Bradman Lake Group
Bradman Lake Group
Bradman Lake Ltd (Bristol) Yelverton Road, Brislington, Bristol, BS4 5HP, England. T +44 (0) 117 971 5228 F +44 (0) 117 977 5514 Turnkey Solutions Bradman Lake Ltd (East Anglia) Common Lane North, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 9BP, England. T +44 (0) 1502 470 500 F +44 (0) 1502 470 599 Bradman Lake Inc 9201-D Forsyth Park Drive, Charlotte, NC 28273, USA T +1 704 588 3301 F +1 704 588 3302 Bradman Lake Russia WKÀRRU2O\PSL\VNL\3URVSHFW Moscow, 129110, Russia. T +7 495 931 9062 F +7 495 931 9062 Bradman Lake China Room 1105, Building No.5, Shanghai Packaging City, No.1111 Zheng Nan Road, 6KDQJKDL&KLQD=LS T +86 21 6608 1980 F +86 21 6608 1982 0HPEHUVRIWKH%UDGPDQ/DNH*URXS/WG $/DQJOH\+ROGLQJV&RPSDQ\ Bradman Lake Group Technology You Can Trust 1 7KHGDWDDQGPDWHULDOGHSLFWHGLQWKLVGRFXPHQWDUHJLYHQIRUUHIHUHQFH RQO\DQGFDQEHFKDQJHGZLWKRXWSUHOLPLQDU\QRWLFH 7KHFRPSDQ\SURWHFWVLWVLQWHOOHFWXDOSURSHUW\ZLWKSDWHQWVDQGRWKHUPHDQV 'HVLJQHGDQGSURGXFHGE\6HOZ\Q7D\ORU/LPLWHG Integrated Packaging Technology 1 Profile The Bradman Lake Group ◆ Carton Erectors and Tray Formers ◆ Carton Closers ◆ Manual, Semi-automatic and Fully-automatic End Load Cartoners ◆ Robotic Top Load Cartoners ◆ Product Collating Systems ◆ Data Collection and Management Systems ◆ Product Handling Systems ◆ Vertical and Horizontal Buffer Accumulators ◆ Stand-alone and System Flow Wrapping Machines ◆ Roll and Stick Wrapping Machines ◆ Tray Erectors and Loaders ◆ Stand-alone Shrink Wrapping Machines and Systems ◆ Tray and Full Case Wraparounds ◆ Side, Bottom and Top Load Case Packers The Bradman Lake Group specialises in the design, development, manufacture and service of packaging machinery to an extensive range of industries globally. The company has many years of knowledge with key brands to become a major supplier of packaging technology to the Bakery and Biscuit, Confectionery, Frozen Foods, Dry Foods, Consumer and Healthcare industry sectors. Bradman Lake is a subsidiary of Langley Holdings plc, a multi-disciplined privately controlled UK engineering group ( Combining the strengths of the company’s renowned product brands, with many decades of experience has made the Bradman Lake Group a world class supplier of stand-alone and integrated packaging machinery lines and services. Bradman Lake has plants in Bristol and Beccles in the United Kingdom and Charlotte, North Carolina, in the United States, with regional offices in China and Russia Clients can obtain individual machines or a complete automated line from a single source. The Group has pioneered production monitoring and diagnostic technology, as well as robotic and servo-motion technology across its machine range, to guarantee fully-integrated operations from product to end-of-line distribution. Integration is now the benchmark for packaging line efficiency. installations. No two client’s requirements are exactly the same, but the level of commitment and attention each receives is identical. Unrivalled Service Bradman Lake clients can rely on a full service support programme, which covers everything from installation and commissioning, spares support and after sales-service through to specialised training programmes to a direct online service via the internet. Machine operators and maintenance personnel are, and remain, the decisive factor when it comes to the permanently high-efficiency factors of packaging lines. It is therefore important that operators and maintenance personnel are well trained so that plant reliability and profitability can be fully utilised, each and every day. We have focused our training programmes precisely on these requirements for you, our valued customer. From receipt of the enquiry right through design, installation, commissioning and training, clients are guaranteed the commitment, technical expertise, market knowledge and attention to detail that result from our business striving to develop a partnership with its clients. From stand-alone cartoning machines, flow wrappers, roll wrappers, case packers and shrink wrapping machines to multi-machine turnkey systems, we offer a total project management service to handle complete packaging line 1 Industry Sectors In the fast-moving consumer goods markets of today, the Bradman Lake Group is well placed to serve the ever-expanding global market and industry sectors. The Bradman Lake Group offers a comprehensive range of packaging machinery from flow and roll wrapping machines, end and top load cartoners along with shrink wrapping and case packing machines for every conceivable product. The fast-moving consumer goods markets are looking for companies that can drive down costs of packaging with technological advancement leading to increased speeds of wrapping and cartoning machines, improved line efficiency, repeatability and a reduction in waste product and wrapping material usage. The Bradman Lake Group can satisfy these criteria in all aspects of their equipment range. The key industry sectors of the Bakery and Biscuit, Confectionery, Frozen Foods, Dry Foods, Consumer and Healthcare have been well served by the Bradman Lake brands for many years. Not only is the company well equipped in these sectors, but equally competent in supplying the equipment to the Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics and Toiletries, Tobacco, Industrial, Automotive and Pet Food products that require simple stand-alone machines and high-speed fully-automated lines. ◆ Chocolate & Confectionery ◆ Pharmaceutical & healthcare ◆ cosmetics & toiletries ◆ food & dairy ◆ bakery & biscuit ◆ beverages ◆ tobacco ◆ industrial & automotive ◆ household products ◆ metallurgy & ceramics ◆ pet products Chocolate & Confectionery frozen foods dry foods consumer & healthcare 2 Bakery & Biscuit 3 production. Bradman Lake has risen to the market needs and offers an extensive range of machinery for the fastmoving consumer goods markets worldwide. Brands Bradman Lake has an enviable reputation for the quality of design and manufacture of their products. This reputation is the result of continuous refinement of their products, together with the regular introduction of all-new machines. Carton and Product Handling The design and manufacture of Bradman Lake cartoning machinery is increasingly technically-intensive. The machines and systems are extremely sophisticated and specialised. The quality of engineering is a key element to the success of any packaging machinery product with customers demanding machines which continually perform to exacting standards, allowing them to reduce their long term cost of Bradman Lake has an extensive range of equipment from mechanical and servo carton erectors, intermittent and continuous motion end load cartoning machines and a range of top load robotic cartoning machines with carton closing machines to suit low, medium and high speed applications for the Bakery and Biscuit, Confectionery, Frozen Foods, Dry Foods, Consumer and Healthcare industry sectors. Flow Wrapping and Product Handling The Bradman Lake Autowrappers packaging equipment range from stand-alone machines for low-speed, hand-fed applications to fully-integrated packaging systems that match the exacting demands of high-volume fast-moving consumer goods markets and packaging lines. Sharing the same high standards of engineering design and advanced electronic control systems with other Bradman Lake products. Autowrappers machines interface with the cartoning and end-of-line packaging machines of the group. The company has considerable expertise in gentle handling of chocolate products, moulded bars and tablets, wafers, enrobed bars, blocks or count lines. Packaging of individual biscuits and wafers and automatic, high-volume feeding, handling and on-edge biscuit packaging and multipackaging are all available. Autowrappers packaging machines have developed from the simple mechanical unit that was the workhorse of many chocolate, bakery and food manufacturers, to today where the exacting demands of the end user require high speed equipment that can accommodate quick and repeatable product size change-over in minutes. This is achieved using the latest developments with motion controllers where multiple control functions integrate on a single platform for a single point of programming, making it far simpler for the operators and machinery technicians to operate and maintain the equipment. Bradman Lake Triliner Carton Closer ABB FlexPicker Robot Bradman Lake LJ-TRT Top Load Cartoner Autowrappers FT120 Flow Wrapper Autowrapper Flowtronic FT120 Autowrappers Inline Shuttle Phase Feeder Autowrappers Bar Turning Unit Autowrappers Verso Stor Buffer Autowrappers ADS Bradman Lake LJ-DRT Top Load Cartoner Bradman Lake AMI Servo Carton Erector 4 Autowrappers Automatic Distribution System (ADS) Autowrappers Verso Stor Buffer feeding a second FT120 Flowtronic machine 5 End of Line Packaging Equipment Europack WR25 Indexing Wraparound The Bradman Lake Europack standard and customised film wrapping and board packaging equipment meet the needs of industries worldwide. This success of this technology has been achieved by a process of continuous innovation in product development, coupled with a willingness to provide clients with machines and systems that are constructed to their specific requirements in the many industry sectors in which the company operates. Empty Can Feed Accumulation Table Europack Wraparound Case Packer Loading Station Lid Conveyer Albro Theta 30 Head Rotary Powder Filler Can Coder Europack ITSW Shrink Wrapper Overcapper Can Seamer Vacuum Pump Principal products within the machinery range include shrink and stretch wrappers, pallet stretch wrappers, case packers, tray erectors and loaders, wraparound tray and case packers and robotic palletisers, all of which can be part of an integrated line supplied from the Bradman Lake Group. These products are applied in a wide range of industries including Food, Beverages, Tobacco, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Cosmetic and Toiletries, Pet Food, Paper Tissue, Printing and Confectionery. Check Weigher Accumulation Table Labeller Vacuum Receiver 6 7 Turnkey Solutions Every application in the packaging industry is experiencing increased system performance requirements to give higher speeds and efficiency, reduce waste in both product and wrapping materials, decrease product change over times, all of which reduce the end users’ operating costs and enhance their profitability. The Bradman Lake Group is fully aware of these criteria and is addressing these key elements to provide a single source of an integrated packaging solution. Packaging performance is enhanced because all system control elements are standard, providing faster communication and data manipulation for motion control. The Bradman Lake Group has long standing partnerships with Rockwell Automation for our Automation Control Systems, ABB for Robotic Solutions and Siemens for local marketplace support, and therefore we can offer an integrated packaging solution to our client that gives worldwide support from our client service teams and our global partners.� Europack Carton Collator/RTSW Shrink Wrapper Aftersales service engineering teams offer genuine spares and replacement parts, field service engineering support, training and enhancement services to provide confidence in the equipment and to maximise the return on clients’ investments. Whether the requirement is for remote or on-site technical service and support or spares, replacement parts, modifications and training, Bradman Lake upholds the very best standards of client care. Aftersales Support Bradman Lake is committed to fulfilling all service requirements throughout the life cycle of the equipment by maintaining product quality and equipment productivity in a cost effective and easily accessible manner. Bradman Lake Triliner Carton Closer Bradman Lake LJ-TRT Top Load Cartoner Autowrappers Flowtronic FT120 Bradman Lake AMI Servo Carton Erector 8 Autowrappers Inline Shuttle Phase Feeder Autowrappers Bar Turning Unit Autowrappers Automatic Distribution System (ADS) 9