hdtv ultrahd digital - Deutsche TV
hdtv ultrahd digital - Deutsche TV
3DTV IPTV OTT USABILITY HBBTV SECOND SCREEN ULTRA HD DISTRIBUTION INTEROPERABILITY DIGITAL DIVIDEND HDTV EPG ENCRYPTION DISPLAY SATELLITE VIDEO ON DEMAND DVB-T2 CABEL CLOUD MEDIA TECHNOLOGY SMART TV DIGITAL INTERCONNECTION STANDARDIZATION MOMENTUM AND INTERCONNECTION Hardware Manufacturers Commerci Broadcas State Media Authorities The audiovisual media are engaged in a continuous process of evolution that goes along with a dynamic market: decade-old structures are disrupted, previously independent fields become interconnected, new players are joining the game. Everyone concerned GERMAN TV-PLATFORM must move along and adapt his particular business model. The DIGITALIZATION of communication and media, the ongoing advancement of broadcast standards, the growing role of the dissemination of moving images via IP, and CONVERGENCE are all breaking new ground for hardware, infrastructure, and content. As hybrid networks and devices allow the simultaneous dissemination and consumption Associations and Institutions of traditional broadcast content and OVER THE TOP Internet applications, both are now increasingly engaged in COMPETITION, vying for viewer attention. For the media and hardware industry, this creates a vast and highly dynamic new market. Universities and Research Institutes STRUCTURE AND MOTIVATION ial TV sters Public Broadcasters In the awareness that the challenges of the technological development of television as a medium could only be met in a CROSS-INDUSTRY CONSENSUS, this organization was established in 1990 as “National HDTV-Platform Germany.” In 1993, it became the “German TV-Platform” with an expanded focus on all subjects concerning AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA. Infrastructure Operators Up to this day, the German TV-Platform is the only industry-based institution for media issues in Germany with a wide INTERDISCIPLINARY membership: The almost 50 members of the German TV-Platform come from nearly all areas of the Service and Technology Providers media VALUE CHAIN. Today, the organization is increasingly concerned with the convergence process Federal and State Authorities between consumer electronics, information technology, and telecommunication, including mobile communication. PURPOSE AND MISSION The German TV-Platform PROMOTES the exchange of information and opinions between market players and various groups in society and coordinates their various interests. The German TV-Platform INFORMS the public about technological developments in the field of digital audiovisual media, the introduction of new standards, and the commercial requirements of the market players, and it sheds light on the overall market structure. In order to accomplish its objectives, the German TV-Platform forms working groups, which are charged with specific tasks and focus on specific topics. The subject matter that the working groups deal with is determined by current INNOVATIONS in technology, business models, market developments, and the regulatory framework. By CONNECTING experts from all stages of the value chain, a BRAINPOOL is created that has become the organization’s most important and most precious asset. The subject-specific activities of the German TV-Platform are developed and advanced by the WORKING GROUPS. The members of the German TV-Platform have the opportunity to become actively engaged in the interdisciplinary working groups on specific KEY ISSUES. In constructive collaboration, the working groups develop suggestions and scenarios across the industry on various subjects, with a preference for open, standard-based SOLUTIONS. As of mid-2014, there are four active working groups within the German TV-Platform. WORKING GROUPS ULTRA HD SMART TV “Ultra HD (4K) is the new buzzword of the consumer electronics industry. “Founded as ‘Hybrid Devices’ working group, the ‘Smart TV’ working group But before UHDTV can truly follow in the footsteps of HDTV, the entire has, over the past few years, made an active contribution to the triumph of production chain requires adaptations that far exceed the mere enhancement smart television in Germany. At first, the focus was on app portals, marketing of pixel resolution for new television flat panels. This working group is thus activities, and the launch of the HbbTV (Hybrid broadcast broadband TV) concerned with comprehensive improvements in the audio and video quality standard in German. In the meantime, the range of subjects has been of digital TV, including advancements in 3DTV, which will benefit significantly expanded to include user-friendliness, security, data privacy, and findability from the quadrupling of resolution, compared to Full HD. Over the next of content in the vastness of new options. Multiple screens are an important few years, Ultra HD – which, in addition to ‘4K,’ also component of media usage, and therefore the topics, comprises ‘8K’ (16 times the resolution of Full HD) – ‘search, find, and navigate,’ as well as over-the-top will enter the market in several stages, and this work- (OTT) services have been added as additional focal ing group will actively support that development.” points for the ‘Smart TV’ working group.” Stephan Heimbecher Sky Deutschland Head of the Ultra HD Working Group Jürgen Sewczyk JS Consult Head of the Smart TV Working Group BROADCAST INFRASTRUCTURE MOBILE MEDIA USE “The traditional broadcast channels – terrestrial, cable, and satellite – have “The platforms for private media consumption are shifting more and more gone digital, and with IP-based transmission, a new distribution channel has towards interconnected systems, rather than individual devices. In addition to been added. In this process, the introduction of the second-generation DVB stationary (home) and vehicle-based (in-car) networks, the cell-phone net- standard will play a role that is just as important as IPTV and Web streaming. works will play an ever-growing role. Smartphones and tablet computers are The ‘Broadcast Infrastructure’ working group is concerned with the advance- used as universal consumer devices, turning increasingly into personal media ment of distribution channels for broadcast in Germany, including frequencies and communication managers. and capacities, as well as the interference-free interaction of the various It is the purpose of this working group to describe the technology and devel- channels. Other subjects include hybrid approaches in opment of these interconnected systems and to present media supply and state-of-the-art forms of radio trans- potential new usage scenarios for their existing and mission.” future services.” Dr. Ulrich Liebenow MDR – member of ARD German Radio & TV network Head of the Broadcast Infrastructure Working Group Dr. Helmut Stein ISDM / DVB Head of the Mobile Media Use Working Group BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY The German TV-Platform is a non-profit organization based in Frankfurt/Main. The German TV-Platform’s BOARD OF DIRECTORS consists of five members – directly elected by the members at the General Meetings –, plus the heads of the working groups. The Board sets the organization’s strategic course and coordinates the interests of its members. The organization’s full members exercise their voting rights at the annual GENERAL ASSEMBLY. They elect the Board of Directors and approve the organization’s budget. The organization’s STATUTES (“Constitution”) are available in both English and German on www.tv-plattform.de in the “About Us” section of the Website. Wolfgang Elsäßer ASTRA Deutschland Chairman of the Board Andre Prahl Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland Deputy Chairman of the Board Dr. Andreas Bereczky ZDF – German Television Deputy Chairman of the Board Gert von Manteuffel Deutsche Telekom Markus Zumkeller Sony Deutschland Board Member Board Member Carine Lea Chardon ZVEI – German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers Association General Manager MEMBERS WE CREATE PUBLICITY One of the priorities in the German TV-Platform’s activities is public relations. Holger Wenk Agentur konzeptW Press Officer German TV-Platform For this purpose, we publish regular PRESS RELEASES and run a Website with comprehensive trend reports and background information (in German and English) on digital media technology. In addition, the German TV-Platform regularly publishes TV ZUKUNFT magazine With video and audio news, the German TV-Platform delivers regular plus press and EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL, especially flyers and brochures for MULTIMEDIA reports on their own events and industry meetings. The VIDEO/AUDIO NEWS are complemented by information briefs trade and consumers. on the German TV-Platform’s activities. The German TV-Platform also hosts press conferences, panel discussions, and conferences. One of the highlights is an annual SYMPOSIUM on one of the In addition, various WEB SPECIALS offer neatly structured industry’s hot topics. information on key topics, such as HDTV and smart TV. Through public statements as well as active participation in key INDUSTRY MEETINGS, the German TV-Platform also helps set the course for political decisions All of the German TV-Platform’s publications are also available on their concerning media and the Internet. www.tv-plattform.de WEBSITE. BECOMING A MEMBER German TV-Platform membership offers numerous BENEFITS, such as: • regular professional exchange with all relevant market players on an expert and decision-maker level; • early information on and the option to participate in new specifications and standards as well as their introduction in Germany; • exclusive access to certain documents in the members-only section of the Website; • additional presence at key trade/consumer shows and conferences. Any individual or corporate entity can become a member of the German TVPlatform, as long as they are willing to actively support the objectives laid out in the organization’s Statutes. To JOIN us, simply send us an informal application for membership. Members pay an annual membership fee, based on the size of their company. MILESTONES Founding “DVB-T Launch” WG Renamed German TV Platform for “TV Zukunft” HDTV and New magazine Television Systems Founding National HDTV Platform Germany 1990 German teletext goes live 1991/92 1993 Founding Digital Video Broadcasting Project (DVB) 1994 Founding “DVB-T” WG Renamed German TV-Platform 1995 1996 Launch of digital television with Premiere and DF1 PAL PLUS introduces 16:9 aspect ratio 1997 integrates HDTV Founding “MHP” WG 1998 IDR decides to switch to digital broadcasting by 2010 1999 Merger DF1 and Premiere – complete changeover to digital TV Standardization DSL / ADSL 2000 2001 2002 Start of terrestrial changeover to DVB-T in Berlin Founding “HDTV and Video Quality Improvement” Founding WG “M3 / MultiMedia Mobile” WG DVD-T quality seal by DTVP 2003 2004 Founding “Digitalization,” “Terrestrial Broadcast,” and “Hybrid Devices” WGs Founding “IPTV” WG 2005 2006 2007 2008 Launch arte HD Launch Premiere HD Launch Discovery HD Launch Anixe HD Launch Launch Launch IPTV services by Deutsche Telekom First HDTV showcase ARD (EinsFestival) ARD/ZDF road map on HDTV launch Launch Shutdown last TV transmitter for analog terrestrial broadcast 2009 Sky expands HD program bouquet Launch of HD+ with RTL HD and Vox HD Founding “Infrastructure,” “Devices and Connectivity,” and “Smart TV” WGs Founding “3D-HD-TV” WG 2010 Launch Das Erste HD and ZDF HD 2011 advances CI Plus development Launch Pro7, Sat.1, Soccer and Kabel eins Bundesliga in HD with HD+ matches in 3DTV Standardization Sky launches 3D event channel 3D with T-Entertain 2012 Termination of analog satellite TV 97 channels in HDTV Start of Ultra-HD standardization Ultra-HD (4K) showcase at IFA 2013 Sales launch of Ultra-HD TVs, Ultra-HD demo channels via satellite Founding “Mobile Media Usage,” “Ultra HD” WGs 2014 UHDTV Phase 1 Kontakt HEAD OFFICE PUBLIC RELATIONS Deutsche TV-Plattform e.V. Carine Chardon c/o ZVEI, Lyoner Straße 9 60528 Frankfurt Holger Wenk, konzeptW Chemnitzer Straße 74M 12621 Berlin Phone: +49 69 6302-311 Fax: +49 69 6302-361 E-mail: mail@tv-plattform.de Phone: +49 30 47018882 Fax: +49 30 9985174 E-mail: presse@tv-plattform.de Website: www.tv-plattform.de PUBLISHING INFORMATION Publisher: German TV-Platform e.V. Manager: Carine Lea Chardon Layout/Photo editor: Petra Dreßler, Berlin Photos: R. Bücken, Fotolia, Loewe Translation: Dr. Thomas J. Kinne, Nauheim Printing: druckteam Berlin, August 2015