Newsletter Volume 2 Issue 3 d02
Newsletter Volume 2 Issue 3 d02
GAZETTE VOLUME 2 2008 OFFICERS SUMMER 2008 President’s Corner By Dennis Reddinger President: Vice President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Membership: Newsletter: Dennis Reddinger Scott Miller Dennis Fanale Kathy Armstrong Scott Sipe Ryan Lenker Dave Depeau Website Address 2008 Club Address Mustang Club of Central PA 3820 Cardinal Lane Dover, PA 17315 Membership Meetings 3rd Tuesday of each month @ 7:00pm Hoffman Ford 5200 Jonestown Road Harrisburg, PA MCCPA Charities of Choice for 2008 Victim/Witness Assistance Program Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Hello, Club members! Well another summer is flying by. We still have a lot of things coming up with the Club, so I hope you are enjoying your summer with family and friends and also showing off your Mustangs at all the local shows. We still have our big show coming up and other club things like Officer Elections in November. I know for sure I need one vicepresident position to fill, with Denny Fanale stepping down. Also we are looking for a new cruise-in spot in the Harrisburg area for next year, since Hollee’s closed up at the beginning of July. The La Piazza restaurant (located next door to where Hollee’s was) has graciously allowed us to hold our remaining 2008 Harrisburg area cruise-ins there. We still have one more Harrisburg area cruise-in, on August 17th. We also have been holding cruise-ins at Uncle Nick’s Diner in York on the last Wednesday of the month since April of this year. These have been a big success. The next Uncle Nick’s cruise-in will be on Wednesday August 27th. Well, that's all from me for now. I hope that I get to see some of you at some upcoming events. Enjoy the rest of your summer and happy Mustanging! -Dennis Editor’s Corner MCCPA Membership Meeting By Dave Depeau Tuesday May 20, 2008 Welcome everyone to the summer 2008 edition of the MCCPA newsletter. A lot has happened since the spring newsletter went out. We are now past the midpoint of 2008 and its car show season. There have been three monthly meetings since the last newsletter was sent out. The minutes of these meetings (May, June and July) are presented elsewhere in this issue. Of course, the overriding theme of these past few meetings has been about the club’s main activity for the year - its annual Mustang Rally. This year’s Mustang Rally will be held on Sunday August 31st at the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) Museum in Hershey, PA. The flyer for the show can be found on the club’s website. On the website’s main page, click on “Mustang Rally” on the lower right-hand side. This takes you to a page devoted to the show. From there, follow the directions on the page to download the show’s registration flyer. Volunteers are still needed to help with the show! Please contact one of the club officers listed on the show flyer if you are able to assist with the show. As I have said in each of my columns, the club needs the participation of all its members, not just the officers and committee members, to continue to grow and be fun for everyone. You don’t need any experience to help with the show. All that is needed is a bit of your time and the desire to play a part in the club’s direction. Another point worth repeating is that using the club’s website forum to chat with other members or distribute information about upcoming shows, members, vehicle issues, etc. is a great way to stay in touch with one another between meetings and events. Please remember to take advantage of the site and use the forums. Finally, regular readers of this column know how I have harped on the need for articles for the newsletter. I asked for your help to make the club newsletter more interesting by contributing your human interest stories for the newsletter. I said that these didn’t need to be very long. A paragraph or two would be fine. I am happy to report that your response has been great so far! I have plenty of interesting items now to use in this and future newsletters. Even though I have plenty of material at the moment, I ask that you continue to send me your submissions. Remember, this is YOUR newsletter. Just e-mail your material to me at See you at the meetings!!! -Dave Submitted by Kathy Armstrong Call to Order: The regular meeting of the Mustang Club of Central Pennsylvania was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Vice President Dennis Fanale, on May 20, 2008, at Hoffman Ford, Harrisburg, PA. There were fifteen members present. The vice president stated that the president was attending a viewing and would be in attendance shortly. Minutes of the April 15, 2008 Meeting: Kathy Armstrong read the minutes of the April 15, 2008 meeting as they appeared in the newsletter; Dave Depeau moved and Mike Cole seconded the motion to accept the minutes as read. Treasurer's Report: Scott Sipe read the treasurer’s report stating that we had a beginning balance of $2254.68, income from membership and merchandise sales of $184.00, expenses of show purchases/ merchandise of $761.00, with an ending balance of $1677.68. Carlene Warner moved and Barry Klunk seconded the motion to accept the treasurer’s report as read. Old Business: Several announcements were made regarding the flyer on the website, York paper, food/ merchant vendors, dyno, and other considerations for the August show; Kathy Armstrong announced that we can use the Hershey Region (AACA) parking lot. Their president stated he would run it by their board but he saw no problem. In other old business several voiced that the newsletter was great; Dave Depeau stated that about a dozen newsletters came back so it was suggested to send them to their mailing addresses to get updates; Dave also said we need to keep the newsletter to its current size otherwise you can experience email glitches; Denny Fanale said he would duplicate a few for Uncle Nick’s Cruise In. Several members announced upcoming shows or cruise-ins and also that the club would have a tent at Carlisle on June 7, 2008 at the All-Ford Nationals. A brief discussion followed about new name cards, flyers, applications, contacting vendors for goody bag contributions (Meguiar’s, Hagerty’s, Hemmings, etc.). We will have an ad in MUSTANG TIMES and on MCA’s website. (Please see MAY MEETING on page3) 2 (MAY MEETING Continued from page 2) Upcoming MCCPA Cruises The club will hold a cruise-in on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at Uncle Nick’s Diner, 1160 Haines Road, York, PA 17042 starting at 5:30pm. There will be five cash awards given out at this cruise. Also, donations will be accepted for Juvenile Diabetes. In addition, the club has one cruise-in scheduled this year at the La Piazza restaurant next door to the former Hollee’s Café. (This is just off of Paxton Street, about 3/4 mile east of the Harrisburg Mall.) This cruise-in will be on Saturday August 16th from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Be sure to visit the calendar at the club’s website ( for the very latest information and for downloadable flyers of these and other club events. If you have changed your email over the past year, please send an email with your name in the subject line to the attention of both Scott Sipe and Dave Depeau. Scott and I will use this information to update our email list of members. This will enable Scott (via the webpage) and myself (via the newsletter) to keep the membership updated on club information and impromptu car shows by using mass emailing. This will also allow the Board to keep members up-to-date with breaking information as quickly as possible . You can send your email to the attention of Scott Sipe at and to the me (Dave DePeau) at MCCPA Membership Meeting It was stated that the website has the old logo and that it must be used because of our bylaws. It was moved by Kevin Buecher and seconded by Carlene Warner that we proceed with a change to the bylaws so that we can use the new logo. Motion carried. New Business: Dennis Reddinger joined us and displayed the new banner at a cost of $160.00. It was met with great approval. Discussion ensued regarding flyers and signs, volunteer chair, the same charity as last year, trophies (AMC), sixteen classes (club and regular classes); members were asked to sign up no later than the end of July if you are going to help with the show and that we should all wear club shirts; a cut-off date will need to be determined for show entries; Scott Sipe mentioned that he has been contacted by the Ford Mustang Club Center, an arm of Ford Thunderbird. It was discussed and decided that fees for members for the Show – if they are working – will be ½ price because the club cannot do it for free because of the expenses involved. After discussing several vendors and types of food, it was decided that we need contracts with vendors and they need to be charged – amount to be determined. It was also decided that we need an itemized budget. Adjournment: It was moved by Dave Depeau and seconded by Sam Armstrong that the meeting be adjourned. There was no objection and the president adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen H. Armstrong Recording Secretary MCCPA Membership Meeting Tuesday June 17, 2008 Tuesday July 15, 2008 Submitted by Kathy Armstrong Submitted by Kathy Armstrong Call to Order: The regular meeting of the Mustang Club of Central Pennsylvania was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the President, Dennis Reddinger, on June 17, 2008, at Hoffman Ford, Harrisburg, PA. There were thirteen members present. Call to Order: The treasurer, Scott Sipe, called the regular meeting of the Mustang Club of Central Pennsylvania to order at 7:15 pm on July 15, 2008, at Hoffman Ford, Harrisburg, PA. There were twelve members and one guest present. Minutes of the May 20, 2008 Meeting: Kathy Armstrong read the minutes of the May 20, 2008 meeting; Scott Miller moved and Dave Depeau seconded the motion to Minutes of the June 17, 2008 Meeting: Kathy Armstrong read the minutes of the June 17, 2008 meeting; Dave Depeau moved and Dennis Reddinger (Please see JUNE MEETING on page 4) 3 (Please see JULY MEETING on page 4) (JUNE MEETING Continued from page 3) (JULY MEETING Continued from page 3) accept the minutes as read. seconded the motion to accept the minutes as read. Treasurer’s Report: Scott Sipe read the treasurer’s report stating that we had a beginning balance of $1677.68, no new income, and expenses of $169.68 for advertising, leaving an ending balance of $1508.00. The report was accepted as read. Treasurer’s Report: Scott Sipe read the treasurer’s report stating that we had a beginning balance of $1508.00, income of $995.00 (125.00 new members, 94.00 merchandise sales, 28.00 show registrations, 748.00 other show revenue), expenses of $125.40 (postage/supplies $30.00, website $95.40), leaving an ending balance of $2377.50. Dave Depeau moved and Carlene Warner seconded the motion to accept the report as read. Committee Reports: Dave Depeau reported that a few items have been submitted and that the next newsletter would go out toward the end of July. Cathy Klunk stated that she has contacted approximately twenty people/ companies and has received three items; she has also contacted Hollee’s. Denny Fanale reported that eight to twelve people have signed up as volunteers for the Mustang Show. Dennis Reddinger and Scott Miller will contact car dealers and CJ Pony Parts as potential sponsors; they reiterated that sponsors are critical. Old Business: The president stated that club merchandise may only be sold through club members. Regarding membership, he stated that a personal letter would be sent to everyone that joined this year explaining the membership renewal/new member dues structure. All new members (that is those that joined in 2008 at $25.00) will be extended through 2009 and that everyone is going to receive a membership card for the year 2009; dates are on the applications so they can be tracked. Scott Sipe noted that he would submit the application for small games of chance (such as 50/50, etc.) and a Sales tax exemption application. He is also pursuing with Penn Dot the possibility of a Mustang Club license plate. Scott stated that he is negotiating with more than one food vendor, with a photographer, a small tools vendor, dyno vendor, and that contracts to Bumper Bob’s are in the mail with a $100.00 fee going to the club and 10% of their sales going to a charity. Kevin Buecher reported that the new membership flyer would be available to hand out at our show. He had a sample that was passed around for all to see. New Business: The president clarified the fee for the Mustang Show as follows: if you are a club member and working the show, and you park with the club, you do not pay any fee; if you are a club member and not working the show, you will pay $7.00; if you park in the judging area, it will be the preregistration fee of $14.00. Also, if you sign up to work you must be there. Dennis Fanale stated that there is an effort underway to cruise from Uncle Nick’s to the Milton Hershey (Please see JUNE MEETING on page 5) 4 Committee Reports: Newsletter: Dave Depeau reported that he has received a few submissions for the newsletter and that he hopes to have the next issue out the first week of August. Kathy Armstrong said only a couple of surveys have been returned. Scott Sipe will report on his trip to Myrtle Beach. Website: It was suggested that a main page be created for our new flyer so that it can be downloaded. Scott Sipe reiterated that you must be a registered user and logged on, otherwise you can only view; he stated there are ten to fifteen new users; the merchandise information will be removed. Membership: A brief discussion ensued regarding membership and there was a consensus that the distribution of the new flyer will help the membership grow. In response to a question, it was stated that we have between 75 and 100 members. Mustang Show (rally): It was stated that Bumper Bob’s is a definite no for this year; Scott Sipe noted that the food vendor (Grove Family Caterers) has been secured and contracts signed; the menu was distributed for all to see; Sam Armstrong noted that he got two class sponsorships from KoKoMos East; Dennis Reddinger noted that Jenna Reddinger will help get gifts; Denny Fanale stated that there will be a free tee shirt for all workers. He would be getting prices from a couple of sources in the next few days. Dennis Reddinger stated that the main sponsor would be on the shirts and other sponsors would be listed on a goody bag handout. Additional donations were received from Scott Sipe, Dave Depeau, and Kathy and Sam Armstrong. Some discussion centered on class signs, voting ballots, show set-up on Saturday at 6 pm, and to have the next meeting at the AACA Museum if it is available. An inquiry was made about the bake sale at the show. The president stated he would check to see if the Victims of Domestic (Please see JULY MEETING on page 5) (JUNE MEETING Continued from page 4) (JULY MEETING Continued from page 4) school to join them for the Juvenile Diabetes Walk; Uncle Nick’s will probably add more prizes. Violence would be doing it again. A reminder was given that volunteers are still needed. Nothing has been forthcoming as yet regarding the Lancaster Barn Stormers. Old Business: Sales Tax Exemption: Scott Sipe reported that our request was denied because we do not do enough charitable work or support. Adjournment: The president adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen H. Armstrong Secretary _______________________________________________ CJ Pony Parts Hosts Grabber Orange Mustangs Small Games of Chance: Scott Sipe reported that we do have our permit for the 50/50 for the Mustang Show. He did not get a yearly permit because of our limited use -- $100.00 versus $10.00. New Membership Flyer: The president and all present complimented Kevin Buecher on the new flyer. New Business: Announcements: Dennis Reddinger announced the Cruise In for Saturday, July 19, 2008 would be at the pizza restaurant just a couple of doors from Hollee’s Ice Cream. Denny Fanale reminded everyone about the Cruise In at Uncle The following article was prepared and submitted by Bev Fauth. Her and her husband Ed are the proud owners of a Nick’s in York on Wed., July 30, 2008. Dave 2007 Grabber Orange Mustang GT convertible. Depeau stated that he handed out flyers at CJs and another show. He said that CarOn May 17, 2008 CJ Pony Parts hosted the 2nd Annual is a good link for show inforSpring Grabber Orange (GO) Northeast Rally. The first mation. was held in May of 2007 in Wilkes-Barre, PA. A Fall Rally was held in Scranton, PA in September 2007 and about 24 GO Mustangs attended. Saturday May 17th was the day 44 Grabber Orange Mustangs and 1 Grabber Orange Ford Ranger converged at CJ Pony Parts in Harrisburg, PA. The day started out sunny as the Grabber Orange Mustangs began pulling into CJ’s parking lot shortly after 8:00 AM. There were “GO” machines from all over; Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Florida, West Virginia, New York and Massachusetts were just some of the states represented. The rally was organized on which was begun by Stan Yedlowski of Gibbsboro, NJ in December, 2006. BOGO (Brothers of Grabber Orange) machine owners use the site to talk about their machine and plan future events all around the country. Many photos were taken and of course we had plenty of opportunities to look at what other folks have done to their (Please see GRABBER ORANGE on page 6) 5 Election: Denny Fanale reminded everyone that nominations for new officers will be held in October and the election will be in November. CJs Customer Appreciation Day: Dennis Reddinger thanked everyone for their participation. We had approximately twenty cars. He also thanked Renee Armstrong (Sam and Kathy Armstrong’s granddaughter) for leading us to CJs and for the parking accommodations. Adjournment: The president adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen H. Armstrong Recording Secretary Ponies On The Go (GRABBER ORANGE Continued from page 5) cars and to get more ideas for our own. CJ’s graciously provided free refreshments and gave tours of their new facility. They also provided a “Cherry Picker” to enable us to take aerial photos of the rally. Following are some brief write-ups submitted by some of our club member on Mustang-related trips that they have taken since our last newsletter was published. From Barry Klunk comes the following: “Just thought I would drop you a line and let you know how we've been making out at car shows so far this year. May 4, 2008-Gene Latta Ford in Hanover, PA-We took 1st place with our 2004 Mustang GT Convertible-19942004 stock convertible class. June 8, 2008-Carlisle All Ford Nationals-We took 1st place with our 1994 Boss Shinoda Mustang-All year Boss Shinoda Class. June 15, 2008-Fabulous Fords for Fathers Day-by North Central Mustang Club at Indian Park, Montoursville, PA, We took 2nd place with our 2004 Mustang GT Convertible1994-2004 stock convertible class.” Bob Schaeffer sent us the following story: “May 9th I was at the Mustang Collective 2nd Annual Buckeye Brawl up at Norwalk, Ohio. I ran my best time that day, but no time slip. When I got to the timeslip keeper, he handed me a piece of paper that looked something like this: @@%$%^(*&)())HY)(YG&*&$%$%D%$^% $&^E&^D^$^#&^&^T&R%^#^$R&O*UILKVK:JOIH) (*)_*_+}+}{L:KJ)(*_O}O{I)*+_(+( )+(U)((*&(*^*&% ^$*&%*)(^(_)_+(+&*(^*&%*$*&()&)_*+ He informed me that the computer had stopped working. He thought that when the computer came back up it work produce my timeslip, but it didn't. I did not know it at the time that this was my best time ever. Thanks to Larry Jewett (Editor of Mustang Enthusiast Magazine) had taken a picture of me with the tower showing the time and speed.” Bob submitted this picture with his story. You can find it at the top of the next page. Mind you, Bob’s Mustang is a naturally-aspirated V-6! (Please see ON THE GO on page 7) 6 We then took our cars for a ride down to Culhane’s Steak House for a great steak dinner. Later that evening we met at Kokomo’s Sports Bar to view the videos of our cars arriving and leaving CJ’s as well as some from the fall rally in Scranton last September. It was awesome to see all of those Grabber Orange machines all gathered in one place as well as traveling down the highway together. A comment was made the Monday after the event to a fellow GO Machine owner who did not get to the event that there were “hundreds” of Orange Mustangs going down I-83 the previous Saturday. Amazingly, of all 44 Mustangs that attended, no two were alike; everyone was unique in some way. There was a 2001 Mustang that started life as a Black Mustang but was repainted Grabber Orange. A Ford Ranger showed up in Grabber Orange, but the one that stole the show was a 1968 Mustang Fastback in Grabber Orange, it must be the fashion statement of the year. This is a really neat group to be associated with and the guys that organize these events are awesome. It takes a lot of hard work to organize these events and to have everything run so smoothly. We are looking forward to the next Grabber Orange Rally, which will probably be in the fall. It will probably be even better than the previous ones. Anyone who has a Grabber Orange Mustang should check out the site and think about taking part in future rallies. The website is Also, Mark has a website to purchase Mustang merchandise at You can view many pictures and videos from the Rallies on the site. saw here) to me at And please don’t hesitate to submit feature-length articles as well. Bev Fauth did just this. The Grabber Orange Mustangs at CJ’s article in this newsletter was written by her. It’s a great article. Thanks, Bev! I will try to work articles submitted by members into the newsletters as space permits. (ON THE GO Continued from page 6) Thanks to everyone that has submitted information to me, and for sharing it with the club! Please keep it coming, and I will keep publishing it! Member Profiles And Scott Sipe submitted the following information regarding his recent trip to Mustang Week at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina: “Myrtle Beach Mustang Week was a blast!!! There was a great turnout at Planet Hollywood, fun was had driving around the NASCAR approved Myrtle Beach Speedway track and the car show today was attended by approximately 430 Mustangs!!! On a small note, my 2005 GT actually won an award at today's show. I would have never bet on it since it is only mildly modified.” Following is one of the photos that Scott submitted along with this. Congratulations to Barry, Bob and Scott!! As regular readers of our newsletter will remember, in our last newsletter (Spring 2008) we included a Member Survey form and asked our members to complete this and return it to us. We have received several of these now, and are presenting two of them here for your reading pleasure. John McCall John McCall of York, Pennsylvania is a sales manager for Chesapeake Homes, Inc. He is the proud owner of a 2005 Mustang GT Premium that he has owned for three years. I want to continue to do a write-ups like these on Mustang-related trips that club members take. As you can see from what I’ve included here, these could be car shows, cruise-ins, trips to a race track, etc. Please e-mail information about these items (along with pictures, like you Modifications to his Mustang include an intake cover by Midwest and a Magna-Flow cat-back exhaust system, both installed by CJ Pony Parts of Harrisburg, PA. John has also added chrome Bullitt wheels with spinner caps to his torch red pony that has an Aberdeen two-tone (red/black) interior. Additionally, his Stang has white painted stripes and a California Mustang hood scoop with paint and installation done by Carl Beasley Ford of York, PA. An auto-dim rearview mirror with temperature display (Please see MEMBER PROFILES on page 8) 7 (MEMBER PROFILES Continued from page 7) (Ford Parts), retro “GT-580” rocker panel stripe kit from Graphic Express installed by Paul Street, SS hood pins, and sequential taillight turn signals complete his modifications. John confesses that his best friend for fourteen years was a male black Lab/Collie mix named Codie. R.I.P. He regularly reads Mustang Times, the monthly magazine of the Mustang Club of America and True West magazine, likes novels with a western theme and his favorite book or magazine is Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords. The Pittsburgh Steelers are his favorite team and one of the sports venues that he watches on television when he is not reading. Enjoying his grandson play baseball, car shows, and firearms shooting are his favorite outdoor activities. John likes to listen to country or classic rock music, especially his favorite artist Hank Williams Jr. “Two and a Half Men” is his favorite TV show and “Tombstone” and “Bullitt” are his most loved movies. He also likes the television shows “24” and “Sopranos.” John’s other interest is “Yesterday’s Country,” his own country music band. His culinary choice is steak and potatoes and he likes to eat at The Embers in York, Pa. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico is his favorite vacation destination and we’re guessing he shares this with his wife Tifanee. clear bumper reflectors, chrome taillight trim, driving light bezels, shorty custom antenna, a hood lift kit, white mirror covers, rear blackout panel, daytime running lights, front turn signal clear corners (clear with stealth bulbs), LED 3rd brake light (clear), Steeda billet A/C knobs (satin), billet speaker covers, cupholder trim, shift boot trim, map light trim (Shelby w/passive drive sensor), lock knob grommet covers, Ford Racing stainless door sill plates, Ford GT start switch, chrome power steering cap cover, chrome strut tower nut covers, chrome fuse box cover, and black radiator extension covers complete his modifications. Don and his wife are the happy owners of a border collie named Kipp. Don’s favorite magazines are Mustang Times, Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords, Do It Yourself, and Healey Marque. His favorite indoor activity is doit-yourself projects, and his favorite outdoor activity is boating. Don holds a USCG Master License. The Pittsburgh Steelers are his favorite team and one of the sports venues that he watches on television when he is not reading. Enjoying his grandson play baseball, car shows, and firearms shooting are his favorite outdoor activities. Don likes a variety of music styles and his favorite form of entertainment is going to shows. “CSI Miami” is his favorite TV show and he likes action movies and TV shows. Don’s favorite food is crab cakes and he likes to eat at OutBack. Thanks for letting us take a peek at your life, John! Thanks for sharing your info with us, Don! Don Zielke Don Zielke of Hellam, PA works for Ross Technology Corporation in Leola, PA. He and his wife Glenda are the proud owners of a Performance White 2007 Mustang GT California Special convertible that they have owned since they bought it new from Beasley Ford in York, PA. Engine modifications to his Mustang include a Ford Racing X-pipe, Ford Racing axle-back exhaust, GMS air intake, Roush short-throw shifter, Steeda underdrive pulley, factory GT plenum and fuel rail covers. His suspension modifications include the Ford Racing handling pack, GT500 lower control arms, and a Ford Racing tubular steel brace. His pony rides on the 18 inch factory GT/CS wheels and tires. The car has a host of exterior and interior mods, including 8 We would like to continue to profile members in future issues of our newsletter. Accordingly, we are asking that, if have not already done so, you complete the Member Survey found on pages 10 and 11 of the Spring 2008 newsletter and return it to Kathy Armstrong, Secretary, 6627-B terrace way, Harrisburg, Pa 17111. If you would like to add any information not asked for, please feel free to do so (on the back or on an additional sheet of paper). I think that you will agree that these profiles both help us to get better acquainted with our fellow club members and help to make our newsletter more interesting. Thanks! Member’s Information Update If you have moved, changed your phone number or email address, please forward this information to so we can keep our membership database up to date to make sure you receive all club correspondence. News Editor’s Note: Ford has recently announced a whole host of BOLD MOVES (sorry, I couldn’t resist ☺) in response to the dramatic changes that have occurred in the automotive landscape due to the dramatic run-up in fuel prices since the beginning of this year. Therefore, as I did in the previous newsletter, I am going to run some news that applies to Ford as a whole, rather than specific to the Mustang. However, this article does briefly mention the Mustang. In addition, much of the technology spoken of in the article will find its way into future Mustangs, so I felt it was newsworthy. I have put the relevant information in bold type to make it easier to find. The following article is reprinted from a July 24, 2008 press release issued by Ford at their media website http:// Specifically, this article can be found at the following link: article_display.cfm?article_id=28660 Membership Many of our MCCPA club members are also Mustang Club of America (MCA) members and enjoy the benefits the MCA provides. We encourage every member to visit the MCA website, at http:// and consider becoming a MCA member as well. If you were not a member of the MCA when you first joined and you are now, please provide the club with your MCA member number. FORD ACCELERATES TRANSFORMATION PLAN WITH SMALL CAR OFFENSIVE, MANUFACTURING REALIGNMENT • Ford adding new fuel-efficient small cars and crossovers to North American product lineup • Six European small vehicles coming to North America from global B-car and C-car platforms • Three large truck and SUV plants converting to small cars; retooling begins this December • Ford, Lincoln and Mercury lineup to be almost completely upgraded by end of 2010 • Ford plans to be the best or among the best in fuel economy with every new product in its segment • Hybrid vehicle production and lineup to double in 2009 • Capacity for North American four-cylinder engines to double by 2011 • Ford, Lincoln and Mercury confirmed in company’s North American brand portfolio DEARBORN, Mich., July 24, 2008 – Ford Motor Company [NYSE: F] today announced a significant acceleration of its transformation plan with the addition of several new fuel-efficient small vehicles in North America and a realignment of its North American manufacturing. (Please see TRANSFORMATION PLAN on page 10) 9 Web Information and Updates At the club’s July meeting (see pages 3 to 5 for the meeting minutes) , it was suggested that a link be created on the club website’s main page for the club’s Mustang Rally. Scott Sipe, our webmaster, has done this. The main webpage now has a link on the bottom navigation bar to show the Mustang Rally information, including being able to download the club’s flyer for this. This information has replaced the merchandise information. The website is a great place to attach information, especially PDF files of various car shows, cruises, etc. Please be aware, however, that you must be a registered user of the club’s website and be logged onto the website to be able to view attachments. Visitors and registered website users that are not logged on will not be able to view attachments. So, to get the most out of using the club’s website, be sure that you are a registered user and that you always log on when viewing it. (TRANSFORMATION PLAN Continued from page 9) The actions represent a considerable shift in Ford’s North American product plans and investments toward smaller vehicles and fuel-efficient powertrains in both the nearand mid-term in line with rapid changes in customer buying preferences. In addition to bringing six small vehicles to North America from the company’s acclaimed European lineup, Ford is accelerating the introduction of fuel-efficient EcoBoost and all-new four-cylinder engines, boosting hybrid production and converting three existing truck and SUV plants for small car production, beginning this December. “We continue to take fast and decisive action implementing our plan and responding to the rapidly changing business environment,” said Ford President and CEO Alan Mulally. “Ford is moving aggressively using our global product strengths to introduce additional smaller vehicles in North America and to provide outstanding fuel economy with every new product.” Mulally said the company is more focused than ever on its transformation plan, which calls for: • Aggressively restructuring to operate profitably at the current demand and changing model mix • Accelerating the development of new products that customers want and value • Financing the plan and improving the balance sheet • Working together effectively as one team, leveraging Ford’s global assets “The progress we have made in working together to create a ‘One Ford’ global enterprise during the past two years gives us a unique competitive advantage in today’s environment,” Mulally said. “We are in a stronger position than ever to leverage Ford’s global assets to address the North American business environment. We also are building on the past few years of progress in continuously improving our quality, reducing our cost structure and introducing strong new products.” Aggressively Restructuring Ford will convert three existing North American truck and SUV plants for small car production, with the first conversion beginning this December. The moves are in addition to Ford’s announcements in May and June that it is reducing its North American production plans for large trucks and SUVs for the remainder of 2008, as well as increasing production of smaller cars and crossovers. 10 “We are transforming Ford’s North American manufacturing operations into a lean, flexible system that is fully competitive with the best in the business,” said Mark Fields, Ford president of The Americas. “We remain committed to matching our capacity with real consumer demand, and we are equipping nearly all of our assembly plants with flexible body shops, ensuring we can respond quickly to changing consumer tastes. “In addition, we are adding four-cylinder engine capacity to meet the growing consumer demand, while expanding production of our new EcoBoost engines, six-speed transmissions and other fuel-saving technologies,” Fields said. Among the manufacturing realignment actions: • Michigan Truck Plant in Wayne, Mich., which currently builds the Ford Expedition and Lincoln Navigator full-size SUVs, will be converted beginning this December to production of small cars derived from Ford’s global C-car platform in 2010. • Production of the Ford Expedition and Lincoln Navigator will be moved to the Kentucky Truck Plant in Louisville, Ky., early next year. • Cuautitlan Assembly Plant in Mexico, which currently produces F-Series pickups, will be converted to begin production of the new Fiesta small car for North America in early 2010. • Louisville (Ky.) Assembly Plant, which builds the Ford Explorer mid-size SUV, will be converted to produce small vehicles from Ford’s global C-car platform beginning in 2011. • Twin Cities (Minn.) Assembly Plant – which was scheduled to close in 2009 – will continue production of the Ford Ranger through 2011 to meet consumer demand for the compact pickup. • As previously announced, Kansas City Assembly Plant this year will add a third crew to its small utility line for the Ford Escape, Escape Hybrid and Mercury Mariner and Mariner Hybrid. In tandem with the realignments, Ford will continue to offer targeted hourly buyouts at its U.S. plants and facilities, working with the UAW to secure competitive employment levels. Ford also said it remains on track to reduce salaried-related costs by 15 percent in North America by Aug. 1. Ford North America still expects to reduce annual (Please see TRANSFORMATION PLAN on page 11) (TRANSFORMATION PLAN Continued from page 10) operating costs by $5 billion by the end of 2008 – at constant volume, mix and exchange, and excluding special items – compared with 2005. In addition, the company said it plans to continue to reduce structural costs beyond 2008. The company also confirmed Ford, Lincoln and Mercury will remain in its North American brand portfolio. Ford said it will work with its dealers to broaden and accelerate its dealer consolidations, which will result in a dealer network that reflects the changing industry size and model mix. Ford also updated its current North American planning assumptions, which include: • • U.S. economic recovery to begin by early 2010 U.S. industry sales to return to trend levels as the economy returns to health • Product mix changes are permanent, but some recovery will occur from the current share-ofindustry for full-size pickups – though not back to levels experienced previously – as the economy and housing sector recover • Oil prices to remain volatile and high • No near-term relief from current level of commodity prices • About 14 percent U.S. market share for Ford, Lincoln and Mercury brands Accelerating New Products Ford is adding several new North American products in the near- and mid-term, and shifting from a primary emphasis on large trucks and SUVs to smaller and more fuel-efficient vehicles. By the end of 2010, two-thirds of spending will be on cars and crossovers – up from one-half today. “We are accelerating the development of the new products customers want and value,” Mulally said. “We sell some of the best vehicles in the world in our profitable European and Asian operations, and we will bring many of them to North America on top of our already aggressive product plans.” The new products include six European small vehicles to be introduced in North America by the end of 2012. Ford’s acclaimed European products are set apart by their world-class driving dynamics, exciting design and outstanding quality. North America on a foundation of small, fuel-efficient cars and crossovers that will set new standards for quality, fuel economy, product features and refinement,” Fields said. The Ford, Lincoln, Mercury line will be almost completely upgraded by the end of 2010, including: • 2009 Ford F-150, on sale in late fall with the most capability, most choice and most smart features of any full-size pickup, and with more than a 7 percent fuel economy improvement • 2010 Ford Fusion, Mercury Milan, Lincoln MKZ sedans, on sale in early 2009, with Fusion’s and Milan’s four-cylinder fuel economy expected to top Honda Accord and Toyota Camry • 2010 Ford Fusion Hybrid and Mercury Milan Hybrid, beginning production late this year and on sale in early 2009 – with fuel economy expected to top the Toyota Camry hybrid • New Ford Mustang – coupe, convertible, and glassroof models – in early 2009 • New Ford Taurus sedan – with EcoBoost engine and even more advanced safety and convenience technologies – in mid-2009 • New European Transit Connect small multi-purpose van in mid-2009 • New Lincoln seven-passenger crossover – with EcoBoost engine – in mid-2009 • New European Ford Fiesta, in both four- and fivedoor versions, in early 2010 • New European Ford Focus, in both four- and fivedoor versions, in 2010 • New Mercury small car in 2010 • New European small vehicle that will be a “whitespace” entry in North America in 2010 • Next-generation Ford Explorer – with unibody construction, EcoBoost, six-speed, weight savings and improved aerodynamics for up to 25 percent better fuel economy – in 2010 With every new product, Ford expects to be the best or among the best for fuel economy. This is aided by one of the most extensive powertrain upgrades ever for Ford. By the end of 2010, nearly all of Ford’s North American engines will be upgraded or replaced. In addition, within two years, nearly all of Ford’s North American lineup will offer fuel-saving six-speed automatic transmissions. The improvements build on several Ford fuel economy leaders today, such as: “While we have no intention of giving up our longtime truck leadership, we are creating a new Ford in (Please see TRANSFORMATION PLAN on page 12) 11 (TRANSFORMATION PLAN Continued from page 11) • 2009 Ford Flex, which is the most fuel-efficient standard seven-passenger vehicle on the market, topping the 2009 Honda Pilot • 2009 Ford Focus, with highway fuel economy of up to 35 mpg – better than the smaller 2008 Honda Fit and 2009 Nissan Versa SL and a key reason Focus retail sales are up 50 percent • 2009 Escape, with a new 2.5-liter four-cylinder engine and six-speed transmission delivering best-inclass highway fuel economy of 28 mpg – ahead of Toyota RAV4 and Honda CR-V • 2009 Ford Escape Hybrid, delivering 34 mpg in the city and 31 mpg on the highway, making it the most fuel-efficient utility vehicle available Coming in 2009 are the first applications of Ford’s new EcoBoost engines. EcoBoost uses gasoline turbocharged direct-injection technology for up to 20 percent better fuel economy, up to 15 percent fewer CO2 emissions and superior driving performance versus larger-displacement engines. EcoBoost V-6 engines will be introduced on several vehicles next year, beginning with the Lincoln MKS and Ford Taurus sedans, and Ford Flex crossover. Four-cylinder EcoBoost engines will debut in 2010 in both North America and Europe. Ford will offer EcoBoost on more than 80 percent of its North American lineup by the end of 2012. Ford also plans to double capacity for North American four-cylinder engines to more than 1 million units by 2011, to meet the consumer trend toward downsized engines for fuel economy. The smaller engines will deliver significant fuel savings. In addition, Ford plans to double its hybrid volume and offerings next year – and is looking to expand further going forward. Production of the all-new 2010 Ford Fusion Hybrid and Mercury Milan Hybrid begins in December – with fuel economy expected to top the Toyota Camry hybrid. With these new models, the Ford Escape Hybrid – now in its fifth year of production – and the Mercury Mariner Hybrid, Ford will offer four hybrid vehicles. That will make Ford the largest domestic producer of full hybrid vehicles in North America, second only to Toyota in sales volume. Ford also is introducing six-speeds with PowerShift that offers the fuel economy of a manual transmission and convenience of an automatic; start-stop engines that shut off when the vehicle stops; electric power steering; direct injection, and Twin Independent Variable Cam Timing engines. These technologies will be progressively introduced within the North American lineup by 2012. “One Ford” Driving Ford’s product transformation is the company’s “One Ford” global product development vision, which will deliver more vehicles worldwide from fewer core platforms, further reduce costs and allow for the increased use of common parts and systems. In the next five years, Ford will build more than 1 million vehicles a year worldwide off its global B-car platform and nearly 2 million units worldwide off its global C-car platform. “Ford is investing most where consumer growth is taking place – and that’s in highly fuel-efficient global small cars,” said Derrick Kuzak, Ford group vice president of Global Product Development. “One of every four vehicles in the world today is a ‘C’ or Ford Focus-sized vehicle, and we expect the segment to grow more than 20 percent to 6 million units in North America and 25 million worldwide by 2012. We see similar strong growth in the Bsegment, where the Fiesta competes.” With Ford’s global product development plan, all of the company’s vehicles competing in global segments will be common in North America, Europe and Asia within five years. In addition to B- and C-sized small cars, the company’s Fusion- and Mondeo-sized C/D cars and utilities will be common globally. The same will be true for commercial vans. Ford said it is uniquely positioned to take advantage of its scale, already acclaimed global products and the strength of the Ford brand around the world to respond to the current changing marketplace and to begin to grow profitably. The company said its success in growing market share and profits with smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles in Europe is now the template around the world. “We remain absolutely committed to creating an exciting, viable Ford going forward – and to transforming Ford into a lean global enterprise delivering profitable growth over the long term,” Mulally said. “We continue to make progress on every element of our transformation plan, and we are taking decisive steps in the near term to ensure our long-term success.” 12 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Due to space limitations this time around, I am not going to include a list of events EXCEPT for the club’s Mustang Rally. Please register (if you haven’t already done so) and LOG IN to the club’s website and view the calendar and the forums for information on all of the club’s events and on a variety of non-club events. – Dave MCCPA Club Events Mustang Club of Central PA Car Show: Sunday, August 31 at the Antique Automobile Club of America Museum. Show hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Registration is from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Full details and downloadable flyer available on the club’s website. Nomination Form Presented on the next page is the official nomination form for the club’s Board and Committee positions. Board positions include President, Vice President (2 positions), Secretary and Treasurer. Committee positions include Membership and Club Newsletter. The election will be held at the club’s November 20th monthly meeting at Hoffman Ford in Harrisburg. Please e-mail the completed form to Scott Sipe, the club’s webmaster, at or bring it along with you to the November 20th meeting. Remember, this is YOUR club. The direction it takes depends on YOU. So be sure take an active part in this process by completing this form and taking part in the club’s election. And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor Hagerty Insurance has graciously agreed to donate goody bags for our club’s Mustang Rally. In return, they have asked us to place their ad in our newsletter. You can find their ad on page 15 of this newsletter. Also, be sure to check out Hagerty’s Car Club Central website. This site offers membership building ideas, articles for newsletters, free brochures and pamphlets, meeting ideas and more. You can find their Car Club Central website at Thanks, Hagerty! 13 14 15 M u s t a n g C l u b o f C e n t r a l P A G a z e t t e 5 2 3 0 W o o d l a w n H a r r i s b u r g , P A D r i v e 1 7 1 0 9 See inside for: President’s Corner Club Meeting Minutes Member Profiles More!!!! Look for the next edition of the Mustang Club of Central PA Gazette in November 2008!!! CLUB EVENT La Piazza Cruise-In July 19, 2008 16