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Map #18 Join Join us us at at Dave’s Dave’s for for Exceptional Exceptional food food Great Greaat prices pricces Friendly Friiendly people! people! 1 2000 - 2010 www.steveston.ca 1 VILL251110 www.steveston.ca 2 VILL251110 AY EVERYDPM 6 4PM - pecial dS r a E ly Bir BAR & GRILL Caesar's Ca C ae es sa arr's 's restaurant res estaur urant ant serves an serv se rves s the th he e freshest fre reshe sh s hes est ingredients ing in grre ed d die ent ns available av a va aiila lable blle using b us u sin sin ing fresh fres fr esh herbs, herrb he bs,, cheeses, c ch hee he es se es s, fresh fre fr es sh seafood sh se s eaf afo oo od and and an nd extra ex e xttrra virgin virg vi virg rgiin n olive oli live live ve oil. oil il il. 3880 388 3 88 80 Steveston 80 Ste Ste ttev ev ve es ston Hwy. Hwy Steveston Ste S ev ves es ston n Hwy. Hw wy. Richmond, Rich Ric hmond hmond, hmo d, BC V7E V7E 2K2 2K 2K K2 2 604-274-1268 60 6 044-27 274 4--12 268 Sun Su un - Thurs: Thurs:: 4pm 4 4pm - 10pm 10pm 10 m Fri F - Sat: 4pm m - 11pm 11 1p pm pm www.caesarsgrill.com www.caesarsg rs sgrilll.com sgril sg m CAESARS Map #7 www.steveston.ca 3 BAR & GRILL VILL251110 Monday - Thursday 9:30am - 5:00pm Friday - Saturday 9:30am - 5:30pm Sunday 12:00pm - 4:00pm 3995 Moncton St., Richmond, BC www.laarasvacuums.com 14 Service & Repairs in Steveston Vacuums, Sewing Machines & Sergers Sales - Service - Repairs TO ALL MAKES Map #1 In Your Community Since 1990 BC Registered Physical Therapists Acute Care And Rehabilitation Services . Skilled Treatment By Hand . Treatment Of Low Back And Neck Pain . Sports Injury Rehabilitation . Post-Surgical Rehabilitation . Physical-Functional Exercise Instruction And Education . Core Muscle Control Instruction And Training M. Gregory Cassap BScPT Ryan Kennedy BScPT Clinic staff will assist with processing of ICBC and WorkSafeBC claims Extended clinic hours: early mornings / weekday evenings / Saturdays Therapeutic and exercise products available on site Tel (604) 241-0933 www.stevestonphysiotherapy.ca Plenty of FREE Parking Easy Access: Ground Floor Steveston Medical Building 102 – 3811 Chatham Street, Richmond Map #15 www.steveston.ca 4 VILL251110 Steveston – City Within A City Photo: Don Montgomery When I am asked where I live, I like to reply that I live on an island. That usually brings looks of envy and wonder from the person asking the question. Then I mention that I don’t need to catch a ferry to commute to Vancouver. That remark raises eyebrows. That’s when I say I live in a little town called Steveston on Lulu Island, now known as Richmond. I’ve lived in Richmond for over 33 years with 23 of these years in Steveston. What attracted me to Steveston is what attracts many people to Steveston – we have the charm of a village, the friendliness of a small town, and the amenities of a big city. Steveston residents sometimes claim a different identity from those who live in Richmond even though there isn’t a great divide that separates the two areas apart from each other. Steveston significant history dates back to the 1800’s. A distinct neighbourhood that began as a fishing village has now blossomed into a city within a city. Some of that history still remains today in the form of physical landmarks such as the Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site, Britannia Heritage Shipyard, London Heritage Farm, and a number of heritage buildings. One of best things about Steveston is the number of shops and restaurants. They all have their own unique character and flavour. Eating fish and chips in front of a fishing dock or watching the boats travel across the water while enjoying a coffee is certainly a refreshing experience for people young and old alike. We’re just steps away from being able to go for a walk, jog, or bike ride along the scenic waterfront dyke trail. You can fly a kite at Garry Point Park or try your luck fishing on one of the piers. We have all of these natural attributes, yet we’re just minutes away from an international airport and downtown Richmond. I remember when I first visited Steveston over thirty years ago. I felt like I had taken a step back into time. You could buy fresh seafood from the fishing boats and fresh produce at the farm markets. What struck me the most was the quiet calm of the area and how everyone seemed to be more relaxed in their daily routine. It was a contrast to living in central Richmond. I knew that one day I would live in Steveston and that day eventually happened. Although Steveston has changed quite a bit over the past few years, it still has managed to keep its small town charm and atmosphere. These are endearing qualities that I hope will remain for a long time. Steveston is where the Fraser River and the Pacific Ocean meet. It’s also the place where people from all over the world meet. Cynthia A. Chen Steveston Resident www.cynthiachen.ca www.steveston.ca 5 VILL251110 WHY TEAK? feel at home. WHY TEAK? Teak/Jati/Tectona Grandis Tectona grandis is the Latin name for TEAK, a hardwood of the family Verbenaceae. Plantation grown teak trees can attain a height of up to 45cm [ 150ft ] with a diameter of 1 1.5m [ 3 - 5ft ]. It is ready for harvesting from around 50-60 years. If well maintained the tree can produce a clear stem of up to 30m in length giving a high timber yield. It produces a very large leaf similar to a tobacco leaf which is around 12” long and wide. Teak has long been known for its durability, functionality and aesthetics. (SKLYIYPKNL>H`9PJOTVUK)**HUHKH=?(c c^^^ZJHU[LHRJH CANADA www.steveston.ca GERMANY USA SINGAPORE 6 TAIWAN JAPAN BRUNEI VILL251110 durable, appealing, simplicity, functional and unclutteredness feel at home. 2 SEATER TEAK SOFA COFFEE TABLE TV CABINET TEA CABINET DINING TABLE & CHAIRS TEA CABINET QUEEN SIZE BED SOFA BED MULTI-PURPOSE CABINET Map #8 CANADA www.steveston.ca DINING TABLE & CHAIRS MULTI-FUNCTION GENUINE LEATHER SOFA NINE BLOCK CABINET First Store in Canada Over 100 Stores Worldwide STORAGE CABINET FIVE-DRAWER CHEST 7976 Alderbridge Way Richmond,Canada Tel: 778.297.7060 www.scanteak.ca GERMANY USA Open Every Day 10am-7pm SINGAPORE 7 GENUINE LEATHER SOFA Awards TAIWAN JAPAN BRUNEI VILL251110 Let your child discover the magic of music One of Canada's most respected piano method programs for children is now being published right here in Steveston! The Kelly Kirby Introductory Piano Program originated over 65 years ago at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto where Mrs. May Kelly Kirby was asked to develop a program that would introduce children to the fundamentals of note reading and rhythm. After completion of the 4 book series, children would then be able to continue on with piano studies or move on to another instrument with all of the basic fundamentals in place. After passing away in the 1980's, Mrs. Kirby's associate teacher, Margaret Holman, continued publishing the books and distributing them from Toronto. Prior to Mrs. Holman's death in the summer of 2011, she and her husband met with Linda Shirley, Director of 'The Arts Connection' in Steveston and discussed their desire to have her take over the publication of the books so that it would continue to be available to young children. For several years now, Linda has been the President of the Vancouver Kelly Kirby Music Society. The books are used by a network of teachers throughout Canada and the United States and qualified teachers who have taken the Teacher's Course and have returned to Asia are now teaching it in China and other areas abroad. This piano method is superior to many others in that it lays a firm foundation in the fundamentals of note reading and the understanding of rhythm. Children develop amazing sight reading and ear training skills, all the while enjoying this fun-filled program. Taught by most teachers on a oneto-one basis, this workbook style approach makes the lesson an active one where flashcards, a supplementary workbook and assembling the books becomes part of the lesson. Kelly Kirby "Graduates" are recognized with an official "Graduation Certificate" at an annual recital held for all Vancouver graduates, and when the children continue their studies and begin taking Royal Conservatory of Toronto Examinations, they are eligible to apply for scholarships and trophies based on their examination accomplishments, as long as they continue their studies with a qualified Kelly Kirby teacher. Linda Shirley has taught the program in Richmond since the early 1980's and since she opened The Arts Connection in 1990, she has had a group of qualified Kelly Kirby instructors working with her at her studio. Linda is proud to say that she now has students who studied with her from her home studio in the 1970's and 80's bringing their children...a second generation now..... to study Kelly Kirby with her! That in itself is a testimonial to the benefits and success of this " made in Canada " program!! Linda Shirley Director Steveston's Arts Connection Ltd. #170 - 3900 Steveston Hwy., Richmond, B.C. V7E 2K2 604-241-0141 www.steveston.ca 8 VILL251110 GEORGE’S TAVERNA 130-3760 Moncton Street, Richmond, Steveston Village (604) 275-5502 Over the past 10 years, George’s Taverna has become a staple in Steveston; with its central location, its quirky history and of course with its great food and service. We hope to welcome you to our restaurant soon, and if you have already visited us, then we hope to see you again! Yiasou! (Greek for "Cheers") PITA WRAPS, SOUVLAKI LUNCHES, HOUSE SPECIALS Roast Lamb__________ ______$11.95 Mousaka___________________$10.95 Lamb Chops (2______________$10.95 Kalamari (Squid)_____________$10.95 Above served with Greek salad, rice, potato & pit Take Away Delivery To Hotels, Office, Home Open from 11:00am - 10:00pm Map #25 www.georgestaverna.ca www.steveston.ca 9 VILL251110 “WE CATER TO COWARDS!” Emergencies, Hygiene and Prevention, Fillings, Cosmetic Bonding, Crowns, Bridges, Dentures, Implants, and Laser therapy. . . Dr. James Cadigan DMD Ample free parking Wheelchair accessible Dentistry for ages 1 to 101 New patients welcome! Dr. James Cadigan, DMD 604-271-5622 211 - 3740 Chatham Street, Richmond, BC V7E 2Z3 Fax: 604-241-0693 info@chathamdental.ca www.chathamdental.ca www.steveston.ca 10 Map #12 VILL251110 Always Always fighting fighting the the good good fight fight as as he he sees sees it it and and standing standing up up for for heritage. heritage. Richmond Rich c mon mond nd Councillor C Cou ounc ou ncill ilillo lor Harold Haro Ha old ld Steves Ste teve ves has haas h as received re ece ceived ivved d the the distinguished dis isti ting ngui ng gu uiish s ed d Union Uni nion ion on of of British Brit Br itis ish Columbia Colu Co lum mb biaa Municipalities’ Mu un nici icipalittie ic ies’ s’ (UBCM) (U UB BCM CM) Special Spe Sp ecciaal Long Long Lo g Service Servi ervi er v ce ce award awa awa ward rd d for for or his his is 41 41 years yye ear ars of of civic ciivvic ic service serv se rviic ice in in Richmond. Ricch hm mon ond d.. The The he award aw waard rd was was as presented pre rese sen ntte ed d during du urri rin ing a gala galaa ceremony ga cer ere em m mo on o ny at at the the he organization’s orga gan nizat ation o ’s ’s annual an nn nua ual conference cco onf nfe fer eren re en ncce e on on September Sept eptembe em mb be er 29. 29. 29 Steves Stev eve es has es has as served served on Richmond Ric Ricchm hmond City Ciity C ty Council Counc ou unc n ili for fo orr 41 41 years, yeaarrss,, continuously ccon on nttiin nu uou uo ousl sly ly since ssiinc inc nce 1977. 19 1 977 77. 77. Prior to that, he served a previous term as a Richmond alderman from 1968-1973. Prio Pr io or to th haat, he se serv rved ed d p prrevviiou ouss term as Ri R ch hmo mon on nd d ald lder erma man fr man from 196 68 8--19 197 73 3. From om o m 1973-1975 19 97 73--19 197 75 5 he he served sse erv er rved d one on ne e term term as an an M.L.A. M.L.A M.L L.A. in in the the Provincial th Prro P Pro ovvin inci ciaall Legislature, Leg eg giisla latur ture tu re, and re, aan nd was waas one on ne of of the the founders fou oun nd der de ers off B.C’s ers B..C C’s ’s Agricultural Agriccu ullltu tural Land tu L nd La nd Reserve. Reserv erve. er All Alll nine nine ne members mem e b be ers r of of Richmond Ric Ri ich chm hmon nd d Council Council nccilil paid paaiid tribute trib tr bu utte to to Steves Ste teves ves by ve by attending atttte te en ndi din in ng g the th he e award aaw ward ceremony cere ce emo mony nyy in in downtown do d ownto own w Vancouver. Van Van ncco ou uvve err. “Stretching “Str “S tre retch ching back baacckk to to the tth he 1960s, 196 960s, Harold’s Har arol old’ d’s service sse ser erv rvicce in in public pu ub blilic office offi o ffice ce now now ow touches tou ouch ches es parts parts of of six six decades, dec ecad ades ess,” noted no ote ed Mayor Mayo Ma orr Malcolm Maalc Mal lco ollm Brodie. Brod rodi odie od ie. “He’s “H He e’’s shown sh ho ow wn tremendous ttrre em me en ndo dous us commitment com mm miittm m men ent and dedication to making Richmond and our province better places to live. All of nd de edi dic ica catiion n to m maakkiin ng g Ricchmon nd an and ou our p prrovi ovvin o ince ce be ettter tte er pl plaaccess to liive ve. A Alll of Council Co ounc unci cil was waas honoured w ho h on ono no our ured ed to to join jo oin n in in saluting salu sa luttiing ng him him m for for his hiiss remarkable re em maarrkkaab blle achievements. achi ac hiev eve em me en nttss.” Steves Stev St eve es previously prev revio re ou usslly received receivved re ed the tth he UBCM’s he UBC BCM’s Long-Service Long Lo ng-SSe errvi vice ce Recipient Re eccip ipiie ent en nt Award, Aw waard arrd d, honouring hon ho no our uriin ng 25 25 years ye earrs of of service, ser ervic icce e, in in 1996. 1996. Harold Harold Steves Steves www.steveston.ca Richmond Riic Ric ch hm mo ond nd Councillor Co ou unc ncillo iillllo or Recognized For 41 Years of Civic Service Rec cog gni n11izze ed Fo For 41 Yea arrs s of Ci Civ viiic cVILL251110 Serv Se rviic ce The Steves family is one of Richmond's first founding families, after which the community of Steveston is named. Manoah and Martha Steves were the first settlers in the area, arriving in 1877. They imported the first purebred Holstein cattle into BC, established a dairy to provide milk for the fledgling City of Vancouver and were Western Canada's first seedsmen. Born of Maude and Harold Sr., Harold and wife Kathy still reside in the old Steves farmhouse, built in 1917, on what is now an 11-acre (45,000 m ) cattle farm surrounded by residential2development. Harold is a graduate of the University of British Columbia with a BSc in Agriculture. A former Richmond school teacher, Harold operates the family farm in Steveston with his wife Kathy, raising pure bred Belted Galloway cattle. Harold also assists his son Jerry operate a ranch in Cache Creek, B.C. Descended from a pioneer Richmond farming family, he is very active in community life in the Steveston area, and is particularly interested in the preservation of farmland, heritagepreservation, and environmental issues. www.steveston.ca 12 VILL251110 Harold Steves has served on Richmond City Council continuously since 1977, and served a previous term as alderman from 1968 - 1973. From 1973 - 1975 he served one term as an M.L.A. in the Provincial Legislature, and is one of the founders of the Agricultural Land Reserve. In the mid-1960s Harold drafted the initial resolutions to NDP conventions to establish an Agricultural Land Bank system in British Columbia. As an MLA he was active in the establishment of the "Agricultural Land Reserve" under the Dave Barrett NDP Government and for the following decades, one of its strongest defenders. He is presently active in the Farmland Defense League. Original home of William Herbert Steves and family, c. 1890. (HS) Harold is the Chairs of Agriculture for Metro Vancouver, the Planning Committee of Richmond Council, as well as the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee of Council. He is also a member of the Finance; General Purposes; Planning and the Public Works & Transportation Committees. Harold is a Council representative to the following advisory committees, organizations and community associations: the Agricultural Advisory Committee; the Olympic Business Advisory Committee; the Richmond Farmers' Institute; the Sea Island Community Association; the Steveston Harbour Authority Board; the Britannia Heritage Shipyard Society; the Richmond Athletic Commission and the 2009 Richmond BC Seniors Games Board. The BC Electric Railway tram, bound for Steveston from Vancouver, c. 1908. (VPL 2179) www.steveston.ca 13 VILL251110 A MUSEUM FOR RICHMOND A report submitted to the city by Harold Steves in 2006 on a museum location Museum Location Steveston Waterfront Richmond is planning to build a museum. At present the discussion has centered around whether it should be a local museum or a destination museum that could attract international exhibits. Richmond’s Museum Feasibility study estimates the cost to be $15 million for a local museum and $45 million for a destination museum. There is a third alternative, a small museum that can be expanded in the future, that would showcase Richmond’s international maritime, industrial and high tech contributions. Heritage Tourism is most successful when sites are in close proximity offering a full day or two experience. The Steveston Waterfront has six historic nodes; Garry Point Park, the Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site, Steveston Landing, Steveston Museum and Japanese Fishermen’s Medicare Office, the Britannia Shipyard National Historic Site and the London Farm. The ideal location for a museum with a maritime pacific theme would be a new node at the old Imperial Cannery site between Steveston Landing and the Britannia Shipyard. A local museum in central Richmond will not get the attention it deserves as tourists and residents alike centre their interests on the waterfront, the open air atmosphere and harbour views. A museum on the waterfront could provide the focal point for interpreting the other sites while displaying aspects of Richmond History not shown at the open air museums. The Imperial Cannery was the largest cannery in the world. The site is zoned for a seafood market and marina. Approval was given in the rezoning process to retain the Imperial Cannery envelope with a ground floor area of 35 to 45,000 sq.ft. It would not be blocking views as no residential space is permitted on the Onni site immediately to the north. www.steveston.ca 14 VILL251110 A marina has been considered for the site but the soil is contaminated and remediation is estimated at $6,185,750 for disposal in a landfill. The most economical use is covering the contaminated area with landfill for a park and building site, thus reclaiming about 2 acres of land worth about $12 million for under $1 million. A Museum complex on 2 acres would open up more public open space that will otherwise be lost when four storey buildings are constructed on the Onni site a metre from the dyke walkway. The Building A new building on the waterfront in such a prime location should an iconic landmark and designed for expansion. Museums are frequently located in an existing heritage building or a new building with little to distinguish it as heritage destination. There are some exceptions. Your success is our business! Tacoma Waterfront – Glass Museum The City of Tacoma has a stretch of waterfront similar to ours. Their Maritime Museum is in a waterfront warehouse building. However, like both Steveston and Pictou much of their waterfront heritage has been lost. The Glass Museum is a modern building designed by Arthur Erickson to reflect the beehive burners that once dotted the landscape. - Accounting & tax services for small and medium businesses - Auditing & accounting services for non-profits - Personal income tax services CALL LYNDA AT (604) 266-0212 Located in the heart of Steveston 210 – 3911 Moncton Street, Richmond, BC V7E 3A7 www.seigneuret.com www.steveston.ca Map #30 15 VILL251110 with our own two hands preschool & learning centre 16 NO. 1 RD www.withourowntwohands.ca www.steveston.ca 1 AVE Our Reggio-inspired preschool provides an enriching, nature-based program which includes art, gardening, yoga, music, language development, exploration, and more. We also offer after school and weekend classes for all ages. Join us for French and Mandarin classes, guitar and music expression, les petits artistes, yoga, gardening, and art classes. Map #41 MONCTON ST 4oncton:trLLt VILL251110 Sign-up for: Exciting Daily Deals 50-90% off www.TheRedPocket.com Promote your business with us: Email: sales@theredpocket.com | Tel: 604-720-0371 www.steveston.ca 17 VILL251110 www.steveston.ca 18 VILL251110 www.steveston.ca 19 VILL251110 Villager’s Pick Shooting Star 120 - 12051 Second Avenue 119 - 3800 Bayview i Street . 170 - 3580 Moncton Street . . . 13 - 3993 Chatham St Sinfully The Best 3680 Moncton Street S Romania Country Bread 130-12031 First Avenue 110 - 12240 Second Avenue Outpost Mini Donut 100 - 12220 Second Avenue Cottage Tea Room . Algeria Cafe 12151 First Avenue Steveston has evolved into a picturesque spot to shop, stroll the boardwalk, grab something to eat or ũust watch the Įshing vessels come in aŌer a long daLJ on the water͘ thether itΖs LJour Įrst visit to Steveston or iĨ LJou live here and havenΖt had a chance to edžperience the wonderĨul things a small town within a citLJ can oīer, we have made some picks oĨ this &all, enũoLJ it͘ www.steveston.ca 20 VILL251110 & Baby Boutique . 110 – 12031 First Avenue 110-3911 Moncton St. . . 110 - 12031 Second Avenue PSYCHIC READINGS BY ANGELA 100% ACCURACY Angela is a world renowned healer With over 35 years experience Helps in all area’s of life specializing in Palm, Tarot cards, Crystal ball & chakra healing By Appointment (604) 447 3404 #120-12240 2nd Avenue Map #6 Steveston, B.C., V7E 3L8 www.steveston.ca 21 VILL251110 INTRODUCTORY PIANO PROGRAM FOR 4 - 8 YEAR OLDS • provides a strong foundation in the fundamentals of note reading and rhythm • produces confident young musicians who carry their new-found skills over into their schoolwork ROYAL CONSERVATORY OF TORONTO EXAMINATION RESULTS 2011 Congratulations to our FIRST CLASS HONOURS WITH DISTINCTION: Kelly Kirby Talia Cappiello - Prep A - 90 Emmett Mark - Int Rudiments - 100 Graduates Emmett Mark - Gr 6 - 92 Cameron Malkoske - Gr 2 - 92 Grace Dong - Gr 5 - 92 Jasper Liu - Prep B - 90 FIRST CLASS HONOURS: Jeisa Kobylanski - Gr 2 - 88 THE ARTS CONNECTION #170 - 3900 Steveston Hwy. (Minato Village) 604.241.0141 www.theartsconnection.org Taught by qualified Kelly Kirby Teachers under the direction of Linda Shirley: Owner and Director of Kelly Kirby Publications www.steveston.ca 22 VILL251110 The Cover Page “Days Of Glory” - Steveston, British Columbia DAYS OF GLORY STEVESTON, BRITISH COLUMBIA Drs. Bill And Vicki Mather Collection, Victoria “In 2002 Steveston played host to the tall ships from various parts of the world, including one from as far away as Holland. I painted this work trying to recreate some of the atmosphere that would have been the old Steveston. The tall ships are being towed in by fussy steam tugs, while hundreds of little gillnetters return to their shoreside houses at the end of the day.” John M. Horton 10% Off Coupon #110-12240 2nd Ave. Steveston, B.C. V7E 3L8 604.448.0005 Map #16 www.steveston.ca 23 VILL251110 If looks as if artists never retire. But then, who would really want to when there is so much beauty out there to paint? John M. Horton John Horton’s lifelong love affair with the sea and maritime industries is readily apparent in his paintings and his lifestyle. He lives and works aboard his boat “Artist’s Life” which is a converted fish boat generally moored in Steveston, B.C. John cruises B.C.’s coastal waters and observes keenly and recreates on canvas the life, the history and the industries which have arisen from the sea around our coast. He is a scrupulously realistic painter whose works Horton completed this architectural embody tecnical mastery, a discerning eye drawing in 12 hours, working over-night for detail, and accuracy of representation. to meet a client’s dealine. John’s natural feeling for the sea is (COURTESY AUSTIN TAYLOR ESTATE: complemented by his profound sense of ARTHUR ERICKSON ARCHITECT) history and sensitivity to the many moods and subtleties of which the sea and marine life is capable. Mr. Horton’s works have become part of many international private, corporate and public collections. (Ralph Westmark - ‘Playboard Magazine’). John Horton holds his first model sailboat, Goblin, on the beach at Poole with his parents. www.steveston.ca 24 VILL251110 LOADING FOR THE MORNING TIDE Steveston, British Columbia Westin Collection SUNRISE OVER BRITANNIA Steveston, British Columbia John M. Horton C.S.M.A. F.C.A. Marine Artist John@johnhortonca www.johnhorton.ca 604-943-4399 SUNDAY MORNING Steveston Harbour, British Columbia New Products Arriving Weekly! Get ready for your new addition by visiting Steveston’s Newest Addition & Baby Boutique 110-3911 Moncton St., Steveston 778.297.7379 Map Map#43 #2 www.stevestonvillagematernity.com www.steveston.ca 25 VILL251110 Hungry........? Sanjay’s Snacks, samosas, chutneys, butter chicken, wraps, roti, naan and so much more! Come shop at our retail outlet Sanjay’s Foods Ltd | #200 - 12417 No. 2 Road, Richmond, BC V7E 2G3 604-241-9344 Map #22 www.12th-househomeopathy.com Classical Homeopathy Unique in its overall approach, treatment considers mental and emotional stress - past or present – important symptoms that influence overall health. Homeopathy also strengthens vitality to resist influences that make us acutely ill. At a deeper level, Homeopathic Treatment helps to overcome chronic illness or anxiety. Arrange for your Individual Health Program Constitutional Homeopathic Treatment Natural Medicines Experience The Difference Purity Makes ! INTRODUCING ALKALINE WATER Additional Services Bio-Energy Massage Pleiades Astro Counselling Call Now For A Healthier You! Pick Up & Delivery 604-277-7873 604-271-4325 Catherine Dean DCH RCSHom “Over 25 Years Caring for Your Health” www.purewatershoppe.com 115-3571 Chatham St , Richmond, BC, V7E 2Z1 Rd (Corner of 3 Ave & Chatham ) Monday to Saturday 9:00am to 5:30pm Map #32 Map #39 12th-house@telus.net | #270 3580 Moncton St. Richmond www.steveston.ca 26 VILL251110 Damien’s Belgian Waffles Ltd. Total Package Computer Liège Waffle Our services include . Virus/Spyware Removal . Reinstallation of the operating system . Advanced Hardware diagnostics . Software Troubleshooting . Computer Networking (Wired/Wireless) . Computers System Sales & Support . Computers/Notebooks, Parts and Accessories Sales . Computer Consulting < 604 304 2884 2 - 3891 Chatham St. Richmond, Steveston Village www.damienswaffles.ca #100 - 6111 London Road, Richmond, BC V7E 3S3 sales@total-package.com Monday to Friday Saturdays Sundays y & Holidays y www.steveston.ca 9:00am to 5:00pm 12:00am to 4:00pm Map #15 Closed No. 1 Road > 2nd Ave 604-241-4000 No Eggs & Preservatives Real Butter, Honey Pearl Sugar from Belgium Chatham St. Park Moncton St. Map #38 27 VILL251110 www.steveston.ca ALL EMERGENCY CALLS FIRE, Non Emergency POLICE, Non-Emergency Victim Services STEVESTON COMMUNITY POLICE STATION Fax:604-713-2309 AMBULANCE, Non-Emergency POISON CONTROL CENTRE CRIME STOPPERS ICBC Claims Marine & Aircraft Distress Canadian Lifeboat Institution - Steveston Station Richmond Hospital Admin. Fax: 604-244-5191 Strait of Georgia Marine Rescue Society LOCAL AND REGIONAL GOVERNMENT Richmond City Hall, 7577 Elmbridge Way, V6X 2Z8 Mayors Office: Richmond Councillors’ Office Steveston Provincial M.L.A., John Yap, 125-3900 Steveston Hwy. V7E 2K2 Steveston Federal MP, The Hon. John Cummins, Ottawa Constituency office, Ladner STEVESTON AREA SCHOOLS (public and private) RICHMOND PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD OFFICES, District # 38 Byng, Lord - 3711 Georgia Street Diefenbaker - 4511 Hermatage Steveston London Secondary - 10331 Gilbert Road McKinney, James - 10451 Lassam McMath, Robert Secondary - 4251 Garry Street Steves, Manoah - 10111 4th Avenue Steveston Academy of Learning, 4360 Moncton Street Steveston Japanese Language School - 4111 Moncton Street Steveston Secondary - 10440 No. 2 Road Tomekichi Homma - 5100 Brunswick Westwind - 11371 Kingfisher Drive HISTORICAL INFORMATION & REFERRAL SERVICES Britannia Heritage Shipyard Community Arts Council of Richmond Gulf Of Georgia Cannery Society Gulf of Georgia National Historic Site, Parks Canada London Heritage Farm Richmond Information & Volunteer Centre Richmond’s Woman’s Resource Centre Richmond Food Bank Society Scotch Pond Heritage Cooperative Steveston Community Centre Steveston Farmers & Artisans Market Steveston Harbour Authority Steveston Harbour Lions Steveston Library Steveston Lions Club Steveston Post Office Steveston Rotary Club Steveston Community Society - Steveston Salmon Festival Steveston Villager Business Directory, E-mail: info@steveston.bc.ca Tourism Richmond Toll Free: 1-877-247-0777 Fax: 604-271-8281 Welcome Wagon ENVIRONMENT Environmental Information City Recycling & Garbage information line Steveston Bottle Depot and Recycling Centre Marine Forecast & Reports Fisheries and Oceans PUBLIC WORKS BC City Works Yard 24 Hour Emergency Program Gas Leak Emergencies Electrical Emergencies BC Hydro Emergencies (Electric Calls) TRANSPORTATION BC Transit (Translink) Vancouver International Airport BC Ferries (Outside Victoria, recorded message) Reservations Richmond Cabs 28 911 604-278-5131 604-278-1212 604-270-6229 604-713-2323 604-872-5151 604-682-5050 604-669-8477 604-520-8222 604-666-4302 604-760-5218 604-278-9711 604-682-7471 604-276-4000 604-276-4123 604-276-4134 604-241-8452 613-992-2957 604-940-8040 604-668-6000 604-668-6649 604-668-6639 604-668-6668 604-668-6133 604-718-4050 604-668-6660 604-303-7767 604-274-4374 604-668-6500 604-668-7844 604-668-6497 604-718-8050 604-241-2790 604-664-9282 604-664-9009 604-271-5220 604-279-7020 604-279-7060 604-271-5609 604-271-5020 604-718-8080 604-718-8013 604-272-5539 604-594-8149 604-274-2012 604-274-3175 604-271-6868 604-277-8882 604-718-8094 604-275-9452 604-271-8280 604-940-0177 604-666-5900 604-276-4010 604-241-9177 604-270-7411 604-666-3545 604-270-8721 800-663-9911 888-769-3766 604-597-8153 604-521-0400 604-276-6101 1-888-223-3779 1-888-724-5223 604-272-1111 VILL251110 ACCOMMODATIONS Abercrombie House B & B Cedar House B & B Chestnut Tree B & B Days Inn - Vancouver Airport Doorknocker B&B Forget-Me-Not B & B Hampton Inn by Hilton - Van. Ariport Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites, Riverpt. Perfect Picture B&B Seabreeze Guest House B&B Steveston Hotel Steveston Residence Indep. Living Stone Hedge B & B, The Villa Jade B&B 604-272-1184 604-272-3179 604-273-1198 604-207-8000 604-277-8714 604-274-1129 604-232-5505 604-241-1830 604-271-9061 604-274-9693 604-277-9511 604-241-3933 604-274-1070 604-271-0610 ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Grandma’s Antiques & Coll. Steveston General Store 604-241-2304 604-272-5272 APPLIANCES, RENTALS Acme Rentals Budget Appliance Centre, Page 27 Laara’s Vacuums, Page 4 604-271-3014 604-271-8891 604-277-8487 ARTISTS, ART GALLERIES, FRAMING & SUPPLIES Artist Jeanette Jarville 604 277-8714 Artist Jodie Blaney 604-992-7116 Artist John B. Beatty 604-275-3066 Artist John M. Horton 604-943-4399 Canoe Pass Gallery 604-272-0095 Phoenix Coastal Art Workshop 604-448-1860 Riverside Art Gallery 604-274-1414 AUTOMOTIVE Blazin Auto Lordco Auto Parts Nobby’s Service Ltd. Rich City Collision Repairs 604-275-2777 604-272-7870 604-277-8090 604-277-9003 BOOKS, STAMPS AND STATIONERY Book Store, the Gerry’s Books Steveston Library Steveston Stamps Auction 604-274-3604 604-272-6601 604-274-2012 604-241-8533 CHILD CARE, CHILD EDUCATION, ACTIVITIES Alderwood House School 604-272-5023 604-241-0141 Arts Connection, The, Page 22 Chatham Speech and Lang. Ser. 604-271-7523 Gabriela’s Movement Studio 604-272-0607 Gentle Steps Child Care 604-285-1173 German Kids Richmond 604-277-1365 Good Shepherd Drop-in Ctr 604-275-8473 Japanese Language School 604-274-4374 Paci¿c Rim Montessori Academy 604-726-8428 Paddington Station Daycare 604-241-0141 Renaissance Kids, Page 22 604-241-0826 Steveston Village Maternity&Baby Boutique, Page 25 778-297-7379 Sandcastle Park Children’s Ctr. 604-274-8380 Stroller Strides 604-272-8153 Tiny Tots Playhouse Family Care 604-629-3603 With Our Own Two Hands, Page 16 778-882-3165 CHILDREN’S TOYS, CLOTHING Buttons & Soles Canadian Playsystems. Ltd. Clothes Encounters, The www.steveston.ca 604-304-3492 604-272-2200 604-271-0310 Discovery Toys Splash Toy Shop Community Arts Council of Rmd COMMERCIAL/SPORT FISHING Canadian Fishing Co. CFV: Iron Maiden Dixon Industries EA Towne’s Netting & Marine Sup Edgy’s Net Services Ltd. Komat Enterprises Nikka Industries Ltd P.M. Marine Diesel Ltd Paci¿c Net and Twine Paramount Marine Petro Canada Redden Net Shamrock Welding Steveston Chevron Marine Steveston Diesel Services Steveston Fiberglass & Interiors Steveston Harbour Authority Steveston Marine Agency Steveston Net & Gear Storage Wampler Marine Ser. Ltd. - Esso 604-204-0613 604-241-0234 604-241-2790 604-277-7161 250-642-3551 604-271-4444 604-277-3191 604-271-8781 604-274-7746 604-271-6332 604-272-2672 604-274-7238 604-277-3434 604-277-7744 604-274-1422 778-297-6995 604-277-4712 604-274-4611 604-274-4611 604-272-5539 604-277-5211 604-272-4688 604-277-5211 CHIROPRACTIC AND PHYSIOTHERAPY Satori Integrative Health Centre 604-274-7224 Steveston Chiropractic Of¿ce 604-275-9776 Steveston Village Ortho/Spts Physio Clinic, Page 4 604-241-0933 CONSIGNMENT & THRIFT STORES Contour Consignment Daisies Boutique KidSupply Clothing Co, MarinersXchange Ltd. Mom’s Supply Clothing Co. Richmond Hos. Aux Thrift Store SOS Treasure Cottage 778-297-7080 604-271-9402 604-271-6415 604-271-2284 604-271-6416 604-271-1551 604-274-8866 DENTAL SERVICES Bayview Dental Centre Dr. James Cadigan, Page 10 Dr. Bob Jamison Dr. Gale D. Rocky Inc. Drs. Michele & Doug Nielsen, Page 3 Harmony Dental Studio Moncton Dental 604-277-2483 604-271-5622 604-277-1223 604-274-9988 604-277-1131 604-277-2223 604-277-3515 FINANCIAL SERVICES Coast Capital Savings Dundee Securities Corporation Edward Jones Finn McCool Gulf & Fraser Fishermen’s Cr. Un. Manulife Securities Incorporated Mikes Tax Service Nielsen & Co. C.C.A. Robel Income Tax Service Royal Bank of Canada Seigneuret & Company CGA, Page 15 WealthSmart Financial Group 604-517-7000 604-277-1835 604-231-7621 604 274 3199 604-271-5911 604-241-4357 1-866-864-8934 604-275-3244 604-241-7595 604-668-4355 604-266-0212 604-241-4357 FLOWERS, GARDENING Prickly Pear Garden Centre Wild West Gardens Ltd. Wong’s Greenhouse & Nursery 604-241-4717 778-836-3395 604-278-1028 FURNITURE & HOME DECO 29 VILL251110 Benjamin Moore Paints Cheyenne Millwork Ltd. Lofty Living Furniture Co. Paci¿c Design Furniture Pebblecreek Furniture Steveston Painting Scanteak, Page 6, 7 Style Studio Decorating Co. The Spoted Frog Urthwurks Furniture 604-271-2095 604-272-5322 604-271-5638 604-204-0700 778-297-6559 604-818-0733 778-297-7060 604-880-1855 778-297-4663 604-304-0415 GIFTWARE A Monkey Tree Beau Monde Souvenir & Gift Shop Cannery Store, The Fine Collections Hearts Gift Shop & Video Rental Marine Arts & Gifts Nikaido Gifts P.J. Collections, Arts & Crafts Serenity Home Décor Shooting Star Steveston Crafts ‘n More Wool & Wicker 604-448-9234 604-275-7969 604-664-9006 604-448-0280 604-304-3537 604-271-2275 604-275-0262 604-272-3829 604-241-3055 604-271-2717 604-272-3824 604-275-1239 HAIRDRESSERS AND BARBERS Alen’s Golden Scissors Amy’s Hair & Beauty Studio ARRZ 2 Ask Hair Studio A-Styles Hair Salon Gentlemans Chair Barber H2O Hair & Nail Co. Hair by Lenny Inter Beaute Haircare Salon Minato Hair Design Remark Hair Design Salon Six Shades Hair Salon Ship n’ Shore Steveston Barber Shop Tender Loving Hair Unicutters 604-274-4247 604-277-8229 604-272-0041 604-241-8600 604-277-4883 604-241-9793 604-241-5593 604-241-1755 604-275-7708 604-271-1100 604-250-9245 604-204-0564 604-274-2224 604-272-4822 604-277-7815 604-271-5464 604-272-4247 Gemini Fitness Inc. Geoghan Spa Healing River Acup. Centre Jazzercise LA Lifestyles Health & Fit.Consul. Lightheart Healing Lulu Family Fitness Natailia’s Spa Pangaea Clinic of Naturo. Med. Papillon Spa Paradigm Shift Martial Arts Studio Past Tense Massage Therapy Psychic Readings Studio - By Angela, Page 21 Radiant Tanning Salon Raintree Day Spa Serendipity’s Backyard Shinka Martial Arts Shizen Wellness Steveston Mass. Therapy Clinic Steveston Qigong Steveston Village Yoga, Page 36 Steveston’s Nails Salon & Spa Tao Day Spa Turning Point Thera.Mass. Clinic HOME, OFFICE DECORATING & SERVICES Acme Rental Centre 604-271-3014 Men in Kilts 1-877-777-5458 NeunDesign 604-724-0747 Steveston Painting 604-818-0733 Style Studio West 604-271-9730 The Little Contractor 604-329-8337 HERITAGE SITES / COMMUNITY / SERVICES GROUPS Britannia Heritage Shipyard NHS 604-718-8050 Com. Arts Council of Richmond 604-241-2790 Finn Slough Heritage Society 604-274-0057 Gulf of Georgia Cannery NHS 604-664-9009 London Heritage Farm 604-271-5220 Richmond Food Bank Society 604-271-5609 Steveston Community Society 604-718-8080 Steveston Farmers Market 604-718-8094 Steveston Museum & Post Of¿ce 604-271-6868 Steveston Rotary 604-277-8882 Steveston Salmon Festival 604-718-8094 Vancouver Wooden Boat Society 604-939-5774 HOLISTIC, HEALTH, WELLNESS & FITNESS 12th House Healing Arts 604-271-4325 B&D Spa 604-304-9005 Basic Nature 604-271-1142 Body & Health Sports Nutrition 604-275-9200 Cool Secret Spa 604-803-5359 Curves 604-878-8000 Focus Pilates 604-551-6593 Fusion Fitness Studio 604-275-1110 www.steveston.ca 604-304-9119 604-241-4556 604-277-5550 604-813-3990 604-644-5564 604-240-7406 604-204-0333 604-204-0333 604-275-0163 604-271-7717 778-297-7870 604-272-9995 604-447-3404 604-295-6410 604-274-4426 604-275-1683 604-275-5425 604-271-1906 604-272-2747 604-346-2050 778-229-3692 604 284 5178 604-277-9821 604-275-4641 30 JEWELLERY Juvelisto Rockabout Gems 604-241-7376 604-271-2070 LADIES & MEN’S CLOTHING & SHOES Bare Basics, Page 27 Beau Monde Souvenir & Gifts Elves Embroidery From Seeds to Fashion Irish Fancy Jet Lag Boutique Lulu Island Designs Seas On Shore Stepin’ Out Steve’s Board Shop Treasures Boutique VIKA Intern. Atelier Boutique 604-271-5330 604-275-7969 604-275-8191 604-277-3676 604-272-1101 604-277-3331 604-275-0558 604-271-5822 604-304-0602 778-297-7422 604-275-7119 604-271-4696 LAWYERS AND NOTARIES Henderson Livingston Stewart John Skapski Patricia A. Fleming Sara Levine, Barrister & Solicitor Sharen Janeson Tammy L. Hoolsema, Notary 604-241-2855 604-274-2526 604-277-0177 604-351-5917 604-272-5171 604-275-0070 MARINE AND HARDWARE Rod`s Building Supplies Steveston Marine Hardware 604-277-1191 604-277-7031 LIQUOR STORES Shady Island Cold Beer, Wine & Liquor Store 604-275-6585 MEDICAL & RELATED SERVICES Always There For You Home Support 604-271-4427 VILL251110 Dr. B. Peters, B.A.K. Dr. Cheryl Nagle, MD Dr. G. Bernadette Yuan, MD Dr. Jack Kliman, MD Dr. Jane Donaldson, MD Dr. Kee S. Leong-Sit, MD Dr. Peter Quelch, MD Dr. R.AJ.E. Carvalho, MD Dr. Robert Baker, MD Dr. Sebastian Howie, MD MCI Medical Clinics Inc Steveston Village Ortho/Spts Physio Clinic Pharmacies & Labs Medicine Shoppe, The, Page 13 Steveston Pharmacy Steveston Pharmacy SuperGrocer Pharmacy Life Labs 604-275-9776 604-274-6644 604-277-9577 604-277-7166 604-277-7166 604-275-6652 604-277-7166 604-277-7166 604-277-7166 604-277-7166 604-276-9550 604-241-0933 Steveston Community Police Station Steveston Waterfront Prop. TravelBoecker W.L. Dueck & Co. Welcome Wagon 604-713-2323 604-274-3393 604-338-9211 604-448-0200 604-940-0177 REAL ESTATE SERVICES Louwin Property Management 604-207-9316 MacDonald Realty - Harris First 604-295-4091 Macdonald’s Realty-Cynthia Chen, Inside Back Coverr 604-279-3838 Macdonald’s Realty-Dolores Werk 604-250-4555 Macdonald’s Realty-Esnie Shum 604-842-2626 604-275-3567 Meisterman Appraisals 604-271-2820 Quality Home Inspections Ltd. 604-271-7177 604-271-2820 Remax - Brenda Q 604-880-8083 604-271-2820 Remax - Diane Cardoso 604-218-1412 604-271-2722 Remax - Larry Biggar 604-341-8368 604-271-1712 Remax - Lynda Terborg 604-250-8676 Remax - Rob Viccars 604-737-8865 MEMORIAL SERVICE Remax - Sean Lawson, Inside Front Coverr 604-240-4837 Steveston Passages 604-720-0841 Remax Westcoast - Deb Robson 604-328-3507 604-307-9722 Remax Westcoast - M. McCaffery MUSIC, DANCE & PERFORMING ARTS Steveston Real Estate Sales Ltd., Inside Front Cover 604-274-7326 Arts Connection, The, Page 22 604-241-0141 Sutton Group - Ryan Beggs 604-802-0292 Beatmerchant, The 604-204-0044 Berke Academy of Dance 604-271-1271 RESTAURANTS & BEVERAGE SERVICES Steveston Folk Guild 604-272-9294 Bakeries and confectioneries 604-271-8865 World Of Music And Arts 778-297-5505 Cake Art Inc. Candy Aisle 778-995-6883 604-277-6866 OFFICE SERVICES Candy Dish Island InK Jet 604-273-8863 Chocolate Lover Cakes 778-297-5955 604-304-2884 Total Package Computer 604-241-4000 Damien’s Belgian WafÀe Ltd., Page 27 Diplomate Bakery 604-241-9134 Heidi’s Cookie Creations 604-270-2709 PRINTING, PRE-PRESS & MULTIMEDIA SERVICES 604-448-0005 Amark Printing 604-272-2849 Outpost Mini Donut, Page 23 604-272-2655 Artico Communications Group Inc. 604-275-9452 Sinfully The Best, Inside Back Cover 604-271-3656 Horizon Multimedia 604-275-4525 Steveston Bakery 778-297-1597 Print in Motion 1-778-869-6666 The Steveston Cookie Company 604-271-8865 Steveston Villager, The 604-275-9452 The Sweet Spot Bakery Typographika Words and Images 604-448-1980 Coffee, Espresso Etc. Beans and Beyond Café 604-277-2687 Blenz Coffee 604-272-8700 PET SERVICES AND SUPPLIES 604-448-5485 Bark n’ Fly 604-277-4686 Robusto Cigars and Café 604-204-0288 Richmond Dog Walking 604-785-1476 Starbucks Coffee Imperial Landing 604-275-1983 Little Paws Animal Clinic 604-241-7387 Steveston Coffee Company Meow & Bark Avenue 604-271-3647 Waves Coffee House 604-448-9283 SPCA Education & Adoption Centre 604-277-3100 Casual Steveston Veterinary Hospital 604-274-9938 Alegria Café & Giftware 604-274-1215 British Home 604-274-2261 PHOTOGRAPHY Cimona Café 604-275-3753 Artisan Photography 604-278-0252 Cottage Tea Room 604-295-8946 Brechin Maclean Photography 604-277-5787 Fisherman’s Boot 604-275-9343 Sandra Steier Photography 604-277-7437 Mary’s Italian Ice Cream 604-277-8210 The Lighthouse Photo Studio 604-644-8907 McDonald’s Restaurant 604-513-0378 604-275-8355 Mondo Eatery & Burger Bar PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Oasis Café 604-270-3552 EHL Consulting Inc. 604-512-6749 Pierside Deli 604-448-0071 Erl’signs 604-250-3958 Saras Ice Cream 604-644-4176 Hon. John Cummins, MP 604-241-8452 Shady Island Seafood Bar & Grill 604-275-6587 Jefferson’s Dry Cleaners 604-271-8223 Steveston Cannery Cafe 604-272-1222 John Yap, MLA Richmond, Page 15 604-241-8452 Steveston Dairy Queen 604-277-0646 604-241-6544 Steveston Hotel Restaurant, Kim’s Electronics 604-277-9511 Mardon & Campbell Insurance Ltd., Page 9 604-274-9971 Subway 604-274-8850 Miloush Adv. Mobile Welding 604-272-4225 Timothy’s Frozen Yoghurt 604-275-7547 604-274-7313 Chinese/Asian Minato Village Cleaners MyAlarm.com 604-288-2688 Kari House Malaysian Restaurant 604-275-5274 Nu-Tech Systems 604-271-9222 Timmy’s Kitchen 604-275-1112 604-276-7471 Zen Fine Chinese Cuisine Paci¿c Northwest Planners 604-272-2777 www.steveston.ca 31 VILL251110 Convenience & Grocery Stores 7-Eleven No. 1 Road 7-Eleven Steveston Hwy Golden Apple Farm Market Minato Food Mart Pavels SuperGrocer & Pharmacy East Indian La Tandoori Restaurant Sanjay’s Foods Ltd, Page 26 Fine Dining Blue Canoe Waterfront Rest. Charthouse Restaurant Steveston Seafood House The Point Restaurant Greek George’s Taverna, Page 9 Kisamos Greek Taverna Italian Big Bite Pizza Domino’s Pizza Correli’s Restaurant Mama’s Pizza Paesano’s Panago Pizza Steveston Pizza Co. Timbuktu Japanese Ichiro Japanese Restaurant Le Nakamura Japanese Dining Tokyo 10 Village Sushi Bar Yokohama Japanese Restaurant Mexican Little Mexico Cantina Pub’s, Bistro’s, Wine Bars Buck and Ear Bar and Grill Caesars Bar & Grill, Page 3 Gudrun Tasting Room Mandalay Lounge & Steakhouse Mondo Eatery & Burger Bar O’Hares Pub & Bistro Shady Island Pub Tapenade Mediterranean Bistro Organic Food Products Nirvana Organics Seafood, Fish & Chips Dave’s Fish and Chips, Inside Front Cover Pajo’s At The Wharf Pajo’s Garry Point Park Pats Galley Seaside Marketing Shady Island Seafood Bar & Grill Sockeye City Diner Services with Food / Beverage Bayou Brewing Club Heringers Old Fashion Meats Imponderable Vent. Garlic Farm Pure Water Shoppe, Page 26 South Harbour Fish & Gifts Steveston Farmers Market Steveston Fish Shoppe Steveston Landing Fish Co Steveston Pure Water Steveston Seafood Auctions Inc Steveston SuperGrocer Steveston Winemakers Veggie King Market www.steveston.ca 604-271-1811 604-271-9817 604-448-9918 604-271-7732 604-271-3635 604-271-2722 SPECIAL OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES, SPORTS Centre Line Stables 604-275-5463 Kaymaran Adventure Tours 604-271-5544 Steveston Bicycle 604-271-5544 Steveston Water Taxi Services 604-720-0841 Village Bikes 604-274-3865 WHALE WATCHING / ECO TOURS 604-204-0077 Steveston Seabreeze Advent. 604-241-9344 Vancouver Whale Watch 604-272-7200 604-274-9565 604-275-7811 604-271-7000 604-271-5252 604-277-7118 604-277-2323 604-271-3786 604-277-0508 WORSHIP Steveston Buddhist Temple Steveston Christian Church Steveston United Church 604-275-5502 WEB, COMPUTER & INTERNET SERVICES 604-277-5626 Abalone Designs 604-244-7597 Computel Home Services 604-275-3548 778-297-4404 Laura Galloway Design 604-272-3047 604-275-1133 Millennium Technical Services 604-241-8324 604-272-7264 Pinecone Web Development Inc 604-272-1982 604-271-6400 PMC Wireless 604-277-5607 604-270-9252 Stand Out Online 778-918-3121 604-310-0001 Steveston Community E-Newsletter 604-275-9452 604-204-0777 Steveston Village Community Website 604-275-9452 604-274-0012 Total Package Computer, Page 27 604-241-4000 This complimentary listing of Steveston Businesses, or information on the Steveston Community Website, www.steveston.ca or in The Steveston Community E-Newsletter have been compiled from the best and most current information available. However, Artico Communications Group Inc. does not assume responsibility or liability for any omissions, errors or subsequent changes of any information. If we have missed you, we are sorry. If you would like to be included in this Directory listing or its’ subsidiaries, please send your complete business information to the publisher, Artico Communications Group Inc., Email: 604-272-5123 info@steveston.bc.ca . No Part of any of the products published by Artico Communications Group Inc. may be reproduced mechanically or otherwise 604-277-9511 without the express written permission of the Publisher, Artico Communications Group Inc., email: info@steveston.bc.ca ©, 604-275-9452. 604-277-1150 604-204-0023 604-279-8802 604-271-1067 604-271-8896 604-274-1268 604-272-1991 604-628-2500 604-275-8355 604-241-8513 604-275-6587 604-275-5188 THE STEVESTON VILLAGER BUSINESS DIRECTORY THE STEVESTON COMMUNITY WEBSITE THE STEVESTON COMMUNITY E-NEWSLETTER THE STEVESTON VILLAGER BUISINESS DIRECTORY Dedicated to the promotion of Steveston Businesses and Community Groups since 1986. The “Villager”was designed to help residents and visitor discover 604-272-0115 how truly unique and beautiful Steveston is and the varied businesses available as an alternative to the malls. 604-271-7555 604-272-1588 604-204-0767 604-277-1812 604-329-2484 604-275-6587 604-275-6790 The Steveston Villager Business Directory is delivered to homes, apartments V7E by Canada Post and distributed in high traf¿c areas of Richmond and Steveston. Let the “Villager” with its many years of experience and vision help to promote your business! 604-275-9452, info@steveston.bc.ca The Steveston Villager Community Website pioneered the ¿rst site solely dedicated to Steveston. For 14 years it has brought visitors and residents up-to-date information and continues to do so at: www.steveston.ca 604-274-9463 604-274-6328 604-271-1645 604-277-7873 604-277-3008 604-718-8080 604-277-3135 604-275-4746 604-272-8850 604-272-5520 604-271-2722 604-275-9463 604-274-8816 Artico Communications Group Inc. 604-275-9452 info@steveston.bc.ca 32 VILL251110 2011/2012 2011/2012 Steveston Steveston Community Community Calendar Calendar *Please contact the Community Groups below individually for more details or on TBA activities. In some cases, calendars were not all in place or events confirmed for publishing dates. ANAF - Army & Navy Air Force Veterans BHS - Britannia Heritage Shipyard, *call for ages, info times & to register for classes, 604-276-4300 or 604-718-8050 GOG - Gulf of Georgia Cannery - 604-664-9134 LHF - London Heritage Farm - 604-271-5220 SCC - Steveston Community Centre - 604-718-8080 SCS - Steveston Community Society - 604-718-8094 SR - Steveston Rotary Club - 604-277-8882 SOS - SOS Children’s Village - 604-574-2964 SBT - Steveston Buddhist Temple - 604-277-2323 RFG - Steveston Folk Guild 604-272-9294 RLC - Richmond Lions Clubs SMA - Steveston Merchants Association October 2011 - January 2012 Until Oct 28 Fishing the West Coast Photo Contest, GOG Oct 1 Histories Revealed: Salmon Can Label Designs, GOG Oct 2 This photo contest celebrates fishing on the West Coast of Canada. Vote for your favourite photo. The Gulf of Georgia Cannery will display some of their extensive salmon can label collection A Little Taste of Home Join Tonari Gumi, a famed recipe author, for free samples from a unique collection of Japanese recipes in celebration of Steveston’s historic ties to the Japanese community. Oct 2 Oct 8 - 9 Steveston Summer Market Thanksgiving Tea, LHF Oct 11 Oct 16 Oct 30 Oct 29 Oct 29 - 30 Thanksgiving Day Steveston Summer Market, SCS Steveston Summer Market, SCS Halloween Tea, LHF Haunted Cannery Tours, GOG Nov 6 Nov 11 Nov 13 Nov 27 Nov 27 Come and enjoy fall with delicious Thanksgiving Tea and home-made goodies. Join for a hair-raising tour though the Cannery, as ghosts of the departed lead guests on a spooky journey through BC’s fishing history. Daylight Saving Time Ends Remembrance Day Steveston Winter Market, SCS Steveston Christmas Craft Fair, SCS Admission by cash donation or non-perishable item for the Richmond Food Bank; concession provided by Steveston Youth; and 167 vendors to shop. Steveston Winter Market, SCS Dec 3 Christmas in Steveston Village, GOG Dec 4 Dec 10 Breakfast With Santa, SCC Winter Hayride, SCC Dec 11 Dec 22 Dec 23 Dec 25 Dec 26 Steveston Winter Market, SCS First Day Of Winter Steveston Santa Parade Christmas Day Boxing Day Jan 1 Jan 22 New Year’s Day Steveston Winter Market, SCS The holiday spirit comes to Steveston with Santa's arrival by boat at Fisherman’s Wharf in true nautical style, aboard a whale watching boat! Horse drawn carriage rides circle the beautifully lit village. Tours the Cannery (seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and views the festival of trees from Dec 3 - 23. Enjoy the hay wagon ride, festive music and holiday displays. Steveston Villager Business Directory is NOW ONLINE www.steveston.ca Saving trees ......one at a time! For current changes to the calendar see www.steveston.ca “Helping to keep our community connected; Committed to the promottion of Business and Community Groups in Steveston since 1984” The Complimentary listing of the Steveston Community Directory, Emergency and other numbers mentioned, as well as the Steveston community Calendar have been compiled from the best information available. However, Artico Communications Group Inc. does not assume responsibility or liability for any omissions, errors or subsequent changes of any information. No part of this publication may be reproduced mechanically or otherwise without the express written permission of the publisher, Artico Communications Group Inc. Phone - 604-275-9452, email - info@steveston.bc.ca. PRINTED IN CANADA www.steveston.ca 33 VILL251110 No part of this publication, including the maps, may be reproduced mechanically of otherwise, without the express written permission of Artico Communications Group Inc., all rights reserved. Tel: 604-275-9452, Email: info@steveston.bc.ca www.steveston.ca 34 VILL251110 The Story About You Your life stories are your legacy. Preserve, celebrate & share YOUR legacy with a personal video biography custom-crafted for YOU by JDP Films Inc. Call us now for a free consultation 604-275-9452 info@steveston.bc.ca JDP Films Inc. GroupBuy Coming Soon www.steveston.bc.ca Contact us info@steveston.bc.ca www.steveston.ca 35 VILL251110 Come enjoy our garden! STEVESTON VILLAGE YOGA Embrace the Spirit The art and practice of Yoga For greater strength, flexibility, and focus Alegria Café Boutique Hatha Yoga Studio TRASI JANG PHOTOGRAPHY Organically Inspired Café Specialty Coffees Homemade Soups Paninis, Wraps, Sandwiches, Gluten Free Products Available,Salads Delicious Muffins & Cakes OFFERING SMALL, INTIMATE CLASSES, SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. Come and experience the difference Locate us at 12151 1st Avenue Behind Alegria Café 604 943 3221 buy a 10 class card and enjoy a free bowl of soup from Alegria Café www.stevestonvillageyoga.ca Map #28 www.steveston.ca Open 7 Days 8am-4pm Alegria Cafe & Giftware Ltd. 604-274-1215 12151 First Avenue ~ Steveston Village, Richmond, BC 36 VILL251110 Serving Richmond since 1978 604-279-3838 Map #31 Map #21 Saving for your child’s education is one of the most important things you’ll ever do. It takes planning, patience and people you can trust. Education savings plans from Knowledge First Financial * have helped thousands of Canadian parents make the most of their education savings – creating a world of possibilities for their children. Get started today. Call Michael van Lierop Sales Representative Knowledge First Financial 604-276-0500 michael.vanlierop@kff.ca * Knowledge First Financial is a registered name of Knowledge First Financial Inc. AP564 09/2011
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