Management Of urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Management Of urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
CONTINENCE Management of urinary tract infection (UTI) in the community Marian DiVito d Lt le op C to the rectum, bacteria from faecal incontinence, sexual intercourse or poor personal hygiene can easily travel along the perineum into the urethra and up to the bladder, thereby causing UTIs. nd T The following underlying factors may also predispose individuals to UTIs: An obstruction in the urinary system, e.g. renal/ bladder stones, benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate enlargement) Static ‘reservoir’ of urine due to incomplete bladder emptying (Getliffe and Dolman, 2003) Weakened immune system (through conditions such as diabetes, chemotherapy, etc (Whittaker, 2009) Sexual intercourse (Bethel, 2012) The presence of a foreign body, i.e. urinary catheter (Department of Health [DH], 2003; National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence [NICE], 2006) The presence of anatomical abnormalities or trauma (i.e. urethral stricture — narrowing of the urethra caused by injury or disease) Other common causes in women include hormonal changes such as the menopause (Nicolle, 2002). 20 14 W ou he Health Protection Agency (now Public Health England) defined urinary tract infection (UTI) as ‘the presence and multiplication of bacteria in one or more structures of the urinary tract with associated tissue invasion’ (HPA, 2012). Urine is stored in the bladder and is normally sterile, however, UTIs can develop when part of the urinary system becomes colonised with pathogenic bacteria. In non-catheterised patients, bacteria mostly enter the urinary system through the urethra and, more rarely, through the bloodstream. ar e Continence UTIs Catheter care Antibiotics COMMON CAUSES OF UTI © UTI is more common in women than men. Escherichia coli, usually found in the colon, is the commonest cause of UTIs in women and accounts for a large proportion of uncomplicated UTIs. Due to the shorter length of the female urethra and its proximity Marian DiVito, independent nurse prescriber continence; nurse specialist at Your Healthcare CIC (Community Interest Company), Kingston Upon Thames JCN 2014, Vol 28, No 3 A diagnosis of UTI is primarily based on symptoms and known as lower UTI or upper UTI (see below for more information on both types). It is important to exclude any differential diagnosis that may present with similar symptoms of UTI. Differential diagnosis in men KEYWORDS: 18 DIAGNOSIS Pe Urinary tract infection (UTI) is caused by the presence and multiplication of bacteria in the urinary tract, with associated tissue invasion. It is most common in women but can be more complicated in male and catheterised patients. This article highlights the importance of the correct diagnosis of UTI, which will identify ‘red flags’ to aid community nurses’ choice of management options and avoid the unnecessary prescription of antibiotics. In addition, the author makes recommendations for reducing catheter-associated UTIs (CAUTIs) in the community. Conditions such as prostatitis (inflammation, swelling or infection of the prostate gland), epididymitis (swelling of the tube that connects a testicle with the vas deferens) and urethritis (urethral inflammation) should be considered as differential diagnoses in men presenting with acute dysuria (pain, or a burning sensation during voiding) or frequency of urination, and appropriate diagnostic tests should be considered. Pain or discomfort in the perineum, thighs or penis is a common symptom of prostatitis (Getliffe and Dolman, 2003). In addition, sexually transmitted diseases and cancer should also be considered, especially if recurrent UTIs are reported. Differential diagnosis in women A differential diagnosis must be considered in women presenting with symptoms of UTI who also have vaginal itchiness or discharge. Peri- and postmenopausal women, with declining oestrogen levels may experience vaginal and vulval changes that may result in vulvovaginal itching and dryness (NICE, 2014a). In addition, sexually transmitted diseases and, more rarely, cancer should also be considered, especially if patients report recurrent UTIs. TIME FOR CHANGE Lt d It’s up to you to make a difference ® op le BARDEX I.C. Anti-Infective Foley Catheters ® with Bacti-Guard * Silver Alloy Coating and ® BARD Hydrogel are proven more effective than conventional catheters in reducing 1 Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections ® C ar e Pe BARDEX I.C. Foley Catheters shown in UK 2 to reduce risk of CAUTIs by up to 71.2% ® • Encourages best practice • Reduces risk of infection - Clinically proven anti-infection 3 technology, a true closed system All in one place. All in one system. All in one price. Isn't it time you changed? © 20 14 W ou nd BARDEX I.C. Catheter Comprehensive Care Foley Trays contain everything required to either catheterise or re-catheterise in one handy pack ® For further information on BARDEX I.C. Anti-Infective Foley Catheters please call 01293 606786 or visit us on the web at Bard Limited, Forest House, Tilgate Forest Business Park, Brighton Road, Crawley, West Sussex RH11 9BP, UK Telephone: 01293 527 888 Fax: 01293 552 428 Bard Customer Care: 01293 529 555 References: 1. Bard data on file 2. Coral Seymour (2006). Audit of catheter-associated UTI using silver alloy-coated Foley Catheters. British Journal of Nursing, 2006, Vol 15, No 11. Date of acceptance: April 2006. 3. Madeo M, Roodhouse AJ, (2009) Reducing the risks associated with urinary catheters. Nursing Standard. 23, 47-55. Please consult product label and insert for any indications, contraindications, hazards, warnings, cautions and directions ® for use. *The Foley catheters included in the Bardex I.C. System contain Bacti-Guard silver alloy coating which is licensed from Bactiguard AB. Bard and Bardex are registered trademarks of C. R. Bard, Inc., or an affiliate. Bacti-Guard is a registered trademark of Bactiguard AB. © 2014 C. R. Bard, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 0514/3584 CONTINENCE Table 1: Type of infection/inflammation classified by site of colonisation (Grabe et al, 2002) Location Red Flag Type of infection Bacterial cystitis is inflammation of the bladder, usually caused by a bladder infection Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland and can be bacterial or non-bacterial Epididymis and testes Epididymo-orchitis is an inflammation of the epididymis (the coiled tube that collects sperm from the testicle and passes it on to the vas deferens) and/ or the testes. It is usually due to infection or a sexually transmitted disease. It can be acute or chronic Kidneys and renal pelvis Pyelonephritis is an infection of the upper urinary tract (Bethel, 2012) nd C ar e Pe treatment can do more harm than good due to the adverse effects such as rashes, gastrointestinal symptoms and the development of antibiotic resistance. Therefore, in adult patients a diagnosis of UTI should be based on a full clinical assessment, including vital signs (SIGN, 2006) and antibiotics only prescribed when symptoms are present (Table 2). Bacteriuria Asymptomatic bacteriuria There is no evidence that the treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria significantly reduces the risk of symptomatic episodes. Asymptomatic bacteriuria is the presence of bacteria in the urine, revealed by quantitative culture or microscopy in a sample taken from a patient without symptoms of 14 W ou Signs and symptoms of lower UTI The signs and symptoms of lower UTI (cystitis) include (NICE, 2014b;c): Dysuria Desire to pass urine frequently or urgently Nocturia Dribbling incontinence (mainly in men) Feeling of incomplete bladder emptying Cloudy, bloody or bad-smelling urine Confusion (new or worsening) Urinary incontinence (new or worsening) Pain in the lower abdomen Mild fever (a high temperature between 37–38°C to 98.6–101°F). Lt Prostate le Urethritis describes urethral inflammation and can be infectious or noninfectious. This is often caused by a sexually transmitted disease op Urethra © 20 Signs and symptoms of upper UTI The signs and symptoms of upper UTI include (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network [SIGN], 2003): Any of the symptoms of a lower urinary tract infection A high fever (a temperature of over 38°C or 101°F) Nausea or vomiting Shaking or chills Confusion — new or worsening Pain in the lower back or side that is usually only one-sided. The type of infection and inflammation is classified by the site of colonisation (Table 1). MANAGEMENT OF UTI There is evidence that antibiotic 20 JCN 2014, Vol 28, No 3 Haematuria (blood in the urine) is considered a ‘red flag’ (significant event that requires immediate treatment). The causes of haematuria can be both insignificant or point to life-threatening malignant diseases, being potentially glomerular (in the kidneys, the glomerulus is a network of capillaries that help to filter blood), renal, urological or haematological in origin (Turner, 2008). When haematuria is identified, community nurses must send a urine sample to a laboratory for further analysis. If UTI has been diagnosed and antibiotics prescribed, the patient’s symptoms must be reviewed after seven days of completion of antibiotics and a dipstick urinalysis repeated. This is to ensure that the therapy has been effective and any UTI eradicated. Patients must be referred to a GP for review if haematuria does not resolve (refractory haematuria) despite treatment. In women over 50 who present with microscopic or macroscopic (visible with naked eye) haematuria; or women over 40 with persistent or recurrent UTIs with haematuria, a mid-stream urine sample should be sent for microscopy and their GP informed without delay. d Interstitial cystitis is inflammation of the bladder of unknown cause. This is sometimes referred to as ‘painful bladder syndrome’. Patients may present with symptoms similar to cystitis of urgency and frequency but with additional discomfort in the bladder and pelvic area Bladder Haematuria... Table 2: Suggested antibiotic treatments for UTI Upper UTI and catheterised patients Lower UTI Co-amoxiclav 500/125mg three times per day for 14 days... or... Ciprofloxacin 500mg twice-daily for seven days if the patient is allergic to penicillin Trimethoprim 200mg twice-daily — women for three days and men for seven days... or... Nitrofurantoin 50mg four times per day or 100mg modified release twice daily — women for three days and men for seven days* * There is a temptation to extend treatment courses if the patient does not improve, however, a lack of resolution of symptoms is more likely to be due to resistance than insufficient length of treatment Nurses should always refer to current guidelines for safe clinical practice is al In st il d l® d me ge ns e la ice nd C ar e Pe op le Lt d ne ici For further information please contact the CliniMed® Careline on 0800 036 0100 © 20 14 W ou The thought of catheterisation is a daunting one, but the procedure needn’t be painful or traumatic. Instillagel anaesthetises the urethra whilst providing broad-spectrum antimicrobial coverage that helps protect him against UTIs, as well as giving essential lubrication. Tried and trusted for 25 years, Instillagel is the triple action urethral gel that you can both rely on. Anaesthetic - Antiseptic - Lubricant Prescribing information: Composition: Each 100g of Instillagel contains: Lidocaine Hydrochloride 2.0g, Chlorhexidine Digluconate solution 0.25g, Methyl Hydroxybenzoate 0.06g, Propyl Hydroxybenzoate 0.025g. Uses: Catheterisation, cystoscopy. Exploratory and intraoperative investigations, exchange of fistula catheters, protection against iatrogenic damage to the rectum and colon. Gynaecological investigations. Dosage and administration: Unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor: Urethral catheterisation: instil 6-11ml of gel into the urethra. The anaesthetic effect begins after 3-5 minutes. Contraindications, Warnings, Precautions and Interactions: Instillagel® must not be used in patients with known hypersensitivity to the active ingredients (amide-type anaesthetics, chlorhexidine and alkyl hydroxybenzoates) or any of the excipients. It should not be used in patients who have damaged or bleeding mucous membranes. Use with caution in patients with impaired cardiac conditions, hepatic insufficiency and in epileptics. Difficulty in swallowing may occur with an increased risk of aspiration and biting trauma. Use with caution in patients receiving antiarrhythmic drugs. Undesirable effects: In spite of the proven wide safety range of Instillagel®, undesirable effects of lidocaine are possible where there is severe injury to the mucosa; for example, anaphylaxis, fall in blood pressure, bradycardia or convulsions. Presentations: Pre-filled disposable syringes; for single use only. 6ml and 11ml; packs of 10. NHS Price: 10 x 6ml £14.05, 10 x 11ml £15.76. Legal category: Pharmacy P. Marketing Authorisation Number: PL 03377/0002. Marketing Authorisation Holder: Farco-Pharma GmbH, Gereonsmühlengasse 1 - 11, D-50670 Cologne, Germany. Further information is available from: CliniMed Limited, Cavell House, Knaves Beech Way, Loudwater, High Wycombe, Bucks. HP10 9QY. Tel: 01628 850100. Date: February 2012. Information about adverse event reporting can be found at Adverse events should also be reported to Farco-Pharma on 0049221594061 CliniMed Ltd, a company registered in England number 01646927. Registered office: Cavell House, Knaves Beech Way, Loudwater, High Wycombe, Bucks HP10 9QY Tel: 01628 850100 Fax: 01628 527312 Email: or visit Instillagel® is a registered trademark of Farco-Pharma GmbH. CliniMed® is a registered trademark of CliniMed (Holdings) Ltd. ©2012 CliniMed Ltd. 1474/1211/1 CONTINENCE 2 – How would you go about diagnosing UTI? 3 – Do you understand what a differential diagnosis is? 4 – What is the main treatment option in UTI? ar e C Cranberry products The use of cranberry to prevent urinary infections has been recommended as a traditional remedy by urologists and specialist urology nurses for many years. However, cranberry products are not available on the NHS or regulated properly and the concentration of active ingredients is not always clear. There is no evidence to support the effectiveness of cranberry products for treating symptomatic UTI. Indeed, a recent systematic review by Cochrane reported that the use of cranberry appears to be less effective than previous studies have indicated for preventing UTIs and, therefore, it was not recommended (Jepson et al, 2012). 20 14 W ou Asymptomatic bacteriuria is common, including in healthy individuals, and treatment can be more harmful than beneficial. Therefore, only pregnant women or men undergoing urological interventions should be screened for asymptomatic bacteriuria (Grabe et al, 2008). Asymptomatic bacteriuria is also common in older people and those using urinary catheters — however, as the name suggests it does not cause any symptoms and normally does not require treatment (Grabe et al, 2008). nd lower or upper UTI and confirmed by two consecutive samples (Nicolle, 2003). © The exception would be patients in certain at-risk groups such as renal transplant patients and pregnant women, where a mid-stream specimen of urine must be collected and sent for microscopy and culture to ascertain the risks of deterioration, then treated as appropriate. Symptomatic bacteriuria Symptomatic bacteriuria is an infection of the upper part of the urinary tract that includes the kidneys and the ureters. The presence of bacteriuria in urine is revealed by quantitative culture or 22 JCN 2014, Vol 28, No 3 There is no need for dipstick testing in patients who are asymptomatic and a sample should not be sent to for analysis in the absence of UTI symptoms. However, clinical judgment must be made in patients unable to report symptoms such those with learning disabilities or dementia. Dipstick urinalysis should not be used to diagnose UTI in catheterised patients — pyuria (urine containing pus) is common in these patients and its level has no predictive value. Pe 5 – How do you identify catheterassociated UTI (CAUTI)? When patients present with symptomatic bacteriuria, their GP should be informed without delay so that empirical treatment with antibiotics can be started and a midstream urine sample sent for culture and sensitivity to ensure the patient is on the correct treatment. Very frail or immuno-compromised patients may require hospital admission as may anyone who does not respond to antibiotics within 24 hours and has continuing symptoms of upper UTI. d 1 – What are the common causes of urinary tract infection (UTI) Dipstick urinalysis using a reagent strip is a cheap and fast general screening tool for a variety of medical conditions. Proteinuria may indicate renal impairment or uncontrolled blood pressure and glycosuria (glucose in the urine) may reveal undiagnosed or uncontrolled diabetes (Steggall, 2007). Lt Answer the following questions about this topic, either to test the new knowledge you have gained or to form part of your ongoing practice development portfolio. op Five-minute test It is important to recognise any evidence of upper UTI, particularly symptoms suggestive of pyelonephritis (kidney infection) such as one-sided costovertebral angle pain, fever, rigors or other manifestations of systemic inflammatory response. Upper UTI is potentially more serious than lower UTI due to a possibility of kidney damage (Fulop, 2013). ensure the patient is placed on the correct antibiotic therapy. Although there is no need to test low-risk people, nurses may use this tool as part of a first assessment/admission assessment to obtain a baseline reading. le microscopy in a sample taken from a patient with typical symptoms of lower or upper UTI. Patients taking warfarin should avoid taking cranberry products as they may enhance the anticoagulant effect (British Medical Association/ Royal Pharmaceutical Society [BMA/ RPS], 2014). Urine testing The main value of urine culture is to identify any bacteria and their sensitivity to antibiotics and to CATHETER-ASSOCIATED UTI (CAUTI) Catheterisation can be indwelling (urethral or suprapubic) or intermittent (Robinson, 2009). The seminal work of Lapides et al (1972) identified that residual urine in the bladder and high bladder pressures are common causes of UTIs, which could be reduced by intermittent catheterisation. These findings are supported by the more up-to-date findings of Shaw et al (2007) and NICE (2012). Long-term Foley indwelling catheters begin acquiring bacteria soon after their introduction and the longer they are in situ the greater the likelihood of infection, which increases by 6% each day Red Flag Admission... Patients with catheters should be admitted to hospital if they develop fever, rigors, chills, vomiting or confusion. NEW PRODUCT Clinically proven1 innovation TENA U-test Lt d For easy in-pad detection of urinary tract infections Pe op le • Specially designed for incontinent individuals with symptoms • Prevents unnecessary discomfort and intrusion for individuals, maintaining dignity • Results in reduced workload for carers and more time for rewarding care 89% 100% 70% nd C ar e of nurses found that TENA U-test increases the comfort of individuals2 © 20 14 W ou On average Contact your SCA Account Manager or email for more information about TENA U-test 1. Krähenbühl et al.: Evaluation of a novel in-vitro diagnostic device for the detection of urinary tract infections in diaper wearing children. Swiss Med Wkly. 2012;142:w13560. 2. Case study with 15 nursing home wards. Source: Qualitative concept test study in Sweden and the Netherlands. 2011; Sponsor: SCA. 3. It takes one nurse one or two minutes to place a TENA U-test in pad during pad change. In comparison, obtaining a urine sample fora dipstick test by taking the resident to the toilet, manoeuvring him/her in bed, and if unsuccessful, inserting a catheter, can take one or two nurses 15–40 minutes. SCA, Extensive internal studies, 2011–2012 of nurses experienced an improved working environment 2 faster in comparison to procedures in difficult cases that involve urine collection with a cup, pot catheterisation and a dipstick3 CONTINENCE Option 2: take CSU sample; remove catheter; start antibiotic treatment; consider intermittent assisted or self-catheterisation for a few days before replacing the catheter. Table 3: ‘Golden rules’ for preventing UTI Nurses must question the need for an indwelling catheter and review this at each catheter change Nurses should consider the option of the patient/carer performing intermittent catheterisation, especially where CAUTI is present All catheterisations carried out by healthcare workers must follow an aseptic non-touch technique (ANTT) procedure Prevention The meatus should be washed daily with soap and water Nurses need to be up to date with local and government recommendations for best practice evidence as they play an important part in reducing CAUTIs (DH, 2003; NICE, 2006; SIGN, 2012; HPA, 2012). Use a catheter valve as a first choice as opposed to a free drainage bag when appropriate for the patient Ensure that the closed urinary system is not broken except for good clinical reasons (i.e. changing the drainage bag) Lt d Nurses should educate patients and carers on the benefits of effective hand decontamination, ANTT and maintaining a closed system Urine samples must be obtained from a sampling port (using ANNT) Use appropriate sterile lubricants from a single-use container for male and females le To prevent reflux, urine bags should be regularly emptied (when three-quarters full) A link system for overnight drainage should be used, and the night bag disposed of each morning Sterile bags should be used during the day and at night Pe Bladder maintenance solutions/wash-outs must not be used to prevent CAUTIs C Change in voiding patterns Nausea Vomiting Malaise Confusion. nd Management of CAUTIs In the author’s experience, patients with long-term indwelling catheters should have a clean specimen of urine (CSU) taken for culture before the catheter is changed and treatment with antibiotics for symptomatic UTI is started: Option 1: take CSU sample; remove catheter; start antibiotic treatment with a new catheter in situ 20 14 W ou Once the organisms have attached to the catheter’s surface and formed a biofilm, they can rapidly multiply (Tenke et al, 2004; Stickler, 2008). Furthermore, biofilms can cause catheter encrustation leading to blockage, which results in trauma and bladder pain on removal of the catheter. While most catheterised patients will never develop a systemic inflammatory response to these colonising pathogens (Nicolle et al, 2005), there is a risk that CAUTIs can lead to septicaemia (Pellowe et al, 2005) and even death. ar e Based on NICE guidelines (2012) that the catheter is in place (Kambal et al, 2004). op Urine bags should be positioned below the bladder, but not in contact with the floor ALL bags are single-use only Diagnosis of CAUTIs © Fever is the most common symptom of UTI in catheterised patients. However, the absence of fever does not appear to exclude UTI (SIGN, 2012). Consequently, clinical symptoms alone are not recommended for predicting the likelihood of symptomatic UTI in catheterised patients — professional judgement must also be used. Symptomatic bacteriuria in patients with catheters has the following symptoms (SIGN, 2012): Fever Flank or suprapubic discomfort 24 JCN 2014, Vol 28, No 3 Indwelling catheterisation is a procedure frequently undertaken by nurses or delegated to carers/ patients by nurses after an initial assessment — in this case NICE (2012) has recommended that patients and carers are educated in catheter management and hand decontamination techniques. Nurses should always question the reason for catheterisation, and if appropriate, a trial without catheter (TWOC) should be undertaken (where a catheter that has been inserted via the urethra is removed from the bladder for a trial period to determine whether the patient is able to pass urine spontaneously). It is the author’s experience that patients are often discharged from hospital with a catheter in place, but the reasons for the original catheterisation are not made clear to community nurses. NICE (2012) highlights that ‘indwelling urinary catheters are the most common cause of urinary tract infections’ and recommends that any assessment should include the reason for catheterisation. In Expert commentary Julian Spinks, GP with interest in continence, Kent U rinary tract infection in men and women can vary enormously in its impact on patients, from minor illness in the young adult to a major cause of unplanned admissions to hospital in the frail older person. This article provides a concise but comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and management of the condition and, at a time when drug resistance is an increasing problem, the section on prevention is particularly timely. CONTINENCE © 20 14 W There is extensive literature, although not yet any clear evidence, to support the effectiveness of catheter maintenance solutions or the use of antiseptic-coated catheters in the prevention of blockages or reduction of CAUTIs. It is evident that more research is needed in this area of practice and nurses should perform a thorough holistic assessment to provide a rationale for using these products. Using a bladder infusion kit to administer bladder maintenance solutions via needle-free sample ports, always using ANNT, is recommended to maintain a closed system and minimise the risk of CAUTIs. In addition the author recommends that any catheter drainage bags used are sterile and single-use only (Table 3). A small quantitative study in two hospitals suggested that the use of KEY POINTS Urinary tract infection (UTI) is common in women but can be complicated in male and catheterised patients. UTI develops when part of the urinary system becomes colonised with pathogenic bacteria. Escherichia coli, found in the colon is the commonest cause of UTIs in women and accounts for a large proportion of uncomplicated UTIs. le Lt d article highlights the importance of correct diagnosis/ differential diagnosis of UTI to identify ‘red flag’ symptoms, such as haematuria and avoid the unnecessary prescription of antibiotics. op This Pe Community nurses should ensure that UTIs are diagnosed according to the presenting symptoms. UTIs in women are common and often caused by E. coli bacteria entering the short urethra from the nearby rectum and are normally asymptomatic. In patients with no UTI symptoms there is no need for dipstick testing or antibiotic therapy in patients who present with asymptomatic UTIs. ou Furthermore, it is crucial that nurses eradicate poor clinical practice such as washing drainage night-bags and reconnecting them later. All catheter bags are singleuse only and re-using catheter bags that have been disconnected — including seven-day bags, which are also single-use — contravenes manufacturers’ recommendations (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency [MHRA], 2011). CONCLUSION ar e During catheterisation and drainage system changes, effective aseptic non-touch technique (ANTT) is recommended to minimise the risk of infection (NICE, 2012). The change of a catheter bag or valve is a procedure often delegated to carers, but it still requires ANTT (RCN, 2012). Although anaesthetic gel is not recommended as a first-line measure, it may be indicated for patients who have had previous traumatic and painful catheterisation experiences. Professional judgment must be used and potential allergies and side-effects taking into account as this a ‘prescription only medication’. C If the catheter needs to remain in situ, maintenance of a closed drainage system is recommended as avoiding unnecessary disconnections is still the most effective way to minimise CAUTIs (NICE, 2012). an anaesthetic lubricant reduced the incident of UTIs by 50% (Kambal et al, 2004). However, the NICE (2012) guidelines for infection control only recommend the use of appropriate lubricant from a sterile single-use container for male and females to minimise trauma and infection. nd view of the potential risks of the procedure, a discussion between the patient, GP and community nurse is recommended and if safe, a TWOC should be undertaken. However, in men and catheterised patients, UTIs can be complicated and could lead to septicaemia or even death. Identifying the right diagnosis/differential diagnosis will better enable the nurse to choose the correct management options. Similarly, comprehensive assessment will help nurses to identify ‘red flags’ such as haematuria, which need urgent referral. The use of ANTT during catheterisation and catheter care, the maintenance of a closed drainage system, and the use of sterile singleuse bags are recommended to minimise CAUTIs. Undoubtedly, avoidance of unnecessary catheterisation and prompt catheter removal is the most effective method of eradicating bacterial contamination and preventing catheter-related complications and community nurses should closely monitor any catheterised patients to ensure that this invasive procedure does not continue for longer than is absolutely JCN necessary. REFERENCES Bethel J (2012) Acute pyelonephritis: risk factors, diagnosis and treatment. Nurs Stand 27(5): 51–6 BMA/RPS (2014) British National Formulary: 59. BMA/RPS, London DH (2003) Winning Ways: working together to reduce healthcare associated infection in England. DH, London Fulop T (2013) Acute pyelonephritis. 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Available at: http://cks.nice.!diagnosissub:1(accessed 1 May, 2014) NICE (2014c) Urinary Tract Infection (lower) — men.!diagnosissub (accessed 1 May, 2014) Nicolle E (2002) Urinary tract infection in geriatric and institutionalized patients. Curr Opin Urol 12(1): 51–5 Nicolle L (2003) Asymptomatic bacteriuria: when to screen and when to treat. Infect Dis Clin North Am J 17(2): 367–94 Nicolle L, Bradley S, Colgan R, Rice JC, Schaeffer A, Hooton TM (2005) Infectious Diseases Society of America Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in Adults. Available at: bugdrug/antibiotic_manual/idsauti-nosx. pdf (accessed: 16 May, 2014) Pellowe C, Pratt R, Loveday H, Harper P, Robinson N, Jones S (2005) The Epic Project: updating the evidence base for national evidence-based guidelines for preventing healthcare-associated infections on the NHS hospitals in England. A report with recommendations. J Hosp Inf 59(4): 373–74 RCN (2012) Catheter Care: RCN guidance for Nurses. RCN, London nd InfectionsAZ/PrimaryCareGuidance (accessed 20 May, 2014) Jepson R, Williams G, Craig J (2012) Cranberries for Preventing Urinary Tract Infections (Review). The Cochrane Library. Available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley. com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD001321. pub5/pdf (accessed 19 May, 2014) Kambal C, Chance J, Cope S, Beck J (2004) Catheter-associated UTIs in patients after major gynaecological surgery. Profess Nurs 19(9): 515–18 Lapides J, Diokono A, Silber S, Lowe B (1972) Clean, intermittent selfcatheterisation in the treatment of urinary tract disease. J Urol 107(3): 458–61 MHRA (2011) Single-use Medical Devices. Available at: uk/home/groups/dts-iac/documents/ publication/con2025015.pdf (accessed 16 May, 2014) NICE (2006) Urinary Incontinence: the management of urinary incontinence in women. NICE, London NICE (2012) Infection: prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in primary and community care. Clinical guideline 139. NICE, London NICE (2014a) Clinical Knowledge Summary: clinical topics. Available at: http://cks.!diagnosis (accessed 1 May, 2014) ou CliniFix® – the Universal Hydrocolloid Securement Device 20 14 W the most and CliniFix, the unique multi-purpose medical tube holder, is simply thecomfortable most comfortable secure way way to hold catheters and and mostmost sizessizes of medical tubing in place. It can and secure to hold catheters of medical tubing in place. Its super be used inhydrocolloid two distinctbase waysclings for different security needs - a hook adhesive to the skin without irritation andand canloop safely securement device forseven some days, movement or altering an inner skin adhesive strip CliniFix for extra stay in situ for up to without integrity. security. Theyou resealable allows repeated skin-friendly even offers a choicedesign of wriggle control. Its access. adhesiveWith stripa is hydrocolloid baseorit you can can remain in place for uphook to seven wriggle resistant choose the clever and days loop and no rigid plastic edges,allows strapssome or clips means CliniFix fits like a second system tab which movement. Skin loves simple skinuse, anywhere on the body. to secure CliniFix. So so will you. Wriggle control © For a free sample of CliniFix, please call our free confidential careline 0800 036 0100 or visit CliniMed Ltd. is aa company company registered in England England number 01646927. Registered office: Cavell Cavell House, House, Knaves Knaves Beech Beech Way, Loudwater, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP10 HP10 9QY. Tel: 01628 850100 850100 Fax Fax 01628 01628 527312 527312 Email: Email: or or visit: visit: CliniMed® and CliniFix® are registered trademarks of CliniMed CliniMed Ltd. Ltd. 2013. 2013. CliniMed (Holdings) (Holdings) Ltd. Ltd. ©CliniMed CliniFix patent number: GB 2 448 517B EP 1982743 PID 28 1330/0111 5913 BJCN Ad Resize AW2.indd 1 2 JCN 2014, 26 2013,Vol Vol28, 27,No No34 ® ® 25/06/2013 16:05 WINUPPLY Pe op le Lt d SS A YEAR D GEL! N A H F O Do you know a hand hygiene champion? C ar e Nominations are now open for this years hand hygiene awards. ou nd To enter, simply tell us in around 250 words why your nominated person has gone the extra mile to help improve hand hygiene. We are looking for people who have made a real difference to improve hand hygiene from across hospital, community, care home, and social care settings. No matter how big or small your initiative, we want to hear from you! 14 W The judging panel will include Julie Storr, president of the Infection Prevention Society (IPS), and entries will be judged on merit of the initiative and its outcome.The closing date for entries is the 30th June, and both the winners and runners up will receive a unique engraved crystal trophy, certificates, and photographs & publicity in a number of professional publications. © 20 The awards will be presented on the schülke exhibition stand at the Infection Prevention Society annual conference, in October and the winner, and the person who nominates them will receive travel, accommodation and entrance tickets to the event, plus a years supply of desderman® pure for their workplace. You can enter in a number of ways, either online at, or E-mail your nomination to: Call: 0114 254 3500 Or send the entry FREEPOST to Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd, Freepost,NEA17, Cygnet House, 1 Jenkin Road, Sheffield, S9 1AT Full terms and conditions can be found at:
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