715-453-1105 - Tomahawk Leader
715-453-1105 - Tomahawk Leader
Alive Northwoods in the Summer/Fall 2015 Your Guide to Businesses & Events Featuring: •Pow Wow Days •Music on the River •Kwahamot Ski Shows •Silent Sports including Running Races •Tomahawk Fall Ride •Extensive Calendar ...and Much More! Tomahawk, WI www.tomahawkleader.com ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 2 -- Tomahawk Leader -- From the Tomahawk Leader Publishers of the ALIVE magazine Whether visiting for the day, the weekend or an extended stay, there’s plenty for the entire family to see and do in the Tomahawk area. The area is known for its legendary musky waters, scenic paddling or pontoon trips. Multiuse trails crisscross miles upon miles of state and county owned forests, which offer a great place to watch wildlife and take in the serenity of the Northwoods. There’s no need to leave city limits either. Bradley Park’s more than 100 acres, located practically adjacent to downtown, make it a hidden gem. The summertime biking and walking Hiawatha Trail/Bearskin trails extend north from SARA Park, and recent expansion of ATV routes make Tomahawk a hub for accessing a ALIVE continued on Page 3 678 N. 4th Street • Tomahawk, WI 54487 715-453-2872 AIN15 FRA300 Has the right stove to keep your home or cabin Warm & Cozy • Featuring Harman Pellet Stoves Sunday - Saturday W4011 County Rd. A Open 11am Till Close Tomahawk, WI 54487 Open for Breakfast 715-453-3769 Sat. & Sun. 8 am Free Boat Launch • Gas On Site Check Us Out On Facebook AIN15 REB100 hick ecials ly Sp t h g i N ted C Broas • GAS • PELLET • WOOD Stoves & Fireplaces Financing Available with qualified credit Stay Cool with ● Keeps your deck 20 degrees cooler ● Lowers A/C costs ● Protects outdoor furniture 422 W. Wisconsin Ave. Tomahawk, WI • 715-453-5225 WWW.PELLETSTOVEJUNCTION.COM PEL100 AIN15 Hand Breaded Fish Fry Friday 3 To 9 pm Cod • Walleye • Shrimp Lake Perch • Scallops ay Sund ck Ribs & y da Ba Satur p & Baby ad m Shri to Sal a & t o k P a Ste man izza e Ger d a ade P m m e e m m o Ho H en & Many styles available • No Chimney Required ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 ----Tomahawk Tomahawk Leader Leader ---- 13 ALIVE conƟnued from Page 2 multi-county ATV trail systems. The shoreline of the Wisconsin River in Tomahawk is the location for free entertainment during the summer. Water ski shows are held every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at Kwahamot Park and a number of free musical concerts take place at Veterans Memorial Park on Wednesdays. Several times throughout the year downtown Tomahawk becomes the main focal point of activity as visitors and residents alike flood the streets for community events like the Pow Wow Days parade, Thrilla on the Grilla, Tomahawk Fall Ride and Main Street Memories. The Tomahawk area also offers unique shopping opportunities and great dining, along with excellent schools and medical facilities. Do some site-seeing at www.tomahawkleader. com for a business directory and online calendar. This special supplement brought to you by www.tomahawkleader.com Rd L., 2200 Co. k, WI w a h a m o T 3368 224.3 Ph: 715.2 urs: Ho Summer . on - Wed M m p 3 O pen - Sun. . rs u h T 11am Hours: Kitchen . t till 10pm Tues - Sa m p 9 ll ti on. Sun. & M Su S um umme err Me u Now Availaen ble! Tro Tro r phy Awarded Smok ed Rib R iib bs, Brisket & Pu lled available every Pork day! Outdoor dining overlooking beautiful beau Lake Nokomis Step through our new doors and check out the bigger bar, new furnishings and a whole new atmosphere! AIN15 LAK800 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 -- Tomahawk Tomahawk Leader Leader --42 -- Tomahawk Fall Ride for MDA rolls into town Sept. 17-20 Tomahawk Leader publishes Official Guide By Jed Buelow Tomahawk Leader City Editor jbuelow@tomahawkleader.com Before we know it, the leaves will be changing color and the sound of thousands of motorcycles will be heard rumbling into Tomahawk for the start of the 34th annual Tomahawk Fall Ride for MDA. With the inclement weather that put a damper on much of the 2014 Tomahawk Fall Ride now well in the rearview mirror, organizers are looking forward with much anticipation AIN15 TOM200 2015 Summer Events June 24 Music on the River every Wednesday for 6 weeks June 26-28 St. Mary’s Summer Festival July 3 Annual Arts and Craft Show and Party in the Park July 4 Pow Wow Days Parade, water ski show and fireworks July 30 – August 1 Totally Tomahawk Sidewalk Sales July 31 – August 2 Kwahamot Ski Club hosts Water Ski National Championships August 5 – 8 Antique Outboard Motor Show at SARA Park August 8 Lions Thrilla on the Grilla September 17 – 20 Tomahawk Fall Ride for MDA Tomahawk Chamber of Commerce www.gototomahawk.com in preparing for the four-day motorcycle rally that takes place this year Sept. 17-20. A group from Muscular Dystrophy Association, the Fall Ride’s official sponsor Dairyland Cycle Insurance, Bubba’s Big Party, the downtown Street Dances and other stakeholders have been meeting during the winter and spring months to come up with new ideas and events to continue to grow the Fall Ride. As the largest annual motorcycle rally in Wisconsin, tens of thousands of motorcyclists are expected to drop their kickstands in Tomahawk later this year to take part in the many activities planned, to enjoy the camaraderie of the event and to take in the scenic beauty that is fall in the Northwoods. The event also serves as one of the largest fundraisers for the regional Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), annually generating around $100,000 for the organization to help families living with the neuromuscular disease. This year marks 34 years since a group of local motorcyclists got together to tour the magnificent colors that are on display in the Tomahawk area each fall. The event has since grown to crowds estimated as large FALL RIDE continued on Page 5 e We Hav ’re u o What Y r! o F Thirsty Check us out on Tomahawk’s LARGEST Liquor Store 715-453-1872 22 N. RAILWAY ST. • DOWNTOWN TOMAHAWK Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9-9 & Sun. 9-4 NW15 THE100 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 -- Tomahawk Leader -- 3 5 FALL RIDE GUIDE/INFO & PHOTOS ONLINE www.tomahawkleader.com as 40,000. Come join the ride Sept. 17-20 and make some friends along the way while enjoying all the events planned for the big weekend. Bubba’s Big Party at the Nokomis Community Park starts things off a couple days in advance starting Tuesday, Sept. 15 with early bird specials that include live music, free beer and bonfires. Bubba’s Big Party has announced Great White will take the stage Saturday evening to perform hits like “Once Bitten Twice Shy,” “Rock Me” and “Save Your Love.” Additional headline bands and other performers will be announced in the coming months. Plenty of camping is available at Nokomis Park and Bubba’s Big Party hosts a number of other activities and vendors throughout the weekend. On Thursday, Sept. 17 the Tomahawk Regional Chamber of Commerce hosts its annual Bonfire and Brat Fry at the SARA Park beach from 6 to 9 p.m. The kick-off event features live music as well as one heck of a large bonfire to help keep attendees warm as they reunite with old friends and get their Fall Ride festivities underway. OMAHAWK T FAMILY RESTAURANT in Prentice too 1020 N. 4th St., Tomahawk 715-453-4504 AIN15 TOM225 Open 6AM to 9PM daily Breakfast Served Anytime SARA Park is also the official site of MDA during the Fall Ride and the place where a number of events and activities are planned. There will be demo fleets, food and merchandise vendors, live music throughout the day including Oil Can Harry Friday night from 7:30-11:30 p.m. and Chasin’ Mason Saturday 7:30-11:30 p.m. Many other activities and entertainment are in the works for SARA Park and will be announced in the coming months leading up to the Fall Ride. Downtown Tomahawk will host free street dances Friday and Saturday evening. The big party Friday follows the conclusion of the anyone-can-ride Thunder Parade through scenic countryside surrounding Tomahawk. Visually impaired as well as those who might not otherwise get the opportunity to ride will once again be leading the parade, which traverses 18-miles of scenic roadway before concluding in the downtown Friday evening. Stay up-to-date on all activities planned for this year’s Fall Ride by visiting the Tomahawk Leader website at www.tomahawkleader.com. Also watch for the official 2015 Tomahawk Fall Ride Guide, published by the Tomahawk Leader, that will be available in August. Wisconsin Modular Home Dealer Custom Home Builder Visit our model at N6005 Cty. Rd. K, Irma (intersection of Cty. Rd. K & Hwy. 51) Call for an appt. Phone: 715-539-9897 cell 715-612-2257 Email: spiritview@wildblue.net Website: spiritviewconstruction.net AIN15 SPI300 FALL RIDE conƟnued from Page 4 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 -- Tomahawk Tomahawk Leader Leader --64 -- - Photo by Liz Hilgendorf From fireworks to big parade, Tomahawk’s the place to be July 4 By Jed Buelow Tomahawk Leader City Editor jbuelow@tomahawkleader.com From a party in the park to an impressive fireworks show to cap off the holiday, those looking for a fun and festive way to celebrate Independence Day will want to be in Tomahawk over the July 4 weekend. Our small Northwoods community celebrates the Fourth of July in a big way as festivities get underway a day in advance and run almost nonstop through the big holiday. The Tomahawk Regional Chamber of Commerce and Tomahawk Lions Club kick things off Friday, July 3 as they host the annual Arts and Craft Fair at SARA Park starting at 9 a.m. The daylong event features many vendors with a wide range of unique items on display. The fair includes live music, and food and refreshments are available until around 3 p.m. Later that evening, activities move to Veterans Memorial Park as the chamber hosts the third annual Party in the Park starting at 4:30 p.m. The familyoriented event will feature bouncy houses for children, food and refreshments and the Beatles tribute band, The Britins, will perform. The Milwaukee band recreates the era that influenced so many of today’s artists, performing hits from “Love Me Do” to “Let It Be.” Across the river, the Kwahamot Ski Club will hold its annual Alumni Show at 8 p.m. Activities get underway bright and early Saturday, July 4 with the annual Tomahawk Pow Wow Days 5K/10k/Fun Run at 8:30 a.m., with 30 years Experience Licensed & Insured References Ken Van Boxtel New Construction & Roofing Kitchen & Bath Remodeling - Garages Windows - Doors Siding - Additions N9255 Sanctuary Rd. Tomahawk, WI 54487 920-680-6061 AIN15 TOT300 registration starting at 7:30 a.m. Participants are encouraged to register in advance at www.active.com, where additional information is available. A one-mile fun run/walk is held at approximately 9 a.m., with a number of children’s fun games also held at Veterans Memorial Park starting about 10:30 a.m. Starting at 10 a.m., the Lions Club begins selling its famous and tasty grilled barbecue chicken downtown. Additional items available at the food stand include beverages, Leo’s popcorn stand and other food. The big draw is the Pow Wow Days Fourth of July Parade which takes place on North Fourth Street and West Wisconsin Avenue starting at 1 p.m. Following the parade, the Tomahawk Volunteer Fire Department puts on its annual water demonstrations. The band Slab will perform on The Liquor Store stage at the west end of Wisconsin Avenue from 2:15 to 4:30 p.m. There’s a short break before evening activities start up with the Kwahamot Water Ski Show at 8 p.m. Those watching the ski show at Veterans Memorial Park and Kwahamot Park will want to stick around as the Tomahawk Lions Club’s annual July 4 fireworks show gets underway at dusk. SARA Park provides an additional viewing area to watch the impressive display, where the Lions Club will be hosting live music this year. No other community its size celebrates July 4 quite like Tomahawk. Make plans to take part and be in town for the Tomahawk Pow Wow Days celebration. ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 Tomahawk hosting world’s largest antique outboard boat motor show By Jed Buelow Tomahawk Leader City Editor jbuelow@tomahawkleader.com Some of the oldest and rarest outboard boat motors still in existence will be on display in Tomahawk Aug. 5-8 as the Northwoods Chapter of the Antique Outboard Motor Club International (AOMCI) hosts its 36th annual Tomahawk Boat Show at SARA Park. The world’s largest antique boat motor show is expected to be even bigger this year as the gathering of vintage boat and motor enthusiasts will serve as the celebration for AOMCI’s 50th year in existence. Vendors from across the country and beyond will gather in Tomahawk to take part in the four-day event, which includes an outboard boat motor museum located inside the SARA Park arena and swap meet along with plenty of races and time trials featuring old motors taking place on Lake Mohawksin. Some of the earliest motors and boats ever made (including the locally built, wood-frame Tomahawk) will be on display. Thousands of spectators and participants are expected to idle into SARA Park for the show. Event organizers invite the public to stop by and take a stroll down memory lane while viewing the many outboard motors and boats on display. The SARA Park museum is open to the public and admission is free. Spectators are also invited to view the many races and time trials featuring a number of antique boat motor categories. For more information, contact Bob Dalle Ave, president of the Northwoods Chapter of the AOMCI, at thedoghouse7_8 @frontier.com. ----Tomahawk Tomahawk Leader Leader ---- 57 EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor Mark A. Gass 16 Theiler Drive, Tomahawk, WI email: office@redeemertomahawk.org Ph. 715-453-48l4 Worship services Memorial Day ~ Labor Day Sunday: 8:00 am & 9:45 am Saturday: 5:00 pm September ~ May Sunday: 8:00 am & 10:30 am Sunday School/Bible Study 9:15 am Saturday: 5:00 pm Redeemer Learning Center 5 Star Youngstar Rating Serving Children Ages 20 month - 12 years old Licensed Monday - Friday 5:00 am - 6:00 pm 20 months - 2 year old room Preschool: 3 - 5 year old Four-year-old Kindergarten Before and after school, elementary early release days Summer School age-program offered Feel free to call or stop by and tour our facilities. AIN15 RED100 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 6 -- Tomahawk Leader -8 Lots of local history recalled at two museums By Dixie Zastrow Tomahawk Area Historical Society Psychological Resource Center, LLC 1218 N. 4th Street, Suite 108 River Valley Bank Tomahawk, WI 54487 Betty McCluskey, MS LPC Carey Heikkinen, APSW (715) 224 2100 AIN15 PSY100 Schoolroom in Tomahawk museum •“From Glory to Ashes and Beyond” recalls the splendid Mitchell Hotel, its disastrous fire, the new hotel and the changing ownership and names through the years. •“The Lure of Fishing,” presented in the log cabin, will evoke memories for many, recalling wonderful fishing experiences (and supper) provided by the many lakes, rivers and streams in the area. The Tomahawk Fishing Unlimited organization will also be acknowledged. •It has not been uncommon for local families to see multiple members of their families serve our country. Three generations of the Turnbull family will be recognized in the military room, along with the collection of uniforms and memorabilia from all wars. There are many other interesting pieces of history in the two buildings, as well as an outdoor display of “On Target,” a prototype boat built by the Tomahawk Boat Mfg. Co., and an old steam engine. There is certainly something to interest everyone! We invite local folks, visitors and class reunions to take time to visit the past. Our museums located on East Washington Avenue near the Chamber office are open June 16 through Aug. 21, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesdays through Fridays. PublicSafety! We’re here to serve. AIN15 TOM175 The Tomahawk Area Historical Society is commemorating its 28th year of recalling and sharing Tomahawk’s history in our two museums. The first museum came to be about 100 years after our city was founded. In 1987, a long-time downtown log cabin which served as an information center about to be demolished was rescued by a group of residents who, together with businesses, oversaw moving the building to its current location on East Washington Avenue. In 2000, the city’s first school building was vacated when the School District Administrative Offices moved. Again, local folks interested in preservation, namely historical society members, acquired the building, creating the second museum across the street from the log cabin. Historical Society members are proud of the information and memories their summerseason exhibits have presented through the years. New exhibits this season include: •The Whittier School, the architecturally beautiful structure that was Tomahawk’s first high school and is featured in the schoolroom. •Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother who were teachers and nurses here many years ago will be remembered. A group of Sisters from Italy will be visiting Tomahawk this summer. •Descendants of the Kahn family, early Tomahawk residents, will share their family’s story in the log cabin. Tomahawk Police Department 715-453-2121 219 W Somo Ave. Tomahawk, WI 54487 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 -- Tomahawk Leader -- 7 9 Kwahamots offer summer full of water skiing entertainment Host Division 2 Show Ski National Championships By Kathy Tobin Tomahawk Leader Editor kathy@tomahawkleader.com What would Tomahawk be without the Kwahamot Ski Club? Kwahamot is literally the word Tomahawk spelled backwards. And, if you take in a show this season, you’re bound to see someone skiing backwards, and pyramids and jumps and much more. The Kwahamot shows have been part of Tomahawk’s summer fun for decades. Ski shows take place every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday night at Kwahamot Bay, off North Fourth Street not far from the Veterans Memorial Bridge. Summer shows start at 8 p.m. and revert back to 7:30 p.m. on Aug. 11 until the end of the year. Highlights for 2015 include: •Saturday, June 20 – Third annual Kwahamot Golf Outing fund raiser •Friday, July 3 – Kwahamot Alumni ski show, $250 raffle drawing •Saturday, July 4 – Ski show followed by fireworks, $500 raffle drawing •Saturday, July 18 – Kwahamots competing at Wisconsin State Show Ski Championships, no show •Saturday, July 25 – Annual Timber Shrine ski show benefit •Friday-Sunday, July 31-Aug. 2 – 15th Division 2 Show Ski National Championships in Tomahawk •Saturday, Sept. 5 – Last ski show of 2015, $1,000 raffle drawing. The Division 2 Show Ski National Championships start on Friday, July 31 and run through Sunday, Aug. 2. Friday is dedicated to individual competition in Strap Doubles, Swivel Skiing, Freestyle Jump and Team Jump. (The Kwahamots have taken first in team jump in 2011 and 2013, and second in 2014.) There will be a maximum of 14 teams on hand. D2 shows will start at 7 a.m. Saturday and Sunday and go to about 6:30 p.m. on Saturday and 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, with awards around 4 p.m. Sunday afternoon. The public is invited to watch the competition. One of the scheduled big projects for the Kwahamots this year is increasing the parking lot, up to twice its present size. Old-timer Kwahamot “Captain Andy,” 1970 -Contributed Photo ay ure w to s a e li ar time ur De enough tdoors! o m fro ive you the ou y to g enjo • Lunch • Happy Hour • Saturday Night Buffet • Sunday Breakfast Buffet • Daily Specials GREAT Food GREAT Service GREAT Value 990 N 4th St., Tomahawk 715-224-2065 Music on the deck Sundays 3-7 pm 616 61 6 N. N 4th 4th St., St Tomahawk Tom To mah haw • 715-453-3819 GLF100 AIN15 "Like" us on facebook ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 8 ----Tomahawk 10 TomahawkLeader Leader---- Tomahawk hosting first ever ATV/UTV JAMboree Oct. 2-3 Exams • Eyeglasses • Repairs • One-Hour Services • Safety Glasses • Adjustments S ha r wn Marqu ardt, Optician/Owne FOR RESERVATIONS: Call Tomahawk City Hall, 715-453-4040 or E-mail: clerk-treasurer@cityoftomahawk.com kathleen@realestatefiddler.com With 150 years of combined experience, nobody in Tomahawk sells property like RE RE//MAX AIN15 TOM320 Public Beach • Public Bathrooms and Showers • RV Dump Station • Boat Landing Playground • Baseball Diamonds Volleyball Courts • Hiking & Biking Trails Kathleen Paramore Sales Associate (715) 218-5018 timi@lussow.com 715-224-2200 AIN15 TOM400 1334 N. 4th St. • Tomahawk SARA Park is located at 900 W. Somo Avenue Tomahawk, WI 54487 Timi Lussow Broker Associate 715-612-8295 AIN15EPR200 Properties North ~The Right Way~ 1412 N. 4th St., Tomahawk, 715-453-1188 Kim Brixius Broker Associate 715-612-4206 chris@northwoodsproperties.com • Eye 10 Sites on the Wisconsin River & Lake Mohawksin Chris Duckett Sales Associate 715-612-0799 Damon Phalin Sales Associate 715-612-6921 andrea@escapetotomahawk.com We will work with your insurance SARA Park Campground Andrea Smith Sales Associate 715-966-1485 faye@mynorthwoodsdream.com n.-Fri. 9-5 Mo OF FRAMES Kim@SoldByYoursTruly.com K Kim@So m@S m @ old @S @So ld HUGE SELECTION ATV continued on Page 11 damon@contactdamon.com Tomahawk is looking to cash in on the growing popularity of ATV/ UTV riding by expanding trails to include most city streets and hosting the first ever Tomahawk ATV/UTV JAMboree at SARA Park Oct. 2-3. Sponsored by the Northern Wisconsin ATV/ UTV Council and Tomahawk Regional Chamber of Commerce, the JAMboree will feature vendors from all around the region as well as provide demo rides and guided tours of area trail systems. Food and refreshments along with entertainment will be held throughout the weekend at SARA Faye Witulski Sales Associate 715-966-4560 Lvecchio@remax.net By Jed Buelow Tomahawk Leader City Editor jbuelow@tomahawkleader.com Lori Vecchio Broker Associate 715-612-3570 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 ATV continued from Page 10 Park, where on-site camping is available through the city. The event will be open to the public at no cost and attendees will have the opportunity to tour area trail systems with experienced ATV group members to better learn what the area has to offer. Activities are scheduled to take place at SARA Park on Friday, Oct. 2 from 3 to 8 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 3 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Event organizers are hoping the JAMboree will grow in the coming years as more individuals TomahawkLeader Leader----11 9 ----Tomahawk become aware of the ample ATV/UTV riding opportunity that exists in the greater Tomahawk area. “The clubs have been really, really good at opening as many routes as possible in recent years and want to showcase what is available in the Tomahawk area,” said Tamra Anderson, Tomahawk Regional Chamber of Commerce executive director. “We would like to see this grow into one of Tomahawk’s larger events with thousands attending in the coming years.” For more information, contact Anderson at 715-453-5334 or tamra@gototomahawk.com. Complete Automotive Repairs As Well As Front End Alignment For Your Car Or Light Truck We Have Tires To Fit All Cars And Light Trucks Call Or Stop In Today Open Mon. - Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-12 Noon Closed Sunday Remember... Our 24 Hr. Towing Service Calhoun's Auto Repair 1612 N. Fourth St., Tomahawk, WI 715-453-3076 AIN15 ANI200 AIN15 CAL200 Complete Medi Medical & Pet Care Facility In-House Bloodwork B & Digital X-Ray Boarding ANIMAL Facility k e e w a ys a 7d CLINIC Pick-Up ff O of TOMAHAWK, INC & Drop Customer Appreciation Day Pet products including full line of flea & tick supplies August 15th 11-2pm Clinic: 715-453-8448 - 1406 N. 4th St. - Tomahawk, WI 54487 - Boarding: 715-453-4593 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 10 12 --- Tomahawk Tomahawk Leader Leader --- ic ” mus t a e b “ an’t You c n the park i Kicks off June 24 Six concerts for eighth season of Music on the River By Kathy Tobin Tomahawk Leader Editor kathy@tomahawkleader.com The Wednesday night Music on the River series always draws a big crowd to the shoreline of the Wisconsin River at Veterans Memorial Park as family and friends pull up chairs and spread out blankets around the pavilion that shelters the midweek Enjoy six beautiful summer evenings filled with music on the shore of the Wisconsin River MUSIC ON THE RIVER’S free concerts Concerts are at 6PM 8th Season of at Veteran’s Memorial Park Bring your chairs, blankets & picnic supper Wed., June 24 Copper Box Wed., July 1 entertainment. Pontoon boats come too, offering their own view of the performers. Now in its eighth season, the 2015 lineup includes six shows with some returning favorites and a couple new bands. The free performances take place from 6 to 8 p.m. Those attending are encouraged to bring a picnic if they’d like. Monetary donations are welcomed, and help support the continuing program. In the event of bad weather, everything is moved inside at SARA Park on West Somo Avenue. This year’s lineup includes: •Wednesday, June 24 – Copper Box: One of the Music on the River crowd favorites is returning for another year, and serves as the 2015 opening act. Calling Calli Oshkosh home, this extremely talented and high-energy four-piece band features a blues rock, high Americana, polka, Cajun and Zydeco twist to their Ame Am music. musi s Danny Jerabek (accordion, keys, vocals, cornet, sousaphone) and his wife, Michelle Thull Jerabek souss (bari (bbarri saxophone, vocals, guitar, washboard) formed Copper Coppp Box in 2002, and the rest is history. (The two welcomed Bo Daniel Jerabek into the world April 10, welcc 2015.) 20155 The band’s current line-up includes the highly MUSIC continued on Page 13 Tomahawk The Del Rays FLOORING & DECORATING Wed., July 8 Since 1992 Elvis Tribute & Boulevard Show Band Wed., July 15 Reilly AIN15 MUS400 Wed., July 22 The Jimmys Wed., July 29 Rockwell (SARA Park Rain Site) t • Complete Flooring Needs • Custom Closet Organizers • Window Treatments • Interior Decorating Consultation (In-Home) FREE AIN15 TOM755 M-F 9-5; Sat. 9-Noon 1331 North 4th St., Tomahawk • 715-453-7388 • FAX 715-453-4112 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 Your local newspaper available at your local merchants! What’s Brewin`? Crossroads Mobil BP Tomahawk Nelson’s County Market Tomahawk Chamber Great Lakes Foods Holiday Station Store The Liquor Store Ben Franklin Tomahawk Shell Tomahawk Pharmacy Corner Mart Viegut’s Self Serve Warehouse Liquor Kracker Barrel Northwoods Store Tomahawk Leader Dave’s County Market Highway 51 Truck Stop Kwik Trip Piggly Wiggly East Merrill Fuel Mart TOMAHAWK MUSIC continued from Page 12 TRIPOLI MERRILL regarded talents of Drew Hicks (bass, guitar) and Jason VayRyzin (drums). Recipient of the Wisconsin Area Music Industry (WAMI) for Americana Artist and People’s Choice Award in recent years. The evening also includes a community picnic. •Wednesday, July 1 – The Del Rays: Also returning to Tomahawk “as probably our most requested band” is this four-piece group from Oshkosh, according to Music on the River chair Cathy Meyer. Playing classic rock and roll featuring vocals, keyboard, guitar and percussion, they are known for their ability to connect with the crowd in a way that keeps them involved all through their performance. Featured are classical hits from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. •Wednesday, July 8 – Elvis Tribute Artist Art Kistler and the EP Boulevard Show Band: Coming from the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, this Elvis impersonator was the favorite of the late husband of a Tomahawk woman who is helping sponsor his appearance in her husband’s memory. Kistler brings all the costuming and “really does a good job,” Meyer notes. With July 4 just observed, plans are to add a patriotic emphasis to the evening and honor veterans, too, Meyer says. •Wednesday, July 15 – Reilly: Get ready for a return to some “energetic, hand-clapping and foot stomping music.” This multi-talented four-piece group hails from Milwaukee and plays a unique blend of Celtic rock and traditional Irish tunes. You’ll hear fiddle, guitar, banjo, whistle, harmonica, mandolin, drums, brass and dynamic vocals. •Wednesday, July 22 – The Jimmys: This eightpiece band from Monticello, Wis., will be remembered for going right out on a pontoon boat during last year’s performance. They play blues and everything in between, featuring horns, guitars, dynamic keys and a fantastic rhythm section. Meyer considers Tomahawk fortunate to have booked them again as “they are starting to get more international and national exposure.” In 2013 The Jimmys earned a number of honors from the Madison Area Music Awards, including Artist of the Year, Blues Performer of the Year, Keyboard of the Year-Jimmy Voegeli, Brass Instrumentation of the Year, 2013 Woodwind Instrumentalist of the Year-Darren Sterud and Peterson Ross. The group also received the 2012 Best Swing/Big Band Ensemble by the WAMI. Wednesday, July 29 – Rockwell: A newer group from Stevens Point that plays classic rock from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Be sure to look for the birdhouses around the concert grounds on show nights and drop in your donation. A volunteer committee does the organizing and booking and relies on donations to keep the popular music series going each summer. Financial support also can be mailed to treasurer Dixie Zastrow at 1614 Riverview Lane, Tomahawk, WI 54487. “Because of the support of individual donors, businesses, community groups and local foundations, our concerts will remain free for all to enjoy. We are looking forward to making our eighth season the best yet!” states committee member Julie Dentler. For additional information, contact Meyer at 715453-7508. She also urges you to like them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TomahawkMusicOnTheRiver to receive the latest news, concert updates and weather reports. --- Tomahawk Tomahawk Leader Leader --- 11 13 Tripoli Auto PRENTICE IGA 715-453-2151• Subscribe & Save 14 12 --- Tomahawk Tomahawk Leader Leader --- ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 Tomahawk area offers endless fishing opportunities By Jed Buelow Tomahawk Leader City Editor jbuelow@tomahawkleader.com Seasoned anglers know what sets Tomahawk apart as one of the state’s top fishing destinations is the seemingly endless opportunity the area provides. From the Wisconsin River being open to walleye fishing year-round to chasing trophy musky on one of many local flowages, anglers in the Tomahawk area have plenty to choose from when it comes to targeting local waters. And unlike the lakes region farther to the north or the Great Lakes, a big boat and expensive equipment aren’t necessary to get in on some of the best fishing around as a number of dams that dot the landscape provide exceptional fishing right from shore. Make sure to keep checking back on dams throughout the summer as many anglers make the mistake of only targeting them during the spring. Often a nice panfish and walleye bite will develop during the dead of summer, and other fish species like musky and bass will migrate to the cooler water when things begin to heat up. Some of the dams to keep an eye on that provide great shoreline fishing include Bradley Dam, Jersey Dam, Spirit Dam, Kings Dam and Pride Dam as well as Grandmother Dam and Grandfather Dam south of Tomahawk on the Wisconsin River. While every body of water is different and conditions change throughout the year, some generalizations can be made when targeting any number of species on local flowages. Some places to always target include stump fields and weed beds, railroad trestles and underneath bridges and, of course, below dams. These areas can hold walleye, bass, big crappies, bluegills and some trophy muskies can be found lurking in these areas during different times of the year. How to best go about targeting a specific species depends on the season as well as angler’s preference. It is hard to beat a simple hook and sinker tipped with a fathead or a jig and twister tail worked along the bottom below dams and around trestles. Small crappie minnows below a slip bobber or plastics can also be pretty productive when crappies get active around submerged wood. And it is hard to beat a topwater like the locally handcrafted Nimmer Swimmer Wolly Pog worked along a cabbage bed on a summer evening for muskies. While area flowages provide plenty of fishing opportunity throughout the year, the Tomahawk area is also blessed with an abundance of small lakes and trout streams that often go overlooked. The beautiful Harrison Hills region provides a seemingly endless number of small pothole lakes that are full of nice bluegills, crappies and even trout that anglers can target to take home a meal. Upper stretches of area river systems and flowages can also provide great fishing opportunity as many can only be accessed using kayak or canoe. Some of these stretches have provided exceptional smallmouth bass fishing in the past. Lincoln County is also home to one of the best trout waters in all of Wisconsin. The Prairie River in the Gleason area has long been a top destination for trout anglers from throughout the state, and exploring any number of smaller streams crisscrossing the area, like the Little Bearskin Creek in southwestern Oneida County, can provide a very rewarding day on the stream. Those new to fishing the greater Tomahawk area or who would like to expand their fishing knowledge of local waters might want to consider hiring a guide from one of the local bait shops before heading out – stump fields on Lake Alice and rock bars on the Spirit Reservoir can do real damage to motor props. And many of the local guides can offer decades of experience that can greatly cut down on the learning curve to locate some of the better spots on any given body of water. Whether from the shoreline, canoe, kayak or boat, experienced anglers know what sets Tomahawk apart as a top fishing site is the ample fishing opportunity the region provides. Get out and explore some of these fishing opportunities yourself and find out why many consider Tomahawk one of the state’s premiere fishing destinations. Fish recipes from Kris Winkelman From the Kitchen of Kris Winkelman Oven Crispy Walleye Sometimes the most delicious main courses are also the easiest ones to make. Here is a perfect example of this. I promise you’ll love it as much as my family does! 6 walleye fillets ¼ cup butter, softened ¼ cup fresh parsley (chopped) 1 egg ¼ cup milk Pinch garlic powder ¾ cup bread crumbs ½ cup shredded Swiss cheese Salt and pepper to taste RECIPES continued on Page 15 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 15 -- Tomahawk Leader -- 13 RECIPES continued from Page 14 Beer Cheese Gills OK, coming from Wisconsin I am required to like beer, cheese and fish. I admit it, I do. So here’s a dish that combines that trio into one fantastic experience! 1 pound bluegill fillets ¼ cup sliced green onions 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon flour ½ teaspoon dry mustard ¼ teaspoon caraway seeds ½ cup milk ½ cup shredded cheese 4 tablespoons beer In a greased baking dish, arrange fish and bake in a 450˚ oven until fish flakes. Meanwhile, sauté onion in butter until tender. Stir in flour, mustard and caraway seeds. Add milk, then stir until thick and bubbly. Add cheese and beer and cook until the cheese melts. Pour the cheesy goodness over your fish and serve. Fresh Roasted Fish and Vegetables Here’s a fast, easy, tasty way to make everyone in your family happy. I like to serve it with wild rice and some tasty bread. And if there should happen to be any leftovers, they’re great the next day too. ½ pound fresh asparagus spears (cut in half) 2 small zucchinis (cut in half lengthwise and then into ½ pieces) 1 red bell pepper (cut into thin slices) ½ purple onion (sliced in quarters) Olive oil Fresh dill Steak seasoning 4 walleye (or 8-10 crappie) fillets 1 tablespoon butter (melted) with garlic to taste Heat oven to 450 degrees. In a large bowl add all vegetables with olive oil and sprinkle with steak seasoning. Spray glass baking dish with nonstick spray and add vegetables. Bake 10 minutes until vegetables are tender crisp. In another glass baking dish (also sprayed), place fish fillets and brush with butter, steak seasoning and dill. Place in middle of oven and bake for 15-20 minutes until fish flakes. St. Mary’s Catholic Grace Lutheran Church Seventh and Washington Ave., Tomahawk • 715-453-2878 Father John Anderson, Pastor Mass times: Saturday 6 p.m. Sunday 8 and 11 a.m. Confessions: Saturdays, 9 a.m.; Anytime by Appointment –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ELCA • St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Pier-Willow 12 Miles North of Tripoli at 5209 Willow Road Father John Anderson, Pastor Saturday, 4 p.m. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– St. Augustine Catholic Intersection of D & B, Harrison • 715-453-2561 Father John Anderson, Pastor Sunday 9:30 a.m. Mass 108 W. Somo Ave., Tomahawk 715-453-4066 • Handicap Accessible Pastor Rev. Mark U. Ziemer Pastor Don Cannady, Visitation Pastor Saturday 5 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. Memorial Day through Labor Day weekend – Sunday Outdoor Worship, 10 a.m., at Schaefer’s Wharf, Hwy. L, across from Windmill on Lake Nokomis St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Missouri Synod • 715-453-5391 12 E. Wisconsin Ave., Tomahawk Rev. Mark Schoenherr Saturday Service, 6 p.m. Sunday Service, 9 a.m. Children Growing in Faith, Wednesday, 6 p.m., Sept. - May Redeemer Ev. Lutheran St. John the Baptist Catholic Intersection of J & 17 Bloomville • 715-536-2803 Fr. Mike McLain, Pastor Saturday 6 p.m. Mass Prince Of Peace Christian Church 1328 Hwy. A, Tomahawk Pastor Alice Sharping• 715-453-8783 Sunday Service 9:30 a.m. “Following Christ by the Spirit” United Methodist Church School Rd. at Bradley Farm Rd., 1104 School Rd., Tomahawk Pastor Debra Hastings•715-453-4378 Sunday 10:30 a.m. Sunday School (ages 4-12) All Ages, Wednesdays, 3:30 to 5 p.m. WELS • 715-453-4814 16 Theiler Drive, Tomahawk Rev. Mark Gass, Pastor Memorial Day through Labor Day Saturday 5 p.m.; Sunday 8 & 9:45 a.m. September-May Saturday 5 p.m.; Sunday 8 & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School/Bible Study 9:15 a.m. The Log Church A Christian Community Church Hwy. 8, Tripoli • 715-922-0172 Pastor Don Rhody www.thelogchurch.com Sunday Worship, 8:30 a.m. “All Are Welcome” St. Barnabas Episcopal 201 W. Merrill Ave., Tomahawk 715-453-1930 Morning Prayer – Sundays, 10 a.m. Holy Comunion Second Sunday, 1 p.m. Evening Prayer Thursdays 5 p.m. Northwoods Vineyard First Congregational N. Fifth & E. Washington Ave., Tomahawk • 715-453-2217 Pastor John Miskimen Worship Sunday 9 a.m.; Children’s Storytime 9:10 a.m Spirit Baptist Hwy. 86, 1/4 Mile West of Hwy. 102, Spirit • 715-657-0304• 715-657-0764 Duane Harper, Pastor Worship 10:15 a.m.; Sunday School 9 a.m. Affiliated w/Baptist General Conference 418 Kaphaem Road Tomahawk • 715-453-6700 Pastors Ross, Nate and Tim Nelson Sunday Services: 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. AXIOM Youth Group, Wednesdays, 7:30 to 9 p.m., for grades 6-12 Community Seventh Day Adventist Pastor Kevin Moreno Hwy. 86/D, Tomahawk • 715-453-5809 Sabbath School 10:30 a.m. Sabbath Worship, 9 a.m. Directory made possible by these churches and ... Berean Baptist Church 19 N. Third St., Tomahawk Pastor Charles Scheele • 715-453-3407 Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship, 10:45 a.m. Sunday Afternoon Service 1:45 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study/Prayer, 7 p.m. Men’s and Women’s Bible Study, Call for Times Directory posted online, TomahawkLeader.com N9090 Hwy. E, Tomahawk 13-14 E Sprinkle walleye fillets with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Combine the softened butter and parsley, then spread the mixture on your fish. Beat egg with milk. In another bowl, combine breadcrumbs with cheese. Dip the fillets in egg, then into breadcrumbs, and place the coated fish in a buttered baking pan. Bake on a high heat (450˚) for 10-15 minutes until fish flakes. 315 W. Wisconsin Ave., Tomahawk ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 16 14 ----Tomahawk Tomahawk Leader Leader ---- Half marathons, 5k, 10k races part of fitness opportunities By Tom Tom C Colstad ollst stad tad Tomahawk Leader Sports Editor sports@tomahawkleader.com For those who like to run to stay in shape, Tomahawk has several running events through the summer, including the recently completed Rockin’ Tomahawk 5k/half marathon (June 13), Pow Wow Days 5k/10k/fun run (July 4), Don Lintereur Memorial Run (half marathon, 5k/10k/one mile) held Aug. 1 and the No Frills Marathon Sept. 6. Additional information on upcoming races include: •The annual Tomahawk Pow Wow Days 5k/10k runs take place Saturday, July 4, commencing and ending at Memorial Park. The start time for the 10k is 8:30 a.m. followed shortly by the start of the 5k race. The kids’ fun run starts at 9:30 a.m. For more information, go to www.active.com or contact event organizer John Zuelsdorf at 715-453-8975. Check for race results and photos afterwards at www. tomahawkleader.com. •The third annual Don Lintereur Memorial Run is set for Saturday, Aug. 1, beginning and ending at the Nokomis Community Park, located north of Tomahawk on County Road L. There will be a half marathon starting at 8 a.m., followed by the 5k/10k race at 9 a.m. and the mile fun run at 10 a.m. Awards will be given to the overall male and female champions, as well as the top three finishers from each age/gender division. Registration is online at www.jogrunrace.com. For more information, contact Shirley Derleth at 715-4534165 or donsrun.dlmr@gmail.com. •The No Frills Marathon, held Sept. 6, will follow the Bearskin Trail from north of Tomahawk to Minocqua. The race will start at 7 a.m. at Nokomis Community Park on County Road L and finish at the Bearskin Trailhead behind the Minocqua Post Office. For those details, go to www.minocquanofrillsmarathon.com. Another opportunity to run with a group begins the Mondays and Thursdays after July 4 (July 6) e Th Craft Shack Pinewood Embroidery We specialize in handmade products. Classes in Basketry, Knitting, Ukrainian Egg Painting, Acrylic & Water Color, Calligraphy Baskets - Jewelry - Paintings Sweaters - Mittens - Slipper socks Children Adult • Towels - Scarves N10854 Red Pine Rd. Hours M-F 10-4; Evenings & Weekends by appt. 715-499-0051 www.craftshack-pinewoodembroidery.com Hwy 51 North to Hwy 8 left on Tannery, turn left on Red Pine Rd. From North 4th St, take Hwy. CC to Tannery Rd. Turn Right on Red Pine Rd. and continues through Aug. 13. Interested runners may meet at Memorial Park at 6:30 p.m. to do “fun runs”. For more information, contact Zuelsdorf at 715-453-8975. Other fitness opportunities Those who enjoy hiking will find the Hiawatha Trail on the abandoned Milwaukee Road railroad bed from SARA Park in Tomahawk to the Lincoln County line near Lake Nokomis (6.6 miles) to be a nice trek. The bicyclist might venture farther north on the Bearskin State Trail (18 miles) that extends from the end of the Hiawatha Trail to Minocqua. Those cyclists over the age of 16 will need a Wisconsin state trail pass to use the Bearskin Trail. There also is a challenging mountain biking trail system in the Underdown Recreation Area near Irma that features several miles of single-track trails traversing a steep, hilly landscape. Cyclists are allowed to ride on the Underdown’s gentler horse trails and Loop Road. Another nice system of trails for biking is found in Tomahawk’s Bradley Park, located along the shores of Lake Mohawksin. The Tomahawk pool, located in the Tomahawk Schools complex, offers morning lap swims three days a week (Monday, Wednesday and Thursday) from 6 to 8 a.m. and open swims Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. ($2/person). There also are water exercise classes held four times per week on Monday (8-9 a.m.), Tuesday (7:30-8:30 a.m.), Thursday (8-9 a.m.) and Friday (7:30-8:30 a.m.). The Tomahawk Schools complex also has a weight room and running/walking track in the field house available for use by the community from 6 to 8 a.m. If you enjoy walking as an aerobic exercise, the area has an abundance of opportunities to do just that, including Tomahawk’s River Walk from Memorial Park to SARA Park, the Hiawatha Trail, Bradley Park roads/trails and Ice Age Trails located from Harrison, through Irma and on to Taylor County. Go explore the Northwoods, get fit and have fun! Summer Sizzler Sale TOMAHAWK 20% to 50% Savings on ALL Machines, Embroidering Machines, SEW N VAC SewingOverlocks & Vacuum Cleaners. es rm achin g-A Lon ting M Quil s m uu Vac ner Clea s aner le mC uu Vac e edle i-ne chin Mult ery ma roid emb n HCoabinrets Sew ing Sew ing Mac hine s Mac Arro hine s inet w s Rob Cab ert inet s s Cab Kan AIN15 TSV100 gar Cab inet s 688 N. 4th St. oo (Northbay Plaza, next to Nelson’s County Market) Tomahawk, WI • 715-224-3401 Financing Available / Trade In Allowance Popular Brand Sewing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners and Sewing Cabinets. Sewing, Quilting, Notions Available. Vacuum Cleaner Supplies Available We Sell the Best & Service the Rest! Hours: M - F, 9-5; Sat., 9-4 Closed Sun. ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 -- Tomahawk Leader -- 15 17 NOW Op Weekeen nds Wisconsin backwaters fi nishing through tall grasses before the takeout. Difficulty level 1. •Paddle – Border Brule River: Saturday, Aug. 1, 9 a.m. – Canoe/kayak a quiet, isolated stretch of 8-1/2 miles through the Nicolet National Forest. Difficulty level 3. •All Day Paddle – Willow Flowage, Saturday, Aug. 15, 9:30 a.m. – Paddle on the quiet end of the Willow Flowage and picnic mid-day, Difficulty level 2. There are a number of other events scheduled, including overnight camping, a moonlight paddle, a hike, scavenger hunt and potlucks. For more information, visit www.northernpaddletrail.org. VISIT THE Northern Paddle and Trail, an area silent sports outdoor activity group, invites the public to join members on their many outings. Among some of this year’s adventures are: •Bike – The Bearskin Trail: Saturday, June 27, 10 a.m. – Bike the Wisconsin State Bearskin Trail from Harshaw to Hazelhurst, 9 miles one way. A $4 day pass is required. Difficulty level 3. •Evening Paddle – Wisconsin River: Wednesday, July 22, 5:30 p.m. – McNaughton Landing to Apperson Road takeout, paddle the TOMAHAWK AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY’S MUSEUM COMPLEX Learn about, remember, and enjoy Tomahawk’s history! BIKES: Sales, Mainten ance & Service N10796 Cty. Hwy A • Tomahawk 715-224-BIKE (2453) www.tomahawkoutd ooradventures.com AIN15 GEN100 AIN15 CHG100 A tradition of excellence in funeral service Exhibits in two landmark buildings include: • ”From Glory to Ashes and Beyond” - the story of the splendid Mitchell Hotel, its devastating fire, and the owners and name changes of the new hotel through the years. • Turn-of-the-century kitchen • Farming & logging artifacts • Descendants of the early Kahn family share their family’s story • Uniforms and memorabilia from all wars on display in the military room. • ”The Lure of Fishing” provided by the many area lakes & rivers. Also history of the Fishing Unlimited organization. • The Whittier School, Tomahawk’s first high school is featured in the one-room school. • Old treadle sewing machine, floor radio, shoe x-ray machine and MUCH more! Outdoor Exhibits Kevin J. Krueger - Licensed Funeral Director Karri L. Ernst - Apprentice Funeral Director • Business Manager 1400 N 4th St., Tomahawk, WI 54487 www.generationsfuneral.com • 715-224-3182 • MT&W #19 steam locomotive • One-of-a-kind racing boat Open June 16 thru Aug. 21 11 AM - 3 PM Tuesday - Friday Located on E. Washington Ave. Behind the Chamber AIN15 TOM370 Sales & Rentals Recreation & Fishing • Shuttle Service • Bicycles Kayaks Apparel • Camping Equ• Stand-Up Paddle Boards ipment & Sup pp plies ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 18 16 --- Tomahawk Tomahawk Leader Leader --- Visiting kids can play Youth Soccer Children from out-of-town are invited to be part of Tomahawk Youth Soccer this year, even if it’s only on a limited or one-time basis. The recreational soccer program is for kids 5-18 years old. Youngsters need to be 5 years old by Sept. 1, 2015. Due SOCCER continued on Page 19 Working the the Tomahawk TomahawkArea Area Real Real Estate Estatemarket marketand andLovin’ Lovin It!!! It!!! Mitch CONSTRUCTION, -Andrea Krueger LLC Thinking about selling? CUSTOM HOMES SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL CONTRACTORS CALL FOR A FREE,NO OBLIGATION MARKET ANALYSIS!!! Serving Tomahawk For 715-453-5190 OVER 30 Years! AIN15 TOM160 www.mitchbayerconstruction.com AIN15 BAY200 • NEW HOMES • ADDITIONS • REMODELING • GARAGES • DECKS • FULLY INSURED Carpet • Vinyl • Ceramics Hardwood Floors Window Treatments Serving Tomahawk for over 40 years AIN15 WHO200 AIN15 HAA400 www.handsservicecenter.com 838 N. 4th St., Tomahawk , WI 715-453-2575 century21bestway.com For all your flooring needs SERVICE YOU CAN TRUST FULL AUTO SERVICE & TOWING AVAILABLE Computer Diagnostics, Parts and Service, Tires and Tire Service. Also servicing collector cars • AUDIO SYSTEM & REMOTE STARTER INSTALLATION and Other Mobile Electronics SERVICING ATV, JET SKI AND WAVE RUNNERS INCLUDING OIL CHANGE AND FILTERS Check out all of our lisƟngs at Free Estimate s WHOLESALE CARPETS & TILE 1326 No North 4th St., Tomahawk, WI (715) 453-4248 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9-5; Sat. 9-12 Or by appointment ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 Tomahawk Leader Leader ---- 17 19 ----Tomahawk SOCCER continued from Page 18 to insurance reasons, those who turn 19 during the season will not be able to participate once they are 19. Visiting players can join soccer for $3 per day. They (and their parent/guardian) should stop by the concessions trailer to fill out a registration form and pay the fee. Soccer will be played on the soccer HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER Spring/Summer Season Annuals • Perennials • Hanging Baskets and Vegetables Fall Season Mums • Asters • Perennials Winter Season Home-Grown Poinsettias Fresh hand-made wreaths We ship wreaths nation-w ide We Grow Our Own! www.cernysgreenhouse.com fields at SARA Park on West Somo Avenue. The program will start on Tuesday, July 7 at 5:30 p.m. It will run the following Thursdays and Tuesdays at 6 p.m., ending on Thursday, July 30. Kids ages 5-11 will play until 7 p.m. and those ages 12-18 will play until 7:30 p.m. For more information, contact Jenny Symonds at 715-612-1461 or email tomahawksoccer@hotmail.com. AIN15 CER400 N10856 Cty. Rd. A Tomahawk, WI • 715-453-4143 2455 Smokey Dr., Tomahawk, WI Call 715-966-0787 for private showing. 225’ frontage on a prestigious fresh water flowage, connecting to Lake Nokomis. Well-built bi-level on 2 lots w/3 bedrooms, 2½ baths, wraparound deck, large living room w/gas fireplace, 4 car garage & 1 car detached storage area. “ $247,900 AIN15 PPD100 No Job Too Small or Too Tall.” ience r e p x E s r a Over 30 Ye stimates 87 4 awk • WI 54 • Tomah P.O. Box 708 p Roofs U t il u B & r ng • Rubbe fi o o R l a t INSURED e Y L M L • U F d • le L g Shin RESIDENTIA • L IA C R E COMM FREE E • 0 1 1 1 3 5 715-4 AIN15 DAN100 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 18 20 -- Tomahawk Leader -- Enjoy best ribs around at Lions Thrilla on the Grilla rib contest Tomahawk Leader City Editor jbuelow@tomahawkleader.com Anyone anxious to sample some of the best barbecued pork ribs the Northwoods has to offer will not want to miss the Tomahawk Lions Club’s eighth annual Thrilla on the Grilla rib contest Saturday, Aug. 8. The public takes part in this mouthwatering baby back rib-grilling contest by judging which team makes the best rack of ribs. Ticketholders get to indulge their taste buds with samples from each of about 10 teams and help decide which one takes home the People’s Choice Award. Participants are also treated to side 2 UNIQUE STORES UNDER 1 ROOF! • Clothing • Sunglasses • Jewelry • Reading Glasses • Purses • Moccasins www.silverthreadstomahawk.com Outdoor Clothing for All Seasons • Military Surplus • Camping Gear • Canvas Bags & Packs • Printed T-Shirts • Caps & Hats • Carhartt & Woolrich AIN15 SIL200 TOM580 Distinctively Different tomahawk surplus store www.tomahawksurplus.com Find Silver Threads Boutique on Facebook Downtown Tomahawk 715-453-3676 S: OST RI R H LA FIE U O U Y PA IM & • King & Queen Beds • High Speed Internet • Continental Breakfast • Microwaves • Kitchenettes • In Room Whirlpool • On Lake Nokomis • Swimming Beach J Best Western Lake-Aire Reservations: 715-453-5189 1-800-984-5400 For More Information WRITE: Best Western Lake-Aire N11925 County Hwy. L Tomahawk, WI 54487 AIN15 BES200 fixings prepared by each team. While the big draw is the amazing ribs offered at a great price, the event also serves as a community picnic that benefits all of Tomahawk. The Tomahawk Lions donate 100 percent of proceeds from Thrilla on the Grilla back to other non-profit organizations. The club and the teams competing in the rib cook-off have donated tens of the thousands of dollars to Tomahawk area volunteer organizations since the Thrilla began almost a decade ago. The smell of hundreds of racks of baby back ribs grilling starts early Saturday in downtown Tomahawk as teams prepare to feed the masses who will begin arriving around noon. Along with the People’s Choice, one of the teams will take home the Judge’s Choice Award decided by a panel of expert judges that once again features famous rib guru Larry Raymond, inventor of Sweet Baby Ray’s Barbecue Sauce. You might even want to bring along a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray’s as Raymond has been known to autograph bottles for grill enthusiasts. Everyone is invited to attend the Thrilla on the Grilla as the event held in historic downtown Tomahawk includes a huge raffle, live music, family entertainment, a corn roast and plenty of other fun to go along with the rib contest, which is held from noon to 5 p.m. Tickets go on sale in the weeks leading up to the rib contest at a number of Tomahawk businesses. Individuals planning to attend will want to get their tickets in advance as Thrilla on the Grilla is one of Tomahawk’s tastiest and most anticipated events to take place all summer and sold out once again last year. Granite • Road Material • Decorative Rock • Aglime • Topsoil www.redrockgraniteinc.com 715-692-2414 Toll Free: 1-877-743-2414 1406 State Hwy 107 Mosinee, WI 54455 AIN15 RED300 By Jed Buelow ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 ---- Tomahawk Tomahawk Leader Leader ---- 19 21 Tomahawk Leader has local authors’ books for sale Sacred Feather Portraits SENIOR AND FAMILY PORTRAITS WEDDING SPECIALISTS Jodie Lassig Rhinelander, WI 54501 715-369-3799 AIN15 PPD100 stories from the 1950 and how they compared to today’s high-tech society by Laurence Dunn, a part-time Tomahawk resident. •Bob and Donna Skubal’s “History of Tomahawk Sports, Fall 1995-Spring 2010,” “History of Tomahawk Sports 1897-Spring 1980,” “History of Tomahawk Sports Fall 1980-Summer 1995” and “50 Year History of Tomahawk Wrestling” – all packed with local sports history. •Kinship of Tomahawk’s “Cookin’ with Kinship” cookbook. •“Beloved Daughter: A Battle With Cancer Through a Mother’s Eyes,” by Loretta Stark. •“St. Mary’s School Cookbook,” collection of family favorite recipes. •Leader columnist Mark Gaedtke’s “Harold’s Boys.” A memoir with observations, opinions and outright lies from amid the chaos of growing up in a large family. •Tomahawk Leader Publisher Larry Tobin’s novel, “Pressing Matters.” Stop by 315 W. Wisconsin Ave., Tomahawk, weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and do a little book shopping. Or call 715-453-2151 to make other arrangements. Any of them would make a great gift, too. Of course, a subscription to the Tomahawk Leader also is a great gift idea! ACE VIEW CAMPS TERROld Fashioned Family Camping! ITES It’s All About the Scenery & the Outdoor Experience Directions: Hwy 51 Exit 234 to Hwy 8. Go West 1 Mile Turn Left on Wolff Rd to Campsite. 715-453-8352 W5220 Terrace View Road, Tomahawk, WI 54487 tvcken@charter.net • www.terraceviewcampsites.com AEP? SEP? care.gov? health Open t? men r n E oll ? Federally Facilitated ce? Marketpla AIN15 TER-200 Traveling the USA or On Vacation? On US Hwy 8 or 51/39, give us a call or stop and “take a look”. Like Antiquing? Visit our shops in Tomahawk. Kayak? Try our rivers & streams Are you a Golfer? Many Excellent Courses within 25 miles. Traveling via Bicycle? Stop in for special overnight rates. Cold Weather Camper? Colorama thru Deer season. Are you a Veteran? Free camping for Vets & Family in May. PPO? HMO? OE P? Medicare Supplemen EPO? E t? ? POS lth Insurance a e H Confusing? M? FM FF Helping people with their Health insurance options since 1974. Providing personal local service at the same cost as applying or enrolling directly with our companies! Call for a no-obligation appointment. Our office or your home. John Dunn 715-493-4803 jdunn@dunnfins.com JOE STORY 715-966-0261 joestory@dunnfins.com Dunn Financial Services, LLC 102 W. Wisconsin Ave., Tomahawk AIN15 DUN200 E The Tomahawk Leader office, 315 W. Wisconsin Ave., in downtown Tomahawk has a variety of books by local authors for sale. •NEWLY PUBLISHED: “Color Post Cards of Tomahawk, Wisconsin, Including Heafford Junction and Hazelhurst,” by Frank Rippinger. Started collecting post cards from resorts in 1970s. Features downtown Tomahawk scenes, stores, motels, bars, restaurants, Kwahamot Ski Club, U.S. Hwy. 51 bridge, aerial views, resorts, scenic views, Heafford Jct. and Hazelhurst. (As a sidebar: Rippinger is working on a new book and is seeking information about the Tomahawk Jaycees’ totem poles that were erected in 1956. Call 630-406-7648 evenings/weekends.) •“Dear Laura” – Letters From Tomahawk Service Men and Women to Mrs. Laura Norenberg During WWII,” prepared by Col. David R. Baltes, U.S. Army, Retired, and SSG Gordon E. Lovsletten, U.S. Army, Retired. During World War I and II, Tomahawk’s Laura Norenberg provided support to the men and women from Tomahawk who were serving in the Army, Army Air Corps., Navy and Marines and Coast Guard. •“Souvenir Views of Tomahawk, Wisconsin,” a story of Tomahawk through photographs and some history about early settlers, lumberjacks and logging, mills and dams, the railroad, Bradley Park, boarding houses and hotels, the municipality and mayors, industries, bridges, hospitals, saloons and taverns, dining establishments, resorts and cabins, early schools, gas stations and pumps, people, places and events. •“Billy or the Tale of the Family Shoe Lace – An Adventure Story” and “Alice or In My Little Girls’ Garden,” children’s books written and illustrated by Betty and Maurice Norman. •“Remembering Yesterday: Memories of Tomahawk.” Stories, songs and poems that are souvenirs of the past, recalling family and community life in the city of Tomahawk and surrounding areas. •“Attitudes Are Contagious: Are Yours Worth Catching?” by Dennis E. Mannering with Wendy K. Mannering. How to put quality into your life … both at work and in your personal relationships. •“everyday HEROES: Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things” by Dennis E. Mannering, author, professional speaker and seminary leader. •“Ugly … But Funny,” a collection of humorous 22 20 -- Tomahawk Leader -- ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 From archery to firearms, area offers shooting opportunities By Tom Colstad Tomahawk Leader Sports Editor sports@tomahawkleader.com For shooting enthusiasts, whether archery or firearms, the Tomahawk area sports several venues where flinging arrows or firing shotguns, rifles or pistols are both safe and fun. Somo Fish and Game Club The Somo Fish and Game Club, located at W8420 County Road CC, approximately seven miles west of Tomahawk, offers a variety of outdoor activities for its members and the public, including rifle and pistol shooting, trap shooting events, fishing events, boating, horseshoes, and more, but shooting activities are its biggest draw. The rifle and pistol range is open daily to members only from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Members may shoot firearms from the club’s shooting benches at the raised berm backstops. The club has both 100- and 200-yard backstops. Annual membership fees are $10 or $15 for a family. Membership information can be picked up at the clubhouse, from Tracy Bartz at bartz5wk@ yahoo.com or 715-966-3815 or from Gary Sweet at gtsweet58@gmail.com or 715-453-0701. Somo Fish and Game Club offers trap shooting Wednesdays and Thursdays through Labor Day between 4 and 9 p.m. Trap shooting is open to the public. The club has two trap houses, and the cost to participate is: members, $4 per round plus shells; and non-members, $5 per round plus shells. There’s a discounted rate for youth shooters (those under age 18) at $2 per round plus shells. Shotgun shells are available for purchase at the clubhouse. During the month of June, on Thursdays from 4 to 6 p.m., the club offers a Youth Shooting Program to new shooters who have graduated from the Wisconsin DNR Hunter Safety Program. Harshaw Sports Club The Harshaw Sports Club is located a mile-anda-half west on Rocky Run Road off of Hwy. 51 near Harshaw. It offers trap shooting, sporting clays and a rifle/pistol range. Membership fees are $25 per year for an individual and $35 for a family. The club is open to the public on league nights (Wednesdays) and special shoots. The cost of shooting trap is $3.50 for members and $4.50 for non-members. A sporting clays course is set up on an “open shooting” style. There are no teams. The cost is $10 for members and $15 for non-members. Call Bill Asuma at 715-493-4327 for details. Lincoln County Sports Club The Lincoln County Sports Club (LCSC), located on Schultz Spur Road off of County Road K north of Merrill, features three 100-/200-yard berm-protected rifle ranges and one 25-/50-yard pistol range. It also has a trap house that is employed on Monday evenings during the summer months to teach kids and others how to handle and shoot a shotgun. All shooters must be LCSC members. The annual dues are $15 per person 18 years and older, $20 for a couple and $12.50 for kids, ages 14-17. Memberships may be purchased in Tomahawk at Viegut’s Do-It-Express, Tomahawk Surplus Store or Aquatic Arts and in Merrill at Cimino’s Gun and Archery, Daul’s Barber Shop, Johnson Gifts, Leroy’s Barbershop and Rutt’n Rod Outfitters. There is a Wednesday archery league that runs until mid-August. New teams or individual shooters are welcome. Each Wednesday, the two-person teams shoot arrows at 14 targets ranging from point blank to more than 40 yards. For more information, call Travis White at 715-218-8418. BOWLING! IS THE ANSWER AIN15 STR100 • 8 LANES A PERFECT GROUP ACTIVITY • AUTOMATIC • WEATHER PROOF SCORING • APPEAL FOR • BURGERS ALL AGES • APPETIZERS • RESERVATIONS • BEVERAGES ACCEPTED • WIFI • GUARANTEED FUN • BUMPERS & DRAGONS 309 W. Wisconsin Ave. • Downtown Tomahawk 715-453-3245 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 -- Tomahawk Leader -- 21 23 At the Heart of Your Community From Tomahawk Public Library The library serves a large area, including the City of Tomahawk, Lincoln County and also parts of Oneida and Price Counties. Although the City of Tomahawk has a population of 3,400, the Tomahawk Public Library has a much greater “service population” with over 7,600 users. We invite you to stop in and browse our collection of books, audio books, music CDs, movies on DVD, children’s kits and magazines. We have a special teen area with new furniture, a “gaming” table where you can enjoy playing a game of checkers and lots of new books. On Thursday mornings we have a program, “Play and Learn,” designed for little people and the grown-ups who care for them. “Play and Learn” provides a place for social interaction for caregivers and children. In the summer, we have special programming for preschool and school-age children. We also offer a teen summer library reading program. In August, the library will present, “Stories on the River.” Our adult summer reading program, Lincoln County Reads is offered at both libraries in Lincoln County: the Tomahawk Public Library and the T.B. Scott Library in Merrill. Anyone 18 and over can participate in the program. The program runs May 25 until Sept. 1. For those people doing genealogical research, the library has a digital microfilm reader/printer. Patrons searching our collection of Tomahawk Leader back issues and census microfilm records heavily use this Studio302 Studio 302 machine. Our patrons may also access two electronic databases: Heritage Quest or Ancestry.com via the Internet with your V-Cat patron barcode. Call us for details at 715-453-2455. The library offers six public access computers for Internet and word processing for our patrons and we now have wireless Internet available inside our building. All computers are being well used by patrons doing papers, resumes, school assignments and reference work. To keep up with the times, Tomahawk Public Library has added a web page http://wvls.lib.wi.us/ tomahawkpl/ Check out our website for current information on library recommended sites and programs. Our website is updated monthly. Also for Facebook fans our library has a Facebook page on the web – join our many friends to share in the library’s latest news. Our automated library system allows patrons in Tomahawk to share the library materials in 31 other WVLS libraries. The on-line catalog allows our patrons to place holds on these materials at home on the Internet or at the library, and have them sent to our library for their use. Patrons now may access their account, check on library materials they have out and renew these materials if necessary from home. As you can tell, we are more than “just books” – come see what we have to offer you, whether you are here for a short visit, a seasonal resident or living all year in this area. We encourage you to visit us at 300 W. Lincoln Ave., along the beautiful shores of the Wisconsin River. Hair Salon, LLC FAMILY HAIR CARE 3021/2 S. Tomahawk Ave., Tomahawk, WI 715-453-3431 Gift Certificates • Hair Cuts Available • Shampoo & Style • Perms & Hair Color Debit & Credit Cards Accepted • Facial Waxing AIN15 STU302 All are welcome, including supervised minors M-Tu & Th: 8-7 W: 8-5 F: 8-4 Sat 8-12 715-453-8495 GLASS 199 Oneida Dr., Suite B, Tomahawk • Auto • Home • Business www.areaautoglasswi.com “We will fix your panes” AIN15 TOM290 Window & door replacement, Custom showers, all types of glass, mirrors, Auto glass Your Full Service Glass Provider • Any & All Glass Every Wed. thru October 7th 7 p.m. games / doors open at 5:30 p.m. SARA Park 900 W Somo Ave., Tomahawk $ 550-$1,000 weekly prize money plus a progressive coverall game worth $1,000s RipƟckets, light refreshments available Bring the family, enjoy bingo, have fun! All proceeds go to the operaƟon of SARA Park. 715-966-0600 or sarapark.org for more informaƟon AIN15 TOM320 22 -- Tomahawk Leader -24 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 MAINTENANCE COSTS HUGE Harshaw Wanderers snowmobilers help support local trails, causes The Harshaw Wanderers snowmobile club had another great year of snowmobiling and fundraisers. The group had two poker runs, two raffles, a Christmas party and a Spring Dinner. We are a social club. Our objective as a club is to spread the good word about snowmobiling, snowmobiling safety and having fundraisers to donate funding to area snowmobile trails. We also like to donate to a few local charities, too. We like to increase public awareness as to why snowmobile clubs have so many fundraisers. It is an enormous expense to keep the trails maintained. Many people are unaware of this fact. Fundraisers are the key ingredients to the continuing existence of our great snowmobile trails. Maintaining the trails costs tens of thousands of dollars in equipment and fuel, plus the countless volunteered manhours. The Northwoods Passage alone has over a million dollars in equipment and operating expenses for one season are about $150,000! Without fundraisers, there would be no trails. We have some of the best trails in the state here in the Tomahawk area. These great snowmobile trails bring in a lot of out-of-town business. We hear a lot of good reports about our community from these visiting snowmobilers. Snowmobiling is becoming more popular as a winter sport. There are currently 596 snowmobile clubs in the state of Wisconsin, and over 22,000 miles of marked trails in the state! Wisconsin trails are ranked in the top 3 trail systems in the nation. The new Wisconsin Trail Pass Law will come into effect as of July 1. These passes must be purchased annually. They are separate from your snowmobile registration. If you belong to a snowmobile club that is affiliated with the AWSC (Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs) the trail pass is only $10 per sled. Local snowmobile clubs are not responsible for these trail passes. This is the snowmobile owner’s responsibility. You can get your passes through the AWSC office after July. You can get them by phone, online, by mail or right from the office. You will need to provide them with your AWSC membership number. If you belong to a local club you will get this number from them. If you are not a club member, you can purchase your trail pass through the DNR. You still have to register your sleds with the state. The rates will now be $30 for three years instead of every two years. Out-of-state (non-resident) passes will increase to $50. Club memberships alone will not result in a discount for the non-resident trail pass. If you don’t live in Wisconsin, you can still register your sled here providing that your state’s law allows you to do so. If you do this, you can join a snowmobile club and the same fees will apply to you as do us. The pass will only be $10. This new law is a good law. It will help generate income for the good of the snowmobile trails. There are still many riders out there who don’t belong to any clubs or even support club fundraisers. This past year the Harshaw Wanderers raised over $8,000. We were happy to donate to the Northwoods Passage, Northern Trails Unlimited, Cassian and Nokomis Fire Departments, Nokomis Food Pantry, the Veterans Snowmobile Ride and the Never Forgotten Honor Flight. Fundraising continues this summer as we will be selling our “famous fried cheese” at the Nokomis Lawn Mower races. For more about our club, contact Gina Hensel at 715-499-4787. Help author find out Jaycee totem pole history By Frank Rippinger Back in 1956, the Tomahawk Jaycees built, painted and installed two colorful totem poles in the downtown area. One was placed on the center island boulevard on South Tomahawk Avenue, just south of Bradley Bank. The other one was placed at the tip of the center island across from East Wisconsin Avenue and North Fourth Street. They were identical in design, but with slightly different paint schemes. Both stood about 20-feet high. These colorful symbols of Tomahawk were maintained by the Jaycees and were popular tourist attractions for more than 15 years. But what happened to them? The one on East Wisconsin Avenue and North Fourth Street toppled over after splitting at its base in November 1971. The totem pole on South Tomahawk Avenue is a bit more of a mystery. It did stand through the summer of 1975, or possibly longer. I haven’t been able to find out any information on when it was removed or what happened to it. I’m appealing to readers of the Tomahawk Leader to help me find an answer to this question, and to find out who originally built the totem poles back in 1956. I’m seeking photos and any other information regarding the Jaycees totem poles of downtown Tomahawk. Please call 630-406-7648, evenings or weekends. ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 23 -- Tomahawk Leader -- 25 Post card collection becomes new book By Kathy Tobin Tomahawk Leader Editor kathy@tomahawkleader.com AIN15 NOR202 FAST LUBE OIL CHANGES Logging Camp; and the Hamm’s Bear of Leon’s Lake Ice Co. & Cabins. Rippinger’s book is a joy to page through and certainly would be a nice collectible for anyone who visited or lived here, especially during the heydays of resorts. Copies sell for $18 at Nelson’s County Market, Tomahawk Ben Franklin and here at the Tomahawk Leader office. Jackie Leonhard 715-612-2673 or Office 888-453-2673 101 W. Mohawk Dr., Toimahawk QUALITY TIRE SALES SUSPENSION & DRIVE TRAIN REPAIR 40 years family run father/son business • Computer Alignment • Struts • Brakes • Exhaust • Wheel Balance • Tire Repair • Drive Traain & Suspension Repair Over 40 years of high quality service 104 S. Tomahawk Ave., Tomahawk 715-453-4423 US NAVY veterans Ca ll Rick y at 715-453-2062 715-966-0602 Res iden ti al Commerci al So un d Systems Tren ch ing Free Es ti m ates 5 Star Business “Hometown Electricians” Use this ad for $10 OFF! AIN15 MYR200 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-12 AIN15 NCR100 It’s been a long time coming but Frank Rippinger’s interest in preserving parts of Tomahawk’s past has resulted in a book that will be of interest to locals and visitors alike. “Color Post Cards of Tomahawk, Wisconsin, Including Heafford Junction and Hazelhurst” has been about a 12-year project,” the first-time author notes. An Illinois resident, Rippinger says he’s been coming to the Tomahawk area since 1969, when he was 10 years old. “My aunt and uncle owned an A-frame cottage on Jenny Lake north of town,” he shares. “I was ‘hooked’ on the north country from the start, and have been coming back ever since. “I started collecting post cards in the 1970’s from resorts I would stay at. That expanded into collecting resort and tourism literature of northern Wisconsin resort areas, but the Tomahawk area was always my favorite of all,” he states. “I would always buy local books of northern Wisconsin when on vacation there, because if I can’t be ‘up north,’ at least I can read about (it) when I’m not there. “Then, one day about 12 years ago, I realized that I had quite a few color post cards of Tomahawk, Heafford Jct. and Hazelhurst, and that it would be nice to get them into a book so that others could enjoy them too,” he relates. Scenes found in the colorful, 62-page book include: Downtown Tomahawk; Stores of the Tomahawk Area; Motels, Bars and Restaurants; Kwahamot Ski Club; U.S. Hwy. 51 Bridge; Aerial Views and Tomahawk Area Map; Resort Scenes; Multi-Views & Scenic Views; Heafford Jct. Wis. Scenes; and Hazelhurst, Wis. Scenes. Examples of some of the post cards feature views of Duck Point Resort, The Outpost Campground; Twin Bay Resort, Red Arrow Lodge, Don’s Manson Lake Camp Ground; Swamp Lake Resort; lake scenes of Lake Nokomis and Manson Lake, Mrs. Magnus’ Dutch Mill Candy and Gifts (The Windmill); Jim’s 26 24 -- Tomahawk Leader -- ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 AIN15 SAI250 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 2015 Pages 27-32 CALENDAR of Events (Note: This is just a sampling of events in our area. Events take place in Tomahawk unless otherwise indicated. Dates and times listed here subject to change. Call ahead if traveling any distance. Look for updates at w w w . t o m a h a w k l e a d e r. c o m . Also check www.traveltomahawk.com for our Town Square Business Directory for places to stay, shop, dine.) ONGOING •Kwahamot Water Ski Club – Free water ski shows, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, through Sept. 5, Kwahamot Park by N. 4th St. bridge. Starting time is 7:30 p.m. until June 16 when it changes to 8 p.m.; back to 7:30 p.m. beginning Aug. 11. •Tomahawk Historical Museums –Two museums on East Washington Avenue. Open Tuesdays-Fridays, June 16 through Aug. 21, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., or by appointment. Hosted by Tomahawk Area Historical Society. Information: 715-453-2056. •Tuesday Tomahawk Main Street Farmers’ Market – Tuesdays (June 9 through September), 9 a.m.-1 p.m. or sold out, North Third Street and Wisconsin Avenue, downtown Tomahawk. Nonprofits’ bake sale, occasional local entertainment. Growers from Lincoln, Price and Oneida counties; season-long and daily rates available. Information: 715-453-3676. •Thursday Tomahawk Girl Scouts Flea, Craft and Farmers Market – Thursdays, JuneAugust, Washington Square Park, near Chamber. Benefits Tomahawk Girl Scouts. Park has children’s play equipment. Cancelled during severe weather. (Note: This is just a sampling of events in our area. Dates and times listed here subject to change. Call ahead if traveling any distance. Look for updates at www.tomahawkleader.com. Also check www.traveltomahawk.com for our Town Square Business Directory of places to stay, shop, dine.) -- Tomahawk Leader -- 25 27 For vendor information, call 715-453-4140, 715-453-4439. •Saturday Tomahawk Farmers Market and Flea Market – Saturdays, June 6-end of October, Washington Square Park, near Chamber building. Lincoln County and/or Tomahawk School District farm vendors; flea market vendors from anywhere. Accepting SNAP/EBT and debit cards. Park has children’s play equipment and washrooms. Information/vendor contact: 715-453-1173. •Music on the River – Wednesdays, June 24, July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 6-8 p.m., Veterans Memorial Park. Rain location, SARA Park. More specifics below. Information: 715-453-7508, Facebook at www.facebook.com/TomahawkMusicOnTheRiver. •WaWui Bingo – Wednesdays, 7 p.m. games, doors open 5:30 p.m., SARA Park Activity Center, 900 W. Somo Ave. All welcome, including supervised minors. •Summer Outdoor Worship – Sundays, 10 a.m., Schaefer’s Wharf, County Road L on Lake Nokomis, Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. Presented by Grace Lutheran Church. Bring chair, blanket. Rain location: Indoors at Grace Lutheran Church, 108 W. Somo Ave., Tomahawk. Information: 715453-4066. Everyone welcome. •Tomahawk Youth Soccer – Tuesdays and CALENDAR continued on Page 28 1000 Day Street Rhinelander, WI 54501 For a Tour contact Maureen at 715-365-1234 Spacious Apartments with Kitchenettes 24 Hour Staff RN Care Coordinator 3 Nutritious Meals Daily RN on Site Medication Management Dock on the Wisconsin River “Our Mission is to Assist” www.gracelodge.com AIN15 GRA500 28 26 --- Tomahawk Tomahawk Leader Leader --2015 CALENDAR of Events Thursdays, July 7 (5:30 p.m.) through July 30 (6 p.m. other nights), SARA Park. Kids ages 5-11 play until 7 p.m.; ages 12-18 until 7:30 p.m. New this year, visiting/out-of-town children can join soccer for $3 per day. They (and their parent/guardian) should stop by the concessions trailer to fill out registration form and pay fee. •Tomahawk Public Library Summer Reading Program – June 15-July 24. Various musicians and storytellers, library events during six-week program (Super events, June 16, June 30, July 14 – See specifics below; Heroic stories for younger children, Tuesdays, June 23, July 7 and 21, 10-10:30 a.m.; Heroic activities for older children: Fridays, June 26, July 10 and 24, 10-10:45 a.m.) Library hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-7 p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Sunday, closed. Information: 715-453-2455. •Fun Runs – Mondays and Thursdays, 6:30 p.m., from Veterans Memorial Park, July 6-Aug. 13. •HAVEN Progressive Bingo – Sundays, 7 p.m., Les & Jim’s Lincoln Lanes, 1208 N. Center Ave., Merrill. Information: 715-536-1300. JUNE 2015 •Kids’ Free Fishing Contest – Saturday, June 6. Registration at Veterans Memorial Park at 8 a.m. Sign up for door prizes, pick up free bait and grab bags. Sponsored by Tomahawk Fishing Unlimited, contest runs 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. Prizes awarded for biggest catches in two age groups (ages 10 and younger and 11-15) in five fish categories. Additional contest rules available at registration. •Tomahawk Community Awards – Saturday, June 6, 6:30 p.m., Inshalla Country Club. Recognizing outstanding service and leadership. Sponsored by Tomahawk Leader and Inshalla. Social at 5:30 p.m., program and awards follow dinner. Tickets at Tomahawk Leader and Tomahawk Chamber. Information: 715-453-2151. •Free Fishing and ATV/UTV Weekend – Saturday-Sunday, June 6-7. All bodies of water in Wisconsin are free to fish without a license or stamp for residents and non-residents; size and bag limits apply. All ATV and UTV trails in Wisconsin open to riders; no registration or trail pass needed. •June Cleavage Open – Sunday, June 7, Inshalla Country Club. Four-some, ninehole scramble to benefit Ties That Bind Us, local breast cancer foundation. Light lunch, ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 12:30 p.m.; registration, 12:30-1:30 p.m.; shotgun start, 2 p.m. Flag events, contests, raffles, food and awards follow golf. Information: 715-966-0196, 715-453-3130. •Wisconsin River Pro Rodeo – Friday-Sunday, June 12-14, Lincoln County Fairgrounds. Information: 715-536-9474. •Rockin’ Tomahawk 5k/Half Marathon – Saturday, June 13, SARA Park. Half marathon at 8 a.m., 5k at 9 a.m., Kids’ One-Mile Fun Run (ages 12 and under) at 9:45 a.m., awards at 10:30 a.m., concessions, 10-noon. Information: www.rockintomahawk.com. •Community-Wide Rummage Sale – Saturday, June 13, sponsored by Tomahawk Leader. Sale sites may be open additional days and hours, but must be open 9 a.m.-2 p.m. June 13. Listings in the Tomahawk Leader, www.tomahawkleader.com and with the Tomahawk Chamber. •Lincoln County June Dairy Breakfast – Sunday, June 14, 8 a.m.-noon, MARC center, 1100 MARC Dr., Merrill. Menu includes all-you-care-toeat Dad’s Belgian Waffles with toppings, cheesy scrambled eggs, sausage links, locally produced cheese curds, chocolate and white milk, cranberry and orange juice, coffee. Cost: adults, $8; ages 6-11, $4; under age 5, free. Also horse and wagon rides, petting zoo, music by Merrill High School Band, kids’ activity area, Lincoln County Farm Bureau’s Ag Producer Expo, Community Blood Center blood drive. •Jim Lenz, the Magic & Science Guy – Tuesday, June 16, 10 a.m., Tomahawk Public Library. Free public program, part of Tomahawk Public Library Children’s Summer Library Program. All invited. Information: 715-453-2455. •Nokomis Lawnmower and Bar Stool Races – Saturday, June 20, Nokomis Community Park, County Road L, Tomahawk. Time trials at 2 p.m., races at 3 p.m. •Music on the River – Wednesday, June 24, 6-8 p.m., Veterans Memorial Park, music by Copper Box. Free admission; bring lawn chairs, blankets, special cookout. Rain location, SARA Park. •St. Mary’s Summer Festival – Friday-Sunday, June 26-28, parish grounds in Tomahawk. Information: 715-453-2878. •Scandinavian Midsummer Celebration – Saturday, June 27, 2 p.m., Knox Creek Heritage Center, W4517 Knox Rd., Brantwood. Commemorate traditional Scandinavian summer celebrations with exhibits, maypole, bread sale, silent auction, music, bonfire, gift shop, dinner with Scandinavian foods at 3 p.m. Theme is salute to area veterans, with speakers, photos, memorabilia. Information: 715-564-2520, 715-564-2525. •Little Rice Chicken Picnic/Fundraiser – Saturday, June 27, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Little Rice Fire Station, 3737 County Road Y, Tomahawk. Food, kids’ games, raffles. CALENDAR continued on Page 29 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 2015 CALENDAR of Events •Northwoods Wildlife Center Program – Tuesday, June 30, 10 a.m., Tomahawk Public Library. Free public event, part of Tomahawk Public Library Children’s Summer Library Program. Information: 715-453-2455. JULY 2015 •Music on the River – Wednesday, July 1, 6-8 p.m., Veterans Memorial Park, music by The Del Rays. Free admission; bring lawn chairs, blankets, picnic lunch. Rain location, SARA Park. •Chamber Arts & Crafts Show – Friday, July 3, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., SARA Park, entertainment, food. Part of Pow Wow Days celebration. Information: 715-453-5334. •Party in the Park – Friday, July 3, a family music event, 4 p.m., Veterans Memorial Park. Featuring The Britins. Sponsored by Tomahawk Chamber of Commerce as part of Pow Wow Days celebration. Information: 715-453-5334. •Alumni Kwahamot Water Ski Show – Friday, July 3, 8 p.m., Kwahamot Bay, off North Fourth Street. Free show presented by Kwahamot Ski Club with many former members on hand. •Pow Wow Days (Day 2) – Friday, July 4: 5K/10K, 1 mile Fun Run, 8:30 a.m. with Fun Run at approximately 9:30 a.m., Veterans Memorial Park, chip/t-shirt pickup at 6:45-8 a.m. (Pre-registration before July 1 at www.active.com; information: 715453-8975; watch for listing of winners afterwards at www.tomahawkleader.com). Kids’ Games, about 10:30 a.m., Veterans Memorial Park, running, frog-jumping contest for kids. Lions Chicken Barbecue, begins 10 a.m., downtown, popcorn and other food. Parade, 1 p.m., downtown followed by Tomahawk Fire Department water fights, music. Kwahamot Water Ski Show, 8 p.m., Kwahamot Bay off North Fourth Street. Fireworks, dusk, visible from SARA Park and Kwahamot ski area. Pow Wow Days sponsored by Tomahawk Lions Club. Information and updates: www.tomahawklions.org. •Music on the River – Wednesday, July 8, 6-8 p.m., Veterans Memorial Park, music by Elvis Tribute Artist Art Kistler and EP Boulevard Show Band. Free admission; bring lawn chairs, blankets, picnic lunch. Rain location, SARA Park. •1965 THS Reunion – Saturday, July 11, Pine Tree Supper Club. Call 715-453-7183 for details. •Kids’ Panfishing Day – Saturday, July 11, 27 -- Tomahawk Leader -- 29 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Little Spirit Lake boat landing, Hwy. 102, Spirit. Fish must be registered by 1 p.m.; $3; games, prizes, raffles. Information: 715-427-3778, 715-427-3464. •Tomahawk Chamber Annual Golf Outing – Friday, July 17, Inshalla Country Club. Information: 715-453-5334. •Seeing Stars Portable Planetarium – Tuesday, July 14, 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. (two sessions), Tomahawk School District complex. Free public event; part of Tomahawk Public Library Children’s Summer Library Program. Limited seating; tickets required. Information: 715-453-2455. •Music on the River – Wednesday, July 15, 6-8 p.m., Veterans Memorial Park, music by Reilly. Free admission; bring lawn chairs, blankets, picnic lunch. Rain location, SARA Park. •Tomahawk Chamber Two-Person Scramble – Friday, July 17, Inshalla Country Club. Information: 715-453-5334. •School of the Arts at Rhinelander – FridaySunday, July 17-19, James Williams Middle School and Cedric A. Vig Outdoor Classroom, Rhinelander. Workshops in visual arts, culinary arts, mind/body/ spirit, performing arts, and writing. Continuing Studies, UW-Madison. Information: www.soawisconsin.org. •No Kwahamot Ski Show – Saturday, July 18, team competing at Wisconsin State Show Ski Championships. •Music on the River – Wednesday, July 22, 6-8 p.m., Veterans Memorial Park, music by The Jimmys. Free admission; bring lawn chairs, blankets, picnic lunch. Rain location, SARA Park. •Lincoln County 4-H Fair – Wednesday-Sunday, July 22-26, Lincoln County Fairgrounds, Merrill. Information: 715-536-5212, www.lincolnco4hfair.com. •German Settlement History Picnic and Open House – Saturday, July 25, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Yesterday House and Liberty School, N894 S. German Settlement Rd., Spirit. Bring dish to pass for potluck picnic and learn about area’s German history. Hot dogs, brats provided by German Settlement History, Inc. Tour Yesterday House, a log house built in 1885, contains items of early settlers and Liberty School built in 1919. Also “machine shed” houses farming and logging equipment from 18801950. Open to visitors spring to fall. Information: http://germansettlementhistory.org, 715-564-3299, gshinc@centurylink.net. •Nokomis Lawnmower and Bar Stool Races – Saturday, July 25, Nokomis Community Park, County Road L, Tomahawk. Time trials at 2 p.m., races at 3 p.m. •Kwahamots Timber Shine Benefit Ski Show – Saturday, July 25, 8 p.m., Kwahamot Bay near North Fourth Street Bridge. Information: 715-612-3223. •Music on the River – Wednesday, July 29, 6-8 p.m., Veterans Memorial Park, music by Rockwell. Free admission; bring lawn chairs, blankets, picnic CALENDAR continued on Page 30 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 30 28 --- Tomahawk Tomahawk Leader Leader --2015 CALENDAR of Events lunch. Rain location, SARA Park. •Totally Tomahawk Street Sales/Sidewalk Sales – Thursday-Saturday, July 30-31 and Aug. 1, special sales throughout downtown and North Fourth Street. Information: 715-453-5334. •Oneida County Fair – Thursday-Sunday, July 30-Aug. 2, Pioneer Park, Rhinelander. Celebrate 119th year with family fun/ entertainment for all ages, including live music, games, education, 4-H and open class exhibits, carnival rides, food. Free admission. Information: www.oneidacountyfairwi.com. •Kwahamots Host Division 2 Show Ski National Championships – Friday, July 31-Sunday, Aug. 2, Kwahamot Bay. D2 shows start at 7 a.m. Saturday and Sunday, and go until about 6:30 p.m. Saturday and 3:30 p.m. Sunday, with awards around 4 p.m. Sunday afternoon. Public invited to watch. No regular ski show Saturday, Aug. 1. •Spirit-Hill-Ogema 4-H Fair – Friday-Saturday, July 31-Aug. 1, Spirit Town Hall, W1316 State Road 86, Ogema. Old-fashioned-type fair, with 4-H style show, buffet dinner at 11 a.m. Saturday, frogjumping contest, egg toss, tug-of-war, other kids’ activities in afternoon, plus evening program. Judging Friday at 7 p.m. and Saturday morning. Information: 715-339-0250, 715-564-3340. AUGUST 2015 •Don Lintereur Memorial Run – Saturday, Aug. 1, beginning and ending at Nokomis Community Park, County Road L, Tomahawk. Half marathon at 8 a.m., with 5k and 10k races at 9 a.m.; mile kids’ fun run at 10 a.m. Register online at www.jogrunrace. com; information: donsrun.dlmr@gmail.com, 715453-4165. •Totally Tomahawk Street Sales/Sidewalk Sales continued – Through Saturday, Aug. 1, special sales throughout downtown and North Fourth Street. Information: 715-453-5334. •Spirit-Hill-Ogema 4-H Fair continued – Through Saturday, Aug. 1, Spirit Town Hall, W1316 State Road 86, Ogema. •Kwahamots Host Division 2 Show Ski National Championships continued – Through Sunday, Aug. 2, Kwahamot Bay. D2 shows start at 7 a.m. Saturday and Sunday, and go until about 6:30 p.m. Saturday and 3:30 p.m. Sunday, with awards around 4 p.m. Sunday afternoon. Public invited to watch. No regular ski show. •Oneida County Fair continued – Through Sunday Aug. 2, Pioneer Park, Rhinelander. Celebrate 119th year with family fun/ entertainment for all ages, including live music, games, education, 4-H and open class exhibits, carnival rides, food. Free admission. Information: www.oneidacountyfairwi.com. •Antique Outboard Boat and Motor Show – Wednesday-Saturday, Aug. 5-8: 36th annual event draws national/international participants/vendors, 9 a.m., SARA Park. Includes vendors, competition, boat parade, swap meet. Indoor and outdoor displays. Free admission. Information: 715-365-5649. •Thrilla on the Grilla Rib Cook-off – Saturday, Aug. 8, noon-5 p.m., downtown. Sponsored by Tomahawk Lions Club as fundraiser for non-profit organizations. Information: 715-612-3024. •Price County Fair – Wednesday-Sunday, Aug. 12-16, Fairgrounds, Phillips. All carnival rides and entertainment free with gate admission. Wednesday, Aug. 12, entry day, exhibit judging, antique farm equipment display and Log School open; Thursday, Aug. 13, Rondini (3 shows), pony rides, antique farm equipment display and Log School open, evening entertainment; Friday, Aug. 14, Rondini (3 shows), dance team dunk tank, pony rides, Phillips High School Dance Team, chainsaw carver, Kicking Rocks Band, antique farm equipment and Log School, Duane Karau, dance; Saturday, Aug. 15, Rondini, dance team dunk tank, pony rides, chainsaw carver, The Flemming Fold (3 shows), Duane Karau-dance, kiddie tractor pull, Red Higgins and Yankee Train, antique farm equipment and log school; Sunday, Aug. 16, Sunday morning worship at chapel (10 a.m.), demo derby, pony rides, Super Picker Clay (from Crystal Café), antique farm equipment and Log School display. Information: www.pricecountyfair.com, www.facebook. com/pricecountyfair. •Poultry and Fun Shoot – Sunday, Aug. 16, noon, Somo Fish and Game Club, W8420 County Road CC. Information: 715-453-0701. •Tomahawk Regional Airport Hamburger Social Fly-In – Thursday, Aug. 27, 5-7 p.m.. Sponsored by Friends of the Tomahawk Airport. People fly in from all over to socialize and have something to eat. Airport located off Hwy. 86. CALENDAR continued on Page 31 Hetzel Plumbing & Heating, Inc. (in Business since 1910) •S Soil oili Tests sts s •S Sept eptic iicc Sys System Sy tems ems • Plum mbin b g Fixt Fixt i ure uress • Hydr Hydr y oni on c He Heat eat Reside Res id nti ide n al & Comm om erc ercial i ial Fully Ful lyy Lic icens e ed & Insu ens Insu nsured red Hetzel Plumbing & Heating, Inc. 703 North Ave., Tomahawk 715-453-3715 AIN15 HET200 hetzelpb@yahoo.com 2015 CALENDAR of Events SEPTEMBER 2015 •Progress Days – Friday-Sunday, Sept. 4-6 (rain date Monday, Sept. 7), various locations in Prentice. Includes kickball, co-ed softball tournament, volleyball, dunk tank, arts and crafts, parade, food, inflatable rides and bouncies, open house at Caterpillar Forest Products, music, genealogical research, history display, log loading contest, airplane rides, old fire truck rides, watermelon eating contest, free children’s movie, live music in Fire Hall, Leo Heikkinen Memorial Golf Tournament, horse pull, bean bag tournament, horse drawn wagon rides, spaghetti feed, Community Hymn Sing, live music. Sponsored by Prentice Lions, Volunteer Fire Department, Optimists Club. Information: 715-428-2964, 715-428-2124. •Last Kwahamot Ski Show of Season – Saturday, Sept. 5, $1,000 raffle drawing. •No Frills Marathon – Sunday, Sept. 6, following Bearskin Trail from Tomahawk to Minocqua; race starts 7 a.m. from Nokomis Community Park, County Road L, Tomahawk, finishes at Bearskin Trailhead behind Minocqua Post Office. Register: www.minocquanofrillsmarathon.com. •Merrill Labor Day Parade and Merrill Lions Car Show – Monday, Sept. 7, Merrill. Parade downtown, 10 a.m.; events at Lincoln County Fairgrounds at noon, classic car show, Habitat for Humanity Auction, flea market, entertainment for kids. •A Country Afternoon – Saturday, Sept. 12, 1-4 p.m., Knox Creek Heritage Center, N4517 W. Knox Creek Rd., off Hwy. 8, Brantwood. Glimpse of farm life long ago, old-time country social and picnic. Bread sale, baking contest/auction, exhibits, quilters, crafts, raffles, live music, cookout, history displays. Information: 715-564-2520, 715-564-2525, cen73683@centurytel.net, mbraske@yahoo.com. •Tomahawk Fall Ride for MDA – ThursdaySunday, Sept. 17-20: Tomahawk’s premier event and huge fundraiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, with $2 million-plus raised for the charity over the years. Four-day motorcycle rally that attracts up to 40,000 bike enthusiasts, with HarleyDavidson plant tours, Friday night Thunder Parade, live music including SARA Park and downtown evening street dances, bike raffles, Chamber bonfire/ brat fry and much more. Major events at SARA Park, Harley-Davidson plant(s), downtown and Nokomis Community Park, plus venues throughout community. -- Tomahawk Leader -- 29 31 Information: 715-453-5334; watch for updates and follow-up pictures at www.tomahawkleader.com. The Tomahawk Leader also publishes the official Fall Ride Guide in August. •Lawnmower and Bar Stool Races – Saturday, Sept. 19, time trials 11 a.m., racing, noon, Nokomis Community Park, County Road L, Tomahawk. •56th Annual Christmas Tree Festival – Saturday, Sept. 26, begins 9 a.m.-midnight, N1859 School House Rd., downtown Ogema. Parade, 11 a.m.; chicken BBQ at 11:30 a.m., other food, refreshments, “Run to the Peak” race to Timm’s Hill, Ogema Public Library book and video sale, quilt show and raffle, Pioneer House Museum open, wreath and Christmas tree judging, tree toss, lasagna dinner 4-6 p.m., evening program 7 p.m. Ogema Fire Company’s annual Fireman’s Dance, 9 p.m.-midnight at fire hall. •Central Wisconsin River Series Bass Championship – Saturday-Sunday, Sept. 26-27 in Tomahawk. Information: 715-571-5671. OCTOBER 2015 •ATV/UTV JAMboree – Friday-Saturday, Oct. 2-3, SARA Park, by Northern Wisconsin ATV/UTV Council and Tomahawk Chamber. Friday, 3-8 p.m., Saturday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Demo rides from leading manufacturers, vendors, food, ATV/UTV area poker runs, trail rides, raffles. Information: 715-453-5334, 800-569-2160, tamra@gototomahawk.com. •Harvest Festival Dinner – Saturday, Oct. 24, 4-6 p.m., Brantwood Community Center, corner of Hwys. 8 and D, Brantwood. Dinner of homemade bison stew with all the fixings, homemade bread, pie, CALENDAR continued on Page 32 Drink Specials & Food Served Daily Maryʼs Hangout Home of the KICKASS MOSCOW MULES 715.453.1943 mahawk Ave. 515 S. To MAR450 AIN15 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 32 30 -- Tomahawk Leader -2015 CALENDAR of Events raffle drawing. Sponsored by Zion Lutheran Church. Information: 715-564-2283, brantwoodbison@ centurytel.net. •Halloween Festivities – Saturday, Oct. 31, downtown Tomahawk. Information: www. tomahawkmainstreet.org, 715-453-1090. NOVEMBER 2015 •Tomahawk Free Venison Feed – Friday, Nov. 20, 11:30 a.m. until gone, downtown Tomahawk. Serving venison burgers as kickoff to fall hunting. Tomahawk Chamber event. Information: 715-453-5334, 800-569-2160. •Northern Lights Christmas Parade and Winter Wonderland – Saturday, Nov. 28, downtown Tomahawk. Santa visit, holiday tree display. Tomahawk Chamber event. Information: 715-453-5334, 800-569-2160. Heuser Printing & Litho Letterpress & Offset Printing 1981 Heuser Rd., Tomahawk, WI 54487 715-453-2655 “We make a good impression” Get the AIN15 HEU200 The good old-fashioned way... Loved by thousands In Print and mailed to your home or office. DECEMBER 2015 •Finnish Independence Day – Saturday, Dec. 5, 2 p.m. dinner, 4 p.m. program. Community Center, N4888 Stadium Rd., corners of Hwy. 8 and County Road D, Brantwood. Finnish Independence Day with Finnish Mojakka (stew) dinner cooked in iron kettle outdoors over wood fire, homemade bread. Program follows meal talking about Finnish history, lighting of candles, ceremony to commemorate Finland’s independence from Russia in 1917, also celebrates community’s largely Finnish early background with slide show about history of Brantwood, Clifford and Tripoli. Event sponsored by Knox Creek Heritage Center. Information: 715-564-2520, 715-564-2525, cen7368@centurytel.net, mbraski@yahoo.com. MAY 2016 •22nd Annual Main Street Memories Car Show – Sunday, May 29, downtown Tomahawk. Hundreds of cars on display, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., entertainment for the entire family. The holiday weekend also includes “Wheels in Motion Motorcycle Show and Swap Meet,” BMX Bike and Skateboard Contest, Saturday, May 28, music and raffle that evening. Sponsored by Tomahawk Main Street. Information: 715-453-1090; www.tomahawkmainstreet.org. Photos and awards list afterwards at www.tomahawkleader.com. Dates and times listed here subject to change. Call ahead if traveling any distance. Look for updates at www.tomahawkleader.com. Or subscribe to our e-Edition available anywhere 24-7-365 An e-Edition A Ediiti subscription is just $35 a year Visit www.tomahawkleader.com for details or call 715-453-2151 sales@tomahawkleader.com ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 --- Tomahawk Tomahawk Leader Leader --- 31 33 Important Phone Numbers Emergency: 911 Lincoln County Sheriff ’s Department: 715-453-5747, 715-536-6262 Tomahawk Police Department: 715-453-2121 Tomahawk Fire Department: 715-453-8180 Hospital/Ministry Sacred Heart: 715-453-7700 Tomahawk City Hall: 715-453-4040 Crime Stoppers of Lincoln County: 715-536-3726 Oneida County Sheriff ’s Department: 715-361-5100 Oneida County Crime Tip Line: 715-362-8477 Nokomis Fire Department: 715-453-5870 Nokomis Town Hall: 715-453-4801 Wisconsin State Patrol: 715-845-1143 Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222 H PROS PLUS DIS “Affordable & Portable” Plenty t off parking ki g and d di dining 715-453-1105 859 N. 4th St., Tomahawk, WI 54487 AIN15 SUB200 ds nne cting the Northwoo AIN15 DIS200 Co •Home Automation & Security •Remote Video Surveillance •Home Networking Shop Hours: Thurs/Fri 9-5, Saturday 9-1; Or by appointment Servicing: Dishnetwork, DIRECTV, and Exede high speed internet 715-820-1531 dishprosplus@gmail.com • www.dishprosplus.com 302 S. Tomahawk Ave., Tomahawk, WI Imagine… Being Cooked... Dogs & Children die every summer even with the windows down, in minutes cars turn into coffins. Lifetime Warranty RIP AIN15 PAW200 Food 4 Pets and Education 4 their People Materials & Workmanship For more information contact Sunnie @ 715-612-5866 Dunn End ice damming with our Ventilated Stone Coated Steel It only looks expensive, see how economical it is! Financial Services LLC www.dunnfins.com John W. Dunn, Financial Advisor 102 W. Wisconsin Ave., PO Box 39 Tomahawk, WI 54487 715-493-4803 John.Dunn@voyafa.com Serving the Tomahawk Area Since 1974 RETIREMENT | INVESTMENTS | INSURANCE Dunn Financial Services LLC is not a subsidiary of nor controlled by Voya Financial Advisors. SECURITIES & INVESTMENT ADVISORY SERVICES OFFERED THROUGH VOYA FINANCIAL ADVISORS. MEMBER SIPC AIN15 DUN200 #1 Trusted Local Company - 20+ years experience - You deal with the owner Ask about our local extensive referral list. FREE 12” Suntunnel or $500 OFF AIN15 WRS101 32 -- Tomahawk Leader -34 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 Heroes have a story at Tomahawk Public Library “Every Hero Has a Story” is theme for the 2015 Tomahawk Public Library’s Children’s Summer Library Program, focusing on all kinds of heroes. Events run for six weeks from June 15 through July 24. Among the programs are: SUPER EVENTS •Jim Lenz, the Magic & Science Guy – Tuesday, June 16 at 10 a.m. •Northwoods Wildlife Center – Tuesday, June 30 at 10 a.m. •Seeing Stars Portable Planetarium – Tuesday, July 14 at 9:30 and 10:45 a.m., Tomahawk School District complex (two sessions, limited seating, tickets will be required). HEROIC STORIES Tuesdays, June 23, July 7 and July 21 from 10-10:30 a.m. Stories and fun for younger children. HEROIC ACTIVITIES Fridays, June 26, July 10 and July 24 from 10-10:45 a.m. Activities and fun for older children. Teen Program The 2015 Teen Summer Library Program theme is “BAM! POW! READ!” It runs the same six weeks. (A teen is anyone going into sixth grade through 12th grade.) The Teen Summer Library Program is a Reading Raffle. Teens read books and fill out a raffle ticket for every book they read. They return completed raffle tickets to a collection box located in the Tomahawk Teen Zone in the east end of the library. The more books they read, the more tickets they can put in for a chance to win prizes in the raffle drawing held after the program ends on July 24. There will be displays and fun activities going on in the library throughout the six weeks in both the children’s and teen areas. Stories by the River Also, the library’s “Stories by the River” will be held Wednesdays in August at 10:30 a.m. near the fire ring behind the library. Something for adults, too There also is an Adult Summer Program called “Escape the Ordinary.” Anyone age 18 and over can enter for drawings for every five books he/she reads of listens to. Drawing dates are June 23, July 21, Aug. 18 and Sept. 1. The Tomahawk library is located at 300 W. Lincoln Ave. Hours are Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. For information, call 715-453-2455 or visit http://tomahawkpubliclibrary. blogspot.com. AIN15 BEL200 ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 -- Tomahawk Leader -- 35 Tomahawk 686 N. FOURTH ST, TOMAHAWK, WI 715-224-3600 AIN15 BIL150 OPEN DAILY at 11am Homemade Sandwiches, Burgers, Wraps and WE DELIVER! Salads, Chicago-Style N12025 Cty. Hwy. L, Thin Crust Pizza, Friday Tomahawk, WI Fish Fry - Served All Day, 715-453-4984 Daily Lunch Specials Store Hours MON-FRI 8:30-5:30 • SAT 8:30-2:00 www.tomahawkappliance.com 2nd Location WOODRUFF APPLIANCE & TV 905 1ST AVE, WOODRUFF, WI • 715-356-2107 Store Hours MON-FRI 8:30-5:30 SAT 8:30-2:00 www.woodruffapplian e.com ATM WiFi Happy Hour Mon-Fri, 2-5pm HALF PRICE DRINKS: RAIL & DOMESTIC TAP BEER Sunday All-U-Can-Eat Award Winning Breakfast to Buffet 9am Noon $ .99 $ .99 8 Adults 5 10 & Under Baby Back Ribs and Smoked Chicken Refrigerators • Freezers Ranges • Ovens • Cooktops • Grills Dishwashers • Washers • Dryers Large Selection of Mattresses TVs & Electronics • Couches Recliners • End Tables & Accessories Serving Thursdays 5-9 while supplies last We smoke our own! Join us on our outdoor deck. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner Saturday Night Prime Rib Special Sunday Special 4-piece delicious Slow roasted $ .99 fried chicken dinner $ .99 Prime Rib with 14 baked potato & fresh vegetable 8 with homemade mashed potatoes & gravy and coleslaw w w w.BillyBobsSportsBarAndGrill.com Have FUN at the lake ...and remember to drink great water! AIN15 MAH200 NW15 WOO125 36 -- Tomahawk Leader -- ALIVE in the Northwoods 2015 YOUR HOMETOWN MARKET Whether Home Or Away ❏ LIQUOR ❏ BAKERY ❏ DELI ❏ FTD FLORAL ❏ FRESH MEATS & PRODUCE OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY 715-453-2174 In Northbay Plaza 662 N. 4th St., Tomahawk AIN NEL240
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fairgrounds through Aug. 8 for everyone to enjoy.
If you have any questions, contact Jake Lindner at the UW
Extension office at 715-365-2761 or via email @ jlindner@co.oneida.