23746 Diocesan 204 Pentecost 05-13_Newsletter


23746 Diocesan 204 Pentecost 05-13_Newsletter
Art work from Magor School - story p9
Number/Rhif 204
A wet walk to support Velindre
Pentecost 2013
6 days
2 cathedrals
Handing on the
A group of ordinands braved the elements on Thursday 21st March to complete a
sponsored walk of twelve miles to raise funds for Velindre (Cancer) Hospital. Our lunch
was packed and spaceship plasters were at the ready for untimely blisters. We walked
from St Michael’s College, Llandaff, along Western Avenue where we joined the Taff
Trail. Along the trail we walked past Radyr, Castell Coch, and up to the top of the hill,
where we took shelter from the rain in a half-built wigwam to eat lunch.
We then continued along the Taff trail to Pontypridd – on a clear day it would have
been a wonderful view, but instead we had white mist and rain. The tag line from the
end of the walk was ‘We have never been so glad to see a cemetery before’ as it
meant we were nearly at the end of the walk. From Pontypridd we walked back to
Treforest where we were picked up and brought back to college.
Although we were wet and tired we all had a great time and raised funds for an
extremely worthwhile cause.
The end total was £1,100.
Thank you to all who sponsored and supported us.
Becca Stevens (3rd from left), Monmouth ordinand-in-training
story on page 6
The Diocese of Monmouth, The Church in Wales : Esgobaeth Mynwy, Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru
Festival Celebrations
Afternoon Tea - from Claridge's to Abertillery
On the eve of Mothering Sunday, when many of their
menfolk were settled to watching the rugby, over eighty
ladies (and some intrepid men and children) gathered for an
afternoon of tea and entertainment in St Michael's church,
Abertillery. A substantial tea and entertainment was laid on
in a nave transformed into the most sumptuous of hotel tea
rooms, and a happy time was had by all.
The Ladies of St Cadoc's, Trevethin, getting into the spirit of
St David's Day at a coffee evening.
On Maundy Thursday, thanks to generous
donations from members of St Mary’s,
Chepstow, and St Christopher’s, Bulwark,
nine Real Easter Eggs were given to the
residents of SOLAS. SOLAS is a unique
provider of high quality, customer focused
accommodation and support services for
homeless young people, adults and families.
On Easter Sunday at St Christopher’s, members of
SCUFFS (St Christopher’s Under Fives and Families)
decorated the Easter cross (above) with a beautiful
array of flowers. After the service the flowers were
taken off the cross and made into small floral displays
and taken to the sick and housebound within our
church family.
Lorraine Sampson
The baking and organisation was carried out by the
indefatigable Gill Yemm and her innumerable troops.
Revd Patrick Coleman
Lenten Spiritual Journey
The ‘Journey’, compiled by Pam
Richards, Diocesan Youth Adviser, and
set up in the Cathedral during Lent,
offered people a time to identify with
some of the emotions which Jesus and
others must have felt in the
circumstances leading from Palm
Sunday to Good Friday and on to the
As this ‘Journey’ can be emotionally charged, there was
always a Chaplain on duty in case people wished to talk. I am
grateful to three of the Cathedral Canons, one cleric from
Newport Deanery and one Licensed Lay Minister from
Pontypool Deanery for giving their time to fulfil this role.
I think it is true to say that all who came to do the ‘Journey’
found the experience truly inspirational. Key words from
comments in the visitors’ book included: ‘Uplifting’,
‘Peaceful’, ‘Powerful’, ‘Overwhelming’, ‘Emotional’,
Forty people sat down to re-enact the Passover meal at St
David's, Llanddewi Rhydderch, on Maundy Thursday prior to
the Eucharist. After the Eucharist there was a vigil until
We are hoping that Spiritual Journeys can become a regular
feature at the Cathedral – something which we can offer to
the wider Diocese. Please watch out for publicity, spread the
word, and encourage people to come. The experience can
enhance worship back in the parish in so many ways.
Canon Jennifer Mole
A new MU Banner in Risca
On Mothering Sunday we held a special service in St Mary’s,
Risca, to dedicate the new Mothers’ Union banner which
was made by parishioners Hilary Harris and Margaret Allen,
and Revd Linda Griffiths. The design for the banner was
based on a hanging designed by Margaret’s daughter-in-law,
Caroline. The banner was sponsored by parishioner, David
Williams, in memory of his wife, Dorothy.
In the photograph are (left to right): Anita Latham (MU
Deanery President), Val Vaughan (Branch Leader), Rev Linda
Griffiths, David Williams, and Sue Griffiths (MU Diocesan
Beating the Bounds on Rogation Sunday
To celebrate Rogation Sunday on 5th May, Phil and Dorothy
Brabon of the Shirenewton Historical Society organised a walk
to beat a section of the bounds of the parish. Seventeen
walkers and three dogs set off from the church in glorious
sunshine. The walk was about four and a half miles in length
and ended back at the Church Room where the walkers were
refreshed with well-deserved tea and Dorothy's delicious cake.
Along the way one walker and a dog dropped out, and another
walker and a dog joined in!
Many thanks to the Brabons and all those who took part and
made the tea for a splendid day out in the sunshine.
Bill Clark
Les Mis for Lent in Caldicot
In Caldicot Benefice we based our Lent Course on the film Les
Miserables, using resources from damaris.org. Because the
film had recently been released and was so popular it was
attractive to a faithful bunch of around eighteen of us from
across the benefice.
We met each week in Rogiet Church Hall and began by having
lunch together (we brought our own sandwiches etc!) and a
cup of tea. Each week we also enjoyed some food or drink
which had a French theme, such as brioche bread and butter
pudding or tarte du pommes! There was also a quiz whereby,
from the given clues, we had to guess the identity of a wellknown person who had been given a Fresh Start.
The main themes of discussion were ‘Fresh Starts’ and
‘Difficult Choices’, firstly considering situations from the film
and its characters and then with a specific emphasis on the
Bible and our faith.
One of the participants commented: “I came because I love
Les Mis and was curious. What did I find? Lunch and French
themed treats, companionship, debate, arguments, reasoning,
empathy, sympathy, thoughtfulness, deep thinking, reflection,
learning, sharing, I could go on and on…. This is a course
suited to those with both Christian and non-Christian beliefs
as it covers so much applicable to both view points.”
We have decided to meet again, keeping the same format of
sharing lunch together first, to discuss the readings for each
Sunday over a period of six weeks or so.
Revd Annie Church
Resources from www.damaris.org
Bishop's Lent Appeal Total
So far, the total for the Bishop’s Lent Appeal is £17,500, with
a further sum specifically raised for the orphanage in
Please send any further contributions as soon as possible
because Bishop Dominic will distribute funds before he
retires at the end of June.
The funds will be split between Raven House, Newport, and
the Jeel al Amal School in Bethany.
From St Paul’s, Cwm, to St Paul’s Cathedral
In April, I was privileged to join Revd Pam Griffiths at St Paul's Cathedral, as she
officiated at the baptism of Lana Jordan. Lana's mother Kate is an ex-pupil of Pam's.
Kate's mother was awarded an MBE last year, so has the right to have a child or
grandchild baptised at St Paul's and asked Pam to officiate.
We had a wonderful week-end and were treated like VIPs by the staff at St Paul's,
who were all incredibly helpful. With a congregation consisting of people of all ages
from Ebbw Vale, Greenwich, Penarth, Swansea, Leeds, Twickenham, Ireland and
Sweden, several of whom were ex-pupils of Pam, a lovely atmosphere pervaded
the OBE Chapel, and both Organist and Virger were impressed by the fellowship—
and by the singing.
On Sunday morning we returned to St Paul's for the Eucharist and were pleasantly
surprised when both Organist and Virger sought us out again, together with a
retired Bishop and several members of the clergy.
It was an occasion that neither of us will ever forget.
Sue Garret, Churchwarden at St Paul’s, Cwm
Revd Pam Griffiths by the
font in the OBE Chapel
Bishop Dominic and Father Malcolm Lane “gathering in the
sheaves” after the confirmation service at St Michael's,
Michaelstone-y-fedw, on Palm Sunday.
The Bishop and candidates at the confirmation (Sunday 10th
March) at St Augustine’s, Pontllanfraith.
Celebrating Living Faith
Vicar of St Arvans to go on a really long walk
The Living Faith group from All Saints, Brynglas, have
completed the course which we found challenging and
thought-provoking, giving us a new insight of our faith.
We decided to celebrate by having a satisfying meal at
an Italian restaurant.
James Pritchard
In the early Autumn, Fr Michael Gollop of the parishes of St
Arvans with Penterry, Devauden, Itton and Kilgwrrwg, will be
walking the Pilgrim Route to Santiago de Compostela (800km)
for St Arvans Parish Funds and the Macmillan Cancer Charity.
If anyone wishes to join him for all or part of the way, please
contact him or the Churchwardens.
Extensive restoration work has been carried out at the
beautiful church of St Arvans, including a new roof and repairs
to the floor. The church is now faced with replacing the
heating system and decorating the church so that it is
returned to its original splendour. Many fundraising events are
planned for 2013 including Chepstow Castle Singing Group
(Sept 26th) and Synergy: 4-part men’s harmony group
(November 16th ).
We are investigating sponsorship deals and the ‘Just Giving’
scheme, but if you can help in any way to raise funds please
do contact us.
Verena Evans, Church Warden
Mobile 07703 360021 or verenaevans@hotmail.co.uk
Bishop Dominic writes....
We have now come to the end of our Year of Pilgrimage. It
finished with our six day pilgrimage walk when I formally handed
over the pilgrimage staff to Bishop Gregory Cameron as the
Diocese of St Asaph begins their Year of Pilgrimage.
Although our pilgrimage year is finished, we still continue to be
the pilgrim people of God. My hope is that the theme of
pilgrimage has entered into the life blood of the diocese and I
was delighted to see how many individuals, parishes and schools
took part in a pilgrimage and found it to be a source of real
blessing by bringing them into a new experience of God.
I want to thank all of you who arranged pilgrimages and those
who took part – a great number judging by the number of
pilgrimage badges that were issued.
At this time of year, we give thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit
at Pentecost and we recall how Jesus promised to assist us on our
earthly pilgrimage by sending the Holy Spirit to lead us into all
truth and to accompany us on our earthy journey. The Holy Spirit
is given to each one of us to enable us to discover God’s will for
us, and at this time the Bishops of the Church in Wales are asking
people to consider if God is calling them to a particular ministry in
the Church, and so we pray, ‘Come, Holy Spirit’.
The Holy Spirit is also given to the Church so that together we can
discover God’s will for us as his family on earth. As a diocese, we
have been discerning where the Holy Spirit has been leading us
Bishop Dominic with the pilgrim staff which he carried
and the formation of Ministry Areas and the Living Faith and
on the Two Cathedrals Walk
Stewardship programmes are just three of a number of initiatives
to equip the Church for the future. We know that the Holy Spirit comes ‘to comfort the disturbed and to
disturb the comfortable’ and that there will be some challenging and exciting times ahead. We know that
we cannot continue as we are and so we need to ask what God is wanting of us – both individually and
corporately. And so we pray, ‘Come, Holy Spirit’.
The history of Christianity in Wales has seen many changes over the centuries but the theme of pilgrimage
has been constant. God calls us to walk with him, to listen to him and to obey his call. We therefore
journey in trust and in hope knowing that God leads us where he wills and that he will not abandon us
because he has given us the Holy Spirit to be with us forever.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote, ‘The one who has hope lives differently’. As people of hope we must
have confidence in God and in the gospel we proclaim, and pray for those who are tasked with leading the
diocese into the future. As I come to the end of my own ministry as your bishop, I ask you to pray for
those who will elect my successor that the Holy Spirit will give them gifts of wisdom and discernment.
And so we pray, ‘Come, Holy Spirit’.
With love and prayers,
+ Dominic
Bishop Dominic retires on Sunday June 30th. His last service will be Choral Evensong in the Cathedral at 6.30pm. The Dean will
preach and Bishop Dominic will give the Blessing and then lay up his crozier on the altar. All are welcome to this service.
The electoral college meets on 23rd - 25th July to elect our new Bishop who will be confirmed in office at the Governing Body
meeting on 11th/12th September. He will be consecrated in Llandaff Cathedral on 21st September and enthroned in Newport
Cathedral on St Luke’s Day, 18th October.
Diocesan Pilgrimage: The Two Cathedrals Walk
The Archdeacon of Newport blessed the staff and pilgrims before
they set out from St Woolos Cathedral
Our Diocesan year of pilgrimage drew to a close
with a group of us leaving St Woolos Cathedral,
Newport, on a bright sunlit day to walk eighty
miles. Following the blessing of a specially
commissioned holly wood pilgrim staff by Archdeacon
Jonathan Williams at the cathedral Eucharist, we set off to
Caerleon and then on to Usk, Abergavenny and Llanthony before
making the steep ascent to the Offa’s Dyke path on top of the
Hattershall Ridge. Over to Hay-on-Wye, on to Kington and finally
our pilgrim journey ended at Knighton six days later. A core group
walked the entire way and others joined for a day or a couple of
days making a total of nineteen pilgrims plus three dogs.
Our pilgrim’s route was long and hard but very beautiful with woods replete with celandines, anemones and an early hint of
bluebells and the clearest of streams and rivers. Long views enabled us to see where we had journeyed from, with Hay Bluff
visible for a couple of days after we had walked over it. The scenery changed gradually as befits a walking pilgrimage with a
pace of some two to three miles an hour. One day we were surprised by the sight of an adder sunning itself in the grass on the
Sugar Loaf before it slipped silently away.
Several churches and a school welcomed and refreshed us with
food and drink before wishing us ‘God Speed’ for the way
ahead. Our walk ended with a celebration of the Eucharist in
Knighton Church during which Bishop Dominic reminded us of
our pilgrim journey towards God’s New Heaven and New Earth
before handing over the pilgrim staff to Bishop Gregory of the
Diocese of St Asaph for people there to begin their year of
Stopping for a breather with Skirrid in the background
All of us who walked realised the privilege of spending time to
pray, share with each other our life pilgrimages to date while
contemplating the way ahead – through fresh green meadows
with flocks of sheep and lambs, through gates held open by a
fellow pilgrim, but sometimes over stony, uncertain ground. The
only real certainty was that there was always another hill to climb
until we reached our final destination.
We’ve made it! Arriving at Knighton - St Edward’s church in view
So, to all those people who joined the pilgrim walk in any way,
including the walkers and those who offered such generous
hospitality, a huge thank you, with special thanks to the Revd
Janet Bone who took on the burden of the organisation without
whom we would not have reached our journey’s end.
Pixie Mason
Ed: Ambrose and Pixie Mason were key members of the group - Pixie helped with the planning, and did first aid training ‘just in
case’. Ambrose had the maps and led us up and down every hill he could between Newport and Knighton! There are more
pictures on www.facebook.com/monmouthpilgrims.
Do you like walking? Then why not join the new diocesan walking group?
We are blessed with some wonderfully beautiful countryside
here in Monmouthshire and in our neighbouring counties,
and so, having enjoyed the scenery, the walking, and the
fellowship on the pilgrimage, we have decided to start a
regular diocesan walking group.
It is envisaged that we will do a walk about once a month,
mostly on Saturdays, though there can be some flexibility to
suit those who would like to be involved.
Perhaps next year we will embark on another much longer
walk, over several days again.
The first group walk will be in the Bettws Newydd area, on
Saturday 1st June, taking in part of the Usk Valley Walk, Coed
y Bonydd Bronze Age hill fort and the beautiful little church
at Bettws Newydd, with its ancient rood screen. That’s a fairly
easy 10 miles, mostly level, but with some hills, which are not
particularly long or steep. Come on your own and make new
friends, or come as a group. Everyone is most welcome.
If you are interested in being part of this walking group, then
please get in touch with Helen Dowdell,
helen.dowdell@tiscali.co.uk for more information.
Resources for Ministry with Children
For more about these resources, contact the children’s adviser, Vicki Brackpool, 01291 620197
children@monmouthdiocese.org.uk or visit the Children’s section of the diocesan website
Go to www.monmouthdiocese.org.uk and click on the rainbow
Making Disciples in Messy Church by Paul Moore
Are you running a Messy Church? How is it growing disciples? Paul Moore looks at how
families are journeying through faith and how we can support them. It explores what is
meant by discipleship and looks at models of discipleship from scripture and church
tradition. The aim is to encourage those involved in running Messy Churches to be an
intentional disciple-making community.
If you would like a copy contact Vicki.
There Is A Season by Margaret Pritchard Houston
Do you want to plan a liturgical celebration that will be accessible to children while still
being true to Anglican tradition? This book is for you!
Drawing on her experience as a children’s worker and primary school teacher, Margaret
Pritchard Houston provides a year’s material to celebrate the church year with children
and families. She provides: specially written liturgy, suggested hymns and songs, linked
activities, suggestions for including a Eucharist, adaptation for schools, follow on activities
to do at home.
Celebrations include: Harvest, All Saints/Souls, Christmas, Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Easter,
Pentecost. View a sample for Pentecost on the Diocesan Children’s website.
Parables DVD
Vicki has ordered a further 5 copies of this. If you would like one please contact her or
Dan Parker (danparker@churchinwales.org.uk) at the Diocesan Office 01663 267490.
Vicki is working with a parish to put together some material so this DVD can be used at
part of a 45-min Children's Club. If you would like to talk about using it this way or are
interested in seeing some of the outlines for a session, please contact her.
More Collective Worship Unwrapped
‘Ahhh, they want me to do an assembly in 2 days, what on earth shall I do?’ Does this
sound familiar? In the busyness of parish life there often just isn’t the time to spend
planning for an assembly. These tested story-based assembly outlines for primary schools
include a bible base, tips on presentation, visual aids required, recommended songs, an
optional prayer and follow up.
See a sample on the Diocesan Children’s website.
This is a mixed ages resource from Scripture Union. Since having a lot of feedback that
children’s leaders had been facing more mixed aged groups with a small number of
children, they have produced here something which aims to help bring things together
for a mixed bunch of children with a wide age range.
You can view a sample on the website or contact Vicki to ask for one to be sent to you.
All of the above can be borrowed from the Diocesan Resources Library in the Diocesan Office which you
can visit between 9-5 every day. If you would like to borrow but can’t get to the office, then let Vicki or
Dan Parker know and they will arrange getting the book to you.
COMING SOON! Diocesan Children’s Resources Catalogue — A spiral bound catalogue showing you what
is available to loan both from the Diocesan Resources Library at Caerau Road and from the Godly Play
Library at Bishopstow. There will be a limited number available. However this will also be available
electronically. Please contact Dan Parker asap to request a spiral-bound copy. Thanks to Revd Sue
Collingbourne and to Dan for all the work they've done to make this possible.
Celebrating Easter in School
Children from the Early Years Department (ages 3-4 years) of
Pontnewydd Primary School, Cwmbran, were eager to celebrate Easter
and Lent in their own special way. Over 120 children in total led their
teachers, parents, friends and church family through the Easter journey
through songs, actions, words and prayers. There were two services due
to different children attending morning or afternoon sessions. Both were
moving and outstanding, especially
considering their ages. From
Pancake day through to Easter
Sunday the children performed with
such enthusiasm.
Revd Victoria Ashley opened the
service with prayers and Mrs Ann-Marie Maloney closed with words of
thanks for all the hard work from the staff and volunteers from Holy
Trinity who had worked alongside the children.
Bronwen Summers
At Llanfair Kilgeddin Voluntary Aided Church in Wales School we strive hard to nurture a strong Christian
ethos, so Holy Week and Easter are important foci for us.
The infant children always decorate our Easter Tree, and it is a focus for worship
leading up to Easter. We allow the very youngest children to play with the small
toys but stress that the Easter Tree is treated with great respect.
The children learned about the Stations of the Cross and watched a short video
clip each day to help them understand. The Junior class displayed the Stations
all around their classroom. The cross was also used throughout Holy Week as a
focus in Collective Worship and the children were encouraged to ask
forgiveness for wrongdoings or attach a prayer for someone they love or miss.
Rector Tim used this during his weekly visit to reinforce the significance of the
Paper plate prayer holders were made to put up at home during Holy Week to
remember those they love or wish to pray for.
The children made plaited woollen bracelets using colours to help them remember the colours used in
church. Some of children are still wearing these as they thought they were 'cool'.
Each child took home a plastic egg containg sweets and a Bible verse reminding the children that Christ
rose, as he said he would. The message stuck outside the egg reminded the children that it was Lent. It
asked them to donate a food item to the Abergavenny Food Bank thus helping them to remember those
less fortunate. The Food Bank were overwhelmed by the generous donations received from our children!
Holy Week culminated in a Family Eucharist service where there was
standing room only in the tiny church at Kemeys Commander. The
Easter gospel reading was read beautifully by our oldest pupil, Frances
Vaughan. Children throughout the school wrote their own prayers to be
read as part of the service. Those who were asked to read them aloud
reminded us to remember farmers who drive tractors, the value of the
Christian education at Llanfair Kilgeddin and to pray for people who
haven't plenty of food and fresh water like us.
Donations to the Food Bank
Throughout Holy Week we ensured that our children worked with their
'buddy'. As we are so small, we are very proud of our caring ethos and
use every opportunity for the classes to work collaboratively. It has been
lovely to see the relationships developing between our youngest and
oldest pupils over the year.
Sue Evans, Head Teacher
The Bishop and Diocesan Pilgrims called in at the school during the Pilgrimage Walk and were given a warm welcome
Creation and
creativity in
Magor School
Revd Celia Jones, Team Vicar in
the Magor Benefice, has spent 18
months at Magor Primary School
co-ordinating a project for their
school hall. The theme of the
project is God’s creation.
Sixteen 7’ x 3’ banners have been
completed by the children,
working in small groups. Calico
has been painted in glorious
colours, sometimes using ideas
from Impressionist Art, and then
sewn and designed by the pupils.
Revd Celia says that the
enthusiasm shown by the children
and the work they put into the
project was admirable.
The project would not have been
possible without the help of
volunteers, and especial thanks
go to Mrs Barbara Alan.
Friday 7th June, 7.30pm
Jeff Hooper.
Tickets £12.50, £10 concessions, from
the Cathedral Shop or pay at the door
Saturday 8th June, noon
A recital by a graduate of the Royal
Welsh School of Music and Drama
Saturday 6th July, noon
A recital by a graduate of the Royal
Welsh School of Music and Drama
Thursday 18th July, 7.30
Concert followed by option of dinner at
Vittorio’s. Bookings and payments (£20)
for dinner can be made in the
Cathedral Shop, or with Brian Cox on
01633 663217
Ministry Area Leadership
Training begins
The Diocese is in the process of establishing Ministry Areas to serve the needs of
the Church in the future. The Leadership of each Ministry Area is crucial because
the task is a very different one from that of the traditional parish priest that most
of us are familiar with. So, while Archdeacons Richard and Jonathan are working
across the diocese encouraging the ‘shaping’ of the Ministry Areas, the first group
of clergy are preparing for the beginning of their three-year training programme.
As they met for a preliminary meeting before training begins in earnest in
September, they admitted to feeling privileged to be chosen for this new role,
challenged by the task ahead, and excited as they anticipate the course.
They are photographed with Revd Dr David Heywood from Ripon College
Cuddesdon (seated right) who has played the key role in designing the course
programme for us, and Revd Dr Janet Williams (seated left) from the West of
England Ministerial Training Course (WEMTC) and Ripon College Cuddesdon who
will be looking after the delivery of the course for us. Standing left to right are:
Revd Chris Stone (Bassaleg), Revd Michael Phillips (Cwmbran), Canon Margaret
Jefford (Newbridge), Revd Kevin Lake (Caerleon), Revd Anne Golledge (Panteg &
Griffithstown), Revd Nick Perry (Ebbw Vale & Blaina), Revd Mark Lawson-Jones
(Cyncoed), Canon Tim Clement (Raglan & Usk deanery), Revd Jeremy Harris
(Magor). Revd David McGladdery (Monmouth) is also one of the group but is not in
the photo as he was on another course.
The new role of Ministry Area Leader focuses on three areas of ministry:
Firstly, to enable others to fulfil their calling in discipleship and ministry. This will
involve giving time to individuals and groups, helping their learning, and discerning
their skills and gifts.
Secondly, there is the task of building the church community into a body which is
motivated to share the Christian faith in action and word in the wider community.
The third priority is to engage thoughtfully with life beyond the Christian
community so as to be able to guide the church into the most effective ways of
living out and proclaiming the Gospel message.
The personal spiritual healthcare of the Ministry Area Leader is vital, and providing
for this healthcare will also be an important part of the training programme.
The programme is due to begin in September and will take place mostly in
Newport with classes each Tuesday afternoon for thirty weeks a year for two
years. There will be three overnight residential group meetings and one longer
residential each year. The third year will involve a research project, and successful
completion of the three year course will result in the award of a Masters level
Degree in Ministry. Participants will need to spend another day each week in
reading and research and reflection. The support and co-operation of their parishes
will be a vital ingredient in the growth of their new leadership role.
Canon Ambrose Mason, Director of Ministry
Governing Body April 2013
Archbishop Barry’s Presidential Address
In his Presidential Address to members of the Governing Body of the Church in
Wales, the Archbishop urged all church members to play their part in ministry.
He said, “Every member of the Christian community who has been baptised is a
disciple of Jesus and has gifts, and therefore, a ministry to offer. And it is from
within this family of the baptised that the ordained are called to exercise particular
gifts and functions within the Church. Put another way, the Church is all God’s
people not just those who are ordained”.
In his address, Dr Morgan also outlined how the Government’s same-sex marriage
Bill would affect the Church in Wales. The proposed legislation would raise two
issues in particular for the Church to consider. The first was whether it wanted to
keep its present legal status regarding marriage. He said, “We, as a Church, need to
have a discussion as to whether we want to continue having this special status in
law as far as marriage is concerned. If marriage were ever to become a devolved
issue, I cannot see a devolved Welsh Government allowing a disestablished Church
to hang on to this vestige of Establishment.”
The Archbishop said the Church would also need to consider the whole issue of
same-sex relationships. The bishops have, therefore, asked the Doctrinal
Commission to examine the whole issue of same sex relationships. Once it has
produced its report, we will need to have a general discussion, perhaps in groups in
the first instance, in the Governing Body, to map out the way ahead for us as a
The full address can be read at
The LAB, Newport, gave a
presentation to Governing Body
With Archbishop Barry: (l to r) James Henley,
Justin Groves, Abbie Cook and Matt Davis of
the LAB
The Lab is a project initiated by Bishop
Dominic to develop a church community
of students and young adults in Newport
who would otherwise not have contact
with a traditional parish church. The
project is a registered Fresh Expression,
supported in partnership by the Church in
Wales and the Methodist Church, with
funding also from the Archbishop’s Fund
for Children and the St Teilo’s Trust.
You can read more reports from April’s Governing Body in HIGHLIGHTS on
1400 churches : 1 sermon
On Ministry and Calling Sunday, 12 May,
the same sermon, written by the bishops
of the Church in Wales, was delivered in
every Church in Wales place of worship.
The bishops said: “There is not a person
sitting in the congregation today who cannot offer ministry in God’s name to the
world. God calls every one of us into the exercise of that individual service for
which God has made us and equipped us. God calls every one of us to be a bearer
of God’s name and glory for others.”
“What gifts has God given you to equip you to make known his name?”
You can read or listen to the sermon on the diocesan website
‘Away From It All’ holidays
Monmouth Mothers Union would be
delighted to offer a holiday in a caravan
by the sea to needy families in the
Diocese of Monmouth.
In order to qualify, a family must have a
sponsor. If you have a family in your
parish who you think would benefit from
a short break you will need to get in
touch, in the first instance, with our
booking officer. She will send you the
necessary forms which will need to be
completed by both the sponsor and the
family being recommended. We will look
at the forms and let you know in due
course whether or not we are able to
offer a holiday.
Only holidays following these guidelines
can be considered. So don’t miss out,
get in touch by emailing
The Seeds That Flourish
You are invited to join us for a day of
Meet old friends and make new ones.
Find out about the worldwide work of
the Mothers’ Union
especially for children
Saturday 6th July from 11am - 5pm
Sunday 7th July from 2pm - 5pm
St Woolos Cathedral, Newport
Programmes £2 adult - children free
Raven House: the Trust that helps
vulnerable people and families
Based in Newport, Raven House Trust is
an ecumenical Christian organisation,
which works with churches, voluntary
agencies, social services and the police
to provide practical support to local
people in need.
Requests for that support outstrip the
resources and the Trust urgently needs
good quality used furniture, especially
wardrobes and chests of drawers, other
household goods and bedding, and longdated packaged food.
Can you help?
Raven House, 276-278, Cromwell Road,
Newport NP19 0HT
01633 762999
Food for thought...
"Christ has no body now, but yours. No hands, no feet on earth,
but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ looks
compassion into the world. Yours are the feet with which Christ
walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which Christ blesses
the world."
This was the prayer of St Teresa of Avila and is surely as apt for
us today as it was when it was written over 500 years ago.
One of the ways in which we seek to bring these words to life
for others and ourselves is through the creation of a local Food Bank. This is a very real way to put faith into action, though
bringing such a project to fruition is not without its headaches! Perhaps it is a good job St Teresa is patron saint of headachesufferers!
Working with Churches Together, Raven House Trust, Newport, and members of the whole community of Caldicot and
surrounding areas, there have been big strides made toward the creation and opening of a Food Bank in Caldicot Town,
opening in May 2013 to offer emergency food aid to those in crisis in Caldicot, Rogiet, Undy, Magor, Portskewett, Sudbrook,
Caerwent and other local villages. The Food Bank will operate on a referral basis ensuring those people in real crisis receive the
help they need. It has been uplifting and encouraging that so many people from different churches and none have stepped
forward to offer their time and support. So far we have had two collections at Waitrose in Caldicot; sorted, boxed and stored
60 boxes of food for distribution; and volunteers have met together to find out what will be involved with helping and being
part of the Food Bank. A big thank you to all who are involved.
Please pray for God’s blessing on the work of Caldicot Food Bank. If you would like to know more or if you have been left
wondering about any aspect of the project please do contact us, we will be happy to tell you more. Call 07925 285994 and ask
for Alison or Jackie, or email Caldicotfoodbank@yahoo.co.uk
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,”
Matthew 25.
Richard Jones
Working in Partnership
UK Foodbanks
13 million people live below the
poverty line in the UK. Every day
people in the UK go hungry for
reasons ranging from redundancy to
receiving an unexpected bill on a low
income. Trussell Trust foodbanks
provide a minimum of three days
emergency food and support to people experiencing crisis.
In 2012-13 foodbanks fed 346,992 people nationwide. Of
those helped, 126,889 were children. Rising costs of food and
fuel combined with static income, high unemployment and
changes to benefits are causing more and more people to
come to foodbanks for help.
The Trussell Trust partners with churches and communities to
open new foodbanks nationwide. With over 325 foodbanks
currently launched, their goal is for every town to have one.
There are already at least seven Food Banks in this diocese.
Christians Against Poverty is passionate
about lifting people out of debt and
poverty through their award winning debt
help service and money management
course, the CAP Money Course. They
started in 1996 when John Kirkby gave up
his career in consumer finance to help
people out of misery and poverty associated with
unmanageable debt. They have grown into a national charity
with a vision to have a CAP Debt centre, opened in
partnership with a local church, in every town and city across
the UK.
It is Cytûn's task to help the churches to
worship together and to witness in the
light of each other's convictions. This
work continues in worship and service.
Parish Development Adviser, Sharon Smith, says: I would encourage all our parishes to consider and explore the possibilities
around ‘Partnerships’ when formulating and discussing their project and resources development plans. For further information,
advice, or practical support, do contact me at the diocesan office on 01633 216093 or email sharonsmith@churchinwales.org.uk
Flower Festival
Revd Sheila Toms, priest in Raglan Group of parishes; to be House for Duty priestin-charge in the parishes of Goytre and Llanover (26 May)
7th, 8th, 9th June
St Cadoc’s Church, The Bryn,
nr. Abergavenny, NP7 9AP
Revd Sister Anita Woodwell SGS as Adviser in Spirituality (April)
Abergavenny Flower Arrangement
Society will present a magnificent
Flower Festival in this ancient and
beautiful church.
Revd Dr Adrian McConnaughie, chaplain of Monmouth Boys’ School; to be
chaplain of Brentwood School in the Diocese of Chelmsford. (Sept)
Friday & Saturday open 10am to 5pm
Sunday open until 5pm following service
at 9.30am.
Ven John Blackburn, Vicar of Lower Islwyn Benefice; on reaching retirement (15 July)
Llandenny Village
Open Gardens
Ordinations in the Cathedral on 29th June
8 - 9 June (2-6pm)
in aid of St John's Church
£5 (Children free)
Teas: Plant stalls
Please pray for those to be ordained but note that because of the numbers
involved, entrance to the two ordination services has to be by ticket only.
To be ordained Priest
The Revd Allan Randall Davies (Magor Rectorial Benefice)
The Revd Dr Alison Littler (Caldicot Rectorial Benefice)
The Revd Dr Arthur Burnham Parkes (Cyncoed Rectorial Benefice)
The Revd Martyn Hywel Evans (Parish of Tredegar)
The Revd Elizabeth Jones (Parish of Tredegar)
The Revd David Alan Prime (Parish of Trellech & Penallt)
The Revd Kathryn Rhian Prime (Parish of Trellech & Penallt)
To be ordained Deacon
Mr John Sangster Waters (Caerwent)
Ms Elizabeth Kerl (Bassaleg Rectorial Benefice)
Mr John Alfred Collier (Parish of Mamhilad)
Mr William John Lambert (Ebbw Vale Rectorial Benefice)
Mr Rufus William Noy (Parish of Blaenavon)
Mr Andrew Michael Hatfield Harter (Parish of Grosmont)
01291 690380
Risca Male Voice Choir
in Concert in aid of
‘Let the Children Live’
a charity that works in Colombia with
children from the streets and shantytowns of the city of Medellín.
Friday 7th June at 7pm
Ss Julius & Aaron Church
Heather Rd, Newport
Tickets £8
Contact: 07871 080971
Heads of the Valley Christian Ministries
2013 Summer Conference
Order of St Woolos
The Order of St Woolos is given to lay people who have given
outstanding service to the diocese. Two new recipients will receive
the Order with its distinctive badge at the annual service in the
Cathedral on Sunday, 16th June at 6.30pm.
Mr John Child, the chair of the Cathedral Appeal in recognition
of his outstanding efforts and ongoing commitment in raising the
funds to restore the Mother Church of the diocese
Mrs Valerie Howells, who has served the diocese as a Provincial Selector, Schools’
Visitor and member of the Diocesan Board of Nominations and other diocesan
NEWSLETTER next issue:
Copy date 1 July
Publication 25 July
Editor: Revd Janet Bone 07748 344161 janetbone@churchinwales.org.uk
Diocesan Office, 64 Caerau Rd, Newport NP20 4HJ
Your contributions are welcomed.
Articles should be no more than 300 words.
Pictures should be professional prints or in digital .jpg format.
Pictures of children must have parental consent for publication in print and on the
12-15 August 2013
at Christ Church, Ebbw Vale
Trevor and Sharon Baker, Prophetic
Preacher and Christian Song Writer from
Revival Fires Ministries
Andy Economides, International
Evangelist from Soteria Trust
Geoff Waggett leading the daily Bible
Conference Fee £25 or £15 each full day
Contact 01495 301723
Journey leadership
Journeying is an ecumenical organisation which
takes small groups on holiday in an informal
Christian ambience to the more off-the-beatentrack parts of Britain and Ireland. Journey Leaders
come from all walks of life, but all share the aims
of the organisation and have discovered a
closeness to God and Creation through travel to
remote places and a wish to share this with
We are always pleased to hear from others
interested in discovering more about journey
leadership with Journeying.
www.journeying.co.uk, 01799 513750
18 Holyland Road, Pembroke. SA71 4BL.
David Gleed, for Journeying
Printed by Newport Printing Co. Ltd. 01633 270075 www.newportprinting.co.uk