April 2013 - TN Chapter Y
April 2013 - TN Chapter Y
The “Y” Connection n of the) (Official Publicatio Wings Heart of Tennessee o, TN ion N Murfreesbor eg R Y” -” N T r te Chap ’s Association er id R d oa R g in W Gold CHAPTER OFFICERS DIRECTORS Ed & Mary Ann Grazier edgrazier@att.net (615) 459-4499 ASSISTANT DIRECTORS Randy & Delores Galloway deeran37@comcast.net (615) 893-0556 EDUCATOR Murray Dunkin rdunkin@comcast.net (615) 848-5255 Treasurer Robby Roberts Flyfishpa@yahoo.com (615) 898-0271 MEC Glenn & Debbie Kilgore glennwing@aol.com (615)890-2166 Inside this issue: Assistant Director………….......... 2 Rider Educator ……......................3 Region/District/Chapter Team Directory…………...............4 Team Pages…………………….....5-9 Chapter May Calendar……..…..10 Ride/Member Articles & Photos………………..…......11-16 Tennessee Chapters & District News & Region “N” & National Updates……………..…………..17-23 Gathering Sponsors………...23-24 International Winner June Agee Memorial Newsletter Award Winner 2011 We Are Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge April 2013 Volume 21, Issue 4 required to achieve such Chapter “Y” a recognition. Thanks to Tennessee District ALL! The Chapter has And remained quite active Region “N” since our last newsletter. Our Fun Day recorded 2012 Chapter of an attendance of 145 The Year Chapter participants and guests. We’ve seated a total of 112 participants at our weekly Thursday night dinner rides. Thanks to Leonard and Mikki for the fine job they’ve been doing as our dinner ride coordinators. At our 2013 Annual Fun Our visitations have Day to support St. Jude included trips to Children’s Research Chapters A, K, L, Q, and Hospital, we were once Z, seating 42 visitors to again proud to be named support visitation in the Chapter of the Year Middle Tennessee. Our for both the Tennessee District and Region “N”. Training Night was well attended by some of our We doubt that any newer participants, with Chapter has been named Brenda Sterling doing a Chapter of the Year for both their District and great job, as usual, with Region for three years, her seminar since the program was presentation. Our ride incepted. Chapter Y may this past weekend to be justly proud to have Mammoth Cave in been the Chapter of the Kentucky, was fun for Year in 2008, 2009 and those attending and a now 2012. A special great ride, planned and “Thanks” to Max, led by Randy Galloway. Renee’, and their strong It was great to see Earl Chapter Team, for their and Kathy Barnes, who outstanding leadership were able to join us for and commitment the ride. See some of Debbie’s photos recording some of the activities of the ride and entire month. Don’t forget to plan your activities at the upcoming “Spring Fling” Rally in Chattanooga during the 25th thru 27th, for those attending. The District Team has built a program that has something of interest for everyone. The Retreads will golf this week, so there will surely be some tall tales coming out of that outing. Until next month, ride safe! Ed & Mary Ann Grazier Chapter Directors Monthly Gathering: Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV Super Center, Murfreesboro, TN, third Saturday of each month, Breakfast @ 7:45 a.m., Gathering @ 9:00 a.m. April 2013 Page 2 A res Delo & y Rand loway Gal s Y’s ctor e r i r D apte h C ant ssist In the latest issue of Wing World Magazine Jere Goodman, Director of GWRRA, addressed the subject of the OCP (Officer Certification Program) mandate and the effects, both positive and negative, that it had on the Association. I think he accurately described my feelings when I first heard of the program and that it was required for all volunteers who were serving as or wanted to serve as a Director or Assistant Director. I didn’t have a problem with the idea that all prospective Directors needed to have at least a basic knowledge of how GWRRA works, my problem was with the “Mandatory” part of it. I attended the OCP training and really enjoyed the fun and valuable learning experience. As we all know that mandate was reconsidered and removed and the OCP is now voluntary. Good decision, nothing should ever be mandatory in an all volunteer organization. As members of GWRRA and participants in a chapter you should know that you are free to do as much or as little as you desire, no matter what you hear, you should never be told you “Have” to do anything, after all you are Volunteers. Having said that, I do encourage you to get involved in your chapter, participate in the many programs offered, Rider Education, Rider Levels, Horizons, Knowledge Enhancement and OCP just to mention a few. The more you participate the more fun you will have, GUARANTEED!! Ride Safe Randy and Delores Galloway Assistant Chapter Directors Mac & Janice McGlothlin Chapter Y’s Motorist Awareness Program Coordinators I would like to share what GWRRA says about motorist awareness. The Motorist Awareness Program (MAP) of GWRRA through a Share The Road Campaign will pursue three aspects of motorist awareness. Each of the three aspects listed below will support each other. Awareness Education will provide motorists with first-class professional education through certified seminar presentations. The presentations will be developed for various audiences educating them to better understand motorcyclists, to better understand the risks involved, to heighten their awareness of motorcycles, and what they can do to prevent crashes. “Drive Aware.” This motorist awareness advertisement serves as a reminder to motorists that they share the road with motorcycles. Public Relations refers to interacting with the public to reflect highly on GWRRA. *Paraphrased from GWRRA’s website under Motorist Awareness: Our goal in this area is to build rapport with motorists and leave them with the feeling that motorcyclists are real people who could be a relative, neighbor, or friend. Read more at GWRRA’s site. April 2013 Page 3 n visio i D ion r ucat d E cato u r e d d E Ri ter p a nkin h u C D ray Mur Wintry weather is just about over and I hope everyone enjoyed all the non-riding activities and training that have been made available to us during the past months. But now the riding season is upon us and we get to enjoy the real reason we get together.....THE RIDE, with friends. I think we are all comfortable with our friends riding close to us in a group but I would like to take this opportunity to review some of techniques of group riding. Arrive at the departure site on time and ready to go with a full tank of gas. Your motorcycle should be prepped and a T-CLOCS inspection done prior to your arrival. The riders and co-riders should also be prepped for the entire ride. Prior to departure, a rider’s meeting will be held where the leaders and tail gunners will be identified. Routes, fuel stops, lunch stops, and any concerns about the ride will be discussed. CB and hand signals should be verified and anyone without a CB should ride behind a rider with a CB. A group should be no more than 8 to 10 riders and split into 2 or more groups if necessary. There should be a rider with a full tool kit, first aid kit and possibly a defibrillator in each group. Once the ride starts, we ride in a staggered formation in most conditions as called for by the leader. In a staggered formation, the leader will take the left track of the lane and the next rider takes the right track. The rest of the group will follow in the same pattern at about 1 second intervals or 2 second intervals behind the motorcycle in the same track. The leader will call for a single file formation as conditions warrant. A single file formation is preferred on a curvy road, construction, poor visibility, poor road conditions, etc. We should automatically switch to single file when taking a ramp on or off an interstate and switch automatically to stagger when the maneuver is completed. When riding single file, keep the intervals at 2 seconds or greater as conditions warrant. While riding, be alert to hazards called out by the leader and keep track of the riders around you. The co-rider can help in these areas also with hand signals. The leader will set and maintain the speed and the riders in the group should maintain the proper intervals. But, we all know that keeping a perfect riding formation only occurs in a perfect world. So, if the rider behind you falls too far behind, slow down a little to allow him (or her) to catch up. This will hopefully allow the group to maintain a more steady speed without pressure to ride fast to catch up. I'm not aware of any rules for CB use in the group, but we should be aware that it is the main channel of communication for the leader to use to alert the group of hazardous conditions. The tail gunner will repeat and acknowledge any communications the leader makes to the group. The CB is also for group use and I would like to suggest that if 2 riders transmit at the same time, the tail gunner request a repeat of the last communication if it is important to the group. Hopefully, only one person will respond. Some of us start talking before the CB is transmitting so my second suggestion is to trigger the CB and then start talking to cut down on confusion. If a problem occurs where a rider has to drop out of the group, the rider will notify the leader via the CB and the tail gunner will drop out to assist if there is no place for the entire group to stop. The second to last rider in the group will become tail gunner. Once the group finds a place to stop, they will wait until the problem is resolved and continue on as a group. If we happen upon a motorcycle crash scene, we will stop and assist as warranted. Lastly, if anyone, for any reason, needs to stop, signal the need for a stop and the entire group will stop at the next convenient location. This is an unwritten law of the road for us. We like to ride but sometimes we just need to stop. Ride safe and see you next ride. Murray Dunkin Y’s Rider Educator April 2013 Page 4 Chapter Team Members GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Motorist Awareness Mac & Janice McGlothlin (615) 969-4746 NATIONAL DIRECTOR Jere Goodman (347) 564-1161 Director@gwrra.org Store Keeper & Sunshine Activities Robby & Lynda Roberts (615) 898-0271 21423 North 11th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (CST) Visitation Coordinators Jeff & Teresa Hill (615) 494-5315 (800) 843-9460 http://www.gwrra.org Webmaster Tim Malone (615) 848-0826 REGION N WEB SITE http://www.region-n.org Retread/Ride Coordinator Randy Galloway (615) 893-0556 Trainers Jim & Brenda Sterling (615) 355-1761 Historian Betsy Malone (615) 848-0826 Dinner Ride Coordinator Leonard Costanzo (615) 887-1467 50/25/25 Coordinators Leonard Costanzo (615) 887-1467 Wade Bassett (931) 212-4010 Newsletter Editor Debbie Kilgore (615) 890-2166 REGION “N” TEAM DIRECTORS Alan & Carolyn Little WEBMASTER: Tim Malone TREASURER Sharon Simonick RIDER EDUCATORS Kyle T. & Mitzela Craig MOTORIST AWARENESS Wayne & Elva Grant LEADERSHIP TRAINERS Tommy & Pam Meador MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT COORDINATORS Russell & KJ Kimmet REGION N COUPLE OF THE YEAR Tommy & Gayle Wilson TENNESSEE DISTRICT WEB SITE http://www.tngwrra.org TENNESSEE DISTRICT TEAM DIRECTORS Richard & Becky Griffin (615) 533-4603 bluovalg@comcast.net WEBMASTER: Jim Lester jimlester21@gmail.com ASSISTANT DIRECTORS Ron & Darlene Janes (931) 510-9703 rojan65@yahoo.com Alan & Glenda Keough (901) 494-9053 g.keough@live.com Bill & Debbie Archer (931) 489-9337 plumbdone34@yahoo.com Jim & Beverly Rambo (423) 653-6117 b.j.rambo@epbfi.com TREASURER Cindy & Mike Burkitt (615) 848-0857 cdburkitt@att.net DISTRICT EDUCATORS Gary & Patti Hamilton (865) 982-7905 garyahamilton@charter.net ASSISTANT DISTRICT EDUCATORS Roger & Marie Crowe (423) 892-2976 racrowe1@comcast.net LEADERSHIP TRAINERS David & Marie McGill (423) 883-4727 dwmacman@hotmail.com MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT COORDINATORS Reginald & Kim Seymour (901) 355-5106 reginaldandkim@hotmail.com 2012 TN DISTRICT COUPLE OF THE YEAR Boyd & Dianne Hixson webwingnit@gmail.com (423) 775-0601 April 2013 Page 5 You may recognize these old sayings. The colors have been changed to protect the purple. To thine own self be purple. A rolling stone gathers no purple. All’s well that ends purple. Purple makes the world go round. Have a grape day! If you would like to order a Chapter shirt, jacket, hat, or other chapter apparel, Y will do its best to accommodate your needs. Do you need to update the pins and patches on your Chapter Y vest? Check with Y at the next gathering. Y will see what it can do for you. Think purple! Your Storekeeper, Robby Roberts Robby & Lynda Roberts Storekeeper & Sunshine Activities Are you able to help? Elena Stout Crystal Garrison David Atteberry Graison Sweeney Cathy Land Cindy Burkitt & Maryanne Maulbeck Delores Galloway & Mathew Thomas Teresa Hill Andrew Heiland & Doris Thomas Robby Roberts John Deal Ashley Neal April May June We appreciate YOU!!! THANKS EVERYONE SO MUCH!!! 8 19 23 24 26 28 30 Your Birthday What goes up but never comes down? Larry & Sandy Tipton Johnny & Brenda Victory Wade & Carolyn Bassett Ken Crabtree Carroll & Peggy Long Mike & Amy Jackson Dennis & Janie Mankin Glenn & Debbie Kilgore Mike & Cindy Burkitt Bob McClung & Maryanne Maulbeck When is a birthday cake like a golf ball? When it’s been sliced 3 7 9 10 11 12 14 18 19 24 26 27 Thanks are extended to all Y participants who assist Bill Sloan in the breakfast room of Sloan’s Supercenter the third Saturday of each month by cooking sausages, serving drinks, general clean up, and greeting fellow motorcyclists present for Y’s Gatherings. Please look for the sign-up sheet at Y’s gathering for 2013 breakfast helpers! You know you’re getting older when styles come back for the second time and you still have some left from the first time. When I told my doctor about my loss of memory, he made me pay in advance. Love is photogenic...it needs darkness to develop. April 2013 Page 6 Glenn & Debbie Kilgore Y’s Membership Enhancement Program Coordinators *Shared from Region N’s The Appalachian Gazette April 2013* Kickstands up! Wingin’ it with Russ & Kj…. One of the most exciting duties of our position as Region N Membership Enhancement Program Coordinators is recognizing our members for outstanding accomplishments. We are especially proud, and it is our pleasure to announce the 2012 Region N Chapter of the Year is Tennessee Chapter Y. Max and Renee’ Thomas were presented this award at their Chapter’s Fun Day on March 23, 2013 on behalf of the entire Region N Core Team. As former CDs for Chapter Y, they in turn presented the Eagle to the present Chapter Directors Ed and Mary Ann Grazier, who stated they would gladly accept on behalf of their chapter. On behalf of the entire Region N Team, we also send our congratulations to North Carolina Chapter P2, Virginia Chapter L and West Virginia Chapter E for participating in the Chapter of the Year Program. These Chapters serve their Districts as District Chapter of the Year. Thank you for participating and documenting all the FUN had during 2012. We cannot wait to see what 2013 will bring! We also want to recognize the following members of Region N for becoming certified as a Membership Enhancement Program Trainer through the GWRRA University: Gayle and Tommy Wilson, Region N Couple of the Year and VA MEPC Richard Griffin, Tennessee District Director Jan Peterson, Tennessee Chapter Q Chapter Director Paula Jones, Tennessee Chapter Q MEPC Ken Taylor, Virginia District Trainer Ed Grazier, Tennessee Chapter Y Chapter Director. Russ & KJ Kimmet Region N Membership Enhancement Program Coordinators April 2013 Page 7 Chapter “Y” Trainers Jim & Brenda Sterling Whoa...hold on...is that right?...It’s only a few days until TN District’s Spring Fling! It’s time for some last minute checking and planning. Let’s see...preregistration and motel registrationDONE- T-CLOC of the bike and trailer-DONE-list of things to pack: clothes, toiletries, first aid kit, medications, quarters-DONE. Quarters for Y’s Pass The Trash Game...that reminds me. What else are we doing? Oh, where is that Spring Fling Daily Schedule? Here it is...ok, let’s do a rundown...preregistration packet pick-up, vendors, ticket sales, tours...and Rider’s Education and Leadership Training Program classes. Ok, I’ll look over the list of classes for each day and check off the ones I have taken and highlight the ones I would like to take. Let’s see...I’ve taken this one and that one. Good, here’s one I’ve been waiting to take whenever it was offered. No to that one...no...yes, another good one, and this class is a must. I’ll get with Brenda now and compare my list of classes I want to take and things I want to do with her list. I need to remember to bring our LTP record-keeping tri-folds. Well, look at this...I know she wants to attend the Ladies Only Rally Get-Together on Saturday. All right, Chapter Y, it’s now your turn to plan your FUN at Spring Fling! Ride Safe to Spring Fling and let’s learn something new! Jim & Brenda Sterling Y’s Leadership Trainers Jeff and Teresa Hill & M Y’s Visitation Coordinators Call us at (615) 494-5315 or e-mail at thill88@bellsouth.net Hello from Jeff and Teresa. For our new members GWRRA acronyms are explained as they are mentioned in conversation. For example, “I took an LTP class entitled How To Have Fun at a Rally.” LTP translates to Leadership Training Program. As we have visited sister chapters we have learned some funny STCs-Senior Texting Codes. See below for just a few: ATDO: At The Doctor’s Office BFF: Best Friend Fainted CGU: Can’t Get Up FWIW: Forgot Where I Was LWO: Lawrence Welk’s On GHA: Got Heartburn Again OMMR: On My Massage Recliner ROFO...CGU: Rolling On Floor Laughing-Can’t Get Up You just cannot imagine the fun you will have when you visit with others! Come on along and let’s ride and visit this month. Ride safe and we’ll see you on the road! April 2013 Page 8 April & May’s Thursday Dinner Rides April 25 No planned ride due to Spring Fling. *(If you are unable to attend Spring Fling, you may wish to meet at Sloan’s at 5:45 to coordinate a ride. )* Leonard Costanzo & Mikki Bourland Y’s Dinner Ride Coordinators May 2 Blue Agave Mexican-1935 S. Church Street-Murfreesboro May 9 Legends Restaurant-1918 Almaville Road-Smyrna May 16 Bell Buckle Café-Bell Buckle Len & Mikki invite you to ride with Y! May 23 Monells’ at the Manor-1400 Murfreesboro Pike-Nashville May 30 Jiffy Burger-1001 Hillsboro Blvd.-Manchester Restaurants welcome large groups if we give them time to prepare for us. Each week e-mail me with a headcount at wyaatt24@gmail.com if you can join Y or call me at (615) 887-1467. Hello. I am Leonard Costanzo, Y’s Thursday Dinner Ride Coordinator. Y has not eaten at a Monell’s in quite a while. They do not take reservations so we need to arrive together-6:45 to 7:00- in order to be seated together. May’s schedule has a couple of rides close to home so we might extend our rides with DQ ice cream dessert stops to close out the evenings. We also look forward to venturing out on country roads for some enjoyable cycling. Be on the lookout for possible “Bug Run” dinner rides. They are a lot of fun. Please note my e-mail address and cell phone number listed above. Continue to R.S.V.P if you will be riding and eating with the Chapter each week. If anyone has any new ideas or places to look into for future dinner rides, please e-mail me the information, check your calendar as well as your e-mails. You never know where we will end up. As always, have fun and be safe. Thank you. Leonard Costanzo & Mikki Bourland Y’s Thursday Dinner Ride Coordinators Y had a fun time bowling at Lanes, Trains and Automobiles. (4) Ed Grazier took home the winner’s plate of cookies for having the highest score, (3) Delores Galloway won the Early Bird RSVP Dinner Ride Raffle, (2) John & Brenda Victory and Debbie Kilgore had a good time visiting, and (1) Carroll and Peggy Long enjoyed a date night out with Chapter Y. Check your Thursday Night Dinner Ride schedule, join us and you will see why our motto is : Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge. Hello, Wade and I are looking forward to Spring Fling! Hope to see you all at Camp Jordan. Ride Safe! Wade and Carolyn Bassett Y’s Couple of the Year April 2013 Page 9 Cade’s Cove ay Gallow s e r o tors & Del ordina o C Randy e d ad/Ri Retre I think Spring has finally arrived, though we will go through a few of those white bloom winters, blackberry, dogwood, locust, and I’m sure there are a few more that I haven’t heard of, but I feel the riding weather is here. Our Retread Rides are back on the regular schedule; the first and third Wednesdays of each month, meet at Hardee’s on Old Fort Parkway at 8:45 am and depart at 9:00 am. If that schedule should change you will be notified in a separate e-mail. Check your 2013 Chapter Calendar, there are a few special Retread events like a Golf Outing or two listed. With the riding season comes the Rally and Chapter Fun Day season. Spring Fling is the first rally on our schedule, April 25th - 28th in East Ridge at Camp Jordan. I hope everyone has registered for the rally and made all your hotel reservations. The departure times for our participants will be different depending on work schedules; some will be going on Wednesday while others won’t be able to go until Friday. The Group ride will be leaving Thursday April 25th from Sloan’s; we will meet at 9:15 am and leave at 9:30 am. The group from Chapter A will join us on the ride to Spring Fling. Check your 2013 Chapter Calendar often as there are many events scheduled for your enjoyment; note Chapter A’s Fun Day on May 11th, Retreads Golf on the 15th and the Cruise In for Motorist Awareness at the Avenue Mall on Friday the 24th. Mac will publish an e-mail with the time schedule in the near future. We have many activities scheduled in the coming months but I would ask you to look forward to August 23 rd – 25th and our planned ride to Pigeon Forge for a fun weekend. This is a planned two night trip to Pigeon Forge just for the fun of it, everything from shopping to go-cart riding. We will leave fairly early on Friday morning taking the most direct but non- interstate route to Pigeon Forge; we’ll enjoy the weekend and return on Sunday. If you plan to go please let me know on or before our April gathering so I can start looking for hotel accommodations. Thanks for all you do for our chapter, ride safe and often. Randy and Delores Galloway Ride/ Retread Coordinators lone a M & Tim storian & y s t e B Hi ’s Y ter r Chap Webmaste Thank you is extended to all participants who shared cakes, pies, cookies, etc. for the Cake Walk and Bingo at Y’s Fun Day. Yes, you all did have your “Cake-Walking” shoes on, and I know that we raised a considerable amount of money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Don’t forget our 2013 photo contest: Winging Around The World. Visit any location in the U.S.A. that has an International City or Country name such as: Paris, TN (like Paris, France) or Lebanon, TN (like Lebanon, the Mediterranean Country) and take a picture of yourselves with bikes or trikes with name signs. The winner will receive registration for two for any Region N rally and a great wall hanging featuring the contest winner’s photos. Please share pictures and items for our 2013 Scrapbook. Keep shooting!!! Kodak, aka Betsy Malone April 2013 Page 10 May 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 Fri 3 Sat 4 Blue Agave Murfreesboro Retread’s Ride Elena Stout (L) Lebanon, TN 8:00 am (N) Jackson, TN 5:00 pm 5 6 7 Chapter Parking Lot Practice 8 9 10 Legend’s Restaurant Smyrna Ken Crabtree Crystal Garrison 11 Graison Sweeney Cathy Land (Z) Columbia, TN 5:30 pm (P) Springfield, TN 6:00 pm 12 Happy 13 14 David Atteberry 15 16 Mother’s Day! 18 Bell Buckle Café Bell Buckle Delores Galloway Mathew Thomas 17 Retread’s Golf Teresa Hill Armed Forces Day Cindy Burkitt (U) Cookeville, TN 6:00 pm Maryanne Maulbeck 19 Ride 20 for Kids 21 (G) Tullahoma, TN 6:00 pm 22 23 (S) Cottontown 2:00 am 24 25 Cruise In- Motorcycle Awareness Event Monell’s at the Manor Nashville Andrew Heiland Robby Roberts Doris Thomas Mike & Amy Jackson Carroll & Peggy Long 26 27 HAPPY 28 29 30 —— John Deal Glenn & Debbie Kilgore Ashley Neal (Q) Clarksville, TN ——Happy Memorial Day!6:00 pm (A) Madison, TN 6:00 pm THURSDAY NIGHT DINNER RIDES (TDR) Meet @ Sloan’s Motor Cycle & ATV Super Center @ 5:45 pm, depart promptly @ 6:00 (H) Franklin, TN 8:00 am 31 MEMORIAL DAY! Mike & Cindy Burkitt Dennis & Janie Mankin Jiffy Burger Manchester Bob McClung & Maryanne Maulbeck FRIENDS FOR FUN, SAFETY, AND KNOWLEDGE ( ) Denotes other Middle Tennessee Chapter Gatherings, Locations & Times April 2013 Page 11 Y’s Fun Day was COOL and THANK YOU, SPONSORS! Friday Night Work Crew Cooking Crew-Your Favorite Recipe-EAT OUT! Happy Registration Crew Murray Dunkin’s Appointment as Y’s Educator Silent Auction Preparations Max & Renee’ Thomas accept the Chapter of the Year Award from District Director Becky Griffin. filled with lots of great activities. Thanks to all participants who donated their time, energy, and resources to make this day a SUCCESS and thank you to our visiting Chapters for their support. There were games, food, auctions, food, hourly prizes, food, 50/50 tickets, $500. Grand Prize, and AWARDS!!! Congrats, Y, for winning both Region & District Chapter Of the Year for 2012. Thank You Letter Preparations Wade & Carolyn Bassett and Glenn & Debbie Kilgore were awarded their Rider’s Education Level 4 awards. Mac plays a new game shared by Cheryl Landwehr. Wade Bassett is counting 50/50 monies in the background. Chapter A’s Jerry & Sharon Hamilton are as happy as Y’s Mac & Janice McGlothlin for winning at the Cake Walk! April 2013 Page 12 Jeremy Wessels and the Neal Family are having a BLAST at Y’s FUN Day! Y’s treasurer, Robby Roberts, is enjoying the early part of FUN day. He will be very busy later! David & Joyce Atteberry are teeing off at Y’s Fun Day! We are having some FUN now! “You missed winning that item by this much,” Delores Galloway reports. A fun run was planned for anyone who wished to ride. If not, cards could be drawn here. “Care to play?” asks Mikki Bourland. Do Maryanne Maulbeck and Betsy Malone have this crowd’s attention or what??? Randy Galloway announces, “And the winner is…” Bingo, anybody??? Larry Tipton hands the bean bags to Region MEP Russ Kimmet. Look out! Jim Sterling exchanges Buck Owen’s money into tokens for the games. Have fun, Buckaroo! Murray Dunkin thinks he did “egg-cellent” in this game. Carol Moore and Teresa Hill are checking to be “egg-actly” sure. Crazy Hat Contest or did I really need to tell you that??? April 2013 Page 13 Taco Pie *shared by Louise Cooper, former principal of Debbie Kilgore* 1/4 cup butter 1 lb. ground beef 1/2 cup salsa 1 cup sharp cheddar cheese 2/3 cup milk 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 cup shredded lettuce sour cream (optional) 1 package Taco Bell Seasoning Mix 2 1/2 cups mashed potato flakes 1 medium tomato, chopped Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium sauce pan, melt butter. Add milk and 2 tablespoons taco seasoning. Remove from heat and add potato flakes until incorporated. Press mixture into the bottom of a 10-inch pan. Bake for 7-10 minutes until it just BARELY turns golden brown. In a medium skillet, cook beef and onions until beef is browned and thoroughly cooked. Drain grease. Add salsa and remaining taco seasoning mix. Cook until bubbly. Pour into crust. Bake for 15 minutes, or until crust is golden brown. Let cool for 5 minutes. Top with cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes. Cut and serve with sour cream. *Adaptation: You may substitute left-over mashed potatoes. Just omit the butter and milk.* Jalapeño Popper Dip 6-8 slices of bacon, diced and cooked crispy 2 8-oz packages of cream cheese, softened 1 cup of mayonnaise 4-6 jalapeno's, chopped and deseeded. The seeds will make it fiery hot.... 1 cup of cheddar cheese, shredded 1/2 cup of mozzarella cheese, shredded 1/4 cup diced green onion Topping:1 cup of crushed crackers ( I used Ritz.) 1/2 cup parmesan cheese 1/2 stick of butter, melted Preheat oven to 350.Combine all of the ingredients into a medium bowl. Stir well. Transfer to an oven proof dish. The size of the dish depends on how thick the dip is. The thicker the dip, the longer it may need to warm up. I used this stoneware dish that is round and measures 12 inches across. My dip is usually about an inch thick. Combine the topping ingredients and sprinkle all over the top of the dip. Bake the dip for 20-30 minutes Buttermilk Pie Preheat oven to 400 degrees. 1/2 cup buttermilk 1 stick butter or margarine, melted 2 large eggs 1 3/4 cup sugar 3 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon vanilla pinch of salt nutmeg Mix everything together and pour into an unbaked 9 inch pie shell. Sprinkle the top lightly with fresh nutmeg. Bake 15 minutes at 400 degrees. Reduce to 350 degrees and bake about 45 minutes longer. Cool to allow the filling to set. *Adaptation: This pie is rich. You could use a little less sugar and add 1 tablespoon more flour.* *I have sometimes reduced the sugar by 2 tablespoons and increased the flour.* April 2013 Page 14 Y’s Motorcyclist Awareness Coordinators, Mac & Janice McGlothlin, led a Sunday ride to Lynchburg, TN. It was a GREAT day to cycle!!! Took a look down an eastbound road, Right away I made my choice Headed out to my big three-wheeler, I was tired of my own voice Took a bead on the southern plains And just rolled that power on. Lyrics by Bob Seger- Roll Me Away *Adapted by Debbie Kilgore* Carroll Long Mac & Janice McGlothlin Larry & Sandy Tipton Max Thomas Objects in mirror appear FUN & FAST! Moore County’s 100 year old Courthouse is behind Carroll Long and Glenn Kilgore. Debbie Kilgore reports that a Moon Pie is one of 11 cult foods consumers crave. In the 1950’s , Big Bill Lister sang about “RC Cola and Moon Pie,” but no one knows why they became famous together. One theory says: during the Depression, they were both cheap (a nickel a piece), and they came in bigger portions than their competitors. They became known as the working man’s lunch. Life moves at a slower pace in Lynchburg. Relax, Larry & Sandy Tipton advise. If you were not able to ride with Y on this beautiful Sunday ... Guess who we ran into... Mitchell & Judy Johns from Chapter Z. This Cowboy Wisdom quote fits an iron horse or a live one. April 2013 Page 15 Len Costanza, Mikki Bourland, Robby Roberts, Ed & Mary Ann Grazier, Earl & Cathy Barnes, Randy & Delores Galloway, Larry & Sandy Tipton, Murray Dunkin, and Glenn & Debbie Kilgore are ready for a Saturday excursion. Saddle Up! Trees are blooming, everything is turning green again, and Y couldn’t be happier to welcome Spring’s warm riding weather. Green means go. Have you ever seen traffic lights like these? Very Unusual! Jerry & Sharon Hamilton from Chapter A joined in the FUN with Chapter Y! CUTE! When Y arrived at the Mammoth Cave Visitor Center, the first order of business was to decide which tour to enjoy. Y noted that there was a Violet Lantern Tour. Violet translates to PURPLE, but it was a 3 hour tour; so Y chose the Mammoth Passage Tour for 1 1/4 hours. Randy said that if everybody kept up with their tickets and listened, he would buy ice cream for everybody when the tour ended. You’ll have to ask Murray why we did not earn an ice cream treat when we finished our tour. To the left, Ranger Terry begins our informative passage tour. April 2013 Page 16 You are journeying from light to dark, descending into a sunless world where the weather is changeless, and time seems frozen. This is the middle ground between light and dark—“The Twilight Zone.” The Twilight Zone is an area around cave entrances where there is still enough natural light to see. Without artificial lighting, the cave beyond would be totally dark. Legend has it that the first European to discover the cave was John (or his brother Francis) Houchin in 1797. Y sees the light at the end of the tunnel! Delores Galloway says, “Well, this should just about wrap up my aerobics for the week!” Glenn & Debbie Kilgore Murray Dunkin Randy & Delores Galloway Robby Roberts Jerry & Sharon Hamilton Ferry Boat Mammoth Cave was discovered more than 5,000 years ago. It is the longest known cave system in the world, with more than 390 miles of explored caverns and passageways. Creatures that have spent their whole lives in Mammoth Cave adapt to the dark world. Some types of cave fish do not develop eyes—supporting these unnecessary organs would consume precious energy in their nutrient-poor environment. Murray Dunkin says, “ Piece of Cake!” Len Costanza & Mikki Bourland Earl & Kathy Barnes FOOD! April 2013 Page 17 *Shared from GWRRA’s Insight March 2013* April 2013 Page 18 *Shared from The Appalachian Gazette April 2013* You’re not the smartest member on your team. Hello Region N. This article is directed primarily at directors and leaders at any level, and folks who have an inkling or desire to become a leader. You’re not the smartest member on your team. WHAT??? In fact, if you’re smart you’ll realize that you don’t need to be the smartest person on your team. Your smarts should be revealed by the team you build. I read a story about the leader of a very powerful, small country many years ago. This guy had been appointed King and was feeling pretty important. He loved being the center of attention. Then one day his father-in-law came to visit him and his daughter. It seems the next week was “take your father-inlaw to work week” so the older gentlemen accompanied his very successful, powerful son-in-law to observe him on the job. He saw how folks revered and respected the King, how they went to him with all their problems. In fact, the entire first day was consumed with a very long line of the town’s folks who lined up to present their needs and questions to the king for his wisdom and solutions. This was all he accomplished that day, and still the line continued with problems for his next days. His father-in -law took note of this and suggested he appoint a committee to take care of many of these menial problems, freeing him up for the really important issues like the country’s economy and security. Strangely, the King actually listened to his father-in-law and took his advice. Thus, delegation was born in his country. He and his country thrived because he learned this crucial lesson. A successful team doesn’t mean that the smartest person on the team is necessarily the team leader. Each member has strengths - areas in which they should be very involved. There are also areas they’re not best equipped to handle. Do you know which areas you need to leave to someone else? Maybe you don’t, but be assured… your spouse knows! And the other members of your team know. Listen to them. They’re there to support in the areas you need help. Be transparent, be open and listen. Then YOU’LL know those areas. The head of a large, very successful organization remarked that he wasn’t in charge because he was the smartest. He’s in charge because he got there first. Just because you inherited the leadership position doesn’t give you card blanche in the wisdom well. So, if you want to look really smart, let the really smart people on the team do their jobs. You’ll look like a “Jenius”! (Maybe I should let my spell check do its job.) Alan and Carolyn Little GWRRA Region N Directors April 2013 Page 19 RICHARD AND BECKY GRIFFIN I am grateful for this opportunity to tell all of you about Spring Fling 2013 “Winging Around Choo-Choo Town”. This year, after about 20 years, we decided to move Spring Fling out of Pigeon Forge. This was a big decision to go against the norm after a long successful run in Pigeon Forge. We decided to move to East Ridge, Tennessee after a thorough search for a suitable facility and a community that was really excited to see us come to town. The Chattanooga Visitors Bureau made us feel welcome and East Ridge rolled out the red carpet. We will open on April 25th at noon and get the fun started. Thursday evening we will have a meal, followed by a Bike Light Show. We will then have a combination of Light/Grand Parade through 5 miles in East Ridge. This will be escorted by local Law Enforcement and the City is promoting this to the general public and plan to line the streets to welcome us. So get your bike ready and let’s show them we really appreciate their involvement by having a large turn-out. We are working with Chattanooga to offer discounts on local attractions and will have a booth set up in the arena to answer any questions you may have about the local area. We will start off Friday with our District Couple of the Year Selection followed by our Opening Ceremonies. I am looking forward to our great Chapter Couples putting their best foot forward and just maybe you will see the next Region Couple in action. Friday will be full of activities, we have a large number of vendors for you to get your Bling on, so show them you are loyal customers. Our corporate sponsor, Southern Powersports Honda, will be set up and giving demo rides on all the latest models, and after spending a full day on the new F6B recently, I can tell you to take this opportunity to ride one, it is a whole new experience for a Goldwing. They will also be offering local guided rides for free to show you some of the local countryside and mountain routes for your riding pleasure. Friday night we have a full evening of entertainment for you with three professional acts in the amphitheater. We will start off with a Bluegrass Band, then a comedian will follow to keep you laughing while the stage is changed for a classic old time rock and roll band to wrap up the evening. I guarantee you will enjoy this. Saturday morning will open with our Bike Show, and we will have Bike games, and yes, we will make this very interesting and you won’t want to miss this. After a full day of activities and fun we will have the Closing Ceremonies in the amphitheater, where we will be giving away some great prizes, and our Grand Prize, an Escapade Trailer by California Sidecar. So as you can tell we have a big weekend planned for you, so for full details and hotel information go to our District Website, www.tngwrra.org, and get your registration in. We would love to have all of our friends across Region N to join us in East Ridge and we will do our best to be gracious hosts. Y, don’t lose your train of thought, and don’t be a train wreck about to happen! Join us as we ride to TN District’s Spring Fling-Winging Around Choo-Choo Town! Let’s play trains! Richard & Becky Griffin Tennessee District Directors April 2013 Page 20 TENNESSEE CHAPTER GATHERINGS Chapter A ---- Last Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Golden Corral 315 Old Lebanon Dirt Road, Hermitage, TN CD: Troy & Vickie Hurt; 615-351-6629 Chapter A2---- 4th Monday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm Ryan’s Buffet, 1053 Hunters Crossing, Alcoa, TN 37701 CDs: Dale & Ernest Hall ; 423-836-8635 Chapter B ----1st Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm: Shoney's 2405 Andersonville Hwy, Clinton, TN 37716- exit 122 east on Rt. 61 off I-75 North of Knoxville at the Museum of Appalachia exit next to the new Tommy's Motorsport Cycle Store. Sr. CDs: Tom & Kathy Peck; 423-907-9712 Chapter C ---- 3rd Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Mama's House Buffet , 2608 North John B Dennis Hwy, Kingsport, TN. CDs: Richard & Connie Pendleton ; 423-245-8484 Chapter C2— 3rd Saturday ~ Eat 8:00 am/Meet 9:00 am : Ryan’s Steak House 2854 North Main, Crossville, TN CDs: Alex & Diane Alenitsch; 239- 542-0452 Chapter F ---- 2nd Tuesday ~ Eat 6:30 pm/Meet 7:30 pm : Shoney’s, 1933 West Andrew Johnson Hwy (11E), Morristown, TN. CDs: George & Lenora Baker ; 423-231-7948 Chapter G ---- 3rd Thursday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Damron’s Restaurant, 714 E Lincoln Tullahoma, TN. CDs: Larry & Shirley Brown; 931-205-6318 Chapter G2 ----1st Monday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : IHOP , 1802 Parkway, Sevierville, TN. CDs: Roland & Peggy Groleau 865-313-0428 Chapter H---- 4th Saturday ~ Eat at 8:00 am / Meet at 9:00am : Honda of Cool Springs, 1096 West McEwen Dr, Franklin, TN. CDs: David & Barbara Jordan; 931-607-5836 *Note Change: No gathering in April due to Spring Fling.* Chapter L ---- 1st Saturday ~ Eat 8:00 am./Meet 9:00 am : Ryan's, 405 S. Cumberland , Lebanon, TN. CDs: Andrew & Debbie Smith; 615-784-9772 (615-78GWRRA) Chapter M ---- 2nd Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : 550 Fort Loudon Medical Center Drive, Lenoir City, TN 37772. CDs: James Whitener; 423-836-1590 Chapter N ---- 1st Saturday ~ Eat 5:00 pm/Meet 6:00 pm : Old Country Store, 56 Casey Jones Lane #A, Jackson, TN. Sr. CDs: Tony & Lori Douglas; 731-676-9917 Chapter O ---- 1st Saturday ~ Eat 9:00 am/Meet 10:00 am : Golden Corral, 350 Stuart Rd. NE (I-75 Exit 27), Cleveland, TN. 37312. CDs: Brenda & Randy Perkinson; 423-339-9669 *Chapter O will not have a July gathering due to Wing Ding.* Chapter P ---- 1st Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Catfish House, 3424 Tom Austin Highway Springfield, TN 37172. CDs: Gary & Donna Warfield; 615-384-1872 Chapter Q ---- Last Monday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Golden Corral 2811 Wilma Rudolph Blvd, Clarksville, TN. 37040-5002. CDs: Dennis & Jan Peterson; 931-302-5283 *Note Change: May 27th Gathering is moved to June 1st, Q’s Fun Day.* Y lives to ride… Y rides to live... Why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway? April 2013 Page 21 Chapter S ---- 3rd Saturday ~ Eat 2:00/Meet 3:00 pm : Johnson’s Crossroads Café & Market 3200 Highway 25 Cottontown, TN. CDs: Ronny & Dee England; 615-428-4611 *Chapter S is having their Fun Day & Bike Show June 15th.* Chapter T ---- 4th Tuesday ~Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : IHOP 5604 Merchants Center Blvd. Knoxville TN 37918 CDs: Brian & Loretta Richards; 865-332-3966 Chapter U ---- 2nd Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Nicks 895 South Jefferson, Cookeville, TN. CDs: Glenn & Vickie Stockton ; 931-260-6513 CDs: Chapter V ---- 2nd Saturday ~ Eat 9:00 am/Meet 10:00 am: Honda Southern Power Sports, 1394 Workman Road, Chattanooga, TN CD: Gary Boyd ; 423-718-6807 Chapter W2 ----3rd Saturday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Perkins, 1340 S. Germantown Pkwy, Memphis, TN. CDs: Ivan & Leesa Coburn; 870-739-1079 Chapter Y ---- 3rd Saturday ~ Eat 8:00 am/Meet 9:00 am : Sloan's Motorcycle, 2233 NW Broad St. (Hwy 41) , Murfreesboro, TN. CDs: Ed & Mary Ann Grazier; 615-459-4499 Chapter Z ---- 2nd Saturday ~ Eat 5:30 pm/Meet 6:30 pm : Bonanza Steak House, 800 S. James M. Campbell Blvd (at the Columbia Mall), Columbia, TN. CDs: Charlie & Pam Huffman; 931-215-1650 Help Us Keep The Visitation Program “Alive & Well” In Tennessee Y’s Assistant Chapter Director and Ride Coordinator, Allen and Dottie Wessels are ready for some safe night- time riding with the reflective piping on their jackets. PMS-Parked Motorcycle Syndrome Randy Galloway, is checking his list and checking it twice to make sure Y’s ride is SAFE and FUN!!! April 2013 Page 22 Are you looking for something to do? Look no further. There's always something going on in Tennessee, or nearby. April 2013 25-27 TN District-Spring Fling-Camp Jordan, East Ridge, TN “Winging Around Choo-Choo Town” May 2013 1 TN-C 14th Annual St. Jude Benefit Golf Tournament-Blountville, TN 11 TN-A Fun Day-Gladeville Community Center-Mt. Juliet, TN Ha 18 TN-C 30th Annual Roan Mountain Steakout pp y2 0th ,T NC hap June 2013 Bring your own Plate, Fork & Knife! 1 TN-Q Fun Day-Midsouth Motorplex-Clarksville, TN 8 TN-H & TN-Z Combined Ride for Kids Fun Day-Franklin, TN ter A! 15 TN-S Bike Show and Fun Day-Details TBA August 2013 1 TN-C 4th Annual Putt-Putt Golf Tournament for St. Jude’s Hospital-Kingsport, TN April 2013 Page 23 Don’t forget to visit and support our sponsors that have advertisements in our newsletter. Their support is very Important to us and your support is very Important to them! 2013 REGION N CONVENTION SCHEDULE SPRING FLING Tennessee District Convention Camp Jordan Arena, East Ridge, Tennessee 25 - 27 April, 2013 DOWN HOME RALLY 2013 THE WEST VIRGINIA DISTRICT CONVENTION SUMMERSVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA 13 - 15 June 2013 THE GWRRA NATIONAL OFFICE PRESENTS WING DING 35 TD Convention Center, Greenville, South Carolina 3 - 6 July 2013 THE BLAST THE KENTUCKY DISTRICT PRESENTS Frankfort Convention Center, Frankfort, Kentucky 8 - 10 August, 2013 The North Carolina District Presents WINGS OVER NORTH CAROLINA CABARRUS ARENA & EVENTS CENTER, Concord, NC 26 - 28 September, 2013 RALLY IN THE VALLEY THE VIRGINIA DISTRICT CONVENTION THE SALEM CIVIC CENTER, SALEM, VIRGINIA 10 - 12 October, 2013 April 2013 Page 24