TIF Brochure - TIF - Telecommunications and Internet federation
TIF Brochure - TIF - Telecommunications and Internet federation
TIF Cover :Layout 1 22/05/2013 12:00 Page 2 Telecommunications and Internet Federation TELECOMMUNICATIONS & INTERNET FEDERATION Confederation House 84/86 Lower Baggot Street Dublin 2 PHONE + 353 (0)1 605 1528 FFAX + 353 (0)1 638 1528 EMAIL tif@ibec.ie www.tif.ie Telecommunications & Internet Federation is a business sector within IBEC www.ibec.ie CORK SOUTH EAST MID-WEST WEST NORTH WEST IBEC EUROPE Knockrea House Douglas Road Cork Confederation House Waterford Business Park Cork Road Waterford Gardner House Bank Place Charlotte Quay Limerick Ross House Victoria Place Galway 3rd Floor Pier One Quay Street Donegal Town Avenue de Cortenbergh, 89 Boite 2 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium PHONE + 353 (0)51 331 260 PHONE + 353 (0)61 410 411 PHONE + 353 (0)91 561 109 PHONE + 353 (0)74 972 4280 PHONE + 353 (0)21 429 5511 EMAIL info@ibec.ie EMAIL southeast@ibec.ie EMAIL midwest@ibec.ie EMAIL galway@ibec.ie EMAIL northwest@ibec.ie PHONE + 32 (0)2 512 3333 EMAIL ibec.europe@ibec.ie www.ibec.ie/europe Telecommunications & Internet Federation is a business sector within IBEC www.tif.ie TIF Cover :Layout 1 22/05/2013 12:00 Page 1 TIF Secretariat Telecommunications and Internet Federation The Telecommunications and Internet Federation (TIF) is the representative body for the electronic communications industry in Ireland. TIF represents companies involved in broadcasting, cable, data centres, fixed, fixed wireless, internet, mobile, satellite and wireless internet as well as equipment manufacturers and network providers. TIF has two main roles: • • Torlach Denihan Director Representation of the electronic communications industry to external stakeholders such as ministers, public representatives, government departments, regulators, local authorities, state agencies, the European Commission and the media. Dr Emer Condon Senior Executive Carolyn Doumeni Personal Assistant IBEC is the voice of Irish business and employers both nationally and internationally. It is the umbrella body for Ireland’s leading business and industry groups and associations. IBEC represents more than 7,500 member organisations, of all sizes, in all regions and across all industry sectors. Advice and assistance on issues relevant to the sector. TIF is a business sector within the Irish Business and Employers Confederation. With acknowledged expertise in all aspects of business representation, policy development, employee relations, human resources, employment law, environment, health and safety, trade and EU affairs, IBEC is uniquely positioned to provide indispensible, tailored advice to members. To learn more, contact IBEC on www.ibec.ie IBEC IBEC, the Irish Business and Employers Confederation, is the national voice of business and employers and is the umbrella body for Ireland’s leading sector groups and associations. IBEC represents the interests of business in Ireland and provides a wide range of direct services to its member companies. Members of TIF are also members of IBEC. Further information at www.ibec.ie. TELECOMMUNICATIONS & INTERNET FEDERATION TIF Strategic Priorities: Confederation House 84/86 Lower Baggot Street Dublin 2 PHONE + 353 (0)1 605 1528 FFAX + 353 (0)1 638 1528 the sector andEMAIL highlight its role in economic recovery tif@ibec.ie www.tif.ie IBEC MISSION IBEC promotes the interests of business and employers in Ireland by working to foster the continuing development of a competitive environment that encourages sustainable growth, and within which both enterprise and people can flourish. • Raise the profile of • Telecommunications Internet Federation is a business sector IBEC Increase industry influence and &engagement with government and within key stakeholders • Promote implementation of the National Broadband Plan and the National Digital Strategy • Seek improved regulatory processes and engagement while addressing the cost of regulation www.ibec.ie CORK SOUTH EAST MID-WEST WEST NORTH WEST IBEC EUROPE Knockrea House Douglas Road Cork Confederation House Waterford Business Park Cork Road Waterford Gardner House Bank Place Charlotte Quay Limerick Ross House Victoria Place Galway 3rd Floor Pier One Quay Street Donegal Town Avenue de Cortenbergh, 89 Boite 2 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium PHONE + 353 (0)51 331 260 PHONE + 353 (0)61 410 411 PHONE + 353 (0)91 561 109 PHONE + 353 (0)74 972 4280 PHONE + 353 (0)21 429 5511 EMAIL info@ibec.ie EMAIL southeast@ibec.ie EMAIL midwest@ibec.ie EMAIL galway@ibec.ie EMAIL northwest@ibec.ie PHONE + 32 (0)2 512 3333 EMAIL ibec.europe@ibec.ie www.ibec.ie/europe www.tif.ie TIF Inner(Fin):Layout 1 18/06/2013 16:18 Page 1 TIF Structure TIF Council: All TIF member companies are entitled to one representative on council, either the chief executive or a senior manager with delegated power to speak for the company. Council meets quarterly. TIF CEO Advisory Committee: The TIF CEO Advisory Committee is made up of the CEOs of the six largest telecoms companies by employment, two other company representatives by annual rotation and the current TIF Chair and Vice Chair. The CEO Advisory Committee meets quarterly. TIF Industry Groups: A range of expert groups work on key issues for the industry. The core TIF groups meet at least quarterly and have membership criteria, objectives and defined work programmes. TIF Council TIF CEO Advisory Committee Committee of TIF Chairs and Vice Chairs Regulatory Affairs Group Broadcasting and Content Distribution Group Mobile and Wireless Group Next Generation Broadband Group Irish Cellular Industry Association ICIA Project Groups TIF Inner(Fin):Layout 1 18/06/2013 16:18 Page 2 TIF represents the electronic communications sector, an important contributor to Ireland’s society and economy, which: • Employs 17,500 throughout Ireland • Accounts for 1.8% of GNP • Competes intensively to serve Irish consumers • Generates G1.4bn in taxes, 3% of total tax revenue Telecommunications and society • Telecommunications is central to Ireland’s social and economic fabric. It connects family and friends, consumers and companies. • State of the art telecommunications infrastructure is an essential catalyst for Ireland’s economic recovery. • Developments in telecommunications continue to transform the daily lives of Irish citizens and improve our quality of life both at home and in the workplace, changing how we interact, learn, relax and do business. Modern telecommunications infrastructure has transformed the lives of all Irish citizens e-Health Social networking e-Business Telecommunications Remote working e-Government Online shopping www.tif.ie e-Entertainment TIF Inner(Fin):Layout 1 18/06/2013 16:18 Page 3 Investment in Ireland’s economic future • G2.5bn invested in Ireland’s telecommunications infrastructure over the past 5 years. • Paying G845m to Irish Exchequer in licence fees as a result of the 2012 spectrum auction. • Similar major capital investment will be made over the next few years to upgrade the core communications infrastructure by rolling out fibre and 4G mobile. • Enabled G54bn in foreign direct investment projects by global companies over the last 5 years. • Provides the connectivity for indigenous firms to grow. Sector revenue has decreased to below 2005 levels €4.5bn €4.5bn €4.3bn €4bn €3.9bn €3.9bn €3.8bn 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source: ComReg Telecommunications prices have fallen by 30% in real terms since 2000 (index, January 2000 = 100) 150 140 Index 130 120 110 100 90 80 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Consumer Price Index, all items Telecommunications Source: Macrobond/CSO TIF Inner(Fin):Layout 1 18/06/2013 16:18 Page 4 Events Pictured at the launch of the report of the Next Generation Broadband Taskforce on 2 May 2012 were (l to r) Aidan Dunning, Secretary General, Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources; Paul Donovan, Chairman, TIF (2012); John Shine, Deputy CEO, ESB; Conal Henry, CEO, e-net; Pat Rabbitte TD, Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources; Fergus O'Dowd TD, Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources; Jeroen Hoencamp, CEO, Vodafone; Robert Finnegan, CEO, Three; Colm Piercy, CEO, Digiweb; Torlach Denihan, Director, TIF and Katherine Licken, Assistant Secretary, Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. Pictured at a TIF Members' Evening on 13 December 2012 were (l to r) Danny McCoy, CEO, IBEC, and Dana Strong, CEO, UPC and Chair, TIF. Pictured at a TIF Members' Evening on 13 December 2012 were (l to r) Torlach Denihan, Director, TIF, Dana Strong, CEO, UPC and Chair, TIF; and Gerard O'Neill, Chairman, Amárach Research. Mr O'Neill gave a presentation on the report 'Ireland's Digital Future - Driving Economic Recovery'. www.tif.ie Pictured at the IBEC CEO Conference on 28 February 2013 were (l to r) Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources Pat Rabbitte TD and conference sponsor Herb Hribar, CEO, eircom. TIF Cover :Layout 1 22/05/2013 12:00 Page 1 TIF Secretariat Telecommunications and Internet Federation The Telecommunications and Internet Federation (TIF) is the representative body for the electronic communications industry in Ireland. TIF represents companies involved in broadcasting, cable, data centres, fixed, fixed wireless, internet, mobile, satellite and wireless internet as well as equipment manufacturers and network providers. TIF has two main roles: • • Torlach Denihan Director Representation of the electronic communications industry to external stakeholders such as ministers, public representatives, government departments, regulators, local authorities, state agencies, the European Commission and the media. Dr Emer Condon Senior Executive Carolyn Doumeni Personal Assistant IBEC is the voice of Irish business and employers both nationally and internationally. It is the umbrella body for Ireland’s leading business and industry groups and associations. IBEC represents more than 7,500 member organisations, of all sizes, in all regions and across all industry sectors. Advice and assistance on issues relevant to the sector. TIF is a business sector within the Irish Business and Employers Confederation. With acknowledged expertise in all aspects of business representation, policy development, employee relations, human resources, employment law, environment, health and safety, trade and EU affairs, IBEC is uniquely positioned to provide indispensible, tailored advice to members. To learn more, contact IBEC on www.ibec.ie IBEC IBEC, the Irish Business and Employers Confederation, is the national voice of business and employers and is the umbrella body for Ireland’s leading sector groups and associations. IBEC represents the interests of business in Ireland and provides a wide range of direct services to its member companies. Members of TIF are also members of IBEC. Further information at www.ibec.ie. TELECOMMUNICATIONS & INTERNET FEDERATION TIF Strategic Priorities: Confederation House 84/86 Lower Baggot Street Dublin 2 PHONE + 353 (0)1 605 1528 FFAX + 353 (0)1 638 1528 the sector andEMAIL highlight its role in economic recovery tif@ibec.ie www.tif.ie IBEC MISSION IBEC promotes the interests of business and employers in Ireland by working to foster the continuing development of a competitive environment that encourages sustainable growth, and within which both enterprise and people can flourish. • Raise the profile of • Telecommunications Internet Federation is a business sector IBEC Increase industry influence and &engagement with government and within key stakeholders • Promote implementation of the National Broadband Plan and the National Digital Strategy • Seek improved regulatory processes and engagement while addressing the cost of regulation www.ibec.ie CORK SOUTH EAST MID-WEST WEST NORTH WEST IBEC EUROPE Knockrea House Douglas Road Cork Confederation House Waterford Business Park Cork Road Waterford Gardner House Bank Place Charlotte Quay Limerick Ross House Victoria Place Galway 3rd Floor Pier One Quay Street Donegal Town Avenue de Cortenbergh, 89 Boite 2 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium PHONE + 353 (0)51 331 260 PHONE + 353 (0)61 410 411 PHONE + 353 (0)91 561 109 PHONE + 353 (0)74 972 4280 PHONE + 353 (0)21 429 5511 EMAIL info@ibec.ie EMAIL southeast@ibec.ie EMAIL midwest@ibec.ie EMAIL galway@ibec.ie EMAIL northwest@ibec.ie PHONE + 32 (0)2 512 3333 EMAIL ibec.europe@ibec.ie www.ibec.ie/europe www.tif.ie TIF Cover :Layout 1 22/05/2013 12:00 Page 2 Telecommunications and Internet Federation TELECOMMUNICATIONS & INTERNET FEDERATION Confederation House 84/86 Lower Baggot Street Dublin 2 PHONE + 353 (0)1 605 1528 FFAX + 353 (0)1 638 1528 EMAIL tif@ibec.ie www.tif.ie Telecommunications & Internet Federation is a business sector within IBEC www.ibec.ie CORK SOUTH EAST MID-WEST WEST NORTH WEST IBEC EUROPE Knockrea House Douglas Road Cork Confederation House Waterford Business Park Cork Road Waterford Gardner House Bank Place Charlotte Quay Limerick Ross House Victoria Place Galway 3rd Floor Pier One Quay Street Donegal Town Avenue de Cortenbergh, 89 Boite 2 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium PHONE + 353 (0)51 331 260 PHONE + 353 (0)61 410 411 PHONE + 353 (0)91 561 109 PHONE + 353 (0)74 972 4280 PHONE + 353 (0)21 429 5511 EMAIL info@ibec.ie EMAIL southeast@ibec.ie EMAIL midwest@ibec.ie EMAIL galway@ibec.ie EMAIL northwest@ibec.ie PHONE + 32 (0)2 512 3333 EMAIL ibec.europe@ibec.ie www.ibec.ie/europe Telecommunications & Internet Federation is a business sector within IBEC www.tif.ie
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continuing development of a competitive environment that encourages sustainable
growth, and within which both enterprise and people can flourish.