A National Tragedy: Helping Children Cope
A National Tragedy: Helping Children Cope
THE SCHOOL BELL December 20,2012 Williston, www.wsdvt.org 878-2762, 879-5850 (both schools) St George School Board Wendy Goodrich 482-3779 Kelly Sayre 482-2044 Kelly Bowen 657-3935 ict Will is Williston Central School s tr chool D S n toAllen Brook School i Williston School Board Holly Rouelle 879-7257 Deb Baker Moody 879-0429 Kevin Mara879-8122 Josh Diamond 878-1989 Giovanna Boggero578-4621 WSDSchoolboard @cssu.org Vermont ABS Office: 879-5806; WCS Office: 879-5805 Caring teachers engaging students in meaningful learning UPCOMING 12/19, 12/20 Ski Equipment Fitting 6:00 pm, WCS 12/20 World Language Open House 7:15 am–8 am 12/24–1/2 Holiday Break/Inservice No School 1/3 School Resumes (Thursday) 1/4 School Dance, gr. 5–8 6:30–8:30 pm, WCS 1/8 Continental Math, gr. 3–4 8:30 am–9:30 am, WCS Dining Room 1/8 Continental Math, gr. 5–8 2 pm–3 pm, WCS Dining Room 1/8 Parenting Class (1st Session) 6:30–8 pm, WCS Dining Room 1/10 FAPAC Meeting 6:30 pm, WCS Dining Room 1/10 Budget Meeting 4:30 pm–7 pm, WCS Library 1/15 Parenting Class (2nd Session) 6:30–8 pm, WCS Dining Room 2/1 District Music Festival Rehearsal 8 am–4 pm, Grades 7 and 8 2/1 School Dance, gr. 5–8 6:30–8:30 pm, WCS For WCS sports schedules, please see the school’s athletics page at : http://www.cssu. org/site/Default.aspx?PageID=903 A Message from the Administration by Jacqueline Parks The tragic shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on Friday has been difficult to comprehend and process. Nothing can fully describe the grief we all are feeling, nor can we fully understand why this took place. Our condolences go out to the families that have lost loved ones and the entire Newtown community. Please be assured that Williston has effective crisis plans in place and that drills are practiced on a monthly basis. We have worked with the Williston Police Department and Fire Department on these emergency plans and have a well-established communication system with them. While no one can ever guarantee that school violence will never happen, we do want to reassure our parent community that precautions have been taken. As an added step, we have started and will continue to review all procedures to see if any additional steps are necessary. Throughout this week, our staff have made themselves available to provide additional supports for students in need. Teachers are following the lead of the students on processing this event while considering their developmental level. Many of our youngest ABS students have no knowledge of the incident. We do encourage parents to be ready for questions if and when your child becomes aware of the tragedy. Some of our 3rd/4th students are aware of the tragedy and have brought it up in class. In these cases, staff have answered their questions calmly with as few details as possible. The overwhelming majority of middle level students came into school on Monday aware of what had happened and feeling compelled to take action. As a starting point, each team observed a moment of silence to reflect on the tragedy. As a reminder to parents: *Parents and visitors must use the front entrance from 8:30-2:30 pm as other entrances are locked. *All visitors must sign in at the front office and get a Visitor’s Badge *ABS is locking the double doors in the preschool/kindergarten hallways, so that visitor’s have to check-in with the office before proceeding to any location in the building (cont. next page) Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Administrative Message (cont. from page 1) *Be sure your information cards are kept up to date with names, addresses, email and phone numbers to reach you in an emergency We know it is very difficult to talk and process with your child about events like this one. Here are some tips to help: *Let children take the lead in discussing violent events. *Listen carefully and only answer the questions they have. *Be open to all their emotions *Be honest in a developmentally appropriate way *Offer reassurance about his/her safety Williston Schools Health Office Lisa LePrevost, RN WCS 879-5844 Sylvia Love, RN ABS 879-5857 Gently used Clothing Needed at WCS The Health Office staff often see students who need a change of clothes for a variety of reasons. The most common reason is for wet or muddy pants. We do not keep extra clothes in the Health Office. Students are sent to the PE teachers for shorts, sweat pants, or shirts. The supply of athletic shorts and athletic pants are very low. We would greatly appreciate any donations. Items can be dropped off at the front office or in the Health Office. Thank you so much! *Limit exposure to television and the news *Access this link for other ideas NASP link http://www.nasponline.org/resources/crisis_safety/terror_general.aspx In times such as these, it is important that we all work together to reassure our children that they are safe and cared for in our community. While we acknowledge evil is present in our world, we also know and believe in the goodness of people. By focusing our efforts together we can navigate this horrible situation. Help for Sandy Hook Donations are being accepted indefinitely to the “Connecticut PTSA Sandy Hook Fund” to support the ongoing needs of the Sandy Hook Community. If you’d like to donate, send checks to Connecticut PTSA 60 Connolly Parkway Building 12, Suite 103 Hamden, CT 06514 They Did it Again!! Students at Williston Central School have earned another PBiS school-wide celebration.by reaching our school-wide goal of filling “The Brain” with nearly 5,000 SMART cells. This translates into 5,000 positive adult to student interactions! The celebration, Cinema Day, will be on Friday, December 21st from 1:00- 2:45 pm. The following movies will be showing at a SMART theater in school: Elf (PG) at Safe Cinema, Finding Nemo (G) at Mindful Movies, Monsters Inc.(G) at Accepting Animations, Brave (PG) at Respectful Reels, and Home Alone (PG) at Truthful Tales. Students will be able to choose one of the five movies and enjoy the afternoon with their friends eating popcorn and having fun! Tis the season for giving!! Please don’t let HEAD LICE be the gift you give! PLEASE CHECK FOR HEAD LICE WEEKLY ! Thank you!!! Get Your Flu Shot The Williston School District Health Offices would like to encourage you to get yourself and your children vaccinated with the seasonal flu shot. The immunization includes the H1N1 flu vaccine as well. We will not be offering immunizations for students at school this year, but they are available throughout the community, at local pharmacies and at your physicians’ offices. We urge you to call and make arrangements today, as the cold weather approaches, and we spend more time in close quarters. As always, please continue to wash your hands, keep yourselves hydrated, well nourished, and then…. wash your hands again!!! Student Vision and Hearing Screening Health Offices at WCS and ABS are currently testing students’ vision and hearing. Vermont schools are required by the state to test students vision and hearing in Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade. Students in 7th grade will only have a vision test. If we find a problem you will hear from us by phone. We will also send a referral letter. If you do not hear from us, your child passed their screening. If you have concerns, and feel your child needs to have a vision or hearing test, please contact the Health Office at your child’s school. Thank so much! SCHOOL COUNSELOR TIP SHEET Carol Bick- 879-5839 Chris Ford- 879-5853 December 20, 2012 Carolyn Tatlock 879-5852 Jen Tumilowicz- 879-5850 x5741 LIVING IN UNCERTAIN TIMES Life is always uncertain—recently we have been reminded of this uncertainty at every turn. Media headlines, news reports, and conversations are filled with reminders that while the particulars of our lives may not have changed very much, we are being forced to make sense of events which have the potential to dramatically alter our lives. Children are barometers, and they often reflect the subtle feelings of the adults in their lives. While they are usually very trusting and adaptable, some children may start to exhibit signs of stress due to world events. What might children be feeling? Emotional responses may vary with different children but your child may have some of these feelings: Fear: This is likely to be the main reaction. Children fear for their safety and the safety of others. Their fears may be unreasonable (such as a bomb dropped on their home or school) and they may have trouble keeping true possibilities and imagination separate. Loss of Control: This feeling—that the loving adults in their lives cannot assure their safety—can be overwhelming and confusing. Children may grasp at any control they can have. If a child has suffered other losses or traumatic events, memories of those events may surface. Anger: Anger may be expressed and directed toward the adults with whom the children feel most secure. What can I do as a parent? ○ Acknowledge your child’s feelings. Allow for dialogue but don’t force it. Ask what they’re thinking about the situation and why. While it’s important to be honest with your child about your own fears and concerns, remember to DO MORE LISTENING THAN TALKING! If a child is very upset, it may not help to deny the seriousness of their feelings by saying, “Don’t worry; it will be OK.” However, it is always essential to express hope that things will work out. ○ Control the environment of your home. Limit exposure of young children to TV or discussions, especially if your child seems anxious or sensitive. If watching TV seems to affect your child, you may need to limit its use in your home. ○ When discussing the situation, stick to the facts. Dispel rumors. Stress the seriousness of the situation without increasing their fears or making light of it. ○ Reassure your children of your commitment to their safety, as well as the commitment of other adults in their lives (teachers, relatives, military). ○ Don’t project your fears onto your children. Children will reflect your level of anxiety. Monitor and regulate your own feelings and take the time to address your own needs. ○ Keep lines of communication open with your child’s teacher. The school counselor can help you or your child if your child is having symptoms of anxiety beyond what you feel able to respond. ○ Be flexible with sleeping arrangements if needed. Bedtime routines, nightlights, allowing siblings to sleep together, or sitting with your child may help provide a sense of security. ○ Sometimes children cannot put their feelings into words. It may help to voice their fears for them… “It seems like you’re really worried about this.” Or “You will always be taken care of.” ○ Older children often need help identifying how they feel about terrorism and war. Questions such as “How could people hate us this much?” may need discussion. The counselors at your child’s school are available to all students and parents. Please call if you have questions or concerns about your child. $ $ $ $ Out with the Old, In with The New! New Electronics for the New Year? Phones, iPods, or iPads this Holiday Season? Williston FAP is collecting items as a fundraiser during the entire school year. All money goes directly to the schools, and items are recycled in an environmentally responsible manner. The following items may be dropped off in the collection boxes in the Main Office at ABS or WCS – - Cell Phones - iPods - Ink Jet Cartridges - Tablets - Laptops - Digital Cameras Please Note: NO Desktop Computers, Printers, Chargers, Ear Buds, etc. Questions? Contact Shani Varricchione, shaniv@daletraining.com World Language Open House The World Language Department invites you to an Open House Thursday December 20th from 7:15-8:00am (snow date Fri Dec 21st) in the World Language classrooms. Light refreshments will be served. We look forward to seeing you! Michele Choiniere, Kathleen Donohue, Ginny Memoe, Deb Laskarzewski & Reina Guarnaccia. Earn Points Towards Free Supplies Each time you shop and scan your AdvantEdge card at Price Chopper, we earn points towards FREE educational equipment and supplies! If you have not registered your AdvantEdge Card to support our school, you can do so at any Price Chopper Customer Service Desk or by visiting www.pricechopper.com. Each time you shop, our school earns points towards FREE equipment and supplies! School Codes: WCS 15275 ABS 15279 * * * If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-800-3524658. We hope you have a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season! Price Chopper Tools for Schools Program Lost & Found Please take a look in the lost & found collections at both schools for items that belong to your family. The Allen Brook School collection of found items will be removed over the school break, so we hope many items will be claimed before it gets bagged up and removed. FAP Night Meeting FAP will hold a night meeting on Jan. 10th, 6:30 PM, in the WCS Dining Room. The main topic of discussion will be the house placement process. Last Chance for 2012 Donations If you’re looking for one final donation to help round out your 2012 tax deductions, consider your Williston schools. Our FAP (Families as Partners) organization has established itself as an non-profit organization, so any donations to FAP are tax deductible. What’s more, 100 percent of your donation goes back into your schools. FAP’s pool of funds support all field trips, team-building activities, grants for technology and other resources in our classrooms, special student needs, and more. You may deliver a check, written to Williston FAP, to one of the front offices or mail it to Williston FAP, 195 Central School Drive, Williston, VT 05495 before December 31st. We welcome any contribution and will mail letters recognizing your donation shortly after the first of the year. Thank you in advance for supporting our community’s children and schools. CY Corner – Contract for Life Promoting a culture that develops in our youth the power and conviction to make healthy choices. ‘Tis the Season to Model Responsible Use of Alcohol Adolescents often have their first experiences with alcohol at family gatherings and celebrations witnessing a family member or friend consume alcohol. We often forget that our children are looking to us to set a positive example of appropriate use. You can teach and model responsible and appropriate use of alcohol and by doing so will be giving you child important tools that will help them make healthy choices in the future. Appoint a designated driver if you are planning to drink and abstain from drinking if you are planning to drive. As hosts, collect keys with coats, offering coat room style tags with a message such as “Friends don’t let friends drive drunk.” That way, when a guest turns in their tag for their coat, you can have a better sense of the driver’s readiness to drive home. As hosts, you could be held responsible if someone drives from your activity and is then involved in a crash. Do not allow drinking games. Instead, offer lots of activities and games that are alcohol free. Limit the amount of alcohol in your home. Refrain from pushing alcoholic drinks Do not allow underage drinking. Instead, provide non-alcoholic alternatives. Depending on the scene of the gathering, evaluate whether it would be an appropriate event for your child to attend. Know that even though your child might be in bed during a party, they may be sneaking peaks downstairs. Do not drink on an empty stomach. Instead, be sure to serve food if you are serving alcohol. Wishing you and your family a safe and enjoyable holiday season! Sarah Klionsky, LCMHC, ASAC Below are some basic guidelines to keep in mind: RED RIBBON WEEK Thank you so much to the following businesses for donating between $20–$25 dollars each in gift cards for our Red Ribbon Week “Fit Fact” raffles and “Contract for Life” prizes. Passport Video Chef’s Corners Café and Bakery Shaws Plato’s Closet Ramunto’s Pizza Starbucks Coffee Clark’s Sunoco Rite Aid Pharmacy Thank you as well to all the businesses that supported our Red Ribbon campaign by posting the “support healthy choices” ribbon in their business window: Sarah Klionsky, LCMHC, ASAC Student Assistance Program Counselor A Connecting Youth Program at WCS sklionsky@cssu.org www.seewhy.info Mexicali Grill and Cantina Shaw’s Chef’s Corner Cafe and Bakery Guy’s Farm and Yard Clark’s Sunoco Korner Kwik Stop Amarah’s Chocolate Company Bead Crazy Plato’s Closet Rocky’s Pizza Rite Aid Pharmacy The Salon Professional Academy Hannaford Food and Drug Superstore Gardener’s Supply Planet Hardwood Three Tomatoes Wood Fired Trattoria Paper Peddlers Starbuck’s Coffee Thomas Chittenden Health Center Lenny’s Shoes Auto Sport Imported Car Center Monty’s Old Brick Tavern Ramunto’s Brick Oven Pizza Greer’s Dry Cleaners Once Upon a Child Passport Video Artists’ Medium Inc. Moe’s Southwest Grill Sports and Fitness Edge Rocky Ridge Golf Club Vermont Ware Majestic 10 Theatre …using Vicki Hoefle’s new book: Today’s parents have concerns about: Sibling Rivalry * Morning Routines * Respect Mealtime * Money * Bullying * Homework Technology Areas discussed include: · Understanding the dynamics between parents and kids · Creating Timelines for Training · Encouraging and Supporting Independence · Teaching Problem Solving Skills · Creating Personal Roadmaps for Success · Implementing Family Meetings Learn how to enhance the relationship with your child, while helping them become capable, cooperative, responsible & respectful! The program is popular because of its common sense approach, interactive format, and high rate of success in enhancing and enriching the family atmosphere. The sessions will be facilitated by WSD School Counselors Chris Ford, Carol Bick, Carolyn Tatlock, and Jennifer Tumilowicz. Dates: Time: Location: Cost: Tuesdays: Jan 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, Feb 5th and 12th 6:30 – 8:00 pm Williston Central School-195 Central School Dr., Williston, VT $20/Individual or $25/Couple** Includes the book! Please make checks payable to Williston School District To reserve your space, call or email Dee Goulette: 879-5855 or dgoulette@cssu.org. Please register by 12/17/12. **For information on partial or full financial assistance, contact your child’s School Counselor FREE CHILD CARE PROVIDED! WILLISTON SCHOOL DISTRICT Williston Central School & Allen Brook School Monday Tuesday 31 NEW YEARS DAY Wednesday 1 Professional Development Thursday 2 RAMUNTO'S Friday 3 CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS WILDCAT TOSSED SALAD STEAMED MIXED VEGETABLES FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT ICE COLD MILK 7 WILDCAT CAFÉ PIZZA 8 9 SWEET AND SOUR MEATBALLS HEALTHY PIZZA SELECTIONS HERB ROASTED CHICKEN BREAST STEAMED BROWN RICE WHOLE WHEAT CRUST QUINOA PILAF GREEN BEANS WILDCAT TOSSED SALAD STEAMED VEGETABLE MEDLEY FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT ICE COLD MILK SOUP & SANDWICH FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT 100 ICE COLD MILK 14 WILDCAT CAFÉ PIZZA 15 ICE COLD MILK BREAKFAST FOR LUNCH TOASTED HAM & CHEESE HEALTHY PIZZA SELECTIONS SAUSAGE LINKS ON A CROISSANT WHOLE WHEAT CRUST WHEAT FRENCH TOAST STICKS WILDCAT TOSSED SALAD HASH BROWNS RAMUNTO'S FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT 102 ICE COLD MILK 10 BRICK OVEN PIZZA 101 11 TACO CASSEROLE WILDCAT TOSSED SALAD BLACK BEAN & CORN SALAD FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT 98 16 ICE COLD MILK RAMUNTO'S FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT 97 ICE COLD MILK 17 BRICK OVEN PIZZA 96 18 CHILI CON CARNE FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT ICE COLD MILK Martin Luther King Day FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT 95 ICE COLD MILK 21 WILDCAT CAFÉ PIZZA ICE COLD MILK 22 GRILLED CHICKEN BREAST WHOLE WHEAT CRUST CONFETTI BROWN RICE ICE COLD MILK RAMUNTO'S PEAS & CARROTS WILDCAT TOSSED SALAD FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT 28 WILDCAT CAFÉ PIZZA 29 89 30 ICE COLD MILK RAMUNTO'S HEALTHY PIZZA SELECTIONS PASTITSIO WHOLE WHEAT CRUST GARLIC BREAD CARROT COINS WILDCAT TOSSED SALAD STEAMED CORN WILDCAT TOSSED SALAD FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT ICE COLD MILK 86 ICE COLD MILK 85 24 NACHOS SUPREME D I S T R I C T SHREDDED LETTUCE & TOMATOES FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT 88 ICE COLD MILK 31 87 1 CHICKEN SOFT TACOS WHEAT TORTILLA 84 ICE COLD MILK SHREDDED LETTUCE & TOMATOES FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT 83 ICE COLD MILK ** START YOUR DAY RIGHT, EAT SCHOOL BREAKFAST! BREAKFAST IS SERVED DAILY IN THE CAFETERIA AND STUDENTS MAY COME IN FOR BREAKFAST AS SOON AS THEY ARRIVE TO SCHOOL. ALTERNATE MENU SELECTIONS PRICES: MORE PRICES: CONTACT INFORMATION: In addition to the above menu selections we also offer daily…. * PASTA SELECTION WITH SAUCE ** SPECIALTY SANDWICHES AND WRAPS *** SPECIALTY SALADS All COMBO meals served with…. * CHOICE OF FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT OR 4 OZ. 100% FRUIT JUICE ** FRESH TOSSED SALAD OR VEGETABLE OF THE DAY *** ICE COLD MILK BREAKFAST PRICES COLD DRINKS - $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Scott Wagner, Food Service Director FULL $1.75 FRESH FRUIT - $.75 PHONE: (802) 879-5816 LUNCH PRICES SNACKS - $.25, $.75, $1.50 EMAIL: swagner@cssu.org FULL $3.00 REDUCED $.00* ADULT $4.00 ENTRÉE ONLY - $3.00 195 CENTRAL SCHOOL DRIVE, WILLISTON, VT 05495 MILK & JUICE PRICES 2ND ENTRÉE - $2.00 *COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS APPRECIATED MILK $.50 SIDE VEGETABLE/SALAD - $1.00 ** MENU SUBJECT TO CHANGE REDUCED $.00* ADULT $2.50 91 25 SEASONED GORUND BEEF BRICK OVEN PIZZA ICE COLD MILK ICE COLD MILK CRISPY CORN TORTILLA CHIPS WILDCAT TOSSED SALAD ICE COLD MILK FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT 92 BRICK OVEN PIZZA FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT 90 STEAMED BROCOLLI FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT 93 23 HEALTHY PIZZA SELECTIONS ICE COLD MILK BAKED CHICKEN NUGGETS WILDCAT TOSSED SALAD FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT 94 S C H O O L CORN BREAD TOMATO SOUP VEGGIE STICKS W I L L I S T O N CRISPY CORN TORTILLA CHIPS FRESH OR CANNED FRUIT 99 4 BRICK OVEN PIZZA 4OZ. JUICE $.50 * There is no charge for reduced breakfast meals thanks to a Vermont initiative to increase breakfast participation. *** LOOKING FOR FOOD SERVICE SUBSTITUTES more info at www.wsdvt.org 82 J A N U A R Y 2013 RSW Community Bulletin Board Dorothy Alling Memorial Library Events *All events are free* www.williston.lib.vt.us 878-4918 Parents: Please remember…. children must be age 9 or older to visit the library unattended. Younger children may visit the library with a responsible person age 16 or older. If your child is attending a library program, please keep these guidelines in mind. Thanks for your help! Please consider donating an item to the library in honor of a family member or friend. Each ornament on the Giving Tree in the main lobby represents an item that we would like to add to the Youth or Adult collection. We’ll provide a gift enclosure card for the recipient and a brief dedication inside the item. Spanish Stories & Music: Friday, Jan. 4, 10:30 am. SpanLittle Red Riding Hood: Friday, Dec. 21, 10:30 am. ish rhymes, books, & songs for children up to age 6 with a Preschoolers and their families are invited to watch a short caregiver. Free. No pre-registration. play and listen to stories presented by Camel’s Hump Book Art! Thursday, Jan. 10, 3 pm. Children grades 3-5 Middle School students. Followed by a craft activity. Food For Thought Library Volunteers: Thursday, Jan. 3, learn about book genres and make posters illustrating their favorite books. 8th Grade Challenge Project. Pre-register at 4-5 pm. Gr. 7-12 Teen Advisory Group. Pizza, discussion, 878-4918. selection of library materials, and planning special events. Library closed December 24 & 25, & January 1. Gr. 7-12. New members welcome! Library closing at 3 pm on December 31. Ski/Ride Program Registration–Please visit the Williston Town web site for more info: http://willistonvt. govoffice3.com/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={F5C067B59697-46E7-BB9A-B258271211DE}&DE={52E7F8E0-91694D93-9BCB-2110609E5FCA} Seeking coaches for Girls on the Run Girls on the Run (GOTR), for 8 to 13 year-old girls, teaches life skills through dynamic, conversation-based lessons and running games. The program culminates with a 5k running event. The goal of the program is to unleash confidence through accomplishment while establishing a lifetime appreciation of health and fitness. We are seeking coaches to ensure the success of the Williston GOTR program in 2013. The group meets twice per week for 1.5 hours for 10 weeks. Session dates and times are determined based upon coach availability. Please contact Alyssa Chase at chasevt@comcast.net or 876-7499, or Alison Hubbard, GOTR Northern VT Program Coordinator, alison@gilrsontherunvermont.org. To register as a coach , please complete the following steps: 1. Complete the online Coach Application (Active Link for both New and Return Coaches: http://www.active.com/ framed/event_detail.cfm?event_id=2048350) 2. Complete a Background Check (True-hire Background Check Link: https://true-hire.com/girlsontherun-vermont/ background-check.html, use Confirmation #GOTR Coach 2013) 3. Attend GOTR coach orientation (February 10th or 21st at the Champlain Valley Expo – please register with Alison Hubbard at alison@gilrsontherunvermont.org) Family Formal Dance January 26, 2013 in the CVU Cafeteria, 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm to benefit MakeA-Wish Foundation. Forms available: http://www.wsdvt. org/cms/lib5/VT01000775/Centricity/Domain/183/Make a Wish.pdf CHAMPLAIN VALLEY HAWKS Youth & Junior high Wrestling Program The Champlain Valley Hawks Wrestling Program, Junior High season has started and we are excited to welcome all 7th & 8th grade students from CSSU Schools who would like to learn or refine their wrestling skills. We practice out of the Williston National Guard Armory across the road from Williston Central School. Practices are M–W 5:30–7:00 PM, registration 10.00 per child (this does not include tournament fees). The youth program grades K–6 begins January 21st 2013 M & W 5:30–7:00 PM, registration 10.00 per child (does not include tournament fees). For more information please call 802999-4200 or email champlainvalleyhawks@gmail.com We are a non-profit organization and all proceeds benefit this program only. Jenn’s community play group!! Tuesdays, 11:30am–1:30pm, Old School House at WCS (when school is in session) Fun for kids and parents! Crafts, story time, toys for the little ones to play with. Bring your own toys if you wish to share. For ages birth to school age. We will follow the school calendar. NO CHARGE! Feel free to call me with questions or comments: Jennifer Moore, 734-1673 We offer this space for announcements by local non-profit community groups. Information posted will be of benefit to Williston children and families. Inclusion of events is on a space-available basis; announcements run for limited periods of time for this reason. Publication of events in this section does not imply school sponsorship or endorsement of them.