This month`s speaker will be Ron Georgeone Talking about Goldfish
This month`s speaker will be Ron Georgeone Talking about Goldfish
This month’s speaker will be Ron Georgeone Talking about Goldfish Medina County Aquarium Society 2010 Officers President: Joe Ring Vice President Gene Gore Treasurer: Teresa Biggs Secretary: John Kaminski (330) 483-0419 (330) 334-1447 (330) 334-1447 (330) 225-0709 Board of Directors Bob Blazek (330) 725-1173 Nick Evanoff (330) 722-3887 Tracy Douglas (330)350-6891 Nate Larson (330) 882-5158 Charlie Suk (440) 886-7178 Committee Chairpersons Editor Programs Raffle Library Auctions Bowl Show A.C.A. B.A.P. Refreshments Nick Evanoff Charlie Suk Gene Gore/Teresa Biggs John Kaminski Teresa Biggs/John Kaminski Joe Ring Ron Georgeone Nick Evanoff/John Kaminski Joe Ring/Gayle Ring Nomination Committee-Nate Larson/Teresa Biggs Exchange Committee—Bob Blazek/Nick Evanoff Club Photographer – Ken McGill Publicity - John Kaminski/Nate Larson Show - Joe Ring//TBD/TBD Sunshine - Eileen Evanoff/Nick Evanoff H.A.P. - Nick Evanoff/John Kaminski Membership John Kaminski /Bob Blazek The All Wet Gazette is published by the Medina County Aquarium Society. The objectives of this society are to bring together a congenial group of people mutually interested in tropical fishes and to promote the keeping, study, breeding, and exhibition of aquarium fishes and related aquatic life. Send to: Medina County Aquarium Society P.O. Box 1485 Medina, Ohio 44256 Website: EDITORS CORNER This month the bowl show will be ALL LIVE BEARERS. The fish room featured this month is Bob Blazek’s. yours could be next ,contact Bob if you are interested. Don’t forget about our auction coming next month ,it’s October 9th at the Prince of Peace Church. Nick Bruce Fraley is selling his fish room if anyone is interested here is some information Fish Room for Sale Bruce Fraley 440-946-1605 email; 2-40 gallon tanks with top, heater, filters, and 2x4 stand - qty. 3- $120/ea. 3- 20 gallon long tanks with top, heater, filter, and 2x4 stand- qty. 2- $80/ea. 9-10 gallon tanks with top, heater, filter, and 2x4 stand- qty.1- $110 7- 10 gallon tanks with top, heater, filter, and 2x4 stand- qty. 1- $90 ¼ hp gast blower with 70 air valves and tubing- $175 Total price- $895; Pkg. Price- $700 6 -2lb frozen brine shrimp- $7/ea. BOWL SHOW CLASSES 2010 JAN————ANY CATFISH FEB————BARBS & TETRAS MARCH——ANGLES & DISCUS APRIL———RAINBOWS & KILLIFISH MAY———-GOLD FISH JUNE———OLD WORLD CICHLIDS JULY ————— AUGUST————NEW WORLD CICHLIDS SEPTEMBER——ALL LIVE BEARERS OCTOBER———BETTAS & GOURAMIS NOVEMBER——ANY FISH NOT IN A CLASS DECEMBER——-CHRISTMAS PARTY August 2010 bowl show results 1st William Markosky BAP PROGRAM REPORT By Nick Evanoff …BREEDERS AWARD PROGRAM Standings as of August 2010 If I have any of your numbers wrong please let me know So I can correct them for you. SUPREME GRAND MASTER 70 SPAWNS GRAND MASTER Dan McMonigle 66 spawns 60 SPAWNS MASTER…… 50 SPAWNS EXPERT ….. 40 SPAWNS HORTICULTURE AWARD PROGRAM STANDING AS OF August 2010 10 points for each entry SUPREME GRAND MASTER…..500 POINTS Dan McMonigle…. 940 points SPECIALIST ….. 30 SPAWNS Bill Bilski 36 spawns Brian Shrimpton 33 spawns Charlie & Cathy Suk 31 spawns GRAND MASTER………………..400 POINTS ACCOMPLISHED ….. 20 SPAWNS John Clark 24 spawns Bob Blazek 21spawns EXPERT…………………………...250 POINTS NOVICE ………….. 10 SPAWNS Linda Wallrath 19 spawns Robert Patrick 14 spawns Teresa Biggs 14spawns Joe Ring 11 spawns Gene Gore 10 spawns Nick Evanoff 11 spawns Tom &Carolyn Evers 10 spawns BEGINNER …………. 5 SPAWNS John Kaminski 9 spawns Ken & Karen Grimmett 2 spawns MASTER…………………………..300 POINTS Linda Wallrath….340 points ACCOMPLISHED………………..150 POINTS Robert Patrick…..180 points NOVICE…………………………...100 POINTS John Clark……….100 points BEGINNER…………………………50 POINTS Nick Evanoff ……80 points John Kaminski….60 points Charlie Suk……..50 points Bill Bilski………..70 points ! Bring a Friend to the meeting!!!!! Who knows you might get them hooked!!!!!! EMAIL Single-$9.00,Family-$12.00,Juniors-$5.00,Seniors-5.00 SNAIL MAIL Single-$15.00,Family-$20.00,Juniors-$5.00,Seniors-$5.00 You can mail your dues in or BETTER YET bring it to Januarys meeting! Reduced Membership for 2010 Take Half Off! ONLY ABOUT ONE THIRD of members ATTEND MEETINGS. ATTEND A MEETING, GET YOUR MONEYS WORTH. MEET FRIENDLY PEOPLE THAT SHARE THE SAME HOBBY YOU ENJOY. SHARE YOUR HOBBY EXPERIENCES AND MAYBE PICK UP IDEAS FROM OTHERS. Please pass this on : What a Deal WON’T YOU CONSIDER JOINING? MCAS (Medina County Aquarium Society) offers a wide range of programs and events to satisfy the needs of almost every aquatic hobbyist, from the single community tank enthusiasts to the multi-tank breeder, as well as those who desire to show their fish. Regular Monthly Meetings Feature: Bowl Show with Auction Dollar Prizes. Auction dollars are the same as cash at any MCAS auctions. Manufacture’s Donated Supplies in Raffles. Programs by Hobby Experts on Some Phase of the Hobby. Refreshments Chat with Fellow Members about Problems and Successes. Monthly Meeting drawings for cash prize if you’re present and signed up at the meeting. Annual Spring and Fall Auctions: You can sell your Excess Fish, Plants, Equipment and Food. MCAS offers a 75/25 split to Sellers that are MCAS members!!!! You can buy Fish, Plants, Equipment and Food. 50/50 Drawings during Auction. Food and Drink for Sale at Auctions. Various Raffles. National Recognized Bulletin Every Month. Interesting Reading on Various Facets of the Hobby. Either walk into a meeting or phone, e-mail or contact John Kaminski for more information. Thanks go to Ken McGill for our new web site. John Kaminski 330-225-0709 MCAS P.O. Box 1485 Medina, OH 44256 A fish eyes view By Bob Blazek Hello Everyone, I hope you're having a great Summer and welcome to the next chapter of : "A Fish Eye's View" This months' article will feature "me" Bob Blazek. I have been in and out of keeping fish since I have been about 12 years old. When I was younger I was mostly into angelfish and bred about every color variety you can think of. Then my "fry/children"" came along and I had to put fish on the back burner for a few years. When I decided to get back into fish I had already moved to the Medina area from the North Olmsted/North Ridgeville area. I decided to get into African Cichlids and primarily lake Malawi Peacocks. My favorite Peacock is Aulonocara Stuartgranti "Ngara Flametail". I also keep a variety of livebearers and corydoras. I have been recently expanding my collection to South American, Central American and West African river basin cichlids. I am currently running 20 tanks ranging from 10 gallons to 75 gallons. I really enjoy the comraderie of our club and the vast variety of what each member is into. I'm also a member of the Ohio Cichlid Association. I would probably join at least one or two of the other great local clubs but like the amount of tanks you keep there's a limit. See You at the meeting, Bob Blazek White Worms ~ Care and Feeding by Steve Mc Donald, SWMAS; from SWAM, July / August 1993 Issue These worms are an excellent live food supplement to any fish’s diet. Keep the worms in small covered container with a loose lid such as a plastic shoe box. The soil should be a mix of fifty percent peat moss and fifty percent top soil or African Violet soil. Leaf mold can also be added. Keep the soil damp, but not soaked to the point that it can’t hold any more water. Add your worm starter culture to the box. In approximately three weeks, you should have enough worms to be able to begin feeding your fish. Care of the Worms Feed the worms a teaspoon or two of the following, every couple of days: sour cream, Gerber baby food oatmeal or mixed cereal, mashed potatoes, or cooked oatmeal. Place the food into small holes poked in the soil. Do not feed more than can be consumed in two days. Keep the worms cool at about 40 to 55 degrees F and they will reproduce rapidly. Feeding Worms to Your Fish Remove clumps from the dirt and put them into a small container of clean water for up to an hour. Pour off the excess water and dirt, rinsing as needed. The worms are then ready to feed to your fish. Cherry Red Shrimp as a Cory Egg Hatching Aid By Steve Smith Reprinted w/permission. This article first appeared in ‘Fincinnati’ the magazine of the Greater Cincinnati Aquarium Society. We are always looking for new ways to successfully hatch eggs. In the fall of 2008 I found one more. An user named Neoncory was advertising corydoras eggs of various kinds for sale. He would ship however many eggs he had on a given day, so I ordered eggs from Cory. davidsandsi, C. duplicareus, C. sterbai and C. panda. When they arrived we opened the package to see several bags of Cory eggs, some of which had already started to hatch and a surprise. In each of the bags there was a single Cherry Red shrimp. I poured a couple of these into a 10 gallon tank and watched as the shrimp pick up eggs and clean them, rotating them and nibbling at anything they found. I contacted Neoncory and found that he had been experimenting with this method in his own tanks for quite some time and found the shrimp to be excellent egg cleaners. In experiments with some Orange Laser Cory eggs I found that an individual shrimp in a plastic container and air bubbler did best with no more than 20-25 eggs. Beyond that I don’t think one shrimp can keep up with the egg cleaning duties. Also, keeping the air bubbler to a minimum seems to be more agreeable with the shrimp. Once the eggs hatch the shrimp pay no attention to the fry and I was not able to see any loss of fry over the first few days when I left shrimp in the hatching containers. I typically remove the shrimp back to their own tanks once the Cory fry are free swimming. This method is preferable to the addition of chemicals and even easier than the other relatively new method with alder cones, which need to be changed daily. MEDINA COUNTY PARKS DISTRICT 6364 Deerview Lane, Medina, Ohio 44256 (330) 722-9364, (330) 225-7100 ext. 9364 Website: The Medina County Aquarium Society extends our extreme appreciation supporters appreciation to our supporters Ray "Kingfish" Lucas / King-fish Services …... Wardley’s 8 in one pet products San Francisco Bay Brand Tetra Zoo Med Laboratories inc Ocean Nutrition…………………………..Members, please remember these manufacturers and businesses when you shop for your pet supplies. They all support us and we should in turn support them. For without them, our club raffles, Show, and Annual Auctions would be very bleak indeed… A bigger and better year for them all! Medina County Aquarium Society We meet the 2nd Friday of Each Month at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 3355 Medina Rd. (Rt.18) Medina, Ohio 8:00pm All are Welcome!!! M.C.A.S. P.O. Box 1485 Medina, Ohio 44256 Dated Material: Meeting Notice Support our Supporters!!!
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