Municipality of Asti
Municipality of Asti
MUSEC Multiplying Sustainable Energy Communities WELCOME TO ASTI MUSEC Multiplying Sustainable Energy Communities LOCATION Country: Italy Region: Piedmont Province: Asti (AT) Mayor: Voglino Mr. Vittorio Elevation: 123 m Area: 151 km² Population: Total 73,434 Density: 468/km² Italy and Piedmont Region Patron: San Secondo of Asti Province of Asti and City of Asti MAIN SIGHTS IN ASTI Fourteenth-century gothic cathedral of Asti Roma Square MUSEC Multiplying Sustainable Energy Communities EVENTS IN ASTI One of the most famous events held in Asti is the famous Palio di Asti, in which all the old town wards, called "Rioni" and "Borghi" plus nearby towns compete in a bare-back horse race. This event recalls a victory in battle versus the rival city Alba, during the Middle Ages after the victorious battle a race was held around Alba's walls, from then on every year in Asti. Asti's Palio is the oldest recorded one in Italy, and in modern times is held in the triangular Piazza Alfieri preceded by a medieval pageant through the old town on MUSEC Multiplying Sustainable Energy Communities ASTI WINE Some of most important Italian wines—including the renowned Barolo— are produced in the nearby Langhe (Province of Cuneo). Monferrato generally, which includes the Province of Asti, is an important area for the production of fine wines. But perhaps the wine most famously associated with Asti worldwide is the sparkling Asti Spumante (DOCG). The name today is usually shortened to ‘Asti’ in order to avoid associations with the many wines of dubious quality which are labelled as Spumante. Asti is typically sweet and low in alcohol (often below 8%). It is made solely from the moscato bianco white muscat grape. A premium version known as Moscato d'Asti (DOCG) is seldom seen outside Italy. MUSEC Multiplying Sustainable Energy Communities MUSEC PROJECT: ASTI BACKGROUND The municipality of Asti has set up a special office, named "Sportello Europa" to manage community programme and to spread the UE policies in the population, with particular attention about economical and social development and citizen's security. Being a public board, it's responsible on its territorial area of the connection with the institutions operating on the territory (region, province, prefecture, police-headquarters, penal and civil court) and guarantees the MUSEC Multiplying Sustainable Energy Communities Modena, 12-13 January 2006 MUSEC PROJECT: ASTI BACKGROUND Urban and Environmental Programmes and plans experiences of ASTI ØSB 100, developed by ANAB integrated system to address, assess and control the sustainability of construction interventions. The Municipality of Asti has adopted this system to improve energetic efficiency of the new buildings, with a particular focus on the philosophy underlying the project, and in order to enhance project managers and customers’ sensibility to environmental issues. ØGuidelines on sustainable architecture – operative policies for interventions in agricultural areas. The study is aimed at recovering rural buildings, as tokens of a long tradition to be safeguarded, besides defining guidelines for the new buildings in agricultural areas, so that they are compatible with pre-existent architectural-historic settlements and with principles of environmental protection.This manual is a first concrete example of support for planning, since it provides with control lists to assess the compatibility of the intervention. ØLAMCODE - Landscape Management for Countryside Developement is an interregional cooperation project funded by RFO Progresdec Interreg III C:The objective of the project is the integration of the European Spatial Development Perspective principles into a shared and participated code, which gives added value to rural landscape plans and policies. The MUSEC Multiplying Sustainable Energy Communities MUSEC PROJECT: ASTI BACKGROUND Initiative on Sustainable Energy Communities already implemented vAccording to European environmental policies about energy, Asti has developed different strategies of communication in efficiently source energy consumption and promotion of best practices. The Municipality of Asti has stated the intention to pursue the aims indicated in the Kyoto Protocol to slow down global warming takes effect. In particular, Asti has developed an energetic plan including some pilot projects: v1. energy consumption analysis v2. the causes of the public energy consumptions, comprehensive of new consumption and gas emission valuation v3. photovoltaic system in Public Buildings v4. Grants in aid to encourage the use of the thermal solar heating system v5. Grants in aid to encourage the use of environmental lower impact fuel (metano, gpl) v6. Sustainable transportation policies (cycle lane and contributions for 150 electric bicycles) MUSEC Multiplying Sustainable Energy Communities Modena, 12-13 January 2006 MUSEC PROJECT: ASTI BACKGROUND Initiative on Sustainable Energy Communities already implemented Municipal Energetic Plan approved on 20th July 2005 that includes: a) National and Regional energetic legislation ü DLGS 192/2005 – attuazione direttiva 2002/91/CE on Energy Performance of Buildings - Improvement of energy efficiency and increased use of renewable energy in new and existing buildings. ü Regional Law n. 43 of 07/04/2000 on the reclaim and the conservation of the quality of the air b) Revision of the contract on Municipal Management of the heat ü N. 30 thermal plants started using methane ü N. 34 plants started using flowing condensation boilers ü N. 8 solar thermal plants installed in municipal sport centers Results: 224 T.e.p.( tons equivalent to oil) 1.744 tons of CO₂ avoided 124 smq of solar pannels installed 36 tons of CO₂ avoided MUSEC Multiplying Sustainable Energy Communities MUSEC PROJECT: ASTI BACKGROUND Municipality of Asti contribution on the Thermal Solar Heat 1.500,00 € MUSEC Multiplying Sustainable Energy Communities MUSEC PROJECT: ASTI BACKGROUND Regional contribution on Photovoltaic energy: 75% of the plant costs MUSEC Multiplying Sustainable Energy Communities MUSEC PROJECT: ASTI BACKGROUND Ideas for possible future development on Sustainable Energy Community 1. 2. 3. Inserting new guideline in renewable energy, identifying the realization means, the stakeholders; Fixing the agreement with the stakeholders in order to finalise procedures, actions and means Fixing actions indicating the first effective step of the plan. Motivation to participate in the MUSEC project An efficient policy of energetic planning can’t be managed only by a Municipality. The activation of processes, as A21L, play an important role in strategic definition of a sustainable way of life that involve every citizen. Therefore, environmental policies, targeting sustainable development, are one of more important guidelines for Asti and the participation to the MUSEC project can help a lot on the local sustainable energy implementation work. MUSEC Multiplying Sustainable Energy Communities MUSEC PROJECT: ASTI BACKGROUND Role and contribution (tasks) of Municipality of Asti Asti is part of the communities represented also by the municipalities of Breda, Valby, Dobrich, and Ravenna and also the Stadswerke Crailsheim and The Energy Agency of Dobrich. As partner in the project, Asti is responsible for developing and implementing its local Sustainable Energy Strategy together with local actors and disseminating the project results. Press Conference - Asti Thursday, 28th September 2006 Musec project has been introduced by Mrs. Chiara Lazzari, from Ambiente Italia, and by Mr. Giovanni Pensabene, Municipality of Asti Councillor, to local actors in Asti during the Conference that took place on Thursday, 28th September. Local actors that have already signed up the letter of intent to EIE project MUSEC are: Ø Ordine degli Architetti - Architects Association Ø Ordine dei Geometri - Surveyors Association Ø Confartigianato – Handicraft and small and average enterprises Association Ø Confagricoltura – Farm Bureau MUSEC Multiplying Sustainable Energy Communities Modena, 12-13 January 2006 For information: Municipality of Asti P.zza San Secondo, 1 14100 Asti Environmental Department Corso Alfieri 350 Tel. +39 0141 399453 Fax +39 0141 399452 Project Coordinator : Mr. Claudio Rabbione THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!