CPC October newsletter - the Cairns Potters Club website
CPC October newsletter - the Cairns Potters Club website
Cairns Potters Club Inc. October 2015 Newsletter ABN 60 623 179 734 Postal Address Clubhouse Newsletter Editor President Lone White PO Box 1470, Cairns QLD 4870 28a Grove St Cairns 4870 Lone White Phone contact 40 537 508 Email cairnspottersclub@hotmail.com - Website www.cairnspottersclub.net Fired raku ceramic piece by Linda Gordon Page 1 President: Lone White. Vice President: Kylie McKenna Secretary: - Erica West Minute Secretary: Christina George Treasurer: Mark Davis Librarian: Christina George Kiln Booking Officer: Jennifer Arthur Newsletter: still vacant (acting newsletter editor -Lone White) Glass Officer: vacant Website Manager: - Jennifer Arthur Clay Officer:- Di Sant. Committee Members; The following members have agreed to be on the Committee: Rebecca Barnes, Claire Heathcock, Glenys Lonie, Heather McCoy & Hedy Verhulst , CLUB MEETINGS The Management Committee of the Club meets at 4.30 pm on the first Monday of the month at the Club premises at 28a Grove Street Cairns. Members are welcome to attend and/or bring issues to the Committee at these meetings. The next Management Committee meeting will take place Monday 5 October 2015 at 4.30 pm. All members are welcome. A word from the President. The glaze room extension is finished and after the clean up of the shed all the glaze materials are now safely stored in the glaze room. Yuki with the Wednesday group are now busy sorting out all the glazes already made up and deciding what new glazes the club should make up. Hopefully next month most of the things will be in place in the glaze room. Once this has been organised, all the glazing must be done in the glaze room. The next big event for the club will be our Christmas Fair 5 December 2015, so get busy potting, so we will have plenty of pots to display and sell. Please note: Opinions expressed or advertisements displayed by contributors to this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor, Executive Officers or the Committee. Whilst every effort is made to publish accurate information, Cairns Potters Club Inc. accepts no responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed. Page 2 At the Clubhouse CLASSES: SATURDAY MORNING – between 9am and 11.30 am wheel throwing classes for beginners and advanced potters . Contact Marc Lucas on 40370381. EVENING CLASSES -Wheel throwing and hand building class for beginners and existing potters who would like to refresh their skills.- Tues and Wed evenings from 6:30 to 9:00.. Contact Yuki @ yuki.koyuki@hotmail.com or 0438741922 (prefer SMS) CHILDREN’S CLASSES – Wednesday and Thursday – between 4 and 5.30 pm . Contact Felicity Bury 0434047974 – email felicity19@optusnet.com.au OTHER ACTIVITIES: MONDAY AFTERNOONS - Partners In Recovery group classes 1 – 4 pm TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY MORNINGS - CLUB MEMBERS GET TOGETHER Between 9 and 12 noon– no cost involved. Members can practise their hand building, wheel throwing, decorating and glazing techniques and perhaps share a firing, also a chance to get to know other potters and share their joy in pottery making. Contact Glenys 0487194747 or Yuki on 0438741922 (prefer SMS) THURSDAY AFTERNOONS - BAWU classes 1pm to 4 pm CLUB NEWS FREE School Holiday "Creative Clay" activities at the Pier did get off to a wonderful start( more than 400 children over the first 4 days). Thanks to Di Sant who organised it through the Red Chair Gallery and Yuki who also taught there part of the time. Apparently sometimes there was even a queue of children eager to play with clay and some were coming back later to paint their master pieces, which will be fired at the clubhouse. Page 3 Cairns Regional Gallery CRAFT + DESIGN MARKET 25/27 Sept Three members of the Cairns Potters Club: Mollie Bosworth, Hedy Verhulst and Marian Wolfs were invited to participate in the “TAKE IT HOME “ POP UP SHOP at the Cairns Regional Gallery. Several of our members sell their pottery at the TANKS market, however it is good to see that the Cairns Regional Gallery is now opening up its doors for more opportunities for Cairns artists to promote and sell their works there. Report from Webmaster and kiln officer Jennifer Arthur. Well, it's almost the end of the year yet again and although we have quite a few new members I'm still waiting with baited breath for new pics for the members gallery. Great opportunity to get yourself out there as the website gets lots of hits each day. You get your own page and up to 9 pics. A short bio is required and 9 jpeg images. Also a reminder that if you want to book a kiln at the club the first thing to do is check the on-line calendar to see the existing bookings, then send me a text message with the kiln you want to use and the date. You must be an existing member and able to operate the kiln without supervision to make a booking. Page 4 CLEAN UP SUNDAY 13 SEPTEMBER FROM 10AM TO 3PM What a job!!! Can you recognise the inside of the shed and the raku area? Anybody visiting the clubhouse will agree we need a big clean up. Well four people Christina George, Mark Davis, Tom Britton and Lone White started and spent 5 hours cleaning the shed and back yard and shifted glaze materials into our new glaze room. It was a very big job, just look at the skip, however it is only the start. Now we need the glaze room sorted out, then the main room and gas kiln room, so we still need helpers to make the club an easier place to work and relax in. The day before the clean up Samallie brought a friend ( with muscles) and together they picked up about 12 wooden pallets and took them to a place for recycling.. Yuki, with helpers from the Wednesday’s group has started to sort out all the club glazes and they will now be all labelled and with test tiles attached, so it should be easier to find a suitable glaze. All the glazing should in the future be done in our new glaze room. Thanks to the potters who so far have helped making the club a better place to work in. Page 5 CLAY FOR SALE The new order has arrived and already many potters have come to buy clay, so if you are planning to make plenty of pots for Christmas, make sure you buy your clay now . Prices as at 1 /9/15 *Non members of Cairns Potters Club will have to pay $5 extra pr bag. Clay types – can all be fired to stoneware temp except Feeneys Terracotta Sales price per bag Blackwattle White Paper Clay stoneware Walkers No 10 Walkers White hand building Walkers Feeneys white stoneware Walkers PB 103 Feeneys dark stoneware Feeneys Red stoneware Feeneys White Raku - stoneware Feeneys Buff Raku (Trachite) Feeneys Terracotta Keanes White Raku Keanes Special K Keanes stoneware 7 Keanes Porcelain Orton cone 11 10, 9 , 8, 7 , 06 ,04 each $ 25 $ 22 $19 $ 19 $ 22 $ 18 $ 18 $ 18 $ 18 $ 16 $ 24 $ 26 $ 26 $ 26 $ 0.60 If you would like to purchase some clay please contact Di Sant on 40324487 or 0419657553 email disantart@gmail.com Payment for clay can be either cash or chq to Di Sant on 40324487 or 0419657553 or directly deposited into the Club’s Bendigo Bank A/C by making an electronic transfer to the following bank account showing your name and reference to clay and/or materials Cairns Potters Club – Account # 119552826 BSB 633-000 North Queensland Potters Association is no longer organising biennial ceramic award exhibitions at Perc Tucker’s Gallery in Townsville. The Director of the Gallery is calling for entries to the 2016 biennial North Queensland Ceramic Awards - Exhibition 4 March – 1 May 2016 – entries closes 11 December 2015 – Entry forms from Pinnacles Gallery 20 Village Boulevard, Townsville Qld 4810- 0747738871 or pinnacles@townsville.qld.gov.au Page 6 Linda Gordon Hi, my name is Linda Gordon & this is a photo of myself & my Family.( I always look better in photos when surrounded by others.) I have been living in Cairns for over 15 years and joined the Pottery Club when I first moved here. I had pottery lessons at the Club & then went to TAFE where I was introduced to all the possibilities of Clay & Ceramics. I enjoy making Pottery for family & friends and the satisfaction of someone buying one of my Pots. I have been coming to the Pottery Club quite regularly this year & I am really impressed with the new Glaze room & the time & effort the members put into the Pottery Club. Marking on my pots & less Glaze is this year’s Theme. Page 7 From CAIRNS POTTERS CLUB INC PO BOX 1470 CAIRNS Q 4870 Cair Cairns QLD 4870 Page 8 Website www.cairnspottersclub.net