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International Conference "New Horizons in Finance for Asia and the Region"
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NIDA Business School -id lJfi'IJ As ian Finance Association (As ianFA) ~~ ih lm ,:jfnHllJlJ'\.lll'll'lf)l ,) 1.J lm'll'l~
Asian Finance Association (AsianFA) 2010 In ternationa l Con fe rence "New Horizons in Finance for Asia and the Region" 'UU
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M r. Wayne (john) Shi bata
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announce its annual international conference to be. held
The Asian Finance Association (AslanFA) .IS Ple~sed to . rdially invited to submit your research papers In all
June 29 - July 2, 2010 in Ba~gkok, ThaIland .. ou t;~ c~nference. Visit for more
areas of finance for consideratIon for presentatIon a
Keynote Speakers: RAV. JAGANNATHAN
. d
Alumni Professor in Asset Managem~nt ChaIr an
Professor of Finance and Global Busmess
Johnson Graduate School of Management,
Cornell University
Asian Finance AsSOCiatIon IntematJonal
Location : Pullman Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
Conference dates: June 29 - July 2, 2010
Paper submission due: January 30, 2010
Submissions must be in PDF format.
Notifications by March 20, 2010
Contact details: Wayne (John) Shibata
Phone: +662 727 3933-47
Fax: +662 374 3282
Email: aSianfa2010conference@nida .aC.lh
Contemoce Co-Chajrs '
Dr. Kamphol Panyagometh
NIDA Business School
National Institute of
Development Administration
Dr. David Ding
Lee Kong Chian School of BUSiness
Singapore Management University
Academic Program Co-cha;rs; Dr. Narumon Saardchom NIDA BUSiness School National Institute of Development Administration Dr. S. Ghon Rhee SKKU BUsiness School
Sung Kyun Kwan University
and University of Hawaii
Dr. SUdipto D8sgIJpta
Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology
Chicago Mercantile Exchange/ John F. Sandner Professor of Finance Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University SUBMISSION PROCESS (starting October 1, 20~9):
Please help to facilitate/expedite the peer review process by
submitting your work only via the conference website:
The clOSing date for submission of papers is JANUARY 30, 2010.
REVIEWING PROCESS Academicians and practitioners are cordially invited to submit their
completed papers for presentation consideration. Competitive papers
in a/l areas of finance with implications for Asia and the region are
particularly welcome. Papers will be assessed in terms of the research
question, research design, and the expected contribution of the paper.
Submitted papers will go through a double-blind review process by
members of the program committee, which is composed of
internationally distinguished scholars. Submitting authors will be given
the option to indicate, at the point of submiSSion, for their accepted
paper to be considered for fast-track review for publication at either the
Pacific Basin Finance Journal or the International Review of Finance.
Papers selected for fast-track review wi" have the submission fees
waived .
AWARDS FOR COMPETITIVE PAPERS Accepted academic research papers will be eligible for "Best Paper"
awards. At least two best paper awards will be available.
Conference hosted by
NIDA Business SchOOl
Tel. 662-727-3933-47
Fax. 662-374-3282
National Institute of Development Administration
118 Seri Thai Rd., BangkOk, Thailand 10240
Call for Papers
(main ver,)
Asian Finance Association (AsianFA) 2010 International Conference "New Horizons in Finance for Asia and the Region" Conference website: mba.nida The Asian Fin ance Association (AsianFA) is pleased to announce its annual
international conference to be held June 29 - July 2, 2010 in Bangkok, Thailand .
Academicians and practitioners are cordially invited to su bmit their completed
papers for presentation consid eration . Competiti ve papers in all areas of finance
with implications for Asia and the region are particularly welcome. Papers will be
assessed in terms of the research question , research design, and the expected
contribution of the paper.
The closing date for submission of papers is January 30, 2010.
Program Highlights
Keynote presentations from:
G. Andrew Karolyi
Alumni Professor in Asset Management Chair
and Professor of Finance and Global Business
Johnson Graduate School of Management,
Cornell University
Ravi Jagannathan
Chicago Mercantile Exchange/
John F. Sandner Professor of Finance
Kellogg School of Management,
Northwestern University
Paper Submissions
Academic resea rch p apers
Papers submitted in this category will be of a tradition al academic nature
presenting new and unpublished resea rch . Papers will be assessed in
terms of the research problem, research desig n and the expected
contribution of the research . Acce pted research papers will be assigned a
discussant. Research paper sessions will allow for a 20 minute
presentation , 5 minute discussion and 5 minutes of questions.
Fast-track revie w for publication
Submitting authors will be given the option to indicate, at th e point of
submission , for their accepted paper to be considered for fast-track review
for publication at either the Pacific Basin Finance Journal or the
International Review of Finance . Papers selected for fast-track review will
have the submission fees waived.
Submission Process
Papers may be submitted from October 1, 2009 via the conference website:
mba .nida
Only electronic submissions in PDF form at will be accepted for review.
Reviewing Process
Submitted papers will go through a double-blind review process by members of
the program committee, wh ich is composed of internationally distingu ished
scholars. The submitting author will receive an e-mail confirmation of submission
with in seventy-two hours of the on -line submission. The submitting author will be
notified of the results of the review process by March 20, 2010.
Obligations of the Presenting Author
The acceptance of a paper for the conference carries with it certa in obligations
on the presenting author:
• The presenting auth or will be obligated to present the paper in a
professional manner at the assig ned program session .
• The presenting author will be required to register for th e Conference
within two weeks of the paper's acceptance by paying the full
Conference registration fee .
• The collegiality of th e meeting provides a very special opportun ity for
participants to share their work and to hear about the work others are
doing. Thus , individuals with academic research papers accepted for
presentation may be required to discuss a paper. Presenting authors of
all accepted papers may also be required to chair a session .
• The presenting author of an accepted academic resea rch paper wi ll be
required to send the final version of the paper to the discussant and
session chair by May 24 either as an e-mail attachment or via the
paper replacement upload feature of the conference web site.
Program Timeline and Deadlines
January 30 , 2010: Deadlin e for submission of papers
March 20, 2010 : Notification of Accepted Papers
March 27 , 2010: Confirmation by the presenting author of intention to
present the paper.
April 3, 2010
Registration by the presenting author.
April 10, 2010:
Notification of Discussants and Session Chairs
April 24, 2010
Session Assignments
The Conference Destination
Bangkok, capital of Thailand and one of As ia's most dynamic and diverse cities,
is the heart and soul of Thailand. This exciting and steamy tropical city offers
surprises at every turn. Vibrant, cosmopolitan and intriguing, Bang kok is simply
sensational. Gleaming skyscra pers, glittering temples, colorful street markets ,
sophisticated shopping malls , bustling nightlife. The city presents both residents
and vis itors , young and old, with an everla sting and curious palette of activities,
events and attractions.
A booming, modern capital, Bangkok still manages to retain its unique Siamese
heritage in the wonderful food, culture , exotic architecture, Buddhist tolerance
and Thai hospitality.
The new "Skytrain" a symbol of Bangkok's ra pid development provides not only a
convenient way to get around the main areas, but also some great views over the
Accommodation information
Pullman Hotel (Official AsianFA 2010 Conference Hotel), Pullman Ba ngkok King
Power, the city's upscale hotel, adds wa rmth to urban living space with service
that epitomizes the best of As ian hospitality. The enviable location offers easy
access to all major parts of the city via the BTS sky train and exp ressway.
The hotel's 386 rooms and suites exude Asian contemporary style, with high-tech
connections and marbled bathroom . As part of the King Power Duty Free
Complex, guests enjoy direct access to a myriad of shopping boutiques without
the traffic hassle. Visit: http ://
Conference Host
The conference will be hosted by NIDA Business School , National Institute of
Development Administra tion , Bangkok, Thailand .
The National Institute of Devel opment Administration (NI DA) is a dynamic,
unique, service-oriented graduate-on ly institution which seeks to meet many of
Thaila nd's and the region's critical needs in development administration. Th rough
teaching , training, research, and consulting, NIDA provides its students with the
necessary knowledge, analytical ability, and other skills to be applied at the
community, national, and international levels. It is recognized as a leading quality
institution .
NIDA Business School was established in 1966 with its first class made up of 39
students. It was the first university in Thailand to offer the Master of Business
Administration (MBA) program and is one of a total of seven graduate schools at
NIDA. All the schools are dedicated to providing only gradu ate level programs.
The vision of senior management is to develop th e school into a leading Asian
institute through academic excelle nce.
To achieve the mission and vision , the school fo cuses on designing its programs
to develop students, professionals, executives and leaders with an awareness of
ethics , good corporate governan ce practices, and corporate social respon sibility.
Conference Sponsors
Awards for Competitive Papers
Accepted academic research papers will be eligible for "Best Paper" awards.
At least two best paper awards will be available.
Enquiries to:
Email: asianfa201 Conference Co-Chairs
Dr. Kamphol Panyagometh
NIDA Business School
National Institute of Development
Dr. David Ding
Lee Kong Chian School of Business
Singapore Management University
Academic Program Co-Chairs
Dr. Narumon Saardchom
Dr. S. Ghon Rhee
NIDA Business School
SKKU Business School
Sung Kyun Kwan Univers ity
National Institute of
Development Administration
and University of Hawaii
Dr. Sudipto Dasgu pta
Hong Kong University of Science
and Tech nology
Hosted by:
NIDA Business School
National Institute of Development
11 8 Seri Tha i Rd ., Bangkok , Th ailand
Tel. +662 374 3933-47
Fax.+662 374 3282