2015 IABA Reunion Weekend Regio TriRhena Basel


2015 IABA Reunion Weekend Regio TriRhena Basel
2015 IABA Reunion Weekend
Regio TriRhena
Basel – Alsace - Baden
June 5-7 2015
As of February 10, 2015
("Tripoint Basel (ws)" by Taxiarchos228 at the German language Wikipedia. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tripoint_Basel_(ws).jpg#mediaviewer/File:Tripoint_Basel_(ws).jpg)
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 4
Program in Table Format with Meeting Times and Places................................................... 5
Program in Detail .............................................................................................................. 8
Arrival in Basel and Luggage......................................................................................................................................... 8
Friday, June 5 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Optional Pre-Program ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Academic Program ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Transfer to Badenweiler .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Wine and Wine Talk – Friday Night Dinner ........................................................................................................... 10
Saturday, June 6 ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
2015 IABA Annual Meeting (members only) .......................................................................................................... 10
Excursion to Riquewihr and Colmar in Alsace....................................................................................................... 10
Gala Dinner– Badenweiler Römerhof ........................................................................................................................ 11
Sunday. June 7 – Optional Program......................................................................................................................... 11
Joint Program: Roman Bath Ruins .............................................................................................................................. 11
Option 1: Cassiopeia Therme, Badenweiler ............................................................................................................ 11
Option 2: Berta Schneider Farm, Steinen ................................................................................................................. 12
Option 3: Cité de l'Automobile / Schlumpf Collection, Mulhouse.................................................................. 12
Transportation ................................................................................................................ 12
Arrival in Badenweiler ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Arrival by car ........................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Arrival by train from North ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Arrival by train from France.......................................................................................................................................... 13
Arrival by train from Switzerland ............................................................................................................................... 13
Arrival by plane .................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Arrival in Basel, Peter-Merian-Weg 8 (place of academic program)......................................................... 13
Arrival by car ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Arrival by train ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Arrival by plane .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Arrival from Badenweiler, for those who have checked in already at their hotels .............................. 14
Visas ............................................................................................................................... 14
Hotels ............................................................................................................................. 14
Balance Hotel am Blauenwald ***S ......................................................................................................................... 15
Panacée Grand Hotel Römerbad............................................................................................................................... 15
Privathotel Post **** ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
Hotel Neuenfels *** ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Other hotels without IABA Option ........................................................................................................................... 16
Romantik Hotel Zur Sonne .............................................................................................................................................. 17
Hotel Schwarzmatt****S, a Relais and Chateaux hotel ..................................................................................... 17
Registration..................................................................................................................... 17
Fees and Payment Instructions................................................................................................................................. 17
Swiss account ................................................................................................................................................................... 17
German account............................................................................................................................................................... 17
Map Overview
Map Basel
Map Badenweiler
Public transportation schedule Badenweiler to Basel, 5 June 2015, morning
Public transportation schedule Badenweiler to Basel, 5 June 2015, afternoon
Registration form (separate MS-Word file)
Dear Alumni,
Welcome to the 2015 meeting of IABA in the Regio TriRhena. We hope you can join us
from June 5 to June 7 for what promises to be an exiting reunion in a special and
beautiful area right in the middle of Europe.
During our 2015 IABA Reunion we will visit all three countries of the RegioTriRhena. In
order to make the program affordable for as many of you as possible, we have
structured it such that the academic part will be in Basel but the social program will be
in the more pocket-book friendly parts of the Regio TriRhena in Germany and France.
Accommodations and the two dinners will be in or around Badenweiler on the Western
slopes of the Black Forest, overlooking the Rhine valley and the Vosges mountains on
the French side.
This year we will also have an optional pre-program in Basel and an optional Sunday
program in the Black Forest and in Mulhouse.
I would like to take the opportunity to explain the title for this year's meeting. "Regio
TriRhena" is the Latinized term for the tri-national region surrounding the upper Rhine
river (in German "Dreiländereck Oberrhein", in French "la région trinationale du Rhin
Supérieur"). The area consists of Basel and surroundings in Switzerland, the upper
Alsace in France (including the cities of Mulhouse and Colmar) and the German area of
Southern Baden (including the cities of Freiburg and Lörrach). The three countries meet
near Basel in Weil am Rhein. The Regio TriRhena is framed by the Jura mountains on the
Swiss side, the Vosges mountains on the French side and the Black Forest on the German
side. It has been settled since ancient times and looks back to a rich Roman legacy as
well as hundreds of years of shared or interlinked history with a common culture and
architecture. The region also shares a common language. The entire Regio TriRhena is
part of the Alemannic (for the hobby linguists among you, also known as Upper Western
German) language/dialect area which generally consists of the German speaking parts of
Switzerland, Alsace, South Western Germany and the very Western part of Austria,
Voralberg. There are many, many sub-dialects. You may also be able to converse in
Alemannic with certain Amish groups or certain groups in Venezuela. In case you would
like to read a little more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alemannic_German.
This does not mean, however, that you will not be able to make yourself understood in
French, English or sometimes even High German in the RegioTriRhena.
We hope to see you all in the RegioTriRhena on June 5!
Dr. Jutta Strehlow
LL.M. ‘86
Program in Table Format with Meeting Times and Places
Friday, June 5
Optional PreProgram
10:50 –
"Murder and
Manslaughter –
a short criminal
history of
Walking Tour, meet at the Tinguely
fountain at the Theater Basel
10 person
Cost EUR 28 per person
Steinenberg 7
See attached map Basel, #11
If more than 10 participants register, the
saved costs will be refunded to the
participants or used as a lunch credit.
See the schedule for public transportation
in the attachment.
15:00 –
Seminar at the
Law School of
the University
of Basel
Peter Merian-Weg 8
Basement Seminar Room
See attached map Basel, #14
17:30 –
Bus Transfer
Peter Merian-Weg 8
Law School of
the University
of Basel
18:00 –
Location tbd
See attached map Basel, #14
Bus pick up at the Law School
18:45 –
Check in Hotels
in Badenweiler,
free time
19:45 –
Joint walk to
Klemmbachmühle in
Meet in front of Grandhotel Römerbad,
Schlossplatz 1, Badenweiler.
If you cannot or choose not to walk, please
take a taxi to Klemmbachmühle,
Römerstrasse 7, Müllheim-Niederweiler.
See attached map Badenweiler, #68
20:00 –
Dinner and
Klemmbachmühle Niederweiler
Wine and Wine
Talk at an 18th
Century Mill
(website not accessible by the time of
compilation of this invitation)
See attached map Badenweiler, #68
Wines and Wine Talk by Weingut
Hermann Dörflinger
shuttle buses back to Badenweiler will be
Between shuttle service
back to
Saturday, June 6
08:30 –
10:00 –
IABA Annual
Balance Hotel am Blauenwald,
Tour to
Riquewihr and
Bus leaves from Balance Hotel am
Blauenstrasse 11, Badenweiler
See attached map Badenweiler, #66
Blauenstrasse 11, Badenweiler
Please be on time, the bus will not wait
See attached map Badenweiler, #66
11:30 –
Guided Tour of
13:00 –
and Riesling
Restaurant L'Ecurie
14:30 –
Transfer to
15:00 –
Choice of Guided Tours of the Old City of
Colmar or, the Isenheim Altarpiece of
Mathias Grünewald
15 rue du Général du Gaulle
Details to follow
17:00 –
Return to
19:30 –
23:00 or
Gala Dinner
Panacée Grand Hotel Römerbad
Schlossplatz 1, Badenweiler
See attached map Badenweiler, #67
Sunday, June 7
Optional Program
10:00 –
Roman Bath
Ruins Guided
Former Badenweiler Mayor Dr. Rudolf
Bauert will guide us through the ancient
Roman Bath ruins.
Meet at the Roman Bath Ruins in the City
Park north of the Cassiopeia Therme
See attached map Badenweiler, #61
Minimum of 10 participants
Cost per person EUR 9.00
Alternative Activities:
Option 1:
11:15 –
Visit to the
Thermal Bath
See attached map Badenweiler, #61a
As there are many different options (pools
only, pools and Irish-Roman baths, saunas,
etc.), each participant will buy their own
ticket. If you would like a treatment,
please reserve ahead of time through the
Price list:
Lunch on your own, there is a cafe.
Option 2:
11:15 –
Historic Black 15:30
Tour of the
Schneider Farm
followed by
lunch at a local
Berta Schneider Hof
Am Schneiderhof 9
Transfer from and to Badenweiler
provided; meet at Roman bath ruin, see
attached map Badenweiler, #61
Cost per person ( visit and lunch): EUR 35
Minimum of 8 participants
Return to Badenweiler with shuttle option
to train station in Müllheim
Option 3:
National Car
11:15 16:45
Tour of the Cité Cité de l'Automobile / Schlumpf Collection
de l'Automobile 192 Avenue de Colmar
in Mulhouse
Transfer from and to Badenweiler by bus;
pick off location at the church
Pauluskirche opposite Cassiopeia Therme,
see map Badenweiler #69
Cost per person EUR 44 for transportation
and admission
Minimum of 10 participants
The cost does not include lunch. The
museum has several sit down and self
service cafes and restaurants. If more than
10 participants register, the saved
transportation costs will be refunded to
the participants or used as a lunch credit.
On the return trip there will be drop off
stops at Mulhouse train station (about
15:45) and Müllheim train station (about
Program in Detail
Arrival in Basel and Luggage
You will find details about transportation by plane, train or automobile to the Regio
TriRhena in the Transportation chapter below.
If you arrive in Badenweiler on Thursday or Friday morning, we suggest you come to
Basel by public transportation on Friday morning. Upon check-in at your hotel in
Badenweiler you will receive a KONUS-card which allows for free public transportation
in the entire Black Forest Area. Details are to be found on http://www.blackforesttourism.com/info/KONUS. You can go on your KONUS-card to Basel's main train station
(Basel SBB), but Basel city transportation beyond Basel SBB will require a separate
ticket. You will want to go from Bus stop "Badenweiler Evangelische Kirche" (see
Badenweiler map #69) to "Basel SBB."
For connections from Badenweiler to Basel, please see the two schedules in the
attachment or go to www.bahn.de. There is also an English version of the schedule search
engine: http://www.bahn.de/p_en/view/index.shtml.
For public transportation in Basel see http://www.bvb.ch/en/news/current-info, for
the network see http://www.bvb.ch/docs/defaultsource/news/liniennetz_bs_2015_mk.pdf?sfvrsn=2
If a sufficient number of participants arrive in Badenweiler on Thursday the 4th, we may
arrange group transportation to Basel for the guided tour. We will be in touch with the
If you arrive directly in Basel you may want to lock your luggage in a locker at the main
train station, Basel SBB. The Law School of the University of Basel is only a 10 minute
walk or 1 tram stop (line 10 or 11 to Peter Merian) from Basel SBB. If you leave your
luggage at Basel SBB, please pick it up before the academic program and bring it with
you to the Law School. After the seminar and short reception the bus will leave right
away from the Law School to Badenweiler.
Friday, June 5
Optional Pre-Program
As Thursday June 4 is a public holiday in certain areas of Europe (e.g. in parts of
Germany and Switzerland as well as in Austria), we believe that some of you may
already arrive on Thursday. For those who are in the area already on Friday morning
and assuming at least 10 people sign up, we will offer a walking tour of Basel in English
entitled "Murder and Manslaughter". It is a little criminal history of Basel.
Academic Program
The title for this year's acadamic program which will take place at the University of
Basel's Law School is:
Contract Law Across Time and Place
and we have exiting presentations lined up for you. There will be four presentations by
eminent experts in their respective fields. One of them will be by a Berkeley Law scholar,
details remain to be determined. The other three presentations will be:
Our own Pascal Pichonnaz '97, Dean of the Law School of the University of
Fribourg, will get us ready for the evening wine tasting by speaking about "Vinum
effusum – Wine as a specific issue of liability for defects."
Christoph Wildhaber, partner at Streichenberg Rechtsanwälte in Zurich,
Switzerland's leading franchise law expert and the managing director of the
Swiss Franchise Association will introduce us to this fascinating area of contract
law. His presentation will be entitled "From Traditional Product Distribution to
Modern Business Concept Licensing."
Ingeborg Schwenzer '76, Chair of Private Law at the University of Basel will speak
about “The Future of Unification of Contract Law”.
The seminar will be followed by a short reception at the Basel law school.
A special thank you for generously hosting us at the Law School of the University of Basel
goes to Ingeborg Schwenzer '76.
Transfer to Badenweiler
A bus (with plenty of room for your luggage) will pick us up in Basel at the Law School at
18:00 and leave promptly. We will arrive in Badenweiler around 18:45. It is difficult for
buses to park in Badenweiler. We will try to get you as close to your hotels as possible,
but there may be a few minutes walk.
If you would like to find out more about Badenweiler, go to:
Wine and Wine Talk – Friday Night Dinner
Friday night will be all about wine. We will meet at 19:45 in front of the Panacée
Grandhotel Römerbad for a 15 minute joint downhill walk to the location of the Friday
night dinner and wine tasting.
We will enjoy a rustic dinner of Gutedel Soup (Chasselas Wine Soup), Tafelspitz (beef)
(or, for the vegetarians Maultaschen – a local pasta dish) and Alsatian artisan cheeses in
the 1760 Klemmbach Mill, an old gypsum mill. The mill is a magical little place in a
beautiful setting, full of antiques on the banks of the Klemmbach-creek (as mills need
water...). From the mill you also have a view to the vinyards of the Badenweiler
Römerberg (Badenweiler Roman Mount). We will drink wines grown on this and
surrounding hills from the best of the local winemakers, Weingut Hermann Dörflinger.
Hermann Dörflinger Jr. will join us to present the Dörflinger wines (sparkling, white and
red) and tell stories surrounding local wine history. We will have a shuttle service
between 23:00 and 01:00 to take us back to Badenweiler. Walking back uphill on the
unlit walking path is not recommended.
Saturday, June 6
2015 IABA Annual Meeting (members only)
Please enjoy breakfast at your hotel. At 8:30 IABA members will meet at the Balance
Hotel Blauenfels for the annual IABA meeting.
Excursion to Riquewihr and Colmar in Alsace
Everyone will meet at 10:00 at the Balance Hotel Blauenfels to board the bus to Alsace.
The excursion will take us to two of the most famous places in Alsace, each with
gorgeous old towns. The first will be the wine village of Riquewihr where we will have a
guided tour (choice of English and French) followed by lunch in a typical Alsatian
restaurant off the main street to enjoy traditional Flammkuchen (the Alsatian version of
Pizza, if the French will forgive me) and Alsatian Riesling.
After lunch we will board again our bus for the short drive to Colmar with its medieval
old city and world famous art. We will offer two alternative guided tours in English, one
a general tour of the old town, the other tour will focus exclusively on the world famous
medieval Issenheimer altarpiece by Mathias Grünewald.
Gala Dinner– Badenweiler Römerhof
This year our Saturday night dinner will be in a true gala location, the domed Hofsaal of
the Hotel Römerbad. Some of you may stay at this hotel, but for all others it will be only
a short walk from your hotel in Badenweiler.
The Hotel Römerbad dates back to 1825 and is under cultural preservation. It is now
under Thai ownership (look out for the photos of the Thai royal family!) and renovations
are ongoing little by little.
The evening will feature local specialties and wines from all three countries of the Regio
TriRhena. We will start with a reception enjoying some Crémant d'Alsace and then move
on to a four course dinner, accompanied by wines from Baden, the small but fine Swiss
terroir of Bündner Herrschaft, and Alsace.
For the main course you will have a choice of meat (spring venison) and fish (filet of
cod). Please mark your choice on the registration form. A vegetarian option will also be
Sunday, June 7 – Optional Program
The optional Sunday program will be diverse and showcase some of the many activities
the Regio TriRhena has to offer.
Joint Program: Roman Bath Ruins
We will start off Sunday at 10:00 with a guided tour of the Roman bath ruins in the
middle of Badenweiler, next to the modern thermal baths (www.badenweiler.de -description on the German language site only). Our guide (in English) will be Dr. Bauert,
the former mayor of the town. In addition to telling us about the Romans and their bath,
he will be happy to answer all sorts of questions about the town and the region. You may
want to ask him about the story behind the Tchechov statute that can be admired in the
park nearby. Only so much: Tchechov died in Badenweiler in 1904 and the town has a
rather checkered history when it comes to his memory. The cost for this guided tour will
be EUR 9 per person.
After the Roman bath tour, we will offer three different activities and hope that each of
you will find an activity to her or his liking.
Option 1: Cassiopeia Therme, Badenweiler
For those of you who would like to relax, you may want to visit the Cassiopeia Thermal
bath in Badenweiler, on 3,800 sm the modern counterpart of the bath ruins. Much more
modern, I promise. There are a variety of ticket prices depending on what you would
like to do. You can visit just the thermal pools, you can visit the pools and the sauna
areas or you can enjoy the Irish Roman baths. You may also choose to book a massage or
other treatment ahead of time. For this reason we ask everyone to buy their own ticket.
Please visit the web-site of the Cassiopeia Therme ahead of time and choose your option:
Price list:
If you would like to book a massage or other treatment, you will have to do that ahead of
time. There are also restaurants and cafes on the premises.
Option 2: Berta Schneider Farm, Steinen
For those interested in Black Forest history, we will offer a trip to the Black Forest
mountains to the Berta Schneider Farm, a typical Black Forest farm house dating back to
the 17th century:
The farm was operated until the 1980s by Berta Schneider, who lived there alone for
over 40 years after the death of her parents. As her parents had lost all of their money
during the 1920s hyper-inflation, she never modernized the farmhouse. When she died
it was in utter disrepair. The house has been beautifully restored by a local not-for profit
association after her death and can now be visited on weekends to see first hand how
the farmers lived in this mountain region in the 19th and early 20th century. There will
also be many fascinating stories about Berta's life. We will have lunch at a nearby
restaurant and return from there to Badenweiler. We will offer an additional drop off at
the train station in Müllheim. The cost of this excursion, including transportation, guided
tour and lunch will be EUR 35.
Option 3: Cité de l'Automobile / Schlumpf Collection, Mulhouse
For the more technologically minded, we will offer a visit to the French national car
museum in Mulhouse:
The museum is based on the collection of the brothers Schlumpf, textile manufacturers
and lovers of Bugattis. They went bankrupt over their passion and the French state took
over. The museum houses a huge collection of historic European cars (the Schlumpf
brothers were not crazy about US cars) and the world's largest collection of Bugattis. We
will have lunch at the museum cafe and, on our return to Badenweiler, offer drop off
stops at the train stations in Mulhouse (TGV connection to Paris and Basel) and
Müllheim. Due to the cost of transportation (bus rental) we will only be able to offer this
trip to Mulhouse if at least 10 participants sign up. The cost per person will EUR 44 for
transportation and admission. The cost does not include lunch. The museum has several
sit down and self service cafes and restaurants. On the return trip there will be drop off
stops at Mulhouse train station at about 15:45 (for those of you who want to continue to
Paris or Basel/Zurich by TGV) and Müllheim train station (about 16:20).
Arrival in Badenweiler
Arrival by car
For those who travel without a navigation system: the closest freeway exit is Müllheim
on the A5/E35. Follow direction Müllheim, then direction Badenweiler. In Badenweiler
find your hotel using the enclosed map “Badenweiler.”
Arrival by train from North
The closest station of the German highspeed railway network is Freiburg, approx. 40 km
north of Badenweiler.
Local trains, leaving every half hour will get to you to Müllheim within 19 minutes. Find
details on http://www.bahn.de/p_en/view/index.shtml (English version).
The train station of Müllheim is 8 km from Badenweiler. We recommend taking a taxi
(relatively inexpensive in Germany) from Müllheim station to Badenweiler.
Arrival by train from France
The closest station of the French highspeed railway network is Mulhouse, 31 km west of
Badenweiler. Public transportation (crossborder) is cumbersome and time consuming.
We recommend taking a taxi.
Arrival by train from Switzerland
There are local German trains from Basel Bad Bf to Müllheim, some trains start at Basel
SBB. We recommend taking a taxi (relatively inexpensive in Germany) from Müllheim
station to Badenweiler.
Arrival by plane
The closest airport is the Euro Airport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg, 50 km southwest of
http://www.freiburger-airportservice.de/en/fares.php, phone +49-761-474747 offers a
one-way shuttle ride from the airport to Badenweiler for a fixed rate of 40 € per person, a round trip for a fixed rate of 60 € per person.
Those who arrive at Zurich International Airport should take the train to Basel SBB or
Basel Bad Bf, then proceed as described under “Arrival by train from Switzerland”, see above. For more information on Swiss train schedules see
Arrival in Basel, Peter-Merian-Weg 8 (place of academic program)
Arrival by car
The closest parking lots are
Postparking Basel 2, Gartenstrasse 143, 4052 Basel (closer and cheaper, but smaller, if
occupied use Centralbahnparking, see below)
Centralbahnparking, Gartenstrasse 150, 4052 Basel (use levels P2 to P4, level P1 is “kiss and ride” only)
Parking in Swiss cities is hilariously expensive (about 4 CHF per hour), but there are no
good alternatives near-by, so we nevertheless recommend these two parking lots for
reasons of convenience.
Arrival by train
Basel’s main station “Basel SBB” is part of both the French and the German highspeed
railway network. It is only 800 m away from our meeting place, so you may choose to
walk (see enclosed map “Basel”) or go one stop by tram no. 10 (direction Dornach
Bahnhof) or no. 11 (direction Aesch). Ticket machines are on the tram stop platforms,
offer multi-language interfaces, accept CHF, EUR and cash free payment by MaestroCard (no credit cards, though, acc. to http://www.bvb.ch/en/tickets-fares/ticketmachines!). Take your luggage with you, do not leave it in a locker, the bus CANNOT stop
at the station on its way to Badenweiler after the academic program.
Arrival by plane
The closest airport is the Euro Airport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg. Bus no. 50 runs
frequently and takes you right from the Euro-Airport to Basel’s main station “Basel SBB”, from there proceed as described in the para above.
Those who arrive at Zurich International Airport should take the train to Basel SBB. For
more information on Swiss train schedules see http://www.sbb.ch/en/home.html.
Arrival from Badenweiler, for those who have checked in already at their hotels
When checking in, ask for the KONUS-card, which grants free public transportation in
the Black Forest (and is also proof of payment of the city tax) up to Basel SBB. Walk to
Peter-Merian-Weg 8 or use the tram (separate ticket required for the tram, see two
paras above). See http://www.blackforest-tourism.com/info/KONUS for more
information about the KONUS-card.
See the attached schedules (Friday morning and Friday afternoon) for details.
Visitors from certain countries outside of the EU may require visas. US visitors do not
require a visa. All three countries of the Regio TriRhena may be visited with the same
Schengen Visa. You will need to apply at the embassy of the country you will visit first.
Please visit the following links for more information:
If you first visit Switzerland:
If you first visit Germany:
If you first visit France:
We have chosen Badenweiler as the hub for our weekend also because it offers a variety
of hotels in different but reasonable price categories within close proximity of each
other. Since it is a traditional spa and health resort town, most hotels have not only
double rooms but also single rooms. For those of you who will come by yourself this will
be a great way to economize.
Do not expect the hotels and guesthouses in Badenweiler to be cutting edge modern,
many are a little old-fashioned. We have toured all of the hotels we list in this package
and believe that these are all good places to stay. We have room options in four of them.
As Thursday, June 4 is a holiday in large parts of Germany this will be a long weekend
and the hotels will generally have high levels of occupancy. We recommend that you
make your reservations early. When doing so, please inquire about the cancellation
policy of the hotel, it varies from hotel to hotel.
Please note also that Badenweiler has a city tax of EUR 3 per person and night. This will be in
addition to all hotel prices quoted below. In exchange you will get the KONUS-card that
offers various discounts and free public transportation in the Black Forest (see
The following include both 3* and 4* hotels. One main difference between the 3* hotels
and higher categories will be that the latter will have indoor pools and larger spa ares.
Balance Hotel am Blauenwald ***S
www.blauenwald.de, map Badenweiler #66.
+49 (0) 7632 8216-0, mention IABA meeting (and, if necessary, my name, Strehlow)
This is a charming and modern family run hotel with an emphasis on wellness in a
slightly Asian inspired atmosphere. The owner is Swiss and she provided the family
recipe for the Birchermüesli on the breakfast buffet. The hotel has been equipped
according to Feng Shui principles. The back goes out to a lovely Feng Shui garden where
you can enjoy breakfast, weather permitting. The front overlooks the Badenweiler castle
park. If you have a room on one of the upper floors you will have a view on the Rhine
valley and the Vosgues mountains.
We will have our IABA annual meeting on Saturday morning at this hotel and the bus to
Alsace will depart from here.
This hotel offers a number of different room categories and is excellent value. All rooms
have balconies. The price includes the breakfast buffet and Wi-Fi. We have secured an
option for 19 rooms (incl. 8 single rooms) until April 15, 2015. The options are as
follows and the prices per room and night:
Single room EUR 62 (room with shower and 1.30 meter bed)
Double room EUR 108 (room with shower and either one 1.60 meter single
mattress bed or a double bed with 2 mattresses)
Comfort room EUR 128 (room with sitting area and larger bathroom with bath)
Studio EUR 138 for 2 persons (separate sleeping and sitting area, 2 small
bathrooms with showers). The studio's living room includes a pull out sofa and,
as there are 2 bathrooms the studio can be used by up to 4 persons. There will be
an additional cost of EUR 30 for each of the third and fourth person.
Suite EUR 164 (50 sm)
Panacée Grand Hotel Römerbad
www.hotel-roemerbad.de, map Badenweiler #67
+49 (0) 7632 70-0, mention "International Association of Boalt Hall Alumni"
This is the grand old dame of Badenweiler hotels and the location of our Saturday night
gala dinner. The hotel dates back to 1825 and has seen many illustrous guests in its long
history. The hotel is now under Thai ownership and all rooms have been recently
renovated. The renovation of the public areas is ongoing little by little, the pool and spa
areas are likely to be next.
This is the right location for you if you want to breathe the atmosphere of an old grand
hotel with a feeling of an era gone by. The dining areas in particular are spectacular and
the breakfast buffet is both elegant and plentiful.
We have an option for 18 rooms until April 15, 2015. The following prices are per room
and night and include WI-FI, the breakfast buffet, use of the thermal bath and Finnish
sauna :
Superior Single Room EUR 126
Deluxe Single Room EUR 149
Superior Double Room EUR 189
Deluxe Double Room EUR 214
Privathotel Post ****
www.privathotel-post.de, map Badenweiler #65
+49 (0) 7632 8248-0, mention "IABA Meeting"
This is a traditional family run hotel. The rooms have all recently been renovated and
are cozy. The Hotel features a brand new large wellness area with over 690 sm,
including a 9x9 meter thermal pool. There is a range of saunas.
The hotel is already heavily booked for our weekend and we were only able to obtain an
option until March 31, 2015 for 5 rooms and the room categories will be based on
availability at the time of reservation. The prices all include the breakfast buffet.
Single Room EUR 88
Single Studio EUR 99
Double Room EUR 158
Double Studio EUR 198
Hotel Neuenfels ***
www.hotel-neuenfels.de, map Badenweiler #62
+49 (0) 7632 8203300, mention "JABA 2015" (misspelling is intentional!)
This is a small family-run ***Hotel in a very sunny and quiet location. The views from
the breakfast room and many of the rooms are particularly nice. Each of the rooms have
a large balcony or terrace and the prices include the breakfast buffet and Wi-Fi. We have
an option for 5 rooms until April 15, 2015.
Double Room EUR 104
The hotel also has 5 suites and apartments that feature kitchens and separate living
rooms. We do not have options for these suites and apartments as the minimum
occupancy is usually 3 nights, but feel free to inquire about them, if free they may also be
rented for shorter periods. The price for the suites and apartments ranges between
EUR116 and EUR136 per night, breakfast for 2 included. Please note that the Hotel
Neuenfels does not have an elevator.
Other hotels without IABA Option
You may want to check out also the following hotels. We do not have options in these
hotels because, as a result of the holiday weekend, they did not want to block rooms for
only two nights. They are good hotels and it may be worth trying, especially if you plan
to come for three nights:
Romantik Hotel Zur Sonne
http://www.zur-sonne.de, map Badenweiler #64
+49 (0) 7632 75080
Price range for double room EUR 150-200 per night with breakfast
The hotel does not have an elevator.
Hotel Schwarzmatt****S, a Relais and Chateaux hotel
http://www.schwarzmatt.de/e/home.html, map Badenweiler #63
+49 (0) 7632 82 01-20
Has a 3 night minimum for this weekend, prices range for double rooms EUR 260-320
Fees and Payment Instructions
Your registration will not be complete until after the registration fee of EUR 300 per
person (+additional amounts for optional programs, if applicable) has been received. A
reduced rate of EUR 250 applies to all children under the legal wine drinking age of 16.
The registration fee covers the acadamic program in Basel, transportation to
Badenweiler, the dinner and wine tasting on Friday night, the excursion with guided
tours to Alsace on Saturday (including lunch in Riquewihr) as well as the gala dinner on
Saturday night. Costs for the optional pre-program in Basel and the Sunday programs
will be in addition.
All bank charges are to be borne by the participant. In order to reduce wiring charges
you may wire your registration fee to either a Swiss or a German bank account. In both
cases, all payments are to be made in EURO:
Swiss account
Credit Suisse
IBAN: CH03 0483 5011 7145 0200 0
To the order of Jutta Strehlow Etzelstrasse 20, 8038 Zurich Switzerland
Please note that this is a EURO account
German account
Sparda-Bank Baden-Württemberg eG
IBAN: DE34 6009 0800 0000 2812 01
To the order of Rainer Strehlow
We will confirm your registration by email once the registration form and the payment
have been received.
Sat noon
sightseeing and lunch
Sat afternoon
closest (to
German highspeed
train station
our hub,
see detail map
closest (to
local train
Sun noon optional sightseeing
historic Black Forest
closest (to
train station;
Sun noon optional sightseeing
(car museum)
Basel: German and French
highspeed train station;
Fri afternoon academic program;
Fri morning optional walking tour;
see detail map
Tinguely fountain;
Steinenberg 7;
meeting point for
Fri morning
optional walking
Main train station
(Bahnhof SBB),
German & French
highspeed trains,
bus stop from
Postparking &
Peter Merian-Weg 8;
Fri afternoon
61 Roman bath ruins; Sun morning sightseeing
61a Cassiopeia Therme
Hotel Neuenfels 62
Hotel Schwarzmatt 63
64 Romantikhotel zur Sonne
65 Privathotel Post
66 Hotel Blauenwald; Sat morning IABA annual meeting
67 Hotel Römerbad; Sat dinner
68 Klemmbachmühle; Fri dinner
Bus stop „Evangelische Kirche“ 69
DB BAHN - TravelService - Your timetable
08.02.15 21:40
Selection single ride
Evangelische Kirche,
Bahnhof (Bus), Müllheim
walk 3 min.
Basel Bad Bf
Transfer time 8 min.
Basel Bad Bf
Basel SBB
Fr, 05.06.15
Fr, 05.06.15
dep 08:50
Bus 111
Bus Direction: Bahnhof (Bus), Müllheim
arr 09:12
Fr, 05.06.15
Fr, 05.06.15
dep 09:35 2
arr 10:11 9
RE 26509 Regional-Express
Number of bicycles conveyed limited ,
vehicle-mounted accessaid
Fr, 05.06.15
Fr, 05.06.15
dep 10:19 7
arr 10:25 2
SBB87819 SBB GmbH
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Duration: 1:35; runs Mo - Fr, not 3., 6. Apr, 1., 14., 25. May, 4. Jun
Border crossing: Basel Bad Bf
Fares not available 1 traveller (Age: - Years), 2nd class
All information is issued without liability.
Before traveling, please inform yourself briefly on possible changes in the timetable on the Internet via www.bahn.de or under the
service phone number of the Deutsche Bahn: + 49 (0) 1806 99 66 33 (20 ct/call from a German landline, max. 60 ct/call for German
mobile phones)
Seite 1 von 1
DB BAHN - TravelService - Your timetable
08.02.15 21:41
Selection single ride
Evangelische Kirche,
Bahnhof (Bus), Müllheim
walk 3 min.
Basel Bad Bf
Transfer time 7 min.
Basel Bad Bf
Basel SBB
walk 6 min.
on foot
Basel Bahnhof SBB
Basel Peter-Merian
Fr, 05.06.15
Fr, 05.06.15
dep 12:56
Bus 111
Bus Direction: Bahnhof (Bus), Müllheim
arr 13:18
Fr, 05.06.15
Fr, 05.06.15
dep 13:37 2
arr 14:12 9
RE 26517 Regional-Express
Number of bicycles conveyed limited ,
vehicle-mounted accessaid
Fr, 05.06.15
Fr, 05.06.15
dep 14:19 7
arr 14:25 2
SBB87835 SBB GmbH
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Fr, 05.06.15
Fr, 05.06.15
dep 14:34
arr 14:36
STR 11
Straßenbahn Direction: Aesch BL Dorf
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Duration: 1:40; runs Mo - Fr, not 23. until 25. Feb 2015, 3., 6. Apr, 1., 14., 25. May, 4. Jun
Border crossing: Basel Bad Bf
Fares not available 1 traveller (Age: - Years), 2nd class
All information is issued without liability.
Before traveling, please inform yourself briefly on possible changes in the timetable on the Internet via www.bahn.de or under the
service phone number of the Deutsche Bahn: + 49 (0) 1806 99 66 33 (20 ct/call from a German landline, max. 60 ct/call for German
mobile phones)
Seite 1 von 1