing. For more information call 588-8247. Special Culinary Options be held on August 15 and Surf and Turf on August 29. These Friday night dining specials start at 6 pm. Cost is $12.95 for members, $14.95 for non-members, except for Surf & Turf, which is $15.95 for members and $17.95 for non-members. In addition to these dinners the Officers’ Club will continue to offer “Beef & Burgundy” every Wednesday night starting at 6 pm, with a special celebration in honor of the Army’s Birthday on June 11. Cost is $13.95 for members, $15.95 for non-members. Please join us to our well received Champagne Brunches Sunday morning starting at 10 am. Call 5687013 for more information and reservations. Cost is $11.95 for members, $13.95 for non-members. Martini & Manicure Do you need to relax after a hard week’s work and want to kick-off the weekend in style? MWR is proud to present another well renowned “Martini & Manicure”. Starting at 5 pm on Friday, August 22 you can sip on one Martini at the O’Club while enjoying one professional manicure. Cost is $10. Call 5687010 for more information. The Officers’ Club brings you “Tastes of the World”an international culinary experience. A Southern Comfort Buffet is offered on June 13 and on June 27 you can enjoy a true Hawaiian Night. Indian Night will Meet Ms. Daphne Bierman by Alex Sutphin, Marketing Assistant Everyone who has been to the Officers’ Club for lunch, dinner or a special function has met Daphne.Who can forget the lovely lady who provides exceptional customer service and always has a smile on her face? Daphne left her hometown of Watford, Hertfordshire County in England as a young lady and first moved to Georgia and then El Paso with her late husband who served in the U.S. Army. She has been working at the Fort Bliss Officers’ Club for almost 32 years and therefore, has many exciting and interesting stories to share. She’s had the privilege of meeting an array of famous people such as General of the Army Omar N. Bradley, His Majesty the late King Hussein of Jordan, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, BB King,Vicki Carr, Janie Frickie, Lou Rawls, Christiaan Petrus Fox (whom the Fox Room in the O’Club was named after) and many other distinguished guests from around the world. Art, Wine & Dinner Pairing Do you enjoy a true culinary experience? Then mark your calendar for Friday, July 18, as the Officers’ Club features their well renowned Wine & Dinner Pairing Night. The dinner starts at 7 pm. Each course of a sophisticated meal will be paired with the corresponding wine to enhance the nuances, flavors and unique characteristics of both the food and the wine. Artwork by local artists will be featured at this event and will be used as the inspiration for table décor. Prices are $30 per person for members and $35 per person for non-members. Please call the Officers’ Club at 568-7013 to reserve your table or for further information. Retiree Appreciation Night Calling ALL Retirees! Come “Swing the Night Away at Co. O” on September 12 at 5 p.m.The Officers’ Club will be hosting a USO Themed evening filled with a Live WWII style Jazz & Swing Combo from the 62nd Army Band, complimentary food and refreshments for purchase. For more Information please call 568-7013. Army’s Birthday Beef & Burgundy To celebrate the U.S. Army’s Birthday, the Officers’ Club will feature a special Beef & Burgundy on June 11 and both the O’Club and Centennial will offer a free dessert during lunch hours on June 13. For more information, call 568-7013. Daphne has received many awards, coins, and letters of appreciation for her excellent customer service and attention to detail. When asked if she is ready to retire, she replied with a grin on her face, ” Sometimes I think about it, but I just love what I do and I love our customers!” “Daphne is such an integral part of the success of the Officers’ Club. It is wonderful having her as a staff member,” said Ronald Telles, Chief of Business Operations Division. In her spare time Ms. Daphne likes spending time with her family, gardening, and of course shopping. “Daphne is invaluable to the Officers’ Club and Fort Bliss for many reasons, in fact, there are too many to list. But for one, she has a special bond with the customers,” said Tabitha Bohn, Operations Assistant, with a smile on her face. Daphne & B.B. King daily lunch specials For more information, call 568-7013 Every MON is Chef’s Choice, TUE is Schnitzel, & FRI is Fried Catfish. WED & THU feature: JUNE 4 Baked Cod 5 Beef Tips 11 Trout 12 Baked Lasagna 18 Meatloaf 19 Chicken Parmesan 25 Beef fajitas 26 Rigatoni JULY 2 Baked Cod 3 Pork Chop 4 CLOSED, Happy Independence Day! 9 Liver & Onions 10 Spaghetti 16 Roast Beef 17 Rope Sausage 23 Trout 24 Meatloaf 30 Fried Chicken 31 Turkey AUGUST 6 Salisbury Steak 7 Stuffed Pork Chop 13 Baked Cod 14 Spaghetti 20 Trout 21 Cornish Hen 27 Beef Tips 28 Rope Sausage Meal Winners 12 blissNOW www.blissmwr.com J U N E Martin Guillen, Karina Freeman, Michael Mathews J U LY Jorge Rio, Sandra Sizemore, Edward Thomas AU G U S T Alan Richard, Paul Parks, Matt Ballard centennial | bN Carroll Award Winner The Carroll Award was established in 1976 as a lasting tribute to James A. Carroll, Jr., a leader in the civilian and military hospitality field until his passing in 1975. In 1991, the Army established an Excellence in Management Awards program in order to recognize outstanding managers of golf, bowling, leisure travel, and recycling operations. In 1999 a new category for the most improved facility was added and in 2000, two additional categories for multi-facility manager and business manager were added. Ms. Tianna Bowden is the recipient of the 2007 Carroll Award in the Food, Beverage and Entertainment Category. Ms. Bowden also won the Carroll Award in 2005 in the Officers’ Club Category and in 2007 was part of the winning team from Fort Bliss for Best Catered Event-Officers’ Club. Ms. Bowden joins Mr Bobby Kaerwer, manager of the Underwood Golf Complex, and Ronald Telles, Business Operations Officer as one of three current Fort Bliss BOD Staff Members who are two time Carroll Award Winners. In the Past 8 years Fort Bliss has had a total of 8 Carroll Awards winners; quite a remarkable accomplishment. Ms. Bowden will receive her distinguished award in August at the MWR Garrison Conference in Louisville, KY. Operations and Marketing team members hosted an icebreaker event called Passport to Bliss. Guests’ photos were taken prior to their departure from Army Lodging for a bus tour of Fort Bliss. Photos were then used to produce imitation passports to continue with the “travel theme”. After their bus tour, guests arrived at the Centennial, picked up their passports, and “traveled abroad” to four foreign destinations - Southwest, Paris, Japan and Las Vegas. Each corner of the room was elaborately decorated to represent its correlating region. Guests also enjoyed hors d’oeuvres and beverages from costumed staff. A very memorable journey indeed! Speed Dating Love is in the air…Speed Dating will be held at the Centennial on Friday, June 13, July 11 and August 8 starting at 7 pm. There is a $5 entry fee and registration is from 6:15–6:59 pm the day of the event. The exchange of personal information will be completely voluntary the night of the event. Participants will be given a card to keep track of their date’s information. All off post guests should enter, with current car insurance and registration, through Biggs Gate to obtain a gate pass. Those who participate in Speed Dating will have their cover charge waived for Junior Enlisted Night. For more information, call 568-6741. Once again, a big congratulations to Ms. Tianna Bowden.You are the best in the Army! Centennial Hosts MWR Event Master Catering Training This past May, Business Operations Managers and staff from the IMCOM West Region attended Event Master Training at the Centennial Banquet and Conference Center. MWR Special Events, Business Operation Rising Star In its 4th year…this American Idol style singing competition for all men and women serving on Active Duty, with any Branch of Service, will be expanded this year to include family members ages 18 and up. The competition will be held this fall at the Centennial. Winners from each location will compete in an online Finale. Prizes for participants and audience member. Check www.blissmwr.com for more information later this summer. Club Metro at the Centennial Every Thursday starting at 8 pm to 1 am and Friday from 8 pm to 2 am is Jr. Enlisted Night at the Centennial’s Club Metro! There is no cover charge for Active Duty Military Personnel and a $3 cover for all other guests. There will be a short order grill and a pay-as- you-go bar. Stop by and enjoy music, music videos, pool tables, no-stakes poker and video games such as Call of Duty 4, Halo 3, Rock Band, Guitar Hero, and more games on Wii. The Centennial’s “Club Metro” Nightclub is open Saturday evenings from 10 pm to 5 am with a $5 cover charge. A pay-as-you-go bar, music, dancing, pool tables, a lounge area and guaranteed fun are offered. Wii Warrior Challenge From June 23 through 28, MWR will host a six night Wii competition to include challenges in each of the five Wii Sports. There will be a winner for each sport, who will compete in the finals on June 23. The overall winner will win a Nintendo Wii console prize package. As proponents of Fort Bliss’ “Don’t Drink and Drive” campaign, the Centennial Club and Club Metro are prepared to assist with courtesy taxi rides to residences on and off post when necessary. Residences are limited to those within the El Paso city limits. Individuals who volunteer to be designated drivers receive free soft drinks all evening. The tournament will be at the Centennial Club starting at 6 pm each night. For more information and to sign-up visit www.blissmwr.com or call 588-8247. Fiesta Fridays Alcohol Sales & Drinking Age The drinking age at Fort Bliss MWR facilities is now 21 years of age. All alcohol sales in MWR facilities end at 1 am. daily lunch specials Will Return after the Summer Break! Relax and have a good time at Fiesta Fridays! Every Friday Night starting August 17 from 4:30 pm to close the Centennial Pub & Patio will be hosting our famous Fiesta Fridays! Come enjoy Margaritas, delicious food, meet new and old friends. For more information, call 562-5969 Every MON is Chef’s Choice, WED is Schnitzel, & FRI is a choice of Fried Catfish, Baked Cod, or Grilled Steak. TUE & THU feature: JUNE 3 Ginger Beef Noodles 5 Beef Stroganoff 10 Mock Filet 12 Fried Chicken 17 Stuffed Chicken Breast 19 Baked Ham 24 Stuffed Pepper 26 Spaghetti w/Meatballs JULY 1 Oven Roasted Chicken 3 Italian Baked Chicken 8 London Broil 10 Chicken Stir Fry 15 Pepper Steak 17 Meatloaf 22 Salisbury Steak 24 Beef Tips 29 BBQ Ribs 31 Chicken Parmesan AUGUST 5 Chicken Pot Pie 7 Chicken Curry 12 Chopped Steak 14 Herb Roast Beef 19 Beef Fritters 21 Beef Brisket 26 Teriyaki Beef 28 Fried Chicken www.blissmwr.com blissNOW 13 bN | more special events Father’s Day Brunch On June 15, honor your Dad and treat him to a special culinary experience. Both, the Officers’ Club and Centennial, will feature a delightful Sunday Bruch to include breakfast items such as crêpes and ready-to order omelets. A carving station, an array of side dishes, and luscious desserts will make this a perfect feast. Brunch is served from 10 am–1 pm. NFL Sundays Starting September 7 through December, the Down Under Sports Bar at the Officers’ Club and the Metro Station at the Centennial will offer DirectTVs NFL Sunday Ticket every Sunday. Both Clubs will open at 11 am and offer multi-cast games daily. Come watch the game, enjoy free snacks and low beer prices! The Officers’ Club will also feature Sunday Brunch before the game. For more information please call 568-7013 or 562-5969. The cost at the O’Club is $14.95 for members, $16.95 for nonmembers, half price for children 7–11, and free for children 6 years and under. Reservations are highly recommended. Cost at the Centennial is $15.95 for adults, half price for children 7–11 years and children 6 and under are free. Reservations for both events are highly recommended! Please call 562-5969 for the Centennial and 568-7013 for the O’Club. Army’s Birthday Celebration Free Dessert at Clubs On Friday, June 13 MWR will celebrate the Army’s 233rd birthday. Complete your lunch with a complementary dessert at the Officers’ Club or Centennial. Both facilities offer daily lunch specials, a sandwich and hot line from 11 am to 1 pm. For a complete list of menu selections visit www.blissmwr.com or stop by the facility. Grandparent’s Day Brunch Treat your special Grandma and Grandpa to a spectacular Sunday Brunch on September 7 at the Officers’ Club. Seating will be available from 10 am to 1 pm. The Club always features a wide assortment of delicious and tantalizing entrees, along with a delicious variety of vegetables and side dishes, a salad bar and dessert cart. The cost is $ 14.95 for members, $16.95 for non-members; half price for children ages 7–11, children 6 years and under eat free. Reservations are required. Please call 568-7013 for more information. Catering Are you looking for THE special place to hold your wedding reception, quinceañera, meeting, or other special event? The Centennial Banquet and Conference Center is Fort Bliss MWR’s largest facility with 60,000 square feet of space that provides you with many opportunities to make your event a success.The Centennial features both dining and ballroom facilities with a standing capacity of 3,000. If banquet seating is requested, the Centennial holds up to 1,000 individuals; 2,500 for theater seating. The historic Officers’ Club offers a variety of banquet rooms available-the Fox Room, International Room, Ballroom, and the Franklin Room are the most famous.The dining area is an open area available for smaller functions.The O’Club also has two fully stocked bars, the traditional Pershing Pub and modern Down Under Sports Bar which is complimented by an open-air patio with a spectacular view of the Franklin Mountains. Located at the Underwood Golf Complex, the Golden Tee has a 165 person seating capacity and is perfect for a rehearsal dinner, smaller wedding reception, or personal dinner with colleagues. If planning a luncheon during the day, the complex boasts two 18-hole golf coursesthe parkland-style Sunset Course and the desert-landscaped Sunrise Course, two practice greens, two practice putting greens, a practice hole and driving range for everyone’s enjoyment. The Golden Tee provides a delicious and reasonably priced luncheon menu and will attend to every detail ensuring a top-quality event. Our staff will work with you to customize your food requirements and table settings to compliment a particular theme or preference. As our finest facilities, the clubs are one of the most beautiful and spacious amenities in the area, featuring delectable food and exquisite ambiance. Book your holiday parties now! Days are filling up. 14 blissNOW www.blissmwr.com How Freedom Camp Originated by Carrie Eastburn, Marketing Assistant Bill Ketcherside, Chief of MWR Outdoor Recreation and last year’s Camp Director, explains that the idea is based on National Military Family Association’s (NMFA) Operation Purple Camp. Although Fort Bliss does not meet the right criteria to be considered an Operation Purple Camp location, the need for our families of deployed Soldiers was still evident. With a little alteration and research by Mr. Ketcherside, along with School Transition Service’s Maura McCabe, Fort Bliss was able to produce their own version with 2007 Freedom Camp. The children of deployed Soldiers who participated in Freedom Camp were able to spend time with individuals in the same age group who were experiencing similar issues and concerns. By sharing email addresses and phone numbers, many of these children will be able to remain in contact with each other and establish lifelong connections! Freedom Camp By Deborah Trexler, Director of Youth Education Support Service Experience “a day in the life” of a Soldier at Freedom Camp 2008! This wonderful, two to three day camp is planned for 7-18 year old children of Soldiers who are currently deployed, have returned from deployment within the last seven months, or will deploy within the next seven months. Teen campers, ages 13 to 18 will be offered the opportunity to camp overnight in tents at Biggs Park, experiencing a ‘night in the life of a Soldier’. In addition to the activities available to the pre-teen campers, the teen camper experience will include paint ball, Tango Tower, scuba 101, and Physical Training. Freedom Camp is a collaborative effort designed to support children of deployed and recently redeployed Soldiers.Youth will be exposed to recreational, social, educational, and therapeutic activities which will help them understand and better cope with the effects of war, deployments, and reunification. In cooperation with MWR’s CYS, the second annual Fort Bliss Freedom Camp will be held June 19-21 at various locations on Biggs Army Airfield. Freedom Camp is part of an ongoing support network for our young heroes and is available to Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard children. Freedom Camp 2008 will culminate at 12:30 pm on Saturday, June 21, with events and a BBQ geared toward family reunification and award presentations. Pre-teen campers, ages 7 to 12 will experience two fun filled and informative days full of activities, crafts, round table discussions, exhibits, and sports. Highlights include a hands-on, interactive class with our friends from the El Paso Zoo, members of UTEP athletics, and eating MREs for lunch. Deadline to register is Friday, June 6.There is a $10 registration fee per family. A limited number of scholarships are available. Space is also limited, so register now! For more information, call 5689306/569-7732.You may register online at www. blissmwr.com/freedomcamp/ or by visiting CYS Central Registration at Bldg 1743,Victory Ave. Who is Involved with Freedom Camp? A successful camp requires much involvement from all facets of the Fort Bliss and El Paso communities. Whether it is an organization in the community such as USAA, Time Warner and Balfour Beatty providing sponsorship funds to cover food and beverage cost for our campers; or an organization such as El Paso County 4H, AmeriCorps, UTEP, or the El Paso Zoo working directly with the campers, an event like this would not be possible! One organization that provided some memorable moments for our 2007 campers were the Soldiers from the Warriors in Transition Unit, who came out and shared their first hand deployment experiences. Campers asked many questions, opened up, and were able to really relate their feelings with these Soldiers, who had undergone experiences similar to those of our campers’ parents’. What are volunteers are saying? Tephanie Hopper, 2007 Freedom Camp On-site Volunteer Coordinator, remembers a few days of fun and adventure. She received positive feedback from the 2007 Freedom Camp youth volunteers and camp counselors of how much the experience impacted their lives. Tephanie praised the volunteers on their dependability and concern in taking their commitment seriously. All who were involved have expressed their desire to volunteer again this summer! (Points of Light Leadership Training, see “Attention Fort Bliss High School Aged Youth”, page 30) www.blissmwr.com blissNOW 15 bN | soldier show 2008 U.S. Army Soldier Show To Feature Familiar Face by Kimber McCarden, Marketing Manager The 2008 U. S.Army Soldier Show Rolls into town on August 15 at 7 pm and August 16 at 2 pm at the Abraham Chavez Theatre in Downtown El Paso.The high-energy 90-minute live musical review showcases the talents of active duty Soldiers who are selected by audition from throughout the Army.They are amateur artists who have a passion for music, dance and performing.They come from infantry, transportation, military police, medical, intelligence, aviation, signal and other tactical units.The show is assembled in six weeks and tours for 6 1/2 months. This year, Soldier Show is especially exciting, as Fort Bliss’ Operation Rising Star winner SFC Dendre Wright will grace the stage with the Soldier Show cast! Visit www.blissmwr. com for ticket information. 16 blissNOW www.blissmwr.com | bN great deals. hot phones. and seven ways to be unlimited. buy any phone and get your first month of service FREE! Kyocera K132 Cricket Connect just $50 a month mobile web capable ≤ UNLIMITED anytime minutes UTStarcom 7025 ≤ UNLIMITED US long distance ≤ FREE UNLIMITED text messaging ≤ FREE UNLIMITED picture messaging ≤ UNLIMITED mobile web access ≤ UNLIMITED 411 directory assistance ≤ UNLIMITED features go with you to every Cricket unlimited calling area across the US all this without signing a contract get your Cricket phone at these locations: Fox Plaza 5579 Alameda (915) 521-8440 America’s fastest growing wireless network I-10 & McRae 9801 Gateway West (915) 521-8450 mycricket.com Features are phone dependent. Rates exclude taxes and Cricket Fees (including USF charge, a regulatory recover fee of up to $0.45 and a surcharge for state/local fees that vary by market). Cricket Fees are not taxes or government-required charges. Unlimited refers to calls and messages made and/or received within your home calling area, U.S. long distance excludes Alaska. Requires new activation and up to $15 activation fee. Terms, conditions and other restrictions apply. See store for details. ©2007 Cricket Communications, Inc. Paid Advertisement MWR HEADQUARTERS Director 568.3500 568.1132 Army Community Services Chief 568.7533 Recreation Division Chief 568.5709 Child & Youth Services Chief 568.3208 Business Operations Chief 568.3412 NAF Resource Management Division Chief 568.6741 Marketing ARMY COMMUNITY SERVICES Financial Readiness 568.7088 568.4878 Family Advocacy 568.6291 Relocation Services Mobilization & Deployment 568.4878 / 1132 Information & Referral 568.4614 / 1132 569.1854 Exceptional Family Member Program 568.0494 Family Member Employment Assistance Program 568.1132 Installation Volunteer Services 568.2382 Army Family Team Building 568.1132 Army Family Action Plan 568.7088 Army Emergency Relief RECREATION & SPORTS Mitchell W. Stouth Fitness Center & Track Complex 568.3264 568.5198 Logan Heights Fitness Center Biggs Fitness Center 568.8697 / 8730 Ronald D. Milam Fitness Center 568.7318 / 7518 569.5448 Tennis Club & Fitness Zone 568.4825 Community Pool Replica Aquatic Center 568.7431 / 5380 568.8087 Biggs Water & Paintball Park Omar N. Bradley Softball Complex 568.1145 / 4508 Mickelsen Community Library 568.6156 / 1491 568.0106 RV Park 568.7506 Information, Ticketing & Registration 568.5563 Framing Bliss 568.7280 Auto Crafts 568.6556 Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) CHILD & YOUTH SERVICES Central Registration 568.4374 Child Development Center (Main) 568.5689 / 6335 Child Development Center (Logan) 568.3989 / 4887 YouthPlex 568.KIDS (5437) / 5495 School Age Services 568.8336 / 1295 568.9306 School Liaison Officers (SLO) 568.4198 Family Child Care (FCC) BUSINESS OPERATIONS Centennial Banquet & Conference Center 562.5969 568.7013 Fort Bliss Officers’ Club 569.5715 Club Special Events Underwood Golf Complex 562.1273 / 2066 562.3559 The Golden Tee Fort Bliss Bowling Center 568.6272 / 1685 Rod & Gun Club 565.GUNS (4867) / 568.2983 Fort Bliss Lodging Services 565.7777 / 1.800.723.8130 ADDITIONAL MWR SERVICES Vet Services 569.2266 568.7506 Unit Funds 565.8473 Military Rent All (Furniture Rental) 630.8669 Scuds & Suds Car Wash 566.8321 Lock’n’Leave Storage 568.4444 Private Organizations & Solicitations Paid Advertisement mwr phone directory www.blissmwr.com blissNOW 17 FRED WILSON RD FORT BLISS LEGEND 40 ALABAMA GATE ST DYER ST COPIA ST PIKE 54 VAN BUREN AVE CASSIDY GATE MONROE AVE S N KI RD P M TO FORT BLVD 3 EL PASO, TEXAS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT PE MILITARY AREAS MILITARY GATES MOBILE AVE 1 BUILDING LOCATIONS 1 MILITARY BUILDING LOCATIONS GD R (See legend at left) HIN ALTURA AVE AURORA AVE WHEELING AVE EMERGENCY NUMBERS PIA CO 568-1117 565-4100 568-2115 569-2331 533-1244 568-2121 TROWBRIDGE ST GATEWAY BLVD NORTH ELM ST To El Paso PIEDRAS ST RICHMOND AVE GATEWAY BLVD SOUTH 568-1501 2 111 568-6425/2043 568-2550 1031 568-2012 2525 569-2063 2446 568-6215 2440 568-2833 1 Fire Emergencies Housing Areas Military Police Ambulance Poison Information Information Operator 31 McKINLEY AVE ALABAMA ST Air Defense Artillery Center 32nd AAMDC 6th ADA Brigade 11th ADA Brigade 31st ADA Brigade 108th ADA Brigade Garrison Cmd RUSSELL ST PIERCE AVE MILITARY UNITS 23 41 42 43 44 45 46 HAYES ST PIEDRAS ST 568-2538 568-2898 565-7777 1744 568-5412 1735 568-5563 820 7777 569-2121 7777 569-2331 7777 7777 569-CARE 7777 (888)874-9378 569-2483 7777 568-1241 8 568-7506 1743 568-1987 N/A 568-7141 113 568-6156 2 564-5275 1310 568-7318 2499 565-8473 1743 568-2115 125 2116 / 2117 568-3500 11 568-7013 250 568-4518 5051 568-1145 2968 568-3035 505 568-1890 562-7200 1611 562-4036 1733 568-7431 5035 568-3264 2930 569-5448 262 568-2592 2495 562-5451 1301 568-3668 504A 568-7506 1743 569-5644 2408 569-2266 6077 568-KIDS 195 562-8461 7060 568-7187 131 To Ala 18 RS 32 33 34 35 36 37 50 9 20 5 38 39 40 49 MWR Headquarters Officers' Club Old Fort Bliss Omar Bradley Softball Complex Welcome Center Vehicle Registration Post Exchange, Main Post Office Replica Aquatic Center Stout Physical Fitness Center Tennis Club & Fitness Zone Theater Thrift Shop, OCSA Transportation Office Unit Funds USO Vet Services Youth Services YMCA, Armed Services SAS Modular N O IG D LL N R E cK YO M AN C PE 28 29 13 30 31 568-3301 568-5058 568-4614 568-7280 568-6556 568-6272 568-1519 568-5689 568-6287 568-4022 568-4825 562-7467 569-3858 630-8669 568-4108 FRED WILSON GATE RUSSELL ST 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 500B 45 2494 820 2408 2949 112 1730 504B 1717 250 2011 2496 197 6380 504A MA ST ALABA ELM ST 15 16 17 18 Adjutant General American Red Cross Army Community Service Auto Crafts BOSS Bowling Center Chaplain Child Development Center, Main Civilian Personnel Office Commissary Community Pool Country Junction CTMC/Family Practice Clinic Car Wash, Scuds & Suds Defense Military Pay Office Family Housing On Post Off Post Fort Bliss Lodging Services Fort Bliss Museum & Study Center Framing Bliss Hospital: WBAMC Information Ambulance Appointments TRICARE Service Center Red Cross Inspector General Information, Ticketing & Registration Kelly Park / Balfour Beatty Legal Assistance Office Mickelsen Library Mainstreet Xpresso Milam Fitness Center Military Rent All Military Police Station Telephone LOUSIANA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 48 12 47 14 9 Bldg ALABAMA ST No. Organization ST To I-10 6 BIGGS AAF GATE SERGEANT MAJOR BLVD 7 STORY COE RUCKMAN TOUNSLEY KERFOOT I-54 CHANDLER DYER ST. BARKSDALE ST I. Logan Gym 2. Chapin 3. RV Park 4. Logan CDS 5. Logan CDS Annex 6. Logan Elementary 7. Logan YS 8. Underwood Golf Complex GATEWAY NORTH 1 WENDOVER ST 4 3 5 2 3 MSG R. MILLER SCOTT ST SGT C.THOMAS SGT F. MARKLE 1 CHANUTE ST BIGGS ST LUKE 5 2 SGT E. CHURCHILL LOGAN HEIGHTS PATTERSON ST BOLLING ST SSG SIMS SHORT RA WESTOVER LOOP SGT F. MARKLE DUNCUN ST RANDOLPH ST CSM E. SLEWITZKE IL RO A D AV E I. US Army Sergeants Major Academy 2. Centennial Club 3. USASMA IMD 4. Shoppette / Service Station 5. Physical Fitness Center 6. Fire Station 7. Biggs Park WRIGHT ST BIGGS ARMY AIRFIELD 4 6 E 31 HINMAN RD AIRPORT RD ER AM CR 30 38 El Paso International Airport AIRPORT RD PERSHING RD 13 RD SHERIDAN RD 34 ER HOOD RD BOEING DR STONEMAN RD HUGHEY GE ST ROD & GUN CLUB 7 DEER DR DR GATEWAY NORTH I. Rod & Gun Club I-54 TRANSMOUNTAIN DR / LOOP 375 1 IMO ON GER ST JEB STUART SOUTH ID DER GRU ST MA BR AIRWAY BLVD SCALES RD FORSYTH RD CHASE RD MORGAN AVE N NTO ASO PLE JEB STUART RD BO RD ROBERT E. LEE GATE ROBERT E. LEE RD AIRWAY BLVD HOWZE ST IR DR CONVA DICKMAN RD ROA D RD RD ASHBURN ST LEIGH FISHER BLVD 14 JEB STUART RD TAYLOR ST DUDLEY ST PERSHING RD CLUB RD PLEASONTON RD WILLARD HOLDBROOK RD 6 MERRITT RD TR OW 8 RD RADFORD AVE N A ELLERTHORPE RD ID AN 3 CARTER RD 9 ER BUTTERFIELD TRAIL BLVD REMAGEN GATE 5 37 R AN PH RD NI 1 SH KE CARTER RD 46 19 CHAFFEE RD C 28 2 12 42 RI SUMNER RD 45 M 17 4 DO ERSHING GATE 25 35 IN 39 NG HI RS R PE CI 11 STENNIS ST 44 CASSIDY 47 CUSTER RD SLATER RD 24 22 49 7 23 PIKE RD 50 27 ADAIR RD 36 43 HAAN RD H SHERIDAN RD DONIPHAN RD 32 41 29 PLEASONTON RD ARTILLERY RD 8 CHAFFEE RD MARSHALL RD SHERIDAN GATE HAAN RD 33 10 SHANNON VAN VALZAH RD RD 16 21 HUMPHREY RD 48 Fort Bliss National Cemetary EARL H. BRUNS RD CARRINGTON 15 WORK AVE McNAIR RD CHAFFEE GATE JEB STUART RD 26 20 RAIL amago rdo MARSHALL GATE VICTORY AVE E RD 1 Bridge to Fort Bliss/Biggs Army Airfield FRED WILSON RD SLICER AVE YAQUI WY A AVE N MONTA 62 180 To k Lubboc FORT BLISS REGULAR EVENTS ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE every Tue–Thu 8:30–10:30am at ACS SPOUSE EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION every MON & WED 10am at ACS SKIESUnlimited ACTIVITY CLASSES offered several days throughout the week, contact YESS at Youth Services ACS NEWCOMER’S ORIENTATION & RE–ENTRY WORKSHOP every MON,WED–FRI 8am–4:30pm at ACS CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH every MON & WED 9–11am at ACS PLAYGROUP FOR PARENTS & TODDLERS (18MOS–4YRS) every TUE & THU 10am– JUNE 12pm, location varies, call ACS at 568–1132 READ ME A STORY every TUE 10am at Mickelsen Library, E–Wing of Bldg 2 1ST TERMER’S FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT every 2nd & 4th TUE 9am–12pm at ACS 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 Summer Camp Programs Begins 5:30am–6pm at CDC, SAS and MS&T sites Tennis Post Championships 6pm at the Tennis Club Father’s Day Brunch 10am at O’Club & Centennial El Paso Patriots & Youth Sports Soccer Camp 8am–12pm at the YouthPlex Wii Warrior Challenge 6pm at Centennial Greg Foster/Hero Youth Sports Camp 8am–12pm at Stout Gym 3 10 17 24 Summer Reading Programs Begin Mickelsen Library Tennis Post Championships 6pm at the Tennis Club PEP 9am–2pm at ACS AFTB Level 1 9am–2:30pm at ACS El Paso Patriots & Youth Sports Soccer Camp 8am–12pm at the YouthPlex Class: Consumer Scams; Prevdenting Identity Theft 1:30–3pm at ACS Wii Warrior Challenge 6pm at Centennial Greg Foster/Hero Youth Sports Camp 8am–12pm at Stout Gym Private Christian School Enrollment Register Now for the 2008-2009 School Year Full Day, Pre-K 3&4 year olds, K–8th Grade Safe Learning Environment, Quality Education, Loving & Caring Christian Atmosphere Trinity Lutheran School 3800 Hondo Pass El Paso, TX 79904 915-755-7259 CALL TODAY 20 blissNOW www.blissmwr.com Limited Openings Affordable Rates No Hidden Costs www.trinityelpaso.org SCHNITZEL LUNCH SPECIAL every WED 11am–1pm at the Bowling Center FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT every WED 1:30–3:30pm at ACS BOSS MEETING every WED 3pm at the O’Club’s Down Under BEEF & BURGUNDY every WED 6–9pm at the O’Club AUTO MAINTENANCE & SAFETY CLASSES every WED 6–7pm & every SAT 8–9am at Auto Crafts SEAFOOD LUNCH SPECIAL every FRI 11am–1pm at the Bowling Center KARAOKE NIGHT every FRI & SAT 8:30pm at the Bowling Center CLUB THUNDER ALLEY every FRI & SAT 10pm–1am at the Bowling Center FAMILY STORY TIME every SAT 10:30–11am at Mickelsen Library 4 11 18 25 Tennis Post Championships 6pm at the Tennis Club PEP 9am–2pm at ACS Army’s Birthday Beef & Burgundy 6pm at the O’Club AFTB Level 1 9am–2:30pm at ACS El Paso Patriots & Youth Sports Soccer Camp 8am–12pm at the YouthPlex Class: Budgeting 1:30–3pm at ACS Wii Warrior Challenge 6pm at Centennial Greg Foster/Hero Youth Sports Camp 8am–12pm at Stout Gym 5 12 19 26 Tennis Post Championships 6pm at the Tennis Club PEP 9am–2pm at ACS AFTB Level 1 9am–2:30pm at ACS Class: Budgeting for Newlyweds 9–10:30am at ACS Freedom Camp at Biggs Park El Paso Patriots & Youth Sports Soccer Camp 8am–12pm at the YouthPlex Wii Warrior Challenge 6pm at Centennial Class: Money for College 9–10:30am at ACS Greg Foster/Hero Youth Sports Camp 8am–12pm at Stout Gym BOWLING SPECIAL (bowl 2 games, get 1 free) every SAT 11am–1am at the Bowling Center SUNDAY BRUNCH every SUN 10am–1pm at the O’Club FAMILY FUN BOWLING every SUN 12–2pm at the Bowling Center WAITING FAMILIES FREE DINNER last FRI of the month 6–8pm call ACS for locations WAITING FAMILIES FREE BOWLING second SAT of the month 6–9pm at the Bowling Center FRAMING CLASSES every other SAT 8:45am–2:30pm at Framing Bliss NFL SUNDAY TICKET every SUN during football season 11am at O’Club and Centennial 6 13 20 27 Team Duathalon Post Championships 6:30am at Replica Pool Bunco 5:30pm at the O’Club Army’s Birthday Celebration: Free Dessert 11am–1pm at O’Club and Centennial Tastes of the World: Southern Comfort Buffet 6pm at the O’Club BOSS Bash 9am at Biggs Park Speed Dating 6:30pm at Centennial Freedom Camp at Biggs Park Class: Car Buying 1:30–3pm at ACS Wii Warrior Challenge 6pm at Centennial AFTB Level I (Spanish)9am–2:30pm at ACS Class: Savings, Investments,TSP 1:30–3pm at ACS Tastes of the World: Hawaiian Night 6pm at the O’Club 7 14 21 28 Dodge Ball Post Championships 8:30am at Stout Gym Freedom Camp at Biggs Park Saturday Socials: Local Attractions & Secret Hotspots 3pm at the O’Club Wii Warrior Challenge Finals 12pm at Centennial 10 Disc % on la ount bor fo r milita ry 1507 Wyoming Avenue • El Paso, TX 79902 532-8014 Plumbing #M-36272 Air Conditioning #TACLBO16347E www.blissmwr.com blissNOW 21 REGULAR EVENTS ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE every Tue–Thu 8:30–10:30am at ACS SPOUSE EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION every MON & WED 10am at ACS SKIESUnlimited ACTIVITY CLASSES offered several days throughout the week, contact YESS at Youth Services ACS NEWCOMER’S ORIENTATION & RE–ENTRY WORKSHOP every MON,WED–FRI 8am–4:30pm at ACS CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH every MON & WED 9–11am at ACS PLAYGROUP FOR PARENTS & TODDLERS (18MOS–4YRS) every TUE & THU 10am– 12pm, location varies, call ACS at 568–1132 READ ME A STORY every TUE 10am at Mickelsen Library, E–Wing of Bldg 2 1ST TERMER’S FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT every 2nd & 4th TUE 9am–12pm at ACS 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 Early Childhood Classs 1–3pm at ACS JULY Golf Post Championships 1pm at Underwood Golf Complex 22 blissNOW www.blissmwr.com PEP 9am–2pm at ACS FRG Training 9am–2:30pm at ACS AFTB Level II 6–9pm at ACS AFTB Level II 6–9pm at ACS AFTB Level II 6–9pm at ACS FRG Key Caller Training 9–10:30am or 5:30–7pm at ACS Education Fair 8:30am at Centennial SCHNITZEL LUNCH SPECIAL every WED 11am–1pm at the Bowling Center FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT every WED 1:30–3:30pm at ACS BOSS MEETING every WED 3pm at the O’Club’s Down Under BEEF & BURGUNDY every WED 6–9pm at the O’Club AUTO MAINTENANCE & SAFETY CLASSES every WED 6–7pm & every SAT 8–9am at Auto Crafts SEAFOOD LUNCH SPECIAL every FRI 11am–1pm at the Bowling Center KARAOKE NIGHT every FRI & SAT 8:30pm at the Bowling Center CLUB THUNDER ALLEY every FRI & SAT 10pm–1am at the Bowling Center FAMILY STORY TIME every SAT 10:30–11am at Mickelsen Library 2 9 16 23 30 Parenting Class (School Age/Teen) 1–3pm at ACS PEP 9am–2pm at ACS 3 10 17 24 31 PEP 9am–2pm at ACS EFMP Autism Support Group 12–2pm at ACS BOWLING SPECIAL (bowl 2 games, get 1 free) every SAT 11am–1am at the Bowling Center SUNDAY BRUNCH every SUN 10am–1pm at the O’Club FAMILY FUN BOWLING every SUN 12–2pm at the Bowling Center WAITING FAMILIES FREE DINNER last FRI of the month 6–8pm call ACS for locations WAITING FAMILIES FREE BOWLING second SAT of the month 6–9pm at the Bowling Center FRAMING CLASSES every other SAT 8:45am–2:30pm at Framing Bliss NFL SUNDAY TICKET every SUN during football season 11am at O’Club and Centennial 4 11 18 25 EFMP Patriotic Party 12–2pm at ACS Class: Saving for a House 1:30–3pm at ACS Golf Post Championships 1pm at Underwood Golf Complex Class: Baby Care 101 1–3pm at ACS Speed Dating 6:30pm at Centennial Golf Post Championships 1pm at Underwood Golf Complex FRG Training 9am–2:30pm at ACS AFTB Level II 9am–2:30pm at ACS Class: Car Buying 1:30–3pm at ACS Class: Expectant Sibling 6–7:30pm at ACS AFTB Level II 6–9pm at ACS Class: Dressing on a Budget 9–10:30pm at ACS Pay Day Activity 11:30am at The Bowling Center Class: Debt Management 1:30–3pm at ACS Art, Wine & Dinner Pairing 7pm at the O’Club Class: Women and Money 10:30–11:30am at ACS FRG Treasurer Training 9–10:30am or 5:30–7pm at ACS Class: Budgeting 1:30–3pm at ACS Border Rumble 6pm at Stout Gym Class: Saving, Investments,TSP 1:30–3pm at ACS 5 12 19 26 Happy Independence Day! Saturday Socials: Pastry Class 2pm at the O’Club www.blissmwr.com blissNOW 23 REGULAR EVENTS ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE every Tue–Thu 8:30–10:30am at ACS SPOUSE EMPLOYMENT ORIENTATION every MON & WED 10am at ACS SKIESUnlimited ACTIVITY CLASSES offered several days throughout the week, contact YESS at Youth Services ACS NEWCOMER’S ORIENTATION & RE–ENTRY WORKSHOP every MON,WED–FRI 8am–4:30pm at ACS CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH every MON & WED 9–11am at ACS PLAYGROUP FOR PARENTS & TODDLERS (18MOS–4YRS) every TUE & THU 10am– AUGUST 12pm, location varies, call ACS at 568–1132 READ ME A STORY every TUE 10am at Mickelsen Library, E–Wing of Bldg 2 1ST TERMER’S FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT every 2nd & 4th TUE 9am–12pm at ACS 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 Softball Post Championship 6pm at Omar Bradley Softball Field 5 12 19 26 AFTB Level III 9am–2:30pm at ACS PEP 9am–2pm at ACS EFMP Parent Focus Group 1:30–3pm at ACS FRG Training 5:30–8:30pm at ACS Mini Golf Post Championships 5pm at Kelly Park EFMP Oversight Committee 1:30–3pm at ACS Softball Post Championship 6pm at Omar Bradley Softball Field A R a s s e t t e Homes Preferred Mortgage Source Your VA Loan Specialist FREE Pre-Qualifications ~ First Time Homebuyers ~ Purchases / Refinances ~ 100% + VA Loans 24 blissNOW www.blissmwr.com "Always There for You" Carla Winters, VA Loan Specialist (915) 832-0540 fax (915) 832-0546 6600 N. Mesa, Ste. 403, El Paso, TX 79912 CarlaW@fnmshomeloans.com www.fnmsSouthWest.com SCHNITZEL LUNCH SPECIAL every WED 11am–1pm at the Bowling Center FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT every WED 1:30–3:30pm at ACS BOSS MEETING every WED 3pm at the O’Club’s Down Under BEEF & BURGUNDY every WED 6–9pm at the O’Club AUTO MAINTENANCE & SAFETY CLASSES every WED 6–7pm & every SAT 8–9am at Auto Crafts SEAFOOD LUNCH SPECIAL every FRI 11am–1pm at the Bowling Center KARAOKE NIGHT every FRI & SAT 8:30pm at the Bowling Center CLUB THUNDER ALLEY every FRI & SAT 10pm–1am at the Bowling Center FAMILY STORY TIME every SAT 10:30–11am at Mickelsen Library BOWLING SPECIAL (bowl 2 games, get 1 free) every SAT 11am–1am at the Bowling Center SUNDAY BRUNCH every SUN 10am–1pm at the O’Club FAMILY FUN BOWLING every SUN 12–2pm at the Bowling Center WAITING FAMILIES FREE DINNER last FRI of the month 6–8pm call ACS for locations WAITING FAMILIES FREE BOWLING second SAT of the month 6–9pm at the Bowling Center FRAMING CLASSES every other SAT 8:45am–2:30pm at Framing Bliss NFL SUNDAY TICKET every SUN during football season 11am at O’Club and Centennial 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 2 9 16 23 30 Missoula Children’s Theater production of Rumplestiltskin 2pm, Location TBA End of Summer Reading Program Rock the Fort at Biggs Park Relocation Fair 1–5pm at Centennial AFTB Level III 9am–2:30pm at ACS Class: Reading the LES 9–9:45am at ACS AFTB Level III 9am–2:30pm at ACS Class: Money for College 9–10:30am at ACS Moder Army Combatives Post Championship 8:30am at Stout Gym Class: Debt Management 1:30–3pm at ACS Lodging Customer Appreciation 5pm at The Inn Speed Dating 6:30pm at Centennial Summer Reading Program Awards Ceremony 10am at Mickelsen Library EFMP Bowling Party 12–2pm at The Bowling Center PEP 9am–2pm at ACS Healthy Kids Class 1–3pm at ACS PEP 9am–2pm at ACS FRG Training 5:30–8:30pm at ACS EFMP Autism Support Group 12–2pm at ACS Soldier Show 7pm at the Abraham Chavez Theatre 10 Miler Qualifier 6:30am at Biggs Gym Pay Day Activity 11:30am at the Bowling Center Tastes of the World: Indian Buffet 6pm at the O’Club Soldier Show 2pm at the Abraham Chavez Theatre Mini Golf Post Championships 5pm at Kelly Park Class: Saving, Investing,TSP 1:30–3pm at ACS Martini & A Manicure 5pm at O’Club Long Drive Competition 4:30pm at Underwood Golf Complex Class: Car Buying 1:30–3pm at ACS Saturday Socials: Preparing your garden for Winter 3pm at the O’Club Softball Post Championship 6pm at Omar Bradley Softball Field Class: Consumer Scams; Preventing Identity Theft 10:30–11:30pm at ACS Softball Post Championship 6pm at Omar Bradley Softball Field Surf & Turf 6pm at O’Club AFTB Concept Blocks:Taking Care of Me 9am–2:30pm at ACS $PNQVUFS3FQBJSBU $POWFOJFOU-PDBUJPOT %ZFS4U&M1BTP5FYBT +BNFT8BUU%S"&M1BTP5FYBT +PF#BUUMF&M1BTP5FYBT /.FTB4U&M1BTP5FYBT $BMM &YDFMMFOU$VTUPNFS4FSWJDF 'SJFOEMZBUNPTQIFSF 2VJDL3FQBJS 5IBOLZPVGPSHJWJOH%"30$DPNQVUFSTUIF PQQPSUVOJUZUPTFSWFZPVBOEZPVSGBNJMJFT www.blissmwr.com blissNOW 25 bN | golf Tournaments & Tee Times Every MON & TUE are specials, so check with the Pro Shop for details. Every WED is a draw for weekend tee time. JUNE 13 Pay Day Activity 1pm Shotgun on Sunrice 14 Blessed Sacrament 1pm on Sunrise 21 Western Refinery 10:30am Tee Time on Sunrise 26 Light Bar 12pm Shotgun on Sunset 27 WBAMC 12pm Shotgun on Sunset JULY 11–13 Post Championship 23 2 CAV 5-1 AD 7:30am Shotgun on Sunrise 31 PAN AM 7:30am Shotgun on Sunset 2008 MWR Military Long Drive Championship On August 22 at 4:30 pm, the George V. Underwood Golf Complex will host the MWR Long Drive Championship presented by 7UP. This event is one-day and is an official Long Drivers of America (LDA) qualifier. Cost: $10 per try. Local Installation Prizes: 1st Place: $300 Pro Shop Gift Certificate & Adams 460cc Red Line Driver, 2nd Place: $150 Pro Shop Gift Certificate, 3rd Place: $ 50 Pro Shop Gift Certificate. The top long drive competitor at each of the (5) geographical zones who records the longest drive, will win an all expense paid trip to compete in the military division at the Long Drive Championship in Mesquite NV. Airfare, ground transportation, lodging, tickets to the entire event and additional rounds of golf at world renown courses are included. The Active Duty Service Member who hits the longest qualified drive during the Military Division of the 7UP Long Drive Championship will win $10,000 and be featured on the ESPN coverage of the event. Only Active Duty service members, Reserve and National Guard both active and inactive are eligible to compete. Women who enter the competition will be spotted 65 additional yards on their qualified drives. Official rules and registration forms are available at www.blissmwr. com. For more information call 562-1273. Golf Demo Day The George V. Underwood Golf Complex would like to invite you to their annual Golf Demo Day on Sunday, June 22 from 3 to 7 pm. Vendors from Ping, Callaway Golf, Titleist/Cobra, Nike Golf, Taylormade and many more will be present. Jumping Balloons and refreshments will be available. For additional information call 562-2066/1273. daily lunch specials Veteran’s Play Pass Veterans can now apply for membership to the prestigious George V. Underwood Golf Complex. All applicants must bring a copy of either a veteran identification card or a DD214 form to the Pro Shop.The membership fee for single veterans is $85 per month and for veterans with a family is $125 per month. Membership is available for a one, three, six, 9 or 12month time period. Dues must be paid at the time the application is processed. For more information, please call the Underwood Golf Complex at 562-7255. Discounts for Families of Deployed Soldiers The Fort Bliss Bowling Center and George V, Underwood Golf Complex are offering special discounts on services. The Bowling Center is offering a $1 discount on up to three games of bowling in one day. This discount is available Wednesday and Thursday. The Underwood Golf Complex is offering a $10 discount on daily green fees and lessons.This is also available on Wednesday and Thursday. For more information, please call the Underwood Golf Complex at 562-7255. Wounded Warrior Program Discounts MWR would like to remind individuals with a “Wounded Warrior Card” that they are entitled to free club rental, free cart rental and free green fees at George V. Underwood Golf Complex. For more information, please call the Underwood Golf Complex at 562-7255. For more information, call 562-3559 Every MON is Meatloaf, TUE is Chef’s Choice, THU is Schnitzel. SAT enjoy A la Carte or Soup de Jour. SUN is Steak & Eggs. WED & FRI feature: JUNE 4 Bratwurst 6 Whole Catfish or Baked Hoki 11 Enchilada Plate 13 Whole Catfish or Shrimp Cocktail 18 Spaghetti w/ Meat Balls 20 Whole Catfish or Breaded Shrimp 25 Pork Chop 27 Whole Catfish or Lemon Pepper Cod JULY 2 Beef & Chicken Fajitas 4 Whole Catfish or Shrimp Scampi 9 Baby Back Ribs 11 Whole Catfish or Seafood Platter 16 Meat Lasagna 18 Whole Catfish or Breaded Shrimp 23 Chicken Fried Rice 25 Whole Catfish or Lemon Pepper Cod 30 Pork Chop SEE ONE OF THESE AGENTS TODAY! Providing insurance and financial services. LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR STATE FARM IS THERE. Tom Heinlein Agent Russell Wiggs Agent 915.566.3966 915.751.1295 4402 Montana Ave 26 blissNOW www.blissmwr.com 9477 Dyer Ste B Rick Altheide Agent 4726 Trans Mountain Ste 3 915.757.1841 State Farm Insurance Companies Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois w w w . s t a t e f a r m .com sports & fitness | bN Intramural Sports The Fort Bliss Intramural Sports Calendar encompasses eighteen sports and ten various special events. Sport The sports offered throughout the Intramural Sport Calendar include five team sports (Flag Football, Basketball,Volleyball, Softball, and Soccer) and thirteen other sports ranging from racquetball, bowling, tennis, track, golf, and multiple runs. Tennis Begins Team Duathalon Post Championship Location June 6 Replica Pool June 14 Stout Gym June 9–12 Officers’ Club Golf July 11–13 Underwood Golf Complex Modern Army Combatives August 7–8 Stout Gym Dodge Ball Command Playoff June 2-5 10 Miler Qualifier August 15 Biggs Gym All sports offered are considered part of the Commander’s Cup Competition. The Intramural Sports Program supports the participation of approximately 6,900 active duty military personnel. Mini Golf August 19–20 Kelly Park The most popular Intramural Sports at Fort Bliss are: 1. Basketball/Softball 2. Flag Football 3. Paintball/dodge ball 4. Other traditional sports (to include volleyball, soccer, runs, bowling etc.) Flag Football Softball May 27 August 25–29 Bradley Softball Complex Women’s Softball May 27 August 25–28 Finney Field October 16–17 Replica Pool October 27–29 Stout Field December 5 Replica Pool Swimming September 2 10K Run For more information, call 568-5995. Meet Joe Fedak Intramural and Varsity Sports Coordinator by Kimber McCarden, Marketing Manager Joe Fedak was born in Marshall, Michigan. After he graduated from high school, he attended George Williams College (Downers Grove, IL - suburbs of Chicago), where he received a Bachelor of Science in 1982 in Recreation with an emphasis on programming and outdoor recreation. He enjoys providing recreational opportunities to people, not only for their health benefits, but also for the entertainment value. A sports enthusiast, Fedak played basketball and volleyball in college and now participates in outdoor sports such as mountain biking, hiking, flat water and white water paddling. “Currently I am in paddling season and I enjoy either flat water or white water paddling. In the last month and a half I’ve been to the Grand Canyon (backpacking), Rio Chama River, Lower San Juan River, and I am planning several trips to other destinations as water rises. I am also going to start getting into ocean kayaking (obviously on the west coast). Summer is my active time when I get outside and play sand volleyball, golf, basketball, ride mountain bikes, paddle and anything else which may happen”, commented Fedak Fedak has worked for MWR since April, 2005 and prior to that, he worked at New Mexico State University for 14 years and as a wild land firefighter with the Forest Service for 7 seasons. Additionally, he has worked in a number of gyms and also served as an official for high school and college basketball and volleyball in New Mexico and Texas. During his downtime, he enjoys reading fiction and western books, watching shows on the Discovery Channel, Sci Fi Channel and especially sports - - - all on a big screen TV of course! “I follow sports, usually watching highlights and watching assorted playoff and tournament games (when it gets fun at crunch time). My sports preferences are Basketball, Pro Volleyball, Pro Football, Golf, and Tour De France,” said Fedak. www.blissmwr.com blissNOW 27 bN | bowling Screen TV; and much more. For more information call 568-6272 or come by the Bowling Center, Bldg. 2949. All You Can Bowl The Fort Bliss Bowling Center offers All-YouCan-Bowl for $6 per person, excluding shoe rental, every Sunday from 3 to 6 pm. Call the Fort Bliss Bowling Center at 568-6272 or stop by Bldg. 2949. Hebrew National Hot Dogs are back! The Bowling Center offers special pricing on National Hebrew Hot Dogs and combos through July 31. • Hebrew 1/2 lbs - $2.45 • $4.00 Combo #1 - Hebrew 1/2, Chips, 16oz Fountain Drink. • $4.45 Combo #2 - Hebrew 1/2, Regular Fries, 16oz Fountain Drink . • $4.75 Combo #3 Hebrew 1/2 with Chili and Onion, Chips or Fries, 16oz Fountain Drink. In conjunctions with guest may fill out a frequency meal card and can enter in a Sweepstake drawing. Prices include a N.Y.Yankees Trip; Recliners; 36 inch High Definition LCD Flat Conference Room The Bowling Center offers a conference room equipped with projector and screen for up to 60 participants. Reservations need to be made by calling 568-3272/1685.A small fee will be charged. The conference room was recently rennovated and features a modern audio-visual package. Birthday Packages Thinking of hosting a birthday party for your child? Don’t forget that you can book it at the Bowling Center. The Bowling Center offers a variety of birthday party packages for all budgets and party sizes. It is a guaranteed fun event for your guests. For a list of party packages available visit our Web site at www.blissmwr. com or call Bowling at 568-6272. Larry R Price DDS Daniel M Allen DDS MS Quality orthodontics is more than just appearance We welcome new patients! Initial Consultation is Free! Using state of the art technology we can create big broad smiles with a minimum of pain and time (18 to 24 months) Traditional Braces & Invisalign® Paid Advertisement Northeast 755-8407 9101 Dyer St. West 581-8152 824 E. Redd Rd. www.pricezone.com lrpdds@sbcglobal.net 28 blissNOW www.blissmwr.com Hours of Operation Monday 11am-10pm Tuesday 11am-10pm Wednesday 9am-10pm Thursday 11am-11pm Friday 11am-1am Saturday 11am-1am Sunday 12pm-6pm Lounge Monday 5:30pm-10pm Tue, Wed 6-9:30pm Thursday 6pm-10:30pm Fri/Sat 6pm-12:30am Sunday Closed Pro Shop (568-7974) Monday Closed Tuesday 12–6:30pm Wednesday 12-7pm Thursday 12-6:30pm Friday 12-7pm Saturday 11am-4pm Sunday Closed Snack Bar Monday 11am-9:30pm Tuesday 11am-9:30pm Wednesday 8:30am-9:30pm Thursday 11am-10:30pm Friday 11am-midnight Saturday 11am-midnight Sunday 12am-5:30pm Meet the Coach: George H. Gaucin III Congratulations go out to Fort Bliss Bowling Center Pro Shop Technician George Gaucin! George has been having a phenomenal year for 2007-2008 bowling season. His dedication and love of the game have allowed him to excel to new heights in his young bowling career. George has been shooting lights out in all leagues both on and off base. His accomplishments this year include, averaging 225+ in four leagues, not 1 but 4 perfect 300 games and three (3) 800 series. Additionally, one of the biggest accomplishments of this year was his recent acceptance as a new member of the Professional Bowlers Association or PBA. Immediately upon joining the PBA, George participated in the 2008 El Paso Bayer Classic tournament.The tournament consisted of Pre Tournament qualifying in which George led all El Paso area bowlers competing for tour positions and a possible tour exemption and prize fun of $25,000. He then managed to finish 56 out of the 64 top touring professional bowlers in the world. Way to go George! In a recent interview with George, he let us all know that “bowling is a sport and that we all can participate while having fun”. He is also a 2007 IBPSIA or International Bowling and Pro Shop Instructors Association member and certified technician. He accredits much of his success to practicing and utilizing the knowledge of his coach, Don Diego Aguilar II, an IBPSIA member and USBC Silver Certified Coach. George has been bowling all his life starting in the Young American Bowling alliance, New Mexico State bowling team and now USBC Adult leagues. Stop by and see George in the Fort Bliss Bowling Center Pro Shop and say hello. rod & gun club | bN The Fort Bliss Rod and Gun Club has one of the best trap and skeet ranges in the tri-state area.The hunting lodge motif of the club gives its members a full-service pro shop, lounge, snack bar, meeting room and an array of shooting programs.You can also enjoy a covered pavilion, ten diverse ranges, including trap and skeet, five-stand sporting clays, pistol, rifle, and black powder. Monthly tournaments are held for all shooting disciplines.The Rod and Gun Club is located in Northeast El Paso on Roy Johnson Lane, east of Railroad Drive and Deer Street. Call 568-2983 for more information. Upcoming Events June 21 Women in the Outdoors. August 23 Ducks Unlimited, Fun & Youth Shoot. August 30 German American Match. 1000 Yard Match & High Power Silouette Range 5 9 am, 4th Sunday of the month. 1000 YD: Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov HP Silouette: Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct 915-821-4667 Advisory Council Meetings 6 pm, 3rd Wednesday of the month. Contact: Barbara Stokes 915-568-2983 Roy Bean 10 am, 1st Sunday of the month. 915-598-6398 Range 2 Rio Grande Muzzle Loaders Range 1B 8 am Apr - Sep, 9 am Oct - Mar 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month. 915-581-2042 Desert Shooters ARA Match 8:30 am May-Oct, 10 am Nov & Apr 3rd Saturday of the month. 915-532-7827 Range 7 Hunting Clay Matches 9 am, Every Friday. 915-525-0895 Range 4B I.P.S.C., Action Pistol Matches 9 am Mar-Sep , 10 am Oct-Feb 2nd Saturday of the month. 915-598-6398 Ranges 2A–2D Franklin Mountain Gun Club DCM and NRA Highpower 8:30 am Jun–Aug, 9 am Sep–May 2nd Sunday of the month. Range 2 CC Competition 9:30 am, 3rd Sunday of the month. 915-592-6911 Range 2A 22 Mini Varmit 9 am May-Oct, 10 am Nov-Apr 4th Saturday of the month. 915-532-7827 Range 5 22 Caliber Bullseye 10 am, 4th Sunday of the month. 915-532-7261 Range 6B International Defensive Pistol Association 2A–2D 8:30 am 4th and 5th Saturdays 915-821-7962 Ranges 1B, Fort Bliss Rod and Gun Club ARA Match 9 am Sep–Apr 8:30 am May – Aug 1st Saturday of the month. 915-821-4667 Range 7 IPSC Action Pistol 101 Match 9 am, 4th Sunday of the month. 915-760-4108 Range 2 Fun Match 1st and 5th Sundays of the month. 915-772-8927 or 915-751-0406 Tactical Shooting Academy Range 2 8:30 am, 3rd Saturday of the month. 915-821-8296 Paso Del Norte Gun Collectors Meetings 7:30 pm, Last Wednesday of the month. 915-568-2983 Smallbore Metallic Silhouette 9 am, 1st Sunday of the Month 915-203-4783 Fort Bliss Club Trap & Skeet 9:30 am CAL, 10 am Shoot Trap: 2nd Sunday of the month. Skeet: 4th Sunday of the month. October: Championship Christmas shoot 15 Dec 2007 915-373-3380 Ranges 4A–4D Concealed Carry Class (CCL) Range 6C 7:30 am, 3rd Saturday of the month. 915-585-3219 Mini Silhouette 9 am, Every Wednesday. 915-525-6601 Range 5 Range 3 Borderland Flyfishing Club 6:30 pm, 2nd Wednesday of the month. 915-525-6601 NRA Small Bore Silhouette Match Range 5 10 am, 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. 915-588-5443 %L0ASO"LISS.OW-AG6E""PDF0- Need money for something important? Need it now? Come to the people who love to say yes. # - 9 #- -9 #9 #-9 + For 58 years Omni has been making loans exclusively to the military. Applying is easy because most of our people are former military or family members - we’ve been in your shoes. Come to Omni and let us help. • All-Purpose loans up to $10,000 but always with your ability to repay in mind • Fast, friendly, and above all trustworthy service • Satisfaction Guaranteed - or we’ll cancel your loan at no cost to you Come in today or apply online Visit our local representatives at: 915-566-OMNI (6664) ,OCATEDNEXTTO4HE!RMED&ORCES9-#! F I N A N C I A L “We love to say yes” Hours: M-F 9AM to 7PM and Sat. 10AM to 4PM 1-877-OMNI-USA www.militaryloans.com © Omni Financial ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All loans subject to approval. Omni offers a 15-day no-cost loan cancellation guarantee. ® Paid Advertisement Paid Advertisement 5017 Dyer Street • El Paso www.blissmwr.com blissNOW 29 bN | kid’s connection Mickelsen Library & Army MWR Team Up With American Girl Book Series Visit Mickelsen Library for a chance to win a trip to the American Girl Store and a set of Kit Kittredge Books! On July 2 the first book from the popular American Girl series, will appear on the big screen, starring Abigail Breslin as the scrappy nine-year-old Kit Kittredge… chasing her dream to become a reporter and help her family get through the Great Depression. In addition to Breslin, the Kit Kittredge cast also includes Joan Cusack, Glenne Headly, Jane Krakowski, Chris O’Donnell, Julia Ormond, Wallace Shawn, Stanley Tucci, Madison Davenport, Zach Mills, Willow Smith, and Max Thieriot. According to Katy Rich, at CinemaBlend. com, “This is a movie about girl power that isn’t secretly about fashion and looking hot.” HOOP-RAH!!! Fort Bliss CYS presents the 1st Annual Greg Foster/Hero Sports Camp. This basketball camp is open to children ages 8-14 and will be held June 23-26 from 8 am–12 noon.The cost is only $25 and will cover all 4 days of camp. Greg Foster is a former basketball player for UTEP and was also a member of the 2001 Los Angeles Lakers NBA Championship Team. Camp is limited to the first 120 kids and will feature an autograph session with Greg Foster and friends. For more information call 568-2908. El Paso Patriots Soccer Camp CYS Youth Sports will be hosting a Summer Soccer Camp with the El Paso Patriots. Camp will be held June 16-19 from 8am12noon at the Youth Center located at Building 195 Chaffee Rd. Camp is open to youths ages 5-15. Cost is $20 and includes a free tshirt and photo with members of the El Paso Patriots Soccer Team. Register at any CYS building. For additional info call 568-5437. Attention Fort Bliss High School Aged Youth The Fort Bliss Army Volunteer Coordinator is sponsoring a 2 day Points of Light Leadership Institute (PYLI) on June 12th and 13th at the Balfour Beatty Building in Kelly Park. PYLI training’s mission is to provide youth with the encouragement, peer networks and leadership skills necessary for them to make meaningful contributions to their communities and begin a life-long journey of leadership and service. It features a challenging series of lessons and exercises on community needs analysis, goal setting, team building, project planning, decision- making, and other leadership dynamics. 30 blissNOW www.blissmwr.com What is hot is the Army’s partnership with Picturehouse Films, to give one lucky girl a chance to win an all-inclusive trip and $1,000 shopping spree to the nearest American Girl store location! From May 1-June 30, authorized Army MWR patrons ages 6-16 are invited to visit their post library to check out the Kit Kittredge book display and to learn more about how they can win the trip or a set of Kit Kittredge: An American Girl books. They can also enter the online sweepstakes and get a sneak peak at the movie at www. ArmyMWR.com. Read more about The Summer Reading Program at Mickelsen Library on page 15! The curriculum culminates in a service project, created and implemented by the participants, and a final graduation ceremony.Youth starting into the 9th grade through 12th grade are eligible to participate and will be required to volunteer a minimum of 5 hours at Freedom Camp to complete their training. Applications can be retrieved from ACS, Bldg. 2494 Ricker Road. Deadline for submission is June 6. For questions or more information please contact the Fort Bliss Army Volunteer Coordinator at 568-1132. Calling CYS Class Acts! Fort Bliss CYS in conjunction with Missoula Children’s Theater (MCT) will host auditions for the upcoming August 2 production of Rumpelstiltskin at 3 pm Auditions will be held Monday, July 28 from 1-3 pm for approximately 50 roles. All students in 1st through 12th grades are encouraged to audition. CYS will also recruit assistant directors and assorted backstage support roles. Rehearsals will be from Tuesday, July 29 through Friday August 1 from 1-5 pm Call Sandra Chisolm, Fort Bliss CYS Training and Program Specialist, at (915) 568-5890 for location and additional information. welcome home bash | bN Welcome Home Bash Delights Thousands By Alex Sutphin, Marketing Assistant Many volunteers, MWR and Team Bliss staff and many special guests came together to provide a special heartfelt and deserving Welcome Home Celebration for the 4-1 Cav. The 4-1 Cav was deployed for 12-15 months in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and returned right in time to celebrate the Winter holidays with their families. On Saturday, March 8, part of the airfield and two of the hangers on Biggs Army Air Field turned into a celebration site. Over 7600 patrons were able to enjoy free food and beverages; jumping balloons; a climbing tower; games; and had a chance to win valuable prices. The highlight of the celebration included a concert organized by Army Entertainment and MWR. Thousands of spectators were cheering as Kimberly Locke, Season 2 American Idol 3rd place winner, went on stage. The country band Little Big Town followed with a spectacular show. The air filled again with rolling thunder of applauds and cheering as the world famous Styx took over the stage. After the performances some guests had the opportunity to meet Little Big Town and Styx at the Meet and Greet. Others met Kimberly Locke in person as she enthusiastically signed CDs and posed for pictures for her many fans. One could hear her over and over again as she said with honesty “I am so excited and thrilled to be here and meet all these wonderful people!” At the end of the evening, guest of the celebrations once more were surprised by spectacular fireworks. “This is a really good way for us to give something back to the military community. We just want to let the Soldiers and family members know that we appreciate their sacrifices and everything they do”, said Carrie Eastburn, one of many MWR employees and also a Army spouse. More pictures of the 4-1 Cav Welcome Home Bash can be found on www.blissmwr.com/photos/ www.blissmwr.com blissNOW 31 Dawn Brosowsky Realtor www.elphomes.com dawn@elp.rr.com Tail Wheel Training Spin Training Upset Recovery Training BFR/IPC Instrument Training Paid Advertisement Paid Advertisement MILITARY RELOCATION SPECIALIST Giving you peace of mind during your PCS Military spouse of over 17 years. Sam Dawson CFI/CFII/MEI/ATP Retired Military IP Airline Pilot Paid Advertisement Paid Advertisement 252-2121 samdawsoncfi.com or call (816)529-0358 Paid Advertisement Cottage Central Cabins Ruidoso, NM ruidosolodging.com 1-888-776-1591 Military Pricing as low as $49plus tax FIRST TIMERS NATIONAL MOAA SPECIALS SPECIAL 2007 ME TEN” ALL COMPONENTS - UNIFORMED SERVICES “GIVE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE ACTIVE COMMISSIONED AND WARRANT OFFICERS – FREE! UNDERWAY! RETIRED AND FORMER OFFICERS – TWO-FER SPECIAL! HTTP://ELPASOMOAA.ORG DETAILS AND APPLICATIONS AT CHAPTER WEB SITE SEE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS APPLICATIONS AT FORT BLISS O'CLUB CASHIER'S CAGE Paid Advertisement Paid Advertisement EL PASO CHAPTER POB 6144 FBT 79906-0144 Paid Advertisement bN | history U.S. Army Celebrates 233rd Birthday By Alex Sutphin, MWR marketing Assistant Summer of 1775- Tension between the newly formed colonies and Great Britain had been increasing for the last decade. The settlers were becoming more and more independent and loyalty to the crown was vanishing. The thirteen colonies had drafted their own individual written rules and feudalism- a regime type in which church and king ruled as the absolute power- was nonexistent. Additionally, the colonies widely frowned on the British parliament’s enforcement of several acts which attempted to control imports and exports; new and higher tax acts benefiting only the Crown; implementation of the Mutiny or Quartering Act; and other regulations violating the colonists’ fundamental rights. (The Mutiny Act required the colonist to furnish barracks or provide their home as living quarters for British troops.) Fifty-six delegates from every colony, except Georgia, met at the first Continental Congress in Philadelphia from September 5 through October 26, 1774. The Congress drafted a petition, “The Declaration of Rights and Resolves”, addressed to King George. Portions of this declaration later found their way into the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. This formal request called for colonial right of petition and assembly; trial by peers; freedom from a standing army; and the selection of a representative council to levy taxes. King George III refused to oblige which led to the Second Continental Congress in May of 1775. May 14, 1775 marks the official Birthday of the U.S. Army as representatives from all thirteen colonies present at the Congress agreed to establish a Continental Army with George Washington as Commander-In-Chief. As today, Soldiers in the Continental Army were citizens who had volunteered to serve the Nation, protect its citizens of foreign forces and fight for personal rights and liberties. The conflict between Britain and the colonies escalated when King George sent an additional 20,000 troops to quell the rebellion. The colonies had no choice other than to call for independence. Although a call for independence from Great Britain was equal to treason, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingston, Roger Sherman and Thomas Jefferson began work on a life changing and significant document. On the 4th of July, 1776, the Second Continental Congress voted to adopt the Declaration of Independence. This would be the document that would stand for all time, justifying the break with the crown 34 blissNOW www.blissmwr.com and clarifying the notion of Congress’ for a proper form of government. Proclaimed in the Declaration is a list of what the colonists thought were the unethical violation of their personal rights and liberties, which were detailed in the U.S. Constitution as the Bill of Rights at a later time. After the Declaration of Independence was signed and transmitted to King George III, the Revolutionary War was fought with a greater vengeance as it was the fight for freedom. Although the Declaration has become a most cherished expression of the American dream, another predicament surfaced. The new Nation was in need of a united government. The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt to create a stable document which presented a government reflecting the political philosophy of the late 1700’s. However, by 1784, a year after the end of the Revolutionary war, the Articles of Confederation which loosely tied the States together, proved to be ineffective. Realizing that a new conflict might arise and tear the nation apart, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and fiftythree other men with an incredible amount of economic, political, military, and educational experience composed a new Constitution. The Constitution was heavily influenced not only by the delegates’ experiences during the process of Independence, but also from past philosophers such as Thomas Hobb, John Locke, Baron de la Brède et de Montesquieu, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau and their theories of equality, check and balances of the government, and governments’ purpose to preserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.The Constitution became official on June 21, 1788. However, several States did not want to accept the Constitution unless it included the Bill of Rights- the first ten amendments- which were officially added in 1791. More information on the History of the U.S. Army and sister services, military history and U.S. History in general can be found “@ your library”: USASMA Learning Center, Mickelsen ADA School, and Mickelsen Community Library. References: The Army FM 1 (June 2005). Headquarters Department of the Army. The Continental Congress. (n.d.) The History Channel. http://www.history. com/minisite.do?content_type=Minisite_ Generic&content_type_id=832&display_ order=7&sub_display_order=3&mini_ id=1344 McCullough, D. (2006) 1776. Simon and Schuster Paperbacks. New York, N.Y. Morris, R.B. (1963) The Making of a Nation Volume 2: 1775 – 1789. New York, Time-Life Books National Museum of the Unites States Army and the Army Historical Foundation. http://www.armyhistory.org/ U.S. Army Center of Military History. http://www.history.army.mil/ To celebrate the U.S.Army’s Birthday, the Officers’ Club will feature a special Beef & Burgundy on June 11 and both the O’Club and Centennial will offer a free dessert during lunch hours on June 13. For more information, call 568-7013. The summer months of 1775 have left a remarkable footprint in the History of the United States, its people and military. However, most Americans today go through everyday life without reflecting on the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and importance of the U.S. Forces. Often, we do not realize that the liberty we have today resulted from people’s passion, unity and trust in fellow colonials, and the will to fight for their rights. Image courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZC4-9904 APARTMENTS Fully Furnished All Utilities Included Individual Leases 1,2,3 and 4 Bedroom Units Private Bathrooms Choose Your Roommate Game Room with Pool Tables & Poker Tables Business Center & Fitness Center Outdoor Recreation There is no PLACE like Independence Place Dryer St www.LiveAtIndependence.com Fort Bliss 7.5x10_2.indd 1 Fort Bliss Monroe Ave N Piedras St Alabama St Van Buren Ave 54 4011 Alabama Street El Paso, TX 79930 866-547-5223 FortBliss@PlaceProperties.com 1/25/08 2:43:22 PM Paid Advertisement 478 Harrison Ave El Paso Branches • 5050 N. 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