Fish Processing - Cleaner Production Centre of Tanzania (CPCT)
Fish Processing - Cleaner Production Centre of Tanzania (CPCT)
12 NILE PERCH FISHERIES LIMITED 2 2.1Overview Nile Perch Fisheries Ltd is one of the pioneers in processing Nile Perch from Lake Victoria. The company is located at Nyakato industrial area in Mwanza, Tanzania. It started its production commercially in December 1992. The company is engaged in the processing and exporting of Lake Victoria Perch (Lates niloticus) and strives to be one of the best factories to do so through its dedication to quality and customer satisfaction. The company gained its approval to export products to the European Union (EU Approval No. 208) in 1995 and has also registered its premises with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of USA and with the Tanzania Food and Drug Authority (TFDA). In 2002 the company was introduced to the Cleaner Production concept by the Cleaner Production Centre of Tanzania (CPCT). Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 2.2 Benefits Nile Perch fisheries Ltd started the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production in January 2010. Owing to the fact that fish processing consumes a lot of water and energy, also plays a significant role in environmental pollution due to the discharge of production wastes, hence during the first RECP in-plant assessment the company focused mainly on production yield, water use, energy efficiency and environmental compliance. After the first year of RECP implementation the yield increased by 1%, water usage decreased by 10% resulted in saving of USD 11,250. The Cleaner Production concept also helped the company to implement eco-labelling concept for fair trading and the implementation of ISO 22000 and BRC GLOBAL STANDARD-2005 FOR FOOD SAFETY. After two years of RECP implementation there was a significant reduction in water usage, solid waste generation as well as waste water. The yield increased further by 3.5 % from 44 to 47.5 percent by improved utilization of raw material by better supervision, complete utilization of solid wastes to saleable by-products and hence increasing their value. Nile perch has achieved 0% of solid organic wastes i.e. no solid organic waste dumped to the environment. These strategies have resulted in annual savings of USD 506,224. The company participated in the 2013 National and 2014 Regional RECP Awards competitions and won in the Solid Waste Management category as first runner-up and second run-up respectively. Table 2:1: Results at a Glance Absolute Indicator Change (%) year 1 Change (%) year 2 Change (%) year 3 Change Relative Indicator (%) year 1 Change (%) year 2 Change (%) year 3 Resource Use Resource Productivity Energy Use -7 6 4 Energy Productivity 1 22 11 Materials Use -9 20 8 Materials Productivity 2 7 8 Water Use -17 -43 -52 Water Productivity 12 126 143 Pollution Generated Air Emissions -7 6 Waste Water -17 -41 -50 Waste -64 -60 -65 Waste Intensity -7 29 Product Output Pollution Intensity 4 Carbon Intensity -1 -18 -10 Waste-water Intensity -11 -54 -57 -62 -69 -70 16 Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 13 14 Note: The absolute indicator provide a measurement of how much resource use/pollution output has changed in absolute terms e.g. units of energy used or tons of waste generated. A negative percentage indicates a decrease and a positive percentage indicates an increase. The relative indicator gives a measurement of changes in resource use/pollution in relation to production output. Resource productivity provides a measurement of how much product output can be produced relation to resource used, from a sustainability point of view, productivity should increase. Pollution intensity provides a measurement of how much pollution is generated per unit of production output, from a sustainability perspective, intensity should decrease. 2.3 RECP Profile Note: The RECP profile provides a visual overview of resource productivity and pollution intensity shown as change in % compared to the baseline values. Environmental performance is improved when resource productivity increases and when pollution intensity decreases. 2.4 Areas of Improvement Before RECP application at Nile Perch Fisheries Ltd the specific water consumption was 12-15 m3 per ton of raw fish. Through implementation of RECP measures such as encouraging dry cleaning, installing pressure guns in hosepipes and ball valves in water taps, installing self-closing devices in urinals and hand washing stations as well as ensuring overall preventive maintenance, the specific water consumption was improved to 8-9m3 per ton of raw fish resulting in savings of USD 48,243 in 2013., equivalent to a reduction of 38% in water consumption and minimization of waste water generation by 55,300 m3. Further improvement is expected with additional implementation of other RECP measures such as installation of sensors and sub Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies metering all sections of the plant to improve monitoring of water use. The effluent treatment plant was commissioned in June 2013. This treatment plant has been consistently able to meet required standards of BOD below 30 mg/l and COD below 60 mg/l. This has been facilitated by the fact that Cleaner production techniques were able to bring down the initial BOD of waste water prior to treatment at the ETP from an average of around 1000 mg/l to about 300 mg/litre. Treated effluent is now being used for activities such as vehicle washing and gardening. The treated waste water is also earmarked for use in toilets (flushing and in urinals), cleaning premises and for cooling condensers. The ETP plant has generated significant interest from regulatory bodies as well as other industries. It is one of the few ETPs in Tanzania capable of meeting environmental standards for effluent. The specific energy consumption rated at 100kWh per ton of fish before RECP initiation. A number of options were identified aimed at reducing energy consumption. RECP options so far implemented include installation of individual switches in each department for controlling switching on/off lights, insulation of doors for chillers, freezers and cold rooms, also installation of Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL). Implementation of all these options has resulted in the reduction of specific energy consumption. Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 15 16 Table 2:2: Options Implemented Principal Options Implemented Benefits Economic Resource Use Environmental Impact Investment Cost [USD] Saving [USD/yr] Payback period Reductions in energy use, water use and/ or materials use (per annum) Reductions in waste water, air emissions and/or waste generation (per annum) USD 1,100 USD 48,243 < 1 month Reduction in water use by 38% (55,300m3) (2010 to 2013) Reduction in waste water generation by 55,300 m3 USD 11,250 < 1 Month Water Management •Introduction of self-closing devices in urinals, toilets and hand washing stations •Awareness USD 275 raising to workers on minimization of water usage through posters and training •Use of pressure guns •Dry cleaning Wastewater Management •Drainage filters in all sections to USD 1,000 separate large particulate matter and sedimentation tanks to settle out suspended solids. •Construction of waste water treatment plant USD 375,000 (Tshs 600 Million) Reduction in waste water generation by 43,268m3 Reduction of water usage as a result of not using good potable water for unproductive use. Yet to be quantified Yet to be calculated Pollution conc. (mg/l) 2010 2014 BOD 1000 30 COD 584 64 TN 4 1 TP 9 4 Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies Principal Options Implemented Benefits Economic Investment Cost [USD] Saving [USD/yr] Payback period Resource Use Environmental Impact Reductions in energy use, water use and/ or materials use (per annum) Reductions in waste water, air emissions and/or waste generation (per annum) Reduction in energy consumption 7% improvement in energy productivity in 2013 compared to 20 percent in 2012. This decrease is due to the addition of new machinery e.g. a 20 ton capacity flake ice machine and commissioning of the ETP in 2013. Energy Management •Introduced USD 25,000 USD evaporative 41,838 condensers as new technology in place of shell and tube condensers used to cool NH3 refrigerant. •De-lamping USD 1000 by replacing master switch with individual section switches •Employees awareness raised to switch off lights when not needed •Introduction of insulated bins for storing materials to replace allmetal bins one Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 17 18 Principal Options Implemented Benefits Economic Investment Cost [USD] Saving [USD/yr] Payback period Resource Use Environmental Impact Reductions in energy use, water use and/ or materials use (per annum) Reductions in waste water, air emissions and/or waste generation (per annum) Improved the handling of waste material and converted them as by- products. Therefore we could sell 100 percent in domestic/ internal market as by-products Reduction in solid waste generation by 652,045kg Solid Waste Management •Selling skins, scales, skeleton, trim bits to vendors for animal feed production instead of dumping as previously done •Installed permanent screens to filter solids (trimming & filleting sections) No additional investment cost USD 93,750 (Tshs 150 million) •Increased number of solid waste captive chambers •Introduction of re-usable polythene sheets for blast freezing which can be used 3-4 times after cleaning. 54% reduction on polythene sheets usage (from 100kg/ day) to 36 kg/ day) •Selling used polythene sheets to vendors for recycling •Trimmings are treated hygienically, frozen and sold in the local market Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies Principal Options Implemented Benefits Economic Investment Cost [USD] Saving [USD/yr] Payback period Resource Use Environmental Impact Reductions in energy use, water use and/ or materials use (per annum) Reductions in waste water, air emissions and/or waste generation (per annum) Finished product yield has increased from 44% in 2010 to 47.5 % in 2013 54% reduction on polythene sheets usage (from 100kg/day) to 36 kg/day) Materials Management Gross savings of USD 506,224 • Increasing the overall yield by 3.5% through improved filleting techniques, training, supervision and continuous monitoring of employees • Use of a pump to dispense liquid soap. USD 200 USD 2000 403,575 703,305 instant • Revised sanitation schedule and rationing of liquid soap Total Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 19 20 2.5 Illustrations BEFORE RECP AFTER RECP Shell on condenser Evaporative condenser Manual hand washing Self closing hand washing Disposed as solid wastes Converted by- products Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 21 Waste Water Management and Environmental Compliance ETP capable of treating effluent to meet Tanzania standards using primary and secondary clarification, Treated waste water used for gardening Treated waste water used for washing trucks Treated waste water used for gardening Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 22 Corporate Social Responsibility (ACTIVITIES) Fishermen training session at landing sites Life jackets supplied by NPFL Office furniture distributed at landing sites for BMUs First aid box given to BMUs and first aid training Landing sites maintenance and improvement Cement contributed to renovate Primary school at landing site Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 2.6 Aproach Taken Nile Perch Fisheries Ltd started implementing RECP concept in 2010 following the initiation of the Cleaner Production technologies project implemented by the Cleaner Production Centre of Tanzania (CPCT) under the Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project Phase II (LVEMP II). A technical team from CPCT visited the factory and explained to the management about the importance of RECP concept as a basic tool for achieving both financial savings and environmental benefits. The management committed itself to implementing the RECP concept by forming a functional RECP team led by the plant manager. The team identified areas of improvement in the operations of the company and came up with RECP options whose implementation started immediately. 2.7 Business Case Nile Perch Fisheries Ltd has gained in various ways due to the implementation of the RECP program. Apart from the significant direct benefits of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production as outlined before, the company has also realized that RECP certification is a proof of environmental compliance and will assist in the implementation of Eco- labelling project. Eco-friendly products have increasingly become a requirement by major clients /customers all over the world who believe and promote the ideals of sustainable consumption and production. 2.8 Contact Information For more information please contact the following. Company contact Name: Nile Perch Fisheries Ltd. P. O. Box: 1753 Mwanza Tel: +255282570329/2570431 Fax: +255282570430 Email: Contact person Name: Mr. Rupesh Mohan Tel: +255784887487 RECP champion Jairaj Marcose, +255788651281 Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 23 60 VICFISH LTD – BUKOBA 7 7.1Overview Vicfish Ltd Bukoba is a sister company of Vicfish Ltd Mwanza operating under Bahari Bounty Group. The company is located at Nyamkazi Industrial area, Bukoba Municipality in Kagera region, Tanzania along the shores of Lake Victoria. It is an export-oriented fish processing company established in 2005 with a production capacity of 50-60 tons per day. Vicfish Ltd Bukoba processes Nile perch from Lake Victoria into chilled and frozen products that are exported. The major markets of the products are in Europe, U.S.A, Japan, Gulf and Hong Kong. The company is certified by the European Union (E.U), British Retail Consortium (BRC), Tanzania Food and Drug Authority (TFDA) and Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS); it is also ISO 22000:2005 and eco-label-certified. Vicfish Ltd Bukoba has employed about 300 workers. Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 7.2 Benefits The Cleaner Production concept was adopted by Vicfish Ltd Bukoba since its establishment in 2005 as a consequence of the concept being practised at its sister plant in Mwanza. The actual implementation of the RECP programme was after the participation in the RECP training workshop that was held in March 2011. Upon the implementation of RECP options, the company was able to utilize the Nile Perch to almost 99%, resulting into significant reduction in solid waste generation. This has been possible due to the option of producing useful by-products that has led to generation of revenue. Moreover, the RECP concept has enabled the company to obtain annual savings of USD 87,674 in energy consumption, more than USD 59,130 in water usage, USD 28,125 in material management and reduction in BOD from 125 mg/l in 2011 to 30-40 mg/l in 2013/2014 by modifying the wastewater treatment system to increase its efficiency. The company participated in the 2013 National RECP Awards competition and won in the Solid Waste Management category as second runner-up. Table 7:1: Results at a Glance Absolute Indicator Change (%) Change (%) Relative Indicator Change (%) Change (%) year 1 year 2 year 1 Resource Use Resource Productivity year 2 Energy Use 0.2 -20 Energy Productivity 6 -4 Materials Use 0.4 -31 Materials Productivity 6 12 Water Use -25 -40 Water Productivity 42 28 Pollution generated Air Emissions (global warming, CO2 eq.) 8 Pollution Intensity -78 Carbon Intensity 1 -72 Waste-Water -13 -33 Waste-Water Intensity -19 -13 Waste -33 -77 Waste Intensity -37 -70 Product Output 7 -23 Note: The absolute indicator provide a measurement of how much resource use/pollution output has changed in absolute terms e.g. units of energy used or tons of waste generated. A negative percentage indicates a decrease and a positive percentage indicates an increase. The relative indicator gives a measurement of changes in resource use/pollution in relation to production output. Resource productivity provides a measurement of how much product output can be produced relation to resource used, from a sustainability point of view, productivity should increase. Pollution intensity provides a measurement of how much pollution is generated per unit of production output, from a sustainability perspective, intensity should decrease. Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 61 62 7.3 RECP Profile Note: The RECP profile provides a visual overview of pollution intensity shown as change in % compared to the baseline values. Environmental performance is improved when resource productivity increases and when pollution intensity decreases. 7.4 Areas of Improvement Fish processing industries are mostly associated with high water usage and energy consumption which results into high operation cost of the factory. Through implementing RECP options like use of translucent roofing and glass blocks to have enough illumination by natural light, use of exhaust fans that are run by wind (roto dynamic fans), supply of water from the overhead storage tank to all over the plant by gravity instead of using electric pumps, better insulation of cold storages, chill storages and blast freezers, the company was able to reduce energy consumption by 20%. Before RECP application, water consumption at the factory was ranging between 200-250m3/day. Through implementation of RECP measures such as eliminating the use of tap water to melt the ice (just allow the ice to melt under ambient temperature), reducing flow rate of pipes in the processing line, continuous inspection and repair of water leakages, installation of water sensors at the visitors’ entrance, use of foot operated valves, installation of shower roses in ablution sections, sensitization of workers on efficient use of water through regular training, installation of metal shutters at the offal and receiving sections to replace the water curtains and recycling of cooling water, the water consumption was reduced to 120-150m3/day equivalent to a reduction of 40%. Through CPCT training, the wastewater treatment system was improved by installing more screens and oil-water separators also a constructed wetland was added. Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies Table 7:2: Options implemented Principle Option Implemented Benefit Cost Payback saving period (USD/yr) (yr) Reductions in energy use, water use and/ or materials use (per annum) Reductions in waste water, air emissions and/or waste generation (per annum) 87,674.40 0.7 Reduction Reduction in air in electricity emissions by 21 tons consumption by of CO2 equivalent 599,524 kWh Economic Investment (USD) Resource use Environmental Impact Energy management • Use of translucent roofing and glass blocks to have enough illumination 750.00 • Use of exhaust fans that are run by wind (rotodynamic fans) 13,437.50 • Supply of water from the overhead storage tank to all over the plant by gravity instead of using electric pumps 45,312.50 •Better insulation of cold storages, chill storages and blast freezers Management action at no cost Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 63 64 Principle Option Implemented Benefit Investment (USD) Resource use Environmental Impact Cost Payback saving period (USD/yr) (yr) Reductions in energy use, water use and/ or materials use (per annum) Reductions in waste water, air emissions and/or waste generation (per annum) 59,130.00 Reduction in water use from 200-250m3/day in 2011 to 120150m3/day in 2013 Reduction in waste water generation by 960m3 Economic Water use • Eliminating Management the use of action at no cost tap water to melt the ice: just allow the ice to melt under ambient temperature • Reducing flow rate of pipes in the processing line Management action at no cost • Continuous Management inspection action at no cost and repair of water leakages (no cost) Installation of water sensors at the visitors’ entrance 412.50 • Use of foot operated valves 437.50 • Installation of shower roses in ablution sections 625.00 0.2 Reduction in water use at the offal and receiving sections by 10 – 12m3 per day • Sensitization Management of workers on action at no cost efficient use of water through regular training •Installation of metal shutters at the offal and receiving sections to replace the water curtains 7500 •Recycling of cooling water, cooling towers 4,937.50 Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies Principle Option Implemented Benefit Economic Resource use Environmental Impact Reductions in waste water, air emissions and/or waste generation (per annum) Investment (USD) Cost Payback saving period (USD/yr) (yr) Reductions in energy use, water use and/ or materials use (per annum) Management action at no cost 28,125.00 Maximum Significant reduction utilization of the of post-harvest loss Nile Perch to of fresh fish from almost 99% 20-15% to less than 1- 2% Materials management •Proper icing and sensitization of fish suppliers and fishermen •Value addition • Production of useful byproducts • Enhancement of quality control of raw fish Less than 1% of the whole fish turns out to be the actual solid waste and it is biodegradable Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 65 66 Principle Option Implemented Benefit Economic Investment (USD) Cost Payback saving period (USD/yr) (yr) Resource use Environmental Impact Reductions in energy use, water use and/ or materials use (per annum) Reductions in waste water, air emissions and/or waste generation (per annum) Waste water management •Installation of more screens and oil-water separators to avoid the oil, grease and fat from polluting the receiving water body (lake) •Recycling of cooling water •Improvement of the biological waste water treatment facility and attending it. 43,750 •Closer supervision of housekeeping during processing •Stocking of aquatic plant to create artificial wetland Total Pollution conc. (mg/l) 2010 2014 117,162.5 BOD 593 40 COD 672 91 TN 11 23 TP 9 6 174,929.4 Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 67 7.5 Illustrations Improved ETP Installed translucent sheets at the industry Overhead water storage tanks Cooling tower in place Roof exhaust fans in place Desks donated by Vicfish Ltd to a school (CSR) A Nursery school building donated by Vicfish Ltd (CSR) A toilet donated by Vicfish (CSR) Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 68 7.6 Approach Taken Vicfish Ltd company Bukoba started implementing RECP programme in early 2011 after participating in the RECP training workshop conducted by the Cleaner Production Centre of Tanzania (CPCT) on 23rd to 25th March 2011 under the Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project Phase II (LVEMP II) being implemented by the riparian countries. The RECP implementation at Vicfish Ltd company-Bukoba was made a reality due to the high commitment shown by the top management. After getting full support from the top, a functional RECP team, led by the Quality Assurance and Eco-Label Manager, was formed. Thereafter the company RECP policy (incorporating Corporate Social Responsibility, among other aspects) was formulated. 7.7 Business Case Through the implementation of RECP, Vicfish Ltd company-Bukoba has managed to improve the company’s image and relationship with the community due to its various cooperate social responsibility activities in place. Savings realized from implementation of RECP options and funding from other sources have enabled the company to play a significant role in funding community development projects which include monthly mobile clinics to the islands communities, toilets, kindergarten and secondary school classrooms, desks, shallow wells, upgrading fish landing sites, fish ponds for orphans, piped water supply and construction of a public garden at the Municipal round-about. The company has also been able to maintain its market in Europe, U.S.A, Japan, Gulf and Hong Kong. This owes to the fact that the world market is now looking for environmental best practices in production and ecofriendly products hence by having eco-label certification and practicing Resource Efficient Cleaner Production, the company enjoys a good and competitive market. 7.8 Contact information For more information please contact the following. Company contact Name: Vicfish Ltd Bukoba Email: Contact person Name: Mr. Jacob Maiseli Tel: +255756090888 Email: RECP champion Jacob Maiseli: +255756090888 Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 8 VICFISH LTD-MWANZA 8.1Overview Vicfish Ltd is a private company located at Mwanza south industrial area along Kenyatta road in Mwanza City. The factory processes whole Nile Perch fish (Lates Niloticus) into fish fillets and by-products. The industry processes about 20 tons of fish per day/shift. Vicfish Ltd is implementing her own Corporate Social Responsibility Policy and is participating in community development in the following areas: health care; education (classrooms, kindergarten, desks, and school fees); environment management; shallow wells drilling; and upgrading of fish landing sites. Vicfish Ltd adopted the Cleaner Production concept since it was first introduced to the company by CPCT in 2000 and started implementing RECP concept after participating in the RECP training workshop for enterprises and stakeholders in Lake Victoria Basin conducted by the Cleaner Production Centre of Tanzania in Mwanza City, March 2011. Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 69 70 8.2 Benefits In the course of implementing RECP concept, the company focused on efficient management of materials, water, emission and waste. This resulted into 48% reduction in water consumption, 87% reduction in waste water and 89% reduction of waste. Also increased water productivity by 10%; other benefits are shown in Table 8:1 below. The entire RECP programme achieved annual saving of more than USD 269,639. Table 8:1: Results at a Glance Absolute Indicator Change (%) year 1 Change (%) year 2 Relative Indicator Change (%) year 1 Change (%) year 2 Resource Use Resource Productivity Energy Use -34 -35 Energy Productivity Materials Use -12 -43 Water Use -16 Pollution generated 32 -12 Materials Productivity 0 1 -48 Water Productivity 5 10 Pollution Intensity Air Emissions (global warming, CO2 eq.) -34 -35 Carbon Intensity -24 13 Waste-Water -37 -87 Waste-Water Intensity -28 -76 Waste -47 -89 Waste Intensity -40 -80 Product Output -12 -43 Note: The absolute indicator gives a measurement of how much resource use/pollution output has changed in absolute terms e.g. units of energy used or tons of waste generated. A negative percentage indicates a decrease and a positive percentage indicates an increase. The relative indicator gives a measurement of changes in resource use/pollution in relation to production output. Resource productivity provides a measurement of how much product output can be produced relation to resource used, from a sustainability point of view, productivity should increase. Pollution intensity provides a measurement of how much pollution is generated per unit of production output, from a sustainability perspective, intensity should decrease. Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 8.3 RECP Profile Note: The RECP profile provides a visual overview of resource productivity and pollution intensity shown as change in % compared to the baseline values. Environmental performance is improved when resource productivity increases and when pollution intensity decreases. 8.4 Areas of Improvement The improvement through implementation of RECP concept has been a proficient approach in achieving efficient use of materials, water, energy and minimization of GHG emissions and waste generation. Specifically the programme emphasized on energy, water use as well as options which led to decrease GHG emissions. The table below presents implemented RECP options and its benefits. Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 71 72 Table 8:2: Options implemented Principal Options Implemented Benefits Economic Investment [USD] Costsaving [USD/ yr] Pay Back Period (Yrs) Resource use Environmental Impacts Reductions in energy use, water use and/or materials use (per annum) Reductions in waste water, air emissions and/or waste generation (per annum) Reduction in energy use Reduction in CO2 emissions by 35%. Energy Management •Better insulation of cold storages, chill storages and blast freezers 625 •Installation of power factor correction device •Installation of translucent sheets. •Use of cotton husks instead of heavy furnace oil in the boiler. 107,037 Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies Principal Options Implemented Benefits Economic Resource use Environmental Impacts Reductions in waste water, air emissions and/or waste generation (per annum) Investment [USD] Costsaving [USD/ yr] Pay Back Period (Yrs) Reductions in energy use, water use and/or materials use (per annum) •Connecting the company wastewater discharge system to the City Sewerage System 213,000 59,130 3 Years Reduction No direct discharge of in water wastewater into the consumption Lake by 48% •Repairing of water leakages Sensitization at no cost •Reducing length of water curtain pipe in the receiving area. Sensitization at no cost •Reducing flow rate of water in pipes in the processing line. Sensitization at no cost •Recycling compressor cooling water by using cooling towers 4,500 •Using ambient temperature to dissolve ice instead of water Sensitization at no cost Water and waste water Management •Using oil-water separator at trucks 400 washing bay to avoid the oil and grease polluting the receiving water (lake). Reduction in waste water generation by 87%. Pollution conc. (mg/l) 2010 2014 BOD 585 249 COD 792 657 TN 15 1 TP 7 9 Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 73 74 Principal Options Implemented Benefits Economic Investment [USD] Materials Management •Making maximum utilization of the Nile perch such that the waste left is less than 1%. •Using prime quality clean fish to reduce quantity of water and time for cleaning the fish. Costsaving [USD/ yr] Environmental Impacts Reductions in energy use, water use and/or materials use (per annum) Reductions in waste water, air emissions and/or waste generation (per annum) Sensitization at no cost Reduced solid waste generation by 89% Sensitization at no cost Reduced water consumption and time in cleaning fish •Sensitize fishermen Sensitization on proper storage and at no cost handling of fish •Improve landing sites at the lake shores Pay Back Period (Yrs) Resource use Better quality of fish 9,375 Improved hygiene and food safety Solid waste management •Damaged packaging materials and office garbage are sent to Municipal by contracted personnel Reduced solid waste generation •Fish frame, fish maws and fish skin are sold Total 227,900 166,167 Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 8.5 75 Illustrations Oil-water separator at trucks washing bay Translucent roofing at EPS Plant Translucent roofing to allow in sunlight Translucent roofing at EPS Plant Furnace using cotton husks Storage of cotton husks used in the furnace Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 8.6 Approach Taken In order for Vicfish Limited to enhance its resource efficiency, reduce pollution load and improve health and safety conditions, the company decided to utilize the RECP approach following the training and technical assistance from the Cleaner Production Centre of Tanzania (CPCT). Employees who were trained in RECP carried out a comprehensive assessment to identify areas of improvement and proposed options as presented in Table 8.2 above. The company participated in the National RECP Awards competition in 2013 which was organized by the Cleaner Production Centre of Tanzania (CPCT). 8.7 Business Case Implementation of RECP options led to the increase of the company productivity. Results show that the material utilization increased to almost 99% and water productivity by 10%. In addition to the economic gains and improved environmental performance that were achieved through the implementation of the RECP concept, the company has also improved its image within the community through its various Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. 8.8 Contact information Company contact For more information please contact the following. Company Contact Name: Vicfish Ltd Mwanza P. O. Box: 1654, Mwanza Tel: +255282551596 Fax: +255282550597 Email: Contact person Name: Mr. Jacob Maiseli Tel: +255756090888 Email: RECP champion Name: Jacob Maiseli Tel: +255756090888 Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) - Case Studies 76