Texas Highland Lakes Newsletter
Texas Highland Lakes Newsletter
December 2015 Texas Highland Lakes Newsletter Inside this issue: President’s Message President’s Message 1 Party Line & Prayers/Concerns 2 Hello Everyone! Community Service 3-4 Matagorda Bay Nature Park Rally 5 Christmas Rally Photographs 6-8 THLU Rally Schedule 9 We had a wonderful time at our annual Christmas Rally. Thank you, to our hosts, for creating an incredible weekend! Wendy and Tammy had our entire rally at their beautiful home Friday evening for a spectacular sunset and fantastic party that’s sure to be talked about for years to come! Our Christmas auction gave $1,579.66 for the Wounded Warrior Project! Thank you all who contributed. THLU 2016 New Mexico Balloon 10 Fiesta Caravan Region 9 Rally 11-12 Midwinter IBT 13 Unit Luncheon Next luncheon: January 5, 2016 County Line Barbecue on the Hill 6500 Bee Cave Road, Austin Meet between 12:30 to 12:45; eat around 1:00pm Call R. Lee Steele for more information at 512-5655714 Our next rally will be at Matagorda Bay Nature Park Thursday, February 4 th through Sunday February 7th. Please go to www.reserveamerica.com or call 855-392-7638 for reservations in the South Loop. Grady and Keith Ferry our region 9 first vice president will be hosting. We need more hosts for the rally so let us know if you would like to help. Grady is organizing a fishing trip. If you are interested be sure to let him know. Quick safety tip – This time of year the temperature can very widely. For all of you folks out there traveling be sure to be aware of your tire pressure. Last year when we arrived at Matagorda Bay Nature Park it was quite cold, however, it warmed up substantially before we left. I had set my tow vehicle and trailer tire pressure for cold weather. On the way home our tire pressure monitoring system alarm went off. I assumed we had a flat. It turned out we had excessive tire pressure that could have led to tire failure. Happy Holidays and Safe Travels! R. Lee Steele 2 JANUARY BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Birthdays Anniversaries Rosario Leach 11-17 Debi Jean Harkey 1-15 Julie Jordan & Stephanie Sobotik Kathryn Fischer 1-18 Jim Courtney 1-18 Jack & Ruth Maddux 1-3 Tom Sharpe 1-19 Lynn Capps 1-20 Carlos & Rosemary Leach 1-4 David Blakey 1-19 Luther Price 1-6 Sheila Gallagher 1-21 Janis Brown 1-7 Ginger Zeringue 1-27 Janet Latham 1-10 Lynn Perrin 1-28 Gladys Ruth (G.R.) Allen 1-13 Darel Ball 1-31 Fred Hazen 1-15 Tom Beebe 1-2 1-3 Our prayers and condolences go out to Rick & Debbie Trimble and Billy & Danna Myers, who both lost loved ones recently. Our deepest sympathies go out to them and their families. May God give them comfort and may the souls of their loved ones rest in peace.. Jimmy & Marque Mooney ask for healing prayers for their 15 year old grandson, Logan, who will undergo spine surgery on December 31. Doctors will insert two steel rods to strengthen his back damaged by radiation at age 3 when he was diagnosed with cancer. He will be hospitalized for 5-7 days and at home for two weeks following surgery. Cindy Johnson, a member of the Heart of Texas Camping Unit, suffered a grave loss when Clay, her husband; Hannah, her daughter; and Kade, her six year old grandson were murdered while camping near Palestine, Texas. She also lost her daughter’s fiancé and his two sons. Cindy was the lone survivor. The community was shocked to hear of her loss especially under such circumstances. Although no words can really help to ease the pain Cindy bears, let’s hold her very close in our thoughts and prayers over the coming months, especially during the holidays as she comprehends this profound loss. May God help her during this difficult time and may the love of those around her help her through the days ahead. Jim Whitworth had encouraging results from a recent bone marrow biopsy. His disease has stabilized somewhat, and has NOT moved any further towards leukemia. He is thankful for your support and kindness as he goes through his treatments. A note from Elizabeth Rodgers: THLU Members, Thank you for the beautiful patriot spray of flowers. Your love, prayers and support mean so much. Harry loved the Texas Highland Lakes Unit and WBCCI. He served as the President of the Unit in 1992. God Bless all of you and keep you safe in your travels. Elizabeth 3 “No Man Stands So Tall as When He Stoops to Help a Child” Janie Haddaway, Region 9 Community Service Chairman, and Jim Haddaway deliver items donated by WBCCI members to Shriners Hospital for Children in Houston which specializes in pediatric orthopedics, cleft lip & palate, inpatient rehabilitation and sub-acute care. They also visited the Shriners Hospital for Children in Galveston which provides advanced burn care and treatment for children from all over the world. All services are provided regardless of the family’s ability to pay. Jennifer Hughes Donor Development—Houston and Galveston Hello Janie, Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you and Jim so much for visiting both the Houston and Galveston hospitals. Please also send my thank you and best regards to Keith and Grady. Below is a list of Child Life needs for the next six months. Thank you for leading the charge to collect some of these items. These type of items make a patient’s stay more comfortable. Have a blessed winter holiday! Jennifer Hughes Donor Development ~ Houston and Galveston 4 Matchbox cars. Large capacity 100 slot CD/DVD binders. Soccer balls (size 3, 4, & 5) Basketballs (junior sizes) Find It (Contained Adventure Tubes) Playdough Youth basketball hoops (size shorter than the traditional hoops) Gym ball basket for balls to be kept in on the 6 th floor Toys/Gifts appropriate for Teen Girls and Teen Boys Footballs/basketballs/nerf balls, remote control cars Nail polish, lotion, hair accessories, lip balm, makeup, bath sets Youth medical kits/play sets Individual packs of markers Individual packs of colored pencils Individual craft projects/activities for 1) preschool 2) school age 3)teens (The ones that already come in a box organized you can find them at Target, Wal-mart, Michaels, Hobby Lobby) Shadow Buddies Items with Frozen (Disney movie) theme Music CD’s-kid friendly Window Clings/Decorations Sharpie Markers (various sizes) Coloring books (Spanish and English) –with CRAYOLA crayons Activity books (Spanish and English) Books in Spanish (School Age through Adult) Subscriptions to kid, teen, and family magazines (ex. Nickelodeon, National Geographic, animals, sports, teen, parent, --in English and Spanish) Bubbles Light up toys (similar to the ones you see at the circus where you push the button and it lights up/ spins around etc.) Stickers Kinetic sand (Target) Mobiles, White Noise machine, Crib music Baby rattles and teething toys Barbie dolls Teen girl bath sets Super hero capes /toys Play Station 2 wireless controllers (which can be found at amazon.com and Game Stop (in store and online) Play Station 2 controller extension cords (to go with the existing wired remotes that we have) PlayStation4 Games: 1. Ultra Street Fighter 2. AirMech Arena 3. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 4. Batman Arkham Knight 5. Call of Duty Ghost 6. Call of Duty Black Ops III 7. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 8. Watch Dogs 9. Infamous Second Son 10. Rayman Legends 11. The Last of us: Remastered 12. Mortal Kombat X 13. Uncharted 4 A Thief’s End 14. Battlefield Hardline 15. Battlefield 4 16. Tomb Rader: Definitive Edition 17. The Swapper 18. Final Fantasy 14 19. Velocity 2X 20. Far Cry 4 21. Assassin’s Creed Unity 22. Assassin’s Creed Black Flag 23. Dead Nation Apocalypse Edition 24. Injustice: Gods Among Us 25. Need For Speed Rivals 26. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes 27. Metro Redux 28. The Crew 29. MOTO GP 14 30. Motorcycle Club Safety is the most important consideration when accepting toys. Please no used toys, stuffed animals or games. Also, art materials must have the nontoxic seal (AP, CP, Health Label Non-Toxic.) Austin Boat & Travel Trailer Show ~ January 7-10, 2016 at the Austin Convention Center Austin RV Expo ~ February 18-21, 2016 at the Austin Convention Center. Your help is needed to man the Camper Clinic II exhibits at the Austin RV Expo and the Austin Boat & Travel Trailer Show. Airstreams will be showcased at these events which attract thousands of visitors. THLU has generously offered to provide volunteers again this year. To volunteer or request more information, please contact Warren Capps at warren@warrencapps.com or 512-276-2223. 5 MATAGORDA BAY NATURE PARK RALLY ~ FEBRUARY 4-7, 2016 Come relax on the sandy beach! This park is located where the Colorado River meets the Gulf of Mexico. Developed by the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) the park is host to millions of migrating birds each winter. A short walk will reveal the beauty of the beach and the ecosystem that attracts the birds as well as other interesting creatures. Here are some of the exciting events planned! Please rsvp to Grady Ferry at pizzacat@sbcglobal.com to make your event reservations. Matagorda Bay Fishing Trip Thursday, February 4th at daybreak Cost: $400/boat + bait, 3 fishermen per boat RSVP as soon as possible for space is limited Star Party Friday, February 5th from 6:30-8 PM $5/person Guided Bird Walk Friday, February 5th from 9–11 AM Kayak Trip into the Bay $5/person Saturday morning February 6th $10-20 approximate cost/person To make a campsite reservation go online at www.reserveamerica.com or call 855-392-7638 ASAP for the South Loop. These sites are popular so don’t miss your opportunity to enjoy this beautiful park. 6 Caroling with Gusto! Jim Latham, Auctioneer ,helped THLU raise $1579.66 for the Wounded Warrior Project Jim Haddaway going Texas style Rally Hosts Fred & Judy Hazen, Stephanie Sobotik, Julie Jordan, Richard Roucloux, Bill Booker, & Wendy Barber. Not shown: Tammy Patterson Marty Berdan & his new elf friend Eileen Page enjoying ornament exchange Pati Mayton, Peter Sajovich, Keith Ferry & Carol Sajovich in Holiday Hats 7 Peter & Carol Sajovich Sunset Toast by Wendy Barber Welcome to the Lucky Ranch Where we are proud to be part of the THLU branch! To Airstreamers near & far Pulling our babies with our trucks & cars Traveling from East to West We all know Airstream IS the BEST! Tammy Patterson & Colin Melton Now, let’s toast to the season…that is so bright Thanks to each of you for being here tonight! Cheers! Photographs courtesy of Peter Sajovich 8 Mike Lovell found the hidden medallion Tom Beebe as the Grinch Paul & Cecelia Gulik won 3rd Place for their psychedelic holiday decorations. 1st place went to Marty & Cindy Berdan and 2nd Place went to C.C. & Carla Gartman Windmill at Buckhorn Lake RV Park Grady Ferry won the putting contest. Honorable mention went to Kathy Blanchard Pink Poodle displayed by R. Lee Steele & Eileen Page 9 RALLY SCHEDULE 2015-2016 Date Event/ Location Comments 12/03-12/06 THLU Holiday Rally Buckhorn Lake RV Resort Call Buckhorn Lake RV resort at 800-568-6458 or http://www.buckhornrvpark.com. Let them know you are with THLU unit. 02/04-02/07 Matagorda Bay Nature Park Matagorda, TX Go to Reserve America for Sites in South Loop 03/14-03/19 Region 9 Rally—Shawnee, OK See Region 9 site www.region9.wbcci.net 04/07-04/10 Rally at The Flemings Ranch Contact R. Lee Steele Cherokee, TX May TBD 06/28-07/05 59th International Convention/Rally See Blue Beret or WBCCI website Lewisburg, WV for registration THLU 2016 New Mexico Balloon Contact Harvey Craig Fiesta WBCCI Numbered Caravan 512/633-0380 (Cell) charv@msn.com Installation Rally Contact R. Lee Steele 09/23-10/7 11/03-11/06 NTAC (North Texas Airstream Community) Hillsboro, TX December Christmas Rally & Auction—TBD 10 THLU 2016 NEW MEXICO BALLOON FIESTA WBCCI NUMBERED CARAVAN (Friday, September 23, 2016 – Friday, October 7, 2016) REGISTRATION OPENS IN OCTOBER 2015 THLU will host a 15 night/15 Day (1,300+ total miles) New Mexico Balloon Fiesta WBCCI Numbered Caravan departing from NTAC (North Texas Airstream Community), Hillsboro, Texas on Friday, September 23 and ending on Friday, October 7 at Santa Fe Skies RV Resort, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Come join us for a memorable, bucket-list caravan not only to the largest international balloon event in the world but to the wonderful State of New Mexico with its history dating back far beyond when Columbus set foot on the continent as well as its “light”—sky, clouds, sunrises, sunsets, moon and clear stars; and Santa Fe, its capitol which is the oldest (over 400 years old) in the United States. The Caravan is limited to a total of 30 rigs including the caravan leader. The caravan leaders will be Harvey & Gail Craig: 512/633-0380 (Cell); charv@msn.com (200 Walnut Hill Ave., #107, Hillsboro, Texas. 76645) with backup leaders. The Caravan will feature six stops which include: 1 night at NTAC (North Texas Airstream Community), Hillsboro, TX; 2 nights at Abilene State Park; 2 nights at Palo Dura State Park, 1 night at Santa Rosa, NM,, 5 nights in Albuquerque at the New Mexico Balloon Fiesta Site (dry camping w/ pump-outs & fresh water), and 4 nights at Santa Fe Skies RV Resort in Santa Fe, NM, with views of Santa Fe’s surrounding mountains. The Caravan Kitty Fee will include: all parking charges, some lunches, dinners, tours, as well as prime RV parking where one can sit outside his/her Airstream and watch the balloons ascend and fly over with unlimited access to the Balloon Fiesta Site and the Balloon Field, and a memorable farewell dinner with live entertainment at Vanessie’s of Santa Fe, a 4-star restaurant and boutique inn. Optional Dutch-Treat lunches and dinners at some of the best restaurants as well as tours of six stops will be available. In addition, tours of Old Town Albuquerque, New Mexico State Museums, Sandia Peak and Tramway, Santa Fe Plaza and its historical sites, Santa Fe Canyon Road Art tour, Santa Fe Ski Area with a chance to see golden Aspens, as well as trips to: El Santuario de Chimayo, Shrine of Santa Nino de Atioha, Ortega Weavers, and the famous Turquoise Trail with its outstanding turquoise shops are included in the Caravan. The deposit fee is $500 at time of booking with another $700 due before 04/01/16 for a total Kitty fee of $1,200 per couple in a rig. Checks should be made out to: THLU Caravan. (Charge for each additional person in a rig is $300 per person. The total Kitty Fee for a single person in a rig is $970.) Please note that the cancellation charge after 07/01/16 could be as high as $550 if no standby is available because of cancellation charges and non-refundable deposits. A standby list will be kept after the maximum RV’s are booked and standby members will be contacted in order if and when any cancellation/ opening occurs. Caravan registration forms and information are available on the THLU website (www.thlu.org). This Caravan is open to any and all WBCCI members [not only THLU members] on a first come basis. Our 2014 Balloon Fiesta Caravan filled in less than five days after registration opened in 2013 and had only 3 cancellations filled by standbys. Questions: Harvey Craig 512/633-0380 (Cell) charv@msn.com. 11 March 14-19, 2016 Heart of Oklahoma Exposition Center 1700 W. Independence, Shawnee, OK 74802 www.shawneeexpo.org Monday Arrival Day Tuesday Region & Unit Day Wednesday Beads/Feathers Day Thursday Turquoise/Silver Day Friday USA Day Saturday Native American Day Sunday Departure Day 3 Breakfasts 3 Dinners Door Prizes Totem Pole Table Decoration Contest There will be a table decoration contest during the upcoming Region 9 “Airstream PowWow” rally in Shawnee, OK. The theme will be totem poles which can be about anything. They do not have to include an Airstream. It will be fun to see everyone’s creations. The winners will be awarded through a peoples’ choice vote taken throughout the rally. Awards will be presented on Saturday, the last night of the rally. Entertainment Flea Market Ice Cream Seminars Games 12 Registration Information PARKING FEES REGISTRATION COUPON Early parking fees Airstream PowWow! Region 9 Rally March 14-19, 2016 If registering by Sept. 30, 2015 parking fees will be $20/night Monday-Saturday $120 Thursday Arrival $60 Friday Arrival $40 Last Name: _________________________________________________ First Name(s) _______________________________________________ Saturday Arrival $20 ___________________________________________________________ If registering after Sept. 30, 2015 Address: ___________________________________________________ parking fees will be $23/night Monday-Saturday $138 Thursday Arrival $69 Friday Arrival $46 Saturday Arrival $23 Rally Parking Fees include six (6) nights of 30/50 Amp Electric, Water, Sewer & WiFi RALLY FEES Early rally fees If registering by Sept. 30, 2015 Monday-Saturday $75/person Friday-Saturday $60/person Saturday Arrival $45/person City: ______________________________________________________ State: ____________________ Zip ____________________________ Phone #: ___________________________________________________ WBCCI #: _________________ Region # ________________________ Unit: ______________________________________________________ E-Mail: ____________________________________________________ Handicap parking Yes _______ No ________ Parking Fee: $ ______________ Rally Fee: ($___________/Adult x ____) $______________ ($40/teen x _____) $______________ If registering after Sept. 30, 2015 Monday-Saturday $90/person TOTAL ENCLOSED Friday-Saturday $75/person Make check out to WBCCI Region 9 Saturday Arrival $60/person Mail to: David Thompson, Treasurer Teen $40 (Age 13-16) Youth (12 and under) Free 2200 4th Ave. #305, Canyon, TX 79015 $______________ 13 2016 Mid-Winter IBT Rally “Because We Can” January 10th - 14th, 2016 Rayne Civic Center 300 Frog Festival Drive Rayne, Louisiana 70578. ___________________________________________________________________ 2016 “Because We Can” Mid-Winter IBT Rally Last Name: ________________________ First: _____________ Partner: _______________ Address: __________________________City: __________________ State: ___ Zip:______ WBCCI # __________ Phone #: __________________ Unit Name: ___________________ Handicap Parking: Yes ___ No ___ Need a receipt? Enclose a stamped, self addressed envelope Rally Fee: $80 per person X ____ (Includes Reception 2 Dinners, 3 Breakfasts and 2 nights of Entertainment) $____________ Rally sites: (30 AMP, Water & Sewer) $20 per night X ______ $ ____________ TOTAL $ ____________ Make Check Payable to: Mail to: 2016 Mid-Winter IBT Marilyn Keef 834 Bourque Rd. Lafayette, LA 70506 14