project card - PPP New Perspectives
project card - PPP New Perspectives
PPP Project Card Project details Name of the investment Entity implementing the project Location of the investment Project cost Area Project description proj. Estudio Lamela Multipurpose sports and entertainment arena – TS WISLA Status of investment preparations Task division Sport and leisure Remuneration of the private partner Contact details 1 Details: Multipurpose sports and entertainment arena – TS WISLA Sports Infrastructure Management Board of Krakow ul. Walerego Sławka 10, PL 30–633 Kraków phone +48 12 616 64 01, fax +48 12 616 64 00 Malopolska Region, the City of Krakow, District V Krowodrza, 22 Reymonta St. PLN 55 m (value without the land). Plot surface area: 0.8 ha (8 000 sq m). The project includes construction of a multi-purpose sports arena of capacity approximately 4 thousand seats (auditoria located along the longer sides of the arena and two upper stands fitting 4 thousand seats. Additional 400 seats are situated on 2 folding stands along the shorter sides of the arena). Architectural concept. Private partner: contribution of expertise and experience (know-how) in terms of construction of modern sports and entertainment arenas; participation in the project stage; financial contribution in construction of the investment; financial contribution in equipping the facility; managing the facility (after agreement and provision for the needs of the TS Wisla club); promotion and marketing of the facility. Public partner: contribution of the plot for the investment of substantial value; preparation of the concept of facility construction, construction plans and obtaining adequate concessions; preparation of the construction project; promotion of the facility; co-operation in organization of sports, cultural and other events. • financial benefits from managing the facility: income form the tickets, catering, car park, renting rooms, income from advertising and organization of events; • possibility to obtain subsidies or subventions in terms of financing sports and recreation activities for children and young people and sports events of the Municipality of Krakow; • income from commercialization of stand seats. phone: +48 12 616 63 70 or +48 12 616 64 70, e-mail: 4 e tl now ie a iow ski eg o Reym onta jska mick a Piastowska Go Olimpij ska Czar Reymo nta Akad e Radwa ński ego Chodowieckiego Czarnowiejska Miecho wska PPP 05 Project Card od ow iec kie go Reym ana Olea Maja ndr y a otek Bibli ńska llo Jagie Kadró wki D. S. Żaczek um Muze we do Naro Błonia Ingardena a Aleja 3 Park im. H. Jordana z kiewic Maja A le j a Mi c Aleja 3 Oleandry Ch Igrcó w Reymo nta Pias tow sk a Dom eyki B en investment location proj. Estudio Lamela The multi-purpose sports and entertainment arena is planned to be a modern facility allowing for organization of sports events of the world highest standard and for organization various mass events including concerts, performances, conferences, exhibitions, etc. Depending on the needs, additional seats, scene, ring etc can be arranged on the field which enables to function in various ways and to organize sports competitions of international importance. Sport and leisure The arena capacity will amount 5 to 7 thousand of spectators, depending on the character of the event. The facility will combine the following functions: • sports (basketball, volleyball, judo, box, hand ball, etc. – the arena is expected to meet the requirements of sports associations); • events and concert hall; • exposition and trade fairs; • recreation (general access); • trade and commerce. The investment is planned for construction on the grounds of sport facilities of Wisla Krakow Sport Association located at Reymonta Street close to Blonia. In its nearest surroundings there are such sports facilities as municipal football stadium, sports facilities of TS Wisla and existing sports and swimming pool arena of TS Wisla. The location is convenient in terms of major traffic routes and short distance from the city centre only a dozen or so minutes on foot. proj. Estudio Lamela 2 The card has been prepared as part of the “PPP new perspectives” – the creation of an international network of cooperation to promote public-private partnership for Krakow co-financed by the European Union as part of the Malopolska Regional Operational Programme for 2007–2013 3