0311NCSC Newsletter


0311NCSC Newsletter
Monthly news from the North Coast Swim Club
the dolphin times
in this issue >>>
Coaches Corner—preparation
is key
Swimmer of the month—Alana
Club updates
Speedo tip of the month—race
strategy for the 500 free
Parent resources
—sugar sweetened
—play active role in swim team
Fundraising year ends 4/30/11
Upcoming swim meets
Champs & sectionals
Next parent meeting
Corporate Sponsorships
Coaches Corner
Preparation is key
Checklist for meets:
Checklist for practice
• suit
• suit
• cap
• team cap
• goggles
• goggles, extra pair of goggles
• extra goggles
• water
• water bottle
• sports drink
• dryland clothes
• snacks or money for snacks
• towel
• team shirt
• snack for after practice
• 2 towels
• goals in mind
• goals in mind
• open ears and mind
• readiness to compete and cheer
• willingness to learn, work hard
on teammates
and improve yourself
• confidence that you've done
the work in practice in order to
do your best at the meet
• something to do during the 17
heats of the 200 freestyle
(anyone who was at the last
Forest Grove meet know what
I am talking about).
-Coach Shandi and Tim
recognition >>>
Alana, swimmer of the month
With so many amazing swims in the
past weeks and everyone going hard at
practice, it was very difficult to choose this
month's Swimmer of the Month. Alana
Darcher has been swimming "lights out" in
practice lately, which has translated to
some fantastic swims in her meets. The
most stellar of her swims would have to be
her 200 backstroke in Hillsboro 2 weeks
ago where she dropped 9 seconds and
managed to finish the race with her second
fastest 100 backstroke ever (remember
that's after she already swam a 100)! Alana
has always been an extremely hard worker,
but lately things seem to be clicking for her
physically and mentally. With help from
butterfly specialist, Coach Shandi, Alana's
butterfly has improved tremendously.
Congrats Alana, keep smiling and keep up
the great work.
club updates >>>
Things are getting better everyday
for our club. These positive changes
can be attributed to a great team, which
includes our board of directors,
coaches, swimmers, parents, and
communication. Take any one of these
away, and we cease be a success.
Saturday of every month at 11:30 am,
as the meet schedule allows. Always
check the website for the correct date
and location. We are currently seeking
Board Members at Large and an
Assistant Meet Director.
Monthly All Parent Meetings
Throughout the year, NCSC holds
Board of Directors
Dee Rzewnicki has filled the
monthly All Parent Meetings that take
position of treasurer as the replacement place on the third Wednesday of the
for Giselle, who will be leaving the
month. Monthly meetings give the
area in the Spring of 2011. As Dee is
Coach an opportunity to provide you
learning, please keep in touch with her with details about upcoming swim
if you have questions or see
meets and the Board of Directors to
discrepancies on your monthly
update you on changes that impact the
statements. If you are interested in
club. Most importantly, this gives you
assisting Dee, we are looking for
an opportunity to ask questions of, or
someone to shadow the treasurer and
make suggestions to, Coach Tim and/
assist with the financial
or board members.
We welcome parents to attend our
board meetings. They occur the first
The website is updated on a
regular basis, often daily. We
encourage you to check the website for
the most recent information.
Additional information such as the
summer practice/meet schedule and
swimmer recruitment flyers can be
found at the NCSC counter at the
Aquatic Center. Please email us
requests or suggestions for website or
newsletter topics.
Team Recruitment
The club currently has 38
swimmers. We encourage you to
spread the word about our team and
the fantastic coach we have. If you
know someone that may be interested,
please give them a flyer. Flyers are
available at the NCSC counter at the
Aquatic Center. They will also be
available on our website soon.
Our 2011
Gold Level Sponsorships
Astoria Chiropractic
• Astoria Chiropractic
2935 Marine Drive,
Astoria, OR 97103
• Astoria Youth Athletics
(503) 325-3311
• Baxter Family Medicine
• Columbia Memorial Hospital
• Enterprise Cascadia
• Lum’s Auto Center
Silver Level Sponsorships
• Fort George Brewery & Public House
• Officer’s Inn Bed & Breakfast
Bronze Level Sponsorships
• Astoria Builders Supply
• Bagels by the Sea
• Ford Electric
• Fultano’s Pizza
• Lucy’s Books
• Thomas William Reneque
• Wahkaikum West
• Wilcox & Flegel
Other Sponsorships
• Astoria Co-op
• Columbia Motor Parts and Hardware
• Fanny Tanners
• OBJJ Full Fitness
• Dr. Fred Smith
• Woody’s Wabbits
Officer's Inn
Bed and Breakfast
At Fort Stevens
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact the head coach Tim Larkin at ncsc97103@yahoo.com.
congratulations >>>
Champs & Sectionals
Congratulations and good
luck to all of our swimmers
who represent NCSC at State
Championships this month.
Natasha Cameron (200 free,
200 IM, 100 back, 50 fly, 100
breast), Riley Cameron (50
back), Taylor Christie (200 IM,
50 free, 50 breast, 200 free, 100
breast, 100 free), Josh Shipley
(200 free, 100 fly, 200 IM, 50
free, 50 fly, 100 free) , and Alex
Stenvall (50 back, 200 IM, 50
free, 50 breast, 100 back, 200
Congrats to Taylor Christie
for qualifying for Age Group
Sectionals in the 100
Parent resources >>>
Play an Active Role in NCSC
Adapted from Roles and Responsibilities to your swim club, USA Swimming
3/16 6:00 PM
Monthly meetings give the
Coach an opportunity to provide
you with details about
upcoming swim meets and the
Board of Directors to update
you on changes that impact the
club. Most importantly, this
gives you an opportunity to ask
questions of, or make
suggestions to, Coach Tim and/
or board members.
Parental involvement is crucial to every
club. Regardless of the organizational model
of the club, parents play key support
roles. As a parent owned club, NCSC parents
are needed in leadership roles as board
members. North Coast Swim Club is looking
for volunteers to help with swim meets,
coordinate social events and participate in
Getting involved with your child's club
is a great way to meet people, have fun and
teach your child about commitment. Many
swim parents develop long-term friendships
and enjoy the family-like atmosphere that
develops when people work together.
Working at a meet can be a lot more fun
than sitting in the stands! Additionally, when
your child sees you devoting time and energy
to help the team, he or she understands that
team loyalty is important and worthwhile.
1. How can you help support NCSC?
NCSC is currently seeking parents to
participate in Board of Directors meetings as
“Board Members at Large”. These parents
attend board meetings and assist with
decision making and task completion.
Many clubs have programs in place to
maximize parent involvement and
resources. For example, maybe you would be
interested in working with the Development
Director to form a fundraising committee.
2. What can you do to help with a
home swim meet?
If you have already attended a meet, you
have probably been approached to be a
timer. This is a great way to begin to help run
meets. In fact, this is how many officials get
NCSC will be hosting the
Eggstravaganza meet next month. Volunteers
will be needed for many activities.
• Advertising for heat sheets
• Obtaining food and beverage
donations for concessions
• Concession operators
• Timers
• Heat sheet sales during meet
Talk with any board member or Coach
Tim to find out how the club can best utilize
your skills.
speedo tip of the month >>> race strategy for the 500 free
The 500 is often one of those races
that swimmers either love or hate. If
you're a distance swimmer, you know
that it's vital to swim smart during this
race. It’s not only about good technique
and speed, but about nailing the turns
and an overall strategy.
It is important that you do not start
out too fast and lose steam, but also that
you do no start out too slow and find it
impossible to catch up. The 500 yard
freestyle is all about finding the perfect
balance. It may seem confusing when
you first start swimming this race, but
endurance gained from your workouts,
along with close attention to proper
technique, will prepare you for the race.
It will likely take a few meets to perfect
your own strategy.
As with all distance events, there are
different theories as how to maximize
your performance and drop time. For
instance, some prefer to keep a steady
pace for the entire race, while some
believe in the practice of negative
Coach Mark Crouch of Riptide Rush
Swim Team in West Des Moines, Iowa
offers an effective race strategy,
technique drill and training set that you
might find helpful in preparing for the
500 free. Discuss with your own coach
whether these tips might work for you:
can get your kick going until the
Get out and keep up with the other
swimmers during the first 100, but
stay in control. You can get the lead
back during the last 100.
During the second 100, start your
pace, but remain in control of your
After third 100, begin to negative
split and start taking control of the
race. Your first and last 100 should
be the fastest.
Race Strategy
Unless you are a seasoned distance
swimmer, the 500 freestyle is a longer
Control your legs early in the race,
focusing on kicking in and out of the race that most people are not used to.
walls, but backing off the legs in
Because of its length, it is important that
between to conserve energy. Good
you stay focused on your strategy and
turns are crucial and an effective
pay attention to your body the entire
way to get ahead of the competition.
Use this strategy until about the 300
or 325 mark, and then start to build
your kick until the 375. Now you
Parent resources >>> sugar-sweetened
By Kathleen Woolf, PhD, RD reprinted
from SPLASH Nov/Dec 2010
Water is one of the most important
nutrients for swimmers and other athletes.
And even though swimmers spend their
workouts surrounded by water, they are at an
increased risk of dehydration. Workouts
conducted during high temperatures and
humidity can further increase fluid needs.
Both water and sports drinks are important
components of training programs. Unlike
water, a sports drink can provide fluids, fuel
and electrolytes to your working muscles. Is
one better than the other for a swimmer to
One big worry is that kids/teens are
consuming too many sugar-sweetened
beverages, including soda, fruit-flavored
drinks and sports drinks. Rather than
satisfying thirst with plain thirst with plain
old water, many people are replenishing their
fluids with these sugar sweetened beverages.
Soda and fruit-flavored drinks contain large
amounts of sugar and/or high fructose corn
syrup, potentially leading to weight gain, and
cavities. Although sports drinks don’t have
much sugar as soda, they do add additional
sugar and other sweeteners. Several states
have banned the sale of soda from school
vending machines and cafeterias and are now
focusing their attention on sports drinks and
other sugar-sweetened beverages.
Some kids/teens are selecting sports
drinks as a healthier alternative to soda.
Sports drinks as a healthier alternative to
soda. Sports drinks are being consumed
throughout the day, not just during exercise.
Kids who are engaging in ANY type of
physical activity have been led to believe that
they need sports drinks. Many young athletes
could actually re-hydrate sufficiently with
Here are some tips to help stay hydrated with
the best fluid sources:
• Use sports drinks appropriately during
practice and competition.
• Re-hydrate with water during exercise/
practice lasting less than 60 minutes.
• Use a sports drink when exercise/
practice lasts more than an hour.
• Drink water before and after practices
and competition.
• Because many kids/teens are not
consuming enough water, they should
drink water throughout the day and at
mealtimes and with snacks.
• A water bottle may be the most important
tool for success. Use it often to stay well
hydrated both inside and outside of the
Kathleen Woolf, PhD, RD is a registered dietitian
and a member of the American Dietetic
Association, the Sports Cardiovascular and
Wellness Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group, and
the American College of Sports Medicine.
Finding An Agent That’s Right For You
"What goes around comes around, just
like a flip turn ".
~Author Unknown
NCSC, we're like the rain, we never stop.
Fundraising year ends 4/30/11
The team fundraising goal for 20102011 is $12,000. This is the amount
necessary to pay for operating costs to
run the club.
Each family is responsible for raising a specific amount based on the number of swimmers per family; prorated
by month for those swimming partial
seasons. The fundraising season restarts in May 2011. If you need to know
where you are with fundraising, please
let us know, Tim Roth can give you an
There is still time to reach your
fundraising commitment for 2010-2011.
Remember, you are responsible for the
balance not raised through fundraising
• Online Fundraiser - We've
launched a unique online fundraising store through Magfundraising.com. Supporters may purchase
or renew existing subscriptions to
hundreds of popular magazines at
up to 85% off newsstand prices.
40% of every purchase made
through this online store goes directly to our group!
• Corporate Sponsorships - The
goal of the Corporate Sponsorship
Campaign is to find businesses that
want to team up with the North
Coast Swim Club though sponsor-
ships that help raise funds for scholarships, equipment, travel, pool
space, and many other club swimming activities that include local
and national programs. Download
the sponsorship form from the
Fundraising page of our website or
visit our Sponsors page for complete details and sponsors. Sponsors
for 2011 include:
• Astoria Chiropractic
• Astoria Youth Athletics
• Baxter Family Medicine
• Columbia Memorial Hospital
• Enterprise Cascadia
• Lum's Auto Center,
• Fort George Brewery
• Officer's Inn
• Astoria Builders Supply
• Bagels by the Sea
• Ford Electric
• Fultano's Pizza
• Lucy’s Books
• Thomas William Reneque
• Wahkaikum West
• Wilcox & Flegel
• Astoria Cooperative
• Columbia Motor Parts & Hardware
• Fanny Tanners
• Dr. Frederick C Smith
• Woody's Wabbits
upcoming events >>>
11/2— Board Meeting
3/5 & 6—NCSC Eggstravaganza
3/8—NCSC Board Meeting
3/10—Last mandatory practice for short
course season
3/12 & 13—Tall Timbers
Championships, Forest Grove
3/16—All Parent Meeting
3/14-17—Optional Practices
3/18-4/5—No Practice, Spring Break
4/7—Long Course Season starts, First
contact us >>>
North Coast Swim Club
PO Box 1191
Astoria, Oregon 97103
Jason Janda—President
Scott Murphy—Vice President
Dee Rzewnicki—Treasurer
Jennifer Janda—Secretary
Tim Roth—Development Director
Tim Larkin—Head Coach
Jo Christie—Meet Director