Schedule - the Kansas Geological Survey
Schedule - the Kansas Geological Survey
AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Integrated Approaches to Modeling Late Paleozoic Petroleum Reservoirs in the Greater Midcontinent, Midcontinent, U.S. Part 4 – Lithofacies, Petrophysics, and Petrofacies Short Course AAPG - Southwest Section December 8, 2008 -- Abilene, Texas December 9, 2008 -- Ft. Worth, Texas W. Lynn Watney Senior Scientific Fellow Kansas Geological Survey 1930 Constant Avenue Lawrence, KS 66047 Ph: 785-864-2184 Fax: 785-864-5317 Email: Schedule 9:009:00-10:00 – 1. Approach to Modeling Late Paleozoic Petroleum Reservoirs. 10-12 noon – 2. Regional structural and tectonic framework during the late Paleozoic and significance to reservoir systems. – ~10:30~10:30-10:45 -- Break – NoonNoon-1:00 pm – Lunch 1:00-3:00 pm -- 3. Sequence stratigraphy and reservoir architecture of late Paleozoic strata in the Midcontinent. – ~3:00~3:00-3:15 – Break – 3:003:00-4:30 pm -- 4. Reservoir Lithofacies and Petrofacies. 4:304:30-5:00 pm – 5. WrapWrap-up & Summary. Summary. PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 1 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Take Home Points of Short Course Basement structures and distal tectonic events affecting them are are important in defining location and properties of reservoirs. ProcessProcess-based field, outcrop, and Recent analogs provide more appropriate, accurate interpolation of reservoir properties. Late Paleozoic reservoirs are dominated by depositional fabric selective diagenesis, both early and late both. Establishing petrofacies and pore types is essential to accurate calculations of water saturations, volumetrics, ROIP, establishing establishing permeability correlations and predicting fluid flow. Infill locations and new pays within oil and gas fields remain significant targets for IOR in mature regions; requires comprehensive, integrated approach. ReRe-exploration and exploitation of mature producing areas can be substantially benefited by access to and mining of large data sets sets – digital and electronic data – logs, production, core/samples and descriptions, in an integrated and quantitative manner. 4. Reservoir Lithofacies and Petrofacies Modern ooid shoals – geometries, textures, processes Example – role of establishing temporal geometries and importance of texture in permeability and flow unit designation. – Hall Gurney CO2 pilot, Central Kansas Uplift, Kansas (Upper Missourian Plattsburg Limestone) Petrophysics Overview – Solving the Archie equation for Sw and establishing the cementation exponent, m – Significance of bulk volume water, (BVW = Sw*Ø Sw*Ø) and pore type – Examples – Marmaton Altamont Limestone – volumetrics of an oomoldic reservoir using varying “m”, the cementation exponent Waddell Field – San Andres oomoldic and karsted reservoir, significance of structure and diagenesis Norcan East Field -- Calibrating pay in a shaly estuarine valleyvalley-fill sandstone (Atokan, western Ks) PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 2 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Slides on Modern ooid shoals from the Bahamas provided by Eugene C. Rankey University of Kansas Oolitic Carbonate Shoals Conceptual Facies Models Is this the best we can do? • Qualitative • Not predictive After Handford, 1988 E.C. Rankey, KU PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 3 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Dunham Carbonate Classification Moore (1988) Goals Examine geomorphology of marine (oolitic) sand bodies Explore grain sizes and types within a hydro-geomorphic framework Explain patterns in terms of fundamental processes Courtesy of Gene Rankey Department of Geology The University of Kansas PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 4 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Marine Sand Belt - Character Large-scale sand body parallel shelf margin Parabolic bars superimposed; flood/ebb Individual sand waves, varied orientation Cross-laminated – troughs, perhaps wave rippled Increase in energy upwards Lily Bank Marine Sand Belt Atlantic Ocean Reef Reef Reef Downdip inactive Active shoal Lagoon 10 km PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES Little Bahama Bank 5 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Ramp Fluid Flow • Lower velocity in troughs Flow direction Flood tide Image Copyright Ramp Sediments 500 m 1mm PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 6 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Image Copyright Ramp Sediments Relative to troughs, crests: more sorted coarser – Are coarser – Are better sorted Carbonate Tidal Deltas Mostly from Stacy Reeder PhD PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 7 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Tidal Deltas - Character Lobate forms; most commonly flood deltas Commonly (not always) associated with bedrock islands – clasts/rocky bottom – ‘Fixed’ location Even if flood-oriented, shaped by both flood and ebb tides Not commonly interpreted in geologic record EbbDominated Tidal Delta on Little Bahama Bank • Ebb flow over shoal • Decreasing current velocity with distance PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 8 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Tidal Sand Ridges LBB 100 km Great Bahama Bank Miami Focus area GBB Exuma Sound GBB PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 9 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Exuma Sound we st Shallow Platform Channel 1000 μm PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 10 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Bar Crest 1000 μm Conclusions from Modern Feedbacks between bathymetry and hydrodynamics lead to predictable geomorphic trends Ooid sorting improves along crest of shoals PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 11 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney -Pleistocene ooid shoal - western side of Bahamian platform south of Bimini Ocean Cay Future LNG Terminal Dominant Lithofacies of Pleistocene Oolite Massive (A) to finely-interbedded (B), fine- to coarse-grained crossbedded oolitic and oolitic/skeletal/peloidal grainstones ranging in thickness from 0.5-5 m overlying a mottled, bioturbated (C) , vuggy (D) oolitic/skeletal/peloidal grain- to packstone Byrnes, Cruse, Eberli, Watney (2006) PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 12 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Permeability vs Porosity -- indicative of a link between pore development in the Ancient and Pleistocene oolitic grainstones -- linked by process, both deposition and early diagenesis 10000 Permeability (md) 1000 100 10 1 Ocean Cay KS Oomoldic LKC 0.1 0.01 0.001 10 Texture/pore type & Permeability vs Porosity k=491 md, =37.1%, m=2.56 =39.7%, m=3.08 10,000 Air Permeability (md) k=191 md, 100 Porosity (%) Byrnes et al. (2006) k=6393 md, =46.4%, m=2.52 1,000 B-300 B-320 B-321 B-322 B-324 B-325 B-326 100 k=4050 md, =43.2%, m=2.62 10 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 Porosity (%) k=24 md, =29.7%, m=2.98 PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES Byrnes et al. (2006) k=1078 md, =41.7%, m=3.04 13 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney LKC Permeability vs Porosity In situ Permeability (md) Insitu Permeability (md) 10 Cox Permeability Bounds vs. Porosity 1000 1 100 0.1 10 0.01 0.001 0 2 16 8 10 0.1 0.001 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 0 1 2 3 4 Mold Connectivity Index Permeability vs. Matrix Archie Porosity In situ Permeability (md) 100 0.001 0.1 0.0001 0.01 10 1 0.1 0.01 01 0 1 Routine Porosity (%) 1 0.001 10 0.01 0.01 10 Permeability vs. Mold Connectivity 100 Permeability vs. Mold Packing 0.1 100 In situ Permeability (md) 4 Drew s Dorr Witt Oberle A17W Boxberger Leurman Trembly Vopat Gordon EE Tobias Hafferman Michaelis Soeken Sellens 2 Sellens 1 Oeser Princ Tieperman Colliver 1 C-C CO2I C C-C CO2IG C-C CO2IC WC Colliver #16 Austin 2-27 OceanCay 28 18 12 S14i 16 In situ Permeability (md) 10000 100 52 103 Mold Packing Index 15 4 0.001 20 25 30 35 40 Porosity (%)Matrix Archie Porosity Index 0 1 2 3 45 4 log10ki = 0.154 – 3.21 (SE=6X) log10ki = 0.090 + 0.47 MCI – 3.2 (SE=5.5X) Permeability and Pore Diameter Principal Pore Throat Diameter ( m) 100 10 1 Ocean Cay Ls oomoldic Ls moldic Ls interparticle 0.1 Ss lithic Ls chalk Ss arkosic Ss quartzose 0.01 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Insitu Klinkenberg Permeability (md) Pleistocene cores (light blue) exhibit correlation of permeability and principal pore throat diameter consistent with trend of other lithologies. Byrnes et al. (2006) PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 14 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Application of Modern and Pleistocene to the Pennsylvanian – Lobate and linear oolitic shoals form complex geometries – Granulometric attributes of Modern and Ancient ooid shoals are comparable – Oomoldic porosity is extensive in Pleistocene and older rocks (for (for aragoniticaragonitic-rich ooid) ooid) – Size, sorting, packing of Pennsylvanian and Pleistocene oomolds are closely related – Oomoldic pores are closely related to depositional fabric and near surface subaerial diagenesis, modified by later burial diagenesis Pennsylvanian, Bethany Falls Ls. unstained Pleistocene, Ocean Cay w/ alz-r stain Lansing-Kansas City Production and CO2 Project Location Marmaton 200 MMBO (3%) Morrow 200 MMBO (3%) All Others 500 MMBO (8%) 1915-2005 Arbuckle Cherokee 2,300 MMBO (37%) 200 MMBO (3%) Simpson 250 MMBO (4%) Viola 370 MMBO (6%) Mississippian 1,000 MMBO (16%) LansingKansas City 1,250 MMBO (20%) Hall-Gurney Field CO2 Pilot Study Area PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 5 Miles 15 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Total Magnetic Field Intensity Reduced to Pole Russell County, Kansas LKC reservoirs lying on Arbuckle granite high on the Central Kansas Uplift CO2 Project 20 St ru ctu ra l li feet Gross Pay Plattsburg Limestone ne am en ts 0 C.I. = 1 ft. 1 mi. -1148 feet Structure Top Plattsburg Limestone CO2 Project -1204 C.I. = 2 ft. PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES CO2 Project 16 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Rhomaa-umma lithology solution Shawnee Group Oread Douglas Group Cass Stanton Muncie Creek Muncie Creek depositional sequence set Heebner sequence set Hall-Gurney Field Plattsburg Farley/ Argentine Iola Nuyaka Creek Sequence set Dewey Cherryvale Dennis Gorham Sandstone Precambrian /Precambrian granite Ooid shoal Lansing & Kansas City Groups Swope Sniabar Base Pennsylvanian transgression ~Lost Branch/Nuyaka Creek Shale (regional 3rd order boundary) Willhite (2008) PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 17 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Willhite (2008) Average Ø in oomoldic carbonate reservoir Plattsburg Limestone #1 CO2 I #1 Colliver #16 (core) Increased oil production off flood pattern attributed to CO2 flood from 2005 to present #18 0.25 mi (0.4 km) PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES Outline of CO2 plume from 4D seismic during first 2 years of injection (2004-2005) 18 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Layer 2 - 2894.2 =34.1% K =113.9md 1 mm • 6 layer reservoir model, oomoldic limestone Murfin CO2I#1 Layer 3 2897’ = 27.7% K= 32.4md 1 mm Layer 4 2899’ = 22.9% K= 5.6md 1 mm Layer 5 2902’ = 20.7% K= 1.4 md 1 mm Dubois et al. (2003) Colliver #16 core: Bedsets, grain size range Bed # 2 3 4 5 6 7 2882 vc Bedset #2: 3-fining up, well sorted 1-coarsening up, well sorted 1-fining up, less well sorted 2884 photo 2886 2 2888 2890 c-m f-vf mud Thin bedsets Better sorted strata on top of bedsets Bedset #3: Top-coarse, well sorted Lower-poorly sorted w/bioclasts 3 2892 2894 Bedset #4: Cap- well sorted Lower-Poorly sorted 4 2896 5 2898 Thin bedded, bioclasts in lower bedset #2 Bedset #5: Top– 3 cm thick beds w/bioclast caps Lower-micritic clasts, bioclasts, superficial oolite Bedset #2 Bedset #3 2900 2902 2904 PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES Small-scale beds noted as breaks Bedset #6: Poorly sorted, open marine bioclastic packstone to wackest. Largest to smallest grain size Thicker beds, well-sorted upper portion of bedset #3 1cm 19 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Colliver #16 core: Upward increasing in oomoldic content Bed # 2 3 4 % Moldic Dip Angle 5 6 7 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 2882 vc c-m f-vf mud 2884 Better sorted 2 2886 Depth (ft) 2888 3 2890 2892 4 2894 2896 5 2898 2900 2902 Bed # Dip Angle Largest-smallest grain size % Moldic 2904 Thin, fining upward bedsets comprise overall coarsening upward ooid shoals (tidal ridges) in the SE Kansas near-surface and at Hall-Gurney oil field (wind modified tidal ridges or parabolic bars) 0.1 ft Bethany Falls Ls. 0.1 ft Bed thickness (ft) 2 inches PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES Grain size (um) 400 800 1200 20 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney • Depth profile of the “C” zone showing gamma ray, maximum permeability, and Archie cementation exponent, m, compared to various measures of porosity. • Note that cementation exponent, m, increases upward from around 2 to near 3.5. Higher m indicates more tortuous paths for fluid to move as m increases. • Higher m in Archie water saturation equation raises Sw 1000 Clean (lower gamma ray), better-sorted oolite/ oomoldic K max (md) 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Gamma Ray (API) 35 30 Porosity 25 20 15 10 • Higher permeability, >10 md • Correlation with: better sorting, packing, and interconnected oomolds (microvugs & associated high Archie cementation exponent) • Clean, better sorted higher porosity in cycle caps, porosity highest near top of shallowing upward succession • Better sorted bar crests in Modern ooid shoals 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Colliver #16 core data Gamma Ray (API) PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 21 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Refined interpretation of seismic similarity & curvature attribute maps oa l# 3` l# oa h S 1` Sh oa l# 2` Sh Seismic facies similarity map and outlines of better quality reservoir facies “shoals” • Closely relate to shoal lobes define by wireline logs Seismic maximum curvature attribute map indicating structural lineaments • Set of NW & NE trending fractures (inherited from fractured basement?) • Black wavy lines outline “shoals” defined by seismic attribute Area of enhanced oil recovery Raef et al. (2007) Left: Average porosity for Layer #2 of the original six-layer geologic model. Right: The six-layer geologic model illustrates average porosity of each layer as used in the original reservoir simulation PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 22 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Thickness of low GR Layer #2 (upper Plattsburg) • low gamma ray map • 3 separate shoals – defined by seismic and sample & log analysis • CO2 off pattern migration (after 4D seismic imaging stopped)& incremental oil appears to follow shoal boundaries/ structural “grain” Sec 27 ? ? Sh oa l# 2 Sh oa l# 3 Sec 28 Sh oa l# 1 CO2 #1 Sec 33 incremental oil increase attributed to CO2 Sec 34 Structure Contour Map, Top Plattsburg Limestone Sec 28 Sec 27 CO2 #1 Sh oa l# 1 Sh oa l# 3 ? Sh oa l# 2 ? Area illustrated in cross sections Sec 33 Sec 34 incremental oil increase attributed to CO2 PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 23 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney NW SE Colliver #4 GR Colliver #10 Colliver #7 Colliver #CO2-1 Colliver #16 Shoal #2 Shoal #2 No clean capping beds, Shaly Shoal #3 Shoal #1 Thick low GR cap =~ better sorted? 20 ft -1153 Colliver #9 Ø Shoal #1 older than shoal #2 Datum: base of Spring Hill Ls. Structural profile at top Plattsburg Ls. -1167 Ooid shoal unit Low GR, high k? Seismic defined lineament Seismic defined lineament NW • Colliver #4 – (cuttings) dominant fine gr. tight ooid grainstone – elevated GR SE • Colliver #7 – (cuttings) bioclastic pkst-grnst. with some interparticle Ø, forams, crinoids, encrusters; 40% ooid – thin clean GR • Colliver #CO2-1 and Colliver #16 (upper) – (cored) oomoldic grainstone, clean porous (shoal #2); Shoal #1 in well #16; finer grained and less porous, lower permeability -- #2 lowest GR, youngest shoal North edge of shoals -- #2a against #2 Giese 7 GR Colliver #2 C. Colliver #CO2-1 Thickness of low GR interval 1000 ft (300 m) C. Colliver #18 Colliver #13 T.B Carter #2 T.B Carter #10 Ø #2a Higher GR #2 #1 Lateral migration of shoal? 20 ft -1130 South edge of shoals -- #2 (youngest) overstepping #1 Lower base of shoal #1 on thinner subtidal Datum: base of Spring Hill Ls. Member Structural profile at top Plattsburg Ls. -1150 structurally higher -1160 Ooid shoal unit Low GR, higher Ø N Up stratigraphic section - Lateral migration from north?, moving stratigraphically updip to south? - Northern-most edge of shoal #2 (at Colliver #2) is overall low GR and capped by clean Ø. - Geise #7 has higher GR CO3, located structurally downdip, possibly lower energy; thus labeled 2a - Shoal unit #1 on current structural high position; thinner subtidal, early onset of shoal #1 suggest paleohigh corresponding closely with current structure PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES Sec. 28 S Sec. 33 24 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Missourian ooid shoals on Kansas shelf • Similar tidal-dominated ridges and parabolic forms (convex/concave) to Modern Modern Analogs Can Help Exuma Sound Great Bahama Bank • In general terms, best sorted sediments occur at the bar crests • Grain size may vary - coarsest may be in troughs or on crests • Macrotidal sedimentary structures and bed geometries are clearly important. Comparison of core analysis from CO2 #1 and #16: Consistent upward increase in Archie Cementation Exponent, m, which is closely related to increasing porosity. Archie Cementation Exponent 3.8 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 2890 Archie Cementation Exponent 2892 2894 CO2I#1 CO2#16 2896 Depth (ft) y = 0.053x + 1.84 2 R = 0.93 3.6 2898 2900 2902 2904 2906 2908 2910 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 More complex pore type In uppermost interval of CO2 #1 2.2 2.0 CO2I#1 2891-2892.4 ft CO2I#1 2893-2900 ft CO2I#1 2900.5-2907 ft CO2#16 2882.2-2892.4 ft CO2#16 2893-2895.5 ft CO2#16 2895.5-2897.5 ft CO2#16 2897.5-2898.7 ft 1.8 am Sw=( *RR ) w t 1/n 1.6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Porosity (%) Byrnes et al. (2007) PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 25 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Archie Cementation Exponent, m Archie Cementation Exponent (m) 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 0 m≠2 1.8 < m < 5 2 4 Depth (ft) 6 Shoal 1 m varies with depth mirroring k Shoal 2 8 • Note CO2#16 stacked shoals – m pattern starts from top of each shoal • Similar pattern for Woodward #2 Mound Valley & Bethany Falls (near-surface analog in SE Kansas) 10 12 Austin 2-27 CO2I#1 CO2I#16 Woodward #2 BF Woodward #2 MV 14 am Sw=( *RR ) 16 1/n w t Byrnes et al. (2007) LKC Pc-Sw is sensitive to height & permeability krow is sensitive to permeability & Soi 40 5 4 Longer transition & higher residual Sw at lower k 30 3 20 2 10 1 0 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Water Saturation (fraction) 1.0 Relative Permeability 0.3 md 1 md 3 md 10 md 30 md 100 md 300 md 50 1 6 Oil-Water Capillary Pressure (psia) Height Above Free Water (ft) Lansing-Kansas City Lansing-Kansas City 60 Kro 0.1 1md 10 md 100 md 300 md Krw Rapid decline in Kro at lower k 0.01 0.001 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Water Saturation (fraction) (after Byrnes & Bhattacharya, 2006; SPE 99736) PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 26 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney m = f(,Apore) m = f(,k) m = (-0.019 log10k + 0.085) + 1.5 Model for estimating m in oomoldic petrofacies knowing k and phi Archie Archie Cementation CementationExponent Exponent(m) (m) m vs 5.0 4.6 4.6 4.4 4.4 4.5 4.2 4.2 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.8 3.8 High Ø, lower k = fewer touching vugs 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.8 2.8 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.6 1.8 0 1.6 1.0 0 0 5 55 10 15 Woodward 0.001-0.01 md #2 Mound Woodward #2 Bethany 0.01-0.1 md CO2I#1 'C' 0.1-1 md 0.001-0.01 md CO2I#1 'G' 1-10 md 0.01-0.1 md CO2#16 10-100Austin md #2-27 0.1-1 md 100-1000 md 1-10 md= Ocean OC OC 100-1000 md 10-100 md OC 1,000-3,000 md 100-1000 Pleistocene md OC 3,000-10,000 20 25 md 30 35 Porosity (%) 15 20 10 10 15 20 25 3025 35 3040 Cay 35 45 Porosity Porosity (%) (%) Byrnes et al. (2007) Take home points for Hall-Gurney CO2 project Revised geologic model for “C” zone to incorporate – Remap effective flow units by delineation of low gamma ray, high porosity intervals – Incorporate directional permeability in northwesterly trend in shoal #3 overlying structural saddle/flexure to incorporate preferred direction for open fractures – Open fractures in NWNW-trend consistent with seismic coherency analysis compared to production in nearby field CO2 IOR in West Texas/New Mexico San Andres indicates that fracture networks are also very important and vuggy porosity can be very discontinuous PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 27 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Petrophysics Overview Solving for water saturation ... the Archie equation a m Rw = Sw * R t ( 1/n ) John Doveton Kansas Geological Survey 1930 Constant Avenue Lawrence, KS 66047 Phone: 785-864-2100 Email: m in sandstones Archie (1942) observed the range in value of m in sandstones: PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 1.3 unconsolidated sandstones 1.4 - 1.5 very slightly cemented 1.6 - 1.7 slightly cemented 1.8 - 1.9 moderately cemented 2.0 - 2.2 highly cemented 28 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney m in carbonates Interparticle: intergranular and intercrystalline porosity m=2 Fracture porosity m<2 Vug: moldic porosity or vugs that are larger than the grains m>2<5 Prediction of fluid PRODUCTION from BVW = Sw x Ø PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 29 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Reservoir and Transition zones 100 Free oil Connate Sw 80 Transition zone (oil & water) 60 Free water level 100% 40 0 Porosity 20 0 4 8 12 16 Porosity 20 24 Transition zone 28 Water zone Saturation - porosity relationship of Leduc-Woodbend D-2 “A” Pool (Buckles, 1965) Zone at Swi 0 Sw 0 100% Swi = irreducible water saturation Bhattacharya et al. (1997) Cumulative frequency plots of c, Buckles Number (BVWi) 0 nes IX IG s an dst o 50% Irreducible bulk volume water = BVWi, water free production = constant for specific pore type es Vug car bon at Cumulative percentage of occurrence 100% 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 "Irreducible" bulk volume water, c PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 30 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Texas carbonate reservoir data by formation The Pickett Plot Doveton PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 31 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Using Super Pickett plot to highlight pay “cut-offs” 5428 Depth 5438 Use Gamma cut-offs to define gross sandstone 5443 5448 Transition zone Pay 5458 Sw cut off defines gross pay (zone with economic hydrocarbon saturation) Porosity cut off defines net sandstone 5463 Critical BVW (BVWi) cut off Sw = 50 K = 1000 md Sw = 100 POROSITY Transition zone Pay Sw = 10 1.0 Water zone Porosity Water Saturation Water Saturation 5453 Transition zone Pay BVW = 0.045 Porosity Gamma Log 5433 Water zone Water zone 100 Porosity 50 Sw cut off Porosity cut off Vshale cut-off 0 Water Saturation Pay zone survives the “cut-offs” K = 100 md K = 10 md 0.1 K = 1 md BVWi cut off defines the net pay that should yield water free production 4100 - 07 4107 - 14 4114 - 21 RESISTIVITY Ohm-m 4121 - 28 4128 - 36 0.01 1 100 10 RESISTIVITY Ohm-m Bhattacharya et al. (1997) Super Picketts of Example Well Logs Gamma Log Morrow Sst. 6041 - 72 a=1 m = 1.85 n=2 Rw = 0.04 POROSITY Sw = 50 Sw = 60 Sw = 80 Sw = 100 0.1 K = 10 md K = 1 md K = 0.1 md 6041 - 48 6048 - 54 Lower part has higher phi & reduced Rt - reflects trend towards finer pores or transition zone 20 6041 100 6051 6058 6061 BVW = 0.37 (zone at Swi) Low porosity causes low K Zone thus not perforated 6066 6071 6054 - 60 6060 - 66 100 6066 - 72 Sw = 20 Sw = 30 10,000,000 Gas rate Cum. Gas 100,000 10,000 0 200 400 Days 600 POROSITY Sw = 50 1,000,000 Sw = 10 BVW = 0.03 10-1 Cockreham Sw = 15 1.0 Well Performance Sw = 100 0.1 BVW = 0.025 10 RESISTIVITY Ohm-m BVW = 0.04 0.01 1 Mcf/d, Mcf 60 6046 Phi increases and Sw falls BVW = 0.05 (@ Swi) Pores fining Zone perforated Depth BVW = 0.37 BVW = 0.06 BVW = 0.05 Sw = 10 1.0 BVW = 0.75 1B Perry Sandstone - upward coarsening shoreface 5412 - 40 a=1 m = 1.8 n=2 Rw = 0.04 K = 100 md K = 10 md 5412 - 15 5415 - 22 800 5422 - 29 5429 - 37 0.01 1 5437 - 40 10 RESISTIVITY Ohm-m 100 Bhattacharya et al. (1997) PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 32 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Sw = 10 1.0 Sw = 50 Shale or fine pores BVW = 0.045 Common Signatures on Super Pickett plot POROSITY Sw = 100 Hypothetical 4100 - 4136 a=1 m = 1.78 n=2 Rw = 0.1 Zone at irreducible Sw Possibly free oil zone (pay) 0.1 4100 - 07 4107 - 14 4114 - 21 4121 - 28 4128 - 36 0.01 100 10 RESISTIVITY Ohm-m 1 Long transition zone Possibly low K Short transition zone Possibly high K Inferences from Super Pickett signatures: Low BVW at low phi - zone may be at Swi but low phi may result low K Cluster of points hanging around a BVW line - zone at Swi Phi increasing with decrease in resistivity - finer pores or transition Bhattacharya et al. (1997) Constant Phi with decreasing resistivity and increasing Sw - transition zone From Geomodels to Engineering Models – Opportunities for Spreadsheet Computing Saibal Bhattacharya, W. Lynn Watney, Willard J. Guy, John H. Doveton, Geoff Bohling, and Paul M. Gerlach Kansas Geological Survey 1930 Constant Avenue – Campus West Lawrence, Kansas 66047 1999 GCSSEPM Foundation Research Conference – Advanced Reservoir Characterization for the Twenty-First Century PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 33 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney OOIP calculations for estimating waterflood potential in Pennsylvanian oomoldic reservoir Terry Field OOIP calculations for estimating waterflood potential in Pennsylvanian oomoldic reservoir after Gerlach (1997) Terry Field, Finney County Target: • Complex stacked carbonate oil reservoirs • Field scale Data: • Core, DST, well logs, perfs & IP, production history Oil properties Tools: Rock catalog, production & DST analyst, PVT, log analysis, well profile (marked log), cross section, mapping-volumetric analysis, KHAN (Kansas Hydrocarbon Association Navigator) Maps from the Digital Petroleum Atlas PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 34 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Productive wells in Altamont Limestone Structure Top Altamont Limestone Oomoldic Lithofacies: Terry Field, McCoy Six M Farms “A” 3-22 Marmaton B (Altamont Ls.) 4288.5 ft, thin section photomicrograph 40x transmitted light; core analysis: 25.6% porosity, 28.8 md Marmaton B (Altamont) 0.5 mm PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 35 100 md AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney NW-SE Petrophysical Cross Section through Altamont Limestone in Terry Field High Phi Low Sw Datum: Top Altamont • Sweet spots of reservoir (high phi, low Sw, low BVW) likely more permeable, well drained areas • Waterflood effectiveness include ways to access oil in marginal areas of reservoir. PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 36 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Petrophysics of the oomoldic Altamont limestone Archie Cementation Exponent Oomoldic limestones from Kansas and globally exhibit extremely high Archie cementation exponents. This is consistent with the interpretation that the oomoldic pores are similar to micro-vugs. Modified Archie parameters for the Carter-Colliver Lease rocks are: m=1.36, a=9.59. Conversely, if m is considered to change with porosity then m can be predicted for the higher porosity rocks using: m = 0.05*Porosity(%) + 1.9. Cementation exponents are near 2.0 in the bioclastic wackestone overlying the ‘C’ zone. Cementation exponents increase into the top of the ‘C’ and then decrease with increasing depth to the base. This is associated with the higher porosity at the top of the ‘C’ zone but is also influenced by pore structure changes associated with the unconformity surface. Pay appears to be at BVWi, suggesting water free production Marmaton B Oomoldic Lithofacies “ARCHIE ROCK” Archie Exponents m=2, n=2 Well Log Cutoffs Phi =.15 Sw = .25 Vsh = .3 BVW = .04 Case #1 20% IP 16 BW & 170 BO Cumulative recovery PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 37 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Pay has BVW of ~0.08 Marmaton B Case #2 Log calibration as defined by core analysis of highly oomoldic LKC limestones from CKU 20% IP 16 BW & 170 BO Archie Exponents m=3.5, n=2 Well Log Cutoffs Phi =.17 Sw = .55 Vsh = .3 BVW = .097 25% less pay Volumetrics Case #2 Marmaton B Marmaton B Terry Field Finney County, Kansas Oomoldic Reservoir Compare impact of two sets of cutoffs Case #1 Marmaton B Initial log cutoffs Archie Exponents Archie Exponents m=2, n=2 m=3.5, n=2 Well Log Cutoffs Phi =.15 Sw = .25 Vsh = .3 BVW = .04 PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES Log calibration utilizing core analysis of highly oomoldic LKC limestones from CKU Well Log Cutoffs Phi =.17 Sw = .55 Vsh = .3 BVW = .097 38 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Gross Thickness Marmaton B Case #1 Net Pay Average Sw Average Phi Sum (So*phi*ft) m=2, n=2 Cutoffs Phi =.15 Sw = .25 Vsh = .3 BVW = .04 Marmaton B Case #1 Archie Exponents m=2, n=2 Marmaton B Case #2 Archie Exponents m=3.5, n=2 Well Log Cutoffs Well Log Cutoffs Phi =.15 Sw = .25 Vsh = .3 BVW = .04 Phi =.17 Sw = .55 Vsh = .3 BVW = .097 OOIP Case #1 9.7 MM Bbls OOIP PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES OOIP Case #2 OOIP 4.2 MM Bbls OOIP (40% less hydrocarbon than Case #1) 39 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Pennsylvanian – Lobate and linear oolitic shoals form complex geometries – Granulometric attributes of Modern and ancient ooid shoals are comparable – Oomoldic porosity is pervasive – Size, sorting, packing of Pennsylvanian and Pleistocene oomolds are closely related – Archie cementation exponent, m, is critical measurement affecting Sw calculations and OOIP. – Relative permeability to oil of lower perm oomoldic rocks is generally defined by steep decline with increasing Sw Pleistocene, Ocean Cay w/ alz-r stain Pennsylvanian, Bethany Falls Ls. unstained Conclusions Geometries, scales, and facies distributions of Pennsylvanian oolite shoals suggest analogs to Modern, tidally influenced ooid tidal ridges and parabolic bars. Accurate and precise characterization of connected (effective) oomoldic pores is critical in IOR modeling and prediction: – Better sorted, cleaner (low GR), highly porous (>17%) oomoldic grainstone grainstone appear to be more permeable; – In Plattsburg Limestone at HallHall-Gurney Field, best sorting noted in upper portion of shallowing upward high frequency cycles and bedsets, probably delimiting separate ooid shoal development – Moldic porosity increases upward in shallowing bedsets and high frequency cycles Structural control of oolite reservoirs likely at various scales augmenting and possibly influencing depositional and diagenetic fabrics. Geophysicists, engineers, and geologists needed for model development and validation PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 40 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Conclusions In a oomoldic thin-bed reservoir standard log analysis is misleading Equations for k, Pc, kr, m presented provide improved prediction for oomoldic LKC Archie m is not 2, m = f(, k) Many/most LKC are thin-bed reservoirs – require advanced log analysis Even if you run DST accurate k, kr, Sw is needed for waterflood prediction Proposed log-analysis methodology should provide improved k and Sw prediction in LKC Pennsylvanian Caddo Limestone, East Texas Phylloid Algal Mound Log Analysis of a Producer and Dry Hole Using web view of LAS log data and spreadsheet log analysis software, PfEFFER GR Lithofacies From n-d-pe Ø Microlog Imaging >R, darker ATKINS-TEXACO 3200-3300 PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES PERF: 3208-3212 IPP: 70 BOPD, 5 MCF, 512 BWPD 41 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney -0.100 0.1 3200 3210 3210 3220 3220 3230 3230 3230 3240 3240 3240 Depth GR. 3250 3260 3270 3280 3290 3300 Depth 3200 3210 PHI 3250 10 3250 3260 BVW 3270 3260 3270 RT DPHZ.CFC 3280 F 3290 NPOR.CFC F 3300 3280 RWA 3290 3300 Caddo Limestone (producer), m = 2 -- first pass Sw=40% Sw=20% 1.000 6.045 5.703 5.753 5.353 ATKINS-TEXACO 5.053 5.067 4.838 4.639 3300 4.632 4.465 4.383 4.358 4.3 4.232 4.188 0.000 0.500 4.2583200 4.196 4.136 4.379 4.329 4.253 3210 4.827 4.759 4.666 5.92 5.723 5.616 3220 7.648 7.682 7.484 11.041323011.355 11.166 17.934 19.549 19.429 26.202324034.287 33.172 34.514325054.147 50.561 41.66 74.102 70.406 46.182326087.521 96.168 48.939 94.689 128.249 3270 51.432 99.058 152.316 SW 53.9973280 103.941 164.084 PAY 56.919 113.63 162.413 59.4283290 122.878 154.95 62.1413300 129.784 145.198 64.973 135.15 138.044 A B C BVW=0.02 0.150 3203 3203.5 3204 1000 3204.5 3205 3205.5 3206 3206.5 3207 3207.5 3208 3208.5 3209 3209.5 3210 3210.5 3211 3211.5 3212 3212.5 3213 Depth 0.400 3202 - 32003202.5 ATKINS-TEXACO 3300 3200 3220 Depth 200 - 3200- BVW=0.04 100 ATKINS-TEXACO 3300 BVW=0.06 0 - 3200- BVW=0.08 ATKINS-TEXACO 3300 3200-3300 Depth: 3200 - 3300 X: Y: a: 1 m: 2 n: 2 RW: 0.2 Sw=80% Sw=100% A POROSITY B C 0.100 4.505 4.246 4.088 1.000 4.042 4.17 4.572 5.497 7.305 10.764 18.544 32.581 47.662 65.689 93.797 131.02 157.125 164.062 155.107 143.965 132.64 124.123 ATKINS-TEXACO Sw=60% • Phylloid algal lithofacies • Decrease in Rt with depth • Steady Ø with depth • Slight increase in BVW with depth (cutoff BVW <0.05) • Three clusters of points with low BVW (0.03) BVW at top, A • Lowest zone, C, also has relatively low BVW and may be pay • 87% water cut – fractures? 5.547 - 32004.912 M=2 DEPTH 3280 - 3300 3255 - 3280 3235 - 3255 3212 - 3235 3208 - 3212 0.010 1 10 100 1000 RESISTIVITY Ohm -m ATKINS-TEXACO 3200-3300 PERF: 3208-3212 IPP: 70 BOPD, 5 MCF, 512 BWPD Vuggy pores typical of algal mound, higher m is likely resulting in higher calculated water saturation 0.300 0.150 0.000 0.1 3200 3200 3210 3210 3210 3220 3220 3220 3230 3230 3230 3240 3240 3240 3260 Depth 3200 3250 3250 3260 3270 3250 3270 PHI 3280 3300 1.000 BVW=0.04 3300 BVW=0.06 3300 BVW=0.1 3290 BVW=0.08 3290 Sw=20% Sw=60% Sw=80% Sw=100% POROSITY RT 3280 BVW 3290 Sw=40% 10 3260 3270 GR. 3280 3202 - 32003202.5 ATKINS-TEXACO 3300 RWA 40 % 3203 3203.5 3204 1000 3204.5 3205 3205.5 3206 3206.5 3207 3207.5 3208 3208.5 3209 3209.5 3210 3210.5 3211 3211.5 3212 3212.5 3213 3213 5 ATKINS-TEXACO 3200-3300 Depth: 3200 3300 X: Y: a: 1 m: 2.5 n: 2 Perf in red 0.100 6.045 5.703 5.753 5.353 ATKINS-TEXACO 5.053 5.067 4.838 4.639 3300 4.632 4.465 4.383 4.358 4.3 4.232 4.188 0.000 0.500 4.2583200 4.196 4.136 4.379 4.329 4.253 4.8273210 4.759 4.666 5.92 5.723 5.616 3220 7.648 7.682 7.484 11.041323011.355 11.166 17.934 19.549 19.429 26.202324034.287 33.172 34.514325054.147 50.561 41.66 74.102 70.406 46.182326087.521 96.168 48.939 94.689 128.249 3270 SW 51.432 99.058 152.316 53.9973280 103.941 164.084 PAY 56.919 113.63 162.413 3290 59.428 122.878 154.95 62.1413300 129.784 145.198 64.973 135.15 138.044 67 603 137 39 131 607 5.547 - 32004.912 4.505 4.246 4.088 1.000 4.042 4.17 4.572 5.497 7.305 10.764 18.544 32.581 47.662 65.689 93.797 131.02 157.125 164.062 155.107 143.965 132.64 124.123 117 15 5.462 165.415 ATKINS ATKINS-TEXACO 4.847 186.822 3300 4.453 206.688 4.209 223.939 4.054 7 232.564 7 8.5 4.01 3200 234.855 3200 4.139 228.354 3210 3210 4.545 207.175 5.45 168.93 3220 3220 7.246 130.758 10.756 90.568 3230 3230 18.329 55.759 3240 3240 31.647 38.166 49.096 28.973 3250 3250 69.32 24.004 3260 3260 91.506 21.653 117.094 20.434 3270 3270 138.529 19.443 HCAL.IN 3280 3280 151.878 18.519 155.72 17.569 3290 3290 150.873 16.827 145.197 16.093 3300 3300 134.517 15.391 122 449 14 792 - 3200- 10 Limited pay p 200 - 3200- Depth 100 ATKINS-TEXACO 3300 Depth Depth 0 - 3200- Depth ATKINS-TEXACO 3300 caliper Using cementation exponent, m, equals 2.5 - Pass #2 • Reduces pay to very top where perforated DEPTH 3250 - 3300 3230 - 3250 3212 - 3230 3208 - 3212 3190 - 3208 0.010 1 10 100 RESISTIVITY Ohm-m PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 1000 • Lower zones have Sw ~ 50% • Rw used, 0.02, may be higher ATKINS-TEXACO 3200-3300 PERF: 3208-3212 IPP: 70 BOPD, 5 MCF, 512 BWPD 42 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney 1.000 BVW=0.06 Sw=20% BVW=0.1 Sw=40% BVW=0.08 Sw=60% BVW=.12 Pass #3 -- Adjusted Ro line to fit base of porosity using Rw now of 0.4 ohm-m, with m = 2.5 ATKINS-TEXACO 3200-3300 Depth: 3200 - 3300 X: Y: a: 1 m: 2.5 n: 2 RW: 0.4 POROSITY Sw=80% Sw=100% Shale points Perforated interval 0.100 DEPTH 3278 - 3300 Widely varying points at low Ø suggest fracturing 3256 - 3278 3234 - 3256 3212 - 3234 3190 - 3212 0.010 1 10 100 1000 RESISTIVITY Ohm -m PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES Nonlinear Microrestivity (MNOR) Linear Microrestivity (MNOR) Nonlinear NPHI Linear NPHI Linear Microrestivity (MNOR) Linear NPHI Rhomma-NPHI GR Rhomma-Umma Pay indications of possible Fracturing? WebWeb-based tool for imaging of porosity and resistivity for indications of fracturing AdkinsAdkins-Texaco Producing Well 43 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney “Watfa-Nurmi chart” F = Ro/Rw = a / Øm Upper zone of Caddo STATEX 8 SPEARS CADDO LIMESTONE DRY HOLE PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 44 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney 200 0.1 10 100 0.300 3250 3270 GR. Depth 3310 3330 3350 3350 3370 3370 PHI 3290 RWA 3310 3330 0.150 3270 RT 3290 Depth 3290 3251.5 3251.75 0.000 3252 3252.25 3252.5 3252.75 3253 3253.25 3253.5 3253.75 3254 3254.25 3254.5 3254.75 3255 3255.25 3255.5 3255.75 3256 3256.25 3256 5 3250 BVW 3310 3330 3350 Rw ~ 0.2 ohm-m STATEX 8 SPEARS CADDO LIMESTONE DRY HOLE -- Low porosity, tight -- using m = 2.5, Rw = .05 ohm-m for best fit of points with Ro line Sw=20% 3370 1.000 56.625 28.013 59.521 SPEAR 27.381 63.349 26.814 67.881 0.000 26.561 72.827 3250 26.701 77.91 27.08 82.901 27.441 3270 27.607 87.669 92.215 27.586 96.651 27.498 3290 101.102 27.447 105.62 27.459 110.176 3310 27.479 114.711 27.4 119.137 27.156 3330 26.811 123.271 126.831 26.52 129.56 26.367 3350 131.34 26.297 132.185 26.212 132.167 3370 26.077 131.408 25.912 130 115 25 741 0.28013 8.909 - 3250-3380 0.27381 8.907 0.26814 8.907 0.26561 8.905 0.500 1.000 0.26701 8.905 0.2708 8.905 0.27441 8.903 0.27607 8.903 0.27586 8.905 SW 0.27498 8.905 PAY 0.27447 8.901 0.27459 8.898 0.27479 8.897 0.274 8.894 0.27156 8.887 0.26811 8.88 0.2652 8.879 0.26367 8.881 0.26297 8.882 0.26212 8.881 0.26077 8.881 0.25912 8.882 0 25741 8 884 SPEAR 3250-3380 Depth: 3250 - 3380 X: Y: a: 1 m: 2.5 n: 2 RW: 0.05 Sw=40% Sw=60% Sw=80% Sw=100% POROSITY 3270 Depth 1 3251 - 3250-3380 3251.25 SPEAR Depth 100 3250 - 3250-3380 BVW=0.06 0 SPEAR BVW=0.1 - 3250-3380 BVW=0.08 SPEAR RoWate r Line 0.100 DEPTH 3364 - 3393 3335 - 3364 3306 - 3335 3277 - 3306 3248 - 3277 0.010 1 10 100 RESISTIVITY Ohm -m Petrophysical and Geophysical Characterization of Karst in a Permian San Andres Reservoir, Waddell Field, West Texas by Susan E. Nissen, John H. Doveton, and W. Lynn Watney presented at AAPG Annual Meeting May 2008 Funded by the Department of Energy Cooperative Agreement No.: DEDE-FC26FC26-04NT15504 PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 45 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney 3 mi Blumentritt et al. (2003) San Andres Reservoir on the Central Basin Platform PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 46 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Finding in Study •. Karst impacts reservoir performance • Highly compartmentalized reservoir and fluid production is extremely variable. • Reservoir heterogeneity appears to be related to stratigraphy and diagenesis, as well as karst features associated with a subaerial exposure surface at the top of the San Andres Formation. • Core data indicate that the uppermost San Andres consists of sporadically porous “macro” karst, characterized by intense chaotic brecciation and anhydrite replacement, followed by isolated, late stage anhydrite dissolution. • The karst overprints high frequency sequences composed of gypsiferous oolitic, fusulinid, and skeletal packstone-grainstone reservoir rock with moldic, vug, and fracture porosity. Nissen et al. (2008) Findings (continued) • Wireline log petrophysical solutions used to quantitatively discriminate anhydritic karst from the underlying packstonegrainstone strata in uncored wells. • The base of the karst zone corresponds to a sharp decrease in seismic impedance, and 3D seismic data are used to map the base of karst between wells. • The karst zone exhibits high variability in thickness; however, the zone is generally thicker on higher portions of a SE-trending anticline that runs through the study area, suggesting a structural control on karst development. • Seismic data show that the karst zone truncates the base of the porous reservoir in some areas and seismic attributes reveal potential reservoir compartment boundaries. • Better understanding of local karst control on fluid flow in this reservoir can improve reservoir management decisions. PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 47 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Seismic profile A-A’ across shelf margin of CBP • Interval from Guadalupian 4 (G4) horizon to top of San Andres is part of a transgressive systems tract (TST). • Interval from Top San Andres to Grayburg is part of a high stand systems tract (HST). PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 48 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney 2 sq. mile “high volume” area of Waddell Field • Multi-mineral models are essential for estimating effective porosities that provide good matches with core. • Statistical zonation of well logs provides a consistent method for identifying the base of karst. • Seismic horizon mapping provides details on the configuration of the reservoir interval. • Seismic impedance allows us to determine interwell porosity variation. • BVW profile analysis is useful for assessing spatial continuity of the reservoir. • Multi-trace seismic attributes, such as volumetric curvature, provide added detail in our interpretation of reservoir compartmentalization. Enhanced Characterization of Reservoir Heterogeneity WADDELL FIELD Permian San Andres Green = tight negative curvature (faults, fractures?) Red outline = tracer survey outlines prominent flow areas Most negative curvature map PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES Orange lines = engineering interpreted permeability barriers 49 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Top San Andres Formation (recognizable on seismic) AWO: 240 BOPD, 176 MCF, 3610 BW AWO:7 BOPD, 15 MCF, 782 BW • Difficult to correlate oolitic shoal packages • Guadalupian G4 regional marker below typical well depth in ‘high volume” area Wireline log solution to open vug/oomoldic vs. tight rock in San Andres reservoir at Waddell Field PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 50 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Karst thickest along crest of current structural high PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 51 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Seismic Horizon Analysis and Reservoir Characterization Top San Andres “X” marker Time structure at base of karst below top of San Andres Formation •Karst is thicker over structure •Base of karst based on seismic appears consistent PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 52 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Grayb urg Base tight anh yd. SEISMIC AMPLITUDE Grayb urg Base tight anh yd. ACOUSTIC IMPEDANCE Acoustic Impedance sections flattened on Top of Grayburg horizon • “X” marker truncated by base of karst horizon at several locations • “X” marker appears to onlap regional seismic horizon equated with G4 • Interval part of TST PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 53 Isopach (ft) AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Isochron (ms) Mean porosity seismic impedance Well log impedance Mean impedance PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 54 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Porosity distribution appears to be preserved trend of ooid shoal or diagenetically enhancement along lineament (e.g., dissolution of pore filling gypsum cement) Reservoir Connectivity & Compartments BVW = Sw x Ø • In principal: Increase BVW with depth as approach oil-water contact in a transition zone • BVW-depth pattern here is widely scattered, no pattern • Lack of pattern suggests no common transition zone among wells, or widely varying reservoir properties/pore types PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 55 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Bubble maps of BVW at given elevation (subsea) superimposed on top of San Andres structure map • BVW values vary markedly by depth • Depth slices show no pattern of BVW variation with depth • No strong field-wide transition zone, but rather well-scale variations in reservoir properties Ø-BVW = ~So Karst Karst • Adjacent wells #1207 and #1228 are at opposite ends of depth plot vs. Ø-BVW. • Both wells at essentially the same elevation at top of the San Andres Fm. • #1228 is more tightly clustered with lower elevation wells due to thick karst. • Base of pay corresponds with lowest Ø-BVW, suggesting proximity to water level. PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 56 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Structure map on Top San Andres Formation • Bubbles depict cumulative Phi-BVW in pay intervals for each well. • No clear pattern including offset wells • Similar to maps of cumulative oil and gas production in “high volume area”. Most positive volumetric curvature extracted along a Devonian horizon superimposed on mean impedance map for base of karst to “X” marker Black = positive (antiformal) curvature) PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES • Significant deepseated structural control to the northwest-trending features in the “high volume area”. • Crosscutting north to northeast-trending features on the Devonian surface appear to have impacted porosity development in the San Andres. 57 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Most positive volumetric curvature extracted along “X” marker superimposed on mean impedance map for base of karst to “X” marker • Some of the same structural trends as the Devonian horizon but also shows a finer network of lineaments that enclose areas with diameters on the order of 1500 ft (450 m). Black = tight positive (antiformal) curvature) • These features may indicate reservoir compartmentalization at a single-well scale. Conclusions • A wide range of fluid recoveries is noted in wells in the “high volume area” of Waddell Field. Higher production generally comes from: • 1) the main structural high, • 2) along the northeast flank of the southeast-trending anticline that runs through the area, and • 3) along a narrow northeast-trending area roughly corresponding to a structural saddle on the anticline. • In the “high volume area”, tight, anhydritic “macro” karst at the top of the San Andres Formation cuts down into the underlying porous reservoir. • The karst zone exhibits high variability in thickness but is generally thicker on the higher portions of the southeast-trending anticline. • The porous carbonate reservoir interval below the karst is on the saddle area of the anticline. • A seismic horizon corresponding to the ”x” marker (base of porous reservoir) can be interpreted across the impedance volume. This horizon is truncated by the base of karst in some areas, suggesting an associated change in reservoir type/quality in these areas. PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 58 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Conclusions (continued) • A comparison of mean and center of gravity measures of porosity indicates that higher porosity is developed lower in the pay interval. • The mean seismic impedance of the reservoir interval corresponds well with mean porosity from well logs and allows porosity approximation in areas of poor well control. • The impedance maps suggest that the porous San Andres shoals that comprise the pay appear to have N-NE trends, oblique to the main San Andres structure. The pattern of shoal development may be controlled by deep- seated structure. • Local karst development appears to be at a well scale, greatly reducing the reservoir quality, which causes variability in oil and gas production, even within this high volume area. • A combination of factors appears to be responsible for the pay distribution in the high volume area of Waddell Field. Seismic amplitude map showing rectilinear porosity pattern in San Andres Formation • another example of compartmentalization attributed in part to structural control Ax is of pr e se nt st ru ct ur e • amplitude/porosity pattern believed controlled by access to burial fluids migrating along fractures leading to anhydrite dissolution From Lucia (1999) PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 59 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Isopach of number of fracture feet in a 20 ft slice map of the Yates San Andres field • NW-SE and orthogonal NE-SW fracture and karst trend overprint matrix porosity accompanied by numerous caves below top of San Andres • grainstone and grain-dominated packstone have highest porosity • grainstone concentrated on ramp crest • 4 Billion bbl reservoir Tinker and Mruk (1995) NW-SE cross section across Taylor-Link San Andres reservoir • ooid grainstone rock fabric facies and fractured fusulinid wackestone facies • grainstone dolomitized with interooid porosity, ~60 ft thick, amalgamation of several shoaling-upward cycles •50 million bbl reservoir PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES Lucia et al. (1992) 60 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Additional Information for Part 4 – Lithofacies and Petrofacies Illustrations that follow provide additional geological background to this paper PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 61 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Geo-Engineering Modeling of Morrow/Atoka Incised-Valley Fill Deposits Using Web-Based Freeware for Incremental Field Exploitation W. Lynn Watney1,3, Saibal Bhattacharya1, Alan Byrnes1, John Doveton1, John Victorine1, Rick Brownrigg2 2Electrical 1Kansas Geological Survey Engineering & Computer Science Department 3KU Energy Research Center The University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66047 Objectives Regional framework of Pennsylvanian incised valleys in western Kansas Sequence stratigraphy of Atokan Stage Lithofacies and high-frequency cycles controlling production in Minneola/Norcan East Field Flow units, waterflood performance, refined reservoir model Correlation and mapping Controls Summary PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 62 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney The Hugoton Embayment -- Carboniferous Sea Level History Study Area 10 m.y. Ross & Ross (after Sonnenberg et al. ,1990) AtokanAtokan-Age Fields, Cross Section Index in Context of Regional Morrow Isopach (ft) Stewart Finney A’ Minneola-Norcan East Gray A PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES Cross section Clark 63 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Lithofacies-Stratigraphic Cross Section A-A’ with Datum on “V” Shale in Cherokee Group A’ Desmoinesian A Atokan Upper Atokan sequence “L” Ste.Genevive subcrop Morrowan Sequence “L” Youle et al (1994) -- Atokan backstepping and forward-stepping 4th-order carbonate-dominated cycles -- Bundling of “4th-order” cyclothemic-scale sequences into 3rd order sequence sets Idealized Atoka 4th-Order Depositional Sequence Along margins of Hugoton Embayment SW-NE “restored” section, A-A’ Eastern Shelf of Hugoton Embayment Western Kansas Kansas Cyclothem After Youle (1992) Cycle Turnaround toplap Minor cycle B Location of incised valleys Minor cycle A “Thirteen Finger Ls.” Ste. Gen. subcrop “fall line” downlap Sediment Starved Relief on shelf ~ 150-200 ft (46-60 m) Horizontal distance ~ 70 mi. (110 km) Lower shelf PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES Mid shelf Upper Shelf 64 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Study area Base map from Clark (1987) Study area Norcan East PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 65 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Waterflood Began, Jan. ‘95 Cumulative Oil Production: 814,000 bbls Projections: Estimated remaining reserves: 21k bbls Economic limit at 5 BOPD reached: ~2008… Cumulative Gas Production: 2.7 BCF Projections: Estimated remaining reserves: 147 MMCF Cumulative oil and gas = 1,164 MBOE Compared to nearby Stewart Field = 9.6 MMbbls PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 66 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Did the reservoir start production at/above/below Bubble point? Presence of Free Gas from Logs 0.7 0.6 Sw 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.05 -0.03 -0.01 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.13 0.15 Dphi (ssd) -Nphi Stat2-12 85/1 Roony1 87/1 TedB1-10 85/8 Stat1-12 85/1 Schlng 84/1 Goel1-4Mur 85/1 Hind1-3 82/12 Pat1 82/8 Ted4-10 84/2 Ted1-10 84/12 Ted1 83/3 Pat2-3 83/5 Har1-3 82/11 Fag2-3 83/3 Goel1-4Ld Inj 82/12 Pat1-3Inj 83/3 Latz1 82/6 Minneola/Norcan East Study area, Clark-Ford Counties, Kansas fager1-3 Predominantly Oil Production 4147000 bouch1-3Afag2-3 fag1-3 roo1-2 hind1-3 nort1-4 1 4146000 goel1-4 goell1-4 alle1-9 nort1 harris1-3 patt2-3 Predominantly Gas Production patt1-3 Patton 1-3 ted1 hall2-2 patt2-3 ted4-10 patt1 core schli1-2 ted1-10 ted2-10 latz1 ted1-10 mcgee1-1 core roo1 statt2-12 statt1-12 roon1-11 ted3-10 ted2-10 Statton 2-12 406000 406500 407000 407500 408000 408500 409000 409500 410000 410500 411000 411500 Wells used in GEMINI database • Digitized logs (LAS) • Completion information • Core data • Test results • Lease production PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 1 mile 67 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Total magnetic field intensity with oil fields Minneola Field Complex Ste. Genevieve subcrop HighHigh-Resolution Seismic Survey of the Minneola Complex Southwest Kansas Kansas Geological Survey OpenOpen-File Report OFR 9898-44 Joseph M. Kruger, Kansas Geological Survey Seismic line index map Dashed lines = limits of Atoka sandstone PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 68 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Acoustic impedance interpolation of sonic and density logs from wells PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 69 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney 5316 S1 5318 Top Atoka Predominantly Limestone 5320 S1 5316 Vfn. Gr. 5322 S2 5318 b a WTR INJ. flow units b 5320 5322 5324 S2 5326 5328 5324 Fn. Gr. a 5326 Shaly ss-siltstone S3 Top Mississippian 5328 Patton 1-3 Core (Depths 5 ft. high to log) PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 70 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Coarser, more well sorted qtz sand = greater porosity Statton 2-12 5322.5 ft, permeability between clay laminae, graded bedding; “a” flow unit of S2 Sand (estuarine) Statton 2-10, 5316 ft. (top S2 sand) Statton 2-10 5321 ft. (mid S2 sand) Statton 2-10 5322.5 ft. (lower S2 sand) S1 S2 Rhythmic ss-sh lam. & bioturbation -- flow unit “B” sand of S2 Inner bay, distal tidal bar SS, with tabular cross stratification with rhythmic shale laminae, reactivation surface -- flow unit “a” sand of S2 tidal bar Flooding/ravinement surface between S1 & S2 cycles separating wackestone (top) from sandstone (lower) PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 71 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Patton 1-3 5321.8 caliche, probably in situ, and dispersed pyrite; lower part of “b” sand (early subaerial exposure) Patton 1-3 core 5316 Wackestone, gr. S1 (Marine Ls.) 5318 Sequence Boundary 5320 Thin section S2 Ss-sh., vfn gr., lam, reactivation surfaces b Bi-directional ripple cross-lam. (Distal Estuarine Ss.) 5322 Sh., dk. Gr., lam. w/lenses of ss., cross-lam., flaser bedded (Heterolithic Clastics and ss., bioturbated top Carbonates – Inner bay, lagoon) 5324 Ss., fine gr., low-angle planar bedding, reactivation surfaces (Proximal Estuarine a 5326 Thin section 5328 Ss.) ss., slightly argil. Ss., bioturbated, distinct cm-scale smooth burrows, vertical and horizontal Sh., dk. gr to blk., mod. Soft, carbonaceous (Bay to marginal marine Shale) Flow units “a” and “b” within transgressive-regressive S2 Sand PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 72 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Lower “a” Flow unit “Super Pickett Crossplot” b a Upper “b” Flow unit Water Injection zone “a” flow unit (Archie solution to water saturation) Cutoffs based on production Density porosity • Matrix density = 2.647 g/cc • Gas correction in eastern most wells Permeability-porosity relationships – Minneola Field Permeability vs Porosity by GRI Insitu Klinkenberg Permeability (md) 1000 100 10-20 20-30 30-40 10 40-50 GRI 15 GRI 25 GRI 35 GRI 45 GRI 55 1 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 In situ Porosity (%) PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 73 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Structure Top S2 Sand, Minneola/Norcan East Sea Level Datum, feet fager1-3 C.I. = 10 ft. B’ -2685 bouch1-3A fag2-3 fag1-3 4147000 roo1-2 hind1-3 nort1-4 goel1-4 1 harris1-3 patt2-3 nort1 4146000 -2705 patt1-3 patt1 goell1-4 alle1-9 -2695 hall2-2 patt2-3 ted1 B -2715 schli1-2 ted4-10 mcgee1-1 ted1-10 ted2-10 ted1-10 roo1 statt2-12 latz1 -2725 statt1-12 roon1-11 -2735 ted3-10 ted2-10 -2745 406000 406500 407000 407500 408000 408500 409000 409500 410000 410500 411000 411500 -2755 1 mile Cross Section Index B-B’ SW-N Structural cross section B-B’ B B’ Murfin Patton #2-3 Murfin Patton #1-3 Injector Murfin Tedford #4-10 150 Mbbl 132.9 Mbbl 53.1 Mbbl Murfin Fager #2-3 73.6 Mbbl Datum = sealevel Top Ato ka “B” S2 S2 “A” Water breakthrough Jan. ‘98 PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES Water injection in flow unit “A” Plugged before water injection No water breakthrough Horizontal Distance = ~ 1 mile 74 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Isopach of Atoka Stage feet 105 6000 95 85 4000 75 65 2000 55 45 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 35 1 mile Primary valley incision N Gross Thickness of S2 Pay, Minneola/Norcan East C.I. = 4 ft. 23.5 Patton 1-3 Water injector 4147000 in lower “A” flow unit 54 21.5 25 nort1-4 22 1 4146000alle1-9 hind1-3 25 goel1-4 15 27.5 11.5 harris1-3 roo1-2 31.5 19 patt2-3 27.5 50 14 bouch1-3Afag2-3 fag1-3 17.5 10.5 58 fager1-3 29 46 18 42 hall2-2 38 patt2-3 32 34 patt1-3 goell1-4 17 13 24.5 nort1 ted1 ted4-10 patt1 13.5 ted1-10 23.5 ted1-10 33.5 11 schli1-2 38.5 ted2-10 26.5 25.5 55.5 48 9 latz1 roon1-11 15.5 59 roo1 statt2-12 30 mcgee1-1 statt1-12 22 18 ted3-10 14 ted2-10 406000 406500 407000 407500 408000 408500 409000 409500 410000 410500 411000 411500 • Separation of east and west reservoirs • Isolation of eastside from waterflood • Triangulation gridding PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 26 10 1 mile N 75 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Net Pay Isopach, S2 Sand, Minneola/Norcan East C.I. = 1 ft. 0 fager1-3 0 4147000 11.5 11 10 1 0 bouch1-3A fag2-3 fag1-3 0 0 nort1-4 5.5 goel1-44.5 1 0 4146000alle1-9 harris1-3 patt2-3 4 8 hall2-2 7 patt2-3 1 patt1-3 6 patt1 5.5 goell1-4 0 1.5 8 nort1 ted1 ted4-10 10 schli1-2 0 ted1-10 0 3.5 0 latz1 roon1-11 5 10 8 ted2-10 1.5 ted1-10 0 4 hind1-3 6 9 roo1-2 9.5 7.5 5 5 mcgee1-1 4 3 statt1-12 roo1 statt2-12 2 ted3-10 0.5 1 ted2-10 406000 406500 407000 407500 408000 408500 409000 409500 410000 410500 411000 411500 Net Pay applying pay cutoffs phi = 0.1 Sw = 0.5 Vsh = 0.3 BVW (bulk volume water = Sw x phi) = 0.12 0 1 mile C.I. = 0.2 p-ft (Storage Potential) Sum Phi*h for S2 Pay, Minneola-Norcan East 0 fag er1-3 Western bayhead delta 0 47000 2 .487 2.2 0 1.567 bou ch1-3A fa g2 -3 fa g1-3 1.442 1 .30 3 0 nort1-4 01 46000alle 1-9 goel1 -4 0.740 7 goell1 0 -4 n ort1 hin d1 -3 1.742 harris1-3 0.3849 p att1-3 1.5 996 25 46 6764 te d4 -10 0.09 79 ted1 0 ted1 -1 0 0 ted2-10 Sh 1.8 hal l2-2 1.6 pa tt2-3 0.35 6 1.4 patt1 0.8846 ted 1-1 0 ted2-10 0.5 593 2 Sh 0 roo 1- 2 2.49 patt2 -3 1 .47 5 2.4 0 1.2 1.91 6 0 schli1-2 mcgee1 -1 1.4 54 0 latz1 roo n1 -11 r oo1 1.89 1 0.968 3 sta tt2-12 statt1-12 Eastern bayhead delta ted 3-1 0 406000 406500 407000 407500 408000 408500 409000 409500 410000 410500 411000 411500 Western lobe: Source: northern edge of valley 1 mile 2 Flow units: -- Lower A sandstone thickens in distal (southern) position -- Upper B sandstone thickens in proximal (northern) position PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 76 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney (Flow Potential) Sum k*h, S2 Pay in Minneola/Norcan East C.I. = 4 md-ft fa ger1-3 3600 Western bayhead delta bo uch 1-3A fag 2-3 fag1- 3 4147000 3200 r oo1-2 patt2-3 hind1- 3 n ort1 -4 1 goe l1-4 p att2-3 ha rris1-3 alle1-9 nort1 2400 Sh patt1-3 patt1 goell 1-4 4146000 2800 ha ll2-2 ted1 2000 sch li1-2 ted4 -10 mcg ee1-1 1600 ted1 -10 ted2- 10 roo1 statt2-1 2 latz1 ted1 -10 Sh statt1-1 2 1200 roon 1-11 ted3 -10 Eastern bayhead delta ted 2-10 800 400 406000 406500 407000 407500 408000 408500 409000 409500 410000 410500 411000 411500 0 1 mile Eastern Lobe: • Source: southeastern edge of valley • 3 flow units: -- Lower A and B sandstones are laterally extensive before grading into limestone to west -- Upper C sandstone limited to proximal position in southeast Volumetrics of S2 Sand • • OOIP ~8 MMBBLS Compared to cumulative production of ~1.1 MMBOE (14% of OOIP) Hydrocarbon Porosity Feet, S2 Pay, Minneola/Norcan East Contours, C.I. So *=phi *h So-p-ft 0 fager1-3 Western bayhead delta 0 - mainly oil 4147000 1 .9 2.01 0.18 0.94 0 0 nort1-4 0 1 4146000alle1-9 0.69 hind1-3 0.66 goel1-40.46 goell1-4 0 nort1 harris1-3 0.14 0.44 ted4-10 1 .3 patt2-3 0.09 1 .1 patt1 0.69 0.13 ted1-10 0 0.1 1.72 ted3-10 0.55 schli1-2 0 ted2-10 ted1-10 1 .5 0 hall2-2 patt1-3 1.27 ted1 roo1-2 1.68 patt2-3 0.37 1 .7 0 bouch1-3Afag2-3 fag1-3 1.3 0.36 0 latz1 roon1-11 1.54 roo1 statt2-12 0.88 mcgee1-1 statt1-12 Eastern bayhead delta - mainly gas 0 .9 0 .7 0 .5 0 .3 0 .1 ted2-10 406000 406500 407000 407500 408000 408500 409000 409500 410000 410500 411000 411500 Comparison of this volumetric map with the a map of the cumulative BOE shows a high degree of correlation. PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES -0. 1 1 mile 77 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Cumulative BOE, Minneola/Norcan East C.I. = 20 MBOE 0 fager1-3 Western bayhead delta 0 - mainly oil 4147000 73.6 0 46.9 bouch1-3A fag2-3 fag1-3 78 39.9 0 nort1-4 01 4146000alle1-9 hind1-3 105.2 goel1-433.5 harris1-3 nort1 patt2-3 53.1 patt1-3 goell1-4 0 ted4-10 0 patt2-3 26 5.7 ted1-10 ted2-10 6 ted1-10 0 0 hall2-2 Sh 0 ted3-10 200 180 160 140 Sh patt1 37.5 150 ted1 roo1-2 132.9 Underperforming well: Perforated flow unit (“B”) is not connected to flow unit (“A”), zone of water injection 120 193.8 0 schli1-2 113.5 mcgee1-1 68.5 0 statt1-12 latz1 roon1-11 roo1 statt2-12 Eastern bayhead delta - mainly gas ted2-10 406000 406500 407000 407500 408000 408500 409000 409500 410000 410500 411000 411500 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 mile • Flow unit speed = Kcumulative*ft/Ø*ftcumulative • Inflection points indicative of different flow speeds (speed zones) PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 78 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney S1 S1 S1 Figure 2 – Cross section on structure PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES Patton 1-3 79 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Patton #1-3 Type wireline log A -Upper flow unit PEF 0 6 DPHI 0.3 0 Subsea GR NPHI FUS Depth 0 150 0.3 00.2 2 (ft) 1 cm (slab photos) 2700 Top Atokan 2710 2720 marine flooding surface S1 2730 L2 HFU 2770 2790 2800 S3 vfn Ss 5322 S2 2760 2780 5318 5320 2740 2750 5316 0.6 FUS cutoff coincides with break in slope on Lorenz plot Top Mississippian Lower flow unit Upper flow unit 5324 B- Middle flow unit b S2 fn Ss a 5326 5328 Core Depth (ft) C- Lower flow unit Upper flow unit Upper flow unit Thin-section photomicrographs of lower and upper flow units of S2 in Murfin Drilling Company 1-3 Patton well. (A) Patton 5327.3 ft (1623.76 m) (lower flow unit): bivalve in quartz sandstone. (B) Fine-grained sandstone with millimeter-shaly laminations (Patton 5320.1 ft [1621.56 m], upper flow unit). Blue epoxy impregnated under cross nicols. The scale bar (1 mm; 0.03 in.) is in the lower left. (C) Patton 5321.8 ft (1622.08 m): quartose sandstone (lower upper flow unit). (D) Patton 5321.8 ft (1622.08 m) (lower upper flow unit): caliche nodule (microcrystalline calcite) containing displaced sand grains suggesting insitu formation. Blue epoxy impregnation under cross nicols. Porosity developed on the right and bottom of the photomicrograph. Scale bar shown is 1.0 mm (0.03 in.) long. PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 80 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Positive correlation in net pay with cumulative production S2 net-pay isopach map of the Norcan East field. The thickness is expressed in feet, and the square grid is 1 mi (1.61 km) on a side. The S2 sandstone is limited to confines of the incised valley, and two discrete sandstone accumulations (an eastern and a western lobe) are visible. PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 81 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney A B PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 82 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Is BVW related to structure or pore characteristics? BVW Profile 0.12 0.1 BVW 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 2680 2690 2700 2710 2720 2730 2740 2750 2760 Subsea, ft Stat2-12 Schlng Ted1-10 Ted1 Roony 1 Pat2-3 Har1-3 Hall1-2 Stat1-12 Fag2-3 Geol1-4Ld Inj Norton1-4 Goel1-4Mur Pat1-3Inj Latz1 Harris2-3 Ted4-10 Hind1-3 Pat1 McGee1-1 Porosity Profile 0.3 0.25 Phi 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 2680 2690 2700 2710 2720 2730 2740 2750 2760 Subsea, ft Stat2-12 Schlng Ted1-10 Ted1 Roony 1 Pat2-3 Har1-3 Hall1-2 Stat1-12 Fag2-3 Geol1-4Ld Inj Harris2-3 Goel1-4Mur Pat1-3Inj Latz1 McGee1-1 Ted4-10 Hind1-3 Pat1 Log derived Sw vs elevation for S2 pay • Colors represent saturation profiles of different wells. • In some wells, the logs stop before saturation gets to or near 1, whereas at others, the saturation reaches or is close to 1 at different subsea depths. PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 83 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney • History match of fluid production from the western segment of the Norcan East field. • The green circles and line represent the historic oil rate and that calculated by the simulator. • History match between simulator-calculated water injection volumes and historic volumes of injected water in western segment of the field • Broken black line = simulator calculated field pressure PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 84 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Depositional & Petrofacies Model for Atoka sandstone Reservoirs The classic tripartite estuary mouth, inner estuary, and alluvial alluvial plain depositional model for the IVF systems is modified to accommodate accommodate reservoir compartmentalization introduced by multiple, tributary drainage into an estuary at Minneola Field forming subordinate bayhead estuarine deltas CyclothemicCyclothemic-scale (4th(4th-order) changes in sea level during the Pennsylvanian resulted in unconformityunconformity-bounded depositional sequences –most clearly defined on well logs in this estuarine system by correlatable correlatable marine flooding surfaces. A transgressivetransgressive-regressive lithofacies succession in the reservoirreservoir-bearing cycle often consists of (from bottom to top): 1) baybay-fill shale, 2) tidaltidal-dominated bay mouth bar to fluvial; 3) heterolithic intertidal central bay muds, muds, silts,sands, and carbonates; and 4) fluvial to bay mouth bar lithofacies. Local depositional conditions vary depending on the local elevation elevation and position in the valley, proximity to the sediment source, and the the mouth of the valley. Lithofacies reflect the landward terminus of the Atokan marine cycle Coarser, better sorted sandstones are better reservoirs: – reflected by lower GR, higher porosity and permeability, lower Sw and BVW – in proximal positions in bayfill deltas in Norcan East in Minneola Field complex Additional example of Pennsylvanian Ooid Shoal – Collier Flats, Missourian Swope Limestone, Comanche County, Kansas PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 85 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Collier Flats Field – lower shelf ooid shoal on structural break Collier Flats Field Lebeau (1997) Collier Flats – Bethany Falls Ooid Shoal Incremental oil • 11 wells (62 max in 1982), • Cumulative production = 2 MM bbls oil and 7.8 BCF • Discovered 1970 • Waterflood initiated in 1998 PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 86 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Collier Flats Field Bethany Falls Ls. Isopach Map Plunging anticlinal nose above structural break Lebeau (1997) thickest thick th i Galesburg Shale Isopach Map th in ne st nn er 1 mi. thin Top Mississippian th ic ke r Lebeau (1997) PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 87 AAPG Southwest Section Short Course - Watney Lebeau (1997) East West Higher permeability and porosity beneath lower perm. upper half PART 4.LITHOFACIES, PETROPHYSICS, AND PETROFACIES 88