The German Cultural Society of Erie, Pennsylvania


The German Cultural Society of Erie, Pennsylvania
The German Cultural Society of Erie, Pennsylvania
Newsletter: November 2015 Printer: Gannon University Press / Website:
The mission of The German Cultural Society of Erie, Pennsylvania, is to preserve German values,
customs, language and music through education and activities. The German Cultural Society of Erie,
Pennsylvania, aims to unite German-Americans and to share our German culture in the community
through special events and charitable functions.
Meeting Location and Date:
All are invited to attend our meetings and events. We meet the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM at the
Erie Männerchor Club, 1607 State St. in Erie.
Officers - 2015:
Board of Directors - 2015:
Paul Fischer,
Rose Hill
Betty Schubert
Vice President
Wayne Koble
Carol George
Charles Roehrl
Tim Donlin
Tom Laska,
Bill Schubert
Board Secretary
Betty Schubert
Ways & Means:
Carol George
Wayne Koble
Christian Mueller
Nancy Rusnak
Marilyn Melhuish
Marilyn Melhuish
Bill Matheis
Grant Programs:
Charles Roehrl
Roy Voshall
Marilyn Voshall
Wayne Koble
In order to prevent confusion, last year the
Board adopted a policy whereby if a meeting is
canceled for weather related reasons
members are asked to watch the local
television stations for notifications of
cancellations. This will be our first line of
defense and will apply to Board Meetings,
General Membership Meetings and special
events and activities.
If there is any
uncertainty please phone one of the Society
Officers as listed in the Newsletter.
“Only someone who honors the traditions of their ancestors is worthy to be their descendant.”
A Message from your President - Thanks to the Germans!
Have you ever driven past the southwest corner of 25th and Ash
Streets and wondered why that old 4-story factory was built there and what’s in
there now? It was built as a pipe organ factory and staffed with several hundred
mostly German immigrant crafts persons. There remains a large stone marker
over the door indicating ‘The Derrick & Felgemaker Pipe Organ Company
1872’. Originally started in Buffalo, the company saw the large numbers of
German immigrants settling in Erie and moved here to take advantage of the skilled workforce.
Fine pipe organs were shipped all over the world from here and many remain functioning quite
well to this day. Felgemaker quickly outgrew this factory and subsequently located at several
other locations in Erie. The building became the Colby Piano Company and in more recent
times became the Nobone Corset Company. It stands today almost unaltered from its 1872
configuration as the Stover Cermic Supply Company.
To this day Erie remains the North American center for this important industry that was brought
to this country by mostly German immigrants. Vielen Dank, Deutschland!
Message from your Membership Committee
Another year gone by and now it’s time to renew your membership. As a
reminder, the GCS membership year is the same as the calendar year, January
1st through December 31st. It is your responsibility as a Society member to pay your
dues in a timely fashion. According to the Bylaws dues shall be paid by January
31st of each year. Also, according to the Bylaws, members whose dues are unpaid by
April 1st will not receive the newsletter. To make it easier for everyone, particularly
those of you who receive your newsletter via e-mail, the renewal forms and envelopes
will be available at the general membership meetings in November, December, and
January. This service will also be convenient for those of you who don’t like to cut the
form from the last page of your newsletter.
When you renew your dues for the calendar year 2016 please consider including a
donation to help defray the cost of the Newsletter and all other operational expenses.
All membership fees and optional donations are used to support GCS operations in
“Only someone who honors the traditions of their ancestors is worthy to be their descendant.”
Calendar of Events
12 Monthly Meeting
Gannon Travel Group-Germany Summer of 2015
Colligate Academy Grant Recipients-Germany Trip Presentation
15 All That Glitters”, Jewelry Party, November 15, 3-5 PM
Colony Plaza, 2566 West 8th Street, Erie, Pa.
10 GCS of Erie Annual Christmas Party
See page five of this newsletter
14 Monthly Meeting
Program to be Announced
11 Monthly Meeting
“Fasching Light” Presented by the Ways & Means Committee
Come to an Abend Essen
You are invited to join Charlie and Susan Roehrl at their home, 626 Mohawk Drive, on Friday,
January 29th at 6:00 p.m. Cocktails and Appetizers start at 6 with dinner served at 6:45. The
dinner buffet features soup, Sauerbraten, Jaeger schnitzel, rot kraut, etc. The cost is $25 per
person and your payment is your reservation. Only 16 will be accepted.
Make reservations by contacting the Roehrls at 452-6158 or
“Look like a million without spending it”
Christmas is coming; great gifts!
Located in the COLONY PLAZA, 2566 w. 8TH St. Erie, PA. 16505
Phone 814 454-0828
*Can’t come that day? Come in up to a week after to make your purchase and mention GCS
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 2015 @ 2pm -5pm
Bring a friend and join in on the fun. Everyone is invited. (Men and women)!
“Only someone who honors the traditions of their ancestors is worthy to be their descendant.”
Highlights of October Meeting
GCS members, guests and members of the
community were treated to a unique
concert at our October 8th meeting. Laura
Nelson, the number two ranked Alphorn
musician in the world, and resident of
Northeast, Pa., mesmerized the audience
for over an hour with the music of the Alps.
Few, if any, attendees had ever heard a live
Alphorn concert before. All agreed, however,
it was a truly unique and wonderful
experience that will be talked about for
years to come. After her concert, Laura took
time to answer questions from the audience
and even let a few lucky individuals try
their luck at playing the Alphorn. Patty
Schubert surprised all with her natural
Preview of November Meeting
The summer of 2015 provided a unique opportunity for two groups of local high school
and university students to experience the culture and history of Germany. Their
impressions of the county and its people will be the topic of our November meeting.
Even for the most experienced German travelers it is always exciting to hear about the
adventures of first time travelers to Germany.
“Only someone who honors the traditions of their ancestors is worthy to be their descendant.”
GCS of Erie-Christmas Party-December 10th
The GCS Christmas Party will be held Thursday, December 10th at the Erie
Maennerchor Club Ballroom, 1607 State Street, Erie, Pa.
Cash Bar: 5:00 PM
Sit down Dinner; 5;30 Sharp
Dinner Choices:
Stuffed pork chops – country stuffing and gravey
Cod –topped with herb crust and Broiled
½ Chicken Roasted
Dinners Include: Garden Salad (2 dressing to choose), California mix Vegetables, Baked
Potato, and coffee or tea.
Price: $22.00, tax and gratuity included.
German Cultural
Society no later than December 1, 2015 to Janet Plavcan, 1328 Tower
Lane, Erie, Pa. 16505.
Please send reservations, choice of dinner and check made payable to
If members could bring one or two dozen cookies for the dessert, it would be appreciated.
Following dinner the “Show Stoppers” from the Erie Playhouse will entertain for about 30
miutes and then the German Language Class will lead the membership in several
traditional Christmas songs.
Our charities this year will be the Emmaus Soup Kitchen, 211 East 11th Street and Sisters of
St. Joseph Neighborhood Network, West at 425 West 18th Street.
Both of these groups provide food and other necessities for the needy, so the committee decided
and moetary contributions will be geatly appreciated. We will have a Box for your donations at
the sign in table.
GCS Party Reseration Form – Cut and Enclose with Check
Name ________________________________________ Phone _____________________
Stuffed Pork Chops ______ Cod _________ ½ Chicken ________
Name _________________________________________ Phone ____________________
Stuffed Pork Chops ______ Cod _________ ½ Chicken ________
“Only someone who honors the traditions of their ancestors is worthy to be their descendant.”
News and Announcements
Christmas Party Committee
Mannerchor Contact
Table Center Pieces
Two Sign in Tables
Individual Favors
Christmas Music
Charity Donations
Janet Plavcan
Rose Hill
Jane Plavcan
Janet Plavcan, Diane Wisniewski
Susan Roehrl
Tim Donlin
Lynete Straite
Lynette Straite
Wayne Koble
Janet Plavcan
Set Up – 4:30, Many Hands Make Light Work- If you would like to join any
of the committees, please call Janet Plavcan at 459-7729
11 DAYS / 10 NIGHTS - FEBRUARY 21-MARCH 2, 2016
If stunning beaches and turquoise waters are what you seek, this delightful vacation
is just the ticket. Explore a centuries-old fortress in San Juan, experience a ride on a
12-meter race boat in the St. Maarten "America's Cup" Regatta, or explore
Blackbeard's Castle in St. Thomas for an unforgettable experience. Try everything the
Caribbean has to offer.
Email or call 814-923-1044
Pecan Time
Planning on some Holiday baking? Want to make a special treat for your
family? Hildegard Marshall has just the ticket! PECANS! $10.50 PER POUND.
To order call Hildegard at 825-4137. Orders must be in by Sunday,
November 1st, so we can get our share of the first picking. Delivery should be
before Thanksgiving.
From the Nominating Committee
The nominating committee which met on Sept. 18 and Sept. 28 submits the
following nominations for 2016: President-Betty Schubert, Vice PresidentBill Smith, and Treasurer-Tom Laska. Board of Directors; Carol George, Kirk
Hamza and Nancy Smith.
Welcome New Member!
Mary Lou Mullen – Welcome to the GCS of Erie!!
“Only someone who honors the traditions of their ancestors is worthy to be their descendant.”
Deutschland Insights – Dirndl
The dirndl consist of a bodice, blouse, full skirt and apron. While appearing to
be simple and plain, a properly made modern dirndl may be quite expensive
as it is tailored and sometimes cut
from costly hand-printed or silk
fabrics. In the South German dialects,
Dirndl originally referred to a young
woman or a girl, and Dirndlgewand to
the dress. Nowadays, Dirndl may
equally refer to either a young woman
or the dress.
The winter style dirndl has heavy,
warm skirts and aprons made of thick cotton, linen, velvet or wool, and long
sleeves. The colors ae usually rich and dark. The summer style is lighter and
more revealing, has short sleeves, and is often made of lightweight cotton.
Accessories may include a long apron tied round the waste, a waistcoat or a
wool shawl. In any regions, especially the Ausserland, vibrant-colored, handpainted silk scarfs and silk aprons are worn. As far as jewelry is concerned,
women often sport necklaces, earrings and brooches made of silver, the
antlers of deer or even animals’ teeth. For colder weather there are heavy
dirndl coats in the same cut as the dresses, with
a high neck and front buttons, thick mittens
and wool hats.
The dirndl originated as a more hardy form of
the costumer worn today; the uniform of
Austrian servants in the 19th century
(Dirndlgewand means “maid’s dress”) Simple
forms were also worn commonly by working
women in plain colors or a simple check. The
Austrian upper classes adopted the dirndl as
high fashion in the 1870s. Today, dirndls vary
from simple styles to exquisitely crafted, very expensive models.
It is sometimes reported that the placement of the knot on the apron is an
indicator of the woman’s marital status. A know tied on the woman’s left side
indicates that she is single, a knot on the right means that she is married,
engaged or otherwise taken and a knot tied at the back indicates that the
woman is widowed.
“Only someone who honors the traditions of their ancestors is worthy to be their descendant.”
d individualism and a disinclination to do the ironing
German Cultural Society of Erie
PO Box 67, Girard, Pa. 16417
German Cultural Society of Erie -2016 Membership/ Renewal
Address (if new) _____________________________________________________________
Zip Code _______________________
Phone______________________ E-mail Address (optional) __________________________
Birthday & Anniversary Dates___________________________________________________
Type of Membership: ( ) Basic or Head of Household $25,
( ) Spouse $5,
( ) Family $35
All membership fees go to the GCS operations in Erie. Children under 17 are free of charge
with a Basic or Family Membership. Membership includes monthly newsletters, monthly
programs, and reduced fees for special events. Make checks payable to German Cultural
Society of Erie. Send to: Betty Schubert, 6377 Dickens Ct., Erie, Pa. 16505
“Only someone who honors the traditions of their ancestors is worthy to be their descendant.”