mir Branford Schools List Honor Roll Students For Past Three
mir Branford Schools List Honor Roll Students For Past Three
.. _. -v. ,-V,-ll^ . • ;„^,ci..*^*7'r-)^-**'*-''-* i - « ^ - ^ V ^ - « • « • « •*-* V v ^ - V - * ^ M » i »» ^ •..,.„ , ******** ' * • * • # I a ^ * * - * • » • * * * 4 . %l THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A MTAL FORCE IN EVERT TOWN THE BEANPORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1038 Pago Eight Calender Of Events rORTRAITNO AS r r DOES Junior And Juvenile Musical Art Broadcast Highway Guide Man About Town Members of the Junior and JuvHas A r t i c l e enile Musical Art Society broadcast Happened to see a n old copy of a the following program Saturday published In a certain Con- the ^ ' ' " ^ ' " ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ' " ^ " A T h e Spanish On Branford!(paper L c t l c u t city. ApparenUythe_y were morn ng Piano d^^^^^^ _Th Spa^nlsh LOCAL HATPENINOS IN FAMILLVU LvVNOCAOE F E B R U A R Y 11th a dock worker to become a mllllonBingo—Benefit St. Mary's Kcctory F i n u l — T r y s l - -8:30. HOLLYWOOD GOSSIP: alro stcam.shlp owner. A role made Clark Oablo, now starring In Dance, Arislonian.s in Wliytc's Danoi; Studio. Dance," Moszkowskl; "The Bolero,' running a contest on "What Home "Tost Pilot", has had tho Interior tor Tracy, and ono thot promises to This description of Branford a p - vlUe Needs," and several citizens had by Ravel, Roberta Baldwin and o£ his portable dressing room on lop his performance In "Big City", F E B R U A R Y 12th pears In U. S. Ono: From Maine to written In letters containing their Jeannette Bradley; piano solo, tlic set ronnlshod In whlto pine. "Captains Courageous" and "San Waltz In A Flat Major," Brahms. Willing Workers, Talmr Cliurcli. Florida, first of the Highway Ideas. Ho claims It makes him feel more Betty Lou Lake; violin solo, "Dark l!ani|HPl, Bradford Manor Aux., in E d g e w a l c r Hotel. Francisco" three consecutive smash Guides In the American Guide From what I road In the papers Eyes," Russian gypsy folk song arat home slnco he's so used to livSeries prepared by the Federal now It seems t h a t a couple of tons ing In cabins while roughing It on hits. F E B R U A R Y 14th Writers' Project, WPA to be pub- of Insecticide scattered around the ranged by Ambroslo, Donald Fousor Alan Curtis, a ncw^ comer, given hunting and fishing trips Spenaccompanied by his mother, Mrs. Social, Young Ijadies' Mission, Parish House, Old Stone Cliurch lished February 28, 1938 by Mod- city hall wouldn't go bad. his first big screen opportunity as cer Tracy Is still practical Joker George Fousor; piano solo, "The Kotary—1:00—Congrcgntioiial Clnn'oh P a r l o r s . ern Age Books, Inc. Grand jury please note. number ono on tho sot. The other Eddie Miller, a handsome, fast Sleight Ride," Tschaikowsky, ShirShort Beach SunsliinorM, '2:00 in tlie lirclioUHC. day, ho sent Gable an Outdoor Life talking weakling who marries Jesley Kolbln. At 03.1 m. the road cresses tho A Hotchklss Grove resident re inaGftzIno with a beautiful cover, sie (Joan Crawford) and can't Branford River, which flows into ports that ho heard a bluebird Sun F E B R U A R Y 14 - 15th As Clark settled to road It, It was hold her. In tho star-making part Branford Harbor two miles South. day and t h a t crocuses are budding. Sponsored movie in Branl'ord, Tlioatro, W o m a n ' s Kcpublican TYPEWRITERS disclosed that the magazine was a a metoorlo success to rival that ot At 03.3 m. Is the Intersection with Even so, we're still betting on tho Club. book of blanl? pages. As his retort, Robert Taylor, Is predicted for MIMEOGRAPHS US 1-Alternate, a new four-lane ground-hog. Clark has mallpd Spencer a blank Curtis. Also In the cast are Ralph highway bypas.slng the old and InADDING MACHINES Phillips, Oscar F E B R U A R Y IBth letter ot thanks Nelson Eddy Morgan, Mary teresting village of Branford. This next Is also pure hearsay, or O'Slioa, and Loo Oorcey who plays We rent, sell overhaul and 'Children'M M u s i c " Mimical A r t Society. Hostess, JMr.!!. Harold has been rldltjg t h a t speedy racing NS 1, n o longer t h a n the cut-off, anyway It's hearsay. Baldwin, Bradley A v e n n e . exchange machines bllco around thojjot so much t h a t tho same type rolo ot the swaggerpasses through the center of BranRay Johnson of Stony Creek moving water front tough rolo that won ho has, boughtJiaift extra one for Established 30 years ford, 04.2 m, (Branford Town ed to another p a r t ot the village home u'se ...^qhn Barrymoro got a him tamo In "Dead End". F E B R U A R Y 16th 7,022 population), named for Brent- without his cat which didn't h a p Tho Second Big Feature to comwarm welcortio when ho moved to Annual Meeting, H a r t f o r d district. Tabor Lutheran Church. ford In the English county of Mid- pen to be home at moving time. M, a , M. for his role of Louis XV plete tho program Is "She Married dlesex. It Is a pleasant residontlal Finding nobody a t home the c a t In "Marlp; Antoinette". I t marks the An Artist." Ifou might not think It New Havei F E B R U A R Y 17th area, formerly a busy center of went down to the post office a n d 80 Center St. star's first appearance on tho lot to look at him, but John Boles beSketching Class, M. 1. F., 8 :00 a. m. shipping. Here Is the site of an ImTel. 0-4200 hung around there three days u n since "Romoo & Juliet" Joan came an actor at the point of a portant salt works, the product of til Ray's boy dropped In tor the New Haven County School Board meet, in high school. S n p p e r Crawford purchased a doll for her- gun. This revelation came from which was used In tho preservation mall and took pussy home to t h e G o'clock. self, but upon unwrapping It In the John himself recently during the ot m e a l tor the Revolutionary Ar- bosom ot her family. presence of her throo-yoar-old filming of his picture, "She Marmy. It It had happened In Branford F E B R U A R Y 18th ncico, Joan Lo Suor, Immediately ried An Artist" In which ho Is coIn this section are many fine old Center the cat's best bet would Pedorul Inspection of B r a n f o r d Battery, Armory, 8 o'clock. presented It to her, Now Joan Is starred with Lull Destc, much toutI have been to stick close to t h e houses. Ono of the best Is the SamNOTICE going shopping again for an exact ed Vlonose actress. I t happens that uel Frlsblo House (L), on East|Branford Theatre until Bank Night F E B R U A R Y 22nd In accord with tho provisions of duplicate for herself. Last week. Bolos was a member of tho AmcrlMain St. (US 1), a red two-story | rolled around, Juvenile Musical Art Society meet with J u n i o r Musical A r t . Section 1225 G. S. Rev. 1930. Lawful mllltary Intelligence service Miss Crawford presented namesake I clapboard structure unaltered since Hostess, Dorcas .Tacocks. demand h a s been made by t h e Tax Joan with a miniature electric during the World War. Impolite No use to comment on the wea- Collector of the Town of Branford It was built In 17D2. stove, complete; to minute details, people would have calle'd him a ther these days. Before we go to F E B R U A R Y 24th Grouped about the green, a large tor the payment ot taxes amountNow, every afternoon a t throo, the spy. So It was t h a t John Boles Tabitlia Society in Ghurcli P a r l o r triangular plot (L), are the town's press It will ring in a dozen new ing lo $13.10 due from a one Frank M, O, M. star has tea, which the made his acting dobut. Ho must public buildings, churches, and changes. thi'eo-yc;ir-old youngster delights In havo turned In a pretty capable E. Hacklllle ot New Britain, Conmonuments. prcpa ln[5 on her now stovp. performance, tor he's alive today, Dropped in on a Congregational necticut. Said taxes are based upon On the southern side of the green the assessment ot October 1, 1935 though doing very little kicking. stands the small cupola-topped Players meeting Monday evening which became due and payable on H0TTIP.5: • With Boles and Miss Doste In "She and later went down to the Com Branford Academy Building (1870) Tho Loew Pull College Theatre Married An Artist" Is a cast t h a t Inmunity House to watcli the Bran April 6, 1930, and on the assessContinued from page one Continued from page one now occupied by the local historiwill present for a Second Big week cludes Francos Drake, Helen Westford Drama Club rehearse. The ment ot October 1, 1936, which beMrs. Robert H. S. Booth, a former cal society. On t h e Southeast cor( pealed from the decision ot Judge the picture that has every ono talk- ley and Alexander D'arcy. High School Seniors also have a came due and payable on April 5, member of the local club, now a ner is a small commemorative t a b - play In the works. 1937. Tho Loow Poll Theatre offers tor Evarts. ing about the new screen find Alan let calling attention to the Site ot ono week starting Friday, FebruTho appellees, roprosentod by member of the New Haven Garden As the said Prank E. Rackllffe Curtis In "Mannequin." I've been getting so much d r a the Reverend Samuel Russell matic atmosphere this week t h a t I h a s neglected and refused to pay Joan Crawford and Sponcor ary 11th, Son] a Heinle and Don Stephen S. Dunn and Charles M. club, showed snap shots ot tho House, where In 1701 ten clergymen don't know whether to hide the p a - said tax, I will sell all or enough of Tracy co-starred for tho first timo Ameche In "Happy Landing" with Lyman, put Into evidence tlie will, Christmas doorway contest, a n d In the following described property to In a dramatic, romantic h u m a n Ceasar Romero and Ethel Merman drawn by Judge George O. Conway which she was awarded honorable met and donated books tor the pers or tear up the child. founding of the Collegiate School ot Guilford and witnessed by Mr. mention in the s t a t e contest. satisfy the loregoing tax, interest Hlory ot two people seeking h a p - In the supporting cast. later Yale College. The Second Big Feature on this a n d Mrs. Waller P. Dahlberg and Georgeann Nygard, daughter ot and all other legal charges t h e r e plnc.'i.s, , with the world against This year's officers are: Mrs. R. At 04.5 m., on a knoll overlooking Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Nygard of 10 on: them. Mls.'5 Crawford again the program Is The Jones Family In August ProU, neighbors of Mr, Chit- Earlo Beers, President; Mrs. Paul To wit: A certain piece or parcel "Dnneing I'^ady" as Jessie Cassldy, "Hot Water" with Spring Bylngton, tendon who testified as to his A. Shepardson, , Vices-president; a small green, is tlie James Black- Bartlett Road, East Haven, celebrastone Memorial Library, a marble ted her fifth birthday recently with of Salt Meadow situated at Indian Jed Prouty, K e n n e t h Howell, Shir s t r e n g t h of mind and physical fita .show girl who got h e r start In Mrs. Arthur W. Bowman, Recording building ot 1890, which, though a parly a t her home. Her guests ley Deane. ness at the execution ot tho will. Neek in said Town of Branford and the Ktiualor of a New York t e n e Secretary; Mrs. F r a n k L. Lowe, CorStarting Sunday the Loow Poll Tho appellant, Owen Shepherd, responding Secretary; Miss Corene having tho pretentious architectur- were Emily Nygard, Mary J a n e bounded and described as follows: m e n t house and wound up In t h e al detail typical of t h a t period, .Piazza, Margaret Rose Molloy, J a n e NORTH: by Maitby's Cove, Sixty multl-mlUionaU-c's penthouse, b u t BIJou Theatre will present "Tho next door • neighbor a n d close ICenyon, Treasurer. houses a n uncommonly fine library, Molloy, Virginia Sedon, Anne Mooro (00) ft.; who nskod for nothing more t h a n Duke Comes Back" with Allan Lane friend ot Mr. Chittenden since 1914, Executive Committee tor so small a town. Anne Montgomery, June Montgomt h e n attempted to Introduce testiEAST: by Salt Meadow of Delia a three . room a p a r t m e n t and tho and Genevieve Tobln. Mrs. Charles N.., Baxter, Mrs. R. j At 04.9 m. is t h e junction, with Lry, Bernadette Castle, and Carlene A. Neal; m a n ahu loved. , Tracy as J o h n I The second portion of the p r o - mony t h a t Mr. Chittenden, who Earle Boors, Mrs.i; John H. Birch, North Harbor Street. • • Potter, Mrs. Nygard was assisted by L.Honnosaey.two-listed boss oJ tho 1 gram consists of "Tho Legion ot Iwas 85 years old, was influenced by Mrs. Arthur W. Bowman, Mrs. F r e d - ' SOUTH: by land leased to Edwaterfront, a: m a n who rosp tromlMlsslng Men" with Ralph Forbes, l o r a c e Dlatchley, housekeeper ot 3 orlck T. Catlhij Mrs. Wallace H. Lett on North Harbor Street to | Mrs. Russell McGulggan. mund O. Goodrich, twenty (20) ft. Starting Thursday t h r u Saturday m o n t h s standing. In the execution Footo, Mrs. George J. Fousor, Mrs. Branford Point, 1.5 m., where are a and by land leased to the Indian VISIT Rosalie" and "Danger, Loye a t ot t h a t will. Testimony was adduced Samuel A. Grlswold, Mrs. Valdemar largo restaurant and municipal Neck Boating and Fishing Co., Work" with Ann Sothern, Jack to the effect t h a t Mr. Chittenden, T. Hammer, Mrs. Prank W. Stone, bathing beach. forty (40) ft.; At 65.3 m. the highway bears MISS GRAY, PSYCHIC Haloy a n d Mary Boland also Ed- who has lived alone since the death Mrs. Valdemar T. Hammer, Jr., Mrs. WEST: by the Salt Meadow ot LETTERS ANSWERED of his wife, In 1033, hired Grace Mrs. Alden J. Hill, Miss Corene Ken- North to rejoin tlie tour-lane highward Everett Horton. Thomas H. Linahan. 23 Kimberly Avenue 1 211 Alain St., KaH Ilnvun, Conn. Blatchley to servo as his house- yon, Mrs. Norman V. Lamb, Mrs. way, US 1-alternate. Being t h e same premises describWest ot the village, OS 1 ascends' West Haven, Conn. Phone 9-2098 keeper In Juno 1037; t h a t on Juno Frank L. Lowe, Mrs. Thomas F . P a r WATCH FOR SOON: ed In Volume 80, Page 8 of the the Branford Hills, with good views First Stop over Drawbridge Branford Land Records. "Test Pilot" with Clark Gable and 25th and again on August 17th adise, Mrs. Paul A. shepardson, Mrs. 3un., Mim., Tucs,, li'eb. 13-14-15 ahead. At 60.D m. It passes Lake' Spencer Tracy "A Yank a t Ox- wills were drawn In which Mr. JoseiJh B. Smith, Mrs. Mortimer D. Said sale will take place at the Saltonstall. Here, on Beaver River Shorthand, Typewriting, Book^ I r e n e Dnim, Oary G r a n t in ford" with Robert Taylor and Shepherd was the chief legatee; Stanley. Town Hall, Branford, Connecticut, «' (R), stands an old Mill with hewn keeping, Accounting, Business "Charlie t h a t on September Qth a new will a t 10:00 A. M., E. S. T., Thursday, ' Standing Committees I'THE AWFUL TRUTH' Maureen O'SuUIvan Umbering. It Is on the site of the Dictaphone, April 21, 1938. Chan at Monte Carlo" with was made by which Grace a n d Chlrstmas Doorways, Mrs. Frank first iron mill In Connecticut, Administration, , ALSO Comptometer, Day and Evening Mary Blatchley were to be tho L. Lowe; Christ Sale, Mrs. Freder though undoubtedly it is not the] "The Girl of the LEON W. BARKER, Olairo Trevor, D o n a l d Woods in Warner Oland Golden West" with Jeanctto Mac- chief legatees, to the exclusion of Ick'T. Catlln; Civic, Mrs. Valdemar original building. A clause In the j Sessions. Co-educatlonal. Enter Feb. 10-17-24 Constable. "BIG TOWN GIRL" Mr. Shepherd. Thus aggrieved, Mr, T. ilammer, J.; Conservation, Mri deed making it mandatory t o r ' t h e at any time. Donald and Nelson Eddy Shepherd claimed t h a t said will Charles N. Baxter; Flowers, Mrs. owner to grind any corn or grain See you In ho MOVIES STONE COLLEGE NOTICE Wed., Thurs.,—Fob. l(i-17 "was procured to be executed under Joseph B. Smith; Flower Show, Mrs. brought to him by a property ownTHE MOVIE GUYED. 129 Temple St., New Haven The Tax Sale ot the land and George J. Fousor; History, Mrs. John Improper, unlawful and undue in Cavolo Lombard in er of East Haven might prove embuildings in the name of Natale Dl exerted by others t h a n the H. -Birch; Horticulture, Mrs. Frank barrassing to the present owner, "TRUE CONFESSION" CARD PARTY SET FOB FEB. 28 fiuenco Francesco has been postponed until W. Stone; Membership, Mrs. Wal as only one millstone now remains. appellant, which Influence was ex The Girls' Friendly Society will ALSO Monday, March 7, 1038 at 10:00 A. lace H. Footo; Program, Mrs. Samerted against tho appellant." hold a card party Monday, FebE d w a r d Arnold, J r . in M. in t h e Town Hall, Branford, ruary 28 a t 8 P. M. a t the Parish Most testimony was Introduced uel A. Grlswold; Publicity, Mrs Connecticut. 'BLAZING BARRIERS' House. Ways and CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY PARTY Tho February suppermeot- by lifelong friends of Mr. Chit- Mortimer D. Stanley; LEON W. BARKER, Mrs. Barney Struzlnsky of Home Ing of t h e G. F. S. will be held Feb. tenden t h a t h e was a m a n of few Means, Mrs. Alden J. Hill. Place, entertained a t a birthday Feb 10 Constable Pri., Sat.—Feb. 18-19 P 21 a t t h e Parish House, followed words, firm in character a n d could party In honor of h e r son, Edward, with a service conducted by Rov. not be Influenced against his A n n Sothern, J a c k Haloy i n aged 10 and her daughter, Alice 0. Robert J. Plumb. Mombers of the wishes. "DANGER recently. Among those present were: Qlrls' Friendly Society have been The jury started its deliberations Lorrolne Prusslk, Viola and Jack LOVE AT WORK" Invited to attend a dance to be giv a t 3 o'clock on Tuesday but reportKopjanski, Betty Ann Rogers, BobALSO oh by tho Arlstonians Friday eve- ed to Judge Simpson a t 5 o'clock by and John Lasko, Stephen Finta, ning, February 11 a t VThyte's Dance t h a t it was unable to reach a verGraitli Ballew in Toilet OuUlta complete with seat Jr., Raymond and Ernest Bond, Studio, East Haven, "Roll Along, Cowboy" dict. Tho Judge ordered t h a t the Frances Kolley, Mrs. Vincent Kel$12.05. Heating boilers, radiators jurors consider the evidence overSATURDAY NIGHT The death ot Lauren Hotciikiss ley, Mrs. Harold Kopjanski, Mrs. and fittings at low prices; washing night and report tor further delibsnnsouiBK TO THK Stephen Prusslk, Mrs. Edward RogBANK NITE erations a t 10 o'clock t h e following Gibbud ot 110 Harbor street occur ers, Mrs. Steplien Finta, Mrs. PadB U A N F O K D REVIKW nviclilnes and refrigerators. Conn. morning. At that time t h e jury red yesterday morning, shortly a t zinski and Miss Evleyn Zdanowicz, Plumbing & Heating niutorialu Co., ter midnight In his home, follow again reconvened and reported Its Ing a long Illness. He was born in Edward and Alice received many 1730 State St., New Haven, Conn., verdict 2 hours later. Judge SimpPittsburgh, Pa., and was In the 00th birthday gifts. son declared t h a t he was happy year of ills age. The greater p a r t ot Phone 6-0028. rbone i-!SZ91 t h a t a verdict had been reached QnuinlH Gomer his life was spent In this town. He a t 2;45, February 21, at the home iJSouth Carolina Ave. ot PacificH since the matter involved did not was a member of Trinity Church of Mrs. Robert Cate, Cherry Hill — ALX, MAH£S warrant continued litigation. and Trinity Men's Club. Surviving Road. •^Atlantic City, New Jersey! TYI'EWRITEmS Pn., Sat.—Pi;l). 11-12 Thurs., P r i . — F e b . 10-11 Now, Robullts, Rentals', Portables Attorney Geenty, associate coun- lilm is his widow, Lizzie S. Merrlam. Supplies sel for the contestant Indicated P A U L M U N I in ! "TRUE CONFESSION' The funeral will be hold tomorrow European P l a n Ilolel Convenient Terms t h a t ho would ask that the verdict a t 2 p . m., wltli services In the with Carole Lombard a n d KEUANQB TVTEWRITER CO. "The Life of Emile Zola" be set aside, and that an appeal to Grlswold Moderate Rates Colonial Home, 09 South 109 Crown Street New Haven F r e d MaoMurray the Supreme Court would be con Main Street. Rev. Robert J. Plumb O. B. Omr, Mgr. ALSO siderod after the transcript ot rector of Trinity Church, will offl t l a O Outside Rooms BcautifuUyj Sat., S u n . — F e b . 12-13 testimony Is studied. "TEXAS TRAIL" elate, and the burial will be In Fair U Furnished ! LOST—Pass Book No. 3304. If found Pat O'Brien, W a y n e Morris in Haven Union cemetery. New Haven return to Branford Savings Bank. Sun., JloiL, 'i'ucs.. Fob. l:i-U-15 "SUBMARINE D-1" FLAT WORK Also Small Apartments ALSO The Woman's Republican Club, LOST—Passbook No. 3860. If found "WELLS FARGO" Fully Equipped Ineludiug on next Monday a n d Tuesday, Feb return to Branford Savings Bank, WET WASH Jano Withers in with Jool MoCrca, Francos Dee Branford, Conn. 3t Electric Refrigera'^iou The Babylonian way of keeping ruary 14th and 15th, Is sponsoring the movies "Damsel In Distress' "45 FATHERS" . ALSO SOFT DRY time was to havo five years of MALE HELP WANTED starring Fred Astaire and "Thortwelve thirty day months each and fl Convenient to Piers, Theatres 7| We Have Our Moments' a- thirteenth month of thirty days oughbreds Don't Cry" with Freddie I'ucs., Wed.—Feb. 15-lB OPENING NEW LOCAL COFFEE with Sally Kilcrs, James D u n n U and Churches U Bartholomew. every sixth year. AGENCY—^Need man immediateKonald Oolman in In reforming the calendar Julius The next club meeting will be held ly to supply regular consumers. Also Bus and Railroad Depot Wod., Thurs,-' Ki'l). 1U-17 Start with earnings up to $32.50 FINISHED WORK "The Prisoner of Zenda" Caesar knew that 305 days did not a week. Alust write quick. Albert constitute quite a full year. His ar- wanted the succeeding month, — ALSO i Yankee Rose China Nights Mills, 4435 Monmouth, Cincinnati, rangement gave the first, third, which was then called SextUls, BACHELOR SERVICE Garage Aooommodatioiis S t u a r t E d w i n , J o a n Muir in Ohio. fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh named after him. But, he wasn't By P o p u l a r Request "Dance Charlie Dance" monthes thirty-one days each and willing to have a thirty-one day F o r L i t e r a t u r e and Rates, SALESMEN WANTED — Rawlelgh "Imitation of Life" ail others thirty days except Febru- m o n t h named after Julius and only Route now open. Real opportunity ary whicli had twenty-nine days for a thirty day m o n t h named after witli Olaudetto Colbert a n d Address Thurs., Fri.—Feb. 17-18 for man who wants permanent, throe years and thirty days every himself. So he made August a thirW a r r e n William Tel. 572-2 — 572-3 profitable work, Sales way up this fourth year. Tho ' month, ot July ty-one day month and took a day J o h n Barrymoro in I W. Graham Ferry, Mgr. y — ALSO year. Start promptly. Write Rawwhich had thirty-one days got Its from February making twenty-eight "Night Club Scandal" B. W . Nelson, P r o p . leigh's, Dept. CUA 1-K. Albany, name from Julius Caesar. Wlien Aug days for three years and twenty"BOEDER CAFE" ustus Caesar became Dictator he nine days every fourth deay. t^CSKtta^--^tS0fiti»--^jslfiS^^silKSr-'-''t'S9fSItr^!!gi N . Y. Price Five Cents mir ¥ I Many Attend Pequot Theatre Government Plans To Continue Drainage Work At Rose Brook Swamp Passing Of Well Known Local Child Of Riidio Twin I s Victim Ooloncl Charles H. Nichols ApFigure Loaves Fooling Of of .Hemophalia pointed Aa Head Of Yonlcors General R e g r e t Housing Projoot Branford people will bo interested Pupils Whose Names Appear On List Have Maintained Mr. Daly pa.sscd away early Sat- lo read the Jtollowlng tribute paid Average Of Not Less Than 85 Per Cent In All Sub- urday morning at his home In to Melvyn felgoiow In tlie weekly The Review lias been Informed Colonel Charles H, Nichols Review Is Informed That Present W, P. A. Project Will jects—All Schools Are Included In Report Released Chestnut Street, following a brief press release,sheet Issued February that former resident ot Branford, h a s illness, at the age ot 78, He was born 20 by W E Lljof New Haven. From Superintendent's Office. Be Extended Through Area That Now Constitutes been appointed executive and teohin Branford, tlie son of Jeremiah When the Blgelow Twins go on iilcal director ot the Yonkers MuHealth Menace To Community. and Catherine Coughlln Daly, A complete Honor Roll of the puthe air each, Sunday afternoon at nicipal Housing Authority. pils in the Branford .sclioois, coverHe was a member of the Holy 1:15 p. m, the casual on-looker, or Mr. Nichols Is the son of Henry \\ ing the work of the first semester Name Society and a charter mem- tuner-ln, would never suspect t h a t Informalion from a rcllablo recently terminated, has been r e ber ot El Dorado Council, Knights "Mel" Bigelow sings with a heart Z. and Eliza Ann Pond Nichols, and source states that the Rose Brook is a direct descendant ot Samuel leased from the office of Superinot Columbus, that's heavy. Despite tho fact t h a t W. P. A. project will bo continued Pond who bought land from the tendent Raymond E. Plnkham. wlion the present unit of work is He Is survived by his widow, Nora he's always bright and cheery, and Indians a t Indian Neck and creeled Those pupils whose names appear coin|)lotcd until the drainage sysDesmond Daly; a daughter, Eliza- exlilblts a smiling countenance to the first liouse in that vicinity. on the list are those wlio have ti^ni no\y under construction is exbeth Daly; two sons, Daniel F. Daly the world In genoi'al, "Mol" finds itj He was graduated In 1892 from maintained a rank of not less t h a n rather difficult to be gay sometoiidod tlirough the swampy ground and Joseph C, Daly; one grandson, Sclontiric School, Yale 85 per cent in all subjects. Miss Gladys Virginia Linsley, Daniel F. Daly, Jr., all of Branford; times, "Mel" Is the proud father of Sheffield to tho north of tho center as far as University and was engaged iiriThe High School Honor Roll p u - daughter of Mrs. H. Guy Linsley and oho sister, Mrs, Cornelia Codk- tour children, two boys and two vtttely In construction work in New Branford Young Man la Olioson Oodar Street. Tho recently nngirls, but one lad, Kenneth Sawyer nuimced apporprlatlon of $1000 ot pils are classified under the courses and the late Postmaster Linsley ot ley of Oakland, California. Blgelow aged three and one half Haven until 1917 when ho entered President Of "OonnooWont Nut- Federal money for work on Rose which they are taking, as well as Hillside Terrace will become the A large number of people attend- years lies In New Haven Hospital tho army wltli the rank of major. m e g s " A t Alabama Unlvorsity bride of Martin L. Steucek, son of Brook will not cover the new work, being listed by classes. ed the funeral of J. Carroll Daly the Innocent victim of one ot n a - His jirlor military experience Inbeing ijurposed merely to balance The complete list tor all the Mrs, Martin L. Steucek and the late which was lield Monday morning cluded classes In miliary engineerture's most rare, and yet mos tenMr, Steucek of Chestnut Street oxiJOiidlturcs made Tile following letter lo the Bran- imexpeotod schools follows: Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. from tile mortuary lionie ot W. S. acious, and deadly nialadlcs. Hemo- ing and tactics at Yale. necessary by the construction of ford Review Is solf-exiiianalory: Branford High School, Freshman: The ceremony will be performed in Clancy and Sons, with requiem high phalia. To date "Mol" has given 20 During tlio war Colonel Nichols Dear Editor :extra catoli basins n o t figured In College Course: Dorraino Bradley, the presence of the immediate fam- mass in St. Mary's Church. blood transfusions. His brother, served as engineering officer In the This Is to Inform you that a local tho original' plans. The work now Bancroft Cate, Kem.etli Jolmson. ilies a t the home of the bride's moMrs. J. J. Collins, organist, ren- "Jim", two a n d an outside Donor construction division of the Army being midcrlakon, which will comboy, Henry J. LaCroix has boon olDonald Knowlton, Alvin Lawrence. ther. the building ot dered a vocal solo at the offertory, one, all over a period of two and and .supervised plete the project from Main Street eclcd President of tho newly organCommercial Course: George Dick"O Salutarls," by Qluck, and James one half years. To "Mel" Blgelow, Camp Keariioy In California and to Hillside Avenue, will bo finished Mrs. James L. Blgelow, sister of E. Cosgrove rendered a solo "Moth- the staff ot WELI says; "We ad- numerous hospitals In the East. ized Connecticut "Nutmeg" Club,. inson, Laura Knowlton, Doris Potts. here at Alabama University. His within a few weeks, tho exact date Anthony Shilinsky. Normal Course: the bride, will be her matron of er of Christ." "Lead Kindly Light" mire the siiirit you've displayed, and He was also acquisition ottlcor at Anna Symonds. General Course: honor. Mr. Steucek will have his was played a t the processional and the manner In which you've m a n - Camp Sherman, Chllcotho, O., and election came about on an ontlro depending uiion tho weather, brother, Vladimir Steucek, for ills "Nearer My God, to Thee," at tho aged to hide your personal feelings. Jacob Softer, Florence Watson. wos honorably discharged in Sep- ballot. On tho first ballot ho was I Tho extension of tho underground Edwina Linsley, recessional. The bcarSrs were Pa- We know exactly how you feel, and Sophomores: College Cour.se: Kliz best man. Joan tember, 1910 Willi the rank of lieu- lied with Phil Germain of Walling- plpo through tho swampy meadow will leave tho way clear to fill tho abeth Bradley, Jerry CoiIlnB. Jean- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stannard trick H. Dunn, John P. Callahan, It we were In your position our only tenant colonel. Ill February 1024 ho ford, Connecticut. Linsley of Miiford, niece ot the bride Tho officers of the "Nutmeg" .'"'^scnt course of tho brook and tho elte Harrison, Hazel Langdale, WilGustavo A. R. Hamre, Joseph H. desire would bo to carry on as you was promoted lo the rank ot colonel will be the flower girl. James BlgeClub aro as follows: Henry J. p a - ""Jaeont land, thus removing an liam Schwanfelder. Driscoll, Frank J. Kinney and Her- have done."in the reserve. low, the bride's nephew, will escort Commercial Course: r.lary Bello, the flower girl and another neph- bert Sykes. The burial was In SI. Since tho war Colonel Nichols h a s Croix, Branfoid, President, Phil pyesoro and a inonaoo to health, Dorothy Brada, Sylvia Jeannetti, ew, John Atwood Big'elow, will serve Agnes cemetery. been engaged In consulting engin- Gornittin, Walilngtord, vico-prcsl-I ^^s"^"' providing valuable land for Anna KoUch, Irene Radovlcz, Ches- as ring bearer. A reception for llio eering license In tho slate of Now dent, Joe Sciuba, Now London, "«> '•''wn's expansion. A beginning Mr. Daly had been engaged In treasurer and Carl Fiston, Hartford'°f " " « «""•'' wm bo made shortly ter Roczynskl General Course: Char wedding party and families will the grocery business in Branford York. » When the surjiUis dirt from tho ex• les Ahern. A member of tlie American So- secretai'y, follow Immediately at the home. during the greater part of his life. "Hank" is also caiitain ot the cavation already made will bo usod Juniors: College Course: Virginia The couple will malce tlieir home In For several years past he h a s had a ciety of Civil Engineers, ho Is past Bracken, Mary Fitzgerald, Beatrice Hillside Terrace. president of the New York City Post Trl-Stales," baskotljall tooin wh'oh to till In the bod of the brook and grocery store in the Hamre Block level up tho slrotc)! ot land from Keisey; Commercial Course: Alice of tile Society of American Military Is leading the Inlermural leagues the present quartorn ot the Italian from which he served many custoMiss Claire P. Hosley ot Harbor a t present. Bloomberg, John Dower Jean Softer; Engineers. . mers whose grandparents he had American club to HlUsldo Avcnuo. Normal Course: Germalne .Van Street entertained a t a miscellan also supplied with, grQcorles. Colonel Nichols is married and h a s When tho Federal aulhorltlos give The annual^racetlng of t h o H a r t - resided, in Yonkers tor sovon years eous bridal "shower' Friday evenlngEgghen. • i' '""it'Ts"'very"i3rdbable t h a t no man thq..ijord.,iij.jgo._jihegd^wlth tjja Seniors: College Course: Howard In honor of Miss Linsley. Valentine In the community was more gener- ford District or the Swc'dlsh'Lutheran Church was hold yesterday in decorations and red roses decorated iwam'j} dral;ia(in.)vor£;'Ana7£Ko?ho?, Young; Normal Course: Roberta the refreshment table. Gifts were ally known or more highly esteem- Tabor Church with a large number viotv la mma that'tbimvuriiati-(Continued on page seven) placed In a large Valentine box. ed. His pa.sslng has left a feeling of ot delegates in attendance. pen, • Branford will bo well on tlio genuine regret among his fellow Tlie business meeting was Iield way toward being r|d of a problem Among those attending the show- townspeople. In the church a t 10 a. m,, and the that has caused much discussion er were: Mrs. James L. Blgelow. same hour the Women's Missionary from time to timo. Mrs, H, Guy Linsley, Mrs. John A, Society met In the iiarsonage, unTho Musical Art Society mot TuesVickstrom, Mrs. Virginia Averlll, Boy Scouts of Branford, Guilford. The into Dr. Gaylord gave It as der the leadership of Mrs. G. H. day evening In the home of Mrs. Madison, Short Beach, and Stony Ills opinion tliat the town stood in Mrs. Walter Hosley, Mrs, James Ohsiund of New Haven, president ot Harry Baldwin in Bradley Avenue. Creek will rally at Camp Morton, perpetual danger of on e|)ldemlc beKavanaugh, Mrs, Jane Sullivan, the district. Mrs, George Fousor led tho pro- near Branford, for a two day Cam- cause of condnions In the Rose Mrs. Gi'ace Sheppard, Mrs. Harry tlieme, of which was poree on Saturday and Sunday, Brook marsh, and It will be generTlie Missionary presented a pro- gram, the Rudln of New Haven; Misses Alice 'Children's Music," gram In the church a t 3 o'clock, Begley, Mildred LaCroix, Vera Hosally conceded that this area has not Pebi'iiai-y i9th and 20th, 1938. Cases on relief have more than Tile Junior Class of the Branford with Rev. Leonard I. Johnson of ley, Rita Sullivan, Ruth Ho,5ley, and The following program was renThe Camporee is imdor the direc- become any sweotor or more wholedoubled tiiose of a year ago. Tire High School sjionsored a very Inler- Merlden Is the sneaker, and Rev. E. the guest of honor. dered: Piano, "Golliwog's Cake tion of Mr, C. L. Loomls, as. Camp some with the passing years. Adefollowing is the report of the Board estin'g assembly in the auditorium Elnar Kron of Walerbury a n d Mrs. quate drainage will be the first and of Charities tor January; 22 families yesterday during tho actlvitlos per- Knule Erickson of Manchester as Walk," Debussy, Andrea Van Wle; Chief, and Sea Scout Skipper Leoncontralto solo, "Five Knights and ard Hubbard—both of Guilford. most Important stop ' toward its old cases, 14 new, 13 reopened, total iod. The program was planned by .soloists. Good Child;" "Five Knights and The program will Include out-door elimination. of 4D families; 12 individuals, old, a commlltoe ot Juniors of wiilch At 12:30 and at 5:30 meals were Bad Clilld," arranged by Clara Bee- siiorts, iialrol projects In conking, 7 new, 8 reopened, total 27, makVirginia Bracken was chairman, son Hubbard, sung by Laura W. tlre-bulldlng, signalling, and knot .served by committees of Tabltha ing a total of 76, as compared to a assisted by Stanley Dzwonko.ski, year ago with a total ot 32. This is Stacla Petela, Harland Hlbbard, Lily Society, Narpes Society and Hope Ayer; piano solo.s, "Berceuse," Ar- tying. Circle. mas Jarnofelt; "La Grace," W. E. the largest number on relief. Hendrlckson, Pally Ahern, Mary The Scouts will sleep Indoors at Holy Communion service was held Hacsche and "Elephant Dance," The Harrison Avenue School puThere were five child welfare pils. Grade 2 presented a group of Nlckerson, James Reynolds, Mary In the church a t 7:30. Rev. Carl H, Haesche, Elizabeth Voddor; soprano the Camp, which has been obtained Fitzgerald and George Barba, cases, one at Newlngton Home for three playets depicting incidents in Nelson of West Haven preached the solos, "Lullaby," Cyril Scott; "Las- through tho courtesy of the Girl Crippled Children; one a t the Chil- the lives of Washington and Lin- supervised by the class advisors, communion address,-and Dr, Julius sies High and Low," arranged by Scouts, and Dr. Hodgkans of Grace Miss Rita , Sullivan and Mr. Raydren's Center, New Haven; 24 state coln, last Friday. Hospital will be on hand througliout mond T. Schlmmel. Miss Evelyn Hullee of Hartford preached a ser- Gustav Hagg, sung by LInnea the Camporee. Tho Rev. Robert J cases; one new, one reopened; three Quinn; contralto solo, "O Robin, The program follows: 1. Welcome Steucek and Mr. Frank Coylo also mon In Swedish. Dr. Hultee is act- Little Robin," Frances McCollIn, Plumb ot Branford will conduct hcspltal cases, $24.75; four boarders ing president of the New England A Ittige number of the members three at Sprlngslde; one at a nur- address, Sadie Beaman; 2. "The Lite a.Mlstcd. Lily Hendrlckson of the Conference. The llturgists were Rev, and " T h e Hollyhocks," Guleslan, Church services on Sunday, and of Sidney Beaeh Camp, U. S, M. V., sing home; five tuberculosis cases, of Washington" with the following Junior cla.'is presided. sung by Helen Rico; piano solo, Mass will bo observed In Branford. and Auxiliary tendered a surprise Frank A, Anderson of Portland and one new case, three cases on the cast: Father Washington, Stephen Qulnni|)lac Council will be repre- party to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Rev, E, Elnar Kron of Walerbury, "Tho Dance of the Cannibals," Rich The program follows: waiting list; seven at Mansfield Finta; Mother Washington, Helen ard Stevens and "Cellic Dance," sented by "Cap" Hal Kellogg, Mau- Fisher last Saturday evening In I—Song, America The Beautiful, Feeble Minded, $236.58; four widow's Molcske; George Washington, GeoJames Francis Cooke, sung by Dor- rice Sargent, and Robert E. Pellll. honor of their golden wedding a n aid, $195.73 of which the tow.«i pays rge Oil; A Soldier, Milton Holman; Miss Steucek accompanying; II— othy Danlelson. niversary. The couple v.^r-ro presentone-third ot the charge; two new Four officers, Michael Nordella, Salute to Flag; III—Chairman aned with a purse of money and Mrs. Contralto solo, "Chinese Nursery cases of Widow's aid accepted; one Larry Donadlo, Julius Palmier! and nounces general plan of assembly; Fisher received a largo bouquet of Rhymes," Balnbrldge Crist, Ruth L, burial, state case, $00; bills were George Dwyer; 3. "Honest Abe," a A. Wa.shlngton's time; B, Nowadays. yellow roses. Oliver; "Toy Symphony In Three received from Naugatuck, West Ha- dramatization in rhyme by Tlm- IV—Original Paper on Washington by Marie Tenoski; V— Vocal Solo, Movements," Hayden, played by the ven, Montvllle and • Bridgeport, oty Purcell and Barbara Baldwin; 4, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher were married The Second Minuet, Maurice Bes"Her Homework," a playlet of a following ensemble of toy instru$59,18, for families chargeable to In St. Ann's Church, Now York ments: Margaret Fousor, director Branford living in those towns; bills little girl dreaming of Washington ley, Grace Boutuelle, Beatrice KeiAll Is In readiness for the annual City, February 13, 1888. sent to New Haven, East Haven, and Lincoln: A Little Girl, Betty sey, accompanist; VI— Extracts Ml.ss Eleanor Mann, daughter of violinists, Rosalie Plnkham and banquet of the M, P. Rice Hose Those present at tho party were: Washington, Joseph from Daniel Webster's "The Char- Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Mann of Slony Alice Burr; piano, Nellie Osborn; Company which will be held in the Derby, New Canaan, Old Saybrook, Townsend; acter of Washington," Regina Don trumpet, Ada Sheppard; metala- club rooms Saturday night at 9:00 Mr. and Mrs. C. Hpbart Page, Mr. Stamford, Greenwich, Madison and Petela; Lincoln, David Marsh. Creek, became the bride of Albert and Mrs. Dominic Bontatlbus, Mr. nelly, Guilford, $286.76 for families residWettermann, son of Mr. and Mrs. phone, Winifred Barker; quail-and o'clock. The banquet Is always a VII—Minuet; Jean Softer, Jenny Joseph Wettermann ot North Gull- cymbals. May Foote; tho cuckoo, high spot of tho year for the mem- and Mrs. Michael Rourke of New ing in Branford chargeable to those Haven, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sponcor, Johnson, Betty Sabine, Katherlne ford, in the rectory of St. George's Gladys Pratt; the nightingale, Ruth bers ot the Company and their towns; fourth quarter of the state Koback, Mildred Peterson, Ger Church, Guilford, Tuesday morn- OUver; bell tree, Charlotte Adams; friends, and every effort has been Mrs. James H. Redding, Mrs. Wilpauper bill was submitted, $873.72. triangle, Helen Rice; rattle, Eliza- made to make Saturday night's af- fred L. Boynton, Mrs. Hilda Schmid maine Van Egghen; Miss Steucek at ing. ot Leetos Island, Mrs. .Andrew Corthe piano; VIII—Piano Duet—^^Schu The bride wore a street frock ot beth Baldwin; tamborlne, Cornelia fair as successful as those which coran, Mrs. Anna Colburn, Mr. and bert's March Milltaire, Virginia navy blue crepe, designed with a Osborn; castenets, Dorothy Danlel- have been held In former years. Mrs, Prank V. Reynolds and sons, son, and drum, Doris Cox. Bracken, Doris Montelius; IX—OuAt its recent annual meeting the tar and Mandolin—George and Ev- bolero, puffed sleeves, and a white The committee on arrangements James and Francis, Mr. and Mrs. lace yoke. Her h a t was of black Granite Bay Association chose the Is headed by Charles McCarthy, and James FlSher, Mrs. Charles Close, following officers for the ensuing elyn Barba; Columbia, the Gem of straw and she wore a .corsage ot HERE FOE FUNERAL Includes al.fo Edward B. Lonergan, Mrs. Edward Tobln, Mrs. John Hart, the Ocean; Yankee Doodle; X—En- pink snapdragons. year: secretary, Walter Pauk, John Sudac Mrs. Caswell Driscoll, Mrs. Herbert semble: Victor Amatore, Doris MonSykcs, Jr., Mrs. Mary Reynolds, EuMiss Rosalind Bowden, as maid ot Miss Jeannette Hill, daughter of Among the out-of-town people and Stanley TIsko. Auditors, George Trapp and Roy telius, Jean Clasen, Winifred Goodhonor, wore a wood violet crepe Mrs. Hazel S. Hill ot North Bran- Enquisl; Executive Board: L, Ray- rich, George Barba; The One Rose who attended the funeral of CarPreparation of the roast ham sup- genia Kinney, John P. Kinney, Wilford, has entered Morse College In mond Kumm, chairman, Benjamin Shoe-Shine Boy; XI—Lily Hendrick dress, with orchid lace collar and roll Dal^ v/ere Mr. and Mrs. Pa- per, with "fixings" will be super- liam S. Clancy, Timothy J. McCarHartford tor a course In secretarial Abeshou.se, clerk; William W. Walk- son announces Stanley Dzwonkoski. cuffs, a black straw hat and a cor- trick McWeeney and Miss Alice Mc- vised by Otto Metz whose reputa- thy, Matthew Sullivan and Patrick vari-colored sweet peas, Weeney of Hartford; Mr. and Mrs- tion as a chef extends to the boule- McOuIro of Now Haven. Supper was activities. M1.SS Hill previously a t - er, treasurer; T. H. Bracken, chair- (Junior presents) Junior's Gift pre- sage of tended William Smith College in man of Improvements; Albert HIU- sented to the school; XII—Com- Elmo Wettermann was best m a n for C. H. Conway ot Yonkers, N. Y.; vards of Paris. The program of en- served by tho auxiliary. his brother, New York. While at Morse College man, chairman of welfare. The m'unily Singing from newly-preWilliam Little of Fort H. O. Wright; tertainment is In charge of Judge A small reception for the immed- Joseph Madlgan, Francis Madlgan Cornelius T. Driscoll and Edward F. she will live at 271 South Marshall meeting was further devoted to tho sented slides. Congregational Social Woi'kers reading of annual reports by the iate families fol!ov/ed a t the home Street in Hartford. and Matthew Madlgan of Brooklyn, Tobln who are cooking up "some- will hold a dessert bridge tomorrow Typing of the slides for this pro- of the bride's parents. A family dinclerk, treasurer and auldtors. thing different"to present, Room N. Y.; Mrs. J. J. Lawrence and Joafternoon at 1:30 p. m. In tho gram was done by John Dower, ner party was hold at the groom's and table decorations will be In Mr. and Mrs, George White of 33 Pasquale Perricone, Grace Pouiton, home at 8 o'clock. Later Mr. and seph Lawrence of Irvlngton, N. Y,; keeping with Washington's Birth- Church Parlors. Mrs, John HIne, Mrs. Mary Duncan, Church Street announce the birth NICHOLS HAS BIRTHDAY and Alice Batrow. / Mrs. Wettermann left tor an u n a n - Mrs. John Desmond and Mrs. K. day. ot a daughter in Grace Hospital, Lester J. Nichols, secretary of the The Women's Auxiliary of tho nounced wedding trip. HIgglns of Ne,w Haven. February 6, Before her marriage, Malleable Iron Fittings Company church of Christ, Stony Creek held There will be a drawing for a Mrs. ^Vhite was Miss Mary Zvonko- celebrates his 89th brlthday today, Zenith Radio, sponsored by BranThe annual World Day of Prayer a public dessert card party yesterThe Lutheran choir will rehearse on Mrs. Nellie M. Worden of Harbor will be observed in the Congrega- day afternoon at the home-of Mrs. apparently as energetic as ever. .vic of Bradley Street, [ford Boy Scouts Troop 3 on April 1st Friday evening. Street Is recovering from an lllnes,s. tional Church, Friday March 4. William Belts, * ^1 Hank" LaCroix Chosen To Lead College Club Branford Scouts . /sAusic Sociefy I Asked To Attend Holds Meeting! ^^ouf Camporee Charity Board Subject To Heavy Strain Assembly Held At Branford High Harrison Pupils Give Playlets Business Directory I , - I •' 1 1 BRANFORD LAUNDRY WHY FEBRUARY HAS ONLY 28 DAYS • '.it •^ I >.t '1 Golden Wedding Party Given For Local Couple Guilford Man W e d s Stony Creek G i r l HOTEL DRAKE [ Annex Theatre Young Son Of Former Local ''Mel'' Bigelow Man Is Given Has Rare Ailment Important Post Lutherans Of State Meet At Tabor Church Capitol Theatre Lauren Gibbud Passes A f t e r Long Illness Many Attend Branford Schools List Services For Honor Roll Students J. Carroll Daly For Past Three Months Gladys Linsley To Be Married O n Saturday Legal Notice If I % Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, Fcbrury 17, 1038 I I - A N D E A S T IIAVI^N N E W S VOL. X—NO. 45 R. L CARTER Attorney Geenty Cfje THE HOME TOWN PAPER Iin,\NFORl>—NORTH ItRANI^RD S'TONY CREEK—PINE OROnARB SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK (.'RANNIS CORNER — MORRIS COVE — BAST HAVEN M.P.Rice Banquet Saturday Night Granite Bay Assn. Holds Election Miss Hill Enrolls At Morse College A ^ '-^3^ l " » i * r V * J - < - i ^ i V * > * y>i^^ Another Social Friday Evening of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union for many years, during which she organized the World's W. C. T. U. and was its president also t h a t brought her recognition as one of the world's most The winners a t Ihe social held by Services In the local chiirchci oiiilnlon that such n .Hlcp was ot ndliy Nettie Ilalc Carpenter useful citizens. It was under h e r the men of St. Mary's Parish for Simday will be as follow.-i; ]vanla(!c and a .special committee leadership t h a t physical education the benefit of the Rectory Building North ni-anford CongregallQnttl ^was appointed to look Into the cost became a part of the school curri- Fund recently were; Mrs. John Church, Ilcv. a . D, l*sslcy, pastor; a n d typo of equipment which would OUK TASK culum, that school savings were Erickson, Sojihia Morris, August Mrs. Douglas D. Ilolabird, organist best serve this particular locality, story represents Inaugurated, t h a t mothers' meet- Hendrlckson, Andrew Swenson, Aland choir director. Miss Ethel May- T h e committee was to report in de- An Imaginary nard, assistant. Morning worshlli a t tall at another public meeting to the angel Gabriel talking with J e - Ing.s, (now P T A ) were organized thea Delon, George H. Oliver, James 11 o'clock In the Chapel. Sunday be licid In the Court Room of the sus after his a.^ccn.slon. Referring to all over the country. Today, Feb. 17, Reynolds, S. C. Brown, Mrs. S. F . School will convene a t 10 o'clock In Town Hall on Tuesday evening. the Master's glorious work on earth, Is the anniversary of her "heavenly Prussick, Mrs E. J. Wlilte, John F . the Chapel, Mr. Vernon Gcdnoy, March 1. Serving on this committee Gabriel a.sked, "And who will carry birthday," the day that Frances Zyonkovic, Mrs. Vincent O'Brien. on that work, now that you are not Wlllard went home to be with the superintendent. arc Selectman Charles Pair, Select- there with them?" God whom she had .served so long Mrs. Frank Harlow, Kathryn O'Neill, C. M. Altermatt, P. A. Altermatt, m a n Bcryqn \Vrlght, pi'o.'iccutor and so well. St. Augusllhe's R. C. Church, llev. Wilte'r Chl'dsey, Nathali tiarrlson, "I have arranged for Peter, Percy Swift, Mrs. Sarah Ahearn, .lames, John, and my faithful dis.rallies Conghlln,,pastor; Rev. Na- a n d Chief A. LeRoy Harrison. Mrs. Edward P. Tobin, Mrs. Thomas ciple's lo tell the story to others, than Coiikiln, iLsslslant; Mrs. EdG. Fisher, Mrs. R. Simmons, EugenI'OOU INDLV ward Duly, organist a n a cnoir dirThe Ijadles Sewing Society mot on who will tell It to .still others, and It mu.st be a terrible aftUct'.on to ia Tamulevlch, Mrs. Lucy McCutch.so on until all have hear dof It," reector; Mass will be celebrated a t Wednesday In t h e Chapel. Mrs. R. live In India, with all. the snakes eon. Stasia Tamaulevich, Reno fl;16 o'clock.., Sunday School will Earlc Boers presided at the busin- plied ^esus. and wild beasts that take a terrible Hotchklss, Clifford Doebrick, Dor"But If they fall, then what plan > follow the Mtt.?3 with Instructions ess session, Mrs. Alfred Ba,hnsen toil of human life each year. I got othy Ma.ssey. Mrs. Mary Marciano, M have you?" asked Gabriel. given by Domlnlciiii Nuns from New was the hostess. hold of a book the other day t h a t Mary K. Resjan, Mrs. Antosle Swlro YOU over carry your cniiinm "I have no other plan," was the gave some statistics about,such ski, Mrs. B. Sllvy, Mrs. Frank Z a Haven. Into llio kllnlioM? Next llmo joii wimi_lo Inlio jilcturtiH liiilnor», anil Mrs. Ernest Llnsley of Twin Lakes reply. hialters. Ilere are a few of them: wackl, Hattle Grondln, Mrs. A. run out ot Biilijocln, liy oxiiloiiiiB Zloii Episcopal Church, ReV. f r a n Road entertained the members of So the respon.slblllty ,, , ,rests .,on the tigers kill about 800 a year; the Struzlnski, S. Lukawsky, J a n e t llio realm ot Btovo, Iroliox (iiiil |)iuiels ,1. Smitli, Rector; Mrs. Paul R., tiie Executive Board of the N o r t h ' y " " " " ' ' * ? ? " ' ' » " .who bear the Wolves^aboul 700; the leopards 230; Hamre, Mrs. Charles SobolewskI try. Il'o a liaiuiy Iniiilliiiwtroimil Ilawklas, organist and choir direc- Branford Parent-Teacher Associ- name of Christian. Are we telling the bears• 100; the eleiihants 45; and Vincent J. O'Brien. Almost ovorylliliiK In ulillcliim lo tor; Holy Eiicliarlal will be celebra- ation a t her home on Monday night. the story faithfully. In our lives and snakes 17.000; hyenas about 2,000. A Another social will be held t o a ramoni suWngl. Tliu Icoliox and ted at 0:30. Church School will fol- Mrs. Ed\Vard Daly presided a t the In our words? little over 20,000 each year arc killed morrow evening. tlio olilna and nlninlmnnwaro uio a low. business .se.s.slon. In such horrible ways. Yes, It mu.st mlno offllll1*Ilf9poHHlhllltles, and Till! ItUU.nEllS LILLIAN P. IIULSEArLE llioro aVo oppnrtiuiIUoH galoro for be a terrible affliction to have to All arc architects ot fate. "olf-Biianl" pictures wlionovLr a The children ot ZIon Parish Sunlive In India. Working In these walls of Time; nioal Is lioing propnrod. day School were delightfully entcrYet tiie automobiles In the United The death of Mrs. Lillian P. H u Some w'lth massive deeds and great, States are each year killing twice Tlio mIxliiB ot a cnlio cnn bo i tolned at a Valentino Jiarty at the seaple, wife of Grover C. Hulseaple, Sortie with ornaments of rhyme. . picture, It tlio big mlxliiK bowl Is Rectory on Saturday afternoon. The that number, and seriously Injur- oceured. In iier home on the Bransnapped troni n lilgli nnglo Willi two usual games Were played and a deing at least a million more. More ford Hills, following an Illness of liunds busy with n spoon In tlio Notlilhg useless Is, or low; licious luncheon was served by the than twice as likely lo suffer a viO' two years. She was 50 years old a n d Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Burwell and ci;oapiy bailor. Mollior brofitliliissly Each thing In its place Is best; ladles In charge. lent doatli In our country as in I n - was born In Coldsprlng, N. Y. For gosling llio calto Willi n lironiiiHliaw daui^'hler, Helen, were the week-end And wliat seems but Idle show Is an opiiorliiiilly tor a "candid' the past eight and a half years she guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ran- Strengthens and supports the rest dia. Bhnl, Tlioro nro pIcUiros, gcnoial oi E. C. C, had been a resident of this town, At the rcRent Valentine iiarly held dall In Spiingfleld, Mass. clo6o-i!P, Wlioii llio oalco Is lioing always residing on the Branford for the Trl-Youn'g Peo'ple's Fellow-1 ; Eor the structure t h a t wo raise, Icod. Tlioro la a splendid eloso-up In Hills, where her husband conducts ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED .ship at t h e home of Mls.s Em'|ly | Mr. and Mrs. Horace K. Baker en- Tinie Is with materials filled; Iho CjiUIng ot tbo llrsl slice, wllli '' Whlto ot Twin Lakes Road decora,- tertal'ned friends from Mass. over Our todays and yesterdays tliQ gloaming longtlilndod knlto go* Mr. and Mrs. Louis Franklin Wat' a fining station. tlons In t h e dlnliig room were from t h e week end Ing lliroiigli tbo dutty lout. Are the blocks wltii which we build son of 30 Bryan Road announce the Surviving her are • her husband, England, a gift to the hostess from j , engagement of their daughter, one daughter, Mrs. Joseph'Rayner A iillo ot sbining poU and pans her uncle. A .short business meeting j Hiss Helen John.son .sijcnt the Truly shape and fashion tii'esc; Joyce Elizabeth, to Carl E. Potts of of West Haven, one son, Louis Hul'may nm1(Q_a aplondirt picture, It liio was also held. Games, dancing, and week end Sprlnglleld, Mass. iibplOBrttlili'or cliooans a proper nimio Children buoy in the kitchen arc Leave no yawning gaps between; Waterbury, son of Mr. and Mrs. OS' seaple of Branford and two grandand vyorlca outu "dnimallo" ilKbling. ntwnyo npncollno picturo subjects singing brought the evening to a ] '. sons. Think hoi, because no man Sees, car Potts of 43 Church Street. Cbiiia, wol and gllslouinK in a drain Snaps iiko this abound In any homo. happy close. A feature of the re-1 Mr. Leon Saunders who Is serl- Siich things will remain unseen. Funeral services were conducted Miss Watson Is a groduate of ,rnolt. Is matoiial for piclarea. ISvc" freshments was a decorated cakc,]ousIy III was taken to the hospital yesterday by Rev. A. W. Jones. I n Branford High school and Miss FarIho difllumn, foamy Willi suds as two iy small and walls and celling aro; made by Mrs. Prank TIchy. ion Saturday. mer's School, Boston. Mr. Polls was terment was In East Lawn cemehands Bnuoozo out tbo dlsbrag above Beneraliy light in color. Tbo cuinora; In tii'e elder days of Art, from , Branford High tery. It, IB a picturo opiiorlunily. should bo loaded with snpernonHl*j Builders wrought with greatest graduated School a n d from Wesleyan Univerj, Tlio Icalicx yields oggii and vogo- live llliii, and f.Iiroo largo anialeiu% Several from North Branford a t care taiiloB llml can l)0 worked into iiilnr* Hood linlbs uaod In cardboard ro-' sity, MIddletown In 1930. He Is a Juvenile Mu.slc3l Art. Society a n d tended t h e Valentine card party a t Each minute* iind unseen part; eating "BlllWifo" Btndlos. A, series ot lloclors. Tiio proper distance fronij member of Delta Upsllon fraternily. Junior Musical Art Society will the homo of Mrs. Prank Armani In For t h e Gods see everywhere. "busy hands" pioliiioa is well worth bulbs to subject Is tour to six tool. meet February 22 in the home of Northford on Monday afternoon. trying—liiiuds pooling a liolato, wilh With this amount ot light, one can Proceeds \yere for the use of the Mrs. Burt L. Bowne. of Harbor Dorcas Jacocbs. South Main Street. Let us do our work as well. a long curl of poet hanging; hands lake snn|)Sbola with a box caniora at The subject to be considered is l>forlhfprd-NorUi Branford . League Street Is recuperating after an illpolishing Bilvorwai'o or drying glnss- Us largest lens npcniug, or'uso 1/211' Both the unseen and the seen; "American Jazz." of Women Voters. Mrs. Ralph Mc- Birth....... waro; hands turning a brown pan- Bocoiid at f.S or f.tl Ions opening Make tiie house, where Gods may ness. Announcement Is made by Mr dwell. cake,on a griddle or litllug a watllo with eaincraa so niarkod. Tor closoDonnell assisted. a n d Mrs. Milton Plerpont Warner Beautiful, entire, and clean. out ot Iho Iroii—hamls doing a lliou« up plcturos, a nlinplo portrait atsapd and QUO Ihingsl laclimcnt must bo used with most of Pino Orchard, of the birth of The Yoiing Peoples Society ot the —Henry W. Longfellow. rioturo-mnking In mnat kitchens eanicras. CongrogiiUonal Church enjoyed a their second son, .Mlilon i?ierpont Warner, Jr., Feb. 4 in St, John's la aimplD.bocanso thovoom Is usualJohn van aulldor, roller skating parly on Monday eveMORE RURAL UPLIFT Ihospltal, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs, Warning In Branford. A negro mammy had a family of liier, the tor'mer Miss Cyrene Dun- well-behaved boys. One day her r o u r ToiiiB of Steel and Iron M o m U e r s o f A h . l ^ l . w H a v e n C o u n - ^ P S J ^ ^ ^ , ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ mistress aslccd: ly Loyalty , Club, are Invited to a and Mr. Warner is llie son of Mr. "Sally, how do you raise your boys XJciecl ih Typical Small HOIIB6 meeting a t Yale Divinity Scliool .on so \yoll?'; Saturday evening, 'rho^ hledtliig.wlll and iWrs. Mliton J. Warner of Pino "Ah'il.tell yo', niLssus,," answered .., Nearly four tons of products made convene promptly a t 'e'igii't 'o'clock 'Orchard Sally. "Ah raKse 'em wld a barrel Mrs. Matthew Hnglund Is a from sloel, wrought Iron- and cast and t\vo colored pictures will be I IMfVSON KOGKIIS COUPS IVIEET stave a n d a h raise 'em frequently!" most enjoyable. They arc of CaliJI5T0 *90 LESS T«AN ANY 0T4ISR Iron are used hi the construction —Boston Transcript. member of the commlllce arranging Mason Rogers corps, meets this a n d Alaska and arc beautiSTATUARY HALL for Iho Alumni Association of the and ctiul|)inent ot a typical small fornia DEMOTE CONTROL SHIFT OFFERED afternoon at which time t h e 45th fully done. The matter ot "Personcosting approximately Teachers' College of, Connecticut dwelling which falls,,„on the 18th In t h e Capitol a t Washington ality" will be disciLssod during the anniversary, „,. ,,,,„ ,„„„,,, „,,,, AS OPTIONAL EQUIPM?:NT. . o one room Is set apart for the stalea planned tor Saturday after- $4,000, according to the American , ,,, -,, _, • , „, " of this month, will be celebrated. Iron and Steel Institute, tues of eminent people. Each State C( " ( t r n n i i ^ l r Uii p -^ n noon. oveiihig with Miss Maria Shaw asl,j,,,^|.p^-,;, ^^ '^ p,a,t)jlptlc program may ciioose two to represent It. Total cost at the steel mill of the leader. ihrillm II*- ^ ** Milia^ i ii of Lincoln's and I in oljscrvancc Among all the statues ot statesman ( li n nil il u » II I ct Rev. and Mrs. llerborl .Gallaudet, Iron and steel entering Into those ,, . I Wiisiilngton's birthdays. In charge and patriots there stands only one li„liUiI il ) i i - i i i t l IS i l l i i i i U ) Dr. and Mrs. 'Ocorge Smith and products, on the basis ot current At a Valentine party at the ,Jor-.or ti,e anniversary and program will of a woman, Irranees Elizabeth Wllprice quotations. Is estimated a t Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Noyes ot Pine ome Harrison .School on Monday!be Mrs. Bertha M. Lounsbury paOrchard attcndctl the recent wed- about $172, approximately four per afternoon the pupils of.Rpom 1 en-; trlotlc instructor, Mrs. Catherine lard. How many of the younger gending of Miss Lconie Williams to cent of the cost of the dwelling. tertaliie'd the other iiupils in the Page, Mrs. Florence Wlill'comb and eration, I wonder, know why IllinJohn Ogdcn White. The wedding Bulking largest In the total .scliool witli their dramatization of the prcsldeht, Mrs. Anna Cassldy. ois chose her as one of Its two great citizens? Here are a few of the weight of Items of equipment are ''Snow While and the Seven took place in Waterbury, Mrs. Nellie Rice, elialrman of the "first" things t h a t she did. She was products made ot cast Iron, I h e r a w Dwarfs." Little peo|)le took the 'oxecutive committee, will bo In the first woman president of a colMrs. J. S. Irmllc, Bradley Aven- material for which Is pig Iron, a pro parts with clcconmi a n d preclsjon. charge of'the social. lege granting degrees; the first ue, feast Haven h a s returned from duct of the blast furnace. A total of Pages later distributed valentines president of t h e National Council a . visit in Montuialr, N. J. the •125D pounds of cast Iron Is used In which h a d been .collected In decorArlstonlan Club met Tuesday of Women; the first to Introduce guest of her daughter, Mrs. Mil- the radiators , steam boilers, plumb- ated Vnlcntiii'e boxl's. 1 light with Mrs., Kenneth Sehwan- self-government among college stuing lines, bath tubs, wash basins, dred Lewis. dents; the first woman delegate to felder of Pine Orchard. laundry tub and kitchen sink. MI.SS Eva karplck of New Haven a church general conference. (She Approximately ;!0'20 pounds of was a Sunday guest of Mr. and A fellowship dinner for t h e fam- was refused a seat because slie was Mr. and Mrs, Louis H. Mory of finished steel and Iron products are ilies ot Congregational Church parHotohkiss Grove have returned from uKso used In building a $4000 dwel- Mrs. Daniel M. Doody a t their home ish win be held this evening a t 6:30 a woman.) But It was her activities on Fo.xon Road. and h e r Influence as the president a short visit In New York cily. ling. Mel(il lathing Is the largest The auxiliary of Sidney Beach „, J „ , (.single Item In the total, 1100 pounds .. The Ml.ssos Helen and Eunice l^^j^,^, ,.^^^,j,.^^, ,,, ^'^^ ^^^|,^ „„^j All roads will lead to "Town Hall Camp, U. S. vy. V. will hold a public To-night" on Thursday and Friday card party In tiie Armory, Feb. 21. Koyes were week end visitors ill ceilings. of this week when a Variety Siiow Boston, Mass. , I t is.aisp ostlmated that about 440 of note will be given under tiie dirNashawena Council, D. of P. will Miss Lorraine Taylor has returned ;jouiuIs of steel nails are used in the ection of Burton S. Colter. Due to hold a public social, Feb. 22, in Red from a week end trip to Capo Cod. :onslruetton of such a house, as well the varied program it is assured Men's Hail. ns 413 pounds of galvanized gutters tliat there will be no dull moments RELINED . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stiehl of DamMr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams of and downspouts and 200 pounds of during, t h e entire evening. Vocal Stony Creek reoentiy entertained flashliij,'s. Auollier relatlvoly impor- and instn'micnlal music, dramar berg Place, have returned from ADJUSTED Mr. and Mrs, Watts of Verona, N, Y. tant use for steel Is conduit for the comedy, tragedy, dancing, iiiid e n - Harrlsen, N. J., where they were E/ZTIRELV M£MA/V/CAl-mn7f/G //StV TO llEARf/ electric wiring. About 175 pounds of terlainment of all kinds are iiapplly called by the sudden death of Mr. SERVICED .. Misses. Patricia Strukus of Elm conduit are required in tlio type o t played against e a d i other. Proceeds Stleiil's mother, Mrs. Margaret TO OC/TOF ORPER from those performances will go to Stiehl. Street and Prance's. Ramon of Main dwelling wlileh was analyzed. Street, sijcnt tiie ,weclc end in Ha?.- Other steel products include 05 the Athletic Association. pounds of light structural shapes, 00 ardviiie and Sprineflold. liouiids of door and window hordMrs. Alden J. Hill for two years Says, TONY the 1st GRADE LINING Mr.. and Mi's, J. Wesson Phelps ware, a 93-poHnd liot water tank, 13 president ot the Branford Visiting BAKER pounds of smoke pipe, and a medNurse Association, retired from ofhayc been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. " T r y our icine cabinet made of sheet steel, SPECIAL fice at the annual meeting on WedP. Barry in Wcllcsiey Farms, Mass. Italian steel, weiglihig about 15 pounds. n.os'day. Several from North Branof/iy low PK/oEP MR yvrrf/SArBrysH/FresAK cdurMt Ford — Chevrolet Tomato . John., Howard;; Payne's "Home, About 950 p'punds ot wrought iron fp'rd attended. Pies" Sweet Homo,"'set'dpiyn in a beau- pipe a n d fittings a r e used in t h e Plymouth Cars tiful Long Island rural community, healing a n d piumbiiig system. Mr,, and ..Mrs... Daniel M. Doody was a ipyeiy old house woiihy to be Phone 908 and children attended a birthday Branford, Conn, 68 Main Street the subject of,, one of America's! The Women's Republican Club gathering on Tuesday afternoon "They're the will meet Monday at 2:45 a t tlie and evening In honor of Henry W great sentlmeni;al songs. best around, But today's iiiodprn home is more home of Mrs. Robert Gate, Cherry Way.'s clghty-:tlilrd anniversary a t coliiplole and they're colorful, more comrortable, a better Hill Road, opposite the Canoe Brook his home in Mt. Carrael., THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS ' made only place lo live In aiid a better invest- School. Oilier I'lir.s in Priiporliiin will come to yoiir home every day through jrom pure ment. New styles of roofing, pre- Mrs. Prank. Daley a n d Mrs. Dana Rev. and Mrs. Francis J. Smith a t wholesome Time Payments If Desired THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR dominant among which Is t h e a s -Blancliard will be hostesses. tended a buffet supper 111 Guilford Ingredients." An InicrniU'ional Daily [{einspaper phalt shingle,,offer.'color.ttnd safety A talk on "Americanization" will pn,Sunday evening in honor of the I t records lor yoii t h e world's d e a n . coiistnicUvc rtoings. T h e Monitor t h a t John Howard Payne's old be given by Miss Catherine Fhinl- eighty-fourth birth anniversary of docs iiDl exploit crime o r sensation: neither floes It Ignore them, but deals corrccilvcly with thorn. Fenturis (or busy men a n d ' a l l tho ^'^ and 51) "Home Sweet Home" did n o t liave. g'an of the New Haven Board of Dr. Frederick R. Sanford. laiiilly,'includlne t h ^ Weekly Alagiudne Section. Today's American, home is ventilat- Education. ed more healthfully. I t is lieatod The Chrlstlnn Science Pub'.Ishlnft Society Miss Flnnigan is a n able speaker Judge Ellsworth 'B. Foote presided One. Norway Street, Boston. Mussnchusetts more efficiently. I t Is planned to and shoidd altract a large number at the meeting of tlie Board of Finrieaea enter my subscrliitlon to Tha Christian Science Monitor (or a period of save unnecessary steps In Icitcheii ot members. ance, which was opened to the pub1 year tB.DO a months 14.50 3 months t3.25 1 month 15c TEL. 8-2131 and else\vilcre. •, Wednesday Issue, tncludlns Magazine Section: 1 ;k-ear SSCO, 6 Issues 3Sc lie last wepk lo discuss the need, JCeailow a n d AValer Streets 111 a \vprd,tod^iy's,American liphic ;. Mr. .and. Mrs. Raymond p ; Ballou benefits, and cost of local fire Is withput questi'o'n''tlie finest liomo Of AJps poad, amiounce tlie birth of equlpiiient. A, general discussion NE-W HAVEN Address Satnplv Cupy un Hv'tuatt ot medium price over coji.stnicted a son,.Harold BV\r'RP,ss, nt Grace 'wtt.'i, held .and , individual. opinions anywhere. Hospital. aired. I t was tlio coiicensiis of o p - (KW Main S i . . Kast Itnveii All In The Day's Work -X^-^ D Riverside NeWs ^7'^.^- cosrsoNiy BRAKES mrmNG eer TIIERMOID CENTRAL $8.50 The Tire Shop Jnc. RUSSO'S PIZZERIA ti'if'-ft't-fiv'^-i-vYt^t-^ THE BRANPORD RfcVIEW, THURSDAY, FERRUARY 17, 1038 THE BKANFOKD KEVIEW, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1038 Pago Two JY»^> *» 9*ri'^ifrii GARAGE *iiii^vfi vy t Ti8 r 5 Pi^e^rtii liroo News Of General interest To Women flPCjB. X?lBS^.Ii*^Wh"*....*^W3 iCl^^BCjjrttf^^^, Crock 0' Smacks IT'S A FACT ture! SoU'cl firm Florida grnpefrull; The best way to celebrate Wasli-'eut In halves and loosen segment,'!. Inglon's birthday Is lo tell the i With a sharp knite cut small "gashtruthl The second best way Is to es" in grapefruit skin, at regular have a party. The third Is to ceic-; Intervals, around rim of grapefruit brate at the family dinner with tra-jhalf. Insert small green leaves dltional.dishes. If you ai'e a real: (mint, huckleberry, or other Icavesi holiday fiend, you will do nil three 1 |ln the silts. To serve, iul.x together Any or all require food — andj (for each serving! a tew drops Worthat's where this column comes in, cestershlre sauce, tablespoon ma?,ola, salt, pepper and paprika. Pour with suggestions. Those there are who say you must over grapefruit. Serve as salad-apnever serve cherry pie on Febru- petizer. Broiled Ham and Kananas ary 22nd—for how would George (Virginia Style) have felt to see the proof of his Broil or fry slice of ham. Peel shame staring hlni in the face? Some think Washington Pie Is a bananas. Use whole, or cut into good thing to eat—but remember halves or quarters. Place on broiler that George Washington pie is rack or in pan. Brush with melted cream cake; t h e chocolate kind is butter and sprinkle with salt. Broil until bananas are brown and tenBooker T.I In addition to our First Prcsi- der. Allow G to 10 minutes for whole dent's birthday, February 22nd Is'bananas or crosswise halves. Allow also famous as the date on which 13 to 5 minutes for quarters or length t h e State of Florida was ceded to wise halves. Serve very hot with tho Urilti-d States by Spain (that | ham. was about 118 years ago). Thati Kaiiana Bundles makes those,_ luscious oranges and 1/2 cup sugar grapefruit and tangerines just the 1 teaspoon cinnamon thing to serve on the bit; day—you G bananas can alkalize, as you appetize! Juice 1 lemon Foods for which Virginia is faRich pastry made with mous are rightly served on our First 2'/a cups flour President's day too. Ham. for In- Mix sugar and cinnamon. Peel and stance, Is not only traditional but cut bananas in halves, cros.swlse. It's plentiful and delicious this Roll In lemon juice, then in sugarmonth, so build your Washington cinnamon mixture. Place on a square of pie crust about \'.\ inch day menu around It! thick and roll, so that pie crust enFebruary 22iul Menu closes banana. Bake In hot oven (Dinner) (4250F.1 for 30 minutes or until Grapefruit, Palm Beach Style browned. Serve hot with hard sauce Broiled Ham Yams Broiled Bananas or sweetened whipped cream. Washington Gingerbread Cooked Mixed Greens Washington Gingerbread Add a cup of water to contents of . with Frozen Applesauce a package of the Washington-recipe i ginger bread mix, and bake. Serve Graiicfruit, Palm Beach Style This is a new and novel way to warm with whipped cream, or with prepare grapefruit—pretty as a pic- \ ly^ple .sauce. New Suggestions For Cooking Vegetables itv I ' K A S T I ; S VYX-.K. llFint Home liiilltule RUiiorh mushroom nnucc. Il'ft uo SUAGCIKS to nitkc llio sftuce, t'ithqr. for It's (I nicp, lionipy, old-fitKhlonotl tankyou have to do Irt open u tin ot nrt, llii.s hakiiiK your own cookies. all tho famous roady-lo-st'rvo Cream It's slill beint; dono, too, by nil the best families u-ho like to nibblo on n nubbin of awcctncss ovory now nnd Ihcn bctwoon monl.i. Shn^t^y little cocoanut cookies uro just rijrbt for thai sort of fttinily. There's ti neat mouthful in cacli, nml not enouBli in the lot of thoin to cut in on tlinner nppotUcs. To stitrt your Shn&gics: of Muslu'oom Soup nml merge willi 3ifi together the tuna fi,sli this wiiy: cupful.s siftotl nll-purposo flour 1« cupful., sifted nll-purposo flour /;,„„rf ,„c,( logMor— teaspoonful s°'ln soda '- l"^'!"'™'"! 2 tnlilesiioonful., butter, mdtoil tcaapoonful baUinj? iiowder. Ti tablosjioonfuls flour. Cook until bubbling, than a<UJ— 1 10-ounco can Cronin of Mushroom Souj) and cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Add— I cupful flaked tuna fish 1 cupful dry bread crumbs, thfin , cool. Cvmm togetherp„^,„ j ^ ^ ^ croqiiettea. dip into cupful butter or vcRctablo fnt slightly beaten egg, Ihon roll in dry VJ cupful I'eanut Butter, then cracker crumbs. Fry, in deop ,hot ndd gradually fnt, until a golden brown In color. 1 cupful brown sugar and cream Serve With Mushroom Sauce (rethoroughly. cipe below). Add— V^ ton.'^poonful salt 1 ogg 1 tcaspoonful vanilla, then boat Well. Add sifted dry ingredients grndually to butter mixture and Idem) thorougldy. Chili until firm. Pinch oil' bits of dough and roll between MUSIlUdOM SA^'CE palms of hands into .small balls iibout the size of large marbles. Press down into dry shredded cocoanut, covering both sides. Bake 2 tablospootifuls butter, add on lightly greased cooky s l i e c t .'1 tablespoonfuls flour and blend well. nearer the top of a moderate oven Cook until bubbling, then n'dd— (^50" F.) about 12 minutes. 1 IG-ounco can Cream of Mushroom Soup and . cook, stirring FISH CROQUETTES constantly, until 'thickened. Another good dish that you can count, on for a family favorite isM<'(^— one of Fish Croquettes. They arc % tca.Hpoonful Worcestershiro quite a delicacy made from tender I Sauce, tuna flsh flakes flavored with a I Servo over croqucUes. I A Southern Dinner For ashingtbn's B i r t h d a y In California alone 50.000 trailer Why not take advantage of Wash- >'°"'' "'''•Is"''- temperament be your children are in .school. luRton's birthday this year tor a «"'•''•'• ^"t' l''" cherries Into silvers real southern dinner party? Your " ' " ' outline tho scoring with them, It Is Incorrect to say "Sure I will," friends will enjov It, and If you °V s'lcq the clieriies. and, decorate cnri-y out t W true .southern tVadl- '•'^''''"'" ' " modernistic design with Say, "Surely 1 will." tlons And hospllnUty, they will ffi".''•"?, ^.'^^I'-^y''-"S^'°'''"^ .* .^?"?°'''J"PAV''' HeopinB with Washington's. Beaumont used tho e.'fpresslon, coiinl you a vei^y cicVer hostess. To have one's fling," way back In A baked whole ham Is 'first choldo H';';f^"/ ^^ ^^•^^'f''^'. l-yB^ther WM. as tl;m center of any gcnt.lne south- S e ' ' ^^ J ' ^ e . " ' " ' ™ " ' ' " Hailstones In Collnn, Mexico arc ern dinner and pnrt^ular y the one whole Ham I-raolLl Dinner Choice gathered for coolini; purposes In the towns on the plains. ,l?.i^ ! i f ' r ? . ''"'''^« '» ll» f'vor for t h e dinner Women Invariably are considered Slaves Of fashion, but prints and: S ^ ^ ^ ^ ' S ^ ^ l ^ ^ ^ l ^ Jew Enelnndcrsjred Liclandcrsi!:,.. mnra.schlno .i„.l:.!r,?,.,„'.".: ..?^.°J;.. !li„..!inlii'<'n>'»>'<:'o; It la uhlvcrsally liked; portarlts of early New or candied cherries' ,and It la a good buy. since the bits show t h a t men, too, were follOwcra ! ! ! : i l f ' S . ' ! : S?^l'^™?:\S'?"':.^!\:;^^^^ch n^el'^t'over of blhul prccertent—Their cravats „..' , . . i , \ \'ii r '. • -t * • I wiuuii iiie leib over make maKC exbocllent ex prove It— Kiiig Ocorgo III wore one Swill ^ r have U ^ ' Va , triidl'tlbrtal ^ t;^ v"l"f "meat i r xvhl'cii i s - e o n a and ihlrd day ineals, Cnranicl Mar.slminllow Dessert and set th'e popular style—Pew real- Isferand lii appearahco and dellfelU1 pnckaco carKniel rennet powder l?.c,d t h a t his cravat was devised to tul In flavor. 1 pint milk hide an unsightly swelling on his Dnklnfi: a Ham 1 Clip marshmallow topplhg neck. "It Is easy to bake a, whole hhm," 'A cup chopped maraschino chersiiys Inez a. \yiIson, .homo .c.conpries. All advertised cancer "cures" may be classed as frauds and swindles. nlist, "nhrt hero la liow." Siniply Make renhet-ctiatard Taccordlng to illn'c'c the ivam, fat side "up, oil a filrcollons on package..,Chill in r e r'llck in an op'en roastl'iVg iiiin. t)o frigerator, Wl-*!n ready Ho serve, Our funny laiiguage; Brooklyn, ilol cover, and do n'ot add water. mix tho cli'dpijc'd inarniiohlno olibrConn. Is named from a corruption of tt^e topographically descriptive Put It In a moderately slow .oven ''lea Into the marshmallow topping; (300-350OF) ai)d bake until dono.land mound on„oach rcnnel-oustard ftro'okiln'c—b'ht Brooklyn, N. Y. Is Allow approximately twenty-five !des,sorl. dariilsh each dish with 'a fi'om Breuckolcn, a Dutch village on minutes per pound for baking a maraschino cho'rk^y,. the Vecht River, lii the Netherlands. whole,h(im. , , , , { Suml^yleh of.lho Week ,, Briefly noted: New Hampshire has a'o m o u n t a i n peaks within a 1270' Porty-flve. minutes before the Imni I ppe'ri-fnc'ed ,san'd'wlches mii'sl bo Is doll!-, remove it from, tlio oven attractively •Biirnlslio'd — Alid cohsqiiare nili'e ai'ea. Ahd take off llVei'liVd.lf tlVls was not Irastlng. br.cad.s make ,saiidwlches , done at tho market.'Score It, If do-|"ainart"l Butter niay be flavored. To combat the blinding change In „ired, and..slick with whole cloves.''drosslnk is IhilTOVtA'n't, nnd Imaglnlight often encountered by motor- n,,), oyer It brown sugar \vh)oh lias'Wliin Is csscnlldl, Ists when they drive Into, a long been moistened with h'a'm drippings I highway tunnel Intense sodium ya- a„d seasoned with a bit of nnistard. When nur9haBlnK, a saucepan, be por ainpsMmve been livstalled hi he Return It to the ovoH to flnl'sh •b'Ak-''sure it hlVs 'aii lri(le?,'ta'tlon oi-Up for OOO-foot Tooth Rock bore on the mg and to glav.e. Ipourln'g. The por'tcotiy roiiild saudbdouimbla ftlver Highway near Donj u s t before .sorvlpg, decorate the pan can be . S C r a v a t l n g *^^^^^ nevUle Dam. I h e llgh s burn con- ham with maraschino or candled you are iryhiR to pour liquids Into tlnuously, but as daylight fades with cherries. Here is whore yoii may let another vessel, the approach of night a photo-electric cell device ttUtoihatlcally reVasa Star be'i^rce Toain, In coduces intensity to the degree ncces- ] lo'p'era.tlon wl'tli tlio Branford ThoasAi-y to prevent a sharp contrast be| t r c will p'l'oso'nl 'Sonja'l-Ionlo In tween the light within t h e tunnel | and on th'e highway outside. "Ha'pt'y Lart'&'hB,'' W n d a y arid \'¥tt'osdfty, Mtcrdh li'an<J i6. i| Mrs. Culosto Erwli) and dauBlitor,\ ' Connie wore In LawrenoovUic, N. J . jior tho wcelc onci,!S'';j',.i,>iB!!WS Personals 1 tablespoon butter V- teaspoon salt Cook the potatoes and carrots together in a small amount of salted water until tender. Put hoth through a ricer or mash well. Add 'hiVlk, butter ahij salt. Beat well and serve. The cook who uses h e r imaglnaParsiiii> 'Croquettes , Robert MaUlnson, of Ilomlngway tion in preparing onions, potatoes, 2 cups mashed parsnips Unpeeled cucumber slices dipped ln|yvvenue, kasi iiaveii, has returned carrots, parsnips and those other VJ teaspoon salt finely chopped parsley and some In ;,.(,„, j^j^jg^ „\^^^.^, ,,'(, vlsiiod r'clawinter vegetables which are one of 1 egg paprlka add an attractive lilt to^ .i^pj, the nialnstays of tho diet during 2 teaspoons butter fish the cold weather months will find Colo slaw? Make It the same tradl , , , Mix well, .shape Into flat patties Willys )I. Pratt and daughtliat they hold appetite appeal for ^_^^, ^,,^^^,, j „ ^ j ^ ^ , ^ ,^^j ^^^^ A can of sauerkraut isn't some- It is impo.sslble always to gauge tlonal way, with French dressing or I ^.^Mrs. _. „ ' / j , „ „ „ „ '^'^^^ ^ Thursday accurately the appetites of the famNow 'Gr'6ihg 'Oh h e r family regardless ot how fre- j thing t h a t we Just open and heat. It with sour cream drc.sslnB It tHats ^^,^,^ ^t___. ^ , ,i^ . ^, > quently they a r e served. is t h e good start t h a t the canner ily; In.stoad, clever houfsewlves plan the way you like It. Then, vary the ^ jj-^^^^j^ Coma In and,'ehoose, a Select gave us on a grand dish and so. In for left-overs. This enables them to An excellent source of vitamins, theme Florida-fashion and tuck . ' .1^ lAnp o/^ Oapjtcnta at appreciation for what this man did take advantage of market conditions and minerals and the necessary some grapefruit segments Into the ^ ^: Ite'duced Prices for us we prepare a truly fine dish;and week end sales, a n d often efbulk in the diet, vegetables are far middle of It, and garnish with green I Wolfe's Quality Food Siioli w i s fects a substantial saving, too Important a part of the menu, to accompany our frankfurters or fresh or canned,host yesterday to the comnninlty, pepper. Use the Our Now Sprinj: Lino Of "In buying meats never hcstltate grapefruit, or,sub.stltute oranges ifimany guesiti arriving botweeh, the both from the standpoint of nutrisparerlbs; to choo.se a roa.st or pot-roast lartion arid of food economy, to be al-j PRINTS a s d P A S T E L S Canned Sauerkraut you prefer;•; citrus and cabbage are hours ot 4:;)0 and 5 p. m. to hoar ger than needed for one meal", says two hlgli C'sl lowed to lose their interest through the itovlng Roportbv broadQMt liews fs Now oM Dlajjltty 1 quart sauerkraut, canned Inez S. Wll.son, home economist, Here's another: cheese silvers on oVor station WEU direct from the a monotonous repetition in the way i Turnips taste strong when over >/2 cup granulated sugar Also sec a beautyul display o/ "for there are dozens ot ways to u t - •green salads. Pile them on top, and Shop. they are served. jcooked. Cut them up in small pieces 2 onions, diced ilize the last bits. It is a good idea vary the cheese to suit your mood. n'an'ilibork liv In many households, plain, but- so that they cook quickly 1 tablespoon vinegar . A buffet luncheon wa.'i served lo have more than enough of all Going back to t h a t appealing grape tered vegetables, well cooked and Carrots seem to have extra good Mm. Ilti'dddek o/ Short 'Beach 1 apple, diced those visiting the store and an ormeats which are cooked for a con- fruit, you'll like Roquefort "chunks" seasoned, are t h e general rule, and flavor v/hen cut In slim Jim silvers, 1 tablespoon butter chestra played during tlie day. there Is no better way of serving instead of chunks, and cooked Cover the sauerkraut with water, siderable length of time, even meat on top that Florida treat. The opening was a huge succeaa. them. The occasional introduction;closely covered with just the least loaves or stews, because they make - ,• , , , ot a new combination or of a newibit of water. The .spoonful ot water add the diced apple, one diced onmethod of preparing an old s t a n d - | l e t t 1" "lo pot at the end ot t h e ion, sugar and vinegar. Cook about ™sy and economical second meals , An attractive way for serving fish Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Tobin, Bran/ord's little bit o/ Filth Ave. by Is a welcome change, however, cooking may be poured over them, or 45 minutes. Then add the remain-j"''™ ^f" several suggestion.? for us- of all kinds Is in large flat white Jr., Main Street announce the birth Toole Building Branford shells. ing onion which has been browned, '"8 left-over meats, and an effective tonic for jaded saved to be added later to sauce, in butter. Serve Immediately. 0^ a daughter, Tuesday In the New Left-over Roast or I'ot-roast gravy or .souj). I t .should never be winter appetites. I Dice the left-over roast, combine Baked oranges are served w l t h ' " " ^ ™ HosP't"'. thrown away. Baked Onions In I'arslcy Butler Counterfeit paper money Is more'it with a cream sauce, and serve In turkey. To keep the color from bleeding Peel and cut large onions In '/jln than 800 years old, and samples of patty .shells or on baking powder slices. Sprinkle with salt, a d d l i cup from beets, cook them In their skins ithe fir.st "phonies" will be on dls- bi.seuits. Left-over vegetables such Mold your salad, and your meal, water and 2 , tablespoons butter.land leave about two Inches of I h e i p ^ y j^^ ^j^^ JQJQ Qoi^gj, Q^^^ j ^ t e r as peas and carrots. It there Is not will "shape up" In a Jiffy alservln'gi Cover and bake 45 minutes. Sprinkle green top. A little vinegar or lemon ;j.j^yg,.|j^j Exposition at San Francis enough to serve separately, are of- time! Fiosh ripe raspberries aiid By FISHER B R O W ' N and NAT FALK ' juice in the water helps, too. J^Q ten added to the creamed meat. with pjirsley a n d serve. canned Florida grapefruit juice are Some people prefer to scrape par-1 ^ Slice tho roast Into thin slices and a delectable blend of flavors. 2.WHAT IS ftiaslicii Carrots And Potatoes snips after they are cooked rather reheat it In a barbecue .sauce. Since 4 carrots BP.AILLE ? SI'KSCIllBB TO TUB than before. The skin comes off the meat Is already cooked, It needs 4 potatoes BKAWORD BKSIFAV Store apples In the refrigerator; more easily. only reheating. Longer cooking Is or a t least keep apples In a cool ',^ cup milk undesirable. place—they like It. Dice the last bits of the roast, combine with an equal amount of chopLeaves may be removed from a ped cooked potatoes. Season with head of lettuce without breaking, .salt and popper and grated onion. by cutting around tho core with a Moisten with left-over gravy, and knife aiid tlien holding the head of brown In hot bacon drippings. lettuce under running water. Grind the last of the rOast ifbr a Melted Jelly makes a professional loaf. Combine with a few bread crumbs, moisten with cream of transparent glaze when brushed mushroom soup, and bake until over tarts Or fresh fruit fllUnga. heated through, about thirty min"Store", your bananas In t h e fruit utes. Slice meat and reheat In a cas- bowl, and not In the refrigerator. serole on top of e.scalloped potatoes Use a v/hlsk broom and warm waor noodles. ter for sprinkling the moisture evenly, wheh moistening cottons. "Hey misterl Your engine's smoking." Seeking a new , catchy name fol"Wei, It's old enough." Its 40-aere Amusement Zone, the 1939 Golden Gate International Ex1. A I9tli fotiiry untold ('ood in brightening tlie lives Teacher: "WUIlel Define the word position Is offering $1000 cash for Answers: ITIMLII doLtor who u' tliL blind puncture." the best three wOrd suggestion. created,, the grpalL&t nLuro'oriical 3, No rile natural color ot teeth Willie: "A puncture Is a Uttle hole clinic of his lime. 1 Uri ,'rLil pro V1-ILS among individuals from in a tire usually found a t a great greM wai made in the tliid; of lur Cfcaniy wiute lo a grnyMll color, A quarter million dollars In exvous disease). riclll look best Hien heajthy jind distance from a garage." hibits will be prcaentcd at t h e 1930 2. "I'lie sysicni of \ riiin: a ul prim non i.il It Is dani;erous to bleach Wol'ld's Fair on Treasure Island In 'mil invented by l.ouis llni Ic lOtli tl 1 ip arlififially, To preserve, good J Frank Crimes, prcsldciil of (lie Indcpcnannt Orocers Alliance ot Amcrua puts (lie flnisliing touches Ictth, include ;• Ilb.eral amount,^f century teacher of the bllid M Teacher: "Joh'riny, take this sen- San Francisco Bay by the Southern on famous "All-American" calic ivliilc little Jackie namihiK and licr fair assistants salute at DakinE means of raised points rcprc *n 11[{ cilciuiii m th'e diet wilh fresli (nliu, tence, "I led the cow from the pas- Pacific .and Banta Ko Railroads'. Producls Marketlns Conference lield in Hotel Knickerbocker, Cliicano. Tlie cake, wclBliIng more H'-in » letters,, the blind art. enabUd tu rujd \L|,Ltablcs and milk. They will feature Western travel ture," what mood?" Ion, was baked state by slate from a recipe chosen by 1,500,000 Housewives In ICA stores throughout llic by touch. Tltis invt ilion has duinr attractions. 1 iiunlry as .America's ravorile. Johnny: "The cow, ma'am." Clever' Wdrrieft W h e r e Ihe Ganner Stops The Actually Plan Housewife Begins For Left-Overs TIPS of Underwear f\ Hints On Cooking Root Vegetables To Whe Toggery Wh^t Db YdU Know Abrut Health? Saluting "All-American" Cake—Largest in World :,:. :.3.-. i i . > i t ,t X-* ^.t^y^y^^f^yXCi f' f •: ^J: *'' w"ll r * > » * * »*^^* (SI)? Hmnforh UputPiit EatabllBtacd 1928 I Publl^hea Every 'IlmriHlny At nmntonl, Conn, by TUB nnANFOIlD HEVIKW, INO. 87 Hono Stroot MBYIcri LEaHINB . . . , . , PuWIahor T h e r e is also to lio conHidcrcd 7,il a n d llie Fascist Htatcs oE Kii- WASHINGTON SNAPSHOTS rope. Under llic Monroe Oocti'ini! ny JAMES PRKSTON tlio possibility of a military liniiee, open nr tneit, liclwcon Brn- militiiry footliold in Subscription Rate! (2.00 n Your, Fayablo In Advance Advertising Rates. On Application Member Of Now England F r c u AMoclntlon IT L O O K S DIFFERENT F R O M THE' OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE w e would resiBt a n y nltctnpt of a nnii-Ainerienn power to Tolcphono nmnford 400 nl- plioro, l)nt fluoli a Kain a tliis lieiiiis- nation niiRlil Kain llie Kanio military advaiitflKCt liy liaviiij; an Anioricnn nation an an ally. Wo sliall continue lo wateli Brazil, willi an eye not HO miicli tii Kntorcd as second doss matter, October IB, 1028, at tlie Post Office at wliat NIIO is doiii|{ M lo wliat comBranford, Conn., under Act of March p a n y alio keeps. 8, 1807. ThurBday, F e b r u a r y 17, 1038 A DEADLY MENACE Tlio American people is just wnltiiiB u p to the liorrible ravaKOs being wrought by the latest drug mcnnoo. Marihuana. This is the liashish of the East wiiich causes Mabiys to I'un auioelc, and it is peoulinrly vicious in its clToctH. Those who use it lose nil uionial restraint and sense of moral values, and often commit the most hori'iblo acts ol! whieli tliey have but tlio faintest recollection after the drug wears off. The n e w peril lias already readied alarming proportions but now tlii't the publio eousoiousnoss is being aroused it can be clioclced or even oradieatod. I t is dillloult to out oil' the source of supply which is common Iiomp, n p l a n t t h a t will grow without cultivation almost anywhere in the United States. liHIcctivu steps should bo taken through e(l,uoatidn and the stern punishment of tlioso guilty ol' soiling the drug. By every possible agency of iiiBlruotion, tlio home, the cliurch, the soliool, the radio, tlio screen, tlio jirinlcd page, tlio trulli aliout tills terrible destroyer oE body, mind and soul uliould be hainmored homo to tho yniiiig wJio form tho great bulk of Mariliuana addicts. Voluiitar.v abstention through fear of the results of iiidulgcucu is our best safeguard. SOUND AND F U R Y A prominent " e d u c a t o r " has broadcast tho statement t h a t it is a very had. thing for a student to receive A grades in all his school subjeols. Tim straight A pupil, he says, becomes so used to success t h a t ho expects to bo successful in everything and is theroforo iinproparod to sland tlie gaff when he makes failures in later life as all are bound to do. One may assume 'LITTLE BUSINESS" SAYSthen, that ho would advise teach'I'o say that official Wasliingtou was " s h o c k e d " when representaers to fail pupils ocoasioiuilly j u s t to tonghon up their moral fi- tives oC'Tjittlo Uusiiicss" laid their ^Ji-point program for easing the strains on business would be putting it mildly. ber. The final draft of the program was of a much quieter tone when To tlio writer this " e x p e r t ' s " tho Drafting Coiamittee finished with it than was the program aptheory sounds like a lot of foolishproved by the full meeting of some l.OOO representatives of small ness. L e t ' s carry liis reasoning a business. Kveii so, it was a document vastly different from what had, little further. A lierson who has been expected to emerge from the sessions. always enjoyed good health is noIn effect the 23 |)oints reflect one certain fact and that is that it toriously a lind invaliil. when a t d o e s n ' t matter w h a t llic term " b u s i n e s s " rcpresenls—whether a busilast ho does got sick. Tlierefore let ness of a man working for himself or employing five |)orsons or five u s cause our oliiidreii to contract thousand, tlic sumo problems exist. diseases so t h a t tliey will know A t tho meeting, Mr. Tom Jones ot .Tones and Co., was cither a how to enre for themselves and maker of hats in Diilutli, or a brick inanufaeturer in Cleveland or a how In conduct themselves with sorapiron mercliant in I'odunk, Jf his experience conforms to that of Christian fortitude when or if the average,businessman, a glance at his ledgers shows the following t h e y are ill in later life. for the past two y e a r s : Cliilrtren who are brought up in . 1 . The hourly wage rate he pays is 10 to 15 per cent above what an atmosphere of alToction get it was a y e a r ago. , m a n y rudo sliocks in later life 2. His taxes have risen a n d he must even pay a prohibitive tax on wlicn they find that pco|)Ui out earnings retained to be put l)aok in his business. side their families treat Ihom not H. l i e pays an old-age insurance tax, larger than it should be beonly with indiftoreuce but often 1 cause it is used In build up a large reserve fund which is actually iionwilli cruelty. 'L'horeCore let ^'"1 existent from time to time leap snddeiily 4. T h a t all ot these factors o p e r a t i n g in tho husiness ot those upon' the child, oufT his ears supplying him with raw materials, have cnu.scd his costs tor materials soundly, smash his toys a n d latigli to rise at a dizzy pace. a t his tears. This M'ill "fit him for As tho New York Times comments on tlie " L i t t l e B u s i n e s s " relife in a Iiard w o r l d . " port: Sharp attacks by business, botli large and small, against tJie BorahO'Mfthoney Bill to provide tor Federal licensing ot business tlircw a Jolt into the proponents of the measure. Particularly touchy to these favoring the measure was the a s sertion by business that enactment of the bill would make home rule over business a thing of the past and completely destroy private initiative. Under its terms, the bill would include not only big and little companies a n d partnerships, but would reach down individuals buislnesses, aRricultural ventures, cooperatives and even individual farmers where they competed witli licenses. John L. Lewis, the CIO chief, took to the speakers' rostrum at the United Mine Workers convention here last week and castigated employers for laying oft workers and reducing salaries in times of financial stress. These employers, said tlie burly union head, should dip Into their reserve funds to keep men at w o r k forgetting, apparently t h a t business men have no reserves nowadays because of the undistributed net income tax. But here's what wo started out to say: The very day Mr. Lewis was criticizing the business men for lay-offs and wage cuts, one ot his own unions in Detroit was doing just that. The United Automobile Workers of America announced that it was reducing its staff by a p proximately two-thirds, and t h a t the wages of those being retained were to be cut by 10 per cent. Coincidental inconsistency! f-ii-<~i-it •i^^:>i-f-rk^'-i'^t •<:•:>•'• Page Five THE BRANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1038 THE BRANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1038 Pago Pom t f rrf-tc-'if-it * * t 4 1 c^eSNAPSHOT CUIL l-MINUTE SAFETY TALKS By D o n V.2Tc\l SUNNY PICTURES INDOORS was thinking 9ibpLit. „a blonde asi:.week\ ' m, :" Remember Pedestrians N'i'.irly Iwll ol tlic Sfi.SOO people the assorted morons, nit-wits, kids, Itillod by automobile accificiilB in the drunks and a certain (lerccntage of Uniled Sl.ltes last vear were petles- careful, intettiRent drivers to see that trt.Ttis, aeenrdiiiK to (iRiires.relr.Tsed by they don't bump him into kingdom come. 'riie'l'ravejers Insurance Company. He won't be a sissy, so instead ol In most cases, tlie pedestrians asked wailiUR for traffic llKhts in city streets for it. It is seldom tliat nutomoljiles come he'll dart out into a meas of swift up on tlie sidewalk and ctiape pede.'*- traffic and jump around among speedtrians. Sometimes tliey do, but not ing Cars like a fox in the middle of a pack of hounds. often. Me'll cro«3 in the middle of the As a rule, a pedestrian wants it and block ^4,440 killed this way last walks out where lie otn j^et it. He'll pit ilia frail, wntirry flesh and year.) He'll step out from behind fragile bones aRainst a ton or two of narked era without [leeking (1,320). thundering steel and Rlass and flaming He'll cross busy intersectioaa cattycornered. fire. Of course, some pedestrians arc He'll put his life in the hands of drivers of cars coniine at him at 25 to chiidren whose parents haven't taught 7-5 miles an hour—drivers, many of them the dancer t)f playing in streets, whom, if he knew them person.illy. he hut most peucstriana who get Icilled vvo>ildn't trust with ten cents worth c- maimed by motor cars ask for it and—GET ifl , ofdoRUieat. I'd say that it ouchV to be easy to He'll walk aloUR a country road liminafe 10.000 pedestrian' deaths ft with his hack to traific (instead of _ 'urine i* as he should) and leave it to 1 year—if thcpedestrianswereintercstcd. FROM OUR READERS f i t T i t r ' " - Miami, Florida, and fruit orchards for our old Feb. 10, 1938. neighbors to enjoy with us. There Is apparently no recession Mr. Meyer Lesliine, j Manga, orange, lemon, guava, and in employment in the many, many Dear Sir:jLaprana Surinam cherry trees in agencies, departments and commisThe home paper is one of my most bloom "in our yard. Citrus fruit a t sions of tlie government these days. valued guests, keeping me in touch its best—flowers in bloom everyA report of the Civil Service Com- with the home town. Some of the where-v/e are indeed in another mission last week showed that 889,- racy items added to current events world. But it seems' like an abiding 550 employes were on the Federal seem quite like life there again. Who,place—not home, to many who pay roll in Deccmber-^a gain ot is t h a t "Man About Town?" I want spent most ot their years in the 68,270 over the previous month! to know! lie seems quite like home north. '°"^^i I note names of the younger genWashington's observers—and alBut what a feeling ot sadness toleration children and grandchildren most everyone of the city's adult population can quality to some de- read the list of those who had died, ot old friends—and I think now the during the past year, and compargree because almost everyone works ing it with the two previous years. world is theirs to love those same for one branch of tlic government Wliat a congregation of old friends tilings we did. In • summer again, or another—believe Mr. John Lewis's and acquaintances! And to think of they will love t h a t brook a s we—with: tlie clear rippling water—ferns, vioCIO has done itself considerable robin to harm by an ungentlemanly attack the part they filled In the home;lets, forget-me-nots—a on the Daughters ot the American history; I recall them of course, as'iiear in the early morning—oriole— in their vigor, not declining years. | whlppoorwill—what not? It's all as Revolution. Tlie blast came at the I am nearly up to Rip Van Win-; sweet and dear to them a s to us. I same time Lewis was mentioned ofW c refrain from iiroccedingj " A n y t h i n g t h a t will actually help Mr. Jones reduce his prices, iiy kle's record. I t has been nearly 18 am sure that I would gather carfurther for fear that our satirical enabling liim to reduce his cosls, will bring Jtr. .loiies's eustomcrs ficially as possible "iiresideiitial Vears since wc came to the far dinal flowers, lilies, or sweet .flag Coupled'with this campaign of timber." comment will become almost as back into the market and revive activity in other businesses, both big south. I would have no place back:with as much zest as they, if I was safety propaganda tliero should The D. A. R., the observers re- there I fear. there in the season. silly as the stalcmout whieli lU'o- and l i t t l o . " " .-J member, has always kept its skirts be a s t e m cruRiido b y every v(dced it. Wo merely wish (o reclean ot political and personality . It is "lite" too here, with newer' An editor's life has its full share agency oC law against liio souUoss Issues. Instead, it has busied itself friends and a milder clime. Stirring I ot care and trouble I know, but affirm our. belief that the idea of vorinin who sell tho tilthy stuff. with the more per.sonal problems of life of larger Interests, Cosmopoli-! t h a n k s to you for the dear sheet ot feeding cliildi'cii unpleasant extan—with all the tourists and new-j home news, a n d your promptness in the American housewife. Tho doalli penalty is noiio too B R A I N S AND B A C K B O N E periences as a part of llicir trainTliere's an old saying, these ob- comers from all parts of the world.'sending It. severe for those who destroy our MARGARET R. COMSTOCK ing is notliiiig short of asinine. In the dawn of history aiiil for many centuries thereafter man servers remind us, tliat "hell hatli Airport and seaport, market garden] young people for money. Yet it furnished, his own, power. But today be bus been freed to act as a guiil- no fury like that of a woman scorn- considerably since then. He said he lected most of the signatures. Mr. Some of (hose " e d u c a t o r s " has been often pointed out t h a t it understood t h a t future costs would Friedman promised t h a t the petiing intelligence anil the more and more power retinirett in our intri- ed." is tlie certainty of punishuieii not luigiit have made excellent fish be 20 per cent above present esti- tion would be considered. cate ceoiiomic system now eonies ffom the machine. : The Washington Zoological Park mates. its severity, which acts as an cf- peddlers if Ihcy liad started lo Alfred Firmiti. former postmaster 111 tlie lioine, on the farm, in the olliee and in the faclory. the ma- Ijossesses a strange talking bird. It learn the business soon enougli. feotivo crime deterrent. KolciitOf the money for the tunnel $11.- of Brooklyn, reviewed Franklin's chine a n d the iiroduels id' the macliiiie m a k e work easier and more is offleially known a s an African 205,000 was an outright Federal career and said t h a t his wisdom and less justice and luaxianim prison pleasant. Even in gaining tlie pleasuri!s of life wo use the radio, auto- "Miner" and it has long been grant and the rest a Federal loan common sense were much needed terras for tliese ghouls would d." a special pet of park authorities secured by bonds on tlie tunnel's re- today. mobile, moving ])icturcs—all [n'odiiets of the inaeliiiie, brought within here. W I T H US TO STAY much to break up tho tralTlo. venues. In a message from Beverly Hills, our reach at ever lessening costs liecausc wc live in the Macliinc Ago. For years tlie bird lias been President Roosevelt broke ground Calif., William Guggenheim, honorArdent a n i i New Dealers feci There is no way in which we can retain freeiloin and continue to prompted to say: "How about the for the tunnel in Queens on Oct. 2, ary president of tlie society, attack- , t h a t it Ihoy can elect a man of extend huiuan happiness—to bring more Ihiugs to more people—.save appropriation." (The zoo is m a i n - 1930. The other members of the Au- ed tlie "uneconomic policies" of the W E H A V E TO BE OONOERNED ^either p a r t y in 1940 who will not tained by Federal appropriations thority arc Alfred B. Jones, chair- administration, which h e said were one, and that is the iucroascil, ellieieue.y of industry to increase the through the Smithsonian Institu- man, and Albert T. Johnson. responsible for "what may prove to The press of America has ceased be a figurehead upon whom the output ot each worker. tion.) Koosovelt mantle has desuenilcd Mr. Friedman hinted at the m a t - be a major business depression." to "view witli a l a r m " the estabRecently President Roosevelt vis- ter in an address a t the annual lishment of the Vargas dictatnr- they'can scrap tlio Roosevelt iinliited the zoo and Inquired as to tho meeting of the International BenCALF DEFEATS BEAR wiiereabouts of tills strange talking jamin Franklin Society at the Hotel sliip in IJrn/.il, but it may be cies in tlieir onliroly and go back T E A C H I N G DUCKS TO S W I M New York.—Fred Jordan, director bird. The bird's keeper replied: to the conditions of lU'c-doiirosPlaza and expanded it later. He rcr of National . Wildlife Restoration guessed t h a t our government is (Fnuii The New York World-Telegram) "The bird died—waiting for the ceived from the society a petition Week, gets many an unusual yarn keeping a .sharp eye on events in sion days. appropriation." signed by about 12,985 New York- ot wild animals. From Newberry, I t c a n ' t be done, and it never Tho AVl'A, we see, has iillotled $ar),8li7 to finance a study ot the the g r e a t nation of the southern ers asking t h a t tiie tunnel be n a m - Midi., conies the report; of Superinwill bo. A greater measure of worth of tourist trade lo Florida. eoiitiiieut. "What happens down beed for Benjamin Franklin. tendent Bernard McTlver of the AVcll, that will be nice work tor the relief clients wlui can get it. low the lino is, and must always govormuontal contact with and Marshall Douglas, 18 years old, of Lake Superior State Forest of a 2,514 Creston Avenue, the Bronx, black bear t h a t was knocked down, he, a m a t t e r of grave concern to control over our economic and And what a llelil for new AVl'A iirojects it oiiens ui)! Tho worth of presented the petition to Franklin butted around and finally driven social life has come to stay. The climalo to California, ot authors and politicians to Indiana, ot oil to us. Bache Huntington, a great-great- up a pine tree near the headquarAt first thouglit it might soom social .sceurilies laws were over- Oklahoma and Texas, ot steel to I'ittsburgh, of skyscrapers to Newsreat grandson of Franklin, and ters building by a red heifer. tliat wo shotiUl n o t bo greatly tluo iintl the people will demand York, ot automobiles to Detroit, of beans to Hostoii, ot government Cessation of Work on Tube Mr. Huntington, who is a trustee of the society, handed it to Mr. Fried hundred feet high, the slencoiieerued with llie form of gov- their retention. Corrective action bureaus to Washington. To Queens Because Of man. Mr. Douglas is a student at derFour Tower of the Sun a t the 1939 Wliy, the possibilities arc practically unlimited. ernment which tho Brazilians should bo directed toward corthe New York School of Printing, Rising Expense Is Golden. Gate International Exposisot-up for tliomselvcs. Wo would recting present evils of form and and he and his fellow-students coi- tion is only 57 feet wide at Its base Feared not euro for Pasoism in any form administration r a t h e r t h a n a t the tho people, and government, asiluive borrowed many other bit but, as a character ot Dickens a c t itself. The governmciil must tho agent of the licople, must a c t | lions (about :!7 as things now 1935 FIGUKE $58,365,000 says " L e t them as wants it 'uvo also continue to aid in bringing Estimate Increased, Future about a balance between the in- ns arbiter lo see fiiir play for all s t a n d ) . Even the interest on tliis it." Charges Will Be Up 20 •;>;, But tho matter goes much fartli- comes of agriculture and indus- concerned. Placing upon Labor a huge sum, lo say nothing of reAuthority Member Says try. A hai)|)ier solution of tlie AND EAST HAVEN NEWS cr than that. Already the similarresponsibility eiiuai lo that now ductions on tlie princi|ial, will run William H. Friedman, a commisity of political systems in the new problem than iiresont methods imposed upon Capital alone woiilil into a staggering sum ot money. sioner of the authority for the newBrazil a n d in Italy a n d Germany promise might lio along the' lines have 11 trementlously beneficial Whoever guides our destinies East River tunnel to Queens, warnhas created a srong economic ot more voluntary action by tlie ed t h a t rising labor costs might d u r i n g the coming years luiist intluouce. boiidwliieh hiis resulted in a largo farmers and less coercion by the force temporary or permanent, cesfiutlways to raise this money, a n d Passing over many o t h e r phases sation ot work on tlie tube. a n d increasing trade across the government, with elimination o t whatever methods ot taxation Unless future contracts are based South Atlantic. This trade is caus- marketing wastes substituted for of the New Deal which will reAdvertisers in tlie Branford Keviow roacli on present prices, he said, the proing a corresponding loss to our the present wasteful and econom- main witli us, w c must also make they devise, payment will bo ject may be abandoned. The a u t h approximately 90 per cent of the buying own commorce which has in re- ically unsound method of limit- up our mind t h a t taxes a r e going made eventually b y the great ority will advertise in the next ten power ill Branford. E a s t Haven a n d vicinity days for bids for the 35 per cent of cent y e a r s been t e n d i n g more and ing production by destroying sur- to be high for many years to body of the people. Read the Branford Review pluses the work not yet under contract. more to flow s o u t h w a r d . This oilo oomo, regardless ot who sits in " O c t Roosevelt o u t " is jttst Mr. Friedman said the cost of t h e The relations between Capital j l h e W h i t e House, W c luivo spent a n o t h e r slogan which w o n ' t solve result alone h u r t s America enougli Advertise in the Branford Re-view tunnel was estimated a t $58,365,000 to give us serious concern. and Tjnbnr are tho business of a l l l m n n y hillions of dollars and, we our problems. in 1935 and t h a t prices had risen Labor Costs Seen As Bar To Tunnel The Branford Review is read by more than 10,000 READERS every week EAST' HAVEN Wayne Harrison h a s returned | nounco his selection ot new safety Scott Quintette, WMy Vernon, Leah HOLLYWOOD GOSSIP: from Grace Hospital to his home In) monitors and their rcspeotivo po5t« Robert Montgomery proves the Ray. Peters Sisters, Condos Broththis week. Cliidsey Avenue Miss Helen Russell was given a s>:perstilion about "walking be- ers, El Brcndel, Marcelic Corday surprise personal shower last eveneath a ladder" c a n be lucky. As and Joseph Crehan. John S. Lewis, 24 Bradley Avenue, The Girls Friendly candidates of ning In Gulltord at tho homo of Bob approached the "Wooden Wed- Starting Friday Feb. 28th at the has returned homo from Now Ha- Christ Church met Tuesday alter- Mrs. McGulre. ding" stage, men installing new Loew Poll Theatre is "A Yank At noon at 4 In the homo of Mrs. Chesven Hospital. phone lines were putting up a lad- Oxford" ter Knight, in Frank Street. Tuesder In the doorway and there was Robert Taylor, Maureen O'SulliTho newly-formed 4-H club held day night a t 8, tho Girls Friendly Mrs. Reginald Babcock was tho no other way around. So Bob en- van and Lionel Barryniore, tlirce its first meollng at the homo of Society met in the homo of Mrs. C. guest of honor a t a shower given outstanding personalities ot the tered under the ladder. During the Pauline TInarl, 477 Main Street, and Wahnquist, on the Derby Turnpike Monday evening a t tho home ot her day, he was complimented upon liis American screen, join forces with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Norman elected the following officers: Pros- in Orange. fine work by Director Ricliard three British stars. Vivian Leigh, Russell. ldcnt,Marie Blanchard; vice-presThorpe, found a dollar bill, and al- Edmund Gwenn and Griffith Jones, Among tho guests were; Mrs. Saident, Mary Licdke; secretary, PaulTho third In a scries ot Sunday die Pernald, Mrs. Burdolt Babcock, so received word t h a t his perform- and a large cast of celebrated Britine Tinari; Jennie Riccio, reporter. afternoon recitals being given in ance in "Night Must Fail" had been ish plavcrs. in "A Yank At Oxford." The next mcetini? will take place on Christ Episcopal church under the Helen, Betty ond Ruth Russell, acclaimed one of t h e best achieve- Metro Goldwyn Mayer's first BritFeb. 24 a t 2:45 at Miss Tinari's home. direction ot Harold B, Grist, organ- Mrs. Olson, Mrs. MoGulro, Mrs. ments of 1937. Can't be any jinx to isii made film, produced a t Its stuTheodore Eastwood, Mrs. Daniel ist, will bo inesented Feb. 27 at 4. dio in Denliam, Buckingshlre. The the old tradition, laughs the star. A group of 20 women met for tea Guest soloists will Includo Mrs. Lil- Brandrltt, Mrs. Frank Torry, Mrs. film represents the first romantic Norman Shearer walking from recently in the home of Mrs. Clar- lian Wood, contralto and Lewis Lu- Albert Blrnoy, Mrs. Anna Houd, her dressing room to the "Marie An- teaming of Taylor and Miss O'Sulence Bremncr under the ausiiices ot beuow, baritone, of St. Paul's churcli Miss Bcrnico Fields, Miss Virghiia toinette" set where she is visited by livan, pre.'--enting Taylor in the title St. Andrew's Mothers' Club to take in New Haven; Miss Marjorle Soii- Babcock, Mrs, Leon Babcock, Mrs. role as the star athlete of a small Fred Wimble and Miss Marcia Lul'i. the former Lady Sylvia Ashley, and liarl In tho state-wide Methodist tgo, violinist of Uostou, _ Mass.; Mi.ss Douglas Fairbanks! who watch tlie Midwestern American college, who campaign broadcast. In serving t.be|p„"{,.ie,';'L;;;,B; ceiust of "the Now is awarded a scholarship to Oxford star and Josepii Schildkraut and tea teapot' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheppard oC ' " " a" ""Wesley "'"" ' " "^v""'' "ylllnven Symphony orchestra, and four hundred others dance the and there meets the English girl Miss Edith Clark was used. played by Miss O'SulUvan. Ml.ss Florence Guothleln, pianist, Double Beach Road will move to minuet in a scene for "Marie AnNow Haven this week. The second big hit on this pro_,, . „ , , . „ , I organist ot Park Methodist church tlonette." The dance takes place in •The young m c . n | t c h i r s t E p i . s c o - 1 ^ 1 „„,.,,j^ C^^^ ,j,hcse recitals arc one of the most lavish ballroom gram to further your enjoyment is "Paradise For Three" with Frank i;"'n?.l".."!'„."!™'' " ' " " " ' " ' " ' ' " ' "! being given in tho Intorcst of good Mr. and Mrs. J. Norman Russell sets ever built a t the studio. in the rectory. music and arc free to all who care of Laniihior'a Cove announce tho Clark Gable, during time off from Morgan. Robert Young. Mary Astor. This evening at 0 the evening to attend. Edna May Oliver, Florence Rice, coming marriage ot their daughter, the set of "Test Pilot," inspecting a branch of tlic Guild meets with Mrs. Peter Werbor, chairman ot tho Helen Virginia to Mr. Robert Sparr, fan's gift of a small model airplane Reginald Owen, Henry Hull and Frank Howard, 20 Atwaler Street. Amcricani'^ation committee of tho son of Mr. and Mrs. George Sparr of that will loop the, loop, power dive Herman Biiig. "Conquest" starring Greta Garbo and go through other maneuvers. At a luncheon meeting last Wed- Harry R. Bartlotl iiost, American Guilford. Tho wedding will take place Sunand Charles Boyer licad tlic splennesday a t the home ot Mrs. Sidney Legion, calls attention to tho obserdid secrond run program opening HOT TIPS FOR THE WEEK: Bailey, the Ladles' Aid of tho Fox- vance of national week, wldcli open- day noon in 8t. Paiil's church, Now Skiing is child's play compared Sunday at the Loew PollBljou. on Congregational Church oleotcd ed on Lincoln's Birthday, Saturday, Haven. An afternoon nap—anil an Indoor-sunlight picture of rnro charm. Note Miss Betty RusacU will bo h e r sisto the new stunt Vigged up for thrills "Conquest" is the h e a r t stabbing the following officers: President, and concludes on Washington's how reflecting surfaces, the light walls, the bed spread, the white dress, romance ot the emperor Napoleon In the ice ballet'of "Happy Land soften and brighten the shadows. Exposure 1/10 second at f.8. Mrs. John Merrick; vice-president, Blrlliday, Feb, 22. Special exercises tor's mald-ot-honor and Burgess will be hold in tho .schools and some ing," in which Sonja Henle sur and the beautiful Mario Waiewska.... Sparr, will bo best man. Mrs. Lyman Goodrich; secretaryr \ 0 not fool, fellow anapaboolora, sary to aid tlio nhndow llluniina. passes her most breathless sensa , with tile glamorous Garbo and the A reception for tho Immodlato treasurer, Mrs. Maurice Bailey of the orijanlzatlons will also plan ' - ' that just hocaugo tho aim atnya tlon with rolioctors. Tlioso ca.a l)o tions in a musical of superlative de-ib/inds(inie Boyer unlUng in a love patriotic programs. families will follow at tho homo ot work committee, Mrs. Sidney Bail out ot (loora yon cannot niako sun- wliito alioots or plllowcaHoa Urapcii A special effort will be made to the bride's imrcnts. light. This pictiire. witii happiness story t h a t will flame forever in your over a cliair, wlilto cardI)oarrt or ey, Mrs. George Beckett, and Mrs. light pictures inside. have a more general display ot written all over it, stars Sonja Hen- memory. "Conquest" is one of M. G. Charles Hotchklss. •\Vliorovcr a u n i l g i l t atroama lilottor-paper, or anythlag oiao tluit flags on both of tho holidays this le with her "One In A Million" M's mightiest drama witii two of the tliroURh a window, thero Is a setting win pick up tlio BUnllRlit and cast it Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sundlus and toward lliB subject's Blinilow sldo. sweetheart, DoiV Amcclie, and fea- screen's greatest stars—Greta Garfor n picture, often an oxlroinoly Tlie Union School Safety Council year." Mr. Weber said, "and In or- family plan to move this week to In ftildltlon, tiio llBlit may lio der that householders may hang bo and Charles Boyer. good picture, bccauso of tho play of tures an array ,t)f slpendld supportheld its regular meeting Friday aftheir now homo. Ridge Road, Spring light and aliadow from tho window- picasingly aoftoned by u cIoao-inGBli And to further your enjoyment on ing members iiicjuding Jean Herternoon and elected tho following their flags properly the Legion Is- Glen. window curtain tlirouRli which tho framing and curtaina. sues the following rules; If the flag tlie same program the love story of sliolt, Ethel Merman and Ceasar officers; Robert Rowley, captain of In a llglit-wallod room, capu- aunboaina paaa. With such n diffnaor, Roniero. While the Sonja Henio ad- Annapolis "Navy. Blue and Gold." patrols; Robert Wilson, president; is hung on a vertical polo the field cinlly ono with plain plaster walla cxpoanro Bholilil ho about doilblo Past Commander John K. MurIs at tho top; if tho flag Is hung inirers, who appear to number into From coast to coast America is saywhat you would RIVO outsldo in tlio Charles Hobro, secretary. Rowley or patternlcas wallpaper, the shadfrom a horl?.onlal polo or from a phy and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander K. the hundreds of. thousands, h a v c ' l n s "Don't Miss "Navy, Blue and the captain of the patrols, will a n - rope stretched from tho house to ows in such an imioor-slinllght pic- Biin. The snnllglit aliould coino from Murphy attended tho dlnndr dance seen her in some spectacular skat-,C-o!d." Because here is a picture ture have a aott, luinlnoiia quality above. alanlUiR downward upon tlio tree or pole tho ..^.. „. , ..._ field is ._ away from of the Now Haven Power Squadron which gives tho prints unusual deli- subject and aniatmir noodllRht bnlha ing, "Happy Landing" will top any-1 "''''''• «'"' B-^'P y""'' ^''"^^^ « ' ' * "•= Shlrlcy Lundin and Catherine the house; if the flag is hung flat held Saturday night In tho Spring cacy and appeal. However, unleaa it can bo UBod to softon abadowa wboro thing ever attempted. Tills joy laden drama, make you roar at its comedy Pagano are responsible for all tho against the wall tlic field is to the Glen Club, llamdon. is a aun-ronm that lias windows fac- rofioctora aro inauniclont. show will be held over for a second and excite you with a grand youthmake-ups for "The Steadfast Tin left as you face it." lag In Roverai directions, it Is necesJohn van Guilder. American romance. The big week at tlie Loew Poll College ful Soldier"—Miss Scott has boon givTheatre, starting Friday, Feb. 18, Navy, Blue and Gold" stars Robert Miss Alice Murphy of KlUam's ing the club special Instruction in after being so successful a t the Young, James Elewart, Florence Tho next well-child Conference Point spent tho week end In Woathe a r t of mako-up. Rice, Lionel Marrymore, BiUio Mr. William E. Gillis is in general Loew Poll. wlll bo held in tho town hall froin turly, R. I., with several Smith Colcharge. Tlie second portion of this excel- Burke and Tom Brown. logo classmates. Her brother, Henry 2 until 4 p. m. on February 24th. Mr. Knox's Stagecraft Club h a s "Damsel In Distress" heads the lent program is a first run showing Killam Murphy of Los Angeles, OalCatherine Pagano and Howard has completed French doors for thol program opening on Thursday and of "All America Sweetheart." Itornia, who is visiting here, will Snyder aro new Thespian pledges current production, and Miss Hall's The Lutheran Confirmation class deliver a lecture on "Tlio New. The cast of "Happy Landing" also running througli Saturday, starring! Home Making Class are making will meet Saturday morning a t 10 Who will bo Initiated iiito the NaiChlna" In Westerly. includes Billy Gilbert, Raymond Fred Astaire, George Burns a n d | tional Thespians In two weeks. chint'.! curtains for tho windows. I o'clock. Oracle Alien. Tho second big feature on t h e same program is "Thoroughbreds The first ineeting of the Pioneer 1 Don't Cry" with Mickey Rooney, staff was held on Wednesday, Feb. I Sophie Tucker and Judy Garland, C. D, with Ellon Anthonis, editor-inAubrey Smith and Ronald Sinclair. chief, in charge. Tlie problems conSee you in the Movies.... cerning group photography, art Your MOVIE GUYED. work, senior write-ups,-and finances Fri., Sni.—Feb. 18-19 were discussed. The cla.ssbook. following closely that of 1930, will be "52nd STREET" Friday a t 3:30 p. ni. the Mi.salon- issued directly following Class Day ary society of the Congregational exercises In June. The second meetwith I a n H u n t e r , P a t Paterson Church will hold a meeting in the ing of tlic staff has been scheduled ALSO liome of Mrs. J. S. Havens, of Mon- for Tuesday, MarchS. Lewis Stone, B a r b a r a Read in towese Street. The leader will ho Marion L. Thatcher and the sub "THE MAN WHO Eighty-four .seniors and iiost ject, "Islam and the Religion of the .. , phin (lie convenience iinii econCRIED WOLF" omy (if hiivinft your choke of fuel Moslem World." Mrs. George Page graduates participated in an inter—colli, oil or wood, nnJ with tlio will lead the devotions. All members esting excursion to tiie froigiit yards •tiditjon of gas, always at your Sun., Won., Tues., Feb. ;;0-21-22 of the standing committee are in- a t Cedar Hill on Tuesday. Tlic trip service. vited to attend the debt of honor i v/as arranged by Miss Daisy C. 'I'lii! new CIcnwood invention has 'THE AWFUL TRUTH' dinner in the Giiurch of the Re- j Gecnty ot the social studies departnn oven Ciipncitv that far exceeds ninst ofinc other diinl'OVcn with Irene Dunne, Gary Grant decmer, Whitney Avenue and Cold 1"'"'"'' ^^'"-'^ '-'""' ^'''" Ha^en Railroad. raii/{cs. It has ample room <;„,-i,-,rr K t , - n n l n . i , TInvo,-, I n m n r - l T l l C g r O U p WUS t a k C H f r O n i t h C NCW ALSO to roast n 24 Jli. tiirkcy and Spring Street. M New Haven, tonior Haven station to the liump, from J more. l\y all means sec It. "Flight From Glory" row at 0:45 p. m. Dr. Charles R. tiierc to tlie creo.soting plant, and WITH Brown will be the speaker. finally to the round-house. The enChester Morris, Whitney Bourne tire trip consumed about three and one halt hours. Miss Geenty was RI-:AL K S T A T E T K A N S F E U S Wed., Tliiu-s.—I'\'b. 2;i-'24 Real estate transfers recorded a.ssi.sled by student .squad leaders for the past week were as follows: and Mi:>s Miriam O. May. Mr. Carl Yankee Eose China Nights Mary E. Baker Estate to Raymond H. Garvin, and Mr. F. Meredith Merle Oberon, Brian Aherne in F. Baker, liou.se and lot, Indian Cooper of the faculty. Mr. Cooper arrange for the March excurI "BELOVED ENEMY" Neck; Emma I. Baker to Ellzaljeth will M. Nygard, house and lot, Indian sion AIJO Neck. I " Love in a Bun.stalow'' With tickets selling rapidly, "The Steadfast Tin Soldier," three act musical play to bo presented by the Thespian group on Thursady afternoon and Friday evening, of Feb. 17 OraiinlH Comer Phono i-iZat and 18, promises to be a social and financial success. 871 Main St., East Haven, Conn Tliuri., Fri.—Fob. 17-18 A guest a t the weekly asisombly held on.Thursday, Feb. 10 was M r •juii., Mon., Tues.. l-'i-li. 2l)-21-22 J o h n Barrymore in Edv/ard Dejon of the Southern New "Night Club Scandal" England Telephone Company who "WELLS FARGO" spoke to the student body on the with Joel McCrea, Bob Burns Sat ii.~Feli. 1l)-20 subject of "Recreational Accidents." 4GRIDDLES FOR COAL HEAT WHEN NEEDED — Also -—The assembly was sponsored by the Carole Lombard and loe Penner, Gene Raymond in 4 BURNERS FOR GAS Traffic Equad. PERFECT BAKING ALWAYS Frederic March in "The Life of the Party" "NOTHING SACRED" A gay dancing party wa.s held on Friday evening, Feb. U in Llie school ALSO Weil., Thui-s.—Ki-b. 2:1-24 gymnasium for members of the 'ALCATRAZ ISLAND' Dancing Sreta Garbo, Charles Boyer in Club and their friends. The "CONQUEST" committee in charge included I'ucs.. AVed.—F.-li. 22-2:1 • ALSO Marjorie Doyle, Helen King, .Joseph Ferraloio, Richard Joy, Zelman LeBobby Breeri in Mickey Rooney in .shine, and Jane Thomp.son, Faculty "Hoosier Schoolboy" "MAKE A WISH" members v/ere invited guests. Miss ALSO Virginia McLay is club sponsor. , ! Fri.. Hat.—Feb. 2.V2li "Dangerously Yours" Material for the fifth issue of the Robt. Young:, James S t e w a r t in [Cesar Romero, Phyllis Brooks Comet for the present .school year NAVY BLUE and GOLD will be In the hands of the printer riiurs., Kri.,—Feb. -i-h-J') A1.S0 ~ the first of this coming week. The J o h n Wayne in P e t e r L o r r e in Lssue promises to be a most attractive one. "Idol of the Crowd" 'f I :i !'., ',.'• Eiisl lliivcn High School Notes Pequoi Theatre W^m^ tmm [ Capitol Theatre Annex Theatre Regular $155.00 for Regular $247.50 for $110-00 $179-00 SPECIAL DURING FEBRUARY SALE ONLY THE "Thank You, Mr. Moto" ,. SATURDAY KIGHT BANK NITE ^^"iT•,?^^^^^'•v:^l'C-,v- c ALSO "TRADER HORN" •^' ; .-<'*-i.-*.'i"l-l,v i H A M I L T O N SHOPS 36-38 Eades St., at 35-South Main Street Tentative plans are under way for a Teachers' Institute to be held in East Haven on Thursday, March 17. Opp, Branford High School, Branford =ri ^•y •«'# «-v \*4r^'4-ir-'i wV-l~,"*-^«--l ^*. THE BRANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, lOliS Page Sis THE BRANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1038 LATEST SPORT NEWS JOSEPH M. ZAFFINO Tennis Football Wrestling League Champs Play T Cops TOURNAMENT East Haven Meet$ StrongBranford Housatonic Loop Lyman Hall Quintet In Championship UNCERTAIN WuUingfo^d Tomorrow East Haven Jeffs Basketeers Have Busy Week End Hornets Tackle Stratford Away Tomorrow;Milford Here For Game Tuesday Coach Knocht faces the ncces.sily Branford Illgli annexed another or deelding, before Saturday of this On Friday night Ihc East Haven Housatonic League championship by week whnlher to cntm- the Branford Jeffs Big Five will play the Conn. healing Derby at the Brimrord High School team in Class A or Blues at the New Haven Boy's Club Having W(m All 12 League Games To Date, The Hornets Arc B of the State Tournament. gym at (I o'clock p. m. Doth 'Cliibs 'Evenly MatchccI, liac'li 'Scekirtg A Victofy To Incrensc Armory last Friday evening. Since Cla.ln every other'team In the circuit has Entries must be made by Saturday, Saturday night the Jcfr Oliis will Anxious To Complete Schedule With a Clean Slate Ky Capturing Their Standing In Housatonic VitllCy Lciig'iie—Pine Game An- lost at 'loasl four ganics, the Hor- and Slipoi-ihtchdent Pinkliam has play the Sportsmans Oriile in DerPinal Two League Games— Already Clinched League Cup ticipated For All 'riiose Wlio Attend—Preliriiinafy Stalls At 7:30 nets could now arrord to drop their loft the decision to Coach 'ICnccht. by In what should prove to bo two remaining games and still come What the coach will do may de- a humdinger. Branford Higl) School wi wind up its regular basketball season pend upon how soon and how well Sunday evening the Jcft Big Five out on top. The East Haven high school boys hliVe plenty of important came with Stratford High Paul Ward recovers from a severe the Winning of the league honors will play a return game with the within the next week, with ; ,^ . at Stratford irfeSs on hand for tomorrow night'\Vh'cn they Vill g o \ o Wallingford should be a great help to Brahford's casc'ofmtmips which he Is now "en- West Haven Cosmos who handed fo'r a'Itihgiie gifrrie vVifli 'Lymlin Mall, this being their second meet- pla'y in ktie Coming state tourna' Joying.", ir 11 could be a.s.surcd that the Jerrs a dcreat last Sunday In a ]tomorrow night and a contest with the strong Milford High nt the ing o'f^he'seiisOh. In 'their first meeting East .Haven took the crucial mcnt. The race has been so close Ward Wdtild be back in harness and game that was witnessed by many j Branford Armory next Tuesday evening. Both of tiiese games arc ^^^ encoynter'by a sliiii 'msrrgin, but will fincl 'plenty of trouble in tiic until rocenlly that the Hornets In ijood shape 'bcfcire the tourna spectators as the best thriller of Housatonic Valley League encounters. didn't dare to drop even one game, mcnt, ^CnCcht 'might take a chance the season. Trot.sky, the Cosmos Having won all of their 12 league will tend to break up the team play upstaio cdiribliio loindrrow nl^ht. • games to date the Hornets are na Lyman Hall, who seem , to be the ''^alllngfdrd cagcrs 'since their and llie reauUIng nervousness has among tlic big schools: otherwise start forward won the game in the turally anxious to complete the whicli the Hornets have shown all waning moments of the conflict schedule with a clean slate. They the year. In spite of these handicomlng-uii In 'the leiigiio, will Wave stlriti'lng clb'fcal at the hands of the made them so jittery thit they he would hardly try 11. the advantage this'tline, playing on idague 'champions, 'the Briinford came ndar Ijrettking on Ihrce Occas- Nobody T<how'.s ICnecht's decision when ho .shot a heal basket to win liave already clinched the league caps Branford should bring home Hdrnti't's Tiieiitlay nlglil, arc a poppy ions. With the pressure now removed yet, 'not 'even John Knceht. an oddly shaded home court sockout 20 to 24.J cup but they want now to estab- another victory. • ing roviing'fc for 'nVdlr ijotbiick re- l6't 'a!ntl as 'we m'ehUon'cd before, the Hornet.1 will probably go In tlie preliminary game the Jeff lish a record by going through the Milford Is expected to be a hard oblVod "at'the hhWfls'pt tHo Mfflor- lihoy 'are bent on taking over this throut'h to the end of the season Girls will play a return game with league schedule without dropping a nut to crack. Branford beat them, mon carlloV I'li 'the 'lica'iion. Thls^lm- h'Ifeh -cloiss 'East ttaven cdmblno. at,top speed. the Stamford Alt Stars, consisting game, a feat never acoomplLshed by 55 to 31 down at Milford but that pfci-tan't East 'Mvt'n-'wttillngford 'Coach ivla'hcr Has put his charges 'The ata.sc/nce of Ward has been a of Kay Laich, Toots Tre.sles and any school in the league. was earlier in the seasA'n when the clas'h'Is •eJ^pat'trffi to bo vlowb'd by through short p'rtictlce sessions at severe handicap In the last two inahy other stars. The Jeff girls de- On becember 17 Branrord beat Milford team was green. French's the larpe.it cro'.vil'o'f Hi'e 'sSa'iion In ^•ic Wfn lili'dSo past cduplc or days ga'rties but the regulars are learnfeated the All Stars in Stamford reStratford GO to 22 here Ui Branford club has come along lately like a anfl i'l'id'y a'l'c aargerly awaiting the ing to adjust Ihem.selves to the preWalli.igl'urd. cently by l.hc score of 21-18. Both The, Stratford team has shown little house afire and now stands second sence of substitutes and can prob- Nathan Mann, Hamdon'a sensa- these Sunday games will bo played in l;he way of excellence this year only to Branford. 'Ol'b'oiVi'si'tlie b'Ife jot for th6 Ly- Kdur 'of buttle. ably maniige to worry through two tional slugger's dream comes true. in the East Haven High Gym. . hitih knll VjUintot W^ll bb albpplhg Probable Lineups: and the Hornets ought to repeat, al- Again it .should be said that the Walllngford more games without the services of Nate's dream or fighting Joe Loui.^ cTtiWmy'Glyn'n, tWo EaiJt I-Iavon Htav islts't VlaVch though not by the same top heavy Hornets ought to have the edge and UlcoltelU their stellar guard. .LP.., center, who Is considered one or the llaWsbn .... comes true on next Wednesday score. Two factors will even the have every pro.spect of coming Talbot . 'KP.. best players on the outfit and by. DcFllllpbo night at the New York Garden In Slorrs (Special.)—The Connecti- odds somewhat. Stratford will be through with their fourteenth and Balon Branford came out righting In the a 15 r'oiind battle. C ... hls.past.performances he Is expoel-' Qli-n'n cut fi'cshman teamw hich has been playing on their home court which league victory. A huge turnout Drosnan second half but Walllngford contln- A tew points on why Nate exijccts going great guns this season, has a is a dirricult one lor strangers. final lid to,finish right 'mji'dng llie lead-, ftowlcy .... . LO ., expected to sec the last home apPm'cell iied Its terrific drive and ran the to win the litle is; 20 K O's rolled off record to date of four wins, over Moreover the absence of Paul Ward, is ors this season. 'O'n t'h'o other hand, ate'rnsoh . R'a. pearance of the valiant Branford score uj) to 10 to H. With the third his straight right hand; .Sciimelings Brown and Providence freshmen, quarter nearly ended the Hornets K O put Louis back to normal— Nichols Junior College of Dudley, who is having a siege of the mumps team. staged Ihclr,,belated rally and cut with the rest or them, he can bo and Collegiate Prep of New Haven. the lead to 19-14 before the end of slopped; Nate has..spoed, and youth, Numbered among the freshman the period. a much Taster slugger than Tom- star.i arc: John R. Donnelly, Victor It was In the last quartor that the my Parr and will surprise Louis witli Lukawsky and John Yuslevlcz of local team really wont to town. They body punches that rip and tear. Branfoi-d; Henry Koch of Watercrept up to 17 points but a Walllng- With all these points on his side, bury and "Angle" Verinls of New ford basket left a 4 point gap again. Nate has a chance or a liretlmo. Haven. Branford then unloosed a whirlwind drlye that overwhelmed an exWalllnisrord team, lied the Vict'6iy 'Over IScrb'v Outfit Gives Bri\iiford Hornets Housatonic hausted scorei and then sent the Hornets Valley League TropKy VO'r Second Straight Y e a r - D e f e a t l-ymanl^^°;tnraL''aa East Haven Blue And Gold Combine Take Game From Seymour Hall High quintet Tuesday Night I'or I6th Straight 'WiiV .^^m, i,,„ ^o count 27 to 21 In BranFriday, Lose Close One To Milford Saturday, And Win iSTbnford's favor. Coach Fornald of WalLeague Gaone From Hainden High Tuesday I'vening Playing witluit the sei vices of Paul Ward, stellar guard, tlie Hor- llngford sent In a substitute linenets had a tough lime to take over the strong Derby team by a slim up. Tho Hornets scored 5 more ngalnst them ih the last two Over the week end, Coacli Johnny Maher's Hast Haven huskies mlu^'in of =51 to 30 in the l6cM Armory last Friday night. Erom the points minutes, making the final count, won a league tilt from Seymour, 29 to 19, and dropped one to the opening wliistle to the dosing gun the issue was in doubt. At the 32 to 21. strong Milford cagers, 31 to 30 after Hanson mis.sed a shot that end Af the fust aaurtei the score stood'? to'9, and at halftime it. was During the rinal minutes bf the would have tied the game Saturday. Tuesday night in a non-league game thcbrowd raised a din that 16 to 15 in Bianford's favor, battle, the Blue and Gold jcrscycd crew took a very hard-fought .sounded like all the animals of ArDuilng the seconcl ^^t'lt the lead, .^, 1 1 rlca trapped by a toresl fire. Wlien 0 c close fray from Hamden liigli, 3 Ho 29. changeu an lu&i. LHUI, mu uujr "".""^^Ipnuairhfih hangi'd so fast that the boy OntHp J;„,,„,,, „„ ',Ig 3 3 -THE » the fray was over, hard-boiled iron JinKuy Glynn, East Haven's hi h bcbie board h a d loikfeep movfiig fast JC','.f „, 0 B workers fell lu the floor and babbl3 GI?ASSHOPPI;R .scoring captain, seems to have High .school gym, Hanson, right forto keep up Biinfoid Idd ib to 21 a t '^^"'""^ • rg ed the story of lliolr past sins, while WAS C0WS1DSEI?E0 round his range once again. In last ward of tlie Mahermen missed the three quaiteis maik h u t Dbihy hfrfl Totals 12 30 dainty ladles wildly bcseeched their Friday night's contest With .Seymour free .shot t h a t would have tied up A FOOD OELlCACy woiko'a 'up to a 2 p61rtt lead when up In the valley high school gym, he the crucial contest with tlie strong [3y EAi^u'V A>MI;RICAM thcio wcio 3 mmutds 'lort to iMay. The Horriots stamped themselves male neighbors for a soothing chew was in race form swi.shlng the nets Milford high five, who seem to bo INDIAt^SPaul Llpkvlch, a . aubslttuto, p u t as the greatest team ever to wear or tobacco. for five baskets and two free tries the only team outside of Branford, The chronicle ot a hectic eveBranford In the clear, and Louis the Branford High School colors in ning would not be complete withfor a total of 12 points. Although he i defealing East Haven twice Inlhelr DdslAdrlo 'catfib thi'oiie:h to clinch was greatly aided by his teammates league mecting.s. th'o Wdt'dry. L6'u was 'the big g\m of a 'miracle comeback which snatched out recording that the Brantord Jay The Blue and Gold were leading at who all had a hand in the scoring. ,tho evonlng for 'Brahtord, scoring victory from the hand.s of Walllng- vees got sweet revenge for a past For tho losers Wardow.ski was the the half by a small margin of two 14 flblnts told playing a wonderful 'tdrd arter 'the 'most optimistic local beating by downing the WalUngpoints, 10-14, but in the second halt ttin had cdhcc'cied defeat, in a game leading scorer with six tallies. rord Setfond.s, 10 to 11, in a last, floor'gatt'fc. Milford witli the Inspiring play of 'playe'd Tuesjday, Wight in the.Braiv wcll-playcd gahie. Branford took In the preliminary battle, the East It is not 'fair to'lay the closeness ford Arniory bcftbre a crowd of sev- a slim margin early in the game McGili. put on the pressure and Were Haven Jayvees went to town by never headed after they were once of the (^ame to the absence oVa. r e g - 6'ial hii'ritlred howling 'maniacs. The and held it all the way. handing the Seymour Seconds a 17 in the lead. ular from the Branford lineup.'Der-, history 'Of Ibta'l basketball contains Each Junior Icahi has lost only to 6 shellacing. by played a fast, clover giihio,'cdupl-| no rdcor'd or any other team which one ga'me, each having been defeatThe East Haven Seconds won the ©ENJA!S/»VM Sumrhary of big game: ed ttlth some wonderful sftoot'lrtg: f6un'd 'itse'l'f 'trailing lii the middle ed by the otlicr. That gives Branpreliminary contest, 27 to 21. that would have made ^trduijl'b 'tbrl 6f the third 'qiiartcr by U points rord a chance to lie for first honKasl iiaveii irigli G V Vis. I'^ast Haven Hlglt G rts any team in the league. 'Tlio Ryan- and came back to overtake its oppo- ors in tho Housatonic Junior series. 2 Hanson, rf 1 1 3 I Hanson, rf 4 O N I ; OF tAm'S EARLI OIME OF men Were poor only In their Ibiil nents and pile up a 11 point lend bcFillippo, if 0 DeFillippo, It 1 0 2 Summary of big game: 4 STRUGGLES WAS shooting a n d this \vctikness lost of il-s 'own. 22 points In 10 inlnutes A M C f i l C A ' S GfiEATC-Sr 4 Glynn, c 3 ... 1 Douglass, if F rts ttl'anfonl High G 7 WARM. TO-DAV, WITH the'm the garn'o. .They'Sunk only'O'of of play Is so'mcthhig for anybody's Torino, If SCHOLARS, W E N T TO 12 jTiiomson, rg 2 ...5 Glynn, c ...4 2 10 5 GAS HEAT, HE MERELV 18 tries,.'whllp Branford cdnvcr'tcd book. SCHOOL B U T T"\VO 2 Messina, ig 2 ... 1 Thomson, rg ^laimo, rf ...4 3 11 4 PRESBeS A BUTTON) 8 out of 10, a •feat wh'lch 'really gave Wr heraly, three quarters the Olson, c yiHA\?S IN IW'o 2 1 Rowley. Ig 3 ...0 Rowley, Ig ...0 0 6 n 012 TURNS A KeV I them the game. ENTU51= Ul-E Totals 12 ...'2 4 Mos.sina, Ig gam'e>hs aU WalUngford's. The Ly7 ...2 3 30 0 iMilford High 29 .11 G Olson played In #'a'rd'.s pla'bb 'iihtU man ilall five started the game at Totals . _ . nB 324 rts Pts. Baldwin, rf G ...3 ho went out on lour personals in a terrific pace which they kept up Totals Seymour High From tlic time man first huddled .12 According lo avaiUnblc records, 7 Nonejko, If ...3 6 ...3 the third quarter. Ya;sevac and Llpic all through the first half which Wardowskl, rf over a fire, keeping wartti has been f t s Wallingforil High G one of America's greatest scliolars. i'1 9 6 ... 1 2 McGill, c a problem. Today, however, with ...5 vleh wore alternated In the llnetip. ondbcl wl'tli lift scbre 13 to 0 in their Rlccitelll, If Gesek, It ....4 licnjamin Franklin, went to sctiAol gas heat, he merely turns a key or 11 0 Reardon, rg ... 1 ... 0 All three substitutes did well, bul; favor. A sluggish, ineffective Bran- Lendler, ir Chamberlln, c 1 .... 0 1 but two years in his ciuirc life— presses a button for a iood of clean, 1 3 ElILs. Ig ... 1 ...3 the first five are so used to playing ford team, minus the services of Talbot, rr Nalawajk, rg ,...0 2 2 between tlio ages of eignt and ten lienltlirul warmth. And '.oo. modarn 0 Totals ... 1 2 .14 together t h a t the absenc'e of 'hriy Paul \Vard at guard, had been un- Balon, c Kolb, rg 4 2 .... 1 31 This fact, liowever. siiould not set Kis h'e.itinji appliances may be ther...7 19 one of them slows up the'team'piny, 'able to do anything with the Inva- Brosnan, ig Totals 1 1 ....n h'.ontatically control!.o. an example for youna Amcrical Tuesday niglil's battle with HamI t was probably a good thing t h a t 'd'crs, scbring only two baskets In Purcell, rg 2 U 4 © l;riT II, II M CiiuM (Coiitiiittcd on Page ScVcn) they had to work with other piay^ the first two quarters. Saturday night in the East Haven Totals 7 7 21 iy\anln'feDrfeam Co hies T r u e Lou Desiiderio Proves Outstanding Star In Defeat Of D^rby Quint EYE OPENERS'-'by Bob Crosby flPANK'LlNJ t ers as they may have to do so In the state tournament, Tlie SdcbWd t'eii'm h a d Ihe liamo kind of experience with a h a r d fighting Derby outfit but wont Into high in the last quarter to finish out aliead 25 to 17. Lipkvlcli had a good night and It was Ills siiowlng in the preliminary which led to Ills choice as a sub in the main show. Summary of big game: G Branford High F Plii. 1 Naiiiio, If 6. '2 Olson, rf 0 4 4 Yasevac, It 0 1 1 Deslderlo, c 0 2 14 0 2 Llpkvlch, c 1 Torino, r g 4 0 8 Hylonskl, Ig ...... 1 1 3 Totals j^..,.. Dertiy nisB Tlano, rf Sheppai'd, U .... 13 'G 3 2 THE ADVENTURES OF GZZIE ahermen Win Two And Lose One To Milford Over Week End SHORT Edward Dejon of the Tclcplione Company spoke at the weekly a s sembly of the East Haven high school Thursday on "Recreational Accidents." The program was spoil sored by the traffic squad. Eugene R. Scherer, whose summer home is the Alpine Cottage, Jefferson Place passed away this week in his 43rd year, folowing a rrief illness. He made his homo In New Haven. Merrllt E. Taylor and Lcona Potterson leit Saturday for Princeton, N. J. to yisil Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stepp. Mrs, D. W. Owens h a s returned from Boston where she has been visiting relatives since Christmas. Mrs. C. Haskell Bush is ill at her home in Posy Place, Main Street. Mrs. Archer E. Knowlton is recovering from an illness. A Lincoln Assembly was given in Short Beach School Friday by the pupils under the direction of the teachers, Miss Frances Mable Shop ard. Miss Emily Beer and Miss Alice Lcwin. Greetings, followed by Lord's Prayer; America, followed by Flag Salute; Lincoln, Jackie Corning, Roger Eastwood; On Lincoln's Birthday, Billy Calabrese, Buddy Anderson, Sclvuyier Quackenbush. Today's Hero—Donald Fouser; Lincoln, Boy and Man, Crelghton Johnson, Craig,Johnson, Adam J u r czyk; What Lincoln Had— Charles Duffy, David Samson; I am Just American, Francis Dcndas; Song— Lincoln's Face, Grades 1 and 2; A Lincoln, Henry Armstrong; You Cannot Tell, Eugene LeVasseur, David Biirdge; Lincoin-^Richard Ham mond; Song—Grades 4 and 5, Lincoln's Day; Abraham Lincoln, Gene Fuilerton; Song—In February: Leader, Walter Westing. UNION CHAPEL Rev. Ernest C. Carpenter will preach Sunday morning, 11 a. m. Topic; "The Future of the Human Race, In this World and in the World to Come." Sunday School a t 9:45. George Brown, Superintendent. Topic: "Choosing Companions in Service." , Friday, Feb. 18, a t the Claremont Hotel, Washington Birthday party, under the auspices of the Chapel Workers. Friday, Feb. 25, "Parade of History in Pantomine and Song" under the auspices of the Choir. Quaint costumes and good music. Save the date. 0 0 0 2 dance, the Irish Washerwoman and Included, salute, promise, motto, slogan, and scout law. Tlie troop Is uniier the captaincy or Helen Robinson and Virginia Bracken, having con ducted the required number of meetings Mrs. Greta 'Towne from Seoul Headquarters presented the pins saying that the ten girls had passed their Tenderfoot tests and had nn understanding of the scout spirit. Following the closing ceremony and prayer refrcshmcn'ts were served. There were about 20 guests to witness the Investiture ceremony. Scouts wlio want transportation to the Washington Birthday Camp at Camp Morton on Tuesday will meet a t the Waiting Station at 10:30. Scouts will take a box lunch and skates and sleds or skils if the weather Is suitable. Lewis H. Bracken, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Bracken, was entertained Tuesday on the occasion of his fiftii birthday, at a parly given in the home or his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Bracken, of Clark Avenue. Valentine decorations were used as a colorscheme. The children altoriding were: Bar bara Sllney, Betty Ann Shirley, Harbara Allen, Jeaiiette Thompson, Maxine Roganson, Billy Ann Badger, Jane Manson, Jane Lehr, Ann Maynard, Dlvid Sllney, Curtis Hutchinson, Loren and Blake Lehr, Robert Mason, Richard Russell, Donald Nugent and Eugene Girdwood. Mrs. Thomas C. Bracken will entertain at luncheon-cards today for the Parrot Club. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scoville have m o v e d from the Honeysuckle cottage, Pentacost Street to Bradley Avenue. Morris Kramer, Bristol Street lias been made a director of the New Haven Furriers. Mahermen Win NATHWAL One or t h e most signiticant of tlu- parent-teacher association activities for t h e physical health of the preschool age is the Summfcr HouiKl-Up of the Children. Indeed its significance is realized only prtrlially al this age period, for the rc.siilts may be longJtlmo conscquencD tlie inter good heallli and normal development ot tlie school elilld perhaps being traceable In large meastire to this safeguarding ot the David Pilgrim Creates A Story Of Felix Maibot During: The Amazing- child cnterliiB school. Period Of Napoleon's Power — Junior Studios Coins and —Child Hygiene. of a Book Worm Currency. ' Out of the stuff or historical truth Is rashioned "So Great a Man", a long richly varied novel t h a t brings to turbulent life one of the most amazing periods. So David Pilgrim creates Felix Marbot a t tlie height of Napoleon's power. "So Great a Man" and "Dangerous Years" took mc from my knitting this week. To thousands of people in every part of the English siieaking world a new book by Gilbert Franklin is an exhilarating event. Certainly Franklin has never achieved greater richness and diversity in his drawing or character or displayed to more purpose his brilliant narrative gitts and hl.^ keen insight into tlie lite or hi» period. Franklin we recaii wrote the "Three Englishmen." Our lovely daughter, Patty has been with a cousin, Lucy Browncll, in Providence for a few days. Pat gave Lucy a copy of "Riiode Island, a Guide to the Smallest Stale." It is more than a mere gul'de, this book is an encyclopedia ot inrormation on the history, geology, art, architeclure, transportation, and industry and wild lite or tlie Slate. Lucy is tremendously interested in t h a t .sort or thing and besides, "Rhode Island" is lavishly illustrated. woman sat near her reading tlie same book. Soon they wore c h a l t ing about this iiitiinutc, behind-the scenes autobiography, lis candor, its spirit. Its social awareness and abounding sen.se of humor. "The 1038 Standard Catalogue of United states Coins and Currency" attracted Junior's attention. Among ail Numismatic publications it alone, contains an iliuslratlon or a coin Lcn gave Junior several years ago. When Lon and Mary built their (h'st house In Washington Len uncovered the coin in Ihe garden and gave it to the boy lor a keepsake. In connection wllh his home work Junior h a s the library book "SclenlUlc Wonders or the World," I question how much home work is being done. (Continued from Sports Page) 2 1 '...11 awarded: One hundred dollars for the best New Spring SHETLAND SUITS $35.00 io $49.50 '^i with Ahtlielitic, Slyllng, lUaUi's nlii' of llicso KIIIIS a ileKirahle acliliiiini io ymir wanlrnlii'. USE OUR EXTENDED PAYMENT PLAN BROWNING KING & CO. CHAPEL AT HIGH ST. — NEW HAVEN Branford Schools Here is Our Plan Publ ic Liability and Property Damage INSURANCE PLEASURE AND COMMERCIAL CARS 10 percent Discount 15 per cent Dividend percent Total Saving It Will Pay You To Have Us Quot-j Yen Before Insuring El-owh:r3 The Branford Realty & Investment Company Toole Building through March 28th. The exhibition which is open to nil artists, will InUNION Unloii School Study Group rtiot clude paintings li^ oil, water colors, this week with Mrs. Henry Pomnicr sculpluro and prints. Tho following prizes will bo ot 71 HIgli Street. 2 1 7 r. Automobile Owner 2 5 1 iner, and Mrs. Frederick E. Howe. Ill cooperation with the Brnhfdrd Theatre, the Indian Neck ParentTho New Haven Paint and Clay Teacher Association Will present Club. Inc. Will hold IW 37th Annual Joan Crawford and Spencer Tracy Exhibition at the New Haven Free In "Mannequin" on March 3 and 4. Public Library froni March Sth MOMAUOUIN landscape. Oho hundred dollars for This evening at 8 o'clock the Mo- tho best picture or other work of mauguln Parent Teacher Associa- art. Fifty dollars for tho best Work TUTTI.K tion will conduct a candlelight ser- hi paintings, sculpture, or the griVpFounders' b a y will be observeti vice In celebration of Founder's hlc hrla by an AttlVo Member. Two this evening by the Tultle School Day. honorable mentions will he awardParenl Teacher Association. Aled. phoiiso Cavalero, violinist will play. SHOUT UKACII Tho gallery will be open to the Mrs. David Norlli of North Ilaveh, pilbllo week-days from 10:00 a. m. LAUK15L until 5:30 p. m. Laurel School Parenl Teachci- a vice-president of tho ConnectiAssociation will hold a Valentine cut Parents and Teaclier.s and plOThe Arlslonlans of tlio Flrsl Consocial tills evonlng at 8 o'clock In the gram chairman for s t a t e will be grcBatlonal Chuych held a Valenguest speaker at Monday evenings School. tine dance, Friday ovenhiB at the meeting of the Shdrl Beach unit. Whyto Studio In East Haven, Tlie meeting will bo devoted lo INDIAN NECK . Tho committee Included Mrs. HarThe Indian Neck PTA met this Founder's Day. The inibllc l.s Invited. old W. Barker, chairman; Mrs. week lo hear a Founder's Day adJames W. Neoly, Mrs. Charles C. dress by Miss Dorothea Biiitoil, Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Plant of Liikc, Kil'ssos llctly L Bailey and daughter of the founder of Ih'e West Main Street are ill. Alice a. Wavivor. Connecticut Congress ot Parents and Teachers, fihe spoke or the IBROWNING K l i i a & CO.I growth a n d accompllshm'chls hi PTA since its fouhdlng 41 years ago by Mrs. Bernie. One of the oulsland ing achievenients, she noted, was the establishment of Juvenile courts A Founder's Day |lageanl was presented during the evening. A birthday cake was enjoyed and the candle lighting service of PTA wi\s observed. Hostesses •iverc Mi's. WilIn Dirtnionil alnUlerriiiglione Weaves Ciimlily coiiiliineil liam Kremsor, Mrs. Rlchiil-d Hiiiii- My good husband, bless him, borrowed "The Frigate Conslitulion" by Ira N. Hollis, Ironi our next door neighbor. Vernon McKenzle's "Tlirough Turbulent Fears" and "The Development or China" I llnd listed on Ted, Sr's. card. Kennelh Scott Latourello wrote "The Development or China." a timely, up-to-date Flneran, Evangeline Joyncr. history Wllh particularly important Grade 3—Verabclle Crlsman, Gerchapters on the modern Iranstor- trude Daley. malioii of China and her presentday problems. si;iisci»mE FOR Pal returned by train so she llnBrought rorsythla into the house BUANFOKl) KicViEW f.slied reading "This is My Story" today. It will look pretty with my FOU ALL t.'OCAi. NKW* by Eleanor Roosevelt. An elderly new yellow kitchen curtains. Stevens, rg Banks, Ig Totals Paint-Clay Glub Offers Prize Of Hundred Dollars P T A NOTES Meanderings 0 Mae Llndberg, 3 Grade 7: June Kingston, Robert 29 Owens, Jaiiies Haney, Cimrioltc Youpg, Carol Gehrlch, Joan Eric-1 den went to East Haven after one of son. Rose Mary Drotar, Helen Slegthose Dick Mcrrywell's spectacular hia, Barbara Ilarrison, Anna Korinish battles in which Glynn, Hanlow.ski, I-Ielcn Wadka, Eleanor son and Thomson had to gang up in Skroza, Anna . RoEalskl, Sliirlcy order to put East Haven out in • Coiiffnacti Jrom vage one front. It was-a nip and tuck contest Baldwin; acne'ral Course: Phllliii Englehart, I-lni'i4«t-SOrior. Grade 4: Emily Nygard, Donald with the score clianging hands all Peter.son.,. through the second half until the Laurel Street .School: Grade 8: Slovens, Mary Ptircell, Lutirta Van last few minutes of play when Lynch Elizabeth Anderson, Charles Bald- Wilgcn, Joan Morris, Charles Lake, swished the nets to tie the score at win, Ilulh Bcrgquist, Anna Bloiidel- Eliza Barnes, Billy Pinkham. Grade 3; Lazarus Anaslasion, Wll 29-all and then Glynn sank a neat la, Carol Bradley, Patricia Boulelle, one hand shot to give the Blue and Hazel Craig, Anna Dyktin, Nancy Ham Corcoran, Carol Ericson, MarGold their 31 to 29 victory. This was Fitzgerald, Anne Gale, Mary Groii- vin Kolbin, Robert Lake, Kalherine East Haven's second win over Ham- diii, Tessle Haroszkiewlcz, Donald Mbleske, Tessle Naimo, Loui.so den. Klssell Shirley knowlton, James Smith. Slony Creek School: Grade VII— At the regular trOop meeting oi In the prelim the. East Haven Mellon, Joyce Pagel, Doris Polaslri, the Short Beach Girl Scouts, ten Jayvees lost to the Hamdenlle Sec- Valentine Pudlis, Kalherine Pra- Tina Blaiichini, Adrienne Norlham, girls yesterday received their Ten- onds. iiovic, Joan Rosenthal, Anna Ray- Mclvin Robertson. Grade VI—Virginia DeBay, James East Haven High G derroot pins a t a special Investiture F Pts mond, Eugene Sansone, Charles ceremony held in the school: Au- Hanson, rf ..2 1 5 Saboiewski, John Smith, Bernice Donnelly, Jeanne Johnston, Vernon drey Helser, Lois Altiliannsberger, Lynch, rf .. 1 0 2 Todd, Barbara Welles, Donald Wul- Kelsey. Grade V—Jean Marie Ablondi, •Virginia Carey, Shirley Mason, Dor- Castelon, It .. 1 0 2 piothy Babcock, Barbara Lassen, Glynn, c .3 0 6 Centor School: Grade 0: Belly Rac Barnes, Allan Bernard, Ruth Shirley Reardon, Marie Dcndas, An- Thomson, rg ..4 . 0 8 Lou Lake, Riciiard Rcsenlhal, Luc- Kelsey, Barbara Ross. Grade IV—Louisa Blanchini, Edna Bogacka, and Barbara Miller Clark, rg .. 1 0 2 ille Mochl. Robert Mlschier, Alan Other scouts attending were: Char- Rowley, ig ..3 0 0 Bradley, Lenorc Palumbo, Mildred ward Cooke, Arthur Symonds. Grade III—Ernest Johnson. lotte Young, Shirley Englehart, Totals 15 1 31 Culler. Sliort Beach: Grade VI— Frank Lucy Pacelio, Shirley Fenn, Nina Ilamdcn Higii G F rts Grade 5; David Clark, Janice Bald Miller, Dorothy Fortune and Lea- DeLucia, rr ..2 1 5 win, Mary Lou Miller, Henry Oljes- Jurczyk, Gene Fuilerton. Grade V—Henry Armslrong. trice Tucker Roselle, If .. 1 0 2 kl, Joscpii Polaslri, Ann Ely, CarGrade IV—Nellie Ralhbun, Jean ...2 0 4 mella Wasalcskl, Betty May Linsley, The program opened witli a folk Cave, c Moran. Grade III—Eve Jurczyk, Barbar Van Sands, Priscilia Shorey, Walter McCarthy, Joan Armslrong, Carol Englehart, Charles Duffy. Canoe Brook School: Grade VI John Lasko, Stanley Lutacscl, Edmund Sobolew.skl. Grade V— Jack Kanell, Antoinette Krew.sky. Grade IV—Jerome Garrlly, Viola Kopjan.ski, Rudolph Prahovlch Douglas Welch. Grade III—Joyce Ferguson, Nan cy Shepard, Dorothy St. I..Ouls, Eugenie Tamuievlch, Lorraine Prussick, Mary Zvonkovic. IN OLD RELIABLE STOCK COMPANIES Harbor Street School: Grade VI— Rosamond Hammer, Lois Holmes Betty Ann Sllney. Grade V—Nancy Bradley, Ruth Crawford, Mark Freeman, ConHines, Faith Hooghkirk, Peggy FROM MANUAL RATES AT .Murphy, Doris Skroza. WRITING OF POLICY. Grade IV—Deena Cirillo, Evelyn Donnison, Margaret Morawski. Grade III—Bertha Arringlon, WHETHER YOU HAVE Donald Delgrego, Anna Laird, : CCIDENTS OR NOT James Murphy, Eugene Pin.skl, Anna Woychowski.. Indian Neck School: Grade 0— Gloria Damberg. Grade 5—Virginia Levesh. Grade 4—Alice Daley, Caroline V^t 0 2 1 BEACH Page Seven R. S. BALDWIN, Manager Telephone 627-2 Branford, Conn. wv UNITED WALL PAPER CO. "We Save You Money" 93 CROWN ST, NEW HAVEN, CONN, Telephone 8-5405 Sample Book on Eequcst II r Of M&dem Home Launderihg THE SOUSEWIFE WHO HAS MODERN HGM[iE LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT SIMPLY DOES AS FOLLOWS: fS^—. She starts her Monday washday by washinjg her clothes early in the morning in her JGIecttic Washer. lif her family is the average of live iriember^i hei- v^ashing should not take more than two to two and a half hours. O — Then she hangs her wet wash on the line which should dry within a couple of hours. C — J^^'^i then, after the clothes are dried and off the line, she may sit down and Iron them with h'er Electric Ironer. It takes but one-third the time of the old-fashioned hand-iron method. The Week's LaundryNo Longer a Two Day Job! C% disbdunt when washer and ironer are purchased at tho same time. ro)V pfetcfe's EASY TERMS See Us or Your Electric Appliance Dealer CoRNEcmtu 221 Montowese Street LiGHr&ldWER Phone 7'4'4 JBranford, Conn. THE BEANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1938 Page Eight r^ninvv-fWf'V'wm^ »-yy^ Man About Town Calender Of Events Two Items In the news. The U. S. Steel Corporation cuts white collar worker.i 15 per cent. Two days later' the male office workers at the M. I. F. came to work wearing blue .shirts. Nothing like a little foresight. FEBRUARY 18th Pcdoriil Insppction of Hrniiford Bnllcry, Annnry, 8 o'clock, Bliigo—Bcncftt St. Miiry'H Kctilory Knnd—Tryal—SrTO. SooiftI, Chiipel Workers in Clarcmniil Uolcl, 8:00. MisHionnry SoCicly, hoslcHH, Mrs. .li S, HIIVCIIH, Moiitnwcso Ml., Workers, in Chiircl! FEBRUARY 10th Annniil Dinner, M. 1'. Uioc IIOBO CO., in cliil) rooms nt!). Rotary—1 lOO—Congregational Cluiriih Parlors. Women's Rcpnlilican Chib, 2 A!) n\, liomc of Mrs. Rohcrt Cain. Bhorl Hcneli I'TA, 8:00 in tlic School. Auxiliary of Sidney IScacii Camp, pulillc card parly. FEBRUARY 22nd Ever notice the expression on the faces of the crowd outside on Bank Night when a winner Is announced? If the lucky one Is present and collects, disappointment; It he Is absent, hope deferred. It's a case of the winner against the field. Tabitlm Society in Cliurcli Pal-lor 4-11 at 2:'l.') with I'anliiio 'I'inari of Hast Haven FEBRUARY 27th Sunday nflcruoon rcoital.'liOO, Christ Episcopal Clnirdi. Earle A. Barker, South Main street, about 22 being present. The not amount received from recent card parties was $20.40. Mrs. Margaret W. Fousor rendered violin selec'I'IH; monthly meeting of the Half tions, acconi|)ftnled by Mrs. S, V. IIoui' lloRiUnij; Club was held Thurs- Osborn, Jr. Harriot Cox was the day nfi.cinoon In the homo of Mrs. leader because of the Illness of Mrs. E. A, Knowlton. Mrs. C. V, McDcrmott gave a .synopsis of the book "Citadel" by A. J. Cornln; Mrs. Donald Sawtdlo, the book "Book of Maps" by W. W. .fervls; Mrs. Frederick CatUn, the book "The Northwest Passage" by Current Events Win Attention BOAT COVERS SAILS AUTO TOPS AWNINGS New and Used Harnesses Substantial Trade In Value For Old Ca7ivas ACCESSORIES Tolophono 880 ;102 Main St. Braufordl Its tough work picking up news Items about town those days. Nobody don't seem to know nothing about nothing. It's time for our annual gag, viz and to wit, that Spring Is now throe expectations and two disappointments away. Repair Worlc of All Kinds Crankcase Service It you live In Branford, It you don't own a motor vehicle, It there Is no vacant lot nearby, It there Is no place where you can dig holes, what do you do with your ashes and tin cans? If the heap In my cellar gets wet and swells It will lift the house off Its foundations. I'm going to write to my congressman. ' Before the WPA took hold of Rose Street It looked pretty fair on top but was In bad shape luiderneath. Now everything Is all rosy under ground, but the surface looks like Hades hit by a hurricane. Maybe the town will do a top story Job there In the spring. Truck Covers Washing and Polishing Pal McGowan called the WalUngford game a "customers' game." He must be thinking of customers with strong hearts. M a x M . Cutler Phono 5-0097 301 Lafayotto St. NEW HAVEN, CONN. Not more thnn a thousand people hnvc noticed It, so It ought to be a Kood news item " that the cement floors in the Armory have been newly painted a dark red. We're Artists! | Clnclnnatus ot Rome loft his plow in tho field to lead tho army to victory. Good clcanliid is an art, and we've H John Kencht got up out of a sick to help his team beat Wallingfiained an excellent rcputalipn for i bed ford Tuesday night. tl<e very best in eleaning, presstnu, n After the battle Cincy went back and repairing o/ all types o/ f;nr- jjl to his plowing. After tho game I suppose Knecht went back to bod, menis, so we think we're artists! though It Isn't down In the records. V.'c use tlie finest most modern Dry Cleaning Jlotliod Saw Muggsy Parclnskl at the Wal- f FRANK KAMINSKY DRY CLEANING — PRESSING — REPAIRING 7 Soiitli Main Street Phono CIO WE OPERATE OUR OWN CLEANING liranford PLANT Kenneth Roberts; and Miss Cox, a book by Stephen Benct. Tlio March meeting will be held with Mrs. Harold O. Baldwin of Bradley Avenue with Mrs. F. T. CalUn the leader and tho subject "Current Events." /m 14 j^eaJU mff te/epAofte . H A telephone in the home offers much jTa. more tli.in just .T |)lcas.int w.iy to keep In touch with friends. For instance, on r.iiny days my telephone saves me all tlic discomfort and expense, of sliopping trips. Twice ill times of sudden iihicss, tlic telcplione btouglu help quickly. "Counting all calls, I nuist use my telephone seven or eight times a day. I wouldn't think of trying to get along without it." At ;i cojt of a few pennies a day you too can enjoy the many comforts and con, vcnicnccs wliicli a telephone in your own home brings. Why not call our business ollice (or ask any telephone employee) now? The installation can be made at your convenience. MIMEOGRAPHS What If there should bo a big fire while the M. P. Rice Hose Company banquet was going on. Wouldn't that be a hot one? FEBRUARY 24th Pupils Honor Crows Nest Club - Washington Triple Birthday A Washington program was preParty Meeting sented yesterday by tho pupils of Grades, taught by Ml.ss Zcnla Smolensk! of Center School at the high Miss Rebecca Smith of Laurel Street entertained the Crows Nest .school auditorium, recently, the meeting taking The numbers follow: Salute to the Club form of a birthday celebration flag: "Star Spangled Banner"; play the for three members whose birthdays 'Like George Washington" enacted by Loul,se Smith, Irving Hoadlcy, are lij February, Misses Mavis Falk, Lazarus Anastaslon, Billy MIschlcr, Kathryn Morrison, and Lois GroBarbara Oppel, Elaine Levy, Mary cock. Palala, Raymond Oppel, Marvin Following the business meeting Kolbln, Billy Corcoran; .song, "Now and election of officers for the year, Wo Sing of Washington," Carol Eric the honor guests were showered son, Louise Smith, Barbara Oppel, with gifts by the club and a social Irving Hoadley, Billy MIschlcr, and evening was enjoyed. Francis Halola; reading, "The Thir- Present were MLsses Eleanor Gilteen Colonies," reader, Carol Eric- bert, Kathryn Morrison, Marjorle .son; recitation, "Washington's Flag" Seaver, Mavis Falk, Shirley and Lois Mary Ann Wardle; recitation, "Val- Orocock, Michelln Desiderlo, Esther ley Forge," by Gladys Edwards of Tyler, Irene Sohoenlng and Roselln Miss Rcsjan's Grade 4; song, "Long, Schwanfelder. Long Ago," Francis Ralola, Norma Drccclarelll, Elinor Klockars, Dorothy Hotchkiss, June Zallnskl, TYPEWRITERS Bruce Collins, Betty Waltz. There ought to be a law against brush fires at this time of year. That old siren gets everybody excited about nothing. I'uljlio Social, Nnshawcnc Council, D, of 1'. in Hcrl Men's Uall. "American Jazz" Juvenile and .Innlor Jhisical Art Societies, Hostess, Dorcas Jacbclts. BATTERIES CHARGED By Daniel I. McNamara Stepped out a few minutes Monday night and thought how warm 11 was. A few minutes after I got homo I opened the door and It was snowing. Soch a climate like wo got. FEBRUARY 21st irennan s Se rvice Station ^ Like a lot of other people, I am going to ml.ss Carrol Daly. It was always pleasant to stop and chat a mlniite or two with the old man when 1 was walking down the block. No more. :;ti80. Dcsscrl-nrldKO, ConKroj^alioiial .Social i'ai'lors, 1 :l!0. ,'gmeed" to Deems Taylor, or , From Cub to Composer Recitation, "Our Flag", Elinor ADDING MACHINES Klockars, Kathcrlne Moleske, NorWe rent, sell overhaul and ma Brecclarelll, Shirley Locarno, Francis Ralola; original Washingexchange machines ton dance, Lucille Moehl and Audrey Kstnblished 30 year-s .Schwanfelder, accompanied by Betty Lou Lake, all pupils of Miss Clara Lehnert's Grade 6; recitation "A Wish for February," Charles Lake 8G Center St. New Havel ot Ml.'is Rcsjan's Grade 4; Arostlc, Tel. 6-4208 "What Do We Spell," Charles Lake June Richards, Mary Boyle, Dorothy Hotchkiss, Janet Bartholomew, June Zallnskl, Joan Carlona, Anna Drotar, Marie Donadio, Florence Ghlroll, Bruce Collins, Walter Gross, Ervln Baker, Harry Galdenzle, Donald NOTICE Carsten; song, "Washington and I n accord with the provisions of Lincoln," by Lucille Morning, Dor- Section 1225 G. S. Rev. 1D30. Lawful othy Hotchkiss, June Richards and demand has been made by the Tax Florence Ghlroll. Collector of the Town of Branford R. L CARTER IQKMS TAiM..OU A.S.O.A.P.. i tively synchronizing his advancerndlo cominGiKiitor on Impor-! ment in music aud bis progress as a D tniit imisical proKi'iini!). orHtwhile journalUt. he found rich llelds for JournallRt. jnuslc ci'illc. rncontour his talents. National recognition nnd Hludont, in bccnminf; more nnd came In 1013 when in a competition iiioro Idenlilicil willi ^Nincrican sponsored by the National Association of Music Clubs, he won first griiiwl oporn. with the orchestral composiFi'om "The Kliip's Ilonclimnii" priito nnd "Peter Ibhelison." prodiicetl hy tion, "The Siren Song." His Journalistic ability wap recogthe Metropolitan Oponi Company, he hop turned lo tlic cnlnrful iilmo- nUcd In appointments to imiiortant sphorc of the ):;• .::ii!' !' u'iti'w for po?ls on large dally newspapers, mnierlHl for hi t'mil •^^ tnii npura and lie advanced to editorial desks composition, liiiiui'; ]<iuy. ii.iu^ inwith leading magazines. His ability then pencoiul iTiiiiin, TnyWii n'vonil US a muKlc critic and bie own talent yews ago'lii:<:';niu' I'n'finnii';! wilh as musician and composer led to the chulvc f'liunii IUHI iiitanKi^ile his being commissioned In 192C by tradlLloup of the inyr.U'rimis ii;i;u:iic;R, the Metropolitan Opera Company to }l\s resultant work. "Itiinaititoho." create his (Ir^t opera. Edna SL VinbfiijcO on a T'leno hull story is now cent Mtllay. A.S.C.A.P., suppllod tho libretto, n romantic tnlo of English compli • 1. In tho early middle ages; With interoal in the fnncirul Inlcs chivalry "Tho King's rienchraon" was of the linsquoa enliancetl hy the aud produced In 1027—a momorahle Spanish oonnicl, the premiere of llie event in Iho lilslory of the Metronow Taylor creation has nrouticd politan. keen nntloipation nniong music Taylor's versatility finds exprealovers. ninny branches ot artistic Taylor's first grnncl opera. "The Blon inJouruallat, critic, linguist, arKinpc'B Tlonchmon." wna produced In effort, tist with brush nnd pen, photothe Metropolitan hi m27: hln sec- grapher, author, speaker, ond. "Peler Ilibelson," In 1931. Ko radio commentator, public bo has obscured has more than 100 composiiionB to tho hrlUlnnee of other achievements lii3 credit". Krnud operas, sym- by tho quality of his musical comlihonicB, cantatas, chamber muElc. Ho Is a director of tho . and songs. Ho lias translated more position. Society of Composers, Au* .than 150 songs irom Gorman, Spun American lliors and Puhllshera, and an activo . ish, FrGuch anO Ilallmi. of several ot Its Important Dcemit Taylor la n imllvo ot Now member York City, born December 22. 18SB; committees. Although ho has a Now York n grnthmte o( Now York University in 1900. Two years later, while Oo* apartment, ho spends most- of tho ing newspaper work and contrlhut' year In a restored farmhouse, nearly ing to F.P.A.'s column under the pen 200 years old, In the hills of Fairname of "Snieed." ho began a three field County. 10 mllos from Ivong year course of study In harmony Island Sound. "Weather permitting, and counterpoint under Oscar Coon. lie might have been found here Ills Bubaequeut mastery of compo- working at a homo-made desk besltioA, orchestration and allied sub- neath an ancient apple tree, fashionjects is largely tho result of re- ing his operatic dreams of old search nnd sclMnstrucllon, Effec- Spain. {iliislo Features & Pliofo Syndicate) Seven Out Of Every Ten Steel Workers Were Born In U. S. A. Seven out of ten employees of the steel Industry are native-born Americans, mid two out of ten are naturalized citizens, it Is estimated by the American Iron and Steel I n stitute on the basis of reports from more t h a n a score of representative steel companies. Only one out of ten v>orkers Is an unnaturalized, foreign-born resident. The proportion of American and foreign-born emiiloyees varies in different localillos, the reports indicate. In steel plants located in largo cities as many as 40 per cent ot the employees may be foreignborn, while In steel mills in smaller conuiuniltlcs, particularly those in agricidtural areas or in the South, foreign-born emplcyces may represent as little as 5 per cent of the total. A larger proportion of steel v/orkcrs are now citizens of the United States, either by birth or by n a turalization, t h a n ever before, personnel executives of companies in the iron and steel industry slate. The extent to whic'n the increasing natnraii:'.ation of loveurn-born residents Is creating a more homogeneous Amerlcari group of steel workers is shown by the sharp increase in the proportion of American citizens and the consequent decline in the proportion of noncitizens among the total nuu\ber of new employees hired by represenliitlve steel companies since 1929. In 1029 about 15 per cent of tho total hired were non-citizens, and Ungford game. He was home oil leave from the submarine base in New London. The referee spoke to me after the game and I recognized lilm as Bub Sliaw, an old pupil of mine at MerIden High School. No, I didn't teach him his refer- eeing. Legal Notice 1 for the payment of taxes amountA wide variety of nationalities ; '"B to $13.10 due Irom a one Frank are represented among tho foreign-I •=• RackUffe.oI New Britain, Conborn employees of the steel Indus- i "ecticut. Said taxes are based upon try. About 4 per cent were born In I * " assessment ot October 1, 1035 Germany, 3 per cent in Great Brit- j w'^'^l'' became due and payable on aln, 5 per cent in Hungary, 10 per | April 8, 1036, and on the assesscent in Italy, 13 per cent in Poland, i m c " ' " ' October 1, 1930, which beand 34 per cent in other Slavic I <='i"^<= '^'^^ ' i " ^ payable on April 5, countries. Those born in other 11!'37. . parts of the world comprise the reAs the said Frank E. RaeklilTe malning 22 per cent ot the total "^^^ "egiected and refused to pay number of foreign-born employees "^'d la". I will sell all or enough ot in iron and steel plants in this "^e following described property to country. satisfy the foregoing tax, interest and all other legal charges thereon; To wit: A certain piece or parcel VISIT MISS GRAY, PSYCHIC of Salt Meadow situated a t Indian i Neck In said Town ot Branford and LETTERS ANSWERED ! bounded and described as follows: 211 Kimberly Avenue NORTH: by Maltby's Cove, Sixty West Haven, Conn. Phone 0-2098 (GO) ft.; «% First Stop over Draiubridge EAST: by Salt Meadow of Delia A. Neal; SOUTH: by land leased to Edshorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Accounting, Business mund C. Goodrich, twenty (20) ft. Administration, Dictaphone, and by land leased to t h e Indian Comptometer, Day and Evening Neck Boating and Fishing Co., Sessions. Co-educatlonal. Enter forty (40) ft.; WEST: by the Salt Meadow of at any time. Thomas H. Llnahan. STONE COLLEGE Being the same premises described in Volume 89, Page 8 ot the 129 Temple St., New Haven Branford Land Records. Said sale will take place a t the Town Hall, Branford, Connecticut, at 10:00 A. M., E. S. T., Thursday, April 21, 1038. LEON W. BARKER, Feb. 10-17-21 Constable. 85 per c e n t were American-born or nalm-ali;'.ed citizens. By 1933 tho proportion of non-citizens, had declined to 11 per cent, and the proportion ot citizens had risen to 89 per cent. In 103B, only about 2',i per cent of tho new employees hired by the companies were non-citizens. The proportion of non-citizens among the group of new employees added to the payrolls of the comToilet Outfits complete with scat panies in the first half of 1037 was $13.05, Heating boilers, radiators only 1.8 per cent, indicating t h a t 08.2 per cent of the group were luul fldlngH (it low prices; wn.shlng United States citizens. nmcliincs and refrigerators. Conn, As a result of the growing pronumbing & Heating Materials Co., portion ot citizens among all foreign-born residents of the country, % nSO State St., New Iluvcn, Conn., and t h e decline in immigration in rlioiie 6-0028. recent years, about two-thirds of the foreign-born employees of the steel industry have became n a t u r - t :Soutli Carolina Ave, at PaciflcfI . TYriSWUITERS — ALL SIAKES alized citizens of this country. '^Atlantic.City, New Jersey| Now, Rcbllllts, RtiHtuls, rortubles Supplies Convenient Terms European Plan Hotel — RELIANCE TVl'EWmTBR CO.. Xfodcrale Rates 109 Crown Street New Haven C. B. OUT, Mgr. Business Directory HOTEL DRAKE BRANFORD LAUNDRY FLAT WORK WET WASH SOFT DRY I |^,1,'JO Outside Kooms Beautifullyl Furnished i I y U LOST—Pass Book No. 3304. If found return to Branford Savings Bank. Also Small Apartmenls Fully Equipped Including Kleelric Rcfrigeraiion [.OST—Passbook No. 386G. If found return to Branford Savings Bank, Branford, Conn, :)t iMALE HELP WANTED '; (I'onvenipnt tn Tiers, Theatres and Churches OPENING NEW LOCAL COFFEE AGENCY—Need man immediately to supply regular consumers. Also Bus and Railroad Depot }; Start with earnings up to S33.50 a week. Must write quick, Albert Garage Accoininodations ii nulls, 4433 Monmouth, Cincinnati, Ohio. FINISHED WORK BACHELOR SERVICE For Literature and Rates, Address Tel. 572-2 — 572-3 B. W. Nelson, Prop. Ji W. Graham Ferry, Mgr. I SALESMEN WANTED — Rawlcigh Route now open. Real opportunity for man who wants permanent, profitable work. Sales way up this j^^ year. Start promptly. Write Rawleigh's, Dcpt. CUA 4-K. Albany, N . Y. ^_.„_A THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A TUB IIOMB TOWN I'APEIl \TTAl, FORCE IN E%'ERT TOWN i m A N T o n D — N o r r m DU-VNFORD STONY CHEEK—PINE OROIURt) SHOUT nBACII — INDIAN NEOK G'ilANNIS COIINEK — MORRIS COVE — EAST aA^'EN /•OnTRAYING AS TT DOES LOCAL, HAPPENINGS IN F<\MIUAR LANQUAOE VNI) E A S T IIAVI^N INEWS VOL. X—NO. 47 Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, Marcli 3, 1D38 One Act Play Tourney Given Under Auspices Of Community Council Unusual Movies Moving Pictures of the Tloort In the Connecllcnl River Valley In IMnrch ICSI) and ot the Ilhulenburg disaster will be sliown In tlic lodge ruonis of Widow's Son Lodge on Marcli 9. The cutcrtaliiniciit Is sponsored by the Fellowship Club. The pictures arc shown through the courtesy of the Socony Vacuum Oil Co., by .Mr. Albert Orlcio a n d Mr. Charles Ucdlcnt. All Masons are cordially Invited to attend. Price Five Cents C o u n c i l Plans I Card Party For I Raising Fundsi -— Branford High Will Face East Haven In Tourney In K Haven Arena Tues, I Money Must Bo Raised To Pro-i vent Discontinuance Of Community Work Hornets Have Already Won Twice Over First Team To Tho Community Council will spon Local Body Decides To Repeat Affair Which It Sponsor a public card party In the ComOppo-e Thtm In B Glass Competition—East Haven sored Last Year For First Tijne — Dates Set For munity House, Tuesday evening, Wins Place By Drawiiig Forfeit From Hartford Trade March 15, as the first of n .series of InPlay-OlTs. April 25th and 26th. affairs the pupose ot whlcli will be to raise funds tor the continuance WILLIAM C. WliSSUL At a meeting held Tuesday eveThe Branford High School basot the community services, National Dircclor o! Ciibbiag ning t h e Branford Community ketball team will play Its first game At tho meeting ot the Council Uoy Scouts ol America Council voted to sponsor a one act In the State Class B tournament held Tuesday evening it was disdrama tournament similar to the with Kast Haven High as Its opponclosed that only, enough money reone held last year which created a ent next Tuesday in New Haven. mains on hand to continue for two great deal of interest in Branford The local team has not yet been In-' more months, after which time tho and nearby communities. The dates formed as to whether It is schedulCommunity work must be discontinof this year's tournament have been ed to play Tuesday afternoon or ued unless additional funds are seset for April 25 and 20, with the The February broadcast of tlie Whitby K. Moddern, son ot Mr. evening, and tho place where the cured by some : means. A series of time tor registration closing Marcii St. Ambrose Music Club Included a and Mrs. R. Edwin Maddern ot game will take place lias not been social affairs will be tried as one 25. Montoweso Street, Is on .lour with definitely stated although It Is asmeans of raising tho nccssary monvocal group by Loretta Cannon Yathe Duke UnlYcrslty Glee Club sumed that it 'i'lll bo on tho Now The tournament Is open to any tes, assisted my Mary Devlin, Missj The monthly meeting of the Jun ey. News of great Interest to all boys which will appear In several north- Haven Arena Court. amateur dramatic group in the Yates' vocal numbers, "Love Is thejior Musical Art Society was held in between the ages of 9 and 11, and ern cities. state which wishes to enter but enBest of All," from Victor Herbert's the liome of Dorcas Jacocks of their parents, comes In the recent The current lour is to be climax- Tho rather con\mon Impression tries will be closed when or if eight South Main Street. Members of the Princess Pat and "The Bubble Song" announcement by The Qulnnlpiac ed with radio and concert pcrfor- Hiat tho Class B tournainonl will bo groups are entered since the two from Rudolph Friml's High Jinks, luvenlle Musical were guests. The Council Boy Scouts of America sla- nianees In New York city next Sun- played at Wcsloyim Is erroneous. A night program cannot be accomo- were part ot the half hour program following program was given; Inting that Mr. William C. WesEcl, day and Monday, Sunday afternoon round of "play down" games was dated to any larger number of pre- of piano, vocal and violin music strumental rhythm. Shoe Shine National Director of Cubbing, will at 4;30 o'clock the glee club is to played at tho collogo- yesterday afsentations. Application blanks may broadcast sponsored by the State Boys, Nutmegers, composed by Doug visit Branford on tho morning ot be heard in a nation-wide broad- ternoon and evening but tho B be secured from J o h n McDermott ot Federation ot Music Clubs. Miss las Bray, Harland Hllbard, Richard March n t h . Plans are being made east from Radio City, On Monday tournament proper will bo hold in Branford. When they are returned Yates is the state federation secre- Meek and Robert Osborn; piano solo flow Haven. they must be accompanied by suf- tary of the St, Ambrose Music Club the Levee, Price, Dorralne Bradley; During the present negotiations for all the boys of Branford be- evening a formal concert |s to bo The East Haven team has already ficient money to cover the royalty and historian of the Branford Mus- piano duet. The Witch's Flight, Rus- the officers of the Malleable Iron' tween these ages to see and licar given at Hotel Amba,ssador, under on the play to be produced. Non ical Art society, while,her accom-- sell, Roberta Baldwin and Jean- Fittings Company have been sur- Mr. Wessel in a short talk at tills tho auspices ot tho Duke Univer- yielded to Branford twico this royalty and original plays may be panlest is treasurer of tlie Branford nctte Harrison; piano solo. Memor- prised to find considerable opposi- time. It Is hoped that many of tho sity Alumni association ot New Ybrlt. season In tho regular ilousatonio Valley Leai?ue sohcdulo. In tho.tlrnt entered. club and former president of tliat ies, Van Alstyne, Virginia Bracken; tion to the extension of the existing parpnts ot these boys will be pre- Whitby Maddern Is a graduate ot game, played at East Haven high piano solo, Witli a Smile and a agreement and more surprised at sent. Further notice will be given Branford High School in the class . Kaeh group which enters a play club Song, Churchill, Dorcas Jacocks; wliat appears to be the cause of ot the exact time and place for this ot 1035, and ot Worcester Academy gym, the Hornets triumphed by a will be allotted a certain number of meeting. Instrumental rliythm. The Martins this oppcsltlon. tickets to sell. When all expenses in the class ot 1030, Ho is taking the 42 to 32 score, and In tho return and Coys, Nutmegers; piano solo The sticking point does not seem Cubbing is a home and neighbor- business administration at Dulte. engagement at the Branford State are paid a refund will be made to Armory the local five won another Twelfth Street Rag, Brown, Rober- to be the request for a raise In each club in proportion to the n u m victory, this time by 30 to 111, Howta Baldwin; piano solo. Sleepy Head wages or tor vacations with pay hood centered program of activities ber ot tickets which It has sold. ,11 11 ,• lever. It is felt that tho Mahcrmcn arranged by Lee Simms, Natalie whloh just now would be impossible and demands the interest of par- 1 1 Great pains will be taken to seents, especially ihitt of mothers, tor / V x O n t n l Y / V X e e T i n g may pemapa otter IJio Ilornotn tho Wood; piano solo, Mood in Indigo, to grant for reasons known to all,!its cure competent., and Impartial hign'eat success. There Is at pro , ,( ^ , 1 ''t \stlttesl opposition vihloh thpy wlU Ellington, Jeannette Harrison; injudges who ha,Ye h a d a long and At its recent convenyon in At- strumentar rhythm. Lazy .Bones, but does seem to be a soit ot vagueUgnt one Cub Pack In Biantord In C^r A l l « a r i r O t lllnlf"''"''' ' " * " louvnament, close acquaintance with the theatre lantic City, the National Association fear, that small grievances can notl^hloVi ja boys are oriroUed. Bui, the ,' i ' \^l r^\irs\Ji\\J ^^iy^f~>\ Although East IJaven,was,pphedand who have no personal interest ot Teacher's College accepted the Nutmegers. jj]cd_.to-APPOftr*in'"tW^''Jrcllijnfi''ftt3r''^''' be cured or..,var^louaK adJU8tmentsJc„bbliigprpBtam iB.BUcla'lUMilandial,*.-' .-^r-- . • ^ ^ x in any group entered. Prizes of Newilteveii-State.'rreaoKer'^'C'bnSio round ycHterdoy Ifdltt 'not jrot'nn age group one Music Club was held Monday)„„l,ij,l j,.yo,||. jin^g n ,^0,, jjj g„„„ mtnleTDftder thiriJWKtft%ctlAaBW]one'for boM In^lSlige^ monlhly")il'dcirn's"oriIib Atiihandling such things „,$5,,$?.,andJ2J»iiy3,e^wardedfto,vthe as~ii 'fully aiccredlted ti-alnlng'school several more Packs should bo or. gro'.The night In the home of Mr. and Mrs. by forfeit when Hartford Trade, Its The management' firmly believes ganlzod. Vlriners-.of-lli'st, second and third for teacliers, with Its exteiisive foiir Robert II. Norton of Short Bench that, the present agreement lias •scheduled opponent, failed to show places respectively. year course. with Mrs. Norton, hostess and Mr. up for tho game. worlced very well and is also fitted There Is an excellent prospect This means tiiat certificates IsNorton, leader. to caro for tho future correction of t h a t there will be eight entrants sued to" its graduates will be recogTho subject was "Chamber Muwliatever difficulties might arise, which will permit of two programs nized In all states and will iielp sic." The following program was The Chemistry students of the whether these be small or large. of four plays each. The Branford them to enter graduate schools rendered: Adagio Cantablle, BeeBranford High School conducted a In proposing the continuance ot The faculty and the suggested exDrarria Club, t h e Congregational thoven, quartet comimsed of Harry players, the Guilford Town players tensions to the college were highly very interesting a.s.scmbly under the agreement now in force and by the direction of Raymond T. Schlm- providing an opportunity A meeting of the Branford Gar- LIndberg nnd Robert H. Norton, for and one or two groups from B r a n - commended by the as.soclation. Rosalie PInkham, viola; Dr. Finis E. Engleman, president mel of the Faculty, In the Auditor- changes by either party, the otticers den Club will be held tomorrow at violins; ford High School are counted upon ium yesterday during the activities believe they are following tho course 2:45 In Library Hall, to which the Mrs. James J. Walworth, piano; At a meeting hold last Friday as certain entrants. In addition to of the Teacher's College at New period. First Movement ot A Minor Con- night tho Board of Police Commispublic Is invited. Nelson H. Griswold best calculated to produce h a r m these, four or five-the Westbrook Haven, is vice-president of this naof Guilford will be the siieakcr, and certo of Antonio, Vivaldi, H. LInd- sioners reelected the following' ofBenclies were set up on the stage ony. Players, the Valley Players, the tional association and presided at President, Hon. J. Edwin They assure the public and their Mrs. Samuel A. Griswold of South berg, violin; Qrelg's Sonata No. 2 ficers; Northtord Community group. East the Friday session of the conven- and paraphernalia assembled to allow Individual students to conduct employees that the door for hear- Main street Is In charge ot the pro- first two Movements, Mr, and Mrs. Bralnard; clerk, Wlnfleld R, MorHaven Town Players have expres- tion. Norton, violin and piano; quartet. gram. Mr. Griswold will show movAmong the students who are en- chemistry experiments of a specta- ing and correction of all difficulties ing pictures of the Pasadena tour- Prelude to Lohengrin, Wagner; The gan; finance committee, J, E. Brain sed Interest. It is felt that It this cular nature. Miss Roberta Baldwin win always be kept wide open. aid, Charles Callahan; tratflo comyear's tournament is as successful joying a vacation from their stu- served as student chairman. nament of roses of 1037, flower gar- Mill from the second string quar- mittee, E. A. Nygafd and Wl'.llam Directors, as t h a t held last year the affair will dies are, Cecelia Fitzgerald, Alice tet, Joachln Raff. dens In Santa Barbara, Cal; San Mahan; Investigating committee, Thorvald F. Hammer, Brown, Dorothy Carr, MlUlcent Pal- As part of the program the school become an annual event. W, S. Clancy and C. D. Munger H. E, Thatcher; Francisco, China tournament, Berumbo, Helen Hoblnson and Alma band, also directed by Mr. SchimJ. J. Walworth, keley University, Grand Canyon, Inmel, rendered several selections. Charles McCarthy was-l-elnstatcd EUsworth. L. J. Nichols, dian village of Vani of New Mexico, as a supernumerary following a Superintendent flowers and gardens of Connecticut SACRED CONCERT leave ot absence and John J. Ouarand autumn foliage; also slides of George A. Agnew. A sacred concert and song serncro was made a supernumerary. California flowers and dscert cacti vice will be given for the benefit of Chief of Police James T. Murphy and pictures of desert vegetation, the hymnal fund In Tabor-LutherSATURDAY BROADCAST presented tho following report for etc. V. T. Hammer will bo at the The following were given awards an Church March 11. I t Is sponsorJanuary: Arrest?. 10; charges, 20; Miss Jane Mattson ot Stony Creek lantern. at the social conducted by the men ed by the Board of Administration will broadcast the following proconvictions, 10; accidents, 7; burot St. Mary's parish for the beneand choir for the purchase of 100 gram of songs over WELI Saturday There will be a meeting ot the The Department of Public Wel- glaries, 2; complaints, 11; comfit of the rectory building fund renew hymnals. Members of Tabor- a t 3:15; "Love Divine"—Liszt; "In club's executive board at 2 o'clock, fare In the Town Hall Is now accept- plaints Investigated, U ; fires atcently at the Tryst: Mrs. George Lutheran church will take part in previous to the meeting. It Is plantended, 0; thefts reported, 5; doors B. Lehr, Eugenia Tamulevlch, Mrs. The Company's usual $3 annual the world day of prayer to be held Old Madrid"—Protere; "Calm as the ned to dismiss the lecture and meet ing applications from boys who wish and windows found unlopked, 14; Michael Markesieh, Mrs. C. Doner, dividend was well covered in 1937, tomorrow at 4 P M in the First Night"—Bohn; "Just a Song at ing by 4 o'clock to permit members to enroll in CGC camp in April. Boys lodgers, 100; lights out of order, 20; to be eligible for CCC camp must be Ferd Ackerman, Mrs. Walter Lion, its annual report sent to stockhold Congregational Church. Dr. Herbert Twilight"—Maloy. ot attend the World Day of Prayer unemployed and In need of em- lost and stolen property recovered Selena Burne will accompany. Mrs. Lucy MeCutcheon, Nellie Mark^ers by C. L. Campbell, president, J. White of this place will be the meeting at the Congregational ployment. They must have reached to the value of $15; mileage on poleskl, Mrs. Hart, Frances TIsko, shows. Earnings for tlie year were speaker The Branford Gun Club will meet Church. The lecture is open to the their n t h but not their 24th birth- lice car 1,035 miles for the month S. C. Brown, Reno Longeope, Mrs. $3,309 per share of common stock day, and must be physically and of January tomorrow evening a t 8 P. M. In the public. Loretta Yates, M a r y Devlin In Broadcast Dorcas Jacocks Entertains Two M u s i c Clubs VS^hitbyMaddern Is Touring V/ith National Director Duke Glee Club O f Cubbing To V i s i t Branford Statement By M . I. F. Company College Girls On Vacation Chemistry CiasS' Demonstration ,Garden Lecture Open To Public Prize Winners At Tryst Social C.L& P. Company Annual R e p o r t Shov/sGoodYear A. Zuraski, J a n e t McCarthy, Constance Hines, James Bergen, Mrs. Ernest White, Henry J. Doebrlck, Mrs. B. Struzlnskl, Kathcrlne Bowman, Mrs. J. Parclnskl, Mrs Charles Ahearn, Mrs F r a n k Kaminsky, Mrs. A. H. Lombard, Margaret MorawskI Edith Wardle, -Walter Noyes, Mrs. Jerry Collins, Mary Leahy, Mrs. Edward F. Tobin, Sarah Kelley, J a n e Ellen Williams, Mrs. John Zurkus, Alice Cole, Mrs. Frank Harlow, Mrs. Anthony Marclano, Mrs. Peter Donadio, Mrs. Peter Moleski and Mrs. Leon C. Hopkins. PoliceCommission Reelects Officers A p r i l Camps Open For More C C C Boys after taking care of operating and Antliony Dombrowski of Hillside club rooms. Palmer Road. The retirement expenses, taxes, fixed charges and dividends on the pre- Avenue is recovering from a recent speaker will be the County Game Commls.sloner. ferred stock. This figure compares illness. with $3,253 earned in 1930. Total operating revenue ot $10,636,753 was the largest in the company's history, but was offset by larger expenses due to substantial Short Beach - 'WalUngford Share| I"„J851 Henry A'len^and his sisincrease In volume of service supInterest In Free Lovo And Re- fer, Eliza aided by the fiery preaehplied, rising costs of both commo,. . - , , . _ , ,_ , , ,er and founder ot the Oneida Com dities and labor, and more provihgion In Umquo Colony-Held j^unity at Onedia, N. Y., establlshsion for replacements. Taxes for ed a like organization in the wes^ m m o n Public Worship. 1937 amounting to $1,811,988 were tern part of our town. The site ol 137 per cent higher t h a nfor 1931.1 A reader, James R. Qulnn .sends this sect, on an elevation overlookThe 40-hour week made general'us a .story, published elsewhere In ing Community Lake, which still throughout the system in 1037, to-1 this issue, regarding the free love bears their name Is now the home of Strange Marriage Code mentally fit. Miss Margaret Hunt of East Hav- As the State selecting agent anen visited In New York this week. ticipates a far greater number of Prospered Here applicants than' can be enrolled, he has advised the local Weltare Department to send an application as soon as po.islble, Complex Marriage Customs Mot MORNING DEVOTIONS With Disfavor But FoUowors Rev. Jack Davis ot Christ Church, "Settled Down To Oarvo A Stony Creek will broadcast morning devotions over WELI at 8:15 Name For Themselves," week. They had a well established church and a school of their own and the latter was regarded as a REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS model building In those early days. the State Masonic homo and hospiThe following real estate t r a n s - ward which the company had been cult, flourishing In Branford fo'rty This strange sect believed ail men tal for the aged fers were received for record in the working for several years, and recog years ago. office of the town clerk during the' nltlon of higher livings costs in- The WalUngford World published Under a strange creed ot Social- were equal, that private ownership the following story not long ago ism, free love and religion It Is re- was taboo, worshipped the Bible and past week; Virginia Leonard Brad- creased the payroll outlay, ley to Christine G. Beeck and Mar-1 Pronounced gain in the sale of which we reprint. S. Sherman Wes- corded this unique colony prosper- Jesus as the Son of God, and believed that a "complex" marriage where ed for approximately 30 years, garet Garden Berry, land. Stony.household electric service was rec- ley is Its author. by a man or woman would have per240 Acres Exact Meld • Creek; The Lakevlew Realty Co.,lorded, accounting to a considerable The spark of love ignited by i Inc. to Thomas F. Rellly, three extent for the marked increase in fury of religious fervor played a This Uttle band of about 50 neo-, fect freedom In his or her amours, building'lots, Montvale 11037 revenues. Continued growth in dominant part In the history ot pie called themselves the "WalUng- would lead to the ultimate perfect —: this class of business may be ex- WalUngford for a period of 30 years ford community." The community life. Marriage Code Sore Spot North Guilford Community Coun-liiected. Other classes of revenues from 1851 to 18B1. Salt Lake city occuiped 240 acres on the west side cil will hold a party on the evening ^showed improvement over 1938 ex- may cherish the memory of Brig- of the lake where vineyards, or- Enhanced by their thrifty spirit of April 1. Mrs. Harold Chittenden'cept electric sales to street rali- ham Young and his horde ot Morr chards and the manufacturing of and while their agricultural and is president of the Council, Mrs, I ways, which registered a decline imon followers but glancing through silverware and textiles were the Industrial ventures flourished efHerman'Klesel, vice-president, Mrs owing to substitution of buses for the well thumbed pages of local his- chief pursuits. West of this site on ficiently with the years, the martory we find Waliirigford Is not so the high table land ot Mt. Tom, the riage code of the community how Dorothy Sperl, secretary and Mrs. street cars. Stanley Meyer, treasurer. | In 1937 more farms were electri- far behind with Its memory of Hen- members of thisi community held ever was an ever constant "sore Continued on page eight ry Allen and the "Community Sect" common public worship once a Norman Little Is publicity director. Continued on page two. Saturday morning. The church choir under the direction ot Mrs. Pere Wallmo will sing the following selections; Opening, "The Lord Is In His Holy Temple"—Root; "Lord's Prayer"— Adlam anthem, "God So Loved the World"—Wilson. Response, "Oh Lord ot Love Compassionate" — Brahm Anthem, "As Christ Upon the Cross"—Bullard. Benediction, "The Lord Bless and Keep Thee"— Wax,som, MRS. J E N N I E A. B E A C H News of the death ot Mrs. Jennie Appleby Beach, widow ot Andrew Beach, In Monterey, Calif,, February 25 has been received by friends here. Mrs. Beach was born In Madison, the daughter ot Charles Appleby and Jane Gibson. She lived in Bran ford for many.years. She leaves a son, Charles Beach ot Chicago and tour daughter, Mrs. Charlotte Kelly and Mrs. Florence Sandal ot Montery; Mrs. Carl Vail of Oakland, Cal., and Mrs,,Harriet Henlnger of Fort Sill, Okia,, several grandchildren; also nieces and nephews In Branford. Trinity Men's Club will meet March 10th in the Parish House to hear William 'Urback ot the New Haven Y. M. C. A. tell ot his trip to Germany. His talk will be accompanied by colored motion pictures. The Stony Creek Fife and Drum Trinity Aid will servo supper at ' Corps will give a chicken pie sup- 0:30. per and entertainment a t Seaside "Tho Holy City," a cantata by AlHall Thursday evening, March 10th fred Qaul which was to have been J. Edward Rogers of Main Street, presented Sunday evening by TrinShort Beach has been removed to ity Choir has been postponed until March 13. Oraeo Hospital for observation .'-Ai^