to Notre Dame of Maryland University Technology Basics


to Notre Dame of Maryland University Technology Basics
to Notre Dame of Maryland University
Technology Basics
Topics to be Covered
• WebAdvisor
• Gatormail
• Network Connectivity
• Gator Print
• Virtual Help Desk
• Help Desk Info
• Joule
Web Advisor is a web based application that
allows Notre Dame Students access to course
schedules, grades, billing information and more.
How to log in to Web Advisor:
 Navigate to:
 Click Log In (located top right of the page)
 Enter your user name (in all lower case letters) and password
User name: kmoon1 (your first initial, last name, then a number)
Password: 456789 (the last six digits of your social security number)
 Click Submit
 The system will prompt you to change your password and
create a password hint.
Register for Sections on Web Advisor
 Log in to Web Advisor
 Click Search and Register for sections
 Select your term and specific course elements (Subject/Course
Level/Course Number/etc) from the drop down menus
 Click the check box beside the course that you wish to enroll in
 Click Submit
 Select Register from the drop down menu at the top of the screen
 Click Submit
 Registration results will appear on the next page
 To print this page select File then Print, or hold
down Ctrl and P to get to your Print dialog box.
Register for Sections on Web Advisor
View Grades on Web Advisor
 Login to Web Advisor
 Select the Students tab on the right hand side of the
 Click Grades (located bottom right of the page under
Academic Profile)
 Choose the term of your preference
 Click Submit
Request Transcript
 Login to Web Advisor
 Select the Students tab on the right of the screen
 Click Transcript Request (located bottom right of
the page under Academic Profile)
 Enter required information
 Click Submit
Student email
Log in to Gatormail
 Navigate to
 Enter user name and password formula under Sign In
(located to the right of the screen)
 User name formula is your first initial, full last name and a
number plus ‘’
 Password formula is your first and last initials in uppercase
letters and the last four digits of your social security number
plus lower case ‘ndmu’
(e.g. JD6789ndmu)
 Click Sign In
 Upon initial log in you will be prompted to change your
Forwarding Email
 Login to your e-mail account as
described above
 Click
at the top right of the screen
 Click options from the drop down menu
 Select Forward your e-mail
 Type your forwarding e-mail address under
"Forward my e-mail to:" at the bottom of the
 Click Start Forwarding
Set Up Microsoft Exchange E-Mail on an
Apple iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch
Tap Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account.
Tap Exchange.
You don’t need to enter anything in the Domain box.
Enter the information requested in the Email, Username,
and Password boxes.
 You need to enter your full e-mail address in the
Email and Username boxes (for example,
 Tap Next on the upper-right corner of the screen. Your iPhone
will try to find the settings it needs to set up your account.
Set Up Microsoft Exchange E-Mail on an
Apple iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch
 If your iPhone can’t find your settings:
 You’ll need to manually look up your Exchange ActiveSync
server name.
 Instructions on how to determine your Exchange ActiveSync
server name, is given below under the section Finding My
Server Name.
 In the Server box, enter your server name, and then
tap Next.
 Choose the type of information you want to synchronize
between your account and your device, and then
touch Save. By default, Mail, Contacts, and Calendar
information are synchronized.
Set Up Exchange E-Mail on an
Android Mobile Phone
Go to Applications menu, select Email/Mail.
Type your full e-mail address, for example, and your password, and then
select Next.
Select Exchange account. This option may be named Exchange ActiveSync on some versions of
Enter the following account information and select Next.
Domain\Username: Type your full e-mail address in this box. If Domain and Username are separate
text boxes in your version of Android, leave the Domain box empty and type your full e-mail address in
the Username box.
Note: On some versions of Android, you need to use the domain\username format. For example, if your
e-mail address is, type\ Your username is your full
e-mail address.
Password: Use the password that you use to access your account.
Exchange Server: Use the address of your Exchange server. To find this address, see “Finding the Server
Name” later in this topic.
Set Up E-Mail on a BlackBerry
From the BlackBerry home screen, click BlackBerry Setup > Set up Internet E-mail >Add An Email
Type your e-mail address and password, and then click Next.
Your BlackBerry will try to set up your e-mail account automatically. If setup completes successfully,
skip to the next step. If your e-mail account can't be configured automatically, do the following:
Click I will provide the settings to add this email account.
Scroll down, and then click Next.
Select Internet Service Provider Email (POP/IMAP), and then click Next.
Type your full e-mail address for your user name (for example,
Scroll down and type the name of your e-mail server. For information about how to find your incoming (POP3 or
IMAP4) server name, see How do I find the server settings? later in this topic.
Click Next.
Enter the name of the outgoing server. For information about how to find your outgoing (SMTP) server name,
see How do I find the server settings? later in this topic.
Click OK to complete the setup.
How to Find Your Outgoing/Incoming
E-mail Server
 Log on to your Gatormail account
 Click
then options
 Click Settings for POP, IMAP, and SMTP access...
 Use the information provided under server name, etc.
to connect your Gatormail to your phone.
Wireless and Resident
Wireless Connectivity:
 Click Start > Control Panel > Network
 Right click Wireless Network Connections Icon
 Select View available Wireless Networks
 Select
 NDM_ResNet or
 NDM_GuestNet
 Click connect
Resident Connectivity:
 Start > Control Panel >Network Connections
 Local Area Connection and Click Properties on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), near
 Obtain IP Address Automatically
 Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically
 OK in the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) properties window
 OK or Close in the Local Area Connection properties window
 All windows and Launch Internet browser
Gator Print
 Gator print allows you to send a document from any
campus owned computer and print the job at any
Canon multifunction machine on campus.
 Through card swipe technology, it protects file and
information security by allowing only the author (you)
to release the file to print.
Using Gator Print
 How Do I Access Gator Print?
The process is seamless. Your print request can be
accessed in two ways:
Swiping your NDMU ID Card
Access Gator Print through the touch screen Interface
on the Canon MFD and enter your user name and
 Any machine you see is equipped with this
solution. Simply send your job to Gator Print from any
University owned computer (in a lab or otherwise) and
release the job from the machine most convenient for
you. Public machines are located in every building on
campus making it easy to release a print job on your way to
 Locations include:
Gibbons Hall Lower Level
Fourier Hall Lower Level
Rice Hall Computer Lab
Doyle Hall Lower Level
Knott 106 and 119a
Bunting Hall Second Floor
Virtual Help Desk
 Navigate to
 Click Registered Student Portal
 Click Click here for the Secured Portal Login
 Login ID and password is the same as your network login
 Click “Help Me With…” on the left side of the page
 Get help on the virtual help desk with applications like:
Web Advisor
Network Connectivity
And many other programs
Help Desk Info
 Located in Rice Hall
 Computer labs 106 and 102 hours during Fall and Spring
 Monday – Thursday: 8:00 am – 11:00 pm
 Friday:
 Saturday:
 Sunday:
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
10:00 am – 11:00 pm
 Contact:
 Phone: (410) 532-5200
Joule is NDMU's Learning Management System used to
deliver and facilitate online courses. Joule is available
via the Internet 24 hours per day, 7 days a week to allow
students to access informal course announcements,
submit assignments, take tests, and participate in
discussion boards.
Login in to Joule
 Navigate to
 Click on login in the upper right corner of the page
 Enter your NDMU username and password. In the upper right corner
of the page, you will see “You are not logged in”. Click the link, “Login”
to access to your account.
Accessing Courses on Joule
Your courses for the
semester are listed under
Navigation > My Courses
in the right navigation bar.
You can also click on Customize this page at the top right
of the page to modify your Home screen.