European GNSS PSI - emits
European GNSS PSI - emits
PROGRAMME SECURITY INSTRUCTION CONCERNING European GNSS Programmes (SHORT TITLE: EUROPEAN GNSS PSI) issued by GNSS Security Board (GNSS SB) Issue 4.1 Dated 26.09.2014 Participants EU MEMBER STATES EU COUNCIL EU COMMISSION European Space Agency (ESA) European GNSS Agency (GSA) NORWAY SWITZERLAND This version supersedes all previous GalileoSat and European GNSS PSI European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 AMENDMENT SHEET SERIAL Draft Issue 1.0 Draft Version 1.1 Draft Version 1.2 Draft Version 1.3 Draft 1.4 Draft 1.5 Draft 1.6 Draft 1.7 Draft 1.8 Issue 2.0 Issue 2.0 rev 1 Issue 3.0 Draft 1 Issue 3.0 draft 2 Issue 3.0 draft 3 Issue 3.0 Issue 3.0B Issue 4.0 Issue 4.1 REFERENCE Approved by GSB after silent procedure amendments suggested by GSC Amendments suggested by GSB WG3 Agreed at GSB Annexes Completed Annex A4 update + Dutch NSA request Amendments suggested by TFCI Merged comments following up the Florence meeting distributed to TF-PSI members Final draft agreed at Brussels meeting (2nd TF-PSI meeting) Proposed for approval under silence procedure at GNSS SB meeting on 21st May 2010 Changes to Annex A Approved by WG PCI Version approved in the CBCS with accordance to old COMSEC Instructions Alignment with European GNSS COMSEC Instructions – Updates in Annex A Changes to Annex A DATE SIGNATURE AND NAME 5/11/2004 22/01/2008 12/03/2008 22/04/2008 01/10/2008 30/10/2009 04/11/2009 22/04/2010 19/05/2010 21/05/2010 21/02/2011 21/09/2011 12/01/2012 29/02/2012 6/03/2012 19/07/2012 Endorsed by SB on 06/08/2013 10/07/2013 26/09/2014 ii European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS AMENDMENT SHEET ...................................................................................................................................... II TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................................... III GLOSSARY .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 SECTION I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................................ 6 1.2 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................................. 7 1.3 AUTHORITY, APPLICABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS PSI..................................... 7 1.3.1 Authority ........................................................................................................................................ 7 1.3.2 Applicability ................................................................................................................................... 7 1.3.3 Security Responsibilities ................................................................................................................ 7 SECTION II SECURITY INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLASSIFIED INFORMATION................................... 11 2.1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES ...................................................................................................................... 11 2.2 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ........................................................................................................... 11 2.3 SECURITY MARKING ......................................................................................................................... 12 2.4 MARKINGS FOR EUROPEAN GNSS PROGRAMMES CLASSIFIED INFORMATION ........... 12 EACH DOCUMENT OR ITEM SHALL BE CLEARLY MARKED OR STAMPED WITH THE SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AND/OR COMSEC MARKING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE PARTICIPANT CONCERNED. ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 2.5 PROTECTION OF INFORMATION CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL OR SECRET .................... 13 2.5.1 General principle ......................................................................................................................... 13 2.5.2 Access ........................................................................................................................................... 13 2.5.3 Transmission ................................................................................................................................ 13 2.5.4 Use of Communication and Information Systems (CIS) ............................................................ 18 2.6 PROTECTION OF RESTRICTED INFORMATION ......................................................................... 18 2.6.1 General Principles ....................................................................................................................... 18 2.6.2 Access/Handling .......................................................................................................................... 19 2.6.3 Protection ..................................................................................................................................... 19 2.6.4 Use in Communication and Information Systems (CIS) ............................................................ 19 2.6.5 Use of removable storage media .................................................................................................. 19 2.6.6 Transmission ................................................................................................................................ 20 2.6.7 Reproduction ................................................................................................................................ 20 2.6.8 Destruction ................................................................................................................................... 20 2.7 PROTECTION OF COMSEC ITEMS .................................................................................................. 20 2.8 BREACHES OF SECURITY AND COMPROMISE OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION .............. 20 SECTION III RELEASE OF INFORMATION .............................................................................................. 23 3.1 3.2 UNILATERAL RELEASE OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION AND/OR COMSEC ITEMS ....... 23 RELEASE OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION AND/OR COMSEC ITEMS TO THIRD PARTIES 23 3.3 RELEASE OF CLASSIFIED EUROPEAN GNSS PROGRAMMES INFORMATION AT SYMPOSIA, SEMINARS AND CONFERENCES .......................................................................................... 23 3.4 PUBLIC RELEASE OF UNCLASSIFIED EUROPEAN GNSS PROGRAMMES INFORMATION 23 3.5 EXHIBITION AUTHORISATION ....................................................................................................... 24 SECTION IV INTERNATIONAL VISITS ...................................................................................................... 25 4.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................... 25 4.2 PROCEDURES FOR INTERNATIONAL VISITS .............................................................................. 25 4.2.1. Visits arranged directly .................................................................................................................. 25 4.2.2. Visits requiring a standard international Request for Visit (RfV)................................................. 26 4.2.3. Visits relating to information classified RESTRICTED ................................................................ 26 SECTION V CONTRACTING AND SUBCONTRACTING......................................................................... 27 iii European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Sep 2014 PRE-LETTING PHASE ......................................................................................................................... 27 NATIONAL SUBCONTRACTS ............................................................................................................ 27 INTERNATIONAL SUBCONTRACTS ............................................................................................... 28 RESPONSIBILITY ................................................................................................................................. 28 TRANSMISSION TO SUBCONTRACTORS ...................................................................................... 29 SECTION VI LISTING OF SECURITY CLEARED FACILITIES ............................................................. 30 6.1 6.2 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 30 LIST OF SECURITY CLEARED FACILITIES .................................................................................. 30 SECTION VII SECURITY PLAN IN EVENT OF TERMINATION ........................................................... 32 7.1 7.2 7.3 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................ 32 PARTICIPANT HELD INFORMATION ............................................................................................. 32 CONTRACTOR HELD INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 32 SECTION VIII .................................................................................................................................................... 34 SECURITY EDUCATION AND AWARENESS ............................................................................................ 34 8.1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES ............................................................................................................................ 34 8.2 SECURITY BRIEFING ............................................................................................................................... 34 8.3 SECURITY AWARENESS .......................................................................................................................... 34 8.4 TRAVEL SECURITY BRIEFING .............................................................................................................. 35 8.5 SECURITY DEBRIEFING .......................................................................................................................... 35 ANNEX A .............................................................................................................................................................. 1 A1 SECURITY AUTHORITIES OF THE PARTICIPATING NATIONS ............................................... 2 A2 INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS .............................................................................................. 32 A2.1 SECURITY AUTHORITIES OF PARTICIPATING INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS 32 A2.2 SECURITY CLEARED STAFF MEMBERS OF NON-PARTICIPANTS ............................... 37 A2.3 SECURITY CLEARED FACILITIES OF THE PARTICIPATING INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 38 A3 NATIONAL PROJECT ORGANISATIONS ....................................................................................... 40 A4 LIST OF COMPANIES AND SITES INVOLVED IN EUROPEAN GNSS PROGRAMMES SECURITY ACTIVITIES AT THE LEVEL CONFIDENTIAL AND ABOVE ........................................................................... 46 ANNEX B TABLE OF EQUIVALENT SECURITY CLASSIFICATIONS ................................................... 1 ANNEX C .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 PROCEDURE FOR HAND CARRIAGE OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION ............................................ 3 NOTES FOR THE COURIER ............................................................................................................................. 9 ANNEX D : TRANSPORTATION PLAN ................................................................................................. 1 ANNEX E : REQUEST FOR VISIT FORMS (RFV) .............................................................................. 1 ANNEX F: FACILITY SECURITY CLEARANCE INFORMATION SHEET (FIS)............................. 1 ANNEX G: PERSONNEL SECURITY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE ...................................................... 1 ANNEX H: EUROPEAN GNSS COMSEC INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................... 1 ANNEX I: EUROPEAN GNSS SECURITY CLASSIFICATION GUIDES ................................................. 1 iv European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 GLOSSARY AUTHORISED ACCESS is the ability and opportunity to obtain knowledge of classified information provided the individual to be allowed access to such information is appropriately security cleared and has a need to know. BACKGROUND INFORMATION means any information, classified or unclassified, necessary or useful to the performance of the European GNSS programmes generated before or outside the performance of the European GNSS Programmes. BREACH OF SECURITY occurs as result of an act or omission by an individual which is contrary to the security provisions set out in this Programme Security Instructions or in any other applicable laws and regulations. CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY is the authority vested in a public entity to make an initial determination that information requires protection against unauthorised disclosure in the interests of national security or the security of the EU or ESA. CLASSIFIED CONTRACT includes any contract to supply products, execute works or provide services, the performance of which requires or involves access to or generation of Classified Information. The requirements prescribed for a "Classified Contract" are also applicable to all phases of pre-contract activity, including the tender process (bids, quotations, and proposals), pre-contract negotiations and post-contract activity. CLASSIFIED INFORMATION (CI) means any information or material designated by a security classification, the unauthorised disclosure of which could cause varying degrees of prejudice to the interests of the Participants. Its classification is indicated by a classification marking. CLASSIFIED MEETING is a conference, seminar, symposium, exhibition, convention, or other gathering that is conducted by a public entity or by a security cleared Programme Contractor with a public entity's approval and sponsorship, during which Classified Information is disclosed. COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION SYSTEM (CIS) is an assembly of computer hardware, software, and firmware configured for the purpose of automating the functions of calculating, computing, sequencing, storing, retrieving, displaying, communicating, or otherwise manipulating data, information, and textual COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION SYSTEM SECURITY includes all security safeguards needed to provide an acceptable level of protection for Communication and Information System and the classified data processed. COMPROMISE of CI occurs when, as a result of a breach of security, it has wholly or in part been disclosed to unauthorized persons. COMSEC (Communication Security) means the application of security measures to telecommunications in any form in order to deny unauthorised persons to access information of value derived from the possession and study of such telecommunications or to ensure the confidentiality, availability, authenticity, non1 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 repudiation and integrity of such telecommunications. Such measures include crypto, transmission and emission (TEMPEST) security, as well as procedural, physical, personnel, document and computer security. Controlled COMSEC Item (CCI) is a caveat marking to control UNCLASSIFIED COMSEC items. COMSEC item means all material, including keys in all forms, such as documents, devices or equipment, that describe, contain or relate to cryptographic products and is essential to the encryption, decryption or authentication of telecommunications and any other item that performs critical COMSEC function. COMSEC INSTRUCTIONS is the document that establishes the security instructions and assigns the responsibilities for the implementation of EU security policy concerning COMSEC Items generated and exchanged under the European GNSS programmes. Also this document provides common security procedures for the marking, handling, storage, destruction and transmission of COMSEC Items CONTRACTING AUTHORITY is ESA, the European Commission (EC) or the European GNSS Agency (GSA) for the activities for which they have competence. CONTRACTOR is any physical or legal entity possessing the legal capacity to undertake contracts awarded by Contracting Authorities. COURIER is an appropriately cleared and authorised government employee from participating States or staff member of a participating organisation, or a Contractor employee who is appropriately approved by the Security Authorities to hand-carry Classified material to its destination. CRYPTO means a caveat marking which is used for CLASSIFIED COMSEC Items, which, if disclosed to unauthorised persons, their compromise could seriously undermine the security of the related COMSEC system, leading to considerable and potentially long-term negative consequences. DESIGNATED SECURITY AUTHORITY (DSA) is the security authority designated by the National Security Authority (NSA) of a participating State to be responsible for the coordination and implementation of national, ESA and EU industrial security aspects of the European GNSS Programmes. The function of the DSA may be carried out by the NSA. DOCUMENT means any recorded information regardless of its physical form or characteristics. FACILITY SECURITY CLEARANCE (FSC) is an administrative determination by the Security Authority of the country where the facility is located that, from a security viewpoint, a facility can afford adequate security protection to information classified CONFIDENTIAL or above and its personnel who require access to Classified Information have been appropriately security cleared and briefed on the relevant security requirements necessary to access and protect Classified Information. 2 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 FACILITY SECURITY OFFICER is a person designated by the management to be responsible for the proper implementation of security-related decisions and for the coordination of available security resources and measures within a facility involved in the classified parts of the European GNSS Programmes, as well as to be the technical advisor to management on security matters related to the European GNSS Programmes. FOREGROUND INFORMATION is information generated in the performance of the European GNSS Programmes. GNSS SB - An expert group on the security of the European GNSS systems, whose missions are to assist the Commission in implementing the provisions of Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 683/2008 and in examining matters concerning the security of the European GNSS systems. The Commission shall consult it prior to defining the main requirements, provided for in Article 13(2), concerning the security of the systems and it shall provide ongoing support to the Commission as regards the implementation of the provisions of Article 13(3). GOVERNMENT-TO-GOVERNMENT CHANNELS are transfers of Classified Information approved by Security Authorities, either through diplomatic pouch or through other channels approved by the Security Authorities involved. HANDLING OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION means all possible actions to which Classified Information may be subject throughout its life-cycle. It comprises its creation, processing, carriage, downgrading, declassification and destruction. In relation to Communication and Information Systems also comprises its collection, display, transmission and storage; MATERIAL means any document or item of machinery or equipment, either already produced or in the process of production. NATIONAL SECURITY AUTHORITY (NSA) is the authority of a participating EU or ESA Member State which is responsible for the maintenance of standards for the security of Classified Information. NEED-TO-KNOW is the principle according to which a positive determination is made that a prospective recipient has a requirement for access to, knowledge of, or possession of information in order to accomplish a designated and approved European GNSS Programmes function. ORIGINATOR means the Participant or Third Party under whose authority information has been produced. PARTICIPANTS are those EU and/or ESA Member States and/or international organisations listed on the front page, which are all linked by security agreements or arrangements - whether being bilateral or multilateral - also covering industrial security and are responsible for co-ordinating the implementation of this PSI. PARTICIPANTS’ SECURITY AUTHORITIES are those governmental or international organisations / bodies responsible for the security of Classified Information for the European GNSS Programmes and the coordination and 3 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 implementation of industrial security aspects of the European GNSS Programmes which are listed in Annex A1 and A2. PARTICIPANTS' CONTRACTORS are companies and agencies including any Contractors / Prime Contractors and Subcontractors of Participants acting as Contracting Partners in the European GNSS programmes which are listed in Annex A4. PERSONNEL SECURITY CLEARANCE (PSC) means either an authorization by the competent appointing authority of EU or ESA, or a statement by a competent authority of a Participant State which is made following completion of a security investigation conducted by the competent authority of the Participant State, which certifies that an individual may, provided his Need-to-know has been determined, be granted access to Classified Information CONFIDENTIAL or above until a specified date. PRIME CONTRACTOR is the contractor who has overall responsibility to the Contracting Authority for completing the work specified in the prime contract. Part of the work may be subcontracted, if duly authorised by the Contracting Authority. PROGRAMME EQUIPMENT includes any material, item, subsystem, component, special tooling, or test fixture acquired or provided for use in the European GNSS Programmes. PROGRAMME INFORMATION is any information provided to, generated in, or used in the European GNSS Programmes regardless of form or type. PROGRAMME SECURITY INSTRUCTION (PSI) is a compilation of security regulations / procedures, based upon the appropriate security rules and regulations, which must be applied to a specific project/programme in order to ensure the application of standardised security procedures. The PSI also constitutes an Annex to a main contract, and may be revised throughout the Programme lifecycle. It is complemented by Security Classification Guides and COMSEC Instructions that are attached to it. For sub-contracts let within the Programme, the PSI constitutes the basis for the SAL. PROJECT ORGANISATION (PO), where established, is the Participant's relevant authority responsible for the coordination of all contractual and sub-contractual activities within the framework of the European GNSS Programmes. RELEASE TO THE PUBLIC is the passing of information and/or material to the general public, or any member of the general public, by any means of communication. SECURITY ASPECTS LETTER (SAL) is a set of special contractual conditions, issued by the Contracting Authority, which forms an integral part of a classified contract involving access to or generation of Classified Information, that identifies the security requirements or those elements of the contract requiring security protection. SECURITY AUTHORITY is the NSA/DSA, other national authority or a representative of an international organisation, competent for security. 4 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION GUIDE (SCG) means a document which describes the elements of a programme or contract which are classified, specifying the applicable security classification levels. The SCG may be modified throughout the life of the programme or contract and the elements of information may be re-classified or downgraded; where an SCG exists it shall be part of the PSI or SAL. SUBCONTRACT is any contract entered into by a Contractor duly authorised by the Contracting Authority to provide supplies or services for the performance of a prime contract or a subcontract. SUBCONTRACTOR is a supplier, distributor, vendor or firm, duly authorised by the contracting authority, that provides supplies or services to or for a prime contractor or another subcontractor, who enters into a contract with a prime contractor. THIRD PARTY is any country or international organisation which is not a Participant. TRANSMISSION is the sending of information from one place to another by radio, microwave, laser, or other non-connective methods, as well as by cable, wire or other connective media. Transmission also includes movement involving the transfer of classified material from one authorised addressee to another by any other means. 5 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 SECTION I INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND The European Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) currently consists of two programmes: the EGNOS Programme and the GALILEO Programme. The EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) Programme enhances the information provided by signals from the American GPS and Russian GLONASS satellite constellations. Using three satellites placed in geostationary orbit, EGNOS provides correction and integrity data to GPS and GLONASS users increasing the reliability and accuracy of these services. Accurate to within one to two metres, it provides all satellite radionavigation users with a top-quality navigation and positioning service which is better than any available to date in Europe using GPS alone and is close to what GALILEO will be providing in the future, in particular in terms of providing an integrity message. The GALILEO Programme is the European independent implementation of a GNSS aiming at satisfying all users requirements, composed of three segments: - the Space Segment (S/S) - the Regional Augmentation System - and the Local Augmentation System, including the User Segment (U/S) which are providing four types of services - an Open Service (OS), - a Commercial Service (CS), - a governmental Public Regulated Service (PRS), - and a Search and Rescue service (SAR) contributing to the COSPAS-SARSAT system. GALILEO will provide highly accurate position, velocity, and time information to an unlimited number of properly equipped users anywhere on the ground, at sea, in the air and out in space. The accuracy provided by GALILEO determines it as a system with strategic potential. As such it must be protected. Therefore access to documents, hardware and technology that define the details of the system design must be limited. Although GALILEO will be developed and operated extensively by the civil community it will contain some dual use technologies, particularly in satellite design, cryptography and microcircuitry that would be advantageous to potential hostile forces. These issues should be considered in the formulation of the security requirements and whenever information on the system is released. It is intended that GALILEO and EGNOS will be used for high integrity operations. As such the detailed design of the system and its operating functions must be protected to also ensure that the economic investment is safeguarded. The release of commercial data and information must also be considered carefully in view of the 6 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 significant investment that will be made by European Industry in the Programmes. 1.2 PURPOSE This PSI provides instructions on the protection of Classified Information and COMSEC items that are provided or generated on behalf of any European GNSS Programme and it supersedes the previous GalileoSat and European GNSS PSIs. Further, this document informs the Contractors of their obligations to deter breaches of security and compromise of Classified Information. It provides instructions for the Participants on the classification of the information, security procedures, including the handling and transfer of Classified Information, and visit procedures for European GNSS Programmes. Provisions for the protection of non-classified information should be made on a contractual basis and managed by each of the Participants according to its applicable laws and regulations. 1.3 AUTHORITY, APPLICABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS PSI 1.3.1 Authority The GNSS SB is responsible for the endorsement of this PSI and its further amendment. The Security Authority of each Participant is responsible for developing, updating and coordinating the implementation of this PSI and its annexes. Requests for clarification of this PSI should be addressed to the Authorities as listed in Annexes A1, A2 and A3. Revisions affecting only Annex A or changes to the forms including in the annexes will not be considered as an amendment to the European GNSS PSI and do not require formal approval by the Participants. The European Commission as PSI Custodian shall distribute the updated version immediately to the European GNSS Participants. The Contracting Authorities will ensure its distribution to the contractors. 1.3.2 Applicability This PSI applies to any governmental or international organisation and any company or national entity involved by contractual or pre-contractual activity in any of the phases of the European GNSS Programmes. If Classified Information is transmitted to a potential sub-contractor or if a Classified Contract is awarded, the hosting NSA/DSA will be responsible for the implementation of security measures for the protection of Classified Information pursuant to its national laws and regulations, provided these afford an equivalent level of protection as the provisions set out in this PSI. The European GNSS PSI sets out the applicable rules for the protection of Classified Information involved in the European GNSS programmes. It contains the GNSS Security Classification Guides and the European GNSS COMSEC Instructions as annexes which are distributed on a need-to-know basis. 1.3.3 Security Responsibilities 7 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 Participants’ Security Authorities The Participants’ Security Authorities are responsible for: Ensuring implementation of the provisions of the European GNSS PSI within the establishments, and if necessary, contractors or sub-contractors under its authority; Ensuring that for any facility in which Classified Information is to be handled, a person or persons shall be appointed, where appropriate, in accordance with the regulations of the Participant concerned, to effectively exercise the responsibilities for safeguarding the Classified Information; Ensuring that any company which has been identified by the Security Authority of the hosting Participant (see Annex A1) as being under the financial or administrative control of individuals or entities belonging to a third state will be authorised to participate in a contract requiring access to Classified Information of the European GNSS Programmes, only if effective measures are currently in place to prevent any access to information by individuals or entities of that third party; Taking action in connection with the specific arrangements to be adopted in matters of transportation, international visits, etc. in accordance with the provisions set out in this European GNSS PSI; Providing, upon request, to another Participant Security Authority, an FSC to enable a facility falling under its security control to negotiate or undertake European GNSS related Classified Contracts; Providing, upon request if required, to another Participant Security Authority, a PSC for the persons for whom it has security responsibility to enable them to undertake a European GNSS related Classified Contract; Investigating all cases in which it is known, or where there are grounds for suspecting, a compromise of European GNSS Classified Information provided or generated pursuant to this Programme. Carrying out regular security inspections of the cleared facilities to ensure that information is properly protected. They will check that access to Classified Information is limited to appropriately cleared individuals on a need-to-know basis. The list of the respective Participants’ Security Authorities is attached at Annex A1 and A2. Participants’ Contractors Contractors and Subcontractors are responsible for the Implementation of the European GNSS PSI within their facilities, in particular for ensuring that: In accordance with the applicable regulation of the Participant concerned, an official who will be responsible for supervising and directing security measures in relation to the European GNSS classified contract is appointed or proposed. These officials shall be responsible for limiting access to Classified Information involved in the contract to those persons who have been cleared, briefed and approved for access, and have a need-to-know; Programme information is classified in accordance with the relevant European GNSS Security Classification Guide; 8 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 Security classifications are maintained and are not changed without the prior written consent of the Originator; Classified programme information is not released to government establishments or Sub-contractors of Third parties without the appropriate release procedures having been followed; Programme information is not used for purposes other than for the Programme; The relevant security provisions of this PSI, or parts thereof, are included as part of the contractual arrangements with Sub-contractors; Appropriate action is taken in the event of inventory discrepancies of Classified Information and COMSEC Items, Compromises or suspected Compromises or any other security deficiencies or breaches of security obligations, which have led or may lead to the Compromise of classified Programme information, and that the Commission and the respective Participant’s Security Authorities are immediately informed about such events; Contractors and Subcontractors are obliged, under penalty of termination of their contract, to take all measures prescribed by their parent Security Authority (see Annex A1) for safeguarding all Classified Information and COMSEC Items generated, or manufactured by the Contractor in the framework of the European GNSS Programmes or entrusted to them. Furthermore, Contractors on these European GNSS Programmes are equally obliged to follow the provisions of this PSI. 1.4 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS - the European GNSS Implementing Regulation 683/2008, and in particular its Article 141, - the Security Rules of the Council of the EU2, - the European Commission's provisions on security3, - the Agreement between ESA and the EU on the security and exchange of Classified Information4, - the administrative agreement between the European Commission and the European GNSS Agency on the security and exchange of Classified Information. Decision 2009/846/EC dated 20 October 2009, OJ L-306/39, - Council Decision 2004/843/CFSP dated 26 July 2004 concerning the conclusion of the agreement between the EU and the Kingdom of Norway on security procedures for the exchange of Classified Information. OJ L-362, - Council Decision 2008/568/CFSP dated 24 June 2005 concerning the conclusion of the agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the EU on the security procedures for the exchange of Classified Information. OJ L-171, 1 Regulation (EC) No 683/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 on the further implementation of the European satellite navigation programmes (EGNOS and Galileo), art 14. Council Decision 2011/292/EU of 31 March 2011 adopting the Council's security rules (OJ L141/17, 27.5.2011) Commission Decision 2001/844/EC, ECSC, Euratom of 20 November 2001 amending its internal Rules of Procedure (notified under document C(2001) 3031), JO L317, 3.12.2001, p. 1, as last amended by Commission Decision 2006/548/ EC, Euratom of 2 August 2006. EU – ESA Security Agreement July 2008 2 3 4 9 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 - the ESA Security Regulations5 and the Agreement between ESA Member States and ESA, for the protection and the exchange of Classified Information6 - EU Regulation No 912/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 - The Instruction Manual on Crypto and COMSEC material management (TECH-I-01) of 15 January 2007. 5 ESA Council Resolution on Part I of the Security Regulations adopted on 11 December 2002 at the 161st Council meeting. 6 Agreement between the States Parties to the Convention for the establishment of a European Space Agency and the European Space Agency for the protection and exchange of classified information approved by ESA Council on 13 June 2002. 10 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 SECTION II SECURITY INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLASSIFIED INFORMATION 2.1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES a) All Classified Information and COMSEC Items held, used, or generated in connection with the European GNSS Programmes shall be stored, handled and protected in compliance with the Participants’ rules governing the handling and exchange of Classified Information and the provisions set out in this PSI. b) Access to and handling of information classified CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET will be restricted to entities having the requisite level of Facility Security Clearance and to individuals having the appropriate level of Personnel Security Clearance and a Need-to-know for the purposes of the European GNSS Programmes. FSCs or PSCs are not required for access to RESTRICTED information unless required by the Participating States’ national laws and regulations. If a Participating State requires a FSC or PSC for access to RESTRICTED information, companies or nationals without an FSC or PSC from other Participating States that do not require a clearance at RESTRICTED level must be granted access to such information provided the Need-to-know principle has been established for the purposes of the European GNSS Programmes. Exchange and transmission of Classified Information between the Participants will be in compliance with existing bilateral and/or multilateral security agreements / arrangements where applicable. c) Classified Information shall preferably be transmitted by electronic means protected by cryptographic products approved in accordance with the provisions of this PSI. d) When electronic transmission is not possible, information classified CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET shall be transmitted through Government-togovernment Channels or by methods described in this PSI. e) Upon receipt such information shall retain its original classification marking and may additionally be given a classification marking that will assure a degree of protection at least equivalent to that required by this PSI. The classification level cannot be modified without the prior written consent of the originator. f) The minimum requirements to protect COMSEC Items are set out in the Annex H, the European GNSS COMSEC INSTRUCTIONS. g) In situations where provisions in a Participant’s laws and/or regulations differ from the provisions in this PSI, the Participant’s laws and/or regulations should be applied provided they are not less stringent than the provisions set out in this document. In such cases the Security Authorities of the other Participants shall be informed. The differing provisions shall be circulated to all Participants via the GNSS SB. 2.2 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Security classifications of information related to the European GNSS Programmes are as indicated in the table of Equivalent Security Classifications listed in Annex B. 11 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 Security markings for COMSEC Items are provided in Annex H, the European GNSS COMSEC Instructions. The fact that any information related to the European GNSS Programmes is not marked with a security classification does not mean that it can be released to the public. Any release of information requires prior written authorisation in accordance with the provisions of Section 3. 2.3 SECURITY MARKING a) Information generated under the European GNSS Programmes will be classified and marked in accordance with the relevant European GNSS Security Classification Guide annexed to this document. If needed, a dual marking detailed in the Classification Guide may be applied. Questions concerning the content and interpretation as well as proposed changes to the Classification Guides will be coordinated between the Security Authorities or other competent authorities of each Participant (s. Annex A1 – A3) and the Contracting Authority. Pending a final decision on proposed changes to classification levels, the information involved will be protected at either the current assigned level or the proposed level, whichever is higher. The GNSS SB will review the European GNSS Security Classification Guides at least annually. b) The levels assigned in the classification guides are those anticipated for each item of information or equipment. For compilations of information a higher level of classification may be required if the compilation provides an added factor that warrants higher classification than that of its component parts. Classification on this basis will be fully supported by a written explanation that will be provided with the information so classified. c) Other material will be assigned a security classification commensurate with the applicable Security Classification Guides. External and internal views, which may provide information about classified parameters, characteristics, or performance, will be classified in accordance with the classification of those items revealed. d) Foreground Information generated by a Contractor which requires classification shall be marked using one of the EU security classification markings. Information generated by ESA, Norway or Switzerland will be marked with its own classification markings / releasable to EU, and when released to the EU or its Member States it shall be additionally marked as EU Classified Information at the its equivalent level in accordance with the table in Annex B. e) Classified Information may be downgraded or declassified only after receiving written approval from the Originator. 2.4 MARKINGS FOR EUROPEAN GNSS PROGRAMMES CLASSIFIED INFORMATION Each document or item shall be clearly marked or stamped with the security classification and/or COMSEC caveat marking in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Participant concerned. 12 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 Documents and other material containing information provided to (i.e Background Information) or generated under (i.e Foreground Information) the European GNSS Programmes will be marked to identify the originator. Any Background Information shall be marked as such. Both Foreground and Background Information will be annotated with a statement that identifies any limitation on use, distribution or access. Each Participant providing Background Information will ensure that the appropriate markings are applied prior to release to the European GNSS Programmes. When the Classified Information or COMSEC Item is of such a nature that it cannot be marked, the markings will be applied to a cover or label. 2.5 PROTECTION OF INFORMATION CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL OR SECRET 2.5.1 General principle The creation, registration, distribution, transmission, storage and destruction of information classified CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET will be in accordance with Participant's laws and regulations, ESA Security Regulations and EU security rules, bilateral or multilateral agreements as applicable. Any additional measures related to the creation, registration, distribution, transmission, storage and destruction of COMSEC Items classified CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET is addressed in detail in Annex H “European GNSS COMSEC Instructions”. 2.5.2 Access a) Access to information classified CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET will be restricted to individuals who have both a Need-to-know for the purposes of the European GNSS Programmes and the requisite level of Personnel Security Clearance. b) All persons who are to be given access to Classified Information must be briefed on the applicable security procedures and informed of, and acknowledge their responsibilities for protecting this information. 2.5.3 Transmission Instructions on the additional applicable measures (if any) related to the transmission of European GNSS COMSEC Items classified CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET are included in Annex H “European GNSS COMSEC Instructions”. Standard Means of International Transmission Classified Information at the level of CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET shall preferably be transmitted electronically. Such transmission shall be protected by cryptographic means in accordance with the provisions of this PSI. When electronic transmission is not possible, the standard means of transmitting Classified Information across international borders is by Government-to-government 13 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 Channels. The government channels to be used for the transfer of the Classified Information will be in compliance with the regulations of the dispatching and receiving Participant. Authorised government channels include the diplomatic or military transmission channels of the Participants’ governments, specifically military courier, diplomatic pouch or military postal channels. Transmission to Subcontractor If Classified Information is transmitted to a potential subcontractor or if a Classified Contract is granted, the Security Authority of the hosting Participant (see Annex A1) will be responsible for the implementation of security measures for the protection of Classified Information pursuant to its laws and regulations. International Hand Carriage If it is the only available option or, exceptionally to meet an urgent need to transfer Classified Information between Participants and their Contractors, the responsible Security Authorities can approve special arrangements for hand carriage. a) Hand carriage may be used on a case-by-case basis when government channels are not reasonably available, or transmission through government channels would result in an unacceptable delay that will adversely affect performance of the European GNSS Programmes, and it is verified that the information is not currently available at the intended destination. b) Classified Information being hand carried must be sealed while in transit, may not be opened en route, and requires direct delivery from the sending security officer (or a person with delegated authority) at a secure facility's originating point to the receiving security officer (or a person with delegated authority) at a secure facility at the destination. Procedures for the hand carriage of Classified Information are in Annex C. c) The responsible Security Authority will handle administration of the day-to-day aspects of these procedures. Use of the hand carriage procedures is restricted to the approved Contractors in the list of security cleared facilities. International Transmission via National or Commercial Courier Services Transmission of information classified CONFIDENTIAL , within the Participants’ territory, may be by national or commercial courier services provided that they are approved by the relevant NSA/DSA in accordance with their national laws and regulations and agreed by all parties concerned. The sender shall verify the above and shall ensure that the courier service meets the following criteria: a) The courier company is located within the territory of the participating states and has established a protective security programme for handling valuable items with a signature service, including a continuous record of accountability on custody through either a signature and tally record or an electronic tracking / tracing system. 14 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 b) The courier service shall ensure that the consignment will be delivered to the consignee prior to a specific time and date within a 24-hour-period under normal circumstances or within a clearly defined time frame for consignments over distances that cannot be covered within 24 hours. c) The courier service must ensure that the package is delivered to an official representative of the receiving classified registry. To this end, a list identifying the persons authorized to accept the delivery shall be provided to the courier company, who in turn shall ensure that the package shall only be handed over to one of those persons listed. If none of the persons listed is available to accept the delivery, the information shall be immediately returned to the sending classified registry. d) The courier service must obtain and provide to the consignor proof of delivery on the signature and tally record, or the courier must obtain receipts/package numbers. The sender will also ensure that: 1. The consignee is informed with the appropriate discretion about the transmission and its schedule and that the consignee will immediately confirm the receipt to the sender. 2. Classified Information transmitted on removable storage media shall be accompanied by a dispatch note, detailing the removable storage media, as well as all files contained on it, to allow the recipient to make the necessary verifications and to confirm receipt. 3. Good security practice is applied when managing removable storage media, such as the use of encryption, as agreed with the recipient. This practice does not change the classification level of the media unless the encrypted product is approved for the purpose. Freight Information classified CONFIDENTIAL and/or SECRET that cannot be transmitted by one of the methods listed above, or large volumes of Classified Information, may be transported as freight by commercial carriers provided that they meet the following criteria for handling international shipments: a) they hold an appropriate FSC issued by the responsible Security Authority according to national security regulations; b) they are authorised by laws or regulations of the Participant where the carrier is located to provide international transportation services; c) they are under an obligation to comply with safety, security and emergency procedures which must be observed. The transmission of Classified Information as freight within a Participant's country shall be in accordance with approved national procedures provided they result in a level of protection commensurate with this PSI. The consignor and the consignee are responsible for jointly organising the transport and for its notification to their respective Security Authorities who shall jointly approve the transportation plan prior to the shipment. The transportation plan will include at least 15 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 the information shown in the example at Annex D of this PSI. A recurring transportation plan may be used if appropriate. The following principles shall be enforced when examining proposed security arrangements for the international transportation of consignments of Classified Information: i) security shall be assured at all stages during the transportation and under all circumstances, from the point of origin to the ultimate destination; ii) the degree of protection accorded to a consignment shall be determined by the highest classification level of equipment contained within it; iii) an FSC shall be obtained for entities providing transportation. Personnel handling the consignment shall be cleared to an appropriate level; iv) journeys shall be point-to-point to the extent possible, and shall be completed as quickly as circumstances permit, and v) care shall be exercised to arrange routes only through the territory of participating states. If this is not possible routes through non participating states should only be undertaken when authorised by the Security Authorities of the consignor and the consignee. Arrangements for the transportation of consignments of Classified Information shall be agreed between the Security Authorities concerned. Such arrangements shall ensure that the risk of unauthorised access to Classified Information is reduced to a minimum. Transportation by road The following standards shall be applied when consignments of Classified Information are transported by road: a) if required by national rules and regulations, the carrier, the driver and/or co-driver must be security cleared up to the level of the classification of the consignment; b) the Classified Information will be secured in containers by a lock or padlock, or in a closed or locked van or cars that may be sealed; c) containers must bear no visible indication of their contents; d) consignments will be transported point-to-point; e) where appropriate, the Security Authorities will advise their customs or other relevant national authorities of impending consignments urging them to give maximum priority to the shipment. If the classified consignment cannot be secured as described above, the consignment should be enclosed or covered in order to protect the classified aspects and prevent unauthorised persons from gaining access. Transportation by rail The following standards shall be applied when consignments of Classified Information are transported by rail: 16 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 a) guards or escorts cleared to the appropriate level shall accompany the consignment; b) the freight shall be stowed in locked stowage space not accessible to unauthorized persons during the transportation; c) passenger accommodation shall be made available for security guard personnel and during stops the security guard or escort shall remain with the consignment; d) containers must bear no visible indication of their contents; e) stops in countries presenting special security risks shall be assessed by the Security Authorities of the consignor and consignee; f) in all cases, loading and unloading shall be under security control; g) deliveries and collection must be so timed to prevent, as far as possible, a consignment being held in warehouses. Transportation by sea The following standards shall be applied when consignments of Classified Information are sent by sea: a) guards or escorts cleared to the appropriate level shall accompany the consignment; b) equipment shall be stowed in locked stowage space approved by the Security Authority of the consignor. The consignment must be under security control; c) stops at any non Participating States’ port shall not be permitted unless prior approval of the consignor’s Security Authority has been obtained. In particular stops in those countries presenting special security risks shall be subject to an assessement by the Security Authorities of the consignor/consignee. Unless the ship is subject to an emergency situation, it shall not enter the territorial waters of any of these countries without the authorisation of the Security Authorities concerned; e) in all cases, loading and unloading shall be under security control; f) deliveries to the port of embarkation and collection from the port of disembarkation must be so timed to prevent, as far as possible, a consignment being held in port warehouses. Transportation by air An air carrier may be used provided the following standards shall be applied: a) Airlines of Participating States shall normally be used. However, in exceptional circumstances such as the extreme size of the consignment, airlines of non Participating States may be used with the agreement of the GNSS SB; b) the consignment shall be delivered straight to the aircraft rather than being stored in warehouses, etc. at airports or airfields. A sufficient number of security guards must be provided to keep the consignment under adequate supervision; 17 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 c) every effort shall be made for the aircraft to be met on landing and the consignment to be taken on charge by authorized personnel as soon as possible at its final destination; d) intermediate routine stops of short duration may be permitted, provided the consignment remains in the aircraft; e) in the event that the aircraft is delayed at an intermediate stop or has to make an emergency landing, the security guard shall take all measures considered necessary for the protection of the consignment and to inform the originator and recipient of any potential delay; f) direct flights shall be used whenever possible and, except in an emergency, stops at airports or airfields in non Participating States shall not be permitted unless the final destination is in the same non Participating State. Security Guards and Escorts Individuals fulfilling the duties of security guards may be armed depending on national practices and arrangements made between the Security Authorities of the Participating States concerned with the transportation. They must be nationals of Participant States and be security cleared to the appropriate level. The security guard/escort team shall be composed of an adequate number of personnel to ensure regular tours of duty and rest. Their number will depend on the classification level of the equipment. The method of transportation to be used, the estimated time in transit and the quantity of equipment will also be considered. It is the responsibility of the consignor and, where applicable, the consignee to instruct security guards in their duties. 2.5.4 Use of Communication and Information Systems (CIS) a) Transmission of Classified Information using CIS at CONFIDENTIAL and SECRET level shall be protected by appropriatedly approved cryptographic methods or products. The use of such methods or products within the framework of the GNSS Programmes shall be authorized by the GNSS SB. The GNSS SB shall be notified of any deployment of equipment to be used for the transmission of Classified Information at CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET level related to the European GNSS Programmes. b) 2.6 Information classified at CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET level will be processed and stored in CIS appropriately accredited for Classified Information. PROTECTION OF RESTRICTED INFORMATION 2.6.1 General Principles Classified Information at RESTRICTED level will be protected as set out below in order to ensure equivalent protection by all Participants. Any additional measures 18 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 related to the creation, registration, distribution, transmission, storage and destruction of RESTRICTED COMSEC Items is addressed in detail in Annex H “European GNSS COMSEC Instructions”. 2.6.2 Access/Handling a. Contractor facilities do not need to be security cleared to handle RESTRICTED information unless required by Participating States’ national laws and regulations. b. Classified European GNSS programmes information will be provided only to facilities or persons who need to know the information in connection with their involvement in the European GNSS Programmes. c. All persons who are to be given access to the information must be briefed on the applicable security procedures and informed of and acknowledge their responsibilities for protecting the information. Personnel security clearances are not necessary for individuals having access to RESTRICTED information unless required by Participating States’ national laws and regulations. 2.6.3 Protection The information shall not be left unattended or handled in a manner that could result in unauthorised access. It must be stored in locked desks, cabinets, or similar containers to which access is restricted. It may also be stored in the open in locked rooms, provided access to the room is restricted to persons who are authorised by the local Security Officer to have access to the information. During hand carriage by government or Contractor personnel the information must remain in the personal custody of the Courier or be secured as described in this PSI. It must not be left unattended in hotel rooms or vehicles. It must not be read in public. 2.6.4 Use in Communication and Information Systems (CIS) RESTRICTED information shall be processed and stored in accredited / approved CIS in accordance with Participants’ regulations, bilateral or multilateral agreements as applicable. Electronic transmission of information classified RESTRICTED is not permitted unless a cryptographic system approved by the Competent Security Authority designated by NSA/DSA of one of the EU or ESA Member States is used. The GNSS SB shall be notified of any deployment of equipment to be used for the transmission of Classified Information related to the European GNSS Programmes. 2.6.5 Use of removable storage media The following rules apply to removable storage media or devices: The exchange of RESTRICTED files via removable storage media should be avoided where possible. Approved electronic transmission means should be used instead. 19 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 Removable storage media containing RESTRICTED information shall be used only in systems approved up to that level according to par. 2.6.4 Unless the removable storage media is encrypted with an approved product it must be handled in the same manner as RESTRICTED documents in paper form. 2.6.6 Transmission a. Classified Information at RESTRICTED level may be transmitted by a commercial courier service or by a national courier service where required. b. Double envelopes or wrappings are required. The envelope or wrapping shall be opaque and shall not reveal that the package contains RESTRICTED information. Instructions on the additional applicable measures (if any) related to the transmission of European GNSS RESTRICTED COMSEC Items are included in Annex H “European GNSS COMSEC Instructions”. 2.6.7 Reproduction The reproduction of RESTRICTED information shall be limited to the minimum necessary. 2.6.8 Destruction Documents or other media containing RESTRICTED information can be destroyed by any approved means. There is no requirement for a record of destruction. 2.7 PROTECTION OF COMSEC ITEMS The rules and guidelines for the protection of COMSEC Items are set forth in Annex H of this PSI. Two caveat markings with following basic principles are defined: I. II. 2.8 Controlled COMSEC Item (CCI) is a caveat marking to control UNCLASSIFIED COMSEC items. CRYPTO is a caveat marking to control CLASSIFIED COMSEC items. BREACHES OF SECURITY AND COMPROMISE OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION 2.8.1 Reporting of breaches of security and compromise of Classified Information and/or COMSEC Items All Participants' personnel and Contractors shall report the actual or possible compromise of Classified Information or COMSEC Items to their responsible security office immediately and in any case not later than 24 hours after the discovery. The security office shall report the incident to their parent/host Security Authority in addition to any reporting procedures prescribed by national, EU or ESA security regulations immediately, and in any case not later than 48 hours after establishing the incident. The parent/host Security Authority shall immediately report the circumstances of the incident to the Security Directorate of the European Commission (PoC in ANNEX A2), which shall 20 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 liaise with the DG Enterprise GNSS LSO, to ensure an early response to European GNSS programmes incidents. The Commission, as the body responsible for the overall security of the European GNSS programmes, will establish the damage limitation or mitigation measures required if possible, and in coordination with the relevant Security Authority/ies as necessary. Any additional measures related to the reporting of breaches and compromise of COMSEC Items are addressed in Annex H, “European COMSEC Instructions”. 2.8.2 Management of breaches of security and Compromise of Classified Information and/or COMSEC Items a) The security officer of the facility where a Compromise may have occurred will investigate all such occurrences and inform their parent/host Security Authority of the results and initiate damage limitation or mitigation measures if possible. b) The Security Authority concerned will promptly and fully inform the other Participants' Security Authorities of the known details of any such occurrences. It will initiate an investigation if deemed appropriate and will provide updates as well as a final report of the investigation and of the corrective actions taken to preclude recurrences. c) Reports on the compromise or possible compromise shall include the following details: - a description of the circumstances, - the date or the period of the occurrence, - the date and location of the occurrence, - the security classification and markings of the information involved in the incident, - specific identification of the information or material, to include originator, subject, reference, date, copy number, and language, - a list of the information that has been compromised or material that is unaccounted for, - the responsible person(s) and reasons for compromise or possible compromise, - assessments of the likelihood of compromise (i.e., "certain," "probable", "possible," or "unlikely") including an explanation, - a statement on whether the originator has been informed, - actions taken to secure the information or material and limit further damage. d) The above reporting requirements are in addition to any other reporting requirements of the Participants, required by national, EU or ESA security regulations. e) A dedicated security document for specific situations (for instance, launch campaigns) shall be created describing the procedures to be adopted and the responsibilities for providing a prompt reaction to mitigate the impact caused by the compromise of the Classified Information. 21 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 Any additional measures related to the management of breaches and compromise of COMSEC Items are addressed in Annex H, “European COMSEC Instructions”. 22 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 SECTION III RELEASE OF INFORMATION 3.1 UNILATERAL RELEASE OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION AND/OR COMSEC ITEMS The unilateral release of Classified European GNSS Programme information and/or COMSEC Items to entities other than European GNSS Programme Participants and their Contractors is prohibited without the specific written approval of the country or international organisation originating the information. Requests for release will be handled in accordance with the paragraphs below. 3.2 RELEASE OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION AND/OR COMSEC ITEMS TO THIRD PARTIES Provided that there is a security agreement between EU and the third party, release of Classified Information and/or COMSEC Items related to the European GNSS Programmes will be restricted to those individuals who have demonstrated a need to know for the purposes of the performance of European GNSS Programmes and hold an appropriate PSC. a) European GNSS Programme information may only be released to Third Parties or their Contractors, with the prior written approval of - the Participant originating the Background Information - all Participants in respect of Foreground information. b) Requests for release will be submitted through the Contracting Authority or the competent POs to the Participants' authorities and finally to the GNSS-SB. 3.3 RELEASE OF CLASSIFIED EUROPEAN GNSS PROGRAMMES INFORMATION AT SYMPOSIA, SEMINARS AND CONFERENCES Release of Classified Information at symposia, seminars, conferences and workshops, regarding the European GNSS Programmes must be approved in advance by the GNSS SB. The Contractor will submit the particulars of the classified meeting through the Contracting Authority or the POs in advance with sufficient time to allow the GNSS SB to ascertain the extent of the Classified Information access and disclosures, and determine the organisation and composition of the proposed audience. Detailed requests for permission to release Classified Information shall be submitted a minimum of 45 days before the proposed date of release. Requests will include the name of the requesting individual, date of presentation, third parties represented, title of the symposium or seminar, and other information which may be required. 3.4 PUBLIC RELEASE OF UNCLASSIFIED EUROPEAN GNSS PROGRAMMES INFORMATION 23 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 Prior written approval from the originator for the public release of any unclassified Information, including papers, advertising, brochures, displays, web pages, and other publicity material, will be sought through the Contracting Authority or the competent PO. Contractors must ensure that subcontractors follow the same procedures. The PO may reject such proposals without further recourse. The Participant's PO will grant or deny release in accordance with its national rules and regulations. A minimum of 45 days shall be allowed for review of the proposal. It is incumbent upon the Participants to screen all information submitted to them for public release to ensure that: - it is unclassified, - it is technically accurate, and - release will not harm the essential interests of the Participants or of the Programmes. In accordance with Section 2.2, the fact that any information related to the European GNSS Programmes is not marked with a security classification grading does not mean that it can be released to the public. Any release of information requires a prior written authorisation and will be in accordance with the provisions of this Section. It is of utmost importance to recognise that uncontrolled public release of unclassified information such as system architecture, subjects linked to PRS service, Security organization and any other information for EU Official Use Only (marked LIMITÉ) may harm the interests of the Participants. 3.5 EXHIBITION AUTHORISATION Contractors who display European GNSS Programme information at exhibitions (e.g., at Air Shows, International Exhibitions, etc.) must have a copy of the document that provides authorisation for the display available at each exhibition. Contractors must ensure that all information is displayed in the form in which it was officially authorised for release. 24 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 SECTION IV INTERNATIONAL VISITS 4.1 GENERAL a) Each Participant will permit visits involving access to Classified Information to their facilities or the facilities of the Contracting Authority or of the Contractors by representatives of another Participant, by Contractor employees or staff of international organisations listed in Annex A2.2 (Non-Participants). These visits are subject to the following conditions: - the visit has an official purpose related to the European GNSS Programmes, - the facility to be visited has an appropriate Facility Security Clearance, - the visitor has an appropriate PSC and a Need-to-know, - the host security officer has been informed in advance and has authorized the visit. b) Visits must be requested by: - the Security Officer for Contractor employees, - the Security Officer or other representative of the NSA/DSA for representatives of a Participant State, - the Security Officer or other representative of the organisation competent for security for staff of an international organisation. c) All visiting personnel will comply with security regulations of the host Participant. Any Classified Information disclosed or made available to visitors will be treated as if supplied to the Participant sponsoring the visiting personnel and will be protected accordingly. d) To confirm his/her identity, the visitor must be in possession of an ID card or passport for presentation to the Security Officer of the receiving facility. e) Maximum use should be made of recurring visit requests. Recurring visits are intermittent visits over a specified period of time and for a specific purpose to one facility. Such requests shall be valid for up to one year from the start date requested in the RfV. 4.2 4.2.1. PROCEDURES FOR INTERNATIONAL VISITS Visits arranged directly a) The arrangements described in the following paragraphs apply to Contractors listed in Annex A4 of this PSI and representatives of the Participants who need to undertake visits to the facilities or their subcontractors involved in the GNSS Programmes located in one or more of the Participating countries and needing access to Classified Information at CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET level. Prior to arrival at a facility involved in the GNSS Programme, confirmation of the visitor’s PSC must be provided directly to the receiving facility, by the Security Officer of the sending facility by using the RfV form in Annex E1. b) It is the responsibility of the Security Officer of: 25 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 - the sending facility to ensure with their Security Authority that the company facility to be visited is in possession of an appropriate FSC, - both the sending and the receiving facilities to agree that there is a need for the visit. c) The receiving facility Security Officer must ensure that records are kept of all visitors, including their names, the organisation they represent, the date of expiry of the PSC, the date of the visit and the name(s) of the person(s) visited. Such records are to be retained for a period no less than three years. d) The Security Authority of the host Participant has the right to require prior notification from their facilities to be visited for visits of more than 21 days duration. The Security Authority may then grant approval, but should a problem arise it will consult the Security Authority of the visitor. 4.2.2. Visits requiring a standard international Request for Visit (RfV) a) The arrangements described in the following paragraph applies to visits between Participants's contractors not listed in Annex A4 and between Participants and Third Parties or their Contractors involving access to Classified Information at CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET level. b) A standard international Request for Visit (RfV, Annex E2) must be sent to the parent Security Authority of the Contractor who requires access to Classified Information. When the facility is located in a Participant other than the parent nation of the visitor, the Security Authority will send the RfV to the Security Authority of the facility to be visited. 4.2.3. Visits relating to information classified RESTRICTED Visits relating to information classified RESTRICTED will be arranged directly between the sending facility and the receiving facility. 26 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 SECTION V CONTRACTING AND SUBCONTRACTING 5.1 PRE-LETTING PHASE An FSC shall be granted by the NSA or DSA or any other competent security authority of a Participant to indicate, in accordance with national laws and regulations, that an industrial or other entity can protect classified information CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET within its facilities. It shall be presented to the contracting authority, before a contractor or subcontractor or potential contractor or subcontractor may be provided with or granted access to such classified information. In cases where there is no access to classified information CONFIDENTIAL or above during the bidding process, it is possible that companies wishing to bid for classified contracts may not hold an FSC and these companies should not be disadvantaged. Before entering into negotiations with contractors operating in ESA or EU premises for contracts involving the release of European GNSS Programme Information classified CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET, the Security Officer of the company letting the contract will ask via the relevant NSA/DSA to the ESA or EU appropriate Security Authorities for confirmation that the facilities concerned meet the requirements for hosting Classified Information CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET. When a company intending to make a bid has no or an insufficient FSC, but is in the process of obtaining the required FSC, its parent NSA/DSA shall confirm to the Contracting Authority that this process is ongoing, and a clause shall be included to cancel the contract if an FSC at the appropriate level is not obtained. In cases where the procedure to establish a FSC has been initiated but not yet completed, the relevant NSA/DSA may grant a preliminary FSC if permitted by national laws and regulations. Upon receipt of confirmation that the company in question has the required FSC, the company is invited to collect any relevant applicable classified documentation at the Contracting Authority’s premises. Where a company does not have a FSC, but already has appropriately cleared staff, the Contracting Authority may invite these cleared staff, if necessary after consultation of the relevant NSA/DSA, to consult the relevant classified documentation at the Contracting Authority’s premises. A non-disclosure agreement shall be signed prior to consulting the documents. When the contract is assigned to a company, the Contracting Authority’s responsible security officer shall verify that all classified material distributed to companies which were not successful is returned to the Contracting Authority according to the appropriate security rules contained in this PSI. 5.2 NATIONAL SUBCONTRACTS a) Before entering into negotiations for a subcontract involving the release of European GNSS Programme Information classified CONFIDENTIAL or above to a company in his/her own country, the Security Officer of the company letting 27 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 the contract will ask his/her parent NSA/DSA for an FSC for the potential Subcontractor. The FSC Information Sheet (FIS) at Annex F will be used. b) The FIS must include details of the highest level of Classified Information to be released, the nature and volume of the information and an explanation of the need for the potential Subcontractor to receive the information. c) If an FSC is issued by the NSA/DSA and the classified subcontract is let, two copies of the subcontract (security related aspects only) will be forwarded to the parent NSA/DSA to enable the security performance of the Subcontractor to be monitored. 5.3 INTERNATIONAL SUBCONTRACTS a) If a sub-contract is to be let in a non-participating state the advice of the GNSS SB should be sought and its approval obtained before the contract is negotiated. b) On receipt of the request for an FSC for precontractual discussions, the NSA/DSA of the country in which the potential Subcontractor is located will complete the reply section of the FIS form. Precontract discussions may only take place after receipt of a positive reply. c) If an international contract is let, two copies of the subcontract (security related aspects only) will be passed from the placing company to its NSA/DSA. The NSA/DSA will then pass the security aspects to the NSA/DSA of the Subcontractor who will make the necessary arrangements for the protection of all Classified Information released to the Subcontractor under the subcontract. 5.4 RESPONSIBILITY For any facility where Classified Information is to be handled, the Security Authority of the facility shall ensure the appointment of a Security Officer responsible for the protection of Classified Information and for the restriction of access to such information to those individuals who have a need to know and are appropriately cleared. The Security Authority of the hosting Participant (see Annex A1) will carry out regular security inspections of the cleared facilities to ensure that information is correctly protected. They will check that access to Classified Information is limited to appropriately cleared individuals on a need to know basis. Any company which has been identified by the Security Authority as being under the financial or administrative control of individuals or entities belonging to a third State will be authorised to participate in a contract requiring access to Classified Information of the European GNSS Programmes only after endorsement by the GNSS SB and provided that effective measures are in place to prevent any access to information by individuals or entities of this third State. The Contractors are obliged, under penalty of termination of their contract, to take all measures prescribed by their parent Security Authorities for safeguarding all Classified Information entrusted to, generated, or manufactured by the Contractor in the framework of the European GNSS Programmes. Furthermore, Contractors on the European GNSS Programmes are equally obliged to follow the provisions of this PSI. 28 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 5.5 Sep 2014 TRANSMISSION TO SUBCONTRACTORS Classified Information at the level of CONFIDENTIAL and above shall only be transmitted to a Subcontractor after a valid FSC is issued by the competent NSA/DSA. 29 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 SECTION VI LISTING OF SECURITY CLEARED FACILITIES 6.1 INTRODUCTION This section outlines the procedures for the development and maintenance of the list of Government organisations and Contractor and Subcontractor facilities that are involved in the European GNSS Programmes and to which information or material classified CONFIDENTIAL or above can be distributed. 6.2 LIST OF SECURITY CLEARED FACILITIES Annex A4 contains the list of companies which are allowed to have access to and exchange classified information at the security classification level CONFIDENTIAL and above in the framework of the European GNSS Programmes. Only companies contracted for activities at these classification levels within the European GNSS Programmes, or having a Preliminary Agreement To Proceed (PATP) in this framework will be listed in this annex. (Eligibility to participate in classified meetings or to access classified facilities, for which the standard RfV procedure is applicable, is not limited to the entities listed in Annex A 4) To be listed in this annex, the following steps are mandatory: Requests with all relevant details concerning the company to be listed shall be sent to: the ESA Galileo Project Office Security Officer for the Galileo Programme the EGNOS Project Office Security Officer for the EGNOS Programme the Security Officer of the relevant Contracting Authority in the case of other contracts (eg. European Commission, GSA) Contractors shall ensure that their direct sub-contractors are included in the Annex by forwarding the request to the appropriate Contracting Authority. The Security Officer of the relevant Contracting Authority shall request confirmation from the appropriate NSA/DSA that the company concerned has a valid Facility Security Clearance. Upon formal confirmation from the NSA/DSA, through the sending of FIS (an example is in ANNEX F), the relevant Security Officer shall send a request to the EU Commission as custodian of the European GNSS PSI to update the Annex A4 accordingly, providing all relevant details. The NSA/DSA concerned shall immediately inform the Contracting Authority as well as the PSI custodian of any change affecting the status of the FSC of the company concerned. The European Commission shall request annual confirmation of the details of the entities listed in the Annex A 4 from the competent NSA/DSA. Annex A2.3 contains the list of security cleared facilities of international organisations. Annex A3 contains the list of the participants' programme organisations. The PSI Custodian shall disseminate the updated annexes to Participants. 30 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 31 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 SECTION VII SECURITY PLAN IN EVENT OF TERMINATION 7.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this section is to describe procedures by which the Participants and Contractors will dispose of Background and Foreground information relating to the European GNSS Programmes Contract in any of the following events: a) A Participant or Contractor terminates the Contract. b) The Contract expires. c) A potential Contractor receives or generates information through a proposal process or an ITT procedure, and is not selected. d) A Contractor receives and generates information and/or hardware during an early phase of the European GNSS Programmes and is not selected for work on a further phase of the European GNSS Programmes. The responsible Contracting Authority will ensure that the terms of this section are included as an obligatory requirement of each contract let. 7.2 PARTICIPANT HELD INFORMATION In the event of termination or expiry of a European GNSS Programme Contract, the Participants' respective rights and responsibilities with regard to Background and Foreground information relating to the European GNSS Programmes will be determined by the Contracting Authority, taking duly into account the rights of the Originator. A Participant that is authorised to retain Classified Information must safeguard it in accordance with this PSI and national security regulations or ESA or EU Security Regulations, as applicable, and will not use that information for other purposes without the prior written consent of the originating Participant. 7.3 CONTRACTOR HELD INFORMATION 32 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 a) All Information related to the European GNSS Programmes Contract shall remain the property of the Participants. b) All Information released within the context of a European GNSS Programmes Contract, whether the recipient participates in the bidding or not, and whether the bidder is successful or not, must be retained/returned/destroyed according the following provisions: - A potential Contractor receives or generates information through a proposal process or an ITT procedure, and is not selected: All invitations to bid in respect of Classified contracts will contain a clause requiring a potential Contractor who does not submit a bid to return all documents which were provided to enable him to submit a bid to the Contracting Authority by the date set for the opening of bids. Similarly, an unsuccessful bidder will be required to return all documents after a stipulated period of time (normally within 15 days after notification that a bid or negotiation proposal was not accepted). - When the bidder was successful and the contract is terminated, expires or if the contractor is not selected for further work on the next phase of a programme, he must: -- return all information to the Security Authority, or to the Contractor that let the sub-contract, unless – only in the case of unclassified or RESTRICTED information– it has been destroyed, or its retention has been duly authorised with the approval of the GNSS SB,; -- ensure that destruction is regulated and recorded in accordance with the relevant security rules and regulations. c) In the event that a FSC is withdrawn, the Contractor must return all Classified Information to the Contracting Authority or dispose of such information in accordance with instructions from the Security Authority concerned. 33 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 SECTION VIII SECURITY EDUCATION AND AWARENESS 8.1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES 8.1.1 Participants' and Contractors' employees who will have access to European GNSS programmes Classified Information and/or COMSEC Items will be briefed on or otherwise informed of, and acknowledge their understanding of their responsibilities for the protection of such information. This may be accomplished by a briefing, the use of written material or by electronic means. 8.1.2 Participants handling Classified Information and/or COMSEC Items in connection with the European GNSS programmes will develop a security education and awareness programme to ensure that personnel are thoroughly familiar with their individual security responsibilities regarding classified programme information. Security education and awareness programmes will be tailored to satisfy the specific security aspects of the programme by using Participant’s security procedures and regulations as a baseline. 8.1.3 Participants shall remind all personnel who require access to Classified Information and/or COMSEC Items of their continuing responsibilities for safeguarding classified programme information and/or COMSEC Items, including: a. The relevant laws and regulations which apply to the protection of Classified Information and/or COMSEC Items, the requirements of the programme and the penalties or other consequences of any breaches of security. b. Briefing on the hostile intelligence threat, collection techniques and methods and defensive measures employed to counter the threat. c. The need to report promptly all security breaches, unauthorized disclosures, or possible Compromise of classified programme information and/or COMSEC Items to his/her Security Officer. d. Those security requirements, which specifically pertain to the employee's work assignment and the contents of this European GNSS PSI. 8.2 SECURITY BRIEFING Prior to initial access to European GNSS Classified Information and/or COMSEC Items and periodically during the course of the programme, personnel will be briefed by the responsible Security Officer. 8.3 SECURITY AWARENESS The security awareness of personnel performing classified or COMSEC related work under the programme may be addressed by the applicable Participant’s Security Authority during any security inspections. Security awareness also should be assessed during self-inspections conducted by the participant's security officers. 34 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 8.4 TRAVEL SECURITY BRIEFING When persons travel to countries where special security risks may exist, security briefings given by the security officer concerned may be required prior to travel. These briefings will include a discussion of the intelligence threat, tactics used by collectors, and protective measures and precautions the traveller can employ to minimize his/her susceptibility to exploitation. 8.5 SECURITY DEBRIEFING Security debriefings should be given to personnel when they no longer require access to European GNSS programmes Classified Information and/or COMSEC Items and will consist of a reminder of the continuing responsibility to protect Classified Information and the penalties for failure to do so. Debriefing certificates may be used to record the debriefings. 35 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A ANNEX A PARTICIPANTS’ AUTHORITIES, INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS (PARTICIPANTS AND NONPARTICIPANTS), PARTICIPANTS’ PROJECT ORGANISATIONS, LIST OF European GNSS Programmes CONTRACTORS Annex A - 1 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A A1 SECURITY AUTHORITIES OF THE PARTICIPATING NATIONS Austria NSA Bundeskanzleramt/Büro der Informationssicherheitskommission, Federal Chancellery/Office of the Information Security Commission Ballhausplatz 2, 1014 Wien Österreich Ing. Gerald TROST, BSc Telephone: +43 1 53115/2749 Fax: +43 1 2697861 E-Mail: DSA Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie/ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology Sektion I/Abteilung CS3 - Recht und Koordination/ Division I/Department CS 3 – Legal Services and Coordination Radetzkystraße 2 1030 Wien Österreich Mag. Michael LUCZENSKY Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Sektion I/ Präs. 3 - Recht und Koordination Division I/ Präs. 3 - Legal Services and Coordination Tel. +43 1 711 62 65 7408 Fax: +43 1 711 62 65 7499 GSM: +43 664 8188928 E-Mail: Point of Contact for standard Requests for Visits (RfV) Mag. Michael LUCZENSKY Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Sektion I/ Präs. 3 - Recht und Koordination Division I/ Präs. 3 - Legal Services and Coordination Tel. +43 1 711 62 65 7408 Fax: +43 1 711 62 65 7499 GSM: +43 664 8188928 E-Mail: Annex A - 2 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Belgium NSA National Security Authority FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Rue des Petits Carmes, 15 B-1000 BRUXELLES Belgium Telephone: +32 2 501 45 42 Fax: +32 2 501 45 96 Email: Annex A - 3 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Bulgaria NSA Държавна комисия по сигурността на информацията ул. Ангел Кънчев 1 София 1000 България State Commission on Information Security 1 Angel Kanchev Str. BG-1000 Sofia Тelephone: (359-2) 921 59 11 Fax: (359-2) 987 37 50 Annex A - 4 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Cyprus NSA Ministry of Defence Minister’s Military Staff National Security Authority (NSA) 4 Emanuel Roidi street CY-1432 Nicosia Telephone: Fax: (357-22) 80 75 69, (357-22) 80 76 43, (357-22) 80 77 64, (357) 99 (357-22) 30 23 51 Annex A - 5 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Czech Republic NSA Národní bezpečnostní úřad (National Security Authority) Na Popelce 2/16 CZ-150 06 Praha 56 Telephone: Fax: (420) 257 28 33 35 (420) 257 28 31 10 Annex A - 6 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Denmark NSA Politiets Efterretningstjeneste (the Danish Security Intelligence Service) Klausdalsbrovej 1 DK – 2860 Søborg Telephone: + 45 33 14 88 88 Fax: + 45 45 15 01 90 E-mail: DSA Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (the Danish Defence Intelligence Service) Kastellet 30 DK – 2100 Copenhagen Ø Telephone: + 45 33 32 55 66 Fax: + 45 33 93 13 20 E-mail: Annex A - 7 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Estonia NSA Estonian National Security Authority Security Department Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Estonia Sakala 1 EE-15094 Tallinn Telephone: Faxs: + 372/7170 077, + 372/7170 030 + 372/7170 213 Annex A - 8 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Finland NSA National Security Authority (NSA) Ministry for Foreign Affairs Kanavakatu 3 B, Helsinki P.O. Box 453 FI-00023 Government Finland Telephone: +358-9-160 56487 (Director of the NSA) +358-9-160 56467 (Deputy Director of the NSA) +358-9-160 55882 (Legal Advisor of the NSA) Fax: +358-9-16 05 5140 Email: DSAs 1. Industrial Security issues, general matters Ministry of Defence Designated Security Authority Security Unit PO Box 31 FI-00131 Helsinki Finland Telephone : Fax : Email : +358-9-160 88 307 (Security Director) +358-9-160 88 311 (Deputy Security Director, Industrial and Space issues) +358-9-160 88 278 Defence related PSCs Defence Command DSA PO Box 919 FI-00131 Helsinki Telephone: +358-299-500 929 Fax: +358-299-500 991 E-Mail: PSCs and FSCs Finnish Security Intelligence Service DSA PO Box 151 FI-00121 Helsinki Telephone: +358-9-71 878 0131 Fax: +358-9-278 7596 E-mail: COMSEC and NDA Issues Annex A - 9 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (FICORA) NCSA-FI PO Box 313 FI-00181 Helsinki Telephone: +358-9-69 661 Fax: +358-9-6966 410 E-mail: general: accreditation of information systems: Point of Contact for standard Requests for Visits (RfV) Please contact Finnish NSA Annex A - 10 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A France NSA for Policy and National Regulations Secrétariat Général de la Défense Nationale 51 Boulevard de Latour-Maubourg 75700 Paris France Telephone: TELEX: Fax: +33 1 71 75 81 91 SEGEDEFNAT 20 00 19 +33 1 71 75 82 00 DSAs for Implementation Délégation Générale pour l'Armement (DGA) Service de la Sécurité de Défense et des systemes d’information International defense and information security office Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) Directeur Central de la Sécurité Fonctionnaire de Sécurité de Défense CNES / DCS / D 7 rue des Mathurins 2 Place Maurice Quentin 75039 Paris Cedex 01 France 92221 Bagneux Cedex France Chief International & Industrial Security Dpt Telephone: +33 1 46 19 86 82 Assistant Telephone: +33 1 46 19 69 50 Fax: +33 1 46 19 69 51 Tél. : +33 (0)1 44 76 79 40 Tél. secr. : +33 (0)1 44 76 76 28 Fax : +33 (0)1 44 76 78 39 Point of Contact for standard Requests for Visits (RfV) Tel :+33 1 46 19 69 76 or +33 1 46 19 69 85 (first number for French visits abroad, second number for foreigners visits to France) Fax: +33 1 46 19 69 51 or +33 1 46 19 69 90 (first number for French visits abroad, second number for foreigners visits to France) Annex A - 11 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Germany NSA Federal Ministry of the Interior Referat OeS III 3 Alt-Moabit 101 D 10559 Berlin Germany Telephone: Fax: Email: +49 30 18 681 1593 +49 30 18 681 1441 DSA Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Division of Industrial Security: Security control, International affairs Villemombler Str. 76 53123 Bonn Germany Telephone: Fax: e-mail: +49 228 99615 39 86 +49 228 99615 26 76 Annex A - 12 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Greece NSA Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDGS) Military Intelligence Sectoral Directorate Security Counterintelligence Directorate GR-STG 1020 Holargos — Athens Telephone: Fax: (30-210) 657 20 09 (ώρες γραφείου), (30-210) 657 20 10 (ώρες γραφείου) (30-210) 642 64 32, (30-210) 652 76 12 Annex A - 13 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Hungary NSA Nemzeti Biztonsági Felügyelet Pf.: 2 H-1357 Budapest Telephone: Fax: (36-1) 346 96 52 (36-1) 346 96 58 Annex A - 14 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Ireland NSA National Security Authority Department of Foreign Affairs 80 St Stephens Green Dublin 2 Telephone: Fax: + 353-1-478 08 22 + 353-1-478 14 84 Annex A - 15 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Italy NSA/DSA PRESIDENZA DEL CONSIGLIO DEI MINISTRI DIPARTIMENTO INFORMAZIONI PER LA SICUREZZA UFFICIO CENTRALE PER LA SEGRETEZZA Via di S.Susanna, 15 00187 ROMA Telephone + 39 06 6117-4855 (Level 1 Officer) + 39 06 6117-4032 (Level 2 Officer) FAX + 39 06 4885-273 E-mail Point of Contact for standard Requests for Visits (RfV) PRESIDENZA DEL CONSIGLIO DEI MINISTRI DIPARTIMENTO INFORMAZIONI PER LA SICUREZZA UFFICIO CENTRALE PER LA SEGRETEZZA Via di S.Susanna, 15 00187 ROMA Telephone: Fax: +39 06 61 17 44 87, Dirigente seconda fascia livello 2 +39 06 61 17 51 55 or +39 06 61 17 41 34 Level 2 Officer +39 06 61 29 70 04 Annex A - 16 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Latvia NSA National Security Authority of Constitution Protection Bureau of the Republic of Latvia Miera iela 85 A LV-1001 Rīga Telephone: Fax: (371) 702 54 18 (371) 702 54 54 Annex A - 17 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Lithuania NSA National Security Authority of the Republic of Lithuania Gedimino pr. 40/1 LTL-2600 Vilnius Telephone: Fax: (370) 5 266 32 05 (370) 5 266 32 00 Annex A - 18 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Luxembourg NSA Boîte postale 2379 1023 Luxemburg Telephone: Fax: E-Mail: +352 2 478 2210 +352 2 478 2243 Point of Contact for standard Requests for Visits (RfV) Carlo Mreches Head of unit Telephone: +352 2 478 2210 Fax: +352 2 478 2243 E-Mail: Note Luxembourg does not have a DSA. Annex A - 19 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Malta NSA Malta National Security Authority Ministry for Home Affairs P.O. Box 146 Valletta VLT1000 Tel.: +356 21249844 Fax: +356 25695321 DSA Malta Standards Authority (MSA) Second Floor, Evans Building Merchants Street, Valletta VLT 1179 Telephone: +356 21242420 Fax: +356 21242406 E-Mail: Point of Contact for standard Requests for Visits (RfV) Francis Sciberras Deputy Head National Security Authority Telephone: +356 25695301/324 Fax: +356 25695321 E-Mail: Francis Farrugia Head - Standarization Directorate Malta Standards Authority Telephone: +356 21242420 Fax: +356 21242406 E-Mail: Annex A - 20 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Netherlands NSA/DSA Ministry of Internal Affairs and Kingdom relations General Intelligence and Security Service of the Netherlands Po box 20010 2500 EA The Hague Netherlands Telephone: +31 70 320 44 00 Fax: +31 70 320 07 33 Point of Contact for standard Requests for Visits (RfV) Netherlands Industrial Visit Control Office, NIVCO Telephone: Fax: +31 70 320 0331 +31 70 327 9430 Annex A - 21 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Norway NSA Norwegian National Security Security Authority P.O. Box 14 N-1306 Bærum postterminal NORWAY Telephone: Fax: +47 67 86 40 00 +47 67 86 40 09 Point of Contact for standard Requests for Visits (RfV) Defence Security Agency Langkaia 1 0015 Oslo Telephone: Fax: +47 2309 7643 +47 2309 7639 Annex A - 22 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Poland NSA Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego – ABW Departament Ochrony Informacji Niejawnych ul. Rakowiecka 2 A 00-993 Warszawa Polska Telephone: Fax: (48-22) 585 73 60 (48-22) 585 85 09 Służba Kontrwywiadu Wojskowego Biuro Ochrony Informacji Niejawnych ul. Oczki 1 02-007 Warszawa Polska Telephone: Fax: (48-22) 684 12 47 (48-22) 684 10 76 Annex A - 23 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Portugal NSA Presidência do Conselho de Ministros Autoridade Nacional de Segurança Avenida Ilha da Madeira, 1 P-1400-204 Lisboa Telephone: Fax: (+351) 21 301 17 10 (+351) 21 303 17 11 Annex A - 24 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Romania NSA Romanian ANS – ORNISS Strada Mureș nr. 4 RO-012275 București Telephone: Fax: (40-21) 224 58 30 (40-21) 224 07 14 Annex A - 25 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Slovakia NSA Národný bezpečnostný úrad (National Security Authority) Budatínska 30 P.O. Box 16 850 07 Bratislava 57 Slovenská republika Telephone: Fax: (421-2) 68 69 23 14 (421-2) 63 82 40 05 Annex A - 26 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Slovenia NSA Urad Vlade RS za varovanje tajnih podatkov Gregorčičeva 27 SI-1000 Ljubljana Telephone: Fax: (386-1) 478 13 90 (386-1) 478 13 99 Annex A - 27 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Spain NSA Autoridad Delegada para la Seguridad de la Información Clasificada Oficina Nacional de Seguridad C/ Argentona 20, 28023 Madrid Telephone: +34 91 2832 289 Fax: +34 91 372 58 08 E-mail: Point of Contact for standard Requests for Visits (RfV) Telephone: +34 91 372 50 97 Fax: +34 91 372 58 08 E-mail: Annex A - 28 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Sweden NSA/DSA Security Secretariat Ministry for Foreign Affairs SE-103 39 STOCKHOLM Sweden Telephone: Fax: +46 8 405 10 00 +46 8 723 11 76 Annex A - 29 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Switzerland NSA Telephone: TELEX: Fax: E-Mail: DSA Telephone: TELEX: Fax: E-Mail: Point of Contact for standard Requests for Visits (RfV) Telephone: TELEX: Fax: E-Mail: Annex A - 30 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A United Kingdom NSA UK National Security Authority Cabinet Office Room 335 70 Whitehall London SW1A 2AS United Kingdom Email: Tel: +44 (0)207 276 5497 Fax: +44 (0)207 276 5651 DSA, also for Requests for Visits (RfV) UK Space Agency Polaris House, Room C204 North Star Avenue Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 1SZ United Kingdom Mr Paul Bergin Telephone: +44 (0) 1793 41 8058 Fax: +44 (0) 1793 41 8099 E-mail: Annex A - 31 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A A2 INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS A2.1 SECURITY AUTHORITIES OF PARTICIPATING INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS ESA Security Authority ESA Security Office Telephone: Fax: Security Office Manager: Mr. Stefano Zatti Telephone: E-Mail: Point of Contact for standard Requests for Visits (RfV) ESA Personnel Security Officer – Mrs. Anna Maria Balsano Telephone: Fax: E-Mail: ESA Personnel Security Administration – Ms. Roisin O'Neill Telephone: Fax: E-Mail: Point of Contact for direct Requests for Visits (RfV) to Galileo ESTEC ESA Galileo Project Office Security Officer – Ms. Nathalie Gay Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Point of Contact for direct Requests for Visits (RfV) to the Galileo PRS Lab, ESTEC ESA Galileo PRS Lab Security Officers Mr. Domenico Giunta Telephone: +31(0)715653863 E-mail: Mr. Simon Johns Telephone: +31(0)715654624 E-mail: Annex A - 32 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Point of Contact for direct Requests for Visits (RfV) to the Galileo ETS Test Facilities, ESTEC ESA Galileo ETS Test Facilities Security Officers Mr. Bob Smak Tel: +31(0)715654205 Bob. Mr. Cees van Zijtveld Tel: +31(0)715655541 Mr. Frans Starkenburg Tel: +31(0)715655607 Point of Contact for direct Requests for Visits (RfV) to the ESA Classified Facilities of ESOC (Darmstadt, Germany): ESOC Classified Facility Security Officer Thierry Bru Telephone: +49 6151 90 2124 Email: Marc Roubert Telephone: +49 6151 90 2740 Email: Mr. Ramesh Chellathurai Tel: +496151902101 Annex A - 33 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A European Commission Security Authority European Commission Security Directorate DG HR. Directorate Security (DS) Rue de la Loi 200 B-1049 Brussels Belgium Telephone: +32 (0)2 296 69 38 (Security Advice) Point of Contact for Security Incident reporting: DG ENTR GNSS LSO Point of Contact for standard Requests for Visits (RfV) Ms. Anna Gibbon-Wright et Maryse Vandecasteele- DG HR. DS.2: Phone : +32 2 29 92286 or +32 2 29 96622 Fax : +32 2 29 94441 Email : Please send a copy to the LSO : Mr. Louis Charles – DG ENTR GNSS LSO DM28 05/74 Phone : +32 2 295 18 97 Fax : +32 2 296 94 00 Email : Annex A - 34 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A European GNSS Agency (GSA) Security Authority Head of the Security Department Janovskeho 438/2, 170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic. GSA Local Security Officer Mr Karel Moras Janovskeho 438/2 170 00 Prague 7 – Czech Republic Phone: E-Mail: +420 234 766 622 Point of Contact for Requests for Visits (RfV) to GSA - GSMC GSMC Local Security Officer Denis-Paul MICHEL Tel: +32 4738 65316 E-mail : Annex A - 35 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Council of the European Union, Office of the Secretary General / High Representative, General Secretariat of the Council Security Authority Security Office General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union Rue de la Loi, 175 B-1048 Brussels Belgium Telephone: +32 2 281 8517 Annex A - 36 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A A2.2 SECURITY CLEARED STAFF MEMBERS OF NON-PARTICIPANTS None at present Annex A - 37 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A A2.3 SECURITY CLEARED FACILITIES OF THE PARTICIPATING INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS Country Name Address Security Officer (Name, Tel, Fax, Email) Project Leader (Name, Tel, Fax, Email) The Netherlands ESA Galileo Project Office Nathalie GAY Tel: +31 71 565 3904 Fax: +31 71 565 4369 Javier BENEDICTO RUIZ Tel: +31 71 565 3738 Fax: +31 71 565 4369 The Netherlands ESA ESTEC Test Centre ESTEC Keplerlaan 1 PO Box 299 NL-2200 AG Noordwijk ZH ESTEC Test Centre Keplerlaan 1 NL 2200 AG Noordwijk The Netherlands Bob Smak, Tel: +31(0)715654205 Frans Starkenburg Tel: +31(0)715655607 Frans.van.starkenburg@esa.i nt The Netherlands ESA ESTEC GALILEO PRS Lab ESTEC GALILEO PRS Lab Keplerlaan 1 NL 2200 AG Noordwijk The Netherlands Belgium GSA Rue de la Loi 56 Bruxelles B-1049 Belgium Italy ESA Security Office ESRIN Czech Republic GSA HQ France GSMC ESA Security Office ESRIN Via Galileo Galilei, CP64 00044 Frascati Italy Janovskeho 438/2, 170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic Galileo Security Monitoring Center (GSMC-FR) 8, Avenue du President Kennedy BP 40202 F-78102 Saint-Germainen-Laye Cedex France Cees Van Zijtveld, Tel: +31(0)715655541 Simon Johns Tel: +31(0)715654624 Domenico Giunta Tel: +31(0)715653863 Karel MORAS Tel +420 234 766 622 Olivier Crop Tel: +32 2295 8426 Fax: +32 2292 0872 Roisin O'Neill Tel +39 06 941 80 881 Roisin.O' Karel Moras Tel: +420 234 766 622 Denis-Paul MICHEL Tel: +32 4738 65316 GSM : +32 4738 65316 E-mail : Annex A - 38 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Germany ESOC Classified Facility Robert-Bosch-Strasse 5 64293 Darmstadt Germany Thierry Bru Telephone: +49 6151 90 2124 Email: Mr. Manfred Lugert Tel: +496151904110 Marc Roubert Telephone: +49 6151 90 2740 Email: Mr. Ramesh Chellathurai Tel: +496151902101 Ramesh.Chellathurai@esa.i nt Annex A - 39 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A A3 NATIONAL PROJECT ORGANISATIONS Please find below the details of national project organisations that have been provided by Participating States Austria National Project Office Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft/Austrian Research Promotion Agency Bereich Luft- und Raumfahrt/Aeronautics and Space Agency Sensengasse 1 1090 Vienna Österreich Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Stephan MAYER Telephone: +43 057755/3305 Fax: +43 057755/9330 E-Mail: Belgium Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO) Head of Unit Space Research and Applications Mrs GRANDJEAN Agnes Avenue LOUISE 231 B-1050 BRUSSELS Tel: +32-2 238 35 66 Fax: +32-2 238 37 00 Finland National Project Office Mr Esa Panula-Ontto Tekes, the National Technology Agency P.O. BOX 69, FI-00101 Helsinki Finland Tel. +358 10 521 5853 Fax. +358 10 521 5901 e-mail. Annex A - 40 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A France National Project Office Délégation Générale pour l'Armement Direction des systèmes de forces et des stratégies, industrielle, technologique et de coopération 7 rue des Mathurins92221 Bagneux Cedex FRANCE Project leader : ICA (Col.) Benoit Laurensou Office Symbol : DGA/ D4S/SASF Telephone : +33 1 46 19 72 93 Fax : E-mail : Security Officer : Mr Louis Allanic Office Symbol : DGA/D4S/BSD Telephone : +33 1 46 19 71 62 Fax : +33 1 46 19 71 61 National Expert Délégation Générale pour l'Armement Direction de l’expertise technique Laboratoire de Recherche Balistiques et Aérodynamiques 27207 VERNON CEDEX FRANCE Project leader : Mr. André Lanciano Office Symbol : DGA/ DET/LRBA/SDA Telephone : +33 2 27 24 42 58 Fax : +33 2 27 24 44 58 e-mail : CELAR : Centre d’électronique de l’armement Boite postale 7 35998 Rennes Armees Project Leader : Mr Pascal Chantrenne Telephone: +33 2 99 42 90 11 CNES : Centre National d’études spatiales 18, Ave Édouard Belin 31401 Toulouse cedex 9 Project leader : Monsieur Luis RUIZ BPI : 2012 Email: T: +33 (0)5 61 28 14 32 F: +33 (0)5 61 28 34 00 Secr.: +33 (0)5 61 27 32 17 (Navigation & Positioning System Engineering) Annex A - 41 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Germany National Project Office Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) Königswinterer Str. 522-524 53227 Bonn Dr. Ulrich Theis Telephone: +49 228 447 231 Fax: +49 228 447 703 E-mail: National Expert BSI (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik) Project Leader : Mr. Frank Christophori VS-Registry Mainzer Str. 84 53179 Bonn-Mehlem (Germany) Telephone: +49 228 9582812 Italy National Project Office Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) Viale Liegi , 26 00198 ROMA Dr. Mario CAPORALE Telephone: +39 06 8567264 telefax: +39 06 8567217 E-mail: National Expert Ministero della Difesa Name: tbd Luxembourg National Project Office Dr. Marc Serres ESA Programmes Ministry for Culture, Higher Education and Research Research and Innovation 20 Montée de la Pétrusse L-2912 Luxembourg Tel.: +352 2 478-6643 Fax: +352 2 460927 e-mail: Annex A - 42 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A The Netherlands National Project Office Netherlands Space Office Juliana van Stolberglaan 3 2509 AC Den Haag Project Leader J. Glazener Telephone: Fax: Mobile : E-mail: +31 (0)70 – 373 45 30+31 (0)70 – 373 45 10 +31 (0)6 22 49 46 89 Annex A - 43 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Norway National Project Office Norwegian Spacecentre Drammensveien 165 Po. Box 113 Skøyen N-0212 Oslo Lars Giske Telephone: Fax: E-mail: +47 2251 1834 +47 2251 1801 Spain National Point of Contact División de Prospectiva y Estudios del Transporte Secretaría General de Transporte Ministerio de Fomento Paseo de la Castellana, 67 28071, Madrid Telephone: +34.91.597.80.83 Fax: +34.91 .597.87.49 E-mail : Sweden National Project Office Swedish National Space Board Box 4006 SE-17104 SOLNA Telephone: +46 8 627 6480 Fax: +46 8 627 5014 Switzerland Annex A - 44 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A United Kingdom National Project Office UK Space Agency Polaris House, Room C204 North Star Avenue Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 1SZ United Kingdom Email 1: Email 2: Tel No: +44 (0)1793 41 8058 Fax No: +44 (0)1793 41 8099 National Expert Mr. J Owen Bld 5 Rm 101 Isat B Defence Science and Technology Laboratory DSTL Porton Down Salisbury, Wilts SP4 0JQ United Kingdom Email: Tel No: +44 (0)1980 65 8331 Mr. J Starbuck Same postal address as Mr Owen above. Email: Tel No: +44 (0)1980 65 8332 Annex A - 45 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A A4 LIST OF COMPANIES AND SITES INVOLVED IN European GNSS Programmes SECURITY ACTIVITIES at the level CONFIDENTIAL and above Competitive Dialogue Phase Country Company Name Address Security Officer (Name, Tel, Fax, E-Mail) Belgium BT Limited, Belgian Branch Telecomlaan 9 B-1831 Diegem Belgium NOSSENT, Beatrice Tel : +32 2 700 22 11 Fax: +32 2 200 32 11 France Arianespace Boulevard de l’Europe 91000 Evry France VILMER, Bertrand Head of Security Tel: +33 1 6087 6095 Fax: +33 1 6087 6249 Project Leader (Name, Tel, Fax, EMail) Comments assistant : Isabelle Sassier Security Officer Arianespace Tel. +33 1 6087 6473 France Thales Alenia Space 26, Avenue J.F. Champollion BP 1187 31037 Toulouse Cedex France Mireille Jarry Security Officer Arianespace Evry Tél : +33 1 6087 6041 Jean Pierre Vincent Tel.: +33 5 3435 5597 Fax: +33 5 3435 6112 jeanpierre.vincent@thalesalenias France Thales Communications & Security SAS 4, Avenue des Louvresses 92622 Gennevilliers Cedex, France France Thales Communications & Security 110, av. du Marechal Leclerc BP 945 49309 Cholet Cedex France Olivier Meffre Tel.: +33 1 46 132 312 Fax: +33 1 4613 3510 m Christophe Delamarre Tel.: +33 2 41 645 793 Fax: +33 2 41 71 24 75 christophe.delamarre@thalesgro France CENTRE SPATIAL DE TOULOUSE 18, avenue Edouard Belin 31401 TOULOUSE cedex 9 Monsieur Guy NABET Tél. : 05 61 27 46 15 Fax : 05 61 27 48 51 France CENTRE SPATIAL GUYANAIS (CSG) BP 726 97387 Kourou Cedex POIROT, Philippe Tel.:+33 1 4613 2792 Tel.:+33 1 4613 2871 philippe.poirot@thales LE MANER, AnneLise Tel.:+33 2 41 645 028 Fax:+33 2 41 645 847 Annelise.lemaner@thalesgro Monsieur Vincent GABORIT Tél. : 05 61 28 32 99 Fax : 05 61 28 17 99 Monsieur Michel EUZENAT Téléphone : +33 05 94 33 73 75 Fax : +33 5 94 33 49 75 Monsieur Jean LACOGNE Téléphone : +33 5 94 33 41 97 Fax : +33 5 94 33 49 75 Annex A - 46 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Country Company Name Address Security Officer (Name, Tel, Fax, E-Mail) Project Leader (Name, Tel, Fax, EMail) Comments Germany Astrium GmbH Astrium GmbH Taufkirchen Germany Monsieur Pascal LOBEL Téléphone : +33 5 94 33 41 83 Fax : +33 5 94 33 49 75 Renate Pfeiffer-Vogler Tel: +49 89 607 27807 Fax:+49 89 607 23021 Germany Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. Oberpfaffenhofen Münchener Straße 20 D-82234 Wessling Germany Universitätsallee 2729 D-28359 Bremen Germany Andreas Bleiziffer Tel.: +49 8153 28 2274 Fax: +49 8153 28 1342 Ronald Müller Tel.: +49 421 2020 9876 Fax: +49 421 2020 700 Germany OHB System AG Germany Thales Electronic Systems GmbH Ostendstrasse 3 75175 Pforzheim Proske, Jens Tel.: +49-7231-15-3178 Fax: +49-7231-15-3679 Germany T-Systems International GmbH Mina-Rees-Str. 8 64295 Darmstadt Germany Spaceopal GmbH Münchner Str. 20 82234 Weßling Germany Susanne ENGLERT Tel.: +49 6151-581-9013 Fax: +49 6151-5802-36849 Ludwig Stuber Tel.: 089-4111-85614 Fax: 089-4111-85629 Germany DLR Gesellschaft für Raumfahrtanwen du ngen (GfR) mbH Münchner Str. 20 82234 Weßling Germany Italy Telespazio S.p.A. Via Tiburtina, 965 00156 Roma Italy Italy Telespazio S.p.A. Via Cintarella, 67051 Ortucchio (AQ) Italy THALES ALENIA SPACE ITALIA S.p.A. Via Saccomuro 24 00131 Roma Italy DALMEIR-BERTHOLD, Michael Tel.: +49 8153 28 3724 Fax: +49 8153 28 1232 FUSCO Alessandro COSTA, Armida (assistant) Tel.: +39 06 4079 6500 Fax: +39 06 4099 3919 Fax: +39 06 4079 9906 m Gary Rizzo Tel.+390863550313 Fax.+390640999818 RAJOLA PESCARINI, Lando Tel.: +39 06 41514417 Fax: +39 06 41514452 lando.rajola@ Dr. KNOBLOCH, Pascal Tel.: + 49 421 2020 9831 Fax: +49 421 2020 600 Hans-Peter Jöckel Tel.: +49 7231 153206 Fax : +49 7231 153228 HansPeter.Joeckel@thalesgr Langenbach, Christian Tel +49 (0) 89 4111856 10 Fax +49 (0) 89 4111856 29 christian.langenbach@ Email sent on 4-4 FERLONI, Fulvia Tel.: +39 06 4079 3389 Fax: +39 06 4099 9370 Fulvia.ferloni@telespa FERLONI, Fulvia Tel.: +39 06 4079 3389 Fax: +39 06 4099 9370 Fulvia.ferloni@telespa SASSOROSSI Tiziano Tel: +39 06 41513152 Fax.: +39 06 41512015 Tiziano.sassorossi@tha Annex A - 47 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Country Company Name Address Security Officer (Name, Tel, Fax, E-Mail) Italy Vitrociset S.p.A. Luxembour g SES Société Anonyme Via Salaria 1027 00138 Roma Italy Chateau de Betzdorf L-6815 Betzdorf Luxembourg Luxembour g SES ASTRA TechCom S.A. LEANZA, Giuseppe Tel: +39 06 88201 Fax: +39 06 8820 2358 MARGUE, Pierre Tel : +352 710 725 276 Fax: +352 710 725 532 GIANNANDREA, Jos Tel: +352 710725 265 Fax: +352 710725 575 Chateau de Betzdorf L-6815 Betzdorf Luxembourg The Netherlands CGI Nederland BV George Hintzenweg 89 3068 AX Rotterdam Po Box 8566 3009 AN Rotterdam The Netherlands PERRE, Michael Tel.: +31 (0)88 5640 000 Fax: +31 (0)88 5649 540 Mob: +31 (0)6 5152 4870 The Netherlands European Test Services (ETS) B.V. Keplerlaan 1 • Postbox 299 NL-2200 AG Noordwijk Cees van Zijtveld Phone: Tel: +31 71 565 5541 Fax: +31 71565 56 59 Project Leader (Name, Tel, Fax, EMail) Comments Dan ISAAC (for deployment activities) Tel: +352 710725 694 Fax: +352 710725 575 Georges AMIRZA (for operations/service activities): Tel: +352 710725 9237 Fax: +352 710725 575 m OVERBEEK, Cock Tel: +31(0)885646993 Fax: +31(0)885649540 Mob:+31(0)651280949 m Paul-Eric Dupuis Phone: +31 71 565 5969 Frans van Starkenburg Tel : + 31 71 565 5607 Fax: +31 71565 56 59 United Kingdom EADS Astrium Ltd United Kingdom Lockheed Martin UK Integrated Systems and Solutions Limited United Kingdom CGI IT UK Limited EADS Astrium Limited Anchorage Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5PU, United Kingdom The Granary 1 Waverley Lane Farnham Surrey GU9 8BB United Kingdom Chaucer House The Office Park Springfield Drive Leatherhead Surrey KT227LP United Kingdom Bob Smak Tel: +31 71 565 5969 HANNEN, Maryanne Tel.: +44 2392 705267 Fax: +44 2392 705509 Maryanne.hannen@ Jeremy Warrener Tel.:+44 2392 708569 Fax:+44 2392 705509 Jeremyp.warrener@ast PEARSON, Stanley Tel.: +44 1252 732516 Fax: +44 1252 732582 DUTFIELD, Caroline (assistant) Tel.: +44 1252 732506 Fax: +44 1252 732582 WILLIAMS, Christopher Tel: +44)845 600 609944 Fax: +44 1372 369657 WYLEY, Nick (Head of UK Security) Mob: +44 7979 533361 Fax: +44 1372 369657 Programme Director, Space Navigation: ROCKS, Chris Tel: +44 1372 838129 Mob: +44 7711 035759 Fax: +44 1372 759759 Formerly Logica UK Ltd Chris Williams is also the Crypto Custodian for CGI IT UK Ltd GNSS Programmes Manager Annex A - 48 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Country Company Name Address Security Officer (Name, Tel, Fax, E-Mail) United Kingdom Space Surrey Technology Limited 20 Stephenson Road Surrey Research Park Guildford Surrey GU9 7YE United Kingdom WILLIAMS, Richard Tel.: +44 1483 803803 Fax: +44 1483 803804 United Kingdom Telespazio VEGA UK Ltd. 350 Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3LU, UK Project Leader (Name, Tel, Fax, EMail) HIGGINS, Mark Tel: +44 1372 369652 Mob: +44 7739 774523 Fax: +44 1372 369657 Comments LAWRENCE, Mel (deputy) Tel.: +44 1483 803803 Fax: +44 1483 803804 JAMES, Michell Tel +44 1582 399 090 Fax +44 1582 728 686 Annex A - 49 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A GSA Classified Contracts Country Company Name FDC (France Developpement Conseil) Address France Thales Communications & Security SAS The Netherlands United Kingdom France United Kingdom United Kingdom Security Officer (Name, Tel, Fax, E-Mail) Eric Gellee Tel: +33 1 53 66 11 11 Fax: +33 1 53 66 11 00 Project Leader (Name, Tel, Fax, E-Mail) 4, Avenue des Louvresses 92622 Gennevilliers Cedex, France MEFFRE, Olivier Tel.: +33 1 46132312 Fax: +33 1 4613 3510 olivier.meffre@ POIROT, Philippe Tel.:+33 1 4613 2792 Tel.:+33 1 4613 2871 Brightsight Delftechpark 1 2628 XJ Delft The Netherlands BUITENHUIS Hugo Tel.: +31 15 269 2508 Fax.: +31 15 269 2555 OUT Dirk-Jan Tel.: +31 15 269 2525 Fax.: +31 15 269 2555 CGI IT UK Limited Chaucer House The office Park Springfield Drive Leatherhead Surrey KT227LP United Kingdom WILLIAMS, Christopher Tel: +44 845 600 609944 Fax: +44 1372 369657 Programme Director, Space Navigation: ROCKS, Chris Tel: +44 1372 838129 Mob: +44 7711 035759 Fax: +44 1372 759759 QinetiQ Ltd, Malvern Technology Centre, St Andrews Road, Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 3PS United Kingdom Ian Nicholl QinetiQ Ltd Cody Technology Park, Ively Road, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 0LX, UK Sheila Robinson Tel: +44 1252 392449 Fax: +44 1252 395450 QinetiQ Ltd QinetiQ Ltd 10, Cours Louis Lumière 94300 Vincennes France WYLEY, Nick (Head of UK Security) Mob: +44 7979 533361 Fax: +44 1372 369657 Tel: +44 1684 89 7343 Mobile: +44 7766 134565 Fax: +44 1684 89 6541 GNSS Programmes Security Manager HIGGINS, Mark Tel: +44 1372 369652 Mob: +44 7739 774523 Fax: +44 1372 369657 BROOKES, Louise Tel : +44 1684 89 4034) Deputy Security Officer: Clare James Tel: +44 1684 896694 Fax: +44 1684 896541 BROOKES, Louise Tel : +44 1684 89 4034) Deputy: Julie Jones Tel: +44 1252 392397 Fax: +44 1252 395450 Annex A - 50 Comments Formerly Logica UK Ltd Chris Williams is also the Crypto Custodian for CGI IT UK Ltd European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A LIST OF COMPANIES AND SITES INVOLVED IN GALILEO PHASE CDE1 SECURITY ACTIVITIES Country Company Name Address Security Officer (Name, Tel, Fax, E-Mail) Belgium SEPTENTRIO NV Interleuvenlaan, 15G B-3001 Leuven GROGNARD,Peter Tel.: +32 16 30 08 02 Fax: +32 16 22 16 40 Belgium Antwerp Space N.V. Berkenrodelei 33 B-2660 Hoboken Johan Vermeulen Tel.:+32 3 829 50 06 Fax:+32 3 829 50 02 Mobile: 32 4 79960189 Johan.vermeulen@antwerspace. be Belgium Thales Alenia Space ETCA s.a Rue Chapelle Beaussart, 101 B6032 Mont Sur Marchienne Assistant Security Officer Mrs COOTMANS Ingrid Tel: +32-3-829 51 78 Fax: +32-3-829 50 02 e-mail: Ingrid.cootmans@antwerpspace .be CHAPELLE, Etienne Tel.: +32 71 44 22 64 Fax: +32 71 44 27 00 Mobile : +32-492 91 22 95 Etienne.chapelle@ Project Leader (Name, Tel, Fax, EMail) WILMS, Frank Tel.: +32 16 30 08 05 Fax: +32 16 22 16 40 Frank.wilms@septentri MDDN - SDDN FOC/IOV - ULS Jean-François BOONE Tel: +32-3-829 50 41 Fax: +32-3-829 50 02 e-mail: jeanfrancois.boone@antwer Comments Also known as ‘Septentrio Satellite Navigation’ or ‘SSN’ Was previously known as ‘Thales Alenia Space Antwerp N.V.’ JANKOWSKI, Michel Tel : +32-71 44 26 37 Fax : +32-71 44 22 22 Michel.jankowski@thal or etca.securityofficer@thalesaleniaspace.c om Belgium Vitrociset Belgium Siege social Rue devant les Hêtres 2 B-6890 Transinne Belgium Czech Republic CGI IT Czech Republic s.r.o. Na Okraji 335/42, 162 00, Prague 6 France Arianespace Boulevard de l’Europe 91000 Evry France Assistant Security Officer LEMBOURG, Thierry Tel : +32-71 44 23 2 Aleksandra Nakonieczna Tel : +32(0)61 230 253 Fax: +32(0)61 230 269 a.nakonieczna@vitrocisetbelgiu Assistant security officers: Mr Nickola CARLOMAGNO Mr Olivier MARTELANGE JUDr. Martin Bittner, T: +420 284 020 111 VILMER, Bertrand Tel: +33 1 6087 6095 Fax: +33 1 6087 6249 France Thales Alenia Space 100 boulevard du Midi BP 99 06150 Cannes FRANCE GRAILLE, Michel Tel.: +33 4 92 92 32 00 Fax: +33 4 92 92 7360 michel.graille@thalesaleniaspac France Thales Alenia Space 26, Avenue J.F. Champollion BP 1187 31037 Toulouse Cedex France Didier Ros Tel.: +33 5 3435 6035 Fax: +33 5 3435 6112 m Enrico Barro tel. +32 61 230008 fax. +32 61 230269 e.barro@vitrocisetbelgi BARDOU, Christophe Tel: +33 1 6087 6064 Fax : +33 1 6087 6217 C.BARDOU@arianesp ROUSSELET, Dominique Tel.:+33 34 35 60 86 Mob.:+33 6 07 86 31 32 dominique.rousselet@th ROUSSELET, Dominique Tel.:+33 34 35 60 86 Mob.:+33 6 07 86 31 32 dominique.rousselet@th Annex A - 51 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Country Company Name Address Security Officer (Name, Tel, Fax, E-Mail) Project Leader (Name, Tel, Fax, EMail) France Thales Avionics 25, Rue Jules Védrines BP 1014 26027 Valence Cedex FRANCE Defillon, Jacques Tel.: +33 4 75 79 87 02 Fax : +33 4 75 79 35 87 jacques.defillon@fr.thalesgroup .com France Thales Communications & Security SAS 4, Avenue des Louvresses 92622 Gennevilliers Cedex, France France Thales Communications & Security 110, av. du Marechal Leclerc BP 945 49309 Cholet Cedex France Olivier Meffre Tel.: +33 1 46 132 312 Fax: +33 1 4613 3510 m SOURY, Jean-Pierre Tel.: +33 2 41 645 793 Fax: +33 2 41 71 24 75 Germany Astrium GmbH Niederlassung Friedrichshafen Claude-Dornier-Str. 1 88090 Immenstaad BENTELE, Hansjörg Tel.: +49 7545 8 9227 Fax: +49 7545 8 9847 Hansjoerg.Bentele@cassidian.c om Jacques SAPPIN Tel.: +33 5 56 13 55 66 Fax: +33 5 56 13 50 58 jeanjacques.sappin@fr.thale POIROT, Philippe Tel.:+33 1 4613 2792 Tel.:+33 1 4613 2871 philippe.poirot@thalesg LE MANER, Anne-Lise Tel.:+33 2 41 645 028 Fax:+33 2 41 645 847 Annelise.lemaner@thalesgro Manfred Langemann Tel: +49 7545 8 4750 Fax: +49 7545 8 4105 Email: Manfred.Langemann@a Germany CGI (Germany) GmbH & Co. KG Niederlassung Darmstadt Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. Rheinstraße 95, 64295 Darmstadt Florian Gotter Tel.: +49 6151-36860-140 Fax: +49 6151-36860-222 Andreas Bleiziffer Tel.: +49 8153 28 2274 Fax: +49 8153 28 1342 Germany Oberpfaffenhofen Münchener Straße 20 D-82234 Wessling Comments Walter Päffgen (technische Maßnahmen) Tel.:+49 8153 28 3655 Fax:+49 8153 28 1232 Dr. Jutta Graf (bauliche Maßnahmen) Tel.:+49 8153 28 2420 Fax:+49 8153 28 1243 Dr. Hubert Reile DLR Porz−Wahnheide Linder Höhe 51147 Köln−Porz Germany Astrium GmbH Germany EADS Deutschland GmbH Germany Orbitale Hochtechnologie Bremen System AG Astrium GmbH c/o EADS Deutschland GmbH Willy-MesserschmittStr., Tor 1 85521 Ottobrunn Unterschleissheim Landshuter Str. 26 85716 Unterschleissheim Universitätsallee 2729 D-28359 Bremen Renate Pfeiffer-Vogler phone: +49 89 607-27807 fax: +49 89 607-23021 Tel.+49 2203 601-2720 Fax:+49 2203 601-2820 HONOLD, Hans-Peter Tel.:+49 89-607-28154 Fax:+49 89-607- 28546 Hans.Peter.Honold@ Heumann, Heinz Tel.: +49 89-3179 3333 Fax: +49 89-3179 3331 MÜLLER, Ronald, Tel.: +49 421 2020 9876, Fax: +49 421 2020 9444, Dr. ENGELN, Ingo, Tel.: +49 421 2020 622, Fax: +49 421 2020 600, Annex A - 52 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Country Company Name Address (OHB-System AG Germany Thales Alenia Space Deutschland GmbH Ostendstrasse 3 75175 Pforzheim Germany Thales Electronic Systems GmbH Ostendstrasse 3 75175 Pforzheim Germany Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH Industrieanlagen – Betriebs – gesellschaft mbH Trippstadter Straße 122 67663 Kaiserslautern Germany Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Wittelsbacherplatz 2 80333 München Germany IFEN Gesellschaft für Satellitennavigation mbH Alte Gruber Straße 6 85586 Poing Germany NavCert GmbH Leopoldstr. 244 DEU 80807 Munich Germany Logica Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG Rheinstrasse 95 64295 Darmstadt Germany Italy THALES ALENIA SPACE ITALIA S.p.A. Via Saccomuro 24 00131 Roma ITALY Italy Thales Alenia Space Italia S.p.A. LABEN S.S. Padana Superiore 290 20090 Vimodrone Italy SELEX ES S.p.A Viale dell’Industria,4 00040 Pomezia (Roma) Italy Germany Security Officer (Name, Tel, Fax, E-Mail) Einsteinstrasse 20 85521 Ottobrunn Jens Proske Tel: +49 7231 15 3178 Fax: +49 7231 15 3679 Mob: +49 172 8130 350 Jens Proske Tel: +49 7231 15 3178 Fax: +49 7231 15 3679 Mob: +49 172 8130 350 BERNARDI, Ansgar Tel.: +49 631 20575 1050 Fax.: +49 631 20575 1020 ENGLERT, Pedro Tel.: +49 89 6088 2437 Fax.: +49 89 6088 3206 VOLLMER, Anja Tel.: +49 89 636 32708 Fax.: +49 89 636 32346 Roßbach, Udo Phone: +49-8121-2238-13 Fax : +49-8121-2238-11 Germany mailto: Andreas Kahmann Tel. +49 89 208039 633 Fax. +49 89 208039 634 Florian Gotter T: +49 6151 36860-140 M: +49 177 329 6257 Project Leader (Name, Tel, Fax, EMail) Comments Alexander Schmid Tel.: +49 7231 15 3549 Fax : +49 7231 15 3575 Alexander.Schmid@tha Hans-Peter Jöckel Tel.: +49 7231 15 3206 Fax : +49 7231 15 3228 Hans-Peter.Joeckel@ Dr. Thorsten Lück Tel.: +49 8121 2238 25 Fax: +49 8121 2238 11 RAJOLA PESCARINI, Lando Tel.: +39 06 41514296 Fax: +39 06 41514452 Lando.rajola@external.thalesale FORCIERI, Maurizio Tel.: +39 02 25075 333 Fax: +39 02 25075 466 Bernardi Romolo Tel. +390641503733 Fax. +390641504235 LEONARDI, Mauro Tel.:+39 06 41512587 Fax:+39 06 41294035 mauro.leonardi@thalesa BANFI, Emilio Tel.:+39 02 25075 363 CAMPA, Livio Tel.:39 02 25075 324 GIANNETTI, Riccardo Tel:+39 06 44000 402 Fax:+39 06 44000 446 Riccardo.giannetti@sel Deputy Security Officer Selex ES SpA Moliterni Francesco Tel. +390641502576 Fax. +390641504235 Security Officer representative for Pomezia site: Annex A - 53 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Country Company Name Address Italy Space Software Italia Viale del Lavaro 101 Quartiere Paolo VI 74100 Taranto Italy Telespazio S.p.A. Via Tiburtina, 965 00156 Roma Italy Telespazio Fucino Telespazio S.p.A. Centro Spaziale "Pietro Fanti" del Fucino Via Cintarella 67050 Ortucchio (AQ) Italy The Netherlands European Space Agency The Netherlands Logica The Netherlands National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) Security Officer (Name, Tel, Fax, E-Mail) Pasquali Roberto Tel. +390691852212 Fax. +390691852015 LA VOPA, Pietro MARIANI, Mauro COSTA, Armida (deputy) Tel.: +39 06 4079 3567 Fax: +39 06 4099 9074 Gary Rizzo Tel.+390863550313 Fax.+390640999818 Mobile +393666775580 Project Leader (Name, Tel, Fax, EMail) Comments BOCHICCHIO, Francesco VERSINI, Bruno Tel.:+39 06 4079 6321 Fax:+39 06 4099 9685 Bruno_versini@telespa Galileo Project Security Office ESTEC NAV/NXP Keplerlaan 1 2201 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands Logica (NL) George Hintzenweg 89 3068 AX Rotterdam Po Box 8566 3009 AN Rotterdam The Netherlands Anthony Fokkerweg 2 1059 CM AMSTERDAM P.O. Box 90502 1006 BM Amsterdam The Netherlands Herikerbergweg 2 1101 CM Amsterdam GAY, Nathalie Tel.: +31 71 565 3904 Fax: +31 71 565 4369 BENEDICTO, Javier Tel.:+31 71 565 3738 Fax:+31 71 565 4369 BROEDERS, Ramon Tel.: +31 (0)88 5646993 Fax: +31 (0)88 5649540 Mob: +31 (0)612177627 t OVERBEEK, Cock Tel: +31(0)885646993 Fax: +31(0)885649540 Mob: +31(0)651280949 cock.overbeek@logica. com KLOMP, Bert Tel.: +31 88 5114419 Fax: +31 88 5113210 WOKKE, Frank Tel.: +31 88 5114724 Fax: +31 88 5113210 Ad de Kok Tel +31 (0)88 212 83 94 Fax: +31882127355 Mobile: +31 (0)626882119 TURNER Stephen John pp HW D799 PO Box 67501 BT Centre London EC1P 1PG Tel:+44 1442 208899 Fax: +44 1332 822254 KRISTIANSEN, Kjell Tel: +47 73545567 Fax: +47 73515020 kjell.kristiansen@kongs Terje Høyberget Tel: +47 22 63 83 00 Mobile: +47 91 347540 Fax: +47 22 638310 terje.hoyberget@thalesg The Netherlands BT Nederlands NV Norway Kongsberg Seatex AS Pirsenteret N-7462 Trondheim HØIAAS, Jan Petter Tel: +47 73545542 Fax: +47 73515020 m Norway Thales Norway AS Rislökkveien 2 Ökern - 0580 Oslo PO Box 6611 Etterstad N-0609 OSLO Norway ASMYHR, Liv Tel.: +47 22638481 Fax: +47 22638110 Mob: +47 90123497 Annex A - 54 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Country Company Name Address Security Officer (Name, Tel, Fax, E-Mail) Norway Kitron AS Tangen Alle 39, N4817 HIS Servicebox 500, N4809 Arendal Norway MoreCom AS Tønne Huitfeldts Plass N-1767 Halden HEGGEDAL, Svend Ole Tel: +47 93854298 Fax: +47 37071301 Mob: +47 93854298 SVENNINGSEN, Grethe Tel: +47 90064444 Norway Kongsberg Sateliteservices AS, Dept Tromsø Prestvannvegen 38 N-9011 Tromsø Norway Kongsberg Sateliteservices AS, Dept Svalbard Norway Kongsberg Norspace AS SvalSat 458 9171 Longyearbyen, Svalbard P.O. Box 1054 N-3194 Horten Norway Spain Spain GMV AEROSPACE AND DEFENCE, S.A. INDRA SISTEMAS, S.A. Spain Sener Ingenieria y Sistemas, S.A. Aerospace Division Sweden Saab Ericson Space United Kingdom EADS Astrium Ltd United Kingdom EADS Defence and Security Systems Ltd United Kingdom CGI IT UK limited Mob: +47 91873271 PEDERSEN, Ken Tel: +47 77661320 Fax: +47 77600299 Mob:+4797751818 Jens Christian Bråten Direct +47 79 02 55 93 Mobile +47 91 34 53 21 OMHOLT, Christian Tel: +47 33 03 27 85 Project Leader (Name, Tel, Fax, EMail) VEDØY, Geir Tel: +47 37071530 Fax: +47 37071301 Mob: +47 97110802 RØSOK, Rolf Tel: +47 90064444 Mob: +47 90197839 christian.omholt@norspace. no SPANGELID, Roger Tel: +47 33 03 27 70 roger.spangelid@norspa C/ Isaac Newton, 11 P.T.M. Tres Cantos. 28760. Madrid Oscar Tejedor Zorita +34 918072175 (Ph.) +34 918072199 (Fax) Andrés Cruz +34 918072258 (Ph.) +34 918072199 (Fax) C/ Mar Egeo, 4. Polígono Industrial, 1. San Fernando de Henares. 28830. Madrid Severo Ochoa, 4 (P.T.M) 28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid) Francisco Algaba Martín Tel.: +34 916 273 333 Sonia Martín Concejal Tel.: +34 934 806 986 SEBASTÍÁN HIDALGO, Pedro Eugenio Tel: +34 918 077 242 Fax: +34 918 077 054 LEGNEHED, Magnus Administration & Security Dirctor Tel.: +46 31-7354356 Fax: +46 31-7354000 COCHO, Daniel Tel.: +34 918 077 054 Fax: +34 91 807 7205 ANDERSSON, Häkan Tel.:+46 317354394 Fax:+46 317354000 Mob.:+46-705 873969 Mob.: +46 736 680394 hakan.andersson@space .se HANNEN, Maryanne Tel.:+44 2392 705267 Fax:+44 2392 705509 Maryanne.hannen@ ANDREWARTHA, Robert Tel.:+44 2392 705267 Fax:+44 2392 705509 robert.andrewartha@ LINES, Nerys Tel.: +44 1633 292301 Fax: +44 1633 292235 WHITBY, Steve Tel.:+44 1633 715737 WILLIAMS, Christopher Tel: +44 845 600 609944 Fax: +44 1372 369657 Programme Director, Space Navigation: ROCKS, Chris Tel: +44 1372 838129 Saab Ericsson Space AB Delsjömotet SE-405 15 Göteborg SWEDEN Visiting address: Delsjomotet EADS Astrium Limited Anchorage Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5PU, UK Quadrant House Celtic Springs Coedkernew,NEWPO RT, NP10 8FZ UK Chaucer House The Office Park Springfield Drive Leatherhead Comments Formerly Logica UK Ltd Chris Williams Annex A - 55 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX A Country Company Name Address Security Officer (Name, Tel, Fax, E-Mail) Surrey KT227LP UK WYLEY, Nick (Head of UK Security) Mob: +44 7979 533361 Fax: +44 1372 369657 United Kingdom THALES Communications Ltd. Wookey Hole Road WELLS, Somerset BA15 1AA - U.K. United Kingdom Telespazio VEGA UK Ltd 350 Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3LU, UK United Kingdom QinetiQ Ltd QinetiQ Ltd, Cody Technology Park, Ively Road, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 0LX, UK United Kingdom United Kingdom QinetiQ Ltd SPIRENT Communications plc QinetiQ Ltd, Malvern Technology Centre, St Andrews Road, Great Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 3PS, UK Aspen Way Paighton, Devon, TQ4 7QR UK HILL, Mel Tel.: +44 1 749672081 Fax: +44 1 749672454 JAMES, Michell Tel +44 1582 399 090 Fax +44 1582 728 686 ROBINSON, Sheila Tel: +44 1252 392449 Fax: +44 1252 395450 Deputy: Julie Jones Tel: +44 1252 392397 Fax: +44 1252 395450 Ian Nicholl Tel: +44 1684 89 7343 Mobile: +44 7766 134565 Fax: +44 1684 89 6541 Project Leader (Name, Tel, Fax, EMail) Mob: +44 7711 035759 Fax: +44 1372 759759 Comments is also the Crypto Custodian for CGI IT UK Ltd GNSS Programmes Security Manager HIGGINS, Mark Tel: +44 1372 369652 Mob: +44 7739 774523 Fax: +44 1372 369657 ELDER, Colin Tel.:+44 1 749682 284 Fax:+44 1 749670 617 colin.elder@uk.thalesgr BROOKES, Louise Tel : +44 1684 89 4034 m BROOKES, Louise Tel: +44 1684 894034 m Deputy Security Officer: Clare James Tel: +44 1684 896694 Fax: +44 1684 896541 BALDWIN, Sharon Tel.: +44 1803 546307 Fax: +44 1803 546301 HOLBROW, Mark Director of R&D Engineering Annex A - 56 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX B ANNEX B TABLE OF EQUIVALENT SECURITY CLASSIFICATIONS Participant Secret Confidential Restricted Austria GEHEIM VERTRAULICH EINGESCHRÄNKT Belgium SECRET CONFIDENTIEL (Loi du 11 Dec 1998) (Loi du 11 Dec 1998) GEHEIM VERTROUWELIJK (Wet van 11 Dec 1998) (Wet van 11 Dec 1998) DIFFUSION RESTREINTE BEPERKTE VERSPREIDING (Note see below) Bulgaria СЕКРЕТНО ПОВЕРИТЕЛНО ЗА СЛУЖЕБНО ПОЛЗВАНЕ Cyprus ΑΠΌΡΡΗΤΟ ABR:(ΑΠ) ΕΜΠΙΣΤΕΥΤΙΚΌ ABR:(ΕΜ) ΠΕΡΙΟΡΙΣΜΈΝΗΣ ΧΡΉΣΗΣ ABR:(ΠΧ) Czech Republic TAJNÉ DŮVĚRNÉ VYHRAZENÉ Denmark HEMMELIGT FORTROLIGT TIL TJENESTEBRUG Estonia SALAJANE KONFIDENTSIAALNE PIIRATUD Finland SALAINEN or HEMLIG LUOTTAMUKSELLINEN or KONFIDENTIELL KÄYTTÖ RAJOITETTU or BEGRÄNSAD TILLGÅNG France SECRET DÉFENSE CONFIDENTIEL DÉFENSE (Note, see below) Germany 7 GEHEIM VS - VERTRAULICH VS - NUR FÜR DEN DIENSTGEBRAUCH Greece ΑΠΌΡΡΗΤΟ ABR:(ΑΠ) ΕΜΠΙΣΤΕΥΤΙΚΌ ABR:(ΕΜ) ΠΕΡΙΟΡΙΣΜΈΝΗΣ ΧΡΉΣΗΣ ABR:(ΠΧ) Hungary TITKOS! BIZALMAS! KORLÁTOZOTT TERJESZTÉSŰ! Ireland SECRET CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED Italy SEGRETO RISERVATISSIMO RISERVATO Latvia SLEPENI KONFIDENCIĀLI DIENESTA VAJADZĪBĀM Lithuania SLAPYAI KONFIDENCIALIAI RIBOTO NAUDOJIMO Luxembourg SECRET LUX CONFIDENTIEL LUX RESTREINT LUX Malta SIGRIET KUNFIDENZJALI RISTRETT 7 Germany : VS = Verschlusssache. Annex B - 1 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX B Participant Secret Confidential Restricted Netherlands Stg. GEHEIM Stg. CONFIDENTIEEL Dep. VERTROUWELIJK Norway HEMMELIG KONFIDENSIELT BEGRENSET Poland TAJNE POUFNE ZASTRZEŻONE Portugal SECRETO CONFIDENCIAL RESERVADO Romania STRICT SECRET SECRET SECRET DE SERVICIU Slovakia TAJNÉ DÔVERNÉ VYHRADENÉ Slovenia TAJNO ZAUPNO INTERNO Spain RESERVADO CONFIDENCIAL DIFUSIÓN LIMITADA Sweden HEMLIG or HEMLIG/SECRET or HEMLIG HEMLIG or HEMLIG/CONFIDENTIA L HEMLIG or HEMLIG/RESTRICTED Switzerland SECRET CONFIDENTIEL CONFIDENTIEL United Kingdom SECRET CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED EU SECRET UE CONFIDENTIEL UE RESTREINT UE ESA ESA SECRET ESA CONFIDENTIAL ESA RESTRICTED NOTA : France and Belgium handle and protects Classified Information bearing the marking “RESTRICTED” or equivalent according to its national laws and regulations in force for the protective level “DIFFUSION RESTREINTE” (also “BEPERKTE VERSPREIDING” in the case of Belgium) or the standards defined in the present document whichever is higher. The other Participants handle and protect information marked “DIFFUSION RESTREINTE” (also “BEPERKTE VERSPREIDING” in the case of Belgium) according to their national laws and regulations in force for the level “RESTRICTED” or equivalent or according to the standards defined in the present document whichever is higher. Annex B - 2 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX C ANNEX C PROCEDURE FOR HAND CARRIAGE OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION C.1. When hand carriage of classified material is permitted, the following procedures will apply: a. The Courier will carry a courier certificate recognised by all Participants, authorising him to carry the package as identified (see the courier certificate example below) stamped and signed by the Security Authority and the consignor's officer; b. A copy of the "Notes for the Courier" (shown below) will be attached to the certificate; and, c. The courier certificate will be returned to the issuing Security Authority through the consignor's security officer immediately after completion of the journey. C.2. The consignor's security officer is responsible for instructing the bearer in all of his duties and of the provisions of the "Notes for the Courier". C.3. The courier will be responsible for the safe custody of the classified material until such time that it has been handed over to the consignee's security officer. In the event of a breach of security, the consignor's Security Authority may request the authorities in the country in which the breach occurred to carry out an investigation, report their findings, and take legal action, as appropriate. Annex C - 3 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX C (LETTERHEAD) COURIER CERTIFICATE EU GNSS PROGRAMME TITLE (optional) COURIER CERTIFICATE NO. …………………… (*) FOR THE INTERNATIONAL HAND EQUIPMENT AND/OR COMPONENTS CARRIAGE OF CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS, This is to certify that the bearer: Mr./Ms. (name/title) Born on: (day/month/year) in (country) A national of (country) Holder of passport/identity card no.: (number) Issued by: (issuing authority) On: (day/month/year) Employed with: (company or organisation) Is authorised to carry on the journey detailed below the following consignment: (Number and particulars of the consignment in detail, i.e. No. of packages, weight and dimensions of each package and other identification data as in shipping documents) …………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. (*) May also be used by security guards. - The material comprising this consignment is classified in the interests of the security of: (Indicate the countries having interest. At least the country of origin of the shipment and that of the destination should be indicated. The country(ies) to be transited also may be indicated). - It is requested that the consignment will not be inspected by other than properly authorised persons of those having special permission. - If an inspection is deemed necessary, it is requested that it be carried out in an area out of sight of persons who do not belong to the service and, in the presence of the courier. - It is requested that the package, if opened for inspection, be marked after re-closing, to show evidence of the opening by sealing and signing it and by annotating the shipping documents (if any) that the consignment has been opened. - Customs, Police and/or Immigration officials of countries to be transmitted, entered or exited are requested to give assistance, if necessary, to ensure successful and secure delivery of the consignment. Annex C - 4 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX C (LETTERHEAD) Annex to the "Courier Certificate" No…………. for the International Hand Carriage of Classified Material NOTES FOR THE COURIER(*) 1. You have been appointed to carry/escort a classified consignment. Your "COURIER CERTIFICATE" has been provided. Before starting the journey, you will be briefed on the security regulations governing the hand carriage of the classified consignments and on your security obligations during the specific journey (behaviour, itinerary, schedule, etc). You will also be requested to sign a declaration that you have read and understood and will comply with prescribed security obligations. 2. The following general points are brought to your attention: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (*) You will be held liable and responsible for the consignment described in the Courier Certificate; Throughout the journey, the classified consignment must stay under your personal control; The consignment will not be opened en route except in the circumstances described in sub-paragraph (j) below; The classified consignment is not to be discussed or disclosed in any public place; The classified consignment is not, under any circumstances, to be left unattended. During overnight stops, military facilities or industrial companies having appropriate security clearance and storage facilities may be utilised. You are to be instructed on this matter by your company Security Officer; While hand carrying a classified consignment, you are forbidden to deviate from the travel schedule provided; In cases of emergency, you must take such measures as you consider necessary to protect the consignment, but on no account will you allow the consignment out of your direct personal control; to this end, your instructions include details on how to contact the security authorities of the countries you will transit as listed in sub-paragraph (l) below. If you have not received these details, ask for them from your company Security Officer; You and the company Security Officer are responsible for ensuring that your personal expatriation and travel documentation (passport, currency and medical documents, etc) are complete, valid and current; If unforeseen circumstances make it necessary to transfer the consignment to an individual other than the designated representatives of the company or government you are to visit, you will give it only to authorised employees of one of the points of contact listed in sub-paragraph (I); There is no assurance of immunity from search by the Customs, Police, and/or Immigration Officials of the various countries whose borders you will be crossing; therefore, should such officials inquire into the contents of the consignment, show them your "Courier Certificate" and this note and insist on showing them to the senior Customs, Police and/or Immigration Official; this action should normally suffice to allow the consignment to pass through unopened. However, if the senior Customs, Police and/or Immigration Official demands to see the actual contents of the consignments you may open it in his presence, but this should be done in an area out of sight of the general public. May also be used by security guards. Annex C - 5 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX C You should take precautions to show officials the minimum content necessary to them that the consignment does not contain any other item and ask the official to repack or assist in re-packing it immediately upon completion of the examination. You should request the senior Customs, Police and/or Immigration Official to provide evidence of the opening and inspection of the packages by signing and sealing them when closed and confirming in the shipping documents (if any) that the consignment has been opened. If you have been required to open the consignment under such circumstances as the foregoing, you must notify the receiving company Security Officer and the dispatching company Security Officer, who should be requested to inform the DSA's of their respective governments. (k) (l) Upon your return, you must produce a bona fide receipt for the consignment signed by the Security Officer of the company or agency receiving the consignment or by a DSA of the receiving government. Along the route you may contact the following officials to request assistance: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………… From: (Originating country) To: (Country of destination) Through: (List intervening countries) Authorised stops: (List locations) Date of beginning of journey: (Day/month/year) Signature of company's Security officer (Name) Company's stamp Official stamp Or NSA/DSA's seal N O T E: Signature of the Security Authority (Name) To be signed on completion of journey Annex C - 6 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX C I declare in good faith that, during the journey covered by the "Courier Certificate", I am not aware of any occurrence or action, by myself or by others, that could have resulted in the compromise of the consignment. Courier's Signature: Witnessed by: (Company Security Officer's signature) Date of return of the "Courier Certificate": (Day/month/year) Annex C - 7 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX C MULTI-TRAVEL COURIER CERTIFICATE N° ………. for international hand carriage of classified DOCUMENTS, EQUIPMENTS AND/OR COMPONENTS This is to certify that the bearer Mr/Ms (name and title) …………………… born on (day, month, year) ………… in (country) ………..……, a national of (country) …………….. holder of passport or identity card n° …………… issued by (issuing authority) : ………… on (day, month, year) :………… employed by (company or organization) : ……..……………... is authorized to carry classified documents, equipments and/or components between the following countries : ………………………………………………………….……………….………………………. The bearer above is authorized to use this certificate as many times as necessary, for classified shipments between the countries here above until (date) : …………. The shipment description should be attached to each consignment. The attention of customs authorities, police and immigration services is drawn to the following points: The material forming each consignment is classified in the interest of national security of the countries here above. It is requested that the consignment will not be inspected by other than properly authorized persons or those having special permission. If an inspection is deemed necessary, it is requested that it be carried out in an area out of sight of persons who do not have a need-to-know and in the presence of the courier. It is requested that the package, if opened for inspection, be marked after reclosing to show evidence of the opening by sealing and signing it and by annotating the shipping documents (if any) that the consignment has been opened. Customs, Police and/or Immigration officials of countries to be transmited, entered or exited are requested to give assistance if necessary to assure successfull and secure delivery of the consignment. Signature of Security Officer Signature of the Security Authority Annex C - 8 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX C Note for the international multi-travel hand carriage of classified Documents, Equipment, and/ or Components NOTES FOR THE COURIER You have been appointed to carry/escort classified consignments. Your "Courier certificate" has been provided. Before starting your journeys, you will be briefed on the security regulations governing the hand carriage of the classified consignments and on your obligations during the specific journey (behavior, intinerary, schedule, etc). You will also be requested to sign a declaration that you have read and understood and will comply with prescribed security obligations. The following general points are brought to your attention: 1. You will be held liable and responsible for the consignments described in the "descriptions of shipments". 2. Throughout the journey, the classified consignments must stay in your personal possession, unless you are accompanying a classified consignment under NSA/DSA approuved transportation plan. 3. The consignments will not be opened en route except in the circumstances described in paragraph 10 below. 4. The classified consignments are not to be discussed or disclosed in any public place. 5. The classified consignments are not, under any circumstances, to be left unattended. During overnight stops, military facilities or industrial companies having appropriate security clearance may be utilized. You are to be instructed on this matter by your company security officer. 6. While hand carrying or accompanying a classified consignment, you are forbidden to deviate from the schedule provided. 7. In case of emergency, you must take such measures as you consider necessary to protect the consignment, but on no account will you allow the consignment out of your direct personal possession except under circumstances described in paragraph 2 above; to this end, your instructions include details on how to contact the security authorities of the countries you will transit as stated in paragraph 11 below. If you have not recieved these details, ask for them from your company security officer. 8. You and the company security officer are responsible for ensuring that your personal expatriation and travel documentation (passport, currency and medical documents, etc) are complete, valid and current. 9. If unforeseen circumstances make it necessary to transfer a consignment to other than the designated representative of the company or government you are to visit, you will give it only to authorized employees of one of the points of contact listed in the description of shipment. 10. There is no assurance of immunity from search by the Customs, Police, and/or Immigration Officials of the various countries whose borders you will be crossing; therefore, should such officials enquire into the contents of the consignment, show them your "courier certificate" the description of shipment and this note and insist on showing them to the senior Customs, Police, and/or Immigration Official; This action should normally suffice to allow the Annex C - 9 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX C consignment to pass through unopened. However, if the senior Customs, Police, and/or Immigration Official demands to see the actual contents of the consignment you may open it in his presence, but this should be done in area out of sight of the general public. You should take precautions to show officials only as much of the contents as will satisfy them that the consignment does not contain any other item and ask the official to repack or assist in repacking it immediately upon completion of the examination. You should request the senior Customs, Police, and/or Immigration Official to provide evidence of the opening and inspection of the consignment by signing and sealing them when closed and confirming in the shipping documents (if any) that the consignment has been opened. If you have been required to open the consignment under such circumstances as the foregoing, you must notify the receiving company Security Officer and the dispaching company Security Officer, who should be requested to inform the NSA/DSA of their respective governments. 11. Along the route you may contact the officials whose details will be provided to you before each journey and request assistance from them. 12. Upon return from each journey, you must produce a bona fide receipt for the consignment signed by the Security Officer of the company or agency receiving the consignment or by a NSA/DSA of the receiving government. Annex C - 10 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX C ANNEX 2 To multi-travels courier certificate No:....................... Description of shipment nr : …….. Transport from (date) : …………… to (date) : …………… Bearer (name) : …………………………………………… Itinerary : from (originating country) ……………… to (destination country) ……………… through (crossed countries) ……………………………… authorized stops (list of locations) : ………………………………………… References of receipt or inventory list : …………………………………… Description of the shipment (number of package, dimensions and, if needed, weight of each package) : Officials you may contact to request assistance Signature of company’s Security Officer ___________________________________________________________________________ Note to be signed on completion of each shipment : I declare in good faith that, during the journey covered by this "shipment description", I am not aware of any occurance or action, by myself or by other, that could have resulted in the compromise of the consignment, except the events related below, if needed : Place and date of declaration : …………… Courier’s signature : ………………………….. Witnessed by (name and signature of company Security Officer) : …………………………. Annex C - 11 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX D ANNEX D : TRANSPORTATION PLAN (LETTERHEAD) TRANSPORTATION PLAN FOR THE MOVEMENT OF CLASSIFIED CONSIGNMENTS (INSERT NAME OF European GNSS Programme) 1. INTRODUCTION This transportation plan lists the procedures for the movement of classified (insert European GNSS Programmes/Contract name) consignments between (insert European GNSS Programme Participants). 2. DESCRIPTION OF CLASSIFIED CONSIGNMENT Provide a general description of the consignment to be moved. If necessary, a detailed, descriptive listing of items to be moved under this plan, including nomenclature, may be appended to this plan as an annex. Include in this section a brief description as to where and under what circumstances transfers of custody will occur. 3. IDENTIFICATION OF REPRESENTATIVES AUTHORISED PARTICIPATING GOVERNMENT This Section should identify by name, title and organisation, the authorised representatives of each European GNSS Programmes participant who will authorise receipt for and assume security responsibilities for the classified consignment. Mailing addresses, telephone numbers, telefax numbers, and/or telex address, network addresses should be listed for each Participant’s representatives. 4. 5. DELIVERY POINTS (a) Identify the delivery points for each participant (e.g. ports, railheads, airports, etc) and how transfer is to be effected. (b) Describe the security arrangements that are required while the consignment is located at the delivery points. (c) Specify any additional security arrangements, which may be required due to the unique nature of the movement or of a delivery point (e.g. an airport freight terminal or port receiving station). IDENTIFICATION OF CARRIERS Identify the commercial carriers, freight forwarders and transportation agents, where appropriate, that might be involved to include the level of security clearance and storage capability. 6. STORAGE/PROCESSING FACILITIES AND TRANSFER POINTS Annex D - 1 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX D 7. (a) List, by participant, the storage or processing facilities and transfer points that will be used. (b) Describe specific security arrangements necessary to ensure the protection of the classified consignment while it is located at the storage/processing facility or transfer point. ROUTES Specify in this section the routes for movements of the classified consignments under the plan. This should include each segment of the route from the initial dispatch point to the ultimate destination including all border crossings, in particular travel through non-participating states. Routes should be detailed for each participant in the logical sequence of the shipment from point to point. If overnight stops are required, security arrangements for each stopping point should be specified. Contingency stop over locations should also be identified as necessary. 8. PORT SECURITY AND CUSTOMS OFFICIALS In this Section, identify arrangements for dealing with customs and port security officials of each participant. The facility must verify that the courier has been provided with the necessary documentation and is aware of the rules necessary to comply with customs and security requirements. Prior co-ordination with customs and port security agencies may be required so that the Project/Programme movements will be recognised. Procedures for handling custom searches and points of contact for verification of movements at the initial dispatch points should also be included here. 9. COURIERS When couriers are to be used, provisions for the international hand carriage of classified materials specified in Section II and Annex C will apply. 10. RECIPIENT RESPONSIBILITIES Describe the responsibilities of each recipient to carry out an inventory of movement and to examine all documentation upon receipt of the movement and: 11. (a) Notify the dispatcher of any deviation in routes or methods prescribed by this plan; (b) Notify the dispatcher of any discrepancies in the documentation or shortages in the shipment. (c) Clearly state the requirement for recipients to promptly advise the Security Autority of the dispatcher of any known or suspected compromise of classified consignment or any other exigencies which may place the movement in jeopardy. DETAILS OF CLASSIFIED MOVEMENTS This section should contain the following items: (a) Identification of dispatch assembly points. (b) Packaging requirements that conform to the security rules of the European GNSS Programmes participants. The requirements for dispatch documents seals, receipts, storage and security containers should be explained. Any unique requirement of the European GNSS Programmes participants should also be stated. Annex D - 2 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX D 12. (c) Documentation required for the dispatch points. (d) Courier authorisation documentation and travel arrangements. (e) Procedures for locking, sealing, verifying and loading consignments. Describe procedures at the loading points, to include tally records, surveillance responsibilities and witnessing of the counting and loading arrangements. (f) Procedures for accessibility by courier to the shipment en route. (g) Procedures for unloading at destination, to include identification or recipients and procedures for change of custody, and receipt arrangements. (h) Emergency communications procedures. List appropriate telephone numbers and points of contact for notification in the event of emergency. (i) Procedures for identifying each consignment and for providing details of each consignment; the notification should be transmitted no less than six working days prior to the movement of the classified consignment. RETURN OF CLASSIFIED MATERIAL This section should identify requirements for return of classified material to the manufacturer or sending participant (e.g. warranty, repair, test and evaluation, etc.). NOTE: Samples of these forms should be included, as appropriate, as enclosures to the plan as necessary. (1) Packing list (2) Classified material receipts (3) Bills of lading (4) Export declaration (5) Waybills (6) Other participant-required forms Annex D - 3 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX E ANNEX E : REQUEST FOR VISIT FORMS (RFV) Annex E - 1 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX E1 Annex E1 One-time Recurring More than 21 days REQUESTING ESTABLISHMENT/COMPANY/AGENCY Name Address Security Officer/Security Office Telephone Fax E-mail Point of contact/POC Office Telephone Fax E-mail GOVERNMENT AGENCY TO BE VISITED INDUSTRIAL FACILITY TO BE VISITED Name Address Security Officer Telephone Fax E-mail Fax E-mail Point of contact Telephone DATE OF VISIT From To SUBJECT TO BE DISCUSSED Project/Contract/Programme ANTICIPATED LEVEL TO BE DISCUSSED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET VISITOR DETAILS Name, First Name Passport No. Date of Birth Nationality Security Clearance Expiry Date Rank/Grade Position Company/Agency Continue on additional sheets for extra visitors SIGNATURE DATE Annex E - 2 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX E2 Annex E2 One-time Recurring [ ] Yes: …… [ ] No REQUEST FOR VISIT ADMINISTRATIVE DATA DATE:…./…./…. VISIT ID: d. REQUESTOR: TO: REQUESTING GOVERNMENT AGENCY OR INDUSTRIAL FACILITY e. NAME: POSTAL ADDRESS: TELEFAX/FAX No.: POINT OF CONTACT: TELEPHONE No.: GOVERNMENT AGENCY OR INDUSTRIAL FACILITY TO BE VISITED f. NAME: ADDRESS: TELEFAX/FAX No.: POINT OF CONTACT: TELEPHONE No.: 4. DATES OF VISIT: …./…./…. TO …./…./…. (…./…./…. TO …./…./….) 5. TYPE OF VISIT: (SELECT ONE FROM EACH COLUMN) ( ) GOVERNMENT INITIATIVE ( ) INITIATED BY REQUESTING AGENCY OR FACILITY ( ) COMMERCIAL INTIATIVE ( ) BY INVITATION OF THE FACILITY TO BE VISITED 6. SUBJECT TO BE DISCUSSED/JUSTIFICATION 7. ANTICIPATED LEVEL OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION TO BE INVOLVED: 8. IS THE VISIT PERTINENT TO: A SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT OR WEAPON SYSTEM FOREIGN MILITARY SALES OF EXPORT LICENCE A PROGRAMME OF AGREEMENT A DEFENCE ACQUISITION PROCESS OTHER (Y) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) SPECIFY REQUEST FOR VISIT (continuation) Annex E2 - 3 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX E2 9. PARTICULARS FOR VISITORS NAME: DATE OF BIRTH: …./…./…. SECURITY CLEARANCE: POSITION: COMPANY/AGENCY: ID/PP NUMBER: PLACE OF BIRTH: NATIONALITY: NAME: DATE OF BIRTH: …./…./…. SECURITY CLEARANCE: POSITION: COMPANY/AGENCY: ID/PP NUMBER: PLACE OF BIRTH: NATIONALITY: 10. NAME: SIGNATURE: - THE SECURITY OFFICER OF THE REQUESTING GOVERNMENT AGENCY OR INDUSTRIAL FACILITY TELEPHONE NO.: CERTIFICATION OF SECURITY CLEARANCE NAME: ADDRESS: STAMP TELEPHONE: SIGNATURE: - (optional) REQUESTING SECURITY AUTHORITY NAME: ADDRESS: STAMP TELEPHONE: SIGNATURE: 13. (optional) REMARKS Annex E2 - 4 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX F ANNEX F: FACILITY SECURITY CLEARANCE INFORMATION SHEET (FIS) Annex F - 1 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX F FACILITY SECURITY CLEARANCE INFORMATION SHEET(FIS) REQUEST Please [ ] provide a FSC assurance of the facility listed below. [ ] start initiating a FSC up to and including the level of... if the facility does not hold acurrent FSC. [ ] confirm the FSC up to and including the level of ... as provided on ............(ddmmyy). [x] provide the correct and complete information, if applicable. corrections/completions: 1. Full facility name: ____________________________________________ 2. Full facility address: _________________________________ ____________________________________________ 3. Mailing address (if different from 2): _________________________________ ____________________________________________ 4. Zip code/city/country: _________________________________ ____________________________________________ 5. Name/phone/fax/e-mail of the security officer: _________________________________ _____________________________________________ _________________________________ 6. This request is made for the following reason(s): (indicate particulars of the precontractual stage, contract, sub-contract, programme/project) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________ REQUESTING NSA/DSA or SA: Name:........................................Date:...................... REPLY 1. This is to inform you that the above mentioned facility: [ ] holds a FSC up to and including the level of [ ] S [ ] C [ ] does not hold a FSC. [ ] does not hold a FSC but, on your above mentioned request, the FSC is in progress. You will be informed when the FSC has been established. Expected date: .../...(mm/yy). (if known). 2. Safeguarding of classified documents: Safeguarding of classified material : [ ] yes, level: ... [ ] no. [ ] yes, level: ... [ ] no. 3. This FSC certification expires on:.........(ddmmyy). You will be informed in case of an earlier invalidation or significant change to any information listed above. 4. Should any contract be let or classified information be transferred in relation to this certification, please inform us of all relevant data including security classification. 5. REMARKS: ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. PROVIDING NSA/DSA: Name:.................... Date:............... Annex F - 2 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX G ANNEX G: PERSONNEL SECURITY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE Annex G - 1 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX G Format for Security Clearance Assurance ASSURANCE OF SECURITY CLEARANCE This is to certify that: Name/surname/title: Place and date of birth (country): National of (country/countries): Holder of passport/identity card (number): Employed by (company, authority, organisation): Is the holder of a security clearance issued by the Security Authority of: In conformity with applicable laws and regulations and may have access to classified information up to and including: CONFIDENTIAL SECRET The current security clearance expires on: (date) Issuing: Security Authority (address or stamp) Security official (full name, rank) (Date) (Signature) Annex G - 2 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX H ANNEX H: EUROPEAN GNSS COMSEC INSTRUCTIONS This document is classified RESTREINT UE / EU RESTRICTED and is distributed only on a strict “need-to-know” basis. Annex H - 1 European GNSS PSI – Version 4.1 Sep 2014 ANNEX I ANNEX I: EUROPEAN GNSS SECURITY CLASSIFICATION GUIDES These documents, which can be of a classified nature, are distributed on a strict “need-toknow” basis only. Annex I - 1